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A Belsey, Catherine (b.1940), 27, 68 Adorno, Theodor Benjamin, Walter (1892–1940), 5, 13, (1903–1969), 85–86, 100, 264, 16–17, 18, 25, 26, 28, 33–35, 69, 265–282 97–100, 103, 170, 171–172, Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius of 222, 228, 258, 264, 268, 269, Nettesheim (1486–1535), 8, 9, 270 10, 21–22, 26, 95, 117, 125, Berg, Alban (1885–1935), 267, 282 144, 198, 199, 213, 214 Berlioz, Hector Arendt, Hannah (1906–1975), 209, (1803–1869), 256–257 211, 221 Blake, William Augustine of Hippo, Saint (1757–1827), 113–114, (354–430), vii, 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 128–129, 130–163, 244, 256 21–22, 26, 27, 37, 42, 43, 45, 46, Blanchot, Maurice (1907–2003), 231 49, 92, 121, 141, 142, 144, 148, Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–1375), 73 192, 239, 270 Bosch, Hieronymus (1450–1516), Austen, Jane (1775–1817), 15, 129 50, 69, 70, 75, 76–84, 88, 109, 245, 249 Brant, Sebastian (1457–1521), 76–84 B Bruegel, Pieter, the elder – – Bahktin, Mikhail (1895–1975), 17, (1525 1569), 76 84, 98, 108 – 84–100, 102, 164, 173, 234–236 Bulgakov, Mikhail (1891 1940), 17, – Baldung (Grien), Hans 255 263, 265, 282 – (1484–1545), 6, 144–145 Bunyan, John (1628 1688), 16, 116, – Baudelaire, Charles 117, 126 130, 163 (1821–1867), 163–170, 177, 196, 264 Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827), C 263, 268, 273–274 Callot, Jacques (1592–1635), 99, Bell, Milicent, (b.1919), 141 166–168

© The Author(s) 2016 305 J. Tambling, Histories of the Devil, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-51832-3 306 INDEX

Calvin, Jean (1509–1564), 15–16, Eliot, T.S. (1888–1965), 32, 163, 19, 22, 32, 129, 142, 178, 179, 196, 205–209, 265 190, 260 Empson, William (1906–1984), Cazotte, Jacques (1719–1792), 170 22–24, 41, 70, 140, 147 Certeau, Michel de (1925–1986), viii, Erasmus, Desiderius (1466–1536), 2, 75, 81–82, 84, 121, 124, 129, 75–76, 87, 93, 119 132, 282 Chambers, E.K. (1866–1954), 62 Chaucer, Geoffrey (1343–1400), 7, F – – 45 50, 56, 57 62, 239 Ficino, Marsilio, (1433–1499), 7, 8 fi th Chester eld, Philip Dormer, 4 Earl Foucault, Michel (1926–1984), 2, 6, – of (1694 1773), 165, 192 39, 75, 111, 125, 189 – Clark, Stuart (b.1943), 5, 6, 7, 104 105 Fränger, Wilhelm (1890–1964), 81 Cowper, William Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 7, 37, – – (1731 1800), 15 16, 56, 260 92, 114–118, 122, 125, 176, Cranach, Lucas 181, 189, 237, 245, 248, 254, – – (1472 1553), 143 144 266, 276, 280, 281 Frieden, Ken, 11, 19 D – (1265 1321), 45, 47, G 50–57, 78, 184 Gentillet, Innocent (1535–1588), 30, Defoe, Daniel (1660–1731), v, 53–54 117, 256 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von de Man, Paul (1919–1983), 127, 162 (1749–1832), 7, 8, 9, 10, 12–15, Derrida, Jacques (1930–2004), vi, 2, 18, 19, 168, 170, 192, 195–222, 6, 111, 176–182, 231, 233 223–229, 232, 241, 243, 245, Descartes, René (1596–1650), 97–98, 251, 257, 266, 274, 275 111, 115, 121, 122 Gogol, Nikolai, (1809–1852), 166, Dickens, Charles (1812–1870), 248, 223–224, 253, 255 253, 259–260 Gossart, Jan (1478–1532), 145 Dostoevsky, Fyodor (1821–1881), 17, Gounod, Charles-Francois 164, 187, 223–254, 255, 258, (1818–1893), 196, 257, 261, 266 262, 267, 282 Greene, Robert (1558–1592), Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528), 6, 8, 22–23, 53 59, 103, 272 Durkheim, Emile (1858–1917), 231 H E Haizmann, Christof (1651–1700), Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans 114–118 1819–1880), viii, 206–209, 224 Hardy, Barbara (1924–2016), viii INDEX 307

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Lewis, C.S. (1898–1963), 26, (1770–1831), 27, 100, 228, 28, 140 270, 277 Lewis, Matthew (‘Monk’ 1775–1818), Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976), 121, 179, 183, 186 191–192, 212, 219 Lukács, György (1885–1971), 212 Hill, Christopher (1912–2003), Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 21, 45, 146–147 87, 114–115, 118–123, 210, Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 251, 255 159–160 Hochhuth, Rolf (b.1931), 211 Hoffmann, E.T.A. (1776–1822), M 164–193, 225, 228, 236, 255 Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527), Hogg, James (1770–1835), 16, 30, 52, 53–54 176–180, 190, 191, 230, 260 Mann, Klaus (1906–1949), 196, 275 Mann, Thomas (1887–1955), J 17, 196, 210, 222, 253, Jonson, Ben (1572–1637), 71, 75, 85, 255–282 105–106, 167 Marlowe, Christopher (1564–1593), 8, 10–11, 19, 21–44, 52, 53–54, 107, 108, 196, 201, K 207, 269 Marston, John (1576–1634), 41 Kierkegaard, Søren (1813–1855), Marturin, Charles (1782–1824), 8, 27–28, 129, 142–143, 264, 268, 164, 179 272, 275, 278 Marx, Karl (1818–1883), 170–171, Kofman, Sarah (1934–1994), 219–222 177, 274 Melanchton, Philip (1497–1560), Kristeva, Julia (b.1941), 2, 93, 21–22 121, 282 Middleton, Thomas (1580–1627), 70–71, 74 Midelfort, H.C. Erik (b.1942), 123 L Milton, John (1608–1674), 3, 39, Lacan, Jacques (1901–1981), 43, 113–114, 130–162, 163, 118–122, 169, 175 164, 256 Langland, William (second half 14th Molière (Jean-Baptiste century), 45, 49, 60 Poquelin 1622–1673), 166, Lanzmann, Claude (b. 1925), 211 171–176, 259 Lawrence, D.H. (1885–1930), 158 Monteverdi, Claudio Layard, Austen Henry (1817–1894), (1567–1643), 269 1, 2 Mozart, W.A (1756–1791), 192–193, Leavis, F.R. (1895–1978), 36, 148 215, 263, 278 308 INDEX

N 97, 101–111, 128, 141, 159, Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900), v, 166–167, 172–173, 197, 202, 2, 11, 12–13, 85, 190–192, 200, 204, 211, 216, 217, 230, 233, 203, 211, 212, 222, 231, 233, 240, 246, 247, 250, 252, 256, 238, 240, 244, 251, 261, 265, 269, 271, 273 266, 267, 268, 273, 274 Socrates (470–399 BCE), 11, 43 Southern, Richard (1912–2001), 68–69 Stiegler, Bernard (b.1952), 18 O Origen (c.184-c.254 CE), 81, 100, 119, 238, 258, 259 T Terence (c 195.185 – 159 BCE), 171, 173 P Teresa of Avila, Saint (1515–1582), 125 Plautus (284–154 BCE), 167, 169, Thompson, Diane, 235–237 171, 172 Towneley Master, the, 62, 63, 65, 74 Powys, T.F. (1875–1953), 15–16 Turgenev, Ivan (1818–1883), Pushkin Alexander (1799–1837), 223, 225–227, 237 224, 225, 228, 248, 255

V R Voltaire (François-Marie Rabelais, Francois (1484/1494–1553), Arouet 1694–1778), 130 8, 17, 32, 43, 50, 75, 76, 82–83, Voragine, Jacobus de, 10, 259, 260 84–100, 163, 235, 237, 238 Richter, Jean Paul (1763–1825), 86, 99, 170 W Robinson, Henry Crabb Wagner, Richard (1813–1883), 17, (1775–1865), 130, 141 265, 274, 275 Rossiter, A.P. (d.1957), 69–70 Weber, Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Rushdie, Salman (b. 1947), 255, (1786–1826), 179, 263, 269, 278 280–282 Webster, John (1580–1634), 43 Wright, Elizabeth (1926–2001), 190

S Schoenberg, Arnold Y (1874–1951), 267, 274, 277 Yates, Frances (1899–1981), 8, 9 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Young Edward (1683–1765), 114 3rd Earl of (1671–1713), 11 Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), v, vii, 7, 21–44, 49, 54, 60, 66–67, Z 69, 71, 75–76, 85, 86, 88, 92, 95, Zupančič, Alenka, (b. 1966), 174