Two Names You Can Trust.@ Neighborhood Club SINE & eyes skating faciiity ONAGHAN in Harper Woods The Neighborhood Club, and of-the-art faclhty would rf_~G Center Ice Management are Include a fitness center and Inside proposmg a skating faClhty in multi-use athletic space that Harper Woods with two NHL- mIght be used for gymnastics, This Issu.e size nnks aerobiC exerCise, volleyball, of The proposed nnks would dance or a mynad of other meet demands for Ice time m actiVities In addItion, the facil- the Pomtes and Harper Woods Ity would prOVidea venue for YourHome as defined m the Joint Harper semor luncheons, SOCialactiVi- Woods Grosse Pomte Futunng ties, a teen club and summer Report Issued In 1994 camp programs At ItS June 7 meetmg, the The pnmary activIties of Harper Woods City CouncIl such a faclhty would be ice I received a presentation from hockey and figure skating '!\vo J Thursday, June 10 John Bruce, executive director or more high school varsity ~ of the Neighborhood Club, and teams could play within the The Grosse , Terry Seyler, president of nnks Among the potential ten- North/South Jazz Band , Center Ice Management Inc, ants could be Grosse POIDUl, launches the 1999 MUSICon regarding the construction and Sough HIgh School men's aticJ' the Plaza senes of free con- operation of a multi-use actiVi- women's varsity hockey teams,l certs, performed at the cor- ty center proposed to be con- which currently play at City ner of St ClaIr and structed m Salter Park Sports Center In downtown Kercheval m the Village The Salter Park is located on Detroit; Grosse Pomte North musIc starts at 7 p.m Harper (the south sefVlcednve High School men's team, whIch • ofI-94), north ofMoross, Imme- skates at St Clair Shores, and diately adjacent to Bishop North's women's team, now Jody Bauman of the Gallagher High School skatIng at Great Lakes Ice Cultivation Station teaches a According to a media release, Arena In Fraser, the Notre class on how to grow plants lIarmleu red dye used to the proposed actiVities center Dame High School's men's anywhere, anytime at the trace what 18believed to be would be pnvately owned and team and the Regma High ChIldren's Home of DetrOit, an old raiDwater outflow operated as a nonprofit sub- School's women's team, both of 900 Cook m Grosse Pomte pipe 8eeps Into Lake St. Sidiary of the Neighborhood wluch skate at Great Lakes Woods. Clair between Mor088 and Club It ISexpected to be finan- Hopefully, the new faCIlIty The class begms at 7 30 Provencal In Grosse PoInte Clallyself-suffiCIent and able to would enable Harper Woods p m For more mformatlOn, Farms, above. West winds pay all operatmg and debt ser- HIgh School to develop a hock- call (313) 881-4594 blow the cU8charge Vice costs from operatmg rev- ey program upstream toward the enues Without burden to the The Grosse Pomte Hockey Shores. taxpayers of the community' ASSOCiatIOn, whose pnmary In the shallow water of As presented, the faclhty members are reSidents of the Monda~ June 14 -.- Lake St. Clair, Bob Wright, would be built around two left, locates an outflow pipe The Grosse Pomte Pubhc - ""''- ...... NHL-slze Ice nnks The state- See ICE RINK, page 3A School System electIOns for fJ'om which blurbs of harm- school board members begIn less red dye 1& gurgUng Into at 7 am The polls close at 8 the waters north of the Student suspended pm Gr088e Pointe Farms pier Park. ... _ "1\1'). 4'i U... ~ r ~ The Grosse Pomte Park for downloading City CounCll meets at 7 p m Dye discharge- raises' 'red' alarm 1D the Park City hall, 15115 By Brad Lindberg a leak of sewer dye used to "There's no sheen on the E Jefferson boltlb-making info Staff Wnter trace the path of rainwater water, so It's not petroleum In what emergency officials from a house undergOIng based," he said "There's no By Brad Lindberg turn called pohce were relieved to leam was a expansIon on Lakeshore odor of pesticide" Staff Writer South teachers are reported- Tuesday, June 15 harmless InCident, a large between Moross and Provencal Wright was in telephone con- Bomb-makIng InstructIOns ly wary of the student, whose The newly elected Grosse quantlty of bnght red dye was in Grosse POInte Farms. tact with headquarters as offi- beheved to have been down- biography would be mcomplete POInte Board of Education released mto Lake St ClaIr "To me, tlus 18 sewer dye," cers from the Farms and loaded from the Intemet by a WithOut mentIOn of Ius alcohol meets at 8 p m m Grosse earher this week, promptlng SaId Bob Wnght, m an eyeball Shores considered optIons hst- student at Grosse Pointe South VIOlatIons and current proba- Pointe South's Wickmg alerts to local and federal estImate Wright was on the ed under hazardous-material High School were turned over tlOn for breakmg and entenng Library authorities scene as an emergency team guidelines Two members of to local polIce last week 10 Macomb County Whtle the head of an emer- leader from the Inland Waters the Umted States Coast Guard The 16-year-old male stu- PolIce Willfollow-up the mCl- geney response team weIghed company of Detroit. station m DetroIt drove up. dent and reSident of Grosse dent, mcludmg adVlsmg the Saturday, June 19 the enVironmental cost of Because the nature of the Wright considered deploymg Pomte Park has been put on a suspect's parents and school five-day temporary suspension officials The Fnends of the Grosse delaymg a $50,000 contain- substance was unconfirmed, retentIon matenal to stop the ment actIOn, the then- Wnght said, "We can't wait spread of the then-unidentified and hIs computer priVIleges Pomte Library host a used rescinded, according to school "It's fnghtemng that some book sale as part of the Hill unknown and almost lumines- around (while it spreads)." substance The effort would cent agent belched in regular The substance contmued have mvolved erecting a coffer- offiClals. people can have access to Days celebration The sale On Wednesday, June 2, at bomb-makmg InformatIOn," begins at 9 a m and ends at bursts from the lake bed flOWingupstream toward the dam around the discharge area West WInds pushed the splil Shores as Wright tlcked off the and excavating contammated 3'30 pm., a teacher reportedly said Farms DetectIve Mike 4 p.m and IS on the terrace saw the boy discard mne pages McCarthy "It's always impor- of the Central Library, 10 upstream, delaymg findIng the telltale signs of harmful poilu- source of what turned out to be 18nts See DYE SPILL, page 3A of a 100page reClpe for bombs, tant for school offiCials and Kercheval, m Grosse Pointe grenades and sabotage tech- parents to momtor their chIl- Farms mques that he downloaded dren's computer usage because A vanety of hardcover and from a non-South student's thiS mformatlOn is readtly paperback books Will be for web site The boy had skipped available" sale at bargam pnces The class and hopped on a comput- In the days before the rain date is Saturday, June er in the school hbrary. Columbme massacre, school 26, at the same tIme and A teacher retrieved the docu- offiClals would probably have locatIOn. For more mforma- ments and upon learnmg they Just called the boy to the office bon, call (313') 343-2074, ex were mstructJ.ons on how to and Issued a warnmg. No 204. make "tennis ball bombs" and more "detailed InstructIOns" on "The tImes have changed "ways to vandalize the school," and rules have changed," said forwarded the documents to. Russell P Luttmen, assistant school admlDlstrators who in pnnclpal for student sefVlces

Opinion 7A Seniors 1M Schools. . .. 14A Obituaries 18A Auros 20A Home: Grosse Pomte Park Business 26A Entertamment 6B Age: 41 Sports lC Family: Father, Ralph Classified ads 6C Occupation: Belly-dance instructor at the Grosse J •• Pomte War Memonal, Hill Days are here again! natl techmClan and In anticipation of thla year'. "RlD na,." fntlvlti~. Friday and saturday. June esthetlClan at Jacobson's 18 and 19, the IUchlian BlIIDUleSociety wUlacalD bave an lnformatloD booth .. wen .. retaU item. for sale ID front of JohDatoDe and JobDstoDe Realty OD Quote: "I think It's an art t Kercbeval. A featured Item at the booth wUI be the IlmIte4 edlttoo "1tveD TouCh It's been around before Gar- Can Take a Couple of Ucu" T.. bIrU feat1lltDl Red WlDC Tbom .. BolHrom. ballet It's the mother of RafIle tickets wID. aIM be anDable for the JIBS 1989 ram. of a 1985 llaetaq con- all dances" vertible. Ready for HID Da,. are. from left, IUcbiCan HlIIDUle 80ctety repreHDtatlve See story, page 4A "Gromlt, " GtonDJUl PoueIlas of GroeN PoIDte. Patti PrlDta of JohDatoae aDd JobD- lttoDe Realty and IIanbaII VJletel. .. of Oroeee Poiate. ~eDey Brantley

, I June 10,1999 2A Grosse Pointe News


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. ---~- • , June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News News 3A County to take accident ruling to Supreme Court By Jim Stickford Augu;,ta;, Huttmg of the after dnnkmg and Inge"tlng StaH Writer county prosecutor's office the Illegal drug PCP drove a After havmg It;, motIOn for a vowed to appeal the decIsIOn rented truck Into the car of Ieht'anng In thp w"p of Ivory and Immediately filed a motIOn Chrlstma ComIto, who wa" dn L Her ron, turned down by the for a rehearing On Thebday, vmg on Vernwr In Gro"se "tate'b Ulurt of "ppeal". the May 25, the court of appeals Pomte Woodb Waynp County pro"ecutor'b demed the motIOn for the office ha" vowpd to take the reheanng ComIto, 25, lived In St ClaIr CUbeto thE' Michigan SupremC' Hutting ;,ald that hi;' office Shores and wab teaching In Court Herron I" the man who had 21 day" to file for leave to Harper Wood., at the tlmp of klllpd local teacher Chnshna take the cabe to thE' <;tatE' the aCCident Her GMC .Jlmmy (Ullllto whrll' he wa;, dnvlng "upreme court, whIch I;' exact- \\ as CI ubhcd and I," 'LU," wm k- drunk m OctohC'r 1<)95 Iy what hiS office did ers removed her body from the vehicle Ublng cuttmg and pry- He w"" chargpd With <;econd "We think our <.hances of Ing tools deglCe murdpr. but w" .. con- being granted a leave by the vl'Cted of neghgent homicIde ;,tate supreme court arc good." Herron's hcen.,e \\ a<' "Ub- Ph"t" b) Brad Lmdbes ;,horehne erosIOn and accretIOn mented thlb need and Identi- and "m general, the needs and Proposed for the faclhty authonze one person to do It. on "ummer afternoon" Grobse Pomte;, and Harper fied the small populatlOn<; of welfare of the people" would be the two Ice <;urfaces, a Woods, ranging m ages 4 years our commumtIeS and the lack ~~~e~lem~~~I}t,a: p~:~~l~~~:~~ Stuck would moor hl~ "per- fitness center, a large multi- of coordmatlOn among the var- Thnft said, "Anybody IS wel- oJ.U through hIgh bchool, cur- !>onal watercraft 24 hours per romc to comment" on Struck's rently purcha"e ICI:'time from purpo"e athletIc space, meet- IOUS Grosse Pomtes and ager WIth the UnIted State;, day annually from Apnl 1 mg rooms, hospltahty faclh- Harper Woods commumtles as Army Corps of Englneerb regu- through Nov 1 of ea<.h year," proposal The comment penod City Sport;" Gro,,<;e Pomte run;, until July 1 "We WIll tIe", a pro shop, offices for the an obstacle to the prOVISIOnof latory functIOns branch COmmumty Rink and McCann Thnft's concern wa;, echoed acwrdlng to thp Corpb of Interpret a lack of response as Rink at UnIversIty Liggett center and the Harper Woods programs benefiCial to all of Engmeer;, RecreatIOn Department the commumtles' reSIdent" by the applicant, Terry Stuck of meaning that there IS no obJec- SChool the City of Gro!>be Pomte "They do It all the time out tIon to the permit apphcatIon " WhIle the fitness center The proposed faCIlity would Among ItS recommendatIOns. "The one thmg that will ea"t and m Grand Trdver"e Comment<; bhould be filed would be cntlcal to the varSIty the report encourages the com- probably have to bl' conbldered Bay. my home town" ...ald albo address the cntIcallack of and travel hockey teams, It WIth Walter A GauthIer, ChIef, opportunity for figure skatmg mumtles to share operatmg I'" If (1) get the permIt, Will Stuck "That gave me the Idea Permit EvaluatIon SectIOn B, would be marketed to parents CObtSt h roug h cooperatIVe ven- another group of people want when 1 learned 1 dldn't have a Wlthm the commumty The of bkaters and hockey players Regulatory Branch. tures between government, the "ame consideratIOn? You "lip for 1999 at Creocent " Can ~t ructl on -0 peratJons long-b tanding Grosse POinte who will be spendmg a lot of private and nonprofit bodle<.; might have a raft of boat" you "He can do whatevel he Dlvl<;HJn, DetrOIt DIStrICt, FIgure Skatmg Club currently time Within the center a;, well utiliZing user fees and perhaps could walk on from here to want.. ab long a... he doe"n't Corp ...of EngIneerb. Box 1027, has hmlted Ice tIme whIch as the general pubhc enhanced finanCial support Canada," saId Stuck ob"truct navigation" and meet" DetrOIt. Mtchlgan 48231 All restncts Its program to a To accommodate parents small, baSIc-skIlls class form the local commumtIes to "By the same token," he con- mghttIme IIghtmg reqUIre- re"pon;,es mu ...t refer to file whose chIldren are skatmg Skater~ who want to progress faclhtate capital fundmg tmued, "that's a refutable ments, said DIetel Mewr, oper- number 99-010-042-0 three to 15 hours a week, the beyond these introductory Beoause of the cost and argument because you must faclhty would also feature . have the npanan right classes have to transfer to pro- shortage of vacant Iand Withm I " h h h d h extensive food servIce and hos- approva, w IC e sal e grams at St Clair Shores, pItality faclhtles To keep slb- the commumty, fin dmg a Site has receIved from the Great Lakes Sports Center In hngs of skaters occupIed, the has hampered any efforts by SPECIALS~ERSALE Fraser or the DetrOit Skatmg the NeIghborhood Club to Imtl- Cre;,cent Sail Yacht Club faclhty wIll have a tots play Rlpanan nghts, as seen In the Club In Bloomfield A full pro- ate th IS process U pon agree- h bo area and electromc games recent ar r controversy m SIZES UNDER 38 gram would expand the baSIC men t by th e H arper W00 ds Sh b b Dlnmg and catenng faCIlitieS C t C I t k th the ores, can e su ~ect to skIll" cla;,ses, add over 20 (Il'lhurl-I(',-m. ultraVIolet lIght In ahout five or E,tlwl' way yOIl Will. <;I~day<; Up~n recelvlIlg tl:'chmcal nt,tail .. at an" uffj •.(,. data on the dye' from the con- tractor<; Farm ... police ~ald It ~s no~toxlc and nonflamma- hI(. FIRST FEDERAL c: .~ , l :Shane Ree~lde, the Farm" ~ OF MICHIGAN aisl<;tant cIty managpr. ~ald cIty officlal<; WIll IIlvl'<;tlgate Ao;" us We call do rf v the inCident to determme If FDIC there I~ any dl~chargl' mto thl' Insured wwwltomcom lake A memhl'r of the> Coa"t I\ranrh omrf'!llhro~oUI m,,'ropnhlan I)"lroll. 0'''''110. Kalamazoo ' ... o..... lhlrand. Guard said authontlC~ don't r.h""anll1!f. Ilk"mO'O and Il.rnl"ood. reqUire notIficatIOn from con- Extended hours weetroays and full seMel! S8t1Jrdays a1 mosl branches tractors usmg harmle~~ <;pwer dye<;. hut Farm .. polIce' <;Iud a $2 000 mrfllm"", 10 OIllln and oblam the Annual Percentage Yield IAPYI Inter .... compounded and pard oem, annually APY asslJlTl8s all tnleresl rem""" 00 depo,"" lor the full lerm Substanl1al penally mil'\' bI' ImpoS

i 4A June 10, 1999 News Grosse Pointe News Park woman dances her way from Egypt to the Pointes By Bonnie Caprara there was a SIde of me that was Staff Writer became one of the first her own, worlong on choreog- really shy My mother had to raphy, deSIgnIng and malong She's been known by many Michigan reSidents to recetve talk me Into lessons" costumes, as well as teaclung names Mahassen, Aspasla an esthetIcian hcense She has Inhlbltlom, faded qUIckly POINTER OF INTEREST "My mother and I used to and Shahzada She has lived a now Included faCIals and make- After three months she was up work to her responsIbIlitIes make all my own costumes, ~ hfe most people only dream of, "He was hke a grandfather asked to dance at a farewell perfonn In Egypt, Morocco and at Jacob!>on's said Brantley "We used to do weanng glamorous costumeb, party at the former Cedar's to me," said Brantley "He Canada Her mterests In nails and all the hand beadmg since It dramatic makeup and travel- club for her teacher who was beheved In me and took me However In 1989, Brantley make-up IS a natural extensIOn was very expensive I stIll like mg to ('xot!c locations for a hv- under hIS wmg He believed In cut her career short when her moving back to the MIddle of her mterest m belly dancmg to draw and create and I make Ing East me as a performer and told me mother dIed of hepatitIs "I always dId my own make-up a lot of costumes for my stu- For 13 years Shelley "When I danced the first I was really focused for an 18- "When my mother got Sick In Brantlev, 41, of Grosse POinte year-old ~ when I was dancmg," said dents, although It'S not a bUSI- hme, I was rather shy My face '88, she had to get a liver trans- Brantley ness for me" Park, worked as a professIOnal Her mother acted as her plant," bald Brantley "She died was pmk," bald Brantley In 1997 a dance Instructor belly dancer Although her manager throughout her before she could get It "After the drummer called me suggested that Brantley check Brantley leads a relatIvely career ha" tflKl'n hpr fl" far as :J. caTeN She'd help her book "I tned to get back Into danc- out for solo thL "ccond time, I In With the Grosse Pomte War qUIet and pnvate oft-stage lIfe Egypt and Morocco, she's now knew I found my niche" shows, make costumes, and Ing, but I couldn't put my heart Memonal Center, whIch was WIth her father, Ralph. passing on her talent and travel With her to dltTerent Into It At 31, I had taken my It was at that party that the looking for an Instructor to "He's always been support- knowledge to students as a clubs danCing as far as I could I Cedars co-owner and former teach theIr belly dance classes Ive," saId Brantley "I've always belly dance Instructor at the "One of the hIghlights of my wanted to see If there was Farms reSident Tony Risk Smce then she has been teach- been nervous performmg m Grosse POinte War Memonal career was getting the key to somethmg else 11 otTerI'd her a job at the restau- mg three classes a week In front of him He loves that I'm Center rant the city of Scranton, Pa ," saId It wasn't untIl 1992 she July, she'll be adding a new teachmg at the War Memonal "I thmk It'S an art,~ said At that time, Brantley had to Brantley "I was there to dance found a new focus m her life as four-week class for gIrls ages 9 He knows It'S an art " Brantley "It's been around turn down the job otTer Her at the openIng of a new restau- a naIl technICian at Jacobson's to 12 Brantley IS also workmg on before ballet It's the mother of mother SaId she was too young rant" soon after she received her Students In her class range her college degree She has all dancing" But while her classmates at In January 1982 Brantley manIcunst license from 16 to 60, WIth most of her been attendmg classes at Brantley started taking belly Grosse POinte South High was inVIted to perfonn m a "That was a real blessing," students m their 20s and 30s Maco:nb County Commumty dance lessons as a teenager School were earning pocket club m CaIro, Egypt said Brantley "It was a real "It's a great fonn of exercIse College over the years and IS With her mother, Peggy, at the change babYSitting and walt- "In Egypt I worked WIth a low pomt m my hfe for me and and It'S a complete work-out," thlnkmg about gomg Into Grosse POinte War Memonal res Sing, Brantley worked one 22-pwce orchestra," said 1 was very lonely My mother said Brantley "The slow steps teachmg Center nIght a week danCing at wed- Brantley "You only dId one and I had always shopped sculpt the body and the fast "My mother was a Spanish dmgs and parties show a nIght It's conSidered "Now that I've been teach- there I hke the feehng at steps help you lose weIght" dancer, but she had surgery After she graduated from the home of belly dancmg, mg, I've found that I'm a good Even though It'S been 10 and needed to get back m South In 1975, she took Risk especIally In Catro " Jacobson's. It has a very canng commumcator My students years smce Brantley has shape," said Brantley "1 up on hiS job otTer and per- After that first tnp, Brantley atmosphere and It gives me a have told me I'm a good teacher danced profeSSIOnally, she has always hked dancing and act- formed at the Cedars for three had traveled several o'1mes a chance to be creatIve" and that I'm very non-Judg- kept her Interest ahve In belly Ing while I was growmg up, but shows SIXnIghts a week year along With her mother to In September 1998, Brantley dancmg through practIcmg on mental"

Idents can start theIr holiday Park Fourth of July plcmcs, said Solomon The parade convemently ends m a Woods readies for fireworks park, so partiCIpants can go parade returns dIrectly from the parade to theIr PICnICSWIthout haVIng to celebration on the Fourth leave the park. Jim Stickford By Jim Stickford on Sunday, July 4 The parade By Lochmoor Club, the Grosse Stemer, is $35,000 RIght now Staff Writer Staff Writer POinte School System, as well the commIttee is seeking spon- starts at 10 a m The parade "We are currently lookmg for Patnotlc parade lovers Over 200 years ago foundIng as help from local busmesses sors Wllhng to donate $1,800 travels down Kercheval and bUSInesses to partICIpate In the father John Adams saId that rejOicel The Grosse Pomte NatIOnal Coney Island WIll be "Each sponsor gets a banner turns on Balfour and heads parade,~ saId Solomon the Fourth of July would be Park Fourth of July Parade IS on hand to sell food and for the put up outSIde the Parcells past JetTerson to Essex, where "Currently we have SIgned up celebrated WIth fireworks He first tIme there WIll be Ice back field 10 days before the show," Trombly School IS located local Boy Scout and GIrl Scout was nght; Just ask the folks m cream and pretzel vendors said Stemer "We've had a The parade had been can- groups to march, as well as Grosse Pomte Woods Famlhes can bnng food, but no number of buslOesses willmg celed m 1997 and 1998, saId At Trombly, the adult portIOn other youth groups There WIll The Grosse Pomte Woods open flames will be allowed on to donate, but our list is not Park parks and recreatIOn Fireworks CommIttee's Fourth of the parade wlll merge WIth be plenty of antIque cars too the field." complete at thIs tIme It takes dIrector Terry Solomon, of July fireworks celebratIOn IS the children's portIon, Solomon "If you can't be In the parade Steiner saId that popular two days to set up the fire- because of constructIOn scheduled to be held on radIO personahty Mark "Doc" said WhIle the chIldren waIt we urge you to get out and works on Lochmoor property "Over the past couple of for the adults to march by, Sunday, June 27, at dusk, saId Andrews wdl act as the MC These days they use computers watch the parade Now that committee member Enc years, the streets had been dug there WIll be Judges loolong at He IS on of Dick Purtan's peo- to set the tImIng for the show" up for the sewer separatIOn the constructIon IS completed, Stemer The rain date IS ple The Teen Angels, a local how the kIds decorate theIr Stemer also Sald that the project," Solomon SaId "There we're ready. Park reSIdents Monday, June 28 band known for Its clasSIC rock other POIntes and Harper bikes as well as other actIVI- was also constructIOn at love the parade and we love "The show WIll be held at the 'n' roll repertoIre WIll be on Woods WIll be lendIng a hand tIes Patterson Park, so we deCIded puttIng It on It's a real small- Parcells field, at Mack and hand to play some tunes, by prOVIdIng some of theIr to cancel the parade But the town actIVIty that bnngs us all Vemler," SteIner saId "We begInrnng- at 8 p m polIce officers and officers from project IS complete, so the Once everyone IS together, together~ have the cooperatIon of the The cost of the show, saId their pollce aUXIhary parade IS back on " the parade WIll proceed down The parade WIll follow the Essex to Patterson Park, saId traditional route, Solomon Solomon. There WIll be Fourth DONATE YOUR VEHICLE saId The adult portIon starts of July ceremOnIes, which are to the American Lung Assocla~on of Michigan (800) 543-LUNG at Kercheval and Maryland expected to be completed by They start gathenng at 9 a m about 12 30 p m • Get a generous tax break' • It's quICk and easy! ::I: AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION. l I r( ,....,.,. Once the parade IS over, res- • TOWing IS free • It's good for your community!

SATURDAY, JUNE 12 10:00 a.m. •5:00 p.m.


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.' Is Kosovo war ending? Serbs balk at terms sthe 72-day NATO air war agamst ness to accept the peace plan as present- Kosovo finally com1Og to an end? ed to them. I It looks as If It Will, If the Serbian However, the alhes promptly parhament and Oen Slobodan 0 .. announced they would resume their MllosevlC hve up to their part of the heavy bombmg m Kosovo and elsewhere 1OternatlOnal peace plan pIn Ion In Yugoslavia because of the Serbian Unfortunately, the Serbs and Yugoslav refusal to accept agreed-upon terms mlhtary offiCials over the weekend That means the NATO forces Will carry balked at agreement of terms for a out Its commitment to "demIlltanze" the Serbian Withdrawal from Kosovo rebels Steven Errlander, the New York ~~~bh~b~nto~~~ateilie~l~ ~------~ ~me; oorres~n~~ re~rted from lCal agreement mto a workable mlhtary approve the peacekeep10g force before provIsions of the peace pact Belgrade reahty on the ground," said Lt Gen Sir NATO troops enter Kosovo. In fact, MIlosevlC agreed to all the MlChael Jackson, commander of NATO's The alhes have agreed that there well NATO demands only after envoys from Meanwhile, the first representatives of Kosovo peacekeep10g force may be changes m words and phrases to RUSSia, Fmland and other European the NATO forces began showmg up III But, he added, the "Yugoslav delega- make the po1Ots clear, but If those natIOns made It clear to him he had Kosovo, and the first of almost a mllhon tlon presented a proposal that would not changes don't satisfy the Serbs, NATO received the best offer he was gomg to Kosovo reSidents returned under protec- guarantee the safe return of all the forceElWIll contmue theIr air war get tIOn to what IS left of theIr homes refugees, or the full WIthdrawal of NATO 10Slsts that Mllosevic agree to In acceptmg the offer, Mllosevlc agreed But IS the war really over? As we write, Yugoslav forces" Withdraw all Yugoslav forces from to WIthdraw all Yugoslav mlhtary and we don't know, and neither do many of While there was speculatIOn m Kosovo Kosovo and allow nearly a mllhon ethniC pohce forces from Kosovo WIthin seven the correspondents on the ground in that the alhed forces would give the Albanian refugees to return to what IS days and allow 500,000 foreign troops Kosovo. Serbs more time to W1thdraw, the alhes left of theIr homes. under a United NatIOns flag to pohce the In our VIew, the Serbs and MlloseVlc were reportedly mSlstent that the rest of The sudden SerbIan acceptance of province often have been difficult to deal with in the onglnal terms agreed to by both Sides terms last week came as a surprise to the past, and now are simply playmg be respected. Western mlhtary and pohtlcalleaders Weekend Serbian resIstance to agreed- their old game of delay with the alhes III But the Serbs demanded that the However, SerbIan resistance grew after upon Items 10 the peace plan confirmed the hopes that somethmg good will Umted Nations Secunty Councl! first theIr leaders had read through all the allied susplClons about the Serbs' wllllng- emerge for their point of VIew.

Robert G. Edgar EDITORIAL CLASSIfiED (313) 882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUCTION (313) 882-0294 Barbara ¥azbeck Velhacke, (313) 882-3500 (313)882_ PublIsher John MinniS Manager MargIe ReIns Smith, Roger B Hage., AdvertISing Manager Sherry Emard, EdItor and General Fran Velardo; KIm M Mackey, ASSistant to lhe ASSlst.nt Edllor/Fe.lul1' EdItor ASSlst.ant Manager l'roductlon 1I1.""ger i Robert B. Edgar Manager AdvertlSlng Manager Founder and Publisher 141-';594 Ida Bauer Peter J Birkner, Ken Schop (313) 343-5590 Kelly fleming (1940-1979) Chuck Klonke, Sports Ed,tor 141 ,,91 Ad\crtlSmg RepresentatIve Greg Barto51eWlcz r DaVId Hughe. Lmdsay J Kachel, Wilbur Elslon. Edllon.l Wnler 1415,97 COrliSS Eronat tf" JoAnne Burcar, ConsuJtant Melanie M.a honey Adverhslng Representahve . I George f Lathrop, Copy EdItor Juhe Tobm Kathleen M Stevenson Jeff Knoblock --,;;...... PubllShed Wrekly by Bonm. Caprara, St.ff WnteT 141-,,95 CIRCULATION. (313) 343-5577 Ad\ ertlSmg Representative {S~.i ... TECHNICAL OPERATIONS Anlf'tbo Publishers Drad Lindberg. SI.1f Wnter 141-5591 Kenneth Graham McNeIl Mary Wen V.n Du",n. /"Gr~ Point~ N~ws 96 kerchltV.ll Allfe Manager Valene Encheff 11 Jame.1I1 Sllckford, Staff Wnter 1415592 Ida florez AdvertISing Represenlatlve Member Suburban Potnllt F.arms MI 482.36 Manager IAd lIumstralor Ne\'ospapers oi Amenca Detly Drossea" r",ofn.deT Mary Ann Sta"dt Juhe R Sutton, Vol. 60, No. 23, June 10, 1999, Page 6A Ad\C"rtIl;jlng Rt>pn-sentatlve .:md Nabonal Ctlnshna vanden Berg 1313)343-5575 'J't'wspapE't AsSlXlatlon Charters need accountablility s it so often does on school Issues, out that, "many charter schools are be10g The Detroit News has supported run by large management compames" A Gov. John Engler's call for lifting that are allowed to "keep up to 10 percent the hmit on the number of charter of the per-pupil allotment for admInistra- schools 10 MIchIgan above 150. tive costs. A House committee consldenng the "Those tax dollars should be subjected Issue has already proposed lifting the to thorough eXaminatIOn," whIch means, limit to 225 starting 10 the year 2000, the authors conclude, that "increasmg the instead of the governor's request for no number of charter schools Without fiXing limitation. the problem IS not good public pohcy" Fortunately, the DetrOit Free Press Among other cntIcisms of charter promptly published a column by State schools CIted by Bogardus and Cnm are Rep Rose Bogardus and Bobby Cnm, for- fallures to provide servlces to special edu- mer House speaker, whIch served as a catIOn students, offenng only K-6 grade rebuttal to the House proposal and the programs because they cost less than hlgh governor's request. school programs, and falling to prOVIde The rebuttal pIece's strongest argument extrac~cular actIVIties or transporta- 1$ that there IS "no eVIdence that charter tIOn that most traditIOnal public schools schools are properly accountable to the prOVIde pubhc for their tax dollars." Charter schools are an expenment 10 Under the onginal charter school law, educatIOn reform, Bogardus and Crim oversight of such schools IS left to the remmd us. authonzing bodies for the charter schools. They argue that "as With any expen- In Michigan, Central Michigan ment, before we give charter schools free Umverslty has authonzed the majonty of rein for expanSIOn, the schools first must the more than 130 charter schools now 10 be willing to establish basic accountabIli- operatIon. ty standards to ens~e educatIOnal suc- The rebuttal contends that the state cess and taxpayer confidence." audItor general's office has proVIded evi- We thmk Bogardus and Crim make dence of flaws in such oversight, but, good arguments for requinng accountabIl- Letters unfortunately, does not spell out what the Ity in the charter schools before conSIder- flaws were. ing whether the number of such schools Opposes cancer for the hospital, but at what water snakes In Lake St Clair In addition, Bogardus and Cnm point should be expanded in MIChigan expense to all of us Wlthm the The snake story hIghlIghted treatment center commurnty? a superb response on the part To the Editor: One can only Judge from the of the Grosse POinte Shores Ward to run for prosecutor I have been a reSIdent of past, and In the past three Pohce Department In stem- Grosse Pomte for 37 years, 25 years, I have reported to the ming a perceived water snake he news that John O'Halr wIll not character In our youth - hence our 10 the Farms, and for the past hospital several Issues lOvolv- mfestatlon on the shores of the " seek re-electIOn 10 the 2000 vote involvement W1th schools, faIth, commu- three, resldmg on leWIston 109 mamtenance, health haz- lake, due to recedmg water ~ would be a blow to Wayne County nities and ciVICcoahtlOns - as It IS, after The Issue IS Bon SecouTS ards and inconSIderate Shores reSidents are mdeed T> "unneighborly" actiVIty, but, to voters if It weren't for the fact hiS the fact, to arrest, prosecute and sentence Cottage Hospitals proposed fortunate. top deputy, George Ward, will seek to suc- I am very proud to be aSSOCiated W1th thIS cancer treatment center date, the hospital has not alle- With respect to Grosse ceed O'Hair. office." ThiS proposal, regIOnal m VIated any of these concerns Po1Ote Farms Pubhc Safety nature, would offer an array of Therefore, my expectatIOns for Thrector Robert Ferber's msm- In talks with Ward, O'Hair has pointed Ward also po1Oted out that he wants to out he has more than 1 112 years remain- cancer treatment protocols, not them to handle any larger uatlOn that my state be a full-fledged partIcipant 10 dlscussmg problems ISrather dIsmal mg on his term and does not mtend to be only to the commumty, but to Representative, Andrew important pubhc pohcles. The potentially catastrophIC diverted from the busmess of his office southeastern Mlchlgaa and to Richner, IS somehow out-of- the state at large effect upon the health and wel- WIth talk about hIS successor. He recalled that he has often lamented touch with the local law about "how the fadure of our correctIOns I have several concerns, fare ofthe commumty at large, enforcemen community's VIew But O'Hair 10dlCated that If Ward for- and 10 particular to those of us system to 10Slst on the constructIVe use of mostly reservations WIth thiS on CCW; I beheve It IS Ferber mally announces for the office, O'Halr proposal First, the leakage WIth property contIguous to the who IS actually out-of-touch would be "pleased and comforted" to see time in pnson and Jad, or while on parole, hospital are at Issue does more to enable cnme than to deter it. and leaching of radIOactive There IS no question that Ward as the next prosecutor and "to tell rays 1Oto the enVironment, Therefore, I would urge all par- Ferber's department IS top-of- thlS to whomever might ask." "Prison and parole expenences which which by the hospItal's own ties WIth Similar concerns to the-hne Ward, 10 turn, said that the most note- confirm and remforce the way of life admISSIon, through their attend the Grosse POinte What I find pathetiC, howev- worthy th10g he had observed about pros- which lead to cnme m the first place, expert's opmlOn,cannot be pre- Farms City CounCIlmeetmg on er, is Ferber's seemmg compul- Monday, June 21, at 7 30 p m ecutor O'Halr is the care he gives to the rather than to tram offenders III the way vented SIon to march In lock-step to of life and diSCIpline that WIll be expected Secondly, correlative to thiS ThIs proposal IS too far reach- the tune of the Wayne County .selectIOn of staff. mg and broad, WIth the POSSl- Maintenance of this quahty lS one of of them when they return to a free society, problem, IS the Issue of the Democratic Party estabhsh- scope of treatments There blhty of disastrous conse- Ward's principal goals. "We must do It as make no sense at all. " ment on thiS Issue must be proper collectIOn and quences, therefore, I urge the competently as lawyers in the best law In reahty, untll substantIve Ward added that he expected to release disposal of all radIOactive counCIl,the commumty and fel- pohce protectIOn can be extend- Arms represent their chents," Ward saId. hiS positIOns on these Issues after the waste which are necessary In low reSidents to defeat thIS proposal ed to all honest citizens of "I also share his (O'Halr's) behef that vacation season and reminded readers cancer treatment Wayne County, then the cur- we might fight crime on two fronts: It ISas that hIS preVIOusly pubhshed op-ed pieces thIrdly, WIth the mcreased Parenthetically, Bon Secours rent CCW system WIllremam a much a part of our job to help famlhes and and bar journal articles offer a good pre- traffic to and from the hospital, Cottage has scheduled a pre- sham and a scandal cry10g fo( commumtles to develop conscIences and view. what effect WIllthiS have on an sentatIOn for Thursday, June reform already over-taxed park 109 Sit- 10, at 630 p m at Cottage However Rep Richner uatIOn on the Hill? Also, what Hospital conference rooms one through four arnved at hiS deCISion and negative effect WIllthe commu- whatever he does 10 the future Engler's new school board tie George B. Negri mty have to burden, due to our m 10 thiS regard IS hiS busme¥s. ov John Engler WIll continue to weary of the long dnve from hIS home m mcreased exposure? Gro8ee Pointe Fann8 The fact IS, he did the ngh~ have a strong Influence on the Mount Pleasant to DetrOIt Lastly, for myself and my thmg by vot1Og to reform the Detroit reform school board W1th Elhs told the DetrOIt Free Press that he neighbors, due to the proximity Right on CCW situation 10 Michigan G of our propertIes to the hospi- the appointment of his state trea- was "qUIte confident" that DetroIt W11lbe To the Editor: GIVen the lopSided biparti- tal, the effect upon our proper- surer, Mark Murray, to succ~d Art Elhs, a different school system qUIckly I read With mterest the san maJonty of 55 Repubhcans ty values would be a large tus state educatIOn department chIef. "But," he added, "It W111take longer front-page story In the June 3 and 30 Democrats 10 a legisla- Issue, according to one promi- tive body of 110 representa- In the law settmg up the reform board, than anybody really wants to change the Issue of the Grosse POinte nent real estate broker on the tives votmg In favor of umform to News, "Richner votes for UOl- Elhs or his designee was be a member tes t scores " HilI thiS would be an 1Ofnnge- standards, It seems to me that of the seven-member board for a five-year fymg, easmg CCW law,' as I Was the state educatIOn department ment on our property nghts did another recent front-page Rep RIchner IS really onoo teno chIef already dismayed by the problems Without any compensatIOn report, "Water snakes found 80methmg Elhs had served on the board since It faCing the reform school board? It could thiS IS a proposed expanSIOn, along lake," m the May 13 Timothy R. Beck assumed control 10 Apnl, but saId he was be. by a pnvate 1OstitutlOnto offer Issue of the Grosse POinte Detroit new llervJCf"\for orofit Profit Npws. about the presence of More Letters on Page 9A .. t Kindness - sometimes misplaced but never forgotten The 8-year-old boy was play- Cntlclsm, on the other hand, mg at a fnend's house when, one word of It, can blowout the 1 out of the Side of It grew anoth- from now on, I promise to take for no particular reason, he last flicker of the flame ~, er thumb It wa!> incredible, a moment and remember the started smgIng. Sometimes kindness comes ~ife is and to a LUnou~ 4-year-old boy, old man With three thumbs "You have a very mce vOIce," It wa!> hke seemg the seventh and hiS kindness I promise to m unusual ways I grew up In ~ Mrs Housefeld saId to the lIt- lJOke- wonder of the world make an extra Special effort to tle boy from across the street a neighborhood of pre- World "How'd you do that? How'd thmk a little less about me and "You sing wonderfully" War II bungalows on Swain "ndGod you do that?' I would ask my needs, and take time to The boy felt terrific, and Court, In Milwaukee It was a He would !>mlle and say, "A give some kmdness away sang With even more spmt street where you knew every- wrote it' gIft from God, my lIttle fnend Funny how sometimes kind- body JMMrY SlwlOCkI h.,.., A gift to make your day exclt- ness and those warm memories KIndness came to mind thIS I remember when I was mg" get misplaced - but never for- mornmg Why, I don't really about 4 years old I would run I felt unbehevably wonder- \\-alklng slowly from the street- gotten know, but Just the thought of to the corner of Swain Court mister, show me, show me • ful car stop Weanng a blue work No matter how tired the old kindness makes me feel good and OhIO streets It was only He would ask me about my Oh, one more tlung Today, shirt spotted With dIrt, he'd be man might be, he would stop, Somebody domg or saying 50 feet of so from the house, day He cared about It, about more than 40 years later, that carrying hu, black metal lunch smile, stoop down and show me somethIng that makes you feel but for a 4-year-old It was bIg me We would talk for a few smgIng boy stilI remembers pall, lookmg hke he'd had a hiS nght hand cared for, wanted, appreciated, adventure mmutes, and he'd be on hiS the warm, lOVIng feehng he hard day at the factory There they were! worth more On the corner, I would Sit way had when he was told he sang and walt eagerly for the old Kmdnl''1s IS encouragement What a wondprful 'lId man well I still think I can't Slllg that can spark the fire Within man With three thumbs He The closer he got, the more I'd stare In amazement at What a wonderful gift hiS kind- excIted I would get I would two thumbs on one hand One very well at all, but I sure that brmgs greatness would come down the street, ness was shout, "Mister' Mister' Please, thumb looked normal, except remember Mrs Housefeld's Starting today, and each day kindness

Or~ Point~ N~ws The Op-Ed Page fY._i _

Wind blows in Brooks, who IS now lookmg for SING4ME, black Neon another pOSitIOn, hopefully m Expresso In fron t of Arbor Drug some more good books In the Village (- and do these "I read your story about the "The customers were the two know each other too?) people gOing to help the torna- best part of th'e Job," she said MEANT4U, copper-colored do VIctims 10 Oklahoma," the "I want to thank them for all Beemer convertIble In front of lady With the their years of loyalty' Leon's German Back 10 the 80's the site In 4BY4FUN, white Jeep at accent told the present McCourt BUlldmg Vermer and Harper FYI over the was McCourt's shoes Guess WINSURF, hunter-green phone what's commg next? GMC Sonoma on Maryland She was "I've heard It may be another near Kercheval, With a bIg sail- Just calhng to shoe store," said Michelle board rack on ItS roof make sure the group, led by Creative license Got an FYI tip? Call Ken Christ Those vamty plates WIth a Eatherly at (313) 822-4091, Church rector message Just keep rollIng or e-mail him at [email protected] Ed Putnam's around on Pomte streets The daughter Bethany, was stnct- latest batch spotted by FYI and ly on the up and up, she said fnends mcludes FYI saId the Item In the May (Not \Jorki~) 20 column was true and he EYESONU, green Blazer Letters could vouch for them seen 10 front of South High ~I can't go and help - I'm 2MCHNRG, energetic-look- 92," she said "But I can send a mg white SUY on Mack m the welcome Narcissism healthy or pathologic check" Woods The Grosse Pomte News She was too shy to give her PRINCE, on a regal black One of the many Issues that welcomes your Letters of revenge In effect, they lose name FYI thought she saId Lincoln Contmental parked to has surfaced m the aftermath the EdItor All letters contact With reahty at cruCial she hved m the Woods nght on the pavement m front of the lugh llcJI09l shootmgs IS should be typed, double- moments and become a menace Sunday, the mCldent came of Cottage HospItal's front the concept of narCIssIsm, or spaced, Signed and hmlted to SOCIety. up In a conversatIOn With the doors (Royalty, nght here 10 self-love Rev Dr Putnam at the Chnst Gp?) to 250 words Longer let- Healthy narcissism IS a baSIC It would be good for thiS con- ters wIll be edIted for Church Antique Show "She OOIREP, black Chrysler bUllding block of the normal, dItIOn to be detected early and length and aU letters are appropnate treatment given sent $500," he said Sebnng LX With Richner and stable and adaptive personah- subject to edltmg for con. Psychotherapy is often very Bethany assures FYI It'S all Engler bumper stickers, In ty, but pathological narCISSIsm tent Include a daytime : on Its way for Oklahoma torna- front of Higbie Maxon on The benefiCIal to teenagers, as they phone number for venfica- IS a psychlatnc dIagnOSIS do relief HIll lAndy, IS that your car?) wluch bears- further examina- are m a major process of tlon or questl0ns change and so are changeable UR2NVS, overly coveted tion There is considerable evi- whIte ExpedItIOn m the Village Developmg a positive bond Haircut brings The deadline for letters dence that the perpetrators of agamst feelings of madequacy Kroger parking lot, spotted by With a therapIst IS a develop- IS 3 p m Monday the school shootmgs were VIC- and vulnerability The person the Park's Dr. Christine mental necessity, when the the house down tIms of patholOgical narcIs- feels ass81led and dImlmshed Jerpbak sism. by the world, and wants to original bond is full of COnflict, POlllte faces spotted III the Send letters to EdItor, sellout crowd before the final 6 KIDS, red Mercedes coupe PatholOgical narCISSism is an fight back and show hiS ambivalence and negatiVity Grosse POinte News, 96 performance of "Samson and on Wmdm1l1 Pomte Dnve excess of self-love, fueled by an strength and power by acting And often a psychlatnst can Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Delilah" Saturday at the BABGIRL, black Toyota out hiS murderous rage detect the early SignS of mamc- Fanns, Mlch 48236; or fax excess of self-hate. Self-hate 4X4 on Mack 10 the Woods (do depreSSIOn and IS In a posItion DetrOit Opera House Village them to (313) 882-1585. comes about from a pathologi- For a long tIme I have con. these two know each other?) , to modulate the excesses of Toy Company's Jack and Letters may be sent e-mall cal early development, wIDch sidered the reality of "murder- SONG MAN, red Chrysler emotion by appropnate med- Nancy Renick, Chnst Church to Jminms@grossepointe 10cludes VIolation, trauma and ous rage" and have come to cer- LeBaron convertible 10 front of neglect tain ooncluslOns after a hfe- Ication smger Elena Beck, Tappan news com Realty's Yucel Mikiel and Jake's. A famous Bntlsh psychoana- time of study We all get angry It IS sad that the state hospi- South High art teacher Jack sometimes, but most of us con- lyst, John Bowlby, dIscovered tal system has been dIsman- Sommers early 10 hiS chmcal expenence, trol It, or even vent a httle by tled and standards of care - And at the mtermlssIOn, that delInquent children slammmg a door Some of us reduced to the POint where there was artist Erica mvanably had mterruptlons In may even entertam VIolent fan- destructive behaVIor can hard- Chappuis In her trademark the maternal bond They were tasies of the Walter Mltty type ly ever be prevented One can buzz cut With husband not well taken care of by theIr or enJoy "shoot-em-up" action only hope that the powers- Laurence, who was sportmg parents. Often there were no movies But there are those that-be will heed the need for a Samson-length haIr stable parent figures as the who cannot oonstrain them- more encompass1Og state men- Are men With long haIr sex- children ended up III numerous selves to fantasy, but erect tal health system, one that IS Ier, FYI asked Enca, whose foster homes elaborate fantasIes of destruc- enabled by a proactive CItizen- pamtmgs often deal With a lIVE They lacked a ceTtalO love tion and then actually act them ry to deal With the problems of subject stronger than mere bond, wluch IS the prerequISIte out 10 real life. young people before they get romance of a decent, law-abldmg per- That IS why we worry about out of hand "Yes," she said, offenng the son. Relatively speaking, they VIolent VIdeo games They are A great rabbi, Malmomdes, InfonnatlOn that she had Just have no feehng for other people fantaSies of murderous gave thiS great legacy to completed a palntmg of as a result of not bemg bonded destructiveness, and for most SAVE $$$$$$$$ Western CIVIhzation Samson and DelIlah to another They can love only kids, they are a safe outlet for In Saturday's performance, themselves and have no feehng hostile aggreSSIOn But for "If I am rwt for myself, who ON the fatal barbenng occurred for others some, the games are like gaso- WIll be for me2 If I am only for off-stage and out of Sight - This lack offeeling for others hne to a fire They fire up the myself, what am [2 If not now, when 2" was the palntmg any more iAthe key to understandmg the feelIngs and fantaSIes and spur lENNOX. revealIng? school shootmgs actIOn Teenagers With patho- It IS Important to love yOUl'- lOgical narcIssism have no con- self, protect and nurture your- It was yes again "Actually, I Commentators, mcludmg show them multlta.,kmg," said HIGH EFFlCIENCY stramts to act10g out their fan- self, m other words, to take myself, have mentlOned the Enca external causatIve factors, tasies In the real world, good care of yourself, your CENTERAL such as media VIolence and the because they have come to loved ones, and to make contn- AIR CONDITIONERS ready avallablIlty of firearms have no feelings for others butlOns to others But If you End of story In previous columns, I have One way m which patholOgi- are only for yourself, and Even WIth that big book- stressed the Important factors cal narCISSism develops IS by maybe your blood relatives, store up the street, It was :;tlll _FREE ESTIMATESI of early chJld development and lack of parental bondmg, but what are you? Selfish, pnml- a surpnse After 13 years on ; • • • •• ANANClNG AVARAIlLE the social changes that have another way IS mamc-depres- tlve And If we are not to solve Kercheval at Notre Dame, the spawned a lack of respect for SlOn, or bipolar disease This the problem of VIolence now, closmg of Waldenbooks last 8Uthonty and the law, and the conditIOn IS more common than then when? Saturday, Without any warn- new chtld-reanng phlIosophles we might thmk Dr Bloom IS clmzcal asSOCI. mg thilt have led to some children In thiS condition, due to a ate professor, Department of Customer., wandenng up to bemg overly mdulged and neurochemical Imbalance, PsychIatry, WSU School of the door looked stunned a., nradequately gUIded and oon. emotions are felt to the MedICine He practices m they reahzed there was noth- TOLL FREE trolled. extreme DepreSSion IS SUICIdal Grosse Pomte Park and IS a mg mSlde Nothmg but boxed When a person With patho- and aggression IS murderous member of the Amencan book'! waiting to be loaded on lOgIcal narCISSism kills anoth- They may be very Imtable and Academy of PsychoanalYSIS He a big truck m back, and a little 1-888-234-2340 er, we often call It a "senseless" temperamental - every shght welcomes comments and ques- Sign that .,ald they were c1osl'd • FORMERLY. murder, but the sense IS that IS a major disaster Inwardly, tIOns at hiS e-mail address but 'ltl)) mVlted old fnend., they feel Sick, different, fragile, vbloom@Compu~ervecom, and mSlde for a la'lt goodhyl' the murder IS mtensely gratify- (FLAME]_co ~TtAl mg to the perpetrator It gives and want to cover these up So VlSlts to hiS webSite, where pre. People's reactIOns? "Mamly, him a transient feebng of they Withdraw to protect them- VIOUS columns can be found, at they're shocked," said .,tore WARHOl MY,ClEMENS RIVERVIEW power, which IS a defense selves, some harbonng dreams www factotem com I V bloom manager Michelle Vanden

,\ ., June 10, 1999 8A Grosse Pointe News

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44 ... ?u< WlNTERSDEU ,. 8 1.lIII. '9 " t4 B9. STELLA atal BOILED HAM...... I t'. f::~:EGGS...... ~@I~ PARMESAN CHEESE... ,i~ \!J@} ....----.------,--=------STEUA LB. WINTER'S NATURAL CASING '1II 1M11. I ~-'- ~";it""~ S«t- Sate I HL ONTINELLA CHEESE.... '3~l~.HOT DOGS...... t' MACKINAvii~LAND FUDGE UPARI ~4t iJtaI WINTER'S SKINLESS _4 71 1,20 ~ 9 ~a"tUa4- OLBY CHEESE...... ~ U L~ HOT DOGS•••••••••••••• I ~ eeae' e'en,! 6~ P~4etIJe PeeaIJ IWII .~ ?,. WINTER'S 'PI4u. .. 9-fie '1~I 1.10II. ~ f'QIit Ii500 lit .... \O~ O.JACK CHEESE...... I LB: BOLOGNA...... ~ e,""tte, 'lu~' 2 FOR '300 ~~lL LIPARI *~~~KDWALSKlSTADfUM '279 lW' TWIN POPS ... , ,. N. M NSTER...... U LB. KIELBASA...... ~ ,t'II""'.'~ f9uell e4p) '1111 · ~ UPARI SMOKED *ft~~HDMESTYLEREDSK/N '1~8 7rcnlL SKIM MILK ,., , I.SO TURKEY BREAST.. ~ lB. POTATO SALAD...... ~"~ Z>4tte' ••• • 99' 1.20~ UPARIOLD FASHION $4 ~~1Jf4U 1. ~ '149 HALF & HALF Ot SALAMI...... U lB SERU RICOnA...... ~ .... .

.. I $ June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News Letters 9A weapons m the hands of people for what they do for all the Resentful of who may be dIsgruntled chIldren of Grosse POinte You weapons bill motorists, JIlted lovers or truly don't realJze the gIfts ~ enraged employees People they give you unbl you don't To the Editor: would have the fight to carry have them anymore The peo- I am saddened and angry guns mto churches, schools ple of Grosse Pomte take for that 70 representatives m the and sportmg events granted the quahty of educa- House of Representatives I am proud the Grosse Pomte bon their children are gettmg passed legislatIOn on a con- Woods Council unammously I Just wanted to take a cealed weapons bill Our state passed a resolutiOn to urge our moment to remmd everyone representative, Andrew legislators to not loosen the what their children have RIchner, was one of those legis- gun laws I hope our reSidents lators supportmg this msane Will help our legislators deCide We moved from Grosse armer pohcy not to bUpport thiS IrresponSI- POinte three months ago We Grosse Pointe School Board ThIS bill requIres the ble legislatIOn looked very hard to find a Secretary of State to Issue a Patricia Kukula Chylinski school system that would com- permit to any applicant wlth- Grosse Pointe Woods plement the educatIOn our ~ut a record of cnme or mental Councilmember children were recelvmg We Illness The sponsor of thIs bIll chose what we detennmed to IS Sen DaVId Jaye who once be our best optIOn dropped hiS gun on the floor of Misses schools My children are currently In the House of RepresentatIves To the Editor: a school that has no fonnal dunng a caucus I would like to take thiS musIc program (vocal or If thIs bill IS pasbed, It could opportumty to thank the mstrumenta!), art or gym, the put up to 300,000 concealed Grosse Pomte School System "extras" we take for granted m Grosse Pomte They have no playground equipment Not Just the wonderful play struc- '\Is it ready yet? No!!! tures that each school PTO worked so hard to prOVidefor What a glorious Memonal Day weekend we expenencedl We did all the usual family stuff, mcludmg plCnJCS,barbe- their school, but no balls, cues and the plantmg of flower beds The garage sale m the Jump-ropes, hopscotch boards vtllage was fun as always, and we constantly bump mto old or four-square courts They fnends there. The wondrous weather cooperated, except for don't even have a field to play a smattering of ramdrops that drove the memonal servIce at on - only a gravel area the war memorial Into the auditorium Despite the forecast, between the mne portables the Fnes was overflowing WIth spectators and partICIpants that house many of the class- es - all wantIng to be a part of thIS SpecIal day of observance and reverence Seeing Old Glory at half staff never falls to There are very few comput- . raise a g:Jant lump m our throats As the honor roll names ers In the school, and those were read, one could almost hear the sl1ent prayers, "Please have limited software They Just received theIr sCience I God, no moret Stop the madness In Kosovo, the costs are too high" matenals for the year, so they can start teachmg sCience On Sunday, the grandchIldren arnved to stay WIth me for umts There IS no hot lunch Reason • Respect • Reality a few hours while theIr parents played golf I had purchased program a large mflatable sWImmmg pool and we piarmed to pump it up and douse our bodies m same Poor babies, they arnved My children attend a B.S. Athletic Administration, St. Johns University, Jamaica, N.Y. in theIr bathing suits, and WIthvanous water toys, prepared CatholIc school, whIch by local ~ for the chnstenIng of the pool standards IS supposed to be a Community and School S.rvice .~ ThIs THING was 6 feet long, 10 feet wide and 2 feet high' step up on the publIc schools Grosse Pointe Woods Recr.ation Commissioner :II thought I had the problem under control because I had My son IS In thIrd grade, my bought a mlm-compressor I soon learned that the compres- daughter m SIXth They are EPLC - Educational Programs and Leadership Council (District Curriculum) : sor has an extremely short cord, and the pool had to be posi- working In fifth- and eIghth. Grosse Pointe Schools Facilities Committee twned nght next to the car m order to reach the lighter that grade math texts, respectIVely Grosse Pointe Athletic Steering Committee sppplied the power After figunng out that the car had to be Their teachers have tned to runmng In order to start the compressor, I eXited the car and supplement their learmng, PTO Council nearly poked a hole m the pool WIth the edge of the door but WIth class sizes larger PTO Boards - Mason, Parcells, North Naturally the chIldren were chlmmg, "Is It ready yet?" than what we have m Grosse Pointe Girls Soccer Association Board Several attempts to attach the valve from the pump to the POInte, they can only do so one In the pool were unsuccessful I pulled down the lockmg much 1 mecharnsm and It still popped out By thIs time, the perspl- I ration was flowmg down my forehead and mto my sunglass- The reason I was prompted • es as I struggled to connect the two valves No go We could to wnte thIs letter was that Vote June 14th have put the pool m the car, but there was no way to get It today, one of my chl1dren's \home after It was blown up. I finally sat down and held the teachers was shanng WIth me thIngs together. After what seemed to be hours, but In fact a statement she said to her was 45 minutes, there was barely a small pocket of ror VlSI- husband "Of all the cluldren Endorsed by: Mile.. In my classroom, the one who HaVIng succumbed to the pleas of the grandchildren, and IS excellmg the most IS one , as frustrated as they were by my incompetence, I dtscovered that IS not even a product of Olga Agnello Brian and JoVona Cisco and filled an old sturdy plastic pool It was qUite a picture - our school system" She asked two toddlers and one large golden retnever sharmg a wet me what the schools In Grosse Bill and Erica Babcock Dan & Judy Colaluca space, five feet ill diameter. The hours droned on and finally Pomte do differently than David and Susarme Babcock Bud and Rene Comillie 'I decIded we had enough ror 10 the new pool to fill It It took here I have been contemplat- Gad Babel Hon. Jos R. Dansbury and Janet ing that ever smce What two adults to carry the pool from the dnveway to the terrace Joe and Mary.Baratta Tom and Nancy DaVIson CushIoned mats were put under it to protect It from the seemed the ordinary, everyday jagged edges ofthe flagstones, and two hoses were poSItioned thIngs 10 Grosse Pomte, I now Teresa and Gary Bennett Gen and Les Day at each end of the pool for the fill-up. recognIze as so much more Betty and Larry Bennett Fred and Joan Dindoffer As the pool started to fill, It listed starboard, and water The whole system ISto be com- Dan Bens/Janine Babcock-Bens Jim and Jeri Ellis mended From the admIrns- cascaded out onto the lawn - by the gallon The pool was too Phil and Barb Bertelsen Michael L. Faichild heavy to move, so we all crawled to the other SIdeto stem the tration, to the teachers, to the flow It contmued Its sustenance appeared to flow from the familIes Tim and DebbIe Bigham Denise and Al Fields seams, and soon the pool's sIZe had been reduced by half I I beheve that when people Phillip and Julia Blagdum Mike and Judy Finn nobced that seeds were beginIDng to float from the trees onto are dOIngsomethIng nght, you Jack and Ginny Bom Mike and Vicki Granger the water's surface, and the grass from tmy feet was stlclung should acknowledge It I urge Tom and Ann Guibord to the bottom of my lovely new toy. For a moment I was Mary Ellen Bourbeau everyone to take a moment to Ken and Carla Gutow tempted to call the Lake St Clror clean-up crew Those peo- look and see the pOSItive Terry and Nancy Breedlove ple are great I thmgs happernng m Grosse Terry and Gail Brennan Ted and Mary Huebner Just as I was about to admit defeat, the parents returned Pomte Schools Cindy and Jeff Broderick Roger W. HunwicklMichelle A. Hunwick from the golf course to scoop up their preCIOUScargo I was Damaris IngerlDoug Inger SIlved, as they headed to a REAL POOL Bless you Grosse I am thankful that we WIll, Jack and Elaine Bums Pomte parks I have one week to make the THING operable In time, be returnmg to Grosse Scott and Nancy Bums Pete and Barb Janutol Kathy and Terry Kasiborskl before they return Pomte Jim & Kathy Byron Jeanine Buchholz - Of{enngs from the loft Dan and Lisa Caramagno Beth and Michael Kastner Mississauga, Ontario Rose Cardani Paul and Elena Kerasiotis Debra and Bill Carmody Bruce and Susan Kopf George and Sharon Case Ken and Deb Kraft Val and Jim Champine Janet Lenhard Ron and Ida Cherf [van & Jodi Ludington Julianne M. Chupa Deborah Malale Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McPharhn Mr. and Mrs Arnold Shulman Steve and Toni Mellos Larry and Karen Slocum GROUND Bill and Ruthle Mestdagh Mr. and Mrs Michael Slomski SIRLOIN ALEXANDER VAllEY Btll & Fran Solomon CAlnRNET 7'01:)ML $11.99 Mark and Lisa Miller CHAIU)ONNAV 7t;(lMl $11.99 Jim and Sandy Morrow Pam and Jim Solomon CHOICE BumRFLIED $269 MARRIETTA Kim and Laura Sorget ()ll) VIN[ W[L> '0;0 Ml $1099 Paul and Fran Mumma lAMB LEGS L8 O:;YRAH 7'ionMt $14.99 D. Bruce and Cynthia A. Muncy John and Paula Staperfenne HESS Daniel and Dawn Symonds COUNTRvSmE CHA.Rtx >NN"Y 70;.0 NIt $9.99 Mark and Gall O'Brien '.lOHR Joe & Marlene Paluzzi Rob and MOnica Szabo SPARE RIBS .. CHA.MLX>f'04"'''Y 7'ioOMl $10.99 Daniel and Juhe Temrowskl ST SUPERY Michael and Kathy Peacock Top ROUND ~t~~~~l£~CREAM $500 $1399 Molly Pesta DaVId and Donna Thompson YOUR CHOICE FOR2 ll1GAl SAUSAl FAMILY STEAK $11 99 Rick and Karen Pesta Kathryn Thompson BORDEN'S ~'::'~N"fl7«"o1' a 99~ Sis and Don Pierce Jim and Paula Touhey ORANGE JUICE l/1GAl >,"VI( "<,... .'AN< 7«''''' $10.99 Sandra and Jim Vandenberghe NATURAL CASING Cherie and Bill Rice ci ~~,.o~~~~$1 99 GAl ~,~~~):~~~«,,,,, $10.99 Joan RichardsonIBob Rossback Lori Vande Vorde HOT DOGS CASA lOf'OSTlE Steve VanRaemdonck/Sally VanRaemdonck BORDEN'S 89f. ""I(M,N."NC7<'''' $6 99 James and Karen RLdgway PoLISH SMOKED a, SOUR CREAM .i 01 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan Sam and Donna VentlmLgha KIELBASA ~ BORDEN'S 89f. Jim and Linda Safran Debra and Don Veryser - FRENCH ONION DIP 'iOI IILABATT BLUE $799 Stacey Sarowski Mary K Wachter AVALON LABATT Henry and Laurie Schmidt Jon and Linda Walton SEAFOOO 99 ''''''''''''''''8;.><1' 89 . BLUE LITE .OU $5 Dick and Linda Schneider Tim and Yvonne Winston KABOBS,...... LI LOM 12 Pack BOTTLES EPI...... 1 Laura Schroder David and Lorna Zalenski SWORDfISti, HAliBUT OR TUNA ETHIOPIAN <@:> $5 99 4;~:;; MILLER Kathy and Dave Zmyslowskl 49 John and Renee Seago STEAKS %5 SIDAMO...... II t:;;,;;: HIGH LIFE $599 Mike and Karen Serilla Nancy Zoltowski LB French Roast $5 49 ~ 12 PM.t CANS • Of' 6 ~. ~ • ~ (JMiu DECAF...... lB ;;",;,I , June 10,1999 Grosse Pointe News 10A r .....

. . .

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------J --- 'II June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News News 11A

Flower felony de.,cnbed a" .,t tall The woman al,o dnvIng With a .,u.,ptmded 8t Clatr 8hOl e., and lOntempt A Grosse POinte Woods resI- wa~ about 5 fppt, 2 mche!> tall hcense and had two dlffelt'nt of court In Bloomfield HilI., He dent who hves m the 1700 PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS and Wa" ml.,.,lng the upper hcen!>e platt'., Llped to the tar wa" pICked up by St Clair block of Oxford reported that An adult cro.,.,mg guard HilI !>tuffing a pack of Camel teeth on the left 'Ide He wa., tUI ned over to poilu ShOl t" pohce between 11 p m Wednesday, ~hll()ed thl' .,u.,pelt away Pohce llgarette!> down hi!>!>hlrt before from hi" home town of D('tIOl! June 2 and 6 a m Thursday, from tile CIty of Gro.,.,e POInte runlllng out of the estabh.,h- the next mornmg June 3, someone !>tole two Bike thief is ."ud the ,u"pect ha!> bet'n .,een ment Without paymg Bad moves hangmg plants from the east In the al ea and wdl be monl- Two (lmployee!> cha!>ed the A 2J-yeal old man from side of the house Each plant caught in Park tOIed 10 thl' future teenager before apprehendIng Open garage MelVindale ran a red light from was worth about $100 Gro,.,e Pomt.> Park pohce him near Kercheval and On Thur.,day, ,June 3, ,It H 15 VernlCl to L<1ke,horp and made ob,erved a "U"PICWU., mtf.>rac- Foul reaction McKmley The cigarette!> had am, a re.,ldent of the CIty of ,10 Illegal turn back to Vermer twn hl'twepn all ll-Yl',Jr-old been ditched m an alley bPlorp police from Gro~.,e Crack and cars A 16-)ear uld boy from Gro.,,,e POlllte reported tht girl and dI1Otl1('[youth at about Pohce turned the youth over Pomt£' Shore., pulled him over A Gro!>se Pomte Wood!> Glo!>!>e Pomte Wood., expo.,ed overmght theft of d blc)de 8 p m on Tup.,d father The store will dt 10 2'i p m on Wedne!>day, patrol officer noticed a 1987 hlm.,elf to numenJU., ptople from her gdrage m thl' ;)00 the officer, Wl'rl' too far away enfone It!>pohcy of prosecutIng block of Wa.,hmgton .JUIll' 2 BUlck speedmg on Mack at near the tennl!> wurt!> at to determme exattl., what hap- all .,hophfters Thl' m,lll c1Ulmed he knew about 11 45 pm on 'fuesday, Elworthy FJeld on Saturday, In a "lmil,lr lOudent an huur pened Only after thl' girl nothlllg of hh four dnvlllg sus- June 1 When the officer pulled .June 'i at 9 42 a m later, a re.,ldent of the 400 beg1n ,lrL ,lln ' n!i ,IllJ 1,Hl <1\\ a} f'Llhlulh fA"ill DLll ult and the vehicle over, a routme Police from tht> City of lJluck uf V. d~hlllgLoI\ ICPUItuJ did oflicer., Inve.,ttgate Burning car Warren betOf(' pohce took hIm check revealed that the car had Gro~,e Pomte !>ald the !>u!>pett the theft of a cellular tele- It turn., out that thl' .,u.,petl Gros~e Pomte Farm!> fire- to the .,ted been reported stolen m DetrOIt wa~ playmg on a ba,eball dia- phone, five compact dl.,c., and d had confronted the gIrl and fighter!> extmgulshed a burn- aftel po.,tIng $100 bond and Pohce took the dnver and $1 bill from hI'> tar parked III demanded that .,he gIVe him mond and took exceptIOn to an mg 1985 Pontiac Trans Am given <1court datl' the two passengers mto cus- errant tenm!> ball hit onto the an open garage Another vehl her bike The Victim ~tarted parked III the 18200 block of cle appeared to have been tody A check of thelr back- !>creammg and the officer., who field of play Mack at 9 48 a m on Fnday, ground turned up several war- searched but nuthmg \'< ed thiS followed thl' June 4 reported ml~'llllg rants Issued by Detroit pohce suspect mto the Village m the Forever embers Officer!> found heavy black On .,outhbound Lake!>hore Officers also found pipes and near Bnarwood, police from City of Gro~'le POinte, where he On Sunday, May 30, at 11 31 smoke and flames commg from what appeared to be several Gro.,.,e POinte Shore!> pulled was arre!>ted am, firefighter, from Gro!>!>e the rear of the vehICle, owned Two caught rocks of "crack" cocame The The ,uspect, a DetrOIt Juve- by a 37-year-old woman from A traffic >;top on .,outhbound over a 40 yLar old man from suspects were released to the Pomte Farm!> arTived at a Harper Wood., on Wednesday, mIl.', was turned OVClto county house m the 100 block of Kerby St Clair Shores Lakeshore near Webber III custody of DetrOlt pohce Juvemle authontle., Officers >;31d they heard a Grosse Pomte Shore>; last week ,June 2, at 846 P m to discover the homeowner try- The man wa., dnvmg a 1989 109 to extmgulsh a fire m hiS "loud eruptIOn and observed resolved the whereabout., of Chevrolet A!>trovan With a Moped mauled garage flames commg from the gaso- two men Wanted on a total of Stolen cars trader .,portmg an expired A student at Grosse Pomte After the officers put out the hne fill spout" five outstandmg warrants Grosse Pomte Park pohce On Thur"day, June 3, at Ilcen'le tab III tow Upon mves- Nnrth High School reported recClved two .,tolen car reports fire, the homeowner explamed tlgatlOn, !>usplClOn!>that the tbat sometime dunng the day that he had placed dlbcarded 10 34 pm, police .,topped a la!>t week The fir!>t mCldent Lakeland thefts speedlllg gray 1991 Chevrolet man had been dnnkmg were of 'fuesday, June 1, someone coals from a hohday barbecue took place on Saturday, May A man IlVlng m the 400 block Lumina dnven by a 37-year confirmed b~ hi!> 181 percent took rus unlocked moped for a 10 a plastiC contamer which he 29, between 7 a m and 230 of Lakeland reported to pohce blood alcohol content nde Unfortunately the felon then put m a trash can that old man from DetrOIt whose pm A 1996 Plymouth Breeze from the CIty of Grosse Pomte rap sheet h,ted three warrant.. also crashed the vehIcle caus- was stolen from a parkmg lot wa!> surrounded by newspa- that durmg the afternoon of mg much damage to It pers, trash and household from 36th Dlstnct Court m Bikes gone m the 15300 block of Mack Fnday, June 4, someone stole DetrOIt, mcludlng weapon, Pohce talked With several garbage The car was later recovered m hiS maroon 1992 Honda CIVIC possessIOn He was turned over 1\vo bicycles were reportedly WItnesses who were able to DetrOIt The alrbag was mlss- four-door The thief also .,tolen from an open garage m gIve a descnptlOn of the sus- to DetrOIt pohce later that mg and the steermg column Kid drinks and entered the unlocked back door evenmg the 200 block of RIdgemont pect The mvestIgatIon contm- wa!>damaged of hIS house and stole a purse ulls HIS passenger, a 25-year-old See CRIME, page 19A The second mudent took drives in GPC from the kItchen counter man, was wanted for vlOlatmg place on Saturday, ,June 5, at Pohce charged an 17-year- Pohce suspect the thief was Vandal caught about 11 p m A 1995 Jeep old mad youth from Grosse caSIng the neighborhood look- A 24-year-old RoseVllle man Grand Cherokee was parked m Pomte Park WIth drunken dTl- mg 10 WIndows for an easy Was arrested by Grosse Pomte the street of the 1400 block of vmg and mahclOus destructIOn mark Two days earher a few YORKSHIRE TV Woods pubhc safety officers Kensmgston The vehIcle was of property for hi!> actIOns at houses down the block, a resI- after he apparently kIcked out last seen m a nearby dnveway 12 26 a m on Sunday, June 6, dent reported the theft of two TV. VCR • BIG SCREEN • REPAIR s~veral outdoor hghts of a The IgmtlOn had been punched m the City of Grosse Pomte hedge tnmmers and an elec- tnc power washer from hIS restaurant In the 20700 block but for some reason the vehicle The youth was found dnvmg (810) 778.4050 G[) Of Mack at about 9 30 a m on was abandoned a black 1997 Dodge Dakota garage TUesday, June 1 - Jun Sllckford pIckup truck across lawns on The InCident began after the Lakeland south of East Many warrants "NOBODY'S As PICKY ABOUT sl,lspect asked the owner of the Kids frightened ,Jefferson HIS blood alcohol A man WIth seven outstand- r~staurant for a pen The content was 176 percent Ing traffic warrants wa, owner dechned to gIve the On Wednesday, June 2, at pulled over III the CIty of CARPET CLEANING." stranger a pen and the suspect 9 01 am, the prmclpal of Maire Elementary School noti- Huff and puff Grosse Pomte for dnVlng on stomped out of the restaurant A 15-year-old youth from East Jefferson near St Clair cursmg the owner The suspect fied pohce that a strange man Carpet had yelled profamtle~ at some Grosse Pomte Farm., was seen WIthout headhghts at 9 39 then mounted a moped and of the school's safety boy!> by employees of a .,tore on the P m on Fnday, June 4 proceeded to kIck over four outdoor hghts Per Room , Unfortunately for the sus- c;levc Jnd Janlce Mallhews $18°0*2 room minimum pect two Woods pubhc safety Jol,k R)an Joan and Fred Drndoffer 5 rooms only $87. officers were m the restaurant Tim and Suzy Howl TIME OF DAY. and headmg north down the le,lrncd hy a, tough quc,uon, Jnd li'lemng 10parcn", leachers, and \<.,he McMIllan nearby alley The suspect had children m Michigan and Jround the wuntry My pTOIc,'>!onalenergle, arc Dr Jan and M" Marga"-I Her~" Joy Bal" to ThiS Father s Day June 20 show your dad brown hair Oe\()leO re,eaRhmg and wrumg ahoul 'lhoollmpTOvcmentl~sues, Jan and Dave Vel'lcal e,pcl1ally Jhoul ellort' to Impnl\ e the quality of leachmg and leader.,hlp !lei h and Jeff Pr",. ler ho\\ much he means to \ ou wllh the gIft of Dr Jack F and Joyce GIguere I know whal work, In other communlllC~ and I wanl 10 bnng Ih()~eIdeas Water vandal Lmda Galanle and Roger Wokoll an ele~ant Role' Ilmep,ece 1\10 matter A reSIdent of the 900 block home 10 Gro~'>CPOinte .. - Joan Richardson Karen leIgh Gerald and Polly Val1Vhet whlCh st) Ie ot Rolex ) ou choose you II be of Amta reported that at about PalnCla A. '>hllh \Ile pre'ldcm, ()nthla Go,,(,.lIn tnlt 10re,llh hi, or her N,IlI<)O,11 '>1,111 Detroll Puhlil Telc\"Ion ROol;c. M ( m..lom By the time the homeowner J K.~ 1nd Bn nt1~ M,IIc. r personal best De'c1opmem • MOlher01Ihree came downstaIrs the water ( Jth) \h.lln I had been turned off. but not • ContinllI ng:'0 Improve Coun"l l htldren JenmferRllhard'>On- Mart) Wc.1HT • Awardwmmng Ro"hal h SouthCIa" 01 B,"y ()ur~on before leavmg a wet mess teadllng: le.unln!! taull Nanl. y J (,W"ic. 2002 Da\ld ,lOdEmily lllside the house lie' IOJ e\lr.lulrnull,lr reporter/edllor An~ehnc.' Rara!!,] adlVllle, m the fale of Delroll FreePre" RKhard.on Ro~,haeh 6lh "dly and l.a\\fl~n(,.l. IImlledftnanuJI re,ourle, • Graduale"ork grader~at P,efle Middle Rlii .Jnd I fiLa RJlxock Ihnl{"l 100 JlFhe Tl"mm" "kl Glasses gone 10 hll"iInC",' and gro"mg:demand, and '>lhool £)wul1nd c;;.1I.. 1nrll~ Bahuw..k

C'lonomH.' • 14 yearre\,denl of Gro~\C Gro"e Pomle\ 'Wlm 'o,.cer, ( hn'llnJ \1~~~CHOOIS t-r mk P .hnnln employee checked the dl'!play hIm' I mel 1nll hll Ann Ihlcy • Re,pe(led communicator 2~vear, <1' a writerand edllor lod, 1nd ()1n (, hi"" 20139 Mack Avenue after the suspect'l left, 10 \II.~\ (rnn~c.l' frames worth a total of $1,500 • Deep knowledge 01how ,tltle'>'>!ul"hool, 0rerale I (t)nu~1 md H. We. 'c.'\. Grosse Pointe Woods were mlssmg • '>kllledmanager 01limlled non profllll',ource' I)!H Inti \u'dn Dc. \\ 111 1)1\. ~ JUllt m i h d ~..oll The suspects, a man and a • V,gli,ml,Ihtllllaccess!O lOtorma1l0nreUlrd, oren meelln!!' 313.886.4600 woman, were both on the small Side The man wa'l ,, June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News 12A Seniors The correct administering of all drugs is crucial Drugs can cure. but drugb some other time? Doe., "One less effectIVely Drugb accumu- help, but only If you provide also kIll _ and. we're not talk- tablet, every SIX hour,," mean late m larger quantltteb and the mformatlOn they need to mg about Illegal drugs you have to set the alarm and remam much longer than m treat you Prescription drugs can do get up durmg the mght to keep younger patIents If you are reluctant to abk much to cure Illnesses but on schedule? Do you take med- Also, older people are more the dlXtor a drug-related queb must be taken properly or they Icmes before meals or after eat- senSitIve to certam drugs All tlOn, you have another option can lose their effectiveness _ 109? If It IS before, how long Prl'me Time medlcatton "hould be taken on Ask your pharmaCist Good or even be a danger before? Should you take medl- an mdlVldual ba"ls pharmacl.,h keep medical pro- For example, a patient tak- cmes on an empty 01 full stom- Pattents bhould be hone"t file" on thell LUstomers Thlb mg antlconvulsants who con- ach? Should you aVOid frUIt WIth their phySICIans If you endbleb them to ascertam sumes alcohol lessens the abll- JUIces? Many drugs mteract are takmg over-the-counter whether the new drug WIll Ity of the drug to stop convul- WIth frUit JUIces By Marian Trainor drugs, let the doctor know mteract WIth other medIcatIOn Slons Those on anticoagulants When askmg your doctO! because It may be mcompatlble bemg taken The pharmaCist who dnnk, can mcreabe the thebe que"uon", dbo find out h d h I I I d. I \"Ith the preocnphon the doc- WIll al.,o bnef you on the bldp ra at p ::'onll'tllne., t lough, thdt t wy Id I lC "dme "ylllp- " abIlity of these drugs to stop what the medlcme will du I., It the, dre ('Atlcme, .,uth a., dUlI- tom" ab you and the drug tor has given Patlentb bhould effedb and other aspeclb ofthe blood clottmg AntIdepressants a cure for what aIls you, or I" rhpa, wCdkm'.,.,. mterferenw worked for them, IS a bad one give clear and concise reportb drug It 1<; belIeved that the mIxed WIth alcohol can cause Its purpose to ease pam or WIth "Ight 01 heanng II ,ou A drug that workb for one WIll on symptoms average pen,on takes too many an addIttonal reductton m one's lower fever? Some drugs make have a ploblem, cdll the duttO! not necessanly be effective for Some people play 20 que,,- drugs If the drugs are nervous system functIOn you drowsy or mterfere With Immedldtely another hons With thClr doctorb, absolutely necessary to mam- A patIent needs to know your abIlity to dnve answenng questIOns but never tam health, that's one thmg about the timmg of dosages Ask about SIde effectb Var) mg r(' can takmg any drugs HEAT reminds drivers to keep an eye on cars as weather lleats up used to commit other crimes chop shop operators HEAT "afety and work together Wlth unattended and follow some roof., left open and choo"mg to law enforcement to prevent Car theft heats up common sense safety tips duro park m your dnvcway lIIstedd • Many vehIcles are stolen also rewards $2,000 fO! mfor- for parts or for resale Once a matton leadmg to the Issuance calJackmgs and auto-thefts during the warmer mg thlb summer season of the garage al e all warm HEAT's hotlIne IS momtored "When It begins to warm up, weather tendencle" which vehIcle has been stnpped, It of a warrant for a calJackmg summer weather may never be recovered suspect by the MIchIgan State Police Summer's heat IS on the way motonsts often like to leave attrdct cal thieves and carJatk- • Your vehIcle may be stolen The auto-theft preventIOn and funded by MIchIgan auto - as the temperature nses, so their wmdows down and doors ers" msurance compames Smce unlocked leavmg all their Don't make your"elf a tal get and used by a thIef to perpe. program offers rewards to CItI- does the stateWide auto-theft 1985, HEAT has awarded more defenseb down as well m pre- for car theft - ob~erve the fol- trate more senous cnmes such zens Wlth reliable mformatlOn rates Accordmg to avaIlable regardmg auto-theft, auto- than $19 mIllion to tIp callers ventmg auto-theft," says Sue 10\\ mg blmple .,afety tip" as holdups statts tICS, when the weather DUring that period, the HEAT Allen, HEAT program admmls- • When parkmg your car on • And remember, If threat- theft related msurance fraud warms up, the overall cnme tip-line has receIVed 5,775 calls trator "But what dnvers don't a lot that reqUIre" you to leave ened by a calJacker With a gun and carJackmg mcreases, mcludmg auto-theft leadmg to the arrest of 2,180 antiCipate, even If leaVing their your keyb With the attendant, or other weapon, give up the HEAT contends that by and cafJackmg suspects and has recovered vehIcles for a short penod of leave only your IgmtlOn key car, don't argue A hfe IS more encouraging and rewarding Cit- Help Elimmate Auto-Thefts 2,676 vehicles estImated at time, they are removing almost • When your vehIcle IS Important than any car Izen mvolvement, Michigan (HEAT), a stateWide auto-theft cItIzens playa role m theIr own $29 9 mIllion prevention program, whIch all the challenges of car theft parked m your garage or dnve- operates a confidential toll-free _ essentially acceleratmg the way, never leave the keys III TIpsters that call the HEAT tIp reward hne, (800) 242- process for the thIef to get the IgmtlOn Many theftb occur tIp-hne are rewarded up to away Wlth theIr vehicle," says III reSIdential area., $1,000 If their tIp leads to the hmuly (,,.,,,.,/ HEAT, remmds dnvers, don't <) (;",,,,IN! make It easy for thIeves to get Allen • Always keep your garage arrest and prosecutIOn of a away Wlth you vehIcle "Don't be fooled by the lazy door locked suspected car thIef, and up to Sinc(' 1931 days of summer," says Jerry • Lock your IIlsurance cer- $10,000 IS rewarded If the tIp Resist the urge to leave your Basch, AAA manager of com. tlficates and other papers m results 10 the arrest and bmd- wmdows down and the doors mumty safety serVIces the glove compartment IIlg over for tnal of suspected unlocked when your car IS "Wmdows rolled down, sun- IdentificatIOn paperb tan be theft rmg members and/or St. John Senior Community celebrates Older Americans Month Health System, St John St John Semor Commumty tIes It gave them the opportu- and Vlce preSident of St John Semor Commumty offers care celebrated Nursmg Home mty to mteract Wlth reSIdents SeIllor Commumty 20220 CORNllLlE DR ROSEVILLE f.U ~ WEST OFF lITIlE MACK 1s1 BLOCK SOUTH OF13 MI Week (May 9-15) and Older and take an mSlde look at our Members of Cub Scout Troop that proVldes for the needs of Amencans Month by hostmg center Guests toured reSIdent 74 and Girl Scout Troop 2911, reSIdents, all under one roof two major events - Semor rooms, the library, chapel, gIft of Grosse POInte, also attended Levels of care range from OlymPICS for reSIdents of nurs- shop and other areas where the breakfast to help carry mdependent hVlng and assIst- mg homes and a free pancake reSIdents gather," said Kathy trays and aSblst m other ways ed hvmg to skilled nurslllg breakfast for the commumty Dunbar, chief operatmg officer A subSidiary of 8t John care At the SernoT OlympICS, resI- dents from St John Semor Consumers Commuruty and Bon Secours Nursmg Care Center competed Guide Compares m games tatlored to theIr abili- 28 Major Hearing ties, mcludIng kIck ball, putt- putt golf, ball toss and races Aid Brands All competitors received nb- GetThis Book To Learn: bons Lunch was served at St ./ What IS the best brand John Semor Commumty for you? A pancake breakfast, on May ./ How much do hearing 15, drew semors from the aids cost? Grosse POlntes, Harper Woods, ./ What you should expect St Clair Shores and other com- from new heanng aIds? mum ties Guests receIved a comphmentary breakfast, For a FREE copy, call: toured the center, and met Wlth reSIdents and pets, Bogey TOLL FREE and BandIt. A selectIOn of resI- dents' watercolors was also on 1-888-863-9515 dIsplay "We were pleased to welcome Ben Cavanagh. of Boy Scout Pack 74, chatted with Edith and Cui Cook of Harper semors from area commum- Woods at a pancake breakfast held at St. John senior Community. High Energy OUf .. ~ Horrw Equity amenztzes. -.... .I\('I thn ..~ 1111lnllOll" patnt S1IlL.1I., d,lIl\ In 0111 dmml( IOOIll" No closing costs - No application fee a picture "lOp .md "l11dl Ihe ro'e" No title cost - No points - No appraisal cost In ollr g Irden" Ride No annual fee for the first year ollr bll., to ) ollr do<.\or ~ I Ilunj!n f"r ., ".1, I" n"ln, ,. ,h,' ,n'IIl'h "f hlf!:h-' n,1 ..r ...hl') olhle 1'1.1) \\ nh d,II~\ I ~lml'lv Ir.lll,f.'r .111".1" SoIIl.IHHI nr ,Iraw 'hal amonnl alllm .. nf pup' Boge\ .md Bll1dll fllmllll!! .1' In.IIHln dllli vnll.II!!,'1 a ,.ra, kllll~ ~nUlI Illlr'Hln ..lnry IOg.lgl 111,llll\ltle., \\llh ral .. alllllh.'11 I'rmll' Hall' f"r t,f .. l('urn'nlly al 7,7517, APR) If1eod, Alk'nd 11111"ll,d l'\en!., 1 •.,Il'o III Ihe Nol rnm h "'IlIllv III 'll"r horn." Ch ....k n,,1 nlll 100"/, horn .. "'f- illfd~ lImp mdllor~ iliI)' hll.' "f (r(',h, .11 ; ;;"!r \I'H fllr Ih,' fir" .,X rnlllllh._ .mll The'e e\lr,l" .lfe pMl III Ih ..11 ,mn ..rl' III .1 vdrldl,l(' rdlf .. wh .. h ,,(.urr('nlly 9 ')O"!rAPR the p,ll" Il(e Ih.1I lOllll'" \.k II' ~, •.II ,hnw ,n" hm~ 1,,1... I'rq,arl',1 for Sl'nllj( W1lh hlj(h \\llh .1 lll111101l1l1ll 01

l'n ..rll" Telephone Loan centef '.8OO.DlAL.FFM Lire II "I john '>I.' 111m Toll Free '.800.342.5336 ( Illlllllll nn\ \X e Illll'l IIId1\ ItllI.1i nl'l'th ,tIld t ...:FIRST FEDERAL Illll'l ,I \\ hllil' IIlI Illore -:---. OF MICHIGAN 1In l/ /()/Il (///(/{Il'(, A,;Il' uc; We cando 11ow !l1/1l " /,/{."". «II/ I'DIC Cheek out our super IfMICI8lS on the Inlemetl (){)) ),; ....!2(,) Insured www"omcom BrarK'h omns tIt~t IItt'tropolitan [holl'Oit. OlWl[o, K.I.maroo, fh.lI'llIO. Ourand. f:Jw,.anllljl. fltll'1IlOlland Kmtwood...... 0.~' ~-" 1

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• ,( June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News 13A -if

J!liliIIIIidI i I~--"~-~-- ~~l8~~~I~~~ f I , Nade-lo-Neasure 6hirLB • Bar9~ins For Dad••• I:~ .( -- , ,r- I 'I T TI:2UNK&~OW t' /, 6i\TUQ[)i\Y. JUNE19 - 900 - 500 ~ .',1. T Choose from hundreds of the finest Imported t-') " Specializing In: j fabncs then select your collar, cuffs and details, '~, Fine UsedFurniture, Antiques, I '> j T and we'll measure you for a personalized fit 1999 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4 ',1, -Pottery, Dining Room Sets, 1 I Please calllo sel up your appomlmenl now t) CLOTH lClll'-8ACK BUCKET SEAr; 4-SPEED A lJIOMATIC nw..S\flSSlON 40 UID ENGINE WITH POWER TECH l-{, S£CURflY AlARM !'OWER WINDOWS POWER lOCKS POWER MIRRORS CRUISE illT AM/FM "" J J Bedroom Sets /1 6pccml OfTer ~ CASSETTE ~\D KEYlE,S ENTRY STOCK 19"<261 , T ~~~ , Free Local Delivery '~ 6 or more shirts receive 20% off f I J 36 MONTH LEASEI M*O Layaways (June 12 ..26) M 5 R P $29 \75 r~ 12,000 MILES A YEAR $309 • $1,899 DUE AT INCEPTION (, Monday, Wednesday - Saturday 11:00-6:00 I'T Exclu'ilve1yal 'f /( Closed Tuesday & Sunday Antonio Qimanelli ~i#t~teM~ "" ) 15302 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Park / 1:-. l~" (313) 822-3452 l 203Y5 Mack Ave ('Wf nusn 11.1.1:flllC\ su:n.I'I.nIUi 'l'II ..flTI' mil J T --- /II We accept VISA.Mas~ercard. DIscover &: American Expr;ss '1 / Gl'O!\!\e Potnle Wcxxls MI 48236 25800 C,:ATICT ROSEVillE '...' ',', 'C" 1 ) ,':1 :;., (,;~ F::T ',~_,.':18. (::';"0 hnp ..,...:.jT'~I.:h's:'_'-:: ]. L ..-_h~'" ' ,..L.. .. , j.---J <, 3L3-882-0173 ,W[rJ I,IOtl.&THURS S:<(jAr,l TO"Pf,L (810) 772.0800 rUE.5" INFD & HII. fl30 AI.'" 6:00 P r.1 L.::-~~_' .-- -' _/ .._~~~ ~~~~~~~ Pmnper your gather give /Jim a manicure and ,r peth'cure wilh !lll4ry,&zdy, ,f~ ftrmer manicurisl allhe ~.~.(;-..:. L MEAT,SPlNAt1I Oll CHlCUN PIlls iW<, ' <"'iff Olicken On Order Only :0.71.C :JJarber 0hop. .' ~-~ Each I Dozen $1.19 $12.95 COCKTAILS SIZt Bel him enioy an hour 0/ SPECIALIZING IN Meat, Spmach or Chicken $10 SO • KildMm5 . stocIt and CU5tom - On Order Onl • Dozen • Anslokraft. Bertch ..Conan refaxalion in aprioale selling. Counters o Bath5 . Complete Jobs Of Parnal HOMOS B'TAHINI STIlFFED GRAPE LEAVES Jfe is worlh if! Kohler. Delta . Moen - Ceramic Comaiaet $7.2S.1/2 Coowner $4 50 Cootamer$12.95 in Comalller NEW WINDOWS Tile Installahons BAllA GHANNOOS o Pella • Adelman5 ..Year 'round Installahans STUFFED SQUASH • Anderson COIlIaUler 57 25 • E'!frY Door. Standard & Fancy III Comamer $4 S 'Zucmm o Marvin $9,95 CaaIastler FIbei'gla5S, sleeI, wool TAJOlILEIISALAD o Polar Seal • Roofing - Overlay or Tear Off • Eagle ~$S.2S S'J'1lFf£D CABBAGE ROl.L$ $ pws IMPOKTED MIDEASTERN GROCERIES • Call Today 810-777-6633 OPEN7 DAYS' Co_", " lido • ..,. A•• 1aIlk Monday 10-00 a.m. ''"01» p.m.. TIMsda'1 S.CUrday , 311.. 11\. '-iJO p..m.. 29927Harper. St. Clair Shores S"",,"y II 00 L .....7-OOp..... 12205 MACK (between 8'" MIle Roods) .fG1 SL Clair Shores. (PartIng D Rcuusc (ffOIICCtlltuCC) 81 ()'777.2256 ••

@ive the world's ~Z-e;'t(;;'d greatest Dad SUMMERTIME SPECIAL the world"s finest PRE-SIDEWALK SALE humidor! ELlE BLEU The most prestigious, exquIsItely crafted START NOW - DON'TWAIT cigar humidor In the world Imported to Michigan exclUSively by Churchill's - and Just In time for Father's Day. But hurry' The quantity IS Iimrted, UPTO 50% OFF and these ~ent beauties WIll go fast. Q' chooH from IuIdreds of other gifts. FURNISHINGS, AR~ LAMPS AND UNIQUE ACCESSORIES FortlJlately, Churchilis has a NAME BRANDS By BAKER,HENREDON, CENTUIrf, SHERRILL •• spectacular array of perfect presents No HousE CtWGIS PUASE. CAsH.CHta. V_Ie ~AccIPTm for Pops like II superb selectIOn 130 KERCHEVAL AVENUE. GROSSE POINTE FARMS • 313-8.5-2701 • HOURS: MON-FRI 10-5 of cigars. vast vllnety of hand- There crafted pipes Cool collection so of crystal and other ashtrays And II great dmIVl9 assortment of srnokJng you may nat accessories. know exactly what ClJl}iQdCBit«k qj"Qi~ited~ to get the old guy. WeBrmg People And Nature Together But you will know you've VlS/t us wwwwbu com come to the right place! Give Dad the Gift of Nature™ - International selection of • Bird Feeders • Bird Houses • Chimes • Sun Dials • Bird Baths • Field Guides premium Cigars. - smoking gifts and accessones . • Binoculars • Purple Martin Houses • Bat Houses • Thermometers - PrIvate Cigar lockers available . • Wind Sculptures • Rain Gages • Michigan's Largest Line of Feeder Hardware - Pipes and tobaccos; Imported and • Large Selection of Gift Wrapped Feeders • Gift Certificates domestic cigarettes. - MIChigan's first free Cigar smoking lounge - Complimentary dally newspapers; current magazines , r;.., Ir--~------'00 I 't.'~ I '1 OFF lay parcIaMe ...... I ." I (CemotbtUMd .. qotlWofftfor ..... itIm8) ElIP 6-30-98 I L Churehills ---~-----~----~------~------~....Gift Wrapping Available- • 3 Locations • .21425 Mack, St. Clalr Shores. (810) 775-3181 20485 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods • 313/881-1410 .309 Howard St.. Petoskey, Ml.. (616) 348-5545 (Cu~tomcr Parkmg Behmd Store) • BAY HARBOR STORE OPENING JULY 1. 1999 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.• 10:00.6:00 • Thurs. 10:00.8:00. Sat. 9:30.5:00 • Sun. 11:00.3:00 , June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News 14A Schools Grosse Pointe students host French exchange students By Bonnie Caprara 109 soccer," said Brett The chIldren commented on Staff Wnter "Here, the kIds play 10 the the differences 10 the way pea. Twenty-eIght ...tudent" from street together," saId Plerre- pie get around the Wurtz L'Ewle m Pans are Igor "In France we stay home "What I really notIced IShow spendmg three week!>with "tu- WIth a babySItter There aren't much they walk and nde dent" and their famIlies In the a lot of thmgs to do " bIkes," saId Kerby fifth-grader Pomte ...a" part of an Amencan- The chIldren also noticed bIg Emily HIli ~We dnve more" Frenlh cultural exchange pro- dIfferences III schools and Hubbell noted that many gr once a week slOce October ed to a receptIOn hosted by the bathroom" when our chIldren went run- to prepare for the tnp Neither pre"ldent of the senate The French "tudents were mng on the grass to play In the Pomte nor the French stu- The students have been partIcularly Impresbed WIth Pans, grass IS more valued dents were fluent In each amazed WIth the dIfferences the open fields and play- We learned very qUIckly" other\ languages, but at least between the two cultures grounds here The students also comment- knew key words and phrases f.Everythmg here IS so bIg!" "There are more green fields ed on the dIfferences m not The French students spoke saId French student Aubm here than there are m Pans," Just where kIds play, but how through an mterpreter for thiS Hubet "Everyone has a bIg saId French "tudent Sarah they play ,tory house Everythmg IS Duclent "The relatIOnshIps between D~nng thetr VISIt here, the bIg glasses of orange JUice, "They don't trust kIds That's French kIds IS a lot more phys- French ,tudents VISited the tables " why there aren't as many play- Ical," said Ferry fifth-grader Benefitmg The Northeast GUIdance Center DetrOit FBI office, Pewablc The Pomte students stayed grounds Everyone watches the Chnstme Cullen "The boys df {ju'tit:d dftt .::5how & gamily gun gai'/. Pottery. Selfndge Air Force WIth famlhes who hved III kIds," said French student play sports and the gtrls play Baile and \\cnt on a DIamond apartments PIerre-Igor DaSSIe Jump rope" Jack\ nverboat nde "It surpnsed me that every- Kerby prmclpal, DebbIe "There was a big fight one Saturday and Sunday The Pomte students VISIted thmg was a lot smaller," saId Hubbell, who accompamed the day because the French guys the Louvre, the O'rsay, a Kerby fifth-grader Brett Pomte students to France, weren't used to the girls play- June 12th and 13th, 1999 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Library announces summer film festival On the Grounds of the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House By Bonnie Caprara arelpm June 29, 30 and July l. Brown " July 27, 28, 29. "Arthur's 1100 Lake Shore Road • Grosse Pointe Shores Staff Wnter ThIS summer's Imeup ~MIckey and the Beanstalk" and "The Three LIttle PIgs." ChIcken Pox," and "The Summertime IS mOVIe tIme Includes Ente.J:ai.nmE.l'lt & P>f.lJf.' and the Gros"e Pomte Public July 6, 7, 8. "Great Honey Nutshell LIbrary" good Llbranes has announced ItS June 15, 16, 17. "Mary-Kate Pot Robbery," and "Angus and AdmISSIOn IS free No regts- go'tJ dfou.~E. CJOl.L't1. ; ~ c'l.a.ft 0fn/; lineup of children's movIes for & Ashley's Hotel Who-Done-It," the Ducks" ItS Summer FIlm FestIval and "Blumpoe the Grumpoe July 13, 14, 15. "Adventures tratIon IS necessary ~hOP _~'tow~e ChJd'l.f MOVies WIll be shown Meets Arnold the Catl1vhlhons of Cunous George," and "The For more mformatlon, call the Woods Branch at 343-2072. Tuesdays at the Woods Branch, of Cats " Reluctant Dragon" AdmISSlOI\- $3 00 to SIJllIlOIt !he Northeast Guidance Center CommunItY Mental Health Care programs the Park Branch at 343-2071, Wednesdays at the Park June 22, 23, 24. ~he Wmd July 20, 21, 22. "Wallace & Par'KJng- $2 00 .10 suppol1 Shorewood KIWaniS and Edsel & Eleanor Ford House or the Central LIbrary at 343- Branch, and Thur"days at the 10 the Willows," and Gromlt A Grand Day Out," For Further Information Please Call 313 824.5641 Central LIbrary Show tImes "Corduroy" and "It's a Mystery Charhe 2074

11 questions to ask . • • . . . w hen con sid e r in g mid d ] e s c h 001 5 for y o.u r chi] d . will my chddopportunityhave the to partICipate in Interscholastic athletics? wdl my chtld what about community servtce programs? be offered a UL S mIddle schoolers have a chOICe of more than 15 mterscholastlC sports m whICh to partICipate on a voluntary baSIS - competmg With well-rounded program' publL~ paro~hlal and mdependent s~hools throughout the area ULS athletIC taullt,es mclude three gyms 25 aues of playmg helds two ()ur ,tudl nls lI1JO) an lI~ht plrlod da) l n~ompa"lng toru~n lan~ua~l ,tudy lennlS ~omplexes two sWlmmmg pools and a state of the art mdoor InLludmg Iaun an In~!I,h ~urnluilim ~omblnmg Iradilional ~rammar SlUd,es ICe arlna openmg m Novemher 1999' Students also partICIpate In a ",Ih ,trong "ntln~ and hleralurl program' a ~omprlhln"ve ph),,~alldlKatlon vanety 01 commumty service projects dunng the <;chool year - g,vmg 1I1f11luium and a 'Oph"tllated art, program mdlldll1g ",ua) art, mOVlmlnl oj theIr tIme and lalent to groups and md,vlduals less jortunate drama ~horalL and or~hl'tra)

that's great! but do they You bet Our academIC prog,am Include' actIVitIes deSIgned spec,hcally to IntereSI will my child be havofun middle school aged students such as am nationally recognized olltdoor cducatron program geared tor Sixth grader<. Unlled Nation, Day when studenls simulale a day at the UN an archaeologKal dIg Wlntlf too? prepared camping outings and hands on proJeus In all a~ademll d,suplme, for high school and beyond? do you have any other questions? Wl ,In" ,\..111 aUIL""I'on ,ll Ihl mpddlL for admiSSions, finanCial aId and ,~hool - ,\..111, In "nllen and oral scholarship Information contact UlmmunPlal"m In prohlem ,01, Il1g and u>mrulatlol1 In n'larlh d,,~u""lI1 and lollahoratlon - a, preraratlon lor thl lhalkn!!l' that !Ie ahead A Ul" middle 'l hoot edulatlon ",dud" ,urport 01 thl ,~hool , value' 01 re'ree t re'ron"h.lllv tru't ....orthll1l" and lompa"lOn ( learlv statld lXPl

primary, lower and upper schools 1045 cook road, grosse pOinte woods, ml 48'236 313.884 4444 Will my child be taught In outslandln:::~I~I~~eus: Clas s size? middle school 850 briarcliff drive, grosse pOInte woods, ml 48236 313 886 4220

Th, PlllJdl, Sl hool ~alll plL' l"lIhtll' .1fl l 'lLiI, nl ,,'th \l/l II ,qlllprld I"h, lomr"ttr l< nil" ....,th "h( r optll www uls pvt k 12 ml us Illl~hon(, "l1d an lXtl""\( Ilhr"" w,tlm ()urLi",,(, ,l\lr,lKl 1(, <;lud(n" otl,r,ng"!I,,lv lLarllln~enVlf(lllment ()ur I"lulll lomhlll" Ihl latl'llIl Ul"l,lIlClnal rlS'olrlh and I("rnln~ Il~hlllqUl' to thl traditional da,~room exref1en~e lInlvC'p.m I ,~~('tt "'l< J,ool admit ...\Wdfn, ...wnnoHI o "hple "ur ldvISU "nd da" dlan ,Iru, IUr( lend, '''prOf! I" Ihl 'ollal and al"demll Kfowlh nl voun!! adole,~elll' f('l'l'ard m rau" (olm rcllJ(lon 'ion or nallonill and C'thrm. orl~,n

----~ ------• June 10, 1999 15A Grosse Pointe News Schools

North student receives scholarship SCHOOL NOTES GrObse Pomte North High LUi'>a Ib the daughter of ar" partltlpate m programi'> m School semor LUi'>aBergmann Dietrich and Phylhi'> Bergmann the Honor" College at MSU m North AP biology St. Clare PTO has been awal ded a 1999 of Groi'>"e Pomte Wood!> She addItIOn to the academic work Graduation prayer Alumm DI~tmgUli'>hed plans to major m Enghsh at m their major service to be held symposium planned collecting books St Clare of Montefalco Scholarship by MIchigan State MSU with chemistry and the The ~tlpend, whIch Ib renew- The Grobse Pomte The Groi'>se Pomte North School PTO Ii'>collectmg book'i Umverslty "oclal sCiencei'> ab additional able over mne i'>emebter'i, cov- Mmlstenal ASSOCIatIOnIb hold- HIgh School AP bIOlogy c1a,~ I" for It" 15th Annual Ui'>ed Book Lusa I~ one of 12 'itudent'i atademlc mtere"tb Her hIgh erb tUItIOn, room and board, holdmg- a bIOlogy "ympo~lUm mg a graduatIOn prayer i'>ervlce Sale whIch Will be held nationwide to TPCPlvethe ~chol i'>choo!att!vltle" mcluded varsl- book, and other academIC on Saturday, June 12, at 12 ,~O on Sunday, June 13 at 6 55 September 15-19 aT!>hlp Thl' )eUI, mort' th,m ty "wlm te.lm, .Irt, photogra- eXpenbei'>, plu, $1,000 Total pm P m at St Paul Evangehcal Book .. may be depoi:>lted m 1,200 hIgh Sthool i'>emOT' phv, tutormg and partiCIpatIOn value of the i'>cholar"hlp for an Student" Will pre<,ent pro- Lutheran Church, 375 the bill In''lde the carport of the natIonwide competed for thli'> m the NatIOnal Honor Society m-btate i'>tudent I~ approxl- Jects and ul',play" on blOmed- church at 1401 Whittier, award "I ChIN' MSU becau~e of the mately $45,000 over the term Lothrop, Gros!>e Pomte Farmb ICdl eng-meermg, Immunology, Gro""e Pomte Park, any day ~l am extremely plea~ed to ADS ~cholar~hlp I wab gIVen of the award DevlII SCllhon from WDIV- neurobIOlogy, evolutIOn, phy,l- before 2 p m For those unable welcome the'ie exceptIOnal stu- and the dcademlc freedom I TV will speak on "Prepanng ology and ontology to drop off books, call 882-4330 dents to MIchigan State dei'>lred," bald LII"a "For me, I Studentb are 'ielected by a for the Journey" To regli:>ter, cdll 1734) 425- for pIck up Umverslty,' said MSU presl- like the I{UIAL (}{ebldentlal wmmlttee of fdtulty dUU For more mfolllldtlUn, Ldll 8339 0r l. mall Proceed" from thlb sale go to dent Peter McPherson "They OptlOnb In Arts and Letters) adminIstrators who 'ielect the 881-6670 SpearbS@gp k12 ml U'i the St Clare School lIbrary Jom a dli,tmgulbhed group of progl am m the College of Arts reCIpients babed on resulti'> of Pierce musicians play and ennchment programs academIcally talented and and Letter" When I vl'ilted the i'>cholar~hlp eXaminatIOn, in the park accomplished students and there I Ju"t fit In I hke the Idea high school programi'> and Library reading The chOIr, band and orche~- alumm We are proud to recog- of a 'imaller commumty Within achievements, other standard- program under way tra from Pierce Middle School mze them for theIr talents and a larger tommumty" Ized test scores and mtervlew!> Trombly Elementary RegistratIOn for the G'day performed at the Fe'itlval In achIevements" Alumm dli'>tlnl!lllshed schol- of the finahst!> the Park!> In Cmcmnat!, on for Readmg Club of the 1999 Ice Cream Social May 21 and 22 Trombly Elementary School StatewIde Summer Readlllg The chOIr, under the direc- Program IS under way at the will be holdmg Its annual Ice tion of Barbara Widener, Cream SOCIal on Fnday, June Grosse POlllte Pubhc Llbranes receIVed firi'>t place wlthm Itb 11, starting at 5 30 p m Students can pick up a read. category The orchestra, under The event features a student 109 record to keep track of the the directIOn of Joe Bauer, art exhibit, a Moon Walk, danc- pages and numbers of books receIved second place m It~ cat- mg, face pamtmg, a dunk tank, they read throughout the sum- egory The band, under the hot dogs, bratwurst, popcorn, mer Students can earn one directIOn of LIZ Pamerleau, and of course, Ice cream tIcket for a grand prize for receIVed fifth place In ItS cate- For more mformatlon, call every 50 pages they read gory 821-2154 Children who are not yet reading can Jom the Read-To - Me Summer Reading Harper Woods Veterinary Hospital, P.C. Program Anyone who reads 10 books is pleased to announce that or has 10 books read to them Wlll receive a paperback book Dr. Rebecca Smith (one book per child) The fun wraps up With a has joined summer readmg celebratIOn at the Grosse POlllte War James Reaume, DVM David Balaj, DVM Memonal Center on Tuesday, John Brewster, DVM Joel Katlein, DVM August 3 Larry Rajewski, DVM Gerald Barnes, DVM Channel 7 salutes the 'Brightest and Best' For more informatIOn call WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 is honoring over 200 graduating high school students in its the Central Library at 343- in the practice at Veterinary Medicine at 20th annual "Brightest and Best" public service campaign. a tribute to Michigan 2074, the Park branch at 343- 20102 Harper Ave. Harper Woods high school seniors who have demonstrated excellence in academic and communi- 2071, or the Woods branch at ty pursuits. The station has produced a series of public service announcements fea- 343-2072 turing the students and sponsored by Elias Brothers Restaurants, which will air on (313) 881-8061 Channel 7 throughout the summer months. Pictured are University Liggett School senior Ryan Clement, of the City of Grosse Pointe: WXYZ-TV/Channel7 traffic reporter Monica Jackson; Grosse Pointe North High School senior Betsy Huebner, IIITI[1-1LJ TlII1TTL~r_0..= of Grosse Pointe Shores; and Grosse Pointe South High School senior Sandra Turn. bull. of the City of Grosse Pointe. ThlJnk Yim for Tour Support of the 1999 St. Paul Golf Outing L L l I r-- L-

~• I h L.-..

Th" year's beneh,.t Uxhm~:t~: ::::;:~:u;::,:~::~':r:',mP:~::h:Ir:;:~~'~:;dl999$1 P.WGolt .ommlll(:Clal nmC' ot tbanks to 0sU,r,v[Wer'OsCf'O"$"N()rpora.[t~lponsors MlChcon Home SCrollCS ~~ C.ul Croskey, Pcps! Cola Corporaoon, Da,c Demps'), The J,m sJ",s Agen" JIm S.lOS Our 'h,lOk> also goes ou' [(I all of the bcncfal..tors..,hole sponsors donors pb)U"s and \oluncccrs \\110 the Clent posslblc:

Corporate Spomon MIChcon Home ServiCes Carl Croskey Dirksen Screw Products Co ell fford 0 Irksen PepsI Col. Cackey Wolvenfle Packmg lames Bonahoom M( Joe Zanoni at the Prime Lending Rate. Mr & Mrs WillIam McCormlclr.. 1] Mr Pf>ter OII\N

L JTIrr_n~~1~J 1_11]-"[Ill ~ Bo"owfor: >- Home improvements >- Vacation >- Bill consolidation Sail >- That new boat UNIVERSITY LIGGETT SUMMER SCHOOL 1045 Cook Road • Grosse Pointe Woods, MI48236 REPUBLIC SAT Preparation Courses 6.Week Verbal/Math June 28 • August 6 3-Week VerballMath June 28. July 16 or July 19 - August 6 ~BANK 2-Week Verbal/Math August 9 - 20 Academic Courses for Grades 2 • 12 ~_•....•••~ •..•.••.. SIX Weeks, June 28 . August 6 Math Regular • Grades 2-8 English Readmg' Grades 2 4 Gro~'lC POll1te Pre Algebra Reading and Writing • Grades 5-6 Algebra I ReView Language Arts. Grades 7-8 Advanced Algebra Composition. Grade 9 18720 Mack Avenue (313) 882-6400 Algebra II Advanced ComposlllOn • Grades 10-12 93 Kercheval (313) 417-5210 French I and II Spanish I and 11 Study SkIlls Grades 6-12

, p, me 'dll h Thr APR" II~o,;" 014 11'l9 'or hnme ('(I Iy lio<' III ereu I WIh, comh npd loan In va UPIITYInl 7'>"" or Courses meet between 8:00 a.m. - Noon (i) le<;\ drf I wlnm II r [lIVn1f II r1 ) I 1 h',"~ Rf'f}Ih r B1n~ r"'H~ n~ (Ill..ounl ThaI "n jq rf'ma n opplllo' thp j,p of'~ lnan Tutonals are available for other needs (inquIre) • Note. Classes may be cancelled If underenrolled, i.,tN'l>n R~lt IT lV j ( ,hI t pi n 1 I I (H) (Wtr~1 ,r"l (\\11HflT) ";ri( rlh~ Ann lal Pflrrrn,aqr RCltr (, llf"rJ to Pr mf' i1<;. hc;!pd I IhP Wa I Strt I r) I J 01 I 11t (' Wit lahlf nt'~ (J f .., ,I ~rr to orma~ Irp(1l' r1r IIrrmflf11~ Si1r'f1r loan<;. m"v rPQU rp t~11p For more information or a registration form, call Tony Gallaher, Director of ULS Summer SChool MEMBER nc;,Wll1n 1 I 1m r, ,1 <;. MIx ml rr lirR c; 1f~(I( H 1'1 rn ...... llf'J'i nc; ,nr)('f' rrQ rt j Can,u I VOl r 1('1)<; necessary to effectively present moon~ Tho,(' encounter", rmg" one of Its moons, l1tan, MacIOlek ha ... been selected to the tOpIC>;they WIll later teach along wIth re(('lIt hP) findlllg" and the magmficent bubble b(' a Ca;'>IIlI-Huygen" educator m theIr \\ orkshoph from the Hubble "p,IW tele- that surrounds them The mls- fello\\ WIth Challenger Center "cope and glound-ba<,<>d oh'>e'I- ~lOn will also IJ1clude sendmg fOl Space SClCnce EducatlOll "What Illlpre~~ed me about vatone", umtlllUl' to l'lltKl' ,CI- the Huygen~ probe to the sur- MdclOlek JOlm 20 other educa- the JPL trammg wa, gettmg to (>ntl;t~ IIho Vll'11the SatulllIdn face of l1tan tor" II ho will tram other area know the staff and the other "ystem d" ,I olle-,top tJea"U1e For more mformatlOn about teaLhel" cOllcellllllg the fellow... They are energetic, trove Illth lIlulltle<,<, elm', to the Challenger Center for ('a ""111 I Huygell'> ml~.,,101l creative and enthUSIastic peo- the hl"tOl~ oj pI.ull'tal ~ and Space SCience EducatIOn and ple who will be a dehght to ~oIal '>v"telll 1'\ olutlOII It~ programs, VISIt www chal- The major I(:<,ponslblhtws of work WIth The great variety m lenger org For more mforma- a C a"'~1111Huygen~ educator our barkgrounds and Job; Will Thl' ,,('\,('11 \(':u L,I'''lIll- tlOn about the CasslIll- ULS Players take [('lIow I" to mohvatp and trdm help to d('v('\op and to C'volvC' Huvgen" n11"Hlll "tmtt'd Oct Huy~('n~ ml""lOn, VI"lt th(' other educatol s about the Ideas" "aId MacIOlek 15, 19IIlI-Huvgen~ mlS>;lOn Ca""InI "pau'udft Amolli{ the wwwnasagov 'Arsenic' to Nebraska lhlng a work~hop plesentahon CaS,,11lI IS a follow-up ml"- The University Liggett School Players are brushing and e1a;~room actlvltJe~ >;up- ,lOn to the brief reconnal~~ance up on their production of "Arsenic and Old Lace" for phl'd b~ Challenger CC'nter of Saturn performed by the a run at the Educational Theater Association/Inter- IllltJaI tramlllg for the feI- PIOneer 11 bpacecraft m 1979 If you are what American Heart a1. national Thespian Society national conference. June 10\1, took place III late ApnI at and the Voyager 1 and 2 Association ..V' 21-25. at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Neb. F'9h""9Heart~ the Jet PropublOn Laboratory encounter~ of 1980 and 1981 you eat, why not ands-. The Players wUl hold a special re-dress performance m Pa,adena, Calif They Those hIghly succe"sful fly- at the school at 1045 Cook Road. Grosse Pointe receIved an IIlten~lve tralllmg bys produced I"olumes of mfor- cut back on fat? Woods. on June 18. at 7:30 p.m. For more informa- workshop on the CaSSIIlI- matlOn, dlSCOIerles and ques- tion call (313) 884-4444, ext. 271.

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• • June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News News 17A Woods council again votes to delay decision on Brys project By Jim Stickford meet WIth neIghbors so that expect that the case Will be Councllman AI DlcklO"on CouncIlman EriC Stemer ..,dld Fontan,l I'" prop0l>mg to demo! Slaff Wnter some sort of compromise mIght heard until sometIme 111 2000 said that when he wa~ hopeful he agreed WIth Chylml>kl dnd l..,h ..,Iumld ..,tay up In a 4-3 vote, the majonty of be worked out CIty attorney George CatlIn that when he voted to table the he al..,o had conler n" ovcr the In the end, th(' Chylml>kl'l> the Grosse Pomte Woods City At Monday's meetlOg SaId that the laWSUit IS a prI- questIOn m Apnl that Fontana htlgatlon motIOn rpcclved the l>upport of Council voted to table a van- Fontana, through hiS attorney vate matter deahng With deed would meet With nClghborc, and Councilwoman Vllkl Enc Stemer, Thom,l.., Fahrner ance request by Dr Matthew Ralph Kliber presented a new restnctlOns. which do not fall develop a plan that all lOuld Granger ,,bury It wa.., Fontana that would allow the plan, which requIres only two under the junsdlctlOn of the hve With bulldmg wa..,ju..,t too big for the oppo"'l'd by Vlckt Granger, development of a larger-than- vanances IOstead of the four counCil He saId that the new plan lot and thdt "oml thmg hke thl" Mayor Rol]('rt Novltke and At allowed by law office bUlldmg ongmally proposed by Berschback also pomted out btIll callb for carl> to aClel>..,the requl red a filCl' greenl]('lt to Dllkm"on Thp motlon did not at the corner of Mack and Brys Fontana that Fontana's new plan l>tIll proposed parkmg lot vIa Sry.., l>eparate the bU"'!nl'''''' from the' Include' some- reSidentIal reum..,ldued So It. In effect, the council 10 Apnl with a van- variances for the front and Side parkmg lot vIa Brys and not thmg he felt strongly about Chyhn~kl madl a motIOn to wa.., t,lbled mdelillltely ety of vanance requests con- setbacks City zomng ordi- Mack That was one of the CounCIlman Thomal-> table the vanallll' reque..,t to Dllkm..,on "',lId that tabhng cerning setbacks and park10g nances reqUire a 10-foot Side strongest pomts of contention Fahrner bald that he hked the gIve Fontana time to l>lt down the motIOn wa.., a mll>take HIs plans met wIth <;trong yard ~etback Fontana's plan between Fontana and the arpa new plan and that car" Ipavp hI'" arNI rp"'lopoh aod work Evprvool' m,ldp their pO'HtlOn.., opposlbon from homeowners has room for only SIXfeet The reSidents offiles at 5 or 6 pm, ,,0 mo"t out a new plan that olutiOn Il> who hve near the proposed codes also call for a 25-foot He urged the counCil to reject neIghbors would not be mcon- hve With for Fontana to wme up With a office bUIldmg front yard setback Fontana Fontana's plans and pomted vemenced by car hghts or traf- She later "aid th<1t "he al..,o plan that need" no Vdnances These residents expressed a was askmg for a 10 foot set- out that the lot IS buIldable, fic doebn't want the uty to ht of build- debate and the property could the proposed bUlldmg would eight feet chosen plans that reqUire van- plan would have the doctor pay 109 an alley, e"peually when 1](' developed to the benefit of mcrease traffic at an mtersec- Attorney Charles ances from the council If for constructIOn of the alley, the developer hal> ..,hown a will- all tion that already IS too busy Berschback spoke for hIS Fontana came up WIth a plan which IS currently grass IOgness to pay the expen..,e Brys leads to the old Eight chents Mr and Mrs Thomas that would follow city zonmg WIthout the vanancel>. the city himself Mile entrance to 1-94 Sulhvan, who have strongly codes, then there would be no would have to pay $30,000 to She also bald that the hou..,e Residents also objected to opposed several of Dr need of heanngs and he could bUild an alley If Fontana Fontana's proposal to tear Fontana's plans to develop hiS proceed WIth no opposItion deCided to put In an office down the house, which he property, all of which reqUIred from anyone buildmg owns, Immediately abuttmg variances from the city counCil Several neighborhood resI- Councllwoman Patty Horse Liniment the Mack lot where the office Berschback saId that a tem- dents got up and VOIced their Kukula-Chyhnskl sald that Eases Arthritis buildmg would be constructed porary restrammg order has agreement With Berschback she was glad to have the This now empty lot would be been Issued by judge Daphne They also wondered why the chance to weIgh m and that Pain used to provide the parkmg CurtIS of Wayne County councIl kept makmg It neces- the Issue was emotIOnal She OCALA H --An mgrcdlentdemed needed for the office bUlld10g CIrCUIt Court forblddmg the sary for them to appear at said that the counCil wal> part- Irom hot pepJX." Ih~t dLcred'c, Inlldm The neighbors said that meetmgs, mstead of just voting ly at fault for the confUSIOn ITILlllOn In rdu:hor ....c ...leg, I' now rc(.og- development of the property on m.r<.d$'Jlc andctlc'CIIVC lorhumJn u'c puttmg an office bUlldmg on the grounds that Fontana's and gettIng the whole thmg because there wab no master The Ingr<.d,ent h~, hccn formulJled InIO Mack IS one thmg Extendmg plan VIOlates a restrIctive over With They said they did- plan for them to follow or to J product <.nlled ARTH-Rx and come' the parkmg mto residentIal covenant n't oppose development of the act as a guide for developers In a 'trenglh dc,"gned for humdn, Re areas would be too much of an The order prevents Fontana property and they reahzed It She saId that m the past the ,eJrchcl'are c'Lllcd,md,~y Ihetoffi1ul.1 can relieve

$6~? $15~B. 99~BAG $69~CH P,esem IhlS (oupon 10 your

J June 10, ~999 18A Obituaries Grosse Pointe News John M. Cosgrove Funeral arrangements were Presby ten an Church for Woods Andrew Mizzi handled by the Wm R reSident James H Hull, who A memonal seTVlce was held A funeral Mass was celebrat- HamIlton Co dIed at St John HospItal and on Sunday, May 23 m Miami ed on Monday, May 24 at St Memorial contnbutlOn~ may MedIcal Center on Monday, for former Park and City of Joan of Arc CatholIc Church In be sent to St Paul's EducatIOn May 31,1999 Grosse Pomte resident John M St ClaIr Shores for Woods res- Fund or the Friend!> of Bon Mr Hull, 71, was born In Cosgrove, of Miami, who died Ident Andrew MIZZI, who died Secours Hop Bottom, Pa, and was a on Thursday, May 20, 1999 on Thursday, May 20 at St graduate of OhIO Northern Mr Cosgrove, 70, wa" born John Ho"pltal and Medical UmversItv He was the execu- m DetrOit and graduated from Robert C. Harrison Center III DetrOit A funeral seTVlce was held on tIve dIre~tor of Concrete PIpe the Umver~lty of Miami m Mr MIZZI, 68, was born In Miami Saturday, May 22 at Kaul ASSOCIation In Howell He also DetrOit and was a graduate of Funeral Home In 8t Clair ~erved m the U S Army Mr Cosgrove served m the Western High School He was a lJ S Coast Guard Shore~ for Robert C Harnson, Mr Hull was a member of the MIchigan Society of deSIgner at Stellar Mr Cosgrove IS survived by a who died at St John Hospital EngIneerIng In Troy He served and Medical Center on ProfeSSIOnal Engmeers, daughter, Jmger Carlo, two as prIvate first class In the U S Thursday, May 20, 1999 Amencan SOCIety of CIVIl sons, John and Jame~, a sister, Army durIng the Korean War Betty Cosgrove Fletcher, and Mr Harnson, 73, wa~ born EngIneers, Amencan Works four grandchIldren In DetrOIt and owned HarTison ASSOCiatIOn, Grosse Pomte Mr Mizzi collected antiques Funeral arran!!ements were Floor CoveTln!! In Gros~e Woods Presbytenan Church, and wa!> a car buff handled by Cofer-Kolskl- POInte Woods He served In the dnd the Transportation Mr MIZZI IS surVived by five Mary Kay Llnne Dr. Chester K. Perry Sr. Combs Funeral Home In US Navy dunng World War QUdhty ImtIatlVe CommIttee nIeces, Karen Manardo, Joann, He enjoyed golf, fishIng, boat- Janet, Mary Ann and Pamela, Miami II Park reSident Mary Kay Lmne, Delaware County, Ind He was mg, skIIng and tenms a grand-mece, and a grand- Mr HarTison wa!> a member who died of Hodgkm's Disease a graduate of Wayne State Mr Hull IS sUTVlved by hiS nephew He was predeceased of the Grosse POInte Rotary on Thursday, June 3, 1999 UnIversity and the UmversitY Club for 47 years and ~erved as \\lIfe. Jean, and two sons, by hIS brother, George of MIchigan Dental School Gregory and DaVId Mrs LInne, 65, was born In dlstnct governor, preSident. DetrOIt Interment IS at Resurrection Dr Perry operated a dental Funeral arrangements were and was also a Paul HarTl!>fel- Mrs LInne IS survived by Cemetery In Chnton TownshIp practice on East Warren for 55 low handled by Verheyden Funeral Funeral arrangements were years and was a clInIcal Home her husband, Henry, two Mr HarTison IS ~urvlved by daughters, Nancy Turnblom, handled by Verheyden Funeral Instructor and associate profes- hIS WIfe, Jessie. two daughter!>, Memonal contnbutlOns may Home sor at UmversIty of DetrOIt be made to the Karmanos and Sharon Faulk, three sons, Lynne MIller, and Jessie Cala~, Stephen, Gregory, and John, Dental School for over 45 three sons, Robert E , Cancer Institute, 110 E years He also taught at th~ Warren, DetrOit, MI 48201 or mother, Helen Worrell, and 12 Chester Kenneth Fredenck, and Charles M , and grandchIldren Medical College ofVIrgmla 12 grandchIldren the Grosse POInte Woods Perry Sr., DDS Dr Perry served as presI- Presby ten an Church, 19950 Memonal contnbutlOns may Interment IS at St Mary's A memonal seTVlce WIll be dent, dIplomate, Journal edIro.r Mack, Grosse Pomte Woods, be made to the Grosse POInte Cemetery In St ClaIr Funeral held on Monday, June 14 at and examIner of the Arnencan. MI48236 Rotary Club arrangements were handled by Grosse POinte Umted Church Board of ProsthodontiCS, a Verheyden Funeral Home at 7 30 pm for former Park foundIng member of the James H. Hull Mary Kay Linne Memonal contrIbutIOns may reSIdent Chester K Perry Sr , AmerIcan Equllibaration A memonal service was held A funeral Mass was celebrat- be made to The AmerIcan DDS, of Arlington, Va, who SOCIety, board member of the on Wednesday, June 9 at ed on Monda~ June 7 at St Cancer Society of the Father dIed on Fnday, May 14,1999 DetrOIt Northern YMCA; hfe- Grosse POInte Woods Ambrose Cathohc Church for Solanus GUIld Dr Perry, 90, was born In See OBITUARIES, page 19A

Lewis H. Echlin Jr. A funeral Mass was cele- brated on Saturday, June 5 at St Paul CatholIc Church for CIty of Grosse POinte resIdent LeWIS H Echhn, Jr., who dIed of heart failure on Saturday, May 29, 1999 at Bon Secours Hospital Mr Echhn, 85, was born m DetrOit and was a graduate of UnIVersIty of DetroIt and UnIVersIty of DetrOIt Law School Mr Echlm was a retIred attorney for the Ford Motor Co. and was a speCIal agent for the Federal Bureau of " InvestIgatIOn dunng World War II Mr Echhn was a member of Imo. the Grosse POInte Semor FREE Men's Club, MIchIgan $ Handball ASSOCiatIon, State Bar of Michigan, DetrOit Digital Phone AthletiC Club and the Grosse POInte Yacht Club He enjoyed • Unlimited FREE Nights hIS famIly, golf and genealogy Mr Echhn is sUTVlved by & Weekends • FREE two daughters, Georgeanne E Profile 300 Phone BldIgare, and Mary E Nash; • 200 Peak Minutes two sons, LeWIS H., and Harry • $39.95/mo. T, 11 grandchl1dren and three • FREE Nights & Weekends great-grandchildren He was predeceased by hIs WIfe, Betty, until 2000! and Sister, Cathenne Interment IS at Mount C lEA R PAT HI" EllIOtt Cemetery m DetrOIt 50 ClEAR IT 5 liKE YOU RE THERE'"

Save $10 when yoa .1IY a neW'N.. erle PAller•• ~te~ CI919_ .. "",,1IIIIlII Oo/r l wo-- , _.., ...._ !ttllI 0lII. __ ...... -. ~ 0lII... _ _ 'II._ _ _loIioIoo~.ltII.., _ .. lI,lI1 .... In a worldof~ ....-lIJf -- '-...... -.lfMIU.Oi~ ...... -___.. pwple make the difference.- ! • ...... ---- - ~ oWTHOIIIZfI) AMIIIIIICH lOCA!JON5, CALl fC!R AVAIUIIUTY. AWN_ CANTON l'-"dJ DlAIIOIN HEIGHTS DmlCIfI-dJ _.-u IAlllIU' VIUAOI SOUlHFIIlD TAnoI Wl5TWlD _oCel AB(Wan,t.oolt' <-dl Cyrole ConwnIJlf'lI{QhOn~ PAGKEU Ie-'dl Pogolec "" f~lecme Honoo .. rmeCom In< Pogo< PAGfCEU WIllTI WCI em. - CeilteIW'~$ ABC WlJteflolJ~ TmeCom Inc 3138397929 -. 2'85695638 73' 9372100 2'85691709 73' 37.2337 CommunlCCJhOt! PAGtCEU :r 73' 3320000 810 75S9090 3138313131 m 273 8000 lopd Pogo & C_ lINCOlN_ ~ PageTiK II'lC: Fone-Teclr.c 248673 3383 Comll'1lJnlCOf\Ol'l Cl.UKSICfj 3 J 366 6665 _aCeil A.BCW01'~5e 248 ~45 J04.l T'MCom h: "'" r me Audto Inc 2'88273000 7)4 9.70700 2'8 738 6~00 2.88878909 it 313571 2930 73.6690200 Pogoono me leIecomUSA 248 3~2 3988 m 291 ~511 ABC_ehoou .. C"""""",,""""'C>'ld Fo. 'agel'S FOll:Pogeu reRTeo w ~u 51) 4 t OCX>O 31"l 3874451 , 3 3922 .225 ""'oCeil ~ _aCoI 2'8 ~573570 Ce6.b 73. m 6599 73' 28.2700 By 2'858' 3000 31) l4S 3 21 "", Anteebo Publishers 3 39252610 810 7677900 Mego(eJ 810336003' SOVTIIOo\1I 313m9555 W Il.OOMRIlII 1'JISIIAH11 lopod Pogo~ c...,100 3'38356666 fOtle'-TecIlnc: MegoCeI 810566 0770 IOMUWS- A!C Worehoose TIlOT Ahdwe~AuIoIfJl CeITeIWcdm JI3 8928000 96 Kercheval Avenue Howftlo,I'If! Appllonce 333233n3 810768 7500 73•• 820700 31,93372£3 313897 JOOO ABCW...... 'ogol« "" 73' 283 9olOO ABC-...... 248960 3737 2'8 ... 2200 P~om I~ ABC_eftovw 8102477710 7349551359 ClAIR 2.83625151 313 .873000 {~ Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 - Pogouw OftlCf>S Fo .. P09!"~ 8.0 H70300 3138931100 8103859550 --1IIIt~ Pogtlond C~ICQIhon5 Ooomond w_ ~ CXIIIIIIIINCAnD ;~ ABCWo POlnfe Nf>WS Gh COfMIW'lot;otlcIfI5 Pogol« me 8109.191575 Ad-ono::ed C(lf'M"IUJ\loC0h0!l5 lMtoILID LUll 8102687755 2486106870 73•• 51 0720 ~ Ker<..hpvdf (,r(X~(> Pomle Farmo;; MI 3138643333 73' .58 6000 --NOYI 810.989700 Pogol«lnc "'*'- C~lC"CIItKlm 7,J .. 4218000 _aC .. 81077' 5200 P em .. Cellub 2'8960"'6 5IIRIT TWI' 48116 3'3 521 0800 _ POINI'I 0All148 .._9.199 IOTAlOAll 313277 .111 810566 8950 YEARS IN A ROW _ oCeil 1NpI>Ont8109772331"" : n,(' df'adllnf> (or n('w<; cop" l'io Monday 4 ~ lopod Pogo& C.u. ~ _n P09"1e<: 111( noon fo Inc;.ur<-rnwn Ion Pagelood )134172520 Pagelood C""""""""""", )'85821100 ~';OP7ii9973 -810777 0007 73' 235 8066 ~ 5IIRIT TWI' 810 268 6886 ( ,4,rtvf'rtlo;,m~ <.op..,.for Spc!Ion "'A" mu't C~oOf"Ilond IIAMTUMCX -~",1"'" fUNJ TIlOT C.u. Pogtle-- nc ~\~rr,07 ' st)'"ll'lC~<*OtI~lrl<: _aCe!' CommUfllCottom 8107336061 248 5886780 '~j In the advf'rtl'SInR deputmenr h\l bE" 8107791820 J1J 8751001 Cy~(Ql'MlUf'>I(otlOI"l1 810 25' 7~70 810 939'660 810 759 01600 WlllUPVlUAGI MSTUHD 11 00 • m on Mond.v The d~.dhne "'"""'0<1 HAZIl_ ).85.51123 MegoCeI F~leclnc MogoC.l 2485578855 73•• 275760 , 80 l23 8070 810 3131600 N fOf advf>rII4"lnp, copy for $(>(llon." .....So (O"I'I~l(af;onl ~a~; Pogo& C...... 0I10IMW 8107560000 248 '23 78.8 8lJ 775 6700 2'85'23333 PAr,fCf.1 (()fnl'nVl1lCCJh(Jn Dtomond CornmunKc-.oo~ II"( mVAN IAJCI 810 7569700 C " 10 )() • m Tu~.v l'B 6275857 8107313560 PAGfCEll Pogelond SWS L9CAT!9NS.O!'IN S!M!! 11 CORREL liONS AND ADJUSTMlNTS AIIT"MA.~1rlc. PAGt:CEUC~ot>oo SOUlH LTON ComMil,.ln'i((JlIOt1 PONI1IlC COf'1rnvnlC~\ AHNAIIOI IlOSlVlW " A R"'l""",btlrly t", d'lPlav .00 d••SlII<'dC.u. 73' 99. 0381 81029)1000 -- 1'8153 410 248 '378308 810 777 •• SO """"",,,,"1\ emx " r,msled 10 eJlhet c.n -- ~ STIIMIG -atnS ~C~l(otlOf'l~ t" -.,- ABCW"""'" ?>Gfew 313 .. 11520 810 ~32 ou.o Cl'll.>loon 01 Ill<' ch.'ll" In< '" ..... run 01 I", 2'8335 '212 C()(I"ot'YlunlCQfIol'l PU !of CorrE"<.llOO In IhP ~ 2.8538 '000 LUlI_ lINCOlN_ .! 2'B'76 5~B8 WImII'OID - 5< ..... C""""""'''''''''' 313 389 0663 I<:J\.vmR:rssue VW> ~l,(Jme no respon~hli 2.8706 0630 2.84762110 D!'KOVI'I'IVdeoond in< p AMPRlTfXlI ( f:U Il.AR "f:RI'J(1' 1 800 'MOBILE.r LMlNIA ,ty 01,,,,, """" .~....rill' 1,,'51,""""''''' CY'1~(~~~ E~"'o'''n CALL -8106774655 MSTUHD 1I~"IFST 0'';1' RAlJ (1~1Y)\1t::R 1'J()'1 2'8 m 2937 734762 500EI rill' {,r"'''' POIo!~N <;('fIt "!IYe"i haw no aUlhorrty In bind tt'll .. ,.. .'/ nf>W'.j"'P'" .00 only puhlK alron 01 .n 11 anvNII"oflmenr ..h'-'111 (on~r,tufl (rnal

l( fepMnn 01rht'> advm,'J('f'" f~

• June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News News 19A Boulevard traffic study presented by Farms council By Bred Lindberg street work connected to an from 30 to 25 mph reburface (the btreet) unle~~ conducted tl affit studleb from He wants dnverb to slow Staff Writer upcoming sewer beparatlOn "Just postmg a lower speed you take borne specIal mea- CalIfornia to Rhode Ibland down near the bchools

A traffic safety expert pre- project that could begin 10 the llmlt Isn't gomg ~o do anythmg bure~ n Richard Solak, the Farmb "Dependmg on the resultb (of sented hIS analysl!' of dnvmg summer of 2000, Farms Mayor at all," said Datta, who Ib albOa Contrary to the becond petl- tlty manager, e.,tlmated the raIsed crobswalks}, we'll look at habits on Grosse POinte John Danaher said the study professor of CIVil and enVlron- tlOn from rebldenb, Datta'" Wbt of repavmg th.' boulevard, rumble stnpb on either slde~ of Boulevard to the Grosse Pomte "IS a good btart 10 helpmg Ub mental engmeenng at Wayne bpeCial measure., don't mclude Without tUrb repair." at the walkwayb, said Ferber Farms city council May 10 understand what might be State Umverblty On the con- a medIan $580,000 PetitIOner Robert Peoples, The Farms commIssIOned available m addrebbmg the trary, he bald, based on an "In.tead of mve~tmg money Datta\ retommendatlOn~ who hves on the boulevard, the study m response to two boulevard We are not go109 to October study of the boulevard, 10 Lhangmg the geometry of Jibed With thobe of Robert ;,tuck to hlb gunb on the speed petItIOns by reSidents along the rede;,lgn Grosse Pomte"a traffic engmeer would say to the road, which l~ gomg to be Ferber, the }>'arm., dll ector of hmlt ISbue boulevard requestmg a Boulevard tomght " raise the llmlt to 35 mph " qUite expenblve no matter pubiC safety "We're trymg to create a tra- reduced speed hmlt and raIsed Dr Tappan Datta, president Yet If the street is left as IS, what you do, It'S better to try "I'm very wnwrned about dltlOnal, safer rebldentlal traf- median down the 1 5-mlle of the Llvoma engmeenng firm except for resurfacmg after the pavement markmg and conbld- the crobswalks at 8t Paul fit environment that does not street that connects FIsher to of Goddell-Gnvas, concluded It sewers are beparated, Datta er add 109 ralbed cro~;, walks, School, the Gro.,.,e Pomte eXlbt now," he bdld Moross. would be futile to lower the said, "You're gomg to see parkmg markmg and rumble Academy and South High," "At a mmlmum we would In hght of bOUle mevltable "ptltld hl111t OIl the boulevdl(l IIlLIed"tlJ "peed Oll"tl JOU "lup", ~ "aHI Datta, I'. ho h

FromCrime------page llA May 30, and Tuesday, June 1, first three parkmg meten, on 4 12 pm, police "escorted~ a SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF HARPER WOODS at 7 30 am, a green bottle was Fisher from Grosse Pomte possum from Neff Park III the CITY OF HARPER WOODS CITY CLERK'S OFFICE between the hours of 9 and thrown through an 8- by 12- Boulevard had been removed City of Grosse Pomte WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN 11:45 a m on Tuesday, June 1 foot wmdow m the first block of from the anchor poles and The followmg Saturday, The bIkes, both men's Kercheval m Grosse Pomte tossed to the ground No money pollce found an mJured possum OFFICIAL ELECTION NOTICE Schwmn High Plam mountam Farms from the meters appeared to be m the 500 block of Lakeland bIkes, were sIze 19- and 23- mlssmg at 1025 am NOllel- II;) HI::J~.rBY

fhe Polls tor Ittr.. Annual "lhooll k"-UOnl~pell.11 Relall f-1e-<:lJon \loll! operl at 7 00 a m and rem.::u.n Obituaries open until S 00 P In on IhL dJ.} o11he l.kl,lIon From page 18A Interment IS at Forest Lawn Funeral Homes, Lexmgton be made to the Nature CITY ()~ HARPf-R WOODS Cemetery III DetrOIt Chapel, m Lexmgton, SC Conservancy, 4245 N Fairfax time member of the Fowler Mickey D. Todd, Memonal contnbutlOns may Dr, SUIte lOa, Arlmgton, Va G PN frht: (onneltlOn 06110199 Center; and president of hIS POSTLD May I~ 1m CITY CL~RK Arlene Jeanette be made to Tn-County Hospice, 22203 homeowner's association m 113 Executive POInte Blvd, Wmtergreen, Va He was also a Thompson ColumbIa, SC 29210 Marilynn R. Belle Isle runner and a church Former Farms reSident GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM lay leader Arlene Jeanette Thompson, of VanKampen Dr Perry IS sUTVlved by hiS Barbara Wright A pnvate funeral service CheshIre, Ct , dIed on Sunday, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WIfe, Carohne, two daughters, June 6,1999 Tilley was held on Saturday, June 5 Ehzabeth Ann Swartz and Mrs Thompson was born m A pnvate bunal serYlce was for Park reSIdent Manlynn R PROPOSED 1999-00 BUDGET Carolme Rebecca Valentine, a Moorehead, Mmn , and was a held on Wednesday, June 9 for VanKampen, who dIed at Bon The Board of Edw.allon of The Grosse POinte Public S<.hoolSystem son, C Kenneth Perry, Jr., and graduate of Moorhead High City of Grosse Pomte reSident Secours Hospital on Monday, seven grandcluldren School and Moorhead State Barbara Wnght Tilley who May 31,1999 WIll hold a Pubhc Heanng on Tuesday, June 22, 1999 at 7 00 pm al Memonal contnbutlOns may Teachers College She taught dIed Thursday, June 3, 1999 Mrs VanKampen, 79, was the Grosse Pomte Soulh HIgh School LIbrary BUlldmg. 11 Grosse be made to the Fowler Center, school for a year before marry- Mrs TIlley, 89, grew up 10 born lIt Haslett Pomle Boulevard, 10 review and conSider Ihe School Syslem's 1999- 2315 Harmon Lake Rd, mg and movmg to Eau ClaIre, Freeport, Ill, and graduated Mrs VanKampen IS sur- 00 Proposed Budgel MaYVille, MI 48744 or the WIS , where she was active m from the Umversity of VIved by her daughter, Umverslty of DetrOIt Dental the Newcomer's Club, Eastern MIchigan She wrote for the Chnstme Smith She was pre- Summary wpleb of Ihe 1999-00 Propo,ed Budgel Will be aVailable on School, Attn Sandra Wnght, Star and the PTA Followmg a Indlanapohs Star and The deceased by her husband, Fnday, june 12, 1998 .lIthe Bu~mess Offi"e on lhe second !loor of Ihe 8200 W Outer Dr, Box 98, PO Henry, and brother, Lawrence move to the Farms, she was DetrOIt News Later she Admlnlstrallon BUilding, 389 SI Clair Avenuc For further mfonna- Box 1990, DetrOIt, MI 48219- Interment IS at Mount Hope mvolved With her church, earned a master's degree from llon please contact Chmllan A Fenlon, AS~I~lantSupennlendent for 0900 Cemetery m Lansmg Funeral scoutmg activIties and the Wayne State Umverslty School Bu~me~s and Support Servlce~. at 34'\-2048 or hha Smllh at 343- Republican Party She contm- of SOCIal Work She worked as arrangements were handled by Verheyden Funeral Home 2451 Raymond Fulton ued her volunteer work lD a climcal psychotherapist and Scarsdale, NY, and as assistant mrector for the Memonal contnbutlOns may Joan Dindoffer, be made to the Amencan Sears Middlebury, Conn where she Wayne State Umverslty G PN 06/10/99 Secrctary Board of EduLallon A funeral serYlce was held on coordmated political cam- Student Mental Health Climc Cancer Society Saturday, June 5 at Verheyden p81gns, was appomted JustIce until retirement, and mam- Funeral Home for Woods resI- of the peace and was an active tamed a pnvate chnical prac- dent Raymond Fulton Sears, member of the Middlebury tice at her home untIl 1995 who dIed at Bon Secours CongregatIOnal Church She She had also wntten a text- OFF TO Hospital on Tuesday, June 2, was also the founder of book on short-term chmcal 1999. ConsIgnment Ongmais of counsehng which was trans- Mr Sears, 77, was born m Cheshire lated mto many languages SCBOOLOR Bonnyman, Ky, and was a Mrs Thompson IS sUrYlved Mrs TIlley enjoyed garden- graduate of Wayne State by one son, Gary, one daughter, mg, had a devotIOn to the Umverslty He was an engmeer Knstm, two brothers, Odls Enghsh language, and a zest COLLEGE WIth A.T A.C m Warren He LeGrande, and Glenn for pohtlcal debate served as a heutenant m the LeGrande, SIster, Helen Mrs TIlley IS sUTVlved by IN THE FALL? U S Au Force dunng World Fugere, four grandchIldren, two daughters, Tucker Deeds DON'T War II and one great-grandchlld She and Suzy Lmcoln, one son, r7j Mr Sears IS survived by hiS was predeceased by her hus- Jefferson, one brother, Orestes WIfe, Juha, four daughters, band, Fred H Wnght, and seven grand- LEAVE Suzanne Gordon, Rebekah Plans for her memonal ser- children Scott, Mary Lynn Heebert, and VIce are mcomplete Funeral Interment IS at Forest Hllls Ruthann Mason, and mne arrangements are bemg han- Cemetery m Ann Arbor grandchIldren dled by Caughman-Harman Memonal contnbutIons may HOME ~



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE lhal Ihe Regular Election of The Gro\~e Pomle Public School Sy,lem WayneCounty. MIchIgan,\\1111 be held m the SchoolDI~t~clon Monday Ihe 14thday ot June. 1999 THE POLLS OF ELECTION WILL BE OPEN FROM 7:00 A.M.TO 8:00 P.M., EASTERNDAYLIGHTTIME, Take news ;i~y;u;.hometown ON JUNE 14, 1999. happenings along with you and NoticeI~funher givenlhal althl~ electIOnlhereWillhe c1ededone 12) membersof IheBoardof Educallonof Ihe '>chool D1s1nclfora fulllerm of lour (4)year~ begmnlngJuly 1 1999andendmgJune 30 2001 you'll never be out of touch. The followmgpcr,on~havebeen nommateda\ candldale~forlheone four(4) year lenm START YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT THE LmdaFarmer SPECIAL STUDENT RATE: Joan Rlchard'on

The place~of elecllonwtli be lhe lullyde\lgnaledvoung place' meach eledlon prel1nctm lheSchoolDI~lncland arc ,l~ follows ,-Month PRECINCTA AllvOler~m lheCllyof Gro~~ PomlePar~VOleal PIERCEMIDDLE Student 2 00 SCHOOL I~410KerchevalGro~'-CPomleP,uk MIchIgan PRECINct B AllvOler~m lheCllV01 Gro~~ Pomle'Ole al MAIREELEMENTARY SCHOOL 740Cadieux CIlyof Gro~~eP",nlc \hchlgan Subscription t PRECINct C All vOlel\mtheCityof Gro\~ PomleFarm~voteat BROWNELL MIDDLE'iCHooL 260Chalfonle Grm-e PomteFarm~ MIchigan Simply fill out the coupon below and PRECINCTD All vote" mtheCllyof Gro~~ POInteWo(xh,,,te al PARCEll S MIDDLE"CHool 20600Mac~ Gro~choolSy~lemvole at POUPARDELFMFr-.TARYSCHOOL 2()('~~Lennon City of HarperWood~MIchigan r------~Grosse Pointe News Student ABSENTVOTERCOUNTINGBOARD, (All ah

TIll' . Great .\nH'lltan age, ' ""lid Gordon l\hller, maker~, a Chevrolet ('orvettl' ('om l'l 1Ih1(' \\ III be thp fea- E\ (" on Ue...lgn l'\ ent chaIr- 1"01 d Mu ...tang and l'hry ...ler ture ofthl" \l'

  • play In the pal klllg lot of the Autos GJO""e POinte Atademy It wa ... called Eyeb on the Cla"slc<; By Richard Wright and It proved popular enough to be repeated the next year ,how attractlllg natIOnal IIlter- Ouhlde the hall \\ a" a .,am- It qUickly outgrew the e"t at the Ed"cl 8. Eleanor pllngofthl" year., "how Academy's parking lot and Ford Hou,e III Glo ...,e POlntc whIch \\ ill Iun from 10 a m to moved to the Edsel and Shore., 4 p m Sunday, June 20, at the Eleanor Ford e~tate and "Wc thmk \\c ha\ p the per- Ford Hou'ie Ncw 1999 con- felt \\c('kend for father" of all \crtIblc'o from the three U S

    Convertibles from each of the American makers underscored the "Great American In contrast to the modem vehicles out in front of the Automotive Hall of Fame was Convertible" theme of this year's Eyes on Design show, General Motors' entry was this this 1906 Waltham Orient Buckboard just inside the doors. 1999 Chevrolet Corvette convertible. June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 21A

    "Till" h lIl'r" 111all lIHlu.,tne ...," thl' ue....gll plol( ...... 1011 Wl' will IIIl AUlo ,IIHI' Till [':y, dud tiP'" 'I hi 1<" 11th 1\ ill "I k II, (II{(' In ,I III ''''1111 ~ ,dllhtv to ~ald John Ill'rhtz, 1<)99 hon, "how hO\I ul'...lgn 1Il hlllllllll( Ih( ('hip plOgldlll' wllllh dltl IIIIIII( hOI\ ,1,111,1011 1\ 1111 "P' I .It< lllololl/1 d \( IlIcI, , through the year., thl' uP,>lgn orary oP"ign dldlrm,m '.lIld ,1110

    Honored designer this year is Richard Teague. who designed cars for Packard and American Motors. One of his creations was on display, an AMC AMX prototype. From Ford was this 1999 Ford Mustang convertible.

    \ ...... \RHOR \pollo

    III IIWO~, ...., uq ,

    III TROll Hob 'VIa'l(('v

    m IROII Prtr h. '\1ot OJ PER MONTH I 1 FOR 36 MONTHS 1 \H\II'\(dll'\ r Ja(h. Demmer 3&Month/36,OOQ-Mlle Red Carpet Lease Caplrali:zed COSt. - -_.". - - - _. -$21785 (, IRIlI " ( II) Down Payment - - - • -_. . $2,050 .. tu 1\<111'> Refundable Secunty Cash -$275 Fl1'st Month's Payment ------$259 1999 MERCURYVilLAGER CasbDuutSJgning ••.•. . .. $2,584 FUTURLS IN<.LUDE' 3 3lSOHC V-6engInc. Front-",hecl dnve. Second Gcnerallon dUdl ,ur h,lg.,,,~ $J'i/mde over 36,000 lillie,; • In-Tralk'" rear shdmg scat sy.,tcm • AMIFM ~tereo/c.lS5elle • lOO,OOO-mlk~lheduled tunl-Up

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    ~I" null l'\Lr ll'lPO mrlL'>

    IIliI\ 1999 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER I\ob nor.,t FfAltlRES IN<1lroF ') O-htcr OHV V-8 rngmr • Poy, ( r wmdow ...,md door locke; • GenE'ralloll dlk'\! air bags** ..... wheel dtsC ann-lock brakes • ~peed wntrnl \\-1th tdp-upllap-down feature \\'It 'RI' ''Kil '\1£'1 I ,II I


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    V,lIa~er "'''Rr <'22 LjQ'; .",urn(, <,1 (1(1(1eI, "IIr "'"lrlhutlon "n \I, f( 1111\l"ul1l unc, r Hld '> 1 l'(lll Rl I " ..h "" \1,,, Ill' \ III.I~'f I "1,,,1,,,,- I" 1I111,,,,d I", "" "I' I, .', 1"\\ lll'll! d ,," "., .~. , - ",'< 'I"'" +LI:":COLN Ized (~t or Q2 I hI). or \1"""RPon \11 nun \fcHlIlIlIlIf'l r ~nd l)4 7-1\ nt \'''RP IH1 \.1. rl \1T\ \ 111.IWr lor It O1"'t .... pllU h l't d III IIH nt Inlll Rt ;glnn lhrnu;gh 211H/t:)q Rot "It. TH\ n ...lrI( I ,\llh 'pph III IIi r p II th II' tl1nn may \ iU\ for "'p('( 1 t1 lr ,"-( nrkr~ .md R( I (l .. h 'l~t T1I" r, r 111 dt 11\, n frPIll dt

    Also on display for the Eyes on Design preview was the Buick Cielo concept car. The On display outside the Automotive Hall of Fame at the Eyes on Design preview was Cielo is an open-air four-door sedan with a retractable hardtop that rides roof rails into this Chrysler Phaeton concept car. The four.door hardtop convertible features 22-inch the trunk. Inside. voice-activated controls can be customized to each individual dri- tire/wheels. a Viper-like rear suspension and a 5.4-titer 48-valve V-12 aluminum ver. engine.

    adult" m the United States It Fnends of VIsion, said only directly to our programs to also raises funds for DIO by 620 tickets are bemg sold at support the Visually Impaired Autos ------hostmg the VISlOni>to $100 each "DalmlerChrysler m metro DetrOIt," she said grants comes from such Corp donatred the vehicle and The wmner Will be announced "'rom page 2lA :"omp "art to send to the vl:"ual Remember Antiques Show m corte" When thiS Initiative I:" fundralser events as the Eyes February all the money we ralse Will go at the June 20 show latlOlI of a chip npar tht' rptma :"uccesbful :"ome who now hve on DeSign show As a fundralser at the Eyes 111.1\Ic"..ton' \ l~lOn ' Hr"burg m darkness ma) be able to see Fnends of VIsIOn IS a volun- on DeSign show, Fnends of '01](! Pt'l home mdependence " tems of support groups for the Sebrmg convertible Sandi chip actl\ .ltmg '1 ~lgllal of Fundmg for the research blmd and visually Impaired Jorgensen, president of the Older/Wiser Driver foruIn to be held \.\A :\llchlgo1n \\ III ,pon,or d and gettlllg lost on famlhar effecti> wIth their doctor the road AAA MIchigan's pi ogram Oil ho\\ to keep dn- routes are SignS of detenorat- WIthm the first few days of OIderfWlser Dnver forum \ II1g ~Jfph I egardlei>b of your lllg dnver~ takmg a new medicatIOn, peo- seeks to acknowledge and age at an OldelfWhPI Dnver According to research, peo- ple should aVOid dnvmg accommodate thei>e problems f'lI11m at the auto club', Gros;,e ple's eyes at age 60 need three because their bodlCs need a If mterested III attendmg thiS POlIlt£" Wood~ bl anch on tlme" a~ much hght as they did chance to adjust to It free 90-mlllute semmar, call :'vlonda\ .Junp 14, at 2 30 P m when they were 20 ThelT These are Just some of the (313) 343-6000 for further "])nvmg I'~ut'~ pertment to penpheral VISIOns,theIr pupils' problems older dnvers face on mformatlOn the matunng drl\ er, i>uch as ablhty to contract, and depth \ hual aCUity, phYblcal hmlta- perceptIOn have decreased tton" dnd thmg~ that can be Corrections l I done to off"et these hmltatlOns, Travelmg m well-ht areas When pOSSIble, correctwns WIll be printed on the page on \\111 be dddre~~ed," ~ays Sue and carpoolmg at mght are which errors occurred If there IS an error of fact I1l any story, l\lacDonald AAA Michigan ways to accommodate thiS, as call the newsroom at (:H3) 882 0294 One of (jrosse Pointe s !Finest oranch manager well as usmg the mirrors more caff for ~our J{ppointment Older dnver~ are more at to compensate for the penpher- In the "Summer Car Show Calendar" with last week's n<;k of havlllg a colhslOn than al VI<;lOn Automotlve column, the cost of admIssion to the Sunday, June am other age group, with the Next to alcohol, prescnbed 20, Eyes on DesIgn exhIbItion was hsted Illcorrectly Advance ('"ceptlOn of dnvers 25 and medlcatlons are responsIble for tickets are $12 and on the day of the show at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House, admls<;LOn IS $15 Call (313) 824-3937 under R('peat fender-benders, many crashes People takmg ....112 ~vaf on tlie.:J(lf{ gcttlllg honked at con,tantly, medication i>hould dlscu<;s SIde-, June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News 23A

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    One coupon per purchase. father's Day PrIces good on In-stock merchandise. See stores for details, INTERNATIONAL SKI & GOLF Not \lalld on prior purchases 2';40 WOODWARD (24R) 'r~R-0803 • GROSSf~ POINTE .. 19415 MACK AVE nn) Rl'i5-()\()() • BLOOM HELD HILLS 246 E SAGINAW ()17) \\7-%% • NOVIop('// Man Sattd' 9prn NOVI TOWN CTR (24R) ,47- r~23 • hAST [ ANSING 1216 S GRATIOT (810) 46V~620 • TRAVERSE CITY 1990 US \ I (II) 4 MILh (616)9~8- ~l' 1 • MT CLEMENS • DEARBORN HEIGHTS 26312 FORD RD (31') )62-5560 Dail 10-7. Saturda 10-6. Sunda 12-5 June 10, 1999 24A News Grosse Pointe News Kayaking with Moosejaw - it's a local group By Emily Meier ommend~ that pl.'ople mterest- btyles and all sorts of vana- pTlses a lot of people" Special Writer ed m thl' bport look Into learn- tlOns In between "It's the best way to ,,1'1.' the It", .I beautiful ~pTlng after- mg opportUnltleb "Any dabs "I recommend people try to lake, river and City," bays one !loon at P,IUelbon Pdlk If on£' you Lan takl.' I !>av do It" he get a boat that WIll grow WIth kayaker who has brought hIS h.ld to gul'~., .It the tempera- ~dld '. . them and their expenence: own boat ture hl'/.,I1l' \\Oldd ~a\ nlld-70~ Both the Red CrOSb and the explainS Holbert "We try tofit Holbert leans over to explall1 A bree/e blolh aLro ...... thl' lakl' Aml'TlLdn Canoe A".,oeJatlOn you WIth a boat that WIll be the to a new kayaker the dIfference and a glllup of hfl' JdLket-c1ad offer genl'ral m"truetLOnal mo;,t ver"atlle for your sItua- between canoes and kayaks pL'uple ...t.lnd at thl' ...hlll ehnl' LOur~e~fur kdyaker;, But those tion, takmg mto consIderatIOn He explams about the center of plLklllg out thl' !loah thl'l Ilho are d bit more ~eTlou" where and how you plan to use gravIty bemg lower m a kayak 1\.1IIt to tl) IH"\! Some ha\~' might \\ ant tu make the hike the kayak" and how that make" a kayak dln'ad, paddlpd out onto thl' out to Grl'at RIver Outfitter" In It Ib WIth thiS goal m mll1d less hkely to capsize III rougher 'i watel laughlllg and l.dlmg to Waterford, \\her~ group and that Holbert continues to weather He talks about hull Enjoying a Moosejaw demonstration day at Patterson I',llh ot hl'l ab the\ enjOY thl' pllvate le,.,on!> are offl.'red a~ expand MooseJaw's demonstra- shape, pomtmg out the kayak's Park are Todd Sterbik. Moosejaw employee: Joe Holbert, fel'] of nothmg mOl e than a well a., opportullItle" for certl- tIOn days BeSIdes every other oblong-shape and curved bot- Moosejaw manager: Ryan Jackson. Necky representative: Sunda), Holbert has also start tom He then :m.,l\ er., thL ~1I1uu11i 1.1I el uf fibel gl'l" liedtluil Illtli thL Blltl"h Canoe and Ken HugeUer. kayak builder. hl'tween them and the lakl' UnlOn (BCU), a pre,lJglOu, I'd brlngmg representatives question ofpnce "I can get you water The lake IS now pep- can JOin the other!> He IS W81st It'~ demon~lJ at IOn da\ and organizatIOn from mdlvldual kayak compa- 111 a boat, WIth paddle, person- pered WIth kayakers, aU dIffer- deep m the watel, ,Joe Holbprt, orgalll7el and All Great River Outfitters me!> together dunng the week al floatatIOn deVIce and spray ent ages, ablhty levels and m watchmg them, as he extend., manager of MOlhejd\\ ~portmg m.,tructor., are ranked and eer- ThiS allows cu!>tomers to try skirt for $600 to $650 " all dIfferent kmds of boats The hI!>arm" good!> ~tole 111 the' Clh of tlfied \llth the BCU The BCU out boats as well as talk to the Kayaks range from $300 to twmkle m hIS eye sugge;,t!> For more mformatlOn 011 GlOs"e Pumtl', ha~ Inought fir~t ranks kayakers on ablhty, representatIves personally $3,000 But pnce doesn't neces- there I;' more to these demo ka}aks, eall or VISit the follow- boah from thc ~torl' fOl an)one awardmg one to five star!> Its ThiS past sprmg, a represen- sanly c011lclde With quahty, as IIltl'l ('.,ted m kavakmg to try certIficatIOn program conslsb, tatIve from Necky was present many have learned first hand day" than Just sales He hands mg websltes - MooseJaw, a paddle to a woman m one of (313) 881-9999, wwwmoo,e- Kavak~, all dIfferent .,hape!>, of "tudy, expeTience and tests along WIth Ken Hugeher, a thanks to MooseJaw's demo day the longer kayaks, and then Jaw com, - Red Cro~s kayak ~lZ( ." color., and .,t\ le~ arc put after whIch, a kayaker I" glVen Grosse POinter who makes and and great staff gives the boat a push ;'0 "he mstructlOn, (517) 546-0326 to u"e mtl oduung ~onll' to the a coach level rankmg from one sells hiS own kayaks Made of Holbert looks out over the ~pOlt fOl th£' fir ~t tIme and to five It's a rigorous program fiberglass and wood, West remmdmg othel ~ wh) they fell dnd as Kelly Blades, a three- Greenland style, Hugeher's In love WIth It before "tar kayaker and coach, level boats are Illtended for the A£.cordml{ to thp Outdoor two, e"plams, "Just to give you novIce to expenenced paddler Rl'lrl'atlOn CoahtlOn of an Idea of the level of ablhty He admIts he paddles almost AmeT1£.a, kavaklllg 1~ the conSider thiS There are no all year-round and IS pleased faste~t-groll mg partll1patory coach five's In the entire to see so many people becom- EFFERSO ~POlt 10 the wuntry In the Umted States" Illg mterested In the sport CHEVROLET p,,~t dl'13dp thl' number of Great RIVer Outfitters IS the Holbert, too, IS glad to see Grosse Pointe Park,...,...... , Detroit ka\ akel'" ha, doubll'd to 1 3 fir"t store to bring the BCU there IS so much mterest m 15175 E. Jefferson Ave• ...... ,.., 2130 E. Jefferson Ave, mlllwn And II hpl1 Muo.,ej3\1 teachmg;, to the Umted States kayakmg here In Grosse 3130821.2000 313-259-1200 OpLne'd It-.. doOJ., la~t Throughout the summer they Pomte "I was kmd of expect- )10\ ember, Holbpl t madr "ure offer opportunities to learn mg thIS among the mantJme MC)(l"l'j,l\\ \\ a~ prcpared from not only theIr In;,tructors, Grosse POinters," saId AImed \llth a "tore full of but also from vlsltmg guest Holbert "LIke them, I take hOdt., and gear, Holbl'Tt took to lI1structors from Great Brltam, any chance I get to go out on thp watel as "'oon a" the weath- all of whom are coach five, the the water" el ...tarted to hmt at becoming be~t there IS Holbert smiles as a young 11I11' I ~t"rtl'd takmg a fe\\ Like Mooseja\\, Great RIver boy pomts to one of the boats fr ll'nd~ and cu.,tomer~ who Outfitters has a fleet of demo and asks If he can try It IIPI I' mtpre.,ted In tr)Jllg out boat., people can try Both "Sure; says Holbert who then boat." and from there It Just Blades and Holbert recom- helps hIm mto the boat and took oIT he e'\pla11lrd "The mend trymg a lot of dIfferent gives some advice on paddlmg 1999 CHEVROLET MALIS techmque He gives the boat a fin,t Sunday 10 May we had 26 boats before makmg a pur- WAS S17,025 people comr to tryout boats" chase They also agree that for gentle push to get the boy NOW Holbert. a Grosse Pomte begmners a smaller boat, 14- to gomg The youngster doesn't Park n:sldrnt, U!>es Patterson 15-foot, IS a good bet "They're even glance over hiS shoulder $15,995' Park as hl~ acces!> to the lake, easIer to handle both 111 and before he's off to Jom the oth- GMsS15.120.~ c"""."Wso ...... Chooc .. of S I 500 Rebo!. Arr, AM/FM ste £.u.,tomer;, every other Sunday It IS also Important to consld- sport; explams Holbert "It's a de much much mare Stir.# 5784 • 9... .9-60Moo He tr31lers clght to 10 kayaks er where your mterests he sport you can take to whatever * Just add tax title from the ~tore to the park There are kayaks made for level you want and unhke . • SALES HOURS • • SERVICE HOURS • Although Holbert IS not a certl- puttenng around and there are other sports you're not m It to M - Thurs: 8:30 - a:oo Genuine Chevrolet, ,..,.,.,... Monday-Friday fied kayaker, he counts himself kayaks made for long sea-going compete With others It's a T - W - F: 8:30 - 6:00 The Cars More Americans Trust .....,..,., 7:30-6:00 lucky to have been m the com- Journeys MooseJaw has the really peaceful, serene, easy- pan) of many who are He rec- boat for each of these kayakmg gomg actiVIty and that sur-

    Audl STERLING AUTOBODY CENTERS.,., (Formerly JOE RICCI5.Star Collision)

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    191 TEMPOGL Low mIles only 6 cyl sharp Compateat Loaded only Lo 10miles sharp Auto • SHARP $3488 $3488 $4788 $5488 $6788 194 TOYOTA 195 193 198 ESCORT 197 F 250 194 CHRYSLER PASEO GRANDAM THUNDERBIRD LX 4DR PICK-UP LHS DIesel 4.4 Lo miles loaded Great Buy' Must see at 28000 miles mint 10 000 miles > $7488 $7995 $8995 $9588 SHARP $11,588 198 198 SABLE LS 198 WINDSTA 198 E 150 196 EXPLORER 198 F150 COBRASVT WAGON GL CARGO SPORT4X4 SUPER CAB 2 000 moles Compare thiS at 7 pass dual air 15000 miles only ONLY V8 ONLY ~ LIKENEW$12,488 $12,998 $15,788 $16,488 $18,488 ~

    J ~lcl.~~~~a 1)i;11Y!..l~~7 ;Jlhl~~ ~0[Hl fYIJJj1 "J.IJlJi:10'llY; jihhjJ ":>11~1J7lJ~r;hJI,JJ1o _" t' • June 10, 1999 26A Business Grosse Pointe News Stocks meandered last week; Internet continues to fall Last week, the DJI even two day;,? rent market values, you "hould a graduatIOn than to make a Ignored the Yugo;,lavlan How much would you pay for always use aggregates, not per gift of appreciated ~tock? Parliament';, approval of the such "ervlce? I~ $1 per lettel share pnces It's ea;,y Just call your ;,tock proposed peace ~ettlement the nght number? That .... too Let's talk ...STOCKS broker You can talk It through ... ~ ;:... _ .L 1= _ I- _ - rlc ,..,_I ~ r _1_...... ' ~ -:- _ ':.. That will automatIcally Traders were e, mg the job ... much for utlllt, bIll ... And bank adju~t for thl' numerou~ ,.,tock on the phone 10 mmute;, ---:.~ !~.)Oj=!5?,(1 ~-; -+ ~~; 4' c 4 report la;,t Fnda) ,md wdt<.h. ~tatement<; retul nmg <.heck... diVidend" and ,.,tock "pht~ that Then you'll fpt>! better for mg mtere;,t rJt<.'...(11mb would \\elgh too much (apltal galll~ (ddle Mac, the qua "I-fed. But ~omL' bU>.lIIP,."e~<.ould donur', (\our J LO...t I'" tnm ...- many othpr~ Mo~t of the;,c the year;, early mw"tmenb eral mortgage banker, reported find a way to pdy fOJ next day fell ( d to the dOIH'(" (till' Ieup- local bank~ have eIther mel ged What truly amazed LTS lVa;, And you know what they June 3 that 30-year fixed-rate delivery, which \\ould "peed Il'n1-.i and IW(()nll'" th('11 <.o;,t or changed their ndme the fact that the;,e bdnk ~tock" say "It';, better to gIVe than residential mortgages rObe to collectIOn of their recel\ abll'''' Dunng thp 19RO~, man) of Recently, LTS wa" Invltpd to had co"t" m penllle;, per ~hal e, receIve'" 7 41 percent V~ 723 percent a Credit card compame ...\\ould u~ punha,,'d ,halC~ of ...toLk 01 review an mve~tor\ portfolio, a;, compared to today';, market week earher amend theIr rule" and charge the then 10(,]1bank ... NatIOnal whIch contamed 'ieveral for. pnce;, .n dollar~ pel ;,hare Jo'eph Mellf{den l~ a rt'M The 10\\ }OUIaccount for the additIOnal Hank 01 1)t'tl mt, 1)etrllll B,lI1k mer lo<.al bank "tock" Adjusted co"ts per ~hare of 3 dent 0/ tht' Clly of Gro~~1.' Yield last year fee & 1'1u ...t Co, M,lIlufactUler;, When <.ompanng the cents, 9 cent;" even 15 cent;,! PUll/Ie and forma (hwrma/l of wa~ about Let's call the new m,ul deliv- NatIOnal Bank of DetrOit, mve'itor's ongmal <.o;,t to cur. What bettE'r way to celebrate Fir" of Mil higUIl 650 percent ery sy"tem "Thp Pnvate Mail," On the and use dl,tmctlVl' envelope~ Trea;,ury and ;,pecJaI stamp~, not u~able G.P. Woods glass shop owner takes on AAA bond front, for regular mall the 30-year Thl>. would fill a Illchp By Brad I indberg to 14 percent of hI;' annual ba~ls," sald Cam m a "tate- pendent repaIr shops occurred bellwether between Expre"" Mall and Staff Wnter sale~ ment echoed by MIchaela only when the News' caller bond contm. Pnonty Mail (too expensive for A local bu;,me%man IS fight- Nancy Cam, spoke;,woman Dlerck;" Harmon';, vice pre;,l. a;,ked for a repair shop m a lIty ued to trade normal per<;onal usage) and mg the ~tate\ large;,t msur. for AAA, said the msurance dent of marketmg known not to con tam a down m pnce the so. called First Clas~ Mati, ance company over what he company receIve;, nearly CIting the SUlt, Dwrck'i said Harmod outlet No promotIOn- to the 90 By Joseph now relegated to junk mall and ~ald are unfair tl ade practIces 65,000 wmdshleld claIms she was unable to rlaborate al statements by Harmon oper- level, to yield Mengden catalog" Bill F drrah, preSIdent of IXL annually Farrah doubled the "We haven't seen the la\\ SUit,~ ators attended referrals to non- around 595 All In favor, ;,ay "aye'" Glass m Gro~~e Pomte Woods, figure to lOclude total claims bhe ;,ald, "and can't comment Harmon stores percent Note that this was the As a matter of full dl~c1o. has jomed nl'arly 50 mdepen- for all kmd;, of auto gla<;s on It" "We can document more than bond Issued la;,t February at sure, LTS uses e-mml to dehv- dently owned glabs repall If the charges are true, AAA Yet both representatives said 100 steenng lIlcldent;,," Said par er thiS article to the Grosse shops from around the state m and Harmon are vIOlatmg the glass shops m AAA members' Farrah Internet stock;, have been POInte News every week before ~umg AAA MIchIgan MichIgan Consumer ProtectIOn home towns have an equal De"cnbmg a SItuatIOn that ;,ubjected to sub~tantlal profit- our press deadhne Accordlllg to the pIallltiffs , a Act and Umform Trade Secrets chance to recelvr a refel ral brought to the plamtlffs' mmds takmg, WIth pnces off sharply Sorry, one can't trust the lecent program touted by AAA Acts, accordmg to the plam- In what the defendant~ "ald an Image of a fox guardmg the from theIr Apnl highs FIrst Class Mall any more - 10 to heighten consumer chOIce tiffs' attorney Jay Schwartz was a co1Ocldence, calls by the hen hou;,e, Farrah said the But the real actIOn has been sunshine, ram or storm Instead funne\;, work away "If thiS keep" up," ;,ald Grosse POinte New;, to the AAA-Harmon deal "IS like from "day trader;,," who trade from lIldependent glass shops Farrah, "the mdependents Will AAA-sponsored, Harmon-oper. makmg a customer call Steak WIth E-brokers on the Internet Commencement toward Harmon Auto Glass, be out of busmess and the con. ated customer semce center & Ale for dmner reservatIOns headquartered lo MlIlnesota sumer WIll lose" resulted consistently 10 refer- at Win Schuler's" The term "day trader~ means Is It the end, or l'i It the The SUIt seeks damage;, 10 "I respectfully disagree," satd rals to Harmon repair shops • Farrah'" "not mad at AAA, a stock trader who both pur- begmnmg? excess of $25,000 and an end to Cam "The program IS m the The unsoliCited recommen- Just Harmon," he said "But chases and sells the same stock The end of May and the the AAA Michigan-Harmon best mterests of our members datIOns mcluded an upbeat tag because AAA contracted WIth wlthm the ;,ame day, often begtnnmg of June make up relationship It's the latest of many mnova. line that a Harmon repair Harmon, we have to sue both lookmg for fractIOnal profits, graduatIOn time "The customer IS be109 guId- tlve programs that have helped truck can "come Tight to your compames Consumers should hke 1/4 or 1/2 pomt per round A time of famIly get-togeth- ed hke thread through the eye us reduce Insurance premIUms home ~ know they can go wherever tnp transactIOn ers, parties and renewmg old of a needle to Harmon,~ said 5 percent slIlce August" "That's not surpnsmg," saId they want to go to get their TheIr cardinal rule Never be fnendshlp;, and acquamtances Farrah, who IS also preSident "My rates haven't gone Farrah "The Harmon store In auto glass repaIred ~ "long" or "short" a posItIOn "Don't you remember me? We of the 100-member Glass down," answered Farrah Grosse POinte IS really a mobile Farrah said he and hIS col- overnight' were tn fifth grade together" ChOIce AsSOCiatIOnof mdepen- Back to the laWSUIt, the operation that rents space m a leagues warned AAA last wm- It should be a tIme of reflec- dent glass mstallers "As a accusatIOns were demed by car wash They don't have a ter somethmg bad would come Attn: E-mailers tIOn, of 100k1Ogback. result, I've seen my AAA refer. both defendants 'btore' m the sense people nor- of the Harmon connection DId you recently receIve an But, more Important, It rals drop at least 80 percent Cam saId Harmon was con- mally expect ~ AAlts actIOns have coalesced unsohclted two-page e-mail should be a time of lookmg smceApnl ~ tracted lo Apnl to operate a A News follow-up call to the the mdependent store owners from an unknown source? ahead, for planmng ahead At between $160 to $200 dol- toll-free customer servIce cen- AAA call center (Hannon) con- to actIOn The letter purportedly For the graduates, It IS the lars per customer, the lost rev- ter to process glass claims finned that IXL was autho- "The owners used to be frag- describes a proposed House end of one level of orgamzed enue IS puttmg a crack m hiS "The operators gtve out the nzed to make repairs covered mented, ~ said Farrah, "but no Bill 602P, sponsored by the learnmg, although many WIll profits Farrah said auto glass names of conveniently located byAAA longer They're m a light for U.S Postal Semce (USPS) go on to higher levels of learn- repaIrs normally compnse 12 glass repaIr shops on a rotatmg In the test, referrals to lOde- their hves" The bIll, If It be"ame law, mg But the pursUIt of knowl- would permIt the USPS to edge never stops charge e-mail users an "alter- Most students have expen- nate postage fee" - a 5-cent enced summer or part-tIme surcharge on every e-maIl jobs dehvery The fee would be Mter, graduation and the billed by the sender's Internet a~sumptlOn of the first real- Horn ~~ 30 service prOVIder, whIch would time pOSItion, that young per- Beautiful then monthly bill the e-mail son shifts gears from bemg a ---~------~------sender parental and personal hablhty The e-maIl reCeived by LTS - a senes of personal expen- encourages the reader to "send ditures - to becoming an thIS e-mail to all Amencans on asset, havmg a personal your list and tell your fnends mcome source for the first and relatIves to wnte their time congressman and say 'No' to Graduation IS also a time for Btl1602P" gtft-gtvmg And what better Be10g 10vestlgatIve by gtft than shares of appreciated nature, LTS contacted the stock, that contmue to glVe MichIgan office of congress- pOSSiblecash diVIdend mcreas- woman Lynn RIvers, D-Ann es over time and probable Arbor pnce appreciation over the The spokesperson at that years? office reported that Bill 602P LTS' tax adVIser says A was a complete "hoax," and husband and Wife (fihng a offered to mall the USPS' press jomt IRS tax return) can gtft On a wide selection release denymg any mvolve- $10,000 each, 01 a total of ment of any kmd End of story $20,000, to as many per'ions as of paints, stains and On second thought, mstead they Wish each year, WIthout accessories of haVIng a negative attItude mcurnng any gtft taxes toward the USPS, LTS The $20,000 market value dreamed up the follOWIng pOSI- jomt gtft hmlt apphes, even If tive "spIn" all the stock was owned by Why doesn't the USPS start- only one spouse up a new, separate mall semce Don't sell the shares your- just for letters not over 2 self, and mak~ the gtft the On all in-stock & ounces? cash proceeds, because the No, not another "Pnonty capItal gams on the shares special order wallpaper Mall" at $3 30 for mlmmum sold at a profit, and the resul. weight tant capital gams taxes, Will Low Price Guarantee How about a new service be yoursl Find a Lower waDpaper Price And that could deliver "local" mall Instead, gift the actual We'R Match It! (up to 50 miles from po~t1Og) shares of ~tock, not ca'ih Compditor's pritt must be vcrifiabk. RdaD saJes only. overmght and coast to coast 10 Then you won't mcur any Business Peo:Rle The law firm of Dykema Gossett recently named three resI- dents of the Grosse PolOtes as practIce group leaders Frederick Miller of the Farms was named co-leader of the corporate finance practIce group HIS practIce focuses on federal secuntles laws, mergers and acqUISItions, pubhc offenngs and general representatIon of pubhcly traded corporatIOns Joseph Ritok. Jr. of the Park has been namE'd leader of the employment practlcr group Rltok focuse~ on the defense of FREE DECORATING BOOK employment hhgatlOn He ha., handled matters related to Purcha."l' $)0 or more of '>heN1n ~dham' paml ~n or wallpaper OSHA, the NLRB and Office of Federal Contract Compliance and ~ a FRF.F cOJll of lIouse 8edull}id PIli", ~ IlWI TIns locl't'dlhle Program \ hook., filled wl1h colorful pholognzphs IIlllque decoralJn~ 1edmKllK" Daniel Wyllie has heen named leader of the htigatlOn prac- and lhe Irr;pIraIIOn VOII ~ (0 trl1IlSfonn arJ) room 01 VOIIr home tice group HIS pnmary area of practice IS the defense of person- f~ r , ..Ild "h,1f' 'ollrr!M" Iol'>! \("(' ~ m fol" ckUJl, al lOJury actIons, mcludmg medical malpractice and pharmaceu- Ask Shefwin.WiIIiarn& tical products hablhty actIOns Wyllie hvc'> m the Farm., Hem. Ask NWI. AsIc MJ.s.owGSl#f..(Jf"GLUrlIWClS "'\.lI"(ttl0rM,~'1""~~Mw:xr1<;""'''1 r(~ .....'Pl~ s.I'~n~rS r1dIys 'r tsQOIl\~,.,I(IO'ty.:(loQl(:!' ~ ~.~~')(s)~ Wfklr"'ls'~I't1't\f "/1lr 'l'1'(tf'rT'M~po"-'::rlp'r('h,"", CIi9Q 't'.S~t..,,.~~ 0t'"Iilt"'I' VISit US lit Jon Motschall has received the Umverslty of Wmdsor Student Alliance Excellence II" Teachmg Award The award recogTllzes indiViduals who have been selected by student!! as outstandmg Instructors Motschall, a reSident of Grosse Po1Ote Fann'>, teaches m the school'~ commumcatlOns DETROIT - 16551 EAST WARREN AVE 313-881-9200 studIes department and wa~ one of only five school employec'! to be honored He I'! workmg toward a doctoratI' III leader~hlp and counseling from Wayne Statc Umverslty j June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News 27A • Business Selecting the right retirement plan for your business Investmg In retirement e.lch ellgll)le em pIOYl>e\ pay l('vel~ are fleXible and can be deferred baSI!> bu,me".., owner.., report1Og reqUIrements planb offers small-bubmeb" (regardleb" of whl'ther or not adJu,ted (wlthm plan limit!» When you establish :- Keogh SImple IRA!>and SEPs are eas- owners a great opportUOIty to the employee contnbute" to the each year a.., long ab there I!>no plan for yourbclf, all ellgtble Making the right Ier to bet up and mamtam than ~ave taxes and build retlre- plan) dlbcnmmatlOn among the way employees mu!>t be mcIuded m choice Keoghs and 40Hk}s ment wealth Dille thl> moO('v h 10 the l'mployeeb' plan~ are funded the plan on a nondl!>cnmmato- • When you expect to In determmmg which retIre- That's because contnbutlOn~ plan, thl' bIMPLE IHA work, There are no annual report- ry baMb retire The c!ober you are to ment plan I' the be..,t for you to a quahfied retirement plan much hke a tr.ldltlOllal IRA mg reqUirement!> a, there are There are two type.., of Keogh retirement, the greater the and your bu,me..,s, It I'" Impor- ,He deductible from lurrent for Keoghs and ~ome other plans need to select the retirement tant that you clearly Identify lIlcome, and the mcome gener- 40l(k) plans qualified retirement plans, • A money purcha"c plan plan optlOn that Will allow you ated by IIlvestmentb III a retire- your obJectlveb and carefully to contnbute as much as pOSSI- 401(kl plan.., afl' pupular makmg SEPb relatively easy to that reqUires a mandatory con- ment plan accumulate tax-free con'lder a number of factor" retIrement program~, but they ..,et up and admmlbter tnbutlOn level each year ble until withdrawn • The cost to cover are gener wmphL3tpd regardlebb of whether the bUbl- • Contribution require- D,;"Pltc the",- bendib, "mhanng plan m lenges III determmmg whIch I~ your declblOn pnmanly on want to steer clear of plans, A typlLal 40l plan allow, proprietor, partner or limited which contnbutlOn level, may the best plan for them which plan will be most benefi- such as the SIMPLE IRA and employee, to lOntnbute a pre- liability company member can change each year The Michigan ASSOCiatIOn of Cial to you On the other hand, the Keogh Money Purchase tax portIOn of their earOlng~ ,et aSide ab much as 25 percent Because Keoghs allow larger CPAs offers the follOWIng bu~1Oe"ses WIth a large num- Plan, that require annual con- Partlllpant.., can deCide ealh of ellgtble mcome, or $30,000, annual contrlbutlOnb, they are overvIew to help busme;~ own- ber of employees mu,t conblder tnbutlOn~ year whether and how much whichever Ib less, on a tax- popular With hlgh-earmng er, better understand the)) the costs 1Ovolved 10 covering Selectmg the nght retue- they want to contribute (wlthm employees and determ10e the ment plan can have far-reach- optlOnb tax code hmltb) extent to which tax advantages mg and long-lastmg effects on For 1999, the maximum that offbet these COStb your retirement and your bUSI- Simple IRAs can be contnLuted to a 40Hk) Financial Focus 'Ib encourage small-busmess • The level of complexity ness IS the le,ser of 25 percent of Regardless of what secunty we belect, It !>hould meet our owners to proVIde retirement You also need to conSider the A CPA can help select the earnlllgb or $10,000 goals benefits for their workers, the compleXIty of the plan and the best plan for your needs Employerb may offer match- One of the baSIC tenets of mvestmg I!>that It should not be Small Busmess Job ProtectIOn mg contnbutlOn; Employers done on Impulse Know what you want before you buy Act of 1996 created the SIM- who offer 40Hkl plans mu..,t Then, determme If your belectlOn Will do for you what you PLE (SaVIngs Incentive Match meet stnngent nondlscnmma- want - m short, If It WIll meet your needs Plan for Employees) IRA, a bon rules reqUlnng that a suf- If, for example, you want your mvestment to gwe you mcome, retirement plan Without the Want a better understanding fiCient percentage of non-hlgh- then you mUbt expect your chOice to prOVide SUItable diVidends complex nondlscnmInatlOn ly-compenbated workers pal- (stocks or equity mvestments prOVIde dIvidend!> I or mterebt rules and reportIng require- tlclpate m the plan (bonds or debt secuntles produce mterest) to meet your needb of Long ..Tenl1 Care? ments of other retirement In addltlon, you must be reasonably convmced that thiS plans Simplified pensions mcome Will be paid to you regularly and on time SIMPLE lRAs are generally In a SEP plan, the employer Whether you reCClve thiS mcome Will depend on the ability of Invest an hour on Thursday, June 17 avaIlable to busInesses With makes deductible conti IbutlOns that partIcular corporatIOn to meets Its obhgatlOn, 100 or fewer employees to IRAs set up by employees It I..,albo generally true that the hIgher your yIeld or return, Spend an hour With Chns Flynn and gam a better These employees must have Employeeb do not contnbute the more nbk 'ou assume understandmg of Long-Term Care and the optIOns receIVed at least $5,000 m com- to a SEP, but employers who AU S gove;nment-guaranteed bond probably WIll not prOVIde pensatIOn from the employer m make contnbutlOns for them- as much mcome as an unsecured note of a small corporatIOn avaIlable to you, family and friends, You'll also receive a the prevIOus year Ehglble selves must make contnbu- On the other hand, the government bond Will afford you more free, no-obligatIOn consultatIOn which can help address employees are those who can tIOns to all employees who safety So If you're almmg for maximum mcome on your mvest- reasonably be expected to earn meet age and years-of-servlce ment, chances are you're gomg to have to sacnfice a bit of safe- your Long-Term Care concerns. Call 313 824-4264 now at least $5,000 for the current tests ty to reserve your tlme preference. year and who receIved at least The maximum contnbutlOn To put It another way, "There's no such tiung as a free lunch" $5,000 III compensatIOn dunng IS 15 percent of compensatIOn If, on the other hand, mcome IS secondary and you're after any two precedmg years (up to $160,000), or $30,000, capital appreCIatIOn, then you probably should mvest m secun- Thursday, June 17 SIMPLE !RAs are funded whIchever IS less ContnbutlOn tles you believe you may sell for more than you pdld for them 10:30 a.m. (OR) 6:30 p.m. through a combmatlOn of One thmg you can be certam of, however, IS that no stock or employer and employee contn- bond can Simultaneously offer you mlmmum nsk, attractlve Neighborhood Club butIons mcome and tremendous growth potential 17150 Waterloo, Grosse Pointe City For 1999, employees can con- If a secunty features one ofthese attnbutes, the others WIll be tnbute up to $6,000 of net secondary or practically nonexistent earnmgs The busmess owner At certam times, however, It may be pOSSible to obtam secun- Chris Flynn, M.B.A. must either match each ties that potentially offer some mod~st combmatIOn of these fea- 313 824-4264 employee's contnbutIon (up to tures over a penod of time three percent of the employee's wages) or make a flat contnbu- Submitted by Verlyn J Rebelem, an Edward Jone6 Investment @:)1999Northwestern Long Term Care Insurance Co a subSldlaryof tlon equal to two percent of representatIVe The Northwestern MUlUal Lile Insurance Co Milwaukee WI KSI HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR NEW KITCHEN!


    Merillat Industries, Inc. is a Proud Amera@ Michigan Company Fine Cabinetry By Menlfar

    KITCHEN SUPPUERS INC. ANN ARBOR BIRMINGHAM BRIGHTON LIVONIA MY. CLEMENS WATERFORD 3165 Oak Valley Dr. 33254 Woodwanl 9325 Maltby Rd. 34724 Plymouth 36549 Gratiot 5314 Dille Hwy. (734) 769.7669 (248) 647.9567 (810) 229.9554 (734) 261.6960 (810) 791.7405 (248) 623-2333

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    • • A La Annie page 6

    Pride of the Pointes 7 G~P.Children's Theater celebrates its 45th year

    By Maureen Moore efforts ra'scd suffiCIent funds "The WIZ,lI J of Oz " Special Wnter to save downtown DetrOIt's Other notable perfor- As It celebrates Its 45th hlstonc Manner's Church mances mcluded the charac- anmversary thts year, Grosse from bemg demohshed ter of Mrs Sower berry In Pomte Chtldren's Theater can While workmg on her mas- "Oliver," and In a student- Shannon Reynolds, 12, at pomt to a history of career ter's degree m Chtldren's wntten, student-dIrected the left, recently played the starts comparable to a Los Theater at Wayne State prQductlOn of "Mass part of the TIn Man in Grosse Angeles or New York stage UnIversity, she taught drama Hystena," at Grosse Pomte Polnte Chllciren's Theater's Recogmzed by the state of at Umverslty Liggett School North These expenences production of "The Wizard of MichIgan as the oldest com- "It was a real challenge, but have solidified Jennifer's Oz." Shannon is the grand- mumty-based chl1dren's the- I loved every moment of It," plan to produce and dIrect daughter of GPCT director ater m the state featunng Reynolds said her own productIOns on the Sally Reynolds. youths as performers, sur- After her son was born, Grosse Pomte stage Katie SulllvaD, 12. below, names such as Herman, Cnm, "thoughts of a commumty chil- "JennIfer has been to played the part of the SCare- GaldIca, Scl1lian, Parcells, dren's theater m Grosse Interlochen for three years, crow in the same production. Waldmelr and Marshall Pomte kept rolhng through and performs m New York helped to form a legacy not my mmd I knew what I want- at a theatncal camp called easl1y matched. ed, and I Just needed someone Stage Door Manor," Janet Grosse Pomte Children's m authonty to lend a hstenmg Wemgarten said Theater's founder and dIrector ear and heart to the great Last year Jenrnfer choreo- Sally Reynolds IS enormously need for such a children's the- graphed and played the lead proud of the hentage her ater and all the wonderful role m Parcells Middle VISion began The local theater thmgs that could happen both School's productIOn of" AnDle " has launched countless profes- for the chtldren on stage and "As a teenager my WIfe, SIOnal careers m numerous those m the audience" Diane, was mvolved With the performance sectors and dISCI- Mappmg out a plan to find a Grosse POInte Chl1dren's phnes She considers past and horne for their stage meant Theater, under the wrection of present performers as famlly hours of phone calls and foot- Sally Reynolds," said Charhe "In the hearts of chIldren IS work The endeavor paId off RInderknecht of Grosse POinte born the fate of men and Reynold's concept of Grosse Woods "Every now and then, natIOns," Reynolds SaId "ThiS Pomte ChJ1dren's Theater was over the last few years, we IS our motto, from Kmg Midas Imtlally accepted by The would run mto Sally and come and the Golden Touch This NeIghborhood Club, the back to work on or m her pro- means that what one learns as Grosse POInte Board of ductions" a chIld reflects later m hfe," Education, and thEt.Grosse Both profeSSIOnal actors she said Porote War Memonal active In dInner and commUnI- "My goal from the start was " presentmg my con- ty theater, "ActIng 15 how we - and continues to be - to cept, plans, hopes and dreams met," he said In 1997 the cou- use the talents God gave me to for thE' commurnty, and after ple played adult roles m bnng JOYand happmess to bemg received WIth a most Reynolds' adaptation of others through theater All of enthusiastic welcome by the "Annie," and last year the our members have tned to War Memorial's board of dIrec- couple performed the adult 'spread a httle love from God tors, I deCIded to make It our leads In GPCT's "Cheaper By above' all for His honor and horne," she saId. the Dozen" glory" The rest IS hiStory "When we're not playmg the Reynolds said she was born "One of the hIgh notes of our leads out front," Rmderknecht to multI-talented parents who time at the War Memonal was saId, "Diane works behInd the loved musIc and theater. Her presenting 'The Wizard of Oz' scenes as the stage manager performance roots were plant- to benefit Fath~r Pat!'1ck _ and I bUild sJ'!_ts_Our lqds also ed early Peyton's Farmly Theater of act m the theater. "My mother was the finest Hollywood," Reynolds said. "Our famlly IS now second pianIst I ever heard, and my "Our guest of honor was Jack generatIOn Grosse Pointe dad could make the Violin Haley, the original 'I'm Man Chtldren's Theater" smg," she SaId "He also had character from MGM's mOVie AnnIe Reinholz, a JUnIor at the most beautIful Insh tenor claSSIC Grosse Pomte South HIgh voice that sent a shIver up my "When Haley gave a stand- School, IS a new member of spme He and my mother ing ovation to the 'I'm Man m the GPCT Last Chnstmas she would sing and harmornze and our production, I thought my appeared as Rosamund In my brother and I would Jom student was gOIng to pass out "Sleepmg Beauty," and last m, smgmg old favontes " from shock,. she SaId month she was GlInda, the When Reynolds was 4, her In 1986 the Windsor's good WItch In "The Wizard of Aunt Margaret played an Hiram Walker Canadian Club Oz" angel m a productIon at 'Break A Leg' Award was pre- "Sally has been very fleXible Bonstelle Theatre An mdell- sented to Reynolds for "out- With Anme's school and extra- ble Imprint was made on the standmg coordmatIon of the curricular schedule," SaId Jane arden awe-struck youngster Her theatncal production of Reinholz, Annie's mother 'Ohver' at the War "Annie also loves sports My Memonal Fnes greatest JOy IS that she has Auchtorium" been able to have some expo- The CanadIan sure to the arts and still main- Club Break A Leg tam her extra-curncular actIv- award recognizes Ities profeSSIOnals for "Sally finds a way to blend outstandIng con- It all In She understands tnbutlOns to chll- there are other thIngs kids dren's theater have mterests In, too. Sally natIOnWIde and for has mcredlble patience She ~cw Guinea Impatien~ dedication to the has been an unbehevably posi- Hanging Baskets ~:% arts An mdustry- tive Influence on the kids and $ rh!)8 , WIde achievement, the community" '19'" 'i. each time thiS She's metIculous about each sale 7.LJ:. ~ .1# l" award IS given, performance, Jane Remholz SUn-IoImg pbnt; WIIh loads of beaunfuJ Bm-s. < ~ $I The Actor's Fund, said "Reynolds and the GPCT the oldest theatn- have made the kids feel so cal chanty In the good when It'S time to take the Co]oJful Impatiens world, receIves a stage They're proud of them- p/qnfs per/JOC" Grosse Pointe Chlldren'. Theater Sizable monetary selves and how hard they've $119 director saJly Reynolds, at the left, contnbutlOn from worked 4 - jiJr 1.• ~ '1.'" shares some memories with a former the Canadian "Sally obViously has a great llAatlUl' OOl\'l'AINS 12 PM:XS. SALE'11." REG.'14." performer, Gwen Bumble McShane. Club love for what she's domg It !l5JbfuI shade IOlerant Oowers for color aD SI.'.lNll1 long. Prestigious takes a lot of energy I'm glad reCIpients before my daughter has been part of future was determIned 1986 mclude Anthony Qumn, thIs theater" Buttcrflv Bushes "From then on, my aunt EddIe Albert, Colleen Reynolds SaId the GPCT started takIng me to shows I Dewhurst, Frances does not hmlt Itself to proVld- loved them, and loved to be a Sternhagen, MIckey Rooney, mg entertamment solely to Sale3(10off 8eldIfuI seIedJon of bushes IIIb1 and bIooni part of the auchence One of Ann Miller, Tommy 1\me, reSIdents of the Grosse Pomte my favontes was 'Around the Gene Barry, Mark Hamill, commumty Members have World m Eighty Days' Jessie Chnstme Ebersole, Mary given theIr time and talent to C\l)resS Mulch Bonstelle was a real star MartIn and Carol Chanmng chantable causes m numerous . $ maker," Reynolds saId "I pat- "Sally has been a great commumtIes temed my ChIldren's Theater teacher," said Janet In recent months scenes 4 bagsfor 10 Rtf/3~ after hers" Wemgarten Wemgarten's from "The WIzard of Oz" were ~ fteCb, COIISen'eS rnoi.'ilIIre lIIId repel!; 111St'Clli Reynolds took smgmg and daughter, Jenmfer, has per- performed for homeless people FM::ll 2 QI rt. ~ cover; 12 ~ feet. 2.inches deep dance classes, drama lessons, formed With the Chlldren's dunng a stay at 8t Paul's and performed on the local • Theater "She puts m a Church Last December stage m productIons such as tremendous amount of time .Sleepmg Beauty. was enacted Gilmour Greenlawn JIOSl) 'The Broadway Capital WIth her students It was Sally before a group of semor CIti- 98 Children's Hour' and Thletots who sparked Jenmfer's mter- zens at St Joseph's Home for $7. It wasn't unttl her college est In actmg She's been her the Aged Sale • Reg. '12"" years, however, that Reynolds best teacher" s.1l indl 50 me hose ~ lIexihle, elISl' 10 IwIdIe 2lld kmk 1'eSI'ilaI11 Nf(ItVes~ GPCT IS currently plannmg • r opemllOn.~ submerged herself m the arts PartiCIpating m GPCT was a Summer Drama Workshop After eammg a bachelor of Jenmfer's first expenence for both begmmng and \()!l~~ 5 ~/nrlloullMf$: arts degree from MichIgan With actmg Now a freshman advanced students from July 6 ao,aJ OllII-Troy (248) UlO9500 • Clililon lWp. OliO) lS6 MOO • "est Bloomfield (H!ll !l51 ~501l State Umverslty she directed at Grosse POinte North HIgh through July 17 at Grosse EIsepo6Iee (810) 771 'llOO • Dearborn ~II: nUl"i('n (~I~l n 44H or "on~WI \) 50s !1m local actors and actresses In School, Jenmfer has per- Pomte Memonal Church, 16 __ Opel! MoncIay d1~ s.nmtay II ... 10 9 pill • SUndar II _ 10 6 pill productIOns for DetrOIt-area formed m several of RRynolds' Lakeshore m Grosse Pomte ~I chantable causes TheIr productIOns, most recently In ; Always Hiring People Who love People & Plants' See THEATER, pqe 68 ..

    \ ! June 10, 1999 28 Weddings - Grosse Pointe News the groom'~ daughter, Justine French silk faille and featured Hoff long, fitted sleeves She carned Naglich- The maid of honor wore a an all-white bouquet that salmon dress and carned a meluded roses, stephanotis, bouquet of ~prlng flowers The freeSia and white wax flowers Marshall JUnior bndesmald wore an The mllld of honor was Kate Patncla Joan ~aghch of the IVOrydre~s with a ,almon-flow- McCarthy of Grosse Pomte City ofGrosse POinte,daughter ered skirt and carned a bou- Woods ofMr and Mrs Joseph Naghch quet of i>prlngflowers BridesmaIds were Susan of Eastpomte, marned The best man was the HadJlyams of Mmneapolis, the Chnstopher John Marshall of groom's brother, Tryg Hoff of groom's Sister, Caryn Clagne of NorthVille, son of Mr and Mrs Olympia, Wa.,h ChIcago, and Martha Daas of Robert Spence of NorthVIlle, Th(' bnde's brother, Bryan Austm, Texas formerly of Grosse Pomte Jone,; of Grosse POinte Park, The flowerglrls were Angela Farms, and Roger Marshall, on waS the usher Panagos of Grosse Pomte April 10, 1999, at St Paul The nngbearer was the Woods and Carly Sutherland of Cathohc Church groom'.>son, Matthew Hoff of Palatine, III The Rev George Williams Portage Atu>ndant" worE'French blue oflkl'lted at the 2 30 p m cere- The mother ot the bnde wore Silk shantung dresses and car- mony, which was followed by a a tea-length cream-colored ned bouquets of peach roses receptIOn at Andlamo Villa Mr. and Mn. Jud Hoff sheath and carned a tussy and Queen Anne's lace !talla III Warren mussy, a small bouquet of The best man was the spnng flowers Jones-Hoff groom's brother, Chnstopher The groom's mother wore a Clagne of Farmmgton Darcy Lynne Jones, daugh- cream-colored lace pantsklrt Cholack- ter of Nell and Barbara Snow Groomsmen were tile with a tuxedo Jacket and car- groom's brother, Marc Clagne of Hilton Head IslaJ1d, S C , ned a bouquet of spnng flow- Ciagne formerly of Grosse Pomte ers of Washington, DC, Graeme Park married Jud Hoff, son of Dlna Mary Cholack, daugh- Hunter of Manhattan, NY, The bnde's stepbrother, ter of Jeanne Cans Cholack of and Jeff Rutherford of Los Wilham and Nancy Hoff of Jonathan Snow, played the Bellvue, Wash, on May 1, Grosse Pomte Farms and the Angeles bagpipes before the weddmg late George H Cholack, mar- The nngbearer was George 1999, at the Spanish Wells The bnde earned a degree In Club on Hilton Head Island ned DaVIdArthur Clagne, son A Cholack of LlVoma matenal lOgistic management of Patncla and Arthur M The mother of the bnde wore The Rev John McCreight from MichIgan State offiCiated at the 3 p m ceremo- Clagne of Bloomfield Hills, on a long ecru sllk gown and a cor- Umverslty She IS a supervIsor June 28, 1998, at AnnunciatIOn sage of gardemas and roses ny, which was followed by a WIth Stryker Instruments receptIOn at the Spanish Wells Greek Orthodox Cathedral In The groom's mother wore a The groom graduated from DetrOIt long pale green Silk gown Wlth Club the U S Mlhtary Academy He The bnde wore an Ivory The Rev Athanas G George a tuxedo Jacket and a corsage IS vice preSident of quahty and MonSignor Edward of gardemas and roses gown tnmmed In satm and a assurance, regulatory affaIrs short vetl She camed a bou- Baldwin offiCiatedat the 3 p m The orgamst was Chff and faclhtles englneenng at ceremony, which was followed WIlkens, solOist was Margaret quet of white tuhps Stryker Instruments The maid of honor was by a receptIOn at the Grosse Abee, trumpeter was BIll The newlyweds hve m POinte Yacht Club Beger The reader was Carol Pamela Remke of Portage Blrmmgham The bride wore her mother's Savvas The Junior bndesmald was gown which was made of ivory The bride graduated from the Umverslty of MIchigan The bnde wore a satm A-hne Wlth a bachelor of arts degree gown that featured a lace In hterature and musIc. She IS bodIce, a portrlllt neckhne and Eng,!!gements a producer Wlth ABC News In short sleeves trimmed Wlth London pearls She carned a bouquet 'J":!ucker Bernard Sherwood, son of master's degree m health ser- of yellow and white roses ~ ~ - Mr and Mrs Davw. Sherwood VIce adrmmstratlOn from the The groom earned a bachelor The maid of honor was the of Grosse Pomte Park A July Umverslty of Mlcmgan She IS of arts degree In economIcs bnde's SIster, Janet Nagllch of K ra wedding IS planned a nsk manager at RiversIde from the Umverslty of the CIty of Grosse POinte ft Bosscher earned a degree In Osteopathic HospItal. MIchigan and a master's Bndesmalds were the bnde's Mr and Mrs James A marketing and bUSiness from Kelly earned a bachelor of degree m busmess admlmstra- SIster, Mary Kathryn Gorman Tucker of the City of Grosse Michigan State Umverslty, arts degree from the tion from ColumbIa Umversity of Evanston, Ill, Kimberly Pomte have announced the where she was affihated Wlth Umversity of Iowa He IS man- He IS an mvestment banker Naglich of Manchester, and engagement of their daughter, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority ager of profeSSIOnal services Wlth the mergers and acquIsI- Maureen Donnelly of Grosse Susan Elizabeth Tucker, to She IS a marketing consultant staffing at Sequent Computer tIOns group of Morgan Stanley Pomte Farms Martm Alexander Kraft, son of at Dodson Group Consulting Systems In London. The flowerglr! was Martin T Kraft of Grosse Co Samantha Nagllch of POinte Park and the late Alexa Sherwood earned a degree In The newlyweds traveled to Manchester G Klaft A July weddmg IS economics from Micmgan State Bali and Lombok They live m Attendants wore pale yellow planned Umverslty He works for London and cream-colored satin floor- Amencan Backhaulers a., length dresses that featured southeast regional manager. Ebbing- Walton Mr and Mrs Raymond R SUMMER SURVIVAL Ebbmg of Bloomfield Hills have announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Kathryn A Ebbing, to Andrew R Walton, son of Mr and Mrs Jonathan T Walton of Grosse Pomte Farms A November weddmg ISplanned Ebbing earned a bachelor of arts degree m Enghsh and eco- Here's 0 handy checklist of the Suaan EU&abeth Tucker nomIcs from AlbIOn College and Martin A1euuder Kraft She works In advertlsmg absolute necessitiesyou'll need Susan earned a bachelor of Walton earned a bachelor of when heading off for seaside arts degree In English from the sCIence degree In elementary or poolside. educatIOn from Central UniverSIty of Massachusetts at Michigan Ulverslty She IS a Amherst He is a dJrector for D Suntan lotion or middle school language arts Chelsea PIctures teacher In Plymouth Sun Block Martm earned a bachelor of Donaldson- [jSunglasses sCIence degree m busmess Martha & Bill admlDistratlOn from Michigan Gorenflo will celebrate o Sandals or Thongs State Umverslty He IS a pro- Kelly tbe.r GOth annt ...... ry on JUDe 13, duction control analyst Wlth Lawrence and Ursula 1999. Th.,. ba ..e been of D Something Ford Motor Co G...... Pointe for o"er ...... ... Donaldson of Grosse Pomte yea.", end ba ..e !i>eenretired for th. Interesting To lead Park have announced the last fifteen. The Gorenflo'. ha... four ehlldren, .even grandeblldnn and engagement of theIr daughter, one veat vandchild. The,. WlJl Carne Donaldson, to Kevm celebrate theIr anDlvenal')" at a Kelly, son of James and JoAnn luncbeon witb their cblldnn on Why not take the Why not take a moment to Kelly of Grosse Pomte Woods Saturday JUJNI 12th An October weddmg IS Gr~ Pointe News Insure a SUIIIIIW of good planned Use our web site Donaldson earned a bachelor along with you? ndoesn't reading by filling out the of sCience degree from Northwestern Umversity and a III ! I ...... \ •I 111' r \ I II \.. ~ I 1 weigh much but callies lots of summer subscrlpUon .... "You Want The Best Care For The One YouLove" weight when n comes to below. Db••.and one more If you are Irymg to balance the demands of work and fann Iy while canng for your parenl news, entertainment, finance, Call us today for full details ... or drop in and visit tiling to add to tile list • don't CALVARY DAY CARE FOR ADULTS advice and a wboIe lot more. forget to throw In the toweIl A Center Lutheran r------SUMMER SUBSCRIPTION OFFER ------, ISocial Services0/ of Michigan 11111 4950 Gareshead Mall your check to Grosse Pomte News Sandy E1IAbetIa 96 Kercheval Ave near Mack and Moron 881.3374 Grosse Pomte Farms MI 48236 andKm...... (313) 34J.55n Sbet'WWll Parliall funded b the United Wa and the DetrOitArea A en NAME .....- _ STAEET _ CITY _ DON'T PAINT YOUR PHONE _ RADIATORS STATE ZlP _ Bosscher- Paont d'a~ocally ~PS IhI>l'If'CIt'flC1/ 01 ~~am & hoI wal~r _~ .....CEl _ rad,",o", and wood l'TlCIOIUrPS.... poor ..... 1conductors A".,.,.,. AH...... Il1o--.... No.------EIlP.O'_S9lIture _ .J Shenvood • OffM durabthly 01 ~tef Wllh baked enamej hn"h ,n L______Mr and Mrs James ~O< a"" colors • Kl'<'p d,aJl'" w.n, & c~lllng>eI,.n Bos.,cher of Northville have • PrOjf' and the loc..alpartIcipants are among 394 pnvate gardens In 29 state::. that will be avaIlable for tours thiS season The $4 admiSSIOn fee collect- ed at each garden benefits local charI tIe::. and preserva- tIon projects of the Garden Conservancy A $20 pabs IS good for all seven gardens Last year, more than 50,000 guests VISIted gardenb lIsted In the Open Days dIrectory Grosse POInte gardens that WIll be open from 11 a m to 4 pm Sunday, June 13, are Boys & Girls Clubs' gift Farms resident Catherine O'Malley. second from o The Day garden, 3 right, chairman of the board of trustees for Boys &: Woodland Place. Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan. accepted a o The Oettmg garden, 5 grant of $17,500 from the McKesson Foundation dur- Island Avenue ing National Boys &: Girls Club Week. Academy Auction draws 700people • The Jagger garden, 1 Tbe Grosse Pointe Academy's 32nd Action Auction. held May 5 and 8. turned out Donovan Place Tbe grant will be used to support computer and to be another successful fundralsing venture for the school, About 700 guests bid • The Booth garden, 274 Internet activity at the nine metropolitan Detroit on tbe approximately 800 items, with funds going to tbe scbool's scholarship pro- Lakeshore area Boys &: Girls Clubs. gram. advances in classroom technology and preservation of tbe historic 22-acre • The Flnkenstaedt garden, campus. 32 Hendne Lane Representing McKesson HBOC Pbarmacy Systems Some of the parents wbo attended. from left. are Dottie and John Gaylord of o The McKean garden, 524 are. from left, Sbelby Manus and Debra Lock. and Sue Detroit. Bill and Susan Frost of Grosse Pointe Shores and Ken and Mary Ann Gar- Deeplands Sherrill at tbe far right. litz of Grosse Pointe Farms.

    •• •• ·r;;;::======::::;;il • o The HIckey garden, 80 No rebervatlOnb are neces- :. .: • 104 • KQ109 Tourame sary for the Open Dayb tour • AK7!14 In addJtlOn, three local pub- Garden Conservancy memberb HAVE A PLEASANT TRy AT PERfECTION + Q .. hc gardens are open for tours and nonmembers are welcome +AQ8 • & 3 2 to Vlblt garden" lIsted In the BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD t' •• .854 E NE... 8 2 I. • ... 82 • Q1083 • The LottIe Crawley Open Days DIrectory The •• +K1098 + &32 MemOrIal Garden, 171 dlrectorv II. $12 95, $1095 for Hllnulrty ISa vlrtlll all preach, few practIce and yet eve') one IScontent Lakeshore, IS open datly from membe;b to hear .IAN dawn to dusk, from May 13 to For more mformatlOn, call - John Selden •OK.107S Nov 1 (313) 885-8177 or (888) 842- • A73 • 8 2442 Jamce Home Wnghl, the benevolent and much-respecled Widow of the + A752 W Led H 6 • The Grosse Pomte Garden unforgetlable Charlie, has been a dehghlful demzen of our commumty'~ Center's Trtal Garden, 32 - Margte ReinS SmIth dOing. since Ihelf return follOWing Ihe '41 war Charles wasn't a veleran, Lakeshore, IS open datly from but hISlife wllh the FBI In those tImes was Just as nerve-rackmg Jan and Me Jan dawn to dusk, May through he met m Flonda where they were marned and hiS famIly and 'r nd. were IH IS October thnlled when they returned with Jan's daughler Adena to Ihe beautiful 20 2NT shores of Lake SI Clair • 3NT • The Edsel & Eleanor Ford Three exemplary children came w,th time Young Charhe, who was Ifi House, 1100 Lakeshore, IS dubbed "Lillie Much Talk" In our Indian GUIde years, lovely LOUIse qnd J had cautioned Jan that wllh a bad hand and 4-5 lhe red SUits [hat I would probably open one hean allowmg me the

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    Call for AppOintment Childrens Portraits Our Prmt'. Are Lltetlme 19261 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods Guaranteed! (313) 886-n15 HILFIGER (Mock near Moross) TERRENCE K.CARMICHAEL STUDIO INC .•. WE ARE A FULLSERVICE FURRIER APPRAISALS 20725MACK AVE GROS<.;FPTE W( )On~ ~ • REPAIRS• RESTYliNG • REUNING • MONOGRAMMING (313) 884 ..4280 1:WnI. • FURCARE • CLEANING 0 COlD STORAGE , - June 10, 1999 48 Churches Grosse Pointe News The Pastor's Corner Test may provide doctors You can make a difference more r~pid identification By the Rev. Barton Beebe First Enghsh Lutheran Church of bacterial meningitis Does readmg the newspaper headlmes or hstemng tenal DNA, the bactena's DNA to the televIsIon news reports ever depress you? Does Doctors at St John Hospital and MedIcal Center are Ib Identified so that the appro- the pam and tragedy m the world ever seem so over- researchmg a rapid method for pnate treatment can begm whelmmg to you that you feellmmoblhzed? IdentIfymg bactenal mel1lngI- In a !tmlted test, Saravolatz If you ever do feel such thmgs, you are not alone. tis that one day could save and rub team have achIeved a But you do not have to stay depressed or Immobl- many hves 100 percent bLlccessrate m rul- hzed. mg out the presence of the bac- On Sunday, May 16, over 170 people particIpated Called the polymerase cham tena causmg menmgltIs In m the 20th annual GlO"se Pomte;1Ialpel Woods reactIOn (peR) a""a), the test patIents Thclr success rate In takes JUbt three hours mstead confirmmg the prebence of bac- Commumty CROP Walk They voluntarIly walked 10 Phow by Karlesl Ford kilometers one afternoon because others In the world of the 24-48 hours usually tena Ib 65 percent, a figure have to walk more than that each day to search for Fontbonne Auxiliary reqUired for the standard diag- that ISdue to false POSitives It the resources to meet the most baSIC of hfe's needs nostIc test known as culture IS also the team's mtentIOn to Pauaing for a moment during the recent Day of IsolatIOn of bactena mvestlgate ways m the future Through the efforts of these people and those who RecoUection hosted by the Fontbonne AuDliary of to prevent or slgmficantly supported them, almost $22,000 was raised to assIst St. John Hospital and Medical Center are, from left. Because bactenal menmgItIs reduce the number offalse pos- hungry people In the world. Carolyn Wagner. co-chairman: Gayle Boutroua. Font- can be fatal, early dIagnOSIS Itives DespIte the contmued effort of many, hunger IS bonne president: the Rev. Karl Kiser. superior of Loy- and treatment are crUCIal still a reahty m the world Every day, 34,000 chIl- ola Houae; and Patricia Young. co-chairman. Kiser "The earher menmgItis IS In spIte of hiS team's promIs- dren In the world under the age of 5 dIe from hunger was the speaker for the event. which was held at St. Identified and treated, the Ing findings, Saravolatz cau- and preventable diseases. There are 800 mIlhon peo- Paul catholic Church's parish house. greater the chance of complete tIOns that thiS rebearch Ib m ple m the world who are too poor to adequately feed recovery," saId Dr LOUIS the very earhest stages and themselves One In four persons m the world lacks Saravolatz, pnnclpal mvestI- that many more expenments access to safe dnnkIng water In the Umted States, gator of the study and sectIon WIllbe necessary In the mean- more than one chIld In four is hungry or at nsk of Health, beauty seminar slated cruefofmternal medICine at St time, Saravolatz and fellow John HospItal "The test also hunger researchers Odette Manzor, Dr A free semmar about DaVId Jantz of the Alternative IdentIfies which antIbIOtIC Will Nancy VanderVelde and Dr Such statIstIcs are overwhelming The numbers women's health Issues WIll be Health Care Center, and Fran be most effective m treatmg Deeplh MaJIthla WIll present would be even greater If not for the efforts of people offered at 7 p m Monday, June Mastro, dIrector of the Natural the dIsease That's Important their findmgs at a fall meetmg workIng agaInst hunger and ItS causes 14, at Chnst the Kmg Weight Loss Center, WIllspeak because one-thIrd of all memn- of the AmerIcan SOCIety of Funds raIsed through the Grosse PomteJHarper Lutheran Church, 20338 Mack To reserve a spot, call (313) gItIs strams are resistant to MicrobIOlogym San FranCISco Woods Commumty CROP Walk do make a dIffer- m Grosse Pomte Woods Dr 884-6258 pemcIllm, whIch used to be our Although anyone can con- ence The percentage of the populatIOn that IS hun- first-bne treatment" tract menmgItls, children gry today IS less than the percentage of hungry peo- under the age of 5, teenagers, ple 20 years ago. Babies AccordIng to Saravolatz, bac- young adults and the elderly Of the almost $22,000 raised last month, 25 per- tena samples are collected are generally at greater nsk usmg eIther a lumbar puncture cent WIll be used to fund local agenCIes workmg Catherine Joan New York City or dram age from a cere- Symptoms mclude headache, against hunger In the DetrOIt area. The other 75 per- brospmal flUId shunt SImply stIff neck, senSItIVItyto bnght cent WIll be distributed to programs m more than 70 Semack Paternal grandparents are stated, the test IS performed by hght, confUSIOn,fever, vomlt- countnes by Church World Service, a mimstry of the MIchael and Mary Semack of RIchard Semack of Grosse placmg the bactena m a cen- mg and other flu-hke symp- National CounCil of the Churches of Chnst in the New York CIty are the parents Pomte Park and Carol Semack tnfuge, where they are broken toms The bactena are spread Umted States of a daughter, Cathenne Joan of Grosse POInte Farms apart to release the double through coughmg or close con- LIke other religious agencIes, CWS makes the Semack, born March 28, 1999 Paternal great-grandmother strand of DNA After addIng an tact like klssmg They are not most of each contrIbutIOn For Instance, a gift of $10 Maternal grandparents are Mr IS Mrs Roland Loweke of enzyme and a copy of the bac- spread by casual contact can buy 50 baby chIcks for a famIly In Bosma. A gtft and Mrs RIchard Hartel of DetrOIt of $20 can gtve 330 treatments of oral rehydration First English Ev. Lutheran Church therapy to chIldren suffenng from dehydratIOn A VernIer Rd at Wedgewood Dr gift of $100 can prOVIde 500 tree seedlings to grow In Grosse POInte Woods .Afnca. 884-5040 For up-to-date news about how CWS gIfts are 8 30 & II 00 am Sunday Worship makIng a dIfference, call the CWS hothne. (800) 297- 9 45 am Sunday School WORSHIP SERVICE 1516, Ext 111, or VIsit the web site Dr Walter A Schmidt, Pastor d ~ J 'r :t ~ > '.. http'//www nccusa.orglcws Rev Barton L Bee ASSOCI e P tor This year's CROP Walk IS over, but the fight Grosse Pointe Unitarian RedeeJJ!.er United CD CH~~~~EO~~~~ST agamst hunger contmues. DonatlOns to CWS or Church other denommatlonal hunger appeals can be made Methodist Church S. Kercheval at LakepOlnte 20571 Vernier Just W of 1-94- ,.-~ Grosse Pomte Park 822-3823 Flower Communion I any time at most ChnstIan congregatIOns In our Harper Woods Sunday - WorshiP 1030 am Sunday ~ commumty Or If you WIsh, contact me dIrectly at 884-2035 Tuesday - Thnft Shop 10 30 - 3 30 10.30 a m servICe & Church SChool 19950 Mack (between Moross & Vernier) (t Wednesday - Amazmg Grace SeDlor.; (313) 884-5040. I'll be happy to dISCUSS\Vlth you how 9 15 a m Sunday School for all ages 11 - 3 00 17150 MAUMEE you can make a difference. 9 00 & 11.00 a m WorshIp 10 30 a m Worshl COME JOIN US 881-0420 1000 a.m Education Hour Nursery SeMces Available Christ the King ••:: Sf. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lutheran Church ~ 20475 Sunningdale Park Lutheran churches join 886-4301 rI Mack at Lochmoor near Lochmoor Club E-mail gpwpc@juno com 884-5090 Grosse Pointe Woods 8 15& 1045 a.m Woo/np Semce St. James Lutheran Church Sunday for mid-week worship 9 30 a.m Sunday School & 170 McMillan Rd , near Kercheval 800am Holy Euchansl Bible Classes St. James Lutheran Church Wednesdays from Aug 4 Grosse POinte Farms. 884-0511 10 15a m Church School and St Paul Lutheran Church through Sept 8 Supemsed Nursery ProVIded 10 30a m Choral Euehansl ~. Sanday Sebedale Vaca1lon BIble School WIll hold Wednesday evening The Rev Gustav Kopka, the (Nursery Avallable) worship services dunng the Rev Fred Harms and the Rev ~"fJ 9\lO am Sunday School lune 21-25 Randy S. lIoeIter, "-tor summer months Chnstopher Frye WIll take TImothy A. HoIzerIand, Aac. PIstor 884-4820 St James Church, 170 turns preachIng and seI'Vlces '1Jt..,;;,p- J 1015 a m & The Holy , :=Euehanst McMIllan In Grosse Pomte WIll Include holy commUnIon Wednesday Grosse Pointe The members of Farms, WIll offer worship at Sermons WIllfollow appointed Prayer & Holy Commumon GROSSE. 7 30 pm Wednesdays, from texts from the prevIous UNITED Po I NT E First Church of Christ, Noon METHODIST June 16 through July 28 St. Sundays ServIces WIllbe held ~Nursery AVallable~rI UNITED Scientist Paul Lutheran, 375 Lothrop In outdoors, weather permIttmg Rev Gustav Kopka Jr. PbD CHURCH CHURCH 282 ChalfonteAve. Grosse POinte Farms, Will hold The commumty ISInVlted ALL Ai! WELCOIolED servIces at 7 30 p m A Fnendly Church for AFF1L.JATED WITll THE UCC AND ABC Grosse Pointe Farms, All Ages 2AO CHALFONTE AT LOlHROP 211 Moross Rd. 884-3075 cordiallymvlleyou to First English Lutheran ------Jom us at our Grosse Pointe Fanns "God Laughs" (11 D)77M111 886-2363 Sunday ServIces 10 30 a m 10«1 A.M FAMILY WORSHIP Sunday School For Students +~CIIrlIIIn 9:00 & II 15 a.m. Womup presents Music Sunday ...... ,..Ily .. (CRIB ROOM AVAll..A8L£) up to the age of 20 10 30 a m 10 15a.m Sunday ScnooI First Enghsh Ev Lutheran Fdl,TI'IlIIlIoIIIIIlI'" 10-00 A M CHURCH SCHOOL Wednesday Services 8 00 P m Organ accompamment WIll allI1Iltofr ApIIlIIs RevE.ABrayPastor Church WIll present Its annual be by First English music J+-THE UNITED Rev Scott DaVlll Assoc: Pastor spnng MUSIC Sunday begm- www.gpuruted arg AUARE WELCOME director Robert Foster A free- ~ ~I METHODIST CHURCH nIng at 9,30 a m Sunday, June WIlloffenng WIllbe taken and 13, at the church, 800 Vernier 6 00 P m Holy LI1ufQY liIlI..EIII*lb) a coffee hour wIll follow ~ A STEPHEN MINISTRY - Grosse Pointe Baptist Church 10 Grosse Po1OteWoods MUSIC and LOGOS atI WIll mclude 10strumentahsts Nursery servIce WIll be avail- 10-~ a.m Holy L~1lfOY (GIW IJl! fIQillIl A Christ Centered. Caring Church able for chIldren up to age 4 ReII\llOUS £00C3I10n 10< All Ages Chnstma Judson, Jayne Committed to Youth and Community Blohm and Don DIke and the For more mformatlOn, call the ~ist~ric 9 church officeat (313) 884-5040 RevFtOlmlmos_ ~ Sunday School- 9:45 AM Good News SIngers IIov Fr ConsUoMo _ Prtosl $ ~a:rtners lIovF- hIm up .. Farm, Garden Symphony nde You know about nde IOnssoak mto Ihese pores and llssues and Ouonde Its Ihe lasly are bactenastalle mearung It IS hanl for bacte- When you talk to your son, use a lovmg, but firm stuff your dentist and na to suro1le m Its presenre approach Do not engage In anger, blame or Judg- Association Women The Grand MaraIS branch of hyglenlst recommends As we age IfOUT gums l'eI'ede our root sur ment. Do not react to your son when he attempts to The annual meetmg of the after a teeth-cleanmg or fares expase themselves to the mouth Fluonde the Woman's NatIOnal Fann Grosse Pomte Symphony ShIft the focus off hImself by blamIng you or other "hen II has been del8. will penetrale the porous root sunacl! and pre- and Garden ASSOCIatIOnwIll Women's AsSOCIatIOnWill be at mined thai you have a vent decay Root surfaces are somewhal soil people. Stay calm and redIrect the focus to hIS need to meet at noon Monday, June 14, 10 30 a m Wednesday, June !ugh ca>1lyrale Do \'OuundelSland how fluonde and susceptible to decay Dental officefloonde accept treatment. Let him know ijlat the court order at the ChIldren's Home of 23, at the Country Club of works? Have I'1lII eler asked" lrealments can only help, nol hurt For Ihe Now In mv opInion nuonde IS amazing pallenl "he IS recelVlngrad>allonlreatmentfor WIll be a consequence of not makIng a healthy choice DetrOIt The meetmg Will DetrOIt Luncheon \'<111 be F1uonde 's a salullon whleh 'soaks" mto the cancer and has redured "aler' No In treatment. Become a member of Alanon or Clinton Hardy SylVia Rutkow"kl, 256 Mt trealments at \"Ourdental office should be a hfe- F1uonde m ) our dnnkmg .. aler IS lmportanl Famlhes Anonymous and attend regularly. Working Vernon, Gros"e Pomte Farms, bme expenence for a pahenl All of our tleth have and benefiaal for the bones m your body Thus 48236 by Fnday, June 18 WIth your son and hIS counselor In treatment, dISCUSS Transportation grooves and pits on the surfacl! AddlhonaJly,on a you c:an see that fluonde IS multJ-plI1Jlllie appropnate ways to deal WIth relapse, should that ProspectIve new members and m,,:rosropt<: level, our tooth enamel has pores Dr. Kevin Prush: 81()'775-2400 occur Club gue'lt'l are welcome An Important, but frequently overlooked step, IS The Transportation Club of examInmg your own use of alcohol or other mood- DetrOIt WIll meet on Fnday, altenng drugs If you dnnk dally or use alcohol as a June 11, at the BaYVIewYacht Club for a luncheon sympo- way to cope WIth problems and stress, or if you sIUm The l{Uest speaker will almost always drink durIng SOCIalactIVIties, you are be Capt Bradford W Black, sendIng unhealthy messages to your chtld. Fmding V.S Coast Guard Group healthy ways to cope WIth problems and partIclpatmg DetrOIt The reception begInS To HonOR rhe In sober actIVItIes WIll make you a good role model for at 11 30 am, lunch at 12 15 your child We suggest that all actIVItIes involving pm, program at 12 45 P m chIldren be alcohol free. The cost IS $25 For reserva- It may be helpful to know that Bnghton Hospital tIOns, call Tom Pantano at has an mpatient adolescent center that IS secured. In (810) 776-2300 between 10 other words, once admitted, the child cannot walk a m and 5 pm Sacred Heart ofJesus away from the faclhty ThiS IS SIgnificant when deal- Ing WIth a teenager who IS not motIvated to accept Symphony l/elp. Also, Hazelden Foundation conducted a 25-year study on the success rates of people who went to Women treatment on their own vs people who were court The Grosse POinte Symphony Women's ordered Into treatment They found that the success ASSOCIationWIll meet at noon rates are the same for both groupS. Fnday, June 11, in the garden of the Grosse Pomte War Jeff Jay tS dtrector of Program Development for Memonal for a salad luncheon Bnghton Hospttal and the prestdent of the McGovern Guests are asked to wear red, Famzly FoundatlOn m Washmgton, D.C Debra whIte and blue, If pOSSIble Enckson Jay tS an mterventlOntst and the managmg Entertamment WIll be pro- dIrector of "Take Charge! America" Take Charge IS VIded by Jed Scott and hIS SIX- avaIlable at all Grosse Pomte churches and publtc member chorus The publIc IS hbranes Send questIOns to Jeff Jay, c/o Brighton InVIted To make a reservatIOn, Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 call (810) 293-4177 or send the HospItal, Dept Gp, 12851 East Grand Rwer, $25 fee to Sarah Barger, 21600 Bnghton, MI 48116, (810) 227-1211 or go to the web- Time: 7:30 p.m. Parkway In St ClaIr Shores, stte www Jeff and Debra Jay lwe m 48082 Grosse Pomte Farms Place: St. Margaret of Scotland Church Alumni Club The MIchIgan State 2120 I Thirteen Mife Road American Association University-Eastern Wayne County Alumni Club has elect. St. Clair Shores, MI 48082 ed new officers for 1999-2000 of University Women They are. Mark Makoskl, pres- Ident, KeVIn Kaln, VIce presI- dent, Dr Lawrence Herzog, Rev.Fr. Ronald Kurzawa, pastor seeks book donations treasurer, and Judy Chnstlan, secretary Delegates at large Members of the Grosse Clair Shores are Steve Armbruster, Ahce Pomte branch of the Amencan For a home pick-up, call Baetz, Anne DallaIre, Kathy ASSOCiatIOn of UniversIty (810) 296-4449 and leave a Hawley-Herzog, Lynn Women are collecting books for message You wIll be contacted In Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary MacKenZIe, James Szelc and theIr 37th annual used book and a pIck-up time WIll be Steve Horstman For more In arranged sale to be held September mformatlOn, call Makoskl at CDs wIll again be mcluded m CollectIOns WIll continue there will be a Massbeginning at I:00 a.m. through Tuesday, Aug 31 The (810) 573.7117 or (810) 293. the sale Magazmes and ency- 7577 clopedIas wIll not be mcluded sale WIll be Wednesday, Sept in the morning, Saturday,June 12, 1999 The AAUW IS seeking used 22 through Saturday, Sept 25, books In good condItion, mclud- at the Grosse POinte Woods Business mg novels, my"tenes, SCIence Community Center, 20025 fictIOn,westerns and chIldren's Mack Proceeds from the sale Connection books Non.fictlOn books of all Willbe used for women's schol- The BUSIness ConnectIOn kmds are also needed AAUW arships WIll meet at 730 am members sort and pnce the Co-chairmen are Conme Wednesday, June 16, at the books all summer long and Frey of Gros'le Pomte Farms Grosse POinte War Memonal books are pnced to "ell qUickly and Helen Zdeba of St ClaIr The speaker WIll be Marlene Those who WI.,h to make a Shores Other commIttee chaIr- Harle of Healthy Enterpme., donation can place hardcover men are Cynthia Tegel, Her tOPIC .Why NutrItIOn? books, paperback books and Carolyn Sulhvan, Sue Why Shaklee?" For more IOfor- CDs In the AAUW u'led book MacKechme, Pam Fleming matlon, call Chns at (luO) 41.')- barrel at the Kroger store at Smith and Margaret D'Arcy 7257 Marter and Jefferson In St June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News 68 EntertainDlent Outstanding stagecraft evident in Stratford's 'The Tempest' play to a happy conclUSIOn costume" are attractIvely SUIt- vOice ref1ectmg on the From the moment Wilham tones and so brmglng out approachmg end of hIS profes- As WIth any really great able m every case but never Hutt step!> mto the spothght theIr essenttal humamty It SIOnal career, and hfe Itself state of the Arts show, there are moment" overdone From Cahban's ai>Prospero to open Stratford's enables the audience to catch But Shake!>peare always nc\\ productIOn of "The and comprehend Just about between the scenes where the gross exposure and Anel's hIghly expressive finger wrote, above all, to entertam Tempei>t," It IS clear that the every hne And It enables story unfolds, that are purely plumage to the colorful outfit" Only he added a depth of theatncal powers of thiS them to hnk the fantasy world great entertamment The of the "pints and dancers, understandmg of the human remarkable repertory compa- of Prospero's magical mampu- meetmg and schemmg they are well bUtted to the lOndltlOn that "urpassed most ny arc 111 high gear latlQn to our own contempo- between the Jester Trmculo, played by Tim MacDonald, roles and the context of hIS peen, throughout hIstO- With a bnlhant piece of rary reality ry And thiS productIOn fulfills ~tage bus mess that serves as a Hutt'" Prospero works \\on- and Stephano and Cahban IS a It has often been theonzed that exceptIOnal comblllatlOn pantomlmt> prologuE' to the ders wIth thI'" approach He not of buffoonery that III thl!> labt play aulholt,d vf ueh",htmg, amazmg, play, he pomts hIs magic !>taff makes the hnes totally acces- Peter Hutt play!> a wonder- by Shakespeare alone, he was thnlhng and charmmg ItS at the sky to command the sible and, With a laId-back fully ImpressIOnable Cahban analoglzlllg hiS rehnqulsh- audience while enlargln" our raging storm that shIpwrecks style of dehvery, generates as he IS mtroduced to alcohol ment of hIS magical theatncal m"lghts mto our own his victims and begins the mnumerable laughs With hnes by Stephano and thmks he charm and smcenty These are powers as Ehzabethan strengths and fralltws These ,tory It estabh!>hes beyond a that usually pass unnoticed has found a god who WIll hber- no puppets Claire Julhen and England's most respected and are the exceptIOnal contents of doubt that he alone controls HIS masterful tlmmg IS an ate hIm from hiS bondage to Graham Abbey m those roles, popular playwnght It was a thiS wonderfui play that are hfe on the Island where he absolute JOYto watch Prospero recapture for us a thnlhng status he enjoyed m hiS last reahzed With such outstandmg and daughter Miranda are The changes m hIS complex A promenade of Island spir- sense of the mnocent, Ideahs- profeSSional years before stagecraft here marooned It IS the essential character to SUit each scene ItS present to Prospero's ship- tic passIOn of first young love retirement to Stratfold concept for the play are also amazmg At one wrecked and hungry hostages Then, m rapid succeSSIOn, Certamly the role of Prospero "The Tempest" appears III From then on, the creattve moment he IS the man m a laVIsh banquet that disap- we encounter contrastmg encompasses such powers and repertory at the Festival force rarely falters and It gen- power mampulatmg the rest pears m a flash and puff of human quahtles Peter Hutt's as the old man renounces hiS Theater through Nov 7 For erates a performance of one of of the cast hke puppets smoke when they try to eat Cahban, a pnmltlve pnmate, magic at the end, the hnes more mformatIOn, call (800) Shakespeare's most entranc- through Anel's executIOn of Prospero entertams has a sympathetic, naive qual- Ferdmand and Miranda by almbst sound hke the author's 567-1600 mg plays that provides a rare hIS mstructIOns Then With Ity m spite of hIS crude, rebel- conJurmg a pageant of ancient level of human mSlght In an Anel, he IS hke a Svengah, hous behaVIor goddesses and a frenzied, controllmg the behavior and THE GAR 0 ENe 0 N S E R V A "'II C '\ ~ () PEr-.. DAY S PRO t. R A \1 environment of supernatural AntonIO, Prospero's brother moods of the unruly spnte pagan dance number that forces and fantasy ai>Imagina- who usurped hiS place by set- But With hiS daughter momentanly stops the show tive as "Star Wars," and all tmg hIm adnft at sea, played MIranda and her sweetheart Subtly m the background, a the more remarkable for hav- by Robert Benson, IS the arch Ferdmand, he becumes a dot- new and appeahng musical mg been conceived 400 years and ruthless polItical schemer mg father WIth the brutish score by Berthold Carnere ago, Prospero mastermmds a And Bnan Tree's Stephano, Cahban he IS a stern master greatly enhances the moods plot that mtertwmes themes the drunken butler, IS an lJ~ Instead of the usual pnest- and tone of the performance of revenge, romance and pohtl- archetype of the self-deludmg cal power hke Prospero, Hutt's IS a pro- Some IS comparable to "ound Grosse Pointe Garden Tour toper, herOIC m theory and Director Richard Monette foundly human figure, With effect for the moments of fan- pathettcally funny m fatlure Sunday, June 13; 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. has aVOided the popular changing moods and whIms tasy and at moments, the Even the ethereal spnte Anel, characters, Anel m particular, ExpeTlence of Grosse Pointe's most msplred pTlvate approach of emphaslzmg Moreover, hiS achievement 7 deftly persomfied by dlmmu- burst mto song m true Prospero's wizardry or of let- extends very much to the gardens. The tour IS self-guided-start at the 200- ttve Michael Thernault whole company Shakespearean fashion The tmg the splnts and VISions expresses human sentiments year-old French ribbon farm on Lake St. ClaIr take over the show He has The scene where MIranda effects are perfectly m tune that msplre the compassIOn and Ferdinand first meet and, WIth the actIOn (I Donovan Place) and finish at the 150-foot border mstead allowed the cast to WIth whIch Pro spero forgives playas real people, relating to as Prospero mtends, promptly Showmg restramt, agam not With state-of-art greenhouses (524 Shelden Road) and hiS brother and bnngs the to overwhelm the story, the each other In conversatIonal fall m love, has a t~uchmg find 5 other fabulous gardens m between. A $4 admission fee is charged per garden This corn is a chill from the grill or a pass for all 7 gardens is avatlable The Grosse Pointe Open Day is A Memonal Day barbecue ahead reCIpe (glvmg you from corn Break or cut each mmutes before sefYlng part of the Garden Conservancy's ear of corn m half Brush the To serve corn as an appe- brought the opportUnity to more time for other prepara- bpen Days Programirovidmg try some different reCipes on tions on the day of your corn With some of the Itahan tizer course (at a SIt-down my trustmg famIly Chilled, party) Second, you don't dressmg and spnnkle WIth dmner), arrange spmach on garden-lovers WIth access to mannated corn-on-the-cob have to worry about butter or the fresh rosemary (Dned SIXchIlled salad plates hundreds of pnvate gardens across Skewer the corn WIth corn salad brought a new tWISt to corn holders. rosemary WIll not stick to the the country For more informa- an old favonte I found thiS recipe m the corn } holders and place on top of , June 1999 Issue of Better Gnll the corn on the rack the spmach Arrange the tion call (313) 885-8177. Homes and Gardens of an uncovered gnll directly tomato shces on each plate SEE A 'II E R I CAS V E R Y B EST P R I V ATE GAR DEN S A LA ANNIE over medIUm to medIUm-hot and dnzzle WIth any rem am- By Anme Rouleau.Scheriff Corn-on-the-Cob coal,s for 20 to 25 mmutes mg dressmg I served my ••• 1*•• (MedIum-high on a gas gnU ) corn-on-the-cob salad family Salad Thrn the ears of corn often, style, on a large platter lmed cookmg unttllt becomes ten- WIth some leaflettuce 2f.i%' 6 fresh ears of corn der and deeper In color. Don't The corn was stacked m a AT TIE DnRon' OPERA HousE 4 oz. Italian dressing be afraid of gnll marks pyranud and the tomatoes Saint-Sae"!>' (my choice is Good Remove corn from the gnU garnished the servlOg platter Seasons) and cool to room tempera- for people to help themselves. 3 tablespoons snipped, ture Place the corn and the I don't bother WIth holders smce the corn is cold SAMSON fresh rosemary tomatoes m a large sealable He bad/be IITrlllilh of IeII IbOl/lOl/(1 nltm Needless to say the cold 4 medium Roma toma- plastic bag Pour remammg bill be m/lld /101 "os,,1 lbe /IiiI" corn was a hit, much to my toes, sliced 1/4inch thick dressmg over vegetables and rif]11.." one If omall There are a couple ofmce 3 cups of fresh baby seal Chill for at least four satlslfactIOn Even my Dad advantages to semng corn spinach or spinach leaves hours or overmght, turmng hked It Tote thIS corn to the on the cob m the follOWIng (optional) once or tWIce Remove corn park and chtll down your '~1~DELILAH fashIOn FIrst, thiS IS a make- Remove husks and stlk from refngerator about 20 next plcmc \Iamng lnlla If"hllr« as Delilah Itltb Ilark Lundberg and lOll De\oljo ,.brrs/IQII Badet/ (YJlldllc/or. /JejtI1i I/lk«lIllOi/( dtre(/or CAPTIVATINGI SUMMER THEATRE ON THE ISLAND June 5, 9, t I & 12 at 8:00 p.m . .lULY.:f-aUO 7 ... CAI.L (519) 724-2931 'OR MORE IN.O June 6 & 13 at 2:00 p m. Theater- HIIFOIlMANCES TIMED AROUND nil .nRY SCHEDULE From page IB URn Tickets Farm" The program WIll Single . 8' . loti' {IS S 1 . mclude all aspects of on-stage {IS performance, stage termmolo- Fn'f! (~ Till .... 1110111'I)nor 10 ('(/l h Jler!onnmu( gy, creatIve drama, scenes for plays, vOice and dIctIOn Class [313J 23J-SING size Will be Itmlted, therefore orTllk<..1\\ ...... Il..r at Reynolds recommends mter- (248) 645-6666 Ttw 1999 Sp rog season t'> $pOf5.O(@dby ested partlclpant~ register IIGenellli MoIOI'9 now by calling (313} 885-6219. Celebrating 45 years of the GPCT, former and CUIT"nt members, famlhes and fnends of the extended and accom- -+"SON SECOURS COn."CE HEAlTH SERVICES ~~'!:~ phshed group are inVIted to PRESENTS attend an anmversary and , alumm dinner on Fnday, June 25, at the Grosse Pomte Hunt 1999mU\tC Club, 655 Cook m Grosse Pomte Woods Ticket pnce IS $36 for on the adult." $14 for children 12 and under Tax and gratUity are mcluded ReservatIOns may be made until Thursday, June 17 Plaza All children must be accompa- , !lied by an adult Send checks to GPCT, Cmdy Reynold'l Connors, 9804 Dansk Court, Fairfax, VA, 22032 Onhne _NO YOUR BACKPACK"YOUR .0 OR YOUR CAR. send que,tlOns or comments to CATCHINI ..... ISLAND n .. y FOIt DAILY LAD CROSSINGS. CmdyToys@aol com For more mformatIOn about ~t away from the crowds Bicycle along ISland coasthne, Gro'lse Pomte Children's through woodlands and nature preserves Siroll clean, sandy Theater or the group's 45th btaches DIScover over 30 SpeCIesof burls, unusual plant anmver ...ary festIVItIes, contact hfe, Wildflowers and natural habitats Visit quamt Inns and Reynolds at (313) 885-6219 B &: B's Camp under the stars Tour the mternatlonally famous Wine regIon and hlstonc landmarks DIVefor shIp- wrecks datmg back to 1800 \1i'l'llt.llllk.L;l~ -- \~'I'(I,III"li .. ferry Sernu jrorrI KlJlJSVine or l.eaIlJlgfDft, OftWio. Oftly 4!J IlriJlJdes fn- CIo-tOWll Detroit. A stroke can CALL1.800.661.2220 be a Tllind- for ddmled wlillg schedlde mwI raenmiOllS. hlo\\'ing thing - June 10, 1999 Gro$se Pointe News Metro calendar 78 by Madeleine Socia Thursday, reach a truly grand finale with $5 Call (314) 882-7732 by the Gro~se Pomte War Saturday, from 10 a m to 4 at 8 30 pm, Saturday, at 3 and June 10 a performance of GIlbert and Memonal Get fit with Jackl's p m and Sunday, from noon to 8 30 p m and Sunday, at 2 and SullIvan's Yoeman of the Village music Thursday, Aerobic Dancmg, Mondays and 4 P m The Tea. Room will be 7 30 p m TIckets are $15 Call Guard, Sunday, June 13, a 7 Wednesdays, June 21 toAug 2, The Grosse POinte open for lunch, Tue~day (313) 868-1347 p m TIckets are $10 Call (313) June 17 from 845 945 a m. The fee North/South Jazz Band WIll to through Saturday, from 11 30 885-4841 IS $50 or $40 for semon, Keep launch the 1999 MusIc on the College $ a m to 3 30 p m and Sunday, on your toe~ with an Adult Exhibitions Plaza free concert series, Learn to make WIse invest- from noon to 4 p m Tours are Summer Ballet Workshop, Thursday, June 10, at 7 pm, Gilbert & Sullivan ments for your children's $6 for adults, $5 for semoTS & Shows Mondays and Thursdays, June on the Village Plaza, at the cor- Gilbert and SullIvan's future durmg a free and $4 for chIldren Grounds At the DIA operetta,~Yeomen of the 28 to July 29, from 6'30 to 8 ner of Kercheval and St Clair EducatIonal Fund,mg semmar, adml~slOn I~ $3 Call (313) 884- From the old masters to the Guard," WIll be presented at 7 pm, for semor gIrls or 8 to 4222 III Grosse POinte Call (313) Thursday, June 17, at 730 finest m modern art, experi- 930 pm, for adults The fee IS 886-7474 pm Sunday, June 13, m the pm, In the AssumptiOn ence the beauty and majesty of Rose Garden of Chnst Church, Cultural Center, 21800 Marter $55 Travel to OhIO for TIffin Stage & Screen the gallenes and exhibitIOns at 61 Gro~<;e Pomte Boulc\ ard m St Clair Shores Call (810) Gla<;s/Hayes Pn~<;ldentlal the DetrOit Inbtltute of Art~ Growth experience The cast of professIOnal singers Center Tours, Thursday, June DSO notes 779-6111 Take In an exhibItIon of archl- Jody Bauman, of the The DetrOIt Symphony are presentmg the opera as 24, from 8 30 a m to 7 p.m The tectural VIews, Walker Evan~ CultIVatIOn StatIon, wIll teach Orchestra's Pops Senef> con- part of the Chnst church con- Village music fee IS $55 Invest some time m Simple Secrets Photographb you how to grow plants any- cludes In Orchestra Hall, 3711 cert senes TIckets are $10 and The Bess Bonmer Quartet your good health Monday, June From The CollectIOn of Manan where, anytIme, dunng a free Woodward In DetrOIt, WIth the may be reserved by calling 21 OsteoporosIs Testmg wIll be and BenJamm A HIli, through Grosse POinte Garden Center WIll headhne the 1999 MUSIC upbeat sounds of the (313) 885-4841 or purchased on offered from 9 30 a m to 4 45 Sunday, June 27 Wisdom and presentatIon, Thursday, June on the Plaza free concert PreservatIOn Hall Jazz Band, the day of the perfonnance senes, Thursday, June 17, at 7 P m and Mammograms WIll be PerfectIOn Lotus Blossoms In 10, at 7 30 pm, m the Thursday, June 10 to Sunday, pm, on the Village Plaza Call administered from 9 20 a m to Asian Art, can be expenenced ChIldren's Home of DetrOit, June 13 Perfonnances WIll be Historic stroll (313) 886-7474 4 40 p m Appomtments are through Sunday, Sept 19 900 Cook m Grosse Pomte offered on Thursday, at 10 45 Discover an enclave of archi- required Fees vary Museum hours are Wednesday Woods Call (313) 881-4594 a m and 8 pm, Fnday at 8 30 tectural gem~ durmg a DetrOit PreregIstration IS required for through Fnday, from 11 a m to pm, Saturday, at 8 p m and Hlstoncal Society Sunday Mark Your most courses Call (313) 881- 10 p m and Saturday and Sunday, at 3 p m TIckets range Friday, June 11 Stroll through the Woodbndge Calendar 7511 Sunday, from 11 a m to 5 p m from $17 to $65 Conductor Hlstonc Dlstnct, Sunday, June Recommended admiSSIOn IS $4 Food & fellowship Exceptional autos DaVid Allen Miller WIll lead the 13, at 2 p m ThiS neIghbor- Nutrition news for adults and $1 for children Share food and fellowship Expenence a tnbute to the DSO In Beethoven Back to the hood, Just west of Wayne State Learn to eat your way to and students Call (313) 833- dunng the Men's Ecumemcal Great Amencan Convertible Future, the final DSO Young UmversIty, was developed good health when Dr Martm 7963 Breakfast, Fnday, June 11, at and tour an exceptIOnal collec- People's Concert performance, between 1885 and 1920 Tamler presents The Role of 7 30 am, sponsored by the tIon of cars and trucks dunng Saturday, June 12, at 11 a m Men's ASSOCiatiOn of Grosse TIckets, avaIlable m advance the DetrOIt Institute of NutntlOn In Proper Health Inspired objects Mamtenance, Tuesday, June TIckets range from $8 to $22 Pomte Memonal Church, 16 only, are $10 or $5 for DHS Ophthalmology's Eyes on Call (313) 576-5111 Contamers of Memory, an members Call (313) 833-1405 29, from 7 to 9 pm, m the Lakeshore m Grosse Pomte ClaSSIC DeSign show, Sunday, exhibitIOn of works msplred by & Grosse Pomte War Memonal Fanns Mananne Wilhamson June 20, at the Edsel Burning desires Images of our matenal culture, of the Church of Today, WIll be Indian dance Eleanor Ford House TIckets TIckets are $3 Call (248) 344- Playwnght Lorena Gale IS on VIew m the DetrOIt ArtIStb the featured speaker Critically acclaimed are $8 Hours are 10 a m to 0896 pamts a VIVid portrait of the Market, 300 River Place, SUite AdImsslOn IS $5 Call (313) dancer/Pomte reSident Ana 430 pm Call (313) 824-4710 lIfe of the 18th-Century slave 1650 m DetrOIt, through 882-5330. Mayshark and her partner Ford House accused of burnmg down the Visnu Tattva Will bnng the Fnday, July 16 Gallery hour<; Live & Learn experiences CIty of Montreal, In AngelIque, beauty of claSSical Indian are Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Expenence the grandeur of a through Sunday, June 27, In dance to the Grosse Pomte War Courses & adventures Thursday and Saturday, from bygone era WIth a VISit to the the DetrOIt Repertory Theatre, Memonal, 32 Lakeshore in Enhance your mmd, body 11 a m to 5 p m and Fnday, dune 12 Edsel & Eleanor Ford House 13103 Woodrow WIlson m and spmt by partakmg m the from 11 a m to 8 p m Call Art 'n' Entertainment Grosse Pomte Fanns, dunng A Guided tours will be offered, on DetrOIt Perfonnances WIll be GlImpse of India, Sunday, June courses and adventures offered The entire family can enJoy the hour, Tuesday through offered Thursday and Fnday, (313) 393-1770 the fabulous art and entertam- 13, at 7 p m TIckets are $10 for ment of the AsSistance League adults and $7 for students to the Northeast GUidance Call (313) 881-7511 Center's Art on the Pomte, Pride of the Pointes Saturday, June 12 and Sunday, Tuesday, dune 15 June 13, from 10 a m. to 5 pm, Ski 'n' sail Justin Rimbo of Grosse • Pomte Park was named to the at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford Pomte Park recently played a The Grosse Pomte Ski Club dean's list at the DetrOIt House, 1100 Lakeshore m role m the perfonnance of~Two WIll launch Its summer actiVI- Navy Lt J g Christopher Grosse Pomters who gradu- College of Busmess Grosse Pomte Shores Gentlemen of Verona," at ties With a Sail Watch, Sherwood, son of DaVId R ated recently from Eastern Festivities include the works of Wittenberg Umverslty. Rlmbo, Tuesday, June 15, at 5 pm, m and Coole M. Sherwood of the Michigan Umverslty mcluded' • more than 100 artIStS and a the son of Robert and LoiS City of Grosse Pomte, recently Wmdmlll Pomte Park, 14920 Heidi Koenig, Timothy full schedule of chIldren's Rlmbo, IS a freshman at Wmdmlll Pomte Dnve m reported for duty aboard the Washburn and Dawn Aziz. Mark Brewster, son of Dr entertamment, mcludmg Arts Wittenberg Grosse Pomte Park Members, aIrcraft camer USS John C • John and PhylliS Brewster of n' Scraps and Chautauqua prospectIve members and Stenms, homeported m San Grossse Pomte Woods, partiCI- Express TIckets are $3 For a guests are welcome to Jom m • Diego Sherwood IS a graduate Gregory Washington was pated in Alma College'S third nommal extra fee, patrons can the regatta watch and refresh- of the Uruverslty of ChIcago, one of mne qtudent.q honored annual Honor's Day program, also tour the hlstonc Ford Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class ments TIckets are $5 Call where he earned a bachelor of by the where students share ongInal House Top off the fun WIth dm- Rodney A. Wasmuth recently (313) 886-5972 arts degree, and of the MIchIgan research, creatIVIty and tal- ner and dancing at Lobster reported for duty aboard the Umverslty of Cahfornla, San S tat e ents Brewster presented a submarme USS Chicago, Bash II, on Saturday, at 7 pm, Diego, where he earned a Ph D University poster, "Pme River Study n at the Ford House Party picnic homeported m Pearl Harbor, degree board of ReservatlOns are $60 Call Wayne county Shenff Robert Hawau He IS the son of James trustees for (313) 824-5699 Flcano wIll be the featured J. Wasmuth of Grosse Pomte • academiC speaker for the Grosse Pomte Woods achievement Paul Andrew Wehby, son DemocratIc Club's annual The follOWIng Grosse He IS the son of Ralph and Sunday, dune 13 PIcmc, 1'uesday, June 15, from • Pomters were named to the of Susan Barbara Grand finale 6 to 8 pm., m the courtyard of dean's honor lIst for the fall WashIngton Wehby of The Concert Senes at Chnst Grosse Pomte Umtanan Steve Champine, a sopho- tenn at the Umverslty of of the City of Washington Grosse Church Grosse Pomte, 61 Church, 17150 Maumee m more at AlbIOn College and a MichIgan College of Grosse POinte Grosse Pointe Boulevard m Grosse Pointe AdmiSSIOn, graduate of Grosse Pomte Engmeermg Mark Pomte and Fanns, grad- Grosse Pointe Farms, Will which IS open to the pubhc, IS North High School, IS a mem- Bickenbach, Julie Brescoll, Bruce Washmgton of St Clair uated from ber of the men's basketball Colleen Bryzik, Sarah Shores and IS a biology major the team at AlbIOn Burnham, Jeanine Chan, In the Lyman Bnggs School in California WA,F T S Meredith Chan, Erin the College of Natural ScIence InstItute of CARRY Gravel, Elizabeth Jubera, • the Arts WIth • Kevin Kasiborski, Michael Grosse Pomters Heather a bachelor of Webby Last week's Thomas Franzinger, son of Kegler, Justin Koo, Donald Danckaert and Becky fine arts Mr and Mrs. Robert Liamini, Katherine Norris Buszke are members of degree He IS Franzmger of Grosse Pomte and Jonathan Opdyke. Capital Green, a MichIgan a graphIC deSigner m Lo<; puzzle solved Park, was recently mducted Others named to the dean's State Umverslty cooed a capel- Angeles mtoAlpha SIgma Nu, a natIon- hst were Michelle Osinski, la smgmg group al Jesuit honor sOCIety He IS a David Piech, Matthew • semor, WIth a double major In Rudnick, Gregory Schulte, • Enghsh and phIlosophy at Veronica Valencia, Julie Tessa K. Van Til, daughter John Carroll Umverslty He IS Champion, Brian Goldstein, Tony S. Grover, a semor at of Kay Felt and Lawrence Van also a member of the college's Maureen Hindelang, Corey MIchigan State Umverslty, TII of Grosse Pomte Shores, ACROSS 10 soccer team. ICIunese Johnson, Christopher Lim, recently received a recognItIOn graduated from Amherst calendar 13 Jay Lytle and Thomas Lytle. award at the first MSU College WIth a bachelor of art" anllnal Undergraduate Research and degree 6 Clunese • CreatIVe ActiVIty Forum Van Tll majored m anthro- calendar Grosse Pomter Najahyia aroma! pology and recently received a II Traveler's Luna Chinchilla earned a Melissa Van Hoek of • Thomas J Watson Fellowship, woe bachelor of sCIence degree m Grosse Pomte Park earned a which allows students the free- 12 FerIle'S environmental pohey from the bachelor of sCience degree, Lucie Piedra, daughter of ell dom to pursue a year of mde- 14 Aft Umverslty of Michigan School WIth honors, from the Lmo Piedra of Bruxelles, pendent study She WIll travel of Natural Resources IS Precbca- Umverslty of Michigan BelgIum, and Lmda J Piedra to Ecuador to explore how menl of Grosse Pomte Park, WIll Neohthlc people conCeIved of 16Aetress Hagen exhIbit her work m an Alfred personhood and If the concep- 17 Obscemly Bon Secours Cottage offers Umverslty semor show She IS tIons are reflected m the bunal 19 Bart, to a candidate for a bachelor of process Homer fine arts degree from the 20 Info 22 Ivy diabetes education program School of Art and DeSign Van TlI was also preSident of Leaguer Bon Secours Cottage Health IS reqUIred before the start of the women's chorus at Amherst 23 Drove • and has studied and worked at 24Pm:us. Semces IS offenng educatIOnal class archaeolOgIcal sites In SIOIIIIt'S opportunIties for (non-preg- The fee for the class IS cov- David R. Schurr of Grosse semp nant) adults WIth diabetes who ered by many Insurance plans Honduras and TumsIa 26 RewII'd or 47 Ark S Bert's pi! wenc:IJ 6 More 27 Mustangs' are referred by theIr phySI- PIIIIIIII- lmIUnai An evenmg program wIll take menl 49 SoponflC savory sch CIans place from 6 to 8 30 pm 28 Greek p dNg 7 MuumaJ 29RlIlllnlle A comprehenSIVe program dIIIce Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 30 "6-RIY 51 Get snug IIIUSII~ WIll help people With diabetes and cozy 8Abbr 31 See- 15, 17, 22 and 24, at Bon VII" lhrough learn how to eat well while 31 Wile 52 Millie bite befm: Ihe Secours Cottage Commumty Wall fell DO YOU 350rammar. 8111)'slllll' ~ staYing on IndiVidual meal Health EducatIOn, 22300 Bon 9 Schwlr'l 32 Worslups ••• 1111'S !tov plans, how to exerCIse for fun, want to be in the metro calendar? enellller 33 Soap Brae m St ClaIr Shoreq c:onc:em 53 C1unese how to prevent long-tenn prob- Then flU out thiS form send It to 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte calenc11r moYIe mgredlenl 39"11 34"Haul".' lems, how to control and mom. Farms, 48236, or fax to (313) 882-1585, by 3 P m Friday shouldn'l ammaJ IO&ploslve For more mformatlon or to cartOOlllSl happen 54 C1unese IlO1se tor blood sugar and recognize preregister, call Bon Secours Event caJeDd8r II InlInudafe Key to-" 36 Offense <;lgTlSof hIgh and low blood CottagE' Commumty Health 40AIways IIIIIlIlaI 13 Travels Date DOWN 18 Lela! 37 CIun sugar An mdlVldual two. hour EducatIOn at (810) 779-7900 42 ColiII' Iype wlustm assessment, by appoIntment Time 43~. I Mocher of deS between 9 a m and 4 p m pearl 21 Parsley 38 Over only, WIth a nurse and dietitian 41 Crosses weekdays Place 44 MICroCOIIl' 2 CIllIdI's servtJll clplJaI 23 ''SMIdhar. 44 SllI/TlJnlle purer 45 Bndle Cost method 3 Caviar Ilta" 46 Young Mr 4 TICk Ie I!Ie IllIhor 48 Hwr Reservations & Questions? Call 2S YOII SO - Jiffy LIncoln WiveS Contact Person

    , , i ~ •, 88 Family features by Madeleine Socia June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News Educational June Fest '99, Saturday, June bon IS necessary Call (313) 1620 adventures 12, from 10 a m to 5 pm, 343-2074 ' and ThrIll Ride. Screenmgs (313) 833-1805 Sailor art will be offered, Monday The Grosse Pomte War along Nme Mile and Mack m On stage Science 'n' art Memonal, 32 Lakeshore m St ClaIr Shores ThiS free Folk Art of the Great Lakes, through Thursday, from 10 Marvel at the muacles of event mcludes food, entertam- Add a lIttle drama to your an exhibitIon of works created a m to 1 20 pm. Fndays, from Grosse POinte Farms. offers a grade school student's hfe thiS nature, the beauty of art and full schedule of educatIOnal ment. rollerblade stunt teams, by sailors, ISthe newest attrac- 10 a m to 8'30 pm; watch the stars come out at the trolley and pony ndes. a pet- !>ummer by reglsterIng for the tIon at Belle Isle's DOSSIn Saturdays, from 12 10 to 8 30 and social adventures for chil- Grosse Pomte Chlldren's Cranbrook InstItute of Science dren Little green thumbs can tIng farm, a baby photo contest Great Lakes Museum. accessI- p m and Sundays, from 1.20 to and Art Museums, 1221 N Theatre Summer Drama 4 30 p m The DetrOIt Science participate In a How Pretty IS and much much more Call ble via the MacArthur Bndge Woodward In Bloomfield Hills (810) 771-8510 Workshop. Saturday, June 19. at E Jefferson and E Grand Center IS open Monday Your Garden? Seeds To Grow from 1 to 3 pm, at 129 Cranbrook offers the excltmg On workshop, Saturday, June Booked up Boulevard m DetrOIt ChIldren through Fnday from 9 30 a m U S premiere of the travehng Mapleton In Grosse Pomte to 2 p m and Saturday and 19, from 10 to 11a m The fee IS Get all booked up dunng the can also see a display markIng exhibition Scream Machmes Farms Classes Will be held the Centenmal of Mall Semce Sunday from 12 30 to 5 p m $1 LIVIng Science Camp pro- Grosse Pomte Pubhc Library's Thesday, July 6 through The Science of Roller Coasters grams, for students ages 5 to on the DetrOit River, along AdmISSIOnto the exhIbitIons, Expenence a umque Jomt ven- Summer Readmg Program Saturday. July 17, from 10 to demonstrations and laser show 13, kick-off with a SCience PIck-up your offiCial Readmg With permanent exhibitions ture by VIeWingthe natlOnally 11 am, In Grosse Pomte IS $3 for adults and $2 for Sampler. Monday, June 21 to Record at the Park Branch, featuring the doomed ship tounng exhIbition In the Dark MemOrial Church 16 Edmond FItzgerald and a semors and chIldren, ages 3 to Flluay, June 25, trom 9 a m to 154JO Kercheval; Central at the SCience Institute then Lakeshore In Grosse POinte freighter pIlothouse The 17 AdmiSSIon to the IMAX 3 P m The fee IS $255 Branch, 10 Kercheval or Woods Farms The fee IS $90 Call takmg In Weird SCience A PrereglstratlOn IS required for Museum IS open Wednesday Domed Theatre IS an additIOn- ConflatlOn of Art and SCience Branch, 20600 Mack, through (313) 885-6219 al $4 Call (313) 577-8400 most classes Call (313) 881- Saturday. July 24 Record the through Sunday, from 10 am m the Art Museum View tur- 7511 pages you read and take a History alive to 5 p m AdmlsslOn IS $2 for Detroit's past tles, snakes, frogs. bees and chance on wmnlng m a Grand The Henry Ford Museum adults and $1 for chlldren, ages Stroll the Streets of Old more In Cranbrook's Nature Healthy education and Greenfield Village, 20900 12 to 18 Call (313) 852-4501 Prize DraWIng during the DetrOit. see Afncan Amencan Place, open through Monday. St John Health System Will Oakwood m Dearborn, bnngs host two courses for chIldren at Summer ReadIng CelebratIOn, Science fun Portraits of Courage and Sept 6, from 1 to 5 pm., dally hiStory to hfe More than 500 The DetrOIt SCience Center. Remember Downtown Explore how our planet has the Grosse POinte Farms Pier Thesday. Aug 3. from 11 a.m vIntage vehicles from the to noon Call (313) 343-2074 5020 John R m DetrOit. offers Hudson's at the DetrOIt evolved over tIme Withfive new Park, 350 Lakeshore m Grosse 1930s through the 1960s Will POinte Farms Amencan Red Summer flicks entertammg and educatIOnal HIstorical Museum, 5401 permanent exhibits celebratIng gather m the VIllage dunng famlly fun The Cyberspace Woodward In DetrOit Cross BabY-Sitter's Trammg ChIldren can see their Our DynamiC Earth The the annual Motor Muster, SafarI ExhibIt Lab features Youngsters can expand their wIll be offered on 'fuesday, favonte films for free dunng museums are open Monday Saturday, June 19 and Sunday, hands-on exhIbits Integrated knowledge of the toys, games, through Thursday, from 10 June 22 and Thursday, June the Grosse POInte PublIc June 20 The world of 24, from 12 30 to 4 p m The fee With more than 40 Internet- transportatIOn, office matenals a m to 5 pm, Fnday and Library's Summer FIlm Samantha ParkIngton. fictIon- connected computers Other and home hfe of the past IS $25 Youngsters can learn FestIval, through Thursday, Saturday, from 10 a m to 10 al heroine of The Amencan eXCltmg exhibIts mclude the through the hands-on expen- p m and Sunday, from noon to what to do m an emergency July 29. View Mary.Kate & Girl doll & book collectIOn, with a first AId Class, SInglng Bowl, Magnetic ences of the I Discover exhIbit. 5 p m AdmiSSion IS $7 for Ashley's Hotel Who- Done.It comes to hfe In a famIly pro- Tornado, JumpIng RIng, Bike The Museum is open Wednesday. June 23, from and Blumpoe the Grumpoe adults and $4 for chIldren. ages gram, through October Call Wheel Gyroscope, Jacob's Wednesday through FrIday, 3 to 17, and semors Fndays, 12 30 to 4 P m The fee is $5 Meets Arnold the CatJMdlions (313) 982-6180. The Museum Call (888) 757.5463 Ladder and Laser Wave-Guide from 930 am to 5 pm and through Aug. 13. enJoy speCIal of Cats, Tuesday, June 15. at and Village are open dally, Now showing m the Center's Saturday and Sunday, from 10 Family fun the Woods Branch, Wednesday, summer programs and diS- from 9 a m to 5 p m AdmiSSion IMAX Dome Theatre, on a a m to 5 P m The suggested count admIssion Planetanum There Will be plenty of fami- June 16, at the Park Branch IS $12 50 for adults. $11.50 for rotatIng baSIS,are the excltmg admiSSIOn IS $3 for adults or and Thursday, June 17. at the shows are an add!tlOnal $1 ly fun for everyone dunng the 9 semors and $6 25 for chIldren films Everest, Tropical $1.50 for semors, ctuldren ages Mack Merchant's AssociatIOn's Central Branch No reglstra- Laser shows are an addItIOnal ages five to 12 Call (313) 271- RaInforest, The ScIence of Fun 12 and under enter free. Call $2. Call (248) 645-3200

    STAR WARS .•• Edible images now at Josef's French Pastry Shoppe for your next birthday party. Your choice of Celebrate Father's Day with a • Naboo Starfighter special gift to remember ...Choose • Anakin or Podrace from our large variety of watches, May the cake be with you!! Father's Day is Sunday, June 20th. Wondering what to get dear rings, gold chains, bracelets and Jacobson's old Dad. Hurry down to the NOTRE much more. Stop and see our fine DAME PHARMACY We have a collection of jewelry at ...63 Kercheval • Cerruti 1881 Collection Show. JOSEF'S large selection of unique items which on-the-Hill (313) 885-5755. Tuesday, June 15, and Wednesday, FREN{;B PASTRIES would make wonderful Father's Day June 16 from 10 am to 4 pm. Designer ...21150 Mack, Grosse Pointe gifts. If you need some help on your Woods, (313) 881-5710. purchase we'll be happy to assist you 16926 Kercheval in-the- • St. John Block Party. Bring J VIllage, (313) 885-2154. in your St. John knits to be steam • blocked to your personal measure. Friday, June 18, from 10 am to 6 pm. St. John,

    AnD Jacobson's Arbor Edwin Paul IS pleased to SHOI'I'r..,c. HOL RS. \1() .... S~f HI.'I • '. '...... 00 .... , welcome another very talented Antiques hair stylist to our award winning Market salon. ANTIQUE LOVERS ... His name is Karim (pronounced Join us at the Kareem). He grew up in France Ann Arbor 1999 SUMMER SEASON Antiques Market on Sunday, June HAS BEGUN and received his training at the famous Jacques DeLange school in 20th. This is our 30th season. There in our 2nd floor are. over 300 dealers in quality Paris. He is a wonderful addition antlques and select collectibles. All SOHARROOM to our very diverse staff of with an open deck professionals. under cover. All items guaranteed as represented. The time is 6:00 a.m. to Book your appointment today. Live Entertainment & Dancing You deserve the best! 4:00 p.m ...Don't miss out. That cer- tain item is waiting for you 5055 Friday, Saturday & Sunday (313) 885-9001 June 11, 12 & 13 Ann Arbor - Saline Road (Exit #175 off 1-94, then south 3 miles). "Black Market" Washtenaw Fann Council Grounds. lDWln, PAUL Only $5.00 admission. FREE Wednesday, June 16 parking. "Red Mercury" 20327 Mack Ave. • Grosse Pointe Woods

    Friday, Saturday & Sunday Special just for June 18, 19, 20 "Father's Day" ..• "Night Journey" Pamper your father, grandfather or your good friend with a gift certificate from Spa Bellagio. Arrive early & enjoy dinner before the music Take advantage of Full set $40.00 Fill ins $18.00 (acrylics) 313-822-7817 POINTE or $10.00 OFF any of these services: at 100 St. Clair on-the-River Penns, highlighting, massage. full body wax and facials.

    "Happy Father's Day"! NEEDLEPOINT TRUNK SHOW BARBARA EYRE DESIGNS ...21511 Harper, (810)773-0996. Spacious parking in back. No one does animals and flowers POINTE FITNESS KIDS CAMP better! It's a treat to have so many of Introduce 12-15 year olds to the her delightful canvases at one time. benefits of exercise & strength training Streamline! Simplify! Feels great. Stock up on rugs, belts, door stops, You can find things. Your house looks eye glass cases, Christmas stockings, June 14-18, June 21-25, July 5-9, bigger, acts bigger, You're organized.. ornaments and pillows through June July 12-16, Jul. 19-23 Toadvertise in this column Call ...Joan Vismara, Ann Mullen, 17th at ... 397 Fisher Road, Grosse (313) 331-4800. Pointe City, (313) 882-9110. call (313) 882-3500 I (313) 885-3600 bV 2:00 p.m. Fridays ----,. Section C Cl8551flfD

    Knights 'trust the schedule' and win another state tennis title By Chuck Klonke a" Wp would have hked to be - Sports Editor kept Impressmg on hIS players Chuck Wnght '>ome year~ we've beaten the they wouldn't have receIved bought mto our program even Regular-~('a"on records that It was gomg to prepare "The whole tournament ;,tate ~hamplOns m the higher ,my POlllt~ fOi thl' b) e If they'd though It has meant travehng them for another state champI- changed III the fir~t lOund of don't mean a whole lot to dIVISIOn., - but when I talked pIcked up £('10 pomh fOI u;" It onshIp ;,econd doubles," Wood sald all over the state and playmg Umvl.'T',lty LIggett bchool'~ to the team before the state would hav(' put tough a schedule as ULS able to go about thClr busllless been pOSSIble WIthout my co- Kmghts are at the head of theIr The Kmghts won four mdl' the match" does and certamly none m III a very pI ofe"~lOnal manner" coach, Chuck Wnght, who I c1a~s VIdual champIOnships, reached Pallegar and DILOIeto dl ew Dlvl';)on IV ULS' first double'> team of thmk IS the best hIgh school That was the ca~e agam last the finals m two other flIghts a first-round bye and were "I told the team, 'you've Just and advanced to the semIfinals Scott Vallee and Au"tlll tenms coach m the state of weekend a" ULS won the state playmg Kalamazoo Chn'itlan gone through an AP (advanced m the other flight Wel~enbeLk and the No 3 team MIchIgan, and my WIfe, Kathy. DIVISIOnIV boy;, tenm" cham- III the second round They won placement) course In hIgh of Jose CUI lIOn and Scan ULS won second, thIrd and the first set 6-3 and were up 1- who went on our Flonda tnp pIOnshIp, glvmg coach Bob school tenm~ and now you're Griffin lCadlCd the finals fourth smgles champIOnshIps m the second set but wound and has done a lot for the pro- Wood hI" 25th champIOnship m gomg to take the equIvalent of o before 10~Ing whdp No 1 '>Ill- gram" WIth Alex Conti, J D Spma up losmg the second set 1-6 34 year~ at the school an eighth grade exam,'" Wood gles pia yel A.1I on Shumaker and Soudy KaZZI and the sec- Pallegar and DILoreto then At the state meet, Wnght Although the Kmghts were saId "I don't mean that as any advanced to the semlfinalb ond doubles team of Nick tr31led 0-2 IIJ the final set handled the smgles eompetl- ranked No 1 III DIVISIOnIV all dIsrespect to the teams we play before bowmg out DILoreto and Vlllay Pallegar before comllJg back to WIIJ 6-4 tlOn and Wood stayed WIth the sea;,on, they weren't the domI- at the state meet, but we do Wood LTedlted the long-time also took first place III ItS "It wasn't only the five pOInts double~ teams because they nant force they have been ~ome play stronger teams dunng the flIght SUCLeSl>of thp progr am to a lot were at dIfferent sItes years whIle playmg one of the they got for wmmng the flIght of thmg<, season" DILoreto and Pallegar pro- "We commumcated by cell most g11lelmg schedules In the that was so Important, but the ~We've had great talent and Wood admItted that the VIded one of the most memo- phone, not only to let each state tone It set was evpn more unbeheveable ,>upport from the tough "Lhedule got frustratmg rable moment" of the tourna- other know how the team was "'We weren t I' wmpetltlH Important," Wood Said "If they players and their famdles over at tlmp, till" <,eason, but he ment for Wood and CO-C(Jdch hadn't won their firl>t match the ypar',' Wood saId "They've See ULS, page 3C North girls win state lacrosse crown with comeback victories By Chuck Klonke Seaman bald "ThiS IS a pretty North scored the last four goals Sports Editor resJllent bunch" of the game Grosse Pomte North's girls Senman ~ald the team's first Katie Marten, who led the lacrosse team pIcked the per- wakeup Lall came III the form Norsemen WIth 33 goals, fect time to become the of a couple of 10p~lded defeats scored her team's first and last "Comeback KIds" to Clas'> A opponentb tally of the champIOnship And that's why they're cell'- "After we lo~t badly to a cou- game bratmg a state champIOnshIp ple of good teams, I thmk the today "That was a fittmg way to do girls Ieahzed \'vhat they had to It," Seaman saId "These last two games were do to get better," said Seaman, Amanda Hampton, who was the first time IIJ two years who ha;, been the team's LOach the tournament's most valu- we've come back from a defiCIt smce the "quad was orgamzed able player, also talhed tWIce to Will," saId coach Bdl Seaman a year ago for North, whde Enn Camer, after the Nor'iemen defeated "They had to Improve theIr Enca Volltrauer, Katherme Troy 9-6 m the Clas~ B cham- pa"smg, latchmg and playmg CWlek, MIchelle Koo and pIOnshIp game defense, among other thmgs Gmger Hubbell added a goal North reached the final WIth And they \'vent to work and dId apIece a 13-9 vlctOlY over Ann Arbor It ~ University Liggett School's boys tennis team won the Division IV championship last Carne Matteson played m the state <;emlfinnl~ weekend. In the front row, from left, are Puth Venkat. J.D. Spina. Vinay Pallegar. Nick In tllC' eh,lmplonbhlp game, another outstandmg game III In a way, the stat(' tour na- DiLoreto. Jay Navarro. Sondy Kazzi and Jose Carrion. In back. from left, are coach Bob TrOY held 2-0 and '.-2 lead~ goal, whJle she had excellent ment wa'i a mlcroco<;m of the bef')n' NO!th C,lme back to pull Wood. Alex Conti, Aaron Shumaker, Sean Griffin. Austin Weisenbeck. Scott Vallee and NONemen's season support from the defen.,l\ e coach Chuck Wright. mto a 4-4 halftIme tIe corps of Manko BIrd, Koo. "We were 5-5 and the girl;, Troy tWIce took one-goal won their last eight games," lead" In the becond half before See NORTH, page 3C



    Teams are bemg fonned for travel soccer competition In Little Caesars Premier League and Michigan Youth Soccer League. PGSA features USSF "0" licensed coaches, professional tramer~ and a lot of fun Tryout date ...are as follow~ Blrthdates Date Time Under 9 Born on or after August I [990 June 15 630-8 30p m Grosse Pomte North Undcr 10 August I 19!19through July 31. 1990 June 15 630-8 30p m Grosse Pomte North O Under II Augu,t 1. 198!lthrough July 11. 1989 / June 15 630-830pm Grosse Pomte North EAS SIDE Under 12 Augu,l 1.1987 through July 11,1988 June 16 630-830pm Liggell Field on Cook Road Under 13 Augu~t I, 19!16through July 31. 1987 June 17 630-8 30p m Llggcll FIeld on Cook Road TENNIS & FITNESS CLUB Under 14 Augu,t I 19R5throughJuly 11.1986 June 17 630-8 30p m Liggett Field on Cook Road High School Born hcfore July 31, 198) June 16 630-830 pm Lrggell Field on Cook Road ... AEROBICS ON [.i\RGE St rSPENDED WOOD FLOOR

    If you have que ...tlon~ concerning the ~elect program. ... SPINNING CYBEX STRENGTH EQUIPMENT plea~e contalt any of the folio ....Ing PGSA board members: ... TREKKING PRECOH ELLIPTICAL TRAINERS Stu Dow R84-4979 Karen Ridgway 884-7769 ... ROWING Sl: \IHMASTEHS Jacques BO~'\anc)!l84-6011 RIChardWelch 884-R170 JlmPotthofT 881-6888 Edf-gnatlo~ 881-5536 ... KICK BOXING CONCEPT II ROWERS Richard Carron R81-9782 J J lme<;eh (810) 268-1745 Bruce Muncy R82 7114 NormSamra 882-8093 ... YOGA CARDIO THEATER Mike Cunningham RR2-2121 Dave LanHord R22-1944 Jerry Graney S!l6-1mR Did! DeBoer 886-6338 ... PfLATES SPORTS CONDITIONING Jim Brennan '!R6-J620 ... MANY OF Tile ,\m:, \5 TOP INSTRUCTORS POINTE GATORS BOYS TRYOUTS: And Much Nlore . Under 9 June 16 600-800 pm Liggett Fteld on Cook Road Under 10 June 16 600 8 00 pm Liggell Field on Cook Road If you have queqlOn~ concernmg the ~elect program for boys, plea~e contact any of the followmg Mike Cunnmgham 882-2121 I)ollg Bohannon RR4-0746 Jerry Graney Rll6 1018 Mike Home 417-9961

    Girl ...and hoy~ ~hould come prepared to play soccer outdoors Soccer shoe~ and shin guards are reqUired Plca<;carnve promptly at the deSIgnated time for your age bracket

    - June 10, 1999 _2C __ Sports Grosse Pointe News GPSA U-8 Dragons win Warren tournament championship Ag-o VICtoryover the Warren Rory Deane, PIerson Fowler. games. WIld Eagles gave the Grosse OlIVia Stander, Gina Valgol Bauble, Martin and Mumga Pomte Soccer AsSOCIatIOnand Damel Zukas All of the were forces on defense Fowler under-8 Dragons the champi- goal scorers picked up assIsts was the team's primary sweep- onship m the Warren Youth along WIth Whitney Bauble, er and dId an exceptional Job of League Spnng Tournament Jeff Graves, Chloe Kuchner, cleanng the ball out of the box The team, whIch conSIsted Lisa Martm, Ellen Mumga. The Dragons receIved many on eight !prls and SIXboys, won Hannah OrlIckI and Alex compliments on their passmg all three of Its games In the Stanczyk and teamwork. Stander and tournament, outscormg the Stanczyk and Graves shared Brooks each had several "text- opposItion 19-2 the goalkeepmg and did an book"far-post shots and Deane The Dragons opened WIth a excellent Job Stanczyk made and Brooks scored several out- 6.1 VICtoryover the Llvoma one particularly outstandIng standIng goals Blazers. then beat the Warren stop on a breakaway attempt The squad was coached by WIngs 4.1 before meetIng the Stander, Brooks and Zukas MIke McIlroy WIth help from Wild Eagles m the champI- dId a fine Job settmg up the Larry Graves, Jeff Stander, onshIp game offense, whIle ValgOl. Deane, Lee Brooks. Dan Deane, Deb Goal scorers were Meryl Fowler. Kirchner and OrhckI Wright. Sue Stanczyk and Etheridge, Austen Brooks, played excellent transItIOnal John Fowler. Farms-City Little League action

    The Grosse Pointe Soccer Association under-8 Dragons took first place in thelr divi- CLASSAAA LoUISDaVIS. who made two spectacu- Max Getz collected three hits, sion at the 17th annual Warren Youth League Spring Tournament. In front, from left, Cubs 19. Rockies 6 lar catches Stephen Harnadek collect- MIchael Sheehy had two hits, mclud- are Austen Brooks, Daniel Zukas, Alex Stanczyk, Gina Valgol and OUvia Stander. In The Cubs used the long ball as Matt ed three hIts for the Padres, while mg a three-run homer, and Jack back, from left, are Whitney Bauble. Lisa Martin, Hannah OrUc:ti. Meryl Etheridge, Peleman and Joe Conway each home- Martm Peu. stole two bases Monark had a paIr of hits to lead the red Pelernan had three RBis and Cardmals Pitchers Enc Allison, Rory Deane. Jeff Graves and Pierson Fowler. Not pictured are EDenMuniga and Chloe Conway scored four runs Robert nice Cubs 9, White Sox • Sheehy and Monark combmed for 17 Kirchner. had three hIts and scored three tImes The Cubs never looked back after stnkeouts Matt Moore played well DaVId Bamford. DIce, PhIl Cackowskl takIng a 6-0 lead John JacobI led the defenSIvely Bryan Melvm and Thomas and John JacobI pItched well Andy hlttmg attack With three hIts and he Remlllet hit tnples for the GIants Krebs had two hIts for the Rockies scored two runs DaVId Murray had U-9 Dragons close in on title two RBIs DaVid Bamford and Joe Cardlnalll 6. Bravea 2 Cubs 10, Padres 5 Conway combmed to allow only one Max Getz had two hits. mcludmg a The Cubs used ttmely hlttmg and run m theIr four mnmgs of pltchmg game-wmmng grand slam, and drove The Grosse Pomte Soccer the nght flank to Graves, who Earher, the Dragons defeat- solid defense to post the wm Robert Eric Alvarez and Dan Dempsey pitched In all SIX runs for the Cardmals DIeter ASSOCiatIOn!prIs under-g trav- ran It down and blasted It mto ed second-place NortK Macomb DIce had three hIts llnd three RBIs, well for the White Sox and Spencer Tech and Enc Alhson also had key hits el team IS clOSIngIn on the the net for the wmnmg goal 2-D, WIth the entIre Grosse while DaVid Murray had two hIts and McGnff and Joe Glradl had key hIts and Jeff Blrg played well defenSIvely MIchIganYouth Soccer League scored tWIce PItchers Joe Conway, Phil Chns Stephens had two hIts for the Nixon played the entire Pomte team sharing player of CackowskJ and John JacobI had excel. CLASSAA Braves U-9 champIOnshIp game m goal and made several the game honors lent defenSIve support from left fielder Cardinals 5. Giants 3 The Dragons were g-O-l In excellent saves Anna Alschbach, who leads league play WIth three games The Dragons had another 2- the Dragons In scoring, and remaining and had an overall 1 VIctory agaInst the North Scholtes scored the goals, while Highlights front Park leagues record of 33-6-2 Macomb Thundercats JI1han Kronner, All MorawskI Grosse POinte'slatest VICtOry Grosse POIntedomInated the and Lockhart collected aSSISts MAJORS hit a home run and two smgles for the baBeS loaded and drove In SIXruns for was a 5-0 WIn over USL first half through the ball con- MorawskI apphed heavy White Sox 13. Yankees 12 Yankees. whzle Michael Mahs, Jeff the Manners, whIle Alex Kmg scored Umted The Dragons started trol of DaVIsson, Stander, Bnan Commer led the White Sox's Powell and Scott Jarboe played well three runs and Cale Mannesto pItched pressure from her center stnk- attack WIth two smgl .. , a double and a defenSively three mDlngs and got two hits Chns slowly In the WIndy,raIny and Farber and Everett. Farber er pOSItIOnin the first half She home run Commer and Vinme PanIZZI CLASSAA Lang and MIke Nowak turned a double cold condItIons but got goals broke the scoreless tIe at the moved to goalkeeper for the pItched well for the Sox, while Matt . Rangen 18. Mariners 18 play The Rangers' Bnan Campbell col- from Ohvla Stander and 15-mmute mark WIth a hard second half and made the play Daher, JImmy McMIllan, MIke Rock, Nathan Mamkos had three hIts, lected three hits and scored a run, Alhson Everett In the final 10 shot from 20 yards out that of the game WIth a dIVIng Ryan Tauh and Will Owen also had IDcludmg a grand slam, to lead the Kzlhan DaVIShad two hIts and scored mInutes of the first half good games MIke Jarboe had two sm- Rangers Sam VanderheIde 1IC0red three runs. Andy Wybo had a hIt and saIled over the goahe's head punch out to end a North gles, while Enc Berschback had a dou- three runs, while Andy Baker and Nathan Monahan had a hIt and scored Everett scored on a rebound FaVIer got the assist WIth a Macomb sconng threat ble and two RBI for the Yankees BlaIse Llederbach each had a hIt and tWIce after the Umted goahe was perfect crOSSIngpass The day before, the Dragons JImmy DIXon and Joey Falvey also scored tWIce Paul Sokohk had three unable to control Shauna The second half was SimIlar beat Genesee on a goal by played well for the Yankees hIts and scored a run for the Manners, Marinen 13. Rangers 12 DaVIsson'sshot to the first WIth the Dragons whzle Sarah Mulheron reached base Matt Keller's hit drove m wmmng Morawski WIth five seconds White Sox 13, Yankees 5 four tImes and scored tWIce Chns pitcher Matt Crandall the Wln- In the second half, forwards controllmg play but unable to remammg Vinme Pamzzl pitched five IDmngs Lang PItched a scoreless InDlng and nmg run Crandall pItched the final Anna Basse, DaVIsson, Laura score untIl Stander took a long Startmg goalIe Laura and hIt a home run. tnple and double made a good defenSive play, whIle three mnmgs Shane Bums started the FavJer, Lauren NIxon and ban from Zurek and outran two Danforth blanked Genesee III to lead the Wh.te Sox Will Porter. J P Shane Bums had a h.t, scored twtce winDIng rally WIth a hit and Ben Muer Shelby Sharple~ outhustled defenders to make It 2-0 Cohan and Jay Jackson played well and pitched a scorelesa mnmg also had a hit for the Manners Peter the first half The Dragons lead defenSIvely for the WhIte Sox. James Umted and controlled play for The Thundercats Increased their dIVIsionIn goals.agaInst Croce hit a two-run double for the Bertak,s had two sIDgles and a walk Mariners 25, Ranlen 22 Rangers, Andy Wybo had two hits and most of the half Stander theIr phYSical play and con- average and m sconng and scored three runs Enc Berschback Ben Muer doubled twtce With the John Hasset scored a run scored two goals m the second trolled play dunng the last 10 Mldfielders MarIlyn half and Sara McPharhn added mInutes, eventually sconng Beardslee, Genna Hall and one to complete the Dragons' WIthabout five mInutes left Lockhart played well and sconng DeFauw, McPharlm and Bennett had a strong game GROSSE POINTE SOCCER ASSOCIATION Basse, DaVIsson, Kelly Zurek had excellent defensive EmIly SchleIcher played well DeFauw, NIxon and Kalthn games, whIle NIxon and at defense but the Dragons . 1999/2000 TRAVEL TRYOUTS Graves collected aSSIsts. whIle Graves each made several fine mIssed the defenSive play of Graves, NIXonand Kathanne saves Becky Blske, who was III Zurek combined In goal for the Dragons' fourth shutout of the The Dragons chalked up G.!RLS (Dragons-U-gto V-IS ~d Vipers-V-~ season their fourth league WInwith an GPSAhouse Earher, the Dragons blanked 8-0 VIctory over the GPSA DOH Dates Time Field the Vardar Soccer Club 3.0 White Dragons - a team made V-9 (811/90-7131/91) 6/15,6/16,6/17 6:30-8:30 pm Barnes Stander scored the only goal up of U.g and some U-9 play. results and pm Barnes of the first half after taking a ers 6/19 2:00-4:00 nice pass from Everett In the V-1O (811/89-7131/90) 6/15,6/16,6/17 6:30-8:30 pm Barnes second half, Jackie Farber The WhIte Dragons played highlights 6/19 2:00-4:00 pm Barnes scored on a direct kICkfrom 20 well In the first half, but m the V-11 (811/88 - 7131/89) 6/15,6/16,6/17 6:30-8:30 pm Barnes yards out second half the Dragons' expe. UNDER-8 6/19 2:00-4:00 pm Barnes Late m the second half, nence and patIence paid off Wolverines 6, Dragons 0 Vardar was called for a foul In Basse, DeFauw and Farber Goals Jay Creech, Michael KoskI, 6/15 & 6/17 6:30-8:30 pm Barnes the penalty box area and each scored tWIce, while Ene Osaer, Brett Reardon, S1A!wart 6/19 2:00-4:00 pm Barnes Everett converted the penalty Wells 2 (Wolvennes) Everett and Graves added one ASSISts Cohn Bayer, Creech, Evan 6/15 & 6/17 6:30-8:30 pm Barnes kick, but It was disallowed apiece Grunberger, James FIsh 2, Reardon 6/19 2:00-4:00 pm Barnes because both teams had moved (Wolvennes) Call Mike McIlroy.Girls Travel Dir. mto the box before the kick Farber's first goal came on a Commenls The Wolvermes had The Dragons were awarded a penalty kICk DeFauw and some good ~aves In goal by Grunberger, (313) 506-7429 Barnes while Bayer made excellent defenSIve V-15 (811/84-7131/85 Call Mike Mcilroy, Girls Travel Dir. re-klck and Everett connected Graves each earned two plays The squad showed fine team- agaIn WIth a perfectly-placed aSSists, whIle DaVIsson,Farber work The Dragons' Clmsttan Jarboe (313) 506-7429 Barnes shot to the nght of the goalIe and FaVIerhad one apiece made ""me excellent saves In goal, V-16 (811183 - 7131/84 6/15 & 6116 6:30-8:30 pm Barnes Vardar Increased ItS offen- whIle Kelsey Burgess, Gma Valgol, sive pressure dunng the last Lisa Martm and Merryll Ethendge put 6/19 2:00-4:00 pm Barnes FaVIer, McPharhn, Nixon, on good offenSIve pressure 10 mInutes of the game and Sharples and Zurek combmed had several sconng chances for the shutout UNDER.14 QOYS (SalvoandHurricanesD but the Dragons' defensn,e tno Blue Bombers 5, GPSA Two 3 of DeFauw, McPharhn and UNDER. 11 Goals DaVId &ttle 2, CoIIIDChase Zurek turned away the 2, Jonathan Redzmlak (Blue Bombers), DOH Dates Time Field The Dragons U-ll travel Jonathan Klrles 2, Miles Talbot (GPSA V-9 (811190 - 7131191) 6/19 10:00am-noon Ford chances team extended ItS unbeaten 2) Vardar was awarded a penal- streak to 19 games and ASSISts KIttle 2, RedzlDlak, A J 6/21 6:15-8:30pm Ford ty kick dunng the last five Improved Its record Viv18m (Blue Bombers) V-1O (811/89 - 7131190) 6115 & 6117 6:15-8:30pm Ford Cornm~nts The Blue Bombers got mInutes but Graves .,topped to 7-0 WIth a 2-1 VICtoryover V-11 (811188- 7f3l/89) 6116 6:15-8:15pm Ford the attempt and the Dragons tenacIOus play from KIttle Chase, West Bloomfield Ryan Blagdum and Anthony 6/19 10:00am.noon Ford had their third shutout The team played well In poor Karpmskl Bnan Maul had a good V-12 (811/87 - 7131/88) & pm Ford The Dragons edged the weather condItions and Caltlm game ID goal and was supported by 6/15 6/17 6:15-8:30 PGSA Mustangs 2.1, despIte RobbIe Uppleger and Anthony V-13 (811/86 -7/31/87) 6/16 & 6118 6:15-8:30pm Ford Bennett and MargI Scholtes Randazzo DaVid LandIS Steve Shier, plaYIng With only 11 players shared player of the game hon- DaVId Hull and Kyle Klanow also V-14 (811/85 - 7/31/86) 6/15 & 6117 6:15-8:30 pm GP North because of a season-endmg ors played well Max Hemen, along WIth V-IS (811/84. 7f3l-85) 6/18 & 6f21 6:15-8:30pm G,P. North Injury to Kaii BJils and the Bennett scored both Grosse the goal scorers, played well for GPSA V-16 (811/83 - 7/31184) Call Tom Laplsh, Boys Travel Dir. absence of Sharples Pomte goals, the second on a 2 The game was '>corele'>suntIl penalty kick WIth about five (313)885-7523 Blue Bombers •• V-17 & V-18 Stander and Farber made per. mInutes remammg m the Purple Haze 1 CallCharles MIchael, (313)884-3687 fect crOSSIngpasses to Graves, game Her first goal came from Goal. Jonathan Redzlmak 3, DaVId who beat the Mustangs' goalIe Just mSIde the 18.yard Ime KIttle 2, A J ViVlam (Blue Bombers), For more mfonnatlon call TOM LAPISH. GPSA Boys Travel Dlr 313-885-7523 WItha hard shot to the far post after assists from Heather M.chael1bpper (Purple Haze) ASSists RedzlD.ak, Demltn MIKE MC ILROY,Girls Travel DIY313-506.7429 from her nght forward pOSI- Lockhart and Scholtes Keraslotls (Blue Bombers), Dan GPSA offers a competitive. team-onented soccer program that encourages indiVIdual player tIOn The play of defenders Scholtes dId an outstandmg O'Bnen (Purple Haze) development. While bemg a communrty based and supported soccer organization. GPSA welcomes DeFauw, McPharhn and Zurek Job In goal III the second half. Comments The game was close and encourages players from all areas to become a part of Its program. kept the Mustangs off the makmg several excellent saves until the final 10 mmutes 1bpper's board until they scored early m )eapmg header gave the Purple Haze m a dnvmg ram Jenna Benko an early lead but RedzlDlak took over FROM 1-94: the second half on a hIgh, hard came back from an mJury to In the second half, lICOnngthree tunes BARNES COMMUNITYCENTER: Vernier (east) to Mornmgslde (south) to comer shot that beat Nixon play her customary fine game on breakaways Jared Glenn, Sieve ShIer and Kyle Khmow also played of Falrford and Morningside. Grosse POinte Woods The Mustangs' goal seemed at mIdfield FORD FIELD: Vernier (east) to Lakeshore behind Grosse POinte Shores CIty BUilding to energ1Zethe Dragons, who Amanda Koelzer and JessIca well for the Blue Bombers The Purple had several sconng chances Haze had sohd play from JIm GP NORTH HIGH SCHOOL: Vernier (east) to Grosse POinte North High PoletIs were co-defenders of Trombley, Katie McPharhn, Justin School to back field near Football StadIUm. the rest of the second half the game, while Lmdsay Sudomler, Brandon StIli and NIkkI WEB SITE: http://www.leaguesonhne.comlgpsa With 10 minutes remammg, Ruthven and Katie Uppleger Byron Stander played a long ball on also played sohd games forGPSA H.-. League regJltntion Info In the Jane 10 and July I Grout ..... • , June 10, 1999 Snorts .G.' r 3C South soccer team stuns Troy to move into state semifinal round Grosse Pomte South's 4-0 net up'>et by Ford II, a team they Important fir.,t goal at the loss to Troy 10 the final regu- mvolved m the team's 17 first- Chippewa Valley's goalkeep- The second half contmued m had also defeated tWIce durmg 1630 mark of the first penod, lar-season game was no IndIca- half bhots They came from er buffered a knee mJury at SimIlar fai>hlOn WIth Troy the league season completmg an attack that wai> tor of things to come when the Courtney Lytle and Wenzel 11 32 of the first half, which becommg mCIeasmgly frus- Once agam, South was started by D'Hondt two teams met last Fnday m from out.,lde the I8-yard hne, gave both teamb a rebt, but trated ai> the game went on aggreSi>lve from the openmg The BIg Reds were unable to Megan Shapiro and Juhe South contmued to wm almost the DIVISIonI regIOnal champI- The Colts accumulated 21 kickoff and took control of the onshIp game at UtIca concentrate defenSively on any Berbchback from the corners every free ball and the Blue fouls, mcludmg two yellow match mdlvldual South playpr as and How'lon, Howe, Dold and Devilb had theIr best display of The Blue DevIls reversed the cards for uni>porti>manhke con- AJlI'lon Dold notched the eight Blu(' De' II., wen' D'Hondt from III front headers thiS season outcome, beatmg the Colb 3-0 duct DefenSIvely, the South tno of to advance to the 'lemdinal WIth 10 mmutes remammg round of the state tournament Chnstma Bakahs, Barrett and m regulatIOn, Troy pulled ItS Meghan Robson made It diffi- where they met thIrd-ranked goahe for an extra attacker 10 a cult for the Big Reds to cross Rochester Adams desperate attempt to score midfield and held them to two It wa" the first regIOnal The strateg} bal,.kfiled With shots 10 the first half champIOnshIp for the South 4 49 remammg when Kyle Less than 12 mmutes mto gIrls team Barrett passed to Megan the second half, Howe scored The earher meeting helped ShapIro, who beat the Colts' on a hard shot after a cross 109 South because the Blue DevIls player who was retreatmg pass from Howson were prepared for Troy's phYSI- toward the goal cal style and the South players The hard-fought contest had Mumaw and Molly Wimsatt refused to be intImIdated by two Injury stoppages, both for Jomed the defenSIve corps m the sIxth-ranked Colts South players South was aggressIve from the second half as Chippewa Ann Mumaw mJured her was held to five shots for the the openmg kIckoff, taking the knee and IS probably lost for game and Ridgway earned her ball to the Troy goal The Blue the season, whIle NIcole eighth shutout of the season DeVIls' game plan paid mstant D'Hondt suffered a cut on her DIana Mager and Ehzabeth dIvidends as Caitlin Howe net- ankle Moran returned to actIOn for ted Beth Howson's crossmg Earher, South got past the the first time m the tourna- pass to gIve South a 1-0 lead regIonal semifinal for the first ment, whIle Molly Weaver and only 47 seconds mto the game tIme, beatmg ChIppewa Valley Lena Skandson also played At the 3 06 mark, Hannah 2-0 well In reserve roles Wenzel took a pass from The Blue DeVils had won Howson and blasted It past a three preVIous dIstnct titles, stunned Colts' goalIe from 35 only to lose m the first game of yards out the regIonal The Blue DeVIls continued to South had beaten ChIppewa dommate while Troy substItut- Valley tWIce dunng the regular ULS win ed freely m hopes of slowm~ season, but the Blue DeVIls Grosse Pointe South's glrls soccer team celebrates after beating Troy 3-0 to the down the South attack By the Division I regional championship at Utica. The win sent the Blue Devils into the state From page 1C remembered last year's regIOn- semifinals for the first time. 10-minute mark of the first al semIfinal when they were domg, but also to talk about half, the game settled down dIfferent strategIes," Wood WIth Troy mountIng one offen- said "That gave us a huge SIve foray after another advantage over teams that South's defense came up have only one coach" WIth ItS best performance of Even though ULS dIdn't the year Two defenders con- reach all of ItS annual goals, verged on every Troy player the Knights were successful on that had the ball, whether she Photo by Bob Rmaldl two-thirds of them was on the InSIde or the out- Grosse Pointe North goal- "Our goals are the same SIde keeper Carrie Matteson every year," Wood saId "We gets ready to make a save And goalkeeper SylVIa want to WIn our dual meets RIdgway turned back every during last weekend's state WIth Cranbrook, Country Day, shot the Colts took at her Class B girls lacrosse cham- Grosse Pomte South and pionship game with Troy. Her 16 saves earned praIse Grosse Pomte North, WIn the from Troy's coach, who sald Ready to help Matteson are regIonal and the state champI- RIdgway played "phenomenal- teammates Laurie BrescoU onshIp Some years we achIeve (5) and Tracy Rinaldi (25). ly" all of them and other years The mghhght of the first half some of them. ThIs year we was a Troy shot that hIt the dIdn't beat Country Day or crossbar and dropped straIght South, but I guess If you look at down, only to be snagged by It as If we got four of the SIX- Ridgway before It went Into the that's battmg 667 and that'b pretty good" Knights' winningest North-- FALL REGISTRATION ENDS JULY 16,1999 From page 1C Grosse Pointe Soccer Association season ends with loss Enka Schmidt, Bobble Kumar, Brenna Elsey, CWIek, Tracy Fall, 1999 Season Rmaldi and Meredith Angell By Chuck Klonke how Important the next goal "Although 13 of our 28 play- Registration Form for House and Metro Leagues Sports Editor was Then when Country Day ers are senIors, CWIek and Dmverslty LIggett School's scored Its thIrd goal 9 22 mto Hampton are only sophomores gIrls soccer team pIcked the the second half, our kids really so we have two of our top three Contact GPSA at 313.886.6790 with any questions about this registration form. wrong tIme to beat DetrOIt felt the heat" scorers commg back next Country Day. Backhurst felt that Country year," Seaman saId Send completed form to: GPSA New Player: { } Day's depth was a factor In t.he "And It also helps that The KnIghts won the regular game P.O.Box 361-56 Returning Player: { } season meetmg 1-0, but m a Matteson, who has done a G. P. Farms, HI 48236 Address Change: Y { } N { } great Job In goal, IS only a rematch in the DIVISIOn III "We only had two substItutes JUnIor" state regIonal tournament, the and both of them were nursmg In the game agamst Ann Date of Birth=-'-'_ l YelloWJ8ckets came away WIth mJunes," he said "Our starters Telephone No. C--)--" Arbor, whIch IS a combmed a 3-1 VICtory had to play pretty much the team of Huron and GreenhIlls whole way on a hot, humId day, Player's Name: players, North fell behmd 3-0 Gender: H{ }, F{ } The defeat was the first of whIle they were able to bnng early but agam pulled mto a 4- the year for DLS, whICh fin- SIX or seven players off the 4 halfbme tIe Address: Ished 17-1-1 bench" The Norsemen dommated the second half, but Seaman "Lookmg back, It probably In the second half, City: Zip Code: downplayed hIS halftIme would have been to our advan- Backhurst tned to get more speech tage to have lost a close game punch mto the hneup so he "All 1 told them was to stop Parents Names: School Attending: when we played them earher," moved sweeper Katie Danaher makmg fouls and we'd do bet- saId ULS coach David to midfield and brought mld- ter," he saId "That's all we did Backhurst fielder Lauren Ealba to the Previous Soccer Experience (If any): dIfferently" foward hne Hampton led the way WIth "After we beat them, they five goals, whIle Marten had were fixated on us They were It eventually paId ofT, but It Help Us Help Your Children Play Soccer!! three and CWlCk scored a pair gunmng for us because we turned out to be too httle, too Smgle goals came from We need volunteers in the following areas: were the only DlVlslOn III team late Ealba took a pass from Carner, Donna Demerre and (If you can be of help In any other way, or If you have questions,please contact us at 886.6190.) to beat them this year They Danaher and fired one of her Bird have four losses and three of hard shots that beat the Seaman admItted that the Head Coach { } Asst. Coach { } Team Parent { } them were to DlVlslOn I or II YellowJackets' goahe WIth reahzat.lOn of WInmng a state teams" about 10 mInutes left It was champIOnshIp hasn't qUIte hit Ealba''l36th goal of the season, hIm yet The Kmghts came out strong extendIng her own team REGISTRATION FEES "One of the parents asked U6 $60.00 and had some good sconng record Aug 1,1993. Julll, 1995 Metro UI2 $70.00 Aug I, 1987. Julll, 1989 chances early In the game, but me how come 1 didn't look US $65.00 Aug 1,1991 'lull', 1991 Metro UI4 $70.00 Aug I, 1985. Julll,I987 eXCIted," Seaman saId "I told Country Day got the Important "It was a good }ear," UIO $70.00 her, 'It'S probably because I'm Aug I, 1989.JuI31, 1991 first goal only 13 mmutes Into Backhurst 'laId "It's always .,tIlI 10 shock' the first half dlsappomtmg to lose, but we "ThIs has been a lot of fun Please find your child's birthdate in the table above. Pay the amount to the left and circle the set record'l thIS year for most We're probably the thIrd-best appropriate UXX number. "Registration Fees must accompany this form .•• "That took some of the wmd wms and fewe'lt IO"'le., gIrls lacrosse team In Gro""e out of our salls," Backhurst "They finished the r£>gular Late Registration, for forms received after July 16, 1999, is available for additional $15. POInte South and Umver.,lty saId "The first goal IS always 'leason ranked firl>t m DIVISIOn Liggett both have a lot more Important, but especIally III and I don't thInk there's Grosse Pointe Soccer Association offen scholanhips to those children in need. If you need expenence than we do, but we agamst a team hke Country anybody that's gomg to beat assistance in this area, please contact us at 886-6790. do pretty well m our dlvl'>lOn Day" them 111 be surpnsed If they When we started last year, we don't WIn the state champI' had only two gITls who had Although the first half was onshlp" l!We hereby certify that the information contained on this form is true and accurate. l!We ever played lacrosse before faIrly evenly played, the recognize that soccer has inherent risks and have determined that our child is fit to play the They've made a lot of progre.,s Yellowjackets made It 2.0 WIth Backhurst l'l already lookmg sport. Accordingly,l!We hereby waive and release and will indemnify THE GROSSE POINTE SInce then" 14 mmutes remaInmg before forward to next season SOCCER ASSOCIATION, it's coaches, officials, and other volunteen from any and all claIms Others who contnbuted to halftIme and ellpemes of any kind as a condition of our child's registation. North''! state champlOn"hlp Backhurst gave an Impas- "We'll 10'l£>only one player to wen' Andrea Kosmack, An~ela SIOned halftIme speech In graduatIOn ,n he "aid "That's GllbE'rt, AJa Solak, B('cky Signed hopes of gettmg hIS team to goahe ROnlta Roy and we have Date Snllalek, Laune Bre.,coll, Parent/Guardian rally In the second half an excE'lIent goahe m the Juha Wemert, Katie Middle School to replace her McKenna, Karen GolskI. Kn., "I Implored them to get up There are al'!o '1everal other GPSA House and Metro Leagues are made up of CO-ED teams. SImon, Te'lsa Tallenco, Kelly and get back mto the game," good Clghth graders who WIll Blake, JackIe Rogers, Devon We cannot honor special requests for team placement. the coach saId "I told them be commg m" Beaupre and Sara Kennedy June 10, 1999 _4C SJ2orts Grosse Pointe News South tennis team takes third in state; No.1 doubles wins flight By Chuck Klonke first round Tocco, after beatmg tory over Brother Rice's team high school doubles player that plOnshlp match before losmg to "I'm not eason advanced to the finals m thIrd well" Tom Ber!>chback said themselves We had a great boys tenms Garner of Eal,t Kentwood "They lost only three sets all smgles before losmg 3-6, 6-0, 6- "Th~y did so much better than year" Grosse Pomte South found The highlIght of the tourna- year," said coach Berschback 3 to Mark Gorski of Brother last year, but Brother Rice has that out last weekend when ment for South was the play of "It'!>been so much fun to watch Rice an out!>tandmg team" the Blue Devils fimshed third the Blue Devil~' No 1 doubles them, espeCIally bemg John's WJllmarth won hiS first two North seeks behmd defendmg champIOn team of John Berschback and uncle" matches In straIght sets, then South's No 2 double::. team of Brother Rice and !>urprlsmg Rlchal d Mar!>h In four years of playmg No 1 had a tough 6-4, 5-7, 6-3 Win Scott Dan::.bury and Bnan volleyball coach Midland Dow They won the flight champl' doubles for South, John over Brett McLeod of Gorski advanced to the semIfi- Grosse POinte North IS seek- 'Some 'rear::. you go to the on.,hlp With a 6-2, 2.6 6-3 \ IC- Berschback has a 90-3 record Rochester Adams m the semIfi- nals before losmg 6-2, 6-4 to 109 apphcants for the pOSItion state finab knowmg you have He brought high school doubles nals Brother Rice's Jeff Carnco and a chance to wm and If you don't of head varsIty volleyball play to a new level "That was a 2 1/2 hour match Chns Brede Dan!>bury and It'S a d,"appomtmpnt," "md coach "Lan) N} eklrk, the coach at and Blake had unly half all GUI"kl WUIl thCll iii "t t\\ 0 South coach Tom Berschback Traverse City, dIdn't have any- hour to rest before playmg for matches 10 straight !>ets over ApphcatlOns may be "It's almost easier to go m body left when John and the champIOnshIp In 90-degree teams from East Kentwood obtamed at North or by calhng knowing that you don't have a Richard played In the finals, weather," coach Berschback and Ann Arbor Huron athletic director Tom Gauerke chance to wm " but he stayed around to watch said "It was Just too much, but at (313) 343-2214 Everything has to chck per- theIr match," Tom Berschback he had a great year" "It's great to have such a fectly In order to WIn a state said "He said he wanted to South's No 3 doubles team of good team that you're dlsap- champIOnship There can't be The deadhne for apphca watch John play one more Chip Getz and Evan Roarty- pomted With third place m the any upsets m the early round::. tlOns IS Fnday, June 11 time He saId he's never seen a Colhns advanced to the cham- state," coach Berschback said "We had a couple of early upsets and that's what hurt us," Berschback said "Preston Gaspar lost to an unseeded player m the first round and SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF HARPER WOODS Tony Tocco lost to an unseeded CITY OF HARPER WOODS CITY CLERK'S OFFICE player - who was undefeated WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN - In the quarterfinals"

    Gaspar dropped a 6-3, 6-3 TO THL QUALIFIED £LECTORS OFTHE CITY OF HARPER WOODS COUNTY OF WAYNE STAn o~ MICHIGAN Noli,"" """by ~'Hn .hJ' a Annual S<:hooll lec!lonlSpe"al Recall Lied"," ",II deCISIOn to Redford Cathohc be htld In the ('IIY of Harper ""<>Ods In the County of Wayne Slate of MiChIgan. on J\Jf'le 14 1999 from 7 00 am hl S 00 P m for 'he- purpoSC' (lj 1,.Iecung landlda1t.-S for the Offil~ of Member of Ibt. Harr-e[ Central's Mike Flndhng m the John Benchback Woods Board of Education ANI'IUALSCHOOL ~LECTJON Knights are second Member of the Harper 'nood!lo Board of Education O~ Four Y"'JJ' rum

    Member ollhc Hal'Jl'..r "(Iuds in Metro tournament Roartl of .E:.dulmluo ('oe Ork. , .. .u- lerm SPECJAL RtCALL .... CTION SCI100LDI~TRlerot Tilt.. ClTl m Il\RPt.R \\OODS JUNt.. 14 199\1 Harper Woods was mountam The KnIghts began confer. Umverslty Liggett School's ence tournament play WIth a ShOll11 Ore\l S Boyk:'s be nxalled from .he otlu.e uf Board Member for the Harper W,)()ljs Board of r..dUlOllion ftlf Itk. fOl!LlWIf].~ [t'as(ln(50) On ~pt~mbc..r J-I 1998 11 1 fTleClJhg uf the H ..upu Y.\,IOlh Board of Edul,.4Illon forrest Boytes YOled iO plOC't' lhe dlSlnCI 5 .s.upennlend~nt 011 .admlnISIr.:lllV< k''''oc- mcktimlel) 'Allh pa~ FOOt'sl Bo) ks \ll.Hed lU hm .. ..Ill Jdmg sUpl..nntendcnt ill an dddltlOn.lllO\I [Illht baseball team was unable to 10-8 victory over Lutheran dlSlfll"f of $'W"i per day Fonesf Boyles .hen voted to htre an addltlonallaw firm 10 repre'5eOI the dlstnci On JllSTIFICATrON OF CONDUCT IN On-ICE H\ CHRlliTIN. CJCOTI~ runs WIth a pair of triples, "We wanted to play a tough while Moultry pitched four team to prepare for the Metro On Scptembu 14 IW8 I C.hnsllrle Cll'Olte vOlcd 10 pl3Le the ~upt.nn1t.'rkknl on I~a\t.' to H\\.esllg.:lte lhe posslbh.' misuse of .5.Lllool fuOOs I also vok"d to hln. an iK.lltl~ admllllstrnior wub money alread) In tht budgC'f and 10 hlfl: a new nO!' addlllonal faw finn :md;ln mdl\ldual w m\CSllg;lle the boords umLems TIm In","sugaJor r(mod Ih..aftr... "iupc-nnlc:ndc.n1look. aprrm,lmal~ly S2' 000 WhH,h sbL was nOllnlltlrJ II mmngs and struck out seven tourney but our team defense I then \oled 10 ftre her for IMI If sol'l"lt.'one brolc Inlll my home and looL. so~dllng lhallhey were nOll.nlllkd III I would expu.llne pohle tu In\eSJlgah:' and lake lhe proper action also 1 look an oalh It rrl for hiS SIXth Win agamst con- did not allow us to keep It !ec..1and serve lhlS dlstnu What the supennlendt:nt did wrong She mlsusetJ funds Shl. "IOIJIc..d her o'll.n contmcl I did my Jol:1 I held hl"r .:Il"counlabk and I siand by my daJSlOn ference opponents close," Butzu saId "Early III StIllJI Chnslmo C'

    the first mmng JUSTI.lCI\T10N OF CONDUCT IN OFFIO B\ N"N<- Y" RUB. I It wa~ po<;tponed from the Wudcoskl ~mgled to start the ongInal date because of ram fourth, but wa'l erased on a fielder'<; chOIce by Holly The program IS frel' to Farms Momson Morn<;on e'lentually re<;ldent<; and 1<;run In cooper- SIIotl Nancy ~ .... hel hemallrdlroml ... 0fr....o4.l1.. nI \l .... herfOT I'" H.rpor ~ood. &ard oU.d .... "",-

    scored the game's fir,t run on a atIOn With the Umted States \1>.111N,r».y Wru""l ~ ",.ll

    two outs and Young and Tenm<; rackl't., and ball" WIll C't1y of Harper Woods (, PN ffilc ( .. ne prOVided for the les"ons PO~TI () M1Y IR 199\1 Mickey D, Todd, CITYCI FRK

    I •\ June 10, 1999 Snorts •r 5C North blanks South in district

    By Chuck Klonke "The girl!> all know each after a !>lngle by Kathryn Ball Sports Editor other - a lot of them play on Melissa DroUIllard pitched the samt' summer team - but Mack finl!>hed With a four- Gro!>se POinte North'!> !>oftball both team!> really want to wm hitter She didn't struck out team to the Class A !>tate semi- when they play each other," anyone, but she didn't allow finals a few years ago Taylor !>ald "There'!> a lot of any walk!>, either re!>pect on both !>Ide'l• Now DroUIllard, who went Alleman pitched a five-hitter on to college !>tardom at North ~wred all of It~ I un" m and allowed only one earned Ea!>tern Michigan Umver!>lty, the fifth II1mng .Je~~lta run She fanned five and didn't IS trying to help her prep alma We!>tbrook led uff With an allow d walk mater to another long state mfield !>mgle One (Jut later, tournament run Erm DIMaggiO got a bunt !>In- North won thl' dl'ltnct cham- gle The next batter ~truck out plOn~hlp on a forfeit when "Melissa pitched to us last but during the at bat, the two DetrOit Kettenng, which drew week and It helped because runners advanced on a wild a first-round bye, had only KJm (Grosse Pomte South pitch eight player~ !>how up for the pitcher KJm Allemon) throws game hard and IS a good pitcher," Lmdsay Hawkm~ hit a !>ald North coach Bill Taylor bouncer to the mound Alleman "We figured the North-South after hiS team's 4-0 dlstnct threw to the plate, but game wa!> the dl~tnct champI- semifinal wm over the Blue A two-run double by Phil Kozlowski, left. drove In the winning run in the bottom of Westbrook beat the throw Meg on!>hlp, but thl!> was even eaSI- Devils "We have a lot of Guillaumm then redthed third er than I expected," Taylor said the seventh inning for Grosse Pointe North in its 11-10 district tournament victory respect for her. over Grosse Pointe South. Michael Lane. right. picked up the win in rellef. on an outfield error With two after the forfeit Win runs scormg and GUlllaumm The Norsemen have an out- talhed the final run on a Wild North hosts the regIOnal standmg pitcher of theIr own pItch Saturday and the Nor"emen In semor nghthander JulIe play Detroit Mumford, the Mack, but she rehes more on South threatened 10 the top w10ner of the Umverslty of Patience pays off for Norsemen pmpomt control than on speed of the seventh Dmah Zebot DetrOlt JesUIt dl!>tnct, at noon reached base on an error and The champlOn!>hlp game IS "JulIe pitched another great KatIe Van Lith 'lmgled WIth scheduled for 2 pm in district comeback victory game today," Taylor saId "She one out but Mack got the next makes people hIt the ball and two batters on mfield That Will probably create a By Chuck Klonke error Gallagher's leadoff strong mnmgs, allOWing two we played outstandmg defense grounders Sports Editor matchup With Regina, ranked homer In the third gave the hits and no runs He walked behmd her Both teams played No 1 m the state for most of A lot of major league base- Norsemen a 2-1 lead but South two and struck out three well defenSively" The Blue DeVils also threat- the season ball players could have learned overcame that With a three-run "I'd lIke to thank our Dugout ened m the third but North left a thmg or two from Grosse fourth mn10g The Blue Devils Club and especially Tonv It was a tYPical North-South fielder Sarah Smith cut down "They're an outstandIng Pomte North last weekend loaded the bases when Adam Braun, who IS retInng as pres- battle - close and mtense the potential lead run at home team," Taylor ~a1d The Norsemen showed excel- Hess smgled, Rich Mayk beat Ident, for all the hard work lent patience at the plate In the out a bunt and KeVin Messacar they've done to Improve our seventh Innmg of their Class A was hIt by a pitch A throwmg program," coach Gnesbaum dlstnct semIfinal game agaInst error after a pop up allowed saId crosstown nval Grosse POInte one tun to score and the other "And I'd lIke to thank my South and It paid off In a come- two came m on Nelson's second aSSIstant coaches, Steve from-behInd 11-10 VIctory double Mernman and Bill Mogk on That turned out to be the North regamed the lead With the varsity, JV coaches Mark champIOnship game of the dls- three runs m the fifth Inger Orr and John Hackett and tnct because North went on to was hIt by a pitch to lead off freshman coaches Matt crush DetrOit Southeastern 21- the mmng One out later, WYSOCkIand Dave Vlasak .. Om the final Koerber and Kozlowski delIv- "We were trailmg 10-7 and ered smgles to make It 4-3 Two we had our seventh, eighth and straight errors and a fielder's mnth hItters comIng up," said chOice produced two more runs North coach Frank Sumbera "I The Norsemen Increased North vaulter was Just hopIng we could get their lead to 7-4 when Inger two of the three on base for the s1Ogled, Gallagher was hit by a places 8th .top of the order we had a shot pitch and Koerber and I told them to be patient and Kozlowski followed With RBI take a !>trike and not go up try- SIngles in state meet Ing to hIt a three-run homer South was by far the tough- WIth nobody on base They est test of the day for North as By Chuck Klonke know the stnke zone and they the Norsemen collected 23 hits Sports Editor did a good Job" m the rout of Southeastern An eIghth-place fimsh by The first batter grounded "After the South game, It Chns Hubbell In the pole vault out, but Bnan Vandenberghe looked hke battIng practice,. highlIghted Grosse POInte drew a walk and pmch hItter Sumbera saId "We Just wanted North's efforts m last week- MIchael Kaslborskl SIngled to keep our heads In the game end's Class A state boys track RIchmond Inger drew a walk and get the Job done meet on a 3-2 pItch to load the bases Everybody played and every- Jason Gallagher followed With body got hItS. Hubbell's 13-foot-6 perfor- an RBI SIngle to cut the Blue Lane, who won the South mance equaled hiS career-best DeVils' lead to 10-8 A walk to game m rehef, went the dIS- In the event Scott Koerber forced In another tance against Southeastern Grosse Polnte North's softball team and coaches Bill Taylor and Tim Van Eckoute cel- "He did a super job,. said ebrate their Class A district championship. The Norsemen beat Grosse Pointe South 4- run and PhIl Kozlowski fol- He allowed one hit and struck coach Pat WIlson "He was lowed WIth a double to dnve m out 13 o in the district semifinal. then accepted a forfeit win against Detroit Kettering in the really focused There were only championship game when the Pioneers faDed to field a complete team. the tymg and wmnmg runs Inger hIt a three-run homer four vaulters who went higher South had taken the lead 10 the first mnlng to get the than Chns It was a long, hot With a SIx-run rally In the top Norsemen rollmg and day The vauItmg lasted about of the seventh KozlowskI also homered SIXhours" Softball camp Andrew Hendne led off With North takes a 29-7 record starts June 22 in a home run, but the next two mto ItS first regIOnal game Earher, North fimshed fifth Blue DeVils went out A paIr of Saturday at 10 a m at North In the Macomb Area St. Clair Shores North errors kept the mmng agam!>t Umverslty of DetrOit Conference WhIte DIVISIOn • ahve and leadoff batter Rob JeSUIt meet Starrs followed With a two-run "They have one very good One of the three Midwest All-Star Softball camps Will be double to tie the game at 7-7 pItcher and I'm sure we'll see The Norsemen's top perfor- held at Kyte Monroe Park III Jeff Nelson, who earher hit a him," Sumbera said mances came m the nO-meter St ClaIr Shores later thiS pair of doubles, homered to put South, which beat LakeView hIgh hurdles where Steve month South ahead 9-7 Michael Lane 11-6 and tied Warren-Mott 5-5 Zygmontowlcz was thIrd (15 6) replaced Koerber and Dan m a paIr of non-league games and Glenn Hauk fimshed Gnesbaum greeted hIm With a last week, fimshed 15-16-1 for fourth (166) The camp IS deSIgned to pro- long home run Lane fanned ItS first losmg season smce VIde girls of all ages an oppor- tUnity to learn and dE'velop the the next batter, but by then 1989 "Each 'Of them dropped about baSIC fundamentals of fast- South had a 10-7 lead "It was dlsappomtmg m a lot half a second off their personal pitch softball "I Just tned to settle them of ways, but I'm really gomg to records,. Wilson said down when we came mto the miss the 10 semors on the North had third-place fimsh- The St Clair Shores camp dugout after the mmng,. team," coach Gnesbaum said es from two of Its relay teams Will be held from June 22 Sumbera saId "They weren't "I've been really close to the The 800 relay team of DeVIn through 25 down mentally because we had group from last year and thiS McKenZie, Randy Faust, Jeff come back earlier In the game year because my son has Roulo and Chns Flci was third A hlttmg camp, which They felt they were capable of played With and agamst them and, m one of the most eXCItIng emphaSizes the offenSive dOIng It agaIn I Just wanted smce Little League .. races of the meet, the 1,600 aspect of the game, Will be held them to go up to the plate and In the LakeView game, Mike relay team of Hauk, be patient. Kasehtz led the attack With from 9 to 11 a m each day It -r) ZygmontoWIcz, Faust and Will mcludes m'ltructlOn m hlttmg, For South coach Dan three hits, mcludmg a tnple, Sumbera was also third Gnesbaum, It was a devastat- and three RBIs Nelson had buntmg and base runmng ( mg defeat two hits and two RBIs and "On every handoff we were A pltchmg camp, which "It was a case of gomg from Gnesbaum had two hits and second With guys nght behInd develops and refines pItchIng extreme emotions - elatIOn drove m a run us," Wilson saId "Will ran a technlque'l, Will be held from from commg back after haVIng South scored SIX runs m the great anchor leg and held off 11 a m to 1 p m The major 1 two outs and two stnkes on the fifth mmng, featunng a two- all but one team There were empha'll~ IS m types of pitches batter to losmg hke we dId was run Single by Andrew Vlasak only tenths of seconds separat- KEN GRIFFEY, JR. and locatIOn a great dIsappOintment,. he and an RBI smgle by StaTTS 109 the top five teams. saId ~I don't know when I've Dan BattJes picked up the DaVId Hlrt was second In the In'ltruchons are Gary Bryce, ever felt so low after a game, Win In rehef Trevor Szymanski pole vault, McKenZie was thIrd TIGERSVSMARINERS head softball coach at Wayne but I'm really proud of my and Vla'lak al'lo pitched well In the diSCUSand freshman Jim Man June 14 705 KleisRun the Bases' (CokeKroqelWKQI) State ~mce 1981, and Pat Kent, team .. for the Blue Devils Dosmas was third In the long Tue June15 70S who has /}{>£>nBryn"s a'l'll!-tant The Blue DeVils played With- Against Mott, South scored Jump Wed June 16 7 OS out shortstop and All-State tWice In the mnth to tie the at th" school for the last 16 Thu June 17 7 OS Matt Mikula fim'lhed fourth year, candidate Charhe Braun. who game Mike Alvm's RBI smgle m the 1,600 run, while sopho- suffered a broken and dislocat- made It 5-4 and Gne'lbaum more Pat Kenny was fifth In The co~t 1'1 $50 per camp ed finger a week earher smgled to dnve m the tymg the 3,200 run Camper'l must bnng a mitt South took a 1-0 lead In the run "Pat ran a mce race and he and c1othe~ 'Iultable for playmg •• ~s first mmng on a double by Starrs started the rally With outklcked somebody at the softball Nelson, a walk to GTiesbaum a doubl" and Mayk smgled end," Wilson said FOR TICKETS CALL ""''''''~-- and Al Guastello's RBI 'lingle tx>fore Alvm''l hit North also had 'llxth-place For mor£> mformatlOn, call North tied the gam£> In the Nel'lon had two hitS, melud- fimshes from Zygmontowlcz In (313) 884-4103 or (810) 979- 248-25- TIGER bottom of the second wh£>nPete mg a double, for the Blue the 300 hurdles and Mark 6299 for season or group tickets call 313 963 2050 Paterek doubled, took third on D£>vlls Chasteen 10 the 800 run a groundout and scored on an Hess started and pitched five • Thursday, June 10, 1999 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection 313-88r-6~OO CLHSSIFIE 3t1YEHTISI NG DEADUNES ANNClUNCEMI:NTS II 301 Cle"cal 604 Ant>que/CIaSSIC 909 BIcycle Repa.s 953 MusIC Instrumenl Repair IfAL ESTAlE FOR SAlf & 099 Bu.,fleSS (lpportunlhes 302 Cooyaiescent Care 605 ForeIgn Mamlenanal 954 Paln~~ora"ng R!NTAlS & R£AI. ESW'f 100 Announcements 303 Day Care 606 Jeeps/4 wheel 910 Boat Repail'S/ 956 ~e~ & In tall lion RfSOURa 101 Prayers 304 Geneial 607 Junkers Mamleoonce 957 u Ing • a IYoor Home Socoonl 102 losl & Foond 305 HoUle Cleanlllg 608 Pam Tires Alarms 911 8ndJBlod: work 958 pool Service MONDAY 12 N()()N 103 Allo",e~/Legal. 306 Hoole Sllt'ng 6/J9 Rental./lea.,ng 912 BUIId,ng/Remodelmg 959 P~r Wasiling ICai '" HoIoday do.e daIe.l 104 Accounting 8 307 Nurle' Aides 610 Sporn Cor. 913 &lInes. Madune Repa" 960 Roo ng~s: ClASsnDS ---___ 308 Of/,ce CleanIng 611 Trvcks 914 Carpenhy 962 Storm, een. TUESDAY 12 N()()N SPECIAl. SERVICES 309 Soles II 612 Vans 915 Carpel Cleaning [CailorHoLdaydo.edale.l 105 An,weflngServ,ces ------613 WontedToBuy 916 Carpellnstallallon IIPrIf.YMENTS red W 106 Comps MERCHANOISE 614 Auto In,urance 917 P1astermg epcrymenll$ !!9UI e 107 Catenng 400 Anliques / Collecl1b1es = 918 Cement Work e''sf(~ MostelCard 108 Computer Service 401 AppilOnce5 RfCREAJIONAl. 919 Chimney Cleanong Or~ Pointe News AD SrvIfS 109 EntertaInment 402 Am & Crah! 650 Alrplanes 920 ChImney Repa" Ward Ads 12 words $11 55, 110 Errand Servoce 403 AuctlQll' 651 Boots AJnd Motors 921 Clack Repa" , (oNNECl1ON cdd'O<1al ~'d. 65~ ecj, 11' Happy A.d. ~o~8 \ISUI1OKI ets _ ..•._, 943 LandlCnnN working tor a lotus Notes knowledge '" a pleasant enVIron- Office and Access a AIDES LENOX CHINA high 1ev('1 t>'l'Atlllw' helpfu4 Benefits 40t k ment Expenence help- r====;;;;r=----' musl AI:>l<:- 10pnorlllze ful or Wltl tram enlhuslas- MOLL V MAID MI('ro<;oll Word EEOC HOME CARE- PRIVATE DUTY "RHODORA" New downlown offices tIC Individual Please reo ~ Now ...... ('AlII R.ntl Contact Michele call Kathy spond to 313-882-4-. .;6 oMondor)'-f'rtday only Make a move todayl Jom the home care team (810)463-4322 Henderson at ,",","onml'lCar 5upplIed poSItioned for growth and dedtcated to quality Legal SCHI'tal"\o (313)8852400 ,,208 DENT~L HyglOnist need- :- -AdVancement FURNITURE r"flnl'lh8(1, We can offer you' to' S38K- 3 year'l l<'gal ed 11/~ days per week 31;:::~~44 repaired stripped any 'elq)erIence Well known In cheerful, modem St -new hire N monthly bonuses type of caning Free es. . Oooct communlCallOO C1arr Shores offrce -contmllent or full time with benefits poSitions tlmates 313-345-6258, lnfere.C; caselOad Great patrents & staff 205 HElP VlANT!D llGAl -deslreahle east side placements 248-661-5520 ~ODDonUOJl)oto advance Ca~ t.10-774-4333 -f1exlhle scheduling i~~~--- Benefits HUGE antique sa,e for our LEGAL secretary! para- 'I -competitive wage~ FULL tlfFlfl MedICal Recep- June festIVal 232159 can Doon

    400 MERCHANOISE 400 MfRCHANOISE ESTATE SALES ••• ESTATE MOVING SALE ANTIQUES / COllECmlES ANTIQUES / COllECTIBlES BY MARY LOU PHE-DEMOI ITION SALfS JUNE 11th & 12th 10:00- 4:00 CALL EVERYTHING GOES BSTAD.AIfD MOVDTG 635 S. RENAUD (248) 855-0053 CoDdu~ by JBA1lJ POBTO. GROSSE POINTE WOODS :. (west off Mornin,gside, S \11 1'/()I{,\1 \110' I/Offll'..f , l4~("H;.n,,/tAr '(~fT/I;nr.; t 313-888-3174 Fr,day,June 11that 6 30 P m South of Vermer) (248) 901.5050 Saturd';lj June 12th atl1 00 a m OFFERING French style sectIOnal sofa, antique www.ev E"M"llonHou~ Sun y, June 13th at Noon French occasIOnal chairs, CapoDlmonte lamps, 2 FrIcIar, "- 41t! ..- .._ _ 9:30 a.m •• 5'30 p..... Grosse Pointe Sales, Inc. framed silk lapestnes Antiqued Credenza, beautl' s.tvrcIar. "- 51t! _ 9.30 a.m •• 5:30 P.M. ful end« coffee tables. 1950's contemporary sofa HARTZ HOo~ OJ: THE p~ CE <; RIGHT Grosse Pointe Sales, IDe JUNE 12TH, 1999 F.'lME mnUmN(. qTHA?O"Hr ORE",TALfARVED Af)f(;, ... \lOAfS 20606 ("HAlON J.4EIS lEM.., FHOMT~E Mary Ann Boll ... Renee A NIXon TURN WL'iT OFF HARPER ESTATE()F=(;EORGED 'lNRr,HT J.ENNVllE v Ne- DNCA r"ANYFlOOH BFlWFEN 8« 9 MILE ROAn LAMP HANJ)E,t. MHS'" CRAns .,[<;1< l"~P FROM AN QH OeD FrTOA (313) 882-1498 ',.. (3D) 822-1445 eH NESf JA DE CMl\lEl AN ~ CORAl CAAV1"-1rS C' ()lSONNE JAP"NESC IVQfiV NET<)UKE A.N[l OJ J.Ar f~Oc;EV LE nOOCKWOOD & WELLER "'~T f OTTEH'II P,Llure perl{'(1 ,ale:-featuresa 19502029 IIONFI OVER:l5O LOT~ FROM"'N ANN "RBOR COllECTOR ~'% '>HAM IN(.rN~ 'i (AR TRAIN IN PfRFFCT A BIG ESTATE SALE 2l~ E4t4te SaI# ( ONDll JON IN THf BOX. edectll mix of tradlllonal FINE WORtR FlJRN TURE Thursday, June 10th Fnday, June 11th lron « ''''od Rardenhench student roll t0l' d<"'k.pIne W O[UCOMA 0 ....~K'.~UITF c;TEUAEN GO..O AURENf AN[ TlH'AN'!' FAV~~llf 10-00 a m. to 5'00 p m. Chippendale mahogany chest of drawers, (, ROV ....l DOu. T() ....<.. A C AeA Qf,() ('.ORO f HOWr Many new trusure~ ,u~t unrovered Old erector set, pr(xesstnRcenter. everyday kItchen fIle tahtnet dryer; etchings &. prints, lawn & hand tools. O[TRO iRED W"IGS JEnc,E v OR l1llUl f1l)(';~ fR)M <;,EM ANTfOUE TO old dolls and toy~. depre13)963 81'l'l Sale by NFXT WEEK. FRIDAY ON 8RYS. OUR NUMRFR'i AVAil ARI F 9 10 A M wwwdumouchelles com LILLY M. & COMPANY LOOK FOR THE RAINOOW' Thursday, June 10,1999 .- Grosse Pointe News I The Connection -1 If) HOUSEHOLD SAlES NIMAL 602 AUTOMOTIVE INSTRUMENTS 603 AUTOMOTIVE 60S AUTOMOTIVE 610 AUTOMOTIVE ADOPT A PET fORO 6S 1 10ATS AND MOTORS SOFAS, tables, chairs, GENERAL MOTORS fOREIGN SPORTS CARS AREAS best selection GROSSE POinte Ammal desks, bookshelves, etc 1991 Grand MarquIS LS, 1991 Geo Tracker conver. 1999 Jef1a GL- 10,000 quality used pianos Adoption Society. Pets 1984 Porsche 944, 5 1991 Searay, Signature Great condition, great no rust, very clean, runs tlble- great condlllon, miles, mldnl!tlt blue, $690 and up Also, mov- speed, removable sun- 210 220 horsepower, . lor adopflonl Saturday, excellent, Silver blue/ well maintained, no me- loaded, 5 speed Ing, IUOlng, reflOishlOg, June 12, 12- 3pm Chil- roof, 5OK, performance open bow, seats 10 -111 MISCEllANEOUS navy leather, premium chanlcal problems $16,5001 best (313)343- rebUildlOg, estimates dren's Home of Detroll, parts, leather bra, car Like new, 70 hours, ARTICLES sound Non- smoker 90,000 miles CD, 5 9790 and appraisals MiChi- 900 Cook Road, Grosse cover Regularly main- $20,500 WIth frailer, 18" DlrecTV safeUlle sys. gan Plano Company POinte Woods $2800 313.886-3824 speed $2,500 1993 Mercedes 300SE tained Must sell, 313.884-6555 (248)548-2200 Call after 5p m (313)885-3918 80,000 highway miles $5,6001 best (313)881- tems Single system on- (313)884-1551 15' Shckraft, 55 H P John- anytime 8365 ly $5900, two box sys- 1996 Lincoln Continental, 1995 Olds 98, while/leath- Rarely used Excellent son, WIth trailer $1600 tems $14900 $100 GROSSE POinte Ammal BABY Grand, needs reflO' dark blue. sunroof, fully er Intenor Loaded' condlllon, $22,000 611 AUTOMOTIVE or best 810-774-1292 worth of free program- CliniC has male Dalma- loaded, 42,000 miles, 2 Highway miles Excel- (810)726-1271 IShlOg, $1,0001 best TR UCKS ming. www,ln~rated- tian, temale Shepherd 1974 Tollycraft, 34', twin (313)884-4691 after miX, female Terner mIX, new Mlchehns Clean lent condition $9,800 1986 Mercedes 300e Cal- satellite com (800)325- 6pm execulive carl Best offer 810-725-4575, after 8 1992 GMC Sonoma S-10 engine Chevy 350, 7836 #00111 Restnc- older male mixed breed, over $18,000 (313)886- Ifomla car Fully eqUip- pick-up extended cab 6,500 watt Inboard gen- lJons may apply GUITARS, banJOS and krttens 313.822-5707 32ft 5 pm ped $8,5001 offer 313- V6, 4 3, aolomallc, air, erator, fly bndge, full mandohns, ukes want- S03 HOUSEHOLD PETS 54 a er pm 1989 Olds Cutlass Clera, 886-4232, 313-882- loaded Clean, runs ex- shower, radar, $33,000 1995 Lmcoln Conlinental lOOK, very we/I maln- 3909 24 IJght Sunquest sun tan ed Collector 313.886- f"OR SALE cellentl $5,495 313- terms available booth like new $1, tOO 4522 black, all options 391< talned, V6, air Must 1988 P h 928S4 881-8981 (313)882.9686 or Excellent condition Call see, $2,000 Can be orse e , (810)777-6284 ' (313)886-1941 KARAOKE machlOes, AKC Golden Retrievers, 313-343-9511 seen at Village Mara- stick, red! tan, 87K Im- 612 AUTOMOTIVE BRAND NEW DVD, VCD, COG, cas- shots, wormed $400 maculate anxIOus VANS STARCRAFT, 14' fiber- 313-886-4510 1987 Lmcoln Contlnental- thon or call Jason 313- $16900 313.882.0039 1992 Aerosfar- looks 4 PERSON SPAS sette Rental, sales, etc glass boat & trailer showroom clean, low 884-8850 ---' good, runs good 95,000 Worth $2,700 Jerry Luck StudiOS, $650 (313}882-5886 (810)775-7758 GERMAN Shepherd pup- miles, $5,000 tlrm, Sat- 1988 Olds TOUring sedan, 1989 Toyota Corolla DX, miles $3,800 I best ot- Factory Blems ples- Purebred, 7 weeks urday only, 313-886- 148,000 miles, runs red 4 door, 5 speed, fer (313)885-6874 ALCORT 14' Sailfish, $1,4901 With warranty PIANO, ChICkering grand, old, $100 each Good 7953 cold air, $1,9001 offer $275 Skimmer 7' hard Viscount Pools 5'2", mahogany $3800 homes only (313)886- good $2,000 or best (810)774-0309 1987 Chevy Sport van, dinghy, With ores $200 810.792-4920 or best offer 313-884. 9756 1986 LlOcoln Continental, 313-885-6913 camper, loaded, 136K (313)885.6061 1574 MALE, temale cockatiels, 73,000 Cmiles,II t origIOalI 1994 Olsmoblle Royale 1988d Toyotah t h Corolla IFX, 2 $9500 313-961-1558 lASER- 14' hull, bottom COLONIAL sofa- blue owner 0 ec ors qua I- 88, 66,000 miles, load- oor a c ,onglOa own- S slorted , good condition, STEINWAY vertical ma- cage, $60 everythlOg ty $45001 best 810- er, auto, air SynthetiC 1991 Dodge Caravan E, and sails In like new $100 Double mattress, hogan} hepplewhlte Siurdy outdoor rabbit 771-8441 ed, burgandy, $8,500 oil change everv 2,000 white, 72,000 miles, ex- condllion Kitty hawk $50 ApprOXimately 100' style Excellent condl- coop, $50 313.881- ---- 313.882.2988 miles Mint condition I cellent condition, $5,500 trailer, $2,9I1t) 5361 1995 Mercury Mysllque, -199-7-P-o-n-lla-c-G-r-a-nd-A-m- $3895 Leave message or best (810)294-7443 (313)882.1234 of 518 Sewer cable $i 5 110n (734)671-8034 loaded Leather Intenor (810)774-9597 or QUAKER Parrot- 1 year High mIleage $6,0001 GT, ongIOal owner, load- vOice mail, 313-927- 1998 Ford WlOdstar GL, TROJAtII. 1972, 32ft 225 41 S WANTED TO BUY (810)778-4519. old, starting to talk, firm 313-506-5333 ed, hke new, 21K, 0642 Must sell, new car 36 hter engine, power twins Fly bridge MlOt fnendly, $300 (313)882- leave message $13,6001 best 313-882- arnved Windows/locks Remote shape I Lots ot extras DELUXE roller massage 60'S Barbles, Tammys, 3390 8847 -1990---V-o-lv-0-7-6-0-G-L-E-,-V-8-,keyless entry 2 tone 248-931-1065 chair IBM computer, Tressys wanted PaYlOg 1985 Mercury Grand Mar-! tan leather Good palOt, tamlly secunty SEA RAY, 1975 22ft color printer Anllque qUls LS- ROrlda car rea- ka a 35000 wrought Iron bed Pipe cash 81o-n3-31 01 sonable miles All mal- mula, 57 hfre V8, green, condllion 810-739-1085 pac ge, Ir, , 188hp Merc Extrasl collecflon Charles! DI 810-n9-3114 fUlly loaded, Viper miles $17,999 or best Great shape 248.931. FOUND 5/8- Small white talnce records since alarm, remote start, AI. 1990 Volvo, 760 turtlo sla- 313-886-6794 doUs (810)772-6266 BOOK donallons needed parakeet-type bird on new Very reliable 313- t on wagon sunroot 1065 for St Clare School Lakeshore near Proven- 882-2636 Monday, Pine stereol 6 CD I Id $6 900, 810395 , 1993 Ford Aerostar, 7 pas- SEADOo- 1996 GSX Low DJRECTV mini satelhfe used book sale Call cal Please call 882- Wednesday, Friday after changer, Alpine 6"X 9" ~~16' - - senger, 86,000 miles, hours Very fast dish $59- Lowest Price 313-882-4330 for pick 1901 4pm Any time all ofher speakers With new MTX excellent shape $5,900 (313)881-3112 Ever' This week only' up It phYSically unable to days amps, 10" sub With kick- 1998 VW Beetle GLS, 313-882-3109 80Q..459-7357 D- 15 drop off FOUND: Male Husky & er amp Tinted hatch, 1,700 miles, 5 speed, 1995 Plymouth Voyager, 7 INFLATABLE 9ft 2", 4hp Black Lab 91 Kelly 1994 Mustang GT, red, formula detaIl on wlOd- CD Ia t t d I Mercury outboard GOLF. men's set, like BUYING ) 9- power everythlO9, CD, p yer, 10 e g ass, passenger, dark green $1,045 (313)881-0803 new, collectors pul1ers, (810 n 1090 shield, performance all power, sport pack- Good condllion also JUnior sets 313- GOLD(SINce& SILVER1957) LOST. yellow Lab, male, $11,7001excellent best (810)498-condrtlon, transmiSSionFlrehawk Trans Ambul1on,size 5764age, $18,900 (313)886- $10,900 Call 881-2398 TAX deductible donallons- aulo, boal, etc Special 882-5558 PLATINUM!COINS 70 Ibs, 8 1/2/ Mack 0952 tires Must sell Will sell 1991 Plymouth Voyager- PAPERMONEY area Reward 810-493- 1996 VW J f1 38000 OlympiCs! Wertz Warn- GUN COLLECTION WATCHES/JEWELRY 9175 1995 Probe GT- 5 speed, Without extra stereo I eII a"t d 84,000 miles, tully load- ors 1-877-366-2831 Age forces sale of collec- Coins & Stamps,Inc:. spoiler, loaded, keyless eqUipment $9,8001 ml es, exce en con 1- ed, power everythlOg CHRYSLER MutlOeer, 15' tion Total of 32 nfIes & 17658 Mack entry, well mamfained, best (313)881-8365 tlon, new tires, air, Well malntalOed' day saller, turlmg JIb, shot guns. NO HAND GrouePoInte,M1 $9,100 (313)823.8090 $11,800 313-886-8563 $4,4951 best (313)885- trailer, complete, $995/ GUNSI $3600 or best 313-885-4200 LARGE dog crafe, like 1991 Pontiac Sunblrd LE, 3026 after 8p Shown B ING ;======,. best (313)823-5529 offer for all WILL NOT UY fine chlOa, antl- new, very reason 001e 1990102,000Probe-miles5 OnglOalspeed, red,V6, convertible,58K, excellent,black! 1998 "olvo.' V70GL:T @4B64Canyon SPUT UPI No calls be- ques and collecllbles In 313882-0273 owner, no rust, runs $5,800 (313)886-6426 Wagon; black, 27K, 1998 WlOdstar, mint condl- GROSSE POinte Park well fore sa m or after 5p m good condition greafl $2,5001 best $28,950. tlon, CD player, double partnership, Newport 313-822-4401 (248)651-7014 (313)822-4158 1987 Ponbac BonneVille, 1994 Volvo 940 Gl heaf & air $16,500 27'S sailboat, excellent BUYING condition, fully eqUiP- 1991 Ch LHS I k leather IOlenor, excellent Turbo Wagon; red, 313-886-8556 KARASTAN carpet- 8x 12, rysler ,I e 1991 Sable LS, fUlly load- runOing condlflon $900 101K, $11,800. ped (313)824-4040 IVOry In good condrtlon Jewelry, Watches new, extended warranty, ed 3 8 Adult owned, ga- (810)293-6635 613 AUTOMOTIVE (313)640-9042 Diamonds, Gold, white wllh silver tnm, rage kept new tires, no 1993 Volvo 960 Wagon; DONATE your cars, boats, Silver, Platinum, Coins leather Intenor, $17,200 rust, n,ooo miles Ex- 1995 Satum- 2 door, very blue, 70K, $14,500. WANTED TO BUY R V , trucks, property to MUTSCHLER front Win- Old Clocks (810)445-0272 cellent car In beautiful good condlllon, sunroof, 1990 Volvo 760 Turbo ALL Junk cars wanted MlsslOg Children ProJ- dow display Wood The Gold Shoppe condrtlon $3,950 313- leather Intenor, CO, GlE Wagon; gold, Serving Grosse POlOte, ect- for a tax donalion Mode champagne ma- 22121 Gratiot 1996 Chrysler Sebnng LXI, 44 000 miles $95001 (313)884-9324 loaded, leather, moon- 886-7090 , , 146K, $6,800, Harper Woods, St Clair Eastpointe MI, 48021 best offer 313-882-8506 ple cabinets WIth sohd Shores & DetrOIt's east- DONATE your boaV clean surface counte rtops, (810)n4-0966 roof, CD New tires and 1987 Sable station wagon 1989 Volvo 240 Wagon, side, 810-779-8797 Lake St Clair' We are 313-884-3700 brakes 59K, polo green 1 owner, 93,000 miles CARS $100, $500 and up auto, blue. $5,500 BUYING old fumllure, $11,500 1 offer 313- $1,995 (313)881-3432 Pohce Impounds' Hon- And many more! - 615 AUTOMOTIVE here foundation (810)778-2143, 100% OA~ tablel chairs, 36" glassware, china, and 882-9531 das, Toyotas, Chevys, All CaIS are extremely 88 AUTOG SERVICESd C tax deductible! non-profit $300 (Paid $600, 7/98) other InterestlOg Items 9 D A 1994 Sliver Taurus wagon, Jeeps, sport utlhlres desn out of 19 ran aravan, John, 313-882-5642 19 5 odge venger- au- 94,000 miles $5800 C II I 800-730-7772 loalted, needs no work, Siege WIcker etagere 653 BOATS PARTS AND to, air, power, tront 313-885-2n3 a now state vehicles, excellent shape, high With 2 drawers, $50 SERVICE Brass floor lamp, $10 DIAMONDS wheel dnve, alarm, CD, 1993 Taurus GL, loaded, ext 7040 (SCA Network) Inspected and repaired mileage, $2,7001 besf MARINE WOODWORK Teal end table, trull- Estate, Antique Jewelry AMI FM, custom con- very clean, highway TAX deductible donatlons-S I bV our Volvo speoalist. 810781-3580 Custom deSigned So. bUIlt wood, $85 Panasomc & Coins soJe (313)884-6282 miles, $3,700 (810)775- auto, boat, efc pecla Cabinetry RepairS, dry-rot pnnter, $50 Decorated Looking to buy 1991 Dodge SPlnt ES- 0383 OlymplCSl Wertz Wam- SWAN IMPORT 23 Years Experience X-mas tree, 3', $25 Gemologist on staff loaded, one owner, runs ors,1-877-366-2831. AUTO SERVICE 19n 17 Sea Nymph, alu- Have Portfoho Decorator table wllh 100PointeM kJewelry2 d excellent $3,995 1988 Tempo- 58,000 DONATE b t mlnum fISh and SkI, 55 & Reterence,> miles Nice shape' your cars, oa s, 6100 Ea W 11iiii148435-6048 slort, $15 CUlSlnart, 20 ac ,n " oor (313)881-6252 $ A V , trucks, property to 1 st arren hp Even rude, trailer, used once, $50 Sears Grosse POinkteBWoodSl 1991 Dodge Shadow, 4 1,900 (313)882-2719 MISSing Children Prol- (Comer of Devonslure) ~2,9oo (313)882-1234 • : 1 I' " caOister vacuum, $50 Sterling Ban Ulld ng CARS from $500' Police ect- for a tax donalion (313)882 9273 Pictures & mirrors between 7 & 8 Mile door, air, auto, clean, Impounds & tax repo's (313)884-9.324 - 1981 18' Cobia, 140HP 1986 29' W If ft E (313}884-3325 lire engine red, $1,595. "--" --<1-9_0-. outboard Evmrude, can- e cra _ x- Woodbndge Condos, ------Call (810)754-8525 319-3323For lIStingsxt call37501-800- ""","," -7 ...... vas cover traIler Many press CruISer SS , OS, Beaconsfield between 8 FINE china dlOnerware, e SERIOUS new parts' $2,000 810- twins, low hours, great & 9. 810-n8-2347 after sterling Silver flatware 1985 Dodge Daytona Tur- 771-2263 condition, new canvas & 10am and antiques Call Jan bo, needs head gasket, 1959 Jaguar Mark I CUSTOMiRS more, $26,500 810- $5501 best offer Needs work. $1,750 ," ,OHIY 1988 22' Searay Pachan- 296-0395 OLD Grandfather clock, or Herb {810)731-8139 (810)777-6631 1989 BonneVille- fUlly best offer 313-320- ga, almost new, 152 _ MISSIon Oak, 810-468- OLDER Chrysler (Mopar) loaded Runs! dnves hke 4336 .... ------... hours $17500 313- BOAT wells near Grosse 4651 parts & memorablha 1994 LeBaron Convertible new $2,5951 best 961-1558 ' POinte tor boats up to 50's- 70's Top dollar LX- whltel red IOtenor, (313)885-3026 after 8p -1-988--2-5-'-D--A-azz-- __2_5_'_3_13_-_88_2_-_92_68_ . ORIENTAU Onental de- paid (810)725-4405 loaded $4,995 313- Shown@4864Canyon1994Blazer, 4 wheel 89" bOenazmegl 26aO'ST, Clalr- luxury boat SliP, • SIgn Rugs. muillple 886-0929 ------1994 Acura Integra LS- $ SIZes! colors Pnced SHOTGUNS, ntles, old 1991 BUick Regal Grand teal, 3 door coupe, man- dnve, loaded, mcludes Mercrulser, ne~er tops, 40 teel 2,3001 season handguns, Parker, 1986 LeBaron, 66K, clean, Sport, While, 4 door, ual, sunroof, cassette, keyless entry. alarm, ex- excellent condlllon, PlOe River Club 810- from $150- $750 Brownmg, WInchester, rurlS good, $1,800 145K, well malOtamed, good condllion $80001 cellent condllJon, low $17,600 (313)343-0371 982-3032 (313)881-2259 Coh, L\lQer, others Col- (313)881-0911 $2,900 (313)881-6780 best (313)881-0471' ~~~~~~3 $11,000 810- 1994 25' Sea ray Express : PORTABLE Wheel chair lector (248)478-3437 1997 Neon Htghhne, 4 1991 BUick Regal, gray, 1994 AUd' CabnoJet EnJOy Cruiser 300 hours, like 657 MOTORCYCLES ramp- S'x 29 5" Wide SWING attachment that door, 14,500 miles Au- 82,000 miles, well maln- the summer m thiS 1994 Explorer, 4 door, new 313-884-2331 1974 Harley Sportster, like newl $220 goes with older style of to, 81r, alarm, power falned, new brakes, beautrful emerald green new 4WD, loaded, (mghts), 313-964-2790 1000 cc's Flame Job (313)882-1198 Step 2 Chmber sunrootl locks $9,850 $4,200 (313)642-1698 convertible Low miles alarm, 114K Excellentll (days) Runs, but needs work (313)886-7675 313-417-2808 1988 BUICk Skylark- 2 $17,500 886-2690 $8200 810-772-9007. 19n 25' O'Day, 15 hp OB, $3,500 313-881-5361 - SNACK vending machme, WANTED- Vintage clothes 1995 Neon, 4 door, aU1o- door, aU1o, 43K actual, ---B--32----ed- 1997 Jeep Wrangler, very nICe condlllon, roll- ' 41 rtems WIth bill valida- Don'f cleanl your closet, malic, air, AMlFM cas- $1,800 (810)n5-7579 l~,~~II'~~' ;x=ent manual, 36K, excellent er fUrlmg, tandem trailer, tIor NICeI clean $1100 sell rt Top $$ paid sette, alloy wheels, 1990 CadiHac Sedan Dev- condllion $14,5001 best conditIon Take over $7,900 (313)882-1234 313-527-0991 We're loolong for tum of clean, $4,900. 313-886- die, Immaculate, $4,450 Days 800.769-7038, lease, $3,000 (313)884- 1993 34' Thompson Ex. " -TOO--L-S-hed--.-6-'X-8'-,-b-ra-n-d the century through 9811 313-885-9139 eveOings 248-620-2375 9594 press CruISer. Very 1970's Call today, 248- 1995 N 4 doo 10 1995 J Ch k 58K I Y h t II ' new 10 onglna' carton 866-4389 eon, r, w 1989 CadIllac Fleetwood, 1987 BMW 325E- all eep ero ee, , c ean ou ave 0 see $125 Call Jan 810-445- miles, mce options, su- 72,000 mIles Dealer black, 4 door, sunroot, 4 door Sport, 4 wheel to beheve III Only 2788 after 6pm po;• of> ...... ••• ";"NTE~ ....•• ~0•••.. ~ ":'II". • 6102per clean (810)774- mamtalOed Beautiful automatic Days, 734- dnve, 6 cylinder, 4 IlIre, $65,000 810-718-0059

    ------;...... 0 0 car While! red IOtenor 327-6215 EveOings, excellent condllton, new 1990 Bayliner Clera Sun- WE BUY OLD ~ 0 Guitars Mandolins: ~ 1992 PIymOU1hSundance $6,000 or best Roger, 313-885-1381 tires, 1 owner, $11,795 bndge 2655- 26', 9' 6" Grossepolnte , ORIENTAL RUGS ... BanJos Ukeleles • ~ 32.000 miles ChrysJer _(_3_13_)_82_1_"_3_71_9 -1-986--S-MW--5-2-ae-,-v-ery- 313-881~8034 beam, 330 horsepower, News & The Any 81_, 8ny condition ~ Pocket Watches • ~ warranty Sharp' 19n Cadillac DeVille, 2 good condlfton Wrth a 1994 Jeep Cherokee Red, aft cabIn Very clean, GHAU, INC. TROY ~: OIdToys ToyTrall)S.. (313)884-3505 door, loaeled, 53,818 httle TLC car Will look 4x4 40V6, air, power $21,000 (313)881-0803 Connection 1-800-841" 1181 ~ 0 Swords • ~ 1990 PlyrnoU1h Aclalm, V- miles One owner mint, $4,000 (313)884- wmdowsl locks, CD, 18' BLUE-FIN, 70HP On- ~ 0 Old WrIst Wafchdes • ~ 6, new brakes and tIres, $5,000 313-885-8943 1557 $8,7501 best (313)640- Iy 280 hours Trailer, 413 MUSICAL ~ Auto Memorabilia !~ 6OK, $1,800 (313)886- 997 Ca I ..., ------7980 complete, ready to go o weekly for the INSTRUMENTS ~ , • 1 va ler convert,u e, 1995 Honda CIVIC LX- 4 ~ o LOCAlCOWCTER'MYING TOPCASIf • ~ 0212 tully loaded ,xce ellent door, loaded, new tires, 1992 Jeep Renegade. $3,100 or best offer best 'dealS' ABBEY PIANO CO. ; 0 • FEMALE executIVes 1995 condlllon, low miles, 70K Excellent conditIon I 68,000 miles Garage Call 810-774-3637 anyWhere I ROYALOAK 248-541.6116 !0 313-886.4522 .: Beautltul while Concord $12,9001 best Call $9,150 Day 313-983- kept Mlntl Hard! soft 1985 Century 23 foot, USED PIANOS ...... ; ..... '" 61K Factory maIO- (313)881-7195 7444, evening 313.885- top Chrome Extras new canvas December Used SpInets- Consoles 416 SPORTS EOUIPMENT talned Perfect cond/- 1988 Caviler New brakes, 3553 $8 500 (313)882-2719 1998, no trailer. low Upnghts & Grands tlon AsklOg, $8,400 lrres Extra parts $950 ------1989 Jeep Cherokee 4x4 hours, $8,500 or best 313-882-5521 (313)372-9351 1988 Honda Accord LX, 40 Iller E)(cellent shape 248-489-7184 PIANOS WANTED TECTRIX Stepper. Home ---______AutomatIC, air, fully load- To advertise TOP CASH PAID 1992 Chevrolet Corvette, ed, $2100 Very clean $4,000 313-882.3109 1987Impenal- 26' Aft Cab- ~":' n~ $;0=' aU10mallC Green, black Musl be seen (810)754- -199-7-T-oy-o-ta-R-a-v-4-,-4-X-4-,~nv:~n~~8~a~~C ~: your special (313)235-7797 1997 Ford Escort Wagon Intenor 65K Excellent 8525 green, like new, 2!K, 5 Can be seen at Jeffer- 'deal' call: FAX ITI ----- 64K, clean. must sell condition $1-5,900 810------speed, 2 door $1~,95O WINDSUr~NG equip- $6,900 810-772.5620 463-8285 1987 Honda CMC, while! (313)082-9273 son Beach Manna, well 13-882-69OC 343-5569 ment BIC, Fiber Spar, ------red Intenor, 4 door, 0-110 $9,900 313-891- Remember to Include: Nell Pryde and UP 1995 Ford Mustang, red, 1~5 Chevrolet Capnce- stICk, 127K miles Looks 4475 ext 402 t V6 5 speed $7500 very cleanl Power WIn- & runs good $14001 Your Name Complete se up , ,air, dews, locks, seat best 810-n5-7055 1993 Powerquest 257 YourAdd,... $20001 best (313)885- best (810)759-0366 CruISe, flit 76,000 ongl- 1995 Chevrolef Corvette MlOt condition, low YourPhone 2271 1993 Ford Probe GT. ex. nal miles $3,000 313- 1986 Honda CRXSI, red, convertible Indy pace hours, docking IlQIlts And F811 Number SOO ANIMAL ADOPT A PET cellent condrtlOn, htgtl 823-6475 after 6pm moonroof, 5 speed car Collector edillon Trim tabs $29,000 Call Along wfth your mileage, Ioaeled, $49001 ------Great car' $1,650 best Excellent cond'tlon 248-601-2827 C1... 1f1ed ADOPT a retired racIng best (313)886-8709 1993 Corvette convertible, 313-881.0193 Loaded 30,000 mIles AdMeuege greyhound Make a tast 40th annIVersary LTl ---______(810)632-7766 1994 Zodl8c dingy, 12' 1992 Ford Probe, excel- Aolomat1c, CD Ruby 1988 Jaguar XJ6- Black, with 15 horse Mercury CI8s8lfled tnendl 1-800-398-4<:1og Advertt8lng MlChrgan Greyhound lent condrtlOn, 42,000 red, 52,000 mIles well maintained New 1993 Mustang 50 GT, 5 outboard Both very ConnectIOn miles $5,100 Call 313- $21,9001 best offer exhaust and rack speed, 30K, $11,5001 good condlllon, bargain 885-0008 (810)779-84n $5,300 (313)372-9351 best (313)881.6766 at $2,000 810-779-2802 r ce. Thursday, June 10,1999 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection If

    e<, "":;: cl~ 8'k~l~1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .90~ ASPHALT PAVING 907 USEMENT 936 flOOR SANDINGj 943 LANDSCAPERSj _------~,.REPAIR 912 i1UILDINGjREMODELING 918 CEMENT WORK 925 DECKS/PATIOS 945 HANDYMAN VIATERPROOflNG REfiNISHING GARDENERS CAS Asphalt- we specIal- U.B.!. Construcllon BUild- HISTORIC restoration. Ex- POINTE pressure wash. TEE'S LAWN HANDYMAN work Get II Ize In Seal Coating, 109 remodeling, home pert repall porches lng- decks, palros std- G & G FLOOR CO SPRINKLERS done nghtl Excellent ref- Patching and Repair, Improvement FUlly li- 1.1. CODDEIS chimneys The Bnck lng, concrete Prolesslo- REPAIRSf SERVICE ererlCes, reasonable pn- Parklng lots, Dnveways, censed & Insured 313- Wood floors only Excellence m Doctor Richard Poce nally power washed INSTALLATIONS ces Igor (810}792- TenniS Courts Referen- Waterproofing 885-9183 Licensed 313-8B2.3804 313-665-0257 Decks sanded, stained Licensed/Insured 2728, (810)615.2329 ces 313-885-0161 Fanuly BuSlllfSS Floors of dlshnctlon J.P Turner Conslructlon Prompt, Efficient service Mature responSible since 1964 HANDYMAN, (810)775- G&T Asphalt Seal Coat- SmI:t 1924 Dnveways, Sidewalks 810-783.5861 ULTRA DECKS Grosse POinte reSident Bob Grabowsk, 0700 All Jobs welcome Ing Free estimates - Digging Method patiOS, etc Bobcat Serv - Peastone Backloll DESIGNED & BUILT Call Rodger, (313)884- Founder I PreSident TREE & stump removal big or small I Dnveway, parkmg lots Ice haUling & removal • \'V.1lls St""ghtcncd ADDITIONS ETC . 5887 licensed, 1I1sured, Gordan & Sons Tree (313)040- 4227 Froe estimates Senior HONEST-a-n-d-d-e-pe-n-d-ab-'e- - Under Pinning UCENSED member of The Care Licensed/Insured discount Contractors( • 25 Yr Guarantee Better BUSiness Bureau (800)626.3493 Carpentry, painting, e&P ~4~1*~"U 1-810-296.2537 homeowners welcome 930 ElECTRICAL SIRVICES llCe-nsed & ln~ur("d Free estimates plumbing, and electncal oDnveways resurfactd & seal coaled .. - - , (810)772-5757 TURF & Timber Landscap- We supply, Install, sand, If you have a problem or repand & r8SIrixed I PC ------ELECTRICAL selVlce up- Ing Tree, shrub tnm. ''''105 stain and finish wood need repairs or any In- oNew~ & pcIIblg IoIs HOME PULCINI Construction grades, code vlolabons, mlng & removal Land- I MAI'\'TE'IANC F N You receive honest all electncal work In floors, new & old stalling Call Ron 810- ner:sup;;v;s«) 911 !RICK/BLOCK WORK I scape deSign Sodding 573-6204 Insuied PAll'Io'TIM, 1 quality workmanship on homes Native Grosse SpeCialiZing In 8'10-7731.8087 1 & seedmg, pavers, Top 31 i 8812226 all cement work, water- POinter 313-886.5678 Glltsa finish J.V. Baker Home Mainte- BRICK repair, chimneys I 313 61.l 3114 I proofmg CommerclaV soil delivery Certified 907 USEMENT MX 3134t7 9001 610-776.2050 nance SelVlCes Frea porches, tuck pomtml¥ ( OMPU fl:. ReSidential Free Estl- _ Arbonst, landscape de- WATERPUPOflNG Estimates John, 313- color matching, minor 1 BliILl>INt. ~ HOME I mates 810.773.3310 FIRST Visa, Discover & gree Insured 313-885- 9292 824-6508 AMERICAN cement work Great I IMPROVIMFNTS IVITO'S Cement work ELECTRICAL CO. Mastercard accepted WATERPROOFING JACK'S Handyman SelV- Lakes Masonry 313- J'i<"Ou.u,p~s~l~n~ porches dnveways pa: JOHN, Ma"tar Electrical qn fURNITURE AND CONSTRUCTION lCe- Windows, gutters, 417.1942 1 PAINTING SI'ECIAL'1 tlOS b~ck and bJock 81 O-n6-1 007 REfINI SHING, UPHOLSTERING 25 Years expenence ------1 3'$i750W'" II work. tlJCk point Insur- and small Jobs God 10 YR GUARANTEE BRICK repaIrs Porches,1 Scrut.-I>tscwnlI()"!I> ed, bonded, licensed Emergency service FURNITURE refinished, Bless (810)773-3038 Brick Pavers I Porches steps, tuck polntlng,.L (313)527-8935 Violations, Renovation repaired, stnpped, any small Jobs KeVin 810- Iii --~~_,.J.- .. Doorbel:s, Ranges, Dryers MIKE the Handyman- SENIOR DISCOUNT type of caning Free es- electncal, plumbing, car- Free Estimate 779-6226 914 CARPENTRY -fAM-I1-Y~BU-5-IN-ES"'S"'51-N("'E-I-96"'5'"Senior Citizen Discount timates 313-345-6258, Llcensedf Insured No servICe call charge 248-661-5520 • Landscape DeSIgn pentry, ceramIC tile Na- BRICKf block repaIrs & Construction tive Grosse Pointer 81o-n6-2000 ALL Carpentry Intenorl 943 lANDSCAPERS/ Porches, chimneys, pre- CAPIZZO - fmgallon Systems 313.886-5678 extenor Newl repair GARDENERS CHAS, F. JEFFREY cast steps, glassblock c~ • Sod Replacement work Guaranteed satl- S & J ELECTRIC Basement Waterproofing Windows, small Jobs pre- " ,,~ A.B.C. • Bock Paver Walks REMODELING Special- lactlon References LI- Residantial Commercial IstS. Kitchen bath, fm- • 40 Yrs Expenence ferred Will retum caUs • DRIVEWAYS STUMP REMOVAL & censed bUilder- over 25 No Job Too Small Ished basements, -OutSide Method or 810415-9333. Larry • PORCHES • PATIOS SHRUB REMOVAL years In POlntes I M 313-885-2930 ~313-885-3410 decks, and mlJCh more' .'nslde Method • RAISE GARAGES & REPLACE REASONABLE BUilding, 313-886-0202 .Walls Straightened EXPERT Bnck Repair GARAGE flOORS Free Etltlmates Small Jobs welcome LI- & Braced Tuckpomllng, chimneys, CARPENTRY. Porches, Quick Service censed/ Insured Free .Foundatlons Underpinned porches, steps SpecIal- doors, decks FInish & BRICK & BLOCK 32 Years Experience estImates DynamiC TOMA ( rt..dlc dillon t>LdlJ1Jrul -LICensed & Insured IZing 10 mortar, textureJ rough carpentry Re. BRICK PAVERS & Call Dominic BUilding Concepts, Inc DECORATIVE CONCRETE ~Hld hUll Ilothll color matching The pairs & small JObs Free 810-445-0225 (810)775-3428 313-882.1800 EXPOSED AGGREGATE ELECTRIC (\llTlOr 110111(. UI\lrOrH1I1I11 Bnck Doctor Richard estimates 25 years ex- MARK W, ANDERSON FLAGSTONE & BOB TOMA AFFORDABLE and angi- Pnce LICensed, 313- penence 313.885-4609 B_ Waterproofing BLUESTONE WORK Ucensed Master nal landscape deSign PAT THE GOPHER 882-3804 A" cud "ummg de"lgn~ M1uenl03I:10562 FINE, fInIShed carpenter Electrical Contractor. No Job too small 10 HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICE TON\' Gro<;~c POinte reference , Small Home Repairs -Insured 313-885.9595 years expenence, refer. J,W. KLEINER SR. available Reasonable 3131 Insured , GunerCleanong & Repairs -12 year Guarantee rates Licensed & Insur. fJ ~ ( 885-0612 ences I love my work' , Small Rool RepaIrs MASON CONTRACTOR frush wall remured, lil~ liI 521-0726 and mtenor pamtlng free estimates 810-79t- neys Do my own work MADAR Maintenance Power washmg, carpen- 7669 *Free Estimates 20 years expenence GHI Palnllng, Interlorl ex WALLPAPER Hand wail washing and try, spraying 20 years *Full Product Warranty Free estimates 810- tenor, plaster repair REMOVAL Windows Free esti- expenence Free estl PAINTING, decorating- 484-7789 "'Senior Discount mates & references mates Licensed power washing Proles- Ouailly Job at a reasona- BY TIM JAMES Smelser Roof INCORPORATED 313-821-2984 (810)484-7789 slonal, experienced, ref- ble pnce Intenorl exten- Experienced quality *References or Resldentlall commer- work dependable Repalrl Maintenance COMPLETE erences Free estl' lowest pJJce *AII Work Guaranteed 931 WINDOW WASHING Cial Dennis (810}776- Co Flat root speCialist ROOFING ANATOLL PAINTING mates Insured Greg, 810.774- 7794 Free es- 3796 (810)771-4007 MICHAEL HAGGERTY SERVICE Extenor/lntenor Power 810-777-2177 timates FAMOUS maIntenance washing We do all types Don't Forget- Lic. Master Plumber RESIDENTIAL serving Grosse POinte of pamtmg, plastenng, J & M Painting Co. PAINTING- tllm, Window Call your ads In Early! L,S, WALKER CO. COMMERCIAL since 1943 LICensed, frames porches ect ClaSSified Advertlslr"g Plumbing Dram Cleaning K& V ROOFING sanding, c1eamng Free SpecialiZing 1 TEAR-OFF bonded, Insured Wall esbmates Also carpentry Serving 882.6900 All Repairs Free Commercial! Residential *Extenor/*lntenor, RESHINGLE washing! carpet clean- (313}875-3932 Grosse POinte 11 years Estlmatesl Reasonablel Licensed/Insured. 957 PLUMIING ~ Ing 313-884-4300 Resldenlial & Commercial Bud, (313)882-5886 In:.ured 20 years experience CERTIFIED GEORGE OLMIto: BOWMAN Pamtmg Inten- Painting INSTALLATION 810-786.3900 Free estlmatesl APPLICATIONS OF WINDOW CLEANING orl extenor Resldenbal *Plastenng & Drywall QUALITY workmanship ALL POlntes Plumbmg, 313.705-7568 pager Kurt, 810-774-0899 MODIFIED SINGLE PLY 810-791-0070 26 years expenence repairs ,cracks, Painting, plaster, car- Heating & Air condltlon- r-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''"'''''''''''''"b FLAT ROOFING (Established 1944) Call Gary 810-326-1598 peeling paint pentry, all home repairs 109 References Free ROOFING $ DISCOUNT $ Advance MalntMane. Co Inc SYSTEMS Window glazing, caulkmg 19 years expenence In- estimates, licensed Call PLUMBING MADAR Mamtenance BRENTWOOD Painting! sured references Sea- Tear offs, Re- roofs, VENTS *Washlng & Painting old now for air conditiOning Hand wash Windows Wallpapenng 30 years vers Home Mainte- speCials, 313-884-1906 • For all Your Cedar Shakes, GUTTERS aluminum Siding EPOM Rubber Flat roofs and walls Free esll- of quality & service to nance, 3t3-882-00oo Plumbmg Needs REPAIRS mates & references POlntes, Shores, Harper *Wood Staining! Expert Repairs Sewer $60 licensed & Insured LICENSED - INSURED 313-821-2984 Woods Free estimates Varnishing TOM'S Painting Referen- COMPLETE Drains $40 (313)884-9512 •••• Jtl.Jtl •••••• Bill, 810-776-6321 or Grosse POinte References ces where you live Lo- PLUMBING WHY PAY MORE?? 886.0520 810-771-8014 10% off cal man does goodl WINDOW WASHING All Work & Matenal SERVICE 7 DAYS 24 HOURS ROOFING repairs, reshm- with thiS ad Guaranteed (313)882-7383 GUITER CLEANING MARTIN VERTREGT 810/412-5500 gllng, Ice shields, chim- Fully Licensed & Insured 964 SEWER ClEANING Bondedl Insured Licensed Master Plumber ney screens, basement BRIAN'S PAINTING Free Estlmates- TOP quality painting Inte- SERVICE UOIformed Crews ProfeSSional painting, norl extenor Carpet Grosse POinte Woods leaks, plaster repairs In- Mike 8100268-0727 959 POWER WASHING ARMSTRONG Sewer IS Free Estimates Intenor and extenor cleaning & wall washing 313-886-2521 sured Seaver's, bacKI Call after 6p m D.J. QUALITY Speclallzmg In all types of J.L. PAINTING Jim 810-777-3163 New work repairs, (313)882-0000 AQUA Power Washing weekdays, anytime Sat- pamtlng Caulkmg, Window INTERIORlEXTERIOR renovations, water Protect your Investment CLEANING Some Classifications urdayl Sunday, 810- glazing and plaster repair Plaster repair WALL Art- Decorative heaters, sewer cleamng, Decks, docks, Siding, 810-757-6400 are required by law to 498-0330 All work guaranteed Drywall cracks! painting on all surfaces code Violations concrete Much more be licensed. Check with .¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥. Fully Insuredl peeling paint Sponging, raging, etc All work guaranteed Free estimates, low pn- proper State Agency For Free Eshmates and Wmdow puttylcaulkmg Call (810)783-3183 cesl 810 758-0737 960 ROOFING SERVICE 960 ROOFING SERVICE to verify license. Reasonable Rates, call Power washing! repamtmg DAN ROEMER 810-778-2749 Alummum Siding PLUMBING or 313-872-2046. Grosse POinte References JAMES' PAINTING RepairS, remodeling, 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTING/DECORATING FuJly Insured INTERIORI EXl fRlOR code work, fixtures J &JROOFING DECORATIVE Specialists Plastor & drywall "'pair Free Estimates Water heaters Installed Complete custom resi- Caulking. wmdow g!azmg. (810) 445-6455 OR 1 800-459.6455 313-885-0146 power washJn8 Repaint Ilu Licensed and Insured dential painting Faux, SEE HOW AFFORDABLE QUALITY CAN BE! minum 51dmg We also 810-772-2614 Wallpaper, Powerwash. replace rotten wood Village Painting Reil."ionable pnce:s' 10 yearwe rkmanshlpwarranty ing. Licensed! Insured .Servlng GP Smce 1984 All work guaranleed 25 yearor longermatenalwarranty (810)530-3520 flft' estimates SpecialiZing,nTEAR-OFFS 'Speclallzlng 10 Extenors EMIL THE PLUMBER licensed 'Finest Matenals f -800-655.2952 Father & Sons CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE' Classified Ads 'AII work guaranteed Since 1949 DEADLINE: .Reasonable Rates BILL MASTER PLll\18ERS TO~Y Tuesday 12 Noon 'Free Estimate Classified Line Busy? 313.1182.0029 ,... " (810)498-9492 FAX (313)343-5569 ~ d0.:d _It.-"'~ , 9S~ PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTING/DECO~ATlNG 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 9S4 PAINTING/DECORATING ~ I~ b~~ , ~ ROOFING ~ , We at Don Anthony BuLlders ar-e committed to quality ~ D. BROWN ~ ROOFING IS All WE DO , PAINTING & REMODELING ... Our Installers "'" eXl"'nenced lourneymen roof ... who provlde ... ,. fast courteous profesnonal servJce from custom fabricaled ,. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPES ... metal n.. hlllS> 10 excepllonal clean ups. every IIme' .0IIII Spongong Raggong Spackle Dragging, Carpentry, ,.. Simply put you w1l1 not get a better Jooking roof or better serv ,. Drywall PlasterRepair, Kitchens Baths Basement t-119he~t Quality PAINTING .....lee anywhere And we offer Uns at competttlve pnce5 WIth a ~ Speoa!lzing,n IntenorlExlenorPalnbng We offer ,. no ruk satufaetjon guarantee ~ the beslln preparationbeforepaintingand use onIyIh e Remodeling, New WtndowsIDoors, Decks "'nces, raux Finishes. Wall Covenngs Porches DeSign ~ Please ask us to 5how you some of the beauttful Job! that we've " finestmatenalsfor the Iongesllasllng results INTERIOR/PLASTER REPAIRS/EXTERIOR .... donoln your neighborhood' .0IIII GreatWestempeopleare qualitymindedand couneous 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Sen IIlg Grosse Porn/e Srner /98/ ,.. SPECIALIZING IN ,.. REASONABLE RATES If \au hire Chip "our paml uon I .... TEAR om • RE ROOFING' flAT ROOFS. NEW ROOFS .0IIII FREE ESTIMATE. FULLY INSURED ,.. RESIDENflAL. COMMEROAL ,.. FREE ESnUATES • FULLY INSUREDI UCENSED (3131884-5764 .... Call Today fOT FREE Eshmale .0IIII 886-7602 885-4867 LIcensed & Insured. Fully Warranted ,.. (810)445-6952 ,.. tIIf. lIcense #2101141399 Insured • ...... ~

    1. WHAT. Describe the type of sale you're hosting. Is it mostly household goods? Nursery furniture? Apparel?

    2. WHEN. Give dates and time of sale, and rain date information.

    3. WHERE. The sale will be held, with directions or phone number for directions.

    4. WHY. Reason for sale, especially if it is a "moving" sale, since these tend to attract more customers. 5. PREPARE. YOUR AD .. prior to calling will save your time! CALL CLASSIFIEDS TODA YI DEAfJLINE: T\.lcsdays, 12noon Gros~ Pointe News 3 13-882-6900 x3 CmeDON NEWSPAPER

    • June 10, 1999 r, Grosse Pointe News

    • •

    , -,, ...... ~ ,. I. I' U_fl(~UII)J~itl:l UTI " , 1 Auto, Air, Deluxe AMlFM Cassette w/4 Speakers, All Weather Guard Pkg • HD Auto, Air. Pwr WindOWS& Locks, Tilt Cruise Lealher Inl Pwr Dnver & Passenger Seal. Defo er wmmer, Floor Mats and Morel Pwr Moon Roof, Side Air Bags, Premium 3-ln-' AMlFM Cassette/CD w/6 Speakers Keyless E t uch Morell MO. LEASE! SALE P 0_ LEASE ~ ~ (0) ~W ~ ~ CO) /.i1 0 CO) ~ (0) ~iP u ~ ~ Monttt ~ ~ 7) r..;) ~ lE.J ~ Month $2,000 T~tal Due In~ludes Destination $2,000 Total Due

    At Dehve_ry :' _ 0 _ _ At Delivery'

    ....._ ...... n ... ' .... ""7 1...... 'i5_11ii ... $ !....,.,.! s,.".",...... _?:C ...... ;;;""'sS""ill5""'''''@S"",S;f,."""",,,,'ft$'Q''/ -. Auto. Air, AMlFM Cassette, Bucket Seats w/Console. Tilt, Intermittent Wipers. - Auto, Air, AMlFM Cassette, Pwr Windows. Pwr Locks. VIP AS 300 Security c> 15" Alloy Wheels, Chrome Pk and Much, Much Morel w/Alarm.Tilt. Cruise. Intermittent WI ers, Floor Mats and More! ~ SALE P 0. LEASE SALE P 1vI0. LEASE ~ ~ r:iJ} til 0 ~ (0) ~ ~lP' ,$ ~ zil (CJ) 0 ~ G7I CO) ~~ ;~ U U f) r.;) U ~ ~Mont~ U ~ f) ~ U U ~Month ;- Includes Rebate $2,000 T~tal Due - InclUdes Destination $2,000 Total Due '~~,-~.~!l ~t D~J'y!'Y.. _ ' _.,_~_~_~,_,_ At Delivery

    . - 0:: Auto, Air, Pwr Windows. Pwr Locks, Tilt, CrUise. Deluxe Stereo w/C8ssetle, Alloy '-_. :: Wheels. Center Console, Storage Bags VIP RS 3000 DLX Secunty. Floor Mats Auto. Air, Deluxe AMlFM Stereo Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, Tilt, , and Muc ell Cruise, Alarm w/Ke less Ent Floor Mats and Morel 1IA0_LEASES CO) ~ (O)~W ~~~Month $2,000 Total Due Includes Destination $2,000 Total Due At Delivery At Delivery

    ~ HOURS: Mon. Be Thur. 8:30-9:00 • Tue. Be Wed. 8:3G-6:00 • Fri. 8:3G-6:00 -~-,,- r , , ,....,". \' I

    June 10, 1999

    , . , ,,~_. ..~ .... l". it '1 ... ,...... 4.::' Page 2 YourHome Thursday, June 10, 1999

    Composting in your Cover Phutos by Rosh SiJlm personal back yard ON THE COV..... Q. I am interested in doing my own composting, but I don't know 2231 ROSLYN where to begin. How would I set ~ Ask GROSSE POINTE WOODS up a small compost pile for my ; The garden and yard plantings? Cindy Move right in to this neat and clean Woods H. 1AJ,ndscaper A. Producing your own compost "« ranch! Hardwood floors, nicely landscaped can be as simple as making a pile • ~~ "):.m~...... ~ ~ behind the shed. You can also with brick paver patio, bright kitchen, ceiling build or buy compost bins to keep /!l.D~~if!S~~lli~,:!* ~~<,' the compost in, which is a little ter to green matter such as grass fans and central air. Appliances stay! more orderly looking and uses less clippings, weeds and soft space. Either way you can elimi- stemmed plants. A layer of fin- $101,900. nate a lot of yard waste and create ished compost or a mixture of some beneficial soil to use in your composted manure should be garden. added next. A pile 3 feet high will Wire bins, plastic boxes and produce enough heat to speed up 19950 E. EIGHT MILE wood structures are some types of the decaying process of the com- ready-made bins available, and post pile. Smaller piles will also HARPER WOODS through some of the gardening work too, only they will take Grosse Pointe schools, beautiful one or two books there are many other types longer. Thrning the pile by rotat- that you can build. It can be as ing the soil inside the pile with bedroom home. Huge heated garage. $3,000 simple as securing four pallets that on the surface will speed up together to make walls and filling the time it takes to create rich automated fence. Covered porch with gas grill. the inside with the materials to compost. Compost starters are create your compost. available from your local garden Backs up to Danbury Park. All appliances Garden Centers and bookstores center to give your pile a kick- offer books available on garden- start. included. $68,200. ing, composting and soils. Adding Using compost in your flower compost to your soil is the easiest and garden beds will definitely way to improve the soil structure improve your soil, and give you by permitting better circulation of better results. Avoid using plant 20735 MARTER water and air in the soil. Other materials treated with persistent organic soil amendments you can pesticides in your compost piles. GROSSE POINTE WOODS add to improve the soil are saw- Vegetable waste from the kitchen dust, manure, sewer sludge is fine, but avoid meats and fats, Must see - very attractive three bedroom cedar (Milorganite), peat moss, pine since these items will attract needles and cocoa shell hulls. pests. A proper compost pile does bungalow in great location of the "Woods". Organic matter attracts and holds not smell bad and is well worth on to nutrients in the soil, reduc- the effort. Newer windows in 1997, kitchen in 1995, ing the leaching of these nutri- David Soulliere is a Michigan ents. A healthy, organic rich, soil furnace in 1991, all appliances included! contains millions of microscopic certified nurseryman at Soulliere organisms, which break down Landscaping and Garden Center, $129,900. matter into nutrients that the 23919 Little Mack, St. Clair plants can absorb. Shores, between Nine and 10 mile. The best ratio of material going Phone (810) 776-2811 for further into your pIles is equal parts of information. E-mail at dsoul- 20007 LANCASTER leaves, twigs and fine woody mat- [email protected] HARPER WOODS This charming four bedroom bungalow offers a bright and open concept with Grosse Pointe PICK IT OFF - I have always job quite nicely and is inexpen- enjoyed Home Tips whenever I sive. Check out your local super- schools. Features include remodeled bath, run across them. One of my market in the cleaning agents favorite tricks is using an ice pick aisle. ceiling fans, finished basement with bedrooms to remove labels from bottles and • cans for recycling. It also helps in and much more. $116,500. saving recipes, UPC symbols for MORE ON NO WASTE - For rebates, offers, etc. Rita B., the woman who wrote in on NO Lewisburg, Tenn. WASTEfor hand lotion byempty- For further information on this and other properties, pkase call the Grosse Pointe EDITOR'S NOTE: Ice picks can ing lotion bottles into another one WOOi!soJfiee at 313-886-5800. be dangerous since they can slip with a funnel: Well, when my off the can or bottle and into your lotion doesn't come out of the ~D hand. If you choose to use this pump anymore, I just cut three- method, please do so with extreme fourths of the bottle off and use COLDWeLl. caution. The best way to remove the lotion that way. I just make a Coldwell Banker BAN~eRO such labels is by soaking in hot cover from a small piece of foiland SCHWEITZER water. You can also purchase a REAL ESTATE commercial liquid which does the See HOME TIPS page 4 Schweitzer Real Estate .------...... -_. Thursday, June 10, 1999 YourHome Page 3 Hot water delivers Beline's Best Buys too-cold showers $575,000 Q. Mr. Hardware, our hot water , '" "t "" "''' *//',' Modem and updated center entrance seems to run out prematurely. It Coloma!. Four bedrooms, three and one starts out very hot but then gets lukewarm in a little while. The Ask half baths on an estate size lot. Updates temperature dial on the tank is Mr. include windows, kitchen. sprinkler system, set on hot and the water flow is hardwood floors, furnace and roof. One good. We drained some water out 'Hardware block from IakefrMt park. Oose to "the of the valve at the bottom of the Village:. Ii tank which yielded quite a bit of rusty water before it ran clear. Still we have very short showers. Do we need a new tank? Cold • The pipe nipple at the top of $350,000 shower Joe, Harper Woods. the tank could crush or break off Second house off the lake. Wrap-around A. Joe, the. problem with your flush at the top of the tank when porch with Vlew of Lake St. Clair. Pnvate you try to remove it. tank sounds like a broken dip entrance to park. Three bedrooms, two full tube. It is a long plastic tube (usu- • The union could leak and not ally white) inside the hot water reseal after reassembly. baths, new tear off roof and newer furnace. tank. It connects to the cold water • The plumbing above could Immediate occupancy. A channing home! side of your water heater and it start to leak. directs the cold water to the bot- • The dip tube in the bottom of tom of the tank, close to the heat the tank could be one of the defec- and below the existing hot water. tive ones, and disperse small Dip tubes are in the news a lot pieces of plastic throughout the lately, due to the amount of faulty plumbing system. Even though $412,000 ones installed in hot water tanks you have hot water, the plastic Located on a cul-de sac: four bedroom, two and in the early '90s. What happens is can clog aerators, ruin faucet car- a half bath Colonial includes first floor laundry they break off and lay in the bot- tridges and cause toilets to run. room, family room, formal dining room. The problems above aren't to tom of the tank. Then, when cold Tastefully decorated and meticulously water enters the tank it mixes prevent you from doing this immediately with the hot, hence repair, only alert you to some of maintamed. Newer: kitchen. baths, roof. gas the lukewarm water for five to 10 the difficulties that may arise. Dip forced air ~ ctntraI air eonditiMlng. Finished minutes. tubes are replaced every day and recmlion ~ brick paver~ and patio, To repair the dip tube can be problems arise and they are han- easy, or it can be a catastrophe. dled. For most people, this job is What needs to be done is shut off best left to a plumber, they will the water, shut off the gas, and take any of these problems with $295,000 drain some of the water out of the ease. Bnng the family! Four bedroom, two full bath The following are options to tank. Then, remove the cold water bungalow with large country kJtchen, two supply from the top of the tank. keep in mind if you are consider- fireplaces and hardwood floors. Located at There is almost always a union ing changing your own dip tube: that allows for the pipe to be • Is your tank 10 years old or the end of a cul-de-sac, this home also has a unscrewed without trying to older? You could be at the end of finished.recreation 100m .and a screened porch rotate the whole tank. Whew, your tank's life if you have a stan- dtat ovefloob a pie-~y_ what ajob that would be. Remove dard "Plain Jane" tank. the pipe nipple from the tank and • Are you very experienced at remove any remnants of plastic in plumbing repairs? the hole. Then install a new dip • Are you one of those cus- tube and reassemble the plumb- tomers with a "defective"dip tube $193,000 ing. Sounds easy? It can be if you and qualify for a free company Better than a condo. Charm of the early 1900's have the tools and the luck that repair from the manufacturer? In any case, be prepared for the with the collvenience of the 90's. Totally nothing will go wrong. " renovated one bedroom with two full baths. What could go wrong you ask? See Mr. Hardware page 7 Huge state of the art kitchen with skylights and recessed lighting. Trivia famous folks that from ABC's popluar "All My Children" also is a famous com- make us laugh median? 1. What is Joan Rivers' most 6. Where did the Bunkers For More Information, Please Contact ... famous line? reside on "Allin The Family?" 2. What state was former talk- 7. What was Mother Jefferson's BELINE OBEID show host Johnny Carson born character's first name on "The in? Jeffersons?" (313) 343-0100 3. On the hit CBS sitcom, "Allin Trivia test answers The Family," what city was actor 1. "Can We Talk?"; 2. Iowa; 3. Certified Residential Specialist Rob Reiner's character from? Chicago, III.; 4. Ray Billingsley; 5. 4. Who is the famous creator of Walt Willey who portrays Jackson 1999 Prudential LegendAword Wi"ner the extremely popular daily comic Montgomery; 6. 704 Howser Street, strip "Curtis" distributed nation- Astoria, Queens; 7. Olivia. ,~dential Grosse Pointe Real ~.,~' , wide by King Features Syndicate? 5. What soap opera character - King Features Syndicate Page 4 YourHome Thursday, June 10, 1999 can be accomplished in a gradual, Home Tips- neat and less cumbersome way. Provide a rectangular plastic From page 2 laundry basket to fit the dimen- sIons of your newspapers lying put it on top (to keep the lotion flat. from getting hard). It sure beats Next, cut two lengths of twine emptying the bottles and saves approximately 1314 yards for a 1- time. From a Gal in Minnesota. bushel basket or calculate for your • particular basket. RECYCLE TIP - Why not real- ly recycle the plastic tubes news- Then. evenly crisscross the Grosse Pointe Farms twine in the middle interior bot- papers are delivered in? Give 79 Mapleton $215,000 them back to the carriers. Our tom of the basket. Draw this 2-4 p.m. paper says, "Help reduce operat- twine toward the inside top of the 267 McMillan ..... 2-4 p.m. ing costs for your carrier; place four sides of the basket and allow the overlaps to hang outside. two to four weeks' worth of bags in 281 McMillan ..... 1-4 p.m. an obvious place for your carrier Now,fill your basket with news- to pick up and reuse." Jill T., papers as you finish reading Laurel, Md. • them. Separately, tie and knot each length of twine to easily, Grosse Pointe Park IN THE KITCHEN - To neatly and orderly bundle them remove the skin from a chicken or for their destination. Renee L., 805 Barrington $274,900 2-4 p.m. a piece of chicken, grasp the skin Youngstown, Ohio. with a paper towel and pull. No slipping! Patty R., S&lem,Ore. • 1369 Three Mile $349,000 2-5 p.m. • COFFEE FILTERS Before CUT IT OUT - Getting the using new paper coffeefilters, try I 122 Yorkshire $405,000 2-4 p.m. empty toilet paper tube off a the following: Using both hands, spring-loaded mecJ;gmism is turn each substack of filters inside out, then reshape inside almost impossible if you have Grosse Pointe Woods arthritic hands like mine, but a bottom slightly with thumbs. This pair of scissors works like a puffed-up stack makE~sit easi~r to 1977 Beaufait $219,900 charm. Just slice the tube length- remove them one at .a bme. 12-4 p.m. Lillian W., Sun City West, Ariz. wise and lift off, clearing the' way 21700 Eastbrook Ct. for an easy replacement. Kate W., • $349,000 Share your special Home Tip Dallas. • I 71 I Huntington Blvd. with our readers. Send it to Diane $189,900 NICE AND NEAT Eckert, King Features Weekly 1890 Lennon $154,900 Gathering, straightening and Service, 235 East 45th Street, New 2-5 p.m. tying newspapers for recycling York, N. Y. 10017. 2134 Lennon 1-4 p.m. 1174 ANITA • GROSSE POINTE WOODS 1047 Roslyn 1-3 p.m. 1974 Roslyn $114.500 2-4 p.m. 2153 Roslyn 12-5 p.m. 1979 Severn $319,000 2-4 p.m.

    Harper Woods

    20235 Beaufait $152,500 12-4 p.m. 20507 Hollywood $1 10,000 2-4 p.m. 20944 Kenmore 1-5 p.m. OPEN SUNDAY2-4 - Sharp three bedroom ranch with a new 20266 VanAntwerp $146,500 1-4 p.m. ('95) family room expansion. A very open concept. Paneled lower level with a bar and full bath. Updated kitchen, roof, St. Clair Shores deck, all windows, central air and furnace. Beautiful landscaping and two car garage. Move in condition, ready 2195 I Edmunton $154,900 '-3 p.m. for the perfect family. Don't miss it! $234,000. 22831 Lingemann $225,000 1-4 p.m. For additional information, please contact: I 12 Riviera Dr. $119,900 1-4 p.m. 26224 SanRosa $149,900 2-4 p.m.

    Sterling Heights

    11250 Eighteen Mile $189,900 Thursday, June 10, 1999 YourHome Page 5 Create an entertaining splash in your yard If you want to provide an essen- If you choose not to use your con- fresh water. You can use an old tial element for the birds and be crete birdbath in the winter and milk jug to carry enough water for able to enjoy more types of birds For do not move it into the garage for the rinse and refill if your hose is in your yard than you have in the storage, covering it with plastic is inconvenient. If your birdbath past - just add water! the recommended. To keep your bird- does have algae growth, clean it In the same way that water is bath and the water in good condi- with a solution of one part bleach an essential element to humans, Birds tion, daily cleaning is recommend- to nine parts of water. Rinse birds need a fresh, clean source of ed. This may seem like a chore but extremely well after this type of water for drinking year round. the daily maintenance pays for cleaning as the bleach is harmful Water for bathing purposes helps By kosann KovalCik itself in the long run. Make it part to your birds. birds keep their plumage in good WJJd Bi[d~ UnIJwlt~,d of your morning to tip out the Unfortunately, there is no mira- condition - free from dirt and concrete, plastic, resin, ceramic water from the bath, give the bath cle solution that can be added to parasites. When a birds' feathers a quick brushing with a brush the birdbath that will keep it are kept clean, the interlocking and metal can be mounted on pedestals, placed on the ground, devoted exclusively to that job, webs called barbules will "style" rinse the bowl and refill with See FOR THE BffinS page 9 together more efficiently. This will hung from trees or attached to insulate the bird from cooler night decks. Lighter weight plastic is temperatures. easy to clean and handle and is One of the best benefits of also fairly durable. Concrete adding a water source to your baths are extremely durable, but yard is the added number of make sure that you can handle species that water will attract. the weight of the bath when clean- 'PAM BAWDEN Your feeders are restricted to the ing. Most bowls are separate from ASSOCIATE BROKER tRS. GR. seed and suet eaters, but a bird- the pedestals so that they can be bath has broader appeal. Robins tipped for ease of cleaning. OVER 25 YEARS enjoy vigorous bathing, making Concrete birdbaths are now avail- themselves at home in the middle able in smaller sizes. While a OF of the bath and splashing out painted concrete bath is easier to REAL ESTATE most of the water. Goldfinches maintain because the paint like to bathe in a group. During retards algae growth, remember ~EXP&RIENCE< the spring and fall migrations, that the paint will eventually you may find many warblers will need to be touched up. Household visit your water source. latex paint is appropriate for this purpose. One of the best buys in the Water can be offered in many Farms and a «reat condo ways. Birdbaths constructed from Concrete and ceramic are not alternative! Just a sbort walk recommended for year round use. from the Lake. This charming home features a wonderful family room with cathedral ceiling, four bedrooms, two and one half baths, two fireplaees, first Door laundry, two car attached garage and private Remodel WithStyle... brick court yard/patio. Very l little exterior maintenance. Great value at $375,000. m ~ 35 BEVERLY Transferred owner. Situated on a private road in the heart of Grosse Pointe Farms, this newer colonial offers four bedrooms, two and one half baths, a library, and hard-to- find family room located off the kitchen. Sliding doorwalls from the family room and kitchen offer easy aceess to the terrace for your morning cup of coffee or evening entertaining outdoors in the eight person hot tub! Location, amenities and superb pricing will cause this home to sell quickly! - 1979 SEVERN F Spacious four bedrooJD, two and one half bath Colonial featurinl large, open Idteben wlbreaJdaat Youlll Find The Way A Sunroom Adds Value area, family room &: wonderful \ To Your HomeTo Be Pretty Stylish Too! master suite w/eatbedral eeUlng, walk-in closet and bath. You'll love the way Four Season-; transfonns Independently Owned And Operated Many updates including newer your home, turnIng an ordInary room Into a furnaee, eentral air, hot water spectacular one Suddenly there's light Space. tank and custom closets and And the beauty of nature all around and what's shelving. Two fireplaces. Workroom addition In double even more attractive IShow a sunroom can add prep. A deltJbt to &bow! value and style to any home eUNItOOMe • eltlEDlHoue ... llAno !tOOu ~GLAeeANDKRIE.N DIC~U." r Only Four Seasons offers you sixteen different models, in wood or alumInum So you can add EIljoT 0IdtItI0r un.,...1IId«n1 on a farmly room Expand your kitchen Create a workout room or bUilda light filled spa. The poSSibilities are endless And more affordable ADVANCED BUILDERS than you ever ImagIned 44809 Van Dyke Ave., Utica d~lV.I!E!(313) 340-3543 810-254-4466 800-647-1690 ~)

    farms. GRAND~UR OF YESTERDAY. City. EXCEPTIONAL LIVING. Park. JUST LOVELY. Completely City. STYLISH, OPEN CONTEMPO- Amenities of today!! Fantastic 1995 Beautiful slate roof on this four bed- updated inside and out! Dramatic RARY. Wonderful location for thiS Kelletbuilt Williamsburg Colonial. room brick home in Grosse Pointe. foyer entrance, spacious rooms and three to five bedroom home. FiOished Elegance and beauty in a private Hardwood floors, new central air In chOice location In Windmill Pomte. basement with fourth bedroom and country-like setting. 4,400 square 1998 and inground sprinkler system. This home will capture your heart. bath plus recreation room. Den could feet. $1,499,000. (CPN-F-90LAK). Don't miss out! $859,000. (GPN-H- $525,000. (GPN-H-22PEM). (313) (313) 886-5800. be fifth bedroom with near by bath. 15LAK). (313) 885-2000. 885-2000. Much more!! $515,000. (GPN-W- 16SYC). (313) 886-4200.

    Guaranteed With Our 22-Point Services Guarantees. farms. LOVELY SPRAWLING you'll be really satisfied. RANCH. Great location in the Farms. We promise. in vvriting. Woods. "BEAUTIFICATION AWARD" Many updates completed on this to provide an array of"services to help you, vvhether WINNNER. An immaculate two bed- house in last five years. Great room you're buying a home or selling one. And vvc'n keep evexy room brick ranch with family room on sizes, two full baths and three bed- one of" our promises Or you can vvalk avvay. It.s that a large lot on a cul-de-sac. Family room could be third bedroom. rooms. Large shaded lot with patio. simple. So call us today and find out just ho"" easy real Finished lower level. Screened $382,500. (GPN-H-Ol BAR). (313) estate can boo 885-2000. 15'x17' porch. $369,900. (GPN-W- 60HID). (313) 886-4200.

    Farms. FOUR BEDROOM COLO- Woods. PRICE REDUCTION. Farms.A PLEASURETO SHOW. All NIAl. On a 70 foot lot In the Farms. Exceptional brick ranch with numer- Woods. LOCATED IN PRIME AREA. rooms are tastefully done, ceramic in This spacious Colonial with great curb Newer kitchen with granite counters ous updatesand amenities. This three kitchen, dinlOg room, both baths and appeal awaits the warmth of family and tile floor. Gorgeous hardwood bedroom, two and one half bath home family room. Deck with hot tub will and fflends. Three bedroom, fmished floors. Finished basement, profession- offers a family room, skylight, marble stay. 10'x 8' cedarcloset 10 basement. basementwith lots of storage. Home al landscaping and more! $335,000. surround fireplace and large master $298,000. (GPN-F-70lAB). (313) Warranty included. $287,900. (GPN- (GPN-W-67McM). (313) 886-4200. suite. $309,000. (CPN-H-32BRy). 886-5800. W-73SEV). (313) 886-5800. (313) 885-2000.

    city. CENTER ENTRANCE COLO- Woods. PERFECT FAMILY HOME. NIAL. Wonderfully decorated! Marine City. NICECOUNTRYHOME. Sharp three bedroom ranch with a City. CLOSETO SCHOOL and shop- Updated kitchen with ceramic counter Newer three bedroom, two bath new ('95) family room expansion. ping. Watch your child cross the tops, large bedrooms and bath, large Paneled lower level with bar and full home on full basement with central air conditioning and all appliances. streetto school from your front yard - finished recreation roorn, lavatory in bath. Beautiful landscaping and two one block to the Village and immedi- basement. Brand new roof, electric in car garage. $234,000. (CPN-W- Almost seven acres plus large garage and pole barn. Simply wonderful! ate occupancy with this brick home. garage, much more! $236,900. 74ANI). (313) 886-4200. $174,800. (CPN-W-39NOn. (313) (GPN-W-87UNI). (313) 886-4200. $186,000. (CPN-H-66MAR). (313) 885-2000. 886-5800. • II

    ~ IiiiIiI1IiIIiII... MAKING REAL ESTATE REAL EAS~ ------• Internet Site • 16 Locations in Metro Detroit/Ann Arbor Thursday, June 10, 1999 YourHome Page 7 Jefferson and Washington- proud Colonial gardeners In 1811, Thomas Jefferson wrote to his friend, the portrait artist Charles Wilson Peale, "I have often thought that if heaven had given me a choice of my posi- tion and calling, it should have been on a rich spot of earth, well watered and near a good market for the productions of the garden. No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture ofthe earth, and no culture comparable to that of renewal programs for our crowded the garden. Such a variety of sub- cities. jects some one always coming to At Williamsburg today, visitors perfection, the failure of one thing delight in the gardens, many of repaired by the success of another, them not realizing the research and instead of one harvest, a con- that has gone into making them tinual one throughout the year. authentic to the late 18th century, Under a total want of demand and are therefore not part of the except for our family table. I am gardens in Williamsburg. still devoted to the garden. But Some of them are dahlias, though I am an old man, I am but which arrived in Virginia in 1802, a young gardener." and forsythia, in 1833.Magnolias, Jefferson first visited the now almost a trademark of the Colonial capital of Virginia in southern states, did not arrive 1760 to attend the College of there until 1820, with the star William and Mary and his close magnolia not appearing until association with the town contin- 1862. Portulaca came to Virginia ued until the capital was movedto in 1827 and wisteria in 1830. Richmond in 1780. He greatly Holly was not around in Virginia admired the beauty of until the mid-19th century, almost Williamsburg's gardens and the 100 years after Jefferson's visit to interest in horticulture that he Williamsburg. developed there was later to be All the houses in 18th century expressed in the gardens at Williamsburg had herb gardens to Monticello. His love of growing supply culinary uses, medicinal • 2 Ranch Models aprox. 1,400 square feet each. things never waned, and he kept a remedies, cosmetic lotions, scents • Detached units available. garden diary for many years, not- and dyes. The flower gardens, ing what seeds he gathered in his enclosed by fences that were • Beautiful wooded setting with abundance of travels, and what plants he required by law to surround each green space. observed wherever he went. property, provided bloomsto scent the house and add charm to the • Magnificent gated entrances and gatehouse. Today,more than two centuries rooms, for the making ofpotpour- • Natural tree lots. after Jefferson's sojourn in ris and sachets, and which make Williamsburg, the gardens there Williamsburg a garden city. • Only 5 units per acre each on a cul-de-sac. continue to be one ofthe great joys Colonial herb gardens, many of of the town. More than 100 gar- them laid out in the form of a • Brick exteriors. dens and broad greens fill 90 of wheel with a center sundial, con- • Great infrastructure, all major roads are 5 lanes the 175 acres of the historic area, tained an enormous assortment of or more. and in all seasons, and all kind of useful plants. Among them were weather, make the town a delight. chives, dill, tarragon, lavender, • Luxurious landscaping. The long vistas of the avenues are mints, lemon balm, catnip, sweet enhanced by the broad greens, basil, parsley, rosemary, sage, • Marble fireplaces with gas logs and mantel. open spaces that are so important today in urban planning and See GARDEN SHED page 8 Entrance on 12 Mile Road

    Located within 13Mile Mr. Hardware minutes of g: \ a hose cap and seal the valve that 1-696 & 1-75, I: From page 3 ::I way. It is simple to remove in .. l:l.. order to drain water out at a later Only 22 minutes 12 Mile cost of a new tank if any major date, and is much easier than try- to Grosse Pointe! problems arise. ing to remove or repair the drain I Tip No.1: draining water out of valve that could be clogged with a tank at least yearly does save rust. costs by removing the rust at the Send your questwns to; Mr. bottom of the tank. The rust actu- Hardware c/o Gtlbert's Pro ally insulates the burner heat Hardware at 21920 Harper, St. from the water so thIS is cheap Clair Shores, 48080; call (810) Fumished Models 10Mile mamtenance. 776-9532, e-matl blair@mrhard- Open Daily & Weekends Tip No.2: if after draining some, or visit www.mrhard- Noon to 5 pm (Closed Thursdays) water out of a hot water tank the for a recap of some of my Call: 810-574-1550 Sales by Titan Management ~ drain valve still drips, simply get columns. Page 8 YourHome Thursday, June 10, 1999 Pet Care nfCDIJRA1E Pet travel tips locked car. even with the windows Mortgage Rates as 01 June 4, 1999 Phone Number 30 Yr. Axed Points 15 Yr. Rxed Points 1 Yr. ARM Points Other Progs • Purchase a travel carrier sev- open. The temperature inside a eral weeks In advance, and grad- car can reach up to 160 degrees Abl&Morigage~ (248)~- 7.5 0 72S G 6.37S ~ JI8N ually acclimate your pet to using it on hot days. Aabco Mortgage (800) 731-0001 7625 0 725 0 5 625 1 JlBNIF before the trip begins. • Provide plenty of water for ~~C'Aq), (800}82N759 7.125 2 6.75 2 S.2S 2 JlBNIF AeqUl.MutuaJMortgage Corp (248)269-9888 7 125 2 675 2 5 5 2 JIB your pet and stop often for breaks. • Be certain to purchase a con- ~fiolInc:e&~ {1lOO)962-3462 7.25 0.815 7 0,625" 6 0.5 JlBNIF tainer that complies with the A good rule of thumb is a com- Amen~us Mortgage Corp (248)740-2323 6875 225 65 2 575 o JIB International Air Transport bined drink of water and walk f'GIIdII_"- (248)2J3.«llX) 1 2 7.125 O. 6.2S tl JltWIF Association and USDA regula- every two hours. Bank One (800)583-4636 725 2 685 2 615 o JIBNlF

    tions when traveling by air. Make • Keep your pet on a consistent, _Mortgage {2.a)22M9lM am 2 &.5' < 2. 5.m i) JlBNJF airline reservations early, since nutritious diet of premium food Capttal Mortgage FundlllQ (248) LOW.RATE NR NR NR JIBIF some airlines allow only one on- while on the road. If your pet is e-ade~ - (IlO}894-9&88 7.126' 2 6J5 2. xx' i25 2 .w board pet per flight. prone to motion sickness. feed Charter Bank (734) 285-1900 725 2 6,875 2 6 375 2 JlBIF • Bring along a no~ from your smaller amounts of food one or a-~ l248t64&-12tlO 1.t2$ 2: U5 2 ,,5 2 JNIF Qbzens Bank (800) 999-6949 725 2 6 875 2 6,625 1 veterinarian, signed within 10 two hours before you travel. Ask JNIF CoMelielI {800}292-1300' HR NR NR Jl8NIF days of your trip, stating that your your vet about using motion-sitk- Community Bank of Dearbom (313) 274.1000 725 2 6875 2 525 2 JIB pet is in good health and up-to- ness medicine. such as ~FtdetalCI8liUJ.n (134t4534200 7.125 2 6.625 2 S2$ 1 .us date on immunizations. Dramamine. CountJyw1deHome Loans (248l262.8580 7 25 1 5 6 75 2 5 5 1125 JNIF • Donlt leave your pet in a - King Features Syndicate CtdUlilllONE . {248}5*1442 1.$ 2M 6JS :4w -~." <.l5 2: . J ~ , Dearbom Fed Credrt Uruon (313) 322-8301 7 25 2 6 75 2 4 25 2 JIB DellIbomf«lerli~ (313}S6S-3-tOO. NR HB •~ : ,"A. ffi .• DMR Finanaal SeMCeS Inc (800) 367.1562 725 2 7 2 5875 2 JlBNfF Garden Shed ----- &ffM ::.~;;... 72.5 J.87S &.815~ 't1l ':6.S7S-"" ~ 2 M Executec Mortgage Corp (248)855-8800 7125 2 675 2 5 25 2 JIB From page 7 of past centuries, authenticity in a W fldelyNllli6llll1Mol!lJ1llt. ,- (SOOfnlQJ 7.125 2 M "&15' .> t. 6 < O. JMN~ Colonial garden is reasonably First Alliance Mortgage Co (8001292.7357 7125 2 6.625 2 5 2 JlBNfF tansy and thyme. easy to attain. firstfedetalof~ (8OO)DfAI.:FFM 1~15 .2 • ~VS 2 4,25,,2 JNIF Just as the Colonists who first A very good source of informa- First Independence Nat'l Bank (313) 256-8400 7 2 6 625 2 NR JIBIF came to these shores brought with tion about Colonial gardens is the FilSt~1Rc. + (248)25&-1584 1m &. ,B 7; ~0 .0.•#" 5.11., ..,.• A, 1 JIB them their household belongings, writings of George Washington. 1st Nabonal Fmancial (800)261-0202 75 0 725 0 625 1 JIBNIF their kitchen utensils, their tools Whenever his services to his coun- AagslarW fSl "' ~ 72flRST 72$ a 6.75 ~ 2 ~ $;375 . ~,2 JtaNIF try or to his community permit- Fran~m Mortgage Group (313) 383-6000 7 125 2 6 625 2 NR JIB and books, so too many of them Future rmtcli SeMces Inc/ (248)540-6161 ,7.375 0 7. 0 5.5' 2 JIBN packed in their baggage seeds, ted, Washington took great plea- sure in developing the agricultur- Gallatin Mortgage Co. (734) 994-1202 7 2 6625 2 475 2 JIB bulbs and even cuttings of their GMACftfodUigeCOlp.' .: (800)96+GUAC 7 3" 805M' t.~ •.75,:» 3 'JlBNfF favorite plants. It is to be expect- al possibilities of Mount Vernon and in beautifying the grounds. Great Amencan Mortgage Co (8001240-9448 NR NR NR JlBNfF ed that fruit trees and kitchen Graat1.akeaHaliorll1ti ,,{800}334-5253 7.1~ ,2 0 '6.1S '1' - ,2 •• - ~ 2" JI8N garden produce would have been One of the earliest horticultur- Group One Mortgage (734)953-4000 7125 2 6 875 2 5 875 2 BNIF ists here was John Clayton who thought of immediately, but orna- GIlanNIt'MolW '" '" (248}6f2-7500 r~ 225 6.5 2.25 _ 1fl" "" , x JltWIF mentals were not forgotten, and came to Virginia in 1705. He Home Federal Savmgs Bank (313) 873-3310 7 2 67S 2 NR J before long they too were growing spent a great deal of time collect- Home ftlne of Mlelica .358-5626 .,' 7.38 0 7 ~ , 00" : 5.5 y + 1 " .M3 side-by-side with native plants ing and documenting, as well as Hunbngton Mortgage Co (800) 538-1812 NR NR NR JlBNIF growing, plants. Not much is ~t.bfOaOe& ' (248}S40-1065 _ 7$fS 0" ~ 1 M ,. 0 > $-.10 • ~ 0 .w brought into cultivation in JMC Mortgage Corp (2481489-4020 6 75 3 375 6 25 3.75 5 2 5 JIB Colonial gardens. known about his personal life, JoiInAd8ms MOIJgage eo.. {OOOj239-9109Y' 7.375 1 7.125'. 1 • .6J5 1 po JIB Plants are living things, respon- although his writings are impor- tant. Kellum Mortgage (800) 875-2593 NR NR NR JIB sive to their environment, and to ~~.. . (8OO}403-8821 ; 7 2 6.15 .!'-:.t- ~s.7&, '2. ~ Jti the care they receive, so that indi- l.mcoln Mortgage (800) 513.8100 7125 2 6875 2 475 2 JlBNIF The Williamsburg surgeon, Dr. .. ~Jank,;:6 ;tllllrl.\OMMI:!A,o' N':t37S ,A'~ .,. w ..... A' dll IlDA11F vidual plants may appear differ- ...... \~~ ~ "" .. *-,'S;;: )~ ~=l':. ,,'VV' .,)'__»::....u.:,-~<~...... ~~ .. ~.... ~...... 'lIotYi ent under different conditions. To John Galt, found him "witty in Mamslreet Mortgage (800)447.2270 7 375 0 7 0 5 875 1 JIB further complicate the matter, conversation." The Indians liked Mentotr~¥ .• ' " (mJ382-56t6 < 7.*' 2. M l1S, _1.. t 5.f2i4'" ,~. >" .UB nearly all garden plantg have him because he listened and Metrobank (2481474-6400 725 2 7125 2 5625 2 JIB learned from them. Thomas MorIMeU!ldel$ :: (llOO}0S66$2." 1.12&' ~ . 6.75-' 3f~' 2;;t $: _~;;'r:2,"": JI8N been repeatedly selected, crossed Moneyhouse Mort . Ann Arbor (888)913-9678 NR NR NR JIB and hybridized since Colonial Jefferson respected him for his ... ~ ,.':: i248}280-9G96. 7~x 2 1 l' ." 2:i, $5-" >., 20' N.w times. But there are many letters, enlarging of the botanical catalog of known plants. He had a wide Mortgage Warehouse (800) 931-7757 6 5 3 5 6 3.5 5 875 0 JIB diaries, invoices and orders and ~ClIy"'~~i248)jS1'7Q 7.25, 1.15 ".l815~ t., ~_-'"'&125 "'" 0 _ other writings describing the correspondence with botanists all North Amencan Mortgage (800)700-6262 725 2 6.75 2 NR JIBNIF over the world. and he wrote one plants in Colonial gardens, and to MoIRe.",,),., -'182q '" 7.125. '2 v"0,,::',P'" ~,a&'~d!":5.1i.~ "-"«-J9N/f the horticulturists familiar with of the first complete botanical Peoples State Bank (810) 979-4545 7 375 2 6.75 2 NR JIB ~hewritings of the great botanists manuals of the new world. Pioneer"'" : "(248)3*1544 7.125' 2.< ~ ",6Ji. ": 2, 5.375;:;.,,:2 oW Planet Frnanaa Inc. (248) 203-9199 725 1 7 1 6 125 0 JIB QIdly Uoltgage Corp. " (810)254-8150 6.875 2 6.5 2 U.'" - 2. 8 25 BEACON Hill Realtl Fun

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    Pa e 10 YourHome Thursda, June 10, 1999 Thursday, June 10, 1999 YourHome Page 1f


    SUPERIOR location, spacious TERRIFIC three bedroom bungalow with AMAZING features, outstanding lot and a CHARMING four bedroom Colonial on a REDUCED price on this Grosse Pointe FABUL~USGrosse Pointe City location accommodations and major updates on this a large family room with fireplace perfect Grosse Pointe Farms location. private lane in Grosse Pointe City. Farms colonial adds extra enticement. highlights this attractive colonial with Grosse Pointe Woods Colonial. and great updates. 2600 square feet dramatic family room. .J.- l------

    MULTI-FAMILY offering five units in BUY THE SEA. ..spacious waterfront CONDO living at its best. Two bedroom two SPACIOUS ranch with large family room COVETED Grosse Pointe Woods location REALISTIC price and quick possession are convenient Grosse Pointe Park location. colonial with adjacent canal. bath unit with great updates. and exciting features in Harper Woods. for this 3500 square foot colonial with offered on this wonderful three enticing extras. bedroom ranch.

    THREE building income opportunity with tXCITING ranch offering three bedrooms, IMPRESSIVE family room is featured in UPDATES galore featured in this four IMMEDIATE occupancy is.available on ESTATE property offering fabulous extras in Grosse Pointe Park. family room and reduced price. this darling three bedroom Grosse Pointe bedroom Grosse Pointe Woods colonial. this four bedroom Grosse Pointe Farms spacious accommodations in Farms colonial. bungalow. great Grosse Pointe Park location. Dean J. Sine Mark Monaghan Tom Boos Dino R. Ricci Mary Daas SINE & Dianne Sanders Cindy Daniell Don Sanders Susan Etherington- MONAGHAN McKinney Earl Sine George Kallapure _.Better Maggie Sanders- Nancy Leonard ~HomeSR Veneri Michael Lizza I andGardens@ Fred West INVESTORS take note, one half duplex MAJOR recent renovations highlight this I~ FAVORITE St. Clair Shores location for this INVESTMENT property in Grosse Pointe with realistic price near St. Johns Hospital. three bedroom bungalow, don't wait. darling ranch with great features. Park with enticing income potential. I I 18412 Mack at Moran ."

    Page12 YourHome Thursday, June 10, 1999 Try this quick-fix for those sagging lobes Q. Dear Jewelry Lady, I've cleaner carefully or ask your Jew- house on the weekend. always loved big clunky earrings eler for specific instructions on Jewelry is predicted to be (I have long hair and it goes great how to clean a particular gem- designed of Art Deco elements, ~~ The i with my look), but as the years stone or mounting. nature motifs and southwestern have gone by, these earrings have :zJewelry .~ Fashion forecast for fall turquoise-set designs. Jewelry is weighed down my ears and they expected to be as comfortable as don't look so good with heavy ear- Those-in-the-know have been busy forming the rules for the the clothing - and versatile as rings anymore. They sag and look well, with convertible pieces that all stretched out. Is there any- t}~~~'".~ .. 1 upcoming fall season. Designs intended to take us into the next offer two looks for the price of one. thing I can do about this - short _~.t It sounds great. of plastic surgery? Long lobes. $~~,"~'~~D~El!e.'~o.ii~;j~"wt millennium include warm and fuzzy earth tones on utilitarian The Jewelry Lady is available to A. Dear Long lobes, good news! damage garnets, aquamarines or answer all your questions about There is now a product on the tourmalines? I know these are clothing crafted of comfortable gems and jewels. You may contact that addresses this very less hard than diamond and fabrics that will look as good in her at [email protected] or fax problem. It's called the Lobe corundum, but it doesn't seem the officeas they do in the coffee (248) 582-9223. Wonder, and it's a self-adhesive that this would affect how a patch you place on the backside of cleaner works. Why do physical your earlobe. When you put your properties of gems influence the earrings on, the Lobe Wonder cleaning fluid chosen? Ms. Clean. holds most of the weight so that A. Dear Ms. Clean, garnets, there is little or no drag on your aquamarines and tourmalines poor, sagging earlobes. This is also would all be safe in commercial a great product for anyone who jewelry cleaners, although it wants to prevent this problem. So might be better to dip and brush, far, they are not available in rather than to soak these gems, stores, but you may order them by jllst to err on the side of caution. calling (877) 777-7EAR. If these The Jewelry Lady didn't want to BUVlng • Seiling • Gardening • lmprouement people can come up with some- allow too broad an allowance for {., thing as simple for sagging chins, which gems are safe to use with a they'll make a fortune! harsh cleaner. (It's better to be Q. Dear Jewelry Lady, in the safe than sorry!) For example, it past you've said to limit commer- would be a disaster to use com- cial jewelry cleaner to diamond, mercial jewelry cleaner for pearl, Name _ ruby and sapphire jewelry. Would amber, shell cameos or other ~ Address: _ you please explain why it might organic gems. Your best bet is to ~ Phone: (Home) (Business) ~ check the label of the jewelry i Style of Home:,______I ~ General Description (# of rooms, layout): ~ 267 McMILLAN • GROSSE POINTE FARMS ~------:'------1

    Home Size: square feet Please describe renovation project:

    ------f ~ ..~------lli------, ~"------~., ~------I:- 1------_ • ------1 OPENSUNDAY- if not sold first! WOW! Thisclassic - center entrance Colonial has four bedrooms, two i Hours available for consultation with writer: full baths and a 70-foot lot. Plus,bright, spacious " Monday - Friday rooms. New kitchen and first floor lavatory. i Saturday - Sunday Beautifully refinished hardwood floors. Newer f Do you have IIbefore" photographs of the project in question?) furnace, central air conditioning. ;:, Yes No t ~ ~ Call quickly for your private showing. i Photographs would likely be taken of your home for ., ~ I . " inc usion in an article. J ~ ~J l Any restrictions? Yes No

    f Did you work with a architect on the project? Yes No If yes, please furnish name: _ ,,. Did you work with a licensed builder on the project? Yes No r , If yes, please furnish name: _ ( , PI~se letn'CthiS form m the box marked "Returns" or submit to the offtces of the Grosse Pomte ' , News, 96 Kercheval Ave. ,,," •

    Thursday, June 10, 1999 YourHome Page 13

    A window dwells 1-"" ~ ...; ":~",:,}/":,,,,,/ I> ",~ "".. " __ ;"," '/IId18II'o "//~:~,,,~~.), '~~M::::;J"'( ,; .)~.. ~... " ..." .. If',...... ,,'.,. ' in two worlds / "",' ' Imagine the life of a window - or can let your imagination roam rather the two lives of a window. with color options and patterns A~'-' '/ Like Walter Mitty, a window lives including wood grain. What's lIuftl4Hlton OobrQub in two more, vinyl /'1997-1998 TOp ~ worlds. Its windows inner life is can be relatively made with unevent- multi- fuI; here, it chambers enjoys the to accom- tranquility modate the of a warm tempera- living room ture drop or kitchen. that occurs The in passing outer life from the of a win- V. I h h . h . f 0 u t sid e dow is rny as t e rig t personality or world to the dual environment of a window. a n 0 t h e r the inside story. There, the window is at the world without placing undue mercy of ice and snow, broiling stress on the window-frame. They sun, dirt and grime, pollution, and are energy-wise and dimensional- so on. ly stable, serving as a good inter- A window has to accommodate face between the indoors and out- both worlds, and that's why vinyl doors. is the wise choice for window frames. Vinyl is both tough and ~When purchasing replacement tender. It can take whatever windows, through a local contrac- Nature throws at it; yet it can be tor or at a nearby lumberyard, ... molded to hold a delicate pane of look for a dependable vinyl win- glass. Vinyl insulates well, and dow.CARE-FREEWindows is the has a smooth easy to clean sur- country's largest producer of vinyl face. windows, and their wide selection In recent years, vinyl's perfor- probably includes the right choice mance in both worlds has only for your home. The big blue and gotten better. Improved additives, orange CARE-FREE Windows new polymer blends and advanced label is easy to identify. engineering design have led to: They also offer a free brochure • Greater resistance to sun- that tells all about vinyl windows. light, which means longer life. Send a stamped, self-addressed, business sized, envelope to CARE- • Stronger vinyls, which means FREE Windows, P.O. Box 61, trouble-free performance. Charlotte Mich. 48813.

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    • Better insulating properties, which means energy savings.

    These and other advances have

    made it possible for vinyl to offer UIIJJIIE • ~'.!IIJ7I~' (j/lrll'.!III11E' JliJpr/J~'.!III'.!1l1 the best for both of the worlds of a Published by window. Anteebo Publishing, Inc. 96 Kercheval. GROSSE POINTE WOODS ST. CLAIR SHOR£S Vinyl windows repel contami- Grosse Pomte Farms, MI 48236 lovety 1hf8e bedroom COlonial. famiy CANAL LOTS , momwith na1UNt fireptace, one and one Two buikIabIe lots iri prime Shof8e locale. nants, much like a no-stick frying John Minnis - Editor pan: shedding dirt and grime tlatf baths, fUr basement. lovely updated Steel seawall, manna style boat hoist A (313)-882-0294 IdtdWn freshly painted. new carpeting wonderful spot to build your dreIIm homf. before it builds up. Cleaning is Display Advertising throughout. LtberaIland contract t8fmS. easier than ever, Inside and out- A must S8$ home. Under $170.000. Won't last. a must see. sid.e. (313)-882-3500 Ask for Mike (313)-886-5040, Ext. 231. eaD Mike at 31:H86-S04O, Ext. 231 Real Estate Resource There are choices enough for (313)-882-6900 decoratmg needs, mterior and Fax (313)-882-1585 exterior. With vmyl windows, you .; , Page 14 YourHome Thursday, June 10, 1999 Do you know what JOHN N.COTZIAS you're breathing? Broker/Owner Ahh, summertime. Trees have pollen out of the home. Use an air leaves, grass is growing and mil- conditioner to stay comfortable. lions of allergy sufferers are 2. Avoid scheduling outdoor watching the pollen counts climb. actIVIties such as jogging or walk- Fortunately, ing the dog high pollen during the counts don't m 0 r n i n g always have hours. Pollen to mean a counts are K high sneeze h i g h est S90 BARRINGTON factor, accord- between 5 SOS PEMBERTON DramaticEnglishTudorin theWmdmill Pointe Charmmg English Thdor in the Wmdmill Pointe ing to Sean and 10 a.m. Subdivision.Chardeter,charm anduniqueness Subdivision just a stones throw from Wmdmill McCarthy, 3. Use a high Gorgeoustwo story living room with two Pointe Park. Open spadous floor plan featuring spokesman efficiency story leaded glass windows. Tremendous new refinished hardwood floors. Large kitchen with for Space- media air detail throughout, custom wet plaster, eating space, sun room and gorgeous formal dining Gard high cleaner to professionallypainted, new kitchen, private room Master suite with private bath, walk in closet efficiency air remove pollen courtyard Excellentlight,fivebedrooms,two and sitting room Beautifully finished third floor c Ie a n e r s , that gets into full baths, finishedbasementwoW' Askfor with full bath Finished basement with terazzo floor John N Cotzias.REDUCED$369,900 man u fa c - the home. A and wet bar $449,000 Ask for John N ColZias tured by high efficien- Res ear c h cy air cleaner Pro due t s Summer can yield problems for allergy such as Corp. sufferers. Space-Gard A pollen count is the average can trap up to 99 percent of pollen number of pollen grains per cubic that passes through a home's cen- meteor of air, according to the tral cooling system. National Allergy Bureau. To put it 4. Run your heating and cooling in ordinary terms, a pollen count system fan continuously to keep of 500 means the air in a 10- by pollen-laden air moving through 80S BARRINGTON 18808 KINGSVILLE 12-foot bedroom could contain the high efficiency air cleaner. Charmingtwo story brick. Spaciousrooms, Freshand dean three bedroombrick ranch. 13,500 grains of pollen, estimated 5. Shower before going to bed to beautiful living room and dining room, Excellentlocation.Fresh paint, new carpet, ,l\1cCarthy. keep pollen out of your face while hardwood floors,largeupdatedkitchen with spacious country kitchen. Large open Medical experts generally say you sleep. new floor.Large bedroomsand sitting room basement with new tile floor Excellent that pollen counts under 10 or so For more information about Very well maintained, loads of chaneter, recreation room. $68,900. Ask for John N. are of little concern to most aller- how a high efficiency air cleaner centralair conditioning$274,900 CaIl]ohnN. Comas. gy sufferers, McCarthy explained. can help you reduce your indoor Cotzias But when the level climbs toward pollen count, visit the Research the hundreds and thousands Products Corp. website at almost all allergy sufferers will or call the start sneezing. Consumer Information McCarthy suggested five simple Department of Research Products steps to keep pollen out of your Corp. at (800) 545-2219. Ask for indoor air: the free booklet "Air Cleaners for 1. Keep windows closed to shut Allergy Relief."

    .~1'\(""l') '">' """ ";:"""'\ ~ '* :y. ~*~.....~~ 1041 HARVARD 20887 Im'LESTONE . .flood HousekeepinG.._ ." FivebedroomNewEnglandColonial.Fmished Affordablebrick ranch in fabulous Harper ~~~w~~~~ ~~-J~?' ~ ~ ..... (" '=~~ ~"'~~>.)ftq=t". third floor with full bath. Spacious family Woodslocation.Features includefresh paint room,,kitchen with breakfastroom. More products to fend off the girlhood summers; $12. and new carpet.Large country stylekitchen, years: Hardwood floors, impressive oak: entrance hardwood floors,finishedbasementwith new LANCOME TOUCHE OPTI- foyer.Finishedbasement $429,900 Ask for ~ OIL OF OLAY ALL DAY MOIS- tiledfloor and more.$129,900. Ask forJohn M'AGE LINE BLURRING CON- John N Cotzias N Cotzias. TURE FOUNDATION - This CENTRATE - Apply before any- new liquid formula hydrates dry, thing else to help soften the 81 WOODLAND SHORES cracked skin for 10 hours. The appearance of lines; .52 ounce, PristineGrosse PointeShoresexecutivehome Good Housekeeping Institute test- $22.50. completelyupdatedby].W Morriskitchenand ed it against five other so-<;alled NEUTROGENA HEALTHY bath. Meticulousattention to detail. Open moisturizing foundations and SKIN LIQUID MAKEUP - This spadous floor plan Gorgeous new kitchen j found Olay's to be the most effec- new foundation contains pro- featuringtop of the line builtin equipmentand tive; 1.1 ounces, $11.25. retinol and vitamins A, C and E. granite counter tops. Refinished hardwood floors throughout 'I'hree new baths, f.unily BIORE FINE LINE GEL Good Housekeeping's experts like PATCHES - These white under- roomw/wet bar. Professionallydecorated,large it because the colors look natural; privategrounds$749,000 CaU]ohnN Cotzias eye stick-ons deliver a continuous 1.1 ounces, $11.75. dose of N utraceramide, a patent- REMBRANDT AGE DEFYING ed skin-repair ingredient. Leave TOOTHPASTE - This minty on overnight three times a week mouthful helps protect tooth ~ nr/~~LV in the (if you don't mind looking like a enamel and gums, while brighten- - goofy football player in bed), or try ing your whites; 4.5 ounces, $5.99. ~ KIl'",...... Pointes for as little as 30 minutes; six For more beauty advice from pairs, $12.49. Good Housekeeping, check out the (313) 881-'020 . AWAKE BABY PINK NAIL website at www.goodhousekeep- 18472 Mack Ave.Grosse Pointe Farms 481~ POLISH - The innocent cotton- ~ • websne at candy shade will recapture your - Hearst Communicatums Inc. .. Thursday,June 10, 1999 YourHome Page 15 YOURHOMf CL6W.I'ROVEHTI5IN6 DEADLINES FBI: 313-343-556~ f"9U1OSY dl¥9uDb g.-. lor mulh week scheduled http / / grossepomtenews com RfA1 ESWt FOR SAlE .. RENT 703 ApIs/Flo!s/Duplex- lEAl ESWt 1tESOUtCE: ocMtrt.''''9, WIth ~I 0< cred" CIpprO\IQl 722 Vacotlon Ren'al-Out of Slate Wonted to Rent 813 Northern Mld\lgan Homes ~AY 12 NOON 1GoI1 ... ..u.,...... Coil lor role. Or lor more .. 1ormcmon "- 723 Vocol1on Rental- CWSIFIEOS lA1L OTHEI CWSlF1CAJ1ONSJ ..... -. be buty on "'-lay .. '-Ioy 70.4 Hall. For Rent 814 Northern M'chlQOn Lots Momongs ...... -.!y. Northern Michigan 815 Out of Stale Propeny TUESDAY 12 NOON 1GoI ...... -, ...... , 705 Houle$ - Grcme POinte/ 12.4 Vocahon Rental- Resort "' MYMENTS ClASSFtlNG .. CENSORSHIP: We ...... the ngh, Harper Woods 816 Reol E.tate Exchange Pnpgmw!t it ,.., ..... 10 do»lly eoch ad under Ib oppropnote 706 725 Rental./leaSing Detroit/Balance Wayne County 817 Reol Estate Wonted We accept Visa, Mos .. r<:ord, Cosh, Check heading The publisher reserve.1he nghllo eeI" 707 Out-State Michigan 818 So Ie ()( lease 0< relect ad copy subnwll8dlor publlCOIlon Houle$ - St Clair Shores/ ADSm.ES: 81 9 Cemetery Lots Word AdJ 12 """'l:l. $11 55, COlUlEC1JONs & ADJUSTMENTS. ResponSlbohly lor Macomb County 1ed 708 820 8uSlnesle$ har Sole addll>onal """'l:ls, 65c each doSSlhed odvemSlng error" 1,... 10.,,,- 0 Houle$ Wanted 10 Rent RfAL SAlf canc:ellahon of !f1e charge or a re run 01 the 709 ESTATE fOR AbbreYtoIJo., • .tIl:I! occepled Townhoule$/Condos For Rent 800 Houle$ har Sole Measured Ad. $ 20 so per colurm Inch parIIon '" .rror No\hec8 feet. Grosse Pointe- street paklng; automo- H 1- 1/2 car garage, alarm, the Farms. Welcome to welcome or reasonable $375/ month. 810-783- tive/ retail. 313-824- WOODS locked stockade fence. a completely & plushly rent. 810- 773-1805, 3550 4040 LOCATION Remodeled kitchen with Quality homes appointed hideaway. 712 GARAGES/MINI' All Utilities appliances, $700 month- GROSSE Pointe Park- Perfect for the transfer- 707 HOUSES FOR RENT / STORAGE WANTED Kercheval. Office! retail Included. Start ly, 1- 1/2 month deposit. red executive on the go S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY GARAGE space needed space for lease. Recent- (248)656-8429 or a family in need of in- $3S0/month BEAUTIFUL spacious for storage of classic ly remodeled, parking. 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPlEX terim housing. 2 bed- LUCIDO & brick, St. Clair Shores 2 car. Evenings: (313)~ Brushwood Corp rooms, all amenities. S.LS/MACOMB COUNTY Bedroom Townhouse/ 3756 (313)331-8800. ASSOCIATES $1750 month Call 313- 11 Mile! 1-94. Recentty re- Duplex, $725. (248)559- 313-882-1010 885-8843 or 313- 660- 714 LIVING QUARTERS . GROSSE Pointe Park- modeled, 1 bedroom. 2982 0101 Mack! Cadieux office/ Excellent condition! TO SHARE EASTPOINTE. Raven, 3 retail for lease. Brush- 722 VACATION RENTALS (248)344-9904 GROSSE Pointe Woods, 3 FEMALE(S) to share; 3 bedroom house. Fenced wood Corp. 313-331- OUT OF STATE bedroom brick colonial, yard, $750/ month plus bedrooms! bath in 13/ Little Mack. Modem 1 8800 lOG cabin on mountain fenced yard, garage. security deposit. No Grosse Pointe home. bedroom, appliances, lake, Rangeley Maine, Available July 1st. pets, (313)824-4978 Call evenings. (313)642- GROSSE Pointe Woods verticles. $495/ month. $1,190. 248-681-8868 0851 Commercial or offices $475 per week. 313- 810-296-9269 ROSEVILlE- 12. 1/2/ Lit- 20927 Mack, 1750 sq ft 417-9279 GROSSE Pointe Woods- 4 tle Mack area. 4 bed- Medical suites SARNIA, Ontario cottage FIRST floor cozy 1 bed- bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, LOOK room bungalow. Near 600 1500 ft on Lake Huron. Sun- room apartment. Carpet- Classified AdYertlstng to sq. 2,700 sq. ft., central air, shopping! schools. New Rear parking areas sets, large beach! ed, apptiances. No pets. no pets. $2,200. 882-&900 paint! carpet. $675 313-884-1340 Sleeps 8. $750. per $45O.810-n3-7070 (313)886-0478 Fax 343-5569 monthly. 313-881-3021 313-886-1068 week. 313-882-8118 Thursday, June 10, 1999 YourHome Page 17 ..\ RENTALS NORTHERN MICHIGAN 724 VACATION RENTalS 724 VACATION RENTALS NORTHERN MICHIGAN 724 VACATION RENTALS 724 VACATION RENTAlS RESORTS RESORTS BOYNE City- Landings RESORTS RESORTS HARBOR Springs, cozy CASEVILLE pnvate lake- condo on lake Charle- • I " condo. Golf, tennis, HARSEN'S Isle- 2 bed- g voix. Summer weekly front homes & cottages. Harsens Island. 2 bed- LEXINGTON. 4 bedroom heated pooV deck. Many room on the Bay. $500/ rentals, (313)886-8665. Boo~ng now good room, scenic freighter cottage on Lake Huron. extras. 313-823-1251. week. Fax your name, View, swimmmg, fishing, selection of summer Pnvate beach! Available HARBOR Springs- Deluxe number to 313-884- $100 per night, $500 per CHARLEVOIX area, 4 weeks. (517)874-5181 week. Phone: (734)721- Weeks still available. condo. Sleeps 6. Lake, 1398 bedrooms, 2 baths, fire- 5603; Pager: (313)239- 313-822-3331 place, lake Michigan pool, Jacuzzi, etc. Dis- 8864. . shores, $1,200/ weekly. counts. (248)644-7873 313-882-5749, 248-477- HARBOR Spnngsl Petos- 9933 key- 3 bedroom condo, pool, tennis, shopping, CLARE. Summer reserva- golf. Evenings 313.885- tions. Lakefront cabins & 4142. BOYNE COUNTRY house. Fireplaces. Nice CHALET HOMESTEAD Resort- 3 sandy beach. (517)544- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3634 bedroom waterfront c~m- do. Sleeps 8. (313)884- pool, lifeguard, beach. GLEN Lake, Sleeping 6500 or (313)824-6330 HARBOR SPRINGS Campbell's Leelanau $8001 week, $2001 day. Bear Dunes. New home. evenings. GOODHEART, LAKE MI. Beachfront Rentals 3 bed- 248-851.7620 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. HOMESTEAD resort! Lake Sandy beachfront, 3 bedroom, rooms, 2 bath, fireplace. UPPER PENNINSULA Steps from beach. Brok- Michigan beach effiCien- 2 bath home, $2,400. 24 to 30' wmdows view Les Cheneaux Islands er. (313)881-5693 cy condominium. Ideal 2 Efficiencey cottage, $850. water. Private beach. (North Shore Lake Huron) people. $665/ week. Both $2,900. (248)626-0844 Brochure 4 bedroom, waterfront HARBOR Springs area. (248)548-1835 734-429-9459 www.leelanau.comlbeachfront home. Sandy beach, Secluded Lake Michigan LEXINGTON 2 bedroom 616-526-7988 private dock. Estate neat Good Hart PRESQUE ISLE waterfront, sandy beach, Smith & Griffin, Inc. Elegant log home + 2 cab- CADILLAC HARBOR $500- $600 weekly. St. 800-825-3945. ins, sleeps 18. 790' sandy Beautiful lakeside chalet, 4 Quiet 4 bedroom on Lake Clair Riverfront, $700. beach. Available first 1/2 bedrooms, 3 baths, marble Huron, 5 minutes to 810-982-3032 HARBOR SPRINGS July, last 3 weeks August. jacuzzi In master suite. Presque Isle Marina. MULLET. lakefront home. Charming, well located 248-647.0100 Tom Nolan Deluxe appliances, deck, $700Iwk. Package Rates. $900. weekly. Available home. Sleeps 6, 2 baths. boat, cable T.V. etc. 313-884-6362 HARBOR Springs- fUlly June 19- 26; June 26- Hurry forJuly. Aug. Weeks/ 810-286-7119 furnished home with July 3rd. August 07- La- HARBOR SPRINGS weekends. Reasonable. great room, 4 bedrooms, bor Day. 313-824-7763 1-800-526-0128 HARBOR SPRINGS PETOSKEY 3 baths, fireplace in PORT Sanilac, 6 bedroom, Cedar home on peaceful (Access code 02) Birchwood. Great for Beautifully equipped 3 full baths. Sandy Crooked Lake. 150' front- families & couples. 2 4 bedroom. 2 1/2 bath beach. $1,250/ week. age on mland waterway. 4 golf courses, pool, ten- 810-775-1460 condo with large deck. nis. 5 minutes from Golf course, pool, tennis. bedrooms, 2 bath, hot tUb. PETOSKY/ Boyne area. town. For details & pic- (248)626-7538 Weekly. (616)347-7034 Clean chalets, sleeps WATERFRONTI CANADA tures, 248-647-4628 af- many. Amenities. Golf, EnJOybeautiful sunrises, ter 6p.m. ON OTSEGO LAKE swim, fish! (810)774- TRAVERSE CITY GAYLORD, MI. magnificent limestone cliffs, 4332 3 bedr,Jom, 2 bath cottage New home, all sand hlkmg trails, boating, scuba HARBOR Springs- 2 units. VIEW sunsets from cozy 2 2 bedroom, 2 bath. on Duck Lake. Sleeps 8. beach, 5 bedroom diVing In crystal clear waters of bedroom cottage on Georgian Bay/ Lake Huron. Sleeps 6. Seasonal. Glen Lake. Fireplace, (810)n1-8078 $2,500/ week. (248)540-0991 Sleeps 6 cable, sandy beach. Call 847.735.0414 313-343-0255 for vacancys, $1,000 Classified Line Busy? weekly. (616)334-4432 519-793-3814 To advertise in this space call Fran Velardo at (313)882-6900 or fax (313)343-5569 FAX (313)343-5569 or (313)882-9159. '8 E H L ESTOTE , ...... Fon 5 0 L E

    800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 1047 ROSLYN Grosse Pointe Woods 1890 Lennon Grosse 1960 Oxford. Grosse Stunning English Tudor, Pointe Woods. 3 bed- Pointe Woods. Sharp 3 meticulously maintained. room brick bungalow, bedroom brick bunga- \-) 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1,150 sq. ft. 1 bath with low. Natural fireplace, family room. Updated lav. LIVing room, dining Flonda room, and recre- top to bottom. see for room, natural fireplace, ation room. New since yourself. profeSSional landscap- 1996: tear-off roof, fur- 369 Three Mile Drive. 8541 Kingsville, Harpe Open Sunday, 1 to 3 866 Kenmore, Gross ing with mground sprin- nace, central air, copper 2200 sq. ft. colonial. Woods- 3 bedroom, 313.885-6720 Pomte Woods. Eve klers and brick walk plumbing, and hot water bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, basement, garclge room updated, tumke way. New roof and win- tank. Updated kitchen new kitchen, famll New: windows, furnace home! 3 bedrooms, 1 dows, updated kitchen, and bath. $175,000. room, den $349,000. hot water tank, kitchen. 1/2 baths, 1,650 sq. ft. basement waterproof- (313)640-4931 1587 Anita, Grosse POinte Open Sunday 2-5p.m. Move-In condition. Finished basement. ing. Lot 55'X 134'. WOOds, 3 bedroom, 1.5 (313)882-7095 $79,900. Goosen Real large deck, walk- up at 1977 Beaufait. Grosse $154,900. (313)882- bath bungalow. hard- ty, (810)n3-7138 tiC, all new appliance POinte Woods. Well HARPER Woods starter. 4074 Open Sunday wood floors, natural fire- and windows. Call fo maintained 3 bedroom, Sharp 2 bedroom, full GROSSE POINTE WDS. 2pm- 5pm. place. central air, 2.5 car appointment. $239,900. 1.5 bath brick colOnial. basement, updates in- Sharp 3 bedroom brick garage, deck. Many up- (313)881-9649 Large liVing room, natu- clude Windows, furnace, ranch. FInished basement 867 Washington Rd.• ral fireplace, expanded dates throughout. and central air. Immedi- with full bath, deck, new Grosse POinte City. $159,900. Open Sunday closets In bedrooms, re- ate posseslon. Great furnace with central air, 2 Ranch, 3 bedroom 1 1/2 2- 4. (313)640-0201 decorated kitchen, hard. "': value at $67,900. Call 1/2 car garage. baths. Large lot, finished wood floors, much more. Don Symons, Century basement. Onginal own- Classified Advertising Stieber Realty Co. Must see! $219,900. 21 Kee, 810-445-6516. er. $295,000. (810)296- an IDEA that se1l8! 810-775'-4900 Open Sunday 12- 4. 1558 (313)417-2890 lit Page 18 YourHome Thursday, June 10, 1999

    800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 1990 littlestone. Sharp 3 2134 Lennon, Grosse 8 MILUON bedroom, 1 1/2 bath col- ATTENTION I EASTPOINTE- 1,200 sq. SHORES- 5 bedroom, 2 Pointe Woods. Beautiful HOUSEHOLDS onial. One of the Woods House Inspection ft. charming 3 bedroom, bath brick bi- level Fam- 3 bedroom brick colonial 600 SUBURBAN By a licensed. Insured most desirable streets. with family room, com. 1- 1/2 bath brick ranch. ily room, sun room, fire- NEWSPAPERS residential builder. place, 2. 1/2 car. 12 Completely renovated pletely remodeled. Must all in U.S. & CANADA! New windows, doors, 30 years experience Mile/ Jefferson, with new appliances! see. Call for an appoint- One low rate! Easy! central air, 1. 1/2 car ga- SIGNATURE CUSTOM $154,000.810-778-4876 windowsl carpeting on ment. Open House.Sun. For information call: HOME BUILDERS, INC. rage with new doors & all 3 floors. New hard- day June 13th 1- 4 Barbara @ Grosse Pointe 810-776-9398 opener. Natural fire- wood floor in kitchen, 313 Beaupre Ave. Charm- News & The Connection place, full basement and HARPER Woods, 21401 french doorwall leading ing English in the heart 313-882-8900 beautiful yard with cov- to spacious deck. Pro- of the Farms. 3 bed- SCAN/ Suburban Classi- Newcastle. 3 bedroom ered porch. Move- in 1.5 bath, brick bungalow fessionally landscaped. room, 2 bath, family fied Advertising Network, condition, $114,900. on large lot. New win- No detail has been over- room, completely updat- (312)644-6610 dows, central air, hard- 17070 Collinson. looked. Call 313-640- ed, walk to Kerby and (810)n4-7681 9033 for appointment. Brownell, $269,900. GROSSE Pointe Woods, wood floors, glass block (313)882-7991 6n Shoreham, 3 bed- windows, 1.5 car ga- IRST advertisement. .. 2 homes for sale, East. room ranch, large lot. rage, Grosse Pointe 21700 Eastbrook Court, DONATE your cars, boats, 4-ST. CLAIR SHORES side, renter occupied. 1- $349,000. (313)323- alarm system. $139,900. Grosse Pointe Woods. R.V., trucks, property to: 1287 Brand new custom built 3 2 family, 1 single family. (313)343-0809 Great court to live on. MISSING CHILDREN bedroom brick & vinyl Good neighborhoods. New roof. Newer: PROJECT- for a tax ranches with full base- 248-594-3866 doors, garage door, u donation. (313)884-9324 ments, 1 1/2 baths, Great stairs windows, kitche 20266 Van Antwerp- Well room, Lakeview schools. with under cabinet light maintained 3 bedroom, Priced to sell! ing, Corian counter 2- 1/2 bath ranch. ST. CLAIR SHORES sink, appliances, 9a Grosse Pointe schools. FIRST OFFERING forced air/ central air, 2 car garage, many up- Beautiful custom built 3 alarm system. 15X2 grades, $146,500. Call BSOLUTEL Y spectacu EST deal in Harpe bedroom brick ranch with family room with built.i for appointment. lar! this home is done Woods. Grosse Point full basement. formal din- refrigerator. 4 bed (313)884-n90 Great location- back Schools. Everything i ing room, natural fireplace, rooms. $349,000. up to Patterson Park. new. furnace, centra huge master bedroom, Shown by appointment. 20625 Elkhart, Harper air, roof, windows. 17 McMillan, 3,000 sq. ft. 5 bed large lot, many updates, 313-884.1999. Ope Woods, $59,900. Han- Open and inviting. Sunday, 2-5. Pointe Farms. 3 bed rooms, 3- 1/2 baths Lakeview Schools and 2 dymans investment op- Large closets, skylights, room, 1- 1/2 bath, Moel New windows, centra car attached garage. portunity. (810)776-5001 ler home, $354,000 under, $130,000. Bets air, much more. Bets $144,900. LOOK Complete Real Estate Move- in condition. Kmetz, Tappan & Ass Kmetz, Tappan & Asso Lee Real Estate- Ask for Classified Advertising Company. (313)885-6105 ciates, 313-884-6200. 882-6900 ciates, 313-884-6200. Harvey 810-771-3954 Fax 343-5569


    281 McMillan ST. CLAIR SHORES Grosse Pointe Farms 22708 RAYMOND Spacious Dutch Colonial, 3 Wonderful family home, bedrooms, 1 full, 2- 1/2 2 blocks from lake. 4 baths. Totally new kitchen bedroom, open concept. & baths. Formal dining. $149,900 Large liVing & family room. ROSEVILLE 18460 Call 1-888-218-3396 BUCKHANNON For Appointment Very clean ranch in nice area. New Windows, fur- nace, perfect starter or OPen Sundayl-4 retirement home. June 13th, 1999 $109,900 PERRY GATLIFF, COLDWELL BANKER 313-530-9776 • f CJPehJmelo //1!1!9/~ ~to.f.feg>~g>aet OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 Charming center entrance Dutch colonial. Excellent location, walking distance from schools, shopping, hospitals, coffee shops and restaurants. New root with 5 year warranty. Very well cared tor tour bedroom three and one halt bath, with lavatory in basement. Newer kitchen, Rorida room, den, living room with natural fireplace and fonnal dining room. Beautiful natural light throughout, central air conditioning and electronic air filtering system. This home sits on i!I 62 x 156 lot that Is from spring well Into autunn a flowering Charming 4 bedroom 2.5 bath EnglishTudor.New kitchen by '- splendor. An ~nding block! Ofrered at $405,000. Customcraft w/Mexican tile flloor and cherry cabinets . .- Refinished hardwood floors, new windows throughtou, . Bevcrty Tannian -JtUtchlng People Md #IouIa._ with ImIIg/IMt#onl- J chestnut panelled den with peg floor, finished basement with 888 886-4060 Exc:IIU'Ye Affihate • Ext.11t sauna & shower, natural woodwork. Gas forced air hat/ CAC. t '< ~J:~ 2 car attached garage. Professionallylancacaped, private

    ,_CO_POi_AYI. 1'. 83 Kercheval Avenue • Grosse Pointe FMnlS, Ml 48236 yard with patio. Security system.Many extras. al:•... Yo••• office 313-886-3400 • fax 313-886.4407 • toll free 888-886.4060 No brokers lease! $449,900. Thursday, June 10, 1999 YourHome Page 19 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 803 CONDOS/APTS/FlATS 803 CONDOS/APTS/FLATS FIRST TIME OFFERING OPEN Sunday, June 13th, 20235 Beaufal. SPACIOUS Grosse POinte ST. Clair- Spectacular 5 1- 5p.m. 20944 Ken- CONDO. Circa 1925. PRICE reduced $68,900. Harper Woods Woods bungalow. Com- bedroom, 4 1/2 bath more, Harper Woods. 3 3,000 sq. ft. 6 bed- Shores Manor- 2 bed- Grosse Pointe Schools pletely updated and in brick tudor with all the bedroom brick bunga- rooms, 3 levels, patio. room, 11/2 bath, central Three bedrooms, 1 1/2 move- in condition. It of- amenities you could (313)235-n97 air, balcony, car port, bath. Finished basement, low, Grosse Pointe fers 3 bedrooms, 2 full want! $429,900. 810-445-0931, pager 1 1/2 car garage, natural Schools, open layout bathrooms, 3 fireplaces, ##364961. Adjacent lot LAKESHORE VILLAGE, 810-610-1213. Web ad- fireplace, new kitchen with with many updates. Nat- large family room addi- also for sale, $57,000. lakeshore Road, updated dress: www.byowneron- all built- in appliances, ural fireplace. New land- tion, finished base;llant, Mary Jane Pavlov, Cold- kitchen, very clean. new roof, windows, fur- scaping. Between Allard 2 car garage and huge well Banker Premier back yard. House $82,900. Agent owned. nace & hot water tank. In- & Vernier/ Mack & Harp- Properties, Inc. 810- boasts newly finished Call (313)881-8809 808 LAKE/RIVER HOMES ground pool, water sprin- er. $129,900. 313-882- 329-9036 kler system. and a lot hardwood floors, new LAKESHORE Village- 2 6260 TODAY'S BEST BUYS HARSEN'S Island- Riven more. Price at $152,500. kitchen and main bath. bedroom, 1 bath, larger NEW LISTING Woods house, year cell for appointment Great family home. unit, next to pool and OUTSTANDING 3 bed- GROSSE POINTE PARK round. Discrimltating up- (313)884-4519. Open Sunday, 1- 4. clubhouse. Best location room ranch on cUI-de- 2 family flat. 5- 5.2 new- dates, 36 x 22 master. Open House 1711 Huntington Blvd. in complex! Furnace and sac in the Farms. Huge er gas furnaces, divided $149,900. Tom Soul- June 13th 12-4. $189,900. (313)640- central air new in 1998. yard. Finished base- basements, side drive, 2 liere, 810-794-5544 ~ 4640 New first floor carpeting, ment. Large family car garage, 2 paying ten- ST. CLAIR SHORES paneled basement HARPER Woods 2 bed- room, updated kitchen. ants. Priced to sell at LAKEFRONT HOME Great opportunity to own room. Most windows re- room ranch offers finish- A true find. Reduced to $139,900. Terms Beautiful newly construct- this super clean, all updat- placed. Stove, refrigera- ed basement, garage & $289,000.313-882-5320 NEW LISTING ed home in St. Clair ed colonial in LAKEVIEW tor, washer, dryer, dish- appliances. Immediate GROSSE POINTE PARK Shores. Canal with boat PRIME DETROIT AREA SCHOOLS. All new win- washer included. possesion. An excellent 4 bedroom brick Colo- hoist in rear of house. Mack & East Warren dows, inclUdingtwo bays, $83,500.313-881-9140 nial, family room, natural Front of home faces Lake value at $69,900. Don formal dining room with Fantastic huge colonial fireplace, refinished oak LAKESHORE Village- 2 St. Clair. It has all the Symons, Century 21 doorwall to one year old with three big bedrooms, floors, fresh decor, 2 car bedroom, 1 bath town- amenities, $1,250,000. Kee,810-445-6516 deck overlooking pool and large living room, bonus garage. Reduced to sell house. 22917 Gary Call Mary Ann at: newer 2.5 car 9&"age with HARPER Woods by own- 4th bedroom or den, for- at $187,000. Terms. Lane. Totally redone. In- (810)468-6656 er. Grosse Pointe mal dining room, big kitch- 220. Updated electrical, GROSSE POINTE PARK cludes all appliances. Schools, brick, 3 bed- en, full basement, 2.5 ga- modem kitchen WIthlots of 4-3 brick income, newer Beautiful! Won't last. room, $139,900. 810- rage. All on park-like lot. storage, full basement. gas furnace, 2 1/2 car ga- $83,000. Daytime: 809 LAKE/RIVER LOTS 6n-3967 ONLY $79,900. BONUS-1 year AHS war- rage, side drive. Fully (248)355- 7354. Home: WATERFRONT, Lake HARPER WDS BEAUTY ranty for peace of mind. rented. Price Reduced! (810)n8-1392 - HARPER Woods- 20609 Huron. 400+ ft. shore- Original owners are selling Super curb appeal ONLY Only $139,900. Terms. Old Homestead. Brick line, 2 acre point, cabin, their well maintained three $106,900. ON ST. Clair Shores Golf ranch. Loaded! Com- CROWN Canada 129K. bedroom home, newer PRIME DETROIT AREA Course. 2 bedroom, 2 pletely updated, all (519)372-2699 windows, huge master Mack & East Warren bath, 2 car attached ga- kitchen appliances, at- REALTY bedroom suite, modem Fantastic huge colonial garaga As~ng tached garage. 86x185 Tom McDonald & kitchen with lots of cabi- Withthree big bedrooms, $155,000.810-296-7901 811 LOTS fOR SALE lot. 2 bedroom, master Martin McDonald nets & counters, ceramic large liVingroom, bonus has 2 walk-in closets. 313-821-6500 bath, fulV partly finished 4th bedroom or den, for- TWO unit income, Grosse GROSSE Pointe Woods- Finished basement, in- Pointe City, 5/5. Comer lot on Stanhope. 101 basement and garage. mal dining room, big kitch- DETACHED 1,225 square cludes full bath, bed- $167,500. Marathon Re- 48'X 133', $82,000. Sor- ONLY $88,900. en, full basement, 2.5 ga- foot new ranch condo, room. $161,500. By alty,313-822-3390 ry no land contract. ST. CLAIR SHORES rage. All on park-like lot. full basement, 2 full owner. Appointments- (810)n8-2486 Great opportunity to own ONLY $79,900. baths, great room, first RIVIERA Terrace condo, 313-885-8361 HARPER WDS BEAUTY this super clean, all updat- floor laundry, 2 car at- extremely updated, 2 Original owners are seiling 817 REAL ESTATE WANTED HARPER Woods- Open ed colomal in LAKEVIEW tached garage, sprin- bedrooms, 2 baths. Sunday 1- 4. 19381 SCHOOLS. All new win- their well maintained three klers, sod. Immediate $119,900. Open Sun- Beaconsfield, south of dows, inclUdingtwo bays, bedroom home, newer occupancy, near Ma- INVESTOR will pay cash day, 1- 4, 112 Riviera for Grosse Pointe Vernier, west of Harper. formal dining room with windows, huge master comb Mall. $137,500. Dr. (north of 9 Mile, east 3 bedroom Bungalow, doorwall to one year old bedroom suite, modem Schultes Real Estate. homes. Any condition, of Jefferson). 810-779- seven day closings. Call full basement, newer deck overlooking pool and kitchen with lots of cabi- 810-573-3900 6293,810-319~3 Mr. Mac: 810-530-1094 furnace central ait, win- newer 2.5 car garage with nets & counters, ceramic dows & roof. Many more 220. Updated electrical, bath, fulVpartly finished amenities. Asking modem kitchen with lots of basement and garage. $79,900. Don Symons, storage, full basement. ONLY $88,900. Century 21 Kee, 810- BONUS-1 year AHS war- 445-6516 ranty for peace of mind. Carol 'z' KoeppJ:'. REAL ESTATe:RES$flR€E Bon Realtors, Inc. MAPLETON. Farms. 2 Super curb appeal ONLY $106,900. 810-n4-83OO OR bedroom, 1 1/2 bath Pager 313-609-6565 831 GROSSE POINTE WOODS bungalow, family room, Carol 'z' Koepplin Address Bedroom/Bath garage. $220,000. 313- Bon Realtors, Inc. ST. Clair Shores, 21951 Description Price Phone 884-0981 810-774-8300 OR Edmunton. Completely 2153 Roslyn 2/2 Open Sun. 12-5. Great starter Pager 313-609-6565 updated 2 bedroom home In mint condition. NEW construction, 2110 ranch. Open Sunday 1- 19. atlradlve country Hawthorne, Grosse QUESTIONS about selling 3. (810)n8-9619 kit By appointment. 313-640-0306 Pointe Woods. 1675 sq. your home? (810)776- ST. Clair Shores- Open ft. colonial. 3 bedrooms, 5001 Complete Real Es- GROSSE POINTE FARMS Sunday 1- 4, 22831 Un- 832 1 1/2 baths, 2 car ga- tate Co. gemann. 1841 sq. ft., 4 Address Bedroom/Bath rage. landscaping in- Description Price bedrooms, 2 baths, fam- 267 McMillan clUded. $210,000. ily room, beautifully dec- Newer kit & furnace. Huge lot Move- Shown by appointment. NEW LISTING orated landscaped In condition Patt Koller, Coldwell 313-343-0986 23113 N. ROSEDALE CT. ranch. Pre- approval Banker Schweitzer Real Estate. 810-704-6015 Custom built brick 317 McMillan 3/1.5 documentation. Moeller Colonial. Must see' $354,000 313-885-6105 OPEN Sunday 12- 5. ranch. Attached gange. $225,000. Appointment, Great starter house in FamJly room, bardwood 810-n8-5868 mint condition. Base. floors, ftDished 834 GROSSE POINTE PARK ZERO down- new home ment water proofed. buemeut. construction. Owner- Address Bedroorn/Bath Description Price Phone Natural fireplace in living $169,900 Also 1 becboom 1st floor bUilder program pro- 1122 Yorilshire 4/3.5 room. large attractive Open Sun. 2-4. Charming Dutch condo in Lakeshore Vides finanCingfor mate- Colomal Higbe Maxon, Inc. $405,000 313-886-3400 country kitchen. 2 car VUlage. $57.500 nals, land and labor. ------detached garage. 2153 Your plans or ours. Call 836 HARPER WOODS Roslyn, Grosse Pointe LUCIDO & for more mformatlon. Woods. Call (313)640- ASSOCIATES Address Bedroorn/Bath Description Shea Homes 800-930- Price Phone 0306 for appointment. 313-882-1010 20266 Van Antwerp 3/2.5 - 2804 or 810-724-4810 Open Sun. 1-4 p.m. $146,500 313-884-7790 YourHome Thursday, June 10, 1~99

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