Ripacandida, Italy

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Ripacandida, Italy Ripacandida, Italy Local progress report on the implementation of the 10 Essentials for Making Cities Resilient (2013-2014) Mayor: Vito Antonio Remollino Name of focal point: Daniele Gioiosa Organization: Municipality of Ripacandida Title/Position: Technical Officer E-mail address: [email protected] Telephone: +390972664132 Reporting period: 2013-2014 Last updated on: 23 December 2014 Print date: 23 December 2014 Reporting language: English A Local HFA Monitor update published by PreventionWeb Local Progress Report 2013-2014 1/28 Essential 1 Put in place organization and coordination to understand and reduce disaster risk, based on participation of citizen groups and civil society. Build local alliances. Ensure that all departments understand their role to disaster risk reduction and preparedness. How well are local organizations (including local government) equipped with capacities (knowledge, experience, official mandate) for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation? Level of Progress achieved: 3 Description of Progress & Achievements: According to the Italian legislation, the Mayor is the local authority in charge of civil protection and territorial safety. In case of emergency, he is called to provide immediate assistance and relief to the population, with support of a special structure made by municipal staff and key-figures belonging to community (health service representatives, voluntary associations, etc .). The Town of Ripacandida has been ranked as at high seismic risk. On 23rd November 1980 it was struck by a violent earthquake which caused severe damage. Since then, the population has developed an awareness of seismic risk and the reconstruction has been carried out in compliance with the current law in force. Besides, the Municipality has set up new technical structures, including a Seism Department which has been entrusted with the building site set-up of private and public works financed by Law n. 219/81. The Technical Department can boast three land-surveyors, yet it has no human resources with an ad hoc training in the field of civil protection or environment. Nevertheless, the department has acquired an adequate knowledge and experience in the field throughout the years. Ripacandida is endowed with a Civil Protection Plan, which was last updated by City Council Resolution n° 9 on the 27th March 2014. To what extent do partnerships exist between communities, private sector and local authorities to reduce risk? Level of Progress achieved: 3 Local Progress Report 2013-2014 2/28 Description of Progress & Achievements: The initiatives taken in order to reduce risks, which also involve the private sector, are relative to a list of building companies, with their relative mechanical equipment, which can be contacted in case of emergencies. These resources were already employed in the past, mainly in case of snow emergency. There is, also, collaboration with the Regional and in particular the Provincial local authorities. The Municipality has established a formal cooperation with the Province of Potenza for the integration of environmental sustainability and territorial security themes in the urban and land-use government actions. How much does the local government support vulnerable local communities (particularly women, elderly, infirmed, children) to actively participate in risk reduction decision-making, policy making, planning and implementation processes? Level of Progress achieved: 3 Description of Progress & Achievements: The Civil Protection Plan has already identified the vulnerable members of the population, towards whom special attention will be paid in case of emergencies. To what extent does the local government participate in the national DRR planning? Level of Progress achieved: 3 Description of Progress & Achievements: The Italian civil protection law requires that the local Disaster Management plan must be drawn up according to the criteria and the procedures of the guidelines adopted Local Progress Report 2013-2014 3/28 by the National Civil Protection System and the regional governments. Moreover, the legislation requires the local Disaster Management plans to be sent to the Region, the Prefecture and the Province for wide information. According to the Italian regulations, the Municipality is a key actor of the National Civil Protection System – structured in National, regional and local levels - and has the task to highlight critical situations on the territory, also by assessing and integrating the disaster risk information at the local scale. Thanks to his territorial knowledge, the Mayor has also a stimulating role in higher-level programming and planning. Local Progress Report 2013-2014 4/28 Essential 2 Assign a budget for disaster risk reduction and provide incentives for homeowners, low-income families, communities, businesses and public sector to invest in reducing the risks they face. How far does the local government have access to adequate financial resources to carry out risk reduction activities? Level of Progress achieved: 3 Description of Progress & Achievements: In the past, when disasters occurred (snow, the flooding of the torrent, etc.) regional structures were alerted and they were the ones entrusted with finding budget resources. These resources were then transferred to the Municipality, while presenting past expenditure and its relative invoices. Due to its limited budget too, the Municipality of Ripacandida, cannot allocate resources to meet any emergencies, except for those allocated every year for snow emergency. However, the Municipality is trying to set up tools to overcome the financial problem. To what degree does the local government allocate sufficient financial resources to carry out DRR activities, including effective disaster response and recovery? Level of Progress achieved: 2 Description of Progress & Achievements: As already said in the previous paragraph, despite its limited budget, every year the Municipality of Ripacandida allocates a small amount for snow emergency. This resource, equal to € 3,000.00 (approximately), is relative to this field, occurring almost every year. Moreover, the Municipality of Ripacandida spends € 2,400.00 for the redaction of the Civil Protection Plan and an equal amount of money for emergency plans in workplaces (the Town Hall). This expenses are equal to € Local Progress Report 2013-2014 5/28 7,800.00, which is the 0.2785% of the total budget. Anyway, the Municipality makes indirect investments in risk prevention and mitigation, using part of its budget through extraordinary and ordinary maintenance interventions on public structures and on the territory. What is the scope of financial services (e.g. saving and credit schemes, macro and micro-insurance) available to vulnerable and marginalised households for pre- disaster times? Level of Progress achieved: 1 Description of Progress & Achievements: There are no such resources except for the issues mentioned above. To what extent are micro finance, cash aid, soft loans, lone guarantees etc available to affected households after disasters to restart livelihoods? Level of Progress achieved: 1 Description of Progress & Achievements: The budget does not allocate resources aimed at these benefits. It's obvious that if a disaster were to occur, the Municipality will be required to try to find amounts to meet these needs. How well established are economic incentives for investing in disaster risk reduction for households and businesses (e.g. reduced insurance premiums for households, tax holidays for businesses)? Local Progress Report 2013-2014 6/28 Level of Progress achieved: 2 Description of Progress & Achievements: Recently, within the O.P.C.M. (Prime Ministerial Order) 4007 - 29.02.2012, the Municipality has put in place the administrative procedures regarding the public notice contained in the deliberation of the Regional Committee of Basilicata n. 1044 - 07.08.2012, for privates, aimed at the request for incentives for structural actions or seismic improvement, or demolition and reconstruction of private buildings. Moreover in order to obtain risks active mitigation, by means of its Territorial Coordination Plan (TCP), the Province is engaged in providing for a coordinating role in enhancing and facilitating the implementation of programs of extraordinary territorial maintenance by local governments, through the identification of possible financial solutions and procedural facilitation. Specific measures and solution encouraging private investments to be devoted to risk reduction and mitigation at the local level will be also explored and set up. To what extent do local business associations, such as chambers of commerce and similar, support efforts of small enterprises for business continuity during and after disasters? Level of Progress achieved: 1 Description of Progress & Achievements: At the moment they do not provide any tangible support. Local Progress Report 2013-2014 7/28 Essential 3 Maintain up-to-date data on hazards and vulnerabilities, prepare risk assessments and use these as the basis for urban development plans and decisions. Ensure that this information and the plans for your city's resilience are readily available to the public and fully discussed with them. To what degree does the local government conducted thorough disaster risk assessments for key vulnerable development sectors in your local authority? Level of Progress achieved: 4 Description of Progress & Achievements:
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