ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 P. 07 827 7727 E.
[email protected] | 9 Anzac Street, PO Box 1058, Cambridge 3450, NZ | Patron: Her Majesty The Queen. NZ Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association established 1948. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 PATRON HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN TO BE PRESENTED TO MEMBERS AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE MEETING ROOM AT ONYX RESTAURANT, 70 ALPHA STREET, CAMBRIDGE ON THURSDAY 29 OCTOBER 2020 AT 1PM. Executive Committee John Thompson, President Nick King, Vice President Vicki Pascoe Gus Wigley Council Alex Kelly Shannon Taylor (Treasurer) Chris Dennis Nick King Vicki Pascoe Michelle Saba John Thompson Rodney Schick Gus Wigley Rochelle Kerr Secretariat Justine Sclater – Chief Executive Corrina Holmes – Accounts and Membership 9 Anzac Street, Cambridge, New Zealand, 3434 (PO Box 1058) Telephone +64 7 827 7727 Email:
[email protected] Website: New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders’ 1 Association Annual Financial Report NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE NEW ZEALAND THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION (INC.) WILL BE HELD IN THE MEETING ROOM, ONYX RESTAURANT, 70 ALPHA STREET, CAMBRIDGE ON THURSDAY 29TH OCTOBER, 2020 AT 1PM. (NZTBA will consider how the AGM will be conducted, depending on COVID-19 alert levels and Government guidance at the time) BUSINESS 1. Apologies 2. To confirm the minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting held 23rd August 2019 3. To receive and consider the President’s report 4. To receive and consider the annual statement of accounts of the year ended 31st March 2020 5.