Cracow Indological Studies Vol. XXII, No. 2 (2020), pp. 127–149 Hermina Cielas
[email protected] (Jagiellonian University, Poland) Embellishments Turned into Challenges. The Transformation of Literary Devices in the Art of the sāhityāvadhāna* SUMMARY: The article focuses on the centuries-old Indian practice of the sāhityāvadhāna, ‘the literary art of attentiveness’, a sub-genre of the avadhāna (‘attention’, ‘attentiveness’), in which extraordinary memory, ability to concen- trate and creative skills are tested through the realisation of various challenges. Numerous tasks within the sāhityāvadhāna have their roots in the theory of lit- erature and poetic embellishments (mostly the so-called śabdā laṅkāras, fig- ures of sound or expression) described by Sanskrit theoreticians. A survey of such devices as niyama, samasyā, datta and vyutkrāntā and their application in the sāhityāvadhāna shows possible re-adjustments of figures of speech brought about by the requirements of practical implementation in the literary performative art. KEYWORDS: avadhāna, sāhityāvadhāna, figures of speech, literary games, performing arts. * This paper is a part of the project Avadhana. Historical and social dimension of the Indian ‘art of memory’ (registration number 2018/28/C/HS2/00415) developed by the author and financed by the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland. 128 Hermina Cielas Introduction Through the centuries of its existence and transformations, the avadhāna (‘attention’, ‘attentiveness’, ‘intentness’) developed into a rich con- glomerate of arts situated in the domain of liminoid cultural perfor- mances encompassing acts of showcasing highly developed cognitive capacities put to test in the form of miscellaneous tasks accomplished in the presence of other people.1 It embodies the idea of heterogene- ity.