INSIDE:  Documents from EU and NATO meetings re – page 3  UWC president in Ukraine, Europe and beyond – page 5  Community: Syracuse, Wilmington, Philadelphia – page 15

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXVI No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 $2.00 Poroshenko: UCCA, UWC react to Trump’s statements in Helsinki must be held accountable PARSIPPANY, N.J. – In the aftermath of territorial integrity and sovereignty of UCCA statement the July 16 meeting in Helsinki between Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova’s interna- In his joint press conference with Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir tionally recognized borders.” for ‘terrorist act’ of MH17 Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, Putin, the Ukrainian Congress The UWC stated that the U.S. president President Donald Trump stunned the RFE/RL Committee of America and the Ukrainian “made no mention of the numerous bla- World Congress expressed concern that tant violations by the Russian Federation world when he failed to publicly con- Ukrainian President says the U.S. leader did not publicly condemn of its international obligations and our demn Russia for attacking the United Russia “must be held accountable” for down- Russia for its multiple transgressions most fundamental values,” and called for States’ election process. Asked directly if ing Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in 2014 over and violations of international law, “the international community to he held Russia at all accountable or the war zone in . including its war on Ukraine and down- unequivocally demonstrate its support responsible for anything in particular, Mr. Poroshenko wrote on Facebook on July ing of a Malaysian Airlines passenger jet. for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and President Trump not only dismissed the 17, the fourth anniversary of the tragedy, that The UCCA noted that Mr. Trump further uncover Russian disinformation findings of U.S. intelligence agencies Ukraine “has been providing investigators “demonstrated a shocking ignorance of that undermines the common values of regarding Russian meddling in U.S. elec- with all necessary assistance.” Russia’s international crimes, failing to the democratic free world.” tions, but demonstrated a shocking igno- MH17 was shot down over the conflict condemn the Russian Federation’s con- The full texts of the releases from the rance of Russia’s international crimes, zone in Ukraine’s region on July 17, tinuing war against Ukraine, or to reiter- UCCA (dated July 16) and the UWC (July 2014, killing all 298 people on board. ate the United States’ support for the 17) follow. (Continued on page 18) “A joint investigative group consisting of representatives of Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, Netherlands and Ukraine has estab- lished that the aircraft was shot down by a Buk missile complex that belonged to Russia’s NEWS ANALYSIS: Putin was clear summit victor, analysts say armed forces and brought [to the territory with bilateral ties sinking to lows not (GRU) officers accused of conspiring to controlled by Russia-backed separatists] from by Mike Eckel RFE/RL seen since the Cold War. meddle in the election campaign. the Russian Federation. Therefore, Russia must But it also came at a time when The summit also came on the heels of be held accountable for that terrorist act,” Mr. WASHINGTON – As U.S.-Russian sum- President Trump faces a growing cloud a European trip for Mr. Trump that was Poroshenko wrote. mits go, the just-concluded meeting in at home, as U.S. intelligence agencies, punctuated by discord with NATO allies, Earlier in May, the Dutch-led Joint Helsinki between U.S. President Donald congressional committees, and Special public statements undermining British Investigative Team said in a statement that the Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal inves- Prime Minister Theresa May and massive international criminal investigation had con- Putin ranked high for drama, but, ana- tigation continue to probe the extent to anti-Trump protests in London, and then cluded that the Buk missile that shot down lysts say, surprisingly low in terms of which Russia interfered in the 2016 pres- Helsinki. the plane came from Russia’s 53rd Anti- concrete outcomes. idential election that Mr. Trump won. Here are several takeaways from the Aircraft Missile Brigade. The July 16 one-on-one meeting Just three days earlier, the latest indict- Helsinki summit and what it means for Russia denies any responsibility. between Messrs. Trump and Putin came ments were announced in Washington, at a tense moment for the two countries, targeting 12 Russian military intelligence (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 18) Soyuzivka holds 12th Ukrainian Cultural Festival

Levko Khmelkovsky/Svoboda KERHONKSON, N.Y. – Soyuzivka Heritage Center held its 12th annual Ukrainian Cultural Festival on Friday-Sunday, July 13-15, under the patronage of the Embassy of Ukraine. Organized by the Ukrainian National Foundation, the festival presented performers from Ukraine, the United States and Canada. Featured were actor/performing artist Orest Lutiy, singer Anastasia Prykhodko, violinist Vasyl Popadiuk, the Ukrainian Dance Workshop of Roma Pryma Bohachevsky, as well as the Dobriansky Brothers vocal trio, vocalist Khrystyna V and the bandurist duo Malvy. Guests also had the opportunity to experience a gala fund-raiser for Soyuzivka dubbed “Retro-,” an arts and crafts vendors’ court, a varenyky-eating contest, a demonstration of Ukrainian village life and film screenings. The band Brattia z provided live music. Seen above is the opening number by the Ukrainian Dance Workshop. (Details about the festival will appear in subsequent issues of The Weekly.) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29


Russia expands fleet in Sea of Azov OSCE’s mission concerned about spy leak politically motivated. “I will not try to per- suade you that Oleh is innocent, although I Russian intelligence has acquired internal believe he is,” Lyudmila Sentsova wrote in a to some 40 ships, warns documents of the international team moni- letter addressed to the Russian president toring the conflict in eastern Ukraine, includ- Sea of Azov, has “almost completely taken and published on the website of Ekho by Paul Goble ing dossiers with personal information about under control all sea routes used by civilian Moskvy radio. “I just want to say that he did Eurasia Daily Monitor its hundreds of staff members, from a spy, ships” going to and from the Ukrainian not kill anyone. He has served four years in likely a staff member, according to German The Russian navy has boosted its pres- ports of Berdiansk and Mariupol via the prison already. His children are waiting for broadcaster ARD. In a report aired on July 16, ence in the Sea of Azov to approximately 40 Kerch Strait (, July 27). him, his youngest son suffers from autism,” ARD’s Fakt program reported that Russia’s ships, giving it the ability to control that One of Russia’s favored tactics, he and she wrote. “It’s hard for them without him. domestic intelligence agency, the Federal body of water and to strike virtually at will others say, is to delay the passage of ships They will never be happy without their Security Service (FSB), was now in posses- along Ukraine’s coastline there, Vadim father.” She continued: “I beg you, Vladimir in the name of inspections (see EDM, June sion of the data. The Organization for Skibitsky, a representative of the main intel- Vladimirovich, to show mercy and pardon 11). That may seem neutral and natural; Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Special ligence directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Oleh Sentsov. Don’t ruin his life and the but if the ships carry perishable cargo like Monitoring Mission (OSCE SMM) in Ukraine Ministry, said on June 27 (, June 27). lives of his loved ones.” Mr. Sentsov, a native food, it can lead to the loss of the entire on July 16 expressed concern over the Russian naval vessels on the Sea of Azov still of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, which was shipment. And even the threat of that for alleged spy activities. “The mission is con- have fewer than 1,000 marines attached; a seized by Russia in 2014, marked his 42nd ships that might carry Ukrainian agricultur- cerned about any alleged breach of its securi- landing by these forces would likely be al products is sufficiently serious that their birthday on July 13. He has been on hunger ty and is determined to examine all the alle- strike since May 14, demanding the release repulsed by Ukrainian coastal defenses. owners are refusing to send them to these gations thoroughly in accordance with estab- Therefore, a sudden Russian assault on ports. Kyiv and some of its supporters, of 64 Ukrainian citizens he considers politi- lished procedures,” the Ukraine mission said cal prisoners. Western governments and Ukraine’s Azov coast would likely be a feint most prominently Vilnius, have complained in a statement. Reached by RFE/RL via and an indication that Moscow actually about this tactic to the international arbi- rights organizations have called for Mr. e-mail, the OSCE SMM declined to provide Sentsov to be released, and the Russian intends to launch a far larger, simultaneous trage court (, June 21). further comment. The dossiers reportedly attack on Ukraine along another vector. Mr. Samus, however, sees a far greater human rights group Memorial considers contained personal information about moni- him to be a political prisoner. Kremlin The latest developments not only repre- danger in what Russia is doing. In his view, tors, including their telephone numbers and spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters sent a continuation of Russia’s moves to take Russia would fail if it sought to attack only habits, the types of women they were attract- on July 13 that the letter from Mr. Sentsov’s control of the Azov Sea and its littoral over the Ukrainian littoral with the forces it now ed to, their financial situations and whether mother “will certainly be looked into,” but the last three months (see Eurasia Daily has in its fleet – according to this expert’s they were susceptible to alcohol. “Without did not comment on whether Mr. Putin Monitor, April 12, May 8, 31, June 11; estimations, in total there is only one battal- proper verification, the OSCE SMM cannot might heed her request. Several groups, June 5) ion of Russian marines on these ships. comment or speculate on documents of have called on the Russian president to par- but are also occurring at a time when Launching any attack on the Azov littoral unknown origin,” the Ukraine mission said. don Mr. Sentsov, but Mr. Peskov told report- President Vladimir Putin’s domestic support would make sense if Moscow were also plan- “However, the mission is concerned that is flagging and an international sports com- ers earlier that the Ukrainian film director ning a new and larger advance either to alleged breaches may carry a potential risk would have to ask for a pardon himself petition, the World Cup, is distracting the secure a land bridge to Russian-occupied for its staff, compromising their privacy and world’s attention (see EDM, June 18, 21). before it could be considered. Mr. Sentsov’s or to move more deeply into central security.” The OSCE’s Ukraine monitoring lawyer, Dmitry Dinze, said last month that The last time Mr. Putin found himself in Ukraine, Mr. Samus argued. He added, mission is the largest field operation within a similar position, he introduced forces into Mr. Sentsov would not submit a request for Ukraine must more directly challenge the pan-European security body, focused on a pardon because he considers himself Ukraine and seized Crimea. And some ana- Russia’s moves to control shipping by monitoring and reporting on the security lysts argue he may now try do the same innocent. (RFE/RL, with reporting by Ekho denouncing the 2003 accord and by stepping situation in Ukraine. Its role is to observe Moskvy and Interfax) with the sea and land near that Ukrainian up its appeals to international bodies that the conflict between Ukrainian government peninsula in order to strengthen his hand. regulate shipping by bringing new lawsuits forces and Russia-backed forces in the east- Panov sentenced to eight years in prison However, some in the West might not react against Moscow (, June 25). ern Donetsk and Luhansk regions and facil- A court in Russian-controlled Crimea as harshly this time around given the Meanwhile, Andrii Klimenko, a military itate dialogue. (RFE/RL) has sentenced Ukrainian national Yevhen announcement of plans for a summit specialist at the Maidan for Foreign Affairs Sentsov’s mother asks Putin to pardon son Panov to eight years in prison on sabotage between Mr. Putin and his United States group, argues that Ukraine must do far counterpart, Donald Trump, in July charges that Kyiv contends are groundless. more than that. Over the last four years, he The mother of Ukrainian film director (, June 25). The Supreme Court of Crimea sentenced writes, Ukraine has built up its military Oleh Sentsov, who is serving a 20-year pris- Russian maneuvers in the Sea of Azov are Mr. Panov on July 13 after finding him presence on the Azov littoral to the point on term in Russia and has been on a hunger troubling, Mr. Skibitsky noted. According to guilty of illegal weapons possession, that any landing would likely be repelled or strike for nearly two months, has asked the Ukrainian intelligence official, “[T]he attempted arms and explosives smuggling, at the very least be quite bloody for the Russian President Vladimir Putin to pardon problem consists of the fact that, before the and plotting acts of sabotage. Russian Russians. But, he says, as Russia expands its her son. Mr. Sentsov is serving his term in beginning of the war, we [Ukraine and authorities arrested Mr. Panov and fellow forces, that could soon cease to be the case. Russia’s northern region of Yamalo-Nenets Ukrainian national Andriy Zakhtey in Russia] were not able to completely agree On the one hand, Moscow may dispatch after being convicted on terrorism charges about the border” (, July 27). more marines to its fleet, creating a force that he and human rights groups say were (Continued on page 12) But domestic experts outside of the capable of defeating the Ukrainian military Ukrainian government are less diplomatic. it faces in a limited location. And on the Mikhail Samus, a military specialist at the other hand, a naval force can move far Kyiv Center for Research on the Army, more easily and rapidly than a land-based Conversion and Disarmament, pointed out he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 one, able to choose to attack at less defend- T U W that, in 2003, the two countries signed an ed places, thus giving it greater chances for agreement that declared the Azov Sea an An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., success (Novoye Vremya, June 28). inland body of water shared by both of a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Given those factors, the Ukrainian mili- them. As a result, the usual rules of the Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. tary expert continues, Ukraine must build United Nations Convention on the Law of Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. up its naval and air presence in the Sea of the Sea (UNCLOS) do not apply there. (ISSN — 0273-9348) Azov region – and quickly. Countering any Moscow is presently exploiting that distinc- landing is “a complex operation” that The Weekly: UNA: tion to its fullest, both to interfere with Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Ukrainian shipping and to force Kyiv to requires not only coastal defense units but military aviation and naval forces to maintain forces on its littoral that it could Postmaster, send address changes to: otherwise deploy elsewhere, Mr. Samus respond to unexpected moves by the The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz asserted (, June 25). enemy, which “can always find a coastal 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas Mr. Skibitsky, for his part, conceded that area where there are no troops.” Ukraine P.O. Box 280 Russia, as a result of its fleet build-up in the needs to move more ships – of the right Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] kind – and more aircraft into the region to offset the Russian naval build-up. The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: Correction Unfortunately, Mr. Klimenko continues, Due to a misplaced correction in the neither Ukrainian society nor the interna- The Ukrainian Weekly, July 22, 2019, No. 29, Vol. LXXXVI story “Ukrainian Leadership Academy’s tional community seems focused on the Copyright © 2018 The Ukrainian Weekly goal: to prepare next generation of leaders” broader dangers Russia’s build-up on the (July 15), the second paragraph of the text Sea of Azov represents. But the situation is as published was incorrect. It should read: real and could soon explode. The time to “The 182 soon-to-be graduates got to counter it is now. ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA choose from concurrent sessions on entre- Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 preneurship, education, local governance or The article above is reprinted from and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 e-mail: [email protected] health care under the overarching concept Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from of society’s challenges.” The correction has its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 e-mail: [email protected] already been made in our online edition. No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 3

UKRAINE IN EUROPEAN UNION AND NATO DOCUMENTS Joint statement following 20th EU-Ukraine Summit Donald Tusk, president of the European , we looked forward to 4. We took stock of the wide-ranging Ukraine presented at the Ukraine Reform Council, Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the engaging the AA/DCFTA partners in joint reform process undertaken by Ukraine and Conference in Copenhagen on June 27, and European Commission, and Petro discussions on the progress, opportunities welcomed the commitment to continue its agreed that the pace of reforms should be Poroshenko, , met in and challenges concerning the association- implementation and ensure its sustainabili- maintained, including during the upcoming Brussels on July 9 for the 20th European related reforms, as requested by these part- ty. We welcomed the launch of a number of pre-election period. Union-Ukraine Summit and issued the fol- ners, and with the aim of facilitating full important reforms since our last summit to 5. We agreed on the importance of con- lowing statement. implementation of the AA/DCFTA. We com- improve the living standards of Ukraine’s tinuing and accelerating reform efforts, in mended the entry into force on September citizens, notably in the areas of health and particular in the fight against corruption, 1. We, the leaders of the European Union 1, 2017, of the Association Agreement and pensions. Good progress has been achieved which is a concern for Ukraine’s citizens and Ukraine, gathered today to reaffirm our its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade on structural reforms in the field of decen- and businesses. While noting the establish- continuous commitment to strengthening Area (DCFTA), following the December tralization and public administration, as ment of new legislative and institutional the political association and economic inte- 2016 decision by the EU heads of state or well as in public procurement and environ- anti-corruption framework in Ukraine and gration of Ukraine with the European government. mental reforms. We also welcomed the the work already done in the fight against Union, on the basis of the Association corruption, in particular by the National Agreement (AA) and our common values of Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), we agreed democracy, the rule of law and human We reiterated our strong condemnation of the on the need for continued efforts in the rights. We have reaffirmed our attachment clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and reform of the judiciary and prosecution to to international law. The EU reiterated its strengthen the rule of law in Ukraine. In unwavering support and commitment to territorial integrity by acts of aggression by the this context, we welcomed the adoption of Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and Russian armed forces since February 2014. the law on the High Anti-Corruption Court territorial integrity within its international- as an important step forward in the fight ly recognized borders. We recognized the 3. In this context, we acknowledged the adoption of the law on privatization and against corruption. We looked forward to substantial progress made by Ukraine in its European aspirations of Ukraine and wel- efforts for improved governance and trans- the swift adoption of the necessary amend- reform process, which is essential both to comed its European choice, as stated in the parency of state-owned enterprises. We ments ensuring its jurisdiction on appeals meet the demands of Ukraine’s citizens and Association Agreement. We welcomed the welcomed the progress made on the law on of relevant first instance court decisions. to strengthen Ukraine’s resilience to the results already achieved in the implemen- national security, took note of its adoption We welcomed the intention to make the external challenges it faces. tation of the Association Agreement includ- and looked forward to its implementation. court fully operational by the end of the 2. We welcomed the substantial increase ing the DCFTA, and reconfirmed our com- We took note positively of Ukraine’s adop- year. We agreed on the need to further in bilateral trade flows and the effective mitment to accelerate these efforts. We tion of the Energy Strategy up to 2035, the strengthen the necessary independence implementation of the visa-free regime, welcomed Ukraine’s continued commit- implementation of which will contribute and full effectiveness of all anti-corruption contributing to deepening relations ment under the AA/DCFTA to approximate further to the country’s energy security and institutions, which must carry out their between our societies. We stressed our its legislation to that of the union, inter alia implementation of the Paris Agreement on work free from undue influence. We also shared commitment to the Eastern in the fields of digital market, customs Climate Change. We agreed to explore fur- agreed on the need to urgently both estab- Partnership and welcomed the outcome of cooperation and energy in order to contrib- ther possibilities for cooperation in the lish an effective verification mechanism of the Brussels Summit in November 2017 to ute to creating growth and jobs and to fur- area of environment, including with asset e-declarations and to revoke the elec- guide our joint practical work in the imple- ther facilitate trade. We looked forward to regards to EU Life+ and activities of the tronic asset declaration obligation from mentation of the “20 deliverables for 2020.” jointly taking stock of progress at the next European Environmental Agency. We wel- While preserving the inclusivity of the Association Council. comed the progress on reforms that (Continued on page 14)

Chairman’s statement on NATO-Ukraine following a meeting with Poroshenko The following statement was released by counter-improvised explosive devices NATO on July 12, after a meeting of the (C-IED) and the implementation of new North Atlantic Council with Georgia and measures to assist Ukraine in ensuring the Ukraine at the Brussels summit. safety of its ammunition depots. Projects aimed at bolstering Ukraine’s cyber defens- 1. NATO heads of state and government es, telemedicine and radioactive waste dis- met today with the president of Ukraine, posal were also completed successfully. The Petro Poroshenko, to reaffirm their joint NATO-Ukraine Table Top Exercise made an commitment to further develop their important contribution to improving the Distinctive Partnership and its contribution resilience of Ukraine’s critical energy infra- to a peaceful, stable and undivided Europe. structure. NATO facilitated the participa- They discussed the conflict in eastern tion of a Ukrainian team of wounded ser- Ukraine, where, for more than four years, vicemen and women in the Invictus Games Ukraine has defended itself against Russia’s in Toronto in 2017. NATO and Ukraine will aggressive actions. Allies expressed their step up activities under the Platform on unwavering support for Ukraine’s sover- Countering Hybrid Warfare to strengthen eignty and territorial integrity within its Ukraine’s ability to repeal hybrid attacks on internationally recognized borders, and its its territory. right to decide on its future and foreign poli- 4. Allies and Ukraine condemned the cy course free from outside interference, as human rights abuses and discrimination set out in the Helsinki Final Act. NATO and practices by the Russian de-facto authori- Ukraine continue to call on Russia to reverse Presidential Administration of Ukraine ties against the residents of the illegally its illegal and illegitimate annexation of the President Petro Poroshenko and his delegation in Brussels for the NATO Summit on annexed Crimean peninsula, including the Crimean peninsula, which they do not and July 11. Crimean , as well as and will not recognize. NATO and allies remain defense sector closer to Euro-Atlantic stan- tion and sustainability of ambitious but persons belonging to other ethnic, political committed to providing continued support dards and practices. Allies urged Ukraine to necessary reforms. The success of and religious groups. They called on Russia to Ukraine’s reform agenda in the security implement the provisions of the law in Ukraine’s reforms, including combating and its de-facto authorities to grant inter- and defense sector, including through the order to strengthen civilian control and corruption and promoting an inclusive national monitoring organizations access to Comprehensive Assistance Package (CAP). democratic oversight over the security and electoral process, based on democratic val- Crimea and to release Ukrainian prisoners 2. In light of Ukraine’s restated aspira- defense sector in Ukraine, to build further ues, respect for human rights, minorities and hostages detained in Russia, Crimea tions for NATO membership, NATO stands capacity in command and control, planning and the rule of law, will be crucial in laying and the areas of eastern Ukraine controlled by its decisions taken at the Bucharest and budgeting processes, improve military the groundwork for a prosperous and by the Russia-backed militants. The leaders Summit and subsequent summits. Allies education, as well as ensure the timely peaceful Ukraine firmly anchored among of NATO nations and Ukraine also encouraged Ukraine to make the best use of reform of its security services. With regard European democracies. expressed their concern about the use of the tools available under the NATO-Ukraine to the Law on Education adopted by the 3. Heads of state and government wel- torture and the transfer of Ukrainian citi- Commission, in particular the Annual Rada in September 2017, allies urged comed progress in the implementation of zens to prisons in Russia. Russia’s ongoing National Program (ANP). They welcomed Ukraine to fully implement the recommen- the CAP over the last two years and its con- militarization of Crimea, the Black Sea and significant reform progress already made, dations and conclusions of the Opinion of tribution to improving Ukraine’s defense the Sea of Azov poses further threats to in particular with the recent adoption of the Venice Commission; Ukraine has stated capacity and interoperability. They also Ukraine’s independence and undermines the Law on the High Anti-Corruption Court its willingness to do so. Allies looked for- welcomed the capacity building in strategic the stability of the broader region. Leaders and the Law on National Security. The latter ward to further progress in Ukraine’s communications, as well as progress in condemned Russia’s construction and par- law is a welcome and important step for- efforts to overcome significant remaining joint projects on logistics and standardiza- ward in bringing Ukraine’s security and challenges and ensure the full implementa- tion, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)/ (Continued on page 14) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29 No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 5

UWC The president of the Ukrainian World Congress with representatives of Association of In , laying flowers to the monument of heroes who died defending Ukraine Ukrainians in Malta. In the center are Eugene Czolij and Maryna Iaroshevych. (from left) are: Oleksandr Hanushchyn, Oleh Syniutka and Eugene Czolij. UWC president meets with leaders of Ukraine, Ukrainian communities in Europe and beyond

UWC governing authorities and civil society. The UWC president reminded the TORONTO – The president of the Maltese authorities about the hybrid Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) Eugene aggression of the Russian Federation that Czolij made his latest visit to Kyiv on June has occupied the Crimean peninsula and 6-9, meeting with the hierarchs of continues its military action in eastern Ukrainian Churches, the president, the Ukraine. He called upon Malta, as a mem- speaker of the Parliament, the prime minis- ber of the European Union, to work for the ter and other high-ranking officials of support and strengthening of sanctions Ukraine, as well as representatives of the against the Russian Federation for violating international community and civil society. the territorial integrity of Ukraine and In the course of his meetings, Mr. Czolij abusing the human rights of Ukrainians raised a number of important issues, includ- and Crimean Tatars. ing the prospective issuance by the During a meeting with members of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of a Tomos of Association of Ukrainians in Malta, the Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in UWC president familiarized himself with Ukraine; actions by the international com- the aspirations and needs of Ukrainians in munity in response to the hybrid aggression Malta, and discussed opportunities for con- of the Russian Federation and further steps tinued cooperation with the UWC. to protect the territorial integrity of At a meeting at the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity in Vilnius, Working visit to Lithuania Ukraine; the possible deployment of a U.N. in the center (from left) are: Father Vincentii Pelykh, Eugene Czolij and Maryna peacekeeping mission to the and a Iaroshevych. Mr. Czolij was on a working visit to monitoring mission of the Organization for Vilnius, Lithuania, on May 30-31. During Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) hensive response to counter it effectively. Oblast Council Chair Oleksandr meetings with high-ranking government to temporarily occupied Crimea; the condi- The UWC president was accompanied to Hanushchyn; and Association of Ukrainians officials, the UWC president expressed grati- tion of Ukrainian hostages in the Donbas, his meetings and various events by the in Poland President Petro Tyma. tude to Lithuania for the consistent and and political prisoners in Crimea and the director of the UWC Mission to Ukraine, During a meeting with the Ukrainian unwavering support for the territorial integ- Russian Federation; reforms in Ukraine and Serhiy Kasyanchuk, and the director of the community of Przemysl, Mr. Czolij received rity and European and Euro-Atlantic aspira- the law “On the Establishment of a High UWC Mission to International Organi­ a certificate of recognition from the tions of Ukraine. He discussed the constant Anti-Corruption Court”; the G-7 summit in zations in Brussels, Maryna Iaroshevych. Association of and the shelling by the armed forces of the Russian Canada; the European integration and Euro- Civic Committee for the Restoration of the Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk Atlantic integration of Ukraine; and the FIFA some meetings by the chair of the UWC Narodnyi Dim (People’s Home) for his com- oblasts in violation of the Minsk agreements. World Cup in the Russian Federation. TheInternational UWC leader Educational was аlso accompanied Coordinating to prehensive assistance in furthering the pro- The UWC president called on Lithuanians to Mr. Czolij assured all parties that the Council, Oksana Wynnyckyj-Yusypovych, cess of restoring the Narodnyi Dim. The promote targeted sanctions against the UWC has consistently raised these issues in and Deputy Director of the UWC Mission to UWC president presented the Civic Russian Federation until it withdraws its meetings with high-ranking officials of vari- Ukraine Volodymyr Kistianyk. Committee for the Restoration of the forces from Donbas and de-occupies Crimea. Narodnyi Dim with a generous donation ous countries. He also spoke of the interna- With Ukrainians in Poland In addition, Mr. Czolij focused attention on tional events, conferences and other events from the families of Petro and Halina the global threats posed by the Russian held by the UWC and the Ukrainian diaspo- On the invitation of the UWC member Krzywucki, Iwan and Anna Iwaniura, Federation, such as cyberattacks, mass disin- ra with the goal of advancing Ukraine’s organization Association of Ukrainians in Bohdan and Miroslawa Workun, and Stefan formation, meddling in the democratic pro- interests in the international arena. Poland, Mr. Czolij visited Przemysl on June and Miroslawa Merena, as well as the cesses of other countries and other destabi- On June 7, the UWC president participat- 3 and on June 4-5, meeting with Association of Ukrainians Zakerzonnia and lizing actions in Europe and the world. ed in a panel discussion on “The price of governing authorities, academics and the the Lemko Foundation. The UWC president discussed with Kremlin aggression in Ukraine: the material Ukrainian community. In meetings with high-ranking Polish Lithuanian government officials the latest dimension,” held at the On June 3, Mr. Czolij participated in a officials in Warsaw, the UWC president positive reforms in Ukraine and expressed Media Center. During his speech, he ana- divine liturgy, a traditional religious proces- thanked Poland for its support of Ukraine gratitude to Lithuania for recognizing the lyzed the legal avenues and mechanisms sion, a memorial service and a wreath-lay- in the defense of its territorial integrity Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian for recovering compensation from the ing ceremony at the monument to the sol- from Russian aggression. He called on people. Russian Federation for damages inflicted as diers of the Ukrainian and Western Poland to maintain a firm position in sup- On May 30, during a meeting with the the result of the illegal occupation of Ukrainian National Republics buried in the port of Ukraine and strengthening of Community Council at the Embassy of Crimea and the continuing armed aggres- Ukrainian military cemetery in the village of European Union sanctions against the Ukraine in Lithuania, Mr. Czolij thanked the sion in eastern Ukraine. Pikulice, near Przemysl. Over 1,000 guests Russian Federation until it fully withdraws Ukrainian community of Lithuania for its On June 9, he delivered a thematic presen- from Ukraine, Poland and other countries its armed forces from eastern Ukraine and dedicated work for the benefit of Ukraine in tation during the special expert discussion on joined the commemorative activities. de-occupies Crimea. the process of reforming the state and in “Building a Regional Resilience to In his speech, the UWC president stressed The UWC President also thanked Poland withstanding the ongoing hybrid aggres- Disinformation” during the that, as was the case almost one century ear- for recognizing the Holodomor as a geno- sion of the Russian Federation. He also Inter‑Parliamentary Conference “Georgia, lier, Ukrainian soldiers today are defending cide of the Ukrainian people. In addition, he familiarized himself with the issues facing Moldova and Ukraine: Strengthening the Ukraine from Russian aggression. Among called for a constructive dialogue and his- the community and discussed ways to Interparliamentary Component of Regional the special guests were Ukrainian Greek- torical reconciliation between the strengthen cooperation with the UWC. and Security Cooperation, while Developing Catholic Church Archbishop and Ukrainian and Polish people. That day, the UWC leader participated in Interaction with the EU and NATO.” In his Metropolitan of Lviv Ihor Voznyak; Bishop of A visit to Malta a wreath-laying ceremony at the monu- speech, Mr. Czolij emphasized the magnitude the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy of ment to Taras Shevchenko in Vilnius and destructive influence of Russian disinfor- Sokal-Zhovkva and chaplain of the Ukrainian On May 31 to June 1, Mr. Czolij was in attended by the parish priest of Holy mation in different countries around the Armed Forces Mykhaylo Koltun; Valletta, Malta, with the goal of furthering world and called for a strategic and compre- Administration Head Oleh Syniutka; Lviv current Ukrainian issues with the country’s (Continued on page 9) 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29

FOR THE RECORD The Ukrainian Weekly Getting along in Helsinki UCC on fourth anniversary The indignation has not died down since President Donald Trump appeared with his Russian counterpart in a press conference in Helsinki following their meetings in of Russia’s downing of MH17 the Finnish capital on July 16. There are many reasons for that, including his seem- The release below was issued by the is “convinced that the Buk-TELAR that was ing unwillingness to accept the assessment of his own intelligence agencies about Ukrainian Canadian Congress on July 17. used to down MH17, originates from the Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, his comment on the “incredi- 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, a unit of ble offer” by Vladimir Putin that his government could work with the U.S. Justice On the fourth anniversary of the down- the Russian army from Kursk in the Russian Department on the case of the 12 indicted Russian intelligence officials charged with ing of Flight MH17, the Ukrainian Canadian Federation.” hacking Democratic e-mails, and the latest news – that the White House is consider- community joins the families and friends of “Ultimate responsibility for this heinous ing a Russian proposal to interrogate Americans, including former Ambassador to the victims in grief and solemn remem- crime lies with the leadership of the Russian Russia Michael McFaul, about financial crimes. brance. We call upon the international com- Federation,” stated Paul Grod, national pres- Reaction to what occurred in Helsinki ranged from that of ex-Director of the CIA munity to ensure that Russian officials ident of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. John Brennan, who tweeted: ““Donald Trump’s press conference performance in responsible for this appalling act of inter- “The international community must Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was national terrorism are brought to justice. respond strongly to the threat to interna- nothing short of treasonous,” to that of Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), who commented On July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines tional peace posed by the Russian regime.” in a release from his office: “The president’s comments in today’s press conference Flight MH17 was shot down over Russian- The Ukrainian Canadian Congress calls were troubling. He failed to stand up to Vladimir Putin on some of the most critical occupied territory in eastern Ukraine by a on Canada and the international communi- security issues facing our country and our allies. …When given the opportunity, Russian Buk missile. All 298 people on ty to designate the Russian Federation a President Trump did not hold President Putin to task for election meddling, for the board were killed, including Canadian state sponsor of terrorism and designate illegal annexation of Crimea, or for the continued aggression in eastern Ukraine. …” Andrei Anghel. May the memory of the vic- the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk “peo- Reps. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Sandy Levin (D-Mich.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) ples’ republics” as terrorist organizations. issued a joint statement: “As co-chairs of the bipartisan [Congressional] Ukraine On May 24, 2018, the International Joint Requiem and memorial services for the Caucus, we are deeply troubled by the president’s subservient behavior towards timsInvestigation be eternal. Team Вічная (JIT –пам’ять. Australia, Belgium, victims of MH17 will be held across Canada President Putin. The United States must never tolerate actions that seek to weaken Ukraine, Malaysia, the Netherlands) conclud- on Sunday, July 22. Please contact your democratic institutions in the U.S. and our allies abroad. …” ed that Russia’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade local UCC branches and Ukrainian churches There was powerful reaction also to what was not said. The Ukrainian Congress shot down flight MH17. The JIT stated that it for more information. Committee of America, for example (see page 1), noted that Mr. Trump “demonstrat- ed a shocking ignorance of Russia’s international crimes, failing to condemn the Russian Federation’s continuing war against Ukraine, or to reiterate the United States’ support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, Georgia and UWC: hold Russia accountable Moldova’s internationally recognized borders.” In fact the only mentions of Russia’s war on Ukraine came in Mr. Putin’s remarks: for its role in shootdown of MH-17 “While we discussed the internal Ukrainian crisis, we paid special attention to the bona fide implementation of Minsk agreements by Kyiv. At the same time, United The media release below was sent by the Russian Federation and Russian-backed ter- States could be more decisive in nudging the Ukrainian leadership, and encourage it Ukrainian World Congress on July 17. rorists, returned to Russian Federation ter- to work actively on this.” (NB: Mr. Putin also commented on gas transit: “Then about ritory on vehicles that were part of the Nord Stream 2, Mr. President voiced his concerns about the possible end of transit On the fourth anniversary of the down- Russian armed forces. through Ukraine. And I reassured Mr. President that Russia stands ready to maintain ing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, a civil- In a statement issued on July 15, 2018, this transit.”) And there was this answer to a direct question posed to Mr. Putin: “The ian aircraft flying from Amsterdam to Kuala G-7 foreign ministers wrote: “In a rules- posture of President Trump on Crimea is well known, and he stands firmly by it. He Lumpur on July 17, 2014, the Ukrainian based international order, those responsible continued to maintain that it was illegal to annex it. Our viewpoint is different. We World Congress (UWC) reiterates its call for for unacceptable actions, such as the firing held a referendum in strict compliance with the U.N. charter and international law. the international community to hold or launching of the Buk missile of Russian For us, the Russian Federation, this issue is closed.” accountable the Russian Federation for this origin, which intercepted and downed a The U.S. president did not utter the word “Ukraine.” horrific crime which took the lives of 298 civilian aircraft, must be held accountable. Why didn’t Mr. Trump publicly raise the issue of Ukraine? We surmise that it’s crew and passengers. To this end, we call on Russia to immediate- because, as the president himself said, he just wants to “get along” with Russia. And The Joint Investigation Team, comprising ly engage with Australia and the yet, it could have been worse… Prior to the Helsinki meeting, Mr. Trump suggested police and judicial representatives from Netherlands in good faith to explain and to he might consider recognizing Russia’s claim on Crimea. “We’re going to have to see,” Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the address all relevant questions regarding any he said on June 29. Others in his administration quickly explained that U.S. policy Netherlands and Ukraine, concluded on potential breaches of international law.” continues to be non-recognition of Crimea’s annexation by Russia. Still, there was May 24, 2018, that the plane was downed “The Ukrainian World Congress calls upon fear that somehow Crimea would be used as a bargaining chip in the U.S.-Russia by a Russian-made Buk missile, supplied by the international community to uphold the talks. Thankfully, it wasn’t. As far as we know. the country’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade in right of the victims’ families to truth and jus- After all, we do not know what was discussed during the two hours when the two Kursk. Specifically, the missile was brought tice, and ensure that the Russian Federation leaders met one-on-one (with only their translators present). But there is specula- to Ukraine from the Russian Federation, is held accountable for its actions,” stated tion and warranted concern about any deals that might have been struck. Russian fired from territory controlled by the UWC President Eugene Czolij. Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov told reporters that “important verbal agreements” were reached on bilateral arms control treaties and cooperation regarding Syria. Here in the U.S., State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert cited “three take-aways”: the establishment of a high-level working group of busi- UCCA offers condolences to families ness leaders and of an experts’ council on foreign policy, and follow-up meetings involving the national security council staffs of the U.S. and Russia. But is there of 298 people murdered on MH17 more? And which President Trump was present in the tête-à-tête with Mr. Putin: The statement below was released by the Detailed analysis of video and photos have was it the strong leader who said “nobody’s been tougher on Putin than Donald Ukrainian Congress Committee of America unequivocally established that the Buk mis- Trump,” or was it the deferential leader who said “both countries are responsible” on July 17. sile in question was fired from a mobile for the currently poor bilateral relations? launch platform driven across the border In the meantime, the over-all assessment in Russia appears to be that the re- The Ukrainian Congress Committee of from a military base in Russia, and hastily establishment of normal relations appears to be on track. What that really means is America (UCCA), the largest representation returned there after the downing of MH17. that Mr. Putin, clearly pleased with the results of the so-called summit, now seems to of Americans of Ukrainian descent, express- On this solemn fourth anniversary, the have the green light to continue doing what he’s been doing: meddling, cyberattack- es its deepest condolences to the families of UCCA calls on Russia to account for its role ing, invading, annexing, killing. That any U.S. leader would allow this to continue is the innocent victims murdered on Malaysia in the downing of MH17 and fully cooper- simply indefensible. Airlines Flight MH17 four years ago today. ate with the multinational JIT. In the words On July 17, 2014, a Boeing 777 flying of the foreign ministers representing the from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was G-7 nations, “in a rules-based international shot down over eastern Ukraine, killing all order, those responsible for unacceptable 298 passengers and crew aboard, including actions, such as the firing or launching of July Turning the pages back... one American citizen. Subsequent investi- the Buk missile of Russian origin, which gations by the National Bureau of Air intercepted and downed a civilian aircraft, Ten years ago, on July 28, 2008, the 11th annual NATO naval Accidents Investigation of Ukraine, the must be held accountable.” Only by estab- 28 exercise known as Sea Breeze was co-hosted by Ukraine and the Dutch Safety Board and the Dutch-led Joint lishing the truth about what happened to United States at the port city of Odesa. Investigation Team (JIT) consisting of addi- those 298 innocent men and women, 2008 The 2008 exercise attracted armed forces from 16 countries, tional investigators from Australia, including 20 families and 80 children, will including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, Belgium, Malaysia and the United Kingdom, those responsible be brought to justice. The Greece, Germany, Georgia, Latvia, Macedonia, Norway, Romania, as well as independent journalists, have all innocent victims’ families deserve no less! the United States, Turkey and France. More than 2,000 servicemen arrived in Ukraine, determined that the civilian aircraft MH17 The UCCA’s thoughts and prayers go out along with 16 ships from six countries and 17 aircraft from four countries. was shot down by a Russian Buk surface- to all the victim’s families and we ask God to-air missile launched from an area of to remember all those who perished and (Continued on page 13) Ukraine under Russian military occupation. grant them eternal memory. No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 7

COMMENTARY Minister Joly’s non-response Congress and the Holodomor This year marks the 85th anniversary of Resolutions commemorating the the Holodomor, Stalin’s genocidal Famine Holodomor also passed the Congress during that claimed the lives of millions of Ukrainian the anniversary years of 1993 and 1998. In men, women and children. This atrocity 2003, on the 70th anniversary, my Helsinki stands out as one of the starkest examples in Commission colleague Ron McNamara and I history of man’s inhumanity to man. decided to take these resolutions a step fur- Earlier this year, Senate Ukraine Caucus ther and explicitly use the word “genocide,” Co-chair Rob Portman (R-Ohio) introduced as none to then had done so. We drafted a a resolution (S. Res. 435) solemnly com- Senate resolution that was introduced by memorating the 1932-1933 Holodomor. A our then-Chairman, Sen. Ben Nighthorse similar House of Representatives resolu- Campbell (R-Colo.) in July 2003, titled tion (H. Res. 931) has been introduced by “Expressing the sense of the Senate regard- House Ukraine Caucus Co-chair Sander ing the genocidal Ukraine Famine of 1932- Levin (D-Mich.). 1933” and specifically stated that “the man- Both resolutions have garnered more made Ukraine Famine of 1932-1933 was an than 20 co-sponsors to date, and both act of genocide as defined by the United deserve the strong support of the Nations Genocide Convention.” A postcard released by the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association asks why Ukrainian American community. With the active support of several Ukrainian victims of were excluded from the National Holocaust The U.S. Congress has had a remarkable Ukrainian American organizations and Monument in Canada. track record over the decades in recogniz- strong editorial backing from The Ukrainian ing the Holodomor. American legislators, Weekly, the resolution garnered an unusual- A post-war refugee who immigrated to by Lubomyr Luciuk spurred by an active Ukrainian American ly large number of co-sponsors – one-third Canada, Petelycky recalled his circumstanc- community, were paying attention even of the Senate. Yet, despite the strong support As I write these words on July 10, it’s es on May 8, 1945, the day the second though it was not only being ignored, but by the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign been 962 days since I sent the Honorable world war ended: “…I lay in the cold outright denied by the Soviets and their Relations Committee (SFRC), Sen. Joe Biden Mélanie Joly, minister of Canadian heritage, embrace of other men who had been minions in the West. (D-Del.), and even the co-sponsorship of a a letter. I’m still waiting for an answer to brought to this place and worked to death, Initial Congressional efforts harken back narrow majority of SFRC members, the res- that letter dated November 13, 2015. men whom I had never known and never to a resolution introduced by Rep. olution was never taken up by the commit- That’s a long time. A fit hiker could carry will, not in this world. I lay there and would Hamilton Fish (R-N.Y.) in 1934 that con- tee. As a result, it was never voted on by the her reply from Ottawa to Kingston along have been shoved into the oven that had demned the Soviet government for its acts entire Senate – all because of one word: the 327 kilometers of the Rideau Trail in already consumed so many others if it had of destruction against the Ukrainian people. genocide. A resolution also introduced in the not been for my OUN [Organization of nine to 16 days. Or, to put this in another Following the 50th anniversary of the House that anniversary year – but without Canadian timeline, there are 456 days (as Ukrainian Nationalists] comrades from the Holodomor in 1983, the Ukrainian the word genocide – passed that chamber of the date of this issue) before the next Melk camp [who] had come over… to look American community made a concerted with ease. At one point in the more than federal election on October 21, 2019. for me and other survivors. They had just effort to bring this tragedy to the attention yearlong Senate effort, a key SFRC staffer I know Ms. Joly is a busy lady but she about given up and were leaving when they of U.S. policymakers, Congress and the pub- called me up suggesting that if we merely does tweet a lot. Since I don’t, I posted let- saw me twitching on a pile of corpses, atop lic. This culminated in October 1983 in remove the “G” word, noting the House reso- ters to her again in October and November my own Golgotha, near the crematorium Washington, when some 18,000 Ukrainian lution, it would pass the Senate quickly. I 2017. No response. building, ready to be burned alive. They Americans participated in solemn obser- politely but firmly declined, saying that Yet Ms. Joly has briskly reacted to others. pulled me down from the pile, saved me vances, including a mass rally, demonstra- Congress had already passed many resolu- After she was scolded in the House of from those all-consuming flames. And that tion in front of the Soviet Embassy and tions about the Famine, but that it was high Commons over the wording of the plaque is how I came back to the world of the liv- memorial concert. time to call things by their real name. she unveiled on September 27, 2017, with ing, on the very day when Ukrainians cele- In 1983, a resolution commemorating So, what was the problem? The major Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the brate the Resurrection of Christ.” the Ukraine Famine of 1932-1933 passed reason was adamant opposition by the National Holocaust Monument, she quickly On January 15 of this year, Minister Joly the House and Senate. More importantly, in Bush administration. (I recall friends at the ordered a new one. The original text read: pledged this Holocaust monument would what was an extraordinary achievement, State Department quietly assuring me that “The National Holocaust Monument com- acknowledge “other groups” victimized by especially at the time, Congress established the problem was not State, but the White memorates the millions of men, women the Nazis. When I visited, however, the only the U.S. Commission on the Ukraine Famine House, specifically, the National Security and children murdered during the “other groups” included were homosexuals, to “conduct a study on the Ukraine Famine Council). Many in the Ukrainian American Holocaust and honors the survivors who Communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Roma of 1932-1933 in order to expand the community understandably thought that persevered and were able to make their and Sinti, the disabled and Afro-Germans. world’s knowledge of the Famine and pro- the reason that the resolution was stalled way to Canada after one of the darkest Certainly, the United States Holocaust vide the American public with a better was because of Russian opposition. Indeed, chapters in history.” Museum confirms these were targeted understanding of the Soviet system by the Russian government categorically I thought that inscription was fine. communities. An estimated 25 percent of revealing the Soviet role” in it. While the opposed the resolution because of its char- Apparently, others did not. Europe’s Gypsies (Roma) perished. Dozens effort was supported by many Ukrainian acterization of the Holodomor as a geno- On October 4, 2017, the BBC boomed: of Afro-Germans suffered, 200,000 dis- Americans and others, including several cide. But Russia in this instance was not the “Canada forgets to mention Jewish people at abled people were euthanized and about American Jewish organizations, the driving main problem. Holocaust memorial.” That moved Ms. Joly. 3,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses killed. Including force behind it was Ihor Olshaniwsky and So, what was? For decades, Congressional Within six days she announced a rewording them is appropriate. But what about the 2 the organization he and his wife led, resolutions initiated by the influential to emphasize Jewish losses. In truth, they million to 3 million Poles put to death? Or Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine, Armenian American community calling the were never discounted, minimized or the millions of Ukrainians, Belarusians and assisted by The Ukrainian Weekly. The Turkish mass-murder of some 1.5 million ignored. On November 15, 2015, I reminded Russians branded “untermenschen” (sub- commission, led by James Mace, was Armenians in 1915 a genocide had failed to Ms. Joly how the monument’s architect, humans) and enslaved or murdered by the formed in December 1985 and provided its pass. Such resolutions were opposed by every U.S. administration in order to not Daniel Libeskind, shaped it as a Star of David Nazis? My late mother was press-ganged report to Congress in 1998. Among the antagonize NATO ally Turkey, which vigor- – surely there can be no more iconic Judaic into the service of the Third Reich. Why are commission’s most important conclusions ously denies that a genocide took place. The symbol? And wall plaques inside refer spe- people like her and all those other millions was that “Joseph Stalin and those around Armenian community was watching our cifically and repeatedly to Jewish victims, of victims not mentioned at our National him committed genocide against resolution closely, hoping that it would set a Ukrainians in 1932-1933.” resistance and survival, as they should. Holocaust Monument? Not even a tweet of precedent that would make it easier for Congressional action did not end with What I asked Ms. Joly, well before the a clue from Ms. Joly. Congress to recognize their genocide. The the Ukraine Famine Commission. In 1990, monument was built, was to make sure all Worse, there’s something abhorrent Turkish government would have been vehe- for instance, Congress passed an act, signed victims of Nazi tyranny were hallowed there. inside this memorial. Etched into its mas- mently opposed and upset, and the timing by President George H.W. Bush, that desig- I explained I knew people like the late Stefan sive concrete walls are evocative photo- was especially bad given the U.S.-led war in nated the first week of November of that Petelycky (Auschwitz tattoo No. 154922) graphs of Nazi death camps, gas chambers neighboring Iraq. Alas, this was one of those year as “National Week” to commemorate who were Holocaust survivors, even if they and ovens. And right there the builders times when a seemingly external factor the victims of the Famine, that also noted happened to be Ukrainian Catholic by faith installed an emergency gas shut-off (for an affected the disposition of a resolution – “…the policies of Russification to suppress and nationalist by political affiliation. ‘eternal flame’ not actually working when I not a unique occurrence. Despite the Ukrainian identity.” was there), a rather unconscionable juxta- Senate resolution’s failure, because of all of Lubomyr Luciuk, Ph.D., is a member of position. Not wanting embarrassing public the activity and controversy surrounding the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Orest Deychakiwsky may be reached at Association ( (Continued on page 16) [email protected]. (Continued on page 13) 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29

Center in Washington. Russia was a world power to be taken seri- he raised the indictment to a level of collu- Putin was... “That was a small remark that, in fact, ously, despite its long-term problems. sion when, in fact, it was speaking primari- has significance, importance, because it “Everyone anticipated Putin would turn ly about interference. So he didn’t hold (Continued from page 1) means that Russia itself is not interested in out the winner, and I think he did,” Mr. Putin accountable to that indictment, and, future relations between Washington and seeking a means to the end of the Ukraine Pomeranz says. “That was a victory for in fact, dismissed it,” he says. Moscow. crisis,” he notes. “Instead, it blames Kyiv for Vladimir Putin. He wants to be perceived as Mr. Carpenter said the indictments were the continued problems in Ukraine.” a major global player and Donald Trump so detailed that it seems unlikely that Mr. It could have been worse provided the necessary confirmation and Trump would not have raised the topic. Light on substance Given the diplomatic turmoil that Mr. the platform for that status. The added “I was expecting that, at least on that Trump left in his wake, the meeting with Many observers point out that, aside bonus is that Trump showed an unwilling- score, he would say that he pressed Putin his Russian counterpart could have been from the rhetoric proclaiming the need for ness to confront Russia about the interfer- and Putin denied it, and that he would take worse, says Keir Giles, an analyst with the Washington and Moscow to work together ence in the 2016 election.” it up with him again. But no, he did not do Russia and Eurasia program at Chatham and reverse the slide in relations, there Mike Carpenter, a former Russia official that. He, in effect, completely appeased House, the London-based think tank. appeared to be nothing substantive, at least with the White House National Security Putin,” Mr. Carpenter says. “A lot of people are focusing on the publicly, that either leader could point to. Council and a foreign policy adviser to Vice- U.S. exit from world stage? efforts [by Trump] to discredit his own Arms control, for example, was one area President Joe Biden, said he believes Mr. country when faced with Vladimir Putin, where experts were suggesting it would be Trump knew what he was doing in providing Despite the fact that there appeared to but at least he didn’t have time to throw his easy – and advantageous – for Presidents Mr. Putin with such a prominent platform. be no major catastrophes for U.S. allies in allies under the bus,” Mr. Giles said. Trump and Putin to at least map out a way “The losers are U.S. national security Europe and elsewhere, President Trump’s Ahead of the meeting, many observers forward – for example, agreeing to extend interests and the winner is Putin and the decision not to confront President Putin, speculated that Mr. Trump was seeking the New START nuclear weapons treaty, Kremlin regime that he represents,” he said. and to instead seek warmer ties with him, some sort of grand bargain with Mr. Putin, which is due to expire in 2021. Citing “the notion that Trump somehow likely underscores a further withdrawal of one that could have resulted in, for exam- “The most important thing to take away got outplayed, or that he’s not as smart as U.S. leadership, at least in Europe, Mr. ple, Mr. Trump de facto recognizing Russia’s from the summit is that it did not seem to Putin, and so therefore his experience and Carpenter says. claim to Crimea, the Ukrainian Black Sea have much substance,” says Kimberly Marten, so on contributed to his abysmal perfor- And it means that some European Union peninsula that Moscow annexed in March who directs the program on U.S.-Russia rela- mance,” Mr. Carpenter commented: “His and NATO members who have been reluc- 2014. That resulted in sweeping economic tions at Columbia University’s Harriman was a very conscious performance. What tant to stick with the sanctions imposed on sanctions being imposed by Washington Institute. “They just sort of said, ‘Now every- he did today he meant to do. He knew Moscow in 2014 may begin to move away from that unified position. and its European allies, contributing in part thing is going to be starting over again and exactly what he was doing. He was appeas- “Unfortunately, that is going to mean a to Russia’s ongoing economic problems. we’re friends,’ but there were no specifics.” ing Putin in a very deliberate way.” widening rift in the trans-Atlantic alliance,” Other experts had speculated about an “We’re left guessing what the substance “This was a very rational calculation by Mr. Carpenter says. “It will mean that those agreement to pull back on the U.S. military actually was. It’s not clear why they bothered Trump to sell out U.S. interests and help countries in Europe that are already ques- presence in Eastern Europe, where U.S. to have the summit at all,” Ms. Marten says. Putin,” he said. tioning whether to sustain sanctions against allies are nervous about bellicose Russian Ms. Marten also notes that during the Shadowed by Russia investigation Russia will be emboldened to pursue a more actions. Or perhaps a deal to wind down press conference that followed their one- During statements ahead of the news Trump-like line with regards to Putin’s the Syrian conflict, where Washington and on-one meeting, and then the working conference, both presidents sounded simi- Russia, and it could mean a real falling apart Moscow are on opposite sides, while shar- lunch with advisers, Messrs. Trump and lar notes about a shared interest in improv- of the trans-Atlantic community and real ing some common interests. Putin appeared not to be on the same page ing bilateral relations. But during the ques- fracture in the trans-Atlantic alliance.” Judging from the public statements, in terms of what they wanted to demon- tion-and-answer part of the conference, the Mr. Pomeranz says the Helsinki summit strate had come out of the summit. none of that appears to have happened. biggest issue arguably now shadowing ties underscored a “dramatic shift in U.S. global “President Putin went first, went down “It would have been surprising instead if between Moscow and Washington was policy.” the line of a dozen issues, and then President Putin and Trump had referred to any of the brought up by American reporters: Russia’s “It’s another sign, another symptom, of Trump went next, and you’d be expecting major disagreement between Russia and alleged interference in the 2016 election how Trump sees the world and how he has he’d be raising that exact same set of issues, the United States, or any of the major con- that was won by Mr. Trump, and whether undermined traditional alliances, under- flicts on which they are on opposing sides,” but he really didn’t,” she says. “And that sort Mr. Trump had actually discussed it with mined the United States’ position abroad,” Mr. Giles said. “Or if they had mentioned of left us even more perplexed about what Mr. Putin. he says. Ukraine, or the Novichok attack in the U.K., was actually discussed in that – what was it? Mr. Trump indicated that he accepted That Mr. Trump doesn’t buy into a wide or the interference in the 2016 election in – two-hour meeting that they had.” Mr. Putin’s assurances about the meddling consensus of U.S. foreign policy that has any other way than to excuse Russia. That Putin is the winner allegations, which puts him at odds with been in place since World II isn’t surprising, would have been a surprise.” the consensus of the U.S. intelligence com- Ms. Marten says. “Instead, none of these things came up,” Even before Mr. Trump announced he munity, the influential Senate Intelligence “He is essentially saying that he doesn’t he adds. would be meeting with Mr. Putin, veteran Committee, and Mr. Mueller’s investigators, believe in the traditional foreign policy val- Still on the issue of Ukraine, Mr. Putin Russia experts and former national security who on July 13 laid out a damning indict- ues that the United States has held since was able to frame the issue – without chal- and diplomatic officials warned that merely ment that detailed interference conducted World War II,” she says. “I guess we knew lenge – that it was Kyiv that was to blame meeting Mr. Putin would given the Russian by Russian intelligence agents during the that, but saying that so strongly, in so many for not implementing the Minsk peace leader a public victory. Shown standing 2016 campaign, something that would not public contexts, in ways that are very embar- accords, not Russia, says Will Pomeranz, side-by-side with the U.S. leader would have happened without the blessing of rassing and bring shame on the United deputy director of the Kennan Institute for allow Mr. Putin to demonstrate – both to a those in the highest levels of the Kremlin. States, is interesting to watch. And tragic.” Advanced Russian Studies at the Wilson domestic audience but also abroad – that “President Trump again showed an unwillingness to confront Russia about the Copyright 2018, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted interference with the 2016 election,” Mr. with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ Quotable notes Pomeranz said. Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, He also said that Mr. Trump appeared to Washington DC 20036; (see “…There is one concrete initiative that can unite allies across the Atlantic and bol- show a misreading of the indictments that ster our collective security: strengthening NATO’s partnership with Ukraine. Ukraine were issued on July 13. analysts-say-putin-was-clear-summit-vic- wants to join NATO. This is not immediately possible given the current security situa- “What Trump misunderstood was that tor/29368601.html). tion and the status of Ukraine’s defense reforms, although it must remain on the table. For now, the alliance can increase its cooperation with Ukraine independently of the membership question. While not a replacement for membership, inviting Ukraine to become an Enhanced Opportunities Partner is the natural next step in Kyiv’s relationship with NATO. ...Kyiv has more than met the criteria needed to earn Captive Nations 2018: Report this designation. First of all, Ukraine pulls its weight in NATO missions. [...] “Ukraine currently contributes 5 percent of its gross domestic product to defense, more than any NATO ally. Four years of war against Russian-backed forces in the lists occupied Crimea and Donbas Donbas have forged the most battle-hardened troops on the European continent and In marking Captive Nations Week 2018, been raided on the pretext of antiterrorism. bolstered a significant military-industrial sector. Ukrainian capabilities, knowledge and the Victims of Communism Memorial Twenty-eight Crimean Tatars have been technical expertise would be of significant value to the alliance. No one else has as much Foundation issued a report noting that “The arrested for allegedly conspiring with an knowledge of Russia as Ukraine, nor as much practical expertise in combating Russian status of the captive nations is more dire Islamist organization known as “Hizb ut- use of cyberattacks, disinformation and other forms of ‘hybrid warfare’ aimed at under- than it was in 2017.” Included on the VOC Tahrir.” Four have been convicted in the past mining our democracies. Ukraine will also play a major role in alliance efforts to Foundation’s list were two occupied areas: year. Tatar community leaders in Crimea strengthen its security in the Black Sea in order to protect NATO’s southeastern flank. Crimea and the Donbas. Below are the sec- and living in exile abroad fear that renewed “EOP status would recognize that special relationship and take the partnership to tions from the report related to these two ethnic cleansing, of the type carried out by the next level. It would bring Kyiv into more political consultations with NATO at the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia. Joseph Stalin, is in the offing. ambassadorial and working level, would grant it more access to exercises, and would Two important Tatar activists, Ilmi increase information sharing. Far from being a one-way relationship, it would also Occupied Ukraine: Crimea Umerov and Akhtem Chiygoz, were both significantly enhance NATO’s expertise and operational skills. This year, the pattern of repression in convicted in Russian courts in September “…Ukraine has shown itself to be worthy of taking the next step in its relations Russian-occupied Crimea has deepened and 2017: Umerov for “separatism” and with NATO. Granting Ukraine EOP status would not only be a symbolic reward for its has been systematized. The occupation forc- Chiygoz for allegedly instigating civil distur- hard work in support of the alliance, but a boost for NATO’s own security as well.” es perpetuate a false narrative that ethnical- bances. Both men were arrested in the – Former NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow in an article for ly Turkic and religiously Muslim Crimean aftermath of the Crimean invasion, and RealClear World on June 19. Tatars are “terrorists” and “extremists.” Pursuant to this, homes and mosques have (Continued on page 18) No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 9

ranking governing officials and civil society UWC president... of Greece, the UWC president focused attention on the hybrid aggression of the (Continued from page 5) Russian Federation and highlighted the Trinity Church in Vilnius, Father Vincentii serious threat of the Russian Federation for Pelykh, Ambassador of Ukraine in the international community, Lithuania Volodymyr Yatsenkivskyi, Mr. Czolij called upon Greece, a member Ukrainian students from the Donbas region of both the EU and NATO, to support the and representatives of the Ukrainian com- extension and strengthening of sanctions munity in Lithuania. Afterwards the delega- against the Russian Federation. tion visited the monastery complex and Mr. Czolij and Ms. Masliuk presented the Holy Trinity Church in Vilnius. diplomatic representative of the chair of the On May 31, during a meeting with the Parliament of Greece, Athanasios president of the Constitutional Court of Theocharopoulos, with an appeal from - Ukrainian organizations in Greece to the cussed Ukrainian judicial reform. Greek Parliament to recognize the Lithuania, Dainius Žalimas, Mr. Czolij dis Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian UWC Portugal’s Ukrainians people. Seen in the center are: UWC President Eugene Czolij with the president of the On 28-29 May 2018, on the invitation of With representatives of business in Association for Culture and Mutual Assistance of Crimean Turks, Mükremin Şahin. the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) mem- Greece, Mr. Czolij discussed the tremen- ber organization, The Association of dous economic potential of Ukraine and its high-ranking government officials, rep- A range of important issues related to the Ukrainians in Portugal, a UWC member encouraged them to invest in Ukraine. resentatives of civil society and the illegal occupation of Crimea by the Russian organization, invited UWC President Czolij Ukraine’s Chargé d’Affaires in Greece Ukrainian community. Federation and the gross violations of the to visit Lisbon. He did so on May 28-29, dis- Natalie Kosenko participated in some of the The UWC president thanked Turkey for human rights of the Crimean Tatar popula- cussing current Ukrainian issues in meet- UWC president’s meetings. supporting Ukraine in the defense of its ter- tion was discussed by Mr. Czolij discussed ings with high-ranking government officials A trip to Cyprus ritorial integrity, including the introduction with the leadership of the Association for and the Ukrainian community in Portugal. of restrictive measures with respect to Culture and Mutual Assistance of Crimean On April 17-18, Cyprus was the destina- Mr. Czolij expressed gratitude to Portugal Crimea, and the humanitarian assistance, tion of UWC President Czolij. While in for recognizing the Holodomor as a geno- primarily in the form of medical treatment Nicosia, he met with high-ranking govern- Ukraine’s deputy chief of mission, cide of the Ukrainian people and for sup- and health care for children and widows of ment officials and representatives of civil Minister-CounselorTurks, which is headed Natalia by Mükremin Lopatina, andŞahin. the the defenders of Ukraine’s eastern borders. society to present the importance of sup- first secretary for cultural affairs of the called on Portugal to support the extension Mr. Czolij also noted the high level of porting Ukraine in the defense of its territo- Embassy of Ukraine in Turkey, Oresta Starak, portingand strengthening the Еuro-integration of sanctions of Ukraine.against theHe Turkish-Ukrainian trade relations and rial integrity and promoting its Euro- attended meetings in Ankara, while Consul Russian Federation as an aggressor state. acknowledged the government’s contribu- General of Ukraine in Istanbul Oleksandr He also emphasized the importance of integrational processes. Mr. Czolij also drew attention to Russia’s tion to the development of Ukrainian cul- Gaman attended meetings in Izmir. preventing, on European territory, question- tural life in Turkey, particularly Ukrainian able actions that attempt to justify Russian recent chemical attacks as well as mass dis- Azerbaijan’s Ukrainian community information and a series of destabilizing schools and the Ukrainian Cultural Center aggression and the illegal military forma- in Ankara, as well as the Chair of Ukrainian tions of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk processes, including the dissemination of The UWC president’s visit to Baku, the NotPetya virus and meddling in elec- Language in Istanbul. Azerbaijan, came on April 22-23. On the “people’s republics.” At a meeting at the High Mr. Czolij called upon Turkey, a NATO Commission for Migration in Portugal, the tions, specifically in the U.S.A. and France. agenda was discussing Ukrainian issues To stop this Russian hybrid aggression, the member, to support the strengthening of with government authorities and civil soci- UWC president underscored that organiza- ties between NATO and Ukraine, and the tions promoting the “Russkyi mir” (Russian UWC president called on Cyprus to support ety of Azerbaijan, as well as strengthening EU continuing sanctions against the furthering of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspi- ties with the Ukrainian community. world) ideology cannot be considered as rations. The UWC president also urged representatives of the Ukrainian community. Russian Federation. Mr. Czolij thanked Azerbaijan for its sup- Citing successful reform efforts, Mr. Turkey to abandon the Turkish Stream port of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. In this While in Lisbon, Mr. Czolij attended a pipeline, taking into account the repeated divine liturgy at the Mother of God from Czolij called for the strengthening of context, he recognized hero of Ukraine Capt. Ukrainian-Cypriot trade relations. He also use of gas by the Russian Federation as a Alihar Babayev who was of Azerbaijani Nazareth Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church political weapon. He also emphasized the and met with the local Ukrainian communi- urged Cyprus to recognize the Holodomor descent, who was killed in the war zone of as a genocide of the Ukrainian people. importance of the issuance of a Tomos of eastern Ukraine, and Ukrainians Viktor ty, which he informed about the work of the Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in UWC. While in Nicosia, the UWC President had Seriohin, Ruslan Polovynko and Oleh Babak Ukraine. The UWC president was accompanied to a meeting with the leaders of the Society of who defended Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Mr. Czolij appealed to the governing certain meetings by Ambassador of Ukrainian-Cypriot Friendship, during the territory of Azerbaijan. authorities of Turkey to include Ukrainian Ukraine in Portugal Inna Ohnivets and the which he familiarized himself with their The UWC President called on Azerbaijan and Crimean Tatar programming on the president of the Association of Ukrainians activities and discussed further coopera- to include Ukraine in the building of new main TRT television channel, and to facili- in Portugal, Pavlo Sadokha. tion with the UWC. gas supply systems and presented the posi- tate the broadcasting of Ukrainian television Ukraine’s Ambassador to Cyprus Borys tive results of reform in Ukraine. He called Greece on the itinerary channels. In addition, he urged Turkey to Humeniuk also participated in some of Mr. upon Azerbaijan to recognize the recognize the Holodomor as a genocide of On the invitation of yet another UWC Czolij’s meetings. Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian the Ukrainian people. member organization, the Association of A visit to Turkey On April 19, the UWC president met with people and to introduce this topic into the the in Greece, which is Mr. Czolij was in Ankara and Izmir, country’s education curriculum. called Ukrainian-Hellenic Thought, Mr. representatives of the Ukrainian Solidarity Turkey, on April 19-21 to address impor- Mr. Czolij also appealed to the govern- Czolij fulfilled a visited to Athens and Union in Izmir, chaired by Svitlana Eralp. He tant Ukrainian issues during meetings with familiarized himself with the specifics of the ment authorities of Azerbaijan to partici- Piraeus on April 14-16. He delivered an pate in resolving important issues related to address during a commemorative event on organization’s work and dis- cussed how to increase coop- Ukrainian religious and cultural-educational April 14 marking the 20th anniversary of life, including the provision of premises for the Ukrainian-Hellenic Thought associa- eration with the UWC. In separate meetings with Ukrainian community activities. tion, which is chaired by Halyna Masliuk, On April 22, he attended a divine liturgy and the 15th anniversary of association’s Deputy Mayor of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality at the Roman Catholic Church of the Sunday school. Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. He presented UWC certificates of recog- In addition, together with Ambassador of nition to the president of the association the Balçova Municipality in IzmirSirri AydoğanMehmet Aliand Çalkaya, Mayor Mr. of Ukraine in Azerbaijan Olexandr Mischenko, and editor-in-chief of the association’s pub- staff of the Embassy of Ukraine and repre- lication, the Ukrainian-Hellenic Almanac Czolij expressed gratitude for sentatives of municipal governing authori- Visnyk – Angeliaphoros, Ms. Masliuk; to the their support of the develop- ties and the Ukrainian community, Mr. association; and to the Ukrainian Sunday ment of Ukrainian communi- Czolij laid flowers at the monument to school, whose director is Hanna Pavlyuk. ty life. The UWC leader attended a divine litur- On April 20, in Ankara, Mr. Taras Shevchenko. gy at St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church, as Czolij met with the leadership The next day Mr. Czolij paid tribute at the well as a liturgy at St. Nicholas Ukrainian of the Ukrainian Union in memorial plaque dedicated to the Special Greek-Catholic Parish celebrated by Bishop Ankara, chaired by Yuliya Diplomatic Mission of the Ukrainian National Borys Gudziak, eparch of St. Volodymyr the Republic in Azerbaijan in 1919-1920. Great Eparchy in Paris (which serves this meeting attention was The UWC president held a community Ukrainian Catholics in France, Belgium, the focusedMimaroğlu on Biletska.continued During joint meeting at the Embassy of Ukraine with Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland), activities in furthering current members of the organizations Ukrainian and the parish priest, Father Andriy Ukrainian issues. He also met Congress of Azerbaijan, chaired by Yuri Tverdokhlib. with Ukraine’s Ambassador Osadchenko, and Ivan Franko Ukrainian Mr. Czolij met with the leadership of the to Turkey Andrii Sybiha, and Community in the city of Sumqayit, chaired discussed current important by Tamilla Musayeva. Meeting participants Ukrainian association, familiarized himself Near the plaque commemorating the Special discussed continued cooperation with the with the specifics of Ukrainian community Diplomatic Mission of the Ukrainian People’s issues, including the UWC life in Greece and discussed ways to Republic in Azerbaijan in the years 1919-1920 (from appeal to the Ecumenical UWC in support of Ukraine and the role of strengthen future cooperation with the left) are: Yuri Osadchenko of the Ukrainian Congress Patriarch to issue a Tomos of the UWC in ensuring that the national-cul- UWC. of Azerbaijan, and Eugene Czolij and Maryna Autocephaly to the Orthodox tural needs of the Ukrainian community in During meetings on April 16 with high- Iaroshevych of the Ukrainian World Congress. Church in Ukraine. Azerbaijan are met. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29

Petrusia Sawchak Maya Lew The tournament’s winners and second-place finishers with Yuriy Sawchak and counselors. The campers dressed for Hutsul Night at Soyuzivka. Tennis Camp opens season at Soyuzivka by Petrusia Sawchak KERHONKSON, N.Y. – With 80 percent of the campers from previous years returning, youngsters were very much familiar with the routines of the 12-day Tennis Camp and eager to start another one on Sunday, June 24. Many had texted each other weeks before camp began to ensure that their friends were coming. What’s amazing is that some campers have come back for three or four consecu- tive years. They come because of the tennis instruction and the friendships they have made at this special place called Soyuzivka Heritage Center, set in the beautiful Shawangunk Mountain Range area south of the Catskill Mountains in upstate . This year the campers ranged in age from 10 to 16 and stayed in Camp Lviv. Day Mark Olexy campers, some who are younger and Participants of the Soyuzivka Tennis Camp 2018. whose siblings attend “Tabir Ptashat,” (Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization’s Sectional Competitions as a player and sec- Louer, who also teaches tennis at the YMCA hors d’oeuvres. Many parents attended the day camp for children age 4-6), stayed with tional captain. He was assisted alternately by in Pennsylvania during the summer and is banquet as well. Chef Andrey Sonevytsky, their parents. Some, like the Bula family, Leda Kopach and certified tennis profession- preparing for college in the fall, and new- who provided excellent meals during the have parents who attended Tennis Camp al Tetiana Sawchak (USPTA), both past comer Stephen Sosiak, a college sopho- camp, outdid himself in making the ban- many years ago, and some of the parents champions of the Ukrainian Sports more. Katya Kopach, a college freshman, quet extra special, and hostess Marianka met their spouses there as well. Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada was a part-time counselor. Hawryluk always made sure every detail The staff included the director of the ten- (USCAK), as well as Don Kopach, also an Completing the staff were Camp Lviv was addressed. nis camp, George (Yuriy) Sawchak, who is accomplished tennis player and USCAK supervisor Olya Czerkas and coordinator/ During the banquet, each camper heavily involved with the United States champion. administrator Petrusia Sawchak, both pub- received a certificate of attendance from Tennis Association (USTA) Middle States This year’s counselors were Ariadna lic school teachers by profession. The camp Mr. Sawchak. Trophies were also presented nurse was Natalia Swyrydenko Girardi. to tournament winners and second-place There were three sessions of tennis winners. instruction each day: the morning session Girls’ tournament winners (round-robin at 9 a.m. (beginning with some exercises format): executed with music to make it livelier), the 2 p.m. session and the after-dinner session, second place – Diana Kozenyatko; usually at 7 p.m., with supervised free-play • First group: first place – Natalia Bula, activities. Campers were given instruction Szuper, second place – Sophia Nickelberg; in the basics of tennis: proper strokes, • Second group: first place – Violetta serves, game strategies and court etiquette. second place – Agnes Hatalevych. A tournament was held during the second Boys’• Third tournament group: first winners place – Tamara (round-robin Tracz, week of camp. format): Yuriy Sawchak The emphasis was always on tennis, but During the presentation of Best Campers Awards (from left) are: Petrusia Sawchak, there was always plenty of off-court activi- second-place tie – Dan Bula and Adam Bis. Tamara Tracz, Natalia Bula, Ivanna Voloshchak, Daniel Mazur, Adam Bis, Ariadna ty, especially at the pool, because the sec- This• Firsttie was group: resolved first theplace next – Lucas day with Bula, a Louer, Stephen Sosiak and Olya Czerkas. ond week was extremely hot this year with 10-point tiebreak with Daniel Bula win- temperatures in the high 90s. As is the cus- ning; tom at Tennis Camp during rainy after- noons (only one this year), the campers second place – Ivan Cienki. were taught how to polka by Ms. Czerkas in The• Second coveted group: Best first Camper place –Awards Mark Mazur, were the Veselka Hall. Campers attended Hutsul decided by the entire tennis staff based on Night dressed in their Ukrainian “vyshy- behavior on and off the courts. The winners vanky” (embroidered finery) and enjoyed were Ivanna Voloshchak, Natalia Bula, Ukrainian-style food. They ended the eve- Adam Bis and Daniel Mazur. This year a ning by dancing to their favorite tunes. Best Day Camper Award was given to During the weekend, 11 campers partici- Tamara Tracz. pated in the eastern championships of The counselors, Ms. Louer and Mr. USCAK. Campers attended the dance on Sosiak, presented special fun awards to the Saturday night to a live band on the Veselka campers that added a little levity to the deck. occasion. After dancing, the evening ended A banquet was held at the culmination of with the singing of “Nich Vzhe Ide” (Night is the camp. Organizers made the dinner a Falling). “learning experience” in social etiquette. The next day the campers met again, Petrusia Sawchak The campers, attired in party clothes, were with some playing more tennis. Final fare- Exercise time with Leda Kopach. treated to Shirley Temples and enjoyed wells were exchanged on July 5. No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 11 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29

charged with abetting terrorism, shortly Peninsula in March 2014 and Moscow’s Russia as a threat or a potential friend for NEWSBRIEFS after the trial started on July 17. The North backing of armed militants in a war that has NATO and the United States, Gen. Caucasus Regional Court in Rostov-on-Don killed more than 10,000 people in eastern Scaparrotti said that “we want them to be a (Continued from page 2) adjourned the trial until July 23 after the Ukraine since April 2014. (RFE/RL, based productive member of Europe, but they Crimea in August 2016, and accused them defendant’s lawyer did not show up. Mr. on reporting by TASS and Interfax) have to honor and work within the interna- of being partners in a two-person “sabo- Hryb, a 20-year-old Ukrainian citizen, went tional world and within the rules that have Anti-corruption activist attacked in Kyiv teur group” and of plotting a series of missing in late August after he traveled to been established.” He continued: “It’s attacks on the peninsula. Mr. Zakhtey, who Belarus to meet a woman he met online in A top Ukrainian activist who campaigns Russia’s malign activity that concerns me. made a plea deal, was tried in February and what his relatives believe was a trap set by against government corruption says he suf- You know, they violated boundaries. sentenced to six and a half years in prison. Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). fered chemical burns when an assailant They’ve reset territory for the first time Mr. Panov’s trial started in April. He plead- Russia’s FSB informed Kyiv later that Mr. threw green liquid in his face as he took since World War II by aggression. They ed not guilty. Kyiv has rejected Russian Hryb was being held in a detention center in part in a demonstration outside a prosecu- occupy countries without their permission. charges against the two men and has called Russia on suspicion of abetting terrorism. tor’s office in Kyiv. The July 17 attack left They are somewhat aggressive in our mili- their arrests “a provocation.” Russia has Investigators say Mr. Hryb used the Internet most of Vitaliy Shabunin’s face and left tary domain at times. That’s the activity I prosecuted and imprisoned several to instruct a teenage girl in Russia’s south- hand covered in bright green stains similar would like to change.” As to Russia’s activi- Ukrainians on what rights activists say are ern city of Sochi to carry out a terrorist act to marks left by “zelionka,” a liquid sold in ties in Ukraine, the general reiterated that trumped up, politically motivated charges using an explosive device. Mr. Hryb’s father, Ukraine as an antiseptic. “I’m sorry my eyes NATO did “not accept the occupation of since Moscow seized control of the Crimea Ihor Hryb, has said that the case against his are closed. I have a chemical burn,” the Crimea, actually, Ukraine, nor their pres- region in March 2014. In March 2017, the son was Russia’s retaliation for him openly head of the non-governmental Anti- ence in eastern Ukraine today.” (RFE/RL’s European Parliament called on Russia to expressing opinions on the Internet critical Corruption Action Center said in a video Ukrainian Service) free more than 30 Ukrainian citizens who of Russia’s interference in Ukraine. The posted online. The incident is the latest in a Anti-corruption court amendment OKd were in prison or other conditions of Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ministry has con- series of violent attacks against activists restricted freedom in Russia, Crimea and demned what it called Russia’s “persecution and minority groups in Ukraine. Non- Ukrainian lawmakers on July 12 parts of eastern Ukraine that are controlled of Ukrainian citizens in Russia and else- governmental groups and Ukraine’s approved an amendment to a law estab- by Russia-backed separatists. (Crimea where, groundless detentions of Ukrainians, Western allies have said the attacks high- lishing an anti-corruption court in an effort Desk, RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service) violation of their rights to have fair trials, light a culture of impunity at odds with to secure more funding under a $17.5 bil- and their convictions on fabricated and Hryb trial begins, then adjourns commitments from Ukrainian authorities. lion aid-for-reforms program with the politically motivated charges.” Kyiv and Transparency International Ukraine said International Monetary Fund (IMF). A court in Russia adjourned the trial of Moscow have been locked in a standoff over the attack against Mr. Shabunin represent- Establishing an anti-corruption court is one Ukrainian citizen Pavlo Hryb, who is Russia’s seizure of Ukraine’s Crimean ed “a negative tendency: escalation of of three conditions that the IMF has laid unpunished violence against anti-corrup- down for Ukraine to get further loans. The tion activists,” adding, “This situation is a other two issues involve raising natural-gas shame for the law enforcement system. We prices closer to market levels and honoring demand that the management of law commitments to restrain budget spending. enforcement agencies pay attention to Four days after Ukraine’s Parliament TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 these cases and report on their investiga- passed the bill on establishing an anti-cor- or e-mail [email protected] tion.” The Internal Affairs Ministry of ruption law, President Petro Poroshenko Ukraine did not immediately respond to signed it into law on June 11. But the IMF requests for comment on the case. (RFE/ wanted the law amended so that appeals to SERVICES PROFESSIONALS RL, with reporting by Reuters) existing corruption cases would fall under the new court’s jurisdiction. It was not Government soldier killed in east immediately clear if the amendment was fully in line with the IMF’s requirements. Ukraine says one of its soldiers was killed The IMF has called the establishment of an in clashes in the country’s east on July 17. anti-corruption court a “benchmark” of The Defense Ministry says Russia-backed Ukraine’s progress toward Western legal militants used grenade launchers and standards and has said it would help ease assault rifles in two attacks that day, killing the release of its loans in the future. one Ukrainian soldier. Earlier on July 17, the Corruption was among the problems that ministry said that the so-called separatists prompted Ukrainians to take to the streets violated the ceasefire 19 times during the and oust a Moscow-friendly government in previous 24 hours, injuring one Ukrainian 2014, but it remains a major hurdle to soldier. Meanwhile, the militants claimed prosperity in Ukraine. Western officials say SERVICES that Ukrainian government forces violated Ukraine will be far better equipped to resist the ceasefire seven times, wounding a civil- interference from Russia – which seized its ian. Since April 2014, more than 10,300 Crimea region in 2014 and backs separatist people have been killed in fighting between militants who hold parts of two eastern Kyiv’s forces and the separatists who con- provinces – if it takes serious steps to com- trol parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk bat graft. (RFE/RL, based on reports by regions. Ceasefire deals announced as part and Reuters) of the Minsk accords – September 2014 and February 2015 pacts aimed to resolve the Kyiv wants to exchange prisoners conflict – have failed to hold. A new cease- A senior Ukrainian lawmaker has named OPPORTUNITIES fire agreement was reached in late 2017 23 Russian nationals she says Kyiv is pre- and was meant to begin on December 23, pared to exchange for Ukrainian citizens but both sides have accused each other of held by Russia in a potential prisoner swap. Earn extra income! repeated violations since then. (RFE/RL, Iryna Herashchenko, a vice-chair of the The Ukrainian Weekly is looking with reporting by Interfax and TASS) for advertising sales agents. , said on July 2 that the 23 For additional information contact NATO presence in Baltics ‘necessary’ have been convicted of plotting terrorist Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, acts in the Odesa, Kharkiv, Kherson and NATO’s deployment of additional The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. Ternopil regions or of fighting against gov- resources to the Baltic region despite ernment forces in the Donetsk and Russia’s opposition was a “necessary step” Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine. “There Run your advertisement here, based on Moscow’s “aggressive actions,” also are Russian citizens among them who the Western military alliance’s supreme are currently on trial,” Ms. Herashchenko in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section. commander says. U.S. Gen. Curtis said. At the top of the list announced by the Scaparrotti, speaking to RFE/RL on the national deputy is Viktor Ageyev, who is sidelines of the NATO summit in Brussels serving a 10-year prison term after being on July 12, said that “four battalions is not a convicted of terrorism and illegal weapons threat to Russia,” referring to the additional possession. Mr. Ageyev, who was sentenced forces stationed on the alliance’s eastern in January, was captured by Ukrainian forc- flank and in Poland in recent months. “But es in the Luhansk region during a combat what four battalions is, is an actual deter- operation in which two Russia-backed sep- rent to any aggression by Russia with aratists and a Russian military officer were respect to the boundaries of the NATO alli- killed, according to Ukrainian authorities. ance,” Gen. Scaparrotti added. “Those four Several days later, Mr. Ageyev said in a tele- battalions are connected to all of our air vised statement that he had been serving in domain, our sea, our cyber [capabilities], the Russian military on a contractual basis they are connected to our headquarters when he was captured. The Russian from tactical to strategic. So they represent Defense Ministry denied that Mr. Ageyev NATO at large as a guarantee of the security was an active-duty serviceman when he of the boundaries of the Euro-Atlantic [region] as NATO sees it.” Asked if he sees (Continued on page 13) No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 13

wrote on Facebook in July 2017 that the Watchers International. The hackers then The EU imposed the asset freezes shortly NEWSBRIEFS separatists had confirmed they were hold- broke into the computer networks of three after the collapse of Mr. Yanukovych’s gov- ing Mr. Aseyev and that his mother had been business newswires that distribute corpo- ernment in February 2014. ’s (Continued from page 12) allowed to visit him. He said the separatists rate press releases – Marketwired, PR brother, Serhiy Klyuyev, was removed from was captured. Despite ample evidence, have accused Mr. Aseyev of espionage and Newswire and Business Wire – to obtain the the list earlier this year. Serhiy Klyuyev, who Russia denies accusations by Kyiv and the threatened him with up to 14 years in pris- requested information. Mr. Korchevsky, 53, was a businessman and lawmaker from Mr. West that it is providing weapons, training on. Last month, RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service an émigré to the United States who was Yanukovych’s , was the nom- and personnel to support militants fighting published a book of Mr. Aseyev’s essays for born in Kazakhstan, and Mr. Khalupsky, 48, inal owner of Mezhyhiria, the lavish government forces in the war in eastern distribution free of charge. Ukraine’s who has lived in Brooklyn and Odesa, Yanukovych residence outside Kyiv that is Ukraine. Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry National Union of Journalists, Reporters Ukraine, were convicted after a month-long now a museum highlighting corruption. has said that 23 Ukrainian citizens are cur- Without Borders, the Committee to Protect trial. Mr. Korchevsky’s lawyer Steven Brill (RFE/RL) rently being held on politically motivated Journalists and Amnesty International have called the verdict “sad” and said he plans “a Rally demands new rules for imported cars charges or convictions in Russia, and more expressed concerns over Mr. Aseyev’s full appeal.” Mr. Khalupsky’s lawyer Mildred than 40 others are being held on the whereabouts and said the militants must Whalen said he was “disappointed” and also Ukrainian owners of some 4,500 for- Crimean peninsula, which Moscow seized release him immediately if they are holding plans to appeal. (RFE/RL, with reporting by eign-registered cars staged a rally in down- in March 2014 by sending in troops and him. (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service) Reuters) town Kyiv on July 11, demanding new cus- staging a referendum widely seen as illegit- toms regulations to reduce the costs of re- Two convicted in insider-trading case EU court cancels some sanctions on Klyuyev imate. The most prominent Ukrainian registering their vehicles in Ukraine. Many behind bars in Russia is Oleh Sentsov, a film A jury on July 6 convicted two men in a The European Union has retroactively of the protesters blocked the traffic from director and Crimea native who is serving a $30 million insider-trading case that U.S. canceled some sanctions against Andriy Kyiv’s central Square of Glory to the build- 20-year prison term after being convicted authorities have called one of the largest on Klyuyev, the former head of ex-Ukrainian ings housing the Parliament and the gov- on terrorism charges he and human rights record, using sensitive business information President ’s administra- ernment on July 11. According to data pub- groups contend are politically motivated. stolen by computer hackers based in tion, but did not lift sanctions against him lished by Ukraine’s State Fiscal Service, He has been on a hunger strike since mid- Ukraine. Vitaly Korchevsky, a former that were prolonged in March. The EU’s gen- more than 170,000 foreign-registered, May. (RFE/RL) Morgan Stanley vice-president, and his co- eral court on July 11 ruled that restrictive mostly second-hand, cars were brought measures imposed by Brussels against Mr. into the country last year. The protesters Blogger declares hunger strike defendant, Vladislav Khalupsky, were each found guilty on two securities fraud and Klyuyev for the period March 2017-March held Ukrainian national flags and posters A Ukrainian blogger being held by Russia- three conspiracy counts, U.S. Attorney 2018 that consist of asset freezes should be saying, “Affordable customs fees for every backed militants in Ukraine’s eastern region Richard Donoghue said. The two face a max- annulled. Those sanctions against Mr. Ukrainian” and “Why should we pay more of Donetsk has declared a hunger strike, a imum of 20 years in prison. Mr. Donoghue Klyuyev and 12 others were extended in when roads are ruined?” Oleh Yaroshevych, longtime friend and former lawmaker says. said the men were key players in what he March for another year, and Mr. Klyuyev will the head of AvtoEvroSila, an organization The friend, Yehor Firsov, posted on called a “massive” and “sophisticated” not be completely removed from the sanc- that groups Ukrainians who bought sec- Facebook on July 5 that Stanislav Aseyev, scheme involving 10 defendants, a “criminal tions list unless the extension of sanctions ond-hand cars abroad, said that the pro- who writes under the name Stanislav Vasin network” including seven New York-based beyond March is also canceled. Mr. Klyuyev tests will continue until their demands are and contributes to RFE/RL’s Ukrainian traders and three Ukraine-based hackers, has appealed the current measures and a met. Mr. Yaroshevych said authorities must Service, began the hunger strike a week ear- who remain at large. Authorities said more ruling is expected later this year. The court reduce import taxes for foreign-bought lier. Mr. Firsov said Mr. Aseyev is being “kept than 150,000 corporate press releases were concluded that, since Mr. Klyuyev informed vehicles and abolish hefty fines for those in a damp room, sick, but does not receive hacked before their scheduled release from the European Council that Ukrainian crimi- who refuse to re-register such vehicles in the necessary medications” while under February 2010 to August 2015, with the nal proceedings against him had been sus- Ukraine. Nina Yuzhanina, the head of separatist custody. The blogger went miss- hackers giving the sensitive business infor- pended before the renewal of the bloc’s Ukraine’s parliamentary Committee on ing in Donetsk on June 2, 2017. Weeks later, mation in the releases to the traders so it restrictive measures, the council should have Taxation and Customs Policies, told RFE/ Amnesty International said it had received could be used to generate more than $30 sought clarification on the issue from the RL that the protesters’ demands will be dis- information from sources in the Donetsk million of illegal trading profits. Traders Ukrainian authorities. Messrs Klyuyev and cussed and most likely approved either this region saying that Mr. Aseyev was being held allegedly gave the hackers “shopping lists” Yanukovych, and 11 associates of the former week or next week. (Crimea Desk, RFE/RL’s by the self-styled security organs of the or “wish lists” of releases they wanted to see president remain under EU sanctions for the Ukrainian Service; RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Russia-backed separatists. RFE/RL’s in advance, targeting such companies as misappropriation of funds. Service) Ukrainian Service has been unable to con- Advanced Micro Devices, Caterpillar, Home tact him since his disappearance. Mr. Firsov Depot, Panera, Qualcomm and Weight

mand on the part of the joint staff. Everybody Turning... acts as a single team, and this gives us confi- dence in successful fulfillment of the tasks (Continued from page 6) set,” said Vice-Admiral Viktor Maksimov of That year, numerous protest actions, Ukraine, Sea Breeze-2008 commander. With profound sadness we inform you that seemingly organized by the local popula- Previously, at the 2006 Sea Breeze, sever- tion with support from the Progressive al hundred anti-NATO protesters in the city Roman Hawrylak Socialist Party, the Communist Party of of Feodosiya on the Crimean peninsula passed away on June 29, 2018 Ukraine and others, sprang up in Odesa, forced the shutdown of the exercises. The Mykolayiv, Zaporizhia and Crimea. The aim protests were organized by local chapters of was to voice opposition to Ukraine holding the Party of Regions, the Nataliya Vitrenko He was born January 2, 1919, in , Ukraine. military exercises. Bloc and the Russian Community of Crimea. NATO vessels were prevented from leav- This year, Sea Breeze 2018, which began Remaining in deep sorrow are: ing the port of Odesa for three hours on July on July 9 and has expanded to include 19 wife - Maria Tershakovec 21 after 10 boats from the Bratstvo organiza- countries, 29 surface vessels, one subma- daughter - Chrystyna Hawrylak tion blocked the exit from the port, where rine, 25 aircraft and 3,000 personnel, is niece - Tamara Tershakovec foreign military ships entered. On July 22, the being held in Odesa and Mykolayiv oblasts. sister - Daria Tyshovnytsky with family third stage of the naval maneuvers began in Among the U.S.’s 6th Fleet participating are Crimea, as well as in the Odesa and grandchildren - Sophia Zelechiwsky Harbove with husband John the USS Mount Whitney (the flagship of the - Adrian Zelechiwsky with wife Jennifer and Mykolayiv oblasts. fleet) and the destroyer USS Porter. The main stage of the exercise envisaged their daughter Ayla force deployment and a peacekeeping opera- Source: “NATO fleet blocked in Crimea,” - Alexander Fenchen tion. “The compatibility of all the participants (Ukrinform), and “Sea Breeze maneuvers families: Tershakovec, Nitefor, Salariu, Tomko, Zawadiwsky, Iskalo in Sea Breeze-2008 at sea, on land and in the continue,” (Ukrinform), The Ukrainian and Serheev, as well as family in the United States, in Canada and air is good confirmation of efficient com- Weekly, July 27, 2008. in Ukraine. May his memory be eternal! Famine a genocide, signed into law Public A viewing was held on July 7, 2018, at Lytwyn and Lytwyn Funeral Congress... Law 109-340, authorizing the construction of a memorial in the District of Columbia Home in Union NJ. (Continued from page 7) “to honor the victims of the Ukrainian fam- The funeral liturgy was held on July 8, 2018, at St. John the Baptist this resolution, it received more attention ine-genocide.” Although arguably some- Ukrainian Catholic Church in Newark, NJ, with burial following at St. than most of the other resolutions on the what indirect, most experts consider the Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery in South Bound Brook, NJ. Holodomor that had passed the House or specific reference to the Famine-Genocide Senate in earlier years. in the law as constituting U.S. recognition of In lieu of owers, donations can be made to: But good news was to follow a few years the Holodomor as a genocide. • The Ukrainian Museum, 222 E 6th Street, New York, NY 10003 later. Through the efforts of the Ukrainian The monument, located not far from the (memo: in memory of R. Hawrylak) Congress Committee of America and U.S. Capitol, was officially dedicated in Holodomor Committee, on October 13, November 2015. If in Washington, make a • Plast ATO Fund (check payable to: Plast - Vataha Burlakiv and 2006, President George W. Bush, whose point to stop by and bow your head in mailed to: Danylo Zacharczuk, P.O. Box 352, Worcester, PA 19490- administration had earlier opposed our memory of all of those who lost their lives 0352 (memo: ATO Fund, in memory of Svat) 2003 resolution which explicitly called the in this genocide. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29

belonging to minorities and respect for implementation of EU assistance and tech- areas and critical civilian infrastructure. We Joint statement... diversity and to fully implement the recom- nical expertise. We also acknowledge the reaffirmed our full support to the endeav- mendations included in the opinion of the continuing progress on the implementation ors in the Normandy format, the OSCE and (Continued from page 3) Venice Commission No. 902/2017, on the of the Administrative Arrangement Trilateral Contact Group aimed at sustain- civic activists. We recalled the importance basis of a substantive dialogue with the rep- between the European Defense Agency and able and peaceful resolution of this conflict of continued fulfillment of the visa liberal- resentatives of persons belonging to nation- the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. through the full implementation of the ization benchmarks, and took note of the al minorities, including legislation which 8. We reiterated our strong condemna- Minsk agreements by all sides, underlining assessment and recommendations of the extends the transition period until 2023 and tion of the clear violation of Ukrainian sover- the responsibility of the Russian Federation first report by the commission under the which regulates exemption for private eignty and territorial integrity by acts of in this regard. We stressed the urgent need visa suspension mechanism. We reiterated schools. aggression by the Russian armed forces to ensure full respect for the mandate of the our commitment to cooperate in counter- 7. The EU reaffirmed its continued sup- since February 2014. We continue to con- OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM), ing terrorism and organized crime, devel- port for Ukraine’s reform efforts, linked to demn the illegal annexation of Crimea and including its unrestricted, safe and uncon- oping integrated border management and effective implementation of reforms and Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, hold- ditional access on the ground throughout exchanging best practices. policy measures. We welcomed the adop- ing of its elections in the illegally annexed Ukraine, including the areas along the 6. We looked forward to the further tion of the decision 3 of the EU to provide peninsula and the deterioration of the Ukrainian-Russian border and the Crimean efforts by Ukraine needed to improve the Ukraine with further macro-financial assis- human rights situation there, the building of peninsula. We also agreed on the need for business and investment climate and pro- Ukraine to establish a national mine action tect the rights of economic operators, center in order to effectively address the including intellectual property rights, geo- We called for the immediate release of all il- contamination by mines and unexploded graphical indications, and maritime port legally detained and imprisoned Ukrainian ordnances in the conflict-affected region. services and treatment. We also agreed on The EU announced a further 16 million the urgent need for Ukraine to take actions citizens in the Crimean peninsula and in Rus- euros in support for the OSCE SMM and up to revoke the measures incompatible with sia, including Crimean Tatar activists as well to 4 million euros to strengthen community the provisions of the AA/DCFTA and other as Oleh Sentsov, Volodymyr Balukh, Oleksandr resilience and reintegration of veterans of international trade commitments. We the conflict. The EU recently again renewed recalled the EU-Ukraine Memorandum of Kolchenko, Stanislav Klykh, Oleksandr Shum- its economic sanctions on Russia, the dura- Understanding on a Strategic Energy kov and Roman Sushchenko. tion of which remains clearly linked to the Partnership. We agreed on the need for con- complete implementation of the Minsk tinued reforms in the energy sector, in par- agreements. ticular to complete gas and electricity mar- tance of up to 1 billion euros to underpin the Kerch Strait bridge without Ukraine’s 10. Taking note of the efforts already ket reform, including completion of the the economic stabilization of the country, consent, the further militarization of the made by the Ukrainian authorities, we unbundling which is necessary for the inte- conditional on progress on reforms, in par- peninsula as well as the Black and Azov seas. agreed on the need to continue to address gration of Ukraine’s energy market with the ticular in the area of fight against corrup- We remain committed to fully implement the socio-economic and humanitarian con- EU energy market. We reaffirmed the com- tion. We agreed to step up efforts regarding our respective non-recognition policies, sequences of the conflict in an inclusive mitment to prepare Ukraine’s electricity investment in people’s skills by increasing including through restrictive measures. We manner. We agreed on the urgent need to market integration into the European elec- exchange programs and modernizing the called on Russia to allow access of interna- lend our support to the most vulnerable tricity market based on the 2017 agree- vocational education and training system of tional organizations and human rights people in the east of Ukraine, including ment between the respective transmission Ukraine. We also agreed to deepen our actors to the areas currently not under the internally displaced people. We highlighted system operators. We reaffirmed Ukraine’s cooperation on improving energy efficiency control of the government of Ukraine, the importance of further facilitating the role as a strategic transit country for gas, in residential buildings through the recently including the Crimean peninsula, and to access and movement of people and ensuring affordable, secure and sustainable established Energy Efficiency Fund and respect international humanitarian law. We humanitarian goods across the line of con- supplies to the EU. In this context, we increase efforts in the implementation of called for the immediate release of all illegal- tact as well as to ensure that Ukrainians liv- reconfirmed our readiness to engage in a the Association Agreement. The EU referred ly detained and imprisoned Ukrainian citi- ing in the area not currently under the con- trilateral process facilitated by the to its aim to strengthen investment-related zens in the Crimean peninsula and in Russia, trol of the government fully benefit from European Commission on the contractual support through the External Investment including Crimean Tatar activists as well as their rights as citizens of Ukraine. The EU framework for gas transit to the EU after Plan, which can help mobilize and leverage Oleh Sentsov, Volodymyr Balukh, Oleksandr expressed its readiness to engage in sup- 2019. We agreed on the need to develop private funding, in accordance with the set Kolchenko, Stanislav Klykh, Oleksandr port of reconstruction efforts once the con- better and safer transport links. We recalled conditions. We also agreed on the impor- Shumkov and Roman Sushchenko. Ukraine ditions allow. We welcomed ongoing initia- the importance of concluding the Common tance of cooperation in strengthening cyber presented its activities in international fora tives, including by EU member states, to Aviation Area Agreement at the earliest security and integrity of elections, tackling to address the impact of the illegal annexa- provide targeted assistance to cities and possible date. We reaffirmed our commit- hybrid threats, including disinformation, tion of Crimea and Sevastopol. districts of the conflict-affected region. ment to media pluralism. With regard to the and continuing to enhance our work on 9. We deplored the continuation of vio- 11. We recalled the tragic downing of Ukrainian law on education, we agreed on strategic communication. We acknowl- lence in certain areas of the Donetsk and flight MH17, paying tribute to the victims, the need to ensure the respect for rights edged the important assisting roles played Luhansk regions and its heavy toll on the looked forward to the effective prosecution already exercised of persons belonging to by the EU Advisory Mission for civilian civilian population and its dire consequenc- of those responsible for this tragedy, and national minorities as enshrined in U.N. and security sector reform (EUAM) and by the es for the human rights situation. We con- called on the Russian Federation to accept Council of Europe conventions and related European Commission Support Group for demned in the strongest terms the contin- its responsibility and to fully cooperate protocols, non-discrimination of persons Ukraine in the coordination, planning and ued indiscriminate shelling of residential with all efforts to establish accountability.

and military support to the Federation to further destabi- Chairman’s... Russian-led militants in the Allies expressed their unwavering lize Ukraine including the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. threat of the use of force, dis- (Continued from page 3) 6. NATO leaders and support for Ukraine’s sovereignty information, cyberattacks, tial opening of the Kerch Strait bridge Ukraine stressed that ensuring and territorial integrity within its energy blackmail, and inter- between Russia and the illegally annexed a comprehensive ceasefire, the ference in Ukraine’s sovereign Crimea, which represents another violation withdrawal of heavy weapons, internationally recognized borders, institutional and electoral of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial the effective monitoring and and its right to decide on its future processes. They call on Russia integrity, including the infringement of its verification by the OSCE and foreign policy course free from to desist from such actions. navigational rights in its territorial waters. Special Monitoring Mission 9. NATO highly values 5. The ongoing armed conflict in eastern (SMM), the withdrawal of outside interference, as set out in the Ukraine’s significant contribu- Ukraine, instigated and perpetuated by Russian-backed formations Helsinki Final Act. tions to allied operations, the Russia, remains a major challenge to Euro- and heavy military equipment, NATO Response force and Atlantic security, and has produced a as well as the disarmament of NATO exercises. Allies wel- humanitarian catastrophe in the Donbas. illegal groups remain the first local ceasefires. comed Ukraine’s decision to This has led to the loss of more than 10,000 necessary steps to de-escalate the conflict. 7. In this context, the heads of state and increase its contribution to the Resolute lives and displaced over 1.5 million The SMM must be allowed to fulfill its man- government of NATO and Ukraine took note Support Mission in Afghanistan and the Ukrainian citizens. Allies and Ukraine reaf- date and have full, safe and unhindered of the recent discussions in the Normandy NATO Response Force. These contributions firmed their support for the settlement of access throughout Ukraine, including the format on the way towards the full imple- testify to Ukraine’s continued commitment the conflict by diplomatic mentation of the Minsk agree- to Euro-Atlantic security and increase the means in accordance ments. They also discussed the level of interoperability of the Armed Forces with the Minsk agree- Russia’s ongoing militarization of prospects for a possible U.N.- of Ukraine with NATO. Allies acknowledged ments and welcomed the Crimea, the Black Sea and the Sea of authorized peacekeeping force in Ukraine’s interest in the enhanced opportu- efforts of the Normandy the Donbas. They emphasized nities within the Partnership format in this regard. Azov poses further threats to Ukraine’s that it should support and facili- Interoperability Initiative. NATO will consid- They urged all parties to independence and undermines the sta- tate the full implementation of er this in view of the decisions taken at the comply fully with the the Minsk agreements with a Wales and Warsaw summits. commitments to which bility of the broader region. robust mandate to ensure area 10. An independent, sovereign and sta- they signed up. Russia, as security throughout the entire ble Ukraine, firmly committed to democra- a party to the Minsk agreements, bears sig- Ukraine-Russia state border. NATO and conflict zone, up to and including the cy and the rule of law, is key to security in nificant responsibility in this regard. NATO Ukraine called on Russia to return to the Ukrainian-Russian border. the Euro-Atlantic area, of which – as stated and Ukraine called on Russia to withdraw Joint Center for Control and Coordination 8. Allies and Ukraine are concerned by in the Charter on Distinctive Partnership – its forces and to cease all political, financial (JCCC) in order to ensure the facilitation of the continued attempts by the Russian Ukraine is an inseparable part. No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 15

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Syracuse Branch of Organization for the Defense of is reactivated

by Lida H. Buniak Hvozda had on the creation of the World Federation of and the launching of SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Representatives from a socio-political movement to promote Canada and the United States of the awareness about the almost extirpated cul- Organization for the Defense of Lemkiv­ ture and language of Lemkivshchyna. shchyna and the president of the World A meeting of members of the national Federation of Ukrainian Lemko Associations boards of OOL and the Organization of (known by the Ukrainian acronym SFULO), Lemko Canadians (OLK) also took place on met on June 30-July 1 in Syracuse, N.Y., to Saturday. The two organizations discussed discuss organizational goals and to provide collaborative projects, such as the planned information for local area Lemkos about the academic conference on September 7, in benefits of membership. Lviv, on the topic of the forced resettlement Historically the Organization for the of ethnic Ukrainians from Poland during Defense of Lemkivshchyna (known as OOL) 1944-1951. has deep roots within this Central New Sunday’s information session for pro- York Ukrainian community. The late Dr. spective OOL members at the Syracuse Tatiana Galinskaia Ivan Hvozda, born in the Wysoczany, Ukrainian National Home included a com- Participants of the OOL Information Session in Syracuse, N.Y. Sianok district of Lemkivshchyna, was once prehensive PowerPoint presentation by head of the National Board of OOL. During OOL President Mark Howansky, “I remem- Central Committee of the Defense of together members of all ages to learn about his presidency, Dr. Hvozda facilitated the ber going to Ukrainian School as a child Lemkivshchyna on September 9, 1933, in their heritage through Lemko pysanka and creation of the Lemko Research feeling a bit self-conscious about my Lemko New York City. The Organization for the song workshops. Genealogy resources are Department in the Harvard Ukrainian accent, but now I have a different attitude… Defense of Lemkivshchyna in America was also available to family members who were Research Institute and was co-founder of I am proud of what we have accomplished subsequently formed in 1936 in resettled to Soviet Ukraine during the years the Lemko Research Foundation (LRF). here for Ukraine as Lemkos.” Philadelphia. 1944-1946 or to northern and western During a moving vigil at his final resting Lemkos began arriving to America in the The Third Wave migration of Ukrainians Poland during Akcja Wisla in 1947. place at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian 1870s. They were among the first to build to the United States during the 1970s and Mr. Howansky underscored: “We want to Catholic Cemetery on Saturday, June 30, Ukrainian churches and form fraternal 1980s yielded a significant expansion of be able to connect with the younger gener- member delegates of the OOL sang the organizations. brought the organization. Currently, besides such ation and English-speaking Lemkos Lemko folk song “Oy, Vershe, Miy Vershe” destruction to the Lemko region. This event cultural events as the annual Lemko Vatra through technology and social media, to and reminisced about the impact Dr. likely precipitated the formation of the in Ellenville, N.Y., OOL and LRF offer numer- help them learn more about their roots.” ous publications about Lemko history, The president of the World Federation of architecture and art, as well as a plethora of Ukrainian Lemko Associations, Yaroslawa artifacts highlighting the Lemko heritage at Halyk of , Ukraine, expressed her the Ukrainian Lemko Museum in Stamford, appreciation for the OOL members in the Conn. United States and Canada: “I know how The established OOL branches in New hard you work here, raising your children York, Yonkers and Albany N.Y.; Passaic, and building a life, but you do not forget Irvington and Jersey City, N.J.; and prelimi- about your Ukraine.” nary OOL branches in Philadelphia, A soulful a capella performance by Chicago, Syracuse, N.Y., and New Britain, Conn., have the opportunity to bring (Continued on page 19) Philadelphia seniors present check to Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center

Lida Buniak OOL President Mark Howansky (left) and President of the World Federation of Ukrainian Lemko Associations Yaroslava Halyk (right) congratulate newly elected Syracuse Branch OOL President, John I. Hvozda, Esq. Wilmington parish thanks visiting priest from Ukraine

Borys Pawluk At the presentation of a donation to the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center (from left) are Marusia Litynsky, Anna Makuch, Petrusia Sawchak, Chair Nila Pawluk of the Program Committee of the Ukrainian American Senior Citizens Association, Myrosia Hill, Andrea Zharovsky, president of the UECC, Marta Kokolskyj and Osip Roshko, president of the UASCA.

JENKINTOWN, Pa. – Members of the 23-30. Program Committee of the Ukrainian As a result of the lottery, $5,000 was American Senior Citizens Association raised and donated to the UECC at the (UASCA) in Philadelphia conducted a raffle seniors’ monthly meeting on May 16. The WILMINGTON, Del. – Parishioners of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in to promote a Canada and New England cruise is being planned by Zenia’s Travel Wilmington, Del., are seen above after the 10 a.m. divine liturgy with Father Yuriy cruise to benefit the Ukrainian Educational Club, which conducted the excursion for Silnyk from Ukraine. For the past month, Father Silnyk temporarily replaced Father and Cultural Center. The cruise will sail the seniors. Other sponsors for the fund- Volodymyr Klanichka, who was vacationing in Ukraine. The parishioners wished Father round-trip from New York to Portland and raiser were the Nasevich Funeral Home, Silnyk a safe return to Ukraine after he substitutes for another priest in Baltimore for Bar Harbor (Maine), St. John (New the Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit the next few weeks. Brunswick) and Halifax (Nova Scotia) on Union and the Passage Restaurant in – Eugene Serba the Norwegian Escape on September Philadelphia. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29 BOOK NOTE: Putin’s ongoing war against Ukraine “Putin’s War Against Ukraine: Russia. The “End of History” – as it was pro- wants to know what is really going on in Revolution, Nationalism and Crime,” by claimed in 1991 – has been replaced by the Ukraine today. The title says it all: Ukraine Taras Kuzio. CreateSpace Publishing, 2017. “Return of History.” is the victim of a military aggression initiat- 474 pp. ISBN: 978-1543285864. $19. Chapter headings include: “Understand­ ed, conducted and sustained by Russia’s ing the Ukraine-Russia Crisis and the supremacist macho dictator, Putin.” “Putin’s War Against Ukraine” by Taras Donbas”; “Russian Nationalism and The war in Ukraine has cost 30,000 civil- Kuzio focuses on national identity as the Imperialism and Ukraine”; “Ukrainophobia ian and military lives, according to Dr. root of the crisis through Russia’s long- and Re-Stalinization”; “Anti- and Kuzio. One-third of the population of the term refusal to view Ukrainians as separate Anti-Semitism”; “Crime and Violence”; “The Donbas has been internally displaced. The people and an unwillingness to recognize Donbas and Ukraine”; “The Party of Donbas has also suffered the destruction of the sovereignty and borders of indepen- Regions”; “Subverting and Dismembering huge areas of the infrastructure and econo- dent Ukraine. The book aims to debunk Ukraine”; “Invasion, Annexation and Hybrid my, and created a black hole of crime and myths surrounding the conflict and pro- War”; “Human Rights and War Crimes”; and soft security threats to Europe. vides an incisive analysis for scholars, poli- “Ukraine’s National Identity and Putin’s War.” Dr. Kuzio is non-resident fellow at the cy-makers and journalists as to why The book includes interviews conducted Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Vladimir Putin is at war with the West and in Ukraine, as well as recommended addi- Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced Ukraine. tional reading. International Studies at Johns Hopkins Reality has set in among Western lead- In his review on, Alexander University, and is a leading authority on ers that Russia believes the West is at war Motyl wrote: “No Western scholar knows contemporary Ukraine. This latest book is a with Russia, with Dr. Kuzio citing the 2016 Ukraine as well as Taras Kuzio. Once again, product of extensive fieldwork in Russian- U.S. presidential election hacking as the as so often in the past, he comes through speaking eastern and most egregious example. The international with fundamental work – well-researched, and the frontlines of the Donbas combat liberal order of the post-Cold War era authoritative and clearly written – that will zone. The author is based in Toronto and is remains under threat from an aggressive be indispensible reading for anyone who a native of England. For more information, readers may visit Dr. Kuzio’s website, Readers may obtain copies of “Putin’s War Against Ukraine” from online retailers and booksellers. An e-book version is available as well on

Minister Joly’s... (Continued from page 7) attention about this, I spoke with several well-placed friends in Ottawa who alerted the responsible Heritage bureaucrats, our assumption being they would quickly and quietly fix this faux pas. A gas shut-off valve near an image of gas ovens used to inciner- ate humans? Who cares? Since I can’t be bothered with the twits on Twitter, south or north of the border, Ms. Joly will get nothing more from me other than a postcard I just dropped into my local mailbox. It asks why Ukrainian victims of the Holocaust were deliberately excluded from a Canadian monument all taxpayers helped pay for. And I will be sure to remember her discourtesy when I vote in 456 days. I can wait. I’ve already proven I’m a patient sort of fellow. No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 17 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 No. 29 Stamford Eparchy to host 84th annual Ukrainian Seminary Day Patriarch Sviatoslav in August to be held July 29 in Pennsylvania by Mitred Msgr. John Terlecky from Rome, Sister Sofija Lebedowicz, supe- MINERSVILLE, Pa. – The 84th annual made soups, home-made cakes and pastries, rior general of the congregation. Ukrainian Seminary Day will be held together with traditional American fare and STAMFORD, Conn. – Patriarch Sviatoslav Patriarch Sviatoslav then will take part Sunday, July 29, at St. Nicholas Church beverages will also be available. Admission of the Ukrainian Catholic Church will make in a number of events associated with the Picnic Grounds in Primrose (just outside and parking are free. Buses are welcome. a pastoral visit to the Ukrainian Catholic pilgrimage, which begins on Saturday after- Minersville), Pa. This annual event is spon- St. Nicholas Picnic Grove and Hall are Eparchy of Stamford, Conn., on August noon, August 11, and concludes on Sunday sored by the 12 parishes and faithful of the located on Route 901, one mile north of 9-12. His visit coincides with the 60th afternoon, August 12. South Anthracite Deanery under the lead- Minersville in the village of Primrose, anniversary of the eparchy’s establishment Several thousand pilgrims are anticipat- ership of their respective pastors. Schuylkill County, Pa. (GPS locator: 855 by the Holy See in 1958 and the annual ed to take part in the highlight of the patri- Bishop Andriy Rabiy, apostolic adminis- Sunbury Road, Pottsville, PA 17901). Holy Dormition Pilgrimage, sponsored by arch’s pastoral visit – the hierarchical trator of the Ukrainian Catholic From 1985 through 2017, Ukrainian the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in divine liturgy, concelebrated with all the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, will celebrate Seminary Day has raised almost $900,000 Sloatsburg, N.Y. Ukrainian Catholic bishops of the United the divine liturgy at 11 a.m. with clergy of for the financial support of St. Josaphat The schedule of events begins with a States, at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. The special the South Anthracite Deanery. Ukrainian Catholic Seminary, adjacent to benefit banquet on Thursday evening, guest for the liturgy will be Cardinal Entertainment includes the Kazka the campus of The Catholic University of August 9, in the ballroom of the Sheraton Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Roman Ukrainian Folk Ensemble, SpivZhyttya America in Washington. Stamford Hotel. Tickets are $250 per per- Catholic Archdiocese of New York. (Living in Song) and John Stevens’ For more information, readers may visit son with all net proceeds earmarked for A full schedule of the pilgrimage’s events Doubleshot Polka Band. Ukrainian arts and the Ukrainian Seminary Day Facebook page the patriarch’s ministry of leadership. can be found on the sisters’ website, www. crafts, including embroidery and pysanky at: Remaining tickets may be reserved by con- demonstrations, will be featured. UkrainianSeminaryDay/https://www.face- tacting the Stamford Chancery office, 203- This year’s pilgrimage also features a Pyrohy, holubtsi, kovbasa, halushky, home- 324-7698, or St. Basil Seminary, 203-324- special exhibit in St. Mary Villa’s gallery 4578, during weekday hours of 8:30 a.m. to commemorating the 50th anniversary of 4 p.m. or online at stamfordeparchy@ the historic visit of Patriarch Josyf Slipyj to affirm the United States’ declared support the Stamford Eparchy in August 1968. UCCA, UWC react... of Ukraine. The UCCA maintains that the On Friday morning, August 10, Patriarch Thousands turned out to greet him for the national security interests of the United (Continued from page 1) Sviatoslav will concelebrate a divine liturgy first time in New York City, at summer youth States include the fulfillment of our coun- with the eparchial clergy at 10 a.m. in the camps in Ellenville, East Chatham and Glen failing to condemn the Russian Federation’s try’s public and binding security guaran- Seminary Chapel, followed by a conference Spey, N.Y., as well as in Sloatsburg. The continuing war against Ukraine, or to reit- tees to Ukraine, and calls on supporters of and luncheon. exhibit has been prepared by the staff of the erate the United States’ support for the ter- liberty and democracy to condemn the Later in the day, he will travel to Stamford Ukrainian Museum and Library. ritorial integrity and sovereignty of president’s failure to confront Vladimir Sloatsburg to be formally welcomed by the Patriarch Sviatoslav departs from the Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova’s interna- Putin in Helsinki. Only by standing united Sisters Servants and their special guest Eparchy on Monday, August 13. tionally recognized borders. Furthermore, with our security alliance partners will we the president did not guarantee that the prevail over an enemy that remains the United States’ sanctions regime against the greatest existential threat not only to the reported that more than 11,000 Russian Russian Federation would be maintained United States and Ukraine, but to the entire Captive Nations... troops were stationed in the territory, until Russia fully complies with its interna- post-World War II global security structure. along with tanks, artillery and armored tional obligations regarding Ukraine. (Continued from page 8) UWC release vehicles. Ceasefire violations along the The Ukrainian American community, as Umerov was in particularly poor health. In frontlines (for which each side blames the do all Americans, look to our commander- The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) October, thanks to a deal brokered by other) have resulted in dozens of civilian in-chief to live up not only to his oath of expresses dismay over the lack of any pub- deaths. office in defense of our republic, but to lic condemnation of the Russian Federation the two Tatar leaders were allowed to leave As in Crimea, Russian forces in the stand in defense of our ideals of liberty and by President of the United States Donald theTurkish peninsula president and go Recep into exile.Tayyip Both Erdoğan, prom- Donbas are increasingly engaged in para- democracy when confronted by a foreign Trump during a press conference held after ised to return to their embattled homeland. noid and discriminatory religious persecu- adversary. The Ukrainian Congress his summit meeting with Russian President Ethnic Ukrainian residents of Crimea are tion of both Muslims and Ukrainian Greek- Committee of America (UCCA), the largest Vladimir Putin on July 16 in Helsinki, not exempt from persecution. Three of Catholics in an effort to root out “extrem- representation of Americans of Ukrainian Finland. Russia’s highest-profile political prisoners – ists” and pro-Ukraine sympathizers. The descent, has spoken out for over 75 years During the press conference, United Oleh Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko and Russian government’s ban on Jehovah’s in support of United States authorities exe- States President Donald Trump made no Volodymyr Balukh – are Ukrainian Witnesses has also been extended to the cuting their duties for the common good of mention of the numerous blatant violations Crimeans. Sentsov is a filmmaker and a puppet state in Luhansk as well. our country. by the Russian Federation of its interna- participant in the 2014 Auto-Maidan; An international investigation into the President Trump’s failure in Helsinki to tional obligations and our most fundamen- Kolchenko is a trade unionist and vocal 2014 shootdown of Malaysian Airlines publicly rebut the excuses of Russia’s mili- tal values, its downing of Malaysian Airlines anti-fascist who was, ironically, falsely Flight 17 (MH17) over the Donbas region is tary intelligence units were a disservice to Flight MH17 over Ukraine and the death of accused of being part of a far right wing ongoing. All evidence has conclusively the legitimate work of United States law 298 innocent people on the eve of the political group; Balukh is a farmer who pointed towards the culpability of the enforcement and intelligence officials, who fourth anniversary of this horrible crime, made himself nettlesome to the occupation Russian military or its “separatist” proxies serve our country proudly. We further voice its illegal occupation of Crimea, its invasion authorities by hanging a Ukrainian flag – a finding supported by airline industry our support for the law enforcement offi- of eastern Ukraine, its imprisonment of from his roof. Crimean Tatar groups around safety groups, human rights groups and cials in the United Kingdom and the more than 70 Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar the world and their allies have been unani- European governments. The Joint Netherlands, who have exposed Russia’s political prisoners, and its detention of over mous in their calls for the release of these Investigative Team – a specialized task crimes against their citizens with the use of 100 Ukrainian hostages in the Donbas. three (and other Crimean political prison- force including law enforcement authori- the Novichok nerve agent in the U.K. and Moreover, an important and glaring ers held by Putin), especially in the run-up ties from the Netherlands, Malaysia, the downing of the commercial airliner opportunity was lost to underscore the to the 2018 World Cup. Belgium, Ukraine and Australia – reported MH17 over Ukraine, murdering 298 inno- unequivocal support of the United States of that MH17 was downed by a surface-to-air Occupied Ukraine: Donbas cent men, women and children. We echo America for the territorial integrity of missile that only Russian forces in the the- the words we sent to the president before Ukraine and the continuation of sanctions The Donbas region of Ukraine, now ater had access to at the time. Furthermore, his departure to Europe: Vladimir Putin is against the Russian Federation until such occupied by Russian forces and the puppet in March 2018, Ukrainian intelligence not an ally of the United States. time that it fully complies with its interna- regimes of the Donetsk and Luhansk “peo- named seven prime suspects in the shoot- Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began tional obligations. ple’s republics,” has remained the site of an down, a list which included high-ranking in 2014, over 10,000 people have been The UWC supports its member organi- essentially frozen conflict throughout the Russian military officers involved the killed and over 2 million civilians have been zation, the Ukrainian Congress Committee past year. In October 2017, defense analysts covert . displaced – the largest wartime displace- of America, in maintaining that the national ment in Europe since World War II. Since security interests of the United States 2014, the United States government has include the fulfillment of the country’s pub- banking and energy sectors, were first spoken with one voice in support of lic and binding security guarantees to Poroshenko... imposed in the summer of 2014 after Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and Ukraine and that only a unified security Russia illegally annexed Ukraine’s Crimean (Continued from page 1) the inviolability of its borders, when it alliance can prevail over Russian hybrid peninsula and began fueling the conflict in declared as official state policy that the aggression. In late June, European Union leaders eastern Ukraine by backing separatists United States will “assist the government of “The Ukrainian World Congress calls for called on Moscow to “accept its responsibil- fighting government forces there. Ukraine in restoring its sovereignty and the international community to unequivo- ity and fully cooperate with all efforts to More than 10,300 people have been territorial integrity in order to deter the cally demonstrate its support for the terri- establish truth, justice and accountability” killed in the conflict, and EU leaders have government of the Russian Federation from torial integrity of Ukraine and further in response to the incident, and extended said the sanctions won’t be lifted unless further destabilizing and invading Ukraine uncover Russian disinformation that the bloc’s economic sanctions penalizing Russia and other parties to the conflict and other independent countries.” undermines the common values of the Russia for its aggression in Ukraine. make progress toward carrying out agree- Today, instead of confronting Vladimir democratic free world,” stated UWC The sanctions, which mainly hit Russia’s ments aimed at solving the conflict. Putin, President Trump failed to publicly President Eugene Czolij. No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018 19

Through July 29 Performance, “Sickle,” a new play by Abbey Fenbert and August 5-18 Folklorama Multicultural Festival, Spirit of Ukraine Pavilion Chicago Elizabeth Lovelady,” Strawdog Theater, Winnipeg, MB at Soul Sanctuary, Ukraine/Kyiv Pavilion at Maples Collegiate, or

July 25-28 St. Mary’s Ukrainian Festival, St. Mary the Dormition of August 11 Softball tournament, Ukrainian American Youth McKees Rocks, PA the Birthgiver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Ellenville, NY Association camp, August 11 Film screening, “The First Lions: Founding of the July 25-29 Convention, Ukrainian Orthodox League, Metropolia Chicago Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art,” Chopin Theater, South Bound Brook, Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., or 773-278-1500 NJ August 16-18 Folkfest, Ukrainian Karpaty Pavilion, Hall D Exhibition, July 26 through Exhibit, “Ukrainian Orthodoxy in The New Land: 100 Years Saskatoon, SK Prairieland Park, September 15 in the United States of America,” Ukrainian History Somerset, NJ and Education Center, or 732-356-0132 August 16-19 St. Josaphat Ukrainian Festival, St. Josaphat Ukrainian Rochester, NY Catholic Church, July 27-28 St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church Ukrainian Syracuse, NY Festival, August 18 Fund-raiser concert, with violinist Nazar Pylatiuk, cellist Jewett, NY Natalia Khoma and pianist Volodymyr Vynnytsky, July 27 Centennial concert, featuring Ukrainian Chorus Dumka Grazhda Music and Art Center of Greene County, Somerset, NJ of New York, Women’s Bandura Ensemble of North or 518-989-6479 America and the Kyiv Ukrainian Dance Ensemble of Pittsburgh, Ukrainian Cultural Center, 732-356-0090 August 18-19 Ukrainian Festival, Ukrainian Homestead, July 28 Centennial celebration, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Lehighton, PA South Bound Brook, the U.S.A., Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox August 19 Ukrainian Day, Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, NJ Church of the U.S.A., Edmonton, AB July 28 Michael Yurkanin Memorial Golf Outing, Ukrainian Oxford, MI Cultural Center, Devil’s Ridge Golf Club, 248-696-0100 August 23 USCAK Beach Soccer Tournament, Ukrainian Sports Wildwood Crest, Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada, beach in front of August 3-5 Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival, Selo Ukraina, NJ Pan Am Hotel, [email protected] or Dauphin, MB or 877-474-2683 August 24 Fund-raiser dance, with music by Torn Boots and DJ August 3-26 Photography exhibit, “Visual Arts Project,” curated by Wildwood, NJ Orest, Khmelnychenky Plast fraternity, Wildwood Chicago Olenka Prokopenko, Ukrainian National Museum, American Legion hall, or 312-421-8090

August 4 80th birthday concert in honor of Myroslav Skoryk, with violinist Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events Jewett, NY Nazar Pylatiuk, cellist Natalia Khoma and pianist Volodymyr advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Vynnytsky, Grazhda Music and Art Center of Greene from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors County, or 518-989-6479 and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

The newly elected president summa- Syracuse Branch... rized his intentions in an eloquent accep- tance speech: “My father always said that (Continued from page 15) throughout life it was important to wear Lemko folk singer Julia Doszna at this infor- comfortable shoes in order to facilitate mation session was a stirring reminder of your ability to get to where you need to go... the joys and sorrows of this ethnic sub- And as our pastor once told me, your time group of the . inevitably comes to grow up and take the The Lemko information session in lead when the previous – in this case gold- Syracuse garnered enough interest in en – generation passes on. I now have large membership to reactivate Syracuse Branch shoes to fill, but my father is with me (look- 27 of OOL. Participants felt fortunate to ing down) and happy that this branch of have the late Dr. Hvozda’s son, attorney the OOL has been resurrected. I will work John I. Hvozda, ready to take over the reins hard with my fellow Syracuse Lemkos to of leadership. preserve this rich cultural heritage.”

Borys Buniak Paying respect to the late Dr. Ivan Hvozda, former head of the National Board of the Organization for the Defense of Lemkivshchyna.

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Friday, August 24 gram titled “Celebrate Liberty and Unity,” WILDWOOD, N.J. : The Khmelnychenky another collaborative effort of prior per- Plast fraternity is sponsoring a fund-raising formers: Voloshky Ukrainian Dance dance for Plast Ukrainian Scouting Ensemble, Iskra Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, Organization camps at the Wildwood violinist Innesa Tymochko Dekajlo and the American Legion, 4200 Atlantic Ave. Doors Vox Ethnika orchestra. Special guests open at 8 pm. Entertainment will be provid- include singer-songwriter from Ukraine ed by Torn Boots and DJ Orest. Admission: Iryna Lonchyna and talented local singers $20 for adults age 21 and over only Yuliya Stupen, Vika Slobodyan and Philly (includes open beer bar 8 p.m.-1 a.m.; mixed friends. A social dance to the live music of drinks also available.) Valid IDs required for the Vox Ethnika will follow the concert at wristbands that will be sold at the beach 4:30 p.m. Delicious Ukrainian foods and and at the door. For more information visit baked goods, picnic fare, cool beverages and the Facebook page https://www.facebook. refreshments will be plentiful. Vendors are com/Xmeli/. welcome. An arts and crafts bazaar and a children’s fun area will be open all day. Sunday, August 26 Admission: $15, $10 for students, free for HORSHAM, Pa.: The Ukrainian American children under age 15; parking is free. A lim- Sport Center will host the 27th ited number of discount tickets is available annual Ukrainian Independence Folk online. For further information: 267-664- Festival and Outdoor Summer Concert at 3857, [email protected], or Tryzubivka, County Line and Lower State The sponsor is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non- roads, Horsham, PA 19044. Doors will open profit charitable organization. Proceeds at noon. The concert in the park will begin benefit youth and adult amateur sports and at 1:30 p.m. It is an integrated, dynamic pro- cultural, fraternal and community programs.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph that includes the date, place, type of event, spon- sor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number and/or e-mail address to be published for readers who may require additional informa- tion. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of pub- lication (i.e., they must be received by 9 am Monday morning). Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.

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* First year rate. Second Year Rate – 3.0%. ANNUITIES All annuity rates are subject to change. Not available in all states Ukrainian National Association, inc.

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