

Minutes of a Meeting held at 7pm on Monday 19th November 2018 at Old Cleeve Church Room

Agenda Item Action Present Present: Cllr Williams, (Chair), Cllr Gannon, (Vice-Chair), Cllr Webb, Cllr Lillis, Cllr Smith, Cllr Binding, Cllr Richards, Cllr Searle, Cllr Hunt, Cllr Eggar, Cllr Johnson- Smith, Cllr Webb, Cllr Duncan, Cllr Baker (from 7.33pm) In Attendance: Philippa Harper (Clerk); Cllr Christine Lawrence (SCC); Nick Kelly of Binham Farm (till 7.30), Joanna Duncuff-Hoad (co-opted as a councillor at 7.11 pm ) Cllr Dewdney (from 7.34pm) 14 members of the public (up to and including the Binham Farm presentation, with 1 member remaining thereafter) 598/1118 Apologies: Apologies and Cllr Dewdney (WSC) had sent notification that he would be delayed. Declarations of Cllr Lillis declared he is a councillor for WSC, and Cllr Williams and Smith both Interest declared a non-pecuniary interest in Toilets CIC. 599/1118 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 15th October 2018 Minutes of the Proposed: Cllr Lillis Seconded: Cllr Gannon Resolved unanimously that with last meeting the amendment under Item 588/1808 Cllr L should read Councillor Lillis the minutes accepted as a true and accurate record. 600/1118 Co-option of a councillor Councillor The Chair noted that he was sorry to lose Philippa Harper as Clerk and Cllr Positions Conley. Expressions of interest are welcomed for the new vacancy. Joanna Duncuff-Hoad made a presentation to the Council. Proposed: Cllr Searle Seconded: Cllr Binding Unanimously resolved that Joanna Duncuff-Hoad was co-opted as a councillor. Joanna signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Register of Interest to be returned to the Monitoring Officer. Clerk Appointment of councillor to Personnel Committee Proposed: Cllr Richards Seconded: Cllr Lillis Resolved unanimously that Cllr Duncan is appointed to the Personnel Committee. 601/1118 Cllr Williams reported the following: Chair’s Report Summary of activities since the last meeting: • Attended a District-wide meeting hosted by ENP re. Winter road gritting in our Parish o All 3 wards represented o I produced a full report on proceedings o Only precautionary gritting from to Washford affected • The finance committee held a meeting last week to look at our Parish finances and to arrive at a proposal for the precept for the next financial year. It was a thorough meeting and the draft has been circulated. A full discussion and vote will take place at an extraordinary meeting at 7.00pm on Monday the 3rd December at Washford Memorial Hall. • Article written for the Parish magazine covering: o A39 speed limits o Washford wig-wags and pedestrian safety o Winter road gritting in our Parish



Minutes of a Meeting held at 7pm on Monday 19th November 2018 at Old Cleeve Church Room

o The road at Blue Anchor o Still working to resolve queries around the editing of copy to the Parish magazine • We attended the Panel Meeting o Raised the issue of the clearance of the roadside cobbled drain in Old Cleeve o The 40MPH speed limit at Bilbrook ▪ Highways’ proposal that is out for public consultation o The plans for the future of the road at Blue Anchor in the event of further cliff erosion ▪ The wish is to retain a road no plan has been formulated/communicated that we know of.

602/1118 The Clerk, Philippa Harper, reported the following: Clerk’s Report She was sorry to be leaving the Parish Council Philippa and Cllr Gannon had visited a Washford resident who has a concern about a tree affecting her property. Cllr Gannon had directed her to the correct agencies but she will also be contacting the parish council in writing about the matter. Philippa had submitted a VAT reclaim 603/1118 Mr. Nick Kelly was welcomed as Estates Manager at Binham Farm for Dunster Presentation Estates, which are owned by Sir Michael Hintze of CQS, helped by Sir Michael from Nick Kelly of Peat. The estate comprises 2889 acres, of which 712 acres are at Old Cleeve. Binham Farm South Farm has 906 acres. The estate also has 19 farm business tenancies, 3 agricultural holdings tenancies, 20 directly-let residential properties, 7 farmhouses and 9 cottages,1 estate office at Binham Grange, 13 commercial leases, and 26 other small lettings, including the Community Orchard in Old Cleeve. Farming operations are mostly arable. South Farm has a much more mixed farming approach. Livestock are for environmental benefits not commercial operation. They will put most of South Farm into a Countryside Stewardship scheme. Mr Kelly addressed the rumours of a vast industrial dairy unit. There will be around 500 cattle, not the bigger numbers quoted, but this are still under consideration. High welfare standards require substantial investment, this investment may or not happen in the future. He doesn’t think this will develop into anything for at least 3 years, planning is all parked at the moment. The strategy is a focussed approach to improvement and investment with financial rigour to progressively provide an improved estate including their forestry operations to balance against an amenity focus in certain areas. Questions to Mr. Kelly: Cllr Gannon asked about the Pill River running through the land, subject to high run-off in certain conditions causing pollution issues. Mr Kelly replied that they are conscious of environmental considerations. Will be inviting contacts to give due consideration to improving the whole river including the catchment sensitive to any run-off. He would also try to open up



Minutes of a Meeting held at 7pm on Monday 19th November 2018 at Old Cleeve Church Room

some permissive rights of way which may include a riverine walk if that can be achieved, but that this is still under consideration. Cllr Webb asked about the narrow lanes and the size of some tractors that have damaged the banks including the cobbled path from Washford to Old Cleeve. Mr Kelly acknowledged that it’s a problem in many places. The work is often done by contractors who have bigger equipment, and it will present some challenges. There is no easy remedy for it but he will ask for consideration. Cllr Smith asked if Sir Michael Hintze had been here?. Mr Kelly said he had visited when he looked at the estate and had invested a lot of money. He hopes to get him down again. The Chair, Cllr Williams, thanked Mr Kelly for his talk, and asked for Mr Kelly to keep the Parish informed as plans develop. 604/1118 Cllr Lawrence ( County Council): Reports from: £4.7 million will be put into rural areas for broadband from the government. Somerset County The Fit for the Future meeting is next week. Cllr Lawrence is going to Brushford Council and West as part of the consultation. SCC is thinking about health needs to the longer Somerset term, as in the Health strategy (Health and wellbeing board). Councillors/ Cllr Dewdney ( Council): /Neighbour There had been a meeting at Shire Hall for the joint authority to appoint a new hood Watch Chief Executive. James Hassett’s appointment has been ratified, he was previously deputy Chief Exec for Havant and East Hampshire., and will be starting in January. A huge amount is going on with transformation. Two thirds to three quarters of the staff are changing roles, which will cause disruption and lack of availability. Cllr Dewdney has been to Hinkley Point, which is employing 6303 staff as of today. If you want to go, contact the office at Bridgwater and will book you on a tour. Cllr Lilllis (West Somerset Council/Old Cleeve Parish Council): The councils are moving on and trying to work together and will get there in the end. Will be more resident friendly on screens etc. Cllr Johnson-Smith asked how much of the WSC building would be used, would it be left in half-empty state. Cllr Lillis clarified the position. Police reports Police reports have been received from Cllr Hunt. The summary monthly report will be circulated when it comes through. Support for local police Proposed: Cllr Smith Seconded: Cllr Webb Resolved unanimously to write a Parish letter of support to Sue Mountstevens to give the parishes support for more support and resources Cllr Gannon noted that there is a questionnaire is going around, asking an additional pound per month till they get more money. 605/1118 No questions from the public were received. Questions from the public 606/1118 ROSPA Recommendations Washford Cllr Gannon had prepared brief notes and handed around copies. In summary Recreation none of the risks exceed low risk, he has gone through and highlighted what Ground needs attention: Risk management P3


Minutes of a Meeting held at 7pm on Monday 19th November 2018 at Old Cleeve Church Room

The key issue is the recently identified non-compliance of the swings owing to distance from frame and distance between swings. Clerk to touch base with the Clerk insurers. Fencing – main gate was rehung. Need 18 mill gap. Hinge in wrong place. Cllr Hunt offered to do some of the jobs such as clearing the drains and to fix Cllr Hunt the kissing gate. The damaged slats on the bench are on Cllr Gannon’s to-do list. Cllr Gannon Goalposts are a low risk, leave it to stop being moved around. Play tunnel with small burnt areas – Cllr Gannon and Cllr Lillis offered to fix it. Cllr Gannon/Cllr Rubbing down and treating of slats. Proposed: Cllr Gannon Seconded: Cllr Lillis Baker Resolved unanimously to get 5 star cuprinol - GW will order at an Cllr Williams estimated cost of £30. Goalpost will need treatment, quote required, Jamie Williams suggested. Clerk Proposed: Cllr Baker Seconded: Cllr Gannon Resolved unanimously to get a quote for the goalpost treatment Holes in the ground. Cllr Hunt offered community service people for this work. Cllr Hunt Cllr Williams has soil available of needed. Proposed: Cllr Gannon Seconded: Cllr Baker Resolved unanimously to buy a Clerk long-hasp padlock to the double gate. Swings –Clerk to send ROSPA report to insurers for comment. Clerk Inspection Policy Cllr Baker had drafted an Inspection Policy (previously circulated)with a diary system, for consideration by the Council. Currently she inspects the Rec once a week, the trees are inspected once a year. This policy can draw in the other All/Clerk assets including the bus shelters. An up-to-date Asset register is first required to sit behind this important piece of work in managing the health and safety of the site. Comments on the draft are to be sent to the Clerk and Cllr Baker. 607/1118 Weight limit signage at Blue Anchor The Clerk had received a message from SCC Clerk Action Points to say that the matter was closed. WSC will go back. The Clerk was asked to from previous forward the email to Cllr Dewdney. Item closed. meetings Washford Road Safety Cllr Duncan presented the key points of his report (previously circulated). The main concern was a need for a crossing or crossings, but this was not going to be possible. All properties had been given a copy of the leaflet. The biggest complaints were the speed and amount of traffic. Many other issues were raised-traffic flows of 11000 vehicles a day, and being a county freight route. There were 8 reported accidents in Washford in the last 5 years, plus unreported collisions. The speed limit could be 20 mph not 30 mph. Alignment and width as issues. Severance issues – cuts the village into two. The footways are pretty poor, there are many road traffic signs but not all in good condition. A SCC review of the A39 from Dunster to will be held. Summary -to raise issues in the report, to start dialogue with SCC to see how any of the issues can be addressed, eg linking pedestrian routes. The Parish Council will need formally to send it in. All councillors are to send comments by the end of next week to Cllr Duncan and to ask how we join in the review. Slipway and Land erosion, Blue Anchor Hotel CMS plans to tidy it up. No survey has been done. Waiting for the concept of the road which will be needed at some point for the road medium to long term. Investigatory work being done. P4


Minutes of a Meeting held at 7pm on Monday 19th November 2018 at Old Cleeve Church Room

Close item for now Adoption of Telephone kiosk, Old Cleeve Proposed: Cllr Duncan Seconded: Cllr Gannon In favour 9 Against 4 Abstention 0 It was therefore resolved to adopt the Old Cleeve telephone kiosk subject to a 90-day consultation with a budget of up to £100. Cllr Richards left the meeting at 20.49. Pill River Clearance Done, item closed. Publicising CCS Survey Housing survey will be led by CCS, asking for links to parish magazine and noticeboards. 608/1118 a) : Highways and 40 mph limit Bilbrook to Straight Cllr Lillis raised it at Footpaths from Withycombe PC. Sam Rawle is also contacting Highways and to go to parish on previous December 3rd. Item will be closed off for now. meetings Old Cleeve cobbled drain, clearance Need clarification as to whether it would be done or not in future. Clerk Council response to grit and salt bins Only precautionary gritting is ceasing. WSC will top up all salt bins and provide a number of salt bags. Cllr Eggar noted that a large dumpy bag of grit/salt had been put by the roadside in Roadwater. Meeting extension Voted to extend the meeting at 8.58 pm Proposed: Cllr Lillis Seconded: Cllr Baker Resolved unanimously to continue the meeting by 30 minutes Road Lane drains Clerk had received reports from SCC on completed remedial works Shells footpath In Williton parish Signage of Ham Lane/Pit Lane Cllr Binding has shown Cllr Lillis the relevant large signs. Cllr Williams has raised at the Dunster panel meeting; more traffic is still going through. Cllr Binding has got the National Park to relocate a sign. Trees overgrowing the road Members are to report direct on the SCC Highways portal. Cllr Lawrence and Cllr Dewdney left the meeting at 21.06

609/1118 Planning Applications Planning Ref No; 6/26/18/105LB ( National Park) Minor alterations to Golsoncott House (listed building) Proposed: Cllr Gannon Seconded: Cllr Baker Resolved unanimously No Objection Ref No: 6/26/18/106 (Exmoor National Park) Golsoncott Cottage Conversion of stone shed Proposed: Cllr Gannon Seconded: Cllr Webb Resolved unanimously No Objection Ref No: T/21/18/006 Cypress Tree, Ashleigh Cottage, Old Cleeve To cut one cypress tree to hedge height



Minutes of a Meeting held at 7pm on Monday 19th November 2018 at Old Cleeve Church Room

Proposed: Cllr Webb Seconded: Cllr Duncan Resolved unanimously No objection

Other Planning Issues Traphole temporary bridge. The bridge has been removed. Item closed Proposed request for Tree Preservation Order, Old nurseries, Washford Former Cllr Conley has asked the Clerk to investigate a TPO on a second walnut tree on the old nursery site, but this needs clearly locating. Cllr Lillis offered to find the tree. Huish Lane Allotment site Potential developers had approached the Council to canvas opinion but it was felt best to wait for it to come through the normal planning process. Cllr Gannon had received a request to meet allotment holders. Cllr Gannon advised that the site would make 5 x 2 bed units on the land, a new scheme to what is approved in outline.

Enforcement issues Blue Anchor Cllr Gannon reported the Issue raised at Dunster panel, that in Blue Anchor a holiday provider has opened up the site between the Beeches and cliffs with 6 caravan bases on the site. Nothing has been done. Proposed: Cllr Gannon Seconded: Cllr Webb Resolved unanimously for the Parish to write to Planning to report the breach east of the Blue Anchor Hotel. Willow Grove Cllr Gannon reported that a resident from Willow Grove boundary which has taken in some Magna land. Have put in a boarded fence across a gateway for emergency vehicles. He spoke to Liz Peeks, Planning, who advised that it must attract an application. Proposed: Cllr Gannon Seconded: Cllr Eggar Unanimously resolved to lodge a formal complaint concerning the safety of access for emergency vehicles, Grade 2 listed building and annexation of land.

610/1118 Financial report Finance The Clerk reported these figures to the end of October 2018: Total expenditure to date : £7453.77 Deposit Account balance on 28th September 2018: £24,372.33 Current Account balance on 30th October 2018: 455.05 Transfer of £8,000 from the Deposit Account to the Current Account The Clerk reported that the balances in the Current Account therefore needed topping up for the next month’s payments and the following months. Proposed: Cllr Webb Seconded: Cllr Duncan Resolved unanimously to transfer £8000 from the Deposit Account to the Current Account to maintain cashflow Brief report from the Finance Committee meeting of 14th November 2018 The minutes of the Finance Committee of 14th November had been previously circulated for information, wherein the draft Precept proposals had been prepared, going forward to the Precept setting meeting of 3rd December. Monthly Schedule of Payments Proposed: Cllr Baker Seconded: Cllr Webb Resolved unanimously to approve the November 2018 schedule of payments, listed here: P6


Minutes of a Meeting held at 7pm on Monday 19th November 2018 at Old Cleeve Church Room

Ch No. Payee Sum Details 1965 Garden Care and Creation 750.00 Grass Cutting and hedge cutting as quoted January 2018 1966 Roadwater Village Hall 20.00 Hire 23/7 and 15/10 1967 West Somerset Free 67.20 Clerk advert 16/11/18 Press 1968 Clerk 437.30 Salary and home working allowance for October 2018 1969 Clerk 65.48 Office Expenses - reimbursement 1970 HMRC 0.00 Tax

Total 1339.98

611/1118 The green correspondence folder was not available but the Clerk offered to Correspondence deliver it to any members who wished to see it in the following days. Cllr Johnson-Smith commented on the email concerning the SCC Children’s Services open meetings about cuts, and requested the Clerk to ask why the message had been sent so late. 612/118 • Cllr Webb noted that he was looking at the Parish Paths consultation. Items for next Cllr Binding would be willing to help. To be returned 31st January. Clerk agenda will print off and pass to Cllr Webb for preparation for the December Clerk meeting. • Setting dates for meetings of the working group for MUGA. Clerk • Traffic cones had been left on Blue Anchor; Cllr Smith will report them as an individual as fly tipping. Cllr Smith • Philippa was thanked for her work as Clerk and presented with a bouquet of flowers. 613/118 7.00 pm on Monday 17th December at Washford Memorial Hall. Date of next Full Council Meeting

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.29

Signed (Chair)…………………………………………………………………………………….. Date……………………………………………………………..
