University of San Diego Digital USD Baseball (Men) University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides Spring 2006 University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide 2006 University of San Diego Athletics Department Follow this and additional works at: Digital USD Citation University of San Diego Athletics Department, "University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide 2006" (2006). Baseball (Men). 23. This Catalog is brought to you for free and open access by the University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides at Digital USD. It has been accepted for inclusion in Baseball (Men) by an authorized administrator of Digital USD. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ~-""'·... ""' -:~...,· ~;;.. ·.. ~-~- -· ···-.ri~ ---II"'!!---::'!'=-"...-;~.;:..:._.=-,,,,. ~ ;---~r _:..;,.;.. --~ TORERO BASEBAIL __ _ "A Trddition of Excellence ♦ 6 consecutive sedSOns of 30 or more wins ♦ Rdllked 36th presedSOn by Collegidle Basebidl ♦ 2 freshmen on Basebidl llmerica"s Filb 50 ♦ 10th toughest non-conference schedule in the ndlion according to ♦ Recruiting cld.SS dlTIOng Basebidl llmerica"s Ddlldy Dozen _N_O_E_X_C_U_S_E_s_,_P_L_A_~_L_IK_E_A_C_H_A_M_P_I_O_N_--;::=Un==h'e=rs=.~=·=•·"''=f=~·=-- ='::':=~~=,=r=.. Y' =;•·•="'O=~===========~ 2006 SAN DIEGO QUICK FACTS TABLE OF CONT,ENTS 1 ............................................................... ~..... ..... General lnfonnation ◄◄ GENERAL INFORMATION 2 .......................................................