A Historical Study of Management-Labor Relations Pertaining to the Dieselization of Railroads in the United States
This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 66—15,063 A D L E R , Jr., Philip, 1930— A HISTORICAL STUDY OF MANAGEMENT-LABOR RELATIONS PERTAINING TO THE DIESELIZATION OF RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1966 Economics, commerce-business University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan A HISTORICAL STUDY OF laiAOSRSLT-IABCB RELATIONS PERTAINING TO THE DISSSIJSATIOE OF RAILROADS IK THE UNITED STATES DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohic State University 2y Philip Adler, Jr., B. 3 B. A. The Ohio State University 1?66 sproved b y : r~Advig? Jy Depai'tment of Business Organisation ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express sincere appreciation to those who have helped in the organization and development of this investigation. It is impossible to list here the names of all who have given so generously of their time and knowledge to make this study possible. I am particularly indebted to my adviser, Dr. Michael Jucius, without whose guidance, patience, and inspiration this study would not have been possible. I would like to thank the members of ny reading committee, Professor Charles B. Hicks, Professor Rate Howell, and Professor Reed M. Powell for their valuable criticisms and suggestions. I also would like to thank the various individuals from the railroad industry for their enthusiastic cooperation throughout the research for this study. The encouragement provided by Mrs. Mildred Chavous of the Graduate School is most deeply appreciated, as is the guidance provided by the editorial staff of the Graduate School.
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