www.pwc.com/financialservices SharingSharing dealdeal insightinsigghht EEuropeanuropean FFinancialinancial SServiceservices MM&A&A nnewsews aandnd vviewsiews This reepport provides perssppectives on the recent trends and ffuuture develooppments in the Eurooppean Financial Services M&A market and insights into emerrgging investment ooppportunities. Februarryy 2012 Contents 03 Welcome 04 Data analysis 10 Looking ahead 11 Methodology 12 About PwC M&A advisory services in the financial services sector 13 Contacts €38bn of European financial services deals in 2011 €16bn of European financial services deals in the final quarter of 2011 2 PwC Sharing deal insight Welcome to the first edition of Sharing deal insight for 2012. Sharing deal insight provides perspectives on the latest trends and future developments in the financial services M&A market, including analysis of recent transactions and insights into emerging investment opportunities. to Precision Capital, a Qatari-backed Yet, the survey findings also highlight the Nick Page investment group. 1 The list of major deals risks of standing still in a financial PwC UK in the final quarter of 2011 also included services market whose transformation is
[email protected] further consolidation in Spain (Banco likely to have been accelerated by the Popular’s acquisition of Banco Pastor) and sovereign debt and wider financial crisis. the return of a nationalised bank to the European financial services businesses private sector in the UK (Virgin Money’s face the challenges of how to adapt to acquisition of Northern Rock). closer government control, shifts in demand and demographics, and the Fredrik Johansson Banks will be looking to divest more impact of technology on customer PwC UK of their non-core operations in 2012.