ACTA AGROBOTANICA Vol. 61 (2): 35–47 2008 ECOLOGICAL FEATURES OF AMBROSIA ARTEMISIIFOLIA L. FLOWERS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AMBROSIA L. POLLEN SEASONS IN THE CONDITION OF LUBLIN (POLAND) IN THE YEARS 2001-2008 Elżbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska, Krystyna Piotrowska Department of Botany, University of Life Sciences, Akademicka 15, 20-095 Lublin, Poland e-mail:
[email protected] Received: 19.09.2008 Summary brosia is recorded in different regions of the country: In the study, the biology of fl owering of Ambrosia ar- Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., A. psilostachya DC. and temisiifolia L. was investigated and the pattern of the Ambrosia A. trifi da L. (Tacik, 1971; Rutkowski, 1998; pollen seasons in Lublin in the years 2001-2008 was character- Zają c and Z a j ą c , 2001). A. artemisiifolia has been ised. The structure of male and female A. artemisiifolia fl owers noted, inter alia, in the Lublin region (Fijał kowski was observed in cultivated plants under controlled conditions 1994), in Wrocław (Malkiewicz and W ą sowicz, in the 2000 vegetative season. The number of pollen grains 2003), in the Upper Silesia region (C h ł opek and produced by the stamen, fl ower, infl orescence and plant was Tokarska-Guzik, 2006). Ambrosia psilostachya determined. It was shown that in A. artemisiifolia fl owers non- sites have been described, among others, in Szczecin functional pistils occurred with a reduced ovary, performing the (Ć wikliń ski, 1968; Puc, 2004) and the Lublin role of a pollen presenter. The pistils found in female fl owers region (Ś wię s and Wrzesień , 2002).