Post-Sobor Pastoral Letter of His Excellency Most Rev. Paul
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Fir Firstst Solemn Communion Photos on pp.pp. 44 andand 6.6. OFFIICIIAL PUBLIICATIION OF THE UKRAIINIIAN CATHOLIIC EPARCHY OF STAMFORD ССіівваачч SSoowweerr VOL XXVIIIIII; No.. 6 STAMFORD,, CONNECTIICUT 06902 JUNE 30,, 2013 Post Post-Sobor-Sobor PastoralPastoral LetterLetter ofof HisHis ExcellencyExcellency Most Most Rev.Rev. PaulPaul Chomnycky,Chomnycky, OSBMOSBM To To TheThe CClergy,lergy, ReligiousReligious andand AllAll thethe FaithfulFaithful ofof thethe StamfordStamford EparchyEparchy “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and the prayers… praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42,7) My dear brothers and sisters in Christ: communities and as an eparchy? Meditating upon and providing answers to these ques- Every year in springtime the Church commemorates and celebrates three great tions was the solemn and sacred task with which the delegates were charged. salvific actions of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. First and foremost we commemorate The Word of God and Catechesis (Kerygma) his glorious Resurrection from the dead on Easter Sunday, then, after forty days, his “In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through Ascension into Heaven in order to sit at the right hand of the Father, and ten days after this, the prophets; in these last days, he spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all his sending of the Holy and Life-Giving Spirit upon his Blessed Mother and the things and through whom he created the universe.” (Heb. 1:1,2) We believe in God, who, Apostlesnon the day of Pentecost. in his great love for us, has revealed himself to us through his Only Begotten Son, Jesus It is also during these blessed days that the faithful have the opportunity of rehear- Christ, the Eternal Word of God. But in addition he has entrusted to us his written Word, ing the story of the birth, the life and the growth of the first Christian community in which is the Bible. Jesus is present to us in a very real sense when we read the Gospel or Jerusalem as recorded in the initial chapters of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, and hear it proclaimed during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical servic- proclaimed in the epistle readings of the Divine Liturgy prescribed during this time each es. It is the foundation of our spiritual life and the source of our year. knowledge of Christ’s saving acts. Thus, the Church has a When we hear or read these words, how can we fail great reverence for Sacred Scripture. to be inspired by the images that leap out from the pages of However, how familiar are we personally with Holy Holy Scripture? The Book of the Acts tells us that the first Scripture? Do we have in the Bible a trusted friend that helps Christians were few in number, poor, frightened, marginal- us in the daily living out of our Christian calling? Do we often ized, and systematically persecuted for their belief in Jesus as turn to Holy Scripture in order to quench our spiritual thirst in the Messiah. This tiny band of Jesus’ followers should have the endless source of grace and inspiration that we can find logically and quickly disappeared without a trace following there? the execution of Jesus. And yet they did not vanish. The fol- Each of us should not only possess a Bible, we should read it, lowers of Jesus, who soon came to be known as ‘Christians’, meditate upon it, pray with it. It is truly ‘essential reading’ for survived and even prospered in spite of the obstacles and dan- the committed Christian travelling along the journey of life. It gers they faced every day. is our guide, our aid, our consolation, our inspiration, and our Why? Because Jesus Christ – Crucified, irreplaceable source of Divine Wisdom. Resurrected and Glorified – stood at the heart of their com- Jesus said: “No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when munity. The life of the earliest Christian community in fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher” (Lk. 6:40) Jerusalem, as we learn from Holy Scripture, was a continu- We should also remember that the most effective catechetical ous and grace-filled encounter with the Lord – in study, in tool we have at our disposal for passing on the faith to others prayer, in sacrament and in service. Keeping their eyes con- is the example we give with our lives. Nothing is more elo- stantly fixed upon Christ, and strengthened by the power of quent than a life modeled on Christ. the Holy Spirit, the Christians had nothing to fear. What an awesome thing it is for us to realize that, by the Several weeks ago a unique gathering of clergy, reli- example of our words and deeds, we are the first evangelizers gious and faithful of the Stamford Eparchy took place in St. of the children and infants in our families and in our parish Basil Seminary in Stamford, Connecticut. In my authority as communities. Eparch, and in fulfillment of the mandate of the Synod of Thus, if our parish is called to be a ‘vibrant parish’, then it is Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, I called for a spe- absolutely necessary for us to turn our attention to everything, cial Sobor or eparchial assembly to which relates to understanding the Word of God and the truths be held from April 18 – 20, 2013 on the theme of the Pastoral of Christian life. Letter of His Beatitude, Sviatoslav entitled: “The Vibrant Parish – a place to encounter the living Christ”. In his pas- Liturgy and Prayer toral letter, His Beatitude underlines six key elements essen- “Then Jesus took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and tial to a vibrant parish. Our Sobor specifically dealt with the first three: a) The Word of God gave it to them saying: This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of and Catechesis (Kerygma); b) Liturgy and Prayer; and c) Service to our Neighbor me.” (Lk. 22:19) (Diakonia). We believe in God who wants to enter into a relationship with us and continual- What a truly blessed time were the days of the Sobor for us! For three days, the ly invites us to be one with him. The most intimate union we can have with God is when 180 delegates, representing each parish and religious community in the Eparchy, together we, as a parish community, gather at the Eucharistic table and ‘eat the Body and drink the formed a living icon of the early Christian community in Jerusalem. Just as in Jerusalem Blood’ of his Only Begotten Son, Jesus, who is present there with us. The celebration of so long ago, we too during the time of the Sobor ‘were together and held all the Divine Liturgy is the image of the Church in action, and at the same time, the highest things in common’. Each day we devoted ourselves to ‘the teaching of the apostles…to expression of the life of the Church and the source of its spiritual graces. the breaking of the bread and to the prayers’. Each day we ‘met together in the temple’ and During the period of the persecution of our Church in Ukraine in the last centu- ‘ate our meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God…’ (Acts 2:42-7) And ry, it was the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and the other Holy Mysteries, often per- we too, kept our eyes firmly fixed upon Christ. formed clandestinely and under cover of night, that kept our church and our faithful alive Each delegate also brought from home with him or herself, preserved in their under the most trying circumstances. This power remains undiminished. heart, a precious package that contained a ‘pearl of great value’ which was opened for all Today, as our faith is increasingly being tested by the pressures of a society dom- to see and to share in during the deliberations of the Sobor: that is, the blessings and the inated by secularism and consumerism, we must make special efforts to keep Sunday a dreams of each parish community. holy day, the day of Our Lord’s Resurrection, the day in which we participate in the Divine And we asked ourselves these questions: What are the blessings that we already Liturgy, and to value it as the most precious thing in the world. enjoy in our parish communities? Do we acknowledge and give thanks for them? What “Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished, one of the dis- are some of the dreams we have for our parish communities that would make them more ciples said to him: Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” (Lk. 11:1) fruitful places of encounter with the living Christ? How can we preserve the blessings we Our Lord calls us to be one with him primarily as a community of believers, but enjoy now and also realize at least some of the dreams we aspire to as individuals, as parish Continued on p. 3. 22 JUNE 20,, 2013 SOWER POPE FRANCIS ANGELUS LLIIGGHHTT OONNEE CCAANNDDLLEE Tony Rossi St Peter''s Square Director of Communications, The Christophers Sunday, June 9, 2013 UNM UNMASKINGASKING THE IDOLS IN Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good Morning, YOU YOUR R LIFELIFE Though we modern folk believe we’re much smarter Good morning! The month of June is traditionally dedicated than, for example, the Israelites who built themselves a golden calf to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the greatest human expression of divine to worship thousands of years ago, we’re just as willing to bow love.