
The Research on Visual in as the Main Ability to Understand and Communicate in the 21st Century

Małgorzata Wieczorek-Tomaszewska Poland full-text article

Abstract In this paper, the author describes the cultural and technological context of visual literacy, resulting from the specificity of the evolutionarily expanding culture of image and the development of the information society, in the context of the concept of transliteracy. It presents the results of pilot studies of Polish university students for specific visual skills. Comparative material for research tasks of the prepared project “The legitimacy of visual literacy in the process of education” is a set of visual literacy (Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, 2011) developed in academic and scientific environments in the USA (The Association of College and Research Libraries, ACRL). K e y w o r d s: , visual literacy, , information culture, transliteracy, digital education


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