Inverness County Directory for 1887[-1920.]
Try "SCOT STILL" Whisky (6 Years I'l'ont '-i.AHK. 1'.! Y..un SfitMl INVERN 'OUNTY DIRECTORY 19 02 - PRICE ONE SHIL.I.INC • jf CO D. PETRIE, Passenger Agent, Books Passengers by the First-Class Steamers to SOU RIGA lA IM III) > I A 1 IS STRAi CANADA INA son in ATUkiCA NEW ZEAI AN And ail Parts of yj^W^M^^ Pn5;scfrj!fef» information as ii. 1 arc iScc, and Booked at 2 L.OMBARD STREET, INVERNESS. THREE LEADING WHISKIES in the NORTH ES B. CLARK, 8. 10, 12. 1* & 16 Young: at., Inv< « « THE - - HIMLAND PODLTRT SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, LIMITED. Fishmongers, Poulterers, and Game Dealers, 40 Castle Street, INVERNESS. Large Consignments of POULTRY, FISH, GAME, &c., Daily. All Orders earefuUy attended to. Depot: MUIRTOWN, CLACHNAHARRY. ESTABLISHED OVER HALP-A-CENTURY. R. HUTCHESON (Late JOHN MACGRBGOR), Tea, 'Mine and kfpirit ^ere^ant 9 CHAPEL STREET INVERNESS. Beep and Stout In Bottle a Speciality. •aOH NOIlVHaiA XNVH9 ^K^ ^O} uaapjsqy Jo q;jON ^uaSy aps CO O=3 (0 CD ^« 1 u '^5 c: O cil Z^" o II K CO v»^3U -a . cz ^ > CD Z o O U fc 00 PQ CO P E CO NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1809. FIRE—K-IFE-ANNUITIES. Total Fwnds exceed «14,130,000 Revenue, lOOO, over «»,06T,933 President-HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. Vice-President—THE MOST HON. THE MARQUESS OF ZETLAND, K.T. LIFE DEPARTMENT. IMPORTANT FEATURES. JLll Bonuses vest on Declaration, Ninety per cent, of Life Profits divided amongst the Assured on the Participating Scale.
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