REMOVAL SALE That the Schooner Jeanie, Which Re- to Secure a Load of Arctic Salmon for Summer's Activity and Progress in City J Been Severe Cently Sailed from St
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h pole the past spring will remain CITY "OF MISFORTUNE. PEARY RELIEF SHIP. north this yrat, nod the coal IGREAT AIRSHIP MEET useful for the same purpose next Former mer. In ease will send Disasters In Acapulco City this I'tniry Wrecked Mexican down (Itspatvlws from his advanced by Earthquake. Little Acapulco, the Mexican city Mission of the Stanch Jeanie In base to tah by KsUltuos, and the World's Famous Aeroplanists to Jetuttn will lm uuidiHl by the instruc- with its 5,000 inhabitants which was the Arctic Regions. tions mtahud tlieivln, so it is quite Compete at Rheims, France. entirely destroyed by the recent earth- possible she may uot see Peary at all. , V quake in Mexico, has achieved world- She will, however, bring home Harry.: ".' wide fame as a city of misfortune. ? TO FIND NORTH POLE SEEKERS Whitney, ail Amerkau sportsman, who MHIM I TniinmI nUUoHIMUo TUr,n Twice this year has it been the scene in the Roose-- rKltS wont to Etah last year of a catastrophe. On Feb. 15 300 per- -' V i Mi velt to hunt musk ox and walrus and sons were to . Captain Bartlett, Who Says Present International Cup Race Chief Event. burned death when the return this year. Dr. Cook, the rival Flores theater was set oa fire a Expedition Is Last Dash will be Tests For Dirigible and Spherical by Intrepid explorer, likewise brought ' - moving machine and J Will Ever Make For Balloons Included In the picture destroyed Explorer North back. ' Program. at a in, honor of i the Declined special performance Pole, Believes Dr. Cook and Harry After the Jeanie has completed her Why Wrights to Enter Governor Flores of the stateof Guer- Whitney Will Be Waiting at Etah. work at Etah she will return to Ponds the Contests. rero. " inlet. Baffin where she will "s . Land, try A Several times before the has REMOVAL SALE That the schooner Jeanie, which re- to secure a load of arctic salmon for summer's activity and progress in city j been severe cently sailed from St. John's, N. F., York. She carries aviation in France which have exceed- damaged by earthquakes. sale in New three In the state of Guerrero' fe known with fifty tons of coal and other sup- ed the dreams of the most enthusiastic fact, salmon nets and thirty tons of curing as home of seismic By September we will move to i followers of the disturbances. plies for the relief of Robert E. Peary, salt. Sbe expects to return to St. the sport will be crowned Its severest shock occurred in 190T- - - will be the last relief ship ever to John's about Oct. 1. ' j by the assembling of the most re- - our new location in the White--' nowned at a The whole region suffered', and Chil- -. venture in the northern seas for that The person who betrayed the most aeroplanists "week of side Pal- is the belief of Sam- aviation," arranged to open at Rheims pancingo. the capital city, was practi- Building, opposite the explorer Captain emotion when the Jeanie went out of 1908 uel W. the Jeanie's com- Es- on Aug. 22. cally destroyed. In Chilapa, a Bartlett, St. John's was Mene Wallace, the of some ace Theater, where we will mander and dean of all the to The entries for the various events on city 15,000 inhabitants; was navigators kimo youth whom Peary brought and March 2T have who have the seas, and States vears lue mumue Lauiam, mono- - badly damaged, of a large and complete stock explored polar the United fourteen ago the same vear that pitv wns a&ain . others who know the plans of Mr and who insisted on going back to Planei Blerzot, monoplane; Delagrange, of Millinery and in Far-na- shaSen, completing the ruin of the everything Peary. He practically admitted when his native tribe. The United States, biplane with tail; biplane; Santos-Dumon- former shock. Sommer t, mo-fille- d Goods. he said goodby to Captain Bartlett at besides giving bim some education, has biplane; Ladies', Furnishing A ' Tis-nor- Nevertheless, beset Etah almost a year ago that if he did him with the ambition to find the nPlane; Count de Lambert and th Acapulco, by A of Ladies' tropic perils and cursed by & hot,. Store Merchandise ;not find the north pole on this trip it pole, and he said before he left sandier, pupils of Wilbur Wright, and -- is one of the- most would be a task for a younger man to would find or Dr. Demarest. monoplane; Esnault-Peite- - unhealthy climate, The only store of its kind in that he it if Pearv beautiful spots in the world., Its take up, with possibly new methods. Cook doesn't. To him alone on rie- - monoplane; uooron, pipiane with the ' a the Ru-sa- name, and abbreviation' city. "Mr. Peary is getting along in years, Jeanie "down north." as thev taU5 De Rue biplane with. tall; v corruption the trip of Aqua (beautiful waters), . and it is doubtful if he would want to in St. John's, was home, and chnnet, biplane; Guffroy, monoplane. Pulchjja going true. The coast at ; take of another was auu ienn uurxiss, wno win De rings this point is charge expedition." he glad. ti. the sheer cliff. Not till the' steamer is al - declared Captain Bartlett. "To a few iomciai representative ot the Aero Club & of America. The nations most upon it does the bluff walled,' L. 6. B. ANDERSON of his friends he has confided the fact SEAL ON LITTLE RED taking part to SCHOOL include blue channel to Acapulco harbor ap that he would like make one try France. America, Austria, Eng- - for the south pole, but he has not land and Italy. pear. Movement to Establish Graded System Acapulco harbor is one of the finest given that adventure any serious con- - Declination of In Place of Pioneer Method. the Wrights. in the world. It lies "231 miles south : sideration. Yet it is because Mr. was The national corn exposition to be It hoped that the Wright broth- west of Mexico of which was realized that this would be per- ers City, it Peary held at Omaha. Neb., will to would enter, but they declined,, it had his last chance to attain the attempt is on formerly the seaport. It been for' haps goal a seal of death on the "little red understood, the ground that they centuries chief center of com- - of the years of work and put to --the clause in the -- ROMP -- suffering schoolhouse." Only the corn show objected the rules al merce with Islands as REST RECOPERATE Id St. John's the-- the Philippine that many persons regard does not refer to the lowing machines to stop "during well as with China and India. it very doubtful if he wilt ever coma single ungraded of the races. On. the By schoolroom by the above sentimental running opening trail the merchandise went over-- back from the expedition. They de- the French entries will hold am pack nomenclature. day land from to Mexico clare he will take the most desperate elimination race to select three- - Acapulco City At the Seashore The rura! high school witb pilots and Then came chances to reach the pole, and desper- adopted who will the Aero points beyond. the great success in many of the represent Out of railroad ate chances in the polar region may parts France in the event of the through from the capital to United States is the aim, and wherever principal San and with the .mean more than a simple failure." week, that of the international' cup of Bias, it departed has been established no farmer commercial importance of Acapulco. Confident of Eskimo Skill. would have his children return to aviation, which will be contested, of the on Chilapa, with a population of 12.000, NEWPORT , Bartlett has great confidence the final day of the meet 'Captain little old school which pioneered for fs in Guerrero. o, in his This race is for kilometers the largest city In the ability of the Eskimo education in every state in the Union twenty the is a small town native and it is because of his (about twelve and ,a half milesh, and! capital, climate, and which has been sung by many a fn the center of the state, about 200 confidence he will not be d the winner will be the who that poet and celebrated in the "Hoosier aeroplanist miles from Mexico 110 Is a delightful resort and a happy combination! of pleas- if Dr. Cook- is the covers the distance in the shortest City and about awaiting Schoolmaster" and romances ' other time. The will be run- miles from' the coast. It was well, ure ground possibilities. An ideal climate diversion of when she arrives at Etah. where the new wal- race twice teacher always a built and lighted by electricity. recreation driv- ."When Dr. Cook crossed Smith's sound the around special course measuring ten perfect bathing boating fishing riding " an lops village bully. kilometers six and a was about 7,000. ' to Ellesmere Land and took Willet H.' Hays, assistant secretary (about quarter ing,, and exploring, make Newport a most charmine and to L route to the north pole he of is the man behind this miles), but, owing the necessity of two agriculture, wide at the turns,, HUNDRED popular play ground. 'had with him of the best Eskimo educational gun. He is an enthusiast making sweeps the YEARS OF PEACE. men in emer- actual distance covered will be considj- - .guides, resourceful the over the possibilities of consolidation - in excess of , gencies which confront the arctic trav- and of the courses in the erably that distance.