Index of Films Discussed
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01610-1 - The Ancient World in Silent Cinema Edited by Pantelis Michelakis and Maria Wyke Index More information Index of films discussed Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed, Die (1926) By the Cross (In Hoc Signo Vinces, Italy, 1913, see Adventures of Prince Achmed, The dir. Nino Oxilia), 122 Adam’s Rib (USA, 1922, dir. Cecil B. DeMille), 262, 284–5 Cabiria (Italy, 1914, dir. Giovanni Pastrone), 1, Adventures of Prince Achmed, The (Die 13, 20–1, 27, 109–11, 115, 123, 152, 229–46, Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed, Germany, 248–9, 255, 278, 310 1926, dir. Lotte Reiniger), 79 Caduta di Troia, La (1911) see Fall of Troy, The ‘Aesop’s Fables’ (USA, 1921–9, dir. Paul Cajus Julius Caesar (Italy, 1914, dir. Enrico Terry), 3 Guazzoni), 14, 118 Androcles and the Lion (Androclès, France, Carthage in Flames (Cartagine in Fiamme,Italy 1912, dir. L. Feuillade), 283 and France, 1959, dir. Carmine Gallone), 240 Anneau fatal, L’ (1912) see Fatal Ring, The Cheat, The (USA, 1915, dir. Cecil DeMille), 109 Antony and Cleopatra (Marcantonio e Christ Walking on Water (Le Christ marchant Cleopatra, Italy, 1913, dir. Enrico Guazzoni), sur les flots, France, 1899, dir. Georges 53, 116, 118, 120, 122 Méliès), 170 Apocalisse, L’ (Italy, 1947, dir. Giuseppe Maria Christus (Italy, 1916, dir. Giulio Antamoro), 117 Scotese), 258 Circe, the Enchantress (USA, 1924, dir. Attila (Italy, 1918, dir. F. Mari), 255 Robert Z. Leonard), 147 Augen der Mumie Ma, Die (1918) see Eyes of Cleopatra (USA, 1908, dir. J. Stuart Blackton), 53 the Mummy Ma Cleopatra (USA, 1917, dir.
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