Two Names You Can Trust.@ Neighborhood Club SINE & eyes skating faciiity ONAGHAN in Harper Woods The Neighborhood Club, and of-the-art faclhty would rf_~G Center Ice Management are Include a fitness center and Inside proposmg a skating faClhty in multi-use athletic space that Harper Woods with two NHL- mIght be used for gymnastics, This Issu.e size nnks aerobiC exerCise, volleyball, of The proposed nnks would dance or a mynad of other meet demands for Ice time m actiVities In addItion, the facil- the Pomtes and Harper Woods Ity would prOVidea venue for YourHome as defined m the Joint Harper semor luncheons, SOCialactiVi- Woods Grosse Pomte Futunng ties, a teen club and summer Report Issued In 1994 camp programs At ItS June 7 meetmg, the The pnmary activIties of Harper Woods City CouncIl such a faclhty would be ice I received a presentation from hockey and figure skating '!\vo J Thursday, June 10 John Bruce, executive director or more high school varsity ~ of the Neighborhood Club, and teams could play within the The Grosse , Terry Seyler, president of nnks Among the potential ten- North/South Jazz Band , Center Ice Management Inc, ants could be Grosse POIDUl, launches the 1999 MUSICon regarding the construction and Sough HIgh School men's aticJ' the Plaza senes of free con- operation of a multi-use actiVi- women's varsity hockey teams,l certs, performed at the cor- ty center proposed to be con- which currently play at City ner of St ClaIr and structed m Salter Park Sports Center In downtown Kercheval m the Village The Salter Park is located on Detroit; Grosse Pomte North musIc starts at 7 p.m Harper (the south sefVlcednve High School men's team, whIch • ofI-94), north ofMoross, Imme- skates at St Clair Shores, and diately adjacent to Bishop North's women's team, now Jody Bauman of the Gallagher High School skatIng at Great Lakes Ice Cultivation Station teaches a According to a media release, Arena In Fraser, the Notre class on how to grow plants lIarmleu red dye used to the proposed actiVities center Dame High School's men's anywhere, anytime at the trace what 18believed to be would be pnvately owned and team and the Regma High ChIldren's Home of DetrOit, an old raiDwater outflow operated as a nonprofit sub- School's women's team, both of 900 Cook m Grosse Pomte pipe 8eeps Into Lake St. Sidiary of the Neighborhood wluch skate at Great Lakes Woods. Clair between Mor088 and Club It ISexpected to be finan- Hopefully, the new faCIlIty The class begms at 7 30 Provencal In Grosse PoInte Clallyself-suffiCIent and able to would enable Harper Woods p m For more mformatlOn, Farms, above. West winds pay all operatmg and debt ser- HIgh School to develop a hock- call (313) 881-4594 blow the cU8charge Vice costs from operatmg rev- ey program upstream toward the enues Without burden to the The Grosse Pomte Hockey Shores. taxpayers of the community' ASSOCiatIOn, whose pnmary In the shallow water of As presented, the faclhty members are reSidents of the Monda~ June 14 -.- Lake St. Clair, Bob Wright, would be built around two left, locates an outflow pipe The Grosse Pomte Pubhc - ""''- ....... NHL-slze Ice nnks The state- See ICE RINK, page 3A School System electIOns for fJ'om which blurbs of harm- school board members begIn less red dye 1& gurgUng Into at 7 am The polls close at 8 the waters north of the Student suspended pm Gr088e Pointe Farms pier Park. ... _ "1\1'). 4'i U... ~ r ~ The Grosse Pomte Park for downloading City CounCll meets at 7 p m Dye discharge- raises' 'red' alarm 1D the Park City hall, 15115 By Brad Lindberg a leak of sewer dye used to "There's no sheen on the E Jefferson boltlb-making info Staff Wnter trace the path of rainwater water, so It's not petroleum In what emergency officials from a house undergOIng based," he said "There's no By Brad Lindberg turn called pohce were relieved to leam was a expansIon on Lakeshore odor of pesticide" Staff Writer South teachers are reported- Tuesday, June 15 harmless InCident, a large between Moross and Provencal Wright was in telephone con- Bomb-makIng InstructIOns ly wary of the student, whose The newly elected Grosse quantlty of bnght red dye was in Grosse POInte Farms. tact with headquarters as offi- beheved to have been down- biography would be mcomplete POInte Board of Education released mto Lake St ClaIr "To me, tlus 18 sewer dye," cers from the Farms and loaded from the Intemet by a WithOut mentIOn of Ius alcohol meets at 8 p m m Grosse earher this week, promptlng SaId Bob Wnght, m an eyeball Shores considered optIons hst- student at Grosse Pointe South VIOlatIons and current proba- Pointe South's Wickmg alerts to local and federal estImate Wright was on the ed under hazardous-material High School were turned over tlOn for breakmg and entenng Library authorities scene as an emergency team guidelines Two members of to local polIce last week 10 Macomb County Whtle the head of an emer- leader from the Inland Waters the Umted States Coast Guard The 16-year-old male stu- PolIce Willfollow-up the mCl- geney response team weIghed company of Detroit. station m DetroIt drove up. dent and reSident of Grosse dent, mcludmg adVlsmg the Saturday, June 19 the enVironmental cost of Because the nature of the Wright considered deploymg Pomte Park has been put on a suspect's parents and school five-day temporary suspension officials The Fnends of the Grosse delaymg a $50,000 contain- substance was unconfirmed, retentIon matenal to stop the ment actIOn, the then- Wnght said, "We can't wait spread of the then-unidentified and hIs computer priVIleges Pomte Library host a used rescinded, according to school "It's fnghtemng that some book sale as part of the Hill unknown and almost lumines- around (while it spreads)." substance The effort would cent agent belched in regular The substance contmued have mvolved erecting a coffer- offiClals. people can have access to Days celebration The sale On Wednesday, June 2, at bomb-makmg InformatIOn," begins at 9 a m and ends at bursts from the lake bed flOWingupstream toward the dam around the discharge area West WInds pushed the splil Shores as Wright tlcked off the and excavating contammated 3'30 pm., a teacher reportedly said Farms DetectIve Mike 4 p.m and IS on the terrace saw the boy discard mne pages McCarthy "It's always impor- of the Central Library, 10 upstream, delaymg findIng the telltale signs of harmful poilu- source of what turned out to be 18nts See DYE SPILL, page 3A of a 100page reClpe for bombs, tant for school offiCials and Kercheval, m Grosse Pointe grenades and sabotage tech- parents to momtor their chIl- Farms mques that he downloaded dren's computer usage because A vanety of hardcover and from a non-South student's thiS mformatlOn is readtly paperback books Will be for web site The boy had skipped available" sale at bargam pnces The class and hopped on a comput- In the days before the rain date is Saturday, June er in the school hbrary. Columbme massacre, school 26, at the same tIme and A teacher retrieved the docu- offiClals would probably have locatIOn. For more mforma- ments and upon learnmg they Just called the boy to the office bon, call (313') 343-2074, ex were mstructJ.ons on how to and Issued a warnmg. No 204. make "tennis ball bombs" and more "detailed InstructIOns" on "The tImes have changed "ways to vandalize the school," and rules have changed," said forwarded the documents to. Russell P Luttmen, assistant school admlDlstrators who in pnnclpal for student sefVlces Opinion 7A Seniors 1M Schools. .. 14A Obituaries 18A Auros 20A Home: Grosse Pomte Park Business 26A Entertamment 6B Age: 41 Sports lC Family: Father, Ralph Classified ads 6C Occupation: Belly-dance instructor at the Grosse J •• Pomte War Memonal, Hill Days are here again! natl techmClan and In anticipation of thla year'. "RlD na,." fntlvlti~. Friday and saturday. June esthetlClan at Jacobson's 18 and 19, the IUchlian BlIIDUleSociety wUlacalD bave an lnformatloD booth .. wen .. retaU item. for sale ID front of JohDatoDe and JobDstoDe Realty OD Quote: "I think It's an art t Kercbeval. A featured Item at the booth wUI be the IlmIte4 edlttoo "1tveD TouCh It's been around before Gar- Can Take a Couple of Ucu" T.. bIrU feat1lltDl Red WlDC Tbom .. BolHrom. ballet It's the mother of RafIle tickets wID. aIM be anDable for the JIBS 1989 ram. of a 1985 llaetaq con- all dances" vertible. Ready for HID Da,. are. from left, IUcbiCan HlIIDUle 80ctety repreHDtatlve See story, page 4A "Gromlt, " GtonDJUl PoueIlas of GroeN PoIDte. Patti PrlDta of JohDatoae aDd JobD- lttoDe Realty and IIanbaII VJletel. .. of Oroeee Poiate. ~eDey Brantley , I June 10,1999 2A Grosse Pointe News I SAVE BIG BU'CKS ON NIKE, REEBOK, & FILA MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND YOUTH SHOES REGULARLY$50-$100 Your Choice Only $~ @@(O) ALL SALES FINAL - \CHOOSE FROM SOCCER, TENNIS, RUNNING, BASEBALL, BASKETBALL AND AEROBICS SHOES '- - -- - -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- - ---- - -- STREET INLI E SKATE SALE ~l ULTRAWHEEL. BAUER ~.Rollerblade. Ask for it here by name. SEE rSE --------. AIRBORNE AIR rEAM INLINE STUNT TEAM 1..--_ SHOWS FROM ~2:00 • 3:30 ------.I ~'~ ..GRAF HOCKEY SKATE ROLLERBLADE -.~. DEMO BOOTH '-.. DEMO BOOTH t- Meet Dave Bergman Meet the members of the ,€if.the 1984 WQIid Champion Michigan State University Detroit ngers From 10:00 A.M.
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