Improv for Ron Memorable Night of Comedy Raises $4000 for Sgt

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Improv for Ron Memorable Night of Comedy Raises $4000 for Sgt May 2015 Improv for Ron Memorable night of comedy raises $4000 for Sgt. Ronald A. Kubik Memorial Scholarship Promposals gain popularity; French Club Academy of Finance ; Variety Show; Blood Drive in this Issue Prom Fashions Present and Past Hayao Miyazaki: Japanese Filmmaker MHS Look-alikes: Then and Now College Acceptances Updated Editorials: Music, Beauty, Europe & More Issue five 2015 The Blue & Gray Page 2 PROMPOSALS 2015 By: Keely Flood Manasquan High School The Blue & Gray Senior Logan Sabins surprised his good Volume LXXXII Senior Reed Melchion- friend and fellow se- da asked pal and fellow nior Chelsea Eareck- Senior Dan Wha- senior Renee Putelo to son with a fish-themed len decided to be Issue Five the prom by incorporat- promposal when she “pun-ny” with some ing her love for plants arrived to school. flowers and a sign with a potted plant that “There’s so many fish in for senior Mackenzie Spring 2015 had the word “Prom?” the sea, but you’re the Grogan that read, painted on the front and one for me. Prom?” All “Whale you be my a sign that said her fa- went swimmingly-- date to prom?” You Staff: vorite phrase: “Embrace done good, Whalen; the suc(culent)k and go she said yes! she “whale” be your to prom with me?” Very date,’cause Keely Flood crafty, Reed. she said yes! Maggie Leddy She said yes! Julie Hohenstein Reed Melchionda Sofia Kim Sarah Spears George Taboada Julia Valgenti Lauren Johnson Junior champs and Ariane Zhang Our very own Blue & perfect game bowl- Long-time senior cou- Gray alumni senior ers Ella Luzzi and Ty- Shannon Schatzman ple Craig Miller and Kerry Weiland got ler Wolfe are head- Lauren Johnson are the surprise of a life- ing hand and hand to heading to prom after time when senior Kev- their big night! In the he tossed her a ball in Maldjian told her only right way to do Principal: before her soccer to meet him in center it, Tyler scribed the game and presented hall. Then, while MHS words, “Ella, you’re Mr. Rick Coppola her with a rose and TV was filming, Kerry right up my alley. handmade sign that followed instructions Would you go to prom said, “I would rather to find her knight in with me?” on nothing score a date to prom shining armor holding other than a bowl- than score a soccer a flower bouquet and ing pin. Ella said yes Adviser: goal.” Craig scored asking her, with the and Tyler certainly the ultimate goal and whole school watch- scored a strike. Mr. James Mawn won it all! ing. She accepted his promposal... AWW! Issue five 2015 The Blue & Gray Page 3 Workshop, were well equipped for the night’s festivities. Improv When the curtain opened By, at 7:30, Mr. Harvey commenced the for Reed Melchionda Shannon Schatzman evening with a welcome address to the packed auditorium, introducing Ron each of the players with his or her The lights dim, the crowd silences, and Advocating for the freedom of own nickname, such as Will-I-Can- the air vibrates with creativity and expression, Ron entered his senior But-You-Conte and Pat-The-Thrillio- spontaneity. year with a green Mohawk: a clear Pompilio. In order to get the creative On Saturday, May 9, violation to the school dress code. juices flowing and the actors in the Manasquan High School hosted its After being suspended, Ron desired mindset of improvisation, the night fourth annual Improv for Ron in to set a precedent and clear the path began with the flock dance: a follow- honor of Sgt. Ronald for future generations the-leader dance game in which Zoë A. Kubik. Students, as they sought ways Pelly stole the spotlight with her cat- alumni, and friends to express their like moves. alike revived the lost individuality. He From there, the night quickly art of improvisation, brought the case unfolded with role-playing games such relying on their wit and before the Board of as park bench as Ryan Coulson took the reactions of their Education and won. on the persona of a phone collector colleagues to create a A f t e r with his catchphrase "you know what night of humor and graduating, Ron I say when I find a phone…...another comedy. became a decorated phone earned!" next door neighbor as war hero. Serving as a Craig Lapham and Kevin Maldjian Julia Graney and Kevin Maldjian As the teams play husband and wife in Actor’s US Army Ranger 3rd pretended to role-played in various NightMare battalion, 75th Ranger have a body- improvisational games, Regiment, he went obsession the crowd erupted in on three tours of duty complex and laughter and applause, amazed at the in Iraq. On April 23, 2010, Sgt. Ron attempted to ingenuity of the players. Improv for Kubik heroically sacrificed himself bench press Ron was not only successful in its for his country, saving the lives of 5 one other, film hilarity, but, more importantly, in its fellow rangers, 5 Afghan soldiers, critic as Ryan remembrance of the vibrant spirit that and 19 innocent Afghan women and Coulson and once roamed the halls of Manasquan children. In order to celebrate the Madi Blecki High. legacy of the fallen Manasquan hero, (playing As a well-rounded, energetic Improv for Ron was created. a man) and courageous man, Ron Kubik left a The performers at thisreenacted a Craig Lapham pretends to shoulder press a permanent mark on Manasquan’s Class fundraiser—Craig Lapham, Kevin passion-filled bench in Next Door of 2006. He engaged in broad range of Maldjian, Julia Graney, Allison bromance and classes classes from AP Literature to Frangione, Rachel Gray, Jeff Hall, Ryan Coulson Intro to Acting, and extracurricular Jack Lewis, Kat Wallace, Zoe Pelly, delivered the memorable line “my activities from wrestling to writing. Carly Garback, Miguel Garcia, kids are always complaining ‘you’re Eddie Franzoni, Pat not my real dad,’” actor’s nightmare Pat Pompilio perfects his opera singing in American Pompilio, Jackie Lingo, as Allison Frangione was only able to Idol, while Jackie Lingo wins the audiences’ hearts with her country rhymes Hailey Crecca, Ryan read lines from “A Streetcar Named Coulson, Nolan Egan, Desire” and Julia Graney, engulfed by Will Conte, Matt Conte, a zest for faith, religiously screamed Jack Masterson, and Madi “do it for Jesus” repeatedly, and Blecki—embodied the subconscious scene as Carly Garback, passionate spirit Ron cast Kat Wallace, and guest-appearance upon Manasquan. All of Mr. Harvey pretended to be the voice the players, either students of reason of the players on the stage. in Mr. Harvey’s Intro to Other games centered on Acting class, past alumni, the concept of random thought or participants in Mr. such as inventing proverbs as teams Harvey and Mr. Mawn’s popcorned continued on next page Acting Camp and Improv Issue five 2015 The Blue & Gray Page 4 Academy of Finance Celebrates Successful Year By: Julie Hohenstein But the best tribute to the academy lies in the college acceptances of graduating members. AOF Manasquan High School’s Academy of Finance soon-to-be alumni plan to further their education at is proud to be a part of the National Academy Founda- universities across the country. Students look forward tion’s network of 667 academies, serving over 80,000 to their future, but reflect upon the advantage that AOF students across 38 states. However, the Academy of has provided them. Finance has even more pride in its recent accolade “The Academy has given me an infrastructure from its mother foundation. of business knowledge to build upon in college”, said Congratulations to the Academy of Finance for senior Sean Flarity. “I am eternally grateful for the op- being deemed a “model” institution as a result of NAF’s portunity presented by Manasquan High School. It’s a annual Academy Assessment. Glorified for meeting the great program, and I’m definitely going to miss every- highest proportion of standards, our hometown acade- one.” my will be celebrated at NAF’s national conference this Similarly, Craig Lapham complimented the July in Anaheim, California. academy for providing members with “more experi- This is the fourth consecutive year that AOF ence than most college students”. Lapham continued has been ranked among the top 15% of NAF acade- to say, “The field trips especially have proved valuable, mies. Flattered by the acclaim, Mr. Driscoll credits the because we get insight from people who are truly im- success to his students. “Kids recruit other kids, family mersed in the business world.” members that have gone through the program recruit The seniors celebrated their academy gradu- other kids, and that is what keeps the academy alive. ation on Wednesday, May 14th in the Jack. Honored Without such enthusiastic and dedicated students it’s by parents, peers, and professors, the students en- not possible to continue to do what we do.” joyed the spotlight as they patiently awaited their diplo- continued on next page night that truly should adopt. He told them that Improv for Ron represented the whenever he would question Ron as continued from previous page ideals and spirit to why he was enlisting in another of her heroic son. tour, Ron would immediately turn American Idol She shared memories serious, saying “if you ask me again, with opera-singer that portrayed how I’ll leave the room.” In Ron’s mind, Pat Pompilio, Ron’s passion and to not risk his life for his country rapper Eddie spirit shined a positive was an unthinkable concept.
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