Beyond Medicamon
Beyond Medicaon: HolisNc Treatment for Children and Aouth with Mental Health Challenges DFood and Func3onal E ,edicine Natalie Sadler, MD Children’s Mental Health Summit September 28-‐29, 2012 Bac7ground for Change HolisNc Fiew: Body, ,ind, 0pirit of paNent Undergrad: ,ath major, NutriNon minor FuncNonal ,edicine perspecNNe Natural curiosity as to why things happen Events that led me to thi17'di@erently and loo7'for underlying causes4 • 1983 Dean of ,edical 0chool • 1987 Residency 7 lead poisoning causing psychosis – Thyroid, BS, Folic acid UNC Pwight Evans ,P • 2001 Pt asked that I watch TV show 20/20 on 0A,e • 2001 New pt requested an alternave, nutrional approach to her treatment. Abram /o\er ,P spoke at UNC e IntegraNNe ,edicin Conference 0ept 2001. Holis3c Evaluaon • Psychiatric evalua30n including religion, spirituality, abuse, Nitamins, diet, food allergies/sensiNNiNes. • Symptom chec7'lists for thyroid, adrenals, yeast/Candida, sugar metabolism, neurotransmiPers, Nitamin deficiencies, autonomic nerNous system/sympatheNc/parasympatheNc. • Sensory ProDle E6es3onnaire for sensiNNity to light, sound, touch, taste and smell _sensory integraon). • Func3onal Acuity Contrast Test (FACTI eye test for essenNal fay acids in the reNna. PHA needed to see shades of gray. • Func3onal Medicine Tes3ng for biomedical factors to determine nutrient imbalances and metabolic dysfuncNon Holis3c Treatment • Bringing the nutrient imbalances back into balance. • Address diet changes, sleep and eaercise to sustain good health. • IdenNfying the underlying psychological issues ing and work to resolNe them using conNenNonal psychotherapy and alternaNe therapies. • bearning good coping skills to handle life and stress: Mindfulness, Heartmath, yoga • Address any sensory integraon and/or autonomic nerNous system dysfuncNon.
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