Participants/Participating Institutions
CONTENT PARTICIPANTS 1936 (Campus, 1996) was awarded the Ernst Reuter Prize. Between 1999 and 2001, he worked at the FUB Institute PARTICIPANTS Page 3 PARTICIPATING STUDENTS OF THE INTER- of Philosophy as Research Associate NATIONAL THEATRE INSTITUTE (ITI) IN and at the DFG Collaborative Research INSTITUTIONS Page 9 SINGAPORE ARE Center “Performing Cultures” in the project “The Performance of Society PERFORMANCES Page 11 Kalaiselvi d/o Piramayan, Lina Yu, in Games.” Shakeel Ahmmad Mulla, Ivan Pedro Simoni Talavera, Narayana Kurup, Denise Mordeno Aguilar, Giorgia Ciampi, Adele Frantz, FRANCES BARBE and Maryline David. is a theatre practitioner, scholar, and teacher currently based at the Western PARTICIPATING STUDENTS OF THE FRANKFURT Australian Academy of Performing Arts UNIVERSITY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS in Perth. She has trained extensively (HFMDK) ARE in Japanese techniques, including Butoh and Tadashi Suzuki’s actor training Alrun Hofert, Tim Dane, Gesa Köhler, method. Asian approaches to training Robert Will, Niklas Hagendick, Felix and to making performance inform her Bold, Bastian Sistig, Mark Reisig, work, building on her background in Cennet Voß, Nyamandi Mushagaranhu, Western dance and theatre. Her Ph.D., Tim Werths, Meike Hedderich, and completed at the University of Kent in Paula König. 2011, is titled The Difference Butoh Makes: A Practice-based Exploration of PARTICIPATING STUDENTS OF THE BERLIN Butoh in Contemporary Performance and UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS (UDK) ARE Performer Training. Barbe is also a qualified yoga teacher. Robin Dörnemann, Raphael Schmischke, Sven Scheele, and Thea Rasche. HANS-ULRICH BECKER PARTICIPANTS OF THE ERNST BUSCH has been Educational Director of Mise- ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ART (HFS) IN en-scène at the Hochschule für Musik BERLIN ARE und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt/M.
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