District Census Handbook, Chhmtuipui, Part XII-A & B, Series
CENSUS OF INDIA /1991 SERIES - 17 MIZORAM PART XII - A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CHHIMTUIPUI "DISTRICT Directorate of Census Operations, Mizoram CONTENTS Pages FOREWARD vii PREFACE ix MAP OF THE PIFRICT xi IMPORTANT- STATISTICS xiii ANALYTICAL NOH Cens\.ls concept~ of Rural and Urban areas, Census House, Household, Scl)edul~d Castes and Scheduled Tribes, List of Scheduled Caste~ and ~,I)eduled Tribes, L1terates~ Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non Workers/ Cultivators, Asricultural Labours, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Huntln~ and r!~!1tation, Orchard and allied activities, Mining and Quarrying, Mitnufacturlng, Processing, Servicing and Repairs. 3 II Brief History of District and the District Census Handbook. 7 III Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory Statements and Primary Census Abstract. 8 IV Source of data and its reliability, Educational Amenities, Drinking Wat~rl Post & Telegraph, Day or days of the Market/Hat, Comml,migtion (Bus Stop, Railway Station, Waterway), Approa~\1 tQ Village, Nearest Town and Distances (in km), Power SUPP!¥i Land Use. 8 V Brief Analysis of Village/Town Directory and Primary Cel1suS Abstract Data Based on inset Tables. 10 Table 1A PopulatlolJ and number of Villag~~ in 1991 10 Table 1B Population and number of Towns in 1991 10 Table 2 New Towns/Town De~l.assified, merge~ in 1991 11 Ta~le ~ Decadal change in Distribution of population II Taple 4 Percenta~e t>istributlon of Villages by population Ranges In 1991 12 T~~~ SA Sex Ratio for Rural Population
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