Km:5 Q 5 10 15 20 I


Not.:- , Sind"..... rg. Oistrid's Heudqua.rtflS is "I KII4oI. Where a rahsil NClIIl. Diller. Fro m nat 01 il. Hoadquarl.... , nit Sam. is S'hown Within Br.odr.ts.

C.D. Elloc~ Boundary is C• .terminus Wil' Ta.sil Boundary E""luding All Stotu-tor~ lowns MSf1- Major Stat. Higllwny '" -. Part of ' District

NEWLY CREATED .D1STRICT SINOHUDURG Km20 0 20 ~ SOKm r" r' ~ 80undcary Stat!! ) ""...... District C" ~ I'77)l .e.r", TI'UI'oS1errad From :,;...... tG(.d District Ratnagirl .. - .. /-' ~... ~r:t~;:rC1.ro:~~~r from ".. -.....:,_ .. III.., .,. K-PClrl 01 Karna!aka Slat. ""RA BOUNDARY , STATE ••• .. DISTRICT TAHSIL ••• HEA~QUARTERS: DISTRICT/ TAHSIL @;@ NATIONAL HIGHWAY •• NH 17 STATE HIGHWAY SH 115 IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD •.• RIVER AND STREAM VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND A80VE POPULATION Banda: WITH NAME ... • URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE-CLASS ill,IlL POST ANO TELEGRAPH OFFICE .. •••PTa DEGREE COLLEGE ANI') TECHNICAL INSTITUTION Iii!] (%J REST HOUSE •.. RH MUD, ROCK, SAND

BaNd uport--SuNey of Ind.iQ. ~op with the pe~mi~sjon of th,e Surveyor General of IndilJ ©GO'VErnment 01 IndIO Copyrrght,1994. ThI tIorIitarioi _Iers 01 Indicl extend inlo the sea 10 a di,lance of 'twIIYe nautical miles mEClSlll'td irom Ih. appropriate base line MOTIF

Ocean fort. naDled as 'Sindhudurg', was built in 1667 by , on a low island, about 1.6 kIn. from the shore with a rampart of about 3 km. The walls are about 30 feet high and 12 feet thick with 52 towers. The towers are generally outstanding semi-circles with fine embrasures for cannon. To collect so much material (72,576 kgs. iron, hard stone etc.) initially at the shore and then to carry it to ~he island site across the reef-intercepted rough sea by medieval naval transPort is nothing less than a miracle. The fort spread over 48 'acre has now a few small temples-silent testimonies of the once great past. The fort has a big temple of Shivaji, only of its kind in India, built by Rajarrun the second son of ShivajL

C~shew-nut (Kaju) is the most widely grown fruit of the district. . , Malwan and tahsils provide the most ideal conditions of soil, rainfall and climate for the growth of this fruit. The fruit in the nut form is cherished by one and alL This is perhaps the only fruit whose seed is outside the main fruit, called as Cashew apple. Recently, this fruit is getting a big boost as a horticulture crop with promise of prosperity for the cultivators. CONTENTS PAGE Foreword v Preface ix District Highlights-1991 Census xiii Name of the headquarters of Districtlrllhsil, their ruraI/urban status and distance from district xiv headquarters Important Statistics-I (a) 1 (b) 4 Ranking of tahsils in the district-II 6 Summary Table 1-Population of the District at the Census from 1901 to 1991 7 Summary Table 2-Number of inhabited villages and related population in specified population 8 ,size ranges Appendix 1 to Summary Table 2-Area, Number of villages/towns and population 9 Appendix 2 to Summary Table 2-Towns with Population under 5,000 10 Appendix 3 to Summary Table 2-Houseless and Institutional Population 10 Analytical Note- 1. HISTORY AND SCOPE OF DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK 11 Brief History of the District (11) 2. ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP 12 Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samitis (13), Urban Local Bodies (14) 3. LOCATION, SIZE, RELIEF, DRAINAGE AND CROPPING PATTERN 14 Climate (14), Soil and Cropping Pattern (15) 4. NATURAL WEALTH 16 Minerals (16), Fisheries (16) 5. BRIEF NOTE ON CENSUS 16 Census Concepts-Building (17), Census houses and Households (17), Housing data (17), Electricity and Toilet facilities (17), Rural and Urban area (17), Urban Agglomeration (18), Standard Urban Area (18). 6. 1991 CENSUS FINDINGS-POPULATION, ITS DISTRIBUTION 18 Distribution of population in rural and urban areas (18), Size, class and status of towns (19), Villages by popula~ion size (20). 7. POPULATION GROWTH, DENSITY AND SEX RATIO 21 Population growth (21), Density (22), Sex ratio (22). 8. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 24 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra State (24), Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 1981 (25), SC/ST Population, decadal variation and sex ratio (26). 9. LITERACY 29 Definition of a literate (29), Rural and Urban literacy (30), Male-Female share in total literates (31), Literacy among SC and ST (31). 10. ECONOMIC ACTivITY 33 Definition of work and classification of workers (33), Types of workers (33), Workers by Industrial categories (36), Non-workers (38). (ii)


11. AMENITIES IN VILLAGES AND TOWNS 38 Educational facilities (38), Medical (41), Drinking water (42), Postal (42), Weekly market . facilities (43), Communication (43), Approach road (43). Power Supply (44). 12. LAND UTIUSATION-LAND USE PATTERN - 45 Forest (46), Irrigated and unirrigated land (46). 13. BRIEF NOTE ON TOWN DIRECTORY 47 14. INDUSTRIES 48 19. TRADE AND COMMERCE 49 Workers in trade and commerce (50). 16. MUNICIPAL FINANCE 50 17. FAIRS AND PLACES OF TOURIST IMPORTANCE 51 Fairs (51), Places of hi'etorical and tourist importance (51). 18. MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DISTRICT 52 Contribution of the district (52).

PART A-VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (SECTIONS I AND -II) SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Village Directory 57 Statement-List of villages fully merged in towns and outgrowths at 1991 Census. Map-TAHSIL KUDAL (Facing page) 62 Alphabetical Jist of viJ1ages-Kudal C. D. Block 63 Village Directory-Kudal C. D. Block 65· Map-TAHSIL MALWAN (Facing page) 70 Alphabetical list of villages-Mal wan C. D. Block 71 Village Directory-Malwan C. D. Block 73 Map-TAHSIL DEVGAD (Facing page) 80 Alphabetical list of villages-Dev~ad C. D. Block 81 Village Directory-Devgad C. D. Block 82 Map-TAHSIL VAIBHAVVADI (Facing page) 86 Alphabetical list of villages-Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block 87 Village Directory-Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block 88 Map-TAHSIL (Facing page) 90 Alphabetical list of villages-Kankavli C. D. Block 91 Village Directory-Kankavli C. D. Block 93 Map-TAHSIL SAWANTWADI (Facing page) 98 Alphabetical list of villages-Sawantwadi C. D. Block -99 Village Directory-SawantWl1di C. D. Block 101 Map-TAHSIL VENGURLA (Facing page) 110 Alphabetical list of villages-Vengurla C. D. Block 111 Village Directory-Vengurla- C. D. Block 112 APPENDIX I C. D. Blockwise Rural Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities. 116 APPENDIX .1 Land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (census. Towns) 118 APPENDIX III C. D. B~~'Yise list of villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available. 118 (iii)

CONTENTS-contd. PAGE APPENDIX IV Summary showing number of viUages having or not having SCIST population 118 C. D. Blockwise list of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled 119 Tribe population to the total population by ranges. APPENDIX V Alphabetical list of villages alongwith manual as well as computerised codes, 1991 and 1981 126 APPENDIX VI Statement showing social forest area in villages 139 APPENDIX VII Statement showing number of Girls Schools in the villages 141

SECTION II-TOWN DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory. 145 Town Directory Statements (l to VI and N-AJ : STATEMENT I-Status and Growth History 147 STATEMENT II-Physical aspects and location of towns, 1989 148 STATEMENT III-Municipal Finance, 1988-89 149 STATEMENT IV-Civic and other amenities, 1989 150 STATEMENT IV-A-Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 151 STATEMENT V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1989 152

STATEMENT VI-Trade, Commer~e, Industry and Banking, 1989. 153 Appendix to Town Directory 154

PART B-PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District Primary Census Abstract (General) 158 Appendix to District Urban Primary Census Abstract 164 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 166 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 172

C. D. Blockwise Village Primary Census Abstract Primary Census Abstract-Kudal C. D. Block 178 Primary Census Abstract-Malwan C. D. Block 190 Primary Census Abstr:&ct-Devgad C. D. Block 202 Primary Census Abstract--Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block 210 Primary Census Abstract-Kankavli C. D. Block 218 Primary Census Abstract-Sawantwadi C. D. Block 226 . Primary Census Abstract-Vengurla C. D. Block 238 Town Primary Census Abstract (1 to 4} 246 Annexure I-Note on Fertility-Mortality and Migration 262 Annexure II-Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1981 267 Annexure III-Percentage Distribution of Migrants by place of birth, 1981 Census 268


Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was ini~iated after the 1951 Cens~s and is continuing since then with some innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State GovernmentlUnion Territory administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socia-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain important census tables on population, economic an~ socio-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (peA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and Village and Town Directories including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Town DirE:.Ctories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) were relea~ed in all the States and Union Territories. The third Part (C) of the District Census Handbooks comprising administrative statistlcs and district census tables, which was also to be brought out, cou~not be published in many StateslUTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981, some new features ongwith the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Dir ctory were introduced in the DCHs. These were published i two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. While Part-J1: comprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and wns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste an~ Scheduled Tri e PCA upto tahsil/town level w~re provided in Part-B. To illu rate, all the amenities except electricity, were brought together'in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in th~ referrent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest pla(..~ having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and commUI).ity health workers in the village were provided so as to meet ~o~e of the requirements of the Revised (vi)

Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the vi!l.age was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view of .the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme, a Statement IV-A on slums was provided so I¥' to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for pro~ding better civic and other amenities in the slums. In this statement details on civic and other amenities were reported for the slums of Class-I and Class-II towns. Apart from this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another' on adult literacy classes/centres were added in Statements 'IV and V respectively. The manqer of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. However, the format of PCA has been restructured slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data users. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this, ,the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA for the first time with a view to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of ageihave been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modifications will help the 'planners in chalking out more effective developmental programmes. One of the m.ost important innovations in the 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level presentation of data in the Village Directory and PCA instead of th~ traditional Tahsi1Talukal PS level presentation. It is expected that the presentation ofYillage Directory and PCA data at C.D. Block level will help the ~Ianners in formulation of micro-level developmental plans, as the C,O. Block I is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning. In order to facilitate the task of Administrators, Pb.nners and Researchers intending to use Village DirectorylPCA data, either from the m.agnetic tapes/floppies or from the publisheq1records, both the computer and manual codes for each village have been provided for the 1991 Census alongwith the corresponding/codes of 1981.

This publication ~s a joint venture of the State GovernmentJUT administration and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled under the direction of Shri J. K. Banthia, Director of Census Operations, Maharashtra on behalf of the State GovernmentJUT administration which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and coordination of the publication (vii) was initiated by Dr. K.P. Ittaman, former Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri M.M. Dua, Joint Director. For the sake of uniformity in presentation ofinformation/data and for preparation of" analytical note depicting the salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/non-Census data, a model District Census Handbook - from each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M.K. Jain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S. S.). This task was carried out by Shri A.K. Singh, Deputy Director who was assisted by Shri N .S. Soam, Assistant Director and his staff. Technical guidance in the preparation of the maps was initially provided by Dr. B.K. Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map). I am thankful to all those who have contributed to this project.

New Delhi A.R. NANDA June 11, 1992 Registrar General, India


The Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India has in his foreword to this series of publications, not only provided the reader with the historical background of the District Census Handbooks but has also explained at some length the scope and coverage envisaged for this country-wide project. This volume contains the salient results based on the data gathered at the actual head-count and in addition contain a wealth of other non-census information in respect of Villages and Towns of the District. It is hoped that this volume would go a long way to meet the ever increasing demand for the micro-level data in this era of planned development. District Census Handbook of Maharashtra is a joint venture of the Government of Maharashtra and the Census Organisation of the Government of India. The design for the 1991 District Census Handbook was evolved Centrally by the Census Commissioner, India. In the preparation of the District Census Handbook, the role played by the Census Organisation is that of data gatherer and the cost ofpublication is borne by the State Government. In accomplishing this task we have had the rea<:ly and whole-hearted Co-operation of the staff at vmous levels of different departments of the State Government. Much of the data so supplied by these field-level officers have been cross-checked with the data obtained from various departments and an attempt has been made to reconcile the discrepancies as well. I am deeply grateful to Shri A.R. N anda, LA.S. the Registrar General, India for the benefit I have derived by way of guidance and advice, I also express my thanks to Shri M.K. Jain, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies), Dr. B.K. Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) and Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map). Shri J.K. Banthia, I.A.S. held the Office of Director of Census Operations, Maharashtra and guided the operations of the 1991 Census. At present he is deputed for training at London in School of Economics and Statistics. The data presented in this handbook were collected and compiled under the direction and guidance of Shri Banthia. We would deem it our duty, therefore, to offer him our sincere and grateful thanks for all that he did for this project. In this' Directorate, Smt. V.Y. Joshi, Assistant Director spearheaded the D.C.H.B. unit which meticulously scrutinised the (x)

non-Census data collected from various sources, finalised the list of village~ and towns, etc. with the help of Shri S. V. Deorukhkar, Investigator: As regards, the write-up portion the persons who drafted the text, scrutinised, edited and supervised have been mentioned in the" Acknowledgement". The maps inserted in the D.C.H.B. are prepared by the cartography section under the guidance of Research Officer (Map) .. The write-ups on fertility and mortality patterns and migration . patterns based on 1981 ·Census data are contributed by S/Shri 8.8. Kashyap and .J.D. Mhaiskar, Deputy Directors, respectively. • I take this opportunity to offer my grateful thanks to alrofficials in various grades who have been actively involved in voluminous work of compilation and preparation of this volume. The list of the officials of this Directorate closely associated with this work is given separately. Lastly I am thankful to the Government of Maharashtra for having agreed readily to bear the cost of publication of the District Census Handbook volumes and for the special efforts to Shri P. 8. More, Director, Printing and Stationery and his colleagues to print out the publication in a very nice fashion.

A.S. DANGE. Jt. Director of Census Operations Census Directorate, Maharashtra, Bombay. Dated: 1st May, 1993 (Maharashtra Day). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

WRITE-UP UNIT 22. Kum. C. D. Karkhanis " Editing and Supervision 23. Kum. C. P. Dighe .. 24. Smt. A J. Patel 1 Smt. V. Y. Joshi ... Assistant Director " 25. Smt. S. D. Shetye Lower Division Clerk Drafting 26. Smt. S. S. Dahibavkar " " ...2. Shri W. A D'Souza ... Computor .~ PRINTING UNIT VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY UNITS Shri L. S. ... Printing Inspector 1. Smt. P. S. Kekre Assistant Director 2. Shri S. V. Deorukhkar Investigator P. C. A. UNIT 3. Shri C. S. More Investigator 1. Shri A. S. Kulkarni Investigator 4. Smt. J. R. Wagle Statistical Assistant 2. Shri S. G. Gavali 5. Shri S. A Kamik " ,., 3. Smt. S. D. Kulkarni S. A. 6. Shri M. K. Pote 4. Shri A S. Nayak Operator " "

7. Shri R. T. Chichkar ... 5. Shri U. K Joshi "\ ... " " " 8. Shri S. K Naik 6. Shri K L. Rasam ,. " 9. Shri H. N. Bhoir 7. Shri P. D. Prabhulkar... tt " " 10. Smt. W. D'Souza Computor 11. Shri W. A. D'Souza D. D. E. UNIT " 12. Smt. D. D. Walawalkar 1. Shri R. S. Lal Assistant Director 13. Smt. J. N. Sawant 2. Shri S. R. Karve Investigator

14. Smt. M. M. Malshe ... tt 3. Smt. C. Huparikar Programmer 15. Smt. S. S. Dabholkar ... 4. Smt. S. S. Sawant Lower Division Clerk " 16. Smt. F. Rebello tt 17. Shri P. R. Pachkal' •.. MAP UNIT lB. Shri K. H. Kelvekar •.. 1. Shri D. N. Chaurasia... Sr. Geographer " 19. Smt. A. V. Kale 2. Shri A. Braganza Cartographer " 20. Shri S. L. Manjarekal' 3. Shri V. V. Govekar Sr. Draftsman 21. Kum. H. K Khanzode 4. Shri A. L. Randive Sr. Artist " DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS-1991 CENSUS

1. is second ~mallest district in term of size and population in the State.

2. Sindhudurg is one of the least urbanised districts in the State having about one-tenth population in urban areas whereas about two-fifth of state's population lives in urban area.

3. In· terms of population per sq. km. Sindhudurg is the fourth least dense district in the State.

4. Sindhudurg district is having second highest sex-ratio (1137) in the State (934) though there is decreasing trend in the decade 1981-91 in sex ratio.

5. Sindhudurg has the second highest effective literacy rate (75.81%) with one of the highest female literacy rates in the State.

6. There is no uninhabited village in the district and only two villages are having a population of more than 10,000, namely Kankavli and Jamsande.

7. Village Kankavli is the most populated (11,797) and Udeli village the least populated (19) in the district.

8. The economy of the district is mainly dependent on agriculture. Out of100 workers in the district, 73 are engaged in Primary Sector.

9. There is a significant increase of 6 points in the proportion of main workers of the district during the decade.

10. Marine fishery is the most important non-agricultural economic activity of the district.

11. The district is famous for cashew and mango crops and processing industries.

12. Vaibhavvadi tahsil is having the lowest number of villages (58) in the district.

13. Half of the villages in Devgad tahsil have some irrigated area and it ranks first in the district.

14. Amboli village has the largest area (5619.27 hectares) and Sherighere Kamte village has the smallest area (3.13 hectares) among villages.

15. Power supply facility is much impressive -it is available for 98.78 per cent of the villages.

16. Sawantwadi is the famous craft centre for wooden toys. y 4413--2 NAME OF THE HEADQUARTERS OF DISTRICTtrAHSIL, THEm RURAL-URBAN STATUS AND .DISTANCE FROM DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS, 1991

Distance frQm Tahsil Name of Whether Headquarters to Name of DistrictlI'ahsil DistrictlI'ahsit Urbani District Headquarters Headquarters Rural by RoadJby Railway (in kms.) (1) (2) (3) (4) *Sindhudurg Kudal Urban 0

1. Kudal Kudal Urban 0

2. Malwan Malwan Urban 51 (Bus)

3. Devgad Devgad Rural 89 (Bus)

4. *Vaibhavvadi Vaibhavvadi Rural 71 (Bus)

5. Kankavli Kankavli Rural 34 (Bus)

6. Sawantwadi Sawantwadi Urban 20 (Bus)

7. Vengurla Vengurla Urban 22 (Bus)

* Sindhudurg district formed with 6 tahsils of and one new tahsil Vaibhavvadi formeci with 53 villages of Bavda tahsil of district.



State District Rank (ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 26.81 12.19 27 Males 18.67 10.92 26 Females 43.70 13.97 28

(iii) Livestock, :Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Persons 1.52 3.09 1 Plantations, Orchards and allied activities Males· 1.93 4.62 2 Females 0.67 0.92 7

(iv) Mining and Quarrying Persons 0.37 1.45 3 Males 0.47 1.90 3 Females 0.17 0.82 1

[v(a)] Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs Persons 1.61 1.10 23 in Household Industry Males 1.61 1.01 29 Females. 160 1.23 10 [v(b)] Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs Persons 11.60 3.88 20 in other than Household Industry Males 15.54 5.45 19 Females 3.44 1.66 14

(vi) Constructions Persons 2.59 2.32 9 Males 3.39 3.33 7 Females ·0.92 0.89 9

(vii) Trade and Commerce Persons 8.57 5.23 17 Males 11.47 7.09 22 Females 2.54 2.62 6

(viii) Transport, Storage and Communications Persons. 3.74 2.16 17 Males 5.33 3.57 15 Females 0.44 0.17 9

(ix) Other Services Persons 10.38 8.09 15 Males 11.80 10.31 14 Females 7.45 4.99 10

Percentage of Scheduled Castes population to total Persons 11.09 5.10 28 population Males 11.02 5.18 27 Females 11.16 5.03 28

Percentage of Scheduled Tribes population to total Persons 9.27 0.47 30 population Males 9.11 0.50 28 Females 9.45 0.44 30

Number of occupied residential houses 14,893,157 161,157 29

Number of Villages Total 43,025 736 27 Inhabited 40,412 736 27 Uninhabited 2,613 3


State District Rank Number of Towns 336 4 27 Class I (Population 100.000 and over) 33 Class II (Population 50,000-99.999) 30 Class III (Population 20.000 ...... 49,999) 114 1 Class IV (Population 10,000-19,999) 102 3 Class V (Population 5,000-9,999) 46

Class VI (Population below 5,000) 11

Note: Owing to administrative reasons. cen>lus could not be conducted in 33 villages of Akrani and Akkalkuwa tahsils of district (07). Only their population (persons, males and females) was obtained through secondary source. Consistency checks for and Maharashtra can not be applied except for population (persons, males and females). 4 IMPORTANT

Percen­ tage of Propor­ Popula- No. of House­ popula­ Sex tion of Percen­ Percen­ Percen­ StatelDistrict tion Density houses hold tion to Ratio 0-6 tage of tage of tage of (In per' size State popula­ se ST Lite­ lakhs) sq. km. popula­ tion rates tion

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

Maharashtra ••• 789.37 257 48 5.14 100.00 934 17.11 11.09 9.27 64.87 Greater Bombay 99.26 16,461 3,362 4.84 12.57 818 13.60 6.52 1.05 82.50 ... 52.49 549 113 4.79 6.65 879 16.87 5.18 18.12 69.54 Raigad ...\ 18.25 255 51 4.89 2.31 1,010 16.77 2.79 12.82 63.95 Ratnagiri 15.44 188 36 4.77 1.96 1,205 15.43 1.77 0.96 62.70 . Sindhudurg 8.32 160 31 4.73 1.05 1,137 13.09 5.10 0.47 75.81 38.51 248 43 5.50 4.88 940 18.83 8.48 24.18 62.33 Dhule 25.36 193 35 5.53 3.21 958 18.11 5.30 40.88 51.22 31.88 271 50 5.34 4.04 940 17.31 9.26 9.84 64.30 Ahmadnagar 33.73 198 35 5.38 4.27 949 18.23 12.41 7.12 61.03 55.33 354 68 5.13 7.01 933 16.t ,? 11.41 3.91 71.05 24.51 234 43 5.26 3.11 1,029 16.20 9.51 0.75 66.67 22.10 258 48 5.22 2.80 958 15.85 12.56 0~49 62.61 32.31 217 39 5.58 4.09 934 17.97 15.41 1.50 56.39 Kolhapur 29.90 389 70 5.26 3.79 961 15.32 12.75 0.49 66.94 22.14 219 39 5.21 2.80 922 20.30 13.79 3.77 56.98 Jalna 13.64 177 31 5.30 1.73 958 21.45 12.93 2.07 46.25 21.17 192 34 5.57 2.68 953 21.05 11.02 5.27 47.60 Bid 18.22 170 31 4.96 2.31 944 20.74 13.41 1.13 49.82 23.30 221 38 5.72 2.95 945 21.04 18.15 11.84 48.17 Osmanabad 12.76 169 30 5.48 1.62 937 19.10 16.34 1.76 54.27 16.77 234 39 5.91 2.12 942 20.20 19.06 2.24 55.57 Buldhana 18.86 195 36 5.35 2.39 953 19.21 11.49 5.06 61.69 22.14 209 39 5.27 2.81 939 18.10 11.95 7.03 65.83' 22.00 180 35 5.15 2.79 936 16.33 17.48 14.38 70.06 Yavatnial 20.77 153 30 5.03 2.63 951 17.74 10.92 21.46 57.96 Wardha 10.67 169 34 4.84 1.35 939 15.03 14.05 15.59 69.95 32.87 332 63 5.02 4.16 922 15.86 18.84 13.92 73.64 21.08 226 45 4.86 2.67 988 16.10 16.87 14.70 64.69 17.72 155 32 4.57 2.24 948 16.51 16.90 19.70 59.41 7.87 55 11 4.83 1.00 976 17.98 ~12.20 38.70 42.89

Note.-Owing to administrative reasons, Census could not be conducted in 33 villages of Akrani and Akkalkuwa tahsils of for Dhule district and Maharashtra can not be applied except for population (persons, males and females). 5


Proportion of Workers to Main Worlters Work participation ------­ Propor­ rate Live­ Manufacturing. tion of Culti­ stock, Processing, Margi- Male Female vators Forestry, Servicing and Trans­ nal (1) Agricul­ Fishing, Repairs in Trade port, Workers tural Hunting Mining ----- Construc­ and Storage Other Labo- and Plan- and House­ Other tion Comm and .Services urers lations, Quany­ hold than (VI) erea Communi- (XI) (ll) Orchards ing Industry House­ (VII) cations and allied (IV) (Va) hold MIT) activities Industry (III) (Vb)

(l2) (13) (14) (I5) (l6) (17) (18) (l9) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)

52.16 33.11 32.81 26.81 1.52 0.37 1.61 11.60 2.59 8.57 3.74 10.38 3.68 55.08 1l.02 0.10 0.07 0.50 0.17 1.48 35.31 4.24 24.90 11.32 21.91 0.65 54.90 22.73 20.54 10.21 2.06 0.39 1.19 28.55 4.01 13.27 6.51 13.27 2.47 51.57 36.25 44_81 17.65 2.95 0.37 1.52 11.39 2.77 6.33 3.36 8.84 4.41 47.72 42.74 63.48 9.63 3.04 0.61 1.38 4.03 2.61 5.04 2.28 7.91 7.71 51.18 44.25 60.49 12.19 3.09 1.45 1.10 3.88 2.32 5.23 2.16 8.10 9.22 50.96 35.75 43.30 24.16 1.20 0.08 1.40 10.63 1.99 5.88 2.77 8.58 2.46 51.19 39_14 37.53 39.58 1.45 0.08 0.97 4.59 1.30 5.67 1.95 6.89 5.66 50.30 35.02 30_02 44.32 1.42 0.06 1.28 5.03 1.37 6.01 2.83 7.65 2.74 51.12 40_50 47.35 26.59 1.48 0.14 1.38 7.56 1.57 5.05 1.81 7.07 3.48 51.31 28.55 31.38 14.01 1.60 0.16 1.50 16.32 5.47 9.81 4.79 14.96 3.24 49.54 39_63 49.28 21.58 1.80 0.21 2.22 6.18 1.78 5.46 2.72 8.76 7.95 53.17 34.67 43.44 24.19 2.04 0.13 1.29 7.76 1.99 6.94 2.78 9.42 7.25 51.27 34.29 33.73 31.56 2.07 0.16 2.36 10.35 1.95 6.76 2.72 8.34 4.43 54.61 37.31 45.91 17.00 1.61 0.23 2.20 12.30 2.28 7.48 2.54 8.46 7.01 49.55 35.28 4l.19 28.35 1.24 0.10 0.90 8.03 2.48 5.72 2.29 9.70 2.66 52.34 42.84 46.76 35.64 1.21 0.11 1.07 3.37 1.02 4.40 1.26 5.13 3.73 51.60 39.45 38.95 41.42 1.29 0.12 1.27 2.99 1.74 4.55 1.45 6.21 3.62 50.71 43.08 49.13 30.51 1.69 0.11 1.18 3.04 1.54 4.31 1.54 6.96 5.37 50.09 39.07 36.77 41.36 1.25 0.06 1.34 3.90 1.99 5.15 1.52 6.66 4.97 5l.28 38.98 40.51 41.09 1.15 0.19 1.42 2.65 1.45 3.41 1.33 6.80 3.85 49.28 38.10 39.38 39.11 0.77 0.24 0.92 3.53 1.69 5.52 1.54 7.30 4.72 .52.13 42.92 38.97, 43.44 0.96 0.06 0.93 2.73 1.16 4.43 1.38 5.94 2.87 51.41 35.63 26.13 50.83 0.86 0.10 1.00 3.66 1.57 5.92 2.44 7.49 2.08 54.06 34.07 21.53 52.42 1.47 0.04 1.31 3.42 2.00 6.02 2.52 9.25 4.04 53.05 42.08 27.03 53.52 1.40 0.60 1.19 2.78 1.63 4.40 1.26 6.19 3.26 52.93 35.65 27.79 46.15 1.60 0.20 0.73 5.41 1.89 4.91 2.11 9.21 2.35 49.84 24.12 18.38 23.99 2.01 2.19 2.17 12.50 5.44 11.62 6.04 15.66 1.97 52.78 47.45 40.26 32.66 1.87 0.52 7.25 5.08 1.13 3.60 1.48 6.15 4.34 52.67 39.26 32.54 35.56 2.43 3.90 1.78 5.51 2.55 4.53 2.21 9.00 4.10 56.13 51.42 56.11 28.77 2.29 0.16 1.36 1.69 1.00 2.00 0.53 6.10 8.24

Dhule district (07). Only their population (persons, males and females) was obtained through secondary source. Consistency checks 6


Kudal Mal wan Devgad Vaibhavvadi Kankavli Sawantwadi Vengurla In tenns of Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

(i) Total population •.. 143,486 2 116,_503 5 119,552 4 48,!?36 7 130,181 3 186,215 1 87,679 6

(ii) Total area .. , 818.97 2 618.29 5 779.18 3 415.81 6 772.88 4 1353.43 1 290.33 7 (in sq. km.)

(iii) Density of population 175 3 188 2 153 5 117 7 168 4 138 6 302 1 per sq. km.

(iv) Sex ratio 1,123 5 1,174 2 1,124 4 1,244 1 1,155 3 1,113 6 1,098 7

(v) Proportion Urban 8.09 4 15.44 1 11.44 3 13.98 2

\ (vi) Proportion Scheduled 6.19 1 5.88 2 2.64 7 4 ..06 6 5.83 3 5.50 4 4.28 5 Caste

(vii) Proportion Scheduled 1.01 1 0.41 4 0.10 6 0.36 5 0.59 2 0.44 3 0.09 7 Tribes

(viii) Proportion Literate ... 78.89 2 78.68 3 70.60 6 64.53 7 74.58 5 76.27 4 80.91 1

(ix) Work participation ... 47.19 4 44.77 6 51.17 2 54.21 1 50.37 3 44.83 5 44.26 7 rate (Main + Marginal Workers)

(x) Percentage of villages 98.37 2 94.07 5 100.00 1 96.55 3 ' 89.52 6 95.00 4 88.46 7 having primary school

(xi) Percentage of villages 29.27 2 23.70 6 24.74 5 27.59 4 27.62 3 37.86 1 23.08 7 having PHS • (xii) Percentage of villages 100.00 1 98.52 3 83.51 7 96.55 5 97.14 4 96.43 6 100.00 1 having well

(xiii) Percentage of villages 50.41 2 46.67 3 55.67 1 36.21 6 46.67 3 41.43 5 32.05 7 having post office

(xiv) Percentage of villages 94.31 1 80.00 4 93.81 2 75.86 5 83.81 3 68.57 6 56.41 7 having bus stop

(xv) Percentage of villages 43.90 5 34.07 7 87.63 1 44.83 4 57.14 2 42.86 6 50.00 3 having approach by pucca road

(xvi) Percentage of villages 95.93 6 100.00 1 81.44 7 100.00 1 100.00 1 99.29 5 100.00 1 having electricity for domestic purpose

(xvii) Percentage of Villages 56.91 2 72.59 1 14.43 6 37.93 4 37.14__ 5 47.14 3 8.97 7 having forest

(xviii) Percentage of villages 49.59 2 36.30 4 50.52 1 10.34 7 12.38 6 43.57 3 16.67· 5 haYing irrigated area 7


Population of the District at the Censuses from 1901 to 1991 Totall Percentage District Rura1l Year Persons Decade decade Males Females Urban variation variation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 05 Sindhudurg District Total 1901 543,058 257,206 285,852 1911 553,550 + 10,492 + 1.93 256,939 296,611 1921 531,211 -22,339 -4.04 244,359 286,852 1931 598,968 + 67,757 + 12.76 282,610 316,358 1941 637,574 + 38,606 + 6.45 296,878 340,696 1951 676,335 + 38,761 +6.08 307,455 368,880 1961 724,817 + 48,482 + 7.17 330,393 394,424 1971 757,917 + 33,100 + 4.57 342,482 415,435 1981 780,891 + 22,974 +.3.03 354,128 426,763 1991 832,152 + 51,261 + 6.56 389,384 442,768

Rural 1901 494,201 233,285 260,916 1911 513,393 + 19,192 +3.88 237,716 275,677 1921 499,479 - 13,914 -2.71 228,998 270,481 1931 565,020 + 65,541 + 13.12 265,938 299,082 1941 593,246 + 28,226 + 5.00 275,367 317,879 1951 613,621 + 20,375 + 3.43 278,238 335,383 1961 669,463 + 55,842 + 9.10 302,393 367,070 1971 705,705 + 36,242 +5.41 317,171 388,534 1981 730,350 + 24,645 + 3.49 329,443 400,907 1991 769,002 + 38,652 +5.29 357,773 411,229

Urban 1901 48,857 23,921 24,936 1911 40,157 -8,700 -17.81 19,223 20,934 1921 31,732 - 8,425 -20.98 15,361 16,371 1931 33,948 + 2,216 +6.98 16,672 17,276 1941 44,328 + 10,380 + 30.58 21,511 22,817 1951 62,714 + 18,386 + 41.48 29,217 33,497 1961 55,354 -7,360 -11.74 28,000 27,354 1971 52,212 - 3,142 -5.68 25,311 26,901 1981 50,541 -1,671 -3.20 24,685 25,856

1991 63,150 + 12,609 + ~4.95 31,611 31,539 8


Number of Inhabited villages and the related population in specified Population Size Ranges

ToYtl Total Less t.han 200 200-499 60Q-..S99 DistricV number of Rural Population Population PopmatioD population C.D. Block inhabited Number Number Number villages Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

05 Sindhudurg 736 769,002 357,'173 411,229 29 1,501 1_ 151 .24,996 30.468 279 96,549 113,833 District 1. Kudal 123 131,884 61,657 70,227 13 2,163 2,502 54 19,1'14 22,079

. 2. Malwan 135 98,517 44,717 53,800 10 641 810. 46 7,265 8,930 52 17,396 21,160

3. Devgad 97 119,552 56,2'18 63,274 3 145 159 12 2,138 2,653 89 13,700 16,409

4. Vaibhavvadi 58 48,536 21,629 26,907 1 61 75 16 2,588 3,381 24 7,737 9,722

5. Kankavli 105 130,181 60,405 69,776 3 124 172 22 3,999 4,964 37 12,531 14,834

6. Sawantwadi 140 164,910 77,315 87,595 11 430 511 28 4,418 5,262 37 13,027 15,234

7. Vengurla 78 75,422 35,772 39,650 1 100 95 14 2,425 2,776 36 12,984 14.395

Total 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 6,000-9,999 10,000 and above DistricV No. of Population Population Population population C.D. Block inhabited Number Number Number Number villages Males Females Males Females Males Females Males· Females (1) (2) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (26) (26)

05 Sindhudurg 213 138,209 159,279 60 79,178 88,409 2 5,705 6,118 2 11,635 11,300 District 1. Kudal 48 29,752 33,752 8 10,568 11,894

2. Malwan 25 16,640 20,034 2 2,775 2,866

3. Devgad 34 23,836 27,246 8 10,941 11,187 1 5,518 5,620

4. Vaibhavvadi 14 7,991 9,787 3 3,252 3,942

5. Kankavli 32 21,570 25,511 9 13,322 15,462 1 2,742 3,153 1 6,117 5,680

6: Sawantwadi 38 24,497 27,750 25 31,980 35,873 1 2,963 2,965

7. Vengurla 22 13,923 15,199 5 6,340 7,185 9


Area, Number of VilIagesll'owns and Population No. of villages No. of Population occupied Totall Area Popula- In- Un- No. residen- No. of Persons Males Females DistrictlTahsil! Rural! in tion per habi- inbabi- of tial house- V.A.n'own Urban sq. km. sq. kIn. ted ted towns houses holds (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

05 Sindhudurg T 5207.00 160 736 4 161,157 175,893 832,152 389,384 442,768 District R 5176.47 149 736 147,866 161,727 769,002 357,773 411,229 U 30.53 2,068 4 13,291 14,166 63,150 31,611 31,539

1. Kudal Tahsil T 818.97 175 123 1 26,477 29,757 143,486 67,592 75,894 R 814.47 162 123 23,811 27,026 131,884 61,657 70,227 U 4.50 2,578 1 2,666 2,731 11,602 5,935 5,667

,Kudal (C. T.) U 4.50 2,578 1 2,666 2,731 11,602 5,935 5,667

2. Mal wan Tahsil T 618.29 188 135 1 23,503 26,309 116,503 53,578 62,925 R 612.02 161 135 19,725 22,242 98,517 44,717 53,800 U 6.27 2,869 1 3,778 4,067 17,986 8,861 9,125

Malwan (M) U 6.27 2,869 1 3,778 4,067 17,986 8,861 9,125

3. Devgad Tahsil T 779.18 153 97 21,082 23,937 119,552 56,278 63,274 R 779.18 153 97 - 21,082 23,937 119,552 56,278 63,274 U

4. Vaibhavvadi Tahsil T 415.81 117 58 9,913 10,695 48,536 21,629 26,907 R 415.81 117 58 9,913 10,695 48,536 21,629 26,907 U

5. Kankavli Tahsil T 772.88 168 105 25,788 27,542 130,181 60,405 69,776 R 772.88 168 105 25,788 27,542 130,181 60,405 69,776 U

6. Sawantwadi Tahsil T 1353.43 138 140 1 36,785 39,325 186,215 88,108 98,107 R 1346.65 122 140 32,587 34,743 164,910 77,315 87,595 U 6.78 3,142 1 4,198 4,582 21,305 10,793 10,512

Sawantwadi (M) U 6.78 3,142 1 4,198 4,582 21,305 10,793 10,512

.7. Vengurla Tahsil T 290.33 302 78 1 17,609 18,328 87,679 41,794 45,885 R 277.35 272 78 14,960 15,542 75,422 35,772 '39,650 U 12.98 944 1 2,649 2,786 12,257 6,022 6,235

Vengurla (M) U 12.98 944 1 2,649 2,786 12,257 6,022 6,235

Note :(i) Since the source for ~e total area figures in respect of the state and districts is the Surveyor General, while that for the total area figures in respect of the tahsils is the Settlement Commissioner and Director of State Land Records Department, the total areas, as also the rural areas, for the tahsils in district, may not add upto the corresponding figures shown against the district. (ii) Names of towns treated as such for the first time in 1991 have been marked with an asterisk (.). (iii) • M' stands for Municipality, • C.T: for- Census Town. 10


Towns with Population under 5,000 Percentage to Urban population Number Population in the concerned town of the respective DistricV Tahsil (1) (2) (3)

Nil Nil Nil


Houseless and Institutional Population Houseless Population Institutional Population Districtll'ahsil/U.A.!l'own Total! No. of Persons Males Ftlmales No. of Persons Males Females Rurall House- House- Urban holds holds (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

05 Sindhudurg District ... T 3,286 12,909 7,537 5,372 179 1,940 1,540 400 R 3,079 12,035 7,072 4,963 116 1,045 910 135 U 207 874 465 409 63 895 630 265 1. Kudal Tahsil T 592 2,157 1,198 959 12 144 113 31 R 514 1,796 1,011 785 10 100 89 11 U 78 361 187 174 2 44 24 20

Kudal (C.T.) U 78 361 187 174 12 44 24 20

2. ,Malwan Tahsil, T 269 955 542 413 39 349 234 115 R 239 812 469 343 1 80 40 40- U 30 143 73 70 38 269 194 75 Malwan (M) U 30 143 73 70 38 269 194 75 3. !?evgad Tahsil T 791 3,404 2,283 1,121 4 89 88 1 R 791 3,404 2,283 1,121 4 89 88 1 U

4. Vaibhavvadi Tahsil T 186 691 384 307 2 40 31 3 R 186 691 384 307 2 40 37 3 U

5. Kankavli Tahsil T 576 2,417 1,331 1,086 15 161 123 38 R 576 2;417 1,331 1,086 15 161 123 38 U

6. Sawantwadi Tahsil T 695 2,713 1,496 1,217 36 '629 501 128 R 616 2,413 - 1,320 1,093 16 169 143 26 U 79 300 176 124 20 460 358 102 Sawantwadi (M) U 79 300 176 124 20 460 358 102

7. Vengurla Tahsil T 177 572 303 269 71 528 444 84 R 157 502 274 228 68- 406 390 16 U 20 70 29 41 3 122 54 68

Vengurla (M) U 20 70 29 41 3 122 54 68 ANALYTICAL NOTE

L HISTORY AND SCOPE OF DISTRICT Works Department, on health with the Directorate CENSUS HANDBOOK of Health and so on. It is felt that because of this 1.1 District Census Handbook is a unique extra validation, information provided in the 1991 publication from the Census Organisation which in DCHB should become more reliable and can be used a condensed form gives details of the Census and without any hitch by scholars and planners alike. A non-census information from the village level upwards number of new tables based on PCA are also included to the district levels. It has, therefore, been acclaimed and an effort has also been made to corelate the data and recognised as one of the best sources of with the geography of the tahsil. These endeavours information next only to the district gazetteer. Its should make the District Census Handbook definitely origin lay in the 1951 Census when it began as ajoint more useful than ever before. venture between the Government of India and the 1.3 The Village and Town Directory as also the State Government. The present one pertaining to Primary Census Abstract included in this handbook 1991 Census is ,thus the fifth in the series. . should quench the thirst of the planners involved in micro level planning. Similarly, additional data 1.2 The District Census Handbook as published revealing Civic and other amenities in class I and in 1951 incorporated some basic demographic and Class II towns is oriented to 'Minimum Need economic information of the district, village-wise and Programme' especially in respect of slum dwellers. town-wise separately, besides having some important Scholars and planners alike should benefit from the census tables. However, it underwent a radical data on amenities by size of the town. change in the 1961 Census as a much more descriptive account of the district and a lot of non Census Brief History of the District information on climate, rainfall, agriculture, industry, 1.4 Sindhudurg district is the southern part of education etc. was added to it besides a number of the greater tract known as the '', which is cross tables being picked up from various series of historically famous for its long coast line and safe Census tables. Till date it is regarded as a model harbours. Sindhudurg district was a part of the district census handbook. In 1971 the District Census Ratnagiri district, but for administrative convenience Handbook was divided into Part-A relating to village and industrial and agricultural development and town directory, Part-B containing village and Ratnagiri district was divided into Ratnagiri and town-wise primary census abstract and Part-C Sindhudurg with effect from 1st May 1981. reported on the administrative aspect and Census Sindhudurg district now comprises the tahsils of tables based on PCAetc. For the State ofMaharashtra Kudal, Malwan, Devgad, Kankavli, Sawantwadi and only Part-A and Part-B were published. The 1981 Vengur]a carved out from Ratnagiri district and the Cen~us again saw the scope of it increasing to new tahsil ofVaibhavvadi, created by transfer of 53 contain the data on literacy rate, primary health villages from Bavda tahsil of . centres etc. It was published as Part-A and Part-B which has again been followed in 1991. However, in 1.5 The word' Konkan ' is of Indian origin and 1991 some of the non Census data includes of considerable antiquity, though the origin of the information on girl schools, social forestry area etc. name has never been sufficiently explained. The which is provided in a separate Appendix, whereas seven kingdoms of the Konkan of Hindu mythology items like staple food and information on ne'Yspapers are mentioned in the ' Hindu History of Kashmir' etc. have been omitted. The non-Census information and are said to have included nearly the whole west collected at the village level or town level by the coast ofIndia. The Pandavas, are said to have passed Tahsildar/Chief officer was scrutinised and verified through this region in the 13th year of their exile and in each district by the District Planning Officer. The had settled in this area for some time. The Raja of Collectors were also requested to once again reverify this region Veerat Ray had accompanied them in the in case serious discrepancies were observed. Besides famous war at Kurukshetra with the Kauravas. this the non-census information was cross checked 1.6 In the second century AD. the great empire with the parent department, for example information of Mauryas annexed all the Konkan coast. In the on electricity was cross checked with Maharashtra middle of the sixth century, Kings of the Maurya and State Electricity Board, that on roads with Public N ala dynasties appear to have been ruling in the Source: History-District Gazetteer. Ratnagiri Konkan. The district of Ratnagiri was under the 12

Silaharas and the capital of their kingdom was built by Shivaji Maharaja near Malwan and it probably and later it may have been transferred literally means 'Sea Fort '. Its construction was to a mQre central place in ~e vicinity of Ratnagid. started on November 25~ 1664 and after 3 years it or Kharepatan. Chaiidrapur was one of the most was completed in such a fashion that it could not be ancient towns in Konkan, probably founded by seen easily by the enemy coming from the Arabian Chandraditya a son of the Chalukya king sea. Pulakeshin II. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE SET.UP 1.7 The 16th century saw the advent and rise 2.1 There were major changes in the of Portuguese power on the west coast of India and administrative set up of Maharashtra immediately Sindhudurg was no exception. The su1tan lost hold after the 1981' on the district in 1675 with the rise of Shivaji leading Census resulting DlSTRICT SINDHUDVRG finally into the hands of Marathas. Marathas into increase of 2 continued to rule the district till 1817 i.e., when the divisions and ·4 struggle between the British and the Peshvas came districts. Th~ to an end and the whole of Konkan was transferred to the British. includes 5 dis~ 1.8 In 1819 South Konkan wa!;l formed as a tricts, the newly created 4 districts, separate district with its headquarters first at 5 districts, Aurangahad Division 7 and later at Ratnagiri. Threenorthern subdivisions districts, newly created 4 districts were transferred to in 1830 and the and 5 districts. Thus in 1991 the district was reduced to a sub-collectorate level under State has 30 districts spread over 6 divisions. Thane district. In 1832, it was again made a full­ Sindhudurg district came into existence from 1st fledged district and named as Ratnagiri district. In May 1981 largely because of partition of Ratnagiri the year 1945, a new mahal (Tahsil) called Kankavli district from where 6 tahsils were transferred to Mahal (Tahsil) was formed. The former Indian state Sindhudurg and by transfer of 53 villages of Bavda of Sawantwadi was merged with the district and the tahsil of Kolhapur district resulting into the creation taluka boundaries were reorganised in the year of a new tahsil Vaibhavvadi. Two villages from 1949. In the same year the new taluka of Sawantwadi tahsil of Kolhapur district were also transferred to Sawantwadi;tahsil. Thus Sindhudurg was created and two new mahals (Tahsils) name1y, , ' Kudal and were formed. With the re­ now has 4 towns and 736 vlllages spread over Kudal organisation of the states in 1956, the district was (123), Malwan (135), Devgad (97), Vaibhartadi (58), included in the Bombay state and since 1960, it Kankavli (105), Sawantwadi (140) and Vengurla (78) forms a part of Maharashtra. tahsils. The following statement indicates the changes which occured after 19B11n the number of 1.9 The name of the district has been adopted villages, towns in each tahsil and also the reasons from the famous sea fort of Sindhudurg. This was for variation in bri(lf.-

Jurisdictional Changes during 1981-91

No. of villages as per No. of Towns No. of Changes since 1981 Name of DistricU 1981 Census 1991 Census new 1981 1991 and (;Qvernment Tahsil villages Cemlus Census Notilkallon As in Adjusted as creawd Number RatnajPri per 1991 distnct Jw'isdiction (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Sindhudurg 651 706# 736 38 4 4 6 Tahsils (651 villages) - transferred from Ratnagiri District to newly formed 8indhudurg District [(NO. REN-2981-1944 (767) M-lO, dated 30th April 1981].

Kudal 124 124 123 1 Revenue village Kudal has , now received the status of census town.

Malwan 135 135 135 1 1

Devgad 33 33 New villages ,created alter 1981 CenSus 13

Jurisdictional Changes during 19B1-91-{contd.}

No. of villages as per No. of Towns No. of Changes since 1981 Name- of District/ 1981 Census 1991 Census new 1981 1991 and Government Tahsil . villages Census Census Notification kin Adjusted as created Nwnber Ratnagiri per 1991 disbict Jurisdiction (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

VaibhaVvadi 53 58 5 5 New villages created from those 53* villages tr{lDsferred from Bavda tahsil ofKolhapur district [No. REN-2981-1944 (767)-M-I0, dated 30th April 1981)]

Kankavli 112 112 105 1 One Census Town Kankavli declassified and 8 villages merged in Kankavli viUage.

Sawantwadi 138 140 140 1 1 2 villages viz., Morle and Ghotgewadi of Chandgad tahsil transferred to Sawantwadi tahsil of newly formed Sindhudurg district (No. REN-38761 153273/CR-14/M-10, dated 30th June 1983).

Vengurla 78 .78 78 1 1

... Includes one uninhabited vil1age of KankavIi tahsil

*(1) Nerle, (2) Tiravade, T. Saundal, (3) Jambhavade, (4) Monde, (5) Akhavane, (6) Bhom, (7) Rupale, (8) Mandavakarwadi, (9) Het, (10) Mangavali, (11) Vengasar, (12) Nanivade, (13) Tithavali, (14) Digashi, (15) Kolpe, (16) Umbarde, (17) Kusur, (18) Kumbari, (19) Maclhaliwadi, (20) Pimpalwadi. (21) Ringewadi, (22) Tiravade T. Kharepatan, (23) Bhuibavda, (24) Ainari, (25) Bhattiwadi, (26) Kumbhavade, (27) Sonali, (28)Napani, (29)Nadhavade, (30)Sal'dalwadi, (31) Kokisare, (32) Vabhave, (33}Yedgaon, (34) Bhuyadewadi, (35) Jamdarwadi, (36) Karul, (37) Navale, (38) Vayamboshi, (39) Sangulwadi, (40) Mohitewadi, (41) Khambale, (42) Tembewadi, (43) Achirne,(44) Gadmath, (45) Lore, (46)Nim Arule, (47) Arule,(48) Sadure, (49) Shirale,(50)Kurli,(51)Palandewadi,(52)Bhusarwadi, (53) Nagapwadi.

2.2 For administrative purposes the district is Panchayat Samitis (C. D. Blocks) have been divided into sub-divisions of Sawantwadi and established in the districts of Maharashtra in the Kankavli and 7 tahsils. The District Collector along year 1962 under the Maharashtra Zilla Parishad with the District Judge~ Superintendent of Police, and Panchayat Samitis Act of 1962. The jurisdiction Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad and other of the Zilla Parish ad and the Panchayat Samitis (C. senior Officers of the State Government look after D. Blocks) correspond to the district and tahsil the development and regulatory functions in the boundaries except that the municipal towns are not district. At the tahsil level the Tahsildar. Block covered by them. Development Officer, Judicial Magistrate, Deputy Engineers and other Officers look after their 2.4 The Zilla Parishad elects its President and respective departments for development and Vice-President and Chairmen of its committees from regulatory functions. amongst the elected councinors. The term of office of the councillors is five years. An officer in the senior Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samitis scale of LA.S. is deputed by the State Government 2.3 With a view to promote as the Chief Executive Officer to the Zilla Parishad. development of democratic The Parishad is also assisted by various departments institutions and to secure greater and the heads of those department at the district measure of participation by the level are Officers of Class I 01' II Service under the people in Development Plans and State Government. At the Block level, the Panchayat in local and governmental affairs Samitis (C. D. Blocks) have an elected Chairman and by decentralisation of powers and Deputy Chairman. The Block Development Officer functions, Zilla Parishad and works as Secretary to the Panchayat Samiti (C. D. 14

Block). The executive authoTity for the purpose of in the' 30 districts of the State. The district is carrying out the provisions of the Maharashtra Zi 11a characterised with typically small and scattered Parishad and Panchayat Samitis (C. D. Blocks) Act habitation which is also a feature of Konkan area. vests in the Chief Executive Officer and the Block 3.4 The southern bonndary of the district is Development Officers. The Deputy Chief Executive more irregular. It separates the Sa wantwadi portion Officer works as a Secretary of the General body of of the district first from the Kolhapur district, then the Zilla Parishad. over a very small section from the Karnataka State 'and in the southern extremity from the State of Goa. Urban Local Bodies In the interior, the Sawantwadi portion of the 2.5 The statutory Urban local bodies are district projects as a wedge between the Goa State cantonments, municipalities or municipal on the west and the district on the east to corporations. The urban local enclose the Sahyadrian hill regions. The relieffeatures bodies elect councillors from . of this district are essentially the product of its each of the ward and his geological past. The outstanding feature in the relief term is 5 years. The President of the distrjct is its highly uneven nature and the of the Municipal Coundl or very narrow riverine plains that fringe the coast line. the Mayor of the Corporation Most of the surface is hilly but the district has some as also their Deputies are flat surface compared to other districts of the Konkari elected from amongst elected region. The estuarine portions have good soils and councillors and their term is for one year. The they indeed form agriculturally the best lands of the Chairmen-of various committees are also elected district. from amongst the elected councillors with a term of one year. Although for day to day administration the '3.5 All the rivers in the district originate from Chief Officer is responsible in a municipal council, the Sahyadri ranges and flow from east to west and he works under the administrative control of the merge in the Arabian sea. The important rivers are President of Municipal Conncil In Corporations a Vaghothan, Devgad, Karli, Terekhol, Sukhshanta, senior I.A.S. Officer is deputed by the State Gadhkalawal, Achara and.Mochemad. The Creeks of Government as Municipal Commissioner who is Achara, Mochemad and Devgad and the rivers in responsible for day to day administration and the this district are of little value from the navigation executive authority lies in him. and fisheries point of view.

3. LOCATION, SIZE, RELIEF, DRAINAGE Climate AND CROPPING PATTERN ,3.6 Sindhudurg district being a coastal district 3.1 The Sindhudurg district lies between 15°37' the variation of temperature during the day and to 16°40' North latitude and 73°19' to 74°13' East through the longitude. The district seasons is not is bounded by hilly large. Owing to region of 8ahyadri DISTRICT SINOHUO\JRG the proximity of hills in the east, the 'sea, the Arabian sea towards percentage of the west, Belgaum humidity is more district of Karnataka and the climate is generally moist and humid. State and Goa State Meteorological data are available for four stations in in the south and Ratnagiri district in the north. the district viz., Kudal, Malwan, Sawantwadi and Beyond the Sahyadri hills, Kolhapur district is Vengurla. Broadly the year may be divided into three located. The district is located south oftha west coast seasons, the summer season from March to May, the line of Maharashtra State. On the west side of the monsoon season from June to October and the winter district Arabian sea gives the district a seaboard of season from November to February. The Statement about 121 kilometres. II of Town Directory indica~s the maximum and 3.2 The headquarters ofSindhudurg district is minimum temperature' and frequency of annual now -rued at Kudal. A modern township for the new rainfall in towns of Sindhudurg district. headquarters is proposed to be set up at village Oras 3.7 In the hot season, temperature rises slowly Budruk. The above township is being planned by the from March to May and May is the hottest month. City and Industrial Development Corporation of With the onset of the monsoon, the temperature Maharashtra and is expected to be ready by 1995. drops by three to four degrees. Day temperatures - 3.3 Sindhudurg with an area of 5,207.00 sq. during the monsoon are lower than those in the cold kms. constituted only 1.69 per cent of the total area season. In the post-monsoon months of October and of the State and has a population of 832,152. Thus November, day temperatures increase and days in it has a rank of 29 both in area and in population October are as hot as in May. Night tempe~atures 15

are the lowest in January. There are four towns in (i) Laterite Soil Sindhudurg district. Out of these 4 towns, Kudal and 3.11 The predominant soils in the district Vengurla towns have the highest maximum are laterite soils and extensive spreads of laterites temperature Le. 34.0° Centigrade and the lowest are noticed minimum temperature i.e. 15.0° Centigrade. throughout Generally the temperature of the district fluctuated the district. between 17.3° Centigrade to 33.5° Centigrade. Within They vary in the district, the seasons show local variation also. colour from Some of the areas of the coast are the most pleasant, red to brow- particularly, in hot months, sea breeze is enjoyable nish red, Laterite Soil nearly throughout the day. Further inland, during owing to the the hot months both !lays and nights can be oppressive preponderance of hydrated iron oxides. They are more so in the tract at the foot of the . fajr)y we)) supp]jed wjth njtrogen and organic Along the coast the maximum temperature rarely matter, their texture is loamy. They are porous goes beyond 38.0° Centigrade. and not retentive of moisture. These soils are 3.8 During the monsoon, skies are qeavily found in several grades, the main being rice soil clouded. Winds are very strong and mainly westerly and varkas soil. Both of these soils are available or south-westerly. The monsoon bursts over the on the slopes of the hiHs. These are yellowish red district generally by the beginning of June and the in colour and poor in fertility. Paddy, the principal rains continue with little intermission till about the crop of the district grows in. these soils and more middle of October. Rainfall is not uniform in all parts' than 50 per cent of the area is under this crop. 'of the district. It increases rapidly from the coast The balance land is traditionally cultivated for towards the western ghats on the eastern border of Ragi, Vari, Nagli, etc., but this practice is being the district. In and around the Ghats rainfall is very abandoned and there is a definite shift towards heavy. The Amboli Station of Sawantwadi tahsil, horticultural crops in the recent years. The which is at the foot of the w~tern ghats gets a cultivation of groundnut has also picked up in the rainfall nearly thrice as much as at some other recent years. stations in the district. Amboli gets annually on an 3.12 The district is famous for its mango average 7446 mm. of rain. The Coastal Stations of crop specially the world renowned Alphonso. Malwan and Vengurla get annually 2,275.0 and There has been rapid increase in the area under 2,447.0 mm. of rain respectively. Practically the Cashew-nuts and mangoes with more and more entire annual rainfall occurs during the months from Varkas soil being brought under plantations. June to October. July is the month with highest Entire land-scape is also dotted with , rainfall when about one-third of the annual rainfall Kokum, Arecanut and J ackfruil trees which thrive is received. The rainfall in the district is generany well in these soils and climate. Spices like pepper high but variation from year to year in the rainfall and other pulses are also cultivated specially in the is not large. Out of 4 towns of Sindhudurg district, coastal areas. the highest annual rainfall is in Sawantwadi town i.e., 4,405.0 mm. and number of rainy days are 112, (ii) Salty Soil the lowest annual rainfall is in Malwan town, i.e. 3.13 Due to the inundation of' the sea, 2,275.0 mm. and number of rainy days are 103. a part of the coastal soils has become salty. 3.9 During the pre and post monsoon months, They are locally the district experiences very strong winds sometimes known as ' Khar ' reaching gale force particularly near the coast and or 'Khajan·. In heavy rain in association with cyclonic storms which Devgad, Malwan develop in the Arabian sea and move in close and Vengurla proximity to the coast. Thunderstorms are common tahsils, the entire western strips in the post monsoon months and the latter part of Salty Soil the hot season. are salty while in other tahsils only salt patches are noticed. Soil and Cropping Pattern 3.10 The soH (iii) Coastal Alluviums : of the district js 3.14 The coastal generally classified strips have deep in three parts ie.. sandy loams and (i) Laterite soil, in these soils (ii) Salty soil; and coconut and areca­ (iii). Coastal al1u­ nut gardens thrive viums. well. Coastal Alluviums Y 4413-3 16

4. NATURAL WEALTH Pedva, Mulshi, Shingada, Paplet, Halwa, Gedar, Minerals Surmai, Zinga, Dhoma, Ghol, Karli etc. Besides these, clam and oysters are also, available along the 4.1 Of aU the districts in Konkan Division, entire coastal line, mainly in the creeks and back Sindhudurg district seems to be favourably placed waters. with regard to the avail­ 4.5 A major portion of the fish caught is ability of transported by sea to Bombay. There is also a good some of the local demand at Kankavli, Sawantwadi and important Vaibhavvadi. About 60 ,per cent of the fish is sold minerals. fresh, 30 per cent salt and wet cured and about The southern part of the coast line and Kudal, 10 per cent sundried. The salt dried fish goes even Kankavli tahsils have important deposits of miner­ to more distant towns in Maharashtra and in als. Iron ores are found at Redi (Vengurla tahsil), southern states. The sundried small fish is Banda, Tirwade and Aros (Sawantwadi tahsil). In powdered in the local grinding mills at Malwan and the district abundant iron ores are found in Redi. Devgad. Oil from Shark liver is extracted at various The proportion of ore carrying between 58-60 per c~ntTes. Supply of Shark fins and air bladders of cent of iron is found particularl.x in Redi. Approxi­ fishes form an important item of trade. With a view mately 48 lakh tons of iron can be extracted from to improve the socio-economic condition of the Redi. Bauxite and ilmenite are found at a few places fishermen and to augment the fish supply, several along the coast near , Devgad and at developmental schemes are introduced by the Amboli of Sawantwadi tahsil. Fisheries Department. 4.2 The reserves of lavish chromite are found 5. BRIEF NOTE ON CENSUS in Kankavli tahsil. Kankavli tahsil is also blessed 5.1 Census-taking is a massive operation carried , with deposits of silica sand and annually thousands out in a short span oftime with the active participation of tons of silica sand is being despatched to places of a varitable army of enumerators. The reference like Bombay, Pune, Kolhapur, Belgaum, moment for the 1991 Census is the sunrise of etc. Manganese is found in the district at Phondye, March 1, 1991, i.e., t.he census provides a snap shot SasoH, Netarde and Dingne. The feldspar, a minor mineral found in this district can be used in the of the population of the countrly 'as it existed at the sunrise of March 1, 1991. Actual enumeration was manufacture of potteries. Other minor minerals spread over a period of 20 days from 9th February found in the district are mica, mineral pigments such 1991 to 28th February 1991 followed by a revisional as clay, asbestos, building st.ones, glass sand, copper, round upto 5th March 1991 for updating of the salt, limestone etc. Radio active minerals like population figures with reference to the sunrise of Uranium oxide are also found in some parts of the March 1, 1991. Individual slip for every person district. having 23 questions was canvassed by the enumerator along with the household schedule. With a view of Fisheries ensuring uniformity in approach in understanding 4.3 Sindhudurg is one of the important the various concepts and in properly eliciting and maritime districts in Maharashtra and therefore recording of the information, the enumerators and marine fishery is naturally an important economic supervisory officers were imparted both practical activity of and theoretical training intensively for a total of 6 the district. days in 3 rounds. The 'coastal belt of the 5.2 As a prelude to the actual census the urban district and rural areas were identified and listed out in respect of each administrative unit. The Director of Census Operations has prepa:r;ed the list of urban areas (which is generally referred to as town list) and simultaneously, a list of villages. These listsfonn the basic frame for the organisation of the census operations. Thereafter, geographical areas that could be conveniently covered by each census enumerator were carefully carved out to constitute the enumerator's block. 5.3 The second major step was the houselisting operation which was carried out in the State during 4.4 The commercially important varieties of May-June 1990. Thereafter, in order to adhere to fish available in large,quantities are Bangada, Tarli, the prescribed work-load norms the actual census 17

enumerator's blocks were carefully demarcated on C36,785) and households (39,325). Total number of the basis of the layout sketches and-notional maps houseless and institutional households in the prepared for the houselistinglbperation. HouseJisting district are 3.,286 and 179 respectively. operation was also utilised to collect wealth of information on items such as predominant Housing Data construction material used for houses, amenities 5.9 In Sindhudurg district, 63.85 per cent of available to the census household, number of living an the houses are used as dwellings, 15.57 per rooms etc. cent as cattle sheds and 8.50 per cent of the houses reported to be vacant and the remaining 5.4 Houselisting operation was also combined are used as shops, hotels, business houses, with economic census and accordingly 'enterprise factories, places of worship, schools etc. In rural list' developed by the Central Statistical Organisation areas of the district 63.60 per cent of the houses was canvassed alongwith the houselist. The enterprise are used as dwellings, 16.71 per cent as cattle lists so canvassed have been handed over to the sheds and 8.44 per cent of the houses are vacant. Central Statistical Organisation and presentation of In urban areas the corresponding figures are 66.83 data is being done by that 'Organisation. per cent, 2.11 per cent and 9.31 per cent. The percentage of census houses accommodating hotels, Census Concepts shops (including Sweetmeat and Restaurant), Building business houses, factories and places of 5.5 A building is generally a single structure on entertainment is significantly higher in urban the ground. Sometimes it is made up of more than areas (14.96%) than in rural areas (4.47%). one component units which are used or likely to be used as dwellings (residences) or establishments Electricity and Toilet Facilities such as shops, business houses, offices, factories, 5.10 Electricity is available for 87.10 per cent worksheds, schools, places of entertainment, places of the -total households in the district and the of worship, godowns, stores etc. It is also possible population covered is 88.10 per cent. 90.74 per that buildings which have component units may be cent of the population who enjoy this facility live used for a combination of purpose such as shop-cum­ in owned houses and 7.93 per c~nt Hve in rental residence, Workshop-cum-residenc~, office-cum- houses. Similarly toilet facility is available to only . residence etc. 15.80 per cent households. In other words 15.44 per cent of the population is served by toilet Census Houses and Households facility. Among these 68.41 per cent live in owned 5.6 According to Indian Census 'Census houses and 27.33 per cent live in rental houses. house' is a building or part of a building having Urban area enjoys- much better position where a separate main entrance from the road or common 97.88 per cent of the population is served by courtyard or staircase etc. used or recognised as a electricity. Of these 60.08 per cent live in owned separate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. It may houses and 37.02 per cent live in rental houses. be used for a residential or non-residential purpose Toilet facility is available to 66.67 per cent of the or both. A 'household' is a group of persons who households and the population served by this commonly live together and would take their meals facility is 65.97 per cent. from a common kitchen, unless the exigencies. of work prevented them from doing so. A ' household' 5.11 In the rural areas, electricity is available may be of persons related by blood or unrelated to 86.19 per cent of the households and 87.31 per cent persons or having a mix of both. There may be of the population is served by electricity. Among single member or more than one member households. these 93.52 per cent live in owned houses and 5.29 . Households of only unrelated persons termed as per cent in rental houses. In rural areas" owned" institutional households, include boarding houses, category forms a substantially high percentage than messes, hostels, residential hostels, rescue homes, in urban areas. Toilet facility is available to 11.39 jails, ashrams, etc. per cent of the households and the population served is 11.34 per cent. Urban area is comparatively better 5.7 Houseless population or houseless placed as far as toilet facility is concerned. households include persons who do not have any shelter. They just live on street, pavements or in Rural and Urban Areas open spaces like gardens, railway platforms etc, 5.12 One of the basic characteristics of the without erecting huts or any other structures. population obtained through the census is the rural­ 5.8 Total number of occupied residential urban distribution of the people. For purpose of houses and households in the district are 161,157 maintenance of comparability and for administrative and 175,893 respectively. Among the 7 tahsils of convenience, the definition of urban unit which was the district, Sawantwadi tahsil stands first in adopted for 1981 census has been continued in 1991 respect of number of occupied residential houses census also. An urban area is defined as follows.- . Y 4413-3a 18

(a) All places with a municipality, cerporation, (ii) The contiguous areas made up of other cantonment board or notified town area urban as well as rural administrative Wlits committee, etc. should have mutual socio-economic limits (b) All other places which satisfy the fonowing with the core town; and criteria :- (iii) In all probability this entire area should get (i) A minimum population of 5,000. fully urbanised with a span of two or three . (ii) A density of population of at least 400 decades. persons per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. mile). (iii) At least 75 per cent of male working Sindhudurg district has no standard urban area population engaged in non agricultural (S.U.A.). ac.tivities. 5.16 The basic unit for rural area is a revenue 5.13 In addition, the Directors of Census village. A • village' may "be defined as a statutory Operations, in consultation with Registrar General's recognised unit having definite boundary and office, were also permitted to classify marginal cases separate land records. as urban units, taking into consideration the local circumstances. Such marginal cases which could 6. 1991CENSUS FINDINGS-POPULATION, have qualified as urban units would include major ITS DISTRIBUTION project colonies, new areas of intensive industrial DistributiQn of population in Rural and Urban development, railway colonies and important tourist Areas centres, etc. 6.1 According to the 1991 Census the total Urban Agglomeration population of Sindhudurg district is 832,152 5.14 As in 1971 the concept of urban having 389,384 males and 442,768 females. Thus agglomeration has been adopted for 1981 and 1991 Sindhudurg has 1.05 per cent of State's popuJation census too. An urban agglomeration may constitute; over 1.69 per cent of its area. Among the 7 tlilisils (a) A city with contiguous outgrowth (the part of of the district Sawantwadi tahsil (186,215) is the the outgrowth being outside the" statutory most populous and Vaibhavvadi tahsil (48,536) the limits" but falling within the boundaries of Jeast. Other tahsils in order of their size of adjoining village or villages); population are (1) Kudal (143,486), (2) Kankavli (b) One town with simi1ar outgrowth or two or (130,181), (3) Devgad (119,55,2), (4) Malwan more adjoining towns with their outgrowths as (116,503), (5) Vengurla (87,679): in (a); or (e) A city and one or more adjoining towns with 6.2 Out of the total 832,152 population of their outgrowths all of which form a contiguous the district, 769,002 persons (92.41 %) are spread. residing in TUral areas and remaining 63,150 persons (7.59%) are residing in urban areas. Sindhudurg district has no urban agglomeration Thus whereas in Maharashtra State, 38.69 per (U.A) cent of the total population is urban, in Sindhudurg district only 7.59 per cent of the Standard Urban Area total population is urban. The average number 5.15 Standard Urban Area (S.U.A.) concept of towns per hundred inhabited villages is often introduced in 1971, has been followed in 1981 and considered as an index of urbanisation. In 1991 also. The essential requirements for the Sindhudurg district there are 0.54 towns for constitution of S.U.A are- every hundred inhabited villages. Sindhudurg m It should have a core town of a minimum district, thus clearly is one of the less urbanised population of 50,000; district in the state (Table 1).

" TABLE 1 19

TABLE l--contd.

Population, Number of Villages and Towns, 1991 Population Number of villages No. of Nanw of Tahsil Total Rural Urban Towns Total Inhahited p M· F P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

3. Devgad 119,552 56,278 63,274 119,552 56,278 63,274 97 97 4. Vaibhavvadi. .. 48,536 21,629 26,907 48,536 21,629 26,907 58 58 5. Kankavli 130,181 60,405 69,776 130,181 60,405 69,776 105 105 6. Sawantwadi... 186,215 88,lOS 98,107 164,910 77,315 87,595 21,305 10,793 10,512 140 140 1 7. Vengurla 87,679 41,794 45,885 75,422 35,772 39,650 12,257 6,022 6,235 78 78 1

District Total ... 832,152 389,384 442,768 769,002 357,773 411,229 63,150 31,611 31,539 736 736 4 Note: In Maharashtra C.D. Blocks and Rural part of tahsils are co-terminus. Hence Table I(A) is not presented.

6.3 Sindhudurg district has 736 villages and Size, Class and Status of Towns . all of these are inhabited. It is the only district 6.5 During every census decade the in the state having all villages inhabited. The number of census towns, mWlicipal cOWlcils. rural population is thus distributed among 736 corporations changes due to addition of new inhabited villages in 7 tahsils. The average census towns, declassification of old census number of inhabited villages per tahsil comes to towns, conversion of villages into municipal about 105. Sawantwadi is the largest tahsil in councils, conversion of mWlicipal councils into terms of population, number of villages and corporations, merging of mWlicipal councils geographical area, accounting for 19.02 per cen.t with corporations etc. The statement given . of the total inhabited vi11ages and 21.44 per cent below gives the position of number of urban of the total rural population of the district. In units in each size class for 1991 census. For . terms of number of villages Malwan tahsil holds the purpose of comprehensive analysis of the second place and population wise it accoWlts varied demographic characteristics, towns have for just 12.81 per cent of the rural population been divided into the following classes by of the district and holds the fifth place amongst population size.- the tahsils. 6.4 The urban population is distributed Class Population size No. of Towns among 4 units of which 3 are municipal towns (1) (2) (3) and one is census town. Sawantwadi is the most Class I 100,000 and above populous town. There is no town in the district (Genel111ly referred as city) which has less than 5,000 population. The average size of an urban centre of the district Class II 50,000 to 99,999 works out to 15,788 persons [Table l(B)]. Class III 20,000 to 49,999 1

TABLE lCB) Class IV 10,000 to 19,999 3 Class V 5,000 to 9,999 Population a~d Number of Towns, 1991 Class VI Less than 5,000 Name and Civic Population of Towns administration status of Town P M F 6.6 Of the 4 towns in the district, one (1) (2) (3) (4) (Sawantwadi) is class III, three (Kudal, Malwan 1. Kudal ... C.T. 11,602 5,935 5,667 and Vengurla) are class IV. There is no 2. Malwan M 17,986 8,861 9,125 big size town in the district. Out of these 4 towns one is a census town. In 1991, Kudal 3. Sawantwadi M 21,305 10,793 10,512 is dec1ared as census town which was rural 4. Vengurla M 12.257 6,022 6,235 in 1981 census and Kankavli census town of District Total (U) 63,150 31,611 31,539 1981 has been declassified and considered as rural (Table 2). 20

TABLE 2 Villages by popula tion size 6.7 Table New Townslfowns declassified, below pro­ merged in 1991 Census vides villages Name of the town Population by population (1) (2) size and their (a) Added Population (1991) Census percentage to (n Kudal 11,602 total inhabi­ (b) Declassified Population (1981 Census) ted villages in (D Kankavli 2.203 the district (c) Wholly merged with other Population (19!H Census) and tahsils Nil (Table 3).


Percentage Distribution of Villages by Population Ranges, 1991 No. and No. and Pel"centage of villages in each range NIlQ1eof percentage (Figures in parenthtlsis indicate percentage of villages in each range) C.D. of inhabitJd Blocks villages Less than 200 200-499 500·1,999 2,000.4,999 5,000.9,999 10,000 and Ilbove (1) (2)' (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1. KudaI 123 13 102 8 (100.00) (10.57) (82.93) (6.50) 2. Malwan 135 10 46 77 2 (100.00) (7.41) (34.07) (57.04) (1.48) 3. Devgad 97 3 12 73 8 1 (100.00) (3.(9) (12.37) (75.26) (8.25) (1.03) 4. Vaibhavvadi 58 1 16 38 3 (100.0{)) (l.72) (27.59) (65.52) (5.17) 5. Kankavli 105 3 22 69 9 1 1 (100.00) (2.86) (20.95) (65.72) (8.57) . (0.95) (0.95) 6. Sawantwadi 140 11 28 75 25 I (100.00) (7.86) (20.(0) (53.57) 07.86) (0.71) 7. Vengarla 78 I 14 58 5 (100.00) (1.28) (17.95) (74.36) (6.41) District Total 736 29 151 492 60 2 2 (100.00) (3.94) (20.52) (G6.85) (8.15) (0.27) (0.27)

6.8 A village on an average has a population 6.9 A size-groupwise distribution of the' of 1,045 persons and 7.03 sq.km. of area. -Of the 736 inhabited villages highlights the predominance of inhabited villages, 29 (3.94%) are small sized with small and medium sized units. Small villages ofless a population below 200,151 (20.52%) in the size class than 500 inhabitants together account for 24.46 per 200-499, 492 (66.85%) in the size class 500-1,999, cent. Compared to 1981 when this proportion was 60 (8.15%) in the size class 2,000-4,999, 2 (0.27%) 23.68 per cent, there is a definite increase in the in the size class 5,000-9,999 and the remaining 2 number of smaller units. The reason may be the (0.27%) in the size class 10,000+. For a broader conversion of wadis into revenue villages and generalisation, villages have been further grouped formation of new villages bifurcating the villages of as, small sized (below 500). medium sized (500- 1981. The proportion of medium sized villages 1,999) large sized (2,000-4,999) and exceptionally having 500 to 1,999 inhabitants which is as high large sized (5,000+). Within the district, small sized as 66.85 per cent and as cOmpared to 1981, this villages of· less than 500 inhabitants together proportion has slightly come up from 66.10 per cent. accoWlt for 24.46 per cent out of the total inhabited This is mainly due to the shifting of few number villages with 7.65 per cent of the rural population of villages from small sized category ofless than 500. in the district, medium sized (500-1,999) 66.85 per In the class of large and exceptionally large villages cent of the total inhabited villages and 66.04 per cent the percentage has slightly come down. There are of the rural population, large sized (2,000-4,999) now 64 (8.69%) such villages as against 72 (10.22%) 8.15 per cent of the total inhabited villages and 21.79 in 1981. per cent of the rural popu1ation and exceptionally large sized (5,000+) 0.54 pel' cent of the total 6.10 Within the seven tahsils of the district, inhabited villages and 4.52 per cent of the rural percentage of sma]) sized (less than 500) villages is population. the highest in Malwan tahsil (41.48%) and the lowest 21 in Kudal tahsil (10.57%). The percentage of medium outmigr~ted to nearby prospering areas to cause sized (500-1,999) villages is the highest in Kudal low growth rates. Within the district there are tahsil (82.93%) and the lowest in Sawantwadi tahsil significant differences in the rates of growth of (53.57%). The percentage oflarge sized (2,000-4,999) population in various tahsils. Out of 7 tahsils of villages is the highest in Saw antw adi tahsil (17.86%) the district, 6 tahsils have registered a posit.ive and the lowest in Malwan tahsil (1.48%). There are growth rate and only one tahsil Le. Malwan has 4 exceptionally large sized villages (5,000 and above). registered a negative growth rate (-1.14%). It They are found in Devgad (1), Kankavli (2) and shows that in Malwan tahsil there is more Sawantwadi (1) tahsils. outmigration than other tahsils of the district. It is quite interesting to note that for 1981 Census 7. POPULATION GROWTH, DENSITY AND the percentage decadal growth rate (1971-1981) for SEX RATIO Malwan tahsil was also negative {-5.85%).For the Population Growth last 20 years, the total population of this tahsil has 7.1 According to the 1981 Census the total been steadily decreasing. Remaining 6 tahsils of population of the district was 780,891. During the the district have positive growth rates in 1991. 1981-91 decade there has been an addition of Amog them Kudal records the highest growth rate 51,261 souls. The decadal growth rate of the of 10.61 per cent while Vaibhavvadi has the lowest district which works out to 6.56 per cent - is growth rate of 1.87 per cent. The rates of growth strikingly low as compared with corresponding in Kudal, Devgad, Kankavli and Sawantwadi are growth rate of Maharashtra State (25.73%). Among above the district average (6.56%). The remaining the 30 districts of the state, Sindhudurg di.strict tahsils have the growth rates below the district stands last in average growth rate. During the average. The growth rates for the district and earlier decade of 1971-81 also the growth rate of tahsils in total, rural and urban areas and the district was low i.e. 3.03 per cent. Due to lack percentage of urban population to total population of employment opportunities, people might have are given in the following table (Table 4).


Decadal Change in Distribution of Population Population Percentage decadal Percentage VaIiation of Urban Name of Tahsil 1981 1991 (1981·91) Population

Total Rural Ul'ban Total Rural Ul-ban Total Rural Urban 198.1 1991 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

1. Kudal 129,727 129,727 143,486 131,884 11,602 +10.61 +1.66 8.09 2. Malwan 117,842 100,514 17,328 116,503 98,517 17,986 - 1.14 -1.99 + 3.80 14.70 15.44 3. Devgad • 109,582 109,582 119,552 119,552 + 9.10 +9.10 4. Vaibhavvadi 47,645 47,645 48,536 48,536 + 1.87 +1.87 5. Kankavli 121,459 119,256 2,203 130,181 130,181 + 7.18 +9.16 1.81 6. Sawantwadi 169,079 150,408 18,671 186,215 164,910 21,305 +10.13 +9.64 +14.11 11.04 11.44 7. Vengurla 85,557 73,218 12,339 87,679 75,422 12,257 + 2.48 +3.01 -0.66 14.42 13.98

District Total 780,891 730,350 50,541 832,152 769,002 63,150 + 6.56 +5.29 +24.95 6.47 7.59

7.2 The average growth rates for the rural and respectively in 1991 Census and it is slightly high urban areas of the district are 5.29 and 24.95 per than that of 1981 urban population. With 7.59 per cent respectively. The tahsils Devgad, Vaibhavvadi cent of its population in urban area against state and Kankavli do not have urban areas. District as average of38.69 per cent. Sindhudurg stands among a whole, Kudal tahsil has returned the highest the less urbanised districts in the state. Among the growth rate. Kudal, the tahsil as well as district four towns of the district Sawantwadi recorded the headquarters was, reckoned as a' village in 1981 highest (14.11%) growth rate (Statement I) but it is whereas now it is a census town. In 1981 Census, below the distrjct average (24.95%). The growth rate Kankavli tahsil' had urban area but due to of Malwan town (3.80%) is very less. As far as declassification of Kankavli town, as rural in 1991 Vengurla town is concerned, the 1981-1991 decade there is no urban area for this tahsil. It may be witnessed a negative growth rate (-0.66%) compared observed that Malwan and Sawantwadi tahsils have to the positive growth rate of the previous decade 15.44 and 11.44 per cent urban population (+4.52%). It may be concluded by these figures that 22

there is a decreasing trend in Vengurla in the decade . 7.5 The distribution of villages by density 1981-1991. In the earlier decade (1971-1981) the ranges indicates that those with medium densities Malwan town had recQrded the negative growth rate in ranges of 50.01 to 200 account for 57.61 per (-1.43%). The main reason for this decrease could be cent of the total inhabited viJ1ages. This proportion outmigration to other places. In the rural areas of was about 55.03 per cent in 1981. Very low the district, tahsils of Devgad (9.10%), Kankavli densities of up to 20 persons per sq.km. are (9.16%) and Sawantwadi (9.64%) have registered noticeable in a mere 14 villages i.e. 1.90 per cent higher growth rate than the district rural average but in 1981 this proportion was only about 1.14 . (5.29%). But Malwan tahsil had recorded a negative per cent. At the same time there are only a few growth rate i.e. -1.99 per cent and it was -6.57 per villages that can pe classified as having very high cent in the earlier decade. densities. Villages with more than 500 persons per square kilometre hardly constitute 9.51 per cent, Density while those in the range of 300.01 to 500 form 7.3 The overall density of population in only 11.14 per cent. The proportion in bot.h the Sindhudurg is 160 persons per square kilometre and ranges for 1981 was about 7.66 per cent and 8.79 this figure is much below the state average of 257. per cent respectively. For 8 villages, density Among the 30 districts of the state Sindhudurg holds figures are not known in absence of the village the 27th place. In 1981, with an average density of area data. 150, the district held the 22nd rank. 7.4 Keeping with the general tendency, Sex· Ratio Sindhudurg district too displays a considerable high 7.6 Sex ratio is defined as the number of urban density, while there are 2068 persons per females per one thousand males. In Sindhudurg square kilometre of urban area there are hardly 149 district as a whole there are 1137 females for every persons per square kilometre of rural area. These thousand males. This is significantly higher than averages for the district are below the state averages that of the State average sex ratio of 934. When of 4904 and 161 respectively. Within the district, the districts are arranged in the descending order among seven tahsils, there are cc5nsiderable of sex ratio Sindhudurg occupies the second place. differences. Vengurla tahsil has the highest density Within the district, the sex ratio varies from 1244 of 302 persons per sq.km., while Vaibhavvadi tahsil in Vaibhavvadi tahsil to 1098 in Vengurla tahsil. has the least density of 117 persons per sq.km. If The sex ratio in Kudal, Mp.lwan, Devgad, Kankavli, rural areas alone are considered it is seen that Sawantwadi and Vengurla tahsils of the district are Vengurla has the highest density of 272 and lower in 1991 than in 1981. Generally rural areas Vaibhavvadi has the least density of 117 persons. In have a higher proportion of females than the urban the case of urban areas Sawantwadi with 3142 areas. Sindhudurg district also conforms to this persons emerges as the most densely populated area pattern. The sex ratio figures for rural and urban and would hold the topmost place and Vengurla town a,reas of Sindhudurg are 1149 and 998 as compared holds the last place as it has a low density of only to the State averl,lge of 972 and 875 respectively. 944 (Appendix 1 to Summary Table 2). Table below Increasing trend of sex ratio in the district support shows distribution of villages according to density the argument that male dominated outmigration, ranges. For convenient understanding of patterns perhaps for better employment opportunities is the villages have been grouped under eight different main cause for poor growth rate and increasing density ranges (Table 5). preponderance of females (Table 6).

TABLE 5 TABLE 6 Distribution of Villages by Density Sex Ratio, 1991 Total No. of Percentage of Number of females per 1,000 males _ Range of density villages in villages in Name of Tahsil (per sq. km.) each density each density Total Rural Urban range range (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) {3) 1. Kudal 1,123 1,139 955 -10.00 4 0.54 2. Malwan 1,174 1,203 1,030 10.01- 20.00 10 1.36 3. Dt)vgad 1,124 1,124 20.01 - 50.00 26 3.53 4. Vaihhavvadi 1,244 1,244 50.01- 100.00 125 16.98 100.01 - 200.00 299 40.63 6. Kankavli 1,155 1,155 200.01- 300.00 112 15.22 6. Sawantwadi 1,113 1,133 974 300.01 - 500.00 82 11.14 7. Vengurla 1,098 l,lOB 1,035 500.01and above 70 9.51 District Tutal 1,137 1,149 998 Not known 8 1.09 All density ranges 736 100.00 Note: In Maharashtra C. D. Block and Rural part of the tahsils. are co-terminus. Hence Table 6(A) is not presented. 23

7.7 From the above statement it is observed TABLE 6(B) that the rural sex ratio is more than 1000 in Sex Ratio for Towns, 1991 all the tahsils of the district and tahsil wise rural particulars reveal that the sex ratio N~me and Civic administration Number of females status of Town per 1,000 males figures vary considerably in rural areas. Within (1) (2) the district lowest sex ratio is 1,108 in Vengurla tahsil while the highest is 1244 in 1. Kudal C.T. 955 2. Malwan M 1,030 Vaibhavvadi tahsil and sex ratios of Mal wan, 3. Sawantwadi M 974 Vaibhavvadi and KankavIi tahsils are higher 4. Vengw'la M 1,035 than the district rural sex ratio of 1149. District Total (U) 998 7.8 In the urban areas of different tahsils 7.9 The sex ratio reflects the socio-economic too the sex ratio. varies considerably. The and demographic characteristics, so it is essential to lowest sex ratio is in Kudal tahsil (955) and study the tahsil wise sex-ratios of 19&1 and 1991. In the highest is in' Vengurla tahsil (1035). Among both the censuses of 1981 and 1991 the rural sex the four towns of the district the sex ratio ratios are more than 1000. The rural sex ratio varies between 955 and 1035. Sawantwadi has decreased in all tahsils of the district in 1991 and the second lowest sex ratio of 974. Similarly urban sex ratio is also decreased in all towns except the second highest sex ratio of 1030 is Vengurla town in 1991. The rural and urban sex noticeable in Malwan town. Malwan and ratios at district level declined by 68 points and 49 Vengurla towns have the higher sex ratios than points respectively during 1981-91. The district level the district urban (998). Generally, a higher decrease is also substantial during 1981-91. The degree of urbanisation connotes a lower sex following table shows the sex ratios for district and ratio. [Table 6(B)). the state from 1901 to 1991 [Table 6(i)].

TABLE 6(i)

Sex Ratio 1901-1991 Difference in district figures State Dishict over the State Year Total Rural Urban - Total Rural U"ban Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1901 978 1003 862 1111 1118 1042 + 133 + 115 + 180 1911 966 1000 796 1154 1160 1089 + 188 + 160 + 293 1921 950 994 776 1174 1181 1066 + 224 + 187 +290 1931 947 987 790 1119 1125 1036 + 172 + 138 +246 1941 949 989 810 1148 115.4 1061 + 199 + 165 + 251 1951 941 1000 807 1200 1205 1146 + 259 +205 +339 1961 936 995 801 1194 1214 977 + 258 +219 + 176 1971 930 985 820 1213 1225 1063 +283 +240 + 243 1981 937 987 850 1205 1217 1047 +268 +230 + 197 1991 934 972 875 1137 1149 998 +203 +177 + 123 Difference in points (1901·1991) -44 -31 + 13 + 26 + 31 -44 + 70 -1:62 -57

7.10 1991 census recorded a sex ratio of 1137 it increased by 13 points and for the district level females per 1000 males in the district. This is it decreased by 44 points during the last 9 decades. significantly higher th-an that of the state average When the difference in sex ratio of District and 934. The sex ratio in Sindhudurg district has State in points is compared, it is observed that there remained higher than that of state since 1901. As was a wide gap of 224, 259, 258, 283, 268 points regards total areas, sex ratio at the state level during 1921, 1951, 1961. 1971 and 1981 Censuses, declined by 44 points and at district level increased which has reduced to only 203 points in 1991. From by 26 points during the last 90 years. Similarly the 1901 to 1991 the sex ratio in Sindhudurg district sex rati" for, the rural area at the state level fluctuated between 1111 to 1213 exhibiting generally decreased by 31 points and at the district level it an increasing trend and the state average varied increased by 31 points. But for the urban area a between 978 to 930 _generally indicating a reverse trend may be seen i.e. for the state level decreasing trend. 24

8. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED 15. Chalvadi, Channayya TRIBES 16. Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar, Holeya Dasari 8.1 Census provides the necessary data about 17. Dakkal, Dokkalwar the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for 18. Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya, Dohor evolving suitable plans for their socia-economic 19. Dom, Dumar upliftment and both the planners and the 20. Ellamalvar, Yellammalawandlu administrators heavily depend on this data. The 21. Ganda, Gandi highlights of 1991 Census as that of the previous 22 .. Garoda, Garo Census, is the collection of detailed infonnation on 23. Ghasi, Ghasia the socia-economic characteristics of Scheduled Castes 24. Halleer and Scheduled Tribes. 25. Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar 26. Holar, Valhar 8.2 The President of India by Gazette 27. Holaya, Holer, Holeya, Holiya notification, under article 341(i) of the Indian 28. Kaikadi (in Akola, Amravati, Bhandara. Constitution, has declared some castes, races of Buldana, Nagpur, Wardha, and tribes as Scheduled Castes as there is no standard Gadchiroli districts and definition of Scheduled Castes. Similarly Scheduled otlrer than Rajura tahsil) Tribes mean all such tribes of tribal commwlity or part of group. Within such tribe or triba! community 29. Katia, Patharia as are declared by the President of fn_dia, to be 30. lQlangar, Kanera, Mirdha treated as Scheduled Tribes under article 342(i) of 31. Khatik, Chikwa, Chikvi the Indian Constitution. There is a slight change in 32. KoJupulvandlu definition of Scheduled Caste in 1991. Upto 1981, 33. Kod Scheduled Castes could belong to Hindu or Sikh 34. Lingader religions only but for 1991 Census, in addition to 35. Madgi Hindu and Sikh religions, Scheduled Castes may 36. Madiga belong to Buddhist and Nav-Buddhist religions also. 37. Mahar, Mehra, Taral, Dhegu Megu For Maharashtra there are some minor changes in 38. Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Vankar, Maru Vankar the list which was published in 1981 census and 39. Mala accordingly in the 1991 census, 59 castes and 47 40. Mala Dasari tribes have been declared to be recognised as 41. Mala Hannai Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively 42. Mala Jangam and the list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 43. Mala Masti Tribes in the state is given below._ 44. Mala Sale, Netkani 45. Mala Sanyasi Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 46. Mang, Matang, Minimadig, Dankhni Mang, Maharashtra State Mang Mahashi, Madari, Garudi, Radhe t LIST OF SCHEDULED CASTES Mang 1. Ager. 47. Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi 2. Anamuk 48. Manne 3. Aray Mala 49. Mashti 4. Arwa Mala 50. Meghval, Menghvar 5. Bahna, Bahana 51. Mitha Ayyalvar 6. Bakad, Bant 52. Mukri 7. Balahi, Balai 53. Nadia, Hadi 8. Basor, Burud, Bansor, Bansodi 54. Pasi 9. Beda, Jangam, Budga Jangam 55. Sansi 10. Bedar 56. Shenva, Chenva, Sedma, Ravat 11. Bhambi, Bhambhi, Asadaru, Asodi, 57. Sindhollu, Chindollu Chamadia, Chamar, Chamari, Chambhar. 58. Tirgar, Tirbanda Chamgar, Haralayya, Harali, Khalpa, 59. Turi Machigar, Mochigar, Madar, Madig., Machi, Telegu Machi, Kamati Machi, Ranigar, II. LIST OF SCHEDULED TRIBES Rohidas, Nona Ramnami, Rohit, Samgar, 1. Andh Samagara, Satnami, Surjyabanshi, 2. Baiga Surjyaramnami 3. Barda 12. Bhangi, Mehtar, 0lgana, Rukhi, Malkana, 4. Bavacha, Bamcha Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, Karar, Zadmal1i 5. Bhaina 13. Bindla 6. Vharia Bhumia, Bhuinhar Bhumia, Pando 14. Byagarl1 7. Bhattra 25

8. Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi Bhil, Dungri Bhil, 35. Naikda, Nayaka, CholivalaNayaka, Kapadia Dungri, Garasia, Mewasi Bhi1, Rawa1 BhiI, Nayaka, Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka Tadvi Bhit, BhagaIia, Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava, 36. Oraon, Dhangad Vas ave 37. Pardhan, Pathari, Saroti 9. Bhunjia 38. Pardhi, Advichincher, Phans Pardhi, Phanse 10. Binjhwar Pardhi, Langoli Pardhi, Bahelia, Bahellia, 11. BirhuI, Birhor Chita Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia 12. Chodhara (excluding Akola, Amravati, 39. Parja Bhandara, Buldana, Chandrapur, 40. Patelia Gadchiroli, Nagpur, Wardha, Yavatmal, 41. Pomla Aurangabad, Jalna, Bid, Nanded, Osmanabad, Latur and Parbhani districts 42. Rathawa and Govardhanpur, Sarala, Mahankal 43. Sawar, Sawara Vadgaon and Bhamthan Villages of 44. Thakur, Thakar, Ka Thakur, Ka Thakar, Ma Shrirampur tahsil of Ahmadnagar district Thakur, Ma Thakar which have been transferred from Vaijapur 45. Thoti (in Aurangabad, Jalna, Bid, Nanded, tahsil of Aurangabad district. But wi11 be Osmanabad, Latur, Parbhani districts and treated as Scheduled Tribe in Yedashi, Rajura tahsil of Chandrapur district and Dudhagaon, Gopalwadi, Kombadwadi Kasbe­ Govardhanpur, Sarala, Mahankal Vadgaon Tadavale, Jawale (DumaIa), Ambejavalge and Bhamthan villages of Shrirampur tahsil and Kourlgaon villages of Osmanabad tahsil of Ahmadnagar district which have been of which are transferred transferred from Vaijapur tahsil of from Barshi tahsil of ) Aurangabad district. But will not be treated 13. Dhanka, Tadvi, Tetaria, Valvi as Scheduled Tribe in Yedashi, Dudhagaon, 14. Dhanwar Gopalwadi, Kombadwadi, Kasbe-Tadavale, 15. Dhodia Jawale (Dumala), Ambejavalge and 16. Dubla, Talavia, Halpati Koudgaon vil1ages of Osmanabad tahsil of 17. Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavchi, Padvi Osmanabad district transferred from Barshi 18. Gond, Rajgond, Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria, tahsil of Solapur district) Asur, Badi Maria, Bada Maria, Bhatola, 46. VarU Bhimma, Bhuta, Koilabhuta, Koilabhuti, 47. Vitolia, Kotwalia, Barodia Bhar, Bisonhorn Maria, Chota Maria, Dandami Maria, Dhurn, Dhurwa, Dhoba, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 1981 Dhulia, DorIa, Gaiki, Gatta, Gatti, Gaita, 8.3 In 1981 Census, the Sindhudurg district Gond Gowari, Hill Maria, Kandra, Kalanga, was included in the undivided Ratnagiri district. Khatola, Koitar, Koya, Khirwar, Khirwara, The undivided Ratnagiri district returned 45,132 Kucha Maria, Kuchaki Maria, Madia, Maria, Scheduled Caste persons comprising of 21,552 Mana, Mannewar, Moghya, Mogia, males and 23,580 females. These accounted for Monghya, Mudia, Muria, Nagarchi, Naikpod, 2.14 per cent of the total population of the district. Nagwanshi, Ojha, Raj, Sonjhari Jhareka, Among them 38.65 per cent found to be literates, Thatia, Thotya, Wade Maria, Vade Maria were much less as to the district level literacy 19. Halba, Halbi of47.75 per cent. As many as 31 Scheduled Castes 20. Kamar were recorded in the district. Major Scheduled 21. Kathodi, Katkari, Dhor Kathodi, Dhor Castes recorded in the district were Bhambi, Katkari, Son Kathodi, Son Katkari Mahar, Bedar, Jangam and Burnd. All these 22. Kawar, Kanway, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Scheduled Castes were found scattered all over Tanwar, Chattri the district. 23. Khairwar 24. Khari~ 8.4 Of the total Scheduled Caste population, 25. Kokna, Kakni, Kukna 34.63 per cent was returned to be main workers. 26. Kol Among the Bhambi there were more cultivators 27. Kolam, MannervarIu than agricultural labourers and it was just 28. Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Kolgha opposite for Mahars. Both these communities had 29. Koli Mahadev, Dongar Koli a significant number of people working in 30. Koli Malhar household industry also. Among the Bedars the 31. Kondh, Khond, Kandh lllliNority of the workers (64%) were recorded in 32. Korku, Bopchi, Mouasi, Nihal, Npl-H.JC,"Rondhi I<~ory III under Livestock, forestry, fishing, Bondeya number and plantations, orchards and allied 33. Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya labourers Among the females in the age group 34. Nagesia, Nagasia Both5-19 only 13 per cent of the women were 26

returned as married. About 49 per cent of the SC/ST Population, Decadal Variation and Sex males and 73 per cent o( the females were found Ratio to be illiterate. Among the Bedar community all 8.6 The Scheduled Caste population at the females in the rural areas were returned as time of 1991 Census in Sindhudurg district was illiterate. In rural area, only 94 persons reported 42,435 comprising of 20,183 males and 22,252 to be graduates and the bulk were from Bhambi females. They constitute 5.10 per cent of the total and Mahar castes. In urban areas only 4 persons _district population as against 4.00 per cent in 1981. returned as post graduates and 26 as graduates In 1981 census the population of Scheduled Castes and above. out of which one woman happened stood at 31,263. Table ,7 indicates the proportion of to be from Bhambi community. Scheduled Caste population to total population in 8.5 Scheduled Tribes accounted for 1.50 per the viUages by percentage ranges (Table 7). cent of the total population of the district in 1981 i.e., 31,746 persons comprising of 16,223 males TABLE 7 and 15,523 females. Among them 10.26 per cent Proportion of Scheduled Caste Population found to be literates and 50.19 per cent were to total population in the villages returned as main workers. In all 27 tribes were returned as having some population. The main Ptll'Centagll range of Scheduled No. of Percentage Caste population to total villages in of villages in among them were Kathodi, Ka~ari, Koli Mahadev, population each range each range Dongar Koli and Thakurs. It was fOWld that for (1) (2) (3) every 2 cultivators, there were 5 agricultural labourers among· the Scheduled Tribes. About 29 Nu s. C. population 236 32,07 per cent of the total population and about 58 per -5.00 233 31,66 cent of the main workers were recorded in 5.01-10.00 147 19,97 category III (Livestock, forestry. fishing. hunting 10.01-15.00 74 10.05 and plantations, orchards and allied activities). 15.01-20.110 20 2.72 About 93 per cent of the females and 86 per cent 20.01-30.00 21 2.85 of the males were returned as i11iterate. Most 30.01 and above 5 i).68 illiterate tribe wa~ found to be the Kathodi. All ranges 736 \ 100.00 Among them about 99 per cent of the females and 97 per cent of the males reported to be 8.7 In the district 236 (32.07%) villages have no illiterate. In the rural areas of the district only Scheduled Caste population at all. Among the 18 persons were recorded as graduates and out remaining 500 villages, the share of Scheduled Caste of them not a single person was from the major population is 5.00 per cent or less in 233 villages, tribes of Kathodi. In urban areas only 4 persons 5.01 to l{}.OO per cent in 147 villages. 10.01 to 15:00 were returned as graduates but none as post per cent in 74 villages, 15.01 to 20.00 per cent in 20 graduate. Among the females in the age group villages, 20.01 to 30.00 per cent in 21 villages and of 15-19 about 43 per cent were reported as 30.01 per cent and above in 5 villages in the district. married. However, among Kathodis it was found In 1981, of the total 705 inhabited villages, 234 had that about 68 per cent of the females in the age no Scheduled Caste population, 404 vj]]ages had the group of 15.,.19 returned as married, whereas proportion of Scheduled Caste population up to 10 among Mahadev Kolis less than 10 per cent per cent and the remaining 67 had the proportion females in the age-group of 15-19 returned as more than 10 per cent. Table 7(i) indicates the married. decadal variation in Scheduled Caste population.

TABLE 7m Decadal variation in Scheduled Caste population Scheduled Caste Population P.:rcent8.ge decadal variation Name of Tahsil 1981 1991 . 1981·91

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total . Rural Urban (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1. Kudal 7,172 7,172 8,878 8,003 875 + 23.79 + 11.59 2. Malwan 4,892 4,525 367 6,847 6,209 638 +39.96 +37.22 +73.84 3. Devgad 1,444 1,444 3,156 3,156 + 118.56 + 118.56 4. Vaibhavvadi 1,065 1,065 1,971 1,971 +85.07 +85.07 6. Kankavli 4,307 4,216 91 7,595 7,595 +76.34 +80.15 6. Sawantwadi 8,910 8,424 486 10,238 9,321 917 + 14.90 + 10.65 +88.68 7. Vengurla 3.473 2,897 576 3,750 3.078 672 + 7.98 ... 6.25 + 16.67 District Total 31,263 29,743 1,520 42,435 39,333 3,102 +35.74 ... 32.24 + 104.08 . ' ~}. 27

8.8 The decadal growth rate of Scheduled TABLE 7{ii)B Caste Population is 35.74 per cent against a mere Sex Ra~io of Scheduled Caste for Towns. 6.56 per cent of the district as a whole, i.e. Scheduled Caste growth rate is nearly 6 times more than the general growth rate of the district. Name and Civic administration No. of female Out of the total Scheduled Caste Population of status of Town per 1,000 males district, 39,333 (92.69%) live in rural areas and (1) (2) the remaining 3,102 (7.31%) in urban areas. The 1. Kudal C.T. 1,044 Scheduled Caste Population has increased in all 2. Malwan M 1,000 tahsils of the district during the last decade. Table 3. Sawantwadi M 860 7(ii) indicates the tahsil wise total, rural and urban 4. Vengurla M 1,036 sex ratios of Scheduled Caste. Tables 7(ii)A and District Total (U) 976 7(ii)B provide sex ratios for C. D. Blocks and towns respectively. 8.9 It may be noted that the district level sex: ratio of Scheduled Caste has declined by 34 points TABLE 7(ii) . than the general sex ratio of the district. The sex Sex ratio of Scheduled Caste by Tahsils for ratio is higher in rural areas and lower in urban Total, Rural and Urban areas than the total areas of the district. Within the district sex ratio of Scheduled Caste Population No. of females per 1,000 males varies from 1,076 in Sawantwadi tahsil to 1,222 in Name of tahsil Vaibhavvadi tahsil. Total Rural U"ban 8.10 The Scheduled Tribe Population of (1) (2) (3) (4) Sindhudurg district stands at 3,893 comprising 1,955 1. Kudal 1,084 1,088 1,044 males and 1,938 females. They.constitute 0.47 per cent of the total district population as against 0.86 2. Malwan 1,153 1,170 1,000 per cent in 1981. Table 8 indicates the proportion of 3. Devgad 1,089 1,089 Scheduled Tribe Population to total population in the villages by percentage ranges. 4. Vaibhavvadi 1.222 1,222 TABLE 8 5. Kankavli 1,098 1,098 Proportion of Scheduled Tribe Population to 6. Sawantwadi 1,076 1,100 860 Total Population in the Villages 7. Vengurla 1,090 1,102 1,036 Percentage range of No. of Percentage Scheduled Tribe Population villages in of villages in District Total 1,103 1,113 976 to total population each range each range (1) (2) (3)

No S. T. Population 615 83.56 TABLE 7(ii)A - 5.(1) 105 14.26 Sex Ratio of Scheduled Caste for C. D. 5.01-15.00 14 1.90 Blocks 15.01 - 25.00 1 0.14 25.01-35.00 No. of females 35.01-50.00 1 0.14 Name of C. D. Block per 1,000 males 50.01 and above (1) (2) All ranges 736 100.00 1- Kudal 1,084 8.11 Out of 736 vil1ages 615 (83.56%) villages 2. Malwan 1,170 have no Scheduled Tribe Population, 119 villages 3. Devgad 1,089 have the proportion of Scheduled Tribe Population upto 15.00 per cent and the remaining 2 have 15.01 4. Vaibhavvadi 1,222 per cent or more. In 1981, out of the 705 inhabited villages 569 (80.71%) had no Scheduled Tribe 5. Kankavli 1,098 Population. Of the remaining 136 villages, 127 had 6. Sawantwadi 1,100 proportion of Scheduled Tribe Population 15 per cent or less and 9 had more than 15 per cent Scheduled 7. Vengurla 1,102 Tribe Population. The table below indicates the decadal variation in Scheduled Tribe Population. District Total (R) 1,112 (Table 8(i)) 28


Decadal Variation in Scheduled Tribe Population &heduled Tribe Pupulatiun Percentage decadal variation Name of Tahsil 1981 1991 1981-91

Tutal Rural Urban Total Rural Urb;'n Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) en (8) (9) (10)

l. KUdal 1,038 1,038 1,450 1,352 98 +39.69 + 30.25 2. Malwan 1,396 1,366 30 472 380 92 -66.19 -72.18 + 206.67 3. Devgad 1,252 1,252 124 124 -90.10 -90.10 4. Vaibhavvadi 1,676 1,676 177 177 -89.44 -89.44 5. Kankavli 682 650 32 772 772 + 13.20 + 18.77 6. Sawantwadi 586 584 2 818 786 32 + 39.59 + 34.59 + 1500.00 7. Vengurla 97 74 23 80 65 15 -17.53 -12.16 34.78 District Total 6,727 6,640 87 3,893 3,656 237 - 42.13 -44.94 + 172.41

8.12 Out· of the total Scheduled Tribe TABLE 8(U)A Population of the district, 3,656 (93.91%) live Sex Ratio of Scheduled Tribe for C. D. in rural areas and the remaining 237 (6.09%) Blocks in the urban areas. The Scheduled Tribe No. of females Population has increased in Kudal, Kankavli Name of C. D. Block and Sawantwadi tahsils during the decade in per 1,000 males 1981-91. In remaining four tahsils it decreased (1) (2) during the last decade. The district registered 1. Kudal 1,045 a negative growth rate i.e. - 42.13 per cent 2. Malwan 929 as far as Scheduled Tribes are concerned. Table Devgad 746 S(ii) indicates the tahsil wise total, rural and 3. urban sex ratio for Scheduled Tribes. Tables 4. Vaihhavvadi 883 8(mA and 8(ii)B provide sex ratios for C. D. 5. Kankavli .1,037 Blocks and towns respectively. 6. Sawantwadi 1,000 7. Vengurla 857 TABLE 8(ii) District Total (R) 999 Sex Ratio of Scheduled Tribe by Tahsils for Total, Rural and Urban.

No. of females ~r 1,000 males TABLE 8(ii)B Name of tahsil Tot.al RUI'al Urban Sex Ratio of Scheduled Tribe for Towns (1) (2) (3) (4) Name and Civic administration No. of females - status ofTuwn per 1,000 males 1. KUdal 1,045 1,036 .• 1,178 (1) (2) 2. Malwan 950 929 l 044 r 1. Kudal C.T. 1;178 3. Devgad 746 746 2. Malwan M 1,044 4. Vaibhavvadi 883 883 3. Sawantwadi M 455

5. Kankavli 1,037 1,037 4. Vengurla M 500

6. Sawantwadi 971 1,000 455 District Total (U) 943

'T • Vengurla 778 857 500 8.13 The sex ratios in case of, Scheduled Tribes for the total, rural and urban areas are District Total 991 995 943 in favour of males for the district. There are 991 29 females for 1,000 males in total area, 995 females TABLE 9(i) for 1,000 males in rural area and 943 females Percentage of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled for 1,000 males in urban area. Within the district, Tribes Population in Rural areas of the sex ratio varies from 746 in Devgad tahsil to 1,045 C. D. Blocks (1991) in Kudal tahsil. The rural sex ratio varies from 746 in Devgad tahsil to 1,037 in Kankavli tahsil. Percen- Percen- tage of tage of As compared to sex ratio of total areas to rural Total Total Scheduled Scheduled areas in respect of Total Scheduled Scheduled Caste Tribe Name of popula- Caste Tribe popula- popula- tahsils, it is observed c. D. Blocks Lion popule. popula- tion lion that rural sex ratio is bon tion to total to total slightly high in popula- popula- tion tion Sawantwadi and (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Vengurla tahsils and slightly low in Kudal 1. Kudal 131,884 8,003 1,352 6.07 1.03 and Malwan tahsils 2. Malwan 98,517 6,209 380 6.30 0.39 and equally distri­ 3. Devgad 119,552 3,156 124 2.64 0.10 buted in Devgad, Vaibhavvadi and 4. Vaibhavvadi 48,536 1,971 177 4.06 0.36 Kankavli tahsils. 5. Kankavli 130,181 7,595 772 5.83 0.59 Table 9 shows distri­ 6. Sawantwadi 164,910 9,321 786 5.65 0.48. bution of Scheduled 7. Vengurla 75,422 3,078 65 4.08 0.09 Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population in Distlict Total (R) 769,002 39,333 3,656 5.11 0.48 towns. 8.15 From the above table we can say that the proportion of Scheduled Caste Population in the TABLE 9 rural areas (5.11%) and in the urban areas (4.91%) Percentage of Scheduled Castes! are nearly the same. Similarly· the proportion of Scheduled Tribes Population Scheduled Tribe Population in rural areas (0.48%) in towns, 1991 and in the urban areas (0.38%) are nearly the same. In other words, the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Percen· Percen· tage of tage of Tribe Population is almost equally distributed In Total Total Scheduled Scheduled rural and urban areas of the district. Total Scheduled Scheduled Caste Tribe Name of Town popula- Caste Tribe popule. ~pula. tion popula. popula. tion Lion 9. LITERACY tion tion to total to total Definition of a literate popula. popula- tion lion 9.1 A person who can both read and write (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) with understanding in any language is to be taken as literate by 1. Kudal 11,602 875 98 7.54 0.84 the Indian census. 2. Malwan 17,986 638 92 3.55 0.51 A person who can 3. Sawantwadi 21,305 917 32 4.30 0.15 merely read but cannot write, is not 4. Vengurla 12,257 672 15 5.48 0.12 literate. It is not necessary that a All Towns 63,150 3,102 237 4.91 0.38 person who is literate should have received 8.14 In urban areas, the Scheduled Castes any formal education or should have passed any and Scheduled Tribes constitute 4.91 per cent and minimum educational standard. In addition to this 0.38 per cent of the total population respectively. for 1991 census, all children of age 6 years or less The proportion of Scheduled Caste Population js are treated as il1iterates even though they may be higher in Kudal (7.54%) and Vengurla (5.48%) going to school and can read and write a few odd towns than the district urban average of 4.91 per words. In earlier census, this limitation was upto cent and proportion of Scheduled Tribe Population the age of 4. It has also been decided to use only is higher in Kudal (0.84%) and Malwan (0.51%) effective literacy rates for the 1991 census i.e. the towns than the district urban average of 0.38 per ratio of literates and population excluding the cent. The tahsil wise TUral proportion of Scheduled age-group of 0-6. Caste and Scheduled Tribe Population to the total rural population in the district is presented in 9.2 Though the population of Maharashtra Table 9(i). during 1961-91, almost doubled, thejumpin literates 30 is almost 4 times which in itself is a significant tahsil with 80.91 per cent literates tops the list achievement. Sindhudurg district reported 548,276 and Vaibhavvadi with only 64.53 per cent stands persons as literates. They constitute 75.81 per cent at the bottom. The remaining five tahsils are in of the total population (excluding 0---6 age group) of between these two. It may be observed that the the district. The literacy rate of Sindhudurg district tahsils having urban components have literacy in 1981 census was 62.97 per cent (excluding 0-6 rates higher than the district average confirming age group). The literacy rate for Sindhudurg district the fact that urban centres and surrounding areas is much above the state average of64.87 per cent and have better infrastructure as far as the educational when the districts are arranged in the descending . facilities are concerned. The tahsils without any order of literacy rates, Sindhudurg occupies the urban centre have the literacy rate below the second place. The comparatively high percentage district average. Only Sawantwadi tahsil is an may be attributed to the mass movement in the field . exception where male literacy Tate is slightly of education in the district. The tahsilwise literacy below the district average even though it is rates are presented in table 10. blessed with an urban component. Vengurla tahsil has the highest literacy rates for both males and TABLE 10 females i.e. 90.21 per cent and 72.62 per cent respectively and Vaibhavvadi tahsil has the lowest Literacy rates by rural/urban and sex, 1991 rates i.e. 77.40 per cent and 54.50 per cent for (excluding children in the age group 0-6) males and females respectively. Total! Pel"1.,entage of Lit.craws Name of Tahsil Rurall '. 9.4 As regards rural area of the district the Urban Persons Males Ftlmales total literacy rate is 74.80 per cent with male­ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) literates having 85.60 per cent and female 1. Kudal T 78.89 88.51 70.53 literates accounting for 65.67 per cent. Vengurla R 78.31 88.36 69.71 tahsil has the highest literacy rate of 79.67 per U 85.67 90.07 81.02 cent. In this tahsil 89.63 per cent of the males and 70.90 per cent of the females are literate. The 2. Malwan T 78.68 89.72 69.52 lowest literacy rate is in Vaibhavvadi tahsil R 77.17 89.17 67.49 U 86.79 92.42 81.40 (64.53%). As far as male and female literacy rates are concerned Vaibhavvadi tahsil stands at the 3. Devgad. T 70.60 81.42 61.20 bottom of the list. There is significant difference R 70.60 81.42 61.20 in literacy rates between mal~s and females of the U total area of the district. A differential of abo:ut 20 points is found in all the tahsHs. This differential 4. Vaibhavvadi T 64.53 77.40 54.50 R 64.53 77.40 54.50 is found maximum in Vaibhavvadi tahsil i.e. about U 23 points, and minimum in Sawantwadi tahsil about 18 points. In other words females are 5. Kankavli T 74.58 85.84 65.06 lagging behind males in literacy in all the tahsils, R 74.58 85.84 65.06 U but the gap is narrowing down. The table 10m) indicates the urban literacy rates in the rlistrict. 6. Sawantwadi T 76.27 85.85 67.89 R 74.52 . 84.48 65.99 TABLE 10(B) U 89.41 95.20 83.47 Literacy rates for Towns, 1991 7. Vengurla T 80.91 90.21 72.62 (excluding children in the age-group ().-6) R 79.67 89.63 70.90 U 88.41 93.56 83.48 Name and Civic Percentage of Literates Admini;;tl-alion status of Tuwn Persons Males Females District Total T 75.81 86.23 66.87 R 74.80 85.60 65.67 (1) (2) (3) (4) U 87.79 93.16 82.44 1. Kudal C.T. 85.67 90.07 81.02 No~ .-In Maharashtra C. D. Blocks and Rural part oftahsils are co-tenninu~. Hence Table lO(A) is nut. pTtlStJnted. 2. Malwan M 86.79 92.42 81.40 Rural and Urban Literacy 3. Sawantwadi M 89.41 95.20 83.47 9.3 For the district as' a whole, the literacy 4. Vengurla M 88.41 93.56 83.48 rate for males is much higher than that of Disttict Tutal (0) 87.79 93.16 82.44 females. As much as 86.23 per • cent of the males are literates '. - 9.5 Sawantwadi town has the highest literacy whilE:) females accoWlt for only .... rate among the four towns i.e. 8~.41 per cent of the 66.87 per cent. The tahsilwise ,-;o_,. population is literate. Kudal and Malwan towns break-up shows that Vengurla . have literacy rates below the district urban average 31 of 1:37.79 per cent. All the towns have male literacy and for females Vengurla town tops the list with rate of more than 90 per cent and that for female 83.48 per cent. The lowest literacy rates for males of more than 80 per cent. As far as the towns are (90.07%) and for females (81.02%) are found in concerned the differential between male and female Kudal town.- literacy rate is about 10 points unlike rural areas where it is about 20 points. It may be observed that Male-Female Share in Total Literates the females are better educated in urban areas than 9.6 A glance at the table lOCi) reveals that the their counterparts in rural areas. Sawantwadi town male-female share in total literates is nearly in the tops the list for male literacy rate at 95.20 per cent ratio of 10 : 9 in the district.

TABLE 10(i)

Male-Female share in total Literates TolaY Tolal Literates Male-Female share in tolal Literates Name ofTabsil RW'alI Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1. Kudal T 97,746 50,993 46,753 100.00 52.17 47.83 R 89,300 46,431 42,869 100.00 51.99 48.01 U 8,446 4,562 3,884 100.00 54.01 45.99

2. Malwan T 81,469 42,114 39,355 100.00 51.69 48.31 R 67,404 34,778 32,626 100.00 51.60 48.40 U 14,065 7,336 6,729 100.00 52.16 47.84

3. Devgad T 72,983 39,124 33,859 100.00 53.61 46.39 R 72,983 39,124 33,859 100.00 53.61 46.39 U

4. Vaibhavvadi T 26,836 14,093 12,743 100.00 52.52 47.48 R 26,836 14,093 12,743 100.00 52.52 47.48 U

5. Kankavli T 84,536 44,574 39,962 100.00 52.73 47.27 R 84,536 44,574 39,962 100.00 52.73 47.27 U

6. Sawantwadi T 122,365 64,271 58,094 100.00 52.52 47.48 R 105,464 55,162 50,302 100.00 52.30 47.70 U 16,901 9,109 7,792 100.00 53.90 46.10

7. Vengurla T 62,341 32,745 29,596 100.00 52.53 47.47 R 52,726 27,774 24,952 100.00 52.68 47.32 U 9,615 4,971 4,644 100.00 51.70 48.30

District Total T 548,276 287,914 260,362 100.00 52.51 47.49 R 499,249 261,936 237,313 100.00 52.47 47.53 U 49,027 25,978 23,049 100.00 52.99 47.01

9.7 The share of males varies between 52.47 and 47.53 per cent and in urban areas 52 per cent and 54 _ per cent and that of are 52.99 and 47.01 per cent. females varies between 46 per cent and 48 per cent. For the district as a whole the Literacy among SC and ST male share is 52.51 per cent and the female.. 9.8 Sexwise literacy rates of Scheduled share is 47.49 per cent. The respective share Castes by rura]/urban for 1991 census is of males and females in rural areas are presented in Table 10(ii). Y 4413-4 32

TABLE 10{ii) TABLE 10{iii)

Literacy Rates of Scheduled Castes by rurall Literacy Rates of Scheduled Tribes by ruraV urban and sex, 1991 (excluding children in urban and sex. 1991 (excluding children in the age group 0-6) the age group 0-6)

Total! Percentage of Literates- Total! Percentage of Literates Name of 'tahsil Rural! Name of Tahsil RuraV Urban Persons Males Females U ..ban Persons Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (l) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Kudal T 70.93 79.25 63.48 l.Kudal T 71.31 79.04 63.93 R 69.57 77.83 62.20 R 70.40 78.68 62.65 U 83.44 91.99 75.45 U 86.57 84.21 89.66

2. Malwan T 69.42 83.70 57.46 2.Malwan T 58.91 73.44 44.62 R 68.03 82.94 55.68 R 58.15 72.44 43.95 U 82.57 90.51 75.17 U 62.16 77.78 47.37

3. Devgad T 68.20 80.89 56.66 3.Devgad T 46.46 48.28 43.90 R 68.20 80.89 56.66 R 46.46 48.28 . 43.90 U U

4. Vaibhavvadi T 64.52 75.54 55.71 4.Vaibhavvadi T 23.13 30.26 15.49 R 64.52 75.54 55.71 R 23.13 30.26 15.49 U U

5. Kankavli T 73.39 83.23 64.50 5.Kankavli T 60.21 71.04 49.56 R 73.39 83.23 64.50 R 60.21 71.04 49.56 U U

6. Sawantwadi T 66.50 77.81 56.20 6.Sawantwadi T 61.71 72.62 50.63 R 64.69 75.80 54.84 R 60.42 71.01 50.00 U 84.07 94.75 7Hil U 92_31 100.00 75.00

7. Vengurla T 71.93 85.18 60.10 7.Vengurla T 64.71 75.00 50.00 R 69.77 83.12 58.06 R 59.65 69.70 45.83 U 81.80 94.12 69.90 U 90.9}. 100.00 75.00

District Total T 69.67 BO.83 59.77 District Total T 62.45 71.89 52.99 R 68.59 79.78 58.77 R 61.56 70.97 52.26 U 83.09 93.03 73.08 U 77.53 85.86 67.09

9.9 . It is seen that 69.67 per cent of the 9.10 It may be observed that 62.45 per cent Scheduled Castes in Sindhudurg district are of the Scheduled Tribes are literate. For male it fOWld to be literates which is slightly less is 71.89 per cent and fo~ female it works out than that of the general literacy rate of the to 52.99 per cent. Among the tahsiJs, the district (75.81%). Among the males it accounts Scheduled Tribe literacy rate for Vaibhavvadi for 80.83 per cent while for females the rate tahsil is very low i.e. 23.13 per cent. is comparatively low i.e., 59.77 per cent. It may be noticeable that urban Scheduled Castes 9.11 Factors such as location, proximity to male literacy rate is on par with the general urban centres, caste composition, settlement urban male literacy rate. As far as Scheduled pattern, levels of social and economic development, Tribes are concemed the literacy rates are attitude of villagers towards literacy and female comparatively lower than the general literacy education, availability of schools arid teachers etc. rates for the district [Table 10(iii)] are quite important factors and each one of these 33 factors exert considerable influence on the workers and the marginal workers of 1981. There literacy rate in any given area. These are to be has been some conceptual change for defining the considered in any deeper analysis of the data on workers-in the previous censuses of 1961 and 1971. literacy levels. The main workers plus the marginal workers of1981 are comparable with the workers plus non-workers 10. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY with secondary work of 1971 and workers of 1961. Definition of Work and Classification of Further for 1981 census, only four industrial Workers categories of main workers Le. cultivators, 10.1 We must understand the term "work" agricultural labourers, workers engaged in household correctly because this word is used in a special sense industries and other workers have been adopted in the Census. " Work may be defmed • as participation against the nine industrial categories of workers in in any economically productive activity.' Such 1971 and 1961. participation may be physical or menta) in nature. 10.4 The main workers of 1991 are distributed "Work" involves not only actual work but also in nine industrial categories of economic activities. effective supervision and direction of work. It also Nature of one's activity and extent of participation includes unpaid work on farm or in family enterprise." in economically productive work are the decisive Types of Workers factors for such a classification. Level of economic development of different regions within the district, 10.2 All those who had worked for the major availability of opportunities besides willingness to part of the preceding year were recorded as main work especially among women, initiative and workers (at least 6 months·or 183 days) while those entrepreneurship evinced by the menfolk in general who worked for sometime during the preceding year etc. are the important factors that influence the but not for the major part, have been treated as distribution ofpopulation under these three categories marginal workers. All those who had not worked at i.e. main workers, marginal workers and non-workers. all during the last year, were recorded as non­ Table 11 below shows the distribution of main workers. Persons engaged in household duties, workers, marginal workers and non-workers for students, dependents, retired persons, rentiers, total, rural and urban areas. beggars are some of the categories grouped as m)ll­ workers. 10.3 There has been no conceptual change in defining the workers between 1981 and 1991 census. At the 1991 census there has been mainly a three­ fold classification of population namely main workers, marginal workers and non-workers which was adopted for 1981 also. In addition to this, the main workers of 1991 are distributed in nine industrial categories of economic activities but in earlier census of 1981 this presentation was upto four industrial categories only. The main workers and marginal workers of 1991 are comparable with the main


Percentage of Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-workers, 1991 Percentage of Totall Name of Tahsil Rural! Main workers to Marginol workers to Total workers to Non-workers to Urban Total population total population total population total population

P M F P M F P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

1. Kudal T 38.13 47.88 29.43 9.06 3.38 14.13 47.19 51.26 43.56 52.81 48.74 56.44 R 38.62 47.60 30.74 9.74 3.57 15.15 48.36 51.17 45.89 51.64 48.83 54.11 U 32.48' 50.84 13.25 1.40 1.38 1.43 33.88 52.22 14.68 66.12 47.78 85.32

2. Malwan T 36.65 48.11 26.88 8.12 3.10 12.41 44.77 51.21 39.29 55.23 48.79 60.71 R 38.08 48.69 29.26 8.90 3.00 13.80 46.98 51.69 43.06 53.02 48.31 56.94 U 28.78 45.19 12.84 3.91 3.59 4.23 32.69 48.78 17.07 67.31 51.22 82.93

Y 4413-4a 34

TABLE ll-contd.

Percentage of Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-workers, 1991 Percentage of Total! Name of Tahsil Rural! Main workers to Marginal wOI1

P M F P M F P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

3. Devgad T 40.04 49.0a 32.04 11.11 3.34 18.07 51.17 52.37 50.11 48.83 47.63 49.89 R 40.04 49.03 32.04 11.13 3.34 18.07 51.17 52.37 50.11 48.83 47.63 49.89 U

4. Vaibhavvadi T 43.22 47.0a 40.15 10.99 3.65 16.89 54.21 50.68 57.04 45.79 49.32 42.96 R 43.22 47.03 40.15 10.99 3.65 16.89 54.21 50.68 57.04 45.79 49.32 42.96 U

5. Kankavli T 41.74 49.22 35.27 8.63 2.92 13.57 50.37 52.14 48.84 49.63 47.86 51.16 R 41.74 49.22 35.27 8.63 2.92 13.57 50.37 52.14 48.84 49.63 47.86 51.16 U

6. Sawantwadi T 36.89 46.84 27.97 7.94 3.11 12.27 44.83 49.95 40.24 55.17 50.05 59.76 R 37.92 46.87 30.02 8.75 3.37 13.49 46.67 50.24 43.51 .. 53.33 49.76 56.49 U 28.96 46.60 10.85 1.69 1.22 2.16 30.65 47.82 13.01 69.35 62.18 86.99

7. Vengurla T 33.30 46.37 21.40 10.96 4.55 16.80 44.26 50.92 38.20 55.74 49.08 61.80 R 34.49 47.06 23.15 11.97 4.64 18.58 46.46 51.70 41.73 53.54 48.30 58.27 U 26.00 42.26 10.29 4.75 4.()4 5.44 30.75 46.30 lri.73 69.25 53.70 84.27

District Total T 38.27 47.84 29.86 9.22 3.34 14.39 47.49 51.18 44.25 52.51 48.8Z· 55.75 R 39.04 47.99 31.25 9.74 3.42 15.24 48.78 51.41 46.49 51.22 48.59 53.51 U 28.98 46.17 11.75 2.86 2.45 3.28 31.84 48.62 15.03 68.16 51.38 84.97 Nare: In Maharashtra C. D. Blocks and Rural part of Tahsils are cu-tclminus. Hence Table l1(A) is not presented.

10.5 The work participation rate for total females in 1981 are 42.27 per cent and 24.28 per cent workers is defined as the percentage oftotal workers respectively. It shows that, in 1991 there is a to total population. In a similar way it is defined for significant increase in the work participation rate for main and marginal workers. 1991 census recorded both males and females in the district. The sexwise 38.27 per cent of the district population as main break-up shows that among males and females 3.34 workers, 9.22 per cent as marginal workers and the per cent and 14.39 per cent of the population are remaining 52.51 per cent as non-workers. The marginal workers as against the 1981 male and corresponding figures for the State are 39.28 per female marginal workers of 4.38 per cent and 12.17 cent, 3.68 per cent and 57.02 per cent. Compared to per cent respectively. As compared to 1981 there has 1981 census figures there has been significant . been slight decrease and increase in marginal male increase in the work participation rate for the main and female workers respectively in the district. The workers of the district (32.43% in 1981 and 38.27% proportion of marginal workers is the highest (11. 13%) in 1991) but for the state increase is negligible in Devgad tahsil and the lowest in Sawantwadi (38.71% in 1981 and 39.28% in 1991).. Thus the ratio tahsil (7.94%). In the tahsils ofVaibhavvadi (10.99%) of persons engaged in economically productive activity and Vengurla (10.96%) the rate is higher than the to total population for the district is in 1991 slightly district average of 9.22 per cent. less than that for the state. Sindhudurg holds the 10.7 Of the rural population of the district 23rd rank when the 30 districts are arranged in returned in 1991 census it is seen that 39.04 per cent descending order of the proportion of main workers. are main workers, 9.74 per cent are marginal workers 10.6 Among the main workers, male and the remaining 51.22 per-cent are non-workers. participation rate in the district is 47.84 per cent The corresponding proportions for the state are while that of females is 29.86 per cent as per 1991 44.18 per cent, 5.48 per cent and 50.31 per cent census. The corresponding figures for males and respectively. The comparison of main workers 35 between the state and the district shows that the in the urban areas (28.98%). Between the two sexes work participation rate in the rural areas of the the differential is larger among the females district is significantly less than the state rural [(31.25%) rural and (11.75%) urban]. than the figures. The work participation rate has moved up males [(47.99%) rural and (46.17%) urban]. Within considerably to 39.04 per cent from 1981 level of the district, if the rural areas are considered, 32.84 per cent. Vaibhavvadi occupies the first rank (43.22%) and Vengurla occupies the last rank (34.49%) in respect 10.8 Among the main workers, male of work participation rate. In Vaibhavvadi, Kankavli participation rate in rural area of the district is 47.99 and Devgad tahsils, which are entirely rural, the per cent, while that of female is 31.25 per cent as main workers form 43.22 per cent, 41.74 per cent per 1991 census. Marginal male and female workers and 40.04 per cent respectively. These rates are account for 3.42 per cent and 15.24 per cent slightly above the over all district average of 38.27 respectively of the total rural population of the per cent and district rural average of 39.04 per district. The proportion of female margi{lal workers cent. The disparity between the proportions of main is higher than that of male because the females workers among males and females is comparatively besides attending their household duties also perform less in rural areas of the one or more economic activities to supplement the tahsils of Kudal, Devgad, family income. Vaibhavvadi, Kankavli and 10.9 There are considerable variations in Sawantwadi but the gap is work participation rates among the tahsils of the wider in Malwan and Vengurla district between rural and urban sectors and also tahsils. The table below l1(B) between males and females. General1y the work indicates the work participation participation rate is more in rural (39.04%) than Tate in urban areas.


Percentage of Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-workers for Towns, 1991 Percentage of

Name and Civic administration Main workers to Marginal workers to Total workers to Non-workers to Status of Town Total population total pupulation tutal population total population

p M F P M F P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

1. Kudal C.T 32.48 50.84 13.25 1.40 1.38 1.43 33.88 52.22 14.68 66.12 47.78 85.32 2. Malwan M 28.78 45.19 12.84 3.91 3.59 4.23 32.69 48.78 17.07 67.31 51.22 82.93 3. Sawantwadi M 28.96 46.60 10.85 1.69 1.22 2.16 30.65 47.82 13.01 69.35 52.18 86.99 4. Vengurla M 26.00 42.26 10.29 4.75 4.04 5.44 30.75 46.30 15.73 69.25 53.70 84.27 District Total M 28.98 46.17 11.75 2.86 2.45 3.28 31.84 48.62 15.03 68.16 51.38 84.97

10.10 In the case of urban areas, Vengurla (28.78%), Sawantwadi (28.96%) and Vengurla town has the lowest rate of just 26.00 per cent, while (26.00%) towns have slightly lower average than the Kudal town has the highest rate of 32.48 per cent district urban average. However, Sawantwadi town for main workers. Generally, higher degree of has registered the rate (28.96%) which is almost urbanisation of any particular area or region leads equal to the rate of urban areas of the district. to a decrease in the proportion of workers in the 10.12 In rural as well as in urban areas of population of the unit. Since Vengurla is more the district the proportion of main workers in the urbanised it is natural to find that the work male population tends to be considerably higher participation rate is the lowest. By the same reasoning than that of the female population. Sindhudurg Kudal being the least urbanised town naturally district too conforms to this general tendency. In contains a higher proportion of workers in its the district, the proportion of male main workers population. in rural and urban areas is 47.99 per cent and 10.11 The work participation rate for main 46.17 per cent respectively as against the over workers in urban areas for the district is 28.98 per all state average rates of 52.05 per cent and 50.02 cent as against the state average of 31.52 per cent. per cent. Roughly, for every 7 female main Compared to the state figure there has been a workers there are 10 male main workers in rural marginal decrease within urban areas of the district. areas of the district as well as state and for every Only Kudal town (32.48%) has slightly more average 3 female main workers there are 10 male main than the district urban average whereas Malwan workers as compared to the ratio of 2 : 10 in the 36

urban areas of the state. In the rural areas of view of the labour intensive nature of agricultural the district 47.99 per cent of the males and 31.25 economy a large number of women are required per cent of the females are main workers. But to participate in work especially during the peak in the urban areas the corresponding rate is seasons of agricultural operations like sowing and slightly lower at (46.17%) and considerably lower harvesting which are to be carried out in a short at (11.75%) respectively. Obviously the womenfolk span of time covering large areas in each village. residing in rural areas are economically more active than their coW\terparts in urban areas. Workers by Industrial Categories This is due to the disparity in the. nature of 10.13 The table economy of the two sectors for which the given below indicates statistical data are compiled separately. Generally the distribution of total , the rural areas offer more opportunities for men male and female and women to work in the sphere of primary workers by nine activities like agriculture, animal husbandry. industrial categories of mining etc., and as mechanisation has not made economic activities for significant dent in the rural agricultural economy, the district and the the per capita income is comparatively low. In state [Table 11(i}}. \


Distribution of workers in nine categories of economic activities, 1991 MahaTlll'htra Sindhudurg district Categories of Workers P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

I. Cultivators 10,172,108 6,230,844 3,941,264 192,648 96,502 96,146 (32.81) (29.79) (39.07) (60.49) (51.80) (72.73)

II. Agricultural Labourers 8,313,22S 3,905,511 4,407,712 sS,Bis· 20,343 18,470 (26.81) (18.67) (43.70) (12.19) (10.92) (13.97)

m. Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and 471,731 403,833 67,898 9;835 8,612 1,223 Plantations, Orchards and allied activities (1.52) (1.93) (0.67) (3.09) (4.62) (0.92)

IV. Mining and QualT)'ing 115,075 98,335 16,740 4,619 3,538 1,081 (0.37) (0.47) (0.17) (1.45) (1.90) (0.82)

V. (a) Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing, 498,431 336,644 161,787 3,510 1,887 1,623 Repairs in hOU&lhold industry (1.61) (1.61) (1.60) (1.10) (1.01) . (1.23)

(b) Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing 3,597,883 3,250,608 347,275 12,346 10,145 2,201 and Repairs in other t.han household (11.60) (15.54) (3.44) (3.88) (5.45) (1.66) industry.

VI. Constructions 801,735 709,015 92,720 7,378 6,203 1,175 (2.59) (3.39) (0.92) (2.32) (3.33) (0.89) .

VB. Ttade and Commerce 2,656,519 2,400,024 256,495 16,658 13,199 3,459 (8.57) (11.47) (2.54) (5.23) (7.09) (2.62)

vm. Ttansport, Storage and Communications... 1,160,239 1,115.676 44,563 6.877 6.647 23() (3.74) (5.33) (0.44) (2.16) (3.57) (0.17)

lX. Other Services 3,219,165 2,468,051 751,114 25,807 . 19,214 6,593 (10.38) (11.80) (7.45) (8.09) (10.31) (4.99)

Total ... 31,006,109 20,918,541 10,087,568 318,491 186,290 132,201 (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

10.14 The relative importance of the main dependent on agriculture which is supported by the . spheres of economic activity may be guaged from fact that the cultivators (60.49%) and agricultural the pattern of distribution of main workers labourers (12.19%) together constitute 72.68 per according to the broad four-fold classification cent of the total main workers of the district as namely, cultivation, agricultural labour, household against the state average of 59.62 per cent. The industry and Qther economic activities. The agricultural sector has absorbed about three-fourth economic activity of the district is primarily of the total main workers, this is so because there 37 is no alternative employment available in the in Table ll(ii). It may be seen that only one-fourth district. The ratio between cultivators and of the workers are engaged in the work other than agricultural labourers of 10 : 2 in the district differs agriculture. Among them the major categories are from the state average of 10: 8. The proportions in livestock, forestry. fishing, hunting and plantations, other working categories are lower in the district orchards and allied activities (3.09%), than the corresponding proportions of workers in manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs, the state. Tahsilwise distribution of workers in nine in other than household industry (3.88%), trade industrial categories of economic activities is shown and commerce (5.23%) and other services (8.09%).

TABLE l1(ii) Tahsilwise distribution of workers in nine categories of economic activities, 1991

Culti· Agricul­ Live Mining Manu­ Manu­ Cons­ Trade Trans­ Other vators tural SLock, and factuT factur­ truc­ and port, Services LabouT Forestry, Quarry ing, ing, tions Com­ . Slorage ers Fishing, ing Proces­ Proces- merce and Hunting sing, sing, Commu­ Total and Plan- Servic­ Servic­ nications main DistricllI'ahsil tations ing ing and workers Orchards and Repairs and Repairs in other allied in than activi­ House­ House­ ties hold hold industry industry (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

1. Kuclal 34,166 6,952 ,,02 484 447 2,480 1,339 2,446 959 4,629 54,704 (62.46) (12.71) (1.47) (0.88) (0.82) (4.53) (2.45) (4.47) (1.75) (8.46) (100.00)

2. Malwan 23,536 5,856 2,703 312 213 1,884 839 2,676 1,122 3,553 42,694- (55.13) (13.72) (6.33) (0.73) (0.50) (4.41) n.96) (6.27) (2.63) (8.32) (100.00)

3. Devgad 30,748 6,242 1,910 542 426 1,208 790 1,902 729 3,371 47,868 (64.24) (13.04) (3.99) (1.13) (0.89) (2.53) (1.65) (3.97) (1.52) (7.04) (100.00)

4. Vaibhavvadi 17,049 766 161 169 168 329 482 580 138 1,134 20,976 (81.28) (3.65) (0.77) (0.80) (0.80) (1.57) (2.30) (2.76) (0.66) (5.41) (100.00)

5. Kankavli 38,107 3,843 501 721 269 1,950 1,094 2,660 1,345 3,853 54,343 (70.12) (7.07) (0.92) (1.33) (0.50) (3.59) (2.01) (4.89) (2.48) (7.09) (100.00)

6. Sawantwadi 36,882 10,090 1,583 834 1,549 3,233 2,355 4,021 1,812 6,347 68,706 (53.68) (14.69) (2.30) (1.21) (2.25) (4.71) (3.43) (5.85) (2.64) (9.24) (100.00)

7. Vengurla 12,160 5,064 2,175 1,557 438 1,262 479 2,373 772 2,920 29,200 (41.64) (17.34) (7.45) (5.33) (1.50) (4.32) (1.64) (8.13) (2.65) (10.00) (100.00)

District Total 192,648 38,813 9,835 4,619 3,510 12,346 7,378 16,658 6,877 25,807 318,491 (60.49) (12.19) (3.09) (1.45) (1.10) (3.88) (2.32) (5.23) (2.16) (8.09) (100.00)

10.15 The proportion of both cultivators but natural in the context of the agricultural and agricultural labourers differ considerably economy of the district. There are 115 cultivators from tahsil to tahsil. The proportion of and agricultural labourers per 100 hectares of cultivators varies between 81.28 per cent for cultivable area. The following table gives the Vaibhavvadi tahsil and 41.64 per cent for tahsil wise . Vengurla tahsil. The proportion for agricultural distribution labourers varies reciprocally between 3.65 per of persons cent and 17.34 per cEmt for the same two engaged in tahsils. Such wide variations within the district agriculture are due to the differences in the fertility of per 100 soils and resultant cropping and land holding hectares of patterns. About 73 per cent of the workers in cu lti vable \ the district are directly engaged in agriculture area. [Table .. as cultivators or agricultural labourers, which is l1(iii)]. 38

TABLE 110ii) Works Department, on health with the Directorate of Health and so on. Cultivators and agricultural labourers per 100 hectares of cultivable area Educational Facilities 11.2 Educational facility at the minimum level Cultivators and of primary education is available in 697 villages, that Cultivators Total aglicultural is 94.70 per cent of the Name of and cultivable labourers 736 inhabited villages Tahsil agricultural area (iu per 100 labourers hectares) hectares of of the district and cultivable these 697 villages have area 1,333 primary schools {I} (2) (3) (4) including one school 1. Kudal 4U18 25,450.00 162 exclusively for girls 2. Malwan 29,392 25,613.95 115 (Appendix YIn. In the 3. Devgad 36,990 41,335.10 89 district on an average 4. Vaibhavvadi 17,815 32,977.30 54 each village has two 5. Kankavli 41,950 22,990.50 182 primary schools. As compared to 1981, the proportion 6. Saw antw adi 46.972 42,992.98 109 of educational facility has increased from 92.74 per cent to 98.37 per cent in Kudal, 89.63 per cent to 7. Vengurla 17,~24 9,197.00 187 94.81 per cent in Malwan, 96.88 per cent to 100.00 District Total 231,461 200,556.83 115 per cent in Devgad, 89.19 per cent to 89.52 per cent in Kankavli, 93.57 per cent to 95.00 per cent in Non-Workers Sawantwadi and from 83.33 per cent to 88.46 per 10.16 All those persons who have not worked cent in Vengurla tahsils. From the above figures we at all during the entire year under reference can say that there is definitely an improvement in period are classified as this facility in almost all the tahsils since 1981. All non-workers. In the the villages of Devgad tahsil have at least one total population of the primary school within their respective revenue limits. district the proportion Devgad is the first tahsil to attain cent per cent of such persons comes minimum educational f~~i1ity in Maharashtra. to 52.51 per cent i.e. nearly half of the total 11.3 There are many villages having more than population. Simtlar is one primary school in the district. In Devgad, kankavli the case in rural areas and Sawantwadi tahsils on an average every village (51.22%) of the district also. However, in urban has two primary schools. Sotne large villages have population of the district this proportion is 68.16 three or more primary schools. Middle schools, that per cent and it is more than half of the total is schools with facilities for teaching higher primary urban population. The categories of main workers, classes (V to VIII standard) are functioning in 522 marginal workers and non-workers are out of the 736 inhabited villages of the district. As complementary to each other. Therefore, in areas few villages have more than one middle school, the where the proportions of main workers and average number of middle schools per village works marginal workers are high, the proportion of non­ out to 0.96. Normally when the level of education workers would be naturally low and vice-versa. increases, the number of villages having the facility Among females and in urban areas therefore the and also the number of institutions gets reduced. non-workers are more numerous. Hence in the rural areas of the district there are only 146 villages having one or more high schools. It 11. AMENITIES IN VILLAGES AND TOWNS , means on an average there is a high school for every 11.1 Information on this aspect is furnished in five villages. Pre-UniverSity educational facilities ~ detail in the village and town directory statements are available in only 16 villages while there is only and in a consolidated form in the appendix and also one degree college in the rural areas of the district. in the tables presented. The non-census information There are in all 287 adult literacy centres in the collected at the village level or town level by the rural areas of the district. Because of these centres Tahsildar/Chief officer was scrutinised and varified and the high percentage of villages having primary' in each district by the District Planning Officer. The schools, the district is on its way to become the nrst Collectors were also requested to once again reverify district to attain cent per cent literacy in in case serious discrepancies were observed. Besides Maharashtra. Educationalfacjlities of some or other this, the non-census information was cross checked types are available in 698 (94.84%) out of 736 with the parent department, for example information inhabited villages and the aggregate population of on electricity was cross checked with Maharashtra these villages comes to 97.79 per cent. of the total State Electricity Board, that on roads with Public rural population of the district (Table 12 and 13). 39

TABLE 12 Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities No. (with ptJrcentage) of Villages having one or more of the following amenities No. of Name of C. D. Block inhllbited Education Medical Drinking Post MarkeU Commu- Approach Power villages water and Hat nications by pucca Supply telegraph road (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) l. Kudal 123 121 59 123 62 10 116 54 118 (98.37) (47.97) (100.00) (50,41) (8.13) (94.31) (43.90) (95.93)

2. Malwan 135 128 89 135 63 11 110 46 135 (94.81) (65.93) (100.00) (46.67) (8.15) (81.48) (34.07) (100.00)

3. Devgad 97 97 42 97 54 6 91 85 94 (100.00) (43.30) (100.00) (55.67) (6.19) (93.81) (87.63) (96.91)

4. Vaibhavvadi 58 56 56 58 21 3 44 26 58 (96.55) (96.55) (100.00) (36.21) (5.17) (75.86) (44.83) (100.00)

5. Kankavli 105 94 44 105 49 12 88 60 105 (89.52) (41.90) (100.llO) (46.67) (11.43) (83.81) (57.14) (100.00)

6. Sawantwadi 140 133 71 140 58 8 96 60 139 (95.00) (50.7l) (100.00) (41.43) (5.n) (68.57) (42.86) (99.29)

7. Vengurla 78 69 38 78 25 5 44 39 78 (88.46) (48.72) (100.00) (32.05) (6.41) (56.41) (50.00) (l00.oo)

District Total 736 698 399 736 332 55 589 370 727 (94.84) (54.21) (100.00) (45.11) (7.47) (80.03) (50.27) (98.78)

TABLE 13 Proportion of rural Population served by different amenities Total population Propoltion of lural population served by the amenity of of Name of C. D. Block inhabited Educa- Medical Drinking Post Market! Conunu- Approach Power villages lion water and Hat nications by pucca Supply in the telegraph road C.D. Block (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1. Kudal 131,884 131,089 78,365 131,884 85,741 19,902 127,361 67,4B4 128,362 (99.40) (59.42) (100.00) (65.0L) (15.09) (96.57) (51.17) (97.33)

2. Malwan 98,517 96,679 72,826 98,517 64,363 12,161 82,773 38,536 98,517 (98.13) (73.92) (100.00) (65.33) (12.34) (84.02) (39.12) (100.00)

3. Devgad 119,552 119,552 78,685 119,552 88,559 14,309 115,396 110,630 116,856 (100.00) (65.82) (100.00) (74.0B) (11.97) (96.52) (92.54) (97.74)

4. Vaibhavvadi 48,536 47,399 47,478 48,536 26,115 3,867 40,764 26,835 48,536 (97.66) (97.82) (l00.(lO) (53.81) (7.97) (83.99) (55.29) (loo.oo)

5. Kankavli 130,181 123,351 871,811 130,181 91,858 33,206 120,569 93,970 130,181 (94.75) (63.61) (100.00) (70.56) (25.51) (92.62) (72.18) (100.00)

6. Saw antw adi 164,910 163,825 123,753 164,910 110,777 18,703 140,281 107,334 163,969 (99.34) (75.04) (l00.00) (67.17) (11.34) (85.07) (65.09) (99.43)

7. Vengurla 75,422 70,136 47,216 75,422 36,848 8,097 51,879 46,715 75,422 (92.99) (62.60) (100.00) (48.86) (10.74) (68.78) (61.94) (100.00)

District Total 769,002 752,031 531,134 769,002 504,261 110,245 679,023 491,504. 761,843 (97.79) (69.07) (100.00) (65.57) (14.34) (88.30) (63.91) (99.07) 40

11.4 The situation regarding schools is the Kankavli tahsil and Udeli in Sawantwadi tahsil, best in Devgad tahsil where all the villages have it is more than 10 kilometres (Table 14). From educational facilities. In other four tahsils, the above situatio~ it appears that Sindhudurg situation regarding proportion of villages with is one of the best districts in Maharashtra State educational facility is better. They are Kudal in respect of education and educational facilities. (98.37%), Vaibhavvadi (96.55%), Sawantwadi (95.00%) and Malwan (94.81%). In the remaining TABLE 14 two.. tahsils, situation regarding villages with educational facility is fair i.e. Kankavli (89.52%) Distribution of villages not having certain and Vengurla (88.46%). Of the 180 villages having amenities arranged by distance ranges from less than 500 population each, 156 (86.67%) have the places where these are available. the educational facilities. Out of the 492 villages Number of villages where the amenity in the population range of 500-1999, only 478 is not available but available at (97.15%) avail of this facility. AI] the remaining Villages not having a distance of 64 villages with a population range of more than the amenity of -5 5-10 10+ Total 2,000 each avail of this facility. kms. kIDS. kIDS. (coIs. 11.5 There are only 38 villages which do not 2-4) have any educational\facility. Of these, 20 villages (1) {2) (3) (4) (5) faU in two tahsi1s viz. KankayJi and Vengurla, 1. Education 32 4 2 38 which have low proportion of villages with primary schools i.e. below 90 per cent in 2. M",dical 187 96 54 337 comparison with other tahsils of the district. Out 3. Dlinking Water of the 38 villages without educational facility, in case of 32 villages at least a primary school is 4. Post and Telegraph 331 52 21 404 located at a distance of hardly 5 kilometres. In respect of 4 villages the distance to be covered 5. MarketJlIat 319 213 149 681 is between 5 and 10 kilometres and for the 6. Communications 104 27 16 147 remaining 2 villages viz., Pirnpaleshwarnagar in


Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

Distance No. of Number (with percentages) of villages having the amenity of range inhabited fi'Om the villages Education Medical Dl'inking POlo"t and Mal'ketl Communi- Approach Power nearest town in each water telegraph hat cations by pucca supply (in kms.) range road (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

0-6 46 44 20 46 14 1 35 34 46 (95.65) (43.48) (100.00) (30.43) (2.17) (76.09) (73.91) (100.00)

6-15 128 122 71 128 64 10 111 73 128 (95.31) (55A7) (100.00) (50.00) (7.81) (86.72) (57.03) (100.00)

16-50 492 465 .. 247 492 227 41 . 396 234 483 (94.5!) . (50.20) (100.00) (46.14) (B.33) (80.49) (47.56) (98.17)

51+ 70 67 61 70 27 3 47 29 70 (95.71) (87.14) (100.00) (38.57) (4.29) (67.14) (41.43) (100.00)


District Total 736 698 399 736 332 55 589 370 727 (94.84) (54.21) (100.00) (45.11) (7.47) (80.03) (50.27) (98.78) 41


Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available No. of Number (with percentages) of villages having the amenity of inhabited Population range villages Education Medical Dlinking Post and MarkeV Communi- Approach· Power in each waler tulegraph hat cations by pucca supply range road

(1) (2) (3) (4) (~) (6) (7) (M) (9) (10)

--499 180 156 67 180 18 1 114 52 177 (86.67) (37.22) (100.00) (10.00) (0.56) (63.33) (28.89) (98.33)

500-1,999 492 478 270 492 253 38 412 259 486 (97.15) (54.88) (100.00) (51.42) (7.72) (83.74) (52.64) (98.78)

2,000--4,999 60 60 58 60 57 13 59 55 60 (lOO.OO) (96.67) (100.00) (95.00) (21.67) (98.33) (91.67) (100.00)

5.000+ 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (75.00) (100.00) (100.00) (loo.00)

All ranges 736 698 399 736 332 55 589 370 727 (94.84) (54.21) (100.00) (45.11) (7.47) (80.03) (50.27) (98.78)

11.6 In all towns of the district, facilities are 1,148 persons in the district. There are Marathi, locally available for primary and secondary level of and English medium schools in the district. education and also for collegiate education at degree 4,065 girls mainly from poor families had benefited level. In so far as technical education is concerned, by Smt. Savitri Bai Dattak Palak Scheme in the year Sawantwadi town has one medical college and 1987-88. Malwan town has one polytechnic institute. The nearest place with engineering college is Ponda (Goa Medical Facilities State) which is about 100 to 120 kilometres away 11.8 Medical institutions of one or the other from these towns. type are functioning in 399 (54.21%) villages out of 736 inhabited vi1lages in TABLE 17 the district: In case of Schools per 10,000 population in Towns Vaibhavvadi tahsil all except two villages are No. per 10,000 population enjoying the medical Class, name and Civic status of Higher Becon- Junior P1imary facilities. It is observed Town Secon­ daryl Seeon- from tahsil wise figures dary/ MatJi- daryl of viII ages having medical . Inter/ culation Middle facility that· they are PUCI Junior ranging between 41.90 College per cent in Kankavli and (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 96.55 per cent in Vaibhavvadi. Within the district, the position is the best in Vaibhavvadi tahsil, where IV Kudal C.T .... 0.86 2.59 4.31 4.31 as many as 96.55 per cent of villages are equipped IV Malwan M 1.67 2.22 3.34 11.68 with some kind of medical facility (Table 12) and III Sawantwadi M 0.94 2.35 1.41 7.98 97.82 per cent of its population gets the benefit IV Vengurla M 0.82 1.63 2.45 9.79 (Table 13). The proportion of villages with medical All Towns 1.11 2.22 2.69 8.71 facilities is 65.93 per cent in Malwan tahsil and it is above the district average (54.21%). The primary 1l. 7 Table 17 indicates. schools per ten thousand health centres, sub-centres and dispensaries serve population in towns. On an average, the ratios of not only the resident population of the concerned schools per ten thousand population in urban areas villages but also those residing in surrounding in the district are 1.11 (Higher SecondarylPUC), 2.22 villages. Generally these villages enjoy central (Secondaryl1vlatriculation), 2.69 (Junior Secondary/ location, and are somewhat away from towns and Middle) and 8.71 (Primary Schools). In other words, tend to be large in population size. among urbanities there is a Higher Secondary/PUC for every 9,021 persons, SecondarylMatriculation 11.9 Medical institution of any type specified in School for every 4,511 persons, Middle School for the village directory exists in more than five out of every 3,715 persons and Primary School for every every ten (54.21 %) villages)n 1991 as against three 42 villages out of every ten villages in 1981 in the and in 95 villages water is supplied through taps. district. These villages account for 69.07 per cent of River (86) and canal (29) also supply water to many the rural populat~on of the district. This shows that villages. It is found that 361 (49.05%) out of 736 there is an improvement in this facility in almost all inhabited villages have more than one type of source tahsils since 1981.337 (45.79%) out of 736 villages of drinking water supply. However only in Vengurla do not have any type of medical facility in their tahsil a larger proportion of villages have a single respective village limits. Of these as mfmy as 187 source of water supply through wells. Out of7 tahsils (55.49%} are situated at a distance of hardly 5 of the district only four villages of Sawantwadi tahsil kilometres with reference to the nearest place with have reported single source of water supply viz., medical facilities and another 96 (28.49%) are located River and Spring, other than Well, Tap and Hand at a distance of 5-10 kilometres. But in the case of Pump. 54 (16.02%) villages the residents have to cover more than 10 kilometres to reach a place with some TABLE 18.1 medical facility (Table 14). It is also observed that Single source of water supply other than all the big sized vil1ages (5000+) are equipped with Well, Tap and Hand Pump some kind of medical facility within the village, while small villages (below 500) barely have this C. D. 'Dluck L. C. nu. Name of Village Source facility (Table 16). (1) (2) (3) (4) 11.10 Table 18 gives the number of beds per Sawantwadi 63 Padve Spring 1,000 population in the towns. On an average there 92 Phondye Spring are eight beds per one thousand population in the III Bambarde River urban areas of the district. Out of 4 towns only two 112 Ghatiwade River towns show better availability of beds per 1,000 population. Sawantwadi and Vengurla towns enjoy 11.12 There is an improvement mostly in all a better position and comparatively well-eqwpped types of drinking water facilities since 1981. Now 5 hospitals. villages out of every 10 have more than one Wpe of source of drinking water supply as compared to every TABLE 18 3 villages in 1981. ~ . Number of Beds in Medical Institutions in Postal Facilities Towns. 11.13 As regards rural areas of the district as Class, name and No. of oods in Medical a whole, the facility of post and telegraph is available· civic stat.us of institutiuns per 1,000 to 332 (45.11%) villages Town population out of 736 villages serving (1) (2) 65.57 per cent of rural IV Kudal C.T. 1.72 population of the district. The approximate propor­ IV Malwan M 4.50 tion of post offices is 43 for III Sawantwadi M 11.55 one lakh rural population IV Vengurla M 13.46 of the district. Within the All Towns 8.11 seven tahsils of the district the percentage of vi11ages Drinking Water Facilities having post and telegraph facility varies considerably. Devgad tahsil with 55.67 per cent has the highest 11.11 Regarding drinking water facilities, it is proportion whereas Vengur]a tahsil with 32.05 per heartening to note that some such facilities are cent holds the 'last rank. Only two tahsils viz., existing in almost all the Kudal and Devgad have the proportion of more 'than villages and towns in the 50 per cent. district. It may also be mentioned that this 11.14 Postal facilities are not available to 404 question has not been villages. Out of these as many as 33i (81.93%) are examined in depth and situated at a distance of hardly 5 kilometres with factors such as sufficiency reference to the nearest place with postal facilities. or availability of water The inhabitants of 52 (12.87%) villages have to throughout the year or cover the distance between 5 and 10 kilometres to otherwise technical avail the postal facility. People of only 21 (5.20%) opinion regarding the villages have to cover a distance of more than 10 potability of the available water itself have not been kilometres. Among the 332 villages with the facility probed into. In most of the villages open well and of post and telegraph, 18 villages 'are having less hand pumps are the main sources of drinking water than 500 population, 253 villages 'in the size class 43

500-1999; 57 villages in the size class 2000-4999 communication facility by sea. Devgad and and 4 villages with a population of 5000+ (Table Vijaydurg are considered to be safe ports, open 16). It may be observed that as the population size throughout the year. 589 (80.03%) villages have of the villages increases, the proportion of villages some communication facility available. The having postal facility also increases. There is a need aggregate population of the villages with to improve postal facility in respect of money orders communication facilities works out to 88.30 per disbursement. cent of the rural population of the district. Kudal tahsil with a tally of 94.31 per cent of villages Weekly Market Facilities appears to be the best served tahsil as against 11.15 Generally large villages have at least a Vengurla with only 56.41 per cent which holds few permanent shops which deal with the daily the last rank. As compared to 1981, the proportion necessities of the of communication facilities has increased steadily. residents. Weekly Now 8 vi11ages out of every 10 have communication markets are also facilities as compared to 7 in 1981. held in some of 11.18 Out of 736 villages, 147 (19.97%) the important villages do not have any bus stop or navigable river villages. In the and there is no communication facility available. rural areas of the Of these 147 villages, the residents of 104 villages district such have to cover hardly 5 kilometres to reach a place markets are held in as many as 55 (7.47%) villages with such facility, for 27 villages it is between 5 out of the 736 inhabited villages. The proportion and 10 kilometres and for 16 villages it is more than of villages with weekly markets to total number of 10 kilometres. The availability of this facility inhabited villages in the tahsil varies between 5.17 depends upon the location of the village with per cent in case of Vaibhavvadi tahsil and 11.43 reference to road. Among the 589 villages which per cent in Kankavli tahsil (Table 12). Out of the have the availability of communication facility 55 villages where weekly market is held as many within their respective limits 114 villages fall in the as 44 are at a distance of more than 15 kilometres population range of below 500, 412 villages in the from any urban centre while the others are located range of 500-1999, 59 villages in the range of 2000- at a distance in the range of 5 to 15 kilometres 4999 and the remaining 4 villages fall in the range (Table 15). of 5000+. The population size of a village is having 11.16 Of the 55. villages where marketslhats some impact on the availability of communication are held, one is in the population range of less than facility. The following table shows the number of 500, 38 are in 500-1999, 13 are in 2000-4999 and various types of vehicles available in the district 3 are in the population range of 5000+. Out of the in the year 1989. 681 villages not having weekly markets 319 (46.84%) are located within a distance of 5 TABLE 18.2 kilometres with reference to a village where such Motor Vehicles-1989 a facility' is available. In the case of 213 (31.28%) and 149 (21.88%) villages the distance to be covered Item No. of Vehicles (1) (2) to reach a place where the marketing facility available is 5 to 10 kilometres and more than 10 1. Motor Cycles, Scooters 5,374 kilometres respectively. 2. Jeeps 879 3. Taxies 24 Communication Facilities 4. Rickshaws 1,150 11.17 If a bus stop or a railway station or 5. Plivate Motors for goods transport 156 a navigable waterWay is located within the 6. Public Motors for goods trall!~port 890 territorial jurisdiction of a village, it is considered 7. Axnhulances 6 to have been served by 8. School buses 4 such facility even if it 9. Others 359 is a little away from the actual settlement. The Total 8,842 district does not enjoy Source: A-;sistant Divisional Transport. Ollicer, Sindhudurg­ the rail facility. How­ Kudal. ever, it enjoys compara­ tively good system, of Approach road communication facilities 11.19 Road whether' Pucca' or' Kachcha' are mainly through bus routes. There are only fIve the nervous system of a district. They act as a pull navigable rivers in Malwan and Devgad tahsils. factor for the development and up-liftment of the Due to maritime district, it enjoys better area. Roads with cement concrete, black top, water 44 bound macadam etc. come under pucca road and Gaganbavda-Karul-Talera Road, Devgad-Nipani the remaining are treated as Kachcha road. The Road, Vijaydurg-Redi Road, Malwan_Kasal length of Road, Vengurla-Aheri-Belgaum Road and roads in Sawantwadi-Banda-Dodamarg Road. the dis­ 11.21 In the rural areas of the district there trict was is an improvement i~ respect of pucca road facility 3203.49 in 1991 than in 1981, when there were 267 kms in villages having pucca road facility. In 1991 this 1988-89 has increased by 103. In this district most of the exclud- villages are accessible and are connected either ing mu- by a pucca or a kachch& approach road or both nicipal ./ types of approach roads to one or the other main area. Out or important road. 10 villages are accessible by of this, 1005.19 kms and 2198.30 kms roads are foot path only. About 50.27 per cent oflhe villages under the control of Public Works Department and have pucca approach road. In this respect Devgad Zilla Parishad respectively. The roads length in the tahsil enjoys a better position with 87.63 per cent district are classified as C~ment concrete (12.41 of the villages having pucca approach road and kms.), Tar road (1141.58 'kms.), Water bound it holds the first place amongst the seven tahsils. macadam (1343.92 kms.) and others (705.58 kms.). On the other hand Malwan tahsil is in the most The type of roads by length are given in the following unfavourable position with 34.07 per cent. It may tabIe.- be seen that in four tahsi1s, the proportion of villages having pucca approach road is less than TABLE 18.3 50 per cent (Table 12). The road network in the Types of Roads by length in kms. rural areas obviously needs improvement in thes~ tahsils. Oul"ide the limit of Within Municipality the 11.22 Proximity to an urban centre is a Type of Roads limit PWD Zilla Tota] of favourable factor that helps a village to secure the Pari "had Munici· facility of pucca approach· road. Of the villages pality beyond 51 kilometres from urban centes only 41.43 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) per cent villages are having the pucca road facility. For the villages in the distance range of 0-5, 6- 1. Surfacewise 15 and 16-50 kilometres the corresponding figures Cement Concrote 12.41 12.41 6.05 work out to be 73.91 per cent, 57.03 per cent and Black Topped 850.20 291.38 1,141.58 53.77 47.56 per cent respectively. Water Bound Macadam 113.58 1,230.34 1,343.92 15.14 Others 29.00 676.58 705.58 lUJO 11.23 The aggregate population of the villages with pucca roads forms 63.91 per cent of the rural Total 1,005.19 2,198.30 3,203.49 85.96 population of the district. When examined from this point of view. Devgad tahsil (92.54%) takes 2. Categorywise the first place and Kankavli tahsil with its 72.16 National Highways 107.91 107.91 per cent stands second in the list. The remaining State Higbways '137.14 3.40 140.54 one tahsil is above and four are below the district rural average. In the tahsils of Devgad and Other State Highways ... 52l.26 30.00 551.26 Kankavli obviously, a greater proportion of large Major District Roads 208.65 507.44 716.09 sized villages enjoy the pucca road facility. ather District Roads .. , 25.23 606.58 631.81 Population size is an important factor which fs 1,050.88 1,055.88 Village Roads 5.00 directly associated with availability of pucca road Other Developmental 85.96 facility. Larger the size, greater are the chances Roads of that village having this facility. Thus out of Tolal ... 1,005.19 2,198.30 3,203.49 85.96 180 villages having population upto 500 only 52 (28.89%) vil1ages have pucca roads whereas a11 Source: (1) Executive Engineer, P.W.D., Kankavli and Sawantwadi. the 4 villages with 5000 and more inhabitants (2) Executive Engineer, P. W. D. (Z. P.), Kankavli. have this facility. (3) Municipal Coundls of Sawantwadi, Vengurla and Malwan.

11.20 The national highway No. 17 i.e., Power Supply Bombay-Konkan-Goa Road passes through 11.24 The proportion of electrified villages Sindhudurg. Some important State highways for this district is much impressive. All the 4 towns passing through this district are: Kolgaon­ (100.00%) and 727 villages out of 736 i.e. 98.78 per Sawantwadi-Banda Road, Kolhapur- cent are enjoying the power supply facility. 45

All the villages are in a better position in respect of electri­ in Malwan, fication. All 174 villages which are located at a Vaibhavvadi, distance of less than 15 kHometres from urban Kankavli and centre are electrified. There are only 9 viHages Vengurla tahsils which do not have any type of power supply are electrified. and they are in Kudal (5), Devgad (3) and In the matter of Sawantwadi (1) tahsils, and are located beyond electrification 25 kilometres from the nearest urban centres. proximity to a The Table below shows the tahsilwise distribution town is a favourable factor. In other words, of villages having power supply for different the villages which are close to the urban centres purposes.

TABLE 18.4 Distribution of villages having Power Supply DistricV ED EAG EO No C. D. Block only only only ED,EO ED,EAG EA Power Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

l. Kudal 100 6 12 5 123

2. Malwan 30 80 15 10 135

3. Devgad 61 15 18 3 97

4. Vaibhavvadi 58 58

5. Kank~vli 34 68 3' 105

6. Sawantwadi 99 3 14 23 1 140

7. Vengurla 13 53 2 10 78

District Total 395 15 228 43 46 9 736

11.25 It is seeri that in the district there are 12. LAND UTILISATION-LAND USE 395 villages which have the power supply for PATTERN domestic purpose only. Electricity for all purposes is available in 46 villages and only in 15 villages it is used exclusively for other purposes like industrial, commercial etc. The aggregate population of the electrified villages constitutes 99.07 per cent of the rural population of the district. From this point of view Malwan, Vaibhavvadi, Kankavli and Vengurla tahsils, with a coverage of cent per cent power supply enjoy the most favourable position. The proportion of 12.1 The Ministry of Food and Agriculture, population served is slightly below the district Government of India has recommended to the State average in Kudal and Devgad tahsils and 97.33 Governments the standard pattern of land use and 97.74 per cent of the population reside in classification for the maintenance of records. Columns electrified villages respectively. 14 to 18 of the vi1lage directory give land use pattern of each village in the district. The data furnished 11.26 It may be summed up from the here are based on the village r.ecords and pertain to foregoing paragraphs that in respect of availability the year 1989. The total area reported under these of different types of amenities and facilities columns tallies with the total geographical area of considered, the larger villages have an advantage the village as noted in column 3 of the village over the smaller ones. Population size and directory. Sometimes the exact area of the village availability of amenities are directly associated and land use pattern have not been made available with each other. The larger villages function as by the district authorities, and the same have not service centres in respect of several surrounding been shown. For Sindhudurg district there are 8 villages and gradually grow into small towns and such villages for which area and land use pattern is attain urban status in the course of time. not available with the district authorities. 46

Forest Irrigated (by source) and Unirrigated Land 12.4 Columns 15 and 16 give an the agri­ cultural lands and when added together would correspond to the net area sown plus the current and other fallow 12.2 This includes all land classified as land. Area forest under any legal enactment dealing with sown more forests or administered a$ forests, whether, State­ than once owned or private and whether wooded or simply during the maintained as forest land. Within the forest area same year, if any, in the village'is counted only once itself there may be occasionally cultivated patches under these columns. In column 15 sourcewise break­ or grazing lands, but such areas too are shown up of the irrigated area is furnished by using under column 14 as forests. The process of abbreviations. All lands that are lying uncultivated regularisation of land grants and effecting as fallow for more than 5 years in succession are relevant changes in the b'asic records of survey regarded as permanent fallows Cculturable waste) and settlement are somewhat protracted and time and are coveroo under column 17. consuming. Therefore the information based on 12.5 The concept of irrigation implies the records is in some cases at least, likely to be .. existence of source of water supply within a different when compared with the actual field reasonable distance and an arrangement to situation. regulate the supply of water according to the day­ . 12.3 The total forest area of the district is to-day needs of the crops raised in these fields. shown in column 14 of village directory statement. Naturally, therefore all areas which are cultivated The forest area in the district is distributed under purely rainfed conditions are treated' as among 316 villages accounting for 42.93 per cent unirrigated lands. Similarly the area under garden of the villages in the district. The total area crops is considered for .column 15 only if there under forests in this district is about 58,563.66 is irrigation. The irrigated area in the district is hectares and social forestry area is about distributed into 252 villages out of 736 inhabited 4,057.71 hectares as per the position in 1989. villages accounting for 34.24 per cent. In 38 Among the 7 tahsils of the district Kankavli villages, irrigation is done by well only. The area accounts for one-fourth of the total forest area irrigated by 'river' and 'other' sources account of the district. The forest produce is divided into for 39.62 per cent and 41.44 per cent of the total two main classes, major and minor. The chief irrigated area respectively. The other sources used major forest produce is timber and firewood and for irrigation are Government Canal (0.18%), Well . much of it goes to Kolhapur. The chief minor (9.53%), Well with electricity (4.94%), Tank (3.89%) forest produce is Apta and Temburni leaves, and Lake (0.40%). Table below shows the details hirdas etc. in respect of area irrigated by source.

TABLE 18.5 Area irrigated by source (in hectares) Area irrigated by source in hectares C. D. Block Govern- Well Well Tank River Lake Others Total - m .. nt (with Can;ll electricity) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

l. Kudal 7.00 32.00 2.00 2.00 144.00 16.00 383.00 586.00 2. Malwan 211.20 134.95 95.79 441.94 3. Devgad 640.84 640.84 4. Vaibhavvadi 6.53 6.55 13.08 5. Kankavli 7.44 379.30 386.74 6. Sawantwadi 60.55 48.53 2.00 187.20 1,125.06 1,423.34 7. Vengurla 77.00 12.00 48.00 225.00 141.00 503.00

District Total 7.00 380.75 197.48 155.23 1,582.87 16.00 1,655.61 3,994.94 Percentage 0.18 9.53 4.94 3.89 39.62 0.40 41.44 100.00 47

12.6 Within the district total cultivated area of the cultivated area of the district is irrigated. is 39.97 per cent which is about two-fifth of Vengurla tahsil has a slightly better proportion the total area. Tahsils exceeding the district (5.47%) of the cultivated area under irrigation. average percentage of cultivated area are Other tahsils exceeding the district average are Vaibhavvadi (79.25%), Devgad (53.12%) and Sawantwadi (3.31%) and Kudal (2.30%) and the Malwan (42.04%). The remaining four tahsils are remaining tahsils are below the district average below the district average. Barely 1.99 per cent (Table 19).


Distribution of villages according to Land use (in hectares) No. of Percentage of Percentage of Name orc. D. Block inhabited Total area cultivable area irrigated area to villages to total area total cultivable area (l) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Kudal 123 81,388.00 31.27 2.30

2. Malwan 135 60,934.68 42.04 1.73

3. Devgad 97 77,809.51 53.12 1.55

4. Vaibbavvadi 58 41,610.56 79.25 0.04

5. Kankavli 105 76,997.00 29.86 1.68

6. Sawantwadi 140 135,178.65 31.80 3.31

7. Vengurla 78 27,816.00 33.06 5.47

District Total 736 501,734.40 39.97 1.99 Nole.-Cultivable Area =lITigated + Uninigated.

13. BRIEF NOTE ON TOWN DIRECTORY of urbanisation and urban infrastructure. An idea 13.1 There are 4 towns in the district and regarding the scale of financial transactions of of these; 3 are municipal towns and 1 is a census the civic bodies may be had from the data town. Three towns namely Malwan, Sawantwadi presented in Statement III of the Town Directory. and Vengurla have been enjoying the urban 13.4 Data on civic amenities shows that out status from 1901 census onwards, Kudal is of 4 towns, 2 towns are having drainage facilities declared as census town in 1991 for the first usually in the fonn of open surface drains and time. It is also the temporary headquarters of in remaining two towns 'other' severage facility Sindhudurg district. is available. All the towns have water borne 13.2 Over the decades, the old towns have latrines though the numbers vary from town to experienced a varied history of growth from 1901 town. The road length in the towns vary from to 1991. In 1991, an the four towns of the town to town. Generally more populous towns district have popul~tion of less than twenty five have greater road length. thousand. Statement I of Town Directory shows 13.5 Drinking water is supplied through the growth rate in the towns for the last 9 taps to the inhabitants of 2 out of the 4 towns, decades as well as density and sex ratio in 1981 out of which in one town water is stored in over­ and 1991. head tank while in another town there is service 13.3 In the case of Kudal, Sawantwadi and reservoir only. The remaining 2 towns have open Vengurla. the nearest city with population of one well for' water supply.. Now tap water supply lakh or more is Belgaum (Karnataka State). In projects are in progress in Malwan imd Vengurla the matter of proximity to the nearest city. towns towns. The fire fighting facilities are available in in Sindhudurg district are not located favourably Malwan, Sawantwadi and Vengurla. The being atleast 100 kms. from the nearest city. The remaining one town i.e. Kudal can avail of this toWns are not linked by railway. Therefore, the facility, as and when required, from Sawantwadi nearest railway station is Belgaum for Kudal. town which is at a distance of about 20 Sawantwadi and Vengurla towns and Kolhapur kilometres. All the towns of the district are for Malwan. Thus the district has the least effect electrified. Comparative figures regarding the Y 4413-,-5 . 48 number of connections to different categories of 14. INDUSTRIES customers may be had from Statement IV. 14.1 Industrially, Mahara~htTa is one of the Malwan stands first in the number of connections advanced states in the country but Sindhudurg followed by Sawantwadi.

13.6 In the state, slums in class I (1 lakh and above) and class II towns (50,000-99,999) are notified by competent authorit.ies. However, there is no town of these classes in this district as such information is nil (Table 20). is one of the most' industrially under-developed TABLE 20 district in the state. Presence of railway link contributes in development of industries but Proportion of Slums ,Population in Town unfortunately Sindhudurg is not connected by rail. This is one of the reasons for lagging behind Class, name and Proportion of the Density in industries. There is practically no major civic status slums popUlation to in slums of the total population (per manufacturing industry in the district. The town of the lown sq. km.) existing industrial establishments are mostly very (1) (2) \ (3) small in size. The employment in no~-agricultural sector depends mainly upon the village and cot.tage industries. Note: There are no class 1 and II towns in this district. , 14.2 The industrial policy of the state is 13.7 Medical facilities are available in all the based on the basic decision to encourage four towns. Facilities of higher education at degree industries in the developing and under-developed level are available in all the towns. Only Malwan areas in the district and to disperse industries town has a polytechnic institute. The only from the heavily congested areas of Bombay, medical college in the dist.rict is at Sawantwadi Thane and Pune. In the district, there are town. The facilities for studying in engineering industrial estates in Kudal, Kankavli and degree courses are available at Ponda in Goa state Majgaon (Sawantwadi tahsil).. MIDC has developed which is about 100 to 120 kilometres from these 127 hectares of land for setting up of industries. towns. This area is given to small scale as well as large 13.8 The facility of stadium is available in scale industries. only one town i.e. Malwan while cinema theatres 14.3 The most important small scale are 'available in all the 4 towns. Malwan and industries in the district are cashewnut processing, Sawantwadi towns have 3 and 5 auditorialdrama having a great demand in the national market, halls respectively. The facility of reading rooms fruit preservation silica processing. Other and public libraries is available in aU ~he towns and registered units are oil mills, saw mills,' cement of the district. Since the towns are sma]} in size, products, sodium silicate, .laundry soap, printing, there is no facility of working women hostel in book binding, bidi making etc. which are located any town. in Vengurla, Malwan and Kudal tahsils. By the 13.9 Each town is fWlctioning as a marketing size of employment generated, fishing is the centre in respect of the surroWlding villages. largest occupation in the district. Kankavli, Every town has a permanent market and weekly Kudal and Sawantwadi are also known fOT market is also held for the benefit of the villagers handloom weaving. Wooden toys and decorative as well as the town-dwellers. In all the towns articles of fine quality are prepared in Sawantwadi there are banking facilities. Detailed information tahsil. The following statement gives in detail the regarding commodities imported, exported and number of registered factories with number of manufactured is given in the· Statement ... VI of workers employed at the state and district level Town Directory. since 1982.

No. of registered factories and workers 1982-89

Years StatelDistrict 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

~.a:Warashtra State Factories 20,342 21,052 21,628 22,451 23,889 24,971 25,839 26,814 Workers ... 1,098,497 1,136,833 1,119,649 1,128,806 1,149,575 1,138,000 1,134,454 1,160,065 49

No. of registered factories and workers 1982-89-{contd.)

Years StatelDistrict 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Sindhudurg District Factories 70 91 100 116 127 139 141 149 Workers 2,516 2,880 2,538 2,841 2,904 2,721 2,754 2,815

District Percentage to State Factories 0.34 0.43 0.46 0.52 0.53 0.56 0.55 0.56 Workers 0.23 0.25 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.24

Percentage increase over 1982-State Factories +3.49 +6.32 + 10.37 + 17.44 + 22.76 +27.02 + 31.82 Workers + 3.49 + 1.93 + 2.76 + 4.65 + 3.60 + 3.27 + 5.60

Percentage increase over 1982-Sindhudurg Factories +30.00 +42.86 + 65.71 + 81.43 +98.57 + 101.43 + 112.86 Workers + 14.47 + 0.87 + 12.92 + 15.42 + 8.15 + 9.46 + 11.88

Source: Director of Industries, Maharashtra

14.4 Though Sindhudurg district is under­ decoration pieces. They are mainly exported

developed in the state, the increase in factories to Bombay, Pune,. Kolhapur and , Belgaum. in the district has been much more sporadic Cashewnuts are mainly exported to Bombay in as much as the number has swelled from and USA (Statement VItrable 21). 70 in 1982 to 149 in 1989. Thus the growth is about 112.86 per cent over 1982. Total TABLE 21 number of employees working in Central and Most important commodity manufactured., State Government and local bodies provide imported and exported in towns employment to about 17,000 persons accounting for 0.78 per cent of the State employees. Most important commodity Class, name and civic status of the town Manufac- Exported Imported 15. TRADE AND COMMERCE tured 15.1 The district is well known for the (1) (2) (3) (4) ( Alphonso' and (Raiwal' varieties of mangoes. IV Kudal C.T. Electronic Mangoes Food grains Mangoes and cashewnut plantations are mainly part for grown in Kudal, Malwan and Vengurla tahsils. T.V. The chief export' articJes of the district are IV Malwan M Glucose Fish Cashew mangoes, cashewnuts, and betelnuts, Bim.-uits seeds fish (cured and fresh), kokum, bidi and wooden III Sawantwadi M Bidi Bidi Tobacco IV Vengurla M Cashew Cashew Raw cashew nuts nuts seeds

15.2 The chief import articles are food grains of all varieties, cloth, oil, timber, sugar, gur, medicines, hardware and kerosene, etc. Most of these goods are imported from Bombay, Pune and Kolhapur. Apart from the weekly markets and fairs, Malwan, Vengurla, Sawantwadi and Devgad are important trade centres also. Y4413-5a. 50

Workers in Trade and Commerce banking institutions in the district. The State 15.3 As per 1991 Bank of India works for the treasury for the census the number of district. persons engaged in trade 16. MUNICIPAL FINANCE and commerce in the district are 16,658 which 16.1 Table 22 gives per capita receipts and constitutes the proportion expenditure (in rupees) for each town in the of 5.23 per cent of the main workers. About 119 district. The average per banking institutions were functioning in the capita receipts for four district in 1988-89. Out of these 76 per cent were towns of the district working in rural areas and 24 per cent were" in works out to Rs. 261. 71 urban areas of the district. The banking facility of which Rs. 102.53 are was available to 70 villages/towns" in the district. received through local There were 14 banking institutions per 100,000 taxes and the remaining population in the district. The following statement Rs. 159.18 from all other sources. The total indicates the number of villages with banking expenditure incurred per head is Rs. 231.58 of offices. which Rs.60.11 are spent on general administration, Rs.48.08 on public health and Banking institutions in the disttict, 1988-89 conveniences, Rs.57.23 on public works, Rs.4.82 on public institutions and Rs.61.34 on aU" other No. of items. Among all the towns, both the receipt villages! towns Scheduled Co-operative received and the expenditure incurred per head Districtll'ahsil where banking banking are the highest in Malwan town. banking insti tutlons insti tutions facility is available (1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Kudal 13 15 7

2. Malwan 10 12 6

3. Devgad 13 11 7

4. Vaibhavvadi 3 3 2

5. Kankavli 8 9 6

6. Sawantwadi 15 16 9

7. Vengurla 8 10 6

District Total 70 76 43

Source: District Statistical Abstract, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, 1988-89.

15.4 Kudal, Malwan, Devgad. Sawantwadi and Vengurla being the important trade centres have more than half of the total number of

" 51

TABLE 22 Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns Per capita Receipt (in Rs.) Expenditure (in Rs.) Class, name and Total Receipt Receipt Total General Expendi- Public Expendi- Other civic status of receipt through from all expendi- Adminis- ture on works ture on aspects the town taxes other ture tration Public Public sources Health institu- and con- tions veniences (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

IV Kudal C.T. 25.92 19.73 6.19 18.21 0.05 6.00 9.95 2.21 IV Malwan M 366.35 113.55 252.80 362.02 62.09 58.65 77.10 5.06 159.12 III Sawantwadi M 284.49 136.29 148.20 237.21 86.45 43.07 72.04 7.21 28.44 IV Vengurla M 291.78 106.08 185.70 232.37 68.26 81.12 47.09 4.90 31.00

All Towns 261.71 102.53 159.18 231.58 60.11 48.08 57.23 4.82 61.34

16.2 Total receipt of towns has increased in 1991 as compared to 1981. The increase is about two times in Sawantwadi, three times in Ma]wan and four times in Vengurla. The expenditure has also increased about twice in Sawantwadi and thrice in Malwan and VengurIa. 17. FAIRS AND PLACES OF TOURIST IMPORTANCE places to create spectacular scenery and attract Fairs many people not only from this district but from 17.1 The concentration of fairs is heavier outside also. The centre of attraction of this in the district. Most of the fairs held in the district is its natural scenery and historical district are places, which can be best enjoyed while driving associated through the district along the coast or in hilly with impor­ terrain. tant deities Amboli and reli­ gious festi­ 17.3 Amboli is about 21 kms. north-east of vals. So far Sawantwadi. It is a sanatorium for Belgaum as trade is and Sawantwadi. The nearest railway station is concerned, fairs are complementary to the weekly Belgaum. Amboli is situated at about 725 markets. In the fairs the traders and shopkeepers metres above the coastal plain and enjoys good,. set up temporary stalls. Large quantities of cool and' invigorating climate in summar. There agricultural produce and other articles of daily are about 13 points and other places of interest use are brought for sale. The people buy at this hill station. The prominent among them necessary articles in these fairs. In this district are Mahadevgad, Narayangad, Nutt point, two fairs are very famous. one is held in Khemraj point and Sawantwadi view. February-March Le., on the day of Mahashivratri Kunke.shwar at Kunkeshwar, about 5 kms. away from Devgad and the other is held in. December-.1 anuary at 17.4. Kunkeshwar, a small village on the Anganewadi in Malwan tahsil. These two fairs coast is noteworthy on account of the beautiful have about 100,000 or more gatherings. Besides temple from which it takes its name. The these two fairs, the other important fairs in the surrounding area of the temple is very beautiful. district are held at Sonurli and Hiranyakheshi. The temple with granite foundation and laterite superstructure and dome, is said to have been Places of Historical and Tourist Importance built by a Musalman trader in the year 1100 AD. The temple is in a very good condition. 17.2 Certain forts, a few old temples and picnic points in the district play an important 17.5 Satam Maharaj Mandir and Bharati role in shaping the socia-economic pattern of the Maharaj Math in Sawantwadi tahsil, Datta district. Major portion of, the district is hilly. Mandir in Kudal tahsil, Bhalchandra Maharaj The Sahyadrian traps end abruptly in some Math in Kankavli tahsil are also beautiful 52 places. The other important religious places in brought under this plantation. In addition to the district are Sonurli, Anganewadi and this, Coconut, Kokum, Arecanut trees dot the Hiranyakheshi. landscape of the district. The district has a long coastline and has a considerable fishing activities Forts of prawns, tuna and other fishes. 17.6 Malwan port, is having three small islands, two of them are about one-fourth km. 18.2 In addition to the fruit processing industries, a considerable deposits of iron ore found in the district and bulk oC this is being exported from the village Redi through Mineral and Metal Trading Corporation as there is an increasing demand for high grade of iron. Even­ though the district is fortunate to have the deposits of minerals s~ch as chromite, silica, manganese, bauxite, mica, granite, laterite rocks, limestone, uranium oxide, the chief, among all of away from the shore and the third is separated these is the iron ore. Recently. large deposits of from the main land by a narrow channel. The granite have been located in the district and famous fort, Sindhudurg is situated on one of efforts are being made to extract the same the larger of the two outer islands and on the especially for export. . smaller, the ruined fort of Padmagad. The main 18.3 Tourism is the sun-rise industry in the object of interest is Shivaji's fortress and coast district. As per the recent survey conducted by capital Sindhudurg or the Ocean Fort. Of the the M.T.D.C. on the western coast, they have two main land forts viz., Rajkot and Sarjekot, identified a large number of sites suitable for Rajkot fort stands within the boundaries of the development of tourism in which beaches of Malwan town, on rising ground surrounded on Mithbav (Devgad), (Vengurla) and three sides by the sea. A little away from the Mochemad (Vengurla) have been indentified as fort on the Vaghotan road is the very old some of the best beaches on the western coast. temple of Rameshwar built by Gangadhar Bhau, This and the for which the a brother of N ana Fadnis. Apart from these work has already started sh~uld help in changing forts there are some other forts in the district, the face of the entire district. The district is viz., Rangna, Manohargad, Narayangad. Shivgad, also on its way to achieve' cent per cent literacy ~ad, Songad, Avra, Santoshgad, Kharepatan with the help of a huge mass campaign. etc. 18.4. ' Malvani' is the local language of the Sawantwadi district and these people are famous for malvani 17.7 Sawantwadi is one of the important meal (Tice and fish curry). Several special dishes craft centres in are prepared from rice flour. Ganesh' Utsav, Maharashtra. Shimga (Holi), Diwali, Ramanavmi, Hanuman Wooden toys of Jayanti, Christmas, Muharram etc. are the Sawantwadi religious festivals of the people but Gauri­ are famous not Ganapati and Shimga are the most important only in our festivals of the district. People staying in Bombay, country but Pune, Kolhapur and other big cities visit their also outside native places with a view to participate in these the country. festivals. In general the social and cultural life ot the people has been quite placid during the 18. MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF THE decade. One of the major administrative changes DISTRICT is the reorganisation of Ratnagiri Qistrict, which 18.1 Sindhudurg district is endowed with resulted in creation of the newly formed, three major economic resources, viz., agricultural Sindhudurg district. In this process the district land, maritime fishery and an abundance of boundaries of both Ratnagiri and Kolhapur mineral deposits. The district is famous for its districts have also changed. mango fruit plantation and the best 'Alphonso' are from this district. It is known for its typical Contribution of the District taste, fragrance, long shelf life and good quality 18.5 Sindhudurg has giv~n many authors, pulp and has a great demand both in the scientists, and freedom fighters, sportsmen, artists country and outside. There is a rapid and and social workers to the nation. The well known dramatic increase in the area under cashew and Marathi authors S/Shri N. C. Kelkar,' G. T. mango. Large areas of Varkas land have been Madkholkar, V. S. Khandekar, M. M. Karnik, a great 53

Cinema artist Smt. Hansa Wadkar and world famous Dileep Vengsarkar and Sanjay Manjrekar hail from Cricketers S/Shri Vijay Manjrekar, Sunil Gavaskar, this district.





The • Village Directory • is one of the traditional Appendix I, C. D, Blockwise (Rural) abstract of compilations of the census. The format of the educational, medical and other amenities; directory is almost the same as was prescribed in the Appendix II, Land utilisation data for census 1981 census. It gives the list of villages, their towns; location code numbers, their area, > population, amenities such as educational, medical, communica­ Appendix III, C. D. Blockwise list of villages with tions, drinking water facilities etc. available to them no amenities other than drinking water facility; and also the land use of each village. For this Appendix IV, C. D. Blockwise list of villages purp9se, villages have been arranged tahsilwise in according to proportion of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled order of their location code numbers. The inclusion Tribe population. of alphabetical list of villages with 1991 census population and the map of every tahsil depicting The above four appendices were also prepared location of villages by population size, urban-spread for 1981 District Census Handbook. The latter two and important infrastructural facilities available are expected to help the planners for planni;ng' therein will further help the readers in identifying inputs in areas/villages where basic infrastructhre any village in the tahsil. is lacking and also for evolving suitable plans f(Jr the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 'tribes. • Village' is a statutory recognised unit having a definite boundary and separate land records. In The Village Directory format has 18 columns case a complete village is treated as an outgrowth and the details given under each columns are as of urban agglomeration, data on amenities and land under: use for that village, have not been given in the Column 1 gives the location code number of each village Directory but shown along with the urban village as this is necessary for identification of the component. For those vi11ages which have partly village. merged in an outgrowth of U.A data pertaining to remaining part of the village is shown in the Village Column 2 presents the name of the village. For Directory and for the part merged or treated as an filling up of this column, 1981 District Census outgrowth, the details have been given under the Handbook has been used as the basis. This also concerned urban agglomeration. Land use data for includes the forest and uninhabited villages. villages treated as Census Towns (Urban) in 1991 Column 3 shows the area (in hectares) of the census can be seen in Appendix II of the Village village as indicated by the State Revenue Directory. Department. If a village has fully merged into another village, Column 4 gives the population and the number the .location code number and name of the merged of households in each village, to examine the village are given both in the Village Primary Census correlation between the amenities available to the Abstract and the Village Directory at the appropriate population and the number of households. Figures place. Data in respect of these two villages put given within brackets against total population together appear against the village with which the denote the number of households in the village. other village has merged. Data on amenities such as educational, medical, The 'un-inhabited' villages (villages with no drinking water, post and telegraph, days ofmarketl population) have been indicated as suell after hat, communications etc. are shown under columns furnishing details in columns 1 to 3 i.e., the location 5 to 10 of the Village Directory. In case if an amenity . code number, name and area of the village. In is not available within the referrent village, a dash addition to aU the above details, following four (-) is shown in the column and next to it, in brackets appendices to Village Directory have also been the distance from the village in broad ranges viz., included. upto 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. to the nearest 58 place where the facility is available has been given. Column 7 gives information regarding availability This will help not only for local area planning but of drinking water within the vi11age. In case more in regulating the provision of goods and services as than one source is available to the village the same well, so as to minimise the regional imbalances in has been indicated. Fol1owing abbreviations have the process of development. been used for indicating the source of drinking water in the village :- Column 5 shows the number of educational institutions viz., primary or elementary school, Tap water T junior secondary or middle school, matriculation or WeH water W secondary school, higher secondary/intermediate/ Tank water TK pre-university/junior college, college. industrial Tubewell water TW school, training school, adult literacy school/centre and other educational institutions (sanskrit Handpump (Borewell) HP pathshala, senior basic school, makhtab etc). River water R If in a village, secondary school has middle and Fountain F primary classes also, the same has been counted as Canal C three school i.e., secondary, middle and primary Lake L school. In case, there are more than one institution Spring S of any type in a village their number is indicated within brackets against the presc{ibed abbreviation. Nallah N Following abbreviations have been used for Others (specify) 0 presenting data on educational amenities :- Information not available NA Primary or elementary school P Junior secondary or Middle school ... M Column 8 provides the postal facilities such as post office, telegraph office, post and telegraph office Matriculation or Secondary school ... H and telephone connections available in the village. Higher secondarylIntermediateiPre- Following codes are adopted for indicating the university/Junior college PUC information :- College, Any college (graduate level ~~~ce ro and above) like Arts, Science, Telegraph office TO Commerce etc. C - Post and Telegraph office PTO Industrial school I Telephone connection Phone Training school Tr Adult literacy class/centre AC Column 9 presents the information on day or Other educational institutions days of the marketlhat held in the village. This (Sanskrit pathshala, Senior basic information is based on local enquiry and generally school. Makhtab etc.) D relates to weekly or bi-weekly market. If the market is held daily, monthly or fortnightly it has been Column 6 provides data on medical facilities recorded accordingly. If marketAlat is not held in available in the village. Various types of medical villages of the concerned tahsil at aU, this column institutions included and codes used for them are as has been left blank. follows :- Hospital H Column 10 gives information as to whether the Maternity and child welfare centre ... MCW village is served by any mode of public transport like Maternity home MH bus, rail and water-way and the same has been Child welfare centre cwe indicated as follows :- Health centre He Bus stop BS Primary health centre PRe Railway station RS Primary health sub-centre PHS Navigable water-way (inCluding river, Dispensary D canal. back-water etc.) NW Family planning centre FPC T. B. Clinic TB Column 11 refers to the state of roads etc. Nursing home NH leading to the village. This is useful in determining as to whether the village is Registered private practitioner RP approachable both in fair and foul weather. and Subsidised medical practitioner SMP whether it is inaccessible only £or-- some time in Community health worker CHW the year. The approach to village has been Others (specify) o indicated by the following codes;- 59

Pucca road (Cement concrete, Black administered as forests, whether State-owned or top, Water bound macadam) PR private, and whether wooded or maintained as ~~~aro~ 0 potential forest land. The area of crops raised in the forest and grazing lands or areas open for grazing Foot-path FP within the forests has been included under the forest Navigable river NR area. Navigable canal NC Columns 15 and 16 cover all agricultural lands Navigable water-way (other than river including the net area sown with crops and orchards or canal) NW or net cropped area and also current and other fallow lands. The latter would imply all lands which were Column 12 gives the information of the nearest taken up for cultivation, but are temporarily out of town and its distance in kilometres in bracket from cultivation for a period of not less than one year and the referent village. In case, the nearest town is not more than five years. The columns does not located in another state, the name of the state has include gross area sown or gross cropped area. Net also been furnished. . area sown thus represents the area sown with crops Column 13 relates to the availability of power and orchards. Area sown more than once in the same supply to the village. The various codes used for this year has been counted only once. Column 15 purpose are as follows :- indicates extent of irrigated lands under various types of irrigation. The following codes in respect of Electricity for domestic purposes ED the sources are adopted.- Electricity for agriculture EAG Government canal GC Electricity for other purpose like indus- Private canal PC trial, commercial etc. EO Well (without electricity) W Electricity for all purposes listed Well (with electricity) WE above EA Tube-Well (without electricity) TW In case the power supply is released only for Tube-Wen (with electricity) TWE specific purpose, say agriculture or other it has been Tank TK stated accordingly. In case the electricity is not River R available to the village, a dash (-) has been Lake L mentioned in the column. Water fall Wf Column 14 to 18 give the details about land Other (specify) 0 utilisation. The land use pattern given in the Village Total T Directory conforms to the pattern of classification of land use as recommended by the Ministry of Column 17 gives information on cuUurable Agriculture, Government of India. The Ministry of waste lands and includes all lands available for Agriculture has recommended the maintenance of cultivation whether not taken up for cultivation records of land use pattern under five categories. or taken up for cultivation once but not cultivated These are as fonows :- during the preceding five years or more in 1. Forests succession. Such lands may be either faUow or covered with shrubs and jungles which are not 2. Not available for cultivation- put to any use. These may be assessed or (a) Lands put to non-agricultural uses unassessed and may be in isolated blocks within (b) Barren and unculturable lands cultivated holdings. Lands under thatching grasses, 3. Other uncultivated lands excluding fanow bamboo, bushes and other groves for fuel etc. lands- which are not included under orchards or forests (a) Permanent pastures and other grazing are included in this category. All grazing lands, lands. whether they are permanent pastures and meadows (b) Lands under miscellaneous tree crops or not, village common and grazing lands within and groves not included in the net area forest area are also included in this column. sown. (c) Culturable wastes. Column 18 includes the lands not available for 4. Fallow lands- cultivation such as barren, unculturable land and (a) Fallow lands other than current fallows land put to non-agricultural use. All lands occupied (b) Current fallows by buildings, Toads, railways, rivers, canals, etc. form part of the land under non-agricultural uses. 5. Net area sown Barren and unculturable lands include mountains, Column 14 includes all lands classed as forests rocks, deserts etc. which cannot be brought Under under any legal enactment dealing with forests or cultivation, except at a very high cost. 60




Location Sr. No. N arne of villages Code No. Merged in towns and outgrowths 1981 (1) (2) (3) (4)

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Sr. Code Sr. Code Population Name of village Population No. Name of village No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Akeri 51 2960 30 Gaondhad 17 917 2 Ambadpal 37 806 31 Gaonrai 52 1203 3 Amberi 108 566 32 Gavalgaon 66 424 4 Ambrad 56 3311 33 Ghadigaon 69 638 5 Anav 62 2146 34 Ghatakarnagar 111 925 6 Andurle 27 1872 35 Ghavanale 109 831 7 Anjivade 100 283 36 Ghotage 72 1905 8 Avalegaon 83 1092 37 Girgaon 81 561 9 Bambarde Tarf Kalsuli 65 2613 38 Gondhalpur 45 1438 10 Bambarde Tan ... 49 1896 39 Gondhayale 23 613 11 Bambuli Tan Haveli 30 560 40 Gothos 95 1394

12 Bav 29 1368 41 Goveri 25 963

13 Belnadi 36 508 42 ··Gudhipur 43 1360 14 Bengaon 113 870 43 Hirlok 89 1152

15 Bhadgaon Bk. 76 1051 44 Humarmala 20 1194 16 Bhadgaon Kh. 75 591 45 Humarmala 63 933

17 Bharani 73 1168 46 Jambharmala 121 1491 18 Bhattgaon 123 439 47 Jambhavade 68 1430

19 Bhutvad 74 1417 48 Kadawal 78 1469

20 Bibavane 48 1252 49 KaJeli 115 1223

21 Borbhat 33 820 50 Kandargaon 7 411 22 Chafeli 98 484 51 Kanduli 114 213 23 Chendawan 3 788 52 Karivane 87 945 24 Deulwadi 46 993 53 Kasal 54 4152

25 Dholakarwadi 122 916 54 Kattagaon 118 852

26 Digas 86 109~ 55 Kavathi 1 896 27 Durganagar 71 573 56 Ka vilgaon 12 864 28 Gandhigram 2 356 57 Kavilkate 32 1029

29 Gandhinagar 18 1487 58 Keravade K Narur 97 1199

Y 4413--6 64

L KUDAL C. D. BLOCK-contd.

Sr. Code Sr. Code Name of viUage Population Name of village Population No. No. No. No. (1) (2} (3) (4} m (2) (3) (4) 59 Keravade Tarf Mangaon ... 41 1107 92 Pandur 64 1213 60 Khocharewadi 92 650 93 Pangrad 80 1292 61 Khutvalwadi 91 1068 94 Pat 19 1860

62 Kinlos 88 358 95 Pawashi· 34 1293 63 Kunde 55 1235 96 Pinguli 44 1105 64 Kupavade 67 1012 97 Pokharan 57 1308 65 Kusabe 58 667 98 Pulas 105 687 66 Kusagaon 82 579 99 Ranbambuli 61 1005 67 Kutgaon 13 955 100 Raygaon 22 1031 68 Madgaon 21 884 101 Rumadgaon 85 704 69 Mandkuli 42 1223 102 Saigaon 15 793 70 Mangaon 117 1697 103 Sakirde 104 212 71 Mankadevi 14 1250 104 Salgaon 120 1173 72 Mitkyachiwadi 35 660 105 Sangirde 38 689 73 More 106 610 106 Sarambal 9 898 74 Mulade 39 707 107 Shivapur 101 1160 75 Munagi 28 813 108 Sonavade Tarf Haveli 10 829 76 Mundyacha Kond 6 511 109 Sonavade Tarf Kalsuli 70 932 77 Naiknagar 4 914 110 Talegaon 11 392 78 Naikwadi 8 821 111 Taligaon 116 955 79 N amasgaon 119 467 112 Tembdhurinagar 47 702 80 Namaspur 110 769 113 Tembgaon 84 808 81 Naneli 112 802 114 Tendoli 26 3029 82 Narur 94 1165 115 Tulsuli K Narur 90 769 83 N eharunagar 31 259 116 Tulsuli Tan Mangaon 40 1926 84 Nemr K. Namr 99 1802 117 Upavade 103 629- 85 Nerur Tarf Haveli 16 1638 118 Wadi Varvade 24 1102 86 Nileli 96 522 119 Wados 107 746 87 Nirukhe 79 1074 120 Walawal 5 810 88 Nivaje 93 913 121 Warde 77 1522 89 Oras Bk. 60 2003 122 Wasoli 102 596 90 Oras Kh. 59 367 123 Zarap 50 2248 91 Padave 53 1055 Total ... 131,884 65

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Sr. Code Sr. Code Name of village Population Name of village Population No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Achare 7 1447 34 Dikval 88 351 2 Advali 47 176 35 Dongrewadi 1 382 3 Amavane 54 472 36 Gaonkarwada 20 273 4 Ambados 94 727 37 Gaudwadi . 10 410 5 Amberi 107 356 38 Gavaliwadi 39 274 6 Anandvhal 96 675 '39 Gavathan 41 463 7 Anganewadi 85 357 40 Gavathanwadi 12 874 8 Aparadhwadi 3 254 41 Ghadiwadi 46 648 9 Asagani 52 787 42 Ghumade 92 495 10 Asarondi 55 1478 43 Golwan 87 1519 11 Bagadwadi 42 539 44 Gothane 36 962 12 Bagavewadi 44 244 45 Guram Nagari 114 1428 13 Bagwadi 135 423 46 Hadi 22 1272 14 Bandiwade Bk. 68 438 47 Hedul 60 1391 15 Bandiwade Kh. 67 100 48 Hirlewadi 17 710 16 Belachiwadi 76 505 49 Hiwale 57 1515 17 Bhagawantgad 15 147 50 Jamdul 8 234 18 Bhandarwada 126 878 51 Juva Pankhol 24 186 19 Bhatwadi 48 263 52 Kalethar 101 436 20 Bhatwadi (Chindar) 11. 465 53 Kalse 134 1088 21 Bhogalewadi 86 254 54 Kandalgaon 21 917 22 Bilvas 91 629 55 Karlachavhal 98 244 23 Budhavale 33 614 56 Katta 121 1119 24 Chafekhol 110 601 57 Katvad 95 434 25 Chandar 83 411 58 Kava 84 486 26 Chauke 99 1548 59 Khand 129 392 27 Chindar 4 508 60 Khanjanwadi 82 246 28 Chunavare 50 616 61 Kharare 130 701 2·9 Dangmode 66 114 62 Khervand 79 139 30 Deulwada 80 1392 63 Khotale 61 834 31 Devbag 103 2944 64 Kirlos 53 655 32 Devli 104 1133 65 Koil 64 205 33 Dhamapur 109 1350 66 Kolamb 31 1060 72

2. MALWAN C. D. BLOCK-contd.

Sr. Code Sr. Code Name of village Population N arne of village Population No. No, No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

67 Kothewadi 19 271 102 Parwadi 2 864 68 Kudopi 32 387 103 Pedave 128 340 69 Kumame 89 449 104 Pendur 124 1878 70 Kumbhannath 97 753 105 Pirawadi 9 655 71 Kumbharwadi 5 452 106 Poip 58 1801 72 Kunkavale 113 384 107 Ramgad 37 960 73 Kusarave 120 1382 108 Rathivade 51 .gS8 74 Magvane 81 296 109 Revandi 29 262 75 Mahanwadi 21 596 110 Sadewadi 16 599 76 Mala 108 295 111 Salel 122 714 77 Maldi 49 163 112 Sarjekot 30 922 78 Malewadi 69 349 113 Sayyad Juva 71 134 79 Malgaon 90 1400 114 Shemad Ranewadj 26 688 80 Malkewadi 132 482 115 Shirvande 56 1642 ~ 81 Malond 65 512 116 Shrawan 38 932 82 Mar-de 72 786 117 Sonarwadi 125 303 83 Mal'gtad 74 218 118 Sukalwad 117 1432 84 Masade 77 794 119 Talgaon 118 865 85 70 953 120 102 1779 86 Math Bk. 34 9S4 121 Tembwadi 112 213 87 Mhavlunge 119 657 122 Terai 14 557 88 Mogame 123 301 123 Tiravde 116 643 89 Nagzar 111 178 124 Tondavali 23 1425 90 Nandos 115 1766 125 Trimbak 43 589 91 Nandrukh 93 850 126 Varachi Chawadi 6 463 92 Nhive 28 955 127 Wadachapat 78 990 93 Nirom 35 86{} 128 Wadi Dangmode 73 272 94 Ovaliye 59 1590 [29 Waghavane 105 590

95 Ozar 25 435 130 Waingavade . 62 92~ 96 Palasamb 40 530 131 Wak 106 530 97 Pa1ayewadi 63 572 132 Warad 127 988 98 Palikadilwadi 45 339 133 Wayangani 18 1839 99 Palkarwadi 13 114 134 Wayari 100 2697 100 Parabwada 133 561 135 Weral 75 813 101 'Parad 131 422 Total 98.517 73

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Based upon Surlle-y of Indio map With the perml'SSFOI"J o~ the Surveyor (;PMral of Jndie • © Govefrtment ot Indio CoW'r.isht I 1,99'- Tile territoriCll w


3. DEVGAD C. D. BLOCK Sr. Code Sr. Code N arne of village Name of village Population No. No. Population No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (l) (2) (3) (4) 1 Aadbandar (N.V.) (69) 71 675 51 Nad 48 1001 2 Are 96 1349 52 Nadan 16 1865 3 Bagamala 64 338 53 Naringre 63 1684 4 Bagatalavade 76 118 54 Nimatwadi (N.V.) (85) 86 768 5 Baparde 39 1293 55 Ombal 82 610 6 Burabavade 44 780 56 Padel 11 3273 7 Chafed 92 717 . 57 Padthar (N.V.) (57) 56 993 8 Chandoshi 79 610 58 Padvane (N.V.) (15) 24 695 9 (N.V.) (19) 17 428 59 Palekarwadi (N.V.) (26) 25 1147 Dabhole 10 53 1951 60 Patgaon 36 938 11 Dahibaon 62 1582 61 Pavnai (N.V.) (40) 41 937 12 Devgad 51 3865 62 Pendhari 37 915 13 Dhalavali 30 1187 Phanase (N.V.) (15) 23 727 14 Dhoptewadi (N.V.) (85) 84 831 63 15 Elaye 57 1551 64 Phanasgaon 34 1669 16 Gadhitamhane 77 661 65 Pombhurle 29 1754 17 Gavane 49 765 66 Poyare 70 899 18 3 2594 67 14 1272 19 Goval 35 897 68 RahateshwaT (N.V.) (77) ... 78 779 20 Hadpid 83 630 69 Rambavali 95 237 21 Hindale 67 1812 70 Rameshwar (N.V.) (3) 2 1935 22 Hurshi (N.V.) (14) 13 1122 71 Salashi 91 1294 23 Jamsande 52 11138 72 Sandve (N.V.) (93) 94 485 24 Juveshwar (N.V.) (39) 38 988 73 Saundale 8 1801 25 Kalambai (N.V.) (14) 12 954 74 Sherighera Kamte 89 62 26 Kalvi (N.V.) (73) 72 695 75 Shevare 81 394 27 Kasaba Waghotan 9 1321 76 Shiravali 50 621 28 Katvan (N.V.) (65) 61 685 77 Shirgaon 85 2492 29 Katwaneshwar (NV.) (59) 60 713 78 Somlewadi (N.V.) (35) 42 552 30 Khudi (N.V.) (90) 97 1494 79 Talavade 74 1307 31 Kinjawade 88 2734 80 Talebajar (N.V.) (74) 75 545 32 Korle 31 717 81 Tambaldeg (N.V') (65) 66 717 33 Kotkamte 90 1794 82 Tembavali 73 917 34 Kunkawan 32 1114 83 Thakurwadi (N.V.) (5) 4 1252 35 Kunkeshwar 59 1399 84 Tirlot 5 2203 Kuvale 93 1301 36 85 Torsole (N.V.) (88) 87 1164 37 Lingda] (N.V.) (54) 55 439 86 Undil 33 767 38 MahalWlge 47 983 87 Valivande 80 977 39 (N.V.) (19) 18 910 88 Vijaydurg 1 1938 40 Malpewadi (N.V.) (29) 28 608 Virwadi (N. V.) (16) 21 41 Manche 27 2140 89 448 42 Mithbaon 65 2827 90 Vitthaladevi (N.V.) (34) 43 736 43 Mithmumbari 58 1011 91 Wadaker Poi 7 124 44 Mond 19 1606 92 Wade 15 1973 45 Mondpar (N.V.) (19) 20 872 93 Wadetar (N.V.) (15) 22 327 46 Morve (N.V.) (67) 68 497 94 Waghivare 46 479 47 Mouje Waghotan 10 313 95 Wanivade 40 718 48 Moulgaon (N.V.) (5) 6 607 96 Wareri 54 1444 49 Munage 69 1786 97 Welgave 45 406 50 Mutat 26 1909 Total 119,552 Y4413-7a 82

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\ N,,\e:- C.D, BI"'~I< B"lJnd"f~ 01 "Qlbh".. ~tldV \.. is Co-terminus with Tahsil Boundary. v M : Part of RaJo.pur TahsiL of Oislr.ict Rctn!lgirL TAHSIL VAIBHAVVADI BOUNDARY, DISTRICT " TAHSil It REVENUE CIRCLE •• " VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NUMBER [~~[S=j HEADaUARTERS:TAHSIL @ VILLAGES WITH POPULATION SIZE: BELOW 20"(1; 200-499;500-999;1000-4999 •• 0 ••• STATE HIGHWAY••• SH114 IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD. UNMETALLED AND OTHER ROADS. __ .. ____ _ RIVe:R AND STREAM ... ", :;a.?= POST OFFICE/TELEGRAPH OFFICE EXCLUOINGR.M.S. PO/TO HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL s POLICE STATION EXCLUDING RLY. POLICE STATION. PS BOUNOARY DISTRICT.. • •• PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE, DISPENSARY @+ " TAHSIL •.. uo IMPORTANT VI LLAGE MARKET I HAT I7il Area gained by Newly Created ~ tad VIl.ibhQv~Qdi Tahsil ot Sindhudurg District From liIovda Tahsil of KoLhapur Distrd

Based upon Survey o,f India map with the permission of thQ Surveyor Generlll of I"dill © Go~er"rnent of Indill Copyright, lS94, 87


4. VAIBHA VV ADI C. D. BLOCK ------Sr. Code -~------~------Sr. Code Name of village Population Name of village Populati{m No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 Achirne 54 1338 30 Mehbubnagar (N.V.) (19) ... 27 886 2 Ainari 11 762 31 Mohitewadi 48 553 3 Akhavane 5 265 32 Mounde 9 533 4 Bandhawadi (N.V.) (43) 33 630 33 N adhavade 32 2671 5 Bhattiwadi 38 329 34 Nagapwadi 8 534 6 Bhorn lO 433 35 Nanivade 15 1238 7 Bhui Bawada 24 1296 36 Napane 29 812 8 Bhusarwadi 17 296 37 Narkarwadi (N.V.) (43) 34 462 9 Bhuyadewadi 37 396 38 Navale 50 986 10 Digashi 28 589 39 Nerle 1 964 11 Gadttlath 57 944 40 Nim-Arule 53 376 12 Ghanegadwadi . 56 333 41 Palandewadi 3 425 13 Het 12 1104 42 Pimpalwadi 30 610 14 Jambhavade 4 390 43 Ringewadi 25 357 15 Jamdarwadi 40 512 44 Sadure 51 1029 16 Karol 39 1256 45 Sangul wadi 49 1073 17 Khambale 47 700 46 Sardarwadi 44 448 18 Khambalwadi (N.V.) (43)... 45 542 47 *Shirale-Arule 52 724 19 Kokisare 43 2167 48 Son ali 31 1133 20 Kolape 18 1086 49 Tembewadi 46 603 21 Kumbhari 26 347 50 Tiravade Tarf Kharepatan 23 910 22 Kumbharwadi (N.V.) (19)... 20 556 51 Tiravade Tarf SOW1dal 2 644 23 Kumbhavade 36 721 52 Tithavli 16 1141 24 KurU 55 1951 53 Umbarde 19 1154 25 Kusur 21 850 54 Upale 6 448 26 Lore 58 2356 55 Vabhave 42 1485 27 Madhaliwadi 22 372 56 Vayamboshi 41 136 28 Mandavkarwadi 7 292 57 Vengasar 14 935 29 Mangavli 13 1494 58 Yedgaon 35 959 Total 48,536 *At the time of 1981 census, Shirale and Arule were two separate villages. 88

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rt2. ~ \.. t. CD TARELE A H s @ PHONOA G) KANKAVLI Note:- C.O. Block Boundary of l


Based upon SurvlY of (ndia map with the permission of the Surveyor GenQral of India. © Gov~rnment of:! ~in CorvriQht,1994. 91


5. KANKAVLIC.D.BLOCKr Sr. Code Sr. Code Name of village Population Name of village Population No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 Anandnagar 19 819 27 Halaval 65 1797

2 As al ade 28 1355 28 Harkul Bk. 84 4058

3 Ashiye 66 854 29 Harkul Kh. 54 3449

4 Audumbamagar 15 365 30 Humarat 51 1269

5 Ayanal 33 1042 31 Humbarane 58 512

6 Bandargaon 2 689 32 Jambhalgaon 104 549

7 Bavshi 30 626 33 J ambhaln agar 18 964

8 BeIne Kh. 50 580 34 Janavali 56 1779

9 Berle 8 283 35 Kajirde 5 347

10 Bhairavgaon 103 470 36 Kalasuli 82 77

11 Bharni 57 554 37 Kalmath 63 4377

12 Bhiravande 90 399 38 Kankav1i* 64 11797

13 Bidwadi 61 1940 39 Karanje 53 1906

14 Bordave 71 1723 40 Karol 48 1031

15 Chinchwali 7 532 41 Kasaral 67 745

16 Dabgaon 22 468 42 Kasarde 20 772

17 Dakshin Bajar Peth 45 1046 43 Kasavan 72 1013

18 Dakshingavthan 24 488 44 Kharepatan 6 1928

19 Damare 47 697 45 Koloshi 27 961

20 Dariste 97 999 46 Kondye 46 710

21 Darum 17 998 47 Kumbhavade 89 1437

22 Dhareshwar 21 857 48 Kurangavne 10 1170

23 Digavale 99 1686 49 Lingeshwar 39 306

24 Gandhinagar - 87 488 50 Lingeshwamagar 80 805

25 Gangeshwar 41 578 51 Lore 40 1610

26 Ghonsari 42 2712 52 Main 34 685

·Eight. villages viz., Gangonagar (80), Purvanagar (81), Kambalenagar (82), Vishveshwarnagar (83), Pashchim Bajarpeth (84). Shivajinagar (85), Telinagar (86), and Bijalinagar (87) are merged in Kankavli village. 92

5. KANKAVLI C. D. BLOCK-contd.

Sr. Code Sr. Code Pupulation Name of village Population No. Name of village No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) 53 Math Kh. 37 109 80 Savdav 35 1532

54 Nadgive 11 1594 81 Shastrinagar 85 372

55 Nagave 55 1671 82 Sherpe 9 891

56 Nagsawantwadi 25 405 83 Shidavne 13 1681

57 Nandgaon 31 3177 84 Shiraval 74 1418

58 Nardave 102 13'01 85 Shivaji Peth 3 605

59 Natal 98 4073 86 Shivajinagar 94 898 \ 60 Navanagar 93 110 87 Shivdav 96 2614

61 Nehrunagar 92 417 88 Shri'nagar 83 460

62 Osargaon 70 2166 89 Subhashnagar 91 380

63 Otav 32 768 90 Talavade 73 660

64 Ozaram 26 1300 91 Tarandale 59 1603

65 Phanasnagar 81 845 92 Tarele ; 16 1819

66 Phondaghat 43 5895 93 Tiware 49 875

67 Pimpaleshwarnagar 75 360 94 Tondavali 29 1047

68 Pimpalgaon 101 704 95 76 625

69 Pise Kamate 60 782 96 Upanagar 79 401

70 Piyali 36 996 97 Uttamnagar 77 554

1-1 Rajnagar 78 343 98 Uttar Bajar Peth 44 1235

72 Rameshwarnagar 88 381 99 Uttargavthan 23 422

73 Ranjangaon 100 573 100 Varavade 62 1788

74 Sakedi 52 1173 101 Wagade 69 2158

75 Saliste 14 1044 102 Wagheri 38 729

76 Sambhajinagar 4 831 103 Waingani 1 456

.77 Sambhajinagar 95 462 104 Wargaon 12 1956

78 Sangave 86 1187 105 Yevteshwargaon 105 490

79 Satral 68 543 Total 130,181 93

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Note:- CD. Block 80IJndary Of Sowantwodi is CG-terminus with Tahsil IIG\JndQry Excluclng Ill! 5tc1utory Towns-

BOuNDARY ( STATE ... ..-.. - ... ~ OtSTRICT •• _ TAHSil SA~NTWADI TAHSIL Km S 10 15 10 Km " ! ! , r REVENUE CiRClE .. REVENUE CIRCLES " ... r---=l=r.=..oo:; ; " VILLAGE WITH LOCATION COOE !'lUMBER L..--fr-_..J No. Name HEAOQUARTERS:TAHSIL ••• 'l=!I r-{..... i\ SAWANTWADI ./ IIILI-AGE!; WITH POPUt."TION SIZE: BELOW 2QO. _ •• CD /_. )' 200-1.99IS00-999lIIfO()-4999; 5000 &. ABOVE. ..0..,7·.,.,...,.,-i;;' Q) AMBDLI "I /.'- l. URBAN. AREA WITH LOCATION COOE ... WmwJ y .._! \ NATIONAL HIGHWAY... NHJ7 CD STIITE HIGHWAY ••• SHI23 BANDA r t @ <....) ,.,- IMPORTANT METALLED ROAO - r" ® TAlKAT .1'. .-' UNMETALLEO AND ()TH~R ROADS. r f'''''7 RIVE R 41'10 STREJd14 ••• ® BHEDSHI .I /\_ ~ ~ ~ L... It..._ rJ POST OFFICE/TELEGRAPff OFF'ICE E~CllJ01NG R:MS. POiTO .. -l...... ,-.. \ (' HIGH£R SECONDARY SCHOOL. s POLICE STATION EXCLUDING illY. POLICE STATION PS ---- Boundary Stal. i c::j_ ~_ HOSPITAl,PRIMARY HEALTH Ct:I'ITRE. DISPENSARY ~~+ Ol5tricl -... _ •• .-,.~.' To.hsil IMPORTANT VILLAGE MARKET/HAT £ MSH-MAJOR STATE HIGHWAY ~ Area Adde

8as.d upon sur•• ~ 01 lr.diQ map With_l"e permission 01 the su".vor O.norol of Indio © Government of India Cop~right.199'. 99


6. SAWANTWADIC.D.BLOCK Sr. Cooo Sr. Code Name of viUage Population Name of viUage Population No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4} (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 Adali 89 707 36 Gele 15 574 2 Ajgaon 42 3854 37 Gharap 79 267 3 Ambadgaon 136 1060 38 Ghatiwade 112 68 4 Ambegaon 5 995 39 Ghotge 121 1007 5 Ambeli 102 376 40 Ghotgewadi 120 1146 6 Amboli 16 3287 41 Girode 134 256 7 52 2655 42 Gulduve 48 640 8 Aros 46 1309 43 Hewale 113 478 9 Asniye 81 839 44 Insuli 58 2194 10 Awade 124 184 45 Kalambist 18 2251 11 Ayee 138 1471 46 Kalane 97 898 12 Aynode 119 668 47 Kariwade 21 2978 13 Bada 36 907 48 Kas 72 1460 14 Bambarde 111 421 49 Kasai 103 2397 15 Banda 67 5928 50 Kavthani 76 1134 16 Bavlat 22 598 51 Kegad 33 282 17 Bhalawal 83 685 52 Kendre Bk. 116 50 18 Bhatpavani 51 913 53 Kendre Kh. 115 28 19 Bhekurli 104 172 54 Ker 105 741 20 Bhike-Konal 96 268 55 Kesari 28 563 21 Bhom 2 1131 56 Khadpade Tarf Banda 35 61 22 Bodade 128 435 57 Khanyale 127 439 23 Brahmanpat 9 957 58 Khokaral 131 512 24 Charathe 7 2174 59 Kinale - 53 559 25 Chaukul 32 2401 60 Kolgaon 3 2280 26 Dabhil 77 83 61 Kolzar 86 943 27 Dandeli 45 1199 62 Konal 125 3833 28 Danoli 27 353 63 Konas 82 448 29 Degave 62 1532 64 Kondure 44 390 30 Devsu 24 897 65 Kshetrapal 59 2409 31 Dingne 65 773 66 Kudase 100 ·1704 32 Dongarpal 90 317 67 Kumbharli 11 1550 33 Fansavade 29 248 68 Kumbharwada 37 2341 34 Fukeri 80 320 69 Kumbhavade 34 251 35 Gale} 66 328 70 Kumbral 95 1318 100


Sr. Code Sr. Code Population Name of village Population No. Name of village No. No. No. (l) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) 11 71 Kunkeri 4 1577 106 Sargave 114 277 72 Madkhol 20 3198 107 Sarmale 56 825 73 Madure 71 1831 108 Sasoli 98 1459 74 Majgaon 8 4125 109 Satarda 74 2387 75 Malewad 43 2698 110 Sateli Bhedshi 123 3402 76 Malgaon 10 1924 111 Sateli Tan Satarda 73 751 77 Maneri 101 1602 112 Satose 75 1346 78 Mangeli 132 1485 113 Satuli 23 800 79 Masure 31 144 114 SavaIjuva 54 325 80 Matane 137 1544 115 Sawarwad .19 863 81 Morgaon 88 1074 116 Sherle 68 2198 82 Morle 106 547 117 Shirange 126 941 83 Nanos 50 548 118 Shirshinge 14 1968 84 Nemale 1 2667 119 Shirwal 94 252 85 Nene 30 895 120 Sonawal 108 349 86 Netarde 91 1068 121 Sonurli 40 1511 87 Nhaveli 41 1740 122 Talavade 38 2303 88 Nigude 60 1189 123 Talawane 47 1606 89 Niravade 39 2820 124 Talekhol 139 1078 90 Nirukhe 6 1012 125 Talkat 87 1066 91 Otavane 55 2312 126 Tamboli 84 717 92 Ovaliye 25 718 127 Terwan 109 469 93 Padlos 70 874 128 Terwanmedhe 110 417 94 Padve 63 103 129 Tiroda 49 1300 95 Padve Majgaon 64 450 130 Ude)i 78 19 96 Pal 117 358 131 Ugade 93 297 97 Palye 107 364 132 Usap 133 1240 98 Panturli 99 245 133 Vazare 135 1158 99 Panne 122 602 134 Verle 17 2055 100 Parpoli 26 874 135 Vetye 12 822 101 Patye 118 794 136 Vila vade 57 1264 102 Phondye 92 29 137 Virdi 140 990 103 Pikule 130 1666 138 Wafoli 61 1360 104 Ronapal 69 562 139 Zare 129 769 105 Sangeli 13 2634 140 Zolambe 85 1158 Total 164,910 101

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8a.sed-upoF') Sur~ey of India mall with the permis::;ion of the Surveyor General cJ India. © Government of 1';';;0 Copyright. 1994. The- territorlat waters of India extend into the sea to a disto.nce 01 t",.. lve nautical mHO's measured from the appropriate base linp 111


7. VENGURLA C. D. BLOCK Sr. . Code Sr. Code Name of vi1lage ND. ND. Population No. Name of village No. Population (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 Adari 41 470 40 Mhartale 72 1106 2 Ad eli 26 2268 41 Mochemad 46 1033 3 Ansur 40 883 42 Muth 42 195 4 Arawali 58 1308 43 Namas 37 390 5 ... 57 1479 44 Navabag 34 701 6 Bagayat 66 956 45 Nhaichiad 54 483 7 Bandh 62 298 46 Padata1 49 434 8 Bhandarwada 27 731 47 Pal 53 1442 9 Bhendama1a 36 857 48 Palkarwadi 22 1569 10 Bhogave 7 1049 49 Parabgaon 69 873 11 Bombadojichiwadi 76 819 50 Parabwada 32 1247 12 Chipi 2 883 51 Parule 5 779 13 Dabholi 24 2257 52 Pendur 51 1620 14 Gandhinagar 68 886 53 Ravadas 3 1292 15 Gavan 6 1248 54 Redi 75 701 16 Gavatale 78 629 55 Sagartirtha 64 413 17 Girapwadi 44 320 56 Sakhelekhol 59 366 18 Hodawade 48 2592 57 Sataye 25 1021 19 Huda 74 971 58 Shelapi 4 585 20 Josoli 56 387 59 Shiroda 67 1110 21 Kalavi 17 729 60 Shriramwadi 8 705 22 Kambaliwadi 38 347 61 Siddhawadi 35 592 23 Kamb1evir 28 520 62 Sonsure 61 877 24 Kanyale 77 1049 63 Sukalbhat 73 1470 25 Karli 1 753 64 Sukhatanbag 39 688 26 Kelus 16 897 65 Talekarwadi 18 986 27 Khalchiker 70 624 66 Tank 60 1004 28 Khalchiwadi 11 667 67 Temb 63 341 29 Khanoli 20 988 68 Tulas 47 3385 30 Khatarwadi 50 655 69 Ubhadanda 31 311 31 Khavane 14 976 '30 Vadakhol 55 555 32 Koch are 9 1996 71 Vagheshwar 33 765 33 Kurlewadi 43 522 72 Vajarath 29 1713 34 Malai 15 403 73 Varachemad 45 723 35 Math 30 1833 74 Varachiker 71 904 36 Matond 52 3023 75 Velagar 65 238 37 Mayan a 12 504 76 Vet ore 23 1131 38 Medha 13 835 77 Warchiwadi 21 660 39 Mhapan 10 1020 78 Wayangani 19 1382 Total 75,422

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Land Utilisation Data in respect of Non-Municipal Towns (Census Town)

Land use (Area under diJIcrent types ofland use in hectares) Sr. Name of town and No. C. D. Block within Total Forest liTigated Uninigated Culturable Not brackets Area by source Waste available (including for gouchar and cultivation groves) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 Kudal 450.00 Tk (11.00) 280.00 81.00 78.00


List of Villages where no amenity other than Drinking Water Facility is Available

Name of C.D. mock Locaiion Code NaIDI.J of Village (1) (2) (3)



Summary showing number of villages having or not having Scheduled Castes Population

DistricUC.D. Block Tolal Uninhabit",d Inhabilcd Inhabited Inhabited villages villag"',; villagl.Js villages : villages having no having some se population se population (1) (2) (3) (4) t5} (6)

Sindhudurg District 736 736 236 500 1 Kudal 123 123 20 103 2 Malwan 135 135 55 80 3 Devgad 97 97 40 57 Vaibhavvadi 58 58 24 34 "5 Kankavli 105 105 34 71 6 Sawantwadi 140 140 19 121 7 Vengurla 78 78 44 34

Summary showing number of villages having or not having Scheduled Tribes Population

DistricUC.D. Block Total Uninhabitt:d Inhabited Inhabited Inhabited villages villagl.Js villagt:s villages villages having no having some ST popul~tion ST population (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Sindhudurg District 736 736 615 121 1 Kudal 123 123 92 31 2 Malwan 135 135 120 15 3 Devgad 97 97 89 8 4 Vaibhavvadi 58 58 49 9 5 Kaukavli 105 105 81 24 6 Sawantwadi 140 140 U3 27 7 Vengurla 78 78 71 7 119


List of villages according to the pl'opol'tion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population to the total population by ranges

1. KudaI C.D. Block No. of wlinhabited villages = ...... No. of inhabited villages =123 Ranges of Schedul

A·Scheduled Castes -5.00* 1 Kavathi 4 Naiknagal' 6 Mundyachakond 9 Sammbal 13 Kutgaon 14 Mankadevi 17 Gaunhad 18 Gandhinagar 19 Pat 21 Madgaon 27 Andurle 32 Kavilkate 35 Milkyachiwadi 38 Sangirde 43 Gudhipur 47 TemhdhUl'inagar 55 Kunde 59 OrasKh. 63 Humarmala 61:) Gavalgaon 67 Kupavade 7U Sunavadll TarfKalsuli 72 Ghotage 73 I3hal'ani 74 I3hulvad 78 Kadawal 82 Kusagaon 85 Rumadgaon HO Tulsuli K. N amI' 95 Gothos 96 Nileli 102 Wasuli 103 Upavade W4 SakiJ'de 10i) More 108 Amheri 110 Nnmaspur 112 Nandi 113 ilengaon 114 Kanduli lU; Taligaon 119 Namasgaon 120 Salgaun 122 Db"lakarwadi 123 llhattgaun

5.01-10.00 16 Nenu' Tad'Havcli 24 Wadi Varvade 26 Tendoli 37 Amhadpal 40 Tul~uli TarfMangaon 48 llihavane 49 Bamharde TarfMangaon 50 Zarap 51 Akeri 52 Gaonrai 53 Padavc 54 Kasal 56 Ambrad 58 KUj;ahe 60 Oras Bk. 61 Ranbambuli 65 lhmbarde TarfKalsuli 75 Bhadgaon Kh. .76 Bhadgaon ilk. 77 Warde 79 Nirukhe 80 PangI'ad 81 Girgaun 86 Digas 87 Km;vane 93 Nivaje 94 Nanlr 98 Chafeli 99 N"lUI' K. NaJur 100 Anjivade 101 Shivapur 105 Pulas 107 Wados 115 Kaleli

10.01-15.00 5 Walawal 10 &mavade TarfHavdi 25 Gavel; 29 Bav 30 llambuli T::u·rHavdi 31 Neharunagar 39 Mulade 41 K"ravade Tm'fMangaon 42 Mandkuli 57 Pokhal'an (i2 Anav 64 Pandur 83 Avalegaon 89 Hirluk 97 Keravade K. Nal'llr 117 Mangaon

15.01-20.00 8 Naikwadi 34 Pawashi 109 Ghavanale 121 Jambhannala

20.01-30.00 3 Chendawan 15 Saigaon 46 Deulwadi

30.01 + 7 Kandal'gaon

B-Scheduled Tribes -5.00* 5 Walawal 6 Mundya<:hakund 13 Kutgaon 18 Gandhinagar 1!1 Put 26 Tenduli 37 Ambadpal 44 Pinguli 46 Deulwadi 53 Padave 54 Kasal 55 Kunde 56 Amhrad 63 Hum armal a 71 Durganagar 74 Bhutvad 77 Ward" 79 Nin.lkhe 85 Rumadgaun 86 Digas 94 Nal'ur 97 Ktiravade K. N:lIur 101 Shivapur III Ghatakarnagar 112 Nancli 118 Kattagaon

5.01-15.00 47 Tcmbdhudnagar 61 Ranbamhuli 78 Kadawal 119 Namasgaun

35.01-50.00 43 GudhipuJ' 120


2. Malwan C.D. Block No. of uninhabited villages = ...... No. of inhabited villages = 135 Ranges of Scl1l!duled LocaLiun Locatiun Locatiun Caste/Scheduled Tribt! Cude Name ofvillagtl Cudtl Name of village Code Namll of village Population (Pllrcentaglls) No. Nu. No. (1) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3)

A-Scheduled Caste"

-5.00* 3 Apal'adh wadi \-) Pil'Uwadi 22 Hadi 23 Tondavali 28 Nhive 31 Kulamb 34 Math ilk. 36 Guthane 40 Palasamb 42 ilagadwadi 51 Rathivadu 57 Hiwale 60 Hedul 61 KhoLale 62 Waingavade 72 MardI.' HI ililvas 93 Nandl'ukh lOO Wayad 102 Tal'kal'li Hl3 Dllvbag 114 GUl'am Nagari 12(1 Ku,;al'3ve 121 Katta

5.01-10.00 7 Adlal'tl 12 Gavathanwadi 16 Sadewadi 29 Revandi 32 Kudupi 33 Budhavale 35 Nil"m 37 lb.mgad 38 Shl'awan 45 Palikadilwadi 46 Ghadiwadi 50 Chunavare 55 A'iUl'undi 51> Shirvandc 58 Puip 1;3 Palayewadi 1;5 Malund 75 Wel'31 76 lklachiwadi 77 Ma,;ade 110 Dllulwada 89 Kumame 90 Malgaon 92 Ghumade 94 Amhados IW Chaf..,khul 116 1Til'avde 124 Pendur 131 Parad 133 Parabwada

10.01-15,00 10 Gaudwadi 18 Wayangani 41 Gavathan

52 A~agani 59 Ovaliyc 64 Kuil 68 Bandiwadc ilk. 7ll Ma,;ul'e 78 Wadachapat 87 Gulwan lO8 Mala 113 Kunkavale 115 Nandos 117 Sukalwad 122 Sal..,l

15.01-20.00 21 Kandalgaon 43 Tl'imhak 88 Dikval 99 Chauke 109 Dhamapur laO Kharare

20.01-30.00 104 Devli 118 Talgaon 126 Bhandal'Wada 134 Kalse

30.01+ 53 KiI'1Ol!

B-Scheduled Tribes

-5.00* 2 Pal'wadi 31 Kolamb 36 Guthane 72 MardI! 77 Masada 90 Malgaon !H Kumbhal'math lOll Wayari 103 Dllvbag 109 Dhamapur 114 GUI'am N agari 121 Katta

5.01-15.00 89 Kumame 117 Sukalwad 120 Kusarave 121


3. Devgad .C.D. Block No. of uninhabited villages = ...... No. of inhabited villages = 97 Ranges of Scheduled wcaliun Ulcalion Location CastelScheduled Tribe Code Name of village Code Name ufvillllge Code Name of village Population (Percentages) Nu. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3)

A·Scheduled Castes

-5.00" VijaydUJ'g 5 Tiduk 9 Kasaha Waghotan

11 Padel 14 Pul'al 15 Wade

16 Nad:m 19 Mond 26 Mutat

27 Manche 28 Malpewadi (N.V.) 30 Dhalavali

32 Kunkawan 34 Phanllsgaon 36 Patgaon

37 Pendhari 46 Waghiv31'e 47 Mahalunge

48 Nad 50 Shil'UvaJi 51 Devgad

52 Jamsande 55 Lingdal eN.V.) 56 Padthar (N.V.)

57 Elaye 58 Mithmumbari 63 Naringl'e

66 Tamhaldeg (N.V.) 67 Hindalu 71 Aadhandar (N.V.)

75 Talehajal' (N.V.) 80 Valivandl.! 81 Shevare

83 Hadpid 85 Shil'gaun 87 TUI·,.,ole (N.V.)

90 Kolkam!.e 91 Salashi 92 Chafed

94 Sandve (N.V.) 97 Khudi (N.V.)

5.01-10.00 29 Pomhhul'le 39 Dapal'de 49 Gavane

53 Dabhole 65 Mithhaun 70 Poyal'e

73 Tcmhavali 74 Talavade 78 Rahateshwar (N.V.)

88 Kinjawade 9£1 Arc

10.01-15.00 31 Korle 62 Dahihaun 64 Dagamala

6!! Munage

15.01-20.00 93 Kuvale

B-Scheduled Tribes

-5.00" 19 Mund 20 Mondpal' (N .V.) 33 Undil

52 Jamsandc (;7 Hind... l" 80 Valivande

85 Shil'gaon 96 Are 122


4. Vaibhavvadi C.D. Block No. of uninhabited villages =...... No. of jnhabjted villages =58

Ranges or Scheduled u>~tiun u>catiun Loc at iun CastelScheduled Tribe Cude Name ufvillage Code Naml! of village Code Name orvillage Population (pl!l'centages) Nu. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3)

A·Scheduled Castes

- 5.00· 1 Ncrle 2 Tiravadc Tal'f'Soundal 4 Jamhhavade

9 Muundll 11 Ainal'i 12 Hut

13 Mangavli 15 Nanivadc 19 Urnbal'de

24 Bhui Bawada 27 Mchhulmagal' (N. V.) 30 Pimpalwadi

32 Jiadhavade 33 llandhawadi (N. V.) 34 Narkalwadi (N. V.)

36 Kumhhavade 3H Kaml 43 Kokisarll

44 S:u-dalwadi 50 Navalu 54 Achitne

55 Kurli

5.01-10.00 23 Til'avadu Tarf Khalvpatan 57 Gadmath

10.01-15.00 10 Uhum 29 Napane 31 SunaH

35 Yedgaon 42 45 Kharnbalwadi (N.V.)

51 Sadure

20.01-30.00 18 Kolape 21 Kusul' 53 Nim·Arule

B·Scheduled Tribes

-5.00· 13 Mangavli 19 Umhal'de 24 . Bhui Bawada

30 Pimpalwadi 31 &mali 32 Nadhavade

42 Vahhavll

5.01-15.00 2 Tiravadll Tarf Suundal 11 Ainal'i 123


5. Kankavli C.D. Block No. of uninhabited villages = ...... No. of illhabit~d villages = 105 Ranges of Scheduled Location Location Location Caste/Scheduled Tribe Code Name ofviJJage Code Name ofviJJage Code Name of village Population (Percentages) No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3)

A·Scheduled Castes -5.00· 3 Shivaji Peth 5 Kajirde 6 Kharcpatan 7 Chinchwali 10 Kurangavne 11 Nadgive 12 Wal'gaon 13 Shidavne 18 J ambhalnagar 28 A~alade 31 Nandgaon 33 Ay an al 40 Lore 42 Ghon~ari 44 Uttar Baja.' Peth 53 Karanje 55 Nagave flO Pi,;e Kamate 62 Varavade (;3 Kalmath ',8 Salmi 69 Wagade 70 Osargaon 72 Kasavan

73 Talavade 7~' Upanag:u' 84 Harkul ilk. 89 Kumhhavade 94 Shivajinagar 91; Shivdav 99 Digavale 100 Ranjang:J.On

5.01-10.00 Hi Tare1e 17 Darum 43 Phllndaghat 48 Karul 51 HUlnarat 57 ilhami

58 Humhamne 5~) Tar:llldale (il Bidwadi 1i4 Kankavli ',1; A-;hiye 71 BOI'dave 74 Shiraval 76 Ulha,.;nagar 80 Lingeshwarnagar 90 Dhiravandc 98 Natal 102 Nard ave

10.01-15.00 22 Dabgaon 2f; Ozaram 27 Kuloshi 34 Main 35 Savdav 41 Gangeshwar 54 Harkul Kh. 5fi Janavali 65 Halaval 97 DUI;,;te

15.01-20.00 38 Wagheli 511 B..,lneKh. 52 Sakcdi

20.01-30.00 14 Saliste 23 Utlargavthan 32 Otav 47 Damarc 49 Tiw:lJ"e 83 Shlinagar 86 Sangave

30.01+ 92 N cluun agal'

B-Scheduled Tribes

-5.00· G Kharcpalan. 18 Jamhhalnagal' 42 Ghunsali 43 Phondaghat 44 Uital' Bajar Pdh 48 KaJUI 50 BelneKh. 58 Humharane 63 Kalmath 64 Kankavli 711 Osargaon 80 Ling..,shwamagar 84 Hal"kul Bk. 86 Sangave 93 Navanagar 94 Shivajinagar 95 nagar 96 Shivdav 98 Natal 99 Digavale

5.01-15.00 29 T(]ndavali 65 Halaval 97 Daliste

15.01-25.00 66 A"hiye 124


6. Sawantwadi C.D. Block No. of uninhabited villages = ...... No. of inhabited villages = 140 Ranges of Scht.!dul"d Location Location wcalion Caste/Scht.!dult.!d Tribe Codt.! Name oi'vilbgt.! Cudt.! Name ufvillage Cude Name ofvillage Population (P

A-Scheduled Castes -5.00* 2 llhum 5 Ahegaon 6 NilUkhe 8 Majgaon 11 KUlllhhal'1i 12 Vdye HI Sawarwad 20 MaJk]w] 24 Duv~u 27 Danoli 29 Fansavadu 32 Chaukul 41 Nhaveli 42 Ajgaun 45 Dandeli 41, Ams 47 Talawanc 48 Gulduve 50 Nanos 53 Kinale 55 Olavane 57 Vilavade 59 Kshetl'3pal 62 Degave 64 Padvc Majgaon 1;6 Gale! 67 Banda 72 Kas 73 Saluli Tar!' Satal'da 74 Satarda 75 Satose 79 Ghamp 82 Konas 83 Bhalawal 85 Zobmhc 87 Talkat 89 AdaJi 91 Nebl'de 97 Kalane 103 Kasai 104 B1wkul'li lO5 Kel" l\}1; MUl'le W8 Sunawal . 1119 TCl'wan 117 Pal 118 Patyc 122 Pal'1l1e 123 Saleli llhedshi 129 . Zaru 130 Pikul.. 131 Khokal'al 132 Mangdi 136 Ambadgaon 137 Matane

5.01-10.00 1 Nemale 3 Kolgaon 4 Kunkeri 7 Chal'alhe 14 Shil'shinge 16 Amhuli 17 Vcrle 18 Kala mhist 21 Kadwade 22 Bavlat 23 Satuli 25 Ovaliye 28 Ko~ati 3~1 Niravadu 40 SunuJ'li 43 Malewad 49 Ti"(Jda 52 ~Al-onda 58 In:

10.01-15.00 10 Malgaon 13 Sangcli 15 Gele 2(:j Parpl1li 30 Nene 38 Talavade 5(:j Salmalc 65 Dingne 70 Padlos 81 A,·miye 84 Tamhuli 95 Kumbl'al lOO Kudasl! 113 Hl!wall! 119 Aynode 120 Ghotgewadi 138 Ayee

15.01-20.00 34 Kumbhavade 88 Morgaon 93 Ugade 116 Keudl'cBk. 20.01-30.00 110 TI!)'wan Medhe III llambal'dl! 30.01+ 92 PhundYI! 112 Ghaliwade

B-Scheduled Tribes -5.00* 1 Nemale 4 Kunkel·j 5 Ambegaon 6 NilUkhc 7 Charalhe 8 Majgaon 11 Kumhharli 17 Verle 26 Parpoli 38 Talavadl! 40 Sunul'li 42 Ajgaon 43 Ma\cwad 52 AI·undo. 53 Kinale 57 Vilavade 58 Insuli m Banda 87 Talkal !'.8 MOl'gaun 95 Kumbl'al 100 Kuda:

5.01-15.00 20 Madkhol HI Waloli 125


7. Vengurla C.D. Block No. of uninhabited villages = ...... No. of inbabited villages = 78

Ranges of Scheduled Location Locatiun Location Caste/Scheduled Tribe Cude Name of village Cude Name uJ"village Cude Name of village Population (percentages) No. Nu. Nu. (1) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3)

A-Scheduled Castes

-5.00* 3 Ravadas 19 Wayangani 25 Sataye

28 Kamhlevir 29 Vajaralh 3H llhendamala

40 An sur 46 Mochemad 50 Khabrwadi

51 Pendur 72 :Mhartale 73 Sukalhhat

76 Bumhadojichiwadi 77 Kanyale

5.01-10.00 9 Kuchan! 20 Khanuli 23

24 Dahhuli 26 Adeli 3U Math

45 Varachemad 47 Tubs 48 Hudawade

52' Matund 58 Arnwali

10.01-15.00 16 Kelus 53 Pal 57

67 Shiroda 74 Huda

15.01-20.00 6 Gavan 62 Bandh

20.01-30.00 10 Mhapan 11 Khalchiwadi

B-Scheduled Tl"ibes

....:..5.00* 2 Chipi 41 4R Hudawade

52 Matond 58 AJ'awali 72 Mhattale

78 Gavatale

"Excludes villages with no SC and ST pupulation, as alsu totally uninhabited villages (N.B. Ranges with' nil' entries have heen omitted) 126


Alphabetical li~t of villages alongwith Manual as well as Computerised Codes, 1991·1981


Location Code-1991 Location Code-1981 Sr. Name of Village No. (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Akeri 51 11 11 21 51 05/0010/00 10/0020/0051 41111112 04/0110/0112 2 Amhadpal 5111 11 2/ 37 05/0010100 10/0020/0037 4/111 76 04/0110/0076 3 Amberi 51 11 11 5/108 05/0010100 10/0050/0 L08 4/111 70 04/011010070 4 Amhrad 51 11 11 3/ 56 05/0010/00 10/0030/0056. 4/lV 5 04/0110/0005 5 Anav 5/ 11 11 3/ 62 05/0010100 10(,0030/0062 41111 26 04/011010026 6 Andurlc 51 11 11 11 27 05/001010010/0010/0027 4/111120 04/0110/0120 7 Anjivade 51 11 11 51100 05/0(} 10/00 10/0()50/0 100 4/111 62 04/0110/0062 8 Avalegaon 51 11 11 41 83 05/00 1{)/OO 10/0040/0083 41111 32 04/0110/0032 9 Bamharde Tarf Kahruli 51 11 11 3/65 05/001{)/OOI0/0030/0065 41111 39 04/0110/0039 10 Barnharde Tarf Mangaon ,.' 51 11 1/ 21 49 05/0010/0010/0020/0049 4/111114 04/0110/0114 11 Bambuli Tarf Haveli 5/ 1/ 11 21 30 05/0010/()


1. KUDAL C.D. BLOCK-contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

65 Kusahe 5/ 11 11 31 58 05100 IO/On 10/0030/00 58 41111 7 04iO 110/0007 66 KUHagaon 51 11 11 41 82 05/(){) 10/00 10/()O4O/OO82 4/111 34 04/0 1 1O/()() 34 67 Kutgaon 5/ 11 1/ 11 13 0510010/00 10/()0 1 0/00 13 4/111 1'\1 04/0110/0081 68 Madgaon 51 11 11 11 21 05/00101001O/(}0l0/O021 4/111118 04/0110/0118 69 Mandkuli 51 11 11 21 42 05l0010/nO 10/(}O20/0042 4/111 74 04/0 110/0(} 74 70 Mangaon 5/ 11 11 5/117 05/0()lO/0{) 1O/[)O50/0117 4/111101 0410110/0101 71 Mankadevi 51 11 11 11 14 05/0()10/00 10/0010/00 14 4/111 79 04/0110/0079 72 Mitkyachiwadi 51 11 11 21 35 05/0010/0010/0020/0035 4/111 53 04/0110/0053 73 More 51 11 11 51106 05/(1)10/0010/0050/0106 4/11/105 0410110/0105 74 Mulade 51 11 11 21 39 05/0()10/00 10/0020/0039 4/111 75 04/0110/0075 75 Munagi 5/ 11 11 1/ 28 0510010/00 lO/OO 10/0028 4/111121 04/0110/0121 76 Mundyacha Kond 5/ 1/ 11 11 6 05/0()10/0010/0010/0006 41111 83 04/0 110/0n83 77 Naiknagar 5/ 1/ 11 11 4 (}5/0() 10/00 wIno 10/0004 4/11/89 04/0110/0089 78 Naikwadi 5/ 1/ 11 11 8 05/0010/00 10/no1 0/0008 4/11/ 44 04/0110/0044 79 NamaOlgaon 5/ 1/ 11 5/119 05/()010/00 10/0050/0119 4/11/100 04/0110/0100 80 Namaspur 5/ 11 11 5/110 05/0010/01l10/0050/0110 4/11/ 57 04/0110/0057 81 Naneli 51 11 11 5/112 05/0010/()OI0/005()/01l2 41111 71 04/0110/0071 82 Nalur 5/ 11 1/ 51 94 ()5/00 1nloo 1O/()O5010094 4/11/ 36 04/011()/O036 83 Neharunagar 5/ 11 1/ 21 31 05/0010/0010/0020/0031 4/111 48 04/0110/0048 84 NeroI' K. Naror 5/ 11 1/ 51 99 05/00 lO/OO 10/0050/0099 4/111 61 04/0110/0061 85 NeroI' Tarf Haveli 5/ 11 1/ 1/ 16 ()5/0010/00 lO/OOlO/()O 16 4/111 80 04/0110/0080 86 Niieli 51 11 11 51 96 05/00l0/()O 10/005010096 4/111 68 04/0110/0068 87 Nil'Ukhe 5/ 11 1/41 79 Ofi!Onl 11/00 10/0040/0079 411 1/ 20 04/011 O/O!) 20 88 Nivaje 5/ 11 11 51 93 ()5/0()l(1/00 10/0050/0093 4/11/ 58 04/0110/0058 89 Orall Bk. 51 11 11 31 60 ()5/0()10/001O/0031l/00flO 4/111 24 04/0110/0024 90 Ol'a.~ Kh_ 5/ 11 11 31 59 ()5/()OlO/OO 10/0030/0059 4/11/ 23 04/0110/0023 91 Padave 51 11 11 3/ 53 05/0n111/0010/0030/0053 4/111 2 04/0 1 1O/0()02 92 Pandur 5/ 11 11 31 64 05/001010010/0030/0064 4/11/40 04/0110/0040 93 Pangt'ad 51 11 11 41 80 05/0n101oo 10/0040/0080 4/111 19 04/0 110/0(H9 94' Pat 5/ 11 11 11 19 05/00l0/nn l

Y44I3-10 128



Locatiun Code-1991 Location Code-1981 Sr. Name of Village No.

1 Achare 51 2/ 21 11 7 o5100 2tl/0020/00 10/0()07 4/141 21 0410 140/0()21 2 Advali 5/ 21 21 21 47 05l0()20/0020/0020f0047 4/141 35 04/l114010035 3 AInavane 5/ 21 2J 21 54 0510020/0020/002010054 4/141 42 04/0 140/01142 4 Ambados 5/ 21 2J 41 94 05l0020/1)()20/004010094 4/141 97 04/0140/0097 5 Amberi 51 21 21 4/107 o510(] 20/0020/0040/1l107 4114/124 04/0140/0124 6 Anandvhal 5/ 2/ 2J 41 96 05l0020/()()20/004i}/OO96 4/14/95 0410140/0095 7 Anganewadi 5/ 21 21 31 85 05l0020/0020/()O301(lO85 4/14/ 76 0410140/0076 8 Aparadhwadi 5/ 21 21 11 3 0510020/0020/0010/0003 4114/ 7 0410140/0007 9 Asagani 5/ 21 2J 21 52 05l0020/1)()20/0021}/0052 4/141 44 0410 140/1 KI44 10 Asarondi 5/ 21 21 21 55 05l0020/()()2(1/()O20/0055 4/14/66 04/0140/0066 11 Bagadwadi 51 21 21 21 42 05l0() 20/()( )20/0021)/004 2 4/141 16 04/0140/0016 12- Bagavewadi 5/21 7J 2! 44 \\510()2(V(\(.\2(\/()o20/(\(.\44 4/141 17 04/(1140/0017 13 Bagwadi 5/ 21 21 5/135 0510021l/1)(12n/()050/0135 4/14/129 0410140/0129 14 Bandiwade Bk. 51 21 2/ 31 68 05/(10 2( )/1)(1 20/( II )3()/OO68 4/141 31 04/0 140/()031 15 Bandiwade Kh. .\ 5/ 21 21 31 67 05/00 2( 1/()(120/( )03(1/006 7 4/141 32 04/0140/0032 16 Belachiwadi 5/ 21 21 31 76 05l0020/()()2(1/()O30/()()76 4/14/ 48 04/0140/l)O48 17 Bhagawantgad 51 21 21 11 15 1)5/1I02{)/()()20/()lIltI/OO 15 4/141 28 04/0 140/fl028 18 Bhandarwada 51 2J 2J 5/126 05/0020/00Z0/lI050/0 126 4/14/133 04/0140/0133 19 Bhatwadi 51 21 21 21 48 ()5/o02i}/()(120/l)()20/0048 4/141 37 04/0140/0037 20 Bhatwadi (Chin dar) 51 21 21 11 11 05/0020/()(120/0010/0011 4/14/ 25 0410 140/()O25 21 Bhogalewadi 51 21 21 31 86 05/1102()/()(lZO/OO30/0086 4/141 78 04/0140/()(178 22 Bilvas 51 21 21 3f 91 05/0020/()(}20/0030/0091 4/14/ 77 04/0 140/(1077 23 Budhavale 51 21 21 21 33 05l0020/()(120/0020/0033 41141 9 04/014010009 24 Chafekhol 51 21 21 5/110 05/00201110 20/()05010 110 4/141 74 0410 140/lK174 25 Chandar 51 21 21 31 83 05l(I02()/OO20/0I)30/0083 41141 82 04/0140/0082 26 Chauke 51 21 21 41 99 05/(}O2()/OO20/()O40/()()99 4/14/115 04/0 14()/O 115 27 Chindar 5/ 21 2) 11 4 05/( H)2{ )/00 201m) 1 0/0004 4/14/ (; 0410140/11006 28 Chunavare fil 21 '}j 21 fiO 05/0()21)/OO 20/0020/00 fiO 4/14/ iK 0410 14{)/()(}46 29 Dangmode 51 21 2) 31 66 ()5/()()21}/(lO20/()030/()O66 4/14/ 49 0410 14 ()/()049 30 Deulwada 51 21 21 31 80 ()5/(}()2()/()(120/0030/0080 4/14/80 0410 140/(}080 31 Devbag 5/ 21 21 4/103 05/{)02ll/()(} 20/004(110 103 4114/119 0410140/0119 32 Devli 51 21 21 4/104 05l()02()/()()20/0040}OI()4 4/14/121 04/014010121 33 Dhamapur 51 21 2/ 4/109 05l0(21)/()()20/()O40101{)9 4/14/126 04/0 140/() 126 34 Dikval 51 21 21 31 88 05/0()2l)/()(120!O030/(}O88 4/14/71 0410 14 O/l)()71 35 Dongrewadi 51 21 21 11 1 ()5/0021l!t)()20/00 1 010001 4/14/ 4 0410140/0004 36 Gaonkarwada 51 21 '}j 11 20 05l0()21)/OO20/0010/o020 4/141 57 04/0 140/()()57 37 Gaudwadi 51 21 21 11 10 (l5/002i)/()() 20/!lO 10/l)() 10 4/141 3 0410140/0003 38 Gavaliwadi 5121 21 2) 39 05l0020/0020/0020/()()39 4/14/ 3B ()050/0 130 4/14/132 04/0140/0132 62 Khervand 51 21 21 '31 79 05/0020/()()20/0030/0079 4/14/79 04/0140/0079 63 Khotale 51 21 21 21 61 05/0{)201002010020111061 4/14/69 04/0140/0069 64 Kirlos 5/ 21 21 21 53 0510020/0020/0020/0053 4/14/43 04l014U/{)()43 65 Koil 51 21 21 3/64 05/0020/{)()2()1003010064 4/14/33 04/0 14()/()()33 129


2. MALWAN C.D. BLOCK-contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

66 Kolamb 5/ 21 21 11 31 ()5/()()20/0020/0010/0031 4/14/ 90 04/0140/0090 67 Kothewadi 51 21 21 11 19 05/0020/0020/0010/()() 19 41141 54 04/0 14()/0054 68 Kudopi 51 21 21 21 32 n5l01 )2( )/l)() 2()/[J( )20/()() 32 4/14/ R ()4/0140/000R 69 Kumame 5/ 21 2/ 31 89 05/0()2[l/OO20/()O30/0089 4/14/100 04/0 14010 100 70 Kumhharmath 5/ 2/ 21 41 97 05/(1)2[)/OO20/0040/()(197 4/14/94 04/H 140/0094 71 Kumhharwadi 5/ 21 21 11 5 05/IU)2(I/OO20/0010/0005 4/14/ 19 04/0140/0019 72 Kunkavale 5/ 21 21 5/113 05/0020/0020/0050/0113 4/14/113 04/0140/0113 73 Ku~arave 5/ 21 21 5/120 05/0020/0020/005010120 4/14/106 04/0140/0106 74 Magvane 51 21 21 3/ 81 05/(I020/()(12n/003()/I)()81 4/141 81 04/0140/0081 75 Mahanwadi 51 21 21 11 27 05/0020/0020/001(l/()(l 27 4/14/83 04/0140/0083 76 Mala 51 21 21 4/1Il8 05/0020f0020/0040/0108 4/14/125 04/0140/0125 77 Maldi 5/ 21 21 21 49 05/()()2010020/002(l/OO49 41141 36 04/0140/0036 78 Malewadi 5/ 21 21 31 69 05/()020/0020/003(l/OO69 4/14/ 30 04/0140/0030 79 Ma!gaon 51 21 21 3/ 90 05/0020/0020/0030/1)()90 4/141 75 04/0140/0075 80 Ma!kewadi 51 21 2J 5/132 05/0020fOO20/0050/0132 4/14/127 04/0140/0127 81 Malond 5/ 21 21 3/ 65 05/002()/1)(120/003011)()65 4/141 47 04/0140/0047 82 Marde 5/ 21 21 31 72 05/()(]21)/OO20/0030/0072 4/14/ 52 04/0 14n/IX) 52 83 Mal'gtad 5/ 21 2J 3/ 74 05ll)O2(l/OO20/0()30/0074 4/14/ 60 04/0140/0060 ~4 Ma,;ade 5/ 21 2! 31 77 o 51! I020/002()/(1030/1)(177 4/14/ 62 04/0 140/()()62 85 Masure 5/ 21 2! 31 70 0510021 )/0020/0031)/()(1 70 4/14/ 59 04/0140/0059 86 Malh Bk. 5/ 21 21 2/ 34 05l()020/OC)20/C)()21)/C)()34 4/14/ 11 04/() l40/()() 11 87 Mhllvlunge 51 21 21 5/119 05l0()20/0()20/0050/0119 4/14/134 o 4/C II 4 0/0 134 88 MogalTle 5/ 21 2J 5/123 05l0020/0020/0()51)/0123 4114/112 04/0 14()/O 112 89 Nagzar 5/ 2! 21 5/111 05/0020/0020/005()/0111 4/14/ 98 04/0 14 O/()() 98 90 Nandos 51 2! 2J 5/115 05l0020/0()20/0050/0115 4/14/101 04/0140/0101 91 Nandrukh 51 21 21 41 93 05/0020/0()20/[)114011)()93 4/14/ 96 04/0 140/1U)96 92 Nhive 5/ 21 21 11 28 () 51()o 20/I)020/0() 101()() 28 41141 91 04/0140/0091 93 Nirom 51 21 21 21 35 05l0020/0()20/OO20/0035 4/141 10 04/0 140/()() 10 94 Ovaliye 51 21 21 21 59 05!OO20/()()20/0020/~)59 4/141 67 0410 140/(X)67 95 OZal' 51 21 2! 11 25 o 5/1)(}20/()()2()/OO10/IX)25 4/141 87 04/0 140/0087 9f) Palasamb 51 2J 21 21 40 05/0020/()()2()/OO20/0040 4/141 12 04/0140/0012 97 Palayewadi 5/ 2J 21 3/ 63 o 5!002(VOl)2(l/OO30/0()63 4/141 29 04/0 140/()()29 98 Palikadilwadi 51 21 21 21 45 o 510020/()( 120/0020/()()45 4/141 14 04/0 140/()() 14 99 Palkalwadi 5/ 21 21 11 13 05/002010020/00 11l/()(1 13 4/141 26 04/0 14()/()()26 100 Parabwada 51 2! 2J 5/133 ()5/0()20/()(120/01)51)/O133 4/14/130 04/0 14()/O130 101 Parad 51 2J 2J 5/131 05/0020/1)(120/005()/OI31 4/14/131 04/0140/0131 102 Pal'wadi 5/ 21 21 11 2 () 510()20/()()2(MlO 11l/()()02 4/141 5 04/0 140/()()05 103 Pedave 51 2/ 21 5/128 (}5/0020/()()2()/O051)/0128 4/14/104 0410 14()/0104 104 Pendur 5/ 2/ 2! 5/124 (}5/0()20/002()/O050/0124 4/14/110 04/0140/0110 105 Pit·awadi 5/ 21 21 11 9 () 5/0020/1)(120/00 1(l/()()()9 4/141 1 04/() 14()/OOO 1 106 Puip 5/ 21 21 21 58 05/()020/()()20/0020/0058 4/14/ 63 04/0140/0063 107 Ramgad 5/ 21 21 21 37 o 5/()020/0020/OO 20/0037 4/141 40 04/0140/0040 108 Ralhivade 5/ 2J 21 21 51 ()510020/002(1I0020/0051 4/141 45 04/1) 140/0045 109 Revandi 51 2J 21 11 29 () 511 Hl20/0020/00 10/0029 4/14/ 88 04/0140/0088 110 Sadewadi 51 2! 2J 11 16 05l002ll/()()20/00 1 0/00 16 4/141 24 04/0140/0024 111 Sale! 5/ 21 21 5/122 05/1)()20/0020/0050/0122 4/14/114 04/0140/0114 112 Saljekot 51 2J 2J 11 30 05l0020/1)()2010010/l1O30 4114/ 89 0410140/(1089 113 Sayyad Juva 51 21 21 3/ 71 o 5/002ll/()()20/0030/0071 4/141 51 04/0140/n051 114 Sbemad Ranewadi 51 21 21 11 26 05/()()20/0020/0010/()()26 4114/ 84 04/0140/0084 115 Shirvande 51 21 21 21 56 ()510 ()2clIc)()2()/0020/0056 4/14/ 65 04/0140/0065 116 Shrawan 51 21 21 21 38 o 5/002ll/0020/0020/0(}38 4/14/ 39 04/0140/0039 117 Sonatwadi 51 21 2! 5/125 05/0020/()()20/0050/0125 4/14/109 04/0140/0109 118 Sukalwad 51 21 2! 5/117 05l0020/()()20/0050/0117 4/14/103 04/0140/0103 119 Talgaon 5f 21 21 5/118 05l0l120/U020/0050/0 118 4/14fl05 0410140/0105 120 Tarkal'li 51 21 2J 4/H12 0510020/0020/0040/0102 4/141118 04/0140/0118 121 Tembwadi 51 21 2J 5/112 05l0020/0020/0051l/0 112 4/14/ 99 04/0140/0099 J.22 Terai 5/ 21 21 11 14 ()510020/0()20/0()1O/~)14 4/14/ 27 04/0140/0027 123 Tiravde 51 2/ 2J 5/116 05/00211l()()20/005(l/0 116 4/14/102 04/0140/0102 124 Tondavali 5/ 21 2/ 11 23 05f002(}/0020/00 10/0023 4/14/ 56 04/0 140/0056 125 Tl;mhak 5/ 2J 2J 2! 43 05/1}()20/0020/0020/0043 4/14/ 15 04/0140/00 15 i26 Varachi Chawadi 51 21 21 11 6 05/0020/()()20/0010/0006 4/14/ 20 04/0140/0020 127 Wadachapat 5/ 21 2! 3/ 78 05/1)020/()()20/0030/0078 4/14/ 73 04/0140/0073 128 Wadi Dangmode 51 2J 2! 3/ 73 o 5/1)02(}/0020/()03 0/0073 4/141 50 04/0140/0050 129 Waghavane 5/ 21 2! 4/105 o 510!l20/()()20/()(}4 % 10!l 4/14/122 04/0140/0122 130 Waingavade 51 2J 21 21 62 05/0020/()()20/0020/0062 4/141 70 04/0140/0070 131 Wak 51 2/ 21 4/106 05/0(21)/()()2()/OO40/0106 4/14/123 04/0140/0123 132 Warad 5/ 21 2J 5/127 05/0020/1)()20/0050/0127 4/14/11l7 04/0140/0107 133 Wayangani 5/ 21 21 11 18 05l0ll20/()()20/00 lO/llO 18 4/141 23 04/0 140/0()23 134 Wayan 5/ 21 21 4/100 05l0020/{)()2()/OO4010100 4/14/117 04/0140/0117 135 Waral 5/ 21 2J 3/ 75 05/()0211l()()2(I/0030/0075 4/14/ 61 04/0140/()()61

Y4413-JOa 130



Location Code-l~!H Location Code-1981 Sr. Name of Village No. (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Cumputer) (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Aadbandal' (N.V.) 5/3/3/3/71- 05/fKI30/()03()IOO30flI071 0/01 0 2 Are 51 31 31 41 96 05l003()/U03(I/O()40/{)()96 4/151 55 04/() I50/0055 3 Bagamala 51 31 31 3/ 64 05l()030f{)()30/003()/OO64 4/151 SO 04fO I50fl1060 4 Bagatalavade 51 31 3/ 4/ 76 05l01l30/0030/0040/{)()76 4/151 38 04/0150/0038 5 Baparde 51 31 3/ 2/ 39 0510030/0030/0020/0039 4/15/ 22 04/0150/0022 6 Burahavade 51 31 3/ 2/ 44 0510030/00301002010044 4/15/ 30 04/0150/0030 7 Chafed 51 31 3i 4/ 92 o510(}30/()(}30/004 0/0092 4/151 51 04/0150/0051 8 Chandoshi 5/ 3/ 3/41 79 o510()30/0()30/0114 0/0079 41151 37 0410150/0037 9 Chinchwad (N.V.) 5/3/3/VI7 05l0030/()(!30/00 1O/t)() 17 0/0/ 0 / 1 10 Dabhole 51 31 3/ 31 53 ()5/0()SO/()()~)/O(}30/()()53 4/15/46 0410 150/O()46

11 Dahibaon 51 31 31 3/ fi2 ()51()(]30/t)(I~)/O(}SII/OO62 4/15f 58 . 04m 150toll 58 12 Devgad 5/ 31 3/ 31 51 05l00S0/C)(130/n()30/t)()51 4/15f 42 0410150/0042 13 Dhalavali 51 31 3/ 2J 30 o5100 SO/t)()30/(lO 21110()30 4II51 15 0410 I50tnO 15 14 Dhoptewadi (N.V.) 51 31 3/4/ 84 ··O5l0030/()()30/O040/0084 0/ III 0 I / 15 Elaye 5/ 31 31 3f 57 05l0030f{){)~lIO()30/()057 4/151 45 0410150/0045 16 Gadhitamhane 51 31 3/ 4/ 77 05l003(l/1){130/0040/0077 4/151 25 0410 15()/0025 17 Gavane 51 31 3/ 2/ 49 05l0030/U{)30/0020/01149 4/15/ 31 04/0 150f0031 18 Girye 5/ 3/ 3/ 1/ 3 05l0030/0030/nn IO/OOn3 4115/ 2 04/n 15'010002 19 Goval 5/ 3/ 3/ 2/ 35 05l00S0/0030/0020/0035 4/15/ 26 0410 15ll/0026 20 Hadpid 5/31 3/ 4/ 83 1l5l0030/1)()31l/IlO40/IX)B3 4/15/ 50 04/0 15t)/0050 21 Hindale 51 31 3/ 3/ 67 1l5l003010{)30/0030/o067 ; 4115/ 1i2 0410 150/{)()62 22 HW'shi (N.V.) 5/31 3/ V 13 0510030/00301001(1/0013 0/01 0 / / 23 Jam:-;ande 5/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 52 1151003(}/()()3tl/i)OSO/()()52 4/151 41 0410150/00-41 24 Juvcshwar (N.V.) 51 31 3/ 21 38 1l5lI)l13(VO()3(}/{)(121}/1)()38 01 01 () 1 1 25 Kalambai (N.V.) 51 31 3/ V 12 1151otI30/()(}30/ll0 10/00 12 0/0/· 0 / / 26 Kalvi (N.V.) 51 3/ 3/4/ 72 05l0030/003(}/OO40/00'12 0/ 0/ 0 / / 27 Kasaha Waghotan 5/ 3/ 3/ 1/ 9 05l0030/00301001O/0()09 4/15/ 6 04/0150/0006 28 Katvan (N.V_) 5/ 3/ 31 3/ 61 115/0()3()/()031l100301O061 0/0/ 0 / 1 29 Katwaneshwar {N .v.} 5/ 3/ 31 31 60 05/0(31)/(}()30/0030/()()6(} 0/01 0 / / 30 Khudi (N.V.) 5/ 3/ 3/ 41 97 05/l)()30/(){)30/0040/(}()97 0/0/ 0 / 31 Kinjawade 5/ 31 3/ 4/ 88 05l0030/003n/OO41l/00B8 4/15/48 0410 150/(}()48 32 Korle 51 3/ 31 21 31 0510()3()!OO30/0020/(}()31 4/151 16 04/0150/0016 33 Kotkamte 5/ 31 3/ 4/ SO 05/0()30/Ot)SO/()()4()/OO90 4/151 56 0410150/0056 34 Kunkawan 5/ 31 3/ 2/ 32 05/0031l/1)()30/(1()2(}/()()32 4/151 17 04101511/0017 35 Kunkeshwar 51 31 3/ 3/ 59 OM)I)3()!OO30/(I03(1/()()59 4/15/44 04/0 15()/O044 36 Kuvale 51 3/ 3/4/ 93 05l()030/00S()/{)04(I/()()9S 4115/52 0410 15()/0052. 37 Lingdal (N.V.) 51 3/ 3/ 3/ 55 05l1)03()/()()SO/{)030/()()55 0/ 0/ 0 / / 38 Mahalunge 51 31 S/2147 05/0HSOfOO30/0020/0047 4/15/ 27 04/0150/00 27 39 Malegaon eN.V.) 5/ 31 31. 1/ 18 05l0030/0030/0010/0() 18 0/0/ 0 I I 40 Malpewadi (N.V.) 5/ 3/ 3/ 21 28 115/0(31)/OO3(l/()O20/0028 0/0/ 0 I / 41 Mane-he 51 3/ 3/ 21 27 05/00301003010020/()()27 4/151 13 04/015010013 42 Mithbaon 5/ 3/ 31 3/ 65 05/003()/()()31)/()O30/()O65 4/15/ 59 04/015010059 43 Mithmumhari 5/ 3/ 31 31 58 ()5IOO30f()()30/0030f()()58 4/15/ 43 04/0150/()()43 44 Mond 51 3/ 31 1/ 19 05/I)030/0030/0()lO/OOI9 4/15/ 23 04/0 150/()()23, 45 Mondpar (N.v.) 5/ 3/ 3/ 1/ 20 05l0(130/00S0/{)()11)/()()20 0/0/ () / / 46 Morve (N.V.) 5/ 31 31 3/ 68 05/j)()30/0()30/003010068 0/ 01 0 / 47 Mouje Wagbotan 5/3/3/VlO 05l0030/()OSI)/OO 10/0010 4/151 11 04/0 150/t)() 11 48 Moulgaon (N.V.) 5/3/3/V 6 05l0031l/1)()S(J/()OI0/00()6 0/ 01 0 I 131


3. DEVGAD C.D. BLOCK---contd.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

49 Munage 5/31 3/ 3/ 69 05l0()30/0030/0030/0069 4115/63 04/0150/0063 50 Mutat 51 31 31 21 26 051003()/0030/0020/0026 4/151 12 04/0150/00 12 51 Nad 51 3/ 3/ 21 48 05l0()30/0030/0()20/0048 4/15/ 32 04/0150/0032 52 Nadan 51 3/ 3/ 11 16 05l0()3()/OO 30/00 10/0016 41151 10 04/0150/0010 53 Naringl'e 51 3/ 3/ 31 63 ()510(13(}/OO30/01)3CJ/OO63 4115/ 61 04/0150/0061 54 Nimatwadi (N .V.) 513/ 3/ 4/ 86 05lC)()30/0()30/()()4010086 0/ 0/ 0 / 55 Ombal 513/ 3/4/82 0510030/0030/0040/0082 41151 34 04/0 15(l/OO 34 56 Padel 51 3/ 3/ 11 11 OMH)3[l/O()30/0010100 11 4/15/ 7 04/0150/0007 57 Padthar (N.V.) 51 3/ 3/ 3/ 56 05lC)(J30/0030/00301()056 0/ 0/ 0 / 58 Padvane (N.V.) 51 31 3/ 11 24 0510030/0030/001010024 0/0/ 0 I 59 Palekal'wadi (N.V.) 51 3/ 31 21 25 05l003[VO(130/0020/00 25 0/0/ 0 60 Patgaon 51 31 3/ 21 36 05l0()3 O/()O 30/0()2(l/OO 36 4115/ 20 04/0150/0020 61 Pavnai (N.V.) 5/ 3/ 3/ 21 41 05l0()3()/(}O3()/OO2(l/OO41 0/0/ 0 / 62 Pendhari 5/ 31 3/ 21 37 05l0()30/0030/002[)/OO37 4/15/ 21 04/0150/0021 63 Phanase (N.V.) 5/ 31 3/ 11 23 ()51003lVOO30/0011l/0023 Of Of 0 I 64 Ph an asgaon 51 3/ 3/ 21 34 051003()/()(131l/002()/OO34 4/15/ 19 04/0150/0019 65 Pombhurle 5/ 31 3/ 21 29 05l0C)3()/()(130/0(J2()/()()29 4/15/ 14 04/015010014 66 Poyare 51 3/ 3/ 3/ 7n 05l()OSO/()() 30/00S 0100 70 4/15/ 64 04/0 15(J/0064 67 Pural 51 3/ 3/ 11 14 05l1l030/()(130/0()lI)/OOI4 4/11')/ 8 04/0 15()/0008 68 Rahateshwal' (N.V.) 5/ 31 3/ 4f 78 051003 l)/O() 30/0041l/00 78 Of 0/ 0 I 69 Rambavali 5/ 3/ 3/ 4/ 95 115/ClI)3()ll1030100411/0095 4/15/ 54 04/0150/0054 70 Rameshwal' (N.V.) 51 31 3/ 11 2 05l()03()/()() 30/001010002 0/ 0/ 0 / j 71 Salashi 5/ 3/ 3/ 4/ 91 tl5l0( )3011)(130/0040/0091 4/15/53 04/0150/0053 72 Sandvll (N.V.) 5/ 3/ 3/ 41 94 05l0()3010031l/004()/()1l94 0/ 01 0 / / 73 Saundale 51 3/ S/ 11 8 05/1l()SIl/()()SIl/Olllll/0008 4/15/ 5 04/0 150/00D5 74 Sherighera Kamte 5/ 3/ 3/ 4/ 89 05l0030/()() 30/0040/0089 4/15/ 57 04/0150/0057 75 Shevare 51 3/ 3/ 4/ 81 05l0()3()/()O30/0040/0081 4/15/ 35 04/0150/0035 76 Shiravali 5/ 31 3/ 21 50 [)51()03(i/()()31l/0020/41050 4/15/ 33 04/41 151l/00 33 77 Shirgaon 5/ 3/ 3/ 4/ 85 05/Il0301()() 30/0ll411l00 85 4/15/ 49 04/0150/0049 78 Somlewadi (N.V.) 5/ 3/ 31 2f 42 05l1l()30/C)(130/0020/1)()42 0/0/ 0 / 79 Talavadll 5/ 31 3/ 4/ 74 05l003()/()()30/004()/OO74 4/15/ 39 04/0150/0039 80 Talebajar (N.V.) 5/ 3/ 3/ 4/ 75 05l1l03()/()()31l/004(l/0075 0/0/ 0 / / 81 Tambaldeg (N.V.) 5/ 3/ 31 3/ 66 05/0030/()() 30/003010066 0/01 0 I 82 Tembavali 5/ 3/ 3/ 4/ 73 05l0(J3[)/0030/004(1I0073 4/15/40 04/0150/0040 83 TIlakurwadi (N.V.) 5/ 31 3f 11 4 05/003()/()()30/0()10/0004 0/0/ 0 / / 84 Tirlot 5/ 3/ 31 11 5 115/003()/OO30/001(l/OO05 , 4/15/ 3 04/0 150/00n3 85 TUl'sole (N .V.) 51 3/ 3/ 41 87 05l(031)/()(130/0040/1l087 0/0/ 0 / 86 Undil 51 3/ 3/ 2f 33 05l0(J3()/O(}311l0(J20/0033 4/151 18 04/0150/0018 87 Valivande 5/ 3/ 3/ 4/ SO 05l0(J3()/O()30!O()4()/OO80 4/15/36 04/0150/0036 88 Vijaydurg 51 3/ 31 11 1 05l003()/()(130/00 11l/0()O 1 4/15/ 1 04/015010001 89 Virwadi (N.V.) 51 3/ 31 11 21 05l0()3 0/()(130/()[) 1 OI()() 21 0/0/ 0 / 90 Vitthaladevi (N.V.) 51 3/ 3/ 2f 43 05lC)(J3()/()(130/0()2010043 0/01 0 / 91 WadakerPoi 5/ 3/ 3/ 11 7 05/0()30/(lO30/001010007 41151 4 04/0150/0004 92 Wade 5/ 3/ 3/ 11 15 05l0()30/0030/00Hl/OO 15 4/15/ 9 04/0150/0009 93 Wadeiar (N.V.) 51 31 3/ 11 22 ()510030/00 30/001 0/00 22 0/0/ 0 94' Waghivare 5/ 31 3/ 21 46 05l()O3()/()()30/002()/()()46 4/15/ 28 04/0150/0028 95 Wanivade 51 3/ 3/ 2/ 40 05l003()/()O30/0()2010040 4/15/ 24 04/0 150/()024 96 Warllri 51 31 3/ 3/ 54 ()5/I)030/l)()30/0() 3()/O() 54 4/15/ 47 04/0 I5()/004 7 97 Welgave 51 31 3/ 21 45 ()51()O30/()O30/0020/()()45 4/15/ 29 04/0150/0029 132



Location Code-1991 Location Code-19Bl Sr. Name of Village No. (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Achirne 51 41 4121 54 ()510040/0040/0020/0054 1311I! 82 1310110/0082 2 AinaIi 51 41 4J I! 11 0510040/0040/001010011 131111 46 1310110/0046 3 Akhavane 5/ 41 41 I! 5 0510040/0040/0010/0005 1311I! 27 1310110/0027 4 Bandh:awadi eN.V.) 5/ 41 41 21 33 05l004()/()O40/0020/()O33 0/ 0/ 0 / / 5 Bhattiwadi 5/ 41 41 21 38 0510040/0040/0020/0038 131111 55 13/0110/0055 6 Bhotn 5/4/ 4/ I! 10 05l0040/0040/001

APPENDIX ,V-contd.


Location Code-1991 Location Code-19B1 Sr. Name of Village No. (Manual) (Computer) (Manulll) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) . (4) (5) (6)

1 Anandnagar 5/ 5/ 5/ 11 19 05/0050/0050/0010/00 19 4/10/ 18 0410100/0018 2 Asa1ade 5/ 51 5/ 11 28 05/0050/0050/0010/0028 4/10/ 26 0410100/0026 3 Ashiye 5/ 51 5/ 3/ 66 05/0050/0050/0030/0066 4/10/ 79 0410100/0079 4 Audumbarnagar 51 51 5/ 11 15 05/0050/005010010100 15 4/10/ 15 0410100;0015 5 Ayana1 51 5/ 51 11 33 05/0050/0050/0010/0033 4/101 42 0410100/0042 6 Dandal-gaon 51 5/ 5/ 11 2 0510050/0050/0010/0002 4/101 7 04/0100/0007 7 Bavshi 51 5/ 5/ 11 30 0510050/0050/0010/0030 4/10/ 45 04/0100/0045 8 DelneKh. 51 51 51 21 50 05l005()/OO50/0020/0050 4/10/ 44 04/0100/0044 9 Berle 5/ 5/ 51 11 8 05/(4)50/0050/0010/0008 4/101 4 04/0100/0004 10 Bhairavgaon 5/ 5/ 51 4/103 05/0050/0050/0040/0103 4/10/100 04/0100/0100 11 Bharni 51 51 5/ 31 57 05/005010050/0030/0057 41l0f 52 04/0100/0052 12 Bhiravande 5/ 51 51 41 90 ()5/005()/OO 50/0040/00 90 4/1()/ 63 04/0100/0063 13 Bidwadi 51 5/ 5/ 31 61 0510050/00501003010061 4/10/ 54 04/0100/0054 14 Bordave 51 5/ 5/ 31 71 0510050/0050/0030/0071 4/10/ 91 04/0100/0091 15 Chinchwali 51 51 51 1/ 7 051005 O/OO50/()0 10/0007 4/10/ 3 04/0100/0003 16 Dabgaon 5/ 51 5/ 11 22 ()510051)/OO50/0010/0022 4/101 28 04/010()/O028 17 Dakshin Bajar Peth 51 51 51 2f 45 05l(lH50/0050/0020/0045 41ll){ 3:? 04/n lO()/OO33 18 Dakshingavthan 5/ 5/ 5/ 11 24 ()5/IU)S()/0050/00 10/00 24 4/101 22 04/0100/0022 19 Damare 5/ 5/ 5/ 21 47 ()5/005( 1100 50/!l02 0/( )(14 7 4/10/ 47 04/0100/0047 20 Dariste 51 5/ 5/ 41 97 05104 150/00 50/[X)4 ()/OO 97 4tU)/96 04/0100/0096 21 Darum 5/5/5/1/17 05l()050/0050/00 1 0/00 17 4/10/ 17 04/0100/0017 22 Dhareshwar 5/ 51 51 11 21 05/0050/0050/0010/0021 41W/ 20 04/0100/0020 2.3 Digavale 51 51 5/ 41 99 05/0i15010l150fOO4010099 4/10/ 98 04/01U(J/OO98 24 Gandhinagar 51 5/ 5/ 4/ 87 05/00S0/0050/0414()/OO87 4/10/ 61 04/0100/0061 25 Gangeshwar 51 5/ 5/ 21 41 05/00S0/()()50/0020/0041 4/1[)/ 30 04/01041/0030 26 Ghonsari 51 5/ 5/ 21 42 05l00S01f)050/0020/0042 4/101 32 04/01041/0032 27 Halaval 51 SI SI 31 65 05/0()S(1I0050/0030/0065 4/101 88 04/0100/O()88 28 HarkulBk. 51 5/ 51 4/ 84 05/0050/005()/OO40/0084 4/10/ 72 04/010010()72 29 HarkulKh. 51 5/ 51 21 54 n5/01)5()/OO50/0()20/0054 4/lO/ 60 04/010()/O()60 30 Humarat 51 51 51 21 51 05l00!,}O/()()50/()02 (1I(:H )51 4/10/50 04/!) 100/O(),'50 31 Humbarane 5/ 5/ 51 31 58 0510 () 5 0/00 50/003 0100 58 4/10/ 53 0410100/0053 32 J ambhalgaon 51 5/ S/ 4/104 0510050/00 50/()04 ()/O 104 4/10/102 04/0100/01()2 . 33 J amhha1nagar 51 5/ 51 11 18 0510050/0050/00 1 ()/OC) 18 4/10/ 23 o4/() 100/0023 34 Janavali 5/ 5/ 5/ 21 56 05l005(1I0050/0020/()()56 4/10/ 57 04/010010057 35 Kajirde 51 5/ 5/ 11 5 05/005(1I()() 50/00 10/000S 4110/ 1 0410 lOOIO!)O 1 36 Kala.~uli 5/ 5/ 5/ 3/ 82 n5/0050/0050/003010082 4/10/108 04/010i}/0108 37 Kalmath 51 51 51 31 63 05l0050/0050/0030/()()63 4/10/74 04/lHOO{OO74 38 Kankavli 51 51 51 3/ 64 05/4Hl50/0050/0030/0064 4/1(11 X 04/l) lOOfl090 39 Karanje 5/ 5/ 51 21 53 05/0()50/0050/0()20/()()53 4/10/ 59 04/0100/0059 40 Karul 5/ 5/ 51 21 48 05/0()50/005()/0020/(:H148 4/10/ 49 04/() 100/0049 41 Kasaral 5/ 5/ 5/ 3/ 67 05/0!l50/()()50/0030/0067 4/10/ 77 04/() 1OOtOO 77 42 KaRarde 5/ 51 5/ 11 20 05/()1)50/0050/0010/0020 4/10/ 21 04!OlOO/OO21 43 Kasavan 51 5/ 5/ 31 72 05l0050/(){)50/003lVilO72 4/101 92 04/01(1)/0092 44 Kharepatan 51 5/ 51 11 6 05/0050/(){)50/(J01010006 4/101 5 04/010n/On05 45 Koloshi 5/ 51 51 1/ 27 05!OO50/0()50/001O/OO27 4/1H! 25 04/010010025 46 Kondye 5/ 51 51 21 46 05/()050/0050/OO20/(:H)46 4/1()/ 48 04/01OUIOO48 47 Kumbhavade 5/51 5/4/89 05/(}05n/OO50/OO40/04)89 4/101 64 04/010rl/OO64 48 Kurangavne 51 5/ 5/ 11 10 o5/()050/0050/00 10/0010 4/10/ 10 04/0100/()(HO 49 Linge~hwar 5/ 5/ 5/ 21 39 05/0050/005010020/0i)39 4/101 37 04/0100/0037 50 Lingeshwarnagar 5/ 5/ 51 3/ 80 05l0050/(){)5()/OO30/0080 ·4/101111 04/0 IOO/lllll 51 Lore 5/ 51 5/ 21 40 05/()O50/005()/OO20/()O40 4/10/ 31 04/0100/0031 134



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

52 Main 5/ 5/ 5/ lJ 34 {)510050/1)()50/0010/0034 4/10/ 51 04/0100/0051 53 MathKh. 51 51 51 21 37 ()510050/0050/0020/0()37 4/10/ 38 04/0100/0038 54 Nadgive 51 51 5/ lJ 11 0510050/0050/001010011 4/101 9 04/010010009 55 Nagave 5/ 5/ 5/ 21 55 0510050/0050/0020/0055 4/10/ 73 04/0 1ll0/007 3 56 Nagsawantwadi 5/51 51 II 25 0510050/0050/0010/0025 4/10/27 04/0100/0021 57 Nandgaon 51 51 51 11 31 05l0050/()050/0010/0031 4/10/ 40 04/0 lOO/OO40 58 Nardave 51 51 5/ 4/102 05lno50/0050/0040/0 102 4/10/103 04/0100/0103 59 Natal 51 51 5/ 4/ 98 05l0050/()()50/(lO40/0098 4/10/ 97 04/0100/0091 60 Navanagar 5/ 5/ 5/41 93 05l0Cl5(VIl050/11040/0093 4/10/ 70 04/0100/0070 61 Nehrunagar 5/ 51 5/4/ 92 05/0051l/1)()50/()O40/0092 4/10/66 04/0lO0/0066 62 Osargaon 51 5/ 51 31 70 05/0(51)/1)()50/()O30/0070 4/10/90 04/01l)(l/OO90 63 Otav 5/ 51 51 lJ 32 05/005()/C)()50/()010/0032 41lt)/ 41 04/010(l/OO41 64 Ozaram 51 5/ 5/ 11 26 05/0050f()()50/00 10/()(l26 4/101 24 04/0100/0024 65 Phanasnagar 5/ 5/ 5/ 31 81 051005IVOO50/()030/00S1 4/101 76 0410 1 l)(l/OO 76 66 Phondaghat 51 5/ 5/ 21 43 05lilO50/1)()50/OO20/0043 4/H)/ 35 04/0 100/(JQ 35 67 Pimpaleshwarnagar 5151 5/ 3/75 05/005(.l/1)()5()/OO3(l/(}(175 4/10/112 04/0 lOC)/O 112 68 Pimpalgaon 5/ 5/ 51 4/101 05/n050/1)()50/0040/0 101 4110/104 04/01()0/O104 69 PiseKamate 51 5/ 51 31 60 0~)O50/0()50/()O30/()(l60 4/10/ 55 04/0100/0055 70 Piyali 51 5/ 5/ 21 36 05/()05()/(Xl50/0020/(I036 4/10/ 29 04/0100/0029 71 Rajnagar 5/ 51 5/ 3/ 78 05/005()/(1050/()1)30/0078 4/10/109 04/0100/0109 72 Rameshwamagar 5151 5/4/88 05/1105()/I)()50/IlO4(l/OOS8 4/H)/ 62 04/0 l(){l/()Ol) 2 73 Ranjangaon 51 51 5/ 4/100 05/00!,)O/(X)50/004(l/O 1 00 4/10/ 99 04101001{1O99 74 Sakedi 51 51 5/ 21 52 o 5/1 l()50/()()50/!}()2(.)/()(l 52 4/H)/,58 0410 lOO!OO 58 75 Saliste 51 51 5/ 11 14 05l0050/()Cl50/()O 1{l/()() 14 4110;i 14 04/0100/0014 76 Sambhajinagar 5/ 5/ 51 11 4 05/{105H/I)()50/()OI(l/(1004 4/10/ 2 04/0100/0002 77 Sambhajinagar 51 5/ 51 4/ 95 05/005!VOO50Ill04(l/(}(}95 4/1!l/ 69 04/(} 1{)(l/OO69 78 Sangave 515/ 51 4/86 05l()050/1)()50/C)I)40/0086 4fl!)1 67 04/()1()O/OO67 79 Satral 5/ 5/ 5/ 31 68 1)5/0050/1)()50/()030/()(l68 4/lll/ 78 1l4/O1(){)/OO78 80 Savdav 5/ 5/ 51 11 35 05l0050/1)()50/()0 1 (l/OO 35 4/H)/ 43 04/{) 100/0043 81 Shastrinagar 5/5/5/4/85 05l{)05{)/{)(l50/Il04!l/{){lS5 4/10/ 68 04/010010068 82 Sherpe 5/ 5/ 5/ lJ 9 05l(){ 15{ 1/1)()50/OO 10/0(}(}9 4/1111 11 04f0100/(}()11 83 Shidavne 51 51 5,. 11 13 05/005{)/I)()50/0010/()(lI3 4/lO/ 12 0410 100/00 12 84 Shiraval 51 51 51 31 74 OM )050/1)()50/( l03(l/O(}7 4 4/1111 94 04/0 1{)0/OO94 85 Shivaji Peth 5/ 5/ 51 11 3 05/0()5()/IX)50/Il()lO/I)(}03 4/10/ 6 04/0100/0()O6 86 Shiv aj inagar 51 51 5/ 4/ 94 05/0050/1)()50/004()/OO94 4/10/ 71 04/0 lOO/()(l71 87 Shivdav 51 5/ 5/41 96 05/005()/()()5tl/l)04tl/tlO96 4/10/ 95 o 4/0 l()O/t)()95 88 Shrinagar 5/ 51 51 31 83 05/{)050/t)()50/l103{l/()(l83 4/10/107 04/0 l()O/O 107 89 Subhashnagar 5/ 5/ 5/ 4/ 91 05/0050/0()50/004(l/OO91 4/10/ 65 04/0100/()OI)5 90 Talavade 51 51 5/ 31 73 05l0050/1)()50/003(l/()(l73 4/10/ 93 04/0l{)(l/OO93 91 Tarimdale 51 51 51 31 59 05ltlO50/1)()50/()03(l/()(l59 4/101 56 04IOlO(l/OO56 92 Tarele 51 5/ 51 11 16 05/0050/1)()50/0(1l0/00 16 4/101 16 (J4/0 1()()/()(1l6 93 Tiwa,re 5/5/5/21 49 05l0(}50/1)()5010()2(l/OO49 4/10/ 46 04/010(lf(1()46 94 Tondavali 5/ 5/ 5/ 11 29 05l(1050/1)()50/()OI0/0029 4/10/ 39 04/01!1Il/0039 95 Ulhasnagar 51 5/ 51 3/ 76 05/005(/1)()50/003{l/()()76 4/10/105 04/0 lOt)/O 105 96 Upanagar 5/ 5/ 5/ 31 79 05/005()/t)()50/Il03{l/OO79 4/111/110 04/0 1()1)/(J UO 97 Uttamnagar 5/ 51 51 31 77 05l0050/1)()5(j/OO3(l/()(l77 4/10/H16 04/0 10(l/O 10f) 98 Uttar Bajar Peth 51 51 51 21 44 05/0050/1)()50/(l02(l/()()44 4/10/ 34 04/0 l{)(l/()O 34 99 Uttargavthan 51 5/· 51 11 23 05l0050/()()50/00 10/t)(l23 4/10/ 19 04/0 l{)()/OO 19 100 Varavade 51 5/ 51 3/ 62 05f{)050/IXl5(l/OO3(l/O(l62 4/101 75 04/01t)O/04175 101 Wagade 51 51 51 3/ 69 05l0050/()()50/(103(l/()(lf)9 4/10/ 89_ 04/01l)(l/()()89 102 Wagheri 5/ 51 51 21 38 05/0050/0050/(lO2(l/()()38 4/10/ 36 04/01{)1l/I)(l3f) 103 Waingani 5/ 51 51 lJ 1 05l0050/1)()5{l/()OHl/()(l() 1 4/101 8 0410 101l/()()OB 104 Wargaon 51 51 51 11 12 05l0{)5()/Of)5{}/(}()l{l/()() 12 4/1()/ 13 04/<) 1{)0/(){H3 105 Yevteshwargaon 5/ 5/ 51 4/105 05l0050/1}{)50/()O40/0105 4/10/1111 n 4/01 00/0 101 135



Location Code-I99I Location Code-1981 Sr. Name of Village No. (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (G)

1 Adali 5/6/ 61 51 89 0510060/0060/0050/0089 4/121 86 04/0120/0086 2 Ajgaon 5/6/ 61 3/ 42 05l0060/0060/0030JOO42 4/121 30 04/0 120iOO30 3 Amhadgaon 5/ 6/ 6/ 6/136 05l0060/()060i0060/0 136 4/121132 04/0120/0132 4 Amhegaon 5/61 61 11 5 ()5/()06()/()()60/001010005 41121 9 04/11120iOOO9 5 Amheli 5/ 6/ 6/ 5/102 0510060/0060/005010102 4/121124 04/0120/0124 6 Amboli 5/61 61 21 16 ()510060/0060/O02010(116 4/121 15 ()4/0 120/()() 15 7 Aronda 51 6/ 61 31 52 1l5/01lI-)O/I)()60/00311J{)052 41121 35 04/()l20/0035 8 Al'os 5/61 61 3/ 46 ()51006()/OO60/0030/0046 4/121 42 04/0120/0042 9 A'miye 5/ 6/ 6i 5i 81 {)5/006()/()(16()/()O5()/()()81 4/121 77 04/0 120iOO77 10 Awade 5/ 6/ 6/ 6i124 ()510060/()(160/0060/0124 4/121119 04/0120/0119 11 Ayee 5/ 6/ 6/ 6/138 05l0060/0()6()/006()/OI38 4/121134 04/11120/0134 12 Aynude 5/ 61 6/ 6/119 05l006! )/()(160/0!)6()/O 119 4/121114 04/1) 120/0114 13 Bada 5/6/613/ 36 05l()()6!)/()()60/0030/0036 4/121 28 0410 120/()()28 14 Bamharde 5i 6/ 6/ 6/111 ()510()60/()()60/006()/O III 4/121107 04/0 12()/0 107 15 Banda 5/6/ 6/41 67 ()5I!)()6(I/OO60/0040/()067 4/121 74 0410120/0074 16 Bavlat 5/ 6/ 61 21 22 05/()()6()/OO60/002()/(XJ22 4/121 52 04/0120/0052 17 Bhalawal 51 61 61 51 83 (I 5/()( 160/(X)6010050/(XJ83 41121 66 04/0120/0066 18 Bhaipavani 5/ 6/ 61 3/ 51 (I 5/()()6 (I/(X)6()/0030/00 51 4/121138 04/0120/0138 19 BhekUl'li 51 iii 6/ 6/104 ()51()(16 O/()()60/0(1611/0 1()4 4/121 93 04/() 120/0()93 20 Bhike-Konal 5/ 6/ 61 5/ 96 05l()(X;()/()()60/0()50/0096 4/12/ 97 0410 12(]/()(197 21 Bhom 5/61 6/ 11 2 05l()OI)O/()(J61)/OOI [)/OOO2 4/121 I) 1l41O 12()/OO()6 22 Bodade 51 61 61 6/128 05l0()60/(J060/0()f)O/O 128 4/12/126 04/0120/0 126 23 Brahmanpat 5/ 6/ 61 11 9 ()51( I( )60/00f}O/OO 1(I!OOO9 4/12/ 3 04/0 120/()! )113 24 Chal'athc 5/ 6/ 6/ 11 7 OM 1()6(J/( )OfiO/OO 1()/OOO7 4/121 50 04/0120/0050 25 Chaukul 51 6/ 6/ 21 32 05/( )()fi(J/O! )flO/OO 20/003 2 41121 56 04/0 120/0056 26 Dahhil 51 61 6/ 5/ 77 (15/()()fiO/()()fiO/OO50/()()77 4/121 fi3 04/0 12()/()Oh3 27 Dandeli 51 6/ 6/3/ 45 () 51()( )6(l/0060/0030/004 5 4/121 43 ()4/() 12()/!)()43 28 Danuli 51 61 6/ 21 27 05/()()60/()(160/0()20/()()27 4/121 21) 0410 12()/O!)20 29 Degave 51 61 6/ 4/ 62 05/( )()6( I/( )()OO/O()401()(16 2 4/121 75 (WO 12()/OO75 30 Devsu 5/6/6/2/24 1),5/!)1)60/1~)61)/OI)2010()24 4/12/ 21 (14/O 120//i021 31 Dingne 5/61 61 4/ 65 05/0(lfi()/()(16()/()040/()!)65 4/121 81 04/0 120/001H 32 Dongarpal 51 6/ 61 5/ 9{) o 5/0()6()/OCI6()/O(J5()/()090 4/121 84 04/!l 12()/()O84 33 Fansavade 5/61 61 21 29 o51()()f)O/Il06()/OO20/()()2!-l 41121 55 04/0120/0055 34 Fukeri 5/ 6/ 6/ 5/ 80 05/0!)f)()/()(160/()050/()()8() 4/121 78 ()4/012()/OO78 35 Galel 5/6/6/4/66 05/(1()f)II/()(160/()040/[)(}66 4/121 112 i14/0 12010082 36 Gele 5/61 6i 21 15 05/00f;O/()(If;O/!)020/()(115 41121 14 ()4/0 120!OO 14 37 Ghal'ap 5/6/ 6/ 5/ 79 05/(}()f)O/()(lf}O/()05O/()O79 4/121 61 04/0 120(O!l61 311 Ghat.iwade 51 6/ 6/ 6i112 05l00fal/OOGO/0060/0 112 4/121108 04/0120/0 lOS 39 Ghotge 5/ 61 61 0/121 05l0fl6()/()()60/()06f)/1) 121 4/12/1112 1)4/111211!O 102 40 Ghotgewadi 5/ 6/ 61 6/120 05/006!l/()(160/1)()6()/l) 120 13/ 7/105 13/00 7()/O 105 41 Girode 5/ 6/ 6/ 6/134 1l5l0060/()(160/0()(;n/O 134 4/121130 ()41!l120/0130 42 Gulduve 51 61 61 3/ 48 05l0(lfi O/()(16( I/0030/( )()48 4/121 37 (WO 12()/IX137 43 Hewale 5/ 6/ 61 6/113 05l00f)O(I)()(lO/()()6()/O 113 4/121113 04/0120/!H13 44 Insuli 5/61 6/ 4/ 58 ()510(16()/()(lfjO/()()40/()()58 4/121 48 04/0 120/(X)48 45 Kalamhist 5/61 61 21 18 ()510061)/()(J60/()020/00 1H 4/121 16 04/0120/0016 46 Kalane 5/6/ 61 51 97 ()510()6!l/1)(16(110050/0(1!-l7 4/121 98 04/0 120/0098 47 Kariwade 5/ 6/ 61 21 21 ll5l0060/()(160/0020/()O 21 4/121 22 04/0120/0022 48 Kas 51 61 6/ 41 72 ()510116()/()060/0()4(1/()I)72 4/121 73 ()4/() 120/W73 49 Kasai 5/ 61 6/ 5/103 05/0!l(l(l/()(J60/005()/O 103 4/121123 04i!l 120/0 123 50 Kavthani 5/6/ 61 4/ 76 05/0()60/0()60/(}()4()/OO76 4/121 40 0410120/0040 51 Kegad 5/6/ 61 21 33 ()5/0()6!l/(){)60/002()/()()33 4/121 58 04/0120/0058 52 Kenw'C Bk. 5/ 61 6/ 6/116 05/()060/()(160/0(lfiO/0 116 4/12;'111 04/0120/0111 53 KendreKh. 51 61 6/ 6/115 05l0(lfiO/OO6(}/O()6()/() 115 4/121110 ()41O 120/0110 54 Ker 51 6/ 6/ 6/1()5 ()5/0()6()/(){)6(1/O(16()/0105 41121 94 041n120/(){)94 55 Kesali 5/ 6/ 61 21 28 ()5/()()6(J/()()6()/O()2()/(){)28 4/121 54 04/n 12()/()()54 56 Khadpade Tarf Banda 5/6/ 61 21 35 ()5/()()6(1/()()60/()(12()/1)(135 4/121 91 04/1H2()/O()!H 57 Khanyalc 5/ 61 6/ 6/127 ()5/()I161 l/()( )61l/006()/I) 1 27 4112/118 04/0 12()/O 118 58 Khokaral 51 61 6/ 6/131 1l5l()()60/()( )6()/()060/0 131 4/12/128 ()4/0 12010 128 59 Kinale 51 6/ 6/ 3/ 53 05l()06()/()()fil)j()()3()/()()53 4/12/ 3~ 04/0 120/n(}3~ 60 Kolgaon 51 6/ 61 11 3 05/()()6( )/()( )fiO/OO 10/0()O3 4/121 5 04/0120/()()O5 61 Kolzar 5/ 6/ 6/ 5/ 86 05l()()f)(J/()()fi()/()050/()()86 4/121 90 04/0 120/()(1!l() 62 Konal 51 61 61 6/125 ()510()6()/()()60/n()f)()/0125 4/121116 04/() 12()/() 116 63 Konas 5/ 61 6/ 51 82 ()51()O611/()()6()/()O5()/()(182 4/121 62 0410 120/(){162 64 Kondure 5/ 61 6/ 31 44 ()51()()6()/()()6(J/()()30/(){J44 4/12/ 31 ()4/O 12()/()()31 65 K~hetl'apal 5/6/6/4/59 () 510()60/(){ )6()/()04 O/{)()59 4/121 49 04/0 12( 1/1)()49 66 Kudase 51 6/ 1>/ 5/1 00 fl5l0!160/114160/01l5(/1) H14} 4/121121 04/() 121)/0121 67 Kumhharli 5/6/ 61 11 11 ()5/0()6()/()()60/O0 1O/l)() 11 4/12/ 4 (WO 121l/()()()4 68 Kumhharwada 51 6/ 6/ 3/ 37 05/0()60/1)(10O/OO30/()(137 4/121 27 (I4fO 120/()O27 136



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

69 Kumbhavade 51 61 6/ 21 34 05/006()/OO60/0020/0034 4/121 92 04/0120/0092 70 Kumbral 5/ 61 6/ 51 95 05/1}()6{)/OO60/I)0501()095 4/121 96 04/0120/0096 71 Kunkeri 5/ 6/ 6/ 11 4 05/(}()6I)/OO60fOO1010004 4/121' 8 041012010008 72 Madkhol 5/ 6/ 6/ 21 20 05/00flO/OO60/002010020 4/121 10 041012010010 73 Madurc 5/6/ 61 41 71 05l00f)l)/OO60/004010071 4/121 70 04/0120/0070 74 Majgaon 5/6161 11 8 051006010060/001010008 4/121 23 04/012010023 75 Malewad 5/ 61 6/ 31 43 05l0()f)O/OO60/003010043 4/121 32 04/0120/0032 76 Malgaon 5161 61 11 10 05/006010060f0010100 10 41121 2 04/0120/0002 77 Maneri 51 61 61 5/101 05/0060/0060/005010101 4/121122 041012010122 78 Mangeli 51 6/ 61 6/132 05/Q()f)0/0060/0060/0132 4/121127 04/0120/0127 79 Masure 5/ 6/ 6/ 21 31 05/006()/{)(160/002010031 4/121 57 04/0120/0057 80 Matane 51 61 61 6/137 0510060/0060/006010137 4/121133 04/0120/0133 81 Morgaon 5/61 61 5/88 05/0()f)()/()060/005010088 41121 87 04/0120/0087 82 Morle 51 61 6/ 61106 05/0I)f)O/0060/0()6()/0 106 131 7/104 1310070/0104 83 Nanos 5/ 61 61 31 50 05/()()f)()/()(160/003010050 4/121 34 04/0120/0034 84 Nemale 5/ 6/ 6/ 11 1 05/006()/()()60/00101Q()()1 4/121 1 04/0120/0001 85 Nene 5/ 6/ 61 21 30 1)5/006()10060/0()2010030 4/121 59 04/0120/0059 86 Netarde 5/6/615/91 05l00S(l/OOSO/O()50/()()91 4/121 83 04/0 120/()()83 87 Nhaveli 5/ 61 6/ 3/ 41 05l0()f)()IOO60/()()3010()41 4/121 29 04/0120/0029 88 Nigude 5/ 61 6/ 4/ 60 05/0()f)(l/()060/()()4010060 4/121 47 04/01201004 7 89 Niravade 5/ 61 6/ 3/ 39 05/006()/()()nO/0030100 39 4/121 25 04/0 120/()()25 90 Nirukhe 5/ 6/ 6/ 11 6 05/0()f)()/()()nOIOOlO1Q(106 4/121 7 04/0120/0007 91 Otavane 5/ 61 61 41 55 05/00S0/()()SO/004010055 4/121 51 04/0 120/()() 51 92 Ovaljye 51 6/ 6/ 21 25 05l00S()/()()60/!)02010025 4/121 19 04/0120100 19 93 Padloll 5/ 61 6/4/ 70 o5l0()6( )/()()nO/00401()() 70 4/121 44 04/0 1201()() 44 94 Padve 5/ 6/ 6/4/ 63 ()5/()()f)O/()()60/()040/00n3 4/121 76 04/0120/0076 95 Padve Majgaon 5/6/61 4/ 64 05/m)f)o/()()f)()/1l040/0064 4/121 80 04/0 120/0()80 96 Pal 5/ 6/ 6/ 61117 05/0060/()(lnO/O()f)O/0 117 4/121112 04/0120/0112 97 Palye 51 6/ 6/ 61107 05/0()60/()()SO/006()/O 107 4/121103 04/0120/0103 98 Pantul'li 5/ 6/ 6/ 5/ 99 05lt)(16t)/()()60/0050/0099 4/121100 04/0120/1) Il)() 99 PaTIne 5/ 6/ 61 6/122 05l0(16{)/1)()60/O000/0122 4/121101 04/0 12t)/O 101 100 Parpoli 5/ 6/ 6/ 21 26 05/()~)f){)/OO!;()/()()20/()()26 4/121 18 ()4/0 12()/(}O 18 101 Patye 51 6/ 6/ 6/118 05/0()f)O/()(160/0()f)OIO 118 4/121115 04/0120/0115 102 Phondye 5/ 6/ 6/ 5/ 92 05/0!160/0(}60/0050/()()92 4ti21 85 04/012010085 103 Pikule 5/ 6/ 6/ 61130 05/0!)f)O/{)(}6OI0()60/0130 4/121129 04/012010129 104 Ronapal 5/ 61 6/ 4/69 05/0!16t)/{)()SOIOO4()/0069 4/121 46 04/0 12010(}46 105 Sangeli 5/ 6/ 6/ 21 13 05l0!)f)t)/()(160/0()2()/()() 13 4/121 11 04/012010011 106 Sargave 5/ 61 61 6/114 ()510! )f)O/()()60/t){)f){)/O 114 4/121109 o 4/0 12t)/O 109 107 Sarmale 5/ 6/ 6/ 4/ 56 05l0{1601(Ml!;()/()()4010056 4/121 65 04/0 12()/()065 108 Sasoli 5/ 6/ 6/ 5/ 98 05l0!)f)()/{)()60/0050/()()98 41121 99 04/0120/0099 109 Satarda 5/ 6/ 6/ 4/ 74 05/0!16(l/{)()SOIOO40/()()74 4/121 71 04/0 12()/OO71 110 Sateli Bhedshi 5/ 6/ 6/ 6/123 05l0(16()/()()60/(){)f)0/0123 4/121120 04/012010120 111 Sateli Tal'f Satarda 5/6/ 6/ 4/ 73 05l0(1611/()()60/0040/0073 4/121 41 , 04/0 121l/0041 112 Satose 5/ 6/ 6/ 4/ 75 05/()!16()/()()6(l/0()4(J/!){)75 4/121 72 04/0120/()(172 113 Satuli 5/ 6/ "6/ 2/ 23 05/0!)f)()/()(16{)/1102(J/OO23 4/121 53 04/0120/0053 114 Savaljuva 5/ SI 6/ 3/ 54 ()5/0{)fi()/{)(lSO/l){)30/()(154 4/121 36 04/0 12()/003S 115 Sawarwad 5/6/ 6/ 21 19 05/0{)fi()/()()60/(){J21l/()() 19 4/121 12 04/0 120/00l2 116 Sherle 5/ 6/ 6/ 4/68 05/0{16()/(I060/()040/()()68 4/121 69 04/0120/0069 117 Shirange 5/ 6/ 6/ 6/126 05l0( 16{)/()()6010(161l/0 126 4/121117 04/0120/0117 118 Shirshinge 5/ 6/ 6/ 21 14 05/0(16l)/O()6010()21l/!)() 14 4/121 13 04/0 12()/00 13 119 Shirwal 5/ 6/ 61 5/ 94 05l{}!)f)I)/()(16()/(I05{J/0094 4/121 95 04/0 120/()()95 120 Sonawal 5/ 61 61 6/108 05/0{)6I)/I)()60/01)f)ll/1) 1 08 4/121104 04/0 12()/O 104 121 Sonurli 5/ 6/ 6/ 31 40 05/0()f)(J/()060/(){)3(l/{)(140 4/121 45 04/0 120/C)(145 122 Talavade 5/6/6/31 38 05/0()f)(J/{)(16C1/(){)3()/()()38 4/121 26 04/0 12()/()()26 123 Talawane 5/6/6/31 47 05/0!)fi()/()()!;(l/1){130/()()47 4/121 38 04/0 12Cl11)()38 124 Talekhol 5/ 6/ 61 61139 05/(1)f)O/OO61I/()(16010 139 4/121135 ()4!012010 135 - 125 Talk at 5/ 6/ 6/ 51 87 05l()(160/11Of)()/0050/()(J87 41121 89 04/0120/0089 126 Tamholi 5/6/ 6/ 5/ 84 05l()(16(J/(I060/005011)()84 4/121 64 04fo 121110064 127 Terwan 5/ 61 6/ IY109 05l0()f)t)/!)()61)/OOSO/0109 4/121106 04/0120/0106 128 Terwanmedhe 5/ 6/ 6/ 6/110 05l006(}/()(160/0060/0110 4/121105 tl4/0 12lJ/O 105 129 Tiroda 5/ 6/ 6/ 31 49 05/0()f)tJ/()()61)/OO30IlJ049 4/121 33 04/11120/0033 130 Udeli 5/ 6/ 6/ 5/ 78 05l0l)f)(J/iI060/005(}/()(178 4fl21 60 04/0 120/0060 131 Ugade 5/6/ 6/ 51 93 05l0(16(J/(}()60/OII!iO/()(193 41121 88 04!

APPENDIX V--contd.


Location Codc-1991 Location Cude-1981 Sr. Name of Village No. (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) . (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Adari 51 71 71 21 41 05/0070/()O70/O020/0041 4/13/ 44 04/0130/0044 2 Adeli 5/7/7/2126 05/0070/(1)7()/OO20/!)()26 4/13/ 27 04/0130/0027 3 Ansur 51 71 71 21 40 05/007!1/0070f()020/0040 4/13/ 45 04/0130/0045 4 Al'awali 51 71 71 31 58 05l0l)71l/0070/0030/()()58 4/13/ fi3 04/0130/0063 5 Asoli 5/ 7/ 7/ 31 57 05/0()70/0070/0030/0057 . 4/13/ 55 04/0130/0055 6 Bagayat 5/ 7/ 7/ 31 66 05/0070/0070/0030/!)()66 41131 66 04/0130/0066 7 Bandh 5/ 7/ 7/ 3/ 62 05/0070/0070/0030/!)()62 4/13/ 62 04/0130/0062 8 Bhandal'wada 5/ 7/ 7/ 21 27 05/0070/0070/00241/0027 4/13/ 26 04/0130/0026 9 Bhendamala 5/ 7/ 7/ 21 36 05/0()7()/OO70/0020/0036 4/131 37 04/0130/0037 10 Bhogave 5/ 71 71 11 7 05/0() 7!l/OO 7( l/OO 1 n/o007 4/131 4 04/0130/0004 11 Bombadojichiwadi 5/ 71 71 31 76 () 5/0() 7(1/00 70/()()3 01 ()() 76 4/13/ 73 0410 130/0()73 12 Chipi 51 71 7/ 11 2 o5lm17 ()/()() 70/00 1 ()/1)()()2 4/131 2 04/0 13010()02 13 Dabholi 51 7/ 71 21 24 05l0(17()/()(170/(lll20/(1024 4/13/ 24 04/013010024 14 Gandhinagar 51 71 7/ 3/ 68 o5/00 7 O/()() 70/003010068 4/13/ 69 04/0130/0069 15 Gavan 51 71 7/ 11 6 05/0070/()()7010010/()()()6 4/131 6 04/0130/0006 16 Gavatale 5/ 7/ 7/ 3/ 78 ()5/0070/()()70/()O30/()078 4/13/ 76 04/0130/0076 17 Girapwadi 5/ 7/ 7/ 21 44 ()5/0()70/007()/()020/()(144 4/13/ 42 04/0130/0042 18 Hodawade 5/ 7/ 7/ 3/ 48 05/0()7()/()(170/0030/()()48 4/13/ 50 04/0 130/()()5Q 19 Huda 5/ 7/ 71 3/ 74 05/007()/()() 70/003 O/()() 74 4/13/ 75 04/0130/0075 20 Josoli 51 71 71 31 56 05/0()7rl/()()70/0030/()I)56 4/13/ 60 04/0 13(V()()60 21 Kalavi 5/ 7/ 7/ 11 17 05l0()70/()()70/0010/()(117 4/13/ 17 04/0130/0017 22 Kambaliwadi 5/71 7/2138 05l0070/(lO 70/0020/()O 38 4/13/39 04/013010039 23 Kamblevir 5/ 71 71 21 28 05l0l)7I)/OO70/()020/()()28 4/13/ 28 04/0l30/0()28 24 Kanyale 5/ 71 7/ 31 77 05/007(/1)()70/0030/()O77 4/13/ 77 04/0131)/0077 25 Karli 5/ 71 71 11 1 05/0070/1)() 70/00 1O/()()O 1 4/131 1 04/0 130/0()()1 26 Kelus 5/ 7/ 7/ 11 16 05/0070/()()70/00 W/()() 16 4/13/ 16 04/0 130/0()16 27 Khalchikel' 5/ 71 71 31 70 05/0070/()()70/0030/0070 4/13/ 71 04/0130/0071 28 Khalchiwadi 51 7/ 71 1/ 11 (511)07 ()/{)(170/00 10/()()11 4113/ 14 0410130/0014 29 Khanoli 5/ 7/ 71 11 20 05/0070/0070/0010/0020 4/13/ 20 04/0130/0020 30 Khatarwadi 51 7/ 71 31 50 051007 0/()()70/0()30/()() 50 4/13/ 49 04/(131)/0049 31 Khavane 51 71 71 11 14 05l0070/()(170/0ll10/()()14 4/13/ 15 04/0130/0015 32 Kochal'e 51 71 71 11 9 05/0(170/()()70/0010/()()O9 4/13/ 8 04/() 130/0008 33 Kurlewadi 51 71 7/ 21 43 [)5/0070/1)()70/(J0201()()43 4/13/ 41 04/0130/0041 34 Malai 5/ 71 7/ 11 15 05/0070/0070/00 101()() 15 4/13/ 13 04/0130/0013 35 Math 5/ 7/ 7/ 21 30 05/0070/()()7010020/()()30 4/13/ 30 04/0130/()(130 36 Matond 5/ 7/ 7/ 3/ 52 !l5l0{17{1/{)()70fOO30/()(152 4/131 52 04/0 131)/()O 52 37 Mayan a 5/ 7/ 7/ 11 12 05/0070/()(170/00 10/()() 12 4113/ 11 04/(1l31)/()O 11 38 Medha 5/ 71 7/ 1/ 13 1l5l0070/()()70/00 10/()() 13 4/13/ III 04/0130/0010 39 Mhapan 5/ 71 7/ 11 10 05l0{)l71l/()(170/00 11l/()() 10 4/13/ 12 04/0 13()/OO12 40 Mhartale 51 71 7/ 31 72 05/007()/()(170/0030/()()72 4/13/ 74 04/0 13()/OO 74 41 Mochemad 51 7/ 71 21 46 05/007!l/()()70/0020/()()46 4/13/ 56 04/0 13()/OO 56 42 Muth 5/ 71 7/ 21 42 05/0l)7 0/()()7I)/0020/()() 42 4113/43 04/013(VOO43 43 Namas 5/ 71 71 21 37 05/0IJ70/()()70/0020/0037 4/13/ 35 04/(1131)/OO35 44 Navabag 5/ 7/ 71 21 34 05l0070/()()70/0020/()()34 4/13/ 32 04/0 13(/1)() 32 45 Nhaichiad 5/ 71 71 31 54 ()510(17O/llO70/003!l/()()54 4/13/ 54 04/(l 130/00 54 46 Padatal 51 7/ 7/3/ 49 05l0(170/()(170/0030/11{149 4/13/ 47 0410130/0047 47 Pal 51 7/ 71 31 53 05l01170/()(170/0030/()()53 4/13/ 46 04/t) 13!l/()()46 48 Palkarwadi 51 7/ 7/ 11 22 05l0070/()()70/0010/()()22 4/131 22 1l41O 130/0022 49 Parahgaon 5/ 71 7/ 31 69 05l0070/()()70/0(130/()(169 4/13/ fi7 04/m311/()()fi7 50 Parahwada 51 71 7/ 21 32 05/007 ()/()(170/0020/()() 32 4/131 36 04/0130/()()36 51 Parule 5/ 71 71 11 5 05/007 ()/0070/O0 10/()()O5 4/13/ 3 04/0 1301l)()03 52 Pendur 5/ 7/ 7/ 31 51 05l01170/()()70/0030/()()51 4/13/ 51 04/01301()()51 138

APPENDIX V...:...contd.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

53 Ravadas 51 71 71 1f a 05/007(1/1)(170/l101()/(lOO3 4/13/ 7 04/01aO/OO1l7 54 Redi 51 71 71 3/ 75 05/007(/1)()70/()O30/0075 4/13/78 04tn 130/0078 55 Sagartirt.ba 51 71 71 31 64 05/007()/I)()70/(I03()/OO64 4/13/58 0410130/0058 56 Sakhultlkhol 5f 71 71 31 59 05/0117 ()/()() 70f()030/()()59 4/131 59 04/0130/0059 57 Sataye 5/ 71 71 21 25 (,5/0070/()()70/0020/()()25 4/131 25 04l1l130/0025 58 Shelapi 51 71 7/ 1f 4 05/007 (1/00 70/(10 I ()/()()O4 4/131 5 04/013n/OO05 59 Shiroda 51 71 71 31 67 05/(1)7(1/()()70/0030/()()67 4/13/68 04/0130/()()68 60 Shrirarnwadi 51 7/ 7/ 1f 8 05/0( 1711/{)() 70100 IO/()()08 4/131 9 04/0130/0009 61 Siddhawadi 51 71 7/ 21 35 05/0117()/{)()70/0020/()()35 4/13/34 04/0130/0034 62 Sonsure 5f 71 7/ 3/ 61 05/0()7!)/{)()70/111130/()()61 4/131 61 04/0130/0061 63 Sukalbhat 5f 71 71 3/ 73 05/0()7()/()()7()/OlI3010073 4/13/ 72 04/0130/()('72 64 Sukhatanhag 51 71 7/ 21 39 05/0()7!)/()()70/1)()2()/OO39 4/13/38 o 4!O130!0038 65 Talekarwadi 51 71 71 II 18 05/007 ()/()()70/(IOH)/OO 18 4/13/ 18 0410 130/()() 18 66 Tank 51 71 71 31 SO 05/(1)7()/()()7()/O()30/I)OSO 4/13/57 0410 130/()()57 67 Temh 51 71 71 3/ 63 05/()(170/0070/0030/()(}63 4/13/64 04/0 13(VO:064 68 Tulas 51 71 7/ 3/ 47 05/01 )711/()()70/01131)/004 7 4/13/48 04/0130/0048 69 Ubhadllnda 5/ 71 71 21 31 05l()0711/()() 70/0020/()()31 4/13/ 31 04/()130/0031 70 Vadakhol 5/ 71 71 31 55 U5/0()70/()(170/()()30/()()55 4/13/ 53 04/0 130/0()53 71 VagheNhwar 5/ 71 71 21 33 05/0()7!)/()()701002010033 4/131 33 Mill 130/0()33 72 Vajarath 5/ 71 7/2129 ()5/0()7()/1)()7010()2()/()()29 4/13/ 29 04/(H30/O()29 73 Varachernad 5/ 71 71 21 45 1)5/I)()70/()(J70!002()/OO45 4/13/40 0410 130/1)()40 74 Varachiker 5/ 7/ 71 31 71 05/()()7 Il/OO70/0030/0071 4/131 70 o4/0 1 30/1)()70 75 Velagar 5/ 71 71 3/65 05l0l)7()/()()70/0030/()O65 4/13/ 65 04/0 130/()()65 76 Vetore 51 71 7/ II 23 05/0()70/0070/001 O/()U23 4/131 23 ()41013()/()()23 77 Warchiwadi 5/ 71 7/ II 21 05/n07()/007()/OOl()/OO21 41131 21 0410 130/0021 78 Wayangani 5/ 71 7/ 11 19 05l0()70/()() 70/0010/00 19 4/13/ 19 04l()13()/OO19 139



Name of District Name ofC. D. B1o<.:k L.C.No. Name of village Social lin'est al"IJa (in hedares) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Sindhudurg 1. Kudal 1 Kavathi l.ClO 5 Walawal 3.00 10 Sonavade Tarf Haveli 8.nO 16 Neror Tarf Haveli 5.()0 20 Humalmala 5.1I0 26 Tendoli 5.00 34 Pawashi 4.{)0 44 Pinguli 10.00 51 Akmi. 15.l)O 54 Kasal 5.l)O 55 Kunde Lon 56 Amhrad R.O() 57 Pukhmn 7.00 58 Ku:~ahe 5.l)() 62 Anav lO.OI) 63 Hum annal a 5.00 64 Pandur 7.50 68 Jamhhavade 7.l11 ·72 Ghotage 5.()O 73 Bharani 8.l)() 75 Bhadgaon Kh. 4.0() 76 Bhadgaon Bk. 2.15 77 Warde 1.50 78 Kadawal 5.()() 79 Hirukhe 5'()() 80 Pangrad 5.0n 83 Avalcg~n 25.()0 86 DigalS U)() 88 Kinlull 7.()() 89 Hirlok 5.()() 99 Nel"Ur K. Nal"\lr 4.50

2. Dcvgad 3 Girye 24.50 5 Tirlot 63.00 11 Padel 20.00 13 Hurshi .20.00 14 Pural 4.50 15 Wade 27.00 23 Phanase 6.00 24 Padvane 4.00 32 Kunkawan 8.55 34 Phanallgaon 13.00 44 Burahavade 5.45 47 Mahalunge l.OO 48 Nad 1.00 49 Gavane 2.00 51 Devgad 3.05 58 Mithmumhali. 3.50 63 Naringre 1.00 65 Mithbaon 7.00 69 Munage 1.00 80 Valivande 2.00 85 Shirgaon 10.00 88 Kinjawade 2.00 92 Chafed 3.50' 140

APPENDIX Vl-contd.

Name of District Name ofC. D. Block L.C.No. Name ofvillag" Sodal fore"t area (in hectares) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

3. Vaihhavvadi 21 Kusur 5.00 57 Gadmalh 5.00

4. Kankavli 9 Sherpe 10.00 11 Nadgive 13.00 12 Wargaon 1.00 14 Salisle 9.00 Hi Tarele 3.00 17 Darum 1LOO 2() Kasardc 52.00 26 Ozaram 2H.no 27 Koloshi 10.00 28 A"alade 7.00 29 Tondavali 12.00 31 Nandgaon 52.00 36 Piyali 3LOO 37 Math kh. 8.00 38 Waghcl; 5.00 40 Lore 10.00 42 Gbonsat; 5.()(} 43 Phondaghat 27.0U 46 Kondye 7.00 47 Damare 10.0n 48 Kaml 11.00 511 BelneKh. 5.00 51 Humarat 8.0\) 52 Sakedi 11.0ll 54 HarkulKh. 8.00 55 Nagave 7.00 56 Janavali 1S.00 59 Tarandale 13.00 SO Pisc Kamate 11.00 61 Bidwadi 21.(}O 62 Vat'avade 18.01l 63 Kalmalh 6.00 65 Halaval 15.0n 69 Wagade 18.00 70 Osargaon 8.00 71 BOl'dave 19.00 72 Ka"avan 4.00 74 Shit'aval 6J)() 82 Kalasuli 15.00 98 Natal 15.00 99 Digavale 5.00 102 Nardavc 10.00

5. Sawantwadi 22 Bavlat 135.00 23 Satuli 135.00 24 Devsu 260.00 25 Ovaliye 375.(){) 26 Parpoli 795.00 27 Danoli 210.()() 28 Kesari 780.00 29 Fansavade 380.00

Di~trict Total 4057.71 141



Name of District Name ofC. D. Block L.C.No. Name of village No. of Girls School (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Sindhudurg 1. Kudal 16 Nelur Tarf Havcli 1

District Total 1



.' 4413-11


Note Explaining the Abbreviations used in Town Directory The town directory is presented for each town from Meteorological Survey of India, the same has covering different aspects of urban life. As like 1981 been collected 10ca11y or calculated in relation to the census seven statement (I to VI and IV-A) have been nearest town, to the extent possible. Columns 6 to included for presentation of this data. The data 12 have been filled up on the basis of local enquiry. contained in these statements are the area, Distances respectively from the state, district and population in 1991 and past censuses, growth rates, sub-division and tahsil headquarters as well as the density, sex ratio, physical aspects of towns, nearest city (urban area with a population of communications, municipal finances, civic, medical, 100,000+) would help in determining the location of educational and other amenities and trade, commerce, a town. Communication facilities are shown industry and banking facilities. It covers all the mentioning railway station, bus route and navigable towns in the district statutorily notified as well as river/canal. non-municipal towns. An the towns in the district are arranged in alphabetical order. Statement III deals with municipal finance for the statutory and also non-statutory town bodies The data col1eeted in these statements have managing civic administration of the town provided largely been furnished by the municipal bodies. For they have separate budgets and accounts of their non-municipal towns the tahsildars and cantonment own. executive officers supplied the information. Statement IV provides information on the civic Statement I shows status and growth history of and other amenities available in the town. Total the towns in the district. Column 2 in this statement population given under column 4 and Scheduled indicates class, name and civic administration Castes/Scheduled Tribes population given in column status of a town (as in 1990). Class of the town 5 have been added to help in measuring amenities indicated under this column has been introduced to in respect of population size of the weaker sections facilitate the analysis of the town directory data at in the towns. The information on road length within the state and the national level. Census towns have the town shown under column 6 has been obtained no urban civic status. Following abbreviations have from Municipality (except for the highways). Codes been used to indicate the civic status of the town :- used are:- Municipal Corporation M.Corp. Pucca road PR Municipality M. Kachcha road KR Cantonment Cantt. Columns 7 to 11 reflects the information on Census Town C.T. system of sewerage, number of latrines and method Outgrowth O.G. of disposal of night soil. Codes used are: Columns 8 to 17 give population and growth rate System of sewerage :- of towns since 1901 and would help in drawing the SewerlSewerage S trends in their growth rate. Columns 6 (a) and 6(b) Open surface drains OSD present area in sq. kms., Column 7 presents number Box surface drains BSD of households including houseless households, Sylk drains SD Columns 18(a) and 18Cb) present density and 19 to Cesspool method CD 21 present sex ratio. Pit system Pt Statement 1I shows physical aspects and Others a location of each to~. In physical aspects only the rainfall, maximum and mi!limum temperature data Method of disposai of night soil :­ as obtained from the Director General of Head loads HL Meteorological Survey of India have been shown. Baskets B Towns for which information could not be obtained Wheel barrows WB Y 44l3-11a 146

Septic tank latrines ST If the medical institution is Ayurvedic, Unani or Sewerage s Homoeopathic the same is indicated in bracket by Pit system Pt providing the following additional codes :- Others o Ayurvedic A Unani U Columns 12 and 13 indicate sources of protected Homoeopathic Hom water supply to the inhabitants of the towns. The information on major source of water supply is In case, more ~han one institution of any type is shown in the column 12 and on major source of available, the exact number is shown within the storage and capacity under column 13. For stating brackets. this information following codes have been used :- The information on educational facilities Overhead tank OHT (column 6) is exhibited as per following codes :- Service reservoir SR Arts only A River infiltration gal1ery IG Science only S Borewell pumping system BWP Commerce only C Pressure tank PT Arts and Science only AS Tubewell waterIHand pump TW Arts and Commerce only AC Tap water T Combined for all categories ASC Well water W Arts, Science and Commerce. Tank water TK ~w L Column 14 gives information regarding University U availability offire fighting services. In case, it is not Others 0 available 'in the referrent town, the name of the nearest place where it is available has been Column 10 pertains to the number of recognised mentioned and the distance from the town has also shorthand, typewriting and vocational training been indicated within brackets. Columns 15 to 19 institutes (grouped as others) which include Applied pertain to the number of electricity supply connections ArtlPainting college, Pharmacy college, B.Ed. college, available for domestic, industrial, commercial and Teacher's training school~ Music/Dancing institute, road lighting points etc. Nursing school etc. The following codes are used :- Shorthand SH As in 1981, the statement IV-A provides data in Typewriting Type respect of civic and other amenities in the notified Shorthand and Typewriting Sh. Type or recognised slums of towns with a population of above 50,000 (i.e. class I and class II towns). Others o Statement V gives information regarding Column 15 shows the information in respect of amenities like medical, educational, recreational Adult literacy classes/Centres etc. Simihirly in view and cultural facilities available in the town. 1991 of the spurt in the employment of women in towns, population figures for each town have also been information on number of working women's hostels indicated and this will facilitate in analysing data and seats available therein has been given under on facilities available to the people. column 16. This data would help in formulating plans for opening new hostels in order to meet the Data related to medical facilities have been problems of the single working woman. obtained from the district and sub-divisional medical officers and shown under columns 4 and 5. Columns 17 to 20. show recreational and tultural All types of medical institutions whether allopathic, facilities available in the town. These include stadia - ayurvedic, unani or homoeopathic have been covered cinemas, auditoriaJdramaJcomm~ity halls, publi~ and indicated using the following codes :- libraries indicated as 'PL' and reading rooms . indicated as ' RR '. . Hospital H Dispensary D Statement VI presents information in respect of Health Centre! HC trade, commerce, industry and banking services in Primary Health Sub-Centre! the town. Columns 3 to 11 indicate three most Primary Health unit etc. important commodities imported, exported and manufactured in the town. Information on number Family Planning Centre FPC ofbanks available in the town-appears under column T.B. Clinic TB 12. Columns 13 and 14 show number of agricultural Nursing Home NH and non-agricultural credit societies respectively in Others o each town. 147

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Towns showing their outgrowth with population

Serial Name of the town Population of core Outgrowth Population of No. with location code town outgrowth

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


There are no outgrowths in this district, hence the information is nil. PARTB PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT



Note.-l. The total area figures for the State and the districts are as supplied by the Surveyor General ofIndia. The total area figures for C. D. Blocks are arrived at from the Tahs'il area figures supplied by the Settlement Commissioner, Maharashtra, Pune: The area figures for towns are as supplied by the respective Municipal Corporations, Councils and Cantonment Boards or town planning department. 2. In Maharashtra, Tahsils and C. D: Blocks are co-terminus. The area figures for tahsil as a whole are supplied by the Settlement Commissioner. The C. D. Blocks total area is obtained by deducting the areas of statutory towns therein (i.e. Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils and Cantonment Boards) from the total area of the tahsil. 3. The C. D. Block urban area is obtained by adding the areas of the towns (Census towns and outgrowths) situated therein. The C. D. Block rural area is obtained by deducting the C. D. Block urban area from the total area. 4. The district urban area is obtained by adding the areas of the concerned urban units including Census towns and outgrowth in the district. The district rural area is obtained by deducting the district urban area from the total area as reported by the Surveyor General of India. 5. The State urban area is obtained by adding the district urban areas. The State rural area is obtained by deducting the State urban area from the total area of the State as reported by the Surveyor General of India. 6. Since the source for the total area figures in respect of the State and the district is the Surveyor General of India, while that for the total area figures in respect of the C. D. Blocks is the State Government, the total areas, as also the rural areas, for the C. D. Blocks in district, may not add upto the corresponding figures shown against the district. ' 7. Area figures of State, some districts, C. D. Blocks and urban places are provisional. 8. Names of towns treated as such for the first tIme in 1991 have been marked with an asterisk (*). 9. Names of towns treated as such for the first time in 1981 which continue as towns in 1991 have been marked with two asterisks (**). 10. Abbreviations- (1) M. Corp. = Municipal Corporation (2) M. Municipality (3) Cantt. = Cantonment (4) C.T. Census Town (5) O.G. = Outgrowth 11. N.A. = Not Available. 158


Statel District! No. of Total population Location C. D. Block! TotalJ occupied Cinduding institutional and Code U.AJCityl Rural! Area in rl.l!-lidential No. of houseless population) No. Town U]'ban Sq.Km. houses hOUReholds p M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

05 SINDHUDURG DISTRICT ... T 5048.89 161157 175893 832152 389384 442768 R 5018.36 147866 161727 760002 357773 411229 U 30.53 13291 14166 63150 31611 31539

10 Kudal C. D. Block T 818.97 26477 29757 143486 67592 75894 R 814.47 23811 27026 131884 61657 70227 U 4.50 2666 2731 11602 5935 5667

Kudal CC.T:)* U 4.50 2666 2731 '11602 5935 5667

20 Malwan C. D. Bluck T 612.02 19725 22242 98517 44717 53800 R 612.02 19725 22242 98517 44717 53800 U

30 Devgad C. D. Block T 779.1S 210S2 23937 119552 56278 63274 R 779.18 21082 23937 119552 i5{)278 63274 U

40 Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block T 415.81 9913 10695 48536 21629 26907 R 415.81 9913 10695 48536 21629 26907 U

50 Kankavli C. D. Block T 772.88. 25788 27542 130181 60405 69776 R 772.88 25788 27542 130181 60405 69776 U

60 Sawantwadi C. D. Block T 1346.65 32587 34743 164910 77315 87595 R 1346.65 32587 34743 164910 .77315 87595 U

70 Vengurla C. D. Block T 277.35 14960 15542 75422 35-772 39650 R 277.35 14960 15542 75422 35772 39650 U

Kudal (C.T.)* U 4.50 2666 2731 11602 5935 5667

Malwan (M) U 6.27 3778 4067 17986 8861 9125

Sawantwadi (M) U 6.78 4198 4582 21305 10'193 10512

Vengurla (M) U 12.98 2649 2786 12257 6022 6235 159


Total population in the age-gl"OUP 0---6 Scheduled Ca"tes Scheduled Tribes Literates

P M F P M F P M F P M F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

108907 55484 53423 42435 20183 22252 3893 1955 1938 548276 287914 260362 101600 51757 49843 39333 18613 20720 3656 1833 1823 499249 261936 237313 7307 3727 3580 3102 1570 1532 237 122 115 49027 25978 23049

19587 9lt82 9605 8878 4260 4618 1450 709 741 97746 50993 46753

17844 ~1l2 8732 8003 3832 4171 1352 664 688 89300 46431 42869 1743 870 873 875 428 447 98 45 53 8446 4562 3884

1743 870 873 875 428 447 98 45 53 8446 4562 3884

11177 5717 5460 6209 2861 3348 380 197 183 67404 34778 32626 11177 5717 5460 6209 2861 3348 380 197 183 67404 34778 32626

16176 8225 7951 3156 1511 1645 124 71 53 72983 39124 33859 16176 8225 7951 3156 1511 1645 124 71 53 72983 39124 33859

6948 3422 3526 1971 887 1084 177 94 83 26836 14093 12743 6948 3422 3526 1971 887 1084 177 94' 83 26836 14093 12743

16831 8479 8352 7595 3620 3975 772 379 393 84536 44574 39962 16831 8479 8352 7595 3620 3975 772 379 393 84536 44574 39962

23380 12017 11363 9321 4438 4883 786 393 393 105464 55162 50302 23380 12017 11363 9321 4438 4883 786 393 393 105464 55162 50302

9244 4785 4459 3078 1464 1614 65 35 30 52726 27774 24952 9244 4785 4459 3078 1464 1614 65 35 30 52726 27774 24952

1743 870 873 875 428 447 98 45 53 8446 4562 3884

1781 923 858 638 319 319 92 45 47 14065 7336 6729

2402 1225 1177 917 493 424 32 22 10 16901 9109 7792

1381 709 672 672 330 342 15 10 5 9615 4971 4644

Y 4413-12 160



Stale/ Total Di"trid main Cultivators Agricultural Location C. D. Block! Totall workers Labourers Code U.AJCity( Rural! (I-DO (l) (II) No. Town Urban P M F P M F' P M F 1 2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2!? 30

05 SINDHUDURG DISTRICT T 318491 186290 132201 192648 96502 96146 38813 20343 18470 R 300190 171695 128495 191569 95752 95817 38120 19881 18239 U 18301 14595 3706 1079 750 329 693 462 231

10 Kudal C. D. Block T 54704 32366 22338 34166 17690 16476 6952 3750 3202 ..,R 50936 29349 21587 33884 17516 16368 6775 3652 3123 U 3768 3017 751 282 174 108 177 98 79

Kudal (C.T.)* U 3768 3017 751 282 174 108 177 98 79

20 Malwan C. D. Block T 37518 21774 15744 23321 12380 10941 5731 2893 2838 R 37518 21774 15744 23321 12380 10941 5731 2893 2838 U

30 Devgad C. D. Block T 47868 27595 20273 30748 15704 15044 3309 2933 R 47868 27595 20273 30748 15704 15044 3309 2933 U

40 Vaihbavvadi C. D. Block T 20976 10172 lOB04 17049 7427 9622 766 314 452 R 20976 10172 10804 17049 7427 9622 766 314 452 U

50 Kankavli C. D. Block T 54343 29734 24609 38107 17600 20507 3843 1890 1953 R 54343 29734 24609 31H07 17600 20507 ·3843 1890 1953 U

60 Sawantwadi C. D. Block T 62536 36237 26299 36591 18334 18257 9930 5103 4827 R 62536 36237 26299 36591 18334 18257 9930 5103 4827 U

70 Vengurla C. D. Block T 26013 16834 9179 11869 6791 5078 4833 2720 2113 R 26013 16834 9179 11869 6791 5078· 4833 2720 2113 U

Kudal (C.T.)* u 3768 3017 751 282 174 lOB 177 98 79

Malwan(M) U 5176 4004 1172 215 164 51 125 95 30

Sawantwadi eM) u 6170 5029 1141 291 178 113 160 88 72

Vengurla (M) u 3187 2545 642 291 234 57 231 181 50 161



Livestock, Furestry. Fishing, Manufacturing, Processing: Manufacturing, Processing, Hunting and Plantations, Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in other On;hm'ds and allied activities Mining and Quarrying Household Industry than Household Industry (III) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)]


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ~ 41 42

9835 8612 1223 4619 3538 1081 3510 1887 1623 12346 10145 2201 8528 7436 1092 4583 3509 1074 3292 1755 1537 10025 8309 1716 1307 1176 131 36 29 7 218 132 86 2321 1836 485

802 612 190 484 310- 174 447 273 174 2480 2031 449 748 563 185 482 309 173 375 223 152 2054 1643 411 54 49 5 2 1 1 72 50 22 426 388 38

54 49 5 2 1 1 72 50 22 426 388 38

1849 1640 209 296 207 89 170 87 83 1123 888 235 1849 1640 209 296 207 89 170 87 83 1123 888 235

HIlO 1785 125 542 370 172 426 201 225 1208 1063 145 1910 1785 12(5 542 370 172 426 201 225 1208 1063 145

161 139 22 169 83 86 168 -115 53 329 283 46 161 139 22 169 83 86 168 -115 53 329 283 46

501 440 61 721 461 260 269 195 74 1950 1688 262 501 440 61 721 461 260 269 195 74 1950 1688 262

1464 1138 326 817 575 242 1490 715 775 2459 2054 405 1464 1138 326 817 575 242 1490 715 775 2459 2054 405

1895 1731 164 1556 1504 52 394 219 175 902 690 _212 1895 1731 164 1556 1504 52 394 219 175 902 690 212

54 49 5 2 1 1 72 50 22 426 388 38

854 784 70 16 10 6 43 29 14 761 484 277

119 107 12 17 17 59 36 23 774 667 107

280 236 44 1 1 44 17 27 360 297 63

Y 4413-12a 162



State/District/ Location C. D. Blocks! Total! Code U.AJCityl Rural! Constructions Trade and Commerce No. Town Urhan (VI) (VII)

p M F P M F 1 2 3 43 44 45 46 47 48

05 SINDHUDURG DISTRICT T 7378 6203 1175 16658 13199 3459 R 6531 5445 1086 12292 9483 2809 U 847 758 89 4366 3716 650

10 Kudal C. D. Block T 1339 1027 312 2446 2157 289 R 1119 838 281 1488 1313 175 U 220 189 31 958 844 114

Kudal (C.T.)" U 220 189 31 958 844 114

20 Malwan C. D. Block T 600 469 131 1536 1024 512 R 600 469 131 1536 1024 512 U

30 De'l1gad C. D. Block T 790 639 161 1902 1438 464 R 790 639 151 1902) 1438 464 U

40 Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block T 482 323 159 580 434 146 R 482 323 159 580 434 146 U

50 Kankavli C. D. Block T 1094 975 119 2660 2239 421 R 1094 975 119 2660 2239 421 U

60 Sawantwadi C. D. Block T 2035 1838 197 2410 2110 300 R 2035 1838 197 2410 2110 300 U

70 Vengurla C. D. Block T 411 363 48 1716 925 791 R 411 363 48 1716 925 791 U

Kudal (C.T.)'" U 220 189 31 958 844 114

Malwan(M) U 239 214 25 1140 868 272

Sawantwadi (M) U 320 294 26 1611 1453 158

Vengurla eM) u 68 61 7 657 551 106 163


OF MAIN WORKERS Marginal workers Non-workers Transport Storage and Communications Other Services (VIII) (IX)

P M F P M F P M F P M F 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

6877 6647 230 25807 19214 6593 76738 13014 63724 436923 190080 246843 5088 4963 125 20162 15162 5000 74930 12239 62691 393882 173839 220043 1789 1684 105 5645 4052 1593 1808 775 1033 43041 16241 26800

959 937 22 4629 3579 1050 13005 2284 10721 75777 32942 42835 724 713 11 3287 2579 708 12842 2202 10640 68106 30106 38000 235 224 11 1342 1000 342 163 82 81 7671 2836 4835

235 224 11 1342 1000 342 163 82 81 7671 2836 4835

566 533 33 2326 1653 673 8762 1340 7422 52237 21603 30634 566 533 33 2326 1653 673 8762 1340 7422 52237 21603 30634

729 715 14 3371 2371 1000 13311 1878 11433 58373 26805 31568 729 715 14 3371 2371 1000 13311 1878 11433 58373 26805 31568

138 136 2 1134 918 216 5333 789 4544 22227 10668 11559 138 136 2 1134 918 216 5333 789 4544 22227 10668 11559

1345 1311 34 3853 2935 918 11235 1763 9472 64603 28908 35695 1345 1311 34 3853 2935 918 11235 1763 9472 64603 28908 35695

1055 1043 12 4285 3327 958 14421 2608 11813 87953 38470 49483 1055 1043 12 4285 3327 958 14421· 2608 11813 87953 38470 49483

531 512 19 1906 1379 527 9026 1659 7367 40383 17279 23104 531 512 19 1906 1379 527 9026 1659 7367 40383 17279 23104

235 224 11 1342 1000 342 163 82 81 7671 2836 4835

556 494 62 1227 862 365 704 318 386 12106 4539 7567

757 736 21 2062 1453 609 359 132 227 14776 5632 9144

241 230 11 1014 737 277 582 243 339 8488 3234 5254 164


Urban Blockwise Figures of Total, SC and ST Population

TAHSIL: 1 KUDAL TOWN: I KUDAL Ward mock Total se ST Ward Block Total se ST No. No. Population Population Population No. No. Population Population Population 1 2 3 4 5 1 2' 3 4 5

1 1 703 25 1 10 635 3 1

2 723 12 11 747 20 17

3 737 41 12 412 61

2 4 387 7 13 788 24 16

5 717 1 14 819 160 12

6 669 5 3 15 649 29 18

3 7 1134 76 5 16 596 325 6

8 861 7 17 389

4 9 636 80 23 Total 11,602 875 98

TAHSIL: 2 MALWAN TOWN: II MALWAN Ward Block Total se ST Ward Block Total se ST No. No. Population Population Population No. No. f'0pulation Populatio~ Population 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 1 474 22 10 11 18 425 21 31

2 409 29 19 439 5

2 3 760 5 6 12 20 394 8

3 4 324 16 5 13 21 466

5 404 2 14 22 544

4 6 489 23 638 15 3

7 635 12 24 663 192 '6

5 8 692 15 25 458 10

6 9 486 10 26 406 6

10 398 81· 16 27 686 99

7 11 464 5 17 28 825

12 429 27 18 29 514 3

8 13 573 4 30 376

14 427 19 31 931 21 8

9 15 768 19 4 20 32 ,772 6

10 16 622 5 3 21 33 805 29

17 200 2 Total 17986 638 92 165


TAHSIL: 6 SAWANTWADI TOWN: III SAW ANTWADI Ward Block Total SC ST Ward Block Total SC ST No. No. Population Population Population No. No. Population Population Population 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 345

1 1 621 17 21 474 2

2 466 9 13 22 753 1

2 3 598 25 14 23 454

4 603 17 24 521

3 5 647 35 15 25 540 7

6 405 15 26 450

4 7 568 16 27 475 14 1

8 575 131 28 454 17

5 9 695 17 29 477

10 589 16 30 492 14

6 11 499 24 18 31 538 25

12 681 14 32 466 8 4

7 13 422 6 19 33 541 35 1

14 448 4 34 449 11

8 15 500 20 35 751 235

16 417 36 633 133 10

9 17 843 10 21 37 645 11

10 18 777 38 643 95

11 19 731 2

12 20 464 Total ... 21305 917 32

TAHSIL: 7 VENGURLA TOWN: IV VENGURLA Ward Block Total SC ST Ward Block Total SC ST No. No. Population Population Population No. No. Population Population Population 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 1 435 12 12 597 11

2 2 ,611 13 13 50(} 6

3 3 630 14 14 580

4 4 687 24 15 15 644

5 5 705 23 4 16 16 732 86

6 6 576 38 17 17 672 5

7 7 600 15 18 18 597 4

8 8 764 12 19 19 599 5

9 9 620 1 6 20 20 570 373 10 581 60

11 11 557 14 Total ... 12257 672 15 166


StatdDishictl No. of Location C.D. Block! ' Total! households Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Caste Code U.AJCity/ Rw-all with S.C. Caste population population in the Number Town Urban members age-group 0-6

p M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

05 SINDHUDURG T 9434 42435 20183 22252 5889 3007 2882 DISTRICT R 8744 39333 18613 20720 5502 2800 2702 U 690 3102 1570 1532 387 207 IHO

10 Kudal C. D. Block T 2026 8878 4260 4618 1247 651 596 R 1823 8003 3832 4171 1121 585 536 U 203 875 428 447 126 66 60

Kudal (C.T.)* U 203 875 428 447 126 66 60

20 Malwan C. D. Block T 1453 6209 2861 3348 839 429 410 R 1453 6209 2861 3348 839 429 410 U

30 Devgad C.D. Block T 718 3156 1511 1645 420 208 212 R 718 3156 1511 1645 420 208 212 U

40 Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block T 416 1971 887 1084 291 143 148 R 416 1971 887 1084 291 143 148 U

50 Kankavli C. D. Block T 1621 7595 3620 3975 982 483 499 R 1621 7595 3620 3\175 982 483 499 U

60 Sawantwadi C. D. Block T 2018 9321 4438 4883 1460 744 716 R 2018 9321 4438 4883 1460 744 716 U

70 VengurIa C. D. Block T 695 ,3078 1464 1614 389 208 181 R 695 3078 1464 1614 389 208 181- U

TOTAL URBAN U 690 3102 1570 1532 387 207 180

Kudal (C.T.)* U 203 875 428 447 126 66 60

Malwan(M) U 136 638 319 319 70 45 25

Sawantwadi (M) U 199 917 493 424 107 55 52



INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY OF MAIN WORKERS Literates Total main workers (I-IX) Cultivators (I)

p M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

25461 13883 11578 16939 9769 7170 6206 3060 3146 23205 12615 10590 16063 9085 6978 6193 3048 3145 2256 1268 988 876 684 192 13 12 1

5413 2860 2553 3660 2109 1551 1130 611 519 4788 2527 2261 3393 1897 1496 1128 609 519 625 333 292 267 212 55 2 2

625 333 292 267 212 55 2 2

3653 2(}17 1636 2649 1473 1176 1041 533 508 3653 2017 1636 2649 1473 1176 1041 533 508

1866 1054 812 1139 649 490 578 266 312 1866 1054 812 1139 649 .490 578 266 312

1084 562 522 873 423 450 621 251 370 1084 562 522 873 423 450 621 251· 370

4853 2611 2242 3131 1782 1349 1866 881 985 4853 2611 2242 3131 1782 1349 1866 881 985

5085 2800 2285 3771 2164 1607 744 399 345 5085 2800 2285 3771 2164 1607 744 399 345

1876 1044 832 1107 697 410 215 109 106 1876 1044 832 1107 697 410 215 109 106

2256 1268 988 876 684 192 13 12 1

625 333 292 267 212 55 2 2

4fi9 248 221 151 117 34 7 7

681 415 266 247 197 50 3 2 1

481 272 209 211 158 53 1 1 168



StateiDistJicU Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Location C. D.lllock Total! Agricultural Lahou.·crs Hunting and Plantations, Cude U.AJCityl RUI·all Orchards and allied activities Number Town UI·ban (II) (III)

P M F P M F 1 2 3 2IJ 21 22 23 24 25

IJ5 SINDHUDURG T 5641 3157 2484 142 120 22 DISTRICT R 5533 3087 2446 135 114 21 U 108 70 38 7 6 1

10 Kudal C. D. mock T 1537 821 716 22 19 3 R 1498 803 695 20 17 3 U 39 18 21 2 2

Kudal (C.T.)* U 39 18 21 2 2

20 Malwan C. D. Block T 1041 549 492 14 11 3 R 1041 549 492 14 11 3 U

30 Dcvgad C. D. Block T 275 132 143 6 5 1 R 275 132 143 6 5 1

U "·1

40 Vaibhnvvadi C. D. Block T 77 29 48 12 11 1 R 77 29 48 12 11 1 U

50 Kankavli C. D. Block T 589 349 240 33 32 1 R 589 349 24n 33 32 1 U

60 Sawantwadi C. D. Block T 1517 865 652 41 32 9 R 1517 865 652 41 32 9 U

70. Vengurla C. D. Block T 536 360 176 9 6 3 R 536 360 176 9 6 3 U

TOTAL URBAN U 108 70 38 7 6 1

Kudal (C.T.)* U 39 18 21 2 2

Malwan(M) U 6 3 3 1 1

Sawantwadi (M) U 11 6 5 3 ~- 3

Vengurla (M) U 52 43 9 1 1 169



Manufacturing, Processing, Manufacturlg, Processing, Mining and Quan-ying Servicing and Repain; in Servicing and Repairs in other Household Industry than Household Industry (IV) [V(a) J [V(h) 1

p M F P M F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

184 136 48 1274 473 801 769 484 285 184 136 48 1227 458 769 714 434 280 47 15 32 55 50 5

14 HI 4 203 78 125 199 95 104 14 10 4 193 76 117 185 82 I03 10 2 8 14 13

10 2 8 14 13 1

45 33 12 93 30 63 84 42 42 45 33 12 93 30 63 84 42 42

7 7 27 21 6 33 31 2 7 7 27 21 6 33 31 2

2 2 9 3 6 19 14 5 2 2 9 3 6 19 14 5

33 16 17 55 29 26 93 69 24 33 16 17 55 29 26 93 69 24

61 46 15 695 244 451 260 165 95 61 46 15 695 244 451 260 165 95

22 22 155 55 100 40 31 9 22 22 155 55 100 40 31 9

47 15 32 55 50 5

10 2 8 14 13 1

7 6 1 7 6 1

1 1 22 20 2

29 6 23 12 11 1 170



State/District) Location C. D. Block! Total! ConRtructions Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Code U.AJCityl RuraV and Communications Number Town Urban (VI} (V1I) (VIII)

P M F P M F P M F 1 2 3 35 36 37 38 3~ 40 41 42 43

05 SINDHUDURG T 358 305 53 285 256 29 194 184 II) DISTRICT R 332 282 50 196 172 24 136 131 5 U 26 23 3 89 84 5 58 53 5

10 Kudal C.D. Block T 84 57 27 68 63 5 20 20 R 84 57 27 23 18 5 13 13 U 45 45 7. 7

Kudal (C.T.)* U 45 45 7 7

20 Malwan C.D. Block T 31 26 5 11 9 2 18 16 2 :It 31 26 5 11 9 2 18 16 2 U

30 Devgad C. D. Block T 20 19 1 10 8 2 12 12 R 20 19 1 10 8 2 12 12 U

40 Vaihhavvadi C. D. Block T 30 22 8 22 22 3 3 R 30 22 8 22 22 3 3 U

50 Kankavli C. D. Block T 61 58 3 70 57 13 51 48 3 R 61 58 3 70 57 13 51 48 3 U

60 Sawantwadi C. D. Bluck T 98 92 6 49 48 1 29 29 R 98 92 6 49 48 1 29 29 U

70 Vengurla C. D. Block T 8 8 11 10 1 10 10 R 8 8 11 10 1 10 10 U

TOTAL URBAN u 26 23 3 89 84 5 58 53 5

Kudal (C.T.)* u 45 45 7

Malwan(M) u 5 3 2 11 8 3 24 21 3

Sawantwadi (M) U 19 18 1 15 15 19 18 1

Vengurla eM) U 2 2 18 16 2 8 7 1 171



Other Services Marginal workers Non-workers


p M F P M F P M F 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

1886 1594 292 3912 7()6 32116 21584 9708 11876 1413 1223 190 3882 695 3187 19388 8833 10555 473 371 102 30 11 19 2196 875 1321

383 335 48 758 175 583 4460 1976 2484 235 212 23 754 174 580 3856 1761 2095 148 123 25 4 1 3 604 215 389

148 123 25 4 1 3 604 215 389

271 224 47 479 61 418 3081 1327 1754 271 224 47 479 61 418 3081 1327 1754

171 148 23 328 59 269 1689 803 886 171 148 23 328 59 269 1689 803 886

78 66 12 195 27 168 903 437 466 78 66 12 195 27 168 903 437 466

280 243 37 712 117 595 3752 1721 2031 280 243 37 712 117 595 3752 1721 2031

277 244 33 901 159 742 4649 2115 2534 277 244 33 901 159 742 4649 2115 2534

101 86 15 513 98 415 1458 669 789 101 86 15 513 98 415 1458 669 789

473 371 102 30 11 19 2196 875 1321

148 123 25 4 1 3 604 215 389

83 63 20 13 6 7 474 196 278

154 114 40 2 2 668 296 372

88 71 17 11 4 7 450 168 282 172


StatulDi"trict/ No. of Location C.D. mock! TotalJ household.~ Total Scheduled Total Sclleduled Tribe Code U.AJCityf Rural! with S.T. Trih<; popu[atiun population in the Number Town Urban mcmhel·s age-gl"Ou p 0-6

P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

05 SINDHUDURG T 872 3893 1955 1938 679 347 332 DISTRICT R 805 3656 1833 1823 62{) 324 296 U 67 237 122 115 59 23 36

10 Kudal C. D. Block T 303 1450 709 741 258 127 131 R 275 1352 664 688 227 120 107 U 2B 98 45 53 31 7 24

Kudal (C.T.)* U 28 98 45 53 31 7 24

20 Malwan C. D. mock T 86 380 197 183 67 41 26 R 86 380 197 183 67 41 26 U

30 Devgad C.D. Block T 30 124 71 53 25 D 12 R 30 124 71 53 25 13 12 U

40 Vaihhavvadi C_ D. Block T 44 177 94 S3 30 18 12 R 44 177 94 83 30 18 12 U

50 Kankavli C. D. Block T 179 772 379 393 96 44 52 R 179 772 379 393 96 44 52 U

60 Sawantwa.di C. D. Block T 170 786 393 393 167 86 81 R 170 786 393 393 167 86 81 U

70 Vengurla C. D. Block T 21 65 35 SO 8 2 6 R 21 65 35 30 8 2 6 U

TOTAL URBAN U 67 237 122 115 59 23 36

Kudal (C.T.)· U 2B 98 45 53 31 7 24

Malwan{M) U 25 92 45 47 18 9 9

Sawantwadi (M) U 10 32 22 10 6 4 2

Venglll·la (M) U 4 15 10 5 4 3 1 173


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY OF MAIN WORKERS Literates Total main workers (I-IX) Cultivators (l)

p M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

2007 1156 851 1346 890 456 256 137 119 1869 1071 798 1266 822 444 256 137 119 138 85 53 80 68 12

850 460 390 414 274 140 82 42 40 792 428 364 383 247 136 82 42 40 58 32 26 31 27 4

58 32 26 31 27 4

182 113 69 128 95 33 15 10 5 182 113 69 128 95 33 15 10 5

46 28 18 47 37 10 4 2 2 46 28 18 47 37 10 4 2 2

34 23 11 110 62 48 2 1 1 34 23 11 110 62 48 2 1 1

407 238 169 314 199 115 126 67 59 407 238 169 314 19!:1 115 126 67 59

374 218 156 260 164 96 22 13 9 374 218 156 260 164 96 22 13 9

34 23 11 24 18 6 5 2 3 34 23 11 24 18 6 5 2 3

138 85 53 80 68 12

58 32 26 31 27

46 28 18 29 21

24 18 6 16 16

10 7 3 4 4 174



State/Di",trict/ Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Location C. D. Block Total! Agricultural Lahouren< Hunting and Plantations, Code U.AJCity/ Rural! Orchard.. and allied activitie;; Number Town Urhan aI) (III)

P M F P M F 1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25

05 SINDHUDURG T 368 230 138 49 37 12 DISTRICT R 367 229 138 47 35 12 U 1 1 2 2

10 Kudal C. D. Block T 102 59 43 16 7 9 R 102 59 43 16 7 9 U .\

Kudal (C.T.)* U

20 Malwan C. D. Bk>ek T 71 52 19 5 3 2 R 71 52 19 5 3 2 U

30 Devgad C. D. Block T 22 15 7 3 3 R 22 15 7 3 3

U •• 0 i

40 Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block T 4 2 2 1 1 R 4 2 2 1 1 U

5{) Kankavli C. D. Block T 43 31 12 3 2 1 R 43 31 12 3 2 1 U

60 Sawantwadi C. D. Block T 113 61 52 19 19 R 113 61 52 19 19 U

70 Vengurla C. D. Block T 12 9 3 R 12 9 3 U


Kudal (C.T.)* U

Malwan(M) U 1 1

Sawantwadi .(M) U 2 2

Venguria (M) U 175



Manufacturing, Pmcessing. Manufacturig, Processing, Mining and Qual1),ing Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in other Household Indulltry than Houllehold Industry (IV) [V(a) 1 [V(h) 1

p M F P M F P M F 26 27 2B 29 3ll 31 32 33 34

59 32 27 8 6 2 41 24 17 59 32 27 8 6 2 36 23 13 5 1 4

1 1 2 2 11 6 5 1 1 2 2 11 6 5

4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2

3 3 3 3

46 23 23 46 23 23

4 2 2 2 2 20 14 6 4 2 2 2 2 20 14 6

5 3 2 5 3 2

1 1 1 1

5 1 4

5 1 4

4413-13 176



State!Districti Location C. D. Block! Total! Constructions Trade and Cummerce Transport, Storage Code U.AJCityl Rural! and Communications Number Town Urhan (VI) (VII) (VITI)

P M F P M F P M F 1 2 3 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

05 SINDHUDURG T 198 120 78 66 47 19 40 _ 38 2 DISTRICT R 197 l19 78 63 , 45 18 25 24 1 U 1 1 3 2 1 15 14 1

10 KudaI C.D. Block T 53 33 20 27 19 8 7 .7 R 52 32 20 27 19 8 6 6 U 1 1 1 1

Kudal (C.T.)" U 1 1 1 1

20 Malwan C.D. Block T 12 10 2 3 3 2 2 R 12 10 2 3 3 2 2 U

30 Devgad C. D. Block T 2 2 3 3 R 2 2 3 3 U

40 Vaihhavvadi C. D. Block T 46 24 22 1 1 1 1 R 46 24 22 1 1 1 1 U

50 Kankavli C. D. Block T 66 38 28 9 7 2 11 11 R 66 38 28 9 7 2 11 11 U

60 Sawantwadi C. D. Block T 19 13 6 18 10 8 5 4 1 R 19 13 I) 18 10 8 5 4 1 U

70 Venglula C. D. Block T 2 2 R 2 2 U

TOTAL URBAN U 1 1 3 2 1 15 14 1

Kudal (C.T.)" U 1 1 1 1

Malwan{M) U 3 2 1 9 8 1

Sawantwadi (M) U 4 4

Vengurla (M) U 1 1 177



Other Services Marginal workers Non-wolkers


p M F P M F P M F 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

261 219 42 508 118 390 2039 947 1092 208 172 36 506 117 389 1884 894 990 53 47 6 2 1 1 155 53 102

113 98 15 289 89 200 747 346 401 84 73 11 289 89 200 680 328 352 29 25 4 67 18 49

29 25 4 67 18 49

12 11 1 41) 5 35 212 97 115 12 11 1 41) 5 35 212 97 115

II) 9 1 19 19 58 34 24 10 9 1 19 19 58 34 24

9 9 8 1 7 59 31 28 9 9 8 1 7 59 31 28

30 25 5 54 10 44 404 171) 234 30 25 5 54 10 44 404 170 234

59 41 18 87 II) 77 439 219 220 59 41 18 87 10 77 439 219 220,

4 4 9 2 7 32 15 17 4 4 9 2 7 32 15 17

53 47 6 2 1 1 155 53 102

29 25 4 67 18 49

11 9 2 2 1 1 61 23 38

10 10 16 .6 10

3 3 11 6 5

4413-13" 178


Area of Village No. of Location in Heel- Oc(:upied No. of Total population Code Name of Village ares and Resi- House- (including Institutional and Total population No. of Town! dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) Ward in Houses "'{. kms.

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (13) (9) (10) (11)

1 Kavathi 263.00 179 221 896 403 493 117 57 60 2 Gandhigram 220.00 73 73 356 165 191 36 19 17 3 Chendawan 201.00 158 158 788 356 432 76 41 35 4 Naiknagar 2'1,6.00 151 188 914 442 472 130 76 54 5 Walawal 96.00 173 176 810 376 434 93 44 49 6 Mundyacha Kond 308.00 107 107 511 248 263 75 37 38 7 Kandargaon 104.00 87 87 411 191 220 52 31 21 8 Naikwadi 300.00 160 200 821 375 446 89 56 33 9 Sarambal 280.00 175 200 898 391 507 85 35 50 10 Sonavade Tad' Haveli 450.00 190 207 829 372 457 101 45 56 11 Talegaon 300.00 75 88 392 189 203 51 34 17 12 Kavilgaon 359.00 161 172 864 427 437 139 68 71 13 Kutgaon 452.00 295 298 955 423 532 118 53 65 14 Mankadevi 361.00 221 282 1250 633 617 .163 92 71 i 15 Saigaon 330.00 160 160 793 378 415 86 42 44 16 Nerur Tart· Haveli 487.00 298 325 1638 774 864 229 110 119 17 Gaondhad 186.00 189 1139 917 431 486 137 79 58 18 Gandhinagar 580.00 274 275 1487 690 797 190 77 113 19 Pat 570.0() 329 365 1860 902 958 221 124 97 20 Humarmala 706.00 193 202 1194 581 613 160 83 77 21 Madgaon 314.00 167 174 884 413 471 124 58 66 22 Raygaon 524.00 1l?9 174 1031 5tH 530 130 73 57 23 Go ndbayale 447.00 116 116 613 289 324 62 33 29 24 Wadi Varvade 590.00 188 210 1102 520 582 185 91 94 25 Goveri 599.()() 150 172 963 440 523 180 68 112 26 Tendoli 2313.00 531 587 3029 1422 1607 436 223 213 27 Andurle 610.00 370 371 1872 882 990 251 130 121 28 Munagi 242.()(} 167 167 813 374 439 132 72 60 10 WALAWAL CIRCLE 12,468.00 5496 5944 28891 13588 15303 3848 1951 1897

29 Bav 513.00 224 28B -1368 665 703 173 92 81 30 Bamhuli Tarf Haveli 244.00 99 114 560 259 301 64 29 35 31 Neharunagar 200.()() 49 56 259 125 134 42 24 18 32 Kavilkate 284.()() 179 196 1029 496 533 142 77 65 33 Borhhat 265.00 147 147 820 395 425 118 63 55 34 Pawashi 296.00 227 250 1293 630 663 141 79 62 35 Mitkyachiwadi 642.00 136 147 660 303 357 82 43 39 36 Belnadi 280.00 91 92 508 244 264 81 42 39 37 Ambadpal 194.00 141 181 806 386 420 118 67 51 313 Sangirde 210.00 143 144 689 343 346 98 51 47 39· Mulade 453.00 116 152 707 324 383 92 48 44 40 Tulsuli Tarf Mangaon 886.00 330 419 1926 872 1054 223 124 99 41 Keravade Tarf Mangaon 29LOO 196 208 1107 493 614 181 85 96 42 Mandkuli 381.00 212 232 1223 551 672 145 -80 65 43 Gudbipur 253.00 236 270 1360 672 688 213 113 100 179



Cultivators Agricultural Livestock, Labourers Forestry, Scheduled Scheduled Total Fishing, Hunting Location Castes Trihes Literates Main Workers and Plantation, Code Orchards and No. allied activities (I-IX) (1) (II) (111) , M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

14 21 310 288 195 95 99 60 32 29 10 1 120 118 85 62 31 21 27 28 14 2 83 102 246 246 195 118 91 37 39 56 1 3 13 24 316 289 230 213 120 134 6 8 7 5 4 44 53 3 6 325 313 199 192 67 101 66 88 1 5 2 1 4 2 200 186 126 50 57 38 24 7 1 6 75 83 141 148 86 60 47 47 32 11 3 1 7 57 73 300 291 149 164 84 109 38 53 8 12 20 316 308 156 121 97 95 26 22 9 49 46 288 280 174 123 119 91 37 30 10 142 143 75 57 35 39 7 11 4 1 11 339 284 214 109 105 85 24 18 7 12 6 4 2 3 349 326 195 116 106 96 20 8 1 13 4 5 464 407 347 199 112 80 50 69 6 1 14 78 86 272 335 232 270 201 233 13 23 15 79 77 637 576 276 67 104 30 15 2 16 12 12 335 323 190 91 85 56 42 26 2 17 1 2 6 5 613 526 358 245 231 186 c 69 45 2 18 44 39 3 4 711 672 388 214 156 87 81 93 3 19 380 356 328 201 173 112 42 37 1 1 20 22 17 326 323 198 . 80 158 58 17 17 21 347 322 248 149 156 123 26 18 9 22 196 200 151 12 83 2 33 6 23 54 46 421 356 252 143 137 95 48 34 6 3 24 65 ti5 332 325 2[11 106 132 77 38 18 4 5 25 106 127 1 1 1092 900 700 314 309 144 212 124 71 10 26 12 23 681 628 431 409 315 351 46 36 5 2 27 280 286 202 124 121 88 57 34 2 28 832 926 19 21 10479 9755 65f}1 410-1. 3531 2675 1167 951 160 29 10 72 73 513 420 374 290 260 191 70 88 29 32 27 213 193 151 72 110 45 24 20 30 12 17 96 94 58 55 42 44' 8 8 2 1 31 3 4 .394 365 206 117 80 70 35 32 32 323 329 208 lO8 97 71 21 22 1 33 102 115 492 478 319 238 141 145 71 77 2 34 3 2 228 223 153 138 91 111 23 20 7 3 35 199 192 115 22 52 11 9 2 36 38 31 5 2 294 273 194 184 89 152 30 17 3 2 37 2 1 279 223 161 87 33 71 5 4 4 38- 48 ' 54 241 237 149 31 75 8 3n 11 21 10 39 70 98 667 587 397 372 256 310 39 43 4 40 72 77 359 349 211 68 129 32 50 10 1 41 57 74 450 442 257 136 159 96 38 25 3 42 15 19 259 270 559 445 260. 13 75 3 8 43 180


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY OF MAIN WORKERS Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Qual"J-ying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. HIlu.o;ehold than Household Industry Indulitry (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)J (VI) (VII)


(1) (2) (~) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1 Kavathi 16 4 6 13 1 2 Gandhlgram 1 1 3 11 3 Chendawan 15 1 25 18 1 1 4 Naiknagar 47 42 14 17 7 2 7 8 4 \ 5 Walawal 11 1 22 6 Mundyacha Kond 4 1 8 7 1 7 Kandargaon 1 1 8 Naikwadi 9 1 5 9 Saramhal 7 4 2 10 Sonavade Tarf Hllveli 7 3 1 11 Talegaon 3 2 1 12 Kavilgaon 9 1 5 18 1 13 Kutgaon 20 2 22 6 6 14 Mankadevi 2 59 17 56 24 16 4 15 Saigaon 6 13 3 1 1 16 Nerur Tarf Haveli 8 14 27 6 3 35 3 17 Gaondhad 3 9 2 2 2 18 Gandhinagar 1 1 ~ 2 ~ 5 19 Pat 3 15 7 ~ 34M 5 20 Humarmala 75 46 1 5 2 ~ 21 Madgaon 3 1 1 5 22 Raygaon 16 1 7 9 4 23 Gondhayale 12 2 6 1 24 Wadi Varvade 5 16 9 7 6 25 Goveri 8 5 8 3 3 26 Tendoli 1 9 6 15 10 7 36 7 27 Andurle 21 12 3 18 28 Munagi 2 1 4 5 6 2 10 WALAWAL CIRCLE ------147 93 60 46 343 90 178 49 298 54 29 Bav 10 5 2 7 30 Bambuli Tarf Haveli 2 5 2 31 Neharunagal' 1 3 32 Kavilkate 1 10 1 15 7 1 33 5 33 Borbhat 7. 2 17 8 7 21 1 34 Pawalihi 1 20 8 6 36 2 35 Mitkyachiwadi 7 12 2 5 3 36 Belnadi 7 1 2 22 4 37 Amhadpal 7 7 54 3 38 Sangirde 65 3 4 28 2 39 Mulade 4 4 40 Tulsuli Tarf Mangaon 11 6 35 1 8 41 Keravade Tarf Mangaon 5 25 5 1 7 42 Mandkuli 3 18 5 5 8 43 Gudhipur 58 2 13 1 19 2 181


Transport. Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Location Total sc ST Code No. (VIII) (IX)


(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (l)

1 18 1 22 163 186 235 981 9 11 1 1 8 1 3 55 77 74 299 2 2 21 5 1 138 160 176 958 89 110 3 3 11 1 14 83 198 176 723 6 15 4 7 24 3 8 177 234 643 29 40 4 3 5 7 III 3 18 122 195 675 17 21 6 3 4 86 101 74 397 55 73 7 13 1 6 24 220 258 609 60 79 8 7 15 2 25 102 210 284 1132 13 16 9 1 7 1 12 77 186 257 992 83 H2 10 2 21 6 6 21 108 125 511 11 15 31 4 12 32 201 296 603 12 12 8 4 9 90 219 326 913 1 13 12 34 4 286 41S 856 14 1 7 146 145 657 68 78 ) 15 14 70 12 91 124 407 673 2270 76 78 16 2 43 7 3 34 238 361 831 11 17 17 5 17 7 25 104 3117 448 1522 1 1 18 10 56 19 2() 197 494 547 1593 43 49 19 5 10 4 16 60 237 352 1020 20 7 7 4 6 44 2[)9 347 899 21 5 20 3 33 206 220 175 306 22 7 10 1 7 2 131 310 353 23 17 10 2 12 98 256 341 931 45 42 24 2 3 1 40 171 199 246 840 51 66 25 8 32 13 57 331 665 962 2693 93 124 26 4 19 8 42 156 4[)9 425 1381 1 3 27 1 3 2 90 170 225 1072 29 52 28 158 539 117 468 2514 653!c1 8685 26660 780 987 4 3 10 9 16 6 11 147 280 266 1281 64 67 29 1 9, 5 1 6 107 223 505 6 1 30 2 2 1 1 66 78 359 50 48 31 8 17 8 5 26 285 390 678 32 14 23 4 4 149 183 168 874 33 20 23 5 48 311 377 657 34 2 4 1 9 54 141 165 670 4 2 35 12 11 4 1 128 242 803 109 137 36 11 3 41 192 195 579 21 19 37 5 1 17 6 182 259 746 1 1 38 4 11 2 10 202 165 150 670 42 48 6 2 39 6 38 12 75 234 400 4Ml 1799 64 116 40 2 11 1 34 162 248 384 977 61 75 41 3 20 10 10 36 284 500 1151 49 52 42 14 1 70 7 91 376 321 299 960 2 2 202 205 43 182


Area of Village No. of Location in Hect­ OCL"Upied No. of Total population Code Name of Village ares and Resi­ House­ (including Institutional and Total population No. of Townl dential holds Houseless Population) , in the age group (0-6) Ward in Houses sq. kms.

P M F P M F (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

44 Pinguli 253.00 199 209 1105 595 510 136 83 53 45 Gondhalpur 256.(){) 277 308 1438 723 715 253 119 134 46 Deulwadi 271.00 196 202 993 493 500 170 92 78 47 Temhdhurinagar 257.00 132 139 702 339 363 100 46 54 48 Bibavane \550.00 193 257 1252 ' 594 658 146 74 72 49 Barnhard.. Tarf Mangaon 819.00 317 387 1896 917 979 281 136 14"5 50 Zarap 784.00 439 453 2248 1052 1196 258 125 133 51 Akeri 1260.00 536 652 2960 1399 1561 439 210 229 20 IruDAL CIRCLE 9,842.00 4815 5503 269t19 12870 14039 3696 1902 1794 52 Gaonrai 763.00 238 249 1203 566 637 164 75 89 53 Padave 544.00 202 234 1055 500 555 142 83 59

54 Kasal 1439.00 734 820 4152 2072 2()80 519 280 2~9 55 Kunde 1060.00 194 239 1235 559 676 151 60 91 56 Ambrad 1426.00 655 858 3311 1477 1834 391 208 183 57 Pokharan 1128.00 238 261 1308 572 736 171 86 85 58 Kusabe 399.00 135 138 667 306, 361 101 46 55 59 Oras Kh. 279.00 72 74 367 175 192 42 22 20 60 Oras Bk. 1215.00 416 445 2003 954 1049 305 144 161 61 Ranbambuli 775.00 175 219 1005 487 518 116 64 52 62 Anav 1194.00 450 452 2146 968 1178 218 120 98 63 Humarmala 416.00 196 200 933 422 511 68 41 27 64 Pandur 455.00 260 260 1213 579 634 182 109 73 65 Bambarde Tarf KalsuU 1251.00 " 492 537 2613 1224 1389 328 164 164 30 KASAL CIRCLE 12,344.(JO 4457 4986 23211 10861 12350 2898 1502 1396 66 Gavalgaon 603.00 84 86 424 173 251 71 34 37 67 Kupavade 631.00 214 248 1012 450 562 107 50 57 68 Jambhavade 867.00 295 324 1430 664 766 173 94 79 69 Ghadigaon 405.00 98 122 638 288 350 59 30 29 70 Sonavade Tarf Kalsuli 582.00 131 173 932 411 521 118 58 60 71 Durganagar 401.00 89 119 573 248 325 63 35 28 72 Ghotage 1640.00 366 411 1905 851 1054 211 103 108 73 Bharani B36.()O 151 212 1168 511 657 126 72 54 74 Bhutvad 7 ()1.00 251 308 1417 607 810 122 72 50 75 Bhadgaon Kh. 725.00 80 100 591 254 337 69 33 36 76 Bhadgaon Bk. 9oo.00 186 191 1051 473 578 141 72 69 " 77 Warde 983.00 308 311 1522 703 819 150 71 79 78 Kadawal 90Z.()(} 262 313 1469 714 755 199 114 85 79 Nirukhe 1129.00 198 226 1074 450 624 119 52 67 80 Pangrad 1R12.00 223 274 1292 560 732 188 88 100 _81 Girgaon 962.00 84 106 561 280 281 59 32 27 82 Kusagaon 757.00 71 119 579 293 286 80 38 42 83 Avalegaon 497.00 216 223 1092 497 595 152 77 75 84 Temhgaon 496.()(} 130 192 808 362 446 75 42 33 85 Rumadgaon 415.00 103 120 704 319 385 115 56 59 183



Cultivators Agriculiural Livestock, Labourers Forestry, Scheduled Scheduled Total Fishing, Hunting Location Castes Trihes Literates Main WOl·kel's and Plantation, Cod" Orchards and No. allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

3 2 398 378 277 59 26 11 52 19 4 44 509 431 336 141 75 43 36 23 13 4 45 107 112 1 3 381 332 173 62 35 13 42 33 1 46 3 1 48 44 274 234 157 2C) 74 10 13 2 3 47 36 38 482 460 291 139 174 lU5 47 22 48 43 52 699 607 459 247 30S 167 102 68 1 49 59 65 804 734 500' 132 235 33 61 39 6 50 94 89 11197 907 752 612 400 431l 110 121 9 4 51 868 949 316 321 9951 8933 6158 3343 3U14 2169 919 706 93 24 20 33 37 434 392 284 283 238 266 20 11 52 . 34 34 19 17 417 341 283 257 195 2()3 27 39 53 145 131 10 9 1691 1351 1043 478 354 325 108 79 15 8 54 10 9 5 2 421 353 2211 lllO 166 91 16 2 10 2 55 139 145 49 4» 1161 1158 665 763 476 686 78 55 2 56 66 97 428 457 291 314 256 301 3 8 57 27 38 243 241 129 125 116 122 1 58 3 2 141 123 66 41 43 36 8 4 1 59 67 89 608 523 398 327 169 183 31 41 3 60 49 49 64 54 401} 347 243 223 165 169 37 32 '4 3 61 12!l 136 762 726 505 534 378 417 57 91 1 1 62 23 19 17 370 345 179 17H 124 143 14 16 3 63 61 68 394 400 275 150 107 77 20 15 10 4 64 82 96 955 920 553 333 358 261 51 56 6 1 65 859 91)0 155 148 8425 7677 5134 4098 3145 32811 471 449 54 20 30 2 7 119 137 78 114 51 108 16 4 66 16 15 360 318 233 315 178 276 16 13 1 67 402 381 274 315 224 305 7 1 3 68 228 96 139 166 135 163 1 2 69 26 18 177 280 183 213 147 210 9 1 3 70 9 12 173 169 105 108 93 96 1 8 7 71 9 14 622 654 416 482 334 454 14 15 4 72 25 31 390 451 236 354 211 349 73 27 29 12 8 479 417 312 201 236 171 12 6 1 74 21 25 196 140 115 64 95 62 7 1 2 75 24 31 401 387 254 327 194 286 29 31 1 76 58 47 1 543 475 238 29 1RO 15 lR 7 1 77 7 7 41 57 488 418 345 257 119 129 34 53 11 8 78 40 52 1 343 336 227 236 134 192 31 23 6 2 79 51 51 410 434 252 171 197 147 28 20 1 80 22 12 238 195 136 51 101 43 16 6 4 1 81 9 6 1911 144 157 111 86 77 10 6 82 58 60 378 371 227 211 154 186 9 12 83 290 285 136 IOn 104 90 3 84 2 12 13 245 219 1711 178 lOll 143 16 26 2 85 184


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY OF MAIN WORKERS Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Prucessing, ProccHsing, u>cation Name ofthe Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quanying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI) (VII)


(1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

44 PinguJi 1 2 59 7 25 31 4 45 Gondhalpur 4 105 41 7 2 29 4 46 Deulwadi 4 6 1 21 7 8 11 2 47 Tembdhurinagar 6 1 15 10 2 48 Bibavane 1 21 5 1 15 49 Barnhardc Tarf Mangaon 4 2 5 3 1 12 50 Zarap 4 8 87 34 2 32 3 51 Akeli 23 10 43 10 12 1 28 4 20 KUDAL CIRCLE 13 86 50 623 148 174 8 374 40 52 Gaonrai 2 1 53 Padave 18 4 24 4 1 2 4 54 Kasal 12 9 8 92 17 14 2 108 9 55 Kunde 10 3 1 3 1 1 56 Amhrad 1 11 3 15 3 4 23 1 57 Pokharan 3 +- . 6 1 58 Kusaoo 1 1 1 1 59 Oras Kh. 6 1 60 Oras Ek. 8 151 91 8 2 61 Ranbambuli 10 17 8 1 62 Anav 1 11 18 11 11 63 Humarmala 4 1 1 3 64 Pandur 1 2 3 1 54 41 11 2 65 Darnbarde Tarf Kalsuli 1 1 21 18 31 1 ------~------30 KASAL CIRCLE 41 7 24 15 203 44 269 145 208 21 66 Gavalgaon 2 1 3 67 Kupavade 20 21 1 1 68 Jambhavade 12 2 7 1 69 Ghadigaon 70 Sona.vudc Tarf Ka.l,mli 12 1 2 71 Durganagar 72 Ghotage 15 3 3 25 l_ 73 Bharani II) 1 1 4 74 Bhutvad 17 8 6 75 Bhadgaon Kh. 9 1 76 Bhadgaon Bk. 1 8 2 i 1 77 Warde 1 13 1 2 3 78 Kadawal 23 20 2 1 21 5 6 54 9 79 Nirukhe 1 1 7 2 8 14 6 8 80 Pangrad 1 1 2 1 2 81 Girgaon 4 3 82 Kusagaon 8 2 3 45 24 83 Avalegaon 3 4 11 2 6 1 84 Tembgaon 9 1 9 85 Rumadgaon 12 11 5 2 185


Transpott. Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Communications Other SeJ'vices Workers Non-Wurkel'S Location Total SC ST Codu No, (VIII) (IX)

-.---.-~-~.~ -.--~------~ ------M F M F M F M F P M F M F

(3(;) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (~5) (4fi) (47) (48) (1)

21 58 16 33 127 21'15 324 807 3 3 34 41 44 17 5{) 24 12 74 375 500 885 45 16 29 6 ~4 147 226 291 864 46 9 1 27 4 19 7 1(j3 336 693 75 78 4 5 47 9 23 7 4 23 299 4% 1159 25 35 48 5 23 7 23 212 435 520 1791 43 51 49 23 1 42 22 9 306 543 758 2104 50 1 1 50

3~ 1 8fl 31 9 HI7 (j38 752 21;80 64 r.7 51 238 5 455 2,,75 6257 8121 231i92 !f33 824 248 254 20: 4 19 3 13 279 341 lllf) 3 1 52 ., 10 3 I 217 297 !109 13 14 15 14 53 58 273 30 40 223 !lR9 '137\,1 3373 WI 109 54 3 10 1. 57 192 282 3&... 1232 8 3 5 8 55

46 15 9 30 803 1041 3405 ~37 150 3ri 35 5G 5 18 4 10 90 271 332 1333 2G 31) 57 1 8 2 UI 73 158 1Ii3 (,44 8 8 58 5 3 19 42 911 1O!1 375 4 1 59 7 21 HI 133 188 423 53-1 14()4 38 52 60 2 Hi 2 III fj4 234 231 !J71 33 30 45 42 61 5 24 13 iii !ll 447 553 21H4 H8 III 62 10 20 11) 12 20 231 321 !137 23 25 63 13 5(j 8 21 22·1 283 21-;1I 1039 31 31 64 25 42 13 37 28() 634 770 2513 (;2 5fl 65 153 117 38(; 1537 5341 [.71 (;26 104 100 30 5 1 7 94 130 3H7 66 5 11 31 217 211i 11!1l 2() 25 67 5 Iii 6 1 86 3~!1 3H5 18:'3 21 18 68 3 1 43 149 141 833 18 13 69 1 9 1 4 4 224 30.! 671 3 4 70 4 ·t 10 42 133 175 570 71 .2 19 !) 10 1'17 425 4B5 l!1l4 If) 31 72 10 4 8 H; 21,7 21'17 1198 1,1 21 73 3 37 16 11> !t() 27!1 513 1OG2 12 15 74 1 1 28 1GIl 111 117 518 18 31 75 4 17 . 219 251 lOS1 2G 29 8 5 76 8 12 n 65 221i 400 fiM 1671 49 42 77 12 1 (i3 31 22 61 3-17 437 1380 4 4 28 36 78 7 HI 2 4 64 219 324 1180 41 54 79 III 3 16 51 292 5Hl 1387 51 55 13 80 8 1 5 117 139 113 1\29 20 7 81 5 2 2 57 134 llH 517 10 9 6 4 82 1 3U 7 11 55 25!1 329 HOg 83 1 13 (; 53 72 173 274 1138 46 54 84 7 14 4 6 14 143 193 4(i7 85 186


Area of Village No. of Location in Hect- OCl.upied Nu. of Total population Cude Name uf Village al'es and Resi· House­ (induding Institutiunal an'd Total population No. of Town! dential holds Houseless Population) , in the age group (0-6) Ward in Houses sq. kms.

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

86 Diga:; 516.00 190 214 1098 507 591 162 91 71 87 Karivane 618.00 178 203 945 425 520 120 54 66 88 Kinlos 568.00 41 71 3n8 169 189 47 20 27 89 Hil'Iok -.1098.00 165 215 1152 549 603 164 85 79 90 Tulsuli KNarur 757.00 128 149 769 355 414 129 62 67

40 KADAWAL CIRCLE 1~,8!H.OO 4242 5030 ,24564 11113 13451 3019 1535 1484

91 Khutvalwadi 553,00 1RI) 207 1068 513 555 128 79, 49 92 Khochal'Cwadi 512.00 115 124 650 335 315 96 48 48 93 Nivaje 1047.00 149 11',4 913 417 496 165 79 86 94 Narul' 1382.00 213 253 1165 568 597 156 82 74 95 Gothus 1359.00 205 246 1394 688 706 233 122 111 96 Nileli 790.00 116 123 522 264 258 73 41 32 97 Kel'avade K.Nalul' 1279.00 204 232 1199 587 612 224 117 107 98 Chafeli 695.00 75 91 484 235 249 96 47 49 99 NeIUl' KNalUl' 3179.00 283 370 1802 864 938 263 135. 128 100 Anjivade 1144.00 55 75 2R3 130 153 31 19 12 101 Shlvapur 2142.00 228 258 1160 499 661 190 104 86 102 Wasoli 1383.00 101 HI) 596 254 342 74 34 40 103 Upavade 1198.00 93 130 629 260 369 66 32 34 104 Sakil'dc 257.00 43 47 212 89 123 39 16 23 105 Pula>! 1255.00 . 102 128 687 333 354 121 62 59 106 Morc 962.00 106 127 610 303 307 125 65 60 107 Wados 623.00 146 162 746 353 393 126 77 49 108 Amheri 685.00 115 115 566 27!) 296 64 33 31 109 Ghavanale 582.00 131 150 831 374 457 137 57 80 110 Namaspur 527.00 135 167 769 347 422 143 69 74 111 Ghatakarnagar 502.00 161 181 925 411 514 120 58 62 112 Nancli 499.00 123 138 802 372 430 140 7f.i 64 113 Bengaon 156.00 120 158 870 422 448 164 91 73 114 Kanduli 327.00 39 39 213 106 107 43 25 18 115 KaMi 993.00 Ui9 215 1223 535 688 234 101t 126 116 Taligaon 881.110 125 161 955 448 507 137 82 55 U7 Mangaon 203.00 304 335 1697 803 894 247 UO 137 118 Kattagaon 115.00 153 164 852 408 444 113 48 65 119 Namasgaon 134.00 93 93 467 212 255 72 28 44 120 Salgaon 511.00 207 234 1173 54!) 633 170 83 87 121 Jambharmala 5()4.00 286 318 1491 665 826 189 94 95 122 Dholnkarwadi 347.00 120 151 916 416 500 171 83 88 123 Bhattgaon 117.00 80 91 439 204 235 33 18 15

50 MANGAON CIRCLE 26,843.00 4801 5563 28309 13225 15084 4383 2222 2161 KUDAL C.D.BLOCK 81,388.00 23811 27026 131884 61657 70227 17844 9112 8732 187



Cullivators Agricultural LiveHtock, Labourers Forestry, Scheduled Scheduled Total FiHhing, Hunting Location Castes TribeH Literates Main Worker~ and Plantation, Code Orchards and No. allied activities (I-IX) (II) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2n) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

35 34 20 22 352 342 244 211 143 150 6 8 1 86 26 28 321 393 239 311 181 268 16 23 4 1 87 131 102 99 95 57 73 18 13 11 7 88 64 69 421 394 260 187 164 154 211 19 2 89 12 8 236 243 184 In5 134 125 35 30 1 90 534 544 95 113 8133 7781 5259 4972 3758 4272 376 324 66 27 40

374 332 258 228 232 214 12 10 1 1 91 218 159 184 130 no 96 2!'l 23 4 5 92 25 28 338 281 210 187 182 Lfi3 1!'l 2n 93 32 44 5 2 383 337 309 3()2 182 192 56 67 '4 94 13 17 468 401 337 317 183 235 89 62 11 14 95 3 184 146 138 105 81 92 4 3 36 8 96 68 52 14 6 386 333 283 204 131 126 58 57 19 11 97 13 13 154 125 I'll 73 78 57 8 4 18 10 98 83 89 630 564 403 272 301 240 l() 12 16 2 99 10 9 83 80 70 98 58 81 5 14 3 2 100 56 55 17 13 334 361 242 299 159 241 16 25 9 4 101 15 14 197 202 123 183 1n8 176 1 7 102 10 10 185 113 128 128 104 100 13 15 1 2 103 2 1 47 44 55 49 43 42 3 2 3 3 104 22 14 207 125 166 171 126 147 28 19 2 105 9 6 193 187 145 126 114 Ion 15 16 9 10 106 20 37 244 266 145 171 96 141 5 7 4 107 1 11 214 186 139 98 109 75 13 22 108 61 99 252 211 178 208 112 131 52 65 3 1 109 3 2 171 227 147 55 102 42 11 6 3 110 22 24 325 329 166 122 125 115 21 4 III 17 17 7 14 278 259 134 97 86 72 16 22 3 1 112 5 4 284 245 167 55 96 36 12 8 2 1 113 3 2 68 68 52 32 49 31 2 114 58 55 274 361 233 221 171 192 33 26 115 1 332 349 221 144 158 112 35 24 3 1 116 88 83 649 621 406 191 150 113 50 42 16 8 117 1 359 321 182 43 75 16 fi 7 7 1 118 1 13 26 167 152 63 54 39 37 3 3 119 4 2 457 380 240 147 148 125 19 17 8 120 112 131 500 481 296 319 172 225 50 63 3 121 4 6 312 312 188 195 139 172 15 17 2 122 1 176 165 88 46 49 35 10 4 123

739 802 79 85 9443 8723 6217 5070 4068 3972 719 693 190 85 50 3832 4171 664 688 46431 42869 29349 21587 17516 16368 3652 3123 563 185 188


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY OF MAIN WORKERS Manufadul; ng, ManufactUl;ng, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constl1.lctions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commcl"CO No. Hou~chold than Household Industry Industry (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI) (VII)


(1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

86 Digas 1 12 4 51 42 10 87 Karivane 1 2 24 16 2 1 88 Kinlos 1 9 2 1 89 Hirlok 2 2 13 4 1 4 1 90 Tulsuli KNarur 6 5 2 2 1 40 KADAWAL CIRCLE 30 2.0 25 16 209 66 128 66 199 40

91 Khutvalwadi 3 5 92 Khocharewadi 8 6 8 93 Nivaje 1 2 1 94 Narur 32 34 2 5 5 4 7 95 Gothos 1 22 8 5 1 96 Nileli 2 4 97 Keravade K.Na11.lr 2 5 31 2 14 2 98 Chafeb 4 4 2 1 99 Nerur K.N al'ur 1 12 5 , 2 19 11JO Anjivadc 1 1 101 Shivapul' 2 19 15 13 9 5 102 Wasoli 4 1 103 Upavade 2 2 104 Sakirde 1 2 105 Pulas 3 2 2 1 1 106 More 1 1 1 107 Wados 15 8 1 6 5 5 1 108 Amberi 3 109 Ghavanale 5 10 1 1 110 Namaspur 7 3 6 111 Ghatakamagar 1 4 8 112 Nandi 1 16 2 1 113 Bengaon 5 4 24 6 5 4 1 114 Kanduli 115 Kaleli 3 3 1 2 116 Taligaon 1 1 2 2 117 Mangaon 1 1 2 43 1 12 1 66 4 118 Kattagaon 5 17 3 2 33 2 119 Namasgaon 4 4 1 1 4 2 120 Salgaon 14 25 1 2 8 2 121 Jambharmala 1 19 5 2 1 11 2 122 DholakalWadi 2 4 9 3 123 Bhattgaon 2 2 1 1

50 MANGAON CIRCLE 78 47 28 25 265 63 89 13 234 20 KUDAL C.D.BLOCK 309 173 223 152 1643 411 838 281 1313 175 189


Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Communications Other Services Worker;; No n-Worke)'s Locat.ion Total SC ST Code No. (VIII) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (4() (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

7 13 7 26 148 237 232 974 86 2 8 1 13 37 173 172 918 34 40 87 2 24 70 70 335 88 2 44 7 14 104 275 312 1055 58 46 89 1 6 'I 10 68 161 181 651 6 6 90 71 2 397 133 325 1666 5529 6813 24383 473 504 55 45 40

1 1 4 2 2 12 253 315 693 91 19 6 34 151 151 ,356 92 5 4 1 94 206 215 834 31 31 93 4 15 2 27 60 232 235 1034 42 49 94 4 14 5 16 71 335 318 1133 20 20 1 95 3 8 2 41 67 85 86 606 53 35 96 2 21 6 44 114 260 294 849 21 16 1 1 97 8 2 32 112 144 41() 20 19 98 5 38 12 15 208 446 458 2092 77 78 99 2 1 60 55 378 41 36 100 1 20 3 4 75 253 287 1121 46 37 101 1 R 131 159 675 16 16 102 8 9 17 97 115 144 658 37 26 103 4 1 34 74 188 5 3 104 1 4 1 1 1 166 182 894 13 12 105 4 13 26 145 155 447 6 6 106 1 12 9 34 41 174 181 617 25 27 107 14 1 5 26 126 172 542 13 27 108 4 1 15 33 181 216 1654 78 79 109 15 7 43 213 157 154 360 1 110 1 6 3 82 200 lu3 192 907 1 18 16 111 2 9 21 60 .217 273 738 10 13 12 16 112 4 11 3 32 162 223 231 723 3 6 113 1 1 5 44 49 31 182 114 21 2 43 129 259 338 10119 49 53 2 3 115 3 1 18 4 6 51 221 312 1013 3 116 13 54 20 11 108 386 595 1299 81 91 117 7 30 14 11 98 215 303 580 1 1 118 2 12 5 16 32 133 169 538 16 24 119 4 12 2 14 87 286 399 1170 5 12 2 a 120 l() 1 29 21 29 104 340 403 1413 105 115 121 4 14 2 4 34 224 271 811 4 7 7 2 122 1 1 22 5 14 35 102 154 371 123

93 4 453 148 568 2348 6440 7666. 26295 753 781 112 100 50

713 11 2579 708 2202 10640 30106 38t~) 122529 3310 3722 523 " 502 190


A.t1.la No. of of Total population Location Village Occupied No. of (including Code Name of Village in Resi-· House- In~litutional and Total population No. Hoct- dential holds Houji;eless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1 Dongrewadi 225.19 74 78 382 185 197 30 19 11 2 Parwadi 346.24 154 198 864 398 466 98 49 49 3 . Aparadhwadi 301.13 61 63 254 108 146 31 14 17 4 Chindar 381.62 100 105 508 237 271 50 23 27 5 Kumhharwadi 158.76 63 !H 452 185 267 39 20 19 6 Varachi Chawadi ~11.11 101 107 463 218 245 54 34 20 7 Achat..., 156.90 266 302 1447 667 780 215 97 118 8 Jamdul 56.45 60 70 234 104 130 19 16 3 9 Pirawadi 59.46 131 150 655 301 354 76 34 42 10 Gaudwadi 121.81 87 96 410 180 230 59 31 28 11 Bhatwadi (Chindar) 245.40 89 98 465 215 250 53 25 28 12 Gavathanwadi 287.53 166 206 874 392 482 96 52 44 13 Palkarwadi 68.62 20 23 114 45 69 21 7 14 14 Terai 345.89 90 122 557 244 313 61 27 , 34 15 Bhagawantgad 17.17 18 31 147 70 77 17 10 7 16 Sadewadi 306.14 102 135 599 274 325 74 40 34 17 Hirlewadi 518.30 163 172 710 311 399 54 27 27 18 Wayangani 1088.()9 384 455 1839 806 1033 191 88 103 19 Kothewadi 153.92 55 87 271 122 149 39 22 17 20 Gaonkarwada 116.46 51 73 273 113 160' 28 15 13 21 Kandalgaon 514.71 218 223 917 414 503 116 52 64 22 Ham 542.11 302 311 1272 552 720 112 56 56 23 Tundavali 532.44 338 375 1425 659 766 123 63 60 24 Juva Pankhol 61.54 37 51 186 79 107 19 8 11 25 Oza1' 233.07 128 130 435 192 243 51 23 28 26 Shemad Ranewadi 519.49 127 139 688 308 380 79 35 44 27 Mahanwadi 594.82 139 140 596 267 329 53 26 27 28 Nhive 761.16 218 218 955 432 523 104 47 57 29 Revandi 139.51 67 76 262 117 145 27 12 15 30 Sarjekot 66.70 169 194 922 445 477 116 65 51 31 Kolamh 178.89 216 242 1060 500 560 95 47 48 10 ACHARE cmCLE 9,610.63 4194 4761 20236 9140 11096 2200 1084 1116

32 Kudopi 887.72 93 93 387 175 212 49 26 23 33 Budhavale 919.64 143 148 614 257 357 81 37 44- 34 Math Bk. 1554.55 168 205 984 438 546 132 73 59 35 Nirom 742.40 181 182 860 379 481 129 75 54 36 Gothane R49.65 201 212 962 419 543 75 48 27 37 Ramgad 685.56 214 234 960 460 500 91 50 41 38 Shrawan 809.77 212 222 932 411 521 110 55 55 39 Gavaliwadi 229.10 52 60 274 119 155 29 16 13 40 Palasamb 738.13 94 126 530 237 293 50 28 22 41 Gavathan 435.57 67 98 463 194 269 49 23 26 42 Bagadwadi 625.05 103 103 539 247 292 64 22 42 43 Trimbak 103.92 116 116 589 268 321 33 33 44 Bagavewadi 71.71 57 57 244 104 140 33 12 21 45 Palikadilwadi 215.20 69 72 339 145 194 37 17 . 20 46 Ghadiwadi 500.85 113 138 648 308 340 76 42 34 191



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (ll) (m)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

153 141 101 37 66 29 30 8 1 6 3 308 290 148 88 54 54 11 6 4 1 2 4 6 66 83 40 49 33 49 1 5 3 199 187 127 72 60 55 22 6 4 154 170 46 23 2B 19 2 1 5 165 169 106 28 49 12 9 11 6 49 75 534 488 314 109 138 57 46 26 1 7 87 88 40 37 16 1 10 27 8 2 8 2 1 256 241 140 91 103 22 9 24 27 137 136 65 10 32 1 5 8 10 173 151 77 24 44 21 15 1 2 1 11 36 47 319 306 166 182 115 142 19 31 12 33 34 25 18 25 18 13 193 176 115 73 85 66 17 6 14 56 61 31 3 14 1 10 1 15 25 26 198 189 93 42 49 21 2 16 255 237 133 54 78 38 21 11 9 17 97 119 685 750 445 269 304 188 61 55 18 96 90 66 59 42 56 1 1 19 93 _ 107 59 58 45 26 13 31 20 72 82 337 298 181 80 95 48 39 13 8 21 11 18 467 463 283 240 240 221 8 9 1 22 15 18 574 536 304 - 205 121 81 59 10 91 11 23 68 69 52 36 48 34 4 2 24 160 129 83 40 41 16 15 6 2 3 25 254 253 143 72 80 56 22 13 1 26 233 186 135 102 107 44 20 54 27 8 9 371 363 180 118 79 94 26 18 4 1 28 12 8 88 88 53 15 15 15 7 3 1 29 365 352 200 64 7 9 1 129 1 30 2 1 2 1 422 421 223 149 55 61 27 33 9 3 31 357 437 8 4 7499 7252 4174 2447 2165 1518 531 387 388 46 10 16 22 124 118 97 108 56 72 39 36 32 19 25 187 180 161 155 115 82 28 65 1 33 6 9 299 296 210 237 177 222 12 11 34 26 26 278 282 164 152 144 126 7 26 35 6 2 1 302 271 210 161 177 147 12 10 2 1 36 31 35 370 319 253 236 153 185 47 43 37 37 37 330 328 233 314 176 269 13 21 2 38 86 79 64 70 50 61 2 6 2 3 39 13 13 155 157 161 210 124 191 3 19 11 40 20 39 156 169 95 130 84 121 3 6 41 9 15 209 190 122 93 72 65 17 16 1 42 41 56 227 194 122 81 50 55 27 20 1 43 87 90 52 41 24 27 4 9 44 14 17 116 100 65 35 42 30 7 3 45 20 17 110 168 130 99 89 86 24 7 1 46

Y 4413-14 192



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name orthe Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in oth(lr Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [VCa)] [V(h)] (VI) (VII)


(1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1 Dongrewadi 1 3 2 Parwadi 7 6 8 13 10 12 3 3 Aparadhwadi 1 4 Chindar 8 1 21 8 5 Kumbharwadi 2 6 Varachi Chawadi 9 1 2 9 1 7 Achare 36 4 14 29 4 8 Jamdul 4 5 1 9 Pirawadi 4 1 3 10 58 10 Gaudwadi 1 3 7 3 11 Bhatwadi (Chindar) 1 6 1 12 Gavathanwadi 2 3 7 13 Palkarwadi 14 Terai 1 4 4 15 Bhagawantgad 1 1 1 16 Sadewadi 31 15 2 17 Hirlewadi 4 1 1 7 18 Wayangani 4 14 11 2 12 26 3 19 Kothewadi 1 15 4 20 Gaonkarwada 21 Kandalgaon 3 6 2 2 8 22 Hadi 1 1 3 2 9 1 4 23 Tondavali 4 19 3 13 76 24 Juva Pankhol 25 Ozar 2 2 9 3 4 2 1 26 Shemad Ranewadi 15 8 27 Mahanwadi 1 28 Nhive 9 3 9 16 29 Revandi 4 7 4 8 30 Sarjekot 16 3 2 16 35 31 Kolamb 4 14 3 13 11 58 25 10 ACHARE CIRCLE 40 23 20 24 166 52 108 22 288 219 32 Kndopi 33 Budhavale 6 2 3 2 34 Math Bk. 3 4 1 5 35 Nirom 3 36 Gothane 2 3 4 37 Ramgad 14 5 10 38 Shrawan 5 7 7 3 3 9 2 39 Gavaliwadi 2 1 40 Palasanih 1 8 4 4 41 Gavathan 1 2 42 Bagadwadi 3 1 3 2 8 43 Trimbak 15 2 6 44 Bagavewadi 2 2 1 45 Palikadilwadi 12 1 1 46 Ghadiwadi 1 2 1 1 193 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total Be ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

1 34 111 50 49 407 1 3 36 8 37 41 213 337 622 1 1 2 3 13 65 84 272 6 6 3 8 7 3 12 110 187 491 <1 14 3 32 65 107 179 493 5 3 25 3 4 46 lOS 171 527 3 1 6 10 40 18 12 162 341 509 718 7 1 2 2 6 62 87 240 8 5 8 15 2 3 2 158 261 695 8 2 9 4- 5 6 2 58 113 162 505 21 18 10 9 19 26 119 200 299 11 6 17 6 4 7 222 293 904 12 9 12 14 20 37 325 13 1 3 1 7 39 122 201 574 14 4 1 6 40 33 34 152 15 9 6 14 60 167 223 511 2 4 16 3 9 5 20 42 158 303 833 17 2 25 7 21 265 340 499 1995 10 13 5 7 18 2 1 2 1 23 55 67 249 19 1 1 7 54 95 321 20 11 13 13 6 133 227 290 537 38 52 21 4 13 6 19 115 250 365 611 17 20 22 3 10 8 21 128 334 433 1536 23 1 27 70 208 1 24 2 6 9 5 66 104- 137 559 25 3 14- 3 10 41 155 267 672 26 3 4 4 1 32 131 195 611 27 26 11 2 26 110 226 295 920 28 4 2. 34 62 96 291 14 11 29 13 16 16 7 30 238 383 903 30 23 2 20 11 7 35 270 376 1005 8 10 31 136 10 332 146 325 1764 4641 6885 18986 140 147 6 7 10

2 10 14 68 90 400 8 15 41 33 32 8 4 1 29 95 173 845 52 34 55 52 33 3 6 3 6 18 222 291 1424 3 10 219 224 34 3 7 3 19 212 310 965 23 23 15 18 ' 35 6 4 3 14 103 195 279 1174 41 40 36 3 21 8 70 207 194 1020 13 9 59 49 37 5 13 12 1 11 177 196 1013 40 46 1 2 38 7 4 20 51 65 257 39 5 1 76 83 554 3 5 40 1 4 3 2 1 97 138 423 41 6 11 10 13 52 112 147 520 8 8 42 1 1 21 4 42 54 104 186 544 6 7 43 7 13 4 5 31 47 68 236 44- 2 1 1 2 65 78 94 344 2 2. 45 2 10, 5 178 241 644 25 25 46

Y 4413-14<1 194


Area No. of of Total population Wcation Village Occupied No. of (including Code Name of Village . in Resi- House- Institutional anll Total population No. Heet- dential holds Houseless Population)' in the age group (0.6) ares Houses

P M F P M ·F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

47 Advali 128.62 33 40 176 73 103 17 9 8 48 Bhatwadi 223.34 50 61 263 127 136 . 36 21 15 49 Maldi 106.99 41 44 163 78 85 17 10 7 50 Chunavare 554.39 116 140 616 280 336 73 43 30 51 Rathivade 730.90 172 199 988 461 527 135 77 58 52 Asagani 677.69 126 144 787 353 434 126 62 64 53 Kirlos 601.92 125 . 149 655 299 356 103 57 46 54 Amavane 344.80 78 101 472 197 275 70 37 33 55 Asarondi 1194.64 279 347 1478 653 825 176 92 84 56 Shirvande 1214.16 301 335 1642 736 906 175 99 76 57 Hiwale 1285.53 291 324 1515 680 835 187 86 101 58 Poip 1468.59 333 405 1801 824 977 222 121 101 59 Ovaiiye 849.96 224 306 1590 704 886 219 112 107 60 Hedul 848.72 243 275 1391 613 778 114 80 34 61· Khotale 780.61 150 196 834 346 488 95 47 48 62 Waingavade 876.18 190 210 926 411 51Q 103 48 55 20 SHRAWAN CIRCLE 21,255.86 4635 5342 24622 10996 13626 2906 1558 1348 63 Palayewadi 479.24 117 129 572 242 330 70 33 37 64 Koil 271.10 63 63 205 79 126 30 14 16 65 Malond 321.97 101 101 512 227 285 35 17 18 66 Dangmode 218.83 23 26 114 53 61 12 6 6 67 Bandiwade Kh. 96.73 26 26 100 43 57 10 7 3 68 Bandiwade Bk. 457.15 96 106 438 199 . 239 52 26 26 69 Malewadi 107.73 63 76 349 154 195 25 12 13 70 Masure 114.29 210 237 953 439 514 90 48 42 71 Sayyad Juva 27.13 32 33 134 61 73 7 6 1 72 Marde 206.07 165 211 786 350 436 94 47 47 73 Wadi Dangmode 137.63 61 62 272 108 164 42 17 25 74 Margtad 197.81 54 63 218 102 116 16 9 7 75 Weral 693.89 144 187 813 377 436 81 48 33 76 Belachiwadi 381.96 98 98 505 211 294 61 29 32 77 Masade 337.05 143 170 794 372 422 88 43 45 78 Wadachapat 703.45 225 225 ' 990 460 530 108 58 50 79 Khervand 90.93 39 40 139 62 77 11 5 6' 80 Deulwada 460.53 302 354 1392 632 760 162 81 81 81 19Jagvane 259.45 49 68 296 125 171 35 17 18 82 Khanjanwadi 190.31 62 69 246 102 144 17 7 10 B3 Chandar 663.32 57 90 411 183 228 54 31 23 84 Kava 249.75 102 105 486 218 268 54 32 22 85 Anganewadi 538.02 77 86 357 159 198 42 22 20 86 Bhogalewadi 288.55 62 65 254 107 147 21 10 11 87· Golwan 1033.82 330 330 1519 675 844 ·177 88 89 88 Dikval 565.16 71 76 351 158 193 66 33 33 89 Kuma:me 495.35 79 84 449 227 222 37 17 20 90. Malgaon 1154.41 282 285 1400 660 740 130 66 64 91 Bilvas 387.40 136 160 629 284 345 46 21 25 30 MASURE CIRCLE 11,129.03 3269 3625 15684 7069 8615 1673 850 823 195



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (Ill)

M F .M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

53 68 22 3 10 2 2 47 97 80 53 4 35 1 1 ~ 61 49 30 15 19 13 3 2 2 49 21 26 217 216 124 111 101 102 8 4 50 1 344 287 217 138 88 112 35 22 2 51 52 60 250 227 155 72 137 65 7 52 93 112 206 173 151 128 121 126 6 1 3 53 137 130 90 109 74 106 3 1 1 54 53 71 480 479 252 194 130 103 55 58 10 3 55 55 70 542 475 308 242 234 177 44 53 1 56 24 15 506 455 329 261 223 241 10 7 30 2 57 38 55 633 560 420 343 242 267 41 31 1 58 94 110 492 472 3~ 49 241 39 68 5 12 59 13 20 467 428 329 263 272 247 7 8 60 11 9 244 269 163 217 126 198 17 11 61 2 4 319 382 186 173 133 131 33 40 62

714 864 2 1 8084 7691 5316 4444 3719 3669 579 525 92 22 20 25 23 186 188 126 97 32 13 63 79 63 8 14 63 53 37 41 30 33 4 4 64 12 14 181 164 112 20 99 16 5 4 65 42 42 24 24· 11 18 5 5 1 66 34 42 21 21 14 14 4 5 67, 29 32 154 146 114 120 63 79 35 38 68 133 140 73 51 54 38 10 8 69 47 62 281 358 229 156 104 8 50 129 4 70 52 57 24 13 14 10 2 2 1 71 17 18 13 8 269 259 153 32 54 8 9 5 3 72 86 81 53 49 42 47 3 73 85 75 47 41 33 36 2 3 74 33 47 288 263 198 272 156 253 12 8 5 75 19 24 156 105 109 90 79 73 13 15 76 30 23 1 1 298 269 193 I'll 79 64 44 45 2 1 77 67 71 381 326 238 171 195 158 22 11 78 54 61 26 4 13 2 79 60 55 523 486 257 115 166 72 20 25 5 1 80 108 102 65 61 50 54 8 . 3 81 83 90 65 81 55 72 4 9 82 134 100 87 15 66 11 3 83 165 162 114 29 75 17 31 12 84 135 148 70 59 42 46 9 5 85 89 87 58 35 41 31 3 86 67 91 434 508 313 248 173 162 74 67 16 8 87 28 34 111 97 86 79 45 52 27 16 7 88 19 13 '13 15 176 163 117 81 76 65 16 10 12 2 89 42 59 4 3 543 475 375 350 298 316 22 23 4 3 90 15 15 245 224 121 45 86 34 15 4 91· 518 595 31 27 5489 5271 3505 2521 2245 1800 515 535 61· 16 30 196



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Houoohold than Household Industry Industry (IV) [Veal] [v(b)] (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) 47 Advali 2 48 Bhatwadi 2 2 49 Maldi 1 1 50 Chunavare 1 5 1 1 2 51 Rathivade 62 7 4 52 Asagani 1 1 2 53 !GrIos 9 1 2 54 Antavane 2 2 55 Asarondi 6 5 2 6 4 10 1 56 Shirvande 7 1 9 1 57 Hiwale 1 23 6 2 58 POip 26 2 35 19 28 5 59 Ovaliye 4 7 60 Hedul 1 24 1 6 61 Khotale 1 2 3 62 Waingavade 1 2 3 3 20 SHRAWAN CmCLE 7 5 14 12 245 lli 88 23 139 14

63 Palayewadi 10 3 2 64 Koil 65 Malond 1 5 66 Dangmode 1 67 Bandiwade Kh. 1 68 Bandiwade Bk. 3 3 2 1 69 Malewadi 1 3 3 70 Masure 7 8 3 2 25 71 Sayyad Juva 6 72 Marde 5 5 14 2 5 26 3 ·73 Wadi Dangmode 2 2 1 74 Margtad 3 75 Weral 1 3 6 1 3 76 Belachiwadi 1 1 2 I 7 77 Masade 3 11 5 18 2 78 Wadachapat 5 5 4 79 Khervand - 80 Deulwada 8 11 7 9 9 81 Magvane 1 1 82 Khanjanwadi 3 83 Chandar 13 5 4 .R4 Kava 2 2 85 Anganewadi 3 5 . 1 86 Bhogalewadi 7 1 87 Golwan 11 5 3 8 88 DikvaI 5. 8 1 1 89 Kumame 2 2 3 2 2 90 Malgaon 2 2 4 2 1 16 91 Bilvas 2 4

30 MASURE CIRCLE 7 2 17 26 115 26 53 5 153 11: 197 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total SC ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

2 6 1 51 100 238 47 1 12 3 1 74 131 132 48 2 2 1 48 69 179 49 4 2 4 9 81 147 144 705 6 6 50 2 1 17 3 4 17 24-0 372 846 24 8 51 8 6 14 24 184 338 765 66 50 52 1 8 1 8 66 140 162 745 53 56 33 28 53 1 7 2 107 166 448 18 25 54 6 25 22 33 64 368 567 1388 29 38 55 1 12 10 81 334 347 330 1653 18 16 56 1 33 11 17 167 334 407 1531 43 35 57 8 39 19 1 89 403 545 1941 48 51 59 55 58 16 5 3 488 353 349 1607 91 108 59 2 16 8 8 149 276 366 1406 6 16 60 1 13 8 1 183 270 838 2 4 61 1 12 2 7 223 335 961 3 5 62 72 2 361 161 283 1976 5397 7206 25746 570 575 543 528 20

3 13 5 2 94 114 139 643' 28 31 13 11 63 3 4 42 85 239 4 3 64 2 25 153 90 112 622 12 15 65 6 1 5 3 24 34 159 2 2 66 2 2 22 36 117 67 1 7 2 5 11 80 108 489 24. 25 13 8 68 3 4 5 59 76 85 437 69 10 26 9 26 78 184 280 1048 70 1 1 5 11 32 49 178 71 3 34 9 52 130 145 274 918 16 21 5 4 72 3 1 1 56 55 59 277 1 73 3 6 2 55 75 299 74 3 14 5 179 164 841 1 1 75 5 2 102 204 521 14 23 76 12 19 9 4 10 175 291 777 20 26 77 1 6 2 1 12 221 347 994 19 16 78 11 4 1 9 35 64 167 79 9 24 6 67 189 308 456 1570 25 22 80 1 4 4 5 24 55 86 322 81 1 2 1 37 62 297 82 2 96 211 435 83 2 2 8 122 96 117 514 84 4 7 7 2 1 87 138 353 1 85 1 6 3 49 112 242 3 6 1 2 86 5 23 6 2 41 360 555 1509 19 32 87 1 2 4 9 68 105 339 24 33 88 3 3 7 110 134- 367 16 12 89 10 18 4 8 80 277 310 1362 14 19 90 2 1 12 6 10 59 153 241 714 14 12 91

80 1 259 99 237 1161 3327 4933 16750 257 299 32 25 30 198


Area No. of of Total population wcation Village Occupied No. of (including Code Name of Village in Resi- House· Institutional and Total population No. Hect· dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0·6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

92 Ghumade 232.72 81 99 495 231 264 45 21 24 93 Nandrukh 909.67 203 205 850 383 467 111 65 46 94 Ambados 1163.10 159 159 727 313 414 104 46 58 95 Katvad 341.06 84 92 434 203 231 48 21 27 96 Anandvhal 126.85 127 139 675 312 363 77 44 33 97 Kumbhannath \721.70 146 173 753 371 382 87 49 38 98 Karlachavhal 398.58 48 55 244 118 126 32 13 19 99 Chauke 853.42 232 356 1548 688 860 199 103 96 100 Wayari 284.77 461 585 2697 1307 1390 268 137 131 101 Kalethar 256.31 106 108 436 193 243 48 24 24 102 Tarkarli 103.48 366 401 1779 855 924 183 98 85 103 Devbag 113.26 587 608 2944 1468 1476 375 195 180 104 Devli 1292.43 244 257 1133 509 624 118 55 63 105 Waghavane 289.67 130 130 590 267 323 61 30 31 i06 Wak 215.66 94 119 530 227 303 63 31 32 107 Amberi 450.17 63 78 356 179 177 40 22 18 108 Mala 137.62 59 70 295 135 160 27 11 16 109 Dh,amapur 1016.33 301 313 1350 604 746 157 80 77 40 MALWAN CIRCLE 8,906.80 3491 3947 17836 8363 9473, 2043 1045 998 110 Chafekhol 847.51 123 130 601 277 324 78 48 30 III Nagzar 211.80 42 45 178 77 101 26 9 17 112 Tembwadi 74.61 53 54 213 89 124 12 7 5 113 Kunkavale 499.02 96 98 384 174 210 24 14 10 114 Guram N agari 489.20 315 319 1428 634 794 183 86 97 115 Nandos 853.87 ,385 395 1766 778 988 201 104 97 116 Tiravde 511.80 149 152 643 280 363 66 36 30 117 Sukalwad 371.27 289 298 1432 664 768 181 88 93 118 Talgaon 452.20 160 214 865 394 471 100 48 52 119 Mhavlunge 354.03 130 154 657 302 355 70 39 31 120 Kusarave 855.81 301 312 1382 658 724 153 81 72 121 Katta 174.90 238 252 1119 542 577 127 64 63 122 Salel 715.17 137 167 714 331 383 69 39 30 123 Mogarne 275.71 69 85 301 130 171 31 13 18 124 Pendur 799.81 385 417 1878 849 1029 208 107 101 - 125 Sonarwadi 147.10 49 59 303 148 155 44 26 18 126 Bhandarwada 78.06 172 192 878 381 497 113 60 53 127 Warad 761.70 228 241 988 432 556 114 57 57 128 Pedave 121.96 84 84 340 145 195 40 21 19 129 Khand 158.15 85 98 392 167 225 34 19 15 130 Kharare 206.44 127 155 701 324 377 136 40 96 131 Parad 118.49 76 96 422 209 213 45 26 19 132' Malkewadi 338.52 68 106 482 226 256 50 22 28 133 Parabwada 234.26 114 123 561 243 318 64 28 36 134 Kalse 205.44 183 237 1088 498 590 134 74 60 135 Bagwadi 175.53 78 84 423 197 226 52 24 28 : 50 PENDUR CmCLE 10,032.36 4136 4567 20139 9149 10990 2355 n8G 1175 MALWAN C.D.Block 60,934.68 19725 22242 98517 44717 53800 11177 5717 5460 199



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

20 23 196 175 134 135 107 111 1 16 4 2 92 5 9 292 248 191 125 117 79 1 1 10 18 93 25 34 229 236 152 175 76 111 33 48 11 7 94 144 153 88 r03 29 45 12 34 18 3 95 233 283 165 45 94 20 51 13 4 96 1 276 148 202 41 49 15 4 6 20 1 97 94 66 49 36 19 4 25 31 1 98 116 159 491 458 348 279 70 35 85 175 2 99 10 9 7 5 1070 942 660 433 115 76 87 86 242 18 100 156 150 108 58 42 15 42 27 10 2 101 5 3 702 614 375 81 8 2 26 21 249 10 102' 18 1 1142 847 681 171 15 12 11 11 472 49 103 112 127 380 330 277 252 134 135 100 94 4 2 104 204 198 151 68 141 66 1 105 175 185 115 99 72 67 22 28 1 106 148 114 82 24 58 16 11 4 107 17 19 109 97 81 61 46 36 29 23 108 129 134 8 8 486 500 303 349 124 146 114 188 7 3 109 457 517 17 13 6527 5744 4162 2535 1316 991 655 806 1053 117 0020 20 24 204 195 156 221 149 207 2 12 110 61 63 41 30 19 27 4 1 2 III 46 94 35 26 24 14 8 11 112 25 23 139 163 57 43 43 38 5 2 1 113 13 17 4 5 505 490 332 308 218 234 28 53 19 5 114 114 113 585 561 392 391 302 355 27 10 115 19 24 215 195 146 126 125 117 5 6 2 116 98 111 64 55 509 344 364 209 2()8 177 34 13 117 99 109 312 228 185 160 97 68 76 87 1 118 247 231 140 113 100 97 17 14 119 13 16 70 77' 511 464 348 175 194 130 44 30 3 120 23 24 1 1 467 447 277 48 43 11 15 1 6 121 38 38 264 228 188 170 125 123 , 29 35 1 122 102 88 51 52 29 41 14 9 123 63 90 704 625 351 276 236 243 38 22 1 1 124 112 101 72 61 47 59 6 1 125 94 120 267 272 239 242 151 151 66 70 126 335 343 233 205 160 159 30 36 2 127 115 12.5 46 27 39 24 2 2 128 138 144 67 61 49 56 7 2 129 57 74 221 243 196 242 171 220 15 20 130 17 11 172 144 91 51 65 34 20 11 131 202 162 126 80 53 46 39 29 2 132 18 19 215 216 121 116 76 88 13 19 4 1 133 104 122 367 355 256 254 124 148 58 77 3 134 164 147 107 110 88 96 11 12 135 815 935 139 138 '7179 6668 4617 3797 2935 2963 613 585 46 8 50 2861 3348 197 183 34778 32626. 21774 15744 12380 10941 2893 2838 1640 209 200



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [VCa}] [V(b)) (VI) (VlI)


(1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (3l) (32) (33) (34) (35)

92 Ghumade 1 1 1 3 93 Nandrukh 18 12 10 4 5 1 94 Ambados 10 6 2 2 2 2 95 Katvad 1 1 2 13 1 7 1 16 96 Anandvhal 1 2 1 11 97 Kumbharmath 4 1 5 35 2 10 31 11 98 Karlachavhal 1 1 99 Chauke 69 20 1 4 4 34 21 18 2 100 Wayari 28 17 5 6 38 80 40 4 46 111 101 Kalethar 2 10 5 1 2 102 Tarkarli 19 5 5 26 24 103 Devbag 11 3 6 23 69 104 Devli 2 3 3 16 8 1 5 105 Waghavane 3 1 106 Wak 10 3 2 107 Amberi 2 3 108 Mala 2 1 109 Dhamapur 1 1 17 13 10

40 MALWAN CIRCLE 133 51 16 17 171 107 147 37 175 252 110 Chafekhol 3 111 Nagzar 10 1 2 112 Tembwadi 1 113 Kunkavale 1 114 Guram N agari 3 8 3 5 2 5 15 2 115 Nandos 21 5 13 12 7 116 Tiravde 5 2 1 117 Sukalwad 3 25 3 3 54 3 118 Talgaon 1 1 3 1 119 Mhavlunge 3 1 120 Kusarave 4 18 5 26 3 121 Katta 2 27 7 10 4 108 2 122 Salel 15 8 1 2 123 Mogarne 2 3 2 2 124 Pendur 1 1 15 13 2 125 Sonarwadi 4 6 126 Bhandarwada 10 19 2 1 127 Warad 1 13 5 1 128 Pedave 2 1 129 Khand 1 130 Kharare 3 1 131 Parad 1 1 132 Malkewadi 3 7 133 Parabwada 6 5 134 Kalse 1 11 31 26 7 135 BagWadi 1 3 50 PENDUR CIRCLE 20 8 20 4 191 39 73 44 269 16

MALWAN C.D.Block 207 89 87 83 888 235 469 131 1024 512 201


Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total SC ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 2 1 15 4 11 97 118 550 21 18 92 7 23 10 192 342 800 6 10 93 5 1 7 4 2 26 159 213 637 20 28 94 1 5 2 8 39 107 89 418 95 6 6 1 2 175 145 143 653 96 23 1 21 4 169 341 699 30 30 97 2 1 69 90 256 98 38 9 29 11 1 23 339 558 1538 103 141 99 21 3 38 32 17 89 630 868 2397 9 4 1 2 100 2 4 2 9 54 76 131 545 1 101 10 4 32 15 32 93 448 750 1797 102 7 136 27 200 657 587 648 2921 103 5 12 5 1 1 231 371 1172 111 142 104 6 1 135 116 120 531 105 5 4 4 47 108 157 559 106 2 6 4 2 52 95 101 407 107 3 2 2 6 52 93 304 14 18 108 3 14 9 15 301 382 1386 100 87 109 134 19 362 138 280 1423 3921 5515 17570 415 475 1 2 40 1 1 2 121 103 601 10 18 110 2 1 2 2 36 69 160 111 1 1 1 10 35 44 63 295 112 5 3 2 13 38 104 129 405 31 34 113 7 24 9 18 101 284 385 1420 5 4 114 1 21 9 17 139 369 458 871 116 117 3 3 115 1 7 1 8 54 126 183 658 15 20 116 9 28 13 4 101 296 458 1526 97 112 45 30 117 1 7 2 9 81 200 230 1261 89 104 118 3 16 2 20 88 142 154 264 119 10 44 12 6 45 304 504 1404 13 6 71 60 120 17 49 23 2 3 263 526 1148 7 7 5 4 121 7 1 8 3 143 213 732 33 34 122 1 16 20 63 99 352 123 13 33 8 40 127 458 626 1712 63 93 124 2 7' 1 3 1 73 93 1712 125 4 6 1 1 58 141 197 780 126 4 18 9 2 22 197 329 1292 99 119 127 1 1 1 5 56 94 112 365 1 128 5 5 3 12 26 88 138 443 129 6 2 128 135 1019 53 67 130 2 3 5 22 70 96 92 476 14 11 131 5 17 5 22 100 154 560 1 132 3 14 8 122 202 693 133 5 16 3 242 336 858 119 133 134 2 2 2 7 9 83 107 455 135 111 1 339 129 215 1098 .4317 6095 21462 765 879 125 97 50 533 33 1653 673 1340 7422 21603 30634 455 202


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi - House- (including Institutional and Total population No. Hect- dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1 Vljaydurg 520.97 421 425 1938 931 1007 258 131 127 2 Rameshwar (N.V.) 1648.95 377 378 1935 898 1037 298 150 148 3 Girye 1027.73 450 502 2594 1166 1428 368 181 187 4 Thakurwadi (N.V.) 613,45 157 218 1252 590 662 160 82 78 5 Tidot 603.56 418 422 2203 1032 1171 291 145 146 6 Moulgaon (N. V.) '386.46 83 i08 607 270 337 88 47 41 7 Wadaker Poi 54.73 7 16 124 58 66 23 12 11 ·8 Saundale 1516.66 172 303 ISO! 842 959 311 164 147 9 Kasaba Waghotan 38.32 162 224 1321 692 629 224 126 98 10 Mouje Waghotan 1051.02 37 42 313 157 156 62 29 33 11 Padel 1315.41 523 595 3273 1549 1724 474 251 223 12 Kalambai (N.V.) 415.20 94 157 954 428 526 168 83 85 13 Hurshi eN.V.} 501.70 98 205 1122 530 592 179 87 92 14 Pural ,394.22 127 252 1272 583 689 142 54 88 15 Wade 893.80 412 419 1973 928 1045 198 92 106 16' Nadan 1481.52 288 325 1865 878 987 277 148 129 17 Chinehwad (N.V.) 327.00 121 121 428 157 271 33 14 19 18 Malegaon (N.V.) 235.00 160 168 910 408 502 160 B6 74 19 Mond 1133.47 289 321 1606 765 841 223 122 101 20 Mondpar eN.V.) 235.00 176 178 872 399 473 113 56 57 21 Virwadi (N.V.) 192.09 92 92 448 212 236 49 28 21 22 Wadetar (N.V.) 326.63 71 89 327 135 192 38 14 24 23 Phanase (N.V.) 517.40 154 156 727 323 404 102 56 46 24 Padvane (N.V.) 649.81 136 145 695 324 371 83 41 42 PADEL CIRCLE 16080.10 5025 5861 30560 14255 16305 4322 2199 2123 25 Palekarwadi eN.V.) 1086.48 197 209 1147 539 608 199 113 86 26 Mutat 1047.22 282 368 1909 872 1037 252 125 127 27 Manche 894.94 381 438 2140 986 1154 303 145 158 28 Malpewadi (N.V.) 334.04 106 106 608 278 330 112 60 52 29 Pomhhurle 923.99 304 328 1754 841 913 246 135 III 30 Dhalavali 537.90 211 253 1187 536 651 178 88 90 31 Korle 655.62 96 166 717 332 385 105 52 53 32 Kunkawan 989.74 175 251 1114 471 643 134 68 66 33 Undil 612.74 107 156 767 313 454 111 51 60 34 Phana.'lgaon 1239.24 216 295 1669 748 921 244 135 109 35 Goval 1263.66 176 176 897 405 492 112 66 46 36 Patgaon 955.89 150 178, 938 430 508 155 81 74 37 Pendhari 925.67 165 165 915 408 507 124 67 57 38 Juveshwar (N.V.) 762.41 140 147 988 457 531 198 104 94 39 Baparde 694.33 '·184 248 1293 606 687 158 78 80 40 Wanivade 276.20 91 136 718 340 378 97· 51 46 41 Pavnai (N.V.) 588.80 121 163 937 421 516 123 57 66 42 Somlewadi eN.V.) 380.73 92 92 552 271 281 98 52 46 43 Vitthaladevi (N.V.) 720.50 150 154 736 344 392 58 39 19 44 Burahavade 573.87 177 177 780 334 446 100 50 50 45 Welgave 488.96 83 95 406 175 231 45 22 23 46 Waghivare 614.43 86 96 479 214 265 ' 67 47 20 47 Mahalunge 1403.68 199 199 983 438 545 133 62 71 48 Nad 1074.96 221 221 1001 461 540 160 80 80 49 Gavane 523.53 156 158 765 349 416 97 50 47 50 Shiravali 795.63 131 131 621 281 940 82 41 41 PATGAON CIRCLE 20365.16 4397 5106 26021 11850 14171 3691 1919 1172 203



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Ttibes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (Il) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

23 23 741 601 448 210 30 37 26 79 63 10 1 624 515 464 401 282 309 124 80 16 2 806 593 550 511 325 352 47 95 43 3 . 444 436 247 184 47 63 14 5 91 4 6 6 721 628 507 413 375 348 62 50 9 5 197 191 123 161 105 156 6 3 6 6 37 29 27 20 15 10 8 10 2 7 570 451 426 488 308 410 57 53 1 8 4 5 357 229 383 118 226 82 22 6 9 24 R4 81 25 42 19 4 2 3 10 63 69 1132 940 767 560 473 459 92 73 1 11 309 264 250 226 235 222 3 1 12 403 308 306 343 234 274 44 64 13 13 14 428 345 295 212 132 124 86 65 14 26 24 748 646 462 255 196 141 87 89 3 15 3 4 620 573 416 264 247 195 86 58 6 16 116 152 61 59 18 21 34 38 17 260 213 195 66 171 53 6 8 18 26 21 21 19 534 466 352 161 195 127 35 10 19 3 1 288 257 179 127 135 111 12 8 2 20 169 139 55 30 18 9 13 21 116 91 54 27 28 .23 4 4 22 257 220 149 175 66 102 64 67 23 251 215 128 54 95 24 8 13 2 24 164 166 24 20 10152 8586 6925 5090 3998 3671 944 877 252 60 10 361 314 244 69 203 59 3 2 25 10 12 614 541 438 486 276 308 70 158 3 26 10 14 577 645 509 508 327 392 29 34 43 1 27 8 9 170 145 156 60 91 9 5 15 27 4 28 71 98 407 409 443 309 288 231 70 55 4 29 21 26 383 305 268 205 93 72 20 21 17 3 30 31 45 225 195 157 144 119 126 14 11 31 8 7 315 248 211 215 172 175 14 30 32 2 1 221 243 149 105 134 99 1 1 33 8 11 504 509 357 242 272 228 21 6 34 205 179 189 230 173 217 6 8 35 283 222 207 125 178 118 2 2 1 36 268 223 225 184 212 175 1 4 37 263 202 225 204 165 81 24 94 38 47 67 479 396 285 298 237 287 11 6 1 39 257 230 145 144 112 109 14 17 3 40 330 315 227 266 177 248 13 13 1 41 146 82 146 174 136 173 42 270 201 152 12 91 1 43 242 242 185 248 117 202 15 29 44 127 102 78 53 75 53 45 1 134 140 107 130 89 123 11 5 46 1 330 279 245 328 218 320 11 6 47 19 16 304 239 242 199 222 192 7 1 2 48 22 17 234 172 204 190 160 181 2 5 49 10 5 221 196 151 86 143 78 7 50

269 327 2 1 7870 6974 5945 5214 4480 4256 363 522 105 15 20 204



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing. Processing, Lx:ation Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Const.ructions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [Veal] [V{b)] (VI) CVII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1 Vijaydurg 4 2 57 ·3 8 74 30 2 Rameshwar (N.V.) 1- 1 8 4 7 .3 Girye 1 16 1 27 32 36 4 Thakuhvadi (N.V.) 40 51 26 4 5 Tirlot 1 9 13 12 3 6 Moulgaon (N.V.) 2 1 1 7 Wadaker Po'i 2 8 Saundale 7 5 2 31 14 9 9 Kasaba Waghotan 115 23 4 5 10 Mouje Waghotan 1 20 11 Padel 18 14 13 57 3 12 Kalambai (N.V.) 2 1 4 1 13 Hurshi (N.V.) 4 5 8 1 14 Pural 1 3 26 2 8 9 21 1 15 Wade 2 4 55 2 3 34 2 16 Nadan 8 2 6 33 14 2 17 Chinchwad (N.V.) 1 1 2 18 Malegaon (N.V.) 1 1 12 ( 3 1 19 Mond 35 4 30 20 Mondpar eN.V.) 1 11 7 21 Virwadi (N.V.) 2 2 12 17 22 Wadetar (N.V.' 3 10 2 23 Phanase eN.V.) 5 4 2 2 24 Padvane eN.V.) 4 10 7 3 PADEL CmCLE 115 23 44 18 296 64 182 33 389 112 25 Palekarwadi (N.V.) 9 21 6 1 26 Mutat 1 12 22 4 27 Manche 29 52 21 1 2 21 19 28 Malpewadi (N.V.) 22 22 5 9 29 Pombhurle 22 11 7 1 6 7 8 1 30 Dhalavali 97 88 16 3 12 4 31 Korle 5 1 1 32 Kunkawan 11 3 1 33 Undil 1 2 34 Phanasgaon 10 13 10 9 35 Goval 1 1 1 2 36 Patgaon 1 3 1 a 37 Pendhari 2 2 5 38 Juveshwar (N.V.) 28 26 1 2 1 1 39 Baparde i 8 1 1 6 40 Wanivade 2- 1 5 1 41 Pavnai eN.V.) 15 1 2 10 1 42 Somlewadi eN.V.) 5 1 1 1 43 Vitthaladevi (N.V.) 8 1 2 10 4 44 Burabavade 20 11 8 10 4 45 Welgave 2 46 Waghivare 47 Mahalunge 1 4 3 48 Nad 1 1 1 3 49 Gavane 17 4 50 Shiravali 1 1

PATGAON CIRCLE 84 48 69 154 237 28 77 9 143 46 205 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total se ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

73· 1 113 4B 18 284 465 513 1996 2 2 1 1 16 13 5 30 258 404 378 2 15 45 23 31 294 5B5 623 4071 6 5 3 2 27 14 55 238 288 240 4 9 17 12 21 210 504 548 3693 5 1 2 1 35 147 141 6 4 14 27 32 95 7 2 1 9 5 9 34 407 437 1432 8 2 9 7 9 82 300 429 236 9 7 4 4 76 131 794 3 6 10 27 1 72 24 24 373 758 791 2788 9 9 11 1 4 2 21 130 157 170 12 3 8 4 12 224 237 13 3 18 B 4 208 284 269 2833 12 11 14 19 63 17 19 198 447 592 3695 13 10 15 6 10 7 49 291 413 432 2050 10 4 16 4 1 9 77 87 135 17 1 3 1 8 212 205 224 18 10 47 20 17 224 396 456 3448 19 17 19 1 11 7 5 161 215 185 20 3 5 4 10 14 147 192 21 1 4 2 5 15 76 150 22 8 4 11 40 163 189 23 . 1 5 10 25 108 171 209 24 207 3 498 229 384 3512 6946 7703 27131 58 53 IB 10 10 5 4 18 243 277 296 25 10 44 16 19 175 415 376 2757 16 10 26 8 29 9 19 234 458 412 1942 9 12 27 2 4 1 2 167 120 103 28 6 25 10 20 279 378 325 2089 11 17 29 3 19 5 15 268 431 1137 12 18 30 2 16 6 2 5 173 236 869 72 62 31 3 10 7 1 149 259 279 1288 9 7 40 39 32 11 5 1 96 163 253 868 47 33 33 5 17 8 2 108 389 571 2239 10 10 92 70 34 1 6 3 3 22 213 240 1152 35 2 11 5 3 126 220 257 897 36 5 3 6 140 177 183 834 1 1 37 4 2 15 113 217 214 38 3 17 4 44 98 277 291 2020 5 11 39 4 5 16 6 24 189 210 1577 40 1 7 4 9 55 185 195 41 2 1 14 3 111 104 42 3 36 8 1 6 191 374 43 4 7 6 22 149 176 763 44 1 61 97 117 455 45 1 1 6 1 48 107 87 501 46 4 4 2 2 34 191 183 960 33 30 47 7 4 25 144 194 197 1066 23 19 46 29 48 5 16 4 2 100 143 126 851 18 17 49 6 1 3 21 127 233 805 5 5 71 80 50

71 1 316 135 217 2488 5688 6469 25070 119 127 401 343 20 206


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi­ House­ {including Institutional and Total population No. Htlct- dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

51 Devgad 172.50 683 799 3865 2360 1505 378 161 217 52 Jamsande 2930.49 2026 2244 11138 5518 5620 1468 758 710 53 Dabhole 1362.51 346 347 1951 916 1035 292 145 147 54 Wareri 1294.11 237 263 1444 682 762 248 114 134 55 Lingdal (N.V.) 391.11 70 94 439 199 240 69 32 37 56 Padthar (N.V.) 745.52 165 169 993 496 497 145 75 70 57 Elaye 763.08 292 292 1551 717 834 243 124 -U9 58 Mithmumbali 220.98 149 212 1011 438 573 128 69 59 59 Kunkeshwar 599.18 174 245 1399 695 704 233 95 138 60 Katwaneshwar (N.V.) 432.93 100 136 713 353 360 98 51 47 61 Katvan (N.V.) 213.10 84 120 685 330 355 90 ~8 42 62 Dahibaon 1167.06 296 313 1582 768 814 189 95 94 63 Naringre 1672.10 280 333 1684 802 882 242 111 131 64 Bagamala 177.53 69 69 338 159 179 22 15 7 65 Mithbaon 1336.21 647 662 2827 1317 1510 280 161 119 66 Tambaldeg (N.V.) 75.37 157 179 717 313 404 75 35 40 67 Hindale 1306.92 279 391 1812 859 953 187 104 83 68 Morve CNS.) 234.84 89 III 497 214 283 . 65 33 32 69 Munage 1200.37 340 376 1786 829 957 212 110 102 70 Poyare 1492.74 171 199 899 411 488 109 56 53 71 Aadbandar (N.V.) 800.25 126 155 675 316 359 58 29 29 DEVGAD CIRCLE 18588.90 6780 7709 3B006 18692 19314 4831 2421 2410 72 Kalvi (N.V.) 199.12 96 115 .695 323 372 108 49 59 73 Tembavali 171.23 191 205 917 402 515 123 62 61 74 Talavade 462,81 274 274 1307 581 726 151 73 78 75 Talehajar (N.V.) 194.73 105 109 545 276 269 97 50 47 76 Bagatalavade 16.48 23 31 118 54 ,64 18 6 12 77 Gadhitamhane 1124.77 104 158 661 291 370 74 40 34 "78 Rahaleshwar (N.V.) 1148.12 139 183 779 357 422 98 (;3 45 79 Chandoshi 738.25 123 130 610 275 335 80 42 38 80 Valivande 979.03 194 199 977 437 540 164 85 79 81 Shevare 463.15 66 88 394 186 208 62 35 27 82 Omhal 631.10 138 138 61H 250 360 71 38 33 83 Hadpid 800.40 143 152 630 273 357 69 37 32 84 Dhoptewadi (N.V.) 754.37 174 185 831 393 438 89 46 43 85 Shirgaon 1513.70 518 521 2492 1192 1300 333 159 174_ 86 Nimatwadi (N.V.) 512.65 170 172 768 330 438 97 44 53 87 Torsole (N. V.) 1262.29 253 258 1164 526 638 165 95 70 88 Kinjawade 2148.10 434 531 2734 1339 1395 402 204 198 89 Sherighera Kamte 3.13 21 22 62 33 29 14 6 8 90 Kotkamte 2210.32 293 336 i794 821 973 242 117 125 91 Salami 1550.60 289 289 1294 599 695 179 93 86 92 Chafed 536.06 142 142 717 321 396 103 48 55 93 Kuvale 1377.95 254 269 1301 603 698 171 92 79 94 Sandve (N.V.) 423.38 110 111 485 222 263 51 25 26 95 Ramhavali 412.38 59 59 237 108 129 21 12 9 .96 Are 2034.18 284 301 1349 614 735 ~154 81 73 97 Khudi (N.V.) 1107.05 283 283 1494 675 819 196 94 102 SHIRGAON CIRCLE 22775.35 4880 5261 24965 11481 13484 3332 16a6 1646

DEVGAD C.D.BLOCK 77809.51 21082 23937 119552 56278 63274 16176 8225 7951 207



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total AgricultW"al Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M· F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

11 11 1681 941 1668 279 88 50 44 57 873 51 217 193 8 6 4182 3557 2698 1124 745 400 370 326 250 10 52 57 87 479 478 461 432 321 341 87 84 53 351 363 362 431 129 331 205 96 54 1 2 42 112 100 107 95 104 1 1 55 11 8 360 314 248 212 204 186 22 20 56 1 2 515 463 400 494 322 444 43 32 3 57 4 3 340 367 210 220 72 152 36 '1fl 63 14 58 551 432 372 42 221 16 83 17 4 59 264 197 174 133 78 92 86 35 60 142 207 132 12 106 7 18 3 61 86 79 556 429 363 203 255 115 54 82 2 62 27 15 619 500 325 257 147 161 90 80 1 63 22 21 124 118 72 53 25 4 39 43 64 107 127 1056 918 577 399 271 313 70 28 9 65 3 1 257 291 112 112 14 7 3 19 80 6 66 17 20 7 4 678 580 406 308 246 223 59 56 1 67 176 189 95 90 13 22 2 12 75 68 100 103 613 533 289 126 138 86 87 28 9 1 69 22 27 280 243 144 107 69 69 34 23 9 6 7(', 7 9 263 234 165 127 111 105 9 3 11 3 7I 693 708 15 10 13529 11466 9373 5268 3670 3228 1442 1072 1390 40 30 222 193 154 66 90 52 13 8 4 72 35 48 324 345 185 140 111 123 38 8 7 1 73 43 54 451 406 308 376 256 353 10 17 2 74 3 4 205 167 143 46 39 30 3 4 3 75 41 29 29 27 25 27 1 76 210 228 142 112 105 79 30 31 77 18 22 248 221 172 86 103 64 44 15 78 180 187 137 178 32 37 95 141 79 7 9 22 15 309 297 205 180 123 167 22 7 4 80 4 4 120 108 91 91 50 82 7 81 170 198 118 165 110 163 82 9 5 222 181 116 106 103 90 3 14 83 316 264 212 217 148 195 9 14 4 84 27 16 2 1 805 566 512 480 241 420 22 16 5 85 247 243 147 190 104 170 11 8 86 1 3 368 382 139 144 119 138 4 3 87 81 75 615 604 758 627 483 448 39 18 7 8 88 2 2 23 18 89 4 6 541 491 376 320 271 250 57 59 90 4 4 360 277 230 158 162 145 17 4 1 91 5 8 242 217 183 217 157 214 20 1 92 83 114 365 315 239 238 198 217 17 17 93 4 3 178 161 80 90 50 55 14 33 94 91 55 48 72 44 71 95 32 45 6 6 355 278 267 51 186 40 34 4 96 25 24 386 418 338 306 246 259 50 40 1 1 97 385 444 30 22 7573 6833 5352 4701 3556 3889 560 462 38 10 40

1511 1645 71 53 39124 33859 27595 20273 15704 15044 3309 2933 1785 125 Y 4413-15 208



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Nameofthe Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

51 Devgad 22 1 88 18 12 261 16 52 Jamsande 5 24 14 170 18 134 22 278 113 53 Dabhole 6 1 2 19 I 54 Wareri 3 55 Lingdal (N.V.) 2 56 Padthar (N.V.) 4 1 7 5 5 57 Elaye 2 11 6 1 7 1 58 Mithmumbari 2 6 3 8 14 59 Kunkeshwar 18 1 1 13 2 60 Katwaneshwar (N.V.) 1 3 61 Katvan (N.V.) 3 1 62 Dahihaon 1 18 1 4 12 1 63 Naringre l{) 12 15 1 64 Bagamala 3 1 1 1 65 Mithhaon 3 31 40 20 43 5 66 Tamhaldeg (N.V.) 2 1 77 67 Hindale 2 6 27 3 () 1 13 1 68 Morve (N.V.) 1 i 1. 1 54 69 Munage 1 7 I 15 70 Poyare 12 14 5 1 71 Aa~bandar (N.V.) 1 3 3 19 6 DEVGAD CIRCLE 29 32 37 412 44 242 56 718 293

72 Kalvi {N.V:) 3 20 9 1 73 Tembavali 2 3 4 3 74 Talavade 1 1 13 3 5 2 7t'i Talebajar (N.V.) 2 3 2 4 .40 2 76 Bagatalavade 2 77 Gadhitamhane 1 1 78 Rahateshwar (N.V.) 11 2 3 79 Chandoshi 2 80 Valivande 3 5 1 15 2 6 4 81 Shevare 26 9 1 2 82 Ombal 1 83 Hadpid 1 5 84 Dhoptewadi (N.V.) 3 1 1 1 10 85 Shirgaon 19 14 18 24 1 14- 41 2 86 Nimatwadi (N.V.) 1 1 4 2 14 7 87 Torsale (N.V.) 2 4 88 Kinjawade 92 75 14 13 16 65 52 9 1 89 Sherighera Kamte 1 90 Kotkamte 7 11 4 91 Salashi 4 2 2 9 92 Chafed 1 1 93 Kuvale 1 :3 94 Sandve (N.V.) 2 95 Rambavali 1 2 .96 Are 3 4 .. 8 97 Khudi (N.V.) 13 2 6 SHffiGAON CIRCLE 142 lOl 56 16 118 9 138 53 188 13

DEVGAD C.D.BLOCK 370 172 201 .225 1063 145 639 151 1438 464 209 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other SeI"Vices Workers Non-Workers Code Total se ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

69 1 211 136 3 38 689 1188 2925 4 3 51 167 5 555 216 128 696 2692 3800 9293 26 17 52 9 17 5 42 98 413 505 1657 11 15 53 2 23 4 2 12 318 319 1542 30 44 54 2 2 6 51 93 82 55 2 3 1 29 69 219 216 56 7 9 6 6 20 311 320 2198 16 23 57 1 19 13 57 136 171 217 1014 3 2 5 6 58 5 27 6 15 310 308 352 1317 59 1 6 5 21 58 158 169 60 4 2 15 186 183 157 61 2 16 3 28 134 377 477 1376 33 39 62 13 37 15 25 137 452 488 1613 21 12 63 3 5 1 86 126 326 22 21 64 14 99 30 51 305 689 806 4369 21 25 1 65 2 1 10 2 201 292 66 11 1 41 17 16 107 437 538 2392 18 38 67 2 2 4 52 115 141 68 5 27 10 73 146 467 685 2542 58 78 69 3 3 3 79 176 188 205 884 23 30 70 3 1 8 6 1 14 150 218 71 318 9 1120 489 602 2745 8717 11301 33958 286 347 6 6 30 7 8 5 169 306 72 5 15 5 1 217 374 1478 1 2 73 4 14 3 14 51 259 299 1865 3 7 1 74 22 1 29 5 2 26 131 197 75 1 25 37 100 76 2 3 2 15 144 134 114 1750 19 31 77 2 7 7 27 175 158 161 78 8 1 8 137 149 542 2 5 7 3 79 7 16 3 4 121 228 239 950 5 6 5 7 80 2 3 50 84 45 33 284 4 4 81 1 6 2 1 58 131 137 580 17 17 82 1 3 2 75 157 176 677 9 9 83 5 32 6 181 221 84 16 112 27 56 127 624 693 3659 23 27 85 6' 9 2 10 181 238 86 2 8 3 124 282 263 212 , 87 6 27 12 48 189 533 579 3024 66 75 34 41 88 22 18 10 11 2 89 5 .25 '7 55 196 390 457 2852 16 24 90 8 25 9 64 243 305 294 1418 6 6 82 76 91 1 3 2 138 179 623 3 5 92 7 13 4 79 206 285 254 2Q01 11 13 76 78 93 4 10 2 22 61 120 112 94 1 1 6 15 54 42 277 5 6 95 7 25 7 38 403 309 281 1341 40 40 4 1 96 5 1'5 6 67 213 270 300 97 119 1 437 147 675 2688 5454 6095 2342S 204 250 235 233 40

715 14 2371 lOOO 1878 11433 26805 31568 109582 667 777 660 592 Y 4413-15a 210


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi­ House­ (including Institutional and Total population No. Rect- dential holds Houselesl< Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Rouses

P M F P M F (1} (2) (3} (4) (5) (6) (7) (8} (9) (IO) (ll}

1 Nerle 646.79 196 196 964 437 527 111 57

2 Tiravade Tarf Sonnda! 696.00 123 123 644 288 356 86 37 49

3 Palandewadi 774.70 72 75 425 184 241 66 28 38

4 Jamhhavade 1069.91 96 108 390 179 211 66 38 28

5 Akhavane 757.79 49 53 265 127 138 51 34 17

6 Upale 442.1§ 103 103 448 192 256 44 22 22

7 Mandavkarwadi 348.80 62 62 292 U8 174 31 15 16

8 Nagapwadi 44.92 107 125 534 223 311 85 40 45

9 Monnde t121.35 99 107 533 227 306 89 37 52

10 Bhom 475.39 102 110 433 194 239 48 18 30

11 Ainari 947.32 99 171 762 338 424 .129 71 58

12 Het 846.29 228 236 1104 487 617 165 74 91

13 Mangavli 1265.57 328 332 1494 651 843 2OO 128 122

14 Vengasar 1028.60 167 189 935 423 . 512 137 61 76

15 Nanivade 1171.18 307 307 1238 536 702 206 91 115

16 Tithavli 885.05 220 238 1141 533 608 154 77 77

17 Bhusarwadi 155.06 48 50 296 126 170 48 18 30

18 Kolape 250.31 213 213 1086 447 639 207 96 III

19 Umbarde 750.89 228 285 1154 523 631 177 92 85

20 Kumbharwadi (N.V.) 435.43 153 153 556 236 320 59 27 32

21 Kusur 624.50 201 201 850 369 481 100 46 54

22 'Madhaliwadi 507.71 85 89 372 154 218 45 21 24

23 Tiravade Tar[ Kharepatan 699.01 193 193 910 393 517 175 96 79

24 Bhui Bawada 1073.31 253 284 1296 567 729 189 92 97 25 Ringewadi 481.67 81 83 357 147 210 46 16 30 26 Kumhhari 199.54 83 85 347 150 197 58 25 33

27 Mehbubnagar (N.V.) 254.98 150 150 886 400 486 187 94 93

28 Digashi 435.99 112 112 589 257 332 93 56 37 29 Napane 746.04 172 180 812 353 459 108 57 51

30 Pimpalwadi 433.02 94 147 610 283 327 96 53 43

31 Sonali 710.33 179 191 U33 541 592 150 80 70

BHUI BAWADA CmCLE 20279.61 4603 4951 22856 10083 12773 3456 1694 1762 211



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

14 12 381 315 183 227 129 219 2 2 1

2 4 34 35 199 177 147 185 lOS 158 2

III 93 92 128 66 102 2 3

1 101 86 85 107 77 105 2 2 4

66 58 53 35 45 35 2 1 5

129 123 99 155 82 146 3 8 6

73 84 62 102 56 98 1 4 7

130 132 105 96 76 80 14 1 8

3 6 190 171 114 178 III 176 1 1 9

20 30 136 90 97 65 77 61 1 2 4 1 10

8 16 24 25 177 154 156 218 80 169 2 7 3 11

5 3 330 276 202 305 158 292 2 6 2 12

6 8 4 1 394 350 259 377 199 342 6 28 2 1 13

267 215 180 257 152 252 6 2 14

3 4 326 313 277 289 237 265 15 23 1 15

329 234 266 47 166 16 26 4 5 16

91 75 64 57 33 49 2 3 2 1 17

110 160 257 252 203 293 114 181 23 40 18

4 3 5 1 341 271 258 310 175 287 11 5 2 19

165 135 108 182 86 176 1 4 20

85 115 248 226 177 276 158 272 21

97 98 84 100 79 98 22

39 45 252 274 201 269 174 261 1 4 1 23

26 25 5 4 370 351 294 283 185 257 14 18 3 24

87 81 76 111 55 110 2 25

96 86 63 49 56 44 5 26

5 10 241 136 151 225 54 117 24 51 6 27

135 131 112 119 90 101 2 2 28

38 247 231 171 110 161 108 1 29

3 9 4 200 148 146 143 89 114 9 23 1 30

74 85 1 342 200 261 - 250 206 220 10 13 6 10 31

446 582 82 70 6508 5566 4746 5548 3534 4911 164 266 49 16 10 212



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Tradl1 and Code Village Quarrying Rep-airs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry , (IV) [V(a)) [V(b)] (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (l) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1 Nerle 12 1 2 3

2 Tiravade Tan Soundal 23 23 1 3 1 1

3 Palandewadi 20 25

4- Jambhavade 1 1

5 Akhavane 1 2 6 Upale 1 1 3

7 Mandavkarwadi 1

8 Nagapwadi 1 15 2

9 MOWlde 1 1 1

10 Bhom 1 4

11 Ainari 2 7' 46 43 6 1

12 Het 2 7 2 8

13 Mangavli 11 4 4 1 16

14- Vengasar 9 1 3

15 Nanivade 1 6 2 1

16 Tithavli 7 1 23 18 13

17 Bhusarwadi 14- 7 1 18 Kolape 2 8 3 2 41 61 19 Umbarde 5 6 3 10

20 Kumbharwadi (N.V.) 2 1 7 21 Kusur 2 5 4 22 Madhaliwadi 1 2 23 Tiravade Tarf Kharepatan 4 2 4 8 24- Bhui Bawada 1 2 2 17 1 1 28

25 Ringewadi 14 1 2

26 Kumbhari 3

27 Mehbubnagar (N. V.) 4 2 35 55

28 Digashi 13 15 1 3

29 Napane 3 30 Pimpalwadi 4 - 10 31 Sonali 7 2 2 1 8

BHUI BAWADA CIRCLE 37 38 27 14 132 17 135 90 230 119 213


Tran~p()rt. Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total SC ST No.



(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

4 31 5 2 25 252 275 818 10 9 1

13 1 1 1 140 170 529 2

4 1 92 113 195 3

4 94 104 1150 301 245 4

2 4 49 70 54 339 8 10 5

1 8 1 27 26 66 75 554 3 1 6

1 3 17 34 39 38 255 7

2 1 8 1 14 54 104 161 396 1 8

1 113 127 458 1 9

1 9 1 7 93 90 81 460 2 2 10

8 82 109 100 97 853 130 107 11

23 5 5 66 280 246 1110 1 4 2 12

4 17 1 5 61 387 405 1376 6 11 13

2 1 7 2 26 31 217 224 852 14

3 12 41 259 372 1141 10 7 15

5 21 8 28 297 239 264 947 16

2 4 3 62 113 236 17

6 9 6 18 76 226 270 947 10 15 18

5 47 12 1 85 264 236 2531 5 12 19

12 1 7 27 121 III 20

2 8 2 192 205 11123 20 31 21

1 2 1 70 118 231 22

3 6 2 2 192 246 836 13 16 23

4 39 5 18 161 255 285 1284 16 13 1 24 3 5 25 74 361 25 4 21 60 66 88 316 26 10 16 2 16 72 233 189 27

3 1 22 90 123 123 524 2 1 28

6 2 9 178 173 171 821 36 49 29

2 31 6 5 14 132 170 632 51 53 30

2 18 6 6 71 274 271 1039 24 27 31

60 2 378 75 346 1749 4991 5476 22214 156 193 ·499 418 10 214


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi- House- (including Institutional and Total population No. Hect­ dential holds HOllBeless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P ,M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (IO) (11)

32 Nadha.vade 2007.74 559 575 2671 '1209 1462 344 159 185

33 Bandhawadi (N.V.) 324.02 127 130 630 288 , 342 77 38 39

34 Narkarwadi (N.V.) 387.60 130 146 462 200 262 34 19 15

35 Yedgaon 852.85 194 235 959 422 537 137 64 73

36 Kumbhava.de 728.46 168 170 721 302 419 107 45 62

37 Bhuyadewadi 211.47 81 85 396 173 223 59 31 2B

38 Bhattiwadi 254.05 so 85 329 136 193 50 25 25

39 KaJuI 1551.36 211 291 1256 563 693 161 77 84

40 Jamdarwadi 150.14 115 115 512 236 276 69 32 37

41 Vayamboshi 301.49 22 26 136 61 75 26 14 12 42 Vabhave 596.19 323 387 1485 747 738 247 118 129 43 K<>kisare 1242.49 433 464 Z167 976 1191 274 139 135

44 Sardarwadi 463.33 101 101 448 207 241 66 38 2B

45 Khambalwacli (N.V.) 396.92 121 121 542 268 274 75 46 29

46 Terobewadi 243.94 130 135 603 265 338 91 49 42

47 Khambale 553.63 157 157 700 a07 393 83 42 41

48 Mohitewadi 371.11 120 122 553 253 300 86 45 41

49 Sangulwadl 731.05 229 229 1073 488 585 119 62 57

50 Navale 1541.62 195 195 986 442 544 149 79 70

51 Sadllre 1090.44 215 217 1029 459 570 119 55 64

52 Shirale-Arule 1452.21 98 142 724 320 404 86 44 42

53 Nim-An.lle 251.53 86 ·86 376 166 210 42 24 - 1~

54 Acbirne 1289.99 299 305 1338 592 746 170 83 87

55 KurU 2354.81 350 410 1951 857 1094 269 129 140

56 Ghanegadwadi 597.27 74 74 333 135 198 52 19 33

57 Gadmath 564.71 184 221 944 407 537 137 61 76

58 Lore 820.47 520 2356 1067 1289 363 191 172

VAlBHAVVADI CIRCLE 21330.95 5310 5744 25680 11546 14134 -- 3492 1728 1764

VAIBHAVVADI C.D.BLOCK 41610.56 9913 10695 48536 21629 26907 6948 ·3422 3526 215



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) m (IT) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

45 55 4 5 8sa 846 542 362 379 336 10 6 6 1 32

1 188 158 123 125 87 121 5 4 3 33

7 2 169 154 92 150 75 132 4 1 34

45 71 308 2B7 188 169 141 155 1 8 1 35

14 11 226 213 136 142 120 138 36

106 104 7B 66 64 61 2 4 37

77 98 60 74 53 73 1 38

1 1 378 331 253 306' 212 292 3 5 1 39

174 146 III 41 61 31 11 4 5 40

39 46 25 28 15 26 2 1 4 41

83 82 8 8 437 431 405 178 79 117 3 1 37 2 42

B 9 492 515 482 570 318 420 62 109 1 43

1 138 133 98 134 82 118 3 12 2 44

42 25 164 162 118 110 71 98 45

87 156 132 93 73 70 8 46

214 100 llO 149 75 139 2 47

158 116 111 162 105 162 4 1 48

365 350 228 303 155 281 4 3 4 49

4 3 297 272 194 84 172 82 2 50

52 69 294 318 226 293 175 264 1 1 51

244 254 168 130 137 128 1 2 52

35 41 124 100 102 144 89 141 2 53

22 43 395 356 267 ,195 190 173 12 8 1 54

47 46 614 556 432 591 377 587 1 3 55

95 88 74 122 63 117 3 2 1 56

35 43 297 298 147 130 104 115 3 4 1 57

617 499 524 405 421 334 11 5 15 1 58

441 502 12 13 7585 7177 5426 5256 3893 4711 150 186 90 6 20

887 1084 94 83 14093 12743 10172 10804 7427 9622 314 452 139 22 216



Manufacturing ManufactUling, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quan-ying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Hou.~ehold Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (l) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

32 Nadhavade 1 30 1 15 3

33 Bandhawadi (N.V.) 5 1 10 7

34 Narkarwadi

35 Yedgaon 1 5 8 3

36 Kumbhavade 1 2 1

37 Bhuyadewadi 2 1 2

38 Bhattiwadi 2

39 Karol 1 1 3 3 7 1

40 Jamdarwadi 5 1 8 5 1

41 Vayamboshi 2

42 Vahhave 9 6 10 9 21 1 30 82 12

43 Kokisare 2 18 3 33 21 11 3

44 Sardarwadi 1 2 2 1

45 Khamhalwadi (N.v.) 1 14 20 7 2

46 Temhewadi 35 22 3 3

47 Khamhale 1 1 8 5 8

48 Mohitewadi

49 Sangulwadi 1 10 12 9 8 1

50 Navale 4 2 1

51 Sadure 1 1 1 30 25 1

52 Shirale·Arule 2 1

53 Nim-Arule 2 1 3

54 Achirne 18 5 3 1 4 3 1 10 55 KurU 1 8 - 17 1

56 Ghanegadwadi 4 1 2

57 Gadmath 9 9 17 6 3

58 wre 7 28 6 5 12 21 10 1 7

VAlBHAWADI CIRCLE 46 48 88 39 151 29 -.J.88 69. 204 27

VAIBHAVVADI C.D.BLOCK 83 86 115 53 283 46 323 159 434 146 217


Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total SC ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

7 94 15 91 442 576 658 2712 30 44 32

5 6 30 159 187 33

11 12 4 12 104 100 34

2 26 6 7 125 227 243 870 37 69 35

12 4 107 166 170 853 41 34 62 52 36

3 4 1 7 70 88 87 584 1 1 37

4 1 4 47 72 72 625 38

4 19 7 1 93 309 294 7HO 5 5 39

1 15 4 53 165 72 70 483 40

2 1 36 47 498 181 146 41

17 117 30 1 158 341 402 920 39 45 42

7 30 13 4 22 490 599 3738 18 34 1 1 43

1 6 2 1 30 108 77 444 2 1 44

2 8 5 27 67 123 97 45

10 1 5 90 128 155 540 1 46

2 13 5 41 92 156 152 726 47

1 1 3 141 135 500 48

11 23 9 1 66 259 216 1032 49

13 2 3 229 245 231 1298 4 1 171 145 50

6 11 2 2 21 231 256 975 51

27 lOB 152 166 648 52

2 .6 1 64 65 431 53

1 25 7 11 193 314 358 1639 13 12 54

4 22 2 1 25 424 478 1988 60 77 55

1 2 2 61 74 56

2 2 2 91 175 169 232 905 24 46 57

3 32 10 81 422 462 462· 2242 34 38 58

76 540 141 443 2795 5677 6083 25431 309 407 415 344 20

136 2 918 216 789 4544 10668 11559 47645 465 600 914 762 218


Area No. of of LDcation Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi- House- (including Institutional and Total populatipn No. Hect- de nti al - holds House1ess Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

p M F P M F

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 Waingani 381.00 91 91 456 176 280 51 21 30 2 Bandargaon 97.00 III 136 689 314- 375 79 38 41 3 Shivaji Peth 34.00 107 135 605 292 313 78 44- 34 4 Sambhajinagar 358.00 126 151 831 379 452 153 73 80 5 Kajirde 58.00 49 59 347 149 198 44- 20 24 6 Kharepatan 286.00 357 365 1928 955 973 247 119 128 7 Chinchwali 474.00 105 107 532 234 298 69 39 30 8 Berle 270.00 61 61 283 123 160 43 22 21 9 Sherpe 683.00 160 , 259 891 411 480 139 73 66 10 Kurangavne 538.00 158 226 1170 523 647 206 105 101 11 Nadgive 969.00 341 348 1594 746 848 189 103 86 12 Wargaon 13:U.00 378 406 1956 924 1032 288 157 131 13 Shidavne 1021.00 263 322 1681 760 921 225 129 96 14 Saliste 661.00 198 211 1044 480 564 168 88 80 15 Audumbarnagar 285.08 69 69 365 176 189 54 31 23 16 Tarele 604.92 345 369 1819 913 906 303 163 140 17 Darum 977.00 142 187 998 499 499 126 67 59 18 J ambhalnagar N.A. 213 216 964 463 501 135 66 69 19 Anandnagar N.A. 172 176 819 391 428 135 71 64 20 Kasarde 3880.00 173 173 772 348 ',24 71 40 31 21 Dhareshwar N.A. 181 184 857 370 -87 113 54 59 22 Dahgaon N.A. 92 92 468 211 :57 82 43 39 23 Uttargavthan N.A. 75 75 422 192 :30 55 29 26 24 Dakshingavthan N.A. 93 93 488 234 254 55 28 27 25 Nagsawantwadi N.A. 92 93 405 184 221 58 34 24 26 Ozaram 1242.00 296 321 1300 560 740 166 76 90 27 Koloshi 809.00 213 216 961 466 495 102 61 41 28 Asalade 992.00 279 313 1355 595 760 168 77 91 29 Tondavali 833.00 202 219 1047 471 576 128 65 63 30 Bavshi 531.00 122 128 626 273 353 86 45 41 31 Nandgaon 1330.00 619 624 3177 1487 1690 449, 227 222 32 Otav 624.00 170 171 768 329 439 102 43 59 33 Ayanal 1232.00 256 258 1042 464 578 139 ' 79 60 34 Main 808.00 157 158 685 289 396 100 51 49 35 Savdav 14-71.00 336 338 1532 644- 888 14-9 73 76 10 TARELE CIRCLE 22783.00 6802 7350 34877 16025 18852 4755 2454 2301 36 Piyali 535.00 146 206 996 452 544 137 68 69 37 Math Kh. 118.00 24- 29 109 47 62 11 7 4 38 Wagheri 1059.57 96 149 729 339 390 115 60 55 39 Lingeshwar 18.43 47 63 306 147 159 48 25 23 40 Lore 1172.38 273 275 1610 719 891 246 132 114 41 Gangeshwar 58.62 103 104- 578 267 311 87 43 44- 42 Ghonsari . 1558.00 517 577 2712 1234- 1478 333 158 175 43 Phondaghat 4203.54- 114-8 1151 5895 2742 3153 756 380 376 44- Uttar Bajar Peth 7.55 289 291 1235 650 585 202 104 98 45 Dllkshin Bajar Peth 6.91 186 188 1046 508 538 152 72 80 46 Kondye 738,00 153 153 710 310 400 122 61 61 47 Damare 728.00 133 149 697 316 381 86 44 42 48 Karul 540.00 223 224 1031 481 550 164 81 83 49 Tiware 573.00 178 194 875 414 461 96 4-1 55 50 BeIne Kh 390,00 112 112 580 270 310 91 4-1 50 51 Humarat 794,00 229 263 1269 586 683 14-3 57 86 52 Sakedi 650,00 247 252 1173 536 637 121 52 69 53 Karanje 1395,00 402 405 1906 847 1059 24-7 112 135 54 Harkul Kh. 2710,00 719 737 3449 1518 1931 376 175 201 55 Nagave 678.00 361 363 1671 762 909 165 77 88 56 Janavali 1233.00 394- 396 1779 805 974 180 ' 97 83 20 PHONDA CIRCLE 19167.00 5980 6281 30356 13950 16406 3878 1887 1991 219



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

139 159 79 55 66 54 4 1 1 1 260 251 179 219 82 185 5 21 4 2 2 12 6 139 241 160 43 18 16 11 8 3 263 196 170 143 69 25 41 107 4 4 6 116 121 64 45 46 34 3 10 5 28 18 1 754 588 466 355 98 169 82 131 2 6 5 4 161 141 99 134 72 126 4 3 3 1 7 83 78 56 80 49 48 4 31 8 311 304 196 237 165 144 9 57 3 9 3 4 343 255 203 261 173 252 13 5 10 4 2 536 424 405 455 289 421 12 23 1 11 14 9 489 371 507 557 397 515 52 38 1 12 37 39 492 397 366 318 282 295 21 16 1 13 75 137 325 327 240 217 181 205 9 6 5 1 14 128 119 79 62 53 61 1 1 15 57 56 591 511 506 241 155 172 5 3 15 5 16 38 43 268 209 265 189 56 69 20 , 33 3 1 17 11 7 3 4 354 296 220 136 125 118 9 4 1 18 217 180 175 107 67 98 10 3 1 1 19 243 182 132 190 104 51 17 132 20 235 232 185 293 165 277 21 25 31 143 139 100 162 79 142 14 18 22 48 48 152 156 99 66 76 59 7 7 23 196 140 _ 114 83 64- 66 8 6 2 24 132 125 75 67 56 63 2 3 25 75 91 395 406 279 292 166 255 49 24 17 10 26 64 66 353 280 223 231 148 215 10 6 27 11 7 476 476 290 223 176 180 34 20 7 5 28 34 32 300 286 270 304 190 256 14 13 16 29 159 145 158 187 129 180 8 4 2 30 "56 79 1118 950 703 565 398 424 12 18 17 31 71 89 259 263 122 53 107 51 4 32 27 22 343 318 236 168 189 163 12 2 33 41 60 203 186 150, 183 120 162 8 18 34 88 120 517 482 321 209 257 183 38 17 35 800 944 38 36 11193 9934 -7901 7130 4867 5740 552 785 102 30 10 329 304 246 285 188 258 8 5 3 36 39 35 23 22 11 22 7 37 61 66 232 213 170 99 89 - 72 7 2 35 38 109 99 75 2a 34 20 1 10 39 11 9 464 435 367 427 231 341 24 28 21 40 30, 46 209 214 124 111 85 105 27 41 2B 26 7 10 950 833 556 499 415 459 24 21 7 3 42 235 267 3 1 2029 2051 1446 1401 879 1127 160 168 31 2 43 19 22 5 2 511 420 326 79 41 27 12 16 9 1 44 398 380 243 40 32 13 17 6 2 45 202 243- 163 197 109 157 21 21 2 46 70 79 229 239 168 138 96 109 11 10 47 42 49 5 6 375 269 _ 280 211 204 141 19 27 6 48 99 107 340 353 217 221 164 209 13 1 49 42 52 2 4 198 197 147 157 78 127 11 14 13 4 50 33 46 476 421 301 370 184 354 2 9 36 51 99 115 423 379 '285 291 211 269 13 14 1 52 30 21 663 602 446 480 393 461 12 8 53 183 248 1194 1169 783 900 670 865 25 21 4 1 54 14 20 571 596 348 335 232 286 77 47 55 117 129 689 672 402 56 218 36 38 1 3 56 1113 1302 22 23 10630 10124 7116 6342 4464 5458 495 419 217 11 20 220



ManuractUli ng ManufactU1ing, Processing, Proccssing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quanying Repairs in Repair.. in other Commerce No. Household than HouRehold Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V(h)] (VI) (Vll)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1 Waingani 2 2 2 Bandargaon 10 1 29 3 3 Shivaji Peth 27 7 57 10 4 Sambhajinagar 10 1 1 22 5 5 Kajirde 5 6 Kharepatan 11 6 44 4 13 86 14 7 Chinchwali 1 3 3 3 1 1 8 Berle 1 1 9 Sherpe 2 7 31 10 Kurangavne 3 2 1 3 11 Nadgive 3 28 1 29 21 6 12 Wargaon 2 9 17 8 1 13 Shidavne 3 5 21 6 1 12 3 14 Saliste 1 1 12 3 14 15 Audumharnagar 7 1 16 Tarele 3 10 8 57 3 24 10 135 18 17 Darum 89 59 1 54 27 1. 8 18 Jamhhalnagar 20 4 11 19 Anandnagar 10 25 37 20 Kasardc 1 1 4 21 Dhal'l.lshwar 18 14 r- 22 Dabgaon 8 3 L 1 23 Uttargavthan 1 5 5 24 Dakshingavthan 8 5 2 2 4 25 Nagsawantwadi 2 2 1 3 3 1 26 Ozaram 1 7 3 6 27 Koloshi 4 5 10 1 1 13 1 28 ARaladc 1 20 5 10 3 29 Tondavali 1 14 19 18 11 9 2 30 Bavshi 8 1 1 2 3 31 Nandgaon . 16 8 1 80 18 5 2 58 £5 32 Otav 2 1 3 33 Ayanal 4 9 3 1 3 34 Main 2 6 3 35 Savdav 1 2 1 10 TARELE CIRCLE 151 89 55 18 474 76 191 27 585 164 36 Piyali 16 13 6 7 3 4 1 37 Math Kh. 3 38 Wagheri 17 15 R 5 5 2 3 39 Lingeshwar 6 5 1 40 LoI'\! 35 37 1 6 18 16 6 1 41 Gangeshwar 3 3 2 3 42 Ghonsari 1 6 21 6 14 2 43 Phondaghat 28 9 2 8 92 55 33 76 5 44 Uttar Bajar Peth 13 1. 15 1 12 5 79 2 45 Dakshin Bajar Peth 3 1 10 1 9 7 108 5 46 Kundye 1 10 26 8 47 Damare 19 9 26 6 2 1 48 Karol 15 13 82 15 1 31 3 49 Tiware 2 2 4 11 2 4 1 5 50 BeIne Kh 12 6 3 2 2 10 51 Humarat 3 3 23 2 11 52 Sakedi 1 4 4 22 1 5 4 1 53 Karanje 1 3 8 3 5 5 54 Harkul Kh. 16 1 14 55 Nagave 7 7 2 7 56 Janavali 33 13 12 .2 20 PHONDA CIRCLE 167 118 34 17 410 90 138 41 397 26 221 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Worklll"'; Code Total SC ST No. (VIIl) (DO

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 1 3 1 109 96 116 464 1 17 31 8 4 135 152 653 2 14 26 9 4 81 128 189 608 9 3 3 2 1 25 4 2 10 207 299 719 4 7 3 1 1 47 84 106 310 7 8 5 42 1 88 30 22 108 467 510 1598 30 10 2 1 6 5 7 2 31 133 133 548 4 5 7 1 1 3 13 64 67 2R8 1 8 4 9 2 10 37 205 206 894 9 10 2 53 70 267 316 1025 6 9 10 9 1 13 3 27 107 314 286 1791 1 5 17 13 11 4 18 2 8 26 409 449 1677 9 12 12 4 11 3 61 200 333 403 1534 35 37 13 3 11 5 11 49 229 298 865 13 7 14 11 5 1 5 41 92 86 338 15 27 75 22 31 294 376 371 1339 25 24 16 19 14 29 54 205 256 712 12 ,6 17 12 38 14 4 89 239 276 887 3 1 18 13 12 5 9 23 207 298 847 19 1 4 1 3 16 213 218 686 20 2 2 4 33 181 161 593 21 1 3 2 1 102 94 527 27 36 22 2 3 2 72 91 92 611 109 95 23 2 22 6 9 13 111 158 418 24 5 1 11 24 98 130 475 25 11 20 2 3 5 278 443 1577 10 9 14 5 26 14 18 8 31 101 212 163 928 73 73 27 5 33 14 86 259 219 278 1168 25 25 28 1 8 2 1 18 200 254 917 1 4 29 2 3 2 66 115 100 629 30 59 58 29 52 376 732 749 2854 31 55 31 5 2 38 183 169 203 935 43 46 3 32 5 10 3 20 158 208 252 1007 13 21 33 2 9 3 10 44 129 169 772 42 68 5 10 34 3 19 9 24 291 299 3RB 1545 38 54 35 302 3 622 198 577 3053 7547 8669 32739 567 613 41 29 10 3 11 5 1 1 205 258 829 36 2 19 24 21 133 37 4 3 2 12 135 157 156 293 46 51 38 4 15 2 3 64 69 72 557 39 8 17 4 61 352 403 1322 16 14 40 2 2 3 5 75 138 125 433 41 26 42 8 51 344 627 635 2600 43 55 1 42 57 88 27 10 247 1286 1505 5958 128 119 43 26 118 27 5 106 319 4()O 611 44 25 30 14 2 263 498 695 45 1 3 1 15 46 132 157 603 46 7 6 4 22 107 126 136 699 34 35 3 4 47 10 1 12 11 5 113 196 226 875 35 40 48 8 10 2 14 33 183 207 923 92 98 49 10 8 4 8 123 145 431 4 3 50 16 1 21 6 1 8 284 3115 1382 41 55 51 9 15 2 1 9 250 337 1243 34 40 52 10 1 11, 5 16 189 385 390 HJ67 24 19 53 12 1 41 12 7 35 728 996 3572 93 106 54 1 15 2 44 203 370 371 1700 25 22 55 39 46 17 24 339 379 579 1592 59 67 56 278 4 516 158 238 2142 6596 7!-122 28418 674 724 4 4 20 222


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi­ House­ (including Institutional and Total population No. Hect­ dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

57 Bharni .558.00 117 118 554 244 310 67 33 34 58 Humbarane * 112 112 512 217 295 73 34 39 59 Tarandale 1258.00 334 336 1603 697 906 191 100 91 60 Pise Kamate 743.00 182 183 782 341 441 108 51 57 61 Biclwadi 1778.00 365 367 1940 908 1032 228 117 III 62 Varavade 975.85 307 313 1788 805 983 264 130 1131 63 Kalmath 593.00 829 850 4377 2192 2185 661 331 330 64 Kankavli 846.00 23B2 2570 11797 6117 5680 1683 843 840 65 Halaval 774.00 354 356 1797 833 964 271 161 110 66 Ashiye 304.00 153 159 854 410 444 42 21 21 67 Kasaral 390.00 125 133 745 358 387 110 55 55 sa Satral 371.00 114 120 543 251 292 75 36 39 69 Wagade 661.00 395 397 2158 1046 1112 277 124 153 70 Ol!largaon 1757.00 440 457 2166 997 1169 289 157 132 71 Bordave 708.00 363 371 1723 776 947 209 103 106 72 Ka.'!avan 653.00 207 215 1013 464 549 158 77 81 73 Talavade 330.00 122 123 660 297 363 88 39 49 74 Shiraval 1101.00 277 308 1418 635 783 174 81 93 75 Pimpaleshwarnagar 336.12 89 89 360 169 191 42 21 21 76 Ulhasnagar 454.10 122 122 625 305 320 70 41 29 77 Uttamnagar 494.83 114 115 554 250 304 ;62 22 40 78 Rajnagar 161.72 79 81 343 158 185 37 19 18 79 Upanagar 30.31 69 91 401 173 228 53 22 31 80 Lingeshwarnagar 244.42 192 192 805 351 454 93 47 46 81 Phanasnagar 70.15 152 153 845 394 451 123 57 66 82 Kalasuli 496.50 24 24 77 31 46 3 1 2 83 Shrinagar 153.00 104 106 460 216 244 26 15 11

30 KANKAVLI CIRCLE 16242.00 8123 8461 40900 19635 21265 5477 2741 2736 84 Harkul Bk. 1687.00 802 820 4058 1827 2231 483 241 242 85 Shastrinagar 144.00 80 89 372 167 205 46 22 24 86 Sangave 600.00 251 282 1187 534 653 157 87 70 87 Gandhinagar 504.69 155 156 488 207 281 33 13 20 88 Rameshwarnagar 397.38 90 107 381 175 206 23 13 10 89 Kumhhavade 2488.00 267 357 1437 656 781 156 84 72 90 Bhiravande 337.91 78 94 399 166 233 45 19 26 91 ·Suhhashnagar 204.47 88 102 380 154 226 38 22 16 92 Nehrunagar 75.55 79 107 417 177 240 43 20 23 93 Navanagar 26.00 24 25. 110 46 64 13 6 7 94 Shivajinagar 173.00 192 193 898 429 469 114 59 55 95 Samhhajinagar 364.00 107 124 462 193 269 46 24 22 96 Shivdav 2038.00 488 558 2614 1164 1450 291 149 142 97 Dariste 991.00 216 220 999 471 528 134 68 66 9B Natal 2532.00 751 910 4073 1857 2216 479 251 228 W Digavale 1285.12 397 404 1686 736 950 207 91 l16 100 Ranjangaon 1135.88 129 129 573 254 319 55 30 25 101 Pimpalgaon 341.36 93 144 704 288 416 69 40 29 102 Nardave 1750.49 283 301 1301 597 704 98 52 46 103 Bhairavgaon 143.85 98 102 470 221 249 48 34 14 104 Jambhalgaon 1071.71 107 117 549 245 304 57 30 27 105 Yevteshwargaon 513.59 108 109 490 231 259 86 42 44 40 . SANGAVE CIRCLE 18805.00 4883 5450 24048 10795 13253 1397 1324 KANKAVLI C.D.Block 76997.00 25788 27542 130181 60405 69776 16831 8479 B352 ·Please see the footnote of Village Directory. 223



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities a-IX) (I) (11) em)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

18 18 193 187 146 221 133 219 57 11 15 1 172 147 108 145 91 134 11 11 58 62 90 556 594 340 528 268 451 21 68 3 3 59 9 7 246 242 153 242 138 241 1 1 60 82 84 620 526 489 543 345 441 57 97 3 61 1 B 596 534 361 303 208 261 37 36 3 62 82 71 9 12 1464 1248 1046 420 259 218 41 32 12 4 63 375 330 28 30 4666 4042 3111 849 310 337 84 49 47 4 64 133 125 75 69 635 566 417 402 285 363 38 26 2 65 32 34 73 78 315 253 159 78 91 62 36 13 66 273 259 183 144 155 135 6 2 4 3 67 10 14 186 169 119 118 98 115 1 1 68 21 8 864 721 529 217 286 155 51 36 5 2 69 2 4 21 15 695 638 474 222 307 170 53 26 8 3 70 39 51 569 504 392 341 319 312 18 19 3 71 20 28 329 282 204 129 92 88 15 13 4 72 7 3 193 43 149 108 112 98 12 3 73 42 42 477 402 329 96 266 82 31 11 74 145 130 88 106 74 98 1 7 75 30 32 235 195 141 203 125 203 76 192 145 105 151 87 146 5 5 2 77 129 96 73 109 57 102 1 3 1 78 5 10 129 138 90 82 63 68 8 79 18 25 5 2 295 278 171 225 126 207 14 12 1 80 329 220 191 117 103 60 22 8 1 81 30 31 13 17 11 16 82 54 61 165 132 56 • 60 25 32 16 25 83 1059 1060 212 206 14698 12722 9637 6176 4434 4814 571 512 100 19 30 44 42 42 47 1424 1268 856 879 575 799 84 52 1 84 139 104 80 72 64 72 4 2 85 161 174 3 4 363 325 268 315 195 286 39 22 1 86 170 187 114 129 105 120 7 9 87 153 139 87 100 78 91 1 5 88 11 3 497 398 293 245 256 236 3 8 2 89 10 13 43 56 66 28 39 24 1 2 90 123 136 64 68 57 57 4 10 91 86 116 150 160 59 19 18 7 22 7 1 92 4 37 43 19 21 5 10 2 2 93 17 12 1 1 341 292 205 123 34 68 14 19 1 94 8 . 12 156 158 81 71 58 62 2 3 1 95 56 54 16 17 801 716 573 605 486 583 14 15 1 96 60 43 27 30 341 257 256 172 237 167 6 2 97 141 147 1 1428 1231 790 658 530 518 52 61 4 1 98 1 9 13 578 542 362 401 312 384 5 4 4 99 6 10 189 170 124 174 117 171 3 2 1 100 227 261 138 258 125 252 3 2 101 56 54 408 320 297 220 215 190 9 6 102 147 132 95 146 88 145 1 103 185 181 123 120 115 117 3 104 153 106 130 137 126 136 1 105

648 669 107 128 B053 7182 5OBO 4961 3835 4495 272 237 21 1 40 3620 3975 379 393 44574 39962 29734 24609 17600 20507 1890 1953 440 61 Y 4413-16 224



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quanying Repairs in Repairs in othur Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [VCa)] [V(h)] (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

57 Bharni 1 2 2 58 Humbarane 59 Tarandale 12 2 6 1 60 Pise Kamate 3 1 2 61 Bidwadi 65 5 2 2 3 62 Varav3de 1 27 3 32 63 KaImath 16 6 29 1 89 14 75 15 183 55 64 Kankavli 26 24 9 4 340 37 393 21 766 106 65 Halava) 23 5 29 12 3 66 Ashjye 2 2 1 2 12 67 Kas..t 3 4 2 68 Satnd 3 1 2 1 69 W ... ·., - 8 34 3 25 36 2 70 0-. f.,' ,~ 25 5 18 8 14 1 71 ~ 1 8 4 13 72 Kaa .... 1 ., 11 33 10 23 8 1 73 T..... 4 6 1 6 1 74 ShiI'UM 3 9 1 1 2 75 Pim~ 1 3 76 Ulhasna... 3 3 77 Uttamnagar 1 3 78 Rajnagar 1 1 2 2 79 Upanagar 13 3 1 SO Lingeshwarnagar 3 2 3 2 81 Phanasnagar 13 2 12 41 82 Kalasuli 83 Shrinagar 1 2 1 2

30 KANKAVLI CIRCLE 117 36 63 20 641 87 603 44 1129 215 84 Harkul Bk. 2 1 30 5 29 4 10 25 85 Shastrinagar 2 6 86 Sangave 1 5 6 4 6 87 Gandhinagar 88 Rameshwarnagar 2 89 Kumhhavade 3 2 2 90 Bhiravande 1 3 1 8 91 Subhashnagar 1 92 Nehrunagar 1 2 1 1 2 1 93 Navanagar 1 1 1 94 Shivajinagar 19 13 29 5 3 33 5 95 Samhhajinagar 2 2 2 96 Shivdav 5 2 11 8 97 Dariste 4 3 2 98 Natal 2 1 47 2 2 18 6 99 Digavale 5 3 2 8 1 4 2 100 Ranjangaon 101 Pimpalgaon 3 102 Nardave 1 12 16 8 1 103 Bhairavgaon 4 104 Jambhalgaon 2 1\)5 Yevteshwargaon 2

40 SAN'GAVE CIRCLE 26 17 43 19 163 9 43 7 lZS 16 KANKAVLI C.D.Block 461 260 195 74 1688 262 975 119 2239 421 225 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-WolXers Code Total SC ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (4O) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 5 5 1 98 88 539 10 9 57 6 109 150 501 10 17 58 8 20 5 53 46 304 332 1626 20 19 59 4 4 3 188 196 747 5 6 60 7 5 9 38 410 451 1852 49 67 31 31 61 17 1 33 5 26 155 418 525 1453 12 10 62 132 2 ,210 73 67 213 1079 1552 2880 33 23 63 322 22 814 245 136 319 2870 4512 6367 41 30 2 3 &4 11 . 17 5 6 24 410 538 1614 93 99 53 88 65 1 13 2 3 43 248 323 737 13 11 49 54 66 4 .5 4 31 73 144 170 712 67 4 10 1 .30 57 102 117 529 5 9 68 26 52 15 4 130 513 765 1875 12 11 1 69 .20 29 9 34 168 489 779 2119 9 10 22 17 70 9 17 10 38 132 346 474 1707 29 40 71 9 10 5 28 113 232 307 954 12 16 72 5 9 8 69 140 186 594 73 3 14 2 16 281 290 406 1560 25 25 74 1 8 1 14 19 67 66 448 75 10 29 25 135 92 634 3 2 76 3 4 19 17 126 136 634 8 4 77 9 3 1 2 84 74 261 3 1 78 3 8 5 5 30 78 116 278 9 14 79 7 15 4 30 78 150 151 618 11 20 80 13 27 6 22 198 181 136 855 81 2 1 18 29 747 82 1 8 3 72 107 88 77 424 83 615 25 1364 404 681 2341 9317 12748 33265 409 442 161 194 30 36 64 18 14 11 957 1341 3911 58 64 29 42 84 2 11 49 76 84 673 6 15 85 2 1 13 2 18 57 248 281 904 90 99 86 2 21 93 131 600 87 1 5 4 1 36 87 70 208 88 10 15 1 1 286 362 250 1582 6 3 89 5 8 2 1 53 99 152 686 90 2 1 90 158 465 91 7 6 2 6 47 112 174 468 29 40 92 2 8 8 27 43 308 93 8 62 15 3 19 221 327 549 3 1 94 4 10 6 2 52 110 146 483 95 12 36 5 17 253 574 592 2822 59 56 21 22 96 1 3 3 6 135 209 221 1094 26 27 27 :J6 97 22 113 69 145 546 922 1012 4034 44 54 98 3 18 8 1 69 373 480 1716 17 21 8 11 99 3 1 1 130 144 668 5 8 100 8 3 150 158 722 101 3 '1 45 10 30 196 270 288 1396 39 102 3 5 27 121 76 534 103 6 2 48 120 136 627 1M 1 4 30 97 92 384 105 116 2 433 158 267 1936 5448 6356 24834 376 411 91 126 40 1311 34 2935 918 1763 9472 28908 35695 119256 2026 2190 297 353 Y 4413-160 226


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in . Resi- House- (including Institutional and Total population No. Hect- dential . holds Houseless Po~ulation) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1 Nemale 1506.37 511 524 2667 1221 1446 418 207 211 2 Bhom 50!}.20 215 233 1131 549 582 162 90 72 3 Kolgaon 845.70 388 438 2280 1074 1206 364 155 209 4 Kunkeri 1249.67 213 296 1577 745 832 279 141 138 5 Ambegaon 1156.63 133 156 . 995 478 517 214 111 103 6 Nirukhe 526.61 175 175 1012 521 491 176 95 81 7 Charathe 1073.78 361 494 2174 1017 1157 324 150 174 8 Majgaon 905.60 861 866 4125 1930 2195 516 262 254 9 Brahmanpat 728.70 190 191 957 453 504 119 68 51 10 Malgaon 513.84 370 370 1924 867 1057 257 127 130 11 Kumbharli 557.82 311 313 1550 727 . 823 225 . 113 112 12 Vetye 497.47 175 176 822 386 436 135 70 65 SAWANTWADI CIRCLE 10071.39 3903 4232 21214 9968 11246 3189 1589 1600

13 Sangeli 2965.23 504 508 2634 1214 1420 367 1~ 177 14 Shirshinge 3051.96 364 407 1968 855 1113 364 204 160 15 Gele 832.83 126 127 574 246 328 108 52 56 16 Arnholi 5619.27 726 730 3287 1516 .1771 574 273 301 17 Verle 2557.83 444 447 2055 842 : 1213 329 157 172 18 Kalambist 1125.82 404 484 2251 972 1279 310 153 157 19 Sawarwad 644.40 181 182 863 395 468 129 72 57 20 Madkhol 1943.50 598 602 3198 1489 1709 471 . 230 241 21 Kariwade 1448.61 593 598 2978 1380 1598 423 217 206 22 Bavlat 534.93 100 102 598 266 332 99 52 47 23 Satuli 438.40 169 183 800 381 419 118 66 52 24 Devsu 623.18 167 169 897 .403 494 150 79 71 25 OValiye 940.95 145 145 718 333 385 131 73 58 26 ParpoJi 1945.77 158 168 874 387 487 145 72 73 27 DanoH 534.98 70 71 353 149 204 61 25 36 28 Kesari 1726.37 110 110 563 252 311 81 37 44 29 Fansavade 914.88 34 37 248 114 134 53 30 23 30 Nene 2117.24 185 188 895 371 524 173 79 94 31 Masure 2912.11 26 27 144 66 78 32 18 14 32 Chaukul 1589.37 540 561 24tH 1042 1359 352 199 153 33 Kegad 2538.64 51 52 282 124 158 62 26 36 34 Kumbhavade 1459.63 56 58 251 99 152 44 24 20 35 Khadpade Tarf Banda 406.08 14 14 61 25 36 14 7 7

AMBOU cmCLE 38871.98 5765 5970 28893 12921 15972 4590 2335 225~

36 Bada 291.90 169 184 907 382 525 136 67 69 37 Kumbharwada 575.75 420 475 2341 1102 1239 339 178 161 38 Talavade 709.77 351 482 2303 1011 1292 286 133 153 39 Niravade 1428.40 565 568 2820 1379 1441 387 219 168 40 Sonurli 1188.14 327 331 1511 672 839 218 98 120 41 Nhaveli 1092.32 342 344 1740 853 887 268 131 137 42 Ajgaon 1634.85 820 827 3854 1813 2041 410 227 183 43 Malewad 1394.30 357 529 2698 1243 1455 313 .159 154 44 Kondure 146.34 85 86 390 181 209 40 25 15 45 Dandeli 755.00 217 245 1199 598 601 141 81 60 46 Aros 824.48 254 257 1309 607 702 185 100 85 47 Talawane 1016.15 266 319 1606 777 829 155 79 76 227



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No, Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

69 80 23 26 846 757 556 381 340 259 64 60 28 7 1 11 8 . 404 390 282 54 .53 13 44 10 7 2 99 118 761 728 519 293 163 187 47 60 10 5 3 45 56 15 17 540 485 346 207 224 176 30 6 3 1 4 23 25 23 13 307 269 213 179 132 126 28 37 33 9 5 2 2 4 5 363 284 262 176 118 95 64 62 2 1 6 60 67 2 1 783 724 519 288 181 144 73 76 2 1 7 86 99 2 3 1563 1474 948 679 342 480 107 108 17 8 254 241 216 87 154 61 24 12 2 7 9 106 122 643 620 441 402 268 273 75 69 10 9 11 9 3 563 502 362 238 128 110 21 49 3 11 16 13 257 152 188 171 112 94 48 67 3 12 526 601 78 68 7284 6626 4852 3155 2215 2018 625 616 no 31 10

141 158 879 763 654 705 431 545 63 81 3 4 13 47 57 523 568 354 578 257 524 20 16 5 2 14 42 32" 147 117 108 101 70 48 26 52 1 15 95 96 1126 1125 688 702 244 334 164 316 36 8 16 43 67 2 615 757 355 506 275 448 29 45 3 17 74 67 748 760 387 453 228 393 15 18 4 1 18 3 287 269 119 118 74 111 5 4 4 1 19 44 52 88 84 1062 849 638 462 339 333 43 60 27 10 20 96 116 745 831 591 615 329 406 59 126 8 15 21 16 22 194 207 124 97 99 80 7 6 22 24 22 294 277 168 91 65 50 28 27 3 2 23 21 21 268 249 166 56 68 13 27 10 1 1 24 27 23 236 246 121 180 84 144 9 16 11 9 25 57 71 1 237 230 216 296 181 270 4 8 16 14 26 5 7 100 116 52 47 35 44 3 2 27 17 22 161 128 141 145' 80 94 38 44 12 5 28 4 7 62 48 54 63 46 63 3 29 43 52 188 207 181 289 162 281 2 5 30 20 20 33 43 30 40 2 3 31 45 55 680 751 403 556 259 441 29 100 25 2 32 59 57 56 31 30 17 23 14 33 23 23 64 82 47 87 46 87 34 11 12 12 18 11 18 35 864 973 91 84 8706 8669 5668 6239 3443 4784 570 937 188 90 20

293 332 178 212 145 184 10 15 36 842 819 511 380 396 313 14 14 2 37 104 177 4 1 700 805 469 557 289 424 51 80 5 1 38 121 135 798 710 664 303 379 207 81 42 . 10 1 39 66 68 2 2 469 387 349 412 250 307 70 72 1 40 31 28 468 361 400 299 268 220 72 55 2 41 75 103 3 4 1417 1240 837 273 377 155 90 36 26 4 42 84 107 7 3 969 890 562 353 190 177 170 116 11 43 156 133 74 54 40 18 15 24 1 6 44 15 12 445 367 260 113 102 62 37 15 17 2 45 20 24 443 397 174 9 117 6 29 1 1 46 33 25 606 492 371 115 211 47 32 47 23 47 228



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and CoastnJetions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in 9ther Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) . [Veal] [V(b}] , (VII)

M F M F M F )l F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (sa) (34) (35) 1 Nemale 1 9 12 ·50 38 , 17 2 Bhom 2 40 6 -1:6 51 9 S Koigaon 2 1 8 4 70 7 27 56 9 4 Kunkeri 18 18 10 2 11 5 Ambegaon 7 4 1 3 6 Nirukhe 1 25 12 4 1 11 2 7 Charathe 4 2 10 12 47 9 13 40 13 8 Majgaon 4 3 11 112 31 36 2 105 6 9 Brahmanpat 1 6 8 6 10 Malgaon 5 24 18 22 14 22 1 11 Kumbharli 4 46 33 37 18 13 1 50 3 12 Vetye 1 7 8 5 1 1 3 SAWANTWADI CIRCLE 17 3 108 123 427 148 139 375 43

13 Sangeli 14 3 9 1 91 54 9 4 14 Shlrahinge 6 1 19 12 1 15 Cele 3 "1 16 Amboli 1 9 5 77 3 28 47 7 17 Verle 19 9 2 8 18 Kalambist 19 26 22 10 4, 2 15 2 19 Sawarwad 2 4 4 2 3 20 Madkhol 3 1 33 1 17 1 40 27 31 13 21 Kariwade 27 14 27 44 16 3 36 16 1 22 Bavlat 4 11 2 2 23 Satuli 14 1 38 2 24 Dev8u' 1 6 29 20, 13 2 25 Ovwiye 6 9 1 3 26 Parpoli 3 5 27 Danoli 1 1 2 28 Kesari 1 1 29 Fansavade 1 2 30 Nene 4 2 1 1 2 31 Masure 32 Chaukul 2 4 11 1 17 1 33 Kegad 34 Kumbhavade 35 Khadpade Tarf Banda AMBOLI cmCLE 17 149 108 176 15 252 113 219 33

36 Bada 4 5 5 5 7 37 Kumbharwada 4 28 25 10 27 2 38 Talavade 6 22 33 3 9 23 3 39 Niravade 3 22 12 89 30 6 1 18 1 40 Sonurli 4 22 7 7 3 6 41 NIlaveli 6 18 20 1 4 5 3 42 Ajgaon 14 15 12 49 4 31 76 5 43 Malewad 18 1 30 38 16 1 12 44 44 Kondure 4 2 45 Danooli 6 4 1 23 21 16 17 2 46 Aros 5 8 47 Talawane 8 4 10 17 1 52 11 5 229


Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total SC ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

19 1 24 4 87 274 578 791 2257 55 .62 1 36 33 16 11 44 256 484 84B 2 53 83 20 . 16 18 539 895 1570 94 103 3 9 1 39 5 38 226 361 399 1378 36 40 4 9 3 16 65 249 273 667 17 19 5 25 12 3 3 56 256 259 898 8 9 10 14 6 32 117 31 7 103 491 766 1666 40 50 7 63 1 159 40 52 329 930 1187 3523 77 87 8 3 13 6 19 118 218 299 975 9 6 33 13 9 30 417 625 1698 13 16 3 2 10 11 1 49 23 7 31 358 554 1298 11 5 11 12 11 1 7 1 8 59 190 206 717 14 15 12

258 4 578 165 273 1353 4843 6738 17495 365 406 24 28 10

4 30 13 14 108 546 607 2397 144 153 13 1 42 22 45 82 456 453 1839 53 58 14 1 6 1 6 66 132 161 512 24 18 15 22 60 29 44 129 784 940 2267 64 58 2 2 16 4 15 4 18 150 469 557 2134 62 49 17 10 58 13 59 292 526 534 2200 67 63 18 9 12 2 37 76 239 274 845 2 4 2 7 19 41 64 16 75 269 776 978 2798 32 36 1 20 15 1 58 5 44 261 745 722 • 2706 92 105 21 5 5 1 40 141 195 525 17 29 22 9 11 9 14 47 199 281 740 22 21 23 8 13 10 13 33 224 405 736 13 11 24 7 2 7 30 205 175 602 11 13 25 7 4 3 15 168 176 796 39 44 26 1 9 1 9 42 88 115 340 4 5 27 1 8 2 1 III 165 596 15 18 28 2 60 71 336 68 44 29 1 8 1 3 4 187 231 519 30 1 33 35 657 31 11 49 7 3 2 636 801 1728 56 75 32 3 56 68 71 478 33 ,1 4 52 61 328 34 34 1 3 13 15 73 35 143 1 470 141 395 1710 6858 8023 26152 819 832 5 9 20

3 4 3 25 133 179 180 819 36 12 31 13 64 310 527 549 2027 3 37 13 40 24 5 57 537 678 2206 107 162 38 17 39 9 4 207 711 931 2289 80 98 39 2 6 4 10 52 313 375 1305 37 58 3 3 40 2 21 2 6 7 447 581 1478 29 19 41 32 127 57 51 371 925 1397 3715 75 98 42 19 '52 20 94 421 587 681 2043 75 100 43 5 7 6 13 21 94 134. 841 1 1 44 7 29 12 52 64 286 424 1072 16 20 45 6 8 2 3 3 430 690 1180 13 20 46 1 12 5 82 362 324 352 1602 35 33 47 230


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi­ House­ (including Institutional and Total population No. Beet- dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

48 Gulduve 362.25 124 124 640 304 336 61 34 27 49 Tirod.a 246.45 239 274 1300 605 695 165 89 76 50 Nan{)s 229.45 129 129 548 235 313 67 38 29 51 Bhatpavani 386.46 199 201 913 452 461 79 51 28 52 Aronda 529.83 562 566 2655 1330 1325 323 171 152 53 Kinale 285.34 80 .118 559 282 277 81 48 33 54 Savarjuva 58.01 60 62 325 158 167 47 27 20 AJGAON CIRCLE 13155.19 5566 6121 29618 13984 15634 3701 1955 1746

55 Otavane 1089.22 472 478 2312 1135 1177 355 191 164 56 Sannale 1170.Q7 129 184 825 374 451 114 66 48 57 Vilavade 641.53 258 263 1264 578 686 129 62 67 58 Insuli 1086.62 466 472 2194 1012 1182 277 154 123 59 Kshetrapal 1013.58 458 462 2409 1141 1268 308 151 157 60 Nigude 461.71 240 243 1189 559 630 144 81 63 61 Wafoli 661.24 261 308 1360 617 743 189 108 81 62 Degave 1154.46 298 302 1532 740 792 191 105 86 63 Padve 371.28 17 18 103 47 :56 22 10 12 64 Padve Majgaon 502.48 66 93 450 207 243 55 23 32 65 Dingne 996.78 179 180 773 372 401 111 60 51 66 Galel 257.59 43 61 328 171 157 42 19 23 67 Banda 1029.65 1033 1109 5928 2963 2965 710 340 370 68 Sharle 654.01 430 434 2198 1048 1150 296 158 138 69 Ronapal 582.25 110 112 562 267 295 63 32 31 70 Padlos 844.07 202 204 874 416 458 88 46 42 71 Madl.lre 959.25 377 381 1831 849 982 238 111 127 72 Kas 582.78 303 312 1460 671 789 194 93 101 73 SaleH Tarf Satarda 569.94 170 171 751 347 404 105 60 45 74 Satarda 1324.10 521 524 2387 1139 1248 261 129 132 75 Satose 414.34 248 250 1346 635 711 152 90 62 71i Kavthani 496.36 216 219 1134 539 595 117 53 64 BANDA CIRCLE 16863.31 6497 6780 33210 15827 17383 4161 2142 2019

77 Dabhil 799.91 17 17 83 35 48 19 7 12 78 Udell 735.80 5 5 19 12 7 3 1 2 79 Gharap 1463.03 53 55 267 III 156 51 23 28 80 Fukeri 593.96 168 170 320 133 187 56 29 27 81 Asniye 787.79 150 179 839 414 425 130 70 60 82 Konas 716.65 101 112 448 201 247 59 27 32 83 Bhalawal 419.61 93 116 685 331 354 127 61 66 84 Tamboli 1015.52 133 169 717 328 389 91 50 41 85 Zolambe 1093.26 228 228 1158 547 611 179 94 85 86 Kobar 783.67 220 223 943 428 515 130 57 73 87 Talkat 558.32 186 227 1066 500 566 143 66 77 88 Motgaon 725.39 236 239 1074 494 580 165 95 70 89 Adali 660.91 160 163 707 316 391 99 56 43 90 Dongarpal 453.65 73 74 317 150 ttl7 41 23 18 91 Netarde 672.39 213 216 1068 504 564 153 B1 72 92 Ph()ndye 268.16 6 6 29 19 10 3 2 1 93 Ugade 497.38 69 70 297 138 159 27 8 19 94 Shirwal 825.81 58 58 252 113 139 34 17 17 231



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Ttibes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (i3) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

6 11 248 197 172 152 124 130 18 20 48 28 52 437 391 284 210 143 128 34 55 1 49 3 8 92 108 104 66 69 44- 15 5 7 1 50 376 302 171 97 100 69 4 11 21 51 74 85 1 2 1093 839 631 206 102 82 72 38 67 3 52 12 6 13 14 194 152 136 32 62 3 21 7 11 12 53 116 98 77 55 51 44 8 14 1 54 672 841 30 26 10162 9020 6424 3898 3415 2620 843 653 220 31 30

31 33 812 680 593 525 255 289 150 147 14 5 55 49 60 165 157 167 203 99 128 56 72 56 8 8 5 3 454 424 250 359 187 323 22 27 1 1 57 56 5!i 12 16 711 726 480 312 267 193 83 67 3 58 3 1 879 776 573 528 402 430 37 48 3 1 59 47 36 360 411 282 281 208 239 25 30 1 60 39 36 39 54 456 450 249 176 136 123 36 25 11 2 61 13 12 553 452 296 149 147 Hl3 64 30 13 62 23 26 21 11 1 6 1 8 4 63 9 9 175 126 100 107 50 76 16 22 17 5 64 35 44 282 217 180 98 119 87 22 3 13 2 65 3 3 131 95 88 26 56 19 27 5 1 66 154 123 9 1 2417 2019 1504 580 316 281 140 136 36 2 67 89 100 528 611 526 383 295 302 43 55 1 68 217 167 127 51 110 36 6 12 4 3 69 47 44 246 264 192 132 125 102 45 23 70 45 52 450 588 4lH 183 279 142 40 27 1 71 18 25 518 457 313 195 254 174 11 10 72 17 19 240 231 182 82 48 26 45 31 10 6 73 43 46 816 786 5U6 319 211 200 48 76 5 4 74 26 25 470 412 249 176 165 140 10 8 4 75 28 37 426 356 235 61 128 32 33 22 6 1 76 766 769 65 74 11329 10431 7514 4937 3858 3445 965 877 152 36 40

23 27 20 22 17 20 2 2 77 4 6 2 4 78 1 69 78 54 21 51 21 79 8 16 100 110 56 44 22 17 29 27 80 51 47 311 260 205 61 117 36 49 16 23 2 81 4 6 162 115 121 UO 77 70 15 24 27 13 82 6 3 238 210 141 117 44 41 40 52 12 10 83 33 45 245 206 111 93 50 66 20 22 6 84 9 11 421 348 286 120 24 26 119 54 116 34 85 22 37 253 314 192 177 49 124 70 24 26 17 86 1 8 1 394 330 249 175 99 91 85 70 16 1 87 90 110 1 1 339 363 225 208 72 89 53 59 28 15 88 8 10 239 237 127 68 41 27 29 24 14 1 89 117 97 53 52 33 35 10 13 5 2 90 23 13 380 366 263 152 183 118 61 31 1 91 5 7 14 6 13 4 6 3 92 23 22 121 84 78 61 44 46 18 12 5 93 9 13 82 83 70 69 44 53 13 16 2 94 232



Manufacturing Manufactw-ing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quan-ying Repairs in Repail"8 in other Commerce No. Household than Hou.~ehold Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

48 Gulduve 1 1 7 12 2 49 Tiroda 17 7 9 16 33 13 3 50 Nanos 5 1 13 51 Bhatpavani 4 6 1 11 16 52 Aronda 48 3 10 13 68 3 24 106 35 53 Kinale 1 1 1 1 31 6 4 54 8avaljuva 1 2 3 8 AJGAON CmCLE 126 15 120 193 386 79 239 23 383 83

55 Otavane 1 18 48 48 5 25 33 18 56 8armale 3 2 1 57 Vilavade 12 4 8 3 58 Insuli 1 6 19 41 23 8 24 2 59 Kshetrapal 3 4 60 2B 6 22 1 60 Nigude ,2 1 22 3 7 61 Wafoli 11 14 I 7 1 13 1 62 Degave 3 3 9 1 12 4 63 Padve 3 3 6 64 Padve Majgaon 1 6 2 4 5 65 Dingne 1 3 3 4 1 66 Galel 1 67 Banda 5 2 13 15 119 14 26 3 336 23 68 8herle 3 2 :m 2 31 45 8 69 Ronapal 4 70 Padlos 9 2 1 71 Madure 18 1 1 17 6 72 Kas 3 3 27 1 1 6 73 Sate Ii Tarf Satal-da 18 1 11 5 34 4 74 Satarda 13 11 11 16 10 89 32 1 75 Satose 21 12 4 9 11 2 14 '1 8 76 Kavthani 2 1 3 6 2B 7 1 BANDA CIRCLE 74 20 122 142 396 94 307 7 582 70

77 Dahhil 78 Udeli 79 Gharap 80 Fukeri 1 2 81 Asniye 1 3 5 4 1 82 Konas 2 83 Bhalawal 1 1 18 2, 15 8 4 1 84 Tamboli 1 1 12 3 1 85 Zolambe 6 4 8 86 Kolzar 2 5 2 1 14 87 Talkat 3 4 7 4 88 Morgaon, 16 5 12 27 8 1 5 9 1 89 Adali 9 8 2 6 2 4 3 2 90 Dongal'pal 1 1 91 Netal'de 3 1 1 1 92 Phondye 2 4 2 93 Ugade 1 2 2 3 1 94 Shirwal 2 2 3 233


Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total SC ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 1 3 1 132 184 644 10 8 48 3 20 a 12 46 309 439 1276 35 47 49 1 6 3 1 138 130 109 555 4 4 50 7 17 1 34 90 247 274 915 51 28 106 29 15 58 684 1061 2516 82 an 52 2 3 2 23 159 123 86 490 9 7 53 6 50 75 62 308 54

161 531 201 500 2549 7060 !:H87 27281 611 760 3 3 30

11 38 13 14 123 528 529 2068 77 81 55 4 5 207 248 789 46 42 56 4 12 5 5 28 323 299 1189 9 8 4 3 57 11 36 8 64 304 468 566 2075 51 64 6 5 58 9 31 16 25 94 543 646 2129 59 1 . 15 9 277 349 1137 38 41 60 14 19 4 33 228 335 339 1300 41 39 31 34 61 11 36 9 35 141 409 502 1392 12 11 62 1 21 25 24 84 63 1 2 2 6 105 130 460 64 1 17 2 28 85 164 218 736 37 48 65 3 2 43 83 88 313 66 88 1 425 103 66 252 1393 2133 5166 124 114 22 21 67 25 44 14 62 262 460 505 1981 76 100 68 3 1 4 139 240 592 3 69 2 9 6 13 94 211 232 810 35 43 70 8 31 13 33 390 415 409 1678 43 52 71 2 8 8 7 134 351 460 1502 24 30 72 8 1 9 7 8 165 314 680 18 28 73 20 61 17 61 166 572 763 2406 51 37 74 3 9 4 66 136 320 399 1224 28 23 75 5 19 2 56 293 248 241 1579 20 33 76

227 2 831 244 572 2812 7741 9634 31290 733 794 63 63 40

1 15 26 80 77 2 4 7 50 23 21 78 1 2 57 135 446 71 46 79 2 4 23 73 120 363 8 15 80 7 2 34 175 175 189 817 48 40 81 2 1 5 80 132 434 5 8 82 6 3 39 85 151 152 538 2 2 83 7 11 .4 31 62 186 234 762 43 47 9 4 84 6 3 6 2Q 261 471 1099 7 9 85 3 25 7 4 5 232 333 1216 123 133 86 5 30 9 12 64 239 327 990 11 10 87 3 19 11 41 65 228 307 907 72 85 88 3 10 4 50 124 139 199 620 9 10 89 4 1 11 23 86 92 291 90 1 .12 2 5 ·10 236 402 934 17 13 91 3 3 6 21 5 7 92 1 1 3 3 60 95 315 31 31 93 1 3 1 4 42 66 281 15 14 94 234


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi­ House­ (including Inl'ltitutional and Total population No. Hect­ dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

95 Kumbral 898.47 290 293 1318 597 721 174 106 68 96 Bhike-Konal 289.62 63 64 268 120 148 29 18 11 97 Kalane 66U27 199 204 898 430 468 117 58 59 9B Sasoli 1077.00 33G 339 1459 6R4 775 197 III 86 99 Panturli 394.78 55 56 245 102 143 31 13 18 100 Kudase 1415.00 258 341 1704 831 873 229 119 110 101 Maneri 921.38 320 343 16H2 741 861 219 106 113 102 Ambeli 414.62 72 73 376 194 182 71 35 36 103 Kasai 1163.64 473 492 2397 1197 1200 348 170 178 TALKAT CmCLE 20307.99 4229 4532 20556 9670 10886 2925 1503 1422

104 Bhekurli 1455.78 40 41 172 74 98 27 10 17 105 Ker 2096.92 120 160 741 338 403 114 56 58 106 MorIe 56g.39 135 153 547 246 301 48 25 23 107 Palye 722.58 77 88 364 164 200 54 27 27 108 Sonawal 594.35 81 81 349 151 198 43 17 26 109 Terwan 1131.51 117 122 469 203 266 70 39 31 110 Terwanmedhe 677.35 90 90 417 188 229 76 36 40 111 Bambal'de 1370.10 114 116 421 220 201 93 49 44 112 Ghatiwade 662.15 4 14 68 33 35 11 6 5 113 Hewale 955.15 98 1()4 478 231 247 82 46 36 114 Sargave 939.36 51 65 277 125 152 32 18 14 115 Kendre Kh. 568.13 5 5 28 11 17 5 2 3 116 Kendre Bk. 629.43 6 6 50 24 26 9 3 6 117 Pal 929.69 65 67 358 153 205 60 31 29 118 Patye 1595.68 178 185 794 375 419 92 46 46 119 Aynode 676.17 115 136 668 313 355 88 50 38 120 Ghotgcwadi 757.63 194 224 1146 575 571 170 101 69 121 Ghotge 554.16 233 235 1007 448 559 135 74 61 122 Parme 954.48 147 149 602 274 328 115 53 62 123 Satcli Bhcdshl 770.78 663 759 3402 1667 1735 497 256 241 124 Awade 26.33 46 47 184 84 100 17 7 10 125 Konal 941.52 875 971 3833 2066 1767 635 331 304 126 Shirange 1960.36 198 2()6 941 414 527 167 87 80 127 Khanyale 972.14 65 70 439 212 227 79 40 39 128 Bodade 651.90 106 112 435 177 258 50 25 25 129 Zare 664.16 135 146 769 366 403 140 68 72 _ 130 Pikule· 870.14 383 393 1666 715 951 213 108 105 131 Khokaral 501.43. 108 113 512 220 292 67 38 29 132 Mangeli ·2327.86 313 324 1485 655 830 291 137 154 133 Usap 924.66 311 320 1240 528 712 151 80 71 134 Giro de 538.00 42 55 256 129 127 ·33 21 12 135 Vazare 1070.90 260 281 1158 575 583 194 98 96 136 }unbadgaon 772.96 232 235 1060 522 538 154 85 69 137 Matane 660.01 287 295 1544 790 754 249 137 112 138 Ayee 1034.66 313 320 1471 722 749 211 108 103 -139 Talekhol 1341.37 216 216 1078 505 573 155 74 81 140 Virdi 2045.60 204 204 990 452 538 187 104 83 BHEDSHI CIRCLE 35908.79 6627 7108 31419 14945 16474 4814 2493 2321

SAWANTWADI C.D.B1ock 135178.65 32587 34743 164910 77315 87595 23380 12017 11363 235



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (l) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (l2) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

57 76 16 11 454 457 196 102 120 6R 28 22 14 1 95 13 10 92 103 62 93 32 66 16 25 1 96 18 17 325 241 180 65 84 45 32 8 8 6 97 56 51 518 347 289 289 106 199 63 62 9 98 82 87 57 82 45 50 11 32 99 84 88 6 9 642 529 342 246 178 175 74 57 1 100 74 85 565 441 352 260 181 179 56 45 15 5 101 11 11 143 122 101 86 58 64 14 10 2 102 59 25 894 701 596 164 237 80 25 12 20 3 103 671 711 24 21 7227 6262 4445 2941 2022 lR06 939 719 350 111 50

5 2 55 59 32 14 26 10 5 4 104 9 14 240 212 150 102 86 73 18 18 26 8 105 1 1 191 198 116 117 80 23 10 93 2 106 15 13 117 82 95 95 76 81 2 11 1 107 7 3 118 114 65 84 55 81 1 .. 3 2 108 6 2 108 110 54 23 18 15 8 5 19 1 109 48 63 128 129 79 63 37 57 19 3 7 110 47 42 158 101 120 23 18 20 2 1 111 21 20 12 9 20 17 4 4 1 2 112 29 29 146 149 109 62 66 49 16 12 113 12 12 77 59 60 57 39 41 10 15 114 6 3 8 11 6 7 2 4 115 5 5 16 9 15 18 12 14 1 4 116 5 8 101 104 76 106 59 102 3 3 1 117 12 12 278 268 192 204 137 188 3 7 3 118 35 39 226 168 162 156 99 118 7 18 119 72 71 420 347 279 107 112 49 52 21 7 1 120 30 33 342 304 181 178 123 140 16 18 1 1 121 6 8 168 138 135 131 57 72 10 30 6 1 122 86 70 1186 1138 762 343 166 132 178 130 8 123 70 56 39 21 9 11 6 8 124 151 140 86 97 1634 1144 1149 222 115 121 128 73 10 125 22 31 247 269 190 125 138 102 9 11 2 1 126 19 23 1 1 114 116 107 50 48 17 30 15 6 5 127 17 17 ~27 188 66 82 43 69 3 1 128 12 17 25~ 239 167 57 64 5 67 48 6 2 129 34 44 534 568 299 331 197 290 29 Z4 130 9 15 157 183 95 161 75 147 4 14 131 19 17 384 393 332 373 302 343 8 23 132 32 42 386 436 210 293 146 260 17 25 133 104 73 66 66 58 57 4 9 134 29 40 321 188 366 330 232 222 49 38 4 4 135 8 4 420 342 319 334 218 257 17 51 1 136 7 6 430 373 463 438 153 266 189 130 3 1 137 94 90 18 22 ~10 387 355 187 62 60 136 91 1 138 390 348 232 97 137 55 59 41 1 139 35 55 274 290 169 51 108 26 43 23 140

939 988 105 120 10454 9294 7334 5129 3381 3584 1161 1025 118 27 60

4438 4883 393 393 55162 50302 36237 26299 18334 18257 5103 4827 1138 326 6 236



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing. Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs iii Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI) MI)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) {al) (32) (33) (34) (35)

95 Kumbral 4 2 1 2 1 6 13 2 96 Bhike-Konal 3 1 4 4 97 Kalane 1 6 6 19. 2 9B Sasoli 7 5 9 20 4 1 24 2 W Panturli 100 Kudase 1 20 2 3 12 5 101 Maneri 11 9 7 15 20 1 7 17 1 102 Ambeli 1 5 10 1 7 2 3 3 103 Kasai 2 5 .12 53 3 11 104 21 TALKAT CmCLE 53 25 49 B8 202 17 82 10 251 45

104 Bhekurli 1 105 Ker 8 3 2 2 106 Morle 1 15 1 107 Palye 1 2 3 3 3 108 Sonawal 1 109 Terwan 3 1 2 1 110 Terwanmedhe 3 3 i 6 1 111 Barnharde 1 44 54 1 1 112 Ghatiwade 13 11 113 Hcwale 1 5 11 114 Sargave 1 115 Kendre Kh. 116 Kenru-e Bk. 1 117 Pal 4 118 Patye 3 3 4 5 2 119 Aynode 9 7 1 34 9 5 3 120 Ghotgewadi 20 19 14 1 27 13 7 121 Ghotge 18 16 3 4 122 Parrne 34 24 1 3 3 1 9 123 Sateli Bhedshi 36 26 15 2 59 8 41 lOB 8 124 Awade 3 9 4 1 125 Konal 8 134 583 13 60 6 126 Shirange 7 7 2 12 1 1 127 Khanyale 6 4 4 7 2 2 5 1 128 Bodade 12 .11 2 1 129 Zare 10 1 3 4 4 130 Pikule 28 12 9 5 1 131 Khokaral 1 2 1 3 132 Mangeli 4 3 2 2 133 Usap 1 10 1 5 134 Girode 1 135 Vazare 26 40 25 26 16 2 10 136 AJnbadgaoD 26 20 6 3 9 1 9 6 1 137 Matane 100 37 4 3 2 1 7 138 Ayee 3 6 Rl 19 10 29 4 139 Talekhol 1 10 8 140 Virdi 4 6 BHEDSHI CmCLE 247 162 167 121 467 52 819 40 300 26

SAWANTWADI C.D.Block 575 242 715 775 2054 405 1838 197 2110 300 237


Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total Be BT No.


M F M M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 2 6 6 74 237 327 382 1264 54 55 11 11 95 1 2 5 4 53 51 298 9 9 96 3 1 21 3 27 95 223 308 906 19 24 97 9 45 13 17 61 378 425 1340 38 47 98 1 3 45 58 251 99 6 47 7 66 100 433 527 1468 100 11 27 5 52 218 337 383 1399 57 68 4 2 101 5 1 1 5 3 88 93 292 5 7 102 59 2 80 31 22 216 579 820 1920 54 28 103 128 4 369 116 495 1605 4730 6340 19302 726 729 24 17 50

15 51 27 33 190 4 3 104 1 7 8 145 180 156 667 15 17 10 8 105 8 1 47 129 137 545 2 4 16 14 106 1 6 5 25 64 80 443 15 10 107 6 7 20 79 94 346 108 4 36 117 113 126 719 38 40 109 1 5 9 42 100 124 477 7 6 110 1 2 100 176 5tH 3 2 6 5 111 2 1 12 18 347 112 1 10 2 122 183 572 46 30 113 10 1 3 12 62 83 408 13 12 114 3 6 21 115 1 9 8 204 88 78 116 9 1 12 14 65 85 566 35 25 11 9 117 1 34 6 7 29 176 186 990 12 10 118 7 1 5 7 146 192 837 33 37 119 3 37 3 19 50 277 414 1045 66 73 120 5 11 3 13 83 254 298 999 31 33 121 5 9 1 8 45 131 152 664 122 ·52 1 99 36 36 66 869 1326 2273 56 50 6 1 123 3 5 1 45 79 211 124 21 90 9 11 85 906 1460 2034 34 49 93 98 125 1 18 3 19 159 205 243 984 28 24 126 2 2 1 7 51 .98 126 375 20 26 127 1 4 1 9 41 102 135 430 25 24 128 3 6, 1 22 98 177 248 408 14 12 129 9 22 4 1 115 415 505 1549 26 25 130 4 5 125 131 541 6 8 131 1 15 2 4 66 319 391 1267 14 13 4 4 132 2 30 6. 6 6 312 413 1461 45 46 25 17 133 3 5 63 56 223 134 2 209 253 1037 33 35 135 3 24 1 1 203 2n3 968 16 13 136 2 3 327 316 1284 12 8 9 9 137 2 31 7 61 108 306 454 1371 64 72 138 2 14 1 33 83 240 393 978 139 8, 2 15 209 268 278 953 31 32 140 126 1 548 91 373 1784 7238 9561 28888 832 817 180 165 60

1043 12 3327 958 2608 11813 38470 49483 1504(~ 4086 4338 299 285 238


Area No. of of Location Village Oc(."Upied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi­ House­ (including Institutional and Total population No. Hect. dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1 Karli 89.00 178 195 753 344 41)9 77 44 33 2 Chipi 324.00 175 192 883 365 518 98 56 42 3 Ravadas 253.00 211 245 1292 5B6 706 139 63 76 4 Shelapi \ 324.00 87 98 585 284 301 70 30 40 5 Parole 3174.00 127 168 779 366 413 106 50 56 6 Gavan 251.00 197 283 1248 566 682 165 86 79 7 Bhogave 76.00 231 255 1049 485 564 106 53 63 8 Shriramwadi 278.00 141 142 705 352 353 120 67 53 9 Kochare 845.00 425 428 1996 922 1074 256 122 134 10 Mhapan 589.00 211 213 1020 492 528 117 59 58 11 Khalchiwadi 226.00 . 124 136 667 329 338 76 38 38 12 Mayana 130.00 103 103 504 234 270 70 38 32 13 Medha 185.00 161 161 835 412 423 89 43 46 14 Khavane 382.00 166 171 976 451 525 140 71 69 15 Malai 287.00 50 50 403 189 214 68 38 30 16 Kelus 568.00 178 183 897 429 468 115 62 53 17 Kalavi 214.00 155 155 729 324 405 92 42 50 18 Talekarwadi 619.00 179 184 9B6 462 524 144 66 78 19 Wayangani 623.00 281 297 1382 674 708 177 87 90 20 Khanoli 746.00 . 178 182 988 470 518 149 79 70 21 Warchiwadi 229.00 112 112 660 301 359 99 54 45 22 Palkarwadi 921.00 291 303 1569 739 830 219 118 101 23 Vetore 268.00 198 202 1131 547 584 154 81 73 PARULE CIRCLE 11601.00 4159 4458 22037 10323 11714 2846 1447 1399

24 Dabholi 682.00 459 471 2257 1061 1196 246 114 132 25 Sataye 545.00 199 205 1021 463 558 68 30 38 26 Adeli 686.00 449 454 2268 1099 1169 536 380 156 27 Bhandarwada 279.00 127 130 731 350 381 95 51 44 28 Kamblevir 514.00 104 105 520 224 296 88 40 ~ 29 Vajarath 817.00 354 359 1713 784 929 265 126 139 30 Math 799.00 279 365 1833 873 960 215 109 106 31 Ubhadanda 34.00 67 68 311 143 168 32 16 16 32 Parabwada 170.00 317 320 1247 573 674 139 70 69 33 Vagheshwar 102.00 170 172 765 375 390 71 43 28 34 Navabag 31.00 130 131 701 360 341 102 50 52 35 Siddhawadi 71.00 155 156 592 258 334 61 28 33 36 Bhendamala 245.00 170 172 857 406 451 110 56 54 37 Namas 34.00 84 86 390 185 205 37 23 14 38 Kambaliwadi 50.00 86 87 347 151 196 34 15 19 39 Sukhatanbag 97.00 159 159 688 329 359 65 . 32 33 40 Ansur 614.00 104 105 883 401 482 112 50 62 239



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (m)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

273 249 149 . 113 36 36 60 67 22 2 1 3 1 290 344 192 150 154 18 32 132 2 2 9 16 473 482 275 203 119 100 86 72 17 7 3 223 188 14() 145 71 86 36 40 31 16 4 295 300 193 67 52 28 40 18 19 1 5 97 121 418 401 246 85 47 23 125 47 13 1 6 303 272 153 29 24 9 26 2 54 2 7 175 245 164 115 49 43 10 8 99 8 41 59 719 653 426 265 194 83 139 161 2 '9 119 135 392 348 235 156 90 105 41 36 2 1 10 81 83 258 216 124 97 91 74 '11 18 11 184 163 99 97 79 89 10 7 12 336 289 189 133 33 3(}" 2 124 13 345 338 217 127 124 66 20 28 66 14 136 121 96 97 59 73 28 20 15 51 67 349 275 216 177 88 98 31 48 12 4 16 159 231 153 176 53 72 4() 52 41 17 322 265 227 102 132 77 60 22 13 18 1 1 515 370 298 53 123 13 51 15 73 2 19 30 29 361 324 240 149 96 84 80 56 9 3 20 230 229 138 59 94 43 29 11 21 533 458 349 115 156 54 79 19 ·6 16 22 38 32 386 322 266 72 112 25 79 24 2 23 467 543 3 1 7675 7083 4785 2782 2076 1329 1115 903 607 55 10

91 88 782 800 563 228 167 153 202 47 39 1 24 1 2 353 317 228 198 102 121 28 3(} 5 1 25 74 103 719 663 555 356 226 245 140 39 12 10 26 231 218 197 149 45 45 61 79 27 1 180 183 102 27 72 21 4 1 2 2 28 17 16 565 522 343 245 176 193 78 39 6 29 74 109 764 586 390 324 166 184 93 88 9 3 3(} 125 136 51 6 11 1 1 1 1 31 474 447 292 160 95 65 39 20 11 10 32 314 292 147 88 29 53 9 4 29 33 289 231 189 90 3 2 3 167 34 224 237 89 17 32 5 2 1 1 35 16 7 333 305 90 33 43 14 6 1 14 3 36 158 157 81 73 33 37 12 24 2 37 127 122 78 73 23 40 8 10 10 1 38 279 237 149 84 30 18 39 37 41 6 39 3 4 231 216 175 136 123 102 28 28 3 1 40

Y 4413-17. 240 .



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V(b») . (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1 Karli 8 1 2 4 4 2 Chipi 2 3 Ravadas 8 4 6 9 12 2 4 Shelapi 1 1 .1 5 Parule 11 1 3 1 1 1 31 2 6 Gavan 11 4 1 18 4 7 Bhogave 1 12 1 2 3 10' 2 8 Shriramwadi 2 63 9 Kochare 9 10 12 2 24 10 Mhapan 1 2 25 2 3 1 27 3 11 Khalchiwadi 6 12 Mayana 3 1 13 Medha 2 2 15 102 14 Khavane 1 1 2 29 15 Malai 1 2 4 2 16 Kelus 2 4 12 8 21 17 5 17' Kalavi 5 2 3 3 3 45 18 Talekarwadi 6 5 1 2 1 19 Wayangani 4 8 4 18 11 20 Khanoli 1 15 2 10 1 21 Warchiwadi 2 3 1 22 Palkarwadi 17 9 2 15 1 5 3 30 3 23 Vetore 1 3 10 14 3 3 19 3

PARULE CmCLE 22 9 58 142 9 72 13 257

24 Dahholi 4 11 18 15 31 3 25 Sataye 2 1 19 18 31 23 7 26 Adell 7 1 59 35 20 26 1 27 Bhandarwada 34 15 .3 13 2 8 2 20 4 28 Kamblevir 1 1 1 5 8 29 Vajarath 3 4 46 2 5 6 1 30 Math 1 1 3 22 25 10. 2 33 3 31 Ubhadanda 1 3 5 13 32 ParBbwada 5 6 29 34 15 1 24 33 Vagheshwar 2 11 4 8 32 15 34 Navabag 6 2 2 4 SO 35 Siddhawadi 1 1 9 3 19 1 36 Bhendamala 3 13 4 7. 2 37 Namas 4 7 4 7 38 Kambaliwadi 6 2 6 11 39 StUclhatanbag 6 1 2 1 15 20

40 ~ur, 2 2 2 2 6 241


Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total SC ST No.

(VIll) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

8 9 3 11 34 184 262 795 1 2 68 173 300 899 2 1 17 18 42 172 269 331 1422 15 16 3 2 1 6 143 ISO 527 4 12 24 15 6 107 167 239 807 5 2 29 6 19 117 301 480 1086 98 119 6 16 1 9 8 115 140 217 395 1112 1 7 1 3 1 9 188 229 701 8 8 36 11 17 49 479 760 2034 46 58 1 9 7 37 8 21 257 351 935 99 108 10 4 1 12 4 52 51 153 190 714 64 81 11 2 4 1 1 3 134 170 475 12 1 10 1 6 36 217 254 807 13 2 1 1 3 7 93 227 305 893 14 2 2 10 93 107 332 15 3 30 10 10 213 281 904 53 75 16 5 5 9 48 162 181 705 17 1 8 1 29 144 206 278 887 8 2 18 5 16 8 59 321 317 334 1376 12 9 19 5 22 5 8 48 222 321 942 27 28 20- 1 9 4 4 9 159 291 561 21 12 1 27 9 8 92 382 623 1285 22 6 27 7 16 96 265 416 1114 38 32 23

97 4 339 132 410 1684 5128 7248 21213 449 529 13 9 10

23 64 13 40 422 458 546 2261 76 83 24 11 23 4 15 91 220 269 976 4 25 16 1 49 24 46 293 498 520 1860 53 90 26 2 11 2 6 53 147 179 527 27 4 5 2 7 144 115 125 560 28 9 1 14 5 7 193 434 491 1632 6 15 29 19 36 16 29 111 454 525 1758 70 119 7 2 SO 3 13 .4 7 50 85 112 441 31 16 58 24 11 84 270 430 1183 32 7 20 12 20 112 208 190 585 33 3 4 3 9 4 162 247 639 34 7 14 10 13 127 156 190 566 35 4 9 91 208 225 210 804 36 6 13 5 3 35 101 97 407 37 9 14 11 5 43 68 80 358 38 6 10 1 33 82 147 193 791 39 3 6 3 6 32 220 314 926 3 5 40 y 4413-17a 242


Area No. of of Location Village Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Village in Resi- House- (including Institutional and Total population No. Hect. dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) ares Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

41 Adari 149.00 100 100 470 203 267 43 21 22 42 Muth 34.00 39 40 196 100 95 26 10 16 43 Kurlewadi 9.00 98 99 522 249 273 79 35 44 44 Girapwadi 6.00 66 67 320 156 164 34 16 18 45 Varachemad 198.00 153 154 723 349 374 90 47 43 46 Mochemad 402.00 214 215 1033 485 548 106 48 58 VENGURLA. CmCIE 6568.00 4083 4220 20387 9577 10810 2654 1410 1244 47 Tulas 1194.00 706 720 3385 1629 1756 378 205 173 48 Hodawade 1113.00 571 575 2592 1161 1431 312 156 156 49 Padatal 146.00 79 80 434 205 229 57 34 , 23 50 Khatarwadi 158.00 137 139 655 299 356 71 39 32 51 Pendur 877.00 313 315 1620 766 854 234 ~23 111 52 Matond 1445.00 587 593 3023 1390 1633 376 201 175 53 Pal 692.00 280 284 1442 644 798 204 101 103 54 Nhaichiad 205.00 105 109 483 220 263 60 26 34 55 Vadakhol 337.00 86 89 555 274 281 95 56 39 56 Josoli 269.00 72 73 387 176 211 31 17 14 57 Asoli 488.00 306 308 1479 672 807 163 98 65 58 ArawaIi 152.00 282 298 1308 627 681 134 66 68 59 Sakhelekhol 92.00 80 81 366 155 211 40 22 18 60 Tank 284.00 237 242 1004 464 540 102 55 47 61 Sonsure 211.00 161 162 877 405 472 '91 42 49 62 Bandh 70.00 70 74 298 151 147 9 4 5 63 ,Temh 93.00 60 66 341 171 170 38 20 18 64 Sagartirtha 93.00 94 96 413 206 207 44 25 19 65 Ve]agar 117.00 50 51 238 114 124 12 4 8 66 Bagayat 65.00 220 232 956 423 533 103 48 56 67 Shiroda 79.00 220 238 1110 534 576 100 49 51 68 Gandhinagar 229.00 181i 188 886 412 474 8B 42 46 69 Parahgaon so.oo 202 204 873 430 443 77 3j 44 70· Khalchlker 8.00 114 114 624 321 303 82 45 37 71 Varachiker 36.00 165 168 • 904 430 47. 117 49 68 72 Mharlale 200.00 234 242 1106 552 554 134 62 72 73 Sukalhhat 90.00 234 239 1470 948 522 103 49 ,54 74 Huda 261.00 207 218 971 492 479 113 60. 53 75 Recti 31.00 126 127 701 366 335 85 49 36 76 Bombadojichiwadi 70.00 188 189 819 419 400 94 47 47 77 Kanyale 236.00 231 233 1049 527 522 128 66 62 78 Gavatale 226.00 116 117 629 289 340 69 35 34

TULAS CIRCLE 9647.00 6718 6864 32998 15872 17126 3744 1928 1816 VENGURLA. C.D.Block 27816.00 14960 15542 75422 35772 39650 . 9244 4785 4459 243



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing, Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (Ill)

M F M F ?wi F M F M F ?wi F ?wi F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

6 182 181 82 22 41 4 18 3 1 1 41 85 55 42 29 3 38 16 42 202 177 108 63 3 2 96 43 133 lOB 83 34 19 2 61 2 44 24 17 203 266 114 21 38 6 6 1 16 1 45 14 15 419 356 246 133 136 80 33 14 41 31 46 315 361 6 7372 6812 4394 2589 1610 1391 810 475 605 89 20 97 94 1321 1053 669 411 382 303 79 77 10 4 47 77 98 11 14 914 883 612 634 303 438 132 112 48 162 139 114 122 103 6 120 49 2 3 233 235 138 35 82 7 18 16 50 4 603 529 306 317 244 282 36 30 2 51 96 110 1 1102 1037 687 432 531 355 86 62 5 2 52 75 97 498 450 315 38 185 6 84 18 3 53 182 161 86 19 49 2 21 14 54 179 139 132 111 79 84 20 17 12 3 55 158 132 88 1 79 9 56 94 96 545 547 295 192 151 102 56 65 1 1 57 50 43 6 4 541 532 324 116 64 45 32 23 23 1 58 129 148 72 26 45 23 6 3 1 59 379 358 207 195 104 133 11 8 43 4 60 353 328 178 134 123 122 9 8 61 26 21 140 113 86 51 36 35 10 2 2 62 143 111 94 28 75 25 1 63 159 126 97 15 4 1 6 11 72 64 109 102 57 24 7 12 7 46 2 65 356 385 164 51 46 7 27 7 5 66 57 65 469 429 245 61 22 22 1 9 67 362 336 195 51 43 17 58 28 2 68 385 330 194 58 63 44 5 2 4 69 143 139 132 96 12 17 110 70 353 292 182 131 10 4 1 142 1 71 21 18 3 3 490 364 285 93 67 45 14 35 5 7? 15 3 701 266 704 76 39 54 3 6 1 73 62 60 401 328 2(')6 48 61 37 3 3 3 74 294 232 189 71 17 39 4 20 1 1 75 5 2 250 265 231 103 38 79 5 5 2 1 76 1 440 363 262 55 5 11 30 33 15 77 6 7 233 205 109 13 36 7 22 3 78 682 710 26 29 12727 11057 7655 3808 3105 2358 795 735 519 -20 30 1464 1614 35 30 27774 24952 16834 9179 6791 5078 2720 2113 1731 164 244



Manufacturing Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name of the Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Village QuaITying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)) [V(b)] (VI) (VII)

14 F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

41 Adari 4 2 12 3 42 Muth 2 10 43 Kurlewadi 2 1 61 44 Girapwadi 28 45 Varachemad 8 1 1 15 46 Mochemad 2 1 4 2 3 10 2 VENGURLA CmCLE 54 16 23 28 271 158 145 29 295 242 47 Tulaa 10 21 8 9 20 4 4B Hodawade 32 38 37 24 13 43 4 49 Padatal 1 50 Khatarwadi 2 1 2 5 1 8 51 Pendur 11 1 1 3 2 1 52 Matond 1 8 2 4 8 1 53 Pal 7 10 6 3 54 Nhaichiad 2 1 4 3 55 Vadakhol 8 5 1 1 7 2 56 Josoli 57 AsoU 5 5 9 7 15 11 19 3 58 Arawali 12 1 13 13 37 2 17 44 2 59 Sakhelekhol 1 6 4 60 Tank 9 2 4 10 39 61 Sonsure 1 35 1 3 62 Bandh 5 4 6 12 3 63 Temb 1 9 1 1 64 Sagartirtha 2 1 4 1 3 65 Velagar 1 1 1 1 1 66 Bagayat 10 8 16 14 2 1 15 1 67 Shiroda 20 1 21 7 22 1 3 65 5 68 Gandhinagar 33 15 1 11 1 16 1 69 Parabgaon 15 2 18 2 27 70 Khalchiker 8 2 79 71 Varachiker 9 5 8 2 1 116 72 Mhartale 86 1 10 2 2 16 73 Sukalbhat 608 6 8 18 4 74 Huda 103 1 1 6 11 1 75 Redi 122 3 9 8 1 10 2 76 Bomhadojichiwadi 147 2 2 1 5 2 8 2 77 Kanya)e 189 2 4 2 6 78 Gavatale 29 1 7 2

~cmCLE 1428 27 138 103 277 4i 146 -- 6 373 265 VENGURLA C.D.Block 1504 52 219 175 690 212 363 48 925 .791 245 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Location Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Code Total sc ST No.


M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

:I 10 2 26 111 96 134 429 41 2 6 13 52 53 104 42 2 4 4 25 137 185 422 43 2 1 2 11 35 62 95 420 44 9 1 21 11 43 118 192· 235 706 18 15 45 1 15 4 25 151 214 264 980 12 15 46 167 3 414 158 462 2537 4721 5684 19335 238 346 7 2 20 8 130 15 224 524 736 821 2229 71 103 47 18 1 34 17 17 549 7BO 2402 51 75 48 4 2 9 91 98 689 49 1 20 10 2 60 159 261 1412 1 1 50 6 4 112 121 348 416 1472 3 13 51 7 37 10 32 430 671 771 3016 95 93 1 52 6 21 4 7 373 322 387 1314 69 93 53 2 4 3 32 119 102 125 484 54 3 1 20 52 122 118 476 55 1 88 210 351 56 7 2 21 7 51 155 326 460 1427 96 105 57 17 1 65 28 32 246 271 319 1218 39 31 58 2 7 27 113 56 72 363 59 3 23 9 17 100 240 245 1122 60 :I 4 3 46 161 181 177 815 61 I) 9 8 24 40 41 56 394 28 30 62 1 7 1 21 88 56 54 352 63 2 3 2 109 192 466 64 1 1 57 100 464 65 13 25 18 4 15 255 467 411 4 7 66 21 61 25 21 35 268 4BO 1637 61 62 1 67 5 11 4 1 21 216 402 869 68 19 39 12 9 40 227 345 791 4 6 69 3 34 186 173 200 70 2 7 '4 1 2 25 246 318 lOBO 71 49 35 11 2 20 265 441 1135 22 26 72 16 11 6 19 81 225 365 1904 42 3 6 4 73 9 1 9 5 6 18 280 413 977 59 58 74 17 1 5 4 1'6 173 248 622 12 6 75 6 16 13 13 56 175 241 789 76 4 7 9 19 42 246 425 1106 2 4 1 77 5 B 2 37 135 143 192 583 78

248 12 237 787 3146 7430 10172 32570 654 691 29 14 30 612 19 1379 527 1659 7367 17279 23104 73218 1341 1556 49 25 246


Area of No. of Wcation Town! Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Town! Ward Resi· House· (including Institutional and Total population No. Ward in dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) sq. km. Houses

p M F, P M F (1) (2) (3) {4} (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1000 KUDAL (CT)* 4.50 2666 2731 11602 5935 5667 1743 870 873 1 Ward No.1 477 479 2163 1090 1073 276 139 137 2 Ward No.2 463 463 1773 893 880 240 116 124 3 Ward No.3 357 403 1995 1043 952 331 170 161

4 Ward No.4 .~. ~ ... 1161 1176 4686 2412 2274 737 371 366 \ 5 Ward No.5 208 210 985 497 488 159 14 85 J



Manufactwing, Manufactwing, Processing, Processing, Location Name ofTownl Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Ward Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. HOlLo;ehold than Household Industry Industry (IV) [yea)] [V(b)] (VI) (VII)


(1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (~1) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1000 KUDAL (CT)* 1 1 50 22 388 38 189 31 844 114 1 Ward No.1 2 66 6 22 145 17 2 Ward No.2 1 1 54 5 15 151 15 3 Ward No.3 41 12 110 7 47 29 201 25 4 Ward No.4 6 139 12 66 1 269 52

5 Ward No.5 1 3 7 19 8 39 1 78 5 249 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 ConunWlications Other Services Wo~ers Non-Wo~eTS wcaation Total SC ST Code No. (VIII) (IX)


(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48)

224 11 1000 342 82 81 2836 4835 7198 71 69 6 7 1000

36 4 165 68 51 34 551 895 1 23 3 191 65 3 2 427 767 2 50 1 85 40 1. 3 492 827 3 85 3 502 158 27 39 1132 1917 4 30 57 11 3 234 429 5 250


Area of No. of Lucati(Jn Town! Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Town! Ward Resi- House- (including Institutional and Total population No. Ward in dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) sq. km. Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4.) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1010 MALWAN (M) 6.27 3778 4067 17986 8861 9125 1781 923 858 1 Ward No.1 .187 204 883 442 441 III 64 57 2 Ward No.2 206 224 760 363 397 74 39 35 3 Ward No.3 171 179 728 372 356 76 39 37 4 Ward NO.4 237 264 1124 538 586 151 85 66

5 Ward No.5 133 163· 692 312 380 81 34 47 6 Ward No.6 198 199 884. 428 456 70 38 32 7 Ward No.7 211 225 893 435 458 86 42 44

8 Ward NO.8 188 214 1000 514 486 94 57 37 9 Ward No.9 181 IB2 768 377 391 76 35 41

10 Ward No. 10 180 200 912 479 433 94 42 52 11. Ward No. 11 176 IB9 864 393 471 60 29 31 12 Ward No. 12 74 76 394 183 211 30 17 13 13 Ward No. 13 92 105 466 211 255 49 22 27 14 Ward No. 14 353 395 1845 933 912 161 95 66 15 Ward No. 15 180 192 B64 420 444 85 40 45 16 Ward No. 16 111 125 686 343 343 77 43 34 17 Ward No. 17 172 185 825 408 417 85 53 32

18 Ward No. 18 200 200 890 397 493 102 45 57 19 Ward No. 19 182 186 931 516 415 86 47 39 20 Ward No. 20 179 188 772 404 368 58 29 29 21 Ward No. 21 167 172 805 393 412 75 38 37 251


Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (l) (II) aII}

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (I5) (16) (17) (18) (19) (OO) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

319 319 45 47 7336 6729 4004 1172 164 51 95 30 784 70 1010

25 26 7 3 365 326 190 40 2 2 46 4 1 5 1 5 319 321 159 52 1 10 2 11 7 4 1 323 281 184 42 1 40 3 3 4 8 419 403 229 74 2 1 92 19 4 259 262 117 31 10 5 14, 1 7 5 5 51 40 369 382 170 42 2 3 1 6 17 15 385 373 181 70 4 4 1 1 2 7

2 2 348 376 234 89 36 8 1 3 20 10 8 7 12 1 3 317 235 ISO 28 33 2 34 6 9 3 2 3 2 387 275 222 72 29 13 15 10 7 10 13 13 15 16 328 345 120 100 7 6 11 2 6 155 158 52 39 1 12 175 175 76 26 2 2 23 13 105 102 4 5 756 662 444 95 24 4 10 194 14 4 6 3 3 369 344 203 47 12 4 1 12 15 47 52 297 275 170 40 2 3 4 16

313 276 178 75 1 9 4 89 4 17 2 1 318 329 190 91 3 10 1 46 10 18 7 14 5 3 430 317 302 33 2 1 2 131 1 19

3 3 358 277 217 43 4 3 20

18 11 346 337 186 43 2 49 1 21 252


Manufacturing, Manufacturing. Processing, Processing, Location Name ofTownl Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Ward Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Cl?mmerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)) [V(b)] (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1010 MALWAN(M) 10 6 29 14 484 277 214 25 868 272 1 Ward No.1 1 14 16 1 23 9

2 Ward No.2 34 5 11 48 16 3 Ward No.3 5 8 4 12 44 5 4 Ward No.4 5 2 13 3 10 23 23 6 Ward No.5 1 2 21 9 9. 1 • 20 6 Ward No.6 1 1 19 8 7 52 5 7 Ward No.7 1 3 31 6 13 47 11 8 Ward No.8 2 17. 9 11 56 28. 9 Ward No.9 7 5 1 13 5 23 3 26 2 10 Ward No. 10 14 10 40 18 40 2

11 Ward No. 11 42 80 6 21 3

12 Ward No. 12 8 32 1 1 a • ~ ••• 16 2 13 Ward No. 13 5 16 1 13 7 14 Ward No. 14 1 6 30 20 4 70 48 15 Ward No. 15 40 20 13 38 12 16 Ward No. 16 7 1 42 3 1 58 15 17 Ward No. 17 18 11 1 32 32 18 Ward No. 18 1 1 1 2 29 23 5 51 22 19 Ward No. 19 1 1 19 3 19 62 8 20 Ward No. 20 43 1 6 1 78 11 21 Ward No. 21 24 12 3 50 11 253


Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Locaation Total SC ST Code No. (VIII) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

494 62 862 365 318 386 4539 7567 17328 179 188 14 16 1010 10 1 79 22 36 18 216 383 1

17 2 38 29 18 6 186 339 2 25 5 50 24 9 3 179 311 3 17 67 26 27 39 282 473 4

10 25 8 40 66 155 283 5 18 2 68 25 1 2 257 412 6 36 4 47 40 3 17 251 371 7 30 3 63 26 21 44 259 353 8 19 24 5 8 7 189 356 9 23 7 54 12 5 17 252 344 10

17 27 11 69 48 204 323 11 18 8 5 22 12 109 160 12 8 22 3 4 8 131 221 13 51 1 54 22 8 21 481 796 14 41 1 46 10 6 4 211 393 15 29 6 26 13 1 3 172 300 16 8 18 20 6 2 8 228 334 17 34 3 20 19 10 17 197 385 18 21 3 45 16 18 18 196 364 19

40 4 43 26 1 4 186 321 20 22 2 36 17 9 24 198 345 21 254


Area of No. of Location Town! Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Town! Ward Resi- House- (including Institutional and Tot.al populat.ion No. Ward in dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) sq. km. Houses

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ll)

1020 SAWANTWADI (M) 6.78 4198 4582 21305 10793 10512 2402 1225 1177 1 Ward No.1 200 204 10B7 533 554 158 80 78 2 Ward No.2 211 225 1201 603 598 146 73 73 3 Ward No.3 189 203 1052 528 524 125 73 52

4 Ward No.4 \ '" 222 241 1143 590 553 117 66 51 5 Ward NO.5 243 243 1284 648 636 180 89 91

6 Ward No.6 253 255 l~BO 608 572 144 72 72 7 Ward No.7 154 154 8'70 416 454 114 53 61 8 Ward No.8 143 189 917 450 467 100 48 52 9 Ward No.9 181 187 843 397 446 83 40 43 10 Ward No. 10 77 171 771 429 348 56' 32 24 11 Ward No. 11 127· 168 731 353 378 68 35 33 12 Ward No. 12 182 199 938 505 433 86 52 34 i ' 13 Ward No. 13 145 155 753 405 348 86 47 39 14 Ward No. 14 198 234 975 511 464 85 46 39

15 Ward No. 15 216 222 990 464 526 118 58 60 16 Ward No. 16 201 203 929 435 494 131 55 76 17 Ward No. 17 210 218 969 497 472 95 48 47 18 Ward No. 18 242 242 1004 505 499 126 64 62 19 Ward No. 19 241 241 990 490 500 113 55 58

20 Ward No. 20 317 327 1384 761 623 143 73 70 21 Ward No. 21 246 301 1288 665 623 128 66 62 255


Livestock, . Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activi ties (I-IX) (ll) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

493 424 22 10 9109 7792 5029 1141 178 113 88 72 107 12 1020 12 14 423 360 287 83 39 30 11 11 11 1 17 25 521 478 282 13 10 5 2 2

24 26 432 394 256 26 1 3

63 68 475 389 273 132 35 38 11 22 9 1 4 13 3 462 382 314 116 13 18 5 12 5 1 5 22 16 506 415 284 60 2 3 1 16 1 6 3 7 352 332 222 48 2 7 3 2 7

381 360 198 25 1 2 8 5 5 355 364 188 39 5 1 1 1 9

394 283 167 36 4 10 2 316 340 179 18 2 11

2 446 366 293 54 2 12

1 340 296 193 29 4 13

454 390 225 29 5 1 3 4 14 4 3 377 271 166 40 18 1 2 3 15

9 22 1 354 317 188 54 1 2 10 4 1 1 16 6 8 434 377 234 61 2 1 3 17

19 14 2 2 421 371 224 78 9 5 11 12 6 3 18 21 25 1 425 395 226 58 2 22 1 19

189 179 5 5 660 472 385 63 12 21 4 5 1 20

96 10 581 440 245 79 18 8 5 3 8 2 21

Y 4413-18 256


Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name ofTownl Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constmctions Trade and Code Ward Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI) (VII)


(I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1020 SAWANTWADI (M) 17 36 23 667 107 294- 26 1453 158 1 Ward No.1 42 7 11 7 56 2 2 Ward No.2 2 43 8 96 3 3 Ward No.3 24 8 13 116 10 4 Ward No.4 2 37 9 25 1 51 10 5 Ward No.5 1 44 17 11 5 78 14 6 Ward No.6 1 1 1 31 4 11 2 92 10 7 Ward No.7 2 2 50 6 7 98 11 8 Ward No.8 1 29 3 8 82 2 9 Ward No. 9 1 25 1 10 1 57 4 10 Ward No. 10 37 4 16 60

11 Ward No. 11 2 8 1 22 1 10 60 1 12 Ward No. 12 12 5 60 2 13 1 115 15 IS Ward No. 13 1 1 22 i 18 2 68 3 14 Ward No. 14 1 1 24 1 12 1 66 6 15 Ward No. 15 2 1 2 19 2 8 1 38 3 16 Ward No. 16 3 16 2 20 45 16 17 Ward No. 17 1 2 32 8 11 1 91 12 18 Ward No. 18 33 11 16 51 9 19 Ward No. 19 2 3 1 26 6 17 1 46 9 20 Ward No. 20 1 29 3 26 24 7 21 Ward No. 21 4 1 7 22 12 23 3 63 11 257 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Communications Other Services Workers Non-Womers Llcaation Total SC ST Code No. (VIII) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48)

736 21 1453 609 132 227 5632 9144 18671 245 241 2 1020 60 57 26 64 246 407 1

30 1 86 9 321 585 2 42 60 8 272 498 3

39 1 64 50 1 3 316 418 4 63 94 49 9 43 325 477 5 62 2 68 36 3 324 509 6 33 1 28 18 2 6 192 400 7 29 4 46 16 30 19 222 423 8 29 2 59 30 209 407 9 14 I' 36 31 29 20 233 292 10 32 1 43 14 1 6 173 354 11 39 1 52 30 6 10 206 369 12

22 1 58 22 5 6 207 313 13 36 74 19 16 5 270 430 14 20 55 31 6 7 292 479 15 20 72 29 1 1 246 439 16 27 1 66 37 10 10 253 401 17 30 3 68 35 10 16 271 405 18 28 1 80 39 5 7 259 435 19 23 244 48 376 560 20 58 1 43 32 1 1 419 543 21

(G.C.P.) Y 4413-19 (2000--6-95) 258


Area of No. of Location Town! Occupied No. of Total population Code Name of Town/ Ward Resi- House- (including Institutional and Total population No. Ward in dential holds Houseless Population) in the age group (0-6) sq. km. Houses

P M F. P M F

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1030 VENGURLA (M) 12.98 2649 2786 12257 6022 6235 1381 709 672 1 Ward No. 1 101 113 435 203 232 51 30 21 2 Ward No. 2 135 144 611 288 323 44 24 20 3 Ward No. 3 133 138 630 313 317 64 25 39 4 Woo·dNo.4 \ 144 156 687 353 334 64 32 32 5 Ward No. 5 167 195 705 354 351 94 49 45 6 Ward No. 6 124 126 576 266 310 83 42 41 7 War-dNa. 7 139 139 600 300 300 58 32 26 8 War-dNo.8 169 180 764 384 380 100 54 46 9 Ward No. 9 144 144 620 314 306 82 43 39 10 Ward No. 10 145 145 581 298 283 54 20 34 11 Ward No. 11 130 136 551 254 303 41 23 18 12 Ward No. 12 124 131 597 290 307 62 28 34 13 Ward No. 13 102 108 500 249 251 i 67 36 31 14 Ward No. 14 114 116 580 266 314 78 36 42

15 Ward No. 15 124 128 644 320 324 86 46 40 16 Ward No. 16 146 146 732 369 363 110 54 56 17 War-dNo.17 141 150 672 329 343 52 37 15 18 Ward No. 18 126 129 597 300 297 59 29 30 19 Ward No. 19 122 130 599 299 300 73 40 33 20 Ward No. 20 119 132 570 273 297 59 29 30 259


Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Fishing Hunting Code Castes Tribes Literates Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Plantation, No. Orchards and allied activities (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

330 342 10 5 4971 4644 2545 642 234 57 181 50 236 44 1030 162 148 79 37 2 54 3 1 256 238 110 28 5 2 55 15 2 276 229 118 42 6 1 2 14 3 3 14 10 314 267 154 30 13 1 4 11 12 3 1 295 240 153 21 5 25 5 17 21 219 231 109 24 1 3 2 6 8 7 266 263 141 24 1 1 1 1 7 7 5 328 333 154 23 10 1 2 7 8

1 5 1 269 242 128 33 11 3 6 1 9 37 23 251 246 158 30 2 16 4 2 10 7 7 230 260 98 43 3 3 1 11 7 4 258 255 138 20 10 3 5 12 3 3 208 188 113 32 18 1 11 8 3 1 13 200 201 70 32 29 7' 8 1 1 14 255 210 III 38 48 12 29 16 9 3 15

37 49 183 237 161 37 32 5 40 7 7 3 16 2 3 255 230 153 41 11 5 16 3 9 5 17 3 1 256 218 152 33 23 13 8 4 11 1 18 2 3 250 212 122 29 15 6 2 2 5 19 176 197 240 196 123 45 4 1 43 8 1 1 20

Y4413-19a 260


Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Processing, Processing, Location Name ofTowni Mining and Servicing and Servicing and Constructions Trade and Code Tahsil Quarrying Repairs in Repairs in other Commerce No. Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a}l [V(b)l (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

4030 VENGURLA (M) 1 17 27 297 63 61 7 551 106 1 Ward No. 1 1 4 2 2 27 2 Ward No. 2 1 10 2 12 2 3 Ward No. 3 11 1 33 21 4 Ward No. 4 1 1 1 13 2 1 78 7 5 Ward No. 5 11 5 2 14 5 6 Ward No. 6 13 2 8 1 27 _6 7 Ward No. 7 30 1 5 62 2

8 Ward No. 8 15 2 7 ,58 4 9 Ward No. 9 20 5 6 1 28 1 10 Ward No. 10 1 2 26 1 5 65 8 11 Ward No. 11 4 13 2 2 31 8 12 Ward No. 12 30 6 3 27 3 13 Ward No. 13 3 24 6 3 9 2

14 Ward No. 14 9 21 4 15 Ward No. 15 1 2 4 16 Ward No. 16 1 6 6 2 17 Ward No. 17 12 9 1 25 2 18 Ward No. 18 1 30 2 3 31 2 19 Ward No. 19 15 1 4 25 1

20 Ward No. 20 6 23 8 1 1 10 3 261 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Transport, Storage and Marginal Population, 1981 Communications Other Services Workers Non-Workers Locaation Total SC ST Code No. (VIm (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48)

230 11 737 277 243 339 3234 5254 12339 286 290 11 12 1030 5 11 5 2 122 195 1 12 13 9 178 295 2 20 32 16 4 12 191 263 3 12 1 35 18 16 10 183 294 4 34 59 14 17 9 184 321 5 10 2 48 10 14 9 143 277 6 12 . so 19 159 276 7 17 38 16 3 5 227 352 8 16 6 38 19 33 14 153 259 9 15 24 17 140 253 io 8 34 32 34 26 122 234 11 11 1 52 7 10 18 142 269 12 9 33 14 20 23 116 196 13 5 14 3 5 3 191 279 14 19 6 22 16 187 270 15 9 61 19 14 134 194 192 16 10 70 16 14 9 162 293 17 5 1 40 10 1 2 147 262 18 16 40 19 33 45 144 226 19 4 46 8 1 4 149 248 20 ANNEXURE I NOTE ON FERTILITY·MORTALITY AND l,\tIGRATION

FERTILITY LEVELS General Fertility Rate (GFR}.-The number of Fertility is a major component of population children born alive during the last year per 1,000 growth. In the 1981 Census, questions on fertility women in the age group 15-49. related to age at marriage, number of surviving General Marital Fertility Rate (GMFR).-The children, number of children ever born alive and number of children born alive during the last year children born alive during the last year were asked. per 1,000 married women in the age group 15-49. The first three questions were asked to all ever' Total Fertility Rate (TFR).-Total number of married women and the last question related to currently married women. The measures of fertility children that would have born alive per woman, had worked out are based on the F -Series Tables of 1981 the current schedule of age specific fertility rates been applicable for the entire reproductive period. Census pertaining to Maharashtra State and are defmed as below. Total Marital Fertility Rate (TMFR).-Total number of children that would have born alive per Age Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) .-The married woman, had the current schedule of age average number of children born alive during the specific martial fertility rates been applicable for the last year per woman of a particular age group. entire reproductive period. Age Specifrc Marital Fertility Rate (ASMFR).­ i ' The average number of children born alive during CHILD WOMAN RATIO the last year per married woman of a particular age Number of children in age group 0-4 per 100 group. women in age group 15-49

Age Specifre Marital Fertility Level5.·, 1981

Age Group Sidhudurg District· Maharashtra State

Total RW'al Urban Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

15-19 0.097 0.096 0.105 0.157 0.157 0.157

20-24 0.230 0.229 0.244 0.246 0.260 0.219

25-29 0.215 0.218 0.182 0.199 0.217 0.169

30-34 0.138 0.141 0.108 0.125 0.142 0.092 -

35-39 0.Q73 0.G76 0.044 0.069 0.079 0.048

40-44 0.030 0.032 0.011 0.032 0.038 0.019

45-4.9 0.011 O.OU 0.009 0.013 0.015 0.007

*As a part of erstwhile Ratnagiri district.

It can be seen from the above Table that age groups 25-29, 30-34 and 35-39 district levels fertility levels in the district are substantially are somewhat higher than the State average. low for the age-groups 15-19 and 20-24 as Rural fertility levels are obviously. higher than compared to the State average. However, for the the urban ones. 263

Other fertility measures are given in the following table.

Sindhudurg District* Maharashtra State Fertility Measure Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

G.F.R. B3 84 70 lOB 120 86 (110) (l34)

G.M.F.R. 121 122 110 135 144 116 (159) (168)

T.F.R. 3.0 3.1 2.2 3.4 3.8 2.5 (4.0) (4.3)

T.M.F.R. 4.0 4.0 3.5 4.2 4.5 3.6 (5.3) (5.2)

Cl'Ud~ Birth Rate 22.37 N.A. N.A. 25.53 N.A N.A. (29.41) (31. 75)

No. of children ever born per womann 4.33 4.34 4.20 4.95 5.16 4.48 in age group 45-49.

Mean age at marriage 18.4 1B.4 19.3' 16.8 16.3 17.9

Child woman ratio 41.0 41.5 35.5 51.0 53.0 47.5

Notes .-(1) *As a part of erstwhile Ratnagiri district. (2) Figures in the brackets are adjusted estimates.

Different fertility measures indicate that fertili ty MORTALITY LEVELS levels of the distirct are lower than the State Information on the questions on children ever averages. In support to this fact, the mean age at born and children surviving canvassed for all ever marriage for the females in the district is higher married women has been tabulated by age of the than the State average. Child woman ratio of the mother. From this, estimates of child mortality have district is substantially low than the State average. been worked out by using Brass technique. Estimates of Child Mortality, 1981 Sindhudurg District* Maharashtra State

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) q(2) P 80 81 64 114 133 77 M 89 91 63 121 140 82 F 70 71 64 107 125 71 q(3) p 88 91 56 121 145 78 M 95 97 70 124 148 81 F 82 85 42 118 143 74 q(5) P lOB 110 79 145 170 93 M 112 114 81 loW 17Q 95 F 104 106 76 144 169 90 *As a part of erstwhile Ratnagiri district.

From the estimates of child mortality [number MOVEMENT OF POPULATION of deaths by ages 2, 3 and 5 given above as q(2), q(3) What is migration? and q(5»), it is observed that level of child mortality in the district is substantially low compared to the Migration is the third component of populatior. State in both rural and urban areas. A notable change, the other two being mortality and fertility feature is that, female child mortality is lower A person is considered as a migrant by place ofbirtl: compared to, male child mortality in the district as if the place in which he is enumerated during thE in the state but the differentials between the male census is other than the place of birth. Similarly ~ and female child mortality levels are more pronounced person is considered as a migrant by place of lasl in the district than for the State. residence, if the place in which he is enumerate( 264 during the census is other than his place of immediate From the distribution of total migrants in last residence. Maharashtra by place of birth. it can be clearly seen that females predominate in intradistrict and inter­ Internal and International Migration. district migration while males predominate in The migrational movements are of three types­ interstate and international migration. But in (i) Migration within the state itself with its Sindhudurg district male migrnats predominate in components- (a) Migration within the district of inter-state migration only. . enumeration (intradistrict migration) , (b) Migration from one district of the state to another district of The number of migrants born in other states of the state (interdistrict migration), (ii) Migration India was 4,403,751 in 1981. It is seen that 16.85 from one state to another state of the country per cent of the total migrants in Maharashtra were (interstate migration), and (iii) Migration from one from other states. In case of Sindhudurg district 5.85 country to another conn try. The first two streams per cent of the total migrants were from other states. together constitute internal migration, while the last In case of MahaTashtra 8 states namely Uttar type of movement is called international migration. Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Why the people migrate? Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu together account for 4,050,439 (or 91.98 per cent.) For the first time in the census, reasons for out 'of 4,403,751 interstate migrants. In respect of migration were elicited in 1981. Keeping operational Sindbudurg district, of the total 45,912 interstate constraints in view, the reasons for migration were migrants Kamataka and Goa together account for broadly categorised as (1) employment, (2) education, 37,417 (or 81.50 per cent.) (3) marriage, (4) family movement and (5) other reasons. Reasons for migration have been elicited Rural-Urban components of Migration. only with reference to movement from place of last residence. The flow of migrants would consist of four streams such as rural to rural, rural to urban, urban Impact of migration. to rural and urban to urban. The data on the basis I ' - The growth of population of a particular place of these various streams in case of migrants is depends upon the biological variates such as mortality classified by place of birth. It presents data only in and fertility and migration. The knowledge of trend relation to internal migrants. The data-for Sindhudurg in migration helps in future planning of a place. district is presented separately. At the 1981 Census the present Sindhudurg Of the total interstate migrants of 21,466,473, district formed a part of Ratnagiri district. Since 60.95 per cent have moved from rural to rural, 10.44 data on migration are not available separately for per cent from urban to urban, 21.01 per cent from Sindhudurg district, the data for undivided Ratnagiri rural to urban and 7.56 per cent. from urban to rural. district have been used assuming that migration In case of Sindhudurg district of the total 737,293 trends and patterns in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg interstate migrants, 73.02 per cent have migrated districts are the same. from rural to rural, 3.57 per cent from urban to urban, 5.92 per cent from rural to urban and 17.46 Position of Sindhudurg (Undivided Ratnagiri per cent from urban to rural. district> Vis-a-vis Maharashtra in respect of migration by place of birth. , In case of migrants from other states numbering On the basis of migrants by place of birth, there 4,403,751, 16.18 per cent have migrated from rural were 26,143,318 nugrants in Maharashtra in.19B1, to rural, 32.31 per cent frDm urban to urban, 47. 57 comprising of 10,467,875 males and 15,675,443 per cent from rural to urban and only 3.85 per cent females. These migrants constitute 41.64 per cent from ~rban to rura]. In case ,Of Sindhudurg district of total population. Male migrants constitute 32.29 ,Of the total 45,912 migrants 55.24 per cent have per cent of male population while female migrants mDved from rural tQ rural 10.43 per cent from urban account for 51.62 per cent of female population. to urban, 11.07 per cent from rural to urban and 22.93 per cent from urban to rural. In Sindhudurg district there were 784,425 Note.-(1) As there is no· separate data for migrants comprising of 215,690 ma1es and 568,735 Sindhudurg distriCt for 1981, the data females. The migrants of this district constitute of undivided Ratnagiri district is used. 37.l5 per cent of total population. Male and female migrru~ account for 22.86 and 48.70 per cent (2) Analysis is based on Table' D-l', of respectively of total pppulation. Migration Tables Part V-A & B. 265 PERCENTAGE .DISTRIBUTION OF PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUfION OF MIGRANTS BY PLACE OF BIRTH MIGRANTS BY PLACE OF BIRTH

MAHARASHTRA SINDHUDURG 1981 Census 1981 Census Place of birth Place of birth Persons Males Females Persons Males Females (l) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

(A) Migrants born 21,466,473 7,853,161 13,613,312 (A) Migrants born 737293 191991 545302 within the state (82.11) (75.02) (86.84) within the state of (93.99) (89.01) (95.88) of enumeration enumeration

(i) Migrants born 13,819,708 4,444,302 9,375,406 (i) Migrants born 585744 121972 463772 elsewhere in (52.86) (42.46) (59.81) elsewhere in (74.67) (56.55) (81.54) 'district of district of enumeration. enumeration

(ii) Migrants born 7,646,765 3,408,85!)' 4,237,906 (ii) Migrants born 151549 70019 81530 in other district (29.25) (3,.56) (27.03) in other district (19.32) (32.46) (14.34) oflhe State of the State

(B) Migrants born in 4,403,751 2,469,647 1,934,104 (B) Migrants born in 45912 23147 22765 other States of (16.85) (23.59) (12.34) other States of (5.85) (10.73) (4.00) India India

(C) Migrants born in 273,094 145,067 128,027 (C) Migrants born in 1220 552 668 other countries (1.04) (1.39) (0.82) other countries (0.16) (0.26) (0.12)

Total migrants 26,143,318 ~0,467,875 15,675,443 Total migrants 784425 215690 568735 (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)


1981 Census 1981 Census Place of birth Place of birth Migrants Percentage Migrants Percentage to total to total . migrants migrants (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

1. Andhra Pradesh 333710 7.58 1. Andhra Pradesh 963 2.10

2. Gujarat 777180 17.65 2. Gujarat 2450 5.33

3. Karnataka 925171 21.01 3. Karnataka 27570 60.05

4. Kerala 215937 4.91 4. Kerala 1329 2.89

5. Madhya Pradesh 484062 10.99 5. Uttar Pradesh 1197 2.61

6. Rajasthan 200060 4.54' 6. Goa, Daman and Diu 9847 21.45

7. Tamil Nadu 184570 4.19

8. Uttar Pradesh 929749 21.11

Total for eight s~ates 4050439 91.98 Total for eight states 43356 94.43

Other states 353312 8.02 Other states 2556 5.57



Place of Ernrnuneration

Place ofhirth Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) Total internal migrants (1) Within the state Total 21466473 14710804 6756669 (100.00) (68.53) (31.48) Rural 17593442 13083051 4510389 (81.96) (60.95) {21.01) Urban 3864350 1623383 2240966 .(18.00) (7.56) (10.44)

(2) In other states of India Total 4403751 882680 3521071 (100.00) (20.04) (79.96) Rural 2807480 712546 2094934 (63.75) (16.18) (47.57) Urban 1592278 169604· 1422673 (36.16) (3.85) (32 .. 31) Note.-Total include the migrants whose place ofbir1h is undasllifiable as Rural or Urban.



Place of Ernrnuneration

Place of hirth Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) Total internal migrants (1) Within the state Total 737293 667295 69998 (100.00) (90.51) (9.49) Rural 582035 538375 43658 (78.94) (73.02) (5.92) Urban 155068 128738 26330 (21.03) (17.46) (3.57)

(2) In other states ofIndia Total 45912 35984 9928 (100.00) (78.38) (21.62) Rural 30445 25364 5082 (66.31) (55.24) (11.07) Urban 15315 10526 4788 (33.36) (22.93) (10.43)

Note.-(l) Total include the migrants whose place of birth is unclassifiable as Rural or Urban. (2) The figures for ruraUurban place of enumeration may not add up to total place of enumeration in all cases and there will be some marginal differences as the D-l total was processed on computer and was adjusted to conform to the earlier PeA figures by suitable corrector factor. 267



No. of dlildren ever Child­ Mean State/District GFR GMFR TFR TMFR CBR bOl'n per woman in Women Age at agl··gl"()UP 45-4!-l Ratio Marriage (1) (2) • (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Maharashtra 108 135 3.4 4.2 25.53 4.95 51.0 134 168 4.3 5.2 31.75 1. Greater Bombay 62 86 1.8 2.7 14.94 3.86 4-3.9 l~'.il 116 162 3.4 5.1 28.03 2. Thane 88 112 2.6 3.3 21.58 4.36 51.3 IS.O 132 168 3.9 4.9 32.42 3. Raigarh 98 127 3.2 4.0 24.18 4.83 51.4 17.6 133 174 4.4 5.5 32.88 4. Sindhudurg* , 83 121 3.0 4.0 22.37 4.33 41.0 18.4 110 159 4.0 5.3 29.41 5. Nashik 128 153 4.0 4.7 30.17 5.31 55.8 16.4 151 181 4.7 5.6 35.65 6. Dhule 122 148 3.8 4.5 28.54 5,56 56.0 16.9 154 188 4.8 5.7 36.10 '7. Jalgaon 124 150 4.0 4.6 28.91 5.35 53.2 16.1 149 ISO 4.8 5.5 34.69 8. Ahmadnagar 106 126 3.3 3.9 26.32 5.03 51.1 16.2 124 146 3.8 4.5 30.59 9. Pune 95 119 2.B 3.7 23.11 4.66 48.7 17.0 123 154 3.6 4.8 29.69 10. Satara 103 125 3.3 3.9 25.65 4.78 48.2 16.2 118 143 3.8 4.5 29.34 11. Sangli 98 116 3.0 3.6 23.14 4.70 47.4 16.1 114 136 3.5 4.2 26.92 12. Solapur 124 150 3.8 4.6 28.77 5.32 52.8 16.1 136 164 4.2 5.0 31.42 13. KoUtapur 87 109 2.7 3.4 21.33 4.50 42.7 17.3 112 140 3.5 4.4 27.41 14. Aurangabad 141 164 4.5 5.1 32.44 5.23 58.0 15.9 143 166 4.6 5.2 32.58 15. Parhhani 135 155 4.3 4.8 30.74 5.44 56.8 15.3 137 157 4.3 4.9 31.05 16. Bid 139 159 4.4 5.0 31.23 5.24 55.6 15.6 137 157 4.3 4.9 3O.SO 17. Nanded 150 172 4.7 5.3 32.70 5.57 62.7 15.3 158 181 5.0 5.6 34.31 18. Osmanabad 140 162 4.4 5.0 31.23 5.47 57.9 15.6 145 169 4.6 5.2 32.52 19. Buldana 146 177 4.7 5.6 33.25 5.39 55.7 16.2 142 173 4.6 5.5 32.44 20. Akola 135 169 4.3 5.3 31.05 5.51 55.3 16.7 146 183 4.7 5.7 35.54 21. Amravati 121 162 4.0 5.3 27.29 5.54 53.1 17.3 146 195 4.8 6.4 32.97 22. Yavatmal 133 163 4.2 5.1 29.51 5.79 57.9 16.6 159 195 5.0 6.1 35.31 23. Wardha 109 142 3.5 4.7 24.64 5.65 50.2 16.7 143 186 4.6 6.2 32.24 24. Nagpur lOB 143 3.4 4.6 25.26 5.29 50.0 16.9 146 194 4.6 6.3 34.10 25. Bhandara 107 132 3.5 4.1 26.60 4.79 49.7 16.5 137 169 4.5 5.3 32.88 '26. Chandrapur 113 139 3.6 4.3 26.34 5.21 52.3 16.4 149 183 4.8 5.7 34.76 * Ail a part of erstwhile Ratnagiri district of 1981. Notes. : (1) Unadjusted ,and adjusted values of GFR, GMFR, TFR, TMFR and CBR are given at district level. (2) Adjusted rates have been obtained using PIF ratio technique suggested by William Brass, where P stands for the average parity of women in a particular age group and F stand..; for the average parity equivalent obtained from period fertility rates and by cumulation and interpolation. (3) Figures in the first line against the StatelDistrict indicate unadjusted rates, while those in the second line indicate adjusted rates. 268


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