
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 14/10 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 277 - August 2010 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, uns daher sehr, Ihnen das offizielle dann sollten Sie einen Blick in Annas liebe Filmfreunde! Festivalprogramm ab Seite 8 in diesem Kolumne auf den Seiten 3 und 4 wagen. Herzlich willkommen zur letzten Ausga- Newsletter präsentieren zu können. Bei Es lohnt sich. be unseres Newsletters vor der großen der Auswahl der Filmtitel kann einem Sommerpause. Wenn Ihnen der Anblick echten Fan da schon das Wasser im Mit diesen Worten verabschieden wir der Dame auf dem Titelblatt gefällt, Munde zusammenlaufen. Wir freuen uns in die Sommerpause. Wie bereits dann sollten Sie sich nicht die Chance uns schon sehr darauf und werden angekündigt bleibt unser Büro in der entgehen lassen, SUCK während des selbstverständlich die ganze Zeit vor Zeit vom 01. bis 19. September 2010 Fantasy Filmfests auf der großen Lein- Ort sein. Auch unsere Kolumnistin geschlossen. Ab dem 20. September wand zu genießen. Darf man dem Anna hat Ihr Kommen bereits angekün- sind wir dann wieder in gewohnter Trailer des Films Glauben schenken, so digt. Ein solches Ereignis lässt sich die Weise für Sie da. Also: bleiben Sie uns handelt es sich dabei um eine ziemlich junge Dame nicht entgehen! Und wenn gewogen! abgefahrene und sehr schwarz- Sie wissen wollen, was Amanda humorige Vampirgeschichte. Wie viele Seyfried mit Megan Fox zu tun hat, Ihr Laser Hotline Team der auf dem Festival gezeigten Filme wird es auch SUCK leider zu keiner regulären Auswertung in deutschen Kinos bringen, sondern direkt auf DVD und Blu-ray Disc vermarktet werden. Wünschenswert wäre es, wenn die Filmverleiher nicht immer gleich kalte Füße bekommen würden, wenn es um Genre-Kost geht. Denn der ein oder andere Film hat durchaus das Potenzial, auch bei einer regulären Kinoauswertung sein Publikum zu fin- den. Und Filmfans wissen es schon längst: den Filmgenuss in einem erst- klassigen Kino kann auch die beste Heimkinoversion nicht ersetzen. Wer allerdings nicht die Chance hat, am Fantasy Filmfest teilzunehmen, dem empfehlen wir natürlich wie immer ei- nen Blick auf die zahlreichen Neuan- kündigungen im Bereich DVD bzw. Blu- ray Disc aus Deutschland und den USA. Auf Seite 14 geht’s los! Und Bild oben (von links nach rechts): wenn wir schon gerade dabei sind: ist Filmkritiker Wolfram Hannemann, Ihnen schon aufgefallen, dass wir die Schauburg-Betreiber Herbert Born Übersicht über japanische DVDs aus und der ultimative 70mm-Fan dem Newsletter verbannt haben? Der Thomas Hauerslev beim Grund dafür ist recht simpel: die Nach- gemeinsamen Brainstorming für frage nach japanischen DVDs hat sehr das anstehende Todd-AO-Festival stark nachgelassen, so dass der Auf- im Open Air Kino am Schloss wand, den wir für die Datenpflege bis- Gottesaue in Karlsruhe. Keine lang spendiert haben, leider nicht mehr Frage: beim Ideen sammeln half gerechtfertigt ist. Hier bitten wir spezi- das leckere Bier! ell die Fans von Japan-Importen um ihr Verständnis.

Fast drei Wochen sind schon vergan- Bild rechts: das perfekte Wetter gen, seit wir die vorige Ausgabe unse- und das ansprechende Ambiente res Newsletters auf die Reise schick- im Garten des Schloss Gottesaue ten. Drei Wochen in denen intensiv am machten aus der Arbeit ein Festivalprogramm für das Todd-AO Vergnügen 70mm Filmfestival in der Karlsruher Schauburg gefeilt wurde. Wir freuen Fotos (c) Thomas Hauerslev

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010


1,63m, brünett, aufgespritzte Lippen, operierte schrecklichen Pracht wird man von der Fox er- Nase, Botox in der Stirn und verformte, rot lackier- schlagen. Bereits nach zwanzig Minuten sieht te Daumen. Meine Damen und Herren, das ist kei- man nur noch auf ihre Halssehnen, denn die sind ne alternde Millionärsgattin, sondern Megan Fox. das Einzige, was sich an ihrem “perfekten“ Körper Hollywoods neuestes Vorzeigeschnäuzchen. Sie noch natürlich bewegt. Megans nasale Stimme, wissen vielleicht schon aus früheren Kolumnen, zurückzuführen auf die eine oder andere miss- dass ich gerne Trash gucke. Neulich konnte ich glückte Schönheitsoperation, ist unerträglich wieder nicht an einem Stapel verbilligter DVDs künstlich-zuckrig. Dazu ihre stets leicht geöffne- vorbeigehen, ohne mir Jennifer‘s Body zu kaufen. ten Lippen (nicht, weil das Gehirn Sauerstoff Von Diablo Cody geschrieben und unter Karyn braucht, sondern weil sich die Brüste konstant he- Kusamas Regie - das kann doch nur ein hervorra- ben und senken müssen) und fertig ist die leben- gender Schmarrn werden, dachte ich mir. Falsch. dige Aufblaspuppe. Die arme Megan muss in Es gibt gute Gründe, wieso das Zweitwerk der ge- Jennifer‘s Body neben der Botox-freien Amanda feierten Juno-Drehbuchautorin kläglich floppte. Seyfried stehen - “spielen“ wäre eine peinliche Einer davon ist Megan Fox. Bisher hatte ich Miss Übertreibung -, deren Fähigkeit, die Stirn zu run- Fox nur in kleineren Nebenrollen gesehen, hier hat zeln, Megan die Schau stiehlt. Und wenn man ne- sie jedoch viel Screen-time. In ihrer ganzen, ben einer so seichten Schauspielerin wie Seyfried

Botox-Stirn trifft auf echte Runzeln: Megan Fox und Amanda Seyfried in „Jennifer’s Body“ Bild (c) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 schon so schlecht wirkt, dann will ich mir nicht Stadt der wahr gewordenen Träume, nicht nur ausmalen, wie fürchterlich es in Jonah Hex ist, symbolische Hauptstadt des Landes der unbe- neben Größen wie Josh Brolin und John grenzten Möglichkeiten. Sondern dummheits- Malkovich. fördernd, Stadt der Plastikträume, Hauptstadt der unbegrenzten Dekadenz, wo das richtige Marke- Das Problem ist jedoch nicht ihre Existenz, ihr un- ting Millionen auf dem Konto bedeutet. verdienter Ruhm oder die vulgären Tattoos. Das Problem ist auch nicht, dass sich die Fox grandi- Die finanzielle Bauchlandung von Jennifer‘s Body os in jedes Fettnäpfchen stürzt - etwa wenn sie hat gezeigt, dass Hollywood uns zwar für dumm Michael Bay als Hitler tituliert oder behauptet “eine verkaufen kann, was aber nicht heißt, dass wir ganze Menge Rollen“ abgelehnt zu haben, weil sie darauf hereinfallen müssen. Ich glaube fest daran, “nicht mit Angelina Jolie verglichen” werden möch- dass ein Publikum nur so beschränkt ist, wie man te. Das Problem ist: Man kann ohne Intelligenz es macht. Dass Filme wie Jennifer‘s Body oder und Ausdruck in Hollywood Millionen scheffeln, The A-Team spektakulär floppen, beweist dies während alle einem hinterhersabbern. nachdrücklich. Letztendlich liegt es in unserer Hand, Megan Fox und ihresgleichen aus den Ki- Für Menschen wie Megan Fox ist Hollywoods As- nos, den Zeitschriften und den Werbeclips zu ver- phalt fruchtbarer Boden. Operiert, gut ausgeleuch- bannen. Megans und Lindsays funktionieren nur in tet, ein paar frech-doofe Sätze in Interviews, ihrer Seifenblase, solange wir, die Zuschauer und schon ist man der Filmstadt neues Enfant terrible. Konsumenten, sie gewähren lassen. Wollen wir Solange man mit ihnen Geld machen kann, sei es, wirklich 24-jährige Botox-Queens und alkohol- weil sie tatsächlich über herausragendes Talent getränkte Leggings-Verkäuferinnen zu unseren verfügen oder weil sie exhibitionistischer Vorbildern und Schönheitsidealen machen? Wie Paparazzi-Fraß sind, werden die Stars und Stern- sagte schon Madonna vor 21 Jahren? “Don‘t go chen von Fans, Produzenten, Regisseuren und for second best!“ Chefredakteuren umworben und verhätschelt. Vor Anna Rudschies einigen Wochen kam Lindsay Lohan, die einst durch Talent auffiel und heute nur noch durch un- kontrollierbaren Alkohol- und Drogenkonsum, elf Stunden zu spät zu dem Modeshooting einer Frauenzeitschrift. Jede Stunde kostete Geld und Nerven. Die Redakteure, Stylisten und der Foto- graf waren sichtlich verärgert. Doch als Lohan das Set betrat, unübersehbar zugedröhnt und ka- priziös, umschwärmten sie alle. “You‘re so beautiful!“, “This looks great on you!“, “You‘re perfect!“. Woher sollen eine Lindsay Lohan, eine Megan Fox, eine Britney Spears oder eine Paris Hilton denn wissen, dass ihr Verhalten verächtlich ist? Dass der Rock zu knapp und die Klappe zu groß sind? Sie bekommen ständig zu hören, wie Anna freut sich perfekt sie sind! Doch das ist Hollywood. Nicht über Ihr Feedback: nur Talentschmiede sondergleichen, nicht nur [email protected]

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 10. August 2010 viel Liebe zum Detail, die hervorragen- Denn da kann man aus vollem Herzen Begegnung mit einem Genie de CinemaScope-Kameraarbeit von lachen! Ein Film, der mit fast zwei Jahren Ver- Dick Pope mit ihrer nostalgischen Farb- spätung in die deutschen Kinos kommt, gebung und das äußerst spritzige Donnerstag, 12. August 2010 und eine Möchtegern-Komödie haben Drehbuch machen diese Komödie zu Angelina Ballerina meinen Kinotag heute bestimmt. einer wahren Sternstunde des Films! Star-Power war heute angesagt! So- Die auf tatsächlichen Begebenheiten wohl Angelina Jolie als auch George beruhende Geschichte dient gleichzei- Clooney dürfen ballern... tig als eine Hommage an einen der größten Filmemacher aller Zeiten – SALT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) . Seine Genialität wird OT: Salt spürbar in einer Sequenz, in der er als Verleih: Pictures Schauspieler in einem live gesendeten Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Hörspiel zur Überraschung und Verwir- Regie: Phillip Noyce rung aller Beteiligten seinen Text mit Darsteller: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schrei- Improvisationen aufpeppt. Aber Welles ber, Chiwetel Ejiofor wird auch als Mensch gezeigt – und Kinostart: 19.08.2010 ganz speziell als Ehemann, der trotzdem keine Gelegenheit auslässt, eine schö- Als ausgerechnet an ihrem Hochzeits- ne junge Frau zu verführen. Ein genia- tag ein russischer Überläufer auf- ler Geist braucht eben seine Freiräume. taucht, der CIA-Agentin Evelyn Salt Fazit: perfekte, intelligente Kinounter- als “Schläferin” bezichtigt, die den haltung! russischen Präsidenten töten soll, sieht diese rot. Gejagt von den eigenen Kol- GREGS TAGEBUCH – VON IDIOTEN legen flieht sie nach New York. Dort UMZINGELT! (1:1.85, DD 5.1) soll der russische Präsident an der Bei- OT: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid setzung des amerikanischen Vizepräsi- Verleih: Fox denten teilnehmen. Plötzlich läuft alles Land/Jahr: USA 2010 aus dem Ruder... Gut tut, wer gar nicht Regie: Thor Freudenthal erst nach der Logik dieser ICH & ORSON WELLES (1:2.35, DD Darsteller: Zachary Gordon, Robert hanebüchenen Geschichte fragt, son- 5.1) Capron, Rachael Harris dern sich ganz auf Angelina und ihre OT: Me And Orson Welles Kinostart: 16.09.2010 Action einlässt. Denn die ist durchaus Verleih: farbfilm (Barnsteiner) sehenswert. Wenn Agentin Salt Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2008 Der kleine Greg und sein übergewichti- schnurstracks über den Highway flüch- Regie: Richard Linklater ger Freund Rowley kommen auf die tet, dann ist das richtig spannend in- Darsteller: Zac Efron, Christian McKay, Junior High School und müssen fortan szeniert und dürfte Popcorn-bestücktes Claire Danes versuchen, sich von ihrem Loser-Image Publikum bei Laune halten. Angelina Kinostart: 26.08.2010 zu befreien. Doch Greg kann tun was er darf nach Herzenslust ballern, schlagen will – er schafft es einfach nicht, zum und erstechen – und ist trotzdem New York 1937. Durch Zufall ergattert Liebling der High School aufzusteigen. “unkaputtbar”. Wenn sich die Story der 17jährige Schüler Richard eine Rol- Als Rowley aber plötzlich vollkommen während des Films des Öfteren eine le in Orson Welles‘ Inszenierung von unerwartet das Interesse der ganzen Einhundertundachtziggrad-Wendung Shakespeares “Julius Cäsar” am be- Schule auf sich zu ziehen, wird die nimmt und oben erwähntes Publikum rühmten Mercury Theatre. Die Zusam- Freundschaft der beiden Schüler auf aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus- menarbeit mit dem charismatischen und eine harte Probe gestellt. Wer mit grob- kommt ob dieser Wendungen, dann absolut brillanten Welles bereitet je- schlächtigem amerikanischen Humor werden geübte Kinogänger einfach nur doch allen Beteiligten große Probleme. etwas anfangen kann, dem mag diese müde lächeln und sagen “Das habe ich Da verliebt sich Richard in die schöne nur mäßig witzige Komödie gefallen. Da von Anfang an gewusst!”. Womit sie Sonia, Welles‘ Assistentin... Wenn Sie wird gepinkelt und gepopelt auf Teufel natürlich eindeutig Recht haben. im August nur einen einzigen Kino- komm raus und auch sonst wird keine besuch absolvieren können, dann soll- Möglichkeit ausgelassen, die beiden THE AMERICAN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) te Ihre Wahl auf diesen Film fallen! Das Loser zu demütigen. Das muss man OT: The American handverlesene Schauspielerensemble freilich schon mögen, um diesen Film Verleih: Tobis (speziell Christian McKay als Orson zu überleben. Kleiner Tipp: verzichten Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Welles und Claire Danes als Sonia), Sie auf diesen Film und schauen Sie Regie: Anton Corbijn das perfekte Produktionsdesign mit sich lieber DER KLEINE NICK an. Darsteller: , Bruce

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Altman, Thekla Reuten pultierte das ganze Bollwerk dann in das ganze Theater ins Absurde geführt Kinostart: 16.09.2010 den Kitsch. Aber vermutlich habe ich wird, dann wissen wir, dass nicht das ein Meisterwerk verkannt, das alle Leben zu lang ist, sondern nur dieser Nach einem Zwischenfall in Schweden deutschen Filmpreise einheimsen wird. Film (der wohl gemerkt bis dahin gute muss der amerikanische Berufskiller Laune verbreitet). Für mich persönlich Jack untertauchen. In einem maleri- ist der Höhepunkt des Films natürlich schen Dorf in Italien soll er ein letztes die Anfangssequenz, in der sich Alfi Mal aktiv werden. Für eine geheimnis- Seliger über unscharfe Kino- volle Auftraggeberin soll er ein Gewehr projektionen und zu leisen Ton unter- bauen. Plötzlich kommt sich Jack ver- halb der 7.0-Normeinstellung des folgt vor. Hat es jemand auf ihn abge- Dolby-Faders auslässt. sehen? Möglicherweise die attraktive Prostituierte Clara, die ihn in ihren Dienstag, 17. August 2010 Bann zieht?... George Clooney in einer Hochzeit in Polen und Gemetzel in Rolle, die ihm auf den Leib geschrieben Südamerika ist: als wortkarger Einzelgänger trägt er Der heutige Kinotag hat leider nicht den ganzen Film. Doch der an wunder- sonderlich viel Gutes gebracht... schönen Locations gedrehte Film bietet nicht wesentlich Neues, gab es doch HOCHZEITSPOLKA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) schon etliche Filmkiller, die aussteigen Verleih: X Verleih (Warner) wollten. Das Ende des Films wird ver- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Polen 2010 mutlich beim größten Teil des Publi- Regie: Lars Jessen kums auf Ratlosigkeit stoßen. Das liegt Darsteller: Christian Ulmen, Katarzyna aber leider nur daran, dass es dem Re- Maciag, Fabian Hinrichs gisseur nicht gelingt, das Ende so auf- Kinostart: 30.09.2010 zubereiten, dass man es nicht falsch interpretieren kann. Als seine vier Kumpels mitsamt der Ex- Freundin am Vorabend seiner Hochzeit Freitag, 13. August 2010 DAS LEBEN IST ZU LANG (1:2.35, DD in einem kleinen polnischen Kaff auf- Der Boxer und der Filmemacher 5.1) tauchen, gerät Frieders Welt aus den Nicht nur gute Filme kommen aus deut- Verleih: X Verleih (Warner) Fugen. Zumal der gute Frieder als Ge- schen Landen – aber manche sind bes- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2010 schäftsführer einer deutschen Firma ser als andere! Regie: Dani Levy allen bislang erfolgreich verschwiegen Darsteller: Markus Hering, Meret hat, dass die Firma bald dicht machen MAX SCHMELING (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Becker, Veronica Ferres wird und sein Kumpel Jonas das alles Verleih: KSM (Central) Kinostart: 26.08.2010 hinausposaunen möchte... Der geschei- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2010 terte Versuch einer Culture Clash Ko- Regie: Dr. Uwe Boll Alfi Seliger ist nicht nur Familienvater mödie! Wenn es zwischen Deutschen Darsteller: Henry Maske, Heino Ferch, und Hypochonder, sondern auch noch und Polen durch die Sprachbarriere Susanne Wuest Filmemacher. Und er steckt in der bedingt zu haarsträubenden Miss- Kinostart: 07.10.2010 schwersten Krise seines Lebens: der verständnissen kommt, dann kann das Midlife-Crisis! Zu allem Unglück will ziemlich lustig sein. Warum es aber in Der Zweite Weltkrieg: Während er als der selbsternannte Loser seinen neuen dieser Komödie nicht funktioniert ist Soldat einen Kriegsgefangenen zu ei- Film (eine Komödie über die Moham- rätselhaft. Vermutlich liegt es an der nem Stützpunkt auf Kreta bringen soll, med-Karikaturen mit dem Titel “Mo- Verkrampftheit, mit der die Filmemacher erzählt Boxweltmeister Max Schmeling haha-med”) finanziert bekommen... dabei vorgegangen sind. Schade. seine Lebensgeschichte... Das war jetzt Dani Levys neue Komödie sprüht nur also sozusagen mein erstes “Bollwerk”. so vor Ideenreichtum während der er- THE EXPENDABLES (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Die erste Frage, die sich mir stellte, sten Hälfte. Sein Hauptdarsteller in OT: The Expendables war: “Warum arbeitet Dr. Boll nicht mit bester “Woody Allen”-Manier ist ge- Verleih: Splendid (Fox) Profi-Schauspielern und überlässt das wissermaßen auch ein Abziehbild von Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Feld einem vollkommen unbegabten Levy selbst, obgleich der Regisseur Regie: Profi-Boxer?” Natürlich blieb die Frage das natürlich verneint. Und Levy nimmt Darsteller: Sylvester Stallone, Jason unbeantwortet. Der auf der Leinwand hier die deutsche Filmindustrie trefflich Statham, Jet Li, Mickey Rourke, Randy praktizierte Dilettantismus indes hat aufs Korn. Wenn sich Alfi Seliger ge- Couture, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Ro- den Film ruiniert. Und die darüber ge- gen Ende des Films als Gefangener in berts, , Arnold gossene pathetische Filmmusik kata- seinem eigenen Film wiederfindet und Schwarzenegger

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Kinostart: 26.08.2010 drauf- und Schießkaputt-Orgie sehen Regie: Joel Schumacher möchten. Wenn dann während des Ab- Darsteller: Chace Crawford, 50 Cent, spanns ein Song mit dem Titel “The Emma Roberts Boys are back in Town” ertönt, dann Kinostart: 14.10.2010 ahnt man schon Böses...ein Sequel. Nichtsdestotrotz dürfte der Film in die Gutes Aussehen, heisser Sex und der Filmgeschichte eingehen, weil es ultimative Joint bestimmen das Leben Stallone gelungen ist, die alten Action- von ein paar Jugendlichen der New Mimen zu vereinen und obendrein Yorker Upper Class. Ihr Dreh- und An- noch Bruce Willis und Arnold gelpunkt ist White Mike, der Drogen- Schwarzenegger für Kurzauftritte zu dealer. Als plötzlich einer der besten verpflichten. Freunde von White Mike ermordet wird, überschlagen sich die Ereignis- Freitag, 20. August 2010 se... Der Roman des damals 17jährigen Schildkröten und Junkies Nick McDonell wurde von Regisseur Zum Wochenausklang wieder einmal Joel Schumacher packend inszeniert, hartes Kontrastprogramm... wird sich aber nicht ganz einfach sei- nem Publikum erschliessen. Die vielen SAMMYS ABENTEUER – DIE SUCHE Namen und Charaktere und die ständi- NACH DER GEHEIMEN PASSAGE gen Kommentare aus dem Off (im Origi- (1:2.35, 2k Digital, 3D, PCM 5.1) nal gesprochen von Kiefer Sutherland) OT: Around the World in 50 Years 3D verwirren speziell zu Anfang ziemlich Verleih: Kinowelt und man braucht eine ganze Zeit, sich Land/Jahr: Belgien 2010 in dem Film mit den vielen parallel lau- Eine kleine Truppe hartgesottener Regie: Ben Stassen fenden Handlungssträngen zurechtzu- Söldner erhält den Auftrag, einen Dik- Kinostart: 28.10.2010 finden. Dennoch wird man das Kino mit tator in Südamerika auszuschalten. Bildern aus diesem Film verlassen und Dass die Truppe dabei nicht nur den Im Alter von 50 Jahren erzählt die darüber nachdenken. Diktator, sondern auch noch dessen Schildkröte Sammy rückblickend aus gesamte Armee dezimiert, versteht sich ihrem bewegten Leben. Dabei werden dabei von selbst. Willkommen zurück in Themen wie Freundschaft, Liebe, Wa- den achtziger Jahren! Denn Filme wie gemut und auch die Zerstörung der dieser von Sylvester Stallone Umwelt durch den Menschen aufge- geskripteten und inszenierten griffen. Der in atemberaubendem 3D Actionfilm knallharten Einschlags wa- entstandene Computeranimationsfilm ren das Markenzeichen jenes Jahr- hat einige liebenswerte Geschöpfe zu zehnts. Da durfte Rambo noch Rambo bieten, verläuft aber gemessen an ent- sein und bekam Szenenapplaus für je- sprechenden amerikanischen Vorbildern den Bösen, den er zur Strecke brachte. auffallend langsam. Dadurch wird er Damit das auch heutzutage noch so sicherlich für Kinder leichter verdau- funktioniert (wir sind schließlich alle lich, doch werden sich Erwachsene inzwischen reifer und weiser), hat sich vermutlich etwas schwer damit tun. Die Stallone gleich eine ganze Garde von 3D-Technik ist besonders bei den vie- altehrwürdigen Haudegen wie Jet Li, len Unterwasseranimationen höchst Dolph Lundgren oder Mickey Rourke eindrucksvoll und macht richtig Spaß. mit ins Boot geholt. Doch wie heisst es An einigen Stellen wird der Film für so schön: zuviele Köche verderben den kleiner Zuschauer etwas zu bedrohlich, Brei. Vor allem wenn sie schon zu alt z.B. beim Angriff eines Haies auf die sind. So darf Rambos Rentner-Gang kleinen Schildkröten. Die dann auch bevorzugt im Dunkeln agie- Thematisierung der Umweltverschmut- ren. Da bedarf es schon eines ausge- zung geht zwar in Ordnung, wirkt je- zeichneten und flinken Auges, um die doch insgesamt etwas zu dominant. ganze Action zu erfassen, die vorne auf der Leinwand abläuft. Ich habe mich TWELVE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) während des Films gefragt, ob es tat- OT: Twelve Alle Kritiken nachzulesen auf sächlich noch Kinogänger gibt, die Verleih: Tobis www.wolframhannemann.de eine solche witz- und hirnlose Hau- Land/Jahr: USA 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010

Englische Originalfassung / 142 Minuten / Erstauf- Freitag, 01. Oktober 2010 führungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause 09:00 Welturaufführung: 25.06.1964 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 10.12.1964 “Welcome” – Kaffee, Tee und Sandwiches Produktion: Samuel Bronston Regie: Henry Hathaway 10:00 Uhr Buch: Ben Hecht, Julian Halevy, James Edward DOCTOR DOLITTLE Grant Buchvorlage: Philip Yordan (Roman) Originaltitel: Doctor Dolittle / USA 1967 Kamera: Jack Hildyard, Claude Renoir Aufgenommen in 65mm Todd-AO® (1:2.21) Musik: Dimitri Tiomkin Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo- Schnitt: Dorothy Spencer Magnetton Darsteller: John Wayne (Matt Masters), Rita Deutsche Fassung / 152 Minuten / Erstauf- Hayworth (Lilli Alfredo), (Toni führungskopie Alfredo), Lloyd Nolan (Cap Carson), Richard Conte Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 05.12.1967 (Aldo Alfredo), John Smith (Steve McCabe) Deutsche Erstaufführung: 05.12.1967 Produktion: Arthur P. Jacobs Mit Showeffekten überladenes Spektakel Regie: Richard Fleischer aus dem Zirkusmilieu; als Handlungsfaden Buch: Leslie Bricusse Buchvorlage: Hugh Lofting (Erzählungen) dient die Suche nach einer vor Jahren ver- Kamera: Robert Surtees schwundenen Artistin. Der aufwendig, aber Musik: Leslie Bricusse konventionell inszenierte und hochkarätig Schnitt: Samuel E. Beetley, Marjorie Fowler besetzte Film sollte dem Comeback Rita Darsteller: Rex Harrison (Dr. John Dolittle), Samantha Eggar (Emma Fairfax), Anthony Newley Hayworths dienen und ist nicht frei von (Matthew Mugg), Richard Attenborough (Albert Sentimentalitäten (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Blossom), William Dix (Tommy Stubbins), Peter Bull (General Bellowes), Portia Nelson (Sarah Dolittle) 17:30 70mm Formats for Beginners Die fantastischen Abenteuer des Dr. Vortrag von Thomas Hauerslev, MBKS, in Dolittle, der 498 Tiersprachen beherrscht englischer Sprache und nach einer Riesen-Meeresschnecke sucht - dargeboten als aufwendiges Musi- 19:00 cal mit eingängigen Melodien, verblüffen- Imbiss den Einfällen und beachtlichen darstelleri- schen Leistungen (Quelle: Film-Dienst) 20:00 Uhr INDIANA JONES UND DER TEMPEL DES Oscar 1968 TODES Beste Spezialeffekte: L.B. Abbott Originaltitel: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Bester Filmsong: „Talk To The Animals“: / USA 1984 Leslie Bricusse Aufgenommen in 35mm Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) 13:00 Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo- Kaffepause Magnetton Englische Originalfassung / 118 Minuten / Erstauf- führungskopie 14:00 Uhr Welturaufführung: 23.05.1984 ZIRKUSWELT Deutsche Erstaufführung: 03.08.1984 Alternativtitel: Held der Arena Produktion: Robert Watts Originaltitel: Circus World / USA 1964 Regie: Steven Spielberg Aufgenommen in 35mm Super Technirama 70® Buch: , (1:2.21) Kamera: Douglas Slocombe Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo- Musik: John Williams Magnetton Schnitt: Michael Kahn

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Darsteller: Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones), Verfilmung eines erfolgreichen Broadway- Kate Capshaw (Willie Scott), Ke Huy Quan Musicals verschiebt die parodistischen (Short Round), Roshan Seth (Chattar Lal), Ansätze der Vorlage zugunsten eines bun- Amrish Puri (Mola Ram), Dan Aykroyd ten Nostalgie-Spektakels, das mit heute (Weber) zu „Klassikern“ gewordenen Songs in fil- misch teils mitreißender Inszenierung ge- Indiana Jones befreit ein indisches Berg- spickt ist. Die Wiederaufführung des Films dorf von der Herrschaft eines 12jährigen erfolgte 1998 nach einer gründlichen Maharadschas, der unter dem magischen „Digitalkur“, wobei die Farben und der Ton Einfluß seines machthungrigen, ihre alte Brillanz wiederbekamen. (Quelle: menschenopfernden Hohepriesters steht. Film-Dienst) Technisch perfekt inszenierter Abenteuer- film, der einen Action-Höhepunkt an den 12:30 Uhr nächsten reiht. Parodierende Elemente SCENT OF MYSTERY verdecken etwas die übertriebene Härte Alternativtitel: Holiday in Spain / USA 1960 und chauvinistische Grundhaltung (Quelle: Aufgenommen in 65mm Todd-AO® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Ma- Film-Dienst) gnetton Englischsprachige Originalfassung / 108 Minuten / Oscar 1985 Erstaufführungskopie Beste Spezialeffekte: George Gibbs, Mi- Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause chael McAlister, Dennis Muren, Lorne Welturaufführung: 06.01.1960 Peterson Deutsche Erstaufführung: 02.10.2010 Produktion: Michael Todd Jr. Regie: Jack Cardiff 22:00 Uhr Buch: Gerald Kersh, William Rose, Kelley Roos “Get Together” mit badischen Bier- (Story) spezialitäten der Privatbrauerei Hoepfner Kamera: John von Kotze Musik: Harold Adamson, Mario Nascimbene & Jor- dan Ramin Darsteller: Denholm Elliott (Oliver Larker), Peter Lorre (Smiley), Beverly Bentley (The Decoy Sally), Paul Lukas (Baron Saradin), Liam Redmond Samstag, 02. Oktober 2010 (Johnny Gin), Leo McKern (Tommy Kennedy), Peter Arne (Robert Fleming), Diana Dors (Winifred Jor- 09.00 Uhr dan), Elizabeth Taylor (The Real Sally Kennedy) Großes Frühstücksbuffet im Schauburg- Foyer Ein englischer Reisender (Denholm Elliott) deckt zufällig eine Verschwörung auf, de- 10:00 Uhr ren Ziel die Ermordung einer jungen ameri- GREASE - SCHMIERE kanischen Touristin (Beverly Bently) ist. Originaltitel: Grease / USA 1978 Aufgenommen in 35mm Panavision® Anamorphic 14:30 Uhr (1:2.35) Kaffeepause Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Dolby Ste- reo Magnetton Englische Originalfassung mit ??? Untertiteln / ??? 15:30 Uhr Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie CHEYENNE Welturaufführung: 13.06.1978 Originaltitel: Cheyenne Autumn / USA 1964 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 28.09.1978 Aufgenommen in 65mm Super Panavision® Produktion: Robert Stigwood, (1:2.21) Regie: Randal Kleiser Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo- Buch: Bronte Woodard, Allan Carr Magnetton Buchvorlage: Jim Jacobs (Musical), Warren Casey Englische Originalfassung mit deutschen und (Musical) schwedischen Untertiteln / 159 Minuten / Erstauf- Kamera: Bill Butler führungskopie Musik: Jim Jacobs, Warren Casey, Barry Gibb, Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause John Farrar, Scott J. Simon, Louis St. Louis Welturaufführung: 03.10.1964 Schnitt: John F. Burnett Deutsche Erstaufführung: 22.01.1965 Darsteller: John Travolta (Danny), Olivia Newton- Produktion: Bernard Smith John (Sandy), Stockard Channing (Rizzo), Jeff Regie: John Ford Conaway (Kenickie), Edward Byrnes (Vince Buch: James R. Webb Fontaine) Buchvorlage: Mari Sandoz (Roman) Kamera: William H. Clothier Mißverständnisse und Eifersüchteleien Musik: Alex North Schnitt: Otho Lovering zwischen den Schülern eines amerikani- Darsteller: Richard Widmark (Captain Archer), schen Colleges in den 70er Jahren: Danny, Carroll Baker (Deborah Wright), Karl Malden der Führer der Lederjacken-Gang „T-Birds“, (Captain Wessels), James Stewart (Wyatt Earp), verliebt sich in die neue Schülerin Sandy, Edward G. Robinson (Innenminister Carl Schurz), Sal Mineo (Red Shirt), Dolores del Rio (spanische wobei seinen Gefühlen sein Image sowie Frau), Ricardo Montalban (Little Wolf), Gilbert Ro- die eigene Coolness im Wege stehen. Die land (Dull Knife), Arthur Kennedy (Doc Holliday),

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John Carradine (Major Jeff Blair), Victor Jory (Tall Tree), Elizabeth Allen (Miss Guinevere 10:00 Uhr Plantagenet), Patrick Wayne (Lt. Scott), George O’Brien (Major Braden), Walter Baldwin (Deborahs KÖNIG DER KÖNIGE Onkel), Ben Johnson (Trooper Plumtree), Harry Originaltitel: King of Kings / USA 1961 Carey jr. (Trooper Smith), Denver Pyle (Senator Aufgenommen in 35mm Super Technirama 70® Henry), John Qualen (Svenson), Dan Borzage , (1:2.21) Mae Marsh Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo- Magnetton Deutsche Fassung / 168 Minuten / Erstauf- Der Leidensweg der Cheyenne-Indianer führungskopie aus der aufgezwungenen Reservation in Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause die angestammte Heimat im Jahr 1878. Welturaufführung: 11.10.1961 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 21.12.1961 Ein vom Ethos mitmenschlicher Achtung Produktion: Samuel Bronston und Verantwortung geprägter Western von Regie: Nicholas Ray John Ford; meisterlich in der Bildgestal- Buch: Philip Yordan tung, bemerkenswert vor allem durch seine Kamera: Franz Planer, Milton Krasner, Manuel Berenguer epischen Qualitäten und die ungewöhnli- Musik: Miklos Rozsa che Erzählperspektive aus der Sicht der Schnitt: Harold F. Kress, Renée Lichtig Indianer. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Darsteller: Jeffrey Hunter (Jesus Christus), Siobhan McKenna (Maria), Royal Dano (Petrus), Robert Ryan (Johannes der Täufer), Frank Thring 19:00 Uhr (Herodes Antipas), Hurd Hatfield (Pontius Pilatus), Imbiss Ron Randell (Lucius, der Centurio), Viveca Lindfors (Claudia), Rita Gam (Herodias), Carmen 20:30 Uhr Sevilla (Maria Magdalena), Brigid Bazlen (Salome), Harry Guardino (Barabbas), Rip Torn (Judas), Guy Gala-Vorstellung mit Sektempfang Rolfe (Kaiphas), Maurice Marsac (Nikodemus), LORD JIM Grégoire Aslan (Herodes), Edric Connor Originaltitel: Lord Jim / GB 1965 (Balthazar), George Coulouris , Conrado San Aufgenommen in 65mm Super Panavision® Martín , Gérard Tichy , José Antonio , Luis Prendes (1:2.21) , David Davies , José Nieto , Ruben Rojo , Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo- Fernando Sancho Digitalton (DTS®) Englische Originalfassung / 154 Minuten / Neue Kopie Nicholas Rays („Denn sie wissen nicht, Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause was sie tun“, 1955) Versuch, das Leben Welturaufführung: 15.02.1965 Jesu zum Gegenstand eines fast dreistün- Deutsche Erstaufführung: 03.09.1965 digen Schau- und Erbauungsfilms zu ma- Produktion: René Dupont, Timothy Burrill Regie: Richard Brooks chen, bleibt ohne spirituelle Tiefe. Im Spiel Buch: Richard Brooks mit verschiedenartigen Stilelementen (von Buchvorlage: Joseph Conrad (Roman) der idyllischen Legendenerzählung bis zu Kamera: Freddie Young Elementen des russischen Revolutions- Musik: Bronislau Kaper Schnitt: Alan Osbiston films und krasser Naturalistik) beweist die Darsteller: Peter O’Toole (Jim), James Mason Regie allerdings einiges Geschick. Der (Brown), Curd Jürgens (Cornelius), Eli Wallach Hauptdarsteller handhabt seine Aufgabe (General), Daliah Lavi (Mädchen), Jack Hawkins mit einer gelungenen Mischung aus Natür- (Marlow), Serge Reggiani , Akim Tamiroff lichkeit und Zurückhaltung (Quelle: Film- (Schomberg) Dienst) Neuverfilmung des Abenteuerromans von Conrad um den wegen Feigheit bei Seenot 14:00 Uhr aus der britischen Marine verwiesenen Of- DAS ZIGEUNERLAGER ZIEHT IN DEN fiziers, der durch seinen Einsatz für ein HIMMEL Alternativtitel: Wenn die Zigeuner ziehen terrorisiertes Dorf seine verlorene Ehre Originaltitel: Tabor Uchodit W Nebo / SU 1976 zurückgewinnt, eine weitere Verfehlung Aufgenommen in 70mm SovScope 70® (1:2.21) aber mit dem Leben büßt. Eindrucksvoll im Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo- Aufwand der atmosphärischen Schilde- Magnetton Russische Originalfassung mit deutschen Unterti- rung, doch oberflächlich in der teln / 100 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Psychologisierung seiner Hauptperson. Welturaufführung: ? (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Deutsche Erstaufführung: 28.10.1977 Regie: Emil Lotjanu Buch: Emil Lotjanu Buchvorlage: Maxim Gorki (Erzählung „Makar Tschudra“) Sonntag, 03. Oktober 2010 Kamera: Sergej Wronski Musik: Jewgeni Doga 09:00 Uhr Darsteller: Swetlana Toma (Rada), Grigori Grigoriu Großes Frühstücksbuffet im Schauburg- (Sobar), Boris Mulajew (Makar Tschudra), Sergej Foyer Finiti (Balbaja), Jelena Sadowskaja (Julischka)

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Eine dramatisch endende Liebesgeschich- te unter wandernden Zigeunern, deren Le- 19:00 Uhr bensart und -anschauungen nostalgisch- Imbiss folkloristisch geschildert werden. Die Qua- litäten des Films - gute Typenzeichnung 20:30 Uhr und malerische Landschaftsaufnahmen - DAS GOLDENE HAUPT werden gemindert von musikalisch ver- Originaltitel: The Golden Head / Az Aranyfej / USA/ stärkten, überinszenierten Schaueffekten H 1963 Aufgenommen in 35mm Super Technirama 70® (Quelle: Film-Dienst) (1:2.21), 65mm MCS-70 (1:2.21) und 35mm 3-Strei- fen Cinerama® (1:2.72) 16:00 Uhr Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Ma- Kaffeepause gnetton Englische Originalfassung / 105 Minuten / Erstauf- führungskopie 16:30 Uhr Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause JENSEITS VON AFRIKA Welturaufführung: 10.12.1964 Originaltitel: Out of Africa / USA 1985 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 18.02.1966 Aufgenommen in 35mm Technovision® Spherical Produktion: Alexander Paal (1:1.85) Regie: Richard Thorpe, James Hill Präsentiert in 70mm (1:1.85) / 6-Kanal-Dolby-Ste- Buch: Stanley Goulder, Iván Boldizsár reo-Magnetton Buchvorlage: Roger Pilkington (Roman „Nepomuk Englische Originalfassung mit dänischen Unterti- des Flusses“) teln / 161 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Kamera: István Hildebrand Welturaufführung: 10.12.1985 Musik: Szabolcs Fényes Deutsche Erstaufführung: 13.03.1986 Schnitt: Frank Clarke Produktion: Darsteller: George Sanders (Basil Palmer), Buddy Regie: Sydney Pollack Hackett (Lionel Pack), Jess Conrad (Michael Buch: Kurt Luedtke Stevenson), Lorraine Power (Milly Stevenson), Buchvorlage: Tania Blixen (Buch) Robert Coote (Braithwaite) Kamera: David Watkin Musik: John Barry Die Kinder eines englischen Kriminalisten Schnitt: Fredric Steinkamp, , Pembroke J. Herring, Sheldon Kahn versuchen auf ihrer Reise durch Ungarn, Darsteller: Meryl Streep (Karen Blixen), Robert auf eigene Faust den Diebstahl eines wert- Redford (Denys Finch Hatton), Klaus Maria vollen Kunstgegenstandes aufzuklären. Brandauer (Bror Blixen), Michael Kitchen Ausgezeichneter Kinderfilm mit leicht (Berkeley Cole), Malick Bowens (Farah Aden), Mike Bugara (Juma), Joseph Thiaka (Kamanta), überschaubarer Handlung und gut entwik- Michael Gough (Lord Delamere) kelten Charakteren. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)

Die Lebensgeschichte der dänischen In Anwesenheit von Hauptdarsteller Schriftstellerin Karen Blixen, ihre abenteu- Jess Conrad erlichen Jahre als Farmerin in Afrika und (im Bild rechts ihre unglückliche Romanze mit einem mit Margaret Großwildjäger. Der sensibel inszenierte Thatcher) Film beschreibt eindrucksvoll den romanti- schen Idealismus einer eigenwilligen Frau am Ende der Kolonialepoche, wobei er ge- legentlich selbst in sentimentale Wehmut verfällt. Der Traum vom freien Leben fernab der zivilisierten Gesellschaft mit ihren so- zialen und emotionalen Tabus wird zwar beschworen, sein Scheitern aber kaum beleuchtet. Das mindert freilich nicht die Qualität des Films als außergewöhnlich unterhaltsames Melodram, das leise und anteilnehmend ein romantisches Lebens- gefühl beschreibt. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)

Oscar 1986 Beste Ausstattung: Stephen Grimes, Josie MacAvin Beste Kamera: David Watkin Beste Musik: John Barry Beste Regie: Sydney Pollack Bester Film: Sydney Pollack Bester Ton: Gary Alexander, Peter Hand ford, Chris Jenkins, Larry Stensvold Bestes Drehbuch nach einer literarischen Vorlage: Kurt Luedtke Foto (c) Herbert Born

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Organisatorisches Preise

Der Eintritt zum 70mm-Festival kostet je Veranstaltung 10,00 EUR Der Eintritt zur 70mm Gala-Vorstellung am Samstagabend 11,00 EUR Für Schüler und Studenten je Veranstaltung 7,00 EUR Für Kinder bis einschließlich 12 Jahre je Veranstaltung 5,00 EUR Festival-Tages-Pass für alle Veranstaltungen des Tages 40,00 EUR* Festival-Tages-Pass für Studenten 30,00 EUR* Festival-Weekend-Pass für alle Festival-Veranstaltungen 100,00 EUR** Festival-Weekend-Pass für Studenten 70,00 EUR**

* Inkl. aller Veranstaltungen des jeweiligen Tages, Frühstücksbuffet, „Get Together“ bei dem Festival-Tagespass für Freitag, Glas Prosecco in der Pause der Galavor- stellung am Samstagabend bei dem Festival-Tagespass für Samstag, Festival-Bro- schüre

** Inkl. „Get Together“ mit badischer Braukunst von HOEPFNER am Freitagabend, Frühstücksbuffet in der Schauburg am Samstag und Sonntag, Glas Prosecco in der Pause der Galavorstellung am Samstagabend, Kaffee/Tee, Imbiss, Festival-Bro- schüre

Tickets kann man kaufen

* in der Schauburg, Marienstraße 16, 76137 Karlsuhe, täglich 10.00 bis 23.00 Uhr * im Musikhaus Schlaile (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* * im Ticket Forum in der Postgalerie (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* * Stadtmarketing am Marktplatz (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* * Touristinformation am Hauptbahnhof (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* * kompfortabel über das Internet und Ausdruck der Tickets über Drucker (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)*

*Keine Vorverkaufsgebühren beim Kauf eines Festival-Weekend-Pass oder eines Festival-Tages-Pass


Offizielles Festivalhotel: NOVOTEL (5 min zu Fuß vom Kino entfernt) EZ: EUR 67,00 (ohne Frühstück) / DZ: EUR 83,00 (ohne Frühstück) (bei der Hotelreservierung unbedingt nach “Schauburg Rate” fragen)

Weitere Infos: www.in70mm.com www.schauburg.de www.70mm-festival.com

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Zeichentrick 2005 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 55min. Film Animation Black Hill Pictures 03.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036865 28 Days Later / 28 Weeks Later (2 Bernard - Bernard Sports (Vol. 3) Mama Muh und die Krähe - Der Discs) (k.J.) (Blu-ray) (2 DVDs) Film 28 Days Later / 28 Weeks Later Bernard Mamma Mu & Kråkan Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Christopher Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004-2010 Ltbx Trailer Eccleston, Megan Burns, Brendan Gleeson, 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Noah Huntley, Chris Dunne, Emma Hitching, Foreign Media Group Germany(FMKids) 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 78min. Alexander Delamere, Kim McGarrity, Luke 17.09.2010 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 Mably, Stuart McQuarrie, Ricci Harnett, Leo 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037001 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036877 Bill, Junior Laniyan, Ray Panthaki, Sanjay Rambaruth, Marvin Campbell, David Schnei- Bleach Movie 1 - Memories of Die Simpsons - Die komplette der, Toby Sedgwick, Justin Hackney, Jukka Nobody (2 DVDs) Season 13 Hiltunen, Bindu de Stoppani, Alex Palmer, Gekijouban Bleach: Memories Of Nobody The Simpsons Jeremy Renner, Robert Carlyle, Rose Booklet, Interviews, Storyboard, Trailer, Galerie Dir. Mark Kirkland, Steven Dean Moore Byrne, Harold Perrineau jr., Catherine Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2006 DD 5.1 (D) DD Zeichentrick/Satire 2001-2002 min. McCormack, Mackintosh Muggleton, Imogen 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (Jap) 87min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Poots, , Emily Beecham, Shahid AV Visionen(Anime Video) 24.09.2010 Germany 29.10.2010 Ahmed - Dir. Danny Boyle, Juan Carlos 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036883 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036972 Fresnadillo Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Chrissy und die Cheerleader Die Simpsons - Die komplette Making-of, Musikvideo, Bildergalerien, Animierte Groove Squad Storyboards, Trailer Horror 2002-2007 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 Dir. Patrick A. Ventura Season 13 (Tiefziehbox, MA (E) 216min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) Collector’s Edition) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment DD 2.0 (E) 67min. The Simpsons Germany 01.10.2010 Foreign Media Group Germany(FMKids) Dir. Mark Kirkland, Steven Dean Moore 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036983 17.09.2010 Zeichentrick/Satire 2001-2002 min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037003 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 666: The Child (k.J.) Germany 29.10.2010 666: The Child Futurama - Die komplette Serie: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036973 Adam Vincent, Sarah Lieving, Boo Boo Benders Kopf (Limited Edition, 19 Simsalabim Sabrina - Freunde Stewart, Rodney Bowman, Nora Jesse, D. DVDs) C. Douglas - Dir. Jake Jackson Futurama für immer Slideshow, Trailer, Making of Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Animatics, Bildergaleri- Sabrina - The Animated Series Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 en, Storyboards, 3D-Modelle aus Rohzeichnungen, Vom Bleistiftstrich zur fertigen Sabrina“, Sabrina Fun Facts, (E) 75min. Featurette, TV-Spots, Trailer „Was alles schief gehen kann da music(Blueline Production) 13.08.2010 Zeichentrick/Satire 1999-2010 Ltbx 16x9 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999-2001 Ltbx DD 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036909 (D) (E) min. 2.0 (D) 75min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Foreign Media Group Germany(FMKids) Abbott und Costello - Dschungel Germany 29.10.2010 17.09.2010 189,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036978 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037002 der Gefahren Africa Screams Garden of Sinners - Vol. 1 (+ Tamala 2010 - A Punk Cat in Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Clyde Beatty, Audio-CD) Space Max Baer Jr., Buddy Baer, Hillary Brooke - Dir. Charles Barton Kara No Kyoukai - Fukan Fukei Tamala 2010 Komödie/Abenteuer 1949 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD Soundtrack-CD Dir. Tol Zeichentrick/Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Musikvideos, 3D Animationen, Trailer 1.0 (E) 108min. (D) 48min. Trickfilm 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 KNM Home Entertainment(aberle - media) AV Visionen(Anime Video) 24.09.2010 (Jap) 92min. 23.09.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036882 Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.09.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036932 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036954 Der gestiefelte Kater Die Abenteuer der Familie Nagagutsu O Haita Neko Die Welt in 10 Millionen Jahren Robinson in der Wildnis (3 DVDs) Dir. Kimio Yabuki, Fred Ladd Wizards Die Abenteuer der Familie Robinson in dr Bildergalerie, Ausmalbilder, Hörbuch, Das Märchen zum Dir. Ralph Bakshi Wildnis / Mountain Family Robinson / Ausdrucken, Trailer Audiokommentar, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer Weitere Abenteuer der Familie Robinson Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1969 FF (D) (Jap) Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 1976 Ltbx in der Wildnis 123min. 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 77min. Robert Logan, Susan Damante-Shaw, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Koch Media 27.08.2010 Hollye Holmes, Ham Larsen, George „Buck“ AG(Ostalgica) 24.09.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036855 Flower - Dir. Stewart Raffill, Frank Zuniga, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036958 Jack Couffer Die Welt in 10 Millionen Jahren Dokumentation Harry und sein Eimer voller Dinos (Blu-ray) Abenteuer 1975-1979 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 - Vol. 07 Wizards (E) 290min. Harry And His Bucketful Of Dinosaurs Dir. Ralph Bakshi S.A.D. Home Entertainment 05.11.2010 Zeichentrick 2005 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Audiokommentar, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036919 55min. Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 1976 Ltbx Black Hill Pictures 03.09.2010 DTS-HD 2.0 MA (D) DTS-HD 2.0 MA (E) Abgehört - Trau niemals einem 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036864 81min. Cop Koch Media 27.08.2010 Qie Ting Feng Yun Harry und sein Eimer voller Dinos 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036886 Jeff Lau, Louis Koo, Daniel Wu, Zhang - Vol. 08 Jingchu, Michael F. Wong, Waise Lee, Au Harry And His Bucketful Of Dinosaurs Kam-tong, Matt Chow - Dir. Felix Chong,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Alan Mak Sir Michael Caine, Sir Peter Ustinov, Prof. Hark Bohm, Angela Schmidt, Christia- Making of, Trailer Beverly Johnson, Kabir Bedi, Omar Sharif, ne Maybach, Sonja Neudorfer, Gerhard Thriller/Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Sir Rex Harrison, William Holden - Dir. Ri- Zwerenz, Jan George, Katrin Schaake, DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Kanton) 96min. chard Fleischer Elma Karlowa, Hermann Lause, Wolfgang Koch Media 03.09.2010 Abenteuer 1978 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Schenck, Karl-Heinz von Hassel, Karlheinz 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036856 112min. Braun, Peter Bretz, Gottfried John, Anne- EuroVideo Bildprogramm 28.10.2010 marie Düringer, Helen Vita, Ivan Desny, Abgehört - Trau niemals einem 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037000 Günther Kaufmann, Irm Hermann, Volker Cop (Blu-ray) Spengler, Vitus Zeplichal, Lilo Pempeit, Qie Ting Feng Yun Die Augen des Satans Christine de Loupe, Karl E. Scheydt, Traute Jeff Lau, Louis Koo, Daniel Wu, Zhang The Brain From Planet Arous Hoess, Fritz Schediwy, Peter Kuiper, Udo Jingchu, Michael F. Wong, Waise Lee, Au John Agar, Joyce Meadows, Robert Fuller - Kier, Helmut Petigk, Barbara Sukowa, Wolf- Kam-tong, Matt Chow - Dir. Felix Chong, Dir. Nathan Juran ried Lier, Kurt Weinzierl, Jan Groth, Adrian Alan Mak Audiokommentar, Trailer, Bildergalerie Hoven, Y Sa Lo, Dieter Prochnow, Rainer Making of, Trailer Horror 1958 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Will, Elke Haltaufderheide, Hans-Michael Thriller/Action 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 71min. Rehberg, Matthias Fuchs, Horst Laube, (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Kanton) 100min. Anolis 10.08.2010 Roland Schäfer, Raúl Giménez, Georg Koch Media 03.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036895 Lehn, Margit Carstensen, Helmut Griem, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036887 Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Peer Raben, Le avventure di Mary Read Marie-Luise Marjan, Juliane Lorenz - Dir. American High School Le Avventure Di Mary Read Rainer Werner Fassbinder American High School Lisa Gastoni - Dir. Umberto Lenzi Making of, Featurettes, Booklet, Bildergalerie, Gesamtcredits Jillian Murray, Nikki Ziering, James E. Foley, Abenteuer/Action 1961 Ltbx 16x9 (D) Drama 1980 FF DD 1.0 (D) 900min. Aubrey O’Day, Talan Torriero, Martin 85min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment (Arthaus) Klebba, Brian Drolet, Alex Murrel, Cameron da music(Time Life Audio) 13.08.2010 21.10.2010 Goodman - Dir. Sean Patrick Cannon 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036912 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036900 Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 83min. Barfuß bis zum Hals Billu Barber Sunfilm Entertainment 06.08.2010 Christoph M. Ohrt, Martin Brambach, Stefa- Billu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036986 nie Höner, Constantin von Jascheroff, Irrfan Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Lara Dutta, Diane Willems, Sarah Kim Gries, Gotthard Om Puri, Asrani, Kareena Kapoor, Deepika American High School (Blu-ray) Lange, Rüdiger Kühmstedt - Dir. Hansjörg Padukone - Dir. Priyadarshan American High School Thurn Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, TV Spots Jillian Murray, Nikki Ziering, James E. Foley, Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 94min. Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Aubrey O’Day, Talan Torriero, Martin Spirit Media 24.09.2010 DD 5.1 (Hindi) 132min. Klebba, Brian Drolet, Alex Murrel, Cameron 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036860 Rapid Eye Movies HE 07.05.2010 Goodman - Dir. Sean Patrick Cannon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037007 Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) Begierde - The Hunger (4 DVDs) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 87min. The Hunger Billu Barber (Special Edition) Sunfilm Entertainment 06.08.2010 Terence Stamp, David Bowie - Dir. Russell Billu 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036987 Mulcahy, Tony Scott, Jake Scott, Patricia Irrfan Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Lara Dutta, Rozema, Christian Duguay, George Mihalka Om Puri, Asrani, Kareena Kapoor, Deepika American Shaolin Horror 1997-2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Padukone - Dir. Priyadarshan American Shaolin 591min. Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, TV Spots, Poster Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Reese Madigan, Trent Bushey, Daniel Dae Koch Media 03.09.2010 DD 5.1 (Hindi) 132min. Kim, Billy Chang, Cliff Lenderman - Dir. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036858 Rapid Eye Movies HE 11.09.2009 Lucas Lowe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037006 Action 1991 FF DD 2.0 (D) 103min. Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers da music(Blueline Production) 13.08.2010 Felix Krull (3 DVDs) Blind Dating 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036908 John Moulder-Brown, Magali Noël, Marie Blind Dating Colbin, Fernando Rey, Pierre-François Un amour à taire (OmU) Chris Pine, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Anjali Jay, Pistorio, Georgia Slowe, James Cossins, Jane Seymour, Jenny Alden, Judith Un Amour A Taire Nikolaus Paryla, Rolf Zacher, Hans Heinz Benezra - Dir. James Keach Louise Monot, Jérémie Renier, Nicolas Gob, Moser, Pierre Doris, Alain Flick, Vera Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Bruno Todeschini, Charlotte de Turckheim, Tschechowa, Franziska Walser, Mareike Interviews, Featurette, Wendecover Michel Jonasz, Anne Girouard, Olivier Carrière, Despina Pajanou, Joss Ackland, Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Saladin - Dir. Christian Faure Rita Tushingham, Klaus Schwarzkopf, (E) 116min. Trailer, Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfo, Interviews, Animierte Daphne Wagner, Oliver Wehe (Felix Krull), AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing interaktive Menüs AG(Evolution) 28.02.2011 Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (F) 103min. Kurt Raab - Dir. Bernhard Sinkel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036963 cmv-Laservision 24.09.2010 Interview Komödie 1982 FF DD 1.0 (D) 300min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036959 Studio Hamburg Distribution & Blind Dating (Blu-ray) Angel - Jäger der Finsternis: Die Marketing(ARD Video) 01.10.2010 Blind Dating 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036937 Chris Pine, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Anjali Jay, komplette Serie, Season 1-5 (30 Jane Seymour, Jenny Alden, Judith DVDs) Berlin Alexanderplatz (6 DVDs, Benezra - Dir. James Keach Angel Remastered) Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, David Boreanaz Interviews, Featurette, Wendecover Günter Lamprecht, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Komödie 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Diverse Karin Baal, Franz Buchrieser, Peter Kollek, Horror/Komödie 1999-2004 4822min. 120min. Brigitte Mira, Mechthild Großmann, Barbara Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Valentin, Hans Zander, Yaak Karsunke, Germany 29.10.2010 AG(Evolution) 28.02.2011 Claus Holm, Roger Fritz, Hanna Schygulla, 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036976 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036968 Axel Bauer, Klaus Höhne, Herbert Stein- Ashanti metz, Harry Baer, Rolf Zacher, Werner Enid Blyton - Fünf Freunde, Fol- Asam, Marquard Bohm, Jürgen Draeger, Ashanti gen 01-26 (3 Discs + 1 DVD) (Blu-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) ray) Nanjing! Nanjing! Dangerous Worry Dolls Enid Blyton’s Famous Five Liu Ye, Gao Yuanyuan, Hideo Nakaizumi, Jessica Morris, Meredith McClain, Paul Marcus Harris, Michele Gallagher, Gary Fan Wei, Liu Bin, John Paisley, Jiang Yiyan Boukadakis, Rebekah Crane, Ker’in Russell, Jennifer Thanisch, Michael Hinz, - Dir. Lu Chuan Hayden, Susan Ortiz, Deb Snyder, Anthony Sue Best, Friedrich von Thun, Wayne Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Dilio - Dir. Charles Band Drama/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Brooks, Timothy Bateson - Dir. Peter Horror/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Manda) 130min. Duffell, Sidney Hayers, Don Leaver, James (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. KSM(NewKSM) 11.10.2010 Gatward, David Pick, Pat Jackson KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Booklet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036884 23.09.2010 Abenteuer 1978-1979 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036921 (E) 676min. City of Life and Death - Das Universum Film(moviemax) 08.10.2010 Nanjing Massaker (Blu-ray) Diana - Ein Leben für die Liebe tba BestellNr.: 20036982 Nanjing! Nanjing! (Bild der Frau Love Collection) Liu Ye, Gao Yuanyuan, Hideo Nakaizumi, Princess In Love Bollywood Spielfilm Hits (3 Discs) Fan Wei, Liu Bin, John Paisley, Jiang Yiyan Christopher Bowen, Julie Cox, Julia St. Bollywood Spielfilm Hits (3 Discs) - Dir. Lu Chuan John, Christopher Villiers - Dir. David Action 220min. Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Greene ZYX Music 10.09.2010 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036996 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Manda) 135min. Drama 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) KSM(NewKSM) 11.10.2010 94min. Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036893 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 07.10.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036947 Season 1-7 (39 DVDs) Criminal Intent - Verbrechen im Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, Visier, Season Three, Part Two Django - Willst Du leben - Alyson Hannigan, Anthony Head, James Law & Order: Criminal Intent schiess! (k.J.) Marsters, Emma Caulfield, Michelle Vincent D’Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Jamey Se Vuoi Vivere... Spara Trachtenberg, Kristine Sutherland - Dir. Sheridan, Courtney B. Vance, Olek Krupa, Sean Todd, Isabella Savona, Ken Wood - Joss Whedon, James A. Contner, David David Costabile - Dir. Steve Shill, Frank Dir. Sergio Garrone Solomon Prinzi, Alex Zakrzewski, Constantine aka „Andere beten, Django schießt“ Diverse Makris, Jean de Segonzac, Darnell Martin, Western 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 97min. Horror/Komödie 1997-2003 3499min. Christopher Swartout, Joyce Chopra, Alex UIG 13.08.2010 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Chapple 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036946 Germany 29.10.2010 Kriminalfilm 2003-2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036975 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 462min. Dragonwars - Krieg der Monster Germany(Universal) Daikaijû Kettô: Gamera Tai Barugon Chapter 27 - Die Ermordung des 07.10.2010 Kajiro Hongo, Akira Natsuki, Kyoko Enami, John Lennon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036994 Koji Fuiyama, Yuzo Hayakawa, Ichirô Sugai Chapter 27 - Dir. Shigeo Tanaka Jared Leto, Lindsay Lohan, Ursula Abbott, The Crow - Die Krähe (Steelbook) Science Fiction 1966 Ltbx 16x9 89min. George Bryant II, Mark Lindsay Chapman, (k.J.) da music(Life Time Audio) 13.08.2010 Judah Friedlander - Dir. J.P. Schaefer The Crow 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036913 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Drama/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Wincott, David Patrick Kelly, Angel David, Du sollst nicht lieben (D) DD 5.1 (E) 81min. Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Laurence Mason, Einayim Petukhoth AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Michael Massee, Bill Raymond, Marco Zohar Shtrauss, Ran Danker, Tinkerbell, AG(Evolution) 29.11.2010 Rodriguez, Sofia Shinas, Anna Thomson, Tzahi Grad, Issac Sharry - Dir. Haim 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036960 Tony Todd, Jon Polito - Dir. Alex Proyas Tabakman Action/Fantasy 1994 101min. Trailer Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Chapter 27 - Die Ermordung des EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.11.2010 (Hebrä) 93min. John Lennon (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20036935 Salzgeber & Co. Medien 04.10.2010 Chapter 27 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036873 Jared Leto, Lindsay Lohan, Ursula Abbott, Cybill - Staffel 3 (4 DVDs) George Bryant II, Mark Lindsay Chapman, Cybill The Dust of Time Judah Friedlander - Dir. J.P. Schaefer Cybill Shepherd, Christine Baranski, Alicia Trilogia II: I Skoni Tou Hronou Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Witt, Alan Rosenberg, Tom Wopat, Tim Willem Dafoe, Bruno Ganz, Michel Piccoli, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Maculan, Dedee Pfeiffer, Peter Krause - Irène Jacob, Christiane Paul, Reni Pittaki, 5.1 (E) 85min. Dir. Andrew D. Weyman, David Trainer Kostas Apostolidis, Alexandros Milonas, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Komödie 1995-1998 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Norman Mozzato, Alessia Franchin, AG(Evolution) 29.11.2010 (E) 572min. Valentina Carnelutti, Tiziana Pfiffner, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036965 Sunfilm Entertainment 10.09.2010 Chantel Brathwaite, Herbert Meurer, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036879 Chéri - Eine Komödie der Eitel- Sviatoslav Yshakov, Vladimir Bogenko, keiten Cybill - Staffel 4 Ivan Nemtsev - Dir. Theodoros Angelopoulos Chéri Cybill Trailer Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Friend, Cybill Shepherd, Christine Baranski, Alicia Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Bates, Felicity Jones, Iben Hjejle - Dir. Witt, Alan Rosenberg, Tom Wopat, Tim (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 122min. Stephen Frears Maculan, Dedee Pfeiffer, Peter Krause - EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 14.10.2010 Kurzfilme, Entfallene Szenen Dir. Andrew D. Weyman, David Trainer tba BestellNr.: 20037005 Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Komödie 1995-1998 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 89min. (E) 528min. Ed Kemper - Mein Freund, der Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 08.10.2010 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 Killer (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037004 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036880 Kemper: The Coed Killer City of Life and Death - Das Deadly Chucky Dolls - Teufel ... in Robert Sisko, Christopher James Stapleton, Nanjing Massaker (2 DVDs) Jordan Blanchard, Andy E. Horne, Zarah XXS (k.J.) Mahler, Samantha Colburn, Robin DeMarco,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Sean Thomas, Ken Weiss, Patricia Place - Die Freunde der Freunde Ghost Machine Dir. Rick Bitzelberger Matthias Schweighöfer, Florian Stetter, Sean Faris, Rachael Taylor, Luke Ford, Trailer Sabine Timoteo, Jessica Schwarz, Tanja Joshua Dallas, Richard Dormer, Halla Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Schleiff, Tabea Heynig, Peter Benedict, Vilhjalmsdottir, Jonathan Harden, Sam (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 85min. Ljubisa Ristic, Dominik Graf, Christian Corry - Dir. Chris Hartwill Koch Media 27.08.2010 Hoening, Katarina Klaffs, Marc Antonio Making of, Interviews, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036853 Horror/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD Fischer, Cornelia de Pablos, Klaus Haderer, 7.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 92min. Fabian von Klitzing, Janine Wegener, Klaus Eine wie keine (Bild der Frau Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 B. Wolf, Alexander Held, Leopold Hornung, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036891 Love Collection) Rebecca Mosselmann, Barbara She’s All That Herschbach, Oliver K. Wnuk, Esther Urban- Greenberg Freddie Prinze Jr., Rachael Leigh Cook, ski, Miranda Leonhardt - Dir. Dominik Graf Greenberg Matthew Lillard, Paul Walker, Jodi Lyn Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. , Greta Gerwig, Rhys Ifans, O’Keefe, Kevin Pollak, Anna Paquin, Kieran Edel Germany 17.09.2010 , Brie Larson, Juno Culkin, Elden Henson, Usher, Kimberly ‘Lil’ 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036981 Kim’ Jones, Gabrielle Union, Dulé Hill - Dir. Temple, Chris Messina, Susan Traylor, Mark Robert Iscove Fußballtrainer Wulff (2 DVDs) Duplass, Merritt Wever - Dir. Noah Baum- bach Trailer, Filmmusik, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Horst Niendorf, Kurt Schmidtchen, Michael Komödie 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Drama/Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Ande, Arthur Brauss, Michael Hinz, Detlev (E) 96min. DD 5.1 (E) 104min. Eckstein, Hermann Lenschau, Georg Hart- Kinowelt Home Entertainment 07.10.2010 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG mann, Will Danin - Dir. Erich Neureuther 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036951 14.10.2010 Komödie 1972 FF DD 1.0 (D) 325min. 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036988 Ekkehard (3 DVDs) S.A.D. Home Entertainment 08.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036990 Gabriel Barylli, Zdena Studenková, András Ein halbes Leben Fricsay Kali Son, Patrizia von Fugger, Edith Das ganze Leben liegt vor dir Josef Hader, Matthias Habich, Franziska Zalatnay, Vladimír Kratina - Dir. Diethard Walser, Wolfgang Böck, Katharina Straßer, Tutta La Vita Davanti Klante Ingrid Burkhard, Ursula Strauss, Franziska , , Making of Weisz - Dir. Nikolaus Leytner , Valerio Mastandrea, Elio Historienfilm 1989 FF DD 2.0 (D) 300min. Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. Germano, Massimo Ghini, Mary Cipolla, S.A.D. Home Entertainment 08.10.2010 Edel Germany 17.09.2010 Giulia Salerno, Tatiana Farnese, Caterina 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036854 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036980 Guzzanti, Valentina Carnelutti, Paola Emma (Bild der Frau Love Tiziana Cruciani, Niccolo Senni - Dir. Paolo Die Halbzarte / Scampolo (2 Collection) Virzì Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DVDs) Emma DD 2.0 (It) 117min. Romy Schneider, Carlos Thompson, Magda Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy Northam, Toni EuroVideo Bildprogramm 28.10.2010 Schneider, Josef Meinrad, Rudolf Forster, Collette, Greta Scacchi, Alan Cumming, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036998 Gertraud Jesserer, Helmut Lohner, Erni Juliet Stevenson, Ewan McGregor, Polly Mangold, Paul Hubschmid, Viktor de Kowa, Walker, Sophie Thompson, Phyllida Law, Gegen jeden Zweifel Georg Thomalla, Eva Maria Meineke, Franca James Cosmo, Edward Woodall, Kathleen Beyond A Reasonable Doubt Parisi Strahl, Peter Carsten, Elisabeth Byron, Angela Down, Rebecca Craig - Dir. Jesse Metcalfe, Amber Tamblyn, Michael Flickenschildt - Dir. Rolf Thiele, Alfred Douglas McGrath Douglas, Joel Moore, Orlando Jones, Weidenmann Komödie/Drama 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Sewell Whitney, David Jensen, Tony Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerien, DD 2.0 (E) 120min. Drama/Komödie 1957-1958 FF DD 1.0 (D) Bentley - Dir. Peter Hyams Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer 187min. 07.10.2010 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Black Hill Pictures 24.09.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036948 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 104min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036866 Koch Media 24.09.2010 Firefly - Der Aufbruch der 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036859 The Happiness of the Katakuris Serenity, Die komplette Serie Katakuri-Ke No Kôfuku Firefly Gegen jeden Zweifel (Blu-ray) , , Shinji Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres (Zoë Beyond A Reasonable Doubt Takeda, Naomi Nishida, Tamaki Miyazaki, Washburne), Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Jesse Metcalfe, Amber Tamblyn, Michael Naoto Takenaka, Kiyoshiro Imawano Adam Baldwin, Jewel Staite, Summer Glau, Douglas, Joel Moore, Orlando Jones, (Richâdo Sagawa), Tetsurô Tanba (Ojîsan Sean Maher, Ron Glass, Christina Sewell Whitney, David Jensen, Tony Jinpei Katakuri), Kenichi Endo, Yoshiyuki Hendricks - Dir. Joss Whedon, Tim Minear, Bentley - Dir. Peter Hyams Morishita - Dir. Vern Gillum Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Making of, Audiokommentar, Featurette, Interviews, Trailer Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Outtakes, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Komödie/Musical 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Easter Egg MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 108min. (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 113min. Science Fiction 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Koch Media 24.09.2010 Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.09.2010 DD 2.0 (E) 625min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036888 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036953 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 29.10.2010 Ghost Machine Heart - Wem gehört dein Herz? 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036979 Ghost Machine Heart Sean Faris, Rachael Taylor, Luke Ford, Christopher Eccleston, Saskia Reeves, Flight Into Hell (3 DVDs) Joshua Dallas, Richard Dormer, Halla Kate Hardie, Rhys Ifans, Anna Chancellor, Flight Into Hell Vilhjalmsdottir, Jonathan Harden, Sam Matthew Rhys, Bill Paterson, Nicholas Helmut Zierl, Werner Stocker, Anne Tenney, Corry - Dir. Chris Hartwill Moss, Simon Molloy, John McGuirk, David Gerard Kennedy, Dennis Grosvenor, Tim Making of, Interviews, Trailer Crellin, Kate Rutter, Alan Eccleston, Fine McKenzie, Philip Quast Horror/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Time Fontayne, Stephen Walters, Jack Dokumentation 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. Deam - Dir. Charles McDougall Abenteuer 1985 FF DD 2.0 (D) 290min. Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 Infos zu Cast & Crew, Trailer S.A.D. Home Entertainment 08.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036872 Thriller/Drama 1998 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) 82min. tba BestellNr.: 20036915 KNM Home Entertainment(ATLAS FILM + Ghost Machine (Blu-ray) MEDIEN GmbH) 23.09.2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036922 Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Bruce Lee - Der reißende Puma Benedict, Herbert Jefferson Jr., Laurette Storming Attack Hochzeit auf italienisch Spang, Terry Carter, John Colicos, Tony Chang Wu Lang, Chang Lei - Dir. Kuen Matrimonio All’Italiana Swartz, Maren Jensen, Noah Hathaway, Yeung Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo David Greenan, Anne Lockhart, Felix Silla, Action 1968 Ltbx 16x9 (D) 78min. Puglisi, Tecla Scarano, Marilù Tolo - Dir. Jonathan Harris, Ed Begley Jr., John KNM Home Entertainment(Madison Film) Vittorio De Sica Dullaghan, George Murdock, Larry Manetti, 23.09.2010 Copy-to-go Jane Seymour, Janet Julian, Lance LeGault 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036925 Komödie 1964 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (It) - Dir. , Christian J. Nyby II, 102min. Daniel Haller, Donald P. Bellisario, Vince Bruce Lee - Seine besten Kämpfe S.A.D. Home Entertainment(Infopictures Edwards, Alan J. Levi Game Of Death GmbH) 17.09.2010 Interview, Bildergalerie, Originaltrailer, Booklet, Featurettes, Bruce Lee, Shou Lung, Alice Meyer - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036885 Dokumentation, Super-8-Fassung Science Fiction 1978 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Chen Tentai Hochzeit auf italienisch (Blu-ray) (E) 1603min. Eastern 1980 (D) 78min. KNM Home Entertainment(Madison Film) Matrimonio All’Italiana Koch Media 24.09.2010 23.09.2010 Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036862 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036923 Puglisi, Tecla Scarano, Marilù Tolo - Dir. Kill (OmU) Vittorio De Sica Die letzten Sieben Copy-to-go Kiru Komödie 1964 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (It) Tatsuya Nakadai, Etsushi Takahashi, Naoko The Day After The World Endedn 106min. Kubo, Shigeru Kôyama, Akira Kubo, Richard Denning, Lori Nelson, Adele S.A.D. Home Entertainment(Infopictures Seishiro Kuno, Nami Tamura, Tadao Jergens - Dir. Roger Corman GmbH) 17.09.2010 Nakamaru - Dir. Kihachi Okamoto Audiokommentar, Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Science-Fiction 1955 Ltbx 16x9 DD 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036894 Trailer Action/Eastern 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 76min. Honigmond (Bild der Frau Love 114min. Anolis 10.08.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036896 Collection) Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.09.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036957 Veronica Ferres, Anica Dobra, Julia Lieferung mit Hindernissen - Kil- Stemberger, Kai Wiesinger, Gabriel Barylli, Killer Beast - Reise in die Hölle ler frei Haus Michael von Au, Heio von Stetten, Uwe Timesweep Next Day Air Ochsenknecht, Hans-Georg Nenning, Edith Michael Fountain, Pamela de Bord, Kevin Donald Faison, Mike Epps, Mos Def, Darius Bleith, Dimitri Guldener - Dir. Gabriel Barylli Interview, Hörspielausschnitte, Bildergalerie, Produktions- Brief, Michael Cornelison - Dir. Dan McCrary, Lauren , Debbie Allen, notizen, Biografien, Trailer, Wendecover Diefenderfer Wood Harris, Lobo Sebastian - Dir. Benny Komödie 1995 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) 89min. Science Fiction/Action 1986 FF min. Boom Kinowelt Home Entertainment 07.10.2010 da music(Time Life Audio) 13.08.2010 Outtakes, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036949 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036911 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 81min. Hornblower - Die komplette Serie Knight and Day Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 (8 DVDs) Knight And Day 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036871 Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Peter Horatio Hornblower Lieferung mit Hindernissen - Kil- Ioan Gruffudd, Robert Lindsay, Sir Antony Sarsgaard, Viola Davis, Paul Dano, Jordi Sher, John Shrapnel, Samuel West, Peter Mollà, Maggie Grace, Marc Blucas - Dir. ler frei Haus (Blu-ray) Vaughan, Jean Badin, Jamie Bamber, Paul James Mangold Next Day Air Copley, Jonathan Coy, Sean Gilder, Ian Action/Komödie 2010 105min. Donald Faison, Mike Epps, Mos Def, Darius Lindsay, Colin MacLachlan, Simon Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment McCrary, Lauren London, Debbie Allen, Sherlock, Estelle Skornik, Cherie Lunghi, Germany 26.11.2010 Wood Harris, Lobo Sebastian - Dir. Benny Christopher Fulford, Ronald Pickup, John 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036928 Boom Woodvine, Jean-Yves Berteloot, Vincent S. Outtakes, Trailer Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 Boluda, Jolyon Baker, Denis Lawson, Ian Knight and Day (Blu-ray) (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 84min. McNeice, Andrew Tiernan, Ian McElhinney, Knight And Day Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 Chris Barnes, Rupert Holliday-Evans, Frank Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Peter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036890 Boyce, Peter Corey, Dorian Healy, Michael Sarsgaard, Viola Davis, Paul Dano, Jordi Mollà, Maggie Grace, Marc Blucas - Dir. Byrne, Robert Bathurst, Duncan Bell, Roger Loft May, Vincent Grass, Richard Lumsden - James Mangold Rofuto Dir. Andrew Grieve Action/Komödie 2010 109min. Biographien, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Booklet Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment , , Hidetoshi Abenteuer 1998-2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Germany 26.11.2010 Nishijima, Yumi Adachi, Sawa Suzuki, DD 2.0 (E) 786min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036942 Haruhiko Kato, - Dir. Kiyoshi KSM(NewKSM) 11.10.2010 Kurosawa 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036916 Law & Order: New York - Special Behind the Scenes, Trailer Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Victims, Season One, Part Two Hotte im Paradies (Jap) 114min. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.09.2010 Misel Maticevic, Stefanie Stappenbeck, , Mariska Hargitay, Ri- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036955 Birge Schade, Isabell Gerschke, Nadeshda chard Belzer, Dann Florek, Caren Brennicke, Steffen Jacob, Julia Blanken- Browning, Isabel Gillies, Michelle Hurd, Tom Lucky Town burg - Dir. Dominik Graf O’Rourke, Ned Eisenberg, Jeffrey Luckytown Blues Drama 2002 DD 5.1 (D) 100min. Scaperrotta, Dean Winters, Patricia Cook - Kirsten Dunst, Vincent Kartheiser, James KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Dir. Constantine Makris, Jean de Segonzac Caan, Luis Guzmán, Robert Miano, Jennifer 23.09.2010 Kriminalfilm/Mystery 1999-2000 FF DD 2.0 Gareis, Frederico Da Vinci, Theresa 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036926 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 459min. Russell, Joseph D. Kucan - Dir. Paul Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kampfstern Galactica - Die kom- Nicholas 07.10.2010 Thriller/Drama 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) plette Serie (12 DVDs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036993 DD 2.0 (E) 97min. Battlestar Galactica cultmovie entertainment 14.10.2010

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20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036897 AG(Evolution) 28.03.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036944 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036964 Marmaduke Plan B (OmU) Marmaduke NYC: Tornado Terror (Blu-ray) Plan B Lee Pace, Judy Greer, Caroline Sunshine, NYC: Tornado Terror Manuel Vignau, Lucas Ferraro, Mercedes Finley Jacobsen, Mandy Haines, David Nicole de Boer - Dir. Tibor Takács Quinteros, Damian Canduci, Ana Lucia Walliams, William H. Macy, Glenn McCuen, Wendecover Antony, Carolina Stegmayer, Antonia De Frank Topol - Dir. Tom Dey Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Michells, Ariel Nunez die Croce - Dir. Marco Komödie 2010 84min. (E) 100min. Berger Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Trailer, Bildergalerie Germany 12.11.2010 AG(Evolution) 28.03.2011 Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Sp) 99min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036927 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036969 PRO-FUN MEDIA 06.09.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036874 Marmaduke (Blu-ray) Our Family Wedding Marmaduke Our Family Wedding Predators (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lee Pace, Judy Greer, Caroline Sunshine, Forest Whitaker, Ferrera, Carlos Predators Finley Jacobsen, Mandy Haines, David Mencia, Regina King, Lance Gross, Diana- Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, Topher Walliams, William H. Macy, Glenn McCuen, Maria Riva, Anjelah N. Johnson, Lupe Grace, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, Danny Frank Topol - Dir. Tom Dey Ontiveros, Charlie Murphy - Dir. Rick Trejo, Oleg Taktarov, Mahershalalhashbaz Komödie 2010 88min. Famuyiwa Ali, Louis Ozawa Changchien - Dir. Nimród Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie 2010 100min. Antal Germany 15.11.2010 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Action/Horror 2010 107min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036941 Germany 12.11.2010 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036930 Germany 05.11.2010 The Messenger - Die letzte Nach- 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036943 richt Peacock Peacock Predators (k.J.) The Messenger Cillian Murphy, Ellen Page, Susan Predators Ben Foster, Woody Harrelson, Samantha Sarandon, Josh Lucas, Graham Beckel, Bill Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, Topher Morton, Jena Malone, Steve Buscemi, Pullman, Keith Carradine, Eden Bodnar, Grace, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, Danny Eamonn Walker, Yaya DaCosta, Lisa Joyce, Chris Carlson, Flynn Milligan, Virginia Trejo, Oleg Taktarov, Mahershalalhashbaz Peter Frances James, Jahmir Duran- Newcomb, Jaimi Paige - Dir. Michael Lander Ali, Louis Ozawa Changchien - Dir. Nimród Abreau, J. Salome Martinez, Gaius Charles, Making of, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Antal Brendan Sexton III, Halley Feiffer, Peter Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Action/Horror 2010 103min. Friedman, Lindsay Michelle Nader, Merritt Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Wever - Dir. (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min. Germany 05.11.2010 Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036931 (E) 108min. 04.11.2010 Senator Home Entertainment(Große Kino- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036899 Prison Break - Die komplette Se- momente) 22.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036918 Das Phantom der Oper rie (24 Discs) (Blu-ray) The Phantom Of The Opera Prison Break Muriels Hochzeit (Bild der Frau Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum, Patrick Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Love Collection) Wilson, Miranda Richardson, Minnie Driver, Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies Muriel’s Wedding Sir Simon Callow, Ciarán Hinds, Jennifer Ellison, James Fleet, Victor McGuire, Kevin Diverse Toni Collette, Bill Hunter, Rachel Griffiths, Action/Drama 2005-2009 Ltbx min. McNally, Murray Melvin, Paul Brooke, Laura Jeanie Drynan, Gennie Nevinson Brice, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Lounsom, Chris Overton, Imogen Bain, David van Arkle, Daniel Lapaine - Dir. P. J. Germany 29.10.2010 Miles Western, Judith Paris, Halcro Hogan 159,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036985 Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer, Interviews, Making of, Johnston, Oliver Chopping, Alison Skilbeck, Wendecover Lee Sellers, Ramin Karimloo, Annabel Prison Break - Die komplette Se- Komödie 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Porter, Max Thomas - Dir. Joel Schumacher 101min. Songanwahl, Featurettes, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene rie (24 DVDs) Kinowelt Home Entertainment 07.10.2010 Szene, Trailer Prison Break 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036950 Musikfilm/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 135min. Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Sarah Wayne Callies Done? (Blu-ray) Cine Collection) 07.10.2010 Diverse 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036934 Action/Drama 2005-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done (D) DD 5.1 (E) min. Michael Shannon, Chloë Sevigny, Willem Das Phantom der Oper (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dafoe, Brad Dourif, Michael Peña, Bill The Phantom Of The Opera Germany 29.10.2010 Cobbs - Dir. Werner Herzog Audiokommentar, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wende- Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum, Patrick 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036977 cover Wilson, Miranda Richardson, Minnie Driver, Drama/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Sir Simon Callow, Ciarán Hinds, Jennifer Quentin Durward - Die komplette (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Ellison, James Fleet, Victor McGuire, Kevin 13-teilige Serie (2 DVDs) Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) McNally, Murray Melvin, Paul Brooke, Laura Quentin Durward 18.11.2010 Lounsom, Chris Overton, Imogen Bain, Amadeus August, Marie-France Boyer, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036903 Miles Western, Judith Paris, Halcro Michel Vitold, André Oumansky, Clarisse Johnston, Oliver Chopping, Alison Skilbeck, Deudon, Guy Kerner, William Sabatier - Dir. NYC: Tornado Terror Lee Sellers, Ramin Karimloo, Annabel Gilles Grangier NYC: Tornado Terror Porter, Max Thomas - Dir. Joel Schumacher Wendecover Nicole de Boer - Dir. Tibor Takács Songanwahl, Featurettes, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1970 FF DD 1.0 (D) Wendecover Szene, Trailer, Promotionclips, Wendecover 325min. Musikfilm/Drama 2004 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) S.A.D. Home Entertainment 08.10.2010 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 141min. DD 5.1 (E) 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036907 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Concorde Home Entertainment 07.10.2010

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Rache für Jesse James Bostwick, Peter Hinwood, Richard O’Brien, entfallene Szenen, Dokumente und Zeichnungen, Biografie, 3 Pat Quinn, Jonathan Adams, Nell Campbell, Wendecover The Return Of Frank James Drama 1979-1991 395min. Meat Loaf, Charles Gray, Jeremy Newson, Henry Fonda, Gene Tierney, , Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Hilary Labow - Dir. Jim Sharman Henry Hull, John Carradine, J. Edward 21.10.2010 Musikfilm/Musical 1975 94min. Bromberg, Donald Meek, Eddie Collins, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036902 George Barbier, Russell Hicks, Ernest Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Whitman, Charles Tannen, Lloyd Corrigan, Germany 15.11.2010 Schnee am Kilimandscharo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036940 Victor Kilian, Edward McWade, George Snows Of Kilimanjaro Chandler, Irving Bacon, Frank Shannon, Die Rumplhanni Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, Ava Milton Kibbee, Kermit Maynard - Dir. Fritz Gardner, Hildegard Knef, Leo G. Carroll, Monika Baumgartner, Udo Wachtveitl, Hans Lang Torin Thatcher, Marcel Dalio, Vincente Kraus, Karl Obermayr, Egon Biscan, Frithjof Bildergalerie, Booklet Gomez - Dir. Henry King Western 1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) DD Vierock, Michael Lerchenberg, Heide Ak- Drama 1952 (D) 117min. 1.0 (It) 89min. kermann KNM Home Entertainment(aberle - media) Koch Media 06.08.2010 Drama 1981 DD 1.0 (D) 110min. 23.09.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036970 KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036933 23.09.2010 Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036929 Schwerkraft ... oder der Weg vom Erde Banker zum Gangster Journey To The Center Of The Safari Fabian Hinrichs, Jürgen Vogel, Nora von Rick Schroder, Victoria Pratt, Peter Fonda, Safari Waldstätten, Jule Böwe, Thorsten Merten, Steven Grayhm, Mike Dopud, Jonathan Kad Merad, Lionel Abelanski, Valérie Jeroen Willems, Fahri Ogün Yardim, Eleono- Brewer, Elyse Levesque, Richard Side, Benguigui, Frédérique Bel, Guy Lecluyse, re Weisgerber - Dir. Maximilian Erlenwein Carmen Moore - Dir. T.J. Scott David Saracino, Nicolas Marié, Greg Ger- main - Dir. Olivier Baroux Making of, Trailer Abenteuer/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 86min. Trailer, Teaser, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (D) 96min. Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 (F) 98min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 28.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036878 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036999 Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der AG(Evolution) 15.01.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036962 Shank Erde (Blu-ray) Shank Journey To The Center Of The Earth Safari (Blu-ray) Kedar Williams-Stirling, Ashley Bashy Tho- Rick Schroder, Victoria Pratt, Peter Fonda, Safari mas, Adam Deacon, Michael Socha, Jan Steven Grayhm, Mike Dopud, Jonathan Kad Merad, Lionel Abelanski, Valérie Uddin, Kaya Scodelario, Jennie Jacques, Brewer, Elyse Levesque, Richard Side, Benguigui, Frédérique Bel, Guy Lecluyse, Rheanne Murray, Jerome Holder - Dir. Mo Carmen Moore - Dir. T.J. Scott David Saracino, Nicolas Marié, Greg Ger- Ali Abenteuer/Action 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 main - Dir. Olivier Baroux Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 90min. Trailer, Teaser, Bildergalerie, Wendecover (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 Komödie 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 09.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036892 102min. tba BestellNr.: 20036870 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Repo Men (Unrated Version) AG(Evolution) 15.01.2011 Shank (Blu-ray) Repo Men 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036967 Shank Jude Law, Forest Whitaker, Alice Braga, Kedar Williams-Stirling, Ashley Bashy Tho- Liev Schreiber, Carice van Houten, Volker Schlöndorff - Arthaus mas, Adam Deacon, Michael Socha, Jan Chandler Canterbury, Joe Pingue, Liza Close-Up (3 DVDs) Uddin, Kaya Scodelario, Jennie Jacques, Lapira, Tiffany Espensen, Yvette Nicole Die Blechtrommel, Director’s Cut / Tod Rheanne Murray, Jerome Holder - Dir. Mo Brown, RZA, Wayne Ward, Tanya Clarke, eines Handlungsreisenden / Homo Faber Ali Max Turnbull, Howard Hoover, Robert David Bennent, Angela Winkler, Mario Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Dodds, Raff Law, Tremayne Corion, Marty Adorf, Daniel Olbrychski, Katharina MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 98min. Adams, Daniel Kash, Christian Lloyd - Dir. Thalbach, Heinz Bennent, Andréa Ferréol, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 09.11.2010 Mariella Oliveri, Charles Aznavour, Tina tba BestellNr.: 20036889 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Engel (Anna Koljaiczek), Berta Drews Science Fiction/Action 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD (Anna Koljaiczek), Roland Teubner, Sherlock Holmes - Die komplette 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 114min. Tadeusz Kunikowski, Ilse Pagé, Werner Serie (11 DVDs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Rehm, Käthe Jaenicke, Helmut Brasch, Otto The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes 21.10.2010 Sander, Wigand Wittig, Fritz Hakl, Emil Feist Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Rosalie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036989 (Clown #1), Herbert Behrendt (Clown #2), Williams, Eric Porter - Dir. Derek Marlowe, Rififi am Karfreitag (k.J.) Karl Heinz Tittelbach, Marek Walczewski, Paul Annett, John Bruce, David Carson, Ernst Jacobi, Wojciech Pszoniak, Gerda Ken Grieve, Alan Grint The Long Good Friday Blisse, Joachim Hackethal, Henning Kriminalfilm 1984-1994 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD Bob Hoskins, Helen Mirren, Eddie Schlüter, Zygmunt Hübner, Mieczyslaw 2.0 (E) 1778min. Constantine, Dave King, Bryan Marshall, Czechowicz, Bruno Thost, Alexander von Koch Media 24.09.2010 Derek Thompson - Dir. John Mackenzie Audiokommentar, Bio- und Filmografien, „Die HANDMADE Richthofen, Lech Grzmocinski, Stanislaw 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036861 Story“, Trailer, Michalski (Gendarm #1), J. Kapinski (Gen- Kriminalfilm/Action 1980 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 darm #2), Dietrich Frauboes, Beata Shoot the Hero! (E) 109min. Pozniak, , Julie Delpy, Barbara Shoot The Hero Spirit Media 03.09.2010 Sukowa, Dieter Kirchlechner, Traci Lind, Jason Mewes, Samantha Lockwood, tba BestellNr.: 20036868 Deborra-Lee Furness, August Zirner, Tho- Danny Trejo, Nick ‘Nic Nac’ Nicotera, Mike mas Heinze, Bill Dunn, Peter Berling, Lorna Hatton, Nicholas Turturro, Paul Sloan, Fred The Rocky Horror Picture Show Farrar, Charley Hayward, Dustin Hoffman, Williamson, Taylor Negron, Brian Drolet, (Blu-ray) Kate Reid, John Malkovich, Charles Josh Marchette, Katie Morgan, Anna Maria The Rocky Horror Picture Show Durning, Stephen Lang, Louis Zorich - Dir. Pazmino, David Shackelford - Dir. Christian Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Volker Schlöndorff Sesma Audiokommentar, Making of, Bildergalerien, Alternative und Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover

LASER HOTLINE Seite 23 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Action/Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Brent Stait, Michael Kopsa - Dir. Paul Ziller Koch Media 24.09.2010 DD 5.1 (E) 77min. Behind the Scenes, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036869 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Action/Mystery 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) AG(Evolution) 20.12.2010 DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min. Torturer - A New Kind of Terror 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036961 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.10.2010 (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036881 The Torturer Shoot the Hero! (Blu-ray) Systemschock (OmU) Andrew W. Walker, Mahsa Masoudi, Shoot The Hero Nichelle Nichols - Dir. Graham Green Shock To The System Jason Mewes, Samantha Lockwood, Drama/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) , Sebastian Spence, Michael Danny Trejo, Nick ‘Nic Nac’ Nicotera, Mike DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min. Woods, Daryl Shuttleworth, Morgan Hatton, Nicholas Turturro, Paul Sloan, Fred Koch Media 03.09.2010 Fairchild, Anne Marie DeLuise, Rikki Gagne, Williamson, Taylor Negron, Brian Drolet, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036857 Josh Marchette, Katie Morgan, Anna Maria Stephen Huszar, Nelson Wong, Ryan Ken- Pazmino, David Shackelford - Dir. Christian nedy, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman, Shawn Trackman - Der Untergrund Killer Roberts, Gerry Morton, Morgan Brayton, Sesma (k.J.) Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Leanne Adachi, Robert Kaiser, Giles Panton Action/Komödie 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD - Dir. Ron Oliver Putevoy Obkhodchik 5.1 (E) 81min. Trailer Dmitri Orlow, Swetlana Metkina, Alexander AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Wjsokowskij, Julija Mikhailowa, Aleksej AG(Evolution) 20.12.2010 (E) 88min. Dmitriew, Oleg Kamenschikow, Tomas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036966 PRO-FUN MEDIA 24.08.2010 Motskus, Swetlana Gudkowa - Dir. Igor 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036875 Shawlak Sin Nombre Thriller/Horror 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Sin Nombre Terminator 2 - Tag der Abrech- (D) DD 5.1 (Russ) DD 2.0 (Russ) 85min. Paulina Gaitan, Edgar Flores, Kristian nung / Total Recall / Stargate (3 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Ferrer, Tenoch Huerta, Diana Garcia, Luis Discs, Steelbox) (Blu-ray) 23.09.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036920 Fernando Pena - Dir. Cary Fukunaga Terminator 2: Judgment Day / Total Recall Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Kurzfilm / Stargate „Victoria para Chino“ True Romance (k.J.) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 True Romance Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick, Joe (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 91min. Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Dennis Morton, Xander Berkeley, Earl Boen, Kurt Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 28.10.2010 Hopper, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, Christo- Russell, James Spader, Jaye Davidson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036997 pher Walken, Val Kilmer, Bronson Pinchot, Viveca Lindfors, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Michael Rapaport, Saul Rubinek, Chris Leon Rippy, John Diehl, Erick Avari, Sharon Bernhard Sinkel Edition (6 DVDs) Penn, Tom Sizemore, Samuel L. Jackson - Stone, Michael Ironside, Ronny Cox, Rachel Der Kinoerzähler / Der Mädchenkrieg / Dir. Tony Scott Taugenichts / Lina Braake / Berlinger / Ticotin, Marshall Bell - Dir. , Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Storyboard-Film- Kaltgestellt Roland Emmerich, Paul Verhoeven Vergleich, Audiokommentar, TV-Spots, Trailer Featurettes, Making of, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Bildergale- Thriller/Action 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Dir. Bernhard Sinkel rie, Storyboards, Entfallene Szenen, Picture-in-Picture, BD- Interviews Live, Behind the Scenes, Originaldrehbuch und -storyboard, DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 115min. Drama 1974-1992 619min. Interaktives Quiz, Interaktive Spiele, Trailer, Bookmarks, D- Kinowelt Home Entertainment 07.10.2010 Studio Hamburg Distribution & Marketing Box-Motion Codes, THX Optimizer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036898 08.10.2010 Action/Science Fiction 1990-1994 688min. 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036938 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 21.10.2010 Und du bist raus! (OmU) tba BestellNr.: 20036904 Third Man Out SK-Babies - Staffel 2 (3 DVDs) Chad Allen, Sebastian Spence, Jack Kriminalfilm 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D) 360min. Terror House - Das Haus des To- Wetherall, Woody Jeffreys, Sean Young, Spirit Media 24.09.2010 des April Telek, John Moore, Alf Humphreys, P. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036863 The Terror Lynn Johnson, Kirsten Williamson, David Jack Nicholson, Boris Karloff, Sandra Palffy, Colin Lawrence - Dir. Ron Oliver Soldier - Die durch die Hölle ge- Knight, Dick Miller, Dorothy Neuman, Trailer hen Jonathan Haze - Dir. Roger Corman Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) 95min. Attack Force Z Thriller 1963 FF DD 1.0 (D) 79min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 24.08.2010 John Phillip Law, Mel Gibson, Sam Neill, da music(Life Time Audio) 13.08.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036876 Chris Haywood, John Waters - Dir. Tim 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036914 Burstall Unsere kleine Farm - 9. Staffel Bildergalerie, Filmografien Tokyo Drifter Action/Kriegsfilm 1982 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Tokyo Nagaremono Little House On The Prairie (D) DD 1.0 (E) 90min. , Chieko Matsubara, Hideaki Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa da music(Life Time Audio) 13.08.2010 Nitani, Eiji Go, Tamio Kawaji, Tomoko Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036910 Hamakawa - Dir. Seijun Suzuki Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Stargate Kommando SG-1, Thriller 1966 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Complete Box (61 DVDs) (Jap) 82min. Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.09.2010 Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Stargate SG-1 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036956 Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 FF DD 1.0 (D) Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, DD 1.0 (E) min. Amanda Tapping Top Job - Diamantenraub in Rio Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Science Fiction 1997-2007 min. Ad Ogni Costo 07.10.2010 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Edward G. Robinson, Janet Leigh, Robert 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036991 Germany(MGM/UA) 29.10.2010 Hoffmann, Klaus Kinski, Riccardo Cucciolla, 189,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036974 Georges Rigaud, Adolfo Celi - Dir. Giuliano Wächter der Nacht + Wächter des Die Stonehenge Apocalypse Montaldo Tages, Director’s Cut (2 Discs) Interview mit Regisseur Giuliano Montaldo, Trailer, Bilderga- Stonehenge Apocalypse lerie (Blu-ray) Misha Collins, Hill Harper, Peter Wingfield, Action 1966 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Nochnoi Dozor / Dnevnoy Dozor: Mel Torri Higginson, David Lewis, Tina Milo, (E) 115min. Sudbi

LASER HOTLINE Seite 24 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Dir. Timur Bekmambetow Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Dokumentarfilm 2010 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Entfallene Szenen, Making ofs, Featurettes, Bildergalerien, 07.10.2010 110min. Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036952 Scorpio Verlag 08.10.2010 Fantasy/Action 2004-2006 Ltbx 259min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036939 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Der Zinker Germany 01.10.2010 Dir. Carl Lamac Claude Lanzmann - Gesamtaus- tba BestellNr.: 20036984 Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien gabe (10 DVDs) Kriminalfilm 1931 FF DD 1.0 (D) 70min. Dir. Claude Lanzmann Die weisse Feder Spirit Media 03.09.2010 White Feather Booklet, Podiumsgespräch, Interview 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036867 Dokumentarfilm 1973-2001 1350min. Robert Wagner, John Lund, Debra Paget, absolut MEDIEN(arte Edition) 17.09.2010 Jeffrey Hunter, Eduard Franz, Noah Beery Zurück in die Vergangenheit - Die 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036936 jr., Virginia Leith, Emile Meyer, Hugh O’Brian komplette 2. Staffel - Dir. Robert D. Webb Bruce Lee - King of Kung-Fu Trailer, Bildergalerie, Booklet Quantum Leap Western 1955 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 4.0 Scott Bakula, Dean Stockwell Bruce - The King Of Kung-Fu (E) DD 2.0 (It) 98min. Science Fiction 1989-1993 FF DD 1.0 (D) Bruce Lee Koch Media 06.08.2010 DD 1.0 (E) 1004min. Dokumentarfilm/Film 1969 (D) 78min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036971 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) KNM Home Entertainment(Madison Film) 07.10.2010 23.09.2010 Zimmer mit Aussicht (Bild der 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036992 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036924 Frau Love Collection) Theater in Trance A Room With A View Het Werktheater, Squat Theatre, Sombras Helena Bonham Carter, Maggie Smith, Den- Blancas, Pina Bausch, Kipper Kids - Dir. holm Elliott, Julian Sands, Daniel Day- Special Interest Rainer Werner Fassbinder Lewis, Sir Simon Callow - Dir. James Ivory Bildergalerie, Biografie, Wendecover Audiokommentar, Biografien, Bildergalerien, Trailer, Wende- cover Die Gabe - Discover the Gift Dokumentarfilm 1981 FF DD 1.0 (D) 87min. Drama 1986 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 The Gift Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) (D) DD 2.0 (E) 112min. Dalai Lama - Dir. Demian Lichtenstein 21.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20036901

LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 26 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Action, Anime, Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese 300min. Animation Cars Toon: Mater’s Tall Tales Funimation 07.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The Black Cauldron: 25th (Blu-ray) Rev up your engines for this unforgettable collection of Cars Anniversary Toons starring Mater, the lovable and hilarious tow truck from Devil May Cry: Complete Fantasy, magic and fun are all brewed together in Disney’s the hit movie Cars. From the creative minds of Disney-Pixar Collection legendary adventure The Black Cauldron - created from a come nine highly entertaining Tall Tales involving bullfights, new digital master this 25th Anniversary Edition features drag races, rock concerts, monster truck showdowns and Cursed to live as both monster and man, Dante must spend his vibrant picture presentation and includes exciting new bonus even UFOs - plus, check out the new, exclusive, never- life fighting the demonic forces of darkness. Brandishing his features! Whoever releases the mysterious Black Cauldron’s before-seen Cars Toons „Mater P.I.“ and „Moon Mater.“ Join sword, Rebellion, and his always-loaded guns, Ebony and powers will be invincible! The fearsome Horned King will do Mater, the heart and soul of Radiator Springs, and all your Ivory, Dante is more than happy to send the demons back to anything to possess it, but he is challenged by the most favorite characters from the world of Cars as they take you on hell - especially when there’s money to be made. The wildly unlikely adversary: a young assistant pig keeper named Taran a fun-filled ride that will have your family roaring with popular video game is now a series, and this time, there’s no who dreams of doing heroic deeds. With a motley team of the laughter! sympathy for the devil. brave Princess Eilonwy, a minstrel named Fflewddur Fflam, Auto Racing, Comedy, Computer Animation, Action, Anime, Based On Video Game, and Hen-Wen, a remarkable pig who can predict the future, Disney, Family, Racing, Short Film Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Foreign, In- Taran embarks on a quest to stop the Black Cauldron’s evil and for all. Will he have the courage to succeed? Now Collections, Sports 2008 30min. ternational TV, Japanese 2008 300min. with The Black Cauldron: 25th Anniversary on DVD, you can Disney / Buena Vista 02.11.2010 Funimation 28.09.2010 share more magical adventures with your family! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Disney, Family, Fantasy 1985 80min. The Christmas Dinosaur Dragon Ball GT: The Complete Disney / Buena Vista 14.09.2010 An animated Christmas story about an 8-year-old boy Jason Series 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Barnes who is a dinosaur freak. He receives a petrified dinosaur egg for Christmas and amazingly a real live After surviving trials that would have destroyed a mere Pterosaur pops out! He names his new friend Spot. Jason and mortal, Goku now faces the most dangerous journey of his Blue Drop: Complete Collection his brother Todd first hide the baby dinosaur in their bedroom entire life. Evil forces have conspired to scatter the Dragon Five years ago, something horrifying happened on Kamioki but it grows so fast that they quickly move him to the backyard Balls to the far corners of the universe, and the atmosphere is Island. Something so nightmarish that it stripped all memory tree house. Before too long, Spot starts to fly and soon the dense with danger. Unless the heroic Saiyan can recover all from Mari Wakatake’s mind even as it left every other human whole town finds out about the secret pet. Jason and Todd seven magic orbs within a year, Earth will meet a catastrophic on the island dead in its wake! Now enrolled against her will have an incredible Christmas adventure with Spot! end! But even if Goku is successful on his mission of mercy, at an isolated girl’s academy, Mari is unaware that hidden Adventure, Christmas, Dinosaurs, Family, threats remain that must be dealt with swiftly. Two evil eyes are watching her, waiting for her memory to return. For geniuses have created the perfect killing machine; Android 17. buried in her psyche is the most terrifying secret of all: while Holidays 2004 72min. While this mechanical abomination deals out death, terrifying Mari was the only HUMAN who lived, she may not have been Porchlight Home Entertainment 07.09.2010 villains from battles past rise up to wreak havoc on humanity, the only survivor! As something in a female skin invades 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 and cracks in the Dragon Balls give birth to the fury of seven Kaihou Academy, Mari’s only hope may lie in a strange girl to Shadow Dragons! Goku is the only warrior alive with the whom she is inexplicably drawn yet cannot trust. An all new strength to defeat these new evils, but one false step from the English dub featuring an all-star cast takes on a story of star- Corpse Princess: Part One mighty Saiyan could spell doom for the world! crossed love on an interplanetary scale in Blue Drop: Makina Hoshino is already dead, but she can’t let go of this Action, Anime, Boxed Sets, International Complete Collection! twisted world. She burned to death along with her entire TV, Japanese, Martial Arts 1996 1600min. Anime, Foreign, Giant Robots, International family in a fire started by freaks that wouldn’t stay buried. Funimation 21.09.2010 TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, Science Makina knows she doesn’t belong among the living, but that won’t stop her from unleashing the full fury of her twin MAC- 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Fiction 325min. 11 machine guns on the rotting remains of those who refuse to Section23 Films 07.09.2010 die. She’s hell-bent on filling every empty grave she can find Dragon Ball Z Kai: Part 2 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 with the monsters that should be six feet under. Makina is a Shikabane Hime - a Corpse Princess - and it’s her job to Goku’s lies battered and nearly beaten, the Dragon Balls finish off the undead leftovers haunting the dark corners of a have been destroyed, and a new breed of evil looms on the Canaan: Complete Collection city that used to be safe. horizon! Frieza, a violent galactic overlord, has discovered the source of the original Dragon Balls, and he’ll eagerly Colors have scent. Sounds possess images. In this future Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, destroy anything to harness their wish-granting power. world, where biochemical weapons have changed the game, Foreign, Horror, International TV, Japanese Meanwhile, Vegeta - fully recovered from his humiliating an unlucky few have their senses blended. They are gifted 2008 300min. defeat - travels to planet Namek on a mission to intercept with abilities beyond what normal humans feel. They possess Frieza and seize the Dragon Balls for own devious desires. synesthesia. Funimation 14.09.2010 With Goku out of commission, courageous young Gohan must Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 journey to the far reaches of space to defeat a foe far more Japanese, Mystery 325min. fearsome than anything his father ever encountered. The Section23 Films 26.10.2010 future depends on it! Corpse Princess: Part Two Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Makina Hoshino is already dead, but she can’t let go of this twisted world. She burned to death along with her entire Japanese, Martial Arts 2010 325min. family in a fire started by freaks that wouldn’t stay buried. Funimation 14.09.2010 Canaan: Complete Collection Makina knows she doesn’t belong among the living, but that 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 (Blu-ray) won’t stop her from unleashing the full fury of her twin MAC- 11 machine guns on the rotting remains of those who refuse to Colors have scent. Sounds possess images. In this future die. She’s hell-bent on filling every empty grave she can find Dragon Ball Z Kai: Part 2 (Blu- world, where biochemical weapons have changed the game, with the monsters that should be six feet under. Makina is a an unlucky few have their senses blended. They are gifted Shikabane Hime - a Corpse Princess - and it’s her job to ray) with abilities beyond what normal humans feel. They possess finish off the undead leftovers haunting the dark corners of a Goku’s lies battered and nearly beaten, the Dragon Balls synesthesia. city that used to be safe. have been destroyed, and a new breed of evil looms on the Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, horizon! Frieza, a violent galactic overlord, has discovered Japanese, Mystery 325min. the source of the original Dragon Balls, and he’ll eagerly Foreign, Horror, International TV, Japanese destroy anything to harness their wish-granting power. Section23 Films 26.10.2010 2008 300min. Meanwhile, Vegeta - fully recovered from his humiliating 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Funimation 14.09.2010 defeat - travels to planet Namek on a mission to intercept Frieza and seize the Dragon Balls for own devious desires. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 With Goku out of commission, courageous young Gohan must Cars Toon: Mater’s Tall Tales journey to the far reaches of space to defeat a foe far more Rev up your engines for this unforgettable collection of Cars Coyote Ragtime Show: The fearsome than anything his father ever encountered. The Toons starring Mater, the lovable and hilarious tow truck from future depends on it! the hit movie Cars. From the creative minds of Disney-Pixar Complete Series Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts, Anime, come nine highly entertaining Tall Tales involving bullfights, Insurrection Will Not Be Tolerated!. To prove the point, the Action, Adventure 2010 325min. drag races, rock concerts, monster truck showdowns and government has set a big, bad bomb to blast Graceland right even UFOs - plus, check out the new, exclusive, never- out of the sky! To make matter worse, The King is dead. Funimation 14.09.2010 before-seen Cars Toons „Mater P.I.“ and „Moon Mater.“ Join However, before Pirate King Bruce died, he hid billions in 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Mater, the heart and soul of Radiator Springs, and all your stolen loot on the doomed planet. Now, the galaxy’s most favorite characters from the world of Cars as they take you on infamous criminal - a mystery man known only as „Mister“ - a fun-filled ride that will have your family roaring with has busted out of the slammer to get his hands on the booty Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Four laughter! before it’s too late! Along with King Bruce’s daughter and his Originally produced in limited quantities in Japan, the Auto Racing, Comedy, Computer Animation, band of misfit „Coyotes“, Mister sidesteps government goons, incredibly rare Dragon Box has long been the ultimate prize Disney, Family, Racing, Short Film dodges a hottie investigator who’s on his trail and fends off a for avid Dragon Ball Z collectors. Now this coveted collection dozen android Lolitas who are programmed to kill, kill, KILL! If has been reproduced for the first time in the , Collections, Sports 2008 30min. it’s capable of destruction or distraction, it’s fair game in delivering the authentic original Dragon Ball Z experience to Disney / Buena Vista 02.11.2010 Coyote Ragtime Show! hardcore fans. The battle to harness the power of the seven Dragon Balls explodes in vivid detail like never before. The

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 27 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Dragon Box features over 40 uncut episodes, remastered and Funimation 28.09.2010 workings of memory and our perception of the world. Don’t restored frame by frame, rendering the legendary action in miss the latest masterpiece from Masamune Shirow and pristine clarity. Each episode is presented in Japanese with 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Production I.G: Ghost Hound! the complete opening and closing credits and includes the Anime, Foreign, Horror, International TV, original episode previews. Truly the essential edition for Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU: Dragon Ball Z purists, this set isn’t an addition to your Japanese 550min. archive - it is your archive. Your wish is finally granted. The Complete Collection (Blu-ray) Section23 Films 14.09.2010 Dragon Box is here. This time, the battleground is the school ground! High yield 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Anime, Boxed Sets, International TV, explosives and hilarity come together with a bang as the Japanese, Martial Arts, Action 2010 somber soldier and his unwitting target brave everything from lovesick „terrorists“ to an unforgiving teacher who is bent on Ghost Hunt: The Complete Series 1050min. revenge. But as good as he is with guns, Sousuke is one The appeal of the unknown is undeniable and freshman Mai Funimation 14.09.2010 clueless commando when it comes to girls - especially Taniyama is hooked. This fact, coupled with her burgeoning 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Kaname! Don’t miss the hilarious antics of everyone’s favorite psychic powers, leads Mai to join the ranks of the Shibuya military maniac - and Jindai High’s most fiery female - in the Psychic Research team. Led by enigmatic Kazuya „Naru“ mega-hit anime classic! Shibuya, she works alongside a spirit medium and a shrine Eden of the East: The Complete Anime, Action, Boxed Sets, Comedy, maiden, an exorcist and a to uncover the darkest mysteries of the unseen. Using state of the art technology and Series Foreign, Giant Robots, International TV, their respective spiritual gift, evil is confronted and Akira Takizawa wakes up naked outside the White House Japanese, Robots / Androids 2003 300min. vanquished time and again. with no memories. He’s got a gun in one hand, a cell phone in Funimation 28.09.2010 Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Ghosts, Japanese the other, and doesn’t know if he’s a good guy or one of the worst. He doesn’t remember the phone gives him instant 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 2006 625min. access to ten billion yen and a woman who can make his most Funimation 21.09.2010 outlandish requests a reality. He doesn’t recall his connection Fullmetal Alchemist: The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 to the ongoing missile attacks terrorizing the Japanese people. Or the part he played in the sudden disappearance of Complete First Season 20,000 shut-ins. He doesn’t even remember he’s supposed to What are you willing to ?. Innocence and flesh were Golgo 13: Collection 2 save Japan and will be murdered if he fails. Whatever it is sacrificed when two young brothers ignored the laws of Get blown away by 13 more episodes of the sniper hit of the he’s tangled up in, Takizawa’s definitely in deep - and that’s Alchemy in an attempt to resurrect their mother. The horrors year! And this time, Golgo has even more action in his sights. not even scratching the surface. they recklessly unleashed that night marked the beginning of a A luxury liner with a bomb, and a sexy fellow assassin, on Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, journey that leads from darkness to light and back. In an era board. A terrorist cult of bombers. An island paradise Japanese, Mystery, Romance, Science of war and corruption, State Alchemist Edward Elric and his disguised as a „hospital“ with murderous operations. These brother Alphonse desperately search for the Philosopher’s are just a few of the hyper-violent, ultra-sexy assignments the Fiction 2009 275min. Stone. The legendary artifact is their last hope to restore number one assassin in the world is taking aim at. Be sure Funimation 28.09.2010 what was lost - or it could be their undoing. The grisly truths you don’t miss a single shot! 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 found in the quest for the relic will test their souls in ways Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, unimaginable. Murder stalks the brothers from the shadows and false prophets conspire to steal their faith. Morality is Japanese 2008 325min. Eden of the East: The Complete assaulted by military atrocities and scientific abominations. Section23 Films 14.09.2010 Amid the ashes of their childhood, Edward and Alphonse will 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Series (Blu-ray) discover the power to create is but a breath away from the Akira Takizawa wakes up naked outside the White House power to destroy. The bond of brotherhood will be their with no memories. He’s got a gun in one hand, a cell phone in greatest weapon in the fight for their lives. Hell Girl: Three Vessels - the other, and doesn’t know if he’s a good guy or one of the Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, worst. He doesn’t remember the phone gives him instant Collection 1 access to ten billion yen and a woman who can make his most Magic, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure You can take the girl out of Hell, but unfortunately you can’t outlandish requests a reality. He doesn’t recall his connection 2004 600min. always get the Hell out of the girl. Just when it seemed that Ai to the ongoing missile attacks terrorizing the Japanese Funimation 28.09.2010 Enma was finally at peace, innocent schoolgirl Yuzuki Mikage people. Or the part he played in the sudden disappearance of appears to become the perfect host for Ai. And that’s host as 20,000 shut-ins. He doesn’t even remember he’s supposed to 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 in being physically possessed! Ensnared in the web of the save Japan and will be murdered if he fails. Whatever it is Hell Correspondence, ridden by Ai’s spirit and joined by a he’s tangled up in, Takizawa’s definitely in deep - and that’s Ghost Hound: Complete nightmarish new assistant, Yuzuki must now fight to maintain not even scratching the surface. any hold on her real life and , even as the darkest Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Collection secrets of the Hell Girl threaten to consume her! But in a Japanese, Mystery, Romance, Science When he was three, Taro Komori and his sister were malevolent world where any soul can be sent to Hell with the kidnapped, but the kidnapper was run over and killed before simple pull of a string, how can any mere human withstand the Fiction 2009 275min. the ransom could be delivered. The police eventually found merciless onslaught of evil without being irrevocably Funimation 28.09.2010 Taro, but not before his sister died. Eleven years later, Taro changed? 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 still has nightmares of the events surrounding the kidnapping Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign, and is haunted by a tall, featureless specter. Now, Taro Japanese 2008 325min. searches for answers in the Hidden Realm, but something Section23 Films 28.09.2010 F-Force Anime sinister is brewing there. The spirits are restless and a malevolent ghost is appearing with increasing frequency. In 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Anime min. the „real“ world, an out of favor religious cult is finding Bayview Entertainment 12.10.2010 dozens of new converts, especially among high ranking 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 politicians. And just what the scientists at Dai Nippon Bio are Hetalia Axis Powers: Season One up to is a question in need of an answer. Can Taro and his Forget everything you learned in history class, and imagine friends find the answers they need in time to save their all the nations of the world as cute guys hanging out on a : Scared Silly friends and families? Unseen spirits, ghosts and out-of-body wildly inappropriate reality show. Now, toss in every stereo- Join the Fraggle gang in three frightfully delightful episodes experiences all combine in an intriguing exploration into the type ever and prepare to pledge allegiance to your favorite full of mystery and magic! From Wembley accidentally workings of memory and our perception of the world. Don’t superpower in Hetalia Axis Powers! Maybe you’ll surrender wandering into the cursed „Terrible Tunnel,“ Boober miss the latest masterpiece from Masamune Shirow and to Italy’s charms. He’s a sweetie who’s always got a noodle discovering what makes Fraggle tails flare when they get Production I.G: Ghost Hound! in his mouth and he’s bff with blue-eyed Germany and shy startled, and Ma and Pa Gorg leaving Junior alone in the Anime, Foreign, Horror, International TV, Japan. Sounds nice, right? Of course, their friendship sort of castle on a dark and stormy night, Fraggle Rock: Scared Silly Japanese 550min. causes world war II, but is that really such a big deal? Not if is bursting with Halloween fun! Includes 3 ghostly episodes: it means those adorable allies France, America, and „Terrible Tunnel,“ „Scared Silly“ and „A Dark & Stormy Night.“ Section23 Films 14.09.2010 will be stormin’ the beach! No matter who comes out on top, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 victory is yours! Now ditch your textbooks and try to keep up, Family, HBO, Puppets 74min. because history happens fast in Hetalia Axis Powers! 14.09.2010 Anime, Comedy, Educational, Foreign, Inter- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Ghost Hound: Complete national TV, Japanese 2008 130min. Collection (Blu-ray) Funimation 14.09.2010 Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU: When he was three, Taro Komori and his sister were 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 kidnapped, but the kidnapper was run over and killed before Complete Collection the ransom could be delivered. The police eventually found This time, the battleground is the school ground! High yield Taro, but not before his sister died. Eleven years later, Taro Initial D: First Stage - explosives and hilarity come together with a bang as the still has nightmares of the events surrounding the kidnapping Takumi’s nights working as the delivery boy for his dad’s tofu somber soldier and his unwitting target brave everything from and is haunted by a tall, featureless specter. Now, Taro shop have turned him into one of those most formidable drivers lovesick „terrorists“ to an unforgiving teacher who is bent on searches for answers in the Hidden Realm, but something around. Behind the wheel of his modified Eight-Six, he’s one revenge. But as good as he is with guns, Sousuke is one sinister is brewing there. The spirits are restless and a with the road - and his life shifts into high gear when the clueless commando when it comes to girls - especially malevolent ghost is appearing with increasing frequency. In underground street racing world takes notice. Local legend Kaname! Don’t miss the hilarious antics of everyone’s favorite the „real“ world, an out of favor religious cult is finding Keisuke, a member of the infamous RedSuns racing team, military maniac - and Jindai High’s most fiery female - in the dozens of new converts, especially among high ranking wants to take Takumi on. He’s not alone; drivers from across mega-hit anime classic! politicians. And just what the scientists at Dai Nippon Bio are the region are lining up for a shot at the new guy. One Action, Anime, Boxed Sets, Comedy, up to is a question in need of an answer. Can Taro and his challenger after the next, Takumi schools the competition with Foreign, Giant Robots, International TV, friends find the answers they need in time to save their his amazing drifting technique and downhill expertise. But it’s friends and families? Unseen spirits, ghosts and out-of-body not enough to rack up the victories - Takumi’s out to prove Japanese, Robots / Androids 2003 300min. experiences all combine in an intriguing exploration into the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 28 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 29 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) he’s the best. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Superman / Shazam!: The Return Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Racing, Action Of Black Adam 2003 300min. Night Before Christmas: A Mouse Funimation 21.09.2010 Superheroes, Based On Comic Book, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Tale Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animated Fea- Inspired by the world famous Christmas poem by Clement ture Films 2010 61min. Clarke Moore, this animated tale centers around the Mouse Warner Bros. 09.11.2010 Kaze No Stigma: The Complete family, who must find a new home during a cold winter. Mice siblings, Skip and Squeek, discover the wonder of Christmas 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Series when the Mouse family moves into a human family home. Kazuma is a Contractor of the Wind, a cool customer with the Adventure, Christmas, Family, Holidays Superman / Shazam!: The Return power to unleash a whirlwind of terror on his enemies. Ayano 2002 47min. is a smoking-hot mistress of the Fire Arts who’s got a nasty Of Black Adam (Blu-ray) habit of dialing up the heat in the thick of battle. To say they Porchlight Home Entertainment 07.09.2010 don’t get along would be an understatement, but Fire and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Superheroes, Fantasy, Based On Comic Wind are about to get a crash course in teamwork. A sinister Book, Action, Adventure, Animated Feature website known as Pandemonium is unleashing powered-up Films 2010 61min. magic junkies and soul-devouring demons on the unsuspecting Samurai 7: The Complete Series citizens of Tokyo. The Legendary Epic Reborn.. Based on the legendary Akira Warner Bros. 09.11.2010 Action, Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Kurosawa classic epic feature film, Seven Samurai. Set in a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 International TV, Japanese, Magic 2007 futuristic world that has just witnessed the end of a massive war, scores of villages are terrorized by Nobuseri bandits. 576min. But the Nobuseri are no normal bandits. They were once Tears To Tiara: Complete Funimation 28.09.2010 Samurai, who during the war integrated their living cells with Collection 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 machines to become dangerous weapons new appearing more machine than gun. Absolute power corrupts, and their reign of In a strange dark age, across the land that will someday terror is increasing its hold on the countryside. But one group become Europe, the Divine Empire has been on the march, Kimikiss: Pure Rouge - Collection of villagers has had enough, deciding to hire samurai to ruthlessly devouring its weaker neighbors for generations. protect their village, Kirara is a young priestess who travels But when a savage priest attempts to resurrect the long- 1 to the city seeking out protection. One by one, she encounters buried Demon King Arawn by sacrificing Riannon, the young Kouichi always thought of Mao as his little sister, but when brave samurai that the war had left behind. These men of skill high priestess of the Gael Clan, the Empire sows the seeds of he wakes up from a dream and she walks into his house, he and valor are each unique and not without their quirks. But its own destruction! Deciding to side with the beautiful girl doesn’t even recognize her. Probably because, after living in can they come together as one to defend the helpless village? instead, the revived Demon Lord joins forces with her France for several years, Mao is definitely not anyone’s little Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Japanese, potentially legendary brother Arthur, and begins to assemble a sister anymore! To further complicate things, Koichi’s mom has mighty force that may just bring the Divine Empire its knees! invited Mao to stay at their house while she attends the same Samurai, Science Fiction, Action, Humans, elves and even dragon take arms in a spectacular high school as Kouichi and their mutual friend Kazuki. But Adventure 2008 600min. animated interpretation of the Celtic, Gaelic, British and given that Kouichi’s been trying to build a relationship with Funimation 21.09.2010 Roman myths of Albion, as an all star English vocal cast adds Yuumi, the revelation that he’s now sharing accommodations the crowning glory to Tears To Tiara the complete epic with a non-related girl is definitely going to cause some 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 collection! emotional waves. Or maybe a tsunami by the time Kazuki’s Adventure, Anime, Based On Video Game, sister Nana, her best friend Narumi and all the other kids at Shaun The Sheep: Party Animals Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, school get overly involved. Japanese 650min. Anime, Based On Video Game, Comedy, British, Comedy, Foreign, Stop Motion Ani- Section23 Films 19.10.2010 Drama, Foreign, High School, International mation, Animated Animals 2010 min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 TV, Japanese, Romance 2007 325min. Hit Entertainment 07.09.2010 Section23 Films 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Tears To Tiara: Complete The Slayers Evolution-R (Blu-ray) Collection (Blu-ray) My Bride Is A Mermaid: Season The magical mayhem of The Slayers Revolution continues in In a strange dark age, across the land that will someday The Slayers Evolution-R! With the original cast of The become Europe, the Divine Empire has been on the march, One - Part Two Slayers back together for the first time in over a decade, Lina ruthlessly devouring its weaker neighbors for generations. Nagasumi’s in hot water after a beautiful, young mermaid Inverse and her crew are reunited and doing what they do But when a savage priest attempts to resurrect the long- named Sun saves him from drowning. The deep-sea best - saving the world by almost destroying it! Lina’s gang buried Demon King Arawn by sacrificing Riannon, the young sweetheart’s dad is a merman yakuza prone to executing and their new ally Pokota are hot on the trail of the high priestess of the Gael Clan, the Empire sows the seeds of anyone who learns his family’s scaly secret! Luckily, there’s Hellmaster’s Jar! It’s no ordinary piece of pottery: it holds the its own destruction! Deciding to side with the beautiful girl a catch - if Nagasumi agrees to marry Sun, he just might avoid soul of Rezo the Red Priest. Opening the vessel and instead, the revived Demon Lord joins forces with her sleeping with the fishes! He’s doing his best to keep his resurrecting Rezo is the only hope Pokota has of saving his potentially legendary brother Arthur, and begins to assemble a finned fiancée happy, but a rising flood of rival suitors and kingdom’s people. With masked assassins, headless knights, mighty force that may just bring the Divine Empire its knees! gilled gangsters has Nagasumi gasping for air! He’s definitely and shifty Xellos in the mix, one thing is certain - destruction Humans, elves and even dragon take arms in a spectacular in over his head, but there’s no denying the mermaid’s allure - is guaranteed! animated interpretation of the Celtic, Gaelic, British and Nagasumi’s hooked now that Sun has come ashore! Anime, Action, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Roman myths of Albion, as an all star English vocal cast adds the crowning glory to Tears To Tiara the complete epic Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Interna- Science Fiction 2009 315min. collection! tional TV, Japanese, Romance 2007 Funimation 14.09.2010 Anime, Based On Video Game, Fantasy, 300min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Funimation 07.09.2010 Adventure 650min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The Slayers Revolution: (Blu-ray) Section23 Films 19.10.2010 The original cast of Slayers is reunited for the first time in 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Nabari No Ou: The Complete over a decade in Slayers Revolution - a totally new season full of the magical mayhem that can only happen when Lina Series Inverse and her crew pull into town. Lina’s on the run from a Tinker Bell And The Great Fairy In the shadows of this modern world, ninjas fight for control of government inspector who’s ready to put her away for good. Rescue an ancient technique which holds untold strength. This Her crime? Just being herself! The guy’s hot on her tail, but a coveted power dwells within apathetic Miharu, a fact the guy tiny creature that actually has a tail might be Lina’s biggest What would you do if you met a fairy? Witness the historic really couldn’t care less about - until the clashing rival clans problem. Pokota’s a powerful little furball, and his path of moment when Tinker Bell first meets a human being...and it’s bring their battle to him. Now Miharu struggles to understand destruction is getting pinned on Lina. With so much explosive not who you think. Years before meeting Wendy and the Lost the mystery buried in his soul, and must choose a side if he magic between them, you know things will go boom when they Boys, Tinker Bell met Lizzy, a little girl with a steadfast belief hopes to survive. But when conflict is waged in secret, and face off. But there’s more to Pokota than anyone knows, and if in the power of pixie dust and the magic land of fairies. During lethal ninjas hide in plain sight, friend and foe prove difficult Lina’s gang can get to the bottom of his habit of blowing stuff the fairies’ summer visit to the flowering meadows of England, to tell apart. up, they could end up with an awesome new ally. two very different worlds unite for the first time and Tink Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, develops a special bond with a curious child in need of a Action, Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign, friend. As her fellow fairies launch a daring rescue, Tinker Japanese 2008 650min. Science Fiction, Action 1995 300min. Bell takes a huge risk, putting her own safety and the future of Funimation 28.09.2010 Funimation 14.09.2010 all fairykind in jeopardy. Experience Disney’s astonishing all- 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 new movie about the true power of faith and friendship. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Bursting with excitement and imagination, Tinker Bell And The Great Fairy Rescue is magical entertainment for the whole Naruto: Season 4 - Volume 2 Super Gals Complete Collection family. You might even learn to fly. (Seasons 1 & 2) Animated Feature Films, Disney, Family, (Uncut) Fantasy 2010 77min. Anime min. Action, Anime, Foreign, Japanese 2004 Disney / Buena Vista 21.09.2010 Bayview Entertainment 01.01.2010 650min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Viz Entertainment 14.12.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Tinker Bell And The Great Fairy Boone. Xam’d: Collection 1 Adventure, Family, Western 87min. Rescue (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment What would you do if you met a fairy? Witness the historic When a young boy on a peaceful island becomes the victim of moment when Tinker Bell first meets a human being...and it’s a terrorist attack, he transforms into Xam’d, a powerful mecha 14.09.2010 not who you think. Years before meeting Wendy and the Lost capable of extreme power. Now he must discover the depth of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Boys, Tinker Bell met Lizzy, a little girl with a steadfast belief his power, and the role he plays in a world where metal and in the power of pixie dust and the magic land of fairies. During rock meet flesh, desire, and destiny. the fairies’ summer visit to the flowering meadows of England, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Giant Robots, Against The Current two very different worlds unite for the first time and Tink Japanese, Robots / Androids, Romance Mary Tyler Moore, Michelle Trachtenberg, develops a special bond with a curious child in need of a friend. As her fellow fairies launch a daring rescue, Tinker 325min. Elizabeth Reaser, Joseph Fiennes, Justin Bell takes a huge risk, putting her own safety and the future of Section23 Films 21.09.2010 Kirk all fairykind in jeopardy. Experience Disney’s astonishing all- 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 When is life not worth living anymore? A marvelous cast led new movie about the true power of faith and friendship. by Joseph Fiennes explores that question when Paul Bursting with excitement and imagination, Tinker Bell And The Thompson (Fiennes of Shakespeare in Love and Elizabeth) Great Fairy Rescue is magical entertainment for the whole Xam’d: Collection 1 (Blu-ray) talks old buddy Jeff (Justin Kirk of Weeds) into helping him family. You might even learn to fly. When a young boy on a peaceful island becomes the victim of fulfill a crazy childhood dream of swimming the entire 150 mile Animated Feature Films, Disney, Family, a terrorist attack, he transforms into Xam’d, a powerful mecha length of the Hudson River. Joined by Liz, a teacher intrigued Fantasy 2010 77min. capable of extreme power. Now he must discover the depth of by their scheme (Elizabeth Reaser of The Twilight Saga and his power, and the role he plays in a world where metal and Emmy© nominated for TV’s Grey’s Anatomy), they plunge into Disney / Buena Vista 21.09.2010 rock meet flesh, desire, and destiny. the adventure with glee. But Paul and Liz soon realize Paul is 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 driven by more than just the stunt when they find out Paul’s Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Giant Robots, „deadline“ to finish is also the anniversary of his wife’s Japanese, Robots / Androids, Romance unexpected death. Is swimming against the current a struggle Toy Story 3 325min. against sadness or the last act of a man who is ready to give in to grief? Mary Tyler Moore (multiple Emmy© winner and Joan Cusack, Wallace Shawn, Estelle Section23 Films 21.09.2010 Oscar© nominee for Ordinary People) and Michelle Trachten- Harris, Tom Hanks, Ned Beatty, Tim Allen, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 berg (TV’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Mysterious Skin) round Michael Keaton, John Ratzenberger, Don out the cast of this thoroughly original and conversation- Rickles starting drama. Yogi Bear’s All-Star Comedy Drama 98min. Comedy, Computer Animation, Disney, Christmas Caper MPI 26.10.2010 Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Fea- Animated Animals, Christmas, Comedy, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 ture Films 2010 min. Family, Holidays 1982 24min. Disney / Buena Vista 02.11.2010 Warner Bros. 07.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Alpha Incident DVDTee (Large) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 This „DVDTee“ includes both a DVD of Bill Rebane’s 1978 film, The Alpha Incident, and a tee shirt featuring the original Toy Story 3 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- poster art. In this Sci-fi/Cult favorite starring Ralph Meeker and Stafford Morgan, a space probe returns to Earth from tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Mars, carrying with it a deadly organism which has the lethal Joan Cusack, Wallace Shawn, Estelle potential to destroy all life on Earth. However, it can only kill Film when its victims are asleep. Harris, Tom Hanks, Ned Beatty, Tim Allen, / TV 86min. Michael Keaton, John Ratzenberger, Don Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 Rickles 2010: Moby Dick A modern adaptation of the classic novel of the captain of a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Comedy, Computer Animation, Disney, high tech submarine and his obsessive quest to destroy the Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Fea- prehistoric whale that maimed him. ture Films 2010 min. Thrillers, Adventure, High Seas 90min. Alpha Incident DVDTee (XL) This „DVDTee“ includes both a DVD of Bill Rebane’s 1978 Disney / Buena Vista 02.11.2010 Asylum Home Entertainment 23.11.2010 film, The Alpha Incident, and a tee shirt featuring the original 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 poster art. In this Sci-fi/Cult favorite starring Ralph Meeker and Stafford Morgan, a space probe returns to Earth from Mars, carrying with it a deadly organism which has the lethal Toy Story 3 (Blu-ray) 25 Kilates potential to destroy all life on Earth. However, it can only kill Joan Cusack, Wallace Shawn, Estelle Action, Crime, Gangs min. when its victims are asleep. Harris, Tom Hanks, Ned Beatty, Tim Allen, Maya Entertainment 07.09.2010 Cult Film / TV 86min. Michael Keaton, John Ratzenberger, Don 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 Rickles 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Comedy, Computer Animation, Disney, Absolution Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Fea- Science Fiction, Thrillers 94min. America Lost And Found: The ture Films 2010 min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment BBS Story - The Criterion Disney / Buena Vista 02.11.2010 07.09.2010 Collection 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Dennis Hopper, Bruce Dern, Cybil Shepherd, Mickey Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, Tytania: Complete Collection 2 Accidentally On Purpose: The Peter Tork, Cloris Leachman, Karen Black, The rulers of the Empire of Valdana have repeatedly failed to capture Fan Hyurlick, but now they’ve succeeded in doing DVD Edition Ellen Burstyn, Tuesday Weld, Jack something far worse by striking down the ones closest to him. Ashley Jensen, Jenna Elfman, Lennon Nicholson, Jeff Bridges, Orson Welles, Unfortunately for the surviving members of the Tytania Parham, Grant Show, Jon Foster, Nicolas Peter Fonda, Timothy Bottoms, Davy Jones dynasty, by changing their greatest enemy from an interstellar Like the rest of America, Hollywood was ripe for revolution in fugitive into a man driven by anger and vengeance, all they’ve Wright the late sixties. Cinema attendance was down; what had once really accomplished is to sign their own death warrants! And CBS, Comedy, Romance 2009 376min. worked seemed broken. Enter Bob Rafelson, Bert Schneider, if that wasn’t enough trouble, the internal divisions among the 19.10.2010 and Steve Blauner, who knew that what Hollywood needed Empire are coming apart at the seams and suddenly none of was new audiences - namely, young people - and that meant the Landless Lords are safe from a knife in the back! The body 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 cultivating new talent and new ideas. Fueled by money made count will climb as brother turns on brother and one man’s from their invention of the superstar TV pop group the fight for justice becomes a vendetta! Across The Universe / The Other Monkees, they set off on a film-industry journey that would Action, Anime, Foreign, International TV, lead them to form BBS Productions, a company that was also a Japanese, Science Fiction, Space 2008 Boleyn Girl (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) community. The innovative films produced by this team between 1968 and 1972 are collected in this box set - works 325min. Music, Musical, Romance, Drama, Historical created within the studio system but lifted right out of the Section23 Films 12.10.2010 / Period Piece, 2 Packs min. countercultural id, and that now range from the iconic (Easy 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Home Entertainment Rider, Five Easy Pieces, The Last Picture Show) to the acclaimed (The King of Marvin Gardens) to the obscure 05.10.2010 (Head; Drive, He Said; A Safe Place). Easy Rider Five Easy Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Fly Us To 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Pieces Drive, He Said A Safe Place The Last Picture Show The King Of Marvin Gardens The Moon Musical, Academy Award Winners, Art Nickelodeon 2010 70min. Against A Crooked Sky With only his courage and determination to guide him, a young House, Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Starz / Anchor Bay 16.11.2010 boy, Sam, journeys into a harsh, unforgiving land to save his Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Fantasy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 kidnapped sister. Starring veteran Western actor Richard 691min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 32 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Criterion 14.12.2010 Ballistica 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Antichrist: The Criterion Trained in a deadly form of hand-to-hand combat using ballistics and martial arts, a lone CIA operative is America’s Collection (Blu-ray) best defense against international terrorism. America Lost And Found: The Willem Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourg Thrillers, Action, Martial Arts 90min. BBS Story - The Criterion Lars von Trier (Europa, Breaking The Waves, Dancer In Home Entertainment 16.11.2010 Dark) shook up the film world when he premiered Antichrist at Collection (Blu-ray) the 2009 . In this graphic psychodrama, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Dennis Hopper, Bruce Dern, Cybil a grief-stricken man and woman - a searing Willem Dafoe (Platoon, The Last Temptation Of Christ) and Cannes best Battle Of Britain (Blu-ray + DVD Shepherd, Mickey Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, actress Charlotte Gainsbourg (Jane Eyre, 21 Grams) - retreat Peter Tork, Cloris Leachman, Karen Black, to a cabin deep in the woods after the accidental death of their Combo) (Blu-ray) Ellen Burstyn, Tuesday Weld, Jack infant son, only to find terror and violence at the hands of nature and, ultimately, each other. But this most Christopher Plummer, Laurence Olivier, Nicholson, Jeff Bridges, Orson Welles, confrontational work yet from one of contemporary cinema’s Ralph Richardson, Susannah York, Michael Peter Fonda, Timothy Bottoms, Davy Jones most controversial artists is no mere provocation. It is a Redgrave, Patrick Wymark, Kenneth More, Like the rest of America, Hollywood was ripe for revolution in visually sublime, emotionally ravaging journey to the darkest the late sixties. Cinema attendance was down; what had once corners of the possessed human mind; a disturbing battle of Curt Jurgens, Michael Caine, Ian McShane, worked seemed broken. Enter Bob Rafelson, Bert Schneider, the sexes that pits rational psychology against ageold Trevor Howard, Robert Shaw, Harry and Steve Blauner, who knew that what Hollywood needed superstition; and a profoundly effective horror film. Andrews, Nigel Patrick was new audiences - namely, young people - and that meant Criterion Collection, Danish, Drama, Featuring a stellar cast, including Michael Caine, Trevor cultivating new talent and new ideas. Fueled by money made Foreign, Horror, Art House 2009 108min. Howard, Laurence Olivier, Christopher Plummer, Michael from their invention of the superstar TV pop group the Redgrave and Robert Shaw, Battle Of Britain re-creates the Monkees, they set off on a film-industry journey that would Criterion 09.11.2010 greatest air battle in history, when the outnumbered British lead them to form BBS Productions, a company that was also a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Royal Air Force defeated the German Luftwaffe at the community. The innovative films produced by this team beginning of World War II and saved England from invasion. between 1968 and 1972 are collected in this box set - works Classics, Military, Action, Aerial Action, created within the studio system but lifted right out of the Apocalypse countercultural id, and that now range from the iconic (Easy As two crews engage in a deadly battle for control of a War, World War II 1969 min. Rider, Five Easy Pieces, The Last Picture Show) to the deserted spaceship, a much larger, much more destructive MGM / UA 05.10.2010 acclaimed (The King of Marvin Gardens) to the obscure mission threatens to annihilate them all forever. Starring 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 (Head; Drive, He Said; A Safe Place). Easy Rider Five Easy Sandra Bernhard. Pieces Drive, He Said A Safe Place The Last Picture Show The King Of Marvin Gardens Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 96min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Being Michael Madsen Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Crime, Michael Madsen, a famous movie star buckling under the Criterion Collection, Drama, Fantasy, 07.09.2010 pressures of tabloid rumors ranging from a gay romance to the Academy Award Winners, Art House, Musi- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 murder of a young actress. Driven to the end of his rope, Michael Madsen decides it is time to turn the tables on the cal 691min. media and hires a team of documentarians to torment the man Criterion 14.12.2010 Are We Done Yet? / Daddy Day behind the rumors, Billy Dant (Jason Alan Smith). The film 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Camp (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) crew catalogs Dant’s life with the same paparazzi flair that has been tormenting Madsen. Starring - David Carradine, Comedy, Family, 2 Packs min. Harry Dean Stanton, Daryl Hanna, Page Davis, and Virginia The American Astronaut Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Madsen. Science Fiction, Space 2001 91min. 05.10.2010 Comedy 2007 90min. E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Arlington Road / Donnie Brasco American Cowslip: A Redneck (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) Being Michael Madsen (Blu-ray) Michael Madsen, a famous movie star buckling under the Comedy Thrillers, 2 Packs, Conspiracies, Crime, pressures of tabloid rumors ranging from a gay romance to the Ethan, an eccentric, agoraphobic drug addict, faces eviction Drama, FBI min. murder of a young actress. Driven to the end of his rope, unless he can win the cash prize in the local Garden of the Michael Madsen decides it is time to turn the tables on the Year contest. Challenged by his bizarre neighbors, Ethan Sony Pictures Home Entertainment media and hires a team of documentarians to torment the man hilariously tries to grow the perfect American Cowslip, a rare 05.10.2010 behind the rumors, Billy Dant (Jason Alan Smith). The film flower that will smoke the competition. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 crew catalogs Dant’s life with the same paparazzi flair that Comedy, Drama 2009 107min. has been tormenting Madsen. Starring - David Carradine, E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 Harry Dean Stanton, Daryl Hanna, Page Davis, and Virginia Assassin In Love Madsen. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Action, Comedy 86min. Comedy 2007 90min. Screen Media Films 12.10.2010 Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 American Nudist 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Taylor, a freelance photographer, reveals to his model Jennifer that he was a former nudist. With her interest piqued, he takes her on an exciting journey through naturist history Backyard Beneath Clouds and present day nudism. Murder Mysteries, Foreign, Mexican min. Lena is the light-skinned daughter of an Aboriginal mother and Drama 2010 90min. Irish father and Vaughn is a Murri boy doing time in a minimum Maya Entertainment 05.10.2010 E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 security prison in North West Australia. Dramatic events 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 throw them together on a journey with no money and no 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 transport. To Lena, Vaughn represents the life she is running away from. To Vaughn, Lena embodies the society that has Antichrist: The Criterion Bad Biology (Blu-ray) rejected him. And for a very short amount of time, they Acclaimed director Frank Henenlotter (Basket Case, Brain experience a rare true happiness together. Collection Damage, Frankenhooker) is back with a twisted tale of love Romance, Drama 2002 90min. and weirdness. Driven by biological excess, a young man and E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 Willem Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourg woman search for sexual fulfillment, unaware of each other’s Lars von Trier (Europa, Breaking The Waves, Dancer In The existence. Unfortunately, they eventually meet, and the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Dark) shook up the film world when he premiered Antichrist at bonding of those two very unusual human brings ends in an the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. In this graphic psychodrama, explosive and ultimately over-the-top sexual experience, Bloodlust: The Erotic Cinema Of a grief-stricken man and woman - a searing Willem Dafoe resulting in a truly god-awful love story.... (Platoon, The Last Temptation Of Christ) and Cannes best Tony Marsiglia actress Charlotte Gainsbourg (Jane Eyre, 21 Grams) - retreat Horror 2008 170min. to a cabin deep in the woods after the accidental death of their Shriek Show 26.01.2010 The repressed Mina (Misty Mundae) longs for her husband’s infant son, only to find terror and violence at the hands of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 love and the happiness a child would bring them - until the nature and, ultimately, each other. But this most arrival of the beautiful and mysterious Dracula (Darian confrontational work yet from one of contemporary cinema’s Caine) changes her life forever. A sexy, stylish re- most controversial artists is no mere provocation. It is a Baker’s Hawk interpretation of the classic Bram Stoker story. Lilith (Misty visually sublime, emotionally ravaging journey to the darkest Mundae) cannot conceive a child. When a beautiful pregnant When a young boy nurses an injured hawk back to health, he neighbor (Erika Smith) befriends Lilith, their relationship corners of the possessed human mind; a disturbing battle of gains newfound courage and confidence. Starring Burl Ives. the sexes that pits rational psychology against ageold ignites an envy that turns increasingly threatening and superstition; and a profoundly effective horror film. Adventure, Family, Western 105min. grotesque in this erotic shocker. When young, virginal Janet Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Fontaine stops by a trendy NYC beauty salon run by three Art House, Criterion Collection, Danish, sexy witches, she seals her fate as a sacrifice to Satan! Drama, Foreign, Horror 2009 108min. 14.09.2010 Controversial therapist Dr. Jackie Stevenson has developed Criterion 09.11.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 an experimental serum that separates the ‘pure’ and ‘lustful’ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 halves of the female psyche. Experimenting on herself, Jackie

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) roams the streets searching for young women to fulfill her MPI 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 insatiable erotic desires. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Seduction Cinema, Dracula, Erotica, Horror 2002 329min. Catch And Release / It Could Seduction Cinema 07.09.2010 Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam - Happen To You (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Extended Edition Romance, Comedy, Drama, 2 Packs min. Demi Lovato, Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Nick Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Bloodwood Cannibals Jonas 05.10.2010 The crew of the internet series „ the Unknown“ came Get ready to ROCK with the biggest musical event of the year 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 to Bloodwood Forest to find a monster...They found something - now in an Extended Edition with never-before-seen scenes worse. After capturing Jane Doe and learning that she was & songs! Join Mitchie (Demi Lovato), Shane, Nate and Jason recently pregnant, Nigel vows to find „Big Papa“ and leads the (Jonas Brothers), and some brand-new campers across the Cause Of Death crew deeper into the forest. He finds more than he bargained lake for 2 times the music, 2 times the dance moves and 2 In this legal crime thriller, the murder of a wealthy politically- for. The „Hunting the Unknown“ crew are soon fighting for times the fun in Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam! Mitchie can’t involved man unravels a deep-reaching conspiracy that survival against Jane’s family of feral cannibals. Their only wait to go back to Camp Rock and spend the summer making shakes the city to its core. Starring Michael Ironside and hope for escape lies with wilderness guide Roy Henderson, new music with her friends and superstar Shane Gray. But the Patrick Bergen. an ex-soldier who is slowly losing his own humanity to the slick new camp across the lake, Camp Star, has drummed up some serious competition - featuring newcomers Luke Mystery, Thrillers, Crime 95min. sickness that turns men and women into bloodthirsty beasts. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Cannibalism, Horror 2010 91min. (Matthew „Mdot“ Finley) and Dana (Chloe Bridges). In a sensational battle of the bands, with Camp Rock’s future at 07.09.2010 Music Video Distribution 14.09.2010 stake, will Camp Star’s flashy production and over-the-top 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 antics win out, or will Camp Rockers prove that music, teamwork and spirit are what truly matter? TV Movies, Music, Musical, Pop Music, Brain Dead The Chaser Comedy, Disney Channel, Family 2010 In the tradition of hard-charging thrillers like The French Zombies, Horror 2007 95min. 104min. Connection and Se7en, modern Korean gem The Chaser tells Breaking Glass Pictures 05.10.2010 the gritty tale of police detective turned pimp Jung-Ho (played Disney / Buena Vista 07.09.2010 to down on his luck perfection in a star-making turn by HA 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Jung-woo). When one of his girls goes missing, Jung-Ho thinks she’s been kidnapped and sold off. The truth is far Bram Stoker’s Dracula / Wolf (2- worse: a sadistic killer has entrapped the poor woman and Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam - plans to torture and then kill her as the latest of his victims. Pack) (Blu-ray) Extended Edition (Blu-ray) Worse yet, even when the killer is detained by police, a series of mistakes and sheer incompetence lets the vicious Romance, Vampires, Werewolves, Dracula, Demi Lovato, Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Nick criminal laugh at justice. In a race against time, Jung-Ho must Historical / Period Piece, Horror, 2 Packs Jonas discover the lair of this sick pervert and the hero that’s been min. Get ready to ROCK with the biggest musical event of the year hiding inside his own beaten-down soul. So fresh and original Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - now in an Extended Edition with never-before-seen scenes it’s already pegged for an English language remake, catch this & songs! Join Mitchie (Demi Lovato), Shane, Nate and Jason award-winning box office smash in its original glory. 05.10.2010 (Jonas Brothers), and some brand-new campers across the Thrillers, Foreign, Kidnapping, Korean 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 lake for 2 times the music, 2 times the dance moves and 2 125min. times the fun in Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam! Mitchie can’t wait to go back to Camp Rock and spend the summer making MPI 26.10.2010 The Tinto Brass Collection: new music with her friends and superstar Shane Gray. But the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Volume II slick new camp across the lake, Camp Star, has drummed up some serious competition - featuring newcomers Luke Three of the most delightful, erotic comedies of recent years. (Matthew „Mdot“ Finley) and Dana (Chloe Bridges). In a Chasing 3000 Frivolous Lola (Monella), a charming sotry of amorous sensational battle of the bands, with Camp Rock’s future at Family, Major League Baseball min. adventures in an idyllic country village in the late 1950’s. stake, will Camp Star’s flashy production and over-the-top Cheeky! (Transgredire) follows a young Italian woman’s antics win out, or will Camp Rockers prove that music, Maya Entertainment 28.09.2010 journey to London for a course in English, which quickly turns teamwork and spirit are what truly matter? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 into a full-immersion course in sex. And last, to round out the package, six couples share their excitement with us in Private TV Movies, Music, Musical, Pop Music, (Fallo!). Tinto Brass (Caligula) continues his longstanding Comedy, Disney Channel, Family 2010 Cher: The Film Collection series of erotic cinema, demonstrating that extramarital affairs 104min. & jealousy are not necessarily cause for conflict & divorce, Cher but are, rather, ingredients to heighten our love lives. Disney / Buena Vista 07.09.2010 Good Times Mermaids Moonstruck Silkwood Tea With Sexy Comedies, Boxed Sets, Comedy, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Mussolini Musical, Romance, Thrillers, Academy Director / Writer Box Sets, Erotica, Foreign, Award Winners, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Italian 274min. Caprica: Season 1.0 Biography, Biopics, Boxed Sets, Comedy, CAV 14.09.2010 Esai Morales, Polly Walker, Alessandra Drama, Historical / Period Piece min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Toreson, Paula Malcomson, Magda MGM / UA 02.11.2010 Apanowicz, Eric Stoltz, Panou, Sasha Roiz 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The Brazen Bull Action, Drama, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction 2010 min. Rachel Hunter, Jennifer Tisdale, Michael The Chronicles Of Narnia Madsen Universal Studios 05.10.2010 TV Movies, Adventure, BBC, Boxed Sets, Revenge, Thrillers, Horror 85min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 British, Family, Fantasy, Foreign 1988 Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.10.2010 540min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi di Caravaggio lived his life like he BBC Home Video 09.11.2010 painted it, full of intensity, sensuality and passion. But at the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Breaking Upwards height of his success, his violent nature and his unrelenting Andrea Martin, Olivia Thirlby, Julie White, love for Fillide Melandroni, a prostitute with a dark past, lead Claang The Game Pablo Schreiber to his downfall. Romance, Drama 2007 211min. In a distant time and place, power is decided by a cruel game In a fresh modern spin on Woody Allen’s Annie Hall, director in which two teams composed of warriors similar to gladiators Daryl Wein depicts two witty, charmingly klutsy and real New E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 fight in a vast arena. Using trickery and corruption, the Yorkers - but instead of falling in love, they’re trying to fall 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 ambitious Sahr gathers an immense share of power, ruling out of love. Like Allen’s best work, this film is also bursting with tyranny and making his team nearly invincible. with a brilliant cast including Emmy® and Tony® winner Action, Adventure 2009 104min. Andrea Martin (SCTV, My Big Fat Greek Wedding); Tony® Carrie / The Rage: Carrie 2 / Winner Julie White (Transformers, Monsters Vs. Aliens), and E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 Tony ® nominee Pablo Schreiber (Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Carrie (2002) (Triple Feature) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 TV’s ). Daryl and Zoe (played by real-life couple Revenge, Stephen King, Triple Feature, Daryl Wein and Zoe Lister-Jones) still care for each other, High School, Horror min. but the zip has gone out of their romance. They decide to craft Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky MGM / UA 14.09.2010 a really good breakup: instead of just saying goodbye - after Anna Mouglalis, Mads Mikkelsen, Grigori all, they still like each other - they date four days a week and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 see other people for the other three days. Simple, right? Not Manoukov, Nicolas Vaude once their mothers and friends and would-be lovers get in on Paris 1913. At the Theatre Des Champs-Elysees, Igor the act. Co-written by Wein and Lister-Jones and based on The Carrier Stravinsky premieres „The Rite Of Spring.“ Coco Chanel is their real-life experiences, Breaking Upwards is the freshest mesmerized...But the revolutionary work is too modern: the romance in years. Zombies, Horror 1986 90min. enraged audience boos. A near riot ensues. Seven years Romance 92min. Code Red 26.10.2010 later, Coco Chanel meets Stravinsky again - a penniless

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 34 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 35 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) refugee living in exile after the Russian Revolution. The Realizing how parallel their lives are, she embarks on the The Dead Outside attraction between them is immediate and electric. Coco offers task of „saving“ Ada. In the process, the borders between past Stravinsky and his family the use of her villa in Garches so and present, virtual and real, blur and Ada and Emmy both Horror 2009 86min. that he will be able to continue his work. And so a passionate, recognize the implications their place in time. Vanguard 26.10.2010 intense love affair between two fascinating creative giants Science Fiction, Drama, Fantasy 1997 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 begins... 85min. Romance, Art House, Biography, Biopics, Microcinema DVD 28.09.2010 Drama, Foreign, French, Historical / Period Deadwood: The Complete Series 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Piece 2009 119min. (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Brad Dourif, Molly Parker, Robin Weigert, 28.09.2010 Convict 762 A spaceship crew comes face to face with a methodical killer Ian McShane, Keith Carradine, Timothy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 at a penal colony. Starring Billy Drago. Olyphant Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action 95min. All 36 Episodes - 13 Discs In an age of plunder and greed, the Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky richest gold strike in American history draws a throng of Echo Bridge Home Entertainment restless misfits to an outlaw settlement where everything - (Blu-ray) 07.09.2010 and everyone - has a price. Welcome To Deadwood... A Hell Anna Mouglalis, Mads Mikkelsen, Grigori 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Of A Place To Make Your Fortune. HBO, Western 2004 2140min. Manoukov, Nicolas Vaude HBO Home Video 23.11.2010 Paris 1913. At the Theatre Des Champs-Elysees, Igor The Bing Crosby Collection Stravinsky premieres „The Rite Of Spring.“ Coco Chanel is 309,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 mesmerized...But the revolutionary work is too modern: the Bing Crosby enraged audience boos. A near riot ensues. Seven years Here Is My Heart Mississippi Sing You Sinners Welcome later, Coco Chanel meets Stravinsky again - a penniless Stranger We’re Not Dressing Defiled refugee living in exile after the Russian Revolution. The Musical, Romance, Classics, Comedy, Dra- When Cassidy’s parents leave town, she seizes the attraction between them is immediate and electric. Coco offers ma, Hollywood Legends min. opportunity to fulfill her darkest fantasy... Cassidy has a taste Stravinsky and his family the use of her villa in Garches so for sex with strangers she meets on the Internet. Never fully that he will be able to continue his work. And so a passionate, Universal Studios 02.11.2010 satisfied by these encounters, she decides to take things to intense love affair between two fascinating creative giants 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 the next level. Placing a post online, she receives a phone begins... call from The Man she thinks she’s been looking for. Drama, Foreign, French, Historical / Period Unfortunately, he has no intention of leaving once the night is Crucible Of Terror out... Graphic, brutal and disturbing, DEFILED exposes the Piece, Art House, Biography, Biopics, One part cautionary tale, two parts bloodbath, Crucible Of violent outcome of our darkest sexual fantasies in a tale Romance 2009 119min. Terror has left its indelibly mad mark on horror fans the world „ripped-from-the-headlines“. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment over since its original release in 1971. British horror icon Horror 2009 min. Mike Raven (Lust for a Vampire) stars as demented sculptor 28.09.2010 Victor Claire, a deranged genius who employs the most Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 twisted and gory means imaginable in his blind pursuit of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 artistic perfection. Great art demands the ultimate sacrifice, and Raven demands all that and more from a host of comely Coffin Rock models who unwittingly submit to his murderous creative Designing Women: The Complete Obsessive thriller classics Fatal Attraction and The Hand method. Definitively not for the squeamish, Crucible Of Terror Fourth Season That Rocks The Cradle get flipped upside down by the is a must-see for all devotees of 70’s British Horror. Australian nail-biter Coffin Rock. Instead of a disturbed Photography/Art, British, Horror min. Jean Smart, Annie Potts, Dixie Carter, Delta woman, this time it’s Irish drifter Evan (Sam Parsonson) who Burke, Meshach Taylor becomes madly possessive about a lover and a child. Jess MPI 12.10.2010 (Lisa Chappell) and Rob (Robert Taylor) are the happily 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 CBS, Comedy, Independent Women 1989 married couple beset by only one nagging problem: they can’t min. get pregnant. After a drunken fight, Jess wanders off and into CSI: NY - The Complete Seasons Shout Factory 21.09.2010 the arms of the loner Evan. Evan has other plans and 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 suddenly one night of infidelity produces a stranger at the 1 - 6 door - and perhaps even in her belly — that tests not just their marriage but their ability to survive. From the producer , Carmine Giovinazzo, Melina Doc West of the smash worldwide hit Wolf Creek, this is smart and Kanakaredes, Anna Belknap, Hill Harper, Terence Hill, Ornella Muti, Clare Carey, Paul substantial suspense about the terrifying effects of one single A.J. Buckley, mistake. Sorvino Thrillers 92min. Thrillers, CBS, Cops, Crime, Detectives, After bandits steal his poker winnings, this American legend MPI 12.10.2010 Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery min. makes his way to the next town in search of them. Seeking his Paramount Pictures 26.10.2010 revenge during a poker game gone bad, Doc West soon finds 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 himself in the local jail. When his past is exposed and a battle 352,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 amongst the townsfolk breaks out in gunfire, he will have to The Complete Rich Man, Poor choose sides between the outlaws and the law-abiding CSI: NY - The Sixth Season citizens. Man TV Movies, Western 2009 97min. Gary Sinise, Carmine Giovinazzo, Melina he first-ever dramatic miniseries to appear on American Lionsgate 07.09.2010 Kanakaredes, Anna Belknap, Hill Harper, television, the multi-award winning Rich Man, Poor Man 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 spans decades and generations to trace the epic story of the A.J. Buckley, Eddie Cahill Jordache family from 1945 to the late 1960s. Now available for Thrillers, CBS, Cops, Crime, Detectives, the first time on DVD, Rich Man, Poor Man: The Complete Doghouse Collection brings together all 34 episodes from Book I and II Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery 2009 of this classic ’70s series. Based on Irwin Shaw’s best- 977min. The latest and most outrageous in a wave of UK comic horror selling novel and featuring an all-star cast (including Edward films like Shaun Of The Dead,/i>, Doghouse is a raucous, Asner, Bill Bixby, Susan Blakely, and Robert Reed), the Paramount Pictures 26.10.2010 balls-out funny spin on male insecurity over their own series focuses in particular on Rudy Jordache (Peter 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 masculinity and vengeful women. A group of guys (including Strauss) and his troubled brother Tom () as they Danny Dyer of The Football Factory and Severance and navigate divergent paths away from their impoverished Stephen Graham of Snatch and Public Enemies) head off for a immigrant upbringing. While ambitious Rudy seems destined Daniel & Ana boys weekend to buck up a friend still depressed over a for success, Tom suffers from an endless string of bad luck Inspired by actual events that occurred in Mexico, Daniel & painful divorce. Unfortunately, they end up in an isolated town but in the end, finds love. Encompassing a period of Ana recounts the painful story of two siblings from a wealthy infected with a bio-weapon that has turned all the women into tremendous social and political upheaval, the Jordache saga family who are kidnapped for a few hours and forced to the man-hating monsters the lads always suspected women explores timeless themes such as the difficulty of human engage in an unforgettable act that shatters their harmony. were at heart. The guys spend less time bonding and a lot relationships and the disillusionment of the American dream. more time fleeing from hairdressers, nurses, schoolgirls and Drama, Kidnapping 90min. other iconic female figures all looking to snip away with Drama 1976 min. Strand Releasing 12.10.2010 scissors and swords and literally do what the guys have been A&E 28.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 fearing for years. Deftly satirical, witty and just bloody good 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 fun, Doghouse is the most original battle of the sexes in years. Dark Planet Comedy, Horror 89min. Conceiving Ada 2638. Warring factions - the Alphas and Rebels - join forces MPI 12.10.2010 In this award-winning film which was the first to use virtual to explore an inhabitable planet deep in the of space. sets, Academy-Award ® winner Tilda Swinton embodies Lady Starring Michael York and Phil Morris. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Ada Lovelace, daughter of Romantic poet Lord Byron, and the Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 95min. mathematics genius who developed what became the world’s Don’t Look In The Cellar first computer language 100 years before computers were Echo Bridge Home Entertainment invented. Ada’s story is channeled through Emmy (Francesca 07.09.2010 There is an abandoned asylum in a small town that is said to Faridany), a contemporary computer scientist researching 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 be haunted. A group of college students decide to spend artificial life. By using her own DNA genetic code, Emmy Halloween night there to party and also to research the collapses time and is able to communicate directly with Ada. history of the asylum for a class project. As the night moves

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) on, secrets come to light that one of the students might be Bravo’s hit reality series Project Greenlight. When a motley 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 related to Smiley. It becomes a race to see if the students can crew of strangers find themselves trapped in an isolated find a way out and discover the truth behind the asylum’s tavern, they must band together in a battle for survival against secrets before they are all brutally murdered. a family of flesh-hungry creatures. Terrifying and full of Ghastly Grabs: Vol. I Thrillers, Horror min. surprises, Feast turns the screen blood red as the group is Sick and the Dead: Flynn, Alex and Joe were right in the Tempe DVD 05.10.2010 devoured one-by-one. middle of ordinary lives when a zombie plague led them on a Dark Comedy, Horror, Monsters, Thrillers 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 detour through a world of terror. One year later, they’re no 2005 min. longer the same people they once were: one — a bloodthirsty Weinstein Company 14.09.2010 psychopath, one — a survivalist and one — an unlikely hero. The Electric Chair Surrounded by the flesh-eating undead, the three come 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 together to form an uneasy alliance. But who offers the Victor Argo (Ghost Dog, Taxi Driver, True Romance) is a bloodier fate, the walking dead or the psychotic living? shoe store manager who attempts to revive a failed career as Raving Maniacs: There’s a rave going on. It’s gonna be great. a stand-up comic by performing at a mysterious club where he Festival of Fright: Special 3-Disc Tuesday and her boyfriend J.T., and their friend Katie, and finds himself sharing the stage with a looming, ready-to-shock Collection Katie’s brother, are going out partying to the biggest rave in electric chair... and performing before an audience of himself Providence, Rhode Island. Of course, the reckless kids in the various stages of his life, and other friends, family and This special collector’s edition 3-disc box set includes all become part of an alien plot to distribute some strange drugs enemies - who are all subject to his cantankerous and biting three volumes of Festival of Fright. With over 100 trailers on (they’re so strange, that they glow in the dark) among the routines on love, society, friendship and god. The Electric three discs, you’ll see bloodthirsty vampires, vengeful mum- ravers at the party. The socially smart storyline tells a tale of Chair features a stunning performance and rare leading role mies, ghastly ghosts, beauties and blobs from outer space, reckless youth with no control over the substances they from the late, great Argo, one of ’s most prolific mad doctors, psycho killers, vampires, werewolves and much ingest in heir endless quest for stimulation, feeling, and and memorable character actors. Never before released, The more! The silver screen’s greatest horror stars like Boris euphoria. The risks of doing some drugs may never be Electric Chair is a true lost treasure of New York City Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Lon Chaney discovered until it’s too late, when the party’s over. In filmmaking at its most inspired, sarcastic and dark - laced Jr., John Carradine and more can be seen in the previews of with shades of both Scorsese and Jarmusch - and striking a their most spine-tingling films. Some of the trailers included Serial Killers, Triple Feature, Zombies, Hor- chord somewhere between Lenny and The King of Comedy. are Atom Age Vampire, Daughter of Dr. Jekyll, Frankenstein ror min. Cult Film / TV 105min. Meets Wolf Man, Killer Shrews, Monstrosity, The Werewolf Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 vs. Vampire Women and many, many more! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Mummies, Serial Killers, Vampires, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Werewolves, Ghosts, Horror, Killer Animals, Monsters 2010 min. Ghastly Grabs: Vol. II Ellery Queen Mysteries: The Gorno: Through a series of nightmarish scenes and Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 interviews we meet Kelly Brady, a troubled 15 year old boy Complete Series 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 who spends his time getting drunk, selling weed and eating Match wits with Ellery Queen in all 22 episodes of this acid. Watch as Kelly self destructs, while two idiot classic NBC series following the exploits of the famed writer documentary filmmakers try to find out who killed is sister. as he assists his father, Inspector Richard Queen, in solving First Sunday / Little Man (2-Pack) With music from punk legends Against All Authority, the mysteries that baffle the New York City police force. (Blu-ray) RadioBaghdad, Load, The Oxy Rottins and an original score Drama, Mystery, NBC 1975 1117min. by Scott Putesky (co-founder and ex-guitarist of Marilyn Thieves, 2 Packs, Buddy Pictures, Caper, E1 Entertainment 28.09.2010 Manson). Gorno is a disturbing tale of life in suburban Comedy, Drama min. America. The ending will leave you numb... Drawing Blood: 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Bodies begin to pile up the moment George Adam’s wife leaves Sony Pictures Home Entertainment town for the weekend. George’s past comes back to him, but 05.10.2010 its nothing like his current life in a safe, calm suburban home. The Exploding Girl 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Unbeknownst to him, lovers, friends and neighbors cannot In her first leading role, Zoe Kazan (It’s Complicated, escape the grip of his evil basement. If the local law Revolutionary Road) plays Ivy, a twenty-year-old college enforcement can piece the grisly clues together, they may be student home for spring break. She’s excited about a For A Fistful Of Diamonds able to save the next innocent victim. Drawing Blood is a developing romance back at school and life is seemingly A briefcase loaded with diamonds goes missing in the middle psychological horror film that captures the raw terror of The perfect. When her longtime friend Al finds himself without a of the desert. And the Mob wants it back. On the hunt for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the pure horror of Halloween. place to stay during the break, Ivy and her mother take him in, diamonds is an escaped murderer. But so are his ex-girlfriend Inexchange. and Al and Ivy’s friendship strengthens while her boyfriend and her new lover. Hot on their heels is FBI agent Franco Murder Mysteries, Serial Killers, Triple Fea- grows more and more distant. Increasingly distressed about Valle, whose mission is to stop them and recover the her conflicting feelings, Ivy struggles to keep control, not ture min. briefcase. Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 wanting to overwhelm her emotions and trigger her epilepsy. Action, Adventure 2009 87min. Restrained and meditative, The Exploding Girl is an exquisite 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 portrait of a young girl coming of age and finding a deeper E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 kind of love in New York City. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Romance, Drama 2009 80min. Ghastly Grabs: Vol. III Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 Fred: The Movie Monty and Fortunato, two old-time writers, get locked away in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 an abandoned saloon by a mysterious stranger and are Jennette McCurdy, Siobhan Fallon, Pixie prodded into out-dueling each other with their storytelling Lott, John Cena, Lucas Cruikshank, Jake abilities by a sexy woman,who may in fact be a ghost. The old Falling Down (Blu-ray) writers must channel the very spirit of Gothic master Edgar Weary Allan Poe in order to beat each other out for the „best story“ Robert Duvall, Michael Douglas, Barbara Join Fred in his hilarious journey to find Judy! Hey, it’s Fred prize that the beautiful and exotic girl will bestow — and the Hershey, Frederic Forrest, Rachel Ticotin, in his first movie! And he is in love with the girl next door, winner might just be saving his very life! Tune in, Turn on and Judy (Pixie Lott). But his nemesis neighbor, Kevin, thwarts all Freak Out as Cindy and Donna take you on a wild ride into Tuesday Weld attempts Fred makes to see her, and when he finally succeeds America’s most obsessive, sexy and freaky pop-culture power Freeways are clogged. Terror stalks our cities. At shops and in making it over to Judy’s house - she’s moved! With the trip! Cope: Kitty Productions’ first feature-length motion restaurants, the customer is seldom right. Pressures of big- advice of his super cool dad (John Cena), Fred embarks on picture. Cope. city life can anger anyone. But Bill Foster is more than angry. an epic journey full of gut-busting fun to find her. So, jump in Horror min. Hes out to get even. Foster abandons his gridlocked car the kiddie pool and join Fred, Bertha (Jennette McCurdy), license plate D-FENS on the hottest day of the year and and the whole gang for a hilariously good time in Fred: The Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 walks straight into an urban nightmare both absurdly funny Movie! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 and shatteringly violent. Academy Award winner Michael Douglas is Foster, an ordinary guy at war with the Nickelodeon, Comedy, Family, TV Movies frustrations of daily life. Fellow Oscar winner Robert Duvall 2010 83min. Ghosts Don’t Exist is the savvy cop obsessed with stopping Fosters citywide Lionsgate 05.10.2010 A nearly-retired ghost hunter, Brett Wilson, takes on the most rampage. This spellbinding thriller is their story, asking „Are 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 bizarre - and personal - case of his career when he we falling apart?“ investigates a claim involving his deceased wife. Drama, Thrillers, Vigilante Justice 1992 Thrillers, Drama, Horror 96min. min. Gamera Vs. Guiron / Gamera Vs. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Warner Bros. 16.11.2010 Jiger (Double Feature) 07.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Science Fiction, Cult Film / TV, Double Fea- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 tures, Foreign, Japanese min. Feast: Unrated (Blu-ray) Shout Factory 21.09.2010 Giallo Balthazar Getty, Krista Allen, Navi Rawat, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror min. Jenny Wade, Eileen Ryan, Jason Mewes, Maya Entertainment 19.10.2010 Henry Rollins, Judah Friedlander, Duane Gamera Vs. Gyaos / Gamera Vs. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Whitaker, Clu Gulager, Eric Dane, Gary J. Viras (Double Feature) Tunnicliffe, Josh Zuckerman The Girl Who Played With Fire From executive producers Wes Craven, , Matt Science Fiction, Cult Film / TV, Double Fea- Damon and Chris Moore comes the „incredible horror tures, Foreign, Japanese min. Lena Endre, Noomi Rapace, Sofia Ledarp, extravaganza“ Feast (Harry Knowles, Ain’t It Cool News), Shout Factory 21.09.2010 Michael Nyqvist, Peter Andersson whose production was chronicled on the third season of

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 38 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Swedish, Thril- Packs, Action, Based On Comic Book min. identity as a member of a legion of immortals, he embarks on a legendary journey spanning continents and centuries, lers, Action, Art House, Crime, Foreign Sony Pictures Home Entertainment eventually landing in modern-day New York City. Connor 2009 129min. 05.10.2010 faces his ultimate test when other immortals begin to appear in Music Box Films 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 the city, leading to a titanic showdown where only one can claim victory. Directed by Russell Mulcahy and featuring a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 soundtrack by Queen, this is the modern classic that has Hannibal / Manhunter / The attracted millions of warrior fans worldwide. This is The Girl Who Played With Fire Highlander! Silence Of The Lambs (Triple Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, (Blu-ray) Feature) Swordfighting 1986 116min. Lena Endre, Noomi Rapace, Sofia Ledarp, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, Lionsgate 02.11.2010 Michael Nyqvist, Peter Andersson Torture, Triple Feature, Academy Award 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Crime, Foreign, Action, Art House, Murder Winners, Cannibalism, Crime, FBI, Horror Mysteries, Mystery, Swedish, Thrillers min. The Howling / The Howling 2: 2009 129min. MGM / UA 14.09.2010 Your Sister Is A Werewolf (Double Music Box Films 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Feature) The Haunting Lover Werewolves, Comedy, Double Features, Good The story is set in the 40’s, where Leung Kwong was hired at Horror min. When John Halder’s latest novel is enlisted by the Nazi party Kwong Cheong Tong for his resemblance of the missing Third MGM / UA 14.09.2010 to push their agenda, his career and social standing instantly Master of the family. Lueng met with strange encounters one 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 advance. But after learning of the Reich’s horrific plans for after another. He was attacked and was recused by a the future, John must decide whether to do nothing and keep mysterious young woman (Fu Yung) who claims that Leung is his fame or risk losing everything. indeed the Third Master that she has been waiting for the past The Hunger: The Taste Of Terror War, Drama 2008 96min. 10 years. Tony and Ridley Scott present an erotically-charged horror E1 Entertainment 28.09.2010 Romance, Drama, Foreign, Korean 2010 anthology that will seduce you into a sinister world beyond 90min. your wildest nightmares. Filled with sex, murder and blood- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 thirsty demons, these six lust-filled tales will keep you Tai Seng 28.09.2010 sleeping with the lights on. Good (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Vampires, British, Drama, Foreign, Horror, When John Halder’s latest novel is enlisted by the Nazi party International TV 1999 181min. to push their agenda, his career and social standing instantly Headhunter: The Assessment E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 advance. But after learning of the Reich’s horrific plans for the future, John must decide whether to do nothing and keep Weekend 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 his fame or risk losing everything. Desperate for a job, a motley group of business students in War, Drama 2008 96min. Berlin sign up for Takahashi Corp.’s assessment weekend Hush boot camp in a survival-type situation. But little goes E1 Entertainment 28.09.2010 according to plan as the group arrives to find the base camp William Ash 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 completely destroyed. Trapped in the woods with no food, no Young couple Zakes and Beth (rising UK talent William Ash of shelter and no way to communicate with the outside world, the Doctor Who and Christine Bottomley of and Hope real characters of the students come to light. Springs) are fighting constantly while they travel down the Grey’s Anatomy: Complete Horror 2010 93min. desolate M1 highway. After they spot - or think they spot - an Season Six - More Is Better hysterical woman chained in the back of a truck that almost E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 runs them over, Zakes calls the cops and considers his work Katherine Heigl, Sandra Oh, Ellen Pompeo, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 done. Beth wants to track the truck down and is so angry Patrick Dempsey, Justin Chambers, James when Zakes refuses that she storms off at the next pit stop. When Beth doesn’t return, Zakes realizes she too has been Pickens Held Hostage captured and plunges into a terrifying high-speed cat and Expect more competition, more doctors and much more drama mouse game on the highway. Can Zakes cut off the ruthless as Seattle Grace merges with a competing hospital in Grey’s Bruce McGill, Julie Benz What if the ultimate nightmare is just the beginning? After trucker or will the mysterious maniac manage to deliver his Anatomy celebrated sixth season. Relive every gripping human cargo to its final, terrifying destination? Take one part moment in this sensational 6-disc set! Meredith, Derek, Izzie, three masked gunman break into her home, bank manager Michelle Estey (Julie Benz, TV’s Dexter) and her young Steven Spielberg’s classic road rage movie Duel, one part of Cristina and the rest of your favorite characters face a brand- 80s cult favorite The Hitcher, throw in a sparring couple and new challenge with the arrival of the doctors from Mercy daughter are duct-taped with explosives and threatened with death unless Michelle cooperates in a daring bank heist. you’ve got the wildly clever Hush, a British thriller that marks West. Battle lines are drawn and rivalries reach new heights the ascendance of writer-director Mark Tonderai. in an unforgettable year at Seattle Grace. Commit yourself to Terrified, Michelle agrees to their demands. She and her one of primetime’s most popular shows, complete with bonus daughter are left unharmed, but Michelle soon realizes that, Serial Killers, Thrillers, British, Foreign features - including an extended with over 20 minutes of after the robbery, they are still very much in danger. 88min. never-before-seen scenes, available only on DVD! It’s the Unguarded by police, shunned by her colleagues, she becomes a suspect in the crime and her shady past exposed in MPI 26.10.2010 perfect addition to your Grey’s Anatomy collection! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 ABC, Drama, On The Job 2009 min. what becomes the fight of her life in this tense thriller. Thrillers, TV Movies, Crime, Drama 2009 Disney / Buena Vista 14.09.2010 86min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 I Am Love Image Ent. 14.09.2010 Tilda Swinton, Flavio Parenti 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Groundhog Day / So I Married An Art House, Drama, Foreign, Italian 2009 120min. Axe Murderer (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) Highlander 2 (Blu-ray) Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, National Film Virginia Madsen, Sean Connery, Michael 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Registry, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, 2 Ironside, Christopher Lambert Packs, AFI Top 100 min. It’s 2024 and MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) and Ramirez I Am Love (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Sean Connery) are back to save planet Earth. Ozone Tilda Swinton, Flavio Parenti 05.10.2010 depletion, time travel and corporate greed are at the core of all the thrilling twists and turns in this stylish action sequel. Drama, Foreign, Italian, Art House 2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Featuring new state-of-the-art special effects and digital remastering, it’s Highlander 2 like you’ve never seen or heard 120min. before. Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 The Grudge / Silent Hill (2-Pack) Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 (Blu-ray) Swordfighting 1990 109min. 2 Packs, Based On Video Game, Devils Lionsgate 02.11.2010 I’ll Come Running And Demons, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Rising star Melonie Diaz (Raising Victor Vargas, Lords Of Horror min. Dogtown) shines in this bold and fresh film from co-writer and director Spencer Parsons. Diaz plays a waitress in Austin Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Highlander: Director’s Cut (Blu- Texas who falls for the gangly, self-satisfied charms of a 05.10.2010 ray) Danish tourist (Jon Lange) who became famous as a child star 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 in his homeland and has the complacent air of someone whose Roxanne Hart, Sean Connery, Clancy best days are behind him and knows it. Their sweaty, Brown, Christopher Lambert passionate fling seems perfect for both of them until an Hancock / Ghost Rider (2-Pack) Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery star in the epic tale of unexpected event sends Diaz off to Denmark. Now it’s the (Blu-ray) immortality that launched one of the most beloved action- waitress who is the fish out of water struggling to survive in a adventure ser ies in film and TV history. After Scottish cross-cultural mash-up that’s both funny, confusing and Superheroes, Thrillers, Comedy, Fantasy, 2 clansman Connor MacLeod (Lambert) discovers his true surprisingly moving. Parsons breakthrough feature is the best

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) showcase yet for „the very appealing“ Diaz (TV’s Nip/Tuck) and Cheng puts „the karate kid“ on the floor with ease. With and the otherwise contradictory inhabitants of the gorgeously who „holds the film together“ according to the Hollywood no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but photographed Reporter and demonstrates „toughness as well as curiosity maintenance man Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), who is secretly a Foreign, Italian 80min. about all the heartbreaking surprises that life has in store for master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not us.“ about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre Music Video Distribution 28.09.2010 Rocky Relationships, Romance 112min. realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 MPI 12.10.2010 life. Sports, Drama, Family, Martial Arts, Action 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Leading Men Collection 2010 141min. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Call of the Wild The Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Comancheros Desk Set A Farewell to Arms Gentleman’s Indestructible Man DVDTee 05.10.2010 Agreement The Grapes of Wrath Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (Large) The Hustler Love Me Tender The Mark of Zorro No Way Out 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The Towering Inferno Von Ryan’s Express This „DVDTee“ includes both a DVD of Jack Pollexfen’s 1956 film, The Indestructible Man, as well as a tee shirt featuring Romance, War, Western, Academy Award the original poster art. In this Sci-Fi/Horror flick, „Butcher“ The Karate Kid (Blu-ray) Winners, Action, Boxed Sets, Classics, Benton (played by Lon Chaney Jr., who has almost no Taraji P. Henson, Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith Disasters, Drama, Epics min. dialogue in the film) is executed after being betrayed by his 12-year-old Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) could’ve been the most 20th Century Fox 05.10.2010 partners in crime and attorney. However, a scientist’s popular kid in , but his mother’s (Taraji P. Henson) experiments revive him and he becomes an unstoppable killer, latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 impervious to bullets or other weapons. He proceeds to falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the feeling is mutual - search for his former crime partners to pay them back for but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Leave It To Beaver: Season Four selling him out. Even worse, Dre’s feelings make an enemy of the class bully, Cult Film / TV, Horror 70min. Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, Barbara Billingsley, Hugh Beaumont, Tony Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 and Cheng puts „the karate kid“ on the floor with ease. With Dow, Jerry Mathers, Ken Osmond no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 maintenance man Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), who is secretly a Classics, Comedy, Family 1960 min. master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not Shout Factory 14.09.2010 Indestructible Man DVDTee (XL) about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his This „DVDTee“ includes both a DVD of Jack Pollexfen’s 1956 life. film, The Indestructible Man, as well as a tee shirt featuring Legend Of The Seeker: The the original poster art. In this Sci-Fi/Horror flick, „Butcher“ Sports, Drama, Family, Martial Arts, Action Benton (played by Lon Chaney Jr., who has almost no 2010 141min. Complete Second Season dialogue in the film) is executed after being betrayed by his Sony Pictures Home Entertainment partners in crime and attorney. However, a scientist’s Tabrett Bethell, Danielle Cormack, Bridget experiments revive him and he becomes an unstoppable killer, 05.10.2010 Regan, Bruce Spence, Kevin J. Wilson, impervious to bullets or other weapons. He proceeds to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 David De Lautour, Craig Horner, Craig Par- search for his former crime partners to pay them back for selling him out. ker The Kid: Chamaco Television’s epic fantasy, Legend Of The Seeker, returns for a Horror min. spellbinding second and final season. Relive every exciting Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 Drama, Family Relationships min. moment - uninterrupted - in this sensational 5-disc set, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Maya Entertainment 28.09.2010 complete with exclusive bonus features. The ultimate battle 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 between good and evil reaches new heights as a tear in the Veil separating the world of the living from the Underworld Jungle Boy unleashes the most powerful forces the world has ever In this magical family film, a young boy’s life is changed Language Of The Enemy known. Only the mythical Stone of Tears can seal the cracks forever when he becomes lost in the jungle and is raised by Romi Meir, an American businessman, travels to Israel for the forming across the globe, and only The Seeker, with the help animals. funeral of his father. While there, he is persuaded to do a of Kahlan, Zedd and a fiery Mord’Sith named Cara, can find Adventure, Family 89min. brief reconnaissance for the Israeli Secret Service inside the the stone and close the rift once and for all. Journey to a city of Ramallah. However, the assignment goes awry and thrilling world of mystery and mysticism with all 22 episodes Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Romi finds himself trapped behind enemy lines with a of Legend Of The Seeker: The Complete Second And Final 07.09.2010 mysterious, beautiful Palestinian woman, Joleh Khalid. Caught Season, and delve even deeper with never-before-seen bonus 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 in the crossfire between opposing sides of the Arab-Israeli features — available only on DVD. conflict, he is forced to re-examine his own world view, as Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 2009 well as those of the Palestinians. But, can he really trust 946min. Kandahar Break them? And can they trust him? Disney / Buena Vista 28.09.2010 Action 2010 105min. Action, Adventure, Drama 2009 94min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 MTI Home Video 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Light Blast The Last Rites Of Ransom Pride Thrillers, Action min. The Karate Kid Code Red 12.10.2010 Taraji P. Henson, Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 12-year-old Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) could’ve been the most Western, Action, Cowboy, Drama 86min. popular kid in Detroit, but his mother’s (Taraji P. Henson) Screen Media Films 05.10.2010 latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately The List falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the feeling is mutual - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 After a powerful judge is busted with a high-class call girl, a but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. seemingly routine prostitution case morphs into an all-out war Even worse, Dre’s feelings make an enemy of the class bully, The Last Rites Of Ransom Pride of revenge and murder when she produces a list of her Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, wealthy clients. Starring Ryan O’Neal and Ben Gazzara. and Cheng puts „the karate kid“ on the floor with ease. With (Blu-ray) no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but Thrillers, Drama 98min. maintenance man Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), who is secretly a Western, Cowboy, Drama, Action min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not Screen Media Films 05.10.2010 07.09.2010 about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 life. Sports, Action, Drama, Family, Martial Arts The Law (La Loi) Listen To Your Heart 2010 140min. Pigeons and vagabonds populate the town square of Porto Romance, Drama 102min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Manacore, the seedy Italian fishing village perched above the Adriatic where passion and power are equally corrupt. Osiris Entertainment 05.10.2010 05.10.2010 Overlooking the immoral hoi polloi from his baroque apartment 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 on high is the town’s wealthy patriarch Don Cesare (Pierre Brasseur, anticipating Marlon Brando’s Vito Corleone). Lusted after by the men of the town is his gorgeous Lonesome Dove Collection The Karate Kid (Blu-ray + DVD housekeeper, Mariette (Gina Lollobrigida), the resident TV Movies, Western min. Combo) (Blu-ray) whipping girl to the Don’s other female caretakers. When the handsome yet broke Milanese engineer Enrico Tosso Genius Products 14.09.2010 Taraji P. Henson, Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith (Marcello Mastroianni) comes to town, Mariette concocts a 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 12-year-old Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) could’ve been the most daring scheme to marry him. But the devilish Matteo Brigante popular kid in Detroit, but his mother’s (Taraji P. Henson) (Yves Montand), local brute and admirer of Mariette, latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately connives to shut Enrico out by using „The Law,“ a vicious Lost In The Barrens falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the feeling is mutual - drinking game and humiliating power play, as his weapon of An inspiring coming-of-age story set amongst the breathtaking but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. choice. Piquing censors at the time of its initial release, wilderness of northern Canada, Lost in the Barrens is the Even worse, Dre’s feelings make an enemy of the class bully, Dassin’s film is a sexy, lurid, occasionally campy romp epic Emmy Award winning family film. Starring Graham Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, amongst the lowly and the exalted, the suave and the callow, Greene.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 41 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Family 94min. Dominczyk 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Drama 2007 92min. 14.09.2010 Vanguard 26.10.2010 Monk: Season Two (Repackaged) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 , Ted Levine, Television’s favorite defective detective returns to DVD to Love Ranch Mid-August Lunch solve a new batch of baffling mysteries with his trademark wit, wisdom...and hand wipes. Join Emmy Award and Golden Helen Mirren, Gina Gershon, Bai Ling, Joe The charismatic Gianni Di Gregorio (co-writer of the smash Globe winner Tony Shalhoub as the quirky obsessive- Pesci hit Gomorrah. Roman holiday. Broke, and armed with only a compulsive detective in all 16 brilliantly funny second season glass of wine and a wry sense of humor, middle-aged Gianni episodes of the widely acclaimed series, Monk. His extensive As proprietors of Nevada’s first legalized brothel, Grace and resides with his 93-year-old mother in their ancient Charlie Bontempo aren’t your typical married couple. But dossier of phobias may keep him from working on the police apartment. The condo debts are mounting, but if Gianni looks force, but Monk’s not about to let that stop him from solving when Grace falls for a heavyweight boxer contracted to after the building manager’s mother during the Pranzo di Charlie, passions erupt, leading to murderous consequences. crimes. Accompanied by his loyal (and infinitely patient) Ferragosto (Italy’s biggest summer holiday, and the Feast of assistant Sharona (Bitty Schram), by-the-book Captain Directed by Taylor Hackford and starring Joe Pesci, Helen the Assumption), all will be forgiven. Then the manager also Mirren, Gina Gershon, Scout Taylor-Compton and Bai Ling. Stottlemeyer (Ted Levine) and eager-to-please Lieutenant shows up with an auntie, and then a doctor friend appears Randall Disher (Jason Gray-Stanford), Monk’s Romance, Drama 2010 117min. with his mother in tow...Can Gianni keep four such lively unconventional methods may just be what’s needed to crack E1 Entertainment 09.11.2010 mamas well fed and happy in these cramped quarters? some of San Francisco’s most puzzling and unusual cases. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Art House, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian Join „TV’s most original sleuth ever“ ( Times) on 2008 75min. all of his suspenseful second season adventures in the series Zeitgeist Films 05.10.2010 that USA Today raves is „hilarious“ and Love Ranch (Blu-ray) proclaims one of the „Top 10 Best Things on TV.“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Helen Mirren, Gina Gershon, Bai Ling, Joe USA Network, Comedy, Detectives, Drama, Pesci Mental Illness, Murder Mysteries 2003 min. As proprietors of Nevada’s first legalized brothel, Grace and MILF Universal Studios 16.11.2010 Charlie Bontempo aren’t your typical married couple. But Amy Lindsay, Molinee Green 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 when Grace falls for a heavyweight boxer contracted to A group of nerdy college guys who can’t seem to connect with Charlie, passions erupt, leading to murderous consequences. girls their own age discover the excitement of hooking up with Directed by Taylor Hackford and starring Joe Pesci, Helen sexy older women. Monk: The Complete Series Mirren, Gina Gershon, Scout Taylor-Compton and Bai Ling. College Life, Comedy 2010 90min. Tony Shalhoub Drama, Romance 2010 117min. Asylum Home Entertainment 28.09.2010 USA Network, Comedy, Detectives, Drama, E1 Entertainment 09.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Mental Illness, Murder Mysteries, Mystery 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 2002 min. Misery / The Silence Of The Universal Studios 05.10.2010 Magic (Blu-ray) 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Academy Award®-winner Anthony Hopkins (Silence of the Lambs (Double Feature) Lambs) is Corky, a painfully shy, failed magician who finds Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, overnight success as a ventriloquist. His brash, foul-mouthed Murder, She Wrote: The dummy, Fats, becomes a huge nightclub hit. With his star on Stephen King, Thrillers, Academy Award the rise, talent agent Ben Greene (Burgess Meredith) Winners, Cannibalism, Crime, Double Fea- Complete Twelfth Season arranges an important shot at national TV. But the pressure of tures, Drama, FBI, Horror min. Angela Lansbury failing the network’s required physical sends Corky into a panic. With Fats in tow, he flees the city to a nearly-deserted MGM / UA 14.09.2010 Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Senior resort in the Catskills run by the love of his youth, Peggy Ann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Interest 1995 min. Snow (Ann-Margret). Peg’s spent years trapped in a loveless Universal Studios 23.11.2010 marriage with her high-school sweetheart, Duke. In Corky, she sees the chance for a loving relationship and accepts an Modern Times: The Criterion 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 offer to run away with him. After they make love, Corky Collection confides to Fats that he may leave show business altogether. Mutants Fats becomes furious and lashes out at him, playing on his Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard guilt and insecurity. Now under Fats’ control, Corky is Modern Times. on class struggle during the Great Depressi- Helene de Fougerolles, Francis Renaud manipulated into a series of violent and unexpected on, Modern Times - though made almost a decade into the Like David Cronenberg’s The Fly, co-writer and director confrontations. talkie era and containing moments of sound (even song!) - is a David Morley’s fright flick Mutants turns the horror genre on Puppets, Horror 107min. timeless showcase of Chaplin’s untouchable genius as a its head and makes it personal. It’s one thing to kill a zombie. MPI 12.10.2010 director of silent comedy. But what if the zombie was someone you loved? ER doctor Romance, Silent Film, Classics, Comedy, Sonia (Helene de Fougerolles) and her boyfriend Marco 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 (Francis Renaud) take refuge in an abandoned base when a Criterion Collection, Drama 1936 87min. pandemic has turned almost everyone in the world into a Criterion 16.11.2010 flesh-eating monster. But one of the creatures infects Marco The Maltese Falcon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 and soon Sonia is fighting off zombies, dealing with her own Mary Astor, Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, pregnancy and desperately hoping for a cure as Marco Ricardo Cortez, Edward G. Robinson, War- literally disintegrates before her eyes. Finally, Sonia faces Modern Times: The Criterion the truth: the one man worth fighting for has become the one ren William, Bebe Daniels man she must fight against to survive. Mystery, National Film Registry, AFI Top Collection (Blu-ray) Thrillers, Zombies, Horror, Monsters 89min. 100, Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1941 Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard MPI 26.10.2010 Modern Times. on class struggle during the Great Depressi- 101min. on, Modern Times - though made almost a decade into the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 talkie era and containing moments of sound (even song!) - is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 timeless showcase of Chaplin’s untouchable genius as a My Name Is Jerry director of silent comedy. Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Dra- Comedy, Drama 100min. The Maze ma, Romance, Silent Film 1936 87min. Osiris Entertainment 19.10.2010 Five friends break into a corn maze in the middle of the night 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 and decide to play a harmless game of tag. Little do they know Criterion 16.11.2010 that a psychopathic killer has decided to play along. As they 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 wander aimlessly through the maze, the murderer follows Necromentia closely behind-taunting them and watching every move. The Monk: Season One (Repackaged) This dark, twisted tale of erotic tortures and shocking torment game turns deadly when the kids decide to separate and dares to open the gates of hell for three men desperate to weaken their chances of survival. When the mutilated body of Tony Shalhoub transcend the boundaries of death. One harbors a lingering the owner is found, they realize that something is terribly He’s ingenious, he’s phobic, he’s obsessive-compulsive. passion for his dead girlfriend, another is a professional wrong. As they race to the entrance of the maze, the psycho Emmy and Golden Globe Award winner „Tony Shalhoub is a sadist determined to save his troubled brother, and the third cleverly forces them to follow the path that he wants. riot“ (TV Guide) in Monk, the show that critics are praising hungers for the most brutal kind of revenge. But to open the Manipulating everyone to his vicious will, the slasher taunts as „Fresh, exciting and utterly original.“ (Chicago Tribune) portals of hell, an ancient map of the occult must be carefully his victims and leads them further into the depths of the maze. Monk’s hilarious, offbeat antics have made him unfit for duty carved into one man’s flesh. From the acclaimed director of After enduring hours of torture, will anyone make it out of the but he’s back as police consultant to help out on their most The Gene Generation, Necromentia is a disturbing nightmare maze...alive? baffling cases. The brilliant but neurotic Monk is now fighting that will haunt your dreams long after it’s over. Thrillers, Horror 2010 min. crime as well as his abnormal fears of germs, cars, heights, Horror 2009 85min. Monarch Home Video 19.10.2010 crowds and virtually everything else known to man in „the best detective show to come along in decades.“ (New York Image Ent. 14.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Post) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 USA Network, Comedy, Detectives, Drama, Mentor Mental Illness, Murder Mysteries 2002 min. The Next Hit Rutger Hauer, Matthew Davis, Dagmara Universal Studios 16.11.2010 Lark Voorhies, Fredro Starr, Rick Ross, Flo

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Rida, Noreaga Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Passenger Side THE NEXT HIT is a mystery suspense thriller about a record Noir, Thrillers 1955 93min. company that takes an unorthodox approach to boosting sales, Robin Tunney, Adam Scott, Joel which is to put out a „hit“ on their marquee talent’s life with Criterion 16.11.2010 Bissonnette hopes of creating a multi-platinum recording legend. The story 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Michael puts off his seemingly romantic birthday plans, and takes place in Miami and focuses on two main characters, embarks with his brother, Tobey, on a sketchy, meandering Rodson Gray and his love interest Ann Smith. day-long odyssey though the mysteries of Los Angeles Mystery, Thrillers, Crime 2008 98min. Older Than America County. Lionsgate 14.09.2010 Wes Studi, Bradley Cooper, Adam Beach, Road Trips, Drama 85min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Chris Mulkey Strand Releasing 26.10.2010 Bradley Cooper (The Hangover, The A-Team) stars in this 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 mystery about a geologist tracking down the epicenter of an Nice Guy Johnny earthquake that leads him to an Indian reservation. Actress Georgina Lightning (TV’s and Walker, Texas The Pink Panther 2 (Blu-ray + Edward Burns, Max Baker Ranger) makes her co-writing and directing debut with this Award-winning writer-director-actor Edward Burns (Saving passion project while also starring alongside Cooper as DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Private Ryan, She’s The One with Jennifer Aniston) returns Rain, a woman beset by troubling visions from the past. Both Steve Martin, Andy Garcia, Jeremy Irons, with Nice Guy Johnny, his most romantic comedy in years. their journeys lead to an abandoned schoolhouse and shok- Johnny (Matt Bush of Adventureland) is engaged to a girl who king secrets - secrets that corrupt politicians and Jean Reno, Lily Tomlin, Emily Mortimer, demands he drop his dream gig as a sports radio deejay and businessmen want to pave over. But the spirits won’t be Aishwarya Rai, John Cleese, Alfred Molina work for her dad in the cardboard box industry. But the bed- silenced. Like the Oscar®-nominated Doubt and acclaimed Steve Martin returns to the scene of the fun as the brilliant, hopping, fun-loving Uncle Terry (Burns) has different plans Canadian drama The Boys Of St. Vincent, this powerful film bumbling Inspector Jacques Clouseau in this side-splitting and soon whisks away Johnny to the Hamptons for a lost turns a painful chapter of US history into a compelling, comedy for the whole family! When legendary weekend where his nephew can find some fun. Beautiful piercing drama. The award-winning cast also includes Adam treasures from around the world are stolen, including the tennis pro Brooke (Kerry Bishe, giving what the Hollywood Beach (Flags Of Our Fathers), Chris Mulkey (TV’s 24) and priceless Pink Panther diamond, Clouseau is assigned to a Reporter calls „a winning performance“) soon tempts Johnny the great Wes Studi (Avatar, Dances With Wolves) dream team of international detectives who are under to serve up a little pleasure and figure out exactly what being pressure to bring the master thief to justice before he strikes a nice guy really means. Nice Guy Johnny shows Burns Mystery, Drama 102min. MPI 12.10.2010 again. delivering another gem in the tradition of his heroes Woody Comedy, Detectives, Adventure, Mystery, Allen and Francois Truffaut. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Romance, Comedy 89min. Slapstick 2009 min. MPI 26.10.2010 MGM / UA 05.10.2010 One Missed Call Trilogy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 A chilling film in the style of , and The Grudge. When a group of teens starts receiving a „One Missed Call“ display Nico The Unicorn on their cell phone screens, they hear terrifying voice Plan B messages documenting their very own anguished death throes A young boy rediscovers the magic of friendship when his Argentine director Marco Berger repurposes the conventions with the exact time and date of their imminent murders! When of a Shakespeare-styled comedy in his clever, witty and pony gives birth to Nico, a Unicorn. Based on the young adult the media gets a hold of the story one girl’s life becomes novel by Frank Sacks. Starring Kevin Zegers, Elisha poetic feature film debut. Bruno is dumped by his girlfriend; murderous mayhem when she receives One Missed Call. behind a calm, indifferent expression, his mind plans a cold, Cuthbert and Anne Archer. Mystery, Thrillers, Horror 325min. Adventure, Family 89min. sweet vengeance. He befriends her new boyfriend Pablo, with Tokyo Shock 05.10.2010 the idea of eroding the couple - either by introducing Pablo to Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 another woman or by seducing him himself. Thus emerges 07.09.2010 Plan B, a perilous romantic journey that calls his own 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 sexuality into question. Owd Bob Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest When his grandson visits for the summer, a widowed, 2009 103min. The Hunter: The cantankerous man slowly learns to accept his tragic past, to Wolfe Video 26.10.2010 Criterion Collection love again, and to make amends with a friend lost. Starring James Cromwell, Colm Meaney and Jemima Rooper. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Robert Mitchum, Shelley Winters, Peter Drama, Family 105min. Graves, Lillian Gish, Evelyn Varden, Sally Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Pony Express Rider Jane Bruce, Gloria Castilo, James Gleason, 07.09.2010 In a rousing western adventure with a touching coming-of-age Don Beddoe, Billy Chapin 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 story at its heart, a young man joins the Pony Express mail The Night Of The Hunter - incredibly, the only film the great service to track his father’s killer. Starring Maureen actor Charles Laughton ever directed - is truly a standalone McCormick, Slim Pickens and Jack Elam. masterwork. A horror movie with qualities of a Grimm fairy The Oxford Murders Action, Adventure, Western 96min. tale, it stars a sublimely sinister Robert Mitchum (Cape Fear, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Friends Of Eddie Coyle. Powell (he of the tattooed Elijah Wood, Julie Cox, Leonor Watling, knuckles), whose nefarious motives for marrying a fragile John Hurt 14.09.2010 widow, played by Shelley Winters (A Place In The Sun, The A woman is murdered in Oxford. Her body is discovered by 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Diary Of Anne Frank) are uncovered by her terrified young two men, Arthur Seldom (John Hurt), a prestigious professor children. Graced by images of eerie beauty and a sneaky of logic, and Martin (Elijah Wood), a young graduate student sense of humor, this ethereal, expressionistic American who has just arrived at the university hoping to study with Porno classic - also featuring the contributions of actress Lillian Seldom. It quickly becomes clear that this is the first in a Welcome to a world of passions and perversions far beyond Gish (Intolerance, Duel In The Sun) and writer James Agee - series of murders, all of which are announced by the murderer anything you have previously experienced. A world of is cinema’s quirkiest rendering of the battle between good and with strange mathematical symbols. Professor and student join sensuality and sinful lust that reaches into a realm where evil. forces to try and crack the code, and thus begins an elaborate fantasy and reality blend. From the innocent teasing of youth Thrillers, Classics, Criterion Collection, puzzle, in which nothing is as it seems, and the truth is gone wild to a shattering final trip through a looking glass of Drama, Film Noir 1955 93min. elusive. distorted desire, this is a film you will never forget. Ever. Murder Mysteries, Spanish, Thrillers, Crime, Brazilian, Erotica, Foreign 1981 81min. Criterion 16.11.2010 Foreign 2008 109min. CAV 14.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Magnolia Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The Night Of The Hunter: The Princess Kaiulani Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) The Oxford Murders (Blu-ray) Will Patton, Barry Pepper, Shaun Evans, Robert Mitchum, Shelley Winters, Peter Elijah Wood, Julie Cox, Leonor Watling, Marc Forby Graves, Lillian Gish, Evelyn Varden, Sally John Hurt Q’orianka Kilcher (The New World) stars as Princess Jane Bruce, Gloria Castilo, James Gleason, A woman is murdered in Oxford. Her body is discovered by Ka’iulani, the bright and beautiful heir to the Hawaiian throne Don Beddoe, Billy Chapin two men, Arthur Seldom (John Hurt), a prestigious professor in this epic true story. Following an idyllic childhood in of logic, and Martin (Elijah Wood), a young graduate student Honolulu, the willful teenage princess is sent to Britain to The Night Of The Hunter - incredibly, the only film the great receive an education fit for a future queen. There, she meets actor Charles Laughton ever directed - is truly a standalone who has just arrived at the university hoping to study with Seldom. It quickly becomes clear that this is the first in a the handsome young Clive Davies (Shaun Evans), who masterwork. A horror movie with qualities of a Grimm fairy quickly sweeps her off her feet. But meanwhile, destiny calls tale, it stars a sublimely sinister Robert Mitchum (Cape Fear, series of murders, all of which are announced by the murderer with strange mathematical symbols. Professor and student join back home, as supporters of U.S. annexation overthrow the The Friends Of Eddie Coyle. Powell (he of the tattooed royal Hawaiian government. Now, Ka’iulani must choose knuckles), whose nefarious motives for marrying a fragile forces to try and crack the code, and thus begins an elaborate puzzle, in which nothing is as it seems, and the truth is between love and her duty to her people in this sweeping tale widow, played by Shelley Winters (A Place In The Sun, The of royalty, romance and destiny. Diary Of Anne Frank) are uncovered by her terrified young elusive. children. Graced by images of eerie beauty and a sneaky Crime, Foreign, Murder Mysteries, Spanish, Romance, Drama, Historical / Period Piece sense of humor, this ethereal, expressionistic American Thrillers 2008 109min. 2009 97min. classic - also featuring the contributions of actress Lillian Lionsgate 14.09.2010 Gish (Intolerance, Duel In The Sun) and writer James Agee - Magnolia Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 is cinema’s quirkiest rendering of the battle between good and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 evil.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 44 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

The Project Crime, Action, Thrillers 1998 min. and all your favorite characters administer a healthy dose of contagious comedy. Experience every warm and quirky Drama, Film About Film 2008 min. MGM / UA 05.10.2010 moment from all nine seasons in this spectacular 26-disc Vivendi Visual Entertainment 14.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 collection. It’s just what the doctor ordered! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 ABC, Comedy, On The Job 4147min. Rugged Gold Disney / Buena Vista 28.09.2010 Prophet’s Game Inspired by a true story and based on the adventure novel, 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Rugged Gold follows Martha Martin, a widow, and her A serial killer lures a retired detective into playing his courageous journey in the Alaskan wilderness. Starring infamous game of wits and death. Starring Dennis Hopper and Dances With Wolves’ Graham Greene. Secret Agent AKA Danger Man: Joe Penny. Adventure, Drama 95min. Serial Killers, Thrillers, Drama 108min. The Complete Collector Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Echo Bridge Home Entertainment It was 1965 when American audiences first welcomed 14.09.2010 handsome secret agent John Drake (Patrick McGoohan of 07.09.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The Prisoner) into their homes as CBS ran the unique spy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 series known as Secret Agent. Wielding brains and a moral outlook instead of weapons, Drake traveled to the corners of Rush Hour (Blu-ray) the globe on the trail of international criminals, corrupt A Question Of Trust politicians, and stolen secrets. Now, all 86 episodes from Jimmy Sagusa was living an ordinary young adult life or so he Elizabeth Pena, Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, John Drakes entire crime-solving career are available thought, until a surprise visit from an uncle on the lam begins Tom Wilkinson, Chris Penn together on DVD. Each episode of this exciting spy thriller is to unlock clues about his Fathers mysterious past. As the One’s all talk...the other’s all action!...Jackie Chan and Chris presented in the original broadcast order, from the original mystery unravels in this slice-of-life Mob Drama, he Tucker mix punches with punchlines in this hilarious action- season that aired only in the U.K. as Danger Man to the 47 discovers an elaborate web of deceit designed to shelter him comedy. Cultures clash and tempers flare as these two cops episodes of Secret Agent that were seen internationally, from his families long standing mob ties and why the truth was from different worlds quickly discover one thing in common: including the two color episodes that provided a vivid finale to valued as a secret well worth keeping. they can’t stand each other. With time running out, they must the long-running suspense thriller. Drama 2009 87min. join forces to catch the criminals - if they don’t kill each other Thrillers 470min. Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 first! A&E 28.09.2010 Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cops, Crime, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Detectives, Martial Arts, Action 1998 97min. New Line Home Entertainment 07.12.2010 The Secret Of Moonacre Real Kung Fu 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The story is set in the 40’s, where Leung Kwong was hired at After being orphaned, young Maria Merryweather leaves her Kwong Cheong Tong for his resemblance of the missing Third luxurious home to live with her eccentric uncle at the Master of the family. Lueng met with strange encounters one S&man mysterious Moonacre Manor. There, she discovers a magical after another. He was attacked and was recused by a world torn apart by an ancient feud and inhabited by When cult-favorite horror filmmaker JT Petty ventures into the outlandish characters and mythical beasts. Now, Maria must mysterious young woman (Fu Yung) who claims that Leung is dark world of underground horror, things don’t exactly go as indeed the Third Master that she has been waiting for the past unearth the secrets of her past before the 5000th moon rises planned. As he begins to examine the classic comparison and Moonacre Manor disappears into the sea forever. 10 years. between filmmaking and voyeurism within the horror genre, he Action, Foreign, International TV, Korean, uncovers a collective of filmmakers, deviants, and self- Family, Fantasy 2008 103min. Martial Arts 2009 900min. professed possible murderers. The most notorious E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 underground film series he discovers is called S&MAN, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Tai Seng 28.09.2010 produced by the unassuming and creepy Eric Rost. The more 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Petty digs into his subject, the more Eric withdraws, claiming a desire to protect his „creative vision.“ But Petty begins to The Secret Of Moonacre (Blu-ray) The Real L Word: Season One suspect that the real reason may be that Eric’s „actors“ are in After being orphaned, young Maria Merryweather leaves her fact „victims,“ placing the filmmaker in dangerous territory and luxurious home to live with her eccentric uncle at the Gay / Lesbian Interest, Reality, Showtime making S&man the most unsettling horror experience in years. mysterious Moonacre Manor. There, she discovers a magical 2010 min. Film About Film, Horror 2006 85min. world torn apart by an ancient feud and inhabited by Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 outlandish characters and mythical beasts. Now, Maria must Showtime Entertainment 19.10.2010 unearth the secrets of her past before the 5000th moon rises 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 and Moonacre Manor disappears into the sea forever. Family, Fantasy 2008 103min. The Red Fury S&man (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 The Red Fury. When cult-favorite horror filmmaker JT Petty ventures into the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 dark world of underground horror, things don’t exactly go as Drama 104min. planned. As he begins to examine the classic comparison Echo Bridge Home Entertainment between filmmaking and voyeurism within the horror genre, he Sengoku Basara: The Complete 14.09.2010 uncovers a collective of filmmakers, deviants, and self- professed possible murderers. The most notorious Series 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 underground film series he discovers is called S&MAN, Sengoku Basara drops you directly into the burning produced by the unassuming and creepy Eric Rost. The more battlefields of feudal Japan, where rival warlords hack and The Redemeer Petty digs into his subject, the more Eric withdraws, claiming slash their way to total domination. Each conqueror wields a a desire to protect his „creative vision.“ But Petty begins to special attack that boosts their powers of devastation, and Devils And Demons, Horror 1978 83min. suspect that the real reason may be that Eric’s „actors“ are in each commands a horde of relentless warriors. But when a Code Red 19.10.2010 fact „victims,“ placing the filmmaker in dangerous territory and supreme evil - the Demon Lord - threatens the land, these 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 making S&man the most unsettling horror experience in years. fierce generals launch a co-op campaign of annihilation and Film About Film, Horror 2006 85min. build an army of armies to obliterate their common foe. As the Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 front line grows crowded with gun-toting, mechanized samurai Road Ends and mystical ninja, some will say that war is hell - Sengoku 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Basara proves it can also be kick ass. Dennis Hopper, Peter Coyote, Chris Sarandon and Mariel Hemingway star in this non-stop suspense thriller. As an Action, Based On Video Game, Comedy, innkeeper and Sheriff unknowingly harbor Maceda, a drug Scooby-Doo 1 & 2 Collection (Blu- Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Martial kingpin on the run, Maceda’s contacts and FBI agents close ray) Arts 2009 325min. in on their man. Funimation 28.09.2010 Thrillers, Drama 96min. Rowan Atkinson, Matthew Lillard, Freddie 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Prinze Jr., Alicia Silverstone, Sarah Mich- 07.09.2010 elle Gellar, Linda Cardellini, Seth Green, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Peter Boyle, Tim Blake Nelson Sengoku Basara: The Complete Comedy, Double Features, Family, Mystery Series (Blu-ray) Ronin (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) 179min. Sengoku Basara drops you directly into the burning Warner Bros. 09.11.2010 battlefields of feudal Japan, where rival warlords hack and (Blu-ray) slash their way to total domination. Each conqueror wields a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 special attack that boosts their powers of devastation, and Robert De Niro, Jean Reno, Natascha each commands a horde of relentless warriors. But when a McElhone, Sean Bean, Jonathan Pryce, supreme evil - the Demon Lord - threatens the land, these Stellan Skarsgard Scrubs: The Complete Collection fierce generals launch a co-op campaign of annihilation and The Cold War may be over, but a new world order keeps a John C. McGinley, Sarah Chalke, Judy build an army of armies to obliterate their common foe. As the group of covert mercenaries employed by the highest bidder. Reyes, Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Neil front line grows crowded with gun-toting, mechanized samurai These operatives, known as Ronin, are assembled in France and mystical ninja, some will say that war is hell - Sengoku by a mysterious client for a seemingly routine mission: steal a Flynn Basara proves it can also be kick ass. top-secret briefcase. But the simple task soon proves explosi- Check into the surreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital and Action, Based On Video Game, Comedy, ve as other underworld organizations vie for the same relive every hilarious episode of the series that redefined Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Martial prize.... television comedy. From their first days as „newbie“ medical residents to their unforgettable final rounds, J.D., Elliot, Turk Arts 2009 325min.

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Funimation 28.09.2010 Sorry, Thanks Thrillers, Fantasy, Horror 1987 432min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Max (Wiley Wiggins), a charming wreck, sleeps with Kira Paramount Pictures 19.10.2010 (Kenya Miles), newly single and reeling from a bad break up. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Things get complicated fast: turns out that Max already has a Seven Alone girlfriend. Max decides that he’ll dabble in two new pursuits: A heartwarming adventure film for the whole family, this is the an obsessive-tending interest in Kira and (more fleetingly) in Tomboys amazing true story of the Sager children - whose parents the mystery of whether he may in fact be an ass. Sometimes humans can be monsters. This suspenseful, passed away mid-journey - on the Oregon Trail. Comedy 2009 93min. claustrophobic nightmare tells the tragic story of Kat, a victim Adventure, Family, Western 96min. E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 of repeated sexual assault. Having been failed by the system, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment she takes the law into her own hands. Kat and her gang of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Tomboys abduct the serial rapist to seek revenge. As events 14.09.2010 unfold, the situation quickly spirals out of control. The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Spicy Mac Project question is... how far will they go? A robbery drill organized by the LAPD goes horribly wrong Thrillers, Torture, Horror 2009 80min. 2 when four goofballs acting as the robbers end up kidnapping Navarre 05.10.2010 Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia an innocent man. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Comedy, Crime 2009 90min. Nixon, Kristin Davis, Chris Noth, Alice Eve, E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 John Corbett Trade Routes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Romance, Sexy Comedies, Based On TV William Hope Show, Comedy, Drama, Fashion 2010 min. Politics, Thrillers 2007 100min. New Line Home Entertainment 26.10.2010 Star Crash Vanguard 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Science Fiction, Space, Action, Adventure, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Cult Film / TV, Fantasy 1978 min. Sex And The City 2 (Blu-ray) Shout Factory 14.09.2010 Trapped 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Action, Adventure 2009min. Nixon, Kristin Davis, Chris Noth, Alice Eve, E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 John Corbett Star Crash (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Comedy, Drama, Fashion, Based On TV Science Fiction, Space, Cult Film / TV, Show, Romance, Sexy Comedies 2010 min. Fantasy, Action, Adventure 1978 min. The Treasure Of The Sierra Shout Factory 14.09.2010 New Line Home Entertainment 26.10.2010 Madre 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Humphrey Bogart, Bruce Bennett, Walter Stevie Huston, Tim Holt Sex And The City: The Complete They Sold their Souls for the Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Collection Thrillers, Action, Drama min. John Huston won the Academy Award for writing and Osiris Entertainment 26.10.2010 directing this powerful saga that pits gold and greed in the Sarah Jessica Parker, Kyle MacLachlan, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 wilds of Mexico and stars his father (Walter Huston) and Chris Noth, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, Humphrey Bogart. Kristin Davis, John Corbett, Willie Garson, National Film Registry, Western, Academy David Eigenberg Stigmata / Wicker Park (Double Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics Carrie Bradshaw and friends Samantha, Miranda, and Char- Feature) 1948 min. lotte have offered us their hilarious, outspoken and Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 outrageous look at dating, mating and relating in the big city. Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Stalkers, Celebrate the franchise that explores the day-to-day (and Thrillers, Double Features, Drama, Horror, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 night-to-night) world of single women with the ultimate Love Gone Bad min. collector’s set - all 7 re-mastered seasons, plus the two films, Troll 2 and an exclusive bonus disc! MGM / UA 14.09.2010 Romance, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Fashion, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Michael Stephenson, Connie McFarland, HBO, Independent Women min. Margo Prey, George Hardy Subprime Those greedy goblins are back and hungrier than ever in this HBO Home Video 26.10.2010 gourmet gross-out! Disguised as friendly country folk, a 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Comedy 2010 98min. pugnacious posse of people-eating trolls lures visitors to Vanguard 26.10.2010 their town. But a family of four is about to discover that this place is a real tourist trap...and they’re the prey! Now, the Shaded Places 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 no-good gnomes must be destroyed before the family gets A reunion of old friends turns disturbing and deadly when one flambed...and the world becomes a buffet in this feeding frenzy of them shares a secret that connects them all. Starring Suck of fear! Christina Applegate, Molly Ringwald, Paul Gleason and Moon After their bass player becomes a vampire, down and out rock Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Horror Unit Zappa. 1990 95min. Thrillers, Drama 91min. band, The Winners are launched into spotlight. Stalked by creepy producers, wild groupies and the legendary vampire MGM / UA 05.10.2010 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment hunter Eddie Van Helsing, The Winners soon find fame to be a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 07.09.2010 fate worse than death. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Vampires, Comedy, Horror 2009 96min. E1 Entertainment 28.09.2010 Troll 2 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) The Shawshank Redemption (Blu- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 (Blu-ray) ray) Michael Stephenson, Connie McFarland, Suck (Blu-ray) Margo Prey, George Hardy Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob After their bass player becomes a vampire, down and out rock Those greedy goblins are back and hungrier than ever in this Gunton, James Whitmore, , band, The Winners are launched into spotlight. Stalked by gourmet gross-out! Disguised as friendly country folk, a Clancy Brown, Gil Bellows creepy producers, wild groupies and the legendary vampire pugnacious posse of people-eating trolls lures visitors to Few movies capture the triumph of the human spirit as hunter Eddie Van Helsing, The Winners soon find fame to be a their town. But a family of four is about to discover that this memorably as Frank Darabont’s film The Shawshank fate worse than death. place is a real tourist trap...and they’re the prey! Now, the Redemption from the same Stephen King story collection that Comedy, Horror, Vampires 2009 96min. no-good gnomes must be destroyed before the family gets gave us Stand By Me. Morgan Freeman plays Red, a lifer who E1 Entertainment 28.09.2010 flambed...and the world becomes a buffet in this feeding frenzy knows how to cope with the bleak hopelessness of of fear! Shawshank State Prison. Tim Robbins plays new inmate Andy, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Horror a quiet banker convicted of murders he didn’t commit - and 1990 95min. whose indomitable will earn Red’s respect and friendship. Tales From The Darkside: Andy’s resourfulness brings hope and change to the entire MGM / UA 05.10.2010 prison. He’s full of surprises. And the best comes last, Complete Series Pack 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 leading to one of the most satisfying finales in film history. Thrillers, Fantasy, Horror min. Drama, Friendships, Prison, Stephen King Paramount Pictures 19.10.2010 The Twilight Zone: Season 2 (Blu- 1994 142min. 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Warner Bros. 16.11.2010 ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 All 29 episodes of the second season of Rod Serling’s Tales From The Darkside: The classic, groundbreaking series, now presented in pristine high-definition for the first time ever, along with hours of new Final Season and exclusive bonus features not available anywhere else!

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 47 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Thrillers, Classics, Fantasy, Horror, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 French Opera Mystery, Science Fiction 1960 749min. Kultur is delighted to announce the release of the third volume Image Ent. 16.11.2010 Willy Wonka & The Chocolate of DVD boxed sets showcasing some of the greatest 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 recordings of Plácido Domingo’s career on stage. This volume Factory (Blu-ray) features full-length performances of French operas, including Gene Wilder, Denise Nickerson, Leonard Carmen from Vienna State Opera, Samson and Delilah from The Undertaker San Francisco Opera, and The Tales of Hoffmann from The Stone, Dodo Denney, Peter Ostrum, Paris Royal Opera Covent Garden. Horror 1989 90min. Themmen, Julie Dawn Cole, Jack Albertson, Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Code Red 05.10.2010 Roy Kinnear Arts 479min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Join the expedition visiting legendary Candy Man Willy Kultur 28.09.2010 Wonka (Gene Wilder) in a splendiferous movie that wondrously brings to the screen the endlessly appetizing 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Victor Nunez’s Spoken Word delights of Roald Dahl’s classic book. Coated with flavorful Drama min. tunes and production design that constantly dazzles the eye, The Everly Brothers: Reunion Maya Entertainment 07.09.2010 this effervescent musical never fails to enchant young and old. On a whirlwind tour of Willy’s incredible, edible realm of Concert - Live At The Royal Al- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 chocolate waterfalls, elfish Oompa-Loompas and industrial- sized confections, a boy named Charlie (Peter Ostrum) will bert Hall The Vomit Gore Trilogy discover the sweetest secret of all: a generous, loving heart. Concerts, Music min. And you’ll rediscover the timeless magic of a delicious family Eagle Rock 14.09.2010 Torture, Boxed Sets, Devils And Demons, classic. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Horror 212min. 1971 min. Unearthed Films 26.10.2010 Warner Bros. 16.11.2010 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Mirella Freni: A Life Devoted to Opera Wake The Witch X’s & O’s Mirella Freni is one of the most remarkable soprano singers in the world of opera. In her 50-year career, Freni interpreted Inspired by the masters of Japanese horror, Wake the Witch X’s & O’s is a hip romantic comedy that takes a humorously genuine look at post-college relationships. Bookish biologist more than 40 roles and performed on the world’s largest is a psychological horror/suspense feature about three stages. She sang in London’s Covent Garden, at the Met in friends who unwittingly release the vengeful spirit of a witch Simon (Clayne Crawford - starring in the upcoming season of Fox’s „24“) lusts after Jane (Sarah Wright - ‘The House New York, at the Glyndebourne and the Salzburg Festival. from her resting place in a local forest. As the spirit’s This fascinating portrait shows Mirella Freni during a Master influence grows, the friends search for answers on how to Bunny’), a blonde beauty who barely knows he exists. Against the advice of his womanizing friend, Lorenzo (Warren Class at the Centro Universale del Bel Canto (CUBeC) in stop it. But each answer only raises more questions as the Vignola, which is close to her hometown of Modena. We will power they unleashed reveals a truth beyond their Christie - ABC’s „October Road“), Simon decides to make Jane jealous by dating his lab partner, Trese (Judy Marte - see the Grande Dame of the opera working with young singing imagination....One hundred years ago, an angry mob, intent on talents. justice for their murdered children, hang the woman they ‘Raising Victor Vargas’). But every part of Simon’s plan falls believe is the murderer. They brand her a witch, wrap her apart, trapping him between the pursuit of a hopeless dream Classical Music, Documentary, Music, Ope- body in chains and bury it deep in the woods. When Deb and and unexpected, real feelings for someone. Also starring Kel ra, Performing Arts 58min. her friends play a childhood game on the witch’s wooded Mitchell („Kenan and Kel“, ‘Good Burger’), Lynn Chen Kultur 28.09.2010 grave, they open the door to death. As her friends and family (‘Saving Face’), and Jill Bennett („Dante’s Cove“). begin to change into something less than human, Deb Romance, College Life, Comedy 97min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 struggles to stop the witch’s curse. But her search for the Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 truth will reveal an evil beyond her imagination 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Ghost Blues: The Story Of Rory Horror 2009 114min. Music Video Distribution 28.09.2010 Gallagher And The Beat Club 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Sessions Blues, British Blues, Documentary, Music War Of The Worlds: Complete Music min. Series Pack Eagle Vision USA 14.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Rachel Blanchard, Lynda Mason Green, The Art Of Ballet: Four Classic Catherine Disher, Belinda Metz, Adrian Dance films In A Special Edition Paul, Julian Richings, Jared Martin, Denis Box Set Global Symphony; Dr. L. Forest Behind any great ballerina lies the discipline and rigor that Subramanian Aliens min. comes from decades of training and practice. Five world- Classical Music, Opera min. class dancers are profiled in this revealing film. From Swan Paramount Pictures 26.10.2010 Lake to Romeo and Juliet, from the rehearsal studio to Qualiton Imports 24.08.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 performing on stages around the world, .Ballerina captures 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 the sublime beauty of ballet, in all its resplendent glory. Etoiles. A double portrait of two icons of contemporary War Of The Worlds: The Final Russian ballet: Svetlana Zakharova of the Bolshoi and Ulyana Jimi Hendrix: The Guitar Hero - Season Lopatkina of the Mariinsky. Each have their own unique style Celebrated By Legends Of Rock and personality, on stage and off. Revealing interviews give Rachel Blanchard, Lynda Mason Green, an inside perspective on the joys and challenges of being a Classic Artists could not claim to have a complete series on Catherine Disher, Belinda Metz, Adrian prima ballerina, while extended sequences from classics of rock legends and their mark on the world of music without this the repertoire such as Swan Lake, Shehezradze and Sleeping film, the final word on guitar virtuoso Jimi Hendrix. Rather Paul, Julian Richings, Jared Martin, Denis Beauty provide a front row seat to their skill and artistry. than drudging up scandal and outworn hypothesis about Jimi’s Forest lifestyle and ultimate death, this Classic Artists film looks at Ballet, Classical Music, Performing Arts Hendrix the master of electric guitar, as told by a selection of Aliens 1989 min. 325min. the world’s greatest musicians. Jimi Hendrix: The Guitar Paramount Pictures 26.10.2010 First Run Features 26.10.2010 Hero includes all new and exclusive interviews with Dave 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Mason (Traffic), Eric Clapton, Mick Taylor (Rolling Stones), 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Eric Burdon (The Animals), Paul Rodgers (Bad Company), Ginger Baker (Cream), Bev Bevan (ELO), Crosby, Stills and When Justice Fails Leonard Cohen: Bird On A Wire Nash and others. Some of these musicians were his mentors, In this crime thriller, a beautiful attorney becomes the some his contemporaries and some admirers of his incredible Originally released in 1972 and directed by celebrated British talent. Countless musicians have emerged as new talent as a connection to solving a series of murders. Starring Jeff filmmaker Tony Palmer, Bird on a Wire follows Cohen on his Fahey, Carl Marotte and Marlee Matlin. result of his influence, explaining why Hendrix’s work 1972 European tour and contains 17 classic performances, 4 remains at the zenith of rock music to this day. Moving beyond Thrillers, Crime 91min. poems and tour footage. After several edits it was relreleased the icon and the myth, Classic Artists brings alive the image Echo Bridge Home Entertainment in 1974. Like many films from the era it was thought that the and music that Jimi Hendrix evoked from his very soul, using original print had been lost, but in 2009 more than 290 rolls of the instrument, as, he put it, as hi 07.09.2010 film in rusted cans were discovered containing much of the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 original rushes and soundtrack of the 1972 film. Tony Palmer Biography, Documentary, Music 109min. was able to restore much of this footage and it is now Image Ent. 14.09.2010 available on DVD for the first time. Also includes a limited 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Where the Red Fern Grows edition reproduction of the iconic 1972 film poster and is in Based on the best-selling children’s classic by Wilson deluxe digipak packaging Rawls, this inspiring film of faith, honesty, loyalty and 1972 106min. Kenny G: Live At Montreux 1987 purpose is a story for all ages, for all time. Starring James Whitmore and Beverly Garland. Music Video Distribution 01.09.2010 & 1988 Drama, Family 97min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Concerts, Jazz, Music min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Eagle Rock 21.09.2010 14.09.2010 Placido Domingo: Volume 3 - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002

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Tony Shalhoub, Ted Levine, Traylor 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Kevin K: The Successful Loser Howard, Bitty Schram This two DVD set is packed with footage from the various Obsessive. Compulsive. Detective.. Television’s most brilliant The Rolling Stone: Born Under A career incarnations of rock and roll field marshall Kevin K! detective is back, and he’s ready to battle any crime...as long Spotlights Kevin’s early bands like the Lone Cowboys, shown as it doesn’t involve germs, heights or other people! Emmy Bad Sign live at CBGB. Witness rare footage of Kevin and his brother Award and Golden Globe winner Tony Shaloub returns to Documentary, Music 2010 90min. Alan K performing an acoustic set on the rooftops of the LES DVD in all 16 third season episodes of the funny, fresh and in New York. See and feel the legendary Road Vultures in all quirky series, Monk. Rejoin , the defective E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 their feathered glory! Fire It Up at the Rock N Roll Bar! Climb detective, who must overcome his obsessive-compulsive 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 on the subway and in the van with Kevin and his marauding disorder and investigate the death of his wife, Trudy. Still misfits as they rock the steamy clubs from NYC to Berlin. hoping to be reinstated in the San Francisco Police Depart- Gasp as former Swell Maps and all around swell guy Nikki ment, Monk continues to use his sharp intelligence, Todd P Goes to Austin Sudden joins the band on stage in Berlin for „Too Much Junkie photographic memory and ever-present hand wipes to solve Featuring unforgettable live performances from Matt and Kim, Business.“ Arrive at the club with the band and you can even the dirtiest cases. At his side are Captain Stottlemeyer Dan Deacon, Mika Miko, The Death Set and many more. As almost taste the fruit plate in the dressing room! You can (Ted Levine), Lieutenant Disher (Jason Gray-Stanford), record labels die, independents thrive. In the wake of definitely taste something, and it reeks of rock and roll! Rock Sharona Fleming (Bitty Schram) and newcomer Natalie Teeger Napster, MySpace and Facebook there is a generation of and roll in the Replacements, Thunders, Ramones, garage (Traylor Howard), and together they take on some daunting artists creating and performing music on their own terms. With tattooed rock vein. Buy the Kevin K „Successful Loser“ opponents, including the Mafia, the FBI and a possibly the help of legendary DIY rock promoter Todd Patrick, Brook- DVD..and let this loser make you a winner! murderous chimpanzee. Monk’s back on the case and better lyn has become ground zero for these exciting young Concerts min. than ever in this hilarious third season, which includes five musicians. Using never-before-seen footage, including obsessive brand-new featurettes! material shot by the bands themselves, Todd P Goes to Austin Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 USA Network, Comedy, Detectives, Drama, exposes what life is like surviving and touring at the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Mental Illness, Murder Mysteries, Music underground level. Interviews with Todd about the necessity of independent music and creativity connect the bands as they 2004 min. tour down to Austin, TX to appear in the DIY music scene’s Kidz Bop: Dance Moves Universal Studios 16.11.2010 answer to the SXSW Music Festival. Dancing, Instructional, Instructional Dance, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Documentary, Music 2009 79min. Music, Pop Music min. Microcinema DVD 28.09.2010 Razor & Tie 14.09.2010 Pearl Jam: Under Review 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Since bursting out of Seattle with 1991’s multi-platinum selling ‘Ten’, Pearl Jam have become one of the finest rock bands in Who Harry Nilsson (And Why Is the world today. Eddie Vedder & Co. set about reconstructing Lady Gaga: Glamourpuss - The their sound while campaigning against the more unjust Everybody Talkin’ About Him) Lady Gaga Story aspects of the music industry. After 20 years Pearl Jam refuse is brand-new portrait of the late Grammy Award Winning to rest on their laurels, constantly exploring new musical This in-depth documentary film and review uncovers the musician Harry Nilsson - who The Beatles once proclaimed directions while remaining as fiercely loyal to their fans as as their favorite group. This gripping retrospective traces foundations on which Lady Gaga’s extraordinary success has ever. Interviews with the band, contributions from their been built and follows her career thereafter to the point at Nilsson’s rise and his turbulent life as seen by many friends closest allies and from the finest rock writers, rare and including Ringo Starr, John Lennon, Dustin Hoffman, Jon which it currently rests. With detailed analysis of Gaga’s classic performance footage, and many other features make background, musical growth, hit songs, concerts and videos; Voight, Brian Wilson, Randy Newman, Richard Perry, Robin this the finest documentary in existence on this most iconic of Williams and more. DVD includes over 90 minutes of additio- archive and rare footage of Gaga in interview and in rock acts. performance; contributions from those who have known her nal material including bonus interviews, music videos and an best across the years; expert music journalists who have Concerts 90min. introduction by Yoko Ono. followed her career closely, and many more, plus news Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 Documentary, Music 2010 min. reports, location shoots and a host of other features. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Kino Video 26.10.2010 Documentary, Music 2010 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 Pop Pack: Michael Jackson - De- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 votion & Beyonce - Shine Devotion is a multi-faceted and personal look at Michael’s The Legendary Bing Crosby rise to the top and how he conquered the world, changed In this extraordinary musical celebration, first seen on public music forever, fell from grace and shocked us all with his Special Interest television, Bing performs solo and in duets with superstar departure on the eve of history’s biggest come-back tour. colleagues. These memorable performances from TV specials Includes interviews with family, friends, fellow celebrities and All Boys Bing headlined between 1945 and 1977 haven’t been seen music industry insiders. Michael’s was a whimsical life lived since their original broadcasts. Full song performances by in the public eye - often marked by heartache, but led with Documentary, Erotica, Film About Film, Gay Bing blend seamlessly with unique insight from Kathryn soul and great devotion. It was a life that inspired others, / Lesbian Interest 2009 72min. Crosby, Mary Crosby, Michael Feinstein, Leonard Maltin, filled with an extraordinary commitment to charity work and Regis Philbin and Andy Williams. unwavering loyalty to family, friends and those who loved him Breaking Glass Pictures 28.09.2010 Classics, Music 95min. most - his fans. Shine: An Unauthorized Story on Beyonce 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Synopsis: She’s sold 120 million records; charted nine #1 Infinity Entertainment 28.09.2010 songs; won 16 Grammy Awards; headlined three solo world 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 tours; produced records; starred in seven feature films American Sign Language For Ba- (Dreamgirls, Austin Powers in Goldmember); and launched bies & Toddlers her own fashion and fragrance lines. It’s hard to believe that Madonna: Out On The Floor - The Texas-born Beyoncé Giselle Knowles took singing and dan- Educational, Instructional 2010 47min. Story Of a Dancer cing lessons as a child to overcome shyness. But her natural Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 talent shined early. By seven, she was winning compe 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Dancing, Documentary, Music 2010 67min. Documentary, Music, Pop Music 113min. E1 Entertainment 21.09.2010 Infinity Entertainment 21.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Erika Andersen: Being Strategic Erika Andersen presents a clear, practical and powerful approach for navigating through decisions and tough times by Michael McDonald: This Rock Prophecies providing simple, doable steps to developing core skills for Christmas - Live In Chicago The film features interviews with and performances by Jeff strategic thought and action that can be applied to both your Beck, ZZ Top, Carlos Santana, Slash, Panic at the Disco, professional and personal life. In this special learn how to Christmas, Concerts, Easy Listening, Sick Puppies, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Rick Nielsen of plan for success, stay ahead of change and create the life you Holidays, Music min. Cheap Trick, and Steve Vai, among others. Imagine seeing desire. Eagle Vision USA 21.09.2010 bands like Led Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones long before Educational, Instructional 2010 60min. they became famous. Legendary rock photographer Robert E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Knight did just that, and has the photos to prove it. Rock Prophecies explores Robert’s amazing career and follows him 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Michael McDonald: This on his quest to help the bands of today become the rock legends of tomorrow, whether promoting Panic at the Disco Arcimboldo Christmas - Live In Chicago (Blu- before anybody has heard of them, or convincing Aussie band Sick Puppies to sell everything and move to the United States. The inventive and amusing paintings of Giuseppe Arcimboldo ray) When Robert stumbles upon Tyler Dow Bryant a 16-year old (1526 - 1593) dazzled the courts of Europe. His imaginative Christmas, Concerts, Easy Listening, guitar phenom from Texas he’s convinced he may have found combinations of fruits, vegetables, and flowers create the next Stevie Ray Vaughan. Robert risks his reputation and allegorical portraits of emperors and witty caricatures of their Holidays, Music min. career and takes a chance on Tyler. The two then set off on courtiers, which won him the highest artistic honors bestowed Eagle Vision USA 21.09.2010 an unbelievable journey to take their own shot at making by the Holy Roman Empire. His works reveal the mind of an history. artist deeply influenced by the new discoveries and new 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 worlds that came to light during the Age of Exploration. is Documentary, Music, Photography/Art 2010 documentary combines original high definition footage of the Monk: Season Three 80min. artist’s native Milan and the Habsburg palaces of Vienna and Music Video Distribution 14.09.2010 Prague with images of Arcimboldo’s work as a court painter, (Repackaged) designer of festivals, and chronicler of the natural world.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 50 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Documentary, Photography/Art 30min. Infinity Entertainment 07.09.2010 Educational, Instructional 2010 100min. Microcinema DVD 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Charles Bukowski: There’s Gonna Denise Austin: Hot Body Yoga Be A God Damn Riot In Here! Common Expressions In Ameri- Denise Austin Documentary 97min. can Sign Language: Vol. 2 Yoga, Fitness 2010 60min. Infinity Entertainment 07.09.2010 Volume 2 of 2: A popular sequel to continue learning how to Lionsgate 07.09.2010 express common phrases, sentences and idioms in American 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Sign Language (ASL). You will continue to learn over 120 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 NEW complete English sentences and idioms in ASL about Bo Burnham: Words, Words, everyday life. All common expressions in this DVD are Babies important part of daily conversations among Deaf/Hard-of- Words Hearing students, teachers, parents and professionals, it is Documentary, Family, Foreign, French 2010 Bo Burnham normal for one to encounter difficulties expressing and/or 79min. translating these expressions into ASL and English. Our Comedy, Comedy Central, Music Comedy Universal Studios 28.09.2010 unique teachings will involve a media-rich bilingual 2010 63min. presentation with various signing speeds to put ease on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 viewer’s receptive skills and are made easy to learn! In this Comedy Central 19.10.2010 volume, you will learn the following: 111 NEW common English 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 sentences in ASL 10 NEW English idiomatic expressions in Babies (Blu-ray) ASL More Interactive ASL Practice NEW bonus features with Documentary, Family, Foreign, French 2010 Noam Chomsky: Mafia Principle dozens of useful ASL vocabulary, ASL entertainment and more! 79min. Educational, Instructional 2010 100min. Universal Studios 28.09.2010 Of Global Hegemony - Middle Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 East, Empire, & Activism 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The world’s most influential living intellectual, Noam Chomsky, holds forth on the root causes of the conflicts in the Coppelia - Delibes Battle 360: The Complete Season Middle East, and talks about hopes for future social change. 1 (Blu-ray) The renowned foreign policy critic and linguist brings the full The story of Coppélia explores a young man’s passion for a force of his rapier-like mind and deadpan wit to bear in slicing beautiful girl who turns out to be a mechanical doll, exploring For nearly a decade, the legendary World War II aircraft through mainstream misconceptions—many of them a popular mythological theme of creating a being who is more carrier USS Enterprise held a pivotal place on the turbulent intentional—about the internal and external politics of Iran perfect and tantalizing than any human counterpart. From start seas of war, engaging in some of the fiercest multi-front and Israel/ Palestine. Chomsky eloquently contextualizes the to finish, Maguy Marin’s Coppélia is a hugely entertaining battles ever witnessed in modern combat. The only carrier to power of the Israel lobby and the centrality of the US in and constantly surprising piece of dance theater. Marin be front and center in every major sea conflict in , resolving the underlying antagonisms in the Middle East, as transposes the piece from its original rustic setting to a the Enterprise and her crew s battles were marked by by well as weighing in on how US public opinion has shifted modern, run-down urban environment and adds an edgy new intense firepower, instinct and a 360°-coordination between over the past several decades and addressing various positi- twist to the story. surface ships, the aircraft above, and the submarines below. ve directions for activism. The Mafia Principle of Global Ballet, Dancing, Performing Arts 73min. In each episode using incredible CGI visualizations, Battle Hegemony includes the hour long DVD extra of Noam Kultur 28.09.2010 360 follows the Enterprise and its men through another Chomsky conversing with Larry Bensky about the media, conflict of WWII as they fight off the enemy from the air, sea, class and right wing populism. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 and underwater. Biography 140min. History Channel, World War II 580min. Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 Dancing Across Border A&E 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Dancing Across Borders. What unfolds in Dancing Across 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Borders is a tentative negotiation between Sy and the world of American ballet and culture - from the serene countryside of The BBC High Definition Natural Eric Clapton: The 1960s Review Southeast Asia to the high-powered rehearsal studios of New While few would argue that Eric Clapton is one of the finest York, and finally to the stage of the Pacific Northwest Ballet History Collection 2 Featuring guitarists of all time, it is often forgotten just how pivotal, in Seattle. The film follows Sy’s unusual development as a influential and downright startling this man was during the dancer and offers an astonishing, behind-the-scenes look into Life (Blu-ray) 1960s. And while, throughout the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s, the world of American ballet. Nature’s Most Amazing Events South Pacific Yellowstone Clapton has remained a musician and songwriter of rare Ballet, Dancing 88min. Boxed Sets, Documentary, BBC 1250min. ability, it was during the decade in which he emerged that his First Run Features 26.10.2010 awesome skills were used most creatively. As an early BBC Home Video 12.10.2010 member of the Yardbirds, a crucial part of the Bluesbreakers, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 a founder member of Cream and ‘the one who mattered most’ in the short lived Blind Faith, EC, to many, really was a deity. In Dancing Across Border (Blu-ray) this extraordinary film, his life and career throughout these Billy Blanks Jr.: Dance With Me crucial ten years is put under the microscope, and with the Dancing Across Borders. What unfolds in Dancing Across Cardio Fit help of archive interviews with the man himself, exclusive Borders is a tentative negotiation between Sy and the world of contributions from friends, band mates and colleagues, rare American ballet and culture - from the serene countryside of Billy Blanks Jr. and classic performance footage, seldom seen photographs Southeast Asia to the high-powered rehearsal studios of New plus a host of other features, the story in question is told in a York, and finally to the stage of the Pacific Northwest Ballet Fitness 46min. in Seattle. The film follows Sy’s unusual development as a Lionsgate 07.09.2010 manner it never has been before. Biography, Documentary 120min. dancer and offers an astonishing, behind-the-scenes look into 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 the world of American ballet. Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 Dancing, Ballet 88min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Jack Bruce: Rope Ladder To The First Run Features 26.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Moon Colossal Squid Born amid the slums of Glasgow his musical talent was quickly recognised. Many of Cream’s hits were written by him Discovery Channel, Documentary 86min. Deadliest Catch: Season 6 - so it was no surprise when in 1970 he released a jazz- Gaiam Americas 02.11.2010 Discovery Channel, Documentary, Fishing, orientated LP of his own compositions called Songs for a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Tailor. This 55 minute film, made at the same time, takes Jack Reality 2009 908min. from the Gorbals, via Cream, to his island called Sanda, Gaiam Americas 02.11.2010 playing the cello, the sitar and thundering away on the organ Common Expressions In Ameri- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 of the Albert Hall in London, while featuring many of the tracks from his LP. With his strong socialist principles - his can Sign Language: Vol. 1 father had been a member of the Communist party - Jack Bruce Volume 1 of 2: For the first time ever, every viewer will get to Destricted himself provides the striking commentary. „What kind of a learn how to express common phrases, sentences and idioms Destricted. together sex and art in a series of short films society do we want?“ it begins.....Originally shown on the in American Sign Language (ASL). You will learn over 120 created by some of the world’s most provocative and visual BBC in 1971, this critically acclaimed film has been restored complete English sentences and idioms in ASL about everyday artists and directors. The Destricted brand is the first in a to something approaching its former glory and reminds us yet life. All common expressions in this DVD are important part of continuing series. The seven films presented explore the fine again what a great musician Jack Bruce is. daily conversations among Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing students, line where art and pornography intersect. The films highlight Documentary 55min. teachers, parents and professionals, it is normal for one to controversial issues about the representation of sexuality in Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 encounter difficulties expressing and/or translating these art; opening up for debate the question of whether art can be expressions into ASL and English. Our unique teachings will disguised as pornography or whether pornography can be 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 involve a media-rich bilingual presentation with various disguised as art or something else altogether. The result is a signing speeds to put ease on viewer’s receptive skills and collection of sexy, stimulating, challenging, provocative, Charles Bukowski: The Last are made easy to learn! In this volume, you will learn the strange and sometimes humorous scenarios that leave it up to following: 111 common English sentences in ASL 10 English the viewer / voyeur to decide. Straw idiomatic expressions in ASL Interactive ASL Practice Countless bonus features with dozens of useful ASL Art House, Documentary, Erotica, Short Documentary 74min. vocabulary, ASL entertainment and more! Film Collections 2006 116min.

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Revolver Entertainment 02.11.2010 as we know it, to the vaguely disturbing perfection of Natalie Volume I - Episodes 1-3 Portman’s...anatomy. Intrigued? Then prepare yourself, if 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 that’s possible, for the extreme comedy of Janeane Garofalo: Three great episodes on one DVD: See the great running If You Will! backs, along with some of the most electrifying runs in college football history. From power backs like Earl Campbell, Detroit Remember When: The Comedy 2010 65min. Herschel Walker and Bo Jackson, to the artistry-in-motion Jewish Community Image Ent. 14.09.2010 scampers of Archie Griffin, Barry Sanders and Tony Dorsett, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 to modern-day stars including Reggie Bush, LaDainian The Detroit Remember When nostalgia series is back with the Tomlinson and Darren McFadden. Plus, timeless footage of latest production: The Jewish Community. From Detroit Public the immortal Red Grange and Jim Brown. Fantastic Finishes Television and award-winning producers Sue Marx and The Gates relives unbelievable moments from „The Play“ where Cal runs Allyson Rockwell comes this 50-minute retrospective through the Stanford band, to the „Hail Mary“ by Doug Flutie, documentary about Jewish life in Detroit. The film traces the From HBO Documentary Films... In February, 2005, artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude installed 7,500 arches (gates), as Boston College stunned Miami. And who can forget about of Jews in Detroit from the 1700’s with the arrival of the „Fumblerooskie“ by Nebraska in the 1984 Orange Bowl? Some first Jewish fur trader in Detroit and culminates in the curtained with orange cloth that waved and billowed and decked miles of walkways in Central Park in . „The of the great finishes of all time, including rarely seen video of importance of Jewish leadership in the political, civil rights, former Heisman Trophy winner Paul Hornung of Notre Dame. arts, cultural and educational life of the region today. Told Gates“ stood for 16 days, the first unfurled by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who championed the project, giving it the okay In this episode you will see the great play makers including through interviews, archival footage, home movies and vintage black-and-white video from the ’60s of Roger Staub- historic photographs, the film will bring back warm memories after the artists 25-year quest to gain approval. Archival footage shows pro-and-con debates and various mayors and ach at Navy to the pure athletic way Vince Young of Texas of cherished traditions for those who grew up in Detroit’s played the position. In between, watch the consummate large, close-knit community. The film also features commissions turning down the project. By the end, „The Gates“ installed, the camera travels a winter landscape, leaders and pure-pocket passers such as Peyton Manning entertaining interviews and archival footage of Detroit and Danny Wue leaders like Sen. Carl Levin, Rep. Sander Levin, Joe orange shining through trees and reflected in ponds. Passers- Nederlander, Max Fisher and many more in this entertaining by, quintessential New Yorkers, express pleasure. Art dwarfs Sports, Documentary, Football, NCAA and enriching documentary. the nay-sayers. 66min. Documentary, Jewish Heritage min. Documentary, HBO 2008 min. Team Marketing 23.08.2010 E1 Entertainment 07.09.2010 Kino Video 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Bob Harper: Cardio Conditioning Essential Games Of The Seattle Paul Gilbert: Guitar World Fitness, Health, Instructional 91min. Mariners Presents Shred Alert Starz / Anchor Bay 05.10.2010 Since the Seattle Mariners’ first pitch on April 6, 1977, the Paul Gilbert Presents Shred Alert is the only DVD to feature 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Emerald City has witnessed the „M’s“ evolve from scrappy all the columns and video tutorials from the acclaimed Guitar expansion franchise to establishing record-setting win totals. World columnist. You’ll learn how to take your lead guitar The bond between players and Pacific Northwest is apparent playing to the next level with position shifting, alternate Bob Harper: Pure Burn Super in an all-time roster so familiar, it’s on a first-name basis: picking, 16th-note runs, muting techniques and much more! Strength Edgar, Alvin, Junior, Ichiro, Randy, Jamie, Jay, and Lou. With more than two hours of lessons, Paul Gilbert Presents Sports, Major League Baseball min. Shred Alert is the ultimate shredding lesson from one of the Fitness, Health, Instructional 90min. world’s most influential guitarists Starz / Anchor Bay 05.10.2010 A&E 28.09.2010 Guitar, Instructional 2010 60min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Father Figure Hell’s Kitchen: Season 4 Father Figure gives the audience an in-depth look at the Graffiti Verite 10 Hip-hop Dance: Jason Thompson relationship between women and their fathers and how the Reality 500min. absence of a father in a daughter’s life often leads to rejection Moving In The Moment and abandonment issues which have a profound psychological First Look Home Entertainment 09.11.2010 effect regarding there on going lives. Scholars, Pastors and Dancing 2010 75min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 even celebrities are on hand in this insightful documentary, Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 lending various perspectives as it pertains to this particular 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 dysfunctional reality. This emotionally stimulating, spirit- Hoarders: Season 2 - Part 1 filled, real life drama offering both truth and incite for healing A&E takes a dramatic look inside the lives of people will make you laugh, cry, angry and thankful that you had an Graffiti Verite 11 Don’t Believe Da struggling to overcome compulsive hoarding in season two of opportunity to experience such a powerful documentary. Hoarders. The #1 nonfiction series follows people whose Documentary, Drama, Dysfunctional Noize: Voices From Da Hip-Hop inability to part with their belongings is so out of control that Undaground (Part One) they are on the verge of a personal crisis. Whether they’re Families, Reality 2010 78min. facing eviction, the loss of their children, jail time, or divorce, Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 Documentary 2010 55min. these compulsive hoarders are desperately in need of help. In 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 fly-on-the-wall style, A&E is there to document the drama as experts work to put each on the road to recovery. But cleaning 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 is just the first step, and healing is not guaranteed. For some, Janeane Garofalo: If You Will - throwing away even the tiniest possession a sponge, a button, Graffiti Verite 8 Fifth Element: an empty box is so painful that they won t be able to complete Live In Seattle the cleaning process. For others, professional help and an Janeane Garofalo The Art Of The Beatboxer organizer’s guidance give them the strength to recover. At the She’s funny. She’s edgy. She’s the one-and-only Janeane Documentary 2009 44min. end of each episode find out who has been able to keep their Garofalo (TV’s 24, ). And now, in hoarding behavior at bay and who, despite help, is still lost her first solo special in over a decade, this Emmy nominated Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 inside this painful disease. stand-up superstar digs into the many myths we all live by and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 History Channel, Mental Illness, Reality min. casts her unique insights and hilarious riffs on life, culture A&E 25.11.2010 and politics. Filmed live before a sold-out audience in Seattle’s Moore Theater, it’s a virtuoso hour-long display of Graffiti Verite 9 Soulful Ways: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Garofalo’s uniquely outrageous takes on everything from the The DJ trouble with Twitter, to the truth about rehab, to the end of sex Dexter Jackson: Bo- as we know it, to the vaguely disturbing perfection of Natalie Documentary 2009 45min. Portman’s...anatomy. Intrigued? Then prepare yourself, if Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 dybuilding that’s possible, for the extreme comedy of Janeane Garofalo: If You Will! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Documentary, Fitness 260min. Comedy 2010 65min. Bayview Entertainment 05.10.2010 Image Ent. 14.09.2010 The Great Epochs Of European 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Art This 4-disc set features ten complete programs, all illustrated Dennis James: Bodybuilder Janeane Garofalo: If You Will - by selected masterpieces of architecture, sculpture and Join Dennis ‘’The Menace’’ James in the documentary film painting and are filmed on location throughout Europe. The ‘’Bodybuilder’’ as he takes you through his pre-contest 3 day Live In Seattle (Blu-ray) programs cover the great Baroque and Rococo works, classic training cycle at the world famous Gold’s Gym in Venice, art and sculpture from the Romans and ancient Greeks, . This 140 minute training video will bring you along Janeane Garofalo Christian, Byzantine and Gothic art, the trends of the 19th and as witness to every exercise in his routine as it happens on She’s funny. She’s edgy. She’s the one-and-only Janeane 20th centuries, and more. the gym floor, creatively edited to highlight the most Garofalo (TV’s 24, The Larry Sanders Show). And now, in Documentary, Photography/Art 510min. interesting portions of each movement accompanied by a her first solo special in over a decade, this Emmy nominated powerful, awe-inspiring soundtrack. Intercut with Dennis’ stand-up superstar digs into the many myths we all live by and Kultur 28.09.2010 gym training are candid mini interviews covering a wide casts her unique insights and hilarious riffs on life, culture 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 variety of subjects from his opinions on nutrition, competitive and politics. Filmed live before a sold-out audience in history, motivational aspects and pre-contest dieting to name a Seattle’s Moore Theater, it’s a virtuoso hour-long display of few. A lighthearted special feature takes you to Venice Beach Garofalo’s uniquely outrageous takes on everything from the Great Moments In NCAA Football: for an exclusive Flex magazine photo-shoot with Weider trouble with Twitter, to the truth about rehab, to the end of sex champs Silvio Samuel and Brandon Curry as Dennis is

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 53 Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) August 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) interviewed by top Flex writer Shawn Perine. Get ready for the United States and Europe, meeting with top autism experts the most explosive bodybuilding DVD you’ve ever seen: you and advocates. She also connects with several other families will be motivated, inspired and ready to tear up the weights in touched by autism, whose struggles echo her own: the The Oath your next workout! endless doctor visits and experiments with different From the director of the Oscar-nominated My Country, My Documentary, Fitness 140min. treatments, the complication of doing everyday tasks, and the Country, The Oath is a spectacularly gripping documentary inability to communicate - perhaps the most painful and that unfolds like a great political thriller. It’s the crosscut tale Bayview Entertainment 05.10.2010 frustrating aspect of autism. But as she comes across innova- of two men whose fateful meeting propelled them on divergent 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 tive new therapies with the potential to break down the walls courses with Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, 9/11, Guantanamo of autism, Margret finds hope that her son may be able to and the U.S. Supreme Court. Winner of Best Documentary express himself on a level she never thought possible. Cinematography at the 2010 , The Kimjonggilia Documentary 103min. Oath offers a rare window into a hidden realm - and into the Documentary, Korean, Prison 2009 min. First Run Features 26.10.2010 international impact of the U.S. War on Terror. Terrorism, Art House, Documentary 2010 Kino Video 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 96min. Zeitgeist Films 28.09.2010 Robert Motherwell: Storming The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Laughology Citadel Laughter Yoga, Laughter Parties, Laughercize and other laughter oriented health trends have spawned a new approach The film discusses the origins of Abstract Expressionism, its Paranormal State: Season 4 links with Surrealism, and its struggle for recognition. to laughter. It involves using laughter to make people laugh Travel deep into the strange and mysterious with Paranormal instead of jokes. Simple laughter according to Laughology, Included are scenes of artists Jackson Pollock, Hans Hof- mann, Joseph Cornell, Helen Frankenthaler, Mark Rothko, Research Society (PRS) founder Ryan Buell and his team of may be helpful in reducing heart disease, fighting stress and investigators as they attempt to unravel inexplicable increasing immunity. Laughology features „The Laughman“, David Smith, Roberto Matta, and Larry Rivers. Interviews with art critics and historians, including Clement Greenberg, phenomena including sixth-sense experiences, ghost Doug Collins, a Memphis resident who is said to have the sightings, demonic disturbances, and brushes with the most contagious laugh in the world. William Rubin, Henry Geldzahler, and Jack Flam, and gallery owner Sidney Janis, are featured; with scenes from a major darkest areas of the unknown. In Season Four, the PRS Documentary, Health 2009 66min. retrospective of Motherwell’s work at the Solomon R. travels to New Jersey, where a couple believes spirits in Disinformation 07.09.2010 Guggenheim Museum in New York City. their home are influencing their behavior; North Carolina, where the team attempts to stop the force allegedly causing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Documentary, Educational, Photography/Art violent outbursts in a 3-year-old girl, and northern 55min. Pennsylvania, where guests are fleeing a famous hotel due to Lost: Unraveling The Mystery Kultur 28.09.2010 frightening reports of paranormal activity. Founded by Buell in 2001, the PRS works on cases across the country and is one Watch fans discuss their theories on the mysteries of Lost. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 of the most recognized paranormal societies in the nation. The critics have given accolades for the TV show Lost. And Through the use of Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) now, it’s time for the fans to speak their minds and unravel the NASA UFO Footage recordings and video documentation, and with the help of mystery! Lost: Unravelling The Mystery, will take viewers on renowned psychics, demonologists, psychologists and an interactive journey, audibly, visually, and mentally, as fans UFOs, Documentary, Space 2006 20min. counselors, the PRS explores these bizarre cases in the from around the world discuss and celebrate the aura and Navarre 05.10.2010 hopes of helping frightened people who have nowhere else to excitement of this classic TV show. From smoking planes to turn. monsters that smoke, to the all the characters you know and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 love (and hate!), Lost fans will engage viewers in enough Devils And Demons, Documentary, Reality conversations, conflicts and controversies that will move you min. off your seat and talking to your television set! National Geographic: 24 Hours A&E 28.09.2010 Documentary, Mystery 2009 80min. After Hiroshima 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Music Video Distribution 31.08.2010 War, World War II, Documentary, Genocide, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 National Geographic min. Patton 360: The Complete Season Vivendi Visual Entertainment 14.09.2010 Andy Mann Street Tapes & Cable 1 (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 It was a war and a series of military campaigns like no other. Access Now History puts you in the action with Gen. George S. The late video pioneer Andy Mann left an extensive collection National Geographic: Collapse Patton, Jr. as he leads his heroic soldiers in North Africa, in of his video art to Aurora Picture Show, Houston, Texas, with the invasion of Sicily, and in the charge across Europe to the desire to have the work distributed and screened for Documentary, End Of The World, National defeat Hitler’s Third Reich. Following on the success of educational and artistic purposes. The Andy Mann Video Geographic min. Battle 360, Patton 360 uses cutting-edge computer graphic Library is comprised of over 800 videotapes, which date from Vivendi Visual Entertainment 21.09.2010 animation and the latest technology to bring viewers a 360- the late 1960s through 2001. Andy Mann: Street Tapes & degree view of World War II. Patton, a complicated, colorful, Cable Access“ includes Mann’s early Sony Portapak street 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 and ferociously determined officer known as ‘Old Blood and tapes of Manhattan (1970s), and his cable access tapes made Guts,’ springs to life with the aid of archival footage, personal in Houston, Texas (1980s-90s). Titles include, Video Diary National Geographic: Collapse diary quotes, and commentary from historians and veterans. #1 (1972), Subway Tape (1970s), One-Eyed Bum (1974), With insight into the forces he commanded and battles he led, There’s Going to Be Another War (1970s), Brooklyn (Blu-ray) you ll be there for all the drama, from lightning-fast armored Botanical Gardens (1974), All Across Boston (1975), St. assaults to the Battle of the Bulge and the final battles inside Anthony of Padua (1970s), Andy Gets a Haircut (1972), The Documentary, End Of The World, National Germany after crossing the Rhine. Night Show (1989), Disclaimer and Last Hit (1989), The Anti- Geographic min. Documentary, History Channel, World War II Tom and Lee Show (1990s), and Beard Rap (1980s). Vivendi Visual Entertainment 21.09.2010 420min. Photography/Art, Short Film Collections 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 A&E 28.09.2010 2010 71min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Microcinema DVD 28.09.2010 NBA A-Z: The NBA’s Best 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Bloopers, Highlights and Hijinx Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: Jillian Michaels: Shred-It With Sports, Sports Entertainment, Basketball, The Last Testament Of George NBA min. Weights Harrison? Team Marketing 28.09.2010 Until now, the Paul is Dead mystery that exploded worldwide Jillian Michaels 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 in 1969 was considered a hoax. However, in this film, the Get ready for a fresh, dynamic way to ! Jillian Micha- voice on the tape reveals a secret Beatles history, chronicling els adds extra weight to her hard-core circuit training McCartney’s fatal accident, the cover up, and dozens of techniques for a total-body workout designed to burn maximum Nostradamus: 2012 (Blu-ray) unknown clues, exposing „Paul McCartney“ as an impostor! fat. Using a kettlebell or a single hand weight, Shred-It With It’s a year that many have prophesized will bring a Highway 61 Entertainment has investigated this stunning new Weights helps you build lean muscle and burn mega calories catastrophic end to life as we know it. Whatever is in store a account of the conspiracy to hide McCartney’s tragic death with two 30-minute boot camp workouts. Begin with Level 1 massive cosmic collision, a global environmental disaster, an and produced this unauthorized documentary that includes and progress to Level 2 for maximum body- shredding results. Armageddon-like religious showdown, or a more subtle newly unearthed evidence. The mysterious voice on the audio Stick with Jillian’s program for 30 days and you could see a transformation many believe that 2012 will mark a major shift tapes narrates the entire film in what may prove to be the most lean, shredded body. in the history of our planet. But what is there to substantiate important document in rock and roll history, leaving little doubt Fitness 60min. such fears? A detailed, historical investigation of this chilling that Paul McCartney Is Really Dead! Lionsgate 07.09.2010 prophecy is the mission of Nostradamus 2012 an exciting Documentary, Mystery 95min. History special that casts the doomsday warning in a Music Video Distribution 01.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 frighteningly modern context. December 21, 2012 is bearing down on us with alarming speed. Whether or not we are able 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 A Mother’s Courage: Talking Back to collectively heed the warnings and affect a course to avert disaster may be the defining moment of the modern age. Pride FC: Bushido Volumes 11-13 To Autism Apocalyptic Future, Documentary, End Of Sports, Boxed Sets, Mixed Martial Arts, Margret, whose ten-year-old son Keli is severely autistic, The World, History Channel 94min. Pride FC 557min. has tried a number of treatments to help her son. Consumed by A&E 28.09.2010 an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about this mysterious Navarre 26.10.2010 and complex condition, she travels from her home in Iceland to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Smash His Camera for grownups’’. The traditional way of swimming freestyle is designed to maximize speed in the short term but makes you A philosophical probing look at our culture’s relationship with tire quickly and increases risk of injury by emphasizing fast, Pride FC: Bushido Volumes 7- 10 celebrity, Smash His Camera documents the story of infamous shorter, powerful strokes. Total Immersion’s Perpetual Motion New York City paparazzo Ron Galella, legendary for his The world’s premiere mixed martial arts contest.. The word Freestyle is designed to help you swim longer with more ease restraining order from Jackie O and losing five teeth at the and enjoyment, and to allow for the easiest transition from „bushido“ translates from the Japanese as the „way of the hands of Marlon Brando, all in the service of generating some warrior.“ More specifically, it refers to the principles and pool swimming to open water. There is no more efficient—or of the most iconic and memorable celebrity photographs of the satisfying—way to swim freestyle! Previous Total Immersion moral code that developed among the samurai class in Japan. 1970s. Today, in that same spirit, Pride Fighting brings you the „way swimming DVDs have helped thousands transform struggles of the warrior“ with its mixed martial arts box set of Bushido Documentary, Photography/Art 2010 90min. into skills, because they provide a rich visual guide to the key Volumes 7-10, Featuring a mixture of elite fighters as well as Magnolia Home Entertainment 19.10.2010 positions and movements of low-drag, high-fluency swimming. young up and coming talent, Bushido presents the entire 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 The Self-Coached Workshop on Perpetual Motion Freestyle spectrum of weight classes, from lightweights to goes a step further by teaching you how to learn, not just how heavyweights. With big-time knockouts and punishing to swim. Dozens of fine points and tips on how to avoid the submissions, you don’t want to miss the drama, spectacle and W. Eugene Smith: Photography most common missteps and increase your sense of clear excitement of Bushido! direction are provided, based on TI’s years of coaching Sports, Boxed Sets, Mixed Martial Arts, Made Difficult experience. Watersports, Instructional 93min. Pride FC 2004 668min. The war in the South Pacific, a country doctor in Colorado, victims of industrial pollution in a Japanese village—all were Bayview Entertainment 05.10.2010 Navarre 28.09.2010 captured in unforgettable photographs by the legendary W. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Eugene Smith. This program showcases over 600 of Smith’s stunning photographs and includes a dramatic recreation in which actor Peter Riegert (Crossing Delancey, Local Hero) Total Nonstop Action Wrestling: Primal Grill with Steven portrays the artist using dialogue taken from Smith’s diaries and letters. Interwoven through the program are archival Best Of Asylum Years Volume 1 Raichlen: Volume Three footage and interviews with family and friends of this brilliant, Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen. Shot on Location at the complicated man, whose work developed from twin themes of Abyss, Chris Sabin, 3Live Kru, Kip James, beautiful Esplendor Resort and country club at Rio Rico, common humanity and social responsibility. Shocker, Trytan, Chase Stevens, Jeff Arizona, Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen takes you on an Documentary, Educational, Photography/Art Hardy, Kevin Nash, AJ Styles, , electrifying journey across the continents. Along the way you will build confidence and skill at the grill. Travel to Asia for 87min. Diamond Dallas Page, , Malaysian Swordfish in Banana Leaves, Cambodian Coconut Kultur 28.09.2010 Raven, Team Canada, Elix Skipper, Monty Grilled Corn, and Singapore Beef Sates. From Africa, you’ll 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Brown, Ron Killings, find Piri Piri Chicken Wings and Kenyan Spit-Roasted Lamb. Europe brings you German Spiessbraten, Italian Pizza and Sports 2005 360min. Spanish Catalan Cream. While traveling Planet Barbecue, Snow Blind Navarre 21.09.2010 you will discover some of the world’s most primal grilling SnoCountry Mountain Reports and Red Sky Pictures have 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 techniques: mussels cooked in a bed of flaming pine needles, partnered to produce a feature film documentary about the salmon roasted on stakes over an open fire, and T-bones history, culture and lifestyle of snowboarding. Snow Blind grilled directly on burning embers. If you’re grilling for a covers the birth of snowboarding, the evolution that turned it Total Nonstop Action Wrestling: crowd, cook up a batch of Kobe beef sliders, Mexican fish into an Olympic sport and the passionate participants, thrill Greatest Moments tacos, or a delicious brined and smoked turkey. And, as an seekers and competitors that make it the most extreme of added bonus, discover what it takes to bring this series to the counter-cultures. This diverse film portrays eight unique Sports Entertainment 2010 180min. screen in our special ‘behind the scenes’ video. stories, including the triumphs of a 90-year old snowboard Navarre 18.10.2010 Documentary, Instructional 155min. legend, the struggles of adaptive, handicapped riders, and the tba BestellNr.: 40095002 Microcinema DVD 28.09.2010 danger of the backcountry. It also documents the everyday 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 enthusiast, the top pros in the world, the most extreme riders, the marketers, manufacturers, and the passion behind all of UFC: The Ultimate Fighter - Team them. Donnell Rawlings: From Ashy To Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports 2006 liddell Vs. Team Ortiz Classy - Live And Uncut 99min. UFC, Sports, Mixed Martial Arts, Reality Lightyear 07.09.2010 2010 843min. Donnell Rawlings With his firm grasp of the outrageous, Donnell Rawlings 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Navarre 05.10.2010 (HBO’s The Wire) was born to make people laugh. He 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 grabbed America’s funny bone on Chappelle’s Show with Ten Zen Body Toners characters like Ashy Larry and the distinctively jheri-curled Beautiful. Now Donnell goes even further, taking on the entire Fitness, Health 90min. The Universe American culture with impersonations of everybody from Gaiam Americas 07.12.2010 Documentary, Photography/Art, Space Michael Jackson to Barack Obama, and bringing his audience to tears with his razor-sharp insights and fearless 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 2006 90min. observations. Navarre 05.10.2010 Comedy 65min. Theater Of War 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Image Ent. 14.09.2010 In this gripping documentary, Academy Award Winner Meryl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Streep (It’s Complicated, Mamma Mia!), for the first time, US Open: 2001 Women’s Final - allowed cameras to record her preparation for her lead stage performance in Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage And Her S. Williams vs V. Williams Eric Sardinas: And Big Motor Live Children. Along with co-star, Academy Award Winner Kevin As the last major of the calendar year, the US Open annually Eric Sardinas’s signature brand of Delta dynamite has been a Kline (, The Big Chill), this amazing brings down the curtain on the Grand Slam season with some long time in the making. This DVD in filmed in HD catches the documentary not only offers a plenitude of insights into the of the most unforgettable matches in tennis history. More than true power and emotion of his live performances that fans actress’s craft, but also focuses on the play itself—whose a few of those have been played by tennis’ most famous sister have been loving for years. Sardinas and his powerful rhythm themes of warfare and violence have both parallels to life in act, Serena and Venus Williams. Younger sister Serena section (Big Motor) reinterpret the music of his roots into a the present in addition to Brecht’s tortured history in America struck first, claiming the Williams’ first major at the 1999 US unique driving contemporary blues/rock sound. Documentary, Film About Film 2009 min. Open. Older sister Venus followed suit less than a year later, 45min. Kino Video 19.10.2010 breaking through at Wimbledon and then defeating the top two seeds to keep the US Open women’s singles title in the family Music Video Distribution 21.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 in 2000. The result of their triumphs was a jolt for tennis in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 the United States and for women’s tennis worldwide. Most To Live And Die In Amerikkka prominently for American television viewers, the rise of the Williams sisters led CBS to move the 2001 US Open women’s Saturday Night Live Presents A Banned From Theatres!...Silky Slim (former Gang leader) finals to prime time for the first time ever. This would be a Very Gilly Christmas presents a film based on a true story...this is a wake up call match to remember with Serena and Venus facing each other for any young man, and in his own words, Silky speaks of for the first time in a Grand Slam final. Christmas, Comedy, Holidays, NBC, Sketch God’s final call...Silky Slim spent time in prison, terrorized the streets & thrived off of crime as a gang leader...now, he is Sports, Tennis 2001 85min. Comedy 2009 min. one of the strongest voices of concern for the young men in Kultur 28.09.2010 Universal Studios 12.10.2010 the ghettos of Amerikkka. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Documentary 2010 60min. Music Video Distribution 07.09.2010 US Open: 2002 Men’s Final - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Secret Origin: The Story Of DC Sampras vs Agassi Comics As the last major of the calendar year, the US Open brings Based On Comic Book, Documentary min. Total Immersion Swimming: down the curtain on the Grand Slam season with some of the Perpetual Motion Freestyle In 10 most unforgettable matches in tennis history. In 2002, the Warner Bros. 09.11.2010 Open played host to the conclusion of an epic journey for an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Lessons American tennis legend, Pete Sampras, as he faced his What’s Perpetual Motion Freestyle? Think of it as ‘’swimming greatest rival, Andre Agassi, in a fitting end to a brilliant career. In many ways, the rivalry between Sampras and

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Agassi defined both men, with the two finest players of their Championships. A marathon match, Federer’s fall, a redundant generation saving their best tennis for each other. In all, they roof - Wimbledon 2010 will go down as a classic, so make would meet four times at the US Open, the first coming in the sure you have the Official DVD to commemorate this fantastic 1990 Men’s Final, when they were both rising stars. Now, in event. Featuring exclusive contributions from all the key the twilight of their careers, they would meet one last time as competitors and other Wimbledon legends, this documentary is Sampras pursued his 14th Grand Slam singles title and his a dramatic and highly entertaining record of the proceedings fifth US Open Championship. at The Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon 2010. Sports, Tennis 2002 162min. Sports, Tennis 2010 60min. Telefonische Kultur 28.09.2010 Kultur 28.09.2010 Bestellannahme: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Waking Sleeping Beauty WWE: Satan’s Prison - The Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Disney, Documentary, Film About Film 2009 Anthology Of The Elimination Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 120min. Chamber Disney / Buena Vista 30.11.2010 Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 und Feiertags (Baden- 540min. Württemberg) bleibt unser WWE Home Video 13.07.2010 Verkauf geschlossen. Whale Wars: Season 3 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Documentary 2008 473min. Gaiam Americas 09.11.2010 WWE: Summerslam 2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2010 Wir machen min. Wimbledon: The 2010 Official WWE Home Video 14.09.2010 Betriebsferien! Film 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095002 In der Zeit vom Wimbledon 2010 is the definitive story of the 124th 01. bis 19.09.2010 bleibt unser Büro geschlossen

Newsletter 14/10 (Nr. 277) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assisstenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2010) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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