IAREP newsletter November 2011 IAREP International Association for Research in Economic Psychology http://www.iarep.org/

November 2011 Newsletter

The IAREP Newsletter is issued by the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology as an announcement bulletin for its members.

Contributions to this newsletter are welcome. To submit contributions please e-mail Ofer Azar ([email protected] ). Relevant items include information about conferences, workshops, special issues of journals or other activities in economic psychology, behavioral , and related fields.

If you are a IAREP member and want to send an e-mail to all other IAREP members, you can do so by sending an e-mail to [email protected] . The administrator of this mailing list is IAREP administrative officer, Sandie McHugh, [email protected] .

Newsletter Editor: Ofer Azar Department of Business Administration Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management Ben-Gurion University of the Negev P.O.B. 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel E-mail: [email protected]

1 IAREP newsletter November 2011

IAREP Officials

President: David Leiser Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel E-mail: [email protected]

Honorary Secretary: Tomasz Zaleskiewicz Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland E-mail: [email protected]

Honorary Treasurer: Rob Ranyard University of Bolton, UK E-mail: [email protected]

Editors, Journal of Economic Psychology: Erik Hoelzl University of Cologne, Germany e-mail: [email protected]

Erich Kirchler University of Vienna, Austria e-mail: [email protected]

Past President: Alan Lewis University of Bath, UK E-mail: [email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Ofer Azar Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel E-mail: [email protected]

Administrative officer: Sandie McHugh University of Bolton, UK E-mail: [email protected]

Mailing addresses of the above officials and IAREP officials in the immediate past are listed on http://www.iarep.org/officials.htm

A full list of previous IAREP officials appears on http://www.iarep.org/archive_officials.htm

ICABEEP Executive Committee : Ofer Azar (Chairperson), Gerrit Antonides, Vera Rita de Mello Ferreira, Louis Lévy-Garboua, Charlotte Phelps and Gideon Yaniv

2 IAREP newsletter November 2011

Table of Contents Editorial ...... 4 From the President's Chair ...... 5 Call for Nominations ...... 6 IAREP Membership Renewals ...... 6 IAREP Administrative Office ...... 6 IAREP General Assembly Minutes ...... 7 IAREP conference 2012 in Wroclaw (Poland) ...... 8 Elsevier/IAREP/ICABEEP Best Student Paper Competition 2012 ...... 9 SABE/IAREP/ICABEEP Conference ...... 10 Call for proposals for joint SABE-IAREP-ICABEEP activities ...... 10 ICABEEP (The International Confederation for the Advancement of and Economic Psychology) news ...... 11 Report on the Journal of Economic Psychology 2010-2011 ...... 12 ICABEEP-IAREP-SABE Workshop: Expectations and Forecasting in Consumer Behavior ...... 12 STEP 2: STEEP – The second Summer school on Theories in Environmental and Economic Psychology ...... 14 Bay Area Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop Joint IAREP-SABE-ICABEEP Workshop ...... 14 Results of Student Paper Competition - Exeter 2011 ...... 15 Western Economics Association International (WEAI) Annual Conference, June 29 – July 3, 2012 ...... 16 Activity of Venezuelan Chapter ...... 17 Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Psychology ...... 17 Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Psychology ...... 18 Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Socio-Economics on Culture and Economics ..... 19 8th International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioural Economics (IMEBE 2012) ...... 19 Call for papers: Non-Monetary Incentives and Economic Behavior ...... 20 NSF Workshop on Genes, Cognition and Social Behavior ...... 21 Society for Judgment and Decision Making ...... 22 2012 Socionomics Summit: New Frontiers in Research and Application ...... 22

3 IAREP newsletter November 2011


Ofer Azar

The second IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP conference that we had in Exeter, organized by Stephen Lea and his great team, was an excellent conference and it was a pleasure to see many of you there – and to have the lovely boat tour, which was even accompanied by great weather. Thanks Stephen and all the others for organizing this wonderful event! In 2012, IAREP and SABE will take a short break from joint conferences (after a long sequence of joint conferences – Rome 2008, Halifax 2009, Cologne 2010 and Exeter 2011). IAREP will have a conference in Wroclaw, Poland on September 5-8, whereas SABE will hold its conference in Granada, Spain on July 12-15. Then in 2013 the plan is to meet again for a joint SABE/IAREP/ICABEEP conference in Atlanta, US. In addition, we also continue to have joint workshops, on which you can see more details in another item in the newsletter. The impact factor of the Journal of Economic Psychology for 2010 was published and shows that the jump from 2008 to 2009 reflects a stable increase in the journal’s impact. To realize just how good these impact factors (of 1.36-1.47) are compared to other economics journals, notice that in 2009 JoEP ’s impact factor was higher than that of top economics journals such as the Journal of the European Economic Association ; Rand Journal of Economics ; Games and Economic Behavior ; European Economic Review ; Journal of Economic Theory ; and the International Economic Review . In 2010 the impact factor exceeded that of top journals such as the Rand Journal of Economics ; Economica ; European Economic Review ; Journal of Economic Theory ; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control ; and Kyklos . There is no doubt that the former Editors, Gerrit Antonides and Daniel Read, did a great job, and now the current Editors, Erik Hoelzl and Erich Kirchler, continue to develop the journal and I am sure this will be reflected in high impact factors in the following years. I hope that researchers in economic psychology in general and IAREP members in particular will continue to submit their best papers to the Journal or Economic Psychology , which is affiliated with IAREP as you probably know. Finally, I want to invite those of you who want to contribute to IAREP to submit their nomination to become the new IAREP Newsletter Editor. After four years of editing the newsletter (in two of which I also served as IAREP Honorary Secretary and webmaster), I am stepping down from this position in 2012 (the next newsletter, around May 2012, will be my last one, and the new editor will take over in the November 2012 newsletter). If you want information about the job before submitting your nomination feel free to contact me.

All the best,


4 IAREP newsletter November 2011

From the President's Chair

David Leiser Dear Friends, A few months have already passed since the superbly organized conference at Exeter, under the able guidance of Stephen Lea. I would like to thank you for your trust in electing me to serve as President. Economic Psychology and Behavioral Economics have come a long way since our Association was founded. Recognition of the pivotal interaction between our component disciplines was gradual, and over the last couple of years its importance has become clear to academics and decision makers alike, especially against the background of the crises the world economies are traversing. IAREP must continue to focus on two goals: promoting our discipline, and serving as a resource and catalyst for progress. Several changes may help here. We are currently working on the design for a revamped site for IAREP that will better serve our membership and help project an image in keeping with our desire to represent the field. Those of you who have suggestions for contents and functions for the site should feel free to share them with us, by writing to Tomasz, our Honorary Secretary ([email protected] ). The second change was actually already enacted in our General Assembly, where the role of the Country Representatives was more clearly defined and enhanced. The CR are a group of colleagues willing to devote some of their time and energy to help us move forward. The new site will include a section for CR to share their outreach initiatives and experiences. Outreach is, of course, not restricted to the country reps. I encourage all of you who have contacts in countries not yet represented in the IAREP roster to let them know about our association and encourage them to contribute to our conferences and workshops, and publish in the Journal of Economic Psychology. This is especially important in our field. Economics, psychology and cultural variations are so intertwined that our scientific work may be unintentionally narrow, perhaps misleading, if we restrict ourselves to Western countries. Finally, I believe it is time to seek, collectively, more support from the large funding agencies. This requires that more people who are aware of our unique contribution serve on or make contact with those committees responsible for allocating funds. Members who can help with advice and contacts in this matter might write directly to me ([email protected]). Let me close by urging you all to prepare for our annual conference at Wrocław, Poland, September 5-8, 2012. More details at www.iarep2012.org .

With best regards,

David Leiser


5 IAREP newsletter November 2011

Call for Nominations

Tomasz Zaleskiewicz At the General Assembly in Wroclaw (2012), we need to elect a new President-Elect, a new Treasurer, a new Secretary, and a new Newsletter Editor. We currently have one nomination for Secretary: Tomasz Zaleskiewicz, the present Honorary Secretary, who accepted this nomination. If you want to nominate candidates, please send an email to [email protected] before July 1st, 2012.

IAREP Membership Renewals

Sandie McHugh

Following my e-mail to all members on 11.10.11, I have now completed the exercise to issue all direct subscribers to IAREP with their renewal notices for 2011. If any member did not attend either the Cologne conference in 2010 or Exeter in 2011 and has not yet got round to renewing their membership please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you. Sandie McHugh, [email protected]

IAREP Administrative Office

Sandie McHugh

The International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, IAREP will need a new Administrative Office and Administrative Officer in 2012. Since 2009 this has been carried out by Sandie McHugh (Administrative Officer) and Rob Ranyard, Honorary Treasurer of IAREP, in conjunction with University of Bolton. Prior to 2009 the office was managed within the Department of Psychology, University of Exeter. The Executive Committee is interested in hearing from University Departments or Centres (preferably within the UK) to take on this paid role. For further details please contact Sandie McHugh, [email protected] or Rob Ranyard, [email protected]

6 IAREP newsletter November 2011

IAREP General Assembly Minutes

Exeter, United Kingdom, July 1 4, 2011 Prepared by Tomasz Zaleskiewicz

Executives Present: Alan Lewis (President), David Leiser (President Elect) Tomasz Zaleskiewicz (Honorary Secretary), Rob Ranyard (Honorary Treasurer), Erich Kirchler and Erik Hoelzl (JoEP Editors)

Alan Lewis introduces the agenda.

1. Approval of the Minutes from Cologne 2010 The IAREP General Assembly Minutes from Cologne, Germany (September 8, 2010) were published in the November 2010 Newsletter. The General Assembly approves the minutes without changes.

2. Editor's of JoEP Report Erik Hoelzl presents the Editor's report on the Journal of Economic Psychology . Among the many statistics reported, the increase of the number of submissions is worth mentioning. The impact factor for 2010 was 1.358 and the rejection rate was 71%. One of the concerns is that the majority of submissions are Western European. Erik Hoelzl also answers questions concerning the distribution of rejections among different geographical regions.

3. Changes in IAREP positions Alan Lewis announces upcoming changes in IAREP positions: treasurer and administrator and suggests that because of some legal reasons these positions should be kept in United Kingdom. Office should be transferred in June 2012. Ofer Azar who is the present Newsletter Editor announces that he is going to step away because of becoming the new SABE President.

4. Treasurer's Report Rob Ranyard presents the Treasurer's Report. For 2011 a sum of 1800 GBP is dedicated for joint IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP activities. The General Assembly approves the report. The report is available to IAREP members upon request (interested members should contact Rob Ranyard).

5. Collaboration and co-ordination between SABE and IAREP Ofer Azar – the Chairperson of the Executive Committee of ICABEEP – presents information about the cooperation between IAREP and SABE under the confederation of ICABEEP. One point concerns a joint financial support for future workshops and summer schools. The General Assembly approves the sum of 3000 Euros for joint IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP summer schools and workshops for 2012.

6. Information about upcoming conferences

7 IAREP newsletter November 2011

Tomasz Zaleskiewicz and Agata Gasiorowska present information about the 2012 IAREP conference to be held in Wroclaw, Poland. This presentation covers information about venue, keynote speakers, travel to Wroclaw, accommodation and preliminary schedule. Ofer Azar presents the offer of Shabnam Mousavi and Reza Kheirandish to organize the IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2013 conference in Atlanta, United States explaining most important facts concerning venue, schedule, and program. The General Assembly approves the proposal for a 2013 IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP conference in Atlanta. Christine Roland-Levy presents the proposal to organize the 2014 IAREP conference in Paris, France. This would be a joint conference with the International Congress of Applied Psychology to be held in Paris in July 2014. The General Assembly approves the proposal for a 2014 IAREP conference in Paris. Eugen Iordanescu proposes to have the 2015 IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP conference in Romania. General Assembly expressed their positive feedback and encouraged the proposers to present more detailed information next year.

7. Changes in the Country Representatives’ election rules and roles. Alan Lewis proposes changes in the Country Representatives election rule and reads the proposed formula: ‘Each country with at least one member in the Association has the right to appoint a country representative to the board. Elections will be held once every three years for all countries concerned. Re-election is allowed. Elections will be online, organized by the Executive Committee.’ It is also proposed that the next elections will be in three years. The General Assembly approves changes in Country Representatives election rule proposed by Alan Lewis. Alan Lewis proposes changes in the Country Representatives roles and reads the proposed formula: ‘The Board of Association will have as its main remit the international promotion of IAREP and that the 'general conduct of the matters of the Association' should become the remit of the Executive Committee, The General Assembly and the Board of Association.’ The General Assembly approves changes in Country Representatives roles proposed by Alan Lewis.

IAREP conference 2012 in Wroclaw (Poland)

Tomasz Zaleskiewicz

The 2012 IAREP conference is being held in Wroclaw, Poland, on 5 th -8th September. All colleagues who consider their participation can pre-register now on the conference web page (http://www.iarep2012.org ). Paper submission will begin in January 2012. We have four great plenary speakers – Kathleen Vohs, author of many inspiring studies and papers on money and self-regulation, as IAREP’s Kahnemann lecturer; Stephen Lea, leading

8 IAREP newsletter November 2011 economic and comparative psychologist; Helga Dittmar, studying the impact of consumer society on individuals' sense of identity and well-being; and Boguslaw Pawlowski, anthropologist interested in human mate preferences and evolution of risk taking, as Wroclaw’s own contribution. All the details are on the conference website at http://www.iarep2012.org , or you can email us at [email protected] .

We look forward to seeing you in Wroclaw. Tomasz Zaleskiewicz, Agata Gasiorowska, Anna helka, and Jakub Traczyk and the conference organizing committee

Elsevier/IAREP/ICABEEP Best Student Paper Competition 2012

Tomasz Zaleskiewicz

Since the Conference in Paris in 1996, IAREP has offered a prize for the best paper submitted by a student for inclusion in the program of its annual conference. Such a prize has also been offered for the IAREP/SABE joint meetings. This prize is generously sponsored by Elsevier Scientific, the publisher of the Journal of Economic Psychology . The winner of the Elsevier/IAREP/ICABEEP Best Student Paper Competition for 2012 will receive:

° A year's subscription to the Journal of Economic Psychology ° 1000 Euro The second and third place winner will receive a year's subscription to the journal.

The current rules for the competition are: • Papers should be in any field of economic psychology/ behavioral economics. • The first author of the paper must be a student and the paper should be written in English. • The paper has to be accepted for presentation at the conference. • Previous first prize winners cannot participate in the competition. • There is a page limit of a maximum of 25 pages, 12 font, double-spaced. Any appendix material is not included in the page count. • The panel will judge the papers using the following criteria: (a) interest of subject area; (b) quality of research; and (c) quality of writing. • Please note that abstracts and papers need to be submitted to the conference organizers, following the guidelines announced in the general call for papers.

This competition is judged by a prize committee of senior members of IAREP. The Committee Chair is Prof. Christine Roland-Lévy (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France). Other Committee members will be announced soon.

9 IAREP newsletter November 2011

The initial abstract submission date for the conference is the 31st of March 2012. The deadline for submitting the full paper to the student paper competition is the 15th of June 2012. To participate in the competition, you need to send your paper according to the above guidelines via email to Christine Roland-Lévy ([email protected] ).


Atlanta, US, July 2013 Shabnam Mousavi and Reza Kheirandish The next SABE/IAREP/ICABEEP Biannual Conference will be held in Atlanta in July 2013. This conference brings together scholars from across disciplines to present their theoretical, empirical or experimental work, case-studies and ideas on social, psychological and economics processes, behavioral economics, economic psychology and beyond. Atlanta has numerous unique attractions including the world’s largest aquarium, plus, you can easily find great airfares from virtually anywhere to Atlanta International Airport. More information will be available in future announcements. All queries shall be directed to conference organizers: Shabnam Mousavi ([email protected]) and Reza Kheirandish ([email protected]).

Call for proposals for joint SABE-IAREP-ICABEEP activities

Ofer Azar

On behalf of the ICABEEP Executive Committee, I am happy to announce the following Call for Proposals. In the joint IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP conference in Exeter, IAREP and SABE decided to dedicate up to 6000 Euros together to sponsor joint IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP workshops, conferences or summer schools that will take place until December 2012. In the first round of proposals (which ended in mid October) the ICABEEP Executive Committee allocated 2000 Euros towards a summer school (see http://www.asb.dk/steep/ for details). This leaves an amount of 4000 Euros for the second round of proposals. Most likely each workshop that will be chosen to be funded will receive 1000-2000 Euros. IAREP or SABE members who are interested in organizing such a workshop should submit their proposals to Ofer Azar (e-mail: [email protected]) by December 15, 2011. The proposals will then be evaluated by the ICABEEP Executive Committee. If the amount of 4000 Euros will not be exhausted in this round of proposals, a new deadline for more proposals will be announced.

Here are a few guidelines about the expected proposal: The proposal should be about 1-2 pages, detailing what the topic is, who the organizers are, the intended audience, how many participants are expected, planned keynote speakers if there are,

10 IAREP newsletter November 2011 location, duration, expected dates, rough budget, whether you plan to get additional funding (and how much and from which sources), and other details that you know already and think are relevant.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the other members of the ICABEEP Executive Committee (Gerrit Antonides, Louis Lévy-Garboua, Vera Rita de Mello Ferreira, Charlotte Phelps, and Gideon Yaniv) for their work on behalf of the committee. For more information on ICABEEP please visit http://www.iarep.org/ICABEEP.htm .

ICABEEP (The International Confederation for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology) news

Ofer Azar

On behalf of the ICABEEP Executive Committee, I am happy to report some recent news about ICABEEP activities. As most readers probably know, ICABEEP was established in the joint SABE- IAREP conference in Halifax in 2009 as a confederation that will coordinate the cooperation between SABE and IAREP and will attempt to foster this cooperation. Since then we had the first IAREP- SABE-ICABEEP conference in Cologne in 2010 and the second IAREP-SABE-ICABEEP conference in Exeter in 2011. We also had joint workshops (in Bolton and Cologne), conference (in Kentucky) and summer school (in Moscow). Some other joint activities are planned to take place in 2012. One is a Bay Area Behavioral Economics Workshop in May 2012, organized by John Ifcher and Homa Zarghamee. The workshop will take place in Santa Clara University in California. The second joint activity planned is a summer school on theories in environmental and economic psychology, to take place in July 2-6, 2012 in Aarhus, Denmark. Additional details about it are posted on http://www.asb.dk/steep/ . For 2013, we have plans for a joint IAREP-SABE-ICABEEP conference in Atlanta, organized by Shabnam Mousavi and Reza Kheirandish. I hope that you will find interest in these activities and continue to submit proposals for joint SABE- IAREP-ICABEEP workshops. I want to thank the other members of ICABEEP Executive Committee (Gerrit Antonides, Vera Rita de Mello Ferreira, Louis Lévy-Garboua, Charlotte Phelps and Gideon Yaniv) for their help in general and in particular in reviewing the proposals we received for funding. Details on ICABEEP and its activities are posted on the website http://www.iarep.org/ICABEEP.htm and you are invited to visit this website.

11 IAREP newsletter November 2011

Report on the Journal of Economic Psychology 2010-2011

Erich Kirchler & Erik Hoelzl In October 2010, we took over the editorship of the Journal of Economic Psychology from Gerrit Antonides and Daniel Read. Now, one year later, we are happy to report that the Journal is developing well. For example, we observed a considerable increase in manuscript submissions from an estimated 280 to actual 368, corresponding to about 30%. This is most likely due to the considerable increase in the impact factor which soared from 0.943 in the 2008 JCR to 1.473 in the 2009 JCR and 1.358 in the 2010 JCR and reflects the high visibility of articles published during the era of Gerrit and Daniel. Between October 2010 (31/5) and August 2011 (32/4), the Journal published three special issues: on Decision Neuroscience (31/5, guest-edited by Flemming Hansen, Peter Kenning and Hilke Plassmann), on Poverty (32/2, guest-edited by Paul Anand and Stephen E.G. Lea), and on Financial Capability (32/4, guest-edited by Arie Kapteyn and Erik Hoelzl). Overall, the Journal published 77 research articles and 5 editorial pieces during that time. All this would not be possible without the support of Jenny Henzen and Mary Shyla Sivasubramaniyam from Elsevier, and all the great work by our associate editors: Lucy Ackert, Paul Anand, Ofer Azar, Ananish Chaudhuri, Paul Dolan, Gerlinde Fellner, Simon Gächter, Tommy Gärling, Martin Kocher, Alexander Kritikos, David Leiser, Louis Levy-Garboua, Ayse Önçüler, Andreas Ortmann, Rob Ranyard and Marc Scholten. Thanks a lot for your help.

ICABEEP-IAREP-SABE Workshop: Expectations and Forecasting in Consumer Behavior

University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 26th-28th September 2011 Fabian Christandl, Erik Hoelzl, and Detlef Fetchenhauer The Department of Economic and Social Psychology at the University of Cologne held a successful ICABEEP-IAREP-SABE-sponsored workshop in September. The workshop brought together researchers from psychology, marketing, and economics interested in the role of expectations and forecasting in consumer behavior. There was one keynote lecture and 13 presentations over three days, mainly covering empirical work from experimental psychology. The debate was very lively and always friendly throughout. The first day of the workshop mainly focused on consumer preferences, which were addressed in the keynote lecture by Klaus Wertenbroch who presented on time-inconsistent preferences, temptation and consumer self-control. Intertemporal aspects of consumer preferences are closely linked with savings behavior. In this regard, Tommy Gärling presented on the role of trust in financial institutions as determinant of consumers’ choices of savings options, and Bernadette Kamleitner showed how thinking about cost-benefit associations increases the willingness to

12 IAREP newsletter November 2011 invest responsibly. Related to consumer preferences, Tino Bech-Larsen showed results on poor congruence between parent and child preferences for food. The second day of the workshop mainly focused on the role and effects of consumer expectancies. David Faro showed that the mere availability of coffee – contrary to the actual consumption - increases performance of participants, Georg Felser showed that expectations evoked by a product name even remain influential in the presence of contradicting information, Mario Pandelaere demonstrated that people like originals more than derivatives of an object. Stijn van Osselaer discussed to what extent consumers tend to update pre-existing beliefs on the price- quality rule, while Odilo Huber discussed how people adapt their perceptions of past and expectations of future prices to changes in long-term price trends. The third day focused on consumer forecasts and potential moderators of accuracy. Arnd Florack demonstrated that regulatory orientations influence anticipation of regret and reliance on other individuals, while Monique Pollmann showed that the informational value within a particular category is crucial when answering the question of whether people know the likes or the dislikes of others better. Finally, Tomasz Zaleskiewicz showed that forecasts during the financial crisis by experts by and large were not more accurate than those by laypeople. We would further like to mention that the workshop fun was not only confined to the workshop venue. Luckily, late summer presented itself in the best light and so we were able to enjoy some of the nicest places (for instance, the Cologne Cathedral, which you see in the background of the photo with the workshop participants) of Cologne during a guided tour, which ended in a traditional Cologne brewery. More details about the workshop are available at http://wisopsy.uni- koeln.de/613.html

13 IAREP newsletter November 2011

STEP 2: STEEP – The second Summer school on Theories in Environmental and Economic Psychology

2 - 6 July 2012 in Aarhus, Denmark Geertje Schuitema After the successful first STEP summer school in Groningen in 2009 (see http://www.rug.nl/psy/onderwijs/firststep), a second STEP: STEEP, will be organised in Aarhus, Denmark, on 2 - 6 July 2012. The aim of the summer school is to provide PhD students in environmental and economic psychology the opportunity to collaborate with senior scholars in this field, and to meet with other PhD students that work in the same area. In addition to keynote lectures by leading scholars in the field, workshops will be organised around different themes focussing on real-life sustainability issues. In the workshops, PhD students will work on theory, methodology and research designs in environmental and economic psychology to address real-life sustainability issues. This summer school is a unique chance for senior and junior researchers on environmental and economic psychology to collaborate.

We are proud that 10 well known scholars have agreed to lead the workshops - Wesley Schultz (University of California, USA) - Linda Steg (University of Groningen, Netherlands) - Henk Staats (Leiden University, Netherlands - Ellen Matthies (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)= - Geertje Schuitema (Aarhus University, Denmark) - Annika Nordlund (University of Umea, Sweden) - Bas Verplanken (University of Bath, UK) - Anders Biel (Gothenburg University, Sweden - Agnes van den Berg (Wageningen University, Netherlands) - Jannick Joye (Leuven University, Belgium)

More information on STEP 2: STEEP can be found on www.asb.dk/steep . For questions and addition information send an email to [email protected] .

Bay Area Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop Joint IAREP-SABE-ICABEEP Workshop

Homa Zarghamee and John Ifcher

On May 4th and 5th, 2012, Santa Clara University will host the Bay Area Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop. The goal of this two-day workshop is to create a welcoming scholarly environment in which behavioral and experimental economists from the Bay Area can share their research and ideas. The workshop will hopefully include approximately 10 papers and

14 IAREP newsletter November 2011 two roundtable discussions. To encourage informal discussions and the sharing of ideas, lunch will be provided each day and there will be a workshop dinner on May 4th. The scientific committee for the conference includes Alessandra Cassar (University of San Francisco), Stefano DellaVigna (UC Berkeley), Dan Friedman (UC Santa Cruz), Linda Kamas (Santa Clara University), Botond Koszegi (UC Berkeley), John Morgan (UC Berkeley), (Santa Clara University), and Meir Statman (Santa Clara University), in addition to the conference organizers, John Ifcher (Santa Clara University) and Homa Zarghamee (Santa Clara University). A call for papers will be made to Bay Area institutions.

Results of Student Paper Competition - Exeter 2011

Christine Roland-Levy

This year, the Elsevier/IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP Best Student Paper Competition 2011, was announced during the gala diner in Exeter at the International Conference on Behavioural Economics and Economic Psychology, chaired by Stephen Lea (12th - 16th July, University of Exeter).

The Award Committee of the Best Student Paper Competition 2011 was composed of four members: Serge Blondel from the University of Angers, France Erich Kirchler from the University of Vienna, Austria Christoph Kogler from the University of Vienna, Austria and myself, as the Award Committee Chair.

We have received 9 good papers for this competition, and we with to thank you all for your participation. The papers were evaluated according to (a) the interest of subject area; (b) the quality of research; and (c) the quality of writing.

Normally there should be three winners, the first for the best paper, who receives • A year's subscription to the Journal of Economic Psychology • A year's subscription to the Journal of Socio-Economics • 1000 Euro while the second and third best papers/authors both receive a year's subscription to both journals.

This year, the Award Committee clearly agreed on the first paper entitled “Love Thy Neighbor? Recessions and Interpersonal Trust in Latin America” Therefore, the first prize is attributed with no hesitation to Elizabeth A.M. Searing., from Georgia State University, USA.

15 IAREP newsletter November 2011

Concerning the other papers, we agreed that this year three papers deserved to receive the second prize: “Policy Aversion Bias and the Financing of Clean Energy Innovation”, by Sylviane Chassot, N. Hampl, R. Wüstenhagen; “The Influence of Information Aggregation on Asset Allocation Decisions”, by Christine Kaufmann Martin Weber; and “Experimental evidence that effort is granted excessive attention in job choice” by David Comerford. These three second place winners of the Elsevier/IAREP/SABE Best Student Paper Competition for 2011 will each receive a year's subscription to both journals. Congratulations to all! Please note that if you did not win in the Best Student Paper Competition 2011, you can still try for next year…

All the best, Prof. Christine Roland-Levy, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France

Western Economics Association International (WEAI) Annual Conference, June 29 – July 3, 2012

Participate through the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) Homa Zarghamee The 2012 Western Economics Association International Annual Conference will be in San Francisco, June 29-July 3, 2012.

Last year, the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) had five special sessions at the WEAI Annual Conference in San Diego. This year, we hope to make our presence at WEAI will be even stronger.

If you would like to present a paper or organize a session in the field of behavioral economics then please send me an email at [email protected] by January 15, 2012. The email should include the following information:

• To submit a paper: the paper title, list of authors (with affiliations), and abstract.

• To propose a session: session title, paper titles, authors (with affiliations), and abstracts.

Note: the deadline for individual papers sent directly to the WEAI (i.e. NOT part of the SABE sessions) is exactly a full month earlier than our January 15th deadline. You do NOT have to send your paper or session directly to WEAI if you submit through SABE.

16 IAREP newsletter November 2011

Activity of Venezuelan Chapter

Klaus Jaffe

Venezuelan behavioral economists met on October 17 and October 21 to analyze the impact of science and of ideology on Latin American economic development. We are exploring to organize an interdisciplinary course on behavioral economics for next year aimed at Latin American students. We are looking for venues and volunteer speakers.

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Psychology

From Dual Processes to Multiple Selves: Implications for Economic Behavior Edited by Fritz Strack, Universität Würzburg and Carlos Alós-Ferrer, University of Konstanz

Research on the codetermination of behavior by multiple processes or motives has received increasing attention in both economics and psychology in recent years, motivating both experimental and theoretical research. In psychology, dual-process and dual-system models have been formulated that specify how different underlying mechanisms influence the behavior of human decision makers. These models go beyond rational accounts of human behavior and explicitly include heuristics and emotions as determinants. While dual-process accounts have long played an important role in psychology, it is more recently that they have been adopted in economic theorizing. In a first approximation, and especially in the realm of intertemporal decision making, economists have modeled multiple motives as the result of the interaction of multiple selves within a game-theoretic framework, whose equilibria are taken to capture not only the ultimate behavior of the decision maker but also the factors influencing the balance between different motives. Both multiple-selves models and general dual-process accounts of human behavior have the potential of explicitly integrating anomalies and deviations from the rational paradigm. Thus, it seems timely to invite researchers from both disciplines to disseminate their thoughts and findings in a Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Psychology that is exclusively devoted to the potential contribution of dual-process and multiple-selves models to a better understanding of economic phenomena.

Both experimental and theoretical contributions are welcome. Possible topics are: ° Judgments (intuitive vs. systematic) and Attitudes (peripheral vs. central)

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° Processes (reflective vs. impulsive) and Motives (implicit vs. explicit)

° Rationality (homo oeconomicus vs. boundedly rational behavior)

° The Role of Emotions

° Intertemporal Choice

° Stability and (In)consistency of Preferences

° Self-Control, Goals, and Incentives

° Impulsive Action, Compulsive Consumption, and Addiction

Interested authors are also invited to contact the special issue editors Fritz Strack ([email protected]) and Carlos Alós-Ferrer ([email protected]) to discuss the fit of various topics to the special issue.

Submission Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines outlined on the website of the Journal of Economic Psychology ( http://ees.elsevier.com/joep/ ). Manuscripts should be submitted by April 31, 2012 through that website. Authors should select "Special Issue Dual-Process Models" as article type, and also indicate in the cover letter that the manuscript should be considered for this special issue.

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Psychology

Behavioral Dynamics of Tax Evasion Guest Editors: Stephan Muehlbacher, Michael Pickhardt and Aloys Prinz On behalf of the Journal of Economic Psychology we invite colleagues to submit their work to a special issue on tax compliance. We are especially interested in papers that consider tax evasion dynamics emerging from repeated interaction of relevant actors in taxation processes. This may include dynamics that result from interaction of different behavioral types of tax payers, or from observing the behavior of others within social networks, or from interaction processes between taxpayers and tax authorities, etc. Examples could be topics such as: Tax Evasion and Social Interaction; Neural Aspects of Tax Compliance; Tax Evasion in Heterogeneous Societies; Tax Morale and Political Institutions; Judgment and Decision Making Dynamics of Tax Compliance; Trust, Power and Interaction Climate between Tax Payers and Authorities, etc.

Methodology From a methodological perspective, approaches may include, but are not limited to, empirical

18 IAREP newsletter November 2011 and theoretical analysis, experiments with human subjects, agent-based simulations, etc. In any case, papers should be appropriate for the Journal’s main audience, i.e., economists and psychologists.

Submissions Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines outlined on the website of the Journal of Economic Psychology (http://ees.elsevier.com/joep/ ). Manuscripts should be submitted by December 31, 2011 through that website. Authors should select "Special Issue Behavioral Dynamics of Tax Evasion" as article type, and also indicate in the cover letter that the manuscript should be considered for the special issue on "Behavioral Dynamics of Tax Evasion".

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Socio- Economics on Culture and Economics

Morris Altman and Shinji Teraji

The Journal of Socio-Economics is organizing a Special Issue on Culture and Economics, with a focus on economic development. Other papers dealing with culture and the economy are also welcome.

This special issue will be edited by Morris Altman and Shinji Teraji .

Deadline for submissions is: March 1, 2012

Submissions should be made online to http://ees.elsevier.com/jse/ ; please choose Article Type: ‘Culture and Economics’ from the drop-down menu.

8th International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioural Economics (IMEBE 2012)

Castellón-Spain (March 8-10, 2012) Submission deadline: December 10, 2011 Nikolaos Georgantzis The Laboratorio de Economía Experimental (LEE) of the Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, Spain), the Research Chair Antoni Serra Ramoneda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Caixa

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Catalunya) and the Fundación Juan Urrutia jointly organize the Eighth International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics (IMEBE). Organizers: Jordi Brandts (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica), Enrique Fatás (East Anglia University), Nikolaos Georgantzís (Granada University & LEE-Universitat Jaume I) and Aurora García Gallego (LEE-Universitat Jaume I).

Venue: Hotel Palasiet (with extraordinary views over the most beautiful part of the Spanish Mwediterranean Coast).

Invited speakers: (University of Warwick), Thomas Lux (Kiel Universität and Banco de España Chair), Charles Noussair (Tilburg University), Pete Richerson ((University College London and University of California-Davis) and Werner Raub (Utrecht University). More information: www.imebe.com

Call for papers: Non-Monetary Incentives and Economic Behavior

Interdisciplinary Workshop - University of Milan ‐‐‐Bicocca (CISEPS), May 24, 2012 Luigino Bruni

That motivations for human behavior are more complex than responding to monetary incentives is not a controversial issue among social scientists, economists included. The observation of everyday life and data from different cultural contexts and domains indicate that human beings, even in strict or typical economic matters (such as buying and selling, occupational choices, …), are ideological, emotional and symbolic animals driven by much more that maximization of material or monetary payoffs. In economic behavior, intentions, motivations, sentiments, and social norms play an important role for the actual choices of people. This has been clear and uncontroversial in most of social science, but in the last decades also research in economics is more and more showing the existence and importance of social preferences. Issues such as trust, reciprocity, esteem, envy, regret, shame, intrinsic motivation are becoming key topics in even mainstream literature. Nevertheless, experimental economics generally uses monetary payoff in order to reward agents (students in particular), even when the issues studied in the lab involve dimensions of human behaviour intertwined with psychological, social and emotional elements, such as the role of intentions and emotions. Perhaps, however, new forms of non ‐monetary payoffs have to be introduced, included the issue of awards. This is the research question of our call for papers. Our aim is to cover experiments dealing with economic behavior in different disciplines that use non ‐monetary incentives for rewarding participants. We are interested also in work in progress, ideas and designs, in addition to completed experiments.

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Proposals of less than 500 words, focusing on the specific issue of the workshop, should be sent to: [email protected] Deadline for proposals: March 10, 2012 Reply to proposals: March 31, 2012 link: http://dipeco.economia.unimib.it/ciseps/workshop_240512.pdf

Scientific and organizing committee: Luigino Bruni Francesco Guala Marco Mantovani Stefania Ottone Pier Luigi Porta Luca Stanca Fabio Tufano

NSF Workshop on Genes, Cognition and Social Behavior

Arthur Lupia, University of Michigan The workshop's main objective was to specify how fundable research on genetics, cognition and social behavior will generate transformative scientific practices, scholarly infrastructure, and widely relevant findings of high social value. The final report pays particular attention relative investment returns. The key question is not whether new investments in research on genes, cognition, and social behavior can generate positive scientific and social impacts, but whether the likely returns on these investments are greater or less than those that could be earned were individual scholars, research institutions, and the federal government to invest their funds elsewhere. The final report begins with an executive summary of our findings and recommendations. It then includes a full account of the factors that we considered when examining the future prospects and value of a more biologically-informed social behavioral research. The report is now a public document, so feel free to forward this information to interested colleagues. If you're interested, it's posted here: http://www.isr.umich.edu/cps/workshop/NSF_Report_Final.pdf

Includes contributions by: Daniel Benjamin, Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University Turhan Canli, Associate Professor of Psychology, Stony Brook University Susan Courtney, Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University Russell Fernald, Professor of Biology, Stanford University Jeremy Freese, Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University Elizabeth Hammock, Instructor of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Peter Hatemi, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Iowa Rose McDermott, Professor of Political Science, Brown University Aldo Rustichini, Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota

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Society for Judgment and Decision Making

Harold Zullow

The Society for Judgment and Decision Making is an interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of normative, descriptive, and prescriptive theories of judgments and decisions. Its members include psychologists, economists, organizational researchers, decision analysts, and other decision researchers. The Society's primary event is its Annual Meeting at which Society members present their research. It also publishes the journal Judgment and Decision Making.

The Society for Judgment and Decision Making can be accessed at http://www.sjdm.org, and a listserve can be subscribed to at http://mail.sjdm.org/mailman/listinfo/jdm-society

2012 Socionomics Summit: New Frontiers in Research and Application

Matt Lampert

You are cordially invited to the 2012 Socionomics Summit on April 14, 2012, at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The day-long conference will feature speakers from business and academia and will emphasize the latest research in the field and its applications. Socionomics is the study of the relationship between social mood and social events. The discipline seeks to understand how changes in social psychology contribute to the changing character of the events of history, including investment booms and busts, political trends and macroeconomic fluctuations. For conference registration details and further information, please email [email protected].