DERTBY CIVIC SOCIETY COUNCIL PATRON: His Worship the Mayor of Derby, Cllr. Paul Pegg PRESIDENT: Don Amott, Esq., VICE-PRESIDENTS: Donald Armstrong, Maxwell Craven, Derek Limer, Robin Wood. CHAIRMAN: Alan Grimadell [3, Netherwood Court, Allestree, Derby DE22 2NU] VICE CHAIRMAN: Ashley Waterhouse [33, Byron Street, Derby DE23 6ZY] HON SECRETARY: David Ling [67, South Avenue, Darley Abbey, Derby DE22 1FB] HON. MEMBERSHIP SEC’Y: Robin Wood [103, Whitaker road, Derby, DE23 6AQ] HON. TREASURER: Phil Lucas [26, St. Pancras Way, Little Chester, Derby DE1 3TH] HON. ACTIVITIES SUB-COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: David Parry [110, Kedleston Road, Derby DE22 1FW] HON. EDITOR & CASEWORKER: Maxwell Craven [19, Carlton Road, Derby, DE23 6HB] REPRESENTATIVES: Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust Council of Management (and currently Chairman), Robin Wood Conservation Area Advisory Committee, Ian Goodwin COUNCIL (in addition to those named above, who serve on the Council ex officio): Laurence Chell, Carole Craven, Ian Goodwin, Richard Felix, Keith Hamilton, Derek Limer, Roger Pegg, Professor Jonathan Powers & John Sharpe. * The opinions expressed herein are entirely those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the Society, its Council or its editor. All contributions submitted under noms-de-plume must be accompanied by a bona fide name and address if such are to be considered for publication. The Newsletter of the Derby Civic Society is normally published twice a year by the Society c /o 19, Carlton Road, Derby, DE23 6HB. It is printed by Glenwood Printing Ltd., of 2a, Downing Rd, West Meadows, Derby DE21 6HA. A limited number of back numbers of the Newsletter are available from the Editor at the address above at a cost of £2 per copy.
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