Cyprus Stud Book

Volume 6

Cyprus Thoroughbred Stud Book

Volume 6

Published by the Cyprus Turf Club P O Box 22035, 1516 , Cyprus Tel: +357 22 765255 Fax: +357 22 765259 Email: [email protected] Website:

© 2014 Cyprus Turf Club. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying and recording without the written permission of the copyright holder, application for which should be addressed to the publishers. Such written permission must also be obtained before any part of the publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. Data provided by the Cyprus Turf Club is generally accurate but occasionally errors occur as a result of incorrect data submission, processing errors and other causes. We hereby disclaim all liability for such errors.




Κανονισμοί……………………………………………………………… II Οδηγίες των Εφόρων της Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής………………….. XVII Συντομογραφία ονομάτων κρατών…………………………………... XLIX Στατιστική ανάλυση……………………………………………………. LI Ευρετήριο………………………………………………………………... LIII Τοκάδες με τα προϊόντα τους…………………………………………. 1 Κατάλογος επιβητόρων………………………………………………... 121 Νεκρολογία επιβητόρων……………………………………………….. 127 Κατάλογος εισαχθέντων ίππων………………………………………. 129 Κατάλογος εξαχθέντων ίππων………………………………………... 137 Πρόσθετα ονόματα……………………………………………………... 139 Παροράματα και συμπληρώματα……………………………………... 153


Rules and Regulations…………………………………...... XXVII Instructions from the Stewards of the Cyprus Turf Club…………… XL International codes of suffixes………………………………………... XLIX Statistical analysis……………………………………………………... LI Index…………………………………………………………………….. LIII Broodmares with their produce………………………………………. 1 List of stallions………………………………………………………….. 121 Obituary of stallions…………………………………………………… 127 List of imported horses………………………………………………… 129 List of exported horses………………………………………………… 137 Names addenda……………………………………………………….. 139 Errata and addenda……………………………………………………. 153


Rules and Regulations




1. Το Βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας του Καθαρόαιμου Αγγλικού Ίππου (Κυπριακό Stud Book), εκδίδεται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου και είναι το επίσημο έντυπο που τεκμηριώνει και κατοχυρώνει την εγκυρότητα της αναπαραγωγής των καθαρόαιμων ίππων στην Κύπρο.

2. Οι βασικές αρχές του Κυπριακού Stud Book είναι:

α. Οι Κανονισμοί ιπποπαραγωγής, β. Ο Ιπποδρομιακός Κώδικας, γ. Οι αποφάσεις των Εφόρων της Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής Κύπρου, δ. Η πιστή τήρηση των οδηγιών της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής Stud Book (ISBC).

3. Τροποποιήσεις των Κανονισμών του Κυπριακού Stud Book γίνονται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου κατόπι συστάσεων της Επιτροπής Αναπαραγωγής Καθαρόαιμου Ίππου και/ή της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής Stud Book.


1. Περιοχές ιπποπαραγωγής Το Κυπριακό Stud Book καλύπτει γεωγραφικά την παραγωγή του καθαρόαιμου ίππου στην Κύπρο.

2. Στόχος εκτροφής Στόχος εκτροφής είναι όταν ένας καθαρόαιμος ίππος εμφανίζει κληρονομικότητα όσον αφορά την υγιή φυσική κατάσταση, ταχύτητα, αντοχή, ανθεκτικότητα, ετοιμότητα να δράσει σε υψηλές επιδόσεις, ευγένεια και επαρκή προσαρμοστικότητα (η οποία σε συνδυασμό με τη δύναμη του χαρακτήρα του, τον αρμονικό σωματότυπο και τη φυσική του κίνηση) να θεωρείται κατάλληλος για αναπαραγωγή.


3. Μέθοδοι ιπποπαραγωγής Ο στόχος αναπαραγωγής πρέπει να επιδιώκεται μέσω της καθαρόαιμης παραγωγής. Τα αποτελέσματα των επιδόσεων των ίππων (ιπποδρομιές) είναι η βάση της γενετικής αξίας για εκτίμηση και επιλογή. Επί πλέον οι επιδόσεις των απογόνων ενός ίππου πρέπει να λαμβάνονται υπόψη. Από τις ιπποδρομιακές επιδόσεις και των δύο φύλων εξακριβώνεται, πάνω από όλα, η ικανότητα σε επιδόσεις, η ετοιμότητα να δράσουν, η δύναμη, η υγεία, ο χαρακτήρας και η ιδιοσυγκρασία.


Καθαρόαιμος ίππος είναι αυτός που είναι καταχωρημένος σε ένα βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας Καθαρόαιμων Ίππων της χώρας γέννησης του, εγκεκριμένο από τη Διεθνή Επιτροπή Stud Book κατά το χρόνο της επίσημης του καταχώρησης.


Για να καταχωρηθεί ένας ίππος στο Κυπριακό βιβλίο γενεαλογίας καθαρόαιμων ίππων (Κυπριακό Stud Book) θα πρέπει να πληρούνται τα πιο κάτω:

1. Ιδιότητα Επιβήτορα και Τοκάδας

1.1 Να αποδεικνύεται ότι είναι προϊόν επίβασης μεταξύ ενός επιβήτορα και μιας φοράδας οι οποίοι είναι και οι δύο καταχωρημένοι σε ένα εγκεκριμένο βιβλίο γενεαλογίας καθαρόαιμων ίππων ή ο ένας από αυτούς ή και οι δύο θα πρέπει να έχουν προαχθεί από ένα Μητρώο Μη Καθαρόαιμων Ίππων υπό τους όρους που καθορίζονται στο Άρθρο 13 παράγραφος 4.1 της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Ιπποπαραγωγής, Ιπποδρομιών και Ιπποδρομιακών Στοιχημάτων.

2. Επίβαση για παραγωγή κατάλληλου πώλου

2.1 Ο καθαρόαιμος ίππος πρέπει να είναι το αποτέλεσμα του ζευγαρώματος ενός επιβήτορα με μια τοκάδα που αποτελεί την επίβαση μιας τοκάδας από ένα επιβήτορα με την εισαγωγή του πέους και την έγχυση σπέρματος στο γεννητικό σύστημα της. Ως ενισχυτική υποστήριξη της φυσικής επίβασης, και αν η Αρχή που πιστοποιεί τον καθαρόαιμο ίππο το επιτρέπει, ένα μέρος του σπέρματος που έχει παράξει ο επιβήτορας κατά τη διάρκεια ενός τέτοιου ζευγαρώματος


μπορεί να τοποθετηθεί άμεσα στο αναπαραγωγικό σύστημα της τοκάδας που δέχτηκε την επίβαση.

3. Κύηση για παραγωγή κατάλληλου πώλου

3.1 Η φυσική κυοφορία να λάβει χώρα στο σώμα της τοκάδας και ο τοκετός είναι από το σώμα της ίδιας τοκάδας στην οποία έχει συλληφθεί ο πώλος. Οποιοσδήποτε πώλος που προκύπτει ή παράγεται από τις διαδικασίες της τεχνητής γονιμοποίησης, της μεταφοράς εμβρύου ή εμφύτευσης εμβρύου, της κλωνοποίησης ή άλλης μορφής γενετικής επέμβασης που δεν καθορίζεται στο παρόν έντυπο δεν θα θεωρείται κατάλληλος για να εγγραφεί στο Κυπριακό Βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας, εγκεκριμένο από τη Διεθνή Επιτροπή Stud Book.

4. Καταγραφή της επίβασης και του αποτελέσματος

4.1 Οι ιδιοκτήτες των επιβητόρων ή οι εξουσιοδοτημένοι αντιπρόσωποί τους, πρέπει να συμπληρώνουν τις λεπτομέρειες της επίβασης στο επίσημο πιστοποιητικό ή σε ηλεκτρονικό σύστημα που να παρέχεται ή να εγκρίνεται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου που πιστοποιεί τον Καθαρόαιμο, και να περιλαμβάνει:

4.1.1 το όνομα του επιβήτορα, 4.1.2 το όνομα της τοκάδας, 4.1.3 την πρώτη και την τελευταία ημερομηνία επίβασης και 4.1.4 μία υπογραμμένη δήλωση ότι η επίβαση ήταν φυσική και ότι δεν ενέπλεκε διαδικασίες τεχνητής γονιμοποίησης, μεταφοράς ή εμφύτευσης εμβρύου, κλωνοποίησης ή άλλη μορφή γενετικής επέμβασης (βλέπε 3.1).

4.2 Οι ιδιοκτήτες των τοκάδων ή οι εξουσιοδοτημένοι αντιπρόσωποί τους, πρέπει να συμπληρώνουν τις λεπτομέρειες του πώλου μόλις θα γεννηθεί, στην δήλωση ζώντος πώλου ή σε ηλεκτρονικό σύστημα που να παρέχεται ή να εγκρίνεται από τη Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου που πιστοποιεί τον Καθαρόαιμο, και να περιλαμβάνει:

4.2.1 το όνομα του επιβήτορα, 4.2.2 το όνομα της τοκάδας, 4.2.3 την ακριβή ημερομηνία γέννησης του πώλου, 4.2.4 το χρώμα του πώλου, 4.2.5 το φύλο του πώλου, 4.2.6 το όνομα του Ιπποπαραγωγού του πώλου, που κατά την ώρα του τοκετού είναι ο ιδιοκτήτης της τοκάδας,


4.2.7 τη χώρα γέννησης του πώλου, 4.2.8 μια δήλωση υπογραμμένη από τον ιδιοκτήτη της τοκάδας ή εξουσιοδοτημένο αντιπρόσωπο ότι ο πώλος δεν είναι αποτέλεσμα τεχνητής γονιμοποίησης, μεταφοράς εμβρύου ή εμφύτευσης εμβρύου, κλωνοποίησης ή άλλης μορφής γενετικής επέμβασης (βλέπε 3.1).

5. Ταυτότητα και Περιγραφή

5.1 Η περιγραφή ενός πώλου πρέπει να καταγράφεται από εγκεκριμένο κτηνίατρο της Αρχής στο πιστοποιητικό εγγραφής πώλου ή σε ηλεκτρονικό σύστημα που να παρέχεται ή να εγκρίνεται από τη Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου που πιστοποιεί τον Καθαρόαιμο, και να περιλαμβάνει:

5.1.1 το όνομα του επιβήτορα, 5.1.2 το όνομα της τοκάδας, 5.1.3 την ακριβή ημερομηνία γέννησης του πώλου, 5.1.4 το χρώμα του πώλου, 5.1.5 το φύλο του πώλου, 5.1.6 το όνομα του Ιπποπαραγωγού (βλέπε 4.2.6), 5.1.7 τη χώρα γέννησης του πώλου, 5.1.8 μία λεπτομερή περιγραφή μόνιμων, ή επίκτητων ιδιαιτέρων χαρακτηριστικών του πώλου που να περιλαμβάνει όλα τα λευκά σημεία στα πόδια, στο πρόσωπο, κορυφές τριχώματος, ουλές, τατουάζ, μαρκαρίσματα και αριθμό microchip, αν υπάρχουν, και τα οποία πρέπει να αποδεικνύονται με έγχρωμες φωτογραφίες ή επιθεώρηση.

6. Γονικός έλεγχος

6.1 Η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου που πιστοποιεί τον Καθαρόαιμο, πρέπει να απαιτεί περαιτέρω αποδείξεις αναφορικά με τον γονικό έλεγχο που να βασίζονται σε γενετικούς παράγοντες που βρίσκονται στο αίμα, τρίχωμα και/ή άλλο βιολογικό δείγμα και να πιστοποιεί:

6.1.1 ότι τη γενετική τυποποίηση αναλαμβάνει ένα χημείο, αποδεχτό από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου για το σκοπό αυτό, 6.1.2 ότι το χημείο είναι θεσμικό μέλος του ISAG και πληροί τις προδιαγραφές της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής Stud Book σε συγκριτικές δοκιμές, 6.1.3 ότι όλα τα αποτελέσματα και λεπτομέρειες είναι εμπιστευτικά και μπορούν να διαβιβαστούν σε άλλες Αρχές με εγκεκριμένο Stud Book από τη Διεθνή Επιτροπή Stud Book, V

6.1.4 ότι η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου διεξάγει ελέγχους γενετικής τυποποίησης και γονικού ελέγχου πριν την εγγραφή όλων των ίππων, που αιτούνται καταχώρηση στο Κυπριακό Stud Book.


Τροποποίηση του κληρονομικού γονιδιώματος ενός μελλοντικού ή εγγεγραμμένου Καθαρόαιμου ίππου κατά τη διάρκεια της σύλληψης, κύησης ή κατά τη μετέπειτα ύπαρξή του, θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τον αποκλεισμό της ιδιότητάς του ως Καθαρόαιμος.


Το Κυπριακό Βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας, κατά τη έννοια των Κανονισμών περί αναπαραγωγής ίππων, διατηρείται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου. Το Βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας είναι το δεσμευτικό Μητρώο για τον προσδιορισμό των εγγεγραμμένων ίππων καθώς και την τεκμηρίωση της γενεαλογίας τους.

1. Το Κυπριακό Stud Book αποτελείται από:

1.1 τις τοκάδες και τα προϊόντα τους, 1.2 τις τοκάδες υπό τον πατέρα τους, 1.3 τον κατάλογο των επιβητόρων με τα προϊόντα τους, 1.4 τον κατάλογο των επιβητόρων, 1.5 τον κατάλογο εισαχθέντων ίππων, 1.6 τον κατάλογο εξαχθέντων ίππων.

Όλοι οι πώλοι καταχωρούνται στο Κυπριακό Stud Book κατά το έτος παραγωγής τους. Το έτος παραγωγής αρχίζει την 1η Ιανουαρίου του έτους γεννήσεως.

2. Εγγραφή επιβητόρων στο Κυπριακό Stud Book

Ένας επιβήτορας μπορεί να εγγραφεί στο Κυπριακό Stud Book κατόπιν αίτησης του Ιπποπαραγωγού και:

2.1 πρέπει να είναι Καθαρόαιμος, 2.2 ο επιβήτορας να συμμορφώνεται με τους όρους και προυποθέσεις για εγγραφή στο Κυπριακό Βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας του Καθαρόαιμου Ίππου (Κυπριακό Stud Book), σύμφωνα με τη Διεθνή Ομοσπονδία Ιπποπαραγωγής, Ιπποδρομιών και Ιπποδρομιακών Στοιχημάτων, VI

2.3 να έχει τον απαιτούμενο γονότυπο και να μην υπάρχουν αμφιβολίες όσον αφορά την καταγωγή του, καθώς επίσης και το πιστοποιητικό του DNA, 2.4 αν πρόκειται για εισαγόμενο επιβήτορα (ή εισαγόμενο κήλωνα ίππο, ή εισαγόμενο ιπποδρομιακό ίππο που προτίθεται να γίνει επιβήτορας) το πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής πρέπει να παραλαμβάνεται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου.

3. Εγγραφή τοκάδων στο Κυπριακό Stud Book

Μία τοκάδα μπορεί να εγγραφεί στο Κυπριακό Stud Book κατόπιν αίτησης του Ιπποπαραγωγού και:

3.1 ο ιπποπαραγωγός να παρουσιάζει, μέσα στα απαιτούμενα χρονικά περιθώρια, τη δήλωση αποστολής φοράδας για αναπαραγωγή, 3.2 η τοκάδα να συμμορφώνεται με τους όρους και προϋποθέσεις για εγγραφή στο Κυπριακό Βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας του Καθαρόαιμου Ίππου σύμφωνα με τη Διεθνή Ομοσπονδία Ιπποπαραγωγής, Ιπποδρομιών και Ιπποδρομιακών Στοιχημάτων. 3.3 να έχει τον απαιτούμενο γονότυπο και να μην υπάρχουν αμφιβολίες όσον αφορά την καταγωγή της, καθώς επίσης και το πιστοποιητικό του DNA, 3.4 αν πρόκειται για εισαγομένη τοκάδα (ή εισαγόμενο ίππο, ή εισαγόμενο ιπποδρομιακό ίππο που προτίθεται να γίνει τοκάδα) το πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής πρέπει να παραλαμβάνεται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου.

Είναι ευθύνη του ιπποπαραγωγού/ιδιοκτήτη (ή των αντιπροσώπων τους) να κοινοποιούν προς την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου την πρόθεση τους να χρησιμοποιήσουν επιβήτορες ή φοράδες για αναπαραγωγή ούτως ώστε να καταχωρηθούν σωστά στο Κυπριακό βιβλίο γενεαλογίας. Για κάθε επιβήτορα ή φοράδα που εγγράφεται ως ίππος αναπαραγωγής, θα πρέπει να καταχωρείται το όνομα και η διεύθυνση του ιδιοκτήτη του στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου. Αυτή η προϋπόθεση είναι αναγκαία για σκοπούς διαχείρισης και μόνο του Κυπριακού Stud Book. Πρέπει να τονίσουμε ότι η καταχώρηση του ιδιοκτήτη του ίππου σ’ αυτό το βιβλίο δεν συνεπάγεται τη νόμιμη εγγραφή του τίτλου ιδιοκτησίας του ίππου και δεν πρέπει να ερμηνεύεται ως τέτοια.

4. Εγγραφή εισαγομένων ίππων στο Κυπριακό Stud Book

Εισαγόμενοι ίπποι θα καταχωρούνται στο Κυπριακό Stud Book σύμφωνα με το πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής τους που έχει σταλεί από την Εγκεκριμένη Αρχή της χώρας γέννησης του.


Όλες οι δηλώσεις που αναγράφονται στο πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής για το χρώμα του ίππου, το φύλο, την ηλικία, το σχεδιάγραμμα των ιδιαιτέρων χαρακτηριστικών του και το microchip, πρέπει να ελέγχονται από τον κτηνίατρο της Αρχής. Στο διαβατήριο του ίππου θα υπάρχει και συμπληρωματική περιγραφή των ιδιαιτέρων χαρακτηριστικών στα Αγγλικά. Στην περίπτωση που ο ίππος δεν έχει microchip, τότε ο κτηνίατρος θα εμφυτεύει.


Ο έλεγχος της ταυτότητας ενός ίππου είναι ένας από τους πρωταρχικούς παράγοντες για τη διεξαγωγή ιπποδρομιών, αναπαραγωγής και διαχείρισης της υγείας. Είναι άκρως απαραίτητο όπως ο έλεγχος αυτός γίνεται κατά την πρώτη δημόσια συμμετοχή ενός ίππου σε ιπποδρομία, καθώς και για κάθε ίππο που προέρχεται από το εξωτερικό, και συνιστάται για σκοπούς επίδειξης ή πώλησης. Ο έλεγχος της ταυτότητας πρέπει επίσης να γίνεται σε κάθε στάδιο που έχει σχέση με την αναπαραγωγή όπως επιβάσεις, εγγραφή πώλου, κλπ. Συστήνεται τέλος να γίνεται και πριν από τις δημοπρασίες.

Τα επίσημα έγγραφα που επιτρέπουν την αναγνώριση ενός ίππου μπορούν να διαχωριστούν σε δύο κατηγορίες:

1. Πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής

Το Πιστοποιητικό Εξαγωγής ή Ηλεκτρονική Κοινοποίηση Εξαγωγής (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των σχηματικών χαρακτηριστικών) αποστέλλεται απευθείας ή διατίθεται σε ιστοσελίδα από την Αρχή της χώρας εξαγωγής στην αρμόδια Αρχή της χώρας στην οποία εξάγεται ο ίππος όταν η εξαγωγή είναι μόνιμη, ή όταν η περίοδος εξαγωγής υπερβαίνει την περίοδο για την οποία το clearance notification είναι έγκυρη (βλέπε Διεθνείς μετακινήσεις των ίππων).

Αυτή η Ηλεκτρονική Κοινοποίηση Εξαγωγής πρέπει να γίνει αποδεκτή από την εγκεκριμένη Αρχή Stud Book της χώρας στην οποία ο ίππος έχει μετακινηθεί. Σε εξαιρετικές περιπτώσεις όπου ένα πρωτότυπο έγγραφο απαιτείται το γεγονός αυτό πρέπει να δηλώνεται κατά τη στιγμή της κοινοποίησης της εξαγωγής.

2. Διαβατήριο

2.1 Η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου που πιστοποιεί τον Καθαρόαιμο, που είναι η μόνη Αρχή που επιτρέπεται να εκδώσει το πρωτότυπο διαβατήριο ή οποιοδήποτε μεταγενέστερο/α αντίγραφο/α, πρέπει να εκδίδει ένα διαβατήριο που να πιστοποιεί:


2.1.1 την αυθεντικότητα της γενεαλογίας, την ηλικία, το φύλο και το χρώμα, 2.1.2 τα διακριτικά χαρακτηριστικά, τις φωτογραφίες (αν υπάρχουν) ή άλλα χαρακτηριστικά που χρησιμοποιούνται για την ταυτοποίηση του καθαρόαιμου συμπεριλαμβανομένων όλων των μόνιμων ιδιαίτερων χαρακτηριστικών όπως λευκά σημεία στα πόδια ή στο πρόσωπο, κορυφές τριχώματος και όπου είναι δυνατό να περιλαμβάνουν και άλλα χαρακτηριστικά αναγνώρισης όπως μαρκαρίσματα, τατουάζ, ουλές και microchip ή άλλες ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές, 2.1.3 τον γονικό έλεγχο του καθαρόαιμου ίππου που βασίζεται στην τυποποίηση των γενετικών παραγόντων που βρίσκονται στο αίμα, στο τρίχωμα του ίππου, ή/και σε άλλα βιολογικά δείγματα, 2.1.4 τον Ιπποπαραγωγό, 2.1.5 τον τόμο και τον αριθμό της σελίδας του Stud Book όπου είναι καταγραμμένος ο καθαρόαιμος ίππος, ή τον τόμο όπου ο ίππος θα καταγραφεί στο μέλλον, ή αν η καταχώρηση στο βιβλίο αυτό είναι ηλεκτρονική την ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση για την πρόσβαση στο σχετικό βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας, 2.1.6 επιπρόσθετες σελίδες για εμβολιασμούς και διοικητικές θεωρήσεις.

2.2 Το έγγραφο πρέπει να τυπώνεται στην κύρια γλώσσα της εκδίδουσας Αρχής. Είναι απαραίτητο οι κύριες πληροφορίες που ισχύουν στο έγγραφο να μεταφράζονται και στα Αγγλικά. 2.3 Το έγγραφο θα πρέπει πάντοτε να συνοδεύει τον ίππο και θα πρέπει να ενημερώνεται μόνο από την εκδίδουσα Αρχή Stud Book ή με την σαφή άδειά της. 2.4 Η απώλεια του εγγράφου θα πρέπει να γνωστοποιείται στην εκδίδουσα Αρχή Stud Book που είναι και η μόνη εξουσιοδοτημένη Αρχή έκδοσης πιστών αντιγράφων. 2.5 Το έγγραφο ενός νεκρού ίππου θα πρέπει να επιστρέφεται στην αρμόδια Αρχή Stud Book της χώρας στην οποία πέθανε.

3. Ίπποι ασαφές φύλου

3.1 Για σκοπούς του άρθρου αυτού «Διφορούμενο φύλο» είναι ένας όρος που χρησιμοποιείται για να περιγράψουμε την κατάσταση όπου τα εξωτερικά εμφανή γεννητικά χαρακτηριστικά ενός ίππου, διαψεύδονται από τα γενετικά εσωτερικά γεννητικά όργανα.


3.2 Όταν μια Αρχή Stud Book αποδεδειγμένα βρίσκει ασάφεια στο φύλο ενός ίππου, πρέπει:

- να ενημερώσει την Αρμόδια Αρχή διεξαγωγής των Ιπποδρομιών, - να ζητήσει από τον ιδιοκτήτη να επιστρέψει το διαβατήριο του ίππου, - να τροποποιήσει, κατάλληλα το διαβατήριο του ίππου ώστε να υποδεικνύει την ασάφεια του φύλου, - όπου είναι δυνατό, να ενημερώνεται η Αρχή Stud Book που ενέγραψε τον ίππο όταν γεννήθηκε.

3.3 Όταν μια Αρχή Διεξαγωγής των Ιπποδρομιών, στοιχειοθετημένα βρίσκει ασάφεια στο φύλο ενός ίππου, εντός της δικαιοδοσίας της, πρέπει:

- να ενημερώσει την Αρχή Stud Book, - να ζητήσει από τον ιδιοκτήτη ή προπονητή του ίππου να ειδοποιήσει την Αρχή Διεξαγωγής των Ιπποδρομιών του εξωτερικού, αν έχει πρόθεση να εγγράψει τον ίππο του σε ιπποδρομία πριν την εξαγωγή του ίππου, - με την παραλαβή αυτής της δήλωσης/ειδοποίησης να ενημερωθεί η Αρμόδια Αρχή της χώρας στην οποία θα διεξαχθεί η ιπποδρομία, για τα σχετικά γεγονότα που κατέχει όσον αφορά την ασάφεια του φύλου.

3.4 Η Αρμόδια Αρχή βάση των πληροφοριών που θα παραλάβει, όσον αφορά την ασάφεια για το φύλο ενός ίππου, μπορεί να επιβάλει απαγορεύσεις που θεωρεί κατάλληλες για τη συμμετοχή του σε ιπποδρομίες ή σε καθορισμένες ιπποδρομίες.


Για να διευκολυνθούν οι διεθνείς μετακινήσεις των καταχωρημένων ίππων είναι απαραίτητο να καταγράφονται και να ελέγχονται οι μετακινήσεις τους παγκοσμίως σε μόνιμη βάση. Ο έλεγχος αυτός περιλαμβάνει όλο το ταξίδι (συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της στάσης για καραντίνα) το clearance notification και τα πιστοποιητικά εξαγωγής πρέπει να τεκμηριώνονται αναλόγως.


Υπάρχουν δύο καθεστώτα που καλύπτουν τη διαχείριση τέτοιων κινήσεων:

1. Προσωρινή εξαγωγή (βλέπε 1α, 1β, 1γ)

Είναι όταν ο ίππος ταξιδεύει και επιστρέφει στη χώρα αναχώρησής του, εντός των δεδομένων ορίων του χρόνου και του δρομολογίου που αναφέρονται στο clearance notification. Με την εκ των προτέρων έγκριση της Αρχής της χώρας που φιλοξενεί τον ίππο, μπορεί να δοθεί παράταση για την αντιμετώπιση έκτακτων περιστάσεων, κατά τη διακριτική ευχέρεια της εκδίδουσας Αρχής.

2. Μόνιμη εξαγωγή (βλέπε 2δ)

Όταν ο ίππος θα εισαχθεί μόνιμα με σκοπό τη συμμετοχή του σε ιπποδρομίες, και η Αρχή της χώρας της μόνιμης εισαγωγής επιθυμεί να παραλάβει «Clearance» ή σχετικές πληροφορίες που αφορούν την ιπποδρομιακή καριέρα του ίππου, θα πρέπει να επικοινωνήσει με την Αρμόδια Αρχή της χώρας από την οποία εξάχθηκε ο ίππος.

1α. (Racing) Clearances σχετικά με ίππους που θα συμμετάσχουν σε ιπποδρομίες του εξωτερικού (βλέπε Ιπποδρομιακό Κώδικα).

1β. (Breeding) Μετακινήσεις ίππων για σκοπούς αναπαραγωγής Όταν ένας επιβήτορας ή μια τοκάδα θα ταξιδέψουν στο εξωτερικό για σκοπούς αναπαραγωγής, ο ιδιοκτήτης τους πρέπει να ενημερώσει εκ των προτέρων την Αρχή Stud Book της χώρας που βρίσκονται πριν την εξαγωγή τους οι ίπποι, παρέχοντας τις σχετικές πληροφορίες και ζητώντας όπως η συγκεκριμένη Αρχή Stud Book:

- Να στείλει απευθείας το Breeding Clearance Notification (BCN) με τηλεομοιότυπο ή ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο, στην Αρχή Stud Book της χώρας τελικού προορισμού, αποστέλλοντας το πιστοποιητικό DNA του ίππου, και αν πρόκειται για έγκυο τοκάδα, το πιστοποιητικό DNA του/των επιβήτορα/επιβητόρων που την υπηρέτησε/σαν. Πιστό αντίγραφο του Clearance πρέπει να δοθεί στον αιτητή για καταχώρηση του στο διαβατήριο του ίππου.

Πριν την επιστροφή ο ιδιοκτήτης του ίππου πρέπει να ζητήσει από την Αρχή Stud Book της χώρας της προσωρινής διαμονής του να εκδώσει νέο clearance για την Αρχή Stud Book της χώρας της μόνιμης διαμονής του ίππου, που να παρέχει τις πιο πάνω λεπτομέρειες.


Το clearance ισχύει για:

α. μια αναπαραγωγική περίοδο (9 μήνες το μέγιστο). β. μια χώρα προορισμού.

Οποιαδήποτε μεταγενέστερη διεθνής μετακίνηση του ίππου, πέρα από αυτή που καλύπτεται από το BCN, απαιτεί την έκδοση Πιστοποιητικού Εξαγωγής από τη ίδια Αρχή που εξέδωσε το BCN, και την αποστολή του στην χώρα που θα μετακινηθεί σε επόμενο στάδιο ο ίππος.

Κάθε παράλειψη στην παραπάνω αναλυτική διαδικασία, θα μπορούσε να είναι επιζήμια, τόσο για την αναπαραγωγική, όσο και για την ιπποδρομιακή ιδιότητα των ίππων αναπαραγωγής συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των σχετικών πώλων και είναι συνεπώς αναγκαία η αποστολή του Πιστοποιητικού Εξαγωγής για την εγγύηση των μετακινήσεων.

1γ. (Racing / Breeding) General Notification of Movement Αυτό ισχύει μόνο όταν ένας ίππος οποιασδήποτε ηλικίας, εκτός των πώλων που συνοδεύονται από την μητέρα τους, αφήνει τη χώρα καταγωγής του για περίοδο λιγότερη των εννέα μηνών και θα επιστρέψει πίσω εντός αυτής της περιόδου και ο λόγος του ταξιδίου δεν είναι η συμμετοχή σε ιπποδρομίες, ούτε η αναπαραγωγή.

Σε τέτοια περίπτωση, για κάθε ταξίδι, η Αρμόδια Αρχή πριν την αναχώρηση του ίππου θα παρέχει με ηλεκτρονικά μέσα στην αντίστοιχη Αρχή της χώρας προορισμού ένα αντίγραφο και στον αιτητή θα εκδίδει ένα GNM. Με την επιστροφή του ίππου στη χώρα καταγωγής του, η Αρμόδια Αρχή από όπου επιστρέφει ο ίππος θα εκδώσει στον αιτητή ένα GNM και θα παρέχει ηλεκτρονικά ένα αντίγραφο στη Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου.

Το GNM είναι έγκυρο για μια χώρα προορισμού μόνο. Οποιαδήποτε μεταγενέστερη διεθνής μετακίνηση του ίππου, πέρα από αυτή που καλύπτεται από το GNM, απαιτεί την έκδοση Πιστοποιητικού Εξαγωγής από την ίδια Αρχή που εξέδωσε το GNM και η αποστολή του στη χώρα που θα μετακινηθεί σε επόμενο στάδιο ο ίππος.

2δ. (Racing / Breeding) Μόνιμη εξαγωγή Όταν η περίοδος της εξαγωγής είναι μεγαλύτερη από το δεδομένο όριο που αναφέρεται στο clearance notification ή/και η διαδρομή έχει τροποποιηθεί χωρίς διαβούλευση με τις σχετικές Αρχές ή/και αν δεν υπάρχει πρόθεση να επιστρέψει ο ίππος στη χώρα αναχώρησής του, ή όταν η Αρμόδια Αρχή Stud Book θεωρεί μόνιμες όλες τις μετακινήσεις του ίππου ανεξάρτητα από το σκοπό ή το χρονικό πλαίσιό τους, τότε το πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής πρέπει να αποστέλλεται στην


Αρχή του εγκεκριμένου Stud Book της χώρας στην οποία ο ίππος έχει μετακινηθεί. Η Αρχή του εγκεκριμένου Stud Book της χώρας που εισήχθηκε ο ίππος, δεν μπορεί να αποδεχτεί το Πιστοποιητικό Εξαγωγής που έχει εκδοθεί από μία Αρχή Stud Book που δεν έχει εγκεκριμένο Stud Book από την ISBC. Αν η χώρα προορισμού δεν έχει εγκεκριμένο Stud Book τότε θα πρέπει να αποστέλλεται ένα πιστοποιημένο αντίγραφο ενώ το πρωτότυπο πιστοποιητικό να κρατείται μέχρις ότου αυτό ζητηθεί από μια χώρα που έχει εγκεκριμένο Stud Book. Το πιστοποιητικό DNA πρέπει να επισυνάπτεται στο πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής.

Σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις, τα πιο πάνω πρέπει να εφαρμόζονται πριν την αναχώρηση του ίππου.


Ι. Η εγγραφή του ονόματος ενός ίππου μπορεί να γίνει μόνο από ή με την έγκριση της Αρμόδιας Αρχής της χώρας όπου αυτός γεννήθηκε.

Η αίτηση εγγραφής ενός ονόματος για ένα ίππο που έχει γεννηθεί στο εξωτερικό, πρέπει να γίνει μέσω της σχετικής Αρχής της χώρας στην οποία έχει εκδοθεί το πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής. Η αλλαγή ενός ονόματος, που έχει ήδη εγγραφεί και δημοσιευτεί, μπορεί να ζητηθεί μόνο από εκείνη την Αρχή που πρωταρχικά ενέγραψε εκείνο το όνομα.

Στην περίπτωση αναγκαίας αλλαγής ονόματος για πολιτιστικούς λόγους, η Αρχή που θα κάνει την αλλαγή πρέπει να:

1. Επικοινωνήσει με την Αρχή που πρωταρχικά ενέγραψε το όνομα για να αποφευχθεί πανομοιότυπο. 2. Πληροφορήσει όλες τις Αρχές και Stud Books που έχουν προηγουμένως εγγράψει τον ίππο.

ΙΙ. Η Διεθνής Ομοσπονδία Ιπποδρομιακών Αρχών τηρεί και δημοσιεύει ένα Διεθνή Κατάλογο Προστατευόμενων Ονομάτων σύμφωνα με τους Κανόνες που υιοθετούνται από το Εκτελεστικό Συμβούλιο. Ο κατάλογος περιέχει τα ονόματα συγκεκριμένων ίππων η φήμη των οποίων βασίζεται στις επιδόσεις τους στις ιπποδρομίες ή στην ιπποπαραγωγή.

ΙΙΙ. Αναφορικά με ονόματα που εγγράφονται και δεν προστατεύονται, παρατίθενται τα ακόλουθα κριτήρια ως κατευθυντήρια γραμμή τα οποία αποτελούν και τη βάση στην οποία στηρίζεται η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου XIII

για τον καθορισμό μιας κατάλληλης περιόδου κατά την οποία δεν θα επαναχρησιμοποιηθούν τα εγγεγραμμένα ονόματα:

α. για τους επιβήτορες, 15 χρόνια μετά το θάνατο τους ή 15 χρόνια μετά το τελευταίο καταγραμμένο έτος στο οποίο έχουν υπηρετήσει φοράδες ή στην ηλικία των 35 ετών (όποιο είναι πιο νωρίτερο), β. στην περίπτωση τοκάδων αναπαραγωγής, 10 χρόνια μετά το θάνατο τους ή 10 χρόνια μετά το τελευταίο καταγραμμένο έτος στο οποίο έχουν υπηρετηθεί ή έχουν γεννήσει έναν πώλο ή στην ηλικία των 25 ετών (όποιο είναι πιο νωρίτερο), γ. στην περίπτωση όλων των άλλων ίππων, 5 χρόνια μετά το θάνατο τους ή στην ηλικία των 20 ετών (όποιο είναι πιο νωρίτερο). Εξαίρεση μπορεί να γίνει όταν το όνομα ενός ίππου που δηλωθεί νεκρό και δεν έχει ποτέ διαγωνισθεί, μπορεί να ζητηθεί ξανά από τον ίδιο αιτητή (ιδιοκτήτη).

ΙV. Δεν μπορούν να γίνουν αποδεκτά ονόματα αν αυτά έχουν ήδη εγγραφεί τηρουμένων των πιο πάνω προϋποθέσεων, ούτε:

1. όταν αυτά εμφανίζονται στο Διεθνή Κατάλογο Προστατευόμενων Ονομάτων, 2. όταν έχουν περισσότερους από δεκαοκτώ χαρακτήρες, περιλαμβανομένων σημάτων ή διαστημάτων, 3. όταν είναι το όνομα ενός δημοσίου προσώπου, χωρίς την άδεια του δημοσίου προσώπου ή της οικογένειας του, ή ονόματα εμπορικής σπουδαιότητας χωρίς την κατάλληλη άδεια, 4. όταν ακολουθούνται από αριθμούς, 5. όταν αποτελούνται εξ ολοκλήρου ή περιλαμβάνουν αρχικά, αριθμούς, ενωτικά σημεία, τελείες, κόμματα, σημεία, θαυμαστικά, εισαγωγικά, πλάγια δεξιά ή αριστερή γραμμή (/, \), άνω και κάτω τελεία και άνω τελεία, 6. όταν υπονοούν ή έχουν αισχρό, άσεμνο, ή προσβλητικό νόημα, ονόματα τα οποία θεωρούνται ως κακόγουστα ή ονόματα που δύνανται να είναι προσβλητικά προς θρησκευτικές, πολιτικές ή εθνικές ομάδες, 7. όταν προφέρονται το ίδιο ή με παρόμοιο τρόπο με ένα προστατευμένο όνομα ή με ένα όνομα το οποίο είναι εγγεγραμμένο για έναν ίππο του οποίου το έτος γέννησης ευρίσκεται μέσα στο ίδιο χρονικό διάστημα των δέκα ετών με εκείνο του εν λόγω ίππου, 8. όταν αρχίζουν με ένα σημείο που δεν είναι γράμμα, 9. όταν έχει ήδη εγγραφεί για ένα αδελφό/ή ή και γονέα του εν λόγω ίππου.


Η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου μπορεί να αρνηθεί να δεχτεί δηλώσεις συμμετοχής ίππων για ιπποδρομίες των οποίων τα ονόματα δεν συνάδουν με τους πιο πάνω περιορισμούς.

V. Όταν ένα όνομα είναι διαθέσιμο προς εγγραφή μπορεί να προκρατηθεί κατόπιν αίτησης που υποβάλλεται γραπτώς προς την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου. Ένα όνομα που προκρατείται με αυτό τον τρόπο μπορεί να εγγραφεί μεταγενέστερα βάσει αυτής της Διαδικασίας νοουμένου ότι ο αιτητής υποβάλει στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου α) το διαβατήριο που η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου έχει εκδώσει για εκείνον τον ίππο και β) μια πρόσφατη σχηματική και περιγραφική ταξινόμηση υπογεγραμμένη από κτηνίατρο. Κανένα όνομα, που προκρατείται δεν αποτελεί αναγνώριση της ταυτότητας ενός ίππου για τους σκοπούς των παρόντων Διαδικασιών και Κανονισμών. Τηρουμένων των πιο πάνω προϋποθέσεων, που αφορούν την έγκριση ενός ονόματος και νοουμένου αυτό το όνομα είναι διαθέσιμο σύμφωνα με τα κριτήρια που καθορίζονται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου και νοουμένου ότι αυτό δεν έχει προκρατηθεί σύμφωνα με την επιμέρους διαδικασία V που περιγράφεται πιο πάνω, ένα όνομα θα εγγράφεται και θα είναι το όνομα του ίππου βάσει αυτών των Διαδικασιών και Κανονισμών εκτός εάν έχουν υποβληθεί λανθασμένα στοιχεία αναφορικά με οποιεσδήποτε από τις προαναφερόμενες προϋποθέσεις, τότε η εγγραφή θα καθίσταται αμέσως άκυρη.

Για την ονομασία ενός ίππου συμπληρώνεται ειδικό έντυπο (δήλωση ονόματος). Η δήλωση αυτή περιλαμβάνει το χρώμα, το γένος και την ημερομηνία γέννησης καθώς επίσης και το όνομα του πατέρα και της μητέρας του ίππου. (Η τήρηση των οδηγιών που αναφέρονται στο έντυπο είναι υποχρεωτική). Μια τέτοια αίτηση θα γίνεται αποδεκτή για εγγραφή μόνο αν ο ίππος αυτός έχει καταχωρηθεί στο Κυπριακό Stud Book ή σε ένα Stud Book εγκεκριμένο από τη Διεθνή Επιτροπή Stud Book.

Η αίτηση ονόματος πρέπει να συνοδεύεται από α) το διαβατήριο του ίππου που έχει εκδοθεί από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου ή από την Αρχή Stud Book της χώρας προέλευσης του, β) μια πρόσφατη σχηματική και περιγραφική ταξινόμηση του ίππου υπογεγραμμένη από κτηνίατρο.

Η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου δεν θα προχωρεί στην εξέταση μιας τέτοιας αίτησης όταν τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά του ίππου (σχηματικά και περιγραφικά) δεν συνάδουν με αυτά που έχουν καταγραφεί πρωταρχικά και φυλάσσονται στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου και η ταυτότητα ενός ίππου δεν μπορεί να επιβεβαιωθεί με εξέταση DNA.


VI. Η αίτηση για αλλαγή ονόματος πρέπει να υποβάλλεται στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου. Το όνομα ενός ίππου δεν μπορεί να αλλαχθεί αν:

• ο ίππος έχει ήδη εγγραφεί από κάποια άλλη Αναγνωρισμένη Αρχή Stud Book εκτός κατόπιν έγκρισης από την ίδια Αρχή, ή • ο ίππος λάβει μέρος σε ιπποδρομίες σύμφωνα με τους Κανονισμούς οποιασδήποτε αναγνωρισμένης Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής, • ο ίππος έχει εγγραφεί είτε ως τοκάδα αναπαραγωγής είτε ως επιβήτορας στο Κυπριακό Stud Book ή σε ένα Stud Book μιας Αναγνωρισμένης Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής.

Ένα όνομα ενός ίππου μπορεί να διορθωθεί, όταν έχει δημοσιευθεί γραμματικά λανθασμένα.


Κυπριακό Stud Book

Οδηγίες των Εφόρων της Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής Κύπρου

Οργανισμός Διαχειριστές των υποθέσεων της Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής Κύπρου είναι επτά Έφοροι οι οποίοι εκλέγονται από τη Γενική Συνέλευση των μελών τα οποία δεν υπερβαίνουν τα 100 οποιαδήποτε στιγμή. To Κυπριακό Stud Book είναι ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά τμήματα της Αρχής, η οποία έχει την ευθύνη για την τήρηση των στοιχείων, την εφαρμογή των κανονισμών και την έκδοση του Stud Book. Πιο κάτω αναγράφονται οι λειτουργίες του Κυπριακού Stud Book.

Λειτουργίες Οι λειτουργίες του Κυπριακού Stud Book είναι:

α. Να αντιπροσωπεύει την Κύπρο στα συνέδρια της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής Stud Book. β. Να καθορίζει και κατά καιρούς να αναθεωρεί, όταν είναι αναγκαίο, τους Κανονισμούς για την λειτουργία του Κυπριακού Stud Book. γ. Να ελέγχει και εγγράφει ιπποφορβεία. δ. Να εγγράφει φοράδες και επιβήτορες για σκοπούς αναπαραγωγής. ε. Να εγγράφει και διατηρεί στοιχεία επιβάσεων, γεννήσεων, θανάτων, μετακινήσεων και αλλαγές ιδιοκτησίας καθώς και εμφυτεύσεις microchip. ζ. Να εκδίδει διαβατήρια και πιστοποιητικά εξαγωγής. η. Να δημοσιεύει: - Τα τεύχη του Κυπριακού Stud Book, κάθε χρόνο. - Το Κυπριακό Stud Book, κάθε πέντε χρόνια.

Αναγνώριση Το Κυπριακό Stud Book είναι αναγνωρισμένο από την Διεθνή Επιτροπή Stud Book και είναι ένα από τα εγκεκριμένα Stud Books διεθνώς.

Γραφείο καταχωρήσεων Η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου στεγάζεται στη Θεμιστοκλή Δέρβη 41, 3ος όροφος, Γρ. 305, 1516 Λευκωσία.

Γλωσσάριο και Ορισμοί

Όροι α. Ίππος σημαίνει, επιβήτορας, φοράδα, ίππος ιπποδρομίας, εκτομίας, μονοετής ίππος, απογαλακτισμένος πώλος και πώλος όπως προσδιορίζεται σε αυτούς τους κανονισμούς.


β. Ιπποπαραγωγός είναι το άτομο ή η οντότητα (συμπεριλαμβανομένης εταιρείας) που είναι ο ιδιοκτήτης της τοκάδας κατά την ώρα του τοκετού. γ. Ο ιδιοκτήτης είναι το άτομο, στο όνομα του οποίου είναι καταχωρημένος ίππος/οι στο Κυπριακό Stud Book. Ο ιδιοκτήτης μπορεί να είναι άτομο, εταιρεία ή άλλη οντότητα. δ. Ιπποφορβείο σημαίνει, κάθε πρόσωπο, οντότητα/εταιρεία που εκτρέφει ίππους. ε. Εξουσιοδοτημένος Αντιπρόσωπος είναι το άτομο του οποίου το όνομα είναι δεόντως καταχωρημένο στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου ως διαχειριστής με αποκλειστικό δικαίωμα εκπροσώπησης. ζ. Καθαρόαιμος ίππος είναι αυτός που είναι καταχωρημένος σε ένα βιβλίο γενεαλογίας καθαρόαιμων ίππων της χώρας γέννησης του, εγκεκριμένο από τη Διεθνή Επιτροπή Stud Book κατά το χρόνο της επίσημης του καταχώρησης. η. Η ηλικία ενός ίππου προσδιορίζεται την 1η Ιανουαρίου, ανεξάρτητα από την ημερομηνία και τη χώρα γέννησής του. θ. Γονικός Έλεγχος είναι η επικύρωση της καταγωγής ενός ίππου με τη μέθοδο DNA ή/με οποιαδήποτε άλλη τεχνική μέθοδο που έχει καθοριστεί από τη Διεθνή Επιτροπή Stud Book. ι. Όλα τα τέλη που βρίσκονται στους Κανονισμούς μπορεί να αλλάξουν ανά πάσα στιγμή. Τέτοιες αλλαγές θα δημοσιεύονται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου.

Ορολογία Ιπποπαραγωγής Δεν δέχτηκε επίβαση (Not covered): Μη υπηρετηθείσα φοράδα.

Στείρα (Barren): Φοράδα που υπηρετήθηκε και δεν εγκυμονεί.

Πρώιμος εμβρυικός θάνατος (Early abortion): Είναι η περίπτωση κατά την οποία μία φοράδα ενώ διαπιστώνεται ότι είναι έγκυος μέχρι τη 42η μέρα στη συνέχεια το έμβρυο θνήσκει και απορροφάται από τη μήτρα χωρίς να γίνει αντιληπτή η αποβολή.

Αποβολή – Αποβολή διδύμων (Slipped foal – Twins abortion): Είναι η περίπτωση κατά την οποία μία φοράδα ενώ ευρίσκετο σε κατάσταση κυοφορίας απώλεσε το έμβρύο/α της πρόωρα και η αποβολή μπορεί να γίνει αντιληπτή.

Πώλος/οι γεννήθηκε/καν νεκρός/οί (Dead foal – Twins dead): Πώλος ή πώλοι που γεννήθηκε/καν νεκρός/οί.

Ο πώλος έθανε (Foal died since birth): Πώλος που γεννήθηκε και ήταν ζωντανός μέχρι και 48 ώρες, αλλά απεβίωσε πριν γίνει η εγγραφή του.


Mare covered by Non-Thoroughbred horse: Φοράδα δέχτηκε επίβαση από Μη Καθαρόαιμο ίππο.

Ορολογία του Κυπριακού Stud Book Καμία εγγραφή (No return): Δεν έγινε καμία αναφορά.

H φοράδα έθανε (Dead): Ο ιδιοκτήτης ή ο ιπποπαραγωγός έχει ενημερώσει το Κυπριακό Stud Book για το θάνατο της τοκάδας.

Παραιτηθείσα τοκάδα (Dropped out): Μια τοκάδα που ήταν προηγουμένως ενεργή τοκάδα παραγωγής για την οποία όμως δεν έχουν σταλεί έντυπα ή πληροφορίες για την αναπαραγωγική της κατάσταση στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου για δυο συνεχείς περιόδους παραγωγής. Τα αρχεία αυτής της τοκάδας μπορούν να ξανανοίξουν κατόπιν αίτησης που υποβάλλεται προς το Κυπριακό Stud Book και με την καταβολή ειδικού τέλους. Όλες οι εγγραφές που λείπουν θα πρέπει να υποβάλλονται με πληρωμένα τα καθυστερημένα τέλη και ο υπεύθυνος τήρησης του Κυπριακού Stud Book, δύναται να απαιτήσει όπως η τοκάδα τυποποιηθεί με τη λήψη DNA πριν να ανοιχθούν τα αρχεία της. Μια ενεργή τοκάδα που δεν συμπεριλαμβάνεται στα επίσημα αρχεία του Κυπριακού Stud Book για δύο συνεχείς περιόδους παραγωγής (λόγω έλλειψης ενημέρωσης) θα αποκαλείται αυτόματα Παραιτηθείσα Τοκάδα.

Αποχωρούσα τοκάδα (Left Stud): Ο ιδιοκτήτης ή ο ιπποπαραγωγός έχει ειδοποιήσει το Κυπριακό Stud Book για την αποχώρηση της τοκάδας από την παραγωγή πώλων.

Αναφορές θανάτου: Ο θάνατος ενός εγγεγραμμένου καθαρόαιμου ίππου ή πώλου για τον οποίο εκκρεμεί η εγγραφή θα πρέπει να αναφέρεται στο Κυπριακό Stud Book μέσα σε 15 ημέρες από το θάνατο του με την υποβολή ενός συμπληρωμένου εντύπου αναφοράς θανάτου και επιστροφής του διαβατηρίου του, αν έχει εκδοθεί.

Αναφορές εκτομιών: Αν ένας πώλος, ή γενικότερα ένας ίππος έχει ευνουχιστεί, τότε ο κτηνίατρος θα πρέπει μέσα σε 15 ημέρες να ενημερώσει την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου υποβάλλοντας συμπληρωμένο και υπογεγραμμένο το σχετικό έντυπο με όλα τα απαιτούμενα στοιχεία. Σε περίπτωση κρυψορχίας αυτή θα πρέπει να αναφέρεται.

Εγγραφή ίππων αναπαραγωγής (Επιβήτορες και Τοκάδες) Είναι ευθύνη του ιπποπαραγωγού, του ιδιοκτήτη ή των αντιπροσώπων τους να κοινοποιούν προς την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου την πρόθεση τους να χρησιμοποιήσουν επιβήτορες ή φοράδες για αναπαραγωγή ούτως ώστε να καταχωρηθούν σωστά στο Κυπριακό Βιβλίο Γενεαλογίας. Για κάθε επιβήτορα ή


φοράδα που εγγράφεται ως ίππος αναπαραγωγής, θα πρέπει να καταχωρείται το όνομα και η διεύθυνση του ιδιοκτήτη του στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου. Αυτή η προϋπόθεση είναι αναγκαία για σκοπούς διαχείρισης και μόνο του Κυπριακού Stud Book. Πρέπει να τονίσουμε ότι η καταχώρηση του ιδιοκτήτη του ίππου σ’ αυτό το βιβλίο δε συνεπάγεται τη νόμιμη εγγραφή του τίτλου ιδιοκτησίας του ίππου και δεν πρέπει να ερμηνεύεται ως τέτοια.

Πριν να γίνει η εγγραφή οποιουδήποτε επιβήτορα ή φοράδας στο Κυπριακό Stud Book σαν ίπποι αναπαραγωγής, πρέπει να εξακριβωθεί η ταυτότητα τους. Αυτό επιτυγχάνεται:

α. Με τη συμπλήρωση από τον ιδιοκτήτη του ίππου του κατάλληλου εντύπου εγγραφής επιβήτορα ή φοράδας, στο οποίο θα καταγράφεται το όνομα του ίππου, το χρώμα, η ηλικία, η γενεαλογία, το προηγούμενο ιστορικό του, όσο αυτό είναι γνωστό και το όνομα του ιδιοκτήτη.

β. Με τον εντοπισμό του ίππου από τους διάφορους ιδιοκτήτες που είχε κατά καιρούς από τη στιγμή της γέννησης του αν είναι αναγκαίο, και ειδικότερα με αναφορά στο διαβατήριο του ή/και στο πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής και με τη λήψη υπογεγραμμένων πιστοποιητικών αγοράς όπου αυτό είναι αναγκαίο.

γ. Με την παροχή των παρόντων διακριτικών χαρακτηριστικών του ίππου όπως αυτά έχουν ληφθεί από τον κτηνίατρο της Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής Κύπρου ή στην περίπτωση εγγραφής φοράδας, γραπτή δήλωση από τον ιδιοκτήτη της ή τον εξουσιοδοτημένο αντιπρόσωπο ότι έλεγξε τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά της φοράδας με αυτά που περιέχονται στο διαβατήριο και συμφωνούν και ότι δεν έχει λόγο να αμφιβάλει ότι πρόκειται για την ίδια φοράδα για την οποία υποβάλλει αίτηση εγγραφής.

δ. Με τη λήψη ενός αποδεκτού δείγματος, όπου είναι αναγκαίο για σκοπούς τυποποίησης του DNA.

O ίππος που θα δηλωθεί ότι θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για αναπαραγωγή θα πρέπει να είναι τριών ετών και άνω, να έχει ταξινομηθεί και το διαβατήριό του θα πρέπει να προσκομίζεται στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου για να σφραγίζεται με την ειδική σφραγίδα – «Για Αναπαραγωγή».

Για σκοπούς πλήρωσης των όρων εγγραφής, ο ιπποπαραγωγός ενός πώλου είναι το πρόσωπο ή ο φορέας, του οποίου το όνομα έχει καταχωρηθεί ως ο ιδιοκτήτης της τοκάδας την ώρα του τοκετού.


Φοράδα που υπηρετείται πριν να ταξινομηθεί, ο ιδιοκτήτης της θα υπόκειται σε πρόστιμο (βλέπε πίνακα τελών).

Περίοδος επιβάσεων Η περίοδος οχείας, δηλαδή η χρονική περίοδος κατά την οποία επιτρέπονται να πραγματοποιηθούν επιβάσεις στα διάφορα ιπποφορβεία, αρχίζει την 15η Φεβρουαρίου και λήγει στις 31 Ιουλίου. Όλες οι επιβάσεις μιας καθαρόαιμης τοκάδας από έναν επιβήτορα πρέπει να περιορίζονται μέσα στα χρονικά πλαίσια της επίσημης περιόδου οχείας. Υπενθυμίζεται στους Ιπποπαραγωγούς ότι εάν διαπιστωθεί γέννηση πώλου προ του νομίμου χρόνου γεννήσεως (δηλαδή έως και της 31ης Δεκεμβρίου του έτους κατά το οποίο έγινε η επίβαση) ο πώλος αυτός μπορεί να εγγραφεί στο Κυπριακό Stud Book κατόπιν αποφάσεως των Εφόρων της Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής Κύπρου αλλά θα θεωρείται ως μονοετής από την πρώτη Ιανουαρίου του επομένου της γεννήσεως του έτους.

Υπενθυμίζονται οι Ιπποπαραγωγοί ότι ως ενισχυτική υποστήριξη της φυσικής επίβασης, ένα μέρος του σπέρματος που έχει παράξει ο επιβήτορας κατά τη διάρκεια ενός τέτοιου ζευγαρώματος μπορεί να τοποθετηθεί άμεσα στο αναπαραγωγικό σύστημα της τοκάδας που δέχτηκε την επίβαση.

Ιπποπαραγωγοί, ιδιοκτήτες επιβητόρων, υπεύθυνοι ιπποφορβείων και εξουσιοδοτημένοι αντιπρόσωποι είναι υπόχρεοι να παρέχουν πρόσβαση στον οποιοδήποτε αντιπρόσωπο του Κυπριακού Stud Book, εντεταλμένο από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου, για να ελέγξει όλες τις επιβάσεις από έναν επιβήτορα ανά πάσα στιγμή κατά τη διάρκεια οποιασδήποτε περιόδου οχείας, για να θεωρήσει όλα τα μητρώα παραγωγής και αναγνώρισης που τηρούνται στο Ιπποφορβείο και να επιθεωρήσει τους επιβήτορες, τις τοκάδες και τους πώλους τους.

Καταγραφή επιβάσεων Οι ιδιοκτήτες επιβητόρων πρέπει να επιστρέφουν τα επίσημα πιστοποιητικά επιβάσεων μέχρι το τέλος Αυγούστου του έτους επιβάσεων. Τα πιστοποιητικά επιβάσεων πρέπει να περιλαμβάνουν:

- Όνομα και αριθμό διαβατηρίου της φοράδας που θα υπηρετηθεί. - Όνομα πατέρα και μητέρα της φοράδας. - Ιδιοκτήτη της φοράδας. - Όνομα επιβήτορα. - Πρώτη και τελευταία ημερομηνία επίβασης. - Βεβαίωση ότι η ταυτότητα της φοράδας έχει ελεχθεί. - Βεβαίωση ότι η επίβαση ήταν φυσική. - Υπογραφή του ιδιοκτήτη ή του αντιπροσώπου του επιβήτορα.


Η ταυτότητα της φοράδας πρέπει να βεβαιώνεται από το διαβατήριο της, πριν από την επίβαση από τον ιδιοκτήτη του επιβήτορα ή τον αντιπρόσωπό του.

Καταχώρηση αποτελεσμάτων (Εγγραφή πώλων) Η δήλωση γέννησης ζώντος πώλου πρέπει να συμπληρώνεται και να προσκομίζεται στο Κυπριακό Stud Book μέσα σε 15 μέρες από την γέννηση του ζώντος πώλου. Η επίσημη αυτή δήλωση, μαζί με τα τέλη (βλέπε πίνακα τελών) – συμπληρωμένη και υπογραμμένη από τον ιπποπαραγωγό – πρέπει να αναφέρει το φύλο, το χρώμα, ημερομηνία και τόπο γέννησης του πώλου.

Η καταχώρηση στο Κυπριακό Stud Book πρέπει να βασιζεται:

- Στο πιστοποιητικό επιβάσεως και την δήλωση γέννησης ζώντος πώλου. - Ταυτοποίηση του πώλου. - Γονικός έλεγχος με τη μέθοδο του DNA.

Το εργαστήριο που έχει οριστεί επίσημα να πραγματοποιεί την τυποποίηση του DNA του Κυπριακού Stud Book είναι:

Animal Health Trust Lanwades Park Kentford, Newmarket Suffolk BC8 7UU UK

Καθυστερημένες Εγγραφές Υπό περιορισμένες προϋποθέσεις πώλοι, για τους οποίους δεν έχει υποβληθεί ή δεν έχει συμπληρωθεί αίτηση εγγραφής κατά το έτος γέννησής τους, είναι δυνατό να πληρούν τα κριτήρια καθυστερημένης εγγραφής νοουμένου ότι το πρόσωπο που υποβάλει την αίτηση, πληροί όλες τις προϋποθέσεις και καταβάλλει το νενομισμένο τέλος καθυστερημένης εγγραφής και νοουμένου ότι η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου καθορίζει ότι ο αιτητής έχει αποδείξει επαρκώς ότι έχει προηγηθεί λάθος, απροσεξία, δικαιολογημένη αμέλεια ή άλλες περιστάσεις που δικαιολογούν την καθυστέρηση της εγγραφής.

Πώλοι ηλικίας τεσσάρων ετών και άνω κατά το χρόνο υποβολής της αίτησης δε θα εγγράφονται.

Αναγνώριση Ίππων α. Έκδοση διαβατηρίων Με την ολοκλήρωση όλων των προϋποθέσεων μέσα στις καθορισμένες προθεσμίες, και αν ο πώλος κριθεί ως πώλος που είναι γνήσιο προϊόν του


δηλωμένου πατέρα και της δηλωμένης μητέρας του, τότε θα εκδίδεται ένα διαβατήριο. Η Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου που πιστοποιεί τον Καθαρόαιμο ίππο, είναι η μόνη Αρχή που επιτρέπεται να εκδώσει το πρωτότυπο διαβατήριο ή οποιοδήποτε μεταγενέστερο/α αντίγραφο/α. Βιβλιάρια ταυτότητας εκδίδονται στη βάση στοιχείων (ημερομηνία γεννήσεως και φύλο) που υποβάλλονται στο Κυπριακό Stud Book από τον αιτητή και υπόκεινται σε ανάκληση και ακύρωση όταν το Κυπριακό Stud Book λάβει περαιτέρω στοιχεία τα οποία να δείχνουν τη μη δέουσα ή λανθασμένη έκδοσή τους.

Σύμφωνα με την απόφαση της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής Stud Book το διαβατήριο πρέπει να περιέχει τις ακόλουθες λεπτομέρειες:

- Πατέρα, μητέρα και πατέρα της μητέρας του πώλου. - Ημερομηνία γέννησης. - Όνομα. - Χρώμα και φύλο. - Χώρα γέννησης. - Όνομα ιπποπαραγωγού. - Αριθμό microchip (όπου υπάρχει). - Αναφορά Βιβλίου Γενεαλογίας. - Αριθμό διαβατηρίου και ισόβιο αριθμό. - Αναφορά στον τρόπο διεξαγωγής του γονικού ελέγχου. - Πρόσφατα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά. - Μητρώο εμβολίων. - Δήλωση αποδοχής ιδιοκτητών ή προπονητών για την ταυτότητα του ίππου. - Μητρώο διεθνούς μετακίνησης του ίππου. - Μητρώο τελωνειακού ελέγχου. - Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας με την εκδίδουσα Αρχή.

Είναι ευθύνη του Κυπριακού Stud Book να εμποδίζει την πολλαπλή, παράνομη έκδοση διαβατηρίων, αλλά αν ένα διαβατήριο έχει απωλεσθεί ή έχει καταστραφεί, τότε μπορεί να εκδοθεί δεύτερο κατόπιν υποβολής των ακόλουθων εγγράφων: α) υπεύθυνη δήλωση του ιδιοκτήτη ή του εξουσιοδοτημένου αντιπροσώπου του που περιγράφει τις περιστάσεις υπό τις οποίες έχει απωλεσθεί ή καταστραφεί το διαβατήριο, β) οποιαδήποτε περαιτέρω στοιχεία και διαβεβαιώσεις που δύναται να απαιτήσει το Κυπριακό Stud Book, γ) πληρωμή των τελών προς το Κυπριακό Stud Book που καλύπτει το νενομισμένο τέλος (βλέπε πίνακα τελών). Η έκδοση ενός δεύτερου διαβατηρίου, καθιστά άκυρο το πρώτο το οποίο αν εντοπισθεί θα πρέπει να επιστραφεί στην Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου.


β. Πιστοποιητικά εξαγωγής ίππων Με την μόνιμη εξαγωγή ενός ίππου, το πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής (βλέπε πίνακα τελών) εκδίδεται και αποστέλλεται στην χώρα προορισμού. Το πιστοποιητικό εξαγωγής περιλαμβάνει τις πιο κάτω πληροφορίες:

- Αριθμό πιστοποιητικού εξαγωγής. - Όνομα και ισόβιο αριθμό του ίππου. - Χρώμα, φύλο και ημερομηνία γέννησης. - Πατέρα, μητέρα και πατέρα μητέρας. - Αναφορά στο Κυπριακό Stud Book. - Όνομα ιπποπαραγωγού και χώρα γέννησης. - Ημερομηνία εξαγωγής ίππου. - Όνομα παραλήπτη και χώρα προορισμού. - Ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά και αριθμό microchip. - Πληροφορίες για το DNA του ίππου. - Φυλή.

γ. Πιστοποιητικά καταγωγής Τα πιστοποιητικά καταγωγής (βλέπε πίνακα τελών) εκδίδονται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου, μετά από αίτηση του ιδιοκτήτη. Το όνομα του ίππου, το φύλο, το χρώμα, η ημερομηνία γέννησης καθώς και πέντε γενεαλογίες των προγόνων του αναφέρονται λεπτομερώς στο πιστοποιητικό καταγωγής.

Ονομασία ίππου Αίτηση για την προκράτηση ή για την εγγραφή ονόματος για ένα πώλο υποβάλλεται στο Κυπριακό Stud Book μέχρι την 1η Απριλίου του έτους κατά το οποίο ο πώλος έχει συμπληρώσει την ηλικία των δύο ετών ή μετέπειτα (βλέπε πίνακα τελών).

Ένα όνομα θα εγγράφεται και θα είναι το όνομα του ίππου όταν αυτός θα έχει ταξινομηθεί, όταν δηλαδή ο κτηνίατρος της Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής Κύπρου σημειώσει στο ειδικό έντυπο (πιστοποιητικό ηλικίας και διακριτικών χαρακτηριστικών για σκοπούς ονομασίας) τα πρόσφατα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά και τα συγκρίνει με αυτά που έχουν καταγραφεί πρωταρχικά στο διαβατήριο του πώλου, το οποίο ο ιδιοκτήτης υποχρεούται να προσκομίζει στον Κτηνίατρο κατά την ώρα της ταξινόμησης. Με την ταξινόμηση επαληθεύεται δηλαδή, η ταυτότητα του ίππου. Σύμφωνα με τους κανονισμούς του Κυπριακού Stud Book η αλλαγή ενός ονόματος που έχει ήδη εγγραφεί και δημοσιευτεί, μπορεί να ζητηθεί μόνο από εκείνη την Αρχή που πρωταρχικά ενέγραψε εκείνο το όνομα. Είναι δυνατό να γίνει αίτηση για αλλαγή ονόματος ενός ίππου με τον ίδιο τρόπο που


υποβάλλεται και η αίτηση για την εγγραφή ενός ονόματος. Για να επιτευχθεί η αλλαγή του ονόματος απαιτείται όπως ο ίππος επαναταξινομηθεί με το νέο του όνομα, ο δε ιδιοκτήτης θα καταβάλλει το προβλεπόμενο τέλος για την περίπτωση αυτή (βλέπε πίνακα τελών).

Δεν μπορούν να ζητηθούν ή να προκρατηθούν ονόματα δια τηλεφώνου.

Κυρώσεις Το σώμα των Εφόρων της Ιπποδρομιακής Αρχής Κύπρου έχει το δικαίωμα για όσο χρόνο θεωρεί δικαιολογημένο από τα εκάστοτε δεδομένα γεγονότα και στοιχεία να αρνηθεί την καταχώρηση ενός πώλου ή ενός ίππου στο Κυπριακό Stud Book καθώς και τα προνόμια που απορρέουν από την καταχώρηση αυτήν ή κατά την κρίση του να επιβάλλει κυρώσεις όταν:

• Οποιοδήποτε πρόσωπο εσκεμμένα παραποιεί ή βοηθάει ή υποβοηθάει στην παραποίηση της ταυτότητας, του ονόματος, της ηλικίας, της εμφάνισης, της γενεαλογίας, του γενετικού τύπου, της καταλληλότητας για εγγραφή ή οποιασδήποτε άλλης πληροφορίας που περιέχεται σε οποιαδήποτε επικοινωνία, ή σε σχέση με αυτή, με την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου.

• Οποιοδήποτε πρόσωπο το οποίο κλέβει, παραχαράσσει, πλαστογραφεί ή παραποιεί πιστοποιητικό ή έγγραφο που εκδίδεται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου ή που εσκεμμένα λαμβάνει ένα κλεμμένο, παραχαραγμένο, πλαστογραφημένο ή αλλοιωμένο πιστοποιητικό ή έγγραφο που εκδίδεται από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου.

• Οποιοδήποτε πρόσωπο που εκ προθέσεως παραβιάζει οποιουσδήποτε από τους Βασικούς Κανονισμούς, τις Οδηγίες και τις Προϋποθέσεις του Κυπριακού Stud Book.

• Υπάρχει τελεσίδικη απόφαση δικαστηρίου (είτε πολιτικού, ποινικού ή διοικητικού) ή ενός επίσημου δικαστικού σώματος ή οποιουδήποτε επίσημου σώματος ότι ένα τέτοιο πρόσωπο: α) έχει εσκεμμένα παραποιήσει ή βοηθήσει ή υποβοηθήσει στην παραποίηση της ταυτότητας ενός ίππου, του ονόματος, της ηλικίας της εμφάνισης, της γενεαλογίας, του γενετικού τύπου ή οποιουδήποτε άλλου στοιχείου αναφορικά είτε με την εγγραφή του ίππου για συμμετοχή σε ιπποδρομία ή τη συμμετοχή του σε μια ιπποδρομία, β) έχει εσκεμμένα παραποιήσει ή βοηθήσει ή υποβοηθήσει στην παραποίηση της καταλληλότητας ενός ίππου για εγγραφή ή οποιοδήποτε άλλο θέμα που σχετίζεται με το Κυπριακό Stud Book, γ) έκλεψε, παραχάραξε,


πλαστογράφησε ή αλλοίωσε ένα πιστοποιητικό ή ένα έγγραφο που εκδόθηκε από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου ή εσκεμμένα έχει λάβει ένα κλεμμένο, παραχαραγμένο, παραποιημένο ή αλλοιωμένο πιστοποιητικό ή έγγραφο που εκδόθηκε από την Ιπποδρομιακή Αρχή Κύπρου ή δ) σκότωσε, εγκατέλειψε, κακομεταχειρίστηκε, παραμέλησε ή κακοποίησε ή με οποιοδήποτε άλλο τρόπο διέπραξε μιαν απάνθρωπη πράξη προς έναν ίππο.




1. The Official Stud Book of Cyprus is conducted by the Cyprus Turf Club and documents the practice of thoroughbred breeding in Cyprus.

2. Basic principles of the Cyprus Stud Book are:

a. The animal breeding legislation. b. Rules of Racing. c. Instructions from the Stewards of the Cyprus Turf Club. d. Adherence to the Cyprus Breeding Condition under the observance of the International Stud Book Committee (ISBC).

3. Amendments of the Stud Book Regulations are made by the Cyprus Turf Club on the recommendations of the Thoroughbred Breeding Committee and/or ISBC.


1. Breeding district The breeding district comprises the island of Cyprus.

2. Breeding objective The breeding objective is a thoroughbred horse displaying a hereditary health stock, speed, stamina, toughness, readiness to act at high performance, nobility and adequate resilience, which, on the strength of its character, harmonious points and natural movement is all suitable for breeding horses.

3. Breeding method The breeding objective is pursued by means of pure breeding. The results of performance tests (races) are the basis of breeding value estimation and selection. Besides the horse’s own performance the offspring’s results are to be taken into account. Through the racing performance of horses of both sexes is to ascertain, above all, performance ability, readiness to act, toughness, health, character and temperament.



A Thoroughbred is a horse which is recorded in the Thoroughbred Stud Book of the country of its foaling, that Stud Book having been granted Approved status by the International Stud Book Committee at the time of its official recording.


For a horse to be eligible to be recorded in an approved Thoroughbred Stud Book all of the following requirements must be satisfied:

1. Status of Sire and Dam

1.1 The horse must be the product of a mating between a sire and a dam, both of which are recorded in an approved Thoroughbred Stud Book or either or both must have been promoted from a Non-Thoroughbred Register under the terms set out in Article 13 paragraph 4.1 of the International Agreement on Breeding, Racing and Wagering.

2. Service to produce an eligible foal

2.1 The Thoroughbred must be the result of a stallion’s mating with a mare which is the physical mounting of a mare by a stallion with intromission of the penis and ejaculation of semen into the reproductive tract. As an aid to the mating and if authorised by the Stud Book Authority of a country certifying the Thoroughbred, a portion of the ejaculate produced by the stallion during such mating may immediately be placed in the reproductive tract of the mare being bred.

3. Gestation to produce an eligible foal

3.1 A natural gestation must take place in, and delivery must be from, the body of the same mare in which the foal was conceived. Any foal resulting from or produced by the processes of Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer or Transplant, Cloning or any other form of genetic manipulation not herein specified, shall not be eligible for recording in a Thoroughbred Stud Book approved by the International Stud Book Committee.


4. Recording of the mating and result

4.1 The details of the mating must be recorded by the stallion owner or authorised agent on an official form or electronic system provided or approved by the Stud Book Authority certifying the Thoroughbred which should include:

4.1.1 name of the stallion, 4.1.2 name of the mare, 4.1.3 the first and last dates of mating to the stallion and, 4.1.4 a statement signed by the stallion owner or authorised agent that the mating was natural and did not involve the processes of Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer or Transplant, Cloning or any other form of genetic manipulation (see 3.1).

4.2 The details of the foal at the time of foaling must be recorded by the mare owner or authorised agent on an official form or electronic system provided or approved by the Stud Book Authority certifying the Thoroughbred which should include:

4.2.1 name of the stallion, 4.2.2 name of the mare, 4.2.3 exact date of foaling, 4.2.4 colour of the foal, 4.2.5 gender of the foal, 4.2.6 name of the Breeder of the foal who is the Owner(s) of the mare at the time of foaling, 4.2.7 country of foaling, 4.2.8 a statement signed by the mare owner or authorised agent that the foal was not the result of Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer or Transplant, Cloning or any other form of genetic manipulation (see 3.1).

5. Identification and Description

5.1 The description of the Foal must be recorded by a person authorised by the Stud Book Authority on an official form or electronic system provided or approved by the Authority certifying the Thoroughbred which should include:

5.1.1 name of the stallion, 5.1.2 name of the mare, 5.1.3 exact date of foaling, 5.1.4 colour of the foal, XXIX

5.1.5 gender of the foal, 5.1.6 name of the Breeder, (see 4.2.6) 5.1.7 country of foaling, 5.1.8 a detailed description of permanent and acquired identifying markings of the foal which should include all leg markings, face markings, hair whorls, scars, tattoos, brands and a microchip number, if , which should be substantiated by either colour photographs or physical inspection.

6. Parentage verification

6.1 The Stud Book Authority certifying the Thoroughbred must require further evidence of parentage based upon typing of genetic factors present in blood, hair and/or other biological samples and must certify:

6.1.1 that the genetic typing is only undertaken by a laboratory approved by that Stud Book Authority for that purpose, 6.1.2 that the laboratory is an institutional member of ISAG and participates to the satisfaction of the International Stud Book Committee in comparison tests, 6.1.3 that all genetic typing results and details are maintained in strict confidence and are only disclosed to other Stud Book Authorities granted approved status by the International Stud Book Committee and, 6.1.4 the Stud Book Authority conducts routine genetic typing and parentage verification before registration of all horses applying for recording in their Stud Book.


Modification of the heritable genome of a prospective or registered Thoroughbred, during its conception, gestation or at any stage thereafter in its existence, will result in that horse forfeiting its status as a Thoroughbred.


The Stud Book, within the meaning of animal breeding legislation, is kept by the Cyprus Turf Club. The Stud Book is the binding register for the identification of the registered horses as well as, the documentation of their pedigree.


1. The Stud Book comprises:

1.1 mares and their progeny, 1.2 mares under their sire, 1.3 thoroughbred foals in order of their sires, 1.4 list of stallions, 1.5 import list, 1.6 export list.

All products are entered in the Stud Book in the year of breeding. For foals the breeding year commences on January 1st of the year of foaling.

2. Entry of stallions in the Stud Book

A stallion can be entered in the Stud Book, upon request of the breeder and:

2.1 must be a Thoroughbred, 2.2 the stallion conforms to the terms and conditions for entry into the Thoroughbred, Stud Book (Cyprus Stud Book) pursuant to the International Agreement on Breeding, Racing and Wagering. 2.3 have the required genotype and no doubts exist as to their identity descent, as well as, the DNA profile, 2.4 if imported stallion, (or imported horse, or imported racing horse with the intention to become a stallion) the Export Certificate must be received by the Cyprus Stud Book.

3. Entry of mares in the Stud Book

A mare can be entered in the Stud Book, upon request of the breeder, and:

3.1 The breeder presents within the required period of time, a statement declaring that the mare has entered stud, 3.2 The mare conforms to the terms and conditions for entry into the Thoroughbred Stud Book pursuant to the International Agreement on Breeding, Racing and Wagering, 3.3 The mare has the required genotype and no doubts exist about her identity and descent, as well as, the DNA profile, 3.4 If imported mare (or imported horse or imported racing horse with the intention to become a mare) the Export Certificate must be received by the Cyprus Stud Book.

It is the responsibility of the breeder/owner (or their agent/representative) to notify the Cyprus Stud Book of their intention to use broodmares or stallions for breeding in order for them to be correctly registered. For every stallion or mare XXXI registered as breeding stock the name and address of the owner of the animal must be lodged with the Cyprus Turf Club. This requirement is necessary for the purpose of the administration of the Cyprus Stud Book only, and it is stressed that ownership recorded in the Cyprus Stud Book does not amount to legal registration of title to the animal and must not be construed as such.

4. Entry of imported horses into the Stud Book

Imported foreign thoroughbred horses are registered in the Cyprus Stud Book according to their Export Certificate exhibited from an Approved Stud Book Authority of the horse’s country of birth.

All declarations of the Export Certificate regarding colour, sex, age and outline diagram and microchip are checked by a veterinary surgeon. The horse’s passport will be complemented by an English description. If the horse is without microchip, a microchip will be implanted.


The control of a horse's identity is one of the prime considerations in the operation of racing, breeding and health management. It is necessary that identity control should be made at the horse's first public race start as well as for every horse coming from abroad, and recommended for every claiming or selling race. This identity control has to be performed as well at every stage of breeding operations (covering, registration of foal, etc.). It is as well recommended before public sales.

The official papers which allow a horse to be identified can be separated into two categories:

1. Export Certificate:

The Export Certificate or Electronic Notification of Export (including markings) is sent directly or made available on a website by the exporting authority to the relevant authority of the country to which the horse is exported when the exportation is permanent, or when the period of export exceeds the period for which the clearance notification is valid (see Traceability of International Movement of Horses).


This Electronic Notification of Export must be accepted by the Approved Stud Book Authority of the country to which the horse has moved. In the exceptional case where an original document is needed, this fact is to be stated at the time of notification of export.

2. Passport:

2.1 The Stud Book Authority certifying the Thoroughbred, being the only Authority permitted to issue the original passport or any subsequent duplicates, must produce a passport which certifies:

2.1.1 the authenticity of the pedigree, the age, sex and colour, 2.1.2 the markings, photographs (if applicable) or other characteristics used to identify the Thoroughbred which should include all permanent identifying markings such as leg markings, face markings and hair whorls and may include other identifying characteristics such as night eyes/chestnuts, brands, tattoos, scars and microchips or other such electronic devices, 2.1.3 the parentage of the Thoroughbred based upon typing of genetic factors present in blood, hair and/or other biological samples, 2.1.4 the Breeder, 2.1.5 the Stud Book volume and page number where the Thoroughbred is recorded, or the Stud Book volume where the horse will be recorded in the future, or, if the Stud Book is recorded electronically, where to access the appropriate Stud Book record, 2.1.6 additional pages for vaccinations and administrative endorsements.

2.2. The document should be printed in the principal language of the issuing Authority. It is a requirement that the principal information held within the document is also translated into English. 2.3 The document must always accompany the horse and should only be altered by, or with the express permission of, the issuing Stud Book Authority. 2.4 The loss of the document must be notified to the issuing Authority who are the only party permitted to issue a duplicate copy. 2.5 The document of a dead horse should be returned to the relevant Authority of the country in which it died.


3. Horses of Ambiguous Sex

3.1 For the purposes of this Article, ‘Ambiguous sex’ is the term used to describe the situation where the externally visible sexual characteristics of a horse are contradicted by its genetic makeup/internal organs.

3.2 When a Stud Book Authority comes by evidence of ambiguity in the sex of a horse, it should:

- advise its Racing Authority, - require the owner to return the horse’s passport, - suitably amend the horse’s passport to indicate the ambiguity of sex, - whenever relevant, inform the Stud Book Authority which registered the horse as a foal.

3.3 When a Racing Authority comes by evidence of ambiguity in the sex of a horse within its jurisdiction, it should: - advise its Stud Book Authority, - require the horse’s owner or trainer (as appropriate) to alert the Racing Authority if they intend to make an entry to race in another country, prior to making such entry, - on receipt of such an alert, notify the Racing Authority of the country in which it is intended to race the horse of the relevant facts in its possession as to the ambiguity of the horse’s sex.

3.4 A Racing Authority may, on the basis of information received as to the ambiguity of a horse’s sex, impose whatever restrictions it considers appropriate on its freedom to take part in races, or in specified race types.


To facilitate international movements of registered horses, it is essential to record and monitor their movements worldwide on a permanent basis; this requirement for traceability includes all of the journey (stop over for quarantine purposes included); Clearance notification and export certificates must be documented accordingly.


There are two regimes covering the management of such horse movements:

1. Temporary exportation (see 1a, 1b, 1c)

This is when the horse travels and returns to its country of departure within the given limits of time and itinerary indicated on the clearance notification.

With the prior agreement of the receiving authority, extension may be granted at the discretion of the issuing authority, to cope with exceptional circumstances.

2. Permanent exportation (see 2d)

If the horse is being permanently imported for racing purposes and the importing Authority wishes to receive “Clearance” or related racing information on the horse, it should contact the Racing Authority of the country from which the horse was exported.

1a. (Racing) Clearances in relation to horses racing abroad (see in Rules of Racing)

1b. (Breeding) Clearance for horses breeding purposes Any owner sending a stallion or a mare abroad for breeding purposes must inform in advance the Approved Stud Book Authority of the country where the animal is standing at time of exportation, supplying the relevant details and requesting that this Stud Book Authority:

- Sends directly a Breeding Clearance Notification (BCN) by email or fax to the Stud Book Authority of the country of final destination, transmitting the DNA certificate for the horse and, for pregnant mares, the DNA certicate(s) of the covering stallion(s). A certified copy of the Clearance should be delivered to the applicant for insertion into the relevant passport.

Before returning, the owner of the horse should apply to the Approved Stud Book Authority of the country of temporary residence for a further Clearance to be supplied to the Stud Book Authority of the country of permanent residence providing the details as stated above;

The clearance is valid for:

a. one breeding season (9 months maximum) b. one country of destination


Any subsequent international movement beyond that covered by the BCN requires an Export Certificate to be issued, by the Authority which issued the BCN, to the country the horse is visiting next.

Any failure in the above detailed process could be detrimental to the breeding and or racing status of the breeding stock, including the relevant foals, and will therefore necessitate the transfer of the Export Certificate to guarantee the traceability of movements.

1c. (Racing / Breeding) General Notification of Movement This is applicable only when a horse of whatever age, with the exception of foals under their dam, leaves its home country for a period of less than nine months and will return home inside that nine month period, the reason for travel being neither to race, nor to breed. In this case, for each movement, the relevant Authority will, prior to departure, provide by electronic means a copy to its counterpart Authority in the country of final destination and issue to the applicant a GNM. On the horse’s return, the relevant Authority from which the horse is returning will, on application, issue to the Applicant a GNM and provide by electronic means a copy to its counterpart in the horse’s home country.

The notification is valid for one country of destination only. Any subsequent international movement beyond that covered by the GNM requires an Export Certificate to be issued, by the Authority which issued the GNM, to the country the horse is visiting next.

2d. (Racing / Breeding) Permanent Exportation Where the period of exportation is greater than the given limit shown on the Clearance Notification and/or the itinerary has been modified without consultation of relevant authorities and/or if there is no intention to return the horse to its departure country, or when the relevant Stud Book Authority regard all movements regardless of purpose or time frame as permanent, the Export Certificate must be sent to the Approved Stud Book Authority of the country to which the horse has moved. Importing Approved Stud Books cannot accept an Export Certificate issued by a Stud Book Authority that does not hold Approval status from the ISBC. Should the Stud Book Authority of the country of destination not be approved, a certified copy should be sent and the original Certificate retained until requested for by an Approved Stud Book. The DNA certificate must be appended to the Export Certificate.

In all cases those operations must be fulfilled prior to the horse travelling.



I. The registration of a name for a horse can only be made by or with approval of the competent Authority of its country of birth.

For a horse born abroad, the application to register a name must be made through the relevant authority of the country where the export certificate is lodged.

The change of name already registered and published can only be requested from the Authority which originally registered that name.

In the case of necessary change for cultural reasons, the Authority making the change must:

1. Liaise with the Authority which originally registered the name, in order to avoid duplication. 2. Inform all Authorities and Stud Books which have previously registered that horse.

II. An International List of Protected Names is maintained and published by the International Federation according to the Rules adopted by the Executive Council. The List covers the names of certain horses whose fame derives from their accomplishments on the racecourse or at stud.

III. Concerning names registered and not protected, the following criteria are provided as a guideline forming the basis upon which Authorities may establish a suitable period during which registered names will not be reused:

a. in the case of stallions, 15 years after death or 15 years after the last recorded year in which they covered mares or at 35 years of age (whichever is the soonest), b. in the case of broodmares, 10 years after their death or 10 years after the last recorded year in which they were covered or produced a foal or at 25 years of age (whichever is the soonest), c. in the case of all other horses, 5 years after their death, or at 20 years of age (whichever is the soonest). An exception may be made where the name of a horse which has been reported as dead and has not raced is sought for re-use by the same applicant.

IV. Names cannon be accepted if they are already registered subject to the conditions on re-use of names set out above, nor if:


1. they appear on the International List of Protected Names, 2. they have more than 18 characters, including sings or spaces, 3. they are the name of a public person, without that person’s or their family’s permission or names of commercial significance without the appropriate permission, 4. they are followed by numbers, 5. they are made up entirely of or include initials, figures, hyphens, full stops, commas, signs, exclamation marks, inverted commas, forward or back slash colon and semi colon, 6. they are suggestive or have a vulgar, obscene or insulting meaning; names considered in poor taste; or names that may be offensive to religious, political or ethnic groups, 7. in pronunciation they are identical or similar to a protected name or a name registered for a horse whose year of foaling is within ten years of that horse in question, 8. they start with a sign other than a letter, 9. they are already registered to a sibling or parent of the horse in question.

Authorities may refuse to accept entries for races in respect of horses whose names do not conform to the above provisions.

V. A name, if available, may be reserved by application made in writing to the Cyprus Turf Club. A name so reserved can only be subsequently registered in accordance with this Orders provided that the applicant submits to the Cyprus Turf Club a) the passport which has been issued for that horse by the Cyprus Turf Club and b) the certificate of age and markings signed by a veterinary surgeon. A reserved name does not identify a horse for the purpose of these Orders and Rules.

Subject to the approval of the above naming requirements and if the name is available within the criteria laid down by the Cyprus Turf Club and has not been reserved under suborder V above, the name will be registered and will be the horse’s name under these Orders and Rules, except that in the event of incorrect information being submitted in respect of any of the above requirements the registration shall thereupon become void.

An application for a name for a horse must state the color, sex and age together with the registered name of the sire and dam and comply with the declarations contained therein. Such application will not be accepted for registration unless the horse has been accepted for inclusion in the Cyprus Stud Book or a Stud Book approved by the International Stud Book Committee.


The application must be accompanied by a) the passport which has been issued for that horse by the Cyprus Turf Club or the Stud Book Authority of the country of origin, b) a certificate of age and markings signed by a veterinary surgeon. When the drawings on the certificate of age and markings are not consistent with those first recorded by the Stud Book Authority and the identity of a horse cannot be verified by DNA test, the Cyprus Turf Club will not proceed with the application.

VI. An application for a change of name shall be directed to the Cyprus Turf Club. A name cannot be changed for any horse:

• whose name has been registered by another Recognized Turf Authority except with the permission of the Turf Authority, or • that has run under the Rules of any Recognized Turf Authority, • that has been registered either as a Broodmare or as a Stallion in the Cyprus Stud Book or the Stud Book of any Recognized Turf Authority.

A correction of name may be made by the Cyprus Turf Club when, through an error, an incorrect name has been published.


The Cyprus Stud Book

Instructions from the Stewards of the Cyprus Turf Club

Organization The affairs of the Cyprus Turf Club are managed by seven Stewards elected by the Members’ General Meeting, who do not exceed 100 at any moment. The Cyprus Stud Book is maintained and published by the Cyprus Turf Club and it is one of the most significant departments. Further below please find its functions.

Functions The functions of the Cyprus Stud Book are as follows:

a. To represent Cyprus at the International Stud Book Committee. b. To prescribe and periodically revise as and when found necessary, the Rules and Regulations as are necessary to carry out its functions. c. To register breeding establishments. d. To register broodmares and stallions for breeding purposes. e. To register and keep records of coverings, births, deaths, movements, ownership details and microchip implants of all stock in its records. f. To issue passports and export certificates. g. To publish: - Return of Mares annually. - The Cyprus Stud Book every five years.

Recognition The Cyprus Stud Book is duly recognized by the International Stud Book Committee and it is one of the approved stud books in the world.

Office The office of the Cyprus Turf Club is situated at 41 Themistoclis Dervis Street, 3rd floor, Office 305, 1516 Nicosia.

Glossary and Definition of Terms

Definitions a. A horse means and includes a stallion, mare, racehorse, gelding, yearling, weanling and a foal within the meaning of these Rules. b. A breeder is the person or legal entity (including a company), partnership, etc. that owns the dam when the foal is dropped.


c. The owner is the person in whose name the horse stands registered in the records of the Cyprus Stud Book. A “person” means and includes any person, individual, company or other legal entity. d. A breeding establishment means any person/entity/company or stud farm where horses are physically present. e. An Authorized Agent is the person in whose name the “Authority to Act” in prescribed form is duly lodged with the Cyprus Turf Club. f. Definition of a Thoroughbred. A Thoroughbred is a horse which is recorded in the Thoroughbred Stud Book of the country of its foaling, that Stud Book having been granted Approved Status by the International Stud Book Committee at the time of its official recording. g. The age of a horse is reckoned from January 1st, irrespective of its date and place of foaling. h. Parentage validation means confirmation of a horse’s parentage by employing DNA typing or any other technique approved by the International Stud Book Committee. i. All fees indicated in these Rules are subject to change at any time by a resolution of the Cyprus Turf Club. Such changes shall be notified from time to time.

Terms used in the Official Records Not covered: not covered or mated in the previous year.

Barren: covered but not pregnant.

Early abortion: A term used to describe a broodmare that has been pronounced in foal (pregnant) based on an examination of 42 days or more post breeding (mating) and lost her foal prematurely.

Slipped foal – Twins abortion: dead embryo may be found within 10 months (after the sixth month of the pregnancy)

Dead foal-Twins dead: foal(s) born dead.

Foal died since birth: foal alive until 48 hours and dead before registered.

Mare covered by Non-Thoroughbred horse: mare covered by stallion not registered as thoroughbred.

Mares’ status assigned by the Stud Book No return: no mare return lodged for a breeding-registered broodmare.


Dead: The owner or breeder has notified the Cyprus Stud Book of the mare’s death.

Dropped Out: A mare which previously was an active broodmare, but for which mare returns have not been lodged for two consecutive seasons. Her records can be re-opened by application to the Cyprus Stud Book and payment of a special fee. All missing returns must be lodged with full late fees, and the keeper of the Stud Book may require the mare to be DNA typed before opening her records. An active broodmare which is not returned to the official records for two consecutive foaling seasons is immediately assigned the fate “Dropped Out”.

Left Stud: The owner or breeder has notified the Cyprus Stud Book of the mare’s retirement from breeding.

Death Reports: The death of a registered Thoroughbred or foal for which registration is pending should be reported to the Cyprus Stud Book within 15 days after the death by submitting a completed report of death form and returning the passport, if issued.

Gelding reports: If a colt or horse has been gelded, the Veterinary Surgeon should report that information to the Cyprus Stud Book by submitting a completed and a singed Gelding Report within 15 days form the day of the event. A cryptorchid horse should be reported.

Registration for breeding (Stallions and Mares) It is the responsibility of the breeder/owner or their agent/representative to notify the Cyprus Stud Book of their intention to use broodmares or stallions for breeding in order for them to be correctly registered. For every stallion or mare registered as breeding stock the name and address of the owner of the animal must be lodged with the Cyprus Turf Club. This requirement is necessary for the purpose of the administration of the Cyprus Stud Book only, and it is stressed that ownership recorded in the Cyprus Stud Book does not amount to legal registration of title to the animal and must not be construed as such.

Before any stallion or mare can be registered in the Cyprus Stud Book as breeding stock the animal’s identity must be established.

a. By the completion by the animal’s owner of the appropriate Stallion or Broodmare Registration Form, recording the animal’s registered name, colour, age, pedigree, present owner and previous history.


b. By tracing the animal through all its ownerships since birth, if necessary, in particular by reference to its passport and/or export certificate and obtaining signed certificates of sale where necessary.

c. By the provision of current markings of the animal, taken by a veterinary surgeon, or, in the case of broodmares, a written declaration by the owner or agent that the mare agrees with the markings contained in her passport and the applicant has no reason to doubt that they are applying for registration of the correct mare.

d. By establishing the DNA profile of the animal with any necessary sample taken by a veterinary surgeon.

No horse may be registered as breeding stock unless it is three years old or older must have been classified and its passport must be presented to the Cyprus Turf Club to be endorsed with the appropriate stamp – Gone To Stud.

For the purpose of these regulations the Breeder is the person or entity whose name has been lodged as above as being the owner of the mare at the time that her foal was born.

Mare which is covered before being classified, her owner will have to pay a fine (see fee schedule).

Breeding season The covering season starts on the 15th of February and ends on the 31st of July. All coverings of a Thoroughbred mare by a stallion must be restricted to the official covering season. Breeders are reminded that any produce of a mare born before January 1st of the foaling season will be deemed to be one year old the day it was born.

Breeders are also reminded that as an aid to the mating the Cyprus Turf Club authorise reinforcement, (a portion of the ejaculate produced by the stallion during mating may immediately be placed in the reproductive tract of the mare being bred.)

Breeders, Stallion Owners, Stud masters and Agents are required to provide access to any Stud Book Representative appointed by the Cyprus Turf Club to check any or all coverings by a stallion at any time during the covering season, to examine all breeding and identification records held by the Stud and inspect the stallions, mares and their foals.


Recording of covering Stallion owners have to return the covering official forms by the end of August in the year of covering. The covering certificate shall include:

- Name and number of the passport of the covered broodmare. - Sire and dam of the mare. - Owner of the mare. - Name of the stallion used for the service. - First and last dates of covering. - Confirmation that the identity of the mare was verified. - Confirmation that a natural service took place. - Signature of the owner of the stallion or his representative.

The identity of the mare prior to the service shall be verified by the owner of the stallion or by a representative according to the passport of the mare submitted.

Entry of the Breeding Results (Foal registration) The birth declaration form (Mares Return Form) must be completed and returned to the Cyprus Turf Club within 15 days from the date of birth. This official form, along with the fees (see fee schedule) is signed by the breeder, giving the required details of the produce, namely the color, sex, date and place of birth.

The entry in the Stud Book shall be made, based on:

- The covering certificate and the birth declaration form (Mares Return Form). - Identity of the foal. - Parentage verification of the foal using DNA test.

The laboratory officially designated to carry out DNA typing for the Cyprus Stud Book is:

Animal Health Trust Lanwades Park Kentford, Newmarket Suffolk CB8 7UU UK

Late returns For produce, whose registration is not sought or completed during their year of foaling, under certain limited circumstances, may be eligible for late registration

XLIV providing the applicant completes all registration requirements, submits the appropriate late registration fee and the Cyprus Turf Club determines that the applicant has sufficiently demonstrated mistake, inadvertence, excusable neglect or other circumstances which justify late registration.

No application to register produce can be considered for produce which are aged four years or over at the time of application.

Identification of horses a. Issue of passports Upon completion of all registration requirements within the specified deadlines, and if the foal qualifies as an offspring of its reported sire and dam, a passport will be issued. The Cyprus Turf Club certifying the Thoroughbred is the only Authority permitted to issue the original passport or any subsequent duplicates. Passports are issued on the basis of information (birth date and gender) submitted to the Cyprus Stud Book by the applicant and are subject to revocation and cancellation if further information is received by the Cyprus Stud Book indicating improper or erroneous issuance.

In accordance with the decision of the International Stud Book Committee the passport shall include the following:

- Foal’s pedigree including damsire. - Date of birth. - Name. - Colour and sex. - Country of birth. - Breeder name. - Microchip number (if applicable). - Stud Book Reference. - Passport Number and Life number. - Details of how the horse has been parentage verified. - An up to date set of markings. - A record of vaccinations. - A page for endorsement of identity by new owners or trainers. - A record of export movement. - A page for customs stamping. - Postal address and communication details of the Issuing Authority.

It is the responsibility of the Cyprus Stud Book to prevent fraudulent issuing of multiple passports for any horse, but if a passport has been lost or destroyed a duplicate one may be issued upon submission of the following: a) a notarized statement from the owner or his authorized agent describing the circumstances

XLV under which the Passport was lost or destroyed, b) any further evidence and assurances as the Cyprus Stud Book may require and c) the amount payable (see fee schedule). Once a duplicate passport is issued, the original becomes null and void, and if located must be returned to the Cyprus Turf Club. b. Export Certificate Upon permanent export of the horse the Cyprus Stud Book shall issue and forthwith send to the country of destination an Export Certificate of the horse. The export certificate (see fee schedule) shall contain the following data:

- Certificate number. - Name and life number of the horse. - Color, sex, date of birth. - Sire, dam and damsire. - Stud book reference. - The breeder and birth country. - Date of export of the horse. - Recipient and country of destination. - Set of markings including microchip number. - DNA typing information. - Breed. c. Pedigree The Pedigree Certificate shall be issued by the Cyprus Stud Book upon request of the owner of the horse (see fee schedule). The following shall be specified in the pedigree: name of the horse, sex, color, year of birth and complete list of ancestors up to the 5th generation.

Registration of name An attempt to register or to reserve a name for a foal is submitted to the Cyprus Stud Book by April 1st of the foal’s two-year-old year or after (see fee schedule).

The name will be registered and will be the horse’s name only when the Veterinary Surgeon of the Cyprus Turf Club will draw on the official form (veterinary certificate of age and markings for name registration purposes) the current markings of the horse and compare them to those firstly drawn (veterinary certificate for foal registration purposes) appearing on its passport. The passports must be presented to the Veterinary Surgeon at the time of classification. According to the Rules and Regulations of the Cyprus Stud Book the change of a name already registered and published can only be requested from the Authority which originally registered that name. A change of name must be

XLVI applied for in the same way as a registration of name. The name will be registered and will be the horse’s name after the horse will be reclassified and the owner will pay the relevant fee (see fee schedule).

Names may not be claimed or reserved by telephone.

Deceptive practices The Stewards of the Cyprus Turf Club have the right, at discretion for such reasonable time as they consider warranted under the facts and circumstances to deny the registration of a horse in the Cyprus Stud Book, as well as, the privileges deriving from this registration or to impose penalties on any person who:

• Either knowingly misrepresents or aids or abets the misrepresentation of the identity, name, age, appearance, pedigree, genetic type, eligibility for registration or any other information in, or in connection with, any communication to the Cyprus Turf Club.

• Steals, counterfeits, forges or alters a certificate or document issued by the Cyprus Turf Club or knowingly receives a stolen, counterfeited, forged or altered certificate or document issued by the Cyprus Turf Club.

• Intentionally violates any of the Principal Rules, Instructions and Requirements of the Cyprus Stud Book.

• Has been presented before a court (whether civil, criminal, or administrative), an official tribunal or an official body that such Person: a) knowingly misrepresented or aided or abetted the misrepresentation of a horse’s identity, name, age, appearance, pedigree, genetic type or any other information in connection with either entry in a race or the racing of any horse; b) knowingly misrepresented or aided or abetted the misrepresentation of a horse’s eligibility for registration or any other matter related to the Cyprus Stud Book, c) stole, counterfeited, forged or altered a certificate or document issued by the Cyprus Turf Club or knowingly received a stolen, counterfeited, forged or altered certificate or document issued by the Cyprus Turf Club; or d) killed, abandoned, mistreat, neglected or abused, or otherwise committed an act of cruelty to a horse.


Συντομογραφία ονομάτων κρατών

International codes of suffixes


ARG Argentina LUX Luxemburg AUS Australia MAL Malaysia AUT Austria MDA Moldavia AZE Azerbaijan MEX Mexico BAR Barbados MOR Morocco BEL Belgium NOR Norway BHR Bahrain NZ New Zealand BIH Bosnia & Herzegovina OM Sultanate of Oman BRZ Brazil PAN Panama BUL Bulgaria PER Peru CAN Canada PHI Philippines CHI Chile POL Poland CHN China POR Portugal COL Colombia PR Puerto Rico CRI Costa Rica PRY Paraguay CRO Croatia QA Qatar CZE Czech Republic RHO Rhodesia DEN Denmark RUM Rumania DOM Dominican Republic RU Russia up to and including 1921 DZ Algeria RUS Russia ECU Ecuador SAF South Africa FIN Finland SPA Spain FR France SRB Serbia GB Great Britain SRH Rhodesia GDR East Germany - RDA SVK Slovakia GEO Georgia SVN Slovenia GER Germany SU Soviet Union – 1922 to 1990 GR SWE Sweden GTM Guatemala SWI Switzerland HOL The Netherlands SY Syria HUN Hungary THA Thailand IND India TRI Trinidad and Tobago IRE Ireland TUN Tunisia ISR Israel TUR ITY Italy UAE United Arab Emirates JAM Jamaica UKR Ukraine JPN Japan URU Uruguay KAZ Kazakhstan USA United States of America KEN Kenya UZB Uzbekistan KOR Korea VEN Venezuela KSA Saudi Arabia YUG Yugoslavia LEB Lebanon ZIM Zimbabwe LTU Lithuania

XLIX Στατιστική Ανάλυση

Statistical Analysis



The following is an analysis for the returns contained in this volume

Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Mares reported at stud 653 604 562 520 515 Less: Mares not covered 317 271 247 262 316 Less: Mares covered by unregistered stallions 0 0 0 0 0 Mares covered by registered stallions 336 333 315 258 199

Living produce (excluding twins) Colts 115 116 116 89 66 Fillies 94 98 110 79 56 Mares that produced Twins 0 2 0 0 0 Mares with live produce 209 216 226 168 122

Mares with produce aborted 5 8 7 4 6 Mares with produce slipped 10 9 13 11 3 Mares with produce dead 0 1 0 1 2 15 18 20 16 11 Mares Conceived 224 234 246 184 133

Barren Mares 103 90 62 69 54 No Returns 0 0 0 0 0 Mares dead and exported and thus discounted 9 10 7 5 12

Mares Double Covered 20 19 15 12 11










AEETES 110 ALL RED (dead) 4


AEROPI (dead) 1 ALLODAPI (dead) 4



AFXOVIOS (dead) 115 ALMIRA 5


AGAPI 1 ALPINA (dead) 5





AGKALIA (dead) 2 AMATHUS DEAR (dead) 6

























ANDROMACHI (dead) 9 13






ANTARKTIKI (dead) 10 ASINOU (dead) 13

























ARKTOS (GB) (dead) 12 BABY BOO BOO 104 LIV

BABY ELIAS (dead) 29 CENEUS 91




BARONESS (dead) 16 CHALKIDA (dead) 19





























CAROLA (dead) 18 CREATIVE 23








CYCLOPS (dead) 42 DYNATI 27















DEAR MARIA 25 ELENOU (dead) 28






DIGENIA (dead) 25 ELIAS GOGO (dead) 29

DILEMMA (dead) 25 ELIAS MUM 29



DIRTY JOB (GR) (dead) 25 ELIAS PITCH (dead) 30














ELSA (dead) 31 FANOTHEA 35






EROESSA 32 FEROUZA (dead) 35







EVA (dead) 33 FILONI 36





























GALI STAMPA (dead) 38 HAWAII ARACHNI (dead) 42










GLORY (dead) 39 HAWAII DEAR 104





GO LASSIE (IRE) (dead) 40 HAWAII EVENT (dead) 44




GORGOFONI (dead) 40 HAWAII FORTUNE (dead) 44


GOTHIKI (GR) (dead) 41 HAWAII GAME (dead) 44





HAWAII LATREIA MOU (dead) 45 INES (dead) 49






































KALZAK (GB) (dead) 53 KOMISSA 56





























KIRKI (dead) 55 LADY BAKA 80



















LARA 61 LUCKY (dead) 65


LAURU ARABELLA (dead) 61 LUSAKA (dead) 65



LAVA (dead) 61 LYSIOTOU 66

LAWYER TAS 61 LYSO (dead) 66


LEFKI 62 MACHITIS (dead) 97

LEGACY 62 MACKENNA (dead) 66



































MARIKKOU (dead) 70 MIA 74













































MISS KORNELIA (dead) 77 NEA ROUMELI (dead) 81



MISS TANTELLA (dead) 78 NEFELI (GR) (dead) 82


















NINA 83 PAPRIKA (dead) 86




NONA (dead) 83 PAROS 87





NTARTANA (dead) 84 PEIRAIKI (GR) (dead) 87

NYMFEA 84 87



OLENKA (GB) (dead) 84 PET 88










P PLENTELEN (dead) 89




POLYKRINI (dead) 89 Q


























PROUD ZINA (dead) 92 RECITAL 109


PSYLLOS 64 REKALIA (dead) 96















ROSINANTI 97 SECRET (dead) 101














RUBI TRAGEDY 111 SHAFAK (dead) 102



















SOKOTRA (dead) 103 SYNDI'S GIFT (IRE) 107




SOLAR MAGIC (dead) 104 TAMASSOS (dead) 108



SOLO APOEL 21 TARA MIA (dead) 108




SONATA (dead) 104 TARAS GIRL 108











STEVE AUSTIN 15 THELMA (GR) (dead) 109



STORY 24 109





SWEET LOUIZA (dead) 106 TINOS 110












TROIA (dead) 111 VLOGERI 24


TRUE LOVE 111 (dead) 115

TSAMBA (dead) 111 VOLTA LADY 115








UMA (dead) 112 WARUM (dead) 116







VALLISTRA (dead) 112 X


VARONI (dead) 113 XENIA 117



















ZETA 119







ZOIRO (dead) 119


ZORA 119



Τοκάδες με τα προϊόντα τους

Broodmares with their produce


ABBOT CHARMER, b., 2001, by Autobird (FR), out of Magical Belle (IRE), by Magical Strike (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.1 2010 (May 4) f. (died) by Anadonis (GB) Marcos Onoufriou Chrysanthou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ABSOLUTE BEAUTY, b., 2002, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Farakita, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , bred by Soteris Phota , See Vol. 4 p.42 2010 barren to Daylight In Dubai (USA) 2011 barren to Osool (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ACHNIOTOU, gr., 1999, by Aboline (USA), out of Naomi, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.1 2010 (Apr 1) c. (died) by Baltic Fox (CAN) Costakis Constantinou Iacovou Died in April 2010 ADOULOTI KERYNEIA, b., 1999, by Aboline (USA), out of Verengaria (GR), by Lai Lai (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.1 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 AEROPI, b., 1992, by Luqman (IRE), out of Loukia, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.2 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in August 2010 AGAPI, b., 2001, by Heaven Again (USA), out of Sweet Despo, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.2 2010 early abortion Takkatamm (USA) 2011 (Feb 27) b. g. KAPETAN ANASTASIS by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2012 (Apr 20) b. f. MIKRI STYLIANA by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (May 23) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 (May 5) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

AGAPOULLA, b., 1994, by Desert Crest (GB), out of Santa Juliana, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.2 2010 barren to Armin (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

1 AGIA TRIADA, ch., 2002, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Kuoni Reisen, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.2 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 AGKALIA, gr., 2003, by Bold N Proper (USA), out of Fidelity, by Big Ben , bred by Pantelis Constantinides , See Vol. 4 p.43 2012 no return to Golden Emperor (GR) Died in June 2012 AGKASTINA, ch., 2000, by Aboline (USA), out of Kebili (IRE), by (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.2 2010 early abortion Baltic Fox (CAN) 2011 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) 2012 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) Died in August 2011 AGRIELIA, b., 2004, by Turnberry Isle (IRE), out of Mesaoria, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.2 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in July 2012 AGRIOPI, b., 2001, by Aboline (USA), out of Mesaoria, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.3 2010 (Apr 30) db. c. ANTITHYROS by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Charis Stavrakis 2011 (Apr 22) db. g. EIRINIKOS by Montgomery's Arch (USA) do 2012 (Apr 3) ch. g. IPPONAX by Jarah (USA) do Died in October 2012 AIDON, b., 2001, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Synagrida, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.3 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Mar 14) b. c. by Paok (GB) Mrs. Athanasia Kyriacou Antoniou Died in March 2011 AIKATERINI KORNARO, ch., 1999, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Petite, by Clever (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.3

2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 AILLEAGAN (USA), ch., 2006, by (USA), out of Julie Girl (USA), by Jules (USA) , bred by Dreamfields Inc et al , See AmSB Vol. 32 2011 (Mar 27) ch. c. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Petros Constantinou Palmas 2012 slipped foal by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) 2013 (Feb 20) br. f. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2014 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN)

2 AKADIMIA, br., 1994, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Andromachi, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.3 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 29) c. (died) by Samim (USA) Mrs. Thenia Michaelidou 2011 (Apr 29) f. (died) by Samim (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

AL MARAH, b., 2002, by Aboline (USA), out of Kebili (IRE), by Green Desert (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.3 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Jan 26) b. g. DIONYSOS by Gutsy (GR) L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd 2013 barren to Mountain Spirit (GR) 2014 not covered in 2013

ALANA, b., 2003, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Rocket, by Pollen Street (GB), See Vol. 5 p.3 2010 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) 2011 slipped foal by Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2012 (Apr 27) b. c. EARINOS by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2013 (Mar 5) c. (died) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

ALANIARA, b., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Interim Order, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.4 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Feb 4) c. (died) by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Constantinos Palmas 2013 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Died in November 2013 ALEPOU, ch., 1994, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE), out of Marlen, by Lostromos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.4 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Provo (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ALEXANDRA MIA, b., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Ionia, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.4 2010 no return to Takkatamm (USA) Died in August 2009

3 ALEXANDREIA, ch., 1998, by Aboline (USA), out of Lifeline, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.4 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 ALEXIANA, ch., 1995, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE), out of Amazona, by Tharraleos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.5 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 ALIKI, b., 2000, by Premier De Cordee (FR), out of Samsara, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.5 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 ALKYNOI, db., 2004, by Balal (GR), out of Provo Star, by Provo (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.5 2010 barren to Samim (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ALL RED, b., 1988, by Red Rocks (GB), out of All Promise (GB), by Welsh Rake (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.5 2010 barren to Jarah (USA) Died in February 2010 ALLODAPI, db., 2003, by Nwaamis (USA), out of Queenoftherye (USA), by Numerous (USA) , bred by Boom Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.127 2010 (Mar 27) b. g. KRAKKIS by Shorten Sail (USA) Christoforos Photiou Christoforou 2011 (Apr 17) b. c. by Shorten Sail (USA) do Died in June 2011 ALLODAPI (GR), ch., 1996, by Dixie Brass (USA), out of Malkia (USA), by Timeless Moment (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.5 2010 (May 14) db. c. FAHERS MISTAKE by Fahers Best Loukis Ioakim Exported to Greece November 2010 ALMA ELISA, ch., 2006, by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE), out of Young Rigina, by Sharp Reminder (GB) , bred by Reginos HjiVassilis , See Vol. 5 p.160 2014 (Apr 27) ch. c. by It's A Bird (USA) Reginos HjiVassilis

4 ALMA RIGINA, b., 2005, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Young Rigina, by Sharp Reminder (GB) , bred by Reginos HjiVassilis , See Vol. 5 p.160 2012 (Apr 30) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) Reginos HjiVassilis 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ALMIRA, ch., 2003, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Aloha, by Roger The Butler (IRE) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.51 2010 (Apr 8) ch. f. LOVE MIRA by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2011 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) 2012 early abortion Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ALOPI, b., 2000, by Autobird (FR), out of Valona, by Pouroukountis , See Vol. 5 p.5 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 ALPINA, b., 2002, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Princess Dina, by Exactly Sharp (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.6 2010 barren to Haami (USA) 2011 no return to Woodman's Mount (USA) Died in November 2010 AMARYLLIDA, ch., 2001, by Aboline (USA), out of Imia, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.6 2010 barren to Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2011 (Mar 11) b. g. IPPODAMOS by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Charis Stavrakis 2012 (Mar 14) b. f. by Montgomery's Arch (USA) do 2013 (Feb 18) ch. c. by Golden Arrow (IRE) do 2014 early abortion Golden Arrow (IRE)

AMATHUS BLUE, b., 2002, by Autobird (FR), out of Glory, by Hadeer (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.6 2010 (Mar 29) ch. g. ROYAL BLUE by Santillana (USA) Makis Couvas 2011 (Mar 12) ch. f. TARAS BLUE by Ramooz (USA) Pambos Tsouloupas 2012 (Apr 24) db. f. KOR A KOR by Santillana (USA) do 2013 (May 15) ch. c. by Santillana (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

5 AMATHUS CHANCE, b., 2001, by Autobird (FR), out of Amathus Maiden, by Exactly Sharp (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.6 2010 (Apr 3) b. f. ANASTASIA CHANCE by Roi Gironde (IRE) Charalambos Michalaki Nicolaou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Feb 8) c. (died) by Roi Gironde (IRE) do 2013 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE) 2014 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE)

AMATHUS CHOICE, db., 2001, by Autobird (FR), out of Amathus Magic, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.6 2010 (May 4) b. g. AUSTRALIAN DANCER by Provo (USA) Mrs. Ann Rosemary Polydorou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Apr 28) f. (died) by Osool (USA) do 2013 (Mar 28) c. (died) by Osool (USA) do 2014 barren to Binary Vision (USA)

AMATHUS DEAR, ch., 2000, by Hadeer (GB), out of Karenina, by Golden River , See Vol. 5 p.6 2010 (Jan 15) ch. g. MILIOTIS GIANNIS by Woodman's Mount (USA) Yiannakis Savva Komodromos 2011 (Jan 21) ch. g. MILIOTIS HUMOR by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 9) ch. f. by Stormy Humor (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2014 not covered in 2013 Died in January 2014 AMATHUS DECO, b., 2002, by Autobird (FR), out of Amathus Sharp, by Sharp Reminder (GB) , bred by Makis Couvas , See Vol. 4 p.7 2011 barren to Ramooz (USA) 2012 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

AMATHUS DESIRE, ch., 2000, by Hadeer (GB), out of Amathus Master, by Autobird (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.7 2010 (Mar 5) ch. g. FORSOS by Santillana (USA) Pambos Tsouloupas 2011 (Mar 5) ch. g. ANTIS STAR by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2012 (May 13) ch. f. FREEDOM by Santillana (USA) do 2013 barren to Santillana (USA) Died in February 2013 AMATHUS DIAMOND, b., 1997, by Hadeer (GB), out of Dirty Diana, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.7 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

6 AMATHUS DIVA, db., 2001, by Autobird (FR), out of Weston Blizzard (GB), by Scarlet Sky (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.7 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 AMATHUS EXCLUSIVE, b., 2005, by Autobird (FR), out of Amathus Velvet, by Hadeer (GB) , bred by Makis Couvas , See Vol. 5 p.8 2012 (Apr 4) b. g. EXCLUSIVE by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Mrs. Nicoletta Charalambou Spyrou 2013 no return to Mister Hughie (IRE) Died in January 2013 AMATHUS FLAME, ch., 2007, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Sweet Jennifer, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Makis Couvas , See Vol. 5 p.149 2012 barren to Santillana (USA) 2013 (Mar 5) f. (died) by Raphane (USA) Pambos Tsouloupas 2014 not covered in 2013

AMATHUS GIPSY, ch., 1998, by Hadeer (GB), out of Amathus Love, by Desert Crest (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.7 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in February 2012 AMATHUS GLORY, b., 2003, by Nordico (USA), out of Glory, by Hadeer (GB) , bred by Makis Couvas , See Vol. 4 p.48 2012 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) 2013 (Mar 15) b. c. by Mister Hughie (IRE) Pambos Tsouloupas 2014 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE)

AMATHUS HOPE, b., 2004, by Autobird (FR), out of Glory, by Hadeer (GB) , bred by Makis Couvas , See Vol. 4 p.48 2011 barren to Boomer (GR) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

AMATHUS MAGIC, b., 1989, by Pollen Street (GB), out of Weston Blizzard (GB), by Scarlet Sky (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.7 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

7 AMATHUS PASSION, b., 2001, by Autobird (FR), out of Princess Amathus, by Exactly Sharp (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.8 2010 (Apr 5) b. c. PANAREIOS by Santillana (USA) Pambos Tsouloupas 2011 (Apr 21) b. c. ANTIFYMOS by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2012 (Apr 15) b. c. TOUGKOS by Ramooz (USA) do 2013 (Apr 20) b. c. by Mister Hughie (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

AMATHUS SHOW, ch., 1997, by Hadeer (GB), out of Jennifer, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.8 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 AMATHUS SPEED, b., 2005, by Autobird (FR), out of Princess Amathus, by Exactly Sharp (USA) , bred by Makis Couvas , See Vol. 5 p.128 2011 (Mar 2) ch. g. TARAS SPEED by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Pambos Tsouloupas 2012 (Mar 23) c. (died) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2013 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) 2014 (Mar 9) ch. c. by Santillana (USA) do

AMAZING BLOND, ch., 1997, by El Cortes (USA), out of Amazing Grace, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.8 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 AMAZONA, b., 2005, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Asinou, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 5 p.14 2013 (Apr 4) b. f. by Jarah (USA) Charis Stavrakis 2014 not covered in 2013

AMFIGENEIA, b., 2004, by Haami (USA), out of Olympiada, by Takkatamm (USA) , bred by C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.115 2010 (Feb 5) f. (died) by Jarah (USA) Andreas Pavlou Papachristoforou 2011 (Mar 13) b. g. FLY ILARION by Fly By Night (IRE) Shaaban Ali 2012 slipped foal by Fly By Night (IRE) 2013 (Apr 29) ch. c. by Barlovento (GER) Panayiotis Nicou Panagi 2014 not covered in 2013

AMFISSA, ch., 2003, by Haami (USA), out of Pourquoi Pas, by Canonsky (USA) , bred by C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.122 2011 barren to Boomer (GR) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

8 ANATOLI, b., 2005, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Alargini, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Athos Christodoulou , See Vol. 5 p.4 2011 (Apr 11) ch. c. POLYDAMAS by Takkatamm (USA) Athos Christodoulou 2012 (May 5) b. f. ATALANTI by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (Apr 7) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 (Mar 29) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do

ANAVRA, b., 2001, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Proud Dancer, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.9 2010 (Apr 9) db. f. NEFERTITI by Super Elite (USA) George Demetriou Christoforou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Winster (IRE) 2014 (Mar 18) f. (died) by Winster (IRE) Pavlos Kyriacou Kyriakides Died in March 2014 ANDRIS MEMORY, b., 2001, by Santillana (USA), out of Loving Lisa, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.9 2010 (May 6) b. g. APESIOTIS by Son Pardo (GB) St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Apr 9) b. f. FLORA by Ramooz (USA) do 2013 barren to Ramooz (USA) 2014 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE)

ANDROMACHI, ch., 1989, by Sayes (GB), out of Light Ship (FR), by (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.9 2010 barren to Ramooz (USA) Died in August 2009 ANGELAS WIND, b., 2002, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Epidavros, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.10 2010 (Mar 20) b. g. KOMMATOS JOHN by Jolly Prospect (USA) Yiannakis Michael Kommatou 2011 (Apr 24) b. f. KOMMATOS JOE by Haami (USA) do 2012 (Jun 2) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (May 8) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do

ANNA KARENINA, b., 1998, by Hadeer (GB), out of Amathus Petite, by Desert Crest (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.10 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

9 ANNAS JOY, b., 2003, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Cynthia Mou, by Dhaleem (USA) , bred by Pavlos Kyriacou Kyriakides , See Vol. 4 p.26 2010 (Jun 7) b. f. by Mountain Spirit (GR) Efthymios Andrea Nicolaou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ANNITAS TURN, gr., 2003, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Annita Belle, by Armin (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.10 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 ANTARKTIKI, b., 2004, by Turnberry Isle (IRE), out of Faedra, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 4 p.42 2013 barren to Decree (IRE) 2014 barren to Decree (IRE) Died in June 2014 ANTRIANASTASIA, b., 2000, by Samim (USA), out of Elena Mia, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.10 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Mar 7) b. f. by Super Elite (USA) Nicos Kiouzelis 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ANTRIAS WIND, b., 2002, by Wind Cheetah (USA), out of Kalamaria, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.11 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Boomer (GR) 2012 slipped foal by Boomer (GR) 2013 (Mar 8) ch. f. by Boomer (GR) Kyriacos Pavlou Pitsillides 2014 not covered in 2013

AORATI, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Indianapolis, by Sovereign Lane (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.11 2010 barren to Autobird (FR) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

APATI, b., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Roberta, by El Hakim (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.11 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010

10 APOELARA, db., 2007, by Jarah (USA), out of Morfonia, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Petros Loizou Pantelides , See Vol. 5 p.113 2013 (Apr 28) b. c. by Fabri (FR) Petros Loizou Pantelides 2014 barren to Medicine Path (GB)

ARGYRO, gr., 2003, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Lady Kitiana, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , bred by Savvas Evangelou Georghiou , See Vol. 4 p.76 2010 (May 12) gr. g. SAVAN MAXIMOS by Roi Gironde (IRE) Savvas Evangelou Georghiou 2011 (May 24) gr. f. SAVAN ARGYRO by Roi Gironde (IRE) do 2012 (Jun 1) b. c. by Osool (USA) do 2013 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

ARGYROULLA STAR, db., 1994, by Luqman (IRE), out of My Soulla, by Never Say Path , See Vol. 5 p.12 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 ARGYTHEA, gr., 1999, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Vasoulla Mou, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.12 2010 barren to Autobird (FR) 2011 (Feb 21) db. g. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Costakis Constantinou Iacovou 2012 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2013 (Apr 11) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 (Apr 19) gr. or br. f. by Profit Ilias (GB) do

ARIA, b., 1992, by El Hakim (USA), out of High Velocity, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.12 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 ARIANA STAR, ch., 2001, by Provo (USA), out of Donou, by Tharraleos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.12 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in August 2012 ARIANI, b., 2002, by Samim (USA), out of Chevignon, by El Hakim (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.12 2010 (Feb 5) b. f. DAFNI by Dafnakos (GR) Argyris Demetriou Argyrou 2011 (Feb 25) ch. f. (died) by Dafnakos (GR) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

11 ARIETTA, ch., 2002, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Korsiki, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.13 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 ARIZONA ARROW, b., 2000, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Akadimia, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Mrs. Thenia Michaelidou, See Vol. 4 p.3 2010 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2011 (May 16) db. g. ARIZONA LAST by Fly By Night (IRE) Mrs. Thenia Michaelidou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ARIZONA COMANCI, b., 2001, by Volta (USA), out of Queen Marianna, by Vassilikas , See Vol. 5 p.13 2010 barren to Takhlid (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ARIZONA SPEED, b., 1999, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Akadimia, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.13 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Samim (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ARKTOS (GB), ch., 2003, by Dr Fong (USA), out of Least Said (USA), by (USA) , bred by Millsec Limited , See GSB Vol. 45 2011 (Mar 2) b. f. (died) by Fly By Night (IRE) Soteris Vassou Psaropoullos 2012 (Apr 13) b. f. MEGALI ARKTOS by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2013 barren to Binary Vision (USA) 2014 no return to Siberian Superb (USA) Died in December 2013 ARMINA STAR, b., 2007, by Armin (USA), out of Farakita Star, by New Constitution (USA) , bred by Soteris Phota , See Vol. 5 p.44 2013 (Feb 13) f. (died) by Barlovento (GER) Panayiotis Nicou Panagi 2014 not covered in 2013

12 ARSENIA MARINA, db., 2002, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Morfonia, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.13 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 ARSIPPI, ch., 2002, by Aboline (USA), out of Morfou, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.13 2010 (Mar 3) c. (died) by Havana Dancer (GR) Charis Yiannaki Dorzis Died in March 2010 ARTEMIDA, b., 1996, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Mary Andria, by Fair Hunter (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.13 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 ARTEMIS, b., 2007, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Arachova, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Mrs. Isabella Zenon Eliadou, See Vol. 5 p.11 2012 (Mar 2) b. g. FILOTAS by Fly By Night (IRE) Mrs. Isabella Zenon Eliadou 2013 (Mar 25) b. f. by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2014 (May 23) b. f. by Fly By Night (IRE) do

ASHERKOTISSA, b., 2008, by Super Elite (USA), out of Buccaneer Kate (USA), by Pirate's Bounty (USA) , bred by Andreas Petrou Santis , See Vol. 5 p.21 2014 barren to Osool (USA)

ASIMIA, db., 2003, by Haami (USA), out of Frideriki Mou, by Born Hero (GB) , bred by C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.46 2010 barren to Dafnakos (GR) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ASINOU, b., 1991, by Luqman (IRE), out of Ruwi Valley (GR), by Zingari (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.14 2010 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) 2011 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) Died in April 2011 ASPASIA, b., 1998, by Midnight Snack (GB), out of Mia, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.14 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

13 ASSISI, b., 2001, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Kadmia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.14 2010 early abortion Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2011 (May 22) db. g. IPPOMEDON by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Charis Stavrakis 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Mar 10) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 (Mar 3) b. f. by Golden Arrow (IRE) do

ASTROFENGIA, b., 1994, by Sharp Reminder (GB), out of Mersina, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.14 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 ASYMVIVASTI, ch., 1998, by Volta (USA), out of Doctor Rena, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.15 2010 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) Died in February 2010 ATHINA, b., 2005, by Haami (USA), out of Pourquoi Pas, by Canonsky (USA) , bred by C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.127 2012 (May 29) b. f. by Siberian Superb (USA) Constantinos Charalambou Kontakkis 2013 barren to Jarah (USA) 2014 (May 4) c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) do

AUTOEXCLUSIVE, b., 2000, by Autobird (FR), out of Queen Salamina, by Ile De Chypre (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.16 2010 (Jun 1) ch. f. (died) by Samim (USA) Andreas Constantinou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

AVANT GARDE, b., 1991, by Pharoah's Pride (GB), out of Esprit De Victoire, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.16 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 AVGOULLA, db., 1999, by Red Rocks (GB), out of Chrysavgi, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.16 2010 (May 13) b. g. KANTAFIS REVENGER by Baltic Fox (CAN) Costakis Constantinou Iacovou 2011 (May 18) br. g. FLAIRS BAR BOY by Baltic Fox (CAN) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (May 22) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

14 AVGOUSTINA REVENGE, b., 2003, by Barlovento (GER), out of Nikoletta Star, by Interrex (CAN) , bred by Reginos Panteli Tsanos , See Vol. 4 p.114 2012 (Apr 7) b. g. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) RPT Horsefarm Ltd 2013 barren to Mister Hughie (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

AVRA, b., 1997, by Heaven Again (USA), out of Santa Annita, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.16 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 AYIANAPITISSA, ch., 1990, by Nawaf (USA), out of Pindos, by One No Trump (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.17 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 AZARIA, b., 1999, by Aboline (USA), out of Carola, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.17 2010 (Jun 3) b. c. (died) by Royal Court (USA) Mrs. Eliada Demetri Andreou 2011 barren to Super Elite (USA) 2012 (Mar 20) b. c. STEVE AUSTIN by Super Elite (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

AZORES, ch., 1998, by Premier De Cordee (FR), out of Samaria, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.17 2010 (Apr 5) b. g. KANONIERIS by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Savvas Christoforou Polyviou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Ballet King (FR) 2013 barren to Shorten Sail (USA) 2014 not covered in 2013

BABE, ch., 1996, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Miss Athens, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.17 2010 barren to Jarah (USA) 2011 barren to Jarah (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 barren to Osool (USA)

BABYDOLL, b., 2003, by Jarah (USA), out of Babe, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Mrs. Annita P. HjiPanagi, See Vol. 4 p.16 2012 (May 8) b. g. by Super Elite (USA) Christakis Iosif Iosif 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 barren to Super Elite (USA)

15 BAGIANTERA, b., 1998, by Dhaleem (USA), out of L'Antioquena, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.18 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in April 2010 BARONESS, b., 2000, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Yiota, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.18 2010 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) Died in July 2009 BAYLIVIA (IRE), b., 2005, by (IRE), out of Siana Springs (IRE), by Emarati (USA) , bred by Paul Holden , See GSB Vol. 46 2012 (May 4) b. c. by Jarah (USA) Michalis Antoniou Aeroporos 2013 slipped foal by Medicine Path (GB) 2014 early abortion Royal Court (USA)

BELLA RAFAILIA, b., 2004, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Sifnos, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , bred by Flourentzos Paschali Paschalis , See Vol. 4 p.135 2010 (Mar 4) b. f. by Dafnakos (GR) Demetris Georghiou Martis 2011 not covered in 2010 Died in November 2011 BELLA STEFANI, ch., 1998, by Aboline (USA), out of Miss Kornelia, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.18 2010 slipped foal by Anadonis (GB) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2013 (Mar 16) c. (died) by Boomer (GR) Antonis Kyriacou 2014 not covered in 2013

BETONIERA, b., 1995, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Anna Mou, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.18 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 BINGO LADY, b., 1999, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Sweet Poppy, by Sportful (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.19 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

16 BLACK NICOLE, gr., 2004, by Volta (USA), out of Miss Natasa, by Black Prince , bred by Vasilios Michael Kyprianou , See Vol. 4 p.105 2010 (Jun 3) gr. or br. f. by Woodman's Mount (USA) Vasilios Michael Kyprianou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

BOLD NEMEA, b., 2000, by Bold N Proper (USA), out of Amazing Grace, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.20 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in November 2012 BOLD PRINCESS, b., 2000, by Bold N Proper (USA), out of Princesse De Miel, by Coeur De Miel (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.20 2010 (Apr 11) b. g. TAILOR MADE by Siberian Superb (USA) Paris Papapetrou 2011 (Apr 24) b. c. by Siberian Superb (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

BONANZA, b., 1985, by Seventh Brave (GB), out of Lady Orange, by Lostromos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.20 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 BRAVE ARROW (IRE), b., 2005, by Catcher In The Rye (IRE), out of Tarayib (GB), by Hamas (IRE) , bred by J. Foley , See GSB Vol. 46 2013 barren to Jarah (USA) 2014 not covered in 2013

BREEZE, ch., 1993, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Deziraki Mou, by One No Trump (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.21 2010 (Jun 3) c. (died) by Samim (USA) Mrs. Annita P. HjiPanagi 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

BRIGANTE ROSSE, b., 2000, by Armin (USA), out of Queen Andry, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Andreas Pirillos , See Vol. 4 p.125 2010 no return to Royal Court (USA) Died in January 2010

17 BUCCANEER KATE (USA), bl., 1995, by Pirate's Bounty (USA), out of Al's Kate (USA), by (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.21 2010 barren to Super Elite (USA) 2011 (Mar 28) br. g. POURKOURIS by Super Elite (USA) Andreas Petrou Santis 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Mar 31) b. f. by Domingues (GB) Panayiotis Nicou Paisis 2014 (Apr 26) db. f. by Mukhtaal (GB) do

BUENOS AIRES (GR), b., 1997, by Guy Butters (GR), out of Rymi (GR), by Evippos (GR) , bred by Mr. Petrou , See GrSB Vol. 4 p.108 2012 (Mar 26) b. f. MARIA IOANNA by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2013 (Apr 3) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 (Apr 8) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do

BURLEIGH HEADS (GB), ch., 2007, by Monsieur Bond (IRE), out of Dearest Daisy (GB), by Forzando (GB) , bred by P. A. Mason , See GSB Vol. 46 2013 (May 31) ch. c. by Jarah (USA) Mrs. Maria Costa Pavlou 2014 not covered in 2013

BYE BYE MONEY, ch., 1993, by Chris Waddle (GR), out of Miss Nana, by Tharraleos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.21 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 CANBERRA, b., 1999, by Bold Lez (GB), out of Miss Anastazia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.21 2010 (Mar 22) b. g. MISTER NEOFYTOS by Provo (USA) Kyriacos Batis 2011 (Mar 31) b. f. QUEEN MIRABELLA by Osool (USA) do 2012 (May 1) c. (died) by Osool (USA) do Died in May 2012 CARLITA, b., 1998, by Scottish Dancer (USA), out of Marina Marie, by Timely Jet (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.22 2010 (Apr 23) b. c. COME ON GEORGE by Jarah (USA) Antonis Rotos 2011 (May 12) b. c. RIORIDO by Montgomery's Arch (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

CAROLA, gr., 1991, by Caroline's Tern (GB), out of Dhianna Mou, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.22 2010 (May 20) db. f. GATA by Haami (USA) Takis Zenonos 2011 (May 4) c. (died) by Haami (USA) do Died in May 2011

18 CASUS BELLI, b., 1999, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Desert Storm, by Desert Crest (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.22 2010 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2011 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2012 (Apr 5) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) Doullis HjiGeorghiou 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

CDD GODDEU (GB), b., 2008, by (IRE), out of Aquarist (GB), by Coronado's Quest (USA) , bred by Darley , See GSB Vol. 46 p.35 2014 (Mar 13) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) Anastasios Polyviou Malloupas

CERA, b., 2003, by Jarah (USA), out of Queenie, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Mrs. Annita P. HjiPanagi, See Vol. 4 p.127 2012 (May 22) ch. g. THANASAKIS by Medicine Path (GB) Petros Loizou Pantelides 2013 (May 26) b. f. by Fabri (FR) do 2014 not covered in 2013

CHALEFKA BABY, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Chalefka, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.22 2010 (Mar 25) b. f. by Binary Vision (USA) Georghios Papaioannou 2011 (Apr 9) b. c. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 no return to Pallodio (IRE) Died in May 2013 CHALEFKA MOU, b., 1998, by Born Hero (GB), out of Chalefka, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.23 2010 (Feb 25) b. f. by Binary Vision (USA) Georghios Papaioannou 2011 (Mar 21) ch. f. by Binary Vision (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (May 26) b. f. (died) by Pallodio (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

CHALKIDA, ch., 2006, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Mykina, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Christodoulos Chr. Pashias , See Vol. 5 p.115 2012 (Mar 26) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) Chr. Pashias Farm Ltd 2013 (Apr 17) b. f. by Golden Arrow (IRE) do 2014 no return to Takkatamm (USA) Died in March 2014 CHARIKLEIA, br., 1999, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Mavri Thyella, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.23 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

19 CHEVIGNON, b., 1995, by El Hakim (USA), out of Drousha, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.23 2010 slipped foal by Fly By Night (IRE) 2011 (Mar 7) b. g. DARIOS JUNIOR by Jarah (USA) Darios Zambakkides 2012 slipped foal by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

CHRISOFIA, ch., 2007, by Ramooz (USA), out of Diamesolavisi, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Michalis Christoforou Avraam , See Vol. 5 p.30 2012 (Mar 7) b. f. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Michalis Christoforou Avraam 2013 barren to Jarah (USA) 2014 early abortion Jarah (USA)

CHRISTIANS POP, ch., 1999, by New Constitution (USA), out of Pop Art, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.23 2010 (May 20) c. (died) by Santillana (USA) Christian Elia Onoufriou 2011 no return to Santillana (USA) Died in December 2010 CHRYSA, b., 1995, by Autobird (FR), out of Miss Chryso, by El Hakim (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.24 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 CHRYSANTHIA, gr., 2000, by Armin (USA), out of Skevanthia, by Coeur De Miel (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.24 2010 (Jun 2) gr. or br. c. by Siberian Superb (USA) Stelios Christodoulou Petrou 2011 (May 22) b. g. KYKLONAS by Osool (USA) do 2012 barren to Osool (USA) 2013 (May 3) b. or gr. c. by Stormy Humor (USA) Panayiotis Nicou Panagi 2014 not covered in 2013

CHRYSI AKTI, gr., 2001, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Natali's Turn, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.24 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 CHRYSOVALANTI, ch., 1998, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Elidha, by Timely Jet (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.24 2010 (Feb 15) b. c. UNBELIEVABLE by Siberian Superb (USA) Mrs. Eva Antoni Manio 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (May 15) b. c. by Siberian Superb (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

20 CIAO MARIA, db., 2006, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Agapoulla, by Desert Crest (GB) , bred by Mrs. Chrystalla Vassiliou, See Vol. 5 p.2 2012 (Apr 13) b. c. ZIDROS by Takkatamm (USA) Panayiotis Kolokotronis 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Apr 4) b. c. by Thunderstorm (USA) do

CIGARETTE, b., 2000, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Fair Justice, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.25 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 CLAPHAM (GB), b., 2004, by Royal Applause (GB), out of Barossa (IRE), by (IRE) , bred by R. Tooth , See GSB Vol. 45 p.96 2011 (Apr 26) ch. g. SOLO APOEL by Takkatamm (USA) Mrs. Despo Pantelidou 2012 (Apr 28) ch. g. TAXIARCHIS by Takkatamm (USA) Anastasios Polyviou Malloupas 2013 (May 1) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

CLEMENTIA, b., 2004, by Wind Cheetah (USA), out of Persepolis, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.25 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Feb 10) c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) Kyriacos A. Kyriacou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013 Died in May 2014 COCONUT MOON (GB), b., 2002, by (GB), out of Lunar Ridge (GB), by Indian Ridge (IRE) , bred by Mrs R. D. Peacock , See GSB Vol. 45 p.697

2012 (Mar 10) c. (died) by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) Alekos Michali Loizou 2013 barren to Mister Hughie (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

COEUR DE ANDRIA, b., 1997, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Mary Andria, by Fair Hunter (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.25 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in January 2012 COME ON EMILIA, b., 2005, by Shorten Sail (USA), out of Come On Sotia, by Desert Crest (GB) , bred by Mrs. Sofia Panayiotou Vassiliou, See Vol. 5 p.26 2012 barren to Touch Of Denmark (IRE) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

21 COME ON FELICITY, b., 2001, by Daylight In Dubai (USA), out of Come On Sotia, by Desert Crest (GB) , bred by Mrs. Sofia Panayiotou Vassiliou, See Vol. 4 p.24 2010 (May 29) ch. c. by Provo (USA) Mrs. Eftychia Andrea Loizou 2011 barren to Osool (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

COME ON SOTIA, b., 1993, by Desert Crest (GB), out of Come On Aileen, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.26 2010 (Apr 3) b. c. (died) by Provo (USA) Mrs. Sofia Panayiotou Vassiliou 2011 barren to Osool (USA) 2012 barren to Haami (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

CONSAVVIA (IRE), b., 2006, by Trans Island (GB), out of Fool's Penny (GB), by Boundary (USA) , bred by M. Ervine , See GSB Vol. 46 p.1274 2012 barren to Munir (GB) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Apr 3) db. c. by Munir (GB) Savvas Yerou

COPLAM, ch., 1990, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Monofthalmi, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.26 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 CORONATION GIFT (GB), br., 2006, by Anabaa (USA), out of Jubilee Treat (USA), by Seeking The Gold (USA) , bred by Tarworth Bloodstock Investments Ltd , See GSB Vol. 46

2014 (Mar 23) b. f. by Jarah (USA) Kyriacos Iona Stylianou

COVENT GARDEN, b., 2003, by Wind Cheetah (USA), out of Mucambo Varkiza, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.26 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 CRAZY GIRL, b., 2005, by Autobird (FR), out of Maria's Angel, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Makis Couvas , See Vol. 5 p.99 2010 (Apr 24) c. (died) by Roger The Butler (IRE) Theodoros Charalambou Charalambous 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Apr 23) ch. g. AELISTAS by Santillana (USA) Andreas Stavrou Kyriacou 2013 (May 20) b. c. by Mister Hughie (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

22 CREATIVE, b., 1996, by Pollen Street (GB), out of Collalba (IRE), by (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.27 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 CREME DE LA CREME, db., 2002, by Roi Gironde (IRE), out of Avant Garde, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.27 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 CRYSTAL MAGIC, b., 2004, by Daylight In Dubai (USA), out of Hawaii Petite, by Clever Danzig (USA) , bred by Emilios Georghiades , See Vol. 4 p.57 2012 (Apr 12) b. f. CRYSTAL HOPE by Jarah (USA) Emilios Georghiades 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

CRYSTAL SEA, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Thalassa, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.27 2010 (Feb 19) b. f. by Autobird (FR) Mrs. Maria Michael Ioannidou 2011 barren to Provo (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

CRYSTAL TAORMINA, b., 2001, by Born Hero (GB), out of Ela Philiotissa, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.27 2010 (Mar 6) c. (died) by Daylight In Dubai (USA) Michael Ttofi Michael 2011 (May 16) ch. c. by Osool (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

CUMBRIAN HARMONY (IRE), b., 1998, by Distinctly North (USA), out of Sawaki (GB), by Song (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.28 2010 barren to Jarah (USA) 2011 barren to Domingues (GB) 2012 (Apr 19) c. (died) by Paok (GB) Mrs. Miranta Petroutsiou Died in April 2012

23 CYPRUS STORY (IRE), b., 2005, by Raise A Grand (IRE), out of Champagne Girl (GB), by Robellino (USA) , bred by Mrs John McEnery , See GSB Vol. 46 2010 (Jan 24) f. (died) by Roger The Butler (IRE) Wymering Farm Limited 2011 (Feb 24) b. g. TRADER by Binary Vision (USA) do 2012 (Mar 13) b. f. STORY by Domingues (GB) do 2013 (Mar 22) b. c. by Binary Vision (USA) do 2014 (Apr 12) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do

DAISY, ch., 2005, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Asymvivasti, by Volta (USA) , bred by Mrs. Popi Vasiliou, See Vol. 5 p.15 2011 (Mar 18) ch. f. PAOLA by Takkatamm (USA) Christos Lambrou Tsangaras 2012 (May 4) b. f. VLOGERI by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2013 (Apr 15) ch. f. by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2014 (May 12) ch. c. by Munir (GB) do

DANCE IN RAIN, b., 1992, by Scottish Dancer (USA), out of Rainstorm, by Saint Paul (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.28 2010 barren to Gold Tower (USA) 2011 barren to Haami (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013 Died in October 2014 DANCE IN THE NIGHT, b., 2001, by Premier De Cordee (FR), out of Dance In Rain, by Scottish Dancer (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.28

2010 (Apr 13) b. f. DANCEMETOTHESTARS by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Savvas Christoforou Polyviou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (May 5) b. f. by Super Elite (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

DANCING KATERINA, gr., 1995, by Bold N Proper (USA), out of Jessica, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.28 2010 slipped twins by Royal Court (USA) 2011 (Feb 27) ch. g. FAKALAS by Royal Court (USA) Pantelis Constantinides 2012 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

DANCING KATERINIO, b., 2008, by Tale Of Dreams (USA), out of Dancing Katerina, by Bold N Proper (USA) , bred by Pantelis Constantinides , See Vol. 5 p.28

2014 (Mar 25) b. c. by Jarah (USA) Mrs. Panayiota HjiChristodoulou

24 DEAR MARIA, ch., 2004, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Hopefully (GR), by Generale (GR) , bred by Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis , See Vol. 4 p.61 2011 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Apr 14) b. c. by Super Elite (USA) Panayiotis Kolokotronis

DIDYMI PSYCHI, ch., 2009, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Alexandra Mia, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Smarthorse Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.4 2013 slipped foal by It's A Bird (USA) 2014 barren to It's A Bird (USA)

DIGENIA, gr., 1994, by Domus (IRE), out of Beaugestic (GB), by Crimson Beau (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.31 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Died in February 2011 DILEMMA, b., 2000, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Beach, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.31 2010 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Master David (USA) 2013 barren to Duca D'Atri (IRE) Died in June 2012 DIRTY JOB (GR), b., 2003, by Tony Galvin (GR), out of Vanilli (GR), by Wadood (USA) , bred by Ippotour Stud , See GrSB Vol. 5 p.139 2010 (Mar 22) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) Georghios Michali Fenek 2011 (Apr 22) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) do 2012 barren to Medicine Path (GB) Died in November 2012 DIVA, db., 2004, by Wind Cheetah (USA), out of Whiney, by Baradaan (GB) , bred by Mrs. Annita P. HjiPanagi, See Vol. 4 p.152 2012 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

DIVA ROZA, b., 2000, by Autobird (FR), out of Miss Olympia, by Canonsky (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.32 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

25 DOBRIC, ch., 2002, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Light Ship (FR), by Pharly (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.32 2010 barren to Jarah (USA) 2011 (Feb 18) ch. c. by Jarah (USA) Marcos Michali Demetriades 2012 (Jan 29) ch. g. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2014 not covered in 2013

DODONI, b., 1993, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Grey Blossom, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.32 2010 (Apr 21) b. g. MOUNT OLYMPOS by Secret Ioannis Prokopi Alexandrou 2011 (May 1) ch. g. by Secret Partner do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

DONNA MARA (GR), b., 2001, by Nwaamis (USA), out of Anna Maria II (GR), by Generale (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.32 2010 (Mar 19) b. g. VOREIO SELAS by Anadonis (GB) Petros Petroutsios 2011 (Apr 26) b. c. (died) by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2012 (May 15) b. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2013 barren to Jarah (USA) 2014 (Feb 18) c. (died) by Gutsy (GR) Mrs. Miranta Petroutsiou Died in February 2014 DONNAS DIAMOND, gr., 2003, by Santillana (USA), out of Marikkou, by Eliason , bred by St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.95 2010 barren to Autobird (FR) 2011 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Died in January 2011 DORELLA, gr., 2001, by Ajzem (USA), out of Stavroulla Mia, by Ordensadler (GER) , bred by Nicolas Frantzeskou , See Vol. 4 p.138 2013 (Apr 13) b. c. by Osool (USA) Lefteris Andreou HjiNicola 2014 not covered in 2013

DORKAS, b., 1999, by Volta (USA), out of Topsi, by El Hakim (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.32 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 27) b. f. ORAIA AKANTHOU by Jarah (USA) Mrs. Anastasia Costa Michael 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Mar 7) c. (died) by Super Elite (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

26 DREAM COME TRUE, b., 2000, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Nargissa, by Domus (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.33 2010 (May 14) ch. f. by Daylight In Dubai (USA) Petros Andrea Petrou 2011 barren to Provo (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

DYNATI, gr., 2001, by Barraak (GB), out of Anna Mou, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.33 2010 (Apr 30) b. c. ZAETS BRO by Takhlid (USA) Panayiotis Zavos 2011 (Apr 23) b. f. QUEEN ZAETSINA by Takhlid (USA) do 2012 (May 2) b. f. (died) by Takhlid (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 24) gr. f. by Takhlid (USA) do

EIRINI FIGHTER, gr., 2004, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Achniotou, by Aboline (USA) , bred by Georghios Panagi Panaortou , See Vol. 4 p.1 2011 (Mar 9) b. f. MIKRI MARIA by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Costakis Constantinou Iacovou 2012 (Mar 6) gr. or br. c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 15) b. c. by Profit Ilias (GB) do

ELA ANTRI, b., 2005, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Chevignon, by El Hakim (USA) , bred by Darios Zambakkides , See Vol. 5 p.23 2013 early abortion Shillelagh Slew (CAN) 2014 not covered in 2013

ELA CARYOFILIA MOU, b., 1994, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Perdika, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.34 2010 (Feb 27) b. g. AFENTIKO by Takkatamm (USA) C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd 2011 no return to Takkatamm (USA) Died in September 2010 ELA HARA, b., 1989, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Ela Paphitou, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.34 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 ELA KOUKLA MOU, b., 2007, by Wind Cheetah (USA), out of Se Iketevo, by Volta (USA) , bred by Mrs. Afroulla Costaki Soteriou, See Vol. 5 p.140 2014 no return to Jarah (USA) Died in August 2013

27 ELA NINI, b., 1998, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Lady Kitiana, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.35 2010 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE) 2011 (Apr 25) b. c. (died) by Roi Gironde (IRE) Savvas Evangelou Georghiou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ELA PHILIOTISSA, ch., 1987, by Be Better (GB), out of Athinoulla, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.35 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 ELA VASOULA MOU, b., 2006, by Haami (USA), out of Nisos Kypros, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Georghios Papaioannou , See Vol. 5 p.119 2013 (Apr 11) b. f. (died) by Pallodio (IRE) Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou 2014 not covered in 2013

ELENA STAR, b., 2002, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Gloria, by El Hakim (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.36 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Apr 1) b. c. by Mister Hughie (IRE) Mrs. Elena Costa HjiChristodoulou

ELENOU, db., 2002, by Volta (USA), out of Ttinou, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.36 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 16) b. c. by Dafnakos (GR) Georghios Rossides 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013 Died in September 2014 ELIA, br., 2002, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Georgia's Treasure, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.36 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 ELIANA MOU, gr., 1993, by Armin (USA), out of Simone, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.36 2010 barren to Armin (USA) 2011 barren to Samim (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

28 ELIAS BEST, b., 1995, by New Constitution (USA), out of Cyprus Danger (GB), by Royalty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.36 2010 (May 19) ch. f. NOT IN THE MOOD by Santillana (USA) Mrs. Lynda Elia Onoufriou 2011 barren to Santillana (USA) Died in January 2011 ELIAS COUNTRY PARK, b., 2001, by Son Pardo (GB), out of Anikka Reisen, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Mrs. Marie Elia Onoufriou, See Vol. 4 p.9 2011 (Mar 8) ch. c. AGAPITOS by Santillana (USA) Mrs. Marie Elia Onoufriou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Mar 21) b. f. by Santillana (USA) Elias Onoufriou 2014 not covered in 2013

ELIAS CROWN, ch., 2000, by Eliash, out of Ruby Crown (USA), by Pharly (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.37 2010 (Mar 2) b. f. (died) by Autobird (FR) St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd 2011 barren to Santillana (USA) Died in March 2011 ELIAS GOGO, gr., 2000, by Son Pardo (GB), out of Linda's Girl, by Eliason , See Vol. 5 p.37 2010 (May 3) db. c. BABY ELIAS by Ramooz (USA) St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd Died in September 2010 ELIAS MUM, b., 2000, by Santillana (USA), out of Eliastop, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.37 2010 barren to Autobird (FR) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ELIAS PALACE, b., 2001, by Son Pardo (GB), out of Elias Support, by Mansooj (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.37 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Mar 29) f. (died) by Santillana (USA) Mrs. Lynda Elia Onoufriou 2012 (Mar 20) f. (died) by Santillana (USA) do 2013 barren to Santillana (USA) Died in January 2013 ELIAS PASSION, ch., 2001, by Santillana (USA), out of Pop Art, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , bred by Christian Elia Onoufriou , See Vol. 4 p.120 2011 (Mar 20) c. (died) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Christian Elia Onoufriou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

29 ELIAS PITCH, ch., 1998, by Eliash, out of Christiansystem, by All Systems Go (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.37 2010 barren to Santillana (USA) 2011 (Mar 6) ch. f. DANCING QUEEN by Santillana (USA) St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in January 2013 ELIAS RISK, b., 1999, by Mansooj (IRE), out of Cyprus Danger (GB), by Royalty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.37 2010 (May 8) b. c. (died) by Santillana (USA) Mrs. Lynda Elia Onoufriou 2011 (May 21) ch. f. (died) by Santillana (USA) do 2012 barren to Ramooz (USA) 2013 (Jun 4) ch. c. by Santillana (USA) Elias Onoufriou 2014 not covered in 2013

ELIAS SUPPORT, b., 1997, by Mansooj (IRE), out of Cyprus Danger (GB), by Royalty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.38 2010 (May 19) b. f. (died) by Santillana (USA) Mrs. Lynda Elia Onoufriou 2011 no return to Santillana (USA) Died in December 2010 ELIASFILI, db., 2001, by Born Hero (GB), out of Kalotihi, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.38 2010 (Mar 7) f. (died) by Zaaleff (USA) Vasos Panayioti Patritziotis 2011 (Mar 22) f. (died) by Zaaleff (USA) do Died in April 2011 ELIASH MEMORY, b., 2009, by Eliash, out of Andris Memory, by Santillana (USA) , bred by St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.9 2014 barren to Santillana (USA)

ELISAVET, db., 2002, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Andromachi, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.39 2010 (Apr 27) b. g. ARNAOUTIS by Roger The Butler (IRE) Marcos Michali Demetriades 2011 (May 26) ch. g. by Jarah (USA) do 2012 (May 12) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (Apr 26) b. f. by Jarah (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

ELIZARETTA, gr., 1993, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Chionati, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.39 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010

30 ELLI MOU, b., 2006, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Manda Wind, by Red Rocks (GB) , bred by Marios S. Charalambides , See Vol. 5 p.96 2011 (Mar 17) f. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Stelios Xenofontos Neofytou 2012 (Mar 31) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) Kyros Kneknas 2013 barren to Pallodio (IRE) Died in May 2013 ELLINIDA, ch., 1998, by Aboline (USA), out of Pop Corn, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.39 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 ELLOPIA, b., 2006, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of L'Etoile (GB), by (USA) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 5 p.88 2012 (Mar 31) b. f. (died) by Gold Tower (USA) Mrs. Katerina Neocli Neocleous 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ELOUNTA, gr., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Grey Blossom, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.40 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 ELOUNTA BAY, gr., 2003, by Haami (USA), out of Elounta, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Constantinos Shiacolas , See Vol. 4 p.39 2011 barren to Jarah (USA) 2012 (Mar 28) b. or gr. f. by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) Alekos Michali Loizou 2013 (Apr 17) b. or gr. c. by Mister Hughie (IRE) do 2014 (Apr 26) gr. f. by Mister Hughie (IRE) do

ELSA, b., 2004, by Anadonis (GB), out of Magic Mana, by Maries Magic , See Vol. 5 p.40 2010 slipped foal by Ramooz (USA) 2011 (Mar 14) db. f. by Medicine Path (GB) Mrs. Eleni Savva Peppou 2012 (Apr 16) db. f. by Medicine Path (GB) do 2013 barren to Siberian Superb (USA) Died in February 2013 ENGLISH ROSE, ch., 1998, by Hadeer (GB), out of Patsys Danehill (GB), by Danehill (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.40 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010

31 EPIDAVROS, ch., 1990, by Nawaf (USA), out of Lamia, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.40 2010 (Apr 25) ch. f. NIKEYS SISTER by Roi Gironde (IRE) Andreas Christou Efstathiou 2011 dead foal by Roi Gironde (IRE) 2012 (Mar 13) ch. g. AL CAPONE AGAIN by Roi Gironde (IRE) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ERIEL, b., 2004, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Born Lady, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.41 2010 (Apr 18) b. f. ESTELLE by Takkatamm (USA) Demetrakis Charalambides 2011 (May 18) b. f. GRANADA by Takkatamm (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 3) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do

ERMOUPOLIS, b., 2000, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Sparti, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.41 2010 no return to Samim (USA) Died in May 2010 EROESSA, b., 2008, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Monadiki, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Andreas Panayioti Demetriades , See Vol. 5 p.113 2014 (Feb 15) ch. c. by Golden Arrow (IRE) Andreas Panayioti Demetriades

ESCAPE, b., 1994, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Sweet Zina, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.41 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 ETRURIA, b., 2006, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Lady On Time, by Provo (USA) , bred by Demosthenis Chrysomilas , See Vol. 5 p.83 2012 (Mar 25) b. g. by Takkatamm (USA) Demosthenis Chrysomilas 2013 (Apr 2) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) Kyriacos Batis 2014 (Apr 7) c. (died) by Pallodio (IRE) do

EUROPRINCESS, b., 2001, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Tinos, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.41 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

32 EUROTARGET, b., 2000, by Mokhtar (IRE), out of Hawaii Pleasure, by Clever Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.42 2010 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) 2011 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) Died in January 2011 EVA, ch., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Naxos, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.42 2010 (Mar 22) b. c. by Jarah (USA) Zenon S. Eliades 2011 (Mar 30) ch. g. FEIDIAS by Jarah (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in December 2012 EVANASTASIA, b., 2003, by Autobird (FR), out of Glorious Goodwood, by Interrex (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.42 2010 barren to Secret Partner 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

EVENING DANCE, b., 2003, by Inzar (USA), out of Kebili (IRE), by Green Desert (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.42 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Apr 4) b. f. IRA by Gutsy (GR) L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

EVIPPI, b., 2002, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Lady Lara (GR), by Lai Lai (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.43 2010 (Apr 24) b. g. ORAIOS ELLINAS by Provo (USA) Mrs. Elena Michali Shiakalli 2011 (May 1) ch. f. PORTOKALI FIESTA by Provo (USA) do 2012 (May 24) ch. g. by Osool (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Jun 29) b. c. by Fabri (FR) do

EVOULLA, b., 2000, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Miss Riviera, by Domus (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.43 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010

33 EVRYDIKI, ch., 2003, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Madonna Love, by Domus (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.43 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Mar 2) b. g. PAFSANIAS by Jarah (USA) Zenon S. Eliades 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

FAEDRA, b., 1996, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Mariechrisnicola, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.43 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2012 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

FAIA OUSIA, b., 2000, by Samim (USA), out of Perdika Mou, by Mac's Reef (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.43 2010 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2011 (May 11) b. f. by Jarah (USA) George Demetriou Christoforou 2012 early abortion Jarah (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

FAIR JUSTICE, br., 1990, by Caroline's Tern (GB), out of Justice, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.43 2010 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2011 barren to Samim (USA) 2012 barren to Samim (USA) 2013 barren to Pallodio (IRE) Died in April 2013 FAIRWAY DANCER (IRE), b., 2005, by Danetime (IRE), out of Rappide (IRE), by Fayruz (GB) , bred by Paul McCartan , See GSB Vol. 46 2011 barren to Siberian Superb (USA) 2012 slipped foal by Siberian Superb (USA) 2013 slipped foal by Siberian Superb (USA) 2014 (Feb 18) b. c. by Siberian Superb (USA) Andreas Michael Papashiandis

FAMOUS CHRYSA, ch., 2007, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Katelitsa Treasure, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Phanos Ioanni Theophanous , See Vol. 5 p.74 2013 (May 2) ch. f. by It's A Bird (USA) Smarthorse Ltd 2014 barren to It's A Bird (USA)

34 FANOTHEA, b., 2002, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Protogeneia, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.44 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 FARAKITA STAR, ch., 1998, by New Constitution (USA), out of Farakita, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.44 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 FARINA, ch., 2005, by Ramooz (USA), out of L'Antioquena, by Born Hero (GB) , bred by Mrs. Maro Ioanni Mavridou, See Vol. 5 p.84 2012 (Apr 7) ch. g. MIKROS MICHALIS by Gold Tower (USA) Mrs. Niki Theodorou Georghiou 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

FAST NAVY, b., 2003, by Ballet King (FR), out of Justice, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , bred by Charalambos Cleanthous Charalambous , See Vol. 4 p.65 2010 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

FAYZA, b., 2001, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Popouska's Best, by Stalker (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.44 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 FEROUZA, b., 1995, by Greek Tycoon (IRE), out of Didyme, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.45 2010 (Apr 1) db. or br. f. FEYROUZAS PRIDE by Woodman's Mount (USA) Mrs. Mona Christaki Georghiades 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (May 19) b. f. by Barlovento (GER) Panayiotis Nicou Panagi 2013 barren to Barlovento (GER) 2014 no return to Munir (GB) Died in May 2014 FERRARI, db., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Larissa, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.45 2010 (Mar 30) b. g. SENIOR SOLAKIS by Takkatamm (USA) Evgenios Solonos Gregoriou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Apr 2) b. f. by Haami (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 barren to Fly By Night (IRE)

35 FEVGATI, gr., 2001, by Armin (USA), out of Kouklaki, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.45 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 FIDDLER'S FAIR (GB), ch., 2006, by (GB), out of Violin Time (USA), by (IRE) , bred by Darley , See GSB Vol. 46 p.774 2011 no return to Jarah (USA) Exported to Greece June 2010 FILOMACHI, b., 2004, by Philemon (IRE), out of Omarina (GR), by Generale (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.45 2010 (May 4) b. f. APOELLAS by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2011 (Apr 17) f. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) do 2012 (Apr 15) c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (Apr 27) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 (May 31) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

FILONI, b., 2004, by Philemon (IRE), out of Lamorna II, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , bred by Andreas Nicola HjiYiannis , See Vol. 4 p.79 2010 (May 18) b. g. EVRYMIDIS by Takkatamm (USA) Andreas Nicola HjiYiannis 2011 (May 16) b. f. FAITH by Takkatamm (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

FINLANDIA, br., 1985, by Be Better (GB), out of Altriva (GB), by Galivanter (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.45 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 FIONARA, b., 2002, by Provo (USA), out of Fiona, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Kokos Marcou , See Vol. 4 p.43 2012 (Apr 21) b. f. by Samim (USA) Kokos Marcou 2013 (Apr 7) b. f. by Golden Arrow (IRE) Mrs. Anastasia Costa Michael 2014 not covered in 2013

FIRENZE, b., 2006, by Fantasy Island (IRE), out of Kornelias Treasure, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Michalis Nicou Adamou , See Vol. 5 p.78 2012 (Apr 20) br. f. by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Michalis Marcou Demetriades 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

FLASH BALOU, ch., 1991, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Skybalou, by Ciel De Chance (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.46 2010 (Feb 20) f. (died) by Balal (GR) Mrs. Marina Michali Krashia Put out of Stud in September 2010

36 FLASHING RED, ch., 2003, by Ramooz (USA), out of Crystal Red, by Aboline (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.46 2010 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2011 (Mar 20) f. (died) by Royal Court (USA) Nicos Panayioti Kasapis 2012 (Mar 28) ch. f. by Royal Court (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 19) ch. c. by Osool (USA) do

FLO-JO, ch., 1992, by Pharoah's Pride (GB), out of Flotena (GB), by (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.46 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in November 2010 FLOGA, ch., 2001, by Hadeer (GB), out of Top Priority, by Sovereign Lane (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.46 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 FLYING LOVE, b., 1995, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Simply Red, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.47 2010 (May 20) b. g. PROKOPIOS by Samim (USA) Mrs. Tasoulla Kourtella 2011 (May 20) ch. f. by Provo (USA) Mrs. Divina Camayan Morelos 2012 barren to Samim (USA) 2013 (May 9) b. f. (died) by Golden Arrow (IRE) Charalambos Michael Christou Died in June 2013 FLYING NIKI (IRE), b., 2000, by Sri Pekan (USA), out of Shore Lark (USA), by Storm Bird (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.47 2010 (May 30) b. c. APOELLI by Jarah (USA) Mrs. Miranta Petroutsiou 2011 barren to Jarah (USA) 2012 (Apr 17) ch. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2013 (Apr 2) c. (died) by Jarah (USA) do 2014 (Apr 9) b. f. by Jarah (USA) do

FOINIKI, b., 2004, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Elinor, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Petros Kyriacou Florides , See Vol. 4 p.39 2011 (Mar 3) b. f. ALISTO by Haami (USA) C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd 2012 (Apr 4) b. g. KARCHARIAS by Haami (USA) do 2013 (Mar 31) b. f. AIR LADY by Munir (GB) Paolos Yerou 2014 (May 3) b. f. by Munir (GB) do

FRANJOLA, gr., 2004, by Santillana (USA), out of The Manageress, by Eliason , bred by St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.144 2014 (Mar 30) ch. c. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd

37 FREE BASE, ch., 2001, by Mac's Reef (IRE), out of Philiki, by Fair Hunter (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.48 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 23) ch. g. JULIUS CAESAR by Takkatamm (USA) Constantinos Demetraki Christoforou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

FROSO STAR, b., 2007, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Looking Warum, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Andronikos Kourouklaris , See Vol. 5 p.90 2013 (May 28) b. f. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Andronikos Kourouklaris 2014 (Jun 4) b. c. by Jarah (USA) do

FRYGHADA, gr., 1997, by Mokhtar (IRE), out of Avenue Louise, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.48 2010 barren to Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2011 (Feb 7) b. f. (died) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Tellos N. Papageorghiou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Golden Arrow (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

FUERTE MIRAMAR (GB), b., 2007, by Tiger Hill (IRE), out of Nasheed (USA), by (USA) , bred by Shadwell Estate Company Limited , See GSB Vol. 46 p.497 2013 barren to Winster (IRE) 2014 (Mar 10) b. f. by Touch Of Apoel (IRE) Mrs. Christina Steliou Kritikou

GALI STAMPA, b., 2002, by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE), out of Gali-Gali, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.48 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in January 2013 GAMBLES AFFAIR, b., 1998, by New Constitution (USA), out of Lynda's Baby, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.48 2010 barren to Woodman's Mount (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

38 GARDEN OF EDEN (GB), b., 1998, by Green Desert (USA), out of All The Time (GB), by (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.49

2010 barren to Fahers Best 2011 slipped foal by Paok (GB) 2012 (Apr 10) c. (died) by Paok (GB) Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2013 (Mar 10) c. (died) by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do Died in March 2013 GATES OF FIRE, b., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Flying Gate, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.49 2010 (Apr 4) b. g. SAN MARCO by Takkatamm (USA) Savvas Christoforou Polyviou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Mar 31) b. c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (May 16) b. f. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2014 not covered in 2013

GEFSI, db., 1995, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE), out of Androniki, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.49 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 GEORDIE JODIE, ch., 2001, by Mithali (GB), out of Elias Jem, by Manx (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.49 2010 barren to Son Pardo (GB) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in December 2012 GERANIOTISSA, b., 2000, by Pharoah's Pride (GB), out of Black Lady, by El Hakim (USA) , bred by Charalambos Loizou Louca , See Vol. 4 p.16 2010 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2011 (Jun 6) db. g. ARTVET by Anadonis (GB) Andreas Nicou Artemiou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

GLORY, ch., 1997, by Hadeer (GB), out of Weston Blizzard (GB), by Scarlet Sky (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.51 2010 (Feb 6) b. f. SOMETHING ROYAL by Autobird (FR) Makis Couvas 2011 barren to Ramooz (USA) 2012 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) 2013 (Feb 4) ch. c. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Pambos Tsouloupas Died in February 2013

39 GLYKEIA ANGELA (GB), ch., 2000, by Air Express (IRE), out of Barque Bleue (USA), by Steinlen (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.51 2010 (Feb 27) ch. g. ASTREAS by Boomer (GR) Mrs. Zena Eleftheriou Englezou 2011 (Mar 12) ch. f. ROBBERY by Boomer (GR) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 early abortion Jarah (USA) 2014 not covered in 2013

GLYKEIA KATERINA, ch., 2006, by Jarah (USA), out of Warum Angel, by Warum Nicht , bred by Christodoulos Constantinou Marcou , See Vol. 5 p.158 2012 (Feb 27) b. c. by Super Elite (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2013 barren to Super Elite (USA) Died in December 2012 GLYKEIA MOU ELENA, ch., 2005, by Aboline (USA), out of Manda Wind, by Red Rocks (GB) , bred by Marios S. Charalambides , See Vol. 5 p.96 2011 (Mar 17) b. f. TRIAINA by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Stelios Xenofontos Neofytou 2012 (Mar 9) b. f. by Super Elite (USA) Kyros Kneknas 2013 (Apr 17) ch. c. by Royal Court (USA) do 2014 barren to Royal Court (USA)

GLYKIOTISSA, b., 1989, by Albarg (IRE), out of Corallia, by Lucky Look , See Vol. 5 p.51 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 GO LASSIE (IRE), b., 2006, by Soviet Star (USA), out of Go Honey Go (IRE), by General Assembly (USA) , bred by Mrs C. L. Weld , See GSB Vol. 46 2011 barren to Dafnakos (GR) 2012 (Apr 4) b. f. (died) by Fly By Night (IRE) Shaaban Ali Died in December 2012 GOLDEN VEIN, ch., 1996, by Warum Nicht, out of Morning Star, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.52 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Haami (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

GORGOFONI, b., 2002, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Ippokampi, by Henry's Luck (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.52 2010 slipped foal by Takkatamm (USA) 2011 (Feb 10) b. f. MNIMOSYNI by Takkatamm (USA) Michalis Geo. Krashias 2012 (Apr 20) db. f. DANAIDA by Jarah (USA) do 2013 no return to Mukhtaal (GB) Died in December 2012

40 GORGOPPI, b., 1996, by Red Rocks (GB), out of Kadmia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.52 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 barren to Anadonis (GB)

GOTHIKI (GR), br., 2002, by Nwaamis (USA), out of Gothic Theme (IRE), by (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.52 2010 no return to Anadonis (GB) Died in April 2010 GOUDIOTISSA, b., 2001, by Pharoah's Pride (GB), out of Salonikia, by Oncle Riton (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.52 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 GRAND LADY, b., 1992, by El Hakim (USA), out of Polymnia, by Fair Hunter (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.53 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 GREEK DOLL (IRE), b., 2008, by Tiger Hill (IRE), out of Gaily Grecian (IRE), by Ela-Mana-Mou (IRE) , bred by Ballygallon Stud Limited , See GSB Vol. 46 p.1292 2014 barren to Fabri (FR)

GREEK PARANOYA (IRE), b., 2005, by Captain Rio (GB), out of Pretty Precedent (GB), by Polish Precedent (USA) , bred by Patrick Doyle , See GSB Vol. 46

2011 (Apr 3) ch. f. CATCHMEIFYOUCAN by Jarah (USA) Petros Loizou Pantelides 2012 (Apr 19) b. g. by Medicine Path (GB) do Died in May 2012 HAWAII AGAPI MOU, b., 2001, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Yiota, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.54 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

41 HAWAII ALEGRA, b., 2002, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Lady Warren, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.78 2010 (Mar 9) ch. g. CYCLOPS by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2011 (Mar 30) b. f. (died) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2012 (Mar 20) c. (died) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2013 barren to Master David (USA) 2014 (Apr 12) b. c. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do

HAWAII ALOHA, b., 1997, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Magic, by Tirwadda (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.54 2010 (Apr 7) c. (died) by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2011 (Apr 1) ch. f. ATHANASSA by Royal Court (USA) do 2012 (May 9) b. f. HAWAII LEGENDA by Master David (USA) do 2013 barren to Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2014 barren to Mister Hughie (IRE)

HAWAII ANIEZA, b., 1997, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Ma Gigi (GB), by Windjammer (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.54 2010 slipped foal by Roger The Butler (IRE) 2011 barren to Master David (USA) 2012 (Mar 26) b. g. HAWAII ASTERAS by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2013 (Apr 7) b. f. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2014 barren to Duca D'Atri (IRE)

HAWAII ANORTHOSIS, ch., 2001, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Bride, by Tirwadda (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.54 2010 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) Died in August 2010 HAWAII ARACHNI, ch., 2003, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Princess, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.55 2010 (Apr 8) ch. c. (died) by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd Died in April 2010 HAWAII BALLERINA, b., 1999, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Pearl, by Fair Hunter (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.55 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 HAWAII BEACH, b., 1991, by Pollen Street (GB), out of Rose D'Anjou (GB), by (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.55 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

42 HAWAII BIANCA, b., 2002, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Shrewd Decision (GB), by Lochnager (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.134 2010 barren to Master David (USA) 2011 slipped foal by Master David (USA) 2012 (Mar 15) b. g. HAWAII THALASSINOS by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2013 (Apr 3) br. c. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2014 barren to Duca D'Atri (IRE)

HAWAII BIG LADY, ch., 1997, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Smile, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.56 2010 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2011 (Mar 1) ch. f. MEGALOKORMI by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2012 barren to Master David (USA) Died in April 2012 HAWAII BRIDE, ch., 1987, by Tirwadda (GB), out of Bryone (GB), by (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.56 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in August 2010 HAWAII CARMELINA, ch., 2002, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Artemis, by Roger The Butler (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.56 2010 (Jan 23) b. g. NESTA by Anadonis (GB) Mrs. Maria Neoptolemou Karagianni 2011 early abortion Anadonis (GB) 2012 (Feb 14) b. f. YOU NEVER KNOW by Anadonis (GB) do 2013 (Feb 24) ch. f. by Pallodio (IRE) do 2014 barren to Pallodio (IRE)

HAWAII CHARISMA, ch., 1998, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Bride, by Tirwadda (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.56 2010 (May 17) ch. g. MATCH BOX by Jarah (USA) Mrs. Miranta Petroutsiou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in November 2013 HAWAII CROWN, b., 1999, by Mokhtar (IRE), out of Hawaii Dream, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.57 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in August 2010 HAWAII DONATA, b., 2002, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Bride, by Tirwadda (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.53 2011 (Apr 3) ch. g. PHOBETOR by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2012 (Apr 1) b. g. HAWAII FORMIDABLE by Master David (USA) do Died in July 2012

43 HAWAII DOUKISSA, b., 2009, by Duca D'Atri (IRE), out of Hawaii Energy, by Clever Danzig (USA) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.58 2014 (May 1) b. f. by Mister Hughie (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd

HAWAII ENERGY, b., 2000, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Top, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.58 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in July 2010 HAWAII EVENT, b., 1998, by Mokhtar (IRE), out of Mecca Leisure, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.58 2010 barren to Master David (USA) 2011 barren to Duca D'Atri (IRE) Died in July 2010 HAWAII EXOTIC, ch., 1997, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Dutchess, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.58 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 HAWAII FLAG, b., 1999, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Mangalita, by Seventh Brave (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.58 2010 (Apr 20) b. g. THRASIAN by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2011 (Apr 4) b. f. HAWAII ALICIA by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2012 (Mar 18) b. g. HAWAII FRIEND by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2013 slipped foal by Master David (USA) 2014 not covered in 2013

HAWAII FORTUNE, b., 1997, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Bryone (GB), by Brigadier Gerard (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.59 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in December 2010 HAWAII GAME, b., 1993, by Pollen Street (GB), out of Hawaii Princess, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.59 2010 barren to Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2011 (Mar 10) b. g. DUCA MANGA by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2012 early abortion Duca D'Atri (IRE) Died in April 2012 HAWAII GEMMA, b., 2002, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Bryone (GB), by Brigadier Gerard (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.59 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Mar 31) ch. f. by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2012 (Mar 22) b. f. HAWAII POLITIMI by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2013 barren to Master David (USA) 2014 barren to Royal Court (USA) Died in October 2013

44 HAWAII HARMONY, b., 1994, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaiian Dynasty, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.59 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Master David (USA) 2012 (May 21) f. (died) by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

HAWAII KOUKLA MOU, b., 1997, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Lady Warren, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.60 2010 (Feb 22) b. g. RUBERO DUKE by Domingues (GB) Philippos Stavrou Philippou 2011 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2012 (Apr 17) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) do 2013 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2014 barren to Anadonis (GB)

HAWAII LATREIA MOU, b., 2001, by Mokhtar (IRE), out of Hawaii Blessing, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.60 2010 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) Died in August 2010 HAWAII MELODIA MOU, b., 2001, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Melody, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.56 2010 (Apr 27) f. (died) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Charis Yiannaki Dorzis 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

HAWAII MELODY, ch., 1995, by Pollen Street (GB), out of Bryone (GB), by Brigadier Gerard (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.60 2010 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) Died in August 2009 HAWAII MISTRESS, ch., 2001, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Revenge, by Tirwadda (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.61 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) 2012 (Apr 19) ch. f. HAWAII SEXY by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2013 slipped foal by Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2014 (Mar 6) ch. c. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do

45 HAWAII PALOMA, b., 2003, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Serviceable (GB), by Pursuit Of Love (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.134 2011 (Apr 13) ch. f. LIMNIA ROSE by Takkatamm (USA) Vassilis Yian. HjiYiannis 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Mar 15) b. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2014 (Mar 18) b. f. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd

HAWAII PEACE, b., 1999, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Game, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.61 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in October 2010 HAWAII PLATINUM, ch., 2007, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Game, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.59 2014 (Apr 3) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) Andreas Demetriou Omirou

HAWAII PREMIUM, b., 1998, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Velvet, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.62 2010 slipped foal by Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2011 barren to Master David (USA) 2012 slipped foal by Master David (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (May 15) b. f. by Mister Hughie (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd

HAWAII RESORT, ch., 2006, by Jarah (USA), out of Hawaii Beach, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.55 2011 (Apr 17) ch. f. HAWAII HOLIDAYS by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2012 (Apr 10) ch. f. HAWAII MYRO by Master David (USA) do 2013 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2014 (Mar 13) ch. f. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do

HAWAII ROCKET, ch., 1995, by Pollen Street (GB), out of Nob Hill (GB), by (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.62 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Master David (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

HAWAII ROYALTY, b., 1999, by Mokhtar (IRE), out of Imagination, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.63 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Master David (USA) 2012 (Mar 3) ch. g. HAWAII PERFORMER by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2013 (Apr 2) ch. c. (died) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

46 HAWAII SCARLET, b., 2002, by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE), out of Hawaii Top, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.63 2010 no return to Takkatamm (USA) Died in January 2010 HAWAII SCIENCE, ch., 2008, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Alana, by Clever Danzig (USA) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.3 2014 (Mar 10) ch. f. by Royal Court (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd

HAWAII SELECTION, b., 1998, by Mokhtar (IRE), out of Hawaii Princess, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.63 2010 barren to Roger The Butler (IRE) 2011 (Apr 11) ch. f. CHARIS CHOICE by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2012 (Mar 31) b. g. FUJI by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2013 slipped foal by Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2014 barren to Duca D'Atri (IRE)

HAWAII STRIKE, b., 1999, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Blessing, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.64 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 HAWAII SUNSET, b., 1996, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Bride, by Tirwadda (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.64 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (May 16) b. f. by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2012 barren to Master David (USA) 2013 barren to Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

HAWAII TREASURE, ch., 1997, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Imagination, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.65 2010 (Apr 22) ch. f. THALASSOFILITI by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 early abortion Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2013 (Apr 2) ch. f. by Master David (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013 Died in January 2014 HEADOULA, ch., 1998, by Pharoah's Pride (GB), out of Perdika Mou, by Mac's Reef (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.66 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2012 (Feb 21) ch. c. by Shorten Sail (USA) Pavlos Kyriacou Kyriakides 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

47 HELLENIC STAR, b., 2006, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Garden Of Eden (GB), by Green Desert (USA) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.49 2012 (Apr 6) b. c. HELLENIC BOY by Fahers Best Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 3) ch. f. by Fahers Best do

HELVETICK, ch., 1999, by Hadeer (GB), out of Habitat Lady, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.66 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 HERAKLEA, b., 2001, by Ile De Chypre (GB), out of Alargini, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.66 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 IBIZA (GR), gr., 2005, by Dounavis (GB), out of Sylvana (GR), by Guy Butters (GR) , bred by Lydia E.P.E , See GrSB Vol. 5 p.131 2013 (Mar 22) c. (died) by Siberian Superb (USA) Nicos Andrea Pavlou 2014 (Apr 27) db. c. by Siberian Superb (USA) Shaaban Ali

IGOUMENITSA, b., 2004, by Turnberry Isle (IRE), out of Casteliotissa, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 4 p.20 2013 (Feb 25) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) Mrs. Irene Stavrinide 2014 not covered in 2013

ILEIA, ch., 2005, by Haami (USA), out of Olympiada, by Takkatamm (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.120 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (May 3) b. c. by Jarah (USA) Constantinos Andrea HjiNicola 2012 (May 7) b. f. AGIANNITISSA by Anadonis (GB) do 2013 (May 13) c. (died) by Anglos Evgenis (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

ILIOFANEIA, ch., 1995, by Provo (USA), out of Maria-Maria, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.67 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

48 IMATHIA, b., 2005, by Haami (USA), out of Ela Caryofilia Mou, by Coeur De Miel (USA) , bred by C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.34 2013 (Mar 15) c. (died) by Munir (GB) Panayiotis Kolokotronis 2014 not covered in 2013

IMIA, gr., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Age To Age (USA), by Jim J (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.67 2010 (Mar 4) gr. or br. c. (died) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Ruwi Valley Stud 2011 barren to Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Golden Arrow (IRE) 2014 barren to Golden Arrow (IRE)

INES, b., 2006, by Sarhan (USA), out of Loving Nicolina, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Nicolas Christaki Mitsides , See Vol. 5 p.92 2012 (Apr 16) db. f. (died) by Osool (USA) Panicos Steliou Sevastides 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013 Died in September 2014 INUSA, b., 2003, by Provo (USA), out of Cielito Lindo (GB), by Pursuit Of Love (GB) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.23 2012 (Feb 24) ch. g. SHARKY by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2013 (Feb 11) b. f. by Santillana (USA) Pambos Tsouloupas 2014 (Feb 12) ch. f. by Santillana (USA) do

IOUSTINIANI, db., 2001, by Stalker (GB), out of Vyzantini, by Galilei , See Vol. 5 p.68 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Scottish Dancer (USA) 2012 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

IPPOMEDOUSA, b., 2002, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Aiolida, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.68 2010 (May 29) ch. c. by Gold Tower (USA) Michalis Antoniou Aeroporos 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

49 IRENA, ch., 1998, by Aboline (USA), out of Garida, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.68 2010 (May 27) f. (died) by Ballet King (FR) Mrs. Sonia Costa Kazakeou 2011 (Apr 20) c. (died) by Ballet King (FR) do 2012 (May 23) c. (died) by Ballet King (FR) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

IRENE, b., 2006, by Musalsal (IRE), out of Ela Nini, by Clever Danzig (USA) , bred by Panayiotis Evangelou , See Vol. 5 p.35 2012 (Jun 15) ch. f. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) Savvas Evangelou Georghiou Died in August 2012 IRIDA, b., 2006, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Samaria, by Registry (GB) , bred by Mrs. Irene Christoforou Polyviou, See Vol. 5 p.138 2012 (Mar 25) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) Mrs. Irene Christoforou Polyviou 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (May 1) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

ISIS BABY, ch., 1994, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Isis Mou, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.69 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 JEALOUSYS SPIRIT, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Jealousy, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.69 2010 (Mar 21) b. f. JEALOUSYS PRINCESS by Takkatamm (USA) Pieris HjiCostas 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Mukhtaal (GB) 2014 barren to Takkatamm (USA) Died in March 2013 JESSICA ALBA, b., 2006, by Scottish Dancer (USA), out of Chalefka Mou, by Born Hero (GB) , bred by Georghios Papaioannou , See Vol. 5 p.23 2011 (Feb 22) ch. c. (died) by Binary Vision (USA) Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Mar 19) b. c. by Pallodio (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

JOANNA MARIA, b., 2004, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Kassandra, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Mrs. Fofi Kalispera, See Vol. 4 p.69 2012 (May 11) b. g. MILIOTIS TSIKOURAS by Super Elite (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2013 (Apr 7) b. f. by Super Elite (USA) do 2014 (Apr 15) ch. f. by Profit Ilias (GB) do

50 JOIE DE VIVRE, b., 2002, by Son Pardo (GB), out of Marie Ela, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Mrs. Marie Elia Onoufriou, See Vol. 4 p.94 2011 (Feb 16) ch. f. (died) by Santillana (USA) Mrs. Marie Elia Onoufriou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

JUST A BOB (IRE), b., 2008, by Tagula (IRE), out of Bobanlyn (IRE), by Dance Of Life (USA) , bred by Mrs Sheila Walker , See GSB Vol. 46 p.87 2014 (Mar 15) b. f. by Golden Arrow (IRE) Kypros Kyprianou

KADMIA, br., 1989, by Luqman (IRE), out of Lady Blue Eye, by Lucky Look , See Vol. 5 p.70 2010 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) 2011 (May 21) db. f. TANAGRA by Baltic Fox (CAN) Charis Stavrakis 2012 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) 2013 barren to Golden Arrow (IRE) Died in September 2012 KAFOUNTA, ch., 2000, by Hadeer (GB), out of Patsys Danehill (GB), by Danehill (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.70 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 KAIMAKLIOTOU, b., 1998, by Barraak (GB), out of Neroponti, by Pouroukountis , See Vol. 5 p.70 2010 barren to Ballet King (FR) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Ballet King (FR) Died in January 2012 KALAMAGKRA, b., 1996, by Born Hero (GB), out of Kalotihi, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.70 2010 (Feb 10) c. (died) by Gold Tower (USA) Andronikos Kourouklaris 2011 (Feb 11) c. (died) by Gold Tower (USA) do Died in March 2011 KALAMARIA, ch., 1996, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Pandora, by Charlie Man (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.70 2010 barren to Gold Tower (USA) 2011 (Apr 21) ch. c. (died) by Jarah (USA) Christos Nearchou Papanearchou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

51 KALLISTA, b., 2004, by Hibiscus (GER), out of Niki's Girl, by Stalker (GB) , bred by Christakis Souroullas , See Vol. 4 p.114 2012 (Mar 21) b. f. LADY SAKURA by Fly By Night (IRE) Mrs. Irene Nicola Ierides 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 barren to Jarah (USA)

KALLISTI, b., 1996, by Greek Tycoon (IRE), out of Miss Marianna, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.71 2010 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2011 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 no return to Fly By Night (IRE) Died in March 2013 KALLONI, b., 2001, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Ela Hara, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.71 2010 (Mar 30) b. f. ELA KALLONI by Musalsal (IRE) Panayiotis Evangelou 2011 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE) 2012 (Apr 8) c. (died) by Roi Gironde (IRE) do 2013 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

KALOMOIRA, b., 2003, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Aorati, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Stavros Ioan. Christodoulou , See Vol. 4 p.10 2010 (May 10) b. g. ROYAL PRINCE by Royal Court (USA) Demetris Andrea Papaprodromou 2011 (Apr 19) b. g. ROYAL CHRISTOS by Royal Court (USA) do 2012 (Mar 30) b. g. by Royal Court (USA) do 2013 (May 4) b. c. by Royal Court (USA) do 2014 (Jul 8) b. f. by Royal Court (USA) do

KALOPSIANA STAR, b., 2006, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Maria Dyo, by Desert Crest (GB) , bred by Evangelos Michali Evangelou , See Vol. 5 p.98 2012 slipped foal by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KALOSYNI, b., 2002, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Faedra, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.71 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (May 11) c. (died) by Super Elite (USA) Michalis Demetri Ppekris 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (May 5) ch. c. by Munir (GB) do 2014 barren to Munir (GB)

52 KALZAK (GB), b., 2003, by Kalanisi (IRE), out of Zakuska (GB), by Zafonic (USA) , bred by Clarks Industrial Services Partnership , See GSB Vol. 45 p.1328 2010 (Mar 26) b. f. COSMOPOLITAN by Samim (USA) Paris Papapetrou 2011 (Apr 13) db. c. MANOLIS by Siberian Superb (USA) do 2012 (May 24) f. (died) by Jarah (USA) Panicos Pari Papapetrou Died in June 2012 KAMA SUTRA, b., 1998, by Lord Of Appeal (GB), out of Avant Garde, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.72 2010 no return to Mountain Spirit (GR) Died in September 2009 KANAPITSA, ch., 2000, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Lucky Nadia, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.72 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 KAPILLOU MANA, b., 2000, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Sifnos, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.72 2010 (May 8) b. f. TSIAMPINA by Takkatamm (USA) Michalis Yiannaki Paschalis 2011 (Apr 24) b. g. KAPILLOU BOY by Gold Tower (USA) Andronikos Kourouklaris 2012 (May 14) b. g. MISTER EFTHYMIOS by Gold Tower (USA) Mrs. Froso Stavrou Charalambous 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in June 2013 KAPILLOUS ALONA, b., 2000, by Nordico (USA), out of Kapillou, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.72 2010 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2011 (May 19) b. g. KAPILLOUS FIRST by Royal Court (USA) Demetris Antoni Paschalis 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KAPILLOUS CHRISTINA, b., 2002, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Kapillou, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.73 2010 (May 14) b. g. KAKOS by Provo (USA) Kyriacos Batis 2011 (May 5) f. (died) by Osool (USA) do 2012 (Apr 23) b. c. by Osool (USA) do 2013 (Apr 26) c. (died) by Osool (USA) do 2014 (Apr 26) b. f. by Osool (USA) Marios Andrea Louros

KARAMELENIA MOU, b., 1994, by Desert Crest (GB), out of Morning Star, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.73 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

53 KARENINA, b., 1984, by Golden River, out of Weston Blizzard (GB), by Scarlet Sky (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.73 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 KASSANDRA, ch., 1997, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Korinthia, by Dhaleem (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.73 2010 slipped foal by Anadonis (GB) 2011 barren to Jarah (USA) Died in December 2010 KASSIOPI, b., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Miss Anastazia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.73 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 29) ch. g. ANTONELLOS by Provo (USA) Antonis Athanasi Taliadoros 2012 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KATAZITOUMENI, b., 1996, by Chris Waddle (GR), out of Tenedos, by Tharraleos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.74 2010 (Feb 28) db. f. by Autobird (FR) Mrs. Maria Michael Ioannidou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KATBALOU, ch., 1997, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Mammy Blue, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.74 2010 (Apr 1) b. c. MYSTIKE MOU EROTA by Ballet King (FR) Phivos Georghiou Kyriacou 2011 (Apr 10) b. g. DARTAGNAN by Ballet King (FR) do 2012 (May 15) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (May 14) ch. f. by Munir (GB) Constantinos Stavrou 2014 not covered in 2013

KATELITSA TREASURE, b., 2001, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Miss Kornelia, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.74 2010 (Apr 16) b. f. INFERNO by Gold Tower (USA) Smarthorse Ltd 2011 (Apr 29) b. g. AKTAION by Jarah (USA) do 2012 (Jun 26) ch. f. by Jarah (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 barren to Jarah (USA)

54 KATERINAKI, ch., 2003, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Kouklaki, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Smarthorse Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.73 2012 barren to Domingues (GB) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KATERINAS TREASURE, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Miss Kornelia, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.74 2010 no return to Jarah (USA) Died in April 2010 KATERINIO, b., 1993, by Mac's Reef (IRE), out of Amphitriti, by Naraan (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.74 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in March 2010 KENTUCKY ROSES, b., 1998, by Autobird (FR), out of Mrs Tigger (GB), by Absalom (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.75 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 slipped foal by Samim (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KIMBERLY, ch., 1996, by Exactly Sharp (USA), out of Madagaskari, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.75 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 KIOUZELINA, ch., 1997, by Provo (USA), out of Elena Mia, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.75 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 KIRKI, b., 1996, by La Grange Music (GB), out of Paralimnitissa, by Lucky Look , See Vol. 5 p.76 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Died in January 2011 KISS GOODNIGHT, b., 2008, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Hawaii Kiss, by Clever Danzig (USA) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.60 2014 (Mar 9) ch. c. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd

55 KITSIOPOULA, b., 1999, by Nordico (USA), out of Lucky Blossom, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.76 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 slipped twins by Boomer (GR) 2013 (Mar 11) c. (died) by Barlovento (GER) Panayiotis Nicou Panagi Died in March 2013 KLEANTHI, b., 2000, by Jealousy's Affair, out of Justice, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.76 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 KLEFTOU AGAIN, gr., 2000, by Armin (USA), out of Nena, by Heaven Again (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.76 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 KLEOPATRA AGAIN, b., 2000, by Volta (USA), out of Eleanas Tern, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.76 2010 (Apr 21) b. f. QUEEN IDALIA by Osool (USA) Demetris Kouspis 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KLYTAIMNISTRA, b., 1993, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Ruwi Valley (GR), by Zingari (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.76 2010 (Mar 23) b. g. ATALANTIOS by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Ruwi Valley Stud 2011 (May 2) b. g. AGAMEMNONAS by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Anastasios Polyviou Malloupas 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KOLLIMENI, b., 2001, by Born Hero (GB), out of Come On Aileen, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.77 2010 (Feb 27) b. c. MISTER PERFECT by Siberian Superb (USA) Kyriacos Nicola Nicolaou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KOMISSA, b., 2000, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Lamorna II, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.77 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

56 KOMMATOS ANNA, b., 2006, by Jolly Prospect (USA), out of Giasoumina, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , bred by Yiannakis Michael Kommatou , See Vol. 5 p.50 2014 (Apr 11) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Michael Kommatou

KONTEA, b., 2000, by Aboline (USA), out of Morfou, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.77 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 KOPAIDA, b., 2004, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Asinou, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 5 p.77 2010 (Apr 8) b. f. MILIOTIS THEKLA by Woodman's Mount (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2011 (Mar 25) b. f. MILIOTIS KALINA by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2012 (Feb 27) c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2013 (May 14) b. c. by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2014 early abortion Stormy Humor (USA)

KORNELIAS TREASURE, ch., 1999, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Miss Kornelia, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.78 2010 (May 17) ch. g. EVAGORAS by Jarah (USA) Michalis Nicou Adamou 2011 (Jun 2) ch. g. NIKOLETSIOS by Jarah (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Mar 30) b. c. by It's A Bird (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

KORSIKI, gr., 1995, by Caroline's Tern (GB), out of Nebraska, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.78 2010 barren to Jarah (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KOUKLAKI, b., 1993, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Ela Koukla Mou, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.78 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 KOULLARA, b., 1998, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Come On Aileen, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.78 2010 barren to Siberian Superb (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

57 KRANAICHMI, b., 2008, by Balal (GR), out of Gorgofoni, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Michalis Geo. Krashias , See Vol. 5 p.52 2014 (Feb 12) b. f. by Mukhtaal (GB) Michalis Geo. Krashias

KRITIKOS ISAVELLA, b., 2006, by Thunderstorm (USA), out of Digenia, by Domus (IRE) , bred by Andreas Steliou Kritikos , See Vol. 5 p.31 2010 (May 25) b. f. BUNNY FUNNY by Fantasy Island (IRE) Andreas Steliou Kritikos 2011 (Jun 4) c. (died) by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) Mrs. Christina Steliou Kritikou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KYPRIANA, db., 2005, by Barlovento (GER), out of Stavroulla Mia, by Ordensadler (GER) , bred by Mrs. Athanasia Kyriacou Antoniou, See Vol. 5 p.146 2010 (Apr 4) b. c. by Anadonis (GB) Iacovos Petrou Iacovou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KYPRIOPOULLA, ch., 1999, by Lord Of Appeal (GB), out of Alte Liebe, by Ordensadler (GER) , See Vol. 5 p.79 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 KYRA DESPOINA, b., 1999, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Pourquoi Pas, by Canonsky (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.80 2010 barren to Samim (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

KYRENIA BEAUTY, b., 1999, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Kebili (IRE), by Green Desert (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.80 2010 (Apr 1) b. f. (died) by Fahers Best L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd 2011 (Mar 9) b. f. KYRENIA GLORY by Fahers Best do 2012 (Mar 13) b. g. MIKROS GIAGKOS by Gold Tower (USA) do 2013 barren to Mountain Spirit (GR) 2014 (Feb 14) b. c. by Santillana (USA) do

KYRIAKOU, b., 2002, by Roi Gironde (IRE), out of Mepa Sister, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.80 2010 (May 19) b. f. LADY KYRIAKOU by Balal (GR) Kyriacos Andrea Katsaris Died in May 2010

58 LA FARMA, b., 2005, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Garden Of Eden (GB), by Green Desert (USA) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.49 2014 (Apr 11) c. (died) by Anglos Evgenis (IRE) Mimis Rossides

LADY ANDROULLA, ch., 2003, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Kallistho, by Aboline (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.80 2010 (Mar 19) b. g. KOUROUKLARIS by Gold Tower (USA) Andronikos Kourouklaris 2011 (Feb 21) b. f. KRYO ANEMI by Haami (USA) do 2012 (Feb 4) f. (died) by Gold Tower (USA) do Died in February 2012 LADY DI ITALIA, ch., 2008, by Duca D'Atri (IRE), out of Hawaii Connection, by Mokhtar (IRE) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.57 2014 (May 7) b. f. by Mister Hughie (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd

LADY JENNY, db., 2000, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Alepou, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.81 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 LADY KITIANA, gr., 1990, by Caroline's Tern (GB), out of Ela Paphitou, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.82 2010 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE) 2011 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE) 2012 (Apr 18) b. f. by Super Elite (USA) Savvas Evangelou Georghiou 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LADY MARTHA, ch., 1999, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Didyme, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.82 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 LADY REGINA, b., 2003, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Sepfora, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Reginos HjiVassilis , See Vol. 4 p.134 2012 (Mar 1) f. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Reginos HjiVassilis 2013 (Apr 29) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

LADY TANIA, br., 2004, by Haami (USA), out of Nimeli, by Greek Tycoon (IRE) , bred by Yiannakis Antoniou Georghiades , See Vol. 4 p.114 2012 (Jun 28) b. c. by Jarah (USA) Solonas Georghiou Mouzouras 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

59 LADY VALENTINA, ch., 2000, by Huang Tuah (GB), out of Revelina (GB), by (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.83 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 slipped foal by Takhlid (USA) 2013 (Apr 1) c. (died) by Takhlid (USA) Akis Andrea Zenonos 2014 not covered in 2013

LADY VIRARDI, b., 2003, by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE), out of Hawaii Event, by Mokhtar (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.83 2010 (May 15) c. (died) by Jarah (USA) Necati Guney Died in October 2010 LADY ZINA, ch., 2005, by Midnight Snack (GB), out of Shikara, by Exactly Sharp (USA) , bred by Pavlos Kyriacou Kyriakides , See Vol. 5 p.141 2011 (Mar 25) ch. f. REA MOU by Royal Court (USA) Zesimos Chr. Papazesimou Exported to Greece September 2011 LAKITHRA, b., 2003, by Inzar (USA), out of Lucky Nadia, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.84 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 LALITA, b., 2000, by Nordico (USA), out of Ela Andry Mou, by Black Prince , See Vol. 5 p.84 2010 slipped twins by Woodman's Mount (USA) 2011 (Apr 22) b. f. (died) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Andreas Nicou Michael 2012 (Apr 10) f. (died) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013 Died in January 2014 LANIA, b., 2003, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Lava, by Sharp Reminder (GB) , bred by Demetrakis Charalambides , See Vol. 4 p.81 2011 (Mar 20) b. c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Costakis Andrea Soteriou 2012 (Apr 30) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) Alexis Dem. Charalambides 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LAPTA, b., 2002, by Born Hero (GB), out of Mikri Christiana, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.85 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in July 2010

60 LARA, db., 2000, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Lava, by Sharp Reminder (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.85 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Jan 29) b. f. LANASSA by Takkatamm (USA) Demetrakis Charalambides 2012 (Feb 8) b. g. LAMAISON by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LARISSA, b., 1993, by Nawaf (USA), out of Alkyon III, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.85 2010 (Mar 1) b. c. LAWYER TAS by Thunderstorm (USA) Andreas Petrou Santis 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LAURU ARABELLA, b., 1994, by Autobird (FR), out of Bold Arabella (GB), by Never So Bold (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.86 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in January 2010 LAURU MYRTO, b., 2005, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Crazy Elena, by Autobird (FR) , bred by Koulis Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.26 2011 (Mar 13) b. f. MIMAGE by Gold Tower (USA) Mrs. Vera Stavrou Damianou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LAURU ROSE, b., 1998, by Nordico (USA), out of Tell Mama (GB), by Never So Bold (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.86 2010 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2011 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2012 (May 26) b. c. by Royal Court (USA) Kyros Kneknas 2013 (May 17) b. f. by Royal Court (USA) do 2014 barren to Royal Court (USA)

LAVA, b., 1994, by Sharp Reminder (GB), out of Lady Cromwell, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.86 2010 (May 13) f. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Demetrakis Charalambides 2011 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2012 (Apr 28) f. (died) by Super Elite (USA) do Died in April 2012

61 LE RICHE (GB), ch., 2004, by Pivotal (GB), out of Courtlandt Queen (USA), by (CAN) , bred by Wood Hall Stud Limited , See GSB Vol. 45 p.252 2012 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2013 (Mar 27) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) Petros Loizou Pantelides 2014 not covered in 2013

LEFKI, b., 1998, by Aboline (USA), out of Zakynthos, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.86 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 LEGACY, b., 1991, by Red Rocks (GB), out of Miss Tina, by Tharraleos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.86 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 LEGACYS BABY, ch., 2005, by Provo (USA), out of Legacy, by Red Rocks (GB) , bred by Georghios Papaioannou , See Vol. 5 p.86 2011 (May 22) b. f. (died) by Samim (USA) Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 22) ch. c. by Pallodio (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

LEGENDARY LADY, b., 2001, by Prince Satire (USA), out of Desert Storm, by Desert Crest (GB) , bred by Doullis HjiGeorghiou , See Vol. 4 p.28 2010 (Apr 28) b. g. SENIOR MAGKAS by Anadonis (GB) Theodoros Frixou Theodorou 2011 (May 10) db. g. KATHIGITIS by Anadonis (GB) do 2012 (Apr 25) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LENALIZA, b., 2000, by Autobird (FR), out of Princess Philyra, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.87 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 LENAS FLAME, b., 2005, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Flying Love, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Michalis Mariou Pandis , See Vol. 5 p.47 2013 (Mar 15) c. (died) by Anadonis (GB) Michalis Mariou Pandis 2014 (Apr 8) b. c. by Anadonis (GB) do

62 LENOU, b., 1999, by Hadeer (GB), out of Amathus Petite, by Desert Crest (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.87 2010 (Apr 7) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) Andreas Kyriacou Riala 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Mar 11) b. f. by Golden Emperor (GR) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LEONTOKARDI, ch., 1993, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Constantina Mou, by Rhodomantade (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.88 2010 (Mar 28) f. (died) by Balal (GR) Nicolas Zorlakis 2011 no return to Takkatamm (USA) Died in March 2011 LEXEKO BALLERINA, b., 2003, by Inzar (USA), out of Russian Ballerina, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.130 2012 (Apr 7) b. c. by Mountain Spirit (GR) Panayiotis Christoforou Symeou 2013 (Mar 20) b. c. by Mister Hughie (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

LEXEKO GARDEN, b., 2009, by Gold Tower (USA), out of Garden Of Eden (GB), by Green Desert (USA) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.49 2013 (Mar 1) f. (died) by Fahers Best Loukis Ioakim 2014 not covered in 2013

LEXEKO GIRL, b., 1997, by Luqman (IRE), out of Klytaimnistra, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.88 2010 (Mar 18) b. f. FAHERS GIRL by Fahers Best Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2011 (Apr 27) ch. c. (died) by Mountain Spirit (GR) do 2012 barren to Mountain Spirit (GR) 2013 (Jun 10) b. f. by Roi Gironde (IRE) Stavros Theodosi Zavos 2014 not covered in 2013

LIGHT RAIN, ch., 2002, by Roi Gironde (IRE), out of Dance In Rain, by Scottish Dancer (USA) , bred by Mrs. Irene Christoforou Polyviou, See Vol. 4 p.27 2010 (Apr 12) b. f. SINGINGINTHERAIN by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Mrs. Irene Christoforou Polyviou 2011 early abortion Takkatamm (USA) 2012 (May 4) b. g. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

63 LILIANA STAR, ch., 1992, by Nawaf (USA), out of Diana Ketow, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.88 2010 barren to Takhlid (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LISA'S GIRL, ch., 1995, by New Constitution (USA), out of Lisa Marie, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.89 2010 barren to Santillana (USA) Died in June 2010 LITO, b., 1998, by Volta (USA), out of Maraki, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.89 2010 (Mar 4) f. (died) by Havana Dancer (GR) Dinos G. Rossides 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LIVING, b., 2008, by Jarah (USA), out of Morfonia, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Petros Loizou Pantelides , See Vol. 5 p.113 2013 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2014 (Apr 4) c. (died) by Fabri (FR) Petros Loizou Pantelides

LOOKING WARUM, db., 1997, by Luqman (IRE), out of Pourquoi Pas, by Canonsky (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.90 2010 (Mar 10) b. g. KYRILLOS by Gold Tower (USA) Andronikos Kourouklaris 2011 (Mar 7) b. f. WARUM VASIA by Jarah (USA) do 2012 (May 29) b. g. PSYLLOS by Gold Tower (USA) do 2013 (May 21) b. f. by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

LORENA MY LOVE, ch., 2008, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Casus Belli, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Doullis HjiGeorghiou , See Vol. 5 p.22 2013 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2014 (Feb 19) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) Gamal Ali

LOUTMILLAN, ch., 2001, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Folegandros, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.91 2010 (Apr 29) b. f. DIANA VALENTINA by Top Of His Class (USA) Costas Kyriacou Tyrimos 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Feb 21) b. c. BIG BOSS by Roi Gironde (IRE) Andreas Antoni Kourris 2013 (Feb 24) b. f. by Roi Gironde (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

64 LOVELY CAROLINA, b., 2000, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Lola, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.91 2010 (Apr 8) b. f. ALARICA by Takkatamm (USA) George Steliou Stamatis 2011 (May 11) f. (died) by Osool (USA) do 2012 (May 9) b. g. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LOVELY LUDA, b., 2000, by Scottish Dancer (USA), out of Frideriki Mou, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.91 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 LOVING MARIANNA, db., 2000, by Volta (USA), out of Magemeni, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.92 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 LOVING NICOLINA, b., 1993, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Goldilia, by Rhodomantade (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.92 2010 barren to Provo (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LUCKY BLOSSOM, br., 1990, by Luqman (IRE), out of Grey Blossom, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.92 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 LUCKY HANNAH, b., 2000, by Mithali (GB), out of Marikkou, by Eliason , See Vol. 5 p.92 2010 (Mar 21) c. (died) by Santillana (USA) St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd 2011 (Feb 6) c. (died) by Santillana (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in January 2013 LUCKY NADIA, b., 1994, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Tanagra, by One No Trump (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.93 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Died in January 2011 LUSAKA, gr., 2006, by Berber (GER), out of Musi O Tunya, by Lord Of Appeal (GB) , bred by Michalis Andrea Pourgouris , See Vol. 5 p.115 2014 (Feb 27) c. (died) by Asterios Michalis Andrea Pourgouris Died in March 2014

65 LYSIMACHEIA, b., 2003, by Haami (USA), out of Nafpaktos, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.93 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Mar 26) ch. f. by Roi Gironde (IRE) Panayiotis Costa Hailis 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

LYSIOTOU, b., 1999, by Mac's Reef (IRE), out of Glykiotissa, by Albarg (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.93 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 22) b. g. MENOIKOS by Super Elite (USA) Michalis Andrea Kakoullis 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 22) b. f. by Barlovento (GER) Michalis Demetri Ppekris 2014 barren to Munir (GB)

LYSO, b., 2000, by Aboline (USA), out of Synagrida, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.93 2010 (Feb 11) b. f. ARKADIA by Baltic Fox (CAN) Ruwi Valley Stud 2011 (Feb 21) db. g. NIKIAS by Baltic Fox (CAN) Charis Stavrakis Died in September 2011 MACKENNA, b., 2003, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Cumbrian Harmony (IRE), by Distinctly North (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.94 2010 (Jan 27) b. f. QUEST by Binary Vision (USA) Wymering Farm Limited 2011 (Feb 14) b. f. PAOKKARA by Paok (GB) Michalis Antoniou Aeroporos Died in March 2011 MADAME FIGARO, ch., 2006, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Russian Ballerina, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.137 2013 (May 7) ch. c. MANTIPA by Fahers Best L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd 2014 (Apr 27) ch. c. by Fahers Best do

MADONNA LOVE, b., 1996, by Domus (IRE), out of Stella-Nicola, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.94 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MADONNA ROSE, b., 1996, by Rose (GB), out of Mandona Mia, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.94 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MAGDA, b., 1995, by Greek Tycoon (IRE), out of Miss Marianna, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.94 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

66 MAGICAL BELLE (IRE), ch., 1992, by Magical Strike (USA), out of Bel Ria (IRE), by Gay Fandango (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.95 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 14) ch. f. (died) by Samim (USA) Mrs. Vasiliki Meli 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in February 2013 MAGNIFIQUE, b., 2008, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Megali Kyria, by Roger The Butler (IRE) , bred by Andreas Panayioti Panteli , See Vol. 5 p.103 2014 (Apr 28) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) Petros Stavrinides

MAJESTIC MOVER (IRE), b., 2005, by Noverre (USA), out of Cappella (IRE), by College Chapel (GB) , bred by Mrs Ellen Lyons , See GSB Vol. 46 2012 (May 1) f. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Apr 29) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do

MAJOR GROUP, b., 1998, by New Constitution (USA), out of Eliastop, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.95 2010 barren to Santillana (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MAKARENA, b., 1994, by Nawaf (USA), out of Dhianna Mou, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.96 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2012 (Jun 11) b. f. by Royal Court (USA) Demos Taki Zenonos 2013 barren to Royal Court (USA) Died in January 2013 MAKEDONIA, b., 2005, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Tamassos, by Registry (GB) , bred by Socrates Z. Eliades , See Vol. 5 p.151 2011 (Mar 11) ch. g. NEOPTOLEMOS by Jarah (USA) Zenon S. Eliades 2012 (Mar 14) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MAKIAPA, b., 2004, by Jarah (USA), out of Princesse De Miel, by Coeur De Miel (USA) , bred by Paris Papapetrou , See Vol. 4 p.123 2012 barren to Golden Emperor (GR) Died in May 2012

67 MAL MEISIE, b., 2000, by Mokhtar (IRE), out of Hawaii Music, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.96 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Feb 16) b. f. by Stormy Humor (USA) Yiannakis Costa Panagi 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MANDA SPIRIT, b., 1999, by Nordico (USA), out of Dyna-Manda, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.96 2010 slipped foal by Jarah (USA) 2011 barren to Jarah (USA) 2012 barren to Jarah (USA) Died in January 2012 MANDA SUCCESS, b., 2000, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Dyna-Manda, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.96 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MANDA WIND, b., 1998, by Red Rocks (GB), out of Dyna-Manda, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.96 2010 (Mar 27) br. g. CUSTOM MADE by Ippotis Mrs. Miranta Petroutsiou 2011 (Apr 14) ch. f. MADEMOISELLE COCO by Jarah (USA) do 2012 barren to Jarah (USA) 2013 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Died in February 2013 MANGALA, ch., 1991, by Pharoah's Pride (GB), out of Miss Mangala, by El Mighty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.97 2010 barren to Siberian Superb (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Golden Emperor (GR) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MANI, b., 2003, by Aboline (USA), out of Kadmia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.97 2010 (Mar 25) b. f. MYRTIDA by Baltic Fox (CAN) Ruwi Valley Stud 2011 (Apr 18) b. f. ROMIOSYNI by Baltic Fox (CAN) Charis Stavrakis 2012 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) 2013 (Feb 16) b. f. by Golden Arrow (IRE) do 2014 barren to Takkatamm (USA)

MAPLE LOVE, gr., 1997, by Hadeer (GB), out of Dhonisis, by Never Say Path , See Vol. 5 p.97 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010

68 MARAKI, ch., 1984, by Light Fire (GB), out of Argentina (GR), by Alexander (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.98 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MARIA, ch., 2001, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Pythia Ton Delfon, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.98 2010 (Apr 27) db. f. AMIRAH by Anadonis (GB) Kyriacos Georghiou Athanasiou 2011 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2012 slipped foal by Anadonis (GB) 2013 (Mar 3) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) Demetris Steliou Demetriou 2014 early abortion Super Elite (USA)

MARIA DYO, b., 1994, by Desert Crest (GB), out of Red Layka, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.98 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in September 2012 MARIA SHARP, b., 1995, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Erato, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.98 2010 (May 25) b. g. SHARP THEO by Takkatamm (USA) Charalambos Michael 2011 barren to Haami (USA) 2012 (Jul 19) b. f. by Haami (USA) Theodosis Charalambou Michael 2013 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2014 barren to Takhlid (USA)

MARIA'S ANGEL, b., 1992, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Miss Bluebell, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.99 2010 barren to Ramooz (USA) 2011 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) 2012 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Died in January 2012 MARIALENI, ch., 2007, by Ramooz (USA), out of Ferouza, by Greek Tycoon (IRE) , bred by Mrs. Mona Christaki Georghiades, See Vol. 5 p.45 2012 (May 23) b. f. by Fly By Night (IRE) Mrs. Ifigeneia Andrea Michael 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 20) ch. f. by Jarah (USA) do

MARIANTIA, ch., 1998, by Eliash, out of Allayi, by Multipos , See Vol. 5 p.99 2010 (Feb 15) b. f. MARITONIA by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Antis Antoni Elia 2011 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2012 (Feb 2) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) do 2013 (Mar 29) b. c. by Anadonis (GB) do 2014 not covered in 2013

69 MARIAS GIFT (IRE), b., 2004, by Beneficial (GB), out of Miss Executive (IRE), by Executive Perk (IRE), bred by Patrick Devereux , See GSB Vol. 45 p.2559 2012 (Feb 18) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) Shaaban Ali 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in February 2013 MARIELLA, ch., 2006, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Shafak, by Caroline's Tern (GB), bred by Evangelos Michali Evangelou , See Vol. 5 p.141 2014 (May 29) ch. c. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Alexis Theoklitou Alexandrou

MARIEVEL, gr., 2003, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Magemeni, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.99 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 24) gr. or br. c. by Mister Hughie (IRE) Alekos Michali Loizou 2014 (May 6) c. (died) by Mister Hughie (IRE) do Died in May 2014 MARIKKOU, gr., 1991, by Eliason, out of Grey Coral (GB), by (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.99 2010 barren to Ramooz (USA) Died in May 2010 MARILIA, ch., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Chrysa, by Autobird (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.100 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MARINA MARIE, ch., 1990, by Timely Jet (USA), out of Mari Terez, by Lostromos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.100 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MARISSA, b., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Sepfora, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.100 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 24) b. f. PARIS RIGINA by Takkatamm (USA) Reginos HjiVassilis 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 27) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

MARISTEL, b., 2004, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Andromachi, by Sayes (GB) , bred by Stelios Andrea Stylianou , See Vol. 4 p.9 2012 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2013 (Apr 9) b. f. by Fly By Night (IRE) Christos Nearchou Papanearchou 2014 (May 29) b. c. by Thunderstorm (USA) Panayiotis Kolokotronis

70 MARKSPENSION, ch., 2006, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Kanapitsa, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Loukis Ioakim , See Vol. 5 p.72 2012 (Apr 6) b. f. ZAVOLINA by Osool (USA) Apostolos Stavrou Apostolou 2013 (Mar 31) b. c. by Osool (USA) do Died in April 2013 MARONITOU, ch., 1999, by Huang Tuah (GB), out of Diana Ketow, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.101 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MAROULLITSA, b., 2005, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Eva's Treasure, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Michalis Nicou Adamou , See Vol. 5 p.42 2014 barren to Roi Gironde (IRE)

MAROULLOU, b., 1997, by Eliash, out of Marikkou, by Eliason , See Vol. 5 p.101 2010 (Feb 22) b. f. SWEET RAP by Santillana (USA) St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd 2011 barren to Son Pardo (GB) Died in February 2011 MAROUSIA, b., 2002, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Chardakiotissa, by Dhaleem (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.101 2010 (May 27) br. g. BLACK FOREST by Woodman's Mount (USA) Mrs. Larisa Trushchenkova 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Mar 2) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Apr 6) b. c. by Super Elite (USA) Michalakis Antoni Petrou

MARQUETTE, ch., 2002, by Santillana (USA), out of Thalassa, by Red Rocks (GB) , bred by Constantinos Palmas , See Vol. 4 p.144 2012 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MARTHA, ch., 1998, by Volta (USA), out of Mykali, by Naraan (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.101 2010 (Apr 9) b. g. GEORGE RAPHAEL by Royal Court (USA) Mrs. Ivana Kozackova Ahmetova 2011 no return to Royal Court (USA) Died in December 2010 MAVRI KALLONI, b., 2002, by Armin (USA), out of Miss Nana, by Tharraleos (GR) , bred by Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis , See Vol. 4 p.105 2011 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

71 MBATINA, db., 1999, by Aboline (USA), out of Tillyria, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.102 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Samim (USA) 2012 (Jun 6) ch. c. by Samim (USA) Kyros Kneknas 2013 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2014 barren to Royal Court (USA)

MEDOUSA, b., 1996, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Persepolis, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.102 2010 barren to Haami (USA) Died in August 2009 MEGALI CHALEFKA, b., 2004, by Volta (USA), out of Chalefka Mou, by Born Hero (GB) , bred by Georghios Papaioannou , See Vol. 4 p.20 2010 (May 19) f. (died) by Top Of His Class (USA) Georghios Papaioannou 2011 (Apr 29) c. (died) by Anadonis (GB) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MEGALI KYRIA, ch., 2000, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Bryone (GB), by Brigadier Gerard (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.103 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Mar 16) b. f. TRELLA by Anadonis (GB) Andros Georghiou Papaioannou 2012 (May 21) b. f. SEXY by Medicine Path (GB) Kokos Nicolaou 2013 (Apr 30) b. f. by Jarah (USA) do 2014 (Apr 20) ch. c. by Jarah (USA) do

MELANADA, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Lucky Blossom, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.103 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Jun 21) c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) Nicos Panagi Petrou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Mar 21) c. (died) by Barlovento (GER) Panayiotis Nicou Panagi 2014 not covered in 2013

MELINAKI, db., 2004, by Autobird (FR), out of Argyroulla Star, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Alekos Michali Loizou , See Vol. 4 p.12 2010 (Apr 6) b. f. by Siberian Superb (USA) Alekos Michali Loizou 2011 (Apr 29) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2012 (Apr 27) b. f. by Santillana (USA) do 2013 barren to Mister Hughie (IRE) 2014 barren to Mister Hughie (IRE)

72 MELINI, b., 1998, by Barraak (GB), out of Avyssalea, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.103 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MEPA SISTER, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Isis Mou, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.103 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MESAORIA, b., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Verengaria (GR), by Lai Lai (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.104 2010 (Apr 30) b. f. (died) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2011 (May 14) b. f. MILIOTIS MERSINES by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2012 barren to Stormy Humor (USA) 2013 barren to Stormy Humor (USA) 2014 (Apr 11) b. c. by Stormy Humor (USA) do

MESHATA, b., 1997, by La Grange Music (GB), out of Cynthia Mou, by Dhaleem (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.104 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 MESKALINA, ch., 1999, by Mac's Reef (IRE), out of Philiki, by Fair Hunter (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.104 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MESOPOTAMIA, b., 2003, by Turnberry Isle (IRE), out of Casteliotissa, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.104 2010 (May 1) ch. g. MEGAS PRODOTIS by Jarah (USA) Michael Kouyialis 2011 (May 20) db. f. ALITISSA by Jarah (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 3) b. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

METALLIKA, b., 2002, by Ramooz (USA), out of Marina Marie, by Timely Jet (USA) , bred by Antonis Rotos , See Vol. 4 p.95 2010 (Apr 10) ch. c. HAPPY JOHN by Haami (USA) Antonis Rotos 2011 (Apr 24) b. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2012 (May 10) c. (died) by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) do Died in May 2012

73 METOCHOULLA, gr., 1996, by Armin (USA), out of Mikri Louiziana, by Mac's Reef (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.104 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 MEZERINA, b., 1996, by Dhaleem (USA), out of Zephyritis, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.104 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MIA, db., 1993, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE), out of La Cucaracha, by Lucky Look , See Vol. 5 p.105 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MICHELE MY LOVE, gr., 1995, by Caroline's Tern (GB), out of Fiona, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.105 2010 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) Died in September 2009 MIKRI ANDRONIKI, b., 2007, by Tale Of Dreams (USA), out of Kimberly, by Exactly Sharp (USA) , bred by Kyriacos Demetri Constantinou , See Vol. 5 p.75 2012 (Mar 31) b. g. ANDRONIKIS ASSOS by Takkatamm (USA) Mrs. Niki Theodorou Georghiou 2013 (May 3) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

MIKRI CHALEFKA, b., 2000, by Scottish Dancer (USA), out of Chalefka Star, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.105 2010 barren to Ramooz (USA) 2011 barren to Shorten Sail (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MIKRI CHRISTIANA, b., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Salamina, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.106 2010 (Jun 5) f. (died) by Balal (GR) Marios Costa Orphanides Died in June 2010 MIKRI DANAE, b., 2004, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Pipadash (IRE), by Pips Pride (GB) , bred by Georghios Xenofon Anastasiades , See Vol. 4 p.119 2013 slipped foal by Fabri (FR) 2014 not covered in 2013

74 MIKRI FLORENTIA, b., 2008, by Barlovento (GER), out of Kalosyni, by Takkatamm (USA) , bred by Michalis Demetri Ppekris , See Vol. 5 p.71 2014 (Apr 5) b. f. by Munir (GB) Michalis Demetri Ppekris

MIKRI MARY, b., 1999, by Bold N Proper (USA), out of Mariechrisnicola, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.107 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MIKRI NATASA, b., 2000, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Michelina, by Mac's Reef (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.107 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in February 2010 MIKRI OURANIA, ch., 1997, by Provo (USA), out of Mari Terez, by Lostromos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.107 2010 barren to Takhlid (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MILANO DANCING, b., 1996, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Princella, by Balipet (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.108 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 MILIOTIS ANGELIKI, b., 2008, by Super Elite (USA), out of Gorgoppi, by Red Rocks (GB) , bred by Andreas Petrou Santis , See Vol. 5 p.52 2014 (Apr 6) ch. c. by Stormy Humor (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited

MILIOTIS LOVE, db., 1997, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Sweet Christina, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.108 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MILIOTIS PRINCESA, b., 2000, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Montana, by Lucky Look , See Vol. 5 p.108 2010 (Mar 5) b. g. (died) by Woodman's Mount (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2011 (Mar 15) b. f. MILIOTIS SINDY by Woodman's Mount (USA) do 2012 (Mar 12) b. c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2013 (Apr 11) c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

75 MILIOTIS STAVRIANA, b., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Sweet Felicia, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.108 2010 (Apr 1) c. (died) by Woodman's Mount (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2011 (May 4) ch. c. by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2012 (Jun 29) ch. c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2013 barren to Stormy Humor (USA) 2014 (Jan 31) ch. f. by Stormy Humor (USA) do

MILITOS, db., 1996, by Greek Tycoon (IRE), out of Chryselli Mou, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.108 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MILOUPA, ch., 1999, by Mansooj (IRE), out of New Jersey, by Coded Scrap (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.109 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 MINESOTA (IRE), b., 2005, by Medecis (GB), out of Blushing Libra (GB), by Perugino (USA) , bred by Mrs Patricia Anne Vermeulen , See GSB Vol. 46 2013 (May 16) ch. f. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Michalis Antoniou Aeroporos 2014 not covered in 2013

MISS ANASTAZIA, b., 1989, by Luqman (IRE), out of Lady Anastazia, by Charlie Man (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.109 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MISS ANDROMACHI, b., 2006, by Jarah (USA), out of Miss Kornelia, by Registry (GB) , bred by Panayiotis Christou Gerimou , See Vol. 5 p.110 2011 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) 2012 (Mar 17) b. c. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Andreas Demetri Mannouris 2013 (May 8) b. c. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2014 not covered in 2013

MISS ANTONIA, b., 2005, by Barraak (GB), out of Sweet Angelo, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Mrs. Angela Philippou Lytra, See Vol. 5 p.147 2011 (Mar 9) db. f. KOSTANIKI by Osool (USA) Kyriacos Batis 2012 (Mar 10) b. f. MISS ATHIENOU by Osool (USA) do 2013 (Mar 2) b. c. by Osool (USA) do 2014 (Apr 11) b. c. by Osool (USA) do

76 MISS BINGO, b., 2002, by Armin (USA), out of Sweet Poppy, by Sportful (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.109 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 MISS CHARIS, b., 1998, by Scottish Dancer (USA), out of Dhalitissa, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.110 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 27) b. c. ZOUZOUKOS STAR by Roi Gironde (IRE) Andreas Charitou Cleanthous 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MISS EUROMAN, b., 2004, by Wind Cheetah (USA), out of Legend Girl, by Red Rocks (GB) , bred by Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou, See Vol. 4 p.82 2010 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MISS GIOTA, ch., 1994, by Armin (USA), out of Ebnefsis, by Ordensadler (GER) , See Vol. 5 p.110 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MISS GIOTOULA, b., 2004, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Eva's Treasure, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Panayiotis Christou Gerimou , See Vol. 4 p.41 2011 (Mar 3) b. f. ROYAL MARINA by Royal Court (USA) Demetris Andrea Papaprodromou 2012 (Mar 29) b. f. by Royal Court (USA) do 2013 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2014 barren to Royal Court (USA)

MISS KLEOPATRA, ch., 2006, by Provo (USA), out of Gambles Affair, by New Constitution (USA) , bred by Stavros Kleopa , See Vol. 5 p.48 2010 (May 30) b. c. by Top Of His Class (USA) Neofytos Andrea Aresti 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Mar 8) b. f. by Fly By Night (IRE) Shaaban Ali 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in January 2013 MISS KORNELIA, ch., 1988, by Registry (GB), out of Kastoria, by One No Trump (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.110 2010 barren to Binary Vision (USA) Died in September 2009

77 MISS PENTAGIA, b., 2003, by Zaaleff (USA), out of Ordens Daina, by Ordensadler (GER) , See Vol. 5 p.111 2010 (Apr 24) ch. f. by Woodman's Mount (USA) Vasos Panayioti Patritziotis Died in August 2010 MISS SHOW PALACE, b., 1996, by Exactly Sharp (USA), out of Jennifer, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.111 2010 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2011 (Feb 28) b. f. (died) by Anadonis (GB) Andreas P. Georghiou 2012 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2013 (Feb 19) b. c. by Mountain Spirit (GR) Andronikos Kourouklaris 2014 barren to Osool (USA)

MISS TANTELLA, b., 2002, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Cynthia Mou, by Dhaleem (USA) , bred by Pavlos Kyriacou Kyriakides , See Vol. 4 p.26 2011 (Feb 12) b. g. DROMEAS by Anadonis (GB) Mrs. Kyproulla Nicou Shialou 2012 no return to Siberian Superb (USA) Died in February 2012 MISTY GLADE (GB), ch., 2006, by Compton Place (GB), out of Shifting Mist (GB), by Night Shift (USA) , bred by Mrs C. R. Philipson & Mrs H. G. Lascelles , See GSB Vol. 46 2011 (Apr 17) ch. c. by Raphane (USA) Costas Nathanael Georghiou 2012 (May 2) b. g. BEAM by Domingues (GB) do 2013 barren to Binary Vision (USA) 2014 (Feb 7) ch. f. by Binary Vision (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited

MITROKANELLA, b., 1998, by Ajzem (USA), out of Proud Rebel, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.112 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in April 2013 MODESTA, b., 2002, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Queen Anna Maria, by Coeur De Miel (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.112 2010 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 25) b. f. by Medicine Path (GB) Mimis Rossides 2014 no return to Gutsy (GR) Died in February 2014 MON PLAISIR, ch., 2005, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Padrouka (IRE), by Sadler's Wells (USA) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.122 2011 (Mar 3) ch. f. (died) by Fahers Best Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2012 barren to Raphane (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 22) ch. c. by Fahers Best do

78 MONA LISA, b., 1990, by El Hakim (USA), out of Astarti, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.113 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MONADIKI, b., 2000, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Makarena, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.113 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Jan 12) b. f. HARRODS by Haami (USA) Andreas Panayioti Demetriades 2012 (Jan 16) c. (died) by Samim (USA) do Died in January 2012 MONOMACHIA, b., 2002, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Sweet Despo, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis , See Vol. 4 p.140 2011 (Mar 4) b. g. MONOMACHOS by Medicine Path (GB) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2012 (Apr 19) b. g. MAXIMOS by Medicine Path (GB) do 2013 (May 1) b. f. by Medicine Path (GB) do 2014 (Apr 17) ch. c. by Fabri (FR) do

MONTANA, b., 1986, by Lucky Look, out of Pop Music II (GB), by St. Paddy (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.113 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 MONZA, ch., 2001, by Roger The Butler (IRE), out of Amathus Fair, by Stalker (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.113 2010 barren to Daylight In Dubai (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MOODY COW (GR), db., 2005, by Lugana Beach (IRE), out of Byblos (GR), by Plantagenet (USA) , bred by I. E. Haralampous , See GrSB Vol. 5 p.19 2012 (May 1) b. f. KAO BOUMI by Fly By Night (IRE) Soteris Vassou Psaropoullos 2013 early abortion Binary Vision (USA) 2014 no return to Anadonis (GB) Died in January 2013 MORFONIA, b., 1996, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Epidavros, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.113 2010 barren to Jarah (USA) 2011 no return to Jarah (USA) Died in March 2011

79 MORFOU, b., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Zakynthos, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.114 2010 barren to Woodman's Mount (USA) 2011 (May 23) ch. c. by Roi Gironde (IRE) Panagis Andrea Georghiades 2012 (Jun 2) b. f. by Roi Gironde (IRE) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MORNING GLORY, b., 2000, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Martinique, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.114 2010 (Apr 6) b. f. by Ramooz (USA) Prodromos Charalambou Pertikos 2011 (Mar 30) b. f. by Medicine Path (GB) Panayiotis Georghiou 2012 (May 23) b. f. by Siberian Superb (USA) Nicos Andrea Pavlou 2013 (May 29) b. c. by Siberian Superb (USA) Mrs. Paraskevi Vasou Georghiou 2014 (May 7) ch. c. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do

MOSFILERI, db., 2004, by Jarah (USA), out of Amathus Diamond, by Hadeer (GB) , bred by Mrs. Chrysanthi Christodoulou Evripidou, See Vol. 4 p.6 2011 (Jun 10) c. (died) by Barlovento (GER) Michael Ttofi Michael 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MOUCHTARENA, ch., 1998, by Pharoah's Pride (GB), out of Anna Maria, by Charlie Man (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.114 2010 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

MOUZOURA, b., 1998, by Hadeer (GB), out of Yialousa, by Stalker (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.114 2010 (Apr 3) b. f. LADY BAKA by Secret Partner Panayiotis Christoforou Symeou 2011 (Mar 17) ch. f. (died) by Paok (GB) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in September 2013 MUCAMBO BEAUTY, db., 1997, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Sparti, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.114 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Feb 16) db. g. PATER NONIS by Anadonis (GB) Andreas P. Georghiou 2012 barren to Jarah (USA) 2013 (Jan 10) b. c. by Mountain Spirit (GR) Andronikos Kourouklaris 2014 (Jan 28) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

80 MUSI O TUNYA, b., 1998, by Lord Of Appeal (GB), out of Lady Revekka, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.115 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Feb 3) b. f. ZAMBIA QUEEN by Berber (GER) Michalis Andrea Pourgouris 2012 early abortion Asterios 2013 (Feb 6) b. c. by Asterios do 2014 not covered in 2013

MYKINA, ch., 1997, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Thessalonikia, by Polydamas, See Vol. 5 p.115 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 MYRTOU, b., 1999, by Aboline (USA), out of Morfou, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.115 2010 (Mar 8) ch. f. GOLD MYRTOU by Gold Tower (USA) Andronikos Kourouklaris 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Feb 16) b. g. by Balal (GR) Andreas Yiannaki Panteli 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

NAIADES, b., 2005, by Wind Cheetah (USA), out of Persepolis, by Nawaf (USA) , bred by Smarthorse Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.124 2012 (Jul 1) db. c. YPERMACHOS by Santillana (USA) Charalambos Petrou Petrou 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Feb 24) b. f. by Super Elite (USA) do

NANSINGEL, db., 1997, by Barraak (GB), out of Bella Georgia, by Albarg (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.116 2010 barren to Ten Kingdoms (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

NEA ROUMELI, db., 2004, by Inzar (USA), out of , by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Socrates Z. Eliades , See Vol. 4 p.41 2010 (Apr 13) b. c. ORFEAS by Fly By Night (IRE) Zenon S. Eliades 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Apr 8) b. f. (died) by Jarah (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in May 2013

81 NEAGRA, db., 1996, by Volta (USA), out of Fredrina, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.116 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 NEFELI (GR), br., 2003, by Tony Galvin (GR), out of Troteza (GR), by Wadood (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.116 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in March 2010 NELLIA, b., 1999, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Mersina, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.117 2010 barren to Takkatamm (USA) Died in January 2010 NICE MARY, ch., 1998, by Bold N Proper (USA), out of Grecian Wave, by Aznavour , See Vol. 5 p.117 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 NICOLETA POWER (IRE), db, 2000, by Grand Lodge (USA), out of Oiche Mhaith (GB), by Night Shift (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.118

2010 (Mar 12) b. f. VIA MONTENAPOLEONE by Jarah (USA) Mrs. Miranta Petroutsiou 2011 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Died in April 2011 NIKEY, ch., 1998, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Epidavros, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.118 2010 (Mar 1) b. f. by Gold Tower (USA) Smarthorse Ltd 2011 (Mar 26) c. (died) by Medicine Path (GB) do 2012 (Apr 27) ch. g. by Medicine Path (GB) do 2013 (May 22) ch. f. by Medicine Path (GB) do 2014 barren to It's A Bird (USA)

NIKITAS GIRL, b., 2006, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Padrouka (IRE), by Sadler's Wells (USA) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.122 2014 (Apr 5) b. f. by Super Elite (USA) Savvas Soteri Zannettos

NILAMATA (IRE), gr., 2003, by Namid (GB), out of Niyla (IRE), by Darshaan (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.118 2010 (Jan 26) b. g. MANKIND by Domingues (GB) Wymering Farm Limited 2011 (Jan 25) gr. or br. c. (died) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) do 2012 (Jan 25) b. f. NILA by Domingues (GB) do 2013 (Jan 4) gr. c. by Domingues (GB) do 2014 (Jan 15) gr. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

82 NINA, ch., 1998, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Vavylonia (GR), by Flash N Thunder (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.118 2010 barren to Top Of His Class (USA) 2011 barren to Shorten Sail (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

NINAS BABY, ch., 2005, by Jarah (USA), out of Nina, by Woodman's Mount (USA) , bred by Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou, See Vol. 5 p.118 2010 (Apr 1) f. (died) by Top Of His Class (USA) Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Barlovento (GER) 2014 not covered in 2013

NINKA, ch., 2002, by Mac's Reef (IRE), out of Izaoura, by Ciel De Chance (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.119 2010 (Apr 4) b. f. MINDY by Scottish Dancer (USA) Loizos Andrea Frangeskides 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 slipped foal by Fly By Night (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

NISOS KYPROS, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Golden Touch, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.119 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2012 no return to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Died in December 2011 NONA, b., 1999, by Volta (USA), out of Leventoulla, by Desert Crest (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.119 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in October 2010 NORTHERN IVORY, b., 2003, by Jarah (USA), out of Paschalina, by Volta (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.119 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

83 NOURCHAN, b., 2003, by Nordico (USA), out of Mary Lee, by Hadeer (GB) , bred by Christos Steliou HjiStillis , See Vol. 4 p.96 2011 (Apr 10) c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) Christos Steliou HjiStillis 2012 (Mar 29) b. c. by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2013 (Apr 4) b. f. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

NOUT (GR), gr., 1998, by Guy Butters (GR), out of Thalina (GR), by Lai Lai (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.119 2010 (Mar 12) db. g. BOLIVAR by Golden Emperor (GR) Christakis Kastoris 2011 (Apr 11) b. or ro. f. PULP FICTION by Jarah (USA) do 2012 (May 11) b. g. AESONAS by Anadonis (GB) Christos Michalaki Tsolakis 2013 barren to Winster (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

NTARTANA, b., 2001, by Volta (USA), out of Queenie, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.120 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in November 2012 NYMFEA, b., 2005, by Aboline (USA), out of Faedra, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 5 p.43 2013 slipped foal by Jarah (USA) 2014 (Apr 5) b. f. by Jarah (USA) Mrs. Koulla Nicou Iacovou

OBSESSION, ch., 2000, by Provo (USA), out of Santa Juliana, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.120 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Mar 23) ch. f. SECRET OBSESSION by Takkatamm (USA) Mrs. Despo Pantelidou 2012 no return to Takkatamm (USA) Died in February 2012 OLENKA (GB), gr., 1998, by Grand Lodge (USA), out of Sarouel (IRE), by Kendor (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.120 2010 barren to Master David (USA) Died in May 2009 OLYMPIADA, ch., 1999, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Pythia Ton Delfon, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.120 2010 (Feb 21) b. g. ANAXANDROS by Gold Tower (USA) C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd 2011 slipped foal by Medicine Path (GB) 2012 (Feb 17) ch. f. FAINARETI by Medicine Path (GB) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Feb 3) b. f. by Medicine Path (GB) do

84 OLYMPIC GLORY, b., 1996, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Olympic Game, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.120 2010 barren to Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2011 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2012 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

OMONOIA MINE LIEBE, ch., 2005, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Kebili (IRE), by Green Desert (USA) , bred by L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.75 2010 (Apr 5) b. g. SIR KOUTSOUL by Raphane (USA) L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd 2011 (Apr 21) ch. f. (died) by Fahers Best do 2012 (May 13) b. f. (died) by Raphane (USA) Pavlos Ioanni Charalambous 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ORAIA CHALEFKA, ch., 2004, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Chalefka Baby, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Georghios Papaioannou , See Vol. 4 p.20 2011 barren to Samim (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 16) b. f. (died) by Pallodio (IRE) Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou 2014 not covered in 2013

ORAIA KYPROS, b., 2005, by Haami (USA), out of Nisos Kypros, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Georghios Papaioannou , See Vol. 5 p.119 2011 (Mar 24) b. c. by Anadonis (GB) Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Pallodio (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

ORCHIDEA AGAIN, b., 2001, by Barraak (GB), out of Agria Orchidea, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.121 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 PACHNIOTISA, ch., 2000, by Aboline (USA), out of Mikri Mou Dafne, by Fair Hunter (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.122 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

85 PALLADA, b., 2005, by Volta (USA), out of Madari, by Bold Lez (GB) , bred by Panayiotis Andrea Pourgouris , See Vol. 5 p.94 2010 barren to Armin (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 6) b. c. by Berber (GER) Michalis Andrea Pourgouris 2014 not covered in 2013

PANATHINAIA, ch., 2002, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Pythia Ton Delfon, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.122 2010 (May 11) b. g. ATHINAIOS by Philemon (IRE) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2011 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2012 (Mar 28) ch. g. PANATHINAIKOS by Medicine Path (GB) do 2013 (May 18) b. c. by Medicine Path (GB) do 2014 not covered in 2013

PANCHARIA, b., 2005, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Troada, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Koullis Yiasemi Chamatsos , See Vol. 5 p.154 2013 (Mar 27) b. f. (died) by Super Elite (USA) Leonidas Andrea Andreou 2014 not covered in 2013

PANMARI (IRE), ch., 2004, by Lear Spear (USA), out of Kriskeva (IRE), by (GB) , bred by Gleadhill House Stud Ltd , See GSB Vol. 45 p.616 2012 (Feb 23) b. f. by Roi Gironde (IRE) Costas Miliotis 2013 (Mar 12) ch. c. by Roi Gironde (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

PANTELITSA ANGEL, b., 2003, by Autobird (FR), out of Aeropi, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Angel Stud Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.2 2012 (Apr 19) b. c. by Ramooz (USA) Anastasios Rousias 2013 (May 6) b. f. by Mister Hughie (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

PANTELLERIA, b., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Korsiki, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.122 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 PAPRIKA, ch., 1999, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Ela Photoulla Mou, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.122 2010 barren to Zaaleff (USA) 2011 (Mar 19) f. (died) by Zaaleff (USA) Vasos Panayioti Patritziotis Died in April 2011

86 PARASKEVI (IRE), b., 2007, by Fasliyev (USA), out of Cahermee Queen (USA), by (IRE) , bred by Lynn Lodge Stud , See GSB Vol. 46 2013 (Mar 7) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) Andreas Ioanni Eleftheriou 2014 (Mar 19) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

PAROS, b., 2001, by Samim (USA), out of Maria Sharp, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.122 2010 (Apr 21) b. f. PANAGIOTA VRAKA by Royal Court (USA) Andreas Savva Savvides 2011 (Apr 28) b. f. (died) by Royal Court (USA) do 2012 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2013 (May 3) b. f. by Royal Court (USA) Demetris Andrea Papaprodromou 2014 barren to Royal Court (USA)

PARTHENIA, ch., 2005, by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE), out of Hawaii Yiota, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.65 2012 (Apr 28) ch. g. HAWAII DIMA by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2013 (May 5) ch. c. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2014 (May 24) ch. c. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do Died in June 2014 PASQUALA, b., 1999, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Loving Nicolina, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.123 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 PATENTA, b., 1998, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Anemothyella, by Ordensadler (GER) , See Vol. 5 p.123 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Stormy Humor (USA) 2014 not covered in 2013

PEIRAIKI (GR), b., 2004, by Mountain Miner (USA), out of Laomideia (GR), by Wadood (USA) , bred by Paraskevopouloi Bros , See GrSB Vol. 5 2013 (Apr 13) b. f. UNICA by Jarah (USA) Georghios Ioannou Died in May 2013 PELOPONNISOS, b., 2001, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Nimeli, by Greek Tycoon (IRE) , bred by Constantinos Shiacolas , See Vol. 4 p.114 2010 (Apr 16) br. f. DIMITROULLA by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Mrs. Anastasia Costa Michael 2011 (Mar 30) b. f. LENIA MOU by Montgomery's Arch (USA) do 2012 (May 28) b. f. by Jarah (USA) do 2013 (May 15) db. c. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2014 not covered in 2013

87 PERATITISSA, b., 2000, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Klea, by Ciel De Chance (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.123 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 PERDIKA MOU, b., 1991, by Mac's Reef (IRE), out of Panorea, by Ciel De Chance (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.123 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 PET, ch., 2000, by Volta (USA), out of Blinki, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.124 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 PETITE DANCESE, ch., 1995, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Ela Philiotissa, by Be Better (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.124 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 PETITE EVA, ch., 1999, by Armin (USA), out of Elidha, by Timely Jet (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.124 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 PETTY FRANCE (IRE), b., 1996, by Petardia (GB), out of Business Centre (IRE), by Digamist (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.125 2010 (Feb 19) b. g. LYMPIANOS by Daylight In Dubai (USA) Michael Ttofi Michael 2011 barren to Osool (USA) 2012 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

PHILOTIMI, ch., 1990, by Achilleas, out of Miss Ronica, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.125 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 PHILYRA STAR, ch., 1991, by Timely Jet (USA), out of Philyra, by Never Say Path , See Vol. 5 p.125 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

88 PIPADASH (IRE), b., 1997, by Pips Pride (GB), out of Petite Maxine (GB), by Sharpo (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.125 2010 (Feb 4) b. f. LA PEREGRINA by Anadonis (GB) Mrs. Miranta Petroutsiou 2011 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) 2012 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

PLENTELEN, b., 2005, by Scottish Dancer (USA), out of Titi Elansth, by Lucky Look , bred by Theodosis Plentis , See Vol. 5 p.153 2014 no return to Osool (USA) Died in December 2013 POLY MOU, gr., 1996, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Lady Kitiana, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.126 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 POLYADA, b., 2007, by Turnberry Isle (IRE), out of Assisi, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 5 p.14 2011 (May 11) b. c. (died) by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) Alexandros Adoni Kritikos 2012 barren to Touch Of Denmark (IRE) 2013 barren to Decree (IRE) 2014 barren to Decree (IRE)

POLYKRINI, b., 2001, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Kebili (IRE), by Green Desert (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.126 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Jun 13) b. c. (died) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Mrs. Despo Pantelidou 2012 (Jun 11) b. f. EVELINA by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 barren to Takkatamm (USA) Died in February 2013 POLYVIA, b., 2006, by Philemon (IRE), out of Hopefully (GR), by Generale (GR) , bred by Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis , See Vol. 5 p.66 2012 (May 30) ch. g. PILOT by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 12) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

POLYXENIA, b., 2004, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Xenia, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.153 2011 (Jan 28) f. (died) by Mountain Spirit (GR) Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2012 (Jan 28) b. g. CHAVEZ by Raphane (USA) do 2013 barren to Mountain Spirit (GR) 2014 dead foal by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE)

89 POMPIIA, gr., 2006, by Turnberry Isle (IRE), out of Imia, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 5 p.67 2013 (Mar 26) b. f. by Golden Arrow (IRE) Kypros Kyprianou 2014 not covered in 2013

POSEIDIPIA, b., 2007, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Asinou, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 5 p.14 2014 slipped foal by Mister Hughie (IRE)

POTHITI, ch., 2006, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Ela Caryofilia Mou, by Coeur De Miel (USA) , bred by C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.34 2013 (May 20) b. f. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Christos Evangelou Christoforou 2014 barren to Ela-Aristokrati (IRE)

POURBOIR, b., 2002, by Son Pardo (GB), out of Loving Lisa, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.88 2011 (May 7) c. (died) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd 2012 barren to Santillana (USA) 2013 (Feb 21) b. c. by Santillana (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

POUREKKA MOU, b., 2000, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Olivia, by One No Trump (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.127 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 POWER, ch., 2001, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Kanonierissa, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.127 2010 (Feb 7) c. (died) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Panicos Tzirtzipis 2011 barren to Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 12) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

PRINCESS DINA, gr., 1996, by Exactly Sharp (USA), out of Chionati, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.128 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

90 PRINCESS MARIANNA (GB), br., 1999, by Emperor Jones (USA), out of Precious Princess (GB), by Precocious (GB) , bred by Toby Barker , See GSB Vol. 44

2012 (Apr 14) b. g. NIKOLAOS by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2013 (Apr 11) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 (Mar 28) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do

PRINCESS PHILYRA, b., 1992, by Pharoah's Pride (GB), out of Philyra, by Never Say Path , See Vol. 5 p.129 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 PRINCESS RIGINA, ch., 2000, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Sepfora, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.129 2010 (Apr 28) ch. g. VASILIS JUNIOR by Roger The Butler (IRE) Reginos HjiVassilis 2011 (May 30) ch. g. FYTAKIS STAR by Takkatamm (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

PRINCESS SIMONE, b., 2002, by Autobird (FR), out of Princess Philyra, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.129 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 PRINCESSE DE MIEL, ch., 1993, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Princess Ivene, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.129 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Died in January 2011 PRINGIPISSA, ch., 2000, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Princess, by Our Dynasty (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.129 2010 (Apr 6) ch. g. CENEUS by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd 2011 slipped foal by Master David (USA) 2012 (Mar 30) b. f. AKROGIALIA by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2013 slipped foal by Duca D'Atri (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

PRISCILLA, ch., 2002, by Santillana (USA), out of Pissourena's Girl, by Mansooj (IRE) , bred by Mrs. Marie Elia Onoufriou, See Vol. 4 p.120 2010 (Apr 10) b. f. SIS MOU by Autobird (FR) Mrs. Marie Elia Onoufriou 2011 (May 17) b. c. JACK THE RIPPER by Son Pardo (GB) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

91 PROPER PEARL, gr., 2001, by Bold N Proper (USA), out of Black Pearl, by Domus (IRE) , bred by Pantelis Constantinides , See Vol. 4 p.16 2010 (Apr 13) b. g. EVAS PEARL by Royal Court (USA) Pantelis Constantinides 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Domingues (GB) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

PROPONTIDA, b., 2003, by Balal (GR), out of Warum Angel, by Warum Nicht , See Vol. 5 p.129 2010 (Mar 5) ch. f. by Samim (USA) Kyros Kneknas 2011 (Apr 1) b. f. by Samim (USA) do 2012 (May 6) b. c. by Samim (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

PROSELINTA, db., 1997, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Andromachi, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.130 2010 (Apr 5) c. (died) by Haami (USA) C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd 2011 (Feb 26) b. f. ASYLLIPTI by Haami (USA) do 2012 no return to Jarah (USA) Died in February 2012 PROTATHLITRIA, b., 1998, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Mavri Thyella, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.130 2010 early abortion Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Mar 19) b. c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) Andreas Yiannaki Panteli 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

PROTOGENEIA, gr., 1994, by Caroline's Tern (GB), out of Annabell, by Charlie Man (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.130 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 PROUD ZINA, b., 2004, by Sarhan (USA), out of Warum Dancing, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Christodoulos Constantinou Marcou , See Vol. 4 p.151 2010 (Mar 8) b. g. ZINEAS by Boomer (GR) Mrs. Zena Eleftheriou Englezou 2011 (Mar 22) b. g. UNUSUAL DANCER by Boomer (GR) do 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in July 2012

92 PROVO STAR, b., 1995, by Provo (USA), out of Loukrita, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.130 2010 (Mar 28) db. g. ILIANOS by Royal Court (USA) Kyros Kneknas 2011 early abortion Royal Court (USA) 2012 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

PURDY GIRL, b., 2006, by Roi Gironde (IRE), out of Lexeko Girl, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.88 2010 barren to Mountain Spirit (GR) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Mar 24) b. c. STORM MAGIC by Stormy Humor (USA) Savvas Christodoulou Makaritis 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

PYLA, b., 1995, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Ela Photoulla Mou, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.131 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Samim (USA) 2012 (Mar 17) ch. c. (died) by Samim (USA) Mrs. Maria Birgitta Chrysostomou Died in December 2012 PYLAS LOVE, ch., 2002, by Aboline (USA), out of Pyla, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.131 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 PYTHIA TON DELFON, ch., 1993, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Mytilene, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.131 2010 (Mar 17) ch. g. NEW PATTON by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2011 early abortion Takkatamm (USA) 2012 no return to Takkatamm (USA) Died in January 2012 PYTHIADA, b., 2006, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Vokolida, by Aboline (USA) , bred by Aristotelis Galatopoullos , See Vol. 5 p.158 2012 (May 24) b. c. by Anadonis (GB) Aristotelis Galatopoullos 2013 barren to Golden Arrow (IRE) 2014 (Mar 19) b. f. by Golden Arrow (IRE) do

QUEEN ANNA MARIA, b., 1995, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Dhalitissa, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.131 2010 (Jun 12) b. f. IFILIMOUITHEODORA by Anadonis (GB) Mrs. Georghia Panagi 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 barren to Anadonis (GB) Died in November 2013

93 QUEEN ANTRIA, ch., 2002, by Provo (USA), out of Olivia, by One No Trump (IRE) , bred by Ioannis Modestou Papaioannou , See Vol. 4 p.115 2010 (Apr 18) ch. f. QUEEN CHRISTIA by Royal Court (USA) Ioannis Modestou Papaioannou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (May 8) ch. c. by Royal Court (USA) do 2013 (Jun 10) f. (died) by Royal Court (USA) do 2014 barren to Royal Court (USA)

QUEEN AVGOUSTINA, ch., 1998, by Hadeer (GB), out of Amathus Secret, by El Hakim (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.131 2010 (Mar 10) ch. f. FREIDERIKI by Haami (USA) Kokos Nicolaou 2011 (Mar 24) f. (died) by Barlovento (GER) do 2012 (Jun 18) b. f. by Jarah (USA) Constantinos Christofaki Kolios 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

QUEEN FILYRA, b., 1995, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Lady Philyra, by Timely Jet (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.132 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 QUEEN IRINA, gr., 1997, by Volta (USA), out of Miss Natasa, by Black Prince , See Vol. 5 p.132 2010 (Jun 2) b. f. by Samim (USA) Paolos Yerou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

QUEEN JENNY, b., 2002, by Barraak (GB), out of Queen Nasia, by Provo (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.132 2010 (Feb 25) b. g. MOSKOVIAS by Top Of His Class (USA) Georghios Theodorou Fengaras 2011 (Feb 20) f. (died) by Top Of His Class (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

QUEEN LENIA, b., 1996, by Chris Waddle (GR), out of Tita, by Tharraleos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.132 2010 barren to Jolly Prospect (USA) Died in December 2009 QUEEN LITSA, b., 2007, by Jarah (USA), out of Kornelias Treasure, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Michalis Nicou Adamou , See Vol. 5 p.78 2013 (Apr 7) f. (died) by Super Elite (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2014 (Mar 12) ch. f. by Profit Ilias (GB) do

94 QUEEN NASRA, db., 2005, by Jarah (USA), out of Detsy Louise, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , bred by Yiannakis Costa Panagi , See Vol. 5 p.30 2012 slipped foal by Osool (USA) 2013 (May 24) b. f. (died) by Barlovento (GER) Panayiotis Nicou Panagi 2014 not covered in 2013

QUEEN OF CYPRUS (IRE), ch., 2007, by Captain Rio (GB), out of Lyrical Bid (USA), by (USA) , bred by Jacqueline Norris & Deborah Redahan , See GSB Vol. 46 2012 (May 21) b. f. DEKATESSERAKOKKINO by Jarah (USA) Ioannis Savva Christodoulou 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

QUEENIE, ch., 1992, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Troika, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.133 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 RAFAELLA, b., 2003, by Provo (USA), out of Erato, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Theodosis P. Zavos , See Vol. 4 p.40 2010 (Mar 22) b. c. SIR SPYRIDONAS by Takhlid (USA) Stavros Theodosi Zavos 2011 no return to Takhlid (USA) Died in February 2011 RAFAELLAS ANGEL, b., 2002, by Hadeer (GB), out of Bijou, by Eliason , See Vol. 5 p.133 2010 barren to Autobird (FR) 2011 (Mar 2) b. f. LADY RAFAELLA by Ramooz (USA) Angel Stud Farm Ltd 2012 (Jan 17) f. (died) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Anastasios Rousias 2013 (Jan 19) b. f. by Mister Hughie (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

REASON FOR LIFE, b., 1996, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Lifeline, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.134 2010 (Apr 21) b. g. VISION FOR LIFE by Binary Vision (USA) Constantinos Palmas 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Feb 16) b. f. REMINISCENCE by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

RED HEART, ch., 1995, by Provo (USA), out of Nicosia Flower, by Charlie Man (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.134 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

95 REKALIA, ch., 1998, by La Grange Music (GB), out of Tolmis Way, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.135 2010 (Mar 10) f. (died) by Zaaleff (USA) Vasos Panayioti Patritziotis 2011 (Mar 4) c. (died) by Zaaleff (USA) do Died in April 2011 RENATA, b., 2001, by Autobird (FR), out of Glory, by Hadeer (GB) , bred by Vassilis Antoni Panayiotou , See Vol. 4 p.48 2010 barren to Takhlid (USA) 2011 (May 16) c. (died) by Osool (USA) Eleftherios Demetri Demetriou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

RENATES BEAUTY, ch., 2007, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Miss Show Palace, by Exactly Sharp (USA) , bred by Andreas P. Georghiou , See Vol. 5 p.111 2012 (Apr 1) b. g. by Anadonis (GB) Andreas P. Georghiou 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

RIVER RYE (IRE), b., 2006, by Acclamation (GB), out of Rye (IRE), by Charnwood Forest (IRE) , bred by Mrs T. Brudenell , See GSB Vol. 46 2012 (Feb 28) b. f. BALVENIE by Jarah (USA) Smarthorse Ltd 2013 (Apr 2) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 (May 23) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

ROCKET LADY, b., 2007, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Hawaii Rocket, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.62 2014 (May 4) c. (died) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd

RODITISSA, b., 2004, by Anadonis (GB), out of Hawaii Koukla Mou, by Roger The Butler (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.135 2010 (Apr 28) b. c. RODITIS DUKE by Haami (USA) Philippos Stavrou Philippou 2011 (Apr 19) b. c. MIKROS THODORAKOS by Jarah (USA) Stelios Yian. Athanasiou 2012 (Apr 6) db. f. RODI DESTINY by Domingues (GB) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ROMAIA, b., 1999, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Blinki, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.135 2010 barren to Balal (GR) 2011 (Jan 25) ch. c. STEROPIS by Takkatamm (USA) Michalis Geo. Krashias 2012 (Apr 26) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (May 13) c. (died) by Anglos Evgenis (IRE) do 2014 barren to Mukhtaal (GB)

96 RONDINE, ch., 1998, by Interrex (CAN), out of April Double (IRE), by Double Schwartz (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.135 2010 (May 28) b. f. by Jarah (USA) Shaaban Ali 2011 (May 4) b. f. FLY DEFTERA by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2012 (Apr 29) b. g. FLY CHRIS by Fly By Night (IRE) do 2013 (Apr 16) ch. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2014 (Apr 1) b. f. by Jarah (USA) do

ROSINANTI, b., 2000, by Samim (USA), out of Mavri Thyella, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.136 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Golden Emperor (GR) 2013 (Apr 12) b. c. by Pallodio (IRE) Panayiotis Theodosi Zavos 2014 slipped foal by Pallodio (IRE)

ROSKELENA, b., 1996, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Spring Blossom, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.136 2010 barren to Autobird (FR) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ROUGH SEA, b., 2006, by Jolly Prospect (USA), out of Crystal Sea, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Mrs. Crystallo Georghiadou, See Vol. 5 p.27 2012 (Feb 22) b. f. THALASSINI by Takkatamm (USA) Mrs. Crystallo Georghiadou 2013 (Apr 3) b. f. by Mukhtaal (GB) do 2014 not covered in 2013

ROUSLANA, db., 2003, by Haami (USA), out of Kassiopi, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.136 2010 (Apr 4) ch. c. MACHITIS by Takkatamm (USA) C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd 2011 early abortion Takkatamm (USA) 2012 (Apr 19) b. f. KAZAK MAP by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (May 18) ch. c. by Shorten Sail (USA) Mrs. Sonia Costa Kazakeou 2014 (May 31) b. c. by Shorten Sail (USA) do

ROYAL GRACE, gr., 1998, by Armin (USA), out of Jealousy, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.136 2010 early abortion Takkatamm (USA) 2011 (Mar 26) c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannos Athienitis 2012 early abortion Takkatamm (USA) 2013 (Jul 9) b. or gr. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

97 ROYAL ORIGINAL, gr., 2003, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Leontia, by Armin (USA) , bred by Christodoulos Chr. Pashias , See Vol. 4 p.82 2011 barren to Siberian Superb (USA) Died in May 2010 ROYAL SHADOW, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Shadow Fax, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.136 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 ROYAL SPIRIT, ch., 2003, by Roi Gironde (IRE), out of Jealousys Spirit, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Pieris HjiCostas , See Vol. 4 p.65 2010 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2011 (Mar 21) ch. c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Pieris HjiCostas 2012 barren to Haami (USA) 2013 (Apr 3) ch. f. by Mukhtaal (GB) do 2014 not covered in 2013

RUE DASSAS, b., 2003, by Inzar (USA), out of Bold Red, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.137 2010 (Mar 14) b. g. RAFANIS BOY by Raphane (USA) Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Apr 16) ch. c. NEAROS by Mountain Spirit (GR) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

RUSSIAN BALLERINA, b., 1998, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of L'Etoile (GB), by Soviet Star (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.137 2010 (Mar 25) f. (died) by Fahers Best L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd 2011 (May 13) b. g. NIKITARAS by Fahers Best do 2012 early abortion Mountain Spirit (GR) 2013 (May 14) b. c. LEXEKO BOY by Fahers Best do 2014 (Jun 7) b. c. by Fahers Best do

SAGAPO, b., 1997, by Born Hero (GB), out of Mykali, by Naraan (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.137 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 SALAMINA, ch., 2004, by Majesty's Man (USA), out of Silver Band (GB), by Zilzal (USA) , bred by Ruwi Valley Stud, See Vol. 4 p.135 2010 (May 13) b. f. MOUSA by Baltic Fox (CAN) Charis Stavrakis 2011 barren to Baltic Fox (CAN) 2012 (Apr 5) b. g. by Baltic Fox (CAN) do 2013 (Mar 15) b. c. by Golden Arrow (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

98 SALAMIS STAR, b., 1998, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Pepita Loca, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.137 2010 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2011 (Mar 1) ch. f. ITHAKI by Takkatamm (USA) Chr. Pashias Farm Ltd 2012 (Apr 9) ch. g. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 dead foal by Medicine Path (GB) 2014 not covered in 2013

SALILIAN TWILIGHT (GB), b., 1993, by Bairn (USA), out of Salilia (GB), by Nishapour (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.138 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 SALOMIS SPECIAL, b., 2003, by Mithali (GB), out of Elias Touch And Go, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by St. Marina Sporting Promotions Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.37 2013 barren to Santillana (USA) 2014 not covered in 2013

SALONA, b., 2000, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Miss Giota, by Armin (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.138 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 SAMANTHA, b., 1995, by Autobird (FR), out of Royal Ember (GB), by Hot Spark (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.138 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 SAMARIA, b., 1989, by Registry (GB), out of Samaritissa, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.138 2010 barren to Gold Tower (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 Died in April 2011 SAMOTHRAKI, ch., 2000, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Akropolis Athinon, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.139 2010 (Mar 31) b. g. FEVGALEOS by Haami (USA) C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd 2011 (Apr 2) b. g. PARIS by Haami (USA) do 2012 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2013 barren to Haami (USA) 2014 (Apr 25) b. f. by Fabri (FR) do

99 SAMSARA, b., 1988, by Registry (GB), out of Samiotissa (IRE), by Windjammer (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.139 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 SANS VOUEUR, db., 2002, by Roi Gironde (IRE), out of Shy Hawk, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , bred by Golden Touch Horseracing Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.134 2011 slipped foal by Dafnakos (GR) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SANTA KONIZIA, b., 2005, by Samim (USA), out of Ippomachi, by Hadeer (GB) , bred by Ioannis Antoniou Ioannou , See Vol. 5 p.68 2012 (Jun 8) b. c. by Super Elite (USA) Charalambos Steliou Konizos 2013 early abortion Dafnakos (GR) 2014 (Apr 16) b. f. by Siberian Superb (USA) do

SAPFO, gr., 2003, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Astydameia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.139 2010 barren to Haami (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Stormy Humor (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SARAKOSTI, b., 2000, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Donou, by Tharraleos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.139 2010 (Jun 2) db. g. DIAMOND KAPATAIS by Jarah (USA) Marios Rogirou Iacovides 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (May 5) b. c. (died) by Osool (USA) do 2013 (Jun 5) b. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2014 barren to Jarah (USA)

SCHNEIDER, b., 2004, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Candy Activa, by Barraak (GB) , bred by Demetris N. HjiIoannou , See Vol. 4 p.20 2011 (May 8) ch. f. (died) by Provo (USA) Kyriacos Batis 2012 (May 5) ch. f. by Osool (USA) do 2013 (Apr 21) b. f. by Pallodio (IRE) do 2014 barren to Boomer (GR) Died in March 2014 SE IKETEVO, br., 1999, by Volta (USA), out of Mykali, by Naraan (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.140 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010

100 SECRET, ch., 2000, by Hadeer (GB), out of Amathus Secret, by El Hakim (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.140 2010 no return to Autobird (FR) Died in November 2009 SELEFKEIA, ch., 2006, by Aboline (USA), out of Olympiada, by Takkatamm (USA) , bred by C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.120 2011 barren to Haami (USA) 2012 barren to Haami (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SELENA, b., 2006, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Semeli, by Sharp Reminder (GB) , bred by Mrs. Maro Achilleos, See Vol. 5 p.140 2012 (Feb 26) b. g. by Super Elite (USA) Mrs. Maro Achilleos 2013 (Feb 18) b. f. by Binary Vision (USA) do 2014 (Feb 27) b. c. by Super Elite (USA) do

SEMELI, b., 1996, by Sharp Reminder (GB), out of Markoulla, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.140 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 SEPFORA, b., 1987, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Reginitsa, by Charlie Man (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.141 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 SERENA MIA, db., 1999, by Premier De Cordee (FR), out of Kardoulla Mou, by Scottish Dancer (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.141 2010 barren to Samim (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SERVICEABLE (GB), ch., 1998, by Pursuit Of Love (GB), out of Absaloute Service (GB), by Absalom (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.141 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 slipped foal by Roger The Butler (IRE) 2012 (May 15) c. (died) by Master David (USA) Panthicha Farm Ltd Died in June 2012

101 SEXY DREAM, b., 2000, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Breeders Dream, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.141 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 early abortion Stormy Humor (USA)

SHABEE AL REEM (IRE), ch., 2005, by (IRE), out of Nasseem Al Zohour (FR), by Grand Lodge (USA) , bred by Stud Management Ltd , See GSB Vol. 46

2014 (Mar 5) b. c. by Mister Hughie (IRE) Alekos Michali Loizou

SHAFAK, ch., 1992, by Caroline's Tern (GB), out of Red Layka, by Polydamas , See Vol. 5 p.141 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in August 2012 SHIKARA, ch., 1996, by Exactly Sharp (USA), out of Singularity (GB), by Mansingh (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.141 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 SHINAGIA, b., 2006, by Petardia (GB), out of Zingara, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Costas Paraschou , See Vol. 5 p.161 2014 (May 9) ch. c. by Profit Ilias (GB) Panayiotis Savva Christodoulou

SHOWTIME, gr., 1999, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Lady Kitiana, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.142 2010 (Mar 1) gr. f. SHOWTIME BEAUTY by Shorten Sail (USA) Michalis Antoni Mylona Died in July 2010 SIGNORINA, b., 2003, by Inzar (USA), out of Warum Thunder, by Aboline (USA) , bred by Loukis Ioakim , See Vol. 4 p.152 2011 (Feb 22) b. g. CYRIL PASHLEY by Takkatamm (USA) Neofytos Panayioti Antoniou 2012 (Jan 29) ch. g. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (Mar 22) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

SILVER GRACE, gr., 1988, by Caroline's Tern (GB), out of Grace, by Lord Byron , See Vol. 5 p.142 2010 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Died in August 2012

102 SIMAIOFORA, b., 2004, by Autobird (FR), out of Sweet Anastasia, by Stalker (GB) , bred by Nicos Gabriel Petrou , See Vol. 4 p.139 2012 (Mar 17) f. (died) by Super Elite (USA) Charalambos Costa Kassetas 2013 (Mar 25) b. c. ETHNIKOFRONAS by Super Elite (USA) do 2014 (Apr 12) c. (died) by Royal Court (USA) do

SIMPLY ORANGE, gr., 2000, by Scottish Dancer (USA), out of Eliana Mou, by Armin (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.143 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 SKEVI, b., 2002, by Samim (USA), out of Coraferin, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.143 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 13) b. c. by Domingues (GB) Mrs. Marianna Antoni Stephanou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SKIA, b., 1997, by Hadeer (GB), out of Amathus Petite, by Desert Crest (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.143 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 SOCIAL GRACE (GB), gr., 2007, by Pastoral Pursuits (GB), out of Zilkha (GB), by Petong (GB) , bred by R. G. Percival , See GSB Vol. 46 p.805 2013 (Apr 1) ch. f. (died) by Munir (GB) Mrs. Christina Steliou Kritikou 2014 (Apr 27) b. c. by Touch Of Apoel (IRE) do

SOKOTRA, b., 1999, by Aboline (USA), out of Warum Queen, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.143 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Stormy Humor (USA) 2012 slipped foal by Stormy Humor (USA) 2013 slipped foal by Barlovento (GER) Died in October 2013 SOLAKIS NIKI, b., 2002, by Volta (USA), out of Miss Anastazia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.144 2010 (May 21) ch. f. TROMERI by Ippotis Mrs. Doina Karantoki 2011 (May 31) b. c. AKATHKIOTIS by Anadonis (GB) do 2012 (May 18) f. (died) by Anadonis (GB) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

103 SOLAR LADY, b., 2002, by Aboline (USA), out of Nasi Mou, by Albarg (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.144 2010 (Feb 12) b. f. SOLAR PRIDE by Provo (USA) Michalis Cleovoulou 2011 early abortion Anadonis (GB) 2012 (Jan 21) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) do 2013 (Apr 11) ch. f. by Roi Gironde (IRE) Mrs. Irene Stavrinide 2014 not covered in 2013

SOLAR MAGIC, b., 1998, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Nasi Mou, by Albarg (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.144 2010 (Apr 29) b. c. SOLAR GLADIATOR by Mountain Spirit (GR) Michalis Cleovoulou 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 no return to Jarah (USA) Died in February 2012 SOLAR MOUNT, b., 2004, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Solar Beauty, by Born Hero (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.144 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in January 2010 SOLOMONI, gr., 1999, by Hadeer (GB), out of Dhonisis, by Never Say Path , See Vol. 5 p.144 2010 (Mar 22) b. c. (died) by Havana Dancer (GR) Alecos Demetriou HjiVassilis 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Mar 20) ch. f. SOLOMA by Paok (GB) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SONATA, b., 1998, by La Grange Music (GB), out of Sweet Serenata, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.144 2010 (May 24) c. (died) by Provo (USA) Andreas Kyriacou Kallenos Died in June 2010 SORAYIA, ch., 2003, by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE), out of Hawaii Amanda, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Panthicha Farm Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.51 2011 (Mar 8) ch. f. MALOU by Master David (USA) Charis Kyriacou Ioannou 2012 (May 11) ch. f. HAWAII DEAR by Duca D'Atri (IRE) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 10) ch. f. by Duca D'Atri (IRE) Panthicha Farm Ltd

SOTIROULLA STAR, b., 2003, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Gorgoppi, by Red Rocks (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.144 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2012 (Jan 28) ch. f. BABY BOO BOO by Jarah (USA) Christoforos Photiou Christoforou 2013 no return to Takkatamm (USA) Died in March 2013

104 SOUDI BOUTI, ch., 2006, by Warum Nicht, out of Kritikos Julia, by Samim (USA) , bred by Andreas Steliou Kritikos , See Vol. 5 p.79 2010 (Mar 24) b. c. ZIGGY DEL TORO by Fantasy Island (IRE) Andreas Steliou Kritikos 2011 (Mar 13) b. f. JULIA by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) Mrs. Christina Steliou Kritikou 2012 (Jun 1) f. (died) by Domingues (GB) Elias Steliou Kritikos 2013 barren to Decree (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

SPIRIT OF SUCCESS, b., 2002, by Daylight In Dubai (USA), out of Hawaii Petite, by Clever Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.145 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 SPITHA, b., 2005, by Barraak (GB), out of Coplam, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Kyriacos Batis , See Vol. 5 p.26 2011 (Apr 30) ch. c. by Osool (USA) Evangelos Chrysostomou Germanos 2012 slipped foal by Osool (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SPYRA, b., 2004, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Giovanna, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Charalambos Anastasi Flourentzou , See Vol. 4 p.47 2010 (May 26) ch. c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Demetris Anastasi Flourentzou 2011 (May 4) b. f. ASHERITOU by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2012 (Apr 24) b. f. ELPIDA LIZA by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (May 22) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 barren to Thunderstorm (USA)

STAR LADY, b., 2000, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Allstar Lady (USA), by Dimaggio (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.146 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 STAVROULLA MIA, b., 1991, by Ordensadler (GER), out of Break Away, by Adam (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.146 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 STEP AT A TIME (IRE), ch., 2006, by Danehill Dancer (IRE), out of Zing Ping (IRE), by Thatching (IRE) , bred by Michael Begley , See GSB Vol. 46 p.2286 2011 (Feb 21) ch. g. TANO by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Petros Constantinou Palmas 2012 (Mar 30) br. f. QUICK STEP by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2013 (Apr 23) b. f. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2014 not covered in 2013

105 STOCHASTIKI, b., 2007, by Shorten Sail (USA), out of Go Robertina, by Henry's Luck (GB) , bred by Yiannakis Costa Ioannou , See Vol. 5 p.51 2011 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SWEET ELENA, db., 1995, by Clever Danzig (USA), out of Sweet Zina, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.148 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013 Died in May 2014 SWEET FELICIA, b., 1989, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN), out of Santa Crouz, by Tharraleos (GR) , See Vol. 5 p.148 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 SWEET GEORGIANNA, b., 1998, by Barraak (GB), out of Georgianna, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.148 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Feb 5) ch. g. NICHOLAS LOVE by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2012 (Feb 15) ch. f. SEVASTI by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 (Jun 12) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

SWEET JENNIFER, ch., 1988, by Pollen Street (GB), out of Weston Blizzard (GB), by Scarlet Sky (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.149 2010 barren to Ramooz (USA) 2011 barren to Ramooz (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SWEET LOUIZA, b., 1997, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Ordens Daina, by Ordensadler (GER) , See Vol. 5 p.149 2010 (Mar 7) c. (died) by Zaaleff (USA) Vasos Panayioti Patritziotis 2011 (Mar 18) c. (died) by Zaaleff (USA) do Died in April 2011

106 SWEET MARIE, b., 2007, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Agapoulla, by Desert Crest (GB) , bred by Mrs. Chrystalla Vassiliou, See Vol. 5 p.2 2013 (Feb 24) b. f. by Jarah (USA) Mrs. Maria Aristodemou 2014 (Feb 8) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do

SWEET OLIVIA, b., 2003, by Inzar (USA), out of Lefki, by Aboline (USA) , bred by Loukis Ioakim , See Vol. 4 p.81 2012 barren to Mountain Spirit (GR) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SWEET PAMELA, ch., 1995, by El Hakim (USA), out of Stella-Nicola, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.149 2010 (Apr 23) ch. c. (died) by Zaaleff (USA) Vasos Panayioti Patritziotis 2011 slipped foal by Zaaleff (USA) Died in March 2011 SWEET RAFAELLA, ch., 2002, by Volta (USA), out of Elidha, by Timely Jet (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.150 2010 (May 3) ch. f. GOLD RAFAELLA by Gold Tower (USA) Mrs. Eva Antoni Manio 2011 (Apr 3) f. (died) by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2012 (Jun 22) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SWEET REVENGE (GR), b., 2005, by Lugana Beach (IRE), out of Oinoi (GB), by Lion Cavern (USA) , bred by St. Statepark , See GrSB Vol. 5 p.102 2010 barren to Super Elite (USA) 2011 (Apr 19) b. c. by Samim (USA) Mrs. Vasiliki Meli 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

SYNDI'S GIFT (IRE), b., 2004, by Synefos (USA), out of Dipper's Gift (IRE), by Salluceva (IRE) , bred by Mrs Anne Kerr , See GSB Vol. 45 p.1847 2012 barren to Winster (IRE) 2013 (Jun 1) b. c. by Winster (IRE) Christos Michalaki Tsolakis 2014 not covered in 2013

SYRAKOUSA, b., 2002, by Volta (USA), out of Thetis, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.150 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011

107 TAMASSOS, b., 1988, by Registry (GB), out of Lamia, by Sayes (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.151 2010 barren to Fly By Night (IRE) Died in February 2010 TARA MIA, b., 2005, by Autobird (FR), out of English Rose, by Hadeer (GB) , bred by Kyriacos Thomas , See Vol. 5 p.40 2012 (Feb 12) b. g. BORA BORA by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Pambos Tsouloupas 2013 (Jan 23) b. f. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2014 no return to Santillana (USA) Died in January 2014 TARAS GIRL, db., 2003, by Autobird (FR), out of Amathus Tara, by Born Hero (GB) , bred by Pambos Tsouloupas , See Vol. 4 p.8 2010 (Mar 1) b. g. TARAS BIRD by Santillana (USA) Pambos Tsouloupas 2011 (Mar 11) b. f. TARAS DISASTER by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2012 (Feb 17) b. g. THRILLER by Ramooz (USA) do 2013 (Feb 4) db. f. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2014 barren to Santillana (USA)

TATIANA BEAUTY, b., 2002, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Alexiana, by Kyrenia Castle (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.151 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

TEGEA NIKI, b., 2002, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Miss Kornelia, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.151 2010 barren to Siberian Superb (USA) 2011 (Mar 29) b. g. AVGERINOS STAR by Stormy Humor (USA) Kyriacos G. Londos Died in May 2011 TELEMARKETING, db., 1999, by Lord Of Appeal (GB), out of Avant Garde, by Pharoah's Pride (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.151 2010 barren to Siberian Superb (USA) Died in November 2009 THE NIBLETTS, ch., 2000, by Santillana (USA), out of Pissourena, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.152 2010 (Mar 27) b. f. RAPPAP by Son Pardo (GB) Mrs. Marie Elia Onoufriou 2011 (Apr 6) ch. c. RAPTAKIS by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

108 THEA AFRODITI, b., 1994, by Sharp Reminder (GB), out of Saratoga, by Light Fire (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.152 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 THELMA (GR), ch., 2004, by Chromite (USA), out of Portent (GB), by Most Welcome (GB) , bred by St. Statepark , See GrSB Vol. 5 2010 (Feb 6) ch. f. PREMIUM by Samim (USA) Paris Papapetrou 2011 (Apr 13) b. g. RECITAL by Siberian Superb (USA) do 2012 (May 1) b. f. (died) by Domingues (GB) Panicos Pari Papapetrou Died in June 2012 THEODORA, b., 2003, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Avra, by Heaven Again (USA) , bred by Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis , See Vol. 4 p.14 2010 (May 31) b. g. FYLAS by Philemon (IRE) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2011 barren to Medicine Path (GB) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

THEOPOULA, ch., 2004, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Avra, by Heaven Again (USA) , bred by Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis , See Vol. 4 p.14 2012 (Mar 17) b. f. by Fly By Night (IRE) Andreas Yiannaki Panteli 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

THETIS, b., 1993, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Loukia, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.153 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 TIFFANY GIRL (GR), b., 2005, by Choisir (AUS), out of Great Lady (GB), by (IRE) , bred by Christos Imirtziadis , See GrSB Vol. 5 p.51 2012 (May 21) b. g. MIESQUE STAR by Takkatamm (USA) Yiannos Athienitis 2013 (Jun 5) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 barren to Jarah (USA)

TILLYRIA, db., 1994, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Kadmia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.153 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 early abortion Takkatamm (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

109 TINOS, b., 1991, by Stutz Finwhale (CAN), out of (GR), by Zingari (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.153 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 TOMASZ, ch., 2000, by Mithali (GB), out of Vicky, by Eliason , See Vol. 5 p.154 2010 barren to Santillana (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

TOUCH OF HORSENS (IRE), b., 2004, by Docksider (USA), out of Afraid To Speak (IRE), by Woodman (USA) , bred by Patrick J Moloney , See GSB Vol. 45 p.1351

2011 (May 27) b. g. EXYPSOTIKOS by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) Stelios Kritikos 2012 (May 22) b. c. CHARISMATIC by Domingues (GB) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 23) b. f. by Touch Of Apoel (IRE) do

TOUCH OF NORWAY (IRE), b., 2006, by Cape Cross (IRE), out of Arctic Hunt (IRE), by (GB) , bred by Round Hill Stud , See GSB Vol. 46 p.879 2011 (May 9) b. c. TOUCH OF MARIA by Touch Of Denmark (IRE) Stelios Kritikos 2012 barren to Domingues (GB) 2013 (Apr 13) ch. c. by Munir (GB) do 2014 barren to Touch Of Apoel (IRE)

TOUCH OF SWEDEN (IRE), b., 2004, by Beneficial (GB), out of Noble Melody (IRE), by The Noble Player (USA) , bred by S. Hawkins & Miss Iris Twamley , See GSB Vol. 45 p.2682

2012 (Apr 10) b. g. AEETES by Winster (IRE) Christos Michalaki Tsolakis 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Jan 21) b. f. (died) by Winster (IRE) do

TRACHONITISSA (IRE), b., 2006, by Spartacus (IRE), out of Duck Over (GB), by Warning (GB) , bred by M. Ervine , See GSB Vol. 46 p.1191 2011 (Mar 28) c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) Savvas Yerou 2012 (Feb 26) c. (died) by Mountain Spirit (GR) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Feb 16) b. c. by Munir (GB) do

110 TRAMOUNTANA, b., 1999, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Synagrida, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.154 2010 (Apr 4) b. f. by Siberian Superb (USA) Alekos Michali Loizou 2011 barren to Dafnakos (GR) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

TROIA, ch., 2003, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Estia, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.154 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Mar 14) b. f. (died) by Medicine Path (GB) Zenon S. Eliades 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 Died in October 2013 TRUE LOVE, br., 1995, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Flotena (GB), by Bustino (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.155 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in September 2010 TSAMBA, b., 2006, by Anadonis (GB), out of Hawaii Koukla Mou, by Roger The Butler (IRE) , bred by Philippos Stavrou Philippou , See Vol. 5 p.60 2011 (Apr 11) b. f. RUBI TRAGEDY by Jarah (USA) Philippos Stavrou Philippou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 no return to Jarah (USA) Died in February 2014 TTAM TTAM, b., 1999, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Breeze, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.155 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2012 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2013 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2014 barren to Pallodio (IRE)

TTARA, b., 1997, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Queenie, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.155 2010 barren to Boomer (GR) 2011 (Mar 4) b. f. ELLOU by Boomer (GR) Demetrios Charalambou Demetriou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Apr 5) ch. f. by Munir (GB) Panayiotis Kolokotronis 2014 (Jun 9) b. c. by Thunderstorm (USA) do

111 TYCHEROULA, b., 2005, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Venus Story, by Red Rocks (GB) , bred by Marios S. Charalambides , See Vol. 5 p.157 2011 (Mar 28) ch. g. CAPITO by Takkatamm (USA) Stelios Xenofontos Neofytou 2012 (May 22) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) Kyros Kneknas 2013 barren to Pallodio (IRE) 2014 barren to Jarah (USA)

TZAZIRA, b., 2005, by Anadonis (GB), out of Mivana, by Mac's Reef (IRE) , bred by Mrs. Vaso Georghiou Papaioannou, See Vol. 5 p.112 2011 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

TZIOMINA, b., 1998, by Lord Of Appeal (GB), out of Mama Mia, by Lidgate (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.155 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 UMA, b., 2005, by Jarah (USA), out of Babe, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Mrs. Annita P. HjiPanagi, See Vol. 5 p.17 2011 (Apr 1) b. g. HARBOUR BRIDGE by Medicine Path (GB) Petros Loizou Pantelides 2012 (Apr 22) b. g. LETS BATTLE by Medicine Path (GB) do 2013 (May 15) b. f. by Medicine Path (GB) do 2014 no return to Fabri (FR) Died in March 2014 UNDER PRESSURE, b., 1998, by Midnight Snack (GB), out of Cynthia Mou, by Dhaleem (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.155 2010 (May 6) b. f. MEZMERIZE by Jarah (USA) Constantinos Ataliotis 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Feb 6) b. f. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

UNDER THE TABLE, b., 2000, by Samim (USA), out of Cynthia Mou, by Dhaleem (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.156 2010 (Apr 5) c. (died) by Santillana (USA) Tryfon Andrea Pissourios 2011 barren to Royal Court (USA) 2012 barren to Osool (USA) 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

VALLISTRA, b., 2004, by Balal (GR), out of Warum Angel, by Warum Nicht , bred by Christodoulos Constantinou Marcou , See Vol. 4 p.151 2013 (Apr 4) ch. f. by Mukhtaal (GB) Michalis Geo. Krashias 2014 no return to Anglos Evgenis (IRE) Died in January 2014

112 VARAGKIOTISSA, ch., 1999, by Coeur De Miel (USA), out of Queenie, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.156 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 (Apr 27) ch. c. CAPTAIN TSAKROS by Takkatamm (USA) Constantinos Demetraki Christoforou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Mister Hughie (IRE) 2014 (Feb 9) ch. f. by Stormy Humor (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited

VARONI, ch., 2005, by Provo (USA), out of Santa Juliana, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Mrs. Chrystalla Vassiliou, See Vol. 5 p.139 2010 (Mar 17) b. g. EL DIABLO by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Mrs. Chrystalla Vassiliou Died in May 2010 VAROSIOTOU, ch., 1996, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Martinique, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.156 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

VASILOU, b., 2006, by Anadonis (GB), out of Mikri Chalefka, by Scottish Dancer (USA) , bred by Georghios Papaioannou , See Vol. 5 p.105 2013 (Apr 15) b. f. by Pallodio (IRE) Mrs. Athinoulla Georghiou Papaioannou 2014 not covered in 2013

VENETIA, b., 1998, by Capetan Thomas, out of Sorella Mou, by Caroline's Tern (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.156 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 VENOUSA, br., 2001, by Born Hero (GB), out of Mikri Mou Dafne, by Fair Hunter (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.156 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 barren to Pallodio (IRE) 2014 not covered in 2013

VENUS, ch., 1991, by Electrical Wind (FR), out of Red Layka, by Polydamas, See Vol. 5 p.157 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012

113 VENUS STORY, ch., 1996, by Red Rocks (GB), out of Gali-Gali, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.157 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 VERA, ch., 2002, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Red Sea, by Nebris (IRE) , bred by Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis , See Vol. 4 p.129 2011 (Feb 20) ch. c. by Dafnakos (GR) Yiannakis Nicola HjiYiannis 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

VERVEROTA, b., 2000, by Born Hero (GB), out of Kanakaria, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.157 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 VIOLETAS BEST, b., 2004, by Haami (USA), out of Violeta, by Red Rocks (GB) , bred by Constantinos Palmas , See Vol. 4 p.150 2010 (May 9) db. c. MIKROULLIS by Anadonis (GB) Petros Constantinou Palmas 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Feb 9) b. g. BOLD DANCER by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

VIONIKI, ch., 1997, by Ile De Chypre (GB), out of Erato, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.157 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 VITALSTATISTIX, b., 2002, by Woodman's Mount (USA), out of Meshata, by La Grange Music (GB) , bred by Pavlos Kyriacou Kyriakides , See Vol. 4 p.98 2010 (May 4) ch. f. (died) by Royal Court (USA) Charilaos Eracli Pyrgoudis 2011 (Apr 30) b. f. by Royal Court (USA) do 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

VIVA DIMITRELLA, ch., 2006, by Shorten Sail (USA), out of Maria Vivi, by Provo (USA) , bred by Mrs. Chrystalla Vassiliou, See Vol. 5 p.98 2014 dead foal by Duca D'Atri (IRE)

114 VIVA MARIA, b., 2001, by Provo (USA), out of Agapoulla, by Desert Crest (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.158 2010 (Apr 21) b. g. ROADRUNNER by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Mrs. Chrystalla Vassiliou 2011 (Apr 29) b. g. MILIOTIS AKOS by Takkatamm (USA) Stables And Farma Milioti Limited 2012 (May 2) b. c. (died) by Stormy Humor (USA) do 2013 barren to Stormy Humor (USA) 2014 not covered in 2013

VOIOTIA, b., 2006, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Peripeteia, by Bold Lez (GB) , bred by C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.123 2010 (Jan 27) b. c. AFXOVIOS by Haami (USA) C.N. Shiacolas (Stud Farm) Ltd 2011 early abortion Haami (USA) 2012 (Jan 30) db. g. ARTIOS by Jarah (USA) do 2013 barren to Haami (USA) 2014 (Mar 5) b. f. by Jarah (USA) Andreas Iacovou

VOKOLIDA, ch., 1999, by Aboline (USA), out of Martinique, by Pollen Street (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.158 2010 (Jan 29) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) Nicos Gabriel Petrou 2011 barren to Anadonis (GB) 2012 (Jan 23) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) do 2013 (Feb 28) b. f. by Anadonis (GB) do 2014 no return to Anadonis (GB) Died in March 2014 VOLTA LADY, br., 1995, by Volta (USA), out of Allstar Lady (USA), by Dimaggio (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.158 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 Put out of Stud in December 2011 VOUNIOTISSA, b., 1999, by Barraak (GB), out of Neroponti, by Pouroukountis, See Vol. 5 p.158 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 VYZANTINI, b., 1993, by Galileo Galilei, out of Mariza Ortegas, by Stavraetos (GR), See Vol. 5 p.158 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 (Feb 19) ch. c. by Takkatamm (USA) Mrs. Eleni Alexi Georghiou 2014 (May 11) b. f. by Gutsy (GR) do

115 WARUM ANGEL, ch., 1999, by Warum Nicht, out of Kallipolis, by Registry (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.158 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 barren to Osool (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

WARUM DANCING, b., 1996, by Duke Of Danzig (USA), out of Pourquoi Pas, by Canonsky (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.159 2010 no return to Woodman's Mount (USA) Died in November 2009 WARUM FOX, b., 1999, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Warum Wind, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.159 2010 (Jan 31) ch. f. WARUM NIKI by Provo (USA) Costakis P. Ioannou 2011 (Feb 1) b. f. WARUM STELLA by Provo (USA) do 2012 (Mar 17) f. (died) by Osool (USA) Kyriacos Batis 2013 (Mar 18) c. (died) by Pallodio (IRE) do 2014 (Mar 2) b. c. by Pallodio (IRE) do

WARUM INDIANA, ch., 2006, by Jarah (USA), out of Warum Dancing, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Christodoulos Constantinou Marcou , See Vol. 5 p.159 2011 no return to Super Elite (USA) Died in April 2011 WARUM MUSICIAN, ch., 1996, by La Grange Music (GB), out of Warum Wind, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.159 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010 WINDSTRIKE (GB), b., 2002, by Diktat (GB), out of South Wind (GB), by Tina's Pet (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.159 2010 (Jun 1) b. g. PYRROS by Jarah (USA) Nicos Georghiades 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (May 3) b. f. PYRRA by Jarah (USA) do Died in May 2012 WYMERING FILE (IRE), b., 2005, by Medecis (GB), out of Ensenada (IRE), by Sri Pekan (USA) , bred by Mrs C Devaney , See GSB Vol. 46 p.1217 2012 barren to Binary Vision (USA) 2013 (Apr 15) b. f. by Domingues (GB) Costas Nathanael Georghiou 2014 (May 19) ch. f. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) do

XANTHI, b., 1990, by Mac's Reef (IRE), out of Iopi, by Seventh Brave (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.160 2010 not covered in 2009 Put out of Stud in December 2010

116 XENIA, b., 1996, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Kadmia, by Luqman (IRE) , See Vol. 5 p.160 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 barren to Gutsy (GR) 2013 (May 9) b. c. GANDHI by Stormy Humor (USA) Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2014 not covered in 2013

XEPETOULA, b., 2006, by Takkatamm (USA), out of Tramountana, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , bred by Georghios Georghiou Angelides , See Vol. 5 p.154 2013 barren to Mister Hughie (IRE) Died in February 2013 XUSHIA, b., 2005, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Xenia, by Baltic Fox (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.160 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 (Apr 28) b. f. ASTRAIA by Gutsy (GR) Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Mar 19) b. c. by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do

YAYA (USA), ch., 1998, by Rahy (USA), out of Munnaya (USA), by II (CAN) , See Vol. 5 p.160 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 Put out of Stud in December 2012 YIANNIS DEDICATION, b., 2001, by Son Pardo (GB), out of Yiannisister, by Pollen Street (GB) , bred by Mrs. Lisa Elia Onoufriou, See Vol. 4 p.154 2011 (Feb 25) ch. f. KAYLA by Santillana (USA) Mrs. Lisa Elia Onoufriou 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

YOUNG RIGINA, b., 1995, by Sharp Reminder (GB), out of Sepfora, by Electrical Wind (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.160 2010 (May 30) b. g. AMAZING by Mountain Spirit (GR) Reginos HjiVassilis 2011 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2012 (Apr 10) ch. g. DIAMOND KLEITOUI by Takkatamm (USA) do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

117 YPERIPPI, b., 2002, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of L'Etoile (GB), by Soviet Star (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.161 2010 (Feb 21) b. f. IPPOLYTI by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Ruwi Valley Stud 2011 barren to Montgomery's Arch (USA) 2012 (Feb 24) c. (died) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) Charis Stavrakis 2013 (Mar 21) ch. c. by Jarah (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

ZAFIRA, ch., 2004, by Provo (USA), out of Lexeko Girl, by Luqman (IRE) , bred by Lexeko Stud Co Ltd, See Vol. 4 p.83 2010 (Jan 20) ch. f. FAHERS FIRST by Fahers Best Lexeko Stud Co Ltd 2011 (Jan 10) b. f. ROZAFIRA by Fahers Best do 2012 (Mar 9) b. f. PIRANHA REIS by Fahers Best do 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 (Feb 17) ch. f. by Jarah (USA) do

ZAGREA, b., 2006, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Azores, by Premier De Cordee (FR) , bred by Savvas Christoforou Polyviou , See Vol. 5 p.17 2013 barren to Shillelagh Slew (CAN) 2014 (Mar 19) ch. f. by Takkatamm (USA) Savvas Christoforou Polyviou

ZAPPING, b., 2005, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Elinor, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Petros Kyriacou Florides , See Vol. 5 p.39 2010 (Mar 17) b. g. ENIALOS by Jarah (USA) Petros Kyriacou Florides 2011 barren to Jarah (USA) 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 barren to Takkatamm (USA)

ZARGANA, br., 1987, by Polydamas, out of My Destiny, by Stephen George (GB) , See Vol. 5 p.161 2010 not covered in 2009 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013

ZARIA, b., 2005, by Jarah (USA), out of Sahara, by Duke Of Danzig (USA) , bred by Philippos Nicou Tsiattalas , See Vol. 5 p.137 2011 (Feb 10) b. g. COMANDANTE by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) Mrs. Antrianthi Michalaki Tofalli 2012 (Feb 13) b. g. MENANDROS by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) do 2013 (Feb 28) b. c. (died) by Mister Hughie (IRE) do 2014 not covered in 2013

118 ZETA, b., 2007, by Ten Kingdoms (USA), out of Lalita, by Nordico (USA) , bred by Andreas Nicou Michael , See Vol. 5 p.84 2013 (Mar 19) b. f. by Fly By Night (IRE) Shaaban Ali 2014 (Mar 14) b. c. by Fly By Night (IRE) do

ZETA JONES, ch., 2005, by Fantasy Island (IRE), out of Queenie, by Electrical Wind (FR) , bred by Mrs. Annita P. HjiPanagi, See Vol. 5 p.133 2013 (Mar 28) ch. f. by Shillelagh Slew (CAN) Mimis Rossides 2014 (Mar 20) ch. c. by Anglos Evgenis (IRE) do

ZEYTUNA, br., 2005, by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Adouloti Keryneia, by Aboline (USA) , bred by L.J. Stud Farm (Pittakouris) Ltd, See Vol. 5 p.1 2014 (Apr 21) b. c. by Jarah (USA) Kyriacos Iona Stylianou

ZIREIA, b., 2007, by Ramooz (USA), out of Azores, by Premier De Cordee (FR) , bred by Savvas Christoforou Polyviou , See Vol. 5 p.17 2014 slipped foal by Touch Of Apoel (IRE)

ZOIRO, b., 1998, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Lambrini, by Nawaf (USA) , See Vol. 5 p.162 2010 not covered in 2009 Died in April 2010 ZOLIE, b., 2004, by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Azores, by Premier De Cordee (FR) , See Vol. 5 p.162 2010 (Mar 26) b. g. SNOOPY by Takkatamm (USA) Savvas Christoforou Polyviou 2011 (May 11) ch. c. (died) by Takkatamm (USA) do 2012 barren to Takkatamm (USA) 2013 (Apr 3) b. c. by Takkatamm (USA) do 2014 not covered in 2013

ZORA, b., 2003, by Warum Nicht, out of Zinguala, by Barraak (GB) , bred by Panayiotis Andrea Pourgouris , See Vol. 4 p.155 2010 barren to Armin (USA) 2011 not covered in 2010 2012 not covered in 2011 2013 not covered in 2012 2014 not covered in 2013


Κατάλογος Επιβητόρων

List of Stallions


Κατάλογος Επιβητόρων List of Stallions

ANADONIS (GB), b., 1998, by Anabaa (USA), out of Stiletta (GB)

ANGLOS EVGENIS (IRE), ch., 2001, by (USA), out of Truly A Gift (IRE)

ARMIN (USA), gr., 1981, by Bold Forbes (USA), out of Molalla (USA)

ASTERIOS, br., 2003, by Volta (USA), out of Madari

AUTOBIRD (FR), b., 1987, by Procida (USA), out of Star Of The Stage (GB)

BALAL (GR), br., 1993, by Wadood (USA), out of Kizzy (GR)

BALLET KING (FR), b., 1997, by Fairy King (USA), out of Chiquelina (FR)

BALTIC FOX (CAN), b., 1985, by Danzig (USA), out of Super Foxe (USA)

BARLOVENTO (GER), b., 1993, by Dowsing (USA), out of Bebe Eliza (GER)

BERBER (GER), gr., 1998, by Dashing Blade (GB), out of Bergwelt (GER)

BINARY VISION (USA), ch., 2001, by (USA), out of Binary (GB)

BOOMER (GR), ch., 2002, by Unusual Heat (USA), out of Queenoftherye (USA)

DAFNAKOS (GR), ch., 2001, by Majesty's Man (USA), out of Dafni (GR)

DAYLIGHT IN DUBAI (USA), ch., 1994, by Twilight Agenda (USA), out of Lady Godolphin (USA)


DECREE (IRE), b., 2005, by Pivotal (GB), out of Truly A Dream (IRE)

DOMINGUES (GB), b., 2005, by Danetime (IRE), out of Lindfield Belle (IRE)

DUCA D'ATRI (IRE), ch., 1999, by Dr Devious (IRE), out of When Lit (IRE)

ELA-ARISTOKRATI (IRE), b., 1992, by Danehill (USA), out of Dubai Lady (IRE)

FABRI (FR), b., 2005, by (GB), out of Harbour Island (FR)

FAHERS BEST, b., 2002, by Aboline (USA), out of Xenia

FANTASY ISLAND (IRE), b., 1995, by Zafonic (USA), out of Um Lardaff (IRE)

FLY BY NIGHT (IRE), br., 1995, by Night Shift (USA), out of Fatah Flare (USA)

GOLD TOWER (USA), b., 1991, by Seeking The Gold (USA), out of Floral Blossom (USA)

GOLDEN ARROW (IRE), b., 2003, by Danehill (USA), out of Cheal Rose (IRE)

GOLDEN EMPEROR (GR), b., 2001, by Gold Tower (USA), out of Mysterian (GB)

GUTSY (GR), b., 2000, by Hernando (FR), out of Mysterian (GB)

HAAMI (USA), b., 1995, by (USA), out of Oumaldaaya (USA)

HAVANA DANCER (GR), b., 1992, by Groom Dancer (USA), out of Havana (USA)

IPPOTIS, db., 1998, by Aboline (USA), out of Kadmia

IT'S A BIRD (USA), db. or br., 2003, by Birdonthewire (USA), out of Faithful City (USA)


JARAH (USA), b., 1993, by Forty Niner (USA), out of Umniyatee (GB)

JOLLY PROSPECT (USA), b., 1998, by Mr. Prospector (USA), out of (USA)

MASTER DAVID (USA), ch., 2001, by Grand Slam (USA), out of Nadra (IRE)

MEDICINE PATH (GB), b., 2004, by Danehill Dancer (IRE), out of Indian Mystery (IRE)

MISTER HUGHIE (IRE), b., 2007, by Elusive City (USA), out of Bonne Mere (FR)

MONTGOMERY'S ARCH (USA), db., 2002, by Arch (USA), out of Inny River (USA)

MOUNTAIN SPIRIT (GR), ch., 1999, by Mountain Miner (USA), out of Angeliki Psyhi (GR)

MUKHTAAL (GB), b., 1996, by Machiavellian (USA), out of On The House (FR)

MUNIR (GB), ch., 1998, by Indian Ridge (IRE), out of (USA)

MUSALSAL (IRE), b., 1994, by Sadler's Wells (USA), out of Ozone Friendly (USA)

OSOOL (USA), db., 1996, by Danzig (USA), out of Histoire (FR)

PALLODIO (IRE), b., 2005, by Medecis (GB), out of Bent Al Fala (IRE)

PAOK (GB), b., 1998, by Celtic Swing (GB), out of Pharazini (GB)

PHILEMON (IRE), b., 1998, by Danehill (USA), out of First Kiss (GB)

PROFIT ILIAS (GB), b., 2007, by Kyllachy (GB), out of Constitute (USA)

PROVO (USA), ch., 1989, by Alydar (USA), out of Terlingua (USA)


RAMOOZ (USA), b., 1993, by Rambo Dancer (USA), out of My Shafy (IRE)

RAPHANE (USA), b., 1994, by Rahy (USA), out of Fast Nellie (USA)

ROGER THE BUTLER (IRE), ch., 1990, by Ahonoora (GB), out of Indian Jubilee (IRE)

ROI GIRONDE (IRE), b., 1995, by Fairy King (USA), out of Girouette (USA)

ROYAL COURT (USA), b., 1996, by Danzig (USA), out of Sexy Slew (USA)

SAMIM (USA), b., 1993, by (USA), out of Histoire (FR)

SANTILLANA (USA), ch., 1993, by (USA), out of Galway (FR)

SCOTTISH DANCER (USA), b., 1985, by Danzig (USA), out of Scottish Lass (USA)

SECRET PARTNER, b., 1995, by Mac's Reef (IRE), out of Secret Chance

SHILLELAGH SLEW (CAN), db. or br., 2003, by Chief Seattle (USA), out of Frippalina (CAN)

SHORTEN SAIL (USA), ch., 1994, by Summer Squall (USA), out of Perfect Roux (USA)

SIBERIAN SUPERB (USA), b., 2002, by War Chant (USA), out of Winner's Edge (USA)

SON PARDO (GB), b., 1990, by Petong (GB), out of Flitteriss Park (GB)

STORMY HUMOR (USA), ch., 2005, by Distorted Humor (USA), out of Demi Souer (USA)

SUPER ELITE (USA), b., 2002, by Danzig (USA), out of Vue (USA)

TAKHLID (USA), b., 1991, by Nureyev (USA), out of Savonnerie (USA)


TAKKATAMM (USA), ch., 1992, by Forty Niner (USA), out of Relasure (USA)

TEN KINGDOMS (USA), b., 1996, by Mr. Prospector (USA), out of Chinese Empress (USA)

THUNDERSTORM (USA), b., 1999, by Storm Cat (USA), out of Hidden Lake (USA)

TOP OF HIS CLASS (USA), db., 1996, by Bolger (USA), out of I'm Prestigious (USA)

TOUCH OF APOEL (IRE), b., 2007, by Pearl Of Love (IRE), out of Eveam (IRE)

TOUCH OF DENMARK (IRE), b., 2005, by Touch Of The Blues (FR), out of Chased By The Sun (IRE)

WINSTER (IRE), b., 2006, by Sadler's Wells (USA), out of Durrah Green (GB)

WOODMAN'S MOUNT (USA), br., 1988, by Woodman (USA), out of Tentamount (USA)

ZAALEFF (USA), ch., 1992, by Zilzal (USA), out of Continual (USA)


Νεκρολογία Επιβητόρων

Obituary of Stallions


Νεκρολογία Επιβητόρων

Obituary of Stallions

HAVANA DANCER (GR), b., 1992, Died in 2009 JOLLY PROSPECT (USA), b., 1998, Died in 2009 DAYLIGHT IN DUBAI (USA), ch., 1994, Died in 2010 EL CORTES (USA), b., 1989, Died in 2010 HUANG TUAH (GB), ch., 1985, Died in 2010 ILE DE CHYPRE (GB), b., 1985, Died in 2010 MUSALSAL (IRE), b., 1994, Died in 2010 PROVO (USA), ch., 1989, Died in 2010 SARHAN (USA), br., 1996, Died in 2010 SCOTTISH DANCER (USA), b., 1985, Died in 2010 WOODMAN'S MOUNT (USA), br., 1988, Died in 2010 ZAALEFF (USA), ch., 1992, Died in 2010 ARMIN (USA), gr., 1981, Died in 2011 COEUR DE MIEL (USA), b., 1984, Died in 2011 SAMIM (USA), b., 1993, Died in 2011 SON PARDO (GB), b., 1990 Died in 2011 TOUCH OF DENMARK (IRE), b., 2005, Died in 2011 ALEVAGIO (GB), b., 2005, Died in 2012 GOLD TOWER (USA), b., 1991, Died in 2012 MOUNTAIN SPIRIT (GR), ch., 1999, Died in 2012 PAOK (GB), b., 1998, Died in 2012 ROGER THE BUTLER (IRE), ch., 1990, Died in 2012 SECRET PARTNER, b., 1995, Died in 2012 TOP OF HIS CLASS (USA), db., 1996, Died in 2012 AUTOBIRD (FR), b., 1987, Died in 2013 BALAL (GR), br., 1993, Died in 2013 BALTIC FOX (CAN), b., 1985, Died in 2013 GOLDEN EMPEROR (GR), b., 2001, Died in 2013 MONTGOMERY'S ARCH (USA), db., 2002, Died in 2013 TAKKATAMM (USA), ch., 1992, Died in 2013 ANGLOS EVGENIS (IRE), ch., 2001, Died in 2014


Κατάλογος εισαχθέντων ίππων

List of imported horses


Κατάλογος εισαχθέντων επιβητόρων List of imported stallions

MEDICINE PATH (GB), b., c., 2004 by Danehill Dancer (IRE), out of Indian Mystery (IRE). Imported from Greece 2009 DOMINGUES (GB), b., c., 2005 by Danetime (IRE), out of Lindfield Belle (IRE). Imported from Greece 2010 MUNIR (GB), ch., c., 1998 by Indian Ridge (IRE), out of Al Bahathri (USA). Imported from Italy 2010 PAOK (GB), b., c., 1998 by Celtic Swing (GB), out of Pharazini (GB). Imported from Greece 2010 ALEVAGIO (GB), b., c., 2005 by Anabaa (USA), out of Yaya (USA). Imported from Greece 2011 FABRI (FR), b., c., 2005 by Oasis Dream (GB), out of Harbour Island (FR). Imported from Greece 2011 GOLDEN ARROW (IRE), b., c., 2003 by Danehill (USA), out of Cheal Rose (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2011 IT'S A BIRD (USA), d.b., or br., c., 2003 by Birdonthewire (USA), out of Faithful City (USA). Imported from United States Of America 2011 MISTER HUGHIE (IRE), b., c., 2007 by Elusive City (USA), out of Bonne Mere (FR). Imported from Great Britain 2011 PALLODIO (IRE), b., c., 2005 by Medecis (GB), out of Bent Al Fala (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2011 ANGLOS EVGENIS (IRE), ch., c., 2001 by Peintre Celebre (USA), out of Truly A Gift (IRE). Imported from Greece 2012 GUTSY (GR), b., c., 2000 by Hernando (FR), out of Mysterian (GB). Imported from Greece 2012 MUKHTAAL (GB), b., c., 1996 by Machiavellian (USA), out of On The House (FR). Imported from Greece 2012 PROFIT ILIAS (GB), b., c., 2007 by Kyllachy (GB), out of Constitute (USA). Imported from Greece 2012 CHIEF OF STAFF (GB), ch., c., 2008 by Pivotal (GB), out of Melikah (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2013 POWDER KEG (GB), b., c., 2008 by Redoute's Choice (AUS), out of Primrose Lane (JPN). Imported from Greece 2013 CORSARO (IRE), b., c., 2010 by Invincible Spirit (IRE), out of Urgele (FR). Imported from Great Britain 2014


Κατάλογος εισαχθέντων τοκάδων List of imported mares

AILLEAGAN (USA), ch., f., 2006 by Hold That Tiger (USA), out of Julie Girl (USA). Imported from Greece 2009 MISTY GLADE (GB), ch., f., 2006 by Compton Place (GB), out of Shifting Mist (GB). Imported from Greece 2009 STEP AT A TIME (IRE), ch., f., 2006 by Danehill Dancer (IRE), out of Zing Ping (IRE). Imported from Greece 2009 BUENOS AIRES (GR), b., f., 1997 by Guy Butters (GR), out of Rymi (GR). Imported from Greece 2010 COCONUT MOON (GB), b., f., 2002 by Bahamian Bounty (GB), out of Lunar Ridge (GB). Imported from Greece 2010 GREEK PARANOYA (IRE), b., f., 2005 by Captain Rio (GB), out of Pretty Precedent (GB). Imported from Greece 2010 LE RICHE (GB), ch., f., 2004 by Pivotal (GB), out of Courtlandt Queen (USA). Imported from Greece 2010 PRINCESS MARIANNA (GB), br., f., 1999 by Emperor Jones (USA), out of Precious Princess (GB). Imported from Greece 2010 RIVER RYE (IRE), b., f., 2006 by Acclamation (GB), out of Rye (IRE). Imported from Greece 2010 AL MARAH, b., f., 2002 by Aboline (USA), out of Kebili (IRE). Imported from Greece 2011 BAYLIVIA (IRE), b., f., 2005 by Golan (IRE), out of Siana Springs (IRE). Imported from Greece 2011 EVENING DANCE, b., f., 2003 by Inzar (USA), out of Kebili (IRE). Imported from Greece 2011 MINESOTA (IRE), b., f., 2005 by Medecis (GB), out of Blushing Libra (GB). Imported from Greece 2011 SOCIAL GRACE (GB), gr., f., 2007 by Pastoral Pursuits (GB), out of Zilkha (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2011 XENIA, b., f., 1996 by Baltic Fox (CAN), out of Kadmia. Imported from Greece 2011 XUSHIA, b., f., 2005 by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Xenia. Imported from Greece 2011 FUERTE MIRAMAR (GB), b., f., 2007 by Tiger Hill (IRE), out of Nasheed (USA). Imported from Great Britain 2012


FEN SPIRIT (IRE), b., f., 2006 by Invincible Spirit (IRE), out of Irinatinvidio (GB). Imported from Greece 2014


Κατάλογος εισαχθέντων αλόγων List of imported horses

EUROGOAL RACING (IRE), gr., f., 2007 by Great Palm (USA), out of Caught On The Hop (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2009 FANCIFUL LADY (IRE), ch., f., 2007 by Chineur (FR), out of Flimmering (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2009 IERAX (IRE), b., g., 2007 by Val Royal (FR), out of Chatelsong (USA). Imported from Great Britain 2009 KRITIKIA (IRE), b., f., 2007 by Elusive City (USA), out of Joleah (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2009 KRITIKOS (IRE), ch., g., 2004 by Ashkalani (IRE), out of Bazaar Promise (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2009 NAI (GB), ch., g., 2007 by Loup Sauvage (USA), out of Maysie (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2009 ONIRAMA (IRE), b., g., 2004 by Kalanisi (IRE), out of Saraposa (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2009 SAHBAAN (IRE), ch., c., 2007 by Indian Ridge (IRE), out of Khulan (USA). Imported from Great Britain 2009 TOUCH OF NORWAY (IRE), b., f., 2006 by Cape Cross (IRE), out of Arctic Hunt (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2009 ABU DINOS, b., g., 2008 by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Garden Of Eden (GB). Imported from Greece 2010 ACCEPTANCE SPEECH (IRE), b., g., 2005 by Daylami (IRE), out of In Anticipation (IRE). Imported from Greece 2010 APOLLO RAIN (GB), b., c., 2008 by Dansili (GB), out of Summer Shower (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2010 BURLEIGH HEADS (GB), ch., f., 2007 by Monsieur Bond (IRE), out of Dearest Daisy (GB). Imported from Greece 2010 COSNI (IRE), b., g., 2008 by Spartacus (IRE) out of Stamatina (GB). Imported from Greece 2010 DANCING BOY (GR), b., g., 2009 by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Evening Dance. Imported from Greece 2010 EKDIKITES (IRE), b., g., 2007 by Antonius Pius (USA), out of Stonor Lady (USA). Imported from Great Britain 2010 ELA CLERI MOU (IRE), b., f., 2007 by Statue Of Liberty (USA), out of Boobala (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2010 GOLDEN BOY (GR), b., g., 2009 by Gold Tower (USA), out of Alazonia. Imported from Greece 2010 HELLENIC SPIRIT, b., f., 2008 by Mountain Spirit (GR), out of Spetsopoulla. Imported from Greece 2010


ITS ALL GREEKTOME (IRE), b., g., 2005 by (GB), out of Youbetido (IRE). Imported from Greece 2010 JOHANN HILLER (IRE), ch., g., 2007 by Singspiel (IRE), out of Jamrat Jumairah (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2010 JUST A BOB (IRE), b., f., 2008 by Tagula (IRE), out of Bobanlyn (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2010 LYTHRODONTAS (GR), b., g., 2009 by Gold Tower (USA), out of Padrouka (IRE). Imported from Greece 2010 MIA CATERINA (IRE), b., f., 2006 by Celtic Swing (GB), out of Shams Wa Matar (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2010 PRAYER HALL (GB), b., g., 2007 by Oratorio (IRE), out of Timber Tops (UAE). Imported from Great Britain 2010 RAFANIA, b., f., 2008 by Raphane (USA), out of Alazonia. Imported from Greece 2010 VICTORY RAID (GB), b., g., 2007 by Observatory (USA), out of Didicoy (USA). Imported from Great Britain 2010 WYMERING FILE (IRE), b., f., 2005 by Medecis (GB), out of Ensenada (IRE). Imported from Greece 2010 XENIAS STAR (GR), b., f., 2009 by Gold Tower (USA), out of Xenia. Imported from Greece 2010 CAKE (GR), b., f., 2009 by Nwaamis (USA), out of Cheese'n Biscuits (GB). Imported from Greece 2011 CDD GODDEU (GB), b., f., 2008 by Sinndar (IRE), out of Aquarist (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2011 CHRISTINAKI (IRE), ch., f., 2009 by Redback (GB), out of Alice Brand (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2011 DEMILIA (GR), ch., f., 2008 by Apotheosis (USA), out of Bila (GB). Imported from Greece 2011 DIAMOND ALEXIS (GB), b., c., 2008 by Oasis Dream (GB), out of Why Dubai (USA). Imported from Great Britain 2011 DIAMOND KLITOUI (IRE) (ex. LIPPY KIDS (IRE), b., c., 2009 by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE), out of Evensong (GER). . Imported from Great Britain 2011 ENTIKAAL (GB), b., g., 2008 by Royal Applause (GB), out of Notjustaprettyface (USA). Imported from Greece 2011 GREEK DOLL (IRE), b., f., 2008 by Tiger Hill (IRE), out of Gaily Grecian (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2011 HIGH CLASS (GB), b., f., 2009 by Echo Of Light (GB), out of With Distinction (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2011


LOS IROS BAY (GB), b., g., 2009 by Compton Place (GB), out of Mayaro Bay (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2011 MIKA (GR), b., f., 2008 by Mahboob (IRE), out of Donna Alexia (GR). Imported from Greece 2011 SHORT MAN (GR), ch., g., 2008 by Apotheosis (USA), out of Miss Margie (GB). Imported from Greece 2011 SOUBIDO (GR), b., g., 2008 by Mahboob (IRE), out of Delight (GR). Imported from Greece 2011 TIMOTHEOS SALE (IRE), gr., g., 2008 by Majestic Missile (IRE), out of Spend A Rubble (USA). Imported from Greece 2011 AMADEUS STAR (IRE), b., c., 2010 by Amadeus Wolf (GB), out of Salvinia (USA). Imported from Great Britain 2012 BELARUS (GR), b., f., 2010 by Majestic Monarch (USA), out of Xushia. Imported from Greece 2012 BOUCHY BOU (IRE), b., f., 2007 by Touch Of The Blues (FR), out of Mary Ellen Best (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2012 DIAMOND FOTINI (IRE), b., f., 2009 by Elusive City (USA), out of Calvia Rose (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2012 DIAMOND KLITOS (GB), b., g., 2009 by Araafa (IRE), out of Mennetou (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2012 DIAMOND RAMINO (GB), br., g., 2010 by Elusive City (USA), out of Aconite (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2012 DIAMOND RAMONA (GB), ch., f., 2010 by Medicean (GB), out of Goldrenched (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2012 ISTIDRAAK (FR), b., g., 2008 by Oasis Dream (GB), out of Nantes (GER). Imported from Greece 2012 MAJESTIC BOY (GR), b., c., 2010 by Majestic Monarch (USA), out of Xenia. Imported from Greece 2012 MAJESTIC DANCE (GR), ch., f., 2010 by Majestic Monarch (USA), out of Evening Dance. Imported from Greece 2012 MAJESTIC GIRL (GR), b., f., 2010 by Majestic Monarch (USA), out of Al Marah. Imported from Greece 2012 PERIANDROS (GR), b., g., 2009 by Western Front (GB), out of Auburn Girl (IRE). Imported from Greece 2012 PRINCESS SALE (IRE), b., f., 2010 by Acclamation (GB), out of Fa E Desfa (GB). Imported from Great Britain 2012 RED SPADES (IRE), b., c., 2008 by Kyllachy (GB), out of Queveda (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2012


SHIRAMPOUR (IRE), b., g., 2009 by Oasis Dream (GB), out of Shehira (FR). Imported from Great Britain 2012 SWEET SMILE (GR), ch., f., 2010 by Magikos Perivolos (GR), out of Xanthia Evelina (GR). Imported from Greece 2012 AUCTION LADY (GB), b., f., 2012 by Myboycharlie (IRE), out of Miss Toldyaso (IRE). Imported from Great Britain 2014 DIAMOND FLORENTINA (GB), b., f., 2011 by Oasis Dream (GB), out of Fibou (FR). Imported from Great Britain 2014


Κατάλογος εξαχθέντων ίππων

Horses exported

136 Κατάλογος εξαχθέντων ίππων

Horses exported

STALLION GUTSY (GR), b., 2000 by Hernando (FR) out of Mysterian (GB). Exported to Greece 2013

MARES ALLODAPI (GR), ch., 1996 by Dixie Brass (USA), out of Malkia (USA).

Exported to Greece 2010 LADY ZINA, ch., 2005 by Midnight Snack (GB), out of Shikara. Exported to Germany 2011

COLTS DOMINGUES (GB), b., 2005 by Danetime (IRE), out of Lindfield Belle (IRE). Exported to Greece 2009 APOLLO RAIN (GB), b., 2008 by Dansili (GB), out of Summer Shower (GB). Exported to Greece 2011 PROFIT ILIAS (GB), b., 2007 by Kyllachy (GB), out of Constitute (USA). Exported to Greece 2011 DIAMOND ALEXIS (GB), b., 2008 by Oasis Dream (GB), out of Why Dubai (USA). Exported to Greece 2012 DIAMOND KLITOUI (IRE), b., 2009 by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE), out of Evensong (GER). Exported to Greece 2012

GELDINGS DIAMOND KLITOS (GB), b., 2009 by Araafa (IRE), out of Mennetou (IRE). Exported to Greece 2012 DIAMOND RAMINO (GB), br., 2010 by Elusive City (USA), out of Aconite (GB). Exported to Greece 2012

FILLIES FIDDLER'S FAIR (GB), ch., 2006 by Pivotal (GB), out of Violin Time (USA). Exported to Greece 2010 2012 DIAMOND FOTINI (IRE), b., 2009 by Elusive City (USA), out of Calvia Rose (GB). Exported to Greece 2012 2012 DIAMOND RAMONA (GB), ch., 2010 by Medicean (GB), out of Goldrenched (IRE). Exported to Greece 2012 2012

137 Πρόσθετα ονόματα Τέταρτου Τόμου

Names addenda to Fourth Volume


Πρόσθετα ονόματα Τέταρτου Τόμου

Names Addenda to Fourth Volume


12 Melinaki db. f. (2004) by Autobird (FR) out of Argyroulla Star


Πρόσθετα ονόματα Πέμπτου Τόμου

Names addenda to Fifth Volume


Πρόσθετα ονόματα Πέμπτου Τόμου

Names Addenda to Fifth Volume


1 Russian Fox b. g. (2009) by Barraak (GB) out of Abbot Charmer 1 Mister Kikis ch. g. (2008) by Provo (USA) out of Abigail 1 Kostikas b. c. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Achniotou 2 Olympia ch. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Agapi 3 Dimareti db. f. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Agriopi 3 Andromeni b. f. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Agriopi 3 Arizona Fly b. f. (2005) by Balal (GR) out of Akadimia 3 Hawaii Science ch. f. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Alana 4 Mikros Eric ch. g. (2007) by Provo (USA) out of Alepou 4 Sir Magkas ch. g. (2009) by Provo (USA) out of Alepou 4 Aionia Poli b. f. (2008) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Alexandra Mia 4 Didymi Psychi ch. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Alexandra Mia 5 Arsenios Merras b. g. (2005) by Anadonis (GB) out of Alexiana 6 Eklekti ch. f. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Alpina 6 Mesogeios ch. f. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Alpina 6 Penteli b. f. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Amaryllida 6 Ariastis d.b f. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Amaryllida 6 Electric Blue b. f. (2009) by Santillana (USA) out of Amathus Blue 6 Efrosyni Chance b. f. (2008) by Roi Gironde (IRE) out of Amathus Chance 6 Neofyta b. f. (2009) by Autobird (FR) out of Amathus Dear 7 Antonis ch. g. (2009) by Santillana (USA) out of Amathus Desire 7 Invincible ch. f. (2007) by Provo (USA) out of Amathus Diamond 7 Bella Christina b. f. (2008) by Anadonis (GB) out of Amathus Diamond 7 Moira Mou b. f. (2009) by Super Elite (USA) out of Amathus Diamond 8 Nikolas Power ch. g. (2008) by Clever Danzig (USA) out of Amathus Passion 8 Ayserkitis b. c. (2009) by Santillana (USA) out of Amathus Passion 9 Alkamenis b. g. (2007) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Anafonitra 9 Moushouri ch. f. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Anavra 9 Eliash Memory b. f. (2009) by Eliash out of Andris Memory 10 Nik Pit ch. g. (2009) by Provo (USA) out of Antrianastasia 11 Kommatos Koullis b. c. (2007) by Armin (USA) out of Aorati 11 Artemis b. f. (2007) by Ten Kingdoms (USA) out of Arachova 11 Ydra b. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Arachova 12 Tottenham b. f. (2006) by Fantasy Island (IRE) out of Argentini 12 Maritsoui b. f. (2007) by Jarah (USA) out of Argentini 12 McQueen gr. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Argythea 141

12 Lady Tsaritsa b. f. (2008) by Raphane (USA) out of Ariani 13 Grand Canyon b. g. (2008) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Arietta 13 Dragon King b. c. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Arietta 14 Poseidipia b. f. (2007) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Asinou 14 Sekania b. f. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Asinou 14 Polyada b. f. (2007) by Turnberry Isle (IRE) out of Assisi 14 Minuk ch. f. (2008) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Astrofengia 15 Frixos ch. g. (2009) by Fantasy Island (IRE) out of Asymvivasti 16 Anastasia Mou b. f. (2009) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Avgoulla 17 Important For Me b. f. (2009) by Super Elite (USA) out of Azaria 17 Zorya b. g. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Azores 18 Hawaii Lady b. f. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Baroness 18 Rogerakos ch. c. (2009) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Baroness 18 Philosopher b. g. (2008) by Anadonis (GB) out of Bella Stefani 19 Michael Chance b. g. (2008) by Autobird (FR) out of Bijou 19 Super Bingo b. f. (2009) by Philemon (IRE) out of Bingo Lady 20 Most Wanted b. g. (2007) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Bold Princess 20 Alepe b. f. (2008) by Samim (USA) out of Bold Princess 20 Elefsina b. f. (2006) by Osool (USA) out of Born Lady 21 Asherkotissa b. f. (2008) by Super Elite (USA) out of Buccaneer Kate (USA) 21 Dimitris Bagasas db. g. (2009) by Thunderstorm (USA) out of Buccaneer Kate (USA) 21 Athienitis ch. g. (2008) by Clever Danzig (USA) out of Canberra 22 Candy Glorious b. f. (2007) by Duke Of Danzig (USA) out of Candy Activa 22 Lorena My Love ch. f. (2008) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Casus Belli 22 Mikros Aroulis b. g. (2008) by Provo (USA) out of Chalefka Baby 23 Figaro b. g. (2008) by Scottish Dancer (USA) out of Chalefka Mou 23 Moralis Brother d.b c. (2006) by Ten Kingdoms (USA) out of Charikleia 23 Sexy Blonde ch. f. (2007) by Jarah (USA) out of Charikleia 23 Menna d.b f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Charikleia 23 Elias Divine ch. f. (2008) by Santillana (USA) out of Christians Pop 24 Savvis O Arfos Mou gr. g. (2009) by Autobird (FR) out of Chrysanthia 24 Black Magic d.b f. (2008) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Chrysi Akti 24 Cinderella b. f. (2009) by Philemon (IRE) out of Chrysovalanti 25 Regina Lindo b. f. (2008) by Roi Gironde (IRE) out of Cielito Lindo (GB) 26 Princess Amalia b. f. (2009) by Provo (USA) out of Come On Sotia 28 Zialou b. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Cumbrian Harmony (IRE) 28 Dancethenightaway ch. f. (2008) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Dance In The Night 28 Dancing Katerinio b. f. (2008) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Dancing Katerina 28 King Of The Race ch. g. (2007) by Jarah (USA) out of Dangerous Nana 30 Queen Nasra d.b f. (2005) by Jarah (USA) out of Detsy Louise 30 Chrisofia ch. f. (2007) by Ramooz (USA) out of Diamesolavisi 31 Hawaii Duca b. g. (2009) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) out of Dilemma 32 Mantzipas Memory ch. g. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Dobric


32 Kelepeshis b. g. (2007) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Dodoni 32 Mimar b. f. (2008) by Ramooz (USA) out of Dodoni 32 Odysseias Promise b. f. (2008) by Anadonis (GB) out of Donna Mara (GR) 32 Paramount ch. g. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Donna Mara (GR) 32 Mister Maik b. g. (2008) by Balal (GR) out of Dorkas 32 Planet b. g. (2009) by Anadonis (GB) out of Dorkas 33 Mister Marinos ch. g. (2007) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Doxa Mou 33 Zaets ch. g. (2007) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Dynati 33 Zaetsina b. f. (2009) by Takhlid (USA) out of Dynati 34 Kapetanissa ch. f. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Ela Caryofilia Mou 34 Savan Irene b. f. (2007) by Musalsal (IRE) out of Ela Hara 35 Savan Nagia b. f. (2007) by Musalsal (IRE) out of Ela Nini 35 Savan Star b. g. (2008) by Musalsal (IRE) out of Ela Nini 36 Sweet Kalia b. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Elena Star 36 Tale Of Memories db. c. (2009) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Elenou 36 Annabelo ch. c. (2009) by Santillana (USA) out of Elias Best 39 Queen Elisavet ch. f. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Elisavet 39 Toula And Toula b. f. (2005) by Fantasy Island (IRE) out of Elizaretta 41 Escua b. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Eriel 41 Gkaris b. g. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Escape 41 Ypatos b. g. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Estia 41 Sir Ignatios b. g. (2008) by Takhlid (USA) out of Europrincess 42 Hawaii Target b. f. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Eurotarget 42 Ilarion b. g. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Eva 43 Tilemachos b. g. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Evrydiki 43 Bob Mcadoo br. g. (2007) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Fair Justice 44 Aigisthos b. g. (2008) by Haami (USA) out of Fanothea 44 Armina Star b. f. (2007) by Armin (USA) out of Farakita Star 44 Luxury b. g. (2008) by Woodman's Mount (USA) out of Fayza 45 Goliath b. c. (2008) by Ramooz (USA) out of Ferouza 45 Christothea b. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Filomachi 46 Thealos b. g. (2008) by Balal (GR) out of Flash Balou 46 Merdos b. g. (2007) by Raphane (USA) out of Flashing Red 46 Queen Sylia ch. f. (2007) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Floga 47 Red Fire b. f. (2009) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Flying Love 47 Our Hope b. g. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Flying Niki (IRE) 47 Vogue b. f. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Flying Niki (IRE) 48 Miss Coral b. f. (2008) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Free Base 48 Anephani b. f. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Fryghada 48 Glykeia Marintora b. f. (2007) by Anadonis (GB) out of Gali Stampa 48 Gali Vision b. g. (2008) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Gali Stampa 49 Lexeko Garden b. f. (2009) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Garden Of Eden (GB) 49 Chouantorena b. g. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Garida


49 Fabregas b. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Gates Of Fire 50 Kommatos Anna b. f. (2006) by Jolly Prospect (USA) out of Giasoumina 51 Amathus Spirit b. g. (2008) by Autobird (FR) out of Glory 51 Fimbi b. f. (2008) by Anadonis (GB) out of Glykeia Angela (GB) 51 Stochastiki b. f. (2007) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Go Robertina 51 Stavrinos ch. g. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Gogo 52 Kranaichmi b. f. (2008) by Balal (GR) out of Gorgofoni 52 Danaos b. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Gorgofoni 52 Miliotis Angeliki b. f. (2008) by Super Elite (USA) out of Gorgoppi 52 Edem b. f. (2009) by Super Elite (USA) out of Gorgoppi 52 Brazileous b. g. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Gothiki (GR) 52 Tsappas b. g. (2006) by Makaruka (USA) out of Goudiotissa 53 Koulas b. g. (2006) by Makaruka (USA) out of Greca 53 Isaak Junior b. g. (2007) by Autobird (FR) out of Habitat Lady 54 Hawaii Sympathy b. f. (2009) by Mokhtar (IRE) out of Hawaii Aloha 54 Hawaii Annezou b. f. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Hawaii Anieza 54 Kividiotou ch. f. (2009) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) out of Hawaii Anorthosis 55 Antrianos ch. g. (2007) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Hawaii Beach 56 Aristokratikoteros ch. g. (2008) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) out of Hawaii Big Lady 56 Hawaii Vintage ch. f. (2009) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Hawaii Bride 56 Marnia ch. f. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Hawaii Carmelina 56 Moiraia ch. f. (2007) by Clever Danzig (USA) out of Hawaii Charisma 56 Just Perfect db. f. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Hawaii Charisma 56 Grande Dame ch. f. (2009) by Samim (USA) out of Hawaii Charisma 57 Lady Di Italia ch. f. (2008) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) out of Hawaii Connection 58 Hawaii Doukissa b. f. (2009) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) out of Hawaii Energy 58 Italian Sun ch. c. (2008) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) out of Hawaii Flag 59 Hawaii Fortunate b. f. (2009) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) out of Hawaii Fortune 59 Lady Joker b. f. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Hawaii Game 59 Hawaii Gentleman b. g. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Hawaii Harmony 60 Kiss Goodnight b. f. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Hawaii Kiss 60 Hawaii Music Girl ch. f. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Hawaii Melody 60 Hawaii Classy ch. f. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Hawaii Melody 61 Hawaii Casanova ch. g. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Hawaii Mistress 61 Hawaii Gentle ch. f. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Hawaii Mistress 62 Hawaii Master d.b g. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Hawaii Premium 63 Hawaii Barca b. f. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Hawaii Selection 64 Hawaii Trako ch. g. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Hawaii Sunset 65 Hawaii Thisavros ch. g. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Hawaii Treasure 66 Kendra ch. f. (2009) by Takhlid (USA) out of Headoula 67 Giannoulla Mou ch. f. (2009) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Ileia 67 Pallini b. f. (2007) by Turnberry Isle (IRE) out of Imia 67 Diamond Eleana gr. f. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Imia


68 Koufis b. g. (2009) by Scottish Dancer (USA) out of Ioustiniani 68 Chaos b. g. (2009) by Thunderstorm (USA) out of Ippomedousa 69 Mister Ex b. c. (2006) by Wind Cheetah (USA) out of Irma 69 Miss Ex b. f. (2007) by Ten Kingdoms (USA) out of Irma 69 Jealousy Successor ch. g. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Jealousys Spirit 70 Irigoni b. f. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Kadmia 70 Sir Kikis b. g. (2008) by Autobird (FR) out of Kafounta 70 Kazak Moro Mou b. f. (2009) by Ballet King (FR) out of Kaimakliotou 70 Panagiotis Junior b. g. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Kalamagkra 70 Lessa ch. f. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Kalamaria 70 Exolothreftis ch. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Kalamaria 71 Mikri Kalloni b. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Kalloni 71 Kallipos b. g. (2006) by Turnberry Isle (IRE) out of 71 Tepeleni b. g. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Kalopsida 71 Mikri Florentia b. f. (2008) by Barlovento (GER) out of Kalosyni 72 Pandoris b. c. (2007) by Ramooz (USA) out of Kanakaria 72 Smyrna b. f. (2008) by Ramooz (USA) out of Kanakaria 72 Dancing Duchess b. f. (2009) by Great Dane (IRE) out of Kanapitsa 72 Black Pascal b. g. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Kapillou Mana 73 Kapillous Tower ch. c. (2008) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Kapillous Christina 73 Gulten b. f. (2008) by Raphane (USA) out of Karamelenia Mou 73 Ermioni ch. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Kassandra 73 Deinostratos b. g. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Kassiopi 73 Valantia b. f. (2009) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Kassiopi 74 Antiamos Boy b. g. (2006) by Duke Of Danzig (USA) out of Katazitoumeni 74 Antiamos b. f. (2008) by Clever Danzig (USA) out of Katazitoumeni 74 Observer ch. g. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Katbalou 74 Kallias Aristos b. g. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Katelitsa Treasure 74 Insomnia b. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Katelitsa Treasure 74 Aeroporos b. g. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Katerinas Treasure 74 Karai b. f. (2009) by Scottish Dancer (USA) out of Katerinio 76 Morgana b. f. (2009) by Autobird (FR) out of Kirki 76 Sweet Foteini b. f. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Kitsiopoula 76 Kanala b. f. (2008) by Takhlid (USA) out of Kleopatra Again 76 Anaximenis b. g. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Klytaimnistra 77 Komitis b. g. (2007) by Philemon (IRE) out of Komissa 77 Floriana b. f. (2008) by Philemon (IRE) out of Komissa 78 Firenze b. f. (2006) by Fantasy Island (IRE) out of Kornelias Treasure 78 Steliakyriaki ch. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Kornelias Treasure 78 Servinia b. f. (2008) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Korsiki 78 Argentina gr. f. (2009) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Korsiki 78 Ntitivio b. g. (2005) by Anadonis (GB) out of Kozi 78 Simply Superior b. f. (2007) by Woodman's Mount (USA) out of Kozi


78 Arsenia Fantasy b. f. (2008) by Anadonis (GB) out of Kozi 79 Love You Maria ch. f. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Kypriopoulla 80 Kurkova b. f. (2008) by Ramooz (USA) out of Kyra Despoina 80 Kyrenia Girl b. f. (2009) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Kyrenia Beauty 80 Mims ch. f. (2009) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Kyriakou 82 Savan Angelina gr. f. (2007) by Musalsal (IRE) out of Lady Kitiana 82 Savan Kitiana b. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Lady Kitiana 82 Stelitsa b. f. (2005) by Barlovento (GER) out of Lady Martha 82 Martinos b. g. (2007) by Duke Of Danzig (USA) out of Lady Martha 83 Giannitsaros b. g. (2007) by Raphane (USA) out of Lady Quatro 83 Iolaos ch. g. (2008) by Raphane (USA) out of Lady Quatro 83 Mystical Storm b. f. (2009) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Lady Virardi 84 Fast Dane b. g. (2009) by Great Dane (IRE) out of Lakithra 84 Zeta b. f. (2007) by Ten Kingdoms (USA) out of Lalita 84 Queen Elia d.b f. (2009) by Autobird (FR) out of Lalita 85 Achari b. f. (2007) by Ramooz (USA) out of Lapta 85 Laodiki b. f. (2008) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Lara 85 Lacroix b. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Lara 85 Riana b. f. (2009) by Thunderstorm (USA) out of Larissa 86 Amfidora b. f. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Lauru Rose 86 Lavrentia b. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Lava 88 Nastazia b. f. (2008) by Balal (GR) out of Leontokardi 88 Nikolas Junior ch. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Leontokardi 90 Taleporos b. c. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Looking Warum 91 Sir Evgenios b. g. (2009) by Fly By Night (IRE) out of Loutmillan 91 Garfield db. g. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Lovely Carolina 91 Almissa b. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Lovely Carolina 92 Kapatsa ch. f. (2008) by Takhlid (USA) out of Loving Nicolina 92 Kostouras ch. g. (2009) by Takhlid (USA) out of Loving Nicolina 92 Lady Gaga b. f. (2007) by Provo (USA) out of Lucky Blossom 93 Think Positive ch. g. (2008) by Fantasy Island (IRE) out of Lysimacheia 93 Cynthia b. f. (2009) by Super Elite (USA) out of Lysiotou 93 Pandora b. f. (2007) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Lyso 94 Gummy b. f. (2009) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Mackenna 94 Eidyli b. f. (2008) by Berber (GER) out of Madari 94 Minera b. f. (2006) by Ballet King (FR) out of Madonna Love 94 Karystia ch. f. (2006) by Duke Of Danzig (USA) out of Magda 95 Wild Dinos ch. g. (2008) by Armin (USA) out of Magical Belle (IRE) 96 Christandrea b. f. (2009) by Top Of His Class (USA) out of Makarena 96 Dsquared ch. g. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Manda Spirit 96 Apatsi Mou b. c. (2009) by Thunderstorm (USA) out of Manda Wind 97 Mangalas Rainbow b. f. (2009) by Anadonis (GB) out of Mangala 97 Kallini b. f. (2009) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Mani


98 Marintinos b. g. (2007) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Maria 98 Angelina Montecho b. f. (2008) by Fantasy Island (IRE) out of Maria Dyo 98 Natbalou ch. f. (2007) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Maria Sharp 98 Mister Theo ch. g. (2008) by Takhlid (USA) out of Maria Sharp 98 Sir Theo b. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Maria Sharp 98 Mariner b. g. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Maria Vivi 99 Fadis Vi Jo b. c. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Mariantia 99 Leoni b. f. (2008) by Autobird (FR) out of Maria's Angel 99 Queen Anthia b. f. (2009) by Autobird (FR) out of Maria's Angel 99 El Khanzim ch. g. (2008) by Santillana (USA) out of Marie Ela 100 Alaska Mou ch. f. (2008) by Raphane (USA) out of Marilia 100 Limniotis Star ch. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Marissa 100 Elias Echo b. c. (2008) by Eliash out of Maritaki 101 Lady Makedonia b. f. (2009) by Woodman's Mount (USA) out of Marousia 101 Ela Pavlo Mou b. g. (2008) by Scottish Dancer (USA) out of Martha 102 Nazifa b. f. (2008) by Thunderstorm (USA) out of Medousa 102 Burak b. g. (2009) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Medousa 103 Magnifique b. f. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Megali Kyria 103 Apentaros b. g. (2005) by Samim (USA) out of Mepa Sister 104 Sensimelia ch. f. (2008) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Meskalina 104 Megas Efialtis b. g. (2009) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Mesopotamia 104 Dream Share b. g. (2007) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Metochoulla 105 Fly High gr. g. (2008) by Fly By Night (IRE) out of Michele My Love 105 Taimour b. g. (2007) by Anadonis (GB) out of Mikri Chalefka 107 Ela Grigori b. g. (2006) by Coeur De Miel (USA) out of Mikri Stephani 108 Miliotis Stavroula ch. f. (2008) by Woodman's Mount (USA) out of Miliotis Stavriana 110 Zouzouka Star b. f. (2008) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Miss Charis 110 Tigris b. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Miss Charis 111 Renates Beauty ch. f. (2007) by Coeur De Miel (USA) out of Miss Show Palace 111 Vegeta b. g. (2009) by Great Dane (IRE) out of Miss Show Palace 112 Mister Sotiris ch. g. (2009) by Armin (USA) out of Mitrokanella 112 Guapa b. f. (2007) by Anadonis (GB) out of Mivana 112 Barbara b. f. (2009) by Hibiscus (GER) out of Modesta 113 Eroessa b. f. (2008) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Monadiki 113 Rapunzel b. f. (2009) by Great Dane (IRE) out of Monadiki 113 Living b. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Morfonia 113 Kazak English Girl b. f. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Morfonia 114 Super Impose b. f. (2009) by Anadonis (GB) out of Morning Glory 114 Great Partner b. g. (2008) by Secret Partner out of Mouzoura 114 Gerakina b. f. (2009) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Mucambo Beauty 115 Lykavitos b. g. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Mykina 115 Queen Myrtou b. f. (2008) by Great Dane (IRE) out of Myrtou 115 Antonis Kentelis b. g. (2009) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Myrtou


116 Lady Anna Maria b. f. (2008) by Samim (USA) out of Nansingel 116 Atromiti Apoelara d.b f. (2008) by Berber (GER) out of National Velvet 116 Jennifer Queen b. f. (2009) by Takhlid (USA) out of Nefeli (GR) 117 Tzole b. g. (2008) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Nellia 117 Anesto ch. f. (2006) by Duke Of Danzig (USA) out of New Life 118 Aprospelasti db. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Nicoleta Power (IRE) 118 Amirandes ch. g. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Nicoleta Power (IRE) 118 Elpis b. f. (2008) by Great Dane (IRE) out of Nikey 118 Kalchas b. g. (2009) by Thunderstorm (USA) out of Nikey 118 Apalachee b. g. (2009) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Nilamata (IRE) 118 Konstantis ch. g. (2007) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Nina 119 Rocinante b. f. (2007) by Anadonis (GB) out of Nisos Kypros 119 Alehandro ch. g. (2009) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) out of Nout (GR) 120 Mikros Panagiotis ch. g. (2009) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Olenka (GB) 120 Menekratis ch. g. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Olympiada 120 Alpinos b. c. (2009) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Olympiada 121 Sir Caroline ch. g. (2009) by Provo (USA) out of Omnia 121 Kazak Playboy b. g. (2008) by Ballet King (FR) out of Ostria 122 Savannah ch. f. (2009) by Provo (USA) out of Pachniotisa 122 Dan Haita db. g. (2007) by Philemon (IRE) out of Panathinaia 122 Ntanny b. g. (2008) by Philemon (IRE) out of Panathinaia 122 Oraia Athinaia b. f. (2009) by Philemon (IRE) out of Panathinaia 122 Patric Lady Luck ch. f. (2006) by Zaaleff (USA) out of Paprika 122 Paros Princess b. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Paros 122 Petrallina ch. f. (2009) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Paros 124 Naiades b. f. (2005) by Wind Cheetah (USA) out of Persepolis 125 Karmiotissa b. f. (2007) by Clever Danzig (USA) out of Pipadash (IRE) 125 Antrias Promise ch. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Pipadash (IRE) 126 Savan Poly gr. f. (2009) by Musalsal (IRE) out of Poly Mou 126 Queen Evanthia b. f. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Polykrini 127 Saint Modestos b. g. (2009) by Thunderstorm (USA) out of Pourekka Mou 127 Marinella b. f. (2008) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Power 129 Pygmalion ch. g. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Princess Rigina 129 Geller ch. g. (2008) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Princesse De Miel 129 Italian Job ch. g. (2008) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) out of Pringipissa 129 Hawaii Attractive ch. f. (2009) by Duca D'Atri (IRE) out of Pringipissa 130 Isagoras b. g. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Proselinta 130 Protathlitis b. g. (2009) by Takhlid (USA) out of Protathlitria 131 Keiki b. g. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Pyla 131 Marietta ch. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Pythia Ton Delfon 132 Asana gr. f. (2008) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Queen Irina 133 Andrelef Sale ch. g. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Queenie 133 Angel b. g. (2008) by Autobird (FR) out of Rafaellas Angel


134 Marble Arch b. g. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Reason For Life 134 My Heart b. f. (2009) by Philemon (IRE) out of Red Heart 135 Psoumas ch. g. (2007) by Hibiscus (GER) out of Rekalia 135 Lakedaimon b. c. (2008) by Balal (GR) out of Romaia 135 Fereniki ch. f. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Romaia 135 Roditis b. g. (2009) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Roditissa 135 Fly Again b. g. (2008) by Fly By Night (IRE) out of Rondine 135 Thomas Rising b. g. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Rondine 136 Bonaventura b. f. (2009) by Super Elite (USA) out of Rosinanti 136 Roskos b. g. (2009) by Autobird (FR) out of Roskelena 136 Rapide gr. g. (2008) by Great Dane (IRE) out of Royal Grace 136 Flying To The Moon ch. f. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Royal Shadow 137 French Tower ch. g. (2009) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Rue Dassas 137 Nefsky Express b. g. (2009) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Russian Ballerina 137 Preveza b. f. (2007) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Salamis Star 138 Miss Sofia b. f. (2007) by Fantasy Island (IRE) out of Salma Mia 138 Zagreb b. g. (2007) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Samaria 139 Zoe ch. f. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Samothraki 139 Ektelestis b. g. (2009) by Haami (USA) out of Samothraki 139 Varoni ch. f. (2005) by Provo (USA) out of Santa Juliana 139 Tatsa Mia gr. f. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Sapfo 139 Mister Alexios b. c. (2008) by Provo (USA) out of Sarakosti 139 Biancas Return b. f. (2009) by Provo (USA) out of Sarakosti 140 Duygu ch. f. (2008) by Raphane (USA) out of Se Perimeno 140 Dream ch. f. (2009) by Hibiscus (GER) out of Secret 141 Hawaii Pretty ch. f. (2008) by Ela-Aristokrati (IRE) out of Serviceable (GB) 141 Hawaii Glamorous ch. f. (2009) by Master David (USA) out of Serviceable (GB) 141 Red ch. f. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Sexy Dream 141 Mariella ch. f. (2006) by Duke Of Danzig (USA) out of Shafak 141 Attica b. f. (2007) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Shikara 142 Showtime Junior ch. g. (2007) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Showtime 142 Pellokaterina b. f. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Sifnos 142 Troilos b. g. (2007) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Silver Band (GB) 142 Maistrogarmbis b. g. (2008) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Silver Band (GB) 142 Neco King b. g. (2007) by Ballet King (FR) out of Simple Wish 143 Fly Ambitious gr. f. (2008) by Fly By Night (IRE) out of Simply Orange 143 Illuminati b. f. (2007) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Sofika 144 Tata Florin b. g. (2007) by Santillana (USA) out of Solakis Niki 144 Pippilla b. f. (2009) by Jarah (USA) out of Solakis Niki 144 Solar Flame b. f. (2009) by Anadonis (GB) out of Solar Lady 144 Solar Glory b. f. (2009) by Provo (USA) out of Solar Magic 144 Tzionis Memory ch. g. (2008) by Provo (USA) out of Sonata 144 Sosoka b. f. (2009) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Sotiroulla Star


146 Kypriana db. f. (2005) by Barlovento (GER) out of Stavroulla Mia 147 Styllou db. f. (2008) by Tale Of Dreams (USA) out of Super Despoina 147 Anastasis b. g. (2007) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Sweet Despo 148 Mikros Charalambos ch. g. (2006) by Zaaleff (USA) out of Sweet Face 148 Santa Georgianna b. f. (2008) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Sweet Georgianna 148 Red Sun ch. g. (2009) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Sweet Georgianna 149 Sir Panagiotis b. g. (2006) by Ten Kingdoms (USA) out of Sweet Justice 151 Kodros b. g. (2007) by Duke Of Danzig (USA) out of Tamassos 151 Thomas Nemesis ch. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Tamassos 151 Fly Myra b. f. (2009) by Fly By Night (IRE) out of Tamassos 151 Nino Messi b. g. (2008) by Anadonis (GB) out of Tatiana Beauty 151 Londovich ch. c. (2009) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Tegea Niki 152 Foivos b. g. (2009) by Autobird (FR) out of The Nibletts 152 Ttianoua Love b. f. (2008) by Hibiscus (GER) out of The Success 152 Protaras b. g. (2008) by Raphane (USA) out of Thessalia 153 Andalusia ch. f. (2008) by Takkatamm (USA) out of Thetis 153 Andora b. f. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Thivi 153 Chrysippos b. g. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Tillyria 154 Pambalourou Bamix b. c. (2008) by Raphane (USA) out of Tramountana 154 Diomidis b. g. (2008) by Philemon (IRE) out of Troia 154 Proteas b. c. (2009) by Roi Gironde (IRE) out of Troia 155 Dona b. f. (2008) by Jarah (USA) out of Ttam Ttam 155 Panischyros b. g. (2007) by Shorten Sail (USA) out of Ttara 155 Chambis b. g. (2009) by Woodman's Mount (USA) out of Ttara 156 Daidalos b. g. (2008) by Anadonis (GB) out of Varosiotou 156 Denora b. f. (2007) by Ramooz (USA) out of Venetia 156 Prokopis Elia b. g. (2008) by Ramooz (USA) out of Venousa 156 Koutalianos db. g. (2009) by Super Elite (USA) out of Venousa 157 Antonis Paisios b. g. (2006) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Venus 157 Gold Seeker ch. g. (2008) by Gold Tower (USA) out of Violeta 157 Barba Filippos b. g. (2008) by Clever Danzig (USA) out of Vioniki 158 Eleni b. f. (2009) by Baltic Fox (CAN) out of Viva Maria 158 Selini b. f. (2007) by Anadonis (GB) out of Vokolida 158 Sir Vasileios b. g. (2009) by Super Elite (USA) out of Warum Angel 159 Miliotis Klatsiou b. f. (2008) by Woodman's Mount (USA) out of Warum Dancing 159 Warum Michaella ch. f. (2009) by Banker's Gold (USA) out of Warum Dancing 159 Warum Marianna ch. f. (2008) by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Warum Fox 159 Miliotis Koukla ch. f. (2006) by Woodman's Mount (USA) out of Warum Thunder 159 Asklipiada b. f. (2009) by Binary Vision (USA) out of Windstrike (GB) 160 Charis Memory b. f. (2009) by Tiger Hill (IRE) out of Yaya (USA) 160 Limniotis b. g. (2007) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Young Rigina 160 Riginos Power ch. g. (2008) by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Young Rigina 161 Limatos Kantafi b. g. (2008) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Yperippi


161 Mardonios b. g. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Yperippi 162 Eirinis Rocket ch. f. (2008) by Raphane (USA) out of Zoiro 162 Keep Walking b. f. (2009) by Montgomery's Arch (USA) out of Zolie


Παροράματα και συμπληρώματα Τέταρτου Τόμου

Errata and addenda to Fourth Volume


Παροράματα και συμπληρώματα Τέταρτου Τόμου

Errata and addenda to Fourth Volume


10 The color of the 2004 produce out of Annita Belle is grey and not as published. 12 The color of the 2004 produce out of Argyroulla Star is dark bay and not as published. 28 The color of the 2004 produce out of Detsy Louise is dark bay and not as published.


Παροράματα και συμπληρώματα Πέμπτου Τόμου

Errata and addenda to Fifth Volume


Παροράματα και συμπληρώματα Πέμπτου Τόμου

Errata and addenda to Fifth Volume


1 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Abbot Charmer is gelding and not as published. 1 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Abigail is gelding and not as published. 4 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Alaniara named Birdonthewire is gelding and not as published. 4 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Alepou is gelding and not as published. 5 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Alexiana is gelding and not as published. 5 Allodapos Dimitris, chestnut, gelding, 2007 by Mountain Miner (USA) out of Allodapi (GR) is renamed Cyprus Gem. 6 The color of the 2009 produce out of Amaryllida is dark bay and not as published. 7 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Amathus Desire is gelding and not as published. 8 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Amathus Passion is gelding and not as published. 10 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Angelas Wind named Kazak Agori Mou is gelding and not as published. 10 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Antrianastasia is gelding and not as published. 12 The sex and the color of the 2009 produce out of Argythea is gelding and grey and not as published. 13 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Arietta is gelding and not as published. 15 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Asymvivasti is gelding and not as published. 17 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Azores is gelding and not as published. 18 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Baroness named Varonos Roger is gelding and not as published. 18 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Baroness named Hawaii Playboy is gelding and not as published. 18 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Bella Stefani named Mister Avgoustinos is gelding and not as published. 18 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Bella Stefani is gelding and not as published. 19 The sex and the color of the 2008 produce out of Bijou is gelding and bay and not as published. 21 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Buccaneer Kate (USA) is gelding and not as published. 21 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Canberra is gelding and not as published. 22 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Carola named Monte Christos is gelding and not as published. 22 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Chalefka Baby is gelding and not as published. 23 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Chalefka Mou is gelding and not as published. 23 The color of the 2008 produce out of Charikleia is dark bay and not as published. 24 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Chrysanthia is gelding and not as published. 24 The color of the 2008 produce out of Chrysi Akti is dark bay and not as published. 25 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Clementia is gelding and not as published. 27 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Creative named Shiorpanas is gelding and not as published. 28 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Dangerous Nana is gelding and not as published. 30 The color of the 2005 produce out of Detsy Louise is dark bay and not as published. 31 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Dilemma named Kyrios Hawaiis is gelding and not as published. 31 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Dilemma is gelding and not as published. 32 Τhe sex of the 2009 produce out of Dobric is gelding and not as published. 32 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Dodoni is gelding and not as published. 32 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Donna Mara (GR) is gelding and not as published. 32 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Dorkas is gelding and not as published. 155

32 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Dorkas is gelding and not as published. 34 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Ela Kalia named Kokovios is gelding and not as published. 35 The color of the 2007 produce out of Ela Nini is bay and not as published. 35 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Ela Nini is gelding and not as published. 36 The color of the 2009 produce out of Elenou is dark bay and not as published. 36 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Elias Best named Elias Bombas is gelding and not as published. 40 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Elounta named Kolossos is gelding and not as published. 41 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Escape is gelding and not as published. 41 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Estia is gelding and not as published. 41 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Europrincess is gelding and not as published. 42 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Eurotarget named Hawaii Father is gelding and not as published. 42 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Eva is gelding and not as published. 43 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Evrydiki is gelding and not as published. 43 The sex and the color of the 2007 produce out of Fair Justice is gelding and brown and not as published. 44 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Fanothea is gelding and not as published. 44 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Fayza is gelding and not as published. 45 Kantalakkissa, chestnut, filly, 2007 by Ramooz (USA) out of Ferouza is renamed Marialeni. 46 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Flash Balou named Dardanos is gelding and not as published. 46 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Flash Balou is gelding and not as published. 47 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Flying Niki (IRE) is gelding and not as published. 48 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Gali Stampa is gelding and not as published. 49 Rafanis Best, bay, gelding, 2007 by Raphane (USA) out of Garden Of Eden (GB) is renamed Ali Baba. 49 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Garden Of Eden (GB) is gelding and not as published. 49 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Garida is gelding and not as published. 49 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Gates Of Fire is gelding and not as published. 51 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Glory is gelding and not as published. 51 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Gogo is gelding and not as published. 52 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Gorgofoni is gelding and not as published. 52 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Gothiki (GR) is gelding and not as published. 53 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Habitat Lady is gelding and not as published. 54 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Hawaii Amanda named Tantalakis is gelding and not as published. 55 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Hawaii Artemis named Artemis Boy is gelding and not as published. 55 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Hawaii Beach is gelding and not as published. 56 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Hawaii Big Lady is gelding and not as published. 59 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Hawaii Harmony named Hawaii Big Boss is gelding and not as published. 59 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Hawaii Harmony is gelding and not as published. 60 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Hawaii Melody named Elladios is gelding and not as published. 61 Miss Antia, chestnut, filly, 2007 by Roger The Butler (IRE) out of Hawaii Mistress is renamed Lady Chloe. 61 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Hawaii Mistress is gelding as not as published. 62 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Hawaii Premium is gelding and not as published. 62 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Hawaii Rocket named Rockos is gelding and not as published. 63 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Hawaii Scarlet named Loukas Angel is gelding and not as published. 64 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Hawaii Sunset is gelding and not as published.


65 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Hawaii Treasure is gelding and not as published. 65 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Hawaii Yiota named Hawaii Power is gelding and not as published. 67 The color of the 2008 produce out of Imia is grey and not as published. 68 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Ioustiniani is gelding and not as published. 68 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Ippomedousa is gelding and not as published. 68 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Irena named Kazak Naughty Boy is gelding and not as published. 69 Jealousys Master, bay, gelding, 2007 by Jarah (USA) out of Jealousys Spirit is renamed Chris My Son. 69 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Jealousys Spirit is gelding and not as published. 70 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Kafounta is gelding and not as published. 70 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Kalamagkra is gelding and not as published. 70 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Kalamaria is gelding and not as published. 71 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Kalopsida is gelding and not as published. 71 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Kalopsida is gelding and not as published. 72 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Kapillou Mana is gelding and not as published. 73 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Kassiopi is gelding and not as published. 74 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Katazitoumeni named Afantos is gelding and not as published. 74 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Katazitoumeni is gelding and not as published. 74 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Katbalou is gelding and not as published. 74 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Katelitsa Treasure is gelding and not as published. 74 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Katerinas Treasure is gelding and not as published. 76 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Klytaimnistra is gelding and not as published. 78 The color of the 2009 produce out of Korsiki is grey and not as published. 78 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Kozi is gelding and not as published. 82 The color of the 2007 produce out of Lady Kitiana is grey and not as published. 82 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Lady Martha is gelding and not as published. 83 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Lady Quatro is gelding and not as published. 84 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Lakithra is gelding and not as published. 85 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Lara is gelding and not as published. 85 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Latreia Mou named Chouvarntas is gelding and not as published. 87 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Lenou is gelding and not as published. 88 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Leontokardi is gelding and not as published. 90 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Lounger named Andronikos is gelding and not as published. 91 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Loutmillan is gelding and not as published. 91 The sex and the color of the 2008 produce out of Lovely Carolina is gelding and dark bay and not as published. 92 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Loving Nicolina is gelding and not as published. 93 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Lysimacheia is gelding and not as published. 95 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Magical Belle (IRE) is gelding and not as published. 96 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Manda Spirit is gelding and not as published. 98 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Maraki named Tritonas is gelding and not as published. 98 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Maria Sharp is gelding and not as published. 98 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Maria Sharp is gelding and not as published. 98 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Maria Vivi is gelding and not as published. 99 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Marie Ela is gelding and not as published.


99 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Marikkou named Skourouvinos is gelding and not as published. 100 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Marissa is gelding and not as published. 101 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Martha is gelding and not as published. 102 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Medousa is gelding and not as published. 104 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Mesopotamia is gelding and not as published. 104 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Metochoulla is gelding and not as published. 105 The sex and the color of the 2008 produce out of Michele My Love is gelding and grey and not as published. 105 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Mikri Chalefka is gelding and not as published. 110 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Miss Charis is gelding and not as published. 111 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Miss Show Palace is gelding and not as published. 112 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Mitrokanella is gelding and not as published. 114 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Mouzoura is gelding and not as published. 115 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Mykina is gelding and not as published. 115 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Myrtou is gelding and not as published. 116 The color of the 2008 produce out of National Velvet is dark bay and not as published. 117 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Nellia is gelding and not as published. 117 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Nelly named Adis is gelding and not as published. 118 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Nicoleta Power (IRE) is gelding and not as published. 118 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Nikey is gelding and not as published. 118 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Nilamata (IRE) is gelding and not as published. 118 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Nina is gelding and not as published. 119 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Nout (GR) named Quantum is gelding and not as published. 119 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Nout (GR) is gelding and not as published. 120 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Olenka (GB) is gelding and not as published. 120 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Olympiada is gelding and not as published. 121 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Omnia is gelding and not as published. 121 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Ostria is gelding and not as published. 122 The sex and the color of the 2007 produce out of Panathinaia is gelding and dark bay and not as published. 122 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Panathinaia is gelding and not as published. 126 The color of the 2009 produce out of Poly Mou is grey and not as published. 127 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Pourekka Mou is gelding and not as published. 129 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Princess Rigina is gelding and not as published. 129 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Princesse De Miel is gelding and not as published. 129 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Pringipissa is gelding and not as published. 130 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Proselinta is gelding and not as published. 130 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Protathlitria is gelding and not as published. 130 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Provo Star named Kaka is gelding and not as published. 131 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Pyla is gelding and not as published. 131 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Pythia Ton Delfon named Sunstorm is gelding and not as published. 132 The color of the 2008 produce out of Queen Irina is grey and not as published. 133 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Queenie named Spartan is gelding and not as published. 133 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Queenie is gelding and not as published. 133 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Rafaellas Angel is gelding and not as published.


134 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Reason For Life is gelding and not as published. 135 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Rekalia is gelding and not as published. 135 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Roditissa is gelding and not as published. 135 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Rondine is gelding and not as published. 135 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Rondine is gelding and not as published. 136 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Roskelena is gelding and not as published. 136 The sex and color of the 2008 produce out of Royal Grace is gelding and grey and not as published. 137 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Rue Dassas is gelding and not as published. 137 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Russian Ballerina is gelding and not as published. 139 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Samothraki is gelding and not as published. 139 The color of the 2009 produce out of Sapfo is grey and not as published. 140 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Secret named Thodoris is gelding and not as published. 142 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Showtime is gelding and not as published. 142 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Silver Band (GB) is gelding and not as published. 142 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Silver Band (GB) is gelding and not as published. 142 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Simple Wish is gelding and not as published. 143 The color of the 2008 produce out of Simply Orange is grey and not as published. 144 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Sonata is gelding and not as published. 146 The color of the 2005 produce out of Stavroulla Mia is dark bay and not as published. 147 The color of the 2008 produce out of Super Despoina is dark bay and not as published. 148 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Sweet Georgianna is gelding and not as published. 149 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Sweet Justice is gelding and not as published. 151 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Tamassos is gelding and not as published. 151 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Tatiana Beauty is gelding and not as published. 152 The sex of the 2009 produce out of The Niblets is gelding and not as published. 152 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Thessalia is gelding and not as published. 153 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Thivi named Halkopous is gelding and not as published. 153 The sex of the 2006 produce out of Thivi named Maniatis is gelding and not as published. 153 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Tillyria is gelding and not as published. 154 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Troia is gelding and not as published. 155 The sex of the 2005 produce out of True Love named Midnight Express is gelding and not as published. 155 The sex of the 2007 produce out of True Love named Ulysses is gelding and not as published. 155 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Ttara is gelding and not as published. 156 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Varosiotou is gelding and not as published. 156 The sex and the color of the 2008 produce out of Venousa is gelding and bay and not as published. 156 The color of the 2008 produce out of Venousa is bay and not as published. 156 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Venousa is gelding and not as published. 157 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Violeta is gelding and not as published. 157 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Vioniki is gelding and not as published. 158 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Warum Angel named Jack is gelding and not as published. 158 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Warum Angel is gelding and not as published. 160 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Young Rigina is gelding and not as published. 161 The sex of the 2008 produce out of Yperippi is gelding and not as published.


161 The sex of the 2009 produce out of Yperippi is gelding and not as published. 173 The sex of the 2004 produce out of Key To Success (GR) named Parnonas (GR) and not as published. 177 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Kirki (GR) named Potemkin (GR) is gelding and not as published. 178 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Welsh Autumn (GB) named Adamantas (GB) is gelding and not as published. 179 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Fadhah (GB) named Red Fadhah (IRE) is gelding and not as published. 179 The sex of the 2005 produce out of Havana Girl (GR) named Kaouris Greco (GR) is gelding and not as published. 180 The sex of the 2007 produce out of Ellopia (GR) named Rousoulas (GR) is gelding and not as published.