An Adventure by High Speed Rail to Sacred Mountains, the Grand Canal & Ancient Cities CHINA by Rail June 6-20, 2017 with Optional Yangtze River Ext. to June 25

“An excellent look at Chinese history and culture. High Speed Rail was great!” — past travelers

Including Seven World Heritage Sites!

China’s high speed rail network offers an completed in the 6th Century, was built to link innovative, engaging new way to explore the fertile farmlands in the o south t urban centers in Middle Kingdom. the north. Hangzhou, at the southern end, was So many fascinating places in the Chinese celebrated by Marco Polo as Asia’s most beautiful heartland are too far-flung to visit by bus, and city. Tai Shan, the Eastern Sacred Mountain, rises cumbersome to reach by plane. Consequently, near Qufu, where the sage Confucius was born they see few international visitors even though in the 6th Century BC. they are profoundly important to the Chinese From Tai Shan, we will trace the Yellow River heritage and amazing to behold. Valley to , the birthplace of China’s new high speed trains link such places Chan (Zen) . Here, masters of martial with journeys that are convenient, comfortable arts teach students in the traditional way, as and seldom longer than 2-3 hours. Sacred moun­ they have for centuries. tain ranges are accessible by train, as are ancient Song Shan, China’s Middle Mountain, is an towns, and temples that honor quintessential enclave for many ancient temples. Beyond their Chinese institutions like Confucianism, Daoist sacred import­ance to the Taoists, the eroded philosophy, and the martial arts. granite spires of Song Shan are geologically We will travel from Hangzhou to Tai Shan significant. Next, we visit Luoyang, one of along the old Grand Canal which has just China’s ancient capital cities, and the Longmen been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Grottos, unparalleled for their ancient Buddhist The Grand Canal, a thousand mile waterway iconography with a hundred thousand carved images, most from the First Millennium AD, EADERSHIP some among the oldest in China. L En route to Xi’an, we will visit Hua Shan, Leading this expe­ the Western Sacred Mountain, with its great di­tion will be Dr. precipices, arching ridgelines, and narrow Chris Carpenter and David Huang. paths carved into the solid, sculpted granite. We then visit the Famen Temple, Scenic Chris has been a Cultural Area, and underground palace with popular leader of extraordinary gold artifacts. We will continue China Expeditions to Xi’an, where we will visit the renowned for Betchart Terra Cotta Army from the 3rd Century BC Expeditions since and other important sites. 1994 as well as trips to Tibet, Xinjiang From Xi’an, passengers can choose an & Hunza, Indonesia, optional extension to sail through the Three and Vietnam. He has Gorges of the Yangtze River from Chongqing a Ph.D. from UC Davis to Yichang, before returning to Shanghai. in California, and has been leading expeditions throughout China for Please join us on this delightful adventure! AAAS since1994. Best Regards, Chris has a strong background in the cultural heritage of China, and speaks Chinese as well as several other Asian languages. Chris lives in Margaret M. Betchart Chiang Mai, Thailand with his Chinese wife, President, Betchart Expeditions Inc. for and also leads study abroad research trips for AAAS, Sigma Xi, ACS & The Planetary Society the Wildlands Studies Program at UC Monterey to India, Nepal, Thailand, and China. David has been leading China expeditions for Betchart Expeditions since 1994. David graduated from Nankai University in TianJin with a degreen i Tourism and English Language and then worked promoting tourism in Yunnan Province. He speaks excellent English. He has led Betchart groups throughout China and Tibet, including the Silk Road, Xinjiang, Yunnan, and Sichuan Provinces, and Hunza in northern Pakistan. Chris and David look forward to sharing the heritage of China with you.


Days 1/2 USA to Shanghai Day 4 Tangxi Old Town Individual flight departures from the USA to Shanghai, This morning, we will enjoy a two hour boat arriving by mid-afternoon on Day 2. Meet your guide excursion on the Grand Canal from Hangzhou to the and check into the Shanghai Hotel. Welcome dinner. ancient town of Tangxi. We will see very old wooden Day 3 Hangzhou­ & Grand Canal buildings alongside the waterways. The Guangji stone World Heritage Sites arch bridge reflects perfect circles into the still water Depart this morning on the High Speed Train from of the canal. Tangxi was a prosperous merchant Shanghai to the historic city Hangzhou, just an hour town in ancient times, and the local people here are away. Hangzhou has been known for a thousand years extremely proud of their traditional heritage. We will as one of the most beautiful and prosperous cities in enjoy lunch in Tangxi, explore the back streets, and China, and it was once the largest in the world. Marco then return to Hangzhou in the afternoon. Polo, who stayed in Hangzhou during Mongolian rule Day 5 Train to Qufu in the late 13th Century, considered it the “finest and World Heritage Site noblest city in the world.” Today, we will continue by High Speed Train to Our activities in Hangzhou include West Lake, an Qufu, home of Confucius, the sage whose ideas have ethereal Chinese landscape of water and tree-covered defined Chinese society for more than 2,000 years. hills, Liuhe with its view of the river that flows The Confucius Temple in Qufu was established in into Hangzhou Bay, and Gongchen Bridge. It crosses the 5th Century BC and is one of the largest and the Grand Canal, which was recently declared a World most important temple complexes in China. Queli Heritage Site. Also visit the Grand Canal Museum which Hotel (2 nights). Enjoy a stroll through old town in shares the heritage of this 1,500 year old canal. Bai Rui Qufu this evening. Hotel (2 nights) Day 6 Tai Shan World HeritageBeijing Site— religious importance, Shaolin is famous for a 1,500 year China’s East Sacred Mountain tradition of martial arts—the kung fu demonstrations Today we will visit the densely forested, sacred are breathtaking. The surrounding mountains, clean l mountain complex of Tai Shan.a We will ride a cable spires of weathered granite, are a fitting backdrop and n a car and walk on ancient paths C cut into the mountain’s comprise one of China’s national geological parks. d granite flank. Located near Qn ufu, Tai Shan is the easterly a Day 9 Songyue Pagoda & Luoyang of the “Five Great Mountains”r in China, revered in

G Mt. Taishan the Taoist tradition. Since the east is auspicious, This morning we will visit Songyue Pagoda built 1,100 years ago, a palace for the emperor in the 6th withMt. sunrise andYellow connotations ofQufu renewal, Tai Shan River Yellow Sea and 7th centuries. isHuashan held in special regard. For millennia emperors have come here to honor theZhengzhou earth and sky. Today Tai Shan In the afternoon, we will drive to Luoyang, one Zhongyue Songshan (whichXi’an is 5,000Temple feet in elevation) is recognized as a of the four ancient capitals and the old geographic cultural and natural landscape of global importance. center of classical China. It is located on the south Yangzhou bank of the Yellow River, one of the most important Day 7 Qufu to Zhengzhou to Dengfeng waterways in China. Luoyang was at times the largest Zhenjiang This morning, we will continue by high speed train city in the world. It has served as the capital for many to ZhengzhouYangtz and coach to Dengfeng World Heritage e R Shanghai iv dynasties since the early days of Chinese civilization Site. En route,e rstop at the beautiful Han Tombs which more than 3,000 years ago. Aviation Hotel (2 nights). are 1,800 years old. Shaolin International Hotel Hangzhou East (2CHINA nights). China Day 10 Longmen Grottos Dayby 8 High Song Speed Shan, China’s Rail Middle MountainSea World Heritage Site Morning drive to Song Shan, China’s ‘Central Great Today, we will visit the ancient city of Luoyang Mountain. This region, along the middle reaches of and the famous Buddhist Grottoes at Longmen. the Yellow River, appears in Chinese literature as the Strategically located along the Yellow River, in ‘spiritual center of heaven and earth because so many the heartland of ancient China, Luoyang received important religious institutions have their foundations China’s first in the first century AD. here. Today we will visit Shaolin Monastery, of the In the following centuries, this region was a ancient Chan (Zen) school of Buddhism. Beyond its center of Buddhist knowledge. Influential figures commissioned magnificent art works in order to Beijing gain merit. One result of this effort is Longmen, the Dragon’s Gate, a scenic river gorge where one of the world’s best collections of Buddhist art has been l a n carved into the surrounding limestone cliffs. More a C than a thousand caves, arrayed over a half mile on d n both sides of the river, hold images that depict the a


G Mt. Taishan Chinese Buddhist cosmology, and date back to the Fifth Century. Mt. Yellow Qufu River Yellow Sea Day 11 Huashan World Heritage Site— Huashan Zhengzhou China’s West Famous Mountain Zhongyue This morning, we will take the High Speed Rail to Xi’an Songshan Temple Huashan. We will then explore Hua Shan, China’s Yangzhou “Western Great Mountain” (7,000 feet in elevation). Hua Shan is part of the Qinling Range, which separates Zhenjiang the Sichuan Basin of southern China from the northern er Shanghai East expanses of the Wei Valley and the city of Xi’an. Less CHINA by iv accessible than Tai Shan, it has traditionally been R e China tz seen as a place to seek medicinal herbs and secrets High Speed Rail ng Hangzhou Sea Ya of immortality. Its narrow pathways, incised over centuries into the bare stone, are exhilarating to behold. We can access these paths on foot or by cable car. the gold treasures unearthed in the underground Bell Tower Hotel (4 nights) palace since it was discovered in 1987. We will stop Day 12 Xi’an—Large Wild Goose Pagoda at villages and explore the countryside en route back & Grand Mosque to Xi’an. This morning, we will depart for Xi’an and visit Day 14 Xi’an—Terra Cotta Warriors the Wild Goose Pagoda, built in honor of Xuanzang, Today we will visit the Terra Cotta Army of Xi’an, the Tang era monk who traveled on foot from China battalions of clay soldiers and horses ordered into to Southern India and back in the 7th Century, being in the Third Century by Emperor Qin Shihuang. crossing mountains and deserts. In the late afternoon, He first unified the region we know today as China. we will visit the Grand Mosque, built in a Chinese Thousands of life-sized images are displayed in situ architectural style, and attended by Hui Muslims. at this world-famous site. Afternoon visit to Ban Po, Dinner in the Muslim Quarter of Xi’an. a 6,000 year-old Neolithic village. You will also have free time to explore Xi’an’s historic downtown, Day 13 Famen Temple including the city wall and the central Bell Tower. Cultural Scenic Area Farewell dinner in one of Xi’an’s dumpling This morning, we will visit Famen Temple, two restaurants, a cuisine specialty of the area! hours from Xi’an, which was first built in the , and has a history of more than 1,800 years. Day 15 Xi’an to Shanghai & Home or It is famous for Buddhist relics and was recently to Chongqing & Optional Yangtze declared a Cultural River Cruise Scenic Area. We will Breakfast at hotel. Then depart for Shanghai and see the temple and flights home. the museum with

Optional Yangtze River Cruise June 20-25, 2017 Day 1 Xi’an to Chongqing Begin Optional Yangtze River Cruise Fly from Xi’an to the metropolis of Chongqing, the embarkation port for vessels which travel through the Yangtze River’s Three Gorges. Sail this evening on one of the comfortable Victoria River Cruise ship fleet (3 nights). Have dinner on board. B,D Days 2/3 Cruising on the Yangtze River We will awaken en route to the Three Gorges. At first, we’ll pass low-lying hills of the Sichuan Basin, then the surrounding ranges will o begin t enclose the river, culminating in a spectacular series of narrow chasms through which the boat sails. Stops en route include & SIGMTHE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHA XSOCIETYI & ACS Expeditions



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Discover Sacred Mountains, the Grand Canal & Ancient Cities China by High Speed Rail June 6-20, 2017

Including Seven World Heritage Sites!

Summer weather will prevail with some rain. This expedition COSTS & CONDITIONS will be a tremendous experience for travelers with an appetite for adventure who would enjoy a chance to explore China with excellent leaders and like-minded travelers. We will have Trip Fee: $4,195 per person (plus air fare of approx. $1,695 a grand adventure of discovery. (No smoking in vehicles, during USAo t Shanghai, round trip plus in tour flight Xi’an to Shanghai lectures, or meals, please.) $325. Single supplement is $795. Optional Yangtze River Extension: $1,995 per person twin share plus approximately Air Fare & Airline Ticketing: For assistance, please contact $425i a r. Extension single supplement is $695. Taunya at Betchart Expeditions, (800) 252-4910. You should Expedition Fee Includes: Land transport; group airport arrive in Shanghai by late afternoon on June 7, 2017. transfers; accommodations twin share; all meals; tips to Accommodations: We will stay in four star hotels in the drivers and local guides; entrance fees; baggage handling; cities, and good Chinese hotels in outlying locations. We will leader­ship, administration. traveln o board a first class Victoria ship on the Optional Yangtze Expedition Fee Does Not Include: International air fare; River Cruise Extension. Accommodations are twin-share with China visa fee; gratuities to expedition leaders; personal items private bath. suchs a laundry, phone calls, alcoholic beverages, sodas, snacks, Reservations, Deposits, and Payments: Please mail a personal insurance; or foreign airport departure taxes. deposit of $1,000 per person with the completed reservation form to: Optional Yangtze River Cruise Extension Fee Includes: China by High Speed Rail 2017 Group transfers, 3 nights twin share on board one of the Victoria Betchart Expeditions Inc. River Cruise fleet with meals, tips on ship; 2 nights twin share in 17050 Montebello Road Shanghai, meals as indicated, acrobatic show, time for personal Cupertino, CA 95014-5435 interests in Shanghai. The balance is due April 1, 2017. Extension Fee Does Not Include: Independent transfers, in-tour flights Xi’an to Chongqing and Yichang to Shanghai Cancellations & Refunds: The initial deposit is refundable (quoted separately). up to 60 days before departure less a handling fee of $100 per What to Expect: This expedition is planned for travelers person. There is no refund after the 60-day period unless who would enjoy exploring the heritage of China using the your place is resold, then only the $100 per person handling modern High Speed Rail network with stops at historic sites fee is withheld. There are no refunds for unused meals or and sacred mountains en route. We will do some short drives other expedition features. by bus.e W will zip through the countryside from place to place Questions? in comfort with no airport check-ins or delays and only one Please call Terri Stevens flight to return from Xi’an to Shanghai. The trip concludes with Betchart Expeditions Inc. an optional Yangtze River Cruise Extension and Shanghai. Telephone: (800) 252-4910 The group will travel 2 to 3 hours by train on several days. or (408) 252-4910 We will take time for both planned and spontaneous stops to Fax: (408) 252-1444 walk, photograph, and talk with local people. Food will include Email: [email protected] a varied Chinese and international menu. Look on the Web: