Critical Discourse Analysis of Tweets and Entries of Dissidents in Turkey: the Irresistible Lure of Voting
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CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF TWEETS AND ENTRIES OF DISSIDENTS IN TURKEY: THE IRRESISTIBLE LURE OF VOTING A Master’s Thesis by TUĞÇE İNCE Department of Political Science and Public Administration İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University Ankara August 2019 To My Family and Göksel CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF TWEETS AND ENTRIES OF DISSIDENTS IN TURKEY: THE IRRESISTIBLE LURE OF VOTING The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by TUĞÇE İNCE In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA August 2019 ABSTRACT CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF TWEETS AND ENTRIES OF DISSIDENTS IN TURKEY: THE IRRESISTIBLE LURE OF VOTING İnce, Tuğçe M.A. Department of Political Science and Public Administration Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Meral Uğur Çınar August 2019 Turkey had 12 major political elections in last 10 years. Such intensive election environment had profound impacts on voters. Especially after the elections conducted in 2018 and 2019 many dissident voters first stated on online websites that they will abstain from political elections, and yet later on stated that they actually voted after all. In this paper, through a discourse analysis of statements of dissident voters on online platforms such as Twitter and Ekşi Sözlük, I will demonstrate what accounts for turnout among dissidents in Turkey. There are 3 main factors, which are political, social and psychological factors, revealed around the dissidents’ statements. According to 750 online posts on Twitter and Ekşi Sözlük out of countless many, most of the dissidents went to the ballot box as a reaction to polarized political environment generated by the ruling party AKP and to say that they exist and will not yield to black propaganda. In relation with political factors, such as polarized political environment and political figures which attracted dissidents, voters cast their vote since their social circles (families and friends) influenced them to do so. As a third factor, psychological factors brought dissidents to the ballot box by mostly awakening their feelings of remorse and gratitude. In the light of my findings it is ii important to see that in a hybrid regime like Turkey voting is not only a fundamental act of political participation but also a struggle for life for the opposition. Keywords: Dissident, Discourse, Hybrid Regime, Social Media, Voting iii ÖZET TÜRKİYE’DEKİ MUHALİFLERİN TWEET VE ENTRY’LERİNİN SÖYLEV ANALİZİ: OY VERMENİN KARŞI KONULAMAZ CAZİBESİ İnce, Tuğçe Yüksek Lisans, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü Tez Danışmanı: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Meral Uğur Çınar Ağustos 2019 Türkiye siyasi tarihinin son 10 yılı 12 politik seçimle şekillendi. Böylesi yoğun seçim atmosferinin seçmenler üzerindeki etkisi ise oldukça derin oldu. Özellikle 2018 ve 2019 yıllarında gerçekleştirilen seçimlerin hemen ardından birçok muhalif seçmenin artık seçimlerde oy kullanmacayacaklarını sıkça duyuyor, sosyal medyada bu kararlarına dair paylaşımlarını görüyorduk. Ancak, aynı muhalif seçmenler her yeni seçim döneminde, önceki söylemlerine rağmen, yine de sandığa gidiyor ve oy kullanıyorlardı. Bu tez çalışmasında, muhaliflerin seçim sonralarında oy vermeme yönündeki kararlarına etki eden, onları çekimser kalmaya iten faktörlerin neler olduğunu ve bu söylemlerine rağmen her yeni seçimde nelerden etkilenerek oy verdiklerini, muhaliflerin Twitter ve Ekşi Sözlük gibi sosyal medya platformlarındaki paylaşımlarının kritik analizini yaparak açıklamaya çalıştım. Seçmenlerin oy verme eylemiyle aralarındaki bu gitgelli ilişkiye etki eden 3 ana etmen bulunmaktadır: politik, sosyal ve psikolojik etmenler. Sayısız birçok seçmen paylaşımı arasından seçtiğim 750 Twitter ve Ekşi Sözlük paylaşımına göre, seçmenlerin kararlarını etkileyen politik etmenleri polarize olmuş siyasi ortam, AKP tarafından yürütülen kara propaganda, muhalefetin ilgisini çekmeyi başarmış siyasi figürler oluştururken; sosyal etmenleri muhaliflerin sosyal çevrelerindeki insanların (aile, arkadaş ve komşu gibi) etkisi oluşturuyor. Psikolojik etmenler ise oy vermeye iv ve oy sandığına yüklenen duygusal anlamlar dolayısıyla sandığa gitmek zorunda hisseden muhaliflerin kararlarına etki ediyor. Bunlar gösteriyor ki, Türkiye gibi bir hibrid rejimde oy vermek basit ve aslında çoğu zaman işlevsiz bir siyasi katılım yolu olmaktan çok, muhalefet için bir varoluş mücadelesidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hibrid Rejim, Oy, Seçmen, Sosyal Medya, Söylev v TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. ii ÖZET........................................................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ vi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... vii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1 1. Political Environment in Turkey ............................................................................... 2 CHAPTER II: SOCIAL MEDIA AS A SOCIAL SPHERE: WHY TWITTER AND EKŞİ SÖZLÜK? ........................................................................................................ 11 CHAPTER III: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK .... 18 1. Political Factors ................................................................................................ 24 A. Political Atmosphere..................................................................................... 25 B. Political Figures ............................................................................................ 43 2. Social Factors ................................................................................................... 52 3. Psychological Factors ....................................................................................... 64 4. On Social Media ....................................................................................................... 71 CHAPTER IV: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION .............................................. 76 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 84 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 92 A. DATA RELATED TO ELECTION RESULTS .............................................. 92 B. DATA RELATED TO CHAPTER III ............................................................. 95 vi LIST OF FIGURES 1. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Tweet (Data from Twitter) (2019) ........................... 7 vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Dissident citizens in Turkey began to lose faith in democracy and democratic Turkey especially in recent years. The most typical example of this situation lies behind the voting processes of dissidents. Decisions of dissidents regarding electoral participation have undergone sharp changes between elections took place in last two years. Dissidents declared that they would not vote any more after each election, which resulted in defeat of the opposition and several fraud allegations each time. However, it is interesting that such statements among dissidents were not reflected on the ballot box. Dissidents who stated that they would never vote again went to cast their vote in each and every election. What was the reason made dissidents state that they would abstain from voting at the first place? What did eventually affect and lead them to vote despite their earlier statements? What does the meaning of voting constitute for dissidents in Turkey? How is this kind of voting process among dissidents related with Turkey’s regime dynamics? I wrote this thesis to find answers to these questions, which I collected under the same question: What does account for turnout among dissidents in a hybrid regime, namely Turkey? To do so, I used the 1 qualitative method of discourse analysis to examine statements of dissidents on online platforms such as Twitter and Ekşi Sözlük, two of mostly used social media websites in Turkey, since these platforms provide for people a social place to share their opinions on almost anything, including politics. Before going further in details of my findings, I want to take a picture of Turkey in order to demonstrate in what kind of a regime people live a life in Turkey and how this may affect dissidents’ electoral behavior. 1. Political Environment in Turkey Turkey had 12 political elections in last 10 years. The list of elections is as followed: 23 June 2019 Local Elections in Istanbul1 31 March 2019 Local Elections 24 June 2018 Presidential Elections 24 June 2018 General Elections 16 April 2017 Referendum on Constitutional Change 1 November 2015 General Elections 7 June 2015 General Elections 10 August 2014 Presidential Elections 30 March 2014 Local Elections 12 June 2011 General Elections 12 September 2010 Referendum on Constitutional Change 29 March 2009 Local Elections From local to general elections, from presidential elections to constitutional referendums Turkish people had several chances to actively participate in politics. 1 According to YSK (Supreme Election Council), 8.925.166 out of 10.570.354 voters went to the polls on 23 June 2019. Due to greatness of voter numbers and