Sunlight Readability and Luminance Characteristics of Light
SUNLIGHT READABILITY AND LUMINANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIGHT- EMITTING DIODE PUSH BUTTON SWITCHES Robert J. Fitch, B.S.E.E., M.B.A. Thesis Prepared for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS May 2004 APPROVED: Albert B. Grubbs, Jr., Major Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Technology Don W. Guthrie, Committee Member Michael R. Kozak, Committee Member Roman Stemprok, Committee Member Vijay Vaidyanathan, Committee Member Oscar N. Garcia, Dean of the College of Engineering Sandra L. Terrell, Interim Dean of the Robert B. Toulouse School of Graduate Studies Fitch, Robert J., Sunlight readability and luminance characteristics of light- emitting diode push button switches. Master of Science (Engineering Technology), May 2004, 69 pp., 7 tables, 9 illustrations, references, 22 titles. Lighted push button switches and indicators serve many purposes in cockpits, shipboard applications and military ground vehicles. The quality of lighting produced by switches is vital to operators’ understanding of the information displayed. Utilizing LED technology in lighted switches has challenges that can adversely affect lighting quality. Incomplete data exists to educate consumers about potential differences in LED switch performance between different manufacturers. LED switches from four different manufacturers were tested for six attributes of lighting quality: average luminance and power consumption at full voltage, sunlight readable contrast, luminance contrast under ambient sunlight, legend uniformity, and dual-color uniformity. Three of the four manufacturers have not developed LED push button switches that meet lighting quality standards established with incandescent technology. Copyright 2004 by Robert J. Fitch ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Don Guthrie and John Dillow at Aerospace Optics, Fort Worth, Texas, for providing the test samples, lending the use of their laboratories, and providing tremendous support for this research.
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