FILM Party Monster Freeze Killer Films Shortbus Brad Dir. John Cameron Mitchell Prairie Dogs E.D. IFC Short Flowers (South x Southwest) Bill Dir. Kirven Blount

TELEVISION Guest Star CBS/Dir. Christopher Misiano Fringe Guest Lead FOX/Dir. Bobby Roth Law & Order Guest Lead NBC/Dir. Marisol Torres New Amsterdam Guest Lead FOX/Dir. Jim McKay Hack Guest Lead CBS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Guest Lead NBC/Dir. Jean de Segonzac Oz Guest Lead HBO/Dir. Alex Zakrzewski Cruel & Unusual (Experimental Pilot) Gabriel Levinson/Fontana

THEATER OFF BROADWAY: Almost, Maine East, Jimmy, Pete, Chad, Phil Dir. Gabriel Barre Saved Pete Dir. Robert Woodruff Tartuffe (NYSF) Laurent Dir. Mark Brokaw How I Learned to Drive Male Greek Chorus Dir. Mark Brokaw Vick’s Boy Patrick Dir. Bob Balaban The Batting Cage Bobby Dir. Lisa Peterson Assassins (Roundabout Wkshp.) Ensemble Dir. Joe Mantello Stretching My Wings Patrick MCC

REGIONAL: Rag and Bone (Premier) Long Wharf Theatre Dir. Tina Landau How I Learned to Drive Mark Taper Forum Dir. Mark Brokaw Almost, Maine (Premier) Portland Stage Company Dir. Gabriel Barre More (Wkshp.) Mark Taper Forum Dir. Marshall Mason East of Eden Actors Theatre of Louisville Dir. Jon Jory The Batting Cage (‘96 Humana Fest.) Actors Theatre of Louisville Dir. Lisa Peterson A Christmas Carol Actors Theatre of Louisville Dir. Frazier Marsh A Map of Doubt and Rescue (Wkshp.) NY Stage and Film Plwrt. Susan Miller A New Life Actors Theatre of Louisville Dir. John Finnegan Dust to Dust Actors Theatre of Louisville Dir. Jennifer Hubbard

Cape Cod Theater Project: Back, Back, Back Walt Plwrt. Itamar Moses Autobahn Guy Plwrt. Neil Labute Bay Windows and Shakes Carlo Dir. Marshall Mason

2029 Century Park East |Suite 1400| Los Angeles, CA 90067|310.481.4413 |[email protected]

The Treehouse Lewis Dir. Ethan McSweeny

TRAINING Actors Theater of Louisville—Acting Apprentice Program Jon Jory—Acting/Text Analysis Anne Bogart—Viewpoints Workshops Ohio University—B.F.A. Acting Program

SKILLS: Guitar (Bluegrass and Old Time Flatpicking, etc.)

2029 Century Park East |Suite 1400| Los Angeles, CA 90067|310.481.4413 |[email protected]