Beneficiation Is the Process Where Ore Is Reduced in Size and Gange Separated BOND BALL MILL GRINDABILITY from the Ore

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Beneficiation Is the Process Where Ore Is Reduced in Size and Gange Separated BOND BALL MILL GRINDABILITY from the Ore SGS MINERALS SERVICES – T3 SGS 960 11-2009 BENEFICIATION SGS MINERALS SERVICES’ ore, and is measured during the SPI® feed preparation procedure. It requires EXPERTISE WITH 10 kg of minus 2-mesh material that is BENEFICIATION preferably prepared at the testing facility. Beneficiation is the process where ore is reduced in size and gange separated BOND BALL MILL GRINDABILITY from the ore. Since all iron ore deposits TEST have unique mineralogy, the beneficiation The Bond Ball Mill Grindability Test is process is specific to each deposit. performed according the original Bond Separation of certain minerals can be procedure. It requires 10 kg of minus efficiently achieved by taking advantage 6-mesh material that is preferably of the physical, electrical and magnetic prepared at the testing facility. The Bond properties. Ball Mill Work Index has been widely SGS provides a comprehensive range used for ball mill sizing, and is also utilized of test work services for the minerals in computer simulation. sector. Our extensive global network of laboratory and metallurgical testing BOND ROD MILL GRINDABILITY facilities support most of the processes TEST that are used in the exploration and treatment of most metals and The Bond Rod Mill Grindability Test is also commodities globally. All physical performed according to the original Bond separation techniques can be tested at procedure. It requires 15 kg of minus ½ SGS, both on the laboratory and pilot plant mesh material that is preferably prepared scales. We have expertise in the following at the testing facility. The Bond Rod Work beneficiation techniques including: Index has been widely used for rod mill sizing. • Scrubbing • Crushing • Gravity and magnetic separation JKTECH DROP-WEIGH TEST • Selective flocculation The JKTech Drop-Weight Test measures • Flotation the apparent breakage function of the ore under a range of impact breakage conditions, which is subsequently SCRUBBING reduced to two parameters: A and B. Scrubbing is the process whereby clays, As part of the procedure, the abrasion slimes and any potential oxidization characteristic of the sample (ta) is also present in or on the ore typically using measured. The apparent function can water. Scrubbing conditions the ore be used in the JKSimMet modeling and surface for further beneficiation. Crushing simulation package to predict how the ore and grinding are preformed after the breaks in the AG/SAG mill and crusher scrubbing stage models. Bench scale testing provides a reasonable SAG POWER INDEX (SPI®) TEST compromise, providing valuable grinding data at a fraction of the cost of piloting. At This test includes the SAG Power Index the bench scale stage, SGS can perform (SPI®) and Crusher Index measurements. a full suite of grinding tests, however The SPI® is a measure of the hardness piloting is the most reliable method of of the iron ore from the perspective of demonstrating a flowsheet. Our grinding semi-autogenous milling. The CEET experts travel around the world to Crusher Index (Ci) is used to predict assist you with comprehensive grinding the SAG feed size distribution of the expertise you can depend on. SGS MINERALS SERVICES – T3 SGS 960 2 GRAVITY SEPARATION Gravity separation is the best proven and accepted technique of concentrating many minerals and has been used as a primary form of mineral concentration for decades. Because of its high efficiency and low cost, gravity separation is always the first consideration in a flowsheet development program and always features in any flowsheet where there is sufficient differences between the specific gravity of the valuable and gangue minerals. Spirals are the most practical equipment to use for gravity separation when • Provide trouble shooting/diagnostic high throughput is needed. SGS has a assistance to overcome processing variety of spiral test rigs, including the problems mineral specific designs. Our accessory • Assist with the development of equipment allows sizing of feeds, multiple MAGNETIC SEPARATION existing magnetic separators to meet spiral stages, and recycling of products. new process challenges. Other gravity separation equipment, such A full range of magnetic separators as shaking tables, Falcon and Knelson is available, from low intensity drum SELECTIVE FLOCCULATION centrifugal separators, Mozley MGS units separators to high gradient/high and hydrosizers, are also available. intensity separators, and for either wet Flocculation is used for the removal of or dry feeds. Separation is achieved by clays and gangue with the use of liquid In certain circumstances, dense media exploiting differences in the magnetic reagents. The technique of flocculation separation followed by complex gravity susceptibilities of the component can be used to separate visible sediments circuits, in conjunction with multi gravity minerals. There are four basic types of and materials and to treat colloids. A separation and/or other separation separator designed to exploit differences colloid is a solution which looks uniform, techniques, is required to provide in the magnetic properties from the but actually consists of one or more effective low cost solutions to allow the simplest low intensity unit for separating components blended together. Selective optimal economic recovery of complex magnetite to high intensity/gradient units flocculation is accomplished through the iron ores. With our array of equipment for removing minor impurities. employment of partially carboxylated and experience, SGS can readily provide polyacrylamides or other reagents as the bankable cost effective processing SGS has a wide selection of separators selective flocculant. flowsheets and advise on operational best for bench and pilot scale testing, so we practices during plant start up based on can meet a wide range of requirements. our extensive production experience. The equipment can either be used in FLOTATION stand-alone mode or integrated with other separation processes. In addition SGS SGS has extensive experience designing has additional capabilities in magnetic and and installing flotation systems. SGS electrostatic separation. flotation experts understand how to integrate, design, fabricate, commission, Magnetic separation is used in many maintain and troubleshoot flotation flowsheets. SGS metallurgical group has circuts. We have been involved in the wide experience in the application of design and construction of many iron magnetic separation to the beneficiation flotation circuits globally. of materials and its integration within the process flowsheet. SGS can: • Provide expertise to assist with the commissioning of the magnetic separators within your process • Conduct audits of your existing operations SGS MINERALS SERVICES – T3 SGS 960 3 Our core philosophy is to understand and mineralogical characteristics of CONCLUSION the variability of the ore parameters that your ore. Successful flotation involves affect flotation performance and then proper liberation, adding the proper SGS offers you the unique advantage of design, optimize or forecast based on reagents to induce selected minerals to combined skill sets and industry expertise these parameters. We can determine become hydrophobic (water repelling) that you won’t find anywhere else. Our flotation kinetics, appropriate reagents, or hydrophilic (water attracting). global network of labs and facilities offer and perform computer modeling to design Aeration (bubbles) is added through beneficiation expertise to help you ensure and optimize your system. We combine spargers at the bottom of the flotation higher product quality, improve recovery, new and conventional technologies to cell. The bubbles attract and then float reduce costs and improve revenue. ensure you receive the best results in the the hydrophilic minerals, leaving the most cost effective manner. hydrophobic component in the underflow as tailings. Your flotation circuit then THE FLOTATION PROCESS will concentrate and separate numerous minerals including: A standard flotation circuit starts by • The isomorphous minerals sylvite separating the scrubbed ore into a coarse (KCl) from halite (NaCl). (for example +20 mesh) and fine (-20 • KCl from other sulfate minerals mesh) portions. To design optimum (kieserite, kainite, schoenite, flotation circuits, we must understand carnallite, etc.). your processing needs, and the technical • Apatite from carbonate minerals. Once the flowsheet has been fine tuned and optimized, we provide you with circuit options that trade-off upfront capital expenditure and/or operating flexibility with grade-recovery performance. Our technical team will ensure that you receive a bankable custom flowsheet design that meets your recovery targets and incorporates flotation equipment of the proper sizing and configuration. CONTACT INFORMATION Email us at [email protected] © 2009 SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA – All rights reserved.
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