Book Agents How to Cook Eggs Boote agents! My goodness, what wealth of moaning Ik In those tWO TIia cookery word.s! Thay urn really people, hu¬ occupies ftn importan«; Pisco in household man beings like ourselves, and move! economy, tt prop¬ erly cooked, .nothing cJn am! have their being chiefly in con- bo more nour» Ishing and Keate>i districts, Just at the busiest appetising, but If leathary and grease-soaked, arn a h'oiir of the day, whatever time that la egg, pi«naoa (o health and perfect Jle In lira first to greet you on digestion. your! The doorstep in the morning, and In egg la ono of tho most valuable late of tho evening, when you are Juat gel- muscle-making foods, and, wfcou ting through with everything, hl» properly cooked, is easily digested. As step too »hell of tho le heard on the porch outside, and H ojTS- la porous, the water and all has to bo gone over again.all the ovatpprarbss ths egg will, in time, spoil. To cjst tho things that you told him hours ago freshness of an egg. nil a bowl shout having plenty of books and doz¬ with cold water, drop In tho e.g