Seitits Nati Red Team Hobart Street, Tonight
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WORLD’S SERIES WILL CLOSE AT WASHINGTON TODAY MORRIS AND AVASALA Every Team Has ’em LINCOLNS TO GIANTS AND SENATOR S MATCHED FOR FEATURE ROLL LIBERTIES PREPARED FOR Fil AL _ Jake Daubert Passes Away Fire Company Teams to DOUT NEXT THURSDAY —Was Captain of Cincin- I Clash on Argonne Alleys, CUSH OF BIG SEititS nati Red Team Hobart Street, Tonight The card for the benefit boxing Morris will "ive the Filipino the to battle of his rife. is centered in the show of the local lodge of Elks Baseball fans the country over Great rivalry Thurs- A return go between Joe Colletti, j scheduled meeting of the Liberty be put on at the Auditorium are mourning today over the death Is of Poughkeepsie, and Nick Mercer, j and Lincoln fire department bowl- day night, October 23, completed. of Jacob Ellsworth Daubert, captain will be turned of New York, will be the semi-wind- | teams on the alleys, All of the proceeds and first baseman of the Cincinnati ing Argonne an rounder. over to the fund being raised for up event, also eight j Hobart this evening. The Reds, who died early yesterday : street, the Crippled Kiddies celebration on These flyweights clashed at Long first game of the three game set will the bout morning after a valiant fight against Christmas Branch this summer and be started promptly at 8 o’clock. Day'. which set in following Jack Weitzen's slate consists of was a hummer from start to finish. complications The Liberties from Wayne street of an operation last Thursday for the four eight rounders and a special Pete Husic, Harrisburg, Pa., In the North Amboy section of the and is to meet Joe Carlo, of Newark, in removal of his appendix. four, a total of thirty-six rounds city will be led by Fire Chief Bill the Daubert was first taken ill on the the first bout will be put on prompt- a third eight rounder, and Langan, while Harry Applegate will fourth be between Lester last eastern of the Reds. Man- ly at 8:30 o'clock. The program eight will trip have charge of the Lincoln fire com- of Rahway, and Irinz Jack Hendricks sent him home was arranged by the matchmaker Applebaum, ager pany pinmen, two time champions of the East of New with the assistance of the members Shapiro, Side, in Schuykill Haven, Pa. and his sud- of the local eight team league. Y'ork of the Elks lodge committee and City. den departure led to reports that Langan has been working hard to Tottenvillo local fistic leaders. Boy Daubert would be engaged to manage reorganize the circuit and is confi- Mike Linane, the Tottenville won- Four Features a minor league club. dent that tonight's match will build der, is matched with Andy Mack, In the main go for this show. He remained at home several days the Interest of the six remaining of in the four round up Carl Morris, of Carteret, will stack Elizabeth, spe- and then came on to Cincinnati and the McClel- cial. These men clashed at the local companies, Protections, up against Juliano Avasala, Filipino played in the last game of the sea- lans, Garfields, Humanes, Washing- Auditorium on Monday night and boxer, of Brooklyn, who has fought son at Rediand field on September tons and Eagles. be an their bout was so interesting that here twice. This will eight 27. This action by Daubert was For two successive seasons the the fans have demanded a rematch. rounder and there should be action taken to his ad- The Elks band in uniform will contrary physician’s league has been organized and last from start to finish. Morris has it is but Daubert told the furnish in connection with vice, said, winter more so than the first year, been located at Fair Haven during music the fistic show and there will be club doctor that he did not want the eight teams were about evenly the summer months and fought a several vaudeville acts on the "people to think Jack Daubert was a matched. The Lincolns finally number of bouts at Red Bank, Long pro- Messrs. staller.” emerged the victor although for a Branch and Trenton. He is a big gram. Wiberalske, Ford, Slmmens and are on Daubert started his baseball ca- time it appeared as if their cham- favorite in his “fighting town” and ■Tost. Compton the Elks committee for this benefit reer in 1906 playing his first pionship laurels would he taken Carteret fans who have seen Avasala profes- sional engagement with the Kane away. In action here, are confident that affair. (Pennsylvania) semi-pro club. In Both companies will use their 1907 he joined the Marion, Ohio, strongest lineups tonight in an effort club in the old Ohlo-Pennsylvania to start £he season off with a victory. League and made his major league The Argonne alleys are used each debut with Cleveland the following season for the fire department con- year, but was released under option tests and the same alleys will be TO used this winter. RESERVES to Nashville of the Southern League. He returned to Cleveland in 1909 an<^ then was sold to Toledo in the American Association and finished oyft the year with Memphis of the PUT CONTEST Southern League. In 1910 Daubert went to Brook- lyn, where he became a regular flrst in Next Meeting of the School baseman which position he held for County Seat Second Team nine seasons before going to Cin- Contest at Woodbridge Coaches to Be Held at cinnati. His playing was a big factor South River in the winning by the Reds of their PLATS ASBURY This Afternoon first National League in pennant WILLARD ARMSTRONG AND BOBBIE GRUND fifty years and subsequently the world series. Daubert was married This giant and pigmy will journey together 6000 miles this season John Street Boys Have Big Despite the fac : that the proposed and the father of two said to be the distance With a light session yesterday to children. with the Drake University football squad, greatest Middlesex county bi-h school ath- team in the this Contest on Seashore make sure of everything, the Wood- to be covered by any grid country yeair. letic association will not consider The small bridge high school gridirooers are ail The 'long” of it Is Willard Armstrong, 200-pound guard. Field Tomorrow basketball and football this term, Is Bobbie set to go into action this afternoon end Grund, 125-pound quarterback. WARREN OGDEN j the leaders are confident that the .. the New Brunswick Reserves, Coach Tucson of South Amboj Harris & Ewin». -^.gainst undertaking will be a huge success. Copyright by dCn the Parish House field. high school, will take his football f Recently the representatives of The game tada.V will be the first team to Asbury Park tomorrow The nearly all the county schools met at WASHINGTON. Oct. 10 (By Harris joined Goslin and Mogridg* encounyu this season for the Barron afternoon, where he will stack them Woodbridge high school with Coach To Associated Press)—It's only a ball as sensational candidates for honors avenue bovs. The contest will be a Hossie Fight against the representative hlgt but and In the game yesterday which, if won Boehm, of the Barron avenue insti- Johnny game; \vhen Washington practice game, marking the first rent school gridiron outfit of that place j tution, in charge of the session. It New York meet today in the seventh by the Giants, would have ended the scrimmage work that the township Asbury Park again this year has t j at that to arrange and contest of the world aeries. But to Washington, they are in since football was decided time deciding boys have engaged Island strong pigskin combination and ii all heroes. for a baseball league aod several Staten Slugger series, the fiulse of the nation will has been taken mi this year at the out to make big honors. The sum- juntv athletic meets this term, and beat with the balls and strikes. “Old Tom” Zachary wafted hit Woodbridge institution. mer resort team has been going goof not to bather in football and basket- An informal half holiday will be southpaw floaters tauntingly before A raHv was held by the Wood- in the past and although crippled bj have their scheduled for these Six Rounder celebrated before scoreboards and Giant bats hungry for speed, de- bridge footballers on Wednesday Card for Show Next In the loss of a few good men since las as most of the coaches Special a all activities Thursday loud speaker* of the streets and in feated Arthur Nehf In splendid afternoon, at which time Coach season, is out to better its record. branches prepared. Has Been corner stores in cities and villages. deul and won 'his second game ol Lauek and Charles Boehm talked to Completed— Last Saturday the cross river boys Another meeting of the interested President set the pace the series Sam Rice made three the bovs and ga\t lem final instruc-! in what was said to be one of the Coolidge" institution leaders is planned for Roberts to One bout on the police prograrr was put on at a show here several sensational catches which held the lions for the contest today. The drill Fight most encounter; for excited and willing fandom when School in the near to be on at the New Brunswick months ago. Leslie and Stengei Interesting gridiron of South River High put | ! ho shelved hi3 official duties yester straining Mntjraw men off the sacks ^yesterday consisted mainly sig- battled for rounds when thi that has taken place in South Ambo; future and at this get-together, avenue Auditorium on Thursday ; six and to while “Old Tom" was feathering his nals and other light maneuvers.