Science and Technology Partnership Open Forum on In-Space Assembly Speaker Biographies
Science and Technology Partnership Open Forum on In-Space Assembly NASA Headquarters Nov. 6, 2018 Speaker Biographies Dr. Douglas Terrier, Chief Technologist, NASA Dr. Douglas Terrier serves as NASA’s chief technologist and is the senior leader of the Office of the Chief Technologist. In this role, Terrier is the agency's principal advisor and advocate on NASA technology policy and programs, helping plot the strategic direction of the agency's space technology program. Terrier is responsible for the operation, management and programs within the Office of the Chief Technologist. The office serves as the NASA administrator’s principal advisor and advocate on matters concerning agency- wide technology policy. Terrier directs the work of the strategic integration and innovation teams, coordinating and tracking technology investments across the agency, working to infuse technologies into future NASA missions and facilitating agency technology governance. He also is responsible for coordination and integration of research and development planning, policies and programs with other NASA directorates, offices, centers and other government agencies, industry and academia. In addition, Terrier conducts advocacy activities with technology partners in industry, academia, the public, customers and stakeholders. Dr. Michele L.D. Gaudreault, Technical Director, Office of the Chief Scientist, Air Force Space Command Dr. Michele Gaudreault is the technical director of the Office of the Chief Scientist for the Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She conducts scientific analysis and facilitates basic, applied and advanced research and development needed for future systems. She also supports the Chief Scientist Joel Mozer in his role as science and technology advisor for the command and maintains technical interfaces with space, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, cyber agencies and the scientific community.
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