1912. Congressional Record- Senate

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1912. Congressional Record- Senate 1912. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE . 7 3 other merchants of West Bend, Wis.; and of Mrs. IL Emllick Also, petition ot A. Habernicht & Co., of New York, protest­ and 4 other merchants of Keewaskum, Wis., asking that the In­ ing against the passage of the Web-b-Kenyon bill; to the Com­ terstate CommeTce Commission be given furtheT power for the mittee on the Judiciary. regulation of express rates; to the Committee on the Judi­ By Mr. RIDILLY: Petition of the Nntiona.l Society for the Pro­ ciary. motion of Industrial Education, favoring the passage oi'. the Also petition of the Supreme, Council of th~ Order of United Page-Wilson bill; to the Committee on Agriculture. Comm~rcial Travelers of America, favoring passage of bill (H. R. Also, petition of the New Haven Chamber of Commerce, New 17736) reducing rate of letter- pastage to 1 cent ; to the Commit­ liar-en, Conn., favoring the widening of the main channel of the tee on the Post Office and Post Roads. New Haven Harbor; to the Committee on lli~ers und Harbor~. Al o, petition of the Supreme Co'llllcil of the Order of United .Also, petition of the J.:Jew Ha-ven Olla:mber of Commerce, New Commercial Travelers of America, asking for a change in the Haven, Comr., favoring :Passage of House bill 2G277, for Cl'l:n.­ manner in which national elections are held; to the Committee tion of final court of patent app,ea.18" ; to the Committee on the on Election of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Judiciary. Congress. Also, petition of the Board of Harbor Commi s·oners for New Also, petiti'on of l\Iilwn.ukee (Wis.) Council, ~"70. 54, Order of HaYen Harbor, favoring the winening and impror-ement of the United Commercial Travelers of America, faT"oring passage of main channel of the New Haven Harbor; to the Committee on House bill 20590, prondi1lg for a change of date of the general Ri r-ers and Ha1'b0Ts. election; to the Committee on Election of President, Vice Presi­ Also, petition of Farmers' Educational and Cooperati\e Union dent, and Repre entatives in Congress. of America, favoring the passage of Seru:Ue bill 3fi5, for restric· Also, petition of Merchants and business men ot Be~rver Dam tion of immigration ; to the Committee on. Immigr tion and and Horkont Wis., protesting against an"S change in the present Naturalization. parcel-post system; to the Committee· on the Post Office and By Mr. WILLIS : Petition of Robinson & Richter Co. and 4 Post Roads. other citizens of Milford Center, Ohio, and Ambrose & Knight By Mr. ESCH; Petition of the Memphis l\Ierchants' E~change, and 10 other citizens of Urbana, Ohio, favoring enactment of fa\'oring passage of Pomerene substitute bill (S. 957)' ; to the legislation giving Interstate Commerce Commission further Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. power toward regulation of express rates;, to the Committee on Also, petition of Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Urrion Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of Americu, favoring passage e>f Senate bill 3175, far restriction By l\lr. WILSON of New York: Petition of the ~Iaritime Asso­ of immigration; to the Committee on Immigration and Naturali­ ciation of the Port of New York, favoring eetablishment o-f a zation. Weather Bureau station at Sanely Hook; to the Committee on By Mr. FITZGERALD: Petition of the Council of Grain Eh­ Appropriatfons. clrllnge, Chicago, UL, favoring pussuge of Senate bi11 6810, the Also, petition of the Wyckoff Heighm Taxpayers· Association, Pornerene· Senate substitute bill ~ to the Committee on Interstate of Brooklyn, N. Y., relatirn to giving the postmen a holiday on and Foreign Commerce. Thanksgi ing Day; to the Committee on the Post Oflke and Post Also, petitie>n of the board of directors of the l\Iaritime Asso­ Roads. ciation of the Port of Kew York, faToting establishment of a Weather Bureau station at Sandy Hook; to the Committee, on Appropriations. SENATE. Also, petition of the Supreme Council of the Orcle1"' of United TUESDAY, D"ecember 3, 191'2. Comme1·cial Travelers of America, fa-r~ring passage of House bill 20590, changing the date of the general election ; to: the The Senat~ met at 11 o'clock a. m. Committee on Election of President, Vi ·e Pr,esident, and Repre­ Praser by the Chaplain, Rev. 1Jl-ysses G. B. Pierce-. D. D. sentatives in Congress. Mr. BAcou: took the chair as President pro tempore under Also, petition of the Supreme Council of the Order of United the previous order of the Senate. Commercial Travele:rs of America, fa·rnring passage of Honse NoR1us BROWN, a Senator from the State of Nebr:isktt; Mn.Es bill 1773'3, for reduction of postage rate to 1 cent; to the Com­ POINDEXTER, a, Senator fTom the State of WMhington; Wrr.L1AM mittee on the Post Office and Post Roads,. ALDEN SMITH, a Senator from the State of Uichigan; n.nd Also, petition of the l\Ianila Welfare Committee, urging a GEOI:GE ScTHERLAND, a Senator from the State of Utah. bond issue of $10,000,000 be issued, so thnt $2,250,000 be made appeared in their seats to-da}". avaHable for urgent humanitarian purposes; to the Committee The Joar.nal of yesterday's proceedµlgs was read and appruved. on Appropriations. SENATORS FRO~ IDAHO' Al\TU MABYLA~. Also, petition of Farmers' Edncatiannl ancl Coope:raUve Union Mr. BORAH. I present the c-ertificate of the governor of of America, favoring passage of Senate bill 3175, relati"rn to im­ the State of Idaho naming Hon. KIRTLA.i~ I . PERKY a Senator migration; to the Committee on Immigration arrd Naturalization. to sncceed the late WELDON B. HEYBUBN. I a:sk that it be read. By Mr. FULLER: Papers to accompany bill (H. R. 25354) The credentials of KIRTLAND I. PERKY, ::tppointed by tbe gov­ for relief of Charles Logan; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ sions. ernor of the State of Idaho a Senator from that State to fill untiI the next meeting of the legislatul'e thereof the ~n:cancy Also, papers to accompany bill for relief of l\Irs. Mary 1,. :Mer­ in the term ending March 3, 1915, we1·e read and ordered to be chant; to the Com:mi ttee on Invalid Pensions. filed. By Mr. KINKEAD of New Jersey: Letter trom Branch No. l\fr. SMITH of Mnr rand. I present the certificate of the 221, National Association of Letter Carriers, Bayonne, N. J., governor of Maryland appointing Ir. WILLLHI P. JACKSON a relative to prevailing upon Congressman THOMAS RElLLY to Senator from Maryland to snc-ceed Hon. ISIDOR IlAYNER., de­ accept an invitation as honor guest at a dinner showing their ceased. I ask that the credentials may be read. appreciation of his successful efforts in passing the postal em­ The credentials of WILLIAM Punmrr.r. J Acxso_ , appointed by ployees' eight-ten hour law; to the Committee on Labor. the governor of the Shlte of Maryland a Senator from that By l\Ir. LAFEAN : Papers accompanying bill granting increase State to fill until the next meeting of the legislature thereof the of pension to William G. Stine; to the Committee on Im-alid vacancy in the term ending March 3, 1917, weTe read and Pensions. ordered to be filed. By Mr. LEVY : Petition of the Supreme Council of the Order llr. BORAH. I de ire to state that the Senator who has of United Commercial' Travelers of America, favoring a change been appointed from Idaho is now in the Chamber and ready in the date of the general election; to the Committee on Elec­ to take the oath of office. tion of President~ Vice President, and Representatives ill Con­ l\Ir. SUITII of Maryland. lllr~ JACKSON is also present and gress. ready to be sworn. Also, petition of the Maritime Association of the Port of The PRESIDENT pro tempoFe. The Senators who have been New York, favoring the establishment of a Weather Bui:eau appointed will present tl'lemse-Ives at the desk and .take tlre oath station at Sandy Hook; to the Committee on Appropriations. af office. · Also, petition of the Supreme Council of the Orde:c of United l\h·. PERR'.Y and lUr. JAcKscrx were escorted to the Vice Presi­ Commercial Travelers of America, favoring reduction of postage dent's desk by Mr. Bo-nAH and Mr. SMITH of :Maryland, re­ rate to 1 cent; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post spectively; ancl the oath prescribed by law ha1_'ing been adminis-­ Roads. tered to them, they took their seats in the Senate. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, of Rogue, Ark., favoring passage CREDENTIALS. pf Senate bill 3175, for restriction of immigration; to the Com­ l\lr. FOSTER presented the credentials of ROBRRT F . BROUSSARD, mtttee on Immigration and Naturalization. chosen by the 11_ggislature of the State ot LO'uisiann a Senator JI , • l -: J1J' _) · I;' Jjj l (\ ]~]I] f 8 CONGRESSIONAL RECOR.D-SENATE. DECEl\IBER 3 ' from that State for the term beginning March 4, 1915, which Spanish-American War, and already engaged in laying the were read and ordered to be filed. groundwork of a vast foreign trade upon which it should one I" day become more and more dependent, found itself without the NOTIFICATIO~ TO THE PRESIDENT. machinery for giving thorough attention to, and taking effective l\Ir. CULLOM and Mr. MA.RTIN of Virginia, the committee action upon, a mass of intricate business vital to American in­ appointed to wait on the President of the United States, ap­ terests in every country in the world.
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