August 19,1869
REMINISCENCES OF “OLD BEN TAPPAN.” Farm, Garden, and Household, (From the Cincinnati Enquirer.) A lusty, rasping old tile was Benjamin Tappau—-usually styled, where he wa'known, COMH'CTF.n r.Y l’l'TXAM SIMOXTOX. •■Old Ben Tappau." once a countv judge, from which he was transferred to tiie Su- tt^-Our friends who may have communications, ob- preme Bench of Ohio, and from thence to a s< rvations, facts, or of interest, suggestions, anything seat in the United States Senate, trom the I rtaiuing to this department, are requested to comrau- icate the same to Dr. Putnam Simouton, Searsport, who same State. Numerous are the anecdotes re- will the same lor if of sufficient im- prepare publication, lated of him in all these 1 >y his portance. capacities neighbors, associates, members of the ar, and in From GOOD PICKLES-HOW TO MAKE. fellow-legislators Congress. among the host of told of him. we re- NATURAL SCIENCE. A SONG. tains: anil worse still, the fierce On the I was com- THE WILD HORSE OF THE PLAINS. good things I'h. r. are several for Spanish leaving army appointed ways practiced making duce to and the followin'.' sam- Matter. Whatever space, whatever w*e were continually attacking us. All this mandant of the swine in our This is Our readers will no doubt with in- writing print i kies, as cucumbers. tomatoes, &c., some, occupies I this to one who makes glen, village. peruse good: >ing song I ple* : can see or touch i> called matter; a word derived A of was not much to my taste, confess, nothing in truth a office, Herr Amtmann, but terest the sketch of the horse in his ae bad: sonic, The old-fashioned, pleasantness duty; military following poisonous.
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