Leading the ·New Anzacs-Lieut.- Genepal Bla
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OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE REGISTERED AT THE G.P.O., PERTH, JUNE, 1940 FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A R.S.S.I.L.A. (W.A. BRANCH) NEWSPAPER. VOLUME '19 NO. 6 LEADING THE ·NEW ANZACS-LIEUT. GENEPAL BLA~EY : . THE LrsTEN!NG 15th Jv;ne, 1940 a~.-e carrying Large Stocks of BRITISH ENGINES (NATIONAL DIESEL) from 3! to 90 horse-power in Perth and Kalgoorlie Stocks. They have the latest American Rock Drill-Thor (Cochise). Large Stocks available and no delivery problems. Canadian--Longyear Diamond Drills. Outboard Motors for your Fishing Holidays. Cotton Waste. Drill and Tool Steel from Great Britain. Call, Write or 'Phone 494 Murray Street, Perth Telephones: Office B7764 T. C. Fairlev: F2945 B6648 j CITY HOTELS, CITY CAFES, CITY CAFETERIAS, SUBURBAN STORES, COUNTRY STORES and now again Australian Military Camps and Royal Australian Naval Units have se!ect<!d ttnd "deliciously different" SAUSAGES AND SMALLGOODS FOLLOW THB TROOP5-BUY JOHNSTON'S FROM YOUR LOCAL STOREKEEPER . 0. Johnston Sons B4547, B702L l8! BEAUFORT STREET, PERTH. STORES QUOTBD WITH PLEASURE. 'PHONES "THE FACTORY IN THE GARDEN" 'The ListenitJg · The_ official organ of the W.A.. Branch R.S.S.I.L.A. Circulation 9,000 collie• gua...,.toed cpiJst Commelltl, ulll.. a 'ackllowledged- ~. auch, muat llOt ll~ceaaarilJ be accepted aa atatillg 'the. official Tiewpoillt The New- Belligerent "M~olini timed his blow with charactt:r'.;tic cowardice and-treachery. After waiting nint: months he was unable to nsist the temptation to stab an old friend in the bacl{, when that friend was. fighting clesperat1ly agaimt' great odds. It will be remem• bered as one of the vilest acts in history."-Mr. Duff Cooper. THE GENERAL REACTION to Italy's entry out the whole sanguinary <.:ourse of his· in the war will enable the Allies to corn· into the war was not one of surprise but tory the decent citizens of a country plete the blockade by sewing up the Ad· of indignation and contempt that Musso have suffered for the sins ot their coun· riatic. The French Prime Minister (M. lini should have declared war on the trymen. It is not to be denied that Reynaud) showed a true appreciation of Allies in their hour of sternest trial. His Italy has had, and still has, her decent the situation when he pointed out that act, as the British Minister for Informa· citizens; it is equally undeniable that she the Allies had their greatest strength in tion said, was the criminal act of a com· has her gangste1s and cut-throats. Italy the Mediterranean . .The forces there are mon murderer. It has been condemned, has given the world her htrarch and well able to deal with any diversion Italy not only in Allied countries, but in all her Dante, her Miechel Angelo and Lion· may make. For the time being, Italy lands where civilisation and honour ardo da Vinci, her Verdi and Puccini, may be able to force the Allies to .fight mean something more than fading mem· and her Marconi. She has also inflicted colonial wars in North Africa and on ories. It will be execrated through fu· on the world the Camcrra and the Mafia the Red Sea littoral, but for that the ture centuries by the descendants of the with their "Black Hand" variations in Allies are far better equipped than Italy, Italian people who will be the chief and all countries to which Italians have mi· since they can bring forces into action most grievous sufferers from this das· grated; she has produced AI Capone and that could not, as yet, be used in the tardly crime against humanity. By stab· the hand-shake murder which is now be· main war. bing an old friend in the back, Musso· ing exploited by that greatest of all Ital lini has placed the pre-natal brand of ian gangsters, Benito Mussolini. Things Strategically, Italy and her hastily as Cain on the brow of millions of Italians like these must be remem~red when sembled empire are most vulnerable to yet unborn. people try to tell us we are not fighting Allied attack, economtcally Italy is in a the Italian people but only their wicked far worse position to wage a war of As far as Italy is concerned, the hili· rulers, for it is the wolf-pack which rep· endurance than her Axis partner in in· tory of the past nine months has been represents the Italian people to-day. ternational crime. During the past two one of swaggering truculence toned down decades Italy has developed her manu· by a cowardly caution, whenever it ap· · Italy's entry into the war is not a dis· facturing and heavy industries to a large peared that the Allies had the upper aster for the Allies, though it cannot fail extent, but this has made serious inroads hand. It was only in more recent weeks to cause them a certain amount of embar· on her supplies of iron, steel and coal, that the Italian Press began· to flog up rassment for the time being. By exploit· most of which have to be imported. the enthusiasm of a carefully dragooned ing his nuisance value, to use the some· Again, Italy is a negligible producer of people for a war against neighbours who what contradictory term forged by the oil. By drastic rationing and other econ· wished the Italian people nothing but Press in recent years, Mussolini has ren· omies, she has managed to build up re· good, and who had been long-suffering dered Germany a service by immobilis· serves that should be considerable. but it in the face of much provocation. It ing a huge French army on the Alpine is questionable if these will long with may be accepted that many decent !tal· border, and huge Allied naval and mili· stand the inroads of even a short war. ians, both at home and abroad, do not tary forces in the Eastern Mediterranean. For replacements, she is almost entirely want this war. One may readily accept By pursuing his policy of non-belliger· depe.ndent on producing countries such the statement of the Italian in London ency, which is something very different as the United States, Irak and the South who said: "If we had to have war we from neutrality, Mussolini was able to American republic Columbia. Thoee would a thousand times rather be on the keep open one sidedoor-the Adriatic sources of supply are now closed by the side of Britain." But such statements Sea-in the Allied blockade. He can American determination to aid the Al· must be set aside the roar of the fren~i~d render Germany very little effective as· lies by all means short of going to war, pack yelping for Corsica, Tunis, Cyprus sistance, because the forces he has al· but the fact that Irak, If not an actual and other places 'that were never Italian ready immobilised will now be used ally is at least a benevolent neutral. and and never wished to be Itafian. Through· against him, while the fact that Italy is by th~ blockade which will prevent sup· Page 4 THE LISTENING ~S~ 15th June, 1940 plies arriving from Columbia, even if whose ravages are already visible. Our "LEGS-ELEVEN" that count.ry does not follow the example vtctory is a necessity for stemming this ol the United States. destructive flood and we draw from our Now Available \Ve are fottunate, too, that Italy's armed strength and the justice of our fighting value is greatly exceeded by her cause, a confidence that will brook no At last tbe great book is published and nuisa,nce value. Throughout the nine defeat."-Ca rdinal Lienart, Bishop of ~~ v.:ho ha;'e subscribed will be receiv teenth century, the only people th.e Aus Lille, in his Lenten Pastoral. m~ the1r copies during the month. W e trians were -ever able to beat in battle think that they will be pleased with the were the Italians. It was the valour of etfo~. of Captain Walr~r Belford in France and the active sympathy of Brit· THE VALIDITY OF WAR com~ihng and writing this most compre ain that established the independence of h~nstve story of the famous 11th and How oft a United Italy, less than a hundred years en does one hear the expr,es· wtth the c~afts~anship of the publishers, sion, "Oh, ago. British and French arms helped to but war settles nothing." the Impenal Pnnting Co. Ltd. restore the Italian front attcr the dis· This is a thoughtless phrase. All great The price is graceful rout ·of Caporetto in 1917. civilisations have, in the e nd, perished 10/-, which is below the cost of production. Only French and British triendship helped to because of defeat in war. It was the a Umited num ber have been extend Italy·s European frontiers at the victory of their opponents that put an publish-ed and we expect that the supply end of the Great War. Memory of .:nd to the Babylonian, the Persian, the will soon be sold out and these things should have stirred Italy to Carthaginian, the Roman, the Bysantine the _size of the book will preclude th~ production of some semblance of gratitude, if they did and the Napoleonic Empires. W ere H it· a second edition. not remind her of the Italian lack of ler to win this war he could "settle" the Send your order with subscription to lighting capacity. But there is neither British Empire once and for all .