Eve’s Bite gets bitten Homeopathy: the ultimate dilution Anti-oxidants Bernard Howard: 1920-2008

number 88 - winter 2008 content editorial

Eve bites off too much 3 The pitfalls of homeopathy 6 IDers have designs on Creationist video ‘commended’ 9 NZ schools Newsfront 10 HILE the recent national curriculum review confirmed evolu- Anti-oxidants: the key to Wtion’s place as the central organising theory of modern biol- nutritional success? 12 ogy, creationists continue to try and chip away at the edges. Most Hokum Locum 16 recently, Focus on the Family, an American-based Christian group, has distributed 400 resource kits to secondary schools throughout The passing of a Skeptic 18 New Zealand, containing copies of Guillermo Gonzalez’s Intelligent Design (ID) DVD, The Privileged Planet, and an accompanying booklet. The covering letter requests they be made available to sci- ence teachers and school libraries. Creationists claim Gonzalez has been victimised for his beliefs after being denied tenure at Iowa State University, due to his poor record in publication and in attracting funding and graduate stu- dents. He is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute (an ID lobby group), and The Privileged Planet is very much the thin edge of the institute’s Wedge strategy (www.antievolution.org/features/wedge. ISSN - 1172-062X pdf), strongly implying the existence of a designer, but never actu- ally mentioning him/it. Contributions Contributions are welcome and The Dominion Post picked up on the issue (28 June) and it aired should be sent to: on National Radio’s Nine to Noon programme on 1 July. Both items featured Focus on the Family’s New Zealand executive director Tim David Riddell Sisarich and Waikato University biology lecturer Alison Campbell 122 Woodlands Rd RD1 Hamilton (who will be speaking at the Skeptics’ Conference in September Email: [email protected] – see insert). Deadline for next issue: Creationists in this country number in the hundreds of thousands, September 10 2008 and they are well organised. The comments appended to the article Letters for the Forum may be edited on the Dominion Post and Stuff websites (the articles are identical; as space requires - up to 250 words the comments are different) show that even though they’re a small is preferred. Please indicate the minority, they are very vocal. The influence of Creation Ministries publication and date of all clippings International is apparent, with several commenters parroting material for the Newsfront. from their recent newsletters. Material supplied by email or IBM- compatible disk is appreciated. Tim Sisarich said in the Dominion Post that science takes a theory and tries to establish it as the truth, and that was all this initiative Permission is given to other non- was trying to do. This is dead wrong. Science takes theories and profit skeptical organisations to reprint material from this publication tries to disprove them. Those that survive this rigorous process provided the author and NZ Skeptic continue to be accepted on a provisional basis, always recognising are acknowledged. that fresh information may lead to them being modified or aban- doned. was once scientific orthodoxy. It has lost that Opinions expressed in the New Zealand Skeptic are those of the status because it could not survive in the face of the overwhelming individual authors and do not evidence amassed against it, and because better explanations of the necessarily represent the views of data have been developed. Although, as Dr Campbell pointed out, NZ Skeptics (Inc.) or its officers. the material Focus on the Family has provided may have value in a Subscription details are available comparative religion or philosophy course, there is from www.skeptics.org.nz or PO Box no place for it in a science class. 29-492, Christchurch. number 88 - winter 2008 main feature Eve bites off too much

Warwick Don

Ian Wishart is one of New Zealand’s more prominent creationists. In a recent book he takes on evolutionary biology, a task for which he seems ill-equipped.

N HIS latest book, Eve’s Bite The theory of natural selection example, it can lead to testable I(2007), Investigate magazine (defined as “survival of the fit- hypotheses (predictions) relating managing editor Ian Wishart test”), claim anti-evolutionists, is to particular traits. As one evo- has a chapter titled The Beagle a tautology because it is merely lutionist, Jason Rosenhouse, has Boys (sub-titled Darwinism’s saying those who are fittest are observed, “there is nothing tauto- last stand). In it he again attacks the ones that survive. However, logical about saying…that moths the well established edifice of this is not how most biologists possessing dark coloration will organic evolution. He heads the now view the term ‘fittest’. In be less visible than light colored chapter with a quote from Ann brief, the fittest organisms are moths to predatory birds when Coulter’s Godless: The Church the ones possessing heritable resting on dark-colored trees.” of Liberalism, which is worth- features that enable them to leave If the theory of natural selection while reproducing here in full the most offspring in a particu- is a mere tautology, supplemen- because it clearly reflects the key lar environment, physical and tary testable hypotheses such as elements of Wishart’s (false) as- biological. In other words, there this one would be non-existent. sessment of the scientific status are criteria of fitness that are Most importantly, regardless of of evolution: independent of survival. how evolution has occurred, the evidence for it is Liberal’s creation myth is Charles Dar- overwhelming. win’s theory of evolu- Evidence for the tion, which is about ArthurWeasley process, derived one notch above Sci- Creationists often claim transitional fossils don’t exist. Yet an from laboratory entology in scientific increasing number of such forms continue to be found. The rigor. It’s a make-be- observations and transition from fish to amphibians, via forms such as Tiktaalik experiments, ema- lieve story, based on a (above) is particularly well documented. theory that is a tautol- nates from several ogy, with no proof in fields of research, the scientist’s laboratory or the Much of the confusion per- such as comparative anatomy fossil record – and that’s after petrated by anti-evolutionists (from an examination of fossil 150 years of very determined emanates from a too-simplis- and extant organisms), embry- looking. We wouldn’t still be tic notion of natural selection. ology, molecular biology and talking about it but for the fact “Survival of the fittest” is best genetics. that liberals think evolution dis- regarded as a shorthand for a proves God. complex process. (Incidentally, it As for the fossil record, it is a treasure trove of evidence Are Ann Coulter and Ian is Herbert Spencer’s phrase, not that evolution has occurred. Not Wishart right? Is evolution a Darwin’s, although Darwin did only does it reveal morphologi- myth based on a tautology (the eventually incorporate it into lat- cal and other details of numer- theory of natural selection)? er editions of the Origin.) In fact, ous creatures from the past, it Does evolution lack proof in the the theory of natural selection is also shows an overall pattern of laboratory or in the fossil record? far from being tautologous. For similarity pointing to the reality Does it disprove God?

page  creationism of descent with modification. In apparently discredited scientific occurred in evolutionary history. addition, numerous transitional theory. When we do see the introduction forms have been discovered (see of evolutionary novelty, it usually below). But first, a point of clarifica- shows up with a bang, and often tion. It is necessary to distin- with no firm evidence that the Naturalism guish between Darwin’s theory organisms did not evolve else- of descent with modification, where! Yet that’s how the fossil Does evolution disprove God? establishing the reality of the record has struck many a forlorn It is important to realise, in the process, and his theory of natu- paleontologist looking to learn current context, that biologists ral selection. The distinction something about evolution. in doing science are practising is important because, almost On the face of it, pretty damn- methodological naturalism, so invariably, scientists are quoted that supernatural explanations, ing comment surely? To un- by anti-evolutionists questioning derstand what really concerns because they are empirically aspects of theories relating to the non-testable, can have no role Eldridge we need to consider mechanism(s) of evolution. But the above passage in context. It to play in science; they are sci- it suits Wishart (and others) to entifically worthless. Therefore appears in a chapter devoted to the accusation by anti-evolu- a discussion of the Eldridge/ tionists that evolutionists are Wishart has adopted Gould concept of punctu- deliberately atheistic (that a familiar strategy used ated equilibria which, as in promoting evolution they Eldridge himself describes by anti-evolutionists in it, “is a melding, in essence, are intentionally promoting general – quoting eminent atheism) is unwarranted. In of the pattern of stasis [as fact, not all evolutionists are scientists purporting to be revealed in the fossil record] atheists. demonstrating that evolution with the recognition that most itself is in crisis. evolutionary change seems It comes as no surprise, bound up with the origin of given her take on evolution, new species – the process that Coulter, a lawyer and of speciation.” By ‘stasis’ is a conservative columnist, has convey the impression that evo- meant the tendency for species drawn on what she calls “the lution itself is in serious doubt not to change very much, often generous tutoring” of intelligent in scientific circles (hence his over millions of years. Long design (ID) luminaries, Michael subheading: “Darwinism’s last periods of stasis (or stability) are Behe, David Berlinski and Wil- stand”). punctuated by shorter periods of liam Dembski. If she genuinely A passage by Niles Eldridge comparatively rapid change, the wishes to learn something about (American Museum of Natural process of speciation. Because evolution, the last people she History), a prominent opponent of its somewhat short duration should seek help from are ID of ID creationism, extracted (geologically speaking) in small proponents. In quoting Coulter, from his 1995 book, Reinvent- populations on the outskirts of Wishart has set the tone and the ing Darwin (p. 95), according to an ancestral species’ range, the level of argument of his chapter Wishart, is supposed to demon- chance of recording a speciation attacking evolution. strate “the lack of fossil support” ‘event’ in the record of the rocks is substantially reduced. Wishart has adopted a for evolution. It reads in part as familiar strategy used by anti- follows: Two points to note here. El- evolutionists in general – quoting No wonder paleontologists shied dridge is not denying the reality eminent scientists purporting to away from evolution for so long. of evolutionary change – that be demonstrating that evolution It never seems to happen. Assid- new species and groups arise itself is in crisis. It’s not, of uous collecting yields…the very over time through the influence, course, but let’s see how he tries slight accumulation of change essentially, of natural selection. to convince his readers that it – over millions of years, at a rate What Eldridge and Gould have is, and that intelligent design is too slow to really account for all brought to the attention of fellow the only logical successor to an the prodigious change that has evolutionists is that it is possible number 88 - winter 2008 creationism to reconcile what palaeontolo- failed to find a single example parents are of different ‘races’. gists have observed in the fossil of a short-necked giraffe at all. The term has nothing what- record, in Eldridge’s words “its The long ones just suddenly ap- ever to do with transitional or gappiness, and uncertainties peared.” intermediate forms. In fact, the about where its fossilized ani- fossil record contains numerous mals and plants might have come Let’s briefly examine each of examples of transitional forms, from”, with how species origi- these examples. First the ‘wea- between species and between nate over time. This reconciliato- sel-cat’. Weasels and cats belong higher groups. ry theory brings into question the to different families within the view of gradual (imperceptible) mammalian Order Carnivora Before we leave the subject of change over eons of time in the (Mustelidae and Felidae respec- transitional fossils, a brief word production of new species. Most tively). Should we expect these about whale evolution. Wishart importantly, the theory of punc- two families to be linked by a continues to ignore the impres- tuated equilibria is very much transitional ‘weasel-cat’? Well, sive fossil evidence – a series of concerned with rates of change, no. The fossil and morphologi- forms beginning with a semi- the tempo of evolution. cal evidence together point to aquatic predator (Pakicetus), separate ancestral groups among probably derived from the hippo- To repeat, what it does not the earlier carnivores. What pig lineage of artiodactyls, and bring into question is the reality about a deer-giraffe link? Such ending with modern whales. of evolution itself. This is not a link between the Cervidae and the place, nor is it necessary, to Giraffidae is conceivable, but The Cambrian Explosion discuss the merits or otherwise the inter-relationships of these He again raises what is col- of punctuated equilibria theory two families are not firmly es- loquially called the Cambrian or of phyletic gradualism. What tablished. The apparent absence explosion. The Cambrian period the theory has done (going back of such a link in the fossil record saw the first appearance in the to Eldredge’s statement quoted does not, of course, rule out a fossil record of many of the above) is show that palaeontolo- possible future discovery. major phyla of multi-cellular gists do have a role to play in the Is Wishart correct? Is there no animals. Naturally, creationists elucidation of the mechanisms like to take ‘explosion’ literally, and patterns of evolutionary example of a short-necked gi- raffe fossil? Here Wishart really depicting this period as a time of change. And we should not sudden or instant creation, and overlook the role long played by comes to grief. He couldn’t have searched very far. Here is what hence supporting the creationist palaeontologists in the discovery scenario. (The fact that many and painstaking excavation and Prothero (New Scientist, 1 March 2008) has to say: “Most fossil groups preceded them, and many preparation of numerous fossils have arisen subsequently, seems that have provided such a rich giraffes looked more like the short-necked okapi, a shy white- not to concern them!) It was lode of evidence for the ‘fact’ of nothing of the sort. In brief, new evolution. and-brown-striped denizen of the African rain forests, and the groups appeared in the Cambrian Transitional fossils only other living giraffid.” More over tens of millions of years. recently, a fossil giraffe has been One of the chief reasons for the Which brings us to Wishart’s described from the late Miocene variety of new fossils during this take on the subject of transitional and early Pliocene. “Its neck is a period is clearly the arrival of fossils as evidence for evolution. perfect intermediate between the hard-shelled invertebrates con- There aren’t any, he contends, short-neck ancestors and their ducive to fossilisation. among the 250,000 fossil species long-neck descendants.” now identified and catalogued: There are many more ex- “Nowhere, are there fossils that Wishart somewhat sarcasti- amples of misconceptions and show a weasel-cat, or a deer-gi- cally refers to “half-breeds”. distortions about evolution in raffe, or any other of the alleged However, “half-breed” is best Wishart’s chapter, too numerous half-breed species said to have regarded as an offensive term to expose here. The key message existed. In fact, a search of the pertaining to a person whose to take away from this critique: literature on giraffe evolution has if you decide to read Ian Wishart

page  creationism or Ann Coulter on evolution, or For previous critiques of Ian Wishart Matters. Columbia University Press, any other ID proponent on the on evolution, see NZ Skeptic, winter New York. same subject, keep a salt cellar 2002; summer 2003. Warwick Don, before retirement, was handy! Recommended additional reading: senior lecturer in Zoology, University Donald R. Prothero (2007). Evolu- of Otago. tion. What the Fossils Say and Why It

homeopathy The Pitfalls of Homeopathy or, The Royal Assent to the Ultimate Dilution

Martin Wallace particularly likes two of the five definitions of ‘pitfall’ in the OED: • A trap or crafty device to catch by surprise the unsuspecting or unwary • Any hidden or unperceived danger or error into which a person is liable to fall unawares.

N THE northern summer of whilst they did the homeopathic an empty pill bottle labelled I1965 I was living in London prescribing. When the patient ‘Hashish’. Down the corridor with my wife and three-year-old got better, we could both claim was a door labelled ‘Research’. daughter, Elizabeth. I had sat the credit! One patient told me I opened it and it swung inwards and passed the MRCP (London) he had a malignant bone marrow with the creak of little use. Inside exam, got myself on to the British condition. I was rather rattled by were many shelves of bound Medical Register, and applied for all this, and impolitely asked him copies of 19th century journals, a position at the Hammersmith what homeopathic remedy did he such as The Proceedings of the Hospital as a registrar in renal take for that? “Oh no,” he said. “I Philadelphian Hahnemann So- medicine, and been appointed. don’t take any of that. I go up to ciety. They were collections of We had a month to face, how- the Hammersmith for radioactive papers describing in the most ever, with no income. I phoned phosphorus.” detailed and personal way the the BMA locum finding service. experiences of individuals who To my surprise, the ‘finder’ sug- My practice there was never had taken a particular substance. gested I take a locum medical interfered with, but I saw epi- If for example, the subject had a registrar position at the Royal sodes of the most extraordinary bowel motion within some hours London Homeopathic Hospital. neglect while tincture of arnica of ingestion, the substance was I protested I would surely be in was relied upon to treat bleed- to be used for constipation. If danger of being struck off the ing ulcers, heart attacks and so however the subject did not have Register I had recently got on on. There were totally unproved a bowel motion, then clearly the to! treatments of the most bizarre substance would be a treatment kinds. for diarrhoea. This process was “Oh no, Dr Wallace,” said the Research called ‘proving’. In either case, finder. “There is no risk of that. before use the substance was The Queen and her family go I found I had a lot of time on to be diluted in solution many there!” After interviews with two my hands. The man whose posi- times and at each dilution step, physicians, I was appointed. tion I was filling had left his desk the container was to be banged Both physicians said I could open. I read The Carpetbaggers, on the table a specific number practise orthodox medicine, which I found there. I also found of times. These processes were number 88 - winter 2008 homeopathy called ‘potentization’ and were to prefer giving only two shakes The British Hahnemann Soci- governed by something called to the medicinal liquid, where I ety was founded in 1968 . ‘Hahnemann’s Law of Succus- formally used to use ten.” (The sion’. As I read this material, the mutable law of succussion!) The royal family and 20th century traffic roared past homeopathy These doctrines were taken to in Great Ormond Street, and a “All the European monarchs framed autographed photograph the US, where they gained ready acceptance and rapidly spread. were intimately related and inter- of the Prince of Wales trembled bred, and all very taken with ho- slightly on the wall. When I re- By 1833 the Philadelphian Hah- nemann Society was formed, meopathy,” wrote Peter Morrell, tired, and was able to resume my author of British Homeopathy education, I found out more. and it was their proceedings that I had perused at the London During Two Centuries. Morrell History of homeopathy hospital. Why this flowering of suggests that that these people illogicality took place in the US took it up because it seemed to Christian Friedrich Samuel is perhaps related to the similar work, it became fashionable, it Hahnemann (1755–1843) was success of Mormonism at the was nebulous and divine, and born in Meissen, and gained an same time. An American friend it became traditional. Sir John MD from Erlangen in 1779. suggested to me that a deep de- Weir, a homeopath, treated Ed- ward VII, George V, George VI, A physician and apothecary, he sire for religious tolerance was behind both. and Elizabeth II. Queen Victoria forsook medical practice and in did not believe. 1789 he published his beliefs in However, rational and detailed ‘Hufeland’s Journal’. He stated rebuttal of the homeopathy The Prince of Wales is an ar- that he had discovered the ‘law doctrines was made by Oliver dent supporter of homeopathy, of similars’ for the treatment of Wendell Holmes in 1842, and in and letters from his household, illness, which stated that ‘like 1871 he said this to a final year expressing his disapproval of cures like’. That is, that diseases medical class: critics of the cult, surface on are cured by substances which the desks of the logical. His cause the same symptoms. “Some of you will probably be Foundation for Integrated Health more or less troubled by that recently received $NZ 2.18 mil- He went on to write two books, parody of mediaeval theology, lion of tax-payers’ money for the Organon and the Treatise on which finds its dogma in the doc- voluntary self-regulation of al- Chronic Diseases. He wrote trine of homeopathy, its miracle ternative health practitioners, yet of transubstantiation in the mys- that the dilution of a medicine the Foundation dos not require tery of its dilutions, its church in strengthened its potency, with evidence for clinical efficacy. ever increasing effect with ever the people who have mistaken increasing dilutions. their century, and its priests in In 1949 the London Homeo- those who have mistaken their pathic Hospital became the calling”. He also promulgated an ex- Royal London Homeopathic traordinary theory that most In Britain, homeopathy had its Hospital. chronic diseases were a response greatest success when in 1852, to a scabies infection, ‘psora’. Current status of during a cholera epidemic, only He listed a very large number of homeopathy 16 percent of patients admitted conditions, including epilepsy, to the first London Homeopathic rickets, cancer, dropsy, suppura- Despite the support of the Hospital in Golden Square died, tion of the lungs and paralysis. Prince of Wales, and the sup- compared with 53 percent admit- It is of note that today’s home- port of the British government ted to the Middlesex Hospital, opathists do not push this piece for ‘alternative’ treatments, the just down the road. Clearly the of fantasy. RLHH and other state-funded prognosis was much better if one homeopathic hospitals have Hahnemann wrote this: “A did nothing, rather than employ- fallen on bad times. Recent care- long experience and multiple ing the blood-letting and purging ful meta-analyses of many pub- observations upon the sick have practised by the orthodox! lications of trials of homeopathy led me within the last few years have shown no advantage over

page  homeopathy placebo effects, and community The principal of the BOP Col- in which homeopathy is taught. health trusts have withdrawn lege of Homeopathy in Rotorua, Not the substance of what is funding. The Guardian in the first claimed in the Hamilton Press taught. The difference is often week of February, this year, re- of 6 February 2008, that the ef- not made clear. ported that more than 20 percent ficacy of homeopathic treatments of UK hospitals had withdrawn has been shown in clinical trials. In Tawa, Wellington, there is funding. When I (politely) asked her for a Museum of Homeopathy, the the references she referred me private collection of Julian Win- The Swiss government with- to two papers published in 1986 ston, an immigrant homeopath drew funding for homeopathic and in 1991. The major paper, a from Philadelphia. remedies in 2005 following the review of 107 controlled trials publication of one of the meta- Why does homeopathy concluded that “At the moment survive? analyses carried out by Swiss the evidence of clinical trials investigators, and a team from is positive but not sufficient to In his 1982 book, The Social Bristol University. This does draw definitive conclusions”. Transformation of American not stop a homeopath in the The principal did not direct Medicine, Paul Starr wrote: Hamilton This Week free paper me to the more recent work, “Popular culture develops partly claiming on 13 March 2008, that including a paper published in by a process of ‘cultural sedi- in Switzerland “homeopathy is September 2007 in the British mentation’. Like a residue of the rebateable by most insurance Journal of Pharmacology, which past the theories and remedies providers”. This is offered as showed that a mixture of four of learned traditions filter down support for the system, as is the homeopathic medications (ar- to the lower classes where they support of the royal family. She nica, bryony, hypericum and ruta remain, even after the learned also claims to be “NZQA ap- graveolens) was no better than have abandoned them.” proved”. placebo in lessening the need Prof David Colquhoun has The NZ School of Classical for morphine after knee ligament written of the Age of Endark- Homeopathy was founded in repair surgery. The course at this enment. He characterises this Auckland in 1984. It claims that college has been approved by ‘Age’ by a lack of scientific homeopathy is a medical sci- the NZQA to level seven. What literacy, an avoidance of the dif- ence, “as much as paediatrics and does this mean? The approval is ficult subjects, a resurgence in neurology”. of the surroundings and the way magical thinking and superstition. It has seen an elevation to univer- sity level of courses in homeopathy. At least five institutes of tech- nology raised to the level of universities by governmental decree in the UK have intro- duced degree courses in homeopathy. The obvi- ous reason for this is to increase student num- bers, and thus funding. The sacrifice of hard evidence to financial pressure has been seen here in New Zealand. When a senior lecturer number 88 - winter 2008 homeopathy in History and American studies Homeopathy can cause harm In the same century as Hah- at Waikato University taught nemann was writing his first In 2007 the Society of Home- the facts about the origins of the papers, David Hume wrote An opathy (UK) were advising that Mormon church, he was accused Enquiry Concerning Human their medications could cure of improper academic behaviour, Understanding”. In his conclu- Aids, prevent and cure malaria, “since the Book of Mormon may sion he wrote: and do away with the need for be right”. He was asked to face immunisation. They even went “When we run our libraries a room full of believers who so far as to maintain they could persuaded of these principles, I assume were by implication send the necessary forces by what havoc must we make! If we threatening to take their cus- radio, encrypted in music. This take in our hand any volume of tom elsewhere. Postmodernism nonsense is particularly damag- divinity, of school metaphysics, brings financial gain. for example, let us ask: Does it ing in Africa, where homeopathy contain any abstract reasoning When my wife, Janelle, and has the support of many people. concerning quality or numbers? I wrote and distributed a leaflet The Faculty of Homeopathy Does it contain any experimental warning our patients at the hos- (UK), made up of medically reasoning concerning matters of pital about the potential harm fact or existence? If NO to both, qualified practitioners does not of unproven remedies to people commit this to the flames, for it support the Society, but does, with kidney failure, and included can contain nothing but sophistry for example, maintain that salt information on “how to identify and illusion.” (NaCl) cures eczema. quacks”, a vigorous complaint to Martin Wallace is a retired physi- the CEO from a member of the All unproven remedies carry cian with special training in kidney public who saw herself so iden- the implicit risk of patients fail- disease and its management, and a tified, was handed to the public ing to seek orthodox help while degree in pharmacology in addition relations officer for action. The to the MB., ChB. Since retirement waiting for effects to occur from he has had time to resume his edu- complaint then went to the eth- the medication they believe in. cation in other fields. ics committee for consideration. We never received an answer or creationism opinion. It wasn’t the truth of what we had written, it was the Creationist video ‘commended’ potential harm to the hospital and Mike Palin queries the judging criteria in a recent high school its income. science video competition. The popularity of unproven A blatant anti-evolution DVD has giraffe development that appears remedies is a manifestation of a been “commended” by the Royal to have been taken directly from society in which wishful thinking Society of New Zealand (www. the book Of Pandas and People. matters more than truth. Truth rsnz.org/events/bigsci/2008/com- This book was the subject of and falsehood have become a petitionresults.php). The video a federal court case in the US matter of choice. is hosted on HotScience (www. involving an ultimately unsuc- hotscience.co.nz/video_detail. cessful attempt by the school In the UK and NZ, labelling php?videoid=184). It presents board of Dover, Pennsylvania law does not require proof of “five assumptions” of evolution, to introduce ID into the biology efficacy for traditional remedies. each of which are portrayed as curriculum. Journalists feel there is a need lacking any supporting scien- for ‘even-handedness’, even tific evidence. Four of these are The five-minute video was when the evidence shows there prominent in creationist litera- submitted by a team of three is no middle path. As Richard ture and websites. The fifth deals students from Te Kauwhata Col- Dawkins has said, “Either it is with irreducible complexity, a lege as part of the Freemasons true that a medicine works or term coined by proponents of In- BIG Science Adventures DVD it isn’t. It cannot be false in an telligent Design (ID). The video competition held in May. The ordinary sense, but true in an includes a short discussion of the competition is for year 11-13 stu- alternative sense.” failure of evolution to explain dents and is administered by the To page 15

page  newsfront Compiled by David Riddell The murder that never was

Rod McCourt and Dave Ash- worth run a business called Glo- HARLENE Makaza went GP and forensic physician bal Intelligence Solutions, which Cinto hospital with an acute (and Skeptic) Felicity Goodyear- analyses satellite and aerial im- Aids-related condition in the first Smith, the medical adviser for ages and CCTV footage for law week of 2007. By the time the the defence, said that once the enforcement agencies and the 10-year-old Zimbabwean girl possibility of sexual abuse had military. In January they were died 18 hours later, doctors had been raised, other possible expla- approached by American pro- decided she’d been murdered nations were never considered. fessor and Ark-hunter Porcher (Sunday Star Times, 25 May). Taylor, who has been excited “Once you get a particular line by satellite images of a 300 x It took until 21 May 2008 for of thought, like this is sexual 52-metre ice shelf about 4000 her uncle, George Gwaze, to be abuse, it colours thinking,” she metres up Mt Ararat, in eastern acquitted of the non-existent said. “And these were very sen- Turkey. The dimensions of the crime. ior people saying it was abuse. shelf fit those of the biblical ship, If it is sexual abuse that doesn’t Porcher says. Interest in the fea- Charlene, who was cared for matter, but suddenly the possibil- by her uncle and his wife after her ture, known to ‘arkeologists’ as ity that it might not be isn’t on the the Ararat Anomaly (has a nice parents had died of Aids, was fre- table any more...” quently unwell. On the morning scientific ring to it, that) dates of 7 January she was found in her Police recovered Charlene’s from 1949, when a US Air Force bed, having difficulty breathing, underwear, on which they de- plane on patrol near the border of deeply unconscious and awash tected traces of Gwaze’s sperm. the former Soviet Union “inad- in white, chalky diarrhoea. Her Though this seemed damning, vertently recorded” the images aunt, Sifiso Gwaze, changed her it became clear in the trial that of the mountain top. into clean clothes and rushed her modern DNA tests are so sensi- Dave Ashwood says aerial to an emergency clinic, but those tive that enough sperm can be images taken in the 1950s were clothes became soaked as well. transmitted between items of inconclusive but hopes modern By the time Charlene got to the clothing in the laundry to pro- technology will shed light on the clinic, she had a temperature top- duce a positive test. so-called anomaly. They will ping 40 º C, a pulse over 180, and Had Gwaze been convicted, receive new satellite images for no recordable blood pressure. analysis later this year. “Gener- This resulted in her brain being said defence counsel DNA ad- viser Arie Geursen, it would have ally in nature things aren’t so starved of oxygen, a condition symmetrical, so it’s unusual,” he later attributed to suffocation. been “a terrible travesty of jus- tice. It would have been science says. “In 50 years of study no Things started to go wrong and medicine gone astray”. one has turned around and said for George Gwaze when Char- it’s definitely not the ark.” lene’s care was handed over to Last August the two used a new shift. Those on duty later ‘Arkeologist’ calls for kiwi facial mapping to disprove alle- lost sight of her first symptoms. help gations that 62-year-old Marton When a rectal probe was inserted resident Roger Woodgate was On Auckland’s North Shore, two to take a more accurate tempera- long-lost murder suspect Lord Mairangi Bay men who last year ture, medical staff discovered Lucan. damage to Charlene’s rectal tis- were involved in the hunt for sue related to her condition, but Lord Lucan have now set their At least Lord Lucan did once which were interpreted as signs sights on ’s Ark (North exist... of forced penetration. Shore Times, 3 April).

number 88 - winter 2008

Skeptics 2008 Conference REGISTER NOW!

At this year’s NZ Skeptics Conference we’ll be addressing a number of thorny questions.

• Economic prosperity depends on having a scientifically literate society, but few students in New Zealand pursue scientific careers, not least because they don’t see themselves as scientists. How can we foster students’ en- gagement with science, and lead them to see it in their own future?

• It’s 150 years since the joint presentation of papers by Darwin and Wallace to the Linnaean Society put evolution on a firm scientific footing. How have the implications of their theory impinged on human thought in the years since?

• The placebo effect is a well-known medical phenomenon which accounts for the apparent effectiveness of many ‘alternative’ remedies. But what is the physiological basis for this effect?

• Is it time for philosophers to move over and, as they did with natural science, hand the task of establishing moral principles to others who may be able to produce a more satisfactory (if not necessarily palatable) solution?

• Does reductionism provide an appropriate framework for studies of the par- anormal?

We’ll also look at the links between skepticism and magic, critical thinking Greek-style, whether the paranormal can be saved from the laws of science, and much more. Plus the traditional good company, good humour, good food, and of course the presentation of this year’s Bent Spoon and Bravo Awards.

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Workers safe from dioxin because it only reported on death Violent video game myths rates, and not full medical histo- debunked A study of more than 1700 ries. Another local campaigner, workers at the former Dow her- Video games are not as bad as Andrew Gibbs, observed that bicide factory in New Plymouth they’re painted, according to a blood dioxin levels declined over has concluded their life expect- recently released book, reviewed time, and some workers may ancy was the same as that of the in The Press (17 June). have initially had levels higher general population (NZ Herald, than the 495ppt minimum risk 17 April). Grand Theft Childhood: The level set down by the USCDC. surprising truth about violent The Otago University study, video games, is the work of Law- headed by David McBride, in- rence Kumer and Cheryl Olson, cluded blood tests on 346 peo- Water’s health benefits all co-founders and directors of the ple, which found that workers wet Centre for Mental Health and potentially exposed to the dioxin Media at Massachusetts General TCDD had higher levels of it in Many widely-held beliefs Hospital in Boston. They report their blood – averaging 10 parts about the health benefits of wa- that video games are a normal per trillion (ppt), but up to 100 ter are not backed by scientific part of teenage life, and teenage ppt. The NZ-wide average in a evidence, say two Pennsylvania boys who play violent video 1997 study was 4ppt. University researchers (Globe games tend not to be socially and Mail, April 4). isolated. The study also found that while exposed workers’ death Although some claim drink- Kumer and Olson say what rates from cancer and heart dis- ing lots of water can help clear they found “surprised, encour- ease appeared higher, the rise toxins from the body, reduce the aged and sometimes disturbed was not statistically significant. frequency of migraines, ward them”, but the book debunks a Death rates from lung cancer, off weight gain and even keep lot of popular misconceptions prostate cancer and diabetes skin looking youthful, Stanley surrounding video games. They were lower than expected. Goldfarb and Dan Negoianu say they came across a lot of were unable to substantiate the “muddle-headed thinking, mis- Dr McBride said the find- claims after scouring the medical use of scientific data and political ings were good news for Dow literature. posturing on the part of people workers and the people of New from all points of view”. Plymouth. One of the study “There is really no basis to group’s scientific advisers, Pro- even invoke the possibility that For boys at least, it seems fessor Emeritus Sir John Scott, extra water consumption aids playing video games is a marker of Auckland University, said toxin removal or improves skin for social acceptance by their the large size and high local par- tone,” Dr Goldfarb said. peers. Girls also enjoyed M- ticipation rate helped make the One study found that drinking rated games. study a “definitive assessment” water before eating can make of dioxin exposure in the city. The pair say that for most kids you feel full during the meal, and parents, the bottom line can The US Centres for Disease but not after it. But it didn’t be summed up in a single word: Control say an increased inci- establish whether drinking large relax. dence of cancer in workers ex- amounts over the course of the posed to dioxin might be linked day would decrease the number “While concerns about the ef- with blood levels of between 495 of ingested calories. As for the fects of violent video games are and 31,800 ppt. old story about drinking eight understandable, they’re basically glasses of water a day, the pair no different from the unfounded Some former workers and couldn’t even be sure of the concerns previous generations local residents remain uncon- original source of this unfounded had about the new media of their vinced, however. Neil Herdson, advice, which has already been day. Remember, we’re a remark- a former Dow factory worker, debunked in earlier studies, they ably resilient species.” argued the study was unreliable said.

page 11 anti-oxidants Anti-oxidants: the key to nutritional success?

Alan Hart

Extravagant claims are often made for the health-giving effects of anti-oxidants in the foods we eat. But sorting out the truth from the hype is not at all easy.

N THE window of a health- electrons to oxygen (which is of causing oxidative damage and Ifood shop, I saw an advertise- why our existence is dependent that react with anti-oxidants may ment extolling the merits of Goji on a supply of this gas*). When contain, for example, nitrogen berries. The advertisement said the electrons are passed to oxy- and sulphur. Barry Halliwell and that an ‘ORAC test’ had shown gen, water is formed but oxygen John Gutteridge give a more for- that Goji berries have a lot of ‘radicals’ are also formed as a mal definition of an anti-oxidant anti-oxidants in them. ‘ORAC side effect. Radicals are atoms in Free Radicals and Biology in test’ has a scientific ring about it or molecules which have one Medicine (2007), which is: “any – Goji berries must be good! or more unpaired electrons. By substance that delays, prevents virtue of the unpaired electrons, or removes oxidative damage to Anti-oxidants have attracted radicals (sometimes referred to target molecules”. a reputation as beneficial in- as ‘free radicals’) are extremely gredients of foods, nutritional reactive. The oxygen radicals are Reactive species in addition supplements and cosmetics. So no exception and if not mopped to oxygen radicals also end up in I thought I would try to describe up will cause all sorts of havoc our bodies. Cigarette smoke, for what anti-oxidants are, and ex- by reacting with molecules that example, contains free radicals. plain what the ORAC test is and they shouldn’t react with. In Given the toxicity of oxygen its limitations. I’ll also give some short, oxygen radicals are toxic. radicals and other reactive spe- examples of anti-oxidants in cies, it’s not suprising that anti- fruits and vegetables, and make An example of an oxygen radi- oxidants are considered a good some comments as to whether cal generated in our bodies is the thing, and that it’s thought a ._ it’s worthwhile taking supple- ‘superoxide radical’: O2 , two good idea to make sure we have ments containing these anti-oxi- oxygen atoms linked together as much of them inside our bod- dants in an attempt to get more to form a molecule that has an ies as possible. Fortunately, our of them inside you than is usual unpaired electron (the dot) and bodies have a number of built-in from a healthy diet. a negative charge (the dash). anti-oxidant systems to pro- It’s been estimated that an adult tect us against oxygen radicals What are anti-oxidants? Let’s weighing 70 kg makes about formed as we breathe, and other start with oxidation and move 1.7 kg of superoxide radicals a reactive species. I am not going onto food. Oxidation is a process year. This is equivalent to about to deal with these systems but in which electrons are removed one percent of total oxygen con- will confine my attention to di- from atoms and molecules. Oxy- sumption. etary sources of anti-oxidants as gen is the classic oxidising agent. it is these which are usually dis- Digestion of food and extraction Molecules that can neutralise cussed in dietary advice and turn of energy from it is essentially free radicals are called anti- up in nutritional supplements. an oxidative process. It occurs oxidants. Anti-oxidants do not These anti-oxidants are, by and over many steps but one of the react only with oxygen radicals. large, derived from plants. final outcomes is the transfer of Other ‘reactive species’ capable * An excellent and readable account of the role of oxygen in our world, including a discussion of oxygen radicals and anti-oxidants, is Nick Lane, 2002: Oxygen, The molecule that made the world, Oxford University Press. number 88 - winter 2008 anti-oxidants

Measuring Anti-oxidants of activity being expressed as one sample had more or less anti- ‘equivalent to’ an amount of a oxidant activity than another. The ORAC test is one of the ‘standard’ anti-oxidant com- The assay could be made more principal assays used to estimate pound. quantitative if we were able to the anti-oxidant content of such compare estimates of activity materials. (If all this seems a bit ORAC stands for Oxygen from various samples with those dry, bear with me because the Radical Absorbance Capacity. obtained using a known standard nature of assays for anti-oxidants The basic premise behind this anti-oxidant. A commonly used is central to claims that supple- assay is that the ability of a one is Trolox, a synthetic ana- ments, foods, etc, contain a lot sample to neutralise free radicals logue of vitamin E. of them.) indicates the presence of anti- oxidants. When exposed to light, So in the complete assay we When an analyst is faced with a substance called fluorescein would measure the fluorescence developing a chemical assay coming from a series of to find out how much of solutions containing in- something is in a sample creasing amounts of Trolox of fruit or vegetable, one but constant amounts of approach is to find some fluorescein and free radi- reagents which when added cals. If we run everything to the sample react with the correctly there will be a substance(s) in question regular and positive rela- and in so doing exhibit a tionship between the fluo- measurable change in some rescence emitted and the property of the mixture, amount of Trolox present. eg an increase in colour We would also measure intensity. Hopefully the the fluorescence coming technique is sufficiently from solutions containing sensitive (will measure the free radicals and our quantities that are of inter- extract of Goji berries (no est to the analyst), selective Trolox), and calculate that (ideally the reagents react a measured amount of Goji only with the substance(s) Goji berries (Lycium barbarum) have a long berries contained an anti- in question) and quantita- history in traditional Chinese medicine, but have oxidant activity equivalent tive (the properties of the only recently become popular in western countries. to that provided by a known mixture change in a regular amount of Trolox. Another way as the amount of substance emits light of a longer wave- way of looking at this is that we changes). Many assays are quite length than that shining on it; this have estimated so many grams of selective; others only give an in- ‘fluorescence’ can be measured berries as having the same ability dication of the amount of a class using a fluorimeter. Fluorescein as a certain amount of Trolox to of compound. The ORAC test is also has the useful property that protect fluorescein from oxida- of this latter type. its fluorescence is diminished tion by the free radicals. There are dozens of molecules in the presence of free radicals. Remember that the ORAC that can be classed as anti-oxi- We would have the basis of an test only gives a measure of the dants and it would be a lengthy assay if we mixed our sample ability of our extract to protect and expensive task to identify with fluorescein and a source of fluorescein from the action of the compounds in a sample every free radicals and saw that the de- free radicals in vitro (in vitro – in time an estimate of the overall crease in fluorescence was less the test tube; in vivo – in the liv- level of anti-oxidant activity was than in the absence of the sample ing body). It says nothing about required. Tests like the ORAC because of the protective effect the anti-oxidant activity of the assay are used to estimate overall of anti-oxidants. This wouldn’t extract once it has been ingested activity in a sample, the amount get us very far as about all we could do would be to say that (in vivo). A high ORAC value

page 13 anti-oxidants simply tells us that the extract (abbreviated as mol) is a meas- Sufficient vitamin C to maintain contains molecules that might ure of the amount of Trolox and health can be obtained from a have some anti-oxidant activity 1 μmol of Trolox has a mass of diet including fruits and vegeta- in vivo. 0.00025 g. So, if a vegetable has bles. With such a diet, there is an ORAC value of 1000 TE per no evidence of beneficial effects The principal value of an as- 100 g FW, then 100 g FW of the of supplementary doses. say of this type lies in the ability vegetable has the same ability, to compare different samples of in the test-tube, to neutralise free (Scurvy is a deficiency disease plants, foods etc according to a radicals as 1000 μmol or 0.25 g of connective tissue. The role of single property. The table below of Trolox. vitamin C here is not that of an contains some ORAC values for anti-oxidant but to ensure that enzymes involved in the synthe- Some ORAC values: sis of connective tissue function μmol TE / 100 g FW effectively.) Turmeric Vitamin E: Vitamin E was 119346 Curry powder first defined as a fat-soluble ‘fac- 6665 tor’ necessary for reproduction in Blueberries 6552 rats. It is not a single compound, a number of substances having Apples, Granny Smith, raw with skin 3898 vitamin E activity. The principal without skin ‘natural’ form is α-tocopherol. 2573 Mixtures of tocopherols are Cashew nuts, raw 1948 found, for example, in soybean, Avocadoes, Hass corn, walnut and rapeseed oils. 1933 The evidence for anti-oxidant Onions, raw 1034 effects in well-nourished humans Green peppers, raw 923 is limited. Bananas, raw 879 Carotenoids: These are or- Carrots, raw ange and yellow pigments found 666 Cabbage, raw in plants, most typically in car- 508 rots. β-carotene is a common Tomatoes, raw 367 carotenoid. There is only weak evidence that they have an anti- ...and Goji berries? It’s not easy to find a reputable ORAC value but it oxidant role in vivo. (They do does seem to be considerably higher than most other plants tested. have an important role in the diet for other reasons, principally as a anti-oxidant levels in some fruits Examples of anti-oxidants precursor for vitamin A.) and vegetables. These values What are these anti-oxidants Polyphenols: Polyphenols are have been taken from a larger of plant origin? Here are a few compounds that have groups of set published by the United examples, with some comments six carbon atoms linked together States Department of Agriculture as to whether they exert a ben- in rings. The rings have hydroxyl (USDA, 2007). eficial effect in vivo. groups (-OH) attached to them. The units of measurement are Polyphenols of plant origin are Vitamin C or ascorbic acid: μmol Trolox Equivalents per 100 excellent anti-oxidants in vitro, This is an essential nutrient, g fresh weight (FW) of fruit or but it does not follow that they famous for its role in the preven- vegetable. Fresh weight is the have the same effect in vivo. This tion of scurvy. It is an anti-oxi- weight of the leaf, fruit etc as group contains the compounds dant in vitro but it is uncertain it is harvested with no adhering found in blueberries and black- as to whether it has any major dirt, fully hydrated but with no currants and some have become effects as an anti-oxidant in vivo. surface drops of water. A mole number 88 - winter 2008 anti-oxidants creationism quite well known through dis- A, C, E) and selenium has been From page 9 cussion of their potential anti- given by a recent Cochrane re- RSNZ The theme of Darwin and oxidant properties, eg resveratrol view (Bjelakovic et al., 2008). evolution was chosen this year from red wine, quercetin in teas This review considered 67 trials, to mark the 150th anniversary and onions, and curcumin from involving 232,550 people, of the of the Wallace-Darwin paper turmeric. effects of taking supplements of on natural selection read to the these anti-oxidants. The principal Linnaean Society in London in Epidemiology conclusion from consideration of 1858. DVDs were to be made all this data was that overall, There is evidence from epi- by the students with a teacher there is no evidence for an effect demiological studies of cor- acting as a guide and facilitator, of these supplements on mortal- relations between anti-oxidant but not directly involved in the ity in healthy people or those levels in the body and good production. Principals were to with various diseases. When the health, and between good health approve each entry. A short list effects of different supplements and diets rich in fruit and veg- of entries was considered by a were looked at separately, there etables. Correlations however panel of judges chaired by Prof was an increased risk (which do not prove causation and it Lloyd Davis of the Centre for only just reached statistical sig- remains uncertain whether the Science Communication at the nificance) of mortality associated correlations observed are due to University of Otago. compounds exerting anti-oxidant with supplements of vitamins A, effects in vivo. A further problem E and beta-carotene. There were When contacted, Prof Davis in interpreting epidemiological no significant effects on mortal- said in an email, “ I chaired the studies is that it is difficult to be ity from vitamin C or selenium final judging panel tasked with accurate about the relationship supplementation. (Selenium is selecting the top two films from between dietary intake and in- an essential nutrient and is a those short-listed. That is, I cidence of disease, particularly component of several enzymes, played no part in determining when studies seek to understand some of which are thought to which films made the short list. data gathered across different have anti-oxidant functions.) We duly selected the two best films in our opinion and the film countries. Conclusion to which you refer did not make Intervention studies What to do? If we take the the top two.” He added, “As Intervention studies (where epidemiological evidence as our someone who has taken a strong one group of subjects is provided guide, eating lots of fruit and stance against Intelligent Design with a supplement, and their vegetables is sensible advice. in a recent book, I can say that health and physiological status is They have established beneficial I don’t think it is worth getting compared to a matched group re- effects, such as being enjoyable too precious about the film. You ceiving a placebo) might help us to eat, providing fibre and help- have to understand that from the decide whether supplements are ing to maintain adequate levels point of view of the competi- worth taking, but it has proved of vitamins and minerals. The tion, there was much more being difficult to obtain evidence of a anti-oxidants they contain might judged than the quality of their cause and effect relationship in exert a direct beneficial effect in arguments (which I agree were these. Halliwell & Gutteridge vivo. At this point in our knowl- flawed) – from a filmmaking (2007) describe the literature edge of dietary anti-oxidants and perspective, like other entries we on intervention studies seeking their effects in vivo, there seems saw, they did some things well to demonstrate a link between little, if any, point in spending and some things poorly.” money on supplements of anti- diet and supplementary anti-oxi- A matter of style over sub- oxidants. dants as a “morass of confusing stance? data”. Alan Hart spent over 30 years Mike Palin is an Otago University doing biology research. The last geologist. Some clarity on the effects 15 were spent developing assays of supplements of some anti- of various kinds. He has an inter- oxidants (β-carotene, vitamins est in the meaning and practice of biological measurement.

page 15 hokum locum

Drink your way to good health

John Welch

ON’T scoff. A magazine drink the urine of those who have Cancer Diversions as authoritative as Wom- eaten it, whereupon they become D A friend has been unlucky an’s Day reports a case where a intoxicated.” (Wasson, quoted in enough to develop bowel cancer woman treated her breast can- Murder, Magic and Medicine, by last year and then go down with cer by drinking her own urine. John Mann) breast cancer this year. She Following a mammogram and has faced up to all of this with ultrasound examination the pa- equanimity. Another acquaint- tient reports: “I was introduced Hyperbaric Oxygen-I don’t ance of mine, a doctor, has been to a surgeon who said I needed think so! diagnosed with a form of cancer to have both my breasts removed which is likely to be terminal. right away.” This is complete A local clinic offers “Hy- This person is now on a vegetar- nonsense as no surgeon would perbaric Oxygen Therapy” at a ian diet with no alcohol and is ever perform a bilateral mastec- cost of $60-$110. The pamphlet described by friends as “doing tomy without a tissue sample says: very well.” confirming the diagnosis. It is “A cleanse with intraceuticals quite clear that she never had products first followed by a deep It’s hard to imagine the fear cancer at all, but a condition exfoliation. Oxygen Therapy and horror of being diagnosed colloquially known as lumpy applied with serums suitable with cancer. It leads to all sorts breasts or benign fibrocystic to skin condition – a relaxing of irrational thinking, even by breast disease. soothing treatment incorporating doctors. If I ever got cancer I lymphathic (sic) drainage for a would take up smoking again, Such people are a godsend for complete rejuvenation/brighten- use hard drugs, drink as much cancer quacks. There’s nothing ing or reduction of fine lines. as I liked and indulge myself in easier than curing somebody Also treats acne, rosacea, eczema dangerous sports. Go out with who was never ill in the first and open pores-super hydrates. a bang, not a whimper! Such a place. In fact, that’s the whole Complimentary home care prod- strategy could well see cancer basis of ‘alternative medicine’. uct if a course of six treatments (weekly) booked.” cells shrinking against an on- I googled the subject of urine slaught of nasty substances. drinking and there are a surpris- This clearly constitutes false “Magical” thinking about ing number of articles on the advertising as well as an affront cancer extends to psychologi- subject. My favourite was a to grammar and spelling. Hy- cal issues. An Australian study reference to the Koryak tribe of perbaric oxygen means oxygen comprehensively debunked the Siberia who used to get stoned under pressure and this requires idea that mental attitude has by consuming the fly agaric either a pressurised mask or a anything to do with beating can- toadstool, Amanita muscaria. chamber which can be pres- cer. For example, women who The hallucinogens are excreted surised. I have contacted the were preoccupied about their in the urine and as the account Commerce Commission over cancer were more likely to get a goes: “those who cannot afford this false claim and I will keep relapse. The researchers found the fairly high price (of the fungi) you posted. number 88 - winter 2008 hokum locum that such women had the worst by Mrs Gallot in trying to launch during destruction of their fill- tumors – they were anxious and Body Enhancer in Britain.’ ings. Those of us who sensibly preoccupied for a reason! This live with our existing amalgam sort of analysis is at the heart of Marlborough Express 30 May fillings can rest assured that our skepticism – looking at the facts major mercury exposure comes and coming up with the most from fish and chips. likely explanation – not some Another useless product horribly deprivational diet that Marlborough Express 25 The Commerce Commission March denies people meat, wine and successfully prosecuted another what little enjoyment of life they useless product which claimed have left. to “melt away fat and cellulite.” Body Talk The chief executive of the A judge said anyone who pur- Cancer Council Australia, Pro- chased Celluslim wasted their I will have to rethink my fessor Ian Olver said that he had money. theory that “wacky ideas are been involved with a smaller promoted by people who are The company had claimed bald and have beards”. After study with lung cancer and had that the product “had been sci- reached a similar conclusion. rubbishing body talk in an ear- entifically tested by a fictitious lier column I was stunned to see Marlborough Express 4 June doctor at the fictitious Saint Alto that this ludicrous nonsense has Research Centre in Switzerland.” arrived in Blenheim. Get this When their useless product ran – straight from the reporter: Bogus Body Enhancer out they merely substituted honey, garlic and apple cider “I lie down on the consultation Winston and Sylvia Gallot vinegar pills. table and she holds my hand were ordered to pay $632,500 loosely over my stomach. A and $130,000 costs after being Marlborough Express 30 May series of yes or no questions are convicted of breaching the Fair asked and she lifts my hand in a circular motion each time, sens- Trading Act. Their weight loss Amalgam again ing resistance or acceptance of product, Body Enhancer, was the question. It’s when she picks described by the judge as be- A local dentist missed out on up on a positive response; she ing ineffective. The High Court a health contract because of his places my hand over my sternum dismissed the quacks’ appeal but opposition to dental amalgam. and then taps me several times reduced the fines to $394,500. The amalgam debate has raged on the head, then taps me on my heart zone.” Never mind, the couple must for decades and has parallels be laughing all the way to the with the pure water crackpots The reporter accidentally bank as it was estimated that who oppose fluoridation. Amal- stumbles across the mechanism about $5 million of the product gam is a stable compound that is when reporting: “It bears a re- had been sold. If you google not ideal but it is the most cost semblance to the ‘laying on of the offending product there is a effective agent at present. When hands’ popular among some born wealth of material to review. I something better comes along again Christian groups.” particularly enjoyed the Judge’s it will be superseded. I have a This whole mélange of hocus descriptions as follows: mouth full of amalgam fillings – a legacy of growing up without pocus is of course a placebo. It “Mr Gallot was described as fluoridation. My mother gave is staggering that such nonsense a man of considerable intelli- fluoride tablets to the remaining can gain credence and it beggars gence, style and charm, but he four siblings who all have perfect belief that a newspaper should was exposed as ‘calculatedly teeth. People who elect to have even bother reporting it. How dishonest’ and blamed everyone ridiculous does something have but himself.” their amalgam fillings removed expose themselves to a great deal to be before an editor would Judge Moore referred to a of mercury which is released reject it? “succession of blatant untruths” Saturday Express 24 May

page 17 obituary The passing of a Skeptic Bernard Hugh Howard, born Manchester, March 25, 1920; died Christchurch, April 16, 2008.

The Skeptics have lost one of Rackett, when they were stu- to Scotland in 1962. While in their founding members, with dents at high school. Their court- New Zealand, he heard of an the death of Bernard Howard in ing included frequent hikes in opening at Lincoln as profes- Christchurch, aged 88. Active the Pennine hills. They married sor to establish a department of to the end, he collapsed sud- in 1942. By then Bernard had Biochemistry. He applied for and denly while walking to the bus graduated BSc from Manchester gained the position. stop. As a regular attendant at University. While there, he had Skeptics conferences, Darwin mixed with free-thinkers, ration- So the Howards moved back Day dinners and other events, alists and socialists. These influ- to New Zealand in 1964, al- and a frequent contributor to the ences stayed with him, though he though the eldest son remained NZ Skeptic, he will be sorely preferred to think of himself as a in Scotland and the second son missed. As Denis Dutton said in humanist, his son Brian says. completed his schooling there the Christchurch Press, “Bernard before joining them. They lived had a probing mind and knew Bernard’s parents and sister in a staff house at Lincoln until how to ask the right questions, were religious, but he “quietly shifting into their own home, especially the embarrassing made up his own mind that there at Cashmere, in 1968. The ones. I have never encountered was no after-life and no God”. Lincoln history says Bernard’s a man with such a rapier-sharp, There was “no dramatic rebel- work on micro-organisms was yet gently delivered, wit. He is lion” against his family’s beliefs “internationally known”. Brian irreplaceable.” and practices. remembers his parents’ home as one of books, classical music According to his own ac- During World War 2 he was and news broadcasts, which his count, Bernard was late joining manpowered to research work father followed closely. His par- the Christchurch meeting which with the Ministry of Food in ents attended ballets, operas and founded the NZ Skeptics. The London. He later completed plays. They tramped in the high first words spoken to him were: studies for his doctorate in bio- country. They hosted visiting “We have decided to form a com- chemistry at London University. academics, including Richard mittee, but don’t have a treas- He was on the staff of London’s Dawkins, and fellow scientists urer yet. Are you interested?” School of Hygiene and Tropical and skeptics. They enjoyed Bernard, who readily admitted Medicine from 1947 to 1954, travel, often visiting family in to not being able to refuse any- and then moved his family to Britain. Sabbaticals involved thing Denis Dutton asked him to Aberdeen, where he was a senior research work at American and do, was immediately appointed. fellow at the Rowett Research European universities and in- The society’s first postal ad- Institute. His work focused on stitutes. dress was Bernard’s personal digestion in ruminant animals. box number at Lincoln College. Bernard was Professor of The institute granted him Biochemistry at Lincoln Uni- When Bernard first applied for a leave in 1961 for a year-long box in 1964, he was told the only versity for 21 years from the secondment to the chemistry di- department’s foundation, and available box was Number 13. “I vision of New Zealand’s Depart- wonder why?” asked Bernard. Dean of Chemistry in the early ment of Scientific and Industrial 1970s. The centennial history of Born in Manchester in 1920, Research, at Palmerston North. Lincoln notes that staff was “pre- he met his wife-to-be, Molly He brought his family to New dominantly conservative in out- Zealand and returned with them number 88 - winter 2008 obituary look” before the infusion of new students and in everything he The Christchurch Press noted blood in the 1960s. Bernard was did. In 40 years as a member of that readers of their letters to one of several original thinkers the Royal Society and president the editor would be missing whose “keen intellect and radi- of the Canterbury branch in the his wit and wisdom. “His inter- cal philosophy” benefited staff 1970s, Bernard seldom missed a ests ranged widely. His words thinking. Brian Howard says meeting or a field trip. At 88 and scattered pomposity. His style Bernard was aware of his part in with poor eyesight, he was still brooked no humbug. Yet he was this but “was reluctant to blow being driven to meetings until a quiet, gentle man. His great loves were classical music and the mountains. He was also a man of powerful intellect.” “Bernard was a true human- ist,” according to Denis Dutton. “I remember once discussing the Russian novelist Lermontov with him. He asked for the loan of A Hero of Our Time, and came back after reading it with the most insightful observations.” “We often saw him at perform- ances in the Chamber Music se- ries. His musical knowledge and perception were redoubtable. He also continued regularly to attend the Court Theatre.” Bernard had a wonderful sense of the absurd. His very last per- formance at the Darwin Day dinner in Christchurch took place only weeks before he died. It was a talk on Darwin’s mother’s hypochondria and the place of fashionable afflictions in that la- dy’s pampered life. According to Dutton, “Bernard was hilarious. He had us in stitches.”

Bernard Howard at last year’s conference in Christchurch. Brian says his father was re- luctant to go into a retirement home when Molly became ill, his trumpet and never spoke the week before he died. Fel- but, once there, he still led an of it”. Brian says his father’s low society member Dr Alistair active life. Bernard is survived rationalism and intellectualism Campbell says he had a sharp by wife Molly, sons Brian, Kris attracted other original thinkers mind but was a quiet man. He and John and five grandchildren to his department. would listen closely, allowing – as well as a great crowd of sad “very little to escape him”, then Bernard retired in 1985 and skeptics who were privileged to make appropriate comments. He have known him. was honoured with the title Pro- had strong loyalty to his depart- fessor Emeritus. His successor, ment and was revered by staff Based on an obituary in the Professor Roy Bickerstaffe, says and students. Christchurch Press, 26 April. he was meticulous in guiding

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Coming Soon: Skeptics Conference 2008 Waikato Diocesan School for Girls, Hamilton 26-28 September Whether it’s science, pseudoscience, the paranormal, alternative medicine, philosophy or magic, we’ll be covering it!

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NZ Skeptics (Inc.) Chair-entity: Vicki Hyde (Christchurch), [email protected] Secretary: Paul Ashton (Christchurch), [email protected] Treasurer: Ian Short (Kaiapoi), [email protected] Committee: Claire le Couteur (Christchurch) Robert Woolf (Auckland) Joanna Wojnar (Wellington) Warwick Don (Dunedin) David Riddell (Hamilton) Keith Garratt (Rotorua) John Welch (Picton) Nathan Grange (Auckland) Felicity Goodyear-Smith (Auckland) Denis Dutton (Christchurch) Paul Trotman (Dunedin) Media Contact: Vicki Hyde NZ Skeptic Editor: David Riddell, [email protected] Video Librarian: Alastair Brickell www.skeptics.org.nz/SK:MEMBERSVIDEO