Outi Itkonen

Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Helsinki and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa - HUSLAB Helsinki, Finland

ACADEMIC DISSERTATION To be presented, with the permission of the Medical Faculty of the University of Helsinki, for public criticism in lecture room I, Meilahti Hospital, Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki on September 12th at noon. Helsinki 2008 Supervised by Professor Ulf-Håkan Stenman Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland

Revised by Docent Jouko Lohi Department of Pathology, University of Helsinki, Finland and Docent Olli Saksela Department of Dermatology, University of Helsinki, Finland

Examined by Professor Kim Pettersson Department of Biotechnology, University of Turku, Finland

ISBN 978-952-92-3963-4 (paperback) ISBN 978-952-10-4732-9 (pdf)

Yliopistopaino Helsinki 2008

2 Contents

Original publications 5 Abbreviations 6 Abstract 7 Review of the literature 8 Properties and biochemical characterization of human pancreatic trypsinogens 8 Extrapancreatic expression 12 Trypsinogen 13 Regulation of pancreatic trypsinogen expression and secretion 15 Regulation of gene expression 15 Regulation of secretion 16 Activation of trypsinogen to 17 Activation by 17 Autoactivation 17 Activation by B 17 Factors affecting trypsinogen activation 18 Trypsinogen and trypsin structure and mechanism of catalysis 20 Structure 20 Substrate binding 21 Catalysis 22 Functions of trypsins 23 of food 23 Activation of -activated receptors 23 Trypsinogens in cancer 25 Other functions of trypsins 26 Trypsin inhibitors 27

α2-macroglobulin 28

α1-proteinase inhibitor 28 Inter-α-inhibitors 28 PSTI or TATI 29 Polyamines 31 31 Hereditary pancreatitis 32 Clinical value of trypsinogen determinations 34 Post-translational modification of proteins 36 Tyrosine O-sulfation 36 Effects of tyrosine-sulfation 37 Post-translational modification of pancreatic trypsinogens 38 Aims of the present study 39 Materials and methods 40 Samples, patients and cell lines (I- IV) 40 Monoclonal antibodies (I) 40 Time-resolved immunofluorometric assays (I) 40 Radioimmunoassays (I and II) 41 Characterization of trypsinogens by gel filtration chromatography (I and II) 42 Purification of trypsinogen (I, II and IV) 42

3 Separation of trypsinogen isoenzymes by anion exchange and RP HPLC (I, III and IV) 42 Activation of trypsinogen isoenzymes (I and II) 43 Alkylation and digestion of trypsinogens (IV) 43 Mass spectrometry (IV) 43 Data analysis (IV) 44 N-terminal sequence analysis (IV) 44 Electrophoresis and immunoblotting (II and IV) 44 Statistical analysis (II) 44 Results 45 Immunoassays for trypsinogens/trypsin and concentrations in serum samples (I, III) 45 TAT and TATI concentrations in ovarian tumor cyst fluids (II) 47 Characterization of trypsinogen immunoreactivity by gel filtration (I, II) 47 Trypsinogens in anion exchange chromatography (I, III) 48 Purification of trypsinogen by reverse-phase HPLC (II, IV) 49 MS-analysis of trypsin and trypsinogen isoenzymes (IV) 49 Identification of the tryptic with 80 Da mass addition (IV) 50 Identification of Tyr154 sulfation in trypsinogen-1 and -2 (IV) 50 Discussion 54 TR-IFMAs for trypsinogen-1 and -2 54 Immunoreactive trypsinogen-1 and -2 in serum samples 54 Immunoreactive trypsinogen-1 and -2 in cancer 56 Immunoreactive TATI in cancer 56 Characterization of pancreatic and extra-pancreatic trypsinogens 57 Investigation of Tyr154 modification 58 Aromatic interactions in proteins 59 The effect of tyrosine sulfation on trypsin 59 Conclusions 61 Concluding remarks 62 Acknowledgements 64 References 66

4 Original publications

This thesis is based on the following articles which are referred to in the text by their Roman numerals:

I Itkonen O, Koivunen E, Hurme M, Alfthan H, Schröder T and Stenman UH. Time-resolved immunofluorometric assays for trypsinogen-1 and 2 in serum reveal preferential elevation of trypsinogen-2 in pancreatitis. J Lab Clin Med 115, 712-718 (1990).

II Koivunen E, Itkonen O, Halila H and Stenman UH. Cyst fluid of ovarian cancer patients contains high concentrations of trypsinogen-2. Cancer Res 50, 2375-2378 (1990).

III Itkonen O, Stenman UH, Osman S, Koivunen E, Halila H and Schröder T. Serum samples from pancreatectomized patients contain trypsinogen immunoreactivity. J Lab Clin Med 128, 98-102 (1996).

IV Itkonen O, Helin J, Saarinen J, Kalkkinen N, Ivanov KI, Stenman UH and Valmu L. Mass spectrometric detection of tyrosine sulfation in human pancreatic trypsinogens, but not in tumor-associated trypsinogen. FEBS J 275, 289-301 (2008).

Publication II was also included in the thesis entitled “Tumor-associated trypsinogen” by Ph.D, docent Erkki Koivunen, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, 1991.

5 Abbreviations


API α1-proteinase inhibitor CCK cholecystokinin CF CTSB cathepsin B ECM extracellular matrix ESI electrospray ionization HP hereditary pancreatitis IRT immunoreactive trypsinogen LC liquid chromatography MAb monoclonal antibody MMP matrix metalloproteinase MS mass spectrometry MSMS tandem mass spectrometry PTM post-translational modification RIA radioimmunoassay RP reverse-phase TAP trypsinogen activation peptide TAT tumor-associated trypsinogen TATI tumor-associated TIMP tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase TPST tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase TR-IFMA time-resolved immunofluorometric assay

6 Abstract

Human contains two major Serum samples from patients who had trypsinogen isoenzymes called trypsinogen-1 undergone pancreatoduodenectomy contained and -2, or cationic and anionic trypsinogen, trypsinogen-2. Trypsinogen-1 was detected respectively. Trypsinogen isoenzymes are also in only one of nine samples. These results expressed in various normal and malignant suggested that the expression of trypsinogen tissues. We aimed at developing monoclonal is not restricted to the pancreas. antibodies (MAbs) and time-resolved immunofluorometric assays recognizing Determination of the isoenzyme pattern by ion human trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively. exchange chromatography revealed isoelectric Using these MAbs and assays we purified, variants of trypsinogen isoenzymes in serum characterized and quantitated trypsinogen samples. Intact trypsinogen isoenzymes isoenzymes in serum samples, ovarian cyst and tryptic and chymotryptic trypsinogen fluids and conditioned cell culture media. were purified and characterized by mass spectrometry, Western blot analysis and In sera from healthy subjects and patients N-terminal sequencing. The results showed with extrapancreatic disease the concentration that pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2 are of trypsinogen-1 is higher than that of sulfated at tyrosine 154 (Tyr154), whereas trypsinogen-2. However, in TAT-2 from a colon carcinoma cell line is not. we found that the concentration of serum Tyr154 is located within the primary substrate trypsinogen-2 is 50-fold higher than in controls, binding pocket of trypsin, thus Tyr154 whereas the difference in trypsinogen-1 sulfation is likely to influence substrate concentration is only 15-fold. This suggested binding. The previously known differences that trypsinogen-2 could be used as a diagnostic in charge, substrate specificity and inhibitor marker for acute pancreatitis. binding between pancreatic and tumor- associated trypsinogens are suggested to be In human ovarian cyst fluids tumor-associated caused by sulfation of Tyr154 in pancreatic trypsinogen-2 (TAT-2) is the predominant trypsinogens. isoenzyme. Most notably, in mucinous cyst fluids the levels of TAT-2 were higher in borderline and malignant than in benign cases. The increased levels in association with malignancy suggested that TAT could be involved in ovarian tumor dissemination and breakage of tissue barriers.

7 Review of the literature

The terms “” (from the Greek en - in corresponded to those of pancreatic and zume - yeast) and “trypsin” were first trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively. However, suggested by a german scientist, Wilhelm the isoenzymes had different specificities for (Willy) Friedrich Kühne (1837-1900), when p-nitroanilide substrates, responded differently he found a substance in bovine pancreatic to various protease inhibitors and had different juice that degraded other biological isoelectric points from those of trypsinogen-1 substances. He proposed the term “enzyme” and -2. Therefore, they were named tumor- for non-organized ferments and “trypsin” for associated trypsinogen-1 and -2 (TAT-1 and the enzyme that breaks down proteins. Kühne TAT-2) (Koivunen et al., 1989). presented this paper in the 4th February 1876 to the Heidelberger Naturhistorischen und Properties and biochemical Medizinische Verein, and was reprinted in characterization of human 1976 (Kühne, 1976). pancreatic trypsinogens Trypsinogen was first characterized from cattle Trypsinogen (Enzyme Commission (EC) pancreatic extracts (Kunitz and Northrop, number was first reported to occur 1934, Northrop and Kunitz, 1932). In a study in human pancreatic juice by Haverback et of Kunitz and Northrop (Kunitz and Northrop, al. (Haverback et al., 1960) and was among 1935) bovine trypsinogen was shown to be the first human to be purified activated either by enteropeptidase or active and characterized (Buck et al., 1962). trypsin, indicating that the activation can be Human pancreatic juice contains two major autocatalytic. Activation was shown to be pH trypsinogen isoenzymes called trypsinogen-1 dependent and maximal at pH 7.0 to 8.0. The and -2, or cationic and anionic trypsinogen, molecular masses of purified trypsin, trypsin respectively (Figarella et al., 1969, Keller complexed with a polypeptide inhibitor, and and Allan, 1967, Rinderknecht and Geokas, polypeptide trypsin inhibitor were reported 1972). Trypsinogen-2 is the most anionic to be 36 500 Da, 40 000 Da and 6 000 Da, protein in human pancreatic juice (Figarella et respectively. Trypsin was reversibly inhibited al., 1969). The proportion of trypsinogen-1 to by the inhibitor. The activity, general properties trypsinogen-2 is about two to one in normal and inhibition of various preparations of pancreatic juice (Figarella et al., 1969, Guy crystalline trypsin by the polypeptide inhibitor et al., 1978, Rinderknecht et al., 1979), and were also reported. these two trypsinogens represent 19% of total proteins of pancreatic juice (Guy et al., 1978). Before this study was started, tumor-associated Total trypsinogen concentration in human trypsin inhibitor (TATI) had been isolated pancreatic juice is reported to be in the range from urine of an ovarian cancer patient and of 4 to 40 µmol/L (Rinderknecht et al., 1979). shown to be identical to pancreatic secretory A third, minor trypsinogen isoenzyme, called trypsin inhibitor (PSTI) (Huhtala et al., 1982). trypsinogen-3 or mesotrypsinogen, also occurs Elevated levels of TATI had been observed in human pancreatic juice (Rinderknecht et in urine from patients with ovarian, cervical al., 1979, Rinderknecht et al., 1984, Scheele and endometrial cancer. In search for a target et al., 1981). protease for TATI, two trypsinogen isoenzymes were shown to be expressed in cyst fluid of In some reports (Nyaruhucha et al., 1997, mucinous ovarian tumors (Koivunen et al., Scheele et al., 1981), but not in this thesis, the 1989). The N-terminal amino acid sequences trypsinogen isoenzymes have been designated of these tumor-associated isoenzymes


d 1.3 -0.4 -6.7 -0.6 charge charge at pH 7.0 Predicted

f f c pI 7.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 5.1 6.6 5 - 5.5 Predicted

4 c g MW MW (Da) 24 114 24 184 24 239 24 239 24 125 24 239 24 034 Predicted

(IV) g UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, with sulfation of Tyr154 in trypsin-1 and -2, Tyr154 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, with sulfation of c

e e e Koivunen et al. 1989, Cationic trypsinogen Trypsinogen-3 in this study) Synonym (not used Trypsinogen-3 Isoform C Trypsinogen-3 A Isoform Trypsinogen-3 Isoform B Trypsinogen-3 Brain trypsinogen

Anionic trypsinogen Mesotrypsinogen Trypsinogen-1 Trypsinogen-2 f Rowen et al. 1996, b Trypsinogen-1

Isoenzyme TAT-1 TAT-2 Trypsinogen-4 X3 Trypsin B Trypsinogen C Trypsinogen Trypsinogen D Trypsinogen Trypsinogen-2 Trypsinogen-3

Scheele et al. 1981, e

b T4 T1 pseudogene T2 pseudogene T3 pseudogene T5 pseudogene T6 transcribed pseudogene T7 pseudogene Gene T8 T9

Roach et al. 1997, a d The Human Genome Organization, HUGO 2005, The Human Genome Organization, PRSS1 respectively, respectively,

Table 1 . Properties of various human trypsinogens Table Approved Gene Symbol PRSS2 PRSS3 a

9 according to their isoelectric point, which and degrades the Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitor causes confusion about the nomenclature SBTI and Kazal-type inhibitor PSTI (Szmola of trypsinogens. Table 1 summarizes the et al., 2003). Furthermore, trypsin-3 was properties and nomenclature of human shown to selectively and rapidly cleave the trypsinogens and genes used throughout this Lys10-Thr11 of API. Subsequent study. UniProtKB/SwissProt numbering of mutagenesis studies revealed that trypsin-3 amino acid residues ( is exhibits an unusually restricted S’ subsite used unless otherwise stated. specificity but can efficiently digest Lys/ Arg – Ser/Thr peptide bonds in polypeptide Human trypsin-1 is inhibited completely by the substrates (Szepessy and Sahin-Tóth, 2006). Kunitz bovine inhibitor (BPTI), strongly by lima bean trypsin inhibitor (LBTI), moderately The stability of trypsin-3 resembles that of by the Bowman-Birk inhibitor and porcine trypsin-2, its pH optimum is at 8.2 and it Kazal inhibitor (PSTI) and only weakly by needs calcium for full enzymatic activity soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI). Chicken (Rinderknecht et al., 1984). In contrast to the ovomucoid shows no inhibition whatsoever. conserved features of trypsinogen isoenzymes Trypsin-2 is totally inhibited by BPTI, in various species, an in stead of glycine strongly by SBTI and LBTI, considerably is present at residue 198 in trypsinogen-3 more strongly inhibited than trypsin-1 by the (Roach et al., 1997). This residue was shown Bowman-Birk inhibitor and porcine PSTI, by x-ray chrystallography (Katona et al., and weakly by ovomucoid. Furthermore, 2002) to be located in the substrate binding human inter-α-trypsin inhibitor (ITI) inhibits pocket of trypsinogen and was suggested trypsin-2 more readily than trypsin-1. Human to be the structural basis for the nearly total

α1-proteinase inhibitor (API) completely resistance of trypsin-3 to natural trypsin inhibits both trypsin-1 and -2 (Figarella et al., inhibitors (Nyaruhucha et al., 1997). This was 1975, Mallory and Travis, 1975). The optimal confirmed by studies on trypsinogen-3 mutant activity of trypsin isoenzymes is between 7.5 Arg198Gly (Szmola et al., 2003). Paradoxally, and 8.5 (Rinderknecht et al., 1984) and the the Arg198 substitution also renders trypsin-3 proteolytic activities of trypsin-1 and -2 have more resistant to autocatalytic degradation been found to be identical (Colomb et al., (Szmola et al., 2003). 1978). Generally, trypsin-2 is characterized to be less stable and undergo faster autolysis Pancreatic trypsinogen-1, -2 and -3 cDNAs than trypsinogen-1 and it is more sensitive to contain 741 bp of coding region, which inhibition by naturally occuring proteinase translates to a single polypeptide chain with inhibitors (Colomb et al., 1978, Mallory and 247 amino acids (AA) (Table 2). The three Travis, 1973, Rinderknecht and Geokas, preproenzymes share about 87% homology 1972). and all the typical sequence features of a trypsinogen: a fifteen AA signal sequence, Trypsinogen-3 occurs at very low an eight AA activation peptide, the catalytic concentrations and represents probably <0.5% triad comprising residues His63, Asp107 of the proteins and <5% of trypsinogens in and Ser200, the four key pocket specificity normal human pancreatic juice (Nyaruhucha residues Asp194, Gln197, Gly217 and et al., 1997, Rinderknecht et al., 1984). Gly227, and the six cysteine residues needed Trypsinogen-3 resembles trypsinogen-1 and for the conserved disulfide bridges (48-64, -2 in many properties, but it is not inhibited 171-185, and 196-220). In addition to these, by either human pancreatic secretory trypsin trypsinogen-2 contains a disulfide bridge inhibitor (PSTI) or other naturally occuring at 30-160 and trypsinogen-1 and -3 contain trypsin inhibitors (Nyaruhucha et al., 1997, two additional ones at 30-160 and 139-206. Rinderknecht et al., 1984, Sahin-Tóth, 2005). Interestingly, all other known trypsinogens In contrast, active trypsin-3 rapidly hydrolyzes from higher vertebrates contain six disulfide




P07477|TRY1 P35030|TRY3 ISOFORM C Q8NHM4|TRG C P07478|TRY2 P35030|TRY3 ISOFORM C P07477|TRY1 P07478|TRY2 P35030|TRY4 ISOFORM A P35030|TRY4 ISOFORM B* Table Table 2. Amino acid sequences of transcribed human trypsinogen-1 trypsinogens. as 1. Signal The peptide and AA activation peptide numbering of the isoenzymes is below in italics and is The underlined, conserved respectively. in is accordance in with bold, and the that Tyr154 is ATG initiator sulfated in codon pancreatic trypsinogen-1 of (TRY1) and -2 (TRY2), respectively, is shaded. The ID according numbers to UniProt and and *Nemeth sequences et al., are 2007, and the gene products of PRSS3 are for designated TRY4 and brain A B, isoforms for and TRY3 the TRG C is trypsinogen C. pancreatic isoform C. P07477|TRY1 P35030|TRY4 ISOFORM A P35030|TRY4 ISOFORM B* Q8NHM4|TRG C P07478|TRY2 P35030|TRY4 ISOFORM A P35030|TRY4 ISOFORM B* P35030|TRY3 ISOFORM C Q8NHM4|TRG C P07478|TRY2 P35030|TRY4 ISOFORM A P35030|TRY4 ISOFORM B* P35030|TRY3 ISOFORM C Q8NHM4|TRG C P07477|TRY1

11 bonds (Kenesi et al., 2003). The activation Thus, at the high Ca2+ concentration in the peptide contains a cluster of anionic residues, C facilitates namely four aspartates preceding a positively trypsinogen autoactivation (see below), charged residue, a conserved feature of whereas at low Ca2+ concentration in the lower mammalian trypsinogens (Chen and Feréc, small intestines C promotes 2000c, Roach et al., 1997). trypsin degradation (Szmola and Sahin-Tóth, 2007). Human trypsinogen-1 and trypsin-1 may occur in single- and double-chain forms. Single- Detailed analysis of the evolution of chain trypsin is called β-trypsin. The double- trypsinogen activation peptide demonstrated chain form is produced by autocatalytic that the Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys sequence cleavage of the Arg122-Val123 peptide bond in mammalian trypsinogens has evolved to of β-trypsin, the two chains being held together inhibit autoactivation and enhance cleavage by a disulfide bond. Studies using recombinant by enteropeptidase (Chen et al., 2003a). Under human trypsinogen-1 reveal these two forms to physiological conditions in the pancreatic juice be functionally identical. However, cleavage (pH 8 and 1 mmol/L Ca2+) this calcium site is of the Arg122-Val123 bond in trypsinogen-1 probably saturated in trypsinogen-1 but not in inhibits trypsinogen-1 autoactivation and this trypsinogen-2. This facilitates trypsinogen-1 may be one of the protective mechanisms autoactivation. The Ca2+ common of premature trypsinogen activation in the to trypsin and trypsinogen has been reported pancreas (Kukor et al., 2002b). to have pKa (Ca2+) values of 2.8 and 3.4 and the Ca2+ binding site present in trypsinogen Both trypsinogen-1 and -2 contain two only has pKa(Ca2+) values of 3.3 and 2.7 for calcium binding sites (Abita et al., 1969, trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively (Colomb Colomb and Figarella, 1979). The so called and Figarella, 1979). high affinity calcium ion binding loop (Glu75 – Glu85) common to trypsinogen and active Extrapancreatic trypsinogen trypsin maintains the enzyme in its active expression form and simultaneously protects it from autodegradation (Abita et al., 1969, Bode and Extrapancreatic expression of human trypsin Schwager, 1975a, Bode and Schwager, 1975b, immunoreactivity or mRNA has been detected Szmola and Sahin-Tóth, 2007). The second in the Paneth cells of the gastrointestinal calcium binding site located in the region of mucosa (Bohe et al., 1986, Ghosh et al., 2002), four Asp residues of the activation peptide in the brain (Wiegand et al., 1993), male genital is present in the only. The balance tract (Paju et al., 2000), epithelial cells of the between trypsin activation and degradation skin, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, is regulated by Ca2+ concentration. At low 2+ lung, kidney, liver, and extrahepatic bile duct, Ca concentrations (denoted and splenic macrophages, monocytes and enzyme Y by Rinderknecht (Rinderknecht et , the nerve cells of hippocampus al., 1988)) cleaves with high selectivity the 2+ and cerebral cortex in the brain (Kawano et al., Leu81-Glu82 bond within the Ca binding 1997, Koshikawa et al., 1998), colonic mucosa loop of trypsin-1 resulting in rapid degradation (Cottrell et al., 2004), vascular endothelial and loss of trypsin activity by subsequent cells (Koshikawa et al., 1997), cerebrospinal tryptic cleavage of the autolysis site Arg122- 2+ fluid (Critchley et al., 2000), synovial cells and Val123. Increasing the Ca concentration synovial fluid (Stenman et al., 2005), tracheal progressively inhibits the degradation of aspirate fluid and lung tissue (Cederqvist et trypsin-1 by chymotrypsin C. At 1 mmol/L 2+ al., 2003), in human bronchoalveolar lavage Ca chymotrypsin C mediated cleavage of fluid (Prikk et al., 2001), and in human milk the Leu81-Glu82 is essentially completely (Borulf et al., 1987). inhibited by stabilizing the Ca2+ binding loop.

12 Koivunen et al. showed that two trypsinogen under physiological conditions. MMPs are isoenzymes are expressed in cyst fluid of associated with metastatic phenotype of mucinous ovarian tumors (Koivunen et al., malignant cells and they are considered to be 1989). The N-terminal amino acid sequences the major functional contributors to metastatic of these tumor-associated isoenzymes processes (Chambers and Matrisian, 1997). corresponded to those of pancreatic Trypsin, too, degrades many ECM components trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively. However, (Koivunen et al., 1991a, Koshikawa et al., the isoenzymes had different specificities 1992, Moilanen et al., 2003, Stenman et for p-nitroanilide substrates, responded al., 2005) but it is also a potent activator of differently to various protease inhibitors several MMPs (Imai et al., 1995, Koivunen and had isoelectric points different from et al., 1989, Moilanen et al., 2003, Nyberg those of pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2. et al., 2002, Paju et al., 2001b, Sorsa et al., Therefore, they were named tumor-associated 1997, Umenishi et al., 1990) and could thus trypsinogen-1 and trypsinogen-2 (TAT-1 and initiate proteinase cascades and participate in TAT-2) (Koivunen et al., 1989). TAT-1 and modulation of tumor cell behavior. TAT-2 were found to be less anionic than trypsinogen-1 and -2 when separated by ion Tumor-associated trypsin expression has been exchange chromatography (Koivunen et al., shown to correlate with malignancy in various 1991b). However, the nucleotide sequence cancers and of the four known trypsin isoforms, of TAT-2 and pancreatic trypsin-2 is identical TAT-2 seems to be most common in tumors (Sorsa et al., 1997). Since then, trypsinogen (Hirahara et al., 1998, Ichikawa et al., 2000, immunoreactivity or mRNA has been detected Kato et al., 1998, Miyata et al., 1999, Nyberg in various cancers like stomach, pancreas, et al., 2002, Paju et al., 2004, Yamamoto et al., ovary, lung, bladder, esophagus, bile duct, 2001, Yamamoto et al., 2003). On the other and colon cancers, and carcinoma cell lines hand, in microarray analysis trypsinogen IVb (Bernard-Perrone et al., 1998, Bjartell et al., and trypsinogen C (see below) gene expression 2005, Hirahara et al., 1995, Hotakainen et al., have been shown to be up-regulated in non- 2006, Kato et al., 1998, Kawano et al., 1997, small cell lung cancer metastasis (Diederichs Kawano et al., 1997, Koivunen et al., 1991b, et al., 2004). Koshikawa et al., 1992, Koshikawa et al., 1994, Miyagi et al., 1995, Miyata et al., 1999, Trypsinogen genes Nyberg et al., 2002, Ohta et al., 1998, Oyama et al., 2000, Paju et al., 2004, Stenman et al., Trypsinogens are encoded by the protease, 2003, Terada et al., 1995, Terada et al., 1997, serine (PRSS) genes. Eight trypsinogen genes Williams et al., 2001, Yamashita et al., 2003). (denoted T1 to T8) divided into two clusters, have been located within the β T-cell receptor Tumor-associated trypsins as well as other (TCR) locus on chromosome region 7q35 proteinases have been recognized as significant (Rowen et al., 1996). Of these, five (T4 to factors in cancer progression and metastatic T8) are tandemly arrayed 10-kb locus-specific processes such as cellular invasion, degradation repeats at the 3’ prime end of the β TCR of extra-cellular matrix proteins, angiogenesis locus. These repeats exhibit 90 to 91% overall and tissue remodeling as reviewed in (Nyberg nucleotide similarity, and embedded within et al., 2006). Extracellular in cancer each is a trypsinogen gene. Each gene contains can be initiated by the plasminogen five exons that span approximately 3.6 kb. In activator (uPA), uPA receptor (uPAR) and addition, there are two pseudo trypsinogen plasminogen, which in turn activates latent genes and one relic trypsinogen gene at the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). MMPs 5’ prime end of the β TCR locus (T1 to T3), are secreted or transmembrane proteins that all in inverted transcriptional orientation. are capable of digesting extracellular matrix Earlier, T4 and T8, also known as PRSS1 and (ECM) and basement membrane components PRSS2, have been identified as the cDNAs for

13 trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively (Emi et al., The gene coding for functional trypsinogen-3 1986) (Table 1). spans about 3.6 kb, it is duplicatively transferred from chromosome 7 and expressed Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses of in the pancreas (isoform C). The PRSS3 pancreas, thymus and liver suggest that the variant coding for brain trypsinogen-4 spans third apparently functional trypsinogen gene 48.6 kb and it is a hybrid of an exon copied (T6) in the β TCR locus may be expressed from chromosome 11 and four exons copied in minute amounts in the thymus (Rowen from chromosome 7. Allelic variants of this et al., 1996). This is further supported by splice form (isoform A) are called a and b. expressed sequence tags (ESTs) AA295419 Another splice form named isoform B includes and AA295738. Comparison of the three- an additional exon derived from chromosome dimensional structures of T4, T6 and T8 gene 7 after the chromosome 11 derived exon. products suggests that the catalytic triad of Translation initiation site of the isoform A a/b His63, Asp107 and Ser200 and the nature of splice forms is thought to be in the first exon substrate binding pocket are highly conserved. derived from chromosome 11 starting from However, the protein product of T6 might AUG translation initiation codon and coding interact differentially with other proteins, for a 72-residue leader peptide (Nemeth et as suggested by variations in surface charge al., 2007). Translation of the B isoform is and shape distributions (Chen and Feréc, predicted to start in its second exon coding for 2000c, Rowen et al., 1996). T6 may represent a 28-residue leader peptide. This leader peptide a transition state between a functioning has leucine as an initiator amino acid, and it is duplicated gene and a nonfunctional encoded starting from a CUG initiation codon pseudogene (Chen et al., 2001). The protein (Nemeth et al., 2007). product of T6 (trypsinogen C) has so far not been identified. The leading exon determines the pathway of the protein. In the pancreas, a secretory pancreatic The T1 gene was described to be a pseudogene trypsinogen-3 is produced. However, a (Rowen et al., 1996), but it could be a protein- cytosolic trypsinogen-4 missing the typical coding gene according to Entrez database used leader peptide of secreted proteins is produced by the National Center for Biotechnology in the brain (Wiegand et al., 1993), epithelial Information ( The cells of the colon, prostate, lung (Cottrell et protein product of T1 gene (trypsin X3) has not al., 2004), several cancer cell lines, uterus, yet been identified. T2 and T3, T5 and T7 have heart, hypothalamus and cerebellar cortex been identified as nonfunctional pseudogenes (Rowen et al., 2005). On the other hand, (Rowen et al., 1996). trypsinogen-4 a/b contains four Arg-X-X- Arg cleavage-recognition sites (Molloy A third trypsinogen cDNA and its product has et al., 1992) and trypsinogen-4 (a-form) has independently been identified as trypsinogen-3 been detected in vesicles in transfected cell and -4 (Nyaruhucha et al., 1997, Tani et al., lines and in epithelial cells, supporting the 1990, Wiegand et al., 1993). The chromosomal possibility of an alternative secretion pathway location of the gene encoding this isoenzyme (Cottrell et al., 2004, Wiegand et al., 1993). was located to chromosome region 9p13 (Rowen et al., 1996). This gene (T9 or PRSS3) No traces of trypsinogen-4 isoform A were is formed by segmental duplications originating found in the human brain by sequencing from chromosomes 7q35 and 11q24 and it trypsinogen-4 samples isolated from human has two distinct promoters derived from each brain following a short post mortem delay of the originating chromosomes. Thus, the (Nemeth et al., 2007). Instead, only isoform transcripts of PRSS3 display two variants of B of trypsinogen-4 was identified. When exon 1 and share exons 2 to 5 which encode trypsinogen-4 is expressed in the U87 human the active protease (Rowen et al., 2005). glioblastoma cell line, the relative expression

14 level of isoform A using an AUG initiation an E-box (preferably CACCTG) and a TC- codon was elevated as compared to the box (TTTCCCA) spaced one or two helical expression level of isoform B with the CUG turns apart, center to center (Cockell et al., initiation codon. These results suggest that 1989, Rose et al., 2001). Whereas an E-box is CUG as the initiation codon may control sufficient to bind the P48-bHLH heterodimer the expression level of the protein. Thus, and a TC-box is sufficient to bind the P48- directing the incorporation of N-terminal RBP heterodimer, the trimeric complex leucine rather than methionine into isoform requires both binding sites. Moreover, the B of trypsinogen-4 is suggested to keep binding of the trimeric complex is highly trypsinogen-4 expression in the brain at a cooperative and can be much greater than the relatively low level (Nemeth et al., 2007). The sum of the individual bindings, i.e. E-box for AA sequences of human trypsinogen-1, -2, the bHLH and the TC-box for the RBP. This -3 isoform C, -4 isoform A, -4 isoform B and means that the formation of the trimeric PTF1 trypsinogen C are presented in Table 2. complex creates a synergistic dependence on the presence of both DNA sites spaced Regulation of pancreatic trypsinogen appropriately (Beres et al., 2006). gene expression and secretion Cholecystokinin. It is known that acinar cell Regulation of gene expression growth, energy production, gene expression and protein synthesis are also regulated The PTF1 complex. The exocrine pancreas by secretagogues. Cholecystokinin (CCK) is formed by acinar cells that synthesize and increases the synthesis of pancreatic secrete digestive enzymes. Pancreas-specific including trypsinogen-1 by a prolonged expression of the about twenty acinar secretory effect on mRNA levels in the rat (Rosewicz enzymes at very high levels is controlled et al., 1989). The binding of CCK to its largely by the pancreatic transcription factor 1 cell surface receptor activates the mitogen- (PTF1) complex (Cockell et al., 1989). PTF1 activated protein (MAPK) cascades by is an unusual heterotrimeric transcription various pathways like the extracellular signal- factor. It contains a class A basic helix-loop- regulated 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) cascade, helix (bHLH) protein (p75), which is required the Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) cascade and for import of the transcription factor into the p38 MAPK cascade, resulting in activation the nucleus (Sommer et al., 1991) and two of gene transcription, protein translation, DNA-binding subunits previously called p48 metabolism and functions of the cytoskeleton and p64 (Roux et al., 1989). The P48/PTF1a (Duan et al., 1995, Williams, 2001). CCK subunit is an exocrine pancreas-specific bHLH also activates the phosphoinositide 3-kinase protein (Krapp et al., 1996) that is unable to – mammalian target of rapamycin – 70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase (PI3K – mTOR bind to DNA alone and has to oligomerize S6K with p64 in order to do so (Krapp et al., 1996, - P70 ) signalling pathway, that primarily Sommer et al., 1991). P64 has been shown to regulates protein synthesis at mRNA level, but be mammalian suppressor of hairless (RBP-J) is also required for mitogenesis (Crozier et al., or its paraloque, RBP-L. In the adult pancreas, 2006, Williams, 2001). Furthermore, using rat RBP-L provides the strong transcriptional pancreatic acinar cells, CCK has been shown activity of the PTF1 complex that drives the to activate the transcription factor nuclear high-level expression of the factor-κB (NF-κB), which is required for genes (Beres et al., 2006). the production of chemokines and cytokines by pancreatic acinar cells (Han et al., 2001). PTF1 binds to DNA in the 5’ promoter region Thus, CCK also affects acinar cell gene of acinar digestive enzyme genes (Cockell transcription, protein synthesis and growth in et al., 1989, Rose et al., 2001). The binding several ways. sites of the PTF1 complex are bipartite with

15 Dietary components. Dietary components can for trypsinogen secretion (Owyang, 1996). regulate digestive enzyme transcription, as The action of acetylcholine and CCK is with each meal the pancreas must synthesize mediated by G-protein coupled receptors on new digestive enzymes to replace those acinar cells (Williams, 2001). Human acinar secreted. In humans, enteral but not parenteral cells contain mostly CCK2 receptors and (intravenous) feeding has been demonstrated proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2). to increase trypsinogen synthesis (O’Keefe Also CCK1 receptors have been detected in et al., 2006) and serum trypsinogen-1 human pancreatic acinar cells (Galindo et immunoreactivity transiently (Florholmen al., 2005). CCK2 receptors bind both CCK et al., 1984a). Furthermore, dietary amino and gastrin with high affinity (Owyang and acids, especially branched chain AAs, have Logsdon, 2004) whereas PAR-2 is activated been shown to regulate pancreatic protein by trypsin (Nguyen et al., 1999). It has also synthesis at the translation/initiation level, been suggested, that CCK stimulation of independently of hormonal and neuronal input, human pancreatic cells is regulated by an by phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation indirect mechanism of stimulation of afferent factor eIF4E, its binding protein 4E-BP1, the neurons (Ji et al., 2001). The neurohormonal ribosomal protein S6 kinase, and the formation regulation of pancreatic exocrine secretion is of the eIF4F complex (Sans et al., 2006). reviewed in (Nathan and Liddle, 2002).

Other factors. Chemically modified Intracellular Ca2+ is considered to be the tetracyclines (CMTs) and doxycycline primary signaling factor in acinar cells as it (DOXY), which are chemical inhibitors of triggers the fusion of zymogen granules with MMPs, have been shown to down-regulate the apical plasma membrane and exocytosis. the expression of TAT-2 mRNA and TAT-2 Levels of intracellular Ca2+ are modulated secretion by human COLO-205 cells by activated G proteins and other signalling (Lukkonen et al., 2000). Utilizing cDNA molecules like phospholipase C β, inositol approach to identify genes differentially triphosphate (IP3), diacylglycerol, cyclic ADP regulated during pancreatic regeneration after ribose, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide partial pancreatectomy in mice, the mitogenic phosphate, and by intracellular and plasma Reg3β protein was shown to be induced in membrane Ca2+ ATPase pumps, and plasma the acinar pancreas. Under these conditions, membrane Ca2+ channels (Petersen, 2004, there was a 1.53-fold change in trypsin-2 gene Turvey et al., 2005, Williams, 2006). The expression (De Leon et al., 2006). endoplasmic reticulum has been established as the primary site for Ca2+ release, but the acidic Regulation of secretion lysosomal-like compartment and mitochondria are also involved (Williams, 2006). The The newly synthesized are packaging, movement, and fusion of zymogen segregated into condensing vacuoles, which granules to the apical membrane of acinar undergo maturation to zymogen granules cells is affected by several zymogen granule and are stored in the apical pole of the acinar membrane proteins like the SNARE proteins, cell. The secretion of pancreatic digestive small G proteins of the Rab family, cyclic AMP, enzymes is controlled physiologically by the diacylglycerol, and actin filaments (Wasle and vagal nerve, whose postganglionic neurons Edwardson, 2002, Williams, 2006). release acetylcholine, and by gastrointestinal hormones such as CCK, serotonin (Owyang and Logsdon, 2004), secretin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and neuromedin C (Williams, 2001). Meal-stimulated CCK release from the intestinal mucosa represents the major physiological pathway

16 Activation of trypsinogen to trypsin

Activation by enteropeptidase Autoactivation

The intrinsic catalytic activity of trypsinogen is Trypsinogen-1 and -2 can also be autoactivated ~108-fold lower than that of trypsin (Pasternak by either human trypsin at the same rate, but et al., 1998). Trypsinogens are activated into the affinity of both trypsin-1 and -2 is higher trypsins on cleavage of the eight-AA activation for trypsinogen-1 than for trypsinogen-2. peptide by enteropeptidase (EC, also In presence of 1 mmol/L calcium at pH known as enterokinase) when they enter the 5.6 the autoactivation of trypsinogen-1 duodenum. Enteropeptidase is a membrane- becomes predominant compared to bound located in the enterokinase activation. This suggests and goblet cells of the brush-border and that under physiological conditions in the glycocalyx of the duodenum and the proximal duodenum, enteropeptidase is the starter of 15 cm of jejunum (Hermon-Taylor et al., trypsinogen activation but the predominant 1977, Imamura and Kitamoto, 2003). It is an subsequent mechanism becomes trypsinogen N-glycosylated, disulfide-linked heterodimer autoactivation (Colomb and Figarella, 1979, that is derived from a single-chain precursor. Nemoda and Sahin-Tóth, 2005). Contrarily to The heavy chain anchors enteropeptidase in trypsinogen-1 and -2, pancreatic trypsinogen-3 the intestinal brush border membrane and the can neither autoactivate nor activate or degrade light chain is the catalytic subunit, which has other pancreatic zymogens (Sahin-Tóth, 2005, the same mechanism of action as trypsin and Szilagyi et al., 2001, Szmola et al., 2003). chymotrypsin (Kitamoto et al., 1994, Light and Janska, 1989). Enteropeptidase itself has Activation by cathepsin B been proposed to be activated by a trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like protease called duodenase Trypsinogen can be activated by lysosomal that cleaves a Lys-Ile bond in the amino cathepsin B (CTSB) in vitro terminus of the enteropeptidase light chain (Figarella et al., 1988) and in vivo in a mouse (Zamolodchikova et al., 2000). model (Halangk et al., 2000). There are several reports to support this activation mechanism The specificity of enteropeptidase for cleavage in humans, too. Cathepsin B is abundantly after Lys has been proposed to be consistent present also in the human pancreatic secretory with the presence of Asp981 at the base and compartment and it is secreted together with two Gly residues at the sides of the specificity trypsinogen into pancreatic juice (Kukor et al., pocket that binds the P1 substrate residue. The 2002a). CTSB activates human trypsinogen-1 Arg-Arg-Arg-Lys sequence at residues 886 to with trypsin yield of about 30% of that 889 may interact directly with the Asp residues produced by enterokinase in vitro (Lindkvist in positions P2 to P5 of trypsinogen substrates et al., 2006). CTSB has been shown to activate (Kitamoto et al., 1994). However, it has been recombinant trypsinogen-3 more readily than shown by site-directed mutagenesis of human trypsinogen-1 or -2 at pH 4.0 (Szmola et trypsinogen-1 that the four Asp residues al., 2003). This suggests that the premature in the activation peptide are not required intracellular activation of trypsinogen in for enteropeptidase recognition and they acute pancreatitis might be initiated by the confer only a modest catalytic improvement action of CTSB on trypsinogen-3 leading of enteropeptidase-mediated trypsinogen to degradation of PSTI, which contributes activation in humans (Nemoda and Sahin- to the development of human pancreatitis. Tóth, 2005). Human trypsinogen-1 and -2 Furthermore, the Lys26Val mutation in the are activated by enterokinase at the same rate CTSB propeptide region is associated with (Colomb and Figarella, 1979). tropical calcific pancreatitis (TCP) (Mahurkar et al., 2006). This mutation could affect CTSB

17 Figure 1. A shematic diagram of human trypsinogen-1. His63, Asp107 and Ser200 form the catalytic triad. L1 and L2, concerved loops which control the specificity of trypsin; AL, autolysis loop; Ca, calcium binding loop; -S-S-, disulfide bond. trafficing and sorting to a lysosome or a zymogen granule. (Klonowski-Stumpe et al., 1998, Lerch et al., 1993, Teich et al., 2002, Tooze et al., 1991), so Premature and intracellular activation of the physiological and the pathophysiological trypsinogen in experimental pancreatitis has role of CTBS as trypsinogen activator remains been shown to depend on the presence of speculative. CTSB in CTSB deficient mice (Halangk et al., 2000), isolated rat pancreatic acini (Halangk Factors affecting trypsinogen activation et al., 2002, Saluja et al., 1997) and pancreatic homogenates from mice and rats (Van Acker et pH and calcium concentration. Autoactivation al., 2002). Asn29Ile mutation in trypsinogen-1 of recombinant human trypsinogens has been is associated with HP (Gorry et al., 1997). shown to be pH- and calcium-dependent in As compared to native human trypsinogen-1, vitro (Kukor et al., 2003). Acidic pH stimulates the activation rate of recombinant Asn29Ile autoactivation of recombinant human tryp- trypsinogen-1 by CTSB is increased threefold sinogen-1, but inhibits that of trypsinogen-2. even in the presence of PSTI. This suggests At pH 8 in the presence of calcium at low that activation of trypsinogen by CTSB may concentration (<1 mmol/L) trypsinogen-2 play a role in the development of human exhibits minimal autoactivation due to rapid pancreatitis (Szilagyi et al., 2001). However, zymogen degradation, whereas trypsinogen-1 there are several findings incompatible autoactivation is stimulated in a calcium with the so called cathepsin B hypothesis concentration-dependent manner. Increasing

18 the calcium concentration progressively on trypsin. The N-terminal truncation of inhibits trypsinogen-1 autoactivation. A similar trypsinogen-1 is presumed to result in a effect on trypsinogen-1 can be seen at high conformational change within the remainder ionic strength (100 mmol/L NaCl). In contrast, of the activation peptide, which repositions calcium at 5 mmol/L stimulates autoactivation Asp21 and thereby mitigates the Asp21- and inhibits autodegradation of trypsinogen-2. Asp218 electrostatic repulsion (Nemoda and The effect of high NaCl concentrations on Sahin-Tóth, 2006). As chymotrypsinogen C is trypsinogen-2 was less significant. activated by trypsin, this reaction establishes a novel positive feedback mechanism in the During CCK hyperstimulation, the apical digestive enzyme cascade of humans. The pole of isolated mouse acinar cells undergo hereditary pancreatitis (HP) -associated a Ca2+ -dependent change characterized by mutation Ala16Val in trypsinogen-1 increases local trypsin activation and replacement of the the rate of chymotrypsin C processing of normal zymogen granules by vacuoles (Raraty the activation peptide four-fold and causes et al., 2000). Sustained increase in cytosolic accelerated trypsinogen-1 activation in vitro. Ca2+ concentration has been demonstrated Chymotrypsin C also cleaves off the N-terminal by an ion exchange mechanism to increase tripeptide from human trypsinogen-2, but it the free Ca2+ concentration and decrease the has no significant effect on the autoactivation pH in the zymogen granules of mouse acinar trypsinogen-2, which contains Tyr in place cells resulting in premature activation and of Asp218 (Nemoda and Sahin-Tóth, 2006). stabilization of trypsin (Yang et al., 2007). The corresponding residue in trypsinogen-3 is His218. The N-terminal sequence of four Asp residues has a negative effect on the hydrolysis of the Sulfation. As shown by us (IV) and others Lys-Ile bond by trypsin as studied by using (Sahin-Tóth et al., 2006, Scheele et al., bovine and porcine trypsin (Abita et al., 1969). 1981), pancreatic trypsinogens are sulfated However, the slow hydrolysis of the Lys-Ile at Tyr154, which together with His46 lines bond by trypsin is accelerated by calcium the S’2 binding site (Gaboriaud et al., 1996, binding to the Asp residues of the activation Schellenberger et al., 1994). This negatively peptide by decreasing the Km of the reaction, charged modification has been proposed to i.e. improving the binding of trypsinogen to modify interactions between trypsin and trypsin. This effect is mediated by neutralizing various substrates and inhibitors (Gaboriaud et the high concentration of negative charges al., 1996, Szilagyi et al., 2001). Even though of the activation peptide (Abita et al., 1969, the catalytic activity of sulfated pancreatic Nemoda and Sahin-Tóth, 2005). and non-sulfated recombinant trypsin-1 are essentially identical, the autoactivation of Chymotrypsin C. The trypsinogens liberate sulfated pancreatic trypsinogen-1 is 1.4-fold the eight AA activation peptide Ala-Pro-Phe- faster in the presence of 1 mmol/L Ca2+ Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys upon activation. In and 2.4-fold faster in the presence of in 10 addition, a pentapeptide Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp- mmol/L Ca2+ than that of the non-sulfated Lys is also formed from trypsinogen-1 (Guy recombinant form. In contrast, autoactivation et al., 1978, Nemoda and Sahin-Tóth, 2006). of trypsinogen-2 is unaffected by Tyr154 Chymotrypsin C (or caldecrin) specifically sulfation (Sahin-Tóth et al., 2006). cleaves the Phe18-Asp19 peptide bond in the trypsinogen activation peptide removing the Structural features. There are several N-terminal tripeptide (Nemoda and Sahin-Tóth, structural features in the trypsinogen molecule 2006). Autoactivation of this N-terminally that regulate its activation. The stability of truncated trypsinogen-1 is stimulated 3-fold. the zymogen and the slow hydrolysis of This effect is dependent on the presence of the Lys23-Ile24 bond seem to be important Asp218, which forms part of the S3 subsite mechanisms of protection against accidental

19 activation (Abita et al., 1969). Biochemical be characterized within the mentioned ones characterization of pancreatitis-associated are the activation peptide (Ala16 to Lys23), activation peptide mutations in human the calcium binding loop (Glu75 to Glu85), trypsinogen-1 confirmed the importance of Asp autolysis loop (Gly145 to Asp156) and residues in the activation peptide for control (backbone NHs of Gly198 to of autoactivation (Chen et al., 2003a, Teich Ser200). In addition, up to 200 water molecules et al., 2000). Suppression of autoactivation both inside the trypsin(ogen) molecule and on by electrostatic repulsion between the Asp its surface are important in serving hydrogen residues in the activation peptide and the bonds to stabilize the three-dimensional surface of trypsinogen-1 (Asp218 in the structure of trypsinogen and trypsin and to S3-S4 subsite) is further supported by site- participate in the catalytic reaction. Internal directed mutagenesis in recombinant human water clusters are well conserved in various trypsinogens (Chen et al., 2003a, Nemoda and trypsin(ogen)s, and they are frequently Sahin-Tóth, 2005). Moreover, trypsin has up shaped as water channels forming extensive to eleven-fold preference for Arg over Lys at hydrogen-bonding networks linked to the the P1 position of peptide substrates (Craik et protein backbone (Bartunik et al., 1989, Finer- al., 1985, Hedstrom et al., 1996), so use of Lys Moore et al., 1992, Krem and Di Cera, 1998, instead of Arg at the scissile bond also protects McDowell and Kossiakoff, 1995). against autoactivation. The neutralizing effect of the high concentration of negative charge The eight AA activation peptide of at the activation peptide by calcium binding trypsinogens and Asp199 stabilize the provides yet another regulatory element inactive trypsinogen conformation (Pasternak (Nemoda and Sahin-Tóth, 2005). et al., 1998). Approximately 85% of the structures of trypsinogen and trypsin Trypsinogen and trypsin structure are identical (Fehlhammer et al., 1977, and mechanism of catalysis Kossiakoff et al., 1977) and trypsinogen (and chymotrypsinogen) has weak intrinsic activity Structure towards small titrants (Kerr et al., 1975). The oxyanion hole, which is important The crystal structures of human pancreatic for stabilization of the tetrahedral intermediate trypsin-1 (Gaboriaud et al., 1996), brain in the catalysis, and the primary binding site trypsin-4 (Katona et al., 2002), trypsin and of trypsinogen are deformed, which renders trypsinogen from bovine (Bode et al., 1976, the zymogen inactive. Upon cleavage of the Fehlhammer et al., 1977, Finer-Moore et activation peptide, the α-amino group of the al., 1992, Huber et al., 1974, Kossiakoff new N-terminal Ile24 folds into a pocket et al., 1977, Stroud et al., 1974) and from and forms a buried salt bridge between the other species (Huang et al., 1994, Perona et carboxylate group of Asp199 (Robinson et al., 1993) have revealed highly conserved al., 1973), a mechanism coined “molecular structural motifs within the trypsin family, the sexuality” (Bode and Huber, 1976). However, structural basis of substrate specificity as well hydrophobic interactions of the Ile24 side- as the mechanism of catalysis. Structurally, chain provide the more stabilization energy the trypsinogen molecule consist of two six- for the trypsinogen to trypsin conversion that stranded beta barrels and the active site cleft is the salt bridge (Hedstrom et al., 1996). The located between the two barrels (Figure 1). resulting 170° rotation of the Asp199 side chain triggers a conformational change in The trypsinogen molecule consists of different the S1 binding site and oxyanion hole, which functional domains; catalytic, substrate produces active enzyme (Fehlhammer et al., recognition and zymogen activation domains. 1977). The Ile-Val dipeptide, analogous to However, the functional processes are not the N-terminus of active trypsin, can also separate. More detailed domains that can cause activation of trypsinogen without

20 cleavage of the activation peptide. This data molecule. indicates that zymogen activation is based on a conformational change (Bode and Huber, The oxyanion hole. Gly198 in the oxyanion 1976). hole also plays a basic role in substrate binding by stabilizing the ground state and Substrate binding the transition state (Bobofchak et al., 2005). Gly198 is highly conserved in serine proteases, The substrate recognition sites include the but in human trypsin-3 and brain trypsin-4 the polypeptide binding site, the binding pockets residue at position 198 is Arg (Nyaruhucha et for the side-chains of the peptide substrate al., 1997). The conformation of the Arg198 and surface loops outside the substrate side-chain prevents correct positioning of the binding pocket (Hedstrom et al., 1992). The amido hydrogen to form a hydrogen bond with nomenclature of the binding sites is based to the substrate. This feature together with His that proposed by Schechter and Berger, where instead of Asp in position 218 is believed to P1-P1’ denotes peptide residues on the acyl provide the structural basis for the enhanced and leaving group side of the scissile bond, inhibitor resistance and binding affinity of respectively (Schechter and Berger, 1967). substrates for human trypsin-3 and -4 (Katona The adjacent peptide residues are numbered et al., 2002). outward, and the S1, S1’ etc. denote the corresponding enzyme binding sites. The polypeptide binding site. The polypeptide binding site refers to the main chain of residues The primary substrate-binding pocket. The Ser215 –Asp218 which form an antiparallel disulfide bond Cys196 – Cys220, and the beta sheet with the backbone of the P1 – P3 segments between Asp194 – Asp199, Ser215 residues of peptide substrates. The beta sheet – Cys220 and Pro226 – Tyr229 form the structure causes the side chains of the peptide primary substrate-binding pocket called S1 substrate to point in opposite directions binding site in active trypsin (Fehlhammer et (Hedstrom, 2002, Sweet et al., 1974). al., 1977, Varallyay et al., 1997). The substrate specificity towards peptide bonds following Loop structures. Outside the substrate Arg or Lys is mainly defined by three binding pocket near the S1 binding site conserved residues; Asp194 at the bottom of are two conserved loops called L1 and L2, the substrate binding pocket and Gly217 and respectively, which control the specificity of Gly227 residues, which together create the trypsin. These surface loops connect the walls negatively charged S1 site (Huber et al., 1974, of the S1 binding pocket and stabilize the Perona et al., 1995). The S1-P1 interaction transition state for hydrolysis by improving dominates over substrate binding in the S2 to the orientation of bound substrates relative to S4 sites (Sichler et al., 2002). Trypsin prefers the catalytic site (Hedstrom et al., 1994a). In Arg substrates over Lys substrates because addition, Tyr175 in a third surface loop has Arg and Lys interact with the substrate binding been identified as an additional specificity pocket in different modes. The cyclic network determinant (Hedstrom et al., 1994b, Perona of hydrogen bonds between the guanidinium et al., 1995). This kind of extended substrate group of P1 Arg and S1 Asp194 is the binding accelerates catalysis. dominant feature of Arg substrate specificity. The chemical characteristics of the side-chain It is thought that substrate discrimination of Ser195 affects the specificity of trypsin occurs during the acylation step rather than towards P1 Lys through a critical hydrogen during substrate binding. The structural basis bond triad involving a water molecule, Ser195 for substrate discrimination in the acylation Oδ and the substrate P1 Lys Nζ (Evnin et al., step is the ability of 1) P1-Arg or Lys to make 1990). Substrate Lys is indirectly hydrogen favourable electrostatic interactions with bonded to the S1 site Asp194 via a water Asp194 to enhance the accurate positioning of

21 Gly217 and of 2) loop L2 to uniquely specify suggested to influence the selective binding the conformation of the conserved Gly217, of Kazal-type inhibitors to human trypsin-1 which forms two main-chain hydrogen (Gaboriaud et al., 1996). bonds with the P3 residue of the substrate promoting accurate scissile bond positioning Catalysis in a discriminatory way (Hedstrom et al., 1992, Hedstrom et al., 1994a, Ma et al., 2005, The physiological reaction catalyzed by Perona et al., 1995). In addition, there are five trypsin is hydrolysis of peptide bonds on the loops designated A to E. Loop C contacts the carboxyl-terminal side of either arginine or extended substrate on the N-terminal side of lysine. Chemically the reaction is acyl transfer, the scissile bond, whereas loops A, B, D and E in which trypsin stabilizes the tetraedral interact on the leaving group side (Perona and transition state typical to this reaction (Kraut, Craik, 1997). Thus, S1 binding site contributes 1977). The mechanism is a base-catalyzed to substrate specificity for ester hydrolysis, nucleophilic attack of the hydroxyl-O of whereas specific amide hydrolysis requires Ser200 to the carbonyl-C of the substrate both the proper S1 binding site and more (Craik et al., 1987, Weiner et al., 1986). The distal interactions such as with the loops next so called catalytic triad or charge relay system to the substrate binding pocket (Hedstrom et – His63, Ser200 and Asp107 – is essential al., 1992). for the catalysis. It is part of an extensive hydrogen bonding network within the enzyme The leaving group side interactions. The itself and with the substrate during catalysis. leaving group side interactions S’ – P’ are The strength of the hydrogen bonds changes determined by surface loops (see above) (Bode during catalysis (Fodor et al., 2006). and Huber, 1992, Perona and Craik, 1997). The role of S’1 to S’3 in substrate binding Formation of a Michaelis complex. A Michaelis and catalysis in rat trypsin has been studied complex is formed upon substrate side-chain by active site mapping using nucleophile binding to the binding pocket: a hydrogen mixtures (Schellenberger et al., 1994). The bond between the Oγ of Ser200 and Nε2 of most important contact in the S’ subsites His63 in the active site becomes sterically is a hydrogen bond between main-chain optimal for hydrogen transfer as the result carbonyl oxygen S’2 – main-chain NH of the of reorganization in the side-chain of Ser200 P’2 residue, where trypsin prefers positively and movement of the imidazole ring of His63 charged residues. The P’1 and P’3 side-chains (Ruhlmann et al., 1973). Then the Ser200 Oγ point in one direction and the P’2 side-chain can form a covalent bond with substrate and in the opposite direction. Large amino acids donate a proton to His63. In addition, the side- residues in P’1 and P’3 can probably form chain of the substrate Lys residue becomes contacts with the same region on the enzyme hydrogen-bonded to Asp194 via a water surface and most likely compete for contacts molecule. The longer side-chain of Arg in the on the enzyme surface. In contrast, positive substrate replaces the water molecule in the is observed for specific P’2 and binding pocket and forms a direct hydrogen P’3 residues, as the P’2 and P’3 side-chains bond to Asp194 of trypsin (Bode et al., 1984, point tin opposite directions. Craik et al., 1985, Weber et al., 1995).

The P’2 side-chains bind to a region on the The acylation step. After formation of the trypsin surface that is lined by His46 and non-covalent Michaelis complex catalysis is Tyr154. Interestingly, in human pancreatic then thought to proceed in two steps, which trypsin-1 and trypsin-2 Tyr154 is sulfated are simplified as follows. First, acylation (Gaboriaud et al., 1996, Sahin-Tóth et al., of trypsin occurs by the nucleophilic attack 2006, Szilagyi et al., 2001) (IV). This feature, of hydroxyl-O of Ser200 to the substrate P1 together with Asp at residue 218 (S4 site) is carbonyl-C resulting in a covalent bond. At

22 the same time, the hydroxyl-proton of Ser200 duodenum either directly or indirectly by is transferred to the His63 Nε2 base. Hydrogen activation of other digestive enzymes such bonds are formed between the oxyanion hole as chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase, and P1 carbonyl-C resulting in polarization phospholipase and proelastase (Neurath and of the carbonyl bond. All these bonds force Walsh, 1976, Travis and Roberts, 1969). the substrate to a tetrahedral oxyanion Trypsin-3 does not activate zymogens, and intermediate. Then, the imidazole ring of thus degradation of dietary trypsin inhibitors His63 can donate a proton to the leaving group appears to be the only role of pancreatic amine on the substrate and the scissile bond trypsin-3 (Sahin-Tóth, 2005, Szilagyi et al., is lengthened and broken. Trypsin acylation 2001, Szmola et al., 2003) . is most likely the rate-limiting step of the catalysis (Kossiakoff and Spencer, 1980, Intestinal alkaline sphingomyelinase Kossiakoff and Spencer, 1981, Weiner et al., digests dietary sphingomyelin generating 1986). However, the deacylation step is only multiple lipid messengers such as ceramide >3-fold faster than acylation (Bobofchak et and sphingosine. Pancreatic trypsin has al., 2005). been shown to release intestinal alkaline sphingomyelinase from rat intestinal mucosa The deacylation step. After acylation a water in vivo, thereby increasing the enzyme activity molecule located in the catalytic site forms about 50 to 70% (Wu et al., 2004). The trypsin- a hydrogen bond with His63. The water induced dissociation was rapid and specific. molecule acts as nucleophile by attacking By this means pancreatic trypsin would not the acyl-trypsin P1 carbonyl-C and donates a only digest dietary proteins but indirectly also proton to His63. The formed new tetrahedral sphingomyelin. transition state breaks down as a proton is transferred from His63 to Ser200 and native Activation of protease-activated receptors trypsin is released (Weiner et al., 1986). The function of negatively charged Asp107, which Protease-activated receptors (PAR-1, PAR-2, is located on the opposite side of His63 in the PAR-3 and PAR-4) are G protein-coupled active site, is believed by hydrogen bonding to receptors with seven transmembrane-spanning force His63 in the proper tautomeric state, so domains (Dery et al., 1998). PAR-2 is that its proton is at Nδ1 and not at Nε2 (Ash activated by trypsin-like enzymes like trypsin et al., 1997, Frey et al., 1994, Kossiakoff and itself, and mast cell , whereas Spencer, 1981, Sprang et al., 1987). Amide PAR-1, PAR-3 and PAR-4 are activated bonds are very stable due to electron donation mainly by (Cottrell et al., 2003, from the amide nitrogen to the carbonyl. It Coughlin, 2005, Fox et al., 1997, Molino et is estimated, that the rate of peptide bond al., 1997, Nystedt et al., 1994). To a lesser hydrolysis is increased about 1010-fold by extent, human tissue , cathepsin serine protease catalysis as compared to G, , A, and the corresponding uncatalyzed reactions factors VIIa and Xa are able to activate PARs (Hedstrom, 2002). (Oikonomopoulou et al., 2006, Vergnolle et al., 2003). The PARs are irreversibly activated Functions of trypsins by proteolytic cleavage at the amino-terminal exodomain of the receptor. The new, unmasked Digestion of food amino terminus functions as a tethered ligand, docking intramolecularly with the body of the Digestion of food is the main physiological receptor to effect transmembrane signalling. function of pancreatic trypsin. Indeed, trypsin Once ligated, PAR can activate intracellular and chymotrypsin are considered the major G proteins and thus mediate extracellular workhorses of digestion. Trypsin-1 and -2 signals to intracellular signalling pathways. isoenzymes degrade dietary proteins in the Like other G protein-coupled receptors, PAR

23 signalling is rapidly attenuated by receptor pancreatic exocrine function via a negative desensitization, endocytosis, and/or receptor feedback loop (Hirota et al., 2006a, Maeda down-regulation (Grady et al., 1997, Ludeman et al., 2005). Physiological concentrations of et al., 2004). Trypsin has also been shown to trypsin in the intestinal lumen (100 nmol/L) affect PAR-2 ubiquitination, which is required activates PAR-2 at the apical membrane of for lysosomal trafficking of PAR-2 (Cottrell et enterocytes and stimulates the generation of al., 2003). IP3, arachidonic acid release and prostaglandin secretion (Kong et al., 1997). Protease-activated receptor-2. The gene encoding human PAR-2 has been cloned In cultured dog epithelial cells, (Bohm et al., 1996) and PAR-2 has been found trypsin can activate ion channels by cleaving to be highly expressed in the pancreatic duct and triggering PAR-2, which results in cells, kidney, intestine, liver, prostate, ovary, increased intracellular calcium concentration testes, heart, lung, skin, bladder, brain, and and subsequent stimulation of Ca2+-activated trachea, where it is found in epithelial and Cl- and K+ channels (Nguyen et al., 1999). In endothelial cells, and myocytes, fibroblasts, the gastrointestinal track, PAR-2 mediated immune cells, neurons and glial cells contractile responses have been reported, (Bohm et al., 1996, D’Andrea et al., 1998, most likely via a mechanism involving Ca2+- D’Andrea et al., 2000, D’Andrea et al., 2001, dependent K+ channels (Cocks et al., 1999b). Macfarlane et al., 2001, Nguyen et al., 1999, Furthermore, PAR-2 has been linked to the Nystedt et al., 1994, Nystedt et al., 1995). release of from the acinar cells of the Several functions of the PARs are involved in pancreas, and exocrine secretion from salivary, regulation of hemostasis, inflammation, pain, parotid and sublingual glands (Bohm et al., and tissue repair (Macfarlane et al., 2001). 1996, Kawabata et al., 2000, Kawabata et Functional PARs including PAR-2 have also al., 2002, Nguyen et al., 1999). Thus, besides been described in the central and peripheral acting as digestive proteinase and activator of nervous system suggesting regulative role other digestive enzymes, pancreatic trypsin for PARs and their activating proteases in is also a signalling molecule regulating cells various processes of the nervous system such of the gastrointestinal track by activation of as motor, secretory, vascular, nociceptive, PAR-2. inflammatory or regenerative processes (Vergnolle et al., 2003). PAR-2-mediated Extra-pancreatic trypsins and PARs. Trypsin-4 effects include increase in intracellular Ca2+, has been suggested to activate PAR-2 and effects of ion transport, cell proliferation, -4 and the inhibitor resistance of trypsin-4 growth and adhesion, apoptosis, secretion, has been postulated to promote prolonged immunomodulation and mitogensis. PAR- PAR-mediated signaling in extra-pancreatic signaling involves molecules like Gαi, Gαq, cells (Cottrell et al., 2004). Tumor-derived phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ), diacylglycerol human epithelial cell lines from prostate

(DAG), inositoltriphosphate (IP3), NFκB, (PC-3), colon (SW480 and Caco2), and c-Fos, c-Jun, p38, and extracellular-signal airway (A549) have been found to express regulated kinases (ERK1/2) (Steinhoff et al., PAR-2, trypsinogen-4 and entero­peptidase. 2005). Expression of trypsinogen-4 and its activation by enteropeptidase induces a prompt increase Pancreatic trypsins and PAR-2. Pancreatic in intracellular calcium in KNRK cells (a trypsin-1 and -2 are potent activators of PAR-2, normal rat kidney [NRK] cell line transformed which is present at high densities on the by Kirsten murine sarcoma virus) expressing luminal surfaces of pancreatic acinar cells, duct human PAR-2, but not in nontransfected cells, epithelial cells, and the intestine (Kong et al., suggesting that trypsin-4 is an activator of 1997, Nguyen et al., 1999). PAR-2 activation PAR-2 (Cottrell et al., 2003, Cottrell et al., stimulates cytokine production and regulates 2004). However, studies with recombinant

24 trypsin isoforms revealed that the activity of trypsin-1 contributes to disseminated growth trypsin-4 was completely unable to activate of some cancer cells (Miyata et al., 1998). epithelial PAR-1 and-2. Instead, it weakly Integrin α5β1-dependent cellular adhesion to activated brain PAR-1 in human astrocytoma fibronectin and proliferation of MKN-1 human 1321N1 cells (Grishina et al., 2005). gastric carcinoma cells was shown to be regulated by PAR-2 and G protein signalling Results from another group (Wang et al., induced by tumor-associated trypsin (Miyata 2006) revealed that trypsin-4 selectively et al., 2000). induces transient Ca2+ mobilization in both rat astrocytes and retinal ganglion RGC-5 Trypsin has been shown to be a potent growth cells via activation of PAR-1. The activating factor for human colon cancer cells in vitro and cleavage site is Arg–Ser in PAR-1 and PAR-2, the action is mediated by activation of PAR-2 Lys–Thr in PAR-3, and Arg–Gly in PAR-4. and subsequent increase in intracellular Ca2+ Arg-Ser and Lys-Thr peptide bonds are readily concentration (Darmoul et al., 2001, Ducroc cleaved by trypsin-3 and -4, so PAR-1, PAR-2, et al., 2002). The mechanism is dependent and PAR-3 are potential trypsin-4 substrates on MMP-mediated release of transforming (Szepessy and Sahin-Tóth, 2006). growth factor-α (TGF-α), transactivation and phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor Trypsinogens in cancer receptor (EGF-R) and subsequent activation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase1/2 Proteolytic processing of ECM. As (ERK1/2) and cell proliferation (Darmoul et discussed above, trypsin degrades many al., 2004). On the other hand, trypsinogen-4 ECM components (Koivunen et al., 1991a, has been hypothesized to possess a tumor- Koshikawa et al., 1992, Moilanen et al., 2003, suppressive role in cancer progression as it has Stenman et al., 2005) but it is also a potent been shown to be silenced at the mRNA level activator of several MMPs (Imai et al., 1995, by promoter methylation in several gastric Koivunen et al., 1989, Moilanen et al., 2003, adenocarcinomas and esophageal squamous Nyberg et al., 2002, Paju et al., 2001b, Sorsa et cell carcinomas (Yamashita et al., 2003). al., 1997, Umenishi et al., 1990). In addition to breakdown of ECM components and activation Trypsin-2 isolated from a colon carcinoma of proteinase cascades tumor-associated cell line has been shown to be more potent trypsins can modulate cancer cells by other activator of PAR-2 than two different mast mechanisms, too. Proteolytic processing of cell and almost equally effective as ECM exposes cryptic binding sites within bovine pancreatic trypsin in an in vitro study ECM molecules, generates biologically active (Alm et al., 2000). Interestingly, the PARs ECM fragments and affects the bioavailability are up-regulated in cancer and inflammation and activity of sequestered growth factors and (Borgono and Diamandis, 2004). Taken receptors (Liotta and Kohn, 2001). together, tumor-associated trypsins are potential in vivo activators of PAR-2. Tumor-associated trypsin and PAR-2. Recent studies suggest a signalling function for tumor- Effects on the surrounding cells. Cells in associated trypsin as well as other proteinases. the tumor microenvironment, i.e. mast cells, The binding of integrins to ECM proteins macrophages, endothelial cells, and vascular activates focal adhesion kinases (FAKs). smooth muscle cells have been shown to These in turn interact with several intracellular express PAR-1 and PAR-2. These cells may signalling molecules. Stimulation of cellular act as proteolytic sensors to extracellular growth, adhesion to fibronectin and vitronectin, thrombin and trypsin, respectively, and thus and, when transplanted to nude mice, tumor enable a permissive environment for tumor production of human gastric carcinoma cells growth and metastasis via an autocrine and/or overexpressing trypsinogen-1 suggests that paracrine cascade. PAR-1 and PAR-2 are also

25 detected on stromal fibroblasts surrounding system and an autoantigen in multiple sclerosis metastatic tumor cells but not on fibroblasts (Medveczky et al., 2006). Trypsin-4 has also surrounding benign, non-metastatic or normal been implicated in the increased production epithelial cells (D’Andrea et al., 2001). of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and accumulation of β-amyloid in the brain of Angiogenesis. Tumor cell-activated endothelial transgenic mice expressing trypsinogen-4 in cells produce trypsin, which has been neurons (Minn et al., 1998). However, the suggested to contribute to tumor angiogenesis possible role of trypsin-4 in neurodegenerative and tumor metastasis by activation of matrix diseases remains to be elucidated. metalloproteinases (MMPs) or direct matrix degradation (Koshikawa et al., 1997). On Ion channels. Acid-sensing ion channels the other hand, many angiogenesis inhibitors (ASICs) are non-voltage-gated Na+ channels are stored as cryptic fragments within larger of the epithelial Na+ channel/degenerin family. precursor matrix molecules, and the regulation They are almost ubiquitous in the mammalian of proteolytic processing of extracellular matrix nervous system and they are transiently plays an important role in vascularization of activated by a rapid drop in extracellular pH tumors (Nyberg et al., 2005). (Krishtal, 2003). Several putative physiological roles of ASICs have been proposed, like pain Other functions of trypsins receptor, modulation of synaptic transmission, memory and fear conditioning and mediation of Paneth cells. The selective antibiotic activity cell injury in acidosis. Trypsin has been shown of Paneth cell human α–defensin 5 and 6 (HD5 to cleave ASIC 1a in the N-terminal part of and HD6) is enhanced by tryptic processing. an extracellular loop in vitro, thereby shifting Unlike in the pancreas, only trypsin-2 and -3 the pH-dependence of channel activation and are expressed at a 6:1 ratio in the Paneth cells inactivation to more acidic pH (Vukicevic et of the small intestine, suggesting that Paneth al., 2006). Trypsin has been demonstrated in cells express a distinct trypsin isoform pattern. vitro to cleave C termini of β– and γ–subunits Paneth cell-derived trypsin is suggested to be of epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC). This is the processing proteinase of HD5 in vivo and believed to increase ENaC activity and be one trypsin activity seems to be carefully regulated of the physiological mechanisms of sodium by API and PSTI that also are present in the channel regulation (Jovov et al., 2002). Paneth cells (Ghosh et al., 2002). Paneth cell trypsin could also be the activator of PAR-2 Leucocyte adhesion. Trypsin has been reported expressed on luminal surfaces of enterocytes to up-regulate the intercellular adhesion of the human intestinal crypts. molecule-1 (ICAM-1), a key vascular endothelial adhesion molecule necessary for Genital tract. Trypsin is widely distributed transport of leukocytes from the intravascular in the male genital tract and may play a space into inflamed tissues (Hartwig et al., physiological role in semen. Trypsin purified 2004). Up-regulation by trypsin occurs both in from human seminal fluid activates the proform the rat pancreas and lung and it is associated of prostate specific antigen (PSA) (Paju et with increases in leukocyte infiltration into the al., 2000), which cleaves semenogelins I and tissues and decreased perfusion of pancreatic II in the sperm-entrapping gel forming after microvasculature. ejaculation (Lilja, 1985). Airways. In preterm infants, the development Central nervous system. Human trypsin-4 has of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is recently been shown to selectively process associated with high pulmonary concentrations two Arg-Thr peptide bonds in human myelin of trypsinogen-2 during the first two postnatal basic protein, which is the most abundant weeks (Cederqvist et al., 2003). In addition, membrane protein in the central nervous infants with higher trypsinogen-2 to TATI

26 ratio subsequently developed BPD. The Trypsin inhibitors underlying mechanism remains unclear, but it has been suggested that trypsin degrades ECM Several classes of inhibitors mimic the directly, activates latent MMPs, or mediates tetrahedral intermediate of the serine protease inflammatory reactions via activation of reaction and form stable tetrahedral adducts PAR-2. Bronchial epithelial cells express with the protease (Kraut, 1977) in a so called both trypsin(ogen) and PAR-2 (Cocks et al., “canonical” substrate-like manner, where 1999a). Indeed, trypsin released from the numerous polar and hydrophobic interactions epithelium can initiate brochorelaxation in between the protease and the inhibitor prevent the airways by activation of epithelial PAR-2 rapid dissociation of the complex. Prolonged and is thus hypothesized to participate in association of the enzyme and the inhibitor prostanoid-dependent cytoprotection in the leads to an equilibrium between the cleaved airways (Cocks et al., 1999a). and uncleaved forms of the inhibitor (Fodor et al., 2005, Fodor et al., 2006). However, not Other functions. Trypsin has been shown to all inhibitors interact “canonically” (Rydel et participate in cardiovascular events via PAR-2 al., 1990, Rydel et al., 1991), a covalent bond in animal models, but the physiological and between the enzyme and the inhibitor is not pathophysiological role remains unclear necessary for inhibition, and the protease- (Macfarlane et al., 2001). In the skin, inhibitor complex is not a fully tetrahedral activation of PAR-2 by trypsin has been linked adduct (Baillargeon et al., 1980, Richarz et to pigmentation via action of prostaglandins al., 1980). The canonical inhibitors, like PSTI and their receptors (Scott et al., 2004). In rat and API, are unrelated in structure but have in brain, trypsin has been shown to cleave the common a “primary binding segment”, a flat- virus envelope fusion precursor shaped loop that fits into the active-site cleft hemagglutinin (HA0) of human influenza A of cognate proteinase. All protein inhibitors of virus and the fusion glycoprotein precursor proteinases prevent access of (large) substrates

(F0) of Sendai virus (Le et al., 2006). After to the catalytic site of the enzyme by steric virus infection in rat lungs the levels of hindrance. Endogenous protease inhibitors TNF-α, trypsin-1 and MMP-9 mRNA, appear to be proteins, small non-protein respectively, were significantly up-regulated inhibitors are produced by micro-organisms (Yamada et al., 2006). These results suggest (Bode and Huber, 1992). that trypsin in the brain might potentiate virus multiplication and progression of influenza- The first natural protease inhibitors were associated encephalopathy or encephalitis. identified by Northrop and Kunitz as part of Finally, a function as a “pipe-cleaner” has their protease studies in the 1930s with cattle been proposed for trypsin produced by various pancreas (Kunitz and Northrop, 1935). An types of epithelial cells, like those of the bile inhibitor was characterized as a polypeptide duct and the nephron of the kidney (Koshikawa with a molecular weight of about 6000 Da, and et al., 1998). that forms a reversible complex with trypsin in a molar ratio of 1:1. Today this inhibitor

Table 3. Trypsin inhibitors in human plasma

Inhibitor Concentration MW Reference (g/L) (kDa)

α2-macroglobulin 2 - 4 720 (Sottrup-Jensen, 1989)

α1-proteinase inhibitor 1.3 51 (Carrell, 1986) Inter-α-inhibitors 0.6 - 1.2 30 - 250 (Josic et al., 2006) PSTI/TATI 5 - 20 x 10-6 6.2 (Stenman et al., 1982)

27 is called basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor several serine proteases, but the regulation of (BPTI) or , and it belongs to the neutrophil is considered to be its main Kunitz type inhibitor family. Human pancreas physiological function (Beatty et al., 1980, does not contain a Kunitz type inhibitor, but Travis and Salvesen, 1983). both human trypsin-1 and -2 are inhibited by BPTI in a 1:1 molar ratio (Figarella et al., Human API (MW 51 000 Da) forms complex 1975). Protease inhibitors are after albumin with trypsin in a 1:1 molar ratio. The proteinase and immunoglobulins the third largest group first forms a noncovalent Michaelis complex of functional proteins comprising about 10% with API. Subsequent peptide bond hydrolysis of total plasma proteins in vertebrates (Travis of the reactive center loop results in formation and Salvesen, 1983) (Table 3). of acyl-enzyme intermediate and insertion of the reactive center loop into a β–sheet. Upon

α2-macroglobulin complete loop insertion the proteinase is translocated and compressed against the base

α2-macroglobulin (α2M) and α1-proteinase of API, its active site is grossly distorted and inhibitor (API, also called α1-antitrypsin) are hence inactivated (Huntington et al., 2000, the major protease inhibitors in human plasma Silverman et al., 2001). (Laskowski and Kato, 1980) (Table 3). Human

α2M is a large (MW 720 000 Da) glycoprotein, Proteinases complexed to API can be composed of four identical subunits (Sottrup- degraded by other proteinases (Kaslik et Jensen, 1989). It is a non-specific protease al., 1995, Stavridi et al., 1996). This may inhibitor, which controls the activity of be a faster way of proteinase elimination proteinases not only by active site-directed from the circulation than the SEC (serpin- inhibition but also by steric shielding and enzyme complex) receptor-based uptake and rapid clearance. Specific limited proteolysis intracellular degradation of proteinase-API of α2M at a site called the bait region results complexes (Perlmutter et al., 1990, Pizzo, in a conformational change in α2M leaving the 1989, Pratt et al., 1988). API inhibits trypsin-2 protease irreversibely bound to α2M (Barrett ten times faster than trypsin-1, and it has been et al., 1979, Borth, 1992, Bretaudiere et al., suggested to control trypsin-1 activity in vivo

1988). One α2M molecule can trap one or two when α2M is already saturated (Vercaigne- proteinase molecules (Sottrup-Jensen, 1989). Marko et al., 1989). In this case API would

Protease-α2M complexes are rapidly eliminated have a significant role in the inhibition of from the circulation by LDL-receptor-related trypsin-2 under physiological conditions and protein mediated endocytosis (Sottrup-Jensen, of trypsin-1 under pathological conditions. 1989) primarily by hepatocytes (Feldman et al., 1985). Inter-α-inhibitors

α1-proteinase inhibitor Inter-α-inhibitor proteins comprise a family of serine proteinase inhibitors found at relatively

Apart from α2M, the most abundant human high concentrations in human plasma, i.e. 0.6 plasma proteinase inhibitors are serpins (serine to 1.2 g/L (Josic et al., 2006). Inter-α-trypsin proteinase inhibitors). The serpins share a inhibitor (ITI) was first characterized and conserved structure and employ a unique isolated from human plasma in the 1960s irreversible suicide substrate-like inhibitory (Heimburger et al., 1964, Steinbuch and mechanism. Thirty four human serpins, Loeb, 1961). It was initially characterized as including α1-proteinase inhibitor (API) have a zinc-containing glycoprotein that inhibits already been identified (Gettins, 2002). API is trypsin and chymotrypsin by forming 1:1 the serpin present at the highest concentration complexes (Aubry and Bieth, 1976). ITI was in human plasma and it is mainly produced by shown to be structurally related to the Kunitz the liver (Carrell, 1986). API is able to inhibit family of inhibitors and homologous to bovine

28 pancreatic trypsin inhibitor BPTI (Wachter 1977 (Bartelt et al., 1977) and today the single and Hochstrasser, 1981), but its antiproteinase human PSTI gene (serine protease inhibitor function is relatively weak. Kazal type 1 or SPINK1 gene) has been characterized. It is 7.5 kb long, separated into The inter-α-inhibitor proteins consist of heavy four exons and is located on chromosome 5 chains, H1, H2, H3 and/or H4 (65, 70, 90 and (Horii et al., 1987). 120 kDa, respectively) and/or a 30 kDa light chain called bikunin. The genes encoding the The genomic PSTI gene has neither the subunits have been characterized (Nishimura mammalian pancreas-specific common cis- et al., 1995, Salier, 1990). Uncomplexed acting regulatory sequence (Walker et al., bikunin, which has two Kunitz-type inhibitory 1983) nor the typical promoter sequences domains, inhibits several serine proteinases TATA, CAAT nor GC boxes, but the sequences including trypsin, plasmin, elastase and ATAT and CAATCAAT are positioned in cathepsin B (Josic et al., 2006, Salier et the promoter region of the gene (Horii et al., al., 1996). The 250 kDa inter-α-inhibitor, 1987). It has been suggested that the sequence previously called ITI, contains three subunits, CAATCAATAAC that is present in two novel two heavy chains H1 and H2 and bikunin. 5’ cis-acting elements in the promoter region The 125 kDa pre-α-inhibitor (PαI), previously of the gene functions as a pancreas-specific known as pre-α-trypsin inhibitor, contains element (Yasuda et al., 1998). A 40-bp IL-6- two subunits, heavy chain H3 and bikunin. responsive element, that is conserved among (Josic et al., 2006). The chains are covalently various acute phase genes, has been identified bound via a protein – glycosaminoglycan – in the PSTI gene in hepatoma cells (Yasuda et protein bridge, where chondroitin 4-sulfate is al., 1993). the glycosaminoglycan. Bikunin contains an N-linked oligosaccharide and a chondroitin Biochemical properties of PSTI/TATI. The sulfate chain (Josic et al., 2006, Salier et al., SPINK1 gene product consists of 79 AAs 1996). including a 23 AA signal peptide. Mature PSTI is a 56 AA polypeptide with a molecular Studies in mice suggest that ITI acts as a weight of 6242 Da containing three intra-chain shuttle by transferring proteinases to other disulphide bridges. PSTI, or tumor-associated plasma proteinase inhibitors like α2M and trypsin inhibitor (TATI), isolated from urine of API for clearance, and that ITI modulates the a patient with ovarian cancer (see below) was distribution of proteinase among inhibitors found to be microheterogenous in charge the (Pratt and Pizzo, 1986, Pratt et al., 1987). On pI of the main component being 5.8 (Huhtala the other hand, a so-called von Willebrand et al., 1982). Four forms of PSTI have been type-A, multicopper oxidase and bradykinin- purified in human pancreatic juice (Kikuchi like domains have been identified in the heavy et al., 1985). PSTI/TATI is cleared from chains, suggesting several other functions, circulation by excretion into urine with a half- like a role in inflammation and maintenance life of six minutes (Marks and Ohlsson, 1983). of extracellular matrix stability and integrity In fact, serum PSTI/TATI can also be used as through hyalyronic acid-binding (Bost et al., a marker for renal function (Tramonti et al., 1998, Salier et al., 1996). 2003).

PSTI or TATI PSTI is synthetized and secreted together with trypsinogen by pancreatic acinar cells. The SPINK1 gene. PSTI is Kazal-type trypsin molar ratio of trypsinogen to PSTI in human inhibitor originally purified from bovine pancreatic juice is about 5:1 (Hirota et al., pancreas from a side-fraction in a commercial 2006a, Rinderknecht, 1986, Rinderknecht, insulin process (Kazal et al., 1948). The 1993) representing an amount equivalent to sequence of human PSTI was identified in 0.1 to 0.8% of the total protein in pancreatic

29 juice (Pubols et al., 1974). The reactive site of Arg28-Glu29, and Lys75-Ser76 have also been human PSTI is residue Lys41, that serves as a shown to be cleaved by trypsin-3 (Szmola et specific target substrate for trypsin (Bartelt et al., 2003). al., 1977). The function of PSTI in the mucus-producing Serum levels of PSTI/TATI. TATI was first cells in the is suggested isolated from urine of an ovarian cancer to protect the mucus from digestion by luminal patient (Stenman et al., 1982) and was later proteinases within the stomach and colon and shown to be identical to PSTI (Huhtala et al., to stimulate epithelial repair (Freeman et al., 1982). The concentration of TATI in normal 1990, Marchbank et al., 1998). PSTI/TATI is serum is 5 to 20 µg/L and that in urine 5 to also an efficient inhibitor of acrosin (Huhtala, 50 µg/L as measured by radioimmunoassay. 1984) suggesting a role in reproduction. Elevated levels have been observed in urine from patients with ovarian, cervical and In PSTI deficient (Spink3-/-) mice, autophagic endometrial cancer, as well as in the amniotic degeneration of acinar cells started from day fluid from 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy 16.5 after coitus, resulting in rapid onset of (Stenman et al., 1982). As measured by cell death in the pancreas and duodenum, and another radioimmunoassay, serum PSTI level finally death of the test animals 14.5 days in healthy individuals ranged from 5.4 to 16.0 after birth (Ohmuraya et al., 2005). The same µg/L (Kitahara et al., 1980). Normal serum researchers reported later (Ohmuraya et al., levels of TATI were found in the serum and 2006) that trypsin activity could be detected urine of pancreatectomized patients (Halila in pancreatic acinar cells of Spink3-/- mice at et al., 1985) suggesting that pancreatic acinar 0.5 and 1.5 days after birth. On the contrary, cells are not the main source of PSTI/TATI in trypsin activity was not detected in pancreatic humans. acinar cells of Spink3+/+ and Spink3+/- mice. Thus, the loss of PSTI resulted in failure to Inhibition. PSTI is a strong, reversible trypsin control trypsin activation in acinar cells in inhibitor, which inhibits both trypsin-1 and -2 mice leading to excessive autophagy in the in an equimolar ratio. It is gradually degraded acinar cells. and released from trypsin (Figarella et al., 1975, Laskowski and Wu, 1953) by cleavage Extrapancreatic expression. The physiological of the peptide bonds Lys41-Ile42, Arg67- role of PSTI was initially thought to solely Gln68, Arg28-Glu29, Arg65-Lys66 and prevent premature activation of pancreatic Lys75-Ser76 (Kikuchi et al., 1989, Schneider proteases, especially trypsinogen (Pubols et and Laskowski, 1974, Schneider et al., 1973). al., 1974, Rinderknecht, 1986). However, Both human and dog PSTI-trypsin complexes TATI as well as trypsinogen (see above) are dissociated rapidly when added into serum also expressed in several other normal tissues in vitro (Eddeland and Ohlsson, 1978). The like the gastrointestinal tract (Bohe et al., 1986, released trypsin was mainly bound by serum Bohe et al., 1988, Bohe et al., 1992, Bohe et

α2M and to a lesser extent to API. al., 1997, Freeman et al., 1990, Shibata et al., 1986), gall bladder and biliary tract, breast, Intravenous injection of PSTI-trypsin kidney and urinary tract, spleen, epithelial complexes into dogs resulted in a similar rapid cells of the skin, liver, lung, the brain and dissociation of the complexes. The major vascular endothelial cells (Fukayama et al., part of the injected radioactive trypsin was 1986, Lukkonen et al., 1999, Marchbank et bound by α2M and API. The released PSTI al., 1996) suggesting an important role for disappeared rapidly from the circulation into both TATI and trypsinogen in tissues other urine and into the whole extracellular fluid than the pancreas. volume (Eddeland and Ohlsson, 1978). The peptide bonds Lys41-Ile42, Arg67- Gln68,

30 PSTI/TATI in cancer. The increase of serum and pancreatic juice after partial pancreatic PSTI/TATI found in connection with malignant resection (Jonsson et al., 1996). diseases is probably caused by production in the cancer cells, but the acute-phase reaction In response to inflammatory cytokines, the can also contribute. PSTI/TATI has been shown liver produces several acute-phase proteins to be expressed in several cancers, including that are proteinase inhibitors. There is some pancreatic, colorectal, gastric, lung, ovarian, evidence indicating that the liver might also renal cell, and bladder cancers (Diggle et al., be a source of PSTI in acute-phase reactions 2003, Haglund et al., 1986, Higashiyama et in humans. In cultured human hepatoblastoma al., 1990a, Higashiyama et al., 1990b, Huhtala cells, PSTI production is stimulated by IL-6 et al., 1982, Huhtala et al., 1983, Jarvisalo et (Yasuda et al., 1990) and an IL-6-responsive al., 1993, Lukkonen et al., 1999, Ohmachi et element has been identified in the PSTI gene al., 1993, Paju et al., 2004, Paju et al., 2007, (Yasuda et al., 1993). Furthermore, PSTI Pasanen et al., 1995, Piantino and Arosaio, is produced by hepatocellular cancer cells 1991, Tomita et al., 1987). (Ohmachi et al., 1993) and the secretion of PSTI by human hepatocellular cancer cell TATI has been shown to be prognostic factor line is substantially increased in the presence in ovarian cancer (Venesmaa et al., 1994), of cytokine-producing mononuclear white bladder cancer (Kelloniemi et al., 2003), blood cells (Jonsson et al., 1996). Acute-phase hepatocellular carcinoma (Lee et al., 2007), proteins are thought to prevent non-specific and renal cell carcinoma (Paju et al., 2001a). tissue damage caused by proteinases released The function of TATI in cancer is thought from activated immune and phagocytic cells to be the same as in the pancreas, i.e. the (Roberts et al., 1995). inhibition of trypsin produced by the tumor cells (Stenman et al., 1991). The finding that Polyamines trypsinogen is expressed in both malignant and benign bladder epithelium, whereas TATI Polyamines, like spermidine and spermine, expression decreases with increasing stage are needed for normal cellular growth and and grade, suggests balanced expression of differentiation (Nitta et al., 2002). Exocrine trypsinogen and TATI in normal tissue, but pancreas has the highest spermidine disruption of this balance in tumor progression concentration in the mammalian body, and it is (Hotakainen et al., 2006). Interestingly, high thought to be related to the high rate of protein TATI expression in gastric cancer tissue seems synthesis in this tissue. Activated polyamine to correlate with a favourable prognosis for the catabolism in transgenic rats results in severe patient (Wiksten et al., 2005), but in prostate acute pancreatitis (Alhonen et al., 2000) and cancer high TATI expression is associated with is associated with intracellular trypsinogen aggressive disease (Paju et al., 2007). activation (Hyvonen et al., 2006). In the pancreas, polyamines have been localized in Acute phase reaction. PSTI has been suggested zymogen granules. Thus, it is possible that to be an acute-phase protein and to be induced polyamines directly inhibit proteinase activity, by inflammatory cytokines (Yasuda et al., and that their depletion thus would result in 1990). The PSTI levels in serum increase in a direct activation of proteolytic enzymes connection with severe inflammation, tissue (Hyvonen et al., 2006). destruction and major surgery (Lasson et al., 1986, Matsuda et al., 1985, Ogawa et al., Pancreatitis 1985, Ogawa et al., 1988). PSTI-production in pancreatic acinar cells is not regulated by the In the normal pancreas, the hazardous effects acute-phase process, as suggested by analyzing of proteinase activity are controlled by PSTI, trypsinogen-1 and α1-antichymotrypsin, regulated expression and secretion, storage of another acute-phase reactant, in plasma zymogens within membrane-bound granules,

31 regulated activation of the proenzymes, due to faster autodegradation of trypsinogen-2 specific degradation and autolysis of the and trypsin-2. However, trypsin generation active proteinases, inhibition of their was markedly diminished under conditions proteolytic activity, and controlled lysosomal that modeled cytoplasm or acidic vesicles (50 degradation and autodegradation of digestive µmol/L Ca2+, pH 5) by an increased ratio of enzymes of damaged cells (Logsdon, 2001). trypsinogen-2, because acidic pH inhibited However, pancreatitis is a necrotic and activation of trypsinogen-2, whereas it inflammatory process of the pancreas, where, stimulated autoactivation of trypsinogen-1. with the exception of infectious pancreatitis, This suggests that, as a defensive mechanism, premature activation of trypsinogen and other acinar cells increase secretion of trypsinogen-2 digesitive pancreatic zymogens within or in pancreatic diseases, thereby decreasing the near the pancreas start digesting the pancreas chance for premature trypsinogen activation itself (Kloppel and Maillet, 1993, Kloppel, inside the pancreas, while maintaining 2007). Pathophysiologically, autodigestion acceptable trypsin function in the duodenum and inflammation may be caused by either (Kukor et al., 2003). increased proteolytic activity or decreased proteinase inhibition. Hereditary pancreatitis

Pancreatitis can be acquired or hereditary, Hereditary pancreatitis (HP) is caused by acute or chronic (Kloppel and Maillet, 1993). mutation(s) inducing premature intracellular Ethanol abuse and gallstones account for activation of proteolytic enzymes, especially about 80% of acute pancreatitis cases (Le trypsin. The phenotypic features of hereditary Moine et al., 1994, Lee et al., 1992). include autosomal dominant pancreatitis is usually caused by many years inheritance, high penetrance (80%), inter- of alcohol abuse, ductal obstruction, exposure mittent attacks of acute pancreatitis usually to cigarette smoke or volatile hydrocarbons, beginning in childhood, and frequent or can be autoimmune or hereditary (Chari, progression of the disease to chronic 2007, McNamee et al., 1994, Talamini et al., pancreatitis (Gorry et al., 1997). Patients with 1996). hereditary pancreatitis, especially those with a paternal inheritance pattern, have a high risk of Especially in acute pancreatitis (I) (Borgström developing pancreatic cancer several decades and Andren-Sandberg, 1995, Kimland et after the onset of pancreatitis (Lowenfels et al., 1989, Petersson et al., 1999), but also in al., 1997). pancreatic cancer, chronic alcoholism and chronic pancreatitis (Borgström and Andren- A relationship between the onset of pancreatitis Sandberg, 1995, Rinderknecht et al., 1979, and a mutation in the trypsinogen-1 gene was Rinderknecht et al., 1985) the proportion of initially reported in 1996 (Whitcomb et al., serum trypsinogen-1 and -2 immunoreactivity 1996). Since then, several mutations in the becomes reversed, suggesting non­parallel trypsinogen-1 (PRSS1), PSTI (SPINK1), and secretion of the trypsinogen isoforms in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance pancreatic disease. By using recombinantly regulator (CFTR) genes have been found produced trypsinogen-1 and -2, Kukor et al. to be associated with chronic pancreatitis (Kukor et al., 2003) demonstrated that the (Keiles and Kammesheidt, 2006). An up-to- up-regulation of trypsinogen-2 in potential date database of published PRSS1, PRSS2 and pathological conditions significantly limits SPINK1 variants can be found at www.uni- trypsin generation. In conditions modeling those of pancreatic juice (1 mmol/L Ca2+, pH 8), trypsin generation by autoactivation or Mutations in the PRSS1 gene. The AA enteropeptidase activation was not affected substitutions in trypsinogen-1 are located in significantly by the ratio of the two isoforms the activation peptide, the N-terminal part of

32 trypsin, and in the longest peptide segment functional product of the PRSS1 gene were not stabilized by disulfide bonds between found in two of 55 alcoholics without chronic Cys64 and Cys139, which also encompasses pancreatitis, respectively (Chen et al., 2003b). the calcium-binding loop. The mutations Furthermore, mutation Gly191Arg results in appear to be associated with enhanced degradation-sensitive trypsinogen-2 (Witt et activation (Chen et al., 2003a, Feréc et al., al., 2006). 1999, Gorry et al., 1997, Pfutzer et al., 2002, Sahin-Tóth and Tóth, 2000, Sahin-Tóth, 2000, It has been suggested that gene conversion is Sahin-Tóth, 2001, Simon et al., 2002, Teich a likely cause of PRSS1 missense mutations et al., 2000, Teich et al., 2004, Whitcomb, associated with HP (Chen and Feréc, 2000a, 1999), inhibition of autolysis, or enhanced Chen and Feréc, 2000b). Gene conversion is a stabilization (Le Maréchal et al., 2001, Pfutzer process where a functional gene is converted et al., 2002, Sahin-Tóth, 2001, Simon et al., into a mutant one by unidirectional transfer 2002, Whitcomb et al., 1996). of genetic information from a homologous, non-functional donor gene to the functional The most frequent mutation in HP worldwide acceptor gene (Baltimore, 1981, Chen et al., is Arg122His, which eliminates the autolysis 2007). The genes T4 to T8 are organized in site of trypsin-1 and alters autoactivation and tandem repeats and share 91% overall sequence autodegradation of trypsinogen-1 (Simon et al., homology (Rowen et al., 1996), which render 2002). Unlike all other known trypsinogens, them prone to gene conversion events. The human trypsinogen-1 contains Asn at position presence of several donor sequences in genes 29. With the exception of human trypsinogen-2 T6, T7, T8 and T9 for Arg122His, Asn29Ile and that has Ile at position 29, all other mammalian Ala16Val mutations, respectively, is strongly trypsinogens contain Thr29 (Rypniewski et suggestive of these mutations being caused al., 1994). The second most frequent HP- by gene conversion events. Furthermore, chi- associated mutation is Asn29Ile in human like and palindromic sequences are frequently trypsinogen-1 (Gorry et al., 1997). Other observed in the vicinity of potentially mutations of Asn29 have also been shown converted gene fragments (Collier et al., 1993, to affect autoactivation (Sahin-Tóth, 2000). Giordano et al., 1997, Patrinos et al., 1998). Chymotrypsin C –mediated processing of the Such sequences are also found in the 3’ and/or trypsinogen-1 activation peptide is increased 5’ boundaries of the Arg122His, Asn29Ile and 4-fold by the mutation Ala16Val, resulting Ala16Val mutations (Chen and Feréc, 2000a, in accelerated trypsinogen activation in vitro Chen and Feréc, 2000b). (Nemoda and Sahin-Tóth, 2006). Mutations in the SPINK1 gene. Mutations A novel mechanism underlying HP was and polymorphisms in the SPINK1 gene are suggested by Teich et al. (Teich et al., 2004). also associated with HP. These include single- The activation of trypsinogen-2 by mutated nucleotide substitutions, microinsertions/ Glu79Lys-trypsin-1 was increased two-fold, deletions (Chen et al., 2000, Kiraly et al., and HP could thus be caused by increased 2007, Le Maréchal et al., 2004, Pfutzer et al., transactivation of trypsinogen-2 by mutated 2000, Witt et al., 2000) and a large 1336 bp trypsin-1. Furthermore, triplication of a ~605 deletion involving the promoter region and kb gene segment containing the PRSS1 gene exon 1 of SPINK1 (Masson et al., 2006). on chromosome 7 seems to result in increased trypsin expression through a gene dosage The Asn34Ser mutation (Witt et al., 2000) is effect causing HP (Le Maréchal et al., 2006). the most common HP-associated variant in the PSTI gene. Asn34 is located close to Lys18, the Mutations that protect against pancreatitis are target P1 residue of trypsin, and the mutation very rare but have been reported. Mutations has been suggested to lead to decreased Tyr37X and IVS2+1G>A that result in non- inhibitory capacity of PSTI by affecting the

33 conformation of the active site (Witt et al., The CFTR protein is present at high levels in 2000). On the other hand, biochemical and intralobular and proximal ductular epithelia surface-plasmon-resonance (SPR) analysis of of the pancreas and at low levels in acinar recombinant Asn34Ser mutant and wild type cells. There it maintains the solubility of PSTI showed no difference in binding (Hirota the secreted enzymes by mediation of the et al., 2003). Thus, the Asn34Ser mutation secretion of bicarbonate-rich alkaline fluid has been suggested to act more like a disease (Shumaker et al., 1999). Impaired solubility of susceptibility factor, possibly by lowering pancreatic juice may thus be responsible for the threshold for pancreatitis caused by other the increased risk of pancreatitis. Decreased genetic or environmental factors (Masson et activity of the mutated CFTR protein has also al., 2006, Pfutzer et al., 2000, Schneider et al., been suggested to interact with mutations in 2002). Interestingly, the Asn34Ser mutation PSTI or trypsinogen-1 gene (Hirota et al., always co-segregates with intronic mutations 2006b). and altered splicing has been suggested to underlie the predisposition to HP (Kuwata et HP and acinar cell viability. The role of al., 2002). trypsinogen-1 in pancreatitis has been studied by the expression of wild type active trypsin-1, The Met1Thr mutation eliminates the start trypsinogen-1 and trypsinogen-1 bearing HP- codon of PSTI leading to an overall loss associated mutations in the pancreatic acinar of PSTI expression (Witt et al., 2000). The cell line AR4-2J (Gaiser et al., 2005). AR4-2J Arg67Cys mutation has been suggested to cell viability was reduced dose-dependently by cause massive conformational alterations transfection with a vector coding for functional in the protein, probably by a novel intra- or trypsin-1, trypsinogen mutants Ala16Val, intermolecular disulfide bond, as the mutant Asp22Gly, Lys23Arg and Arg122His. Wild recombinant PSTI isoforms lost their reactivity type trypsinogen-1 had no effect on cell with an anti-PSTI (wild type) antibody (Hirota viability. Caspase-3 activity was shown to be et al., 2003). Signal peptide variants that have significantly higher in cells expressing active been demonstrated to impair secretion of PSTI trypsin-1 or the Arg122His trypsinogen-1 than and destine the inhibitor for rapid intracellular in cells expressing wild type trypsinogen-1. degradation are also associated with HP Furthermore, caspase-3 activity was reduced (Kiraly et al., 2007). in the presence of trypsin inhibitor. These findings suggest that expression of HP- Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance associated mutations result in a stress strong regulator gene mutations. Mutations in the enough to induce apoptosis in AR4-2J cells cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance probably due to intracellular occurence of regulator gene (CFTR), located on chromosome active trypsin. Thus, the sensibility of acinar 7q31 (Riordan et al., 1989), lead to exocrine cells to intracellular trypsin activity leading to glandular dysfunction and cystic fibrosis, but apoptosis might have a protective effect in the are also associated with chronic pancreatitis pancreas (Gaiser et al., 2005). (Audrezet et al., 2002, Sharer et al., 1998). The first organ to be affected in phenotypical severe Clinical value of trypsinogen CF is the exocrine pancreas (Schwiebert et al., determinations 1998). In a cohort of 134 patients with chronic pancreatitis Sharer et al. (Sharer et al., 1998) In serum of healthy subjects, the average found – and the results have been confirmed concentration of trypsinogen-1 has been by others (Cohn et al., 1998, Ockenga et al., reported to be 15 to 26 µg/L (I) (Borgström 2000) – that the frequency of CFTR mutation and Ohlsson, 1976, Florholmen et al., 1984b, was higher than expected. Thus, mutations of Geokas et al., 1979) and that of trypsinogen-2 the CFTR gene are a risk factor for chronic 5.5 to 17 µg/L (I) (Largman et al., 1978). pancreatitis.

34 Cystic fibrosis. The exocrine pancreas is Allograft rejection and malnutrition. affected in cystic fibrosis (CF), a disease caused Serum trypsinogen-2 is shown to be by mutations in a chloride channel encoded by accurate and sensitive diagnostic marker cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance for rejection and inflammation occurring in regulator gene (CFTR) (Aleksandrov et the pancreatic allograft following pancreas- al., 2007, Riordan et al., 1989). Pancreatic kidney transplantation (Douzdjian et al., damage begins in utero, which can be 1994, Lieberman et al., 1997, Perkal et al., identified in neonates on the basis of elevated 1992). Co-monitoring serum amylase and blood concentrations of pancreatic enzymes, trypsinogen-2 increased the specificity and especially trypsinogen (Sharer et al., 1998 diagnostic accuracy of the biochemical and references therein). Transiently elevated tests (Lieberman et al., 1997). Furthermore, serum levels of immunoreactive trypsinogen increased levels of serum trypsinogen-1 have (IRT) have been found to be associated with been reported in acutely malnourished infants the presentation of typical as well as atypical and children (Durie et al., 1985). Improvement CF (Castellani et al., 1997). Determination in nutritional status reverted trypsinogen-1 of serum IRT in neonates is used as a test for levels to normal. screening for CF in many countries (Rock et al., 2005). Another test for CF is the sweat Malignancies. Trypsinogens are associated chloride test. A positive result with IRT and/ with several malignancies and they could or sweat chloride test is confirmed by gene be used as diagnostic and prognostic factors mutation analysis (Spence et al., 1993). for some cancers. However, the use of these tests is very limited. TAT-2 complexed with Acute pancreatitis. Trypsinogen, trypsinogen API has been shown to be a strong prognostic activation peptide (TAP) and trypsin-API marker in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer complexes in body fluids have been found (Paju et al., 2004). Immunohistochemically to be increased in acute pancreatitis and detected trypsin has been shown to correlate can thus be used as diagnostic markers (I) with disease recurrence and poor prognosis (Borgström and Ohlsson, 1978, Borgström in human colorectal cancer (Yamamoto et et al., 2002, Brodrick et al., 1979, Dubick et al., 2003) and esophageal squamous cell al., 1987, Elias et al., 1977, Florholmen et carcinoma (Yamamoto et al., 2001). In non- al., 1984b, Geokas et al., 1979, Gudgeon et small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulation al., 1990, Hedström et al., 1994, Hedström et of trypsinogen IVb (PRSS3) and trypsinogen al., 1996c, Hedström et al., 1996d, Petersson C (TRY6) gene expression are predictors of and Borgström, 2006, Petersson et al., 1999, distant metastasis and survival as revealed by Sainio et al., 1996, Tenner et al., 1997). microarray analysis (Diederichs et al., 2004). Commercial radioimmunoassays, enzyme immunoassays and immunofluorometric Serum trypsinogen-2 has high accuracy in assays for trypsinogen as well as TAP differentiating between cholangiocarcinoma ELISA assay are available. A rapid dipstick and primary sclerosing cholangitis (Lempinen screening test for pancreatitis, based on et al., 2007). Thus, it is a useful marker immunochromatographic measurement of diagnosing patients with cholangiocarcinoma, urinary trypsinogen-2, has been developed and it is superior to serum tumor markers CA (Hedström et al., 1996b, Kemppainen 19-9 and CEA. et al., 1997) and shown to detect acute pancreatitis more accurately than routinely used quantitative serum or urinary amylase determinations. However, serum amylase, often supplemented with serum has remained the cornerstone laboratory test for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in hospitals.

35 Post-translational modification of the plant and animal kingdom examined so far proteins (Baeuerle and Huttner, 1987, Beisswanger et al., 1998, Huttner, 1987, Lee and Huttner, The explosion of genetic information has 1985, Moore, 2003, Niehrs and Huttner, 1990, increased our knowledge of living systems Ouyang and Moore, 1998, Ouyang et al., enormously. However, the structure of 1998, Ouyang et al., 2002, Vargas et al., 1985, a mature protein is not dependent solely William et al., 1997, William et al., 1997). upon its gene, but also on post-translational modifications (PTMs). Chemical, biochemical, Predicted tyrosine sulfation sites. The Golgi and enzymatic PTM of proteins to specific localization and the luminal active site amino acid residues are common as over orientation of TPST-1 and -2 predict that 200 variant amino acid residues have been tyrosine O-sulfation occurs only on proteins detected (Creighton, 1984). They include that transit through the trans Golgi network disulfide bridge formation, , and there is no evidence of violation of this proteolysis, phosphorylation, acylation, rule (Moore, 2003). Not only secreted proteins adenylation, farnesylation, ubiquitination, but also membrane-bound proteins are equally sulfation, amidation, oxidation, methylation, likely to be sulfated (Hille and Huttner, 1990, nitration, citrullination, isoprenylation, Hille et al., 1990). There is no sequon for and palmitoylation, among others. These tyrosine O-sulfation per se, but consensus modifications affect the properties of proteins features predicting tyrosine sulfation have in many ways, i.e. activity, lifespan and been proposed. protein-protein interactions (Hochrainer and Lipp, 2007, Li and Shang, 2007, Omary et al., First, the presence of acidic amino acids like 2006, Vader et al., 2006, Vervoorts et al., 2006, aspartic or glutamic acid at position -1 and at van der Horst and Burgering, 2007). least two more acidic residues present between positions -5 and +5 of the sulfated tyrosine Tyrosine O-sulfation occur frequently. Secondly, the presence of turn-inducing amino acids within positions -7 Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase. Sulfate to -2 and +1 to +7 of the tyrosine sulfate residues seem to form a favorable secondary structure trioxide (SO3) may be covalently bound to the hydroxyl group on the side-chain of for the recognition of substrate proteins by tyrosine and each sulfate moiety increases the TPST. Finally, no identified tyrosine sulfation molecular mass of the protein by 79.957 Da site contains a PTM causing steric hindrance (Kehoe and Bertozzi, 2000). Protein tyrosine like disulfide bonds or N-glycosylation near O-sulfation was first observed by Bettelheim in the tyrosinesulfate residue (Hortin et al., 1986, bovine fibrinopeptide B in 1954 (Bettelheim, Huttner, 1987, Niehrs and Huttner, 1990, 1954). Later, it was shown to be a ubiquitous Niehrs et al., 1990). Later, data from site- protein modification (Huttner, 1982) mediated directed mutagenesis of human progastrin in by tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST, vivo (Bundgaard et al., 1997) show that basic EC (Huttner, 1987, Lee and residues around sulfation site are allowed, Huttner, 1983). TPST catalyzes the transfer though not in position -1. of sulfate from the universal sulfate donor 3’-phosphadenosine 5’phosphosulfate (PAPS) Frequency. A software tool called Sulfinator to the hydroxyl group of tyrosine residues of for prediction of tyrosine sulfation sites in proteins to form a tyrosine O4-sulfate ester and protein sequences is accessible on the ExPASy 3’,5’-ADP (Lee and Huttner, 1983). TPST is an server at the URL integral membrane glycoprotein present in two sulfinator/ (Monigatti et al., 2002). Scanning forms (TPST-1 and TPST-2) in the trans Golgi with Sulfinator of proteins from various species network, and the two forms are coexpressed in that according to SWISS-PROT pass through many species, tissues and cell lines throughout the secretory pathway suggest that one third of

36 proteins that enter the secretory pathway may (Leyte et al., 1991, Michnick et al., 1994, contain on average two tyrosine sulfation sites Pittman et al., 1994), chemokine signaling per protein (Monigatti et al., 2002). Another (Kehoe and Bertozzi, 2000), intracellular estimation is that 7% of mammalian proteins protein transport and secretion (Friederich et are tyrosine sulfated (Moore, 2003). According al., 1988), prohormone processing (Bundgaard to an in vivo labeling study of Drosophila et al., 1995, Huttner, 1987), receptor-ligand 35 melanogaster with inorganic SO4 as much binding (Choe et al., 2005, Costagliola et al., as 1% of the tyrosine residues of the proteins 2002, Gao et al., 2003, Wilkins et al., 1995) in an organism can be sulfated (Baeuerle and and it may influence the biological activity Huttner, 1985). (Brand et al., Dorfman et al., 2006, Hortin et al., 1989) and half-life of proteins (Huttner, Regulation of tyrosine O-sulfation. The 1987). regulation of tyrosine O-sulfation is not known. The fact that tyrosine sulfation is The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein has been poorly reversible or even irreversible in vivo reported to use sulfotyrosines of the chemokine and in vitro suggests that tyrosine O-sulfation receptor CCR5 to enter cells that express this is not modulated by the sulfatases (Dodgson obligate coreceptor (Farzan et al., 2002). et al., 1959, Dodgson et al., 1961, Jones et al., Likewise, the Duffy antigen/receptor for 1963, Tallan et al., 1955). Sardinello and co- chemokines (DARC) is necessary for entry of workers determined by a genomic approach Plasmodium vivax malaria into maturing red the complete catalog of human sulfatases, blood cells, and a sulfotyrosine at the DARC which comprises 17 members, but no amino terminus mediates its association with extracellular sulfotyrosylprotein sulfatase was the P. vivax Duffy-binding protein (Choe et al., identified (Sardiello et al., 2005). Tyrosine 2005). It is suggested that sulfotyrosines may phosphorylation, which is chemically and be especially adept at binding diverse proteins structurally a close relative PTM to tyrosine with high affinity since the sulfate group sulfation, is mediated by a rich array of distinctively modifies the electronic properties kinases and phosphatases and is involved in of the phenyl ring of the tyrosine, providing multiple signaling and regulatory functions abundant, highly polarizable electrons. in the cells (Craven et al., 2003, Wang et Therefore, the sulfate group provides some al., 2003). The small number of TPSTs and level of specificity but can also accommodate the apparent absence of sulfotyrosylprotein subtly different microenvironments (Choe and sulfatase suggest that protein TPST isoforms Farzan, 2006). are expressed in a cell-specific manner (Bundgaard et al., 1997). However, evidence To assess the role of tyrosine sulfation in vivo, for transcriptional regulation of the TPST-1 Tpst1 and Tpst2 knock-out mice have been and TPST-2 genes is very limited (Moore, generated by targeted disruption of the Tpst1 2003). and Tpst2 genes (Borghei et al., 2006, Ouyang et al., 2002). Disruption of either the Tpst1 Effects of tyrosine-sulfation or Tpst2 gene decreased postnatal growth. Maternal TPST-1 deficiency also reduced Known human tyrosine-sulfated proteins the litter size due to fetal loss and increased include adhesion molecules, G-protein coupled perinatal mortality. TPST-2 deficient male, receptors, coagulation factors, serpins, but not female mice, were infertile. It seems extracellular matrix proteins, hormones, that protein(s) required for normal male enzymes and others (Moore, 2003). Post- reproductive function must undergo tyrosine translational tyrosine O-sulfation of proteins O-sulfation to function normally and that these may affect protein-protein interactions proteins can be sulfated in vivo in the absence involved in leukocyte adhesion (Fong et al., of TPST-1 but not TPST-2. High affinity and 2002, Kehoe and Bertozzi, 2000), hemostasis specific anti-sulfotyrosine MAbs have recently

37 been generated and this will facilitate further to alkaline hydrolysis, have been identified investigation and identification of tyrosine- by thin layer chromatography (Sahin-Tóth sulfated proteins (Hoffhines et al., 2006, et al., 2006). Furthermore, incorporation of 35 Kehoe et al., 2006). SO4 into human trypsinogen-1 transiently expressed by human embryonic kidney 239T Post-translational modification of cells was demonstrated. Mutation of Tyr154 to pancreatic trypsinogens Phe abolished radioactive sulfate incorporation confirming that Tyr154 is the site of sulfation The first evidence for sulfation of pancreatic in trypsinogen-1. trypsinogen-1 and -2 came from two- dimensional isoelectric focusing/sodium When comparing the sulfated pancreatic dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. trypsinogen-1 and its nonsulfated recombinant 35 Incorporation of SO4 into trypsinogen of form, it was found that the sulfated pancreatic tissue slices was demonstrated by trypsinogen-1 underwent faster autoactivation. fluorography of tissue homogenates separated This suggests that tyrosine sulfation might by the two-dimensional gel procedure. Results enhance intestinal digestive zymogen from acid treatment of the homogenates activation in humans (Sahin-Tóth et al., suggested that the sulfate moiety was 2006). The amidolytic and esterolytic activity covalently attached to tyrosine residue (Scheele of modified and non-modified trypsin-1 are et al., 1981). Preliminary ESI MS data from essentially identical, but sulfated trypsin-1 is Szilagyi and colleagues (Szilagyi et al., 2001) slightly better inhibited by PSTI (Szilagyi et suggest that the modifying group at Tyr154 al., 2001). The finding that mRNA expression in trypsinogen-1 is sulfate and not phosphate of the TPST-2 isoform is drastically higher in as based on the crystal structure study of the pancreas than in any other tissues examined Gaboriaud and colleagues (Gaboriaud et al., (Ouyang and Moore, 1998) is thought to 1996). Later, sulfated tyrosine residues from explain the high stoichiometry of human purified trypsinogen isoenzymes, subjected pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2 sulfation.

38 Aims of the present study

Tumor-associated trypsin inhibitor (TATI) human pancreatic trypsinogen-1 has been has been isolated from urine of an ovarian determined by mass spectrometry to be 80 cancer patient (Stenman et al., 1982) and Da higher than the theoretical mass deduced shown to be identical to pancreatic secretory from the polypeptide sequence (Gaboriaud et trypsin inhibitor (PSTI) (Huhtala et al., 1982). al., 1996, Szilagyi et al., 2001). Based on the In search for a target protease for TATI, two x-ray electron density map, the observed mass trypsinogen isoenzymes were characterized difference was attributed to phosphorylation in cyst fluid of mucinous ovarian tumors at tyrosine residue 154 (Gaboriaud et al., 35 (Koivunen et al., 1989). The N-terminal amino 1996). However, incorporation of SO4 to acid sequences of these tumor-associated trypsinogen-1 and -2 in pancreatic tissue isoenzymes corresponded to those of pancreatic culture (Scheele et al., 1981) on one hand, and trypsinogen-1 and -2 respectively. However, alkaline hydrolysis of purified trypsinogens the isoenzymes had different specificities for and subsequent separation of modified tyrosine p-nitroanilide substrates, responded differently residues by thin layer chromatography on the to various protease inhibitors and had different other hand, has revealed that both human isoelectric points from those of trypsinogen-1 trypsinogen-1 and -2 contain tyrosine sulfate and -2. Therefore, they were named tumor- (Sahin-Tóth et al., 2006). Furthermore, associated trypsinogen-1 and trypsinogen-2 trypsinogen-1 expressed in human embryonic (TAT-1 and TAT-2) (Koivunen et al., 1989). kidney 293T cells has been shown to 35 incorporate SO4 into the secreted trypsinogen The first aim of the present study was the and mutation of Tyr154 to Phe was shown to preparation of specific monoclonal antibodies abolish the incorporation (Sahin-Tóth et al., to trypsinogen isoenzymes, the development of 2006). quantitative immunoassays for trypsinogen-1 and -2, and the purification, identification The second aim of this study was to and characterization of pancreatic and characterize by mass spectrometry the tumor-associated trypsinogen isoenzymes by chemical modification underlying the observed various chromatographic and immunologic differences in isoelectric point, substrate techniques. binding and inhibitor specificity between pancreatic and tumor-associated trypinogen-1 There have been contradictory reports about and -2, respectively. post-translational modification of pancreatic trypsinogen-1. The molecular weight of

39 Materials and methods

The materials and methods are described in days before fusion. The fusion was performed detail in the original papers (I-IV). as described by Köhler and Milstein (Köhler and Milstein, 1975). Antibodies produced Samples, patients and cell lines (I- by the hybridomas were screened by a IV) TR-IFMA. Hybridomas secreting MAb to trypsinogen-isoenzymes were selected, The ethical committee of Helsinki University cloned and expanded. Three MAbs designated Central Hospital, Finland, has approved the 2F3, 3E8 and 6D11 reacted predominantly use of human samples in this study. Cyst fluid with trypsinogen-1 and two MAbs, 14D4 and of ovarian tumors was obtained in connection 14F10, reacted with trypsinogen-2. with surgical removal of the tumors. Pancreatic fluid was collected by duodenal catheterization For the production of large amounts of MAbs of patients who were examined because of in ascites fluid BALB/c mice were primed biliary or pancreatic diseases. Benzamidine intra­peritoneally with 0.5 mL pristane (96% and aprotinin were added to the pancreatic 2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane, Aldrich- Chemie) one week before the injection of 0.4 fluid to a final concentration of 10 mmol/L and 6 10 µg/L, respectively. Serum samples from – 1 x 10 hybridoma cells (Hoogenraad and patients with pancreatitis and patients who Wraight, 1986). Ascites fluid was centrifuged had undergone total pancreatoduodenectomy and the immunoglobulin fraction from ascites fluid was precipitated with Na SO at final were kindly provided by Dr. Tom Schröder, 2 4 Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland. concentration of 180 g/L. After washing the precipitate twice it was dissolved in Na CO Serum samples from healthy individuals 2 3 were collected from the laboratory staff and (100 mmol/L, pH 9.0) and stored frozen at from women with benign cysts, infertility -20°C. Alternatively, antibody-producing or pregnancy, and were used to calculate the hybridomas were cultured in INTEGRA reference range for trypsinogen-1 and -2. CL 1000 flasks (Integra Biosciences), and Preovulatory follicular fluid was obtained from the MAbs were purified from the culture patients participating in an in vitro fertilization. supernatant by protein G or protein A affinity All samples were stored aliquoted at -20°C or chromatography (MAbTrap™ or Protein G -80°C. The colon adenocarcinoma cell line, Sepharose 4 fast flow from GE Healthcare COLO 205, was from American Type Culture Bio-Sciences or PROSEP-A from Millipore) Collections, and was cultured according to the and MAbs were eluted according to the guidelines provided. instructions of the respective manufacturer. The subclass of the MAbs was determined Monoclonal antibodies (I) by immunodiffusion (Ouchterlony, 1958) with specific antibodies from Nordic Monoclonal antibodies, or MAbs, were Immunological Laboratories. All MAbs were obtained by immunizing BALB/c mice (from of the immunoglobulin G1 isotype. the Zentralinstitut für Versuchstiersucht, Hannover, Germany) intraperitoneally with 50 µg of TAT containing both isoenzymes Time-resolved immunofluorometric emulsified in Freund’s complete (first assays (I) injection) or incomplete adjuvant three times at 2-week intervals. A booster of 10 µg TAT in MAb production by hybridoma cells was saline solution was given intravenously four detected by a sandwich TR-IFMA employing

40 polyclonal rabbit antiserum to human assay for trypsinogen-1 and -2. For assay pancreatic trypsin (Koivunen et al., 1989) of trypsinogen-1, combinations of MAbs immobilized onto microtiter wells, to bind designated 6D11 as catcher and either 2F3 partially purified trypsinogen-1 or -2 to the or 3E8 as the tracer were selected. For immobilized antibody. The trypsinogen trypsinogen-2 MAbs 14F10 and 14D4 have isoenzyme reactive MAbs were detected by been used as either catcher or tracer. rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulins (Dako) labeled with europium (Eu). TR-IFMA for trypsinogen-1 and -2 is performed as described (I). Briefly, 25 µL of Two TR-IFMAs were developed to recognize standard or sample along with 200 µL buffer trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively. Each assay was incubated in the MAb-coated wells for is based on the combination of two specific one hour at room temperature with constant antibodies, catcher antibody immobilized onto shaking. The wells were washed and 50 ng microtiter wells and tracer antibody labeled of Eu-labeled MAb in 200 µL was added with Eu chelate. and incubated for 30 minutes as above. After washing the wells 200 µL of enhancement Catcher MAbs were immobilized onto 200 solution was added and the mixture was µL polystyrene microtiter wells by incubating shaken for 5 minutes. Fluorescence was then 200 µl corresponding to 2 µg of MAb in measured for one second per well in an LKB

Na2CO3 (100 mmol/L, pH 9.0) overnight at 1230 Arcus Fluorometer. +4°C. To block non-specific adsorption 1% bovine serum albumin in TBS (50 mmol/L TR-IFMA for trypsinogen-1 was calibrated Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4 containing 9 g/L NaCl by using PMSF-inhibited pancreatic trypsin-1 and 0.5 g/L NaN3) was added to the wells and covering the concentration range 0.24 to 250 left overnight at +4°C. The BSA-solution was µg/L. Today, TAT-1 recombinant protein is then discarded and the wells were stored in a used as standard. TR-IFMA for trypsinogen-2 moist atmosphere at +4°C. was calibrated by using the zymogen form of TAT-2 purified from culture medium of COLO Tracer MAbs were labeled with 205 cells. The standard curve covered the isothiocyanato-phenyldiethylenetriamine- range 0.97 to 495 µg/L. As assay calibrators N1,N2,N3,N4-tetraacetate chelated with we use secondary standards diluted from europium(III) (Hemmilä et al., 1984) with a ovarian cyst fluid. 100-fold molar excess of the chelate. After incubation overnight at +4°C unbound chelate Sensitivity of the TR-IFMAs for trypsinogen-1 was separated from the labeled MAb by gel and -2 assay, respectively, was calculated chromatography on a 1 x 15 cm column of from the mean fluorescence signal of a Sephacryl S200 HR (Pharmacia Biotech) zero sample (assay buffer, n=20) plus two using TBS as eluent. Further purification standard deviations. The intra- and inter- was achieved by hydrophobic interaction assay variation of the assays was calculated chromatography on a 2 mL phenyl-Sepharose from the repetitive results of control samples column (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) (mucinous ovarian cyst fluids diluted in assay equilibrated with TBS. After application of buffer) stored at -20°C. The cross-reaction the labeled MAb, the column was eluted with of each isoenzyme in the assay for the other 10 mL of TBS at hydrostatic pressure. The isoenzyme was confirmed by assaying nonadsorbed fraction was collected, stored trypsinogen-1 and -2 separated by anion at +4°C and used as tracer MAb in the TR- exchange chromatography. IFMA. Radioimmunoassays (I and II) All possible combinations of MAbs were tested as catcher and tracer for the optimal RIA kits for the determination of trypsin-like

41 immunoreactivity were obtained from CIS elsewhere (Koivunen et al., 1989). Briefly, and were used according to the instructions cyst fluid was centrifuged and dialyzed against of the manufacturer. The assay employs rabbit distilled water with a hollow fiber dialyzer. antiserum to human trypsin-1, 125I labeled The dialyzed cyst fluid was mixed overnight trypsin-1 as tracer, and is calibrated with with a strong anion exchanger, Q Sepharose trypsin-1 purified by Trasylol (aprotinin)- (Pharmacia Biotech). After washing away affinity chromatography. The serum sample unbound material, bound proteins were eluted volume used in the assay was 100 µL. with 1 mol/L NaCl and 1% isopropanol. Trypsinogen from human pancreatic juice or RIA of TATI was performed employing a conditioned media from COLO 205 cells was polyclonal rabbit antiserum and 125I labeled purified by immunoaffinity chromatography TATI as described (Stenman et al., 1982). after centrifugation and pH adjustment to Concentration of TATI in normal serum was 7.5. Before immunoaffinity chromatography, reported to be 5 to 20 µg/L. benzamidine, aprotinin and Brij 35 were added to final concentration of 10 mmol/L, 10 mg/L Characterization of trypsinogens by and 0.1%, respectively, to all preparates. gel filtration chromatography (I and Immunoaffinity columns were produced by II) coupling MAbs 3E8 for trypsinogen-1 and MAb 14F10 for trypsinogen-2 to CNBr-activated Serum samples (0.5 mL) were applied to a 1 Sepharose 4B (Pharmacia Biotech) according x 35 cm Sephacryl S-200 column and eluted to the manufacturer’s instructions. The starting with TBS at a flow rate of 20 mL/hr at +4°C. material was pumped at a flow rate of 10 to One mL fractions were collected and 100 µL 30 mL/h through the two immunoaffinity of a solution that contained 50 g bovine serum columns connected in tandem. After sample albumin, 5 g bovine immunoglobulin, 10 application the columns were separated and mg aprotinin and 1 g Tween-40 per liter was washed. The bound fraction was eluted with added to each fraction. Immunoreactivity of 0.1% TFA containing 1 mmol/L CaCl2, 10 the fractions was determined by TR-IFMA for mmol/L benzamidine and 10 mg/L aprotinin, trypsinogen-1 and -2 with a sample volume of collected in one mL fractions, neutralized and 200 µL. assayed for trypsinogen immunoreactivity. Fractions containing trypsinogen were further Gel filtration of hyperstimulated follicular fluid purified by ion exchange or reverse-phase and filtered ovarian cyst fluid was performed HPLC. All purification steps except HPLC on Superose 12 column (Pharmacia) in TBS were carried out at +4°C. at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/minute. The sample volume was 200 µL and fraction size 400 µL. Separation of trypsinogen iso- The gel filtration columns were calibrated enzymes by anion exchange and RP with albumin 67 kDa), ovalbumin (43 kDa), HPLC (I, III and IV) soybean trypsin inhibitor (21 kDa) and aprotinin (6 kDa). Before anion exchange chromatography was performed, serum samples and cell culture Purification of trypsinogen (I, II and media were diluted fivefold, and cyst fluids IV) were diluted 10- to 30-fold with 50 mmol/L Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8,0 (buffer A). Five Trypsinogen from mucinous ovarian cyst fluid hundred µL of diluted sample was applied to a was purified by a combination of batch-wise Mono Q HR 5/5 or Resource Q anion exchange anion exchange, immunoaffinity, and reverse- column (Pharmacia Biotech) equilibrated with phase (RP) chromatography as described buffer A and eluted with a linear gradient (0

42 to 100% in 40 or 60 minutes, respectively) spectrometry. of buffer A containing 1 mmol/L CaCl2, 0.5 mol/L NaCl, and 0.1% isopropanol. Fractions For further digestion with chymotrypsin, of 0.5 to 2 mL were collected and assayed for selected peptides were dried and dissolved trypsinogen-1 and -2. Trypsinogen isoenzymes in 50 mmol/L Tris-HCl buffer containing isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography 0.6 mol/L urea. Five % (w/w) chymotrypsin were chromatographed in the same manner. (Sigma) was added and digestion was carried out at 37°C overnight. The chymotryptic Immunoaffinity purified trypsinogen peptides were separated by RP HPLC and preparations were further purified by RP HPLC collected as above. on either 8 x 100 mm µ-Bondapak C18 Radial- PAK or 3.9 x 75 mm Nova-Pak C18 column Mass spectrometry (IV) (Waters), C1 (2.1 x 100 mm) or C4 (3.9 x 20 mm) column. Trypsinogen was eluted with a Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation linear gradient of 0.1% TFA in ACN. A HPLC time of flight (MALDI-TOF) MS was per- system from LKB, ÄKTA prime or ÄKTA formed with a Biflex MALDI-TOF mass purifer (Amersham Biosciences) was used. spectrometer (Bruker-Daltonics) equipped with a nitrogen laser operating at 337 nm. Activation of trypsinogen iso- Before MALDI-TOF analysis, the protein enzymes (I and II) digests were desalted using poros R3 (PerSeptive Biosystems) material. The peptides Trypsinogen isoenzymes were purified by ion were eluted directly onto the MALDI sample exchange HPLC and divided to three aliquots. plate with α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid Aprotinin was added to a concentration of 70 matrix in 0,1% TFA, 50% ACN. RP HPLC mg/L to two aliquots to prevent autoactivation. –purified proteolytic peptides were pipetted One of these was activated by enteropeptidase directly onto a MALDI sample plate with (EC, Sigma) by incubation at 23°C an equal volume of matrix and dried under for 16 hours. The third aliquot was activated a gentle stream of warm air. Peptides were in the absence of aprotinin and activation was analyzed either in the positive ion reflector or confirmed by assay of enzyme activity with the linear mode. synthetic p-nitroanilide substrate S-2222 (Kabi) (Koivunen et al., 1989). Immunoreactivity of Electrospray ionization (ESI) MS analyses the trypsin-aprotinin complex was compared of purified trypsinogens and their digests with that of the proenzyme (I). Alternatively, were performed using a Micromass Q-TOF trypsinogen was autoactivated in neutral pH at quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass 37°C for 2 hours (II). spectrometer (Q-TOF Micro, Waters). For analysis of intact proteins, the trypsinogens Alkylation and digestion of were injected into the mass spectrometer via a nanoflow interface with a Hamilton-syringe trypsinogens (IV) pump. The digested peptides were injected into the mass spectrometer after fractionation by Purified trypsinogens were reduced with nanoscale RP-HPLC on the CapLC (Waters) dithiotreitol and alkylated with 4-vinylpyridine with a 0.075 x 150 mm C18 column (Symmetry (Aldrich). The alkylated proteins were C18, 300 Å, 3.5 μm, Waters) that was eluted desalted by RP HPLC. Trypsinogen with a linear gradient of ACN (5-50% in 30 containing fractions were pooled, dried and min) in 0.1% formic acid. Flow rate was 0.25 subjected to trypsin digestion using 5% w/w μL/min and the eluent was directly injected sequencing grade trypsin (Promega Ltd). The into the mass spectrometer. The capillary tryptic peptides were separated by RP HPLC, voltage was 2000 V and the source block collected and analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass temperature 120 ºC. The sampling cone was

43 operated normally at 45 V, but at in-source Electrophoresis and immuno- dissociation experiments ramped from 30 to blotting (II and IV) 70 V. Tandem mass spectrometric (MSMS) fragmentation spectra of the peptides were SDS-PAGE was performed according to acquired by colliding the doubly or triply Laemmli (Laemmli, 1970) under non- charged precursor ions with argon collision reducing conditions on 20% polyacrylamide gas at accelerating voltages of 30-45 V. As Phastgels using the Phastsystem (Pharmacia) sulfotyrosine and phosphotyrosine standard and stained with silver according the peptides we used DsYMGWMDF (1134.442 manufacturer’s instructions. For Western Da) from Bachem and YRMKKKDEGSpYT blot analysis the proteins were separated (1584.714 Da) synthetized on a 433A automatic on regular 12.5 % acrylamide gels peptide synthetizer (Applied Biosystems). and transferred to a PVDF membrane (Immobilon-P, Millipore). The membrane was Data analysis (IV) incubated with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody (clone 4G10, Upstate) and MAb 14F10 Data analysis of intact protein ESI mass specific for trypsinogen-2. Immunoreactive spectra was carried out with MassLynx proteins were detected with enhanced software (Waters) and PAWS proteomic chemiluminescense (Super Signal West analysis software (ProteoMetrics). Mass Femto Maximum Sensitivity detection kit, spectra collected during the LC-MS separation Pierce Biotechnology). of digested peptides were exported into ASCII text files using the DataBridge of the Statistical analysis (II) MassLynx software (Waters). The text files were imported into the DeCyder MS software Student’s unpaired t test and Mann-Whitney (GE Healthcare), where different elution U test were used to estimate the differences profiles were visualized as two-dimensional between the trypsinogen levels in the various graphs and different m/z values deconvoluted ovarian cyst fluids and serum samples, into molecular masses of 700-6000 Da. The respectively. ion counts of all different charge states of the same peptide were taken into account to calculate total intensity of the deconvoluted masses.

N-terminal sequence analysis (IV)

NH2-terminal sequence analyses were performed by the Edman degradation using a Procise 494A sequencer (Applied Biosystems).

44 Results the immunoreactivity of the activated and aprotinin-inhibited trypsin-2 and of highly Immunoassays for trypsinogens/ purified PMSF-inhibited trypsin-2 was only 57% and 10%, respectively. Comparison of trypsin and concentrations in serum commercial RIA for trypsin and the developed samples (I, III) TR-IFMA for trypsinogen-1 revealed good correlation at concentrations higher than 30 The sensitivity of the TR-IFMAs for µg/L (Figure 2). The correlation was r = 0.83 trypsinogen-1 and -2 was 0.1 and 0.3 for control samples (n = 11) and r = 0.90 for µg/L, respectively. The sensitivity could pancreatitis samples (n = 20). Despite the be increased up to eight-fold by increasing reported sensitivity (2 µg/L) and standard curve the sample volume to 200 µL. It is reported range (5 to 400 µg/L) RIA discriminated poorly by the manufacturer that the commercial below 30 µg/L. TAT-2 purified from COLO RIA for trypsin determines trypsin-like 205 cell culture media by immunoaffinity immunoreactivity, eventually trypsinogen-1, and ion exchange chromatography was not in serum or plasma. The immunoreactivity detected by the RIA. For the TR-IFMAs for of trypsin-1 as compared to trypsinogen-1 is trypsinogen isoenzymes the cross-reaction of reported to be 60%. each isoenzyme in the assay for the other one was confirmed to be less than 1% by assaying For the TR-IRMA for trypsinogen-1 there trypsinogen-1 and -2 separated by anion was no effect of proenzyme activation exchange chromatography. on the immunoreactivity as studied by activated and aprotinin-inactivated trypsin-1. The concentration of trypsinogen-1 (median However, in the TR-IRMA for trypsinogen-2 21 µg/L) was higher than that of trypsinogen-2 (median 17 µg/L) in serum of healthy subjects and patients with extrapancreatic disease. The reference range of this control group for trypsinogen-1 and -2 was calculated to be 5.6 to 69 µg/L and 5.1 to 53 µg/L, respectively. However, in acute pancreatitis the ratio of trypsinogen isoenzymes in serum is reversed: the concentration of trypsinogen-2 is 50-fold higher than in control sera, whereas the difference in trypsinogen-1 concentration is 15-fold (Figure 2). In serum samples from patients who have undergone total pancreatoduodenectomy one of nine contained trypsinogen-1 immunoreactivity (2 µg/L), whereas all samples contained trypsinogen-2 (median 3 µg/L), Figure 2. Serum concentrations of trypsinogen-1 (Trg-1) the mean level being one fifth of and -2 (Trg-2) measured by TR-IFMA and of trypsin that in control sera. The levels of measured by RIA form CIS in sera from healthy subjects trypsinogen isoenzymes, trypsin- (☐) and patients with acute pancreatitis (o). Lines indi- like immunoreactivity and TATI in cate median of each group. serum samples, ovarian follicular

45 c b a Halila et al., 1985 c range 3 - 18 3 - 14 5 - 20 7 - 148 6 - 240 2 - 978 7 - 9 840 11 - 1200 11 1880 - 1 000 TATI (µg/L)

c b a 13 15 10 69 11 15 87 2 360 6 640 median

n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d - range 23 - 58 99 - 740 (µg/L)

c Trypsin by RIA Trypsin n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d <34 median 29 (n=11) 275 (n=20) range 2 - 11 6 - 26 n.d n.d n.d n.d. 8 - 44 5 - 95 2.3 - 60 15 - 563 6 - 31200 201 - 1790 11 - 10 400 11 242 - 3059 (µg/L) 3 17 84 18 32 62 Trypsinogen-2 813 345 2640 median - range 6 - 37 15 1 - 31 2 - 25 3 - 111 2.3 - 85 1 - 206 2 - 1260 18 - 127 69 - 1024 (µg/L) 8 21 16 42 86 17 31 Trypsinogen-1 313 median 2 (n=1) Haglund et al., 1986: twenty of 25 patients had acute and five chronic pancreatitis, b

n 9 5 6 5 5 7 35 16 22 22 144 Stenman et al., 1982, a Control group Acute pancreatitis Pancreatectomy Benign Borderline or malignant Benign Borderline or malignant Benign Malignant

Serum The levels of immunoreactive trypsinogen-1, -2, trypsin and TATI in human samples. TATI The levels of immunoreactive trypsinogen-1, -2, trypsin and 4. Table Ovarian follicular fluid Ovarian cyst fluid Mucinous



n.d. not determined,

46 fluids and ovarian cyst fluids are summarized TATI concentrations in serous cyst fluids (3 in Table 4. to 21 µg/L) were similar to those in normal serum (Stenman et al., 1982) except for one TAT and TATI concentrations in malignant adenocarcinoma. TATI levels were ovarian tumor cyst fluids (II) not elevated in other benign ovarian tumors, but four malignant ones exhibited high levels In hyperstimulated ovarian follicular fluid the (69 to 240 µg/L). median levels of TAT-1 (22 µg/L) and -2 (15 µg/L) corresponded to those in normal serum, Characterization of trypsinogen TAT-1 being the main isoenzyme. However, in immunoreactivity by gel filtration ovarian cyst fluids TAT-2 was the predominant (I, II) form and its concentrations were significantly higher than those in control sera or ovarian Immunoreactive trypsinogen in serum from follicular fluids. TAT-2 concentration was healthy individuals and patients with acute higher in mucinous than in serous cyst pancreatitis, ovarian follicle fluid and ovarian fluid, and especially in mucinous cyst fluids cyst fluid was characterized by gel filtration. The the concentration of TAT-2 was higher in elution pattern of these samples was identical. borderline or malignant (median 2 640 µg/L) Trypsinogen-1 and -2 immunoreactivity than benign cases (median 84 µg/L). Also eluted with molecular masses about 25 kDa in serous and other types of borderline and and 28 kDa, respectively, indicating that it malignant ovarian carcinomas the TAT-2 consisted of the zymogen form, and not of concentration was higher in the benign cases trypsin. In addition, a minor peak with higher (Figure 3). molecular mass could be seen in the assay for trypsinogen-2. This peak was later shown to Very high concentrations of TATI occurred in represent trypsinogen-2 – α1-protease inhibitor mucinous ovarian cyst fluids, both in benign complex (Hedström et al., 1994). and malignant ones (Table 4). In contrast,

Figure 3. Concentrations of TAT-1 (A) and TAT-2 (B) in normal follicular (Follic.) fluid (O) and cyst fluid from benign ( ), borderline ( ), and malignant ( ) ovarian tumors. Bars indi- cate median of each group.

47 Trypsinogens in anion exchange could be seen in these samples. In the serum chromatography (I, III) samples the main trypsinogen-2 peak eluted in fractions 53 to 56 (Figure 4AC) and the Trypsinogen-1 and -2 were separated by anion minor peak in fractions 40 to 43. The less exchange HPLC from serum from healthy acidic, earlier eluting form of trypsinogen-2 controls, patients with acute pancreatitis comprised 10 to 20% of total immunoreactivity and pancreatoduodenectomy, cyst fluid of in normal serum and less than 10% of total mucinous ovarian cancer and conditioned immunoreactivity in pancreatitis serum. The culture medium from COLO 205 cells. latter, less acidic one corresponded to the main Under identical elution conditions two form of trypsinogen-2 in mucinous ovarian immunoreactive forms of each isoenzyme cyst fluid and conditioned medium of COLO 205 cells. The more acidic, main form of

Figure 4. Comparison of elution patterns of Figure 5. Comparison of elution patterns of trypsinogen-2 isoenzymes in (A) serum from trypsinogen-1 isoenzymes in (A) serum from a patient who had undergone pancreatectomy, a patient who had undergone pancreatectomy, (B) mucinous ovarian cyst fluid, and (C) se- (B) mucinous ovarian cyst fluid, and (C) se- rum from a patient with pancreatitis, as mea- rum from a patient with pancreatitis, as mea- sured after anion exchange chromatography. sured after anion exchange chromatography under equal conditions as in figure 4.

48 trypsinogen-2 in serum could not be detected pancreatic juice and conditioned medium in cyst fluid of ovarian cancer (Figure 4B). from COLO 205 cells were further purified by RP HPLC. To confirm the immunoreactivity The serum samples contained one main measured by TR-IFMA, trypsinogen-2 was trypsinogen-1 peak eluting in fractions 41 to autoactivated and purified by RP HPLC. The 47, and a minor, less acidic peak comprising fractions containing trypsin activity were less than 5% of the total immunoreactivity in analyzed by SDS-PAGE and revealed a major fractions 26 to 33 (Figure 5AC). In mucinous band of 27 kDa corresponding to trypsin-2. ovarian cyst fluid and conditioned culture medium from COLO 205 cells the latter form MS-analysis of trypsin and was predominant, whereas the later eluting, trypsinogen isoenzymes (IV) more acidic trypsinogen-1 form comprised only 5% to 10% of the total immunoreactivity Purified trypsin and trypsinogen isoenzymes in ovarian cyst fluid (Figure 5B). were analyzed by ESI-MS and the intact proteins gave clear m/z envelope. The trypsins Purification of trypsinogen by appeared in the mass spectra mainly in charge reverse-phase HPLC (II, IV) states from [M+11H]11+ to [M+16H]16+. Deconvolution of these spectra showed that Immunoaffinity purified trypsinogen the mass of trypsin-1 was 24185.0 Da, as isoenzymes from mucinous ovarian cyst fluid, earlier reported (Gaboriaud et al., 1996) and

Figure 6. Mass spectrometric analyses of trypsin isoenzymes purified from pancreatic juice. ESI mass spectra of trypsin-1 (A) and -2 (C) reveal peaks mainly of [M+11H]11+ to [M+16H]16+ of the molecule as indicated. The deconvoluted spectra show that the mass of trypsin-1 is 24185.0 (B) and that of trypsin-2 is 24114.9 (D).

49 that of trypsin-2 was 24114.9 Da (Figure 6). a peptide with the mass off 5923.850 was Both of the masses are 80 Da higher than the observed as [M+5H]5+ with m/z of 1185.770 theoretical masses calculated for trypsin-1 corresponding trypsinogen-2 amino acids 123 (24104.2 Da) and -2 (24033.9 Da) with all to 178 with an 80 Da mass addition (Figure the putative disulfide bridges present and the 8B). propeptide cleaved as a result of activation. Identification of Tyr154 sulfation in Similar results and mass addition of 80 Da trypsinogen-1 and -2 (IV) were obtained with the proenzymes: the masses were 25086.0 Da and 25016.0 Da for In-source dissociation. The modification trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively. However, in the pancreatic trypsinogen peptides was the deconvoluted mass of TAT-2 purified characterized by ESI-MS using increasing cone from conditioned medium of COLO 205 cells voltages to induce in-source dissociation. The was 24937.0 Da, which corresponds to the peptides comprising amino acids 139 to 170 in theoretical mass calculated for trypsinogen-2 trypsinogen-1, 123 to 178 in trypsinogen -2, (24937.8 Da) with all putative disulfide bridges respectively, and standard peptides containing and the propeptide present (Figure 7). phosphotyrosine and sulfotyrosine were analyzed under equal conditions. No loss of Identification of the tryptic peptide 80 Da was observed from the phosphotyrosine with 80 Da mass addition (IV) standard peptide at sampling cone voltage 30 V, 45 V or 70 V. In contrast, 87% of the Highly purified pancreatic trypsinogen sulfotyrosine containing peptide appeared in isoenzymes were alkylated and digested a non-sulfated form at low cone voltage (30 with trypsin. The digests were analyzed by V) and the lability of the sulfogroup increased MALDI-TOF and LC-MS. Two-dimensional at higher cone voltages of 45 V and 70 V visualization of the LC-MS spectra revealed (Figure 9). The tryptic peptides of pancreatic a tryptic peptide with the mass of 3598.618 trypsinogen-1 and -2 showed similar loss of as [M+4H]4+ with m/z of 900.654 comprising 80 Da as the standard sulfotyrosine peptide trypsinogen-1 amino acids 139 to 170 with an when the cone voltage was ramped from 30 V 80 Da mass addition (Figure 8A). Similarly, to 45 V and 70 V. At cone voltage 30 V some

Figure 7. Mass spectrometric analysis of tumor-associated trypsinogen-2. ESI mass spectra of trypsinogen-2 purified from the medium of a colon carcinoma cell line is shown in panel A. The deconvoluted spectra indicates the mass of tumor-associated trypsinogen-2 to be 24 937.0 (B), which corresponds to the theoretical mass of the peptide without post-translational modifications.

50 Figure 8. Tryptic peptides of trypsinogen-1 and -2. Panels A and B show LC-MS separation of pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2 tryptic peptides, respectively. Masses of tryptic peptides derived from 4-vinylpyridine-alkylated trypsinogen-1 and -2 are shown in panels C and D, respectively. The observed masses are mean values calculated on the basis of the many observed m/z values and corresponding charge states. Peptide sequences assigned to each observed mass is indicated by amino acid positions and the theoretical mass of the assigned sequence are shown. The [M+4H]4+ of trypsinogen-1 peptide and [M+5H]5+ of trypsinogen-2 peptide containing a 80 Da mass addition are visualized with upper arrows and the same charge states of the same peptides without the mass addition are visualized with lower arrows in panels A and B, respectively. loss of 80 Da could be detected and at 70 V standard phosphopeptide was observed (Figure more than 82% of the peptides lost 80 Da from 10) as earlier also reported (Nemeth-Cawley et their mass. al., 2001). Our CID analysis on mass modified trypsinogen-1 peptide (amino acids 139 to Collision-induced dissociation. The sulfation of 170) and trypsinogen-2 peptide (amino acids the trypsinogen peptides was further supported 147 to 178 produced by in-source dissociation by the results obtained from collision-induced from peptide comprising amino acids 123 to dissociation (CID) in LC-MSMS. Under CID 178) reveal an unmodified tyrosine at position conditions no loss of HPO3 moiety from the 154 indicating loss of the SO3 moiety before

51 Figure 9. In-source dissociation of the sulfate group of the modified trypsinogen-1 and -2 peptides. Phosphotyrosine (black, pY-pept) and sulfotyrosine (striped, sY-pept) containing peptides together with trypsinogen-1 peptide comprising amino acids 139-170 (white, TRG-1 pept) and trypsinogen-2 peptide of amino acids 123-178 (grey, TRG-2 pept) were analyzed by LC-MS using cone voltages of 30 V (A), 45 V (B) and 70 V (C). The proportion of sulfated peptide decreases with increasing voltage. At 70 V a peptide bond in the trypsinogen-2 peptide is broken resulting in a peptide consisting of amino acids 147-178, which is visualized in panel C. Different charge states of the same peptides were detected, their intensities integrated and the total intensity of the deconvoluted masses shown were calculated. The proportions of peptides with (left) and without (right) the 80 Da mass modification are indicated.

52 the backbone fragmentation (Figure 10). the purified chymotryptic peptide of pancreatic trypsinogen-2 comprising amino acids 149 to Immunoblotting and Edman degradation. 178 gave a sequence SSGADYPDELQCLDA. In immunoblotting experiment with anti- The signal of the phenylthiohydantoin (PTH) phosphotyrosine antibody no signal of derivative of tyrosine in position six (Tyr154) pancreatic trypsinogen-2 was detected. corresponds to the signals of the amino acid Furthermore, fifteen cycles of N-terminal derivatives obtained from the other positions. sequence analysis by Edman degradation of

Figure 10. MSMS fragmentation spectra of tryptic peptides containing the modified amino acid (Tyr154) in pancreatic trypsinogen isoenzymes. Panel A shows the MSMS fragmentation spectra of the triply charged precursor ion of m/z 1200.54 representing a sulfated tryptic peptide (mass 3598.60) comprising amino acids 139-170 in trypsinogen-1. The MSMS spectra of the triply charged precursor ion of m/z 1216.55 (mass 3646.63) is likely to represent in-source dissociated fragment of the tryptic peptide of trypsinogen-2 containing amino acids 147-178 (panel B). The peptide sequences derived from fragmented y-ion series are annotated on the spectra. Cysteine alkylated with an ethylpyridyl group is abbreviated epy-C. Panel C shows the fragmentation spectra of a phosphotyrosine-containing synthetic peptide (mass 1584.71), in which the fragmentation derived b-ion series is annotated on the spectra. The sulfated tyrosine residues of the precursor ions are indicated by asterisks.

53 Discussion

TR-IFMAs for trypsinogen-1 and -2

The first aim of the present study was to was achieved by combination of two MAbs produce monoclonal antibodies to trypsinogen with preferential reactivity for one isoenzyme. isoenzymes identified in cyst fluid of ovarian We compared our TR-IFMA for trypsinogen-1 cancer patients. We were able to produce with a commercial radioimmunoassay for several high affinity MAbs by immunization of trypsin and found that the assays correlated well mice with a preparation containing both TAT-1 at concentrations above 30 µg/L, but the RIA and -2 isoenzymes. These MAbs were suitable discriminated poorly at low concentrations. for the development of immunofluorometric The detection limits of the TR-IFMAs for assays, and for purification and detection trypsinogen-1 and -2 were 0.1 and 0.3 µg/L, of trypsinogen isoenzymes by various respectively. immunologic techniques. The immunoreactivity of DFP-inactivated We developed highly sensitive and specific trypsin-1 has been shown to be different from TR-IFMAs for trypsinogen-1 and -2 based on that of the proenzyme in some (Borgström and microtiterplate technology. The TR-IFMAs Ohlsson, 1976) but not in all (Lafont et al., are sandwich-type assays with, by design, 1995) immunoassays. Anyhow, trypsinogen-1 specificity for two epitopes on a molecule. and trypsin-1 inhibited with aprotinin or The catcher MAb is immobilized onto PMSF reacted equally in our assay for microtiterplate wells in high concentration trypsinogen-1. Thus, we could use trypsin-1 resulting in high sensitivity, wide analytical inhibited with PMSF as standard in the assay range and high recovery (Alfthan, 1986). for trypsinogen-1, as purified trypsinogen-1 The tracer MAb is labeled with lanthanide was not available in sufficient amounts. On the europium. Five to fifteen Eu molecules can other hand, trypsin-2 inhibited with aprotinin or be incorporated into an antibody molecule PMSF had clearly reduced immunoreactivity (Soini and Kojola, 1983) and high tracer in the assay for trypsinogen-2. This could concentration contributes to assay sensitivity be the result of autodegradation of the (Alfthan, 1986). The lanthanide chelates have highly purified and concentrated trypsin-2 long Stokes’ shift, narrow emission peaks preparation, as trypsin-2 has been shown to be and exceptional decay times, which allows prone to autolysis (Mallory and Travis, 1973, easy and efficient background discrimination Rinderknecht and Geokas, 1972). It appears (Hemmilä and Laitala, 2005). This results in to be important to use the proenzyme as a low background reading and high sensitivity in standard in the TR-IFMA for trypsinogen-2. immunoassays when measuring time-resolved fluorescence (Hemmilä et al., 1984, Soini and Immunoreactive trypsinogen-1 and Kojola, 1983, Soini et al., 1990). The shelf-life -2 in serum samples of lanthanide-labeled tracer is long (Alfthan, 1986). These properties of luminescent Healthy subjects. Trypsinogens are mainly lanthanide chelates make them superior as produced by the exocrine pancreas and compared to other absorptive, fluorescent or secreted at high concentrations into pancreatic radioactive probes in immunoassays. The TR- fluid (Rinderknecht and Geokas, 1972). A IFMAs have good precision due to technical small portion of trypsinogens and active convenience and robustness. trypsins escapes into the circulation, where trypsinogen remains free but active trypsins High specificity in the developed TR-IFMAs

54 are rapidly inactivated mainly by α2M and API to -2 was reversed. It was 0.38 as measured (Borgström and Ohlsson, 1978). Trypsinogen-1 by us and 0.77 in another study (Petersson concentrations in serum measured by us et al., 1999). This finding is compatible with (median 21 µg/L, range 2 to 85 g/L) are in line previous reports of the relative concentrations with those measured by a commercial RIA of trypsinogen isoenzymes in pancreatic juice and by others using in-house RIA (mean 15 of patients with acute pancreatitis (Borulf et al., to 26 µg/L) (Borgström and Ohlsson, 1976, 1979, Rinderknecht et al., 1979). As discussed Florholmen et al., 1984b, Geokas et al., 1979), earlier, up-regulation of trypsinogen-2 may IRMA (“most serum samples do not exceed be a defensive mechanism, by which trypsin 70 µg/L”) (Lafont et al., 1995), and ELISA generation is significantly limited in potential (mean 28 µg/L) (Kimland et al., 1989). pathological conditions (Kukor et al., 2003).

We could not make direct comparisons with Our finding that the levels of trypsinogen-2 other assays for trypsinogen-2 because are increased in acute pancreatitis suggested such assays are not generally available. The that it could be used as a diagnostic marker median trypsinogen-2 concentration in serum for acute pancreatitis. This has been confirmed measured in our study was 17 µg/L (range 2 to in other studies both in serum (Hedström et 60 µg/L). Later, a reference range of 18 to 90 al., 1994, Hedström et al., 1996c, Hedström µg/L for our assay was determined (Hedström et al., 2001, Kimland et al., 1989, Kylänpää- et al., 1994). Similar results have been Bäck et al., 2002, Rinderknecht, 1996, Sainio measured by an ELISA method (mean 21 µg/L) et al., 1996) and especially in urine (Appelros (Kimland et al., 1989). However, Largman et et al., 2001, Hedström et al., 1996d, Jang al. (Largman et al., 1978) have determined a et al., 2007, Kylänpää-Bäck et al., 2000, normal mean serum level of immunoreactive Sankaralingam et al., 2007). In general, trypsinogen-2 of 4.5 µg/L. This result was elevated serum levels of trypsinogen-2 are measured by RIA that used TLCK-inactivated associated with other pancreatic diseases trypsin-2 for calibration. The difference as well, i.e. pancreatic cancer (Borgström in immunoreactivity of trypsinogen-2 and and Andren-Sandberg, 1995, Hedström et inactivated trypsin-2 was marked at least in al., 1996a), chronic pancreatitis (Borgström our assay and the difference in the standards and Andren-Sandberg, 1995) and pancreas used could explain the discrepancy. allograft rejection (Douzdjian et al., 1994, Lieberman et al., 1997, Marks et al., 1990, We found that the ratio of trypsinogen-1 to -2 Perkal et al., 1992). in sera from healthy subjects and patients with extrapancreatic disease was 1.24. This result Pancreatectomized patients. The sensitive is likely to reflect the trypsinogen-1 to -2 ratio assays allowed us to measure concentrations of 2 in pancreatic fluid (Figarella et al., 1969, of trypsinogen-1 and -2 in serum samples from Guy et al., 1978, Rinderknecht et al., 1979). patients who had undergone pancreatectomy. Similar ratio of 1.36 (Kimland et al., 1989) All samples contained trypsinogen-2 (median and 1.25 (Petersson et al., 1999) has been 3 µg/L), whereas trypsinogen-1 (2 µg/L) was reported by others using ELISA. detected in only one of nine samples. This result showed that the expression of trypsinogen, Acute pancreatitis patients. In acute pancreatitis and especially that of trypsinogen-2, is not we found that the serum concentration of restricted to the pancreas. It was earlier trypsinogen-2 is 50-fold higher than in shown that human Paneth cells in the intestine healthy controls, whereas the difference in express trypsinogen immunoreactivity (Bohe trypsinogen-1 concentrations was only 15-fold et al., 1984), and the expression of trypsinogen and 10-fold when measured by TR-IFMA and isoenzymes in various normal tissues has now RIA, respectively. Thus, in patients with acute been confirmed by several studies (Cederqvist pancreatitis the ratio of serum trypsinogen-1 et al., 2003, Cottrell et al., 2004, Critchley et

55 al., 2000, Ghosh et al., 2002, Kawano et al., Lempinen et al., 2007). 1997, Koshikawa et al., 1997, Koshikawa et al., 1998, Paju et al., 2000, Stenman et al., TAT-2 can directly activate several MMPs (Imai 2005, Wiegand et al., 1993). et al., 1995, Koivunen et al., 1989, Moilanen et al., 2003, Nyberg et al., 2002, Paju et al., Immunoreactive trypsinogen-1 and 2001b, Prikk et al., 2001, Sorsa et al., 1997) and -2 in cancer membrane bound latent (membrane type serine proteinase-1, MT-SP1) (Jin et al., Several proteases have been shown to be 2005). MT-SP1 degrades extracellular matrix up-regulated in cancer (Barsky et al., 1983, proteins and activates uPa, hepatocyte growth Diamandis et al., 2003, Hasui et al., 1989, factor (HGF) and PAR-2 (Lee et al., 2000) and Liotta et al., 1980, Malhotra et al., 2002, de its expression is associated with malignancy Bruin et al., 1988). We found this to be the as well (Lee et al., 2005). TAT-2 has been case also for TAT. The most interesting finding demonstrated to efficiently degrade many was that TAT levels, especially those of TAT-2 ECM components (Koivunen et al., 1991a, correlated with the degree of malignancy. Koshikawa et al., 1992, Moilanen et al., 2003, We suggested that TAT could promote Stenman et al., 2005). In vitro studies have cellular invasion by participating in the shown that cancer cell mediated degradation of tumor-associated protease cascade involving ECM (Koivunen et al., 1991a) and activation urokinase (uPA), uPA of several proMMPs (Moilanen et al., 2003) is receptor (uPAR), plasminogen and latent inhibited by TATI. matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). TAT-2 isolated from a colon carcinoma cell Formation of metastases is the main cause of line is an efficient activator of PAR-2 in an treatment failure and death for cancer patients. in vitro study (Alm et al., 2000). The PARs Remodeling of ECM in local invasion is are up-regulated in cancer and inflammation enabled by proteinases like the MMPs and (Borgono and Diamandis, 2004) so TATs tissue serine proteinases, including tPA, uPA, might also be potential in vivo activators of plasminogen, thrombin, plasmin and trypsin PAR-2. It has thus become widely accepted (Mignatti and Rifkin, 1993, Mignatti et al., that TAT plays an important role in cancer 1986). Expression of trypsinogen has been progression and metastatic processes such as found to be associated with aggressiveness cellular invasion, degradation of extra-cellular of not only ovarian tumors (Hirahara et al., matrix proteins, angiogenesis and tissue 1995, Hirahara et al., 1998, Paju et al., 2001b, remodeling, either alone or in cascade with Paju et al., 2004, Stenman et al., 2003), but other proteolytic enzymes. also esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (Yamamoto et al., 2001), colorectal cancer Immunoreactive TATI in cancer (Yamamoto et al., 2003), gastric cancer (Ichikawa et al., 2000), experimental gastric TATI was earlier shown to be a tumor marker cancer in nude mice (Kato et al., 1998), for mucinous ovarian tumors (Halila et al., prostate cancer (Bjartell et al., 2005), as well 1988, Huhtala et al., 1982). This study shows as several human cancer cell lines (Kato et al., that very high concentrations of TATI, up 1998, Koshikawa et al., 1992, Miyagi et al., to 15 000 µg/L, occur in mucinous ovarian 1995, Miyata et al., 1998, Miyata et al., 1999). cyst fluids, both in benign and malignant The increased expression of TAT-2 can even ones. We also found that in some serous cyst be measured in serum samples of patients fluids from borderline and malignant tumors with ovarian cancer (Paju et al., 2004), gastric the concentrations of both TAT isoenzymes cancer (Ichikawa et al., 2000), biliary and were remarkably elevated but the levels of pancreatic cancer, and cholangiocarcinomas TATI were not. We thought this might reflect (Hedström et al., 1996a, Hedström et al., 1999, a disturbance in proteolytic balance, which

56 may contribute to the invasive properties of TATI act in tumor growth and metastasis are malignant cells. Similar results were obtained not yet understood in detail. later, when the molar ratio of trypsinogen to TATI was found to be significantly higher in Characterization of pancreatic and serous than in mucinous cyst fluids (Paju et extra-pancreatic trypsinogens al., 2001b). Determination of the isoenzyme pattern by ion TAT-2 has been shown to degrade tissue exchange chromatography revealed isoelectric inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) variants of trypsinogen isoenzymes in serum (Sorsa et al., 1997), which might be one factor samples. The less acidic forms corresponded in disturbing the balance between proteinases to the main TAT-1 and -2 isoenzymes in and their inhibitors in cancer. The excess of mucinous ovarian cyst fluid, and the more proteinase in relation to its inhibitor was acidic isoenzymes corresponded to the main suggested to be related to the poorer prognosis peaks in serum from a patient with pancreatitis. of serous than mucinous ovarian carcinomas at Earlier, pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2 had an early stage of the disease by Vergote et al. been shown to incorporate radioactive sulfate (Vergote et al., 1993). High TATI expression to tyrosine residue (Scheele et al., 1981). We in gastric cancer tissue seems to correlate with speculated that lack of sulfation could explain a favourable prognosis for the patient in one the shorter retention time of TATs in anion study (Wiksten et al., 2005). The finding that exchange chromatography. trypsinogen is expressed in both malignant and benign bladder epithelium, whereas TATI Later, based on a crystal structure study and expression decreases with increasing stage MS analysis of trypsin-1 Gaboriaud et al. and grade of malignancy, suggests balanced (Gaboriaud et al., 1996) localized an 80 Da expression of trypsinogen and TATI in normal modifying group at Tyr154 in the substrate tissue, but disruption of this balance in tumor binding pocket, in the S’2 subsite. As the mass progression (Hotakainen et al., 2006). These of HPO3 is 79.966 Da and that of SO3 is about results are suggestive of a protective role of 79.957 Da, the PTM was misinterpreted to TATI in tumour invasion, possibly by reducing be phosphate. Szilagyi et al. (Szilagyi et al., the proteolytic activity of trypsin and thereby 2001) reported that two forms of trypsinogen-1 inhibiting tissue destruction and mucosal isoenzymes can be found in human pancreatic degradation. juice. Trypsin-1 with a molecular mass 24.184 Da in MS analysis, corresponding to the amino However, in ovarian (Paju et al., 2004, acid sequence of trypsin-1 and an 80 Da mass Venesmaa et al., 1994, Venesmaa et al., 1998), addition, was obtained from pancreatic juice bladder (Kelloniemi et al., 2003), prostate from one patient. This mass addition was (Paju et al., 2007) and renal cell cancers (Paju preliminarily suggested to result from sulfation, et al., 2001a) an increased serum level of TATI not phosphorylation. Non-modified trypsin-1 is a marker of poor prognosis. In a previous with a molecular mass of 24.104 Da in MS report, PSTI/TATI expression correlated, analysis was obtained from another patient’s in intestinal type of gastric tumours, with pancreatic juice. The isolation process of this advanced stage tumours as well as nodal trypsin contained prolonged exposure to acid involvement (Higashiyama et al., 1990a). environment. The authors could not explain It has been suggested that trypsinogen and whether the non-modified trypsin was result TATI are expressed simultaneously by many of hydrolytic loss of the modifying group, tumors, and an elevation of TATI in serum or or was trypsinogen in fact unmodified in that urine reflects trypsinogen expression by the sample (Szilagyi et al., 2001). tumor, which in most cases is associated with aggressive disease (Paju and Stenman, 2006). Recently, Sahin-Tóth et al. performed alkaline Thus, the mechanisms by which trypsins and hydrolysis to purified human trypsinogen

57 isoenzymes (Sahin-Tóth et al., 2006). Thin conditions in MSMS analysis, the HPO3 layer chromatography of the hydrolysates moiety would remain attached to the tyrosine revealed existence of sulfated tyrosine residue residue allowing site-specific identification of in both trypsinogen-1 and -2. The tyrosine the phosphorylation. Tyrosine phosphorylation sulfate residue was attributed to Tyr154 in in peptides can be identified by detecting the 35 trypsinogen-1 by incorporation of SO4 to immonium ion of phosphotyrosine (m/z 216.04) trypsinogen-1 but not to Tyr154Phe mutant in positive mode precursor ion scanning on a trypsinogen-1 expressed in human embryonic Q-TOF MS, and the phosphorylation site can kidney 239T cells (Sahin-Tóth et al., 2006). be localized in the same experiment by MSMS fragmentation. Furthermore, potential serine In other words, we observed isoelectric or threonine phosphorylation would induce a variants of trypsinogen isoenzymes in serum loss of 98 Da, resulting in the appearance of samples by ion exchange chromatography. In dehydroalanine or dehydroamino-2-butyric the literature, there were contradictory reports acid in the MSMS fragmentation spectrum of trypsinogen PTM. We therefore isolated under the CID conditions used (Zhou et al., pancreatic trypsinogen isoenzymes and TAT-2 2001). None of these was observed. In sharp from conditioned medium of COLO 205 cell contrast, it is reported (Nemeth-Cawley et line, and characterized intact trypsinogen al., 2001, Rappsilber et al., 2001) that loss of isoenzymes, and tryptic and chymotryptic SO3 is the first fragmentation event in low- peptides by ESI-MS, Western blot analysis energy collisionally activated dissociation, and N-terminal sequencing. as the energy required to break the S-O bond is lower than the energy required to fragment Investigation of Tyr154 modification the polypeptide backbone. Therefore, the observed loss of 80 Da from both pancreatic Phosphorylation of trypsinogen isoenzymes trypsinogen-1 and -2 derived peptides in in- (Gaboriaud et al., 1996) was excluded by source dissociation and CID experiments immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine indicates that they are sulfated and not antibody. No specific signal was detected phosphorylated. with pancreatic trypsinogen isoenzymes, whereas the antibody efficiently recognized The pancreatic trypsinogen-1 peptide contains the Tie1 tyrosine kinase, which is known to only one tyrosine residue, namely Tyr154, be phosphorylated on tyrosine (Saharinen et while the trypsinogen-2 peptide analyzed al., 2005). The presence of trypsinogen-1 and contains two tyrosine residues, Tyr154 and -2 isoenzymes, respectively, were verified by Tyr175. Tyr154 is sulfated in trypsinogen-1, probing the same lanes with MAb against the and a sulfation consensus sequence surrounds respective trypsinogen isoenzyme. Tyr154 but not Tyr175 in trypsinogen-2. Therefore, it is most probable that the A clear signal of PHT derivative of Tyr154 was Tyr 154 is also sulfated in trypsinogen-2. seen in Edman degradation of purified peptide Taken together, our results confirm the from pancreatic trypsinogen-2. The fact that the previous findings indicating that pancreatic PTH derivative of phosphotyrosine is hardly trypsinogen-1 and -2 are modified at Tyr154 soluble under standard Edman sequencing and that this modification is sulfate, not conditions (Aebersold et al., 1991) indicates phosphate (Gaboriaud et al., 1996, Sahin-Tóth the absence of phosphotyrosine in position et al., 2006, Scheele et al., 1981, Szilagyi et 154 of trypsinogen-2. al., 2001).

Mass modified trypsin peptides lost their mass On contrarily, we could show that TAT-2 addition of 80 Da both in in-source dissociation from a colon carcinoma cell line is not and CID experiments, which would not occur posttranslationally modified. Instead, in to phosphorylated peptides. Under the CID MS analysis the mass of TAT-2 corresponds

58 to the theoretical mass of trypsinogen-2. The effect of tyrosine sulfation on This difference in sulfation at Tyr154 could trypsin explain the previously reported differences between pancreatic and tumor-associated Modification of aromatic tyrosine residue trypsinogens (Koivunen et al., 1989). by sulfation provides it with highly Pancreatic trypsinogens have been found to polarizable electrons and makes it even be fully sulfated suggesting extra-ordinary more electronegative. Thus, proteins and tyrosine sulfation capacity (Sahin-Tóth et peptides become more interactive by this al., 2006). TPST-1 and -2 are expressed in all PTM (Lyon et al., 2000, Sasaki et al., 1999, tissues examined (Moore, 2003) but mRNA Woods et al., 2007). Tyrosine sulfate has expression of the TPST-2 isoform is drastically been shown to be involved in protein-protein higher in the pancreas than any other tissues interactions (Costagliola et al., 2002, Stone examined (Ouyang and Moore, 1998). This and Hofsteenge, 1986, Wilkins et al., 1995, might explain the incomplete sulfation of Woods et al., 2007) and proteolytic activity trypsinogens in extra-pancreatic tissues. (Michnick et al., 1994).

Aromatic interactions in proteins In trypsinogen and trypsin, Tyr154 is located in the S’2 subsite within the primary substrate Aromatic interactions, usually described as binding pocket (Gaboriaud et al., 1996, Katona π-π interactions, are ubiquitous in nature and et al., 2002). Thus, it is likely that sulfation of are involved in many biological processes like Tyr154 in trypsin contributes to more efficient in the antigen-binding of immunoglobulins substrate binding. Indeed, autoactivation of (Padlan, 1990), stability of duplex DNA sulfated trypsinogen-1 was shown to be faster (Kool, 2001) or stabilizing protein tertiary than that of the nonsulfated recombinant structures (Mitchell et al., 1994, Singh and form (Sahin-Tóth et al., 2006). (Sulfated) Thornton, 1990). The delocalized electrons pancreatic trypsin-1 and -2 were shown to of the benzene ring are the basis for the these be more effective activators of pro-uPA than interactions (Kryger et al., 1998, Kryger et al., (non-sulfated) TAT-1 and -2, respectively 1999, Obst et al., 1997). (Koivunen et al., 1989). Furthermore, modified (sulfated) trypsin-1 was shown to Contribution of aromatic interactions in be more efficiently inhibited by PSTI than the binding affinity and ligand selectivity in the S3/ non-modified form (Sahin-Tóth et al., 2006, S4 pocket of bovine trypsin, human factor Xa Szilagyi et al., 2001). and chimeric S3/S4 mutants have been studied (Di Fenza et al., 2007). The aromatic character On contrary to the findings of Sahin-Tóth et of this pocket increases from trypsin (only al. (Sahin-Tóth et al., 2006) and Szilagyi et Trp215) to factor Xa (Trp215, Tyr99, Phe174). al. (Szilagyi et al., 2001), (non-sulfated) TATs The results show that the establishment of were somewhat more efficiently inhibited favourable directional aromatic-aromatic by TATI and soybean trypsin inhibitor than interactions in the S3/S4 pocket with a bound the pancreatic trypsins, whereas pancreatic ligand will increasingly contribute to binding trypsin-1 was more efficiently inhibited by affinity and will thus determine selectivity (Di limabean trypsin inhibitor than TAT-1 in a Fenza et al., 2007). Factor Xa is thus more study of Koivunen et al. (Koivunen et al., selective with respect to bovine trypsin for 1989). As described above, there is evidence ligands which opportunely interact with the supporting more efficient substrate binding for fully established aromatic box in the S3/S4 the sulfated trypsin forms as compared to the subsite. non-sulfated ones. TATI has been found to be heterogenous (Huhtala et al., 1982, Kikuchi et al., 1985) so the PSTI/TATI preparations used in these studies may not necessarily be

59 comparable. It is also shown that substrate binding by (sulfated) pancreatic trypsin-2. binding is not only determined by the primary In other studies using different p-nitroanilide substrate binding site, but several distal peptide substrates, the catalytic activity of interactions are also involved (Hedstrom et native (sulfated) pancreatic trypsin-1, native al., 1992, Hedstrom et al., 1994b). These non-modified pancreatic trypsin-1 and non- distal binding interactions and the possible modified recombinant trypsin-1, respectively, differences in the PSTI/TATI preparations was found to be practically identical (Sahin- used could explain the discrepancy between Tóth et al., 2006, Szilagyi et al., 2001). The these results. nonexistent or modest differences reported in the enzymatic parameters between (sulfated) The enzymatic parameters of native (sulfated) pancreatic trypsins and (non-sulfated) tumor- pancreatic and non-modified trypsins from associated or recombinant trypsins are likely pancreatic juice, ovarian cyst fluid and to result from the structure of the p-nitroanilide recombinant trypsin expressed in Escherichia peptide substrates used. The Tyr154 residue in coli have been determined using p-nitroanilide the S’2 subsite interacts with the leaving group peptide substrates. The kinetic constants of side of the scissile bond, not the acyl group pancreatic and tumor-associated trypsins were side. In the chromogenic substrates used there similar for one substrate (S-2222), but for two is no P’2 residue, only the acyl group side substrates (S-2444 and S-2251) the kcat for (P1 to P4) with an arginine or lysine as the pancreatic trypsin-2 was lower and the kcat/ Km P1 residue. Thus, the influence of S’2 site on higher than that for TAT-2 (Koivunen et al., substrate binding when using p-nitroanilide 1989) indicating for more efficient substrate peptide substrates is unlikely.

60 Conclusions

The most important result of this study was 4) two forms of trypsinogen-1 and -2, the development of specific MAbs and TR- respectively, can be found in human sera and IFMAs to trypsinogen-1 and -2. With these we ovarian cyst fluids. could show that: Finally, we confirmed by ESI-MS analysis that 1) in acute pancreatitis serum trypsinogen-2 pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2 are sulfated is elevated 50-fold, whereas serum and not phosphorylated at Tyr154, whereas trypsinogen-1 is elevated 15-fold, suggesting tumor-associated trypsinogen-2 is not. We that trypsinogen-2 could be a diagnostic suggest that this modification may explain marker for acute pancreatitis. the previously observed differences between pancreatic and tumor-associated trypsin. 2) TAT-2 is the predominant form in ovarian cyst fluids and its concentrations correlate with malignancy of these tumors. Thus, TAT is likely to be involved in ovarian tumor dissemination and breakage of tissue barriers.

3) serum samples from pancreatectomized patients contain immunoreactive trypsinogen isoenzymes. These results indicate that trypsinogen is not exclusively expressed in the pancreas and certain tumors, but that it may also be produced by normal extrapancreatic tissues.

61 Concluding remarks

When this study was started PSTI/TATI had et al., 1996d, Hedström et al., 2001, Jang et been isolated from urine of an ovarian cancer al., 2007, Kimland et al., 1989, Kylänpää- patient (Huhtala et al., 1982). Two tumor- Bäck et al., 2000, Kylänpää-Bäck et al., associated trypsinogen (TAT) isoenzymes 2002, Rinderknecht, 1996, Sainio et al., 1996, had been isolated from mucinous ovarian Sankaralingam et al., 2007). These studies cyst fluid and were suggested to be the were follwed by the development of a rapid target proteinases of TATI in ovarian cancer dipstick screening test, which is commercially (Koivunen et al., 1989). It had also been available (Hedström et al., 1996b). This test shown by immunohistochemistry that trypsin is more sensitive and specific than amylase, immunoreactivity occurs in the Paneth cells but due to both tradition and the availability of the small intestine (Bohe et al., 1986), but of cheap reagents compatible with automatic the function of this Paneth cell trypsinogen clinical chemistry analyzers, serum amylase was not known. The human trypsinogen genes - despite of its known drawbacks - has were thought to constitute a multigene family remained the most often used marker for of more than ten genes (Emi et al., 1986). acute pancreatitis in hospital laboratories. It was not known whether the TATs, the Paneth cell trypsinogen, and the pancreatic Apart from our results, there are no other trypsinogens were encoded by different reports showing that trypsinogen occurs genes. The production of specific MAbs in serum of pancreatectomized patients. and development of sensitive time-resolved However, it is now known that trypsinogen immunofluorometric assays in the beginning is expressed in several normal tissues other of this study facilitated new approaches to than the pancreas, too. Thus, the levels of purify and characterize human trypsinogens trypsinogen measured by us are likely to on one hand, and to study the expression of reflect normal extrapancreatic trypsinogen them in various tissues and diseases on the expression. Trypsinogen-2 was shown other hand. to be the main isoenzyme in serum from pancreatectomized patients. It has been shown We established provisional reference ranges for to be expressed in several extrapancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2 with the newly developed cells (Cederqvist et al., 2003, Ghosh et al., TR-IFMAs. Furthermore, we showed that 2002, Koivunen et al., 1989, Koshikawa et especially serum trypsinogen-2 levels are al., 1997, Paju et al., 2000, Prikk et al., 2001, strongly elevated in acute pancreatitis. These Stenman et al., 2005). results are in line with those reported by others (Borgström and Ohlsson, 1976, Florholmen Sulfated trypsin(ogen)-1, which is more et al., 1984b, Geokas et al., 1979, Hedström et efficiently autoactivated, more stable al., 1994, Kimland et al., 1989, Lafont et al., and is less sensitive to inhibition than 1995, Petersson et al., 1999). We suggested trypsin(ogen)-2, is the main isoenzyme that serum trypsinogen-2 could be used as in pancreatic juice (Colomb et al., 1978, a diagnostic marker for acute pancreatitis. Mallory and Travis, 1973, Rinderknecht Indeed, clinical studies employing the MAbs and Geokas, 1972). This ensures efficient and TR-IFMAs developed in this study and digestion of dietary proteins and activation by others have revealed that trypsinogen-2 in of other dietary enzymes. It is tempting to serum and especially in urine is specific and speculate that due to the high proteolytic sensitive marker for the diagnosis of acute potential of trypsinogen-1 its expression pancreatitis (Appelros et al., 2001, Hedström is limited in extrapancreatic tissues, where et al., 1994, Hedström et al., 1996c, Hedström less proteolytic potential than in digestion is

62 needed. Trypsinogen-2 (or trypsinogen-3 or The recent development of mass spectrometry, -4) would thus remain the main trypsinogen software tools and especially soft ionization isoenzyme in extrapancreatic tissues. techniques has made mass spectrometry a valuable tool in protein chemistry. We were Our finding that TAT-2 is the predominant able to determine the chemical difference trypsinogen form in ovarian cyst fluids between pancreatic and tumor-associated and that its concentrations correlate with trypsinogens by ESI-MS analysis. The absence malignancy led to clinical studies on of sulfation at Tyr154 in tumor-associated trypsinogen expression in other malignancies trypsinogen is likely to explain the differences as well. TAT-2 was found to be a new potential between these trypsinogen forms observed diagnostic marker for cholangiocarcinomas earlier. It is possible to produce specific (Hedström et al., 1996a, Lempinen et al., MAbs to sulfotyrosine (Hoffhines et al., 2006, 2007) and prognostic marker for ovarian Kehoe et al., 2006). If all extrapancreatic carcinomas (Paju et al., 2004). Up-regulation trypsinogens lack sulfate, it would be possible of TAT-2 has also been found in other to develop immunometric assays specific for cancers (Bjartell et al., 2005, Hotakainen et pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2. We have al., 2006). The methods developed in this become aware of many biological processes study have also been used to clarify the other than digestion where pancreatic or mechanisms underlying tumor growth and extrapancreatic trypsinogens are involved. metastatic processes (Koivunen et al., 1991a, Specific determination of pancreatic and Lukkonen et al., 2000, Moilanen et al., 2003, extrapancreatic trypsinogens, respectively, is Sorsa et al., 1997). The developed MAbs therefore of potential clinical utility. and TR-IFMAs have proved to be excellent tools in the ongoing studies associated with trypsinogen quantitation, purification, and characterization.

63 Acknowledgements

This study was carried out at the Department Warm thanks are due to my current and former of Clinical Chemistry in the University colleagues and my friends Jari Leinonen, of Helsinki and at the Hospital District of Leena Riittinen, Heli Nevanlinna, Riitta Helsinki and Uusimaa – HUSLAB during Koistinen, Paula Salmikangas, Susanna the years 1988 – 2008. I am most grateful to Lintula, Meerit Kämäräinen, Hannu Koistinen, professor Ulf-Håkan Stenman, the head of the Wan-Ming Zhang, Annukka Paju, and all the department and the excellent supervisor of others with whom I have had the privilege this study, for providing outstanding working to work with in the research laboratory. I facilities at my disposal, for his guidance am also greatly indebted to Liisa Airas, Anja throughout this study, and for his endless Mäki, Maarit Leinimaa, Taina Grönholm, patience, support and encouragement during Anne Ahmanheimo, and Marianne Niemelä all these years. I admire his vast knowledge for expert technical assistance and friendship. in science and his warm attitude towards Without their help this study could not have other people. It is thus a pleasure to work in been accomplished. his laboratory. I also wish to thank professor Lasse Viinikka, the managing director of I am indebted to all my colleagues and staff HUSLAB, docent Martti Syrjälä, the head at HUSLAB. It is inspiring to work with of the HUSLAB Department of Clinical outstanding professionals within laboratory Chemistry and Hematology, and docent Esa medicine. The friendship and fruitful Hämäläinen, head of the HUSLAB unit at the cooperation in the various challenges in our Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for every-day work is greatly acknowledged. their positive attitude towards my thesis and for providing me with an excellent office. Many thanks are directed to all my friends, with whom I have been able to share the ups I want to thank docent Jouko Lohi and docent and downs in life away from work. Especially Olli Saksela for careful penetration into this I want to thank my sister-in-law Leena, Anne, manuscript and their constructive criticism. Mårten, Raija, Armi, Eila, Riitta, Esa, Pia and Their suggestions markedly improved the Jorma. content of my theses. I owe my deep gratitude to my parents Maija I wish to express my gratitude to my co-authors and Kalle for their help and everlasting love. docent Erkki Koivunen, professor Mikko They have always encouraged and supported Hurme, Ph.D. Henrik Alfthan, professor Tom me in my studies and hobbies, and my family Schröder, docent Hannu Halila, M.Sc. Sirpa in all possible ways. Warm thanks are also Osman, docents Jari Helin, Juhani Saarinen, directed to my brother Vesa and his family, all Nisse Kalkkinen, Konstantin I. Ivanov, and my relatives, to my mother-in-law Liisa and Leena Valmu. I am grateful for having had her whole family. the opportunity to work with them. Especially Erkki Koivunen and Leena Valmu have been My warmest thoughts and thankfulness are my close associates in the field of protein reached out to my husband Tuomo and my chemistry. I deeply admire their vast expertise, children Teemu, Malin and Joel for their love efficiency and innovativeness. I wish to thank and constant support. Had Tuomo not taken Henrik Alfthan for his altruistic and most full responsibility of our family during the valuable help in immunofluorometry, data hectic periods of writing and dead-lines, this technic challenges and layout of this book. study could not have been finished.

64 This study was financially supported by the Academy of Finland, the Finnish Cancer Institute, the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation, the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, the Ida Montin Foundation, the Alfred Kordelin Foundation, the Finnish Social Insurance Institution, the Finska Läkaresällskapet, Sairaalakemistit ry., the University of Helsinki, and the European Union (LSHT-CT-2004- 503011).

Helsinki, May 2008

Outi Itkonen

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