iSSn 2414-05-62 DOI: NGO “Ukrainian Assembly of doctors of science in public administration” Interregional Academy of personal management


№ 1 (11) – January 2018

Collection is trained in scientific partnership with the Ukrainian Technological Academy

Kyiv ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” 2018

1 Редакція Editorial Головний редактор Editorial in Chief Романенко Євген Олександрович, Yevgen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, доктор наук з державного управління, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, професор, академік Української Технологічної Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії International Personnel Academy and Academy та Академії наук публічного управління, of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer заслужений юрист України of Заступник головного редактора Deputy Editor Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay, кандидат наук з державного управління PhD in Public Administration Випусковий редактор Ю. А. Носанчук Managing Editor Y. A. Hosanchuk Комп’ютерне макетування А. П. Нечипорук Computer modeling A. P. Hechyporuk

Публічне урядування Public management Свідоцтво КВ 21596-11496 Р Certificate КВ 21596-11496 Р Видається з листопада 2015 року Published from november 2015 Періодичність: 1 раз на квартал + 1 на рік Pereodisity: 4 times on a year + one Друкується за рішенням Вченої ради Published by the decision of Academic council of Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Протокол № 1 від 24.01.2018) (Protocol № 1 from January 24, 2018) Видання є таким, що реферується в міжнародних The edition is such that is reviewed in the interna- наукометричних базах Index Copernicus, tional scientometric bases Index Copernicus, РИНЦ, РИНЦ та КіберЛенінка, у вітчизняній КіберЛенінка and in the domestic abstract database реферативній базі даних “Україніка наукова” “Україніка наукова” and ukrainian abstract journal та українському реферативному журналі “Джерело” (Series 3. Social and Human “Джерело”. Sciences. Arts). Збірник внесено до Переліку наукових фахових The collection included in the list of scientific видань з державного управління professional edition from Public Administration (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine від 10.05.2017 № 693). from 10.05.2017 № 693). Відповідальність за зміст, достовірність фактів, The authors are responsible for the content, цитат, цифр несуть автори матеріалів. Редакція accuracy of the facts, quotes, numbers. The editors залишає за собою право на незначне редагування reserves the right for a little change and reduction і скорочення (зі збереженням авторського стилю та (with preservation of the author’s style and main головних висновків). Редакція не завжди поділяє conclusions). Editors can not share the world думки авторів та не несе відповідальність за надану views of the authors and are not responsible for the ними інформацію. Матеріали подано information provided. Materials filed в авторській редакції. in the author’s edition. Передрук — тільки з дозволу редакції. Reprinting — with the editorial’s permission strictly. Адреса редакційної колегії: Андріївський узвіз, Address of the editorial board: 11, Andriyivskyy буд. 11, оф. 68, м. Київ, Україна, 04070 Descent, office 68, , Ukraine, 04070 Е-mail: [email protected] Е-mail: [email protected] Адреса видавництва: Addres of the editorial: ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” просп. Червонозоряний, 119, літ. ХХ, ave. Chervonozoryanyj, 119 lit. XX, Київ, Україна, 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, 03039

Public management : collection. — № 1 (11) – January 2018. — Kyiv : ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал”, 2018. — 342 p.

2 Головний редактор — Романенко Євген Олександрович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, академік Української Технологічної Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії та Академії наук публічного управління, заслужений юрист України. Заступник головного редактора — Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління.

Редакційна колегія но-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу. 1. Акімова Людмила Миколаївна — кан- 9. Валевський Олексій Леонідович — дидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент ка- доктор наук з державного управління, стар- федри фінансів та природокористування ший науковий співробітник, провідний нау- Національного університету водного госпо- ковий співробітник Національного інституту дарства та природокористування. стратегічних досліджень. 2. Андрущенко Тетяна Вікторівна — док- 10. Ващенко Костянтин Олександро- тор політичних наук, професор, провідний вич — доктор політичних наук, Голова На- науковий співробітник Інституту вищої осві- ціонального агентства України з питань ти Національної академії педагогічних наук державної служби, член-кореспондент На- України. ціональної академії педагогічних наук Украї- 3. Афонін Едуард Андрійович — док- ни, Заслужений економіст України. тор соціологічних наук, професор, академік 11. Вендт Ян Анджей — доктор хабілі- Української технологічної академії, Заслуже- тований наук про Землю у сфері географії, ний діяч науки і техніки України, професор професор, заступник директора з питань кафедри публічної політики та політичної науки та розвитку Інституту океанографії аналітики Національної академії державного та географії Гданського університету (Поль- управління при Президентові України. ща). 4. Балашов Анатолій Миколайович — 12. Гаєвська Лариса Анатоліївна — док- доктор наук з державного управління, про- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, фесор, професор кафедри публічного ад- заступник начальника управління з навчаль- міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії ної роботи — начальник відділу менеджмен- управління персоналом, Президент Всеукра- ту знань Національної академії державного їнської академії наук публічного управління. управління при Президентові України, про- 5. Бова Тетяна В’ячеславівна — док- фесор кафедри управління освітою. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 13. Гвожьджєвіч Сильвія — кандидат Херсонський національний технічний уні- наук, кафедра адміністрації та національ- верситет, професор кафедри державного ної безпеки Державної професійної вищої управління і місцевого самоврядування. школи ім. Якуба з Парадижа в Гожуві-Ве- 6. Бодров Володимир Григорович — док- ликопольcькому (Гожув-Великопольський, тор економічних наук, професор, завідувач Польща). кафедри управління національним господар- 14. Гечбайя Бадри Нодарович — доктор ством та економічної політики Національної економічних наук, асоційований професор, академії державного управління при Прези- Батумський державний університет ім. Шота дентові України. Руставелі, факультет економіки і бізнесу. Ке- 7. Бульба Володимир Григорович — док- руючий департаментом управління бізнесом тор наук з державного управління, професор, (Грузія). декан факультету підготовки магістрів дер- 15. Гурковський Володимир Ігорович — жавного управління Харківського регіональ- доктор наук з державного управління, пер- ного інституту державного управління На- ший заступник директора ВГО “Центр дослі- ціональної академії державного управління дження проблем публічного управління”. при Президентові України. 16. Дацій Надія Василівна — доктор наук 8. Бутирська Тетяна Олександрівна — з державного управління, доцент, завідувач доктор наук з державного управління, до- кафедри менеджменту і маркетингу Київ- цент, професор кафедри державного управ- ського національного лінгвістичного універ- ління та місцевого самоврядування Іва- ситету.

3 17. Девадзе Анзор Хемидович — кан- Наук, професор кафедри публічного адміні- дидат економічних наук, доктор економіки, стрування Міжрегіональної Академії управ- професор, Батумський державний універси- ління персоналом. тет ім. Шота Руставелі, факультет туризму 28. Козаков Володимир Миколайович — (Грузія). доктор наук з державного управління, профе- 18. Денисюк Світлана Георгіївна — док- сор, професор кафедри державної політики та тор політичних наук, професор кафедри су­ су­спільного розвитку Національної академії спільно-політичних наук Вінницького націо- державного управління при Президентові нального технічного університету. України. 19. Довгань Валерій Іванович — доктор 29. Корнієвський Олександр Анатолійо- наук з державного управління, доцент, про- вич — доктор політичних наук, доцент, завіду- фесор кафедри державного управління та вач сектору громадянського суспільства Націо- місцевого самоврядування Хмельницького нального інституту стратегічних досліджень. університету управління та права. 30. Кринична Ірина Петрівна — доктор 20. Драган Іван Олександрович — доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, про- наук з державного управління, професор ка- фесор кафедри державного управління та федри менеджменту і маркетингу Київського місцевого самоврядування Дніпропетров- національного лінгвістичного університету. ського регіонального інституту державного 21. Драгомирецька Наталія Михайлів- управління Національної академії держав- на — доктор наук з державного управління, ного управління при Президентові України. професор кафедри філософських та соціаль- 31. Крюков Олексій Ігорович — доктор но-політичних наук Одеського регіонально- наук з державного управління, професор ка- го інституту державного управління Націо- федри політології та філософії Харківського нальної академії державного управління при регіонального інституту державного управ- Президентові України. ління Національної академії державного 22. Жулева Гергана — Доктор PhD, ви- управління при Президентові України. конавчий директор болгарської урядової 32. Литвин Юрій Олексійович — доктор “Програми доступу до інформації” (Болга- наук з державного управління, професор, за- рія). відувач кафедри державного управління та 23. Іваницька Ольга Михайлівна — док- місцевого самоврядування Академії муніци- тор наук з державного управління, професор, пального управління. професор кафедри теорії та практики управ- 33. Лопушинський Іван Петрович — док- ління Національного технічного університе- тор наук з державного управління, профе- ту України “Київський політехнічний інсти- сор, Херсонський національний технічний тут ім. Ігоря Сікорського”. університет, завідувач кафедри державного 24. Ірвін Студін — Доктор PhD, професор управління і місцевого самоврядування. Школи державної політики та управління 34. Мамічев Олексій Юрійович — доктор Університету Торонто, Президент Інституту політичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри питань ХХІ століття, головний редактор і ви- теорії та історії російського та зарубіжного давець журналу Global Brief (Канада). права Владивостоцького державного універ- 25. Кайдашев Роман Петрович — доктор ситету економіки і сервісу (Росія). юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри 35. Миколайчук Микола Миколайович — публічного адміністрування Міжрегіональ- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ної Академії управління персоналом. фесор, Одеський регіональний інститут дер- 26. Карташов Євген Григорович — док- жавного управління Національної академії тор наук з державного управління, завідувач державного управління при Президентові кафедри управління проектами та загально- України, професор кафедри економічної та фахових дисциплін, Інститут менеджменту фінансової політики. та психології Національної академії педаго- 36. Мікеладзе Едуард Важаєвич — кан- гічних наук України. дидат економічних наук, професор, Хіча- 27. Кіслов Денис Васильович — док- урський навчальний університет ім. святої тор наук з державного управління, доцент, Тбел Абусерідзе, факультет економіки та біз- член-кореспондент Української Академії несу (Грузія).

4 37. Мішель Маффесолі — професор уні- кий націо­нальний університет імені Юрія верситету ім. Рене Декарта / Сорбонна — Па- Федьковича, завідувач кафедри. риж V (Париж, Французька республіка). 48. Плющ Руслан Миколайович — док- 38. Молодцов Олександр Володимиро- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, вич — доктор наук з державного управлін- професор кафедри державного управління і ня, доцент, професор кафедри державного місцевого самоврядування Херсонського на- управління та місцевого самоврядування ціонального технічного університету. Івано-Франківського національного техніч- 49. Половцев Олег Валентинович — док- ного університету нафти та газу. тор наук з державного управління, професор 39. Науменко Раїса Андріївна — доктор кафедри державного управління і місцевого наук з державного управління, старший на- самоврядування Херсонського національно- уковий співробітник, Київський національ- го технічного університету. ний торговельно-економічний університет, 50. Радченко Олександр Віталійович — професор кафедри менеджменту. доктор наук з державного управління, про- 40. Наумкіна Світлана Михайлівна — док- фесор надзвичайний Поморської академії в тор політичних наук, професор Державного Слупську (Польща). закладу “Південноукраїнський національний 51. Ромат Євгеній Вікторович — доктор педагогічний університет ім. К. Д. Ушинсько- наук з державного управління, завідувач ка- го” (м. Одеса). федри маркетингу та реклами Київського на- 41. Непомнящий Олександр Михайло- ціонального торговельно-економічного уні- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, верситету. академік Академії будівництва України, про- 52. Руденко Ольга Мстиславівна — док- фесор кафедри публічного адміністрування тор наук з державного управління, доцент, Міжрегіональної Академії управління персо- директор Науково-дослідного інституту налом, заслужений будівельник України. публічного адміністрування та менеджменту 42. Новак-Каляєва Лариса Миколаїв- Чернігівського національного технологічно- на — доктор наук з державного управління, го університету. доцент, професор кафедри державного управ- 53. Ручка Анатолій Олександрович — ління та місцевого самоврядування Львів- доктор соціологічних наук, професор, Інсти- ського регіонального­ інституту державного тут соціології НАН України, головний нау- управління Національної академії державно- ковий співробітник. го управління при Президентові України. 54. Саханєнко Сергій Єгорович — док- 43. Новаченко Тетяна Василівна — доктор тор наук з державного управління, професор наук з державного управління, доцент, профе- кафедри державного управління і місцевого сор кафедри парламентаризму та політичного самоврядування Одеського регіонального ін- менеджменту Національної академії держав- ституту державного управління НАДУ при ного управління при Президентові України. Президентові України. 44. Олуйко Віталій Миколайович — док- 55. Сіцінська Майя Володимирівна — тор наук з державного управління, професор, доктор наук з державного управління, про- голова Хмельницького обласного територіаль- фесор кафедри філософії та політології ного відділення Антимонопольного комітету Національного університету державної по- України. даткової служби України. 45. Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорів- 56. Слінько Олександр Анатолійович — на — доктор наук з державного управління, доктор політичних наук, професор, завідувач Радник Голови Національного агентства з кафедри політології та політичного управ- питань запобігання корупції. ління Воронезької філії Російської академії 46. Пивоваров Костянтин Володимиро- народного господарства та державної служ- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, би при Президенті Російської Федерації професор кафедри публічного адміністру- (Росія). вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління 57. Соболєва Наталя Іванівна — доктор персоналом. соціологічних наук, старший науковий спів- 47. Пірен Марія Іванівна — доктор со- робітник, Інститут соціології НАН України, ціологічних наук, професор, Чернівець- провідний науковий співробітник.

5 58. Сурай Інна Геннадіївна — доктор наук гіональної Академії управління персоналом, з державного управління, доцент, професор виконавчий директор Президії громадської кафедри парламентаризму та політичного організації “Всеукраїнська асамблея докто- менеджменту Національної академії держав- рів наук з державного управління”. ного управління при Президентові України. 65. Червякова Ольга Володимирівна — 59. Суший Олена Володимирівна — док- доктор наук з державного управління, про- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, фесор кафедри публічного адміністрування Інститут соціальної та політичної психології Міжрегіональної Академії управління пер- НАПН України, завідувач лабораторії. соналом. 60. Тадеуш Троціковскі — доктор наук 66. Чернишов Юрій Георгійович — док- про управління, професор, член-кореспон- тор політичних наук, професор, завідувач дент Регіональної­ Академії Менеджменту, кафедри Алтайського державного універси- Голова Правління Регіонального Центру Єв- тету, директор Алтайської школи політичних ропейської Інтеграції (Польща). досліджень (Росія). 61. Усаченко Лариса Михайлівна — док- 67. Шайгородський Юрій Жанович — тор наук з державного управління, професор, доктор політичних наук, доцент, головний професор кафедри публічного адміністру- науковий співробітник Інституту політичних і вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса персоналом, Заслужений діяч науки і техні- НАН України. ки України. 68. Шпак Юрій Валерійович — доктор 62. Халецька Аліна Анатоліївна — наук з державного управління, професор ка- доктор наук з державного управління, про- федри економіки підприємства Східноєвро- фесор, завідувач кафедри менеджменту ор- пейського університету економіки і менедж- ганізацій та зовнішньоекономічної діяль- менту. ності Волинського інституту економіки та 69. Якимчук Аліна Юріївна — доктор менеджменту. економічних наук, професор, професор ка- 63. Філіпенко Тетяна В’ячеславівна — федри державного управління, документо- доктор наук з державного управління, про- знавства та інформаційної діяльності Націо- фесор Міжрегіональної Академії управління нального університету водного господарства персоналом. та природокористування. 64. Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна — кандидат 70. Яутріте Бріеде — доктор юридичних наук з державного управління, доцент ка- наук, професор, Латвійський університет, федри публічного адміністрування Міжре- юридичний факультет (Латвія).

6 Editor in Chief — Yevhen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, Doctor of sciences in Public Adminis- tration, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, International Personnel Academy and Academy of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Deputy Editor — Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay, PhD in Public Administration.

Editorial board 9. Oleksii Leonidovych Valevskyi — Doc- tor of science in Public Administration, Senior 1. Lyudmila Nikolayevna Akimova — PhD Researcher, Senior Research of the National In- of economic science, assistant professor, assis- stitute for Strategic Studies. tant professor of the Department of finance and 10. Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych Vashchen- environmental sciences of the National Univer- ko — Doctor of Political Sciences, Head of the sity of Water and Environment. National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, 2. Tetiana Viktorivna Andrushchenko — member-correspondent of the National Acade- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, leading my of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored researcher of the Institute of Higher Education Economist of Ukraine. of National Academy of Educational Sciences of 11. Andrzej Jan Wendt — Habilitovanyy Ukraine. doctor of Earth Sciences in the field of geogra- 3. Eduard Andriyovych Afonin — Doc- phy, professor, Deputy Director from questions tor of sociological science, Professor, Professor of Science and Development of Institute of the of the Department of Political Analysis and Oceanography and Geography of the Gdansk Forecastingof the National Academy for Public University (Poland). Administration under the President of Ukraine. 12. Larysa Anatoliivna Haievska — Doc- 4. Anatolii Mykolaiovych Balashov — tor of science in Public Administration, Asso- Doctor of science in Public Administration, ciate Professor, Depchief of Management from Professor, Professor of the Department of Pub- Educational Work is a Chief of Department lic Administration of the Interregional Aca- of Management of Knowledge of the National demy of Personnel Management, President of Academy of State Administration at President the Ukrainian Academy of Science of Public of Ukraine, Professor of Department of Ma- Administration. nagement Education. 5. Tetiana Viacheslavivna Bova — Doctor 13. Sylvia Hvozhdzhyevich — Candidate of science in Public Administration, Associate of Science, Dept. of Administration and the Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration National Security of State Higher Professional and Local Self-Government of the Kherson Na- School. named Jakub from Paradyzhu in Lub- tional Technical University. lin-Velykopolckomu (Gorzow Wielkopolski, 6. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bodrov — Doc- Poland). tor of economic science, Professor, Head of the 14. Badry Nodarovych Hechbayya — Doc- Dept. of administration of National Economy tor of Economics, Professor Asotsiirovanyy, and Economic Policy of the National Academy Batumi State University of Shota Rustaveli. of Public Administration under the President of Faculty of Economics and Business. Managing Ukraine. of the Dept. of business management (Georgia). 7. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bulba — Doc- 15. Volodymyr Ihorovych Hurkovskyi — tor of Science in Public Administration, Pro- Doctor of science in Public Administration, fessor, Dean of the Faculty of Masters Prepara- First Deputy Director of the NGO “Center of tion of Public Administration of the Kharkov studies of problems of public administration”. Regional Institute of Public Administration of 16. Dadiy Nadezhda Vasilivna — Doctor the National Academy of Public Administra- of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate tion under the President of Ukraine. Professor, Head of the Department of Manage- 8. Tetiana Oleksandrivna Butyrska — Doc- ment and Marketing of the Kyiv National Lin- tor of science in Public Administration, As- guistic University. sociate Professor of the Dept. of Public Ad- 17. Anzor Hemydovych Devadze — Can- ministration and Local Self-government of the didate of economic science, Doctor of Econo- Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University mics, professor, Sh. Rustaveli Batumi State of Oil and Gas. University, Dept. of Tourism (Georgia).

7 18. Svitlana Heorhiivna Denysiuk — Doc- 28. Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Kozakov — tor of Political Science, Professor of the Dept. Doctor of science in Public Administration, Sociopolitical Sciences of the Vinnitsa National Professor of public policy and social deve- Technical University. lopment of the National Academy of Pub- 19. Valerii Ivanovych Dovhan — Doctor lic Administration under the President of of science in Public Administration, Associate Ukraine. Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration 29. Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Kornievs- and Local Self — government of Khmelnytsky kyy — Doctor of Political Science, Associate University of Management and Law. professor, the Heard of the Dept. of civil society 20. Dragan Ivan Alexandrovich — Doctor of the National Institute for Strategic Studies of Science in Public Administration, Professor (NISS). of Management and Marketing Department of 30. Iryna Petrіvna Krynychna — Doctor Kyiv National Linguistic University. of science in Public Administration, Associ- 21. Natalіia Mykhailivna Drahomiret- ate Professor, Professor Department of Public ska — Doctor of science in Public Administra- Administration and Local Self-Government of tion, Professor of the Dept. of Philosophy and the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- Social and Political Sciences of the Odessa Re- lic Administration of the National Academy of gional Institute of Public Administration of the Public Administration under the President of National Academy of Public Administration Ukraine. under the President of Ukraine. 31. Oleksii Igorevych Kryukov — Doctor 22. Gargana Zhuleva — Doctor PhD, Ex- of science in Public Administration, Professor ecutive Director of the Bulgarian government’s of the Dept. of Political Science and Philoso- “Program of access to information” (Bulgaria). phy of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Pub- 23. Ivanitskaya Olga Mikhailovna — Doc- lic Administration of the National Academy of tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- Public Administration under the President of sor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Ukraine. Practice of Management of the National Tech- 32. Yurii Oleksiyovych Lytvyn — Doctor nical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic of science in Public Administration, Professor, Institute named after M.Sc. Igor Sikorsky”. Head of the Dept. of Public Administration and 24. Irvin Studin — PhD, Professor in the Local government of the Academy of Municipal School of Public Policy and Governance of the Management. University of Toronto, President of the Institute 33. Ivan Petrovych Lopushynskyi — Doc- for ХХІ Century Questions, and also Editor-in- tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine sor, Head of the Dept. of public administration (Canada). and local government of the Kherson National 25. Roman Petrovych Kaidashev — Doc- Technical University. tor of juridical science, Associate professor, Pro- 34. Oleksii Yuriyovich Mamichev — Doc- fessor of the Department of public administra- tor of Political Science, Associate professor, tion of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Head of the Department of Theory and history Management. of Russian and international law of the Vladi- 26. Evgeny Grigoryevich Kartashov — vostok State University of Economics and Ser- Doctor of science in Public Administration, vice (Russia). Head of the Department of Project Manage- 35. Mykola Mykolaiovych Mykolaichuk — ment and General Professional Disciplines, In- Doctor of science in Public Administration, stitute of Management and Psychology of the Professor of the Dept. of economic and financial National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of policy of the Odessa Regional Institute of Pub- Ukraine. lic Administration of the National Academy of 27. Kislov Denis Vasilievich — Doctor Public Administration under the President of of Sciences in Public Administration, Associ- Ukraine. ate Professor, Corresponding Member of the 36. Edward Vazhayevych Mikeladze — Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Candidate of Economic Science, Professor, Tbel Department of Public Administration of the In- Abuseridze Hichaurskiy University. Faculty of terregional Academy of Personnel Management. Economics and Business (Georgia).

8 37. Michel Maffesoli — Professor of the 47. Maria Ivanivna Piren — Doctor of So- Paris Descartes University / Paris V (Paris, the cial Sciences, Professor, Head of the Dept. of French Republic). the Chernivtsi National University. 38. Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Molodt-­ 48. Ruslan Mykolaiovych Pliushch — Doc- sov — Doctor of science in Public Administra- tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- tion, Professor of the Dept. of Public Adminis- ate Professor of the Dept. of Public Administra- tration and Local Self-government of the Iva- tion and Local Self-government of the Kherson no-Frankivsk National Technical University of National Technical University. Oil and Gas. 49. Oleh Valentynovych Polovtsev — Doc- 39. Raisa Andrіivna Naumenko — Doctor tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- of science in Public Administration, Senior Re- sor of the Dept. of Public Administration and search, Professor of the Dept. of management of Local Self-government of the Kherson National the Kyiv National University of Trade and Eco- Technical University. nomics. 50. Oleksandr Vitaliiovych Radchenko — 40. Svіtlana Mykhailivna Naumkina — Doctor of science in Public Administration, Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Professor of the emergency Pomeranian Aca- South Ukrainian National Pedagogical Univer- demy in Slupsk (Poland). sity named after K. D. Ushynsky. 51. Yevhenii Viktorovych Romat — Doctor 41. Oleksandr Mykhailovych Nepomni- of science in Public Administration, Head of the ashchyi — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- Dept. of marketing and advertising of the Kyiv tration, Academician of Academy of building of National University of Trade and Economics. Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Public 52. Olha Mstyslavivna Rudenko — Doctor Administration of the Interregional Academy of science in Public Administration, Associate of Personnel Management, Honored Builder of Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Ukraine. Public Administration and Management of the 42. Larysa Mykolaivna Novak-Kaliaieva — Chernihiv National Technological University. Doctor of science in Public Administration, 53. Anatolii Oleksandrovych Ruchka — Associate Professor, Professor of the Dept. of Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chief Public Administration and Local Self-govern- researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- ment of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public tional Academy of Science of Ukraine. Administration of the National Academy of 54. Serhii Yehorovych Sahanienko — Doc- Public Administration under the President of tor of science in Public Administration, Pro- Ukraine. fessor of the Dept. of public administration 43. Tetiana Vasylivna Novachenko — Doc- and local government of the Odessa Regional tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- Institute of Public Administration under the ate Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and President of Ukraine of the National of Public political management of the National Academy Administration under the President of Ukraine. of Public Administration under the President of 55. Maiia Volodymyrivna Sitsinska — Doc- Ukraine. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 44. Vitalii Mykolaiovych Oluiko — Doc- sor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Political Sci- tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- ence of the National University of the State Tax sor, Head of Khmelnitsky regional territorial Service of Ukraine. office of the Antimonopoly Committee of 56. Alexander Anatoliiovych Slinko — Doc- Ukraine. tor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the 45. Oksana Ihorivna Parkhomenko-Kut- Department of political science and political ad- sevil — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- ministration of the Voronezh branch of the Rus- tration, Advisor of the Head of the National sian Academy of National Economy and Public Agency on corruption prevention. Service under the President of the Russian Fe- 46. Konstantin Vladimirovich Pivova- deration (Russia). rov — Doctor of Science in Public Adminis- 57. Natalia Ivanivna Sobolieva — Doctor tration, Professor of the Department of Public of Social Sciences, senior researcher, leading Administration of the Interregional Academy of researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- Human Resources Management. tional Academy of Science of Ukraine.

9 58. Inna Hennadіivna Suraі — Doctor of the Department of Public Administration of science in Public Administration, Associate the Interregional Academy of Personnel Ma- Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and nagement, Executive Director of the Presi- political management of the of the National of dium of the NGO “Ukrainian Assembly of Public Administration under the President of doctors of science in public administration”. Ukraine. 65. Olha Volodymyrivna Chervyakova — 59. Olena Volodymyrivna Sushyi — Doctor Doctor of science in Public Administration, of science in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of public adminis- Professor, head of the laboratory of the Institute tration of thwe Interregional Academy of Per- of Social and Political Psychology of the Na- sonnel Management. tional Academy of Political Science of Ukraine. 66. Yurii Heorhiiovych Chernyshev — 60. Tadeusz Trocikowski — Doctor of Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of Management Sciences, professor, correspond- the Department of Altai State University, Di- ing member of the Regional Academy of Ma- rector of the Altai School of Political Studies nagement, Chairman of the Regional Centre for (Russia). European Integration (Poland). 67. Yurii Zhanovych Shaigorodskyi — 61. Larysa Mykhailivna Usachenko — Doctor of Political Science, Associate professor, Doctor of science in Public Administration, Chief Research Scientist of the I. F. Kuras Insti- Professor of the Department of Public Adminis- tute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS tration of the Interregional Academy of Person- of Ukraine. nel Management, Honored Worker of Science 68. Yurii Valeriiovych Shpak — Doctor of and Technology of Ukraine. science in Public Administration, Professor of 62. Alina Anatoliivna Khaletska — Doctor the Dept. of Economics of the enterprise of the of science in Public Administration, Professor, East European University of economics and Head of the Dept. of Management of Organiza- management. tions and Foreign Activity of the Volyn Insti- 69. Alina Yuriivna Yakymchuk — Doctor tute of Economics and Management. of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of 63. Tetiana Viacheslavіvna Filipenko — the Dept. of public administration, documenta- Doctor of science in Public Administration, tion and information activities of the National Professor of the Interregional Academy of Per- University of Water Household and Environ- sonnel Management. ment. 64. Iryna Vіtalіivna Chaplay — PhD in 70. Jautrite Briede — Dr. iur, Professor, Uni- Public Administration, Associate Professor of versity of Latvia, Faculty of Law (Latvia).

10 Content

Akimov A. O. Grona A. V. Professional activity of state Ways towards advanced automatic employees of state service of Ukraine measures to prevent vat evasion...... 102 on emergency situations: Diegtiar O. A., Vavrenyuk S. A. optimization of interference relations Regulation of the mechanism of workers of emergency rescue of preparedness for development departments with suffered...... 15 of students by physical culture Akimova L. M., Lysachok A. V. and sports...... 119 State regulation of the financial Zubchyk O. A. services market in Ukraine...... 30 Administrative efficiency as a subject Al-Atti I. V. of research of science of state Analysis researches on development administration and factor of public management in Ukraine of improving competitiveness within the system of international of countries...... 131 and legal standards...... 48 Ivanitskaya O. M. Amer Al-Atti Directions for provision of public Conceptual bases and theoretical bodies’ transparency approaches to the determination and accountability in conditions of the public administration of participatory democracy outstrips economic development development...... 145 of Ukraine...... 63 Kalievskaya M. A. Andreev V. N. Definition of the public security Problem of formation of qualification- and orderliness ensuring mechanism professional requirements for public in Ukraine...... 155 officials as the basis of selection Caracasidi О. F. of public service persons in Ukraine: Key aspects of transformation methodological approach...... 73 of the state authorities Vlasenko I. N. in the world and to the modern Genesis of scientific concepts soverum Ukraine: a joint about public administration of risks and personality...... 164 in construction...... 83 Kartashov E. G. Halaniuk I. S. European lessons Improving mechanisms of decentralization...... 175 of cooperation between Lebiedieva N. A. the state border service of Ukraine, Features of the main approaches public organisations of public administration use and population...... 91 to professional and amateur arts...... 185

11 Lysenko S. O. Usachenko A. A. Special theory of administrative — Euroontegration aspects legal regulation of information of basic mechanisms security of the social systems...... 198 development in public Naplyokov Y. V. administration...... 282 Changing of mental models Hasanov R. R. for effective decision-making ...... 209 Social conflict: archetypal nature and resolution mechanism...... 294 Nepomniashchyi O. M., Diegtiar O. A. Main trends and directions Chaplay I. V. of development of the system of public An overview of the discursive field governance by social-economic of the problems of the formation processes of Ukraine...... 229 of social and civil dialogue for public development...... 306 Protsiv O. R. Shostak S. N. State regulation of fox extraction in Public regulation of cooperation with Galicia in 16th till early 20th centuries: international financial organizations: historical aspect...... 240 experience of the countries Rodchenko I. Y. of Eastern Europe...... 313 Identify problem issues of self-ordered Sciurba Michele development mechanisms in the Cooperation of international public administration system...... 250 institutions on public policy Romat Y. V., Havrilechko Y. V. formation for the prevention Subjects and objects of money-laundering...... 321 of public marketing...... 260 Yarovoy T. S. Suray I. G., Mazurenko M. P. Objectives and functions of lobistry Reforming of the local government activity in Ukraine: realities today in Ukraine: practical aspects...... 271 and evolutionary forecast...... 329

12 Dear colleagues!

Public administration, today, is one of the most important branches of sci- ence. Every year, there are new con- cepts for the modernization of public authority and governance. In science, the issue of develop- ing the democratic foundations of the state system and the creation of a socially oriented economy, the forma- tion of Ukraine as a stable European strong state, are not losing their re- levance. An important task is to increase the availability of information to the public about practical aspects of im- plementing state policy in different re- gions of Ukraine. Therefore, an impor- tant meeting of public administration specialists in the pages of the collec- tion “Public management”, for the ex- change of progressive experiences and thoughts and the increase of mutual available resources around the com- scientific interest in the field of public mon values, goals and actions recog- administration. nized and accepted by all participants Issue of the collection in 2018 will in the modernization process. serve the decision of important tasks I wish the editors of the collection of systemic reformation of politics, “Public management”, authors, readers economy and social system of Ukraine, of successful and fruitful work, a pro- which are possible only with the con- ductive exchange of experience, new solidation of the state, society and scientific achievements!


Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine T. V. Motrenko

13 Dear colleagues!

of public administration and is useful for the exchange of progressive experi- ences and thoughts, increasing mutual scientific interest in the field of public administration. The collection “Public management” highlights the most pressing problems facing public authorities, offers short- term and long-term prospects for their solution, globally and locally, reveal- ing the essence of the transformational processes in Ukraine, paying particular attention to their approximation to the standards of the countries of the Euro- pean Union. In 2018, we will strive to ensure that publications in our collection deal with different areas of regional policy, taking Glad to congratulate you on the into account the processes of decentra- pages of the collection “Public mana- lization, regionalization, democratiza- gement” in the new year 2018. Today, tion and integration that take place not the main goal of the collection is the only in our country but also throug- discussion of world achievements, the hout the world. state and further development of public Allow me to wish you health, hap- administration in Ukraine. The output piness, peaceful sky, professional, sci- of each issue of the collection has al- entific and creative successes, and our ready become traditional in the science country — prosperity and prosperity.


Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Laureate of the award of the President of Ukraine for young scientists Y. O. Romanenko

14 UDC: 351/374:316.6

Akimov Alexander Olexeyevich, PhD in Public Administration, Associate pro- fessor, Honored Economist of Ukraine, head of the legal department, National Media- tion and Conciliation Service, 01004, Kyiv, Str. Baseіna, 1/2A, tel.: (044) 235 45 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9557-2276 Акімов Олександр Олексійович, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, заслужений економіст України, начальник відділу правового забезпечен- ня, Національна служба посередництва і примирення, 01004, м. Київ, вул. Басейна, буд. 1/2А, тел.: (044) 235 45 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9557-2276 Акимов Александр Алексеевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, заслуженный экономист Украины, начальник отдела правово- го обеспечения, Национальная служба посредничества и примирения, 01004, г. Киев, ул. Бассейная, д. 1/2А, тел.: (044) 235 45 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9557-2276 DOI


Abstract. The article deals with the issues of the activity of civil servants of the State Service of Ukraine for emergency situations, the general concept of interpersonal relations of workers with victims is disclosed, the main aspects of rendering emergency psychological assistance are considered. The ways of perfection of professional optimization of interpersonal relations of workers of rescue units of the DSNC of Ukraine with the victims are analyzed. The analy- sis and consideration of all existing forms, methods and methods of providing emergency psychological assistance as a single system. For the first time, it is proposed to consider the provision of emergency psychological assistance as a multi-channel queuing system with an unlimited queue. Proposals have been

15 made on the activities of government bodies and civil servants to improve the forms, methods and methods of providing emergency psychological assistance to victims in emergency situations. It is noted that for many years, along with the development of psychological ideas, concepts and theories, there was a large “army” of psychologists who worked in health care institutions, in production, in education, in the internal affairs, aviation and space industries, and other sectors of the national economy. The content and results of their activities often did not fall on the pages of newspapers or in scientific publications. But these psycholo- gists and their work often served as the primary source for experimental research and theoretical work of scientists. It is proved that any person, following certain recommendations and having information about the personality characteristics of the victim, will be able to provide him with the first psychological help in cer- tain circumstances. It is very important to know how to help the victim imme- diately after the tragic event, to master the skills of working with the individual consequences of psycho-traumatic situations. It is especially important to know, in order to identify in a timely manner unfavorable psychological conditions and seek help from a specialist. Keywords: interpersonal relations, optimization, civil servants, rescue units of the Ukrainian Legislative Council of Ukraine, queuing system, triage, public administration. ПРОФЕСІЙНА ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ ДЕРЖАВНИХ СЛУЖБОВЦІВ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ СЛУЖБИ УКРАЇНИ З НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЙ: ОПТИМІЗАЦІЯ МІЖОСОБИСТІСНИХ СТОСУНКІВ ПРАЦІВНИКІВ АВАРІЙНО-РЯТУВАЛЬНИХ ПІДРОЗДІЛІВ З ПОСТРАЖДАЛИМИ Анотація. Розглянуто питання діяльності державних службовців Дер- жавної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій, розкрито загальне понят- тя міжособистісних стосунків працівників з постраждалими, розглянуто ос- новні аспекти надання екстреної психологічної допомоги. Проаналізовано шляхи удосконалення професійної оптимізації міжособистісних стосунків працівників аварійно-рятувальних підрозділів ДСНС України з постражда- лими. Проведено розгляд всіх існуючих форм, способів та методів надання екстреної психологічної допомоги як єдиної системи. Відзначено, що упро- довж багатьох років разом із розвитком психологічних ідей, концепцій і те- орій існувала велика “армія” психологів, які працювали у закладах охоро- ни здоров’я, на виробництві, в освіті, органах внутрішніх справ, авіаційній і космічній промисловості та інших галузях народного господарства. Зміст і результати їх діяльності часто не потрапляли на шпальти газет або у нау- кові публікації. Але ці психологи та їхня робота часто виступали в якості першоджерела для експериментально-дослідної та теоретичної роботи нау- ковців. Доведено, що будь-яка людина, дотримуючись певних рекомендацій і володіючи інформацією про особистісні особливості потерпілого, зможе за певних обставин надати йому першу психологічну допомогу. Дуже важли-

16 вими є знання, як допомогти постраждалим безпосередньо після трагічної події, освоїти навички роботи з окремими наслідками психотравмуючих си- туацій. Це особливо важливо знати для того, щоб вчасно визначити неспри- ятливі психологічні стани й звернутися по допомогу до фахівця. Уперше запропоновано розглядати надання екстреної психологічної до- помоги як багатоканальну систему масового обслуговування з необмеженою чергою. Внесено пропозиції щодо діяльності органів державного управлін- ня та державних службовців по удосконаленню форм, способів та методів надання екстреної психологічної допомоги постраждалим у надзвичайних ситуаціях. Ключові слова: міжособистісні стосунки, оптимізація, державні службов- ці, аварійно-рятувальні підрозділи ДСНС України, система масового обслу- говування, тріаж, державне управління. ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ СЛУЖАЩИХ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ СЛУЖБЫ УКРАИНЫ ПО ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНЫМ СИТУАЦИЯМ: ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ МЕЖЛИЧНОСТНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ РАБОТНИКОВ АВАРИЙНО-СПАСАТЕЛЬНЫХ ПОДРАЗДЕЛЕНИЙ С ПОСТРАДАВШИМИ Аннотация. Рассмотрены вопросы деятельности государственных служа- щих Государственной службы Украины по чрезвычайным ситуациям, раскры- то общее понятие межличностных отношений работников с пострадавшими, рассмотрены основные аспекты оказания экстренной психологической по- мощи. Проанализированы пути совершенствования профессиональной оп- тимизации межличностных отношений работников аварийно-спасательных подразделений ДСНС Украины с пострадавшими. Проведен анализ и рас- смотрены все существующие формы, способы и методы оказания экстренной психологической помощи как единой системы. Отмечено, что на протяже- нии многих лет вместе с развитием психологических идей, концепций и тео- рий существовала большая “армия” психологов, работавших в учреждениях здравоохранения, на производстве, в образовании, органах внутренних дел, авиационной и космической промышленности и других отраслях народного хозяйства. Содержание и результаты их деятельности часто не попадали на страницы газет или в научные публикации. Но эти психологи и их работа часто выступали в качестве первоисточника для экспериментально-иссле- довательской и теоретической работы ученых. Доказано, что любой человек, придерживаясь определенных рекомендаций и обладая информацией о лич- ностных особенностях потерпевшего, сможет в определенных обстоятельст- вах оказать ему первую психологическую помощь. Очень важны знания, как помочь пострадавшим непосредственно после трагического события освоить навыки работы с отдельными последствиями психотравмирующих ситуаций. Это особенно важно знать для того, чтобы вовремя определить неблагопри- ятные психологические состояния и обратиться за помощью к специалисту.

17 Впервые предложено рассматривать оказание экстренной психологической помощи как многоканальную систему массового обслуживания с неограни- ченной очередью. Внесены предложения по деятельности органов государ- ственного управления и государственных служащих по совершенствованию форм, способов и методов оказания экстренной психологической помощи пострадавшим в чрезвычайных ситуациях. Ключевые слова: межличностные отношения, оптимизация, государ- ственные служащие, аварийно-спасательные подразделения ГСЧС Украины, система массового обслуживания, триажа, государственное управление.

Problem statement. The growth 2009, an explosion in a hospital in the in the number of extreme situations city of Lugansk, 2009, an accident at (man-caused and natural disasters, the Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya mine military conflicts, terrorist acts) in in Krasnodon, Lugansk region, 2011, Ukraine in recent years dictates the Bazhanov, Makeevka, 2011 and etc. need for training specialists capable Therefore, it is no accident that the of providing emergency psychological psychological protection of the popu- assistance to victims of similar situa- lation and the psychological support tions. of the civil protection service acquires So, only during the last several years one of the priority areas of work in on the territory of our state there have emergency situations, as it helps at the been such resonant emergency situa- critical moment of the extreme situa- tions that have remained forever in the tion to the affected population, the re- memory of each of us — among them latives of the deceased, the eyewitness- the explosion of ammunition in Novo- es of the accident and, in the end, feel bohdanivka of Zaporozhye region, the support, emotional protection, share crash of Tu-154 plane in Donetsk re- the pain of loss, reduce the manifesta- gion, the explosion of household gas in tion of a negative psycho-emotional residential house in Dnepropetrovsk in state and sometimes even prevents 2006, a flood in the Carpathian region, the emergence of social tension in an accident at the mine. A. F. Zasyadko society [1]. m. Donetsk 2007, the accident at the Consequently, the need to provide mine “Krasnolimanskaya” in the town quality emergency psychological as- of Rodinsky 2008, the accident at the sistance to affected individuals is in- mine named after. Karl Marx, Enaki- credibly increasing. Modern methods, evo 2008, state of emergency on the ar- forms and state of organization of such tillery base of the Defense Ministry of assistance remain at the level of the last Lozovaya, Kharkov region, in 2008, the decade, and today it no longer meets accident at the mine. A. A. Skochinsko- the challenges of modernity and does go city of Donetsk, 2009, an accident at not provide qualitative conditions for the mine them. CM. Kirov, Makeevka qualification assistance meeting Euro-

18 pean standards, which determined the systemic combination of all methods, relevance of this study. principles and methods of psychologi- Analysis of the recent research cal interaction between emergency and publications. In the sphere of pub- rescue units of the State Emergency lic administration and public service, Service remained outside the field of problems of social psychology and pro- view of researchers. fessional adaptation, such scientists as The purpose of the article – to con- N. Afanasyeva, A. Akimov, Yu. Bidylo, sider the forms, methods and methods I. Krinichnaya, L. Pashko, T. Selyu- of interpersonal relations of emergency kova, N. Sergienko, G. Leshchenko and rescue workers of the State Service of others. Ukraine for emergencies as a system of Interpersonal relations of workers of psychological interaction — “psycholo- rescue units are devoted to work with gist — employee of the rescue unit of crisis and extreme psychology of such the DSNS — the victim”, to propose scientists as: A. V. Timchenko [2; 3], new approaches in public administra- N. V. Onischenko [4], A. G. Malkina- tion to the provision of emergency Pykh [5], L. A. Rudenko [6], A. A. Gon- psychological assistance to the victims char, I. I. Bednyak [7], Yu. A. Glu- in conditions of emergency and emer- shenko [8], A. A. Kachur [9], A. S. Ko- gency. stritsch [10], A. S. Kuflyevsky [11], The statement of basic materi- R. M. Tsitsei [12], S. M. Mironets [13], als. In Ukraine, a conceptual solution I. P. Krinichnaya [14]. was developed for the establishment in General issues of social psychology, Ukraine of a system of emergency as- including the crisis conditions of man, sistance to the population through a are devoted to the work of the team of single telephone number “112” in order foreign scientists E. Aronson, T. Wil- to determine the strategy for building son, R. Eikert [15]. a single effective system for responding The psychological aspects of carry- to threats to life and/or human health, ing out emergency rescue operations in unlawful actions, emergency situations the liquidation of emergency situations and other emergency events (NP), were handled by a team of such authors through the introduction of a mecha- as: V. P. Sadkovsky, V. G. Avetisyan, nism for coordinating the actions of Yu. N. Senchikhin, S. V. Kulakov, all emergency services to the popula- Yu. A. Kulish, V. V. Trigub [16], tion based on an integrated solution to M. I. Steblyuk [17], N. Sh. Kremer the problem — the transition from the [18]. practice of performing its functions in So, in the above-mentioned works, a departmental th subordination to the some issues of crisis and extreme psy- complex solution of problems arising in chology are considered [2–14], general the state of emergency taking into ac- questions of the state of the human count the requirements of European psyche [15], the process of carrying out Union standards. The conceptual de- emergency rescue operations in the liq- cisions define the basic principles and uidation of emergency situations [16, directions for the creation in Ukraine 17], but the questions of the organic of the 112 system, the basic aspects of

19 the structure of the system 112, using level of poise, self-confidence and high available resources and the capabilities self-esteem. of emergency services (ESL) and other For many years, along with the de- services to the population [10]. velopment of psychological ideas, con- Analyzing the activities of the cepts and theories, there was a large Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine, “army” of psychologists working in S. M. Mironets defined the content of public health institutions, in produc- their professionally important quali- tion, education, internal affairs, avia- ties, to which the author referred psy- tion and space industries and also in chological, ergonomic, physiological, other branches of the national econo- socio-psychological and engineering- my. The content and results of their ac- psychological properties. Psychologi- tivities often did not reach the pages of cal qualities include attention, memory, newspapers or scientific publications. thinking and will. Physiological quali- But these psychologists and their work ties are responsible for the content and often acted as the primary source for conditions for the performance of pro- the experimental and research and the- fessional activities. The author refers to oretical work of scientists. the ergonomic qualities of the state of The work of the psychologists of the the central nervous system, resistance DSNC of Ukraine is aimed exclusively to monotony and impulsivity. Socio- at achieving a humane goal that pro- psychological qualities include socia- motes the development of the person- bility and empathy. The state of the alities of the employees of the DSNC musculoskeletal system and the level of Ukraine, preserves psychological of self-control are attributed by the health, increases the effectiveness of author to engineering and psychologi- professional activities and provides cal professionally important qualities psychological assistance to the people [13]. affected during emergency situations. Further study of the professional The provision of emergency psycho- activities of the rescuer of the Ministry logical assistance to populations af- of Emergency Situations of Ukraine fected by emergencies is a function of under stressful conditions allowed the DSNC of Ukraine. This direction V. M. Korolchuk draw a number of im- of work in many ways determined the portant conclusions. In particular, the formation and development of the researcher claims that the high level of psychological support service of the stress resistance in rescuers is due to in- DSNC of Ukraine. Since psychologists dividual psychological properties: pro- with psychologic education and quali- nounced professional motivation, low fied qualifications for a practical psy- personal and situational anxiety and chologist are assigned to the position high level of emotional-volitional regu- of the psychological support staff of lation. Among other personal qualities the DSNS of Ukraine, the focus was on of the rescuer, which contribute to suc- the suitability of the research groups cessful professional activity, the scien- to determine the professional skills tist distinguishes a low level of aggres- that provide the psychologist with the siveness, emotional lability and a high DNDS of Ukraine professionally and

20 effectively to act in an emergency situ- Situations” on 27.02.2008. The pro- ation, to provide crisis assistance. Such cedure for creating such groups was assistance does not require a detailed determined. Order № 02-4337/74 of psychological analysis of the victim’s the Ministry of Emergency Situations personality, but requires observation of of Ukraine of 03.04.2008 “On the or- the signs of the victim’s condition (the ganization of the work of the emer- ability to identify and classify them), gency mobile emergency emergency the ability to establish contact with the group of the Ministry of Emergency victim, to quickly decide on the way to Situations”, which was replaced by the help, the ability to use available tools, Order of the already updated DNOS etc. Of course, the ability of the psy- of Ukraine 02-2242/764 dated Febru- chologist of the DSNS of Ukraine to ef- ary 18, 2014 “On the organization of fectively professionally act in extreme the work of freelance mobile groups conditions depends on his own ability of emergency psychological assistance to withstand stress su [11]. “on the basis of which the” Regula- So, interpersonal relations in groups tions on the organization of work of depend on the people who form them, the mobile emergency group for emer- on how correctly their roles are as- gency psychological assistance to the signed to the group, and here the personnel of the units of the Ministry qualities of the leader are of great im- of Emergency Situations and the peo- portance. To form a favorable working ple affected by the emergency as a re- environment, it is necessary to know sult of the emergency situation “were the managerial psychology, namely approved. Order № 02-4337/74 of how the groups of people are formed, the Ministry of Emergency Situations what factors influence interpersonal of Ukraine dated 03.04.2008 issued relations in the group and how to build Order № 2-2242/764 of February the work of people in the group to form 18, 2014 “On the Organization of the a single team. Before considering in- Operation of Freelance Mobile Groups terpersonal relations in a group, one of Emergency Psychological Assis- must have an idea of what groups are in tance”. general, for what purpose people unite, In our opinion, all these measures what structure the group has, and how are necessary and correct, but they do it develops. Therefore, organizational not provide a guarantee of the effec- behavior can be considered as behavior tiveness of providing emergency psy- in a group. Group behavior is a set of chological assistance to the personnel actions and external manifestations of of the units of the Ukrainian National the activity of the group as a whole and Drug Control Service and the affected the individuals interacting within it, as population as a result of an emergency well as small groups. situation. The fact is that the number Order № 148 of the Ministry of of these mobile groups is limited, and Emergency Situations of Ukraine “On the number of people who can demand the establishment of non-standard such assistance can significantly ex- mobile emergency psychological help ceed the ability of professional groups groups of the Ministry of Emergency to provide it qualitatively.

21 N. I. Pirogov first introduced in where ρ – average number of applica- military field surgery and justified the tions under maintenance; n — intensity principle of sorting. He defined the of the flow of service. work of the “pledged place” — the pro- The average number of applications totype of the sorting center, and also in the system, that is, the total number pointed to the important circumstance: of people in need of emergency psycho- “Without good order and proper ad- logical assistance, is defined as: ministration, there is no benefit from a LL , (3) large number of doctors, and if they are cист. оч. few, most of the wounded will be left where Lоч. — the average number of ap- without any help”. plications in the queue; ρ — average In our opinion, this principle of tri- number of applications under mainte- age can be applied to provide emer- nance. gency psychological assistance. At the The average time of stay of the ap- same time, we propose to consider this plication in the queue and the aver- system of rendering emergency psycho- age time of the application stay in the logical assistance as a “multi-channel system are calculated using the Little queuing system with unlimited queue”, formulas. the main formulas and methods of cal- 1 TLcист. cист., (4) culation of which can be applied in the  practice of emergency psychological where Tсист. — the average time for the support groups will be briefly described application to stay in the queue; λ — below [18]. the intensity of the flow of requests So, every employee of an emergency for services, goes to the SMO; Lсист. — psychological support group can be average number of applications in the system. considered as one channel of a multi- 1 channel QS with n-service channels. TL , оч. оч. (5) The average number of occupied  where T — average time of application channels k  is determined, by the for- оч. mula (1):  stay in the system; λ – the intensity of  the flow of requests for services, goes to k  , (1) the SMO; L — the average number of  оч. applications in the queue. where λ — is the intensity of the flow of Thus, we gave the basic formulas for service requests, enters the SMO; µ — calculating the parameters of a queuing intensity of the flow of service. system with an unlimited queue, which The average number of applications in our opinion are permissible and they in the queue, that is, the number of can be used in planning the activity of people who still need assistance and is emergency psychological assistance not provided to them, is: groups with the affected population n1  and emergency rescue workers. 0 (2) Lо.ч.  2 , In turn, under the interactive com-    nn!1 ponent in the structure of the psycho-  n  logical contact between the psycholo-

22 gist of the DSNS of Ukraine and the tributing to the achievement of com- victim, we understand the symbolic mon goals of emergency psychological designation of the characteristics of assistance; counteraction of the victim those communication components in achieving the goals of establishing that are associated with the interac- psychological contacts and providing tion of the specialist of the psychologi- emergency psychological assistance, cal support service with the object of implementing uncoordinated actions his professional interest. The notion that are contrary to the partners in of “interaction” reveals that side of the their interaction; evasion from inter- psychological contact that records not action, active care, avoidance of in- only the exchange of signs by means of teraction with the psychologist of the which the behavior of the victim chang- DSNN [12]. es with respect to receiving qualified Rescuing people in an emergency is emergency psychological help, but also an important type of emergency rescue the organization of joint actions allow- and other urgent work, which is a com- ing the psychologist, rescue workers bination of activities to move people of the DSNS and the victims to rea- from the zone of exposure to dangerous lize common for them activities in the factors of an emergency situation and organization of the disaster. With the their secondary manifestations or pro- correlation of interactive and commu- tect people from these factors, includ- nicative components of psychological ing using individual means protection contact (interaction and communica- and protective structures. tion), one can unambiguously deter- Rescue of people in an emergency mine their unconditional continuity situation should be carried out using all and serving role — the role of tools and possible forms, methods and methods, communication that can provide inter- as well as technical means to ensure action (interactive component). the greatest safety of both victims and The interaction of a psychologist, participants in emergency rescue and an employee of the rescue service of the other urgent work. The order and ways DSNS and the victim in an emergency of saving people are determined by the situation is characterized by a number emergency response manager, depend- of specific signs, features, namely: the ing on the situation in the emergency existence of a single goal, a common zone and the state of people. motivation for joint action, unification, The most complex accidents in terms combining individual behavior, com- of carrying out rescue operations can be mon conditions, communication to considered accidents involving the de- achieve a mutually acceptable result. struction of buildings and structures. In the interaction of a psychologist, an The complexity of carrying out rescue employee of the rescue service of the work is caused by a large number of af- DSNS with the victim in an emergency fected people trapped in blockages, the situation, several typical strategies of need to perform complex engineering behavior towards each other can be work and the threat of further destruc- identified: facilitating both acting as- tion. The experience of carrying out sistance to each other, actively con- rescue operations on destroyed build-

23 ings shows that the necessary amount gulfs a group of people, which is then of forces and resources should be con- passed on to others and grows into an centrated at the scene of the accident uncontrollable process. People have a as soon as possible. Since in most cases sharp increase in the emotional percep- a person who is in a blockage is able to tion of events that occur around them, remain viable for 10 hours [16]. their responsibility for their actions In turn, earthquakes in recent years decreases. A person can not reasonably show that people under the ruins can assess his behavior, correctly compre- remain alive, if they are not injured, hend the real situation. In such an at- within two to three weeks. So, in Mexi- mosphere, it is enough to express only co after the earthquake of 1985, people one thing or express a desire to escape were found alive under the ruins on the from the area of an emergency, as the 14th day. In Armenia — in Leninakan, human mass begins to blindly imitate after an earthquake on the fifth day it. A person may not understand what 5398 people were excavated alive, but is happening or not know what to actu- on the 10th and 11th days they found ally do. When personal security issues people alive [17]. are raised, the need for information be- When carrying out emergency res- comes especially acute, and the beha- cue and other urgent work, the state of vior of other people is a valuable source the main and emergency escape routes, of information [15, p. 254]. the technical equipment of the emer- The second direction — deferred, gency zone, warning systems, emergen- “delayed” neuropsychiatric disorders. cy lighting, as well as the characteristics Technical difficulties in conducting of dangerous factors of an emergency rescue operations in disaster zones and situation are taken into account. In the natural disasters can lead to the fact conditions of catastrophes and natural that the victims will be in complete disasters, neuropsychiatric disorders in isolation from the outside world for a a significant part of the population are sufficiently long time. In this case, psy- manifested in the range from a state of chotherapeutic help is recommended disadaptation and neuroticity, neuro- in the form of emergency “information sis-like reactions to reactive psychoses. therapy”, the purpose of which is psy- Their severity depends on many fac- chological support for the vitality of tors: age, gender, level of initial social those who are alive, but is completely adaptation; individual characterologi- isolated from the surrounding world cal features; additional factors at the (earthquakes, destruction of houses as time of the disaster (loneliness, the a result of accidents, explosions, etc.). presence of dependent children and We are sure that any person, adher- sick relatives, own helplessness, as well ing to certain recommendations and as pregnancy, illness, etc.). having information about the personal Carrying out psychotherapy and characteristics of the victim, will be able psycho-prophylaxis should be imple- to give him first psychological help in mented in two ways. The first direction certain circumstances. Very important is the elimination of acute panic reac- knowledge is how to help the victims tions. Panic is a sense of fear that en- directly after a tragic event, to master

24 the skills of working with the indivi- actions and make logically based deci- dual consequences of psycho-traumatic sions, various disorders (reactive psy- situations. This is especially important choses, affective-shock reactions) and to know, in order to identify in time un- panic state are formed. favorable psychological conditions and Depending on the nature of the seek help from a specialist [1]. threat of intensity and specificity of “Information therapy” is imple- experience, fear varies in a fairly wide mented through a system of sound range of shades: fear, fear, fear, horror. amplifiers and consists of the transla- The main signs of fear include: mus- tion of the following recommendations cle tension (especially facial muscles) that the victims should hear, namely: strong palpitation; accelerated shallow 1) information that assistance to them breathing; reduced control over one’s is moving quickly; 2) information on own behavior. the preservation of tranquility as the The perception of space changes, main means to save them; 3) self-help the distance between objects, their information; 4) information on the re- size and shape is distorted. The sur- striction physical efforts of self-eva- rounding time seems to be “unreal”, cuation, which can lead to dangerous and this sensation persists for several for them displacement of landslides; hours after exposure. Long-term can 5) you should save your energy as much be kinesthetic illusions (sensation of as possible; 6) be with your eyes closed, the rocking earth, flight, swimming, which will bring you closer to a state of etc.). When fears are reacted, con- easy drowsiness and greater saving of sciousness is narrowed, the person is physical forces, etc. in poor control, although in most cases The purpose of “information the- accessibility under external influences, rapy” is also to reduce the fear of the selectivity of behavior, the ability to victims, since the state of a person in independently find a way out of the an extreme situation is largely deter- predicament remain [19]. mined by the emotion of fear, which Therefore, relying on the above, up to certain limits can be considered it should be emphasized that, in- physiologically normal, since this feel- terpersonal relations in groups de- ing contributes to the emergency mo- pend on many factors and can develop bilization of the physical and mental in different ways. There are several state necessary for self-preservation. types of relationships in the group, the In addition, as we already men- most preferable of them are the team. tioned above — the need for informa- The head of the civil servant, both em- tion becomes very acute when it comes ployees and a psychologist, should work to personal safety. And here the role of on the creation of the team, because the workers who provide emergency psy- team will not be a team if its members chological assistance as a “reliable” and are not interested in achieving the goal, “authoritative” source of information is do not show initiative in successfully very large. If you lose critical attitude carrying out the work. to your own fear, reduce and disap- Conclusions. So, the calculations pear the opportunity to control your of the probable number of victims and

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29 UDC 351.82:336

Akimova Lyudmila Nikolayevna, PhD of economic science, assistant profes- sor, assistant professor of the Department of finance and environmental sciences, Na- tional University of Water and Environment, 33000, Rivne, Str. Оleksу Novakа, 75, tel.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775 Акімова Людмила Миколаївна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, до- цент кафедри фінансів і природокористу- вання, Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування, 33000, м. Рівне, вул. Олекси Новака, 75, тел.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: l_akimova@ ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775 Акимова Людмила Николаевна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры финансов и природо- пользования, Национальный университет водного хозяйства и природопользования, 33000 г. Ровно, ул. Алексея Новака, 75, тел.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: l_akimova@ ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775 Lysachok Alla Vasilievna, 5th year student, National University of Water and Environment, 33000, Rivne, Str. Оleksу Novakа, 75, tel.: (097) 511 18 20, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5716-487X Лисачок Алла Василівна, студентка 5-го курсу, Національний уні- верситет водного господарства та приро- докористування, 33000, м. Рівне, вул. Олек- си Новака, 75, тел.: (097) 511 18 20, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5716-487X Лисачок Алла Васильевна, студентка 5-го курса, Национальный университет водного хозяйства и природополь- зования, 33000, г. Ровно, ул. Алексея Новака, 75, тел.: (097) 511 18 20, e-mail: lysachok96@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5716-487X DOI 30 STATE REGULATION OF THE FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKET IN UKRAINE

Abstracts. The essence of such concepts is “financial service”, “financial ser- vices market”, and “participants of the financial services market”; determined the purpose of state regulation of the financial services market; forms of state regu- lation of the financial services market; financial services that are present in the financial services market; the structure of state regulation bodies of the financial services market in Ukraine is given; The role of state bodies in the regulation of the financial services market was studied; to characterize the regulatory le- gal regulation of the financial services market in Ukraine; the main problems of functioning of the domestic market of financial services are revealed; ways to solve existing problems. It is grounded that the state regulation of financial ser- vices markets consists in the state’s implementation of a set of measures aimed at regulating and overseeing financial services markets to protect the interests of financial services consumers and preventing crisis phenomena. It is concluded that the financial services market is an important element of the development of the economy as a whole, in particular, it concerns not only the state but also society. We must understand that when this market is settled, that is, all bodies that carry out state regulation are competent in their powers, only then will we make informed, effective decisions about the normal and effective functioning of the RFP. It is important that the data of the subjects of control do not overlap, their activities should be fixed at the legislative level. It is also worth bearing in mind that appropriate conditions must be created to create compensatory mecha- nisms in the financial services markets by developing a system for guarante- eing deposits and providing for payments under long-term life insurance contracts, non-state pension provisions, deposits with deposit accounts to credit unions, etс. Keywords: financial services, financial services market, financial services market participants, financial leasing, funds transfer, factoring.

ДЕРЖАВНЕ РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ РИНКУ ФІНАНСОВИХ ПОСЛУГ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. Розкрито сутність таких понять, як “фінансова послуга”, “ри- нок фінансових послуг” та “учасники ринку фінансових послуг”; визначено мету державного регулювання ринку фінансових послуг; розглянуто форми державного регулювання ринку фінансових послуг; визначено фінансові по- слуги, які присутні на ринку фінансових послуг; наведено структуру органів державного регулювання ринку фінансових послуг в Україні; досліджено роль державних органів у регулюванні ринку фінансових послуг; схарак- теризовано нормативно-правове регулювання ринку фінансових послуг в Україні; виявлено основні проблеми функціонування вітчизняного ринку фінансових послуг; запропоновано шляхи вирішення наявних проблем. Об- ґрунтовано, що державне регулювання ринків фінансових послуг полягає

31 у здійсненні державою комплексу заходів, спрямованих на регулювання та нагляд за ринками фінансових послуг для захисту інтересів споживачів фі- нансових послуг та запобігання кризовим явищам. Зроблено висновки про те, що ринок фінансових послуг є важливим елементом розвитку економіки країни в цілому, зокрема це стосується не тільки держави, але й суспільства. Ми маємо розуміти, що коли цей ринок урегульований, тобто всі органи, які здійснюють державне регулювання, компетентні у своїх повноваженнях, то лише тоді приймаються виважені ефективні рішення щодо нормального та ефективного функціонування РФП. Важливо, щоб повноваження даних суб’єктів контролю не перетиналися, їхня діяльність має бути закріпленою на законодавчому рівні. Варто також пам’ятати про те, що мають бути сфор- мовані належні умови для утворення компенсаційних механізмів на ринках фінансових послуг шляхом розбудови системи гарантування вкладів і забез- печення виплат за договорами довгострокового страхування життя, догово- рами недержавного пенсійного забезпечення, внесками на депозитні рахун- ки до кредитних спілок тощо. Ключові слова: фінансова послуга, ринок фінансових послуг, учасники ринку фінансових послуг, фінансовий лізинг, переказ коштів, факторинг. ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ РЫНКА ФИНАНСОВЫХ УСЛУГ В УКРАИНЕ Аннотация. Раскрыта сущность таких понятий, как “финансовая услуга”, “рынок финансовых услуг” и “участники рынка финансовых услуг”; опре- делена цель государственного регулирования рынка финансовых услуг; рассмотрены формы государственного регулирования рынка финансовых услуг; определены финансовые услуги, которые присутствуют на рынке фи- нансовых услуг; приведена структура органов государственного регулиро- вания рынка финансовых услуг в Украине; исследована роль государствен- ных органов в регулировании рынка финансовых услуг; охарактеризовано нормативно-правовое регулирование рынка финансовых услуг в Украине; выявлены основные проблемы функционирования отечественного рынка финансовых услуг; предложены пути решения имеющихся проблем. Обо- сновано, что государственное регулирование рынков финансовых услуг за- ключается в осуществлении государством комплекса мер, направленных на регулирование и надзор за рынками финансовых услуг для защиты инте- ресов потребителей финансовых услуг и предотвращения кризисных явле- ний. Сделаны выводы о том, что рынок финансовых услуг является важным элементом развития экономики страны в целом, в частности это касается не только государства, но и общества. Мы должны понимать, что когда данный рынок урегулирован, то есть все органы, осуществляющие государственное регулирование, компетентные в своих полномочиях, то только тогда при- нимаются взвешенные эффективные решения относительно нормального и эффективного функционирования РФП. Важно, чтобы полномочия данных субъектов контроля не пересекались, их деятельность должна быть закре-

32 плена на законодательном уровне. Стоит также помнить о том, что должны быть сформированы надлежащие условия для образования компенсацион- ных механизмов на рынках финансовых услуг путем развития системы га- рантирования вкладов и обеспечения выплат по договорам долгосрочного страхования жизни, договорам негосударственного пенсионного обеспече- ния, взносами на депозитные счета кредитных союзов и т. д. Ключевые слова: финансовая услуга, рынок финансовых услуг, участники рынка финансовых услуг, финансовый лизинг, перевод средств, факторинг.

Problem statement. Under cur- tion of the financial services market in rent conditions of globalization, the Ukraine is one of the most important financial services market (hereinafter — topics that is reflected in the works FSM) is in the making. New types of of Ukrainian scholars: L. Akimova, financial services are introduced, while Yu. Garmashov, L. Dokієnko, N. Drozd, traditional services are improving and V. Klymenko, Zh. Lysenko, I. Liutyi, continue to evolve. At the present O. Maliutina, T. Tomniuk. stage, the competitive struggle among The purpose of the article is to the professional market participants reveal the essence of such concepts as for the client base and free financial “financial service”, “financial services resources is intensifying, as well as the market”, and “participants of the fi- mechanisms for implementing finan- nancial services market”; to determine cial transactions and the forms of coo- the purpose of state regulation of the peration between providers and consu- financial services market; to consider mers of financial services are being im- the forms of state regulation of the fi- proved. The importance of FSM lies nancial services market; to determine in the fact that it is one of the mecha- the financial services that are present nisms for ensuring the competitiveness in the financial services market; to de- of the country’s economy, in particular, pict the structure of the state regulation it helps to direct investment flows in- authorities of the financial services mar- to the most attractive segments of the ket in Ukraine; to investigate the role of economy and thus leads the country state authorities in regulating the finan- to economic growth. That is why the cial services market; characterize regu- strengthening of the financial services latory legal regulation of the financial market in Ukraine requires the study services market in Ukraine; to identify of the current state of its development, the main problems of the functioning of the identification of problems and the the domestic financial services market; timeliness of determining the main di- to suggest ways to solve existing prob- rections of its development, and in the lems. aggregate affects the efficiency of the Study findings. State regulation of functioning of the economy as a whole. financial services markets implies the Analysis of the recent research implementation of a set of measures by and publications. The state regula- the state aimed at regulating and over-

33 seeing the markets for financial services of the state regulation of financial ser- to protect the interests of consumers vices markets; consumers of financial of financial services and prevent crisis services who are the participants in the phenomena. For a better understand- financial services market. ing of this issue, it is advisable to define According to article 19 of the Law the term “financial service”, “financial of Ukraine “On Financial Services and services market”, and “participants in State Regulation of Financial Services the financial services market”. Markets”, the purpose of the state regu- According to the Law of Ukraine lation of financial services markets in “On Financial Services and State Re- Ukraine is the following: implementa- gulation of Financial Services Mar- tion of the unified effective state po- kets”, financial services are transactions licy in the sphere of financial services; with financial assets carried out in the protection of interests of financial ser- interests of third parties at their own vices consumers; creation of favorable expense or at the expense of these peo- conditions for the development and ple, and in the cases stipulated by the functioning of financial services mar- law — at the expense of financial as- kets; creation of conditions for effective sets borrowed from other people for the mobilization and placement of financial purpose of obtaining profit or main- resources by participants in financial taining the real value of financial assets services markets taking into account [1]. The law also provides definitions the interests of the company; provi- of “financial services market” and “fi- sion of the equal opportunities for the nancial services market participants”. access to financial services markets and According to the Law, financial servi- protection of their participants’ rights; ces markets are the sphere of financial compliance with the requirements of market participants’ activities aimed legislation by participants in financial at providing and consuming certain services markets; prevention of mono- financial services. Financial services polization and creation of conditions for markets include professional services the development of fair competition in in the markets for banking services, in- the markets of financial services; cont- surance services, investment services, rol over the transparency and openness securities transactions and other types of financial services markets; promotion of markets that provide for the circula- of integration into the European and tion of financial assets [1]. world financial services markets [1]. In addition, the market includes The forms of state regulation of fi- people who, according to the law, have nancial services markets in Ukraine are the right to provide financial services presented in fig. 1. on the territory of Ukraine; people car- In order for the state regulation to rying out activities on rendering in- be effective, it is necessary to determine termediary services in the markets of what exactly relates to the financial financial services; the associations of fi- services that are present in the market. nancial institutions included in the re- In accordance with article 4 of the Law gister of self-regulatory organizations, of Ukraine “On Financial Services and carried out by the authorities in charge State Regulation of Financial Services

34 Fig. 1. Forms of state regulation of financial services markets in Ukraine1

Markets” the following services are • provision of guarantees and sure- considered as financial [1]: ties; • issue of payment documents, • transfer of funds is the movement payment cards, traveler’s checks of a certain amount of money for and/or their servicing, clearing, the purpose of crediting it to the other forms of settlement; beneficiary’s account or giving it • trust management of financial as- in cash. The initiator and the re- sets; cipient may be the same person • exchange activities; [3]; • attraction of financial assets with • services in the sphere of insurance their obligatory subsequent re- and in the system of the defined covery; contribution pension provision; • financial leasing is a type of civil • professional activities in the secu- law relations arising from a finan- rities market, subject to licensing; cial leasing agreement [2]; • factoring is a set of services for • provision of loans, including producers and suppliers engaged those on the terms of financial in trading activities on deferred credit; payment terms [4]; • administration of financial as- sets for the purchase of goods in 1 Source: compiled by the author on the basis of the source [1]. groups;

35 • property management for financ- Legislative level. The President of ing of construction and/or real Ukraine is entitled to control the ob- estate transactions in accordance servance of legality in all structures and with the Law of Ukraine “On Fi- spheres of functioning of the executive nancial and Credit Mechanisms and administrative system of the state. and Property Management in With a view to implementing laws and the Construction of Housing and within his competence, the President of Real Estate Operations” [5]; Ukraine issues decrees and orders that • transactions with mortgage as- are of subordinate nature and manda- sets for the purpose of issuing tory on the entire territory of Ukraine mortgage-backed securities; [7 p. 78]. • banking and other financial ser- Coordination of the development vices provided in accordance with of the system of normative legal acts the Law of Ukraine “On Banks that have the legal force of the Law and and Banking Activities” [6]. provide the regulation and supervi- The FSM, like any other market, sion of the financial market of Ukraine, needs regulation from the state. The adopted by the of main authorities implementing state Ukraine. According to Article 92 of the regulation of the financial services mar- Constitution of Ukraine, only the laws ket are presented in fig. 2. of Ukraine establish the foundations

Fig. 2. Authorities that carry out state regulation of the financial services market2

2 Source: compiled by the author on the basis of the source [1; 3; 7].

36 for the creation and functioning of the of statistics. Its activities are guided by financial, monetary, credit and invest- the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, ment markets; the status of the national as well as the decrees of the President currency, as well as the status of foreign of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verk- currencies on the territory of Ukraine; hovna Rada of Ukraine. The Service, the procedure for the formation and re- within the limits of its powers, orga- payment of state internal and external nizes the implementation of legislative debt; the procedure for the issuance acts and monitors their implementa- and circulation of government securi- tion, summarizes the practice of apply- ties, their types [8]. ing legislation on the matters within Executive level. The main tasks of its competence, develops proposals for the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine improving legislation and, in accord- (hereinafter — SFSU) are: ance with the established procedure, 1) to ensure the formation of a sin- submits them for consideration by the gle state tax, state customs policy with Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [7, respect to the administration of taxes p. 80]. and fees, customs payments and the im- According to articles 19–20 of the plementation of a single state tax, state Law of Ukraine “On the National Anti- customs policy, as well as combating Corruption Bureau of Ukraine” the Na- offenses in the application of tax and tional Bureau (hereinafter — NABU) customs legislation, the authorized con- cooperates with the National Bank trolling over the admission in budgets of Ukraine (hereinafter — NBU), the and state trust funds of taxes and fees State Property Fund of Ukraine, the and other payments; Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, 2) to ensure the formation and imp- the National Agency for the Prevention lementation of the state policy for ad- of Corruption, the State Border Service, ministering a single contribution, as the authorities of the state tax and cus- well as combating offenses in the ap- toms service, the central body of exe- plication of legislation on payment of a cutive power implementing the state single contribution; policy in the field of prevention and 3) to ensure the formation and im- counteraction to legalization (launder- plementation of the state policy in the ing) of proceeds from crime, terrorism, sphere of control over the timeliness financing the proliferation of weapons of making payments in foreign cur- of mass destruction (hereinafter — the rency within the period established by specially authorized executive agency law, observance of the procedure for for financial monitoring) and other conducting cash payments for goods government agencies [10]. (services), and also for the availability The National Bureau can conclude of licenses for carrying out economic agreements (memoranda) with indi- activities subject to licensing in accor- vidual state authorities on cooperation dance with law, trade patents [9]. and information exchange. The Nation- The State Statistical Service of al Bank of Ukraine, the Antimonopoly Ukraine is a specially authorized cen- Committee of Ukraine, the State Prop- tral body of executive power in the field erty Fund of Ukraine, the State Finan-

37 cial Control Authority in Ukraine, the tions with them and bank metals. In National Agency for the Prevention addition, it establishes the procedure of Corruption, as well as other state for determining the discount rate and authorities exercising state control other interest rates for its operations, over the observance of the legislation authorizes the creation of commercial of Ukraine by Ukrainian physical and banks through their registration and legal persons with the aim of prevent- issues licenses for the performance of ing and countering criminal offenses banking operations, establishes stand- attributed to the National Bureau’s in- ards for mandatory reserving of banks vestigative authorities are required: to other financial and credit institu- • to transmit to the National Bureau tions [7, p. 81]. the information obtained in the exercis- According to Article 99 of the Con- ing of control functions and analyzing stitution of Ukraine, the main function the information that may be indicative of the NBU is to ensure the stability of of criminal offenses or used to prevent, the monetary unit — the hryvnia. Ful- detect, intercept and investigate crimi- filling its main function, the National nal offenses attributed by the law to the Bank promotes stability of the banking National Bureau’s jurisdiction; system, as well as price stability (wi- • to carry out, within its compe- thin its authority) [8]. tence, audits, inspections and other So, the state considers the securities actions to monitor compliance with market as a priority branch of economic Ukrainian legislation by individuals development that should be guided and and legal entities on the request of the controlled by a separate agency — the National Bureau. National Commission on Securities NBU in accordance with the Law and the Stock Market (hereinafter — of Ukraine “On the National Bank NCSSM). It should be noted that of Ukraine” is the central bank of the NCSSM was established by the Ukraine, a special central government Decree of the President of Ukraine on body, its issuing center, conducts a uni- 23.11.2011 with the aim of comprehen- fied state policy in the sphere of mon- sive legal regulation of relations arising etary circulation, credit, strengthening in the securities market, ensuring the of monetary unit, organizes interbank protection of the interests of Ukraine’s settlements, coordinates the activity of citizens and the state, preventing abu- the banking system in general, deter- ses and violations in this area. The main mines the exchange rate of the mon- tasks of the Commission, defined by etary unit relative to the currencies the Law of Ukraine “On State Regu- of other countries. The National Bank lation of the Securities Market in determines the type of banknotes, their Ukraine” adopted in 1996, are the fol- denomination, distinctive features and lowing: protection system. NBU maintains 1) formation and provision of the reserve funds of currency, precious unified state policy implementation re- metals and gold and foreign exchange garding the development and function- reserves, accumulates gold and cur- ing of the securities and their deriva- rency reserves and carries out transac- tives market in Ukraine, facilitating the

38 adaptation of the national securities of the Statute on the State Statistics market to international standards; Service of Ukraine, approved by the 2) coordination of the state autho- Decree of the President of Ukraine rities’ activities on the functioning of № 396/2011 of 6 April 2011, the the securities and their derivatives SSCU, in accordance with its tasks, market in Ukraine; utilizes administrative data and other 3) implementation of state regula- necessary information for statistical tion and control over the issuance and purposes, concludes agreements on the circulation of securities and their de- exchange of information resources with rivatives on the territory of Ukraine, government agencies, local authorities compliance with legislation in this and other legal entities that carry out area; the activities related to the collection 4) protection of investors’ rights and use of statistical information and through the application of measures administrative data [13]. to prevent and suppress violations of Between the National Securities legislation in the securities market, the and Stock Market Commission and application of sanctions for violation of the NBU, Agreement № 114/1 “On legislation within their authority; Information Cooperation between the 5) assistance in the development of National Commission on Securities the securities market; and the Stock Market and the National 6) generalization of the practice of Bank of Ukraine” dated December 12, applying the legislation of Ukraine re- 2013 was concluded [14]. lating to the securities issue and circu- According to article 18 of the Law lation in Ukraine, development of pro- of Ukraine “On Prevention and Coun- posals for its improvement [7, p. 82]. teraction to Legalization (Laundering) It should be noted that SFSU and of the Proceeds from Crime or Ter- NCSSM interact with each other and rorism Financing, as well as Financ- exchange information. In addition, a ing Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Memorandum of Understanding, Co- Destruction”, the tasks of a specially operation and Information Exchange authorized body include, inter alia, between the National Anti-Corruption the establishment of cooperation, in- Bureau of Ukraine and the National teraction and information exchange Commission on Securities and Stock with the state authorities, the National Market dated 30.05.2016 № 32/14 was Bank of Ukraine, competent authori- concluded between the National Se- ties of foreign states and international curities Commission and the National organizations in the field of preven- Anti-Corruption Bureau [11]. tion and counteraction to legalization In addition, between the National (laundering) of proceeds from crime or Securities Commission of Ukraine terrorism financing, as well as financ- and the State Statistics Committee ing proliferation of weapons of mass de- of Ukraine (SSCU), the Agreement struction [15]. № 21/14/3 of 01.03.2013 on the inter- The National Commission imple- change of information resources [12] menting state regulation in the sphere was concluded. According to clause 4 of financial services markets was estab-

39 lished in accordance with the Decree of 7) development and approval of the President of Ukraine of November normative legal acts applicable to the 23, 2011. The Commission is a specially implementation of issues within its authorized body of executive power competence; in the sphere of regulation of financial 8) coordination of activities with services markets. In accordance with other state authorities; the Law of Ukraine “On Financial Ser- 9) the introduction of international- vices and State Regulation of Financial ly recognized rules for the development Services Markets” and “Directives on of financial services markets [7, p. 82]. the National Commission Implement- According to Article 22 of the Law ing State Regulation in the Sphere of of Ukraine “On Financial Services Financial Services Markets”, the main and State Regulation of Financial Ser- tasks of this commission are: vices Markets”, the National Bank of 1) formation and provision of the Ukraine, the National Securities Com- implementation of the policy of state mission and the National Financial Ser- regulation in the sphere of financial ser- vices Commission have the right to ac- vices markets (except for the market of cess each other's information databases banking services and securities markets that are maintained to regulate the fi- as well as derivative securities); nancial services markets [1]. 2) development and implementa- The NBU, the National Commis- tion of the strategy for the develop- sion for the Securities Market and the ment of financial services markets and National Financial Services Commis- the solution of systemic issues of their sion are obliged to conduct operational functioning; meetings at least once a month, or more 3) ensuring the development and often at the request of one of the lea- coordination of the unified state policy ders of these authorities, in order to co- regarding the operation of the defined operate and coordinate their activities. contribution pension insurance system; Based on the results of these meetings, 4) exercising of state regulation appropriate protocols are drawn up within the limits of its powers and su- and/or interdepartmental agreements pervision over the provision of finan- are concluded. The decisions contained cial services and compliance with legis- in these protocols and agreements are lation in the relevant field; mandatory for consideration and im- 5) protection of the rights of finan- plementation by each of the authorities cial services consumers through the that carry out state regulation of finan- application of measures of influence wi- cial services markets. thin its powers with a view to prevent- All the above-mentioned authori- ing and suppressing violations of legis- ties in their activities are guided by the lation in the financial services market; regulatory legal acts of fig. 3. 6) summarizing the practice of ap- In addition to general legislation in plying the Ukraine’s legislation on the sphere of financial services markets, financial services and markets and deve- there are also laws regulating the ac- loping proposals for their improve- tivities of the insurance market, credit ment; institutions, non-state pension funds,

40 Fig. 3. Normative and legal regulation of the financial services market in Ukraine3 financial companies, pawnshops and sumers about the specifics of the func- lessors, and credit history bureaus. tioning of financial institutions and the It should be noted that in the do- possibility of obtaining the necessary mestic financial market there are many financial services, lack of public confi- problems related to the inadequate ef- dence in the activities of financial in- ficiency of the financial sector of the termediaries, lack of sufficient practice country, low level of economic literacy of market relations and the like. The and awareness of financial services con- main problems of the functioning of the domestic market of financial services 3 Source: compiled by the author on the basis and ways to solve them are presented of the source [1; 5; 16–25]. in table.

41 The main problems of the functioning of the domestic financial services market and the ways to solve them № Problems Solutions 1 Opaqueness of the stock segment of Strengthening the protection of the rights the FSM, because today most of the of consumers of financial services through operations for the purchase and sale the use of the disclosure mechanism by of securities (more than 90 %) occur professional market participants on the outside the exchanges basis of generally accepted principles and international standards 2 Absence of compensatory mechanisms Formation of conditions for the formation of of protection of investments of the compensatory mechanisms in the financial population in the non-banking financial services markets through the development intermediation sector of a system for guaranteeing deposits and ensuring payments under long-term life insurance contracts, non-state pension provision agreements, contributions to deposit accounts with credit unions, etc. 3 Low demand on the services through Conducting extensive educational work on the charging of tariffs on them and the activities of the financial sector of Ukraine distrust of the population connected among consumers of financial services with the stereotypes, which are imposed by the bankruptcy of financial institutions 4 Lack of proper legal framework for To improve the legal framework for the full development of the financial eliminating asymmetric development among services market representatives of financial intermediation with increased competition, among which the prerequisites will be created for further development of the FSM 5 Insufficient state regulation and Improvement of legislative and statutory supervision over the activities of bank regulation of the activities of financial and non-bank financial intermediaries institutions and the provision of financial services, the delineation of control and supervisory functions between the NBU, the National Financial Services Commission and the National Securities and Stock Market Commission 6 Absence of the concept of long-term Approving the clear concept of Ukraine’s development of banking and non- integration into the world economic space banking institutions in the financial services market 7 Lack of capital and low level of vocational The attraction of capital through the training for a large part of non-banking mechanism of consumer confidence in the financial institutions market, the proper training of specialists who work in non-banking financial institutions 8 Absence of a qualitative system of Promoting the phased introduction of accounting, reporting, disclosure of internationally recognized accounting, information on the activities of financial financial reporting, auditing, disclosure institutions in Ukraine and corporate governance standards in the financial sector of Ukraine

42 So, from the above, it can be con- Services Markets”, available at: http:// cluded that the financial services mar- ket is an important element in the de- 14 velopment of the country’s economy as 2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1997), a whole, in particular, this applies not The Law of Ukraine “On Financial Leasing”, available at: http://zakon2. only to the state, but also to society. We must understand that when this mar- %D0%B2%D1%80 ket is regulated, that is, all authorities 3. The official site of the National Bank that carry out state regulation are com- of Ukraine (2017), available at: http:// petent in their authorities, then only reasonable effective decisions are made 4. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2003), regarding the normal and effective Civil Code of Ukraine, № 40–44 avai- functioning of the FSM. It is impor- lable at: tant that the powers of these subjects laws/show/435-15 of control do not overlap, their activi- 5. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2003), The Law of Ukraine “On Financial- ties should be fixed at the legislative Credit Mechanisms and Property level. It is also worth remembering that Management in the Construction of proper conditions should be created for Housing and Real Estate Operations”, the formation of compensatory mecha- № 52, available at: http://zakon2.rada. nisms in the financial services markets through the development of a system 6. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for guaranteeing deposits and ensuring (2000), The Law of Ukraine “On payments under long-term life insur- Banks and Banking Activity”, № 5–6, ance contracts, non-state pension pro- available at: vision agreements, contributions to de- ua/laws/show/2121-14 7. Klymenko V. V., Akimova L. M., Do- posit accounts with credit unions, etc. kiyenko V. V., Klymenko L. M. (2015) Thus, the financial market is one of Finansovyj rynok [Financial Mar- the most regulated markets. The com- ket], Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, Kyiv, plexity of relations in the market, its Ukraine. scale, existing risks, and the security 8. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine interests of participants necessitated (1996), The Constitution of Ukraine, the adoption of the detailed standards available at: and rules for market activities, the es- ua/laws/show/254%D0%BA/96- tablishment of harsh conditions for its %D0%B2%D1%80/page4 participants and the involvement of 9. The official website of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine available at: http:// various state authorities and self-regu- lating organizations in the issues of 10. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), regulation. The Law of Ukraine “On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”, № 47, available at: http://zakon3.rada. References 1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2007), 11. Memorandum of Understanding, Co- The Law of Ukraine “On Financial Ser- operation and Information Exchange vices and State Regulation of Financial between the National Anti-Corruption

43 Bureau of Ukraine and the National 17. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2003), Securities and Stock Market Commis- The Law of Ukraine “On non-state sion (2016), № 32/14, available at: htt- pension provision”, available at: http:// ps:// memorandum-pro-vzamorozumnnya 15 spvpratsyu-ta-obmn-nformatsyu-mzh- 18. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2004), natsonalynim-antikoruptsynim-by- The Law of Ukraine “On Obligatory uro-ukrani-ta-na/ Insurance of Civil Liability of Owners 12. Agreement on the exchange of infor- of Land Vehicles”, available at: http:// mation resources between the Natio- nal Securities and Stock Market Com- 15 mission and the State Statistics Ser- 19. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2005) vice of Ukraine (2013), № 21/14/3, The Law of Ukraine “On the organi- available at: zation of formation and circulation of ua/documents/ugoda-pro-vzamoo- credit histories”, available at: http://za- bmn-nformatsynimi-resursami-mzh- natsonalynoyu-komsyu-z-tsnnih-pa- 20. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine perv-ta-fondovogo-rinku/ (1996), The Law of Ukraine “On Ad- 13. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2011), vertising”, available at: http://zakon3. “Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Regu- %D0%B2%D1%80 lation on the State Statistics Service of 21. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ukraine”, available at: http://zakon3. (1996), The Law of Ukraine “On Insurance”, available at: http://za- %D0%BF 14. Agreement on Informational Coop- %D0%B2%D1%80 eration between the National Com- 22. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2003), mission on Securities and Stock “Resolution of the State Commission Market and the National Bank of for Regulation of Financial Services Ukraine (2013), № 114/14, available Markets of Ukraine “On Approval of at: the Regulation on the State Register ments/ugoda-pro-nformatsyne-spv- of Financial Institutions”, available robtntstvo-mzh-natsonalynoyu-kom- at: syu-z-tsnnih-paperv-ta-fondovogo- show/z0797-03 rinku-ta-nats/ 23. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2004), 15. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), “Resolution of the State Commission The Law of Ukraine “On Prevention for Regulation of Financial Services and Counteraction to Legalization Markets of Ukraine “On Approval of (Laundering) of the Proceeds from the Regulation on the Establishment Crime, Terrorist Financing and Fi- of Restrictions on the Combination of nancing of the Proliferation of Weap- Activities of Financial Institutions for ons of Mass Destruction”, available the Provision of Certain Types of Fi- at: nancial Services”, available at: http:// show/1702-18 16. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2001), 24. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2006), The Law of Ukraine “On Credit “Resolution of the State Commission Unions”, available at: http://zakon2. for the Regulation of Financial Ser- vices Markets of Ukraine “On the Pos-

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47 UDC: 351

Al-Atti Iryna Vasylivna, post-graduate student, Interregional Acade- my of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (067) 141 41 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6682-4200 Аль-Атті Ірина Василівна, аспірант, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (067) 141 41 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6682-4200 Аль-Атти Ирина Васильевна, аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (067) 141 41 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6682-4200 DOI


Abstract. Fundamentally new approaches to public management in interna- tional and legal aspect which are highlighted in scientific researchers have been defined in the article. Importance of every catalyst-reasons offered by the re- searches, amendments in fundamentals of public management as affected by the international law have been analyzed. Scientific researches, in the context of inno- vations in the sphere of public management with due regard for international and legal aspects, have been analyzed. Classification of reforms based on the principle of readiness of the Ukrainian management system for the amendments offered by the scientists has been carried out. The conclusion is made that the Ukrainian state should implement new management standards more efficiently, and it refers not only to modernization of the political sphere but also to the balanced develop- ment of administrative, economic, social, spiritual spheres of social life. It is deter- mined that today the scientific aspects of the supranational dimension in modern social management have remained beyond the attention of the scientists. Due to the study of the peculiarities of the European experience in the organization of

48 democratic state governance and the systemic characteristics of the development of integration processes, the following directions of improvement of public ad- ministration as part of the process of building a democratic society in Ukraine are identified: 1) strengthening of the influence of the European administrative space on the system of public administration in Ukraine; 2) optimization of pub- lic administration in accordance with criteria of EU membership, humanization and systematization of public administration. It is these directions that can serve as the subject of individual scientific studies, taking into account the adaptation of foreign experience to national conditions. It is substantiated that in the pre- sent moment in Ukraine the main possibility of mutual exchange of experience in the field of public administration is carried out with the help of international cooperation. Therefore, it is precisely on the basis of the analysis of both foreign and domestic scientific research that it is possible to develop, design, and identify the main stages of the development of public administration in Ukraine, taking into account the main and important international legal norms, traditions and principles. Keywords: public management, international law, government regulatory agencies, local government authorities, European Union, international and legal standards. АНАЛІЗ ДОСЛІДЖЕНЬ ЩОДО РОЗВИТКУ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ В УКРАЇНІ В СИСТЕМІ МІЖНАРОДНО-ПРАВОВИХ СТАНДАРТІВ Анотація. Визначено принципово нові підходи щодо розвитку вітчизня- ного публічного управління в системі міжнародно-правових стандартів, що висвітлені в наукових дослідженнях. Проаналізовано важливість кожної із причин-каталізаторів, запропонованих дослідниками, зміни основ публіч- ного управління під впливом міжнародного права. Проаналізовано наукові дослідження в контексті новацій у сфері публічного управління з врахуван- ням міжнародно-правових стандартів. Зроблено висновок, що українська держава має більш ефективно впроваджувати нові стандарти управління, і це стосується не тільки модернізації політичної сфери, а й збалансованого розвитку адміністративної, економічної, соціальної, духовної сфер суспіль- ного життя. Визначено, що на сьогодні поза увагою науковців залишилися практичні аспекти наднаціонального виміру у сучасному суспільному управлінні. Зав- дяки дослідженню особливостей європейського досвіду організації демо- кратичного державного управління та системних характеристик розвитку інтеграційних процесів визначено такі напрями удосконалення державного управління, як складової процесу побудови в Україні демократичного су- спільства: 1) посилення впливу європейського адміністративного просто- ру на систему державного управління в Україні; 2) оптимізація державного управління відповідно до критеріїв членства в ЄС, гуманізація та система- тизація державного управління. Саме ці напрями можуть слугувати пред-

49 метом окремих наукових досліджень з урахуванням адаптації зарубіжного досвіду до національних умов. Обґрунтовано, що наразі в Україні основна можливість взаємного обміну досвідом у сфері публічного управління здійс- нюється за допомогою міжнародної співпраці. Тому саме на підставі аналізу як зарубіжних, так і вітчизняних наукових досліджень, можна розробити, спроектувати, визначити головні етапи розвитку публічного управління в Україні з урахуванням головних та важливих міжнародно-правових норм, традицій та принципів. Ключові слова: публічне управління, міжнародне право, органи держав- ного управління, органи місцевого самоврядування, Європейський Союз, міжнародно-правові стандарти. АНАЛИЗ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ ПО РАЗВИТИЮ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ В УКРАИНЕ В СИСТЕМЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНО-ПРАВОВЫХ СТАНДАРТОВ Аннотация. Определены принципиально новые подходы к развитию публичного управления в системе международно-правовых стандартов, ко- торые освещены в научных исследованиях. Проанализированы важность каждой из причин-катализаторов, предложенных исследователями, изме- нения основ публичного управления под влиянием международного права. Проанализированы научные исследования в контексте новаций в сфере пу- бличного управления с учетом международно-правовых стандартов. Сде- лан вывод, что украинское государство должно более эффективно внедрять новые стандарты управления, и это касается не только модернизации по- литической сферы, но и сбалансированного развития административной, экономической, социальной, духовной сфер общественной жизни. Опре- делено, что сегодня без внимания ученых остались практические аспекты сверхнационального измерения в современном общественном управлении. Благодаря исследованию особенностей европейского опыта организации демократического государственного управления и системных характери- стик развития интеграционных процессов определены такие направле- ния совершенствования государственного управления, как составляющей процесса построения в Украине демократического общества: 1) усиление влияния европейского административного пространства на систему го- сударственного управления в Украине; 2) оптимизация государственного управления в соответствии с критериями членства в ЕС, гуманизация и сис- тематизация государственного управления. Именно эти направления могут служить предметом отдельных научных исследований с учетом адаптации зарубежного опыта к национальным условиям. Обосновано, что сейчас в Украине основная возможность взаимного обмена опытом в сфере публич- ного управления осуществляется с помощью международного сотрудни- чества. Поэтому именно на основании анализа как зарубежных, так и оте- чественных научных исследований можно разработать, спроектировать, определить основные этапы развития публичного управления в Украине с

50 учетом главных и важных международно-правовых норм, традиций и прин- ципов. Ключевые слова: публичное управление, международное право, органы государственного управления, органы местного самоуправления, Европей- ский Союз, международно-правовые стандарты.

Problem statement. Today, the at- The essence of public administration tention of scientists is increasingly is the subject of dissertation research emphasized on the need to change the of domestic scholars, among which it model of national public administra- is worthwhile mentioning works by tion. Ukraine has chosen the European V. V. Bashtannyk [5], O. P. Borysenko vector of development in all spheres of [6], V. V. Brahinskyi [7], N. A. Hny- life. However, the European civilization diuk [8], M. S. Kalyna [9], A. O. Kara- model of governance is a rather comp- petian [10], D. O. Krasovskyi [11], licated social, democratic and legal O. O. Kolizhuk [12], S. A. Mamedov transition to a politically organized, re- [13], M. O. Nazarenko [14], V. F. Ro- sponsible civil society of a new quality, man [15], and R. Yu. Soroka [16], which has a fairly high level of business V. V. Tykhonovych [17], V. V. Popo- activity and political participation of vych [18], K. Kh. Herasymiuk [19], citizens, ensuring their rights and free- T. P. Palamarchuk [21], O. Chervia- doms. kova [22], M. Ye. Chulaievska [23] and Currently, the main opportuni- D. Yu. Yurkovskyi [24]. ties for mutual experience exchange in However, despite a sufficient num- the sphere of public management are ber of publications in the scientific carried out through international co- space of Ukraine devoted to the re- operation in Ukraine. Therefore, it is form of public administration, the vast precisely on the basis of the analysis majority of them have a sectorial ori- of both foreign and domestic scientific entation or applied nature. They do research that it is possible to develop, not consider improving public admini- design, and identify the main stages of stration in the context of transforma- the development of public administra- tional transformations in Ukrainian tion in Ukraine, taking into account the society. main and important international legal The purpose of the article is to define norms, traditions and principles. fundamentally new approaches to the Analysis of recent research and development of domestic public admini- publications. In the Western state- stration in the system of international management scientific community, legal standards, which are covered in public administration issues are the scientific researches; analysis of each subject of numerous scientific studies, of the causes of catalysts proposed by among which foreign experts, namely: researchers in scientific research; a de- P. Bleuen [1], G. Butcacher [2], W. Wil- scription of scientific works in context son [3], S. Polit [4] and C. Lambert [1]. of innovations in the field of public ad-

51 ministration taking into account inter- N. A. Hnidyuk developed in her national legal standards. study the main models of the coordi- Presentation of the main mate- nation of European integration policy rial. The primary task of the state is to taking into account the powers of cen- ensure implementing international re- tral authorities in the field of European lations in the field of public administra- integration policy and the degree of tion. First of all, it is necessary to focus their centralization, which allows, from on studying international experience the author's point of view, and theoreti- in the field of regulatory and regulato- cally to substantiate the tendency of ry regulation of public administration, creating a model in Ukraine with a high the application of forms and methods level of functional decentralization and for implementation of personnel policy, horizontal coordination [8, p. 4–7]. scientific and methodological and in- N. A. Hnydiuk perfected the mecha- formational and analytical support for nism of coordination of European inte- the functioning of the public adminis- gration policy by improving the effec- tration institution. tiveness of its main components, such There is interestingly in this sense as: political planning and coordination the approach of O. Kolizhuk who high- (legislative harmonization, impact as- lighted it in her paper ‘Public Adminis- sessment, third party consultation, tration of Foreign Economic Activity of public information, financial support, Ukraine in the Conditions of European management of external coordination Integration’. In particular, the scien- of donor assistance, human resources tist proposed a model of optimization and training of skilled professionals in of public administration based on the the field of European integration [8, application of an integrated approach p. 8]. to the procedure for the formation V. V. Popovych perfected contem- and implementation of the Strategy porary ideas about the methodologi- of Public Administration of Foreign cal approaches to the formation of the Economic Activity of Ukraine, taking European municipal policy in her study into account the powers of state ad- ‘Conceptual Principles of the State Mu- ministration bodies of different levels, nicipal Policy in Ukraine in the Context in accordance with such an algorithm: of European Integration’. It is shown formation of state foreign economic ac- that they are based on the principles, tivity and determination of the main di- regulations and standards of local rections of its realization; development self-government, which are harmoni- and approval of the Concept of Deve- ously combined in the concept of ‘good lopment of Foreign Economic Policy; governance’, which consists of the fol- development and approval of the Long- lowing four groups of international term Program of Development of For- standards: in the field of human rights, eign Economic Activity of Ukraine; in the field of local and regional demo- and adoption of tactical government- cracy, and in the field of the Nomencla- management decisions in the field of ture Units of Territorial Standardization regulation of foreign economic activity (hereinafter referred to as the ‘NUTS’) of Ukraine [12, p. 3–5]. [18, p. 5].

52 Subsequently, the Nomenclature in the context of the dissemination of Units Territorial Standardization ideas of the ‘new regionalism’, charac- (NUTS) were analysed in the work of terised primarily by raising the level of K.Kh. Herasymiuk ‘Optimization of the regional identity facilities management Territorial-managerial System in Ukraine [15, p. 5]. in the Context of European Experience’. It is worth noting that currently re- In particular, European standards and forms of local self-government and ter- approaches for reforming the territorial ritorial organization of power are ac- organization of public authorities and tively being implemented in Ukraine. the content of the implementation of We observe a positive tendency the relevant reforms in the EU have been implementation of international legal developed in this research. One of the tendencies regarding the decentrali- important mechanisms of optimization zation of state power in Ukraine. So, of territorial-administrative system in the envoy of the German Government Europe was the NUTS System, that for decentralization issues will work provides a unified, transparent and in Ukraine in September 2017. The efficient model of statistical monitor- Deputy Prime Minister and Minister ing, and based on this, improve the sys- of Regional Development, Construc- tem territorial division and implement tion and Housing and Public Utilities a flexible regional policy [19, p. 5, 18]. of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko noted that It was argued that the decentraliza- the authorized person of the German tion of power in the EU countries takes Government for the reform of decen- place within the framework of interna- tralization issues will begin to work in tional legal standards by grouping the Ukraine in September 2017. Hennadii main or fragmentation large adminis- Zubko testified that the delegation trative-territorial units, the introduc- the envoy for decentralization issues tion of ‘new regionalism’, inter-muni- from the German Government is fur- cipal cooperation and ‘good gover- ther evidence of the success of reform nance’ in the study of V. F. Roman implementation, which is the largest ‘The Mechanisms of Governmental among other reforms supported by the Governance for Decentralization of EU [20]. Power: the Experience of the EU Coun- R. Yu. Soroka proposed a new vision tries for Ukraine’. Among other things, of the role of industrial policy, which there also developed research on the becomes an integral indicator of the formation of new territorial entities: as- sectorial, regional, innovation and legal sociations, as a rule, the basic units, cre- development of the state in his scientif- ated not only for the implementation ic study ‘The Application of Public Ad- of the tasks of economic development, ministration Mechanisms in the Forma- planning and accounting, but also for the tion of Industrial Policy in the Process of development of social and cultural tra- European Integration of Ukraine’. The ditions [15, p. 3–4]. Thus, the concept of scientists worked out new mechanisms V. F. Roman highlights the current state of management of industrial policy, of the vision of public management in based on which the regionalization of the countries of the European space the economy, market motivation of in-

53 novation growth and the elimination of 2) Standardization of conditions for bureaucracy and corruption influences product quality and food safety (ad- based on international legal experience ministrative criterion); and [16, p. 5]. 3) Identification of priorities for so- It is important that R. Yu. Soroka cial and economic development of rural established the main differences in the areas (political criterion). approaches to implementing the indus- This research also identified a mech- trial policy of both the EU and Ukraine, anism for optimizing the export poten- which is that the latter's efforts are tial of the Ukrainian agrarian sector, concentrated on supporting industries, which is based on the Ukrainian legis- enterprises and products, while the lation, which should ensure compliance EU focuses on improving production with EU regulatory norms through the manufacturability, that is, structural liberalization of customs and tariff rates restructuring of the economy, the deve- between Ukraine and the EU, when lopment of industrially underdeveloped Ukrainian legislation establishes a duty regions, the economic transformation free regime and refuses tariffs concern- of territories affected by the decline of ing agrarian products from the EU [21, industrial production, and multilevel p. 4–5]. enhancement of the competitiveness of O. P. Borysenko investigated the the economy, as reflected in the norms institutional features of the formation of the supranational law of the EU [16, and implementation of the foreign eco- p. 4–5]. nomic and customs policy of Ukraine The issues concerning the im- and determined the directions of insti- plementation of international legal tutional transformations in the state principles and standards in separate regulation of foreign economic acti- sectors of the economy are often ana- vity in his work ‘Formation of the State lysed in these scientific studies. Thus, Foreign Economic Policy of Ukraine T. P. Palamarchuk firstly systematized and the Mechanisms for its Implemen- the mechanisms of development of state tation’. The above made it possible to management of the agrarian sector of systematize the main measures of state- Ukraine’s economy in the conditions of management influence in the following implementation of the European stan- stages: dards according to the types of state in- 1) The formation of the national fluence on the agrarian sector in her pa- foreign economic policy and the crea- per ‘Mechanisms of the Development of tion of its own customs system; the State Administration of the Agrarian 2) Radical liberalization of the eco- Sector of Ukraine’s Economy in the Con- nomy; text of the Implementation of European 3) Moderate protectionism; Standards’. They are the following: 4) State asymmetric protectio- 1) Financial impact on the deve- nism of the branches and regions and lopment of the agrarian sector in the strengthening of administrative pres- framework of medium and long-term sure on the subjects of management; development programs (economic cri- 5) Destabilization-constructive po- terion); licy;

54 6) Implementation and integration national level in accordance with the policy against the background of liberal exclusive and joint powers of the EU import model, global financial and eco- within the framework of the function- nomic crisis; ing of the internal market; and 7) Moderately regulated foreign 3) Foreign Union migrants who are economic policy, activating the search subject to joint management by the for new directions of realization of na- Member States of the EU and the Eu- tional economic interests in world mar- ropean Union, which provides for the kets; Union to define only the basic prin- 8) Socially oriented foreign econom- ciples of governance, and its member ic policy aimed at involving civil soci- states, on the basis of these principles, ety in regulatory processes in the field implement their own policies (e. g. Set of foreign economic activity [6, p. 6]. quotas for labour migrants, sign reco- The innovative position is the doc- gnition agreements diplomas and ensure trine of public management of the tran- their implementation, etc.) [23, p. 6–9]. sit potential of V. V. Brahinskyi, which It should be noted that the results of is based on a closed cycle of manage- the research of M. Ye. Chulaievska seem ment: to be extremely relevant for modern 1) Forecasting: anticipation of conse- Ukraine, since the paradigm of public quences; planning: establishing a mana- administration is still formed without gerial goal and organizational measures taking into account migration process- to achieve it; es. Although our state faces external 2) Motivation: ensuring the interest migration processes at a minimal level, of managers in achieving the goal; and internal migration is an undeniable fac- 3) Control: determining the degree tor affecting public administration. of achievement of the managerial goal, The integrated mechanism of the which allows the transition to a new implementation of the European inte- cycle of public management of transit gration policy of Ukraine is based on a potential, or, if necessary, to adjust it) combination of political, institutional [7, p. 6–7]. and organizational (in the context of New scientific vision of public ma- public administration), economic, le- nagement on an international scale, gal (including the international legal taking into account the modern type field), information mechanisms that are of migration processes, is presented in represented by a set of tools, methods, the work of M. Ye. Chulaievska, which principles, the application of which the describes the essence of types of labour authorities provide coordination, im- migrants in the EU and their level of plementation, monitoring and evalua- management: tion of the country’s policy on integra- 1) Domestic migrants of the EU tion with the EU, and promotes the Member States, which are administered creation of appropriate conditions for at the national level in accordance with the successful implementation of the the exclusive powers of these states; European integration policy [14, p. 3]. 2) Intra-Union migrants whose It was substantiated in the study of management is carried out at the supra- M. O. Nazarenko ‘Integrated Mechanism

55 for the Implementation of European Inte- relatively lower political and legal con- gration Policy of Ukraine’. The scientist sciousness of citizens. gives a concrete list of areas, progress in D. Yu. Yurkovskyi allocated and which significantly increases Ukraine’s consolidated a structural and func- chances of joining the EU. Thus, he de- tional model of public administration votes his last role to the public adminis- in the field of foreign policy activity tration system, which should be based of Ukraine in conditions of external on European experience as part of the aggression by means of allocation and international legal system. In our opin- consolidation of priority structural ion, the novelty of the research is based, units of the priority directions of ac- first of all, on the precise systematiza- tivity in relation to implementation of tion of the causal relationships between mechanisms of state administration in the spheres of life of domestic society, this sphere in the paper ‘Mechanisms which are directly related to public ad- of Public Administration in the Field of ministration, the reformation of which Foreign Policy of Ukraine in the Condi- is one of the most important concepts of tions of External Aggression’. There are an effective foreign policy-oriented ap- among them: modernization of the con- proach to the EU. stitutional and legal support of the fo- The research of A. A. Karapetian ‘Im- reign policy activity of the state taking provement of the Mechanisms of Man- into account the international and legal agement of the Higher Education Sys- standards; carrying out a comprehen- tem of Ukraine in the Bologna Process’ sive inventory of current agreements is structural and analytical. It is based and arrangements in the field of exter- on the study of public administration nal relations with the Russian Federa- in the field of higher education. The ap- tion; completion of legal and contrac- proach to reforming the personnel and tual registration of the state border of motivational mechanism of public ad- Ukraine with the adjacent states; en- ministration in the educational sector suring interaction and coordination of in Ukraine, which will allow to effec- foreign policy activities of state bodies tively solve personnel problems related and officials with authority in the field to the need to adapt the existing system of foreign policy and international rela- of higher education to the requirements tions [24, p. 4–6]. of new legislation in this area [10, It must be concluded that the struc- p. 9–11]. We note the unequivocal effec- tural and functional model of public ad- tiveness of the narrow-gauge approach ministration is a necessary tool, which to diagnosing the problems of modern is not enough to consolidate the forces public administration in Ukraine in of the state apparatus to reform the this study. The problems of the Bologna management activities based on inter- process in Ukraine are a clear example national legal standards and in condi- of the conceptual differences between tions of increased political tension. the system of public administration The model of optimization of the that exists in the international legal State European Integration Policy of field and the type of public administra- Ukraine in the conditions of globaliza- tion that we trace in countries with a tion was developed and scientifically

56 substantiated by M. S. Kalyna in the of the State Regions Social and Eco- scientific paper ‘Features and Directions nomic Development in the Conditions of of Optimization of the State European the Economy Globalization’. According Integration Policy of Ukraine in the Con- to him, the determining factor in pub- ditions of Globalization’. This model is lic administration reform in Ukraine based on the application of the formal should be a regional development stra- logic approach: the Ukrainian State tegy, as a means of orientation (the defi- Policy on European Integration is seen nition model) of regional development, as a system that has to respond ade- methodological basis of which is a stra- quately to the demands of influential tegic planning [13, p. 9–10]. super systems, which include the EU as It is generally evident that the well as other geopolitical communities change in the concept of public admin- of the Eastern European region, as well istration primarily requires decentrali- as the world’s economic, political, etc. zation, which should take into account community, which are formed within the specifics of public administration the international legal field [9, p. 4–5]. in Ukraine, which, on the contrary, is The system of public administration characterized by a high level of centrali- of European integration policy must al- zation and hierarchy of managerial pro- so respond adequately to the requests of cesses, as stated by V. V. Tykhonovych its management subsystems in Ukraine in the scientific paper ‘Mechanisms of and to influence them accordingly at Public Administration in the Field of the same time, taking into account in- Economic Cooperation with European terests of all parties to this policy. The Countries’ [17, p. 9]. compositional approach to building a Given the above, we should agree system development plan is realised with V. V. Bashtannyk’s opinion that under such conditions taking into ac- there is currently a gap between the count the interests of its constituent results of previous researches and the subsystems and is formed on the basis needs of the science of state adminis- of the optimality criterion of power of tration, as well as a certain marginali- managerial functions. zation of the conclusions of scientific D. O. Krasivskyi suggested that the works on the needs of real governance. inertia of the political system was one There were practical aspects of the su- of the reasons for the slow implementa- pranational dimension in modern social tion of new European norms and rules management outside the attention of in Ukraine, which in turn could be a the researchers [5, p. 15]. Therefore, threat to the consolidation of demo- the stated scientist concludes in his cratic principles of the state governance study ‘Reforming Public Administration in the study ‘Mechanisms for the Imple- in the Context of European Integration mentation of European Standards in Po- Processes’ that due to the study of the litical Governance in Ukraine’ [11, p. 4]. peculiarities of European experience S. A. Mamedov draws attention to in the organization of democratic state the regional segment of public admi- governance and the systemic characte- nistration in the scientific work on the ristics of the development of integration theme ‘Mechanisms of State Regulation processes. It was possible to identify

57 the following directions of improve- of public administration taking into ac- ment of public administration as an count international legal standards. It integral part of the following construc- is concluded that the Ukrainian state tion process of democratic society in should more effectively implement Ukraine: new management standards, and this 1) The strengthening of the influ- applies not only to the modernization ence of the European administrative of the political sphere, but also to the space on the system of public adminis- balanced development of the adminis- tration in Ukraine; trative, economic, social and spiritual 2) Optimization of public adminis- spheres of public life. tration in accordance with criteria of Further research should be directed the EU membership, humanization and to finding the most efficient ways of systematization of public administra- implementing the European standards tion. of public administration in Ukraine and These directions can serve as the to actively analyse the place of norma- subject of individual scientific studies, tive and legal base on public adminis- taking into account the adaptation of tration of Ukraine in the system of in- foreign experience to national condi- ternational legal standards. tions [23, p. 15, 16]. O. V. Cherviakova defined the main transformational tendencies of state References management in the conditions of glo- 1. Bleyen P., Lombaert S., Bouckaert G. balization influences along with this. (2015), “Measurement, incorporation So, the scientist points out that the and use of performance information main approaches, which are the ways in the budget” // Society and Econo- to solve problems of the state and pla- my. — Vol. 37 (3). — P. 331–355. netary levels, is the formation and de- 2. Oomsels P. and Bouckaert G. (2014), “Studying interorganizational trust in velopment of an information society; public administration: a conceptual and formation and development of an inno- analytical framework for administra- vative society; and the formation and tional trust” // Public Performance & development of a society of sustainable Management Review. — Vol. 37 (4). — development [22, p. 30]. P. 577–604. Conclusions. Thus, fundamentally 3. Wilson W., Farr J. and Seidelman R. new approaches to the development of (1993), The Study of Administration, domestic public administration in the Discipline and History. Political Sci- system of international legal standards, ence in the United States, Ann Arbor which are highlighted in scientific re- APSA, London, UK. 4. Pollitt C. and Bouckaert G. (2004), searches, were determined. The impor- Public Management Reform: A Com- tance of each of the catalysts suggested parative Analysis, Oxford, University by the researchers, the change of the Press, London, UK. basis of public administration under 5. Bashtannyk V. V. (2011), “Reforming the influence of international law is of state administration in the context analysed. The research is analysed in of European integration processes”, the context of innovations in the field Ph.D Thesis Ph.D Thesis for a Can-

58 didate Degree in State Governance, the National Academy of Public Ad- Theory and history of public admi- ministration, Kharkiv, Ukraine. nistration, National Academy of Pub- 11. Krasivskyi D. O. (2015), “Mechanisms lic Administration, Office of the Presi- for the implementation of European dent of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. standards of political governance in 6. Borysenko O. P. (2013), “Formation of Ukraine”, Ph.D Thesis for a Candidate the state foreign economic policy of Degree in State Governance, Mecha- Ukraine and mechanisms for its imple- nisms of state governance, National mentation”, Ph.D Thesis Ph.D Thesis Academy of Public Administration, for a Candidate Degree in State Go- Office of the President of Ukraine, vernance, Theory and history of pub- Kyiv, Ukraine. lic administration, National Academy 12. Kolizhuk O. O. (2012), “State admi- of Public Administration, Office of the nistration of foreign economic activity President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. of Ukraine in conditions of European 7. Brahinskyi V. V. (2014), “Public ad- integration” Ph.D Thesis for a Can- ministration of transit potential of didate Degree in State Governance, Ukraine”, Ph.D Thesis for a Candidate Theory and history of public admi- Degree in State Governance, Mecha- nistration, National Academy of Pub- nisms of state governance, National lic Administration, Office of the Presi- Academy of Public Administration, dent of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Office of the President of Ukraine, 13. Mamedov S. A. (2016), “Mechanisms Kyiv, Ukraine. of state regulation of socio-economic 8. Hnydiuk N. A. (2011), “The mecha- development of the regions of the state nism of coordination of the policy of in the conditions of globalization of the European integration in Ukraine”, economy” Ph.D Thesis for a Candidate Ph.D Thesis for a Candidate Degree Degree in State Governance, Mecha- in State Governance, Mechanisms of nisms of state governance, National state governance, National Academy Academy of Public Administration, of Public Administration, Office of the Office of the President of Ukraine, President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine. 9. Kalyna M. S. (2014), “Features and 14. Nazarenko M. O. (2014), “The com- directions of optimization of the state prehend sive mechanism of implemen- eurointegration policy of Ukraine in tation of the European integration the conditions of globalization”, Ph.D policy of Ukraine”, Ph.D Thesis for a Thesis for a Candidate Degree in State Candidate Degree in Public Adminis- Governance, Theory and history of tration, Mechanisms of Public Admi- public administration, National Aca- nistration, Odesa Regional Insti- demy of Public Administration, Of- tute for Public Administration of the fice of the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, National Academy for Public Ad- Ukraine. ministration under the President of 10. Karapetyan A. O. (2015), “Improve- Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine. ment of State Governance Mechanisms 15. Roman V. F. (2017), “Mechanisms of in the Sphere of Higher Education of public administration processes of Ukraine in Conditions of Bologna Pro- decentralization of power: experience cess”, Ph.D Thesis for a Candidate De- of EU countries for Ukraine”, Ph.D gree in State Governance, Mechanisms Thesis for a Candidate Degree in State of state governance, Kharkiv Regional Governance, Mechanisms of state go- Institute of Public Administration of vernance, European Integration and

59 Law Department of LRI NAPA, Lviv, plementation of European standards”, Ukraine. Ph.D Thesis for a Candidate Degree 16. Soroka R. Y. (2011), “Application of the in State Governance, Mechanisms of mechanisms of Рublic administration in state governance, National Academy the formation of industrial policy in the of Public Administration, Office of the Ukraine’s еuropean integration pro- President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. cess”, Ph.D Thesis for a Candidate De- 22. Cherviakova O. V. (2014), “Approaches gree in State Governance, Mechanisms to scientifically grounded develop- of public administration, National ment of mechanisms of transformation academy of public administration, the of public administration in conditions President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. of social changes” // Public manage- 17. Tykhonovych V. V. (2015), “Mecha- ment: theory and practice. — Vol. 1 nisms of public administration in the (17). — P. 26–32. field of economic cooperation with 23. Chulaievska M. Y. (2013), “Public ad- European countries”, Ph.D Thesis for ministration of labour migration of a Candidate Degree in State Gover- Ukraine in the context of European nance, Mechanisms of state gover- integration”, Ph.D for obtaining the de- nance, Municipal management aca- gree of the Candidate of Science in Pub- demy, Kyiv, Ukraine. lic Administration, Theory and history 18. Popovych V. V. (2014), “Conceptual of public administration, The National foundations of public municipal policy Academy of Public Administration, the in Ukraine in the process of European President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. integration”, Ph.D Thesis for a Can- 24. Yurkovskyy D. Yu. (2016), “Puвlic ad- didate Degree in State Governance, ministration mechanisms in sphere Theory and history of public admi- of foreign policy of Ukraine in terms nistration, Ivano-Frankivsk National of foreign aggression”, Ph.D. thesis in Technical University of Oil and Gas, Puвlic administration, Mechanisms of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Puвlic administration, Academy of mu- 19. Gerasymiuk K. Kh. (2016), “Optimiza- nicipal administration, Kyiv, Ukraine. tion of territorial and administration system in Ukraine in the context of European experience”, Ph.D Thesis for Список використаних a Candidate Degree in State Gover- джерел nance, Mechanisms of state govern- 1. Bleyen P., Lombaert S., Bouckaert G. ance, Odessa Regional Institute of Measurement, incorporation and use Public Administration of the National of performance information in the Academy for Public Administration budget // Society and Economy. — under the President of Ukraine, Odes- 2015. — Vol. 37 (3). — Р. 331–355. sa, Ukraine. 2. Oomsels P., Bouckaert G. Studying 20. Ukrainian truth (2014), “The envoy interorganizational trust in public to the German government will help administration: a conceptual and ana- Ukraine with decentralization”, avail- lytical framework for ‘administrational able at: trust’ // Public Performance & Ma- news/2017/08/7/7151590/ (Accessed nagement Review. — 2014. — Vol. 37 august 2017). (4). — Р. 577–604. 21. Palamarchuk T. P. (2016), “Mecha- 3. Wilson W. The Study of Administra- nisms of development governance ag- tion / W. Wilson // Discipline and ricultural sector of Ukraine in the im- History. Political Science in the Uni-

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61 нізми державного управління” / 21. Паламарчук Т. П. Механізми розвит- Р. Ю. Сорока. — К., 2011. — 26 с. ку державного управління аграрним 17. Тихонович В. В. Механізми держав- сектором економіки України в умо- ного управління в сфері економіч- вах впровадження європейських ного співробітництва з країнами стандартів : автореф. дис. ... канд. Європи: автореф. дис. ... канд. наук наук з держ. упр. : спец. 25.00.02 з держ. упр. : спец. 25.00.02 “Меха- “Механізми державного управлін- нізми державного управління” / ня” / Т. П. Паламарчук ; Нац. акад. В. В. Тихонович. — К., 2015. — 20 с. держ. управління при Президентові 18. Попович В. В. Концептуальні засади України. — К., 2016. — 20 с. державної муніципальної політики 22. Червякова О. В. Підходи до науко- в Україні у контексті європейської во обґрунтованого розвитку меха- інтеграції : автореф. дис. ... канд. нізмів трансформації державного наук з держ. упр. : спец. 25.00.01 “Те- управління в умовах суспільних орія та історія державного управлін- змін / О. В. Червякова // Публіч- ня” / В. В. Попович ; М-во освіти і не управління : теорія та практи- науки України, Івано-Франківський ка : зб. наук. пр. — Вип. 1 (17). — нац. технічний ун-т нафти і газу. — Харків : ДокНаукДержУпр, 2014. — Івано-Франківськ, 2014. — 20 с. С. 26–32. 19. Герасимюк К. Х. Оптимізація тери- 23. Чулаєвська М. Є. Державне управ- торіально-управлінської системи в ління трудовою міграцією України: Україні в контексті європейського автореф. дис. ... канд. наук з держ. досвіду : автореф. дис. ... канд. наук упр. : спец. 25.00.01 “Теорія та іс- з держ. упр. : спец. 25.00.02 “Меха- торія державного управління” / нізми державного управління” / М. Є. Чулаєвська. — К., 2013. — К. Х. Герасимюк; Нац. акад. держ. 23 с. упр. при Президентові України, 24. Юрковський Д. Ю. Механізми Одеський регіональний ін-т держ. державного управління у сфері зов- управління. — Одеса, 2016. — 20 с. нішньополітичної діяльності Укра- 20. Допомагати Україні з децентраліза- їни в умовах зовнішньої агресії: цією буде посланник уряду Німеч- автореф. дис. ... канд. наук з держ. чини / Українська правда, серпень упр. : спец. 25.00.02 “Механіз- 2017 р. [Електронний ресурс]. — Ре- ми державного управління” / жим доступу : http://www.pravda. Д. Ю. Юрковський. — К., 2016. — 23 с.

62 UDC: 351 Al-Atti Amer, post-graduate student, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (093) 871 00 48, email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6094-8368 Аль-Атті Амер, аспірант, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6094-8368 Аль-Атти Амер, аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6094-8368 DOI


Abstract. The article defines conceptual foundations and theoretical ap- proaches to public administration of outstripping development in the Ukrainian economy. Proposed own author’s definition of public administration of the out- stripping development of the country’s economy. By analyzing the consequences of the global crisis, scientists in the public, business and academic circles of Ukraine are increasingly aware that effective development of the national economy in the future is impossible without the resolution of overdue structural problems, espe- cially those of national significance. These are the problems of national competi- tiveness, the low level of efficiency of use of raw materials and energy resources, the presence of depressed industries, sub-sectors and regions, the placement of capital investments mainly in the sphere of circulation, and not production of goods, etc. Important conclusions are drawn about the uneven and asymmetric effects of globalization on economic development in Ukraine, where, along with positive effects, there are obvious negative effects that can suppress national eco- nomic development. It is noted that the tendency of openness of the majority of world economies in different groups of countries of the world is uneven in inten-

63 sity and subject to various factors. Therefore, Ukraine deserves to abandon the given apology of export-oriented development and actualize domestic demand, es- pecially in the areas of high technology and diversification of the export structure itself, in order to significantly increase the share of high-tech goods and services and expand participation in international cooperation of production. It is proved that the export-raw material type of economic growth and the overcentralization of financial resources in the metropolitan metropolis intensify territorial dispro- portions. The country faced an extremely serious task of reviewing the regional economic policy. Keywords: public administration, outstripping the development of the economy. КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНІ ЗАСАДИ ТА ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ВИПЕРЕДЖАЮЧИМ РОЗВИТКОМ ЕКОНОМІКИ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Визначено концептуальні засади та теоретичні підходи до публічного управління випереджаючим розвитком економіки України. Запропоновано власне авторське визначення публічного управління ви- переджаючим розвитком економіки країни. Аналізуючи наслідки світової кризи, у державних, бізнесових і наукових колах України вчені все більше усвідомлюють, що ефективний розвиток національної економіки у подаль- шому неможливий без розв’язання назрілих структурних проблем, особли- во тих, які мають загальнонаціональне значення. Це проблеми національ- ної конкурентоспроможності, низький рівень ефективності використання сировинних та енергоресурсів, наявність депресивних галузей, підгалузей та регіонів, розміщення капітальних вкладень переважно у сферу обігу, а не виробництво товарів тощо. Зроблено важливі висновки про нерівно- мірний та асиметричний вплив глобалізації на економічний розвиток в Україні, де поряд із позитивними наслідками є й очевидні негативні ефек- ти, здатні пригнічувати національний економічний розвиток. Відзначено, що тенденція зростання відкритості більшості економік світу у різних гру- пах країн світу є неоднаковою за своєю інтенсивністю та підпорядковуєть- ся різноманітним чинникам. Тому Україні доцільно відмовитися від зада- ної апології експортноорієнтованого розвитку й актуалізувати внутрішній попит, насамперед у сферах високих технологій та диверсифікації самої експортної структури для значного збільшення частки високотехноло- гічних товарів і послуг та розширення участі у міжнародній кооперації виробництва. Доведено, що експортно-сировинний тип економічного зростання і надцентралізація фінансових ресурсів у столичному мега- полісі підсилюють територіальні диспропорції. Перед країною постало надзвичайно серйозне завдання перегляду регіональної економічної полі- тики. Ключові слова: публічне управління, державне управління, випереджа- ючий розвиток економіки.

64 КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНЫЕ ОСНОВЫ И ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ПОДХОДЫ К ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЮ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ОПЕРЕЖАЮЩЕГО РАЗВИТИЯ ЭКОНОМИКИ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Определены концептуальные основы и теоретические под- ходы к публичному управлению опережающим развитием экономики Укра- ины. Предложено собственное авторское определение публичного управле- ния опережающим развитием экономики страны. Анализируя последствия мирового кризиса, в государственных, деловых и научных кругах Украины ученые все больше осознают, что эффективное развитие национальной эко- номики в дальнейшем невозможен без решения назревших структурных про- блем, особенно тех, которые имеют общенациональное значение. Это пробле- мы национальной конкурентоспособности, низкий уровень эффективности использования сырьевых и энергоресурсов, наличие депрессивных отраслей, подотраслей и регионов, размещение капитальных вложений преимуществен- но в сферу обращения, а не производство товаров и тому подобное. Сделаны важные выводы о неравномерном и асимметричном влиянии глобализации на экономическое развитие в Украине, где наряду с положительными послед- ствиями есть и очевидные негативные эффекты, способные подавлять наци- ональное экономическое развитие. Отмечено, что тенденция роста открыто- сти большинства экономик мира в разных группах стран мира неодинакова по своей интенсивности и подчиняется разнообразным факторам. Поэтому Украине целесообразно отказаться от заданной апологии экспортноориен- тированного развития и актуализировать внутренний спрос прежде всего в сферах высоких технологий и диверсификации самой экспортной структуры для значительного увеличения доли высокотехнологичных товаров и услуг и расширения участия в международной кооперации производства. Доказано, что экспортно-сырьевой тип экономического роста и сверхцентрализация финансовых ресурсов в столичном мегаполисе усиливают территориальные диспропорции. Перед страной встала чрезвычайно серьезная задача про- смотра региональной экономической политики. Ключевые слова: публичное управление, государственное управление, опережающее развитие экономики.

Target setting. The transition from is a prerequisite and a guarantee of en- state to public administration forms suring competitive advantages in inter- new challenges and approaches to the national relations, ensuring innovation adoption of management decisions, the and investment growth, as well as a high functioning of the state system itself. standard of living for the population. The main element in the country’s de- Analysis of recent publications on velopment is the economy. Advancing issues. The source of information for development of the country’s economy writing an article is the publications

65 and works of scientists on the chosen of various groups of interests in society subject of the study [1–12]. and between the state and society, en- The purpose of the article. The suring social development relevant re- purpose of this article is to determine sources [5, p. 157]. the conceptual framework and theore- G. Atamanchuk believes that state tical approaches to public administra- management is a practical, organizing tion of outstripping development in the and regulating influence of the state Ukrainian economy and to propose the (through the system of its structures) own definition of public administration on the social and private life of people as a outstripping development of the in order to organize, preserve or trans- country’s economy. form, based on its power [1, p. 33]. The statement of basic materials. V. Bakumenko defines state mana- The formation of the Public Adminis- gement as a system, where, like any tration in Ukraine as a branch of science social formation, it consists of functio- was preceded by the “State Administra- nally united elements (subsystems) tion”, which was launched in 1997 as a with specific properties that determine newly created branch “State Adminis- their place in the structure of this sys- tration” and included by the Order of tem [2]. the High Qualifications Commission of V. Martynenko determines that state Ukraine № 86 dated March 13, 1997, to management is a process of authorita- the List of Scientific Specialties. Fur- rian governance through the formation ther development of science was deter- and implementation of a state bodies mined by the specialty and their pass- system of executive power at all levels ports, magistracy, postgraduate and of the administrative-territorial divi- doctoral studies were opened for train- sion in the country, which uses a set of ing in the relevant specialties in state methods, mechanisms, power influence administration, specialized academic on society methods [8, p. 21]. councils, professional publications were Many researchers (scholars) and created, research work was organized practitioners in state management have that formed theoretical and methodo- considered various aspects of the state logical foundations and infrastructure management mechanisms, numerous for science “State Administration” [11]. works devoted to conceptual aspects: Scientific directions are devoted to the the essence of the concept, principles of study of the theory and history of state construction, tools, types, features, etc. administration, the mechanisms of With regard to public administra- state administration, civil service and tion, it is a new concept that is just local self-government. beginning to enter the scientific con- According to the encyclopedia of cept vehicle, and, above all, due to the state administration, State manage- emergence of a new field of education — mentis the activity of the state (bodies “Public Management and Adminis- of state power) aimed at creating condi- tration”, which reformed the field of tions for the most complete realization knowledge “State management”. of state functions, fundamental rights Regarding the sphere of activity, and freedoms of citizens, harmonization public administration in Ukraine today

66 took the position of state management technologies and techniques, methods and takes into account such a compo- of public administration, social institu- nent as a civil society. Namely, the par- tions. Thus, advance economic devel- ticipation of civil society in the adop- opment can be seen as a mechanism for tion of public-management decisions, creating conditions for development on which, ideally, is the adoption of these the basis of technological leap and so- decisions by society itself. If it believes cial “elevator”. An important element Ukrainian scientist O. Chervyakovoї for the country’s advanced economic [11] “Institutions of public administra- development is determining the social tion and civil institutions have subject- processes of “unity” and “identity” that subjective interaction through a regu- can form a sense of common, public in- lator. The regulator in this case is a tool terest. Such a feeling contributes to the that adjusts, corrects and regulates the formation of a model of “inclusiveness”, subject-subject relations in the feed- which, in turn, contributes to the sus- back mechanism. For example, the re- tainability of the country’s economic gulator can be: the regulatory frame- system. The constituent models of a work (international acts, laws of pre-eminent economic development Ukraine, decrees of the President of are the laws and principles of function- Ukraine, the CMU resolutions and ing (in particular, the law of progress- other regulations); standards (inter- ing development of human potential, national, state, industry, enterprises, the law of the advanced development of norms, rules, requirements, etc.); re- science and education), where the role sources (natural, material, financial, of the government is sufficiently high labor), as well as individual instruments in providing innovation-intensive type of government, public and supra-state of economic growth and high quality of organizations (treaties, programs and, human life [9]. even, interpersonal relations)” [11]. Y. Zaitsev, in the article “Advancing In the framework of our study, we economic development as a substantial will consider in more detail the theo- basis of a modern competitive econo- retical approaches to the definition my” [6] considers progressive economic of the public administration outstrips development as innovative competi- economy development of Ukraine. tion, innovative entrepreneurship, in- Thus, in the opinion of O. Moskalen- novative economic policy, innovative ko in the paper “Advancing economic (creative, complex, intellectual) labor, development: theoretical and institu- innovative motivation for such labor, tional principles and problems of imp- entrepreneurship, politicians. The pub- lementation in Ukraine” [9], advance lication [6] also states that it is not pos- economic development is defined as a sible to achieve competitive advantages guarantee of the country’s securing in on the basis of a pre-eminent economic international relations the advantages development beyond the framework of of individual economic, social and polit- the maximum possible, in certain spe- ical life, as well as a means of preservation cific conditions, of the functioning of and creation of “stock of dominance”, economic and social systems, of innova- competitive advantages in the latest tive value motives of entrepreneurs and

67 other economic entities. Above all, it is of enterprises, development of new high all the more impossible to ensure that technological facilities, modernization things are ahead of development. Ac- of traditional branches); manufacture cording to Y. Zaitsev, the urgent need and export of high-tech products; ac- for the existence of any country in a tively involved in the component of globalized world as a powerful player in cultural traditions, the system of spiri- the whole spectrum of international re- tual and moral values (the transition lations and a guarantor of the continued society consumption to the post-indus- growth of the well-being of its citizens trial, information society); motivation is the study, comprehension and use for work; a flexible educational system of the essence, functions and the role that meets the strategic objectives of of advance economic development in the country, investment in human capi- providing sustainable advantages. the tal, technological development of soci- national economic system, its separate ety [7, p. 276–282]. subjects, in a competitive struggle with A number of scientists A. Alimov, the development of society and the A. Danilenko, V. Tregobchuk, etc. In state, the use of institutional capacity the work “Economic Development of of the state to create a real motivational Ukraine: Institutional and Resource mechanism of this type of development. Support” [4] believe that the creation In the publication of K. Yagelska of favorable institutional conditions “Factors of the Forerunner Economic and proper resource provision, that is, Development” [7] noted the existence the formation of an appropriate institu- of its own strategy of economic devel- tional and resource potential is a neces- opment based on the innovation-in- sary condition for the stable economic vestment approach, taking into account development of Ukraine [4, p. 501]. For the socio-economic features of the public management of outstripping de- country and timely identified promis- velopment of the economy, the authors ing areas. This mechanism is possible in define a system of interrelated actions the presence of such factors as political on the part of state authorities, namely stability, minimization of procyclical- [4, p. 501–507]: improving the insti- ity of politics; active state regulation of tutional system of Ukraine, increasing economic processes with the orienta- financial capital and resources, deve- tion of reforms for saving and accumu- loping in the industry markets and in- lation of capital, creating an attractive frastructure. Among the institutional investment climate; transparency and factors hampering the economic deve- availability of the banking system; state lopment of Ukraine, the main ones are support for national economic deve- the low protection of investors’ rights lopment (simplification of bureaucratic and interests, the almost complete procedures and tax pressure, stimula- absence of an independent court and tion of entrepreneurial activity, venture the non-observance of the rule of law; business); stimulation of scientific and high political risks of investment (the technological development (financing risk of arbitrary withdrawal of income of research activities, fiscal stimulation and capital by the state) significant of investment and innovation activity transaction costs associated with the

68 protection of property rights and busi- In the work of V. Geets, L. Shinka- ness. Proceeding from this, the most ruk, T. Artemova and other well-known important tasks of institutional provi- Ukrainian scholars [10], the main di- sion for stable economic development rections and methods of implementing of Ukraine should be the elimination progressive structural transformations of a hidden and sometimes legalized ex- in the Ukrainian economy are substan- cessive and unreasonable state “patron- tiated. Analyzing the consequences of age” over certain business structures the global crisis, in the state, business close to the authorities whose revenues and scientific circles of Ukraine, scien- are often a source of financing for dif- tists are increasingly aware that effec- ferent political forces, from the latter, tive development of the national eco- lobbying for their interests in govern- nomy in the future is impossible without ment bodies, introducing control from solving structural problems, especially the institutions of civil society (un- those that are of national importance. hindered access to information on the These are the problems of national com- financial situation and activities of petitiveness, the low level of efficiency government bodies), compliance, and in the use of raw materials and energy not only declaring, the policy of sepa- resources, the presence of depressed rating power from business as the most industries, sub-sectors and regions, the important prerequisite for overcoming placement of capital investments pri- corruption. marily in the sphere of circulation, and For the development of Ukraine’s not the production of goods and the economy, the necessary condition, ac- like. Important conclusions have been cording to scientists, should be the drawn about the uneven and asymmet- achievement of sustainable develop- ric influence of globalization on eco- ment through the activation of internal nomic development in Ukraine, where, factors of economic development, and along with positive consequences, there in the integration aspirations necessa- are obvious negative effects that can rily should be fully taken into account suppress national economic develop- national economic interests. Of the in- ment. Scientists have analyzed trends ternal factors of development, one of in the growth of openness in most econ- the most important is the investment omies of the world, this process varies and innovation [4, p. 503]. in different groups of countries of the And for the outstripping develop- world in its intensity and is subject to ment in the Ukrainian economy, one of various factors. Therefore, it is advis- the primary tasks of the state economic able for Ukraine to abandon the given policy should be the transition to the apology for export development and to development model, where priority actualize domestic demand, especially will be given to investing in socially in the areas of high technology and di- significant projects in such areas as hu- versification of the export structure it- man capital development, resource sav- self, to significantly increase the share ing, innovative activity, the revival and of high-tech goods and services and modernization of fund-building indus- expand participation in international tries [4, p. 504]. production cooperation. It is proved

69 that the export-raw type of economic the socio-economic features of the growth and the super-centralization of country. financial resources in the metropolitan metropolitan area intensify territorial REFERENCES imbalances. The country faces an ex- tremely serious task of viewing regional 1. Atamanchuk G. (2006), Teoryya hosu- economic policy [10, p. 12]. darstvennoho upravlenyya: kurs lekt- syy [Theory of Public Administration: T. Burma, E. Makazan, K. Marinova course of lectures]. — 4th ed., Supple- in the publication “Economic integra- ment, Omega-L, Moscow. tion of Ukraine into the world economy 2. Bakumenko V., Nadolishniy P. (2003), on the basis of the doctrine of advanced Teoretychni ta orhanizatsiyni zasady development” [3] determine that at the derzhavnoho upravlinnya: Navch. moment in Ukraine there is no state Posibnyk [Theoretical and organiza- infrastructure necessary to apply the tional principles of public administra- concept of advanced development, car- tion: Teaching. Manual], Millennium, dinal improvement (re-engineering) of Kyiv. — P. 113–122, 128–130. the institutional structures of the state, 3. Burma T., Makazan Y., Marynova K. (2014), “Ekonomichna intehratsiya but thanks to the concept it is possible Ukrayiny v svitovu ekonomiku na to start reforming the infrastructure of osnovi doktryny vyperedzhayuchoho the state in the near future, will allow rozvytku” [“Economic integration of Ukraine to become full participant in Ukraine into the world economy on the world integration processes. the basis of a doctrine of advanced de- Conclusions. Thus, the outstripping velopment”], Aktual’ni problemy up- development in the Ukrainian economy ravlinnya ta finansovo-hospodars’koyi is considered by scientists as an innova- diyal’nosti pidpryyemstva. — № 46 tive economic policy of the state on the (1089). — Р. 20–25. basis of the development of high-tech 4. Alymov O., Danylenko A., Trehob- chuk A. and others. (2005), Ekono- industries for participation in inter- michnyy rozvytok Ukrayiny: instytu- national cooperation of production by tsional’ne ta resursne zabezpechennya activating internal factors of economic [Economic development of Ukraine: development and creating an attractive institutional and resource support], investment climate and state support Ob’yednanyy in-tekon. NAN Ukray- (motivation) for the development of iny, Kyiv, Ukraine. human potential, science and education. 5. Entsyklopediya derzhavnoho upravlinn- Therefore, public administration ya (2011), [Encyclopedia of Public Ad- the outstripping development in the ministration], T. 1. Teoriya derzhavno- country’s economy can be defined as ho upravlinnya, NADU, Kyiv, Ukraine. 6. Zaytsev Y. (2014), “Vyperedzhayuchyy a mechanism of innovation economic ekonomichnyy rozvytok yak substan- policy of the state, which creates com- tsional’na osnova suchasnoyi konku- petitive advantages in the high-tech rentnoyi ekonomiky” [“Advancing eco- sector and social institutions, based nomic development as a substantial on the principles of motivation for the basis of a modern competitive economy”]. development of human potential, sci- Teoretychni doslidzhennya Ukrayiny: ence and education, taking into account aspekty pratsi. — № 1. — Р. 16–21.

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72 UDC: 35.08 (082+083)

Andreev Vasyl Nikolayevich, postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (093) 290 56 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740 Андреєв Василь Миколайович, аспірант кафедри публічного адміні- стрування, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039 м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (093) 290 56 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740 Андреев Василий Николаевич, аспирант кафедры публичного админи- стрирования, Межрегиональная Акаде- мия управления персоналом, 03039 г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 290 56 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740 DOI


Abstract. The article analyzed regulatory documents of Ukraine, which reg- ulate the issues of determining the professional qualification requirements for employees, and find out that these documents establish requirements that are non-systemic and can be applied to any managerial position. The author propos- es, taking into account the tendencies of the development of the public service system, to identify seven types of competencies of public servants: political, legal, economic, social, psychological, managerial, moral and ethical. Political compe- tence and moral legitimacy implies an understanding of the nature of the basic so- cial functions and organizational structure of the modern state, the principles and forms of democracy, the nature of the interaction between different branches of

73 government, the role of political parties in the life of society. Legal (legal) compe- tence of civil servants is formed in the course of basic vocational training, which relates to the main branches of law and is based on the skills of its professional application in various spheres of activity. Economic competence is differentiated depending on the specialization of civil servants and within the framework of a general for all level should include an assessment of the ability to apply a com- parative analysis of key economic concepts. Sociological competence is related to the awareness of civil servants of the concept of the social structure of modern so- ciety, its dynamics and its impact on political and socio-economic processes. Psy- chological competence is the basis for effective communication contacts, when it is necessary to understand people, their interests, motives and intentions, to find an individual approach to them. Management competence includes knowledge of management methods, value-orientation regulation, integrated management of labor motivation, development of creative potential, etc. Keywords: public service, public servant, professional qualification require- ments, position, selection, leadership, personal qualities, political, economic, le- gal, social, psychological, ethical, managerial competence. ПРОБЛЕМА ФОРМУВАННЯ КВАЛІФІКАЦІЙНО-ПРОФЕСІЙНИХ ВИМОГ ДО ПУБЛІЧНИХ СЛУЖБОВЦІВ ЯК ОСНОВА СЕЛЕКЦІЇ КАДРІВ ПУБЛІЧНОЇ СЛУЖБИ В УКРАЇНІ: МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНИЙ ПІДХІД Анотація. Проаналізовано нормативно-правові документи України, які врегульовують питання визначення професійно-кваліфікаційних вимог до службовців, та з’ясовано, що зазначені документи встановлюють вимоги, які є несистемними та можуть бути застосовані до будь-якої управлінської посади. Автором запропоновано, враховуючи тенденції розвитку системи публічної служби, визначати сім видів компетентностей публічних службовців: полі- тична, правова, економічна, соціальна, психологічна, управлінська, мораль- но-етична. Політична компетентність та моральна легітимність передбачають розуміння природи основних суспільних функцій та організаційної структу- ри сучасної держави, принципів та форм демократії, характеру взаємодії між різними гілками влади, ролі політичних партій в житті суспільства. Правова (юридична) компетентність державних службовців формується в процесі ба- зової професійної підготовки, що стосується основних галузей права та ґрун- тується на навичках її професійного застосування в різних сферах діяльності. Економічна компетентність диференціюється в залежності від спеціалізації державних службовців і в межах загального для всіх рівня має включати оцін- ку здатності застосовувати порівняльний аналіз основних економічних кон- цепцій. Соціологічна компетентність пов’язана з усвідомленням державними службовцями концепції соціальної структури сучасного суспільства, її дина- міки та впливу на політичні та соціально-економічні процеси. Психологічна компетентність є підставою для ефективних комунікаційних контактів, коли необхідно розуміти людей, їхні інтереси, мотиви та наміри, знаходити до них

74 індивідуальний підхід. Управлінська компетентність включає знання методів управління, ціннісно-орієнтаційне регулювання, комплексне управління тру- довою мотивацією, розвиток творчого потенціалу тощо. Ключові слова: публічна служба, публічний службовець, професійно-ква- ліфікаційні вимоги, посада, селекція, лідерство, особистісні якості, політич- на, економічна, правова, соціальна, психологічна, етична, управлінська ком- петентності. ПРОБЛЕМА ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ КВАЛИФИКАЦИОННО- ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫХ ТРЕБОВАНИЙ К ПУБЛИЧНЫМ СЛУЖАЩИМ КАК ОСНОВА СЕЛЕКЦИИ КАДРОВ ПУБЛИЧНОЙ СЛУЖБЫ В УКРАИНЕ: МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД Аннотация. Проанализированы нормативно-правовые документы Украи- ны, регулирующие вопросы определения профессионально-квалификацион- ных требований к служащим и выяснено, что указанные документы устанав- ливают требования, что есть несистемными и могут быть применены к любой управленческой должности. Автором предложено, учитывая тенденции развития системы публичной службы, определять семь видов компетенций публичных служащих: политическая, правовая, экономическая, социаль- ная, психологическая, управленческая, морально-этическая. Политическая компетентность и моральная легитимность предполагает понимание при- роды основных общественных функций и организационной структуры сов- ременного государства, принципов и форм демократии, характера взаимо- действия между различными ветвями власти, роли политических партий в жизни общества. Правовая (юридическая) компетентность государственных служащих формируется в процессе базовой профессиональной подготовки, касающейся основных отраслей права и основывающейся на навыках ее про- фессионального применения в различных сферах деятельности. Экономи- ческая компетентность дифференцируется в зависимости от специализации государственных служащих и в пределах общего для всех уровня должна включать оценку способности применять сравнительный анализ основных экономических концепций. Социологическая компетентность связана с осознанием государственными служащими концепции социальной структу- ры современного общества, ее динамики и влияния на политические и соци- ально-экономические процессы. Психологическая компетентность является основанием для эффективных коммуникационных контактов, когда необхо- димо понимать людей, их интересы, мотивы и намерения, находить к ним ин- дивидуальный подход. Управленческая компетентность включает знание ме- тодов управления, ценностно-ориентационное регулирование, комплексное управление трудовой мотивацией, развитие творческого потенциала и др. Ключевые слова: публичная служба, публичный служащий, профес- сионально-квалификационные требования, должность, селекция, лидерст- во, личностные качества, политическая, экономическая, правовая, социаль- ная, психологическая, нравственная, управленческая компетентности.

75 Statement of the problem. Forma- were analyzed in the works of V. Averi- tion of requirements to the future ex- anov, G. Atamanchuk, V. Bakumenko, perts of the system of state services Yu. Bytiak, S. Dubenko, N. Goncharuk, is an important issue for selection of A. Melnyk, R. Naumenko, V. Obolen- professional staff of state employees. skyi, Yu. Odegov, O. Parkhomenko- Today the laws and regulatory docu- Kutsevil, Yu. Rosenbaum, I. Surai, ments of Ukraine are formed, which A. Turchynov, V. Chuguievskyi, S. Shek- regulate the professional qualification shnia, etc. These authors analyze the requirements for personnel for future concepts of “professionalization”, “pro- state employees, at the same time these fessionalism”, “professional staff of the requirements are general and of com- state management system”, define pro- prehensive nature. fessional-qualification characteristics So, the research problem of forma- important for state employees. tion of professional and qualification re- So, G. Atamanchuk analyzes the quirements for positions of state service components of the system of profes- is becoming actual, depending on the sionalization of state employees. Pro- functional responsibilities considering fessionalism, according to G. Ataman- the features of their performance and chuk, is a multifaceted phenomenon, in implementation of their official duties. particular, it is the combination of edu- For the selection of personnel state cation, self-development of a specialist, employees the formation of profession- personal qualities, personal experience, ally-qualifying requirements is of key willpower and the like. In addition, importance, the better the require- professionalism can be defined as the ments for certain specialists are de- inner attitude of the specialist to work. fined, the more effective and efficient The basic requirements that charac- the arrangements on selection of state terize the professionalization of a state employees will be implemented. In the employee (personal professionalism), end, this will enable to quickly and ef- consist of the performance of duties ficiently generate professional person- assigned by the state, through the pre- nel of state employees and to improve sence of skills, experience, knowledge, it constantly. and personal abilities [1]. Analysis of recent researches and A. Turchynov analyzes the require- publications. Problems of professiona- ments to a professional and professio- lization, professionalism of personnel nalization of the individual of a state of the state service, service in bodies of employee [2]. local self-government, definition of However, the problem of determin- professional qualification requirements ing the professional qualification re- for positions of state service and service quirements for state employees in the in bodies of local self-government are system of implementation of the selec- analyzed by many Ukrainian and fo- tion mechanisms is not analyzed. reign scientists, politicians. The aim of the study is the meth- In particular, the problems of profes- odological analysis of problems of for- sionalism, defining professional qualifi- mation of the qualification and profes- cation requirements for state employees sional requirements to state employees

76 as the basis of selection of personnel foe of the official languages of the Council state service in Ukraine. of Europe; Presentation of the basic mate- 2) for positions of category “B” — in rial. New requirements to professional the state body whose jurisdiction co- knowledge and the culture of conduct vers the entire territory of Ukraine, of state employees arise from the rapid and it its office — work experience on development of science and technology, positions in the state service of catego- introduction of computer technologies, ries “B” or “C” or experience of service information processes in all spheres of in local government or experience in state and public activities, industry, ag- management positions of enterprises, riculture. Application of new scientific institutions and organizations regard- and technological achievements leads less of ownership for at least two years, to a change in the nature of governance fluency in the state language; and requirements for qualification of 3) positions of category “B” in a state employees, their knowledge and skills, body whose jurisdiction extends to the requires understanding of the objec- territory of one or more regions, cities tives and new methods of leadership, of Kyiv and Sevastopol, and in its bo- mastering the science of management, dies — work experience on positions in increase in office and general culture. the civil service of categories “B” or “C” According to the Law of Ukraine or experience of service in local govern- “On state service” [3], adult citizens ment or experience in management po- of Ukraine who are fluent in the state sitions of enterprises, institutions and language and who have a high educa- organizations regardless of ownership tion degree not below those, that are for at least two years, fluency in state stated below, have the right to state language; service: 4) positions of category “C” — edu- 1) master — for positions of catego- cation degree of a junior bachelor or a ries “A” and “B”; bachelor degree, fluency in state lan- 2) bachelor, junior bachelor — for guage [3]. positions of category “C”. Thus, the Law establishes general The person who aims to occupy the requirements for state employees, but position of the state service should does not specify requirements on ac- meet the following general require- counting of public-administrative ac- ments: tivity and specifics of work of the em- 1) for positions of category “A” — ployees. total work experience of not less than According to the Decree of the seven years; experience in the positions Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated of the civil service of categories “A” or July 22, 2016 № 448 “On Approval of “B” or in positions not lower than a Standard requirements for persons who head of departments in local govern- apply for occupation of positions in the ment or experience in senior positions civil service of a category “A” [4] spe- in relevant field for at least three years; cial requirements to persons applying fluency in the national language, com- for the posts of category “A” include: mand of a foreign language, which is one firstly, knowledge of the legislation of

77 Ukraine; second, the presence of leader- apply for occupation of positions in ci- ship skills (setting goals, priorities and vil service of categories “B” and “C” [5] objectives; strategic planning; ability to special requirements for persons who work with large amounts of informa- apply for occupation of positions in the tion and the ability to perform multiple state service of a category “B” include: tasks; business negotiations; achieve- 1. Leadership (performing business ment of results); thirdly, the ability to negotiations; the ability to justify one’s make effective decisions (public policy own position; achievement of results). analysis; necessary knowledge for the 2. Effective decision making (the effective allocation and utilization of ability to solve complex problems; pro- resources (including human, financial, vision of the rate of price and quality; material); fourth, communication and efficient use of resources (including interaction (ability to implement ef- financial and material); analysis of go- fective communication and conduct vernment policies and planning meas- public presentations; collaboration and ures for their implementation; ability building partnership; openness); fifth, to work with large amounts of informa- the management of change; sixth, the tion; ability to work in multi-tasking; organization administration and staff; setting goals, priorities and targets). seventh, personal competence (integ- 3. Communication and interac- rity, determination and insistence dur- tion (skills of effective communication ing decision-making; focus on service to and public speaking; collaboration and society, protection of national interests; building partnership; openness). system thinking; innovativeness and 4. Implementation of changes (the impartiality; self-organization and self- plan of changes; the ability to main- development; ability to work in stress- tain the changes and work with the re- ful situations); eighth, the management sponse; the ability to evaluate the effec- of public finances; the ninth, working tiveness of implemented changes). with information [4]. 5. Management of organization of These professional requirements work and staff (organization and con- were generated randomly and can suit trol of work; management of projects; any specialist who manages the enter- management of quality service; ability prise, organization, institution. One of to work in a team and to lead a team; the main requirements to the employee motivation; evaluation and develop- is honesty, objectivity, consistency in ment of subordinates; ability to resolve activities and ability to plan activities of conflicts). organizations, institutions, enterprises. 6. Personal competence (analytical Now let’s analyze the requirements skills; discipline and consistency; inno- for positions of the civil service of a vation and creativity; self-organization category “B”. and development orientation; diplo- According to the order of the Na- macy and flexibility; independence and tional Agency of Ukraine on Civil Ser- initiative; service orientation; ability to vice dated 06.04.2016 № 72 “On ap- work in stressful situations) [5]. proval of the Procedure of determining However, these qualities are non- special requirements for persons who systemic and general. The concept of

78 “leadership” is considered from the quite common. In addition, the ability point of view of communication com- to use technology is important for all petence, not as leadership. In addition state employees and should not be re- there is no competent management flected in the requirements of the po- staff, because the class “B” includes sition. Today a state employee carries people that govern micro teams and out activities in the global information personnel management skills are im- society and if he is technically illite- portant. rate, can’t even, for example, file an The study will analyze the require- electronic declaration (which is a re- ments for employment in the state ser- quired document when submitting doc- vice category. uments to the competition). However, In accordance with the above order the requirements do not contain ethi- the special requirements for persons cal requirements, which are important who apply for occupation of positions for the formation of skills of state em- in the state service of a category “C” in- ployees. clude [5]: According to N. Volodina, the basic 1. Qualitative performance of set competencies in the management sys- tasks (working with information; abi- tem are as follows [6]: lity to work in multiple projects simul- • corporate (or key) that are appli- taneously; orientation on achieving cable to any position within the organi- results; ability to solve complex prob- zation and are resulting from the values lems; ability to effectively use resources of the organization, recorded in the re- (including financial and material); abi- levant documents: the strategy, the lity to provide suggestions, to argue code of corporate ethics; and present). • management (or managerial) that 2. Teamwork and cooperation (abil- are needed for a head to achieve busi- ity to work in a team; ability to effec- ness goals and are developed for em- tively coordinate with others; ability to ployees engaged in management activi- provide feedback). ties and having subordinates in linear 3. The perception of the changes and functional subordination; (the plan of changes and improvements, • professional (or technical) com- the ability to accept change and to be petencies that apply only to a specific changed). group of positions. 4. Technical skills (the ability to use Analysis of the literature on the computer hardware and software, use of problems [1; 2; 7–11] of formation of office equipment). professional-qualification requirements 5. Personal competence (responsi- for state employees gives grounds to de- bility; consistency and independence in fine 7 core competencies that should be work; attention to details; persistence; tested during selection of state emplo- creativity and initiative; focus on self- yees. They include the following com- development; service orientation; abi- petencies: political, legal, economic, so- lity to work in stressful situations) [5]. cial, psychological, managerial, ethical. It should be noted that the require- Political competence and moral le- ments for positions of category “C” are gitimacy stipulates understanding of

79 the nature of basic societal functions certain amount of competence of the and organizational structure of the authority that he (she) was entrusted modern state, principles and forms of by the government. The state in this democracy, the nature of the interac- case is considered as an abstraction, be- tion between different branches of go- cause the state can not consist of only vernment, the role of political parties in one body, it is a mechanism, and there- society. fore the representation of this mecha- Legal (law) competence of state nism is complicated and large. If we are employees is formed during basic talking about the performance by state training, with regard to the main employees of the state tasks and func- branches of law and is based on the tions, it emphasizes the significance and skills of its professional application in role of state service in the state, the different spheres of activities. unity of state power, despite its division Economic competence is differenti- into separate branches of government, ated depending on the specialization of reflects the moral and ethical compo- state employees and within general le- nent of state service. The responsibi- vels for everybody must include an as- lity for the performance of duties and sessment of ability to apply a compara- proper implementation of the rights of tive analysis of basic economic concepts the state employee significantly grows [11; 2]. when the employee feels that he/she is Sociological competence is associ- the representative of the state, moreo- ated with the awareness of state emplo- ver, that in a significant number of cases yees of the concept of social structure of of legal duties coincide with the moral modern society, its dynamics and influ- duties. The legal and moral duties are ence on the political and socio-econo- equally important and binding, but also mic processes. legal duties are associated with the pos- Psychological competence is the sibility of application of state coercive basis for effective communication con- measures for non-compliance or im- tacts, when it is necessary to under- proper execution [8, p. 31]. stand people, their interests, motives Conclusions. The study analyzed and intentions, to find individual ap- legal documents of Ukraine, which proach to them. regulate the matter of determining the Managerial competence includes professional qualification requirements knowledge of management, value-ori- of employees and clarified that these entation regulation, integrated man- documents set requirements that are agement of labor motivation, develop- non-systemic and can be applied to any ment of creative potential and the like. managerial positions. The author sug- According to Yu. Bytiak, morally- gests, given the trends of development ethical aspect of representation by an of system of state service, to identify official of the state or a public autho- seven types of competences of the state rity is important because under any cir- employees: political, legal, economic, cumstances, a state employee is a repre- social, psychological, managerial, ethi- sentative of the government. Each state cal. In the author’s opinion, the existing body or institution is endowed with a regulations for defining special profes-

80 sional qualification requirements for (Ac- state employees should encompass the cessed 22 August 2017). requirements for the ethical conduct of 6. The official site of community of per- employees and to determine key quali- sonnel and specialists for management ties of state employees — honesty, im- of personnel (2011), “The model of competences is not difficult”, available partiality, consistency in activities. at: тоёи1е= Future researches should analyze the news&op=view&id=4316 (Accessed 4 stages of assessment of competencies of January 2018). state employees, as well as highlight 7. Aver’yanov V. B., Tsvetkov V. V. and the effective mechanisms of selection of Nizhnik N. R. (1993), Apparat hosu- state employees. darstvennoho upravlenyya : ynteresу y deyatel’nost’ [Public Administration Office: Interests and Activities], Nau- kova dumka, Kyiv, Ukraine. REFERENCES 8. Bityak Y. P. (2011), “Moral and legal 1. Atamanchuk G. V. (2002), Sushchnost’ requirements for the behavior of civil hosudarstvennoy sluzhbы [The es- servants” // Derzhavne budivnytstvo sence of public service], RAHS, Mos- ta mistseve samovryaduvannya. — cow, Russia. Vol. 8. — P. 26–37. 2. Turchinov A. I. (1998), Professyo- 9. Nizhnik N. R., Tsvetkov V. V. and Leli- nalyzatsyya y kadrovaya polytyka: kov G. I. (1998), Derzhavnyy sluzh- problemы razvytyya teoryya y prak- bovets’ v Ukrayini (poshuk mode- tyky [Professionalization and person- li) [Civil servant in Ukraine (model nel policy: problems of development search)], In-Yure, Kyiv, Ukraine. theory and practice], Flynta, Moscow, 10. Leschechko M. D., Rudnitskaya R. M. Russia. and Chemerys A. O. (2003) Metodych- 3. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), ni zasady otsinky profesiynoyi kom- The Law of Ukraine “Аbout civil ser- petentnosti kerivnyka [Methodical vice”, available at: http://zakon2.rada. principles of assessment of professional (Accessed competence of the head] Akhyll, Lvov, 29 August 2017). Ukraine. 4. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 11. Nikiforova G. S. (2004), Psykholohyya (2016), “Resolution of the Cabinet of menedzhmenta [Psychology of Mana- Ministers of Ukraine” On Approval of gement], SPb, Peter, Moscow. Typical Requirements for Persons Ap- plicating to Public A Category”, avai- Список використаних lable at: джерел laws/show/448-2016-%D0%BF (Ac- cessed 22 August 2017). 1. Атаманчук Г. В. Сущность государ- 5. National Agency of Ukraine on Civil ственной службы / Г. В. Атаман- Service (2016), “Оrder of the National чук. — М. : РАГС, 2002. — 272 с. Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service” 2. Турчинов А. И. Профессионализация On Approval of the Procedure for De- и кадровая политика : проблемы раз- termining Special Requirements for вития теория и практики / А. И. Тур- Persons Applicating to Positions of чинов. — М. : Флинта, 1998. — 271 с. the Civil Service of Categories “B” and 3. Закон про державну службу від “V”, available at: http://zakon5.rada. 10.12.2015 p. № 889-VIII [Елек-

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82 UDC: 339.138

Vlasenko Ihor Nikolayevich, postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Acade- my of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4165-381X Власенко Ігор Миколайович, аспірант кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фро- метівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4165-381X Власенко Игорь Николаевич, аспирант кафедры публичного админи- стрирования, Межрегиональная Акаде- мия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4165-381X DOI


Abstract. The article presents the characteristic of the scientific genesis of public risk management in construction in Ukraine, in global and local dimen- sions. The essence of the working organization of risk management in the con- struction and operation of buildings, taking into account the transformational processes in society, is disclosed. On the basis of the analysis of risks in construc- tion and taking into account the current realities, scientifically grounded ap- proaches to the formation of the risk system in the construction and operation of facilities in the system of public administration. It is noted that the risks and crisis phenomena in the construction complex gave a powerful impetus to un- derstanding the causes of the problems of decentralization and finding mecha- nisms for their elimination, in general. The trilateral mission of the state in the conditions of decentralization is the regulation of the macroeconomic role of the construction complex, the mechanism of economic relations of its participants, and ensuring the effectiveness of design decisions in the construction sector, by extending their competences on prevention and risk reduction in the construc-

83 tion industry by the local self-government bodies. To form a state decentraliza- tion policy for construction is required on the basis of knowledge of objective regional macro- and microeconomic investment-construction processes in ci- ties, economic mechanism and indicators of development of investment-build- ing complex and dynamics of social and economic development of regions. The mechanism of the construction complex needs to be improved, using new sources and forms of financing, achieving the balance of the goals of decentralization and its financial support. In addition, taking into account the European integration course of the announced reforms, the European understanding of the essence of risk management in construction during decentralization becomes of paramount importance. Therefore, further research requires the study of the experience of European countries in the implementation of risk management processes in con- struction during the decentralization of power and the analysis of foreign systems of management mechanisms, in the context of their implementation in the na- tional practice of public administration. Keywords: construction risks, public administration, risk management model in construction and operation of buildings. ГЕНЕЗА НАУКОВИХ УЯВЛЕНЬ ПРО ДЕРЖАВНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ РИЗИКАМИ У БУДІВНИЦТВІ Анотація. Схарактеризована наукова генеза державного управління ри- зиками у будівництві в Україні, у глобальному та локальному вимірах. Роз- крито сутність робочої організації управління ризиками у будівництві та екс- плуатації споруд, із урахуванням трансформаційних процесів у суспільстві. На основі аналізу ризиків у будівництві та з урахуванням сучасних реалій, науково обґрунтовано підходи щодо формування системи ризиків у будів- ництві та експлуатації споруд у системі державного управління. Відзначено, що ризики та кризові явища у будівельному комплексі дали могутній по- штовх до осмислення причин виникнення проблем децентралізації та пошу- ку механізмів їх усунення в цілому. Триєдиною місією держави в умовах де- централізації є регулювання макроекономічної ролі будівельного комплексу, механізму економічних відносин його учасників і забезпечення ефектив- ності проектних рішень у будівельній сфері шляхом розширення органами місцевого самоврядування своїх компетенцій з питань попередження і зни- ження ризику в будівництві. Формувати державну децентралізаційну полі- тику щодо будівництва потрібно на основі пізнання об’єктивних регіональ- них макро- і мікроекономічних інвестиційно-будівельних процесів у містах, економічного механізму і показників розвитку інвестиційно-будівельного комплексу та динаміки соціального і економічного розвитків регіонів. Ме- ханізм будівельного комплексу необхідно вдосконалювати, задіявши нові джерела та форми фінансування, досягнувши балансу цілей децентралізації та її фінансового забезпечення. Крім того, зважаючи на євроінтеграційний курс проголошених реформ, особливого значення набуває європейське ро- зуміння сутності управління ризиками у будівництві під час децентраліза-

84 ції. Тому подальші дослідження потребують вивчення досвіду європейських країн щодо здійснення процесів управління ризиками у будівництві під час децентралізації влади та аналізу зарубіжних систем механізмів управління у контексті впровадження їх у вітчизняну практику державно-управлінської діяльність. Ключові слова: ризики у будівництві, державне управління, модель управ- ління ризиками у будівництві та експлуатації споруд. ГЕНЕЗИС НАУЧНЫХ ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИЙ О ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОМ УПРАВЛЕНИИ РИСКАМИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ Аннотация. Охарактеризирован научный генезис государственного управления рисками в строительстве в Украине, в глобальном и локальном измерениях. Раскрыта сущность рабочей организации управления рисками в строительстве и эксплуатации сооружений с учетом трансформационных процессов в обществе. На основе анализа рисков в строительстве и с учетом современных реалий научно обоснованы подходы к формированию системы рисков в строительстве и эксплуатации сооружений в системе государствен- ного управления. Отмечено, что риски и кризисные явления в строительном комплексе дали мощный толчок к осмыслению причин возникновения про- блем децентрализации и поиска механизмов их устранения в целом. Три- единой миссией государства в условиях децентрализации является регули- рование макроэкономической роли строительного комплекса, механизма экономических отношений его участников и обеспечение эффективности проектных решений в строительной сфере путем расширения органами местного самоуправления своих компетенций по вопросам предупрежде- ния и снижения риска в строительстве. Формировать государственную де- централизационную политику в отношении строительства нужно на основе познания объективных региональных макро- и микроэкономических инвес- тиционно-строительных процессов в городах, экономического механизма и показателей развития инвестиционно-строительного комплекса и динамики социального и экономического развития региона. Механизм строительного комплекса необходимо совершенствовать, задействовав новые источники и формы финансирования, достигнув баланса целей децентрализации и ее финансового обеспечения. Кроме того, учитывая евроинтеграционный курс провозглашенных реформ, особое значение приобретает европейское пони- мание сущности управления рисками в строительстве при децентрализации. Поэтому дальнейшие исследования требуют изучения опыта европейских стран по осуществлению процессов управления рисками в строительстве при децентрализации власти и анализа зарубежных систем механизмов управле- ния в контексте внедрения их в отечественную практику государственно- управленческой деятельности. Ключевые слова: риски в строительстве, государственное управле- ние, модель управления рисками в строительстве и эксплуатации соору- жений.

85 Problem statement. Construction Presentation of the main material. is an industry that can have a signifi- State policy plays a decisive role in the cant amount of risks. In addition, an development of construction all over important role is assigned to the finan- the world, since it is the state which cial risks of the construction indus- must control the main resource, where try, arising as a result of unexpected construction is impossible without the changes in legislation and the eco- land. Analysing the experience of de- nomy. Given the length of investment veloped countries, we see that effective and the capital construction strength, performance of the state’s functions the risk may have a negative impact gives a powerful impetus to construc- on the outcome. Risks are increasingly tion, at the same time, public authori- used to assess the impact of negative ties are often criticized for creating factors on the production of building various barriers to its development. materials and products [1]. This is There are among them: administrative due to the fact that the risk, as a quan- barriers, bureaucratic retrenchment, titative description of the implemen- corruption and lack of transparency in tation of the crisis, can be used to the implementation of the main func- assess the state of work conditions, tions of the state, which directly affects economic losses, and the number of ac- the size of the construction market and cidents. the price of the objects, as the develo- Analysis of recent researches and pers shift costs to overcome barriers publications. Some questions on the to the final buyer. Lately, overseas, the analysis of public risk management in main attention is paid to the issues of construction that contribute to the management of the construction in- development of the industry are dedi- dustry, as one of the most important cated to the work: V. B. Averianova, sectors of the economy. O. Yu. Amosova, A. H. Akhlamova, The degree of development of state V. D. Bakumenko, V. M. Vakulenko, regulation of the economy is usually N. V. Hrytsiak, A. O. Dehtiar, V. V. Do- distinguished by two groups of coun- rofiienko, A. M. Ivanytska, V. S. Kuy- tries: with the developed mechanism of bida, A. V. Merzliak, A. H. Mordvino- state regulation of the economy as the va, T. V. Motrenko, A. M. Nepomnia- states of Western Europe (Germany, schyi, N. R. Nyzhnik, V. M. Oharenko, France, the Netherlands, Scandinavian O. S. Povazhnyi, V. M. Oluik, countries and Austria), as well as the V. M. Ryzhykh, I. V. Rozputenko, countries of Asia (Japan, South Ko- S. M. Seriohina, O. I. Chernysh and rea and China), which are developing other. rapidly, using the mechanism of macro- The purpose of the article. In- economic development, in the medium vestigate the scientific origin of the term in the scientific literature [2]. processes of public risk management We can keep in mind that risk in construction and, on the basis of monitoring includes risk management the conducted research and develop a throughout the life cycle of a construc- model of state risk management in the tion project considering the manage- construction and operation of facilities. ment of the process of estimating the

86 probability and outcome of adverse occurrence of risky events at the same events and phenomena in construc- time. The author’s model of the work tion. Control over the risks of building organization of risk management in the quality provides management informa- construction and operation of struc- tion to make effective decisions to the tures is presented in the Fig. 1.

Distribution of risk factors in Identification of risk in the construction construction and operation of and operation of structures (identification buildings by degree of significance for a construction of risk factors) project

Analysis of financial and economic viability of construction projects taking into account the need to compensate investors for invested funds and assumed risks Construction project is not viable The project is viable

Determination of the effectiveness of a construction project taking into account risk factors and uncertainties, including: ♦ Analysis of the sensitivity of the construction project; The Verification of the stability of the construction project; construction ♦ project is ♦ Adjustment of parameters of the construction project; ineffective ♦ Formal description of uncertainties of the construction project. Formal description of uncertainty. The project is ineffective

Development of a construction project plan taking into account risk factors, including:

Construction of a decision tree; Proposals on the distribution of risks; Definition of the structure and amount of provisions for covering unforeseen expenses of the construction project

Working out the work plan of the construction project Making the necessary adjustments to taking into account the results of risk analysis, the contract documentation and the including: working budget of the construction Adjustment of project parameters; project by the results of the analysis Development of a draft budget taking into risks. account unpredictable expenses.

Insurance of construction project risks

Control over the actual implementation of the construction project

Generalization of analysis and control data; making them to data bank of the construction company

Figure 1 Model of state risk management in construction and operation of buildings Fig. 1. Model of state risk management in construction Source:and operation own author's of development buildings Source: own author’s development

87 The cumulative expression of the External building risks are classified risk system in the construction and in general theoretical terms as follows: operation of structures in the system 1. Unpredictable external risks: of public administration is its structure • Measures of state influence on (Fig. 2). such spheres as: taxes, pricing, It follows from the above struc- land use, finance, loans and envi- ture that, depending on the causes, ronmental protection. the building risks are classified into • Natural disasters (earthquakes, external, internalThe andcumulative other expressionrisks. of the riskfloods, system otherin the natural construction disasters). and operation of structures in the system of public administration is its structure (See Figure 2).

By sphere of origin: Administrative and legislative By scale of influence: individual and group Socio-political Demography гру By degree of systemic: By factors of origin: Systemic Economic Unsystematic Political

By the nature of the action: By levels of occurrence: Dynamic Mega Risks Static Macro Risks Micro Risks By the time of evaluation: Outgoing By expiration date: Belated Current Perspective а


By the time of manifestation: By the sphere of influence: Long-term External Short-term Internal

By the form of manifestation: For reasons of occurrence: Discrete Subjective Undisclosed Objective

By character of manifestation: Random By degree of justification: Systematic Rational Irrational Alternative

By sources of origin: Caused by changes in the external market environment Purely economic Caused by natural factors

By aggregate use of valuation and management tools: Portfolios Individual

Fig. 2. GeneralFigure 2 structuresGeneral structures of risks of risks in in construction construction Source: own author’s development Source: own author's development

88 • Criminal and economic crimes • Change in the technology of (terrorism, sabotage and racket, construction work, false tech- etc.); nological solutions, errors in the • External effects: policy (prohi- design documentation, non-com- bition of activities), economy pliance with project standards (supply interruption, bankrupt- and breakdown of equipment, cy of partners and clients), en- etc. [4, p. 26]. vironment (accident) and social Consequently, the preliminary defi- (strike), etc. nition of the type of risks and crisis 2. Expected external building risks: phenomena in the construction com- • Market risk (changes in pric- plex gives a powerful impetus to the es, exchange rates, consumer understanding of the causes of these demand, market conditions, problems and the search for mecha- competition, and inflation, etc.) nisms of government to eliminate [3]. them. The triune state mission, in the • Operational risk (refusal of pro- new market conditions, is the regula- ject objectives, operating rules tion of the macroeconomic role of the and security violations, impos- construction complex, the mechanism sibility to maintain conditions of of economic relations of its partici- operation of objects and build- pants, and ensuring the effectiveness of ings, etc.). project decisions to minimize the risks Internal building risks are divided in the construction sector. into: The formation of a state policy on 1. The risk of internal organizations, building management risk is based namely: on knowledge of objective macro and • Shortcomings in work, lack of microeconomic investment and con- building materials, delays in the struction processes, impact model- delivery of building materials, ling, structure, economic mechanism mistakes in planning and de- and indicators of development of the signing construction projects, investment-building complex and the improper functioning and mana- dynamics of social and economic de- gement, changes in previously velopment. agreed requirements, emergence Conclusions and prospects for of additional requirements from further researches. The risks in con- customers and partners; struction are characterized by unex- • Interruption of construction pected and sudden onset of dangerous project work plan, low qualifi- situations in the context of this article. cation of its developers, budget This is necessary for quick and decisive and estimated errors, inefficient action to eliminate or reduce the ef- supply and sale strategy, deter- fects of building dangers. Construction mination of complaints and com- risk is an event that its manifestation plaints from partners, suppliers is accidental and causes undesirable and consumers. consequences for members of building 2. Internal technical building risks: relations. Regardless of the nature of

89 the risk, it may arise at several stages Velykobrytanyy, FRH, Kanadу [Con- in the management of the construction struction management: the experience process: risk control, including finan- of the USA, Japan, Great Britain, Ger- cial management for its insurance and many, Canada], Stroyyzdat, Moscow., risk financing, etc. It should be empha- available at: ua/29712/1/1.pdf sized that, when analysing risks, it is 4. Mamedov O. Yu. (2014), Suchasna necessary to make various calculations ekonomika [Modern economy], Fe- and to predict the possibility of loss nyks, Kyiv, Ukraine. of investment resources due to their occurrence. The prospects for further Список використаних research are clarification of the above джерел mentioned methodology in the part of data on the distribution of risks from 1. Ризики у будівельній галузі [Елек- construction risks and can be con- тронний ресурс]. — Режим досту- sidered as an intermediate option for пу: budivelnij_galuzi/2014-03-03-238 building an integral system of public 2. Бібік Н. В. Міжнародна практика risk management throughout the life державного регулювання в сфері бу- cycle of a construction project only. дівництва / Н. В. Бібік [Електрон- ний ресурс] // Менеджер. — 2014. — REFERENCES № 1. — С. 115–121. — Режим до- ступу: 1. State building norms of Ukraine Nzhm_2014_1_24. (2014), “Risks in the construction 3. Казанский Ю. Н. Управление стро- industry“, available at: http://dbn. ительством: опыт США, Японии, Великобритании, ФРГ, Канады zi/2014-03-03-238 (Accessed 4 De- [Электронный ресурс] / Ю. Н. Ка- cember 2017). занский. — М. : Стройиздат, 1994. — 2. Bibik N. V. (2014), “International prac- 407 c. — Режим доступа: http:// tice of state regulation in the field of construction” // Menedzher. — Vol. 1. — pdf P. 115–121, Available at: http://nbuv. 4. Мамедов О. Ю. Сучасна еконо- міка: навч. посіб. / за наук. ред. 3. Kazansky Yu. N. (1994), Upravlenye О. Ю. Мамедов. — К.: Феникс, stroytel’stvom: opыt SShA, Yaponyy, 2014. — 608 с.

90 UDC 35:351.746.1 (077)

Halaniuk Iakiv Serhiiovych, Post-graduate student of the department of global studies, European integration and national security administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, 20, Str. Ezhenа Potie, tel.: (067) 410 20 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2819-5992 Галанюк Яків Сергійович, аспірант кафедри глобалістики, євроін- теграції та управління національною без- пекою, Національна академія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: (067) 410 20 25, е-mail: yhalaniuk@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-2819-5992 Галанюк Яков Сергеевич, аспирант кафедры глобалистики, евроинтеграции и управления национальной безо- пасностью, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (067) 410 20 25, е-mail: yhalaniuk@ ORCID: 0000-0002-2819-5992 DOI


Abstract. The article highlights the author’s approach to improving coopera- tion mechanisms of the State Border Service of Ukraine with public organiza- tions and population. There has been analyzed public control as a means their cooperation and priorities of improving the cooperation, particularly, forms and methods of organizing citizens’ feedback, introduction of the assessment pro- cedure of the efficiency of the SBSU and population and public organization. There have been stated conceptual pillars of the public control development in the SBSU, developed by the author, including public control forms and resource provision. There has been considered a mechanism algorithm of the public par- ticipation in the development of the border administration through submitting

91 petitions or proposals concerning a legally enforceable enactment draft (or the legally enforceable enactment currently in force). There has been represented a mechanism model of discussing legally enforceable enactments and public peti- tions, developed by the author. It is noted that one of the mechanisms of interac- tion of the SBSU with the public is effective public control, which becomes an in- tegral part of ensuring national security and political stability. The conditions of permanence of Ukraine's threats in the border area, and in certain areas and their exacerbation, along with further reforms of the institutes of Ukrainian statehood, cause the problem of establishing and implementing public control in the border area as an important and urgent one. It is proved that public control is intended to determine the correctness of the military-force policy in the border area, the validity of the scale and optimality of the forms of activity of the border guards. In accordance with all this, in the subject area of public control should be: political decisions on issues of border security, including international agreements; the expediency and validity of government programs for the provision and reform of the border authorities of Ukraine, assess- ment of the effectiveness of these programs and the procedure for making changes to them. Keywords: State border service of Ukraine, the public, public organizations, cooperation, co-working, public control. УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ МЕХАНІЗМІВ ВЗАЄМОДІЇ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ПРИКОРДОННОЇ СЛУЖБИ УКРАЇНИ З ГРОМАДСЬКИМИ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯМИ ТА НАСЕЛЕННЯМ Анотація. Висвітлено авторський підхід до удосконалення механізмів вза- ємодії Державної прикордонної служби України з громадськими організаці- ями та населенням. Проаналізовано громадський контроль як один з меха- нізмів їх взаємодії та пріоритетні напрями удосконалення взаємодії, зокрема, вдосконалення форм і методів організації зворотного зв’язку з громадянами, запровадження процедури оцінки ефективності взаємодії ДПСУ з населен- ням та громадськими організаціями. Викладено розроблені автором концеп- туальні засади розвитку громадського контролю у ДПСУ, у тому числі форми громадського контролю та його ресурсне забезпечення. Розглянуто алгоритм механізму участі громадськості в розвитку прикордонного відомства через подання петиції або пропозиції до проекту нормативно-правового акту (чи до діючого нормативно-правового акту). Наведено розроблену автором модель механізму обговорення проектів нормативно-правових актів та громадських петицій. Відзначено, що одним з механізмів взаємодії ДПСУ з громадськістю є дієвий громадський контроль, що стає невід’ємною частиною забезпечення національної безпеки і політичної стабільності. Умови перманентності загроз України в прикордонному просторі, а на окремих напрямках і їх загострен- ня, разом з подальшим реформуванням інститутів української державності обумовлюють проблему встановлення і здійснення громадського контролю в прикордонній сфері як важливу і невідкладну.

92 Доведено думку про те, що громадський контроль покликаний визначити правильність військово-силової політики в прикордонній сфері, обґрунто- ваність масштабів і оптимальність форм діяльності прикордонників. У від- повідності з усім цим в предметній царині контролю громадськості мають перебувати: політичні рішення з питань прикордонної безпеки, включаючи міжнародні домовленості; доцільність і обґрунтованість урядових програм щодо забезпечення і реформування прикордонних органів України, оцінка результативності цих програм і порядок внесення до них змін. Ключові слова: Державна прикордонна служба України, громадськість, громадські організації, взаємодія, співпраця, громадський контроль. УСОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЕ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ПОГРАНИЧНОЙ СЛУЖБЫ УКРАИНЫ С ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫМИ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМИ И НАСЕЛЕНИЕМ Аннотация. Отражен авторский подход к усовершенствованию механиз- мов взаимодействия Государственной пограничной службы Украины с об- щественными организациями и населением. Проанализирован обществен- ный контроль как один из механизмов их взаимодействия и приоритетные направления усовершенствования взаимодействия, в частности, совершен- ствование форм и методов организации обратной связи с гражданами, вне- дрение процедуры оценки эффективности взаимодействия ГПСУ с населе- нием и общественными организациями. Изложены разработанные автором концептуальные принципы развития общественного контроля в ГПСУ, в том числе формы общественного контроля и его ресурсное обеспечение. Рассмо- трен алгоритм механизма участия общественности в развитии пограничного ведомства через представление петиции или предложения к проекту норма- тивно-правового акта (или к действующему нормативно-правовому акту). Приведена разработанная автором модель механизма обсуждения проектов нормативно-правовых актов и общественных петиций. Отмечено, что одним из механизмов взаимодействия ГПСУ с общест- венностью действенный общественный контроль становится неотъемлемой частью обеспечения национальной безопасности и политической стабильно- сти. Условия перманентности угроз Украины в пограничном пространстве, а на отдельных направлениях и их обострения, вместе с последующим ре- формированием институтов украинской государственности обусловливают проблему установления и осуществления общественного контроля в погра- ничной сфере как важную и неотложную. Доказано мнение о том, что общественный контроль призван определить правильность военно-силовой политики в пограничной сфере, обоснован- ность масштабов и оптимальность форм деятельности пограничников. В соответствии со всем этим в предметной области контроля общественности должны находиться: политические решения по вопросам пограничной без- опасности, включая международные договоренности; целесообразность и обоснованность правительственных программ по обеспечению и реформи-

93 рованию пограничных органов Украины, оценка результативности этих про- грамм и порядок внесения в них изменений. Ключевые слова: Государственная пограничная служба Украины, обще- ственность, общественные организации, взаимодействие, сотрудничество, общественный контроль.

Formulation of the problem. As a B. D. Trehubov, A. B. Kachynskyi, result of democratic transformations in O. V. Ananyina, O. I. Kyrychenko, etc. Ukraine, the civil society and law-go- Certain aspects of cooperation between verned state formation, the issue of co- the SBSU and the public, mainly of the operation between the state authorities, border areas, have been considered at particularly the State Border Service works by I. V. Kukin, O. V. Borovyk, of Ukraine (hereinafter — SBSU) and R. M. Liaschuk, O. T. Berezenskyi, the public becomes increasingly urgent. D. A. Kuprienko, V. A. Maliutkin, etc. Primarily, it is cooperation of the SBSU The previous research results have with non-government public organiza- been taken into account while process- tions, aimed at increasing the efficiency ing the legally enforceable enactments, of performing tasks, imposed upon the related to the border service activities SBSU. Efficiency of cooperation with organization. the authorities depends on the public However, the above mentioned sci- representatives, their aim and means of entists’ works focus on the issue of en- influencing the state authorities, condi- suring the border safety as a constitu- tions of drafting certain propositions ent of the national security, issues of for the authorities that can be deve- cooperation between the SBSU with loped exclusively system of experts in the population were considered within the appropriate sphere. Improving the the border areas, whereas cooperation cooperation mechanism is to contribute with public organizations and popula- to the citizens’ exercising their consti- tion in general has not been considered tutional right to participate in the state at all. affairs administration, simultaneously Formulation of the objectives ensuring the public opinion being con- (purpose) article. The article is aimed sidered while drafting and organizing at highlighting the author’s opinion the SBSU decisions execution. and reasoning of measures, targeted to Analysis of recent researches and improving mechanisms of the SBSU publications. Currently in Ukraine cooperation with public organizations there has been done a lot of research and population. concerning the theory and practice of Presentation of the basic material. the border administration activities, The basis of the efficient system of the reflected at works by M. M. Lytvyn, authorities and population cooperation, V. M. Servatiuk, O. A. Binkovskyi, making it possible to make executive A. V. Makhniuk, P. A. Shysholin, management decisions, is formed by

94 various forms of involving citizens into The public control is aimed at de- the administration processes, including fining the rightness of the military and those within the system of the SBSU power politics in the border sphere, subdivisions. First of all, it is permanent reasoning the scope and optimality of informing them on the subdivisions’ in- border officers’ activity. According to tentions and activities, results-oriented all that the public control target sphere exchange of thoughts between the ap- shall cover: political decisions on the propriate structures, population, public border safety issues, including inter- organizations, well-organized feedback, national agreements; feasibility and ra- allowing for citizens to permanently tionale for the governmental programs monitor the efficiency of the made de- of providing and reforming the border cisions and actions. It is extremely im- bodies of Ukraine, assessment of the portant for the system of cooperation programs efficiency and the procedure between the SBSU and the public to be of amending them. based on the principles of social part- Within the Concept of Facilitat- nership and dialogue. The most impor- ing the Public Society Development by tant trends of cooperation between the the Executive Bodies [1] realization in SBSU and population are as follows: a the SBSU there have been established public discussion of topical challenges; the public control institutions (pub- defining the public opinion about the lic formations) — the Public Council plans, projects and decisions prior to under the SBSU Administration, the their final making; involving the public SBSU amalgamated trade union, the to the decisions development and ex- Ukrainian retired border officers or- pertise; informing population systemi- ganization. Adopted on February, 26, cally and in a timely manner about the 2016 the National Strategy of Facili- made decisions and foreseen actions; tating the Public Society Development guaranteeing the decision making pro- in Ukraine for 2016–2020 makes the cedure transparency; finding out social issue of “…establishing efficient co- consequences of the made decisions re- operation between the public and the alization with a special emphasis on the state authorities, local government public opinion study, etc. bodies in the form of partnership” [2] A mechanism of cooperation be- urgent. tween the SBSU and the public is an However, theoretical inconsistency efficient public control which is to be- of the founding pillars of the public come an integral part of ensuring the control formation in the border ser- national security and political stability. vice, its fulfillment technologies, non- The conditions of permanent threats in availability of the proper information the border area of Ukraine, aggravated basis cause the necessity of forming in certain segments, accompanied with the conceptual basis of the instrument the further reform of the Ukrainian so- development, the studied sphere speci- vereignty institutions result in an im- ficity being taken into account (Fig. 1). portant and urgent challenge of estab- Underestimation of the public con- lishing and exercising the public con- trol role in providing the border safety trol in the border sphere. with statesmen and politicians, the


State Border Service of Ukraine Understanding of the importance of cooperation with public organizations and population Realization trends Realization principle of - legislative; independence, participation, openness,

- administrative; being unbiased, the authorities’ - organizational accountability, plurality of forms, Умови реалізації legality, inadmissibility of prevention, комплексний, системний і etc. Social system Social професійний підхід . Realization result - raising the efficiency of the SBSU activities; Administrative system Administrative - ensuring the transparency and quality of managerial decisions, preventing corruption; sector Public - raising the population trust for the SBSU and own responsibility for realizing the policy in the sphere.

Public control

Public control forms: Priorities: - A Public expertise; - Authorizing the public councils to select - Public monitoring (audit); candidates for the vacancies (or certain groups), - Public hearing (discussions); based on results assessment; - A public check (investigation); - Enhancing the role of public councils in - A public council; measures, aimed at preventing and counteracting - A public report by an official. corruption, particularly, via participation in internal investigations and measures, targeted to clearing the authorities for the purpose of ensuring their being unbiased and the results being objective; Resource provision: - Improving forms and methods of organizing - Regulatory and guidance feedback with citizens, including the outsourcing provision; procedures and technologies introduction via the official site of the SBSU. - Information and analytical provision; - Introducing the procedure of assessment of the - Funding; SBSU cooperation efficiency with the population - Human resourcing. and public organizations.

Fig. 1. Conceptual pillars of the public control development in the State Border Service of Ukraine majorityPicture of 1the. Conceptual population pillars of Ukraine, of the publicsary controlto solve devel the opmentissues of in establishing the State as well as with the border bodies’ em- a productive dialogue between the ployees, offsets the idea ofBorder the powerService ofauthorities Ukraine and the public, taking in- democratization, authorities and liabi- to consideration all the democratic lities distribution between the parties. society standards, making the develop- The above mentioned makes it neces- ment of such priority trends urgent:

96 1. Authorizing the public councils 2. Enhancing the role of public to select candidates for the vacant posi- councils in taking measures, aimed at tions (or certain groups), based on the preventing and counteracting corrup- assessment results (or an interview). tion, particularly, through providing Currently competitions are often held with functions of conducting profes- formally with no competitiveness and sional polygraph research (in case of an choice, as there is often a single candi- internal investigation, taking measures, date for the position [3, p. 183–184]. targeted to clearing the authorities, as It is clear that a personal status of a well as, if required, while selecting can- SBSU officer is “ambiguous”, practi- didates for vacant positions) for the cally always embodied in such a person purpose of ensuring their being unbi- functioning simultaneously as a public ased and the results being objective. and legal sphere officer and a servicep- Currently the problem of large scale erson. corruption is the most urgent chal- Thus, such a legal “ambiguity” influ- lenge for both the state and the public ences the nature of public relations, be- society. Combining the interests of the ing the subject of fundamental research state and of the public society means in the sphere of state administration, le- the necessity to delegate certain state gal deontology and administrative law. functions to the public representatives. The most topical issue is their relation Corruption triggers citizens’ mistrust to phenomena of corruption, red tape of the authorities, threatens economic or abuse of power. Resulting from this, and social progress of Ukraine, destroys participation in the SBSU staff forma- traditional cultural and moral pillars tion via the procedure of a competitive of the society development, harms the selection is an important trend of co- spiritual vector of the social genesis, operation between the public and the aggravates the ideological crisis, under SBSU bodies. the conditions of which our state is de- Among the others, one can sug- veloping, affects the vital social institu- gest such authorities of the public tions, one of which, undoubtedly, being representatives as the right to: define the state service. Such a status quo cre- the procedure of conducting an ac- ates prerequisites of the social tension creditation contest, test assignments, emergence, provokes threats for the na- admission scores, physical training tional state security, distorts the social and shooting standards; participate in morality, creates negative stereotypes forming the SBSU territorial bodies ac- concerning the state service, etc. creditation committees staff; ensure the Due to the international liabilities transparency of conducting the accre- the process of corruption counterac- ditation contest, including the provi- tion in Ukraine is irreversible but its sion for equal conditions for candi- efficiency and scale will depend exclu- dates and involvement of the public sively on the highest state authorities representatives into the accreditation political will. process; interview candidates for the By virtue of the legislation of SBSU management positions; take part Ukraine, the public representatives in dispute resolution. can participate in forming and exercis-

97 ing the state policy in the sphere of the tional tension instrumental diagnostics state border protection via membership (polygraphs). It is related to the ability in the Public Council under the SBSU, to provide the public councils with the as well as participation in consulta- functions of involving experts (being tions, held by the SBSU for the pur- directly stipulated by sub-clause b of pose of discussing the legally enforcea- clause 3.2 of the Provision on the Public ble enactment drafts. The public is also Council under the SBSU Administra- involved into other public measures, tion) [4] for the purpose of conducting taken for the purpose of studying the professional polygraph research. The public opinion on the SBSU certain ac- provision directly emphasizes the pub- tivities. Thus, within the Public Coun- lic council’s right to involve employees cil there have been established perma- of the executive authorities, the local nently functioning committees, one of government, representatives of both which is the Committee on Corruption national and international expert and Prevention and Counteraction. scientific organizations, enterprises, This very permanently function- institutions and organizations (subject ing committee is able to efficiently fa- to their authorities’ consent), as well as cilitate the measures, aimed, first of all, certain experts such as experts in poly- at preventing corruption expressions, graph research, that is feasible both in preventing the SBSU officials’ involve- case of employment and internal inves- ment into illegal activities. An efficient tigation. form of corruption prevention is work The aim of involving such experts by with the staff, introduction of the SB- the public is conditioned by the wish to SU officers’ professional ethics stan- ensure the unbiased and objective re- dards. Currently individual preven- sult of the survey. Application of a poly- tion measures with the staff (including graph is not directly prohibited by the those while employing or conducting law in Ukraine. However, an obstacle internal investigations) can be held for for introducing such a public participa- the purpose of preventing corruption tion mechanism is a practical unavail- and other administrative violations. ability of legally enforced enactments, Contributing to realization of the state governing polygraph application. At and SBSU programs, targeted to cor- the same time combining the public so- ruption counteraction is presupposed ciety institutions and modern techno- to be the main committee tasks. The logical “innovations” is the guarantee committee will also facilitate the pub- of efficient introduction of the public lic opinion consideration while forming control over the SBSU activities. and fulfilling the state policy, aimed at 3. Improving forms and methods of corruption counteraction. organizing feedback with citizens, in- However, a traditional approach to cluding introduction of crowd-sourc- the activities of such a committee un- ing procedures and technologies via the der the SBSU can be supplemented official site. with a certain “innovative” constituent, Studying the best foreign practices related to the application of wide range of cooperation of not only the state in- capabilities of modern means of emo- stitutions but also business structures

98 with the public, we can suggest us- ing the demands of the legislation on ing the crowd-sourcing technologies. citizens’ addresses) with video files and Crowd-sourcing means a transfer of photo images about the information certain production functions to an in- along the frontier concerning vehicles definite scope of persons, based on the and cargoes movement out of the bor- public offer, not implying labor agree- der control, actions with features of ment conclusion. Herewith the collec- misdemeanors committed by certain tive intelligence and synergy of many persons, or other data of the adjacent people’s cooperation are used. Crowd- border areas, being of interest for en- sourcing makes it possible to aggre- suring the national security of Ukraine; gate information, experience, thoughts, • Establishing a visualized base, forecasts, advantages and assessments. containing a list of citizens of Ukraine, Certain crowd-sourcing technologies foreigners, stateless persons, whose ac- have already become traditional for tivities would be of a socially dangerous the public management, including the character, being on the official wanted SBSU: feedback (particularly, an elec- list by the relevant authorities of dif- tronic address), placing information at ferent states for the purpose of their the service page at the social networks identification and detention. Such in- (e. g., facebook), online conferences, formation will be widely spread among enabling to place questions and com- the population, contributing to the ef- ments. However, we suggest expand- ficiency of the persons’ identification; ing the scope of possibilities through • Establishing a visualized base, the creation of certain new columns or containing information on the objects adding the existing Work with the Public of artistic, historical, ethnographic and column with such constituents: scientific significance (to be kept, re- • Online discussion of drafts of le- produced and protected under the law gally enforced enactments in the elec- and prohibited to be transferred out- tronic mode with a possibility to vote side Ukraine), having been or being or with the help of expert evaluation; likely to be illegally transferred across • An electronic petition. If a collec- the state border. tive address to the SBSU is supported A model of the mechanism of dis- by a great number of signers (the mini- cussing drafts of legally enforced enact- mum number of votes is defined before- ments and public petitions can be rep- hand), it is considered by the petition resented as follows (Fig. 2). addressee (by the public council and/ The crowd-sourcing technologies, or the appropriate structural division aimed at improving the mechanism of of the SBSU) as of high priority with a the public participation in the develop- further public report; ment of the border security, will be of • Creating a file sharing service with a social effect — they will activate the an access via the SBSU official site with public activities in the sphere of deve- a possibility to be uploaded by the pub- loping a transparent effective dialogue lic representatives and certain citizens between the public and the border ser- (only registered users for the purpose of vice, making the process mutually re- avoiding spam distribution and meet- sponsible and mutually beneficial.


The SBSU site - CMU A physical The Electronic Initiatives column - NP entity(PE) - SSU - SFS PE’s - AFU proposition A legal - ME - SMSU entity(LE) LE’s Electronic - МІ proposition voting - MAPP - МК A public - MEPR

organization PO’s - MFA - MHP (PO) proposition

A structural division of the State Border The public council under Service of Ukraine, the SBSU Responsible for considering the raised issues

– feed-forward; – feedback. Fig. 2. The scheme of discussing drafts of legally enforceable enactments and public petitions Picture 2. The scheme of discussing drafts of legally enforceable enactments and 4. Introducing the procedurepublic of as petitions- to participate in decision and project sessing the efficiency of SBSU coopera- realization, with such forms of par-

tion with public organizations and pop- ticipation as: the population’s assess- ulation.The crowd The system-sourcing of technologies the authorities, aimed ment at improvingof decision the realization, mechanism efficiency of the publicand participationthe population in cooperationthe development covers of theof border the taken security measures;, will be assessment of a social of not only the forms, considered above the SBSU bodies work style from the effectand – other they institutionalwill activate forms. the public The efactivities- point inof viewthe sphereof red tapeof developing elements anda transparentficiency ofeffec thetive SBSU dialogue cooperation between with the public de-bureaucratism and the border proceduresservice, making availabi- the the public shall become its integral lity; assessment of the degree of people’s processpart. mutuallySuch an assessmentresponsible subjectand mutually can be benefi trustcial of. the SBSU and its separate rep- the4. following Introducing issues: the procedure the population’s of assessing resentatives the efficiency as a ofgeneralizing SBSU cooperation criteria of attitude in general and different social attitude to their activities, etc. withstrata’s public attitude organizations to the madeand population decisions;. The Suchsystem an of assessment the authorities can and be madethe populationa degree andcooperation forms of people’scovers not participa only -thewith forms, the consideredhelp of information above and technolo other - tion in preparing and making decisions; gies, particularly, via the appropriate institutional forms. The efficiency of the SBSU cooperation with the public shall a degree of awareness of various social column at the SBSU official site. strata of the made decisions, rapid in- Conclusion. Thus, the conducted formation provision; people’s readiness research enables to study the experi-

100 ence of the public participation, to re- 4. State border guard service of Ukraine produce on its basis the existing mecha- (2015), “Position is about public ad- nisms and models of the process, to vice at Administration of Government work out propositions, facilitating the frontier service of Ukraine”, available formation of an efficient model of the at: nya-pro-Gromadsku-radu-pri-Admi- SBSU cooperation with the civil so- nistracii-Derzhavnoi-prikordonnoi- ciety institutions. So, applying public sluzhbi-Ukraini/ (Accessed 16 janu- program services will make it possible ary 2018). to ensure the SBSU rapid response to enquiries and needs of the population; to make the system and mechanism Список використаних of exercising the powerful authorities джерел more transparent and coordinated. 1. Про схвалення Концепції сприян- The prospective of the further re- ня органами виконавчої влади роз- search of the issue is the development витку громадянського суспільства : of methodical approaches to the assess- Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів ment of the efficiency of cooperation України від 21.11.2007 р. № 1035-р between the SBSU and the public au- [Електронний ресурс] / База даних thorities. “Законодавство України”. — Режим доступу : REFERENCES laws/show/1035-2007-%D1%80 2. Про сприяння розвитку громадян- 1. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ського суспільства в Україні : Указ (2007), “Order of the Cabinet of Mi- Президента України від 26.02.2016 р. nisters of Ukraine “About approval of № 68/2016 [Електронний ресурс] / Conception of assistance of executive Президент України: Офіційне інтер- power of development of civil society нет-представництво. — Режим до- organs”, available at: http://zakon3. ступу : documents/682016-19805 %D1%80 (Accessed 16 January 2018). 3. Павленчик П. Т. Добір, конкурс, при- 2. President of Ukraine (2016), “De- сяга... резерв — технології. Державне cree of President of Ukraine “About управління в Україні: наукові, пра- an assistance to development of civil вові, кадрові та організаційні засади: society in Ukraine”, available at: навч. посіб. / П. Т. Павленчик ; за заг ред. Н. Р. Нижник, В. М. Олуйка. — ments/682016-19805 (Accessed 16 Львів: ЛРІДУ, 2002. — С. 181–192. January 2018). 4. Положення про громадську раду 3. Pavlenchyk P. T. (2002), Dobir, при Адміністрації Державної при- konkurs, prysiaha... rezerv — tekhnolo- кордонної служби України [Елек- hii. Derzhavne upravlinnia v Ukraini: тронний ресурс] / Державна при- naukovi, pravovi, kadrovi ta orhanizat- кордонна служба України. — Режим sijni zasady [Selection, competition, доступу: oath... reserve is technologies. State Polozhennya-pro-Gromadsku-radu- administration in Ukraine: scientific, pri-Administracii-Derzhavnoi-prikor- legal, to the shot and organizational donnoi-sluzhbi-Ukraini/ — назва з principles], LRIDU, Lviv, Ukraine. екрану.

101 UDC: 336.225 Grona Andrew Vadimovich, entrepreneurship and business department’s post-graduate student, Kyiv National Univer- sity of Technologies and Design, 01011, Kyiv, Str. Nemуrovуcha-Dаnchenkа, 2, tel.: (050) 957 94 96, 2, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6050-6500 Грона Андрій Вадимович, аспірант кафедри підприємництва та бізнесу, Київський Національний універси- тет технологій та дизайну, 01011, Київ, вул. Немировича-Данченка, 2, тел.: (050) 957 94 96, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6050-6500 Грона Андрей Вадимович, аспирант кафедры предприниматель- ства и бизнеса, Киевский Национальный университет технологий и дизайна, 1011, Киев, ул. Немировича-Данченка, 2, тел.: (050) 957 94 96, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6050-6500 DOI


Abstract. This paper intends to bring a view on possible measures, which the Cabinet of Ministers and Finance Department of Ukraine are authorized to implement. These measures concern introducing new criteria for evaluating the level of risks, sufficient for stopping a registration of tax invoices/adjustment calculations, depending on a kind of the stated goods’ issue. Both the criteria and implementation of those are based on the information, received from an au- tomated VAT payers’ inventory accounting system, necessary for creationas a component of VAT electronic administration system. The paper brings a view on measures, intended to automate a processof reviewing tax payers’ written expla- nations by the SFS committee, established in accord to FDU’s order # 566 on 13.06.2017. In addition, some automatic measures to prevent realizing the “twist- ing” operations have been proposed in the paper. It was noted that the procedure for stopping the registration of risky tax invoices was introduced as a means of automatically preventing such a widespread VAT avoidance scheme as a “twist” for all goods, and not just for fuel. In this article, under the risky tax billing/ adjustment calculations, it is proposed to understand such tax invoices/adjust- ments calculations that satisfy the approved criteria of the Ministry of Finance

102 to assess the degree of risk sufficient to stop their registration. It is noted that the principle of indiscretion has already been established in Ukraine. It is estab- lished prematurely, since it is not yet backed up by effective automatic measures to prevent VAT deviations. The real implementation of this principle is one of the key points in improving the investment climate and implementing economic re- forms in Ukraine. It will sharply increase the level of freedom of doing business in Ukraine, will open the way for an automatic VAT refund procedure and deprive enterprises of unreasonable checks that are carried out in connection with the detection of tax breaches by their counterparties (and, more often, counteragents of their counterparties). Keywords: stoppage of tax invoice registration, electronic governance. НАПРЯМИ УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ АВТОМАТИЧНИХ ЗАХОДІВ ПОПЕРЕДЖЕННЯ УХИЛЕНЬ ВІД СПЛАТИ ПДВ Анотація. Викладені можливі заходи, на встановлення яких уповно- важений Кабінет Міністрів та Міністерство Фінансів України. Ці заходи стосуються впровадження нових критеріїв оцінки ступеня ризиків, достат- ніх для зупинення реєстрації податкових накладних/розрахунків коригу- вання залежно від виду походження товарів, вказаних в них. Критерії та їх запровадження засновані на інформації, отримуваній із автоматизованої системи обліку товарних запасів платників ПДВ, яку необхідно створити як складову системи електронного адміністрування ПДВ. У статті викладені заходи, спрямовані на автоматизацію процедури розгляду письмових пояс- нень платників податку комісією ДФС, створеною згідно з наказом МФУ від 13.06.2017 р. за № 566. Крім того, в статті запропоновано автоматичні заходи попередження здійснення операцій “скрутки”. Відзначено, що процедура зу- пинки реєстрації ризикованих податкових накладних була запроваджена як засіб автоматичного попередження такої розповсюдженої схеми ухилення від сплати ПДВ, як “скрутка”, для всіх товарів, а не тільки для пального. В цій статті під ризикованими податковими накладними/розрахунками кори- гування запропоновано розуміти такі податкові накладні/розрахунки кори- гування, які задовольняють затвердженим Мінфіном критеріям оцінки сту- пеня ризиків достатніх для зупинення їх реєстрації. Зауважено, що принцип беззаперечності вже встановлений в Україні. Він встановлений передчасно, оскільки ще не підкріплений ефективними автоматичними заходами попе- редження ухилень від сплати ПДВ. Реальне запровадження цього принципу є одним із ключових моментів покращення інвестиційного клімату та здійс- нення економічних реформ в Україні. Воно різко підвищить рівень свободи ведення бізнесу в Україні, відкриє шлях до встановлення автоматичної про- цедури повернення ПДВ та позбавить підприємства від необґрунтованих перевірок, які здійснюються у зв’язку з виявленням податкових порушень їх контрагентів (а частіше, контрагентів їх контрагентів). Ключові слова: зупинка реєстрації податкових накладних, електронне врядування.

103 ПУТИ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИХ МЕТОДОВ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ УКЛОНЕНИЙ ОТ УПЛАТЫ НДС Аннотация. Изложены возможные меры, на установление которых упол- номочены Кабинет Министров и Министерство финансов Украины. Эти меры касаются внедрения новых критериев оценки степени рисков, доста- точных для остановки регистрации налоговых накладных/расчетов коррек- тировки в зависимости от вида происхождения товаров, указанных в них. Критерии и их внедрение основаны на информации, получаемой из автома- тизированной системы учета товарных запасов плательщиков НДС, которую необходимо создать как составную часть системы электронного админист- рирования НДС. В статье изложены меры, направленные на автоматизацию процедуры рассмотрения письменных объяснений налогоплательщиков ко- миссией ДФС, созданной согласно приказу МФУ от 13.06.2017 № 566. Кроме того, в статье предложены автоматические меры предупреждения осущест- вления операций “скрутки”. Отмечено, что процедура остановки регистрации рискованных налоговых накладных была введена как средство автоматиче- ского предупреждения такой распространенной схемы уклонения от уплаты НДС, как “скрутка”, для всех товаров, а не только для горючего. В этой ста- тье под рискованными налоговыми накладными/расчетами корректировки предложено понимать такие налоговые накладные/расчеты корректировки, которые удовлетворяют утвержденным Минфином критериям оценки степе- ни рисков достаточных для остановки их регистрации. Акцентировано, что принцип бесприкословности уже установлен в Украине. Он установлен пре- ждевременно, поскольку еще не подкреплен эффективными автоматически- ми мерами предупреждения уклонений от уплаты НДС. Реальное внедрение этого принципа является одним из ключевых моментов улучшения инвести- ционного климата и осуществления экономических реформ в Украине, что резко повысит уровень свободы ведения бизнеса в Украине, откроет путь к установлению автоматической процедуры возврата НДС и избавит предпри- ятия от необоснованных проверок, осуществляемых в связи с выявлением на- логовых нарушений их контрагентов (а чаще, контрагентов их контрагентов). Ключевые слова: остановка регистрации налоговых накладных, элек- тронное государственное управление.

Target setting. One of the key registration was introduced. The first mechanisms for distorting the econom- months of such monitoring showed its ic proportions in Ukraine is the viola- imperfection. At present, an attempt is tion of the national legislation in terms being made to improve the monitoring of VAT. From 01.07.2017, as one of the mechanism by various authorities: the methods of combating tax offenses, the Verkhovna Rada is preparing amend- procedure for automatic monitoring of ments to the laws regulating the moni- tax invoices and the stopping of their toring of tax bills, the Cabinet of Mi-

104 nisters and the Ministry of Finance are already been established in Ukraine [2, preparing amendments to the monitor- p. 3 cl. 201.10 art. 201]. According to ing procedure. All these attempts relate the author, it is set precociously, since it to the legal aspects of this case. There- is not backed up by effective automatic fore, now there is a need for a scientific measures to prevent evasion from pay- analysis of the procedure for monitor- ment of VAT. ing tax invoices in terms of information The real implementation of this and economic aspects. principle is one of the key points in Analysis of recent research and improving the investment climate and publications. Problems of automa- implementing economic reforms in tion of tax control were investigated Ukraine. It will sharply increase the by many authors. First of all, note the level of easiness of doing business in monograph M. I. Melnik and I. V. Le- Ukraine, will open the way for an au- schukh [1], where the current state of tomatic VAT refund procedure and the problems of tax control automation deprive enterprises from unreasonable in Ukraine is most fully considered and checks that are carried out in connec- numerous bibliographies on this topic tion with the detection of tax breaches are provided. All these publications are by their counterparties (and, more of- devoted to problems of automatic de- ten, counterparties of their counterpar- tection of business entities that violate ties). tax legislation. The history of setting up automatic The purpose of the article is to measures to prevent evasion from pay- study, define and justify the ways of ment of VAT has not yet been com- improving such a mechanism for moni- pleted, and so far, it consists of three toring tax bills, which will help to make important steps, that set the direction tax breaches either economically un- of development in this matter. profitable or impossible. The final re- The first step was taken on sult of such research should be the de- 01.07.2015 [3, cl. 48]. An electronic velopment of automatic mechanisms system for administering VAT was for preventing tax offenses, which will introduced, which made it impossible replace the mechanisms for their auto- to register fictitious tax invoices (fake matic detection. bills refer to such invoices, for which The statement of basic materials. the corresponding tax obligations are From 2015, Ukraine has chosen to set not paid to the budget). Note, that in the automatic prevention of evasion the EU, so far, non-payment of VAT by from payment of VAT in addressing the taxpayers (output tax) is widespread. issue of evasion from payment of VAT. In particular, such non-payment is the The end result of such reforms should basis of the “carousel” scheme. be the rejection of the principle of joint After this first step, there was an responsibility of the buyer and seller exhaustive list of possible offenses. All for the evasion of payment of VAT and of them are based on the purchase of the real introduction of the principle of documents for a product, that is not ac- indisputability of the tax credit. Note, tually available (it was sold for cash, in that the principle of indisputability has violation of the rules of using payment

105 transaction registrars, without reflect- cessful steps, this step was unsuccessful, ing in the seller's accounting) and use of as it has a number of significant draw- the tax credit accrued for these or other backs listed below: purposes. Here is a list of such goals. 1. The stopping procedure does 1. For the simultaneous sale of docu- not prevent the fictitious supply of ments for virtually absent other pro- services and other major VAT evasion duct (this type of offense is called transactions, that are carried out “twist” (goods)[5]); by purchasing a fictitious tax credit 2. For fictitious (unreal) delivery of (purchasing documents for goods with services; a VAT charge without a real purchase of 3. To reduce own tax liabilities; goods); 4. To receive a budget reimburse- 2. The system of electronic admi- ment (an analogue of the Carousel nistration of VAT is configured in such scheme circulated in the EU countries). a way that, in addition to the “twist” The second important step was ta- operations, it considers doubts as to ken on March 1, 2016 [6, p. 58, section the fairly large volume of operations I]. An electronic fuel injection admini- of law-abiding VAT payers (for exam- stration system was introduced, which, ple, it considers as “twist” the sale by in addition to administering the excise the producer finished goods, since the tax, made it impossible to “twist” ope- producer sells not the product, that rations with fuel. This system is based he has purchased (raw materials ); the on inventory accounting of fuels, which same applies to operations for obtain- the registered payer of the excise tax on ing a prepayment for one commodity fuel received from another registered with the simultaneous implementation payer (or imported into the customs of a prepayment for another commo- territory of Ukraine) and has not yet dity which the system also considers as been written off from the balance sheet. “twist”); This system has led to the fact that the 3. The system of electronic admi- operation of fuel twisting will result in nistration of VAT is configured in such the automatic occurrence of excise tax a way, that it captures all the twist ope- obligations (the impossibility of rea- rations, but only stops the violation in lizing any quantity of fuel of unknown large volumes. origin without additional excise duty The first lack leads to the fact, that obligations). the principle of indisputability of the The third important step was taken re-ceived tax credit began actively on 01.07.2017 [7–9]. The procedure for using by violators of tax legislation, stopping the registration of risky tax carrying out fake supplies of services, invoices (hereinafter — stopping proce- since according to this principle it is dure) was established. This procedure impossible to bring the perpetrator of has been introduced as a means of au- counterparty to justice. tomatically preventing of such a wide- The second lack leads to the fact spread scheme of evasion from payment that, in addition to automatic stopping of VAT as “twist” for all goods, and not of registration of doubtful tax invoices, just for fuel. Unlike the first two suc- it is necessary to establish a separate

106 procedure for registration of suspen- the automatic accounting of invento- ded tax invoices (or refusals to register ries of goods, received by the taxpayer them), which should not be carried out from another VAT payer or imported to automatically (with the participation the customs territory of Ukraine and of a large number of employees of the have not yet written off from the ba- SFS). At the present time, especially lance sheet (hereinafter — automatic the lack of the number of SFS employ- inventory accounting ) ees who must implement the proce- The main advantage of the proposed dure for registration of suspended tax new system of measures for preventing invoices, led to the appearance of the of evasion from payment of VAT is that Draft Law № 7115 dated 15.09.17. The it can be based on the same software draft Law abolishes the automatic stop as the current system of monitoring of of the procedure and the principle of in- tax invoices, used in the procedure for disputability of the received tax credit stopping their registration. The intro- (p. 571.7 of the Draft Law). duction of the new system of measures The third lack has led to the perpe- requires changes to the legislation re- trators learning quickly to avoid stop- garding the obligations and rules for ping the registration of tax invoices tax payer of VAT (in detail [11], it is (offending firms simply reduced their described in detail, that these changes monthly volumes and, at the same consist of 20 measures and are imple- time, offenders increased the number of mented in three stages). firms). In this article, measures are taken The presence of the above men- at the first stage of the implementation tioned lacks led to The Verkhovna of such a system, which are somewhat Rada of Ukraine having amended the different from the similar measures Tax Code of Ukraine 06.12.2017 in outlined in the paper [11]. The main which the article 201.16 was recited cancellation of the measures outlined in new version under which the stop- in the article is that their implementa- page of tax invoice registration should tion is possible within the competence be performed in the course and on the of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Mi- grounds developed by Cabinet of Mi- nistry of Finance of Ukraine and does nisters of Ukraine [10]. Thus, the prob- not require changes to the Tax Code of lem of creating automated measures of Ukraine. prevention has become contemporary 1. Proposals for changing the most important. form of tax invoices/calculations of In the paper [11], the author pro- correction and the order of their filling posed the introduction of the new elec- in the first stage of the formation of tronic system for administering VAT, an automated accounting system for with the help of which in the automatic inventories of VAT payers. mode, will be warned almost all of the In this part, the ways of creating the above schemes of evasion from VAT. automatic accounting system for inven- The proposed system is based on the tories of VAT payers will be considered. same principle as the system of elec- The solution of this task is possible. It tronic administration of fuel sales — on was shown in the paper [11]. Note, that

107 such accounting system is based on According to the author, the soft- the system of electronic administration ware for monitoring of the TI/CC is of fuel sales (SEA of FS). not the basis for the shortcomings of As already noted in the introducto- the stopping procedure. It has informa- ry part, the procedure for stopping the tion that is analyzed during monitor- regis-tration of risky tax invoices (here- ing — the system should analyze some- inafter referred to as the stopping pro- what different data set, presented in cedure) was introduced as a means of the TI/CC of VAT payers. The main automatically preventing such a wide- reason is that the SEA of VAT does not spread scheme of evasion from payment distinguish, whether the VAT payer has of VAT as a “twist” for all goods, and received the goods, or he has only paid not just for fuel. In this article, under a prepayment of goods/services. the risky tax invoices/ calculations of In this article, it will be proposed, correction (hereinafter — TI/CC) con- that the stopping procedure will be sidered such TI/ CC, which satisfy the based on the automatic accounting criteria approved by the Ministry of of VAT payers’ inventories. Under Finance to assess the degree of risk suf- this accounting, have in mind, that ficient to stop their registration (herein- the accounting of quantity (volume) after — Criteria). Operation of “twist” of goods of the certain nomenclature of goods schematically outlined in the (according to the first four digits of paper [11]. the code of the Ukrainian Foreign In the language of demand and sup- Ministry) and the certain unit of ply, the scheme of “twist” can be de- measurement. scribed as follows. In Firm F3, there is In order to keep such records, the a need to implement with a minimum SFS bodies, according to the author, tax burden of goods of unknown ori- require additional information from the gin, which it acquired in the shadow payers, the main thing — information market for cash, without reflecting it about: in accounting. At Firms F1, in turn, 1. Had the VAT payer received the there is a need for a write-off from the goods, or he only paid the prepayment balance of the officially acquired pro- of goods/services; duct, which it actually has already rea- 2. Are the commodity stocks used lized for cash and which is actually no as a raw material for work, services, longer on the balance sheet. The firm or other goods (including on tolling F2 satisfy the needs of both firms, hav- terms)? ing provided documents for the desired According to the author, such ac- product to the Firm F3 and acquiring counting should be the basis for the documents on the actual absence in the develop-ment of new Criteria. The pos- balance sheet of the company F1 goods. sibility of conducting such accounting Thus, the needs of both firms are satis- was proved in the paper [11]. The pos- fied. In this case, each of the three firms sibility of gradual formation of such ac- will have to pay VAT to the budget only counting was also proved. It is worth from a certain minimum percentage of emphasizing, that creating conditions turnover. for obtaining information of the first

108 type is enough only at the expense of after will be called as an “advance row”. the normative acts of the Cabinet of The row, in which the code is the type Ministers and the Ministry of Finance of the shipped product, hereinafter will of Ukraine. That is, the introduction of be called as a “shipping row”. such accounting at the first stage is pos- 2. Similarly, add section B of the sible due to actions of only the Cabinet forms of the CC (Annex 2 to the form of of Ministers and the Ministry of Fi- the TI) by the graph 4.4 with the same nance. However, in order to create the conditional name. conditions for obtaining information of 3. For the case when the seller ships the second type, changes will be neces- the goods after receiving a prepayment, sary to the Tax Code of Ukraine, which to introduce mandatory compilation of imposes the creation of such conditions the CC to TI, which was made in con- for the next stages of the formation of nection with the receipt of prepayment. the necessary accounting system. In the revised row, the volumes of sup- Let’s formulate measures that, in our ply of goods that should have been put opinion, should be taken by the Cabi- in the future are reduced (graph 13 of net of Ministers and the Ministry of section B of the CC)1. At the same time, Finance of Ukraine (in the framework one or several shipping rows are creat- of the powers granted to it, according ed in the CC, in which the volumes of to p. 201.2 art. 201 TCU) regarding the supply of the good(s) that are already modification of the form and procedure shipped (graph 13 of section B of the for filling the TI/CC in the first stage of CC) are increasing. Note that in this the formation of the automated system way, when adjusting the one advance for accounting for inventories of VAT row of the TI, in the corresponding CC payers. can be contained from two to 14 rows 1. To supplement Section B of the under the one number (one row is ad- form of the TI, approved by the order of vanced, and the other — shipping). In the Ministry of Finance of 31.12.2015 the overwhelming majority, in the CC, № 1307, by the graph 3.4 with the there will be one advance and one ship- conventional name “the type of goods, ping rows. depending on the reasons for its acqui- Measures 1–3 are the key proposi- sition”. If the tax liability arises in con- tion of our work. nection with the receipt of the advance The purpose of these changes payment for the goods, this graph is is to make the information on the not filled. Subsequently, this article shipment of goods subject to VAT paid will show that all goods that are in the to the electronic database of the VAT customs territory of Ukraine on the ba- administration system. The information lance of VAT payers, by their origin, can about the type of goods shipped is be classified into the 13 types. Thus, necessary for the implementation of when shipping the goods, in this graph the new Criteria for monitoring of the it is needed to put the correspond- TI/CC, drawn up in connection with ing code from 1 to 13, depending on the type of shipped goods. The line, in 1 This can be done either by changing the quan- which the graph 3.4 is not filled, herein- tity of the product or its price.

109 the shipment of goods to be offered in 2. Measures for the ranking of the following sections of the article. the shipped goods, depending on the According to the author, the monitoring grounds of their origin. of the TI/CC, made in connection Simultaneously with the changes to with the receipt of prepayment is not the form of the TI/CC, it is proposed necessary. to enter the registration of producers In addition, it is proposed to enable of goods in the SFS bodies. Within the for VAT payers electronically inform framework of these proposals, volun- the system of changes in the quantita- tary registration of manufacturers of tive indicators of goods contained in goods is foreseen under a special appli- them on the balance due to the change cation (for each type of goods accord- in their unit of measurement. ing to the UKT ZED code, including As a result of these measures, the the nomenclature of wastes that arise SEA of VAT will allow the VAT payer on a permanent basis as a result of their to automatically record stockpiles of activities), which, in the first order, goods that they have either received specifies the table of data of the VAT from other VAT payers or imported payer, according to the annex to the into the customs territory of Ukraine, Order of the Ministry of Finance from and have not yet been shipped to ano- 13.06.2017 № 567, as well as other data, ther country (hereinafter — automatic the full list of which is indicated in the inventory accounting). work [11, p. 29]. In addition, it is pro- Note, that the Cabinet of Ministers posed that such producers should be and the Ministry of Finance does not able to provide information in electro- have the authority to introduce special nic form about shipped goods made from sanctions for failure by VAT payers the customer's raw materials to the SFS au- mentioned above measures. Moreover, thorities. This document will indicate the introduction of these measures will the nomenclature, the unit of measure- significantly increase the workload for ment and the quantity (volume) of the accounting by VAT payers. But despite shipped goods according to the rules for the possibility of non-fulfillment of the indicating similar information in the above-mentioned measures, the VAT tax invoices. After the introduction of payers will be interested in their im- such measures, all goods that are in the plementation, since it will be further customs territory of Ukraine on the ba- shown that the new criteria for detect- lance of VAT payers, on the basis of their ing of the risky TI/CC in the work be- origin can be classified as follows: low will be such, that the recipient of 1. produced directly by the taxpayer, the goods will be forced to inform the which is registered by the manufacturer SEA of VAT on the fact, that the goods of this nomenclature of goods; available in its stocks were indeed re- 2. made by the registered producer ceived from other VAT payers. The of this nomenclature of goods from the seller of the goods, in turn, will be in- cus-tomer’s raw materials of the VAT terested in the correct indication of the payer (who is the first owner of the code of the type of the shipped goods to goods), provided that the manufacturer reduce the risk of stopping his TI/CC. informed the SEA of VAT about this;

110 3. waste of economic activity of the ments, confirming the acquisition of taxpayer, which is registered by the these goods); producer of the goods (services); 11. Receiving from the non-payers 4. produced directly by the taxpayer, of VAT after ______20__ 2 (if there which is not registered by the manufac- are documents, confirming the acquisi- turer of this product; tion of these goods); 5. made from the customer’s raw ma- 12. imported by the taxpayer to the terials of the VAT payer (who is the first customs territory of Ukraine after __ owner of the goods) by the person who _____ 20__2; is either not registered with the manu- 13. all other goods for which there facturer of this nomenclature of goods are no documents, confirming their ac- or did not inform the SEA of VAT on quisition from other persons4. the shipment of such goods; Such a list of types of goods, depend- 6. waste of economic activity of the ing on their origin, is exhaustive. In the taxpayer, which is not registered by the first stage of the formation of the auto- producer of the goods (services); matic inventory accounting system, the 7. received from other VAT payers SEA of VAT will only account the goods after ______20__2. (subject to re- of types 2, 7 and 12. gistration by such TI/CC payers, All goods, in their turn, in terms of which specify the fact of shipment of the risk of possibility of conducting the the goods, or the availability of other “twists” operation, can be classified for documents, which, according to p. products with no risk (1); goods with 201.11 p. 201, is the basis for calculat- low (2), goods with middle (3) and ing tax amounts, related to a tax credit goods with high-risk degree (4). Com- without obtaining a tax invoice); bining both classifications it comes that 8. received from other VAT payers in the degree of risk, the types of goods after ______20__2 without registra- are groups of types of goods on the basis tion by them of the TI/CC, in which of acquisition. In such case: the fact of the shipment of goods (in the 1. Category 1 belongs to goods of presence of documents, confirming the types 2, 7 and 12, since, after introduc- acquisition of these goods)3; ing of accounting of th inventory of 9. acquiring by the person before payers in the system, it will identify all the moment of its registration by the facts of shipment of goods to volumes VAT payer (if there are documents, con- larger than the available stocks of these firming the acquisition of these goods); goods on the balance of the payer; 10. Acquiring by the tax payer be- 2. The second group includes goods fore ______20__ 2 (if there are docu- of types 1 and 3, since the purchase of ficti-tious goods as raw materials for further fictitious production of 2 The date from which the changes to the legis- finished products is widespread among lation proposed in this article come into force manufacturers; must be set. 3 Including, in the case of receiving goods with- out the consent of its owner when charging 4 Including finds, treasures, goods acquired by them. prescription.

111 3. Group 3 includes products of goods, that are accounted in the SEA types 9 and 10; of VAT (the goods shipped more than 4. The fourth group includes goods they were imported into the customs of types 4, 5, 8, 11 and 13; territory of Ukraine). For a charit- Products of the 6th type can be both able VAT payer there are two possible moderate and highly risky. Everything reasons for assigning such TI/CC to a de-pends on the grounds for acquiring risky one: liquidated goods (from which waste is 1. Error in filling the TI/CC, espe- generated). cially in section 3.4 of Section B of the 3. New criteria for assigning the TI (graph 4.4 of the Section B of the TI/CC to the category of risky and CC); automat-ing their verification, de- 2. Information on the import of pending on the type of origin of the goods, for some technical reasons, is not shipped goods. available in the SEA of VAT. In this article, under the procedure It is suggested to configure the soft- for checking risky TI/CC is the proce- ware, with which the TI/CC are com- dure for registration or refusal to regis- posed, so that it has the opportunity to ter the suspended TI/CC, which is car- receive information on the availability ried out by the commission of the SFS, of goods of the type 12 (and types 2, 7) established in accordance with the or- that are accounted in the SEA of VAT. der of the Ministry of Finance from Within the framework of the proposal, it 13.06.2017, № 566. The main proposal is envisaged to indicate to the VAT payer of this part of the article is establish- that he may have made a mistake in as- ment of the new Criteria for the TI/ signing the shipped goods to the type 12 CC, depending on the type of shipped and informing him before registration goods. In addition, suggestions are of the TI/CC about possible threats to made for the automation of checking stop the registration of this TI/CC. of the stopped TI/CC. Also, the iden- It is suggested that the procedure tification of signs, that TI/CC is not for stopping and checking the stopped monitored depending on the types of TI/CC will be adjusted in such way, shipped goods. so that the VAT payer, upon receipt of At first, let’s consider establishment such information, was interested not to of the Criteria for the TI/CC, drawn up register the problem TI/CC, or either as a result of shipment of goods of the to correct his own error, or to eliminate type 12. It is proposed that all TI/CC the reason that information on the im- of this type will be a subject to moni- port of the goods is not present in the toring, including those TI/CC, which SEA of VAT. This principle will apply according to the current edition of the to the stopping procedure and checking Order of the Ministry of Finance dat- of stopped TI/CC, drawn out due to the ed 13.06.17 № 567 (p. 5), are exemp- shipment of goods of all other types. ted from monitoring. It is suggested If the VAT payer registers a problem to consider as risky that TI/CC, in TI/CC (which automatically falls un- which the quantity of shipped goods der the risk rating criterion), the SEA does not correspond to the quantity of of VAT stops the registration of this

112 TI/CC, and in electronic form sends has the right to refuse the registration to the taxpayer the amount of goods in of such TI/CC, due to the fact, that the this nomenclature, which is accounted provided documents are not sufficient for in the SEA of VAT as a commodity for the classification of the goods to of type 12, from indicating the details the type 12 and thus are not sufficient of customs declarations, according to for the decision of the Commission to which this product was imported. Al- register such TI/CC, in accordance so, the system sends the details of the with the Resolution of the Cabinet of TI/CC, according to which the goods Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.03.2017 of this nomenclature have been shipped. № 190. Note, that in the vast majority The system provides the taxpayer with of cases the information provided by an offer to verify the correctness of fill- the taxpayer is the basis for carrying ing the TI/CC and informs him, that he out unscheduled inspections of its ac- has the right not to apply for verifica- tivities. tion, and to register a new TI/CC with- The establishment of the Criteria for out errors. In case of receiving from the TI/CC, drawn up as a result of shipment payer the application for verification, of the goods of the type 2 and 7, and the system asks the payer to provide: the procedure for their verification,is 1. All documents concerning the ori- proposed to be similar to the goods of gin of the goods, which are indicated in the type 12, since the excess of volumes the stopped TI/CC; of the shipped goods of these types 2. Documents sufficient to verify the correspond to the volumes, that are real availability of inventories, recorded accounted in the SEA of VAT, as well as in the SEA of VAT. The requirement for in the previous case, is only possible as a such documents is a universal measure result of incorrectly filling in graph 3.4 for the detection of the “twist” opera- (4.4) of the TI (CC) or a technical error tions with goods of all other types. This in the SEA of VAT. It is proposed that is explained by the fact that at the en- all the TI/ CC with products of this tities, conducting the operation of the type should be monitored. “twist”, the availability of inventories Let’s consider now the establish- is not real, but fictitious. That means, ment of the Criteria for goods of the they only have documents on the speci- types 1 and 3. For manufacturers of fied goods. goods, reasons for stopping the regis- Note, that the stopping procedure, tration of the TI/CC are: established by the legislation at the 1. The product does not belong to present time, does not focus on checking the nomenclature, the production of the actual availability of inventories. which it has registered; If the taxpayer will provide all the 2. The product does not meet the documents correctly, but his only mis- special criteria, set for manufacturers take will be the incorrect filling of the of this nomenclature. Consideration of type of shipped goods in graph 3.4 of such special criteria goes beyond the Section B of the TI (graph 4.4 of Sec- scope of research of this article. tion B of the CC), the commission itself In the case where the reason for stop- either decides to register the TI/CC or ping the registration is the first one, it is

113 suggested to set the procedure of stop- that, at stoppage, such documents be ping and checking the stopped TI/CC, submitted in electronic form of scan also in the same way as for goods of the copies, and the only reason for refusal type 12. to register was untimely submission The range of the TI/CC made in of scan copies of the documents, or connection with the shipment of goods submission of those, that do not confirm of the type 1, which are subject to moni- the actual receipt of goods. The discre- toring, is proposed to be narrowed as pancy of the submitted documents with follows: to exclude from monitoring the the legislation should be the sole basis TI/CC, compiled by those enterprises, for appointment of the unscheduled the volume of deliveries of which are inspection or initiation of the criminal equal, or less than 2.5 million UAH per case. Note, that as for all stopped TI/ month. CC, in the case of goods of the type 11, For goods of the type 11 (the most the actual availability of inventories is common type of goods used in the subject to inspection. “twist” operations) is proposed to For goods of the type 9, 10 the range reduce significantly, the range of the of the TI/CC, which are subject to TI/CC, which are not monitored. monitoring, it is proposed not to ex- The peculiarity of goods of the type pand (leave the volume of deliveries 11 is that all the TI/CC (with such up to 500 thousand UAH per month). goods) are considered as risky. Gron’s It is proposed to oblige taxpayer to fill paper (2016) proves, thati operation in the Annex 3 to each registered TI/ of buying by the VAT payer of goods CC. At the stoppage of registration, from the non-payer of VAT with a view VAT payers must provide scan copies to their subsequent resale is possible of documents, the details of which were from a legal, but questionable from an specified in Annexes 3. The procedure economic point of view. First of all, it is for denial of registration or authoriza- proposed to apply a stopping procedure tion for registration is the same as for for all operations on the shipment of the type of the goods 11. goods of this type, the volume of which For products of the types 4, 5, 8, 13 exceeds the amount of 85 thousand (high risk), it is also proposed to ex- UAH per month. In addition, it is pand the scope of the TI/CC which are suggested that the payer to fill out the the subject to monitoring, similar to the application with the conventional name measures for the type of goods 11. But for each such TI/CC: “Information since in transactions with goods of the on the acquisition of the shipped types 4, 5, 13, the payers are not able goods” (hereinafter, Annex 3). Such to fill in the Annex 3, they submit all application is needed to automate the documents, confirming the grounds for procedure for checking the stopped TI/ acquiring these goods and the reality of CC. It should contain the codes of the available inventories. EDRPOU for suppliers of goods and Proposals for determining the cri- the details of the documents, confirming teria for transactions with goods of the actual acquisition of these goods. the type 6 are similar to proposals for Also, for automation, it is proposed goods of the type 11, given that the risk

114 of such TI/CC depends on the reason Ukraine; Si — total tax on registered for acquisition of the products, that risky TI/CC, made up in connection are being eliminated (there will be 13 with shipment of goods of the i-th type; such possible grounds). Therefore, the ki — coefficient of risk of possibility of details of such Criteria go beyond the carrying out the “twist” operation with scope of this article. the product of i-th type (0 ≤ ki ≤ 1). 4. Proposals for registration of the The risk factors are set by the Cabi- risky TI/CC without stopping. net of Ministers, according to the eco- As described in the previous sections nomic situation. First, it is suggested of the article, we draw a conclusion that that all the ki be equal to one. a rather broad range of the TI/CC falls The measures proposed in this part within the category of risky ones. This are completely automatic, do not re- part of the article proposes measures quire the intervention of DFS employ- that will not allow stopping of the risky ees in the course of work and will make TI/CC, if the taxpayer has a sufficient use of the tax credit, accrued when re- monetary amount on his electronic ac- ceiving documents for the goods for the count in the SEA of VAT (or paid to the “twist” operation, economically unpro- budget). fitable. This system of measures cannot Within this part of the article, it is be warned only a separate case of the proposed that the VAT payer, in addi- “twists” operation, but namely: tion to information about the amount – An enterprise that performs the

Σнакл for which he has the right to regi- “twist” operation receives a prepay- ster the TI/CC, was still able to obtain ment from the client by registering the information about his right to register appropriate TI/CC and does not regis- the risky TI/CC and already registered ter the TI/CC, drawn up in connection risky TI/CC. The basis of these propo- with shipment of this product; sals is the VAT administration model, – Acquired product from offender, which consists in the fact, that the VAT the client uses as a raw material for man- payer has the right to register the risky ufacturing of other products (services). TI/CC if the inequality is fulfilled: Impossibility of warning is ex- Σ + Σ – Σ ≥ Σ k S , (1) plained by the fact, that the transfer рах спл відшкод i i of goods of unknown origin does not where Σ — amount which is on the рах fit into the system, and the Ministry of electronic account of the taxpayer in Finance does not have the authority to the SEA of VAT; Σ — the amount of спл impose separate sanctions for the fact, tax paid to the budget since the entry that the registration of the TI/CC with into force of the proposed changes in the shipping rows did not take place. this article to the law; Σ — the to- відшкод Conclusions and perspectives of tal amount of tax, declared by the payer further research. Thus, the article to the budget reimbursement (includ- shows that when receiving additional ing received budget reimbursement), information from taxpayers, the sys- taking into account the adjustments tem of electronic monitoring of TI/CC and results of inspections, carried out can be transformed from an automatic in accordance with the Tax Code of search system for offenders who carry

115 out a “twist” operation in the system of acts of Ukraine regarding provisions automatic prevention of such an opera- of balanced budget revenues in 2016”, tion. Further research should relate to available at: the development of automatic warning ua/laws/show/909-19 (Accessed 8 systems for all other tax offenses. November 2017). 7. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), The law of Ukraine “On amending the Tax Code of Ukraine (regarding the REFERENCES improvement of the investment cli- 1. Mel’nyk M. I., Leschukh I. V. (2015) mate of Ukraine)”, available at: http:// “Podatkovyj kontrol’ v Ukraini: prob- lemy ta priorytety pidvyschennia efek- 19 (Accessed 8 November 2017). tyvnosti, DU “Instytut rehional’nykh 8. The Kabinet of Ministers of Ukraine doslidzhen’ im. M. I. Dolishn’oho (2017), “On specifying grounds for NAN Ukrainy”, [Online] available at: State Fiscal Service commission on which to make decision on whether (Accessed 4 November 2017). to register the tax invoice/adjustment 2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine calculation in the Unified register of (2011), Tax Code of Ukraine, available tax inoices or to deny the such one”, at: available at: show/2755-17/page. (Accessed 4 No- ua/laws/show/190-2017-%D0%BF vember 2017). (Accessed 9 November 2017). 3. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), 9. The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine The law of Ukraine “On amending the (2017) The Order “On specifying the Tax Code of Ukraine and certain legal Criteria of evaluation of risks, sufficient acts of Ukraine regarding the tax re- for stopping the registration of tax in- form”, available at: http://zakon3.rada. voice/adjustment calculation in the (Accessed 5 Unified register of tax invoices and the November 2017). Exhaustive set of documents, sufficient 4. Keen M., Smith S. VAT fraud and eva- for making the decision of registration sion: what do we know and what can of tax invoice/adjustment calculation be done?; National Tax Journal Vol in the Unified register of tax invoices”, LIX, № 4 December 2006; available at: available at: http://search.ligazakon. ua/l_doc2.nsf/link1/RE30621.html ft/wp/2007/wp0731.pdf (Accessed 5 (Accessed 10 November 2017). November 2017). 10. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 5. Information agency “Hlavkom” (2016), (2016), The draft law “On amending “Nina Yuzhanina: Meni zdaiet’sia, scho the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding do prezydenta ne dokhodyt’ vsia in- provisions of balanced budget rev- formatsiia pro Nasirova” available at: enues in 2016”, available at: http:// yuzhanina-meni-zdajetsya-shcho-do- webproc4_1?pf3511=62878 (Accessed prezidenta-ne-dohodit-vsya-infor- 12 December 2017). maciya-vidnosno-nasirova-353361. 11. Hrona A. V. (2017), “Zakonomirnosti html (Accessed 7 November 2017). formuvannia prozoroi systemy admin- 6. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), istruvannia PDV”, [Online] available The law of Ukraine “On amending the at: Tax Code of Ukraine and certain legal 0B50J0x32KvJ8Nm9IVzdCeUJrSDg/

116 view?usp=sharing. (Accessed 14 No- 6. Верховна Рада України (2016) За- vember 2017) кон України “Про внесення змін до Податкового Кодексу України та Список використаних деяких законодавчих актів України щодо забезпечення збалансованості джерел бюджетних надходжень у 2016 році” 1. Мельник М. І., Лещух І. В. (2015) По- [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим датковий контроль в Україні: про- доступу: блеми та пріоритети підвищення laws/show/909-19 (Дата звернення — ефективності, ДУ “Ін-т регіональ- 8 листопада 2017). них досліджень ім. М. І. Долішньо- 7. Верховна Рада України (2016) Закон го НАН України” [Електронний України “Про внесення змін до По- ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// даткового кодексу України (щодо (Дата покращення інвестиційного клімату звернення — 4 листоп. 2017). в Україні)” [Електронний ресурс]. — 2. Верховна Рада України (2010), По- Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada. датковий кодекс України [Елек- (Дата тронний ресурс]. — Режим досту- звернення — 8 листопада 2017). пу: 8. Кабінет Міністрів України (2017) show/2755-17/page (Дата звернен- Постанова “Про встановлення під- ня – 4 листопада 2017). став для прийняття рішення комі- 3. Верховна Рада України (2014) Закон сією Державної фіскальної служби України “Про внесення змін до По- про реєстрацію податкової наклад- даткового кодексу України та деяких ної/розрахунку коригування в Єди- законодавчих актів України щодо ному реєстрі податкових накладних податкової реформи” [Електронний або про відмову в такій реєстрації” ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: 19 (Дата звернення — 5 листопада laws/show/190-2017-%D0%BF (Дата 2017). звернення — 9 листопада 2017). 4. Keen M., Smith S. (2006) VAT fraud and 9. Міністерство Фінансів України evasion: what do we know and what (2017) Наказ “Про затвердження can be done?; National Tax Journal Vol Критеріїв оцінки ступеня ризиків, LIX, No 4 December 2006; available at: достатніх для зупинення реєстрації податкової накладної/розрахунку ft/wp/2007/wp0731.pdf (Дата звер- коригування в Єдиному реєстрі по- нення — 6 листопада 2017). даткових накладних та Вичерпного 5. Інформаційне агентство “Главком” переліку документів, достатніх для (2016) Ніна Южаніна: Мені здаєть- прийняття рішення про реєстрацію ся, що до президента не доходить вся податкової накладної/розрахунку інформація про Насірова [Електрон- коригування в Єдиному реєстрі по- ний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: даткових накладних” [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// yuzhanina-meni-zdajetsya-shcho-do- prezidenta-ne-dohodit-vsya-infor- RE30621.html (Дата звернення — maciya-vidnosno-nasirova-353361. 10 листопада 2017). html (Дата звернення — 7 листопада 10. Верховна Рада України (2016) Про- 2017). ект Закону “Про внесення змін до

117 Податкового кодексу України щодо 11. Грона А. В. Закономірності форму- забезпечення збалансованості бю- вання прозорої системи адміністру- джетних надходжень у 2018 році” вання ПДВ [Електронний ресурс]. — [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим до- Режим доступу: ступу: com/file/d/0B50J0x32KvJ8Nm9 zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=62878 IVzdCeUJrSDg/view?usp=sharing (Дата звернення — 12 грудня 2017). (Дата звернення — 14 листоп. 2017).

118 UDC: 351:378:796.011.3(477) Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Management and Adminis- tration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshalа Bazhanovа, 17, (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дєгтяр Олег Андрійович, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту і адміністрування, Харківський національ- ний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дегтярь Олег Андреевич, доктор наук по государственному управле- нию, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмен- та и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хо- зяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харь- ков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Vavrenyuk Sergey Anatolievich, PhD in Public Administration, lecturer of the Department of pyrotechnic and special train- ing, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 61023, Kharkiv, Str. Chernyshevskа, 94, tel.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: nuczu@mns. ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 Вавренюк Сергій Анатолійович, кандидат наук з державного управління, викладач кафедри піротехнічної та спеціаль- ної підготовки, Національний університет цивільного захисту України, 61023, м. Хар- ків, вул. Чернишевська, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 Вавренюк Сергей Анатольевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, преподаватель кафедры пиротехни- ческой и специальной подготовки, Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины, 61023, г. Харьков, ул. Чернышевская, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: nuczu@ ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 DOI 119 REGULATION OF THE MECHANISM OF PREPAREDNESS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS BY PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS Abstract. The study analyzes and summarizes the system of forming readiness for the development of physical culture of students in higher education institu- tions of Ukraine, taking into account regional features, the possibilities of con- structive reflection, integrated self-development and personality formation, ready for self-determination, self-improvement and self-development in the physical culture system. It was revealed that one of the most important components of the design of the system for the formation of young people’s physical culture is the level of health that was formed in the process of their life. Despite centuries of at- tempts to study human health, it still has no clear criteria for evaluation. Despite the large number of definitions, points of view on the nature of health, so far there is no unity of approaches to its definition. It does not, however, cause doubts and the fact that health must reflect the ability of a person to maintain his homeostasis through adaptation to changing environment conditions, that is, to actively resist such changes in order to preserve and prolong life. Therefore, when designing a system for the formation of students’ physical culture, it is necessary to know the features of the territories inhabited by students of higher educational establish- ments for the development of practical recommendations for the prevention of diseases and the introduction of changes in working curricula. It is noted that readiness for the development of physical culture in students is a new qualitative characteristic of a person with a high level of competence, self-development abi- lity, self-perfection, self-development in the field of physical culture that is able to distinguish from it in the process of physical education in higher educational es- tablishments. forming components in the process of self-development and profes- sional formation. It is proved that the structure of readiness for the development of physical culture among students of higher educational institutions is a multi- component model consisting of motivation-purposeful, informative, operational- functional and reflection modules. Keywords: physical culture, physical readiness, sports-oriented technologies, state of health, improving technologies of teaching, multi-criteria approach. РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ МЕХАНІЗМУ ГОТОВНОСТІ ДО РОЗВИТКУ СТУДЕНТІВ ФІЗИЧНОЮ КУЛЬТУРОЮ І СПОРТОМ Анотація. Досліджено, проаналізовано та узагальнено системи формуван- ня готовності до розвитку фізичної культури студентів у ВНЗ України з ура- хуванням регіональних особливостей, можливості конструктивної рефлексії, комплексного саморозвитку і формування особи, готової до самовизначен- ня, самоудосконалення і саморозвитку в системі фізичної культури. Вияв- лено, що одним з найбільш важливих компонентів проектування системи

120 формування фізичної культури молоді є рівень здоров’я, який сформувався в процесі їх життєдіяльності. Незважаючи на багатовікові спроби вивчення здоров’я людини, воно досі не має чітких критеріїв оцінки. Незважаючи на велику кількість визначень, точок зору про суть здоров’я, до теперішнього часу немає єдності підходів його визначення. Не викликає, проте, сумніви та обставина, що здоров’я має відбивати здатність людини зберігати свій го- меостаз через адаптацію до умов середовища, що міняються, тобто активно чинити опір таким змінам з метою збереження і продовження життя. Тому при проектуванні системи формування фізичної культури студентської мо- лоді необхідно знати особливості територій, на яких проживали студенти ви- щих навчальних закладів, для розробки практичних рекомендацій профілак- тики захворювань і внесення змін в робочі навчальні програми. Відмічено, що готовність до розвитку фізичної культури у студентів — це сформована в процесі фізкультурної освіти у вищих навчальних закладах нова якісна характеристика особи, що має високий рівень компетентності, здатність до самовизначення, самоудосконалення, саморозвитку у сфері фізичної культу- ри, що уміє виокремлювати з неї релевантні формуючі компоненти в процесі саморозвитку і професійного становлення. Доведено, що структура готовно- сті до розвитку фізичної культури у студентів вищих навчальних закладів є багатокомпонентною моделлю, що складається з мотиваційно-цільового, змістовного, операційно-функціонального і рефлексії модулів. Ключові слова: фізична культура, фізична підготовленість, спортивно- орієнтовані технології, стан здоров’я, оздоровчі технології навчання, підхід за багатьма критеріями. РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ МЕХАНИЗМА ГОТОВНОСТИ К РАЗВИТИЮ СТУДЕНТОВ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРОЙ И СПОРТОМ Аннотация. Исследована, проанализирована и обобщена система форми- рования готовности к развитию физической культуры студентов в ВУЗах Ук- раины с учетом региональных особенностей, возможностей конструктивной рефлексии, комплексного саморазвития и формирования личности, готовой к самоопределению, самосовершенствованию и саморазвитию в системе фи- зической культуры. Выявлено, что одним из наиболее важных компонентов проектирования системы формирования физической культуры молодежи является уровень здоровья, который сформировался в процессе их жизнеде- ятельности. Несмотря на многовековые попытки изучения здоровья челове- ка, оно до сих пор не имеет четких критериев оценки. Несмотря на большое количество определений, точек зрения о сути здоровья, до настоящего време- ни нет единства подходов его определения. Не вызывает, однако, сомнения то обстоятельство, что здоровье должно отражать способность человека со- хранять свой гомеостаз через адаптацию к условиям среды, меняются, то есть активно сопротивляться таким изменениям с целью сохранения и продления жизни. Поэтому при проектировании системы формирования физической культуры студенческой молодежи необходимо знать особенности террито-

121 рий, на которых проживали студенты высших учебных заведений, для разра- ботки практических рекомендаций по предотвращению заболеваний и вне- сению изменений в рабочие учебные программы. Отмечено, что готовность к развитию физической культуры у студентов — это сложившаяся в процессе физкультурного образования в высших учебных заведениях новая качест- венная характеристика лица, имеющего высокий уровень компетентности, способность к самоопределению, самосовершенствованию, саморазвитию в области физической культуры, умеет выделять из нее релевантные форми- рующие компоненты в процессе саморазвития и профессионального станов- ления. Доказано, что структура готовности к развитию физической культуры у студентов высших учебных заведений является многокомпонентной моде- лью, состоящей из мотивационно-целевого, содержательного, операционно- функционального и рефлексии модулей. Ключевые слова: физическая культура, физическая подготовленность, спортивно-ориентированные технологии, состояние здоровья, оздорови- тельные технологии обучения, многокритериальный подход.

Problem statement. Analysis of Institutions (HEI) of Ukraine is a mul- scientific-methodical literature and ticomponent model. The multi-criteria generalization of advanced experi- approach is one of the cornerstones of ence of the departments of physical innovation education, including in the education at Higher Education Insti- field of Physical Education (PE). This tutions (HEI) of Ukraine reflects the approach is a promising solution to the crisis of the discipline ‘Physical Edu- problems of formation of readiness for cation (PE)’, which has started, since development of Physical Education 90’s. One of the areas in solving these (PE) of students in Higher Education problems is increasing sporting activi- Institutions (HEI) of Ukraine. ties of physical activity in educational Analysis of recent publications on institutions. Modern sports training research issues. S. M. Dombrovska, system is extremely complex social V. G. Ariefiev, M. D. Zubalii, T. Yu. Kru- phenomenon. Planning is one of the sevych, A. S. Kuts, R. T. Raievskii, most important aspects that provides S. M. Sinhaievskyi, B. M. Shyian, consistency and commitment of the A. D. Dubohai and others devoted their management process. A technology of researches to the improvement and de- training was developed to implement velopment of the System of Physical the system of readiness for the deve- Education of student youth. lopment of students’ physical education However, the availability of these in the higher education institutions of studies, the results obtained and the Ukraine, taking into account regional developed scientific and methodologi- peculiarities. Structure of readiness for cal recommendations in the above- development of Physical Education mentioned directions can be used to (PE) of students in Higher Education solve urgent modern problems of field

122 management, namely to promote the the multicriteria approach. Multicri- efficiency of public authorities in the teria approach also includes systemic development of physical culture and physical culture and health knowledge, sports. At the same time, a systematic subject experience, skills and abilities analysis of available sources suggests necessary for solving Education (PE) that they are too general or a very pro- and health issues of social infrastruc- fessional nature. In addition, the theo- ture. retical foundations of state manage- It should be noted that it is expedi- ment of physical culture and sports in ent to analyse the state of components higher educational establishments for of socio-cultural readiness in the re- student youth are considered episodi- gions of Ukraine as an objective factor cally, without the use of an integrated ensuring its effective functioning in or- approach, which results in the absence der to form a social order for the design of scientifically substantiated conclu- of systems for forming the readiness of sions, recommendations and proposals students for the development of Educa- that should contribute to a qualitative tion (PE). solution to the problems related to the By studying the criteria for assess- development of the field. ing the regional peculiarities of the de- The purpose of this article is to ana- velopment of Physical Education (PE), lyse and predict the model of multi- we have identified a group of factors year training of a specialist in physical that can be combined with such con- education and sport in a higher educa- cepts as sociocultural readiness for the tion institution. development of the PE is an integral Presenting the main material of re- qualitative characteristic of the life of search. The main purpose of Physical the population, based on public health, Education (PE) in the first place will as a result of the influence of economic be to meet the needs of students, as development of the region, ecologi- well as society as a whole, however, in cal status, climatic and geographical the formation of spiritual and physical features and development of physical development of the individual, which education (financing, sufficient num- will contribute to the growth of living ber of skilled personnel, development of standards and the formation of high modern material and technical the base Education (PE) and recreational com- of sports and the number of people en- petence of the trainees. gaged in various kinds of Physical Edu- We propose to understand the com- cation (PE). plex system of personality formation, The criteria for the component of which contains motivational and value socio-cultural readiness is the develop- orientations aimed at a healthy life- ment of Physical Education (PE) in- style, together with emotional and vo- cluding an assessment of the state of de- litional components that help to ensure velopment of the material and technical the readiness of the specialist for physi- base (number of structures and capa- cal self-improvement through means of city), funding (the amount of funds al- Education (PE) and sports in the field located per person engaged in sports), of Education (PE) of students, under the number of those engaged in sports

123 sections and in educational institu- of a new image of the world and a new, tions [1]. inscribed in this image and system of One of the most important com- cultural activity of a person. On the one ponents of designing a system for the hand, the educational process is cor- formation of young people’s Physical related with their socially meaningful Education (PE) is the level of health content, and with another, it is driven that was formed in the process of their by the experiences of the student as a life-sustaining activities (lifestyles). subject of the educational process and Despite centuries of attempts to study the media of their own culture. In this human health, it still has not any clear situation, the student realizes the free- criteria for evaluation. Despite the large dom of choice, the individuality of his number of definitions, points of view on educational path, as a result of which the nature of health, so far there is not he acquires his cultural identity. Per- any unity of approaches to its defini- son perceives education in the field of tion. Physical Education (PE) as a compo- However, it does not cause doubts nent of their own lifestyle, can create by and the fact that health must reflect the him, subordinate education to the goals ability of a person to maintain his ho- of personal growth in this case only [3, meostasis through adaptation to chang- p. 12]. ing environment conditions, that is, to Education becomes a factor in the actively resist such changes in order to person’s mental activity and the form of preserve and prolong life. its cultural existence at the same time. Therefore, when designing a system Education is largely determined by the for the formation of students’ Physical logic of the process of personality de- Education (PE), it is necessary to know velopment, awareness of their needs the features of the territories inhabited and goals at the same time. The condi- by students of the Higher Education tions should be created for this purpose Institution (HEI) for the development in which there are processes of develop- of practical recommendations for dis- ment and self-development, education ease prevention and the introduction and self-education, education and self- of changes in the Working Curriculum. education. Health at the population level is char- Thus, increasing the motivational acterized by a set of quantitative pa- and valuable relationship of students rameters, among which a special place to Physical Education (PE) and sports occupy the indicators of morbidity and will be effective if the proposed the markers of the health and demographic Physical Education (PE) Curriculum situation in the first place, fertility, mor- take into account the inquiries and tality and infant mortality [2, p. 89]. needs of students in the field of Physi- Updating and deepening the con- cal Education (PE) and sports, taking tent of education in the field of Physi- into account age-gender and socio- cal Education (PE), primarily, is associ- demographic characteristics. Priority ated with the most complete realization of sport oriented approach in the edu- of its cultural-forming functions. Its cational process at higher education socio-cultural essence is the formation institutions of Ukraine will allow the

124 continuity of the sports movement and ing program in the field of sport is a remove the contradiction between the students’ need, which must be taken request and implementation of it by the into account when organizing the ed- students in the types of athletic sport- ucational process and correcting the ing activities. content of the working curriculum (see Focusing on the health effects of Table) [5, p. 17]. the HEIs’ educational programs can be Studying the motivational and value partly solved in the higher education relation of students to physical educa- system objectively, in this way it can- tion and sports has allowed allocating not be a priority only. Factors of human nine main motivations that reflect this life (heredity, ecology and lifestyle) are relation: physical perfection, friendly so large that the share of ‘motor activity solidarity, rivalry, imitation and sports, on health’ is 50 % in the ‘good case’ and etc. is less than 10 % in ‘worst case’. There- It should be noted that there are fore getting a real fast result from this some differences between both boys Program is difficult. The professional- and girls students in physical educa- applied orientation of the Working tion and sports, who require careful at- Curriculum for the HEI students tention from lecturers to the training reduces its importance due to the fact organization. In our opinion, the diffe- that the physical qualities, included rences between the motivation of girls in the zone of occupational risk, have and boys may be explained by their at- a remote effect of obtaining the result titude to occupations, as well as the and, in turn, restrain the overall, har- value that Physical Education (PE) monious development of the individual and sports in their lives take place. [4, p. 7] According to data from Reference [5], The Sport-Oriented Curriculum for for girls the most valuable were fig- students, aimed at in-depth study of in- ures such as figure correction (almost dividual sports and modern motor sys- 45 %), health promotion (38 %) and tems, allow you to obtain results from motor skills enrichment (35 %), while a type of activity in terms of competi- boys prefer to attend classes satisfac- tions, control tests, assess abilities and tion with the needs of the movement form a steady need for regular training. (58 %), are interested in the original It is justified for students who are prac- types of motor activity (44 %), as well tically healthy but not trained enough as the ability to increase their level of for classes in the sports perfection de- physical fitness (32 %). partment where preparation of teams It is noteworthy that while study- for participation in student competi- ing the negative motivation of hetero- tions of different levels is carried out. geneous groups, any particular differ- Focusing on the training effect is ences were not identified, among them an optimizing factor for the develop- the following indicators can be distin- ment of basic physical qualities that is guished: specific sporting specialization necessary for adolescence when active (55 %), inability to comply with con- processes of physical development take trol standards (51 %) and low level of place. Therefore, the choice of a train- physical preparedness (42 %).

125 Dynamics of the choice of sports and modern motor systems of students depending on age (%) Age, years Kinds of sport item № of 16 17 18 19 20 21 and elder GIRLS Number of participants 102 300 129 50 45 42 1 Badminton 1,9 4,6 3,1 4,0 20,0 – 2 Basketball 17,9 6,2 3,9 8,0 – 16,6 3 Volleyball 12,7 27,2 27,9 10,0 15,5 21,4 4 Handball 3,9 – – – – 5 Rhythmic gymnastics 25,8 24,2 2,3 4,0 – – 6 Aerobics 8,8 10,3 21,7 10,0 28,8 30,9 7 Shaping 0,9 4,3 3,9 28,0 24,4 19,3 8 Athletics (Recreational jogging) 1,9 2,6 3,1 – – – 9 Table tennis 10,7 9,3 13,2 24,0 – 9,5 10 Mini soccer 0,9 5,3 12,4 – 6,6 – 11 Self-defence course 15,4 6,0 8,5 12,0 4,7 2,3 12 Chess 1,9 – – – – BOYS Number of participants 104 384 120 47 53 35 1 Armsport – – 15,8 10,6 26,4 8,5 2 Athletic Gymnastics 2,8 9,6 5,8 17,0 9,4 17,1 3 Badminton 1,9 – – – – – 4 Basketball 22,1 14,0 9,1 23,4 5,6 – 5 Boxing – – – 1,8 8,5 6 Wrestling 6,7 7,3 7,5 19,1 16,9 20,0 7 Volleyball 20,1 19,2 – – 24,7 11,4 8 Handball 4,8 2,8 – – – – 9 Kettlebell lifting 3,8 5,9 – 1,8 – 10 Karate Do 3,9 4,9 3,6 – – – 11 Athletics (Recreational jogging) 1,9 2,6 – – – 5,7 12 Table tennis 6,7 4,7 10,8 8,5 – – 13 Taekwondo 3,9 – – – – – 14 Powerlifting 2,9 2,8 17,5 4,5 – – 15 Football 3,9 9,1 19,1 12,7 – 17,4 16 Mini football 5,9 – – – 13,4 – 17 Self-defence course 8,7 17D 10,8 4,2 – 11,4 This state indicates that the results tional process, together with the intro- obtained during the study should be duction of a differentiated approach to used in the construction of the educa- work with students of different sex, in-

126 cluding determining types of motor ac- the dynamics of the formation of mo- tivity and when planning the content tives to engage in sports. of physical education classes. At the same time, sports motives In order to increase this component become relevant and personal to the of the multi-criteria approach as indi- student when they interact with edu- viduality, in our view, it is necessary to cational and professional motives. foresee the same for individual classes Thus, we can say that based on the for students of both sexes. It is impor- motives of physical education, apply- tant to take into account not only dif- ing an individual approach to differ- ferent standards, but also to assume in ent types of personality trainees, we the construction of educational work can educate the necessary attitude to different orientation classes. So, the physical education and sport, based choice of subject matter should not be on the developed optimal forms and limited to a particular sport of choice, it methods of organizing classes that is possible to put the selection of sports will the best meet the interests of stu- on interests in the foreground, to vary dents. forms, means and methods of organiza- Undoubtedly, satisfying the inter- tion of classes. ests of students is an essential way in We note that the construction of strengthening their health, promot- educational process, limited by the ing independent exercises in Physical framework of the normative approach, Education (PE) and sports, which in which involves only external indica- general will have a positive effect on a tors, and does not pay attention to healthy lifestyle. the learners themselves, leads to a So, we assume that the following negative attitude towards sports and pedagogical conditions need to be tak- the reluctance to engage in physical en into account for the effective forma- education. This becomes the reason tion of the value attitude of students that many students do not perceive to Physical Education (PE), which is Physical Education (PE) as a disci- based on the application of the multi- pline that has its own scientific and criteria approach: practical content, concepts and prin- 1. Improvement the value attitude ciples, patterns and methods of acti- to Physical Education (PE) and sports vity. It is also determined that many can be based on a differentiated ap- students associate physical educa- proach to constructing training ses- tion with a purely mechanical acti- sions, which is based on studying the vity. Therefore, the formation of posi- motivation of students and their per- tive motivation for physical education sonal preferences, which allows deter- and sports students of Higher Educa- mining the inclination of an individual tion Institutions (HEI) should be one to take a particular sport. of the bases of effective professional 2. Based on the activity approach, training for further practical activities. which manifests itself in the inclusion And the process of its activation will be of all students in different types of more successful, if to allocate objective physical activity, each student should and subjective factors that determine be able to choose the field that most

127 closely matches his physical capabili- • Relation of physical education ties, interests and preferences. with the labour and military practice. 3. It is necessary to achieve the maxi- Physical and spiritual development mum correlation between the structure of student youth, organically comple- of Physical Education (PE) and sport ment each other and contributes to the activities in the HEI and the direction increase of social activity of the person. and content of the process of profes- Student’s age is especially important. It sionalization, which involves prepar- is expressed in the active mastering of ing the student for future professional the full range of social functions of an activities. It is important to ensure the adult, including civil, socio-political, interaction of physical education with vocational and labour. the professional orientation of the per- Physical Education (PE) is a means sonality of the future specialist, which not only for the physical improvement should be aimed at the valuable under- and rehabilitation, but also for the edu- standing of sports as one of the ways to cation of young people’s social, work effectively perform social and profes- and creative activity, which significant- sional functions. ly influences the development of the 4. In order to increase the intensity social structure of society. In particular, of the process of Physical Education the fulfilment of their socio-occupa- (PE) in Higher Education Institutions tional functions depends on the physi- (HEI), it is necessary to increase the cal preparedness, health, and the level number of physical education classes by of efficiency of future specialists in the involving students in physical training national economy. and sports activities of university sports The multifunctional nature of physi- sections. Such systematic classes will cal education places it in the number of contribute to the more active formation areas of socially useful activity in which of the physical culture of the individual. the social activity and creativity of 5. With the help of expanding the young people are formed and manifest- range of knowledge of sport and recrea- ed. These studies suggest that the skills tion activities, its value assignment for of social and professional activities ac- the individual and society, it is possible quired through physical education are to shift the emphasis of students from successfully transferred to other ac- the traditional administrative direction tivities. Physical culture allows us to of sport and recreation activities to its present in certain forms and directions recreational, pedagogic, educational certain aspects of the essence of man and vocational and developmental po- (manifestation of character, will and tential. determination) and creates conditions To solve all the above tasks should for social activity. follow certain principles, which consist A comprehensive solution to the of: tasks of Physical Education (PE) in • Comprehensive development of higher education institutions ensures personality; the readiness of graduates for more • Health improvement of physical active production activities, the abi- education; lity to master skills faster, and develop

128 new labour (vocational) professions. activities, teaching technologies, an Physical Education (PE) contributes increasing diversity of organizational to the manifestation of the best quali- forms of learning, and evidence of the ties of the student’s personality. At the strengthening of innovative processes same time, one of the most important in education. One of the cornerstones social needs as communication with of innovation education, including people is realized at a high emotional in the field of physical education, is level. The benefits of sport as a social a multi-criteria approach. It involves phenomenon are its attractiveness for the accounting conflicting interests in young people, its ‘language’ is accessi- the targeting of the education system, ble and understandable to everyone, to which binds into a single whole the task man, his benefit to health is undeniable of forming the content of physical edu- [6, p. 200]. By influence of action on a cation, its outlook and moral aspects, person, physical education goes to one allows take into account national and of the central places in the cultural life regional specifics. of society as one of the spheres of social This approach is one of the most and state (public) activities and is an promising in solving the problems of important means of enriching culture. formation of readiness for the deve- Thus, the students’ readiness for lopment of Physical Education (PE) the development of physical educa- of the HEI students, since it opens up tion is a new qualitative characteristic the possibility of constructive reflec- of a person with a high level of com- tion, complex self-development and the petence, ability to self-determination, formation of a person ready for self-de- self-development, self-development termination, self-development and self- in the field of physical education in development in the system of Physical Higher Education Institutions (HEI) Education (PE). that is able to distinguish the relevant shaping components from it in the pro- cess of Physical Education (PE) in the process of self-development and profes- REFERENCES sional formation. Structure of readiness 1. Schokin H. V. (2005), Upravlinnia for development of Physical Education sotsial’nym rozvytkom: zahal’na kont- (PE) of the students of Higher Educa- septsiia [Managed social network: gen- tion Institutions (HEI) is a multicom- eral concept], MAUP, Kyiv, Ukraine. ponent model, consisting of: motiva- 2. Platonov V. N. (2001) Teoryia sporta: tional and targeted, content-related, ucheb. [Theory of sport: textbook], operational and functional modules and Vyscha shkola, Kyiv, Ukraine. module of reflection. 3. Puni A. Тs. (2000), Problema osoby- stosti v psykholohii sportu: lektsiia Conclusions and prospects for dlia slukhachiv fakul’tetu pidvyschen- further research. Modern tendencies nia kvalifikatsii [The problem of per- of science development in Ukraine are sonality in the psychology of sports: characterized by a change in the para- lecture for students of the faculty of digms of thinking and types of educa- professional development], Yzd-vo tion, a change in the nature of learning HTsOLIFK, Kyiv, Ukraine.

129 4. Michuda Yu. P. (2008), “Function- Г. В. Щокін. — К.: МАУП, 2005. — ing and development of the sphere of 184 с. physical culture and sports in the mar- 2. Теория спорта: учебник / под. ред. ket conditions” Ph.D. Thesis, Physical В. Н. Платонова. — К.: Вища шк., education and sport, National Univer- 2001. — 424 с. sity of Physical Education and Sports 3. Пуні А. Ц. Проблема особистості в of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. психології спорту: лекція для слуха- 5. Il’nyts’kyj V. I. (2000), Fizychne vy- чів факультету підвищення кваліфі- khovannia u navchal’nykh zakladakh кації / А. Ц. Пуні. — К., 2000. — 28 с. [Physical education in educational in- 4. Мічуда Ю. П. Функціонування та stitutions], Ukrmedknyha, Ternopil’, розвиток сфери фізичної культури Ukraine. та спорту в умовах ринку : автореф. 6. Hasiuk I. L. (2013), Mekhanizmy дис. … д-ра наук з фіз. виховання та derzhavnoho upravlinnia fizych- спорту : спец. 24.00.02 / Ю. П. Мічу- noiu kul’turoiu ta sportom v Ukraini, да ; Нац. ун-т фізичного виховання [Mechanisms of state management та спорту України. — К., 2008. — 39 с. of physical culture and sports in 5. Ільницький В. І. Фізичне виховання Ukraine], Natsional’na akademiia der- у навчальних закладах / В. І. Іль- zhavnoho upravlinnia pry Prezyden- ницький, Є. А. Ясінський. — Терно- tovi Ukrainy, Kyiv, Ukraine. піль, 2000. — 260 с. 6. Гасюк І. Л. Організаційна структура державного управління фізичною Список використаних культурою і спортом в Україні / джерел І. Л. Гасюк // Університетські наук. записки: часопис ХУУП. — Х. : 1. Щокін Г. В. Управління соціальним Вид-во ХУУП, 2010. — № 3 (35). — розвитком: загальна концепція / С. 195–203.

130 UDC: 35:354: 002.8

Zubchyk Oleg Anatoliovych, PhD in Philosophy, Associate professor, Associate professor of Public Administra- tion, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, 01601, Str. Volodymyrska, 64/13, tel.: (044) 239 31 23, e-mail: zub- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6480-409X Зубчик Олег Анатолійович, кандидат філософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри державного управління, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, 01601, м. Київ, вул. Во- лодимирська, 64/13, тел.: (044) 239 31 23, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6480-409X Зубчик Олег Анатольевич, кандидат философских наук, доцент, до- цент кафедры государственного управ- ления, Киевский национальный универси- тет имени Тараса Шевченко, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 64/13, тел.: (044) 239 31 23, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6480-409X DOI


Abstract. The content of the definitions of the efficiency of government is analyzed. Administrative efficiency is considered in the context of the subject field of public administration science. The methods and models of research of competitiveness of countries are presented. It is shown that competitiveness as an analytical tool provides an opportunity to study the efficiency of public ad- ministration. Administrative efficiency is a factor in increasing the competitive- ness of the country. It is noted that the task of administrative efficiency as an in- dicator is a reflection of the understanding of the activities of institutions, which depends on the efficiency and behavior of both public and private participants.

131 This is the legal and administrative framework within which individuals, firms and governments interact with one another. It determines the quality of state institutions. Through this tool, the country affects the competitiveness of the country, the growth of the economy and the welfare of society. Ineffective state governance is not only a widespread phenomenon, which is associated with high costs for society, but rather often due to the lack of accepted models of efficiency analysis, it leads to irresponsibility. Therefore, the introduction and dissemina- tion in the practice of research, analysis and advising on the achievements of the scientific theory of public administration, in particular, the results of in-depth research on competitiveness, not only economic indicators, but also the assess- ment of the implications of socio-political and managerial phenomena and pro- cesses that are important for the stable development, will promote occupation of the leading place scientific management (management) independent of political ideology. It is noted that today matrix methods play an important role in the strategic analysis of politics. However, they all need complete and reliable infor- mation regarding the state of the state policy segment, strengths and weaknesses. In this regard, the construction of matrices should be accompanied by constant work on the collection of information, which in our time is not implemented on a systematic basis. Keywords: efficiency, state administration, administration, state policy, com- petitiveness of the country. АДМІНІСТРАТИВНА ЕФЕКТИВНІСТЬ ЯК ПРЕДМЕТ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ НАУКИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ТА ФАКТОР ПІДВИЩЕННЯ КОНКУРЕНТОСПРОМОЖНОСТІ КРАЇНИ Анотація. Проаналізовано зміст визначень ефективності державного управління. Розглянуто адміністративну ефективність у контексті предмет- ного поля науки державного управління. Наведено методики та моделі дослі- дження конкурентоспроможності країн. Показано, що конкурентоспромож- ність як аналітичний інструмент дає можливість досліджувати ефективність державного управління. Адміністративна ефективність є фактором підви- щення конкурентоспроможності країни. Відмічено, що завдання адміністра- тивної ефективності як показника — це відображення розуміння діяльності інститутів, яка залежить від ефективності і поведінки як державних, так і приватних учасників. Це правова та адміністративна основа, в рамках якої особи, фірми та уряди взаємодіють між собою. Саме вона визначає якість державних установ. Через цей інструмент країна впливає на конкуренто- спроможність країни, зростання економіки і добробут суспільства. Неефективне державне управління є не лише розповсюдженим явищем, пов’язане з великими витратами для суспільства, а досить часто й завдяки відсутності прийнятих моделей аналізу ефективності призводить до безвід- повідальності. Тому уведення та поширення в практиці дослідження, при аналізі та консультуванні здобутків наукової теорії державного управління,

132 зокрема, результатів глибоких досліджень конкурентоспроможності, не лише економічних показників, а оцінки наслідків важливих для стабільного роз- витку суспільно-політичних та управлінських явищ і процесів, сприятиме за- йняттю провідного місця наукового управління (менеджменту) незалежного від політичної ідеології. Зауважено, що сьогодні матричні методи відіграють важливу роль у стратегічному аналізі політики. Проте всі вони потребують повної та надійної інформації відносно стану сегменту державної політики, сильних та слабких сторін. У зв’язку з цим побудова матриць повинна супро- воджуватись постійною роботою зі збору інформації, що в наш час не здійс- нюється на системній основі. Ключові слова: ефективність, державне управління, адміністрація, дер- жавна політика, конкурентоспроможність країни. АДМИНИСТРАТИВНАЯ ЭФЕКТИВНОСТЬ КАК ПРЕДМЕТ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ НАУКИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ И ФАКТОР ПОВЫШЕНИЯ КОНКУРЕНТОСПОСОБНОСТИ СТРАНЫ Аннотация. Проанализировано содержание определений эффективности государственного управления. Рассмотрена административная эффектив- ность в контексте предметного поля науки государственного управления. Приведены методики и модели исследования конкурентоспособности стран. Показано, что конкурентоспособность как аналитический инструмент дает возможность исследовать эффективность государственного управления. Ад- министративная эффективность является фактором повышения конкурен- тоспособности страны. Отмечено, что задача административной эффектив- ности как показателя — это отражение понимания деятельности институтов, которая зависит от эффективности и поведения как государственных, так и частных участников. Это правовая и административная основа в рамках лица, фирмы и правительства взаимодействуют между собой. Именно она определяет качество государственных учреждений. Благодаря этому инстру- менту страна влияет на конкурентоспособность страны, рост экономики и благосостояние общества. Неэффективное государственное управление является не только распро- страненным явлением, связано с большими затратами для общества, а за- частую и благодаря отсутствию принятых моделей анализа эффективности приводит к безответственности. Поэтому введение и распространение в пра- ктике исследования, при анализе и консультировании достижений научной теории государственного управления, в частности, результатов глубоких ис- следований конкурентоспособности, не только экономических показателей, а оценки последствий важных для стабильного развития общественно-по- литических и управленческих явлений и процессов, способствовать заня- тию ведущего места научного управления (менеджмента) независимого от политической идеологии. Замечено, что сегодня матричные методы играют важную роль в стратегическом анализе политики. Однако все они требуют

133 полной и надежной информации относительно состояния сегмента государ- ственной политики, сильных и слабых сторон. В связи с этим построение ма- триц должно сопровождаться постоянной работой по сбору информации, что в наше время не осуществляется на системной основе. Ключевые слова: эффективность, государственное управление, админи- страция, государственная политика, конкурентоспособность страны.

Formulation of the problem. One Analysis of recent research and of the features of the modern (from the publications. Effectiveness of public 50’s of the last century till the present administration — the content of the time) stage of development of public ad- concept, approaches to the evalua- ministration science — this is not only tion, the effectiveness and limitations a rethinking of the achievements of the of individual methodologies are stu- previous development of the industry, died recently quite often and meaning- and the search for a new, more effective fully (V. Averyanov, G. Atamanchuk, toolkit. The issues of structure, beha- V. Bakumenko, V. Bashtannik, M. Bol- vior, culture of the organization (con- rig, K. Weiss, E. Vedung, R. Kaplan, cept of organizational development), A. Melnyk, N. Nyzhnik, O. Obolensky, the issue of research of administrative O. Tkachev, I. Shulga). Competition, as problems, state policies, scientific sub- a social phenomenon, a political prob- stantiation (new state management) in lem and the problem of increasing the the context of improving the efficiency competitiveness of the state, country, of the functioning of the state admini- society as a subject of research in eco- stration system are being discussed. nomic and socio-humanity science, is And also, due to its adaptability, generally not new. At the same time, in flexibility, professionalism of govern- the field of state management, the sci- ment officers, making decisions based entific problem of administrative effi- on scientific validity, modern knowl- ciency as a factor of increasing the com- edge. In addition, the goal of effective petitiveness of the country, actually, is public administration is the implemen- learned a little. tation of strategies that are consistent The purpose of the article is to de- with changes in the global, regional scribe the possibilities of strengthen- markets for effective inclusion in the ing the influence of the scientific com- world economy and improving the ponent in the processes of research on country’s competitiveness, crisis mana- administrative efficiency in Ukraine, gement, structural and technological as well as on identifying innovative restructuring, and raising the standard directions of development of Ukrai- of living of the population. These stra- nian society by including in the scope tegies must be effective. They should of scientific research the concept of increase the country’s competitiveness, “competitiveness”. The research of act “ahead” and have a social orienta- competitiveness as a result of effective tion. public administration, in particular, as

134 the efficiency of administration, is of is used as an indicator of the function- great practical importance to both the ing of power, is capable to promote the states-leaders and those states that seek idea that this function of the govern- to improve their position in a constant- ment can only be found in the work of ly changing world. Competitiveness the authorities, which are separately is not only an economic indicator, it is referred to as executive or administra- an assessment of the consequences of tive authorities. They, in turn, can be important socio-political and manage- regarded as limited to the function of rial phenomena and processes that are administration ... ” [2, p. 20]1. M. Weber important for the stable development. was also convinced that politics should The task is to examine the concept of not be a profession of an official. A gov- administrative efficiency in the context ernment officer should “manageб first of understanding the competitiveness of all, objectively, and this requirement of the country, to clarify the essence of can even be applied to “political” go- improving the country’s competitive- vernment officials who carry out mana- ness as a managerial problem, to find gerial functions as professional work, out the administrative efficiency of the due to business official duty (sine ira factor of increasing the competitiveness et studio, “without anger and passion of the country. he should act”) [3, p. 161]2. Therefore, Presenting main material. V. Wil- officials are recruited into the manage- son, F. Gudnau, M. Weber — with these ment apparatus solely on the basis of names the beginning of the formation their education, professionalism and of the state administration science is competence, and these same qualities associated. Wilson’s idea of “adminis- constantly support their power. Con- trative efficiency” shows how to use ad- sequently, the task of government of- ministrative and public administration ficers is the ability to apply managerial methods of organization and mana- principles to specific situations. Profes- gement that have already proven their sional government officers are not only effectiveness based on the high profes- highly qualified specialists in spiritual sionalism of administration in business, work, but also people of honor. Wi- since “governance issues are not politi- thout this, according to M. Weber, cal issues” [1], so government officers there would be a fatal danger of horri- should be selected for their professional ble corruption and philistinism, which competence, not political affiliation, would jeopardize the purely technical gender, etc. Dividing the same opinion, efficiency of the state apparatus. F. Goodnau believed that the functions between politicians and administra- 1 tors should be clearly demarcated, with Frank Johnson Goodnow. Politics and Admi- nistration: A Study in Government. New policies controlling the activities of ad- York, The Macmillan company; London, ministrators, and the latter, in turn, are Macmillan & co., ltd. 1900. — 302 р. — URL: subject to the decision of politicians. He believed that “administration” in the politicsadminis00good/politicsadminis- 00good_bw.pdf — Accessed: 02/01/2018. nation means executive or administra- 2 Max Weber. Sociology. Historical analyzes. tive power ..., “administration”, when it Policy. — K., 1998. — P. 157–172.

135 Under the influence of these ideas, ness of the organization and operation the leading place in the theory of state of state administration” and “efficiency administration immediately was taken the activities of management bodies by the issue of scientific management and officials” [5]. (management), independent of politi- At the same time, in most foreign cal ideology. countries, when assessing the socio- Instead, G. Wright noted that there economic performance of the public are other traditions, other than Ameri- sector, they take measures of efficiency can (in terms of understanding the sub- and effectiveness. Thus, L. Prychod- ject of state administration) [4]3, where chenko, when considering the possibil- traditionally state administration is ity of increasing the efficiency of public regarded as an executive aspect of authorities, substantiated the principles government, “it seems to consist of all of evaluation. These are objectivity, sys- those activities that are needed for the temicity, differentiation for external and implementation of the course of elected internal efficiency, comparison, process officials, as well as activities associated (continuity of evaluation), complex- with the development of these courses” ity, dynamism. The author describes [4, p. 10]4. a simple model of performance evalu- These problems have not lost their ation (“purpose – input resources – relevance today. Moreover, their con- internal process – efficiency/produc- sideration received an additional tivity”), but specific criteria have not focus — analysis of state administra- been provided. At the same time, the tion, public administration and admin- author makes a generalization that the istration in terms of efficiency. How to evaluation of effectiveness depends on evaluate efficiency, effectiveness ..., etc., a number of conditions (political, eco- when it comes to the activities of state nomic, social, natural, scientific and authorities and local self-government technical) and are historically relative bodies? with the passage of time that would In the national science of state ad- be an integral part (functional, acti- ministration certain points of view are vity, expenditure) not taken into ac- offered. In particular, investigating the count subjects of its implementation [6, effectiveness of public administration, p. 8–9])5. It can be assumed that in this as a result, the relationship between the case, the efficiency is understood as the cost of its achievement, B. Bilous dis- relationship between the product and tinguishes between three key concepts the resources that went into its creation of the effectiveness of state adminis- in terms of the result, and the effective- tration: “the overall social efficiency of ness of the degree of achievement of state administration”, “the effective- the declared goals. Detailed various

3 Wright G. Public Administration / Glen 5 Prychodchenko L. Effectiveness of public au- Wright; per. from english V. Ivashko. — K.: thorities: tools and factors of evaluation / Basics, 1994. — 191 p. L. Prychodchenko // Collection of scientific 4 Wright G. Public Administration / Glen works of the National Academy of Public Ad- Wright; per. from english V. Ivashko. — K.: ministration under the President of Ukraine. Basics, 1994. — 191 p. — 2009. — Is. 1. — P. 3–12.

136 theoretical approaches to the interpre- is comparable to the cost of its achieve- tation of the concept of “efficiency of ment (and the costs include both the state governance” are also described by direct costs of the management system V. Fomin [7]6. If effectiveness is consid- and the costs of implementing manage- ered on the basis of performance — we ment decisions (A. Melnyk, O. Obolen- will receive as an indicator the result of sky, A. Vasin, L. Gordienko), we have the professionalism of the administra- the opportunity to compare the goal, tion (administrative result — adminis- purposes and resources. trative efficiency). It is a consequence of In addition, the effectiveness of the use of effective sample management state administration is also proposed to techniques, both in business, as a mea- be investigated through political and sure of resource allocation and a criteri- managerial relations with quantitative on for the final assessment of decisions and qualitative indicators. Considering on public administration. This allows such relationships as the public service for a delineation of policy and manage- system, in particular, I. Shulga [8]7, for ment, gives clear criteria to candidates, the purpose of determining the quanti- shows measurability of results, regula- tative indicators of the work of the state tion of functions, taking into account authority, applies the research of opera- motivation. However, we will have the tions of non-Markov public service sys- fact that the presence of officials in po- tems. This enabled the author, firstly, sitions reduces the efficiency of the ap- to outline the possibilities of using the paratus and, what is most important, is mathematical apparatus to study the contrary to the “rational principle” to effectiveness of political-managerial evaluate each person and the situation relations, taking into account the spe- in terms of significance and uniqueness. cifics of state-building in Ukraine, and It is also possible to speak of the limited secondly, to develop methodological “power of competence” by the “power recommendations on the application of of charisma” (Wilson, F. Goodnau, research of operations for non-Markov M. Weber). public service systems in order to deter- Effectiveness is also often consi- mine quantitative performance indica- dered both as a utility, an ability to meet tors of the state authority on concrete the needs of society, as a result — the ef- examples, and thirdly, to draw the con- fect of the subject’s influence on the ob- clusion that at the present stage of state ject of management (Y. Bajal, O. Kilie- building Ukraine has a hybrid model vich, O. Mertens, I. Rozputenko). In our of political and managerial relations, opinion, the main disadvantage is that characterized by a lack of clear distinc- here we get more subjective evaluation. When it comes to efficiency, the result 7 Shulga I. L. Political-administrative relations in the system of public administration: tenden- 6 Fomin V. V. Theoretical approaches to the inter- cies, concepts, improvement [Text]: author’s pretation of the concept of “efficiency of public abstract. thesis ... Phd in state administration administration” / V. V. Fomin // State admin- sciences: special 25.00.01 “Theory and history istration: improvement and development. — of the state. Practice” / I. L. Shulga; National 2011. — № 11. — Mode of access: http://nbuv. acad. of state administration under the Presi- dent of Ukraine. — Kyiv, 2016. — 20 p.

137 tion between politicians and govern- certain functions in the field of state, ad- ment officers, and their participation in ministrative, party, public, commercial the development of the political course management, control, supervision)? of state development [8]. At the same O. Tkacheva has investigated that the time, we can assume that this meth- widespread interpretation of the ef- odology has limitations in the study, ficiency of management (A. Melnyk, in particular, in the theory of making O. Obolensky, A. Vasin, L. Gordienko) managerial decisions. is “the result, compared with the cost of Consequently, in the national scien- its achievement (and the costs include tific thought, the effectiveness of state both direct costs of the management administration is often understood system and expenses for implementa- through the effectiveness of governance tion of managerial decisions)” [10]. (Y. Bajal, O. Kileevich, O. Mertens, At present, in Ukraine, the effective- I. Rozputenko) [9]8 as a target orien- ness of public administration is increas- tation for creating the necessary, use- ingly associated with the competences ful things that can meet certain needs, of government officers. In reforming to ensure the achievement of the end public administration in Ukraine, the results, adequate to the objectives of issue of professional competencies of management, and “effectiveness of candidates is one of the key criteria for management” — is the effect of the sub- building a new civil service system. To ject’s influence on the object of manage- this end, the Government of Ukraine ment. Therefore, an assessment of the approved the Concept for the intro- effectiveness of state administration is duction of reform specialist positions a rather difficult problem. According which is designed for the period up to to O. Tkachev, “the complexity of this 2020 and “should ensure the updating problem lies in the absence of a single and strengthening of the staffing ca- result indicator in the public sector, pacity of state bodies, significantly in- which is a profit for commercial struc- crease the effectiveness of their work on tures” [10]9. the preparation and implementation of How to measure the results of the key national reforms aimed at increas- activity of an institution of the state ing the standard of living of Ukrainian sector of management (a body of state citizens and the growth of our country’s power, local self-government, organiza- position in the world’s competitiveness tions, enterprises, etc., which performs ratings” [11]10. So, there is a need to deeper analyze, 8 Effectiveness of Public Administration / firstly, the link between the effective- Y. Bajal, O. Kilievich, O. Mertens and others; ness of state administration and the per community Ed. I. Rozputenko. — K.: I. K., competitiveness of the country, and 2002. — 420 p. 9 Tkachova O. Efficiency of State Administra- tion: Concepts and Approaches to Evaluation / 10 On approval of the Concept for the intro- O. Tkacheva // Bulletin of the National Acad- duction of reform specialist positions // emy of State Administration under the Presi- Government portal. The unified web-portal dent of Ukraine. — 2013. — № 2. — P. 30–37. — of executive bodies of Ukraine. — Mode Access mode: of access: adu_2013_2_6. — Appeal 06/01/2018 npas/249552384 — Appeal 05/01/2018.

138 secondly, to explore the analytical capa- ing European Institute of Management bilities of competitiveness more deeply. (Switzerland), which is conducting In Ukraine, the competitiveness is country research, concluding the “An- studied by the research teams of the nual rating of global competitiveness” National Institute for Strategic Stu- (The IMD World Competitiveness dies (under the direction of Y. Zhalilo Yearbook) [16]15. [12]11, the Institute of Economics The World Economic Forum ex- and Forecasting of the National Aca- perts identify competitiveness as a demy of Sciences of Ukraine (led by set of institutions, policies and factors I. Kryuchkova) [13]12, the Competi- that determine the level of productiv- tiveness Council of Ukraine (under the ity of the economy, which in turn sets direction of Yu. Poluneev)13, the Facul- the level of prosperity that the econo- ty of Economics of the Taras Shevchen- my can achieve. The Competitiveness ko National University of Kyiv (headed Index (GCI) combines 114 indicators by B. Bazylevych), the Center for Mar- that capture concepts that are relevant ket Reforms (under the leadership of to productivity and long-term pros- V. Lanovy). perity. These indicators are grouped in Competitiveness of national econo- 12 blocks: institutions, infrastructure, mies and countries is determined by macroeconomics, environment, health numerous and quite diverse factors. and primary education, higher educa- This is evidenced by the annual re- tion and training, market efficiency, la- ports of the World Economic Forum bor market efficiency, financial market (The Global Competitiveness Report), development, technological readiness, ranking countries in the Global Com- market size, business and innovation. petitiveness Index [15]14 and the lead- These pillars are organized in turn in three sub-indices: basic requirements, 11 Jalilo Y. A. Competitiveness of Ukraine efficiency improvement, innovations, economy in the conditions of globalization / factors. The three sub-indices get dif- Y. A. Jalilo, Y. B. Bazylyuk, Y. V. Belinskaya ferent weight in the calculation of the and others; for ed. Y. A. Jalilo. — K.: NISD, general index, depending on the stage 2005. — 388 p. 12 The Competitiveness of the Ukrainian Econ- of development of each individual eco- omy: Status and Prospects for Increasing / nomy, in particular, per GDP per capita Ed. Dr. of econ. sciences I. V. Kryuchkova. — and the share of raw materials exports. K: Osnova, 2007. — 488 p. The index includes statistics from in- 13 Poluneev Y. V. Competitiveness of the coun- try as a national idea or the last chance for ternational organizations (IMF, World Ukraine [Electronic resource] / Y. V. Po- Bank, United Nations specialized agen- luneev // Economic analysis. 2011 year. Is- cies) and the results of expert surveys. sue 8. Part 1. — Р. 152; Poluneev Y. V. Raising But that’s not all. So, different international competitiveness of the country as the dominant strategic crisis management methods and models of competitive- [Text] / Y. V. Poluneev / / Economic Journal — ness, indices and individual indicators XXI. — 2011. — № 1/2. — P. 23–27. 14 The Global Competitiveness Index. Report [Electronic resource] // The World Eco- 15 The IMD World Competitiveness Year- nomic Forum. — Access mode: https://www. book. — Access mode: wcc/news-wcy-ranking/

139 are currently being used. Known as velop appropriate measures for change, the classic model, Porter’s model, the if necessary. But they do not have quan- double diamond model, the nine-factor titative dimensions, they have a general model, and the model of double-duplex character of recommendations, which competitive diamond, some of which does not give real keys to identify the are described and summarized by prospects for a particular development. V. Berestchenko (2011) [17]16. In ad- Moreover, market parameters are con- dition, there are other international sidered in statics. Consequently, this ratings of countries that reflect the leads to errors in the assessment of the positions of the countries of the world prospects, competitiveness of the di- on the general statistical indicators, rections of state policy, development, as well as special social, economic and which are evaluated superficially, there political indices and ratings. Here is a are no methodological recommenda- grouping of these methods and models tions for the calculation of individual with a brief analysis of “strong” sides components (for example, such indica- and disadvantages. tors as technological capabilities, ma- Analytic, matrix models are a classic nagement level, etc.). model, a Porter model, a dual rum mo- Economic-mathematical, mathema- del, a nine-factor model, a competitive tical methods and mathematical models diamond model, a matrix of “growth of estimation and management of com- rate/market share” (BKG), a matrix petitiveness of industry, industry, re- of “industry attractiveness/position in gion, functioning in market conditions. competition” (matrix of McKinsey), They contain indicators that characte- SWOT and PEST analyzes. With their rize the competitiveness of the produced help, an assessment is made of the rele- public goods, the value and structure vance of the objectives of the manage- of capital financing the market activity ment strategy and resources, the ability (financial sector), integral indicators, to assess the current state and the pos- presented in the form of weighted aver- sibility of forecasting. The peculiarity is age characteristics, reflect the competi- that they have self-sufficiency in terms tiveness of different fields of activity, of conclusions, as well as the complex- calculation of net indicators. ity of such studies. In particular, com- Comprehensive, which are based on plex criteria have been applied that in indices. These are, in essence, aggre- more details characterize the position gated indices. Among them, such as the of the market business direction, the global competitiveness index, human attractiveness of the industry and the development, life satisfaction, democ- competitiveness of the enterprise. Us- racy, global index of peace, state failure, ing a fairly wide range of indicators to corruption perception, economic free- form a complex criterion allows you to dom, ease of doing business, logistics assess the contribution of each and de- efficiency, property rights, innovations, etc. They are characterized by detailed 16 Berestenko V. I. Modern approaches to the criteria, complexity, the ability to use analysis of national competitiveness // For- eign Trade: Economy, Finance, Law № 2. — the indicator of a beneficial effect, the 2011. — P. 62–68. simultaneous reflection of the degree of

140 satisfaction of society and the effective- fectiveness of the activities of manage- ness of activities. However, they have ment bodies and officials, have been subjective assessments, the possibi- formed, but the principles, criteria and lity of interpreting individual data, and performance factors are rather blurred, possible unevenness of the indicators. unbalanced, do not contain clear, mean- And the competition between the indi- ingful markers, but at the same time ces can lead to a distortion of the over- may not always be fully reflecting the all assessment. qualitative results of activities of the And, in the end, individual and state administration body. complex. They are based on statistics. Effectiveness of state administra- Single indicators, such as GDP/peson tion and administrative efficiency are and a set of individual indicators, for not identical, but in the content and example, indicators of living standards approaches taken to build models of (Calvert — W. Henderson). Their pecu- research on the effectiveness of public liarity is the relative simplicity and ease institutions and the implementation of of carrying out the calculation, taking state policies, often these boundaries into account individual unit indica- are missing or are not clearly seen. tors, and systematic calculations by the The task of administrative efficiency relevant institutions. Although there as an indicator is to reflect an under- may be errors in the construction of in- standing of the activities of institutions, dicators, the impossibility of operative which depends on the effectiveness and calculation without the data of statisti- behavior of both public and private ac- cal reports of responsible government tors. This is the legal and administrative agencies. framework within which individuals, It is worth noting that today matrix firms and governments interact with methods play an important role in stra- one another. It determines the quality tegic analysis of politics. However, they of state institutions. Through this tool, all need complete and reliable infor- the country affects the competitiveness mation regarding the state of the state of the country, the growth of the econo- policy segment, strengths and weak- my and the welfare of society. nesses. In this regard, the construction Ineffective state governance is not of matrices should be accompanied by only a widespread phenomenon, which constant work on the collection of in- is associated with high costs for society, formation, which in our time is not im- but rather often due to the lack of ac- plemented on a systematic basis. cepted models of efficiency analysis, it Conclusions and perspectives of leads to irresponsibility. Therefore, the further research. In the national sci- introduction and dissemination in the entific thought, the most common ap- practice of research, analysis and advis- proaches to understanding the effec- ing on the achievements of the scienti- tiveness of state administration, as the fic theory of state administration, in par- general social efficiency of state ad- ticular, the results of in-depth research ministration, as the effectiveness of the on competitiveness, not only economic organization and functioning of state indicators, but also the assessment of administration actors, as well as the ef- the implications of socio-political and

141 managerial phenomena and processes 8. Shulga I. L. (2016) Political-adminis- that are important for the stable deve- trative relations in the system of state lopment, will contribute to the occupa- administration: tendencies, concepts, tion of the leading place of scientific ad- improvement // Ph.D. Thesis, Nation- ministration (management), indepen- al Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, dent of political ideology. Ukraine. Prospects for further research are 9. Bajal Y., Kilievich O., Mertens O. and the development of tools for evaluating others (2002), Efektyvnist derzhavno- administrative efficiency. ho upravlinnia [Effectiveness of State Administration], Kyiv, Ukraine. References 10. Tkachova O. The Effectiveness of State 1. Wilson W. (1887). The Study of Ad- Administration: Concepts and Ap- ministration, Source: Political Science proaches to Evaluation [Efektyvnist Quarterly. — Vol. 2. — № 2 [Online], derzhavnoho upravlinnia: poniattia ta available at: pidkhody do otsiniuvannia] // Visnyk ble/2139277 (Accessed 25 Jan 2018). Natsionalnoi akademii derzhavnoho 2. Goodnow F. J. (1900). Politics and Ad- upravlinnia pry Prezydentovi Ukrai- ministration: A Study in Government. ny. — Is. 1. — Р. 30–37. The Macmillan company / Macmillan & 11. About the approval of the Concept Co., ltd. London, New York, UK, USA. for introduction of reform special- 3. Weber M. (1998), Sotsiolohiia. Zahal- ist positions [Pro skhvalennia Kont- noistorychni analizy. Polityka [Socio- septsii zaprovadzhennia posad fakh- logy. Historical analyzes. Policy], Kyiv, ivtsiv z pytan reform], [Online], Ukraine. Government portal. The unified web- 4. Wright G. (1994), Derzhavne uprav- portal of executive bodies of Ukraine, linnia [Public Administration], Kyiv, available at: https://www.kmu. Ukraine. — Ap- 5. Bilous V. (2009), “The Effectiveness of peal 05/01/2018 (Accessed 25 Jan the Activities of Public Authorities” 2018). Electronic Resource [Online], avail- 12. Jalilo Y. A. (2005) Konkurentospro- able at: mozhnist ekonomiky Ukrainy v umo- tivnist-diyalnosti-organivderzhavnoi- vakh hlobalizatsii [Competitiveness of vladi (Accessed 25 Jan 2018). Ukraine economy in the conditions of 6. Pryhodchenko L. (2009) Efficiency of globalization], Kyiv, Ukraine. public authority activity: tools and 13. Konkurentospromozhnist ekonomiky factors of evaluation // Zbirnyk nau- Ukrainy: stan i perspektyvy pidvy- kovykh prats Natsionalnoi akademii shchennia (2007) [Competitiveness derzhavnoho upravlinnia pry Prezy- of the Ukrainian economy: the state dentovi Ukrainy. — Is. 1. — Р. 3–12. and prospects of increase], Kyiv, 7. Fomin V. V. (2011) Theoretical ap- Ukraine. proaches to the interpretation of the 14. Poluneev Y. V. (2011) Competitiveness concept of “efficiency of state admi- of the country as a national idea or the nistration” // Derzhavne upravlinnia: last chance for Ukraine [Konkurento- udoskonalennia ta rozvytok. — № 11 spromozhnist krainy yak natsionalna [Online], available at: ideia abo ostannii shans dlia Ukrai- ua/UJRN/Duur_2011_11_27 (Ac- ny] // Ekonomichnyi analiz. — Is 8. — cessed 25 Jan 2018). Part 1. — P. 152.

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144 UDC: 351:328

Ivanitskaya Olga Mykhailоvna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the the Dept. of Theo- ry and Practice of Public Administration, Na- tional Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Igor Sikorsky”, Kyiv, Prospekt Peremohy, 37, tel.: (063) 584 52 52, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6903-2452 Іваницька Ольга Михайлівна, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, професор кафедри теорії та практики управління, Національний технічний університет України “Київ- ський політехнічний інститут ім. Ігоря Сікорського”, м. Київ, просп. Перемоги, 37, тел.: (063) 584 52 52, e-mail: oivanytska@ ORCID: 0000-0002-6903-2452 Иваницкая Ольга Михайловна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, профессор кафедры теории и практики управления, Национальный технический университет Украины “Киевский политехнический институт им. Игоря Сикорского”, г. Киев, просп. Победы, 37, тел.: (063) 584 52 52, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6903-2452 DOI


Abstract. The article is devoted to issues of ensuring transparency and ac- countability of authorities in the conditions of participatory democracy (democ- racy of participation). It is argued that the public should be guaranteed not only the right for access to information but also the prerequisites for expanding its par- ticipation in state governance. These prerequisites include: the adoption of clearly measurable macroeconomic and social goals and the provision of control of the processes of their compliance with the government by citizens of the country; ex- tension of the circle of subjects of legislative initiative due to realization of such rights by citizens and their groups; legislative definition of the forms of citizens’

145 participation in making publicly significant decisions, design of relevant orders and procedures, in particular participation in local referendum; outlining methods and procedures for taking into account social thought when making socially im- portant decisions. The need to disclose information about resources that are used by authorities to realize the goals is proved as well as key performance indicators that can be monitored by every citizen; the efforts made by governments of coun- tries to achieve these goals. It was noted that transparency in the conditions of representative democracy in its worst forms in a society where ignorance of the thought of society and its individual members is ignored does not in fact fulfill its main task — to establish an effective dialogue between the authorities and so- ciety. There is a distortion of the essence of transparency: instead of being heard, society is being asked to be informed — and passively accept the facts presented as due. In fact, transparency and accountability in this case are not instruments for the achievement of democracy in public administration, but by the form of a tacit agreement between the subjects of power and people, where the latter passes the participation of an “informed observer”. Keywords: participation democracy, transparency and accountability of power, transparency, public participation, public administration. НАПРЯМИ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ПРОЗОРОСТІ ТА ПІДЗВІТНОСТІ ВЛАДИ В УМОВАХ РОЗВИТКУ ДЕМОКРАТІЇ УЧАСТІ Анотація. Стаття присвячена питанням забезпечення прозорості та під- звітності влади в умовах партисипативної демократії (демократії участі). Аргументовано, що громадськості має бути гарантовано не лише право на доступ до інформації, а й виконання передумов розширення її участі в управ- лінні державою. До таких передумов віднесено: прийняття чітко вимірюва- них макроекономічних і соціальних цілей та забезпечення контролю з боку громадян країни процесів дотримання їх урядом; розширення кола суб’єк- тів законодавчої ініціативи за рахунок реалізації таких прав громадянами та їх групами; законодавче визначення форм участі громадян у прийнятті су- спільно значущих рішень, відпрацювання відповідних порядку та процедур, зокрема участі у місцевому референдумі; окреслення способів і процедур врахування суспільної думки при прийнятті соціально важливих рішень. Доведена необхідність розкриття інформації про ресурси, які задіяні владою для реалізації цілей; ключові індикатори ефективності, які може контролю- вати кожен громадянин; зусилля, які докладають уряди країн щодо досяг- нення цілей. Відмічено, що прозорість в умовах представницької демократії в своїх найгірших формах у суспільстві, де відбувається ігнорування думки суспільства та його окремих членів, фактично не виконує свого основного завдання — налагодження ефективного діалогу влади та суспільства. Відбу- вається спотворення сутності прозорості: замість того щоб бути почутими, суспільству пропонується бути обізнаним — і пасивно прийняти представле- ні факти як належне. Фактично прозорість і підзвітність у цьому випадку не є інструментами досягнення демократії в публічному управлінні, а формою

146 мовчазної угоди між суб’єктами владних повноважень і народом, де остан- ньому відводиться пасивна участь “інформованого споглядача”. Ключові слова: демократія участі, прозорість і підзвітність влади, транс- парентність, участь громадськості, публічне управління. НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ПРОЗРАЧНОСТИ И ПОДОТЧЕТНОСТИ ВЛАСТИ В УСЛОВИЯХ РАЗВИТИЯ ДЕМОКРАТИИ УЧАСТИЯ Аннотация. Статья посвящена вопросам обеспечения прозрачности и под- отчетности власти в условиях партисипативной демократии (демократии уча- стия). Аргументировано, что общественности должно быть гарантировано не только право на доступ к информации, но и выполнение предпосылок расши- рения ее участия в управлении государством. К таким предпосылкам отнесе- ны: принятие четко измеряемых макроэкономических и социальных целей и обеспечение контроля со стороны граждан страны процессов соблюдения их правительством; расширение круга субъектов законодательной инициативы за счет реализации таких прав гражданами и их группами; законодательное определение форм участия граждан в принятии общественно значимых ре- шений, отработка соответствующих порядка и процедур, в частности участия в местном референдуме; определение способов и процедур учета обществен- ного мнения при принятии социально важных решений. Доказана необходи- мость раскрытия информации о ресурсах, которые задействованы властью для реализации целей; ключевые индикаторы эффективности, которые мо- жет контролировать каждый гражданин; усилия, которые прилагают прави- тельства стран по достижению целей. Отмечено, что прозрачность в условиях представительной демократии в своих худших формах в обществе, где проис- ходит игнорирование мнения общества и его отдельных членов, фактически не выполняет своей основной задачи — налаживание эффективного диалога власти и общества. Происходит искажение сущности прозрачности: вместо того чтобы быть услышанными, обществу предлагается быть осведомлен- ным — и пассивно принять представленные факты как должное. Фактически прозрачность и подотчетность в этом случае являются инструментами дости- жения демократии в публичном управлении, а формой молчаливого согла- шения между субъектами властных полномочий и народом, где последнему отводится пассивная роль “информированного наблюдателя”. Ключевые слова: демократия участия, прозрачность и подотчетность власти, транспарентность, участие общественности, публичное управление.

Target setting. In recent times, the level of central and local authorities, transparency of government action is ministries and departments, civil ser- viewed as a panacea for all the misfor- vants and parties, organizations and tunes. Transparency is ensured at the enterprises. Achieving transparency, as

147 planned, should help to fight corrup- ness has generalizing point that only tion, financial instability of markets this way the public opinion comes to and state corporations. the truth and to the understanding of However, the logic question arises: statement of the state and concept of does transparency fully meet the fun- the state and its affairs thereby reach- damental interests of society? In the ing the ability to judge them more sen- development of ideas of participatory sibly; in addition, the society is familiar democracy, transparency and account- with the affairs and learns to respect ability of government actions are nec- talents, charity and skills of state au- essary but insufficient condition for thorities and officials” [3, p. 351]. establishing an effective dialogue be- When ensuring transparency, pub- tween the government and the society. lic administration entities pursue their Analysis of recent studies and pub- own interests and interests of society, lications. Principles and approaches which they should follow. to ensuring the transparency of public The state demonstrates transpar- finances are reflected in the scientific ency of its functioning to ensure public works of T. Yefymenko, S. Gasanov, stability, to reduce the level of corrup- R. Balakin, V. Kudryashov, I. Lunina. tion, to scale the shadow economy, to Financial reporting as an instrument convince the international community for achieving transparency of the state to be a democratic country that is re- sector of economy was considered in sponsive to the observance of all free- works by L. Lovinska, O. Tereshchen- doms, and so on. ko, O. Chumak, and others. Public Local authorities have their own mechanisms for ensuring the transpa- obligations to the community, and de- rency of public enterprises are dis- cisions on their development should be closed by the author in publications transparent and made public in accor- [1; 2]. At the same time, it should be dance with current legislation. noted that the complexity of issues State-owned enterprises act as eco- of transparency as well as its multidi- nomic agents of public interest. To com- mensionality require constant research ply with financial discipline, the results in this field, and the publication is de- of their activities should be reflected dicated to the problem. in the financial statements, which, ac- Therefore, purpose of the article cordingly, are carefully monitored by is to reveal the ways of ensuring the financial bodies. The social significance transparency and accountability of au- of their production of goods and servi- thorities in the circumstances of par- ces involves control over the volume of ticipatory democracy development. manufactured goods and services, the Presentation of basic material of use of production space, the level of the research. Georg Wilhelm Fried- productivity, etc. rich Hegel, speaking about the neces- At the same time, in the modern sity of publicity, wrote: “...the point of world, it is not enough to report on the general awareness is asserted by pub- performance indicators as stipulated licity of the debate between caste rep- by the legislation and what is subject resentatives, first of all... This aware- to mandatory reporting. Additionally,

148 social reports reveal aspects of state- actions and accountability of its insti- owned companies’ activities, such as tutions. The resources involved in the ethical standards, personnel develop- implementation of goals, key perfor- ment, human rights protection and mance parameters that can be moni- environmental protection, commu- tored by each citizen, and the efforts nity engagement, etc. Such integrated made by the governments of countries reporting pursues a dual goal: firstly, to achieve the goals should be disclosed raising the level of confidence of stake- and made public. holders to the socially responsive func- On December 20, 2004, General tioning of the enterprise, the growth of Assembly of the United Nations adop- its social capital; and secondly, expand- ted resolution A/RES/59/201 on the ing the social circle of trust, access to treatment of democracy, which was of- foreign markets of capital and obtain- ficially published in 2005. The docu- ing additional sources of investment. ment highlights such elements of de- The European (international) com- mocracy as: respect for human rights munity pursues the goal of approach- and fundamental freedoms, inter alia, ing the national states ideology to the freedom of association and peaceful as- recognition of European (interna- sembly; freedom of expression as well tional) values. Values are reflected in as the right to participate in the ma- international documents that form the nagement of state, directly or through vision of prospects for the development freely chosen representatives, the of global community. In particular, the right to vote and to be elected on ho- 16th objective of sustainable develop- nest, periodic and free elections on the ment is directly related to the trans- basis of universal, direct, equal suf- parency of the Global Sustainable De- frage, by secret ballot, guaranteeing velopment goals 2016–2030 (hereafter free expression of will of people; plu- GSDG) adopted at the United Nations ralist system of political parties and Summit on Sustainable Development organizations, respect for the rule of at the end of 2015. In full, it is formu- law, division of powers, independence lated as of the judiciary, transparency and ac- “Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful countability of public administration, and inclusive societies as well as free, independent and plura- Goal 16 of the Sustainable Develop- listic mass media [5] (here and below — ment Goals is dedicated to the promo- underlined by me — O. I.). tion of peaceful and inclusive societies The Universal Declaration of the for sustainable development, the pro- Inter-Parliamentary Union on De- vision of access to justice for all, and mocracy clarifies the provisions on building effective, accountable institu- transparency and accountability as tions at all levels” [4]. “the right of the public to have access At the same time, today, the inte- to information about the government’s rests of society of a democratic coun- activities, the right to petition the go- try, in our opinion, lie in a plane that vernment and the right to claim da- is not limited to ensuring access to mages through unbiased administra- information, openness of government tive and judicial mechanisms” [6].

149 Consequently, these concepts are in- instruments for the achievement of terpreted wider and provide for the democracy in public administration, development and implementation of but by the form of a tacit agreement appropriate management mechanisms. between the subjects of power and In his studies on freedom of infor- people, where the latter is provided mation, Toby Mendel notes: “Freedom with passive role of an “informed of information is likely to be one of the observer”. most important foundations of democ- It should be noted that in interna- racy. Information stored in government tional documents that contain require- bodies is not intended for officials and ments for achieving transparency and politicians, but for society as a whole. accountability of public authorities, Everyone should have the right of ac- they are interpreted as the inherent cess to this information if there are no components of the effectiveness of go- valid reasons for limiting” [7]. vernment. New horizons of the development The Global Steps for Sustainable of democratic processes reveal new Development specify goals for achiev- forms and kinds of democracy. First of ing each goal. In particular, in relation all, it is participative or participatory to the 16th goal it is indicated: democracy [8]. Such a form of democ- “…16.6 Develop effective, account- racy involves direct participation of able and transparent institutions at all citizens in the management of state or levels members of the territorial community 16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, in the management of community. In participatory and representative deci- contrast, representative democracy sion-making at all levels... means participation of citizens in the ...16.10 Ensure public access to in- management not directly, but through formation and protect fundamental the representation of their interests by freedoms, in accordance with national authorized persons (deputies) who are legislation and international agree- involved in the processes of prepara- ments…” [4]. tion, management decisions and con- As can be seen from the paragraph, trol over their implementation. the emphasis is put on the creation of Transparency in the conditions of effective institutions, ensuring the par- representative democracy in its worst ticipation of general public, taking into forms in a society where thoughts of account the broad public interest in the society and its individual members are exercise of rights to liberty. Some Eu- ignored does not in fact fulfill its main ropean countries have developed and task of establishing an effective dia- implemented a public administration logue between government and society. model, where publicity and accoun_ There is a distortion of the essence of tability are closely linked to the ability transparency: instead of being heard, of each member to participate in com- society is being asked to be infor- munity issues. In particular, in Swe- med — and passively accept the facts den, a “system of democratic institu- presented as due. In fact, transparency tions was created which allowed each and accountability in this case are not member of society to influence the de-

150 cision of all issues affecting his/her life. ment initiatives. A wide range of public The country has created a peculiar so- controls these parameters, and the go- cio-psychological climate in the coun- vernment reports to them [10]. try, a sense of citizens’ involvement Instead, in Ukraine, state debt is in the affairs of the state and society” growing at an unprecedented pace, [9, р. 14]. That is, the approach was without any control over the pace of its realized: transparency is not for the growth on the part of public. It puts a sake of access to information, but for huge burden on a generation of Ukrai- ensuring complicity in solving impor- nians who will have a sovereign com- tant problems for society. It is best mitment since their birth. defined in the Swedish Freedom of 2. Expansion of the circle of subjects Press Act “To encourage the free ex- of legislative initiative, determination change of opinion and availability of of their rights. comprehensive information, every Although the most legislative Swedish citizen shall be entitled to proposals laid before the Riksdag have free access to official documents” (Swedish parliament) are initiated by (Chapter 2, Article 1, Freedom of the the Government, some bills may be Press Act). based on suggestions put forward by A number of prerequisites should be the Riksdag or by private citizens, spe- fulfilled in Ukraine in order to ensure cial interest groups or public authori- public participation in making deci- ties. sions that are important to the commu- In Ukraine, neither citizens of the nity, real openness and publicity of the country nor their groups have the right authorities. of legislative initiative. The Constitu- 1. Adoption of clearly measurable tion of Ukraine (Article 93) clearly macroeconomic and social goals with states: “The right of legislative initia- the control of society over their com- tive in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine pliance by the authorities. belongs to the President of Ukraine, The most sensitive to the popula- people's deputies of Ukraine and the tion of any country is the growth of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”. government debt obligations, the ex- Consequently, the concept of “public cesses of which is a heavy burden on administration” is still rather blurred future generations. Most European only in scientific postulates. governments have made commitments 3. Legislative determination of the to limit the growth of sovereign debt. forms of citizens’ participation in mak- In particular, Sweden has set restric- ing publicly significant decisions, order tions for net lending in the amount of and procedures for observance of this 1 per cent of GDP on average over a participation. business cycle. Estimated Gross Duty The incomplete list of such forms (so-called “Maastricht Debt”) level in of participation include the following: 2019 will be set in Sweden at 35 per- referendums; public examination; pub- cent of GDP. Balanced local budgets, lic initiatives on a wide range of issues limit for government spending, and so that need to be addressed in the com- on are among other voluntary govern- munity; conducting public hearings or

151 joint meetings of the authorities with adopted a draft law “On Local Refe- representatives of the public; organiza- rendums in Ukraine”. After a negative tion of public consultations, advisory feedback from the Scientific and Ex- polls of citizens (consultative referen- pert Board of the Verkhovna Rada of dum), etc. [8]. Ukraine, its further adoption did not Of course, the referendum is the take place [12, р. 66–67]. most significant of these forms. In most It should also be noted that the Law European countries, the law provides “On All-Ukrainian Referendum” does for the holding of referendum at both not provide for the participation of fo- the state and local levels. In Ukraine, reigners in a referendum, which is con- the Law № 1287-XII “On Ukrainian trary to the provisions of the Council and Local Referendums” dated July 3, of Europe Convention on Participation 1991, expired after the adoption of the of Foreigners in Public Life at the Lo- Law of Ukraine № 5475-VI “On All- cal Level, adopted in 1992. Ukrainian Referendum” dated Novem- Finally, let us note that methods ber 10, 2015. of taking into account public opinion In accordance with Article 6 of the should be outlined. Article 5 of the old Law, issues that are raised on local Constitution of Ukraine stipulates that referendums: on the naming or renam- the people exercise power directly and ing of village councils, settlements, cit- through the bodies of state power and ies, districts, regions; the question of local self-government bodies. In a socio- unification of the same administrative- logical science, a whole arsenal of means territorial units with the same adminis- for studying public opinion, including trative center into ones with the same polls, experiments, interviews, obser- names; the issue of changing the basic vations, convention analysis, etc., was level of local self-government in rural worked out. At the same time, there are areas; the issue of reorganization or no specific procedures for evaluating liquidation of pre-school community proposals and their accountability when schools, as well as pre-school educa- making state-government decisions. tional establishments created by for- Conclusions. Under the conditions mer agricultural collective and state- of participatory democracy, the provi- owned enterprises [11]. sion of transparency and accountabi- That is, a fairly wide range of issues lity of the authorities and their agents is identified, which constitute the core becomes important in the legislative of self-government at the local level. regulation of a number of provisions. The new Law “On All-Ukrainian Re- The public should be guaranteed not ferendum” contains detailed informa- only the right of access to information tion on the procedures for conducting but also the fulfillment of other prere- a referendum at the state level and does quisites for expanding its participation not reflect the procedures for conduct- in state governance. These include: ing a local referendum, although this the adoption of clearly measurable is guaranteed by Art. 38 of the Consti- macroeconomic and social goals and tution of Ukraine. In April 2011, the the control of their compliance by the Verkhovna Rada in the first reading government with citizens of the coun-

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154 UDC: 351 Kalievskaya Marina Aleksandrovna, post-graduate student, Interregional Acade- my of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8708-4010 Калієвська Марина Олександрівна, аспірант, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8708-4010 Калиевская Марина Александровна, аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8708-4010 DOI


Abstract. In this article, a model of the mechanism of ensuring public security and orderliness in accordance with the principles and tasks of the relevant institu- tions in public administration, taking into account resources, technologies, mea- sures for the state policy implementation in the spheres of ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combating crime, maintaining public security and order. It was found that ensuring public security and order in Ukraine is a mechanism for the implementation of national goals of state policy in the areas of ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combating crime, maintaining public security and order, by defining tasks according to certain principles. The idea is that if one considers the state policy in the spheres of ensuring the protec- tion of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combat- ing crime, maintaining public security and order as a national priority (purpose, task), then the mechanism of ensuring public security and order in Ukraine needs coordination with the state development strategy. From the point of view of the implementation of the state policy in the areas of ensuring the protection of hu- man rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combating crime, maintaining public security and order, the mechanism of ensuring public security

155 and order in Ukraine can be considered as the main system providing intercon- nection such elements as institutions (implementing the specified state policy), resources (human resources, logistical, natural and so on, with the help of which it is possible to implement state policy), technologies (skills, knowledge, means and so on the implementation of state policy), measures (action plans), as well as external (internal) threats. Keywords: public security and orderliness, mechanism of ensuring public se- curity and orderliness, state policy, public administration. ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ МЕХАНІЗМУ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ПУБЛІЧНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ І ПОРЯДКУ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. Визначено модель механізму забезпечення публічної безпеки і порядку за принципами і завданнями відповідних інституцій державно- го управління з урахуванням ресурсів, технологій, заходів щодо реалізації державної політики у сферах забезпечення охорони прав і свобод людини, інтересів суспільства і держави, протидії злочинності, підтримання публіч- ної безпеки і порядку. Виявлено, що забезпечення публічної безпеки і по- рядку в Україні є певним механізмом щодо реалізації національних цілей державної політики у сферах забезпечення охорони прав і свобод людини, інтересів суспільства і держави, протидії злочинності, підтримання публіч- ної безпеки і порядку шляхом визначення завдань за певними принципа- ми. Обґрунтовано думку про те, що якщо розглядати державну політику у сферах забезпечення охорони прав і свобод людини, інтересів суспільства і держави, протидії злочинності, підтримання публічної безпеки і порядку як національний пріоритет (ціль, завдання), то механізм забезпечення публіч- ної безпеки і порядку в Україні потребує координації з державною страте- гією розвитку. З точки зору імплементації державної політики у сферах за- безпечення охорони прав і свобод людини, інтересів суспільства і держави, протидії злочинності, підтримання публічної безпеки і порядку, то механізм забезпечення публічної безпеки і порядку в Україні можна розглядати, як основну систему, що забезпечує взаємозв’язок таких елементів, як інститу- цій (що реалізують зазначену державну політику), ресурсу (кадрового, ма- теріально-технічного, природного і так далі, за допомогою яких можлива ре- алізація державної політики), технологій (вміння, знання, засоби і так далі щодо реалізації державної політики), заходи (плани дій), а також впливи (загрози) зовнішні та внутрішні. Ключові слова: публічна безпека і порядок, механізм забезпечення пу- блічної безпеки і порядку, державна політика, публічне управління. ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ МЕХАНИЗМА ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ПУБЛИЧНОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ И ПОРЯДКА В УКРАИНЕ Аннотация. Определена модель механизма обеспечения общественной безопасности и порядка на принципах и задачах соответствующих институ- ций государственного управления с учетом ресурсов, технологий, мероприя-

156 тий по реализации государственной политики в сферах обеспечения охраны прав и свобод человека, интересов общества и государства, противодействия преступности, поддержание публичной безопасности и порядка. Выявлено, что обеспечение общественной безопасности и порядка в Украине является определенным механизмом по реализации национальных целей государст- венной политики в сферах обеспечения охраны прав и свобод человека, инте- ресов общества и государства, противодействия преступности, поддержание публичной безопасности и порядка путем определения задач по определен- ным принципам. Обосновано мнение о том, что если рассматривать государ- ственную политику в сферах обеспечения охраны прав и свобод человека, интересов общества и государства, противодействия преступности, поддер- жание публичной безопасности и порядка как национальный приоритет (цель, задачи), то механизм обеспечения публичной безопасности и порядка в Украине требует координации с государственной стратегией развития. С точки зрения имплементации государственной политики в сферах обеспече- ния охраны прав и свобод человека, интересов общества и государства, про- тиводействия преступности, поддержание публичной безопасности и поряд- ка, то механизм обеспечения публичной безопасности и порядка в Украине можно рассматривать как основную систему, обеспечивающую взаимосвязь таких элементов, как институтов (реализующих указанную государственную политику), ресурса (кадрового, материально-технического, природного и так далее, с помощью которых возможна реализация государственной полити- ки), технологий (умение, знания, средства и т.д. по реализация государствен- ной политики), мероприятия (планы действий), а также воздействия (угро- зы) внешние и внутренние. Ключевые слова: публичная безопасность и порядок, механизм обеспе- чения публичной безопасности и порядка, государственная политика, пу- бличное управление.

Targetsetting. After the Revolu- United States, which sent their instruc- tion of Dignity in Ukraine, the reform tors from California and Ohio to Kyiv, of the security forces, in particular the were actively involved in the reform of law-enforcement system began. The the law-enforcement system. The first first was the reform of the road car in- city in which the Patrol Police began spection, reorganized into the patrol to work became Kyiv on July 4, 2015. police, the National Police Unit, which Then there were Lviv, Odessa, Kharkiv carries out round-the-clock patrols of and other regional centers and big the streets of cities, and also the first to cities. respond to challenges 102, in order to Today, the National Police of ensure public order and safety, protec- Ukraine, the central executive autho- tion of citizens’ rights, and road safety. rity, which carries out its activities in Western partners, in particular the accordance with the Law of Ukraine

157 “On National Police”, from the State At the same time, the National Po- Police of Ukraine, provides for the lice of Ukraine (in accordance with the implementation of state policy in the Law of Ukraine “On National Police” spheres of ensuring the protection of [1]) is the central executive body that human rights and freedoms, the inter- serves the society by ensuring protec- ests of society and the state, combating tion of human rights and freedoms, crime, and supporting public safety and combating crime, maintaining public order. 07/02/2015, № 580-VIII. security and order, and the National Analysis of recent publications Guard of Ukraine ( in accordance with on issues. The source of information the Law of Ukraine “On the National for writing the article was the norma- Guard of Ukraine” [2]) is a military tive acts and the results of scientific re- formation with law enforcement func- search [1–6]. tions, which is part of the system of the The purpose of the article. Deter- Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine mination of the main aspects of con- and is intended to fulfill the tasks en- structing a model of the mechanism of trusted to it. ensuring public security and orderli- In accordance with the Order of the ness, regarding state policy implemen- Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine tation in the spheres of ensuring the (registered in the Ministry of Jus- protection of human rights and free- tice of Ukraine on September 7, 2016, doms, the interests of society and the № 1223/29353) “On Approval of the state, combating crime, maintaining Procedure of interaction Ukraine Na- public security and order. tional Guard and the National Police of The statement of basic materials. Ukraine during security (protection) As we have noted in previous stud- public (social) security and order” with ies: the mechanism of ensuring public the purpose of determining the proce- security and orderliness in Ukraine dure for joint involvement of the forces is the realization of national goals in and means of the National Police and the public security and order sphere, the National Guard of Ukraine in rela- which is provided by certain public tion to ensuring security and orderli- administration institutions in accor- ness provides [5]: dance with the tasks entrusted to them • joint patrols patrol streets, squares, with the functions defined by the prin- parks, railway stations, airports, sea ciples. and river ports, other public (social) The organization of ensuring pub- places; lic security and orderliness in Ukraine • provision (protection) of pub- is carried out by the National Police of lic (social) security and order during Ukraine, as well as in cooperation be- meetings, rallies, street trips, demon- tween the National Guard of Ukraine strations, other mass and sport events, and the National Police of Ukraine, as well as during public (social) events which perform tasks in accordance with with the participation of persons for their functions according to the estab- whom the state security is carried out; lished principles within the legal frame- • carrying out joint measures to sta- work (see Table). bilize the operational situation in case

158 Interaction between the National Guard and the National Police Ukraine in accordance with the tasks and principles of activity National Police of Ukraine National Guard of Ukraine Tasks Principles Tasks Principles 1. ensuring public 1. the rule of law; 1. protection and 1. the rule of law; security and order; 2. observance of protection of life, 2. ensuring obser- 2. the protection of human rights and rights, freedoms and vance of human human rights and freedoms; legitimate interests of and civil rights and freedoms, as well as 3. legality; citizens, society and freedoms; the interests of soci- 4. openness and the state from criminal 3. non-partisan; ety and the state; transparency; and other unlawful 4. continuity; 3. counteraction to 5. political neutrality; encroachments; 5. legality; crime; 6. interaction with 2. protection of public 6. openness to 4. providing, within the population on order and public democratic civilian the limits determined the basis of partner- security, as well as control; by law, services ship; in co-operation with 7. transparency; to help individuals 7. continuity law-enforcement bod- 8. the responsibility who, for personal, ies – on ensuring state of centralized lead- economic, social security and protection ership and unity reasons or due to of the state border; emergencies, need 3. the cessation of such assistance terrorist activities, the activities of illegal paramilitary or armed formations (groups), terrorist organizations, organized groups and criminal organizations of its aggravation within the territory agrees with the head of the relevant po- of one or several administrative-terri- lice body within its jurisdiction. torial units. • if necessary, amendments to the The interaction of the National Plan for the involvement of the force Guard of Ukraine and the National and the means of the military unit for Police of Ukraine on the cessation of the protection of public order shall be massive disturbances is carried out in adopted, which shall be approved and accordance with the requirements of agreed in accordance with the estab- the legislation involving the forces and lished procedure. means of the National Guard of Ukraine Thus, it can be argued that the rea- to provide (protect) public (social) se- lization of national goals in the field of curity and order [5]: public security and order, provided in • for the performance of tasks, on the interaction between the National the basis of the Plan for involving for- Guard of Ukraine and the National Po- ces and means of the military unit to lice of Ukraine, in accordance with the the public order service, which is be- tasks and defined principles, has certain ing developed for a month, is approved specific differences related to the sys- by the commander of the military unit tem of work, organization, legal status, of the National Guard of Ukraine and authority of employees.

159 However, it is possible to define ge- public administration institutions (see neral principles and tasks for inter- Fig. 1). action of the institution of public ad- Thus, ensuring public security and ministration with regard to ensuring order in Ukraine is a mechanism for public security and order, in particular: the implementation of national goals • the rule of law; of state policy in the areas of ensur- • the principle of observance of hu- ing the protection of human rights and man rights and freedoms; freedoms, the interests of society and • the principle of legality; the state, combating crime, main- • the principle of openness and taining public security and order, by transparency; defining tasks according to certain • the principle of political neutra- principles. lity; When considering state policy in • the principle of continuity; the areas of ensuring the protection of • the principle of the responsibility human rights and freedoms, the inte- of centralized leadership and unity. rests of society and the state, combating These principles are a necessary and crime, maintaining public security and fundamental element in terms of the order as a national priority (purpose, systemic approach in defining the fol- task), the mechanism of ensuring pub- lowing general tasks for public security lic safety and order in Ukraine needs and order of the public administration to be coordinated with state develop- institution, in particular: ment strategies. From the point of view • theprotection and protection of of the state policy implementayion in human rights and freedoms, as well as the areas of ensuring the protection of the interests of society and the state; human rights and freedoms, the inte- • theprotection of public order and rests of society and the state, combating public security; crime, maintaining public security and • the provision of assistance within order, the mechanism of ensuring pub- the limits determined by law to persons lic security and order in Ukraine can be who, due to emergency situations, need considered as the main system provid- such assistance. ing interconnection such elements as As a result of the comparative analy- institutions (implementing the speci- sis of the state bodies activities in the fied state policy), resources (human field of ensuring public security and resources, logistical, natural and so on, orderliness in Ukraine, as well as on with the help of which it is possible to certain principles and tasks of interac- implement state policy), technologies tion, we will construct a scheme defin- (skills, knowledge, means and so on the ing the implementation of state policy implementation of state policy), mea- in the areas of ensuring the protection sures (action plans), as well as external of human rights and freedoms, the inte- (internal) threats. rests of society and the state, combating Taking into account the above, one crime, maintaining public security and can build a model of the mechanism for order, with an emphasis on public secu- ensuring public security and orderli- rity and the order provided by certain ness (see Fig. 2).

160 State policy in the spheres ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and state combating crime, maintaining public safety and order

Principles Tasks

The rule of law Protection and protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as the Observance of human rights interests of society and the and freedoms state

Legality Protection of public order and public security Openness and transparency Provision of assistance within Political neutrality the limits determined by law to persons who, due to emergency situations, Continuity need such assistance

Responsibility for centralized leadership and unified leadership

National Police and National Guard of Ukraine

Fig. 1. The scheme of implementation of state policy, which is provided by certain institutions of public administration on certain principles and tasks

Conclusions. Thus, a model of the References mechanism for ensuring public secu- rity and orderliness in accordance with 1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), The Law of Ukraine “On the National the principles and tasks of the relevant Police”, available at: http://zakon2. institutions in public administration (Ac- is determined, taking into account the cessed September 21, 2017). resources, technologies, measures for 2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), the implementation of state policy in The Law of Ukraine “On the National the spheres of ensuring the protection Guard of Ukraine”, available at: http:// of human rights and freedoms, the inte- rests of society and the state, combating 18 (Accessed September 20, 2017). crime, maintaining public security and 3. Constitution of Ukraine (1996), avail- order. able at: http: //

161 Fig. 2. TheFig model.2. The of the model mechanism of the mechanism for ensuring for public ensuring security public securityand orderliness and orderliness.

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163 UDC: 342.5 Caracasidi Оlena Fedorіvna, postgraduate, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (067) 465 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2336-2621 Каракасіді Олена Федорівна, аспірантка, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (067) 465 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2336-2621 Каракасиди Елена Федоровна, аспирантка, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (067) 465 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2336-2621 DOI


Abstract. The article deals with the fundamental, inherent in most of the countries of the world transformation of state power, its formation, functioning and division between the main branches as a result of the decentralization of such power, its subsidiarity. Attention is drawn to the specifics of state power, its func- tional features in the conditions of sovereignty of the states, their interconnec- tion. It is emphasized that the nature of the state power is connected with the nature of the political system of the state, with the form of government and many other aspects of a fundamental nature. It is analyzed that in the middle of national states the questions of legitima- cy, sovereignty of transparency of state power, its formation are acutely raised. Concerning the practical functioning of state power, a deeper study now needs a problem of separation of powers and the distribution of power. The use of this principle, which ensures the real subsidiarity of the authorities, the formation of more effective, responsible democratic relations between state power and civil society, is the first priority of the transformation of state power in the conditions of modern transformations of countries and societies. It is substantiated that the research of these problems will open up much wider opportunities for the provi- sion of state power not as a center authority, but also as a leading political struc-

164 ture but as a power of the people and the community. In the context of global democratization processes, such processes are crucial for a more humanistic and civilized arrangement of human life. It is noted that local self-government, as a specific form of public power, is also characterized by an expressive feature of a special subject of power (territorial community) as a set of large numbers of people; joint communal property; tax system, etc. Keywords: power, state power, transformation of power, state sovereignty, di- vision of powers and distribution of powers. КЛЮЧОВІ АСПЕКТИ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЇ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ВЛАДИ У СВІТІ І СУЧАСНІЙ СУВЕРЕННІЙ УКРАЇНІ: СПІЛЬНЕ Й ОСОБЛИВЕ Анотація. Розглянуто основоположні, притаманні більшості країн світу трансформації державної влади, її формування, функціонування та поділу між основними гілками в результаті децентралізації такої влади, її субсидіарності. Звертається увага на специфіку державної влади, її функціональні ознаки в умовах суверенітету держав, їх взаємозв’язку. Наголошується, що суть, харак- тер державної влади пов’язаний з характером політичної системи держави, з формою правління та багатьма іншими принципового характеру аспектами. Проаналізовано, що у середині національних держав гостро постають пи- тання легітимності, суверенності, прозорості державної влади, її формуван- ня. Щодо практичного функціонування державної влади, то більш глибокого дослідження нині потребують проблеми поділу влади і розподілу владних повноважень. Використання цього принципу, що забезпечує реальну суб- сидіарність влади, формування більш дієвих, відповідальних демократич- них відносин між державною владою і громадянським суспільством — це першочергові проблеми трансформації державної влади в умовах сучасних трансформацій країн і суспільств. Обґрунтовано, що дослідження вказаних проблем відкриє набагато ширші можливості забезпечення державної вла- ди не як влади центру, провідних політичних структур, але як влади народу, громади. В умовах загальносвітових демократизаційних процесів такі про- цеси мають вирішальне значення для більш гуманістичного і цивілізованого облаштування людського життя. Зазначено, що місцеве самоврядування, як специфічна форма публічної влади, характеризується також виразною озна- кою особливого суб’єкта влади (територіальна громада), як сукупність вели- кої кількості людей; спільна комунальна власність; система податків тощо. Ключові слова: влада, державна влада, трансформація влади, державний суверенітет, поділ влади і розподіл владних повноважень. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ВЛАСТИ В МИРЕ И СОВРЕМЕННОЙ СУВЕРЕННОЙ УКРАИНЕ: ОБЩЕЕ И ОСОБЕННОЕ Аннотация. Рассмотрены основополагающие, присущие большинст- ву стран мира трансформации государственной власти, ее формирования,

165 функционирования и разделения между основными ветвями в результате децентрализации такой власти, ее субсидиарности. Обращается внимание на специфику государственной власти, ее функциональные признаки в услови- ях суверенитета государств, их взаимосвязи. Подчеркивается, что суть, ха- рактер государственной власти связан с характером политической системы государства, с формой правления и многими другими принципиального ха- рактера аспектами. Проанализировано, что в середине национальных государств остро вста- ют вопросы легитимности, суверенности, прозрачности государственной власти, ее формирования. Касательно практического функционирования государственной власти, то более глубокого исследования в настоящее время требуют проблемы разделения власти и распределения властных полномочий. Использование этого принципа, что обеспечивает реальную субсидиарность власти, формирование более действенных, ответственных демократических отношений между государственной властью и граждан- ским обществом — это первоочередные проблемы трансформации государ- ственной власти в условиях современных трансформаций стран и обществ. Обосновано, что исследования указанных проблем откроет гораздо более широкие возможности обеспечения государственной власти не как власти центра, ведущих политических структур, но как власти народа, общества. В условиях общемировых демократизационных процессов такие процессы имеют решающее значение для более гуманистического и цивилизованного обустройства человеческой жизни. Отмечено, что местное самоуправление, как специфическая форма публичной власти, характеризуется также выра- зительным признаком особого субъекта власти (территориальная община), как совокупность большого количества людей; совместная коммунальная собственность; система налогов и тому подобное. Ключевые слова: власть, государственная власть, трансформация влас- ти, государственный суверенитет, разделение властей и распределение властных полномочий.

Problem statement. It is well- Firstly, due to the development and known that state power is a specific approval (legally, organizationally, etc.) and extremely complex system pheno- of the policy and strategy of social de- menon. There can be no state, no soci- velopment. ety without it. In addition, state power Secondly, the state has the widest is, at the same time, the most influen- network of special organs and institu- tial authority among other varieties of tions, which creates the possibility of political power under many objective influencing as many people as possible circumstances. Due to what is it pro- as their consciousness, beliefs, and be- vided? haviour.

166 Thirdly, the state has such public in essence); it is holistic and in fact in- functions as for the overwhelming ma- divisible; c) state power is the property jority of citizens as the establishment of of the state itself and is carried out on laws and enforcement of them, the col- behalf of the people. This is a complex lection and distribution of taxes in the aspect that should be substantially ex- state budgets, the provision of security plained in the context of a particular and public order, and the arrangement state; d) has a kind of arbitration role in of public life, etc. only. the state as regulates all social relations; Due to the above, the public autho- e) unites citizens and, at the same time, rity is the whole society as a whole. And divides them by territorial character the state power itself is a specific inte- (therefore territorial structures and ex- grative basis for the whole society, the ecutive bodies are created); f) solely the integrity of the state [1, p. 143]. power of the state is legally authorized The significant transformations of for legalized violence (coercion); g) has state power are largely due to the fact legal supremacy in society [4, p. 79]. In that such a power is a political power at the process of analysing the problems the same time in many countries. ‘Poli- of the transformation of state power to- tical power’ is one of the sides of inequal- day, this aspect of the problem should ity in relations of domination and subjec- also be analysed in the context of its tion. It is the domination of one’s liberty current state. of the will of others, that is, the subordi- Not everything looks simple and nation of one freedom to the freedom of definite also in terms of determining others, regardless of whether it refers to the types (classifications) of power individual individuals, groups of people, in general, and most importantly, dif- classes, and nations or people, Ukrai- ferent signs are presented, accord- nian ethnic and political writers say ing to which such power is divided, [2, p. 81]. However, it was this aspect singling out for that state power. So, of state power that was and remains V. P. Khalipov proposes to do the fol- rather researched. And this when the lowing classification: task of maintaining the social organiza- • According to the main spheres of tion of society, its economic, political, society’s life: economic, social, political, ideological stability, etc., was and still spiritual, social, military, and church; remains the most important task of the • By appointment: legislative, execu- state authorities in any country [3]. tive, judicial, as well as, namely: con- Equally relevant is the question of trol, election, constituent, and informa- the ontological nature of state power, tional; which, although somewhat modified, • By place in the power structure: however, remains fundamentally un- central, regional, local, republican, re- changed in the following: a) the politi- gional, and district, etc.; cal nature of power (although not all • By carrier: monarchical, folk, and political power is state one); b) a cen- national, etc.; tralized nature. Although this power • For the continuity (duration) of the is divided into three main branches as term of stay in the power of a particular legislative, executive, judicial (different subject;

167 • By coverage of the categories, of formation and functioning, etc. The groups, and contingent of people as mili- main methodological aspects of such a tary and mafia, etc.; study look like this. • By force of influence on the subjects: Every power has its foundations too strong and weak, etc. [3, p. 163]. and the base (It means ‘basic’ (from the Finally, the transformation of politi- Greek) as base, and foundation). Social cal and state power, in the modern age, base of power is the most important, be- more and more emphasizes the prob- cause its feature is the support (or not) lem of its separation, decentralization, by the people as the broad strata of the when the basis of the state becomes not population (citizens). so much a centre as a civil society. ‘Civil Among the main types of govern- society is the foundation of the state; its ment, we distinguish economic, social, formation takes place in close connection and spiritual policies [1, p. 52]. with the formation of a legal, social, and We can also talk about the main re- democratic state. Civil society is a soci- sources of power, which include the fol- ety of mature citizens with a high level of lowing resources: utilitarian, compul- economic, social, spiritual, and political sory and regulatory. culture, which, together with the state, • Utilitarian (material and other forms the developed legal relations. Civil social goods); society is a society of free citizens, which • Forced (weapons, institutes of is free from the state, but interacts with it physical coercion, and specially for the sake of the public good’, the well- trained people); known Ukrainian political scientist • Normative (various means of in- F. M. Rudych notes on this occasion fluencing the inner world of a [5, p. 15]. person, his inquiries, interests, These and other aspects listed above needs, value orientations, and be- are directly related to the state power, haviour [3]. actualization of its research. The purpose of this article is a theo- Analysis of recent research and retical and methodological substantia- publications. The theoretical basis for tion of the main changes, transforma- the study of issues of state policy and tions of state power in the conditions its transformations is the works of such of state sovereignty, the specifics of the foreign and domestic scientists, name- division of state power, the peculiari- ly: I. Aleksieienko, O. Valevskyi, Da- ties of its connection with civil society, vid Weimer, L. Halahan, E. Hlushko, as in any country of the world, and in I. Stepanov, Yu. Shulzhenko, O. Da- Ukraine. nyliuk, O. Dziuban, P. Myronenko, Presentation of the main material. V. Pohorilko, V. Tertychka, E. Toffler, Conceptually, in terms of comprehen- V. Khalipov, V. Shapoval and many sion of the essence of power and state others. power we proceed with the following. Specified these and other resear- According to the Russian political sci- chers focus on the study as the nature entist K. S. Hazhiiev, power arose with of power in general and state power in the advent of human society in general. particular, their resources, mechanisms State power, as well as state policy, also

168 arose with the emergence of the state at and community. If citizens believe that the same time. they are managed in the same way as it Citing, in particular, E. Fromm, men- is normatively defined, then these ma- tioned by us K. S. Hadziiev, graphically nagers (power and authorities, etc.) are points out that ‘power is nothing but a legitimate. M. Weber has distinguished desperate attempt to get a substitute for three types of legitimacy: legitimacy power when there is no real strength’ based on traditions; legitimacy based [6, p. 265]. on the right; legitimacy based on the We must agree with the opinion of charisma of the one who manages (See R. Eering in the sense that the state the power). History knows a lot of ex- has an absolute monopoly on coercion amples of the charismatic legitimacy in relation to the state and its authori- of the power of individual and unusual ties. personalities. This is especially true of A well-known political scientist, power in some eastern states, as an ex- M. Weber, generally believed that vio- ample, China, North Korea, and Syria lence was a clearly defined feature of and so on. the state. Now we will be talking about sove- In this case, it is important to un- reignty and its role in the formation and derstand the following. The state is functioning of state power. Sovereignty a close unity of common and private is the right of the authorities to govern interests. There is a national interest a certain territory and at a certain time. and purely human, personal. The main Sovereignty can be permanent and problem is the civilized coordination temporary. of these interests. On the one hand, a In order to fully understand the role person (citizen) tries to maximize the and significance of the sovereignty of realization of his own interest, and, on the system of government, the follow- the other hand, because he is a member ing basic characteristics should be of a large community (society) must taken into account: (compel) to coordinate his interest • Supremacy (supreme power in the with the general public. This should be territory, territorial integrity and invio- done by the state. lability); We must allocate first of all legiti- • Indivisibility (there cannot be two macy and sovereignty of all the features supreme authorities, and, therefore, of modern state power. two sovereignty in the country); Legitimacy is, in fact, the authority • Inalienability (someone else’s re- of power in both the people and society. cognition does not require sovereign The degree of legitimacy is the number rights; they cannot be doubted, and of those who support authority. Legiti- even more so, be cancelled); macy of power depends on many factors • Absoluteness (the possibility of as the time and the success of most in- an exclusively voluntary restriction in stitutions of power. The legitimacy of order to realize its own sovereignty, as the situation is explained more precise- it is noted in the Declaration on State ly by the fact that the interests, posi- Sovereignty and the Constitution of tions, demands, and needs, etc. of power Ukraine).

169 We emphasize especially follow- The indicated problem also requires ing. Whatever reforms, transforma- a more thorough study, since there are tions of a political, economic, social or supporters of the point of view of actu- other nature in the state did not take ally maximizing the subordination of place, in the foreground there its so- the ‘national’ policy to the ‘internation- vereignty, territorial integrity, regard- al’ one, and, conversely, many resear- less of whether it is unitary, federal, chers in the field of law, political sci- confederative, or any other have always ence, and international relations argue been and remains. that the national interests of individual The notion of ‘sovereignty’ includes states must dominate the international. several special, closely interconnected Another aspect of the ‘delineation’ components. Thus, the main features of of politics, and state policy, etc. It is sovereignty in the Declaration on the connected with the fact that in fact in State Sovereignty of Ukraine, adopted modern states, including in modern on July 16, 1990, are: supremacy, inde- Ukraine, there are two powers as state pendence, fullness and indivisibility of power and municipal authorities in power within the territory, and inde- their close combination. At the same pendence and equality in external rela- time, the municipal government is a tions [7]. As you know, the Constitu- system of power relations, which im- tion of Ukraine, adopted in 1996 [8], plements the functions and powers of begins with the article on sovereignty. local self-government. Municipal go- Talking about state power, it is very vernment is a form of not only social important to draw attention to the fact but also public (along with state) pow- that there is a group of subjects of inter- er, operates within a territorial commu- national and domestic life of countries nity, is implemented on its behalf either that affect the limitation of state so- directly, or by bodies and officials of lo- vereignty of individual countries. Such cal self-government and based on the subjects have their own dynamics of norms of law. Municipal government development and the state, with vary- can be defined as a form of social rela- ing degrees of voluntariness, of course, tions, in which, according to the rules inferior to the part of their sovereignty. of the territorial community, the activi- Ukrainian political scientist ties of some actors, affecting the activi- I. V. Aleksieienko refers to such sub- ties of others, change or stabilize it in jects as: a) international institutions accordance with its goals within the and organizations; b) transnational framework of national policy. At the economic actors operating on the glo- same time, it should be emphasized that bal market; c) sub-state regional actors the two sides of social governance as (federal lands, regions, cantons, and democratization and statehood result- republics) operating in transnational ing in the general context of changes in spaces without resorting to mediation social and economic, and political pro- of governments; d) non-governmental cesses, synergistically interwoven and organizations; e) hybrid education synthesized into a single institutional (public-private-social groups, or actors and regulatory complex of public power of the third sector) [9, p. 7]. [10].

170 It is clear that the whole problem is of Ukraine on Human Rights, the Ac- how constitutionally defined state and counting Chamber, the National Radio municipal authorities, as they are prac- and Television Council, the Supreme tically organized. At the same time, the Council of Justice, that is, the grounds issue of separation of powers and the to speak about control-overseeing division of powers between the sepa- power as sufficiently independent po- rate branches of power and between the litical power in Ukraine. state and municipal authorities is cru- The supervisory power is not some- cial importance. thing new and unusual. It was talked It should be noted that local self- about in the days of Confucius in China; government, as a specific form of public it was offered by the Russian Decemb- power, is also characterized by a dis- rist at their reformation projects (The tinctive feature of a particular entity Russkaia Pravda (The Russian Truth) of (the territorial community) as a set of P. Pestel called this power as observato- large numbers of people; joint commu- ry). A number of Ukrainian researchers nal property; and tax system, etc. suggest referring to the control branch Now we will talk about the sepa- of power the Constitutional Court of ration of power. The classical consi- Ukraine. deration of the problem of separation of There is not enough single point of powers is in the fundamental work of a view regarding the power of the presi- great scholar Ch. L. Montesquieu, who dent as a separate branch of political in his fundamental work, On the Spirit power. There are two points of view of Laws (1748), concluded that ‘free- here. First, the power of the President dom is possible in any form of govern- of Ukraine is a synthesis of legislative, ment, if the state has the right to rule, is executive and judicial power; Second: guaranteed the observance of the rule of the power of the President of Ukraine law through the division of powers into is an independent government. It is also the legislative, executive and judicial, clear that a number of functions of the which mutually hold back each other’. President of Ukraine are sufficiently We emphasize that the division of decisive for the political power of the state power is carried out in accordance state in international relations. In ac- with its functions in modern Ukraine. cordance with Article 106 of the Con- At the same time, there are tradition- stitution of Ukraine, the President of ally legislative, executive and judicial, Ukraine: ‘Represents the state in inter- although experts in constitutional law, national relations, carries out manage- individual philosophers, political scien- ment of foreign policy activities of the tists, and experts in the field of public state, negotiates and concludes interna- administration often distinguish power tional treaties of Ukraine’ [8, p. 47]. control and oversight and presidential. The authorities of the President of If we take into account that there are Ukraine claim and due to several of many special supervisory bodies of the its functions and powers that are well supervisory nature as the Prosecutor’s known, but also cause serious discus- Office, the Constitutional Court, the sions on this for a certain separation of Ombudsman of the Supreme Council political power.

171 The system of bodies of state power ticipation in shaping the political or- and bodies of local self-government in der for power decisions is, first and any state, including Ukraine, is the so- foremost, the problem of the specific called mechanism of the state, or the relations between the authorities (as state mechanism, due to which not only an all-seeing, all-knowing, omnipotent the corresponding state policy is imple- decision maker) and social knowledge mented, but the state as a whole func- [11, p. 19]. Meanwhile, many scholars, tions as well. namely: Yu. Habermas, N. Louman, The main democratization factors L. Ionin, F. Fukuyama and some others that make up the mechanisms of the explain publicity as a matter of acces- state are as follows: a) the principle of sibility. Moreover, the publicity of the separation of powers; b) the system of authorities is a more important basis administrative-territorial structure of for the democratization of social rela- the state; c) the sphere (objects) of pub- tions. Thus, Habermas believes that lic administration. political openness of power acts is ‘the It is clear that these factors are in- highest manifestation of those conditions tended, on the one hand, to ensure the of communicativeness in which the dis- effectiveness of the practical implemen- cursive formation of the thought and will tation of state policy at all levels of the of citizens of the state can be realized, administrative and territorial division may be regarded as the basic concept of of the state, and, on the other hand, to a normatively formed theory of demo- ensure, at the same time, the unity, in- cracy’ [12]. tegrity of the state, in accordance with The problems of transparency, pub- the existing political system. As stated, licity of state power have become most the basis for solving the last task was noticeable since the first years of inde- and is the unity (cooperation) of state pendence, in the course of new forms authorities and local self-government of contacts, relations between the au- bodies. thorities and the people as rallies, de- Authority, weight, and, most impor- monstrations, speeches of leading poli- tantly the effectiveness of state power, ticians before large mass gatherings in in the most significant way, depends modern Ukraine. on its publicity. The term ‘publicity’ is Openness and publicity of govern- understood as a certain level of public ment have begun to evolve under many access to the public, i. e., the measure of circumstances in Ukraine. But the the level of such publicity is the partici- most important circumstance was the pation of citizens in the development, democratic pressure on the authorities and even more practical implementa- on the part of the people as ‘the admis- tion of state policy. The Ukrainian re- sion of the people to power’ was posed searcher V. Stepanenko (and it makes as an objective reality, a need for public sense to agree), understands the pub- life in many circumstances. It is clear, licity of power in two main ways as fol- however, that the demand for state lows: a) the openness of the functioning power to be more transparent, publicly, of the bureaucracy and transparency is to a large extent conditioned by the of its decision-making; b) public par- growth of consciousness, the political

172 culture of citizens, and the formation References of a high civil position of millions of . 1. Kovbasiuk Yu. V., Troshchynsky V. P. Conclusions and perspectives of and Surmin Yu. P. (2010) Entsyk- further research. State power is an ob- lopedychnyi slovnyk z derzhavnoho jective and natural phenomenon of so- upravlinnia [Encyclopedic Dictionary cial existence. Since non-governmental of Public Administration], NADU, Kyiv, Ukraine. human communities does not actually 2. Antonjuk O. V., Holovaty M. F. and exist in the world, state power has been Shchokin G. V. (2007) Etnokratolo- and will remain a more important tool hichnyi slovnyk: Entsyklopedychno- for reconciling the lives of millions of dovidkovyi slovnyk [Ethnocratic people in one place, on the Earth as a dictionary: Encyclopedic-reference whole. dictionary], MAUP, Kyiv, Ukraine. State power is transforming, chang- 3. Khalypov V. F. (1997), Vlast: Kratolo- ing due to changing political, social, hycheskyi slovar [Power: Cratological system of societies, political regimes dictionary], Moscow, Russia. of countries, relations between coun- 4. Denysenko V. M., Sorba O. M., аnd Uhryn L. J. (2000) Politolohiia: nav- tries. chalnyi entsyklopedychnyi slovnyk- The issues of legitimacy, sovereignty dovidnyk dlia studentiv [Politics: An of the transparency of state power, and encyclopaedic vocabulary-guide for its formation are acute in the middle of students], Kyiv, Ukraine. national states. Concerning the practi- 5. Rudych F. M. (1999) Mnoho ly vlasty cal functioning of state power, now a nuzhno vlasty? (Ukrayna v kontekste deeper study needs a problem of sepa- transformatsyy polytycheskykh sy- ration of powers and the distribution of stem v stranakh SNG y Baltyy, Tsen- power. The use of this principle, which tralnoy y Vostoshnoy Evropy [Does ensures the real subsidiarity of the au- the government need much power? (Ukraine in the context of the trans- thorities, the formation of more effec- formation of political systems in the tive, responsible democratic relations CIS and Baltic countries, Central between state power and civil society, is and Eastern Europe)], Dovira, Kyiv, the first priority of the transformation Ukraine. of state power in the conditions of mo- 6. Hadzhyev K. S. (1999), Polytycheskaia dern transformations of countries and fylosofyia [Political Philosophy], Eko- societies. nomyka, Moscow, Russia. Investigation of these problems will 7. Deklaratsiia pro derzhavnyi suvereni- open up much wider possibilities of tet Ukrainy [Declaration on State providing state power not as the au- Sovereignty of Ukraine] (1990), Kyiv, Ukraine. thority of the centre, but also of the 8. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy. Pryiniata na leading political structures but as the piatii sesii Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy authorities of the people and the com- 28 chervnia 1996 roku [Constitution munity. Such processes are crucial for a of Ukraine. Adopted by the fifth ses- more humanistic and civilized arrange- sion of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ment of human life in the context of on June 28, 1996] (1996), Kyiv, global democratization processes. Ukraine.

173 9. Alieksieienko I. V. (2006), Transforma- ко та ін.; за ред. Ю. В. Ковбасюка, tsiia instytutu natsionalnoi derzhavy В. П. Трощинського, Ю. П. Сурмі- v umovakh hlobalizatsii [Transforma- на. — К.: НАДУ, 2010. — 820 с. tion of the institute of the national 6. Етнократологічний словник: Ен- state in the conditions of globaliza- цикл.-довід. слов. / за ред. О. В. Ан- tion], Kyiv, Ukraine. тонюка, М. Ф. Головатого, Г. В. Що- 10. Pohorilko V. F. (2002), Orhany der- кіна. — К.: МАУП, 2007. — 576 с. zhavnoi vlady Ukrainy [Government 7. Засоби подолання кризових явищ bodies of Ukraine], Kyiv, Ukraine. у системі державного управління: 11. Sotsiolohichne znannia ta vlada: supe- світовий досвід і Україна: Наукова rechlyvi vidnosyny sotsiolohichnykh записка / відп. ред. В. П. Горбатен- doslidzhen i politychnoi praktyky ко. — К.: Ін-т держави і права [Sociological knowledge and power: ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України, contradictory relations of sociological 2011. — 68 с. research and political practice] (2005), 8. Конституція України. Прийнята на Stylos, Kyiv, Ukraine. п’ятій сесії Верховної Ради України 12. Habermas Y. (2000), Strukturni pe- 28 червня 1996 р. — К., 1997. — 78 с. retvorennia u sferi vidkrytosti [Struc- 9. Органи державної влади України / tural transformations in the field of за ред. В. Ф. Погорілка. — К.: Ін-т openness], Lviv, Ukraine. держави і права ім. В. М. Корецько- го, 2002. — 592 с. Список використаних 10. Політологія: навчальний енцикло- педичний словник-довідник для джерел студентів ВНЗ І–ІV рівнів акреди- 1. Алєксєєнко І. В. Трансформація ін- тації / за наук. ред. д-ра політ. наук ституту національної держави в Н. М. Хоми / В. М. Денисенко, умовах глобалізації: автореф. дис. ... О. М. Сорба, Л. Я. Угрин та ін. — д-ра політ. наук: спец. 23.00.02 – по- Львів: Новий світ–2000, 2014. — літичні інститути та процеси. — К., 779 с. 2006. — 32 с. 11. Рудич Ф. М. Много ли власти нуж- 2. Габермас Ю. Структурні перетво- но власти? (Украина в контексте рення у сфері відкритості / Ю. Га- трансформации политических сис- бермас. — Львів, 2000. — 192 с. тем в странах СНГ и Балтии, Центр. 3. Гаджиев К. С. Политическая фило- и Вост. Европы): учеб. пособие для софия / Отделение экон. РАН; на- студ. высш. учеб. заведений. — 2-е уч.-ред. совет изд-ва “Экономика” / изд. перераб. и доп. / Ф. М. Рудич. — К. С. Гаджиев. — М.: Экономика, К.: Довіра, 1999. — 199 с. 1999. — 606 с. 12. Соціологічне знання та влада: супе- 4. Декларація про державний суве- речливі відносини соціологічних ренітет України від 16.07.1990 р. досліджень і політичної практики. — № 5–ХІІ // Відомості Верховної Ра- К.: ВД “Стилос”; ПЦ “Фоліант”, ди УРСР. — 1990. — № 31. — Ст. 429. 2005. — 254 с. 5. Енциклопедичний словник з держав- 13. Халипов В. Ф. Власть: Кратологиче- ного управління / уклад. Ю. П. Сур- ский словарь / В. Ф. Халипов. — М.: мін, В. Д. Бакуменко, А. М. Міхнен- Республика, 1997. — 431 с.

174 UDC: 323.21

Kartashov Evgeny Grigoryevich, Doctor of science in Public Administration, Head of the Departmentof Project Manage- ment and General Professional Disciplines, Educational-Scientific Institute of Manage- ment and Psychology of the Higher Educa- tional Institution “University of Manage- ment Education” of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 04053, Kiev, Str. Sichovykh Strіltsіv, 52-a, tel.: (067) 614 23 53, e-mail: yevgenkartashov@ ORCID: 0000-0001-6522-5508 Карташов Євген Григорович, доктор наук з державного управління, завідувач кафедри управління проекта- ми та загальнофахових дисциплін, Навчально-науковий інститут менеджменту та психології ДВНЗ “Університет менеджменту освіти” Національної академії педаго- гічних наук України, 04053, Київ, вул. Січових Стрільців, 52-а, тел.: (067) 614 23 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6522-5508 Карташов Евгений Григорьевич, доктор наук по государственному управлению, заведующий кафедрой управления про- ектами и общепрофессиональных дисциплин, Учебно-научный институт менеджмен- та и психологии ГВУЗ “Университет менеджмента образования” Национальной ака- демии педагогических наук Украины, 04053, Киев, ул. Сечевых Стрельцов, 52-а, тел.: (067) 614 23 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6522-5508 DOI


Abstract. The role of the state in the processes of European integration and decentralization is analyzed, the factors of threats for it are determined. The fol- lowing common features of decentralization processes in the EU member states are highlighted as strengthening the role of the regional level, the need to choose between different models of separation of powers between different levels of go- vernment (exclusive or joint authority) and the search for ways to adequately fi- nance transferred powers. Decentralization also actualizes the problem of territo- rial inequality and patronage for European countries. It is proved that the national state is a central actor in the process of decentralization, despite the fact that this process creates certain threats to the state itself. On the one hand, the EU as a

175 supranational organization has already limited some aspects of the sovereignty of its member states, in particular, in the area of monetary policy. With the deepening of European integration, the powers of national states and in other areas are in- creasingly limited. On the other hand, the gradual increase in the share of powers conveyed by the state to decentralized and regional authorities further weakens its role. Moreover, the increasing influence of liberalism on state policy and the introduction of competition among the main providers of public services also li- mits the possibility of the state’s influence on its internal policies. Such a dynamics gives grounds for questioning the ability of states to effectively manage their ter- ritories. At the same time, it was noted that in most EU member states, the bodies of state power have long been the guarantor of national unity in both social and territorial terms. Such a “unity of opposites” (decentralization and centralization) is unlikely to change in the medium term. Keywords: decentralization, powers, subsidiarity, inequality, integration, region, local self-government. ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКІ УРОКИ ДЕЦЕНТРАЛІЗАЦІЇ Анотація. Проаналізовано роль держави у процесах європейської інте- грації та децентралізації, визначено чинники загроз для неї. Виділено такі спільні риси децентралізаційних процесів у державах – членах ЄС, як поси- лення ролі регіонального рівня, необхідність вибору між різними моделями поділу повноважень між різними рівнями державного управління (виключ- ні або спільні повноваження) та пошук шляхів належного фінансування переданих повноважень. Децентралізація також актуалізує для європейсь- ких країн проблеми територіальної нерівності та патронажу. Доведено, що національна держава є центральним актором у процесі децентралізації по- при те, що цей процес формує певні загрози для самої держави. З одного боку, Євросоюз як наднаціональна організація вже обмежила деякі аспекти суверенітету своїх держав-членів, зокрема, у сфері здійснення монетарної політики. По мірі поглиблення європейської інтеграції дедалі більше обме- жуються повноваження національних держав і в інших сферах. З іншого бо- ку — поступове збільшення частки повноважень, що передаються державою децентралізованим та регіональним органам влади, ще більше ослаблює її роль. Понад те, дедалі більший вплив лібералізму на державну політику та запровадження конкуренції між основними постачальниками державних послуг також обмежує можливості впливу держави на її внутрішню політи- ку. Така динаміка дає підстави ставити під сумнів спроможність держав ефективно управляти своїми територіями. Водночас відзначено, що в біль- шості держав – членів ЄС саме органи державної влади вже тривалий час є гарантом національної єдності і в соціальному, і в територіальному вимірах. Така “єдність протилежностей” (децентралізації і централізації) навряд чи зміниться у середньостроковій перспективі. Ключові слова: децентралізація, повноваження, субсидіарність, нерів- ність, інтеграція, регіон, місцеве самоврядування.

176 ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЕ УРОКИ ДЕЦЕНТРАЛИЗАЦИИ Аннотация. Проанализирована роль государства в процессах европей- ской интеграции и децентрализации, определены факторы угроз для нее. Выделены следующие общие черты децентрализационных процессов в госу- дарствах – членах ЕС, как усиление роли регионального уровня, необходи- мость выбора между различными моделями разделения полномочий между различными уровнями государственного управления (исключительные или совместные полномочия) и поиск путей надлежащего финансирования пе- реданных полномочий. Децентрализация также актуализирует для европей- ских стран проблемы территориального неравенства и патронажа. Доказано, что национальное государство является центральным актером в процессе децентрализации, несмотря на то что этот процесс формирует определенные угрозы для самого государства. С одной стороны, Евросоюз, как сверхна- циональная организация, уже ограничила некоторые аспекты суверенитета своих государств-членов, в частности, в сфере осуществления монетарной политики. По мере углубления европейской интеграции все больше ограни- чиваются полномочия национальных государств и в других сферах. С дру- гой стороны, постепенное увеличение доли полномочий, передаваемых госу- дарством децентрализованным и региональным органам власти, еще больше ослабляет его роль. Более того, все большее влияние либерализма на госу- дарственную политику и внедрение конкуренции между основными постав- щиками государственных услуг также ограничивает возможности влияния государства на ее внутреннюю политику. Такая динамика дает основания ставить под сомнение способность государств эффективно управлять свои- ми территориями. В то же время отмечено, что в большинстве государств – членов ЕС именно органы государственной власти уже длительное время являются гарантом национального единства и в социальном, и территори- альном измерениях. Такое “единство противоположностей” (децентрализа- ции и централизации) вряд ли изменится в среднесрочной перспективе. Ключевые слова: децентрализация, полномочия, субсидиарность, нера- венство, интеграция, регион, местное самоуправление.

Formulation of the problem. De- state, form of state structure, level of centralization processes taking place development of local self-government, in every member state of the EU. A socio-economic factors (level of educa- common feature of these processes is tion of its citizens, the degree of social strengthening the role of regional and cohesion), which determines the fea- local authorities, a review of their rela- tures of territory management at lo- tions with the Central government of cal and regional levels. However, the the state. The differences in decentrali- values that underlie the European zation due, in particular, the size of the community remains unchanged.

177 Analysis of recent researches and damental rights of the European Union publications. The problems of de- States that it “promotes the preserva- centralization is the subject of study tion and development of common va- of many branches of science such as lues while respecting the diversity of Еconomics, political science, philoso- cultures and traditions of the peoples phy, public administration, etc. This of Europe, as well as the national iden- demonstrates the complexity of the tities of the member States and the or- problem and the impossibility of its ganization of their public authorities at solution only by traditional methods national, regional and local levels [1]. of scientific research and modern ma- The principle of subsidiarity applies nagement system. only to relations between the EU and We can noted American and English member States and doesn’t affect the scientists who investigated the back- internal structure of the latter. Accord- ground and practice associated with ingly, the process of decentralization the economic problems of decentraliza- takes place within the territory of the tion: Conn M., John Lochley, M. Rose- States. land, John.-M. Fontaine, P. Hamel, As follows from the provisions of G. Haughton and others. System and the European Charter of local self- support local development was consi- government, strengthening of self- dered by R. Bingham, F. Bir, G. Green, government in the different European L. Cary, R. Pitman and others. The is- countries is an important contribution sues of development of territorial com- to the building of Europe on the prin- munities researched by Russian scien- ciples of democracy and decentraliza- tists, namely: P. Belenchuk, R. Brusac, tion of power, and the right of citizens V. Voronkova, A. Goshko, G. Droben- to participate in public Affairs is one of ko, V. Campo, I. Kozyura, V. Kuybida, the democratic principles shared by all V. Mamonova, N. Orlate etc. Regional member States of the Council of Eu- and local government were analyzed rope. However, decentralization is also by V. Vojtowicz, J. Dechtiarenko, a requirement for good management, O. Kilievich, V. Knyazev, V. Kravchen- since “the existence of local authorities ko, N. Nizhnik , M. Pukhtynskiy etc. with real responsibilities can provide However, in the Ukrainian science, an effective and close to the citizen ad- the issues of the integrated consi- ministration”. deration of European lessons of decent- The national state is the Central ac- ralization remain inadequately re- tor in the decentralization process, de- searched. spite the fact that this process creates Formulation of the objectives certain threats for the state. On the (purpose) article. The purpose of this one hand, the EU as a supranational article is to develop theoretical founda- organization has already restricted tions and measures to improve the do- some aspects of the sovereignty of its mestic approaches to decentralization member States, in particular, in the im- based on European practice. plementation of monetary policy. With Presentation of the basic material. the deepening of European integra- In the Preamble of the Charter of fun- tion, the powers of national states and

178 in other areas are increasingly limited. for effective participation in political On the other hand, the gradual in- life at the national level. crease of powers that are transferred to Decentralization primarily involves decentralized government and regional the provision of regional and local au- authorities, further weakening its role. thorities a degree of independence that Moreover, the increasing influence secured the national law. Discussions of liberalism on public policy and the that often arise (in particular, on the introduction of competition between number of levels of government) seem a the main providers of public services bit artificial. So, municipalities are the also limits the state’s influence on its components of the state system of each domestic policies. This dynamics gives country, although different in size, or- grounds to doubt the ability of States ganization and legal status. At the same to effectively manage their territories. time, they have certain common pre- However, it should be recognized that ferences and common problems: they in most member States of the EU that are closest to citizens and are respon- public authorities has long been the sible for providing services that are guarantor of national unity and social most in need citizens in everyday life. and territorial dimensions. This “unity The regional level corresponds to the of opposites” (decentralization and levels NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 according centralization) is unlikely to change in to the European nomenclature of ter- the medium term. ritorial units for statistics [2] and, in That is, the source of the threats to some States absent using a small size of the state isn’t decentralization as such, the territory (Luxembourg) or create but above all the number of other fac- deconcentrating areas (Greece, Portu- tors, including economic and social gal). Also in several States formed an exclusion, increasing imbalances in intermediate level between municipa- the development of territories, eco- lity and region — Department nomic globalization, etc. Globalization, (France), province (Italy), County by definition, leads to the erosion of (Poland). These three levels form the economic, cultural and other bounda- basic structure of the control areas in ries. Meanwhile, the decentralization, most member States of the EU. on the contrary, allowing each terri- In each country, the method of or- tory to maintain and develop their ganization of decentralized authorities identity. connected with its history, political and Nation-state continues to function management culture, economy, social as the main actor of the control areas. experience. Relevant differences make According to national constitutions it impossible for the development and and other laws it’s authorized to orga- implementation of common (univer- nize regional and local government as sal) EU model. However, there is some one of the main foundations of demo- similarity in the approaches to solv- cratic governance. Citizens, having ing a number of problems. First of all had an opportunity to solve and solv- it concerns the increased administra- ing local problems, gain the necessary tive role of the regional level. In federal knowledge and experience important or highly regionalized countries ter-

179 ritorial subjects of the federation (re- reality this is more of a formality than gions, lands) a long time at discretion a practice. Instead, in the legal field resolved issues of the internal device. of Germany, the hierarchy in the rela- Because of it even the unitary states tionship between the different levels of incorporate regions with the special government is given priority: the legal status now. In some cases, is the Islands acts adopted by the land authorities (Azores, Corsica, Madeira), other — re- obligatory for local self-government gions within the whole of government bodies located in their territories, and of the territories (Scotland, Ireland, the higher level of regional (local) au- Wales in the UK, the region of Ile-de- thorities has the right to supervise for France in North-Central part of the the activities of the lower. Both the French Republic). The movement to- first and the second approaches have ward a further diversification of insti- disadvantages. In the French system tutions and institutions also affects the of formal equality that doesn’t corre- system of local government in Federal spond to the actual practice of relations and unitary States. In particular, States of subordination between the various are forced to reform the administra- levels of government, isn’t conducive tive-territorial system subject to the to the development of cooperation be- availability of underdeveloped rural tween regions, departments or munici- areas, the need to create conglomerates palities, and doesn’t exclude the pos- of cities and the development of inter- sibility of competition between them, municipal cooperation. So France is which leads to blurring of responsi- traditionally the unitary state, depend- bilities. The German-elected hierarchy ing on the size of the isolated commu- contributes to the re-concentration of nity of municipalities, community of power at the land level and contradicts agglomerations, urban communities, the formal imperatives of decentraliza- and in the near future metropolis. Such tion. However, despite the diversity of complexity means the only attempt national experiences, the idea of pro- to harmonize the functioning of very viding a regional level of responsibility different territories within the single for the maintenance of unity of system state, and that determines the popu- of local self-government finds more larity of decentralization, able to take and more supporters. into account the diversity of adminis- Clear separation of powers between trative-territorial units of the country. the state and various local and regional The next problem, you have to ad- authorities is a basic requirement for ef- dress Europe in the course of decen- fective public management. The Euro- tralization lies in the choice between pean Charter of local self-government equality and hierarchy in the relations in article 4 notes that “the basic po- between the different regional and lo- wers and functions of local govern- cal institutions. In the French Con- ments are determined by the Constitu- stitution, for example, enshrined the tion or by law. However, this provision principle that no local authority may doesn’t preclude the granting to local not exercise the power or carry out su- governments powers and responsibili- pervision over other authorities, but in ties for specific purposes in accordance

180 with the law. Local authorities within own responsibility and in the frame- the law have every right to freely de- work of the law, primarily deals with cide any question not withdrawn from all issues of local communities: local their competence and which isn’t as- public transport, local roads, supply of signed to any other institution. The gas, water, electricity, construction and Charter also States that the powers urban planning, construction and sup- conferred upon local authorities, as a port of primary and secondary schools, rule, should be full and exclusive. They theaters, museums and hospitals, sports cannot be suspended or restricted oth- infrastructure. However, according er Central or regional authority, unless to most experts, Germany moves to a required by law” [3]. more complex system of separation of The mechanism of the exclusive powers that is increasingly difficult competence applies in Belgium, where to understand, therefore, from time to every authority is vested with the au- time there are calls for revision and a thority dedicated only to him: the is- clearer definition of powers between sues related to sovereignty are the the federal parliament and the lands, responsibility of Federal institutions; especially given the increasing impact cultural issues, health care and social of EU legislation on the domestic poli- assistance fall within the competence cy of the states -members of the communities, and questions of In Italy the separation of emergen- housing and communal services par- cy powers between state and regions is tially within the scope of competence of more consistent with the best interests the regions. Exclusive authority means of Rome. A number of exclusive po- that there can be no interference from wers assigned to the public authorities the Federal government. The princi- of Spain and the Autonomous com- ple of shared authority is practiced in munities. It’s obvious that the system a federated Germany. According to of emergency powers helps the citizens the Constitution the Parliament of to understand and know exactly what the Federation has exclusive powers in kind of authority is responsible for a clearly defined areas; and the land are specific field. It should be noted that denied the right to adopt legislation in this mechanism doesn’t exist in his several areas (foreign Affairs, defense, “perfect pure” form, because there are free movement of goods and people, cases of exceptional powers, coincident credit and monetary policy, customs, with concentrated powers. Moreover, railway, postal and telecommunication strict separation of powers doesn’t al- services), except when Federal law al- ways provide effective management of lows you to adjust a certain relation- the territories, particularly as you get ship. Exclusive powers of the land are closer to the basic level of the territo- determined by special provisions of the rial structure of the state. Constitution (culture, education, local The modern experience of decen- business and the like). According to tralization gives more arguments in the Constitution of the land guaran- favor of practices that introduced tees municipalities the right to regu- mechanisms of joint powers tested first late relations in the framework of their of all, unitary States: each level of go-

181 vernment is responsible for matters are entitled within national economic corresponding to his level, and it’s open policy to adequate financial resources to interference by other authorities of of their own, which they may dispose the same or higher level. In France freely within their powers. The finan- the municipalities are responsible for cial resources of local governments primary education; the Department match the powers provided by the for social services and colleges; the re- Constitution or by law. ... Financial gions for land management, training system that constitute the core resourc- and higher education. Poland is also an es of local governments are sufficiently example of collaborative models of au- diversified and flexible, and should pro- thority: the commune and the province vide the opportunity to bring available are engaged in water supply and sanita- resources to the extent practicable, in tion and maintenance of public roads. accordance with the actual increase in When it comes to social services, edu- the cost of the tasks they perform”. cation and culture, all three levels are Also, the mechanism of financial responsible for them (gmina, county equalization should operate. The Char- and voivodship). This approach has ter identified two fundamental princi- certain advantages: it creates favorable ples: the principle of involving the lo- conditions for the development of co- cal authorities own resources, which operation between the various authori- it may freely dispose of (responsibility ties; increases the possibility of raising principle) and the principle that these the funding needed to implement im- resources should allow it to execute its portant for the local and regional level powers in the usual way (principle of projects. Among the disadvantages of adequacy). However, in practice, many this approach is that it complicates the European countries, especially in situ- understanding of citizens, administra- ations of economic crisis, the empower- tive body which meets sphere. ment of local authorities is often ahead If decentralization involves the di- of its authorization for sources to pro- vision of powers between the state and duce resources to the extent necessary the various levels of regional and local for the proper implementation of these self-government, it means that this di- powers. vision should be clear and accompanied The deepening of decentralization by adequate financial mechanisms. De- also requires the solution of two prob- centralization cannot be used for the lems: cavities and patronage. Inequali- deliverance of the state from liability ty is directly connected with the nature for those services that she is unable to of decentralization as such, as provides provide for lack of financial resources. for the transfer of authorities to regio- Decentralization is aimed at providing nal and local levels certain powers of safeguards for effective management at the Central government, delegation of lower levels of elected bodies based on responsibility, together with appropri- democratic principles. ate financing. However, in each coun- This is stated in article 9 of the try, the bodies of regional and local au- European Charter of local self-govern- thorities have different possibilities of ment: “local self-government Bodies financing their activities in providing

182 services to the population. The least obstacles to the activities of the oppo- developed municipalities and regions sition forces, using undemocratic me- find themselves in a situation in which thods. Combating this phenomenon provide public services poorer quality must be integrated, in particular, to and in smaller volume than more afflu- include activities such as increasing ent and, therefore, are forced to seek transparency in work of public au- additional sources of budget revenues, thorities, rule of law, strengthening of including facing the need to increase responsibility and accountability of of- the tax burden on residents and busi- ficials and members of representative nesses. To avoid this threat, decentrali- bodies, effective policies of prevention zation must be complemented with and combating of corruption at all ad- mechanisms aligned with respect to the ministrative levels. distribution of public resources across It’s important to prevent abuse of decentralized institutions. A strong certain groups of potential elections, territory — developed autonomy — at and other forms of “participatory de- least “without enthusiasm” refer to mocracy”, the tools of which generally such solidarity. increases along with decentralization The patronage is the result of in- changes. We need a legislative fuses equality of relations between regional from the use of decentralization and or local authorities and “patron” — its inherent democratic procedures in the citizens who receive protection the interests of certain groups and in- or benefits in exchange for loyalty or dividuals to the detriment of the com- political support. The more authority munities. and resources transferred to local and Conclusions and prospects for fur- regional level, especially the political ther research. Despite a fairly wide- forces are interested in the maximum spread concern that decentralization in control of the relevant representative the context of globalization and deep- bodies, allocating local budget funds ening European integration forms an for project financing and disposing of inevitable and insurmountable threat other material resources of society to to the sovereignty of European Union meet the needs of their most loyal vot- States, these States continue to play a ers. Pretty quickly the party affiliation functionally transformed, but, as before becomes the defining characteristic for joining the EU, the leading role in the employment in local/regional authori- management of their territories. One ties or obtaining contracts. So for cer- manifestation of this is that each of tain regions of Italy typical of the close the States of the European Union de- connection of political parties with velops and implements its own specific mafia groups, which determine local national decentralization reform as a policy. That is, for several election cy- response to the global public demand cles, the political party that “bribing” for the development of democracy, im- so voters can subdue the municipality proving the efficiency of social control, or the region, turning them into their his approach to people and their needs. fiefdom, rewarding its members and In the process of such reform in the supporters, while creating artificial most troubled look practice with the

183 advantage of the introduction of the References exclusive competence of the Central, 1. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the regional and local levels of govern- European Union (Nice, 7 December ment. The greatest show validity of the 2000), available at: http://zakon2. model of decentralization, focused on (Ac- the optimal combination of power and cessed 1 Okt 2017). capacity of Central, regional and local 2. Nomenclature of territorial units for sta- authorities. Such models contribute to tistics, available at: http://ec.europa. better mobilization and more efficient eu/eurostat/web/nuts (Accessed 1 use of resources for the implementa- Okt 2017). tion of projects jointly undertaken by 3. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of governments at various levels in the the European Union (Strasbourg, 15 interests of communities and citizens. October 1985), available at: http://za- At the same time, they aren’t deprived (Accessed 1 Okt 2017). of such shortcoming as blurring the accountability of these bodies for the progress and results of their work. Список використаних To problematic aspects of decen- джерел tralization of governance in the EU 1. Хартия основных прав Европейс- belongs to such reorganization of the кого Союза (Ницца, 7 декабря 2000 financial and economic system that the года) / URL: resource was provided by the national ua/laws/show/994_524 (дата звер- government and the joint interests of нення: 01.10.2017). the EU, together with the endowment 2. Nomenclature of territorial units for of bodies of regional and local self-go- statistics / URL: eurostat/web/nuts (дата звернення: vernment in these countries financial 01.10.2017). capabilities, sufficient for the proper 3. Європейська хартія місцевого само- realization of the whole complex of врядування (м. Страсбург, 15 жовт- their powers, in particular, given the ня 1985 року) / URL: http://zakon2. importance of conflict-free alignment of territorial imbalances. (дата звернення: 01.10.2017).

184 UDC: 351:37.013/7.071(7.077)

Lebiedieva Nadiia Anatoliivna, post-graduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Ky- iv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 Лебєдєва Надія Анатоліївна, аспірант кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фро- метівська, 2, тел.: (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 Лебедева Надежда Анатольевна, аспирант кафедры публичного админи- стрирования, Межрегиональная Акаде- мия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 DOI


Abstract. The article describes some peculiarities of using the basic approa- ches of state administration for professional and amateur arts. It is established that for the State it is necessary to provide an assistance to artistic development in all spheres of its appearance. The use of an indicative approach to profession- al and amateur art management is recommended. It is revealed that indicative state management of art will be able to transform the subjects of management into the subjects of responsibility, who will achieve clearly defined spiritual and educational tasks and become accountable. This will contribute to systematic assessment of the practice of state and municipal management of professional and amateur art and will allow to adjust educational policy at all levels of govern- ment — the state, the region, the settlement, a separate union of artists. It is proved that the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration should take place through the process of understanding the aspects of individual and group behavior, the system analysis, planning methods,

185 motivation and control, quantitative methods and decision making. Applying the philosophical approach to the problem under study, I believe that a healthy soci- ety can not be imagined without art. Man in its essence tends to be beautiful, to recreate the surrounding world through the prism of their own feelings of objec- tive reality in works of art. That is why, for the state, it is extremely necessary to ensure the promotion of artistic development in all areas of its manifestation. It is noted that one of the main approaches of the state administration to the formation of professional and amateur art is the author of this article considers the philosophical approach. There are also special connections of personality and social factors that determine the spiritual crisis of man. Keywords: system, process, situational, indicative, approach, amateur, profes- sional art, state administration. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ВИКОРИСТАННЯ ОСНОВНИХ ПІДХОДІВ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ДО ПРОФЕСІЙНОГО ТА АМАТОРСЬКОГО МИСТЕЦТВ Анотація. Схарактеризовано особливості використання основних під- ходів державного управління до професійного та аматорського мистецтв. Встановлено, що для держави вкрай необхідно забезпечити сприяння ми- стецького розвитку в усіх галузях його прояву. Рекомендовано застосуван- ня індикативного підходу в управлінні професійним та аматорським мисте- цтвом. Виявлено, що індикативне державне управління мистецтвом зможе перетворити суб’єктів управління на суб’єктів відповідальності, які будуть досягати чітко визначені духовно-виховні завдання і стануть підзвітними. Це сприятиме систематичному оцінюванню практики державного й муні- ципального управління професійним і аматорським мистецтвом та надасть змогу коригувати виховну політику на всіх рівнях влади, — держави, регіо- ну, населеного пункту, окремої спілки митців. Доведено, що формування професійного та аматорського мистецтв у си- стемі державного управління має відбуватися через процес розуміння ас- пектів індивідуальної і групової поведінки, процедури системного аналі- зу, методів планування, мотивування і контролювання, кількісних методів і прийняття рішень. Застосовуючи філософський підхід до досліджуваної проблеми, я вважаю, що здорове суспільство неможливо уявити без мисте- цтва. Людина за своєю сутністю прагне до прекрасного, до відтворення на- вколишнього світу крізь призму власних почуттів об’єктивної реальності у творах мистецтва. Саме тому для держави вкрай необхідно забезпечити сприяння мистецького розвитку в усіх галузях його прояву. Відмічено, що одним з головних підходів державного управління до фор- мування професійного та аматорського мистецтв автор цієї статті вважає філософський підхід. Існують також особливі зв’язки особистісних і соці- альних факторів, які зумовлюють духовну кризу людини. Ключові слова: системний, процесний, ситуаційний, індикативний під- хід, аматорське, професійне мистецтво, державне управління.

186 ОСОБЕННОСТИ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ОСНОВНЫХ ПОДХОДОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ В ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОМ И АМАТОРСКОМ ИСКУССТВЕ Аннотация. Охарактеризованы особенности использования основных подходов государственного управления к профессиональному и любитель- скому искусствам. Установлено, что для государства крайне необходимо обеспечить содействие художественного развития во всех сферах его про- явления. Рекомендовано применение индикативного подхода в управлении профессиональным и любительским искусством. Выявлено, что индикатив- ное государственное управление искусством сможет превратить субъектов управления в субъектов ответственности, которые будут достигать четко определенные духовно-воспитательные задачи и станут подотчетными. Это будет способствовать систематической оценке практики государственного и муниципального управления профессиональным и любительским искус- ством и позволит корректировать воспитательную политику на всех уров- нях власти — государства, региона, населенного пункта, отдельного союза художников. Доказано, что формирование профессионального и любительского искусства в системе государственного управления должно происходить через процесс понимания аспектов индивидуального и группового поведе- ния, процедуры системного анализа, методов планирования, мотивации и контроля, количественных методов и принятия решений. Применяя фило- софский подход к исследуемой проблеме, я считаю, что здоровое общество невозможно представить без искусства. Человек по своей сути стремится к прекрасному, к воссозданию окружающего мира сквозь призму собственных чувств объективной реальности в произведениях искусства. Именно поэто- му для государства крайне необходимо обеспечить содействие художествен- ного развития во всех сферах его проявления. Отмечено, что одним из главных подходов государственного управления к формированию профессионального и любительского искусства автор дан- ной статьи считает философский подход. Существуют также особые связи личностных и социальных факторов, которые обусловливают духовный кризис человека. Ключевые слова: системный, процессный, ситуационный, индикатив- ный подход, любительское, профессиональное искусство, государственное управление.

Target setting. In the process of the basis of influence, which, in turn, science development, the state gover- formed certain approaches. Such com- nance principles, methods and styles, plexes of pragmatic structures and together with the forms of practi- mechanisms characterizing strategies cal management, in total, became in science have become the object

187 of many Ukrainian scientists’ atten- or amateur artists. Such components tion. of a systematic approach as task, func- There are most common four ap- tion, and methods are interconnected proaches to management. One of them and affect each other. Through the is traditional approach (when there prism of such an approach, the organi- are different management schools, for zation is considered as a system with an example, “scientific management”, “ad- input (the purpose of activity), output ministrative management”, “human (activity results), internal and exter- relations and behavior science” are dis- nal connections, factors of influence” tinguished), together with systemic, [2, p. 157]. The author of this scientific process and situational. work agrees with V. A. Kharchenko’s According to candidate of econom- opinion concerning the fact that it is ics A. S. Bezrodnaya, more than 13 ap- possible to investigate the develop- proaches to management are known. ment and functioning, the structure These are: administrative, dynamic, of the whole, to establish the special integration, reproduction, complex, features of the elements of the organi- process, marketing, behavioral, norma- zation and to trace the interrelations tive, functional, quantitative, systemic and interactions with the help of a and situational” [1, p. 119]. According systematic approach. The urgency of to my opinion, one should focus exclu- considering other approaches in pub- sively on approaches that can be ap- lic administration to the development plied in the synthesis of the formation of professional and amateur art arises of public administration mechanisms as a result of complex social, political for the professional and amateur arts and economic circumstances nowa- development. The first approach in the days. sphere of influence, I consider strategic Analysis of recent research and management, which can include deci- publications. Many leading Ukrainian sion-making in terms of management scholars such as Y. S. Kolodiy, I. V. Ko- methodology, system, diagnostics of the nonova, O. Kuzmin, N. Petryshyn, situation. N. Syrotinskaya, V. Semenova and Ukrainian scientist V. A. Kharch- others devote their works to the main enko believes that consequence of the managerial approaches. The value of strategic management introduction their work is due to the fact that these will be increase some positive result of approaches are theoretically substanti- financial and economic activity. The ated by scientists. They are new in rela- scientist focuses on using the theory of tion to the introduction into the state systems in management. This is precise- administrative space of professional ly what caused the formation of a syste- and amateur arts. matic approach as a cognition method. The purpose of the article is to The system approach as a way of think- substantiate the peculiarities of using ing, in terms of organization, reveals all the basic approaches of public admin- the elements of management activity. istration to professional and amateur In the context of our study, a similar arts, based on the analysis of modern organization is a union of professional Ukrainian scientific researches.

188 The statement of basic materials. N. Syrotinskaya, I consider that the Bearing in mind the systematic ap- formation of professional and amateur proach, we believe that the effective- arts in the system of public administra- ness of public administration in the tion should take place through the pro- professional and amateur arts develop- cess of understanding special aspects ment in a holistic organization depends of individual and group behavior, the on the effectiveness and interaction of procedure of system analysis, methods all its parts in a whole. As a continua- of planning, motivation and control, tion of systems’ theory, a situational quantitative methods and decision- approach as a way of state thinking re- making [3, p. 5]. garding the organization of professional Regarding our topic, it becomes and amateur arts is considered. clear, that such an approach is appropri- In general, Ukrainian scientist ated for artistic associations and enter- V. A. Kharchenko outlines such factors, prises. In the process of state strategic that created certain situations and be- management of art, the author consi- came the most influential in identify- ders it expedient to use a systematic ing advantages and disadvantages, and approach, which “allows us to consider situational constraints, along with the the elements of management compre- choice of constraints, consequences hensively (their composition, strength, of the situation, the choice of specific level of community in the system) techniques and management methods structure (type of structure, relation- for any particular situation [2, p. 157]. ships, interdependence on the quanti- The use of such approach to art mana- tative and qualitative level), functional gement will result in the effective appointment (functions of subsystems, achievement of managerial goals neces- elements), integrative aspect (identifi- sarily. cation of system goals, contradictions Ukrainian scholars O. Kuzmin, and ways of their elimination, defini- N. Petryshyn, N. Syrotinskaya observe tion of the main link), communicative that the situational approach has its aspect (identifying relationships with basis as a determining factor in the other subsystems and elements) and circumstances that influence on the the historical aspect (research stages organization for a certain time period. of development systems, forecasting its A similar aims’ set for getting some prospects)” [2, p. 157]. management tools addresses the spe- This approach, I believe, allows to cific management situations most ef- manage the artistic associations and en- fectively and achieve the goal set before terprises and to ensure the achievement the organization [3, p. 3]. In our case, of general national importance goals. this means some finding a state stra- In order to implement approaches, tegy in overcoming the spiritual crisis the main provisions of which can be of society by the mechanisms of artistic used to provide strategic state ma- organizations influence upon the popu- nagement of the professional and ama- lation of the country. teur arts’ formation, we have to stay on Taking into account the scientific the approaches that are used at each research of O. Kuzmina, N. Petryshyn, stage within the strategic management.

189 These approaches are systemic, process their ability to be competitive in the and functional. As it noted by Ukraini- vast majority of situations. an scholars, Professor L. I. Chernobay Ukrainian scientist I. V. Kononova & O. I. Duma, modern science operates believes that the situational approach with four main approaches to manage- guides managers to use the possibili- ment, such as namely: process, sys- ties of direct application of science to tem, situational and functional. “They specific situations and conditions. The evolved in the course of the science situation, according to her opinion, is of governance development. Efficient the cornerstone of this approach. Cir- functioning of the organization doesn't cumstances, that constitute a specific depend on its individual components, set of influential factors on any enter- but is the result of close interaction prise at a certain time require a control between them. Evolution of the system system precisely situational thinking occurs as a result of its adaptation to [5, p. 147]. Management, which is car- the external and internal environment ried out situational, has the conse- challenges” [4, p. 189]. quence of a decision that does not meet In the formation of professional and the established work plans. It detects amateur arts, public administration will potential problems. Such an approach function effectively as a result of close requires management decentralization, interaction between individual artists which will provide the necessary flex- and artistic associations with the au- ibility of the structure of the organi- thorities. “The system approach con- zation, along with a rapid reaction to siders the activities of the enterprise as conditions that change constantly [6, a sequence of interconnected processes, p. 147]. In our case, for example, when flowing in all units, with the involve- creating a movie, there are various un- ment of different services and focused predictable situations, starting with the on the implementation of strategic approval of locations for shooting and goals” [1, p. 123]. That is, all enterprises to the formation of the film cost. Dur- related to the creation of artistic de- ing such circumstances, it is necessary signs, are able to attract various public to involve the state structures in solv- services in order to create high-quality ing situational issues. works of art, unique in appearance and In the process of analyzing strengths content. “The situational approach is and weaknesses, opportunities or based on the need to manage the orga- threats that have developed at a cer- nization by taking into account a set tain time point, it is advisable to apply a of circumstances that have an impact situational approach. The situation ap- on the effectiveness of its function- proach also requires a managerial sys- ing” [2, p. 189]. According to the situ- tem in the formation of an alternative, ational approach, we can state that the when assessing and choosing a strategy most important for effective formation when it is necessary to consider diffe- of professional and amateur arts in the rent directions of the future develop- system of public administration is the ment of the artistic association. Adjust- identification of key situational fac- ment of the strategy is also carried out tors that have the greatest influence on within the framework of this approach,

190 depending on external and internal situational, substantive and functional changes [1, p. 124]. approaches to management. The sys- Based on the statement of profes- tem approach is defined by Ukrainian sor L. I. Chernobay [4, p. 190] that scientist as determining the basic orga- the functional approach is based on nizational elements and adapting them the integrated study of the main ma- to a higher level [6, p. 172]. nagement system functions, the coor- As for the author’s of this study dinated use of which contributes to the point of view, public administration in achievement of tactical and strategic the field of art should be considered as goals of enterprises, the author of this a process, because of achieving state study believes that the functional ap- administration goals with the help of proach in the context of public admi- others are series of continuous inter- nistration of professional and amateur related actions. arts formation is that artistic activity According to Ukrainian scientist Yu will be considered as a set of functions S. Kolodiy, such actions are procedural necessary for some implementation of administrative functions, the sum of the public administration tasks. After which represents the whole process of the functions installed, objects would management. The process approach be created which an alternative to the reflects an integration of all activities execution with the next choice, which into a single chain. “Such attention fo- needs a minimum of expenses. cuses on the relationship of individual According to researchers, the pro- actions, each of them, in turn, is some cess approach is a managerial approach process” [6, p. 173]. Based on such a for creating policies and procedures for statement of the scientist, we can say managing the work of organization, that the arts management is a manage- which will enable the most effective rial function that changes in time and achievement of organizational goals. space dynamics, and is closely inter- Continuous, interrelated actions, in connected. The starting point of a situ- this case, contribute to the achieve- ational approach is an assertion that ment of the organization goal [4, there is no single way of organization. p. 190]. At different stages of enterprise deve- According to opinion of PhD in eco- lopment, different types of organization- nomic science O. S. Bezrodnaya, new al structures are required by types [6, managerial principles that form an un- p. 173]. The situational approach for derstanding of constructing on func- public administration of professional tional and situational approaches are and amateur arts formation can’t be especially important [1, p. 172]. Olga limited to a separate branch. Bezrodnaya describes the concept of With the help of a situational ap- “strategic management”, distinguish- proach, an adaptive principle of stra- ing between process approaches , func- tegic management, which is the main tional, institutional and conceptual ap- principle, in our case — strategic state proaches [1, p. 114]. management of art can be realized. Ukrainian scholar Yuriy Kolodiy The essence of this approach will be in also distinguishes systemic, process, the system of planning, organizational

191 structure and culture organizations will decisions, not on the basis of general react to changes in the external envi- political intentions and abstract tasks, ronment. but on the basis of clear quantitative In the state administration of pro- and qualitative parameters that should fessional and amateur art forming, the be achieved by the authorities and essence of the subject approach is to management within a specified period” improve each existing object to every [6, p. 177]. material and technical provision. Consider the functions of indicative Another important, in my opinion, management in the formation of pro- approach is indicative. According to fessional and amateur arts in the sys- Ukrainian scientist Y. S. Kolodiy, such tem of public administration. First, it a management approach will turn the is a statement of goals and predictions, subjects of management into the sub- which consists in the education of so- jects of responsibility. And it’s good, in ciety and public consciousness. Goal my opinion, because there will be some setting consists of three components: reorientation towards achieving clear analysis of the initial level of the object socio-economic objectives. The end re- of indicative management state, set- sult will be controlled and accountable. ting goals & forecasting. After the goal Mechanism of clearly defined indica- has been determined, planning should tors will help assess the practice of state be done by the public administration. and municipal governance systemati- Planning will include an investment cally. As a result, it will allow to correct program, a government order and, of the cultural and artistic policy at all course, a budget. Planning will be some levels: state, regional, individual artis- kind finance management, as a result tic enterprise. “As a result, this means — of which there will be a state manage- technologically direct administrative ment of the artistic works implemen- procedures for regulating the economy tation, accounting, control and profit and public relations for achieving the management tools. Management of ultimate goals and results” [6, p. 177]. implementation will necessarily have That is, in the context of this article, an regulatory and methodological sup- indicative state management of art will port, which, in turn, will move to in- be able to transform the management formation provision. Consequently, we subjects into subjects of responsibility have a cyclic structure of the indicative that will achieve clearly defined spiri- management function in the formation tual and educational tasks and become of professional and amateur arts in the accountable. Such kind of mechanism system of public administration. will promote a systematic assessment History of management, in general, of the state and municipal management gives the opportunity to highlight such practice in professional and amateur substantive-role approaches of manage- art and will allow to adjust educational ment: management as art, management policy at all levels of government: state, as a science, management as a process, regional, a separate union of artists. “In- management as a function on opinion dicative management and planning in- of modern Ukrainian scientist, PhD in volves the development of government economic sciences, the senior lecturer

192 I. V. Kononov. The ability to effectively cause “under the influence of factors of the accumulated experience of scholars the external and internal environment use determines art, because it contri- there is a continuous process of adjust- butes to the efforts of members of the ing the enterprise, including organiza- entire team to achieve common goals [5, tion, plans, control and coordination p. 147]. By defining management as a measures” [7, р. 279]. There is another science, the researcher focuses his atten- approach to the formation of profes- tion on the availability of the subject of sional and amateur arts in the public study, specific problems and approaches administration system, which, in my to their solution, the establishment of opinion, should be remembered — this causal relationships. The only chain of is a historical approach. We must take all kinds of integration activities for the into account the disadvantages of the solution of managerial problems is de- previous experience, because, in fact, fined as a process [5, p. 147]. the management hierarchy remains the As a function, management is im- same. Historical approach is realized in plemented through the actions of the scientific work of modern Ukrai- planning, organization, management, nian scientist, candidate of historical coordination, control, motivation, lead- sciences Lyubov Krupnik [8], who con- ership, communication, research, evalu- sidered the problem of state policy in ation, decision-making, recruitment of the field of Ukrainian professional art qualified specialists, representation, during the “Soviet totalitarian system” negotiation, conclusion of agreements [8, p. 2]. [6, p. 147]. In examining the problems of art in According to V. G. Semenova, PhD the system of public administration, in of economic sciences, the realization the opinion of the author of this work, it of certain management functions is a is advisable to bear in mind the histori- basic concept and does not depend on cal context of the relationship between what approach in management is im- state and professional and amateur art. plemented. “Regardless of what man- Let’s turn to scientific research of the agement activity is directed at (func- Ukrainian scientist Lyubov Krupnik. tional unit management or business The investigator notes that in the So- process management), it is necessary viet period there was an increase in the to identify clearly with planning the bureaucratic bureaucracy in the system volume of production, the necessary of cultural institutions. It was a state resources, stages and timing, to orga- apparatus that provided funds, both nize the main and auxiliary processes, budget and subsidized to cultural insti- to control the implementation and tutions. Therefore, this contributes to achievement of the necessary indica- the fact that the artists were dependent tors, coordinate the activities of all ele- on the bureaucracy, from the officials. ments of the process, motivate emplo- The development of professional art yees to perform their duties” [7, c. 279]. has been allocated the smallest budget The implementation of these functions [8, p. 11]. does not provide a clearly defined se- Thus, having many shortcomings, quence, according to the scientist, be- nevertheless, the system of professional

193 and amateur art public administration, the educational process, since all the in terms of the historical approach, en- best that has been created by man- sured the stable functioning of the arts kind is reflected in the artistic works. and provided the encouragement of ta- The spiritual crisis generates a state of lented individuals to cooperate. uncertainty, which is a state of loss of From the point of view of the func- spiritual equilibrium. It is some con- tioning such a structure as socio-cultu- sequence of a violation of the person’s ral construction, scientists character- system value orientations when it is ize it as uniting in itself the various separated from the spiritual beginning. directions of activity of the state sys- That is why it is important to form tem. These are activities aim of which some right system of state management is at satisfying the aesthetic, intellec- of art in order to prevent the spiritual tual and other spiritual people needs, crisis of our society. their social protection, the formation As it has been proved by Iryna of a person, its education and upbring- Shcherbakova, modern society is struck ing [9]. by the spiritual crisis, and the main fac- Ukrainian scholar Irina Shcherba- tors of its overcoming are such as the kova observes that the crisis situation cessation of the socio-economic crisis, in modern Ukrainian society can be which, in the opinion of the author of attributed to the financial crisis and this article, is possible only with the transformations that have been trans- help of the state. State administration formational in recent decades. Accord- in the field of arts should develop and ing to the scientist’s point of view, find- implement state anti-stress programs ing out the causes of the personality for the development of personality and spiritual crisis of, the factors to over- society. come it, require the attention of scho- The main factors in overcoming the lars [10, p. 2]. A healthy society cannot spiritual crisis of personality in modern be imagined without art. That is why, conditions are, in the opinion of the for the state, it is extremely necessary author of this article, the introduction to ensure the promotion of artistic de- of effective socio-economic and politi- velopment in all areas of its manifesta- cal reforms to support the development tions. This is a way to overcome the of professional and amateur arts, capa- spiritual crisis. ble of providing a full-fledged existence Consequently, one of the main ap- of the individual at the level of art in proaches of public administration to the system of public administration the formation of professional and ama- [10]. teur art is the philosophical approach. Conclusions. After analyzing the There are also special connections of scientific research of Ukrainian scien- personality and social factors that de- tists, it can be argued that the influence termine the spiritual crisis of man. of art on the improvement of society is Therefore, in order to prevent such possible, if the state administration of thing, it is necessary to improve profes- the artistic sphere maintains and im- sional and amateur art the state admi- proves. Art strengthens the power of the nistration. Art is one of the tools of spirit, harmonizes the forms of mani-

194 festation of spirituality, which in turn in the system of public administration changes the social. will be carried out through the setting Taking into account the works of of goals and predictions, which are the modern scholars, I believe that the for- education of society and public con- mation of professional and amateur arts sciousness. The goal setting consists in the system of public administration of three components: analysis of the should take place through the process of initial level of existence of professional understanding some aspects of indivi- and amateur art in the system of public dual and group behavior, system analy- administration, setting goals, forecast- sis procedures, methods of planning, mo- ing. After the goal has been determined, tivation and control, quantitative me- planning should be done by the public thods and decision-making. Applying administration. Planning will include the philosophical approach to the prob- an investment program, a government lem under study, I believe that a healthy order and, of course, a budget. Plan- society cannot be imagined without art. ning will be the management of finance, Man in its essence tends to be beauti- as a consequence, there will be state ful, to recreate the surrounding world management of the implementation of through the prism of their own feelings artistic works, accounting, control and of objective reality in works of art. That profit management tools. Management is why, for the state, it is extremely nec- of implementation will necessarily have essary to ensure the promotion of artis- regulatory and methodological sup- tic development in all areas of its mani- port, which, in turn, will move to in- festation. This is a way to overcome the formation provision. Consequently, we crisis of the spiritual. We recommend to have a cyclic structure of the indicative improve state administration of profes- management function in the formation sional and amateur art. of professional and amateur arts in the Another important, in my opi- system of public administration. The nion, approach is indicative. That is, in presentation of strategic management the context of this article, indicative in the form of stages is the implemen- state management of art will be able to tation of a process approach to art ma- transform the subjects of management nagement. into subjects of responsibility that will achieve clearly defined spiritual and educational tasks and become account- References able. The aforementioned mechanism will promote a systematic assessment 1. Bezrodna O. S. (2012), Rozpodil in- of the practice of state and municipal strumentiv ta pidkhodiv do strate- management of professional and ama- hichnoho upravlinnya bankom za yoho etapamy [Distribution of tools teur art and will allow to adjust educa- and approaches to strategic manage- tional policy at all levels of government, ment of the bank in its stages] // such as state, regional and a separate Ekonomika ta upravlinnya pidpry- union of artists. yemstvamy mashynobudivnoyi haluzi: Indicative management in the for- problemy, teoriyi ta praktyky. — mation of professional and amateur arts Vol. 4. — Р. 113–132.

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197 UDC: 340:659.4.327.88 (477) Lysenko Serhiі Oleksiyovych, PhD in Law, Associate professor, Associ- ate professor of the Department of Security Management and Law Enforcement and An- ti-Corruption Activities, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, (044) 490 95 00, e- mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000–0002–7050–5536 Лисенко Сергій Олексійович, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент кафе- дри управління безпекою, правоохоронної та антикорупційної діяльності, Міжрегіо- нальна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: crimeconsult@ukr. net ORCID: 0000–0002–7050–5536 Лысенко Сергей Алексеевич, кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры управления безопасностью, правоохра- нительной и антикоррупционной деятельности, Межрегиональная Академия управ- ления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000–0002–7050–5536 DOI


Abstract. The article deals with the principles of creating a special theory of administrative and legal regulation of information security, analyzes the process of its analogy with physical laws, analyzes the threats and dangers to interests and all information security that affect the process of modeling, determines the principles of constructing and researching models of information security of social systems. It was noted that the administrative and legal regulation of information secu- rity is due to the need for state management of the processes of formation and use of information resources, the creation and application of information systems and the provision of information security of social systems. It is proved that to a large extent information security is caused by the need for administrative regulation of information relations in various spheres that form the system itself and maintain its integrity. It is determined that the administrative and legal basis of informa-

198 tion security of social systems should provide an ideal state of activity of subjects, system and its models. Selected concrete administrative and legal principles of information security, such as physical formulas, create its model. Of course, for each social system, the model of information security is individual. However, there are also general patterns of modeling, for example — the construction of the model should be based on the simple and optimal (as we are referred to by the flow of light), administrative and legal principles. It is proved that high rates of development of information technologies, create new requirements to the sphere of security in general and to information security in particular. The reform of the legislation regulating activity in the field of infor- mation security should be based on the proper scientific theory. What is urgent is the need to create a General Security Theory, which would explain and regulate the set of processes of ensuring the safety of society. Keywords: special theory, information security, modeling, administrative- legal regulation, safety of social systems. СПЕЦІАЛЬНА ТЕОРІЯ АДМІНІСТРАТИВНО-ПРАВОВОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ СИСТЕМ Анотація. Розглянуто принципи створення спеціальної теорії адміні- стративно-правового регулювання інформаційної безпеки, досліджується процес її аналогії із фізичними законами, аналізуються загрози та небезпеки інтересам та всій інформаційній безпеці, що впливають на процес моделю- вання, визначаються принципи побудови та дослідження моделей інформа- ційної безпеки соціальних систем. Відмічено, що адміністративно-правове регулювання інформаційної безпеки обумовлено необхідністю державного управління процесами формування і використання інформаційних ресурсів, створення і застосування інформаційних систем і забезпечення інформацій- ної безпеки соціальних систем. Доведено, що у значній мірі інформаційна безпека обумовлена потребою адміністративного регулювання інформацій- них відносин у різних сферах, що утворюють саму систему та підтримують її цілісність. Визначено, що адміністративно-правові засади інформаційної безпеки соціальних систем повинні забезпечувати ідеальний стан діяльності суб’єктів, системи та її моделей. Обрані конкретні адміністративно-право- ві засади інформаційної безпеки, на кшталт фізичних формул, створюють її модель. Звичайно, для кожної соціальної системи модель інформаційної безпеки є індивідуальною. Проте є і загальні закономірності моделювання, наприклад — побудова моделі повинна відбуватись на основі простих та оптимальних (як згадуваний нами потік світла), адміністративно-правових засад. Доведено, що високі темпи розвитку інформаційних технологій поро- джують нові вимоги до сфери безпеки в цілому і до інформаційної безпе- ки зокрема. Реформування законодавства, що регулює діяльність у сфері інформаційної безпеки має відбуватись на базі належної наукової теорії.

199 Нагальною є потреба створення Загальної теорії безпеки всього, яка б по- яснювала та регулювала сукупність процесів забезпечення безпеки суспіль- ства. Ключові слова: спеціальна теорія, інформаційна безпека, моделювання, адміністративно-правове регулювання, безпека соціальних систем. СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ ТЕОРИЯ АДМИНИСТРАТИВНО-ПРАВОВОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ СИСТЕМ Аннотация. Рассмотрены принципы создания специальной теории адми- нистративно-правового регулирования информационной безопасности, ис- следуется процесс ее аналогии с физическими законами, анализируются угрозы и опасности интересам и всей информационной безопасности, вли- яющие на процесс моделирования, определяются принципы построения и исследования моделей информационной безопасности социальных систем. Отмечено, что административно-правовое регулирование информационной безопасности обусловлено необходимостью государственного управления процессами формирования и использования информационных ресурсов, со- здание и применение информационных систем и обеспечения информацион- ной безопасности социальных систем. Доказано, что в значительной степени информационная безопасность обусловлена потребностью административ- ного регулирования информационных отношений в различных сферах, обра- зуют саму систему и поддерживают ее целостность. Определено, что адми- нистративно-правовые основы информационной безопасности социальных систем должны обеспечивать идеальное состояние деятельности субъектов, системы и ее моделей. Избранные конкретные административно-правовые основы информационной безопасности, вроде физических формул, создают ее модель. Конечно, для каждой социальной системы модель информацион- ной безопасности является индивидуальной. Однако есть и общие законо- мерности моделирования, например — построение модели должно проис- ходить на основе простых и оптимальных (как упоминавшийся нами поток света), административно-правовых основ. Доказано, что высокие темпы развития информационных технологий порождают новые требования к сфере безопасности в целом и к информа- ционной безопасности в частности. Реформирование законодательства, ре- гулирующего деятельность в сфере информационной безопасности, должно происходить на базе надлежащей научной теории. Неотложной является необходимость создания Общей теории безопасности всего, которая объ- ясняла и регулировала совокупность процессов обеспечения безопасности общества. Ключевые слова: специальная теория, информационная безопасность, моделирование, административно-правовое регулирование, безопасность социальных систем.

200 Formulation of the problem. The levels of complexity, which will cut un- high pace of information technology necessary regulatory complications in development, the introduction of high- the legislation. tech devices in the production process- Analysis of recent researches and es, training, communication, everyday publications. Individual aspects of in- life of the ordinary citizen, the steady formation law and administrative-legal growth of the role of information, its regulation of information security in impact on the state, society, individu- particular have devoted their atten- als, all this creates new demands on tion to domestic and foreign scientists: the security sector in general and in- I. Aristova, N. Banchuk, K. Belyakov, formation security in particular. Under V. U. Baskakov,V. Brizhko, D. Dov- such conditions, when operation of the gal, G. Vinogradova, L. Zadorozhnaya, security authorities, legislators, and V. Sarosilo, R. Kalyuzhny, M. Koval, sometimes scientists aren’t always able B. Kormych, V. Lipkan, A. Marushchak, to match the increasing demands and A. Movchan, A. Podolyaka, E. Skulish, threats, openly trailing from reality, the V. Tsimbalyuk and others. very acute need for a theory that would However, the rapid development of become a cornerstone for law-making, information technology, the transfor- enforcement, research activities in the mation of social relations, the emer- field of legal regulation and practical gence of new threats to society calls for implementation of information secu- new integrated studies-defined scope rity, which will allow to systematize with a view to the formation of the spe- existing knowledge, to crystallize them, cial theory of administrative-legal re- to remove excess, to form the basis for gulation of information security of further development. Thus, the stra- social systems. tegic goal of our research is to create The purpose of this article is the a General theory of the security of the proof of the necessity of creating the entire (STBV), which could explain special theory of administrative-legal and regulate a set of security processes regulation of information security of of companies. Create STBV is a goal social systems (STARS), and the for- that should be treated as the creation mulation of its principles, in analogy of the general theory of relativity of with the physical laws. A. Einstein. Create STBV will include Presentation of the basic mate- the development, presentation, and rial. Everything in the Universe obeys communication of General laws of de- rational and simple, objective laws of velopment and security, which would physics and synergetics, and develops represent a fine universal formula. Ac- exclusively in the framework outlined cording to plan, the conclusion is sim- by them. Even light and heat are trans- ple and accessible to the General theory mitted in a straight line, that is the sim- of security can only be proved after the plest and shortest way that provides creation and development of the laws the greatest sense and the economy of the Special theory of administrative- [1]. Why, then, are the laws of security legal regulation of information security companies should create complex and of social systems (STARS) at different develop the shortest and most efficient

201 way? After all, the unfounded and ir- When creating this theory, you rational complexity creates many weak should display beautiful and simple se- points, the contradictions, which in curity laws by analogy with physical turn reduces the effectiveness of these ones. Further derived laws should be laws, sometimes reducing it to zero. reflected in the regulations, which will At the same time, it’s worth noting gradually transform regulatory legisla- that not always a ray of light travels tion in the sphere of security in a slen- in a straight line. On the verge of two der, harmonious design with sufficient States (e. g. air and water or air and and yet not excessive level of difficulty. glass), the light changes its direction. The introduction of such changes, in Why? Because the function of light — turn, will provide transparency, cla- is to reach your goal in the shortest pe- rity and simplicity in social relations. riod of time while minimizing the cost To achieve our goal, we will create a of energy for what it needs to choose system of analogies, where the physi- the most effective and fastest way. For cal quantity has had its counterpart of a better understanding of our ideas we the indicators of the security sector and present an analogy with the dangerous law. situation. Pretty girl begins to sink in From the postulates of the modern the sea, a lifeguard, noticing this, runs physical Sciences we know that all mat- to save her. The lifeguard can run the ter around is composed of atoms and beach straight on (perpendicular) to molecules, which in their existence and the water and then swim diagonally to interaction obey the laws of physics. the girl. But then it’s much more time With the positions of social Sciences, in swimming, he’ll get to sinking girl all that surrounds us around is society, later, because the swim speed is much specifically the social systems of dif- lower than the running speed. The res- ferent levels of difficulty, it’s also the cuer may also be approached by land to matter. Matter, as we have noted, con- a point which is the closest to the girl sists of atoms and molecules. If atoms (for example — to run out on the pier, and molecules, their interactions and which is issued far out to sea) and from movement, impossible to describe and there to sail. However, the total time explain within the laws of physics and that it needs to be spent on the over- using formulas, the properties of the so- coming of such a path may be too large. ciety, its social systems, the relationship That is, the optimal route will lie some- in the middle, too, must obey the same where between the above extremes. So, laws and formulas [2]. as light chooses the optimal path in two Safety performs in society the role of different environments where it will be a common unifying force, glue, like the spent less time to achieve the goal, and force of gravity in physics. Gravity is as the rescuer selects the optimal route, the basis of all physical laws in the Ge- which will be the victim and security neral theory of relativity of A. Einstein. theory should be as simple as possible, On this basis, we believe that it’s pos- but to have sufficient (not excessive) sible to create STAPRIBSS, which will level of complexity for the optimal per- describe the laws and formulas such formance of its functions. similar physical.

202 From the law of universal gravita- the physical or natural concept of “uni- tion we know that the force of gravity ty and struggle of opposites” is reflected is proportional to the mass of the bo- in society, in the social system. dies and inversely proportional to the Another postulate, which should be square of the distance between them considered in our theory — physical [1]. Drawing an analogy of this state- energy depends on speed and gravity ment with the society, we propose to (mass) that flows out of the well-known assume that security force, which we formula E = mc2 [2]. The stability of the call “stability of the social system” may social system, which depends on its re- be identical with gravitation. For the liability, but also the energy. This, in notion of the definition of “security” we turn, depends on the volume and the have prepared another analogy. More- mass of information in the system. And over, in this context, the physical con- the speed of circulation of informa- cept of “force” is identical to the legal tion is analogous to physical velocity. concept of “level”. The level (force) of Uninterrupted operation of all infor- stability depends on the structure and mation processes in the social system, density of the social system and in- their optimal speed should provide versely proportional to the distance be- information security. This is another tween the systems or their component argument in favor of the need of the elements. study we proposed the Special theory In the macrocosm, at the level of of administrative-legal regulation of stellar (solar) systems and in the mi- information security of social systems crocosm — in the middle of the atoms, (STALRISS). two forces act simultaneously. The first As noted earlier, physical processes power in the middle of the atom is the occur at the level of star systems and force that attracts electrons (negative galaxies, around the celestial bodies charge) to the nucleus (with positive move in regular orbits of planets and charge). Simultaneously with it the satellites, falling on their surface. The force of repulsion that repels the elec- same thing we observe at the level of the tron, not allowing him to get closer to microcosm — in the middle of atoms. the core. Thus, the nucleus and the elec- These laws are governed by quantum trons attract and repel at the same time, physics. Therefore, I believe that the being in the stable condition. Similarly, future development of the Special theo- in the middle of the social system there ry of administrative-legal regulation of are two forces, which are determined information security of social systems by the concept “level”. This is, firstly, and the General theory of security only the level of development of the social to apply the analogy with the laws of system which moves the components, quantum physics. This assumption is trying to expand the boundaries of the especially appropriate if you recall that social system, striving for expansion, all the processes in the human body are increase and improvement. And the biochemical (metabolism) and electric second force is the security level that (mental, analytical-synthetic activity) connects the system limits its growth basis, that is to happen according to the without letting it fall apart. Therefore, laws of physical interaction.

203 Administrative-legal regulation of enshrined in their charters, or proto- information security due to the need cols. of state management of the processes Realizing that the model of informa- of formation and use of information tion security that you want to achieve resources, creation and application of the social system is the main objective, information systems and information the management and security profes- security of social systems. Largely in- sionals (as subject), should choose the formation security due to the neces- way to achieve it. If the goal activity is sity of the administrative regulation of the process activity, we observe a nega- information relations in various fields tive phenomenon, which doesn’t con- that compose the system itself and tribute to the positive result. To achieve maintain its integrity [3]. a specific purpose, as indicated in the Administrative-legal bases of in- preceding analogies (with the savior formation security of social systems and a ray of light), there is always a few should provide an ideal state of ac- ways. In the process of the election the tivities of entities of the system and way the subjects of information securi- its models. Selected specific legal and ty, must take into account all the exist- administrative foundations of informa- ing threats and risks. The procedures tion security, like physical formulas, and steps of selection are regulated by create its model. Of course, for every administrative-legal bases of informa- social system model of information se- tion security of the social system by curity is the individual. However, there these principles. are General patterns of modeling, for In theory, this way of construct- example — build model must be based ing a model of information security is on simple and optimal (as mentioned considered to be the most reasonable, by us the stream of light), administra- given the fact that all participants in tive-legal framework. the process fully understands the objec- The process of ensuring information tives, represent the final goal and make security of social systems constructed it impossible (or aspire to be) superflu- in accordance with the applicable laws ous and erroneous actions. In practice, and corporate regulations. Any similar in our society, unfortunately seen the process is associated with subjective trend of ridiculous things when reforms perception and interpretation of the are carried out without a certain obvi- legal norms regulating these relations ous sense. One gets the impression that by the subjects. Relations arising in the sometimes reforms are for the sake of sphere of ensuring information security reforms. Even worse, when changes and of social systems, regulated primarily reforms are carried out for the purpose, by the Constitution of Ukraine (article which is not an ideal model for the so- 17) [4]. In addition, the regulation is in cial system, and meets the interests of accordance with the Laws of Ukraine only a narrow circle of people. This “On information” [5] “About National situation leads to the degradation of program of Informatization” [6], and in society, and further to the destruction addition there are Orders and Instruc- and disappearance of the entire social tions relating to the social system, as system [7].

204 The main feature of the proposed teristics of the model and the ultimate STALRISS is enshrined in this pro- goal (goal modeling). Such unity is the cess, the patterns and relationships of main feature in each case of the simula- objects and phenomena inherent in the tion depends on the goals of the com- social system. The simulation process pany and its interests. Simply put, the is based on the laws of reflection and goal consists of the set of fundamental general communication, in accordance interests, but is formed to the specific with the laws of analogy, because the shape [9]. very models of information security are Of course, in the context we are considered as an object in the process of talking about common interests of con- analysis and knowledge [8]. stituent entities and components of the The modeling tools depend on fea- social system. All kinds of differences in tures of the object-system, relation- interests should be governed by infor- ships between its components, objec- mation security. It should be noted that tives of its activities and modeling within the theory we share interests techniques. By administrative proces- the security interests and development ses when modeling takes place a three- interests. Security interests, on the fold approach: the subject of cognition definition and the analogy with phy- (human) – model – the object of know- sics, are negative, they target a com- ledge (the social system phenomenon). bination of social systems, preserve its The principles of implementation and consistency and in its ideal value level, general relationships are the objective they seek to minimize the activity (for basis for using the model as an inter- example, interest have less accidents, mediate link in the process of knowing diseases, etc). The development, on the and analyzing the model itself. Accord- contrary, we are called positive (in the ing to our plan, this is the general linear scientific sense — similar to the physi- process. The introduction of models in cal), because they target the extension specific cases in specific social systems, and termination of the social system, in of course, there’s a certain number of your perfect value level, they are close additional variables, however, they re- to the maximum (for example, interest late directly to individual cases and on to have more money, territories etc). General theory will not affect. How- But, according to the principle of unity ever, the General rules of introduction and struggle of opposites and the prin- of specific cases and solving the problem ciple of the existence of the social sys- with additional variables will be stu- tem, these two interests can’t develop died and presented in the framework of without each other. They complement the theory. each other and coexist in a perfect ba- The patterns reflect the basic quali- lance, which we derive in the theory. ties of the model, providing consistency Thus, the main principle of determin- between the model and the ultimate ing the balance of the law should be the goal, that’s the purpose of its creation. principle of equilibrium of interests and Compliance is a specific way of admin- threats. istration of the fundamentals of model- The special theory of administrative- ing and reveals itself in common charac- legal regulation of information security

205 of social systems (STALRISS) aims system approach allows to analyze and at modeling the security of the main identify the nature of relations between principles of modeling of information the selected model and the ultimate security and means of scientific cogni- goal of applying this model to highlight tion of the laws of the simulation. The the essential terms of objectives, types main means of cognition and analysis is of these links, to establish patterns in to choose the method of reconstruction. the relationship between the elements Approval of administrative-legal forms a coherent system [12]. bases of reconstruction in the informa- Models that are developed to create tion security of social systems, which information security social systems are will be withdrawn when the develop- shared, because it’s impossible to con- ment of the theory, contribute to the sider all the peculiarities of each situa- verification and receipt of new informa- tion. Only after receiving a number of tion. The feasibility of its application models, selecting the more attractive, makes sense because the influence of the contractor shall adapt the model time lost tracks and the quality of ob- and choose the path of achievement, jects and phenomena. Reconstruction for their social system or situation, then is the only method that ensures the re- to issue it in the form of instructions or production and study the processes of orders. circulation and use of information as a STALRISS takes into account the binder of social systems [10]. fact that advance modeling and fore- Analysis and evaluation of the mo- casting of the chosen model, as well as dels allow to identify causal relation- creating a perfect (ultimate) goal has ships of processes of development of the positive and negative sides. Focusing social system and other phenomena in on ensuring the basic signs, sometimes the middle and outside of the system insignificant and secondary (from the and influence its development. The point of view task), you can skip those subjective side of the offense (mental characteristics that are objectively sub- relation of the person to socially dan- stantial. For example, during a recon- gerous act and its consequences in the struction (which, like physical research, form of intent or negligence) can also is the source of experimental data dur- be studied through the analysis and ing analysis and cognition), the link evaluation models, identifying the most between objects can be misconceived obvious explanation and that they have and their dependence on consequen- the relevant skills required to commit ces, resulting in inaccurate conclusions. the offense in the information sphere Reconstruction, in the case of testing [11]. and research models, is used instead The model of information security in of the research trials with the original each social system is a dynamic system. test with which it’s impossible or The system operates as a set of inter- impractical. acting elements that are combined in Development of models of informa- structural integrity with new proper- tion security for social systems should ties different from the properties of each be based depending on the potential element of the social system alone. The and existing threats. The list of threats

206 determined from the list of main inte- of it security needs to have a clear idea rests of the social system. We argue that about the existing laws of their analogy, the occurrence of interest, at the same and the value for the selected model of time there’s the certain existing and po- information security. tential threats to this interest that may be identified and addressed. Threats can be both internal and external. But these References postulates too are to be investigated during the development of the theory. 1. Mitio Kaku (2017), Fizyka budusche- ho [Physics of the future], 5th ed, ANF, Conclusions and prospects for fur- Moscow, Russian Federation. ther research. High rates of develop- 2. Hokinh S. (2017), Najkorotsha istoriia ment of information technologies that chasu [The shortest history of time], generate new requirements of the se- KSD, Kharkiv, Ukraine. curity sector in General and informa- 3. Adzhemohlu D. and Robinson D. tion security in particular. The reform (2017), Chomu natsii zanepadaiut’ of the legislation governing activities in [Why the nation will collapse], 2nd ed, the field of information security must Nash format, Kyiv, Ukraine. be based on proper scientific theories. 4. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine What is urgent is the need to create (1996), Constitution of Ukraine, available at: a Common Security Theory (CST), ua/laws/show/254%D0%BA/96- which would explain and regulate a set %D0%B2%D1%80 of processes for ensuring the safety of 5. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine society. At the same time, this is only (1992), The Law of Ukraine “About possible after the creation and develop- information”, available at: http://za- ment of the laws of the Special theory of administrative-legal regulation of 12 (Accessed 21 September 2017). information security of social systems 6. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (STALRISS). (1998), The Law of Ukraine “About In the process of developing the National Program of Informati- zation”, available at: http://zakon2. STALRISS and STBV is appropri- ate to use the analogy with the laws %D0%B2%D1%80 (Accessed 22 Sep- of physics, as nature demonstrates ap- tember 2017) propriate and effective mechanisms to 7. Kissinger H. (2015), Myrovoj poria- achieve goals. dok [World order], AST Publishers, STALRISS should have a simple Moscow, Russian Federation. and clear structure. To use models of in- 8. Kormych B. A. (2004), Informatsijna formation security of social systems re- bezpeka: orhanizatsijno-pravovi osno- quires a clear procedure and regulation. vy: navchal’nyj posibnyk [Informa- The chosen mechanisms will aim at tion security: organizational and legal bases: a tutorial], Kondor, Kyiv, regulating the whole process, to entities Ukraine. that will use modeling, should know all 9. Tsymbaliuk V. (2004), “Information the laws and formulas simulations, the security of entrepreneurial activity: order of their construction. Under de- definition of the essence and content velopment of STALRISS, the subjects of the concept in the conditions of

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208 UDС: 164.053:17.022 Naplyokov Yuriy Vasilievich, Master of Strategic Sciences, Master of Mili- tary Art and Science, a senior instructor of the department of training of peacekeeping personnel, Colonel, National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Cher- nyakhovsky, 03049, Kyiv, Povitroflotskyі prospect, 28, tel.: (098) 242 13 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Напльоков Юрій Васильович, магістр стратегічних наук, магістр вій- ськових наук та військового мистецтва, старший викладач кафедри підготовки миротворчого персоналу, полковник, На- ціональний університет оборони України ім. Івана Черняховського, 03049, м. Київ, Повітрофлотський проспект, 28, тел.: (098) 242 13 53, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Наплёков Юрий Васильевич, магистр стратегических наук, магистр военных наук и военного искусства, стар- ший преподаватель кафедры подготовки миротворческого персонала, полков- ник, Национальный университет обороны Украины им. Ивана Черняховского, 03049, г. Киев, Воздухофлотский проспект, 28, тел.: (098) 242 13 53, е-mail: designyvn@ ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 DOI

CHANGING OF MENTAL MODELS FOR EFFECTIVE DECISION-MAKING Abstract. This article explains the role of mental models and the need of their change to make effective decisions. It is substantiated that the mental model rests on changes to save the system and minimize the risk. An example of this resis- tance is the complicated and slow process of political reform in Ukraine, which forms a new national mentality model. Political initiatives are aimed at creating a new legitimate mental model, which should be more effective than the previ- ous, in a new environment. But from 2014 to 2017 of the nearly five thousand proposed legislative proposals, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has only adopted a few dozen. It is noted that the review of mental models is a complex process that requires additional energy expenditure, such as stress, loss of comfort, security, money, etc. The ability to change the mental model may require personal cour-

209 age, creativity, independence, and imagination. To view mental models, the leader must apply the appropriate leadership power and styles, establish an appropriate organizational culture and climate, show positive and optimistic behavior to en- courage team members and motivate them to change. It is noted that in the new environment, the decision maker can fluctuate closely to the so-called “line of comfort” for making a decision. This is a line of psychological comfort according to the existing mental model. For better and faster decision-making, you may need to create a new “line of comfort” by looking at the mental model. Thus, in a new environment, the decision maker can again make decisions on the basis of a new mental model. It is proved that mental models are relatively stable, but changing the envi- ronment makes them look. The growing conflict between the system and the en- vironment inevitably forms a new mental model, which should again balance the system. Keywords: mental models, system, environment, equilibrium, critical, cre- ative, systems thinking, effectiveness. ЗМІНА МЕНТАЛЬНИХ МОДЕЛЕЙ ДЛЯ ЕФЕКТИВНОГО ПРИЙНЯТТЯ РІШЕНЬ Анотація. Пояснюється роль ментальних моделей та необхідність їх змін для прийняття ефективних рішень. Обґрунтовано, що ментальна модель опирається змінам, щоб зберегти систему та мінімізувати ризик. Прикладом цього опору є складний і повільний процес політичних реформ в Україні, який формує нову національну ментальну модель. Політичні ініціативи спрямовані на створення нової легітимної ментальної моделі, яка повинна бути більш ефективною, ніж попередня, в новому середовищі. Але з 2014 по 2017 роки із майже п’яти тисяч запропонованих законодавчих проектів Вер- ховна Рада України прийняла лише кілька десятків. Відзначено, що пере- гляд ментальних моделей — це складний процес, який вимагає витрат до- даткової енергії, такої як стрес, втрата комфорту, безпеки, грошей тощо. Здатність змінити ментальну модель може вимагати особистої мужності, творчості, незалежності та уяви. Для перегляду ментальних моделей лідер має застосовувати належні лідерські владу та стилі, встановити відповідну організаційну культуру та клімат, показувати позитивну та оптимістичну поведінку, щоб заохотити членів команди та мотивувати їх для змін. Відмічено, що у новому середовищі особа, яка приймає рішення, може ко- ливатися впритул до так званої лінії комфорту для прийняття рішення. Це лінія психологічного комфорту відповідно до існуючої ментальної моделі. Для кращого та швидшого прийняття рішень може знадобитися створення нової “лінії комфорту” шляхом перегляду ментальної моделі. Таким чином, в новому середовищі особа, яка приймає рішення, може знову зазвичай при- ймати рішення на основі нової ментальної моделі. Доведено, що ментальні моделі відносно стабільні, але зміна середовища змушує їх переглядати. Зростаючий конфлікт між системою та середовищем

210 неминуче формує нову ментальну модель, яка повинна знову зрівноважити систему. Ключові слова: ментальні моделі, система, середовище, рівновага, кри- тичне, творче, системне мислення, ефективність. ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ МЕНТАЛЬНЫХ МОДЕЛЕЙ ДЛЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОГО ПРИНЯТИЯ РЕШЕНИЙ Аннотация. Объясняется роль ментальных моделей и необходимость их изменения для принятия эффективных решений. Обосновано, что менталь- ная модель опирается изменениям, чтобы сохранить систему и минимизиро- вать риск. Пример этого сопротивления представляет собой сложный и мед- ленный процесс политических реформ в Украине, который формирует новую национальную ментальную модель. Политические инициативы направлены на создание новой легитимной ментальной модели, которая должна быть бо- лее эффективной, чем предыдущая, в новой среде. Но с 2014 по 2017 годы из почти пяти тысяч предложенных законодательных проектов Верховная Рада Украины приняла лишь несколько десятков. Отмечено, что просмотр ментальных моделей — это сложный процесс, который требует затрат допол- нительной энергии, такой как стресс, потеря комфорта, безопасности, денег и тому подобное. Способность изменить ментальную модель может требовать личного мужества, творчества, независимости и воображения. Для просмо- тра ментальных моделей лидер должен применять надлежащие лидерские власть и стили, установить соответствующую организационную культуру и климат, показывать положительное и оптимистическое поведение, чтобы по- ощрить членов команды и мотивировать их для изменений. Отмечено, что в новой среде лицо, принимающее решение, может коле- баться вплотную к так называемой линии комфорта для принятия решения. Это линия психологического комфорта в соответствии с существующей мен- тальной модели. Для лучшего и более быстрого принятия решений может по- требоваться создание новой “линии комфорта” путем просмотра ментальной модели. Таким образом, в новой среде лицо, принимающее решение, может снова обычно принимать решения на основе новой ментальной модели. Доказано, что ментальные модели относительно стабильны, но измене- ние среды заставляет их пересматривать. Растущий конфликт между си- стемой и средой неизбежно формирует новую ментальную модель, которая должна снова уравновесить систему. Ключевые слова: ментальные модели, система, среда, равновесие, крити- ческое, творческое, системное мышление, эффективность.

Target setting. Change of the orga- right decisions. This process iscompli- nization (system) and the environment cated and requires clear explanation force revising of mental models to make and research.

211 Analysis of the recent research and change mental models to makethe sys- publications. Mental models play an temeffective. “The discipline of manag- important role in the decision-making ing mental models — surfacing, testing, process (DMP). Kenneth Craik intro- and improving our internal pictures of duced the notionof “a mental model” how the world works — promises to first in 1943. He supposed that human be a major breakthrough for building mind creates “small-scale models” of re- learning organizations” [5, p. 163]. ality to apply it to foresee the future. “If The purpose of the article is toex- the organism carries “a small-scale mo- plain the need of change of mental mo- del” of external reality and of its own dels and proposean approach to reviset- possible actions within its head, it is able hem for effective decision-making. to try out various alternatives, conclude The statement of basic materi- which is the best of them react to future als.The DMP has a purpose to main- before they arise, utilize the knowledge tain dynamic equilibrium between the of past events in dealing with the pre- system and the environmentin order sent and the future, and in every way to to provide system effectiveness and react in a much fuller, safer, and more achieve a desired end-state. The DMP competent manner to the emergences, based on mental modelsbecause they which face it” [1, p. 61]. Craik showed influence human thinking. Under- mental models as mechanical devices: standing of relativityof mental models “my hypothesis then is that thought and the need oftheir change is critical models, or parallels, reality — that its in order to establishthe right end-state, essential feature is not ‘the mind,’ ‘the conductthe DMP properlyand makea self,’ ‘sense-data,’ nor propositions but wise decision. Effective decision-mak- symbolism, and that this symbolism is ing requires clear understanding of largely of the same kind as that which mental models of the participants of the is familiar to us in mechanical devices conflict and possible dynamic of their which aid thought and calculation” [2, change. For example, Americans, after p. 57]. long-term operations in Iraq and Af- Philip Johnson-Laird and Ruth By- ghanistan, agreed that misunderstand- rne created the mental model theory ing of mental models of local popula- of conditionals — “Conditionals: A tion has become one of the main reasons Theory of Meaning, Pragmatics, and of failure to establish peace and demo- Inference” [3] that discusses mental cracy in these countries and decrease models and reasoning. Jay Forrester terrorism [6]. described a mental model as “the image Change in the system implies a of the world around us, which we carry change in mental models or vice versa. in our head, is just a model. Nobody in Interior system change and exterior his head imagines all the world, govern- (environmental) change are two main ment or country. He has only selected reasons that disturb system balance. concepts, and relationships between The system always fluctuates and looks them, and uses those to represent the for a point of a perfect balance in con- real system” [4]. Peter Senge high- ditions of the changeable environment. lights the importance and difficulties to Maintaining of this balance requires

212 change — interior change (system adap- [10]. Reasoning is about philosophy tation), exterior change (shaping of the and logic to make conclusions based environment) or mutual adaptation to on premises. Philip Johnson-Laird each other.In many cases, system ad- highlights “reasoning is more a simula- aptation to the environment is more tion of the world fleshed out with all suitable than shaping of the complex our relevant knowledge than a formal environment, especially for small and manipulation of the logical skeletons middle size players. If human ambi- of sentences. We build mental models, tions, wishes, and creativity change the which represent distinct possibilities, system, it can try shaping the environ- or that unfold in time in a kinematic ment also in order to restore equilib- sequence, and we base our conclusions rium. on them”[11]. Keith Holyoak and Ro- To provide system balance a leader bert Morrison suppose, “Judgment and has to conduct the DMP — to accu- decision-making involve assessment of mulate data, analyze information, use the value of an option or the probability knowledge, and develop appropriate that will yield a certain payoff (judg- courses of actions based on thinking. ment) coupled with choice among al- “Thinking is the systematic transfor- ternatives (decision-making). Problem mation of mental representations of solving involves the construction of ac- knowledge to characterize actual or tion that can achieve the goal” [12, p. 2]. possible states of the world, often in ser- Mental models regulate, synchro- vice of goals” [7, p. 2].Therefore, know- nize, and coordinate human activities in ledge and its development become criti- a certain environment in order to estab- cal in thinking. lish optimal relationships among people Peter Senge supposes mental mo- to balance the system. They establish dels are “deeply ingrained assumptions, “rules of the game” that influence the generalizations, or even pictures of ima- DMP. Change of the environment cre- ges that influence how we understand ates a new set of rules, which may be the world and how we take action” very different from previous one. It may [8, p. 8]. They originate based on influ- require revising beliefs, values, and so- ence of others (mass culture), personal cial norms. This process is complicated experience, rewards and incentives (so- and psychologically painful. Therefore, cial approval) [9], analogical reasoning leading the process of change of mental and inherited, developed in a certain models is critical to make reality-based geopolitical environment mindset that decisions. defines behavior of the system. Mental models are relatively stable, Mental models are fundamental for but environmental change forces them subfields of thinking such as human rea- for revising. Growing conflict between soning with deduction and induction, the system and the environment inevi- judgment, decision-making, and prob- tably forms a new mental model that lem solving. David Marr said: “When has tobalance the system again. For humans perceive the world, vision example, new mental models of inde- yields a mental model of what things pendent countries, the former republics are where in the scene in front of them” of the Soviet Union, have replaced the

213 Soviet mental model that lost effective- Revising of mental models requires ness in the new geopolitical environ- understanding that “the interactions ment. of a living system with its environ- The mental model resists changing ment are cognitive interactions, and in order to save the system and mini- the process of living itself is a process of mize risk. An example of this resistance cognition” [14, p. 37]. Fritjof Capra in- is a complex and slow process of po- troduces the notion of “reflective con- litical reforms in Ukraine that forms a sciousness” based on “the critical role of new national mental model. Political reflection in the higher-order conscious initiatives are directed to create a new experience.” He supposes, “Reflective legitimate mental model that should consciousness involves a level of cogni- be more effective than previous one in tive abstraction that includes the abi- the new environment. However, from lity to hold mental images, which allows 2014 to 2017 years out of the nearly five us to formulate values, beliefs, goals and thousand of proposed legislative pro- strategies [15, p. 39]. An approach to jects, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine influence on “reflective consciousness” has approved only a few dozen [13]. may help to revise mental models. Therefore, revising of mental models is To change mental modelsis possible difficult process that requiresspending by influence on their elements such as additional energy such as stress, loss beliefs, values, moral, ethic, religion, hu- of comfort, security, money, and other. man preference indicators, risk, expec- An ability to change the mental model tations and wishes, experience, rationa- can require personal courage, creati- lity, and other. Beliefs, values, thinking vity, independence, and imagination. and emotions are more fixed and invis- To revise mental models a leader should ible [16] human features in comparison applysuitable leadership power and with observable and changeable human styles, establish appropriate organiza- behavior and results. People forms mo- tional culture and climate, show posi- rals, ethics based on beliefs and values. tive and optimistic behavior to energize It forces making decisions and showing team members and motivate them for emotions and behavior according tothe change. mental model. Thus, beliefs and values The author supposesthat in the new affect human thinking, emotions, and environment the decision-maker may behavior. fluctuate close to a so-called “comfort- Beliefs and values are the start points able line” to make a decision. It is a to understand human needs and wishes. line of psychological comfort accord- They initiate the DMP, generate mental ing to the existed mental model. To models, form unwritten rules of beha- make decisions better and quicker may vior, create morals and ethics, and pres- require creating a new “comfortable ent a basis to develop state documents line” through revising of the mental such as the National Security Strategy. model. Thus, in the new environment a Values present our abstract conceptions decision-maker can make decisions ha- of relative desirability [17]. Beliefs bitually again based on the new mental (unconscious feelings) are our notions model. of what is true. Beliefs, in many cases,

214 present conscious and unconscious be- new system will replace the old one. It havior based on experience, geopoliti- is a moment when people may destroy cal location, and economical, historical their icons such as statues, names of and religious connections. Beliefs may the streets, perceptions of the past. For remain different while values are simi- instance, people removedroyal statues lar. For instance, it is possible to assume and monuments after the February re- that beliefs of population of Western volution of 1917 in the Russian Empire, and Eastern parts of Ukraine may differ Stalin statues in 1953 after his leader- because of geopolitical location. At the ship in the USSR, communist and So- same time, values such as a high level of viet statues and symbols, as decomu- life, national and cultural identity, and nization, in 2014 in Ukraine, historical psychological comfort for both sides statues of the Confederates in 2017 in of Ukraine are the same. Thus, in spite the USA [19]. All these events can cor- of shared values, difference in beliefs respond to a bifurcation point (revo- can force making different decisions lution) or achievement of the critical and their correctness is a philosophical level of equilibrium between the system question. and the environment. Restoring of this Change of beliefs and valuescan equilibrium requires decision-making makea society vulnerable. Different based on the revised mental model. In exterior and interior players can use it this moment the system is about to lose to promote their interests by dividing effectiveness without possibility to be the country into partsbased on weak restored and the coefficient of dynamic or different beliefs and values. In the equilibrium between the system and transformational period it is possible to the environment — Keq [0 < Keq < 1] observe fluctuation or change of men- [20, p. 9] achieves a certain criti- tal models that may shift people from cal level — Keq crt [21, p. 146] (fig. 1).

“ethical behavior” to “behavior to sur- Keq crt may be determined by the frequen- vive” when moral and ethics become cy of fluctuation of the leader’s ability weaker or even disappear because there to lead the social system effectively and are no rules. In this situation, “instinct- thecapabilityof the system to endure based decision-making takes place at the pressure of the environment. the atomic/cellular level, because the If the existedmental model does not actions that arise are based on learned satisfy human needs, the society looks DNA responses, principally associ- for a new mental modelasa qualitatively ated with issues of survival” [18, p. 3]. new approach to think in order to make Maintaining of “ethical behavior” may decisions to restore equilibrium be- requiresoft revising of mental models tween the system and the new environ- by applying of flexible leadership, con- ment. Applying of experience to new stant feedback, active participation of conditions may be not effective. Mental “public governance”, and an appropri- models should reflect and support the ate level of decentralization. future. The author suggests that change Social dissatisfaction, as a lack of of mental models should start in a cer- equilibrium between the system and the tain moment that corresponds to Keq min environment, can cause conflictwhen a [22, p. 201] (fig. 1) — before achieve-

215 ment of the Keq crt in order to avoid sys- system development. Thus, maintain- tem destruction. ing of Keq opt may provide enough system The mental model should corre- flexibility and maximum effectiveness spond to the environment and provide in conditions of continuous change. maximum possible system effective- The possibility and speed of change of nesswith a certain optimal coefficient mental models can define Keq opt of the of dynamic equilibrium Keq opt (fig. 1). In system. condition of mutual change to achieve Accordingly, there are three key ideal equilibrium between the system points — Keq crt , Keq min , and Keq opt to con- and the environment (Keq = 1) is im- trol and lead the system effectiveness. possible because adaptation is a reac- In the interval [Keq min – K eq opt] (fig. 1) tion with delay. The DMP and deci- the system is functional and effective- sion implementation take time. Thus, enough. In the interval [Keq crt– Keq min] there is an optimal Keq opt that provides (fig. 1) the system losses functionality maximum achievable system effective- and without quick change may be de- nessin conditions of changeable envi- stroyed. It is possible to suppose that ronment. under condition Keq > Keq opt the system To prove this idea it is possible to can be vulnerable and not balanced be- observe system functionality and its cause of high openness and fast trans- adaptation. There is a certain point formation. Also, this condition may when system adaptation may change force the system to change functiona- the system functionality because of lity. probablelossof its previous shape. Keq opt may correspond to a certain Hence, adaptation of the system should balance that provides maximum system be sensitiveespecially in aspect of revis- effectiveness (fig. 1) under the condi- ing of mental models because next envi- tion of saving system functionality. ronmental change may require another If Keq → 1 in the interval [Keq opt – 1] system change that can be completely the system can change its structure opposing to the previous direction and functionalitybecause of its high (change the strategy). For instance, it openness and vulnerability. The ra- is possibleto refuse using old standards, tio between segments [0 – Keq opt] and but in a certain moment, the system [Keq opt – 1] defines the position of the may return to them on the new wave of Keq opt that may be relatively constant

Fig. 1. System effectiveness and the coefficient of dynamic equilibrium Source: Created by the author.

216 for the system. Change of the system Keq opt by making the system agile and structure may influence the Keq opt. competitive. John Cotter proposes to Maintaining of system effective- accelerate the system through decen- ness and functionality in the dynamic tralization and network development environment can require acceleration. [24]. He describes a dual operating sys- Late system reaction to environmental tem that supports innovation on the change can be not effective or, more- strategic level while the system works over, useless. In the interval [Keq crt– on the lower levels according to usual

– Keq min] (fig. 1) the system is in danger operational cycle [25]. Accordingly, and acceleration of the system is a vital decentralization with “public gover- to save its functionality.Thus, the posi- nance” may accelerate adaptability of tion of Keq in the interval [Keq crt – Keq opt] the system by applying of double-loop defines the required speed of change of learning process [26]. To implement the mental model. change may require decentralization in The speed of system change — Va order toapply mental models of diffe- [23, p. 146] describes dynamic of sys- rent groups (communities) to achieve tem adaptationto the environmental the strategic goal. changes. Acceleration of the system The state, as a system with diverse (As) is the first derivation of the func- territorial communities, should estab- tion of Va (As = f ’(Va ) that describes lish a certain level of decentralization system agility. If Keq is in the interval that will allow maintaining required

[Keq crt – Keq min] the system adaptation system effectiveness to achieve the should be accelerated in order to react strategic goal (to maintain national to the environmental change as soon as interests). The national mental model possible. should be constructed according to Acceleration can complicate chang- this requirement in order to form men- ing direction for big strategic systems tal models of territorial communities. because of their mass and inertia. Thus, Leading of the social system may re- short-term accelerationis effective, but quire flexibility in decentralization that long-term acceleration may be negative should be balanced (measured) in a cer- for big inertial systems. Nevertheless, tain proportion in order to save system decentralization with flexible leader- functionality. ship and “public governance” can in- The system should be balanced and crease system acceleration, agility, and perform a required job. Applying of eliminate the problem of inertia of the criteria of system effectiveness such as big system. a measure of effectiveness (MOE) and Decentralizationcan accelerate sys- a measure of performance (MOP) [27, tem agents as a process of mutual adap- p. 15–2] may help to define Keq. They tation between the system and the en- show how the system is successful on vironment. It is possible to suppose the way to achieve the goal. MOE an- that the level of decentralization is swers the question — “are we doing connected with the notion of Keq. De- right things?” MOP answers the ques- centralization, technological develop- tion – “are we doing right things well?” ment and communication can increase Knowledge of Keq can allow defining a

217 favorable period for system change and, cussion based on cognition, constant therefore, to plan changes. feedback, and quick implementation of Mental models should be secured changes. and revised at the same time. This para- Possible differences in beliefs and dox raises a question how to lead mental values create diversemental modelsthat models in order to maintain equilibri- separate social groups. Technological um between the system and the envi- development, increased communica- ronment and save the system. Stability tion, and globalization erase boundaries of mental models is a matter of system between the national mental models. survivability. The system should be se- At the same time, common challenges cured in a certain degree from absolute create unions, partners and corporate openness, because it makes the system organizations based on common beliefs, vulnerable, by a certain mental filters. values, interestsand motivations. Pos- Quick change of believes, values, and sible differences in beliefs and values of other human norms may decrease their social groups (see figure 2) may explain credibility, initiate chaos, and even- the logic of behavior of territorial com- destroy the social system. To change munities. believe and values while remaining Each social group should satisfy hu- honest and devoted to the national man needs (individual, team, organiza- norms is complicated. For instance, sol- tional, national, society) according to diers have to swear to be devoted to the the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs [29]. country only once in their life. Is it pos- It is possible to assume that for majo- sible to take the oath many times and rity of people individual needs are not lie to yourself? It creates a problem stronger than group needs. However, a of maintaining the human balance in person is a social being who should be the changeable environment without a in the community. In order to satisfy in- clear justification of the need of revis- dividual needs a person may influence ing beliefs and values. Therefore, speed on others andlook for an appropriate and the level of change of human norms social group (change the working team, become critical in order to adapt the the organization or the environment — system to new environment. the country, the society). To avoid social conflict, initiated be- Interpretation above may explain cause of delay in system reaction, may the problem of combining of diffe- require gradual system adaptation by rent territorial communities in order to applying of a learning organization [28, make the state strong. If national be- p. 3–4] — an open and adaptive system liefs and values are weak, interior and with constant feedback. The leader- exterior players can influencethe coun- ship model of “public governance” with try by using strong mental models of decentralization may be similar to the lower levels. Territorial communities “learning organization.” It provides may joint together based on mutual “soft” system adaptation and decrease benefits. They can work together and conflict because people present the support each other inside of not only state authority. They can revise men- one nation, but also communities of tal models through open collective dis- other countries based on similar prob-

218 № Social groups Beliefs and Values 1 Individual They may be difference and individual for everyone even for mem- bers of one team or organization. It forms an individual mental mod- el that defines personal decisions 2 Team Similar goals, motivation, interests based on shared experience, working conditions form one way of thinking, emotions and behav- ior 3 Organization Teams can be grouped into one organization with one big goal, poli- tics, appearance, attitude, behavior (organizational mental model) 4 Territorial Language dialect, climatic conditions, objects, mutual interests, liv- community ing standards, prosperity force communities to unite or divide (de- centralization). It forms the general regional mental model 5 Nation To compete and survive among other nations on the international arena and feel belongings to a certain group, based on traditions, language, culture, feelings, religion form national mental model. Even in different countries, a small national community is very strong and connected with the main part of the nation. Moreover, this small part may think more about national identity and its exis- tence than the main national part (national mental model) 6 Society Shared human, values based on mutual profitable cooperation (his- torical), religion form European, Asian, African or other societies that present a union of different nations that are ready to coexist together. It forms mental models of the international society

Fig. 2. Beliefs and values of different social groups Source: Created by the author lems, beliefs and values. In addition, in- of gravity of the system” [31] as “prima- dividuals with sheared experience, even ry sources of moral or physical strength, from different nationscan find common power and resistance” [32, p. IX] of the languages and build corporate organi- system. zations. Applying of system, critical, creative Mental models are “barriers for in- thinking, and knowledge management novations and they interrupt the trans- may allow revising mentalmodels to formation of learning. We have to learn make right decisions. It is important to reduce our mental models and keep to identify patterns of system move- only those that can help us to increase ment to the future based on an ability our knowledge” [30]. Finding of ap- to revise facts and conditions, to learn proaches and tools to influence mental right information that should challenge models as soon as possible is critical for existing beliefs and values. Thus, know- effective decision-making. It is possible ledge is powerful to influence beliefs, to assume that understanding of beliefs values and, therefore, decisions by ap- and values, national, corporate cultures plying of the process of learning. of own and the opposing sides can help There are three types of the process to find an approach to change the sys- of learning. The first one is a simple tem with its mental model. It is possible cycle process of system development to do through influence on “the center or feedback process with the identified

219 problem, the DMP, and feedback. Sin- need for expression changes in mental gle and double-loop learning processes models” [35]. The double-loop learn- (figure 3) present the next two pro- ing entails the modification of goals or cesses of learning that already apply the decision-making rules. The first loop mental model for the DMP. Possible uses the goals or decision-making rules changesin the mental model distinguish and the second loop revises them. The the double-loop learning process from double-loop learning distinguishes that the single-loop learning process. Chris the way a problem is defined and solved Argyris explained the difference by ana- can be a source of the problem [36]. logy: “a thermostat that automatically The DMP presents a “data-infor- turns on the heat whenever the tem- mation-knowledge-wisdom” cycle [37] perature in a room drops below 68 °F is based on mental models. Wisdom an- a good example of single-loop learning. swers the question “why”that corre- A thermostat that could ask, “Why am sponds to the second loop of the double- I set to 68 °F?” and then explore whe- loop learning process and mayinfluence ther or not some other temperature the mental model. might more economically achieve the Also, there are different practical goal of heating the room would be en- recommendations to revise mental mod- gaged in double-loop learning [33]. els. For example, Diana Durek proposes: Changing of mental models requires 1) Be willing to change: what would applying of the double-loop learning. happen if you did not change your men- “Unlike single loops, this model in- tal model? (to encourage people); how cludes a shift in understanding, from important to change your mental model simple and static to broader and more to the success of the organization? dynamic, such as taking into account 2) Open your mind: tune in; look for the changes in the surroundings and the opportunities; challenge yourself.

Fig. 3. The process of learning Source: [34]

220 3) Use “Creative swiping:”do diffe- process. System thinking is a characte- rent things in the same way; do the ristic of the learning organization that same things in different ways;do differ- transforms and adapts itself through ent things in different ways. constant feedback loop. 4) Reverse your assumptions: state The dynamic, changeable environ- your assumption; reverse the assump- ment forces making irrational deci- tion and write the opposite; consider sionsthat typically result from a reli- the actions/behaviors/consequences of ance on intuitive biases that overlook opposite assumption; what information the full range of possible consequences. does that provide about of accuracy of The irrational approach looks unusual your assumption [38]? because a decision-maker has to take To avoid mistakes in the DMPand risk andapply a new mental modelfor revise the mental model a decision- the DMP instead of the existing men- maker should apply system, critical, tal model. This new mental model be- and creative thinking. System thinking comes the adopted, usual model and helps to adapt the mental model to the also can get outdated later in case of a changeable environment. Peter Senge next change of the environment. Irra- suggests that “system thinking” is a dis- tional thinking is similar to double-loop cipline for seeing wholes. It is a frame- learning process that forces changing of work for seeing interrelationships ra- the mental model. Applying both — ra- ther than things, for seeing “patterns of tional and irrational thinking would be change” rather than static “snapshots.” significant to make a right decision be- He proposes teamwork to make a right cause rational thinking is more suitable decision because “we start to appreciate for a regular and clear situation when the real nature of human perception as irrational thinking is effective for a new a living system. None sees the reality and unpredictable situation. Critical correctly. We are not recording devices, and creative thinking can help to evalu- we are living systems” [39]. ate situation irrationally. Russell Ackoff highlights that “the Critical (convergent) thinking is a system is a whole, which cannot be di- cognitive process of purposeful, unbi- vided in independent parts. Conceptu- ased, and self-aware questioning of the ally, an essential property of the system facts and conclusions to improve logic, is how these parts interact, not how analysis, and decision-making. Human they act separately. Therefore, defin- experience, biases, prejudices, and ex- ing properties of the system are prop- pectations influence decisions. Deci- erties of the whole, which system parts sion-makers rely on simplifying strate- do not have separately” [40]. Thus, gies or “general rules of thumb” called system thinking is a cognitive process heuristics, as a mechanism for coping to accept the system as the whole, un- with decision making in the volatile, derstand possible mutual dependencies uncertain, complex, and ambiguous among different systems, their elements environment [41, p. 129]. A decision- and visualize emerged system behavior. maker should avoid assumptions traps It is an ability of the decision-maker to by “noticing what support your mental see the system as a complete dynamic model and ignoring what does not; re-

221 mained attached to what made you suc- functionality by avoiding possible hu- cessful; not trying what you believe is man traps and biases. Creative thinking bad or impossible; focusing on current opens the system through innovations situation not anticipating” [42]. and irrational approaches that facilitate Development of critical thinking revising obsolete mental models. skills is important for a successful de- The author proposes the algorithm cision-making. “Critical thinking is the of maintaining system effectiveness by use of those cognitive skills or strate- revising of the mental model (figure 4) gies that increase the probability of a as a practical tool to make effective de- desirable outcome. It is used to describe cisionsin the dynamic environment. It thinking that is purposeful, reasoned, is a gradual and flexible process of lead- and goal directed”[43, p. 6]. Stephen J. ing of the system, which involves con- Gerras proposes “A Critical Thinking tinuous monitoring of the relevance of Model” [44, p. 7] as a practical tool to the existing mental model in a today apply critical thinking in the DMP. and probable future environment by Creative (divergent) thinking is a determining the level of equilibrium cognitive process that offers novelty between the system and the environ- in order to open the system for adap- ment. This process can include three tation.The system should be creative phases: because “creativity — the generation 1) Under condition [Keq > Keq min] — of new forms — is a key property of all the system is effective enough: living systems” [45, p. 13]. Charles Al- • Play with leadership power; len supposes,“Creativity is the ability • Apply suitable leadership styles; to develop new ideas and concepts that • Keep the system structure and are effective in resolving situations at the mental model; hand” [46, p. 3]. Roger Oech mentions • Avoid achievement of Keq min.

“mental locks” [47, p. 14–15] or seve- 2) Under condition [Keq → Keq min] — ral attitudes that serve as barriers to the system is losing effectiveness: creativity. They may be based on ratio- • Visualize the future system in the nal thinking or existed mental models. future environment; “Our challenge is to push outward from • Balanced ends, ways, and means our comfort zone and enter the area of in the framework of possible per- discovery” [48, p. 4]. Creative thinking missible risk in order to establish can change mental models and establish equilibrium between the system other comfort zones for effective deci- and the environment. sion-making in a new environment. • Apply system, critical, creative To summarize, making right deci- thinking in the DMP, use know- sions in the dynamic environment re- ledge management to collect quires revising mental models thought data, produce information, apply applying of the double-loop learning knowledge and wisdom. process, system, critical, and creative • Learn how to reduce our mental thinking. System thinking allows see- models and keep only those that ing the system and the environment as a can help us increase our know- whole. Critical thinking secures system ledge by applying of double-loop

222 learning process when wisdom governance,”increased communication becomes powerful to influence and feedback. The algorithm of main- human perception and stereo- taining of system effectiveness by revis- types. ing of the mental model (see fig. 4) can

3) Under condition [Keq crt ≤ Keq ≤ help to change mental models and pro-

≤ Keq min] — the system is about to be vide “soft” system adaptation. Mathe- destroyed: matical interpretation of the process

• Avoid achievement of Keq crt if you of maintaining system effectiveness, want to keep system functiona- especially for the complex system, can lity; help to adapt the system and revise its • Accelerate system adaptationby mental model in time. Established in- different ways and means (“pub- dicators of system effectiveness with

lic governance,” decentralization, MOE and MOP, knowledge of Keq crt ,

increased communication and Keq min , Keq opt , and As form a mathemati- feedback); cal approach that allows maintaining of • Apply system, critical, creative system effectiveness and creating a plan thinking in the DMP with dou- of required reforms. ble-loop learning process based on knowledge in order to revise mental models as soon as possible. REFERENCES Conclusions. Мental models play 1. Craik K. (1943). The Nature of Expla- one of the key roles in the DMP and nation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge require revising in order to adapt the University Press. 2. Ibid. system to the environment by decen- 3. Johnson-Laird P. N. and Byrne R. M. J. tralization and establishment of “public (2002), Conditionals: a theory of

Fig. 4. The algorithm of maintaining system effectiveness by revising of the mental model Source: Created by the author

223 meaning, inference, and pragmatics. 13. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, official Psycholog. Review. 109, p. 646–678. web-portal. Retrieved from: http:// 4. Forrester J. W. (1971), Counterin- tuitive behavior of social systems // proc555 Technology Review. — Vol. 73. — № 3. — 14. Capra Fritjof. (2002). The hidden con- Jan. 1971. — Р. 52–68. Retrieved from: nections. UK, London: Harper Collins. 15. Ibid. htm 16. “Two critical parts to making tough 5. Senge P. M. (2006). The Fifth Disci- decisions.” Retrieved from: http:// pline: The Art & Practice of the Learn- ing Organization. New York, N.Y.: tical-parts-to-making-tough-deci- Doubleday. sions 6. Liepman A. and Mudd P. (2016) “Les- 17. Rosenberg M. (1965). Society and ado- sons from the Fifteen-Year Counter- lescent of self-image. Princeton, NJ: terrorism Campaign.” Small War Jour- Princeton University Press. nal. October-2016. Retrieved from: 18. Barrett R. The Six Modes of Decision- Making. Retrieved from: https:// from-the-fifteen-year-counterterro- rism-campaign files/uploads/2010-07-06/Six%20 7. Holyoak K. J. and Morrison G. R. Modes%20of%20Decision%20Mak- (2005). The Cambridge Handbook of ing.pdf Thinking and Reasoning. NY: Cam- 19. Suerth J. (2017). “Here are the Confe- bridge University Press. derate memorial sthat will be removed 8. Senge P. M. (2006). The Fifth Disci- after Charlottesville.” Retrieved from: pline: The Art & Practice of the Learn- ing Organization. New York, N.Y.: us/confederate-memorial-removal-us- Doubleday. trеd/index.html 9. Durek D. “Mental Models: The 20. Naplyokov Y. V. (2014). “An Algorithm Key to Making Reality-Based De- for Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium cisions.” [Video file]. Retrieved to Achieve Strategic Goals”. Master’s from: Thesis, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle watch?v=fnM60mxO2hQ Barracks, Pennsylvania 17013, USA. 10. Marr D. (1982). Vision: A Computa- 21. Naplyokov Y. V. (2017). “Adaptation of tional Investigation into the Human the system through management of its Representation and Processing of Vi- center of gravity” // Public Manage- sual Information. San Francisco, CA: ment. — № 4 (9). — Р. 139–151. Re- W. H. Freeman and Company. trieved from: 11. Johnson-Laird P. N. (2010). Mental collection/ models and human reasoning, De- 22. Naplyokov Y. V. (2017). “Archetypical partment of Psychology, Princeton principles as a basis for non-conflicting University, Princeton, NJ 08540. Re- decision-making” // Public Manage- trieved from: ment. — № 3 (8). — Р. 194–203. Re- content/107/43/18243.full trieved from: 12. Durek D. “Mental Models: The Key collection/ to Making Reality-Based Deci- 23. Naplyokov Y. V. (2017). “Adaptation of sions” [Video file]. Retrieved the system through management of its from: center of gravity” // Public Manage- watch?v=fnM60mxO2hQ ment. — № 4 (9). — Р. 139–151. Re-

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225 46. Allen C. D. (2012). “Creative Think- Thinking and Reasoning. NY: Cam- ing for Individuals and Teams.” An es- bridge University Press. say on creative thinking for military 8. Senge P. M. (2006). The Fifth Disci- professionals. U.S. Army War College. pline: The Art & Practice of the Learn- Retrieved from: ing Organization. New York, N.Y.: mil/au/awc/awcgate/army-usawc/al- Doubleday. len_creative_thkg_sr_ldrs.pdf 9. Durek D. “Mental Models: The 47. Roger V. O. (1998). A Whack on the Key to Making Reality-Based De- Side of the Head. Third edition. New cisions.” [Video file]. Retrieved York, NY: Warner Books. from: 48. Allen C. D. (2012). “Creative Think- watch?v=fnM60mxO2hQ ing for Individuals and Teams.” An es- 10. Marr D. (1982). Vision: A Computa- say on creative thinking for military tional Investigation into the Human professionals. U.S. Army War College. Representation and Processing of Vi- Retrieved from: sual Information. San Francisco, CA: mil/au/awc/awcgate/army-usawc/al- W. H. Freeman and Company. len_creative_thkg_sr_ldrs.pdf 11. Johnson-Laird P. N. (2010). Mental models and human reasoning, De- partment of Psychology, Princeton Список використаних University, Princeton, NJ 08540. Re- trieved from: джерел content/107/43/18243.full 1. Craik K. (1943). The Nature of Expla- 12. Durek D. “Mental Models: The Key nation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge to Making Reality-Based Deci- University Press. 2. Ibid. sions” [Video file]. Retrieved 3. Johnson-Laird P. N. and Byrne R. M. J. from: (2002), Conditionals: a theory of watch?v=fnM60mxO2hQ meaning, inference, and pragmatics. 13. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, official Psycholog. Review. 109, p. 646–678. web-portal. Retrieved from: http:// 4. Forrester J. W. (1971), Counterin- tuitive behavior of social systems // proc555 Technology Review. — Vol. 73. — № 3. — 14. Capra Fritjof. (2002). The hidden con- Jan. 1971. — Р. 52–68. Retrieved from: nections. UK, London: Harper Collins. 15. Ibid. htm 16. “Two critical parts to making tough 5. Senge P. M. (2006). The Fifth Disci- decisions.” Retrieved from: http:// pline: The Art & Practice of the Learn- ing Organization. New York, N.Y.: cal-parts-to-making-tough-deci- Doubleday. sions 6. Liepman A. and Mudd P. (2016) “Les- 17. Rosenberg M. (1965). Society and ado- sons from the Fifteen-Year Counter- lescent of self-image. Princeton, NJ: terrorism Campaign.” Small War Jour- Princeton University Press. nal. October-2016. Retrieved from: 18. Barrett R. The Six Modes of Decision- Making. Retrieved from: https:// from-the-fifteen-year-counterterror- ism-campaign files/uploads/2010-07-06/Six%20 7. Holyoak K. J. and Morrison G. R. Modes%20of%20Decision%20Mak- (2005). The Cambridge Handbook of ing.pdf

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228 UDC: 364.2 Nepomnyashchyy Oleksandr Mykhailovych, Doctor of science in Public Administra- tion, Academician of Academy of building of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, (044) 490 95 00, e- mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150 Непомнящий Олександр Михайлович, доктор наук з державного управління, академік Академії будівництва України, професор кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фро- метівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150 Непомнящий Александр Михайлович, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, академик Академии строитель- ства Украины, профессор кафедры публичного администрирования, Межре- гиональная Академия управления персо- налом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: n_a_m@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150

Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Management and Adminis- tration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshalа Bazhanovа, 17, (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дєгтяр Олег Андрійович, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту і адміністрування, Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

229 Дегтярь Олег Андреевич, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 DOI


Abstract. The article analyzes the peculiarities and tendencies of the deve- lopment of the system of public administration of socio-economic processes in Ukraine. The authors paid special attention to the formation of measures aimed at implementing the principles of transparency and democracy in the activities of public administration bodies. The processes of globalization and the formation of an information society contributed to the development of these activities, which helped to improve the efficiency of public administration, and, consequently, the quality of life of society as a whole. Under public administration, the article refers to a set of functions of public- law formations implemented on the basis of the principles of transparency, lega- lity, democracy, strategic partnership of power, population and business, ensuring sustainable feedback and involving in the process of managing the population in the form of institutionalized relations at the state, regional, municipal levels, in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the territories and improve the quality of life. Consequently, for each public administration autho- rity of a particular level (state, local), in accordance with the current legislation, the implementation of certain management functions is fixed. It is noted that the complexity and cumbersomeness of legislation in many respects complicates the control over its compliance and requires, for these pur- poses, a significant involvement of all kinds of resources by public administration bodies, which, in their constraints, is particularly critical. Implementation of the strategic partnership of government, population and business in the context of sustainable development, in our opinion, means the formation of new value sys- tems for all participants in socio-economic relations in the context of the Global Reporting Initiative and combining their efforts in balancing economic, environ- mental and social processes based on socio-economic partnership of the popula- tion, government and business. Keywords: public administration, public administration system, socio-eco- nomic development.

230 ОСНОВНІ ТЕНДЕНЦІЇ ТА НАПРЯМИ РОЗВИТКУ СИСТЕМИ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНИМИ ПРОЦЕСАМИ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. Проаналізовано особливості та тенденції розвитку системи пу- блічного управління соціально-економічними процесами в Україні. Особли- ву увагу автори приділили формуванню заходів, спрямованих на реалізацію принципів прозорості та демократичності в діяльності органів публічного управління. Не останню роль у розвитку цих заходів відіграли процеси гло- балізації та становлення інформаційного суспільства, що сприяють при пра- вильній розстановці акцентів у процесі управлінської діяльності підвищен- ню ефективності публічного управління, а значить і якості життя суспільства загалом. Під публічним управлінням у статті розуміється сукупність функцій пу- блічно-правових утворень, що реалізуються на основі принципів прозорості, законності, демократичності, стратегічного партнерства влади, населення і бізнесу, забезпечення стійкого зворотного зв’язку і залучення до процесу управління населення у формі інституціоналізованих відносин на держав- ному, регіональному, муніципальному рівнях з метою забезпечення сталого соціально-економічного розвитку територій та підвищення якості життя. От- же, за кожним органом публічного управління того чи іншого рівня (держав- ного, місцевого) відповідно до чинного законодавства закріплена реалізація певних управлінських функцій. Відмічено, що складність і громіздкість законодавства багато в чому ускладнює контроль за його дотриманням і вимагає для цих цілей значного залучення всіх видів ресурсів органами публічного управління, що в умовах їх обмеженості є особливо критичним. Реалізація стратегічного партнерства влади, населення і бізнесу в контексті сталого розвитку, на наше переконан- ня, означає формування в усіх учасників соціально-економічних відносин нових ціннісних установок в контексті положень Глобальної ініціативи по звітності і об’єднання їх зусиль у забезпеченні збалансованості економічних, екологічних і соціальних процесів на основі соціально-економічного парт- нерства населення, влади та бізнесу. Ключові слова: державне управління, система публічного управління, соціально-економічний розвиток. ОСНОВНЫЕ ТЕНДЕНЦИИ И НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ РАЗВИТИЯ СИСТЕМЫ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ СОЦИАЛЬНО- ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИМИ ПРОЦЕССАМИ В УКРАИНЕ Аннотация. Проанализированы особенности и тенденции развития си- стемы публичного управления социально-экономическими процессами в Украине. Особое внимание авторы уделили формированию мероприятий, направленных на реализацию принципов прозрачности и демократичности в деятельности органов публичного управления. Не последнюю роль в раз-

231 витии этих мероприятий сыграли процессы глобализации и становления информационного общества, что способствуют при правильной расстановке акцентов в процессе управленческой деятельности повышению эффектив- ности публичного управления, а значит и качества жизни общества в целом. Под публичным управлением в статье понимается совокупность функ- ций публично-правовых образований, реализуемых на основе принципов прозрачности, законности, демократичности, стратегического партнерства власти, населения и бизнеса, обеспечение устойчивой обратной связи и во- влечения в процесс управления населения в форме институционализован- ных отношений на государственном, региональном, муниципальном уров- нях с целью обеспечения устойчивого социально-экономического развития территорий и повышения качества жизни. Итак, за каждым органом пу- бличного управления того или иного уровня (государственного, местного) в соответствии с действующим законодательством закреплена реализация определенных управленческих функций. Отмечено, что сложность и громоздкость законодательства во многом за- трудняет контроль за его соблюдением и требует для этих целей значитель- ного привлечения всех видов ресурсов органами публичного управления в условиях их ограниченности особенно критическим. Реализация стратеги- ческого партнерства власти, населения и бизнеса в контексте устойчивого развития, по нашему убеждению, означает формирование у всех участников социально-экономических отношений новых ценностных установок в кон- тексте положений Глобальной инициативы по отчетности и объединение их усилий в обеспечении сбалансированности экономических, экологических и социальных процессов на основе социально-экономического партнерства населения, власти и бизнеса. Ключевые слова: государственное управление, система публичного управления, социально-экономическое развитие.

Target setting. The main problem lications showed many points of view of the development of methodology, concerning the essence of public ad- theory and practice of public admi- ministration. Some authors identify nistration of the processes of ensuring public administration with government the quality of life lies in the fact that in administration, but most authors agree Ukraine, until now, no clear doctrine of that the concept of public administra- public administration has been deve- tion in relation to the concept of go- loped, while in the European system of vernment administration has broader administrative law, the existing admi- concept. nistrative-legal doctrines, their content The confusion in definition of the and significance are determined by the essence and content of the concept of significance of public interest reflected “public administration” is conditioned therein. The analysis of scientific pub- by the variety of options for transla-

232 tion of the term “public administra- of purposeful influence of state authori- tion” into Ukrainian language, some ties and local self-government on the editions translate it as state administra- object of management on the basis of tion, some — as public administration, legislation, in order to increase the eco- some — as social or municipal gover- nomic growth of public-law formations nance. At the same time, the most au- and quality of life of the population [1, thors interpret the meaning of public p. 8]. It is positively that the author management as denoting control or of this concept approaches the defini- controlled by society [7, p. 8]. tion of public administration from the Analysis of recent research and pub- standpoint of process approach and lications. Problems of formation and highlights the improvement of quality development of the system of public of life as one of the goals of public ad- administration in social and economic ministration. However, the participa- processes are covered in the writings tion of civil society representatives in of many famous Ukrainian and foreign the public administration is not consid- scientists, in particular V. Bakumenko ered in this definition. In addition, it is [1], O. Bosak [2], I. Vernudina [3], not entirely clear what kind of meaning S. Gaiduchenko [4], I. Hrytsiak [5], is enclosed to the control object. O. Kudryavtsev [6], P. Miller [7], I. Verundina explains public ad- O. Obolensky [8] et al. Despite its sig- ministration as a form of state activity, nificance and urgency, the problem within which executive power is prac- of identifying the main trends and di- tically realized [3, p. 97]. It is obvious rections of the development of pub- that the author equals the concepts of lic administration system for quality “public” and “state”. of life processes remains theoretically O. Obolensky defines public admi- poorly developed. There are different nistration as a kind of social manage- approaches to the definition of “public ment, which has several levels of institu- administration”, “public administration tionalization: state, regional and munic- system”, but as of today, there is no defi- ipal, characterized by unique intrinsic nite categorical apparatus; there is no qualities: transparency, legitimacy, and single classification of factors and indi- democracy. At the same time, he un- cators; there is no unified methodology derstands the openness and dialogue of for assessing the effectiveness of public management process under transparen- administration in socio-economic pro- cy, which is expressed in public control cesses. over the activities of authorities and in The purpose of this article is to procedures for coordinating decisions study the main tendencies and direc- with the population. Legitimacy means tions of the development of public ad- the subjectively recognized legality of ministration system of socio-economic the management process, driven by the processes in Ukraine and to provide internal conviction of fairness in the suggestions for improving this process. activities of managers. And, finally, ac- The statement of basic materi- cording to the author of above defini- als. Thus, under public administration tion, the democracy is related to the re- V. Bakumenko understands the process ality of democracy in the management

233 process, which implies the existence of Firstly, public administration is per- normatively entrenched self-govern- formed directly in the interests and in ment actions of people as the subject- order to meet the needs of the whole object of governance [8, p. 28]. society. We are impressed with the fact that Secondly, public administration has the author came up with a very mean- a multilevel character and is in essence ingful approach to the definition of a form of manifestation of public au- public administration in this definition, thority at the state, regional and mu- considering the mandatory participa- nicipal levels. tion of population in the management Thirdly, public administration is process and highlighting the unique in- based on principles such as transparen- trinsic properties of public administra- cy, legitimacy and democracy, as well as tion — transparency, legitimacy, and de- on the principle of strategic social part- mocracy. However, the author does not nership between government, popula- define the target benchmarks in this tion and business. definition, the achievement of which is Fourthly, public administration is aimed at public administration. based on population involvement in the O. Bosak considers public adminis- process of managing the, the degree of tration as an external manifestation of participation is determined by the level public authority [2]. However, while and, accordingly, the functions of pub- providing many definitions of public lic-law formations. authority, the author does not give his Fifthly, the existence of a stable feed- own definition of public authority. back between public administration S. Gaiduchenko notes that pub- and the public is a distinctive feature lic power is a special and independent of public administration, that is imple- power that does not coincide in its con- mented through public hearings, ques- tent and scope with state power. In a tionnaires, voter orders, and others. certain sense, public power is the hig- Sixthly, the assessment of effective- hest form of government when we un- ness of public administration is based derstand it as the power of people as a on monitoring and evaluation of the whole [4, p. 52–53]. performance of public administration We suppose that I. Hrytsyak pro- bodies and providing them with a pub- vides the most capacious and correct lic character. definition of public administration: Taking into account the generaliza- public administration is a manifesta- tions of theoretical positions of the sci- tion of social power, which includes entific schools of institutionalism and state administration, power of territo- neo-institutionalism, corporatism and rial public groups, autonomies and mu- neocorporatism, social choice, cogni- nicipal entities, and, finally, the corpo- tive and network approaches, as well rate power [5, р. 6–8]. as in the context of provisions of the The considered definitions allow to Strategy for Sustainable Development make some generalizations and to high- [9], the above definition allows to give light the essential features of public ad- us the own definition of public admi- ministration. nistration.

234 By public administration we mean development consists in recognizing the totality of functions of public-law the lawfulness of the government’s ac- formations implemented on the basis tions of public administration bodies of the principles of transparency, lega- and their compliance with the strategic lity, democracy, strategic partnership of targets for the development of socio- power, population and business, ensur- economic systems (focus on ensuring ing sustainable feedback and involve- the balance of socio-economic proces- ment the population in the process ses, improving the quality of life of each of managing in the form of institutio- individual and society as a whole). nalized relations at the state, regional, In turn, implementation of the prin- municipal levels, in order to ensure sus- ciple of democracy in the context of tainable socio-economic development sustainable development implies pro- of territories and improve the quality viding the public nature to the pro- of life. cess of public administration, namely Consequently, in accordance with ensuring close relationship between the current legislation the implementa- public administration and civil society tion of certain management functions representatives (discussing the results is fixed for each public administration of public administration activities in authority of a particular level (state, lo- terms of assessing the degree of balance cal). of economic, ecological and social pro- The complexity and cumbersome cesses, achieved level of quality of life, nature of legislation greatly compli- taking into account public opinion and cates the monitoring of its compliance direct participation of representatives and requires significant involvement of the community in decision-making). of all types of resources by public ad- Implementation of the strategic ministration for these purposes, which partnership of government, population is particularly critical due to their con- and business in the context of sustain- straints. able development, in our opinion, means The principle of transparency in the the formation of new value systems for context of sustainable development, all participants of the socio-economic in our opinion, means transparency relations in the context of Global Re- and clarity of the implementation of porting Initiative, as well as combing administrative functions by public ad- of their efforts to balance economic, en- ministration bodies for all participants vironmental and social processes based of socio-economic relations, which is on socio-economic partnership of the ensured by the openness (publicity) of population, government and business. their activities (publication of reports Institutionalization of relations in on the results of activities, measuring the process of public administration at of economic, environmental and social the state, regional and municipal levels effectiveness of public administration means the formation of an appropriate and provision of public nature to these institutional environment to ensure the results). balance of socioeconomic processes and The implementation of legitimacy the mandatory observance of formal in- principle in the context of sustainable stitutional rules by all participants in

235 socio-economic relations, which essen- In this regard, corporations are tially means an increase in the institu- equal participants in socio-economic tionalization of socio-economic system. relations, which objectively predeter- For socio-economic transitional sys- mines their involvement in public man- tems that are characterized by low le- agement of the quality of life processes. vels of institutionalization, this process The processes of globalization and the will contribute not only to preserving formation of information society im- their integrity but also to sustainable pose their imprint on the main trends socio-economic development. and directions of development of the Selection of the corporate level in the national system of public administra- national system of public management tion. is conditioned by the need to increase First of all, development of the In- corporate social responsibility for the ternet and increased requirements for results of its activities to society. This ensuring transparency of the public provision is in line with the principles administration of its functions and advocated by non-governmental inter- improving the quality of provision of national organization Global Reporting state (municipal) services led to the Initiative, where the recommendations organization of official sites by public- of compilation of corporate social re- law formations, as well as public ad- porting reflecting the effectiveness of ministration at various levels. In the interaction with society, in particular, course of study, a significant number of suggest that the stages of the organiza- redundant and duplicate functions was tion’s functioning, such as the arrival implemented by public administration. [in the region], activity and exit [from Despite the differentiation of spend- the region] have significant impact on ing powers in accordance with the the stability of a particular [geographic] changes introduced into the Budget area. In this regard, it is important to Code and a number of legislative and have a characteristic reflecting the or- regulatory acts, and the transfer of ganization’s approach to systematical these powers from state to local level, management of its effects, both nega- the efficiency of the mechanism of pro- tive and positive, in those local commu- viding state and municipal services re- nities where it operates [10, p. 3]. mains low. Many procedures relating According to O. Kudryavtsev, cor- to the provision of public or municipal poration as the participant in social services require significant time expen- development should stimulate and sup- ditures. Such concepts as fictitious and port innovation and recognize respon- redundant public services are used in sibility for the quality impact on life of scientific circulation. By fictitious pub- others. The efforts of the organization lic service one means a service, estab- should be directed towards voluntary lished in a normative legal act, but not environmental activities (organizations implemented in reality by the execu- should support and encourage efforts tive authorities. Excess public service, and various activities in the field of en- or administrative barrier — is a service, vironmental protection to improve the the cost of which exceeds both private quality of life of society as a whole) [6]. benefits for the economic entity subject

236 to its effect, and public benefits, taking administration in case of the correct into account the effect of income [11, allocation of emphasis in the manage- p. 9–15]. Now it is necessary to focus not ment process, and hence the quality of on structural but on functional changes life of society. in the system of public administration Conclusions. The above men- bodies [11]. But, as we see, functional tioned allows to provide the definition and structural transformations mutu- of structure of the national system of ally determine each other, and their public administration of the processes separation will be very difficult. of ensuring the quality of life of every One cannot but admit that some person and society as a whole, which is functions of public administration bo- a set of bodies and institutions of pub- dies are indeed excessive, excessively lic administration at the state, local and bureaucratic and should maximally corporate levels, the functioning and in- simplified. teraction of which is carried out in the The structure of public administra- form of institutionalized relations that tion bodies in Ukraine is still complex, ensure the balance of economic, envi- cumbersome and requires considerable ronmental and social processes based resources from state and local budgets. on the development of human capital in At the same time, it is necessary to socio — economic systems. note significant transformations in the Human capital, in our opinion, is a field of public administration of the pro- key strategic resource of public mana- cesses of ensuring quality of life, caused gement of the processes of ensur- by the processes of globalization and de- ing quality of life and an endogenous velopment of the information society in source of sustainable development of the socio-economic system of Ukraine. socio-economic systems. It is necessary to state the positive The system of public administration tendencies of development of large of socio-economic processes has a mul- Ukrainian companies that consist in tilevel character (state, local, corporate the publication of corporate social re- levels) and functions on the basis of porting on their official websites in ac- regulatory acts regulating the activities cordance with the requirements of the of subjects and objects of public admi- Global Reporting Initiative. However, nistration. At the state (municipal) lev- this positive process is still in the stage el, the national system of public admi- of formation, although the number of nistration provides for the development published corporate social reports in- and implementation of forecasts, stra- creases yearly. tegies for sustainable socio-economic The list of measures aimed at imple- development, programs and projects menting the principles of transparency for economic, environmental and social and democracy in the activities of pub- development with the participation of lic administration bodies can be conti- representatives of civil society. nued. But one thing is clear: the pro- Interaction of subjects of public ad- cesses of globalization and the forma- ministration and population is ensured tion of information society contribute by organizing public hearings, ques- to increasing of the efficiency of public tionnaires, holding focused interviews,

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239 UDC: 35: 639.1.028 (477)„18/19“

Protsiv Oleg Romanovych, PhD of Public Administration, Chief Spe- cialist, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Depart- ment of Forestry and Hunting, 76018, Ivano- Frankivsk, Str. Mykhailа Hrushevskoho, 31, tel: (050) 433 63 22, (098) 224 58 23, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6692-7835 Проців Олег Романович, кандидат наук з державного управлін- ня, головний спеціаліст, Івано-Фран- ківське обласне управління лісового та мисливського господарства, 76018, м. Іва- но-Франківськ, вул. Михайла Грушевсько- го, 31, тел.: (050) 433 63 22, (098) 224 58 23, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6692-7835 Процив Олег Романович, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, главный специалист, Ивано-Франковское областное управление лесно- го и охотничьего хозяйства, 76018, г. Ивано-Франковск, ул. Михаила Грушевского, 31, тел.: (050) 433 63 22, (098) 224 58 23, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6692-7835 DOI


Abstract. The article analyzes the state regulation of the fox extraction in Galicia from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century: the methods and terms of extraction, the regulation of the number, the authority of the hunting service in obtaining foxes, and the trade in fur. It has been carried out a comparative analysis of the legal mechanism of regulation the fox population, and the com- petence of the bodies of state executive power and local self-government bodies. It describes the customary rules and internal rules for hunting on fox in some hunting societies. The economic factors that influenced to the state regulation of the number of foxes were identified, making it possible not only of rational use of the resource for obtaining valuable fur, but also for increasing the number of game, especially the hares. Factors influencing on population size, including political influences and military events, were established. The features of state

240 regulation the fox extraction in the investigated period are described. On the basis of comparative analysis, it was described the fox extraction of the Austro- Hungarian monarchy, Halychyna in the context of the counties, the Second Polish Commonwealth, it was described the specifics of organization the hunting for fox among the hunting elite, in particular the emperor of Austro-Hungarian, Franz Josef I and emperor of Germany, Wilhelm II. It is noted that according to the right of the predators, the owner of the hunt- ing grounds on which they are located is the property of the owner. Based on these principles, the owner of the hunting grounds was required to destroy preda- tors, as predators are not only harmful to hunting game, but also for domestic animals. The legislation of the Polish kingdom, which regulated the destruction of predators, determined that predators should be destroyed without taking into account the extraction time, and it is permitted to use different means and tools for this, but only to those who have the right to hunt. The predators were bear, badger, wolf, fox, lynx, wild cat, otter, marten, trich, ermine. Keywords: hunting, fox, hunting, Halychyna, Second Polish Commonwealth, predators. ДЕРЖАВНЕ РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ДОБУВАННЯ ЛИСИЦІ У ГАЛИЧИНІ XVI – ПОЧАТКУ ХХ ст.: ІСТОРИЧНИЙ АСПЕКТ Анотація. Проаналізовано державне регулювання добування лисиці у Галичині XVI — початку ХХ ст.: способи та терміни добування, регулювання чисельності, повноваження єгерської служби щодо добування лисиці, тор- гівлю хутром. Проведено порівняльний аналіз правового механізму регу- лювання чисельності лисиці з урахуванням компетенції органів державної виконавчої влади та органів місцевого самоврядування. Описано звичаєві норми та внутрішні правила полювань на лисицю в окремих мисливських товариствах. Виявлено економічні чинники, які впливали на державне ре- гулювання чисельності лисиці, уможливлюючи не лише раціональне вико- ристання ресурсу для отримання цінного хутра, але й для збільшення чи- сельності дичини, особливо зайців. Встановлено чинники, які впливали на чисельність популяції, зокрема політичні впливи та воєнні події. Описано особливості державного регулювання добування лисиці у досліджуваний період. На основі компаративного аналізу розглянуто добування лисиці в Австро-Угорській монархії, Галичині у розрізі повітів, Другій Речі Поспо- литій, описана специфіка організації полювань на лисицю серед мислив- ської еліти, зокрема цісарів: Австро-Угорщини — Франца Йозефа І та Ні- меччини — Вільгельма ІІ. Відзначено, що відповідно до права хижаки є власністю господаря ми- сливських угідь, на яких вони знаходяться. З огяду на ці принципи на влас- ника мисливських угідь покладався обов’язок знищувати хижаків, оскільки хижаки не лише шкідливі для мисливської дичини, але також і для свій- ських тварин. Законодавство Царства Польського, що регулювало знищен- ня хижаків, визначало, що хижаків слід винищувати без урахування часу

241 добування, та дозволяло застосовувати для цього різні способи і знаряддя, але лише особам, які мають право полювання. До хижаків відносились вед- мідь, борсук, вовк, лисиця, рись, дикий кіт, видра, куниця, тхір, горностай. Ключові слова: мисливство, лисиця, полювання, Галичина, Друга Річ По- сполита, хижаки. ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ ДОБЫЧИ ЛИСЫ В ГАЛИЧИНЕ XVI – НАЧАЛА ХХ в.: ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ Аннотация. Проанализировано государственное регулирование добычи лисы в Галичине XVI — начала ХХ в.: способы и сроки добывания, регули- рование численности, полномочия егерской службы по добыче лисицы, тор- говлю мехом. Проведен сравнительный анализ правового механизма регули- рования численности лисы с учетом компетенции органов государственной власти и органов местного самоуправления. Описаны обычные нормы и вну- тренние правила охоты на лисицу в отдельных охотничьих обществах. Выяв- лены экономические факторы, которые влияли на государственное регули- рование численности лисицы, делая не только рациональное использование ресурса для получения ценного меха, но и для увеличения численности дичи, особенно зайцев. Установлены факторы, которые влияли на численность по- пуляции, в частности политические влияния и военные события. Описаны особенности государственного регулирования добычи лисы в исследуемый период. На основе сравнительного анализа рассмотрена добыча лисы Австро- Венгерской монархии, Галиции в разрезе уездов, Второй Речи Посполитой, описана специфика организации охоты на лису среди охотничьего элиты, в частности императоров Австро-Венгрии — Франца Иосифа I и Германии — Вильгельма II. Отмечено, что в соответствии с правом хищники являются собствен- ностью хозяина охотничьих угодий, на которых они находятся. Исходя из этих принципов, на владельца охотничьих угодий возлагалась обязанность уничтожать хищников, так как хищники не только вредны для охотничьей дичи, но и для домашних животных. Законодательство Царства Польского, которое регулировало уничтожение хищников, определяло, что хищников следует истреблять без учета времени добычи, и разрешало применять для этого различные способы и орудия, но только лицам, имеющим право охоты. К хищникам относились медведь, барсук, волк, лиса, рысь, дикий кот, выдра, куница, хорек, горностай. Ключевые слова: охота, лиса, травля, Галичина, Вторая Речь Посполитая, хищники.

Problem statement. State regula- logical interests of society, and on the tion of breeding and hunting of preda- economic interests of hunting farms. tors shall based on both on the eco- Hunting of foxes who on the one hand

242 is the predator causing damage to hunt- ing grounds on which they are located. ing economy and with another — has With this principle in mind, the duty to valuable fur, is demonstrative within exterminate predators was laid to the this framework. owner of hunting grounds as predators Analysis of the last researches and not only are harmful to a hunting game, publications. Problem of legal regula- but also to pets. The legislation of the tion fox hunting in Galychyna was re- Kingdom of Poland which regulated searched by a row of scientists among extermination of predators, defined whom: Z. Moskus, Ya. Stezhynsky, that predators needs to be extirpated M. Royman, K. Slotvinsky, Ya. Kas- without notice of hunting time and it parek, M. Pavlikovsky, S. Lobos, V. Ka- is authorized to apply for this purpose lusky, A. Sander, V. Shablovsky, S. Kro- different methods and tools, but only to gulsky, S. Pavlik, G. Vatsek, Ya. Starkl, persons who have the right for hunting. Z. Fischer, F. Rozhinsky, E. Schechtel, Predators included a bear, a badger, a N. Gunchak. wolf, a fox, a lynx, a wild cat, an otter, a Target setting. The purpose of this marten, a polecat, an ermine. article is the analysis of a public autho- According to the resolution of Ad- rity policy of Galychyna and the Se- ministrative council as of October 14, cond Polish-Lithuanian Common- 1834 of the Kingdom of Poland the fund wealth in the regulation of the numbers for awarding of persons for extermina- of a fox and its economic value for hunt- tion of predators was organized. This ing industry. fund was replenished at the expense of Statement of basic materials. finances received for permissions on the State regulation of game-hunting in right to bear of hunting weapons. Galychyna originates from the Lithu- Each forester or the huntsman had anian charter. In particular, in the 16th to provide within a year one pair of ears century according to these charters and a nose of a wolf, one pair of ears of a for illegally got game the penalty was fox or two couples of the polecat, mar- provided: bison — 12 rubles, elk — 6 ru- ten ears. For omission of this regulation bles, bear and deer —3 rubles, lynx, wild the penalty in the amount of 6 zloty was boar — 1 ruble. Hares, roes, foxes, bears provided. For remission of penalty the were among the most widespread game. huntsman shall prove that there are not Comparing to other laws of that time predators on the territory controlled by which regulated hunting, the Lithu- him or by the forester of [1]. anian laws were more severe concern- With an annexation of the Galicia ing illegal hunting for a noble game, lands to the Austro-Hungarian Empire but people were allowed to hunt wolves (1772) the fox together with a wolf, a and foxes even on someone else’s land bear and a wild boar was referred to the provided that the hunter will not do category of predators on which peo- harm to crops. ple are allowed to hunt in any place. As Mykola Reyman noted in the Moreover, for hunting of a bear and book “Hunting Economy with Ancient wolf reward was provided. Also new History”, as a matter of law predators normative legal acts which regulated are the property of the master of hunt- questions of hunting for the territories

243 of Austria-Hungary and Galicia, in par- lowed to hunt it at any time. According ticular were set. So, the patent of the to article 47 of this law owners of the emperor as of April 13, 1786 paragraph land plots acquired the right of shoot- 3, defined: “... people were allowed to ing of such predators as a fox, a marten, hunt boars, wolves, foxes and other a polecat, caress, a wolf, a lynx, a wild harmful game at any time, except open- cat, a boar at any time. air cages, in every way” [2 sec. 369]. In The hunting Law adopted and case where predators were excessively signed by the emperor of the Austro- breeding, executive power according to Hungarian Empire with the consent article 383 of civil code of Austria or- of Galician Seim as of 1897 practically ganized hunting on predators. operated in Galychyna till Decem- The first Hunting law of Galychy- ber, 1927. According to this law it is na as of January 30, 1875 became the accurately said that predators cause following normative legal act which damage, and any hunter was allowed regulated issues of hunting and hunt- to hunt them. Monitoring over that ing of foxes, in particular. Paragraph 1 hunters did not shoot noble hunting of this law defined periods of hunting animals under the guise of shooting for different types of a game according of predators, was set. Permission on to which it was allowed to hunt foxes shooting and control of shooting was from February 15 to August 31. But the exercised by public authorities of the note to this requirement allowed to ad- power [3]. mit authorized officers to the hunting However because in the summer rights of and to hunting foxes at any fur of a fox is of little use for use, it time in cases if they do harm to pets. It was practically not hunted. In order is necessary to mark that this require- that the fox hunted hares less, it was ment concerning determination of time even fed up corpses of the dead horses of a fox hunting was the first in the ter- [4 sec. 204]. This law also regulated ritory of Poland as in those days on the the number of other predators. It was Polish lands, which were under a pro- defined that people were allowed to tectorate of Russia and Germany, such shoot dogs and cats if they are further requirements were not established. In than 300 meters from the next house particular, article 17 of the Hunting law (article 43). The duty of extermination of the Kingdom of Poland as of July 17, of predators and a harmful game (arti- 1871, defined that persons are allowed cle 44) was laid to owners of the shoot- to hunt a bear, a wolf, a badger, a fox, a ing. wild cat, a lynx, an otter, a marten, ca- Article 45 defined that wild animals ress, an eagle, a hawk and other preda- who pose a threat for human safety need tors, all year and to hunt in any man- to be held in the open-air cage. In this ner. Therefore the law as of January 30, law, unlike previous, wild boars were 1875 for the first time began to substan- not categorized as predators, but a lynx tially protect a fox. and a wild cat were added. Any hunter Already in the following Hunting had the right to shoot, catch and ap- law of Galychyna as of March 5, 1897 propriate these types animal. But at the a fox was listed of pests, and people al- same time the law defined that hunting

244 these species of predators is possible Article 50 defined that for hunting only on permission of the owner or te- of pest the owner of hunting had the nant of hunting grounds. Such animals right to use traps, a drag-net and other as a marten, a polecat, caress, a squirrel, tools, but at the same time it was neces- a hamster, an otter, an eagle of differ- sary to take measures for safety of peo- ent types, a hawk, a gray-haired heron, ple: to put the appropriate information a crow could be shot in the presence of signs. If the the regional authorities the owner of hunting grounds (article recognized that wild boars and bears 46). caused extensive damage, then ow- Article 47 set that in localities ners of land had the right to expose any where wild boars did great harm to traps for catching of boars and bears agriculture, persons who were allowed [5 sec. 27–31]. to hunt had to shoot. In case of insuf- On December 3, 1927 the President ficient shooting responsibility for the of the II Polish-Lithuanian Common- done harm was rested on the owner of wealth accepts the regulation to resolve shooting. In such cases the regional au- an issue of state regulation of hunting thorities had the right itself to issue free according to the Polish legislation. The certificates on shooting of wild boars or main difference of this regulation from other harmful animals, even, without the previous laws was the fact that it the consent of the owner of hunting. didn’t have division into hunting spe- The regional government authorities cies of a game and harmful species of a had to inform the owner of hunting and game. All game which it is authorized also local police on free certificates is- to hunt are classified as hunting species suing. of a game which has certain periods of The regional government authori- hunting. ties had also the right and a duty to or- All species of a game were divided ganize shooting of pest for certain short into four categories: time under its monitoring, at the same the bison and beaver, hunting for time it had the right to independently whom was forbidden, belonged to the define the hunting method. Inhabi- first one; tants of a gmina in the territory of to the second — chamoises, females which general round-ups were carried of an elk, a deer, a roe, young growth, out, were obliged according to the deci- she-bears with small, wood-grouses, sion of the district power to carry out pheasants (it is authorized to hunting stint free of charge (article 48). In case only on special permission of the Mi- of the organization of hunting on pred- nistry of agriculture of Poland); ators it was forbidden to shoot other foxes, bears, lynxes, wild cats, mar- game. If in case of the organization of tens, minks and boars belonged to the hunting on predators other game was third group (without period of the pro- shot near predators, then this game was hibition of hunting, but the Minister realized through an auction, organized of agriculture had the right to enter it; by the regional authorities, and money unlike others, it is authorized to hunt from sale enlisted in fund of poor inhab- these species of a game also at night) itants of a gmina (article 49). [6 sec. 1–81];

245 species of a game that were protected for a fox from the shelter was forbid- least of all, belonged to the fourth cate- den. Besides, hunters for the huntingd gory, namely: wolves, martens, polecats, game shall pay means to the budget of ermines, caress, rabbits, hawks, magpies society, in particular, for a fox — 0,50 and crows (it is authorized to anyone zloty whereas for a hare — 0,2, and for to extermination on the own earth, but the huntingd boar — 1 zloty. In 1878 in not further than 100 meters from build- Lysovytcky hunting society the regu- ings). Besides, article 41 allowed not lations were adopted, by which the only to shoot these animals, but also hunter, having hunting a fox, shall pay to catch traps, drag-nets and other me- 2 zloty. thods. Also there were features concerning As it turned out, change of a politi- acquisition of title to a game. In par- cal situation put a fox in advantageous ticular, in Kney Stanislavivsk hunting position. The legislation of the Second society a hare, a fox, a feather game re- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was mained in the property of that hunter softer in comparison with the Austro- who shot it last, whereas the one be- Hungarian Empire. Though period, came the owner of a deer, a roe and oth- when it is forbidden to hunt a fox, was er hoofed animals, who made the first a not established, but also no one was al- fatal shot. lowed to hunting it. So, in the bill of In Snyatnsky hunting society (it is professor Domanevsky it was offered to organized on January 3, 1870, the char- define period of the prohibition of fox ter is approved by the rescript of Gali- hunting from April 16 to September 30. cian vicegerency on April 9, 1870 L. But the bill was not adopted because 4575/70) for fox hunting and a badger the beginning of World War II [7 the hunter paid 1 zloty, a boar — 5 zloty, sec. 8–10]. for hunting of a hare, partridge, a wood- There were features of fox hunting cock — 10 grosz, for the first miss — during the interwar period and in other 10 grosz, the second — 20 grosz. Re- countries of Europe. In particular, in sources were spent on premiums to Denmark and Finland hunting for a hunting security guards [8]. fox, a polecat and a marten was autho- Almost similarly this issue was re- rized even without obtaining the hunt- solved in Boryslavsko-Drogobytsky ing ticket, period of the prohibition of hunting society Orel. At a meeting as its hunting was not defined. of October 6, 1932 it was agreed that It is necessary to mark that during hunters shall pay for each fox — 2 zloty, the different periods the fox was qualify a bloar — 5 zloty, a roe — 3 zloty in bo- as predators which caused damage to nus fund of hunting security guards. hunting economy. As practice of hunt- Fox hunting was covered by the ing shows, hunters did not hunt a fox hunting press. Attention was focused during any period of year, considering on that while hunting a fox not to ap- poor quality of its fur during the spring ply shotgun pellet of the big size as it and summer period. For example, in flies far and does not kill but only crip- rules of hunting of the Lviv hunting ples the game. It was offered to apply society after Saint Gubert the hunting smaller shotgun pellet and to shoot on

246 smaller distance — to 60–80 steps [9 during period from 01.01 to 31.12.1881 sec. 286–288]. 2 145 479 heads of a game were hunted. Lobbying the interests of hunters 118619 heads (5,52 %) of this number when hunting a fox, in January, 1880, were hunted in Galychyna whereas Galician hunting society directs a sen- in Czech Republic — 946415 heads tence to the Galician vicegerency con- (44,11 %), Moravia — 409696 heads cerning of a fox hunting at any time. (19 %), Lower Austria — 327142 heads Hereafter (1890) it was suggested to (15 %), Tirol — 33318 heads (1,5 %) strike off the list of hunting animal spe- were hunted. Most of all from 118619 cies a fox and a marten. heads, which were hunted in Galychy- The hunters of Galychyna of end na, was constituted by the hare. In the of 19th century also have a double atti- report attention was directed on a fact tude towards a fox was. If to consider that in Galychyna through a large num- a fox hunting from the economic side, ber of predators (a fox, a wolf, a lynx then its valuable fur have a quite high prevailed) the hunting economy was price, and considering it, the animal carried ineffective. 22 % (4678 heads) needed to be protected. For example, from all the foxes that were hunted in in the market in Lviv in 1899, skin of Cisleitania were accounted for Galy- a fox was equated to 10 kilograms of chyna. Other predators were hunted meat of a wild boar or three hares [10 slightly less: 597 heads of a polecat sec. 2–6]. According to the state sta- (4 %), martens — 400 heads (6 %), ot- tistics of Austria-Hungary at the end ters — 146 heads (19 %). Though foxes of the 19th century nearly thirty thou- in absolute number were hunted more, sands of heads of a fox were annu- but among predators lynxes (50 heads — ally hunted. As of from 1892 to 1896 77 %) were hunted most of all in per- 27489 heads were hunted on average: centage terms, a wolf (113 heads — in 1892 — 26553 heads, 1893 — 25971 67 %), a bear (15 heads — 60 %). Among heads, 1894 — heads, 1895 — 28403 noble species of a game in Galychyna heas. Among all provinces of the empire wild boars (38 % from all the hunted most of all foxes were hunted in Galy- ones in Cisleitania) were hunted most chyna: in 1898 29 thousands of heads of of all. However other types of hoofed a fox were hunted in Galychyna where- animals were hunted very little: roes — as in Lower Austria — 3,4 thousand, 3,3 thousand of heads (8 %), deers — Upper Austria — 1,5 thousand, Carin- 23 heads (0,38 %). 38 thousand of hares’ thia — 2,2 thousand, Czech Republic — heads (4 %) were were hunted [12 3 thousand. At the beginning of the sec. 53–54]. XX century fox hunting grows in the As statistical data show, the uncon- Austro-Hungarian Empire and in 1903 ditional leader among predators of Ga- makes 38,5 thousands of heads. Hunt- lychyna, which area was 78500, ing of foxes was also increased in Czech from 1885 to 1893, was a fox. For this Republic — about 2453 heads in 1880 period 57505 heads were hunted, that to 2518 heads in 1893 [11 sec. 78]. is, on average 6390 heads every year. As the report of the Ministry of Ag- In comparison with other countries riculture of Cisleitania for 1881 shows of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy,

247 the greatest number of predators were hares, 5 badgers: in total — 61913 heads hunted in Galychyna. According to the of a game [13 sec. 60]. adviser of the state woods G. Lettner, in With the disintegration of the 1876 4447 heads were hunted in Galy- Austro-Hungarian Empire the lands chyna, in 1877 — 4511 heads of foxes. of Galicia passed to the Second Po- In the following hunting of a fox grows lish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. East and in 1882 made 4678 heads, 1884 — Galicia was territorially divided into 4926 heads, 1885 — 6177 heads, 1886 — the Lviv, Ternopil and Stanislavivsk 6408 heads, 1887 — 7318 heads, 1888 — provinces. In the territory of the Lviv 7113 heads, 1889 — 6289 heads, 1890 — province of 27024 thousand dur- 5413 heads, 1891 — 6178 heads, 1892 — ing 1931/32 in a hunting season 1260 6603 heads, 1893 — 6006 heads, 1894 — foxes were hunted, 1932/33 — 1834, 7073 heads, 1895 — 6758 heads, 1896 — 1933/34 — 1592. In Stanislavivsk pro- 6645 heads, 1897 — 6233 heads, 1898 — vince during 1932/33 in a hunting sea- 6450 heads. Therefore statistical factor son 657 foxes were hunted. of 1876–1898 demonstrate increase in As experts of that time marked, hunting of a fox by 45 %. Most of all World War I exerted a negative im- foxes were hunted in Bibrsky, Rogatyn- pact on the number of deer, but at the sky and Berezhansky Counties. same time promoted reproduction of Hunting of a fox had not only eco- a fox whose number grew twice. In nomic value, but also made a subject of the territory of hunting grounds of pride of hunting elite of that time. The 1000 hectares 20 foxes were hunted. emperor of Austria-Hungary Franz Besides, after war illegal weapon ap- Josef I started a hunting career at the peared in a large number in conse- age of 15 years, from 1848 to 1884 quence of which poaching is increased hunted only 43138 heads of a game which also negatively affected popula- from which 197 were foxes. On the oc- tion of a fox. casion of the 50 anniversary of his rule Conclusion. Effective influence of a press marked that the hunting result state regulation on the number of a fox of the emperor for that time was 48345 allowed to provide not only rational use heads of a game from which — 224 of resources for receiving of valuable foxes, and for the period of his eighti- fur, but also for increase in the number eth anniversary (1910) he hunted of a game, especially hares. It is set that 50919 heads of a game, from which 226 for the principles of state regulation foxes. and law enforcement of a fox hunting The German emperor Wilhelm II two factors had defining value: the cost was equally passionate hunter. Only in of a fox fur and loss which this creature one 1908 he hunted 126 bucks, 9 she causes to hunting economy and house deers, 7 fallow deer, 88 foxes. At cele- animal species. Production of a fox had bration of his sixtieth anniversary it was not only economic value, but also made noted that for his life he hunted 1783 a subject of trophy pride of hunting bucks, 86 she deers, 1644 fallow deer, elite of that time — emperors: Austria- 2941 large wild boars, 316 small wild Hungary — Franz Josef I and of Ger- boars, 3 bears, 9 elks, 4 bisons, 17951 many — Wilhelm II.

248 References Список використаних джерел 1. Reuman M. (1845), “Gospodarstwo łowieckie z historią starożytną łowie- 1. Reuman M. Gospodarstwo łowieckie ctwa polskiego”, Drukarnia Orgel- z historią starożytną łowiectwa pol- branda, Warszawa. skiego. — Warszawa: Drukarnia Orgel- 2. Kasparek J. R. (1884), “Zbiór ustaw branda, 1845. i rozporządzeń administracyjnych 2. Kasparek J. R. Zbiór ustaw i rozporzą- w Królestwie Galicyi i Lodomeryi z dzeń administracyjnych w Królestwie Galicyi i Lodomeryi z Wielkiem Ksi Wielkiem Księstwem Krakowskiem”, ę- stwem Krakowskiem: [w 6 tomach] / Lwów. J. R. Kasparek. — Lw w: Wyd-wo 3. Pawlikowski M. K. (1929), “Prawo ło- ó H. Altenberga, 1884. — T. 1. — S. 369. wieckie: komentarz dla województw 3. Pawlikowski M. K. Prawo łowieckie: wschodnich z dołączeniem rozporzą- komentarz dla województw wschod- dzeń wykonawczych i kalędarza my- nich z dołączeniem rozporządzeń wy- śliwskiego” Nakładem policyjnego konawczych i kal darza my liwskie- klubu sportowego, Wilno. ę ś go. — Wilno: Nakładem policyjnego 4. Łoboś S. (1910), “Myśliwstwo polskie klubu sportowego, 1929. — 89 s. w obcej prasie łowieckiej” // Łowiec. — 4. Łoboś S. Myśliwstwo polskie w obcej Vol. 17. — P. 204. prasie łowieckiej // Łowiec. — 1910. — 5. Nowa ustawa owiecka dla Galicyi i ł № 17. — S. 204. W. Ks. Krakowskiego. (1898), Wisła, 5. Nowa ustawa łowiecka dla Galicyi i Krak w. ó W. Ks. Krakowskiego. — Kraków: 6. Ka uski W. (1928), “Prawo Lowieckie” ł Wisła, 1898. — S. 27–31. Warszawa Wydawnictwo zwi zku ą 6. Kałuski W. Prawo Lowieckie Warsza- pracownik w administracji gminnej ó wa: Wydawnictwo związku pracow- rz.p. — P. 1–81. ników administracji gminnej rz. p., 7. Sander A. (1939), “Legalna ochro- 1928. — S. 1–81. na lisa” // Łowiec. — Vol. 2. — 7. Sander A. Legalna ochrona lisa / Al- P. 8–10. fred Sander // Łowiec. — 1939. — 8. Statut regulamin i karta prawa po- № 1–2. — S. 8–10. lowania towarzystwa łowieckiego w 8. Statut regulamin i karta prawa Śniatynie. (1921), Śniatyn. polowania towarzystwa łowieckiego 9. Mockus Z. (1935), “Możliwości za- w Śniatynie. — Śniatyn, 1921. — 17 s. stosowania humanitaryzmu w łowie- 9. Mockus Z. Możliwości zastosowania hu- ctwie“ // Łowiec Polski. — Vol. 15. — manitaryzmu w łowiectwie // Łowiec P. 286–288. Polski. — 1935. — № 15. — S. 286–288. 10. Pawlik S. (1899), “Handel zwieryzuną, 10. Pawlik S. Handel zwieryzuną, rybami i rybami i rakami w Galicyi // Łowiec. — rakami w Galicyi // Łowiec. — 1899. — Vol. 1. — P. 2–6. № 1. — S. 2–6. 11. Kronika (1893) // Łowiec. — Vol. 5. — 11. Kronika // Łowiec. — 1893. — № 5. — P. 78. S. 78. 12. Kochanowski C. (1884), “Myśliwstwo 12. Kochanowski C. Myśliwstwo w Galicyi w Galicyi według dat statystycznych według dat statystycznych ministe- ministeryum rolnictwa” // Łowiec. — ryum rolnictwa // Łowiec. — 1884. — Vol. 4. — P. 53–54. № 4. — S. 53–54. 13. Wykazy myśliwskie (1909) // Łowiec 13. Wykazy myśliwskie // Łowiec Polski. — Vol. 4. — P. 60. Polski. — 1909. — № 4. — S. 60.

249 UDC: 35:002.8

Rodchenko Igor Yurievich, post-graduate student, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X Родченко Ігор Юрійович, аспірант, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X Родченко Игорь Юрьевич, аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X DOI


Abstract. The problematic issues of the development of self-ordering mecha- nisms in the public administration system are determined, with observance of their division into institutional, functional and evolutionary parts. The institutional part includes self-regulation mechanisms implemented in the models of subject-subject interaction at the levels of higher, central and lo- cal government bodies, as well as in models of object-object interaction between them. The most important in the institutional part of self-governing mechanisms are those that ensure: the separation of powers between branches of government; administrative reform of the government structure; separation of public spheres of government between central government bodies; administrative reform of the structure of central executive bodies; delimitation of territorial spheres of go- vernment between local authorities; administrative-territorial reform; formation and implementation of the structure of the power hierarchy; administrative re- form of the structure of the power hierarchy.

250 The functional part includes the mechanisms of self-regulation, realized in the model of object-object interaction “system of state power — social sphere, indus- try and relations”. The most important parts of the mechanisms of self-regulation are those that ensure: the formation and implementation of state policies in vari- ous spheres of society; formation and implementation of national projects; forma- tion and implementation of state target programs; state budgeting. The evolutionary part includes the mechanisms of self-regulation, realized in the model of object-object interaction “system of state power — the creation of conditions for social development”. The most important parts of the evolutionary part of self-governing mechanisms are those that provide: strategic management and planning; realization of state programs of social and economic development; conducting constant economic and social reforms and transformations. Keywords: mechanisms, development, problems, self-ordering, public admi- nistration system. ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ПРОБЛЕМНИХ ПИТАНЬ РОЗВИТКУ МЕХАНІЗМІВ САМОВПОРЯДКУВАННЯ В СИСТЕМІ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ Анотація. Визначено проблемні питання розвитку механізмів самовпо- рядкування в системі державного управління з дотриманням їх поділу на інституційну, функціональну та еволюційну частини. До інституційної ча- стини віднесені механізми самовпорядкування, що реалізуються в моделях суб’єкт-суб’єктної взаємодії на рівнях вищих, центральних та місцевих орга- нів державної влади, а також в моделях суб’єкт-об’єктної взаємодії між ни- ми. Найбільш важливими в інституційній частині механізмів самовпорядку- вання є ті, що забезпечують: розмежування повноважень між гілками влади; адміністративне реформування структури уряду; розмежування суспільних сфер управління між центральними органами державної влади; адміністра- тивне реформування структури центральних органів виконавчої влади; роз- межування територіальних сфер управління між місцевими органами дер- жавної влади; адміністративно-територіальне реформування; формування та реалізацію структури владної ієрархії; адміністративне реформування структури владної ієрархії. До функціональної частини віднесені механізми самовпорядкування, що реалізуються в моделі суб’єкт-об’єктної взаємодії “система державної вла- ди — суспільні сфери, галузі та відносини”. Найбільш важливими у функ- ціональній частині механізмів самовпорядкування є такі, що забезпечують: формування та реалізацію державних політик в різних сферах суспільства; формування та реалізацію національних проектів; формування та реаліза- цію державних цільових програм; державне бюджетування. До еволюційної частини віднесені механізми самовпорядкування, що ре- алізуються в моделі суб’єкт-об’єктної взаємодії “система державної влади — створення умов суспільного розвитку”. Найбільш важливими в еволюційній частині механізмів самовпорядкування є такі, що забезпечують: стратегічне

251 управління та планування; реалізацію державних програм соціально-еконо- мічного розвитку; проведення постійних економічних і соціальних реформ та перетворень. Ключові слова: механізми, розвиток, проблемні питання, самовпорядку- вання, система державного управління. ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМНЫХ ВОПРОСОВ РАЗВИТИЯ МЕХАНИЗМОВ САМОУПОРЯДОЧЕНИЯ В СИСТЕМЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Аннотация. Определены проблемные вопросы развития механизмов са- моупорядочения в системе государственного управления с соблюдением их разделения на институциональную, функциональную и эволюционную ча- сти. К институциональной части отнесены механизмы самоупорядочения, реализуемых в моделях субъект-субъектного взаимодействия на уровнях высших, центральных и местных органов государственной власти, а также в моделях субъект-объектного взаимодействия между ними. Наиболее важ- ными в институциональной части механизмов самоупорядочения есть те, ко- торые обеспечивают: разграничение полномочий между ветвями власти; ад- министративное реформирование структуры правительства; разграничение общественных сфер управления между центральными органами государ- ственной власти; административное реформирование структуры централь- ных органов исполнительной власти; разграничение территориальных сфер управления между местными органами государственной власти; админист- ративно-территориальное реформирования; формирование и реализацию структуры властной иерархии; административное реформирование структу- ры властной иерархии. К функциональной части отнесены механизмы самоупорядочения, реа- лизуемые в модели субъект-объектного взаимодействия “система государ- ственной власти — общественные сферы, отрасли и отношения”. Наиболее важными в функциональной части механизмов самоупорядочения есть та- кие, которые обеспечивают: формирование и реализацию государственных политик в различных сферах общества; формирование и реализацию нацио- нальных проектов; формирование и реализацию государственных целевых программ; государственное бюджетирование. К эволюционной части отнесены механизмы самоупорядочения, реа- лизуемые в модели субъект-объектного взаимодействия “система государ- ственной власти — создание условий общественного развития”. Наиболее важными в эволюционной части механизмов самоупорядочения есть такие, которые обеспечивают: стратегическое управление и планирование; реа- лизацию государственных программ социально-экономического развития; проведение постоянных экономических и социальных реформ и преобразо- ваний. Ключевые слова: механизмы, развитие, проблемные вопросы, самоупо- рядочение, система государственного управления.

252 Target setting. The processes of as in models of object-object interac- self-ordering are a common occurrence tion between them. The most impor- in the practice of public administration. tant part of the institutional mecha- They relate not only to the subject-ob- nisms of self-ordering are those that ject, but also to the subject-subjective provide: and object-subject relations. At the • the division of powers between same time, in our opinion, theoretical branches of power; and methodological substantiation of • the administrative reform of the these processes did not find sufficient government structure; coverage in the scientific literature. • the demarcation of public spheres Analysis of recent publications on of government between central govern- issues. Among the sources of informa- ment bodies; tion in the chosen direction of research • the administrative reform of the used work [1–5]. structure of central executive authori- The purpose of the article. The ties; purpose of this article is to determine • the delimitation of territorial the issues of self-ordering mechanisms spheres of government between local in public administration in a subject- government bodies; subject and subject-object relations. • the administrative-territorial re- The statement of basic materials. form; The study bases of problem issues of the • the formation and implementation self-ordering mechanisms development of the structure of the power hierarchy; in the public administration system is • the administrative reform of the the methodological approach chosen on structure of the power hierarchy. the basis of the choice of three main di- The functional parts included self- rections in such development, namely: ordering mechanisms implemented in institutional, functional and evolutio- the model of subject-object interaction nary. In previous works of the author, “system of government — the public this allowed to substantiate ways of ob- sector, and industry relationships”. The jectivization of self-ordering, as well as most important part of the functional to identify the main types and charac- mechanisms of self-ordering are those terize the mechanisms of self-ordering that provide: in the subject-subjective and subject- • the formation and implementation object models in the public administra- of state policies in various spheres of so- tion system. In this paper, an attempt ciety; was made to identify the main problem • the formation and implementation issues of the self-ordering mechanisms of national projects; development in the public administra- • the formation and implementation tion system. of state target programs; The institutional part includes self- • the state budgeting. regulation mechanisms implemented By evolutionary mechanisms of self- in the models of subject-subject inter- ordering attributed implemented in the action at the levels of higher, central model subject-object interaction “sys- and local government bodies, as well tem of government — to create condi-

253 tions of social development”. The most ences aimed at improving the system of important part in the evolutionary public administration and public ser- mechanisms of self-ordering are those vice, and the third one — with influen- that provide: ces the social relations themselves and • the strategic management and civil society actors on the development planning; of the public administration system [2, • the realization of state programs of p. 586]. social and economic development; Let’s start with the definition of the • the conducting constant econom- main problem issues in the institutional ic and social reforms and transforma- part of the self-ordering mechanisms. tions. As Yuri Surmin noted, the emergence of In our opinion, in determining the new relations in society, turning them basic issues of self-ordering mecha- into stable, socially significant, requires nisms in public administration in the the creation of appropriate structures, first place, it is advisable to focus atten- norms, rules, social regulation, which tion on the ones that are most impor- is the content of institutionalization [2, tant in the institutional, functional and p. 583]. evolutionary mechanisms of self-order- It is advisable to take into account ing and shown above. the system of structural principles of In determining the main problem public administration, among which, issues we will proceed from the defini- as stated in the paper [2, p. 564], one tion of the essence of the problem of can distinguish: “structural-target, re- state-management relations as the dis- flecting the patterns of rational con- crepancy between the existing and de- struction of the “tree of goals” in public sirable states of these relations [1], and administration; structural-functional, its solution — as overcoming this dis- characterizing the patterns and inter- crepancy by implementing appropriate connections of the construction of the self-ordering mechanisms. Among the functional structure in public admi- most significant problem areas we will nistration; structural-organizational, include those that, in our opinion, have which are connected with the regu- a fundamental influence on the self-or- larities and interconnections of the dering mechanisms implementation in construction of the organizational the specified areas of action in Ukraine. structure in public administration; As stated in the Encyclopedic Dic- structural-procedural, giving an idea tionary of Public Administration, of the basic (determining) patterns and problems arise, respectively, in the re- interconnections of rational and effec- alization of the subject-object, subject- tive management in public authorities”. subjective and object-subjective state- The most significant problem issues management relations. The first of regarding the separation of powers be- these is directly related to the manage- tween the authorities include: rial influences on various types of social • the eliminating duplication of activities, the main of which are politi- functions; cal, economic, social and humanitarian, • the providing democratic mecha- and the latter — with managerial influ- nisms for mutual deterrence;

254 • the ensuring real independence dler “strategy defines the structure of (functional and financial) of the judi- management” [2, p. 561]; cial branch of power; • the preventing a significant in- • increasing the effectiveness of par- crease in the structure of central execu- liamentary control. tive bodies; The most significant problems of ad- • the prevention of a known ma- ministrative reform of the administra- nagement pathology “To unite today — tive structure should include: to unravel tomorrow” by substantiat- • the separation of political and ad- ing the expediency of such actions. ministrative positions; The most significant problem issues • a clear definition of the responsi- regarding the delimitation of territo- bilities and authorities of the relevant rial spheres of governance between lo- officials; cal government bodies should be: car- • the developing procedures and rying out administrative and territorial regulations for establishing their clear reform of the national and/or local interaction. scales on the basis of their scientific The unfortunate experience of in- and practical substantiation, broad dis- troducing the post of government sec- cussion. retary in the Cabinet of Ministers of The most significant problematic Ukraine is rather indicative of the un- issues of administrative-territorial re- preparedness of the current system of form are: government to such work than its mis- • the definition of its main direc- takenness. tions and tasks, development of its con- The most significant problematic cept and strategy; issues of delineation of public spheres • the determination of the finan- of government between the central go- cial capacity of the state for its conduct; vernment bodies include: • the conducting sociological sur- • the exclusion of functional dupli- veys, and, if appropriate, national and/ cation; or local referendums on this issue; • the organization of corporate • the comparison and generalization work; of their results. • the compromise rather than ad- The most important problematic is- ministrative-command solution of con- sues of the formation and implementa- troversial issues; tion of the structure of the power hie- • taking into account historical and rarchy should include: contemporary foreign and domestic ex- • the completion of administra- perience. tive reform of the power structure in The most significant problematic Ukraine; issues of administrative reform of the • the implementation of the admi- structure of central executive authori- nistrative-territorial reform of the na- ties include: tional scale; • the realization of the reform on a • the administrative reform of the scientifically substantiated basis, pro- structure of the power hierarchy at the ceeding from the principle of A. Chan- regional and district levels;

255 • the improving the efficiency of the ges of implementation as a form of pub- state communications system. lic control over their implementation; The most significant problem is- • development, adoption and im- sues in the administrative reform of the plementation by the central executive structure of the power hierarchy, as fol- authorities of action programs that are lows from work [2, p. 565, 569] should not prioritized but necessarily executed include: within these policies in addition to the • the change of administrative-ter- state target programs; ritorial structure, and, hence, the struc- • taking into account the concept ture of the power hierarchy; of social partnership in the program- • the change of the current model of targeted design and evaluation of the the structure of the power hierarchy, es- results of public policies [2, p. 565]; pecially at the regional level; • obligatory and independent evalu- • the elimination of duplication of ation of the effectiveness of conducting functions of state authorities and local state policies in the country and in vari- self-government bodies at the regional ous spheres of society. and district levels of public administra- The most significant issues of the tion; formation and implementation of na- • control over the functioning of the tional projects are: executive power from the side of soci- • a clearer regulatory and legal defi- ety through the institutes of parliamen- nition of the scope of their application, tary and direct democracy; as well as delineation with state target • the introduction of a criterion for programs; the quality of public services as a key el- • their binding to a certain period of ement in the evaluation of the activities time, regardless of the nature and desig- of state institutions. nation of the project; Define the main issues in the func- • the inclusion of innovation blocks tional mechanism of self-ordering. in their composition The most significant problem issues • annual updating (review, refine- in the formation and implementation of ment, correction) of project tasks; state policies in various spheres of soci- • effective information support at ety include: all stages of their implementation as a • concentration of strategic mana- form of public control over implemen- gement and policy-making functions at tation; the governmental level; • All-Ukrainian contest of projects — • necessity of mandatory determina- applicants for inclusion in the national tion of such policies by certain legal acts; projects; • the indication within which stra- • improvement of the methods of tegy (strategy) and at what stage they their substantiation, development and are implemented; implementation, as well as the evalua- • unification of acts to be deter- tion of the effectiveness. mined and approved by state policies; The most significant problem issues • effective information policy on in the formation and implementation of their acceptance and support at all sta- state target programs should include:

256 •ensuring the necessity of develop- • the justification of expenditures of ing and adopting such programs within financial reserves of the state; the framework of relevant state policies • increase the efficiency of state and for implementing their priority di- budgeting, in particular by estimat- rections; ing the corresponding costs and perso- • clearer and more understandable nal responsibility of individuals for the distinction between programs of so- results of its implementation [2, p. 565]; cial and economic development of the • development of the program-tar- country and certain regions; get budgeting methodology, in particu- • inclusion of investment-innova- lar the introduction of separate articles tion bloc in their composition; of investment and innovation financ- • annual updating (review, refine- ing; ment, correction) of program tasks; • further improving the efficiency • effective information support at all and effectiveness of public financial stages of implementation of such pro- control. grams as a form of public control over Define the main problem issues in implementation; the evolutionary part of self-ordering • divergence in the necessary ex- mechanisms. penses for their realization with the The most significant issues of stra- possibilities of budget financing, which tegic management and planning should increases the risk of their shortcomings; include: • the improvement of the methods • necessity of mandatory determina- of their substantiation, development tion of such management and planning and implementation, as well as the eva- by certain normative-legal acts; luation of the effectiveness. • unification of acts to be deter- The most significant problems of mined and approved by state strategies; state budgeting should include: • the presence of them in addition • ensuring the balance of revenue to SWOT-analysis of the block of crisis and expenditure parts of the state bud- management; get; • annual review and correction of • search for the “golden mean” in the development strategies and strategic balance of state and territorial parts of plans, taking into account the experi- budget expenditures; ence of the advanced countries of the • increase of efficiency of inter-bud- world; getary relations; • effective information policy on • democratization of budget rela- their acceptance and support at all sta- tions in the structure of the power hi- ges of implementation as a form of pub- erarchy, between state authorities and lic control over their implementation; local self-government bodies; • keeping a register of national, state • ensuring the justification of state and regional development strategies; budget financing of state and regional • further development of theoreti- programs of socio-economic develop- cal and methodological and innovative ment, national projects and state target provision of problem issues of strategic programs; management and planning.

257 The most significant problems of • Specificity of directions and tasks state programs implementation of so- of reforms, clarity and reasonableness of cio-economic development include: expected results; • ensuring the necessity of develop- • determination of the moment of ing and adopting such programs within launching and the term of their imple- the framework of the respective strate- mentation; gies of state and regional development • the pace of reforms; in order to ensure implementation of • the need for sufficient resources their priority directions; for their implementation and successful • compliance of the tasks of such completion; programs with the priority directions • complexity and systematic imple- of regional development; mentation of them; • systematic interconnection of an- • consolidation of the responsible nual and medium-term regional and state authority (authorized person) for territorial programs of socio-economic the preparation and implementation of development; the reform, its results; • display in these programs the tasks • ensuring transparency, participa- of national projects and state target tiveness, transparency, public control programs insofar as they relate to their at all stages of the conduct; respective territories; • reporting on the results of all sta- • divergence in the necessary ex- ges of the reform. penses for their implementation with Conclusions. The article deals with the possibilities of budget financing, the problem issues of the self-ordering which increases the risk of their failure. mechanisms development in the public The most significant problematic is- administration system in the subject- sues of economic and social reforms and subjective and object-object relations. transformations should be attributed Such questions are grouped according [3–5]: to the attributes of self-ordering me- • the need to support the popula- chanisms to the institutional, function- tion; al and evolutionary parts. • increase of efficiency, effectiveness and equity of economic and social con- References ditions (equal economic and social con- ditions and opportunities of the popu- 1. Metodolohiia derzhavnoho upravlin- nia: slovnyk-dovidnyk [Methodology lation within defined territories) as a of public administration: dictionary- result of their implementation; directory], (2004), NADU, Kyiv, • formation of the basic team of re- Ukraine. formers; 2. Entsyklopedychnyj slovnyk z der- • planning of reforms; zhavnoho upravlinnia [Encyclopedic • project approach to reform; Dictionary of Public Administration], • linkage of development strategies, (2010), NADU, Kyiv, Ukraine. national projects and state target pro- 3. Kniaziev V. M., Nadol’nyj I. F., grams with the directions and objec- Mel’nyk M. F. ta in. (2003), Derzhavne tives of the reforms; upravlinnia: filosofs'ki, svitohliadni

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259 UDC: 339.138:005.4

Romat Yevgeny Victorovich, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Mar- keting and Advertising, Kyiv National Trade- Economic University, 02156, Kyiv, Str. Kyoto, 19, tel.: (050) 343 43 21; e-mail: evromat@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5028-1379 Ромат Євген Вікторович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, завідувач кафедри маркетин- гу та реклами, Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, 02156, м. Київ, вул. Кіото, 19, тел.: (050) 343 43 21; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5028-1379 Ромат Евгений Викторович, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, профессор, заведующий кафедрой маркетинга и рекламы, Киевский на- циональный торгово-экономический уни- верситет, 02156, г. Киев, ул. Киото, 19, тел.: (050) 343 43 21; e-mail: evromat@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5028-1379

Havrilechko Yury Volodimirovich, graduate, Kyiv National Trade-Economic Uni- versity, 02156, Kyiv, Str. Kyoto, 19, tel.: (050) 332 68 48; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1930-7638 Гаврилечко Юрій Володимирович, аспірант, Київський національний торго- вельно-економічний університет, 02156, м. Київ, вул. Кіото, 19, тел.: (050) 332 68 48; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1930-7638 Гаврилечко Юрий Владимирович, аспирант, Киевский национальный торгово-экономический университет, 02156, г. Киев, ул. Киото, 19, тел.: (050) 332 68 48; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1930-7638 DOI


Abstract. The article is devoted to research of theoretical problems of the con- cepts of the subject and object of public marketing. The definitions of these con- cepts are considered in the article, the evolution of their development is studied. The article provides an analysis of the main approaches to the notion of subjects and objects of public marketing, their relationship and role in the processes of pub- lic marketing. The authors proposes concrete approaches to their systematization. These approaches allow us to identify specific types of public marketing and their main characteristics. Relying on the analysis of the concept of “subject of public (state) manage- ment”, it is concluded that as bodies of state marketing, most often act as execu- tive bodies of state power. In this case, the following levels of marketing subjects in the system of public administration are allocated: the highest level of executive power; Branch central bodies of executive power; Local government bodies; Sepa- rate government agencies. It is noted that the diversity of subjects of public marketing is explained, first of all, by the dependence on the tasks of the state and municipal government, the possibilities of introducing the marketing concept of these subjects and certain characteristics of the said objects of state marketing. It is noted that the concept of “subject of public marketing” is not always the identical notion of “subject of public administration”. First, not all public authori- ties are subjects of state marketing. In some cases, this is not appropriate, for ex- ample, in the activities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Secondly, state marketing is just one of many alterna- tive management concepts, which is not always the most effective in the public administration system. Keywords: public marketing, the subject of public marketing, the object of public marketing, types of public marketing. СУБ’ЄКТИ ТА ОБ’ЄКТИ ПУБЛІЧНОГО МАРКЕТИНГУ Анотація. Досліджено теоретичні питання понять суб’єкта та об’єкта пу- блічного маркетингу. У статті розглядаються дефініції вказаних понять, до- сліджується еволюція їх розвитку. Стаття містить аналіз основних підходів до понять “суб’єкт публічного маркетингу” і “об’єкт публічного маркетингу”, їх взаємовідносин та ролі в процесах публічного маркетингу. Автори пропо- нують конкретні підходи до їх систематизації. Ці підходи дають можливість визначити конкретні типи публічного маркетингу та їх основні характери- стики. Спираючись на аналіз поняття “суб’єкт публічного (державного) управ- ління”, зроблено висновок, що в якості суб’єктів державного маркетингу найчастіше виступають органи виконавчої державної влади. При цьому ви-

261 ділено такі рівні маркетингових суб’єктів в системі державного управлін- ня: Вищий рівень виконавчої влади; Галузеві центральні органи виконавчої державної влади; Місцеві органи державного управління; Окремі державні установи. Зазначено, що різноманітність суб’єктів публічного маркетингу поясню- ється передусім залежністю від завдань державного та муніципального управ- ління, можливостей запровадження маркетингової концепції цими суб’єкта- ми та певних характеристик означених об’єктів державного маркетингу. Акцентовано, що поняття “суб’єкт публічного маркетингу” не завжди є тотожним поняттю “суб’єкт державного управління”. По-перше, не всі орга- ни державної влади є суб’єктами державного маркетингу. В деяких випадках це не є доцільним, наприклад, у діяльності Міністерства оборони України або Міністерства внутрішніх справ України. По-друге, державний маркетинг являє собою лише одну з багатьох альтернативних концепцій управління, що не в усіх випадках є найефективнішою в системі публічного управління. Ключові слова: публічний маркетинг, суб’єкт публічного маркетингу, об’єкт публічного маркетингу, типи публічного маркетингу. СУБЪЕКТЫ И ОБЪЕКТЫ ПУБЛИЧНОГО МАРКЕТИНГА Аннотация. Исследованы теоретические вопросы понятий субъекта и объекта публичного маркетинга. В статье рассматриваются дефиниции ука- занных понятий, исследуется эволюция их развития. Статья содержит ана- лиз основных подходов к определению “субъект публичного маркетинга” и “объект публичного маркетинга”, их взаимоотношений и роли в процессах общественного маркетинга. Авторы предлагают конкретные подходы к их классификации. Данные подходы позволяют определить конкретные типы общественного маркетинга и их основные характеристики. Опираясь на анализ понятия “субъект публичного (государственного) управления”, определено, что в качестве субъектов государственного мар- кетинга чаще всего выступают органы исполнительной государственной власти. При этом выделены следующие уровни маркетинговых субъектов в системе государственного управления: Высший уровень исполнительной власти; Отраслевые центральные органы исполнительной государственной власти; Местные органы государственного управления; Отдельные государ- ственные учреждения. Отмечено, что разнообразие субъектов публичного маркетинга объясня- ется прежде всего зависимостью от задач государственного и муниципаль- ного управления, возможностей внедрения маркетинговой концепции этими субъектами и определенных характеристик указанных объектов государст- венного маркетинга. Указано, что понятие “субъект публичного маркетинга” не всегда тожде- ственно понятию “субъект государственного управления”. Во-первых, не все органы государственной власти являются субъектами государственного маркетинга. В некоторых случаях это не целесообразно, например, в деятель-

262 ности Министерства обороны Украины или Министерства внутренних дел Украины. Во-вторых, государственный маркетинг представляет собой лишь одну из многих альтернативных концепций управления, не во всех случаях является эффективной в системе публичного управления. Ключевые слова: публичный маркетинг, субъект публичного марке- тинга, объект публичного маркетинга, типы публичного маркетинга.

Problem statement. The analysis all, that this concept rather close, basic, of an essence and roles of subjects and and in its certain part is identical to the objects of public marketing is the ba- concept “subject of public marketing”. sic principles of researches of public We will consider the main points of marketing problems. Determination view concerning the specified concept of these concepts and a study of their which are shown by the modern re- main characteristics substantially in- searchers. At once we will notice, that fluences results of the further analysis. most of authors uses as synonyms, the Analysis of the last researches and concepts “subject of public control” and publications. Such foreign and Ukrai- “subject of public administration”. nian researchers as: I. A. Zosimova In particular, authors of the relevant [18], I. N. Rasskazova [17], E. O. Ro- article in issuing “The encyclopedia of manenko [19], K. M. Romanenko [20], public administration” give such capa- E. V. Romat [6], A. A. Skopin [12], cious definition: “The subject of public L. V. Smorgunov [13], V. T. Shatun [18], administration — the authority, institu- I. V. Chaplai [19] etc. were engaged in a tion, subdividing of the public adminis- research of development and formation tration apparatus or the official which of basic theoretical bases of public mar- develop and make state and admi- keting (including the analysis of sub- nistrative decisions concerning imple- jects and objects of public control). mentation of the control action on the Statement of objectives (purpose) subordinate objects of management or article. To analyze the concepts “sub- regulations of certain processes and the ject of public marketing” and “object of relations in different spheres of public public marketing” of the system of pub- activity” [2, p. 614]. As we can see from lic marketing. the above quotation, in determination Statement of basic materials. It is of an essence of the concept which is obvious that the research of the concept considered authors, adhere to manage- “subject of public marketing” is impos- ment approach. sible without appropriate accounting One of the leading Ukrainian sci- of an essence of such basic concepts as entists in the field of public adminis- “the subject of public control” and “the tration. V. D. Bakumenko laconically subject of marketing”. expresses such position: “A subject of Proceeding from it, we will analyze public administration is the system of at first briefly the concept “subject of the government in the form of specially public control”. We will mark, first of formed authorities, which interacting,

263 between which certain functions of p. 21]; S. U. Nuraliyev and D. S. Nuralie- public administration are distributed” va [11, p. 77], etc.) despite rather wide [3, p. 13]. The similar position is taken list of subjects of marketing, did not by such domestic and foreign scien- define either essense of the concept tists as V. Ya. Malynovsky [4, p. 115], “subject of marketing”, or provided the V. T. Chirkin [5, p. 31], K. V. Sibikeev range of marketing subjects. [7, p. 22], etc. We will note what authors, Having analysed the approaches listed above, fairly refer to subjects of given above, we will define own posi- the state (public) administration not tion to the most important in the plan only public authorities and their heads, of our further analysis of the concept but also socially active citizens and “subject of marketing”. In our opi- representatives of social organizations nion, this concept is defined as the sub- and associations. Justice of inclusion of ject of management which bases its ad- these categories of subjects of state ad- ministrative activity in a certain field of ministration not only is confirmed by activity on the principles of marketing logic of the movement to civil society, and actively introduces instruments of but receives more and more confirma- practical marketing in its activity. tions in practice of public management. Thus, in definition of the considered It is obvious that we have all reasons to concept we consciously have departed use this approach at further definition from a specification of the sphere in of subjects of public marketing. which the marketing principles and Before passing to the analysis of the practical tools will be introduced. concept “subject of the state market- Let us consider in more detail the ing”, it is expedient to analyze more concept “subject of the state mar- general concept “subject of marketing”. keting”. The famous expert A. A. of The concept of subjects of marketing is Skopin limits understanding of this researched in works of many scientists, category only to participation of state however determination of their es- authorities in regulation of marketing sense is described by the authors quite activity of subjects of business: “The seldom. So, authoritative representa- state as the third subject of marketing tives of marketing science, the Ukrai- near sellers and consumers carries out nian professors A. F. Pavlenko and a specific role in the market. Without A. V. Voychak noted: “Subjects of mar- satisfying directly need of consumers, keting are the enterprises, the organi- it has to regulate this process and pro- zations or individuals between whom mote achievement of a compromise of there are marketing communications” interests with the minimum expenses [8]. Thus, the authors propose that the of society. It is caused by need to con- main criterion of classification of the sider economic and social processes in enterprises and organizations to sub- unity and interaction. At the same time jects of marketing is existence between the state unlike the separate enterprise them the marketing communications. is interested in effective functioning of Most of other authors, considered this economy in general” [12]. Without de- problem, (for example, G. V. Bakanov nying the important regulating func- [9, p. 117]; Yu. A. Shevchenko [10, tion of the state as one of the main el-

264 ements of the marketing environment concept by these subjects and certain of any organization, it is possible to characteristics of the specified objects approve need of the analysis of rather of the state marketing [6, p. 270–275]. wide sphere of direct application of the It should be noted that the concept concept of the state marketing by pub- “subject of public marketing” isn’t al- lic authorities that will be a subject of ways identical to the concept “subject our further analysis. of state administration”. First, not all In the textbook published edited by public authorities are subjects of the of professor L. V. Smorgunov, it is main- state marketing. In certain cases it isn’t tained that: “In the state marketing the expedient, for example, in activity of subjects are public authorities and insti- the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine tutions of management of all levels from or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of nation-wide to local act” [13, p. 91]. Ukraine. Secondly, the state marketing Specifying the definition of the con- represents only one of many alternative cept “subject of public marketing” pro- concepts of management that not in all vided by the scientists quoted above it cases is the most effective in the system is possible to offer it. The subject of pub- of public management. lic marketing is an active participant of As shows the analysis, among the public and marketing activity that puts main types of subjects of public market- significant effect both on object of pub- ing in absolute majority of cases bodies lic marketing, and on processes of mar- of the executive government are listed. keting and transaction processes and Definition of the main characteristics degree of success of achievement of the of the concept “subject of public mar- public marketing goals. keting” as formulated by us above, al- Being guided by the analysis of lows us to expand the list of subjects of the concept “subject of public (state) public administration. It occurs due to management”, it is logical to come to a criterion “significantly influences the conclusion that bodies of the executive main administrative processes of mar- government most often act as subjects keting (planning, organization, control) of the state marketing. At the same time and defines degree of success in achieve- it is possible to suggest to underline the ment of the marketing purposes”. following levels of marketing subjects Given this, besides the main types in the system of state administration: of subjects of public administration, it 1. The highest level of executive is necessary to carry to subjects of the power. state marketing also society in general, 2. Branch central bodies of the exe- specific subjects of political and pub- cutive government. lic work, separate active groups of the 3. Local public authority. population and specific active citizens. 4. Separate public institutions. It corresponds to recent trends of deve- A variety of subjects of public mar- lopment of civil society. In favor of the keting is explained, first of all, by de- similar decision it is possible to adduce pendence on tasks of the public and the following arguments: municipal administration, opportuni- 1. Voluntary exchange and obliga- ties of introduction of the marketing tory need for exchange, realization of

265 transactions is the integral condition We meet confirmation to this situ- of any marketing activity including in ation in many works scientific and im- public administration. Presence of good portant regulations. In particular, in will at the main participants of state the Concept of administrative reform and marketing activity, their readiness in Ukraine, the named concepts are to exchange certain resources (actions) considered as basic elements of public with public authorities is a necessary administration system: condition not only for the success of “a) subjects of management (execu- state and marketing activity, but also tive authorities), fact of its implementation. b) objects of management (spheres 2. In the conditions of development and areas of public life which are under of civil society within a certain state organizing influence of the state), there a growing role of political and c) administrative activity (process), public organizations without which that is certain public relations through participation the solution of rather which are implemented” [15]. wide range of problems of public mana- It is also important to emphasize gement is impossible. that according to article 5 of the Con- 3. The fact of powerful influence of stitution of Ukraine: “The carrier of political and public activity subjects on sovereignty and the only source of the degree of success in achieving goals of power in Ukraine are the people. The state and marketing activity is indis- people carry out the power directly and putable. through public authorities and local The analysis of an essence of the governments”. Further, in the 38th ar- concept “subject of public marketing” ticle of the Basic law it is said: “Citizens requires a research of its communica- have the right to participate in admini- tions with the concept “object of pub- stration of state affairs, in All-Ukraini- lic marketing”. When analysing of this an and local referendum, to freely elect concept it is important to note that this and be elected to public authorities and term is inseparably linked with the con- local governments” [1]. cept “subject of marketing”. It may be It should be noted that the term added that boundaries in between in the “object of the state marketing” is close, modern conditions are quite condi- but it isn't identical to the term “object tional. of state administration”. So, it is pos- It is difficult to resist the Ukrainian sible to agree with V. B. Averyanov who scientist, professor M. H. Koretsky who claims that not only the population and fairly notes: “The main contradiction certain groups of people, and certain of public administration is that com- material resources, elements of produc- pliance of the subject and an object of tion and spiritual human life — natural, management is never absolutely comp- material and financial resources, terri- lete as it both is set, and is broken at the tories, material objects of culture, that same time. This infinite problem situa- is all those objects which are at the dis- tion is aggravated and solved from time posal of subjects of public administra- to time by certain reorganizations or tion, are defined by objects of public less global changes” [14, p. 14]. administration [16, p. 29].

266 Professor N. H. Koretsky notes by the subject of public administration about it: “Object of management are system as process of interaction and in- various forms of the public relations, terference of two its components: ope- communications, behavior and activi- rating and operated. “Political science” ties of people to which influence of the means also a possibility that learns (that subject of management is directed. The is already has marketing information) object of management always is in dia- to plan and therefore, to operate, this lectic correlation with the subject. This process (interaction of power structures communication is shown in particu- and the population) and to correct it in lar that the object of management is a case of need” [17]. product of activities of the subject of Quite branched system of public management in a certain measure. The marketing objects is represented by subject of management can be an object V. T. Shatun and I. A. Zosimova: “Act as of management also, if it is at the lo- objects of marketing in public manage- west step of hierarchy of control. Con- ment: cerning society in general, its specific, • public services and public benefits rather independent cells, these forma- (goods, services, etc.). They can be di- tions to some extent can be at the same visible: pension provision, medical care, time both an object, and the subject of general and professional education, and management” [14, p. 17]. indivisible — public safety; Defining the concept “object of pub- • the enterprises and the organiza- lic (state) marketing” it is necessary, in tions which are in state ownership and our opinion, first of all, to mean citizens are subject to privatization and privati- of the state. Though quite often re- zation and also the stock of the enter- searchers specify also presence of other prises and organizations, state which target groups. are owned and subject to sale; Analyzing the list of objects of pub- • state bodies and local govern- lic marketing, authors of the mono- ment — for increase in their prestige, graph under L. V. Smorgunov’s edition improvement of image and ensuring as- specify in the text: “In state marketing sistance of their activity from the pub- [...] objects are citizens, social groups, lic, commercial organizations and natu- communities, the state and private or- ral persons; ganizations (as production, commercial • the rights, duties and the func- and noncommercial, and non-produc- tions of citizens and the organizations tive)” [13, p. 91]. significant for existence and develop- Through relations of subjects and ob- ment of the state and society — pro- jects of the state marketing the research- cesses of consumption of public ser- er I. N. Rasskazova considers an essense vices, payment of taxes, participation of the analysed concept. However, at in elections, execution of a compulsory the same time she uses the concept “po- military service, judicial and other civil litical marketing”: “We put such sense in duties, functions; the term “political marketing”: it is not • norms and rules of conduct, values, just realization of marketing activity at programs, ideas which are supported by the level of the state, and knowledge the state and useful to society;

267 • territories — country, regions, in- “price”, “sale”, “market” in public mar- terregional educations, cities and other keting, etc. So, from the point of view of areas" [18, p. 182]. It should be noted methodology there would be categori- that definition unites a certain list of cally incorrect a mechanical transfer- objects, but not definition of their es- ring of the marketing principles to the sential nature. system of public management not only Conclusions. Summing up the in- from the market sphere of their use, and termediate results of the analysis, let’s even from much closer branches, for ex- define the concept “object of public ample, from the system of social, terri- marketing”. In a broad sense object torial or political marketing [6, p. 264]. of public marketing are all objects to Consumers act as an important ele- which purposeful public and marketing ment of system of public marketing and influence for the purpose of the goals one of the most important types of its achievement of subjects which carry objects. This concept will be considered out public and marketing activity, is di- in our further publications. rected. The main types of objects of public marketing act: References • citizens of the state, the popula- 1. Konstytutsiya (Osnovnyy Zakon) tion, society in general, groups of people Ukrayiny [Fundamental law of identified on any sign and other target Ukraine] vid 26 chervnya 1996 r. // audiences, to which transaction opera- Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukray- tions are performed and on which acti- iny. — 1996. — № 30. — St. 141 [in vity (inactivity) the success of state and Ukrainian]. marketing activity directly depends. In 2. Shatun V. T., Zosimova I. O. Marketynh this sense the specified objects can be v publichnomu upravlinni: sutnist’, considered as “the market of the state spetsyfika, klasyfikatsiya [Market- ing in Public Management: Essence, marketing”; Specificity, Classification] // Naukovi • services and the ideas (which are pratsi. Derzh. upravlinnya. — 2016. — considered in respect of “goods” in state Vyp. 255. — T. 267. — S. 181–187 [in marketing); Ukrainian]. • certain territories and settlements 3. Rasskazova Y. N. Hosudarst- which demand use of marketing tools; vovedcheskyy marketynh v strukture • other elements of a complex of the professional’noy kompetentnosty state marketing (“price”, “sale”, system hosudarstvennoho sluzhashcheho of state and marketing communica- [Govern marketing in the structure of tions), etc. professional competence of civil ser- vants] // [Online]: http://exsolver. Considering these concepts of the [in Rus- system of public marketing it is neces- sian]. sary to realize clearly that their concepts 4. Chaplay I. V. Marketynh u mekha- cardinally differ from the correspond- nizmakh derzhavnoho upravlinnya: ing concepts of the “traditional” theory monohrafiya [Marketing in the mech- of commercial marketing. First of all, anisms of public administration] / it concerns such concepts as “goods”, I. V. Chaplay, Ye. O. Romanenko. —

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270 UDC: 332.07/.08: 005.591.1 (477) Suray Inna Gennadiivna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Depart- ment of public administration and public ser- vice of the National Academy of Public Ad- ministration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Eugenа Potie, 20, tel.: (050) 352 05 23, e-mail: suray.inna@gmail.сom ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724 Сурай Інна Геннадіївна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, професор кафедри публічного управління та публічної служби, Націо- нальна академія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: (050) 352 05 23, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724 Сурай Инна Геннадьевна, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, доцент, профессор кафедры пу- бличного управления и публичной службы, Национальная академия государственно- го управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (050) 352 05 23, e-mail: suray.inna@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724 Mazurenko Mikhail Pavlovich, Chairman of the Koropsky District Council of the Chernigov Region, magistrant, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Eugenа Potie, 20, tel.: (096) 795 22 80, e-mail: mazur- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9940-1888 Мазуренко Михайло Павлович, Голова Коропської районної ради Чернігівської області, магістрант, Національна ака- демія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: (096) 795 22 80, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9940-1888 Мазуренко Михаил Павлович, Председатель Коропского районного совета черниговской области, магістрант, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины,

271 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (096) 795 22 80, e-mail: mazurenko_mp@ ORCID: 0000-0002-9940-1888 DOI


Abstract. The practical aspects of the reform of local government in Ukraine at the present stage of decentralization of power are highlighted, namely: in the conditions of voluntary association of territorial communities on the example of Koropsky district of Chernihiv region. It is proved that the administrative and territorial reform of the territorial formation of the administrative unit, which will carry the name of the rayon and which will unite several united territorial communities, should be a logical continuation of the process of completion of the association of territorial communities. This should depend on the geographical location, the availability of infrastructure, the road transport network, the avail- ability of medical services, and other factors. It was noted that in order to ensure the implementation of the provisions of the Concept for the reform of local self-government and the territorial organiza- tion of power in Ukraine, a district council of representatives of OTG should be formed in such a structural unit, which will provide the main powers of lo- cal government bodies at the district level. The district council should establish its own executive body, which should be under its control and accountable. The system of central executive authorities in the newly created administrative unit (rayon) may be represented by the relevant body set up by the Cabinet of Minis- ters of Ukraine, whose functions should include the coordination of the activities of the territorial units of the executive power on the ground and control over the targeted and effective use of the State budget funds that will be received on the development of the respective territories. It has been determined that local authorities, which are one of the main sub- jects of public administration at the local level and, in particular, the develop- ment of territories, most in their activity take into account the traditions of the people, their mentality, the level of development of civil society and its ability. Keywords: local government, reform, decentralization, territorial communi- ties (OTG). РЕФОРМУВАННЯ МІСЦЕВОЇ ВЛАДИ В УКРАЇНІ: ПРАКТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ Анотація. Висвітлено практичні аспекти реформування місцевої влади в Україні на сучасному етапі децентралізації влади, а саме: в умовах добро- вільного об’єднання територіальних громад на прикладі Коропського району

272 Чернігівської області. Доведено, що логічним продовженням процесу завер- шення об’єднання територіальних громад має стати адміністративно-терито- ріальна реформа з територіального формування адміністративної одиниці, яка носитиме назву району та яка об’єднуватиме кілька ОТГ. Це має залежати від географічного розташування, наявності інфраструктури, дорожньо-тран- спортної мережі, доступності надання медичних послуг, інших чинників. Відмічено, що з метою забезпечення реалізації положень Концепції ре- формування місцевого самоврядування та територіальної організації влади в Україні у такій структурній одиниці має бути сформована районна рада з представників ОТГ, що забезпечуватиме основні повноваження органів міс- цевого самоврядування районного рівня. Районна рада має утворити власний виконавчий орган, який повинен бути їй підконтрольним та підзвітним. Си- стему органів центральної виконавчої влади у новоствореній адміністратив- ній одиниці (районі) може представляти відповідний орган, утворений Кабі- нетом Міністрів України, до функцій якого має бути віднесено координацію діяльності територіальних підрозділів органів виконавчої влади на місцях та контроль за цільовим та ефективним використанням коштів Державного бю- джету, що надходитимуть на розвиток відповідних територій. Визначено, що саме місцева влада, яка є одним із основних суб’єктів пу- блічного управління на місцевому рівні та, зокрема, розвитку територій, у своїй діяльності найбільш враховує традиції народу, його ментальність, рі- вень розвитку громадянського суспільства та його спроможність. Ключові слова: місцева влада, реформування, децентралізація, об’єднан- ня територіальних громад (ОТГ). РЕФОРМИРОВАНИЕ МЕСТНОЙ ВЛАСТИ В УКРАИНЕ: ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ Аннотация. Освещены практические аспекты реформирования местной власти в Украине на современном этапе децентрализации власти, а именно: в условиях добровольного объединения территориальных общин на при- мере Коропского района Черниговской области. Доказано, что логическим продолжением процесса завершения объединения территориальных общин должна стать административно-территориальная реформа по территори- альному формированию административной единицы, которая будет носить название района и объединять несколько объединенных территориальных общин. Это зависит от географического расположения, наличия инфра- структуры, дорожно-транспортной сети, доступности предоставления меди- цинских услуг, других факторов. Отмечено, что в целях обеспечения реализации положений Концепции реформирования местного самоуправления и территориальной организации власти в Украине в такой структурной единице должен быть сформирован районный совет из представителей ОТО, обеспечивающий основные полно- мочия органов местного самоуправления районного уровня. Районный совет должен создать собственный исполнительный орган, который должен быть

273 ему подконтрольным и подотчетным. Систему органов центральной испол- нительной власти во вновь созданной административной единице (районе) может представлять соответствующий орган, образованный Кабинетом Ми- нистров Украины, к функции которого должны быть отнесены координация деятельности территориальных подразделений органов исполнительной власти на местах и контроль за целевым и эффективным использованием средств Государственного бюджета, поступающие на развитие соответству- ющих территорий. Определено, что именно местные власти, которая является одним из ос- новных субъектов публичного управления на местном уровне и, в частно- сти, развития территорий, в своей деятельности наиболее учитывает тради- ции народа, его ментальность, уровень развития гражданского общества и его способность. Ключевые слова: местная власть, реформирование, децентрализация, объединение территориальных общин (ОТО).

Formulation of the problem. Local ensuring the implementation of own authorities, which are one of the main and delegated powers by local self-go- subjects of public administration at the vernment bodies; the division of powers local level and, in particular, the deve- between local self-government bodies lopment of territories, take into ac- and executive authorities at different count the traditions of the folk, their levels of the administrative-territorial mentality, the level of development of structure on the principles of subsi- civil society and its ability in their ac- diarity and decentralization; maximum tivity. involvement of the population in the The development of Ukraine as a adoption of managerial decisions, the democratic, social and legal state is di- promotion of the development of forms rectly linked to the establishment of an of direct democracy [1]. effective local government. The Strategy for Sustainable Deve- The Concept for the Reforming of lopment “Ukraine 2020”, approved by Local Self-Government and Territo- the Decree of the President of Ukraine rial Organization of Power in Ukraine dated January 12, 2015 № 5/2015 [2], (hereinafter — the Concept), adopted which defines the purpose, the vectors on April 1, 2014, defines the main ways of the movement, the roadmap, the top of the solving of the problems of local priorities and indicators of the proper self-government. The key issues that conditions for the formation and de- determine the essence of change are: velopment of Ukraine, defines decen- the definition of a sound territorial ba- tralization and public administration sis for the activities of local self-govern- reform according to the responsibi- ment bodies and executive authorities; lity vector among the main reforms and the creation of proper material, finan- programs of state development. It is cial and organizational conditions for stated [2] that territorial communities

274 have to solve issues of local importance, The Concept takes into account the their well-being independently and recommendations of the Congress of bear responsibility for the development Local and Regional Authorities of the of the entire country. Council of Europe, adopted at its ses- The analysis of recent publications sion on October 31, 2013, as well as the has shown that the issues of the effec- provisions of the Declaration of Con- tive functioning of local authorities, the gress of March 25, 2014. formation of representative bodies of The concept [1] defines a three-tier power, in particular on the local level, system of organization of local self-go- the growth of the role of territorial com- vernment and clearly defines the areas munities in the solution of local affairs, of competence of each level of local self- are grounded in scientific works by government. The main areas of respon- V. Bordeniuk, V. Vakulenko, P. Vo- sibility of local self-government bodies rona, V. Goshovska, T. Ivanova, V. Kuy- are concentrated at the basic level, and bida, O. Pukhkal, I. Rozputenko, their number is much higher than at V. Tolkovanov and others. other levels. Despite the considerable interest Understanding the importance and of domestic and foreign researchers in necessity of reforming the outdated and the issues of the functioning of local ineffective in nowadays’ reality system authorities, the issue of the reforming of administrative-territorial structure of local government in the conditions in the country, and local authorities of voluntary association of territorial as one of its derivatives, the Korop- communities (hereinafter — ATC), in skyi district council began to study particular, the practical aspects of this the main provisions of the draft Law of process, have not yet become the sub- Ukraine “On voluntary association of ject of special scientific research. territorial communities” in 2014 yet, That is why the purpose of this since its appearance on the website of article is to highlight the practical as- the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and pects of the reforming of local govern- the Concept of the Reforming of Local ment in Ukraine at the present stage of Self-Government and Territorial Orga- decentralization of power (in the con- nization of Power in Ukraine [1]. ditions of voluntary association of ter- It should be noted that from March ritorial communities on the example of 2015 the Law of Ukraine “On volun- Koropskyi district of Chernihiv region). tary association of territorial communi- The main material. The concept ties” [3] stipulates: the basic conditions provides the decentralization of power for the voluntary association of terri- and the construction of such a system torial communities; the procedure for of local self-government, which is fully voluntary association, in particular, the consistent with the principles of the formation of a united territorial com- European Charter of Local Self-Go- munity and the reorganization of local vernment and the provisions of other self-government bodies; the procedure international treaties, recommenda- for voluntary adherence to the united tions of the Council of Europe in the territorial communities; state support field of local and regional democracy. for voluntary association of territorial

275 communities and voluntary adherence; As part of the information and com- forms of such support, in particular fi- munication campaign and clarification nancial support by the state and a per- of the main provisions, organizational spective plan for the formation of com- and legal support for the implementa- munity territories. tion of the Concept [1], the implemen- The analysis carried out by the tation of the legislation on cooperation executive body of the Koropskyi Dis- and association of territorial communi- trict Council showed that over the last ties [3, 4], the district council and dis- 25 years the number of residents in the trict state administration have deve- district has decreased by 11.3 thousand, loped a number of appropriate measures and the number of village councils has for implementation. In particular: work- increased by 9. There has become a si- shops with village, town heads; training tuation where the largest village coun- directly in village, town councils with cil accounted for more than 2 thousand deputies, members of executive com- inhabitants and the smallest one had mittees, community assets; discussion not even 200 with the same number of of the issue of the association of ter- staff units in the local councils, ie, the ritorial communities for discussion at load per one employee of the executive general meetings in settlements of the board of one council was 10 times more district; “Round tables” with village, than of the other one, with the same fi- town chairmen, heads of institutions, nancial costs for the maintenance of the organizations of the district, heads of apparatus. It has become obvious that structural units of the district council, the reform of the grassroots, basic, com- district state administration, with par- position would entail the association of ticipation of mass media representa- communities into new units at the level tives on implementation of legislation of the newly formed regions, as well as on the cooperation and association of the introduction of certain changes at territorial communities in the district. the regional level. That is, this compo- During the discussions the question of nent of the formation of a new adminis- possible risks has arisen: financial risks; trative-territorial structure has become preventing of the reduction of provision almost the most controversial part in of services to the population of future the decentralization reform. A simple communities; the resistance of leaders change in the boundaries of the coun- of self-sufficient territorial communi- cils without the transfer of power and ties against voluntary association. After financial flows to the locations was, in a considerable amount of the prepara- our opinion, the main reason for the tory work, explanatory work, taking failure of the attempt to conduct ad- into account the requirements of the ministrative and territorial reform in territorial communities of the district 2005. Taking into account these factors, as a whole to ensure their further inde- the work on realization on the territory pendent functioning, several variants of of the district of a project on decentra- the association have been worked out. lization of power through the voluntary When considering the options for a association of territorial communities possible association it was considered began in the district. that Koropskyi district has one of the

276 lowest population density, high popula- After the decision was made by the tion aging, negative population growth, Chernihiv Oblast Council on the ap- and a remified network of budget insti- proval of the Perspective Plan for the tutions. One of the defining principles Formation of Territories of the Chernihiv of the association was the availability of Oblast Communities and its approval by public services, territorial location and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [6] transport links. The possibility of self- (with the formation in the district of financing of united territorial commu- two ATCs (see Figure), direct work on nities has been also taken into account. the creation of united territorial commu- After the long discussions and ana- nities has started. lysis by of village, town leaders, it has However, it must be admitted that been offered to choose a baseline mo- 2015 was lost in relation to the forma- del — the creation in the district of two tion of communities. This was caused united territorial communities. This by a number of objective and subjective option provided the creation of the Ko- factors: ropskyi ATC, consisting of 19 village, • the resistance of the leaders of town councils and Ponornytskyi ATC, self-sufficient territorial communities consisting of 8 local councils, and fully against voluntary association (due to met the Methodology for the formation “budget decentralization” with changes of capable territorial communities [5]. to the Budget and Tax Codes); The decision of the round table was • In local communities there was submitted to the consideration and a demand for land plots that over the approval of the working group for the past decades have been overgrown processing of the proposals of the ter- with weeds, woods, have not been used ritorial communities of the district re- for their intended purpose. The arrival garding their voluntary association, ap- of investors on the territory of the re- proved by the joint decree by the acting levant councils has multiplied the in- head of the district state administration comes to the local budgets from the and the chairman of the district council payment of land taxes. The community from February 20, 2015, № 3. The work- leaders received self-sufficient budgets, ing group included the representatives that in turn gave the opportunity not of the district state administration and only to invest in the development of district council, deputies of the district the respective territories, but also to council, village and town heads of the increase spending on the maintenance district. The working group approved of the apparatus by raising salaries. In the proposals for the voluntary asso- a part of village councils, due to the ad- ciation of the territorial communities of ditional funds received, wages of execu- the Koropskyi district, with the subse- tive officers were 4–5 times higher than quent provision of them to the regional the salaries of employees of the execu- state administration and regional coun- tive branch of the district council and cil for the generalization and informing district state administration. Such vil- of the Ministry of Regional Develop- lage councils were 30–40 %, and they ment, Construction and Housing and understood that, in the event of associ- Communal Services of Ukraine. ation, their funds would be centralized

277 The boundaries of the ATC of the Koropskyi district according to [6] into one, general budget of the united The fuzzy position of the executive territorial community, and, accordingly, branch of government significantly in- induced the deputies of local councils, fluenced the impossibility of creating heads of budgetary institutions against an ATC in the district, in 2015. With the process of association. the appointment of a new leadership in In addition, in 2015, village and the oblast and district state administra- town leaders were fully absorbed in tions, a new trend has emerged in the the election race (local elections), as approach to the formation of an ATC: the competition in connection with “one district — one community”. In the activation of political parties on open meetings, the mass media declared the eve of the election had grown sig- the support for decentralization pro- nificantly. The events in the state of cesses in a manner determined by the 2013–2014 have changed the political law — on the principles of voluntari- mood of people. In each village, 4 to 7 ness, in accordance with the require- candidates claimed the position of vil- ments of the Perspective Plan, sticking lage chairmen, and the existing village to the requirements of the Methodo- leaders were not concerned about the logy for the formation of capable terri- process of decentralization. torial communities, and in fact insisted

278 that the village heads should unite only nion about the necessity and expedi- in one community, and that this com- ency of reforms has been started again. munity is headed only by the head of The representatives of the Office of the district state administration, and at Reforms in the oblast, civil society or- the same time ignoring the abovemen- ganizations, which introduced decen- tioned normative-legal acts. That is, as tralization into a practical plane, were a result of such a “reform” a so-called involved in the cooperation. The first community should be formed, which five ATCs that came to direct intergov- would be controlled and influenced by ernmental relations began to operate the executive branch itself, would have in the oblast. With the delegations of the same geographical boundaries as village and town leaders, with the ac- the district. At the same time, in the tive support of the Association of Lo- presence of village and town councils, cal Councils of Koropskyi region, the people received administrative services experience of the Kiptivska, Vertiivska, directly on the locations, and when cre- Desnianska ATCs of the Chernihiv re- ating a single community, when most gion, Shishatska ATC of the Poltava administrative and regulatory func- region, which was the most territorially tions would go directly to the commu- and financially consistent with the ap- nity, villagers would have to go to the proved Perspective Plan of the Korop- community center for services, in our skyi ATC, was studied. case this is 60–70 km from the utter- In March 2016, at a joint meeting most villages of the district. with village and town leaders, an algo- Unfortunately, these factors, com- rithm for association in the Koropskyi bined with others, did not allow us to ATC was developed and the process of start work on the creation of an ATC reforming the local self-government of in the Koropskyi district in 2015. The Koropskyi region was initiated. The time for local self-governance reform initiator of the association was the Ko- among the pioneers was lost. But in the ropskyi village council. Having passed region the classic situation was already all procedures provided by the legisla- brewing, when “the lower classes did tion, which included sessions of village not have the disire and the upper ones and town councils, public discussions, did not have the possibility”. formation of joint working groups, de- The results of the local elections velopment of draft decisions, making in October 2015 slightly changed the conclusions on the conformity of draft configuration of the deputy corps and decisions in September 2016, a decision village heads. One third of the lea- “On voluntary association of territorial ders of territorial communities was not communities in the Koropskyi united re-elected to positions held, they were territorial community” was made. mainly those people who were the big- The ATC included 16 village and gest opponents of the reform of local one town concil (63 % of the total), the self-government. At the level of the dis- population was 15,7 thousand people trict council, with the active support of (67 % of the total), the area of ATC is the newly elected village head Korop, 907,4 km2. (69 % of the total), 45 settle- the work on the forming of public opi- ments in the community (69 % of the

279 total). Two village councils that ac- In order to ensure the implementa- cording to the Perspective Plan were to tion of the provisions of the Concept of be part of the Koropskyi ATC, did not the Reform of Local Self-Government wish to associate at this stage and now and the Territorial Organization of operate independently. Power in Ukraine in such a structural According to the appeal of the re- unit, a district council of representa- gional state administration, the Cen- tives of the ATC, providing the main tral Election Commission appointed on powers of the local self-government December 18, 2016, the first elections bodies at the district level. should be in the united territorial community, formed. The district council should es- which resulted in the convincing vic- tablish its own executive body, which tory (on the post of the village head) should be under its control and ac- of the intitiator of the association, the countable to it. The system of central village head Zhuravel V., acting on that executive authorities in the newly cre- time, and the election of 26 deputies of ated administrative unit (district) may the village council. At the first session be represented by the relevant body of the village council on December 30, set up by the Cabinet of Ministers of 2016, the powers of the village head Ukraine, the functions of which should and deputies of the village council were include the coordination of activities recognized. In May 2017, the first elec- of territorial units of executive power tion of a village elder in 16 eldership on locations and control over the tar- of Koropskyi ATC was held. With the geted and effective use of the State bud- conduction of the election of the elder, get funds that will be received for the the organizational process for the for- development of the respective territo- mation of the Koropskyi ATC can be ries. considered as completed, but the whole In perspective, further researches process of reforming of the local authori- in this area should relate to scientifi- ties, which has become new form, has cally grounded offers for further steps not been completed yet, new problems, in reforming local government. requiring the prompt and effective re- solution and a clear distinction between REFERENCES the defined legislative framework. Conclusions of the study. We be- 1. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine lieve that the logical continuation of (2014), rozporiadzhennia “Pro skh- the process of completing the associa- valennia Kontseptsii reformuvan- nia mistsevoho samovriaduvannia tion of territorial communities should ta terytorial’noi orhanizatsii vlady v be the administrative-territorial reform Ukraini”, available at: http://zakon2. of the territorial formation of the ad- ministrative unit, bearing the name of %D1%80#n8 (Accessed 1 April 2014). the district and uniting several ATCs. It 2. President of Ukraine (2015), ukaz “Pro should depend on the geographical lo- Stratehiiu staloho rozvytku “Ukrai- cation, the availability of infrastructure, na–2020”, available at: http://zakon4. the transport network, the availability (Ac- of medical services, and other factors. cessed 12 January 2015).

280 3. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), сурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// The Law of Ukraine “Pro dobrovil’ne ob’iednannia terytorial'nykh hromad”, 2014-%D1%80#n8 available at: 2. Про Стратегію сталого розвит- show/157-19 (Accessed 5 February ку “Україна–2020” : Указ Прези- 2015). дента України від 12 січня 2015 р. 4. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine № 5/2015 [Електронний ресурс]. — (2014), The Law of Ukraine “Pro spiv- Режим доступу: http://zakon4.rada. robitnytstvo terytorial'nykh hromad”, available at: 3. Про добровільне об’єднання терито- ua/laws/show/1508-18 (Accessed 17 ріальних громад : Закон України від June 2014). 5 лютого 2015 р. № 157-VIII [Елек- 5. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine тронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: (2015), postanova “Pro zatverdzhen- nia Metodyky formuvannia spromozh- 4. Про співробітництво територіаль- nykh terytorial’nykh hromad”, avail- них громад : Закон України від 17 able at: червня 2014 р. № 1508-VII [Елек- laws/show/214-2015-%D0%BF (Ac- тронний ресурс]. — Режим досту- cessed 8 April 2014). пу: 6. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2015), show/1508-18 rozporiadzhennia “Pro zatverdzhen- 5. Про затвердження Методики фор- nia perspektyvnoho planu formuvan- мування спроможних територіаль- nia terytorij hromad Chernihivs'koi них громад: Постанова Кабінету Мі- oblasti”, available at: http://zakon4. ністрів України від 8 квітня 2015 р. № 214 [Електронний ресурс]. — %D1%80 (Accessed 12 August 2015). Режим доступу : http://zakon2. Список використаних %D0%BF 6. Про затвердження перспективного джерел плану формування територій гро- 1. Про схвалення Концепції реформу- мад Чернігівської області : Розпо- вання місцевого самоврядування рядження Кабінету Міністрів Укра- та територіальної організації влади їни від 12 серпня 2015 р. № 899-р в Україні : розпорядження Кабіне- [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим ту Міністрів України від 1 квітня доступу: 2014 р. № 333-р [Електронний ре- laws/show/899-2015-%D1%80

281 UDC 35: 002.8

Usachenko Alexander Alexandrovich, post-graduate student, Interregional Acade- my of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5458-8976 Усаченко Олександр Олександрович, аспірант, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5458-8976 Усаченко Александр Александрович, аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5458-8976 DOI


Abstract. The article considers a number of European integration aspects of the basic mechanisms development in public administration in the context of the “Good Governance” paradigm. Their peculiarities and corresponding problem questions are singled out. Proved that the efficiency and effectiveness of adopting and implementing state-management decisions associated with an increase in receiving and process- ing information electronically through a computer system and information tech- nology (electronic information and referral and information-legal systems, net- works, grid-technology, automated work places of the manager, etc.). It is about forecasting, planning and designing, monitoring, evaluation, monitoring, etc. All of this relates to strategic management and planning, programmatic and targeted (government action programs, national and other targeted programs, regional pro- grams, national projects) management, state and local budgeting. It is noted that increasing the efficiency of providing various administrative services is associated with an increase in the volume of administrative services and their geography and the reduction in the time of their provision (technology “single window”, information and reference electronic networks, etc.).

282 Identified the introduction of the model and paradigm of “good governance” in the national system of public administration, ignoring the world, especially Eu- ropean experience implementing the model and paradigm of “good governance”; excessive lobbying for decentralization by the authorities at the city level; an at- tempt to reform the public administration system, in particular by moving to the model of “state management” in real conditions of the limited budget of the state; lack of serious preparedness, first of all recruiting, to such a transition; in fact, there is an artificial attempt to combine two different models of public administration, namely, “good governance” and “state management”, etc. Keywords: aspects, basic mechanisms, public administration, eurointegra- tion, paradigm “Good Governance”, development. ЄВРОІНТЕГРАЦІЙНІ АСПЕКТИ РОЗВИТКУ БАЗОВИХ МЕХАНІЗМІВ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ Анотація. Розглянуто низку евроінтеграційних аспектів розвитку ба- зових механізмів державного управління, зокрема, в контексті парадигми “GoodGovernance”. Виділені їх особливості та відповідні проблемні питан- ня. Обґрунтовано, що підвищення ефективності та результативності при- йняття та реалізації державно-управлінських рішень пов’язане із збільшен- ням обсягів отримання та оброблення інформації в електронному вигляді за допомогою комп’ютерних систем та інформаційних технологій (електронні інформаційно-довідкові та інформаційно-правові системи, мережі, грід-тех- нології, автоматизовані робочі місця управлінця та інше). Йдеться про прогнозування, планування та проектування, контроль, оцінювання, моні- торинг тощо. Все це стосується стратегічного управління та планування, програмно-цільового (програми діяльності уряду, загальнодержавні та інші цільові програми, регіональні програми, національні проекти) управління, державного і місцевого бюджетування. Відзначено, що підвищення ефективності надання різноманітних адмі- ністративних послуг пов’язане із збільшенням обсягів адміністративних послуг та їх географії та зменшенням часу їх надання (технологія “єдине вікно”, інформаційно-довідкові електронні мережі та інше). Визначено проблемні питання запровадження моделі та парадигми “до- брочесного врядування” у вітчизняній системі державного управління: неврахування світового, насамперед європейського досвіду впроваджен- ня моделі та парадигми “доброчесного врядування”; надмірне лобіювання децентралізації владою на міському рівні; спроба реформування системи державного управління, зокрема шляхом переходу до моделі “державного менеджменту” в реальних умовах обмеженості державного бюджету; відсут- ність серйозної підготовленості, в першу чергу кадрової, до такого переходу; фактично спостерігається штучна спроба поєднати дві різні моделі держав- ного управління, а саме “доброчесного врядування” та “державного менедж- менту” та ін.

283 Ключові слова: аспекти, базові механізми, державне управління, євроін- теграція, парадигма “Good Governance”, розвиток. ЕВРОИНТЕГРАЦИОННЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ РАЗВИТИЯ БАЗОВЫХ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Аннотация. Рассмотрен ряд евроинтеграционных аспектов развития ба- зовых механизмов государственного управления, в частности, в контексте парадигмы “GoodGovernance”. Выделены их особенности и соответствую- щие проблемные вопросы. Обосновано, что повышение эффективности и результативности приня- тия и реализации государственно-управленческих решений связано с уве- личением объемов получения и обработки информации в электронном виде с помощью компьютерных систем и информационных технологий (элек- тронные информационно-справочные и информационно-правовые систе- мы, сети, грид-технологии, автоматизированные рабочие места управленца и прочее). Речь идет о прогнозировании, планировании и проектировании, контроле, оценке, мониторинге и тому подобном. Все это касается страте- гического управления и планирования, программно-целевого (программы деятельности правительства, общегосударственные и другие целевые про- граммы, региональные программы, национальные проекты) управления, го- сударственного и местного бюджетирования. Отмечено, что повышение эффективности предоставления различных административных услуг связано с увеличением объемов административных услуг и их географии и уменьшением времени их предоставления (техноло- гия “единое окно”, информационно-справочные электронные сети и т. д.). Определены проблемные вопросы внедрения модели и парадигмы “добро- детельного управления” в отечественной системе государственного управле- ния: неучет мирового, прежде всего европейского опыта внедрения модели и парадигмы “добродетельного управления”; чрезмерное лоббирование децен- трализации власти на городском уровне; попытка реформирования системы государственного управления, в частности путем перехода к модели “государ- ственного менеджмента” в реальных условиях ограниченности государствен- ного бюджета; отсутствие серьезной подготовленности, в первую очередь ка- дровой, к такому переходу; фактически наблюдается искусственная попытка совместить две разные модели государственного управления, а именно “до- бродетельного управления” и “государственного менеджмента” и др. Ключевые слова: аспекты, базовые механизмы, государственное управ- ление, евроинтеграция, парадигма “Good Governance”, развитие.

Target setting. In Ukraine, there this context, in our opinion, the ques- is an accelerated implementation of its tion of the impact of this aspiration on European integration aspirations. In the development of basic mechanisms

284 inpublic administration deserves atten- action plan for the medium-term per- tion. spective), state programming (state Analysis of recent publications on development programs, state target issues. Various aspects of the applica- programs, national projects), state bud- tion of the European integration ap- geting (development of annual state proach are highlighted in the domestic budgets), state control (all its types and legal and regulatory framework, in the forms), administrative reform (institu- reference literature, as well as in studies tional and structural-functional update of public administration of the domes- of public administration system). The tic (A. Kolodiy, V. Martynenko, P. Nad- latter is aimed at modernizing the sys- olishniy, L. Novak-Kalyaev, I. Grigor- tem of public administration as a sub- chak, A. Pukhtetskaya , O. Krasovskii ject of governance (the system of state and others) and foreign (Y. Gonzigzh, authorities), while others — on its de- D. Krasilnikov, O. Sivintseva, E. Troits- velopment (modernization, increase kaya, etc.) scholars [1–13]. of efficiency and effectiveness, etc.) as The purpose of the article. The an object of management (systems of purpose of this article is to highlight the social spheres, branches, relations, ter- Eurointegration aspect of the develop- ritories). ment of the basic mechanisms of public To answer the above question, one administration. has to turn to the essence of European The statement of basic materials. integration. Ukraine since 2002, when for the first In Wikipedia, European integration time in the Address of the President is defined as a process of industrial, po- of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of litical, legal, economic integration of Ukraine was noted about the European states that are wholly or partly in Eu- choice, by 2014 the political (March rope. According to the institutional 21) and economic (June 27) parts of approach proposed by Ernst Haas, Eu- the Association Agreement with the ropean integration is seen as a process European Union were signed, made a of transforming national practices of big breakthrough on the way European the interaction of institutions, which integration. The question arises, what leads to the creation of a multi-level does this give the country in the con- management system with a plurality of text of the development of basic mecha- decision-making centers [4]. nisms of public administration. Thus, as a consequence of Ukraine’s To the basic mechanisms of public further accession to the European administration, we include those that Union, one should expect the trans- ensure the implementation of its main formation of the public administration management functions (planning, or- system into one of the decision-mak- ganization, motivation, control, man- ing centers in its composition. This, in agement decisions, communication) turn, requires the transition of public and are typical for various objects in administration system and all spheres public administration. Among them, in public life of Ukraine to the current we have: state strategic planning (long- standards and regulations of the EU, term goal-setting), state policy (agreed which is now really happening. In the

285 course of a sufficiently significant peri- the field of education, health care, juris- od of time in Ukraine, bringing its leg- prudence, and so on. islative framework in line with the Eu- The requirement for information is ropean one is under way. Initially, the due to the fact that every country in the Ukraine-European Union Action Plan, European Union should be informed and then the Partnership and Coopera- about changes in legislation and in the tion Agreement between the European moment. Communities and Ukraine, made a lot Creation of joint bodies of govern- of changes and adaptations in the po- ment means the creation of several joint litical, economic, social, environmental, bodies of Ukraine and the European humanitarian and security spheres. Union, which have to solve topical is- The Association Agreement with sues within the association. the European Union requires the im- According to Article 14 “The Rule plementation a number of key provi- of Law and Respect for Human Rights sions that are schematically shown in and Fundamental Freedoms”, the As- Figure [5]. sociation Agreement with the Euro- Democratization means respect for pean Union has: strengthening institu- the rule of law in all its manifestations, tions of all levels in the field of general adherence to the principles of respect administration and law enforcement for independence, sovereignty, territori- and judicial authorities in particu- al integrity and inviolability of borders. lar: strengthening the judiciary; fight The fight against crime involves against corruption [6]. strengthening the fight against corrup- European integration as a way to tion, terrorism and other forms of crime. the community for the sake of safety The introduction of European and peace of mind of the countries in standards actually means the process the world is certainly the best opportu- of their implementation in almost all nity to become a real European country spheres of public life, in particular in with developed economies, a system of

Introduction of European standards

democratization fightagainstcrime

Key association strengthening strengthening provisions of all institution’s of law enforcement levels in the field of and judicial management authorities

informing creation of joint management bodies

Key provisions of the Association of Ukraine with the European Union

286 social protection, a high level of envi- the sixth in the advanced countries of ronmental protection and the use of the world, about the significant level natural resources, and high prestige in of corruption that permeates the entire the world system of countries. In addi- society. tion, the mechanism of European inte- Fourth, perhaps, the most important gration, as we see, is a comprehensive problem is pathologically constant po- and widely vectored means of bringing litical instability in the country, which the domestic public system in general impedes its movement in a definite way, and the public administration system in but still far from its own, the European particular in line with European coun- community. terparts. The fifth reason is the remnants But on this way there are a number of of the Soviet mentality and the need significant problems that the country’s to gradually adapt to the cultural and resources — human, financial, material, mental level of the European commu- informational, and natural — should be nity. Certainly, this is not easy, but do- addressed in a priority direction. zens of countries of the former socialist The first and main problem is that camp have passed or are going through everything is clear at all, and which spe- such a path. So the experience of such a cific analogues seek to achieve — this is process is. the choice of Ukraine itself. It is logical The sixth reason is the need for a to seek the analogues of those countries significant increase in the level of the with the most similar social system and common culture, integrates the spiri- the public administration system. The tual and material components, to the choice of such analogues will make it level of the European culture of law, possible to clearly formulate the mis- economics, social provision, collective sion and develop a system of European security, the production of knowledge integration goals in the long, medium and services, science, attitude to people and short-term perspective. of any kind of work. The second problem is that each step In fact, the European integration will have to be planned by itself, but it processes in Ukraine take place against must be coordinated with the other, by the backdrop of the development of European partners from different in- basic mechanisms in public adminis- ternational institutions and countries. tration in the context of the paradigm From which — it will show the time “Good Governance” (virtuous gover- when these steps will be planned and nance). turn to them. The paradigm of “Good Gover- The third problem is the conside- nance”, or virtuous governance, as it is rable backwardness of the leading EU often called in Ukraine, was first pro- countries in terms of economic and so- posed in 1997 in the documents of the cial indicators. Similarly, according to United Nations Development Program the indicators of the public administra- [7]. tion system. It is also worth mention- It is based on a new model of public ing about the achievement of the fourth administration that differs from the pre- technological level in comparison with vious model of “state management” by

287 reducing, firstly, the level of decentral- whole and the informatization of the ization, as the countries of the world are public administration system in parti- building up an information society that cular. In turn, it is reasonably expected needs to realize large centralized funds; to increase the efficiency and effective- secondly, such a decrease in decentra- ness of the adoption, implementation lization leads to a lower level of corrup- of government-management decisions, tion losses, which, unfortunately, quan- and increase the efficiency of providing titatively (the amount, total amount various administrative services. of funds) have shown themselves to be Improving the efficiency and effec- at the local level of governance worse tiveness of the adoption and implemen- than the central one; thirdly, introdu- tation of government-management de- ces a new higher level of efficiency and cisions is associated with an increase in democratization of the public adminis- the amount of information received and tration itself through the transition to a processed electronically through com- system of principles, among which are puter systems and information techno- the principles: the rule of law; political logies (electronic information and re- pluralism; democracy; division and ba- ference, information and legal systems, lance of power; election and turnover networks, grid technologies, automated of officials; accountability of executive workstations of the manager, etc.). It is power institutions; achievement of the about forecasting, planning and design- goals in due time; minimum cost of pub- ing, monitoring, evaluation, monitor- lic resources; inclusiveness; transparen- ing, etc. cy; partisipativeness; the independence All this relates to strategic manage- of the media. ment and planning, program-target As stated in the paper [8], the para- (government action programs, national digm of good governance “is particu- and other targeted programs, regional larly relevant for our state, since, af- programs, national projects) manage- ter declaring the course on European ment, state and local budgeting. integration right up to EU member- Increasing the efficiency of provid- ship, it is very important to take into ing various administrative services account the experience of the partici- is associated with an increase in the pating countries of this organization volume of administrative services and in modernizing public administration their geography, and a reduction in the systems”. time of their provision (technology Let’s analyze what this really gives “single window”, information and ref- the country in the context of develop- erence electronic networks, etc.). ing the basic mechanisms in public ad- Secondly, the introduction of a good ministration. governance paradigm is accompanied First of all, the implementation by a reduction in corruption opportu- of the paradigm of good governance nities at the local level of government, is accompanied by an increase in the as well as by providing administrative amount of centralized funds in the services to officials. It also contributes county’s budget and an increase in the to the purposeful use of state budget cost of informatization of society as a funds and local budgets.

288 Thus, the significant contribution • the minimum costs of public re- of informational and administrative as- sources, since this factor characterizes pects to improving the efficiency of the the efficiency of functioning; basic mechanisms in public administra- • the division and balance of po- tion is made. wer, since the Constitution of Ukraine Similarly, the new system of good defines the administrative-territorial governance principles is also influ- structure and the main institutions enced. of the branches of power (parliament, Among these principles we have: president, government, central and lo- • the rule of law, since the Constitu- cal executive authorities, the system of tion of Ukraine actually proclaims the courts), their functions and powers; mission of Ukraine as a sovereign, inde- • the minimum cost of public re- pendent, democratic, legal, social state; sources, since this factor characterizes The laws of Ukraine adopt state-level the effectiveness of development. targeted programs and annual state The principles of inclusiveness (col- budgets; the Cabinet of Ministers of legiality), transparency (openness), Ukraine adopts other state target pro- participativity (participation) are the grams and national projects; principles of democratization of the • election and turnover of officials, adoption of public-management deci- in particular, the President of Ukraine, sions by involving the public and all in- people’s deputies, heads and deputies of terested individuals and organizations local councils, as they influence the for- in this process. mation of strategies, as well as national The principle of independence of and regional development programs at the media is a kind of public function the appropriate levels of government of monitoring the implementation of all and local self-government; mechanisms of public administration. • political pluralism, which empha- Within the European dimension, sizes the spread of all human rights and there are other modern concepts of the freedoms to people, regardless of their development of the system of public ad- political views (civil servants and of- ministration. At the same time, as noted ficials of local self-government can en- in [9], for most of them, “it is charac- gage in political activities outside their teristic to develop new mechanisms of place of work); relations with society, politicians and • accountability of executive po- citizens ... in two directions: on the one wer institutions, since the government, hand, efforts are being made to improve ministries, other central and local exe- the quality of services provided by the cutive authorities ensure the imple- state in particular, in education, health mentation of development strategies care, social insurance, etc., on the and programs, and the implementation other — new mechanisms are being of state and local budgets; formed to involve citizens in the pro- • achievement of goals in due time, cess of adopting and implementing as this is an important factor in the state decisions”. functioning that characterizes its effec- A very interesting remark was made tiveness; in [10], in particular that “good go-

289 vernance” defines an ideal that is diffi- change this system and the fragmentary cult to achieve in its entirety, although approach to reform (attempts to make this must be sought. Democratization, point changes)” [13]. civil society, decentralization, peaceful Among other problematic issues of conflict resolution and government ac- introducing the model and paradigm countability are characteristics of the of “good governance” in the domestic concept of good governance that is in- public administration system, in our herent in effective, democratic public opinion, it should be noted the follow- administration. The emphasis on good ing: governance promotes democratic go- • disregard for the world, first of all, vernments in the development of dem- European experience in implementing ocratic institutions ... ” the model and paradigm of “good go- A very important factor in the imple- vernance”; mentation of the concept of good gover- • excessive lobbying for decentra- nance is that within this “management lization by the authorities at the city model, the need to focus on the institu- level; tional context of the state in which it is • an attempt to reform the public implemented” is emphasized [11]. administration system, in particular by At the same time, domestic resear- moving to the model of “state manage- chers pay attention to certain short- ment” in real conditions of the limited comings of the implementation of the state’s budget; good governance principles in the pub- • lack of serious preparedness, first lic administration system of Ukraine. of all recruiting, to such a transition; For example, the paper [12] states that • in fact, there is an artificial at- “the current state of normative con- tempt to combine two different models solidation of the rule of law principle in of public administration, namely, “good Ukraine’s current legislation is charac- governance” and “state management”, terized by inadequate specification of etc. the content of the stated principle and Conclusions. The article considers the main features (criteria) of its due a number of contemporary aspects of observance by both the public (state the development of the basic mecha- and self-government) authorities and nisms of public administration, in par- citizens”. ticular, the European integration and in Well-known Polish analyst J. Gon- the context of the “Good Governance” zig, who has been working in Ukraine paradigm. The relevant issues are high- for a long time, believes that “the pub- lighted. lic administration system that exists today in Ukraine, despite repeated at- References tempts to reform it, has rudiments of 1. Kolodiy A. (2009), Ponyattya i kont- a command-administrative system of septsiyi demokratychnoho vryadu- governance based on excessive centra- vannya yak napryamu politychnykh lization of powers and functions. The ta upravlins’kykh doslidzhen’ [Demo- main reasons for this state are the lack cratic Governance in the context of Global Challenges and Crisis], Ma- of political will of the ruling elite to

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293 UDC: 35.077

Hasanov Ruslan Rafisovich, Post-Graduate Student, Department of Pub- lic Policy and Political Analytics, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Sofii Perovskoi, 5, tel.: (067) 418 26 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950 Хасанов Руслан Рафісович, аспірант кафедри публічної політики та політичної аналітики, Національна ака- демія державного управління при Прези- дентові України, 03057, Київ, вул. Софії Перовської, 5, тел.: (067) 418 26 42, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950 Хасанов Руслан Рафисович, аспирант кафедры публичной политики и политической аналитики, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, Киев, ул. Софьи Перовской, 5, тел.: (067) 418 26 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950 DOI


Abstract. On the basis of the archetypic analysis of development trends of a conflictological paradigm the author’s model of minimization of conflict potential in modern society is offered. Institutional construction is the basis for model that is harmonized with a factor of societal identity. It is noted that the problems of social conflicts, according to data from monitor- ing studies of the Ukrainian school of archetype, are increasingly shifted into the sphere of interpersonal relations. It is stimulated by the progression in society of so-called self-sufficient personalities, the “subjectification” of the social space, and at the same time narrowing down to the solution of entirely specific situations in which there is a collision of the interests of two or more parties. Instead, in order to find the optimal solution for resolving the conflict, it is necessary to have interdisciplinary knowledge, in particular understanding of the

294 deep nature of such conflicts. Collision of points of view, thoughts, positions — a very frequent phenomenon of modern social life. In order to develop the correct line of behavior in various conflict situations, it is important to adequately under- stand the nature of the emergence of the modern conflict and the mechanisms for resolving them in substance. Knowledge of conflict nature enriches the culture of communication and makes human life and social groups not only more calm, but also creates conditions for constructive development. It is proved that in modern life one can not but agree with the statement that an individual carries first re- sponsibility for his own life and only then for the life of the social groups to which he belongs. And while making decisions within the framework of modern mecha- nisms (consensus), the properties of human psychology such as extroversion, emo- tionality, irrationality, intuition, externality, and executive ability will not at least contribute to such a task. That is why in the author’s research attracted attention to the archetypal na- ture of the conflict — the primitive images, ideas, feelings inherent in man as a bearer of the collective unconscious. Keywords: social conflict, social identity, societal identity, societal changes, archetypic nature of the conflict. СОЦІАЛЬНИЙ КОНФЛІКТ: АРХЕТИПНА ПРИРОДА ТА МЕХАНІЗМ РОЗВ’ЯЗАННЯ Анотація. На основі архетипного аналізу тенденцій розвитку конфлік- тологічної парадигми пропонується авторська модель мінімізації конфлікт- ного потенціалу в сучасному суспільстві. В основу моделі покладено інсти- туційну побудову, що гармонізується з фактором соцієтальної ідентичності. Відзначено, що проблематика соціальних конфліктів, як свідчать дані моні- торингових досліджень Української школи архетипіки, дедалі зміщується у сферу міжособистісних відносин. Вона стимулюється прогресією в суспіль- стві так званих самодостатніх особистостей, “суб’єктивацією” соціального простору і водночас звужується до рішення цілком конкретних ситуацій, в яких спостерігається зіткнення інтересів двох або більшого числа сторін. Натомість, аби знайти оптимальне рішення щодо розв’язання конфлікту, потрібно мати міждисциплінарне знання, зокрема розуміння глибинної при- роди такого роду конфліктів. Зіткнення точок зору, думок, позицій — дуже часте явище сучасного суспільного життя. Щоби виробити вірну лінію пове- дінки в різних конфліктних ситуаціях, важливо адекватно розуміти природу виникнення сучасного конфлікту і механізми їх вирішення по суті. Знання конфліктної природи збагачує культуру спілкування і робить життя люди- ни та соціальних груп не тільки більш спокійним, але і створює умови для конструктивного розвитку. Доведено, що в сучасному житті вже не можна не погодитись із твердженням, що індивід несе передусім відповідальність за власне життя і лише потім за життя соціальних груп, до яких він належить. А під час прийняття рішень в межах дії сучасних механізмів (консенсусу) такі властивості людської психології, як екстраверсія, емоційність, ірраціо-

295 нальність, інтуїтивність, екстернальність та екзекутивність вже щонаймен- ше не сприятимуть такому завданню. Саме тому в авторському дослідженні привернуто увагу до архетипної природи конфлікту — первісних образів, ідей, почуттів, властивих людині як носію колективного несвідомого. Ключові слова: соціальний конфлікт, соціальна ідентичність, соцієталь- на ідентичність, соцієтальні зміни, архетипна природа конфлікту. СОЦИАЛЬНЫЙ КОНФЛИКТ: АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКАЯ ПРИРОДА И МЕХАНИЗМ РЕШЕНИЯ Аннотация. На основе архетипного анализа тенденций развития конфлик- тологической парадигмы предлагается авторская модель минимизации кон- фликтного потенциала в современном обществе. В основу модели положено институциональное построение, что гармонизируется с фактором социеталь- ной идентичности. Отмечено, что проблематика социальных конфликтов, как свидетельствуют данные мониторинговых исследований Украинской школы архетипики, все смещается в сферу межличностных отношений. Она стимулируется прогрессией в обществе так называемых самодостаточных личностей, “субъективации” социального пространства и одновременно су- жается к решению вполне конкретных ситуаций, в которых наблюдается столкновение интересов двух или большего числа сторон. Вместо того, чтобы найти оптимальное решение по решению конфликта, нужно иметь междисциплинарное знание, в частности понимание глубин- ной природы такого рода конфликтов. Столкновение точек зрения, мнений, позиций — очень частое явление современной общественной жизни. Чтобы выработать верную линию поведения в различных конфликтных ситуаци- ях, важно правильно понимать природу возникновения современного кон- фликта и механизмы их решения по существу. Знание конфликтной при- роды обогащает культуру общения и делает жизнь человека и социальных групп не только более спокойной, но и создает условия для конструктивного развития. Доказано, что в современной жизни уже нельзя не согласиться с утверждением, что индивид несет прежде всего ответственность за собст- венную жизнь и только потом за жизнь социальных групп, к которым он принадлежит. А при принятии решений в пределах действия современных механизмов (консенсуса) такие свойства человеческой психологии, как экстраверсия, эмоциональность, иррациональность, интуитивность, экстер- нальность и экзекутивность уже как минимум не будут способствовать та- кому заданию. Именно поэтому в авторском исследовании привлечено внимание к архе- типной природе конфликта — первобытных образов, идей, чувств, присущих человеку как носителю коллективного бессознательного. Ключевые слова: социальный конфликт, социальная идентичность, со- циетальная идентичность, социетальные изменения, архетипическая при- рода конфликта.

296 Statement of a problem. Social de- enriches the culture of communication velopment the indicator of which are and does human life and social groups the current transformation processes, not only quieter, but also creates con- provokes the essential growth of num- ditions for constructive development. ber of the social conflicts, complicates For this reason in an authoring re- their nature and at the same time ag- search attention to the archetypic na- gravates deficiency of theoretical ture of conflict — the primitive images, representations concerning mecha- the ideas, feelings inherent in the per- nisms of settlement of the social con- son as to the carrier collective uncons- flicts. Against the background of the cious is drawn. general growth of number of the pub- Analysis of the last researches and lications devoted to a conflictologi- publications. One of the key ideas of cal problematics there are practically last half a century is connected to world no works which would be directed processes of globalization and accord- to studying of the deep reasons of the ing to models of the conflict of civiliza- social conflicts and their influence on tions that hide the global social conflict life of the certain person and society in between center and a periphery colo- general. The problematics of the social nized by it [1, p. 172]. From now the conflicts as evidenced by monitoring conflictological problematics is consi- data from the Ukrainian school arche- dered as a separate direction of scien- typic, further is displaced to the sphere tific research, and their results become of the interpersonal relations. It is a reliable source of a statement of the stimulated by a progression in the com- social world and public safety. pany of so-called self-sufficient persons, For today in scientific literature on subjectification of social space and at conflictology theoretical and practi- the same time is narrowed to the so- cal problems of an essense, nature and lution of quite concrete situations in mechanisms of different conflicts are which collision of interests of two or discussed in detail. In particular, ac- bigger numbers of the parties is ob- cording to the nature of the modern — served. Postmodern society the probable na- Instead of finding an optimal solu- ture of causativity of the conflicts is tion on resolution of conflict, it is ne- revealed in it and at the same time, in cessary to have interdisciplinary the context of action of society stereo- knowledge, in particular understand- types of an era of the Modernist style ing of the depth nature of such con- it is claimed that without effective flicts. Collision of the points of view, institutes of the practician of settle- judgements, positions is very frequent ment of the conflicts falls into decay [2, phenomenon of the modern public life. p. 31]. To work out a right line of behavior in The American sociologist Pitirim different conflict situations, it is im- Sorokin in details analyzed a pheno- portant to understand adequately the menon of social revolution as the em- nature of origin of the modern conflict bodiments of system conflict collision and mechanisms of their decision in of different social interests. He has come fact. Knowledge of the conflict nature to a conclusion that the recipe of avoi-

297 dance of revolutions are timely reforms. 1) creation of the “correct” metho- However, exactly lack of efficiency of dology shall equip the sociologist with reforms, in her opinion, creates premi- the reliable instrument of knowledge; ses for explosion of revolution. Reforms 2) analysis of historical evolution of can be successful if they: division of labor is designed to show the “1) do not destroy human nature “correct” way of movement of mankind and do not contradict basic instincts; from mechanical (primitive and forced) 2) careful scientific research of spe- to organic (conscious and voluntary) cific social conditions shall precede any solidarity; practical stage of the beginning of re- 3) specific (statistical) research of forms; an essense of suicide aims to reveal the 3) each reform needs to be tested abnormal statuses, deviations from the at first on objects of smaller social scale; “correct” way (i. e. solidarity) and to 4) reforms shall be put into prac- warn mankind about possible conse- tice by legal and constitutional means” quences of public order corrupting; [3, p. 271]. 4) doctrine about religion and edu- But such ideal status of carrying cation equips us with the “correct” out reforms is very rarely seen in a real technology of overcoming crisis statu- story. ses and solidifyings of solidarity. The considerable contribution to Social solidarity — the main force understanding of the public nature and which cements and unites society, cre- to questions of a unification of people ating public unity. It arises as a logical in society was realized by the represen- consequence of public division of labor, tative of the French sociological school that is specialization and distribution Emil Durkheim. For sociology there is of people by professions. The individu- no more humane task, than to under- als connected by labor functions in stand what induces people to live to- the uniform system of the public rela- gether, why the stable social order ap- tions become already not just carriers pears the highest value for them, what of professional roles, but also socially laws control the interpersonal rela- mature persons. Solidarity is based on tions. But not only to understand, but on collective consciousness — set of the also to offer the government specific general beliefs and feelings which are recommendations about the organiza- shared by members of one group or so- tion of the modern life. Not the fight ciety. Collective consciousness reflects of classes, but coexistence of compre- character of the people, its ideals and hensively developed persons (which traditions. is not shorted in class, professional or So, for creation of steady society exclusive interests), “solidary life” is with the minimum risk of conflictness the prime target in E. Durkheim [4, it is necessary to put natural evolu- p. 315–326]. tionary model of identity in the basis According to such humanistic in- of its construction or, in other words, tention he builds all program of his ac- to develop social institutes according tivities which can be divided into four to stages of development of identity parts: which was theoretically planned by the

298 German-American psychologist Erik modified. Cardinal changes is happen- Erikson [5] and the domestic sociolo- ing with human nature, its conscious gist Eduard Afonin has subjected to the and unconscious. Respectively the con- practical archetypical analysis and veri- flictological cultural paradigm of soci- fication within the Ukrainian society ety changes. In particular, the institu- [6, 7]. tional bases connected with social-class Concerning integrated society, then public consciousness become exhausted “Solidary life” (according to Durk- in it and, on the contrary, internal and heim), which individuals get the so- psychological factors and new institutes cietal1 identity relying on individual connected with democratic mecha- values, can become an example of it. nisms of conflict resolutions become The purpose of the article is the au- priority. thor’s attempt to formulate and prove There is a need for new knowledge prerequisites of minimization of poten- about the conflicts and ways of their tial for conflict in modern society. peaceful solution. At the same time Statement of basic materials. In many heads “from the past” prefer to present difficult conditions of a transi- solve the conflicts and conflict situa- tional era of social development when tions by power methods, even without the anomy absorbs society, causes dis- guessing that for today there is a wide integration processes and disintegra- arsenal of new constructive methods of tion of system of social norms which an exit from the conflict, they can con- guarantee public order (according to ditionally be designated as situations E. Durkheim) not only facial layers of “a prize — a prize”. public system (social institutes) are Taking into account the fact that the person always acts as a conflict source, 1 The term “societal” was introduced for scien- we will try to carry out the psychologi- tific use in 1906 in the context of approach of public and transformational processes of “a cal analysis of the conflict, and for this great depression” by the first professor of Yale purpose we will address the personal University (USA) William Sumner. He con- theory of the American psychologist nected relevance of his innovation with new (more difficult and developed) social nature; Erik Erikson [5]. In this context we will he sought to mark out regularities of a cer- try to understand what is the “social” tain collective or group organization of the and “societal” identities and also how individual activity (Sumner W. G. Folkways. A study of the sociological impotence new — societal nature of public system of useges, manners, customs, mores, and influences its development during the morals. — Boston, 1906). His pupil and the Postmodern era. Respectively we will follower, professor of Yale University Albert be able to understand how to reach Keller uses this concept for the sociological analysis of organizational aspects of activity constancy — non-conflictual public of society, seeking to construct the complete existence in the conditions of new, dy- theory of societal evolution (see: Keller A. G. namic by its nature public system, that Societal evolution: study of the evolutionary basis of the science of cociety. — New Haven, the factor of societality is a determin- 1915). The American sociologist Talkott Par- ing factor in it, and a phenomenon of sons uses the term “societal” for the characte- “solidary life” (according to E. Durk- ristic of the processes happening in society in general, and the term “social” — to the social heim) — complementary (supplement- phenomena and processes. ing) factor.

299 The theory of identity of E. Erikson choanalysis than the allocated concept opens stages and factors of development of “Ego psychology”. At the heart of of the personality in society, defines the this concept intended by A. Freud and key psychosocial qualities of the per- A. Kardiner the idea that a main part sonality necessary for a harmonious of personality organization is not entrance of the personality to a social unconscious “Id” as in S. Freud, but group [5]. E. Afonin in his researches the reportable part of the Ego which claims that development stages are seeks in the context of self-develop- characteristic for society, besides they ment for maintaining its integrity and are identical to stages of the persona- identity. lity development. He investigated and No less important, the personal the- detailed an archetypic nature of these ory of Erikson has connected together stages [6, 7]. several tendencies in development of Having studied and having analysed personality psychology. It has connected development of identity processes, it psychoanalytic approach of Freud will become possible to construct social with the important ideas of humanistic system in which the purpose of each of psychology of K. Rogers, in particular individual or collective social subjects thoughts about an ambiguous role of will make harmonious joint unity. How adaptation which stops self-develop- it is possible? One of the most exact an- ment of the personality, and importance swers is offered by E. Durkheim in its of maintaining by the identity of own work about public division of labor in identity and integrity. Basic provisions which he offers constructions of “or- of E. Erikson’s concept have been by ganic” and “mechanical” solidarity. him in the book “Childhood and So- So, to understand how the personal- ciety” (1950) which has brought him ity develops, we will consider the per- broad popularity. His following works sonal theory of E. Erikson [5]. as “Young Man Luther” (1958), “Iden- From all theories of analytical psy- tity” (1968) and “Gandhi’s Truth” chology, appeared in the second half of (1969) have laid the foundation of new the 20th century, perhaps, the personal approach to the analysis of relationship theory of E. Erikson became the most between the person and society includ- recognized and widespread. It is con- ing in the analysis of historical events nected with the fact that his thoughts and characters. Thereby the separate of integrity of the personality, its same- direction in the history of psychological ness (identity) to itself and to society science, received the name “psychohis- in which it lives became relevant for tory”, has been put. the majority of the modern countries Personal theory of Erikson not only in which one of the most painful public reconsiders Freud’s positions concern- problems is the dissociation and loneli- ing hierarchy of the personality struc- ness of people. tures, but also in understanding of a Being a pupil and follower of Anna role of the environment, culture and a Freud (daughter of Sigmund Freud) social environment of the child which, E. Erikson studied and further deve- from his point of view, have huge influ- loped rather the initial ideas of psy- ence on development. He places special

300 emphasis on the relations “the child — age, ethnic, professional and others family”, and is more concrete on the re- social (read as social and material) dif- lations the child — mother”. At the same ferences and kinds of social identity. time he considers that “congenital incli- But in modern life it is no longer nations” of the person are fragments of possible to agree with a statement that aspirations which have to gather, gain the individual bears first of all responsi- value and be organized in the period bility for own life and only then for life of long children’s age. Lengthening of of social groups to which he belongs. the childhood period of just is also con- And during decision-making within nected with this need of socialization operation of modern mechanisms (con- of children. For this reason E. Erikson sensus) such properties of human psy- proved that “instinctive arms” (sexual chology as extraversion, emotionality, and aggressive) of the person are much irrationality, intuitivism, externality more mobile and more plastically, than and executivity already at least won’t at animals. The organization and the promote such task. What psychosocial direction of development of these con- properties of the individual are capable genital inclinations are connected with for its successful activity today? methods of upbringing and education The response to this question opens which change from culture to culture a concept essence "societal identity" and are predetermined by traditions. which was introduced for scientific use Each society develops its own insti- by professor E. Afonin [7, p. 267]. In its tutes of socialization to help children judgement, the new psychosocial type with various individual qualities to be- of the personality is inherent to a new come full-fledged members of this so- socio-historical era of the Postmodern. cial group. In particular, it is about counteraverse Social sciences traditionally operate in relation to “emotional sensitive” per- with the term “social identity” which son of the Modernist style era, “ratio- means belonging of subjects to certain nal” psychosocial type of the persona- social groups and identification with lity and contradictory sign of qualities: them. Such theoretical approach quite introversion, pragmatism, rationality, corresponded to an era of a revolutio- sensitivity, internality, intentionality. nary modernist style. More precisely, it He defines an essense of each of these corresponded the psychosocial nature sign sas: of (“emotionally sensitive”) that time 1) extraversion/introversion: re- person with a certain set of psychoso- veals mental installation on view of life, cial properties: “extraversion”, “emo- characterizes a directivity of mentality tionality”, “irrationality”, “intuiti- on an external, object and material es- vism”, “externality”, “executivity” sence of objects and things (material- [7, p. 265–266]. Exactly this set of hu- istic pattern of the world), or, on the man properties was the cause of domina- contrary — on an internal, subject and tion in the society of materialistic views idealistic entity of objects and things of history”, and in the context of public (idealistic pattern of the world); consciousness — distribution of iden- 2) emotionality/pragmatism: de- tification practicians, based on class, fines the mental and qualitative charac-

301 teristics oriented on socially important were solved by force methods, then (moral) behavior or on utilitarian va- now the logical decision on the “win- lues (the material favor, economic effi- win” model is peculiar to overcoming ciency etc); the conflicts. 3) irrationality/rationality: de- The considerable contribution to fines a decision-making method (as the understanding of the public nature and evaluation and strong-willed act, or in to questions of a unification of people in a consequence of reasonable calcula- society was realized by the representa- tion); tive of the French sociological school 4) intuitivism/sensitivity: reveals Emil Durkheim. For this sociology features of interaction of the person there is no more humane task, than to with the world; understand what induces people to live 5) externality/internality (or as it is together, why the stable social order ap- called scale locus monitoring): defines pears the highest value for them, what tendency of the subject to attribute re- laws control the interpersonal relations. sponsibility for results of its activities But not only to understand, but also to to external (state and public) or inter- offer the government specific recom- nal (personal and personal) forces; mendations about the organisation of 6) executivity/intentionality: shows the modern life. Not the fight of classes, gender identification of people as men- but coexistence of comprehensively de- tal property and tendency to imple- veloped persons (which is not shorted mentation of the sociocultural roles in class, professional or exclusive inte- which are traditionally carried to the rests), “solidary life” is the prime target woman (functioning/reproduction of in E. Durkheim [4, p. 326]. integrity) or the man (a development/ According to such humanistic in- output out of limits of unity). tention he builds all program of its ac- These results of researches acquire tivities which can be divided into four nowadays extreme relevance of virtu- parts: ality and social networks. If in the so- 1) creation of the “correct” metho- ciety of a former era of the Modernist dology shall arm the sociologist with style the personality was guided, first the reliable instrument of knowledge; of all, by needs of community or soci- 2) the analysis of historical evolu- ety, and the conflicts were solved as tion of division of labor is designed to class-irreconcilable (“or/or”). Perhaps show the “correct” way of movement of a compromise was possible (“consent mankind from mechanical (primitive on a negative”). Now, in the conditions and forced) to organic (conscious and of the Postmodern, we pass to existence voluntary) solidarity; model in which decisions are made by 3) the specific (statistical) research the individual on the basis of preferen- of an essense of suicide sets as the pur- tially own interests, and the all-social pose to reveal the abnormal statuses, decision is made on a formula “consen- deviations from the “correct” way (i. e. sus” (“consent on a positive”). solidarity) and to warn mankind about In other words, if earlier (during an possible consequences of corrupting of era which passes) conflict situations public order;

302 4) the doctrine about religion and years there was an essential progression education arms us with the “correct” as general part of carriers of identity technology of overcoming crisis states in Ukraine (46,8 %), and its compo- and strengthenings of solidarity. nents — societal (25,5 %) and social Social solidarity — the main force (21,3 %) identities. And the mode of which cements and unites society, cre- the first, by all means, remained the ating public whole. It arises as a logical leader. In the nearest future, on moni- consequence of public division of labor, toring expectations, the cumulative in- that is specialization and distribution dicator of identity has to reach 2/3 of of people by professions. The individu- adult populations, and it radically will als connected by labor functions in the change a situation in Ukraine. uniform system of the public relations So, in Ukraine the state forming become not just carriers of professional processes, leaning on all society based roles, but also socially mature persons. on the self-sufficient personality with Solidarity is founded on collective con- its societal identity, have to make de- sciousness — set of the general beliefs velopment of the public and imperious and feelings which are shared by mem- relations with the minimum risk of con- bers of one group or society. Collective flictness. consciousness reflects character of the Conclusions: people, its ideals and traditions, is in- 1. The carried-out analysis has herent the Modernist style (industrial) shown radical changes which are en- society. dured by a conflictological paradigm Modern Postmodern society is made, with globalization of public and trans- mainly, by “self-sufficient individuals” formational processes. In particular, with the corresponding individual and the analysis has confirmed conclusions valuable principles and rational con- of other researches on the shift of epi- sciousness. As the uniting mechanism center of the conflict in modern — the of such individuals the phenomenon Postmodern world with externally — “organic solidarity” acts and it needs material plan, on internal-psychologi- scientific and empirical verification. cal plan, from the sphere of conscious But by the monitoring researches of to the sphere archetypic unconscious. the Ukrainian school of an archetype 2. The research has confirmed the which are already conducted within opinion of the French psychologist archetypal methodology and tool base Serge Moscovici on the importance (1992–2017) [6] it is established that of a psychological factor in the mo- “orange revolution” (2004) became dern world [8, p. 7]. In particular, it manifestation the birth in Ukraine has proved that modern public and new — the self-sufficient person, the transformational processes make actual carrier of societal identity. deep interrelations in social system, re- So, among total of Ukrainian, car- moving the psychological mechanism riers of identity as of 2004 (34 %), the of identity to the place of a backbone part of carriers of societal identity has factor. made 21,3 %, and carriers of social 3. Key prerequisite of minimization identity — 12,4 %. Within the last 13 of conflictness in modern society is

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305 UDC: 728

Chaplay Iryna Vіtalіivna, PhD in Public Administration, Executive Di- rector of the Presidium of the civic scientific organization, “Ukrainian Assembly of doc- tors of science in public administration”, PhD student of the Department of Public Admin- istration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: irina_pravo@ ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610 Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління, виконавчий директор Президії Всеукраїн- ської асамблеї докторів наук з державного управління, докторант кафедри публіч- ного адміністрування, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610 Чаплай Ирина Витальевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, исполнительный директор Президи- ума Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, докто- рант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управ- ления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610 DOI


Abstract. The article features the behavior of participants in social and civil dialogue. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the main tools for the formation of the social and civilian potential of state development. The central role in shaping this process was played by the state authorities, providing the necessary communication tools of communication, which take place in all direc- tions of public administration. These tools are both formal and informal.

306 It has been determined that these lower units in the multilayer system of com- munication support of state administration may not have sufficient powers to make a complex decision in their area of competence. This may reduce their own initiative and, in a broader sense, the habit of comfort, routine and the lack of an innovative communication process. On the contrary, a properly organized social and civil dialogue is developing on the basis of stimulating its self-organization and self-improvement. It is substantiated that the main functions of establishing a social and civ- il dialogue for state development are the coordination and coordination of the main tasks of information exchange and the formation of an atmosphere of mu- tual support and trust. The trustworthy nature of the social and civic provision of public administration is a prerequisite for a communication process through which information for a public decision is passed from one participant to another organization. This very form of social and civil dialogue has the potential to be an integrated means for uniting often conflicting participants in the communication process to ensure that common and acceptable solutions are adopted for both parties. The main problem of the formation of the socio-civilian potential of state development is due to the fact that not all information related to decision-making is in the hands of the subject of decision-making. That is why the necessary part of the democratic form of government is the establishment of meaningful com- munication tools of state authorities and the public. Keywords: communication, social-civil dialogue, state administration, bodies of state power. ОГЛЯД ДИСКУРСНОГО ПОЛЯ ПРОБЛЕМАТИКИ СТАНОВЛЕННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНО-ГРОМАДЯНСЬКОГО ДІАЛОГУ ДЛЯ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РОЗВИТКУ Анотація. Відображено особливості поведінки учасників соціально-гро- мадянського діалогу. Особливу увагу приділено формуванню основних ін- струментів становлення соціально-громадянського потенціалу державного розвитку. Не останню роль у формуванні цього процесу відіграли органи державної влади, забезпечуючи необхідні комунікаційні інструменти зв’язку, що проходять по всіх напрямках державного управління. Ці інструменти є як формальними, так і неформальними. Визначено, що у багатошаровій си- стемі комунікаційного забезпечення державного управління ці нижні одини- ці не можуть мати достатньо повноважень для прийняття складного рішення у сфері їх компетенції. Це може призвести до зменшення їх власної ініціа- тиви та, в більш широкому сенсі, до звички комфортності, рутини та відсут- ності інноваційного процесу комунікаційної діяльності. А має бути навпаки, правильно організований соціально-громадянський діалог розвивається на основі стимулювання до його самоорганізації й самовдосконалення. Обґрунтовано, що основними функціями становлення соціально-грома- дянського діалогу для державного розвитку є узгодження та координація основних завдань обміну інформацією та формування атмосфери взаємної

307 підтримки та довіри. Довірливий характер соціально-громадянського забез- печення державного управління є обов’язковою умовою комунікаційного процесу, за допомогою якого інформація для прийняття державного рішення передається від одного учасника організації іншому. Саме така форма соці- ально-громадянського діалогу має потенціал бути інтегрованим засобом для об’єднання часто конфліктуючих учасників комунікаційного процесу для забезпечення прийняття спільних та прийнятних для обох сторін рішень. Основна проблема становлення соціально-громадянського потенціалу дер- жавного розвитку пов’язана з тим, що не вся інформація, що має відношення до прийняття рішень, знаходиться в руках суб’єкта прийняття рішень. Ось чому необхідною частиною демократичної форми державного управління є встановлення осмислених комунікаційних інструментів органів державної влади з громадськістю. Ключові слова: комунікація, соціально-громадянський діалог, державне управління, органи державної влади. ОБЗОР ДИСКУРСНОГО ПОЛЯ ПРОБЛЕМАТИКИ СТАНОВЛЕНИЯ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ГРАЖДАНСКОГО ДИАЛОГА ДЛЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ Аннотация. Отражены особенности поведения участников социально- гражданского диалога. Особое внимание уделено формированию основных инструментов становления социально-гражданского потенциала государ- ственного развития. Не последнюю роль в формировании этого процесса сыграли органы государственной власти, обеспечивая необходимые комму- никационные инструменты связи, проходящие по всем направлениям госу- дарственного управления. Эти инструменты есть как формальными, так и неформальными. Определено, что в многослойной системе коммуникационного обеспе- чения государственного управления эти нижние единицы не могут иметь достаточно полномочий для принятия сложного решения в сфере их ком- петенции. Это может привести к уменьшению их собственной инициативы и, в более широком смысле, к привычке комфортности, рутины и отсутст- вия инновационного процесса коммуникационной деятельности. А должно быть наоборот, правильно организованный социально-гражданский диалог развивается на основе стимулирования к его самоорганизации и самосовер- шенствования. Обосновано, что основными функциями становления социально-гра- жданского диалога для государственного развития является согласование и координация основных задач обмена информацией и формирования ат- мосферы взаимной поддержки и доверия. Доверчивый характер социаль- но-гражданского обеспечения государственного управления является обя- зательным условием коммуникационного процесса, с помощью которого информация для принятия государственного решения передается от одного участника организации к другому. Сама такая форма социально-гражданско-

308 го диалога имеет потенциал быть интегрированным средством для объеди- нения часто конфликтующих участников коммуникационного процесса для обеспечения принятия совместных и приемлемых для обеих сторон реше- ний. Основная проблема становления социально-гражданского потенциала государственного развития связана с тем, что не вся информация, имеющая отношение к принятию решений, находится в руках субъекта принятия ре- шений. Вот почему необходимой частью демократической формы государ- ственного управления является установление осмысленных коммуникаци- онных инструментов органов государственной власти с общественностью. Ключевые слова: коммуникация, социально-гражданский диалог, госу- дарственное управление, органы государственной власти.

Formulation of the problem. It is M. Oklander, Ye. Romanenko, V. Ty- important to avoid overloading of the moshchuk, T. Fedoriv, etc. communication system and, as a result, Formulating the article goals to prevent distortion of information (statement of the task). The purpose content when developing a specific be- of this study is to clarify the state-ma- havioural plan for all participants in the nagement methodology for regulating social and civil dialogue [1, p. 32–33]. social and civil dialogue for the state Distortion can be both deliberate and development of Ukraine. unintentional. The possibility of unin- Presenting main material. In cir- tentional distortion of the information cumstances when’ there are many ma- content of information is also possible nagerial levels in public administration, due to the complexity of state-man- the central management body should agement relations, especially in the clearly identify the prospective goals framework of multilevel organizational and tasks that should be performed by structures of state authorities. The un- lower units. However, these lower units intentional distortion of information may not have sufficient authority to content of the social and state dialogue make a complex decision in their sphere may also be related to attempts to find of competence in a multi-layered com- the best way to control the communica- munication system for public admin- tion process. istration. This may lead to reducing of Analysis of recent researches and their own initiative and, in a broader publications. The following works are sense, to the habit of comfort, routine devoted to some questions of the analy- and lack of an innovative communica- sis of activities of the regulatory au- tion process. On the contrary, a proper- thorities in the process of establishing ly organized social-civil dialogue is de- a social and civil dialogue for the state veloping on the basis of stimulation to development that promote the deve- its self-organization and self-improve- lopment of state administration branch: ment [2, p. 47]. V. Homolska, S. Dubenko, V. Kozakov, The main functions of establishing a I. Koliushko, S. Kravchenko, S. Martov, social and civil dialogue for state devel-

309 opment are the adjustment and coordi- • achievement of state national nation of the main tasks of information goals; exchange and the formation of an at- • organization of the process of mosphere of mutual support and trust. providing public services to more The trustworthy nature of the social sensitive to local needs; and civic provision of public adminis- • providing the citizens with grea- tration is a prerequisite for a commu- ter opportunities to participate nication process through which infor- in government decisions, etc. mation for a public decision is passed The main problem of formation of from one participant of organization to the social and civil potential of state another. This very form of social and development is related to the fact that civil dialogue has the potential to be an not all information concerning deci- integrated tool for uniting of often con- sion-making is in hands of the subject flicting participants in the communica- of decision-making. That is why the tion process to ensure that common necessary part of the democratic form and acceptable solutions are adopted of government is the establishment of for both parties. meaningful communication tools of Defining the goals of establishing a state authorities with the public [3, social and civil dialogue for state de- p. 43]. In the opinion of American velopment allows to formulate its main professor Simon, failures in the imple- instruments within the scope of public mentation of communication in public administration. According to American administration occur whenever it is for- scientist in the field of social sciences gotten that behaviour of the citizens is Herbert A. Simon, who is known for an instrument for achieving a commu- the theory of administrative behaviour, nicative balance in the state-civil soci- “there can be no organization without ety relationship. communication” [3]. In his concept of It is also necessary to remember communication in public administra- that even the German sociologist Max tion, the matter is that the organization Weber argued that modern state com- of public administration is a two-way munication is one of the factors of state process: it is understood as the transfer growth and prosperity [4, p. 55]. of information from a certain decision- In this respect, the main tools for es- making centre and the transfer of deci- tablishing social and civil potential of sions received from this centre to other state development are the following: parts of the organization. The state au- • Holding public hearings and thority should provide the necessary round tables with the participation of communicative communication tools, representatives of state authorities and which spread in all directions of its ac- the public with the purpose of identify- tivity. These tools are both formal and ing topical issues of state development informal. and preparation of proposals; Communicative instruments should • Organization of expert seminars penetrated throughout the system of and meetings in order to prepare re- public administration, which in turn commendations for addressing issues of will contribute to: state development;

310 • Conducting of sessions or commit- communication needs, driven by the tee meetings with an opportunity for tasks and the need for effective ma- the public to express its positions on a nagement decisions, but also the needs particular issue of state development; of individuals, legal entities and central • Organization of public discussions, bodies of state executive power. conferences, forums and seminars in or- Conclusions. So, summing up the der to inform and discuss the results of aforementioned, one can say that one policy implementation with the partici- of the most important features of the pation of civil society organizations and communicative characteristics of so- citizens; cial and civil dialogue instruments is • Coolection, processing and giving that they are, always connected with feedback to the meeting both from the an administrative model of state gover- authorities and from the public; nance within the public administration • Involvement of civil society or- system scope. Legal reflections of this ganizations in policy development or model determine the competence of decision-making individual tools of the communication • Civil society organizations should process and the complexity of commu- have the right to remain indepen- nication relationships [5]. dent — to organize campaigns related to relevant policy issues • Possibility of making joint deci- References sions (for example, when forming local 1. Máša, M. Efektivnost veřejné správy budgets), etc. a správní věda (Vybrané kapitoly). The specificity of the above-men- Brno: MU 2001. (Účelový tisk), p.39. tioned instruments of social and civil 2. Kiselev G. M., Bochkova R. V., Safo- development is the following: nov V. I. (2009), Ynformatsyonnыe tekhnolohyy v эkonomyke y upravle- – communications in state authori- nyy [Information Technologies in Eco- ties in most cases are mandatory and nomics and Management], Dashkov y the processes of their implementation Ko, Moscow. are determined by the influence of in- 3. Shagal E. I. (1998), Struktura y ternal and external factors; hranytsы polytycheskoho dyskursa – communicative processes in the [Structure and boundaries of politi- field of consumption of public services cal discourse], Philologica, Krasnodar, are the constituent elements of proce- Moskva. dure for the use of these services (ad- 4. Weber M.: Autorita, etika a společnost ministrative/regulatory, public, social, (Pohled sociologie dějin). Praha: Mlad fronta 1997, p. 76. etc.); á 5. Mazur V. G. (2011), “Communication – state authorities carry out opera- as a mechanism of interaction between tional control over the effectiveness of state authorities and the public at the their influence on solving public prob- regional level” Derzhavne upravlinnya: lems through the establishment of com- udoskonalennya ta rozvytok, [Online], municative processes; vol. 8, available at: – public authorities should satisfy UJRN/Duur_2011_8_9 (Accessed 4 not only their own informational and Aug 2017).

311 Список використаних джерел

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312 UDC: 331.108.45 Shostak Svetlana Nikolaevna, postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Acade- my of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3409-5816 Шостак Світлана Миколаївна, аспірант кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фро- метівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3409-5816 Шостак Светлана Николаевна, аспирант кафедры публичного админис- трирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3409-5816 DOI

PUBLIC REGULATION OF COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS: EXPERIENCE OF THE COUNTRIES OF EASTERN EUROPE Abstract. The article analyzes the effectiveness of the activities of internatio- nal financial organizations in the context of their cooperation with the countries of Eastern Europe. The article clarifies that financing by international financial organizations of the private sector of Eastern Europe creates preconditions for raising their economic and social efficiency and for creating not only collective but also social goods. The main goals of the Eastern European countries, financed by international financial organizations, are considered in detail. It is proved that the financing of the private sector of the Eastern European countries of the EBRD creates the preconditions for raising their economic and so- cial efficiency and for creating not only collective but also public goods. However, the implementation of these prerequisites depends on a sound economic policy of the country, the timely formation of a new institutional structure for the function- ing of the public sector, etc. It is noted that for the effective provision of this area of cooperation with the EBRD to the countries of Eastern Europe it is necessary:

313 • facilitate the transition from the capital and labor-intensive export of indus- trial products to high-tech and innovative; • to provide state aid for the formation of foreign capital by creating special zones of export production with a favorable tax regime; • implement a planned approach to regulating the development of the national economy on the basis of optimization of the state procurement process, the forma- tion of subsidies and other forms of state regulation of investment activity, etc. It is noted that in general, the experience of cooperation of the countries of Eastern Europe with international financial organizations and for Ukraine is im- portant. After all, in Ukraine there are a number of political factors that hinder the development of foreign investments due to the non-adaptation of domes- tic enterprises to the world market conditions of cooperation. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to reorganize the structure of state management of industrial objects and to establish mechanisms for legislative regulation of this process. Keywords: public regulation, countries of Eastern Europe, international fi- nancial organizations, investments, economic growth. ДЕРЖАВНЕ РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ СПІВПРАЦІ З МІЖНАРОДНИМИ ФІНАНСОВИМИ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯМИ: ДОСВІД КРАЇН СХІДНОЇ ЄВРОПИ Анотація. Проаналізовано ефективність діяльності міжнародних фінан- сових організацій в контексті їх співробітництва із країнами Східної Європи. У статті з’ясовано, що фінансування міжнародними фінансовими організаці- ями приватного сектора країн Східної Європи створює передумови для під- вищення рівня їх економічної та соціальної ефективностей, для створення не тільки колективних, але і суспільних благ. Детально розглянуто основні цілі, що досягаються у країнах Східної Європи за рахунок фінансування міжна- родними фінансовими організаціями. Доведено, що фінансування приватного сектора країн Східної Європи ЄБРР створює передумови для підвищення рівня їх економічної та соціаль- ної ефективностей та для створення не тільки колективних, але і суспільних благ. Проте реалізація цих передумов залежить від здорової економічної по- літики країни, своєчасного формування нової інституційної структури для функціонування державного сектору тощо. Відзначено, що для ефективного забезпечення даного напрямку співпраці із ЄБРР країнам Східної Європи необхідно: • сприяти переходу від капітального і трудомісткого експорту промисло- вої продукції до високотехнологічного та інноваційного; • надавати державну допомогу для забезпечення формування іноземного капіталу шляхом створення спеціальних зон експортного виробництва із ви- гідним податковим режимом; • впроваджувати планований підхід до регулювання розвитку національ- ної економіки на основі оптимізації процесу державних закупівель, форму-

314 вання субсидій та інших форм державного регулювання інвестиційної діяль- ності тощо. Відмічено, що, загалом, важливим є досвід співпраці країн Східної Європи із міжнародними фінансовими організаціями і для України. Адже на сьогодні в Україні існує ряд політичних факторів, що гальмують розвиток зовнішніх інвестицій через неадаптованість вітчизняних підприємств до світових рин- кових умов співпраці. Щоб вирішити цю проблему, потрібно реорганізувати структуру державного управління об'єктами промисловості та налагодити механізми законодавчого регулювання даного процесу. Ключові слова: державне регулювання, країни Східної Європи, міжна- родні фінансові організації, інвестиції, економічне зростання. ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА С МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫМИ ФИНАНСОВЫМИ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМИ: ОПЫТ СТРАН ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЫ Аннотация. Проанализирована эффективность деятельности междуна- родных финансовых организаций в контексте их сотрудничества со страна- ми Восточной Европы. В статье установлено, что финансирование междуна- родными финансовыми организациями частного сектора стран Восточной Европы создает предпосылки для повышения уровня их экономической и социальной эффективностей и для создания не только коллективных, но и общественных благ. Подробно рассмотрены основные цели, достигаемые в странах Восточной Европы за счет финансирования международными фи- нансовыми организациями. Доказано, что финансирование частного сектора стран Восточной Евро- пы ЕБРР создает предпосылки для повышения уровня их экономической и социальной эффективности и для создания не только коллективных, но и общественных благ. Однако реализация этих предпосылок зависит от здоро- вой экономической политики страны, своевременного формирования новой институциональной структуры для функционирования государственного сектора и тому подобное. Отмечено, что для эффективного обеспечения данного направления со- трудничества с ЕБРР странам Восточной Европы необходимо: • способствовать переходу от капитального и трудоемкого экспорта про- мышленной продукции к высокотехнологическому и инновационному; • оказывать государственную помощь для обеспечения формирования иностранного капитала путем создания специальных зон экспортного про- изводства с выгодным налоговым режимом; • внедрять планируемый подход к регулированию развития националь- ной экономики на основе оптимизации процесса государственных закупок, формирование субсидий и других форм государственного регулирования инвестиционной деятельности и тому подобное. Отмечено, что в целом важен опыт сотрудничества стран Восточной Европы с международными финансовыми организациями и для Украины.

315 Ведь сегодня в Украине существует ряд политических факторов, тормозя- щих развитие внешних инвестиций через неадаптированность отечествен- ных предприятий к мировым рыночным условиям сотрудничества. Чтобы решить эту проблему, нужно реорганизовать структуру государственного управления объектами промышленности и наладить механизмы законода- тельного регулирования данного процесса. Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование, страны Восточной Европы, международные финансовые организации, инвестиции, экономи- ческий рост.

Problem statement. The role of Kaminal, N. B. Bidnyk, V. O. Dany- international financial organizations, liuk, N. M. Zaiarna, V. P. Kolosova [3], which not only contribute to the deve- R. I. Kopych, M. Kulbida [1], O. M. Ne- lopment of the socio-economic sphere of pomniaschyi, N. I. Pattyk, V. M. Fe- governance in Europe, but also is one of dosov, P. I. Yukhymenko [2] and the important factors for ensuring their others. sustainable development, is growing in Formulating goals of the article. modern conditions of development of The purpose of the article is to cha- the world economy. This cooperation racterize the influence of international is especially important for the coun- financial organizations on the state tries of Eastern Europe, which today, economic and financial development of although they have become members Eastern European countries. of the European Union, still need struc- Presentation of the main research tural reforms to overcome the crisis in material. The modern institutional the economy and seek to restore the structure of international financial or- prospects for industrial growth of the ganizations is characterized by an ex- main sectors of the economy. Therefore, tensive system of intergovernmental the activities of international financial organizations and institutions, which organizations in the context of their co- include both global and regional mo- operation with the countries of Eastern netary and financial institutions. In Europe is extremely relevant and is the particular, there are such major in- subject of study of domestic and foreign ternational financial organizations as scholars in public administration and the World Bank Group, the European related fields of science [1, p. 3]. Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- Analysis of recent research and ment (EBRD), the European Invest- publications. Issues of the impact of ment Bank, the Northern Investment international financial organizations Bank, the Credit Institution for Re- on the processes of economic growth construction (German State Bank as in Eastern Europe are the subject of re- KfW) and others. These international search by the following scholars, name- organizations play an important role in ly: R. Atoian, E. Boldechi, B. Joshi, the formation of credit resources and in K. Krohulski, J. Ruef, R. Olivares- the regulation of the modern economy

316 of Poland, Georgia, Romania and other • To provide state aid to ensure the countries of Eastern Europe [2]. formation of foreign capital by creating The EBRD is one of the leading in- special zones of export production with ternational financial institutions with favourable tax regime; the highest credit rating of AAA. The • To implement the planned ap- Bank provides assistance to the coun- proach to the regulation of the devel- tries of Eastern Europe and the former opment of the national economy on Soviet Union at the stage of their mar- the basis of optimization of the state ket transformation, and in particular, procurement process, the formation of for the long-term economic growth of subsidies and other forms of state regu- a certain region of the countries, by lation of investment activity, etc. financing investment projects. The Significant interest is the experi- EBRD facilitates the transition to an ence of restructuring the countries of open market economy, the develop- Eastern Europe that have succeeded ment of private and entrepreneurial ini- in economic development after their tiatives in the countries of Central and financing by the EBRD. The Czech Eastern Europe [1]. Republic is one of the most successful Direct financing of the private sec- examples. According to the results of tor, restructuring, privatization and the study on the process of reorgani- infrastructure development can be zation of Czech enterprises through fi- identified among the main forms of nancing of the EBRD, we can speak of cooperation undertaken by the EBRD the beginning of the formation of com- in Eastern Europe [3, p. 36]. We con- plex and interrelated changes in the eco- sider each of the above forms of co- nomic structure of the country, which operation. improved the methodological bases for The EBRD creates prerequisites the implementation of the institutional for increasing their economic and so- and economic mechanism of function- cial efficiency and for creating not only ing of enterprises and management in collective, but also public goods in the general [4, p. 85]. The restructuring has financing of the private sector in East- also triggered changes in the produc- ern Europe. However, the implementa- tion program and related innovations tion of these prerequisites depends on a in the following industries of the Czech sound economic policy of the country, Republic: production, functional, in- the timely formation of a new institu- formational, personnel and financial, tional structure for the functioning of etc. The restructuring process included the public sector, and so on. It is ne- four blocks: the formation of a restruc- cessary in order to effectively provide turing concept, the development of its this direction of cooperation with the organizational forms, the implementa- EBRD to the countries of Eastern Eu- tion of appropriate tools and proper rope, such as: staffing. The stability and effectiveness • To facilitate the transition from of financing this process for the Czech the capital and labour-intensive export Republic is determined, in this case, of industrial products to high-tech and by how rationally and consistently the innovative; country’s investments are used.

317 The experience of successful financ- cially small and medium enter- ing of economic and infrastructural de- prises; velopments by international financial • Promotion of investment in pro- institutions has been achieved, largely duction, as well as investment due to the country’s timely fiscal and in the sectors of state social pro- monetary measures, a significant de- grams; valuation of the national currency in • Stimulation of important and Poland. ‘A healthy, well-diversified economically justified projects; banking sector contributed to econo- • Provision of technical assistance mic growth, increasing lending volumes, for the preparation, financing and unlike most other EU member states in implementation of public and Poland. According to the EBRD, the private partnership projects; share of state-owned banks in assets in- • Formation and development of creased to 22,1 % (from 18,3 % in 2008) capital markets in Eastern Eu- in Poland in 2009. PKO Bank Polski as rope; the largest universal bank, with a state • Ensuring the placement of secu- share of 51,24 % made the main contri- rities by private and public enter- bution to the growth of both the share prises in Eastern Europe and fa- of state bank assets and lending in ge- cilitating their access to domestic neral. The share of PKO in total loans and international capital markets increased from 15,6 % in the third quar- by providing financial guarantees ter of 2008 to 17,2 % at the end of 2010’ and advice; [5]. • Financing of both public and In general, the main goals, achieved private sectors of the economy, through financing by international fi- which make a significant contri- nancial institutions in Eastern Europe, bution to the development of in- are: dustry in Eastern Europe; • Assistance to the economic de- • Promoting the attraction of fo- velopment of Eastern European reign direct investment to East- countries with a view to their ern Europe, etc. transition to an open world mar- The analysis of financing by the in- ket economy; ternational financial institutions of the • Support of the countries of Eas- countries of Eastern Europe conducted tern Europe in carrying out of by us shows that this process was steady their structural economic re- in Slovenia, which is quite expected in forms, including elimination of view of the insignificant deficit of na- monopolies, decentralization of tional budget funds and fiscal sustain- power and its integration into ability of the country. The main priority the world economic system; of the work of international financial • Organization, modernization and organizations with Slovenia was to en- expansion of productive, compe- sure further integration of the country titive private activities of the into the global financial system, stimu- subjects of the economy of East- lating the country to conduct a sound ern European countries, espe- macroeconomic policy and implement

318 structural reforms in public administra- 2. Yukhimenko P. I., Fedosov V. M., Laze- tion. The inflow of foreign investment, bnik L. L. (2010), Theory of Finance in particular from the EBRD, led to a [Teoriya finansiv], Tsentr uchbovoyi rethinking of the need to improve mac- literatury, Kyiv, Ukraine. roeconomic stability and financial inde- 3. Kolosova V. P., Ivanova I. M. (2014), “Cooperation of Ukraine with In- pendence in the country [1]. ternational Financial Institutions: Conclusions from this study and Current Status and Prospects for prospects for further exploration. In Expansion” // Finansy Ukrayiny. — general, the experience of Eastern Euro- Vol. 11. — Р. 34–37. pean countries cooperation with inter- 4. Vodachek L. (1999), “Restructuring is national financial organizations is im- a challenge to Czech enterprises” // portant for Ukraine. After all, there are Problemы teoryy y praktyky upravle- a number of political factors that hinder nyya. — Vol. 1. — Р. 84–90. the development of foreign investments 5. Marcin Piatkowski. World Bank, EC- due to the non-adaptation of domestic SPF. State Commercial Banks in Ac- tion during the Crisis: The Case of enterprises to the world market condi- Poland (PKO Bank Polski). tions of cooperation in Ukraine today. 6. The official site of It is necessary to reorganize the struc- (2011), “The main directions of ture of state management of industrial Ukraine’s interaction with interna- objects and to establish mechanisms for tional financial organizations”, avai- legislative regulation of this process in lable at: order to solve this problem. ZED/3704.html (Accessed 4 January In this regard, the experience of 2018). foreign countries, in matters of coop- eration with international financial or- Список використаних ganizations, requires the formation of a джерел process of deepening the internationa- lization of economic life in Ukraine. It 1. Кульбіда М. Співробітництво між- will have its manifestations of expan- народних фінансових організа- sion and optimization of interrelations цій з країнами Східної Європи // and interdependencies of the domestic Наук. вісн. Херсонського держ. ун- economy, socialization of the nature of ту (Економічні науки). — 2015. — work and production on a global scale, Вип. 12. — Ч. 2. — С. 24–29. — Режим etc. [6]. доступу: journal/economic_12/61.pdf 2. Теорія фінансів: підручник / П. І. Юхименко, В. М. Федосов, References Л. Л. Лазебник та ін.; за заг. ред. 1. Kulbida M. (2015), “Cooperation of В. М. Федосова, С. І. Юрія. — К.: International Financial Organizations Центр учб. л-ри, 2010. — 576 с. Ре- with the Countries of Eastern Euro- жим доступу: http://pidruchniki. pe” // Naukovyy visnyk Khersons’ko- com/17981024/finansi/mizhnarodni_ ho derzhavnoho universytetu (Eko- finansovi_organizatsiyi_funktsiyi nomichni nauky). — Vol. 12. — 3. Колосова В. П. Співробітництво Р. 24–29. України з міжнародними фінан-

319 совими організаціями: сучасний 5. Marcin Piatkowski. World Bank, стан та перспективи розширення / ECSPF. State Commercial Banks in В. П. Колосова, І. М. Іванова // Фі- Action during the Crisis: The Case of нанси України. — 2014. — № 11. — Poland (PKO Bank Polski). С. 33–47. 6. Основні напрямки взаємодії України 4. Водачек Л. Реструктуризация — вы- з міжнародними фінансовими орга- зов чешским предприятиям // Про- нізаціями [Електронний ресурс]. — блемы теории и практики управле- Режим доступу: http://referatnik. ния. — 1999. — № 1. — C. 84–90. com/all/ZED/3704.html

320 UDC: 35.08 (082+083) Sciurba Michele, Post-graduate student, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kуіv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5391-8884 Щурба Мікеле, аспірант, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5391-8884 Щурба Микеле, аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039 г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5391-8884 DOI


Abstract. This article is devoted to the research of theoretical and practical issues of international institutions concerning the cooperation on the formation of anti-money laundering state regulation. The article provides an analysis of the main activity fields of intergovernmental institutions in the prevention of launder- ing “dirty” money. It is shown that the goal of consolidating the efforts of interna- tional structures is to integrate standards and recommendations into the mecha- nisms of public administration in order to ensure financial stability and integrity of state development as well as better financial supervision and control by the state. It is noted that the problem of money laundering can not be solved only by creating new organizational forms of state control, extraordinary and punitive measures. It requires understanding of this phenomenon as having an economic, political, ethical, managerial and legal background. The process of state regulation of money laundering should apply to all employees of state authorities, adminis- tration, justice, (stipulated by the legislation of a number of countries) and public entities with public service functions, and not just so-called officials. Important regulations for the forms and procedures for monitoring civil servants, the avai- lability and effectiveness of the code of ethics and behavior.

321 It is substantiated that the effectiveness of implementing measures to prevent corruption can not be achieved through single and non-systemic actions at diffe- rent levels, but requires long-term socio-economic, political and legal transforma- tions. This activity should be based on a combination of a number of preventive and repressive measures. Thus, the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing is now consi- dered as a priority direction in counteracting organized crime in most countries of the world and in the world community as a whole. Keywords: public policy, prevention of money laundering, proceeds of crime. СПІВПРАЦЯ МІЖНАРОДНИХ УСТАНОВ ЩОДО ФОРМУВАННЯ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ ІЗ ЗАПОБІГАННЯ ВІДМИВАННЮ КОШТІВ Анотація. Досліджено теоретичні та практичні питання співпраці між- народних установ щодо формування державного регулювання протидії від- миванню коштів. Стаття містить аналіз основних напрямів діяльності між- урядових інституцій щодо запобігання та поширення “брудних” грошей. По- казано, що метою консолідації зусиль міжнародних структур є інтеграція стандартів та рекомендацій із протидії відмиванню коштів та фінансуванню тероризму в механізми державного управління щодо забезпечення фінансо- вої стабільності та цілісності державного розвитку, кращого фінансового на- гляду та контролю з боку держави. Відмічено, що проблема відмивання коштів не може бути вирішена ли- ше за рахунок створення нових організаційних форм державного контролю, надзвичайних і каральних заходів. Потрібне усвідомлення цього явища як такого, що має економічну, політичну, етичну, управлінську та правову оз- наки. Процес державного регулювання відмивання коштів повинен засто- совуватися до всіх службовців органів державної влади, управління, право- суддя (що передбачено законодавством ряду країн) і громадських структур, наділених функціями обслуговування населення, а не лише до так званих посадових осіб. Важливі регламентація форм і процедури контролю за дер- жавними службовцями, наявність та дієвість кодексу посадової етики та по- ведінки. Обґрунтовано, що ефективність реалізації заходів щодо запобігання ко- рупційній злочинності не може бути досягнута шляхом поодиноких і несистемних дій на різних рівнях, а потребує довгострокових соціально- економічних, політичних та правових перетворень. Ця діяльність має ґрун- туватися на поєднанні низки запобіжних і репресивних заходів. Таким чином, нині боротьба з легалізацією (відмиванням) доходів, одер- жаних злочинним шляхом, і фінансуванням тероризму розглядається як пріоритетний напрям протидії організованій злочинності у більшості країн світу та світовою спільнотою в цілому. Ключові слова: державна політика, запобігання відмиванню коштів, доходи, отримані злочинним шляхом.

322 СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЙ ПО ФОРМИРОВАНИЮ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ ПРЕДОТВРАЩЕНИЯ ОТМЫВАНИЯ СРЕДСТВ Аннотация. Исследованы теоретические и практические вопросы сотруд- ничества международных организаций по формированию государственного регулирования противодействия отмыванию средств. Статья содержит ана- лиз основных направлений деятельности межправительственных инсти- туций по предотвращению и распространению “грязных” денег. Показано, что целью консолидации усилий международных структур есть интеграция стандартов и рекомендаций по противодействию отмыванию средств и фи- нансированию терроризма в механизмы государственного управления по обеспечению финансовой стабильности и целостности государственного развития, лучшего финансового надзора и контроля со стороны государства. Отмечено, что проблема отмывания средств не может быть решена только за счет создания новых организационных форм государственного контроля, чрезвычайных и карательных мер. Нужно осознание этого явления как име- ющего экономический, политический, этический, управленческий и право- вой признаки. Процесс государственного регулирования отмывания средств должен применяться ко всем служащим органов государственной власти, управления, правосудия (что предусмотрено законодательством ряда стран) и общественных структур, наделенных функциями обслуживания населе- ния, а не только к так называемым должностным лицам. Важны регламента- ция форм и процедуры контроля за государственными служащими, наличие и действенность кодекса должностного этики и поведения. Обосновано, что эффективность реализации мероприятий по предотвра- щению коррупционной преступности не может быть достигнута путем ред- ких и несистемных действий на разных уровнях, а требует долгосрочных социально-экономических, политических и правовых преобразований. Эта деятельность должна основываться на сочетании ряда предупредительных и репрессивных мер. Таким образом, в настоящее время борьба с легализацией (отмыванием) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированием терроризма рассматривается как приоритетное направление противодействия организо- ванной преступности в большинстве стран мира и мировым сообществом в целом. Ключевые слова: государственная политика, предотвращение отмыва- ния средств, доходы, полученные преступным путем.

Statement of the problem. The circulating virtually uncontrolled. Cur- evolution of the global capital market is rently, the laundering of illegal funds, so rapid that, as a result, huge funds are as well as corruption, fundamentally

323 threatens the economies. Yet, there is under the International Convention a lack of clarity in the system of public for the Suppression of the Financing administration in terms of how to coun- of Terrorism, which was an important teract this phenomenon. This includes step towards reducing offences related handling monopolies and unfair compe- to illegal cash trafficking [1, 2]. The Fi- tition in entrepreneurial activity in all nancial Action Task Force on Money its forms. Laundering (hereinafter FATF), which Analysis of recent researches is one of the leading intergovernmental and publications. Scholars such as bodies, supplemented its organisational V. Aliieva, Z. Varnaliia, O. Gorbuno- structure with the formation of eight va, A. Kiivets, A. Mokii, O. Rymaruk, regional bodies of FATF type represent- O. Baranovskyi, S. Butkevych, L. Vo- ing 180 countries of the world, aiming ronova, I. Kolomiets, etc. have compre- at the development and implementa- hensively analysed the development tion of measures and standards against of the basic principles of the policy to money laundering at the international counteract and prevent the legalisation level [3]. of illegal incomes as well as the inter- These regional working groups on national experience of the implementa- money laundering issues played a cru- tion of such a policy. cial role in the introduction of state The aim of the study is to define the standards for counteracting money main aspects of cooperation of interna- laundering and the financing of terror- tional agencies in the formation of state ism. In 2001, the FATF has intensified regulation for counteracting money its collaboration with international or- laundering. ganisations, such as the International Presentation of the basic material. Monetary Fund (hereinafter IMF), The analysis of international experience World Bank and the United Nations of anti-money laundering and anti-cor- (hereinafter UN), regional authorities ruption regulation shows that money and multilateral public organisations. laundering and corruption are promot- In 2004, the FATF added nine spe- ed by maintaining the multi-level mo- cial recommendations to the previous nopolisation of the economy. This issue list of 40 recommendations to combat is intensified by the inadequate imple- money laundering, which were adopt- mentation of state management mecha- ed by IMF and World Bank, and later nisms, as the clear legal recognition of implemented at the state level in the the rights and duties of people towards countries of the European Union. The authorities as well as legislative protec- FATF recommendations are recognised tion is absent, leading to bureaucratic as minimum standards to be applied by arbitrariness and the like. all public authorities [4]. After 2001, Based on this, this article analyses in IMF expanded its strategy to com- detail the experience of foreign coun- bat money laundering to the counter- tries concerning the state regulation financing of terrorism [5]. Although development to prevent money laun- IMF and World Bank are observers in dering and corruption. In 1999, money the FATF, employees of both agencies laundering became a criminal offence participate in meetings and working

324 groups of the respective authorities. recommendations of combating money IMF and World Bank country assess- laundering and the financing of terror- ments apply the FATF standards and ism into the governance mechanisms in practices [6]. The cooperation between order to ensure financial stability and FATF, IMF and World Bank in combat- the integrity of public administration, ing money laundering is expressed by which contributes to better financial the fact that they offer a financial sector supervision and control by the state evaluation program at the state level, [10]. reporting on the observance of financial The cooperation between the FATF, integrity standards and rules of IMF IMF and World Bank is unique in its and World Bank, including the FATF structure, since their assessments to im- recommendations [7]. prove the quality and efficiency in the Since 2004, IMF has conducted fight against money laundering and the over 35 assessments regarding the fight financing of terrorism have created the against money laundering and their re- most far-reaching legal network in the sults are often used by the FATF to fur- world [11]. Nevertheless, both IMF and ther develop its recommendations. World Bank are criticised for the way The FATF recommendations help the FATF recommendations get imple- public and financial institutions to mented, as the FATF has not sufficient- implement systems for customer due ly determined primary and secondary diligence and other comprehensive objectives, neither in its standards de- compliance procedures suitable for veloped in 2003 nor in the statement on monitoring the risk of criminal opera- methodology dated 2004 [12]. tions in the public sector and reporting As a result, the FATF is unable to suspicious transactions. On this basis, prove that its goals are achievable, the network of global cooperation in even if its recommendations are imple- the AML field was created that allows mented. As international organisations to identify, freeze and confiscate assets have critizised the fact that the FATF and proceeds of crime [8]. The FATF evaluation is focused only on formal plays an important role in the devel- compliance with the requirements of opment of new strategies for combat- state regulatory regimes to combat ing money laundering as well as in the money laundering, the FATF standards formation of appropriate government have been revised in 2013 based on the measures for their effective control. distinction between technical perfor- Today, the FATF includes 35 jurisdic- mance and regulatory efficiency. tions and two regional organisations as In particular, the distinction be- well as a large number of international tween technical execution and effi- organisations acting as observers, such ciency in the Methodology 2013 is of as the UN, World Bank, IMF and the main significance, since the interna- Basel Committee on Banking Supervi- tional political agenda today requires sion [9]. the implementation of certain systems The purpose of the joint efforts to counteract money laundering and made by the above defined structures the financing of terrorism. If countries is the integration of the standards and fail to comply, they may face sanctions.

325 Now, in principle, two issues must be and emergency or punitive measures. taken into account: (a) the logic of cau- The awareness is essential that this sation that links specific preventive and phenomenon has economic, political, regulatory actions with specific out- ethical, managerial and legal character- comes, and (b) the possibility that al- istics. The process of state regulation of ternative means that are implemented money laundering should apply to all instead of the FATF’s technical require- employees of public authorities, state ments can meet the objectives of the governance and justice systems, (stipu- FATF at the highest level [13]. lated by the legislation of some coun- With the help of IMF and World tries) and public institutions that serve Bank, the objectives identified in the the people. The implementation of reg- FATF Methodology 2013 significant- ulation and control procedures for state ly increased in clarity, increasing the employees, as well as the availability possibility of proper implementation and effectiveness of the code of official into state regulation to prevent money ethics and conduct, is ultimately of cen- laundering. The FATF has invited IMF tral importance. and World Bank to join discussion and negotiation sessions with the FATF References various times. The significance of their 1. United Nations General Assembly, ‘In- ongoing discussion on methodology ternational Convention for the Sup- and the assessment results of risks aris- pression of the Financing of Terror- ing from money laundering and terror- ism’ (9 December 1999) (№ 38349) ist financing has not decreased. This is 2. Beekarry N. ‘The International Anti- evidenced by the fact that similar criti- Money Laundering and Combating cisms were expressed about the FATF the Financing of Terrorism Regulatory recommendations of 2013, in particu- Strategy: A Critical Analysis of Com- lar, due to the absence of a clear meth- pliance Determinants in International odological definition of risks related to Law’ (2011) Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 31, 160 money laundering, terrorist financing 3. Isern J., Porteous D., Hernandez- and tax evasion [14]. Coss R. and Egwuagu C. ‘AML/CFT Conclusions. The analysis of inter- Regulation: Implications for Financial national experience of regulation to Service Providers that Serve Low- prevent money laundering has demon- Income People’ (2005) Cooperative strated that regulation should not be Effort by the Financial Market Integ- considered only from the organisation- rity (FSEFI) Unit of the World Bank al or managerial perspective, directed and the Consultative Group to Assist against certain criminal elements and the Poor (CGAP) 3 – Today, there are their groupings, but also as a crucial nine FSRBs representing over 190 ju- risdictions. point for the entire system of state 4. Alldridge P. ‘Money Laundering and governance. The experts from public Globalization’ (2008) // Journal administration note that the issue of of Law and Society. — № 35 (4). — money laundering cannot be solved Р. 444. only through the creation of new or- 5. International Monetary Fund (IMF), ganisational forms of public control ‘Factsheet. The IMF and the Fight

326 Against Money Laundering and the 13. Holliday R. C., Levi М. and Reuter Р. Financing of Terrorism’ (As of April ‘Global Surveillance of Dirty Money: 2017) 1 f. Assessing Assessments of Regimes 6. International Monetary Fund (IMF), to Control Money Laundering and ‘IMF Policy Paper. Review of the Combat the Financing of Terrorism’ Fund’s Strategy on Anti-Money (30 January 2014) Center on Law and Laundering and Combating the Fi- Globalization, 16 nancing of Terrorism’ (20 February 14. Directorate General for Internal Poli- 2014) 6 – Within the EU, the 40+9 cies, ‘Offshore Activities and Money recommendations were implemented Laundering: Recent Findings and with the third Директива з протидії Challenges’ (March 2017) (IP/A/ відмиванню грошей 2005/60/EC PANA/2016-4) (PE 595.371) 37 (3rd AMLD). 7. Holliday R. C., Levi М. and Reuter Р. Список використаних ‘Global Surveillance of Dirty Money: джерел Assessing Assessments of Regimes to Control Money Laundering and 1. United Nations General Assembly, Combat the Financing of Terrorism’ ‘International Convention for the (30 January 2014) Center on Law and Suppression of the Financing of Globalization, 11. Terrorism’ (9 December 1999) 8. Alldridge Р. ‘Money Laundering and (№ 38349) Globalization’ (2008) // Journal 2. Beekarry N. ‘The International Anti- of Law and Society. — № 35 (4). — Money Laundering and Combating Р. 444. the Financing of Terrorism Regulatory 9. Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Strategy: A Critical Analysis of Com- ‘FATF Members and Observers’ pliance Determinants in International accessed 20 International Law & Business 31, 160 September 2017 3. Isern J., Porteous D., Hernandez- 10. Holliday R. C., Levi М. аnd Reuter Р., Coss R. and Egwuagu C. ‘AML/CFT ‘Global Surveillance of Dirty Money: Regulation: Implications for Financial Assessing Assessments of Regimes Service Providers that Serve Low- to Control Money Laundering and Income People’ (2005) Cooperative Combat the Financing of Terrorism’ Effort by the Financial Market Integ- (30 January 2014) Center on Law and rity (FSEFI) Unit of the World Bank Globalization, 10 and the Consultative Group to Assist 11. International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Poor (CGAP) 3 – Today, there are ‘IMF Policy Paper. Review of the nine FSRBs representing over 190 ju- Fund’s Strategy on Anti-Money risdictions. Laundering and Combating the Fi- 4. Alldridge P. ‘Money Laundering and nancing of Terrorism’ (20 February Globalization’ (2008) // Journal 2014) 11. of Law and Society. — № 35 (4). — 12. Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Р. 444. ‘Methodology for Assessing Com- 5. International Monetary Fund (IMF), pliance with the FATF 40 Recom- ‘Factsheet. The IMF and the Fight mendations and the FATF 9 Special Against Money Laundering and the Recommendations’ 27 February 2004 Financing of Terrorism’ (As of April (Updated as of February 2009) 2017) 1 f.

327 6. International Monetary Fund (IMF), Assessing Assessments of Regimes ‘IMF Policy Paper. Review of the to Control Money Laundering and Fund’s Strategy on Anti-Money Combat the Financing of Terrorism’ Laundering and Combating the Fi- (30 January 2014) Center on Law and nancing of Terrorism’ (20 February Globalization, 10 2014) 6 – Within the EU, the 40+9 11. International Monetary Fund (IMF), recommendations were implemented ‘IMF Policy Paper. Review of the with the third Директива з протидії Fund’s Strategy on Anti-Money Laun- відмиванню грошей 2005/60/EC dering and Combating the Financing (3rd AMLD). of Terrorism’ (20 February 2014) 11. 7. Holliday R. C., Levi М. and Reuter Р. 12. Financial Action Task Force (FATF), ‘Global Surveillance of Dirty Money: ‘Methodology for Assessing Com- Assessing Assessments of Regimes pliance with the FATF 40 Recom- to Control Money Laundering and mendations and the FATF 9 Special Combat the Financing of Terrorism’ Recommendations’ 27 February 2004 (30 January 2014) Center on Law and (Updated as of February 2009) Globalization, 11. 13. Holliday R. C., Levi М. and Reuter Р. 8. Alldridge Р. ‘Money Laundering and ‘Global Surveillance of Dirty Money: Globalization’ (2008) // Journal Assessing Assessments of Regimes of Law and Society. — № 35 (4). — to Control Money Laundering and Р. 444. Combat the Financing of Terrorism’ 9. Financial Action Task Force (FATF), (30 January 2014) Center on Law and ‘FATF Members and Observers’ Globalization, 16 accessed 20 cies, ‘Offshore Activities and Money September 2017 Laundering: Recent Findings and 10. Holliday R. C., Levi М. аnd Reuter Р., Challenges’ (March 2017) (IP/A/ ‘Global Surveillance of Dirty Money: PANA/2016-4) (PE 595.371) 37

328 UDC: 35.088.6 Yarovoy Tikhon Sergeyevich, PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department Public Admini- stration, Interregional Academy of Person- nel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Fro- metivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7266-3829 Яровой Тихон Сергійович, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7266-3829 Яровой Тихон Сергеевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Ака- демия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7266-3829 DOI


Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of goals and functions of lobby- ing activity. The author has processed the ideas of domestic and foreign scientists, proposed his own approaches to the definition of goals and functions of lobbying activities through the prism of public administration. As a result, a generalized vision of the goals and functions of lobbying activities as interrelated elements of the lobbying system was proposed, and a forecast for further evolution of the goals and functions of domestic lobbying was provided. The analysis of lobbying functions allowed us to notice the tendencies in shift- ing the goals of this activity. If the objectives were fully covered by functions such as mediation between citizens and the state, the information function and the function of organizing plurality of public interests, then the role of strengthening the self-organization of civil society and the function of compromise become in- creasingly important in the process of formation in the developed countries of civil society and the development of telecommunication technologies.

329 Ukrainian lobbyism will not be left to the side of this process. Already, politi- cians of the highest level, leaders of financial and industrial groups have to act, adjust their goals (even if they are — declared), taking into account the reaction of the public. In the future, this trend will only increase. The analysis of current research and political events provides all grounds for believing that, while proper regulatory legislation is being formed in Ukraine, the goals and functions of do- mestic lobbying will essentially shift towards a compromise with the public. It is noted that in spite of the existence of a basic direction of action, lobbying may have several ramified goals. Guided by the goals set, lobbyism can manifest itself in various spheres of the political system of society, combining the closely intertwined interests of various actors in the lobbying process, or even — contrast- ing them. Keywords: public administration, lobbying, lobbying goals, lobbying func- tions. ЦІЛІ ТА ФУНКЦІЇ ЛОБІСТСЬКОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ В УКРАЇНІ: РЕАЛІЇ СЬОГОДЕННЯ ТА ЕВОЛЮЦІЙНИЙ ПРОГНОЗ Анотація. Досліджено цілі та функції лобістської діяльності. Опрацьова- но ідеї вітчизняних та зарубіжних вчених, запропоновано власні підходи до визначення цілей та функцій лобістської діяльності крізь призму державно- го управління. В якості підсумку запропоновано узагальнене бачення цілей та функцій лобістської діяльності як взаємозалежних елементів системи лобізму, надано прогноз подальшої еволюції цілей та функцій вітчизняного лобізму. Аналіз функцій лобіювання дав змогу помітити тенденції у зміщенні цілей цієї діяльності. Якщо наведені цілі цілком охоплювалися такими функція- ми, як функція посередництва між громадянами і державою, інформаційна функція та функція організації плюралізму суспільних інтересів, то в процесі формування в розвинених країнах громадянського суспільства та розвитку телекомунікаційних технологій дедалі більшої ваги набувають функція по- силення самоорганізації громадського суспільства і функція компромісу. Не лишиться осторонь такого процесу і український лобізм. Вже сьогодні політикам найвищого рівня, лідерам фінансово-промислових груп доводить- ся діяти, коригувати свої цілі (хай навіть поки що — декларовані) з ураху- ванням реакції громадськості. Надалі ця тенденція лише посилюватиметься. Аналіз наукових досліджень та політичних подій сьогодення дає всі підстави вважати, що за час, поки в Україні сформується належне регуляторне зако- нодавство, цілі та функції вітчизняного лобізму суттєво змістяться в бік ком- промісу з громадськістю. Відмічено, що, незважаючи на існування основного напряму дії, у лобіз- му може бути кілька розгалужених цілей. Спрямовуючись на поставлені цілі, лобізм може виявити себе в різних сферах політичної системи суспільства, поєднуючи тісно переплетені інтереси різних суб’єктів процесу лобіювання, або навіть — протиставляючи їх.

330 Ключові слова: державне управління, лобіювання, цілі лобізму, функції лобізму. ЦЕЛИ И ФУНКЦИИ ЛОББИСТСКОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ В УКРАИНЕ: РЕАЛИИ И ЭВОЛЮЦИОННЫЙ ПРОГНОЗ Аннотация. Исследованы цели и функции лоббистской деятельности. Обработаны идеи отечественных и зарубежных ученых, предложены собст- венные подходы к определению целей и функций лоббистской деятельности через призму государственного управления. В качестве итога предложено обобщенное видение целей и функций лоббистской деятельности, как взаи- мосвязанных элементов системы лоббизма, предоставлен прогноз дальней- шей эволюции целей и функций отечественного лоббизма. Анализ функций лоббирования позволил заметить тенденции в смеще- нии целей этой деятельности. Если приведенные цели вполне охватывались такими функциями, как функция посредничества между гражданами и го- сударством, информационная функция и функция организации плюрализма общественных интересов, то в процессе формирования в развитых странах гражданского общества и развития телекоммуникационных технологий все большее значение приобретают функция усиления самоорганизации гра- жданского общества и функция компромисса. Не останется в стороне такого процесса и украинский лоббизм. Уже се- годня политикам высшего уровня, лидерам финансово-промышленных групп приходится действовать, корректировать свои цели (пусть даже по- ка — декларируемые) с учетом реакции общественности. В дальнейшем эта тенденция будет только усиливаться. Анализ научных исследований и поли- тических событий современности дает все основания считать, что за время, пока в Украине сформируется должное регуляторное законодательство, цели и функции отечественного лоббизма существенно сместятся в сторону ком- промисса с общественностью. Отмечено, что, несмотря на существование основного направления дей- ствия, у лоббизма может быть несколько разветвленных целей. Устремляясь на поставленные цели, лоббизм может проявить себя в различных сферах по- литической системы общества, сочетая тесно переплетенные интересы раз- личных субъектов процесса лоббирования, или даже — противопоставляя их. Ключевые слова: государственное управление, лоббирование, цели лоббизма, функции лоббизма.

Formulation of the problem. One component of the political and manage- of the signs of the maturity of a demo- rial process, which allows to realize in cratic, legal, social society, based on practice the mechanism of interaction market principles, is the presence of of this society with state authorities. a developed institute of lobbyism as a First of all lobism is influence of indi-

331 viduals or groups of people on power, shift of objectives and functions of lob- on the processes of elaboration and bying activity is foreseen, which re- adoption of important political deci- quires some research. sions, and more often it’s an indicator The purpose of the article. The pur- of the processes taking place in society. pose of the study is to outline the goals The driving force behind lobbying and functions of lobbying on the basis is, first of all, the interests of subjects of of the analysis of scientific research and lobbyism, which are inextricably linked domestic practice, forecasting in rela- with its functions. Today, most of the tion to the goals and functions of do- lobbying goals in Ukraine lie in the area mestic lobbying in the future. of redistribution of economic resources, Presenting main material. One of and therefore, lobbying allows political the decisive factors that makes it possi- and legal means to achieve the desired ble to understand the lobbyist activity economic interests. In the process of re- is understanding, at least in the general distribution of property, the struggle of form, of the goals pursued by lobbying groups of influence for certain benefits, activity. Moreover, the choice of goals privileges, privileges are implemented will directly depend on the performance certain functions of lobbyism. Thus, of one or another of its functions. the goals and functions are interrelated, The purpose, as noted by the philo- which makes it necessary to consider sophical encyclopedic dictionary, is “the them as part of a single study. ideal image of the future, the desired re- Analysis of recent research and sult of human activity. The purpose is a publications. The problems of lob- direct motive of human activity, which bying in general and the question of determines and mobilizes its will. The defining its goals and functions in process of forming and implementing a particular were devoted to their re- goal is called goal-setting” [1, p. 706]. search by such scholars as O. Diaghilev, In each particular case, the use of N. Zyablyuk, A. Kucherov, M. Malyu- lobbying pursues different goals, or tin, R. Matskevich, V. Nesterovich, even — a set of goals. It also depends O. Odintsov, N. Sakharov, S. Syroten- on the sphere of public life, where lob- ko, E. Tikhomirova, V. Yasenetsky and bying activity takes place, and on the others. However, the process of estab- qualitative level of state structures, lishing a domestic institute of lobby- on the qualitative composition of the ing, the formation of new scientific ap- “pressure groups” themselves and on proaches to this phenomenon, and the many other factors. However, with all existence of significant contradictions the diversity of existing goals, a number in understanding these characteristics of common goals inherent in lobbying by both civil servants and academics, can be singled out. require a new, comprehensive study According to some researchers of of the goals and functions of lobbying. lobbyism, in most cases its subjects In addition, in the process of transfor- pursue socio-economic goals related to mation of domestic society, in view of the solution of issues of ownership and the European integration aspirations rights to dispose of it; granting rights of Ukraine, in the course of time, some to specific activities; government or-

332 der; quotas, licenses; tariffs for energy the observers, “the contractors of road resources; economic and tax privileges; works and budget managers who are financing of social programs [2, p. 47]. commissioning jobs rejoice because the These goals are fundamental to lob- record amount will be sent to the road bying structures in virtually all coun- economy — almost 47 billion (UAH)” tries of the world and Ukraine is no [4]. exception. If you turn to domestic prac- Although compared to directly “fi- tice, then the analysis of adopted Presi- nancial”, “social” or “environmental” dential decrees and the decisions of the lobbyism, allegedly pursuing “noble” Government, their orders, can serve as goals, he tries to solve a range of other, a direct confirmation of what has been rather pragmatic issues. In particular, said. In this there is nothing unex- very often, politicians resort to cooper- pected, or even more so — paradoxical, ation in these areas in order to increase because the ultimate goal of the entire their own rating among this or that back door — money and power over the category of voters. So, the already men- channels of financial resources. A vivid tioned columnists of the portal “Ukrai- example of lobbying, whose elements nian Truth” note that “teachers, drivers are followed by the naked eye, and and president have most benefited from which pursues the objective of redistri- the budget for 2018. Less luck to stu- bution of significant financial resources dents, smokers and retirees” [4]. directly, can be considered a budget Thus, despite the existence of a basic process. direction of action, lobbyism may have The adoption by the Verkhovna several rational goals. Guided by the Rada of Ukraine of the state budget goals, lobbyism can manifest itself in for 2018 traditionally resembled a po- various spheres of the political system litical epic. To determine the manifesta- of society, combining the closely inter- tions of lobbying in this process, there twined interests of different actors in is no need to conduct a thorough study, the process of lobbying, or even — con- just look at the reviews of several in- trasting them. formation portals. Thus, the columnist Foreign practice of lobbyism shows K. Peshko from the portal “Glavkom”, that in many corporations, banks, fi- notes in this regard, the following: “the nancial and industrial groups special maintenance of the government, the units are created for the purpose of president and parliament in 2018 will lobbying activity. In economically de- rise in price by almost a billion com- veloped countries, almost every large pared to this year. The leader will be the company, especially if it is a multina- president, the economy of which will tional corporation, has its own state of cost the country more expensive than lobbyists, which, depending on the ca- the entire space program” [3]. No less pacity of the organization, ranges from interesting is the analysis of this event several dozens to several hundred em- portal “Ukrainian Truth”. The journa- ployees [5, p. 2]. These units may have lists directly named the interested par- different titles (Public Relations Divi- ties who fueled their interests in the sion, Department of Law, Government new budget, in particular, according to Relations Department — Government

333 Relatios, in the United States, many 3. Function of communication with of these units are called “Washington legislative and executive bodies (that Representations”), but unchanged. is is, actual lobbyism). Here the forms of their activity — advocating the inte- activity can be different. Among them: rests of their corporations by exercis- personal representation of arguments; ing influence over the bodies of state providing research results; speeches at power. hearings in parliamentary committees; The functions of lobbying, aimed at influence on the legislator through con- redistributing financial resources, are tracts of a lobbyist with his relatives more obvious and have been considered and friends, as well as with influential by scholars on a number of occasions, voters; party invitations and entertain- so we'll try to consider to a greater ex- ment; collecting money for election tent those functions that are socially campaigns; participation in conduct- significant and of a political and legal ing political campaigns; organization nature. The political and legal sphere of campaigns for collecting letters and of society’s life is a field where all other telegrams from voters; dissemination in spheres, its inalienable components the electoral district of the legislator of intertwine. Probably therefore, this is the results of his voting; organization of where the concentration of lobbyism propaganda campaigns; direct bribes, will be the highest and, accordingly, the blackmail; united lobbying by several most significant. organizations. American scientist D. Johnson di- 4. The function of selling the gov- vided the functions of lobbyism into ernment of its products (this applies four categories: to trade and business corporations) [6, 1. The function of information gath- p. 50–53]. ering. The Washington representatives This approach is of a certain sci- provide the responsible individuals of entific interest, but it seems to be too their interest groups with summaries simplistic (narrow), since it doesn’t needed to make informed decisions give a complete picture of the functions about government actions. The task of of lobbyism. O. Odintsov, a national the lobbyist here is to organize the flow scholar of lobbying, tries to reproduce of information about all activities of a more complete list and, through the state authorities, which is in the inte- functions, convey the essential char- rests of the group. acter of lobbyism. It has the following 2. The function of providing infor- features: mation to external consumers. The bulk 1. the function of mediation be- of this information relates to certain as- tween citizens and the state; pects of the pressure group’s activities, 2. information function; its capabilities, and relationships to 3. the function of organizing plural- identified problems. ity of public interests; At the same time, the first and sec- 4. the function of strengthening the ond functions ensure the possibility of self-organization of civil society; uninterrupted communication between 5. the function of a compromise [7, civil society and the state. p. 6–7].

334 With such a classification in general ing appropriate decisions, because lob- it is necessary to agree. We will use it as bying interests of different groups and a basis, and will be supplemented with layers is given a high priority, urgency, the refinements of other researchers. social significance, power structures are 1. The function of mediation be- convinced of priority, operational and tween citizens and the state is realized more complete satisfaction. because lobbyists represent the inte- 3. The function of organizing plu- rests of various social actors in the po- ralism of public interests, realized wer structures of society. In general, through the ability of lobbying to cre- “the optimal variant of interaction be- ate opportunities for the interests of tween the state and person is seen in minorities. In other words, lobbyism the balance, proportionality of inter- complements the constitutional system ests of the individual and the state” [8, of democratic representation, allowing p. 17]. them to take part in the adoption and 2. Information function is a kind of implementation of political decisions integrator for everyone else, because for those groups that have no other the same mediation, first of all, is the such opportunity. Of course, in large exchange of information. The know- business entities, the ability to defend ledge of experts plays an important role their interests is much greater than that in the decision-making process or in the of those who do not have the enormous process of changing it. But knowledge financial resources of the stakeholders, of experts will only have some value if but both theoretically and in practice, they are “missed” because of the inte- lobbyism can represent the interests of rest of citizens concentrated in lobby- one person. Thus, through the system ing structures. In such an approximate and practice of lobbyism, they receive approach to idealism, lobbying takes on their expression and representation the form of a “two-way street”, since on a nationwide scale of interests that pressure groups, seeking benefits for otherwise would not have been ex- themselves, in turn, provide favorable pressed. In this sense, “lobbying meets conditions for the perception of laws the spirit of democratic politics” [10, and decisions adopted by the state and p. 64]. the specific groups of the population. 4. Lobism serves as a function of The lobbyists provide the authorities strengthening the self-organization with a flow of information on one or of civil society. “Lobism is a necessary another issue, “inform the legislators institution of civil society, because it about what is happening at the lowest promotes political socialization of the social level (and at other levels)” [9, society of citizens” [11, p. 288]. p. 62], and at the same time, their ac- According to O. Malka, “lobbyism is tions contribute to the development of a kind of rival to the bureaucracy”, since a more correct course, or in other words, public support or opposition to any bill a more flexible strategy in the adoption is effectively mobilized precisely within of certain decisions. In this context, the framework of lobbyism [9, p. 61]. lobbying serves as a system of reason- In conditions of market relations, ing, a mechanism for preparing and tak- more and more often the state leaves

335 its positions in the sphere of protection count all the peculiarities of lobbyism, of interests of various social groups and also distinguishes between pragmatic, strata of society. This vacuum is filled expressive, controlling and regulating by the relevant structures of civil soci- functions [13, p. 119]. In her opinion: a ety. According to Western researchers, pragmatic function means the transfer non-state structures — “associations, of certain communicative installations civic organizations, etc., with the help to objects of lobbyism, in order to moti- of lobbying, try to solve their problems, vate them to respond appropriately and embodying the principle of freedom” to make decisions; the expressive func- [12, p. 21]. tion is related to the fact that lobbyists 5. The function of achieving a com- express not only the semantic but also promise, that is, a mutual equilibrium appraised information about certain and reconciliation of the various inter- realities, in particular on the positions ests of different subjects is a stabilizing and assessments of the measures used to factor. Government bodies, despite the meet the needs and interests of various often diametrically opposed interests social groups; the control function — in their activities, nevertheless make observing the process of drafting le- decisions, bills that, despite the fierce gislative acts, preparing and adopting struggle in parliament, become laws. other management decisions — allows The position of managers can not fail to timely measures to overcome contra- take into account the skilled and effec- dictions and predict the possible de- tive influence of the stakeholders, but velopment of events in order to protect this position is embodied in the legal the interests of individual social actors; reality so as to cause the least contra- regulatory function, close but not iden- dictions, differences and resonance. tical to control. Lobists not only ob- The growth of the media and communi- serve the decision-making process, they cations activity, including the increas- contribute to the adoption of decisions ing use of journalistic investigations that ensure the ordering of social pro- and the widespread domination of so- cesses [14, p. 143–151]. cial networks, even forces senior civil Summarizing the list of lobbying servants to behave extremely tactfully. functions and their analysis allows us Thus, this function of lobbyism is an to imagine and realize the enormous indicator of the most acute, contradic- positive potential that includes lobby- tory socio-economic and political pro- ing activities, which in turn proves to cesses in society, contributes to preser- us the importance of being able to co- ving the balance between different forc- ordinate the process so that lobbying es in developing the points of collision activity is effectively used not only in the process of making managerial to meet the priority inquiries of stake- decisions. holders, but also to create a coun- Some experts distinguish a num- terbalance system for imminent con- ber of other functions. For example, flicts in the process of making mana- EB Tikhomirov, considering lobbying gerial decisions, to promote prospe- as a specific form of communication rity and development of society as a with the public, and taking into ac- whole.

336 Conclusions. Interests of subjects functions of domestic lobbying will es- of lobby, forming the goals of this phe- sentially shift towards a compromise nomenon, are inextricably linked with with the public. its functions. Most of the goals of lob- bying in modern Ukraine lies in the area References of redistribution of economic resources. Researchers agree that in all countries 1. Shynkaruk V. I. (Ed.). (2002). Fi- losofskyi entsyklopedychnyi slovnyk: of the world the main objectives of lob- entsyklopediia [Philosophical Ency- bying are the impact on such areas as: clopedic Dictionary: Encyclopedia]. resolving issues of ownership and rights Kyiv: Abrys [in Ukrainian]. to dispose of it; granting of rights to 2. Byatets M. V. (1998). Lobbizm v pra- conduct specific activities; government votvorcheskoy deyatelnosti [Lobby- order; quotas, licenses; tariffs for energy ism in Lawmaking Activity]. Pravo- resources; economic and tax privileges; vedenie — Jurisprudence, 1, 46–52 [in financing social programs. However, Russian]. the list of goals of lobbying is not li- 3. Peshko K. (November 14, 2017). mited to the ones given. Byudzhet-2018. Komu i skilky vydi- lyv Hroysman [Budget 2018. To whom The analysis of lobbying functions and how much Hroysman has been al- allows to notice the tendencies in shift- located]. Retrieved from ing the goals of this activity. If the ob- jectives were fully covered by functions byudzhet-2017-komu-i-skilki-vidiliv- such as mediation between citizens groysman-451643.html [in Ukrainian]. and the state, the information function 4. Kolesnichenko O., Poliakova A., Ka- and the function of organizing plural- lachova H., Topalov M., Dienkov D. ity of public interests, then the role of (December 11, 2017). Prosto pro strengthening the self-organization of biudzhet-2018: khto vyhrav, khto civil society and the function of comp- prohrav, a komu baiduzhe [Easy about the 2018 budget: who won, romise become increasingly important who lost, but who does not care]. in the process of formation in the de- Retrieved from veloped countries of civil society and the development of telecommunication lications/2017/12/11/632028/ [in technologies. Ukrainian]. Ukrainian lobbyism will not be left 5. Wolpe B. C., Levine B. J. (1996). Lobby- to the side of this process. Already, ing Congress: How the System Works politicians of the highest level, leaders (2nd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Congres- of financial and industrial groups have sional Quarterly Inc. [in English]. to act, adjust their goals (even if they 6. Zyablyuk N. G. SShA: lobbizm i poli- tika [USA: Lobbyism and Politics]. are — declared), taking into account the Moscow: izd. “Mysl” [in Russian]. reaction of the public. In the future, this 7. Odintsova O. O. (2008). Pravove rehu- trend will only increase. The analysis of liuvannia lobizmu v suchasnii Ukraini current research and political events (zahalnoteoretychne doslidzhen- provides all grounds for believing that, nia) [Legal regulation of lobbyism in while proper regulatory legislation is modern Ukraine (general theoreti- being formed in Ukraine, the goals and cal research)]. Extended abstract of

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