Maulana Karenga: America Is an Unfinished Project

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Maulana Karenga: America Is an Unfinished Project Grand Valley State University ScholarWorks@GVSU Volume 27 Lanthorn, 1968-2001 1-27-1993 Lanthorn, vol. 27, no. 17, January 27, 1993 Grand Valley State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Archival Science Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Grand Valley State University, "Lanthorn, vol. 27, no. 17, January 27, 1993" (1993). Volume 27. 17. This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Lanthorn, 1968-2001 at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Volume 27 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "\ Grand Valley joins regional business network 8 ? 4 H consortium P p #* » m m By Chris Olsen ■ - Staff Writer The West Michigan College Consortium Wf. ■ £ 3 Assisting Business and Industry, has initiated a plan to become directly involved in business and industrial concerns Ten regional colle­ giate institutions, in­ cluding Grand Valley State University, com­ prise CCABI. Through means of fo­ h V cus groups, extensive research, Economic Club speakers, and a symposium, CCABI in­ tends to build a suc­ > .v; ,, c\ cessful network of re­ PHOTO BY ERIK HOLLADAY gional information to Students gathered in front of Zumberge Library to participate in a silent march to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Please see pages 8-9 for attain die best regional a recap of more MLK Week events. cooperation between the private sector, re­ gional governments, and scholastic institu­ Maulana Karenga: America tions pertaining to re­ gional issues. Although the presi­ dents of the schools are formally members of is an unfinished project CCABI, James By Janet Meana necessary and that differences Kadlecek, director of the but that Asian, Latino and even Trinidad, Canada and on Staff Writer must not be tolerate, but GVSU Office for Eco­ women's studies are needed. numerous United States embraced. Karenga said a multicultural nomic Expansion, is campuses about the life and It is important for all cultures Human diversity is human society needs mutual respect, Grand Valley's delegate struggle of African people. to be accepted and added to richness, he said, and if diversity egalitarian representation and He is also known as the in direct contact with the the educational curriculum, is taken away then humanity is civility to succeed. creator of Kwanzaa (kwahn'- initiative. said Dr. Maulana Karenga in a also taken away. "We are all responsible for zah), an Africa-American "CCABI's initiative is lecture Jan. 19 at Louis Our present education system the moral and intellectual holiday. Kwanzaa is to identify regional is­ Armstrong Theatre. is Eurocentric, but Europe is only community we live in," he said. celebrated by 18 million people sues like transportation, A multicultural education one culture among many, Karenga, professor and around the world, Karenga air, water and govern­ must be morally, intellectually contributions are needed from chairman of the Department of said. mental services, and and socially grounded in order those other cultures, he added. Black Studies at California State then inform local opin­ His lecture last Thursday at to create a just and good "We need to get beyond people University, Long Beach, was ion leaders and govern­ Grand Valley was co­ society, he said. with 20-year-old notes," he said, brought to Grand Valley as part ment officials about sponsored by the Seidman "America is an unfinished indicating that faculty must be of the Martin Luther King those issues," Kadlecek School of Business, the project," he said. retooled. celebration. Divisionof Social Sciences, the said. Author of eight books, He emphasized that not only Karenga, an international Lecture Series Committee, the The first step of iden­ Karenga said mutual respect an African dimension needs to activist and scholar, has lectured Black Student Union and the tifying the regional for people and culture is be added to current curriculums in Africa, China, Cuba, problems has begun. Dean of Students Office. The Institute for Public Policy and Social Re­ GV climbs the ranks: reputation attracts quality students search of Michigan State By Betty LaFrance University has begun to Staff Writer University with an average theelevated level of high school on the West Side," Foerster solicit officials in composite test score of 23. curriculum that she has seen said. Allegan, Barry, Ionia, In 1987, Grand Valley The University of Michigan evolve in the last 11 years. Foerster also stated that fac­ Kent, Muskegon, and freshmen's grade point aver­ and Michigan Tech were the top "Grand Valley is attracting a ulty have commented to her Ottawa Counties. Fac­ age was 2.94; by the fall of two, respectively. higher caliber of students," about the improvement in class ulty from these univer­ 1992, that number jumped to Freshmen, as defined by the Foerster said. discussions as well as papers. sities and colleges in a 332. admissions office, are those Foerster stated that Grand According to James Schultz, these counties will as- Based on the ACT scores students attending any college Valley's reputation is widely dean of academic services/ continuing education, the Please see CCABI, p. 12 for the fall 1992 freshmen, for the first time. spreading primarily by word of Grand Valley State Univer­ Jo Ann Foerster, director of mouth. quality of freshmen increases sity is ranked third in the state, admissions, explained that an­ 'W e used to consider Grand slightly every fall. alongside Michigan State other reason for the difference is Valley to be the best kept secret Please see GV, p. 12 Page 2 TheLanthorn January 27,1993 - .. \ Eating disorders can Grand Valley Review seeks campus wide submissions often affect student administration; Dellas Henke, By Heather Kish The Review accepts writings Staff Writer on academic and campus art; Donna Larson, science; matters, short stories, personal Mark Luttenton, biology; collegiate athletes Cindy Mader, education; The staff of The Grand Valley essays, poetry, and book By Scott Mil jour endorphines. Review, a publication started reviews. Diana Pace, counseling; Toni Staff Writer This causes a "high" by the English Department "The editorial staff will also Perrine, communications; Ron similar to the trauma a about eight years ago, has consider submissions from Poitras, anthropology/ sodology;KimRanger, library; University student person feels immediately expanded the advisory board students if they are of interest athletes who seem healthy after a car accident. This to insure that writings from all to a general academic audience Ben Rudolph, business; Bob Schectman, music; Tim are suffering from eating person will usually departments are submitted. and are particularly well done," “The Review has always been said Simone. Strickier, health sciences; disorders such as bulimia, refuse minor medical James Walker, criminal justice, binging and purging, or treatment insisting that a campus wide journal even Staff members of The Review are: Kathleen Blumreich- andTomYackish,engineering. anorexia. he or she is alright It is though pieces of work that Moore, Patricia Clarke, Walter T he R ev iew is open to Although cultural and only until the adrenaline have been published have Foote, David Huisman, and suggestions for improvement. societal influences seem to and beta endorphines come mainly from the English Patricia Quattrin. You can send your suggestion be the main causes of eating wear off that a person area," said Roberta Simone, editor of The Review and a The board members are: to any staff or board member. disorders, but low self will finally become professor of English at GVSU. Todd Carlson, chemistry; Brian To submit your work too be esteem, substance abuse, aware that he or die is As of this time, The Review is Curry, health science; Chris published in The Review, send sexual abuse, and athletics hurt, stated Williams. only changing its content, Falvey, psychology; Ursula the hard copy and disc stating are also factors thatheavily Some consequences of although graphics and style of Franklin, French; Virginia which software you have used anorexia and bulimia are influence a person's the publication may be Gordon, Clerical Office and to: Roberta Simone, 166 Lake susceptibility to eating breakdowns, sore joints, changed sometime. Technical; John Gracki, Huron Hall. disorders. stomach aches, In a survey reported by palpitations, hair loss, Katy Williams of Woman's mononucleosis, walking Sports & Fitness, 64 percent pneumonia, irregular "h e r e ' s t o u r , p a r k i n g d e c a l : of the 801 NCAA schools heart beat, kidney surveyed said thattheyhad failure, metabolic A MAP or THE STUDENT LOT atleastonecaseof an eating changes, child bearing disorder among their difficulties, esophagus AND A DAY’S RATION OF WATER athletes. deterioration, and The idea that the less hormonal swings. I ’D START NOW-IT'LL BE weight a athlete carries, the The main better the athlete can psychological effect is GETTING DARK SOON1. perform often causes to be that of exaggerated concerned with eating. negative feelings. This, along with the If you suffer from added pressures of either anorexia or competition and success, bulimia or you think a can lead to an eating friend may be, help can disorder. be obtained through a Many people suffering counselingserviceat895- from the disease don't even 3266 or by calling 895- realize they have a problem 3320 and asking for Pam due to the fact that the Hachet of Health disease releases adrenaline Services. and, in women, beta "Affirmative action intensifies self doubts," says author D'Souza By Chris Olsen Staff Writer O a y tw ice as m ucA Jbt cnfy co st// Author of Illiberal Education, Dinesh D'Souza, attacked the morality o f affirmative action and the issue of race on college campuses i n his speech at the Louis Armstrong Theatre on Jan.
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