CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK SINDHUDURG Compiled by THE MAHARASHTRA CENSUS DIRECTORATE BOMBAY PRINTED IN INDIA BY lltE MANAGER, GOVT. CENTRAL PRESS, BOMBAY400004 AND PUBUSHED BY THE DlRECl"OR. GOVERNMENT PRINTING AND STATIONERY, MAHARASHTRA STATE, BOMBAY 400004. 1995 Price: Rs. 100 MAHARASHTRA DISTRICT SINDHUDURG Km:5 Q 5 10 15 20 I<m b=~==~~====~ ARABIAN SEA o Not.:- , Sind"..... rg. Oistrid's Heudqua.rtflS is "I KII4oI. Where a rahsil NClIIl. Diller. Fro m nat 01 il. Hoadquarl.... , nit Sam. is S'hown Within Br.odr.ts. C.D. Elloc~ Boundary is C• .terminus Wil' Ta.sil Boundary E""luding All Stotu-tor~ lowns MSf1- Major Stat. Higllwny '" -. Part of 'Ratnagiri District NEWLY CREATED .D1STRICT SINOHUDURG Km20 0 20 ~ SOKm r" r' ~ 80undcary Stat!! ) KARNATAKA ""...... District C" ~ I'77)l .e.r", TI'UI'oS1errad From :,;.... ... tG(.d District Ratnagirl .. - .. /-' ~... ~r:t~;:rC1.ro:~~~r from ".. -.....:,_ .. III.., .,. K-PClrl 01 Karna!aka Slat. ""RA BOUNDARY , STATE ••• .. DISTRICT TAHSIL ••• HEA~QUARTERS: DISTRICT/ TAHSIL @;@ NATIONAL HIGHWAY •• NH 17 STATE HIGHWAY SH 115 IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD •.• RIVER AND STREAM VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND A80VE POPULATION Banda: WITH NAME ... • URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE-CLASS ill,IlL POST ANO TELEGRAPH OFFICE .. •••PTa DEGREE COLLEGE ANI') TECHNICAL INSTITUTION Iii!] (%J REST HOUSE •.. RH MUD, ROCK, SAND BaNd uport--SuNey of Ind.iQ. ~op with the pe~mi~sjon of th,e Surveyor General of IndilJ ©GO'VErnment 01 IndIO Copyrrght,1994. ThI tIorIitarioi _Iers 01 Indicl extend inlo the sea 10 a di,lance of 'twIIYe nautical miles mEClSlll'td irom Ih. appropriate base line MOTIF Ocean fort. naDled as 'Sindhudurg', was built in 1667 by Shivaji, on a low island, about 1.6 kIn. from the shore with a rampart of about 3 km. The walls are about 30 feet high and 12 feet thick with 52 towers. The towers are generally outstanding semi-circles with fine embrasures for cannon. To collect so much material (72,576 kgs. iron, hard stone etc.) initially at the shore and then to carry it to ~he island site across the reef-intercepted rough sea by medieval naval transPort is nothing less than a miracle. The fort spread over 48 'acre has now a few small temples-silent testimonies of the once great past. The fort has a big temple of Shivaji, only of its kind in India, built by Rajarrun the second son of ShivajL C~shew-nut (Kaju) is the most widely grown fruit of the district. Vengurla. Sawantwadi, Malwan and Kudal tahsils provide the most ideal conditions of soil, rainfall and climate for the growth of this fruit. The fruit in the nut form is cherished by one and alL This is perhaps the only fruit whose seed is outside the main fruit, called as Cashew apple. Recently, this fruit is getting a big boost as a horticulture crop with promise of prosperity for the cultivators. CONTENTS PAGE Foreword v Preface ix District Highlights-1991 Census xiii Name of the headquarters of Districtlrllhsil, their ruraI/urban status and distance from district xiv headquarters Important Statistics-I (a) 1 (b) 4 Ranking of tahsils in the district-II 6 Summary Table 1-Population of the District at the Census from 1901 to 1991 7 Summary Table 2-Number of inhabited villages and related population in specified population 8 ,size ranges Appendix 1 to Summary Table 2-Area, Number of villages/towns and population 9 Appendix 2 to Summary Table 2-Towns with Population under 5,000 10 Appendix 3 to Summary Table 2-Houseless and Institutional Population 10 Analytical Note- 1. HISTORY AND SCOPE OF DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK 11 Brief History of the District (11) 2. ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP 12 Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samitis (13), Urban Local Bodies (14) 3. LOCATION, SIZE, RELIEF, DRAINAGE AND CROPPING PATTERN 14 Climate (14), Soil and Cropping Pattern (15) 4. NATURAL WEALTH 16 Minerals (16), Fisheries (16) 5. BRIEF NOTE ON CENSUS 16 Census Concepts-Building (17), Census houses and Households (17), Housing data (17), Electricity and Toilet facilities (17), Rural and Urban area (17), Urban Agglomeration (18), Standard Urban Area (18). 6. 1991 CENSUS FINDINGS-POPULATION, ITS DISTRIBUTION 18 Distribution of population in rural and urban areas (18), Size, class and status of towns (19), Villages by popula~ion size (20). 7. POPULATION GROWTH, DENSITY AND SEX RATIO 21 Population growth (21), Density (22), Sex ratio (22). 8. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 24 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra State (24), Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 1981 (25), SC/ST Population, decadal variation and sex ratio (26). 9. LITERACY 29 Definition of a literate (29), Rural and Urban literacy (30), Male-Female share in total literates (31), Literacy among SC and ST (31). 10. ECONOMIC ACTivITY 33 Definition of work and classification of workers (33), Types of workers (33), Workers by Industrial categories (36), Non-workers (38). (ii) CONTENTS-contd. PAGE 11. AMENITIES IN VILLAGES AND TOWNS 38 Educational facilities (38), Medical (41), Drinking water (42), Postal (42), Weekly market . facilities (43), Communication (43), Approach road (43). Power Supply (44). 12. LAND UTIUSATION-LAND USE PATTERN - 45 Forest (46), Irrigated and unirrigated land (46). 13. BRIEF NOTE ON TOWN DIRECTORY 47 14. INDUSTRIES 48 19. TRADE AND COMMERCE 49 Workers in trade and commerce (50). 16. MUNICIPAL FINANCE 50 17. FAIRS AND PLACES OF TOURIST IMPORTANCE 51 Fairs (51), Places of hi'etorical and tourist importance (51). 18. MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DISTRICT 52 Contribution of the district (52). PART A-VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (SECTIONS I AND -II) SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Village Directory 57 Statement-List of villages fully merged in towns and outgrowths at 1991 Census. Map-TAHSIL KUDAL (Facing page) 62 Alphabetical Jist of viJ1ages-Kudal C. D. Block 63 Village Directory-Kudal C. D. Block 65· Map-TAHSIL MALWAN (Facing page) 70 Alphabetical list of villages-Mal wan C. D. Block 71 Village Directory-Malwan C. D. Block 73 Map-TAHSIL DEVGAD (Facing page) 80 Alphabetical list of villages-Dev~ad C. D. Block 81 Village Directory-Devgad C. D. Block 82 Map-TAHSIL VAIBHAVVADI (Facing page) 86 Alphabetical list of villages-Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block 87 Village Directory-Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block 88 Map-TAHSIL KANKAVLI (Facing page) 90 Alphabetical list of villages-Kankavli C. D. Block 91 Village Directory-Kankavli C. D. Block 93 Map-TAHSIL SAWANTWADI (Facing page) 98 Alphabetical list of villages-Sawantwadi C. D. Block -99 Village Directory-SawantWl1di C. D. Block 101 Map-TAHSIL VENGURLA (Facing page) 110 Alphabetical list of villages-Vengurla C. D. Block 111 Village Directory-Vengurla- C. D. Block 112 APPENDIX I C. D. Blockwise Rural Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities. 116 APPENDIX .1 Land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (census. Towns) 118 APPENDIX III C. D. B~~'Yise list of villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available. 118 (iii) CONTENTS-contd. PAGE APPENDIX IV Summary showing number of viUages having or not having SCIST population 118 C. D. Blockwise list of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled 119 Tribe population to the total population by ranges. APPENDIX V Alphabetical list of villages alongwith manual as well as computerised codes, 1991 and 1981 126 APPENDIX VI Statement showing social forest area in villages 139 APPENDIX VII Statement showing number of Girls Schools in the villages 141 SECTION II-TOWN DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory. 145 Town Directory Statements (l to VI and N-AJ : STATEMENT I-Status and Growth History 147 STATEMENT II-Physical aspects and location of towns, 1989 148 STATEMENT III-Municipal Finance, 1988-89 149 STATEMENT IV-Civic and other amenities, 1989 150 STATEMENT IV-A-Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 151 STATEMENT V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1989 152 STATEMENT VI-Trade, Commer~e, Industry and Banking, 1989. 153 Appendix to Town Directory 154 PART B-PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District Primary Census Abstract (General) 158 Appendix to District Urban Primary Census Abstract 164 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 166 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 172 C. D. Blockwise Village Primary Census Abstract Primary Census Abstract-Kudal C. D. Block 178 Primary Census Abstract-Malwan C. D. Block 190 Primary Census Abstr:&ct-Devgad C. D. Block 202 Primary Census Abstract--Vaibhavvadi C. D. Block 210 Primary Census Abstract-Kankavli C. D. Block 218 Primary Census Abstract-Sawantwadi C. D. Block 226 . Primary Census Abstract-Vengurla C. D. Block 238 Town Primary Census Abstract (1 to 4} 246 Annexure I-Note on Fertility-Mortality and Migration 262 Annexure II-Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1981 267 Annexure III-Percentage Distribution of Migrants by place of birth, 1981 Census 268 FOREWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was ini~iated after the 1951 Cens~s and is continuing since then with some innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State GovernmentlUnion Territory administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socia-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain important census tables on population, economic an~ socio-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (peA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district.
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