Anderton, Marja Arendina Louise (1994) The power to destroy false images: eight British women writers and society 1945-1968. PhD thesis Copyright and moral rights for this thesis are retained by the author A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the Author The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the Author When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Glasgow Theses Service
[email protected] THE POWER TO DESTROY FALSE IMAGES: Eight British Women Writers and Society 1945-1968 Marja Arendina Louise Anderton Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Sociology, University of Glasgow February 1994 @M.A.L. Anderton 1994 Acknowledgements As this thesis was written over several years and in a period of great change in my life, I feel that at this pOint I ought to express my gratitude to the people who encouraged me not to give up. First of all, of course, this is my supervisor, Barbara Littlewood, who very kindly helped me wherever she could in spite of the great distance between us for most of the time. Secondly, I would like to thank Iris Murdoch, Penelope Mortimer, A.S. Byatt, and Margaret Drabble for allowing me to use their correspondence here.