THE HUMANITARIANS Contact Edwin Thompson:
[email protected] FADE IN. EXT. AFRICA - SERENGETI PLAINS - NIGHT The landscape glows green from night vision goggles. Brush thicket to the left, open plains ahead and right. Sounds of exotic animals, fabric rustling, someone walking on dirt ground. An arm wearing a wrist altimeter reaches to an on/off switch, a gloved finger flips switch to on, pushes start button. Sound of engine idling, revs increase. Running toward open plains. Sounds of breathing, footsteps, and engine. Lifting off of the ground... flying now. The ground gets further away. Silhouette of a woman flying with powered paraglider, gaining altitude. Below, aerial view of plains, herds of animals move slowly, dreamlike. Above, velvet sky is dotted with thousands of stars. Swooping to treetop level, buzzing animals at watering hole, they scatter. Large ranch house compound comes into view, enclosed by a high wall. Gloved finger turns switch to off. Engine stops. Sound of wind. Gliding above the compound. Below, large dogs look up, turning in circles, confused by what they hear. Steaks fall to the ground. Dogs run to steaks. Circling the house, aiming to backside of a hedge row. Ground approaches fast... 20 feet... 10 feet... 5 feet -- FLARE sail. A perfect landing. Sound of harnesses releasing. EXT. GENERAL NKWATCHA’S COMPOUND - NIGHT Silhouette of woman walking crouched, toward the house. Looking around, dogs lie motionless. Silhouette sprinting toward house, disappears behind bushes. Looking in bedroom window, a man is asleep on the bed. INT. GENERAL NKWACHA’S HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Through the green glow of goggles, a large room, eclectic mix of African and West Indies furniture.