DA GAMBA SOCI ETY PACIFICA VOLIIME l8, NO. 7 MARCH 2oo5 A NEWS Summer Workshops Coming in April The time is now. Get out Call For Humor your calendar and turn to pages four and five for a Fchow a good viol joke? See it in sampling of this summer's print in the next issue of Gflmha workshops. Nezus. Send all viol-related humor to ]ulie Morrisett, editor,
[email protected], or 412 John Dornenburg Arkansas St., San Francisco, CA Talks about his new CD Solo VI.oza dr Gamha, his love 94107. of jazz, and his future projects. Page six. These viols are made from very high-quality wood us- Lazar's Early Music ing techniques faithful to early string light constnic- Bill LAzar tion methods, which gives them a good timbre and a I started Lazar's Early Music in 1994 as a part-time beautiful appearance. Ribs, backs and necks are made business selling recorders. I gradu- of figured sycamore, and the tops and ally expanded over the years to the soundpost plate of spruce. The finger- point where I'm told I carry a larger boards are made in four parts, spruce variety of recorders than any other in the middle, thin plates of sycamore dealer in the US. on both sides and a thin ebony or birds- eye maple veneer on top, and tailpieces Last year, after going full-time, I of sycamore with ebony or birds-eye began selling viols and bows from maple veneer. The hook bar and tun- China, including Charlie Ogle' s ing pegs are made from ebony.