wfnnht>&R dnme To Life With Smashing Victory Over Champions^ 1 COMBINATION MAJOR By Laufer Big League Leaders LEAGUE SCORES Spectacular Sports

(W«fk KnillnK .lair kl ■Win And Lose In NATIONAL I.F.Atit K. FASTER* LEAGIF, Gaines Today. at Boston. Tram* | F. [9a.] Xu.1 M. Tu. W.'Th.'To. Brooklyn Standing*: New Work at Philadelphia. • W. L. Per. at St Louis. St Louie | 13| 13) 1 «| 5) | 13) 40 Cincinnati Dash Bridgeport 5 2 .714 Chicago at Pittsburg. Pennant • 4 2 .667 3| 34 Allentown | Chicago I I 3) 3| 3) 30) 3| 2 .600 Spirited 3 Richmond Games Tomorrow. 4 3 .571 Phlladel | 4) 7) 3) A) 1) 5) 3 37 Hartford at Boston. H. PETERSEN 3 3 .500 Brooklyn By LEO Albany New York at Philadelphia. * 3 3 .500 Press Staff Br’klyn 4) 3| *1 «i 37 Norfolk at St Louis. (t'nited Correspondent) ) | 9) B| 2 4 .333 Cincinnati rated Springfield Chicago at Pittsburg. New York, July 10—(UP)—The Pittsburg Pirates, Plttab'K | • | 13| «) * | * | 5) 4| 37 New Haven 1 6 .142 an almost sure-fire first division club when the season LKAGIE. N. York | * ) 0| 3! * | * | 4) 9| 10 Ciame* YrMerdar. AMERICAN may be down but not out. They demonstrated that Hartford 3. Norfolk 2. Boaton • • * * 14 Allentown lo, Springfield 6. Standings: one | | 8| 4) | | I 2; fa yesterday when they defeated the Chicago Cubs, of New Haven at Richmond (rain). W. L. Per. four teams in the thick of the pennant Clncln’tl |*| #| 4| * | * i * | 3) 14 Albany 4, Bridgeport 2 (10). Philadelphia 53 22 .707 Washington 49 -9 31 .5.d fat, for the second time in a row, 4 to 2. ARRRIC'AIV l.KAMK. Onme* Today. New York 42 38 38 .500 | Dully IllKll-Detroit, II. Hartford at Norfolk. Cleveland Championship hopes that the 2 .4 7 Dally Low—Cleveland, o. Albany at Bridgeport. St Loui. 34 entertained for have 44 .eSJ 1931 Allentown at Springfield. Boston 28 but their of the at Richmond. 23 48 ■"* faded, plav Train* F. |9a.|Su.) M. Tu. \V. Th.lTo. New Haven Detroit .. KAYE DON STILL I 28 47 .3:3 two days indicate that they will Chicago .. * » * 47 OnmoN Tomorrow. determined bid to climb out N. York | | 13] 3) | | 33) It, r hoffmmA Yesterday. second division and finish tho RETRIES BAllA Albany at Bridgeport. Games St Lou la • S 8 7.7 4.1 Allentown at Springfield. 4. the select AFTER MORE SPEED | | 13] 3) New York 9, Philadelphia among group, t*®Tck<££> at Norfolk (2). Hartford Washington 14, Boston 1. the present series with t’hi- * « 3 311 O'lK'BBJERS Haven at Richmond (2). Chicago I | 8| 7| 1] 10) New Chicago 3, Cleveland 0. Pirates played listless hail, lo MAKE 7. * • Detroit 11, St Louis of the two Waner Brothers WITH MOTORBOAT Clrvel’d I | 11] 4j 13] | 10 0) 38 ••piJTooV- NATION AT; LEAGIE. their usual style: an erratic Games Todny. • 7 34 thes dismal Phlladel | | 15) 3| 0; «| 4| Standing*: staff, showing — Gardone, Jtaly, July 10.— (UP) W. L. Per. Boston at Washington. • 33 at New York. Detroit | | II) 5] 4*| 1) 11) St Louis 4 6 30 .615 Philadelphia Apparently not satisfied with his .560 | New York 41 31 feat of yesterday, Kaye Don, Eng- • 3 3 30 Tomorrow. | Wnah’tn I I 5) 4| 0) 14| Brooklyn 4-5 33 .566 Games land’* indicated to the .54 7 speed king*. Chicago 41 34 St Louis at Detroit. Boaton * • * 7 I, 3.1 37 .500 United Press to-day that he would | | 9| II) | | Boston Boston at Washington. ^' .434 make another attempt to break his Philadelphia 4 3 Philadelphia at New York. A I. LKA«I I'.. 41 .4 31 own world’s motorboat speed record INTRRNATION F'ittsburg Cleveland at Chicago. Dally High—Heading, *1. 51 .33$ within a few days. Cincinnati Dully Low—Roeheater. 3. LEAGl E. Don piloted his Miss England 71 INTERNATIONAL «t the highly touted (Jus Suhr .11 Cinmc* Yesterday. over two stretches of one mile each Tenma | F. ] Sn.) So.) M. Tu. W. Til.'To. Cincinnati 1 (1st). first base and the poor hitting of St Louis 3, Gnmes Yesterday. on Lake Gardone yesterday for an St Louis 0, Cincinnati 1 (2nd). 0. Thevenow and Pie dean of * 41 Baltimore 3. Toronto Traynor, 1 an Rending ) 7) 9) 7| j 3j 9; H] 3. average of 10.223 miles hour, to New York !>, Philadelphia Newark 7. Montreal 5. the Natiional league's third bnse- PhicaRO 2. better his former record by nearly * 4 4 33 Pittsburg 4, Reading fi, Rochester men, combined to bury the Pirates Roeh'trr | 13| 8) 1) I 3) fi. Boston 2. 3._ seven miles. His old mark, es- Brooklyn deep In the second division. • tablished in Buenos Aires last win- Bnltini’e 10' II] 4 5*1 30 Camp to IJfp. I 4) | ter, was 103.4 0 miles per hour. In their two games against t'hi- » * »' * I Previous to that Gar Wood of De- Newark I 3| 14| 7| I I Church Cago, the Pirates have acted like a Simon-Pures Two Loop troit had held the record with a * * 311 'Local different rluh. There was nothing Toronto | 5] | II] 3] 3] 3i ] <1 mark of 10 2.256. ■Wrong with the way they support * To-morrow Don’s official time for the out- 7] *1*1 1] I 34 Bouts Games Ray Kremer's 9-hit pitching yest.r- JeraeyC I fl| 10] Win Three going mile yesterday was 3 8 2-5 sec- Pittsburg thumped Teachont * * * * 10 day. M'trrnl | ] tl[ 3) I | 1] I The Oakville church baseball en- onds while he did the second mile his Atlas lor 12 solid blows. The victory Panny Martin Sr took Lutheran, church in 3 0 4-5 seconds. * 1 8 team meets First abled the Pirates to take sixth plac“, Buffnlo |*|*l 3| 1] | *1 to Hartford feature contest, Don’s own Wilcox, and stable of simon-pures leaders, in the behind the Host on Braves engineer, league five games with three afternoon at Hamilton removed from the Gran net-, an official of the Italian last night and returned to-morrow and 14 games at Heminway field Boston Motorboat Racing associaiton, ac- Johnny Ro- nark. To-night place, five games behind the victories in four tights. fi:30 the ville nine the veteran dri- in Watertown at Braves and 14 games removed from companied English round de- berts punched .out a three its weekly practice session. ver on his record-breaking per- Watertown will hold the pace-setting St J.ouis Cardinals BRttxuau of Hart- first Local, rision over Steve T’inkham Oakville is also tied for place The Cardinals increased their formances. A large crowd was on CROSSES ford, Johnny Sims defeated Pete won its first and only game to four games by taking hand and accorded Don a big ova- having leadership Even one of the best whereas the tion. Women End Garber of Bristol in played in the circuit both ends of a doubleheader from \ bouts on the card while Hick tg- ns have copped two straight. 3 to I and 9 to I. Bur- Tai them Cincinnati, Ginella of Collins- will be played at In an inteersting golf match that nnli dropped Sam To-morrow’s game Grimes set the Beds down with two. leigh the second round for a ten on diamond number while in over the AVa- II ville in 2 o’clock ■lx hits in the first game defeated the was played yesterday lose o’clock by , count. The only local lad to On the main diamond at 2 the nightcap Derringer permitted 1) 4. Gomez Hub course, teams to Mahaffey while Hefty terhnry Country was Don Paris who was technically the St Mary Russian Orthodox but five blows. scattered the !* hits he allowed the Water- of of women players from the — in the opening round by nine will test the calibre New York retained second place. MOST talked of boner in baseball was Fred Merkle’s failure kayoed church world champions. town and Waterburv Hubs finished THE Tommy Tucker of Rockville. the St Paul nine. .003 percentage points ahead of the j Washington took advantage of even in score after IK holes of scheduled of 1908. It forced a Philadelphia. point to touch second in the last game Brooklyn, by whipping Athletics' loss and overwhelmed the with Ul-L’ points for each 'S MARRIES C'OEPLK play, — HOW 2* The was a costly one cost the Giants a Merkle was on first and S to victory Boston Red Sox, 14 to 1. Marherry and pennant. —- group. The scores: playoff Memphis, Tenn. Nellie Lucas Cloud had the Red Sox eating out of his to center. Bridwell friend bor- Dark Bradley Bridwell on third when Harry McCormick hit safely was blue. So her boy hand all the while the Senators Wa terhnry iggest way the cut and rowed $5 and now she's Mrs Bright. pounded Moore and Durham lustily. crossed the and Merkle, thinking game won, sharply to save 3 plate The couple, had been unable for Title of Mrs. M. J. Lawlor ... ac- Fights Plenty Scoring. ONERS raced to the clubhouse without touching second. It is generally enough to get married. They ap- The Detroit Tigers three. Mrs. P. P. McEvoy .. pounded Baseball to Judge Camille Kelley 1 Ouilfoile was first to notice Merkle’s boner as he pealed New York, July 0.—(UP)—Mid- St Louis to defeat the Mrs. P. P. that Johnny Evers cepted when John Avanzi. grocer, heard of Philadelphia, recog- Browns, 11 to 7. Earl Whitehill. Mrs. I. W. Day ... must to “Circus j get Wolgast the that saved the for the Cubs. But credit go Solly” their He offered to loan. Ern- states as the world s Miss H. Bryon ... made putout day plea. nized in some coasting under a big lead piled up friend, the his <\ P. Goss 11T 0 ball in a crowd of fans and threw est Bright, the boy champion, will defend hv his mates, had one had in- Mrs. center fielder, who retrieved the milling I flyweight only Hoffman, the license. He also a 15- Miss E. Fielding o money to get claim to the title to-night In the Giants of the ning. the eighth when the Browns on toes that the ball would have nestled in j for it deprived Hoffman hadn’t been his as man tit the wedding. of Miss S. Deach .. to Evers. If day, 'acted best round bout against Ruby Bradley ■fcfices of Freddy T,indstrom s'ar scored six of their runs. Mrs. J. I. P. Buckingham .... a bleacherite. Holyoke, at Coney Island. Lindstrom broke a bone Vie Frazier allowed only six hits the pocket of souvenir-hunting outfielder. ROME’S GLORY GROWS rules as a slight favorite- into base in the Uhicago White Sox Wolgast to his ankle in sliding third hurling is fast growing es- Tot a Is .. •. 13 Vi Rome.-—Rome of $3 for seats and to a 3 to 0 victory over Cleveland. The to]) price is the fifth inning prohablv to commanding it for a back the position tablishes a new all-time low out of the game for at least The White Sox made the best of 'Will be Watertown hold in Bible times. Mussolini is bout. weeks. their 7 blows off Harder. in Action world championship three Sigmas given most of the credit for the Dnl It. 0 VItiling Miss M. Harmon [growth or the city. The last census defeated .Boston 6 to 2. 1,000 BRANDS IN ARIZONA R. 1 Friar; ONE IX A HUNDRED Brooklyn , Mrs. Mlinger Vi The league leading Putsic i revealed that the city's population to pare with the Giants. 1-efty Phoenix, Ariz.—A. lot fo the Old Mrs. R. P. it Joan Caney is keep Hompkins will their final first roun< I was which is 250.000 more London.—Barbara is still in play j ft71.«4r.. Clark the Braves eight West hanging around Ari- Mrs. E. A. Herr. 1 woman to he admitted to permitted | than it was 10 years ago and 57,000 the first led it was here when a game in the V. M. C\ A. Twiligh art hits but his mates. by Leftv zona, disclosed Mrs. W. Butt rick ... Mi the Academy’s famous I > more than last Royal and socks new of livestock 3 the year. O’Doul, hit Tom Zachary re-recording Mrs. F. A. Killora. •, Baseball leahue tonight, at gol school in Hid years. She had cor-

hard brands law became effective. Six- ... for sev- Setbold Miss E. McKnight lots stavkink up against the Sigine < SOTTO VOICE” responded with architects 1 The leadership of tbs Philadelphia teen hundred brands, recorded 10 ! M iss E. On m phe 11 ... under her own name at 6:15 o’clock. th< ; Cleveland.— Hattie A. Rupert, eral years he Johnny Kulmnn, Athletics in the years ago, must recorded again ! Mrs. A. F. Ruffin *., Vi success. Finally she signed Wolcitt Terrier and Browi according to her husband. Henry, withoiit waj cut to five and one-half games before the first of the year at a fee Johnny She got repudiated her marriage vows on herself as "R. J. Caney." ovor Washington when they were cost of $2 each. I Totals 1 3 Vi and with the two Johns aforemen immediately and a surprised the very moment when the tie was replies she w'as a DAN PARKER tioned, it looks rather gloomy fo bound. Henry, in suing for divorce, architect, who thought By | her. Her work has been the Sigmas. "I^efty” Muleahy. t h < t'said that his wife, in answer to the man. hired she has broken Sigmas gas-man. will throw then | minister’s "Ho you—,” replied. "T so marked that ban and has over with Beoee. on th< i but muttered "'not” under down the against girls “Specs” will.” 1 revolving end. I her breath. entered the Royal Academy- with a Camera. His name wn NOW SOUTH U’HICA has bobbed up and 210 pounds. I A, stands six feet seven weighs V, V-rimth" Vie 14 shoes, will do. though, as he only wears size donH n't t tldnkthink the blighter the only D wrUpg, thanking the Mirror for being |.!^uVy^h%1 and Billy Burke, correctly as a Lithuanian NNew'York " *p iper to identify me not to pick ',,*2 Co.,,I obi fl Walsh, of Toronto, begs SINGLETON & CO. because he wants to see Sharkey win. UPSON, Sharkey to beat Mil kev Walker will winthisbout. Edward K. Kennedy wrvTe n t oblige Sharkey (Jallieo of the News next week at. the thinks1 Tin going to tight Paul have merely adopted our names, Queensboro. It seems two blighters Brother Kennedy. Patrick, will he 30 yeais old MICKEY W \r.KEK. christened Edward Mickey wanted to quit the lulv IIand has been lighting for Ifi years-

SET cUody^r-aW^Vnm he

most bachelors H|.;v\Y I.EON \K1), who is still one of the eligible next Benny, who has been around.’ muv become a benedict year. will not admit he is getting ready for training at Orangeburg for months, it some time back. Mickey a eoinelmrk, although the press announced Walker experts to and Benny were all hut matched a few years ago. which will give the Kith a 25- weigh between 1«S and 170 for Sharkey, Hogan, national ama- oound ad \ ant age or thereabouts. Billy junior Albertantis office boy at press head- teur lightweight el,amp, is Francis quarters in the Walker camp. July is able clutch Regularly $4.85— THE TROUBLE WITH W. T;. Strihling is that he U> $4.85— Wall he has been in Regularly everything but Old Dame Opportunity.loe says flow $3.85 career but the two meteorological dis- some 1,ad storms during his baseball Aovc a $5.85 a hurricane off Kate Patterns and turbances he never will forget were and Sane” hear about Pat “Safe this T Mississippi I liver tlon.1 at Macon. Ga. What's Eddie Benson 1 Redmond mining hack to the ring next week against back to Ireland this time, thought Patrick had swum at least half way by Rosenberg. Harlem using his famous Australian crawl stroke.lack main bout class. middleweight used to drive a cab until he got Into the is Hans Mueller, his opponent at the Queensboro, Tuesday night, pilot Sale of an ice wagon on 2d Ave.

.IVCKIE Kll) BEIMi'S brother, Teddy, Is following in his footsteps. Although only lk, he already has had over 20 professional fights. to clean house and our the We’re these drastic reductions put Shano Collins thinks "Maggie" Kline, the giant, young with making find. Stengel once caught, Red Sox, is the season’s best pitching Casey a suit of it under his A few minutes stocks in for fall. It’s your to get style an injured sparrow in the outfield and put. cap. shape opportunity the later he made a great catch and when he trotted to the bench grand- doffed his and out stand gave him a big hand. Waggish Casev politely cap and quality at a big saving. f4.8o- flew Ihe sparrow, sending the crowd into convulsions. Up to then, Casey Regularly With Regularly $4.85— had only been suspected of having hats in the belfry. ... Johnny Vmr $3.85 Keves, alias Mock Duck Soup, Mayor of Chinatown, Is seconding his fight- be in iVom $3.85 er, .Midget Wolgast, at Coney Island to-night, Chinktown will charge of Kow Down Phoney, his first lieutenant. Hart Schaffner & Marx Hart Schaffner & Marx JOE M’C.AltTHY will rebuild the Yanks into a speedy outfit with such fast young talent as Saltzgaver and Crosetti for the infield and Hoag, $30 $35 $40 $42.50 $45 $50 rhapman, Cooke and Byrd for the outfield. McCarthy has an under- SPENCER a seasons which ALL standing with Col R up port that he is to have couple of in Suits now Suits now to rebuild the team. Billy Burke, the new open champ, has three Shoes brothers, one of whom is assistant pro at a club in the Adirondacks; an- ^ owl $ other is a caddy master, and the third, a 10-year-old lad, already plays a good game. Desmond Jeans, of the Horse Marines, the monocled British light heavyweight, was forced to stop training for two days recently *4' until cut him a new one. when he broke his monocle and had to wait they $24= $33,75 Sport Shoes Shoes >1 ARTA’ ItllRG, I’.ASIIION plate boxing scribe, was around yesterday, Golf looking as cool as an Eskimo in a white linen suit, but It won’t get him into Black or Tan a working press scat in the Garden. Hugh Martin, matchmaker fon Imported the new talent shows at the Garden, is ill, probably because of the attend- Calfskins ance at his shows. Incidentally, Mr Martin isn't licensed as a matchmaker Scotch Grains by the Boxing ommission. The Sharkey-Walker bout will not be Imported broadcast.lolirny Railton, former Texas University hurler, whom Hart Schaffner & Marx the yanks farmed out to Albany, has won 10 games already for the sixth place Albany club. $55 $60 $65 All Widths (Copyright, I Wit I. King Features Syndicate) All Sizes Suits now All Patterns WOMAN i'HOVIOKS l*»0A