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CRFQ NO 1000296703. E-Tender No.33670 BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD CENTRAL PROCUREMENT ORGANISATION-REFINERIES MUMBAI REFINERY,MAHUL MUMBAI- 400074 TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (H2O2) for NRL-NUMALIGARH REFINERY CRFQNO. 1000296703 E-TENDER NO: 33670 DUE DATE: 22.01.2018 (1100HRS ²IST) Page 1 of 33 CRFQ NO 1000296703. E-Tender No.33670 TENDER NO.: CRFQ NO 1000296703 - SUPPLY OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (H2O2) Index Sr. Description Annexure Page No. Number 1 Notice Inviting Tender 1 3 2 Special Conditions of Tender 2 4-15 3 Bid Qualification Criteria (BQC) (KR/ NRL) 3 16-18 2 Technical Specifications, Terms & Conditions Z 19-20 including Evaluation criteria ² BPCL ² KR / NRL 3 Agreed Terms & Conditions A 21-25 7 Price Schedule - Indigenous Bidder B 26 8 List of Deviations C 27 9 Declaration regarding Holiday Listing D 28 10 Format for Bidder Information E 29-30 11 Format for Bank Guarantee for Earnest money F 31-32 deposit 12 NRL PDF DOCUMENTS: GPC 2 pages), . 33-35 PBG 2pages) 13 BQC ² VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENT 36 FORMAT Page 2 of 33 CRFQ NO 1000296703. E-Tender No.33670 ANNEXURE 1. BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD CENTRAL PROCUREMENT ORGANISATION (REFINERIES), MAHUL, MUMBAI - 400 074. PHONE: 91-22-25524117 NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NATIONAL TENDER) CRFQ. No. 1000296703 BPCL, [CPO-R] invites offers for the supply of Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) for BPCL-Kochi Refinery & NRL-Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. The tender document has two packages namely: 1. Package 1: Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) for BPCL ² Kochi Refinery (KR) (E-Tender no. 33669) 2. Package 2: Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) for NRL-Numaligarh Refinery (E-Tender no. 33670) Details of the tenders are available/can be downloaded from any of the following websites : a. %3&/·V( -procurement platform https://bpcleproc.in. b. BPCL website www.bharatpetroleum.in Tenders View Tenders select dept. CPO (Refineries). c. Central Procurement Portal http://eprocure.gov.in/cppp Due date for submission: 22.01.2018, 11.00 HRS. IST. Important: All updates, amendments, etc, (if any) will be posted on the above websites. There will not be any publication of the same through press advertisement. Place: Mumbai CPO-R Page 3 of 33 CRFQ NO 1000296703. E-Tender No.33670 ANNEXURE 2 SUBJECT: SUPPLY OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (H2O2) AT NRL-NUMALIGARH REFINERY. Digitally signed quotations (Techno commercial bids) are invited from bidders in 2 part bid system for the subject work as per the enclosed Tender Documents and its attachments. All prospective bidders are requested enroll onto our e-tendering platform https://bpcleproc.in/ maintained by M/s. E-procurement Technologies Ltd. our authorised Service Provider for E-tendering. Upon logging in to the e-procurement website, bidders can download the bid documents and shall thoroughly go through the same. All documents required for the bid, shall be uploaded on the appropriate place in the E-Procurement web site, digitally signed. All the bids shall be evaluated from the inputs made by the bidders on the E-Procurement portal. Hard copies of the bids shall not be submitted to this office, since hard copies shall not be considered for evaluation. Bidders are advised to read the Instructions for participating in the electronic tenders directly through internet (Bid Submission Manuals are available on the above mentioned e- procurement site) and get conversant with the process of online submission of the tenders well in time so as to submit tenders by the due date. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. 1. BPCL, CPO-Refineries invites offers for supply of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), in complete accordance with tender documents and its attachments at NRL-Numaligarh Refinery as per the following details: Material Description / Qnty: Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) Quantity: NRL: 120 MT Period of Contract: One year (2018-19) Technical Specifications: Material shall be supplied as per the technical specifications and terms and conditions as mentioned in Annexure Z. Documents in support of the same should be submitted with the Unpriced bid. Please specify the shelf life of the product. Page 4 of 33 CRFQ NO 1000296703. E-Tender No.33670 2. Bid Documents: a. Bid documents consist of all the documents from Annexure A to H mentioned in the index & any additional document submitted by the bidder, in support of their claim of meeting the requirements in this tender. b. NRL ·V *HQHU al Purchase Conditions (BPC) is an essential part of this bid document. The terms & conditions mentioned there in , to the extent that they are applicable in the context of this procurement, shall hold good for this tender, in addition to the requirements, terms & conditions mentioned elsewhere in Annexure- A to G of this tender document. In case of any conflict between the terms & conditions in the GPC with that mentioned elsewhere in these tender documents, the latter shall prevail. c. Bidder is expected to read, understand & accept all terms & conditions without any deviations. In case bidder takes any deviation to any of the terms & conditions in these tender documents, the same shall be stated clearly with reasons in Annexure C, with reasons/remarks. d. BPCL reserves the right to accept or reject any of the deviations . In case any of the deviations taken by any bidder is not acceptable to BPCL, the same shall be taken up with bidder for withdrawal/modification of the deviation as deemed fit. In case the bidder declines to withdraw/modify the deviation as desired by BPCL, BPCL reserves the right to reject the offer at the technical/unpriced bid evaluation stage itself. 3. Bid Qualification Criteria: Bidders meeting the technical & commercial qualifying criteria as per the pre- qualification criteria, Annex. 3 of this tender document shall only be considered for further evaluation of bids. 4. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) : 4.1 Interest-free Earnest Money deposit (EMD) of INR 100,000.00 (Rs. One lakhs only) shall be paid by Demand Draft '' %DQNHU·V Cheque drawn in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited and payable at Mumbai. 4.2 EMD can also be paid by way of Bank Guarantee as per the format provided in Annexure H, from any bank recognized as Schedule bank by Reserve Bank of India, in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Mumbai. The BG shall be furnished on non-judicial stamp paper of value not less than Rs. 100.00. The BG shall be kept valid for a period of 180 days beyond the period of bid validity. 4.3 EMD, wherever applicable, shall be paid separately by Demand Draft (DD), Bankers Cheque drawn in favor of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited and SD\DEOHDW0XPEDL$OWHUQDWLYHO\(0'FDQDOVREHSDLGE\ZD\RI´%DQN *XDUDQWHHµ %* DV per BG format (Annexure ² H) from any bank recognized as Page 5 of 33 CRFQ NO 1000296703. E-Tender No.33670 Scheduled Bank by Reserve Bank of India in favor of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mumbai. The BG in lieu of EMD shall be furnished on non- judicial Stamp Paper of value not less than ` 100/- and in prescribed Pro-forma given. The BG shall be kept valid for a period of 180 days beyond the period of bid validity. 4.4 2ULJLQDO''%DQNHU·V&KHTXHRU%*DVWKHFDVHPD\EHWRZDUGV(0'VKDOOEH sent separately to DGM CPO-Refineries, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, 0XPEDL&RS\RI''%DQNHU·V&KHTXH%*DVWKHFDVHPD\EHDORQJ ZLWKSURRIRIGLVSDWFKWREHXSORDGHGDORQJZLWK´7HFKQLFDO8Q -Priced %LGµ Bids without EMD are liable to be rejected. 4.5 EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be released after finalization of the tender. 4.6 The following categories of bidders (Manufacturer only) are however exempted from depositing EMD: a) Units registered with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC); b) Units falling under Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) category and registered with authorities specified under Public Procurement Policy for MSEs. For Bidders under a & b above, the exemption would be extended only if their registration is available for tendered item and registration certification is valid as on date of quotation. (Manufacturer only) Such bidders must upload appropriate proof along with their "Pre-qualification Bid", to show that they are eligible for the exemption from EMD (application for registration as NSIC or for renewal will not be acceptable), failing which such bid will be treated as bid received without EMD and liable to be rejected. 4.7 Forfeiture of EMD ² A bidder who has submitted their bid shall not be permitted to alter / amend or withdraw the bid, not withstanding that the bid (s) has / have not yet been opened / finalized. A bidder who purports to alter / withdraw / modify their offer after submission within the validity period of the offer shall be liable to have their offer rejected and their EMD forfeited / en-cashed. 4.8 The Earnest Money deposited by successful bidder shall be forfeited if the successful bidder fails to honor the offer terms prior to ordering and Contractual terms after issuance of LOA / Contract / Purchase Order. 4.9 Bidders are required to upload scan copy of EMD (DD/BG/Valid NSIC Certificate) and scan copy of proof of dispatch (Airway bill receipt) in the respective folder of the e-tender before the due date. Bidder has to ensure that the EMD reaches us before the due date or within 7 days after Technical / Unpriced bid opening date. 4.10 Offers received without scan copy of EMD (DD/BG/Valid NSIC Certificate) and scan copy of proof of dispatch (Airway bill receipt), uploaded in the applicable folder of an e-tender and physically not UHFHLYHGZLWKLQGD\VDIWHU´7HFKQLFDO Un-3ULFHG%LGµRSHQLQJGDWH DVLQGLFDWHGLQWKH1,7RUFRUULJHQGXPWKHUHRI DUH liable to be rejected. Page 6 of 33 CRFQ NO 1000296703. E-Tender No.33670 5. Submission of Tender: 5.1 %LGVVKRXOGEHVXEPLWWHGLQ´7:2%,'6<67(0µLH´8QSULFHG%LGµ ´3ULFHG %LGµ through e-tendering portal.