
Dictionary of Literary Biography • Volume Two Hundred Eighty-Eight

The House of Boni 8c Liveright, 1917-1933: A Documentary Volume

Edited by Charles Egleston

A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book




Detroit • New York • San Diego • San Francisco • Cleveland • New Haven, Conn. • Waterville, Maine • London • Munich Contents

Plan of the Series . v xxxi Preface xxxiii Acknowledgments 7 xxxv

Permissions xxxvii

Introduction 3

Chronology 5 Facsimile: Document listing company directors, 19 February 1918 Beginning and Expansion: The House of Boni k Liveright, 1917-1923 19 Boni and the Washington Square Book Shop 19 Getting Started as a Publisher-excerpt from Albert Boni's interview with Alex Baskin Boni & Liveright Begins Publishing 20 The Force behind Boni &. Liveright—excerpt from Walker Gilmer's : Publisher of the Twenties Thomas Seltzer Joins the Company—excerpt from Boni's interview with Baskin Boni Meets Liveright—excerpt from Boni's interview with Baskin \ The First Titles in the -excerpt from Gilmer's Horace Liveright Horace and Albert—excerpt from Lawrence Langner's The Magic Curtain Early Growth: The Modern Library and Trade Volumes, 1917-1918 24 The Penguin Series Albert Boni Leaves Boni k Liveright—announcement in Publishers' Weekly, 3 August 1918 Boni Recalls the Split—excerpt from Boni's interview with Baskin The Death of a Best-seller World War I and Banned B&L Books—excerpt from James R. Mock's Censorship 1917 The Chairman's Response-George Creel letter to Liveright, 29 August 1918 The Suppression of Men in War-excerpt from Boni 8c Liveright catalogue, fall 1919 Liveright Takes Charge, 1919-1921 30 Vice President Fleischman-excerpt from Tom Dardis's Firebrand: The Life of Horace Liveright Bernays and Liveright's New Style of Promotion-excerpt from Dardis's Firebrand A Cordial Warning-John Quinn letter to Liveright, 16 January 1921, and Liveright letter to Quinn, 18January 1921 The Pure Patrolman and The Story of a Lover—"The Story of a Lover Is Now Suppressed," Publishers' Weekly, 27 March 1920, and "The Censorship Situation," Publishers' Weekly, 17 April 1920 Facsimile:]o\m P. Pooler's inventory statement, 22 March 1920

xiii Contents DLB 288

An Advertising Primer for Booksellers-except from Edward L. Bernays, "Promotion Expert Urges New Sales Methods for Books: Intelligent Experimentation May Bring Books to Wide Attention," Pub- lishers' Weekly, 20 March 1920 Horace Liveright, Pioneer in Publishing—excerpt from Bernays' article in Publishers' Weekly A Stable Staff and Further Progress, 1922-1923 45 The Hiring of T. R. Smith—excerpt from Dardis's Firebrand Arthur Pell and the Boni 8c Liveright Subsidiary Ledgers Quinn's Attack on the Modern Library-Quinn letter to Liveright, 17 May 1922 Boni 8c Liveright in New Quarters-article in Publishers' Weekly, 18 August 1923 The Satyricon and the Struggle with Sumner Begins 53 Facsimile:John S. Sumner letter to Arthur Garfield Hays, 21 August 1922 Sumner on Young Writers—excerpt from Literary Digest, 2 September 1922 Trapping The Satyricon-excerpt from Morris L. Ernst and Alexander Lindey's The Censor Marches On The Absurdity of Censorship-Liveright's article in The Independent, 17 March 1923 Protecting the 20%-quotation from Sumner Liveright letter to Francis Hackett, 19 May 1923 Financial Troubles and a New Vice President 59 An Editor Remembers—excerpt from Edward A. Weeks letter to Manuel Komroff, 16 September 1971 Vice President and Bookseller—excerpt from s At Random Cerf Buys In—excerpt from .Dardis's Firebrand

Operating on the Margin: From Boni &. Liveright to Liveright Publishing Corporation, 1924-1933. 64 Publishing, Producing, and the Sale of the Modern Library, 1924-1926 ':• 64 The Cover of the 1924 Catalogue-excerpt from Bennett Cerf s At Random A Premature Announcement—"Books and Authors," Book Review, 18 May 1924 Showman: Liveright Steps onto the Stage—"Books and Authors," The New York Times Book Review, 17 August 1924 Liveright's Hamboyance-excerpt from Cerf s At Random Facsimile: Liveright letter to Leon Fleischman, 14 July 1924 Facsimile: Liveright letter to Burton Racoe, 18 July 1924 Sherwood Anderson on Liveright—Inscription in Dark Laughter and excerpt from Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs: A Critical Edition Donald Friede Buys a Vice Presidency—excerpt from Freide's The Mechanical Angel: His Adventures and Enterprises in the Glittering 1920's Liveright letter to T. R. Smith, 5 April 1926 Liveright on "Radical" Publishing-"The House of Boni & Liveright," Literary Digest International Book Review, August 1924 The Sale of the Modern Library—excerpt from Cerf s At Random Publisher's Preface to Bolshevism in American Labor Unions A Long-Held Ambition-excerpt from Cerfs At Random Facsimile: First pages of agreement for sale of the Modern Library, 30 June 1925

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Another Memory of a Wild Day—excerpt from Manuel Komroff letter to Edward A. Weeks, 19 September 1971 Freide on the Boni 8c Liveright Staff—excerpt from Freide's The Mechanical Angel The B 8c L Device of a Cowled Monk-excerpt from Louis Kronenberger, "Gambler in Publishing: Horace Liveright," Atlantic, January 1965 Working at Boni 8c Liveright-excerpt from Kronenberger, "Gambler in Publishing" Friede's Peculiar Arrangement—excerpt from Freide's The Mechanical Angel Liveright on Producing—interview in the New York Herald Tribune, 26 December 1926 Liveright's Last Years with the Company, 1927-1930 86 An Error in Advertising Dorodiy Parker—entry from Boni 8c Liveright's spring 1927 catalogue, excerpt from Franklin P. Adams's The Diary of Our Own Samuel Pepys, and Parker's "When We Were Very Sore (Lines on Discovering That You Have Been Advertised as America's A. A. Milne)" Facsimile: Irving Weiss letter to Boni 8c Liveright, 13 April 1927 Facsimile: William Aspenwall Bradley letter to T. R. Smith, 17 May 1927 Banned in Boston Subject by Subject-Liveright letter to Alfred Wallerstein, 3 August 1927 Liveright Speaks Out on Censorship—Dale Warren, "Boston Booktrade News," Publishers' Weekly, 19 May 1928 A Changing Landscape-excerpt from Kronenberger, "Gambler in Publishing: Horace Liveright" A Report to a New Partner—Liveright letter to Wallerstein, 5 June 1929 Giving In on Josephine, The Great Lover—Sumner letter to Arthur Garfield Hays, 4 January 1930; George E. Irving letter to Albert H. Gross, 14January 1930; and notice in Publishers' Weekly, 18January 1930 Liveright and the Conspiracy-excerpt from Freide's The Mechanical Angel Decision in the 'Replenishingjessica' Case—article in Publishers' Weekly, 31 March 1928 Thomas Wolfe's Caricature of Liveright and Smith—excerpt from Wolfe's The Web and the Rock Financial Report for Dreiser-memorandum, 20 February 1929 The Crash-excerpt from Kronenberger, "Gambler in Publishing" The Final Blow-Dave E. Bloch letter to Liveright, with two attachments, 19 June 1930 The Setdement of the Censorship Case against An American Tragedy-excerpt from article in Publishers' Weekly, August 1930 The Pell Years-Bankruptcy and Continuation 104 Membership in the Depression-excerpt from Kronenberger, "Gambler in Publishing" Facsimile: Two-page agreement for sale of the plates and rights to works by Robinson Jeffers and Eugene O'Neill, 9 August 1933 . Smith letter to Gene Fowler, 24 October 1933 Smith Remembered-excerpt from Komroff s The Book of Tom Smith: A Biblio-Epitaph Facsimile:Josephine Huneker letter to Arthur Pell and Smith, 18 March 1936 and a list of expurgations to be made to The Intimate Letters of James Huneker Memo for the Arthur Pell File-written by Robert M. Hyde of Clark University, 8 October 1973 The Death and Legacy of Horace Liveright .114 Horace Liveright: An Obituary-Unedited-Cerf s article in Publishers' Weekly, 7 October 1933 A Single Blue Suit—excerpt from Komroff letter to Edward A. Weeks, 19 September 1971

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A Symbol of the Twenties-excerpt from Lester Cohen's unpublished biography of Liveright A Man Who Was Unafraid—excerpt from Edith M. Stern's reminiscence of Liveright in The Saturday Review of Literature, 28 January 1941


Selected Boni k Liveright Authors 119

Theodore Dreiser 119 Assailed by Messrs. Boni 8c Liveright 120 Dreiser letter to H. L. Mencken, 30July 1917 Horace Liveright letter to Dreiser, 8 August 1917 An Authoritative Sister Carrie— "With Aumors and Publishers," The New York Times Book Review, 30 Septem- ber 1917 Thomas Seltzer letter to Dreiser, 28 January 1918 "Dreiser's Proofs for Free"-excerpt from W. A. Swanberg's Dreiser The Battle over The Bulwark-excerpt from Swanberg 's Dreiser Free in die Modern Library-"Among the Publishers," Publishers' Weekly, 31 August 1918 Facsimile: Boni 8c Liveright letter to Dreiser, 10 May 1918 Dreiser letter to Mencken, 4 September 1919 Dreiser letter to Mencken, 23 November 1919 Facsimile: Liveright letter to Dreiser, 25 August 1919 Dreiser letter to Liveright,~20 April 1921 Liveright letter to Dreiser, 18 March 1922 -, The Editing of A Book about Myself--excerpt from T. D. Nostwich's textual history in Newspaper Days Dreiser letter to Mencken, before 20 March 1923 Mencken letter to Dreiser, 20 March 1923 Publishing An American Tragedy 129 T. R. Smith's Work on An American Tragedy-excerpt from Lester Cohen, "Theodore Dreiser: A Personal Memoir" Facsimile: First page from Dreiser's manuscript for An American Tragedy T. R. Smith letter to Dreiser, 23 July 1925 Dreiser's Title-excerpt from Helen Dreiser's My Life with Dreiser Manuel Komroff telegram to Dreiser, 14 December 1925 Dreiser letter to Komroff, 14 January 1926 Dreiser letter to Komroff, 14January 1926 Komroff letter to Dreiser, 18 January 1926 A Cup of Coffee-excerpt from Tom Dardis's Firebrand: The Life of Horace Liveright A New Arrangement 135 "A Dream Come True"-excerpt from Dardis's Firebrand Awaiting The Stoic-excerpt from What is an Editor?: Saxe Commins at Work Should Clyde Griffiths Be Executed?-"Books and Authors," The New York Times Book Review, 31 October 1926

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Donald Friede letter to Dreiser, 20June 1927 Facsimile: Change of name from Boni 8c Liveright to Horace Liveright, Inc., 21 May 1928 Dreiser Looks at Russia PlagiarizedP-Melville Cane letter to Arthur Garfield Hays, 26 November 1928 Review of A Gallery of Women-William McFee, New York Sun, 21 December 1929 The Breakup 139 Dreiser letter to Arthur Pell, 23 February 1931 Working with Dreiser on Tragic America—excerpt from What is an Editor? Julian Messner letter to Dreiser, 24 November 1931 Dreiser letter to Louise Campbell, 19 July 1932 Liveright, Inc., and Dreiser in the Courts—excerpt from Richard Lingeman's Theodore Dreiser: An American Journey, 1908-1945 Arthur C. Hume letter to Liveright Publishing, 19 December 1933 "Dreiser Denies He is 'Recognized,'" The New York Times, 4 May 1937 "Dreiser Ordered to Repay Royalty," The New York Times, 30 June 1937 Dreiser letter to Mencken, 8 March 1943

Gertrude Atherton 145 Black Oxen and Clean Books 146 A Title for Liveright—excerpt from Atherton's Adventures of a Novelist Horace Liveright letter to Atherton, 4 May 1923 Liveright letter to Atherton, 21 May 1923 Three Novels of the Ancient World—excerpt from Emily Wortis Leider's California's Daughter: Gertrude Atherton and Her Times \ Atherton and T. R. Smith 151 Smith letter to Atherton, 8 February 1932 Smith letter to Atherton, 2 May 1933 Smith letter to Atherton, 16 January 1934 Atherton letter to Smith, 6 May 1934 Atherton letter to Smith, 18 June 1934 Atherton letter to Smidi, 8 July 1934 Arthur Pell letter to Atherton, 22 May 1942

Waldo Frank , . 154 A Writer for a New Era 155 Frank's Foreword to Our America Interpreter of America-excerpt from Boni 8c Liveright catalogue, fall 1919 A Harbinger of a Generation—excerpt from Gorham B. Munson's The Awakening Twenties Marketing Our America—excerpt from Edward L. Bernays's Biography of an Idea Rahab's Champion—excerpt from Memoirs of Waldo Frank Waldo Frank's Career-excerpt from Munson's Waldo Frank: A Study

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Frank and HBL 157 "One Hundred Per Cent American"—excerpt from Time-Exposures Liveright letter to Frank, 22 May 1933 Liveright letter to Frank, 24 June 1933 Coda 161 Frank to Arthur Pell, 27 January 1942

Eugene O'NeilL 163 Publishing O'Neill 165 Horace Liveright letter to Eugene O'Neill, 20 December 1918 O'Neill letter to George Jean Nathan, 1 May 1919 A Three-Year Ageement, 16 March 1923 Productions and Publications Liveright letter to the American Play Company, 3 April 1924 O'Neill letter to Manuel Komroff, 1 November 1925 O'Neill letter to Komroff, 1 March 1926 Liveright Looks at Marco Millions—excerpt from Liveright letter to Richard Madden, 20 July 1926 Dynamo from Production to Publication 172 O'Neill letter to Liveright, 17 February 1929 Limited Editions of O'Neill's Plays Liveright letter to O'Neill,"28 February 1929 Liveright telegram to O'Neill, 20 March 1929 O'Neill letter to Nathan, 29 March 1929 Liveright telegram to O'Neill, 3 April 1929 O'Neill letter to Nathan, 5 April 1929 O'Neill letter to Liveright, 21 April 1929 O'Neill letter to Liveright, late April or early May 1929 O'Neill letter to Liveright, UJune 1929 A Charge of Plagiarism Liveright letter to O'Neill, 25 June 1929 O'Neill letter to Liveright, 26July 1929 Liveright letter to O'Neill, 12 August 1929 Three Versions of Dynamo—excerpt from Jennifer McCabe Atkinson's Eugene O'Neill: A Descriptive Bibliography O'Neill letter to Liveright, 19 February 1930 Liveright letter to O'Neill, 19June 1930 Mourning Becomes Electra and O'Neill's Last Years with the Company ' 181 Liveright letter to O'Neill, 28 July 1930 ; O'Neill letter to Saxe Commins, 4 February 1931 Kronenberger Meets O'Neill-excerpt from Louis Kronenberger's "Gambler in Publishing: Horace Liveright," Atlantic,January 1965

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Commins letter to O'Neill, 15 April 1931 Hoping to Postpone Disaster with Mourning Becomes Electra—excerpt from What Is an Editor?: Saxe Commins at Work Arthur Pell letter to O'Neill, 24 March 1932 The Publication of Mourning Becomes Electra O'Neill letter to Pell, 12 August 1932 Commins Looks Out for O'Neill—excerpt from What Is an Editor? Commins's Choice—excerpt from "Love and Admiration and Respect": The O'Neill-Commins Correspondence O'Neill letter to Bennett Cerf, 4 June 1933 Commins telegram to O'Neill, 9 June 1933 O'Neill letter to T. R. Smith, 22 June 1933

Hendrik Willem Van Loon 188 A Children's History of the World 189 Liveright letter to Van Loon, 27 June 1919 Famous unto the Borneos—excerpt from Waldo Frank's Time Exposures (1926) From Ancient Man to The Story of Mankind-excerpt from Van Loon's The Story of Hendrik Willem Van Loon Promotion-excerpt from The New Republic, 26 October 1921 Working on a Decent Resurrection—Van Loon letter to Arthur Pell, circa 1923 New Projects 192 Liveright letter to Van Loon, 19 November 1923 Van Loon telegram to Boni 8c Liveright, 17 December 1926 Leaving Liveright 194 Van Loon letter to Pell, 31 March [1933?] Epilogue to Tolerance

Sigmund Freud 196 Publishing A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis 196 Arranging an American Edition of Freud's Lectures—excerpt from Edward L. Bernays's Biography of an Idea A Mixed Translation-excerpt from Ernest Jones's The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud (1957) Concerns about Bernays and the American Edition 198 A Lecture Series Declined—excerpt from Bernays's Biography of an Idea Sigmund Freud letter to Ernest Jones, 8 March 1920 Jones letter to Freud, 28 June 1920 Freud letter to Jones, 4July 1920 Confusion about the Publication Date—excerpt from Bernays's Biography of an Idea Reaction to the Liveright Edition . 200 Jones letter to Freud, 9 July 1920 Jones Arranges an English Translation—excerpts from Bernays's Biography of an Idea and from Jones's preface to Introductory Lectures on Psycho-analysis

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Freud letter to Jones, 16July 1920 Freud's Corrections—excerpt from Bernays's Biography of an Idea Freud Declares That the Dream Is the Guardian of Sleep—excerpt from a review article of A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis in the New-York Tribune, 18July 1920 Questions about Royalties—excerpt from Bernays's Biography of an Idea Subsequent Works 203 Freud on Bernay's "American" Books—excerpt from Bernays's Biography of an Idea Freud letter to Bernays, 10 August 1929

Ezra Pound 205 A First Book with Boni 8c Liveright 206 Ezra Pound letter to Homer Pound, 25 March 1919 Horace Liveright letter to Quinn, 13 June 1919 Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 16 June 1919 Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 30June 1919 Facsimile: Two pages from a Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 28 April 1919 Ezra Pound letter to Isabel Weston Pound, 16 July 1919 Letter to Ezra Pound, 21 July 1919 Quinn Tries to Bow Out-excerpts from Quinn's letter to Homer Pound, 26 August 1919 Quinn's Misadventures with Pound's Proofs 211 Leon Fleischman letter to. Homer Pound, 29 September 1919 Quinn letter to Fleischman, 7 October 1919 Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 7 October 1919 \ Pound's Expectation of Seeing Proofs—excerpt from Ezra Pound letter to Homer Pound, 15 October 1919 Acting for Joyce-excerpt from Fleischman letter to Ezra Pound, fall 1919 Ezra Pound letter to Homer Pound, 22 November 1919 Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 8 December 1919 Ezra Pound letter to Quinn, 13 December 1919 A Missing Curiosity Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 23 April 1920 Flap Copy for Instigations Publishing a Book of Poems 220 Liveright letter to Quinn, 13 September 1920 Quinn's Suggestion-excerpt from Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 24 September 1920 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 13 September 1920 Ezra Pound letter to Quinn, 9 October 1920 Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 28-29 October 1920 Liveright letter to Quinn, 4 November 1920 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 4 November 1920 Facsimile: Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 26 March 1921

xx DLB 288 Contents

Quinn letter to Liveright, 20 April 1921 The Publication of Poems 1918-1921 A Personal Relationship 225 The de Gourmont Translation Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 29 December 1921 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 4 January 1922 Quinn on "Bel Esprit" and Horace Liveright-Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 28 April 1922 Quinn letter to Liveright, 11 May 1922 Ezra Pound letter to Quinn, 4 and 5 July 1922 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 5 April 1923 Ezra Pound letter to Isabel Weston Pound, 1 August 1923 Ezra Pound letter to Isabel Weston Pound, 10 February 1924 Quinn letter to Homer Pound, 26 February 1924 Publishing Personae 229 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 17 November 1924 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 9 April 1925 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 15 April 1925 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 11 May 1925 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 22 June 1925 Facsimile: Liveright letter to-Ezra Pound, 24 September 1925 Selecting Poems for Personae-excerpt from Humphrey Carpenter's A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound Ezra Pound letter to Homer Pound, 15 November 1926 . A Steady Seller-excerpt from Noel Stock's The Life of Ezra Pound Facsimile: Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 16 November 1927 Julian Messner letter to Liveright, 14 February 1927 The Last Years with Liveright 235 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 7June 1928 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 6 October 1928 Ezra Pound letter to Louis Zukofsky, 2 November 1928 Liveright letter to Ezra Pound, 23 September 1929 Pound and World War II Facsimile:]viY)£,n Cornell letter to Arthur Pell, 28 November 1945 Ezra Pound letter to T. R. Smith, 21 September 1935 Ezra Pound letter to James Laughlin, 10 January 1940

E. E. Cummings 239 The Enormous Room 239 Afterword to The Enormous Room-George James Firmage, 1978 edition Horace Liveright letter to Edward Cummings for E. E. Cummings, 28 October 1921 Publishing The Enormous Room-excerpt from Charles Norman's E. E. Cummings: The Magic-Maker

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Cummings and John Dos Passos—excerpt from from Townsend Ludington's John Dos Passos: A Twentieth Century Odyssey Cummings letter to Rebecca Cummings, 26 February 1922 Censorship—excerpt from Norman's E. E. Cummings Compromised Text—excerpt from Richard S. Kennedy's Dreams in the Mirror: A Biography qfE. E. Cummings Cummings letter to "Whom It May Concern," 14 May 1922 Responsibility for Misprinting-excerpt from Norman's E. E. Cummings Is 5 and After ' 246 Afterword to Is 5-Frimage, 1985 edition Typography—George Kumler Anderson's This Generation: A Selection of British and American Literature from 1914 to the Present, with Historical and Critical Essays Cummings letter to Rebecca Cummings, 4 February 1926 Him—Dust jacket flap copy Facsimile: Dust-jacket text from Him Cummings letter to Liveright, March-April 1928 S. A.Jacobs letter to Harry Hansen, 8 May 1928 Cummings letter to Ezra Pound, 1 March 1930 Afterword to F?Fa-Firmage, 1979 edition

T. S. Eliot 253 Suspected Piracy 254 John Quinn letter to Ezra Pound, 19 February 1918 Pound letter to Quinn, 22 February 1918 T. J. Curtin letter to Jane Heap, 23 March 1918 Quinn letter to T. S. Eliot, 19 April 1918 Ezra Pound letter to Curtin, late April 1918 Negotiating "Prufrock" 257 Quinn letter to Eliot, 29 April 1919 Quinn letter to Pound, 16 June 1919 Quinn letter to Eliot, 30 June 1919 Eliot letter to Quinn, 9 July 1919 Quinn letter to Eliot, 26 August 1919 Facsimile: Revised typescript page from , circa 1921 Publication with Knopf The Waste Land and a Complication with Knopf 261 An Unsatisfactory Offer from The Dial Eliot letter to Alfred A. Knopf, 3 April 1922 Eliot Sends the Manuscript-excerpts from Quinn letter to Liveright, 11 May 1922; Liveright letter to Quinn, 15 May 1922; and Quinn letter to Liveright, 17 May 1922

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Quinn's Negotiations with Liveright 262 Quinn letter to Eliot, 22 June 1922 Eliot letter to Quinn, 25 June 1922 Eliot letter to Quinn, 19 July 1922 Quinn letter to Eliot, 28 July 1922-1 August 1922 Facsimile: First page of the subsidiary ledger for The Waste Land Publishing The Waste Land 268 Eliot letter to James Sibley Watson, 15 August 1922 Eliot letter to Quinn, 21 August 1922 Eliot letter to Watson, 21 August 1922 Eliot letter to Pound, 30 August 1922 Quinn letter to Eliot, 7 September 1922 Adding the Notes to The Waste Land-excerpt from Eliot's The Frontiers of Criticism Eliot letter to Quinn, 21 September 1922 Quinn letter to Eliot, 4 December 1922 Eliot letter to Quinn, 27 December 1922 Facsimile: Liveright letter to Quinn, 13 December 1922 Quinn letter to Eliot, 26 February 1923 The Profits of The Waste Land

Lewis Mumford 277 First Book 278 Julian Messner letter to Mumford, 2 February 1922 v- Horace Liveright letter to Mumford, 7 February 1922 Liveright letter to Mumford, 21 February 1922 Liveright letter to Mumford, 2 March 1922 Liveright letter to Mumford, 8 May 1922 Sticks and Stones-excerpt from Boni 8c Liveright catalogue, fall 1924 The Golden Day '. 281 Van Wyck Brooks letter to Mumford, 26 July 1926 Mumford letter to Brooks, 21 February 1927 A Wider Audience-excerpt from Mumford's Sketches from Life George Santayana letter to Mumford, 16 December 1926 Culture and Literature-excerpt from Robert E. Spiller, introduction to The Van Wyck Brooks-Lewis Mumford Letters

Djuna Barnes ; 283 Contract For A Book .284 Horace Liveright letter to Barnes, 25 January 1923 Advertising A Book-excerpt from The New York Times Book Review, 14 October 1923 x Revising and Publishing Ryder 284

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Donald S. Friede letter to Barnes, 23 June 1927 Friede letter to Barnes, 9 August 1927 T. R. Smith letter to Barnes, 9 February 1928 . . - . Facsimile: Voided contract enclosed in Friede letter to Barnes, 9 August 1927 Smith letter to Barnes, 20 February 1928 Foreword to the first edition of Ryder Severing Ties '. 291 Luise Sillcox letter to Barnes, 26 July 1929 Smith letter to Barnes, 29 August 1934

Jean Toomer 293 Excerpt from an unpublished typescript in The Wayward and the Seeking: A Collection of Writings by Toomer letter to Waldo Frank, fall 1922 Frank letter to Toomer, circa 14 December 1922 Toomer letter to Sherwood Anderson, 29 December 1922 Frank telegram to Toomer, 2 January 1923 Anderson letter to Toomer, December 1922 or early January 1923 Toomer letter to Frank, circa 11 January 1923 Toomer letter to Horace Liveright, 11 January 1923 Toomer letter to Liveright, 15 January 1922 [1923] Toomer letter to Liveright,-27 February 1923 Liveright letter to Toomer, 28 February 1923 Toomer letter to Liveright, 9 March 1923 Liveright letter to Toomer, 12 March 1923 Manuel Komroff letter to Toomer, 14 March 1923 Komroff letter to Toomer, 18 May 1923 Frank letter to Toomer, Summer 1923 On Frank's Preface—excerpt from The Wayward and the Seeking Liveright letter to Toomer, 29 August 1923 Toomer letter to Liveright, 5 September 1923 Toomer letter to Frank, 29 September 1923 Cane Reviewed-excerpt from Montgomery Gregory's review, Opportunity, December 1923 Anderson letter to Toomer, 3 January 1924 Toomer letter to Liveright, 27 January 1926 Facsimile: Toomer letter to Liveright, 27 January 1926 Cane as "Swan-Song"—excerpt from The Wayward and the Seeking

Jessie Redmon Fauset 305 Becoming a Writer-Marion L. Starkey, 'Jessie Fauset," Southern Workman, May 1932 . Fauset and Toomer—Alain Locke, "The Younger Literary Movement," Crisis, February 1924 Honoring Fauset-"The Debut of the Younger School of Negro Writers," Opportunity, May 1924

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A Second Novel-excerpt from Carolyn Wedin Sylvander's Jessie Redman Fauset, Black American Writer

Sherwood Anderson 310 Pursuing Sherwood '. 311 Otto K. Liveright letter to Sherwood Anderson, 26 May 1924 Horace Liveright letter to Anderson, 18 November 1924 Anderson letter to Liveright, November 1924 Meeting Mrs. Liveright—excerpt from Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs: A Critical Edition A New Beginning. 314 Anderson letter to Liveright, 15 April 1925 Anderson letter to Liveright, 18 April 1925 Anderson letter to Liveright, 1 June 1925 Anderson letter to Liveright, 28 August 1925 Alfred Stieglitz letter to Manuel Komroff, 3 September 1925 Komroff letter to Stieglitz, 11 September 1925 Selling Dark Laughter—excerpt from Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs Anderson letter to Liveright, 19 April 1926 An Object of Parody-excerpt from Joseph Blotner's Faulkner: A Biography Dropping the Weekly-Payment Clause-excerpt from Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs Carrying On without Liveright 322 Arthur Pell letter to Anderson, 14 August 1930 Anderson letter to T. R. Smith, 16 August 1930 Working on Beyond Desire—excerpt from Sherwood Anderson's Secret Love Letters: For Eleanor, a Letter a Day Anderson letter to Eleanor Copenhaver, 5-6 August 1932 A Last Visit widi Liveright—excerpt from Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs The Reception of Death in the Woods—excerpt from Kim Townsend's Sherwood Anderson Hemingway and Faulkner—excerpt from Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs

Ernest Hemingway . 328 Accepting In Our Time 329 Hemingway Meets Fleischman-excerpt from Harold Loeb's The Way It Was Taking a Second Look-excerpt from Harold Loeb's The Way It Was Doran's Rejection T. R. Smith to Jane Heap, 19 February 1925 Hemingway letter to Loeb, 27 February 1925 Beating Out Perkins-excerpt from Donald Friede's The Mechanical Angel Investing in "a Property" 331 Horace Liveright letter to Hemingway, 17 March 1925 j Perkins's Letters-Hemingway letter to Maxwell Perkins, 15 April 1925 Hemingway letter to Liveright, 31 March 1925 V Liveright letter to Hemingway, 1 May 1925

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Hemingway letter to Liveright, 11 May 1925 Facsimile: First page of the subsidiary ledger for In Our Time Hemingway letter to Liveright, 15 May 1925 Liveright letter to Hemingway, 20 May 1925 Hemingway letter to Liveright, 22 May 1925 Hemingway letter to Sherwood Anderson, 23 May 1925 Liveright letter to Hemingway, 2 June 1925 Hemingway on the In Our Time Jacket Hemingway letter to Liveright, 21 June 1925 Liveright letter to Hemingway, 1 July 1925 Hemingway's Parody of Anderson 339 Dos Passos on "The Torrents of Spring"-excerpt from John Dos Passos's The Best Times: An Informal Memoir Hemingway letter to Liveright, 7 December 1925 F. Scott Fitzgerald letter to Liveright and T. R. Smith, before 30 December 1925 Liveright letter to Hemingway, 30 December 1925 Liveright letter to Fitzgerald, 30 December 1925 Hemingway letter to Fitzgerald, 31 December 1925 Facsimile: Hemingway letter to Liveright, 19 January 1926 The End of a Contract—Liveright's summary of his 10 February 1926 meeting with Hemingway A New Novelist—review_ of In Our Time by Louis Kronenberger in The Saturday Review of Literature, 13 Febru- ary 1926 Hemingway letter to Anderson, 21 May 1926 Anderson letter to Hemingway, 14June 1926 Letting Go of In Our Time 348 Julian Messner letter to Liveright, 17 February 1927 Hemingway letter to Perkins, 27 May 1927 Miss Stein's Reaction-excerpt from Hemingway's Scribner's letter to Horace Liveright, Inc., 27 December 1929 - - Liveright (?) letter to Scribner's, 31 December 1929 Liveright letter to Scribner's, 16 June 1930 A Correction-"Books and Authors," The New York Times Book Review, 1 November 1931 Facsimile: Ardiur Pell letter to Scribner's, 21 November 1930

Robinson Jeffers 351 Beatrice Kaufman letter to Peter G. Boyle, 9 January 1925 Excerpt from "At First Glance," Nation, 11 March 1925 Horace Liveright letter to Jeffers, 12June 1925 Liveright letter to Jeffers, 17 June 1925 ; Jeffers letter to Babette Deutsch, 17 June 1925 Roan Stalion, Tamar and Other Poems—excerpt from S. S. Alberts's A Bibliography of the Works of Robinson Jeffers

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Jeffers letter to Donald Friede, 25 November 1925 Facsimile :Jeffer's inscription to T. R. Smirn in Roan Station, Tamar and Other Poems Friede letter to Jeffers, 15 March 1926 Jeffers letter to George Sterling, 30 April 1926 Jeffers letter to Friede, 29 December 1926 Friede letter to Publishers' Weekly, 30 July 1927 The Women at Point Sur—excerpt from Friede letter to Jeffers, 28 February 1927 Jeffers letter to Friede, 7 December 1927 Jeffers letter to T. R. Smith, 18 November 1931 Jeffers letter to Smith, 2 December 1931 Facsimile: Manuscript page from Cawdor and Other Poems Jeffers letter to Smith, 10 January 1933

Anita Loos 363 Publication in Harper's Bazaar-excerpt from Anita Loos's A Girl Like 1 Ralph Barton letter to Henry Sell, circa April or May 1925 Dedication to Gentlemen Prefer Blondes-excerpt from Loos's A Girl Like I Multiple printings—excerpt from Loos's A Girl Like I Edith Wharton letter to Frank Crowninshield, 12 January 1926 Popular Success—excerpt from Gary Carey's Anita Loos: A Biography Miscalculation—excerpt from Walker Gilmer's Horace Liveright: Publisher of the Twenties Julian Messner letter to Loos, 28 April 1926 J. W. Hiltman letter to Boni and Liveright, undated

Hart Crane 370 White Buildings 371 Frank letter to , Spring 1925? Frank letter to Crane, July 1925 Frank letter to Crane, 22 August 1925 Crane letter to William Sommer, 27 October 1925 Crane letter to Richard and Charlotte Rychtarik, 1 December 1925 Eugene O'Neill letter to Crane, 2 February 1926 O'Neill letter to Crane, 1 March 1926 Crane letter to Frank, 22 May 1926 Crane letter to Frank, 19June 1926 Crane letter to Frank, 3 July 1926 O'Neill's Foreword to White Buildings Crane letter to Frank, 24 July 1926 Canceled Title Page—excerpt from Hart Crane: A Descriptive Bibliography \ The Bridge 376

xxvii Contents DLB 288

Facsimile: Correspondence between Liveright and Crane (25 March 1929, 16 April 1929, and 6 May 1929) that resulted in a second printing of White Buildings Crane letter to Liveright, 22 August 1929 Facsimile: Crane inscription in White Buildings to'Harry Crosby, January 1929 Liveright letter to Crane, 5 September 1929 Crane letter to Allen Tate, 14 December 1929 Facsimile: Crane inscription in The Bridge to Caresse Crosby, May 1930 Horace Liveright, Inc., letter to Crane, 20 December 1929 Crane letter to Horace Liveright, Inc., 23 December 1929 Crane letter to Frank, 16 March 1930 Caresse Crosby letter to Crane, 3 April 1930 Suicide and die Collected Poems 384 T. R. Smith letter to Crane, 26 November 1930 Smith letter to Grace Hart Crane, 6 May 1932 Smith letter to Grace Hart Crane, 14 May 1932 Smith letter to Grace Hart Crane, 26 May 1932 Frank letter to Grace Hart Crane, 2 June 1932 Tate letter to Frank, 16 December 1932 Tate letter to Frank, 4 January 1933 Frank letter to Grace Hart Crane, 8 March 1933

William Faulkner 388 Working on "May Day" .\ 389 Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, postmarked 31 March 1925 Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, early April 1925 Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, postmarked 23 April 1925 Sherwood Anderson letter to Horace Liveright, 1 June 1925 Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, postmarked 1 June 1925 Anderson's Swap—excerpts from Faulkner, "Sherwood Anderson: An Appreciation," Atlantic, June 1953, and from Joseph Blotner's Faulkner: A Biography Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, postmarked 11 June 1925 Awaiting Word Abroad 391 Anderson letter to Phil Stone, 17 August 1925 Faulkner Learns of Liveright's Decision—Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, 3 October 1925 Faulkner letter to Maud Buder Falkner, 30 October 1925 Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, 3 November 1925 Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, 9 November 1925 Faulkner letter to Maud Buder Falkner, 21 November 1925 Faulkner letter to Maud Butler Falkner, 30 November 1925 Facsimile: Faulkner inscription in Soldiers'Pay to the Andersons, 17 March 1926 \, Help from the British Consul—excerpt from Blotner's Faulkner

xxviii DLB 288 Contents

Faulkner at the Boni 8c Liveright Offices—excerpt from Blotner's Faulkner Publication and New Works 395 Anderson letter to Liveright, 19 April 1926 Faulkner letter to Liveright, 4June 1926 Hellman Accepts "Mosquitoes"—excerpt from Blotner's Faulkner Faulkner letter to Liveright, 11 January 1927 The Company's Censorship of "Mosquitoes"—excerpt from Blotner's Faulkner Faulkner letter to Liveright, 11 February 1927 Faulkner letter to Liveright, 18 February 1927 Faulkner letter to Liveright, late July 1927 Liveright letter to Faulkner, 1 August 1927 The Rejection of "Flags in the Dust" 397 A Debt Honored-Faulkner letter to Liveright, received 22 July 1927, and Liveright letter to Faulkner, 23 July 1927 Faulkner letter to Liveright, 16 October 1927 Liveright letter to Faulkner, 20 October 1927 Liveright letter to Faulkner, 25 November 1927 Faulkner's Reaction to Rejection—excerpt from Blotner's Faulkner and Faulkner letter to Liveright, 30 November 1927 Liveright letter to Arthur Pell, 6 December 1927 Returning Flags in the Dust— excerpt from Blotner's Faulkner Faulkner letter to Liveright, mid or late February 1928 Liveright letter to Faulkner, 27 February 1928 Faulkner letter to Liveright, early March 1928 Liveright letter to Faulkner, 12 March 1928 Faulkner Leaves Boni 8c Liveright 402 Kronenberger Remembers Faulkner—excerpt from Louis Kronenberger's No Whippings, No Gold Watches: The Saga of a Writer and His Jobs Tearing Up Faulkner's Contract—excerpt from William Spratling, "Chronicle of a Friendship: in New Orleans," Texas Quarterly, Spring 1966 Faulkner letter to Mrs. Walter B. McLean, circa October 1928 Pell letter to Emanuel E. Harper, 11 October 1963

Eric Walrond 404 Review of There Is Confusion—New Republic, 9 July 1924 Donald Friede letter to Walrond, 27 January 1927 Walrond letter to Arthur Pell, 3 March 1966 Facsimile: Revised pages from a copy of Walrond's story collection

Ford Madox Ford 409 Ezra Pound letter to Ford, circa June-July 1921 Pound letter to Ford, 13 January 1922

xxix Contents DLB 288

Publication of When the Wicked Man-excerpt from Arthur Mizener's The Saddest Story: A Biography of Ford Madox Ford r Ford letter to T. R. Smith, 14 March 1931 Ford letter to Theodore Dreiser, 18 April 1931 Financial Dispute—excerpt from Mizener's The Saddest Story Ford letter to Pound, 6 June 1931 Ford letter to Pound, 18 August 1931 Ford letter to Pound, 23 August 1931 Facsimile: Ford's inscription in a copy of Return to Yesterday

Nathanael West 416 Publication of Miss Lonelyhearts-excerpt from Jay Martin's Nathanael West: The Art of His Life Facsimile: First page of the subsidiary ledger for Miss Lonelyhearts Facsimile: West letter to Liveright, Inc., 26 January 1933 Bankruptcy of Liveright, Inc.—excerpt from Martin's Nathanael West

Books for Further Reference 421 Cumulative Index 429