20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon,, Feb. 14, 1983

I BUSINESS Firm fries to revive Owner of quarry School to start] «# ■ ' Maine sardine market promises a clean job in A u g u st? Don't ignore income tax penalties ... page 4 ... page 9 ... page 3

portion of the understatement attributable to the percent a month penalty is less. ' (This is the seventh in a 12-part series on saving on treatment of 1) any item for which you believed there There is no penalty, though, if your failure to file on* 1982 and 1983 taxes.) was substantial authority, or 2) any item for which time was due to a -reasonable cause. > Manchester, Conn. The 16 percent interest rate charged you for you adequateiy disclosed the relevant facts on your Clear tonight; underpaying your income tax or paid to you on Your CLEAR WAV OUT: If you can’t get your return^ Tuesday, Feb. 15,1983 refunds by the Internal Revenue Service probably will return. sunny Wednesday If you have bought into tax shelters, there are ready to file by April 15, 1983, ask for an automatic drop effective July 1, 1983 (although there is no Money's Single copy 25 cents tougher«rules for applying the penalties to any tax extension of time to file by filing a request on Form . — See page 2 certainty about this, as there has been none on past underpayments caused by your tax shelter. And 4868. By tiling an extension request on Form 4868, you j interest-rate gyrations). That's because it will be Worth another new penalty was added for 1982. will get an automatic extension to file until Aug. tS,r Hrratb based on the average bank prime rate for the six Sylvia Porter This one can penalize you if you file your return late 1983, a four-month extension. ■! months ended March 31, 1983. For Jan.. 1. 1984, the and also have an underpayment of tax whether WARNING: This filing extension doesn’t permit;; average will be based on the prime rate for the six because of y ur late payment of a portion of the tax on you to defer payment of tax due on your 1982 return.» mcaths ended Sept. 30, 1983. Be sure to pay at least 90.i]ercent of tax due on your However, whatever the rate becomes. It will be , the return, Oi because of a late assessment by the IRS. 1982 tax (line 59, Form l(()i)) With I^rm 4868. This way {, compounded daily, so you can expect a hefty interest you Jrom this penalty, since in order to have a tax you are only charged with intereiM on your remaining < rate charge on taxes you owe the'IRS, no matter what understatement of at least $5,000, you must have IN THE PAST, there was no penalty for late filing if unpaid tax. ' the simple rate. While you get the benefit of these high understated your income or overstated your expenses your full tax already had been paid either through (or both) by substantially more than $5,000. withholding or by your estimated tax payments, etc. If with Form 4868 you pay less than 90 percent of the ‘ Lebanese rates if you are entitled on a refund, most of us pay tax that was due April 15, 1983, then in addition to ’ interest on underpayments to the IRS rather than If there was underpayment, you were hit by a penalty JUST HOW MUCH more will depend on your tax of 5 percent of the underpayment per month, up to 25 interest on the unpaid portion you also will be charged ! receive interest on overpayments. a penalty of of 1 percent a month on the amount of 1 In addition to this charge on taxes you owe the IRS. bracket. For instance, if you are in a 30 percent percent of tax due. tax that was unpaid as of April 15, 1983. i you also will be hit by a new, extra 10 percent penalty bracket or brackets, you would have to understate or The new provision sets a minimum under this IN SUM: These penalties are adding up! Ignore ai (plus interest on that penalty). If the IRS finds that overstate more than-$15,000 of income or expenses. existing penalty. If you file your 1982 return more than your own peril! you understated your tax by more than 10 percent of But even if you have a tax understatement of more 60 days late and have an underpayment of tax, you can test power » • the correct tax and the amount of the understated tax than $5,000, you may be protected from the peanlty be hit with a penalty of $100 or the amount of the (Next: Good and Bad Tax Law changes for 1983) . is more than $.6,000. That $5,000 figure protects most of under another rule. No penalty is assessed for the underpayment, whichever is less — if the regular 5 By United Press International brother, Beshir, there have been doubts about Amin’s ability to Lebanese army troops moved control its commanders. Beshir 5 Now is time to buy into Christan east Beirut today in a was assassinated Sept. 14 before he major test of the government’s would be inaugurated as Leban­ ability to forge national unity by on’s new president. reasserting control over the “ It is your responsibility to stronghold of the Phalange militia. salvage and liberate ," In Israel, West Bank settlers Gemayel said in a speech to into the stock morketl Lebanese troops at Beirut Interna­ rode through a Palestinian refugee camp in jeeps and warned resi­ tional Airport, where U.S, Marine By David R. Sargent Nor is there a dearth of fa vorable were predicted on the anticipated dents they could be deported to peace-keeping troops also are factors on which to found investor economic upcycle. Once the recov­ Jordan in retaliation for attacks on deployed. M ilitary sources said U.S., QUESTION: I need some ad­ optimism. Signs of recovery in the ery is in full swing, then, stocks Jews, Israel Radio said. It must be French and Italian units of the vice. 1 have a few thousand dollars critical auto and housing sectors of may be due for some reaction on For the second straight day. the multinational peace-keeping force saved, above a $10,000 cash re­ the economy appear at last to have the downside. Howeyer, growth; refugee camps of Amari and lust right would join the Lebanese troops serve for emergencies, which I signaled a turn' in the economic potential beyond the recover^' Kalandia, near Ramallah, were within two days. AAary Pruette would like to invest in the stock cycle from recession to recovery. cycle should continue to lure; placed under curfew in response to market. Is this the time to buy Production increases at, the three investors into the market, and I stone-throwings that coincided checks sensing ele­ LEBANESE REPORTERS said stocks in your opinion, and if so. major automakers resulted in would argue you to take advantage with the opening of the meetjng of ments for quality at they later saw army units taking what specific stocks do you recom­ worker callbacks, reversing the of any dips to accumulate sound the Palestinian National Council the Borg-Warner up positions in at least Ij spots in mend? E.S., unemployment trend — tradition­ equities. meeting in Algiers. east Beirut and its northern manufacturing ally a “ lagging indicator’’ of the With loudspeakers mounted on Specific stocks recommended', suburbs, which have been under plant in Cary, N.C. ANSWER: Yes —thetimetobuy economy’s cycle. Building con­ vehicles and jeeps, the Jewish for purchase include Abbott Labor-; the control of Christian Phalange The elements (fore­ stocks is now. Stocks have bounced struction contracts also ticked settlers blared warnings that atories, Colgate-Palmolive, and; militias since,the 1975-76 civil war. ground) are used in back from a perfunctory market upward and reached a three-year “ they would see to it that rock- Minnesota Mining & Manufactur-! Gemayel’s power has not ex­ correction at January month-end, high. throwers would be expelled to electronic pressure ing for the growth investor; and tended beyond Moslem west Beirut credited to such factors as high Almost simultaneously, the fo­ Jordan and the homes of terrorists sensors that control American Brands,. Exxon, and since he took office. interest rates, stubborn unemploy­ cus on the federal deficit figures would be blown up and not just vehicle fluid United Telecommunications for Phalange militias were charged ment, and general bearishness for fiscal year 1983 and 1984, and a sealed off,’’ the radio said. generous income plus growth. by the Israeli commission of pressure. about the state of the domestic new wave of Treasury financing, inquiry into the Sept. 16-18 massa­ economy. Worrisome OPEC polit­ are pushing interest rates slightly THE FIRST OF 3,000 Lebanese All six of these issues (traded cre in two Beirut refugee camps UPI photo ics also contributed to a pessimis­ higher, as might be expected once regular army troops moved into F N'VSE) are selling at reasonable with “ direct responsibility'' for the tic outlook. the economy officially bottoms. the eastern sector in the morning P-E levels and have solid earnings killings of hundreds of men, Undaunted yet, the market is The Federal Reserve, mean­ on orders from Lebanese Presi­ and dividend growth records over, dent Amin Gemayel. Twelve hours women and children. showing itself capable of digesting while, has managed to win inves­ the past decade. On Israel Radio and Television, M r much of the adverse developments tors’ confidence in its ability to later, Beirut’s official and Chris­ Moshe Arens, who agreed Monday and nas not let go of its forward control inflation, despite the deficit ((Column readers should send tian radio stations said there had to become Israel’s next defense momentum. Apparently enough spending, and may allow still their investment inquiries to David been no problems and only a Putting on minister and replace Ariel Sharon, investors, institutional and indi­ lower interest rates to stimulate R. Sargent, Successful Investing, handful of Phalange militiamen reaffirmed his staunch support of vidual, have been waiting for a the economy. > c-o the Manchester Herald,. While were seen on the streets. the dog Prime Minister Menachem Begin chance to buy stocks cheap, and The stock market is itself a Mr. Sargent cannot answer all The Phalange militia — the E and his policies. are taking the market corection as leading indicator, meaning that mail personally, he will answer all largest private army in Lebanon — Begin won a vote Monday in the a cue to place their stock buy the gains of the past six months questions possible in his column.) has controlled east Beirut since the Doris McKinney, Knesset to retain Sharon in his orders. 1975 civil war. - T ^ ^ ^ owner of the Canine While the Phalange militia was Cabinet as minister without portfo­ lio. i-In brief Hoiiday inn of 200 unswervingly loyal to Gemayel’s Small newspapers flourishing Sheidon Road, Job fair set combs and ciips a poodie named Wii- Summonses issued STORRS — The sixth annual Summer Job Fair iie (right) and then Rural renaissance benefits weeklies will be held at the University of Connecticut Feb. gives him a bath 22 in the ROTC hangar. Directors from 60 summer camps throughout (above) this if walks unshoveled; By LeRov Pope Today, only a tiny fraction of the locally-oriented rural weekly newspap­ Dietrick Lamade in 1882, and Jim UPI Business Writer people living in the countryside are ers are more profitable than ever Crossley, the present publisher, says New England, New York and New Jersey are morning. dependent on farming. before. These papers vary from tiny “ we still follow that policy religiously. ’ ’ expected ^ to attend, accordlng,j<|P William NEW YORK (UPI) - Rural America The dispersal of commerce and Mom and Pop operations to chains with But Grit no longer is farm-oriented Servedio, an associate professor orrecreational is filling up with relatively affluent industry and the rapid development of combined circulations running as high and it has had to upgrade steadily its services and organizer of the fair. Herald photos by Torqulnlo revised low sought people who .want the joys of family social amenities and service industries as 300,0p0, Street said. family-centered editorial content for Highlighting this year’s fair will be a living and this is giving a boost to the have created agreatdiversity of jobs in Street said publishers of some of the more affluent and more sophisticated representative from a computer camp in By Richard Codv locate the owner. They simply weekly newspaper business. the countryside and many persons also larger of these weeklies have disco­ readers. Simsbury who seeks students with backgrounds Herald Reporter can’t get the walk cleared* The 1980 federal census showed the are willing to commute long distances vered that up to 40 percent of their For years Grit was sold by schoolboy in computers. Along with the experience, “ We want something there so we rural population grew 15.5 percent from country homes to urban jobs. readers do not take any other paper, so carriers including sucb celebrities as students receive salaries as well as free room and Saying they ’ re fed up with people can call in town forces to get the faster in the 1970s than that of either the they feel obliged to carry some national poet Carl Sandburg, Cowboy Actor board at the camp. who don’t shovel snow off their damn.§now out of there,” Lannan cities or suburban areas. This reversal MEL STREET, executive vice presi­ and international news. Gene Autry, Astronaut-Senator John sidewalks, police have been issu­ said this morning. of a long-term rural exodus was not, dent of the National Newspaper Associ­ Another significant proof of the Glenn and Colonel Sanders of Kentucky ing $22 summonses this week and T-own Attorney Kevin O’Brien however, a return to agriculture ation in Washington, said the 8,000 prosperity of the local weeklies. Street Fried Chicken. It reached a circulation Joins staff are seeking to alter the law so they said this morning he will be said, is the eagerness with which of one million that way, then suddenly can have town crews do the job and researching the idea, but he had no diversified companies that are in daily social and economic change made it HARTFORD — Suzanne A. Moseley of then bill the homeowner. other comment. newspapers, magazines and broad­ impossible to get enough carrier boys. Manchester has joined the staff of Lardis, Town attorneys have been asked Brooks said he can sympathize Cdsket dealer assumed casting have been buying up a lot of Circulation was cut almost in half and McCurdy and Company advertising agency as an to write up the modi f led ordinance, with the homeowner who often them. advertising revenue dwindled. assistant account executive. and Assistant General Manager watches a snowplow, which is Big national weeklies like Grit, GRIT FOUND newsstand sales were Ms. Moseley will be working in Lardis, Steven R. Werbner said today the widening the road, push a snow he could exhume published at Williamsport, Pa., The not adequate. “ Selling mail subscrip­ McCurdy’s Hartford office under the supervision town supports the idea. bank right onto the walk that was Star, the National Enquirer and others, tions," Crossley said, “ was expensive of Jack A. L.ardis, executive vice president and Police Chief Robert D. Lannan just cleared off. BECKLEY, W.Va. (U PI) - A caskets. also are profiting from the rural but it caught the tide of the new rural creative director of the agency. today said sidewalks that aren’t "But it's the law," he said, that wholes ale casket dealer has denied The suit said Williams then got renaissance. population growth and worked. Grit’s Ms. Moseley will provide client service to the clear create safety hazards by homeowners must clean off the he threatened to dig up coffins for the names of people who had Although the Star and the National circulation is back up to 800,000 and Court House One, CGS Temporary Service, and forcing pedestrians into the street, walks, which he was allegedly not paid. bought the caskets and in which Prescription-forged narcotics Enquirer are not rural oriented, Joe growing.’’ Derby Savings Bank accounts. where motorists are already Lannan said the change he wants “ A hearing has been set for Feb. their relatives were buried and Elm, circulation director of the Star, Advertisers like the weeklies, both Ms. Moseley graduated from the University of .. crimped by narrowly-plowed put in the ordinance would allow 25 it) Cabell County Circuit Court demanded of the people “ they pay which sells largely through super­ Crossley and Street said, because rttral. , Amherst, in 1982 with a bache­ roads. the department to call in a town on a suit filed by Attorney General unto him the cost of the casket in markets, said they sell well in the rural familes are bigger on the average and lor’s degree In marketing. She has served as “ Yesterday I encountered a crew to clear the walk if the owner Chauncey Browning against Ben which their relative or loved one regioAs. often more affluent than urban and campaign planner for the American Advertising young mother and a child in the cannot be reached. The^ owner F. Williams Jr. and EAS Enter­ was interred" suburban families. They are 87 percent Federation at the University of Hawaii, and was middle of my traffic lane," Lannan would then be billed. prises Inc. of Beckley. The suit also stated Williams GRIT IS A different story. It was homeowners as against a national an advertising director for the Amherst chapter " said this morning. The chief said Both Brooks and Lannan said Browning said Williams' firm "threatened to take back the Police say drug ring broken founded 100 years ago strictly as a average of 69 percent and they own of the American Marketing Association. he then had to stop and maneuver Monday homeowners only have to provided caskets to Ferrell Mortu-, ^caskets even though the deceased rural-oriented national weekly and more vehicles, keep more pets and are This is her first agency position. around them and on-coming cars. make the walk passable, to keep a.'y Inc. in Huntington last year, and casket had been buried in .a always Has been unique in that it prints 1^ purchasers of fishing tackle and But police said the number pedestirans off the streets. They 5 Another alleged member of the trolled substances, iwo counts of “ I'Was going to ask her why she but Ferrell was not able to make cem etery" only good news. By Richard Cody dther outdoor equipment. They read a ring, Jeffrey Buckler, 28, of 131 illegally obtaining controlled sub­ actually rang in a phone booth on wasn’t on the sidewalk when I said the homeowner doesn’t have im m ediate payments on the Williams denied the charge. '' Let us make every issue of Grit ring lot and they drive long distances on Herald Reporter Hartford Road, where another to do a perfect job. A thought for the day: American educator and'' Charter Oak St., was arrested in stances by using a false name and realized she couldn’t walk on the the joybeils of life," said founder family vacations. December on a charge of obtaining member was there posing as the sidewalk because is was buried by writer W.E.B. DuBois said, “ The cost of liberty is leM- With the arrest of a Spruce Street address, and two counts of illegally -drugs under false pretenses. doctor or office personnel. snow,” he said. than the price of repression." ;' couple, police have closed out their obtaining controlled substances by Police In Bloomfield arrested . Police said the drtigs being Police issued 12 summonses investigation into what they have forgery. Raymond C. Nopper, 23, of 131 passed, which sold on the streets called the “ largest prescription- Her husband was charged on the Monday to homeowners who they Kidnappers Charter Oak St., Jan. 22, just for $100 a capsule, were dilaudid said have repeatedly been asked to Public Records Something Different...... Wish Someone A : forged narcotics ring’ ‘ in Manches, warrant with four counts of conspi­ before police raided the Spruce and percodan. ^ remove snow from their walks but ter, police said today. racy to obtain controlled substan­ Street home, ces by forgery and four counts of have not complied with the town mixed up ordinance. Warranty doadi Roy C. Babbitt and Eileen Helen England to Robert E. and 43 Walnut St. Judgment liens leases Earl F. Klldutf and Happy Birthday Russell MaePherson, 35, of 312 forgery. Jarvis and Gall K .'orvls, Roger Rondinl to Jennifer Manchester Public Health POLICE TODAY said they en­ Police said more summonses are Jud(th S. Kallet to John O'. M. Babbitt to John E. Shan­ Theresa Klldutf, property at A Herald Happy Heart Spruce St, and his wife, Nancy, 20, Both were released o n ''$15,000 Raeno and Sandro K. Rogna, non and Nancy P. Shannon, property at 252—254 Spruce Rondinl, property ot 105 Ben­ Nursing ogalnst Arcella 12—B Ambassador Drive. with tered the home Thursday shortly coming, and that the people who We got our kidnappers mixed up. St., $30,000. ton St. Crawford, property ot 20 were arrested on numerous bonds for court appearances next oroperty at 164 IHomllton property at 343 W. Center St., Hlllvlew Condominium As­ after 6 p.m. and found a hypoder­ have already been issued sum­ It’s not March of Dimes that is D rive ^ $79,000. Mary O. Simmons to Helen Ronald J. Fournier to Goodwin St. sociates, Inc. releases B ar­ narcotics-related charges Thurs­ Monday. Inside Today Jane F. Raymond to David England, property at 5 Scott Nancy A. Fournier and Ro­ Thereso J. Keeney against bara Sacchl, property at Only day after police served a search mic syringe and a “ cooker," a monses have 24 hours to clean off holding seven leading citizens and Barn'ev T. Peterman Sr. A. Paradis and Donna M. Drive, $73,000. nald Fournier, property at Wllllom T. Keeney, property 300—B Green Rood. device used by narcotics abusers 20 pages, 2 sections their walks before being issued a newspaperman hostage today. Carey D. Nordgren and 309'/i Spruce St. at 67—69 Cambridge Drive, and arrest warrant at their home POLICE DESCRIBED the oper­ and Barney T. Peterman Jr. Paradis, property at I4S Hlllvlew Condominium As­ $6.00 to prepare drugs like dilaudid and another one. It’s the Heart Fund. to David J. Kulvette, prop­ Lenox St., $55,500. Susan L. Nordgren to Chris Corroll M. Nelson to Mar­ $2,777.37. sociates, Inc. releases Stan­ around dinner time. ation as sophisticated. erty at 63 Summit St., $46,900. Paul H. Blain and Doris E. Johnson and Mary Kottow jorie O. Nelson and Carroll Garden Budget Corp. ley Sodlak.bropsrtv at 298— They were wanted for allegedly percodan, two controlled pain A member would go into a Advice ...... Under the law, homeowners are The Manchester Herald re­ Valerie A. Claps to-Bruce Blain to Leslie Ann Duboldo, Johnson, property ot 97 Nelson, property at 309'/!> against Joseph Bell and Cor A Green Rood, killers, and heroin.' There was Area to w ns__ required to clear the walk in front ported Monday that the eight will Hackmotack, St., $75,900. Spruce St. oflne Bell, propery at i forging prescriptions and then doctor’s office and by complaining Business...... A. Sobln and Mary E. Sobln, oroperty at 43 Clyde Rood. Us dondens residue of dilaudid in the device, be held for ransom by the wrong property at 28BTImrod Road, K.VV. Inc. to John E. WlltF'K - N(Oultclalm ^ l t deeds Waddell Rd., %2M0.2J. Savings Bank of Manches­ illegally obtaining drugs that they of illness would obtain a bona fide Classitled...... of their homes within 24 hours after oms, property at 3—C East ~arle D. Everett to Mary Z. Water and sewer liens Colonial Bonk of Wafer- ter against Kenneth A. they said. C o m ic s...... the cessation of a snowfall, even good cause. The right good cause is $167,000. ISt ^ 9 Town of Manchester, then would sell on the street. prescription. But before it was Viola Thoren Kress to Meadow Condomlnl-umsI. irett, property on Croft bury against Cloudlne J. Brown and Priscilla G. Both were charged with posses­ Entertainment. the Heart Fund. Drive. against Marilyn Court Asso­ Walker, property on Hock- Police in late January, when they filled, the prescription would be though they don’t actually own the Alfred J. Lesperance, prop­ $49,000. Brown, foreclosure at 240 L o tte ry ...... The price on the heads of the erty on M cK in ley St., $15,000. Barney T. Peterman Sr. Dorlel Contreras to Blonca ciates Limited, property at 40 m otockSt.. $2,1M.07. Lydall St. said they had busted the operation, sion of narcotics, dilaudid, posses­ altered and others made up by strip of land that the walk sits on. Contreras, property at 9 Olcott St., $3,916.15. Bxecutrlii'sdeed sion of hashish, possession of drug MHS World... Patrol Captain Joseph H. Brooks hostages is $109 each and you can George R. Dickinson and and Barney T. Peterman Jr. said the business was pulling in ’ forgery. O bitu orles__ Margaret Lynn Dickinson to to James C. Bombria and Anderson St. Town of Monchester Fuzz Auto Parts releases Estate of MIcheal Za- help free them from confinement against Marilyn Court Asso­ Anthony V. Morlnelll, prop­ 12,800 (or the four alleged paraphernalia and forgery of a ’Then the members would bring O pinion...... said Monday the biggest problem Employee Transfer Corp., Colleen S. Bombria, prop­ Heritage Savings and Loan cherek to Prank A. Orleans, at the Jackston-Avanti Real Estate property at 49 Heather Lane, erty at 63—6$ Summit St., Association, Inc. to Barney ciates Limited, property at 40 erty at 171 Hartford Rood. and Winifred Orleans, prop­ Call.... members of the ring. prescription, all stemming from the.presciption to the pharmacist. Peopletalk . is with homeowners who are either I10Z400. $46,900. T. Petdrmon Sr. and Barney Olcott St.,$ 11,629.95. Northfleld Associates re­ erty on Woodland St., $23,200. Nancy MaePherson had also the search. If the pharmacist had doubts about S p o rts...... at a summer home or on vacation. Agency by phoning the Hostage Employee Transfer Corp. K.W. Inc. to Frank T. Shu T. Peterman Jr., property at Northfleld Green Condom­ leases Sheila C. Berson, CertmCdle of devise Television .. Hotline at 649-4416 and pledging 63 Summit St. inium Associates against Rl- property at 16—C Ambassa­ been arrested on Jan. 23, when Mrs. MaePherson wjis charged the prescription, he would call the Right nbw, police have to notify to Forest E. Potten ond and Susan S. Shu, property at Estate ot Jennie C. Krom- W eather... money toward their release.- You Joanne M. Patten, property Thomas J. Robbins to Terl chord Yotkln, property at dor Drive. pegal to John Krompeeal Jr., police raided her home. Russell on the arrest warrant with two number of the doctor’s office the homeowner. They run into 8—G East Meadow Condomi­ 23—C Esauire Drive. $344.19. at 49 Heather Lone, $105,000. niums, $47,900. L. Robbins, property at 41 Northfleld Associates re­ property on Westwood St. was ndl at home then, they said. counts of illegally obtaining con­ printed on the prescription. trouble, they said, when they can’t eaii phone up to 9 p.m. today. l c I MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15, 1983 — 3 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15. 1983

News Briefing * Eight teachers to get Arafat feuding Hinckley recovering; with militants on a liquid diet Nm«n news: layoff notices raiMiuniMa ALGIERS, Algeria (UPI) — A feud WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presiden­ between militant hard-liners and tial assailant John W. Hinckley Jr., Yasser Arafat is threatening Arafat’s By Raymond T. OeMeo cation secretary Linda Hennigan. ' chance” the teachers will be recovering from his third presumed search for unity in the Palestine Herald Reporter This is the second'consecutive reinstated before September. suicide attempt since he shot President Liberation Organization, souces said UPI W CATHIft PO rO C Atr M year that elementary teachers Pupil Personnel Director Allan Reagan in 1^81, is on a liquid diet and today. The Board of Education plans to Chadbum, Hiza and Messecar will B. Chesterton said the projected out of danger, hospital officials said. Palestinian sources at the meeting of lay off three elementary and five have received layoff notices. They five-position cut in special educa­ A spokeswoman for Greater Sou­ the 16th Palestine National Council secondary school teachers next were among the 16 elementary tion may be necessary because theast Community Hospital, where said the hard-liners were upset over school year, in a move aimed at school teachers slated to lose jobs I federal funding for the Hinckley was, taken Sunday after he what they see as Arafat’s moderate compensating for declining pupil last year as a result of budget cuts. government-required program was found lying on the floor of his stand on important issues. enrollments. All but one of them was hired back hasn’t kept pace with the escalat­ mental ward at St. Elizabeths Hospital, They said bitter feuding erupted Weather this year because other teachers ing cost of educating handicapped said he was recovering between Arafat and militant PLO The board also got word Monday , retired or took leaves of absence. children. "John Hinckley Jr. is in fair factions allied with Syrian President- that the school system may have to Unless more teachers retire or 'In 1975, when the U.S. Congress condition tonight," the spokeswoman Hafez Assad, reflecting the personal cut five positions in special educa­ take leave next year, the eight began requiring special education, said Monday. "H e is breathing on his feud between the Syrian leader and tion to balance an expected $65,000 teachers affected will be out of jobs the cost per pupil was about $35, own and is now on a liquid diet. He is no Arafat. deficit in a government-funded in September. By law, the school Chesterton said. Now, it is in the longer in danger." He was under heavy "S yria’s men in the Palestinian Today’s forecast program for handicapped Herald oholo by Cody system must inform them by range of $174 per pupil, he said. guard by I'.S. marshals. \ movement are still at odds with children. March 1 that their contracts won’t At the same time. Congress has She said after he was found on the Arafat,” said one of the 350 members of Mostly sunny today with highs 35 to 40. Wimb The elementary school teachers be renewed. continued to poy only 10 to 12 How to do it floor and having difficulty breathing. the PLO ’s parliament-in-exile. "This is northwest 10 to 20 mph. Clear tonight with low 10 to 15. facing layoff next year are Mar­ All the teachers affected have percent of the program’s cost, Hinckley had his stomach pumped and clearly being reflected in behind the Wind light northerly. Sunny Wednesday with highs in Town firefighter Bob Ledoux demon­ officiais are urging residents to make garet Chadbum, Pamela Hiza and been with the school system less Chesterton said. doctors administered cardiopulmo­ scenes arguments and debates on the 30s. Light variable winds. sure that hydrants near their homes Anne Messecar. High school than three years, and are Manchester will probably re- strates an Important safety precaution nary resuscitation. issues like the Reagan and the Arab are shoveied out. Hinckley, acquitted by rea.son of , teachers slated to lose their jobs untenured. .ceive $65,000 less in federal grants after heavy snowstorms: making sure peace plans.” include Norman Racicot, a foreign “ It should be stressed that this next year because it is expected to hydrants are free of snow. Fire insanity last June 21 of trying to kill In an opening speech Monday, Arafat language teacher who alsoe action has no relation to their job educate fewer special education President Reagan, had been listed in left the door open to possible Palesti­ serious but stable condition earlier and Extended outlook teaches English for Students of performance as they indeed enjoy students, Chesterton said. Yet V R I photo nian acceptance of President Reagan’s > at one point was on a respirator. Other Languages (ESOL); ESOL good evaluations from their princi­ costs for special education haven’t Middle East peace plan, but declared ' Extended outlook for New England Thursday and English teacher Deirdre pals,” said Wilson E. Deakin Jr., declined. If the board.xloesn’t cut Hinckley also shot three other men in the "w a r in Lebanon will not be the Main Pub gets permission the March 30, 1981, incident. * through Saturday; Shaw-Cruz; English teacher Carol assistant superintendent for ad­ the special education staff it may Today In history last.” Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut; Halbert; special education teacher ministration and personnel. have to pay the extra $65,000 out of Steelmaker drops Clouding up Thursday, chance of mostly rain on Candida Munsell and special edu­ Deakin said there’s “ a 50-50 its own funds, he said. On Feb. 15, 1933 President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt Half-million to get Friday, clearing Saturday. Daytime highs will be out of bargaining narrowly escaped assassination when a fanatic fired several free cheese, butter generally in the 30s and low40s. Overnight lows will be for some of desired growth 5 PITTSBURGH (U PI) — One of the bullets at him and fatally wounded Chicago AAayor Anton in the 20s Thursday and Saturday and in the upper 20s 5 LOS ANGELES (UPI> - Thousands to middle 30s Friday. country's biggest specialty steelmak­ Cermak instead. Cermak is seen being assisted from the The operator of the Main Pub at plan, and the six parking spaces the zoning authority involves a of poor and elderly — many in Vermont: Cloudy Thursday. Snow or rain likely ers dropped out of top-level contract scene. 306 Main St. has been granted a for which the Main Pub has zoning change of plans to adjust to wheelchairs or on crutches — lined up Friday. Clearing Saturday. Highs in the 30s and low talks beginning today with the United Kennedy's budget approved building permit that will allow credit as a non-conforming use will parking requirements. In that case for their share of 4.6 million pounds of 40s, lows in the 20s and low 30s. Steelworkers Union in a move the union expansion of his operation into the ’be adequate. Plans submitted with O’Marra issued a zoning permit for government surplus butter and cheese Maine; Fair north and chance of light snow or blasted as a "double-cross " the com­ store next door at 308 Main St. the permit application show the a restaurant after the restaurant Tougher drunk Stock prices up described as the nation’s largest food flurries south Thursday. Chance of snow north and pany will regret A calculating error allowed the The board unanimously backed The approved budget remains at A earlier permit requested by extra sjiace in the new section cut reduced the. size of its customer giveaway. chance of rain south Friday. Hearing Saturday The Pittsburgh-based Allegheny driving laws qrged in active trading Board, of Education to add $20,000 ,the recommendation of board the level proposed by Superintend­ the operator, Glenn C. Beaulieu, off from cu)stomer access and service and assembly area to t-udluin Stpel Corp. gave ho explana­ Nearly a half-million households except chance of flurries north. Highs in the 20s north to the 1983-84 school budget Mon­ member Joseph V. Camposeo. ent James P. Kennedy; just over devoted to storage. conforhi to the amount of available HARTFORD (U PI) — Citizens press­ NEW YORK (U PI) — Prices opened .brought about an appeal to the tion for the sudden withdrawal Monday were expected to get the 5-pound blocks to 30s south. Lows in the teens and 20s but cooling off day without changing the superin- chairman of the personnel and $21.4 million, or7.96 percent higher In a similar case. Playpen Cafe parking. ing for tougher laws to keep drunk higher Tuesday in active trading of courts that is pending. The zoning from the steel industry's "B ig Eight " of federal cheese and 1-pound cartons Saturday. tendent’s bottom line finance committee, to add the than this year’s. is planning to reduce the size of its drivers off the road say people would be New York Stock Exchange issues. enforcement officer ruled that One of the complaints in the bargaining group before today's high- of butter during the next 12 days. New Hampshire; Chance of light snow or flurries recommendation. paper $20,000 to the teacher’s proposed restaurant to avoid a less likely to drink and drive if they The Dow Jones industrial average, Beaulieu would have to have a court appeal of that decision isthat level union negotiations. As distribution began Monday, Thursday. Chance of snow or rain north and rain south The $20,000 "windfall” stems in-service training budget, for a General Manager Robert B. parking requirement. . Playpen laced jail sentences and large fines. which climbed 10.60 points to a record special zoning exception because the plans submitted to the state The company is expected to seek a another 7,000 families received $45-$50 Friday. Clearing Saturday except for a chance of from the administration’s over­ total of $26,500. Weiss will receive the budget next received a special exception for its "What will keep people from driving 1,097.10 Monday, was up 1.77 to 1,098.86 he was not providing added park­ Department of Liquor. Control labor contract after the seven troubled worth of Iamb, oranges, noodles and flurries north. Highs mostly in the 30s. Lows in the estimate of salary expenses -for Camposeo said the extra dollars week. On March 2jh e school board proposed restaurant in the Man­ drunk? The assurance that something shortly after the market opened. ing for the expansion. Beaulieu differed from the scaled-down steelmakers that remain in the coordi- potatoes from the Ecumenical Coali- cjteens and 20s but cooling Saturday, foreign language teachers, a mis­ would help teachers improve their and Board of Directors will meet chester Mall at 811 Main St., but bad will happen to them," said Joseph Monday’s finish surpassed the pre­ appealed to the Zoning Board of version on which the zoning permit iiated group reach a settlement. tion of Concerned Americans for $10 in take picked up during the third skills "in the fields of math, for the first of a series of joint objectors to the restaurant have Broder. a former legislator from vious closing high of 1,092.35 set Jan. 10. Appeals. The ZB A upheld Thomas was granted. The privately helcl'company, which a one-day sale. budget review workshop in science, and perhaps computer discusssions on the proposed appealed from the decision by the Colchester who spoke at a Capitol The Dow has climbed 320.18 points O’Marra, the zoning enforcement reportedly is faring better than most The Agriculture Department supp­ January. processing as well." budget. Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on the issue Monday night. since the historic rally began last Aug. officer. Beaulieu, represented by steelmakers, would have had a better lied the cheese and butter for a to grant that special exception. "W e must make laws that get drunk 13. attorney John D. LaBelle Sr., has chance of gaining contract concessions giveaway believed to be the largest in National forecast According to Kenneth Burkamp, drivers off the road," said Alexander But the 87-year-old average failed to appealed to the superior court. Now you know ' if it had remained in the group, union U.S. history. The dairy products were The building permit granted owner of the mall. Playpen will Murphy of Branford. "Theymust be crack the 1,100 level that many officials said. , distributed by thousands of volunteers later is for a smaller expansion. apply for a permit for a smaller W.C. Fields was supposed to play deterred by being terrified at the analysts said has become a psychologi­ City 6 Fest HI 1La Pep Las Vegas f 63 42 .... A company spokesman refused through churches and community Albuquerque f 53 32 Little Rod( pc 58 37 .... The pub will devote less space to restaurant that will not fall under the wizard in the Wizard of Oz but consequences of getting caught," cal barrier. It crossed that line briefly comment centers. Amqrlllo pc 51 32 Los Angeles pc 76 58 .... customer assembly and service any parking requirement. wanted too much money, so Frank Their recommendations to the Legis­ Jan. 12. Many of the poor picked up their food Anchorooe f 14—02 Louisville sv 45 25 .... Morgan was cast in the role. Allegheny Ludlum employs about Asheville tv 52 28 !oi M em phli pc 61 34 .... School start may be Aug. 31 than under the original expansion A third appeal from a ruling by The New York Stock Exchange index 5,400 steelworkers at four plants in lature's Judiciary Committee ranged on crutches or in wheelchairs. Atlontq sv 5B 33 M iam i sy 73 53 .... Brackenridge and West Ueechburg, from automatic license suspension and the Standard & Poor's 500-stock Boltimore sy 39 24 Milwaukee sh 41 32 .... Blllnos Mnt. ( ic 51 31 Minneapolis cv 43 36 .... Pa . Wallingford Conn., and New­ upon arrest for drunk driving to a index both climbed to record highs for The last day of August will be the sions as a matter of policy; ary and the spring vacation in the second consecutive session Mon­ Blrmlnohotn f 58 27 Nashville sv 54 23 .... F castle, Ind mandatory one night in jail for refusing utilities contest Bismarck cy 38 28 New Orleans ts 64 40 .... first day of school next year If the —That school will start before April because “ it’s a tradition in a breathalyzer test. day. Over-the-counter stocks also Boise pc SO 34 New York sv F 39 26 .... EMS council All eight steelmakers have bar­ superintendent’s proposed school Lalwr Day if the holiday falls on New England to have two Fire Cails reached new heights. gas price ruling sv 42 25 Okla City cv 65 49 .... Sept. 5 or later, and after Labor vacations.” gained with the USW at the company Buffalo cy 39 32 Omaha r 47 33 .06 calendar is approved by the Board and plant level for the past week, with WASHINGTON (UPI) - Warning Chrism S.C. IIV 43 20 '.03 Orlando sy 62 43 .... of Education.' Day if it falls before Sept. 5. By law, the school year must be to[)-level talks on wages and benetits Dollar opens lower, that the natural gas industry is on the Charm N.C. ) IV 44 26 1.20 Phllodolphia sy 39 27 .... But summer won’t te any —’That school calendars will, al­ no less than 180 days. Kennedy’s Manchester mulls Marcu.s'offer Chicago cy 44 29 Phoenix sy 70 47 .... ways have mid-winter and spring proposed calendar calls for 96 scheduled to start today gold advances verge of a "ruinous market crisis” due Cincinnati pc 42 25 Pittsburgh pc 47 30 .... shorter for Manchester’s students Here’s economy to skyrocketing prices, a group of Cleveland cy 47 35 Portland M. pc 39 12 .... and teachers, because’ Superin­ vacations. ' school days 'before Christmas By Alex Girelll Locally, Marcus says, use of the LONDON (U P I) — The dollar opened major utility companies is challenging Columbus pc 41 24 Portland Ore. r 47 35 .15 tendent James P. Kennedy wants —That no school be held the last vacation and 84 days from JanuaTy. Monday. 1;30 p.m. — Broken Herald City Editor microwave would eliminate some Reagan picks lower today in reaction to predictions at a glance Dallas cy 65 52 Providence sv 38 19 .... week of June, regardless of how to June. water pipe, 124 Strawberry Lane. dead spots in town where emer­ a ruling that could raise gas costs even Denver pc 44 30 Richmond sv 37 31 .30 to end school on JUne 13, a day cards for Nancy the U.S. discount rate would be cut. Washington — Housing and Urban further. Des Moines cy' 48 35 St. Louis pc 58 33 .... earlier than scheduled this year. many make-up days are needed Manchester teacher’s union (Town) Marcus Communications of gency radio communications by E Gold advanced sharply. Development Secretary Samuel Pierce Detroit cy 43 30 Salt Lake Cltyf 45 30 .03 brcause of winter weather emer­ president Peter A. Tognalli said Monday, 1;37 p.m. — Furnace Manchester has offered the re­ other means are cut off. It would Associated Gas Distributors, repres­ Kennedy, explaining his prop­ E WASHINGTON (U PI) — President Duluth cy 37 33 Son Diego pc 70 54 .... problem, 92 Nike Circle. (Town) Gold opened at $513.30 an ounce, up says the housing industry is '|back on enting several East Coast utilities that El Paso t 58 34 osal to the school board Monday, gencies. If bad weather requires Kennedy’s proposed calendar gion’s emergency medical servi­ permit paramedics, for instance, Reagan bought a few " Valentine's San Franese sh 61 51 .... $13 from Monday's close. In London, .course," but in congressional testim­ distribute natural gas, announced Evansville sv 46 San Juan pc 85 69 .... p oin t^ out that the Aug. 31 startup additional make-up days beyond ' complies with the majority of Tuesday, 12; 20 a.m. — Medical ces council the use of its micro- to communicate with Manchester Day cards for his w ife, Nancy, w alking Hartford sy 36 11 Seattle cv '> the metal opened at $511.25, up $9. ony others were far more cautious Monday it is contesting a Federal 47 44 .08 date he’s recommending is four June 24, the days will be' taken teachers’ wishes that school start call,- 292 Charter Oak St.. (Town) wave common carrier to link Box Memorial Hospital from some into a card shop near the White Hou.se. Helena pc 49 33 Spokane cv 45 37 .02 Tuesday, 7; 40 a.m. — Box Swiss dealers said gold rose and the about its strength. Energy Regulatory Commission deci­ Honolulu sv 81 61 Syracuse cv days before the Labor Day holiday, from spring vacation. before Labor Day. Mountain in Bolton with the places where they might not now Reagan s limousine made an unsche­ 45 23 .... alarm, Manchester Memorial Hos­ dollar dropped in reaction to predic­ Washington — New figures show that sion that will raise gas prices by Houston ts 60 53 Tampa sv 60 42 .... the same as in the 1982-83 calendar.. Kennedy said he opposes extend­ The only potential problem, he region’s communications center in be able to, by routing through the duled stop a block and a half from the Indianapolis i ^ 46 29 Tulsa cv 64 pital. (Town) tions by Salomon Brothers the U.S. governnient economists who found the another 2.5 percent. 46 .... The difference is that Labor Day ing school into the last week in said, is the scheduling of a teacher Farmington. facilties at Box Mountain. White House as he was returning from Jackson Mss. CV 62 32 Washington sv 42 27 .... discount rate would be cut. nation’s economy just barely topping The organization urged the commis­ Jacksonville ! V 58 34 Wichita cv 55 1982 fell on Sept. 6, while the 1983 June because “ it just plain doesn't conference on Aug, 30. The The formal offer, made in a It would also permit the emer­ an event at the U S Chamber of •41 .... The dollar fell in Zurich to 1.98425 the $3 trillion mark in 1982 apparently sion to reconsider its Jan. 13 ruling that Konsds City i V 55 37 holiday is Sept. 5. work well. It’s not good instruc­ teacher’s contract requires letter to Michael McMurtrey, head gency medical service to eliminate Commerce Swiss francs at the opening, compared were a little too optimistic. allows gas producers to pass on more of "The only real change is psycho­ tion,” he said, explaining that teachers to return to school "one of communications for the North costly phone lines between Man­ "I got a few, Reagan told reporters to 2.0075. In Frankfurt, the U.S. unit Washington — Treasury bill yields their costs to consumers. logical,” Kennedy said. In some many students and teachers have day prior to the opening of school in For the record Central Connecticut Emergency chester Memorial Hospital and the waiting outside the .store Monday, opened at 2.3930 German marks, down climbed slightly at the government’s The impact of the price hike will be people’s minds, summer isn’tover summer job and school commit­ September.” Since Kennedy wants Medical Service, follows one made UConn Medical Center in Far­ where he paid for his four selections from 2.415. auction. The government sold $6.2 felt “ precisely at the moment when it is until the first day of September, he ments that overlap the final week to start school in August next year, verbally by Bruce Marcus about a mington. at the same time increas­ with a $10 bill. "I like to mix them u p " In London, the pound opened at billion of three-month bills at an universally acknowledged that the gas said. of the month. “ technically, our contract could year ago. ing the possible paths of Reagan grinned when asked if he bad The MACC fuel bank challenge $1.5480 compared to Monday's $1.5385. average discount of 8.256 percent, up industry is on the brink of a potentially Kennedy also proposed that the ' He said he backs continuing both .get us out of that (conference),” communication. thought of sending a Valentine to offered by by the Savings Bank of A spokesman for NCCEMS said The dollar opened lower in Paris, at from last week’s 8.252 percent. ruinous market crisis,” the group board adopt three calendar provi­ the mid-winter vacation in Febru­ Tognalli said. Marcus explained the offer at a Congress, and replied 1 couldn't find Almanac Manchester and the Robert J. the offer has just been received 6 787.5 French francs compared to Washington — Treasury Secretary declared. meeting of the Emergency Medi­ anything, in there I thought was Smith Inc. is for $2,000. This figure and has not been studied tho­ 6.8405, and in Brussels, at,49.25 Belgian Donald Regan told Congress they It simultaneously filed suit against cal Services Council in Manchester apprapriate. " was incorrectly reported in a roughly, but that it appears to hold francs, compared to 49.33. should approve $8.4 billion in increased the commission at the U.S. Circuit Thursday night. Tile president handed one of the previous publication. Also, the some promise, depending on cost In Milan, the dollar opened at 1,378.50 U.S. financial pledges to the Interna­ Court of Appeals in Washington. The At the meeting the present state caras to Maj Bill Drennan his military Today is Tuesday, Feb. 15, the 46th day of 1983 with name of Dave Torstenson was down the line lire, down from 1,393.45, tional Monetary Fund to help it deal lawsuit was brought "in the event that of regional emergency medical aide, after Drennan said he had not had 319 to follow. spelled incorrectly. The dollar closed in Tokyo at 233.65 with the $500 billion debts of the world’s FERC does not act promptly to correct - Under the proposal therd* would communications, CMED, came in time to buy a card for his wife. yen. down from 235.75. poorer nations. The moon is moving toward its first quarter. Board names 5 to use panel be no capital cost and no mainte­ for some criticism. Both Roger its course,” the utilities said. The morning stars are Mercury, Jupiter and nance cost for the first year. After Talbot, operator the Ambulance Saturn. Named by the Board of Dir^tors a year Marcus would reserve the Service of Manchester, and Dr. The evening stars are Venus and Mars. An 11-member citizen’s commit­ PTA. last week were attorney Vincent If you have an old photo you’d like right to receive net cost reimbur­ Robert Butterfield, head of the Those bom on this date are under the sign of tee charged with deciding what to Diana; engineer David Kahn; to see appear in the Manchester sement on maintenance, and that emergency service at Manchester Aquarius. do with an elementary school Named by the school board were former town director Robert Herald, submit old photos to Focus cost, Marcus said, would depend Memorial Hospital, said that at Peopletalk Bom on this date in 1564 was Italian astronomer and slated to be closed next year will Nathan G. Agostinelli. president of Price; former mayor John W. Eklitor Adele Angle. Photos, which on how many users of his service times it takes too long to get a physicist Galileo Galilei. Feminist pioneer Susan B. hold Ite first meeting Wednesday. Manchester State Bank; Carolyn Thompson, and Martin Shea, son of will be run in the “ Recognize These there are. He said today the EMS communication channel from a Anthony (1820), philosopher and mathematician Becker, who retired from the prominent local Republican John Faces?” column, will, of course, be system would be a very small user moving ambulance to the emer­ Strasberg’s widow, Anna, said the first annual Alfred North Whitehead, (1861) and actor John The Board of Education Monday Board of Edueathm last fall; F. Shea. returned. proportionately. gency room. Two left feet "With Heartfelt Thanks” gala will benefit the Barrymore, (1882), also were born on this date. named five citizens to the commit­ Richard Conde, a representative of Children of the World Program of the Deborah tee to study possible uses for the PTA Council; Patricia Law­ Paul Philips was namqd an ex Ray Bolger, the Scarecrow in "The Wizard of On this date'in history; - Heart and Lung Center of Brown Mills, N.J. Highland Park School, which is rence, wife of Manchester High officio member. Herald music critic Oz." says he had two left feet as a young man In 1898, the U.S. battleship "M aine” exploded in Tickets for the benefit range from $25 to $1,000. slated for closing in June of 1984. School business education director David Almond attends working for a Boston bank. Havana harbor, killing 260 crewmen and leading to a Stacy Reach, Richard Thomas and Carly Last week, five members were Neil Lawrence; and Patricia The committee’s first meeting is Manchester Symphony and THE GREAT DMRY QUEEN “ When I first started out," he said, “ the only U.S. declaration of war against Spain. Simon attended the news conference to announce named by the Baord of Directors. Schardt, a member of the Human scheduled for 7; 30 p.m. Wednes­ Hartford Symphony perfor­ Dairq dance step I could do was the waltz — and PjI In 1933, President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt the tribute. Bad road conditions kept James The Uth member is a represenU- Services Council. Dr. Daniel Bums day at the Lincoln Center hearing mances. Read his reviews well. I used to do one-two-three, one-two-threc-. nqrrowly escaped assassination in Miami, Fla., when Queen Cagney away. tive of the Highland Park School was named as ex officio member. room. in the Manchester Herald. That’s all. I stepped all over the little girls’ feetat a fanatic fired several bullets at him and fatally The stars who plan to appear at the benefit wounded Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak instead. Hot Dog Sale my senior prom." He practiced dancing to perk include Sophia Loren, Liv Ullmann, Helen Hayes, In 1942, Singapore surrendered to the Japanese up his social life. Mario Thomas, Barbara Look, Jane Fonda, Ruth Bolger. in New York for a party at Sardi’s to army. Gordon, Dustin Hoffman, Liza Minnelli, Paul Buy a 100% Beef regular publicize the PHHS TV animated special, "P eter In 1982, the oil-drilling rig "Ocean Ranger” Suit vs. 7-11 briber. Newman and Al Pacino. and the Magic Egg," he narrates as Uncle Amos, capsized and sank in a storm off Newfoundland. All 84 HHHiiiiinsninE size hot dog at either Manchester Dairy said,"This is the first cartoon production that I people aboard were lost. Queen: Hartford Rd. or Broad St. Monday.thni have done. Most of them have had so much Friday for violence and things like that, that I haven’t been A thought for the day; In his first inaugural address is thrown out interested. This, to me, is quite charming and Movie of the Day in Depression-plagued 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt told the nation, ‘ ”rhe only thing we have to since September to have 5 5 A Hartford Superior UDm iM S amusing. It may start a new trend." Prince Albert of Monaco Is working at the fear is fear itself.” Court judge Monday Vernon evicted from his O n l y 3 9 0 Morgan Guaranty Trust Co„ in New York. threw out of court on a Main Street store because '•Chill Someone tried to telephone him at the bank, technicality a lawsuit of alleged violations of his •C hM M Only ISO axtra Sex objects according to People magazine, and asked for filed by Southland Corp., franchise contract. toraaeh. Prince Albert. The conversation went like this. illanrl|pfitpr Hrralft the company that wants to Vernon, 34, has stub­ •Saurkraut Feminists who feel degraded by the way Telephone operator; “ Excuse me, sir, but is evict local 7-11 franchiser bornly refused to budge, women are- posed as sex objects in girlie Prince the first or the last name?” Sheridan Vernon from his and has taken legal action magazines may take grim satisfaction from the Caller; "Neither. I want to speak to Prince Richard M. Diamond, Publiaher Main Street store. against Southland to pre­ OR current issue of High Society magazine’s Albert of Monaco.” Thomaa J. Hooper, General Manager Judge Donald T. Dorsey vent his eviction. offshoot. Celebrity Skins, on the stands today. Telephone operator; “Oh, you mean AI took the action because a Southland’s la ^ e r , Pe­ Publisher Gloria Leonard boasts the issue Grimaldi. Hold on, sweetie, and I’ll connect you.” USPS 327-500', VOL. Cll, No. 115 kberiff hired by Southland ter W. Benner of the contains nude or nearly nude photos of 36 of the to notify Vernon of its Super Dog Full Meal Deal Publitttwl dally ancapl Sunday Hartford firm of Shipman UPI photo world’s most stunning Stars, including Linda Soggaatad carriar rataa ara most recent lawsuit deli­ and eartaln holldaya by tha I t . 30 waakly. 66.13 lor Ono li Goodwin, said Monday Evans, Farrah Fawcett, Jodie Foster, Morgan Manchaatar Publlahing Co.. 16 month. 116.36 lor thrao montha. vered the papers to the Southland will re-file the Fairchild, Angie Dickinson and Marilyn Monroe. Bralnard Placa. (Manchaatal. wrong address. It’s the best thing going. Our 100% Glimpses 630.70 lor alx montha and $61.40 suit dismissed Monday, pure beef 12” hot dog. A small order More newlyweds But right along with the women’s lineup, the Conn. 06040. Sacond claaa lor ona yaar. Mall rataa ara "Apparently they this time making sure to All for poataga paid al Manchaatar. HIHISIIIIIIf soft porn magazine boasts nude photos of such avallabla on roquaat.' served his (Vernon's) of crispy, golden fries. Your favorite Conn POSTMASTER: Sand ad- deliver the papers to the Fresh news. Wherever the news Is happening, around Actor-producer Michael London and male stars as Sylvester Stallone, Burt Reynolds Debbie Reynolds gets a welcome to “ Woman of moUier,” said Vernon’s A small drink. And, to top It off. a cool Oniy draaa changaa to tha Manchaatar To placa a claaaltlad or diaplay' right address. Cindy Clerico smile for the camera and Jack Nicholson. the Y ea r" party at New York’s Studio 54 H a ra ld . P.O. Box SSt. lawyer, Kathleen Elder- the world, we take you there. Live. As It happens. 24 hours ^ and creamy 5 oz. DAIRY QUEEN* advartlaamanl. or to raporl a The suit claims that a day No one does that better or sooner, than CNN. Sundae. Get a good deal on a full shortly after they were married Mon­ tomorrow ... Manchaatar. Conn. 06040. nawa Itam itory or plolura IdiM, gill of the Manchester day. The wedding took place In Sheena Easton will have her first TV special on call 043-3711. OMoa houra ara firm of Beck It Pagano. Vernon damaged the com­ C N N Is the news. meal. Head for your participating *1.79 NBC March 8, backed by co-stars Kenny Rogers To aubacriba. or to raporTa 6:30 a.m. to 0 p.m. Monday Vernon’s mother lives pany’s business reputa­ DAIRY QUEEN* BRAZIER* store. London's Malibu, Calif., home and and.AI Jarreau . . . daUvary proWam. call 647-9646. through Friday. across the street from him tion by making dlapairag- was attended by 30 friends and family Strasberg Memorial OWoa houra ara 6:30 a.ni. to 6:30 \ --- ing remarks to his Amerieataul Darren McGavin and Jack Blessing start their pan. Monday through Friday and in Willimantlc, Eldergill Open U plb A Woftd Of Better members. Including his four children Tha Manchaatar Harald la a ' customers and the press, Importnn Nttwortt His former students at Actors’ Studio— some of new CBS series, "Small It Frye,” on March? with 7 to to a.nl. Saturday. DaUvary aubaenbor to UnNad Proaa Intor- Mid. TefevWon On Cox Cable Only at tha Manchaatar Dairy Quaar.a from his second marriage. The mar­ the biggest names in show business — will pay McGavin playing a private eye and Blessing in ahould ba mada by 6 p.m. Man- notional noara aonloaa and la a Southland, the Dallas, and putting a sign in his cm day through Friday and by 7:30 store window that glori­ C A L L ue TODAY FOR A CABLE riage Is London's third and Clerico's tribute May 23 to Lee Strasberg, who died last ' the role of his partner who — in a reverse on "The mombar ol tha Audit Buraau ol Tex.-based parent com­ tax. a.m. Saturday. Circulations. Broad Straat or Hartford Rd. Feb. 17 at 80. Incredible Hulk” — shrinks to 6 inches high . . . pany of the neHonal 7-11 fies his fight against the J.V. mSTALLATIOM SPECIAL AT 646-5400 first. chain, has beer trying chain. 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues,, Feb. 15. 1983 Fast foods have hurt industry Maine firm trying to revive sardine market LOS ANGELES — ^here a Rolls-Royce or Most of what we’re doing Is at point nate the domestic iparket. "They The Maine sardine industry has “I see a sculptural value to them,” says By James V. Heallon of purchase, in stores," Stin$on didn’t have to make a profit,” he been presenting the fish as an item ^ Mercedes Benz once stood as a monument of United Press Internatlonlal status for the filthy rich, a bright-white satellite Cleworth, who has had an "inquiry or two” from said. said, and wouldn’t have gone out of for the lunch box: cheap, nutritious dish owners wanting satellite dish jxirtraits over business if they.did lose $1 million. dish pivoting in the backyard now signifies the Stinson, whose father started and ideal for the blue collar, the their mantles. “I’d love to have a go at it. I like FALMOUTH, Maine r-'®The “But some of the other Maine latest rage in conspicuous consumption. their banning company 56 years hunter,, the fisherman and the every day objects that are sculptural. Maine sardine became a poor fish packers would.” And in many cases it’s to the angst of neighbors. agb, says that because the money outdoorsman. Along cam e "TV "They have artistic value of their own.” in the iusl 30 years because of Conrad saw it differently. dinners,” McDonald’s and Burger A homeowners association in Alameda County imports and changing tastes. But is unavailable to promote prop-' has filed a suit against Oakland A’s outfielder Donald Berg, an executive*with the Chan**®* \ King and the sardine business, so Master satellite dish firm in Ellenville, N.Y., says now there's a new kid on the dock. erly, "We get into a situation “THE INDUSTRY has tradition­ Rickey Henderson,.claiming his rooftop satellite where we’re cutting each other’s to speak, was out to lunch. big is best in the universe of satellite signal The newcomer is Port Clyde ally said, ‘How many fish have we dish robs them of their view of San Francisco throats. We’re fighting for “Hell, the tuna industry was retrieval. It takes a large dish — preferrably Foods Inc,, which was a division of got out there and then they put Bay. , markets and that sort of thing bom beause the sardine schools on 10-feet to 18-feet in diameter, to pick up the 5-watt Zapata Inc., the Houston conglo­ them in little cans and pushed "I don’t mind Rickey Henderson stealing instead of trying to create a larger the West Coast took off,” Cure signal. merate that had four plants in them into the stores over a 12 bases,” says neighbor Royce Chaney, “butldon’t market for the product. said. Berg says 100,000 satellite dishes already pock Maine — the only state processing month period until the next season He said the sardine canneries want him to steal my view.” sardines today. "We do that by trying to take the nation’s landscape, and another 50,000 should came around.’ were in ta ct... so when the schools Zapata acquired Port Clyde somebody else’s sale. We’re not bloom in gardens, fields, backyards and on vanished, the canners turned to COUNTRY MUSIC singer T.G. Sheppard put three years ago. Its Maine manag-- creative. We’re just greedy. It’s “Reggie has gone on the other up a huge satellite dish alongside his swimming hillsides this year. ^ tuna. "Then they said, ‘Hey, ers bought it late last year for $20 completely a price situation. Gen­ side of the marketing spectrum pool at his Nashville home, "but the neighbors nobody knows what the hell to do THE AVERAGE PRICE paid fdr a satellite million. They want to bring back erally, we don’t try to put up and said, 'I ’m going to pull these complained so I'm hiding it with shrubs — a with this fish. So, we‘ll tell ‘em dish these days is about $4,000. Berg says, “but at the good old days when tuna, oneof something that’s a little bit things through. I ’m going to bunch of white pines.” the high-end, we are selling to the Hollywood what to do with it. its executives said, was just cheaper so we can undersell our aggressive marketing and innova­ " I t’s the greatest invention ever,” says market for $17,000 and more.” another fish in the sea. competition.” tive things. I’m going to Advertise. Sheppard, “but the trouble with it is you don’t “Many people buy them as a status symbol, I In 19.'>2, the fir.st year the Maine I ’m going to create the m arket.’” “THE TUNA GUYS have Con­ ever watch anything all the way through. You vinced housewives over the last 30 suppose,” Berg says. “And | we have heard Sardine Council started keeping HE SAYS PORT CLYDE is his keep switching around and you never really just complaints that they are considered an eyesore in Cure does not accept suggestions years that this is what you do with records, there were 46 plants stiffest competitor because of runs sit there and watch anything. many communities.” packing 3.2 million cases, lOOcans they have made on him in the that say imports from various tuna. You put it in salad, and so on. "The guide looks like the Los Angeles phone For the cable companies complaining satellite It’s something they’re familiar to the case. Last year,'Maine's 14 market place by pasting it with countries now dominate 60 percent book. It’s sure fun to fool with.” dish owners.are illegally receiving their signal with now. and use regularly. processing plants put up 700,000 special discounts and promotions. of the donnestic sardine market, Comedian Rich Little’s satellite dish, which without paying for itj Berg counters that 96 "Nobody on the East'Coast was cases. Reggie Cure and Earl Conrad of compared to the 40 percent they went up two years ago, is poised on Malibu Beach percent of those in operation are in rural areas telling people what to do with It could have been worse. Port Clyde smiled and said in an had 20 years ago. But he says they and it can be seen from the Pacific Coast where cable isn’t even offered. Not only has consumer demand interview- they are just "aggres­ were able to take what they did sardines. Well, eventually tuna Highway. “We aren’t in competition with them ,” Berg starts beating the living heck out of for the little fish plunged, but a sive and innovative." because few were minding the UPl ph$to “It’s not just a status symbol, although it’s says. cold, rainy spring last year appar­ Stinson says it’s a matter of scale Maine promotional store. sardines. Tuna took over. Now it’s certainly that,” he says, "but I’m a complete The satellite dish, which allows owners to pick ently kept it offshore. Its elusive­ and Port Clyde concedes it doesn’t a billion dollar industry,” Curd movie and media buff.” up as many as 180 television stations and cable In recent years, the Norwegians said. ' SATELLITE DISH PIVOTS IN YARD OF ENTERTAINER JOHN BARPOUR ness prompted predictions of a spare the marketing hor^s. It staged a marketing coup of sorts offerings, has become a consumer product only in 600.000-ca.se pack, down from an earmarked $15.6 million in coupon The National Food Processons ARTIST HAROLD James Cleworth, interna- DPI photo by elevating the sardine to . . . the tievices are the latest status symbol of the filthy rich the past nine months. annual ,avcrage of 1.5 million advertising last year, according to gourmet status. They dressed up Association' said there were ' IS Cure, who pronounces his name cases. the can an'd put the fish in things million cases of tuna 48 half It was one of the worst years yet REGGIE CURE DISPLAYS MAINE SARDINES "Cure-ay." pound cans to the case — sold in . . . Maine only state still processing the fish like , and called sonie for the ’’industry s 200 full-time "The big losers have been the "cocktail” sardines. So instead of I960; 22. million in 1970 and 30 fishermen and its 1,176 processing imports and not our Maine compet­ a 79 cent item on the supermarket million in 1980. And back 4n 1960, plant workers whose numbers itors who have beemfussing at us,” shelf, it’s $1.14. But it’s right next— there were just 3 million cases of A WHOLE GENERATION of balloon to 2,200 in the peak "Nobody knows for sure why th6 Conrad said. A fishing business to the liver pate. domestic and imported sardines Baby's bottle: production months between July fish didn't show up in Maine addicts has grown up veteran with a background in sold in the . largely unaware of the.sardine, finance, Conrad believes "the' and Octotx'r waters,” Stinson said in his Pros­ NOW THE FRENCH have taken Maine sardines are immature' believed to have been first pro­ industry has to do something pect Harbor office near French­ p up the marketing cry: 'An ad in a coastal herring between 1 and 3 cessed on the Italian island of different if we’re to compete in the THF PACKERS ARE WOMEN man's'Bay, 100 miles up the coast gourmet magazine: years old. They run in schools and who are paid by the number of from Falmouth, headquarters for Sardinia. Even today's consumer, w^rld market. I think all consumer alert fishermen to their presence 3’ 4-ounce cans they fill by hand, Port Clyde. beset by hard times, and looking markets are becoming more “All sardines are not the same! start of end at night because the plankton they and stand on their feet all day Customers haven't been buying for food bargains, doesn’t seem to worldly. I think we have to take Hedland FRENCH SARDINES, feed on emit a luminous glow. doing,.so. Those with flying fingers as many sardines as Stinson would be overly interested. Including these aggressive moves in every caught off the coast of Brittany, Spotter planes and depth sounders fill 3.500 cans in eight hours with like because of changes in tastes imports, there were 2 million cases direction in order for this industry are much larger than the Scandan- are also used. two 15 minute breaks and a half and a low-profit margin tl\at seems of sardines sold in 1980, down from to survive.” avian variety, fully boned and The ideal size is between 4'A hour for lunch. to preclude splashy advertising 3 million sold in 1960. Conrad and Cure bought Port superior mild flavor and texture. inches to 9 inches. They sardines of his teeth? "We wound up with a decent campaigns. The Maine Sardine "It's not a well-advertised pro­ Clyde along with 18 employes arib Include them in a selection of are trapped with huge stop seines pack. .56 percent of last year, but it Council, a state agency subsidized duct. One of the problems. I the help of the Maine Guarantee mixed hors d’oeuvres, or construct or nets when they swim into bays, By Sharon Rutenberg When these liquids mix with was Canadian fish and an extended by the industry, did what it could to suppose, is that we feel we have a Authority. Three of their co­ an omelette to feature their coves and harbors to feed.. Purse- United Press International plaque — a sticky, colorless film of sea.son. ' Cal Stinson, treasurer of promote sardines but things like price item, a good buy, a penny per owners are women. excellent flavor. Preseiwed in pure seiners "iasoo” them by casting bacteria that forms constantly in Stinson Canning Co., said. In 1981, free comic books for school kids protein type of thing, and in doing Stinson said Port Clyde spent oil, of course. Set of two 115 their nets over them in deeper CHICAGO - Filling a baby’s the mouth — the interaction the industry produced $44 million and recipes for housewives ob­ that we don’t leave enough profit to money hand over fist under gram (approx 3.7 oz.) tins. Regu­ waters. Then they are put in a Iraat nursing bottle with juice, formula produces acid which attacks the worth of sardines viously weren't enough. spend on advertising or promotion. Zapata’s auspices to try to domi­ larly $5.00. Special price $3.80.” and brought to the cannery. — or even milk — can. lead to tooth enamel and causes decay. “nursing bottle mouth” and early To avoid this problem, the ADA destruction of baby teeth, the advises parents to fill bedtime American Dental Association nursing bottles with cool water — Science talent winners says. nothing more. And after each The ADA also warned that feeding, parents should wipe the MOST WEEKENDS JOAN SCHANKE CRADLES NEWBORNS AT A WISCONSIN HOSPITAL (LEFT PHOTO) children who lose baby teeth too infant’s tooth buds and gums with a soon may eventually have chewing damp washcloth or gauze pad to . . . pff-dutv she's a shark on the arm wrestling circuit as she shows Joel LIngenhag and speech problems and im­ remove plaque. future Nobel winners? proper development of permanent : The premature loss of even a teeth. single primary tooth should be cause for concern,” Press said. She’ll 'flash' you Alabama, Illinois, Indiana. Kan­ Dr. Burton H. Press, ADA Bv Patricia McCormack experiments show stress in the "B y reserving space for the UPl Education Editor president, urged greater aware­ sas, , Massachusetts, form of noise can inhibit the permanent teeth, the s6-called Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mex­ ness of the importance of baby immune system by decreasing baby teeth play an important role Young scientists, winners of the teeth as part of National Children’s ico, Tennessee. Virginia, Wiscon­ certain blood reactions. in the proper development of the Don't wrestle this nurse for beer 42nd iinnual Scifnee Talent sin. Puerto 'Rico also had one Dental Health Month in February. • Zoher Ghogawala. 17, of Over­ child’s face and jaw.” Search, look though telescopes and winner. By JeannIne E. Klein she made up for it quickly, as her times a week. She benches 280 can’t be jogging or lifting weights. land Park, Kans., looked into a “NURSING BOTTLE MOUTH” pounds, curls 195, and dead lifts 325 Besides, they can’t get close to the microscopes in probing outer and A sampling of 1983 winners and process for cleaning up oil spills. United Press International trophy-filled living room p’roves. is the destruction of the primary — IF A PRIMARY tooth is lost pounds; table to get any kind of leverage, inner space, print pictures on projects: He ran more than a hundred tests, prematurely to accident or dis­ geranium leaves and do other or baby — teeth by tooth decay. MRS. SCHANKE said she had For a while, Mrs. Schanke and in this sport, leverage is • Terri Lynn Stanford, 17, of showing the ability of silicone- ease, the remaining teeth tend to KIEL, Wis. — Most weekdays amazing things. "This condition often results hoped to retain her world titfes last practiced with her husband, everything,” Mrs, Schanke said. Coral Springs, Fla., compared the coated white sand to cause a drift into its space and keep the Joan Schanke is cradling new­ The 40, 16 to 18 years of age. jiroblem-solving performance of a when sweetened liquids are given year, but ah appendectomy sev­ Wayne.- The sport is physically and simulated crude oil spill to sink underlying permanent tooth from borns, burping babies and chang­ follow big footsteps. Five former frequently to an infant throughout eral weeks before the event “Now I always beat him." she psychologically demanding. Most dozen women in each decade of life into simulated marine water. moving into proper position. ing diapers in the maternity ward winners of the talent search the day and night, especially at curtailed her training. She came in said with a laugh. matches are over in four to five between age 20 and 80 in three • Michael Fritz Webb, 18, of To prevent this, the dentist may at Calumet Memorial Hospital. concfUcted by Science Service have diferent color vision tests. She naptime or bedtime,” said Press, ,,third. Mrk. Schanke said she is consi­ seconds, but a few can go as long as Omaha, Neb., a physical fitness recommend the use of a space OffKluty she’s a shark on the arm received Nobel Prizes! assistant dean of the University of There is a difference between dered a professional since she has a minute, she said. belieyVs results show perceptual enthusiast and champion maintainer, a metal or plastic loop wrestling circuit. New York, with 19 winners, difficulties — such as not being the Pacific Dental School in San wrist wrestling and arm wrestling, won money, color television sets It’s also a sport where one injury swimmer, studied straight and that is attached to a tooth next to Mrs. Schanke holds three world comes nut as young scientist able to see too well — associated Francisco. she said. In arm wrestling, contest­ and watches, among other prizes. can end a career. curved swimming stroke patterns. the space and holds the space open championships and three national capital of the nation Florida, with with advanced .age seem to have '-’We urge parents to take great ants hold a peg with their off-hand. She competes in the open class, ‘T v e seen some really bad His tests showed the curved stroke for the permanent tooth. championships in arm and wrist four winners, is in .second place, care in choosing the liquids they Wrist wrestling requires contest­ which is for 135-pounders and up. breaks, arms shattered in four or significance in problem. solving to be faster and more efficient. "A space maintainer will help wrestling — Tor both right and left followed by Michigan and Texas performance. place in nursing bottles. ants to clasp each other’s off-hand. Being world champion in this five places, and the way they • William Chiang, 16, of New "Primary teeth are important reduce the youngster’s chances of hands. break, you know that a person will with two apiece • Shari-Lynn Umlas, 17, of North The 22-year-old registered nurse They also emphasize different class is indeed a weighty matter as York City, built an electronic and should be retained for their having crooked or crowded per­ many competitors outsize her, never be able to compete again," States with one winner include Miami Beach, Fla., believes her roulette wheel and used photocells UPl photo said she got.'<^involved in the muscles. normal life-span. If they are lost manent teeth,” Pi'esssaid. “Italso Just what sort of training regime Mrs. Schanke said. she said. to test the brightness of light in a too early, the incoming permanent can help parents save money by upper-limb sport on a lark. Mrs. Schanke said she finds FAMILY THAT ALWAYS LIVED TOGETHER NOW SPLIT BY NURSING HOME "Someone dared me to enter a does this right-handed, arm “Girls get really big. I’ve seen a room. He won with a paper in teeth may be crowded or crooked. ’ ’ reducing the need for costly number of them the last year, 300, wrist ‘Wrestling the harder of the advanced number theory. local tournament. I ’d never done it wrestler follow? . . (from left) Esther Page, her mother Edith Elmer, daughter Nancy Sugars contained in some juices, orthodontic treatment later on iii " I t’s hard to practice with 400, 500 pounds, way over 6 feet. two. • Larry Gene Spears Jr., 17, of soft drinks and other sweetened the child’s life.” before, in my life,” she said. “It’s harder because a lot of "Three weeks later I was at the someone; hard to find competition, For a person my size (5-foot-6). Houston, Texas, investigate^ stor­ liquids have been identified as the” Babies generally begin to get that’s hard to compete against.” tricks and techniques are used. age methods far solar - heating .World Championships ... this was someone who won’t leave you chief cause of nursing bottle decay. their first teeth at about 6 months. hurt,” Mrs. Schanke said. Instead, Your opponent may push their systems. He worked with liquid "The common notion that prim­ m 1979 ... and I took third place. (off-hand) fist under your arm. or “I beat the world champion and she uses an arm-buster machine, BUT THE ADVANTAGE in this systems containing hydrated salts The nursing-home decision: EVEN MILK, which generally ary teeth aren’t important is throw the fist back so you shift found oqt later I had riiptured a “one that is hooked up to a spring sport is not in weight, but in which undergo a change when heat does not promote tooth decay, may false,” Press said. "They should leverage, she said. attention from the match.” she is applied. He showed the chemical tendon in my arm .” system so you can gauge the become harmful to the teeth if be maintained until they are ready pressure.” “When you (xirne up against said, adding. "The key is to be change is reversible. As a result, to come out naturally, according to That injury kept Mrs. Schanke allowed to linger in the mouth for SHE ALSO LIFTS weights three someone that huge, you know they really fast, to ’flash’ them ." stored energy can be released later what's best isn't always easy long periods, research indicates. nature’s plan. inactive for about 2'A months, but when needed. • Celeste Aline Ewalt, 17, of By Bill Fortier Lafayette, Ind., reported on Her The So'uthbridge News three-year investigation into ex­ Distributed by UPl Ear-worh masking devices plosions in grain elevators. She ‘‘I was one;Of those people who vowed to designed a suppression system. SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass. - Just never send a relative Into a nursing home. rr - i She believes it can prevent secon­ because the decision turned out for *5*6 _ dary, more violent explosions from the best doesn’t mean it was easy. ... But I did it and I did have guilt feelings'." may be best tinnitus solution occurring. Tested on a scale Edith Elmer, 105, and Esther model, she said the system reacts Page, 66, along with her daughter Esther Page to the pressures created by a By Al Rossiter J r . Nancy, 38, had lived together for UPl Science Editor primary explosion to propel a high many years. Now Edith is in a .. Tinnitus is Itself npt a disease, but a pressure, gas or powder suppres­ nursing home. | sant which surrounds and extin­ care of the situation. It was his Elm er’s birthday party in De­ WASHINGTON (UPl) - Mil­ synnptom that Is common to many "We always lived together,” answer to a tough problem. I ’m not cember 1978. lions of Americans suffer from guishes the first explosion before it said Mrs. Page, sitting in the can travel. extremely religious, but the man “I don’t know how we did it, but persistent sounds in the head and a parlor of her home. "That’s what maladies'that afflict different structures • David Fox, 17, Levittown, upstairs is in control of everything. we fit at least 100 people into the Rational Academy of Sciences made the decision to enter my I needed help with the load and it 5 N.Y., developed a method' for house. That was a great thrill for panel says ear-worn devices to mother into the nursing home so within the auditory system." obtaining a photographic print on a was his way of helping.” my mother," recalls Mrs. Page. mask this ringing and buzzing may difficult. But we had no choice.” geranium leaf. Less than a week after the fail, The two younger women visit be the best available way to deal ^ National Academy of Sciences report Her mother broke her hip falling • Elihu McMAhon II, of Broiix, the arrangements were made for Mrs. Elmer three days a week with the problem. in the hallway of her home in the N.Y., designed a wind turbine with Mrs. Elmer to enter the Liberty “She’s very sharp. She really 'The committee reached this summer of 1981. That fall help^ blades made of sailcloth to make House Nursing Home. knows what's going on. We go and conclusion cautiously because Mrs. Page realize that her mother “It is important to emphasize at hearing aid chassis, and the other them tight weight and able' to Nursing home administrators tell her all the latest news. She many questions remain. But it said would get better care in a nursing the outset that tinnitus is itself not is a combination hearing aid and V generate electricity at lower wind get a firsthand look pt the anguish likes to find out about the house and there are no other, equally effec­ home. and guilt feelings suffered by she asks my daughter how every­ tive treatitients for the disorder a disease, but a symptom that is masker. mu. mwKCOMMmmiirBOULmm speeds. ' • Dr. Jack Vernon, one of the “It was hard. My mother had family memBbrs who must see a thing is going. She’s doing very called tinnitus. common to many maladies that been living with us ever since my afflict different structures within Oregon researchers, has said the THE COMPETITION produced loved one’become a nursing home well.” The big concern is the safety of NVIWIlEfilfiLE husband went into the service in resident. Everything has turned out for the masking devices which emit and without the auditory system,” sound emitted by the masking some firsts. Marcelo Colon, 17, of devices is usually more psycholog­ World War II. But naturally when the best, Mr*. Page says. “And steady sounds to drown out the the report said. Cfbrabo, Puerto Rico, is the fttrst you become that old, you have “Given the multiple origins of ically acceptable than the tinnitus Need a new set of wheels? You make even the car of your dreams Puerto Rican winner. He stu d i^ a Despite improvements in the that s really a load off my mind. head noises. The committed said in medical problems. My mother has tinnitus, it should be e x p e ct^ that and can be Ignored ooukfnl have picked a better time. affordable. Let the Eagle show plant used commonly in I^erto care of nursing home residents in She is taken care of better than I a report that nearly all currently problems with her eyes. I ’ve had no single treatment for tinnitus is The committee report said Rican folk medicine for 'gastroin­ the past few years, guilt feelings could possibly take care of her." available maskers have the poten-- Rrst FederaTs rates on car loans you how. at any of our eight artlyitis since I’ve been 19 years likely to be found.” nearly all information oh the testinal infections. The experi­ persist. Today's economy Is causing tial to produce hearing loss when have dropped low enough to convenient offices. old. Ask Esther Page. - The panel said that in addition to effectiveness of the maskers ments showed the plant extrac- people to turn to nursing homes u s ^ for long periods. comes from the Oregon center — "Something had to be done. But "I was one of those people who more than ever, says Mary Gra­ ' The nine-person committee, masking devices, several drugs .tions effective against 16 species of "a situation that makes any it was a tough adjustment. It was vowed to never send a relative into headed by Dennis McFadden of the have bMn found to be effective UPl photo bacteria. The plant is known in ham, administrator of the Sandal­ cautious scientist uneasy.” very hard to see her go,” she said. a nursing home,” she said. “There University of Texas, said a recent against some forms of tinnitus. But botanical circles as Solanum wood Convalescent Home in neigh­ “If we accept their data, it Esther first broached the subject was no waV I was going to do it. But boring Oxford. British survey, if extrapolated to the report said each drug has nigrum. appears that when reasonable care of a nursing home with her mother I did it and I did have guilt feelings. the U.S. population, would Indicate drawbacks of one sort or another Taking it lying down Another first: seven of the 40 “Nowadays you have more is taken in the choice and fitting of First Federal Savings shortly before the fall that caused Boy, did I have guilt feelings. But families where both the hn-Kn^d 1.9 million Americana are afflicted "that prevent lt$ immediate wides­ winners in the 1983 Search were not an aid, masker or instrument, her broken hip. everything has turned out for the and wife are working. True, people with severe tinnitus. / pread use.” The judging Is over and Geronimo, an English bulldog. bom in the United States. They ateut 83 percent of tinnitus suffer “She wanted nothing to do with best. Now I 've learned never to say do have .guilt feelings when they There is no known cause for most The masking devices were deve­ m Botm iKU m include two natives of Hong Kong, ers who actaially purchase the Is a loser at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show at it. But something had to be done. It never." cases of tinnitus. The panel report loped by researchers at the Uni­ and one each from Indonesia, are entering a parent Into a recommended device will appre* East Hotlord (2 offloes). (xliastonbury, Manchester, RockviMe, Madison Square Garden Monday. He takes It like the was becoming harder and harder The three women had many good said tte problem arises from versity of Oregon Medical School. Poland, Taiwan, Bangladesh and nursing home. But we explain that elate partial or total relipf froml South (Slastonbuiy. South Windsor, Vernon. champion he Is; but ^bls owner, Rhoda Oser, of for me to take care of her. Maybe times at their home on Woodsfock good care is offered and they have abnoimalities In the auditory Two types are used.' One is just a Leningrad, U.S.S.R. their symptoms,” the report said.' Massapequa Park, N.Y., seems more distressed. the-fall was God’s Way of taking Road. One of the best was Mrs. to live their own life too.” nervous system. sound emitter mounted in a MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues.. Feb. 15. 1983 - 7 h - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15, 1983 Richard M. Diamond, Publlahv Dan Fltta, Editor b p i m o n Alex Qlralll, City Editor

I", Editor says college slang more conservative; teen jargon springs from junior highs ' students still get drunk. They also have something like, er, a Greek Bv Carol Rosenberg own age group. They sort of belong God,” Boyer says, tongue-in- J a c k Untied Press International to their own club,” he says. get bombed, blitzed and buzzed, trashed, poiluted, wasted, sla­ cheek. Students also do a lot of “crunch­ A n d e r s o n «It may sound to some like THERE IS VALLEYTALK and thered and hammered. Asked what terms are popular ing” at Williams. Classmates who Danger ahead for the Democrats cold-blooded murder of the Eng­ preppyspeak, jocktalk and street ^ do their crunching in the hard Washington lish tongue, but American kids language. among her friends at the Univer­ “U 2 2 E 0 sity of North Carolina, senior sciences are called “powertools.” that, his political position will be provement — in the economy Merry-Qo-Round have been speaking a language of Take Moon Unit ^ p p a ’s Valley A hardworker at Yale University WASHINGTON - At a pri­ their own since they annoyed their Talk. The daughiEer of famed Laura Lauck offered a few terms strengthened immeasurably. and somi; progress in reducing and then went blank. in New Haven, pizza. "Rents” are eager to see progress made in there was no minimum wage at 5 to itui s.-- whether or not that is it. V were to get an arms agreement presidential politics is all about their Pilgrim children took their ture. Words come and go like No. 1 still means to study hard until all Slang is not the talk of board mom and dad. an accurate prediction. But the limiting nuclear arms. all for young people seeking hours of the morning for exams.” rooms and diplomatic sessions. “One of my favorites is the way of some kind," said Strauss, summer or part-time jobs. in every election. Most voters But one of the administration's . traditional farewell — God be with hit songs. Once a word is widely exchange does reflect a new moves in Honduras has run into aq you — and turned it into “good­ known it may be dropp^, 'rele­ Teenagers may dream up slang, Because young people spend more you refer to somebody who’s good ALTHOUGH SLANG came over "he’d b,e very, very difficult to But the president js far more don’t base their decisions on in one course or another,” reports sense of realisrti'that is begin­ WHETHER Reagan would be almost literal roadblock thrown up bye,” Flexner says. gated to the used-slang bin along­ but adults use it too. Julia Shields, time informally than adults, and with the Mayflower, how it’s used beat," checklists of issues; instead, slang is a product of relaxing the Ray Boyer, a publicist for Willi­ ning to creep into the Derno- able to overcome his fundamen­ vulnerable on such things when by conscientious officials at the Today's words are. obsolete' side “sweH” from the '50s and 42, a high school English teacher in — and who us s it — is changing. Speculation over arms limita­ tal distrust of the Soviet Union things are going sour than he they decide which man they tomorrow. “groovy” from the ’60s. Charlottesville, Va., is an avowed rules, high schools and college ams College in Willianistown, Older students are shying away cratic Party these days — a would rather have leading the Agency ’for International campuses are breeding grounds M ^s., where much of the lingo is recognition that the political tion is common in Washington is, of course, another question. might be if there were a marked -■ “I may call somebody a jerk, but Others stick around like golden user. from it more' than in the past, country over the next four Development. "I love slang, think its colorful, for it. about, academia. context of the 1984 pampaign these days, among both Demo­ But there is at least a rough improvement — or even what today they would call him a nerd,” oldies. Flexner says. seemed to be a marked im­ years. The controversy is over a $7.5 says Flexner, 54. "Each genera­ "There are classics. Once a good wonderful, metaphoric. Some of it Outstanding chemistry students may be quite different from the crats and Republicans, Despite consensus that if he can achieve UPI SURVEYED campuses are said to be Chemgods. Econ- “I think the fast-paced lingo is million, 150-kilometer road the tion seems to want td have some of phrase comes along it’s pretty is quite clever,” she says. “I hate fading away.” says Judson N. State Department wants to help its own words. hard to replace it,” says Scott it, but I call everything ‘neat.’ It’s across the nation and found gods and Mathgods really know their economics or mathematics. Kempson. 22. an English literature Honduras build to the Nicaraguan . "It’s not so much to shut out Wenger, 19, a New York University such a horrible, vague, meaning­ students have two main activities student at Stanford University in border, through a rain forest adults — although that's a part of student. ‘“Flipped out' still means less word. But I use it in every in coilege — drinking and studying. "But we agreed it doesn’t carry When they drink too’ much. over to the classics where you’d California.*>” Students are defi­ An editorial ' inhabited by Miskito Indians. ' it. It gives them identity with their crazy and ‘pulling an all-nighter’ sentence.” nitely getting more conservative Ostensibly, the road would be built and going with standard phrases to give the Indians a means of more.” getting their crops to market. Sp But don’t fear. Younger students the State Department has askeff — preteens and younger teenagers A bad bill, but AID to put up the money. — a're taking up the slack. They are But .AID officials don't buy the Here's totally awesome glossary for adults developing their own phrases agricultural argument for the rather than simply mimicking B y United Press International blitzed, hammered, polluted, sla­ offensively like — used in place of "um,” to dies hard (also: cruncher) their older brothers and sisters. not that bad highway. “It's a ghddamn tank thered, trashed, wasted) flipped-out crazy (also: go fill space get psyched — excited, enthusi­ "The main trend is that the road,” an agency source told my ■ . A glossary compiled by UPI of chemgod — an outstanding bomeo, wigged-out) nerd — one who lacks style'' astic (also: jazzed)' pull an all-nighter — study until interesting slang is coming out of Once again the General concerned should the state be associate Bob Sherman. slang terms popular among liigh chemistry student (also: “econ- for sure — a signal of agreement (also: donut hole, dweeb, loser, junior high schools now rather school and college students across god” al|( ,“mathgod,” for econom­ get a clue — to understand, catch reject, turkey) the sun comes up Assembly is taking up that about the problems of a rad — short for radical, than colleges.” says Flexner. who war horse of an issue: indus­ company that had already MY'SOURCES say the road’s the nation:------ics, mathematics) on Mickey D’s — McDonald’s leafs through magazines like “Rol­ real purpose is to make it easier for awesome — outstanding (also: coffee — as a verb, to eat gnarly — great, groovy number crunching—to study the outrageous. ling Stone” and "Mother Jones” in trial hostage legislation. decided to seek greener pas­ cool, ex-0, gnarly, neat', rad, totally breakfast < grind — a Ixrakworm. (also: hard sciences, statistics, math ralph — as a verb, to vomit, F the Hqnduran anny to move troops (also: "going to Europe with search of new slang. Tonight a hearing will be tures in the Sun Belt? awesome, wicked) cool — having style powertool) party-animal — someone who F and supplies to the isolated Miskito “That is probably because col­ conducted in the Gapitpl on a The main problem busi­ bad — just the opposite, some­ chill out — cf Im down (also: cool groady — ugly, disgusting (also: likes to have a good time Ralph and Earl in a Buick,” "blow lands, which Nicaraguan oppor grifty, gross, scuzzy, skanky, party like a banshee — to have a lunch” ) lege. students are serious and thing good out) conservative because of the econ­ bill that would require a nesses seem to have with nents have been using as a-Staging „ bag — abandon previous plans chine — short for machine, uncool and yucky) good time rents — parent? '■ company to give 60 days hostage legislation is that its area and sanctuary for raids on '(also: blow off, dust) automobile gut — an easy course (also: crip, peck — food scarf — eat quickly (also: chow omy and government.” he sug­ public notice in advance of a passage might damage Con­ Sandinista outposts across the beat — out of style, worthless catch some 'z’s — sleep (also: slide) powertool — someone who stu­ down) gests. Oarge-scale layoff, and one necticut’s image in business border. blow — sing crash, rack) .howl — a funny happening Put simply; AID officials are . blow-off — an easy task or chore crib — home hyper — a person somewhat year’s notice prior to an circles. The state might be .tired of using economic- ' bogus — no good cruncher — a serious studier of frenetic E out-of-state relocation. seen as one of those with an book — move quickly the hard sciences, computers, jag — annoy, bother development funds for largely E The bill ought not to pass. inhospitable business cli­ political objectives^ particularly ■ bone — mo'ney, cash (also: mathematics. jam — as a noun, a party; as a geetersT geets) def' — short for definite, verb, to dance or play or raise hell But the business interests mate. How, then, could the when there are needier candidates excellent i later — see you later for the limited amimnt of money. boned — given a bad grade c opposing it' are overstating state attract new companies, i>um — to mooch ex-o — short for excellent (also: let's cruise — let’s leave (also: CURIOUS? the harm its passage would or encourage existing ones to So AID has thus fai^fused to build ■ bummer — bad news awesome, totally awesome) let’s rally, let’s blaze, lets blow this mean for Connecticut’s expand? the road. buzzed — drunk (also: bombed. fag — someone who .behaves firetrap, lei's get outta this camp) T I economy. ous sdurces offer three arguments'dgainst the project: .£ ' ■ The Connecticut Busines;s But the practical impact of — The road construction would As long as there's no trouble and Industry Association will hostage legislation would be disrupt the fragile ecology of the have its big forces out tonight small. If businesses didn't virgin rain forest. ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW to warn of what the organiza­ make such a fuss about it, the — The Miskito Indians don't tion sees as the dire conse­ business climate wouldn’t be §Te)N want the road. They see it as a Pickets at White House ABOUT MICROCOMPUTERS, quences that , would befall perceived to have degener­ ROCKV MTi4 means of opening up their ances­ mJT WERE AFRAID TO ASK, Connecticut if HB52I1 ated significantly with its tral home for development, which passed. passage. ■’8Z will ultimately lead to the theft of their tribal lands. are regarded as 'guests' CBIA members will stress The legislation is well in­ — A wealthy Honduran business- that the advance notification tended, , aimed at giving . man, who was once accused qf CTI’s Intro, to Microcomputer course is requirement will cause a workers of a failing industry Commentary tortuing and murdering several ,Bv Mona Megalll designed for those of us wishing to become failing firm to lose its most time to look for new jobs, or at persons, including a U.S. military, United Press International- "Whatever makes the headlines one day, familiar with the capabilities and power of skillful workers, force it to least to prepare for stands to make a bundle from the road project. He owns land through •‘ WASHINGTON (UPI) - A there’s someone who comes Inth^ next the computer. In 5 short weeks we’ll have pay cash in advance for unemployment. -^ard at the gate calls them the suppliers and services, and But steps could be taken by which the road would run. regulars, the ones who sit, stand or day to file for a first amendment^rmlt.'' you speaking “Computerese” with a A giant with potential And AID spokesman said the pace Pennsylvania Avenue nearly hamper its efforts to sign the state that would be much agency will provide no funds for degree of comfort you never thought possi­ _^contracts for new business. more useful to workers and The United States an(l Nigeria That promise was rapidly dissi­ every day picketing the White Sandra Alley, have a lot in common. pated during the reign of strong­ the controversial road either this House. ble. CTI’s Intro, to Microcomputer course All this may be true, but communities than advance Both are economic magnets, man and would-be world states­ year or next. He said AID will not People for or against nuclear National Park P<>Jlce features; any firm to which the ’’hos­ notification. A committee Don man Krame Nkrumah. Ghana has even .become involved in prepara­ war, abortion, the Vietnam War, powerful draws on less affluent budget cuts, and many other issues tage" legislation applied formed by the Legislature in populations beyond their borders. never recovered from the decade tion ef an environemental-impact statement during this period. have made the northern front of probably would be experienc­ 1981 spelled out some of these Both, however, are currently Qraff of his misrule. Bankrupt and the White Rouse their forum. pons. I have'been here for 17 Mayer, against nuclear warfare. ing spch troubles already. steps. Doing more to retrain suffering slumps with high unem­ Syndicated demoralized, it is governed by a "Whatever makes the headlines months now.” He went on to explain how, by ployment. Foreign workers, columnist process of coup and countercoup. BUT MY sources say the State -one day;, there’s someone who living “without accommoda­ Even without the advance and otherwise assist dis­ Department will continue trying to notification requirement, placed workers and provid­ rather than contributors to the A point in Nigeria's favor in the 'Comes in the next day to file for a MAYER USED TO give her a tions,” he illustrates humanity’s ••COMPUTING TERMINOLOGY economy, have become burdens. present troubles — and it's very bully AID Into putting ^.up the first amendment permit. It goes in penny for each anti-nuclear pam­ ability to do without the posses­ • PHYSICAL SYSTEMS (HARDWARE) public, attention would be ing tax incentives for other Both have large, ethnically strong one — is that it has not money for the road. A cable last .cycles,” says National Park Police phlet she handed out for him, Mrs. sions they use atomic warfare to November from U.S. Ambassador spokeswoman Sandra Alley. Picciolto said. protect. • WORKING SYSTEMS (SOFTWARE) called to. its troubles once it firms to hire them would be heterogenous populations. production and fix prices have cokt repeated the Ghanian story. There John Negroponte in Tegucigalpa Some protest there for a few Pressed for details, she sug­ •EXPOSURE TO READY MADE actually had its massive more useful than hostage But here the resemblances end. Nigeria probably more than any have been coups, but the Nigerian Another regular, Edward Saf­ layoff, anyway. And how legislation. leadership has made a considera­ formally requested AID funding. hours, others persist in their cause gested that William Thomas, ^ fron, 65, bundled in blue against the MATERIAL IN EDUCATION, BUSINESS The diverse American population other member of the cartek?) A I for years. Most remain annonym- fellow protester who once was and HOME MANAGEMENT is held together by a .sense of ble effort to develop a workable The debate over the Honduran cold, clear morning, said he has Saudi Arabia — with some 10 road reflects a broader controv­ ' 'bus. Norman Mayer didn't. ' Mayer’s protege, could answer walked his beat for a few hours a nationhood. The many peoples who million people and a per capita political system, however short of • SAMPLING OF SEVERAL POPULAR ersy that has arisen In the past two more questions. She said he had week since May 26,1969. The neat, are called Nigerians — although income of $11,500 — can adjust to democratic perfection, suited to been on vigil for 19 months. COMPUTING LANGUAGES years: the increasing politiciza­ " ON DEC. 8, Mayer, 66, who had open-faced man sported a blue and they may not so call themselves — the decline in income. Nigeria — Nigeria's delivery. - demonstrated daily before the Berry's World tion fo AID funds under the Reagan We walked behind an enormous white muffler and a sandwjch 5 are not. Yet. almost 90 million and a per capital •White House against nuclear wea­ sign of a mushroom cloud of eerie board calling for world income of $523 — cannot. IT IS A system that has managed administration. AID officials gen­ pons since June 1982, besieged the psychedelic hues. The sign, raised- disarmament. NIGERIA, like much of the rest Oil, as it turns out, has not to accommodate the friction erally argue that their assistance .Washington Monument' for 10. ' on. a mobile platform, slopes to money should be doled out on the hours before he was killed by He will only hand out his typed, of Africa, remains an accumula­ powered Nigeria’s economy but among Moslem north, Christian form the side of a shelter, like copyrighted, five-sheet pronounce­ tion of tribal societies confined south and a score of tribal basis of need, not politics, police. one-half of a peaked roof. ment on global survival to people -dislocated it. Form a one-time food Coincidentally, nuclear warfare within artificial lines dsawn on the exporter, the country has become allegiances. Tbb system survive I reported yesterday that AID is 1’homas, 35, an articulate man who are Mterested. "I’m not a going along with a questionable again was the preoccupation of the with a bushy brown beard and a millionaire. I have to pay for map by government in distant a net importer, at an annual cost of the bloody Blafran civil war of the few reguiars who braved a blus­ European capitals for the conven­ late '60s and will be put to another plan to help Nicaragua's southern bad cold, lay on its floor under a these,” he said. more than $2 billion. tery Washington morning one day quilt. Packed paper bags lined a GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ience of colonial administration, test in an election coming up later neighbor, Costa Rica, move thou­ "After this. I’ll go home, eat sands of settlers int^ land along the (his month. shelf built into the shelter he has not for any likely benefit to those THE NIGERIAN government's this year, an event that may be the ‘ Through (he White House fence, made from bits and planks of something, switch on the television SIGN UP TODAY confined. real reason for the politically border as a way of thwarting Concepcion Plcciolto threw and take it easy. I’m here to make response to the aspect of disloca­ Sandinista Incursions. discarded wood. Every night, he iHD WUi»frc&uiiSt orremko Even so, Nigeria had more going tion most apparent to most of the popular expulsion of the crumbs to the pigeons on the said, they pack all their s l^ s and the White House know I am here,” he said. for it than most former colonies population — unemployment — foreigners. presidentiailawn. She leaned over roll their shelter farther along the FUNDAMENTALS of WORD PROCESSING when it achieved Independence in has been the headline-making Nigeria is groping-toward real a large sign that warns of nuclear sidewalk to sleep In front of the Old 1060. It inherited a British-trained deportation of of foreign workers, nationhood. Separately, its peoples holocaust in red and green Executive Building. “WE GET A LOT of regulars. FEATURING: civil service, a functioning admi­ would be no more than so many lettering. “All sorts of people have been After a while, unless they are • How to create the letter perfect text. possibly 2 milion or more. Letters policy violent, all they do is merge in the nistrative system and oil reserves Speaking of similarities, it's a other dwarf states that ennerged I Another sign read: "God Bless coming up to talk to me since E • Hands-On Experience jelly beansand H-bombs.” Norman died," Thoinas said. past,” said J.C. Lindsey, deputy that quickly made it one of the response that may strike sympa­ from the colonial past. Together, Tbe Manchester Heralt chief of Park Police Office for From the student writing a term paper, to the writer creating the perfect novel, to trelcomes letters to the editor. ' Mrs. Picciolto, In a soft Latin . "Before, when I started not too o the secretary revising a document: Word Processlnq Is for you. world's major exporters. “ thetic, chords in some American they antihe giant of Africa with a accent, spoke of initially coming to many people came. All I had was a Operations. An annual event, he The new government launched quarters, although the preferred potential greater than any other I Letters should be brief and tc said, is the Right to Life Coalition’s (10% Discount to senior Gitizenei Rie point. They should be typet Washington to seek Justice^ and filthy pair of Jeans." ambitious development programs method here would be more black African state to shape the mardi to praiest a Jan. 22, 1973, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION C> iMSbyNEA.Mc or neatly hand-written, and, tor 'freedom. His clotbea looked clean — an o that- it though could be floated restrictive immigration continent's future! ^ r e m e Court decision legalizing 1^ ease In editing, should be double- "I nad been on a campaign . orange down jacket, brown cordu­ abortion. This Jan. 22 they will forever on that sea of olt. They legislation. It is a future in which all peoples across ti'e country and couldn’t roys, and leather boots. S56 MAIN S t . "Excuse me, dear I How long do you plan to be called Nigerians have a vital spaced. march for the 10th time CALL couldn't. And it is ironic that nuMt of the The Herald reseryhs the right ;accomplisb anything.” she said “I. "(Concepcion finds these,” he said. MANCHESTER poised tor the economic recovery?" The weakening world oil market expellees are from another former stake. :was liere all day and accomplished As long as protesters cause no V/SA Anb that's another thing we have to edit letters in the interests of trouble “they’re our guests.” OPEN 9-9 M-F and OPEC's consequent demon- British colony that also once Heevlty, claritr and tadte 'nothing. Now I am committed to a THOMAS EARNESTLY 9-B;80 SAT 649-3724 . stration of inability to control showed great promise — Ghana. in common. 14-bour vigil agai ist nuclear wea- launched into a monologue for Lindsey said. I MANCHESTER HERALD. Tueg- Feb. 15. H6S — 9 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15, 1983 Tuesday TV £> Area towns 1:45 A.M. a 6:00 P.M. Neal Gabler and Jeffrey Lyons N ktw olli t D - i take a look at what's happening __ - MOVIE: 'BuMarfly* A way­ 0 - MOVIE: 'The Lady In R ^ ® ^ Ey«wltn«ct News A young farm girl becomes-Jof^ A n d o v e r at the movies. (Q) - l>ro(U*s ki American Alt ward waH aaduca* ti MOVIE: 'National Box Mountain Quarry in Vernon “ The deep snow has held up He said most of the rock in that 6 :3 0 P .M . Report ® ® - Hawaii Fhra-O 0 - MonayMna Update Lampoon's Animal Houaa' Col*' who bought the tiuarry at the Notch to|Kigraphic maps, but we’ll be quarry is quartzite and mica shist, CE) - WKRP in Cincinnati 2 ) - Chespirito Serie comica. Barstts 0 - Madama'a Ptoe* lege Isn't al) fun. but don't tell ^ said. Monday' he plans to start putting them together as soon as and it will be used for building. CD - CBS News ^ Roberto Gomez Bolanos, Florinda who is convinced that he is> the iff dedicated to justice and man & - Vm m m ® - Banny HW Show 0 - Lata Night with David guys at Delta House. John B a^ Meza, Ruben Aguirre, shi, Tim Matheson, Donald Sut^ digging this spring, and hopes to possible. Bolton deserves the right Buck said that though he has (S ) - Barney Miller target for a team of corrupt fellow who considers himself above the 10:00 P.M. LaMaiman is t - Lie Detector officers. (60 min.) law cross paths in this true story. ® 0 - NlfMMn* eriand. 1978. ” havV the town of ^ Ito n proud of to know what is going (to grandfather rights to the quarry, (S ) > ESPN's Sportsforum Johnny Cash, Andy Griffith, Earl C5D - Now* 1:00 A.M. he will operate the digging process (3 ) - Barney Miller 2 ) - MOVIE: 'The Pride of the (9) - Saturday Night U va^ 2:15 A.M. U PI photo us, not ashamed of us.” happen),” he said. (S ) (@ - NBC News Yankees' The biography of Lou Hindman. 1982. QD ® - H*rt to Hart J o n a ^ S ) - Sanford and Son under current codes. He said he ~ People's Court 2 - Evan Mora Unvqrurgatad 0 - MOVIE: 'Hondo' A ” It’U be kept nice and clean, and . Nevertheless, on Wednesday the - MOVIE: 'Sapphire' Scot­ Gherig, the 'iron man' of baseball. CD ~ The Mere Show vanturas into tha fragrance indua- Bahny HNI Tha British comedian CD - MOVIE: 'McMillan S cowboy discovers a widow and plans to take into consideration Tha Night of tha Wkard* run right,” said David C. Buck, of commission will be discussing the land Yard investigates two scan­ 8 :0 0 P.M . Gary Copper, Teresa Wright, CD ** Three's Compeny A try. (60 min.) (OoBad Caption*d| returns with a naw group of co­ her son trapped In the middle of a Valentine’s Day tradition and make allowances for possible dals coTning from a woman's Walter Brennan. 1942. Tha Commissionar and Satty at­ Glastonbury. plans to step up digging activity at CD CD - Walt Disney soap opera hero voices a desire (]]] - Indapandanl Natwoik medy sketches. deadly Apache uprising. John Watershed effects in the area. murder. Nigel Patrick. Yvonne - Life on Earth ‘Conquest of to marry Terri. [Closed Cap­ Now* tend a sesnoe at which a frie r's Wayne. Geraldine Page. 1953. Buck also said he has “ abso­ the notch, Bolton’s most famous Mitchell. 1959 CD - P M . Magazine 0 - Night OaHaty husband retume to torment her. George J. Tudan, town cleric of on Karen H. McLean as her intended, ” We also plan to be aware of the Waters.' This episode exam­ tioned] (S - NCAA BaaltatbaN: Taaaa lutely” no plans to close out the landmark. Commission Chairman CD - Happy Days Fonzie 0 - Croaafira Rock Hudson, Susan Saint 2 2 - Sign O ff - Untamed World ines the astounding fish dynasty ® ® Eatance at Houston Windsor, continues a 21-year tradition Dennis P. Curley, looks on. The couple quarry in Vernon, and described Phillip G. Dooley said last week the noise pollution” from the blasting, voices a startling confession with its 30.000 different species. 2 2 - Tonight Show Johnny James, Cameron Mitchell. 1972 ' (2 ) " Noticiero Nacional SIN while stranded on a mountaintop. (PREMIERE) A 22-year-old & - CNN HaadUn* Naws by Issuing free marriage licenses on was the fIrsHo show up at the Windsor the opening up of the quarry at the topic 'w ill be on the agenda for he said. Noticias nacionales con Guillermo (60 min.) (Closed Captioned] woman is initiated into a world of It jotned by L.H. Frymire. (60 CD-S ig n OH 2:30A.M. ” We plan to better that place.’ (Closed Captioned] (S ) - Ftaeman Rapofts min.) Valentine’s Day. Tudan dins a corsage town haHtJTfMonday. notch as an expansion of his consideration. Restrepo. 2 - MOVIE: 'Whose Life Is it wealth and power after marryktg (D - CBS Naws Nightwatch C ll)- MOVIE: 'Supercops' Two Anyway' A man paralyzed from IS ) • MacNall-Lalwar Raport business and not a relocation. Buck said he plans on eventually 03) - MOVIE:.JBananas' A day­ a playboy heir to a cortgtomerate. 2 - Madama'a Place . CD “ Psychic Phanomana JIP Nevv York City policemen set out the neck down fights to make his (2 hrs.) Buck said he doesn’t know at this taking the entire hill down. "It To report news items in Bolton, dreaming inventor heads for a IS ) - 2 4 Horas 2 - Sign Off 2 - Qynmaatics; USGF Single to clean up their crime-ridden own decisions. Richard Dreyfuss, 0 - ESPN Sport^enter takes a long time to move a Andover and Oventry, call or write mythical South American country beat Ron Leibman, David.. Selby, 2 ' Myateryl ‘Agatha Christie 2 - MOVIE: 'Maktnff Lova’ A Elimination Championahip point how fast he’ll take down the to become a macho revolutionary John Cassavetes. Stories: The Manhood of Edward 11:45 P.M. 0 - CroatRra Richard Cody at ’The Manchester Dan Frazier. Pat Mingle. 1977 young woman must face the ‘ Today's pro­ -10.7 acres he bought about a month mountain. It takes a lOt of leader Woody Allen. Louise Las- 2 - NCAA Basketball: Boston Robinson.' A chance mistake at a 2 - MOVIE: 'DInaf' 2 NHL .kHimal knowledge that her husband Is in gram features weekly news, high­ 0 - TwWght Zona } ago. He said he is drawing up a dynamite and a lot of faith,” said Herald, Herald Square, P.O. Box ser, Carlos Montalban (S i - Vitalis/U.S. Olympic College at St. John's country roadhouse sets Edward love with another man. Kate friends from the '50s har\g i Owners of sunken coal ship Invitational Track Meet from lights and trends around the detailed plan of activity that the Buck. “ But we want to keep this 591, M an ch ester, CT 06040; © ) - Nova 'Miracle of Life.' This Robinson on a madcap night of Jackson, Harry Hamlin, Michael a ^Ittmora diner end try 10 S8) - Jeffersons the Meadowlands, East' National Hockey League. episode presents the first film adventure. (60 min.) (Closed Cap­ Ontkean. 1981. on to their youth. Steve Gutten- 3:00 A.M. Zoning Commission asked for. place to nature. We intend to run a telephone 643-2711. ® - ABC News Rutherford, NJ 0 - Paopla Now WHh BIH ever made of the incredible chain tioned] berg, Daniel Stem. Mickey “ MOVIE: 'Bare Knuckles' (E ) - Over Easy 2 “ Scraenwritara Rot^e. 1982. Rated R. Tush CD (3 l - MOVIE: ‘A. Stranger is of events which turns a sperm 2 - American Playhouse 'File 1977 • Watching' A killer holds hos­ 10:15P.M. 0 - Entertainment Tonight 7 :0 0 P.M . and an egg into a newborn baby. on Jill Patch.' First of 3 parts. This 12:00 A.M. 2 - NCAA Basketball: Boet^ soy 34, riot 36, meri^board tages in the tunnels under New (60 min.) [Closed Captioned] drama concerns the interracial CD - CBS News 2 - MOVIE: 'You Light Up My ® - Oulncy 0-D**p*did* Collage at 8t, John's Baby recovering Ygrk's Grand Central Station. Rip marriage between a black Ameri­ Ufa' A novice songstress strug­ Torn Rated R 8 :3 0 P .M . 0 - F H m (2 ~ Sund^ at tha King's CD ® - M«A*S‘ H ^ can G.l. and a white English­ gles to make her dreams come ® 0 - Last Word the accident. Charter panel PORTSMOUTH. Va. (UPI) - A dead were Thomas Rayes and Eric CD - Muppet Show dS) - NCAA Basketball: Boston CD " Carol Burnett and Friends woman who meet in England true in tha music business. Oidi 0 - Hot Spots Today's pro­ 1:30 A.M. House ’"The committee’s investigation College at St. John's during World War II. (60 min.) spokesman for the owners of the Bodden of Boston, William Mul­ CD - ABC News CD ® - Laveme & Shirley A Conn. 1977. Rated PG. gram features Night Club music ® - Tom Cattle Show 2 - Prime Naws should include the decision'toput ghost has taken residence in Lav- end entertainment. (60 mki.) collier Marine Electric) which berry of Acushnet and Richard after transplant (2® - MOVIE; 'Airport' Danger­ CD - Soap 9:30 P.M. 10:30P.M. ® - Hogon'e Henoes 2 - Qunsmoka the ship to sea when a heavy winter ous weather, a demented bomber erne's apartment. (Closed Cap- 2 MOVIE: ‘Sunaat capsized and sank in an Atiantic Powers, Marblehead. votes to close d ) - Nawaiti RaaMy 0 - Independent Networlt storm had been forecast long in dD ® ® - Alice and personal frictions create tiorwdj C£ @)-- 9 to 5 Doutavard* An aging silent storm, says the ship .carried 34 Also among the dead were HARTFORD (U PI) — John Hoffman, the 14-month-' tense drama on the ground ahd in N ew * CS> - This Week In the NBA 2 - Voice of Faith - MOVIE: 'Thi«r A woman Naw * ^ screen sttr, attecheo to a young men, not 36 as cefiorted by one Norman Sevigny of Putnam, advance,” Donnelly said. the air. Burt Lancaster. Dean Mar- 0 - Year In Tennis 3:15A.M. old Rocky Hill baby who underwent a liver transplant O ) - Ar^ You Anybody? 2 ) - Fantastico and a master safecracker become ® - NCAA Baakatball: Oaorgia screen writer, kires him with her Conn., Albion Lane of Hampton, The Marine Electric had left tin> Jean Seberg 1970 involved in the intrigue of the un­ into en Wusion of returned gran­ 0 - MOVIE: Hot T-Shirt*' A ■survivor. in Pittsburgh last month, is active, alert, and his color (S ) - Moneyline at Mistitsippi Stat* 0 - Living Faith wet T-shirt contest Is the means N.H., and Malcolm Graf of Isles- Norfolk Friday bound for Boston to the loopholes ' 2 ) - Prime News 9 :0 0 P .M . derworld. James Caan, Tuesday deur. William Holden. Gloria Oniy three men survived the is coming back, his father says. IS ) - Alfred HHchcock 0 - NBC News Overnight for sdving the neighborhood bar. deliver coal to the New England (S) - Newscenter 2 ) 2 ) - A-Team The A' Team CD CD - MOVIE: 'Murder in Weld. Robert Prosky. 1981. Swanson. Erich Von Stroheim. disaster 30 miles off the Virginia boro, Maine. , ” It's gotten so that we hardly know him, he’s 0 1 - Butinas* Report 0 0-8lgnOff Ray Hollend. Rated R. Power Co. The ship foundered at (Q) " Sneak Previews Co-hosts is hired to protect a policeman Coweta County' A county sher­ Rated R. 1950. coast Saturday. The bodies of 25 Listed among the missing were By Sarah E. Hall changed so much from Hartford,” William Hoffman about 3:30 EST Saturday in 12-tb .crewmen were recovered and six Michael Price of Salisbury, Mass., Herald Correspondent said Monday. He and his wife, Katie, have been with 15-foot seas and gale-force winds 30 IT TOOK ME VEAR'S TO PERFECT! ’ ' ALU RIGHT, CUT THE I PON'T THINK IT'LU KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE' by Larry Wright :kre still missing. and Anthony Qtlirk of Dennisport, their son at Children’sjfospital in Pittsburgh since the miles off Chincoteague, Va. ...THE ONE-^IZE'FIT$-ALL SHOE! PITCHl I'VE MADE WORKl I WON'T GIVE ASTBO-GBAPH “ We will not cloye the file on this Mass. The Charter Revision Commission has voted to surgery Jan. 14. ■5 THE AMAZIM0 THINS IE I'VE VET • YOU ANY MONEY. case, though we have stopiied the The Coast Guard called off an air One survivor. Paul Dewey, 28, of close loopholes in the town charter’s language so Hoffman said his son’s.color is not yet completely Granby, Conn., said the ship began S TO FIND THE RIOHT PERSON TO Bernice Bede Osot active search,” said Coast Guard and sea search late Sunday^for the as to make it clear that a budget can’t go to normal — he was a deep yellow brown when rushed to INVE5-T IN IT. BUT FROM WHAT I taking on water through its for­ spokesman Michael Erdley missing. referendum. Children's Hospital for the 14-hour surgery — but his KNOW OF VOUi W R.TUEE&—^ ward hatches, which api>eared to Monday. “ But we will not close the file on “ After going through two court cases, it’s vital hands and face are now pinkish. be defective. He said the crew Michael Berkowitz, spokesman this case, though we have stopped that we make this clear every bit of the way,” said . ” He’s real smiley and babbling all the time. We see <%ur for the ship's owner, Marine Ck>al the active search,” said Coast waited a “ considerable” time commission member Dorothy Wilmot at the changes in him every day,” Hoffman said. ^Birthday Transport Co., said there were Guard spokesman Michael before abandoning ship, “ but by commission meeting Monday night. Doctors said the baity has passed the point where he only 34 men aboard the collier. He Erdley. then, it was too late.”- Commission members clearly were thinking of would develop problems with the new liver such as also said the ship was carrying The three men who survived the two recent court cases in which the Coventry Fabniary t6, t9S3 with blood supply and output of bile. Hoffman said 24,800 tons of coal, not the 27,000 the accident were listed in satisfactory Taxpayers Association charged that it was illegal physicians now are regulating the drugs the baby has This coming year you will be i(i condition at Peninsula General State man for the town to prevent the budget from going to a a cycle where hofies and '.Coast Guard'said. to be administered to keep his body front rejecting the Some of the recovered bodies Hospital in Salisbury. Md. referendum. But rhther than rewording the new liver. dreams can be realized. charter to allow a referendum, members opted to However, you m'usi be persMi- have been turned over to the The Coast Guard said Monday it The child had bilary atresia, a condition in which the tent. Once you begin some­ families for burial, said Robert will o|>en a joint investigation with among dead strengthen the charter’s language so as to close ducts that drain bile from the liver to the intestine thing, be sure to complete H. '* Banes, a spokesman for Norfolk the National Transportation loopholes. Wither away. Ckirrective surgery failed and a Commission member Lionel Jean said, ” If you THAT'S TH' IDEA,OOP! NOW YOU BOVS CAN BUILD. THAru. BE A Y ^ ...W B J .. AQUARIU8 (Jan. 20-Fab. It) ■State Medical Examiner FaniK- Safety Board Wednesday Into the HARTFORD (UPI) -AConnec- transplant was the baby's only hope for survival. STRAISHTEN IT UP...IT'S LEAJ M E A N IC E H IG H ( YESSIR g r e a t SPOT ROYALTY Projects large In scope might ■presswalla. capsizing of the 605-foot coal­ ticut man. Normand Willard Se­ have a town meeting and then take it to The boy is expected to be hospitalized for several Intimidate others today, but ING THAT WAY A LITTUE! SEAT, RIGHT HERE V . rw/AICH FW>t,l DOES HAVE Marine Coal Transport Co. Mon­ carrying ship. vigny, 53, of Putnam, was among referendum .... then you’re really going to have more weeks and then will remain near the hospital far BEHIND TH' GOAL POST.^ YOUR HI6HNESS! ITS PERK9) they should be your cup of tea. Berkowitz said the company will the crewmen who died when the problems.” SARGEl Be the one who shows them day released the names of 21 a few more weeks before returning to Hartford. crewmen who died and six who still "cooperate fully” with the investi­ 605-foot Marine Electric capsized how to make big Ideas tick. INCH’B'Y inch, the commission is hammering 1983 predictions lor Aquarians were listed as missing after gation. He said the company Saturday 30 miles off the Virginia are now ready. SetKl $t to Saturday's accident. probably will not try to bring the coast. out a new charter. But hitting the nail on the head isn't always Guard can't deliver Aatro-Qraph, Box 489, Radio Berkowitz said four names were collier back up to the surface. Sevigny was born in Detroit, City Station. N.Y. KXI19. Be being withheld, because the com> ” I don’t think we are considering easy. At Monday night’s meeting, for example, sure to stale your zodiac sign. Mich., and was the son of the late commission members argued for almost two pany was having difficulty notify­ that,” he said. ” I don’t believe Willard and Alice Barton Sevigny. water to Tolland Send an additional $2 for the we’re thinking about bringing the hours over a suggested clarification of the NEW Astro-Qr^h Matchmaker ing the four crewmen’s relatives. The Rhode Island dead Included ship back up.” He had lived in Putnam for 12 charter’s budget-formulatipn section, then voted HARTFORD (U PI) — Maj. Gen. John Gore, whpal— and booklet. Reveals to keep the section the way it was — in ail its Ol0IWNCA.MC..TMPtog.U8.P»t STMOn. romantic combinations and Clayton -Babineau of Barrington, In Washington, Rep. Brian Don­ years and was a member of the adjutant general of the Connecticut National Guard, compatibilities for all signs. Celestino Gomez of Providence, nelly, D-Mass.; a s k ^ the House Merchant Marine for 38 years, ' original vagueness.. says authorities have notified him he cannot use Debate began when Mrs. Wilmot proposed the m m PISCES (Feb. 20-March 2Q) and John O’Connell of Riverside, Merchant Marine Committee open working out of the Boston Mari­ federal money and personnel to deliver water to CELIBRITY CIPHER Goals and objectives which you R.I. From Massachusetts, the congressional investigations into time Union Hall. following budget-making procedure; the Town Tolland. rem isiotaligm laaiaui paapi*. pan may have felt were out ol your Council devises a budget, which goes to a town Gore said he probably had “broken a few rules in TM 6 0 K I ^ (SA(?UVLE P I KNOW I'M GOING skHsiiaMr. tadwy ssul- i aw** r. reach can be achieved both meeting for approval; if the budget is rejected at using federal personnel and money to deliver as much THINKS HE'S TOO O L P TO K^VE A hWRPTI/VIE today and tomorrow. Lady town meeting, it returns to the Towp Council for as 36,000 gallons of drinking water each week for the TO HAVE -SOAEONE SNEAKING A\NAV Luck will help If you make M revision; a revised budget is then submitted to PEAC7 TO HIM- “ O’U NFFIRTTQYR NVO Q JNVX XB effort. CCLL): Police can't keep past six months to about 150 families. ARIES (March 21-April 19) another Town Meeting within 10 days; at that Tolland has trouble with low water pressure HE P o e s N 'r ' meeting, the townspeoplq, in attendance must NPFBUE0QT8 X80VFT — XSNt’T Conditions In general should because privately owned wells do not produce enough KNOW show a marked improvemcjil either approve the budget or revise it into finished water and pipes frequently leak. ANVTHINQ.' today. This will have a positive form. J8NX UNMRt UR 8NEEL.” — NONV “ I ’m not going to sit here and let anyone go without effect upon your attitude. The kid's fingerpririts on file This Mrs. Wilmot called the ” get-down-to-work water,” Gore said Monday. ” I know the rules,'but I tough gets easier. approach.’-’ It would have replaced an earlier didn't think I was doing anything wrong.” NOON TAURUS (April 20-May 20) It 4' proposal which let the budget return to Town information agencies may obtain about some real problems, not will be difficult to. tool you . HARTFORD (UPI) - Police Meeting an indefinite number of times. PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "I don't want to become a Charlie's today. Your perceptions are who fingerprint children to provide or keep and only allows the this,” said Torrington Deputy •CUP 8 SAVe- angsl. Being a ae« symbol puts lo ti ol pressure ot a guy." — However, commission member Richard Gig- especially keen and you'll a positive means of identification collection of information. that is Police Chief Joseph Hayes. Tom SaNeck gey doubted that Mrs. Wilmot’s proposal would NON YOU CM SMP DRECT HMM MMCHESm perceive clearly what really Ilea in the event the child is missing or relevant to the purpose of the Torrington police fingerprinting «t9eSbyHeA.lne. ' 111 behind the facade. , prove any more efficient than the earlier one. He kidnap(>ed cannot keep the prints, agency. « . HM'DO it YOURSOTEXPIKSSPMlMISEmCE OEMINI (May 21-Jun* 20) the children say parents can keep questioned the ability of 50 to 150 people to revise the Connecticut Civil Liberties ACROSS . 6B Elemantary A n n ra rto Praviou* Puzzle^ You're vay effective today w Most police departments are all of the copies but only a handful the budget in one town meeting, and noted that if, pardcls suffix making fast decisions, so donl Union says. turning the prints over to parents, refused to allow police to keep a large numbers of special interest group members IJU Q LI ■ L4QCK-I ■ UraU discount what comes easy. William Olds, executive director 1 Gloomy (pl.) but )x>Iice in Berlin and Torrington copy on file. attended, they could misrepresent the town. TOPOUUD □nnulocDOD Even ideas out of the blue wlH o f the CCLU, said Monday police 4 Honey aGnnIannn are keeping a copy of the prints. The CCLU is sending letters to producer* DOWN have considerable substance. , cannot keep the fingerprints on ’They sayUbe parents might lose B?CCUSB uS, M A V \ f A . . . nunnuan auann CANCER (June 21-July 7 X ) the two departments voicing its JEAN ARGUED against giving the town PACK EVERYTHING B Lager ■file, even with the parents’ appro­ nop nnG Thia Is one of those days wtteq theirs. concerns and has asked the Legis­ meeting any more power than it already has: WH j s h i p a n y w h e r e 12 Australian 1 Look* val, because it violates the child­ ^ w E w E p E UUST 2 Frsnzied ststs uuuna QinnauQu lucky breaks could come and lature to pass a bill to prevent “ The majority of people in town have elected the bird tiHD npnn nnno ren’s rights under the Personal “ We have no intention of using 3 Ridge of Sind go In the twinkling ol an eye. To police from keeping children’s Town Council to make decisions and formulate a t3M idaaat □GDiD nnnn nno (the prints) for anything else, and I THE NEW EN0LAND a n d 4 LH* make the most of them, be priiF Data Act. fingerprints on file. budget .... What is the sense of electing a Town nation nanoano amnno The law regulates the kind of wish the CCLU would be concerned slectronics nnn ann pared to act immediately. Council, if you’re not going to give them any SHIPPINQ STORES* 14 DuMbbwl B UnHoftvorti auuEC HnnauuD LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Don’t HE HE/V*D YOOP victim treat lightly creative idaag power?” ■ PACKINO M ATtM IA Lt • MOV1NO tU P FU E b B Organs ol □□G■□nmn■Dnno So, when commission Chairman Peter Halvor- . 11 Long dew haaring nDinnisn which may flash Into your miiM TB Evil giant today. If they, can't be uqed son brought the issue to a vote, neither of the two ^ REFRKtePATW 7 Big ntma in nnn 1 0 0 0 7 1 1 onnn » I 25B Olcott Street , ^ 17 FirMafoidef now, at least jot them down (or proposals passed. The original wording of the .A, CaataTa 28 Hawaiian 49Mo«ia lutura rafaranba. charter,' .which does not .specify how the \ / Manchester, koaat B SquacMout island 80 Haathan deny V8HM> (Aug. 28-Sapt z 6 budget-making procedure must end, stood. C0(INnCCNr«A/AD4(HCl0tvnL9V^ Cn*i.yw: iw Tviv, u» .rvo, THMf€S 2-1$ 18 Hank to On* (Gw.) 30 Coupe, for Bt Hindu Don't be too hasty about 646-6523 1.1 H im es* on* liltratura throwing in tha Towel today. 20 Jtptnaia Events could suddenly reverse instrumant ittachment 31 SMm 62 CharitaWa or­ / •CLIP « S4FE- 32 Daza themselves to your advantage. 22 0tpanthi* 18 Actrass ganization Lupino 38 Extra dmall. Hang In there and keep trying. (abbr.) UBRA (Sapt'28-OeL 23) You Coventry honor roll 21 Beer glass pup 84 Maxican 5 23 Consumes 38 Slickatt could be extremely lucky today (island money 28 Yield 4 0 M lg lity In altuatlona which require a Tbe following is the Breeult, Ui«.„ Brodereoi, Davtd 88 Baseballer coNactive effort or partner: ChNsley. 26 Mvsr in cataract honor roll for the second CLASSIC FINE JEWELRY Russia 43 Maray M usiil You'M know l)Ow to bring out KcUt-Marte Cote, the best In others. term at Captain Nathan _____ ly Criekmore, Karen 2 7 R a d M o n 48 Cad eat 66 Frambasia imrilM you to see our quality selection. 8C0RFW (O el 34-Nov. Z2) H Hale Seborri in Otventiy: Dtnahy, Ktm DeFord, Dan aieaiuts (pl., 4TCeNd8l ■ UbiMnnadltta you thinh ybu are on the track DeLnca, John Dtckeen, Joely Dor- •Diamonds •Precious Stones aM r.) gradually (prtflx) Scott Aktet, JenuKer Aadersoa, vat, Renee Pongbty. ol aomathlng which couM Bill Bailey, Robb Berliowtti, 1 r * 4 r - r - r - r " fO If Incraaaa your earnings or hold­ Mary Dow, Sharon Edmoodi, •14K Gold — sold .by weight Dyllae Blodgett, Betb Beteai, Robin Edwards. George ings, chances are you're right. Laara Cbamberland, Jeanifar We encourage comparison shoppers... I t f t f4 . Strike while you have the Midai Evegellov, Edward Flglela, David see us for savings you buy t Coltey, Chrl* (k>arid, Penny Fromerth, Patti Frye,. Jason before touch. Daigle. Leslie Danehy, Gary 16 f t fT Garick, Rbett Dtbba. SAOITTARlUB (Nev. S84*« Dema*. Craig Goldaakler, Mark Gorka, 21 ) Ypur most fun Ip Nkaly to 16 i r I f Todd Fsgso, BrUm Flaosgan, Susan Grabowakl, Sanaa Harris, , SPECIAL COUPON I * com* today from things dong ■ 1 Jon Hand, Bridget Hersog, Manka Valerie Hatch. Ktm Hodge, April n on an impromptu basis. Hasp Hodina, Cberyl Holden, Jason Hagbes. Alycia Johnion, EUaabelh JEWELRY ■ your aohedula flsxibla so that Karbu, Brian Klarobt, Amy Ktpp. i t IT l i S* Scott Kendall. Tracey Koepke, CLEANER © e w e f r S' you can now with avante. Lacoek, Peter Ulferty, Gisg Lan- agkpwclMeatitBaby y - CAFMCORN (Dae. 22-Jan. 19) caater, Robert Leween, J*(( Robin Ladd. Michael Lucas, Lisa / you U T ) < \ WISE Af^LE 4 8 P e liM y ■ >18*1 awn IIT zIb m w 69 Evan— ------though------you1 niay not havs LeMay. Daetd Lairis. Monast, Aqgelas Morris, Tbonias / ANOfRy: \ 4 '■ jS ^ SOLD ME... r ■ Ofler ^ood thru F a b r u a n ^ ^ j^ ^ 8T W a a (P ri ■ ■ a# much dir act controlc< over *M Sue LuaaMr, Amy MenUleld. Nano*. DaaM Newton, Tina Nyo, IT Susan Oriunan. / FZJSTEfJ... l e A B B JsneA aaM uailbn* today aaI you'd Nke, tlW Kim Ougta, JannUer Polldoro, J K ■ i • ■ ana reeult* ihould prove to Christine Porter, Lora Prior. Usa Garen Pane, EUaabetb Parllman, SOMETUINSt / 1 '«W I t M your advantage. Rogara, JanM* Ryan. Kevin Pariydi, MaUhew Paton, \ y t r - 1 •OOrgdhlNIsr’ U P I Bhoto «» ■ (WwapAFtn B iT w m e i Asiw.) KeiUi Perkins, Andrea Peraooa, 3 S t Fans MtoMi H Donna Shorrocli, Ctaanning Michelle Poarers, Richard Reagan, r Slava, Uncola Tbarber, CyathU Fin* Jewelry At Truly Atiordable Prica* 1 62 MtplatmHM ■ Jalie Redtield. ST 6^ i r IT Meeting his pais VanClaef, Lailey Vaisaagl, AngtU 2 eiC uW ng Stacey Robertson. Ktm 141 Center SI., Manchesiet 1 “ ■ “ Watsoa, Amy Wlleoa, Rebecca Rotslgaol. Gary Sanderson, Diane Ncrm* from Bess Baton Oonwtt/ IT M •6 10 i Every morning at about v:;tU' Domin­ some good cheer. Confrone's'friends Wvtaa Simmons, Geneaieve Smith, Jody M FranU Aadreuli, Robert Aanlao, Smith, Gregg Strede, James \ 6494537 m I f n •t Just about the time that ick Controne gets together with some are seagulls', and he visits from 50 to 1 you conclude you know all Robert Aobley, Kevin Banka, Kelly Stuart, Lisa Talaga, JHl TrotU, ■M B noun iwt III It its MR O pals at Cummings Park In Stamford, more then 1,000 of them doily, he sold. BasUs, Darryl Bisson, Robert M M the answers, umeone Jack Usab, Larry Walsh. Tonya •Layawaira in it I •Gill Certlllcalm Boarque, Karen Bray, Kyle' Watson. z-w* . 4 updatMthequeitlonn. offering them a few crusts of and MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15, 1983 - 11 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15, 1983 . ¥ ’r • • t ObituBties Newington, died M o n d a y ^ St. Raymond F. Montle resident of Manchester since 1920. Leisure Francis Hospital and M ^ical, FOCUS/ Raymond F. Montie, 84, of 37 Before retiring in 1956, he was Heim Road, East Hartford; for­ employed as a painter and had Center. , She was the *”“‘**f/ done interior painting for G. Fox Anne K.^Ostrinsky of MejI^hester. merly of Manchester, died Sunday Funeral services are Thur^ay 8 'f 4 ■^p.r at home. He was the husband of and Co. for 17 years. « Elesides his wife, he is survived at 2 p.m. from the Newington Viola Smith Montie. by a son, Gordon T. Filbig of Memorial Funeral Home, 20 Funeral services will be Wednes­ Vernon; three daughters, Anna R. nair Ave. Burial will be at the, day at 11:30 a.m. at St. Mary's convenience of the family at Bose Episcopal Church, Manchester. Filbig of Manchester,. Beulah Dog duty h '. ; Helm of North Coventry and Hill Memorial Park. There are no Burial will be at the convenienceof calling hours. Memorial donation? the family. There are no calling Elizabeth Tycz of Soputh Windsor; five grandchildren and seven may made to the Grace Church hours. Memorial donations may great-grandchildren. Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 11123, be made to the Book of Remem­ Funeral services will be private Newington, or the NewingtOT brance at St. Mary’s Church. at Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Volunteer Ambulance Corps., F.u- is a drag Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St. Burial in Buckland Cemetery . Box 11061, Newington, 06111. St., has charge of arrangements. will be private. There are no Theodore Fllbig calling hours. Memorial cpntribu-. Theodore Filbig, 92, of 153 tions may be made to the Inde­ Vallone Concetta Chestnut St., d i^ Monday at pendent Citizen’s Research Foun­ Vallone Concetta, 67, of St. Manchester Memorial ■ Hospital. dation Inc.,_P.O. Box 97, Ardsley, Petersburg, Fla., died Friday. She in the city He was the husband of Annie Reid N.Y., oivm the South United had moved to St. Petersburg from Filbig, and the couple had cele­ M ethodiS^urch, 1226 Main St., Manchester four years ago. By Tom Tiede brated their 70th wedding anniver­ Manchester Funeral services were private. International Chapels Funeral NEW YORK - It was 7 a.m., dawn on 72nd Street, sary last July. and the woman near Park Avenue was starting the day He was bom in New York City Katherine Ernst KMIoran Home in St. Petersburg had charge June 9, 1890, and had been a of arrangements. in quintessential Manhattan style. She was wrapped in Katherine Ernst Killoran, 90, of fur, she shuffled along in bedroom slippers with bunny K\ ears, and she piloted a small dog attached to the end of UPl photos a leash. One^suspect The woman was middle aged, bereft of makeup, and she carried a shopping bag. The dog was plump, it had bow legs, and it look^like a Norway rat. The woman surrenders guided the animal to a comer, where she brought him • HAU to a stop between a parking meter and a pole holding Pat. appl'K*! loi. up a vapor lanip. in killing Photos bv MocKendrIck She threw the dog a kiss. Getting And it relieved itself at the curb. Ah, nature. It has been four years since New York HEATON. N.D. (UPI) - One of FOLD OUT POST CARD SHOWS EARLY MANCHESTER ready two radical paramilitarists-sought City became the first locality in the nation to require rmNUR sMiioa .. . accordion-effect shown at left its residents to clean up after their pets. And the lady in the killings of two U.S. marshals and her dog are just two of the reasons. A half million What looks like a major surrendered, officials said today, T but his ''extremely dangerous” people own dogs in this town; waste disposal is a disaster in Los Angeles An attic find serious matter. (above) is actuailv a dress accomplice was believed holed up rehearsal last week for a in an isolated farmhouse sur­ r NOT THAT ALL ,of the pet owners take it rounded by a small army of seriously. City officers say that the cleanup regulation maior .earthquake that au­ lawmen. fHfND is at best widely ignored. The officers also say there is thorities agree will hit the A heavy prairie fog thwarted no real enforcement of the law; the police department area eventually. A mock efforts of authorities to move in on What a post card will only issue citations in what are called, yes, severe explosion was set off by the house where Gordon W. Kahl, circumstances. engineers and a hundred 62, of Crane, Texas, was believed Yet for ail of the violations, there are exceptions. actors made up to look like cornered. Now here’s a find. A double There are those for whom civic responsibility does not Officials said Scott Faul, 29, a post card loaned to the Herald end at the edge of the walk. Like the lady with the dog casualties were on hand as member of an anti-federalist by Mrs. Frances Thompson of XHM. on 72nd Street. Despite the early hour, and the habits firemen, paramedics and "Posse Comitatus,” contacted a GH Vernon gives several different Collectors' Comer of others, she was prepared at all costs to follow the other emergency groups lawyer in Harvey, N.D., Monday views of early Manchester. letter of the law. The front of the card with its answered the caii. One night and later surrendered in Russ MacKendrIck She began by opening her shopping bag. She took out “yictim" gets medical at­ Fessenden, a town near Heaton. sight-seeing busload of pa- a dustpan, which was fastened to a long handle, and tention (left.) Earthquake State Attorney General Robert sengers dressed to the nines, she also retrieved a small-broom. The utensils looked 0. Wefald in Bismarck and U.S. has the words “Copyrighted very much like the tools that ushers used to carry to specialists from 27 coun­ Attorney Rodney S. Webb in Fargo 1907, by Tichnor Bros. Inc., Pat. tries were on hand to watch sweep popcorn from the darkened aisles of well-kept said Faul surrendered to officers applied for." movie theaters. the proceedings. about 11:30 p.m. CST. UPI photo As you turn it over there is the scene as they whiz along at people who remembered.) side "for address only,” and a perhaps'20 miles an hour. The motion was similar too. The woman bent slight­ ON THE PIECE by which the ly at the waist, and made brisk little sweeps with the ’4.<- place for a stamp indicating one Where a radiator grille would Snowed in cent for domestic, two for be expected on the auto there is accordion is attached to the broom. She caught the debris in the pan, which, by the Tax review set foreign. an “accordion” of 24 Manches­ card are the words "Published way, was surfaced with an immaculate chrome finish HollV/ the pet canine of the Robinson family In ter views, in black and white, by N.W. Chadwick, Manches­ and then, with a practiced transfer, she deposited the Taxpayers who disagree with about VA by 2 inches apiece. ter, Conn.” A look into the pickup in her bag. the values placed on their proper­ Bedford, Mass., peers from his doghouse encased in THE DOUBLE CARD IS folded at the stamp end, and The first picture you see, 1908-1909 Manchester Directory Alas, she missed a couple of the numbers. That is to ties by the town assessor will have snow after the weekend storm dumped more than a reveals that one Nelson W. say, she knocked them over the curb during the sweep. an opportunity to appeal them to foot of snow throughout New England. there is evidence of it having before expanding the portfolio, been secured with some sort of is Union Pond & Dam. The very Chadwick was boarding at No. 2 One of them rolled into a catch of other garbage, the Board of Tax Review tonight, School Street and was employed which was left in a crack in the road by recent rains; Thursday night, and on Feb. 23. clasp at the open end. last one to show up is Laurel Inside we see the begoggled Park. (At a meeting of the by William L. Buckland ("teas, the second missile lodged itself in he iron grate of a The board will meet at the Manchester Historical Society a coffees, , furniture. . . ”), assessor’s office dn the ground .driver,humped over the wheel, gutter drain. Benefit rescue delayed hands d e n ie d as would have while ago, when “The Entrance at 44 North Main Street. floor of the Municipal Building to Laurel Park” was projected The next available Directory, KEEP IN MIND that the woman was dressed in a from 8 p.m. to at least 9 p.m. dn been appropriate for the roads Warrant sought in crash of 1907. His lovely partner is onto a screen, thfere were many fur coat. She also wore her spectacles on a gold chain. each of those days. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The until next week because of the l*lease turn to page 12 nonchalantly surveying the expressions of sweet sorrow by She was rather obviously wealthy, down from one of Senate began work today on a near-blizzard that dumped almost the silk stocking apartments across from Central BRIDGEPORT (UPIl - The when his truck smashed into Cars Misconduct with a motor vehicle Social Security rescue bill, but the 2 feet of snow on the Washington Park. But she didn’t bat an eye. ShSTuaLste^rsd over- slate sought an arrest warrant Jan. 19 at the loll station on is a Class B felony which carries a Woman charged ' House postponed Writing of its own area'. the curb to complete the job. j ( 'v today to charge a North Carolina Interstate 95. All of the victims penaity of five years in jail and-or a bail-out legislation because of the Once in-the street,-the woman r i^ n e d the shaping truck driver with seven counts of were women and children. $5,000 fine for each Oocnt. A Hartford woman has been severe weekend snowstorm that The storm, Washington’s third The New Haven Register, quot­ biggest this century, caused pro­ bag. This time she withdrew a pair of plastic doves. misconduct with a motor vehicle in He said Kluttz' lawy'e'r..Robert charged with failure to appear in blanketed Washington and delayed They were green. The color surgeons wear. >Sd she the Stratford loll crash that killed ing slate police, reported an Gulash of Bridgeport, has tuld.him court after she was charged with preparations. jections by government actuaries Bermuaa just isn't all that hot eyewitness allegedly saw Kluttz's Kluttz, if charged, would return A Small Business Administra­ to reach the subcommittee late. put them on with clinical deliberation. Then she seven people. seven counts of passing bad grabbed the entire catch of garbage, including her Stale's Attorney Donald*Browne head resting on his chest just voluntarily to Connecticut when he checks. tion task force warned that "short­ cost another $5. The r^ads are narrow and there are no said the 18-page affidavit filed in .before the collision. was physically able to. He was sighted and inappropriate” pay­ The panel still hopes to draft its dog’s contribution, and bagged it ail. Renee E. Harris, 20, of 86 There are places all of us have wanted to go to that shoulders, so when there’s a line of traffic going both 'That done, she reached for the (inal responsibility Bridgeport Superior Coiirt alleges "There is 18 pages of'evidence discharged from Baptist Hospital Pembroke St., Hartford, failed to roll tax hikes will hurt America’s bill by the end of the month in an we’ve never been to. Hong Kong is onq of mine. Ber­ . ays and someone is passing your motorbike in a car, lodged in the drain. And here she showed the first sign Charles Klutlz, 35. of Mo'cksville. and information accumulated by in Winston Saiem, N.C., ove$ the appear in superior court on the 14 million small firms. effort to set the stage for full Ways muda is not a place I’d ever really wanted to go to but Connecticut state police." Browne and Means Committee approval of it’s the most exciting thing that’s apt to happen to you in of impatience. She pushed instead of pulled the debris N.C.. operated his .ractor trailer weekend and is recuperating in appointed date. She faces four last weekend we went. Bermuda is easier to get to from ■'with gross negligenc.* resulting in said. 'T m really not going to Mocksville from eye and back Aides to Chairman J.J. Pickle, a rescue plan set for House floor Andy Rooney Bermuda. Generally speaking, I wouldn’t go there for from the grate, and it fell down to a second ledge.'The counts of third degree larcenjr and the East coast than Hawaii is to get to from California. woman closed her eyes. She pursed her lips. She loss of life. ' comment on the specifics of it. injuries, one count of fourth degree larceny D-Texas, said the House Social action March 8. Congressional excitement. Like many places you go to in your life, the people whistled quietly. Browne would not say whether That's speculation. I can't say Kiultz was driving for Southland in connection with allegedly pass­ Security subcommittee postponed leaders want a bill on President 80 • Eveything is on a small scale. While we were there, whetherlhe gentleman fell asleep the start of its bill-writing sessions Reagan’s desk by Easter. who live there were always saying, “You should have Syndicated Columnist Still, duty was duty. And the woman was not without the arrest application claimed Distributors of Advance, N.C., at ing bad checks. the British-appointed governor was exposed for Kluttz was slumped over the wheel or not . " the time of the crash. been here in Novertiber,” or "You should come in further resources. ’Rtere was a nail on the end of her cheating and sent back to London. He had bought first- March.” I was there in February and I made a few broom handle. It was made for this kind of eventuality. class airline tickets, charged them on his expense ac­ She poked it through the grate, to spear the target, FEBRUARY - LOVERS’ MONTH notes: count and then exchanged them for tourist-class tickets and, well, it fell off. It fell off again and again, in fact, • Bermuda is one-of-a-kind volcanic rock island 21 and pocketed the difference. An American politician and again. miles long and it’s cheap to get to because it’s only 600 Sale approved; Knoxville bank reopens who did that would be lucky to get his name in the paper The woman looked ready to weep. She had began to miles off the coast of North Carolina. for such small-scale larceny. perspire, and traffic was increasing, and the ears on • One of the nice things about Burmuda is that the “If someone doesn’t work here,” the deckhand on a KNOXVILLE. Tenn very excited about it, ” .son, former Tennessee Despite the setbacks. Uni­ Terry predicted • Bermuda is a gem in appearance. The things that one of her slippers were soiled. Even so, she would not people who live there, 35,000 blacks and 25,000 whites, ferryboat told me, “it’s because they’re lazy.” give up. She folded the hem of her fur, she pushed back (UPI) — New owners of Armislead Smith, the new finance commissioner ted American, the largest Butcher would bounce grow there grow beautifully, and the coastline of in­ United American Bank chairman for the merged and now a First Tennes­ bank in East Tennessee, Don’t ’plan to go there for work, though. They have the sleeves of a housecoat, and she got down on the back. The former World’s seem to like it. teresting little coves and stretches of sand beaches is reopened the bank today banks, said after the sale see lawyer. "They lose was heavily sought after Fair chairman owns other • The average working black man is better educated pavement on one knee. strict immigration laws. wonder-filling. You wonder how suclii a pretty little — ending a financial was approved early today everything. The reason is by bankers eager to take United American Banks than the average working black man in the United • Food is expensive. A dozen “large” eggs costs $2.05, place got set there so far from anything like it. THIS TIME she put both the broom handle and the .scrambie that saw flam­ by Knox County Chancel­ because the bank made advantage of its assets of in Chattanooga and Mem­ States. A black cab driver who was born in Bermuda a pound of Maxwell House coffee $4.69 and a quart of boyant Tennes.see politi­ lor David Cate bad loans." $760 million and deposits • Beaches all over the world are littered with ugly. In­ dustpan handle through the grate. And she wedged the phis, Tenn., and Lexing­ told me that he had lived in New York for 12 years. I milk 95 cents. On tije other hand, they don’t have many elusive dog matter between them. She held her breath. cian Jake Butcher lose The new bank will be UAB Knoxville was of $590 million. ton and Somerset, Ky. destructible plastic jugs and bottles and chunks of asked him why held moved back. heating bills and there is no income tax. The govern­ She lifted eveything straight up with both hands. Slow­ control of the in.solvent known as F'irst Tennessee closed Monday due to Styrofoam. ’They dominate the sand more than the ment raises money by taxing imports . . . like Maxwell ly, carefully, caaarefully — and somehow, shaking ail institution Bank-Knoxville. "large and unusual" loan ‘‘Civilization,” he said. seaweed. What the world needs is a plastic bottle that The bank, trapped with Butcher, a.silver-haired losses. A total of 42 banks • The average working person makes about $11,000 House coffee. dissolves after six months. Pleahe turn to page'12 bad loans estimated at former gasoline truck failed in 1982. but none as and there’ll almost no unemployment. • I rented a motorbike for $13 a day but the helmet more than $50 million, driver who wheeled and large as Butcher’s bank. was bought by Tennes­ denied his way to the top First Tennessee Chair­ see’s largest bank holding of East Tennessee bank­ man Ron Terry said his company late Monday, ing. lost his stock in the bank bought UABfor$34.5 FLY FREE just 16 hours after it was bank and ended up barred million and was required declared in.solvent in the by the FDIC from his to infuse another $36 mil­ He's wound up over wind-ups fourth largest bank fail­ office atop the glittering lion into the institution tq^ TO SAN JUAN ure in U.S history. 27-story UAB, tower in help cover loan losses. films, though, takes The Federal Deposit downtown Knoxville. First . Tennesseie will And see more of the Caribbean on By Ellle Qrossman. walls in plastic bubble paks and more for collectors’ fortably crumpled, Cohen fllmmmaker. Even now, Insurance Corp. selected Current capital equity also assume liability for items, come from the makes a nice living — no I’m writing my second money. NEW YORK - It’s the in an area the size of an "Three years ago, I was First Tenne.ssee National in UAB Knoxville is about up to $70 million in "sub­ Costa’s newly refurbished Carla C Orient and from-toymakers figures, please — in, to feature film. And before size of a baseball, black elevator that Cohen shooting a m a g a ^ e piece Corp. of Memphis after $36 million.’ the amount standard" and ’’doubtful" and destrlbutors all over. him, the most improbable the shop, I was on staff as a A 7 day aalling irom San Juan to: and h^ry with two spindly designates "The Playpen.” news and documentary for NBC down at the South "intense negotiations" the stockholders will lose, loans, he said. legs and two big eyes and Here, nights, and And people come from ail way. “I always thought business was the most cameraman for ABC.” Street Seaport and I 5 ’ with 32 banks that .sought officials said. Butcher and The bank reported $2.3 over the country, the CURACAO when you wind it up and set weekends, Ph.D.’s elbow- noticed a vacant, store. I to take- over the center- millionaire , B. Ray million in losses in 1982,' world, to get them. demeaning work compared GRENADA WONT YOU LOVE SOMEONE ENOUGH TO it down, it whizzes across each other for space on the MAKING YOUR OWN was about to go on vaca­ piece of Butcher’s finan­ Thompson owned most of and $7.5 million in deli- tjie floor in som enaul^. floor or the “test track” — Middle-aged, tall, com­ to the arts. I’m actually a cial empire. the bank’s stock. quent loans in the final tion, but when I saw that CARACAS It’s a toy spider, but slab of wood resting on a store, suddenly I said to "We’re opening for bus­ "The shareholders get quarter. More losses had OWE THE OVT OF BLOOD? 1927 floor model Victrola been forecast for 1983. MARTINIQUE Nathan Cohen calls it a myself, I’m going to sell iness as usual and we’re zilch," said Lewis Donel- “roach catcher. My spiel near the door — so they can TMIRSMY, FEBRUMY 17 - 2S0 to 5S0 music boxes. An antique S a iT 8T. THOMAS for it Is, this roach catcher activate* little green music box is an instrument Is quite an animal. It monsters that spit sparks m SIIUIH niTED MnmMST CHURCH of great beauty. Weil, L -t-;:!] »■ V 4 ...W illi a apacial group rata on doesn’t snatch its victim; as they walk; little pairs within a week I was in the Drawing winners listed of jogging shoes that just, It gives it an Immediate music box business. 'A') April 16th-Sdiool Vacation coronary.” Pause. “It also walk; tiny pink mice that The following won in the Putira, herb Uougan, K. Hudson, ^ tty Kehl, nouons«?ui?SfoTU'!K!IL-CHuncH guarantees you a seat on do back flips; little cats EVENTUALLY he recent drawing for the Raymond Martina, Mar­ Ann Werkhoven. any public conveyance at that circle, then roll over. added wind-up toys to the« Manchester Herald’s trip- ian Clifford, Nola Barrett, Elaine McCaughey, R. any rush hour.” Cohen sells about 800 inventory because "like to-Hawaii contest. The R. Demartin Jr. Hatch, Betty Sullivan, THE CHURCH Coheu’s m lels partly ac­ wind-ups, some that hop, music boxes, they have a name of the grand prize­ John Kozak, Carol W. R.L. Roach; R. Mazzotta, count for tlK constant traf­ some that scoot, and some life of their own.” And, winner will be announced Houghton. Michael Fo- Bev Jones and D.B. Luko. CHILD CARE PROVIDED — fic of grown-ups in and out. that “do,” like the Uttle when the historic South glio, Robert Clifford, Kris WALK-INS WELCOME # Wednesday. L a b o w k THAVEL, f.VC- of bis two-by-nothlng store, blender be winds, setting Street Seaport area began Karen Schauster, Doris Hansen, Jacqueline Cam­ Our thanka to tho followino who make thia ad poaalble; I t e Last woundUp, on the its blades wvirring. "This undergoing renovation and Levanduski, Janice pion, R. McCormick, A.G. upper West Side of is the only place where you (jC: he was evicted, “I opened HAU FOR RENT PS East Center SL, Mencheeter UL Smart, Fred Gaal, Carol Slogesky, Sharon Simler. For parties, showers, recep­ Manhattan. can prepare and bake a The-Last WoundUp here In • *■ Person, Timothy Lehan, Lois Ryan, Ben Rubin, tions, meetings Complete 6 4 7-9 9 4 9 SAVM6S HBK OF MANCHESTER ATLAS«Um.Y 01. crumb,” he quips. Columbus Avenue. That Walter Kompanik, Linda Frank Putira, Sherrie St. kitchen facilities. Large ' SOME ALSO come to was over a year ago.” enclosed parking lot. Inquire; ay with hla new and an- And you probably could. Pisch. Pierre, Ida Pintioelli, L. Since then, more and NASSVF CAMERA SHOP qne music boxes, blit Cohen wouldn’t stop you. Jack Volz, ^zabeth Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. P. UthuanlanHall W J. MSM MSURAMGE more and still more adults Staum, Molly Pascoe, Smeet come to play with the "Toys hibernate on the Marco, Sheila Williams, 24 QOLWAY STREET NEA have shown up to romp Mrs. C. Monaghan. - AO)sta Cruise isea.sy totake. RECAL’S MEM’S STORE little wind-up toys that shelf;” he saya. Arlene Robinson, Walter MANCHESTER CAl AND MOUSE ARE TWQ OF MANY with toys designated “for Backus, P. Guay, Mrs. Mrs. W.E. Smith. O.P. CtHMoraSP.M. overflow Una, shelves and His tiny miracles, which G.T. LaRonne Jr. btorrs, Betty cardini, Di­ Phona 6^-4)618 LVDALLMC. MEMTACE SAVM6S M W eartons, and climb the cost from 75 cents to $15 ... from Last yvind-Up Shop ages tiuce and up.” UUUtn PeLerson, -Ellen ana Sedok, Mr. and Mrs. Carla C. la o< HaHan r« m a n u h r s TER HERALD. Tues.. Feb. IS. 1983- 13 12 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15. 1983

. \ Advice About Town Now that it's pff, be takes up clowning Eastern Star to meet The past matrons association of Temple Chapter careful to keep it off Husband's one-night stand By John Leahlgh The Albuquerque Kelly is cur­ Order of the Eastern Star will meet Wednesday at 8 United Press International rently playing, in his clown charac­ p.m. at the home of M rs.(M urray Johnston, 93' ter, with the Albuquerque Light Plymouth Lane. Mrs. Ronald Mottram and Mrs. Weigh once a week the first thing By Josephine Lowman bake instead of fry. You can live Opera production of “ Carousel.” Clayton Dow will assist her as hostesses. in the morning before breakfast. If ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (UPI) Special to the Herald without the calorie-rich sauces and causes his wife daily pain — The namesake grandson of the . Now, with the encouragement of dressings that put cholesterol in you do not have a scale, buy one. It This is the. last week of my his wife Lisa and theirMrtwo will be the best investment you late, great Emmett KMly, risking i . , ' eight-week Beauty Improvement your blood as well as roils around a second family estraimement, has children, D’Layne, 8, and Jason could make in health and beauty. adults as well as children Plan. Congratulations to those of your waist. Christopher, 5, he says he plans to ; Whenever it shows an increase of DEAR ABBY: Three to expose anyone who decided to becomp a third-' you who started later and will . Of course, you can and should retain an agent and "m ake a big Beef stew dinner even five pounds go after them! If years ago, my 50-year-old attempts to sexually generation professional clown. reach your goal soon. have special treats on occasion.- push for 1983.” The Coventry Volunteer Fire Association Auxiliary you do this you will never have a husband of 20 years had a molest them. Emmett J. Kellyl 33, said a I know how good it feels because But, I trust that you will not desert similar decision by his father in the But it will be with no encourage- . will sponsor a beef stew dinner on Feb. 26 from S to weight problem. one-night “ romance” with My sister's husband I have been there. I always had to • the health and beautifying habits Dear Abby early 1960s incurred the enduring ment from his father, who features 6; 30 p.m. at the South Coventry firehouse. a co-worker half his age on sexually assaulted women fight the bulge and a couple of you have learned and will adopt In order tp obtain a rough wrath of the original “ Weary himself in his circus as a clown the night before she was tc and children for SO years times during my life I have allowed them as a way of life. It is thfe every estimate of how many calories you Willie.” patterned after Weary Willie, the move to another state. Abigail Van Buren before I got enough infor­ 10 pounds to sneak up on me. I day, not the special occasion, that should have, multiply your ideal The original Emmett Kelly died classic character made famous by I thought we had the mation to present to my hated the way it made me feel and counts. weight bj^ 15. If you are very in March 1979. His son, also the first Emmett Kelly. You will be much less apt to p erfect m arriage, but sister. His victims in­ look, and beside that, I didn’t want sedentary multiple by 12, moder­ Emmett Kelly, runs the Emmett But Emmett J. Kelly says he Unitarians hear AAueiier regain lost pounds if you wait for a evidently we didn't. Abby. cluded two of my sisters, Elk of Year to be like the baldheaded man who ately active, by 20 and if vigorously Kelly All Star Circus,'based 'in doesn’ t feel his father should view Peg Mueller of the Unitarian Universalist Society while before increasing your calo­ the pain was terrible. I my daughter, three sold hair tonic or the flat-busted active by 25. Tombstone, Ariz. him as a competitive threat. ; East will speak Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the rie intake, and then do so can't understand why he cousins, two nieces, a Manchester Lodge of Elks woman who sold bust-deveipping Please help me. In the first place, I am has named Dwight D. ”^ t ’s face it — 1 love my father, meetinghouse on WCst Vernon Street. Her topic will devices. gradually. DON’T JOIN the thousands of did it. I thought if we sister-in-law, his own FOR ONE THING, he said, he ^ DESPARATE not a friend of the bride-to- and I was hesitant (to clown for a be governmental social programs for the needy. I know it took great'determina­ Virginia A. Roswell, coordinator folks who lose and then gain, lose talked openly about it and I daughter, as well as his Downham Jr. Elk of the will abandon the familiar, forlorn . be. In fact, I barely know living),” said Emmett J., who Refreshments will be served. tion and self-discipline to lose your of Maintainers, a weight­ and gain. This has been dubbed the knew exactly what daughter-in-law. Year. He will be honored facial expression of his father and DEAR DESPERATE: her. And the three added the initial to his professional Ms. Mueller is the human services director for East excess weight! What a shame it controlling program, suggests that "yo-yo pattern.” hippened between them — Only one child reported it with a dinner dance Feb. 26 grandfather. Whereas his progeni­ People who say they can name. “ But it’s my family herit- Windsor. would be if you gained it back, yet reducers increase their calorie in detail — I might be able hostesses are total to her mother. Then her tors both used the name Weary Dr. Jean Mayer, a distinguished forgive but-* can't forget at the Elks Club on BIssell ' age, my niche in life. I ’ve set it on nine out of 10 reducers do. Surely it intake gradually. Start by adding to see things from his point strangers to me! mother kept it a secret Willie, he will be just plain Willie nutritionist and president of have not really forgiven. Sti’eet. Downham has been the shelf too long.” will be easier to keep your ideal 100 calories and if your weight of view, but he refuses to I have no interest in without even confronting with a smile. Rutgers University, calls it ‘the Don't press your husband ah Elk since 1959. He is Besides, says Kelly, he was not Toughiove in Hartford weight than it was to reach it! Do stays on an even keel for a week, discuss it. attending this shower but the molester! My daughter rhythm method of girth control.” for a more .detailed ac­ enchanted with his job as an not allow the '‘headiness” of remain at that calorie intake for. He said he was sorry and was told that I am told me only aftw she had retired'from United Tech­ David and Phyllis York, founders of Toughiove. a It is harmful to health and count of “ what happened” ; accountant. having a slim figure again make two more weeks. If you lose it would never happen obligated to send a gift grown up. I began asking nologies, and he and his “ Conventional jobs have just not self-help program for parents with troubled teens, will weight, add another lOO carlories. disastrous to looks. It is thought to. it would only give you more you careless. again, so in time I forgave whether I attend or not. women in the family, and wife, Helen, have nine been that satisfying,” Kelly said. conduct a workshop Saturday and Sunday from9 a.m. If you gain, cut back. In other* encourage hardening ol the arter­ to agonize about. Dog duty to 5 p.m. at the Hartford Marriot Hotel Farmington. IS Hopefully, you have formed him. The problem is, I Can that be?' only then did the victims children. “ Whether the spotlight o r ' the words Take it easy. Do not jump ies. Also the skin can only be Farmington Springs Road in Hartford. habits during these last eight can’t forget. Your inability (or un­ What is the object of tell. I ’m sure there are siagelight, that’s what makes me right from your reducing diet to a ■ stretched so many times without The workshop is open to parents and professionals. weeks that you will continue ail Not one day goes by that willingness) to let go of many other cases where happy.” m aint^ance diet. losing its elasticity. such a shower? Participants will team how to form their own support through your lives. These will keep this punishing incident in­ APPALLED IN OHIO the victims don't tell Good muscles will help prevent I know that your loss of weight I am not reminded of this is a drag; groups and how to combine love and discipline in the you healthy as well as slim. Let’s ^ girl and what went on dicates that you need because they think theirs is What a HE SAID HIS father was un­ ■ review a few of them today. obesity and also are important in j has made you more attractive, family. healthier and, I hopoe, happier! between them. I feel her professional help to put DEAR APPALLED: just one isolated incident, aware of his decision to turn You certainly have become maintaining your itjeal weight. Continued from page 11 Registration is $140. For information, call If you wouW like to have my BIP presence constantly these destructive feelings The ob ject of such a and they don’t want to professional and probably would accustomed to smaller portions of ' Muscles use more calories, even 215-257-0421. Kit to refer to — or if you didn’t between us — especially at to rest once and for all. cause trouble in the family. leant about it first reading a over, she got it out. food at meals. You can gradually when resting, then fat does. If you shower is to soak as many postcard follow the program on schedule but night It's as though she is people as possible. Since It wasn’t easy to get the newspaper. She was exhausted. Delighted, but increase these a bit but beware of allow them to deteriorate as you DEAR ABBY: Yester­ facts about my brottier-in- Fortified with years of amateur exhausted. She put the final pellet in piling up your plate like you piled grow older, your body may use still want to lose 15 to 20 pounds in always lying in bed you barely know the bride, Continued from page 11 the next eight weeks, send $1 and a day I received an invitation law. I felt like a gossip and experience, mainly in Peru, Ind., her bag, and threw the utensils in Junior Women meet on the pounds or making seconds a several hundred fewer calories between us. I keep telling and the hostesses are long, self-addressed, stamped en­ to a bridal shower. It tattletale, even though I 1914-15, does not have Chad­ former wintering place for cir­ with it. Then she gasped. She'd habit. Keep your helping than it did before and start myself that if this strangers to you, your only The Manchester Junior Women’s Club will have an velope along with your request for stated, “ Anything for the wick's name, which leaves us up cuses, Kelly tried his professional forgotten about the nail. She’d, moderate. developing bulges again. happened once, it could obligation is'to send your knew I was doing the right executive board meeting Wednesday at 6 p.m. at the This Is an exercise for Increasing bust the BIP Kit to Josdephine Low- happen again with kitchen or bath will be ap­ thing. in the air as to when this post wings during 1982 with several thrown the broom in nail first. lt> home of Margie MIodzinski, 57 Montauk Drive in regrets. measurement. Bend your arms up In I HOPE that you are addicted to man, in care of the Manchester somebody else. preciated” A “ P.S.” was Srcrecy is on the side of card was actually on sale. ' performances for Southwest Air­ pluged through the bag, and Vernon. i \ 0 U HAVE BECOME accus- front of you. Grasp your left wrist with daily exercise because of the many Herald, Box 591, Manchester, I can't live the rest of my included; “ Check with one DEAR ABBY: Keep the molester. Among the 24 views (not given lines passengers. everything spelled from the hole to toined to skim or fat-free milk He gave mainly pantomime your right hand and your right wrist wonderful things it can do for your 06040. The kit includes complete I of the hostesses to avoid hammering away in your WITH YOU ALL THE in order here), there are three of the sidewalk. instead of whole milk and whole­ performances in-flight and at the with your left hand. Push your elbows health and appearance. It also can directions, two weeks of calorie- life feeling this way. duplicates,” campaign to encourage WAY the Highland Park area (includ­ The woman didn’t say a word. She bread instead of white. You departure gates in Dallas, Hous­ St. James open house aid you in maintaining your ideal counted menus, a calorie chart, ing Tonica Springs), then Main touched the heap with the toe of her toward one another, resisting with have become accustomed to life Street, looking north and south, ton, San Antonio, Texas, and staff and students of St. James School on Park without junk foods, and your weight, not just because it burns height and weight charts for both slipper. Then she kicked it gently your hands. Hold at the point of bank building. Masonic Hall, Phoenix. Street recently <*lebrated Catholic Schools Week with craving for sweets has diminished. calories, but also for the reason men and women, and a wall chart into the street. She brushed herself' greatest tension tor a count of five. Forest ’Street Mills, Depot Over Christmas and New Year the theme "In God We Trust and Teach.” ' Special You have learned to broil, boil or mentioned above. on which to plot your progress. Little children most likely, off, she grabbed her dog by the Relax. Repeat six times. Square West, passenger station, Kelly became the first member of activities included celebration of mass in St. James teachers’ hall, the Cheney Ho­ his family to go on stage since his scruff of the neck, and she dis-. Church and open house. Parents visited classrooms mestead and the Cheney Lawn. grandfather appeared as a vaude­ appeared into her building. Ah ,. and viewed student projects at the annual junior high Three churches are shown ville performer without clown nature. Another New York pet' science fair in the auditorium. to be allergic to milk, eggs costume in the 1920s. owner gone wrong. During the week, results of the October Iowa and two views of the high school. Then come the ruins of the Glass achievement tests were reported for grades 4.6 and 8. DEAR DR. LAMB: I Anything? I am just 5 feet Works, soldier's monument, Average grade equivalents were 5.1 for grade 4; 7.3 really fell for the mother and am 21 years old. “ business row,” South Man­ for grade 6, and 9.8 for grade 8. of that 18-month-old boy” Answer as soon as possi­ chester, and North Main Street. Poet to read at MCC This super post card was with a milk allergy. I have ble. a 4-year-old son who went discovered by Mrs. Thompson Ruth Daigon, poet and singer, Mrs. Laterriere tapped through the same problem. Your Health DEAR READER: A upon looking for something else will read her poetry Thursday at Doris Laferriere of Manchester, state guard of the He was sick from the time woman who is just 5 feet (always the way), in a box of her 8: 30 p.m. in the' Manchester Lawrence Lamb, M.D. often fares better than a late mother’s belongings. Her Community College dining room. VFW ladies auxiliary, was named recently as a he was a week old. He had chairman of arrangements for the recent state v isit of to sleep propped up in his man of the same height. mother was Fannie Baldwin The event, sponsored by the There are some disadvan­ Hough who had family Manchester Arts Council and the Florence Taylor, national president of the infant seat so he could organization. breathe. He ran a low fever tages as well, but be members in Manchester that Connecticut Commission on the might have bought the card in almost continually. pleased with yourself. Arts, is free and open to the public. the first place. When he was a year old, and fruits other than the food group. If you are Once the long bones in Ms. Daigon performed with my mother-in-law citrus fruits. allergic to oranges, you the legs have matured and COMING EVENT: C!anada's major symphonies be­ W ATES sponsor contest fore coming to the U.S., where she suggested that maybe he Well: he does fine as long. may be allergic to all are fully calcified there is M ANPEX '83 stamp show at Herald photos by Pinto was the soprano soloist with Noah WATES will meet at 7:30 tonight in Orange Hall. 72 had a milk allergy as she as he stays away from the citrus fruits. And an -no way to increase height Manchester High School, 134 E. Greenberg's New York Pro E. Center St., rear entrance. did when she was young. foods he is allergic to. Our allergy can mimic almost medically or with Middle Turnpike, April 16 and Science fair winners I I 17. Musica. Members should bring in homemade Valentines for We took him off milk and “ sickly” baby is health 4- any disease. stretching exercises. There will be a post office Ms. Daigqn's poetry has been the Valentine contest. he improved. Then we gave year-old. Your height will vary Members submitting sample program covers prize winners Potty Eitel and Heather Harrington, and second DEAR READER: substation with a special show published ih’“ Shenandoah,” “ De­ The following students were winners in the annual St. James There is often a family about an inch, being prize winners Kathy DeMarco and Lori Pelletier. him some milk and his Thank you for sharing your cancellation. Twenty-dealer kalb Literary Arts Journal,” should bring them to the meeting. lunior high school science fair recently. From left ore grand fever shot up, his lips history of allergy. Your greatest in the morning Weighing-in will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. experience with others. and least in the evening bourse, auction on both days “ Southern Poetry Review” and prize winners, Patricio Prentice and Kathy Sornick; first swelled and his sinuses mother-in-law’s story of “ Greenfield Review.” She is Your story points up some after being up and active and exhibits on display started draining. milk allergy ^s a child 'author of “ Learning Not To Kill very important features of all day. That temporary throughout. That was the beginning. could be very significant. You” and “ On My Side of the Bed.” food allergies. First, they inch is from relaxation; The cachets will honor the Yankee Traveler We have gone from there. I'm sending you The are much more common in 200th anniversary of Man In Funding for the event was Health Letter 19-12, Food the loss of it is from com­ RUTH DAIGON Rainbow installs Later we found out that he Space. (Balloonists J.F.P.deR- provided by the New England 91 pints yoiing children, particular­ pression of the spaces . . . poet, singer was allergic to eggs, too. Allergies, which will ly those under age five. ozier and the marquis d’Ar- Foundation for the Arts and the Everytime he ate them he explain more fully some of And milk and eggs just between the vertebrae landes, on Nov. 21, 1783, at National Endowment for the Arts. MCC cultural program committee, got flushed cheeks, a stuffy the things you have happen to be the two foods from body weight or gravi­ Paris.) Clemewell Young, professor of Spring and winter of blood is in charge of arrangements. Kimberly Wright nose and a fever. It was the noticed. Others can send 75 that little children are ty- English at the college,'-and the same story with chocolate. cents with a long, stamped, most likely to be allergic I still smile when We gradually developed self-addressed envelope for to. recalling the astronaut Kimberly Wright of 141 Hamil­ Advisory Board members in­ donated a list of foods that caused it to me, in care of the candidates who worked out events scheduled ton Drive has been installed as stalled were: Elizabeth Ledoux, him to have a reaction. The Manchester Herald, P.O. DEAR DR. LAMB: all day and came to my of­ worthy adviser of Manchester mother advisor; Harold Livings Cinema At the.,Bloodmobile visit at list included citrus fruits^' Box 1551, Radio City Sta­ Please tell me if there is fice to be measured in the Assembly 15, Order of Rainbow for ston, chairman of board: Marlehe Second Congregational ChurSh, strawberries, peanuts, tion, New York, N.Y. any possible way to in­ evening, hoping to get rid Editor’s note: Another in a series Friday night is a performace of Girls. She is the daughter of Mr. Taft, secretary; Paul Bernard, on Jan. 28,91 pints of blood were peanut butter and a 10019. crease my height? Are of an extra inch so they Hortlord Of weekly features written for UP I drums, music and dance by Henry and Mrs. William Wright. treasurer; andi Rosemary Living­ Videodrome (R) 7:40,9 :30. 7:15,9:X. — Videodrome (R) Windsor there any doctors who deal could fit into the space cap­ AllimMum Clnwna — Lola ManstMId by the M jA Auto and Travel Club T. Cobb. Saturday the films “ East Other officers installed were: ston, Bernice Cartwright, Robert drawn. Of tbe total of 93 people number of other foods. He It is common to be 7:M,»:30. 12:X, 2:15,4, 5:45,7:X, 9:X. Plata — Best Friends (P O ) with stretching exercises? sule cpuch. Trans-Lux College Twin — 7:)5. aimed at providiBg New Engianil- Africa; Two Lifestyles” and "A fri­ Cynthia Zeidler, worthy associate Ledoux, Eunice Bernard, Richard appearing to donate, two were can eat most vegetables allergic to all foods in a Clnomo City — The verdict The Entity (R ) 7, 9:10. — A Wllllmonllc (R ) 7, 9:30. — Wasn't That A Jlllsen Sguoro Cinema — ers with fuel-eoagerving, close-to- can Girl Malobi” will be shown. advisor; Patricia Kozak, charity: Claing, Sandy Ratcliffe, Anderson deferred and eight were first­ Bov and His Dog with Death Let's SMnd the Night To­ TImel (P C ) 7:10 with Let It Race 2000 9:05. , borne leisure trips. Older kids will get to work with Sherry Crawford, hope; Dawn Zeidler. Joyce Cavanagh, James time donors. Be (G ) 8;3S — The Entity (R) Vernon gether (PG)7:10,9:10.— The Howard Miller reached the 7:20, 9:40. — Eating Raoul Lost American Virgin (R) \ artist Paul Goodidght who will lead Mazur, faith;' Karen Mottram, Wilson, Donald Dean and Pamela CIno 1 A 2 — Airplane II: 7:10, 9:10. — Tootsie (P G ) 7, 10-gallon mark; Richard (R ) 7:30,9:20. The Seauel (P G )7 ,9 . — jSMt an informal talk about his work recorder; Laura Livingston, Stone. * ( Support group may help Clnestudle — Walkabout 9:15. — The Verdict (R ) 7, Friends (PG) 7:20,9:X. : By Jon Zondermann and a participatory portrait dem­ treasurer; Polly Morrison, cha­ Roach. 3-gallon; Gillian (P G ) 7:30 with Nosferatu, the West Hartford 9 :X . Schwartz, two gallon mark; and Vompvre (P G ) 9:15. A A A Auto and Travel Club onstration. On Sunday, Francena plain: and Sue Clerke, drill leader. Members of the installing suite Bim I A 1 — E.T. The •AROMNIMTINCI DAILY ( Jerry G. Brown, Pam Bozio and East Hartford Extra-Terrestrial (PG) 7:10, • FimHIUIOR ONLY ' Roberson, a Boston poet and Also: Sallie Miller, love; were: Laura Livingston, Lisa Eastwood — Best Friends 9:X. — An Officer and A ; WELLESLEY. Mass. (U P I) - composer, will read from her work Tiffany West, religion; Jennifer Jatkowski, Shari Taft, Deborah Mary Everett, one gallon (PG)7:1S. (tontleman (R) 7,9:X. HBO film exhausted mother of twins Poor Richards — Airplane ; For the school vacation week, Feb. and the Silver Stars Steel Orches­ Shurkus, nature; Melissa Trott, Shadlich, and Diane Ferguson. each. The Movies — The Verdict HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - The next Bloodmobile visit II: The Seauel (P G ) 7:30, (R) 12,2:X,4:M,7:I0,9:X.— 114-18, and the weekend of Feb. tra will perform. immortality; Deborah Shadlich, James McKay and Kenneth Woods 9:30. John Gielgud and Omar will be Feb. 17 at South United DEAR DR.BLAKER:I access to much practical 'The Entity (R ) 12,2:15,4:X , I 116-20, there areanum berof special Call. (6I7) 426-6500 for informa­ fidelity; Beth Clerke, patriotism: were organists. Soloists were the Showcase Cinema — Toot- Sharif will star in “ The Methodist Church from 12:30 to am the mother of two-year- information. You’ll be sle (P G ) 1:05,3:40,7:10,9:45. 'events going on throughout New tion. Jurintha Purvee, service; Shari Rev. Stephen K. Jacobson, Denise — 48Hrs. (R ) 1:30,3:30,5:30, Far Pavilions,” aslx-hour 5:30 p.m. old twins. Even though I taking charge of your own I England, ranging from the begin- Taft, confidential observer; De­ Jacobson, Ronald Erickson, Ruth 7:45, 10. — The Last Ameri­ miniseries based on M.M. Following is the list of donors: love them dearly, I find life — and not letting the can Virgin (R ) 1:35, 3:30, • nings of spring at Sturbridge THE PEABODY MUSEUM in KIMBERLY WRIGHT borah Shadlich, historian; Jodi McElraery, Judith Lidberg and Ask Kaye’s novel, for Home I kids run you. 5:20, 7:35, 9:50. — Without A ; Village, Sturbridge, Mass., to Salem, Mass., holds a special .. . worthy adviser Cartwright, keeper'of the jewels. Joan Cartwright. that they wear me down — Trace (P G ) 1:20, 4:30, 7:20, AP?entnm Box Office. ' . Mrs. Irene B. Boles, Roger J Dr. Blaker ; winter carnivals throughout the Febraary vacation program /m Bolduc, Everett Carpenter, Mrs. not just physically but F or in fo rm atio n on 9:50. — Sophie's Choice (R ) Set in colonial India emotionally, too. My hus­ 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15. — • three northern states. Native American culture and Alleen Collins, Mrs. Evelyn Oerewl- Karen Blaker, Ph.D. clearinghouses which can (JandhI (P G ) 1 ,4 :X ,8 .— One during the height of Brit­ ! Early 19th century candlemak- ' onko, Richard W. Dupee, Mrs. band is very helpful and crafts, including a daily film. Janet Frantz, TamI Grakowskv, put you in touch with an ap­ Down, Two To Go (R ) 1:45, ish dominance, “ The Far !ing goes on throughout the vaca- The films all tell stories of ing names its top scholars supportive but I wish I 3:40, 5 :X , 9:50. Let's Spend Mrs. Ruth Grose, Mrs. Mary C propriate self-help group, Pavilions” is the story of a Ition week at Sturbridge Village, American Indian children's lives, Groves, Alan F. Lamson, Arthur S could find some way to The Night Together (PG) topher Todd, Stacey Twerdy, Guv contact': National Self- 1 :» ,3 :X , 5:25,7:40, 10. dashing young English tthe recreated 19 century New after which children will worit with man, siacev zackin, Kristina Zoroer. Wagner, Lee WIchman, Susan Wilcox, Lossow. help myself cope better. Rntleid The following is the honor roll for Corllsa Wilson, Sheila Wilson. Thomas R. McAulev, Mrs. Karen Help Clearinghouse, 33 W. officer and a beautiful 1 England Village in central Massa- Instractors on crafts pmjects to orodst J _ . Maxwell, Mrs. Amy A. Plrkey Cine 1. 1. I. 4. 5 A 4 — Indian princess who risk the second quarter at Illing Junior Thomas Anderson, Edward Balon, John Wynn, Jett Yl, Mark Zockln, DEAR READER: You specializing in a wide the same problem can’t 42 St. Room 1222, New Tootsie (P G ) 7 : » , 9:50. — : chiisetts. On Feb. IS, the tallow is take home. The program begins at Kimberley Bovlello, Kelly Behllno, John Zok, Kim ZInker, Morclo ZIpkIn. Russell G. Storrs, Lawrence WII their lives and their place High School; son, Mrs. Nancy W. Moftot, Mrs. may not be aware of it, but range of problems in­ help but make you feel York, N.Y. 10036. Gandhi (PG) 8. — 41 Hrs. (R ) • rendered and hand-dipped candles 10; 30 a.m. each day and costs $1.50 John Bentord, Peter, Bernier, Mory Grade 9 7:40,9:55. — Without A Trace in society for a love affair. Orod* 7 Bolbrock, Llsd Bonentont, Alan Bor- Stacey L. Adams, Jodi Addobbo, Kardn W. Moftot, -Mrs. Karen over the last several years cluding in fertlllity, better. The group (P G ) 7 : » , 9:45. — The Dark • are made from Wednesday, Feb. per child per day, with accompan­ April Adams, Timothy Almond, Ell- DIeterle, Linda J. Grlttln, Ruth J Ben Cross and Amy oldo, Susonne Covlcchl. Llso Agllo, Brian Arnold, Steven support or self-help groups recovery from serious sur­ members not only know Crystal (P O ) 7:20, 9:35. — 116, through Sunday, Feb. 20. The ying adults admitted free. zab«th Andarson, Aaron Ansaldl, Ally Stocev 'Choate, Fronclne CImIno, Ashbacher, Jomes Atwell, Susan Russell. The Verdict (R) 7,9:40. Irving star in the lead Aporlclo, Scot) Aronson, Kristin Ash- Jennifer Clough. David Combs, Kat­ Baker, Cynthia Barlow, Sara Bliley, John J. Dobbins, Robert McCon­ devoted, to helping people gery, baldness and — y e s - and understand your {craft of candlemaking can be Call (617) 745-1876 for informa­ nell, Fronclne LaReau, Mrs. Mar Manchoolor roles with Gielgud and boclisr, Jsnnlfsr Atwsll, Sandy Robert hleen Connelly, Kristen Cool, Scott Hugh Blodgett, David Boisvert, Laura with a variety of problems bringing up twins. problems firsthand but can Finding a cash buyer tor UA Thootor Bool — The • viewed by visitors at the Fitch tion. nobko, Venessd Boksr, Jennifer Be­ Dovls, Deborah OeBonee. Boudreau, Olane Brossell. cla A. Memerv, Mrs. Joanne Coy Verdict (R) 7:10,9 :». — The iratEMsibRA Sharif heading a long list *House on the Common. noit, Heather Bogll, Debbie Brov, Kellie DeCopua, Catherine Dublel, Pamela Burney, Sonia Cabezas, kendall, Anthony <;. Allbrio, Allan have been springing up all Perhaps the greatest also offer techniques the items you’d like to sell Cone, Mrs. Gerry P. Harvey, Jackie Bntnv (R) 7:15, 9:40. — OASSIFIEP SECTION I'' of supporting players. ? For information about Stur- A T THE MUSEUM of Our (Jeoffrey Burgess, Jsnnlfsr Chodburn. Susan Edoerton, Robert Fallon, Kathe­ Amy Calnr David Chdtzkv, Audra over the country. There benefit of the groups is fin­ they’ve developed for is easy. Just let our Cvnthld Colvin, Jsttrev OsJoannls, rine FreRhIln, Peter (Sallosso, De­ Choromonskl, James Connelly, Eliza­ C. Longton. ; bridge Village, call (617) 347- 3362. National Heritage, Lexington, Cecilia M. Michalak. Mrs. Evelyn are approximately one half ding that you’re not alone. coping with them. While readers know what you Jsnnlfsr Desmarols, Dana Oleterls, borah (iollo. beth Dovls, Suzanne Desoutell. Mass., the vacation week will be Meredith Duggan, Kendra DuPont, Julie Geogon, Shervol Goldston, Fronclne Ecobert, David Evans, S. Gritfith, Sonia Kirk, Kathleen million of these groups in Sitting down and talking the group won’t cure what have for sale with an ad in Adinoltl, Janet Sombric, Calvin D. : ITS STILL WINTER carnival highlighted by a film on George Jennifer Faber, Suionne Flynn, Mark Thover Gowdv, Brvon Griffith, Amy Jennifer Foley, Kimberly Foster. John the United States t^ay, with a group of people with ails you, it can give you Classidied. Folsv, Shannon Ford, Sharon Fortuno, Hoock, Mark Haddock, Amelia Hon- Freoeou Kim... berly------Friday, 'Lori " ' Fish, Mrs. Priscilla Judson. Mrs. itim e in northern New England. Washington shown Monday and Jennifer Frantz, Christopher Friday. kerson, Buffey Harris, Joanne Garrison. Glorlo Hilton. Loura Girard, Dovid Golds, Linda Timothy .1. Fooortv, Marita, L 4 Feb. 19 and 20 in Huntington, Vt., Tuesday and documelitary films Heavens. . „ ...... Deborah Geer, Andrew Gifford, Amy Hagenow, Doris Thompson, Tho­ 1 the town holds its first ever winter about tlie Beatles on Friday and Gorman, Ooro Greenwold, Susan Shelley Hoher, Jeffrey Holland, Glguere, Robb, Goehring, Sobro Gol- Gueretfs, Tracy Honrohon, Lisa Has- Meloroh Hull, Nuncy Hulme, Louis dlck. J. Scott Gowdv, Peter Grosis, mas M. Woldo, Hellne Svpek, Kevin Thoushts {carnival. Including snowshoe ra­ Saturday. All films are free. tev, Richard Hastings, Kim Haves, Jotte, Sharon Johns, Kimberly Juros. Robert Grosis, Paul Hansen, David O'Brien, Donald F. Custer, Terry B Kimberley Johns, - Gustave Keach, Friderick Kahoner, Brenda Ket- Harlow. zees, jack-jumping and tours. The Call (617) Ml-6610 for informa­ Leone Royer, John Bornowskl Restauroni&Uxjnge (WITH •carnival is at the Camel’s Hump tion. Mary King. tiedon, Kothryn Korner, Carl Kul- ^S?aron Hart, Elizabeth Harvey, John Laooste, Allison Letsnsr, Pa­ boskl, Stocey Lance, Brent Lossow, Glenn Horowitz, Erik Johnson, Leslie Timothy Devoe, Marie D. Miller. SPEGUL COUPON) ;Nordic Ski O u ter. Call (102) trick Lynom, Paul Maxwsll, Scott Lori Lenfest, Polge Lepok. Johnson, Desplno Kalfos, Kathy Janet D. Niles, Bob Boaoe, Clayton Is a new Lent being lent calls of God as it comes to continue your Lenten Church. Acknowledge •434-2704 for information. McKay, MIenosI McMahan, Rsgina Scott LIscomb, Allen LIyerm ore,, Keeler, Laurie Kiss, Amorv Knoflo. Jacobs, Jim Rauer, Pomelo Herring. you? — for fresh conver­ you in your daily life. journey of prayer, fasting your desire and need for Mission, Michelle Motzer. Susan Long, Christina Lowd, Mortin Richard Krumlns, Sharon Louzon, Buy0 U J «any i i j ■■■■Will-lunch and■ ■ m racalva v v w v i w any m i j of the u i v following i v i i v w i i i y ■ • In Maine, Feb. 17-S7 is the Paula Mvler, Heather Nelson, MocNeely, Elizabeth Mahler, Karen James Lemleux, Claudio Lindsay, Eric Honey McCurklln, Ken VIestart, sion and discipline, and almsgiving. Through forgiveness. True conver­ Judith Morton, Donold Spatford Let Biblical themes and {O ribou Winter O m ival and Feb. Meogtran O'Morra, MIchslle Potulok, Melsner, Matthew Mllbrandt. Lohr, Heather Marsh, Dawn Martin, sion is a process; some foronly99^DBIg6oz.BurgoroQulchaoOnialat | Jennifer Plendel, Anna Plntsov, James Catherine Morlarty, James Nichols, Christopher Moteyo. Becky Smith, DIone Deloonnls prayer and fasting, heal­ the Word, you are led to • U-20 if tbe University of Maine at Brides: if you’d like to receive a Richard Warenda. signs and symbols unlock habits ha ve to be uprooted I Poirot, Honore Politl. Karl Noone, Karen Norton, Roxone Tonlo Mozurek, Sean McCarthy, ing and forgiving, social the joy of renewed and meaning! Repentance; . • Fried Monaralla • Tuna Malt . i • Presque Isle Winter O m ival. fonn in order to have your weddbig T o m Powers, Beth Reltberg, Kristin Olsen, Heolther Pendleton, Erin Pres­ Amanda McCray, Laurie McKenna, James J. BrezInskI, Bruce H awareness and outreach! deeper covenanting at and new ones embraced. 2 Tbe Prancooia, N.H., Winter write up appear in tbe Manchester Rohrtaoch, Christine Ryan, Tsrrv cott, Robin Proyencol. Emanuel Merlsotls, Brian Mllone, Nelson, Shirley Juran, Paul Glaco ■ ' j (You iiMMi bring | Scata, Rebecca Schotfer, Deborah Loura Quickenton, Elizabeth Reilly, possl, Josephine LIparull, Mlchae- Lent calls you to focus reconciliation, exodus, Easter. Reaiiy Uve this Lent that’s 9 Om ival begins on Washington's Herald, send a self addresied, Daniel Mullen, Sheryl Nourle, Jennifer leen Tobol, Edith Senna. ient. Receive sacramen- I U br n m e r l In m o coupon) ! Schwarz, Jennifer Sherman, Pom Angela Reyna. Anno Rlqglo, Keyin Obue, Alberto O'Neill. on the needs for prayer in desert, goal, converson, Lent calls you to conver­ • Birthday, Feb. tl, and rans ■temped envelope to; Barbara Ridi- Shon, Laurie Smith. Romonewlcz, William Scloudone, Tina Porloto, Saroh Perkins, Paula Sally Robinson, Irving Foster your life: prayer alone, covenant, .transforma­ sion, to wholeness, to tqi absoiutkm. Partici­ I ' HAPPY Houn BoMnd I • through the week. Ronald Smith, Jov Snyder, Catherine Neal Scanlon. Brian Carpenter mood, Mancheeter Herald, Box SOI, Brion Scott. . ^ Plouffe, Llso Poullot, Llso Relmer, Jim Higgins Jr., Martha Morlconl. prayer with others; tradi­ tion, resurrection, eternal unity. Your faults and pate in the Easter feast! Soule, Cheryl Spiegel, (Sory Stolten- Gall Sheffield, Mel Slebold, Sharon John Scata, Kimberly Scovllle, Peter LoooM LoN o( r n i tliam iri (Prt) Court Houio Ono Bkta. I , Manciiester, Conn. 06040. Engaged berg, Angelina Strono, Robert Strlm- Sloan, Christine Smith, Jeffrey Spie­ John Sayre, Debbie Sweany, Daniel life, glory. Through the your sins affect others. 9 T H E C H ILD R E N ’SM U SE U M in Siena, David SImler. Odeoord. Scott Holmes, Peter tional prayers and prayer I QuoHly inn 47 Hartford Tpko, |> women can also send a self- Ike. Cynthia Tarbell. gel, Sandro Souatrlto, Laurie St. Troev Smith, John Szarek, Michael in your own wo>ds: the Scriptures of this season Mend any broken Rev. Philip A. Sheridan • Boston has another full weekend of Rhonda Thorne. Mary Ann Thurston, Laurent, Deborah Stevenson, Karen Taylor, Russell VInIck, Sharon VInIck, Grose. ■ UH MM1M ibij I addreaeed, ■tamped envelope for an prayer of reflecting on the the Holy Spirit calls you baptismal-relationship Pastor, {events on Feb. 11-10 to celebrate Robert -TInnev, Kelly Topping, Sean Suhle. Laura Walling, Aaron WlochowskI, engagement form. Walsh, Adam WIchman, Alicia WIch- Erin Sullivan, Troev Sullivan, Chris­ Barbara Woerner. woiM of God. and on the and empowers you . to with the Lord and with his St. Bridget Church > Black History Month. ______..9 -, 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15, 1983— 15 Canadiens come to life High School World jJIu SPORTS Page 16 VOL. IL - NO. 18 Newlspaper of Manchester High School — Space courtesy of The Manchester Herald MCC five outlasts AAHS clubs active Housatonic, 115-98

As February vacation was ap­ by everyone. The AFS Club is also candy grams which were delivered BRIDGEPORT— Points came the Cougars with Doug Leonard 9 rebounds. Reiser also dished out proaching. many MHS clubs were planning a short term exchange on Feb. 11. The candy grams were fast and furious Monday night in adding 22, Steve Emerson 16, 9 assists in his best coliegiate busily preparing and participating with a school which would involve little boxes of candy that could Bridgeport as Manchester Com­ co-captain Jim Florence 12 and outing. Reiser is a Manchester in a wide variety of activities. students from another state com-, have been delivered to friends or munity. College outlasted Housa­ Pat Silver 11 as all five MCC Hi^h product. Those clubs involved included the ing here and our students going to sweethearts for Valentine’s Day. tonic Community College, 115-98, starters tallied twin digits. AFS chapter, the Spanish Club, their school. Upcoming events that the Stu­ at Cardinal Sheehan Center. The Cougars moved out front Manchester (115)— Florence 5 Student Assembly, and Sock and The Spanish Club recently com­ dent Assembly is sponsoring in­ The Cougars, ranked ninth in from the outset,securing a 56-41 2-2 12, Reiser 16 2-3 34, Leonard 10 Buskin. pleted a special Valentine’s Day clude the Morp Dance and the New England NJCAA play, raised halftime bulge. They maintained 2-3 22, Emerson 8 0-016, Silver 5 1-4 Manchester High's , American activity . This was called "el amigo selling of Nestle Chocolate bars as their record to 11-6 for the season the 15-point spread throughouti 11, Garen 1 3-4 5, Facey 3 0-1 6, Field Service Club lhas been secreto” or a “ secret friend.” The a fund raiser. while the loss drops tbe Hawks to most of the second half as Reiser! (?ollins 2 4-5 8, Davis 0 0-0 0, Carr 0 participating in its annual citrus activity paired club members with The final club that has been very l-!4. and Leonard netted 18 and 17 1-2 1. Totals 50 15-24 U5. fruit sale. Club members have one another. busy in the last few weeks is the MCC’s next outing is a make-up first-half markers respectively to Housatonic ( 98)—JJalentino60-0 been canvassing their neighbor­ For one week, each persongave school’s drama club. Sock and contest Thursday night against get the ball rolling. 12, Staton 8 4-6 20, M ^ i r 8 4-6 20, hoods in the hope of selling the fruit a gift to their secret friend. Buskin. Sock and Buskin, MHS’s Middlesex Community College at It never stopped. Moyer 0 1-2 1, McNeil 0 0-0 0, to establish scholarship money to Included with the gift was a clue to oldest club, has been working on Middletown High at 8 o’clock. Reserve center Dean Facey Searignt 0 1-2 1, Johnson 0 0-0 0, send students abrpad this summer. his or her own identity. At the end their latest production “ Fiddler on Co-captain John Reiser pumped latched onto 10 rebounds while Caple 4 2-3 10, White 14 6-9 34. Last year they were able to send of the week each receiver had to the Roof.” This club is producing in. a career-high 34 points to lead, Florence and Reiser each grabbed Totals 40 18-28 98. one student to France and another guess the identity of his or her own the musical in conjunction the Fine \ to Finland. The fruit will be on sale secret friend. If he couldn't, a Arts Department. The musical until March with delivery on candy gram was received with a deals with the lives of several poor March 12 or 13. The club is selling secret friend’s name. Jewish people in czarist Russia either oranges or grapefruit and Manchester High’s Student Go­ and includes such familiar songs Rockville skaters W restling the cost is $7.50 a case. vernment has been very busy for as "Sunrise, Sunset,’’ and “ If I The fruit can be bought from any the last few months. Only recently,, Were A Rich Man." The cast has club member or can be ordered by the club sponsored several very been set and includes Mark Can- roundup calling 646-0259 or 643-1439. successful activities. The first was nistraro as Tevye, Susan Krupp 'as blank Tribe, 9-0 On Feb. 4, the club went ice the second spirit week of the year. Golde, Liz French as Tzeital, and skating at the skating rink located Each day’s theme was varied and Marsha Warren as Model. Although Photo by Bashaw Manchester on the Storrs campus of the ranged from punk day to dress up the acting is very Important, the BOLTON— Not much went right Bolton Ice Palace at 9:45. Monday afternoon for the Man­ University of Connecticut. The day. The entire, but snow-shorted, technical and business aspects of MHS girls basketball . . . Scott Ovens scored twice and Overwhelmed by the visitors, chester High ice hockey team as it Toby Tobeler once in the opening skating was brisk but the company 1 week was a complete success. The any production make the show work. practicing for upcoming game against Hall Manchester High wrestling team was whitewashed by Rockville 15 minutes for, Rockville with Tim was good and a great tim e was had ^ other success was the selling of - B.P. fell to Windham High, 51-9, inCClL' High, 9-0, at the Bolton Ice Palace. Heaney and Tobeler adding scores action Monday in make-up action "They (Rockville) played a good in the middle session. at Clarke Arena. hockey game but we didn’t do Heaney, Ovens, Steve Jacob and The win lifts the potent Whippets Editorial anything right,” said Manchester Mike Yamarik added goals in the to 7-2 in the league and 20-4 overall Coach Wayne Horton. “ The wings final period for Rockville, which while the loss drops the Indians to a didn’t cover at the points, the outshot the Indians by an over­ Players hoping for final 3-5-1 mark in the league and defensemen didn’t clear out in whelming 52-16 count. 6- 9-1 overall. front of the net and our passing “ The only good thing about today Mike LeTourneau. Mark Cimino was we stayed out of the penalty Alternatives offered was terrible. This definitely was a and Jim Frallicciardi were deci­ season low for us." box," said Horto'n, noting each sion victors for Manchester. The loss was the 12th in 17 club took one minor. The Indian Results: 101— Madera (W) sup. This editor feels it necessary that a policy change is in order. curring about them. The Walkmans good season ending outings for Manchester, which has coach also had praise for his dec. LaFlamme 20-3, 108— Contos false rumors be silenced and the Upon giving the matter some have been ^lentlfically proven to upcoming back-to-back contests. goalie, Pat McNamara. “ McNam­ (W) WBF, 115- Pechie (W) WBF, truth brought out about our fine serious thought, I came up with reduce hearing by up to 50 percent, The Silk Towners visit Masuk’ of ara had a supergame. Buthedidit 122 — LeTourneau (M) dec. Wynn some possible solutions to this most so In two or three years, they would For many people, starting from steal several games. During this defense. Markham and Dalone have Monroe Friday night at 9:15 and out of survival. He had a good library and its fearless librarians. 7- 1, 129— Lewis (W) pinned Grady troublesome of situations. They are no longer need our then deaf the hottom and putting in long, ar­ time, many combinations of players chipped In their two-cents’ worth then come back Saturday for a game but it was too bad he didn’t First, let me make it perfectly 3:45,135— Cimino (M) dec. Harde- as follows: librarians. ^ duous hours to emulate their peers were'being tried to organize a team -rematch with Rockville at the have anyone to help him out.” clear that it is entirely untrue that whenever given the opportunity to gen 13-11, 141— Frallicciardi (M) 1) As in the case of the 9th grade 4) As I sat pondering this has become somewhat of a fad. The which played as one. Juniors Judy '.he 1983-1984 budget includes money perform. dec. Peterson 14-9, 148— Adams MALST examinations, students perplexing problem, I began to get Manchester High Girls’ Basketball Dalone and Carey Markham set aside for sonic detectors and a The girls hope to continue their (W) pinned Moore 5:07, 158— wanting library privileges would be silly. I had this most ludicrous of team is no exemption from this adjusted will when substituted in.to polygraph machine for the library. winning streak with only six games D.Moreau (W) maj. dec. Gaskell ideas and, for the sake of enjoy­ “ mania.” . The sonic detectors, it was said, forced to pass a Student Test of re y ^ e a starter. Sophomores Betty remaining. They need one more win 13-4, 170— Fiasocnaro (W) pinned * Uninterrupted Periods is Death-like ment, I thought I ’d write it down. The girls commenced the season, Mah^Tv^d Michelle Moiianos see Yarborough survived w;ere to be used to better aid the to enable them to participate in the Harris 1:32, 188— J.Moreau (W) librarians in their primary duty: the Silence, or S.T.U.P.I.D for short. What if, instead of becoming so with high hopes and expectations.' some p lyin g time on varsity and CIAC State Championship, l^ e pinned Wemmell 3:59, Unlim ited- prevention of communication The librarians could administer this agonized over whatever fairly quiet Being number one in the CCIL was even more on J.V. team is hopeful of overcoming a Nessiff (W) pinned Lea : 24. among the scholars of our wonderful test during the summer for in­ communication occurs, the considered an extreme possibility, After much frustration and long first-game jinx In the states. spectacular mishap institution of higher education. coming sophomores and give make­ librarians accepted the fact that, with only one or two contenders to diligent h W s of practice, the team The Junior Varsity squad, UPI photo The polygraph machine it seems, up exams during February and April although many students need a quiet overcome. But pre-season scrim­ has accumulated seven consecutive coached by Rita Luppachino, has East Catholic was to be put in use at a student’s vacations. place to study, high school kids also mages brought some doubt into the wins, lifting them to fourth place In seen no jinxes and Is faring better DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (UPI) rough decided the Monte Carlo was Three victories on the mat were hearing to provide underniable proof 2) Another alternative would be need a place to unwind yet still get picture as the Indians fell victim to the league, with- a 9-5 record. This with a 12-2 record. There are several — Once he had a chance to count beyond repair and ordered an GEORGETOWN'S PATRICK EWING GETS HAND ON BALL alternate car from his shop in all it could attain as East Catholic that verbal communication oc­ the addition of sign language to the some work done. four of five opponents. feat would not have been ac­ hopefuls for next year’s varsity his fingers and toes and found they . . .to block shot by UConn's Bruce KuezenskI at Hartford were securely in place, Cale Charlotte, N.C. Under NASCAR wrestling team .succumbed to curred. These devices are quite in­ school’s curriculum. Since it The cafeteria, although offering The starting team was still complished without the stellar per­ team. The players are: sophomores Yarborough figured he wasn’t in rules, a driver must race the car he Simsbury High, 42-24, Monday flationary and the town may have, appears that it is the noise instead of amazing opportunities for social ad- wavering in fourth-year coach Steve formances of Christensen and Shelley Carrier, Kris Cr^t, Lydia such bad shape after all. qualifies so Yarborough surren­ night at the.ESigles" Nest. decided to wait for the price to go the actual exchange of information v^hcement, is not such a place. Vir­ Armstrong's mind. No particular Wojnarowskl. Each contributes In Hightower, Heather Hohentbal, Bet­ Only his heart was broken. dered the pole to runnerup Ricky The setback drops the Eagle down that so enrages our kind librarians, tually nothing can be accomplished persons really stood out as quality her own way whether it be on ty Maher, Stacy Miller, Michelle Yarborough roared around the Rudd. matmen tO/-4-10-l for the season. sign language would be perfect for in that den of card-playing and girl performers. Senior captains, offense, defense, or helping team Morlanos, Chris Noone, and Sandy A great deal of controversy was Daytona International Speedway Their next outing is Wednesday students too eager to learn or to watching. forwards Patti Wojnorowski and morale. The solid efforts of Walrath Wilson. s stirred up last year when HSW Georgetown triiimphs faster than 200 mph Monday “ I ’m a little sore and a little night at East Hartford High at 6 pass the S.T.U-.P.I.D.S. The Perhaps, and try not to laugh, the Paige Young, along with senior and Young have also promoted the Of the remaining six games, three during qualifying runs for this disappointed, but it could have o’clock. printed an article complaining about librarians could teach this course independent study room's renova­ center Lisa Christensen and guard success of the team. are home: Feb. 11 Conard, Feb. 15 weekend’s 31 million Daytona 500.. been a whole lot worse," said Brian Lynch, Peter Foley, and the manner and reasons that either during their lunch hour or, at tion could be expi^lted so that we Mara Walrath, became the tentative Encouraging improvements on Hall, and Feb. 23 Windham. Game His' 200.503-mph clocking topped Yarborough, who counted a Dave Turgeon were triumphant students wree asked to leave the a more intense level, during students no longer have to cringe in starters with the fifth, spot un­ the part of Kohut, Markham, and time is 6:15 for J.V. and 7:45 for "all Grand National records and bruised elbow and shoulder as his for the Eagles on the mat. Their library February and April vacations. fear when the librarian is looking at decided. Junior guards Jen Kohut Dalone have given the team depth Varsity. The team would appreciate easily assured him the pole posi­ worst injuries. “ We were just final six points came on a double It is not our intent to question the 3) Althopgh not necessarily affor-' us, and the librarians can stop suf­ and Lynne Shaw and sophomore and more dependability. Kohut has your support, so come watch them but score misleading tion for the 500. running too fast for the track." forfeit in the unlimited class. reasoning of our librarians. If they dable, Sony Walkman IPs could be fering in not so silent silence. — guard Heidi Sullivan shared honors fit into the fifth position and has Results: 101— Chapman (S) feel it necessary to disrupt the en­ on their winning streak. — Patty But as he tried to better his time Now, Yarborough is in the same purchased for these librarians that M.R. of the fifth vacancy. helped tremendously on offense and pinned Scribner 1:33, 108— Haase tire population of said library to Wojnarowskl on his second and last qualifying boat as74 others, trying to gain one find the decibel level top high to Editor’s note: Replies to this or The girls were off to a dismal whistled for charging into Ewing honors with 15, matching Jackson lap, Yarborough lost control of his of the remaining 40 starting spots (S) dec. Dunn 7-1, 115— Lynch evict an individual who was distur­ make work bearable. They could other HSW articles are welcome and opening, bowing in five of their first By Len Auster and David Wingate. Ewing also Herald Sportswriter with a basket nullfied. car, flipped and crashed into a for the 25th running of the race. (EC( won by default, 122— Foley bing no one but the aforementioned listen io jazz, rock, disco, or should be submitted to any HSW seven outings.. Not being able to blocked five shots, changed the (EC) pinned Matteo 3:45, 129— librarian, so be it. Ours is not to Perno, irate and red-faced on retaining wall. Yarborough was Only Rudd, who clocked in at whatever they choose, and be editor. Publication of them will he execute the fundamentals of basket­ this call, charged the official and projectory on countless others and 198.864 mph, and Geoff Bodine, Rivera (S) dec, Byrne 9-7, 135— question why, but I feel that perhaps HARTFORD— It was a pink and fortunate, walking away with oblivious to the cacophony oc­ at the direction of the staff. ball permitted their adversaries to. Work worthwhile was tacked with a technical. 'forced even more not to be taken. bruises. who orginally was third but moved Turgeon (EC) pinned D’amato red roses day but all UConn saw ” lt’s not how many points you get 4:37, 141— Saunderson (S) dec. . Monday night was black and blue. "The way we play, the way we His Chevrolet was not. up to second with Yarborough’s ' While thoughts of only relaxation week it is like any ordinary event. but when. Patrick is a young Harkins 7-6, 148- P, Hatton (S) Georgetown Hoya blue. scrape, you have to get the calls," After a quick inspection, Yarbo­ withdrawal, qualified Monday. Movies reviewed and fun are monopolizing students’ However, that is not the case. On person and is still developing. You dec. Antonia 8-7, 158— Brocherick 'The nationally ranked Hoyas, said a calmer Perno in tbe mind this vacation, the drudgery of a weekend, graduation would be the can count on one hand how many (S) WBF, 170- J. Hatton (S) No. 13 in one wire service poll, blew postgame interview room. "But I coming back to school is always focal point of the weekend and all are better," Thompson said. pinned Morra : 36, 188— Goricki @Ss into town and left with the do think the three guys in the lurking In the back of their minds. weekend partying. People may com­ Who could argue? (S ) ' pinned Meyer 3:33, objective— victory. The final striped shirts had something to say White relaxed, had fun Fortunately for the senior class, " I think you can only ask the Unlimited— Double forfeit. Films meritorious plain that It takes time from their j reading in the Big East Conference to change things. - they will have an acceptable excuse players give what their bodies can weekend, but graduation is a once- engagment was 77-60 in George­ for procrastination and laziness in-a-lifetime occasion and should be UConn, trailing by only 49-46 give. Our kid's are giving, diving, in winning at Sarasota One of the movies definitely worth man really knows how a woman town’s favor over the outmanned Cougar women when they return from the ten day given the respect and importance It with 10:30 remaining, saw George­ banging and yet the opposition has sfeeing is "The Verdict," starring feels. No one, it seems has criticized Huskies before a crowd of 14,454 at respite. Plans for spring activities deserves. Preceding and subsequent town go on a 13-4 tear for a 62-50 too many answers," Perno said. Paul N’ewman. Being a member of the movie for just what it is on the FRU IT SALE ■ the Hartford Civic Center. lead with five minutes left, Kelley had 16 points to pace the questionable, but her strategy are already in progress with the SARASOTA, Fla. (UPI) - downed, 72-43 the younger generation. I never. parties all weekend long, and surface: a comedy about an out of senior. commencement being the The final score-was somewhat Freshman guard Horace Broad­ Huskies with Eddie Williams chip­ , after failing to make worked and she won the even thought of Paul Newman as an perhaps even the following week, work actor who dresses up as a first of these. will result. misleading as the Huskies were nax was instrumental in the ping in 13 markers and 9 rebounds. the cut last week for the first time tournament. B R ID G E P O R T - Unable to re­ actor of tremendous talent. To me woman to get a job. Graduation Is approaching, rapid­ closer than that most of the way. charge while another freshman Larry Biucher tied his season-high in her seven-year- career, decided While front runners main close after the intermission, he was just another pretty face who Maybe a man can never know ly for some and not soon enough for Some calls, or non-calls as they guard, Michael Jackson, had 13 with 8 points and latched onto 6 to relax and have fun at the and JoAnne earner ran into Manchester Community College liked to drive racing cars. After Also If held on a weekend, un­ what a woman really is or what she others. Whatever the case, gradua­ ' were, turned the tide according to points down the home stretch to rebounds before fouling out with 12 Sarasota Classic. trouble in Monday’s rain- delayed women’s basketball team dropped seeing "The Verdict," 1 realized derclassmen who usually have feels, but the movie was tion is not" only an occasion for a par­ ' Husky Coach Dom Perno, who was clinch the Hoyas’'Victory. minutes left. How much fun she may have had final round. While put together six a 72-43 decision to Housatonic how wrong 1 was. The plot of the exams that week will be able to go ' - irate during part of the-action. Georgetown Coatm'John Thomp­ UConn resumes action Thursday . nevertheless enjoyable and very ty. For 12 years, the class of 1983 has in the rain-plagued tournament is birdies and two bogeys for a Community College Monday night movie is basically very simple. It's to graduation and join In the The first call, with UConn son had a succinct observation on night with a make-up against St. 4-under-par 68 and won with a funny. been waiting for the day when each at Cardinal Sheehan Center in about a broken-down, alcoholic, celebrations afterwards. Outof-town -' trailing by a 49-44 count with 11 what transpired. "Id oS tfeelD om John’s in Jamaica, N.Y. before 4-under-par 284. Hoffman comes across as a quiet, will don a red or white gown and Bridgeport. ambulance-chaser-lawyer who final­ relatives will also be able to attend, "minutes left, had the officials has a lot of people right now. He’s returning to. the Civic Center Salazar among One stroke back at 285 w3re timid woman who is basically very after receiving their diploma, turn The setback evens the Lad ly gets a chance toI make_a_com- make_ something they probably wouldn’t whistle Earl Kelley for traveling. going through some tough times,” Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock for , who had a final aggressive because he is really a the tassle from one side of the cap to track entrants ^tougars mark at 5-5 while the Lady eback and resumes a Bbsition of man. This leads to many amusing be able to do if It were held on a Kelley slipped on the wet gtard- said the Hoyas’ coach, who saw his a test against Villanova. round 68, , 70, and Hawks move to 7-3 for the season. the other, signifying a first major EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. respect in the legal fieia. field situations which are even more weekday. Wouldn’t Grandma be ' wood, but didn’t lose his pivot foot, cagers go to 7-3 in the Big East and Georgetown (77)— Jones43-411, earner, 73. ' Housatonic had a 28-16 lead at accomplishment of their 17 or 18 (U PI) — Alberto Salazar, Carl There is a sensational medical thrilled td see her favorite grandson : ' and was bumped but was assessed 17-6 overall. . ’’Dorn' lost a lot of Martin 2 4-4 8^ Ewing 6 3-6 15, Kathy Postlewait, with a 71, was the intermission despite the 9-point amusing when you don’t think about years of existence. Lewis, Billy Olson and Eamonn malpractice suit involving a corrupt whether dr not a man could really or granddaughter receive his or her .the turnover. people from last year and is trying Jackson 4 7-10 IS, Wingate 7 1-2 IS, alone in fifth at 286. effort of MCC’s Jackie Tucker, Hopefully, friends, family, and the Coughlan are among the first Roman Catholic hierachy, a corrupt relate to the situation. diploma? What about that rich uncle - ' The second one, a good non-call, to rebuild. The mentality that Smith 2 0-0 4, Dalton 1 0-0 2, "1 can’t tell you how much it who was coming back off an injury., ^national newspaper will be there to group of competitors who have Roman Catholic hospital, a corrupt Scenes such as when the doctor who might give the graduate a nice saw UConn guard Karl Hobbs everyone is assured of winning is Broadnax.2 3-S7. Totals 28 21-3177. means," said White, who pocketed The Lady Hawks exploded in the s congratulate the .graduates. UConn (60)-W illiam s 4 5-6 13, agreecj^o compete in the resche­ Boston law firm, a negligent physi­ tries to kiss Tootsie and when a man QRAA /6£S sum for his achievement? dribble the basketball off a Hoya not good. We’re supposed to win $26,250. "I can’t even express to sedond half with Darlene Wright Wouldn’t a senior be disappoint^ if games like this.” Biucher 2 4-4 8, Kuczenskl 4 0-0 8, duled U.S. Olympic Invitational cian and the victim, a young, preg­ proposes to her are funny in Security and needed teachers will sneaker. The Hoyas grabbed the you how I feel. I ’m just grateful." scoring 17 of her 24 points after the 5 5 meet Feb. 27 at Meadowlands no one came to his h ^ school have be paid overtime to work loose ball and turned it into a fast. One big answer in the middle for Kelley 5 6-716, Hobbs 32-38, Coles 1 break for theAvinners. nant woman turned vegetable. themselves. What has spoiled the Arena. graduation? during the weekend, but Un’t the .. break Patrick Ewing layup at the the Hoyas is 7-foot sophomore 1-2 3, Ithier 00-00, Giscombe 10-02, Tucker had 15 points and Debbie The teams line up: it’s Paul New­ movie for me are the reviews which The event was originally sche­ Traditionally, graduation has been ceremony signifying the end of six . 'Other end. On the Huskies’ next center Ewing. The elongated Vaughan 1 0-0 2, Taylor 0 0-0 0, Wilkison earns Brozowsky 11 to pace the Cougars. man as the alcoholic lawyer against attack "Tootsie” for what it can’t duled for the evening of Feb. 12, but held on a weekday, early in June. hundred people’s 80,000 dollar .possession, Tim Coles was youngster shared team scoring Ferroleto 00-00. Totals 21 18-2260. MCC is now idle until Wednes­ the corrupt Boston law firm, be. was postponed due to a heavy This drains the importance of shot at Connors day, Feb. 23, when it travels to representing the negligent physi­ Critics seem to think that because To Order Gall: education worth the extra time, ef­ snowstorm that plagued the nor­ graduation. By having it during the fort and money? — L.S. Leicester, Mass., to oppose Becker cian, the corrupt church hierarcy, a man could never be a woman, a theast. According to Meet Director ‘'MEMPHIS, Tenn. (U PI) - Junior College. " and the corrupt hospital, and to top movie abouf that subject must Ray Lumpp, the starting time of Top-seeded Jimmy Connors, fresh Housatonic (72)— Porter 1 0-0 2, it all off, Newman’s screen automatically be bad b ^ u s e it is Eoglettes lose shot at playoffs the meet will be 2 p.m. EST. from a victory in Toronto, faces Reekie 0 0-0 0, Furney 2 0-0 4, girlfriend turns out to be an in­ not realistic. '/ former for the corrupt Boston law Tim Wilkison today in a second- Wright 10 4-7 24, Dixion 7 1-3 15. S. Maybe the critics should see the Annual Health Fair at home against Coventry. Corine Rucci netted 19 points to successful NEW B R IT A IN - Battle for the round match at the $315,000 U.S. Brown 5 3-4 13, Walton 3 0-0 6. G. firm. ^ movie for what it is, a light comedy fourth and final playoff spot in the East had a 30-29 halftime, lead on pace Aquinas. Carolynn DelSig- The firm has all the advantages. National Indoor tennis Brown 3 2-4 8. Totals 31 10-18 72. instead of criticizing it because It Recently, the Allied Health and facing disabied persons. cancer. Sponsoring these booths ment. Dr. William Pomper, the ' Hartford County Conference girls’ . the strength of 14-for-27, khooting nore pumped home a dozen tournament. Will corruption or honesty win out? Radio & TV Manchester (4 3 )- Donnelly 2 3-4 portrays a man as a person for Nurses Aid classes presented a A popular booth was sponsored by were the American Heart Aasopla- School of Medicine Technology at 'basketball race went to homes- from the floor. The serand half markers to pace East. DelSlgnore Wilkison defeated Tom Gullik- Does our judicial system really 7, lOng 2 0-1 4, Lupacchino 0 0-0 0, women to look up to. Health Fair in the Manchester High Paddy Martin Center Court. ’The tlon. The COEP Nurse Aids, ana the MMH, the Department of Health • tanding St. ’Thomas Aquinas over was a different story. ” We went and Daria Lupacchino combined son 6-4, 6-1 in the first round work? Sblendorio 0 0-2 0, Brozowsky 5 1-2 School Gym. Over 30 booths were booth dealt with fitness and an in­ American Cancer Society. Services of Connecticut, the, East Catholic, 56-42, Monday night completely cojd from the' floor and for 17 rebounds while Liz Palmer Monday to earn the right to take on 11, Tucker 7 1-3 15, Glazer 3 0-16, The plot isn’t as confusing as I set up, each relating to the health structor was teaching aerobic dan­ ’Throughout the day, specialists Parkade Health Store, the lymn of In New Britain. shot less than 20 percent,” said dished out 6 assists. Christy TONIGHT Connors, who makes his first Troy 0 0-0 0. Totals 19 5-13 43. have described it. Actually, it’s very field. Exhibits ranged from aerobic cing. Many studenta joined in and offered free blood pressure tests. Manchester Fire Deparhnent, Hart­ The win lifU the SainU to 34 In East Coach Donna Ridel. Bearse and Donna Coulombe also 7:30 Whalers vs. Kings, Sport- appearance today. absorbing. The acting is truly excep­ HSW Staff dancing to Alcoholics Anonymous. were taught the finer and healthier Several booths offered visual ford Hoy>ital School of Allied the HCC and drops the Eaglettes Aquinas, taking advantage of the played well for East. sChannel, WTIC On a day when all of the big- tional, with an especially strong per­ Upon entering the gym, any points of aerobic dancing. demonstrations. ’The Anaerican Red Heglth, MMH Dcnartnaent of Blood . ' into fifth At 2-7. ’The top four clubs Eaglettes’ poor shooting, secured Aquinas (56)— Demarico 3 0-16, 7:30 Islanders vs. Nordlques, name players in the tournament Premier hurdlers formance given by Newman. He o b s ^ e r would have n ^ced the ’The Health Fair sponsored some Cross showed a film on pulmonary ’Typing, COEP Nurse Alda, U.8. ualify for the upcoming HCC a 30-36 edge after three periods and Montano 0 1-2 1, Sheehan 3 4-6 10, Channel 9 were out of action,. 18- "year-old definitely deserves an Oscar for this Co-editor ...... Bill Prenetta set to compete obstacle courses set im by to Special very Important booths dealing with resuscitation while the Physical Department o t Labor, the Plannad ’layoff where the conference broke it open In the final eight Taylor 10-0 2, Gavin 6 3-7 IS, Bucci 8 College basketball: St. John’s Frenchman Guy Forget showed Co-editor ...... Loma Seybqit Q role. — Lisa Gates Physical Education D^Murtinent of relevant social problems. One booth Therapy Dmartment of Manchester Parent League, 8t. Francis ; championship is decided. Aquinas minutes. The Saints had a 17-5 5 9-17 19, Pelletier 11-2 3. Totals 19 vs. Boston College, Channel 38, Monday why he is considered a N ^ YORK (U PI) - Stephanie News editor___ Lynne Sampson the ynivel'pity of Connecticut. This dealt with birthright, one with Memwial Hospital presented a dta- Hospital," Meadows Oonvalaooant goes to 11-7 overall while the loss e ^ e in the final canto for the finai 18-35 56. USA star of the future. Hightower and Candy Young, two A much talked-about movie this Graphics editor ... Betsy Sayre obstacle course was unique because alcoholism, and another offered in­ play of leg braces, splints, and side Center, New England Dairy and . sends East to 5-13 overall. margin. East Catholic (42)— Bearse 3 0-0 10 College basketball: Texas vs. Forget crafted a 7"-6 (7-4), 6-4 of Am erica’s premier fem'ale season has been “ Tootsie” staring Sports editor ...... Mike Roy participants were asked to conulete formation about rape counseling. boards. Food Council, the Connocticut 8tate East’s next outing Is a make-up East was in foul difficulty in the 6, Revellese 0 0-1 0, Barter 0 0-0 0, Houston (taped), USA first-roundT victory over Tim hurdlers, will compete in the USA Dustin Hoffman. It has been Feature editor . .Dave Lanuney the course in wheelchairs. Many A series of booths also dealt with Other groups of persons spon­ Police, Public Information Depart­ Wednesday night against South second half with tlfe Saints con­ (iaffrey 40-0 8, DelSlgnore 5 2-3 12, 10:S0^11ege basketball: Geor­ Mayotte,, ranked 26th in the world. Indoor Track and Field Champion­ criticized and cheered by numerous verting on SO percent, 13-for-26, ships >F)eb. 25, it was announced found their task difficult and could such traditional problems m heart soring exhibits were tiw Manchester ment .and the K ld n ^ Foundetton of Catholic in Hartford atSo’clock. It Palm er 2 0-0 4, Cjoulombe 1 1-2 3, gia vsTMlssissippI Slate (taped), That’s 42 spots above Forget's critics who wondered whether a from the charity stripe. now relate to some of the problems disease, high blood pressure and Memorial Hospital ^ G Depart- Connbctlcnt winds up the campaign ’Thursday Lupacchino 41-2 9. Totals 19 4-8 42. ESPN ranking. Monday. MANCHESTER HERALD, Tues., Feb. 15, 1983- 17 1<> - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., Feb. 15, 1983 Nevada-Lds Vegas

.v C «r Scoreboard III m finally rated No. 1 -A

two places to seventh with 360 Kearney St. 81, Peru St. 45 SOUTHEASTERN NEW YORK (UPI) - Four Top 15 weekly in confidential Centoronce All Gomes voting, with a first-place ballot poinU and Louisville won three Mllllken 58, No. Central S3 ECHO skeptics have stopped the Runnin' times to vault three notches to No. Northern Iowa 40, Pan Am 51 W LPet. W L P d . Rebels in their tracks. worth 15 points, a No. 2 vote worth Basketball Nthwstrn(Wls) 74, Card. Strltch 73 T^ientuckv 14 5 .742 Soccer 14 points ... down to a ISth-place 8 with 308 points. . i .* Ohio U. 43, DePoul 42(20T) Tennessee 15 4 .,714 Hockey Nevada-Las Vegas is the only ■ Villanova picked up 305 points to Roosevelt 49, Rosary 45 Mississippi 14 7 447 { Mite A vote worth one point. 14 8 .447 remaining major undefeated move from 14th to No. 9 after three UMKC7D,Rockhurst42 Vanderbilt TrI-CIty Plaza whipped Wallingford, team, yet four coaches left Jerry "I can’t even offer an opinion on W. III. 48, S l^ ls s o u rl St. 47 Auburn 13 7 450 9-0. Ken Herold had three goals, Gregg why we were left off the ballot victories and Missouri completed NBA standings Wichita St. W,Droke45 Georgia 15 7 .482 Tolman and Kevin Sheridan twoaplece AAlSLstandlngs Tarkanian’s Runnin’ Rebels off the Top 10 with 295 points. Wls.-Superlor 72, St. Scholos. 43 Miss. St. 13 8 .419 NHLstandings and Kevin WIehn and Sean Allard one their ballots entirely as Indiana unless I know who the coaches Southwest LSU 1410 .583 each (or the winners. Tolmanhadfour :>r,:v UCLA plunged six spots to 11th Eastwn Conference Ark. 71, Southern Methodist 41 Florida 1211 .522 Eastern Division edged Nevada-Las Vegas for the were that did it," Tarkanian said. Atlantic Division assists and Chris Sensenev a pair. Billy :V'- ^ “I’m not necessarily surprised by following a 69-65 loss to Oregon Ark. Tech 48, Ark. Coll. 44 (30T) Alabama 12 9 .571 Wales Conference Pace had three stops for the shutout. W L Pet. GB • top spot Tuesday in the new Top 20 State while Kentucky remained W L Pet. OB Central Ark. 79, Ark.-Montlcello44 SOUTHERN Patrick DIvisibn 19 7 .731 — college basketball ratings by not being named No. 1, but I am Phllodalphla 43 7 .8U — Coll. Of Santa Fe 98, E. New AAex. 77 Conterenca All Gomes w L T Fts. OF GA Cleveland 16 10 .615 3 surprised about the way it hap­ No. 12 with a pair of victories. Boston 38 12 .7<0 5 Detroit 59, Oral Roberts 57 w L F c t. W L F c t. Philadelphia 36 14 7 79 235 159 Mite B Chicago 17 13 .567 4 UPI’s Board of Coaches. , New Jersey 33 18 .447 \0'/i Tenn-Oxitt. 10 1 .909 17 3 .850 19 9 69 218 170 New York 15 12 .556 4V2 Memphis State fell three spots to Fort Lewis Coll. 108, N.M. High. 77 NY Islohders X United Bank skated ta a 3-3 tie with pened. The important thing is to Washington 24 25 .490 18'/> Hording 74, Coll. Of The (3zarks 58 Atarshall - 8 2 .000 15 4 .714 Washington' 28 17 13 69 2X 202 Buffalo 13 14 .481 6Vz remain undefeated. I haven’t felt 13th, Georgetown fell a spot to No. New York 22 28 .440 21 Hendrix 71, (Xmchlta Bdptlst48 W. Carolina 7 2 .770 '13 4 .404 NY Rangers 24 25 8 56 209 205 Windsor. Mike Kelsey had two goals Pittsburgh 12 15 .444 V/7 Indiana, 19-2, picked up just 14 and Iowa rejoined the ratings at Central DIvlilen E.Tenn. St. 7 4 634 14 4 .700 New Jersey 11 35 12 34 170 242 and Dave Burr one for the Bankers. AAemphls 11 17 .393 9 this good about one of my teams in Louisiana Tech 88r Lamar 79 Goalie Scoft Vanek had 17 saves. three first-place votes from the No. 15. • Milwaukee 33 18 .447 — Memphis St. 80, No. Texas St. 43 Davidson 6 5 64$ 10 11 “58 Pittsburgh 13 X 7 X IX 283 Western Division a long, long time.” Atlanta 24 24 .480 8'/i Okla. Christian 81, Bethany Naz. 75 Citadel 5 6 6S4 912 .420 Adams Division San Diego 16 12 .571 — 42-member Board, but* the Hoosi- Detroit e rk total of 557 points was enough The Tar Heels, 21-4, dropped a 24 27 .471 9 Okla. Panhandle 74, St. Mary Plains53 Furman 2 8 .200 415 Boston X 10 8 84 228 146 Squirt A Konsas City IS 11 .577 — 56-53 decision to the Wildcats and Tennessee is ranked 16th and Chlcogo 17 34 .333 14 Phillips 55, Oklahoma S&A S3 Apo. St. • 2 9 414 Montreal 31 17 10 72 262 206 Phoenix ’ 17 13 .567 — to Mge Nevada-I.as Vegas by five Syracuse is No. 17, followed by Indiana 15 35 .300 17'/2 SW Louisiana 79, N E Louisiana 77 VMI 010 1 10 .053 Quebec 26 23 9 61 247 237 Fogarty Bros, fell twice In recent St. Louis 14 12 .538 1 -peints — although the Runnin' dropped two spots to third wiUi five Cleveland. 12 39 .235 21 Southern Ark. 52, Henderson St. 51 Buffalo 25 21 11 61 210 189 play, 8-2 to South Windsor and 2-0 to Wichita 13 12 .520 IV2 three newcortiers to the ratings. Western Conterence W n t A TLA N TIC COAST Harttord 15 X 6 36 108 280 Westfield, Mass. Sean Malone and Jett Golden Bay 8 19 .296 7'/3 Rebels were named No. 1 on 28 first-place votes and 502'points Olender had the goals versus South while Houston, 20-2, posted a pair Boston College is No. 18, Midwest DIvislen Boise St. 42, AAontana 59 Conference All Gomes Campbell Conference Los Angeles 5 24 .172 IIV2 ballots. The Hoosiers zoomed from Tennessee-Chattanooga is 19th and W L Pet. OB BYU-Hawall 89, Hawaii PocIfIcTB W LPef. W LPet. Norris Division Windsor. Goalie Brendan Wheeler was Monday's Result fourth to No. 1 with a pair of Big of Southwest Conference victories Son Antonio 31 21 Chamlnode 92, Howall-Hllo 78 No. Carolina 8 01.000 22 3 .880 w L T Ptf. busy with 32 saves in the opening loss Golden Boy 6, New York 5 to move up two notches to No. 4 Oklahoma State is rated No. 20. Dallas 25 24 .510 4 -4 . Marquette 15 6 .714 Calendar Tuesday's Gomes Florida St. 11 9 .555 Montreal 4, Edmonton 2 4-3, before deadlocking New Canaan, (All Times EST) South Corollno 15 7 .482 So. Miss. 2 8 .200' 1011 .474 St, Louis 4, Buffalo 4 4*4; and Avon, 1-1. John Worden had Indiana at Chicago, 8:35 p.m. DePoul 14 7 .447 Cincinnati 1 7 .143 11 11 400 Tuesday's Games two goals and Brian White and Korev Atlanta at Houston, 9:05 p.m. Notre Dome 13 8 .419 BIG TE N (All Times EST) Fuellhart one apiece In the win. Bruce College basketball Son Antonio at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. Ooyton 13 8 .419 Conference All (Somes Los Angeles at Hartford, 7:35 p.m. Skivington had a pair of assists. TUESDAY San Diego at Portland, 10:30 p.m. N.C.-Wllmlngton 6 11 .421 W LPet. W LPet. N.Y. Islanders at Quebec, 7:35 p.m. Worden had two more goals and Dan Basketball Washington at (Solden State. 10:35p.m. Texos-Son Antonio 8 12 .400 Indiana 9 2 .818 19 2 .904 Detroit at Pittsburgh, 7:35 p.m. West and Scott Sartor one apiece In the Manchester at Hall, 8 Wednesdoy's Gomes Tennessee State 8 12 .400 Ohio State 7 4 .435 15 4 .714 Minnesota at New Jersey, 7:35 p.m. New Canaan deadlock while Fuellhart East Catholic at Bulkeley, 7:45 Denver at Philadelphia , Georglo Stote 15 .375 Minnesota 4 5 .545 14 4 .700 Vancouver at Winnipeg, 9:05 p.m. had the goal versus Avon. Cheney Tech at East Hampton, 8 Sbutheastern Conference Dallas at Cleveland Pan Amerloan 4 17 .190 Illinois 4 5 .545 14 8 .447 Wednesday's (tames Bolton at Coventry, 8 Chicago at Indiana Purtfue 4 5 .545 15 4 .714 Boston at Buffalo - Hall at Manchester (girls), 8 Detroit at Milwaukee Iowa 4 5 .545 15 4 .714 Washington at N.Y. Rangers Pee Wee B Wrestling Cheney Tech, Bloomfield at East Phoenix vs. Kansas City at St. Louis MID-AMERICAN Northwestern 5 4 .454 14 7 .447 St. Louis at Toronto Regal Men's Shop whipped‘blaston- San Antonio at Utah Conference All Games Michigan St. 4 4 .400 11 9 .550 Calgary at Chicago bury, 9-0. Dave Molin had three goals Windsor, 6 Boston at Seattle Michigan 3 7 .300 12 8 .400 Boys swimming W LPet. W LPcI. and Jim Burke, Todd Lariviere, Brian Manchester at Windham, 3:30^ said to be most baffling Bowling Grn. 9 3 .750 14 7 .447 Wisconsin 2 9 .181 7 13 .350 Hughes, Jeff Allen, Mark Peterson and Ohio U 9 3 .750 15 5 .750 OHIO VALLEY Sylvaln Beaudoin one apiece for the College rankings Conference An Games AHL standings winners. Goalie Derrick Taylor made W EDNESDAY Miami 8 4 .447 11 10 .524 ^ Basketball finished with 14 points. Ball St. 7 5 .583 13 8 A19 W LPet. seven stops for the shutout. Alabama, up 76-73 with 2; 06 left, Kent State 4 4 JOO 12 9 .571 Murray 8 2 .800 18 4 .818 At Fayetteville, Ark., Alvin NEW YORK (UPI) — The United Moreheod 4 3 .447 11 9 .550 Northern East Catholic at South Catholic Bv Fred Lief sank lO-of-10 free throws in final Press International Board of Coaches Toledo 4 4 .500 12 9 .571 W L T I GF GA (girls), 8 Robertson hit for 21 points and Nor. III... .500 E. Kentucky 4 3 .447 8 13 .381 •Nrederlcton 240 166 Pee Wee B2 UPI Sports Writer two minutes to secure the victory. Top Akron 4 4 .400 12 9 .572 29 16 8 Ice hockey 17 as Arkansas 20 college bosketball ratings (first-place Cen. Mich. .333 Nova Scotia 29.22 5 271 229 D.W. Fish Realty was on the short East Catholic vs. Fermi ot Enfield In all, the Tide was 24- of-28 from Esn. Mich. .250 714 .333 Tenn. Tech 5 4 .554 12 9 .572 end of a 9-5 score to Columbia. Brian hiked its record to 21-1. The votes and records through Feb. 13 In Youngstown 4 4 .400 12 9 .572 Maine 27 24 6 227 220 Twins Rink, 8 -The Southeastern Conference the line. Alabama was equally parentheses): Wsn. Mich. 210 .147 418 .182 Adirondack 26 27 4 235 240 Hughes, George Russo, Chris Maho­ Wrestling UPI photo Middle Tenn. 2 8 .200 5 15 .250 Moncton 21 » 5 201 223 ney, Kevin Guilfoil and John Andrini may be the most baff(ing and effective on the boards, outre- Razorbacks trailed 44-43 with 14 1. Indiana (3) (19-2) 557 Austin Peay I 9 .182 9 15 .375 East Cothollc at East Hartford, 6 2. Nevada-Las Vegas (28)(22-0) 552 MlIXONTINENT Sherbrooke 18 34 4 209 255 hod the goals (or the Realtors. Goalie overpowering conference in the bounding the Vols 40-25. minutes left before breaking it I Gomes BIG EIG H T Sean Todd kicked out 23 of 32 shots. MONTREAL DEFENSEMAN RICK GREEN 3. North Carolina (5) (21-4) 502 Conference All Games Southern THURSDAY country. And Alabama may be the "This was no doubt one of our open. Larry Davis had 17 points for A Houston (4) (20-2) 495 LPet. W LPet. Rodi ester 33 18 7 276 236 Basketball .not bothered by Oilers’ Wayne Gretzky's stick SW Missouri 01.000 1011 .474 LPet. LPet. New Haven 28 22 5 217 209 conference’s most baffling item. most consistant games of this SMU. S. Virginia (1) (19-3) 444 Missouri Bantam A Coventry at East Catholic (girls), 4. St. John s (1) (20-2) 417 Eastern III. 814 J43 Hershey 28 24 3 212 207 7:30 The Tide beat 16th-ranked Ten- “We didn’t play as well tonight Western III. 17 9 .454 Oklahoma St. St. Catharins 27 29 Purdy Corp. fell to South Windsor, season," Alabama Coach Wimp 7. Arkansas (20-1) 340 Oklahoma 255 266 nesse Monday night, 90-78, in Sanderson said. "And that’s a or last Saturday (against Texas 8. Louisville (21-3) 308 Ill.-Chlcogo 12 9 .571 Baltimore 24 26 250 264 8-1, before coming back for a 7-3 win FRIDAY North. Iowa 1014 .417, Nebraska Binghamton 23 26 215 233 over Avon. Kyle Bockus had the goal Tusacaloosa. Not bad for a team credit to our ball team which has A&M) as we did a week or ten days 9. Villanova (17-4) 305 lowo St. Basketball 10. Missouri (19-4) 295 Valporalso 11 13 .458 Springfield 20 33 192 231 In the loss while Scott Wilcox, Tim Fermi ot Monchester, 8 last in the SEC. Alabama is 13-9 on ago," Arkansas Coach Eddie Sut­ WIs-Grn Bov 714 .304 Kansas St. 11 10 Monday's Games McElroy, Bockus, Martin, Steve had some very disappointing 11. UCLA (17-3) m Colorado 12 9 East Catholic at Xavier, 6 the year with all its losses in league ton said. ’’But the bottom line is to 1Z Kentucky (14-5) 178 Cleve. St. 717 .292 (No Games Scheduled) Cichowskl, Greg Mahoney and Wes Coventry at Cheney Tech, 8 losses.” Kansas 912 Wlgglesworth hod the gools In the win and we did that.” 13. AAemphls St. (18-3) 139 MISSOURI VALLEY Tuesday's (^m e VInal Tech at Bolton, 8 play . Alabama had 22 points from 14. (Seoro^own (144) 44 SUN B ELT Binghamton at Fredericton victory. Manchester ot Fermi (girls), 3:30 It has been a schizophrenic year Mike Davis, 14 points and 10 assists At Gainesville, Fla., Jim Master Conference Alt Gomes Conference All Gomes Wednesday's (3ames F F Montreal alters 15. Iowa (154) 43 W LPet. W LPet. Ice hockey Springfield at Adirondack for Alabama, which at one point from and 12 points and freshman Kenny Walker (4. Tennessee (157) 22 Wichita ie 3 Manchester at Mosuk, 9:15 was ranked fifth in the country struck for 18 points each to power 17. Syracuse (145) 18 Old Dominion Sherbrooke at Hershey from Buck Johnson. For Tennes­ Aldbama-Brm. Illinois St. 17 4 Baltimore at Maine 18. Boston College (17-4) 14 New AAex. St. 15 7 SATURDAY following a big victory on the West see, 15-8 overall and 7-6 in the Kentucky. Florida, unable to hit 19. Tenn.-Chottanoooa (17-3) 11 VIrg. Comm. Binghamton at Moncton Basketball So. Florida Tulsa 13 8 Bowling Coast against Georgetown. league. had 22 points and from the outside against Ken­ 20. Oklahoma St. (17-4) 10 Drake 10 10 MCC at Tunxis, 8 Note: By oi reem ent with (he Notional So. Alabama South Catholic at East Catholic, 5:30 The decision over Tennesse, tucky’s zone, was led by Eugene W. Kentucky Brodlev 10 11 Willie Burton 16. AsMdotlea of BaskeNMdl Ceache* et the Crelohton 813 Ice hockey fueled by 28 points and 13 rebounds Elsewhere in the Top 20, No. 5 McDowell with 21 points and" 10 .United States, teams on probation by the NC-Charlotte Manchester vs. Rockville at Bolton Jocksonville W. Texas St. 614 Biues6, Sobres4 Zodiac by Bobby Lee Hurt, gave Alabama rebounds. NCAA and Inollgiblo tar Iho NCAA Indiana St. 7 14 Ice Palace, 9:45 lineup and wins Virginia ripped Georgia Tech Toumomont are MoUglblo tor Top M and Sharon Bock 175, Non McKeown back-to-back victories for the first “Kentucky is the best SEC team S. Illinois 513 East Catholic vs. Windsor at Bolton 92-69; No. 7 Arkansas defeated notional championship consMoratlon MIDWESTERN CITY Buffalo * 11— 9*^ 211-503, Judy McCusker 461. Ice Palace, 7:50 time since December. Having we’ve played all year without a - Coatannoe All (tames St. LouH Southern Methodist 71-61; No. 12 W L F c t. W L F c t. First period— 1, St. Louis, Lemleux 3 E E beaten a tough Georgia squad in its doubt,” said'Florida Coach Norm the UPI Board of Coaches. Those sudi United International efforts of the season, I think we goals. Kentucky downed Florida 73- 61; loams for Iho (912-83 season ore; Lovolo-Chl. 7 1 J75 14 7 .667 (unassisted), 4:37. 2, Buffalo, Savard 13 Bv Press previous game, Alabama figures Sloan. “They played a great game 6 2 .750 1010 600 (Patrick), 8:01. 3, Buftolo, Perreault 24 It's ctitch up tune for the have played strong in our last four Montreal goaltender Rick No. 13 Memphis State dumped Oklahoma City. $1- Louis and Wkhita O o l Roberts Wamsley made 31 saves to prevent to have a say in settling the North Texas State 80- 63; No. 14 and shot the ball extremely well.” State. Butler 4 3 647 1010 600 Scholastic standings (Cyr, Seling), 10:44. 4, St. Louis, Tune in this week: Feb. 14-20 Montreul Canuriiens. and that games ' scrambleTor the SEC crown. At Denton, Texas, Keith Lee Xovltr 5 3 .425 14 6 .700 Turnbull 23 (Lemleux), 15:08. Penalties— means shake up time foreoach Boh Montreal rookie Guy Carbon- an Edmonton comeback. Georgetown beat Connecticut 77- Detroit 4 4 600 s it 621 CCIL O'oll Fenyves, Buff, double-minor,4:35; neau benefitted from the changes, In another game Monday, Ber- “Aiabamn

•••••••••••••••••••••••• Snrvfcn Otiarad 31 Building Contracting 33 Bamta~Aooaaaorlaa 4$ OfMoM-ClorM Autos For Sola v •••••••••••••••••••••••• •■••«>•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• for Bant ss •••••••••••••••••••••% REWEAVING BURN DESIGN KITCHENS by CORRECT CRAFT - Ski 1973 HORNET - four i HOLES. Zipper^ um­ J.P. Lewis Cabinets, 'Tique. 16 footer. 308 t&- NEWLY RENOVATED station wagob. ‘Bzcellj. 319 square feet office power in brellas repairs. Window vanities, tarmica, Wilson board. 1976. Excellent con­ condition, very It shades, Venetian blinds. art, Corian counter tops, dition. Includes: Cover and available. Main Street mileage. One owner. $: Keys. TV FOR RENT, kitchen cabinet fronts, trailer. White and blue location with ample or,best offer. Call 649-2 ® a n r l | p 0tpr lirralb hbrlow’s, 867 Main Street. complete - woodworking fiberglass. $6699. After 6 p arU ^. Call 649-2891. 649-5221. service, custom made fur­ p.m., 649-1370. , 1974 DODGE VAN - com­ niture, colonial reproduc­ •••»•••••••••••••••••••• MANCHESTER Main pletely reconditioned. 643- BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - tions in wood, 9 varfetiep of AnUtpiat 48 Street. Newly renovated 0726 after 6 p.m. Concrete. Chimney hardwood and venlers office space, 1200 square "Your Community Newspaper' Repairs. ‘‘No Job Too feet. Parking. The He NOW IN STOCK. CaU 649- ANTIQUES AND MNR Small.” Call 644-8356. 9658. COLLECTIBLES • will Corp., 646-OlSL purchase outrteht or sell on REPOSSEStlONS C & M Tree Service, Free Bodling M commission. House lot or STORE FRONT on Spruce FOR SALE estimates. Discount senior •*«••••< single piece. Telephone Street. SOO square feet. 1979 Oldsmoblle citizens. Company BIDWELL HOME Im­ 644-8962. Will remodel, monthly « Cutlass, excellent Help Wanted 13 H«lp Wanted 13 Manchester owned and provement Company - plus uUUUes. 643-6712. cond. $5000. operated. Call 646-1327. Roofing, siding, 1975 Chevy Monza SALES AND CASHIER BOOKKEEPER- for East alterations, additions. 6«l- SOUTH WINDSOR - At­ $1100 needed immediately full Hartford roofing contrac­ tractive office space, LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ 6495. * RENTALS 1979 Ford Courier PLEASE READ time in pleasant modem tor. One person offich. cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ Buckland Road. Close to □MI8C. FOR SALE YOUR AD pharmacy. Retail Must be experienced in ages cleaned. AIlv types five corners. Ample P ic k - u p , 4 i experience necessary. general ledger work, in­ trash, brush removed. Rooms for Bont at parking. 644-2501. oyl. $3300. Apply at once to Manager, cluding trial balance. Picket, Split Rail, Stake Houaohold Oooda 40 1978 Chrysler LeBaron Clas'siMeil ads are taken Liggett Parkade Phar­ Preparation of quarterly Fences installed. 528-0670. ELEGANT BED Sitting Mfsc. lor Bont 80 $2950. over the phone as a con­ macy, Parkade Shopping room for young' payroll forms. All major USED 1970 Ford Thunderbird venience. The Herald is Center, 404 West Middle fringe benefits. Good DICK’S SNOWPLOWING - professional woman. Share ONE BAY - Storage, only. $700 A dvertis^l^e REFRIGERA’TORS, Turnpike. workliK conditions. Salary quiet house near bus and responsible lor only one Parking lots, driveways, WASHERS, RANGES - $35.00 per month. The above can be open. For interview please hospital. $60.00 weekly. incorreci insertion and apartments, stores, Clean, Guaranteed. Parts Telephone 646-2000. RN 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Enjoy send your resume to Allied 6 4 9 -^ . seen at 8MB then only to. the size of sidewalks, sanding. Cali & Service. Low prices!' SIS SUIn SL working in a superior 45 Roofing and Sheetmetal the original insertion. 646-2204. B.D. Pearl It Son, 649 Main Homoa-Apta, to aharo 59 bed unit with a skilled and Company, P.O. Box, 8744, MANCHESTER -. Clean Errors which do not Street. 643-2171. dedicated staff to assist East Hartford. CT 06108. •••••••••••••••••••••••• furnished room. Maid ser­ ROOMATE WANTED- To lessen the value of the you. A very fine working vice. $50.00 weekly. 649- T R U C K MECHANIC - 40 ArtMoa lor Solo 41 share two bedroom flat advertisement will not atmosphere with good 2813. starting February 1st. $165 be corrected by an ad­ wages and fully paid hour week. Maintenance with some major repairs. plus utilities. 646-2907 ditional insertion. employee fringe benefits. ROOM FOR RENT - Nice evenings. Please call or visit Mrs. Call 647-9137 8 am-4:30 pm. room, nice neighborhood. S i n c e 1 8 8 X* Urban, Director of Nurses, CaU 643-9920. OLDER MATURE MAN ALUMINUM SHEETS HOUSEMATE - Large two 646-0129, M anchester used as printing plates. .007 family house. Responsible Manor Nursing Home, 385 wanted for deliveries of SENIOR CITIZEN - prescriptions. Days and hconie Tax thick, 23x28Vk‘ . 50c each, non-smoker. $175 monthly, West Center Street, or 5 for $2.00. I ^ n e 643- Gentleman. Nice room. plus utiUties. CaU Nat at o f our readers Manchester. some evenings. Apply in S e r v ic e Private bath. Parking. fHaurlirstrr person to manager at once. 2711. They MUST be picked 647-9796, or 7284076. up before 11:00 a.m. only. Share nice home. Need TELEPHONE & GOOD Liggett Rexall, 404 West WALT ZINGLERS In­ some companionship. CaU Hrralji Typing experience Middle Turnpike. come tax service. Filing 649-7335. r^uired for a receptionist per.onal or small □ AUTOMOTIVE position. Person with a GOVERNMENT JOBS - businr'.i tax returns. In AjMrtmwita tor Bont 83‘ pleasant telephone per­ Various positions available your home since 1974. SEASONED FIREWOOD - through local government Autos For Sato 01 sonality and a math ap­ 646-5346. Cut, split, delivered, $75.00 FOUR ROOM apartm W titude for diversified agencies. $20,000 to $50,000 a cord. Minimum two cord. with heat included. i Lost and Found potential. Call (refun­ INCOME TAX' 1981 CHEVY CAPRICE, duties. Send resume with CaU anytime, 649-1831. WaUcing distance to Main four door, V8.27,000 miles. salary requirements to dable) 1-(619) 569-8304 RETURNS prepared in Street. First floor with FOUND - SET OF KEYS CaU 647-1407. P.O. Box 93, Buckland Of­ dept. CT104 for your 1983 your own home. Please SOFA AND TWO Chairs, private entrance. $450 per at Lincoln Center. Can be directory. 24 hours. fice, Manchester, Conn. cell 647-1135. ______good condition. Asking month. CaU 649-2947. p ic k e d up at the 1978 CHEVY MALIBU 06040. 32 5 0 . CaU 643-6473. Classic, four door, V8, air-, Manchester Herald Office., NEW BRANCH - $1100 per TAX ’ between 8:30 and 5 p.m.” 314 ROOM APARTMENT. conditioning. Power' a littlaapaoe CONSTRUCTION month plus full benefits in PREPARATION in SEASONED FIREWOOD - Private home. Heat, Monday - Friday. steering. Low mileage. PROJECT - Represen­ our Marketing Departing. Cut, split, deUvered, $95.00 appliances. Working sinste I n t h a All shifts. Call: Screening your home. Reliable, CaU 5669673. tative (clerk of the works) reasonable. Norm a cord. Cut to length, adult only. No rlslitplaoa LOST - Boys 20-inch BMX Minimum five years super- Operator 569-8202. $75.00. CaU evenings and bicycle, blue, with white Marshall, 643-9044. pets/children. Telephone LOOKING FOR 1973 to visory construction weekends, 228-9101. 6^2880. 1975 Plymouth for parts. handlebars and seat; with experience, all phases NEED MONEY? $75-$275 a pads. Norman St. area. week. Local firm needs PERSONAL INCOME CaU 6494291. required to assist the BEDROOM SET - five MANCHESTER • One, Reward. If found, please three full time and four Tax Service - Returns owner full time for one piece, excellent condition. two, three bedroom and call 643-473S. prepared, Tax advice 1979 CHEVY LUV - 30,000 i m p o r t a n t year to observe the con­ art time people. Flexible $375. Telephone 643-5211. townhouse apartments OBsmeii MS ours. Will train. Call 569- given. Reasonable miles, cap. Excellent con­ struction of renovations to K available immediately. FOUND - Beautiful, fluffy 8203. dition. IfOOO. 647-0601 or the Coventry High School rates. Call 646-7306 $375, $425, $m . Security grey female cat. Vicinity Ftao CIsssMatf Ada 227-3422. as a construction consul­ e v e n in g required. Heat and hot Bowers School, tant. Compensation com­ INSIDE SALES REP - water included. CaU Ren- Manchester. Call 646-1032. Regional Sales Office has NEW LEATHER custom 1970 C H E V Y V A N - 6 mensurate with indepth Painting-Paparing 32 made shoulder hand bag, U l Office, 6494800. cylinder, automatic. experience. EOE. Mail immediate opening for In­ FOUND - IN Manchester side Sales Rep. High com­ one third original coal, Custom made. Original resume to Peter Abel, Inc. MANCHESTER - Main near reservoir, two white mission. For interview: INTERIOR PAINTING* $15.00. 646-2190. bodv in exceUent condition. Architects, P.O. Box 210, Street. 2 rooms, heated, cats, one male, one female. Call Mr. Kodys at 569-4990. over ten years experience, Inside completely done, Marlborough, CT 06447 hot water, appUances. No 643-2711 low rates and senior citizen NO CANDY - Buy Merlin vrith vinyl and m g and pan­ Approximate six months. prior to Feb. 25, 1983. No American Frozen Foods. . Call 646-6064. discount. 643-9960. electronic game for your pet:lets. Security. Parking. el. Runs exceUent. Has to telephone inquiries please. Y______child for Easter. Only S23-‘■7647. be seen to be appreciated. INTERIOR-EXTERIOR $10.00. Includes sis new New tires and mag wheels Mortgaga Loana $ SECRETARY - Shorthand PAINTING - Wallpapering batteries, retail $25.00.649- MANCHESTER with locks. A s k ^ IKOO or •••••••••••••••••••••••• or speedwriting/typist SMILE AND and Drywall Installation. 0832. Gorgeous five room first best offer. 2ND M ORTGAGES to needed for Ad Agency. Quality professional work. floor apartment. $150,000. fifteen years - Must be self-motivated. Id Hm AUnidi Reasonahle prices. FYee GUITAR CASE, brown, Completely redecorated. fixed rate - no call. Low Willing to learn. Call Judy, DIM. FOR Estimates! Fully Insured. fits Les Paul, excellent Large modern kitchen.. rates for good credit/* 646-29W. Lots of counters a£d ty. B. Cunningham, G.L. McHugh, ^9321. condition, $50.00. Telephone 643-4923. cabinets. Dishwasher, 5885. FINISH CARPENTER to Casual Holf'Sixe AAA PAINTING & PAPER stove. No pets. $450 phis do interior renovation SAN GIORGIO ski boote security. 646-2000. work. Call 6464)484. AUTO CLUB Hanging. Ceilings □ EMPLOYMENT Manchester Office repaired. References. Ful­ size 81A, blue with pull out 391 Broad St. liners, good condition. TWO BEDRdOM Apart- M E C H A N IC ly insured. Quality work! Halp Wantad Manchester. Ct. - Martin Mattsson, evenings $25.00. Call 6469619. ment available March 1st 13 EXPERIENCED in front IPut your personality to work! 649-4431. off Center Street. Security end and brake work. Must PART TIME help needed Nor you and make part of yourJ WOOD/BRASS glass required. $400 plus business. have own tools. Benefits in­ day pay as a permanent part coffee ttble, «46.00. CaU uUUtles. 6464786. evenings in pharmacy. cluded. Apply in person or D.G. PETERSEN Some retail experience time telephone sales Rep for 646-8152 day or evening. call Suburban Goodyear, PAINTING COMPANY - necessary. Apply in rarson AAA, Mon. thru Frl. mornings MANCHESTER - Ou|Uex, 328 Middle Turnpike West, Interior Specialist. Custom 9 - 5 at Liggett Rexall, 9am - 1pm, Excellent ear­ wallpaper hanging. In­ O N EC H AH L two bedrooms, eat-ln 643-5189, nings. super staff. Great kitclten, folly aimUanced, Manchester Parkade. Company. Experience surance Damage dle> frame with yellow preferred. Call 521-7220 for praisers. Workmansnp custdoos, $8.eo< lielepbone fiiU baaament. UOUtles not WAITRESS WANTED 6469801. ______included. No pets. 646-1340. NO EXPERIENCE Fridays 2-8 p.m. for interview appointment. I Guaranteed! 646-6467. NECESSARY! Attention • E.O.E.^ homemakers, students, February, March and Building ContnoBng 33 FOR SALE -kBHted double FOUR ROOMS - Heat and April. Telephone 649-9937. everyone! If you have A SELF SERVE Cashier bed size bedspread, white hot water. $450.00. evenings and Saturday Fridays 2:30 - 11 p.m., LEON CIESZYNSKI with pink, never used, Telephone 649-8^ after mornings free, and need TYPIST-RECEPTIONIST $38.00. Worth at least $75. 5:30 p.m. - International distributor Saturday, 2-11 p.m., Sun­ BUILDER. New homes, h ^ ts with your extra money, we have a 7429010. in Vernon has immediate day 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Cashier additions, remodeling, rec limited number of THREE ROOM heated opening for full time experience helpful. Call rooms, garages, kiteheps positions available in our GIRLS CORDUROY apartment. US Main experienced person to han­ 243^5457. reraodelM, ceilings, bath phone sales operation. Slacks by Gant, perfect Street. ‘Third floor. No dle all phases of front of­ tile, dormers, roofing.- Earn $67.40 to $100.00 per condition, waist 27, $3.50. appUances. Security and fice including phones, in­ FULL OR PART TIME Residential or commer­ week. Call Gerry to set up cial. 649-4291. CaU 643-5076. tenant insurance required. voicing, typing and telex. position - driving and an interview, Mon-Wed $380. Pbomr 6469426 9 to 5 J. rOV+lSinOr'^ Much diversification in general store work. Must between 6:30 and 7:30 pm ELECTRICAL SERVKB8 LAlMltS S»as 18 Head wasiolays. busy atmosphere. Prepara­ be neat and familiar with at 643-2711. - We do all types of E ^ - Mack and white ski outfit, tion of export shipping area. Apply in person; trical Work! Licensed. CaU originaUy $800 asking fM . AVA^B LE MARCH 1st. documentation and telex Flower Fashion, 85 Elast MANCHESTER Center Street. after 5:1)0 p.m., 646-1516. Tdtephone 646-2630. ‘ Newer duplex, three REALTOR looking for experience helpful. Hours bedrooms, 1V4 baths, rec - 5:30. 871-0401. licensed agents for 6:So FARRAND BROWN VINYL Wing room, fuUy appUanced. No progressive real estate HiflaUon tot You chair, good condition, utilities. No pets, $525. RN OR LPN - Charge REMODELING - Cabinets, agency. Call 643-1591, ask OOWH? $50.00. dall 64S9453. Security and references Nurse position 7-3. Every Roofing, Gutters, Room for Tony Wasilefsky, D.W. requlm . 6469454 M o tt 3 other weekend. Please call Additions, Decks, aU types . Fish, for confidential inter­ YOUNG LADIES Full or M7-1805 3-9 p.m. Mrs. Balet, ADNS, at ■am IMd SIS MMiig of Remodeling and view. length winter coat, gaod Meadows Manor, 647-9191. Amnl CaN SfS-MOl, - Repairs.'* FREE arZ7S-2S41 Estimates. FuUy insured. eondlUoo. size 0$-7. ^ $t5D0/aujoo/ ^MANCHESTER - Off WANTED: Telephone 6CMn7. CaU64M158 letorter SIraet. Nice three WAREHOUSEMAN-Truck room apartment. Heat, MAINTENANCE el«M c mdaded. N o j^ . FuU diractioBs^for knit- driver, good opportunity ROBERT E. JARVIS FORSALE-OUI ______hifiln n ^ ting this elasaic middy _ dgeehlmai PERSONNEL needed part ConAomMums 21 buck saw, $3.00. tdapboea SaafRty deposit. 64M0n. for person with experience eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Building - Remodeling IUVM41S are included in the Free dealing with masonry, time or full time at apart- SpMlaUst. Additioos, par- 643-7151. C a l i s a l e s , o r s w p l * n e t a W MANCHESTER - Two Pattani Saetton of the building products. Class II ment 'complex in ages, roofing, ildiiig, SIX ROOM DUPLEX • bedroom condo for rent. A- Casual saparatet for the ALBUM. It’s flUed with license, boom truck and Manchester. Eh^rlence in kitchens, bathrooms, CARPET LIKE NEW - Three bedrooms. No interesting designs in aU C. $875 with heat. 273-2013, half-aizer . . . aU in one forklift experience need^. plumbing, electrical, and replacement win- U ’xl6‘. Grata Shag. fM.M utUittes. Soearlty reqalred. pattarn. typaa of needlawork from Reply Box 173, Buckland cleaning desirable. 666-3006. dows/doors. 643-6713. or best offer. CaU 646-8778. N «. ai64 wMk Photo, which to> chooMchooac your pat- ■'Station, Manchester, Ct. Telephone 9-5 at 643-9874. 6409567. laid# is in Siua 1214 to terat;■i and a Boana Coa------08040. Evenings at 643-71SS. □ REAL ESTATE ■nMOTHY ONE MONTH Free Rent - g?-IH . Size 14H, 87 bust POB. $390 a copy. of Total building and “fim Im­ HORATIO ALGER booka- one bedroom, waU to waU . . . topper, 214 yards; Ti ■ provement services In­ (86) Price $62.00 for aU, or carpeting, applianeaa, •Hrt, 1% yards; pants, DRIVER-GUARDS Homoa For Solo i t cluding but not limitod to ' ,00 each. Tatoptow fa iU a t. QiU W -o m . 844 yards. \ kltcfaens, baUtrooms, ad­ 17. PaMerns avaitabU oafy 1 THREE BEDROOMS - ditions, garagM, roonig TWO BEDROOMS, waU to tociseeskeira.______\ Weekday aveninge and Saturday AM and •••••••••••••••••••••••• den, Uving room, dining and aiding, door and win­ Mtms BWI Zir \ PM hours available. Must be In good area, fireplace, one bath. dow replacamsat, K ‘^srt!fii8r%*« g m s e u .15 ■aaMsuiJiisw , \ physical condition over 21. Muat have WeU landscaped, treed lot, remodallng, reanvBtkMis p.m. ______f l a m e — — ------iiA B B tr ■ ------currant Connecticut platol permit and Claaa situated on a quet strsa$. and aa nietlOB.W6- Convenient location. $69,- 1379. aeeasaorli /Vddress - - _ _ II > license. Excellent driving record and 94d«16.^ ,Oonn. 900. For further infor- plnnche****' employment background essential. Call Perp mation: 6499688.______SKAPARA8 HOME' •• BSOIa T h r e e b e d r o o m sonnel Department at 522-8904 between Remodaliitg - AU typss of Naw FASHION wltt ana. Wishing will not sail additions, Intarior and ••eveeseeesees____ Colonial, 8 baths, formal dal Oraca f M CoDacUra 9:30 AM and 4 PM for appointment. anything... a low-cost ad in NEW SYNTHESIZER By dining room. Chlldron exterior, repair work. Free 000*0. E.O.E. M/F C lu s ifM wiU. Why not eatlnuioa.' Roaaoaable Muaio. $460.06, $9L accavlad. | « 0 m o n ^ place ooe today! rates. Ctdl Joe, $»7578. 2685 anytime. , plea a///as: 8439712. Price .flJ S . isramarjpor (