Chapter 6 Importance of the Local -Angiotensin System in Pancreatic Disease

Po Sing Leung Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong


The is structurally made up of two organs in one: the exocrine gland, consisting of acinar cells and duct cells that produce digestive and sodium bicarbonate, respectively; the endocrine gland, consisting of four islet cells, namely α-, β-, δ- and PP- cells that produce glucagon, insulin, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide, respectively. The exocrine pancreas’ major function is to secrete digestive enzymes, including , and that are responsible for the normal of our daily foodstuff; while sodium bicarbonate is critical for the neutralization of gastric chyme entering the . The endocrine pancreas’ major function is to secrete the four islet hormones that maintain glucose homeostasis in our body. The exocrine and endocrine functions are finely regulated by neurocrine, endocrine, paracrine and/or intracrine mechanisms (Solomon 1994; Cluck et al 2005; Toskes 1998). Dysregulation of these pathways thus leads to such pancreatic diseases as , , pancreatic cancer and diabetes mellitus. The local mechanisms that regulate pancreatic exocrine and endocrine physiology and pathophysiology remain poorly understood. However, a recently-identified local pancreatic renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is of considerable interest due to its involvement in major pancreatic functions. Components of this pancreatic RAS are subject to upregulation by various

131 U. Lendeckel and Nigel M. Hooper (eds.), Proteases in Gastrointestinal Tissue, 131-152. © 2006 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands 132 PO SING LEUNG Chapter 6 physiological and pathological conditions such as hypoxia, pancreatitis, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and islet transplantation (Leung and Carlsson 2001; Leung and Chappell 2003). Emerging data from our laboratory and others indicate that activation of the pancreatic RAS could influence cell inflammatory responses, driving apoptosis, fibrosis, and generation of reactive oxygen species observed in pancreatitis, islet transplantation and T2DM (Leung 2005; Leung and Carlsson 2005). The elucidation of the regulatory pathways of pancreatic RAS activation and the consequent oxidative stress-induced pancreatic cell dysfunction has the potential to significantly improve our understanding of pancreatic physiology and pathophysiology. Ultimately, understanding the local pancreatic RAS should lead to new insights into the development of novel therapeutic strategies in the prevention and treatment of patients with pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, islet transplantation and T2DM.


2.1 Circulating RAS

The circulating RAS is an endocrine system best known for its regulation of blood pressure and fluid homeostasis (Peach 1977; Reid et al 1978). These regulatory functions are mediated largely by potent actions on the vascular smooth muscle and on renal reabsorption of electrolyte and water via direct tubule actions and via the stimulation of aldosterone and vasopressin (Lumber 1999; Matsusaka and Ichikawa 1997). This classic RAS consists of several components: the liver-derived precursor angio- tensinogen, two critical enzymes for the system, namely kidney renin and membrane-bound pulmonary angiotensin-converting (ACE). The sequential actions of these two enzyme generate plasma angiotensin I (1-10) and angiotensin II (1-8), respectively, the latter being the physiologically active element of the RAS. In addition, alternate enzymes to renin and ACE produce a number of bioactive peptides including angiotensin III (2-8), angiotensin IV (3-8) and angiotensin (1-7). Angiotensin II and these bioactive peptides mediate their specific functions via respective cellular transmembrane receptors of target tissues and organs (Leung 2004). Figure 1 summarizes the biosynthetic cascade for the RAS using renin and ACE and other alternate enzymes, which are linked by the bioactive peptide products along with their respective receptors.

6. Importance of the Local RAS in Pancreatic Disease 133


Renin Angiotensin I Kallikrein


AT1 & AT2 receptor Angiotensin II Aminopeptidase A

AT /AT receptor Angiotensin III 1 2 AT3 receptor Aminopeptidase B/N

Angiotensin IV AT4 receptor

Propylendopeptidase Angiotensin (1-7) ACE-2

AT receptor 7

Figure 1: An outline of the RAS depicting its biologically active peptides generated by various angiotensin-processing peptidases, along with their respective receptors.

2.2 Renin and angiotensin-converting enzyme

Renin (EC is an aspartyl , one of the key enzymes of the RAS. It is synthesized as a prorenin and subsequently activated by proteolytic cleavage. The gene coding for renal renin has 10 exons in human and 9 in rodents. A high degree of sequence homology is found among these renin isoforms (Hardman et al 1984; Hobart et al 1984). Active renin cleaves its substrate angiotensinogen to angiotensin I; however, the inactive renin, i.e. preprorenin and prorenin are the precursors of active renin and they are found in circulating blood plasma, amniotic fluid and kidney (Lumbers 1971; Day and Luetscher 1975; Nielsen and Poulsen 1988). The afferent arteriolar juxtaglomerular cells of kidney act as the site of renin production for the RAS (Hackenthal 1990). The preprorenin synthesized is rapidly hydrolyzed by signal protease to give prorenin. The prorenin is then converted to active renin and is secreted via a regulated pathway (Pratt et al 1983). The renin gene is expressed in many tissues besides the kidneys, including the vascular endothelium and islet beta cells of the pancreas (Leung et al 1999; Tahmasebi et al 1999) and may show species selectivity, as evidenced by its expression in the submandibular glands of the mouse but not the rat (Morris et al 1980). 134 PO SING LEUNG Chapter 6

ACE (EC is a membrane-bound zinc ectoenzyme that functions as dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase (also called peptidyl-dipeptidase A, kininase II, peptidase P, and carboxycathepsin). Its major function is to process angiotensin I to angiotensin II and degrade bradykinin by removal of a dipeptide from the C-terminus. Other bioactive peptides such as metenkephalin, substance P, tachykinins, and prohormone convertase are also substrates for ACE (Coates 2003). Two isoforms of ACE are expressed in mammals: a germinal isoform (gACE) required for male fertility, and a somatic isoform (sACE) which plays a critical for the RAS (Corvol et al 1995). Until now, the clinical application of ACE inhibitors (e.g. captopril and ramipril) has been for the treatment of hypertension, diabetic nephropathy and heart failure (Dell’Italia et at 2002). In the pancreas, ACE has been identified in islet cells and in the vascular endothelium of pancreatic islets (Reddy et al 1995; Carlsson et al 1998). ACE activity and ACE mRNA have also been detected in the rat pancreas (Ip et al 2003a).

2.3 Other angiotensin-processing peptidases

Apart from renin and ACE, a raft of angiotensin-processing peptidases is involved in the generation and metabolism of active angiotensin peptides. These enzymes include, to name but a few, the chymase, G, chymotrypsin, , tonin, kallikrein, ACE-2 and other exopeptidases as well as endopeptidases. The existence of these enzymes has expanded the classic view of RAS to a more contemporary model of “angiotensin- generating systems” that recognizes the contribution of alternate pathways (Sernia 2001). These peptidases act directly on angiotensin I and/or angiotensin II as well as the precursor angiotensinogen to generate a number of bioactive peptides with varying physiological activities, such as angiotensin (1-7), angiotensin III and angiotensin IV (Campbell 2003). Of particular interest in this context is the discovery of a novel peptidase termed ACE-2, which is the first human homologue of ACE. Like ACE, ACE-2 acts as a carboxypeptidase; however, ACE-2 hydrolyzes a single residue either from angiotensin II (Pro7-Phe8) or angiotensin I (His9-Leu10) to generate angiotensin (1-7) and angiotensin (1-9), respectively (Rice et al 2004). ACE- 2 also cleaves other peptides, such as dynorphin, apelin and bradykinin. A physiological role for ACE-2 has been implicated in hypertension, heart function and diabetes and, perhaps more importantly, as a receptor of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronarvirus (Warner et al 2004). Figure 2 depicts the peptide linkages that are cleaved by the angiotensin-processing peptidases. In the pancreas, kallikrein has been isolated in the dog and rat (Hojima et al 1977). It is a peptidase capable of generating angiotensin II directly from its precursor angiotensinogen (Arakawa and Maruta 1980; 6. Importance of the Local RAS in Pancreatic Disease 135

Arakawa 1996). In addition, a number of serine proteases capable of forming angiotensin II from angiotensin I and/or angiotensinogen have been identified in the pancreas (Sasaguri et al 1999).

Chymotrypsin Chymase Aminopeptidase A Tonin ACE


Asp1 – Arg2 – Val3 – Tyr4 – Ile5 – His6 – Pro7 – Phe8 – His9 – Leu10



Trypsin Endopeptidase *Aminopeptidase B/N

Figure 2 : Different angiotensin-processing peptidases including endopeptidase, aminopepti- dase and carboxypeptidase that cleave peptide linkages from the interior, aminoterminal and carboxy-terminus of angiotensin I and angiotensin II. * denotes that upon removal of Asp by aminopeptidase A, the resultant peptide can be metabolized by aminopepti- dase B and N.

2.4 Angiotensin receptors

Most of the major functions, if not all, of the RAS are mediated by the physiologically active peptide angiotensin II. The actions are mediated by its two angiotensin II receptor subtypes, AT1 receptor and AT2 receptor (De Gasparo et al 2000). Both receptor subtypes belong to the seven transmembrane-spanning G-protein-coupled receptors. AT1 receptor comprises 359 amino acids while AT2 receptor is 363 amino acids, and they share about 30 % sequence similarity (Speth et al 1995). Apart from its well-established regulation of blood pressure and fluid homeostasis, AT1 and AT2 receptors have been recently proposed to participate in novel and cell-specific functions in tissue organs such as the pancreas and liver (Leung 2004). These functions include stimulation and inhibition of cell proliferation; induction of apoptosis; generation of reactive oxygen species; regulation of hormone 136 PO SING LEUNG Chapter 6 secretion; and proinflammatory and profibrogenic actions (Leung and Chappell 2003). On the other hand, proteolytic fragments of angiotensin II also have biological activity via these and other receptors (Thomas and Mendelsohn 2003). In this regard, angiotensin II can be metabolized into angiotensin III which acts either on the AT1 and AT2 receptors or on a specific receptor for angiotensin III, i.e. AT3 receptor (Chaki and Inagami 1992). Angiotensin III has been proposed to be involved in chemokine production and cell growth regulation (Ruiz-Ortega et al 2000); it also plays a role in the control of blood pressure, thus serving as a putative target for the treatment of hypertension (Reaux-Le Goazigo et al 2005). However, the role for angiotensin III is still largely undefined. Angiotensin III can be further metabolized into a hexapeptide called angiotensin IV, a bioactive ligand of the AT4 receptor. The AT4 receptor has a wide distribution in a range of tissues, particularly located in the brain (Chai et al 2000). Interestingly, the AT4 receptor has been recently identified as the transmembrane enzyme, insulin-regulated membrane aminopeptidase (IRAP), which is predominantly found in GLUT4 vesicles in insulin-responsive cells. Although the role of AT4 receptor/IRAP has yet to be determined, it has been suggested to mediate memory and glucose uptake; the former might be attributed to the action of IRAP that prolongs the action of endogenous neuropeptides whereas the latter could be due to the action of glucose uptake by modulating trafficking of GLUT4 (Chai et al 2004). Finally, a high affinity for angiotensin (1-7) has been reported (Tallant et al 1997). By using a specific analogue for angiotensin (1-7), it has been possible to selectively block the binding site for angiotensin (1-7) but not ACE. Several studies support the concept that angiotensin (1-7) induces vasodilation via activation of AT7 receptor (Tom et al 2003). However, solid evidence for the existence of AT7 receptor in human remains unavailable. In this context, it is quite intriguing that a “cross-talk” among AT2 receptor, bradykinin type 2 receptor (BK2 receptor) and AT7 receptor may exist in the RAS (Leung and Chappell 2003). Figure 3 illustrates some of the proposed functions of angiotensin receptors (AT1, AT2, AT3, AT4 and AT7 receptors) and their site of potential cross-talk in the RAS. 6. Importance of the Local RAS in Pancreatic Disease 137


3.1 Local renin-angiotensin systems

Apart from the well-known circulating RAS in our body, we have recently started to recognize the existence of local angiotensin-generating systems which seem to be of considerable importance in clinical applications (Montgomery et al 2003). These functional local RAS have been found in such diverse tissues and organs as from the brain to placenta (McKinley et al 2003; Leung et al 2001), from heart to bone marrow (Dostal 2000; Haznedaroglu and Ozturk 2003), from adipose tissue to carotid body (Crandall et al 1994; Lam et al 2004), from adrenal gland to liver (Vinson et al 1998; Leung et al 2003) and, last but not least, from kidney to pancreas (Nobiling 2001; Leung and Carlsson 2001). The roles of the local RAS are varied and tissue and organic specific (Figure 3).



Apoptosis Free radical generation Cell growth Acinar/duct/islet secretion Blood pressure Chemokine production


(+) (+)

Blood flow Vasodilation Learning Anti-proliferation Memory Anti-apoptosis Glucose uptake NO generation

Figure 3: A schematic representation showing several proposed functions of different angiotensin receptors.

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3.2 Expression and localization of pancreatic RAS

Several RAS components at the protein and gene levels have been found to express in the dog pancreas (Chappell et al 1991). The fundamental premise for the existence of a local RAS is based on the expression and localization of angiotensinogen, the mandatory component for an intrinsic angiotensin-generating system in the rat pancreas (Leung et al 1999). Besides angiotensinogen, renin mRNA is also expressed in the rat pancreas, indicating that a renin-dependent RAS may be operating, at least in this species (Leung et al 1999). However, neither angiotensin I nor renin activity has been identified in the dog pancreas (Chappell et al 1991). In view of this, the biosynthetic pathway of the pancreatic RAS needs further investigations. On the other hand, binding sites for angiotensin II receptors have also been localized and characterized in the endocrine and exocrine portions of pancreas (Chappell et al 1992 & 1995; Ghiani and Masini 1995). By detailed immunohistochemistry, AT1 and AT2 receptors and angiotensin II have been specifically localized to different cell types of the pancreas (Leung et al 1997; Leung et al 1998). Consistently, mRNA for AT1 receptor subtypes (AT1a and AT1b) and AT2 receptor has also been found in the rat pancreas (Leung et al 1999). In the human pancreas, AT1 receptors and (pro)renin have been localized by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, not only to the exocrine cells but also to the beta cells of the endocrine pancreas (Tahmasebi et al 1999). All these studies support the existence of a local RAS in the pancreas, implicating its involvement in the regulation of pancreatic exocrine and endocrine functions.

3.3 Regulation of pancreatic RAS

It is intriguing that components of the pancreatic RAS are responsive to changes by various physiological and pathophysiological conditions, including hypoxia, pancreatitis, islet transplantation, T2DM and pancreatic cancer (Leung 2004). In chronic hypoxia, several major components of the pancreatic RAS are significantly activated (Chan et al 2000), closely associated with a parallel upregulation of its counterpart circulating RAS. These changes may be responsible for the physiological and patho- physiological aspects of a biological system under chronic hypoxia stress (Ip (Ip et al 2002). Of great interest in this context is the reversibility and adaptability of RAS activation by chronic hypoxia, a further indication of its physiological relevance to the pancreas (Ip et al 2003b). Hypoxia causes a decrease of blood flow or ischemia in several tissues, including the pancreas and leads to enhanced tissue inflammation and injury (Kuwahira et al 1993). The upregulation of RAS by hypoxia could be 6. Importance of the Local RAS in Pancreatic Disease 139 contributing to the ischemia via vasoconstriction of the pancreatic micro- circulation (Carlsson et al 1998). In another situation of inflammation due to , the expression of several components of the pancreatic RAS is significantly activated (Leung et al. 2000). Pancreatic ACE activity is markedly increased by acute pancreatitis as well as chronic hypoxia; and the addition of captopril, a specific inhibitor for ACE, completely blocks the response (Ip et al 2003a). Little information exists on the expression of pancreatic RAS in pancreatic tumour although it has been previously implicated in pancreatic cancer cells (Reddy et al 1995). However, a recent study has clearly supported the existence of a local RAS in a pancreatic endocrine tumour (Lam and Leung 2002). Several RAS components are regulated by islet transplantation and diabetes; among them, there is a markedly increased expression of the AT1 receptor in islets retrieved from 4-week-old islet transplants (Lau et al 2004) and in islets or pancreas from animal models of T2DM (Leung et al 2005; Tikellis et al 2004). The up-regulation of the pancreatic RAS by these conditions suggests that inhibi- tors of RAS may be useful in the treatment of pancreatic inflammation (vide infra).

3.4 Exocrine function

In the exocrine pancreas, recent studies have reported some novel roles of the pancreatic RAS in the regulation of cell and acinar cell secretion. In the ductal epithelial cells, angiotensin II influences ductal anion secretion via the mediation of AT1 receptors, an effect also seen in a cystic fibrosis pancreatic cell line (Chan et al 1997; Cheng et al 1999). By using isolated dog pancreatic epithelial cells together with cystic fibrosis pancreatic cell cultures, it has been shown that AT1 receptor activation of calcium chloride channels is involved in bicarbonate secretion (Fink et al 2002). In acinar cells, the rat pancreatic AR42J cells have been shown to express AT1 receptors that mediate an angiotensin II dose-dependent secretion of amylase and production of inositol 1,3,4-triphosphate (Chappell et al 1995, Cheung et al 1999). The action of angiotensin II and angiotensin III is at least an order of magnitude more potent than angiotensin I on the release of amylase and could be blocked by losartan, a selective AT1 receptor antagonist but not by CGP42112, a selective AT2 receptor antagonist. Recently, several key RAS components (AT1 and AT2 receptors and angiotensinogen) have been found to be expressed in isolated pancreatic acinar cells (Tsang et al 2004a). Addition of angiotensin II to these cells stimulates a dose-dependent release of secretion (α amylase and lipase) that could be inhibited by losartan but not PD123319 (Tsang et al 2004a). 140 PO SING LEUNG Chapter 6

All these data indicate that the pancreatic RAS plays a physiological role in ductal bicarbonate secretion and acinar digestive enzyme secretion.

3.5 Endocrine function

In endocrine pancreas, an islet RAS exists with a novel role on glucose homeostasis. In this context, pancreatic islet blood flow is suppressed by locally formed angiotensin II in perfused rat pancreas with a consequent suppression of the first phase of insulin release in response to glucose. This inhibitory effect was prevented by RAS blockers (Carlsson et al 1998). In another study, intravenous infusion of angiotensin II in a pressor dose (5.0 ng x kg-1 x min-1) suppressed both basal and pulsatile insulin secretion. At a sub-pressor dose (1.0 ng x kg-1 x min-1), this insulinemic response to an oral glucose load was significantly lower while the plasma glucose concentration was higher compared to the placebo group (Fliser et al 1997). In contrast, angiotensin II does not affect insulin release in response to a low glucose challenge (5.6 mM) in isolated rat islets (Dunning et al 1984) while it does affect release in isolated mouse islet at a high glucose concentration (16.7 mM) (Lau et al 2004). However at the highest concentration of 100 nM used, the glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was completely abolished (Figure 4A). This inhibitory action, partly due to a decreased (pro)insulin biosynthesis is fully reversible by pretreatment of the islets with losartan (Figure 4B). These data from isolated islets rule out the possibility that the inhibitory effect of angiotensin II on insulin release is exclusively due to its vasoconstrictor action on pancreatic islet blood flow, as demonstrated by previous perfusion study (Carlsson et al 1998). AT2 receptors have been found in isolated mouse islets; however, the specific antagonist PD123319 does not affect glucose-stimulated insulin secretion after application of angiotensin II (Lau et al 2004). AT2 receptor has also been found at the outer region of islets and colocalized with somatostatin-producing cells in the endocrine pancreas and in immortalized rat pancreatic cell lines RIN-m and RIN-14B (Wong et al 2004). In RIN- 14B cells angiotensin II stimulates somatostatin secretion in a dose- dependent manner. This action seems to be mediated by AT2 receptors since the addition of CGP42112, a selective antagonist, abolished the response to angiotensin II, (Wong et al 2004). In summary, the data show that the pancreatic islet RAS has a functional role in regulating pancreatic islet insulin and somatostatin secretion, and thus implicating a physiological function in glucose homeostasis.

6. Importance of the Local RAS in Pancreatic Disease 141

0.15 A.



ease 0.10

/m t e Rel l n s * i l /i g su u 0.05 *

n I *

0.00 L II II II H g gII g ng n A le An ol ol A ole An o m m nm 1 0.1 nm 100 n + H + H + 10 n + 0.2 H H B. e

s a in le m / e t e R l 0.1

in /is l g u s u

In *

0.0 II s II H o g ng L n A H + + A H + os L H +

Figure 4 : (A) Insulin release from isolated mouse islets in the presence of 1.7 (low; L) or 16.7 mmol/l (high; H) glucose. Ang II was applied at concentrations of 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 nmol/l at the higher glucose concentration. (B) Effects of losartan (Los, 1µmol/l) and Ang II (100 nmol/l) on the glucose (16.7 mmol/l)-stimulated insulin release from isolated islets. All data are expressed as means + SEM for four experiments in each group. * denotes P < 0.05 when compared to islets exposed to 16.7 mmol/l glucose only. Reproduced from Lau et al. (2004) with permission from Diabetologia.


4.1 Pancreatitis and RAS blockade

Pancreatitis refers to an inflammation of the pancreas that may be acute or chronic and may vary in duration and severity. Acute pancreatitis is characterized by edema, acinar cell necrosis, hemorrhage, and severe inflammation of the pancreas. Clinically, there is an elevation of pancreatic 142 PO SING LEUNG Chapter 6 enzymes, such as amylase and lipase, in blood and urine. The release of pancreatic lipase causes fat necrosis in the pancreas. In severe conditions, it may lead to systemic inflammatory response syndrome and multi-organ dysfunction syndrome. The pancreatitis-induced systemic injury is the major culprit accounting for the high mortality rate. The most common causes of acute pancreatitis include gallstones (45 %), alcoholism (35 %), idiopathic cases (10 %), and others (Steinberg and Scott 1994). Although the etiology of acute pancreatitis is equivocal, it is thought to be multifactorial (Whitcomb 1999). However a common feature is the premature activation of trypsinogen prior to its release into the duodenum, thus precipitating autodigestion of pancreatic tissue (Wedgewood and Reber 1986). Some vasoactive peptides such as angiotensin II have been proposed as potential candidates for the development of pancreatitis via changes in pancreatic microcirculation that involve sequential vasoconstriction, capillary stasis, decreased oxygen tension and progressive ischemia (Knoefel et al 1994). Since angiotensin II plays a key mediator of tissue inflammatory reactions and injury (De Gasparo et al 2002; Suzuki et al 2003), a selective upregulation of the RAS by hypoxia and pancreatitis may also be clinically relevant to pancreatitis and hypoxia-induced tissue injury in the pancreas (vide supra). The potential mechanism(s) of angiotensin II in inflammation have been proposed to be (1) Direct activation of immune cells and (2) Production of proinflammatory mediators that alter hemodynamics and vascular permeability, expression of adhesion molecules, chemotaxis for leukocytes, activation of vascular pericytes, and repair via cellular growth and matrix synthesis (Suzuki et al 2003). There is evidence for the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis (Czako et al 2000; Rau et al 2001; Telek et al 2001). The source of ROS in acute pancreatitis is not well characterized but it is believed that polymorphonuclear neutrophils, macrophages, and endothelial cells produce ROS through activation of the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system (Schulz et al 1999; Granell et al 2003). In this regard, activation of a pancreatic RAS may be an alternative source of ROS in acute pancreatitis due to the stimulation by angiotensin II of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide via activation of the NADPH oxidase system (Jaimes et al 1998; Dijkhorst-Oei et al 1999). The location of NADPH oxidase that may be targeted by angiotensin II and cytokines is neutrophils and vascular endothelial cells. (Griendling et al 2000). When stimulated, the enzyme subunits are activated and result in the generation of superoxide (Bendall et al 2002; Dang et al 2003; Li and Shah 2003). The association between RAS activation and NADPH oxidase-dependent generation of ROS suggests that RAS blockade might be effective in reducing pancreatic inflammation and injury. To address this issue, we have recently studied the differential effects of RAS inhibitors and their potential use in the treatment of pancreatitis. 6. Importance of the Local RAS in Pancreatic Disease 143

Intriguingly, prophylactic administration of saralasin, a nonspecific antagonist for AT1/AT2 receptor, has been found to be effective in improving pancreatitis- induced injury in the pancreas. However, ramiprilat, an ACE inhibitor, does not exhibit such a beneficial effect (Tsang et al 2003). The effect of saralasin can be explained by proposing an inhibition of RAS activation of ROS in acute pancreatitis (Ip et al 2003c). Prophylactic and therapeutic administration of AT1 receptor blocker (losartan) and AT2 receptor blocker (PD123319) also inhibit the pancreatitis-induced oxidative stress; presumably by preventing impaired microcirculation and from the inhibition of the AT1 receptor- mediated NADPH oxidase-dependent production of ROS (Tsang et al 2004b). Histological examination of the pancreas shows that losartan alone is effective against pancreatitis-induced pancreatic injury (Figure 5). A recent study from another laboratory has shown that ACE inhibition attenuates -induced injury and pancreatic fibrosis, possibly via the prevention of pancreatic stellate cell activation (Kuno et al 2003). In summary, available data support the potential clinical value of RAS blockade in treating pancreatic inflammation. However, a few reports indicate that ACE blockers induce acute pancreatitis in some patients. This may be attributed to the fact that such blockers prevent the breakdown of bradykinins, which in turn cause vasodilation and enhanced vascular permeability. It is therefore more likely that selective use of AT1/AT2 receptor blockers alone or in combination with ACE inhibitors will provide a more effective clinical strategy than ACE inhibitors alone.

4.2 Diabetes mellitus and RAS blockade

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease of epidemic prevalence that is character- ized by insufficient insulin secretion to promote glucose metabolism. This disorder is attributed, in most cases, to loss and/or dysfunction of pancreatic beta cells, the only cells in the human body that produce insulin. DM is divided into two categories: type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 (T2DM). T1DM (formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) is due to absolute insulin deficiency, i.e. insulin is completely or almost completely absent from the pancreatic islets and the plasma. The pathogenesis of T1DM, which affects approximately 10% of diabetic patients, is primarily of autoimmune cause thus resulting in destruction of the pancreatic beta cells by the body’s own white blood cells. In view of this clinical manifestation, patients with T1DM are treated with insulin injection (Nolte 1992). T2DM is due to relative insulin deficiency and accounts clinically for 90% cases of diabetes patients. The cause of T2DM constitutes a relatively complex spectrum of conditions with varying degree of pancreatic beta cell dysfunction and peripheral insulin resistance (Ferrannini et al 2003). Therefore, treatments of 144 PO SING LEUNG Chapter 6 patients with T2DM lie in diet and exercise, if deemed, followed with antidiabetic drugs. In some severe forms, patients do require insulin administration (Bloomgarden 1995).

Figure 5: Histological examination of pancreatitis-induced cell injury with the treatment of losartan in the pancreas. (A) Normal pancreas. Intact histology of the pancreas is observed in this control pancreas; (B) Pancreatitis-induced pancreas. Substantial pancreatic cell injury characterized with interstitial edema and acinar cell necrosis are noted in this cerulean- induced pancreatitis pancreas; (C) Prophylactic treatment; (D) Therapeutic treatment. Both treatments with losartan ameliorate the morphological changes of cell injury when compared with pancreatitis-induced pancreas.

In several recent clinical trials, the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE, Yusuf et al 2000); the Losartan for Interventions for Endpoints in Hypertension (LIFE, Dahlof et al 2002); the Study of Cognition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE, Lithell et al 2003); the Nateglimide And Valsartan in Impaired Glucose Tolerance Outcomes Research (NAVIGATOR, Califf 2003); and the Captopril Prevention Project (CAPP, Hansson et al 1999), blockade of the RAS has been shown to reduce the incidence of diabetes in “at risk” patients with hypertension. In these studies, beneficial 6. Importance of the Local RAS in Pancreatic Disease 145 effects are largely attributed to improvements in peripheral insulin sensitivity. T2DM is, however, not likely to develop in patients as long as the pancreatic beta cells can secrete sufficient quantities of insulin (Hellerstrom 1984; Hjelmesaeth and Carlsson 2002. It remains a controversy on whether the impaired insulin secretion in T2DM is due to reduced beta cell mass or to an intrinsic defect in the secretory machinery of beta cells, and/or a combination of both conditions (Donath and Halban 2004). However, reduced glucose sensitivity in beta cells seems, initially at least, to predominate over insulin resistance in the generation of impaired glucose tolerance (Ferrannini et al 2003). Thus, therapies aimed at increasing insulin sensitivity offer only partial solutions for, once established, a progressive destruction of islet cells that contributes to disease progression. The benefits of RAS blockade in T2DM and its association with a reduced risk of developing diabetes have, until now, been hard to explain. Nevertheless, the recently-identified islet RAS appears to be implicated in the pathogenesis of the progressive islet destruction noted in T2DM (Leung and Carlsson 2005). In this context, our preliminary results have shown that AT1 receptor is significantly upregulated in db/db mice, a commonly used model of obesity- induced T2DM. Blockade of its activation in isolated islets by losartan led to improved insulin release, probably via an alteration of (pro)insulin biosynthesis (Lau 2004). Two recent studies, using similar animal models of T2DM, have demonstrated functional improvements in the first phase of glucose- stimulated insulin secretion, when the animals were treated with ACE and AT1 receptor blockers (Tikellis et al 2004; Ko et al 2004). In one of these studies, the pancreatic RAS was shown to be upregulated in the Zucker diabetic fatty rats; its blockade significantly attenuated islet damage and augmented beta cell mass, probably via a reduction in oxidative stress, apoptosis, and decrease in islet fibrosis (Tikellis et al 2004). Notwith- standing the involvement of the RAS in islet function, causal relationship between RAS-induced oxidative stress and progression of T2DM remains equivocal. Recently, pancreatic islet transplantation has been promoted as a promising approach for the restoration of physiological secretion of insulin in patients with T1DM and some patients with severe forms of T2DM (Hirshberg et al 2003). Beta cell replacement therapy is, however, significantly hampered by a limited source of human islets from cadaveric donors and toxic immunosuppression. As far as the number of islets available is concerned, more than 9,000 islet equivalents/kg of body weight are required for achieving insulin independence (Shapiro et al 2000). For proper islet transplantation, it is therefore not only necessary to optimize islet isolation protocol but also to ensure maximal preservation in function of the islet graft. Transplanted islets are subjected to acute inflammatory reactions immediately after transplantation (Davalli et al 1996) and it possible that RAS is activated as part of the inflammatory cascade (Suzuki et al 2003), as it is in the development of acute 146 PO SING LEUNG Chapter 6 pancreatitis (Leung 2005). Interestingly, several major RAS components, notably the AT1 receptor, are upregulated during islet transplantation (Lau et al 2004). In a recent report, AT1 receptor blockade has been shown to significantly improve the blood perfusion, oxygen tension and first phase of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in islet grafts (Kampf et al 2005). Thus inhibition of the RAS may provide an alternative strategy for enhancing the graft survival and function in islet transplantation.


The underlying mechanisms that regulate pancreatic physiology and pathophysiology are still poorly understood. However, a recently-identified local RAS appears to offer some important insights. The local pancreatic RAS is upregulated by hypoxia, pancreatitis, islet transplantation and T2DM. Activation of this local RAS may drive cell inflammatory response, apoptosis, islet fibrosis, and may additionally reduce pancreatic blood flow, oxygen tension and hormonal secretions. RAS activation may mediate oxidative stress-induced pancreatic beta cell dysfunction and apoptosis via the stimulation of ROS, and thereby contribute to beta cell dysfunction in T2DM. Further investigation of pancreatic RAS activation by pancreatitis and T2DM should elucidate the underlying mechanisms and contribute to the development of novel therapeutic strategies, based on RAS inhibition, for the prevention and treatment of pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus.


This work was supported by the Competitive Earmarked Research Grant from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (Project No. CUHK 4364/04M, CUHK 4116/01M, CUHK 4075/00M), and by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


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